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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 195ba203d72c4fe⋯.jpeg (10.56 KB, 255x151, 255:151, CBTS.jpeg)

10fe8c No.59969

Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads' conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.

1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media

2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.

3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.

4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating

5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.

6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

Recent Past Threads' Archive Links

45. >>>/cbts/40081 -> https://archive.fo/ERSfF

46. >>>/cbts/41002 -> https://archive.fo/4b9MD

47. >>>/cbts/41913 -> https://archive.fo/oBS4j

48. >>>/cbts/42972 -> https://archive.fo/zTcVL

49. >>>/cbts/43833 -> https://archive.fo/vIySZ

50. >>>/cbts/44736 -> https://archive.fo/Lmxw2

51. >>>/cbts/45641 -> https://archive.fo/lRGVj

52. >>>/cbts/46456 -> https://archive.fo/j3kvb

53. >>>/cbts/47314 -> https://archive.fo/161V0

54. >>>/cbts/48266 -> https://archive.fo/955KP

55. >>>/cbts/49045 -> https://archive.fo/CctA0

56. >>>/cbts/49926 -> https://archive.fo/qrv2A

57. >>>/cbts/50850 -> https://archive.fo/Nm1Eh

58. >>>/cbts/51584 -> https://archive.fo/RF9uG

59. >>>/cbts/52438 -> coming soon

!!! Latest Q posts!!!: >>50693, >>50787, >>50834, >>50896, >>51313, >>51735, >>51739, >>51744, >>51750, >>51984, >>52122, >>52134, >>52157, >>54349, >>55699, >>59684,

Latest Q Compilation >>55760,

Complete Q [4+8] -> >>52506,


10 days of darkness: -> >>37286

CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]'

CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]

Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/NBTQVYRY | https://pastebin.com/45r1FK9q

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225

SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )


Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home


part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile.com/94g3kbd1be/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712082000.pdf

QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.

DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0

Really Cool Videos

I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0

In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I

Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920

Another almond-activating tripfag's archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./

Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html

and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.

Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.

<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!

<And PRAY!

10fe8c No.59980

Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff

LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!

How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963

How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965

Infographics & Info Dump: >>10

Meme & Pic Dump: >>2

Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423

The FAQ of Q: >>18427

Questions & Requests: >>1401

Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629

/CBTS/ Catalog

Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.

What is Keystone: >>28513

Who is Y?: >>19041

The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8

Goals/Motivation -> >>10207

WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/

AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)

Anon that digs -> >>11800

Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979

Updated Legend -> >>16020

Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408

Anon bringing things around -> >>15208

Red Cross: >>40157

Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613

Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350

Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876

The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984

Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253

Loud Noises -> >>15157

Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092

'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199

Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Wikileaks Digathon >>10270

A peek into (((they))): >>2422

bloodlines and Y: >>7705

CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411

Decode Hexcode: >>174

Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816

Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357

Godfather III: >>2078

Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952

Hunt For Red October: >>3102

Isreal & Zionism: >>1398

Jesuits: >>4287

Letter Agencies: >>1372

Maps and spatial data: >>8329

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391

North Korea: >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249

Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362

Pakistan Unrest: >>1368

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556

Q Signatures: >>2198

Q Stringer Central: >>2300

Rothschild Family: >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327

Sealed Indictments: >>4409

Indictments & Arrests: >>3163

Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> https://8ch.net/cbts/res/29994.html#35814]

Soros & NGOs: >>1367

Titanic: >>106

The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219

Trump & Company: >>1380

Underground massive data center?: >>20714

Uranium-1: >>848

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346

VQC+++: >>672

The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA

10fe8c No.59981


Guys, COME ON!

Q has already given us all the clues. They’re in all the questions which aren’t really questions at all, but simply hints to get you thinking on the right track.

I don’t think Q wants this to turn into some super complex code-breaking treasure hunt. That was never his intent. He’s trying to give you the dots in as simple a manner as he is safely capable of doing. STOP TURNING THIS INTO A 3D PUZZLE.

Q WANTS this information out there ASAP. It does him no good to hide things in complicated codes and patterns and getting you to go down insignificant rabbit holes. QUIT OVERTHINKING IT.

Go back, piece together what the Q posts have been hinting at all along. THINK BIG PICTURE. Stop getting sidetracked with trying to figure out every single detail. They’re not as important as the connections.

THE STORY IS WHAT MATTERS. The characters and details are all secondary to that. You can redpill way more people with overarching plot points than you can with detailed infographics about minor players.



f7c791 No.59991

File: b2cba90d482bc2a⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 500x331, 500:331, roman_fountain.jpg)

The Rothschild Dynasty to Rebuild the Roman port city of Caesarea in Israel

In May 2017, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation announced an investment of $27.5 million in the restoration of the magnificent Roman port city of Caesarea in what is known as the Caesarea National Park.

Despite the lack of government funding and involvement, Michael Karsenty, CEO of the Caesarea Development Company (a subsidiary of the Rothschild Foundation), declared that once the restoration and development project is completed, Caesarea will rival Jerusalem as “the main tourism site in Israel.”

Caesarea was originally built by King Herod on the site of a Phoenician port settlement in honor of Herod’s patron, Octavian Augustus Caesar. In Roman and Byzantine times, it was a major city of those empires.

One notable site that is already open is a Roman fountain, built in the corner of the temple platform in the 1st century A.D. and now fully restored, complete with Roman marble statues in the niches. New sites being restored include an extensive system of vaults in the front of the temple platform, which was the main public building of Herod’s Caesarea. The vaults, which look out over the harbor, include a monumental staircase that led those arriving from the harbor to the temple itself.


364817 No.60000

File: 36ffab2e58f9008⋯.jpeg (130.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8B31CD08-E14E-4275-9E0E-8….jpeg)

Prayer request thread




6f00af No.60001

Thank you baker

The previous threads list needs updating, it only goes up to #59

e60938 No.60008

File: 4d1d22806173f86⋯.jpg (681 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1512711035588.jpg)

Merry Christmas to everyone except Sharia Blew faggots

Thanks for the tasty fresh bread anon

e60938 No.60010


checked for holy prayer anon!

9149d3 No.60011

File: 68527994d033f9d⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 569x567, 569:567, elliot_fink_violence.JPG)

Elliot Fink, remember him?

10fe8c No.60012


that'll be a mission, but i'll get to it.


f8caad No.60013

Very informative article that covers Baby Eating, Sacrifices to Molech, Pedophilia, The Pope, Vatican, Nazis, Jews, Germans, Egypt, Occult, Bloodlines, Symbolism, Nephilim (no aliens), etc etc

All relates to Q's recent focus on Hillary worshiping SATAN so therefore relevant and anyone who calls me a shill is a. not reading the link and b. a shill.

Plz give it a chance…very informative link anons…very logical and no crazy alien talk or deep bible stuff https://web.archive.org/web/20171209164900/https://sites.google.com/site/naomiastral/beyond-3d/the-khazars-the-new-black-pope-the-prophecies-of-gog-magog

e60938 No.60031

File: 3948f47854248f9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 900x720, 5:4, CLOWNSINAMERICA4.png)

Good morning assholes

8614a6 No.60035

There's some large boats at the docks



e60938 No.60041


pity about that heart attack, anon

e0d226 No.60047

Having Q withdrawal syndrome

9149d3 No.60048

File: 7765cc714185aad⋯.jpg (76.54 KB, 606x808, 3:4, Meme_thcool_thit.jpg)

5d5452 No.60055

>Meme-droppers you don't have to be an artist to kick some butt! Visit meme thread >>2, read

Guerilla Twitter Tactics

> Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>12832

Plant appropriate memes on social media. Twitter, Gab, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Blogs, News articles that allow comments, mainstream-type places where normies hangout, slightly-off-mainstream places, etc. Know your audience!

We want to coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics will differ, depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Meme Autists --> Meme hard, meme FUNNY! Deposit your memes on the current General thread OR here. Either way is hunky dory; they will end up here. Beware of possible subliminal images concealed in movie posters and other commercial art that you might select for background. Subliminals are everywhere and hard to detect; they can implant concepts/emotions in viewers that subvert our message. WE are the calm before the storm. STAY COMFY!

Also of interest:

Infographics thread >>10

Communication tactics >>54386, >>54454

<Bombs away!!!

8614a6 No.60058


The people, united, will never be defeated?

oh my heart, the irony

30385c No.60061


We should call it Jabba the Huth

10fe8c No.60064


60. >>>/cbts/53296

61. >>>/cbts/54220

62. >>>/cbts/54929

63. >>>/cbts/55851

64. >>>/cbts/56670

65. >>>/cbts/57446

66. >>>/cbts/58319

67. >>>/cbts/59130

68. >>>/cbts/59969

Updated past threads' archive links.

e60938 No.60065


>They never thought she'd lose

4276b7 No.60067


look at what anons are talking about WHEN Q posts.. the map isn't only his comments.. He/She's reading too and replying …

10fe8c No.60069


it's just a repost bro.

2009a6 No.60070


good point

e60938 No.60073


thanks anon

e60938 No.60075


Updated Q map. All posts, in order, with screen grabs + text, indexed and searchable, date stamped, links to original files


Will update as needed.

10fe8c No.60077


thanks. will add to batter.

e0d226 No.60079


True, we need to find the post pattern. Exact times the posts were made. In one big list. I am sure the autists will find a pattern.

Q seems to post a lot in the evening/ night Eastearn Standard Time (EST), but he has recently posted in the morning around 10 a.m. Something is there.

e0d226 No.60080


Thanks, Anon.

807ebe No.60082

File: ed985460106f1bb⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20sc0f.jpg)

e198f2 No.60083

File: 45a771dea68007a⋯.png (972.2 KB, 1912x5414, 956:2707, 01 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation ….png)

File: f4dba98e46b11b9⋯.png (991.67 KB, 1904x5035, 1904:5035, 02 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation ….png)

File: c50995aca4aa3e3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1896x6353, 1896:6353, 03 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation-….png)

File: 0a9124a88ebb5a9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1900x4695, 380:939, 04 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation-….png)

Put these together for my own purpose.

>my eyes can follow easier when everything is nice and lined up (colour too)

>and it helps me read them while copy pasta

thought they might suit others as well

>all of Q's 8ch posts

i think? Can someone verify, if you've the time

>organised by day, unless small number of posts

>2 more to come

e60938 No.60084


checked anon

thank you, anon!

e198f2 No.60087

File: dce1d85abbb33dc⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1904x6653, 1904:6653, 05 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation ….png)

File: fdef5e282b742ee⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1896x4293, 632:1431, 06 MY 8CHAN Q Compilation-….png)

final 2

e60938 No.60088


simple, brutal

e60938 No.60090


You're very welcome anon.

b8a0b6 No.60092

File: b9bb54a1fbadeae⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 500x353, 500:353, cross came from Ankh.jpg)

File: 8b45617e562330e⋯.jpg (190.64 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 22638940_124509094901219_2….jpg)

File: 747a5231735bf69⋯.jpg (181.64 KB, 1020x1080, 17:18, JNzoouW.jpg)

File: 52d25e7f127781a⋯.jpg (181.51 KB, 976x658, 488:329, Ma Re.jpg)

db4015 No.60094


It didn't end with Paperclip, will share some items that are deep digging in a bit

109e0c No.60095

POTUS brought this up finally last night

the volume of CASH sent to Iran - $1.8bn

it's been known that it was multiple planeS to send the money

we need to calculate the volume if it was $100 bills

how many planes was it?

he's only said "plane" in the past. last night: planes. we knew it was multiple planes. but now he said it.

makes obama look so absurd

4276b7 No.60096




>>60079 Keystone = Us meaning our posts when he comments.. Map = general CBTS pages not just his posts….look at the WHOLE PICTURE

391b4b No.60097


So you be sayin…

the holy grail is…pussy?

0339d6 No.60098

File: aebccd722d21853⋯.png (371.66 KB, 500x421, 500:421, ClipboardImage.png)


Agreed, Harry's daddy is James Hewitt, Di's old bodyguard.

b61b34 No.60099









4b7599 No.60100


Great job Patriot !

c6212d No.60102

Love (and resulting spiritual development through Love) are the best weapons against the dark side!

Love and light. Never use hate, clean your life and be positive.

14e054 No.60104


He was in last bread

f7c791 No.60105

File: 90e2a78dcc62f98⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 200x300, 2:3, Shekhinah.jpg)


> WTF?

>The Rothschild's had already set 20 million for the new Temple of Shekinah of Israel before 1851!

The Shekhinah represents the feminine attributes of the presence of God (Shekhinah being a feminine word in Hebrew), based especially on readings of the Talmud.

I wonder if this is where they built the Rothschild Israeli Supreme court building


f330f0 No.60106

File: 938148c69ef814b⋯.png (405.93 KB, 600x452, 150:113, 1482622745451.png)

Let's be real for a moment; POTUS may be winning but the 4chan/8chan are losing.

What have you ever accomplished? We are lost in a maze of secret society/satanism/alien/reptilian.


Let's focus.

f7db49 No.60109

was digging and found this quote on the origin of the word baphomet

>'It first appeared in 11th and 12th century Latin and Proven溝l as a corruption of "Mahomet", the Latinisation of "Muhammad"

Well, wud xplain why this satanshit these creeps r into has so many connections to the muslim brotherhood, right? That kept bugging me, whats the link between total satan shit and MB? MB must b the same/similar satanshit club for elite mussies

c37be3 No.60111

Reply carried over from old thread. It was full by the time I posted:


Yes Socratic method is exactly what Q used with us. Works well b/c it encourages the dignity of the learner/reader viewer to pursue their own answers.


Thank you, Anon. I believe awareness of one's audience in delivering/debating ANY message is paramount to even the message itself.

be6cb1 No.60112


Y'all ever heard of Aleister Crowley and Sex Magick? How about abortion? How about Epstein Island? What about the Vatican? What about the homosexual liberal agenda?

What do all have in common? Trying to make 2=0 instead of 1=2

2=0 means no babies

1=2 means 2 people have sex and then the mother is pregnant so there are 2 people in one body and then you get one person, the beautiful cycle of life. And they want to destroy it.

















