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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 44d4db716d89de8⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 255x150, 17:10, a67bb972bbf71650f1990b1be3….jpg)

450c5b No.51584

Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads' conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.

1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media

2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.

3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.

4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating

5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.

6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

Recent Past Threads' Archive Links

45. >>>/cbts/40081 -> https://archive.fo/ERSfF

46. >>>/cbts/41002 -> https://archive.fo/4b9MD

47. >>>/cbts/41913 -> https://archive.fo/oBS4j

48. >>>/cbts/42972 -> https://archive.fo/zTcVL

49. >>>/cbts/43833 -> https://archive.fo/vIySZ

50. >>>/cbts/44736 -> https://archive.fo/Lmxw2

51. >>>/cbts/45641 -> https://archive.fo/lRGVj

52. >>>/cbts/46456 -> https://archive.fo/j3kvb

53. >>>/cbts/47314 -> https://archive.fo/161V0

54. >>>/cbts/48266 -> https://archive.fo/955KP

55. >>>/cbts/49045 -> https://archive.fo/XdTBX

56. >>>/cbts/49926 -> http://archive.fo/qrv2A

57. >>>/cbts/50850 -> **coming soon*

!!!Latest Q Posts!!! -> >>45363, >>45424, >>45494, >>45541, >>45557, >>45581, >>45609, >>45723, >>45814, >>46591, >>46652, >>46773, >>46820, >>50693, >>50787, >>50834, >>51313

Latest Q Compilation -> >>38885

Complete Q [4+8] -> >>42211


10 days of darkness: -> >>37286

CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]

CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]

Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/NBTQVYRY | https://pastebin.com/45r1FK9q

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225

SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )


Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home


part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile.com/43F8jbd6bb/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712071010.pdf

QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.

DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0

Really Cool Videos

I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0

In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I

Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920

Another almond-activating tripfag's archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./

Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html

and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.

Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.

<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!

<And PRAY!

450c5b No.51587

Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff

LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!

How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963

How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965

Infographics & Info Dump: >>10

Meme & Pic Dump: >>2

Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423

The FAQ of Q: >>18427

Questions & Requests: >>1401

Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629

/CBTS/ Catalog

Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.

What is Keystone: >>28513

Who is Y?: >>19041

The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8

Goals/Motivation -> >>10207

WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/

AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)

Anon that digs -> >>11800

Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979

Updated Legend -> >>16020

Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408

Anon bringing things around -> >>15208

Red Cross: >>40157

Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613

Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350

Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876

The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984

Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253

Loud Noises -> >>15157

Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092

'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199

Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Wikileaks Digathon >>10270

A peek into (((they))): >>2422

bloodlines and Y: >>7705

CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411

Decode Hexcode: >>174

Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816

Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357

Godfather III: >>2078

Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952

Hunt For Red October: >>3102

Isreal & Zionism: >>1398

Jesuits: >>4287

Letter Agencies: >>1372

Maps and spatial data: >>8329

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391

North Korea: >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249

Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362

Pakistan Unrest: >>1368

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556

Q Signatures: >>2198

Q Stringer Central: >>2300

Rothschild Family: >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327

Sealed Indictments: >>4409

Indictments & Arrests: >>3163

Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> https://8ch.net/cbts/res/29994.html#35814]

Soros & NGOs: >>1367

Titanic: >>106

The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219

Trump & Company: >>1380

Underground massive data center?: >>20714

Uranium-1: >>848

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346

VQC+++: >>672

The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA


Guys, COME ON!

Q has already given us all the clues. They’re in all the questions which aren’t really questions at all, but simply hints to get you thinking on the right track.

I don’t think Q wants this to turn into some super complex code-breaking treasure hunt. That was never his intent. He’s trying to give you the dots in as simple a manner as he is safely capable of doing. STOP TURNING THIS INTO A 3D PUZZLE.

Q WANTS this information out there ASAP. It does him no good to hide things in complicated codes and patterns and getting you to go down insignificant rabbit holes. QUIT OVERTHINKING IT.

Go back, piece together what the Q posts have been hinting at all along. THINK BIG PICTURE. Stop getting sidetracked with trying to figure out every single detail. They’re not as important as the connections.

THE STORY IS WHAT MATTERS. The characters and details are all secondary to that. You can redpill way more people with overarching plot points than you can with detailed infographics about minor players.


450c5b No.51589


The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q's posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It's a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial "reinventing the wheel" i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.

As such, it's helpful to know what is needed and how to do it. The following guidelines will help us work together better, so we can go on to the questions that haven't been answered and accomplish the goals Q set forth:

1. answer the questions

2. build the bigger picture

3. break it back down

4. meme it for the public: educate & calm them

We were given this task by serious men, in a serious situation with very serious consequences for the entire world.

Let's apply our weaponized autism in an organized and efficient manner, accomplish the task we were given, make our POTUS & /ourguys/ jobs easier.

> You are the calm before and during the storm.

They are counting on us.


> short, to the point

> factual

> sourced, if at all possible

Some issues simply are not suited for a definitive source as the answers are inherently subjective. We can only do our best here.


< add extra rows

< change colors of cells or columns or rows

< use it as a personal "scratch pad" to work out your thinking

< argue with other anons

This or 4/pol/ is a place to argue & thrash it out, not on the sheet

< overwrite or delete other anons' answers

< leave your answers in the row or sheet comments

< involve meta-conspiracy theories

This is a real-life enormous conspiracy. The way Q has laid it out is perfect: it goes from point A to point hellish to point confident step by step. Each question builds upon the previous & itself is a meta-conspiracy if you look from 40,000ft view.


> text is best

> original source documents if possible

> articles from reputable sites (yes, I know, see below)

> maps, when appropriate

> images, where appropriate

> link to the text/ original document, & if possible, an archive link (archive.is, archive.fo, archive.org etc)

David Icke, Alex Jones, and that lot are not sources that will be believed by the normalfags. While they may be truthful, our sources need to be what an average Paul or Cindy can look up themselves without seeing it & closing it immediately and disregarding all the rest. No Shape-shifting reptilians, Pleiadians & the like. That may upset some but let's remember our mission: this is for the general public and it's going to be difficult enough for them.

< youtube videos

< random tweet links

are just not the best sources for this endeavor. They may be informative and truthful but not best suited for this medium.


Light blue cell in the number column

PDF anon went through and changed all Q's questions to statements in a narrative form. Those are included at the bottom row of many of Q's posts. The goal is to answer the questions and then present the answers in the column next to it to present a fuller picture.

Some posts have a summary, some don't. When you look at the spreadsheet, you will see why, up to a certain point: that is where pdfanon had stopped, AFAIK. That's something else that I will be working on.


On the far right column, confidence level can be input in the answer(s) given: low, mid, high. It's set up to change the color of the cell where the question number is. When the answer is complete and has high confidence, the row is locked, as no further answers are needed, and we can focus our energy and attention on those yet un-answered.

light yellow = low

med orange = mid

tomato soup = high


peach = un-answered questions, or those whose answers are not truly complete or definitive

Please focus on those, not the ones already answered.

Place your input in the column marked Extra Answers (Unlocked, Post Here):

> double-click the cell

> alt+enter to make a newline (carriage return)

> type/paste in your answer & sources




You can export the spreadsheet into excel (.xls) and pdf formats by clicking the little paper icon on the top left of the toolbar on the left. When exporting to pdf, be aware this is a very large document. You can put a header, footer, page numbers etc.

I encourage anons to make periodic backups for yourselves.

THANK YOU to all anons who have helped, contributed, supported & been patient in this effort. It wasn't my idea, but it seemed like a good plan so I volunteered - so did you, and it's appreciated very much.

450c5b No.51596

Q's tripcode confusing you?

How to get a tripcode?

In the Name field in the reply dialog box -

if you put name#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !, with no space in between the name and tripcode

if you put name[space]#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by a space and then your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !.

Also the #password on 4chan yields the same result on 8ch.

So in conclusion ->

Q used Q#password and got Q!ITPb.qbhqo when not using space in between, and

Q used Q #password and got Q !ITPb.qbhqo when using space.

So, no matter how you look at it - !ITPb.qbhqo is the real Q!'''

>tl;dr -

Both Q!ITPb.qbhqo and Q !ITPb.qbhqo are Q.



It is a unique string of characters that distinguishes your post from everyone else's. They are used when the poster does not wish to remain anonymous.

>How does it work?

Your password does some magical code-mating with the website's salt, as they call it, and the result of that union is your tripcode

>secure tripcodes?

There's 2 kinds of salt, apparently.

