344409 No.67649
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads'
conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of
information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do
we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Recent Past Threads' Archive Links
64. >>>/cbts/56670 -> https://archive.fo/2CtTJ
65. >>>/cbts/57446 -> https://archive.fo/VK3GR
66. >>>/cbts/58319 -> https://archive.fo/6VBJ8
67. >>>/cbts/59130 -> https://archive.fo/poMSg
68. >>>/cbts/59969 -> https://archive.fo/635xL
69. >>>/cbts/60804 -> https://archive.fo/NGJcz
70. >>>/cbts/61621 -> https://archive.fo/vl1R4
71. >>>/cbts/62562 -> https://archive.fo/UeKZc
72. >>>/cbts/63405 -> https://archive.fo/31NWt
73. >>>/cbts/64254 -> https://archive.fo/2GpRq
74. >>>/cbts/65108 -> http://archive.fo/iTLm3
75. >>>/cbts/65909 -> http://archive.fo/9c5cs
76. >>>/cbts/66796 -> http://archive.fo/afKc9
!!! Latest Q posts !!!: >>59684, >>60141, >>60201, >>60244, >>60291, >>60336, >>60350, >>60382, >>60470, >>60507, >>60523, >>60365, >>60568, >>60630, >>60660,
>>63599, >>63628, >>63644
List of all Q posts in order, screen grabs + text, date stamps,
links to original posts, searchable, good for printing and sharing:
QMap w/ built-in search function, includes Q's posts AND anons' posts that Q responded to:
4chan Q Drops pt. 1 -> >>66953
4chan Q Drops pt. 2 -> >>66963
8ch Q Drops pt. 1 -> >>63794
344409 No.67651
NEW THEORY FOR Q TO CONFIRM OR DENY: -> >>62955, >>62972,
CheatSheetAnon Compilation: -> >>62967, >>62971,
10 days of darkness: -> >>37286,
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/NBTQVYRY | https://pastebin.com/45r1FK9q
NEEDS TO BE UPDATED, anons! Only goes up to 12/5
Some anon please do this and notify baker with new pastebin link!
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks SpreadsheetAnon!)?
Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
Q MAP-> https://anonfile.com/u5w6k2d1bd/Q_Map_12_09_2017 (updated)
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/h2Cak3d5bd/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712101010.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
Guerilla Twitter Tactics - >>>/cbts/12832
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
ANONFILE -> https://www.anonfile.com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
Meme collection #1 >>2, Meme collection #2 >>61078, Memes Bulk download >>62600
Really Cool Videos
I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0
In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I
Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920
Another almond-activating tripfag's archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay COMFY, SENPAIS!
<And PRAY!
344409 No.67654
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2 https://www.anonfile.com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423
The FAQ of Q: >>18427
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629
/CBTS/ Catalog
''Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the
other threads.''
What is Keystone: >>28513
Who is Y?: >>19041
Let us channel the spirit of Thomas Paine!: >>56328 *NEW! Pamphlet creation thread for spreading during STORM* (in case modern communications compromised)
The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>16020
Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408
Anon bringing things around -> >>15208
Red Cross: >>40157
Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613
Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350
Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876
The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984
Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253
Loud Noises -> >>15157
Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092
'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199
Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> https://8ch.net/cbts/res/29994.html#35814]
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219
Trump & Company: >>1380
Underground massive data center?: >>20714
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++fag(HAS BEEN BANNED, but link included anyway for those still curious): >>672
The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA (Oct 31 - Nov 21)
Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes and upload new version.
Title: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition
First post: See pastebin and go to first set of ==== signs, may need to cut out some stuff and post two
separate things.
Second/third post: All after ====== signs.
<Shill derail tactics: talk of Bitcoin or any other cryptocoin, prepping water, bathtubs, drinking from bathtubs,
<hydroponics, mocking and personal attacks
>please don't feed their belly with (you)'s, they must starve so please filter and focus, or pray for the Patriots risking
>their lives
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
cebd0b No.67669
Perfect, well done
b1f8f6 No.67670
Thanks for keeping her safe Cap!
a3cc1b No.67671
First 100:
146981635 147075091 147146601 147433975
147505376 147547939 147591553 147647514
147663862 147675249 147688425 147698233
147707251 147713026 147718733 147723497
147729217 147733722 147738057 147742686
147749054 147753965 147757745 147761953
147767118 147771723 147772712 147777245
147789188 147795123 147799793 147806651
147812859 147820861 147826947 147832860
147838306 147842691 147847925 147852827
147856568 147860879 147866525 147872432
147879516 147886977 147895174 147904303
147917391 147930240 147948972 147960491
147970787 147978093 147985682 147992733
147998236 148005080 148011686 148016618
148019103 148034203 148038726 148046219
148054524 148061039 148068340 148076333
148083646 148090751 148097793 148106618
148114811 148123455 148136485 148146734
148154538 148160366 148166690 148167678
148173688 148176974 148181225 148186002
148190849 148196063 148201347 148204451
148213001 148221475 148229746 148234777
148240370 148246271 148251038 148256302
148261237 148266772 148271269 148276170
dc08ad No.67677
Thank you baker.
For the next batch, please see
God bless.
a3cc1b No.67687
Second 100:
148282598 148286642 148291219 148295427
148300758 148304340 148309541 148314494
148318583 148323702 148329038 148334244
148338867 148343407 148348137 148352970
148358227 148363139 148368571 148372544
148374664 148379005 148381343 148391848
148400827 148406389 148411843 148417958
148423421 148428807 148434539 148441575
148446747 148451796 148456641 148462224
148468783 148473607 148477757 148480988
148483728 148487621 148491265 148495511
148500367 148504846 148508231 148514042
148519163 148524767 148533912 148534042
148540136 148548434 148553325 148554269
148562383 148566783 148571707 148577324
148582957 148588118 148592051 148597247
148602052 148607324 148614976 148619018
148623820 148631152 148634970 148640302
148644609 148649073 148653970 148657729
148662316 148667995 148673072 148678910
148687223 148694240 148699303 148704294
148710397 148716484 148721961 148727354
148734501 148740228 148746105 148752687
148757076 148764040 148767870 148773150
148777785 148782359 148786272 148790098
344409 No.67692
thanks anon, will do
9aa116 No.67693
Awesome resource! Couple of minor fixes needed:
page 5 has rouge instead of rogue
page 65 is missing the word everything in "Remember, information is …"
202358 No.67700
a3cc1b No.67702
Third set of 100:
148793723 148797641 148802424 148807166
148813205 148817572 148821018 148826347
148831474 148836289 148840998 148846144
148850984 148855781 148861698 148866159
148871896 148875999 148879274 148882980
148887237 148890312 148894295 148899705
148904556 148909203 148913769 148918874
148924251 148929892 148934599 148939441
148944212 148948550 148957446 148962670
148967622 148972537 148978657 148984584
148989485 148995481 149000955 149005831
149010837 149016980 149023286 149031238
149036109 149042148 149061733 149068500
149071870 149076528 149080733 149085217
149089184 149094656 149101197 149110316
149114859 149120562 149125019 149130312
149135448 149139896 149144399 149144689
149151045 149151082 149151586 149158110
149162650 149167969 149173902 149179465
149187581 149192382 149197737 149204135
149210167 149220723 149220907 149223061
149224897 149224986 149230437 149236083
149239745 149247879 149252842 149260496
149265504 149273153 149280969 149286169
149291994 149297637 149303874 149309591
344409 No.67708
Plugging my own thread created for working on a physical pamphlet flyer in the spirit of Thomas Paine's Common Sense, covering all the Q stuff and conveying to normies all the information they need to stay calm and to understand what is happening.
If modern communications go down, such a thing could become a necessity!
202358 No.67715
That was what i was trying to do but failed. I'm such a NOOB!!!
72267a No.67717
OP could you please put the spreadsheet guidelines back in the dough?
Thank you!
438e95 No.67723
Hit show post options next time :3
a3cc1b No.67724
Fourth set of 100:
149316146 149322094 149328998 149333719
149338668 149344411 149348949 149353656
149359705 149366100 149374823 149379962
149385377 149390757 149397178 149404953
149410834 149417113 149422627 149429066
149432843 149441715 149449762 149457308
149463784 149469572 149474932 149479854
149485163 149490717 149496335 149499440
149503768 149509179 149513473 149516541
149520389 149524361 149528861 149530799
149540364 149545897 149552917 149559971
149565151 149569949 149575844 149579431
149584217 149590900 149597155 149604054
149610820 149616383 149617648 149632338
149638181 149644727 149659529 149667557
149677391 149682526 149688744 149697390
149705681 149719579 149726981 149733219
149741152 149746448 149753255 149758825
149765649 149770865 149781040 149784795
149788876 149795051 149799690 149805519
149812256 149819250 149825225 149836378
149841984 149847173 149855201 149863346
149870154 149875607 149882450 149888310
149893357 149899275 149903952 149908339
149912050 149915235 149917448 149920858
344409 No.67727
b0b28f No.67728
b38732 No.67730
fb78dd No.67732
2a7ee7 No.67737
Everyone pray. Q told us to pray several times so anti-christ shills fuck off and everyone else join me in prayer.
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
2c5c99 No.67741
Air fags get in here - Not sure if relevant
Right now there is a private contractor aerial refueling tanker working off the coast of Charleston, SC named Omega 10. ATC has cleared traffic from it's operational area.
Live Radar her: https://www.radarbox24.com/flight/OMEGA10
Omega 10 Website here: http://www.omegaairrefueling.com/
Image is relevant
a3cc1b No.67747
Fifth set of 100:
149925262 149930460 149937786 149945455
149953313 149953327 149962465 149968456
149979088 149989114 149998200 150016594
150021146 150025958 150032231 150036202
150041909 150051147 150059257 150069297
150077950 150085746 150095769 150106848
150116276 150127368 150140038 150147501
150153890 150160388 150166775 150171127
150173597 150176481 150182567 150192737
150199928 150209720 150218280 150222458
150225180 150230435 150240108 150245340
150246847 150260054 150262301 150268748
150273847 150279998 150286507 150293105
150299954 150306802 150313839 150327187
150332643 150338091 150345294 150353313
150361794 150369973 150378085 150386940
150392746 150400719 150404223 150410576
150414788 150419256 150423953 150428011
150434009 150438888 150441779 150446288
150449501 150453386 150463111 150468844
150475707 150481862 150487756 150492220
150500095 150503830 150506612 150511300
150520974 150526215 150532665 150539844
150546958 150555010 150559618 150561225
150565407 150570052 150574556 150578229
72267a No.67749
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Are these individual posts from cuckchan?
2a7ee7 No.67751
tonight the night. Anyone else got last minute plans? I'm going to go into my backyard and smoke a joint at midnight.
344409 No.67756
fbbc83 No.67758
Popping in after hanging Christmas lights. What is all the talk about the tankers and large aircraft in formation, lights, etc? In flight refueling is not out of the norm, most of the time, under certain circumstances. What's different?
And did we import and Skykangs? What are they saying?
3f7e80 No.67759
What are private in-air refueling companies typically used for?
I can't think of any non-military planes with in-air refueling capabilities; do any exist? Or is this only supporting some military exercise/op?
344409 No.67762
Oh, and oiling up the AR.
da0a8e No.67763
How about “Fake Reverse?”
As it stands now, both sides can be accused of “Fake News,” because of said strategy, but only the “opposition” or “resistance” could be accused of “Fake Reverse” or whatever, where a term that has the same meaning on both sides that cannot be comondeered could be hugely effective.
Watching football, hence notion for “Fake Reverse” as term. Not married to it. Also, not shilling or sliding, just would like to a counter to this now old hat dirty trick take off, because you can bet as things get more contintious, we’ll see more deployment of this “Fake Fake News/Debunk-Setup” bullshit and we could be ready for it.
A new term with a Hashtag and an Urban Dictionary definition to just pounce on these bullshit setups.
Am I wrong?
4d6ffa No.67764
baffa3 No.67765
howl at the moon
too cold outside
will smog inside today
dc08ad No.67766
You fantastic autist. Thank you for your excellent editorial eye, anon!
fbbc83 No.67768
We still tracking crashes? Fox is reporting a small craft down in a neighborhood in San Diego.
2a7ee7 No.67770
Very important step. I should have become a has gun before this, but I got my kukri at least.
6bf581 No.67771
"The Birth of Q"
This was the first time Q signed off as 'Q'
a3cc1b No.67772
Sixth and last set of 96:
150580134 150587155 150594543 150603013
150609740 150616639 150623890 150629843
150636004 150643916 150651354 150661430
150666541 150673355 150678769 150683692
150688096 150693391 150698668 150703328
150709868 150716981 150725005 150732940
150739124 150744654 150751001 150757709
150765366 150771304 150778757 150787122
150792931 150798916 150804610 150809019
150813711 150817715 150820799 150824765
150827069 150829670 150829703 150833955
150837837 150840805 150848984 150854913
150855831 150862471 150869511 150873775
150880490 150886344 150892365 150895282
150925738 150929268 150933860 150939016
150962396 150968272 150972908 150979025
150980187 150983475 150990673 150997726
151014520 151024900 151030336 151050031
151064404 151069063 151071423 151077457
151078419 151090259 151127239 151172711
151172715 151177303 151184006 151205688
151218007 151224729 151240985 151256915
151267868 151277591 151284942 151285159
151296616 151302475 151309870 151309913
I've scraped a total of 236,026 posts off these threads. Obviously, not all are relevant. Only a small fraction, really. Hence, why it's taking so long to make something relevant out of all that. The final bread from the set is what I am going on to decide what is relevant.
2a7ee7 No.67773
But what if they ayyys descend from the sky? I wanna see em.
da0a8e No.67774
Fake Mine?
Fake News Mining?
344409 No.67775
Oh, and fucking my wife
3f7e80 No.67777
da0a8e No.67779
43e59c No.67780
This board has become a battleground complete with frontal assaults, flanking attacks, guerilla insurgencies, propaganda, disinformation, selfless acts of courage and sacrifice, and filthy acts of treachery.
The Q posts have masterfully engaged the community of autists with cryptic crumbs about markers, timestamps, movies, fairy tales, fables, and enough decipherable clues to prove his legitimacy.
He and his cohort have been here all along guiding, belay that, herding the willing contributors who by their very nature delight in opening up cans of worms just to see what's inside them. Once opened, you can never get them all back in. Their apparent goal, exponential information discovery and dissemination. 1=2, 2=4, 4=8, 8====.
We've been play and played well. The opposition is proof of that. The real red pills are being dispensed at an ever increasing pace. Hopefully we've reached critical mass where this has unstoppable momentum. Whether or not we have a major "Happening" doesn't really matter at this point. Enough truth has been promulgated that it can't be denied, it's now a part of history. Some of the souls here have been trying to get to this battle for half a century, God bless them and their sacrifices, some are new to the fray and bringing new insights and fresh energy.
It has been a long slog just to get to this point. November 8th 2016 was the opening salvo of this battle, it has just begun. Don't weaken.
344409 No.67781
wewwwwww for sikhs!
7c4673 No.67782
Probably worth its own thread anon.
baffa3 No.67784
>what is the firmament
5032a0 No.67785
<Prayer Request Thread
cf5d1d No.67787
There was rumors of a nuke going off the coast of South Carolina, but I can't find it atm. I did find these articles however. Maybe relevant.