The NWO worships SATAN

>>52157 GREEN is the OCCULT color for SATAN

Captain Green was a BLOOD SACRIFICE bc their need for SYMBOLISM will be their downfall

9149d3 No.60115

File: ba680edffe3f6a1⋯.jpg (137.82 KB, 766x780, 383:390, holy_grail_pussy.jpg)

b61b34 No.60116


Absolutely! I think Trump's going for the lot. You can't end a 6,500+ years long game by cutting them out from 1 part of the world. He's got it in the bag. America first, then the rest of us. Strings are already cut for USA and UK. Blessing wherever you are - you European, too? I'm UK :)

39fcc7 No.60117


lol yep!!! drink up anon ;) with consent of course lolol

e0d226 No.60119

To simplify and focus, maybe look at the times Q posts a major statement like go codes and when the actual action takes place or confirmed. What is the delay?

364817 No.60120


Good work lad

24519d No.60121

Synopsis of Jeff & Cody Snodgres interview


(New info from 3 days ago)

Synopsis: This black ops contractor was asked to do the OKC bombing! He is coming out with tons of inside info. We armed Sadam Hussein with anthrax. We poisoned our military with an untested anthrax vaccine. Testing was also being done with injected microchips (McVeigh was "vaccinated" with implantable microchips!) . Vaccine caused Gulf War Syndrome (not scorched earth by Hussein as we were told). Military records records were stored at the Murrah Building in OKC that would expose them. Clinton records (Whitewater) were moved from Little Rock to the Murrah Building right before the bombing.

This contractor was arrested to keep him quiet. He was 3 cells down from McVeigh.

This guy is giving up all the names of who is involved. Incredible!

Oh man, anons – listen to this interview. t's long but OMG.

bc1863 No.60122


It was right in our face the whole time

8614a6 No.60123

File: 64a20896abc80fd⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 720x615, 48:41, marshall_stalin_cropped.jpg)

Off-topic Saturday History Reading:

Why did Stalin hate Switzerland?


Who was in Switzerland? Lenin. Zinoviev. Dzerzhinsky. Trotsky.

df107d No.60125

>All quiet on the western front

Almost no one on right now.

e0d226 No.60127

Did Q mention "C-level" anywhere or was that an Anon?

e60938 No.60128




Just for you, from Q directly faggot:

>God bless fellow Patriots.

>God bless, Patriots.

>Have faith.

>These people worship Satan _ some openly show >it.

>God bless, Patriots.

>God bless.

>The pedo networks are being dismantled.

>The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and >other 3rd world countries) are paused (not >terminated >until players in custody).

>We pray every single day for God’s guidance and >direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

>Take good care. God bless.

>“For God so loved the world that he gave his one >and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall >not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love >is kind.”

>God bless my fellow Americans.

>Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as >they continually protect and serve our great >country.

I can go on. not even at Nov 2 yet, anon

c37be3 No.60129


That's cause it's snowing on East Coast and we're all digging on the day.

b588f5 No.60130

File: ce7500e8a565bd8⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 497x323, 497:323, sorosh8.jpg)


>For the love of Fucking god. LURK MORE BOOMERS. You faggots need to lurk 6 gorillion years before 1st post.

bc3173 No.60131

File: e6ccc38b2cbc846⋯.jpg (7.55 KB, 210x240, 7:8, gonzo-lady-gaga-and-the-mu….jpg)

guys how we doing? we digging in to Obama's Atlantis heritage???

d7b87a No.60134


"In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.Details of the shipments have emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction. Its chairman, Henry Waxman, a fierce critic of the war, said the way the cash had been handled was mind-boggling. "The numbers are so large that it doesn't seem possible that they're true. Who in their right mind would send 363 tonnes of cash into a war zone?"


076dfc No.60135

File: ee0de05294eb029⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 453x453, 1:1, 81cef73ee499405e7290432173….jpg)

File: 4f95a4f6d28bbf2⋯.jpg (243.67 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, sydney-harbour-bridge-aust….jpg)

File: 32f41a7c3aa2d2f⋯.jpeg (63.04 KB, 800x800, 1:1, images.duck12duckgo.com.jpeg)



we need to build the bridge between libtard and reality.

2bce40 No.60136


actually we connected "grab them by the pussy" to the holy grail

b588f5 No.60137


Only for us hetero guys. ;-)

e60938 No.60139

File: 9b8ebd53d0549d6⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 923x923, 1:1, 1512715307023.jpg)

Merry Christmas to everyone but you know who shariablew

0413e8 No.60140


>what has 1(4/8)8 chins accomplished

Fuck off boomer. We don’t need you /newfags/ here. We have accomplished more than you faggots have done in 50 years. You cunts are the reason we are here. Would tell you to lurk Moar but quite frankly you aren’t welcome here

571cae No.60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


e0d226 No.60142


8614a6 No.60145



Pope Francis has called for a translation of a phrase about temptation in the Lord's Prayer to be changed.

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

His suggestion is to use "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.

The Lord's Prayer is the best-known prayer in Christianity.

The pontiff said France's Roman Catholic Church was now using the new wording "do not let us fall into temptation" as an alternative, and something similar should be used worldwide.

"Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fell," he told TV2000, an Italian Catholic TV channel.

"A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately."

It is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, a 4th-Century Latin translation of the Bible, which itself was translated from ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.

Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has not shied away from controversy and has tackled some issues head-on, Vatican observers say.

He has previously said the Roman Catholic Church should apologise to gay people for the way it has treated them.

He has also compared European migrant detention centres with concentration camps.

4b7599 No.60146

File: 4605e9bd284f3a1⋯.png (418 KB, 775x803, 775:803, atlant6is.PNG)

24519d No.60147


Q did. I researched it to see what it meant but not sure I found the correct answer.

bcc578 No.60148


Yup. Another illegitimate son

709df3 No.60149

Requesting: Spread Sheet Alternative. Trying to share it with some friends & is dead link

e60938 No.60150


Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


21d2cc No.60151

File: 234e72caffa63c2⋯.jpeg (23.41 KB, 435x326, 435:326, bill murray.jpeg)


>currently accounts for 6% of all posts in this thread

This is (You) >>59584 isn't it?


We would need 8% fewer threads if you just reined in your 'tism. I'm not filtering because you seem genuine, but ffs contain your spaghetti and consolidate your posts.

You know you can reply to multiple posts in one post, right?!?!?

e198f2 No.60152

Transcript from Florida Rally Speech, if anyone is interested


4276b7 No.60153


Remove trepasses so they can rape kids..fkers

4b7599 No.60155


The pope just came out and said he wanted to change the lords Prayer, is pope GodIII?

e0d226 No.60158

Q just proved we havent figured out Godfather III yet. I said the Lord's Prayer post was connected to the Pope!

Relevant news drops? We need to have a system for determining "relevant".

93d1c9 No.60160

To bread crumb your normies- show this 6 minute video.

Ever heard of Project Mockingbird? Would you believe it’s still in force today? Control the narrative, control the people.

This vid shows local news throughout ABC, NBC, CBS AND even FOX.


8614a6 No.60161

The Sedevacantist argument is looking mighty strong at this point.

d46b06 No.60162

File: 7c4f771bcc1ebcc⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 560x500, 28:25, PIGEONS.jpg)













c5f405 No.60163

Seems the third crusade should be in the Vatican, I’ll get my long sword

4276b7 No.60165


Godfather III = Jesuit pope?

b588f5 No.60167

File: f73e1c6a81cbb44⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 385x407, 35:37, SorosHater.jpg)


>Fuck off boomer. We don’t need you /newfags/ here. We have accomplished more than you faggots have done in 50 years. You cunts are the reason we are here. Would tell you to lurk Moar but quite frankly you aren’t welcome here

6af6bd No.60169



Crowley is famous for his saying 2=0

Seeing it now?

Pillars of Freemasonry related, they are the pillars of Heaven... remove the keystone and you destroy GOD to become a god.

They are trying to force GOD's hand - i think Q said that yeah?

try an image searce for 'MASONIC TOWERS' and 'MASONIC PILLARS' too many pics for me to post but you should get the point then...

When GWB was asked if he was Christian he famously said he was Born Again, this is a Masonic Term for becoming a god.

Crowley 0=2 2=0


Notice HERMetic comes from HERMes and HERMaphrodite and then think about Bruce Jenner and the current liberal media obsession with the very trivial topic of TRANSgener, bc they are obsessed with DESTROYING humanity. If you wanna go further look up CYBELE...i digress.

Also since I'm here, many of you have been bringing up the color purple. Purple used to mean BLOOD.

571cae No.60172


The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


b61b34 No.60174


There's maps that show all posts to date. They're in chronological order.

9149d3 No.60175

File: 7806530e6ff144c⋯.jpg (122.06 KB, 1002x673, 1002:673, 363_tonnes_cash_iraq.jpg)

aa5719 No.60176


nkj is owned by the crown =queen elizabeth =freemasonry

d7b87a No.60178

Sure does seem like All Roads Lead To Rome.

e7de0a No.60179


I asked about THIS last night!!! Thanks, Q!!!

e60938 No.60181


I do the fucking work faggot


fa67b6 No.60182


All magic is black magic. It is a human activity practiced to obtain a goal. A construction of human thought used to condition human thought.

A false god.

af33b9 No.60184


so Q knew about the change already a month ago?

4276b7 No.60185

Crowley + Jack Parsons + L Ron Hubbard… llok it up

14e054 No.60187


Is the pope switching the prayer away from the luciferian/satanic ides of God to the actual one infinite creator/true GOD? Has the Pope flipped on the Jesuit world order.

4b7599 No.60189

I think these bastards want to take out deliver us from evil

f7c791 No.60192


Yep!!! Good intel here

b768df No.60194



Maybe it has nothing to do with the movie at all. A godfather = communion and 3 = ?. Could be link between someone and their godfather.

df107d No.60195


"directly" after every tragic incident?

That what you're referring to Q

4b1d0e No.60198


I've been testing some of our info out on some normies. I don't have a lot of meme making talents but I have at least gotten some real world test data.

Oddly, for I've noticed some people get really interested in talk about the ++ Family. The Jerusalem thing is important to a lot of people. Catholics are wondering what it means, especially with the pope's comments. Bring up Who the pope kisses the hand of. Talking about how the family lets a whole race of people act as a scapegoat for Running the World (and once financed a guy to cement that the idea is racist and terrible.) Mention the verifiable info. And offer links to things like The existence of their Island in the Antarctic, the recent interview with Hareetz where they one said they don't actually touch money, etc etc. This got people interested in knowing more about everything. One's already reading more on their own.

0413e8 No.60199


Hate? Sure. You Fucking boomers who do nothing except drop your black pills need to look into becoming an-hero. Your whoa is me/ do nothing except dick riding is fucking played out. Brush up on your meme skills faggot. You haven’t even passed basic yet want to dick ride the memewar vets

b588f5 No.60200



>Why is this relevant?

Because it links Pope & Vatican to the map.


571cae No.60201


Expand your thinking.


4276b7 No.60202


that's not what I mean…


109e0c No.60203


in $100 bills, that's 363 metric tons = 1,000,000 grams each. bills are 1g each.

>All US paper currency is 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long, .0043 inches thick and weigh 1 gram.

363 * 1,000,000 = 363,000,000 FRN's

363m * $100 = $36T+

let's say it was a mix, and there were $20s just for posterity

if it were all $20 bills, it would be $7.26T

let's say that 75% were $20s and 25% were $100s, that would be

90m * $100 = $9.075T

+ 273m * $20 = $5.46T

that's $14.5T approx



pallets are 48" x 40" with ~1 imperial ton (2,000lb; 907kg) load bearing capacity

how many pallets

and then

how many pallets can a c-130 hold

364817 No.60204


Is that how to read the map?

e7de0a No.60205


That was my point last night. When was the first online mention made that the Pope (misspelled it Pop) wanted to change the prayer?

6af6bd No.60206

9d9d7e No.60207


I read it was the part "lead us not into temptation" because it's suggesting He leads into temptation.

c37be3 No.60208

File: 58eecd6756e3fed⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Merry Christmas Q..jpg)


What just came out of the Lord's prayer?

>"Lead us not unto temptation."

Merry Christmas, Q. MAGA! Pic related.

17ff1f No.60209


The Revelation?


Why are we losing so many of the HFC?

4b7599 No.60210

Q forgive our stupidity at times, there are so many connections sometimes it's hard to get the right one, thank you for your patience.

8614a6 No.60211

There is an argument that a heretic cannot be pope.

There is an argument that the current pope is a heretic.

Why then is a heretic attempting to change the Lord's Prayer?

b61b34 No.60212


The current wording keeps us here. We'll progress and transcend with correct wording. Changing energy direction and type.

4b1d0e No.60213


God bless you Q.

When you say tangent, do you mean things are going off course? Or just coming from another direction all together?

Does this have anything to do with EAM Activity?

Thanks for all you do.

364817 No.60214



Well that answers that

4b7599 No.60216


I heard a priest talk about that yesterday on fox

f416b9 No.60220

I don't get it. "Lead us not" is a word-for-word translation of the official Latin "Ne nos inducas". However, the new English translation, "do not let us fall into temptation", is very similar to what has been prayed in languages like Spanish ("no nos dejes caer en la tentación") and Portuguese ("não nos deixeis cair em tentação") for centuries.

9875e9 No.60221


>the 'marker'


>about a criminal seeking redemption by tracking down the daughter of the woman he killed.

aa5719 No.60222


freemasonry owns the king james translation of the bible

fa67b6 No.60225


Yes the whole thing is unfolding and we’re all viewing it from a different perspective.

But are we really helping? Do we provide any information or insight that you aren’t getting elsewhere? What is our purpose? How can we help in a tangible way or are we simply a mover of the zeitgeist?


I get my news from you.

729cd6 No.60226


>Expand your thinking

make the thin king fat.

c08522 No.60227


DeM(ons) admit inadequacies MONDAY

4276b7 No.60228


YES! That's the MAP!! Keystone = patriots too… OUr posts… Read Q in CONTEXT with our posts.. he replies to our comments…

e0d226 No.60229


The board is lighting up. Thanks, Q, for stoking the fireplace.

Not sure if this matters, but the version of the Lord's Prayer does not include "For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen" But is that a Protestant version?