The salt used for single # is common for most [all?] chan like websites, called imageboards, and hence back-engineerable. Easy to break and duplicate, I'd suggest you refrain from using it.

The second kind of salt is unique to each imageboard. It can't be back-engineered, broken, duplicated. Using a secure tripcode is recommended.

To make your password code-mate with the unique salt, simply use ## instead of #.

80d5bc No.51609


ty baker ♥

450c5b No.51613

Apologies, the "latest q compilation" is not up to date on this one. Check >>51584, that one is better. Got a little excited and baked quickly, #59 is moving quickly.

80d5bc No.51614


don't sweat it.. updates are quick..

450c5b No.51616


erm, i mean >>50580

3690a4 No.51627

Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

YE SHALL BE AS GODS < The biggest conspiracy of all, is right at the beginning of the Bible. This is what satanists are trying to achieve.

(Genesis 6:1-4) "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, {2} That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. {3} And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. {4} There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

sons of God = Fallen Angels, mated with human women, begat Giants

Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.


Psalms 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.


Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Emnity between Satan's seed and her seed < Don't mix DNA (seed) of human & demonic

Genesis 6:9 ¶ These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Noah wasn't only saved because he was a just man, but because he was also perfect in his GENErations. Noah's family's DNA was one of the last not to be corrupted by fallen angels.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

They're trying to resurrect Giants, and mix with our DNA just like in Noahs time. Satanists a fools who believe Satan will make them like gods.

Leviticus 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.

Double meaning, this is not just talking about bestiality. Talking about breeding with fallen angels.

(Revelation 9:6) "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

The Mark of the Best will be Satan's version of Salvation. Just change you DNA, become half human and whatever else, you won't die or get any diseases, and you'll have powers.

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Remnant of her seed < Those who didn't accept the Mark of the Beast (Changing their DNA) and are still human and have accepted Christ

(Revelation 22:19) "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Last chapter of the Bible. Warns not only taking out of the Book, God will take away out of book of life. But has a double meaning because the Bible/Word is our DNA. Hence why if you modify our DNA, you are also taken out of the book of life.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Mixing of DNA happened in the past when Noah was alive, Giants, hybrids, demi-gods, beasts ruled the earth at that time. It will happen again.

Alien deception < they seeded our planet, they will help us evolve.

New Age Religion Deception < we need to evolve into a higher consciousness.

Evolution isn't real. But they are pushing us to change our DNA to take the next step in evolution.

OK I'm off to bed. Probably Q & the Trump team know about these satanists plan of trying to become gods, messing with our DNA, & Transhumanism. CIA, Google, & other elite companies have probably done a lot black op experiments with DNA, making all sorts of abominations.

Night everyone!

5c8f0e No.51636


Hillary is a Freemason. The ring and her hand positioning are both symbols of the Freemasons (Scottish Right, to be sure).

2dfe7e No.51638


what do the pictures of Huma and John indicate? The file names look familiar. case files?

8a377d No.51643

You have my autism!

b7e726 No.51663


Thank you, Baker.

7e61f9 No.51668


Thanks for setting up again.

Where are we starting?

What have we decided we know?

4df356 No.51671

She belongs to the cult of Saturn

11e9e3 No.51677

Upon the hearth the fire is red,

Beneath the roof there is a bed;

But not yet weary are our feet,

Still round the corner we may meet

A sudden tree or standing stone

That none have seen but we alone.

Tree and flower and leaf and grass,

Let them pass! Let them pass!

Hill and water under sky,

Pass them by! Pass them by!

Still round the corner there may wait

A new road or a secret gate,

And though we pass them by today,

Tomorrow we may come this way

And take the hidden paths that run

Towards the Moon or to the Sun.

Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,

Let them go! Let them go!

Sand and stone and pool and dell,

Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,

And there are many paths to tread

Through shadows to the edge of night,

Until the stars are all alight.

Then world behind and home ahead,

We’ll wander back to home and bed.

Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,

Away shall fade! Away shall fade!

Fire and lamp, and meat and bread,

And then to bed! And then to bed!

80e82e No.51687

Hillary sure worried about the kids today. Was she tweeting code out saying she offered up kids in deal but the "Republicans just couldnt find it in their heart to help them" bullshit.


f37fcc No.51688


f37fcc No.51692


she's about to find Jesus

11e9e3 No.51693

The Road goes ever on and on,

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.

The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

4ea44b No.51695

File: 3a90834c9a611a5⋯.jpeg (6.96 KB, 297x170, 297:170, g1.jpeg)


At long last, a Lord of the Rings thread. Fly you fools! Find the truth.

80e82e No.51699


Amen, or most likely Hell if we are lucky.

f89033 No.51705


if it was offered to trump i'm sure it'd be much more valuable than just a freemason ring. lapis lazuli perhaps?

041514 No.51708

File: ade6fbe5ea01d4f⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 3063x4430, 3063:4430, c5b1145d95507a6654b7a2303b….jpg)

There is a swastika symbol on the belt of Thor?? When was this painting made?

041514 No.51712


or did a shill photoshop this?

df6b86 No.51713

Did HRC try to give Her, Bill, Chelsea, and pope goings to cover for everyone else involved? No to go after the head of snake?

816e5d No.51715


The swastika has been around longer than the Nazis no?

80e82e No.51717


1872 before that symbol was evil.

Hitler stole the symbol I believe. Going off memory here.

3bc54c No.51720

File: 5a4214af7a9bd3c⋯.jpg (52.36 KB, 1162x222, 581:111, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at ….jpg)

450c5b No.51721

File: 4e1b8a2641e3b5a⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 261x193, 261:193, a637389627c94f2dc707ea3112….jpg)



Looks like norse knotwork to me

4ea44b No.51722


It goes way back in Germanic history. It is in context, not nazi

7e61f9 No.51724


Swastika goes back to time of ancient India.

20e2e7 No.51729

The swastika is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Southeast Asia, where it has been and remains a sacred symbol of spiritual principles in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism

ca59df No.51731


The swastika symbol was used way before Hitler got his hands on it.

7e61f9 No.51732


Something like 80% of Israel is 'owned' by Rothschild

913bb1 No.51735

File: 9782e8146e78455⋯.jpeg (48.3 KB, 298x417, 298:417, 9AB57841-1F3F-4630-889B-4….jpeg)

File: 6fbb0d081539999⋯.jpeg (40.26 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 77C6EF7B-C1F0-49A6-BD1E-C….jpeg)

File: 23e9f50608655b5⋯.jpeg (189.31 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, BA1C5CD5-5C3B-4FE5-93B1-F….jpeg)

File: 1fcc0e92850f3e4⋯.png (417.03 KB, 759x500, 759:500, 25346004-2104-4DBA-9B88-E9….png)

913bb1 No.51739

File: 0a1a4f095fb215f⋯.jpeg (17.83 KB, 181x278, 181:278, C2C6E563-AEEE-46D4-95F9-0….jpeg)

File: 96d288275e1add9⋯.jpeg (27.37 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 29ABE882-37B0-472A-A79E-F….jpeg)

File: b789330911c9dc6⋯.jpeg (39.99 KB, 455x286, 35:22, 9B7BDECB-79FD-4D3C-BE97-A….jpeg)

File: d4b734581965d14⋯.jpeg (57.61 KB, 645x344, 15:8, 540296AD-9205-4253-B4CF-B….jpeg)

7931e6 No.51740





913bb1 No.51744

File: 0e1e33b6af50fd1⋯.jpeg (56.75 KB, 600x334, 300:167, 2C880EB2-FFFC-4E95-B22C-B….jpeg)

File: 31a3c8bd442b156⋯.jpeg (27.28 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 5D00DA74-A956-474C-A7A1-5….jpeg)

File: 8a286a8fe2aa8c1⋯.jpeg (81.02 KB, 634x431, 634:431, 54950FD4-115E-404E-B1DF-4….jpeg)

File: 31a6892643eb4c4⋯.jpeg (42.3 KB, 307x258, 307:258, A783B991-11D9-40D0-BD69-1….jpeg)

f89033 No.51745

80e82e No.51747


Others involved in the "Ring"

913bb1 No.51750

File: ae3f3185b6597f8⋯.jpeg (82.2 KB, 468x534, 78:89, 3155B65F-063D-445E-A3BD-5….jpeg)

File: 324df28c5e16d55⋯.jpeg (69.65 KB, 586x441, 586:441, 8BF7AC13-C658-41A6-A0E3-8….jpeg)

File: 5a625dedacb8b1f⋯.jpeg (91.1 KB, 736x497, 736:497, 710102CD-50EE-4035-93E4-6….jpeg)

File: 9c4ed757ea86fc8⋯.jpeg (253.74 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, E349DAAB-AEE3-45EF-B056-2….jpeg)

4ea44b No.51752


Hussein's ring finger

041514 No.51753


404fa5 No.51755


Hi, Q thank you!