2a7ee7 No.67790
3f7e80 No.67791
Context? You could take down the BTC network with enough computing power - basically just spam fake proof-of-work to stall real transactions.
a3cc1b No.67792
These are thread numbers from 4chan containing relevant posts. The posts are within them. A few of these got missed in listing threads in the bread on 4chan. I found them when going for the posts listed in the final bread. Maybe these are the ones y'all listed as not being found at some point? The 404 message says that 404 pages get fixed when an image from it is posted again somewhere.
cebd0b No.67793
>>67769 - Story posted an hour ago about recent aftershocks three months after nuclear tests in North Korea
4d6ffa No.67794
Between the earth and space waters above could e water created by solar and. Cosmic rays
1499a7 No.67795
dc08ad No.67796
Ahh. Chores done. Toasty. Dare I say confy.
Very confy this Sunday.
Keep up the great work, patriots.
As a word of encouragement, remember that Q indicated the reach and spread of what's happening here thanks to you all. No stopping the train now.
Get confy.
baffa3 No.67797
george webb got intel that awans had uranium on a container on the memphis maersk as it was docking in charleston harbor
june or july 2017
the port got shut down
thought i was going to get v&
e5923d No.67798
Bonfire with adult bev in my backyard
3f7e80 No.67799
I remember this at the time…very odd.
baffa3 No.67800
you don't want to see those
the line from the Bible is like
>destroyed them with the brightness of His coming
2a7ee7 No.67801
Checked, but alas im pasty white. The kukri is a hand me down from my uncle who was in WWII.
7895d0 No.67805
344409 No.67807
Did that last night to my girl's pu…
Weeeelll, never mind.
000000 No.67809
>There is a reason why prophets were banished to the wilderness.
If God is hiding you away in the wilderness, your voice won't carry until you are revealed. when you can't speak, you can still learn.
The Hussein AIDS video was an advertisement to satanists about where to purchase children this year.
It probably contains many other messages, but a main thrust is Bono setting up shop to keep the supply line going that was recently disrupted by Trump. Bono has connections to everyone (clinton, soros, rothschild, etc) through his "philanthropic" endeavors.
*by the way, enough with this "red shield" bullshit. it's "red sign". Look at the red signs*
here's Bono's list of charities-
Amnesty International
Charity Projects Entertainment Fund
Chernobyl Children International
Clara Lionel Foundation
Clinton Global Initiative
Every Mother Counts
Food Bank For New York City
Global Fund
Janie's Fund
Keep A Child Alive
Legacy of Hope Foundation
Live 8
Make Poverty History
Millennium Promise
Millennium Villages
Mulago Positive Women’s Network
Music Generation
Not On Our Watch
ONE Campaign
Red Cross
Simon Community
Special Olympics
The Lunchbox Fund
UN Millennium Project
War Child
Wildlife Conservation Society
Zero Hunger
He does work for Red, Red Cross, Clinton Global Initiative- Rothschild.
He does work for Nelson Mandela's 46664 foundation (Bill clinton is another member). The NWO numerology is immediately apparent, as well as the fact that the logo is the global pedophile symbol (that may explain the rabbit in the ear of the nelson mandela statue and why a terrorist that began a white genocide in South Africa is considered to be a humanitarian on the left).
He works on the UN Millennium Project, which is a few A-list celebrities (Jolie, Pitt, Madonna, Bono) a banker (Jeffrey Sachs) a, George Soros.
So, Bono is linked with the Clinton's, the Rothschilds, and George Soros.
He's member of War Child, a group of celebrities "helping" kids affected by war. In that group os Johnny Depp, known satanist and former roommate of Hunter S Thompson suing Thompson's reign as an NWO snuff film director.
Bono is an NWO child trafficker, that's what Obama's AIDS video was saying
2c5c99 No.67810
Omega 10 appears to be private contractor that supports military opps. I am in Charleston area and I have heard frequent departures of what sound like heavies leaving the airport. I haven't had a chance to go over and look 1st hand however the noise is consistent with C-5's or maybe C-17's taking off heavy. Much louder than we typically hear for normal opps / training flights.
If they are taking off with full loads of cargo on extended range flights maybe they are topping off the fuel tanks once airborne?
Not an expert flight fag.
155ba8 No.67811
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
41s41 seconds ago
"Very little discussion of all the purposely false and defamatory stories put out this week by the Fake News Media. They are out of control - correct reporting means nothing to them. Major lies written, then forced to be withdrawn after they are exposed…a stain on America!"
Can we focus on the wiki/Jr story now please?
ce9245 No.67812
pretty important map to look at
72267a No.67813
>These are thread numbers from 4chan containing relevant posts.
What do you mean by "relevant posts?" I'm not trying to be obtuse, I think I must have missed something in the last thread or so…
2a7ee7 No.67815
Im a believer who accepted Christ, I don't think they will aim at me.
a3cc1b No.67816
If someone would like to do that, go ahead. I should probably get back to the work of making something worthwhile and relevant out of all that, something easy to navigate. I'm not there yet.
927f5b No.67817
G500 gulfstream was the only other aircraft in the airspace.
2a7ee7 No.67818
Looks to me like its patrolling for something. Maybe helping aim anti-missile stuff?
5766df No.67820
Got my Russian SKS stripper clip fed ready. lol
2c5c99 No.67822
Saw that one as well. Looks consistent with Gulfstream testing out a new bird. Boeing has similar flights out of CHS when new 787's roll off the line.
da0a8e No.67824
Is this a b o t?
Didn’t mean to trigger Bi [t] co [i] n context.
Maybe #FakeNewsMine would be better.
Think I’m the only one who gives a shit though.
cf5d1d No.67825
Found this. Just type in keywords for the links.
I remember now too. Anytime i see Lindsey i think of this incident that might have been.
b4656d No.67826
So… wait until the Federal Reserve declares they are sovereign. Let’s cut their utilities and post a U.S. Customs entry office at each location to make sure they declare the money at the border. LMAO. They have a private corporation police force.
9b59b3 No.67827
The Dictator Pope
"A remarkable new book about the Francis papacy is set to be released in English this coming Monday, December 4th, after an Italian debut earlier this month that is rumored to have made quite a splash in Rome. Entitled, The Dictator Pope, it is described on the Amazon pre-order page as “The inside story of the most tyrannical and unprincipled papacy of modern times.”
'Perhaps we have arrived at the End Times: An interview with Cardinal Burke'
"PG Your Eminence, you have recently referred to our times as “realistically apocalyptic”. And you added that the “confusion, division and error” within the Catholic Church coming from “shepherds” even at the highest levels indicate that we “may be” in the End Times. Would you help us to understand what you meant by this?
CARDINAL RAYMOND BURKE In the present moment there is confusion and error about the most fundamental teachings of the Church, for example with regard to marriage and the family."
FYI…Catholic cardinals don't usually talk this way.
baffa3 No.67828
obama armed their enforcement wing (IRS)
bc959e No.67830
>>67737 Amen and "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Deut. 3:16
3f7e80 No.67831
Not a bot. I hear mining, I think btc.
28a067 No.67832
Energy work changes your resonant frequency, making it higher, and making the CIA heart and stroke weapons ineffective.
PRC cracked down on Falun Gong for a reason, anon. They have the same weapons.
da0a8e No.67835
3f7e80 No.67836
So does Amtrak, also a "private corporation".
d92a4e No.67838
go fuck yourself little boy
bd2c8f No.67839
The CIA heart attack gun uses a poison dart.
1499a7 No.67840
Renegade's financial dislcosure forms when he left office, docs are signed Jan 18/17
cf5d1d No.67841
Good memory. Very vague in my mind.
943b93 No.67842
Renegade 44 llc (BHO affiliated?)
Sells gardenshit..
Totally boring company.
SHELLL??? Pic related
>there is a mention of BHO receiving unknown gifts from this company,
bc959e No.67843
WOW!!! And look at paragraph 5 - above 40,000 feet. Sound familiar???
b01c2c No.67844
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 13:30:47 No.150870083
> _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC09vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go
>CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!
>5:21 AM - 9 Dec 2017
32d2cb No.67845
b01c2c No.67846
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 13:30:47 No.150870083
> _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC10vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go
>Very little discussion of all the purposely false and defamatory stories put out this week by the Fake News Media. They are out of control - correct reporting means nothing to them. Major lies written, then forced to be withdrawn after they are exposed…a stain on America!
>1:18 PM - 10 Dec 2017
b4656d No.67847
The Vanderbilt’s. LMAO
32d2cb No.67848
There is Renegade LLC and also renegade44LLC Two diff things
b0b28f No.67849
Awesome, thanks for sharing!
696 of 4Chan?
cd99b5 No.67851
From the WashTimes
Mr. Obama holding two positions outside office in Homefront Holdings LLC (since March 2016) and Renegade 44 LLC, since November. The documents did not explain what those entities are.
32d2cb No.67852
bd740c No.67854
Zero Hedge Headline
Pentagon To Undergo First Ever Audit After Decades Of Sloppy Accounting And Missing Trillions
"The audit is massive. It will examine every aspect of the department from personnel to real property to weapons to supplies to bases."
cf5d1d No.67856
Good catch! 40k indeed.
a429e9 No.67857
George Soros [GS] (+) is protecting the Clintons.
The BREAK refers to [GS] (+).
355a17 No.67858
b01c2c No.67860
>Anonymous ID:KC17sSpZ Thu 02 Nov 2017 17:04:05 No.147664082
>Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?
>Why is this relevant?
155ba8 No.67862
CNN is being backed into a corner regarding their "sources", er, the leaking members of the judiciary committee - right Q?
bc959e No.67864
Look at page 10 of 10, part I - Positions Held Outside US Gov't, line 2 - Renegade 44, LLC, Washington DC, date 11/2016 to present…hmmm. I'll have to check this out.
28a067 No.67867
Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>'Cornering the Market' has cornered some shady people, I suspect.
Putting all the nasty people in their own containment area is pretty brilliant if you ask me. Makes blackmail ineffective and rounding them up easier. Suspect many will "self-deport" with a lead sandwich.
6bf581 No.67868
Links to all Q posts on 4chin, archived at 4plebs. The links in the attached PDF are directly clickable.
155ba8 No.67869
Because he is brilliant as is the Q team helping us along.
Expose the MSM and Fake Fraud news for what they are makes the red pills coming easier - this has been part of the plan all along. Less shocking when the truth comes out and they won't be able to effectively counter the TRUTH - no one will believe them.
Exposes corrupt politicians
7f935f No.67870
Stephen Brennock, an oil analyst at city broker PVM Oil, said the rise of cryptocurrencies could help countries wanting to move away from the US currency.
In a research note seen by CNBC, he said: “The advent of cryptocurrencies represents a fresh catalyst for commodity-producing countries wishing to abandon the dollar as a means of payment for oil.”
Moves to replace the US dollar “greenback” against oil trading have taken off in recent weeks.
In November, a $25billion yuan-rouble swap marked a potential turning point for oil trading, as Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev said the two countries were working on using their own currencies in more deals.
Iran, another country facing sanctions by the US, is also pursuing currency swap agreements.
China will use its own “petro-yuan” to replace the greenback in oil transactions, in a bid to minimise US influence.
While Venezuela has announced its own cryptocurrency, the “petro”, to fight US President Donald Trump’s financial blockade of the country.
Financial commentator Jim Rogers predicted the change in September, telling RT: “Many people do not like using US dollars because if the US gets angry at you, they just set enormous pressure on you that can even get you out of business.
“China, Russia, and other countries understand this, and they are trying to move world trade and world finance away from that.”
e0a561 No.67871
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
something to listen to in the backround
Cody Snodgres a Blackops Insider appearently turned //ourguy//
>the Storm is upon us
d45e7f No.67872
You sound right on target and I love the name. We have the credibility and cannot be commandeered as long as we stay on offense (and subversive fake defense), using only memes or narratives that are 100% verifiable. The truth is on our side. Defending is more complicated- meaning how to dissociate ourselves from original fake news and either call them out with name or give 2nd or "call out" post our agreement or association. Simpler is better and in the case of defense probably better to call them out with named strategy and give it no more energy. You are dead on that they will try to use the hell out of it soon. I love the name for counter strategy too.
943b93 No.67873
>fucking hell. Pray pray pray said Q, right?
And then the fucking pedoPope wants to change the lord's prayer.
You know why?? SEE PIC!!
Because its to make epit equal to the fucking muslim prayer!!!!
PLS add to batter. This can NOT b coincidence. LINK:
81e61b No.67874
<Shill derail tactics: talk of Bitcoin or any other cryptocoin, prepping water, bathtubs, drinking from bathtubs,
<hydroponics, mocking and personal attacks
Baker, I agree prepper talk is a distraction, but there's real connection to BTC and taking down [R]. There was a post from yesterday or day before where an anon was theorizing that Q is always many steps ahead, because he/they may have cracked (BREAK) RSA encryption and how cryptos may be the only thing left when the dust settles. Kind of feel like it's a legit research topic
dc08ad No.67875
POTUS tweeted also that "somebody should sue". Meaning, he has everything he needs to bring legal action to bear against the MSM, not only with regard to leaks but also the wholesale fabrication of sources and stories. He's already signaled. Game over MSM. Remember too that POTUS' culture war primary operation this year, of which you're a part, is destroy CIA-controlled MSM.
943b93 No.67876
> look what that fucking prick wants to CHANGE.
That exact sentence that is diff from mussies.
bd740c No.67877
OMG – Cody is the blackops contractor that was asked to do the bombing of the OKC Murrah Building! His story is amazing! You really need to listen to this.
d92a4e No.67878
DHS Plans Chemical / Biological Weapons Drill in January
Draft Environmental Assessment for Proposed Outdoor Testing at Chilocco:
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announces the availability of a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for performing a collaborative scientific study with OSU-University Multispectral Laboratories, L.L.C. (UML) that will include low level outdoor release of inert chemical and biological simulant materials at the Chilocco (former) Indian School Campus outside of Newkirk, Oklahoma, during winter 2018 and again in summer 2018.
"The purpose of this study is to gather data that enhances our predictive capabilities in the event of a biological agent attack. Specifically, this work will help in predicting the extent to which an intentional release of a biological agent may penetrate single family and multi-family structures."
"Okla. residents upset about Feds’ plan to conduct outdoor chemical tests"
Is this a test run for a future false flag [or secret attack] involving biological /chemical weapons?
"The project area is located only 470 feet north of Chilocco Creek, a vital part of the county's watershed. KOCO in Oklahoma City reports that many people have called their newsroom and sent messages, expressing their concern about the safety of people living in the area."
Under the banner of Project HODOR [Hazards Of Dynamic Outdoor Release], the United States Department Of Homeland Security [DHS] will be holding drills simulating a chemical & biological weapons attack near the Oklahoma / Kansas border in January - February and June - July 2018.
55ea25 No.67879
Not buying the tesing out the new plane theory. Branson of all places.. Anon in past threads said something about the kiddie diddlers moved their shit from Nashville to Branson.
28a067 No.67880
>There's a non-elected law in England that states the monarch can never be arrested.
