9a4224 No.61078
Meme Depository #2
One of /cbts/'s primary missions is memes (per Q) to redpill the normies. We want to coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics will differ, depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Backlink --> Meme thread #1 >>2 containing over 500 memes.
Meme Droppers --> Select memes from >>2 and here. (Click to open fullsize image, right click to download or save image to your device). Plant appropriate memes on social media. Twitter, Gab, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Blogs, News articles that allow comments, mainstream-type places where normies hangout, slightly-off-mainstream places, etc. Know your audience!
If seeking memes on specific topics, try a browser word search on this page. I'm trying to give each image a human-readable name indicating the broad topic, e.g. Fake News, Hillary, Obama, Trump, Rothschild, etc. The images aren't cataloged by topic yet.
Meme Autists --> Meme hard, meme FUNNY! Deposit your memes on the current General thread OR here. Either way is hunky dory; they will end up here. Beware of possible subliminal images concealed in movie posters and other commercial art that you might select for background. Subliminals are everywhere and hard to detect; they can implant concepts/emotions in viewers that subvert our message. WE are the calm before the storm. STAY COMFY!
Guerilla Twitter Tactics
> Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>12832
< Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>12832
> Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>12832
An excellent tutorial from someone who works Twitter to the max. Recommended reading!
How Memes Get Here --> MemeHarvesterAnon grabs memes from current General threads and posts them here for perusal. (Usually I'm a couple of threads behind. Halfchan memes are not here yet. If you kept memes from halfchan, please post them here.)
Also of interest:
Infographics thread >>10
Communication tactics >>54386, >>54454
More tactics from >>59190
1) Aliens
2) "Energy" fields
3) Hollow earth
4) Metaphysics
5) Religions pantheons
6) Moloch / Satan / Saturn
7) Chemtrails
8) Crop circles
9) Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland
10) Chakras
11) Reptiloids
because normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.
Instead focus on:
1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children!
A different redpill technique from >>59208
Explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, pedostas, etc. Then, right as the person starts to get incredulous with disbelief, tell them to google "tony podesta art".
They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm.
Some of these images are powerful ... others perhaps less so... Anons, use your good judgment! Meme-harvester casts a broad net with minimal filtering. The filtering responsibility is on each of us.
9a4224 No.61405
Memes #1 thread >>2 contains over 1399 images. The image count at the bottom of that page "706 replies | 667 images" is incorrect.
Multiple x4 the image count at the bottom of this page to estimate how many images are here.
Looks like it's a software bug on the board, counting the number of posts with images rather than the actual number of images.
9a4224 No.62045
How to Meme for newbies >> 62025
Helpful software at https://kek. gg/draw.html
Thanks, anon!
9a4224 No.62600
https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
This link contains 1,399 memes and images from Meme Thread #1 >>2.
Zip file is 419.4 MB and will unzip to 424.2 MB.
Many of the images are named with a topic, such as Trump, MSM, Fake News, Q, Obama, Hillary, etc. They are not cataloged by topic yet but after unzipped you may sort the directory alphabetically as a rough sort by category.
Meme away!
9a4224 No.62642
Bulk Image Download
available for 1,399 images from Memes #1 thread - see >>62600
244677 No.63223
It's a programmer joke, apparently.
c3b1f2 No.63572
Can we get this one added?
Its taking off on Twitter pretty good
9a4224 No.63608
Did I miss that one? Here you go. I was sure it had been harvested and posted here. There have been a few uploads that seemed to hang…
349fc2 No.64093
plz add to memes:)
9a4224 No.64227
9df512 No.64234
Feedback requested to guide further improvements.
9a4224 No.64348
OK, Take a look at the various images above. Some of them can be read as thumbnails. (Large text, plainly contrasting with the image.)
One rule of thumb is minimize the number of words. This requires some creativity with language. Pick ONE major thought and express it simply and forcefully.
If you can't get the idea across in one phrase, maybe make a suite of related memes.