"Marker"? AUTISTS!

So Monday event is not part of the main event/ action?

Q knowing the Lord's Prayer change is sick! They are deep in the Vatican/ intelligence!!!

4b7599 No.60230

If they word it somehow to take out Gods protection from evil, people using the new wording may not be protected

791c47 No.60231

File: 88fbf3530ca342b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20171209-132415.png)

G00D daY AN0NS

I'm always leary about downloading files but after seeing so many blurry Q maps I took a chance and downloaded the file below

IT'S A G00D LINK ~ No Virus Detected &


Finally I can read the posts I missed & search for hidden meanings

Here's the link if you care to do the same


Pic is a screenshot example of what you'll see

f81d3e No.60232

My issue is that 20% public 80% hidden is unacceptable. Anything less than 100% disclosure allows for the possibility of simply replacing one corrupt regime for another where the names of the guilty can simply be changes to fool the sheep into believing a victory was achieved and the whole system is just reset behind the scenes.

These people are so deprave they cannot be allowed to go free or they will just start all over again. The People will only be safe from them if they are fully exposed and publicly and fully punished for their crimes

b768df No.60233


Will post a graphics of all godfather posts.

d35f46 No.60234


The flipped nancy pelosi video?

2bce40 No.60235


i respectfully disagree,

magic is simply another word for action.

No thing for itself is evil or good.

our intentions are the deciding factor


checked and archived


using coriousity is key


>off on / at a tangent, digressing suddenly from

>one course of action or thought and turning to

> another


you do it by reading/looking at it

1f1960 No.60236

Ok now I am confused is she helping POTUS?

Renee J James

Sec. Kelly. Meeting of the President's NSTAC Members. May 18, 2017. NSTAC Member Meeting


df107d No.60237

Q: Pelagian Devils?

b588f5 No.60238


His speech on Jerusalem expressed a desire for followers of all three religions to come together in peace.

He is asking all of them to forgive trespasses (especially, in the Middle East).

4b7599 No.60239


Do they think they can reverse everything back to their liking?

3c9da7 No.60241

File: 5535a1d49f595d1⋯.jpg (206.5 KB, 720x864, 5:6, audit.jpg)

Sweet dreams Rummy

5d7c2c No.60242


You are right

b3a8e8 No.60243


Technically the pope is right on that. Because that phrase suggests that God would lead us into temptation. Changing that phrase would be correct because no Christian would believe that God would lead him into temptation and thus deliver him to evil.

571cae No.60244



b834b5 No.60245


GUYS The real question is HOW did Q know what the Pope would do in the future? What inside connection is present here?! This is yuge

8614a6 No.60246

God is omnipotent. He can lead you into temptation if He wills it. This is a denial of His omnipotence and a change made by a heretic.

Compare to Quran 2:6-12

Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."

Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

729cd6 No.60248

File: 8fcccd554f4f98f⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, techmag.jpg)

Technology is Magic

c08522 No.60249


Find faith and reason in ___?

4b7599 No.60250


For all!!!!

e153e2 No.60252


Yay! Loose the frogs of memes

bc1863 No.60253

File: 256cec19b714f23⋯.jpg (161.45 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ac360.jpg)

CNN Your

Least Trusted

News Source

b0b3d6 No.60254

last month Q writes the Lords Prayer,

this week the Pope considers changing some words in the prayer….

af33b9 No.60255


like in supreme court justice or just generally?

dc9914 No.60256


what i want more than anything Q!- JUSTICE

df107d No.60257



fa67b6 No.60259



Am I serving any greater purpose by participating in this except for yours and my entertainment.

109e0c No.60260


never forget our fallen who tried before

many are even still alive but didn't get to run again

things are different now

get ready for a strong dollar


f7c791 No.60261


That star at top is from Clowns In America, which was the reborn swastica taken from the Nazis.

These clowns think we’re normies. LOL!!!

e60938 No.60262


Filter away anon. Considering Q has responded twice now to my posts, your loss



aa5719 No.60263



Divine Justice

no justice no peace

4b7599 No.60264

Our prayers can break their spells

0413e8 No.60265


For thine is the kingdom… is not technically part of the Lord’s Prayer

e0d226 No.60266


Oh, sweet God! Justice on Monday? We need something.

b588f5 No.60267



His speech in Pensacola mentioned the US military providing justice throughout the world.

I hope that isn't just standard NeoCon justification to be the world's policeman …

1faa21 No.60268

File: 8c5b47d25c30cf9⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 248x251, 248:251, tangent.jpg)


Circular maps.

pic related.

b3a8e8 No.60269



779617 No.60270


Except that one of Q's posts states the exact opposite of this concern post of yours.

Our influence is growing exponentially, according to Q. I'll believe Q over some concern troll, thank you.

Now, just run along and wrap a piece of piano wire around your neck and twist until you can't twist anymore.

1f1960 No.60271

Renée J. James (born June 25, 1964) is an American technology executive, who was formerly the president of Intel and is currently an Operating Executive with The Carlyle Group in its Media and Technology practice and serves as the Vice Chair of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee to the President of the United States.

14e054 No.60272


Monday we get justice? Hopefully it's the 11th. DOITQ!

10fe8c No.60273


10 days of darkness…Nancy pelosi rats out?

4b7599 No.60274

File: e2d1ff45af4215c⋯.png (307.98 KB, 320x480, 2:3, The-Lords-Prayer...png)

9a5d84 No.60275


We're going to see some justice on Monday.

e60938 No.60276


No the Lords Prayer post was a marker for the events of Nov 4 the day it was posted.

6acc52 No.60277

We need to read the map, then we can build credibility to those we are trying to red pill. When they see you called an event then they will listen to what we have to say. But we need to simplify this more.

729cd6 No.60278

British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke formulated three adages that are known as Clarke's three laws, of which the third law is the best known and most widely cited:

1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, they are almost certainly right. When they state that something is impossible, they are very probably wrong.

2.The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

3.>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

bc1863 No.60279

File: 12e922206f8e6a2⋯.png (43.51 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, cnn.png)

c6597e No.60280

File: fe5c6191fc61a38⋯.jpg (100.78 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 170807_DianaDodi.jpg)

File: c02c5d03b5c5374⋯.jpg (53.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 6f1b2dfbb2b24a8⋯.jpg (148.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, prince-harry-meghan-markle….jpg)

File: 2ca3837873c76fe⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 590x439, 590:439, princess-diana-1009366.jpg)


Harry and Megan is not a coincidence anons.

The Queen crying at the Remembrance ceremony was a sign anons.

You don't just marry into the Royal Family willy nilly without prior approval anons.

Perhaps this is symbol of an Olive Branch of Peace from the Royal Family, feeling sorry for their wrongs anons.

Diana with Dodi an Arab was frowned upon anons. They HATED her for it and killed her.

Diana with children with AIDS…God bless her beautiful soul….

The Queen is asking for your forgiveness anons…

14e054 No.60281


Wait Q, you're in the subject? Interesting

fa67b6 No.60282


>Expand your thinking

>Expand: your thinking

you. r. thin. king

you are the thin king.

dc9914 No.60283


I think i know what he is saying– go to the marker in the Pelosi conference when the backwards image appears and the image reverses– what she is talking about will be made manifest on Monday– gotta go look at the youtube again to see what that is

e0d226 No.60284


Thanks. Havent been to church in s while. ;-)

96c5e3 No.60285


OP maybe link this in next bread? Since Q sent a message about that speech last night?

109e0c No.60286

File: ca02c84f91d93b3⋯.png (23.47 KB, 600x800, 3:4, internally-and-externally-….png)

File: 638774f3372a788⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 400x392, 50:49, tang1_da02ab8f9928cf295c6d….jpg)


tangent = touch the surface


internal/external tangential circles

love the clue

4b7599 No.60287

Your a true Warrior for Gods purpose Q, God bless and protect you and your Patriots.

c6597e No.60288


In a nutshell The Pope wanted to hide the fact that they are evil sinister greedy liars…he knows we are on to him…we are WINNING bigly!!!!

10fe8c No.60289


yeah your username is weird

e198f2 No.60290




571cae No.60291


What has been said about the US Military?

The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

Expand your thinking.

Re-read crumbs.

Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

Connect the 'markers.'

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

Expand your thinking.

The Great Awakening.


8614a6 No.60292


It was the greatest hangout ever

3e943a No.60293

my power was out for 2 days due to high winds

it finally came back on I was worried it was going to be out for 13 days because of the 10 days of darkness thing may be just a test

637210 No.60294


She’s not getting it. She must hang for her crimes

fa67b6 No.60295


I agree it is neither good or bad but it is false.

Truth is not a product of human thought.

6acc52 No.60296


Martial Law starting the 11th?

e60938 No.60297


Entire map is here Patriots

All posts

In order


Date stamped

Have at it


364817 No.60298


Yes! Thank you so much!

<Page 11

>They are only here to preserve and to protect themselves, and you're finding that out. I had a great life before I did this. Think of where I’d be right now if I didn't do this. I'd be very happy, believe me. But I wanted to do it and I wanted to give back, and I saw what was happening, and I I’ve always been good at doing the money thing. I saw what was happening to our country, and it wasn't good. It wasn't good.

Watch the vid. This is the best part of the speech imo.

87950e No.60300

File: 8f3576809e6f8f2⋯.png (316.72 KB, 774x796, 387:398, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at ….png)

Nothing ever became of this?

c37be3 No.60301


Scalia? Hot topic a few threads back.

17ff1f No.60302



JUSTICE does not come from larping & mindgames. Some of us consider our country & our Constitution a serious matter. Fucking sick of lies & games.

10fe8c No.60303


faggot pope wants to change "lead us not into temptation" to somesort of faggot friendly version.

why is this relevant?

could mean pope is trying to cover his ass when shit blows up that he's a pedo-satanist?

3e943a No.60304


i also went to buy a generator they are sold out everywhere crazy

d6a505 No.60305


I don't like Mondays (Geldof)

4276b7 No.60306


The president could DECERTIFY .. re: NK sanctions

bc1863 No.60307

File: 6dc52201bb2a127⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 780x438, 130:73, vote cnn.jpg)

729cd6 No.60308

14e054 No.60309



I like subject Q

e198f2 No.60311



^read along with this anons, or similar

af33b9 No.60312

cant justice also mean a judge?

c9e46a No.60314

File: 87750214e7665f3⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 480x345, 32:23, sorosenemyofall.jpg)

Stay United-(((They))) want to create tribal divisions-One People UNITED under God. Blessings all.

fa67b6 No.60315


I want justice But I want it to lead to peace.

I want peace.

2551e6 No.60316

File: 8bc28ef0ae9dbaf⋯.png (863.17 KB, 2000x2006, 1000:1003, clowns_in_america.png)

new meme feel free to copy

10fe8c No.60317


but why is subject q subject q?

verify yourself subject q

e0d226 No.60319


Yes, felt that speech was odd last night but in a good way. POTUS emphasis and speech patterns.

We need to go back and listen closely. He did emphasize words used by Q and POTUS twitter. Find Rightside Broadcasting Network on utube

7f3f42 No.60320


Godfather III

Roths are into satanic cult stuff. They are influencing the pope.

c37c0f No.60321


The "marker" was posted Nov. 4th.

Pope discusses change to the Lord's Prayer this publicly Dec. 6th.

Does "unlocks" simply mean "proof" or is it more than this? What are we missing?

fa67b6 No.60322


>Technology is Magic

Put in the hands of savages.

109e0c No.60323


lol yes it was epic

e00da6 No.60324


IMO that's easier to read. Thanks for doing that.

17ff1f No.60325


Fuck peace.. I just want to be FREE!

c6597e No.60326


The Pelosi speech might have been a signal to her being Italian and talking about North Korea and a hint to who actually runs NK….just a hunch

b61b34 No.60327


Okey doke, nvm

e0d226 No.60328


Maybe Monday is a big action but it only scratches the surface of what is about to go down. "Tangent"

386b25 No.60329


If you want peace, prepare for war.

10fe8c No.60331


US military will be the strongest in the world.

the speech yesterday was bomb as fuck.

re-listen to POTUS' speech, re-listen to pelosi's seizure.

8614a6 No.60332

Here's a tangent:



(in a right triangle) the ratio of the side opposite a given angle to the side adjacent to the angle.

dce060 No.60333

I cant help but think about the illuminati card game. Much has been predicted and come true. I suddenly thought about the card dipicting, what looks like ob being shamed, tomato throwing. And in addition to that, a trump looking charecter with his hands on a globe which also has a saudi and another man. Interesting considering the recent change that took place their. But despite all that this is the most interactive "conspiracy" i have ever seen.

ea4a31 No.60334


James Joyce. Tristan Tzara. What's your point?

bcc578 No.60335


So markers as in Red Line, Sickness….etc.

571cae No.60336

What was the USSS codename for Hussein?



They knew all along.

Expand your thinking.


4b7599 No.60337


With no peace there is no freedom.ALL WARS WERE TO MAKE MONEY.

ba184b No.60338

"Tangent Solutions Inc., through its subsidiary, Engineered Business Systems, Inc., engages in the design, development, marketing, and support of software applications for the credit reporting, mortgage banking, and data security markets. The company's software solutions include Automated Compliance and Evaluation …"


ee76cb No.60339


No. Pope is evil.

b588f5 No.60340


Yes, I was stuck by how that speech paralleled the themes you've been posting here.

Looking at the map gives a good idea of the operations ahead.

4b7599 No.60341



6ac570 No.60342


Y heads are all about temptation and bodily pleasure.

b768df No.60343


>Godfather III.

This is the 45th time Q mentioned Godfather 3 = Its potus.

fd46fb No.60344

Anons, has there ever been a discussion about the Mandela Affect and the trump timeline that someone can point me towards?

I assume all of you recall Berenstein if you are here.

db4015 No.60345

Such partisanship, as if all the sins were one-sided

14e054 No.60346



a84381 No.60347


Is it so far fetched to think that different societies used this symbology to teach each other about sex and what it is? I mean… it is a rather important societal function and would make since that ancient societies would worship it.