80e82e No.51756

Or all "Ringleaders"

4ea44b No.51758


looks like hrc earring

9a63de No.51760





of course

it's been decades in the making, the middle east is trying to invade legally and the refugees are just the latest wave

with trump in office they're facing pushback, if hillary had won they'd be here murdering indiscriminately already

8d310e No.51761

File: 7c6866aa4dbefe6⋯.png (42.85 KB, 847x458, 847:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Everyone see Thor's Belt?

4ea44b No.51763

I need on old priest and a young priest.

And a satanist.

ca59df No.51764


I'm inclined to think that way as well.

7d621e No.51765

File: ad98d5cde588db6⋯.png (748.66 KB, 658x495, 658:495, ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless them!

8d310e No.51766

File: c6195a156fcae4e⋯.png (735.33 KB, 974x641, 974:641, ClipboardImage.png)

An even better resolution

404fa5 No.51767




One ring to rule them all.

The Eye of Sauron.

New World Order to rule them all.

Social Media (The Eye) used to track everyone.

Trump came in and is destroying the Ring!

d9d8dc No.51768

So, Hillary offered to tell what she knows about the satanic ring that controls the Vatican, in exchange for immunity for Bill, Chelsea and herself?

fb8d8d No.51769


Son of C. with Isis. Secret trip to Syria.

Assad with Alwaleed (pre hangings by the feet)

Alaweed getting his lizard fix with the Royal family and child rapist prince

f89033 No.51770


Godspeed Q!


11e9e3 No.51771



The saddest part of this is that they can only take power in the western world beacuse we are so hopelessly addicted to oil. How many electric/corn/water baised car patents are hidden in the vaults of Ford, BP, Union76 and other evil corporations, that they would genocide their own race for paper with a pyramid on it

ca59df No.51772


Once again, the swastika was used LONG before Hitler used it.

4ea44b No.51773


yeah we did. Goes way way back in history, not nazi

bf2410 No.51774

I've had a look at all of these images. the first one of the pope is a PNG, the rest are JPG. The JPGs do NOT have any hidden data appended to them.

I also have been tracking the file names of the images Q posts. They are all hexidecimal strings, but doing a straight conversion from hex does not convert into anything meaningful, just random characters, most of them not even alpha-num.

I tried using the filenames as passwords to check for stegonagraphy in the images, and that did not yield any results either.

So at this point, without a specific clue from Q, it does not appear these are steganographic. They might be, but we would need a clear indication of the key used to embed the message. Of course, the images may not be for us; they could contain steganography, but only the person with the shared secret would be able to extract any hidden message.

So I think we should take at face value that we are to analyze the images in context to each other and the Q map to extract the message regarding what was offered (I presume by Hill) and declined (I presume by /ourguys/).

5d3e7d No.51775

8a377d No.51776

If only Q would give some addresses to with those pictures.


f37fcc No.51777



bf2410 No.51778

Holy shit, Q, drinking from the firehose tonight.

7d621e No.51779


Wow! Isn't that the pedophile symbol on the left?

Did they wear symbols on their belts of what they have defeated or conquered over?

cc3368 No.51780


Is Netanyahu our guy? Is he trying to break Israel away from ++? Godfather III?

dfcf0f No.51781


filenames are UUIDs

af4473 No.51782


symbolism everywhere

8a377d No.51783

Lock her up

b7e726 No.51784


He's not wrong

f89033 No.51785


what're you gonna do ? spirit cook?

5ca065 No.51787

Hillary RODham Clinton

RODs of God (Thors Hammer)

California fires &

Other mysterious explosions/fires in the last 20 years.

dfcf0f No.51788


I think you're on to something here anon. expand please

f37fcc No.51789


three generations of the Windsors

188c28 No.51790


hillary clinton ufos

24a83f No.51791

File: fb1e5c207fc289b⋯.png (257.91 KB, 571x359, 571:359, chicago protest2.png)

File: a1f02395d51b5d9⋯.png (449.53 KB, 595x651, 85:93, chicago protest.png)

Twitter reporting massive protest in Chicago re: Jerusalem, but not seeing it anywhere on MSM

fb8d8d No.51792


Nice work. Thanks, anon.

54a097 No.51793

Every one of those image files is an encryption code. To what?

fe89d6 No.51794

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

24ceff No.51795


I cannot unthink Kim Noble's painting of children being tortured so hard they beg to be killed.

Maybe HRC killing them is probably the lesser evil. Breaks my heart

ca59df No.51796

3bb3b1 No.51797

They are all Nazi satanist and thor was an alien and the Nazi worshiped Veril or however you spell it.

They are all evil!!! And trying to bring the antichrist.

Better get right with Jesus!!!! Read Revelations!!!!

af4473 No.51798


all connected

047c68 No.51799

File: d72f942df1f375a⋯.jpg (466.41 KB, 1080x1089, 120:121, RABBITHOLE.jpg)

why the fire still at the second level?

we done with keystone? and now discussing jewelry?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

at a certain level in chain of commands dollars doesnt represent their power level. its just monopoly money to keep the sheeples playing this nonsense game. It is easier for the top to just have someone else to manage all the cattle.

at a certain point the currency is blood(quite literally). let me redraw them +'s

+ << keystone

+ + <<pillars

+ + + <<bottom floor

fires are still on 2nd level. once you yank out that keystone everything from above will be falling down with a loud "BOOM". Best be 'prep'ared before we open that parasite infested shit can.

cities wont be sustainable for a period of time. ppl will disperse. at least know how to find water and filter it. at least get a foraging book to identify local edible plants. get some heirloom seeds and learn the basics of growing. Also basic means of self-defense. And git all that in a GTFO bag just incase.

Fun trivia: if you have a time line of g soros face you could guess when he got a blood transfusion. A sudden youthful appearance, less wrinkles and just that new blood glow on his face.

10650e No.51800

4ea44b No.51801


Solve this shit. Whew

fb8d8d No.51802


Meh. Hose them.

fb8d8d No.51803


You did set yourself up, anon.

125b26 No.51805


The original swatshdika……before the days of Hitler…….meant good fortune or well being.

Used to be a noble sign.

229f64 No.51806

We have a Global ring of pedos , spies, evil, money loving CIA. Talk about dark.

24ceff No.51807



20e2e7 No.51808

Shill or troll, don't matter, please filter those asking about the swastika which they can easily learn through searching

f89033 No.51809


Thanks for keeping tabs on those fine details. Let's get to it.

8bafcf No.51810


the swastika is also an ancient Hindu symbol and was around way before Hitler time. It is probably where Hitler took it from


537fbd No.51811

File: 85a86849eb15d86⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB, 634x431, 634:431, image.jpeg)

The guy in the right knows what's going down.

Who is he?

3c115a No.51812

Getty images? Connection to the Getty museum?

188c28 No.51813



f1aeef No.51814

File: 26176dae4baf345⋯.png (440.3 KB, 676x683, 676:683, ClipboardImage.png)

fb8d8d No.51815

hey! aliens! kys!

4ea44b No.51816


LOL. I did. Good response he had.

0e3fab No.51817


Ancient Aryans, Research the swastika and its global pre flood significance. "Giant" white men with red hair spread culture, and the technology to build megaliths across the globe.

816e5d No.51819


Looks like secret service for Alaweed (or whatever the SA equivalent is of SS)

b7e726 No.51820

File: 4c8a4f6b03fbb56⋯.png (195.99 KB, 747x549, 83:61, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at ….png)

d26318 No.51821


Quiete la boca pendejo

ec5233 No.51822

This digging may be helpful:

>>51726 Overview

>>51728 Ops Plans

>>51733 "Mockingbird"

>>51734 "Alice & Wonderland"

>>51737 "Snow White"

>>51741 "The Great Awakening"

>>51746 "Godfather III"

>>51749 "The Hunt for Red October"

>>51754 Counter-ops

>>51757 Attack on @realDonaldTrump account

>>51759 4chan compromised

>>51762 Rothschild AYS mission failure

Extra eyeballs & feedback appreciated.

f37fcc No.51823


that's the The Post-American World book by the cnn azzhole fareed zakaria

188c28 No.51824


post american world obama

af0a11 No.51825


Damn look at the way he’s glaring at him lol

11e9e3 No.51826


Vril, orgasmic life force. High Energy.