Think about highway signs. They get your attention and are readable from a great distance away, even if you aren't looking directly at them. The text is big.
Now take scan the images above again, paying attention to the background images. Do colors grab your attention? How about composition – areas of strong contrast, not the details "what it's a picture of" but rather, the big picture as you would perceive it from a distance. Suppose somebody sees the meme on their phone buried in a string of comments. Which one stands out? Which one is drab or ill-conceived and your eye passes over it?
I'm not an artist myself, just a longtime graphics tinkerer, but the work of some good artists can be found here and is worth studying with a critical eye to learn how they achieve those great results.
When I glance at your image as a thumbnail from afar, what I notice are two blueish rectancles with annoyingly small writing, covering up some kind of cluttered darkish background. (You asked for feedback…)
Good background imagery grabs the viewer's emotions instantly. For example recognizable face with a strange expression. I like to scan a lot of facial images and pick one that fits the words I have in mind.
That was long…sorry. Hope it helps, Anon.
9df512 No.64416
lots of details, thanks! I will try again, gimme a few minutes
9df512 No.64444
Better? Moar tips?
770563 No.64946
Have you seen that video of the WTC towers burning up and falling in hyper speed?
Could somebody overly a pic of Larry Silverstein in the top corner and the text "Larry Silverstein's payout"
And then a counter that's counting up at hyper speed to the final amount he was paid out from the insurance and airlines?
Bonus if you add animations and text colors changing, and confetti and a happy Larry at the end when the towers fall.
Then we will unleash that on Twitter.
We need to show these people's utter lack of empathy.
9a4224 No.65825
Quads checked!
That is an outstanding improvement. You are a fast learner. Keep it up.
High five, Anon!
349fc2 No.65980
please add to memes, thank you!
349fc2 No.65982
please add to memes
9a4224 No.66027
I'm in A.M. catchup mode again a couple threads behind. Says it's already here but I don't see it. Had to change a pixel. Posted.
349fc2 No.66124
▶Anonymous (You) 12/10/17 (Sun) 08:33:18 744211 No.66121
File (hide): f9f5318b2cf2a44⋯.png (517.04 KB, 806x801, 806:801, redcross.double.cross.png) (h) (u)
just saw this meme online.
made me think of Red Red.
Red Cross/Double Cross needs to be memed if anyone is available:)
349fc2 No.66127
sorry, here's the link to the Red Cross/Double Cross meme idea
double cross meme
9a4224 No.66231
Tactics >>59190
Podesta art method >>59208
Shock and awe method >>65924
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons.
349fc2 No.66343
this! please add (i just grabbed all these off the general thread; don't think they've been posted in the meme thread yet)
9a4224 No.66351
I am grinding through the General one thread at a time in chronological order. Currently in #75 & will continue to harvest methodically. Thanks Anon.
9a4224 No.66465
Meme the shit out of these phrases
from Trump's Pensacola speech, anons.
6ded33 No.66600
Stole your idea because I wanted to add "Children's Parties" to it. Hope is okay, anon.
9a4224 No.66734
OK got em all now.
9a4224 No.67018
9d5092 No.67643
Pic2 = MAGA cap 'cut out' template - not v big but feel free to use.
45e6c1 No.67861
Let’s get ourselves elected!!!
9a4224 No.67978
Bill Clinton's Brain animated GIF is a bit sexually suggestive, not appropriate for kids or work.
c4a6ae No.68143
see what you can do with theese
9df512 No.68156
17a8b5 No.68611
Spirituality != religions
349fc2 No.69546
meme request if any anons are available tomorrow, with suggestions provided for phrasing re. tax change and Rothschild's losing debt control over us.
6aa59f No.69846
I broke my memes, so far, into categories: Deception Series; Deep State Series; Arkancide Series; and Mars Series. Helps me keep track of what I'm doing.
6aa59f No.69891
Shared my category suggestions below. But I only counted 2 of my memes here in this compilation and I've posted 12 in the last few days. Did you hate them?