A slave owner can't be arrested by their chattel, anon.
1044f9 No.67881
DJT has been pounding on fake news forever. The MSM need to be completely discredited. Memes?
2a7ee7 No.67882
So if this is rapture do you think we get to bring our pets to heaven with us? I would feel awful leaving my snek behind, she cant survive on her own….
1d8e2c No.67883
anyone remember how bono and u2 had to cancel their world tour after Trump's win….trigger and the whole tour was geared to Hillary agenda and a victory lap
hate that fucker guts ever since
344409 No.67885
Interesting stuff. always an exception to the rule. feel free to cover stuff like that.
5032a0 No.67886
How do we know the stringer pertains to the tweet?
baffa3 No.67887
i would remember
everyone knew me
bd740c No.67889
Yes – and there is a change.org petition you can sign to keep them from doing this. Please go sign it to help these poor people say HELL NO.
5766df No.67891
He's been attacking them more than usual the last few days, is he trying to make "fake news" fresh in everyone's minds in preparation for The Storm???
1dc477 No.67892
Hello Anons,
Attached is a transcript of Trump's speech made Friday night 12/8 in Pensacola, Florida. I copied it from https://pastebin.com/EQUr4puP and then pasted it in Word and worked with it from there.
Please note I took the liberty of correcting capitalization and punctuation errors as I saw them, but mostly I focused on categorizing the speech under themes which I have turned into "subtitles" in bold face all-caps RED.
I also took the liberty of bolding and in some cases, underlining/highlighting areas that rang a bell for me in light of all Q's postings from late October – but especially yesterday's,(12/9) where Q said:
>Whats has been said about the US Military?
>The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.
>Expand your thinking.
>Re-read crumbs.
>Re-listen to yesterday's speech.
>Connect the 'markers.'
>News (in all forms) unlocks the map.
>Expand your thinking.
>The Great Awakening.
Reviewing the speech with such attention
helped me to 'expand my thinking' as to our mission of spreading the Q-word.
I have come to believe that no particular detail/clue/code is as important as the call for us to help Trump in 2018 by supporting/endorsing/spreading the word how imperative it is for we voters to elect senators and congressmen who will support the 45th's agenda. But that's just my two cents and attached is the document for your own perusal/expansion/digging.
Merry Christmas, Anons. We have a lot to be grateful for.
d8723e No.67893
I’ve been digging on the relation [R] has to Rothschild and Obama. It’s thick and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it because the connections do t seem to stop so I’m posting it here so it does t get lost in General. Tell me if you think I’m going too deep I’m the rabbit hole
Obama’s SS Name = Renegade
R = Rothschild as well
Obama is part of Renegade 44, LLC
There is also another company Renegade, LLC(Social Media & Marketing Co) that has Anne Rothschild as their creative director
Renegade, LLC owner, Jerry Buhlmer, was allowed to buyout the rest of the shares from Dentsu(originally started in Japan) in 2008
Dentsu bought Aegis(London based that has used Abn Amro Rothschild previously) in 2012
Rothschild has/had ties to numerous companies with the name Aegis
-ex: Aegis Professional Services, Aegis Insurance Services, Aegis Security
Do you think when Q said expand you’re thinking, it would include going this deep or am I just trying to find a connection? It’s pretty intricate and I just don’t want to spend the time if it’s not meant to go that deep
bd740c No.67894
If heaven is perfect in every way – God is not going to leave out ANY detail that would derail your perfect joy. Expect your snek to be next to you in paradise.
28a067 No.67895
>This board has become a battleground complete with frontal assaults, flanking attacks, guerilla insurgencies, propaganda, disinformation, selfless acts of courage and sacrifice, and filthy acts of treachery.
Reality is fractal, anon.
2a7ee7 No.67896
Your right, I should have more faith. Thank you truly friend.
6d8360 No.67897
>We have a lot to be grateful for
You might.
2bff05 No.67898
How do you make the connection with this blog and Diana?
baffa3 No.67899
it's a good path
don't miss the articles about the $39k in gifts
much of the work is already done
d8723e No.67900
Meant to take out about posting in General because I originally posted in another thread so disregard that part
dc08ad No.67901
>Hey Bono, I'm not judging you man. But the photos don't lie.
>What do you want?
>You like kids? Who cares? Have at em. Many as you want. You thought you were rich? Let us take care of that. All you have to do is keep singing and be our spokesman.
>I've always said Donald Trump is a racist Nazi destroying the planet.
402bbe No.67903
Tracking unusual air traffic in >>64707
It's likely related to this. The military has been outsourcing a lot of training refueling to Omega for some time.
2c99d8 No.67904
Schiff got a barium meal.
b38732 No.67905
bd740c No.67906
"Omega" meaning the end in an interesting name. Reeeeeee
b01c2c No.67907
"All my life, I've wanted to lead men in a desperate struggle. And now, I'm going to do it."
"A walk on part in a war, not a lead role in a cage."
7dfc9c No.67908
Mama Cass went to the same High School as Jim Morrison whose father was George Stephen Morrison. George Stephen Morrison (January 7, 1919 – November 17, 2008) was a United States Navy rear admiral (upper half) and naval aviator. Morrison was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964, which sparked an escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War. (related to tons of conspiracies about the counter culture beign created as a psyops by the CIA)
Elliot died in Flat 12, 9 Curzon Place (later Curzon Square), Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London, which was on loan from singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson. Four years later, The Who's drummer Keith Moon died in the same room, also aged 32 years. (odd)
renting from Harry Nilsson. Cass Elliot had died there four years earlier, at the age of 32;[144][145] Nilsson was concerned about letting the flat to Moon, believing it was cursed. Townshend disagreed, assuring him that "lightning wouldn't strike the same place twice" (lightning? Thor? Trump tower? Plane?)
On 6 September Moon and Walter-Lax were guests of Paul and Linda McCartney at a preview of the film, The Buddy Holly Story. After dining with the McCartneys at Peppermint Park in Covent Garden, Moon and Walter-Lax returned to their flat. He watched a film (The Abominable Dr. Phibes), and asked Walter-Lax to cook him steak and eggs. When she objected, Moon replied, "If you don't like it, you can fuck off!" These were his last words.[144] Moon then took 32 clomethiazole tablets. When Walter-Lax checked on him the following afternoon, she discovered he was dead.
(covent was linked earlier to coven-ant and rothschild chocolate company)
I just have a strange thought Monday Monday is referring to how far back the CIA and the 'drug war' psyops (THAT THEY CREATED) goes….
da63b7 No.67909
Ok I threw it the paper I made last night and created a new masterpiece that is worthy of TESLA.
I swear this is the best way to present it and it is pure art….its so good.
It's not gonna be a bunch of scribbles bro this is THE KEYSTONE.
It's so good it will make you pay attention
And the name is now "The Infinite Tesla's
TRUMP if you confirm that you are the son of Tesla, i willput you in the center of it. Believe me symbology to maximus. You cannot guess this as it is too good.
No riddles just a 369 somewhere by 9 and you will be redeemed in the eyes of every American.
28a067 No.67911
In Canada all the railways are actually part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Has to do with financing. Probably the same in the US.
000000 No.67912
But what are these planes typically used for? Could they be carrying gold? Why in formations? Is that normal? I'm not an aero fag ;)
bd740c No.67914
4062ba No.67915
Remember when (12/6/17) Q said to watch the news – leaks exposed?
I think what this G.Greenwald article references was a HUGE Trump sting operation. Based on the fake stories that got published, they know exactly who the leakers are (because Trump puts out a different fake story for each suspected leaker, so when it surfaces as "news," they know the source.)
Not sure if these dots were connected, so thought I'd mention it here.
045a3a No.67916
wahth up? no thekels for you
9a70c0 No.67917
just found Emma watson with Y head
a20527 No.67918
Years ago (maybe 1950s) a nuke fell of an airplane allegedly into the bay there, never found. A nuke in mid-2000s was "accidentally" loaded on a B52 in Offutt AFB or someplace similar that went to Louisiana and then sort of went missing.
32d2cb No.67919
Reported on DEC 9, 2017
21 days apart, Light aircraft crashes shortly after takeoff
402bbe No.67920
131b43 No.67921
IF martial law there will be tons of supplies to disperse….
4c7071 No.67922
You are the only sane person here.
a50bd9 No.67923
Does Obama as "Renegade" give additional context to Bill Kristol calling his break away political party the "Renegade Party"? @RenegadeParty is still active on twitter.
4c65a1 No.67924
>Russia confirmed it was a nuke to my knowledge and not a earth quake.
on US east coast? this earthqake map has been looking like this all day. see pic!
943b93 No.67925
Just posted the website of renegade llc. Sells shovels and garden tools.
36082c No.67926
Listening to Cody on this link. He confirms there was/is a "round up" going on in DC. Also confirms Twats are being blocked on retwats. Happened to Cody last night. Will continue listening.
a20527 No.67928
The flight last night were C17s in non-standard formation containing 16 or so from news reports. All headed to Nellis. Also a bunch of C130s involved but not in that flight.
No clue about Omega - they're something new. DoD has large refueling capability but it could be that Omega was taking care of the sandbox for us after the official pullout from Iraq.
000000 No.67929
it's not just in england, it's english common law. It applies to consent of the governed under social contract just like divine right under kings, since one is just a facade for the other
e1e3e3 No.67931
>you think the paper in your wallet is (worth) anything
>only because (we) agree, collectively, that it has value
>magic is simply another word for action.
>No thing for itself is evil or good.
>our [choices] are the deciding factor
Attention ye Truth seekers…
"Magic” is the manifestation of focused will of the mind.
Magic occurs when "thoughts become things" by unknown or unacknowledged processes.
The power of these manifestations to affect the future are directly proportional to the collective or consensus belief in them.
For example, a $100 bill in your pocket has the power to transform your future, but that power is entirely dependent on consensus belief.
Outside that belief system, it is merely paper with no intrinsic value (other than perhaps when used to wipe your ass).
The biggest LIE ever told is that Magic doesn’t exist.
Acceptance of such falsehood renders believers blind to the power of DARK MAGIC, the occulted malevolent collective will of “-ocrats” who wish to subordinate the rest of us.
Plutocrats are a ruling class who control others by wealth.
Aristocrats are a ruling class who control others by heredity.
Theocrats are a ruling class who control others by religious dogma.
Republo/Democrats are a ruling class who control others by political dogma.
Technocrats are a ruling class who control by technology & scientific dogma.
Dogma* is an authoritative belief considered indisputably true, but without sound supporting evidence.
*'dogma' (Greek δόγμα) literally means "that which one thinks is true" and 'dokein' (Greek dokeo) "to seem good."
But equally important is that disbelieving in Magic blinds us to the power and potential of ANON MAGIC, the occulted^ benevolent will of the *anonymous* who wish to lead others to the Truth for selfless purposes.
^Matthew 6:1-5 from Christ's Sermon on the Mount
“Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.”
cf5d1d No.67933
Why the Pope is concerned about the Lord's Prayer is relevant considering Q typed it ~1 month ago. I was thinking what will A.A. do if they change the Lord's Prayer? The 3rd pic is sort of relevant and happened recently.
5766df No.67934
A nuke fell out of a bomber in North Carolina back in the 50s too. The explosives went off, but by luck, or act of God, the nuclear warhead didn't!
7123d5 No.67935
illuminati spelled backwards 👉👉👉👉 http://itanimulli.com 😕
Resolves to No Such Agency
a20527 No.67936
That area is a large Warning Area that's published. You can't use it except by FAA ATC authorization. If Omega was in it, then it's valid that it's an authorized op.
a20527 No.67938
1d8e2c No.67939
ad1070 No.67940
Talking about directed energy, not dart guns. But nice try.
55693d No.67941
Claim: Trump to Putin re: The Storm
"Either God will win or I will die."
As per Q: Pray.
5766df No.67942
She was killed for being a total slut.
222c4f No.67943
Amen and Amen!
Thank you God for your hedge of protection around all those in harms way! Thank you for our President and his Cabinet. Please bless all the Marines in this good fight!
Thank you God for being our rock, our fortress, our buckler and our high tower!
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray! Amen
1d8e2c No.67944
wow wonder how long that's been around for
b4a496 No.67945
5766df No.67946
645409 No.67947
>>Consider that the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 is in effect (doubly so given 9/11 and tm2008) and this gives the Executive extraordinary powers over banks and currency.
"End the Fed" can be done at anytime. Donald Trump's biggest liability is a Fed engineered economic collapse. It's likely what they had planned for Hillary.. Problem is the market is parabolic and if they trigger the crash now it likely gets out of control. Stalemate?
If Trump and Q are who they say they are they know the Fed is our biggest problem. Andrew Jackson name drops from Trump are not coincidences. The Fed's "secret" shareholders are most likely Citi, Chase, Wells Fargo and BofA. The Big 4 banks are owned by the Oligarchs (Berkshire Hathaway, Alwaleed, etc). Any move away from Federal Reserve domination would likely have to start at Credit Unions.
Possibilities: Trump is pushing the stock rise and the economy hard. Fed tries to pull the plug by withdrawing liquidity via balance sheet normalization. Counter with NCUA buying newly issued Treasury Notes instead of the Fed. This would allow the government to create debt free money. The Fed would effectively end itself as it's balance sheet went to zero as its Treasury holdings matured.
Credit Unions would dominate consumer lending with large Treasury balance sheets…
Interesting comments, there. I clipped a few things to shorten this & not sure what this will look like when posted.
Ending the FED as it is now is not something that could be done that easily as I see it. The FED is the source of the petrodollar that is the World's reserve currency. In '08/09, FED sent out so much damn money overseas to prop up the already dead dollar. With weakness that appeared in the Euro, I still can't believe the Euro hasn't collapsed. Last time I recall it was $1.12 to the $$1.
The FED can prop up the TBTF via stock purchases, but the depressed interest rate is so artificial I'm not sure what the 'normal' rate would be? It used to be @3% for the 10's, and 5% for the 30 yr T-Bills.
The NCAU assets at first glance seem too small for T-Bills, but $1.3 trillion is not chump change either. The objective would be stabilization during transition, but would that be in what time frame? I'd opt for the shorter maturities, but Credit Unions are not the place for stock acquired FED assets.
In financial terms with respect to Q's "break," keeping equilibrium on a world wide basis while transitioning to a gold backed system based on individual nation states' sovereign status is not possible with the EU/Euro. I'm open to suggestion, but maybe that is why Q listed SA/US/UK/Asia/EU. I think that was the order but could be wrong.
First things first, obviously, is taking out the illicit funding that has corrupted the world. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia didn't collapse in that coup. 80% that never sees the light of day is fine with me on issues exceedingly complex.
I'm still sticking with the GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNT "break" from a financial system that has enslaved the world for far too long. Post Bretton Woods lasted from @1945-@1971, and the petrodollar from @1975-Present, but with the US now $20Trillion in debt and many other nations well above 100% debt/GDP, we all need a break from this insanity.
We'll see, and, as you say…
"One can dream…."
e0a561 No.67948
<fucked up my tabs
943b93 No.67949
Fuck off, Tesla castrated hi self because his boners kept him from working/concentrating. So NO SON. Research it yourself and STFU with ur fairytales,
a20527 No.67950
That article likely is Sorcha Fahl or something like that. Most suspect it's a seriously bogus propaganda source. They/she posts on WhatDoesItMean often.