10650e No.51827

fb8d8d No.51828


Dark is removing the adrenal gland from a living child in order to harvest the adrenaline after it being juiced with terror and pain.

404fa5 No.51830


f89033 No.51831


That ring though.

f5d93a No.51832


Norse God> protector of kingdom from giants> swastika on belt someone mentioned– this was lifted by Hitler as he worship Norse mythology, third reich iconography built around it (see Wagner) > sign of victory like nike> thor's chariot was pulled by goats> a juxtaposition to the failing order of men (pope) inserting themselves as gods= papal infallibility (inverted cross of Peter and Paul– but as a symbol the pope should be focused on the finished work of Christ and Calvary +++). Simply put, the author sees the hammer coming crashing down on the giants of this world both religious and political( which can often be the same). Clearly, Q is easing more and more into a Vatican connection. This is sensitive ground and has to be eased into, imo

fb8d8d No.51833


Namefag, faggot of faggotry.

9a63de No.51834


you might not be wrong here

for a civilization that's on a galactic, or intergalactic scale, some things are necessary, including a constant point to travel from/to


there's only one reason I can think of that any star would be turned into what is essentially a galactic lighthouse

1601b0 No.51835

File: 7248b754c674862⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 858x536, 429:268, man_naked_comp_3215810k.jpg)


This is real isn't it?

dfcf0f No.51836


"Tor's Fight with the Giants"

GIANTS, remember Y guys, member?

229f64 No.51838

Q did you sneak in a heads up?

11e9e3 No.51839


>Quiete la boca pendejo

Sit Deus propitius esto tibi ignes barbaros impius a sancta terra nostra


ca1204 No.51840


is young Hillary carrying the same book?

4ea44b No.51841

009e64 No.51842


Hussein's "no god but allah" snake ring.

Hussein with a copy of "The Post-American World".

Mutti, the vicious cunt, only the necklace. Communist spawn and Führer of Germany.

Hilldog with… I don't know the context.


Hilldog with all kinds of scumbags, McC, Soros (need more names, I live under a rock)


Hilldog w/Saudi princes, now arrested by KSA and MbS.

Al-Waleed, the dopey faggot.

The House of Windsor w/Dopey. Family Ties, ought to be brought down, all of them.

McCockbag and his ties to ISIS/terrorist warmongering.


More McCumstain and his ties to ISIS.

Dopey and the Royals.

Dopey and the Royals.

W and… some terrorist supporting fuckweasel, by the look of it.

I don't know all of these names of faces, but these are the giants that need to be taken down.

b7e726 No.51843



af0a11 No.51844


He’s making the “ok” sign with his left hand too

0c5e41 No.51845


You biblebots are so ignorant and uneducated. Saturnalia was the Roman festival your '12 days of xmas' were stolen from.

24ceff No.51846


your arrangement of + makes the top one a capstone, not a keystone.

There is no floor in an archway.

Please be careful in trying to fit in things to your theories.

fb8d8d No.51847

If any anon is interested, some anon from half chan Q threads had stuff to say about Thor and Q. He claimed to be a writer for the Thor film franchise.

See >>51707

59cb69 No.51848

On its face, you can take it that she offered to rat on all of the people featured in the images.

f37fcc No.51849



demons manifesting

cde1fd No.51850


thank you

537fbd No.51851


Eyes aren't that good, need some CSI on that shit.

You know, the one which changes a 256k bitmap into a ful he number plate.

188c28 No.51852


prince alwaleed bin talal has given up, everyone is looking for a new sugar daddy

55b974 No.51853

Last bread closed before I could reply...






It's a UUID

4ea44b No.51854


No DDOS tonight. Think Q got the bad actors?

cc3368 No.51855





Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

ff460c No.51856


from last bread, HRC pic was from LIFE magazine. That may be the actual pic meaning. She was trying to negotiate life sentence or to stay alive.

188c28 No.51857


john mccain and isis

125b26 No.51859


What did they come up with for y?

2dfe7e No.51860



No the swastika was always there. It was painted by a guy named Mårten Eskil Winge in 1872. Below is an excerpt of some information I found here,

https://www .google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/asset/tor-s-fight-with-the-giants/3gGd_ynWqGjGfQ

Winge’s original audience interpreted the painting as a general depiction of good battling evil. In modern times, Thor’s battle with the giants has been perceived as an expression of Nationalist or Fascist ideals. The blond-haired Thor has been seen as a defender of the Nordic ideal that is threatened by the dark-haired giants. The swastika on Thor’s belt of power has no doubt helped to make the painting popular among various right-wing extremist groups. For Winge and his contemporaries, the swastika was an ancient decorative symbol for the sun, appearing in architectural decoration and in various logos.

26b7ee No.51861

So is BHO ring same as Thor's belt?

7f8823 No.51862


I just read that the Government passed a bill in order to avoid the shutdown this weekend. What does this mean for Q's post from yesterday regarding the 10 days of darkness??

537fbd No.51863


I hope so, you wouldn't believe the amount of times sites go down after certain posts.

No comment and peace out.

3bc54c No.51864


He was a member of the FISA court that gave permission to unmask Flynn.

c56691 No.51865


What else would it be?

188c28 No.51866


prince bandar 'bush' bin sultan

af0a11 No.51867


Looks very similar

20d372 No.51868

The traditional colors of black and red used in Satanism, date all the way back to Ancient Egypt and are symbolic of spiritual transformation to the occult.


59cb69 No.51869


That was a pretty weak DDOS compared to what governments can do. Low tier faggots.

20e2e7 No.51870


Any hints on what to do with it?

Searching provides no results

55d053 No.51871

File: ba4a0862303c4fe⋯.jpg (478.44 KB, 1076x1646, 538:823, 20171207_204856.jpg)

f89033 No.51872


link source, anon.

c56691 No.51873


Should ask VQC how he could be a Royalist when things like this happen in a place like that.

ba2eeb No.51874


Many, many peoples around the globe have that in their legends.

20d372 No.51875


The colour of blood is nat-urally connected with the idea of sacrifice…It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of rage.

Scarlet was the distinctive colour of the Order of the Golden Fleece, established in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1419-67). (1)

Red is the color of fire, and fire was to the Egyptians the symbol of the regeneration and the purification of souls. Hence, in the Masonic system, red is the symbol of regeneration. Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life.

dfcf0f No.51876



It is going down y'all. We got this. Get to work.

fe89d6 No.51877

zerohedge. com/news/2017-11-10/saudi-deep-state-prince-bandar-bin-sultan-among-those-arrested-purge-report

7f8823 No.51878

bf2410 No.51879

>There’s a lot to be frustrated by right now, to say the least. Here’s something that we should be able to fix.

>The Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health care for 9 million kids & has been reauthorized on a bipartisan basis every year for almost 2 decades, is hanging in limbo because Congress let it expire over 2 months ago.

>Meanwhile, Senate Republicans rushed to pass so-called tax reform - a giveaway for those who least need it.

>It gets worse. During the campaign I warned that the Rs would come after social security, Medicare, & Medicaid & now they are. Imagine buying a Rolex & paying for it with money you saved to take care of your kids. That’s what Congress is doing w/ your tax dollars.

>How is it that in the middle of dividing up $1.5 trillion dollars between corporations & the ultra-wealthy, Republicans can’t find the time & money to take care of children? These are perverse priorities. Congress needs to pass CHIP now, as they have every year since the 1990s.

>So in these surreal times, let’s rally together & take action. Call your House and Senate members at 202-224-3121 and tell them to take care of kids now and protect our seniors, the poor & vulnerable from future attacks. Tell them that it’s the very least they can do.

>I’m going to keep tweeting about this, and speaking out every chance I get, until it is fixed.

frustrated…to say the least

something we should be able to fix




>insurance [weiner insurance folder?]

9 million kids…in limbo [veiled threat?]

bi-partisan [both parties]

money saved to take care of your children [payoff to keep chelsea safe?]

$1.5T [The Offer???]

perverse priorities [going after HRC instead of saving the children?]

surreal times [she didn't expect to lose]

together take action [olive branch / plea for peace]

call house and senate [asking POTUS to consult with other pols?]

keep tweeting until it is fixed [open to further negotiation?]

fb8d8d No.51880


That meme helps nothing and no one.

20d372 No.51881


The three fundamental colours found in all civ-ilizations, down to the Middle Ages in Europe, are white, red and black. These, too, may be regarded as the principal colours of Freemasonry: the white of the Craft degrees, the red of the Royal Arch and of certain of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, and the black of some of its others, and of the Knights of Malta.