4b7599 No.60348



aa5719 No.60349


evil prevailed in all seven mountains







but the biggest mountain in government

and the biggest government is the US

we took that mountain on the 9th of nov

when you cut off the head(s) of the snake

it continues to writhe

but not forever


Divine Justice

571cae No.60350


Who currently protects Hussein?


Why is this relevant?

Who currently protects B/H C?

Why is this relevant?



8614a6 No.60351

Monday will complete the dismantlement of another side of the triangle. Justice.

At least this is my read of it. Speculation.

0609d9 No.60352


The clearest "marker" in the Q map is




14e054 No.60353



17ff1f No.60354


I just hope the U.S. Military doesn't want the same as the War College & Pentagon!

3e943a No.60355


What they Knew

dc9914 No.60356


Peace has to be earned through destruction of evil– first things first

e7de0a No.60357

>>60336 Renegade


Emmanuel Dunand / AFP / Getty

President Barack Obama opted for this moniker after being presented with a list of names beginning with the letter "R." As custom dictates, the rest of his family's code names will be alliterative: wife Michelle is known as "Renaissance;" daughters Malia and Sasha are "Radiance" and "Rosebud," respectively.

4276b7 No.60358

ca2ff6 No.60359


Anyone got the full transcription of the speech?

That way we can auto search for certain words and numbers

694ee1 No.60360

File: 70e7f21786f58af⋯.png (299.88 KB, 674x492, 337:246, ba40cdd2f42a7775ed9b2534f4….png)

File: 651adfafdd3d947⋯.png (263.24 KB, 622x480, 311:240, Pins.png)

I wonder why Q posted this picture, what is the white diamond sign on bill ?

8614a6 No.60361



"Renegade", a term of religious origins having its origins in the Latin word "renegare" (to deny).

9875e9 No.60362



renegade: a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

b588f5 No.60363


>Connect the 'markers.'

Are these relevant? >>51726

c6597e No.60364


Secret Service

571cae No.60365


A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

They always knew.


aa5719 No.60366




Manchurian strooge



i could go on

70df8d No.60367


The Law Dictionary

Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.


One who has changed his profession of faith or opinion ; one who has deserted his church or party.

dc9914 No.60368



bcc578 No.60369


Well, I was working on the Godfather III with the spreadsheet and had all the listed posts where Q referenced Godfather, but when I posted it, the links didn't match up. If anyone has any insight into why, please let me know.

*FYI there are a lot of posts referencing the Godfather.

b0b3d6 No.60371

Bill/Hillary handlers meme attack

#catholicSpring meme attack

Hussein meme attack

busy day,, monday is the Happsbening

fa67b6 No.60372


Relisten to potus speech

Listen for markers

Connect them

What are the markers?

14e054 No.60373


Is the SS monitoring and somewhat has [Renegade] under arrest?

b588f5 No.60374


>Who currently protects Hussein?


>Why is this relevant?

So, [R] == LdR

Relevant, because ++ currently targeted.

109e0c No.60375


they brought it on themselves

their protection serves at the pleasure of their mortal enemy now

that's an interesting combination

USSS = good people

they had to do their jobs

now they really get to do their jobs

b17e7f No.60376


Theory: DJT went on about CNN in tweets this AM


It is speculated that a congressman leaked the bad info to CNN in a set up to reveal leakers. Ted Lieu (judiciary committee), and one more.

I posted in the last thread that the MAGA crew was going hard on CNN about Jr and wiki and fake news.

The Dims and the resistance are sick, a fraud upon America.

I speculate CNN (and other fake news)will be exposed as will corrupt Dims.

4b7599 No.60377

If SA put politicians in place would they also provide the handlers?

14e054 No.60378


Beautiful Q

If you bake it, he will crumb

0cebaf No.60379


Click on it.

Light will conquer darkn

Don’t know why the “ess” is missing.

b0b3d6 No.60380


Bergdahl was a plant, wasnt there a reporter that was killed in a car crash looking into the Bergdahl case?

10fe8c No.60381



it's relevant because if she/they are targeted, then B/H C are losing their shit.

shield is going down.

571cae No.60382

Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


3c06fa No.60383


Plenty of links in the post at the top of this page are broken. All of the Links under "Recent Past Threads' Archive Links" are dead. Some anonfile and pastebin links are toast. Smartsheet link? A goner. Wikispaces? Nothing.

To top it off, one of the few links that actually work is "Another almond-activating tripfag's archive". This is some drooling retard posting Afrocentrist babble. If you've ever come across one of the people who think having melanin in their skin makes them Gods, then you know the type. Why the FUCK is this retarded bullcrap linked to as if it was in any way relevant to anyone trying to get a handle on what Q is about??????

Whoever manages these threads isn't doing a great job.

c6597e No.60384

Trying to find info about if the Secret Service is legally obligated to report if someone in their protection is committing treason. Can anyone help me?

8614a6 No.60385

Randolph Alles

25th Director of the United States Secret Service. He previously served as the acting deputy commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, as well as in the United States Marine Corps, where he reached the rank of major general.

bde99a No.60386

Hussain was code named lancer….wasn't Jesus impailed with a lance..?

b588f5 No.60387


>Who currently protects B/H C?

>Why is this relevant?

Clintons currently protected by PMC (but, which one?)

Were protected by SA (+++)

0243ab No.60388


Godspeed, Q

Many thanks!

637210 No.60390


729cd6 No.60391

File: bb6be96a43ec81d⋯.jpg (248.56 KB, 759x1000, 759:1000, newcelebappr.jpg)

Didn't Trump mention Arnold in his speech yesterday?

I had no idea this existed until now.

10fe8c No.60392


godspeed q! our autistic asses love POTUS' and America.


9875e9 No.60393


will the USSS be the ones to arrest the renegades once the time is right?

17ff1f No.60394


Do you know Zack from Morocco?

c6597e No.60396

File: 59234ac194168d9⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 1000x680, 25:17, Anonymous rolled user vlad….jpg)


th-thanks for noticin senpai

aa5719 No.60397


i can't see why anyone would bother sticking their necks out for them then they will turn on them

87950e No.60399


[R] = Renegade, which is SS's name for Hussein

84a798 No.60400


Q is claiming that his post of the Lord's Prayer was deliberately foreshadowing the Pope's "change". It seems that he knows of future activity of these connected/scheming organizations (The Vatican is part of the larger cabal?)

More news drop will "unlock" the meaning of other posts that seemed nebulous or obscure as to why Q posted it.

109e0c No.60401


state flag of arkansas lapel pin

2551e6 No.60402


He Q, do you think I'd be able to retrieve my purple heart from the 2016 meme war after all this is over?

4b7599 No.60403


Clean up the cages while the rats are out!!

88dcea No.60404

File: cbffd9ae79875ca⋯.gif (3.61 KB, 392x265, 392:265, ch10no17.gif)


Q questions are a tangent, a line that connects all the filth in the world? monday we hit big.

dc9914 No.60405


May the Lord bless you and keep you , may the Lord make His face to shine upon you…

b3a8e8 No.60406


If Clintons protected Obama, he isn't protected anymore.

fa67b6 No.60407



0fa3a1 No.60408


BHO a [R] puppet since before Harvard.

3e943a No.60409


its happining

e89cf8 No.60410

File: 2cccdda4fb0c414⋯.png (844.11 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at ….png)

e0d226 No.60411


I think the major elements of the secret service having been helping POTUS and his team. They see EVERYTHING. The evil scum of globalist and company probably had them under control, but just look at how many past agents have broken silence and protocol and spoke out against HRC, WJC, etc.

The USSS sees everything!

b834b5 No.60412


God bless you all

e7de0a No.60413


Kennedy was Lancer

14e054 No.60414


BREAK = 11-20?

aa5719 No.60415


who always knew?

the good guys

or the bad guys

or both

b588f5 No.60416


>Godspeed, Patriots.

Thanks. Happy hunting, Q.

c37c0f No.60418


The proposed change to the Lord's Prayer is not the point. The point is that Q revealed that this was known a month before it was revealed publicly. Q wants us to understand that what is in the map is real and this provides the evidence for it.


The important point is Justice.


POTUS speech used terms found in the map. More evidence that truth is being revealed, Q is legit and justice is being served.


We need to assemble and spread the map NOW and demonstrate why it is true due to the news proofs contained within it.

4b7599 No.60419



10fe8c No.60420


You get the Swamp, we'll gather the crumbs.


571cae No.60421


Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.

How many clues must we provide?

As the World Turns.


3c06fa No.60424


I'm not an autist, just an ass burger, so I'm out of my depths here. But I'm doing what I can.

I noted Trump's latest speech was 99 % directed at normies, but he did give us redpilled a few veiled words of confirmation things are moving along. Thanks for that!

e153e2 No.60425

File: cba8c84e556eeff⋯.jpeg (47.38 KB, 782x386, 391:193, 2B63F8F5-3075-4CCD-941A-D….jpeg)

Q minus countdown

6ac570 No.60426


Its almost a certainty. Look for the document hillary had to sign.

9824cb No.60427



Break — Signals a pause during a long transmission to open the channel for other transmissions, especially for allowing any potential emergency traffic to get through.

Soon anons!! Martial law ???

bcc578 No.60428


Notice Q is in a different color….something to keep in mind for the future in case it's becomes something relevant like Monday in yesterday's post

b3a8e8 No.60429


But it seems that they couldn't do anything about it.

cc3dce No.60430


>It's about the BREAK.

What is the BREAK? I'm assuming it's an acronym, not just a typo for "it's about to break". Also answer on google is "Burn Rebuild Endure Adapt and Keep"

3e943a No.60431


>It's about the BREAK


b0b3d6 No.60432



b768df No.60433



Break between posts?

9149d3 No.60434

File: 8e965fa3b61b722⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 864x491, 864:491, renegade.jpg)

fd46fb No.60435

I have always thought it was strange that the security force meant to guard the president(and beyond)

Are called the “secret” service. It just seems like such an odd name for what they do.

b17e7f No.60436


12 minutes ago:

"Have a great game today, @USArmy and @USNavy - I will be watching. We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service! #ArmyNavyGame #USA🇺🇸"

7f3f42 No.60437


As the world turns to justice and law

aa5719 No.60438


it's about TO break?

14e054 No.60439


We need to learn to read the map to distinguish Q info from disinfo. Vamos

fe2306 No.60440


10:37 AM - 9 Dec 2017

9875e9 No.60441

File: 15ddbe82efd03d8⋯.png (18.31 KB, 199x260, 199:260, twit.png)

14e054 No.60442

6ac570 No.60443


No. This is the 10 days of silence. The holiday break.

e0d226 No.60444

Q, where the "White House Anons" really the secret service? The ones who showed the WH Christmas photos? Secret Service watches everything and it was AFTER the party that night and no people were in the photos, which would be hard if 400+ guests where there. Were they showing they are on our side?

b588f5 No.60446


>How many clues must we provide?

A lot more than you expected (yes, you did overestimate) ;-)

Some of us are "getting it," and have figured out (some of) the tweets are pre-loaded.

fa67b6 No.60448


We are psychologically free.

The public isn’t.

They’re about to go through a mass psychosis

This could go in a lot of directions.

cc3dce No.60449


Q post 10:34 PST.

Trump tweet 10:37 PST.

aa5719 No.60450


As the World Turns =AWT

b0b3d6 No.60451


>"Have a great game today, @USArmy and @USNavy

Q- "this is not a game"

prob a stretch but could have meaning

8614a6 No.60452

Compare current head of USSS with previous heads of USSS

Joseph "Joe" P. Clancy (born 1955) is an American law enforcement official. He was the 24th Director of the United States Secret Service. Clancy previously served as head of the agency’s presidential protection division until 2011, when he retired and became director of corporate security for Comcast.

Julia Ann Pierson (born July 21, 1959)[1][2] is an American former law enforcement official. She served as the 23rd Director of the United States Secret Service.[3] Pierson became director on March 27, 2013. Amid a series of security lapses involving the agency, Pierson resigned on October 1, 2014.

Mark J. Sullivan was the Director of the United States Secret Service from May 31, 2006 to March 27, 2013.[1] Sullivan succeeded W. Ralph Basham and was sworn in as the 22nd Director of the Secret Service on May 31, 2006. He was succeeded by Julia Pierson on March 27, 2013.

In April 2012, a scandal involving the President's security detail received international press attention. The scandal involved 11 agents and more military personnel from all four branches who allegedly engaged prostitutes while assigned to protect President Barack Obama at the 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. As of April 24, nine employees had resigned or retired.

William Ralph Basham, Jr. (born November 17, 1943)[1] has served at the head of four of the eight U.S. Department of Homeland Security agencies, including as Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the largest federal security force in the United States government, Director of the United States Secret Service, Director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and as one of the first employees as Chief of Staff at the Transportation Security Administration.

Upon leaving government service in April 2009, Basham founded Command Consulting Group, a Washington, D.C.-based international advisory firm which provides security advisory services to government clients and works with companies with security related products and services to develop and market products to federal security agencies.

In 2008, Basham was conferred the rank of Distinguished Executive by former U.S. President George W. Bush.[2] In October 2013, Basham was awarded the Founder's Medal for Lifetime Achievement by the Border Patrol Foundation.

24519d No.60453

Why isn't Q using his tripcode? Isn't the purpose of the tripcode to verify the real Q?

This concerns me.

454cb6 No.60454


“These are bad people, these are very very bad and evil people. They know who they are, these are the people who made their money, their names, their careers, their power off the corrupt and broken system and they liked it the other way… so they will do anything, at any time and they'll never stop. But you know what, we're stopping them! You're seeing that right now, you're seeing that right now we're stopping them. It's corrupt, it's rigged and we're stopping them."


bc1863 No.60455

Do B H and C still have protection during the shutdown?

b39c69 No.60457


UBL clearly knew something the Clowns never wanted us to know… and I think the Vatican knows it, too. It is the church–as representatives of God's kingdom on earth–that leads its followers into temptation. It always has been.

e7de0a No.60458

076dfc No.60459


kys shill

b588f5 No.60461


"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service! "

57ecd3 No.60463

File: c06158eadc4b152⋯.png (396.39 KB, 430x479, 430:479, wat.png)

11fb84 No.60465

Going off on a tangent may connect the dots

4b1d0e No.60467



From Wikipedia:

>Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes (except when the spouse divorces or remarries), under the Former Presidents Act. From 1997 until 2013, legislation was in place limiting Secret Service protection to former Presidents and their spouses to a period of 10 years from the date the former President leaves office. President Barack Obama signed legislation on January 10, 2013, reversing this limit and reinstating lifetime protection.