045a3a No.67951
ad1070 No.67952
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Remember what happened last time?
>September 10, 2001: Pentagon admits $2.3 Trillion missing and Rumsfeld calls it a matter of "life and death."
b8fe66 No.67954
b38732 No.67955
Why would Trump be Tesla's son? John Trump was the one who reviewed all Tesla's research when he passed…
fbbc83 No.67956
Did you put someone you don't like into the email address box, that should remain EMPTY or are you just new here and unaware of the word anon?
4c7071 No.67960
We told him he was. He'll believe anything if you phrase it right. We told him he was a king yesterday and he believed it. Started issuing commands. Great stuff.
222c4f No.67961
Dear God!
Thank you God for your hedge of protection always!
32d2cb No.67962
How many times has Q said "RED"?
383bf8 No.67963
Woot!! Long time comin.. holy crap. Been nothing but cabal democRATS since Reagan. >:(
ad1070 No.67964
It doesn't mention Jesus because JESUS TAUGHT IT TO US and He's not an egomaniac.
a20527 No.67965
I've been wondering why he doesn't have FCC revoke their license?
cebd0b No.67966
Far longer than that:
>American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence
5766df No.67968
Tesla was black balled, and publicly shamed, therefore he lost all hope and exiled himself. He was offered a leading role in the Manhattan Project, but refused. Fuck off.
943b93 No.67969
Its not about us praying… Its about the fucking POPE that tries to change a text, according 2 the bible (..) quoted to us by jezus himself into THE MUSLIM VERSION of almost the same prayer, blaiming "an incorrect translation" noone noticed in 2017 years, as if fucking pope reads and writes fluent Ancient armenian. Sure.
771fea No.67971
>Because NSA (or gov in general) registers their domains with GoDaddy.
Are you seriously this new?
65920a No.67972
I think that is true. Diana found out what that monster Savile and the 'royals' had been doing. She was beloved; maybe making normies wonder about what happened will help wake some up.
4c7071 No.67973
Maybe it's a trick.
cf5d1d No.67975
I'm glad you're a somebody and that you remembered and shared memphis maersk.
cebd0b No.67976
Children born after the storm will be debt free :)
222c4f No.67977
Is this SS? Hmmm. FO!
1499a7 No.67979
A specialist hazardous area team from the Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service were also deployed to assist.
cd92fc No.67980
771fea No.67981
175570 No.67983
I rebiluke thee, satan!
cd92fc No.67985
fbbc83 No.67986
The NOTAMS is because it's used as a refueling area for training.
cf5d1d No.67990
Very likely. A lot the results seem less than credible. This result was just from a quick search. I doubt anything that big and secret would be covered by "reliable MSM" or other "credible sources".
ad1070 No.67991
Whenever you find drugs, the spooks aren't far behind, anon.
baffa3 No.67992
>what is a clown
is everyone pilled on this one yet
5bcf6d No.67993
>>5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do
we get people asking Questions?
We have to deal with this the same way we delt with Scientology and there mistreatment of there children. This is going to be difficult because the protesters of Scientology had live testimony of what happened behind closed doors. We need to find defectors and get them to talk about there experiences. We also need to focus on the crimes them selves first. If we focus on the satanic stuff to much the court might through it all out as hearsay. In fact…
We need to find the bodies. Or this all will be considered hearsay.
7f935f No.67995
The subjects do have some say in the names they will be known by, though there is no word on why Mr Obama selected 'Renegade'. But it seems unlikely that he was thinking about the word's origins.
Renegade's earliest meanings had to do with deserting one's religion, coming from the Spanish word renegado originally meaning "Christian turned Muslim."
b0b28f No.67997
A prank?
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1d12ac No.67998
I wonder if the tangent Q is referring to is that Trump is going to federalize the "Federal" Reserve tomorrow, or this week. If the Roths have been neutralized the Federal Reserve can be brought under the control of the executive branch, and hopefully eventually dismantled. I vaguely remember some discussion early on about putting the US back on a gold standard, or at least a digital gold standard. Can anyone point back to that discussion? I don't think it was from Q, but perhaps from one of the other named anons.
e5923d No.67999
Its renegade44 llc
4e136c No.68000
175570 No.68001
Yes, we need to ban coffee and beer. Stupid clowns.
2bff05 No.68002
Great digging.
I don't know anyone from Nothern Ireland and Ireland that like him…I've met a lot. They practically hiss at the mention of his name.
cebd0b No.68003
UID: 5bcf6d
Post #67993
This is what a concern troll looks like, filter and move on
e5c1d9 No.68004
ad1070 No.68005
1d12ac No.68006
Clowns in America = CIA
CIA = bad guys
1fb9b7 No.68008
As the world turns…TV series….11\22\1963…Walter Kronkite Break..ing News…JFK !
bd740c No.68009
Who here sees a touch of autistic brotherhood in POTUS? In his beloved son, Baron? I certainly do! Stand up and be proud Autists!! Now is your time to SHINE!
We are living in a time when the "outsiders", the socially shunned, the born-different are playing a HUGE roll in the rescue of the blind and foolish normies of the world. God created us to be WHO we are and LIKE we are to do His work on this earth.
Psa 139:13 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. 14. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
God says were were born for a time such as this!
"Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
And God says our reward is great!
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12
7fec44 No.68010
This guy works for the CIA. Filter this guy.
771fea No.68011
Better be
Rhetorical question
ad1070 No.68012
He'd rather have a walk-on part in the war than a lead role in a cage.
55ea25 No.68014
Thought..throwing out scenarios..
Someone important on the GLF40 flight tries fleeing country. Gets caught, circles area while negotiations occur and needed Omega to fuel while in air?
GLF40 was in Branson recently. Possible to refual that plane mid-flight?
32d2cb No.68015
appreciate your sincerity
I think it is enuf for us to know:
- that all the money in SA, Rothschild, and Soros Houses have been running things corruptly
- that POTUS knows and intends to stop or reduce their power.
- that USA ppl who had been funded by SA, R, and S will see their money dry up
- that change is coming, for the better
but this will take months.
we may see news on Monday…but this is a long haul.
There's a lot to demolish
899425 No.68016
Carrot top is a good boy, he din du nuffin.
045a3a No.68017
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
it's been that way for a long time bro
b4a496 No.68018
cebd0b No.68019
UID: 7fec44
Post #68010
This is what a cl0wn looks like, filter and move on
3bae59 No.68020
This is interesting:
Something to look at.
81e61b No.68021
This is what a shill post looks like
36082c No.68023
Cody, half Cherokee, just said a prayer in Cherokee. Wowza
f08a6c No.68024
Statistics of arrests under Trump v. Obama is eye opening and I used it on a family member to begin the subject. Also, I made her look it up herself ( making her committed to what she found)
e5c1d9 No.68026
Russia COULD turn to Bitcoin…
Disinfo/distraction necessary?
222c4f No.68027
Probably cause the other names were like…
335c34 No.68028
Dina Powell is leaker. She is also close to Huma Abedin.
'It Is Foreboding”: Inside the Deep State, Dina Powell’s Departure Looks Like an Omen'
a20527 No.68029
Q is telling us to deep dive on the acronym BREAK
7662fc No.68030
UID: cebd0b
Post #68019
This is what a cl0wn looks like, filter and move on
d8723e No.68031
Yeah, moral of the story…they are literally in everything in some way shape or form. Not that I didn’t realize that already, but definitely interesting to follow the connections…or try anyway
a20527 No.68032
I suspect you're on exactly the right course on that anon.
dea4ca No.68033
SO about Monday AKA Moon day
The ancient Egyptians speak about a race they created 6,000 years ago from the hairy-ape-man [see rhesus monkey/MON-KEY/MOON-CHILD] – Neanderthal who created havoc amongst the homo-sapiens so were rounded up and contained in the Caucasus Mountains – which they called ‘Europa’ [Euro, after their Queen and ‘rope’ meaning roped off – imprisoned or contained] and that Moses [Tut’moses] – the Egyptian went to the mountains and civilised them, teaching them language, and science. It’s said that they either freed by Tut'Moses or ‘escaped’ from these mountains [Exodus] and conquered the aborigines of Europe and eventually, the rest of the world.
Mama Cass and Keith Moon died in the same hotel room a few years apart…symbolism?
a4ae9b No.68034
Stay Comfy, Anons.
b5e886 No.68035
Love is the solution for EVERY PROBLEM.
Here's a picture that feels nice.
Do not announce your reports, let the moderators do their Loving job.
Focus on positive - powerful - creative efforts, dear ones.
We will make it out of the darkness.
b4656d No.68036
222c4f No.68037
Probably why he picked it, you're correct.
But he was never a Christian turned Muslim.
But he was a pretending to be Christian but always Muslim.
His entire legacy was based on a LIE!
5766df No.68038
I'll be labeled a shill for this, but what if Trump's efforts just lead to a military dictatorship? I'm not saying it will, but i'm a student of history, and for example I look at the Roman Sulla, he was declared Dictator by the Roman Senate in order to fix the Republic, he did so, maintaining power in order to kill the enemies of the Republic, and fix the government. He eventually yielded power back, and left peacefully. However, his actions set an example, which lead directly to the Roman military dictatorship.
49a99e No.68039
Is that John Malkovich ?
6928d4 No.68040
UID: 81e61b
Post #68021
This is what a cl0wn looks like, filter and move on
155ba8 No.68041
5766df No.68042
f4bd16 No.68043
>As the World Turns
Although it seems a bit far out, I haven't been able to get this idea out of my mind since it was brought up yesterday.
Will an equally shocking news story break tomorrow?
Will it be REVENGE for the murder of JFK?
>Stay tuned…
f41feb No.68045
Just remembered the 3 min difference between potus and q. 3 - the holy trinity. Trinity from the matrix, telling neo to WAKE UP and follow the WHITE RABBIT. Q clearence, sees everything. To us we can only look down the road, but on the roof of a skyscrapper, q clearence, you can see miles ahead. This is like a matrix parody playing out in real time.
bd740c No.68046
Change is scary to be sure. But look at the alternative!
cebd0b No.68047
SHILLCON 2, they're copying tactics to hide
UID: a20527
Post #68029
[C]hildfucker [I]n [A]merica
4e136c No.68048
>Will an equally shocking news story break tomorrow?
>Will it be REVENGE for the murder of JFK?
I'll have waited over fifty years for that pleasure.
4caae5 No.68051
222c4f No.68052
Hopefully the last WH evil shill!
81e61b No.68053
Unlike other countries and other times, we have the Constitution and the 2A. An unpopular dictatorship would not last.
943b93 No.68054
Adapt and
045a3a No.68055
legit concern… if he turns then we go after him
7f935f No.68056
Looks more like gender fluid Sophia
38198d No.68057
Ya soros protects the clintons but in relation to Q's post he's meaning the secret service protects the clintons.
So far we think BREAK is an acronym for the secret service nick names for people they still protect.
131b43 No.68058
One of Noah’s sons [from the bible] was called, Japeth – who’s two eldest sons were called; GOMER and MAGOG who were used to create two giant/Nephilim races which emerged from the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS. – Gog and Magog made a pact with demonic entities and in return were rewarded with offspring and descendants who were stronger and given occult knowledge.
This is interesting to those of you who know the Bible and Moses story…what was different when he came back? How did he appear?
6d88d4 No.68060
UID: cebd0b
Post #68047
This is what a cl0wn looks like, filter and move on
ad1070 No.68061
No, that's Charles Manson.
13b123 No.68062
965250 No.68063
222c4f No.68064
You are so right! Thank you! Sorry!
4e136c No.68065
They're desperate. This is their last gasp.
e5c1d9 No.68066
Was waiting for you. You're a bit earlier than expected… Good work. Thanx.
5766df No.68067
Shills are now calling other's shills.
943b93 No.68068
4c65a1 No.68069
whats going on with this talk about "nukes and not quakes" on US east coast? why does https://earthquake-report.com/eq-map/ look like this?
pic related
f9f3cc No.68070
There is a graduation exercise this weekend for the cargo equivalent of "Top Gun" and that is causing all of the C-17 activity.
Happens every year this time.
b5e886 No.68071
Excellent "memes", thank you.
e528fc No.68072
4d6ffa No.68073
Me too but did we solve all the post from the last drop?
cebd0b No.68075
UID: 6d88d4
Post# 68060
Looks like shining the light of GOD onto the glowing ones gets them to switch ID's and 1 post an inflammatory response
Bye bye demon possessed piece of crap
36082c No.68076
OMG Cody just said the ML words!
79c819 No.68077
He mentioned break twice in his speech
>We will break the cycle of regime change, and refugee crisis, that has gone on for so many years.
>If we just break from this bitter, divisive past, we can achieve anything.
And breaking
>That also means breaking from the lies and the deceit of the Clintons. They want to scare you out of voting for change. The most recent smear comes from Bill Clinton, who said that the theme of Make America Great Again is somehow racist – now they’ve unearthed video footage of Bill Clinton repeatedly using this same phrase. It’s just one more Clinton lie, one more desperate slander to keep the people from having the future they deserve.
222c4f No.68078
I bet she was fed bad info and she leaked it. Got caught red handed!
943b93 No.68080
We must hv struck a nerve.
So what got mentioned?
Weird planecrash
Weird flightpattern
Nuke detonated by obummer
Pope is fucked up
Several planes doing weird stuff
Djt killing the FED
Abbrev for BREAK
Pls anons, expand what i forgot.
So much FLAC.. We must b over the target
4e136c No.68081
4062ba No.68084
Q said "leakers," plural. Expand your mind.
cd92fc No.68086
5766df No.68087
That's what I'm thinking… The Break from the sickness and corruption of the evil system.
222c4f No.68088
4d6ffa No.68089
three axis qanon spoke of?
73a615 No.68090
This looks very interesting , mini nukes aye aye… Not fun if ur in a bunker huh? >>67825
045a3a No.68091
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
enough with the anti-pope already …. the whole damn church is apostate
943b93 No.68092
e0a561 No.68093
could screencap the entire movie kek
364378 No.68094
>Nuke detonated by obummer
wait wut?
cf5d1d No.68095
335c34 No.68096
Rumours swirl Gary Cohn is a leaker and
1d8e2c No.68097
73a615 No.68098
nvm the weapon seems really bad though. >>67825
155ba8 No.68099
Please explain that lingo - 2-3 words is fine.
5766df No.68100
It was reported by Roger Stone that McMaster was in direct contact with Soros..
943b93 No.68101
I've seen ppl graduate on scie papers comparing the diff in quality performances of whores (not even kidding)
79c819 No.68103
ALL CAPS made me look for an acronym. Could not find one. The military time and commercials during half time is the best solution anon has found imho
645409 No.68104
Love it!
"Arkancided Karma"
FEMA camps for the remainders and those in need of "re-education." Or an education of any value for the SJWs.
943b93 No.68105
Scrolllllllll uppppppp
36082c No.68106
Yes and put all those guillotines to good use!
bd740c No.68107
>"Gog and Magog made a pact with demonic entities and in return were rewarded with offspring and descendants who were stronger and given occult knowledge".