349fc2 No.69950
hey, i'm just a meme anon – i just post, don't review or organize anything. address a post to OP and see if you get a response!
45e6c1 No.70018
Just some more #publicofficechallenge memes
93d140 No.70498
Looking for suggestions on how to explain the fed's pyramid scheme in a way normies can understand.
9df512 No.70502
these are good. nice.
9df512 No.70539
wow, is that pelosi? awesome.
6035b9 No.70601
5fdc0b No.71308
You're quick anon!
ff9504 No.71785
Punch a Nazi stopped by Shoot a Commie. >>71464
ff9504 No.71797
Faces of Rape Culture - Gonna get his Schiff pushed in edition
349fc2 No.72287
PLEASE add to Schiff memes. These are some of the best, pulled them from General Thread and don't see them here. Thx!
9a4224 No.72340
>>70018 Adding search keys
9a4224 No.72346
Working on it. Harvester is awake and on the job. I'm 9 hours behind and will catch up in next few hours.
349fc2 No.72362
plz add to memes:)
9a4224 No.72376
9a4224 No.72412
Adding search tags
Sleazy Schiff
Traitor Schiff
9a4224 No.72424
adding search tags
9a4224 No.72444
9a4224 No.72475
Fires, CA fires, California, Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, laser
9a4224 No.72488
tags 911, 9-11, WTC, Rumsfeld
9a4224 No.72618
Traitor Schiff, Sleazy Schiff
9a4224 No.72652
This post is not a flood, do not block HarvesterAnon from posting.
Search tags Sleazy Schiff, Traitor Schiff,
a654e6 No.72754
Sleazy Schiff
Traitor Schiff
a654e6 No.72870
Sleazy Schiff
Traitor Schiff
a654e6 No.72971
Sleazy Schiff
Traitor Schiff
9a4224 No.73006
Sleazy Schiff
Traitor Schiff
9a4224 No.73009
Traitor Schiff
Sleasy Schiff
9a4224 No.73024
Not a flood.
search tags Traitor Schiff, Sleazy Schiff
e603ac No.73270
This is my first time posting. I am new here. I hope I'm doing this right and in the right place. I made a meme and wanted to share it.
9a4224 No.73296
That's fine, Anon. Hint: Give the meme a title that is searchable text words. Or type some text next to the image that people can search for. Fireworks, False Flag, somethin like that.
e603ac No.73310
9a4224 No.73366
Sealed indictments
Clowns in America
false flag
Times Square bomber
349fc2 No.73378
to the anon asking about meme organization!
9a4224 No.73427
>>73418 Not Frank Giustra, do you mean Epstein (Lolita Express, St. James "Pedo" Island? I'm not sure Poison Dwarf is accurate, Anon.
9a4224 No.74127
I don't get it. Mind explaining your concept for this image?
b07285 No.74452
He looks like a campbell soup boi.
ff9504 No.74479
It's not a meme because a meme makes a simple point with an image and a small amount of text. What you have there is an infographic, which puts fragments together in an easy to follow way. That's good too, it has its place. Keep making those.
9a4224 No.74497
NYC terrorist, Times Square suicide bomber, Sebastian Gorka, patriot
9a4224 No.75078
terrorist attack NYC thwarted false flag
5fbe1e No.75367
minerva and moloch are backwards
d533c0 No.75592
I lack the meme magic, but could someone inspired make one about the Seven Goddess cult that brought down the head of South Korea and Sony? People will think it's crazy to believe wives are in some cult, but it was documented in South Korea in respectable news outlets.
9a4224 No.75645
Memes through about #558 on this thread are in this zip file.
https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
When downloaded and unzipped, sort alphabetically to a rough sort-by-topic.
As always, use your own discretion to decide what is appropriate for posting in different venues.
Stay comfy, Anons, and memes away!!!
9a4224 No.75654
When downloaded and unzipped, sort alphabetically for a rough sort-by-topic.