Traditionally, black is the colour of darkness, death, the underworld although it was not introduced for mourning until about the middle of the fourteenth century, such use becoming habitual only in the sixteenth. The ‘black humour’ of melancholy (atara hilis) the black crow of ill omen, the black mass, black market, ‘black days’: all refer to negative aspects. The Black Stone at Mecca is believed by Muslims to have been at one time white; the sins of man caused the transformation.

In the French and Scottish Rites, the lodge in the third degree is decorated in black and is strewn with white or silver tears, representing the sorrow caused by the death of Hiram Abif. (1)

Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason.

9a63de No.51882


the empty space between buildings looks like a lower-case "h"

537fbd No.51883


I allways thought it looked genuine, not the re modded footage, the original.

00ac01 No.51884

File: 013d3d10a70a751⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 736x718, 368:359, f9b43e63c84fd76a2d1232d7fa….jpg)

File: 7d5c413779b0640⋯.jpg (11.38 KB, 316x160, 79:40, images (1).jpg)







They want to do exactly what is on the Georgia Guidstones. They want to destroy 99% of the population. 500,000,000 people left in the world.

They want to use CERN to destroy Earth. There is more than enough information online to start digging...







They want to do exactly what is on the Georgia Guidstones. They want to destroy 99% of the population. 500,000,000 people left in the world.

They want to use CERN to destroy Earth. There is more than enough information online to start digging...







They want to do exactly what is on the Georgia Guidstones. They want to destroy 99% of the population. 500,000,000 people left in the world.

They want to use CERN to destroy Earth. There is more than enough information online to start digging...







They want to do exactly what is on the Georgia Guidstones. They want to destroy 99% of the population. 500,000,000 people left in the world.

They want to use CERN to destroy Earth. There is more than enough information online to start digging...

ec5233 No.51885





"Can't tell the playas wit'out a scorecard!"

So much easier to hit the targets, when they're all out in front of you …

All the ones of HRC, going back to her youth … her life flashing in front of her eyes.

Ayyys ;-)

8bafcf No.51886


Symbolism will be their downfall

2df106 No.51887


Oh shit

54a097 No.51888


Great catch

af0a11 No.51889


I don’t know. Been wondering that all day. I don’t think anyone paid attention to the random statements that were being made during that time. I took screenshots and some of them are making sense today.

f89033 No.51890


Jesus Christ, much spazzing.

537fbd No.51891


At least I maybe able to afford a house!

(Bad tatste)?

1601b0 No.51892


Haha! I mean not a hoax. A buckingham sex slave.

4ea44b No.51893


True. I thought it would get worse. Microsoft was on the attack list at that time. No idea where 8ch is located.

bf2410 No.51894


i can get on board with this.

3bb3b1 No.51895

Please santa Q let us have a Hillary arrest for Chirstmas!!!!

f37fcc No.51896



7836ea No.51897


Speaking of: >>51466

WTF did VQC say about the solstice and some terror threat in the UK or something? Something that was decoded from a photo. was that yesterday morning?

Europa... near the solstice... something or other. Shit.

cde1fd No.51899


um yea ..... i got a weird message about that



d26318 No.51900


Go back to what? Ireland?

c56691 No.51901


What is the re-modded footage? Was he flying out of the window in that version or something?

80e82e No.51902


Protect kids (offered up intel), protect seniors (leaders), vulnurable to future attacks, dividing us up (cabal\cult), trillions of dollars at stake, Repubs cant find time or money (offered kids and cash, didnt accept deal).

What I took away from those tweets. Might be dumb but looks like code to me.

047c68 No.51905


being a pyramid would also be a theory. if Q meant it that way he would've start with soros. unless there is a meaning in an inverted one.

either way the fire is burning upwards and i just want to bring the heat on soros. dont you find it funny soros is the only one with no happening?

7e61f9 No.51906


Obama's ring. Egyptian Goddess, Isis

7836ea No.51907


You mean all those unconnected random posts as if they were replying to someone and were single posters?

f1aeef No.51908


Merkel flashing the sign of the Illuminati

5ca065 No.51910

HRC twitter:

Dem R's (Roths)

Fuck u kid i need a Rolex!

bb3e43 No.51911

So have we found out what will put 99% of the people in hospital yet?

4ea44b No.51912


The symbolism will flush them out. They are stupid. My recall and def not a quote

20e2e7 No.51913

In the last picture is W sitting with Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud?

af4473 No.51914


I was wondering that too,what if they don't have a shutdown, get em anyway prob

bea443 No.51915


Please clarify Q; these photo's are not helping enough.

7e61f9 No.51916


Obama reading The Post-America World by Fareed Zakaria (Indian heritage)

a207ff No.51917

Okay, apparently today's theme is "Jewelry/Accessory Analysis".

Have we made any big breakthroughs? I didn't see anything too substantial in my skim through the last few breads.

4ea44b No.51918

009e64 No.51919



The general theme here is using pro-Islam propaganda and open borders policies to dismantle the western world, all under the guise of being helpful to those less fortunate. A perversion of the Sermon on the Mount, taken to an extreme that destroys culture and nations.


The web of political tomfoolery organized by HRC and those in Washington (and, to an extent, abroad).


The cabal, in a nutshell. The connections between +++(now arrested), ++(by proxy of the House of Windsor), and the US gov't.


More of the +++ connections, this one ending in W. Possibly the convoluted plot that surrounds the events of 9/11, and would be a major part of any deal HRC could offer.

Things got shilly in here fast. Hang in there with us, Q.

07b0ad No.51920


No Jesus for Hillary if she's done all suspected

7e61f9 No.51921


Angela Merkel gesturing a Masonic hand signal.

fb8d8d No.51922


Dear Q. I know this isn't a game. But I hope you get some joy out of being here with us, doing this ugly work. So much gratitude.

047c68 No.51923


think of it as a preview on where we're headed. my way of predictive programming. wink wink

af0a11 No.51924


Yeah almost like there was a coded conversation going on between them. Some almost sounded MK ultra-ish

537fbd No.51925


No, there is a lot of other footage disproving.

The 2 girls selfy, I class as the original.

The guy falls to his doom. > imagine being imprisosoned.

Disclaimer: This work is fictional and is no way meant as true

8a44e1 No.51926

File: 4720ca0edd0463f⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 690x414, 5:3, monolithz.jpg)

File: 351615db2e82169⋯.jpg (357.35 KB, 2048x758, 1024:379, 2001-space-odyssey-bedroom….jpg)



More cube symbolism from Stanley Kubrick ←–!!!

dd1f6c No.51927

File: 93891e5ed699ae1⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Hillary-Clinton-with-Laure….jpg)

Laurence Rockefeller

cde1fd No.51928

>>HEY << I'm old and i've been doing this a long time pay attention to this anon


fb8d8d No.51929


I see aliens. So fuck you.

26b7ee No.51930

So get this,

the author (Fareed Zakaria) of the book BHO is holding (The Post American World) went to Harvard university, same place BHO was paid to go by SA. He also worked for newsweek (fake news).

bb3e43 No.51931


Is it that the earth is flat?

Just look at the center of the north pole. Freaky stuff

286b6c No.51932


188c28 No.51933

f37fcc No.51934


merkel chews her nails to the stub!….it's not easy betraying humanity

fb8d8d No.51935

70b739 No.51936


Perfect for a meme.

Bo presidency was a stepping stone to ruling US as a subject state of NWO.

26b7ee No.51937

dfcf0f No.51939


With all these pics, has anyone been checking for exif info???

4ea44b No.51940

3a3f68 No.51941


He's worn band on wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle

Obama's gold ring has the muslim oath to allah saying there is no god but allah

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/#RgEHygt2bodaYtbh.99

530a12 No.51942

File: 638bf6b405c4c4f⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 875x107, 875:107, merkel lodge.jpg)

10650e No.51943


"Here is a picture with Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurance Rockefeller, holding a book believed to be written by Paul Davies titled, “Are We Alone?”"

Source: http://in5d.com/heres-what-the-rockefeller-family-knew-about-ufos/

537fbd No.51944


U got a clearer image?

07b0ad No.51945


Shows 1873

24a83f No.51946


Great Job!

4ea44b No.51947

8a137b No.51948

Is Q trying to say the Clintons are into Swinging?

3a3f68 No.51949


He's worn band on wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/#RgEHygt2bodaYtbh.99

9ccfa1 No.51950

fb8d8d No.51951


Lurk moar

7e61f9 No.51952


Hillary Clinton and David Rockefeller.