Show me ^^^^ in the Bible. It's not there.
Gog and Magog references in the Bible refer to Russia (Gog) and the demonic ruler over Russia (Magog). In Ezekiel 38, there is a war known as the Gog/Magog war. Everything has recently (as of two weeks ago) lined up for that war.
b15e8a No.68108
Get out of here with your Yakub WE WUZ GENETISTS AND SEEEIT.
943b93 No.68109
Srry wrongpic. Just scroll
335c34 No.68110
Gary Cohn & McMaster
4e136c No.68111
f5f79e No.68113
000000 No.68114
R is not Roths - R was confirmed to be Obama - which is confirmed further with stringer that has [R]( )[+4] - length of Renegade + 4 is the same length as Barack Obama. This was stated by Q, and seems to be a crumb for solving others.
I think Expand your thinking, Think Different, Tangent = Machine Learning / Differentiation between stringer elements and Tangent machine learning kit from Good Brain Team
943b93 No.68115
Must hv been the adrenochrone in the paint.
155ba8 No.68116
Cute tutorial. Got it.
In context. Caught and then flipped?
1694af No.68118
This is called the Ezekiel War and it is actuallyTurkey and Russia but God puts a Hook in Russias mouth and holds them back.
222c4f No.68119
364378 No.68120
ok so there warmongering and sabre rattling. it doenst say they detonated anythign from what I'm seeing here. maybe I'm missing something?
056c0d No.68121
You should make a thread over it.
a20527 No.68123
Obama Party = Renegade Party. Kristol is a swamp creature as well.
15e5a4 No.68124
Q currently operational.
Our task is solely investigative 'hearts and minds (making the red pill palatable) for the world. The normies will resist due to hand that has been feeding them for years.
Look for the facts in the crumbs that have been scattered - don't beg to be spoon fed or lose focus without a timely Q crumb. There could be repercussions in the future for Q if the path was just gifted.
MSM will be out in force in the days to come - What ground will YOU stand and refuse to yield through you own fact checking?
Shills - Pick up a shovel or GTF out of our way. Keep the board dedicated to the task in hand and not personal agendas.
God bless the bakers - they do, instead of lurk/shill.
God bless anons - the power is yours if you want to seize it.
God Bless Q - assumptions aside - a flickering light in a long dark battle.
Now is not the time to say "I told you so".
As the battles play out, now is the time to hard evidence the reasons and encourage the asking of questions from the masses.
207401 No.68125
>Bye bye demon possessed piece of crap
Yeah, this is why everyone has been leaving. Lunatics calling everything satan. Jewelry is satan.
155ba8 No.68126
Nevermind. Canary trap is better. What I thought it was.
056c0d No.68127
Woah, wtf? When did this come out and do we have a link to the post?
1d8e2c No.68128
that has been known since before Trump took office.
the ? is why does he have this douches around to begin with?
bd740c No.68129
Correct – AND Iran. The hook in the jaw of Gog is the huge oil and gas fields that are have been discovered under Israel. Russia WANTS this!
364378 No.68130
jesus…not that I want to look a gift horse in the mouth but is that credible? that has some big implications.
e6da7c No.68131
If it must be then it must be, whatever it takes to save the republic and fully expose the saturnistic ties of the enemy.
Evil is real.
207401 No.68133
>two anon sperging out
>means we're under attack
Are you real? Real people rent this dumb, are they?
4e136c No.68134
"Lunatics" == Cl0wns
bd740c No.68135
God puts a hook in Gog's mouth and pulls him into war with Israel. But Russia, Turkey, and Iran are destroyed by God
13b123 No.68136
d8723e No.68138
I agree. A lot is out of control. But what point or connection are you trying to make?
364378 No.68139
yeah makes me skeptical too but we have to remain open minded.
e5923d No.68140
1d8e2c No.68142
hear about the painter o'bum has doing his official portrait mixes sperm in with his paints
a20527 No.68144
I doubt it. Doesn't come standard with a refueling boom and not sure it can be easily modified to put one on. But, the idea of the aircraft holding while negotiations are underway is good. Look for a flight of F-16s or other fighter types in the area someplace unless it's being blocked.
79c819 No.68145
There is a hotel called The Break
e6da7c No.68146
We are just a series of tubes after all
49a99e No.68147
207401 No.68148
They're just tards from the /christian/ board. They do the same crap to 8/pol/. Force their views down everyone's throats and yell louder when told to fuck off.
e0ce98 No.68149
Was it ever confirmed that Q meant tomorrow by Monday, and not the 18th when congressional break starts? Also anyone figure out the tangent thing?
7f935f No.68150
Barack Obama - Wikipedia
44th President of the United States; In office … The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President took … using the terms "break" and …
35891e No.68151
The education we've received needs to be passed on to the normie world. That ideology or propaganda part of the war is he most critical role we can play. And that is nothing holding us back from educating the masses, now.
e0a561 No.68152
i dunno why i come up with this, but it feels right.. looking for more caps and back to lurking
965250 No.68153
No, it's not. It's the one thing Satan wants most to destroy and, ultimately, what this is all about.
000000 No.68154
Yes 10 days + happens to be when Twitter starts tracking users
b38732 No.68155
Has anyone thought maybe the break is when Congress is taking the Holiday break?
>Pic related
a20527 No.68157
I remember some disaster movie from a few years ago where Morgan Freeman was prez and right before the meteor or whatever it was hit, he went on TV and ended his address with the Lord's Prayer. The Q post gave me actual shivers when I remembered that.
7123d5 No.68158
f08a6c No.68159
there are different stages of normies. Some on the edge close to being ready to 'get it' some who have seen things but too afraid of peer pressure to investigate, some who are selfie/gym check ins/ dinner plate pic ppl. I am a normie with one foot off the edge missing key info to come over
7123d5 No.68161
WTF is that chit? GTFO
6bf581 No.68162
Q did say this, which coincides with tomorrow night. It could have been deliberate disinfo though:
Q !ITPb.qbhqo Sat 9 Dec 2017 22:34:48 4aa050 No.63599
4th quarter, Patriots.
We fight together.
a3cc1b No.68163
4Chan 147986661
>How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)?
Interviewee was concerned that the satellites could read their lips.
Lots of intel in that video, btw.
5766df No.68164
I will NOT go along with a military dictatorship.
cf5d1d No.68165
The fact that it is from 2013 makes it even more relevant if irrelevance is what you are implying.
32d2cb No.68166
breaking CORRUPT (CxA) ties with
B - Bin Talal
R - Rothschild
E - Europe
A - Asia / Africa
K- Korea
9acaad No.68168
break, as in splinter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds?
55e7e5 No.68169
ignore the you im bein lazy
>>66894 (You)
>>66861 (You)
>>66848 (You)
>>66779 (You)
>>66759 (You)
>>66720 (You)
>>66714 (You)
>>66701 (You)
>>66654 (You)
>>66618 (You)
>>66570 (You)
>>66552 (You)
>>66549 (You)
>>66531 (You)
>>66511 (You)
>>66180 (You)
49a99e No.68170
In February and March 2009, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made separate overseas trips to announce a "new era" in U.S. foreign relations with Russia and Europe, using the terms "break" and "reset" to signal major changes from the policies of the preceding administration.[313] Obama attempted to reach out to Arab leaders by granting his first interview to an Arab cable TV network, Al Arabiya.[314] ?
a20527 No.68171
I remember that and meant to follow up to see what he as doing to establish his "army". Here's Alinsky's Rules for Radicals if anyone wants to read it.
81e61b No.68172
Could the BREAK refer to a broken encryption system and an end to banking as we know it?
An anon theorized that Q was able to stay many steps ahead because he may have broken/cracked RSA encryption. And how cryptos may be the only things left after the dust settles.
Is that why the elite are interested in cryptos all of a sudden? Also, could an anon explain how an elite can buy into cryptos without leaving fingerprints in the banking system? Doesn't banking system money have to get transferred in some way?
b9e7f9 No.68173
The Alpha and Omega…Beginning and End…sound familiar?!
32d2cb No.68174
1dc477 No.68175
Yea, sometimes I think of Orwell's Animal Farm; more often, 1984.
79c819 No.68177
0f2520 No.68178
cf5d1d No.68179
Thanks for getting people up to speed.
000000 No.68180
New twitter rules take effect and congressional break then - it isn't hard to look up (schedules are tentative always, but that is what is shown as preliminary) https://www.aace.com/files/advocacy/congression-i-work-schedule.pdf
49a99e No.68181
Obama first came to Moscow in July 2009. The biggest item on the agenda was a new agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons, which was meant to symbolize the era of new relations. Obama met with Medvedev at the Kremlin, while Putin received him at Novo-Ogaryovo, where a sumptuous breakfast with caviar was laid out. Trying to make conversation, Obama began by asking rhetorically, “How did we get into this mess [in U.S.-Russian relations]?” In response, Putin gave him an hourlong lecture as to how precisely it had happened. Obama listened without interrupting.
55e7e5 No.68182
The Bible has some errors…like unicorns!!
"Gog of Magog" here can be tied to Magog the Japhethite in Genesis 10, even though Gog's paternal lineage is not explicitly given, due to the string of other names present: Meshech, Tubal, Gomer are all sons of Japeth thus "brothers" of Magog; Togarmah of "Beth Togarmah" is Magog's "nephew".[19]
West Eurasian is a very general category containing Arab/Egyptian, Ashkenazi/Levantine, Central Asian, Northeast …
Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.
"Gog and Magog," links their fate with up to eleven other nations, and places them "in the midst of Aethiopian rivers"; this seems a strange location, but ancient geography did sometimes place Ethiopia next to Persia or even India.
Who they daddy is?
000000 No.68183
Senate Schedule 18-29 recess
5032a0 No.68184
Look up Zion Oil and Gas
7123d5 No.68186
Except Q never said it
1a3ad0 No.68187
That's eleven days they can't mess everything up.
15e5a4 No.68188
The very nature of what we aspire to be
Question everything!
Don't let the noise of TV, sports, celebrities, work, debt etc detract you from seeking the truth. The fact that you are here means that you're seeing and experiencing more than most. Good luck with your awakening and please spread the word.
a20527 No.68189
Acquire a time machine and go back about a month, then come back and read the new bread.
f5f79e No.68190
congressional break wil not happen unless fed budget is in place.
fed gov shutdown will happen on 23 if budget not worked out.
730760 No.68191
Presidential Executive Order on Revising the Seal for the National Credit Union Administration
7f935f No.68192
Looks promising . Digging
Thanks Q
7123d5 No.68193
Catholic Bible has no errors, this is the Word of GOD.
641494 No.68194
He mentioned bloodlines, and Q never didn't say this specifically, he mainly asks questions. Thanks for playing.
641494 No.68195
Only the Gospels fits into that…
529295 No.68196
Could be onto something here
Freedom could be a code name for /ourguys/ in their various forms.
Freedom vs SA_US_yes - an identifier of something Saudi owned operating within the US?
DC10 - December 10
b5e886 No.68198
Religions != spirituality.
Jesus was NOT christian. Christians came AFTER him and distorted some of his teachings, because they did not use LOVE.
13b123 No.68199
I was only implying that the article was from 2013. Not that it was irrelevant ;-)
641494 No.68200
Yes, and you don't need to be religious to notice that most of the world is and bases many of their wars and such on religion, and there is real history involved. So to shun anything biblical is quite ignorant especially considering the 'storm' and our orders to PRAY.
That should be a hint that religion is very much so relevant, whether you like/believe it or not.
b1c86a No.68201
We are very disorganized.
In every thread there should be a set of goals, targets (who's doing what meme makers, bread makers, delivering memes to social media) for that thread. That way we all work on one topic or have several goals anons decide what they want to look into brainstorm together work together once we think we have gather everything we could on a topic move on to the next. Its time to organize Anons the storm is upon us. It's time to organize our Army.
163381 No.68202
Dec 11 would be a great number (numerology wise) to rub it in their (((faces))).
Godspeed Patriots!
72ba5a No.68203
Well, we've had a non-military dictatorship for at least the past eight years.
e97a49 No.68204
>So what got mentioned?
Was just seeing if a certain pedo satanist was monitoring. He is, apparently.
d6f35b No.68205
think the upper case was for emphasis on the word, due to some frustration that the drops were not being understood. not to signify an acronym.
the focus was being directed toward the timestamps of events, qdrops and news. and it is 'the break', not 'to break'. a break is what happens between between two event times, an interval.
85e276 No.68206
The Treason Felony Act 1848 (11 & 12 Vict. c. 12) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Parts of the Act are still in force. It is a law which protects the Queen and the Crown.
It is treason felony to "compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend":
to deprive the Queen of her crown,
to levy war against the Queen, or
to "move or stir" any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the Queen.
045a3a No.68208
641494 No.68209
Isn't that what the individual threads are for? Here we share and birth thought babies in real time. Don't blink, you might miss something.
bd740c No.68210
Maybe Freedom is the name of the operation? Could the AW stand for AWACS?
79c819 No.68211
fee9f8 No.68212
I don't find Sorcha Fahl to be bogus. Read that site alot, just have to sift trough the shit. I Live in SC and kind remember when this went down. No details cause I was a blue pill then. But there was concern….We never had an earthquake that strong though….
e5923d No.68214
a4ae9b No.68216
We have a ton of Fake News memes on Memes #1 >>2 and Memes #2 >>61078 . They are not well cataloged but if you simply do a word search for Fake you will find many of them. I have been naming them using category names since I started harvesting partway through #1.
Have at it! Memes away.
f08a6c No.68217
Freedom of the press? maybe a fake news op???? I have been playing with that idea for a few days.
32d2cb No.68219
Q posted:
Post: 1:34 US Military
POTUS: 1:37 US Military
I ask..
Is it possible the "break" is as simple an answer has 3
The difference between the two times?
What is the significance?
3 = time? 0300? 3PM
3 = +++, ++, +
3 =
81e61b No.68220
Sorcha Fahl = Such a Fool
2a7ee7 No.68221
6bf581 No.68222
>Tickets for a “low-dollar” event on at the Masonic Temple in San Francisco on April 20 has tickets for $25, $250, $1,000 and $2,500, the Chronicle said.
a20527 No.68223
Wouldn't be any worse than had Hillary gotten away with the election - Mil Dictatorship might be better. If he gives it all back after all the swamp creatures are neutralized I'm OK with it.
e6c66e No.68225
2048 and 4096 are broken, I can confirm. The main problem was that crypto was seen as a "magic bullet" by certain (non-military) actors, and thus they let all other aspects of security slide.
Putting your Weiner-style insurance file on a web server ("LOL it's encrypted"), for example.
This is why evil never succeeds: they get arrogant.
641494 No.68226
Emergency alert system? Interrupted broadcast of some type of announcement?
Military Term
Break — Signals a pause during a long transmission to open the channel for other transmissions, especially for allowing any potential emergency traffic to get through.
7baf78 No.68227
The Beast vs Babalon
b5e886 No.68228
I'm saying think for yourself. Certainly living to christian standards would be better - but the "blueprint" has been lost, and as you say the negativity and horrible wars got the best of religions today.