062393 No.75989
Can I post a meme request? Both relevant Q posts from last night about NYC false flag today next to the kebab on the ground with his cock blasted off, with a watermarked Trump laughing behind him. Maybe add the CIA symbol for his head and tears. I'd make this myself but I'm almost 100% sure I'm a mouth breathing neanderthal.
1440d8 No.76335
349fc2 No.76362
thx, anon. the thread looks amazing!
1440d8 No.76392
Awesome BDT graphic!!
what an evil wink…do we know who she was winking at? relates to Schiff?
1440d8 No.76411
Trump is always pointing out his SMA appointee…who is she? Not KM anymore!
1440d8 No.76414
Oops! Meant SBA. Correction!
1440d8 No.76492
Linda McMahon
Wow! She cleaned up the WWE, she was CEO for a while, involved for almost 30 yrs.
Then went into politics:
3c20e8 No.77551
Trump to Pope just before the pic is snapped..
349fc2 No.80175
9a4224 No.80235
9a4224 No.80353
>>80344 Fix the spelling --> GillibranD
349fc2 No.80421
OP will you plz delete this post? i had an error in the spelling, corrected one below. thx.
9a4224 No.80641
>>80344 Thank you for the corrected one. My ability to delete posts here has sometimes worked and sometimes not. Today, not. The OP password is in a cookie? and that cookie is gone? There is no form for me to input my password either. Baffled. We march on.
8fb469 No.80791
+It's George Soros time+
Our orders are given to us in varying degrees of clarity. Yesterday, we got one of our clearest messages yet:
We have a special place for George Soros.
I propose the strategic objective of making George Soros into a public pariah of historic proportions, rather than just the bugaboo of conservative insiders. You may know the Brits have their annual Guy Fawkes Day, commemorating the bastard who centuries ago nearly pulled off the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the entire English government.
They cut that fucker to pieces and every November they burn him in effigy.
Today in America, we have a man who funds a plot to destroy our Constitution and our nation, every bit as mortal a threat as Guy Fawkes. Actually Soros is worse because his reach is vastly larger than a pile of exposives could create. Our mission should be to make Soros our historic scoundrel, the man who tried to destroy America.
We must do this intelligently: Don't threaten Soros or promote violence. Don't get yourself in trouble or get our beloved chan shut down.
But put that motherfucker in an orange jumpsuit. Put him in Leavenworth or Gitmo. Create images of Soros that become as iconic as the familiar ones of the Rosenbergs and Charlie Manson.
9a4224 No.81008
>>80791 Good suggestions, Anon.
9a4224 No.81309
content tags: Slave cult brand, Gillibrand
6efd85 No.81607
Meme maker needed.
Use Rockefeller's entire post as the image with header/ footer with message like this:
"Dear New Yorkers, Did you know you have a King making decisions for you?"
bf6674 No.81632
I already made one with his P.S .>>78903
I got you covered on that one too.
6efd85 No.81675
Wording for the iceberg pic?
Hidden danger posed by the Deep State
6efd85 No.81702
suggestion: make one with "uninformed" replacing "stupid". Love the image. Understand the sentiment, but stupid causes backlash just like "deplorables" did.
6efd85 No.81725
9a4224 No.81729
Fine, but Harvester has no idea who created most of these. I create/modify a few but don't have time/ability to track down all OC autists.
6efd85 No.81738
9a4224 No.81760
>Harvester has no idea who created most of these.
6efd85 No.81771
Never looked at Fed. Reserve seal. Coupla observations 1. Eagle is crushing the roof of our house. 2. Bird is crouched-taking a dump on everyone not in their clubhouse.
6efd85 No.81776
Understood. Thanks for all you are doing. A terrific collection.
9a4224 No.81921
Thank you, Anon. It is one person mainly. A few Anons post their own and I harvest them too for the zip files. When we moved to fullchan I saw nobody was doing this, and it was really needed, so assigned myself a job. It sucks that I can't be digging or stay at the leading edge of the General thread, but I am really happy there's a way I can contribute. I don't do social media bc privacy concerns so I can't be out there dropping memes.