He died in 2017. She paid tribute.


59cb69 No.51953


Might mean the bad guys are cut off from the good infrastructure and there's relative solidarity among nations with those capabilities. Good sign I think.

2ff921 No.51954

Huma and John Podesta look related here.

af0a11 No.51955


I’m leaning more and more towards mass brainwashing/mind control (which is the platform they used to have people as unknowing participants) that has to be paychologocally reversed.

a207ff No.51956


For an honest question asking where the current work is focused? No thanks.

fb8d8d No.51957

File: df4a634ebbc125d⋯.jpeg (64.61 KB, 630x420, 3:2, tunnel1.jpeg)

Symbols will be their downfall

cd717e No.51958


Mistaken and ISIS pic…. look in archives of conservative tree house mucho info

4ea44b No.51959


same thought over here, anon.

8a44e1 No.51960

File: 59a865579471109⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 269x500, 269:500, 003 Kabbalah - Kabba.jpg)

File: 6a2d746154c9c7c⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 1100x534, 550:267, 3646350_orig.jpg)

File: 6caa60a4322749a⋯.jpg (196.64 KB, 640x887, 640:887, tree-life-torus-ew.jpg)

File: 3de1bf87b0f213c⋯.jpg (97.31 KB, 736x767, 736:767, 5854c78cd6ddccfa26a4d86afa….jpg)


It was an accident shhhhush…

I posted this a few days ago but seems extremely relevant now

According to Israel Regardie, the "qlipothic tree" consists of 10 spheres in opposition to the sephirot on the Tree of Life. These are also referred to as the “evil twins”. They are also the “Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead”

Qliphoth are related to Edom


FR cells - blood - which relates to AIDS

E meas plus as in signma- summation - sum of all values in range of series

Edom = blood of Edomites is Rh negative.


FR cells These are cells isolated from rat embryonic fibroblasts at 18 day gestation.

Therefore it is likely they can be isolated from HUMAN FETUSES AS WELL


These cells, more specifically named cytotrophoblast and syncythiotrophoblasts, are arranged in layers to form a barrier separating maternal from fetal blood … Fetal iron uptake is also mediated by the expression of TfR on the apical membrane of human placenta (Kroos etal., 1996; Georgieff etal., 2000; Bastin etal., 2006).

and this Blood TFR cells which relates to AIDS



Blood and Gold

By Michelle Emerson

When one looks at a drop of blood under a microscope, its color is gold … sparkling, shiny beautiful GOLD. Now translate that beauty into the way we have valued gold over the millennia.

Why is this planet so in awe of the beautiful metal? One of the least recognized reasons is that liquid gold holds cellular/genetic and geophysical memory. Ancient archetypal symbols are being activated through the golden conductive properties within us.

For the alchemist, gold represented the perfection of all matter on any level, including that of the mind, spirit, and soul. If we take time to look into the science and spirit of gold we will find many interesting similarities and understand that the purest aura around the body is golden-white light.

In the beginning … golden threads combined with blood, to create a bloodline that carries the DNA code for the movement of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

7e61f9 No.51961


Hillary Clinton with Lyn de Rothschild, Lyn's husband, George Soros, John McCain

8c7cad No.51963


What book is that?

fb8d8d No.51964


For a shill namefag, DOIT

537fbd No.51966


Dood, u got a post, saying something but not linking the post.

People think wtf r u talking about? If you have a connection, link the post? If you don't know how to READ THE F.A.Q

c60f9c No.51967


Could it have been used to remind people at certain times that she knows everything.. And that she is not going down alone. Could it be that she had a deal with the current administration, saving her own skin by revealing it all. Could it be that Q was not talking about the pictures he posted. Rather pictures they have come to be in possession of recently. Like. I don't now. Her and Huma in a compromising situation with a minor…

af4473 No.51968


You nailed that one,nice!

979438 No.51969


Show HRC’s gold Y ring. And her Maltese cross one. I was trying to call people’s attention to that weeks ago and only one person paid attention.

Bonus: the Y ring featured heavily on the now-recalled “Madam President” magazines cover.

5ca065 No.51970

Krueger got nothing on US.

At least we can sleep.

& Oh ho ho when we sleep!

Dream Anons

3ab809 No.51971


HRC offered to give up Chelsea and Bill.

9ccfa1 No.51972

f89033 No.51973


Photoset 2:

BO ring - (https://counterjihadnews.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/obama-ring-closeup-14-clear-photo-as-president-hands-clasped-together.jpg)


There is no god but Allah inscription on ring.

BO reading The Post American World (https://creepingsharia.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/paw_large.jpg)

AM Freemason hand symbol

HRC photo - “Bill and Hillary Clinton received a briefing from the late Laurance Rockefeller. The grandson of John D. Rockefeller brother of David was a leading UFO disclosure advocate.” (http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-clinton-alien-disclsoure/)

Special thanks to tineye.com

59cb69 No.51974


If she's reading that book, does it mean she doesn't have complete knowledge about ayylmaos already?

11e9e3 No.51975


Good find

bf2410 No.51976


>It's a UUID

I don't think there is any significance to the file names. Have been tracking this for a while. The hex strings do not convert to anything meaningful. My guess right now is that Q is using some kind of tool to generate a unique filenames for the images in order to keep them unique on his system and 8chan.

fb8d8d No.51977


Laurence Rockefeller, generous patron of the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Rick Tarnas. Esalen. The Nine. Tavistock.

4df356 No.51978

Maybe she’s the ring leader, but since everyone is arrested/flipped, she has no leverage. Hence no deal.

59cb69 No.51979


During that hearing she seemed to be brandishing that ring as a warning.

286b6c No.51980

File: 3e3bc4085169a0e⋯.png (797.09 KB, 684x800, 171:200, DF8A82FC-A80D-4CBC-8DB5-25….png)


Double Cross

36b473 No.51981

0c5e41 No.51982


You're welcome. There's noone more bluepilled than a bible thumper.

Most of them are just dumb. The rest are disinfo agents whose job is recruit and control the dumb ones. They've been doing it for thousands of years.

913bb1 No.51984

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future


[R] - No.

Bomb away.


24ceff No.51985


We found the sage autist boys

4ea44b No.51986


Pre genealogy.com you needed paper

9a63de No.51987


….this exact fucking plot is happening right now in a webcomic I read


f89033 No.51988


Love you Q!!!

7e61f9 No.51989


Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal (R),

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled al-Hamad Al-Sabah stand together to pose for a group photo before a US- Gulf Cooperation Council forum at the Gulf Cooperation Council Secretariat in Riyadh March 31, 2012.

Alaweed Bin Tala (recently arrested in Saudi Arabia)

Prince Charles / Britain

John McCain with "moderate terrorists"

ALL ABOUT FUNDING ISIS and similar groups

f89033 No.51990

f37fcc No.51991


salvation army started by rothschilds

a207ff No.51992


This is probably as close to p-gate as we're gonna get, folks.

19f672 No.51993


Godspeed Anon

188c28 No.51994

53caa3 No.51995

File: 5b5cadf880b6e11⋯.gif (44.93 KB, 600x182, 300:91, 28985175ee16c846cb1b45fc9e….gif)

File: f7bc492e792418a⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 580x470, 58:47, Fib_Rodin.jpg)

File: 84c824faa2ae008⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 474x317, 474:317, signs-of-the-illuminati-oc….jpg)

File: 2e40a0d66395bf2⋯.jpeg (224.96 KB, 980x980, 1:1, zcfw9mp6-980x980.jpeg)


9 is their number.

The Y is the 9 splitting the 3 and the 6.

3,6,9 are the Key's to the Universe according to Tesla.

The stringer with 1=2 refers to YOU ~ you are body and spirit, two in one.

They want to make 2=0 they want to DESTROY YOU

Lilith was associated with the Moon, and her partner Samael with Saturn, a.k.a. Chronos. The layers of Luna and Saturn on the Gnostic diagram have five layers between them: Venus, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. The next layer up from Saturn is Leviathan, and the next layer down from the Moon is Behemoth. So all of these romantic stories of separated lovers are, in fact, all about the layers of existence crashing together, after having been cleaved apart to make two.

Crowley’s cultus was all about collapsing the pillars and destroying existence by combining opposing energies until they cancel each other out, thus his theorem “0=2.” It even states that outright in the final passages of The Book of the Law (and less overtly throughout the text):


11e9e3 No.51996


Bless you. May Christ Wrap you in the arms of Gnosis

537fbd No.51997


Ok? Good spot.