Which is why spirituality and LOVE is the key. As for prayer - it's a form of Love, as soon as you don't give your power up. You pray for the strength and capabiltiy within you to deal with the evil within and without. Dealing with the evil within is more important, because it's the cause of sheepdom and negativity. PRAY = LOVE, if you do it nicely. But do it EVERYWHERE. Because in difficult situations, we are tested. Grow out of limitations and negativity.
Love is the solution to everything, and the way out of this mess. It has impacts in the physical plane too.
32d2cb No.68229
Break = over to you
e5c1d9 No.68230
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.
BREAK is a military radio communication term to overrule a network to send an emergency message.
8) Use “BREAK, BREAK” whenever there is a radio traffic and you want to get through with your emergency message.
If there is a traffic on the air, use “BREAK, BREAK” to cut into the network. Only in case of higher priority of your message!
It's all about the EBS emergency message Trump is going to make when all is ready.
That's why Q is not mistaken in saying "THE" BREAK.
(someone reported earlier today another EBS testrun on TV)
4c503d No.68231
BREAK in the patriots game tomorrow night?
Q referenced the 4th quarter, Patriots
As in watch the 4th quarter tomorrow.
A break, as in a break for a presidential address during the game..?
1st of the 3 presidential transmissions?
Just thinking out loud.
e0a561 No.68232
some anon point them to the SS names post we had it figured out already
163381 No.68233
>I will NOT go along with a military dictatorship.
Military dictatorship vs tranny/feminazi/kike freak show
Bring on the patriots!
4e136c No.68234
Don't quite understand the power of collective autism yet, do you?
4c503d No.68236
4th quarter is the most exciting time in the game…. most people watching.
monday nights are boring, most people watching TV etc..
Sounds like a good time slot for it..
27736c No.68238
definitely seems like the case. Clearly Trump is a blessing and there are real patriots involved in all this, history is made. my concern would be the president 20 years from now, 40 years. Absolute power corrupts. And I love 2A, but that won’t help against real weapons. We need a strong military for sure though. And we need enlightenment for humanity as quickly as possible. What does it take for a wealthy person to realize cronyism is destructive? Is hyper-competitiveness important? Everyone is scared. Luxury is used to motivate. Waste is encouraged. There are so many temperaments out there. How to reconcile? This is major what is happening here.
da63b7 No.68239
Confirm it and give me the 369
e6da7c No.68240
the beast vs the smiler
9064b1 No.68241
Obama’s Team Of Secret Police Just Busted In White House Plotting Against Trump – 3 Traitors Headed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY6yn4FXhH8
a34a6f No.68242
That's what I suggested too. Also, during the break there's going to be a first ever AUDIT of the DOD! Someone had told me that the last time it was even suggested, is when 9/11 went down. The BREAK could be relevant. We must keep our minds open and not over think this shit.
892af2 No.68243
And the PATRIOTS will be playing, and the PATRIOTS are a team most people enjoy watching, especially when they are isolated on a MONDAY night!
1694af No.68244
Fuck the Pats and the NFL. BE GONE asshat
e5c1d9 No.68245
I guess the EBS message will be broadcasted this MONDAY.
18be37 No.68246
Q said to watch all news. RT had a show on today talking about Epstein and his island. Possible new suit re sex trafficking charges
775493 No.68247
Has nothing to do with 4th quarter of NFL game. Means we are in the final parts of the action and strategy. The big events are about to happen.
b38732 No.68248
775493 No.68249
Second that.
God Bless our military!
f41feb No.68250
Tv commercial during the halftime show of the superbowl, cant remember but it was during OB reign, showing an EBS on the tv saying not to panic. Martial law. Predictive programming long before trump came along.
2a7ee7 No.68252
So I dont have a tv. Is there somewhere online I can monitor the EBS?
775493 No.68253
A, the shillfags are hitting. And many newfags screwing around here.
Can you refocus us? We need a mission update.
e6c66e No.68254
>C-17 Globemasters are just as maneuverable as F-14A Tomcat goy
I'm not even chair force and I know this.
e6da7c No.68255
There are definitely some potential negatives, like military weed rules or the witch hunt getting out of control and targeting our psychic youth. Theres a chance of ushering in a new dark age.
But I don't see the timeline shifting in such dark directions.
Hail Victory
4c503d No.68256
Could be…… but a random analogy like that is out of character for Q, he doesn't really use speech expressions like that. He's discreet, but direct.
why would he capitalize Patriots after a comma….. he usually has perfect spelling and punctuation, unless there's a reason for it…. a meaning.
It's just a theory.
Trump has also been getting people to stay home from the NFL games this year… what do they likely do instead? Watch on TV.
e5c1d9 No.68257
I think you guys are right about the timing.
All the patriots will be OUT OF HARMS WAY when the SHTF.
They are watching the NFL game and get the message.
b5e886 No.68258
Don't swear. If your reply doesn't improve on the tranquility of the silence, don't post it.
God bless them. They have this power and some have higher impulses. If they act on them, they will be supported by numerous positive forces. Evil cannot win in the long run.
68cf02 No.68259
Makes sense together with Q's "As The World Turns": emergency break (Kennedy).
775493 No.68260
Stop shilling about the military. They are the only ones going to save us at this point.
f5f79e No.68261
only question about this that comes to mind is,
Trump is not liking the 'no fans left', NFL, he knows thereare millions not watching as well, why 'break' then and there if the people are not watching?
One could also argue that he's doing it then to just to piss off remaining fas as well.
So iit seems unlikely for it to be that just because of my first reason, not enough viewership then. This being as big as it is would be done during something were there would be larger viewrship.
932b89 No.68262
put this in plane crash thread.
15e5a4 No.68263
I disagree slightly. The map has all of the information so far, but we can sometimes be guilty of (me included) leaving the map to stay on top of the current info (most of which is shit) or get sidetracked / awestruck whenever Q posts a new vein.
I don't profess to have all the answers for I am but a servant, but I do know that memes that make us momentarily smile or rabbit holes that are obvious shills are not going to win us this war.
Q can obviously see the landscape ahead - unfortunately our vision is being constantly bombarded by non-Q related shit. Lets stay on point, ban the shills (some great work so far) and focus on the dark days ahead. This war will not be won without blue casualties.
a20527 No.68264
Only if you think Sorcha Faal is credible. I feel for her/them a few years ago. Then I read a few more things and realized it's mostly propaganda for something.
aeef46 No.68265
That would be the Mars Bluff incident.
Re: The nuke "accidentally" loaded on a B52
I heard it was an attempt to steal a nuke with US markings to use for a false flag attack. Theoretically the bomber was stopped before it could take off and those responsible were arrested, but no supporting evidence was provided one way or the other.
1694af No.68266
Tranquility of silence WTF .. stop doing drugs and pretending you are perfect asshat.
e6da7c No.68267
my post was pro military emailfag
0c279d No.68268
We are in the dark age now…aside from the people who made it out of the birth canal numbering in the staggering millions we also murder 60 million babies a year via abortion…60 million…I don't think God is pleased…how much more horrific can it get than dead babies?
b5e886 No.68270
>Theres a chance of ushering in a new dark age.
Not if you use Love.
A Loving person with power is the most unstoppable force for GOOD. Be it inner power, or external power. Power does not corrupt, if you are using Universal Love in your Heart and Consciounsness.
e1e3e3 No.68271
We read in “The Armenian & Jewish Genocide Project: Eliminating Ethnic Conflict Along the Oil Route From Baku to the Suez Canal Region” by Clifford Shack:
Considering this brief history at the dawn of the new Oil Age, a question presents itself to the inquisitive and demanding student. To an all-powerful banking family like the Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities… was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East, which contained countless millions, later billions of consumers? Squeamish the Rothschilds were not, their line of work requires pragmatism to rule their day.
It would be fair to say that the genocide of a group of a million or so, to serve the benefit of a billion or so, is less of a question of should it be done, than how it could be done. So as not to reveal any plausible motive which could link the actual planners to the genocide, the scheme involved a proxy party, which was manipulated through layers of influence, providing sufficient cover for the planners.
645409 No.68272
Damn, we might be in need of spare blades?
f08a6c No.68273
fear is stopping me from completely coming. Fear of the unknown! Here is removing the unknown. Normies will get it if presented to them on their level. Ex: normies on the edge need facts and proof of justice served, normies subjected to peer pressure need others around them to approve/agree, normies of gym/food pics need memes asking others to notice THEM ( such as a meme saying post how many Q questions YOU answered today and share on your page for a like) Those types of memes usually work for those who are self absorbed
927f5b No.68274
Loved transmetro. also unexpectedly relevant.
7baf78 No.68275
75fefe No.68276
i hear this talk of it being soon. how many times has Q and POTUS said. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
think. why is this relevent? how merry would it be if the lead up was darkness. unless i missed something. if i did inform me please? my two cents.
000000 No.68278
I believe tomorrow is when it starts and Christmas day (over the break) is when it goes nuclear.
Christmas day = 11 in their numerology. What number did the twin towers look like?
Hunt for Red October- that sub didn't sink, Rothschild's took it to their base in antarctica where they have been preparing for a nuclear war since nukes were invented.
Don't travel over Christmas and have your emergency supplies ready. It'll be really helpful if you survive.
3bae59 No.68279
2c5c99 No.68282
Likely not relevant however the Omega plane flying off of Charleston today is a DC10
f41feb No.68283
f5f79e No.68285
Christmas will be exactly 2 weeks away tomorrow.
a20527 No.68286
Many of us were in the military during the cold war period. That's about as close to ML as it gets. Piece of cake! Still toked offf-duty sometimes, and life just went on. Unless you're leftie dirty I doubt there would be much you'd notice.
000000 No.68289
>Catholic Bible has no errors, this is the Word of GOD.
Nonsense. Nothing but idolatry, pure and simple. go ahead and worship your cute little book, I'll worship Jesus, a living God who didn't need men to speak in the first place and didn't stop talking just because some guy said he did.
e6c66e No.68290
>to deprive the Queen of her crown
I guess they just meant Queens Regnant, not Consort or Dowager.
e6c66e No.68292
It's disinfo, trust me.
9064b1 No.68295
Anonymous 12/10/17 (Sun) 09:06:58 ID: 388b5c No.66413>>66418
B- Ryan (Bow Hunter)
R- Obama (Renegade)
E- Hillary (Eagle), WJC (Evergreen)
A- Cheney (Angler)
K- Queen Elizabeth II (Kittyhawk)
What’s the link between these 5 ppl?
5b492d No.68296
e6c66e No.68297
"This station, in cooperation with federal' state, and local authorities, has devised this system in case anything bigly or yuuuuge happens."
b5e886 No.68301
Blessed be, anon. Love to our dear Friend in the Light, spiritual Master Jesus Christ! His word teaches us how to be like him, and so shall we be. No worshiping or religions are needed to join him. In Loving service.
e6da7c No.68303
This is why I usually namefag, its like a badge that assigns perspective
for what is bread without butter?
bd740c No.68305
I noticed on the Daily Mail story about the plane crash yesterday 40 miles from the Rothschild Mansion, one of the commenters said
"Another crash at Bodmin airfield today as well.
Has anyone looked into that crash?
a4ae9b No.68307
045a3a No.68308
eagerly waiting to filter anon that argues with this.
e6da7c No.68309
Praise be to Yeshu of Nohtzir, son of Pantera
bd740c No.68310
DC-10 was in one of the stringers. Certainly could be relevent
24cdaf No.68311
Why not both? Q has mentioned many times there are no coincidences. Q mentions 4th quarter, Patriots. Something about the BREAK (EBS break into live programming?). Q subject head said Monday. Patriots just happen to be playing Monday night. Multiple mentions of Sum of All Fears (nuke at a football stadium in movie). Game is in Miami. POTUS is in Florida right now.
I'm not saying it is or it isn't but we need to keep alive all possibilities. There are no coincidences.
a20527 No.68312
I'd be willing to bet Renegade won't be attending.
bd740c No.68314
e6da7c No.68315
I concur with torfag. As the Jewish religion lives and thrives through their living book, the Talmud, so should Christianity.
Worshiping a dead book only creates mindless zombies.
Where as a living book can be so powerful it reshapes reality. As the Talmud has become the internet
d8723e No.68316
Not to distract from your post, but speaking of plane crashes. There’s another one in Miami from this afternoon
f5f79e No.68317
didn't notice that one, kept hearing about one in san diego
65920a No.68318
You can't possibly dismiss the entire site with a wave of the hand. I suppose it was just a series of lucky guesses for the last couple years, describing the global mafia being taken down by Trump? Has THAT been disinfo?
c27bc0 No.68320
775493 No.68322
There are both on here.
Paid Soros shills are trying to deflect the discussion on abstract and completely irrelevant stories. They do it this way as to slide by getting banned from the BO.
f08a6c No.68323
only problem I have is game starts at 8:30EST so 4th quarter is late and many sleeping so won't hear or know
a20527 No.68324
Crap! I forgot a word in there.. It's *about the* BREAK.
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.
He's telling us that it's about THE break here, but in another posts he says sub "TO" and "THE".
Get it?!?!?! He' telling us that it's about to break.
e6c66e No.68325
>You can't possibly dismiss the entire site with a wave of the hand
Actually, I just did. Do your homework, you'll come to the same conclusion I did. The phrasing is a huge clue. Study NLP and persuasion and you'll know that site is a total lie.
4e136c No.68328
End Times Prophecy News
e5c1d9 No.68330
Q post states: THE break
So, not a reference to certain people…
780467 No.68331
Could Semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce (Sign relation + Sign, object, interpretant ect) be usefull in solving these drops or is it overthinking?
775493 No.68332
Not the 4th quarter of game!
4th quarter of plan and strategy of POTUS/ Q team
Stop shilling, fag.
b5e886 No.68333
Correct. Imbue your teachings with the ESSENCE - with LOVE. I've been posting these beautiful images and spoke positive words since Q exodus, but they stand ignored. In reality they are close to what spiritual teachers have taught in the past (the base of today's distorted religions "death to unbelievers!!!11" "god will smite you!!" "repent or go to hell!!"). And that is removal of negativity in ALL life areas and living it in tune with the God-Source.
Love is the solution to everything
5c8506 No.68334
It isnt that you are a shill, the truth is, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW FUCKED WE WERE. You think you do, but 80% of the battles being waged are at a level you don't understand. Think crown jewel "zero point energy". At this point, what needs to be done, is being done; because in order to do this in a way that was ideal for you, it should have been done back when JFK was around.
We past the point of doing it ideally. We are dealing with real evil, monsters, and tyrants.
56f27e No.68335
military staging next to baseball stadium, could be coincidence tho
https://twitter. com/jametteriley/status/939998635902865408
e6da7c No.68337
Commercial break during football gaem?
e6c66e No.68338
>Paid Soros shills
You're correct literally and figuratively.
e5c1d9 No.68339
Barack transgendered into a dog???
cebd0b No.68340
UID: e6da7c
Post# 68315
Promotes Talmud and equates it with Jesus, very bad
Talmud states that Jesus is in hell being boiled in excrement, look up the quote yourself
f5f79e No.68341
how is it shilling or sliding if someone can possibly punch a hole in a theroy?