I LOVE your picture and it makes me really Comfy!
9a4224 No.81936
Marina is so fucking sickening.
9a4224 No.82397
Meme threads
--> #1 >>2 with ~1400 images from CBTS General #1-Dec 9
Zip file is 419.4 MB, unzips to 424.2 MB. Download may take over an hour.
https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip >>62600
--> #2 >>61072 over 550 images - Dec 9-12, 2017 - unzips to 200 MB
https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip >>75645
--> Part 2B, 206 more images from Memes #2 - 69Mb - https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
Infographs --> >>10 (some duplicated in Meme threads)
9a4224 No.82467
Zip 2A available, 69 MB >>82397
349fc2 No.83076
048a3d No.83099
Anyone have anything good to add to this?
349fc2 No.83156
i've asked anons on the general board -
1st response:
>>83137 (You)
The Kenyan fucked it for you.
9a4224 No.83169
Darn it. Some of these are from all over the place. My methodical harvesting got disrupted by IRL etc. Well back on track soon hopefully.
9a4224 No.84493
These are hot. Good work Anon.
9a4224 No.84780
Thanks Anon. All of these are already in the memes/images collection.
bf6674 No.84789
9a4224 No.84792
Please identify both persons in Let's Bounce. I'm not hip to pop culture.
Please identify the Family History man – Jeb Bush?
bf6674 No.84809
Youre hella welcome, you deserve a shout out too, even if an unsung hero. Keep up the good work! I can pump out up to 20 a day sometimes so I mostly only post mine here to save you the trouble :)
bf6674 No.84816
Hillary's stooges, Jay-Z and Beyonce, and Bush's brother, Jeb :)
9a4224 No.84872
Anon, can you combine these 2 into a meme…?
9a4224 No.85622
>>85059 What's the point? Who is this person and what's the significance of the yellow arrow? Does it pertain to current news or something? Explain please, anon.
bf6674 No.85872
When you get a chance can you grab these and bring them over?
9a4224 No.85943
No, these are not going to come over. Board Owner rejects. >>85375 >>85684
Please delete those off the thread for now. You can hold onto them in case they become appropriate at a future time.
Sorry Anon. They do not help Q's cause.
bf6674 No.86024
I was using the snowflake thing against them but hey, whatever BO says goes. Thanks though
3c4229 No.87051
went on a treasure hunt and found this…
d6e02e No.87651
349fc2 No.87761
Meme Anons, in light of Q's 12/12 posts, how about we focus on making some inspirational memes re. jobs, the economy, unity, helping the Black communities around the nation?
Q said:
Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D’s have on the black pop.
Why is this relevant?
Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
These people are stupid.
You are safe.
Have faith.
7e8ee1 No.87912
Dear Anon, thanks for the memes!
I need to explain one thing for your understanding, OK? We are not to mention 8chan to the normies. They would not like it here, they would not get it here, and an influx of normies would really mess up the team's ability to deliver. Can you delete the two mentioning 8chan please?
f47f41 No.88141
Fusion gps and peepee dossier
7e8ee1 No.88482
Anon, do NOT use material directly screencapped from 8ch for external distribution. You can type in the text without the headers and other 8ch-revealing info. Please delete "It's a Trap".
7e8ee1 No.88484
Please proof-read your text. THESEE is not correct spelling. Embarrassing!
146928 No.89036
Need inspirational memes re. jobs, the economy, unity, helping the Black communities around the nation.
We have plenty of negativity memes justifiably criticizing wrongs. Now we need to start also making positivity memes uplifting, encouraging, pointing out good things that have come since President Trump's election.
Q said:
Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D’s have on the black pop.
Why is this relevant?
Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
These people are stupid.
You are safe.
Have faith.
146928 No.89143
Click the all-blue image to see a short animated video – Hillary: It's My Turn, I should have Won. Well done Anon.