Need to think about this shit.

Did johns dad survive the titanic?

If so, why would JP be a (((33)))

Titanic survivors list is a good read.

55d053 No.51998


In 40k, lodges didn't work out so hotl…


The Emperor Protects

f89033 No.52000


Wtf is WW?

530a12 No.52001

File: 611be9124b726e9⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 483x707, 69:101, forbidden knowledge.jpg)

286b6c No.52002

File: 24fecb525867e7d⋯.png (859.92 KB, 800x567, 800:567, B3C9AD73-381E-41CE-A184-9C….png)


Illuminati symbol triangle

ba2eeb No.52003




more people see this than say it

84aa27 No.52004



9a63de No.52005


by "paid tribute" you mean she had his heart put in her body

ac7863 No.52006


L-R with Hillary:

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

Songbird McCain

Satan Soros

24ceff No.52007


filter this bot always instaposting after Q

20e2e7 No.52008

Q just posted, please read


748d8e No.52011


Hi Q

There a many threats to POTUS life

To me the most important thing is his security is taken at the utmost urgency….

God bless

009e64 No.52012


>Bomb away.

We love you, Q. Stay safe and, if it's in your power, keep us safe.



a207ff No.52013


Another interesting observation. Previously Q said "Bombs Away."

Today is "Bomb Away."

Giving a command? Or were there multiple bombs (multipler targets?) before, and now only one bomb/target?

979438 No.52014

I heard something before Francis was chosen as Pope. It was “His name is Jorge and he know not his worth.” He wasn’t even in the running and was a total surprise, so I don’t know where the name Jorge even came from. Is he Godfather III? Telling on everyone to make the church great again? He doesn’t wear the red shoes favored by Benedict and Tony P.

dfcf0f No.52016


Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

9b2312 No.52018

Maybe HRC is saying

"they're coming after the kids.

hide them. Very important.

whatever you need to do"

f89033 No.52019


Insulate POTUS x1mm.

9a63de No.52020



one target, and only one bomb needed.

8c7cad No.52022


Things are in motion. "The bomb is away".

979438 No.52023


Q, confirm please? Thank you so much for everything!

ca1204 No.52024

Pelosi and Schummer flipped?

Meeting with President Trump.


609c2a No.52025



Deep State is going to slaughter the crowd False Flags POTUS

Is Q aware of this plan do we know.

59cb69 No.52026


Whoa. Confirm?

ec5233 No.52027


(cult leaders)(church)(P)(assigned)(primary)(create division / brainwash)

(personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

3 legs: (past)(auth over followers)

2 legs: (present)

0 legs: (future)

9a63de No.52028

but is "deep state" meant to be underground or shadow

26b7ee No.52029


/_\ (past) all sides of cabal in place.

_\ (present) 1 side of cabal out, SA.

(future) all sides gone, bless you Q

af4473 No.52030

979438 No.52031


My dad read about that in 2008. It’s true. Just acid washed from the internet. Until now.

4ea44b No.52032



>1 - sexual harassment exit + future

dcec2d No.52033

File: 82ff2a1bdb95fbb⋯.jpg (4.86 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 88e573670b890c6b1e8e355a58….jpg)

File: 0a553b18cee7363⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 525x369, 175:123, SaturnSymbolMeaning.jpg)


The symbol for Jupiter (Jesus, Horus) is soul+matter=2=1=YOU

The symbol for Saturn is a cross with a sickle. This lower "crescent" portion of the Saturn symbol is also reminiscent of a scythe or sickle. These are of particular interest because the symbolism of the planet Saturn (and the agricultural Roman god Saturn) often addresses themes of death. 2 becomes 0 because it symbolizes destruction.

f89033 No.52034


/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)

Rock = Rockefellers

(present) = no more 4th family

41882d No.52035

"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." - Exodus 14:14

fb8d8d No.52036


Roths were the priests of the cult. Ran the banks.Controlled all governments through banking.

Saudi Arabia controlled world wide child sex traffic, oil technology, picked our elected leaders.

Soros is the hype man, runs the crowds, controls the NGOs, Antifa, etc. US was keeping his bank full via Warren's slush fund.

Rockefeller has already been taken out.

Sides of the pyramid are being dismantled.

Global payoffs for US/UK politicians is now gone.

Sexual harassment is the amuse bouche for the pedo ring hammer that's about to drop.

cc3368 No.52037


Where does the number 23 fit in?

fd22f8 No.52038


i think even keystone is rockefellers

188c28 No.52039

fb8d8d No.52040


no, they are one side of the pyramid

dcec2d No.52041



bredddy relevant

286b6c No.52042


the world is run out of the BIS

The Rothschilds own the bank

They control all fiat money

They’re pedo satanist

Go kill them Q

8d310e No.52043

File: a583f693e72a54f⋯.jpg (6.99 MB, 8090x7270, 809:727, Q_comp_correct_12072017_2o….jpg)

Latest Q map

Unbelievable update

Cabal of the Elite Edition

Mind = Blow Edition

(W)orld (W)ide Gov Control Edition

404fa5 No.52044


Thank you Q. God Bless the USA.

5ca065 No.52045

Flex the walls Anons!

( Δ )

6500ee No.52046

File: 18e8fcb848793a6⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 450x260, 45:26, IMG_0088.JPG)

File: 87231ae52f667ae⋯.jpg (120.51 KB, 920x599, 920:599, IMG_0089.JPG)



4df356 No.52047

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)


Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Enforcers (blackmail, kompromat)

Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


_ level playing field

Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future

bea443 No.52048


The SA logo is a RedShield

af4473 No.52049


God be with you Q, man what a job you have ahead of you,if you need us we're always here for truth, justice,and the American way

dcec2d No.52050

File: ce300ad2caf1937⋯.jpg (87.98 KB, 638x479, 638:479, satans-final-battle-9-638.jpg)

dfcf0f No.52051


2nd Pic of the tall man w white hair looks like Evelyn Rothschild.

I think we just got pics of all the big players going down in the storm.

79f018 No.52052

No, Q pointed out ring.


f5d93a No.52053

USA_leadership change: POTUS Trump, 45, 1/20/2017.

SA_leadership change: King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud died 1/2015> immediately, succeeded by King Salman>King Salaman names Mohammed bin Nayef as new Crown Prince of SA; ie, next in line to the throne. Nayef is a historic supporter/ funder of the ‘old guard’ in DC (McCain, Biden, HRC, Obama,etc) and is part of the old guard in SA. CIA (Brennan and others) had long been rumored to be a proponent of his future selection as CP as he would be sympathetic to Swamp, Deep State and business as usual as HRC (or Jeb) would be president— > POTUS is received in KSA on May 20, 2017 with Sword Dance, pomp and pageantry meets King/MBS> CP Blindsided: New CP named June 21, 2017 Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS)> 11/4/2017 MBS has Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (and 10 other Princes) arrested who POTUS called ‘Dopey Prince’ in a Twitter exchange during election. Talal was a ardent supporter of the Clintons, CF, Obama and, as widely reported here, a large shareholder of in social media concerns>New CP, MBS, pushes his 2030 Initiative— he suggests more moderate representation of Islam (woman driving, for example); push toward alternative fuel sources (that is his claim, anyway— research); a closer alliance with Israel against Iran (for anyone following geopolitics…SA and Israel?!)> Look at the timeline. Curious.

The questions I ask myself: 1) What was the deal POTUS made on his trip to SA? Is there a correlation btw the ouster of CP Nayef and POTUS visiting SA just wks previous? 2) Is this not the REAL story? 3) Is hyping NK a red herring? (Disinformation is necessary). 4) Does China not control NK? 5) Would we not start WWIII by attacking NK without China’s consent? 6) Would China ever give such consent? Would China let NK go too far knowing the ramifications? 7) What does a SA sea-change — ie, potential for regional instability — portend for the US given the petrodollar’s dominance in global oil trade? The World? 8) Is this not tectonic? Why no coverage? 9) Is MSM lack of coverage of SA the actual marker indicating the importance of said story? 10) Why has oil prices been down so long? 11) Fracking? NG? Emerging markets? Canada? Venezuela? Russia? 12) Did SA squeeze on oil prices to starve all the smaller players out work? 13) Is SA finally hurting? 14) Who protects SA? US? Pakistan? 15) Who does SA hate? 16) Who does US hate? Who does Israel hate? Does common enemies make convenient friends? 17) What’s going on in Lebanon? The leader stepped down? Or did he? Who was behind this? Why? What is The Plan? 18) Why did Xi offer to buy 5 percent of ARAMCO? 19) Would he pay in dollars or yuan? Gold? 20) Gaddafi tried to get away from the petrodollar— What happened? 21) Can Xi be taken out into the streets? No. 22) What battle is shaping up? What are the chips in play? Money? Protection? 23) Does MBS have enemies in SA now that he has arrested family members— Princes? Does the Royal Guard support him? Can he trust them? Does Academi guard him? 24) Who really guards POTUS? SS only? Private? Why did he move out of WH last spring? 25) Is Saud a house divided? 26) Who does MBS look to for military support? China? The Swamp? 27) Why was Talal really arrested? His assists seized? Is he then still the holder of US social media assets if all assets are seized? If no, then who is? MBS? 28) What can these assets afford you? What did they afford Talal? Why did JK visit SA without prior announcement earlier this month? Who did he meet? 29) What can SA offer US now we are much less dependent on them for our oil? 30) Specifically, what could MBS offer POTUS? 31) What does MBS want if the House of Saud is a house divided? 32) What does POTUS want in a country divided? Really want? 33) Can they help each other? ARE they helping each other?