Also of Note:

>Children of former Presidents until age 16 or 10 years after the presidency


>Other individuals as designated per executive order of the President



Weren't there some Breaks in the livestream last night?

7ac12a No.60469

Why isn’t Q mentioning the Zionists? It looks like they’re taking over to me.


571cae No.60470

▶Q (You)!ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/17 (Sat) 10:34:24 571cae No.60291>>60292 >>60296 >>60297 >>60309 >>60311 >>60319 >>60328 >>60331 >>60335 >>60340 >>60349 >>60358 >>60359 >>60363 >>60372 >>60418 >>60421 >>60428


What has been said about the US Military?

The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

Expand your thinking.

Re-read crumbs.

Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

Connect the 'markers.'

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

Expand your thinking.

The Great Awakening.


"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"


How many clues must we provide?


2009a6 No.60471


its because he filled out the email line


88dcea No.60472

c08522 No.60473


Navy wins?

000000 No.60474

I have an interesting theory about Space X, NK, NASA, the global cabal and Helium 3.

1) BO removes our capability to move goods into space by shutting down NASA’s space shuttle program (a dark day in American history), creating an opening for private companies

2) Space X is one of the companies to fill that void

3) Space X develops a vehicle that can go into space and RETURN (important)

4) North Korea provides a secure operations platform, safe from prying eyes.

5) If NK is controlled by the CIA or other cabal members, nukes gives them power to hold it and to influence other governments

6) Helium 3 has the potential to completely change the global landscape. Whoever gets back to the moon, mines Helium 3 from the regolith and RETURNS IT TO EARTH, could potentially own everything. A single cargo bay from a space shuttle could hold enough Helium 3 to power the entire United States for a year!

7) NASA was taken out of the picture on purpose so that the ownership of Helium 3 mining would be privately owned and controlled.

8) Energy is the keystone to the modern world. If you control a cheap, clean energy, that is a superior proxy to oil, you are worth more than all oil companies and SA combined. China is working on going to the moon to mine Helium 3.

9) NK, as its own country, would be a great location for importing Helium 3 from the moon and then shipping around the world. It has ports. And any company based there would not be subject to US taxation. But you have to be able to defend it (nukes).

10) Helium 3 would be grossly disruptive. Many powers/countries would want to shut you down.

11) Remember, oil is a proxy for gold. Gold is money. Helium 3 will be proxy for gold. Gold/currency is a store for units of labor. Energy is units of labor. Cheap units of labor enable our modern society. If you own your own country, own ports for transportation, own energy production and start your own crypto currency which is the method for trading it, you rule the world.

12) Beyond Helium 3, there is a huge potential market for mining materials from asteroids.

8614a6 No.60476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm about to BREAK

RIP Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. They tried to move on Geffen and paid the price.

fa67b6 No.60477


This is the war. I think we are going to win. But the war is still going on. I don’t no when it’ll end. But winning does not mean we’ll have a functional society for the long term.

6a7177 No.60478


>We help our clients achieve digital transformation through strategic, creative and technical innovation.

shill company?

84a798 No.60479


Does "As the World Turns" refer to a major news announcement… reminiscent of the JFK assassination announcement that interrupted the daily soap opera that most people watched?

03ed6d No.60480


I will not disappoint you

We Will Not Disappoint You

694ee1 No.60481


Merci :-)

ee76cb No.60482


“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” – Pope John Paul II

109e0c No.60483



6bc9dc No.60485


Kraut here, doing my duty, fighting for justice, for WE.

We will kep it up! Spread the word.

Blessings to you too anon!

ca2ff6 No.60486


New news/announcement during the break of the US army and US navy game?

f330f0 No.60487


Shut up you newfag boomer

03ed6d No.60488


someone pls look at this

b588f5 No.60489


>As the World Turns.

The world is clearly changing.

DJT travels to SA, and the ME is becoming peaceful.

DJT travels to Asia, and the Chinese are finally helping settle NK down.

Regional players are stepping up as partners, not "with us or against us" GWB NeoCon approach.

d46b06 No.60490

File: 3fc246ea08cb042⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 599x537, 599:537, WEARETHEBEST.jpg)









7c8d3f No.60491


Being tempted is not the same thing as falling to evil. Pope Francis is saying that he knows better than Jesus in the Bible. Papal infallibility was a mistake, or rather a naked papal power grab.

eef60a No.60492

Can someone make a meme

Sound the alarm

Now is the time to speak up, be heard, and fight, fight, fight

3349a5 No.60493


Wow, of course. Scalia was Catholic and was probably on to what was happening with the marxists, especially in his church. I've read there may have been some threat of disclosure,

7f3f42 No.60494


Someone do the timestamp.

fa67b6 No.60495


They knew all along.

Who’s they?

aa5719 No.60496


how many of our children need to suffer?

5d7c2c No.60497


I guess that you mean that BHO and Clintons are under control of the USSS.

27c49b No.60498



> a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

637210 No.60499


The SS?

e0d226 No.60500


And who now controls the USSS?


baabc2 No.60501

B-But MUH GEOTUS ar u gonna take down the progressive shit like LGBT and feminism?

5d5452 No.60502

MemeHarvesterAnon here.

Guys, need advice please. Got 400MB+ image files that are on Memes #1 thread. I can zip them for easy download. Where's a good place to deposit the zip file anonymously? I do not want to create a login or receive an email to active an anonymous dump account BUT I want Anons to be able to access the zip from a link.

Never had to do this before.

364817 No.60503


Explains the love of gold.

386b25 No.60504

10 US Code 1037?

14e054 No.60505


>[R] - No.

>Bomb away.


Was this the original [R] drop? Deal denied?

b61b34 No.60506


Always! :)

571cae No.60507


Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.


e30776 No.60508


Only certain replies have working links…

3d7f14 No.60509


USSS and MI know/knew Obama was a betrayer

He is protected (for the moment) by ++

POTUS speech alerting autists and other Patriots: US MI/MIL ready, call to arms to us to hold the line, educate, have faith in them, it will be a fight

News (BIG) is about to break and it's going to be momentous.


e60938 No.60510


Every Q post including this one available here.



All posts

In order

Date stamped


5d7c2c No.60511


Well the military is on his side. He also tweeted "Have a great game today, @USArmy and USNavy - I will be watching" Does it mean that today something will be happening?

c37c0f No.60512


Secret Service

>Why is this relevant?

en.wikipedia .org/wiki/United_States_Secret_Service

Investigative Mission – The investigative mission of the USSS is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States from a wide range of financial and electronic-based crimes. Financial investigations include counterfeit U.S. currency, bank & financial institution fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, illicit financing operations, and major conspiracies.

POTUS knows where they are at all times.

c08522 No.60514

As much as we hate BHO, he was all part of the bigger picture. Q confirm?

9875e9 No.60517



>How many clues must we provide?

trumps most recent tweet: 10:37 AM - 9 Dec 2017

be6cb1 No.60518


I'm inclined the BREAK will be Monday as Q implied something important will happen Monday and maybe the holiday break will be a time for extra celebration. jmho what do I know?

6ac570 No.60519


There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Operation Vigilant Ace

84a798 No.60520


I think a "Holy SHIT!!!" is about in order right now!

779617 No.60521

File: da83997a89ca36e⋯.png (255.53 KB, 480x418, 240:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Secret Service protects Hussein, HRC, and the rapist.

Secret Service now falls under Department of Homeland Security (used to be Dept of Treasury).

Kirstjen M. Nielsen Sworn-in as the Sixth Homeland Security Secretary

www.dhs. gov/news/2017/12/06/kirstjen-m-nielsen-sworn-sixth-homeland-security-secretary

Kirstjen M. Nielsen: Prior to the cabinet post, Nielsen served as Principal Deputy White House Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump from September 6, 2017 to December 6, 2017, and chief of staff to John F. Kelly during his term as Secretary of Homeland Security from January to July 2017.

She's a long time deputy of General Kelly. She's /ourgirl/. And now she's in charge of tracking/protecting/monitoring the jugeared sissy.

03ed6d No.60522




both est

didnt see anny Qs in video–might have missed one

571cae No.60523


"The" vs "To."

Everything has meaning.


791c47 No.60524

File: ff7a69c10822609⋯.jpg (87.83 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_4uqwt.jpg)


D3AR3S+ Q - D¡d mY pl¡gh+ h3|p P0TUS & +h3 P30PL3?

I D0N+ CAR3 if I G3+ JUS+¡C3 S0 L0NG AS +H3 P30PL3 D0


14e054 No.60525


Was that MEGA? Sara and John are the true journalists

b834b5 No.60526


Will these people be publicly exposed Q?

bde99a No.60527

Q…will there be new tech and disease cures to come of this awakening? I know some people that really need that.

84a798 No.60528


Thanks for any clues and bones you throw our way! We are working!

14e054 No.60529


About to BREAK, checked

10fe8c No.60530


Paid to price?

baabc2 No.60531

Q, could you tell us if MKULTRA stuff is real? I've readed a lot about it but I can't believe it… too much fantasy in it.

03cc23 No.60532

File: 8158542add4a5a1⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 590x350, 59:35, queen-444314.jpg)

[R] = Royal Family?

1f1960 No.60533


We go up they go down

Resisting the will of the people

Lot of sickness in our institutions

Miscarriage of justice

Resisters Hillary lost

4b1d0e No.60534




>>60488 (Checked and Kek'd)

I think there's an op about to happen.

9a5d84 No.60535



Q said they were going to find whoever leaked that photo and deal with them, haha.

6acc52 No.60536


I think Q just confirmed Martial law start date for monday. And the start to bring about real Justice

17ff1f No.60537


Q says that every day

d7b87a No.60538



7ac12a No.60539

We POTUS slurring. Is he being poisoned?

dce060 No.60540

The black awakening? Getem young and the possibilities are endless. This "they always knew" sounds like a unique thought process. Simply lay out the temptation and create an asset, or they are deliberetly picked out and udged down that path without ever realising they were in a truman show.

e1ec3c No.60541


What is said of the military? This: Military is the most and only respected government institution

729cd6 No.60542

File: a051cbfc5e7a7b5⋯.png (514.21 KB, 656x390, 328:195, apprLA.png)

baabc2 No.60543


Martial law = Government shutdown? Or are they different things? I'm not from the US so that's why I'm asking. Thx in advance.

b2b8da No.60544


Video in POTUS tweet cuts off on saying "on the line", is this referring to red line that Q has mentioned and POTUS mentioned in last night's speech?

44faf9 No.60545

File: e3b6e7c6a576ad3⋯.png (164.73 KB, 1409x1097, 1409:1097, trump & God.png)

This is a Spiritual War!

Let's see if God's Holy number 7 pop's up around Trump.

Use Date Calculator to confirm dates for proof.

Date Calculator: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

Donald Trump D.O.B: 14/06/1946

Donald Trump First Day of Presidency: 21/01/2017

Day Israel became a Nation: 14/05/1948

Donald Trump electors who voted for him: 304 (with 2 defectors)

Hillary Clinton electors who votes for her: 227 (with 5 defectors)

1. Donald Trump was born 700 days before Israel was a nation again

2. Which would mean when Israel was 77 days old, Trump would have been 777 days old.

3. Which would also mean Israel’s 70th Birthday will come 700 days after Trumps 70th Birthday.

4. Trump won by 304 electors, Hillary lost with 227 electors. 304 – 227 = 77

5. Also 3+0+4 = 7

6. Trump will be 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency.

Number 6 is the most significant one.

If Trump was born a day earlier or later, or if Israel became a nation again a day earlier or later, or if the first day of the 45th president was a day earlier or later, or if the electors of Hillary didn't defect, we wouldn't be getting these numbers. Yet all these things happened and are true and have been proved.

Only God could have made Trump born the day he was, in relation to the date of Israel, and also predestine him to become President, where he would be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old exactly on his first day of presidency.

I bet Trump himself wouldn't even know he was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on the 21st of January 2017, unless he looked it up. I couldn't tell how old exactly I am today unless I looked it up.

So this is proof, along with the good works/fruit Trump has produced so far, that God has seated a righteous POTUS!

God Bless Trump & Praise God Always!

5d7c2c No.60546


I think that changes proposed by the Pope are good. I guess that Pope is now on /our/ side and is moving away from false texts/doctrines.

b61b34 No.60547


Yes, we are. We are god. We are already in heaven. They trick us out of heaven.

c6597e No.60550


Blood is gold under a microscope….

b588f5 No.60551



>How many clues must we provide?

>>60461 >>60449

Yes, we know you feed the tweets: >>49130

ffa2a1 No.60552

File: 8f77915bfa479e9⋯.png (175.53 KB, 1276x894, 638:447, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at ….png)


>What was the USSS codename for Hussein

bffabf No.60553


fantastic speech! I could listen to that 100 times!

will do.

Pretty sure Q is saying its happening MI is going to DTS and we NEED TO GET THE PUBLIC READY!

d46b06 No.60554

File: ea9fe0eda721a02⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 720x654, 120:109, WEARETHEEARTH.jpg)











0fa3a1 No.60555


We interrupt this broadcast for breaking news regarding…

10fe8c No.60556


holy shit

c6597e No.60557


click it anon ;)



ba184b No.60558

Was there not a congressional break announced last week?

ca2ff6 No.60560

Big announcement during the break of the army vs navy game break. Just like the break announcement broadcast during as the world turns when Kennedy died.

just my 2 cents tho.

c6597e No.60561



3e943a No.60562

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump


Have a great game today, @USArmy and @USNavy - I will be watching.

We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!

#ArmyNavyGame #USA🇺🇸


10:37 AM - 9 Dec 2017

2,143 Retweets 8,740 Likes The Ryan Factor

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump


Army vs Navy

2bce40 No.60563


do you believe in torture? mk ultra is essentialy that on a extreme lvl (with personality break-ups + psycolocigal handling)

779617 No.60564


As the World Turns = everything we've known is changing … for the better.