146928 No.89532
Bulk Image Download
--> Part 2C, 206 more images from #2 Dec 12. Unzips to 69 Mb.
https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
If you are downloading these sequentially,
here are the prior zip files:
--> Memes #1 >>2 ~1400 images from CBTS General from #1-Dec 9
419.4 MB, unzips to 424.2 MB. Download may take over an hour.
https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip >>62600
--> Memes #2[A] >>61072 ~550 images from Dec 9-12, 2017. Unzips to 200 Mb.
https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip >>75645
--> Memes 2B, 206 more images from #2. Unzips to 69 Mb.
https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
Some filtering by the user is required.
After unzipping to your local device, try sorting alphabetically for a rough sort-by-category or sort by date for a rough sort-by-timeline.
146928 No.90526
Anon, please delete Fear and Loathing. That is not an appropriate image. Thanks.
146928 No.90532
Anon, please delete Hello Goys image. That is not appropriate for the purposes of CBTS.
bf6674 No.90620
Hunter S Thompson was implicated in the Franklin cover up scandal, the original Pizza Gate of 1989. Please stop micro managing my red pills and let me do my job, thank you.
a6902c No.91598
Thanks for the meme without words. As a user and not a maker, a really good meme can be used many times without words. I can post the words to fit the discussion. Appreciate what you have done guys. You are awesome.
a7becb No.91952
These are AWESOME Memes!! Love the Blues Clues; Thank you!
146928 No.91980
--> Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
-->More Tactics >>59190
-->Podesta art shock method >>59208
-->Another shock and awe method >>65924
-->Communication tactics >>54386, >>54454
-->Redpill method >>87100
-->Start small, plant seeds >>90725
-->Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves >>90948
Anons, do post other redpill methods that have been successful for you.
146928 No.92470
349fc2 No.92534
any anon want to make some memes out of this pic? its gloria vanderbilt (mother of anderson cooper), young anderson, and his brother who died (jumped off the high rise balcony when very young, apparently). the artwork is satanic for sure and would probably need to be blown up as an insert so everyone can see it.
happy meming!
ideas from anons are linked in the pic
349fc2 No.92540
Anonymous (You) 12/13/17 (Wed) 21:47:06 b18f25 No.92413>>92418 >>92428 >>92432 >>92437 >>92459 >>92460 >>92503 >>92505 >>92510>>92515
File (hide): fb74944b9d36e91⋯.png (963.86 KB, 600x830, 60:83, gloriavan.andersoncoop.png) (h) (u)
Anons, give me some ideas for turning this into a meme (it's anderson cooper and gloria vand. and dead brother) under the satanic altar/art thing.
349fc2 No.92541
live links for meme suggestions below
fcb6c9 No.94960
Wow great observation about the 4 fingers only! Also the alter above the bed is super creepy.
In those pictures I noticed when she is on the bed with the kids and they are in red with the red blanket is is symbolic of blood and it is like blood is dripping from the bed at the corner.
The picture with the large painting on it's own shows a baby boy hanging on the wall under a cross. Notice the Sinatra book on the chair.
With the cut out beauty pageant girl behind cooper shows they are into children also.
The pictures reveal who and what they are only if you get it and recognize it.
To me they fully show they sacrifice children by the boy on the wall, girl behind Cooper and then the blood of the children and coming off the bed. In plain sight.
146928 No.95016
Anderson Cooper CNN Operation Mockingbird. His mother Gloria Vanderbilt. The other child is Anderson's brother who is deceased.
fd46e4 No.95097
What. The. Fuck.
These people are sick.
146928 No.95101
Revolting, isn't it. Occult means hidden. We need to shine light on their hidden secrets, cautiously so that normies can gradually wake up to the horror.
349fc2 No.95108
Baby Boo Boo was HUGE with all age groups . . . check out Q's latest posts and create memes questioning if BBB was a boy/boy-girl and Anderson Cooper's ties w/ her disappearance.
I'm not sure what the General Board has concluded, if anything, about the pic & drops Q left last night, so you might want to check there.
