Not Q, but willing to take a few.
It's comfy here at the house tonight, anons.
>>Status of 'the storm'?
Slowly rolling in.
>>why are there such a large number (4000+) of sealed indictments, and in D.C. particularly?
I'm not sure
>>When will the hammer drop on Uranium One?
Nobody could tell you this but a select few. My guess, four to six more weeks.
>>Is Flynn going to rat?
Already has, but not on who you think.
>>Over or under: 22 days until the swamp is DRAINED and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT
Unfortunately, over.
>>Are the podesta pedos & hillary going down?
>>s Mueller really on our side?
>>Or is he genuinely attempting to bring people down close to Trump? (as the media would have everyone believe)
>>If on our side, will HRC ever see justice?
Mueller is not on anyone's "side." He is just cracking down. Only those who have broken the law need be afraid. He will make a name for himself.
>>Is Q legit? It seems many of the things they said haven't happened or may be misdirection. Do you know who Q is, or have an idea of who they might be?
>>Is Mueller on Trump's side?
Q is a legit insider. So is the chef.
>>can you just please tell DJT we do this every day because we love the man and believe he has the ability to turn this thing around. All I could ever hope for is a return to righteousness this man can bring back
Will do.
>>Me too!!! Where should we meet?
At the fire place in five.
>>Is Trump safe from Mueller?
Until he breaks the law.
>>and OP just got CIA'd
pshh… those decorations are so last year.
>>second this. have him or or don jr give us an "axe"
I'll do my best, but it's not that easy. If you see it in the next week. You'll know. Otherwise, sorry.
>>Are you over or under 21 years of age
Well over.
>>Is trump planning to attack Iran?
>>>>another LARP thread full of idiots asking questions
What most anons don't understand is that one can't have information covering all sectors. There are DOJ anons, Press anons, FBI anons, SC anons, etc. I don't claim to know more than I state.
>>does nobody think anything of you walking around what I presume is a closed door private event taking photos?
Nope. Wonder why?
>>Tell FLOTUS the House looks great.
>>Burgers should feel proud.
Flotus didn't do it. It was a crew of light loafers.
>>>>Mueller is not on anyone's "side." He is just cracking down.
>>Ok but isn't he also involved in the mess? He was FBI director during the UraniumOne sale. Shouldn't he recuse himself and appoint a special counsel? He has to answer for why he either didn't know about this or chose to ignore it.
He was. Not anymore. Is anyone asking him to step down? He is.
>>Shot from the ornament scene in WH video
D sends love.