5d7c2c No.60566

The truths about the Satanist, child sacrifices, infiltration of evil forces into the US government are too shocking for the public. So Q wants us to inform and prepare them for the truth, because otherwise they will not accept it when it breaks out.

e1ec3c No.60567


Trump tweet: Army AND Navy. Not Army VS. Navy game. Trump is talking about a different contest in which army and navy work together.

571cae No.60568

Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

Who does the USSS currently protect?

Why is this relevant?


c6597e No.60569


maybe both? Renegade Hussein and Renegade Royals?


44faf9 No.60570


Trump has God with him. This is a spiritual war light vs darkness.

It makes me wonder if Trump is the one who bruises the head of the beast before it revives. Check verse 3.

(Revelation 13:1-4) "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. {2} And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. {3} And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. {4} And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"

28163e No.60571


the trinity?

0609d9 No.60572


Five, two, Five?

779617 No.60573


Excellent anon

7ac12a No.60574


I didn’t like it. He was trumpeting fake news stories on Syria. Plus talking about great arms dealing was.

b39c69 No.60575


Are Q's signatures markers? When was the last time he signed The Great Awakening? Is this post related to that one? Are all the Godfather III signature posts related? And where they overlap on posts with multiple signatures? Is THAT how to read the map???

10fe8c No.60576


that son of a bitch

0eacde No.60577

Q is DRUNK tonight

8614a6 No.60578

USSS detail on former presidents

On January 10, 2013, President Barack Obama signed the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012, reinstating lifetime Secret Service protection for his predecessor George W. Bush, himself, and all subsequent presidents. Richard Nixon relinquished his Secret Service protection in 1985, the only president to do so.

c6597e No.60579



he betrayed the Cult of Satan ?!?!

plz yes

14e054 No.60580



Strike package Bravo-dT450-1


[R]_( )[+ 4]



fe2306 No.60581


Click 'Q' in this post. :) We're winning bigly!

28163e No.60582


stormy days?

9d9d7e No.60583


His dentures were slipping. He was not slurring.

9149d3 No.60584

File: 6fe8a73126dc484⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 1006x674, 503:337, renebade_bo.jpg)

4b7599 No.60585


It's about THE break, not To break, The holiday break coming up will be time to take out the trash.

db4015 No.60586


What time and channel is the game?

27c49b No.60587


USSS just as guilty and assisting Hussein with inside knowledge?

c6597e No.60588


Yes ;)

0609d9 No.60589


How about relating the lines of the post to the signatures using some sort of pattern derived for 4,10,20?

84a798 No.60590


Thank You Again… identifying photos as being taken from "journalists" is absolutely smashing!

364817 No.60591

Didn’t that news paper on the desk in the pic seem odd for some reason?

b588f5 No.60592

File: 92eb945ab3243f9⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 491x600, 491:600, 20sb5o (1).jpg)


>Be the autists we know you are.

It must be frustrating to watch us here.

c6597e No.60593


Very real anon.

eef60a No.60594


That's what I'm thinking too

b834b5 No.60595


This is key

ee76cb No.60596


One of the things POTUS said in his Pensacola speech was that we would be energy self-suffient by the end of the year.

New energy source coming online, world wide? Would that be a the same time ML is implemented, and Justice is served on the guilty?

14e054 No.60597


USSS can take Hussein into custody if he betrays POTUS?

364817 No.60598


Of the image with DOITQ in the filename

729cd6 No.60599

File: ad17d2a815ec8af⋯.png (109.88 KB, 376x370, 188:185, apprLA2.png)

109e0c No.60600


the - an article of speech

to - a preposition

articles breaking

c37c0f No.60601



>It's about the BREAK.

Congressional holiday BREAK?

7ac12a No.60602


He also has the zionists with him, the Israel-Firsters. This is a major concern. Zionists do the brownstoning, they can pull the plug on their corrupted assets as they appear to be doing now with Franken etc.

70df8d No.60603


President Barack Obama opted for this moniker after being presented with a list of names beginning with the letter "R."


bffabf No.60604


does anyone have the time stamp on the quote?

I am re listening right now.

e60938 No.60605


SS protects current and past POTUS

It either means SS are enabling Hussein

OR they are containing him

637210 No.60606

Wouldn’t we be able to red pill the masses more effectively if we knew exactly what the hell is going on? Why must we search for the truth when you already know it and could easily reveal it to us Q? Btw, God bless you patriot >>60568

db4015 No.60607



63b871 No.60608

File: c43843bd8929ed8⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 298x409, 298:409, rockefeller.jpg)

David Rockefeller, Jr., joined The Rockefeller Foundation board of trustees in 2006. Mr. Rockefeller began serving as Board Chair on December 2010.

Mr. Rockefeller is a director and former chairman of Rockefeller & Co. and has been an active participant in the nonprofit arena, especially in the areas of environment, philanthropy, arts, and public education.

He is a past vice chair of the National Park Foundation and reported directly to the Secretary of the Interior. Mr. Rockefeller served as a member of the Pew Oceans Commission that issued a comprehensive report on the health of U.S. marine waters in June 2003. His commitment to ensuring that our government and communities embrace and implement the recommendations of the Pew Commission—and his passion for sailing and the sea—fueled the formation of Sailors for the Sea, a “new voice for ocean conservation.”

Mr. Rockefeller is an advisor and former vice chair of the Alaska Conservation Foundation, and a founder of the Alaska Fund for the Future, an organization dedicated to preserving the Alaskan natural environment and its native cultures.

He is the former chair of the North American Nominating Committee for the Praemium Imperiale, the Japanese prize for outstanding international achievement in the arts. He is a trustee of the Museum of Modern Art, the Asian Cultural Council, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He chaired Arts, Education and Americans, which produced the book, Coming to Our Senses: The Significance of the Arts for American Education. He is a founding trustee of The Cantata Singers in Boston and performed with them as a chorister for forty years.

Mr. Rockefeller is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His former foundation affiliations have included service as Trustee and Chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, President of the Rockefeller Family Fund, and Trustee of the Boston Foundation.

He is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

d8d851 No.60609


Geronimo was Barack's code name in the SS. Q mentioned Geronimo in one of his posts a while back but I would have to review the map to pull the specific post and I am not able to do that right now. Maybe someone else could find it and repost it?

af33b9 No.60610



tried THE move on Geffen?

44faf9 No.60611


Tell Trump & Team * the Military we are praying for them!

3e943a No.60612

Please dont tell me BHO is a good guy because he is a renegade aganst B/H Clinton

4fe39c No.60613

Its been proven there are bad actors coming out of Westpoint. 2 massive Naval accidents last year, both killing people. Green Berets killed recently. Revenge? Warning?

Army v Navy?

USMC v Air Force?

Or: USMC v everyone?

Semper Fi.

8614a6 No.60614

Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

ee76cb No.60615


Exactly! They (Q, POTUS, No Such Agency)have all the info, and access to it… and we have to dig, guess, hypothesize as to what it all means… and HOPE we connect he dots.

28163e No.60616



b588f5 No.60617


>Who does the USSS currently protect?

>Why is this relevant?

The CinC. Who, per the Constitution, swears to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Hussein clearly didn't.

5d7c2c No.60618


You posed about the military 35 mins ago, Trump tweeted about the military 30 mins ago.

As for the USSS and Obama there are two variants:

1) USSS is corrupt and they protect Obama and Clintons

2) or they knew Obama was a traitor and now they control the ex-presidents

3) A scary possibility is that Trump cannot trust the USSS

2bce40 No.60619


q just said its "the BREAK" not "to break"

b39c69 No.60620


USSS codename for Trump is Mogul. Melania is Muse.

70df8d No.60621


Renegade's earliest meanings had to do with deserting one's religion, coming from the Spanish word renegado originally meaning "Christian turned Muslim."


c6597e No.60622


They worship destroying it. Sex creates a baby through the divine act of making love. It's beautiful in every way. And look at how sex is abused now in every aspect of the media and music, and look who controls those industries. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!

109e0c No.60623


"the" is an article

>it's about the break

it's about articles breaking

af33b9 No.60624



63b871 No.60625


This "Philanthropist" is a member of the CFR -Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank to undermine democracy

44faf9 No.60626


Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Bible Prophecy on Soros, Rothschild, elite "Jews", etc… i.e. all those who claim to be Jewish, but are really serving Satan & follow the Talmud (instead of the Old Testament) are not truly Jewish.

fe2306 No.60627


Q's post was at 13:34:24

Trump's tweet was at 10:37

2 hours and 57 minutes difference



No idea what this means.

1f1960 No.60628

Rear Admiral Jake Grafton and his assistant, Toad take on an Israeli spy, Russians, Saddam Hussein, renegade KGB and a CIA

e1ec3c No.60629


Close. Obama's code name was Renegade. Skull and Bones society had ceremonies involving Geronimo's skull. Obama = Renegade = Skull and Bones.

571cae No.60630

Not understanding why the drops today aren't being understood.

Expand your thinking.



c37be3 No.60631


yes, the Spear of Longinus/Spear of Destiny.

fa67b6 No.60632




I guess that you mean that BHO and Clintons are under control of the USSS.

But if trump controls the usss then there must be a renegade group of ss agents.

e7985d No.60633



January 12, 2013

Under a new law signed today by President Obama, all former U.S. presidents and first ladies will receive lifetime Secret Service protection.

10fe8c No.60634


3 minute time difference.

They called him Renegade because he betrays his country.

The USSS currently protects POTUS.

It's relevant because if they know Hussein is a renegade then they will relay info to POTUS' about him.

709df3 No.60635

Anonymous, I just wanted to say thank you for being there while I discovered horrible things about our reality that, if done alone could have driven me mad. Thank you for 10+ Years of company here in darkest reaching corners of reality.

e198f2 No.60636

File: b9c3ff897f3ee68⋯.png (63.31 KB, 695x400, 139:80, military.com tweet.png)

ee76cb No.60637


BREAK from the evil ties that bind?

A BREAK in all senses?

000000 No.60638

For whatever it is worth:

Military Tribunals can be used during wartime. Are we technically still at war? If the entire Dept of Justice is infiltrated by co-conspirators, where do you go for 'justice.'

Military time is ZULU, aka Greenwich Mean Time.

no access to vpn so stuck with tor

637210 No.60639


bffabf No.60640

So PoTuS tweet 14 hrs ago so 12a

a33cce No.60641

Definition of renegade {BHO}

1 : a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another

2 : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior

10fe8c No.60642


our autistic brains are fried from last night's heavenly speech

e0d226 No.60643


Thank you, Q, for the confirmation!

Hope you arrest them in due time even if they arent the priority. MSM is evil.

44faf9 No.60644


Are they dumping their wealth into Bitcoin?

Its value doubled within a week from the end of November.

91585d No.60645


>Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

Who was the first "renegade"?

>Who does the USSS currently protect?

Why is this relevant?

POTUS, The Constitution, The United States

Who do the USSS ask for help from in their job?

Secret Service Oath

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

109e0c No.60646


USSS provides detail to past presidents as well

and to their wives (unless they remarry)

until death

8614a6 No.60647


disinfo is improving here

3e943a No.60648

Obama VS Clintons

b3a8e8 No.60649


When will this game take place?

a33cce No.60650

Reject LAW (BHO)

e60938 No.60651

File: 7ae737f66c5e8bd⋯.jpg (47.42 KB, 700x458, 350:229, skippy.jpg)


Q, Chester's dad?

729cd6 No.60652

File: d188495f51d3841⋯.png (322.46 KB, 975x728, 75:56, apprLA3.png)

5087ab No.60653


SS protects Hussein and Clinton

MI protects Trump


Erik Prince

Former administrations have been proxy

The current administration is patriotic and real

10fe8c No.60654


yes but surely they'd relay more info to the current president than the previous.

aa5719 No.60655


you are red pilling us on stuff we already know but

unknown know

known know

unknown unknown

known unknown

just go for broke and let us handle redpilling after the fact

God is in charge

3d7f14 No.60656


Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

>he chose it

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

>named himself, they understood

Who does the USSS currently protect?

past, current potus & family, incl HRC

Why is this relevant?

>some USSS compromised, not all,

>reason POTUS DJT has his own security + mil

>tabs kept on Obama, HRC et all

>some USSS compromised, not all

4fe39c No.60657


Status Quo is blinding.

Faith is strong, can't connect. Working overtime.

af33b9 No.60658


we are as smart as you think. if it really is that important i think you will just have to tell us.

4b7599 No.60659


All i can think is when it's BREAK time ,you'll clean house and all the People under SS will be swept up in arrests?

571cae No.60660

Post: 1:34 US Military

POTUS: 1:37 US Military


779617 No.60661


>Who does the USSS currently protect?

Jugears, HRC, the Rapist.

USSS is under the Department of Homeland Security.

>Why is this relevant?

United States Secret Service: Law enforcement agency tasked with two distinct and critical national security missions:

Investigative Mission – The investigative mission of the USSS is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States from a wide range of financial and electronic-based crimes.

Protective Mission – The protective mission of the USSS is to ensure the safety of the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, their immediate families, and foreign heads of state.

Is Hussein trying to move dirty money and the USSS has been investigating his ass for it?

8614a6 No.60662



341902 No.60663


BHO SS codename is/was "renegade".

af33b9 No.60664


or something about that waterdrinking break

989aeb No.60665


"fake/ss"! real codename Humble

b834b5 No.60666


3 minutes

c8be9f No.60667


the version with trespasses instead of debts. Pope francis wants to change lead us not into temptation but he is wrong. we are supposed to be led by God's holy spirit, and so when we stray, then we can fall into temptation. so it covers teaches us to allow God to lead us, and tells what happens when we disobey. don't change it.

d8d851 No.60668


Does Obama go down on Monday?

37bed8 No.60669


Trump protected by Marines instead of SS during Hawaii stop on Asian tour. Secret Service detail dropped by Donald Jr. Secret Service is clearly compromised and they are enabling Barack's sedition. Could also explain boot on McCain and Hillary. If SS was fully aligned, wouldn't be necessary?

4b7599 No.60670


3 min difference

709df3 No.60671


Q trying to tell us US Military action going down home soil soon?