349fc2 No.95118
When meming A.Cooper, try to refer to him as "Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper" – (((they))) are trying their hardest to keep this fact from the public.
146928 No.95145
Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper's mom worshipped Satan
John Kerry skull and bones Long Devil
John Podesta pizzagate goat skull
146928 No.95151
Thanks. I'd probably know that if I were harvesting in the current thread. I'm in #103 from 10 hours ago and don't want to miss anything there!
2358f8 No.95590
This is what it says on the left door of the doll house:
(in red handwriting)
"Then I'll stand outside the Doll House
looking in at Them - because I'll BE the one who's BIG and they'll be the ones who are tiny.
They'll belong to me - All of THEM - and STAY Right where I want THEM to be - for EVER and EVER and EVER."
Notice the three little girls lined up against the wall in the lower right, and the girl looking into the mirror.
2 giant eyeballs on the top of the house with a doll in the middle - "Around and Around".
these people ARE very sick in the head.
2358f8 No.95592
weird text is repeated on both doors
146928 No.96156
Hillary toe amputated? Penance for satanic cult? Lynn de Rothschild "penance" tweet?
146928 No.97034
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61072
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
-->#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. 420Mb, unzips to 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
-->2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. Unzips to 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip >>75645
-->2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. Unzips to 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
-->2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. Unzips to 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
-->2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. Unzips to 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
146928 No.97149
>>97042 Anon, please correct spelling of "anything" on TRUMP poster. Not "anthing." Sorry to be spelling nazi, but careless text errors are unimpressive for our cause.
Thank you /Harvester/
146928 No.97170
>>96933 These four are excellent, Anon. Thank you.
146928 No.97229
>>97170 These 4 are all very powerful IMO.
e1b905 No.97411
Omarosa got caught trolling Comment Sections of News Articles with Trumps Twatter sign in. An Anon caught this on previous thread day before.
349fc2 No.98787
Q alert was requested in general thread
146928 No.100487
Redpill idea from Anon >>99067
If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:
>1. Humour
Comedy just sticks. Most anon came to the chans for the funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like bert and ernie) or highly actual/big events (like 911); and start combining shit.
>2. Mystery
Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. You need to make people think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea. My previous post is such an example.
Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.
146928 No.100525
From #112.
These images are dreadful. However they may be needed as proof of MK-ULTRA type mind control and personality fragmentation practiced by the evil satanist elites.
146928 No.100564
File: c9a4452b11bdab8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 930x874, 465:437, Podesta horrific art colle….png)

File: 3e9da1e220ff9c9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 381.92 KB, 574x878, 287:439, Podesta horrific art colle….png)

From #112 Anons, if you're emotionally tender, may want to avoid looking at Podesta's art collection; these two depict child victims before bad things are done.
146928 No.100709
File: af48532b44240e1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 1332x1222, 666:611, Vanderbilts pool like Pode….png)

From #112 Vanderbilt's pool is similar to the Podesta pedo trophy "art" so I'm marking it spoiler, view at your own risk. There's no explicit gore or sex, just kids tied up.
146928 No.102106
Thanks Anons! Our mission hasn't changed – dig, meme and redpill. And you Anons get it. Godspeed.
488903 No.102171
Entry level stuff that facezombies can accept
146928 No.102977
Harvester has no idea what the Blum thing is. Hopefully the Anon who made those memes knows the relevance.
146928 No.103584
File: 9008b42ad836f1c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.49 KB, 639x479, 639:479, Podesta Tony art collectio….jpg)

File: 3517cb0723565ee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 76.41 KB, 600x740, 30:37, Podesta Tony art collectio….jpg)

File: 459549fd31570d4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 128.13 KB, 1106x737, 1106:737, Podesta Tony art collectio….jpg)

4 images from Tony Podesta's personal art collection. No blood, gore or overt sex, but these images are deeply disturbing and truly gruesome, with grotesque anatomical features. If you are tender emotionally I suggest do not look at them. They could haunt your nightmares.
