Britain leaving UK was set up to fail as UN NEVER planned on ALLOWING anyone to leave..and documents show the politicians since 1971 fully KNEW they were all lying to the public, the voters and slowly taking away all their rights, and sovereignty, liberty etc.. and states in document that if they all lie and hide by the time they catch on it will be too late and they can't do anything about it.. see so all these assholes holed citizens, the tax base, the laborers in contempt, and don't mind if they rape or steal and kill your children, or do medical experimentation on everyone.
Right now the EU is DEMANDING MASS $$$ Billions a year to LEAVE every year in perpetuity.. THAT is bull shit, then they are Never free and always servants and slaves to EU.
Now Poland, Ireland (who are so skrewed over now through progressive intentional psych ops on them to destroy them completely), Scotland should all exit too.
Thing is this is a LAWYER shit, and THAT is the crux of it.. so much hidden.. but to truely have all the laws rules researched to negotiate this whole "leaving" thing they will find the CROWN corporation has a HELL of alot more power than they thought, and that the USA has ALWAYS been a British colony.. ALWAYS and NOW.
They need to say fuck off EU,UN, we owe you nothing.. EVER.. fuck off.. same as we need to so w/ the Fed/IRS both foreign corporations owned by Rothschilds corporations network of banks.. it is just 1s and 0s, and frankly YOU own US..
Every single one of us is owned by them, literally.. they have an account in your name (all caps) connected now to your social at the Federal Reserve bank.. in your name is a fortune, same for your children, your birth certificate (all that stuff THEY made sure you had to have by LAW) WE are trad-able commodities based on our projected taxes we pay into the Roths via taxes, which NEVER go to USA
Nigel Farrage would be a GREAT Prime Minister.