10fe8c No.60672


Backwards is forwards….

USSS protects Obama, who betrayed the country, codename Renegade.

POTUS' tweet vs US Military post is 3 minute time difference.

This is relevant because…

If the USSS it protecting Hussein then the Military is protecting POTUS?

3c9da7 No.60673

I doubt President Trump was tweeting about the football game that he'll be watching. There is most likely another "game" going on today.

It's about to BREAK

b588f5 No.60674


Yes, we understand you know what @realDonaldTrump is about to post.

b48bde No.60675

Is the war hot? Army and Navy might be fighting not just on the football field.

363efd No.60676

Hey Lynn. Are you here, still alive?

af33b9 No.60678


not. not as smart.

e153e2 No.60679


Secret Service. They have to turn or be replaced for arrests.

0fa3a1 No.60680



386b25 No.60681

There are US Codes 1034 and 1037, is that what we are looking at?

3c06fa No.60682


We aren't as autistic as you think. Please reconsider your strategy and connect the dots a little clearer. We all want to understand, but when we can't, we can't

364817 No.60683


Yep it’s all unpacking. The storm is here.

4fe39c No.60684


ML? Mad Dog in control? Prepare?

fe2306 No.60685


POTUS @ US Military time: 1337 - l33t or Elite!

Our US Military is elite.

c08522 No.60686

Is baker good for next oven!

e0d226 No.60687


Proves the found them. Lol

Hope they deal with them publicly so we can all know.

b588f5 No.60688


>It's about the BREAK.

On Monday, US military will begin rounding up Bad Guys and hold tribunals. 11th-20th.

Merry Christmas.

3e943a No.60689


who is tweeting?

729cd6 No.60690

File: ca5dde4ba20d890⋯.png (110.97 KB, 363x359, 363:359, apprLA4.png)

b17e7f No.60691

DJT said Army and Navy not Army v Navy.

Army and Navy are working together.

Wasn't it previously thought that SS is corrupted.

4ce52e No.60692


Trump was giving the go ahead to the US Military to begin taking subjects into custody.

109e0c No.60693


>Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

to give hope

to teach us to pray


to show foreknowledge of the pope's change

>Which version?

king james version

>Why is this relevant?

because it cannot be changed

>What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

the pope accused of blasphemy by his own bishops (francis; peter the roman) wants to change it to remove the "temptation" part

fda421 No.60694

Can USSS agents be called to testify against their protectees?

3d7f14 No.60695


Different anons present.

>Expand your thinking.

USSS has proof what Obama has been doing

US MIL also knows

Big drop coming

BREAK open

Pelosi, McCain "sick" (avoid consequences, non compos mentis)

sex stuff in Congress, a way out - there is much worse


MIL involved


a33cce No.60696

Why did DT visit CIA first day…..Pillars soon to fall?

aa5719 No.60697


the greatest weapons in spiritual warfare is prayer and REPENTANCE

repent for past crimes and sins of past presidents

blind the enemy and cast his out of the presence of God

and watch the Miracles marvel all of us

counterfeit timelines disappear

9d9d7e No.60698

3 minutes.

9th day of

12 month

af33b9 No.60699

q is losing patience with us

5d7c2c No.60700

Q posted in the past

>"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future."

>"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

Now the Pope wants to change the Lord's Prayer

does it mean that the Pope is now good?

c6212d No.60701

Reduce spam - eliminate HATE - use LOVE - think and be positively inspired!

be6cb1 No.60702

File: 3223b51cadee222⋯.jpg (3.84 KB, 315x160, 63:32, images (2).jpg)


B-but….okay Q

Godfather III means the Pope is corrupt!

6a86f7 No.60703


You are, or are with, GEOTUS.

0b4701 No.60704


Wayne Green 1922- 2013

bffabf No.60705


Marines post

Marines with the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing​ and 3rd Marine Division​ fast rope to reach objectives on land and sea.


This is your land, this is your home, and it's your voice that matters the most. So speak up, be heard, and fight, fight, fight for the change you've been waiting for your entire life!

a33cce No.60706


Or be smashed

4b7599 No.60707

I feel like a fucking idiot because we have to analyze every little thing to death, there's a code here we haven't figured out yet

eef60a No.60708


Perhaps Mc is protecting Hussein.

What we know:

- Many members of the military speak out against Mc and consider him a traitor because he worked with his captors during the VN war and even created a propaganda message delivered to the POWs

- He associates with known terrorists

Perhaps clowns were used because he could not trust MI

Perhaps UBL was eliminated because he could witness to other traitorous events

The Pope want's to change the word "lead" into temptation to "fall" into temptation, thus removing blame from predators.

c37be3 No.60709


I was thinking that, too.

7ac12a No.60710

It’s about THE break. The way a story changes?>>60673

145c25 No.60711


Because our minds go on tangents. Read between the wrong lines. get distracted. beset by shills, not always working right when get big dump as too much info to process.Take your pick.

989aeb No.60712


trump suggested that in the speech, the UN part

ee76cb No.60713



ba184b No.60714

search q's trip on this page. Its found once. Focus people.

fa67b6 No.60715



Geronimo was Seal team 6 code name for OBL

1f1960 No.60716

The USSS does not give the family code names The Secret Service does not choose these names, however. The White House Communications Agency assigns them.

779617 No.60717


"Snow continues to fall" = good guys continue to win!

7f3f42 No.60718


01/03 G(0)

3e943a No.60719

Trump dident tweet and give speech at same time ……..Think

ca2ff6 No.60720

Breaking news soon about BHO renegade?

c37c0f No.60721

File: b81c17969fa0b7d⋯.png (561.44 KB, 757x840, 757:840, Capture.PNG)

File: 6958fab23a40cd4⋯.png (14.53 KB, 491x254, 491:254, cap2.png)


>Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

10:37 AM vs 10:34 AM

3 minute fore-knowledge.

8614a6 No.60722





eef60a No.60723


Removing responsibility from predators

c08522 No.60724

File: d3dee40962c672c⋯.png (161.69 KB, 307x376, 307:376, Fear-The-Goat.png)

386b25 No.60725


1037 seems more relevant

7f3f42 No.60726


All Clear Go

44faf9 No.60727

One thing I don't get about Q, is he dropped Captain Green strike on Rothschild before it happened.

Couldn't they have read the Captain Green strike code on here (8chan) and this caused the mission to fail?

Not saying it was because Q posted it here, probably a different interception of the message, but not sure why sensitive info like that was dropped.

Can Q clarify?

28163e No.60728



03cc23 No.60729

File: d6daacedf18a1ac⋯.png (897.75 KB, 799x1011, 799:1011, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at ….png)

5d7c2c No.60730


Today US military will be action

ac6c68 No.60731


>ribunals can be used during wartime. Are we technically still at war? If the entire Dept of Justice is infiltrated by co-conspirators, where do you go for 'justice.'

>Military time is ZULU, aka Greenwich Mean Time.

>no access to vpn so stuck with tor

The USA has always been at war. The horizontal stripes are the flag of war, vertical peace. Never happened.

b3a8e8 No.60732


Does this game have a BREAK?

4ce52e No.60733


His tweet wasn't about the football game, it's about the game of takedown the actual Army and Navy are about to play with some very powerful people.

8bb4aa No.60734



Done been sayin' it…

God The Father is Three.

Jesus is Coming.

Justice = Judgement

4b1d0e No.60735


Hey… So R is Obama.

E is Clinton Right? Eagle?

Who are the others that could spell BREAK?

It's about THE break.

e0d226 No.60736


Because POTUS controls the USSS.

POTUS can review everything in the past.

POTUS can order monitoring of BHO via USSS.


fa67b6 No.60737


>Trump's tweet was at 10:37

What did the us military tweet at that same Time?

454cb6 No.60738

Why the fuck do you morons keep screeching individual theories every time Q posts?


This. People are spamming inane bullshit at Q instead of ACTIVELY DOING RESEARCH and being actually helpful.

2009a6 No.60739




-confirm. go.

-veiled rally


bffabf No.60740


I need you guys to help me find the military twitter account that tweeted at 134

we need to cross this against trumps post. was is the USMC account?

6a7177 No.60741

File: ad393af6bcf3691⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 276x256, 69:64, dkUZC6K.jpg)


trumps speech - Obama sent 1.8bn to iran?!

e60938 No.60742


What happened in SA will happen here

Hussein was a renegade traitor

Justice coming for Hussien

Roths handling Hussein

Blows have been dealt to the families

Monday it happens

MI Marines begin clean up


No deals for HRC

No deals for Hussein

9875e9 No.60743

there are powerful forces in


Washington trying to sabotage our


movement these are bad people these are


very very bad and evil people they know


who they are these are the people who


made their money their names their


careers their power off the corrupt and


broken system and they liked it the


other way so they will do anything at


any time and they'll never stop but you


know what we're stopping them you're


seeing that right now you're seeing that


right now with stopping them it's


corrupt it's rigged and with stopping


them they will lie and leak and smear


because they don't want to accept the


results of an election where we won by a



4b7599 No.60744

Fuck we're not seeing something here guys

6ac570 No.60745


Depends on happenings.

As it currently stands, the 22nd is the next day where shutdown occurs, and this is during the congressional holiday where everyone is already on break until the 3rd.

c37be3 No.60746


On a livestream last night a poster from Pensacola said it snowed there last night.

ebca13 No.60747

File: cba12c8182fcc64⋯.png (990.13 KB, 1110x726, 185:121, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at ….png)

10fe8c No.60748


war on homeland?

navy vs military…..

obama vs trump….

USSS vs obama.

b69e7e No.60749


Could [R] +4 mean 4 Renegades?

Hussein, Queen, Pope and who else?

Netanyahu? Saudi Prince guy?

hmmmm interesting….

84a798 No.60751


We aren't MEANT to understand the full meaning until the ness drops happen at a future event. Only then, AFTER the event will we understand the meaning of everything.

9149d3 No.60753

660690 No.60754


POTUS Twitter

000000 No.60755



Between your post and President's tweet is exactly 3 min. BHO was called RENEGADE because USSS secretly knew that he is the Great American traitor. And he thought that they don't know.

Now USSS supposed to cover 45th, but I assume that they secretly work for B/H C as spies.

And also there are [R]-family.


I guess that BHO was Saudi puppet. USSS covered him to spy on SA. Now they are DONE.

Next goal – [R].

Their puppet – HRC.

They cover her like "Nah, we hate DRUMPF" but again they try to get the puppet masters. As soon as [R] family will be dead – HRC will be gone.

And so on…

This is a scheme.

10fe8c No.60756

everyone just watch this fucking match go down and look for clues

c08522 No.60757


b69e7e No.60758

File: 3abde98107854bd⋯.png (204.84 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8MzmpZy.png)


Pic related


44faf9 No.60759


TBH I wish I could help Q more, but I've never been able to make the connections with his drops, I always have to wait until someone explains it.

I do know about the Bible & Prophecy though, and it's interconnection with the New Age Movement, DNA, Transhumanism, A.I, & Quantum Computers.

14e054 No.60760


Q posts that later news unlocks are legit info and unlock other related signatures? Disinfo is part of the map that the news doesn't verify?

10fe8c No.60761

baker here. batter ready.

0fa3a1 No.60762


Old Farmer's Almanac

03ed6d No.60763


the break between the Clontions and obamas

b588f5 No.60764


>Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.

Looking at the ones re-tweeted and/or flagged, they seem to be more "trusted channels."

e79493 No.60765


https://www.law.corn ell.edu/uscode/text/10/1034

https://www.law.corn ell.edu/uscode/text/18/1037

2c72be No.60766


HRC and Bill have a renovated barn behind home in Chappaqu, NY that SS live in. McCabe has a house just down the way

989aeb No.60767


It could be about Al Green and his talk that the trump is beeing to "sick" for pres

10fe8c No.60768

Keep your eyes on the news.


3e943a No.60769

Army and Navy are going to take out SS on Holiday Break!!!

779617 No.60770


"Have a great game today, USArmy AND USNavy - I will be watching."

This twat is a shoutout to the military. Something big is habbening today. We may not get news of it for a while, but something is going down today.

c08522 No.60771


3pm kickoff! Xoxo

44faf9 No.60772

Anyone remember that lady who went off on one in Congress.


Then Trump win's the election, Hallelujah!

1ad86c No.60773

Break Time. The Time barrier broken. Future seen-an expanded thought, right?

03cc23 No.60774

File: c458c9022a2f381⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 20sdis.jpg)

10fe8c No.60775


holy shit, that's another 3.

3 minute time difference, 3pm kickoff.

ee76cb No.60776


So we get a 3 minute warning for the SHTF?

109e0c No.60777


>12/06/17 (Wed) 23:02:52

>Strike package Bravo-dT450-1


>[R]_( )[+ 4]


don't forget the 7



A C D?

A C G?


like it

b69e7e No.60778


I'm going with Saudi Prince guy…

0609d9 No.60779


Sequence or pattern for relating signatures to lines in posts? 1,3,4,7? 1,3,4,1,3,7?

Based on letters in words:



b588f5 No.60780


>It's about the BREAK.

Also, about the break with the past.

>As the World Turns

Things are changing, bigly.

3d7f14 No.60781


Most reasonable and logical conclusion yet.

9a5d84 No.60782


The Rothschilds, who were protecting Hussein the renegade, have been neutralized. Hussein can now be picked for treason, will be a military op.

ba184b No.60783

Guise, that's not Q. Trip doesnt match.

454cb6 No.60785


That's perfectly fine, but that is for the downtime between Q posts. WHILE HE IS HERE POSTING there is quite literally no reason to be extrapolating to the most extensive reaches of "the happening." He's not talking about grand millennia-long prophecies, DNA, transhumanism, etc etc etc.

So thats literally just clogging up the thread at the moment. If you can't help yet, just don't post yet.

b0b3d6 No.60786


>- I will be watching."

the eye will be watching

7f3f42 No.60787

a33cce No.60788

File: b419256a6a9150c⋯.png (7.78 MB, 2126x3000, 1063:1500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 013a1d31e4cc735⋯.jpg (913.63 KB, 2126x3000, 1063:1500, _Appreciate_America_Stop_t….jpg)


44faf9 No.60789


How so?

b588f5 No.60790


>They always knew.