Just means that hole needs to be closed up so the theory can be validated.
f0395a No.68343
In reference to another post about a linkin park song where a lyric is "I'm about to break." He was saying his original words were correct.
a20527 No.68344
Building on that, the post here should be read as:
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about to break.
Godspeed, Patriots.
Anons we better get to some autistically serious no bullshit memeing. And then get that shit out there as far and wide as we can. Fast!
213f53 No.68345
that would be Transspecied.
63d635 No.68346
Wouldn't it be WONDERFUL if the "BREAK" was breaking us FREE of all our debt and our countries debt and break us free from the tax burden so we can finally get ahead in life?!?!! I can only dream & pray that we will finally be free of our slavery to the elite fks!! Thank you GEOTUS & Q for all you do!
344409 No.68347
How goes it anons. Been getting ready to cook up some thai food yo
Have I missed anything important or no significant habnings?
b5e886 No.68348
Read my post(s) please >>68333
>80% of the battles being waged are at a level you don't understand
The primary battle to be fought for us is on the inner plane, removing our own sheep-layers and reclaiming Sovereignty of the Light. Welcome hope, hopefully soon!
f08a6c No.68349
sorry maybe I misread.
fb78dd No.68351
Break = Break away civilization?/
e0a561 No.68352
>Get it?!?!?! He' telling us that it's about to break.
<nah opposite , "the BREAK"
9-12 19:45:57
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 60382
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.
I'm about to BREAK
RIP Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. They tried to move on Geffen and paid the price.
9-12 20:01:00
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 60523
"The" vs "To."
Everything has meaning.
e6c66e No.68353
>We are dealing with real evil, monsters, and tyrants.
I wouldn't suggest watching some of the decrypted and recovered blackmail files because someone had to do it (to document the crimes) and they nearly went off the deep end.
775493 No.68354
Whoa, those are Apaches…at least some.
Anyone with any knowledge of what unit there and why?
cebd0b No.68355
you keep using the word "Light" instead of God, why is that?
15135f No.68356
This is coming imo- it is a break, it is not forever, the break comes before the end imo-
cf5d1d No.68357
Aus Anons
I typed in tomorrow's date (12 11 2017) in google's news search and sorted by date and got this as a result, otherwise i would have no idea:
045a3a No.68358
decider not decipher
e5c1d9 No.68359
It would be a perfect timing…
e6da7c No.68360
been looking for this symbol for a long ass time. As much as I dont want to believe you, as much as I believe in a righteous hatred of evil that I learned in lucid dreams as the smolest of children, I have to thank you for being the first in at least 7 tries to offer an answer to this lost symbol
775493 No.68361
THE BREAK in the storm?
Light shines, positive
15135f No.68364
decider (plural deciders)
(of a controversy, question, etc) A person, divinity, or authoritative text which decides. quotations ▼
(chiefly Britain, sports) An event or action which decides the outcome of a contested matter. quotations ▼
(computing) A Turing machine that halts regardless of its input.
fb78dd No.68365
I dunno… maybe because God said "I Am" then there was blinding radiance?
4351a3 No.68366
Is the BREAK about Hillary's toe?
0c279d No.68367
Plus Jesus never said on iota about a book.
56f27e No.68368
If ya want people to forget about certain news it's advised to drop it on friday. Monday is the best day for breaking news that is supposed to stick.
There is even a song about that
24cdaf No.68370
Only shill in here is you. This entire thread you've been calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill. You don't have any more concrete proof than the rest of us do. If you don't like the discussion taking place trying to piece it together then MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!
Sick of you beta pieces of shit playing tough guy behind a keyboard. Read the responses and STFU!
13b123 No.68371
Q confirms Godfather III is the pope?
b5e886 No.68372
Eh, you got me, I'm a shill.
On a serious note - I diversify, word is not important but the energy behind it. Whatever promotes positive spiritual evolution is good. And God-Source is Light-Love, just like sunlight can be equated to the Sun itself.
775493 No.68373
Looks like humvees too! And shipoing containers for supplies.
Where exactly is this?
f08a6c No.68375
e5c1d9 No.68378
Plus, Q is most probably referring to the Patriots game…
"Godspeed, Patriots."
13b123 No.68379
Latest Q:
Secret Service
Hussein… We fight together???
a4ae9b No.68381
<So far we think BREAK is an acronym for the secret service nick names for people they still protect.
Really? IIRC, nobody but you has expressed agreement with your acronym theory. I have seen absolutely no support for it other than wishful thinking. Am I wrong, senpai?
325b5f No.68382
He is saying that its possible Q group has lost control of media somehow and it was not expected, which means that our enemies have gained the upper hand in this area.
But this is only one possible idea, I don't think it is the true meaning though
775493 No.68383
Triggered, lefty? Need a safe space? Someone take your blankie?
Not one person has called me a shill except you…and only after I called you, fag.
If you are just trying to piece it together, then why posting crap?
b0b28f No.68384
Well Bugger Me, nice find Digger! We gonna have to get ready for a set future, there is a plan laid out, been seein this for bit now, prepare! Croc is good tucker! Roo Too!
49a99e No.68385
ill just leave this here … PATRIOTS WE SALUTE YOU.
b5e886 No.68386
Hey, glad to be of help. Didn't pay attention to it - it was a nice picture with vibrant colours, so I posted it. The site which it came from has a TON of positive, and valid information (checked across multiple sources since 11 years and I've yet to find large false claims there).
As for your righteous hatered… i know that. Have you considered it's just hatered? See where it leads you and adjust course as neccessary. Evil is the ultimate rusemaster because it's unable to survive direct exposure to Loving Truth from our dear Creator and the many forces that serve him, some cloaked above our heads :=)
e6da7c No.68387
there is still much value in stories though. I personally have a strong belief in the truths of the monomyth. The stories between stories. Or the memes at the root of matricies.
Seek the gospels of philip and thomas.
f5f79e No.68388
patriots is a word that is also used to define those fighting for freedom.
such as those in militias, former service men/women that will still fight for freedom.
including civilians that pick up the fiht for freedom.
2bff05 No.68389
The FREEDOM stringer details 43 "connections" in a caucus - all wanting freedom. Deciphering who the connections are is the difficult part. We know from a previous Q post that UK's T May was one of them.
0c279d No.68390
God is the Light Truth and Word yo
775493 No.68391
Anyone have any other sightings of large military movements in the U.S.? Anything not standars monthly drills?
Weird how all those plane sightings last night went silent. No local news reports.
d768bc No.68392
Jesus affirmed that the Bible is the infallible, indestructible, inerrant Word of God.
The New Testament was not written until after Jesus ascended into heaven. Hence, his statements about the Bible refer to the Old Testament. But what Jesus confirmed for the Old Testament, he also promised for the New Testament.
Jesus affirmed the divine authority of the Old Testament.
Jesus and his disciples used the phrase “it is written” more than ninety times. It is usually in the perfect tense, meaning, “it was written in the past and it still stands as the written Word of God.” Often Jesus used in the sense of “this is the last word on the topic. The discussion is over.” Such is the case when Jesus resisted the temptation of the Devil.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. . . . Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Jesus said to him, It is again written, Thou shalt not tempt [the] Lord thy God. . . . Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. [Matt. 4:4, 7, 10]
This use demonstrates that Jesus believed the Bible to have final and divine authority.
24cdaf No.68393
I'm so far right you'd have to turn left 3 times to find me. No one has called you a shill yet because no one is paying attention to you. Whoever you called fag wasn't me. I just replied because I'm sick of hearing you whine. You've offered nothing to this entire post. Learn to read an ID newfag.
56f27e No.68394
Texas. Quote from uploader
"This just started yesterday that I know of most of a major Texas Texas base foot soldiers already here moved in DRILL last month I posted about it!,#THESTORM is happening'
4c503d No.68395
Wait…. 1:34-1:37 = 3
Week 14 of 17 = 3
Am I looking to far into this? I thought there was no coincidences?
03eab8 No.68396
yeah that's what I immediately thought, ringmaster has no other meaning, he was hiding money as revealed in the paradise papers too
36082c No.68397
Don't like the direction this is going. No nuke, no "sum of all fears", no crazy terrorists, no Hwood bullshit. The outcome is just too scary.
f5f79e No.68398
e6da7c No.68399
Do you know hebrew? No? Fuck off. Music for blind men.
In the words of saint Terry Davis: there are two elephants listening to music. One elephant is dancing. One is not. One is a Nigger. One is not. The elephant that is a nigger is the one who cannot hear the music being played, the one who does not dance for god.
045a3a No.68400
It is tomorrow in OZ anon
cf5d1d No.68402
True. The Memory Hole.
85e276 No.68403
or Godfather III is a marker?
2c5c99 No.68404
Has anyone been near their local National Guard Armory?
I have one near my house in SC and the place is packed. No military hardware present however I don't recall seeing so many civilian cars parked there ever.
It could simply be a drill weekend however they're parking in their satellite parking lots and even parking on the grass.
Definitively a full house and even more cars than when they are called up for hurricanes.
cd92fc No.68406
Almost 1 AM over here anons
e5c1d9 No.68407
Pretty old stuff, photo is fake.
Google: "UFO ummo"
a20527 No.68408
Right, now here's this from 9Dec
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/17 (Sat) 12:01:00 571cae No.60523
"The" vs "To."
Everything has meaning.
So substitute TO for the THE in the next to last line. Then it says:
It's About TO BREAK
971ab9 No.68409
I was only gone 3 hours what did I miss? Confirmation of tonight?
899ff4 No.68410
That's a gangbanger anon.
cf5d1d No.68412
Yes, I realized that about 2 minutes ago, but still interesting how i found that article. Was trying to see if the media slipped up and put tomorrow's news today. They do that sometimes.
f5f79e No.68414
11th-20th, been thinking thats the storm.
943b93 No.68415
this!!!!! so tomorrow. 3 zulu hrs?
e6da7c No.68416
To be fair the symbol I am seeing while EXTREMELY symbol, does have the center bar protruding out more. There seem to be other variations of the same symbol in the source text.
13b123 No.68417
God I hope so! Wouldn't it be brilliant.
As The World Turns ;-)
1f4755 No.68418
I think her toe is fine and she and McCain wore the boot as a symbol of surrender referencing Achilles heel…jmho
She asked for a deal and Q said NO! :D
i keep getting capchas with a Q anyone else?
045a3a No.68419
you're worse than a shill
645409 No.68421
>>think the upper case was for emphasis on the word, due to some frustration that the drops were not being understood. not to signify an acronym.
the focus was being directed toward the timestamps of events, qdrops and news. and it is 'the break', not 'to break'. a break is what happens between between two event times, an interval.
That is my take also, anon. Nevertheless, we've seen different meanings depending on context. At first instance, I thought it might have referenced the Christmas recess, but when we 'expand our thinking,' in light of President Trump's Pensacola rally, DJT was sending the message that the broken system we've been under for so long is being dismantled.
The status quo needs to go, it's outdated and no longer serves US. The 'break' is long overdue, we've just never had a President like #45.
81e61b No.68422
Does anyone how filtering works?
Does it just filter the userID for the current bread or filter IP?
b5e886 No.68423
Every "holy book" claims the same things.
I'm not here to prove or disprove heavenly contacts (protip: they exist, and I have experience with them). If that was a flying M&M, doesn't matter, I don't know personally. The message and the energy behind the message is what matters. First clean up your yard, then look upwards.
a37c61 No.68424
We're going to need an 8ch recovery class after this is all done
We can all it 8ch Anonymous
Get it!
See what I did there?
1f4755 No.68425
Lol u don't know many spooks I take it ;)
6f2b96 No.68426
What is this movie?
222c4f No.68427
Can you enlarge better than me? There's a reflection in the ears…
Who is this?
e5c1d9 No.68428
You're right about that, but this has more meaning.
Nothing is coincidence. Everything has meaning.
f08a6c No.68429
>>68418 me too but figure it is baader meinhof
e6da7c No.68430
*extremely similar
943b93 No.68431
so 8,30 pm est against the miami dolphins
e0a561 No.68432
donny darko , you have to watch it to get spooked into new possibilities friend
cebd0b No.68433
Patriots game, 4th quarter, commercial break, something is supposed to happen, at least that's my take on the surface.
Though I do like the BREAK acronym because it involves the queen who back in 2015 was heard saying "It will be the last Christmas" and "She knew too much" when talking about princess Di
0e90f5 No.68434
10 USC 1037: Counsel before foreign judicial tribunals and administrative agencies; court costs and bail Text contains those laws in effect on December 9, 2017
10 USC 1034: Protected communications; prohibition of retaliatory personnel actions Text contains those laws in effect on December 9, 2017>>66895
e6da7c No.68435
on further investigation it appears the symbol is Spanish in origin.
222c4f No.68437
Trump mentioned "tribunals" in his speach!!
155ba8 No.68438
"The Don JR./Wikileaks email could very easily be part of a ‘sting’. The date was intentionally seeded as incorrect. The resulting story is fake. The leak, however, is real."
65920a No.68439
But you do agree that Donald Trump is taking down the global mafia, right? And your belief is that Sorcha just happened to get it right by chance for the last couple years?
943b93 No.68440
yes yes yes this must b it. look at the shills screaming. going WILD
38198d No.68441
Aussie here and yea it's the 11th Dec down here. We're a day ahead of you.
This report doesn't surprise me. We've only had one terror attack and that was in Sydney.
I've been wondering for years why we haven't had more considering how many muslims we have plus Indonesia just north of us.
Also we are as active in the ME as the US but never really understood why we haven't been attacked.
045a3a No.68442
do it again with links so we can check your work
almost good job
cf5d1d No.68443
13b123 No.68445
Is Q implying that BO is fighting with Trump, not against?
38198d No.68446
LOL dude there aren't any Croc's down south. Roo's good but depends how you cook it.
2bff05 No.68448
Something that big would probably air on TV news stations, also. How about checking for non-MSM news online!? I imagine Fox would broadcast it without question, unlike Criminal News Network, etc.
943b93 No.68449
Q! confirm pols.
I know u r lurking.
Patriots game, 4th quarter, commercial break, something is supposed to happen,SHTF??
f5f79e No.68450
probably an announcement about BHO or HRC.
I still can't see him starting the storm when all the bad actors are out of their office.
Or, he starts early on MONDAY rounding up actors, then announces it during the game like your thinking.
cf5d1d No.68451
Wish you and other Aus Anons the best.
Australia has been buggering? the back of my mind m8 the past month. Quiet… too quiet.
d92a4e No.68452
or chemical attack
e6da7c No.68453
645409 No.68454
or Godfather III is a marker?
Nominally, I'd go with the Pope.
Temporally, it is a marker.
There were several very good posts back in the #54-60 threads where Q posted all those pics. There were anon's with various articles showing that Obama and his 'Catholic spring' took out Benedict XVI and put in NWO Bergoglio, and that Francis is the Fake Pope. There are wikileaks documents on this also.
It looks like the Deep State took out a Pope, and now are out to remove Isaiah's 45.
"Either God wins, or I die" President Trump allegedly said to Putin. The source is questionable, but the statement rings true.
9aa116 No.68455
Q later update the times in >>60660 to 1:34 and 1:37
f41feb No.68456
Huge crumb. Wear headphones. 2015 superbowl halftime BREAK. PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING.