146928 No.103637
File: 7c9c205c7c13144⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Tony Podestas art collecti….jpg)

File: eb40684c7ca96b2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 42.31 KB, 1000x300, 10:3, Tony Podestas art collecti….jpg)

File: 21f6ffc8cb633f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 134.89 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, Tony Podestas art collecti….jpg)

4 images from Tony Podesta's personal art collection. No blood, gore or overt sex, but these images are deeply disturbing and truly gruesome, with grotesque anatomical features. Naked human-animal chimeras seeming to do things to little children.
If you are tender emotionally I suggest not viewing them. They could haunt your nightmares. I wish I hadn't seen them.
Pray, Anons. Put on the whole armor of God and ask Him to cleanse your heart, mind, and memory of disturbing images, and keep you on His path now and forevermore, in the name of His son Christ Jesus. Amen.
146928 No.104310
These are powerful, anon. You're on a roll!
146928 No.104399
More images of a newborn or full-term fetus in a culinary context with people munching. Don't open if you have tender feelings.
af2388 No.104460
From symbolism their downfall will be..
bf6674 No.104486
I went back and forth with a few different ways. Thanks, changed!
146928 No.104558
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078 <Yeah, I gave you the wrong one before. My bad!
Infographs >>10 <Harvester is not keeping these up at all. Are you folks with the spider diagrams putting them into infographs >>10 ?
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. 420Mb, unzips to 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. Unzips to 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. Unzips to 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. Unzips to 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. Unzips to 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. Unzips to 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip
40b2a8 No.104651
The Franken pic is hilarious!
146928 No.104667
Yeah it is. Funny is good! Michelle (Michael) is a trannie and has a male package. I don't see how that isn't obvious to the whole world. It's been obvious to us for near 8 years.
ce7458 No.104981
349fc2 No.105187
Anderson is the younger boy, you have the arrow going to the one who committed suicide at age 23 (the older brother).
349fc2 No.105192
>Anderson Cooper is the younger boy, you have the arrow going to the one who committed suicide at age 23 (the older brother).
146928 No.105201
>>105196 I don't get the Reagans 'Abortions' one. I have no idea what the point is or how it relates to Ronald and Nancy Reagan. But I suppose you know what you are doing, Anon……
146928 No.106547
“Our cities should not be sanctuaries for criminals — they should be sanctuaries for Americans….” @POTUS
146928 No.107782
Latest zip file is 2f.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip
→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip
→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip
→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip
→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip
→2f 183 images from #2 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip
146928 No.107809
Meme concept:
2-pane image
Left | Right
Predators | Prey
Not sure what images to pick for left side. Identifiable people of elites/illuminati? Generic or cartoonish predator?
Right side: normies, regular-lookin people going about their lives, children.
Autists, can this be done? Is this a good idea or not? I don't feel like I have the art skills to do it myself.
146928 No.108142
>>108120 What does the white dog head with horn-shaped ears signify? How is that a meme, and why would posting it on social media accomplish anything that helps Q?
// blank stare //
146928 No.108710
Chicago murder rate, what the hell is wrong with Chicago, Trump Quantico speech
146928 No.108745
Hillary Clinton
fetal blood
fetus blood
infant blood
these people are sick
146928 No.108954
Hillary: I feel nauseous. Podesta better hurry with my infant blood shake.
146928 No.109387
Welcome to Chicago. Next exit guns, ammo, booty.
Gannett publications and media; we control your news.
146928 No.109791
meat from Planned parenthood
Planned parenthood butcher party appetizer try
146928 No.110109
When this bread is full, please begin using Memes #3 >>>/cbts/107604
>New MEMES bread
<New MEMES bread
>New MEMES bread
<New MEMES bread
146928 No.110275
When this bread is full, please begin using Memes #3
>New MEMES bread
<New MEMES bread
>New MEMES bread
<New MEMES bread