As did we. Why do you think the Oathkeepers sprang up & organized?

5b381e No.60791


He said THANK YOU in a tweet, Does this mean the action by our great MI patriots has already been taken? Was the go order during the speech last night?

10fe8c No.60792


it does match you shill faggot, kys

be6cb1 No.60793

File: c8797173a66f61d⋯.png (181.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1461410271716.png)



7 is for Revelation! woooowwwww kek confirms!!!

4fe39c No.60794


Break: Timeline shift?

bffabf No.60795

anyone find me a military twatter account that tweeted 14 hrs ago?

386b25 No.60796

fc31c1 No.60797


Call me a shill, block me, whatever, but here's a Q alternative:

what if this Q scenario is staged by our President's opposition? It's easy to lead people to the conclusions you want when you're writing the story and leaving hand-picked crumbs.

Our President has already been accused as a conspiracy theorist over BHO's birth certificate, so what better way to discredit him- AND the people who follow him- than getting them wrapped up in a huge outrageous conspiracy theory and blasting it out to the world?

It makes the people who voted for him look like crazy, anti-Jewish Satanic-obsessed weirdos which in turn makes our President out to be a cult leader.

Like I said, only a possible alternative, but another good reason to take a step back from the rabbit holes.

44faf9 No.60798


Fair enough. God Bless Q & Trump team. Go get em!

14e054 No.60799




Strike package Bravo-dT450-1


[R]_( )[+ 4]


Is this ( ) "the BREAK"? USSS related +4

03ed6d No.60800

we need to tie in todays posts with the pictures

ac6c68 No.60801


>https://www.law.corn ell.edu/uscode/text/10/1034

You may be on to something here :)

5d7c2c No.60802

e68492 No.60803

It links the Vatican with OBL

95b56f No.60805


Holy shit man!!!

109e0c No.60806



(a)Restricting Communications With Members of Congress and Inspector General Prohibited.—

(1) No person may restrict a member of the armed forces in communicating with a Member of Congress or an Inspector General.


18 U.S. Code § 1037 - Fraud and related activity in connection with electronic mail

b768df No.60807


Your faggotry hasn't gone unnoticed.

45d252 No.60808



fa67b6 No.60809

File: 8ad28eed591dbc4⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 260FF5BC-90B1-46C2-8787-D8….png)

Let's take it to the field!

The football field

And the field of war

God bless them

d1cb42 No.60810


Barry is going to be taken out

be6cb1 No.60812


click it….


(just joking)

(not about the click it part tho)


3c6826 No.60814

So secret service given ultimatum? Arrest president or military will arrest secret service?

ba184b No.60815


Check it, im not afraid to be wrong.

28163e No.60816

skies are cloudy.

can see lighting, hear thunder on horizon.

Monday is going to be a stormy day.

c08522 No.60817

Lads…lets watch opening of game and pretend we like football. Symbolism. Time stamp. Faces in the game. Someone have free stream link uninterrupted?

10fe8c No.60818






729cd6 No.60819

File: 37ef0e710526968⋯.png (120.55 KB, 366x361, 366:361, apprLA5.png)

d1cb42 No.60820


>"Have a great game today, USArmy AND USNavy - I will be watching."

Its on

e1ec3c No.60821

R [+4] is Obama family? Renegade [Obama, Michael & two girls]

d1cb42 No.60822


ding ding. Good catch

baabc2 No.60823


oh ok I misunderstood what it is then. Thanks for explaining.

c6212d No.60824


No one forces God-Source's hand.

God is LOVE. "He" does things when the time and energy is right. With Love you are prepared for any situation and you create a positive, loving future.


Don't get distracted by negative what-if's.

You fight for POSITIVE CHANGE. When you do that, the Existence guides your loving hand. Do not worry. Seek, and you shall find. Everything is connected.

p.s. The tripcodes match from my point of view. Be careful while copying and pasting - type if need be. This is Q.

3e309e No.60825


Not to mention Chester is Podestas son.

ca2ff6 No.60826


how many spaces does the break zone have?

076dfc No.60828

File: b019288da99a986⋯.png (40.56 KB, 682x720, 341:360, images.duckduckgo.c6546om.png)


oig .justice.gov/reports/USMS/a0229/02-29_Appendix12.pdf

03ed6d No.60829

q says we are on the wrong path today—- so what paths we have been following should we eliminate?

c8be9f No.60830


I tried to read it, but too much of it is wrong.

5d7c2c No.60831

Like in the Godfather enemies will be dealt with during the game. And it probably will have something to do with the Pope, Obama and the Clinton family

4b7599 No.60832

I feel like we let Q down today

b645ed No.60833

Dont football players scream BREAK after a huddle? Now the play is about to begin.

10fe8c No.60834


WTF is that link

b69e7e No.60835


I agree anon. I think you too it the wrong way, I was being a little vague sorry…I guess you will find out soon.

44faf9 No.60836

Obama is being protected by the USSS, & is a renegade going around countries trying to sabotage Trump & the USA?

0fa3a1 No.60837

Wonderful that it goes down during a football game where everyone stands for the national anthem.

aa5719 No.60838


maybe by the time the football game is over the arrests will have happened

bcc578 No.60839


Easy now. The way in which we're keeping track of and, more importantly, the ease of going back and finding previous posts is what I think it slowing us down.

I think we(anons) need to rethink how we are presenting/preserving old Q posts. I think it would be helpful to periodically remind people how to search for old posts, and my be helpful to keep a board that is only for posting past Q posts(once) that will delete any other discussion to keep it clean and concise. I realize everyone is doing this on their own time and have life duties to attend to as well. Would it be helpful if we created a board to discuss idea for better organization and cleanup of relevant info?

941f93 No.60840

File: 15b4ceaeb3ad3cb⋯.png (14.57 MB, 10360x6104, 185:109, 8chQpostsv2.0.png)


Latest Q Compilation Updated 12/9

Please Update Link

000000 No.60841


My another guess.

Q-group is sub-USSS.

And so answer to a question "Who is covered by USSS" is 45th. By YOU. You are close right now to a President. And so you knew exactly what he is about to tweet.

Remember KEYSTONE:

Key = Pres.

Stone = Military + MI.

076dfc No.60842


Office of the inspector general

8614a6 No.60845


PATHologically needing to answer his posts for validation while adding nothing of value and asking useless slide questions.

a33cce No.60847



>oig .justice.gov/reports/USMS/a0229/02-29_Appendix12.pdf

Findings of Retaliation by Several USMS Supervisors for Perceived Cooperation With an OIG

Investigation, and Violation of Travel Regulations and Policy by the District’s U.S. Marshal

The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation based

on allegations that several United States Marshals Service (USMS) supervisory employees in a

particular judicial district retaliated against subordinates as a result of the subordinate

employees’ cooperation with the OIG in a prior investigation. During the investigation of

alleged retaliation, the OIG received allegations regarding improprieties related to the United

States Marshal’s (USM) reassignment of a Deputy United States Marshal (DUSM) to a different

office within the district.

The OIG investigation found that the Chief Deputy United States Marshal (CDUSM), a

Supervisory DUSM, and a now retired Senior Inspector each retaliated against subordinate

employees as a result of the employees’ perceived cooperation with a prior OIG investigation.

The retaliation consisted of the CDUSM attempting to pressure a subordinate to disclose to the

USM the employee’s level of cooperation with the OIG investigation; the CDUSM restricting an

employee’s work assignments; and the Supervisory DUSM and Senior Inspector making

statements and threatening retaliation to dissuade employees from cooperating with the OIG’s

earlier investigation. All such actions violate provisions of the Inspector General Act of 1978,

Department of Justice regulations, and USMS policy. The OIG also concluded that the CDUSM

and the Senior Inspector lacked candor with the OIG, further violations of Department

regulations and USMS policy.

The OIG investigation found further that the USM improperly directed a reassigned DUSM to

claim work hours during his daily commute, in violation of federal regulations and USMS travel


The OIG did not substantiate certain other allegations made against the supervisory employees.

The OIG has completed its investigation and has provided its report to the USMS and the Office

of the Deputy Attorney General for appropriate action. The OIG referred its retaliation findings

to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

eef60a No.60849


What we know

- Mc was Navy

- The Navy is embroiled in a corruption scandal called Fat Leonard

- There have been numerous recent collisions involving Navy ships (accidents?)


bffabf No.60850

"Honest abe INKEN!!" HONEST ABE!! >=)

4b7599 No.60851

Why did Don Jr. decide to go with his own security detail instead of using the SS? Corrupt?

6f3648 No.60852





>▶Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/07/17 (Thu) 07:02:52 cbaed3 No.46591

>Strike package Bravo-dT450-1


>[R]_( )[+ 4]


Renegade is targeted,

03ed6d No.60853


obviosuly..but there has to be some digging paths that we must deflect resources away from because of his post

d46b06 No.60854

File: 9fa93b241f13af3⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 630x275, 126:55, MOTHEREARTH.jpg)











d2606a No.60855

"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"

"On behalf of an entire nation"–would it not normally be "On behalf of the entire nation"–so what nation? or maybe I am looking into it too much

b3a8e8 No.60856


This is great!

3e943a No.60859

03ed6d No.60860



what if instead of rothsshield all the [r{ on the map was about renegade

17ff1f No.60861


Maybe MI is assisting USSS in takedown of [R]?

2c72be No.60862


Among other ppl USSS protects x-presidents. US presidents BHO and BC are under their protection. To take them in the USSS has to step down or act like nazi SS and defend their gods. Bad optics

709df3 No.60863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











10fe8c No.60866


thanks will do it on #70, #69 already posted.

44faf9 No.60867


Good find!

b39c69 No.60868


so what happened in the 3-minute break?

fa67b6 No.60869

All of the usss guards that were with and still with Obama must have been compromised with the special hot dogs from Chicago.

e0d226 No.60870


Q, the "big" action has already commenced/ finished. Verified.

You are just speaking of the recent past. Confirmed.


Hence why you are speaking so candidly now?

ebca13 No.60871


LOL leave Rahm at the bath house out of this

729cd6 No.60873

File: ed9aced7227d1ff⋯.png (336.83 KB, 561x424, 561:424, apprLA6.png)

bcc578 No.60874


Don’t let it discourage you, keep at it. We need to do a better job of organizing the info/boards and how they operate so people can readily access old Q posts for referencing.

bffabf No.60876


I checked USSS twatter no go on twilight tweet. state dep tweeted about NK tho we are sending Joseph Yun to negotiate during blackout this could be relevant.

000000 No.60878


Yes, but what's the point? He lost his masters in SA. I don't get it.

He suppose to run around the world seeking for shelter.

dfe025 No.60879


looking at the initial capitals of each line, not including Q and W. . .terrcnet . . .terrence t? is anyone else looking into the inituals?

b2b8da No.60880


Renegade +4 SS?

4b7599 No.60881


it's not that candid, we're still not getting the drops today

44faf9 No.60884

I'm pretty sure in previous research, the USSS have a lot of sex scandals behind them.

3d7f14 No.60885


<"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"

<"On behalf of an entire nation"–would it not normally be "On behalf of the entire nation"–so what nation?

>Everything has meaning

I think you found it

b8ca94 No.60886


SS also investigates money laundering and wire fraud

0fa3a1 No.60889

The employee must complete an Affidavit Regarding Lost, Stolen, or Unauthorized Destruction of Government Property (Form USM-134)

9a5d84 No.60890

The timing of the post by Q and the tweet by POTUS was to demonstrate that they (Q) are with POTUS. The post about The Lord's Prayer confirms Q have accurate knowledge of future events. Hussein is a traitor, his protection has been removed and we will see some kind of justice on Monday and >it's all about the BREAK. (Something the autists will have to figure out.)

fa67b6 No.60891


And Al-Waleed upside down.

3c83e5 No.60894


>News unlocks map.

>Future proves past.

>Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Proof of foreknowledge.

>Which version?

Standard version from the Book of Common Prayer.

>Why is this relevant?

It's the most commonly known.

>What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

The Pope wants to change it.

>What can be connected?

POTUS has foreknowledge of the Pope's actions. Unbelievable.

>Do you believe in coincidences?


>Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

>Godfather III.

Need the One Big Idea from this movie that makes sense, like the torpedo was from Red October. Not sure.


c37c0f No.60896


Where is POTUS today? Both Q and POTUS time zones are Pacific!

Is something going down today, 1:34 PST?

10fe8c No.60897


renegade + family.

him, michael, and 2 daughters.

27f8b1 No.60899

So let's look at the bigger picture.

WHY would anyone from DT group/ DT himself come to this board to post and guide us? Why build all this knowledge here?

Well, where else? MSM are not an option, Breitbart is tinfoil conspiracy category, so are other independent media.

What Q is doing is trying to give us CREDIBILITY.

So that we can use the info and post on FB / Twitter and be CORRECT. THEN when we start dropping red pills (which were given to us as well) we will be treated with some seriousness. We have to act quick, make memes, become a trusted source. And then start pink- pilling, and red pilling. Q- is that the bigger picture?

bffabf No.60900

"In the cradle of NAVAL AVIATION>"

10fe8c No.60901


POTUS said he's watching he game lol.

not sure if on TV or front row.

d1cb42 No.60902


AS the world turns.

Kill order

b588f5 No.60903


>Q have accurate knowledge of future events

And the tweets fed to @realDonaldTrump

See also: >>49130

759701 No.60906


POTUS tweet at 1:37

Army vs. Navy


Is this the conflict that will be decided

5d5452 No.60907


Yes Q! I believe we (or most of us anyhow) know PRECISELY who you are. But we also believe it would be wrong to identify (dox) you. Unless told otherwise by the President.

The Pensacola speech last night was very powerful. President Trump is in fine form!

c8be9f No.60908


I think you are right anon, and it might be about unmasking. Monday may have news on unmasking debacle.

10fe8c No.60909



Bread reminder.

c37be3 No.60910


That IS an interesting theory, Anon.

d1cb42 No.60911


Bunch of kills at the end.

Are we here?

b645ed No.60912

Renegade = Anti-american

Not /ourguy/, hes their /faggot/

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