775493 No.68457
Bible shills back. Always multi paragraph with a link at the end to pull you off this board. So obvious. Clowns are trying yo hard. Clowns are pussies.
2bff05 No.68458
Though, doesn't EBS overwrite any channels programming?!
79c819 No.68459
If afternoon, it would 13:34 and 13:37
38198d No.68460
NOOOOOOOO. Don't fall for the few anons here thinking Hussein is /ourguy/.
Q said he's EVIL and yes, HE'S EVIL.
The SS code name for Hussein is [R] Renegade which means traitor, betrayer.
He said 'they always knew'. Meaning intel always knew Hussein is a traitor.
943b93 No.68461
FUCK!!!!! remember TSOAF movie???? during Ballgame
f5f79e No.68462
tis would make sense to me.
cebd0b No.68465
Biological warfare? Hmm… would fit with the NK soldier filled with parasites not seen and the CIA bringing over something to America. Ok, I'm going off the deep end here but that video sure does fit the programming bill
96e78e No.68466
I believe this is an incorrect interpretation with the TO vs THE. I think 'the break' is referring to exposing a story, like when the news has a breaking story.
The whole purpose of the Q drops is to get us connecting dots and create memes and expose the truth to others at a peer level, instead of a top down MSM angle which people will reject.
24cdaf No.68468
I don't like it either anon. Just trying to include all variables. Stay positive and pray.
13b123 No.68469
You got that the wrong way round.
See original thread. Lurk moar
79c819 No.68470
In front of -5 or something like that
f5f79e No.68472
it was am PST when posted.
775493 No.68473
Shillfags trying but not succeeding.
Now imagine if Q just appeared here…
775493 No.68474
Ignore, the poster is a shillfag
0e90f5 No.68475
7472b3 No.68476
Ok Everyone - Hear me out
Does anyone else see the PARALLEL in last night's SNL Courtroom Skit?
What does "Za" mean // What does >PIZZA< mean
I tune in to see if they are eating any of their own or being forced to soft disclose some Upcoming INEVITABILITIES
The skit seemed to be poking fun at all the circumstantial evidence against the Pizza-Pedos
Is Podesta going down for the Madeleine McCann disappearance? Even Hillary & Huma from the Weiner Laptop videos?!!
Looking for opinions. I strongly suspect the piece was FORESHADOWING what Elite Leftists ALREADY KNOW is Coming
How AWES0ME would THAT BE?!!
Watch & let me know…its only 4 mins…THANKS!!
Pics: Very Related
Also - They threw Pelosi under the bus during Weekend Update
b0b28f No.68477
Like the nwo, down south, they into their cousins, not a fan… LOL
6f2b96 No.68478
Thanks. I'll take a look this evening.
943b93 No.68479
so tomorrow eve, 4th quarter, patriots game, during break SHTF in some way.
Q!!!! confirm dammit. WHAT is it? Fake aliens? big news? booms? WHAT???
775493 No.68480
I meant who you are replying to is a shillfag. Not you.
9064b1 No.68481
As The World Turns ( Renegade Hussein)
79c819 No.68482
so, that would put it back to 1:34 and 7
9aa116 No.68483
1:37Z would be either 8:37am (Eastern) as the original post was 13:37…
e6da7c No.68485
f08a6c No.68486
the entire Q drop included the youtube Pelosi link correct? It had a break in it showing it was flipped/mirrored at about 9:46 or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chyHx0zKQGo
b5e886 No.68487
Don't announce your reports/ignores/point fingers - report and move on.
Respond with REASON and GOOD CAUSE.
Remove your hate.
8d9c11 No.68488
2cc4e8 No.68490
1 post = 1 pray
13b123 No.68491
75fefe No.68493
interesting… this whole book is actually
Habakkuk 1:5King James Version (KJV)
Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
9aa116 No.68494
But it wouldn't be Zulu time anyway, self-durrhhh but Eastern to start with.
045a3a No.68495
>10 USC 1037
>10 USC 1037
>10 USC 1037
Law quoted says the Brass can pay for a USGI's court costs , and GI doesn't have to pay it back
no relevence
96e78e No.68496
Yeah good point. Look at the other browser tabs durring the break in the video.
96f0be No.68498
Good idea!
Possible alternatives"Fact Based News" "Reality News"
b01c2c No.68499
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/04/17 (Mon) 22:50:10 eda158 No.34323
>Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Any thoughts on this analysis? >>68471
79c819 No.68500
1694af No.68501
Why don't you go prosthelytize in the Bible/Religion thread? It does not belong here.
79c819 No.68503
b0b28f No.68505
She is TERRIFIED - Go on Hillary, do it…
I hear Jail Time in Guantanamo Bay is terrible, save the Tax pay the Money and time, go on…
88d24b No.68506
Calabrians and HA
b5e886 No.68507
It doesn't belong there. This is spirituality, the key to practical philosophy and practical mysticism. The thing that has, y'know, a use. If you use LOVE your mind is sharp and you dig well. If you use hate this place turns into 4pol. Choose your destiny.
f08a6c No.68508
It's been bugging me all day but I am a noob here and afraid to say it. I am not an autist so what do y'all see?
6310a5 No.68509
Just finished watching The Godfather lll. I think the person we are looking for is Don Luccesi. He had high connections in the Vatican and with secret cults or governments. Can’t think of who that person would be. But he was definitely connected to the Vatican bank.
75fefe No.68510
sorry. i have to ask this. how the fuck would you know what belongs here? really… give me sauce
9e7ada No.68511
You will remain with your sweet pets. Heaven isn't a place, it's a state of energy consciousness. Our planet, and our bodies are transitioning daily to the 5th dimensional consciousness of "heaven" here on Earth. We stay here. Life transforms here. Which is why we have this process of world peace underway, bad actor removal, new financial and govt systems to align
dc08ad No.68512
King David wasn't wrong, anon.
O my God, make them like the whirling dust,
Like the chaff before the wind!
14 As the fire burns the woods,
And as the flame sets the mountains on fire,
15 So pursue them with Your tempest,
And frighten them with Your storm.
16 Fill their faces with shame,
That they may seek Your name, O Lord.
17 Let them be confounded and dismayed forever;
Yes, let them be put to shame and perish,
18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord,
Are the Most High over all the earth.
36082c No.68513
222c4f No.68514
Awesome find!
b0b28f No.68515
Even better, a Clinton Funded Holiday in Guantanamo Bay For The Clinton's - What a Holiday!
7baf78 No.68516
Something gov
Stadium waterproof
Channel consultation
CNN Breaking news
Presidential debate
d45e7f No.68517
b5e886 No.68518
Whatever furthers the cause of positive people winning the Hearts of the masses and leading them to a bright bright positive future. And supporting our dear Q who may just be the catalyst to the global change we need.
7472b3 No.68519
Here's one that caught my eye
(OP will) "Eff You Q"
Isn't 8 Chan supposed to be run by non-Commie's?
e6da7c No.68520
I declare the next bread as a Christmas lasagna in the name of the holy roman empire
Im gon teach you how to make lasagna
Im gon teach you how to make lasagna
Im gon teach you how to make lasagna
adc071 No.68521
Can't tell if serious
1694af No.68522
ok I am done. Filtering ALL damn religious posts. I am not hear to learn about God. FFS
b0b809 No.68523
086b10 No.68524
According to this Pro-Football Reference website,Tom Brady has led the Patriots to 40 "comebacks" in the 4th quarter, which is second only to Peyton Manning's 45 4th quarter comebacks. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/comebacks_career.htm
Remember when Brady and Bellichek endorsed our President Trump close to the election? I remember it, because I watched the rally in Manchester, NH on the night before Election Day, and at that rally Trump read a letter from Bill B. I mention that to remind us that President Trump and the top New England Patriots are close, so it makes sense that maybe Q is referring to the USA being in the 4th quarter of a game we were losing.
President Trump is our Quarterback, and he'll give us a Brady-style comeback in the 4th Quarter. I like that the big news is supposed to break tomorrow, the day of a Patriots game, and I'd be thrilled if there were an As The World Turns-type interruption during which President Trump would give us the news of the arrests.
Either way, I'm good. I take Q's 4th Quarter Patriots comment as an encouraging one.
Oh, and as for Brady? His career, unlike Peyton Manning's, is not over yet. I suspect he will eventually top Peyton's record of 45 comebacks. Brady still has a lot of life in him, like President Trump, and there's still a lot more "WINNING" on our collective horizons, I think.
P.S. You are all doing a GREAT JOB here. I'm loving the relatively shill-free environment here, as compared to 4chan/
d45e7f No.68525
Sorry didn't cite post- Great work Anon!
a4ae9b No.68526
Sure, senpai. (We don't have TV either, nor cellular signals.)
People like you and me are going to turn on the radio and listen to a local AM or FM radio station. Or turn on XM radio in your car, whatever you have.
Read more at https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Emergency_Alert_System
Pic related.
222c4f No.68527
e6da7c No.68528
e0a561 No.68529
kek , just got this rdy
36082c No.68530
Amen brother>>68468
344409 No.68531
Ideas for next bread edition?
03eab8 No.68532
4e136c No.68533
All religion, mysticism, enlightment, and other topics aside, I just want to see evil brought to task for their crimes against the citizens of the US. And I want to see it begin tomorrow, Monday December 11, 2017.
e6da7c No.68534
2c5c99 No.68535
Tired fag here and unsure if this has been discussed.
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.
"The" vs "To."
Everything has meaning.
Changing "the" to "to" =
It's about to BREAK
Granted it has nothing to do with the >>60476 which was the Linkin Park / RIP Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell post.
943b93 No.68536
6f2b96 No.68537
??? What movie? What ballgame? When?
b5e886 No.68538
Yay! Hi there. Help me with seeding this great information you have, I'm pretty much alone here.
Religion != spirituality.
Heh, your post cracked me up. Indeed, one is hard-pressed to remove spirituality from his everyday life, even in this hell-bent world that strips it left, right and center. It still shines through.
b47a95 No.68539
4th Quarter Patriots edition
371649 No.68540
Your post just rang mad warning bells something that's bothered me since the started the project.
344409 No.68541
Christmas lasagna edition?
9e7ada No.68542
Use discernment here, but Hussein still looks like the President of the Shadow govt. Dina Powell, HR McMaster removal vid 4 mins
fe48cc No.68544
Careful Baker this ID's lasagna kinda smells like VQC
f5f79e No.68545
don't think that's it, but what ever.
516c49 No.68546
i keep getting them past hour when I should only every few hours…weird
0f4d22 No.68547
Trump is also flying back to DC from Florida.
cebd0b No.68548
That AARP commercial is bugging me more after reading the comments.
There is a picture of a woman in a green shirt and lamp that looks like the helm at 0:43, is that supposed to be foreshadowing Operation Jade Helm? Because I recall obummer making fun of "conspiracy theorists" who referring to OJH as something bigger than just an exercise
1d8e2c No.68549
i found something
and i think it also confirms
that keystone is all about analytics
P OTUS opened the door of all doors.
E xpand your thinking.
W hat is the keystone?
00261a No.68550
b5e886 No.68551
I'd like a Bright Positive Future edition. Just a personal wish, as christmas is more a business period than anything else, or at best a time for temporary pretending to be spiritual just to return to old habits (with a bang if you celebrate new year by detonating things) when it passes.
49a99e No.68552
086b10 No.68553
344409 No.68554
[R]eneGAYED Edition?
[R]eneGITMOED Edition?
13b123 No.68555
Evil agreed. Just expanding thinking as renegade works both ways. Plus Q posted who protects R? Who protects W/HC? Did he mean the same, as is SS for both?
045a3a No.68556
add Mathew 6:6 to the top
e0ce98 No.68557
When football team comes out of huddle doesn't the QB yell "ready…break"?
4e136c No.68558
Except it's not a comeback. We're winning. And we'll keep winning.
943b93 No.68559
The Sum of all fears… nuke in Stadium. during game. reference iof Q.
and because ge said Patriots and BREAK i figured.. tomnorrow is a patriots game. at 8,30 PM est… he also mentioned 4th quarter. so SHTF tomorrow, during patriots game (IN MIAMI) during break 4th quarter.
and shills started cursing right away
e528fc No.68560
Memory hole? How about 2……
086b10 No.68561
Hey, Anon, do you have a link to the Hussein AIDS video you mentioned? Thank you in advance. If not, no problem, either. Thanks
222c4f No.68562
As in the "break" at the game on Monday! Patriots game!
96f0be No.68563
I thought GIII is the Pope, but this Wikileaks article may help in further digging into the financial angle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banco_Ambrosiano
f5f79e No.68565
it's not shrilling if there is holes that can punch though your theory.
4fd192 No.68569
I am not following how we got the break to apply to a football game.
How does this work?
4bcc3d No.68570
Is that why theirs a private refueling tanker? Q did mention something about not refueling in air and landing in Hawaii to refuel after leaving Asia! Was/is their an aerial refueling threat!
3bae59 No.68572
That’s…. really scary.. and it’s not like we can warn players or those going to watch because we are not “for sure” that’s what it’s about.. but damn if it comes true..
b47a95 No.68573
The "To" vs "Us" edition
77beb3 No.68575
b47a95 No.68577
Meant to say "TO" vs "THE" edition
54275b No.68578
All channels broadcasting EBS. Not just ESPN.
943b93 No.68579
i fucking posted FIVE 5 times now.
PATRIOTS GAME TOMORROW 8.30 est 4th quarter. BREAK
344409 No.68580
086b10 No.68581
I have a question: Does anyone have a suggestion for posting photos on here that do not have metadata in them? I have some pics from a hand-held camera (not a smart phone) that I want to post, but I don't want anyone to see the metadata in the pics. I'd rather make sure that there isn't any metadata at all, so if anyone has a suggestion or two, I'm all ears. Thanks, anons.
4e136c No.68582
New bread required, immediately!!
cf5d1d No.68583
The game will be at:
Hard Rock Stadium
347 Don Shula Drive, Miami, FL 33056
I sure hope were wrong.
03eab8 No.68584
943b93 No.68585
tell that 2 my assHOLE
4e136c No.68587
Whew!! There you are - THANKS!!!
9aa116 No.68588
GIMP is your friend.
b01c2c No.68591
Not how I interpret it.
Here's the context:
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:07:59 No.150517837
>U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRAN/NK
>Where did it end up?
>What was the purpose?
>The world cannot handle the truth.
>This pill cannot be swallowed by most.
>Risk in painting this picture.
My guess is that there was supposed to be a nuclear FF to kick of WWIII.
HRC losing the election, and the current operations in progress, have cancelled that.
Further, telling the truths about "the cult," the Clowns (and thus long-term US involvement)
might also leads to Armageddon.
So, the full "truth" may not be revealed for a long while.
e0a561 No.68592
open and screencap it ?
2c5c99 No.68593
AF1 does not require refueling between Florida and DC.
943b93 No.68594
we dont know what "IT" is. cud b a GREAT announcement by DJT
Q… help us out here pls.
13b123 No.68598
Q confirms The Break
Q corrects >> 60476
5bcf6d No.68599
Its about "THE" break!
Maybe trump is going to have a skeleton crew working during the Break to pass some laws that wouldn't be passable if all the Congressmen were working.