60ef92 No.52054


Agree. Plus a baby is "life"

Thor represents fertility - life. She's gonna die

265ef3 No.52055


I think you're right.

404fa5 No.52056

047c68 No.52057






SA taken care of, roths under fire, guess who is next… soros… i think its time we focus on soros and uncover their blood deals. their currency is blood.

7e61f9 No.52058

096f0d No.52059

File: 11edc941b5ddd0e⋯.png (60.74 KB, 833x614, 833:614, CFPB.PNG)

286b6c No.52060

File: 83b1729c1e514c3⋯.jpeg (167.79 KB, 583x352, 53:32, BE2442C2-3EDC-475D-8FCE-E….jpeg)

File: e98918392485715⋯.png (51.92 KB, 2560x1548, 640:387, D592640E-0939-4AA4-A15C-2E….png)


f89033 No.52061


STFU you dumb shill bitch.

20e2e7 No.52062


Rothschild control the world governments through debt by purchasing bonds, fractional reserve banking, printing money

Governments listen to what Rothschild's want

Saudi Arabia


Child sex slavery

Controlled only assinged memebrs of US/UK politicians and Tech CEO's


Bolshevick activating and programming service

Slush fund manager

Never loses money due to DOJ corruption

Full horns meant full Satanist control

Now a horn has been cut from the head of the stag, loss of one branch of control

The future offers no control for the satanists

SA's power was needed to be cut first, think Theresa May, John McCain, BHO, Clintons

Rothschild power to be cut next, Operation Freedom, 10 days of darkness

Soros is the last holder of all the accounts, he became like Adnan Sakli, owner of the BIS record after Sakli was killed in 2014

ba2eeb No.52063


>ALL ABOUT FUNDING ISIS and similar groups

Bang on


Best summation (the bomb)


Thank you

8d310e No.52064


Is Baron the Lion King?

f5d93a No.52065

Michael S. Rogers, Director of NSA 2014 - Current:

The Washington Post reported on 19 November 2016 that Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James R. Clapper Jr. had recommended to President Obama that Rogers be terminated as director of the National Security Agency. Carter reportedly recommended he be terminated due to poor performance, whereas Clapper considered it wise that the position be held by a civilian. Both Clapper and Carter had put Rogers on notice for poor performance in internal security and for a poor leadership style. His termination was reportedly delayed due to stalled changes to the bureaucratic structure of the intelligence community. Later, Rogers reportedly met with then President-elect Donald Trump without notifying his supervisors in what is an unprecedented action for a military officer. Trump was reportedly considering replacing Clapper with Rogers as DNI, however that position went to former Senator Dan Coats, with Rogers remaining NSA director.[13]


bf2410 No.52066


yes. point being, there does not appear to be any embedded logic, value, or message in these. simply a method to keep track of "resources", in this case, images.

9ccfa1 No.52067

File: 73b9f38eba83420⋯.png (227.71 KB, 980x538, 490:269, ClipboardImage.png)



Morse code = V

Victory after FLYSIDFLY ?

8d310e No.52068


Good summation

979438 No.52069


He looks like Epstein a little bit.

4ea44b No.52070


did you try wingdings2 as well?

dcec2d No.52071



Song of Deborah and BARAK!!!!!



8d310e No.52072

59cb69 No.52073


I'd just send teams in and be done with it, but I'm impatient :-)

11e9e3 No.52074


Let this be a reminder that




966f63 No.52075


CFPB Reportedly Funneled Billion$ Into Secret DemocRAT Slush Fund…

I guess that explains why we don't see Pocahontas so much lately…

efb862 No.52076


Trump would always save the children first. That's why SA is the first leg of the pyramid to go.

07b0ad No.52077


Hmmm…..his hands in same symbol as Merkels

f89033 No.52078


I'm gonna assume + future means positive future lol. I suppose 1 - sexual harassment means…..1 global pedoring takes down the other tiers? cuts off supply?

fbfa53 No.52079


GWB - Prince Bandar (recently arrested in purge). Also known as 'Bandar Bush' (whole book written on the subject "House of Bush House of Saud"

This seems to be Q tying the network together. Implies clear Bush/Obama/Rothschild/ /Rockefeller/Soros/Clinton/McCain/Windsor/Saud ties.

McCain shown with Free Syrian Army general Salim Idris, while Prince Alaweed shown with Syrian President Assad.

8bafcf No.52080


the picture Q posted before show the Pyramid he is describing here

9b2312 No.52081

OK, so…

hard to keep up


better to go down as a panderer senator

than a pedo senator, ???

a23e80 No.52082



Dare I say the answer to 1984 is 1776? : D

188c28 No.52083

File: 3e29cdc5cdac8b0⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 350x572, 175:286, HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE.jpg)

dcec2d No.52084

Nobody is listening to me…

Dear God please take the blinders from their eyes and ears and let them hear you. Please forgive them father for they know not what they do…


fb8d8d No.52085



Nah I'm good

ff460c No.52086


Actually they do. They plainly show the ties between people. HRC MCC BHO all are tied across the Atlantic and corrupt as can be

a23e80 No.52088

File: d82e56af2cff32d⋯.jpg (133.12 KB, 460x465, 92:93, no metoo.jpg)

2ff921 No.52089


World Wars

60ef92 No.52090


NOw thats funny!

4ea44b No.52091

3c7d9b No.52092


THe ring is mentioned in the Scottish Rite texts. However, it originally was mentioned not in the Scottish Rite but rather the Grand Orient Lodge.

The legend (which does has some support in the ancient texts) is that their was an Athame in Solomons temple (and Athame is a cerimonal dagger). And its handle was made of a star (meteroite allegedly but probably just Obsidian or Jet). During the destruction of the temple, the daggers handle was taken and the handle split into three pieces. One was traced to what is modern day SA. Tje second was in the Templars control for a long time and then lost. And, the third was hidden by a pagan group in southern turkey. Their is a reference to it in some depictions of he Key of Solomon if you want to go dig for it. Anyway, the pagan piece was made into a ring and is worn by the High Priest or Priestess. But, Q mentioned spirit cooking a while back if I am not mistaken This requires a High Priest or Priest to condone.

However, I have zero evidence this is that ring. But, the positioning sure makes me wonder.

And I can only assume the other pieces are still in SA and Somewhere in the Church (as the Templars were robbed of everything they had by the Pope when he had them killed).

And as an aside, the symbol for the Athame in paganism is an upside down cross.

fb8d8d No.52093


Yeah, just WTF is going on at DIA? I mean, I know the stories. But what the actual f?

af4473 No.52095


Anyone not believing in God now is just plain fooling themselves.And I'm not a Jesusfreak, but I do love him :)

6500ee No.52096

File: 68055dc3043edfe⋯.jpg (128.47 KB, 710x473, 710:473, IMG_0090.JPG)

File: 2bcabf70119320b⋯.jpg (134.06 KB, 892x814, 446:407, IMG_0091.JPG)


He flashes it a lot

20e2e7 No.52097


World Wide, as in all governments

fde8e1 No.52098

b4d391 No.52099

File: 11c3d5c66d66000⋯.jpg (166.46 KB, 888x500, 222:125, SUBSIDIZED.jpg)

too brutal?

cc3368 No.52100


No, it's World Wide

7e61f9 No.52101


SA, Rothschild, Soros - three sided authority

SA - removed

Remaining Rothschild, Soros

For global economic reasons, they must be taken out in a particular order.

efb862 No.52102


>Strings cut to US/UK

>Rothschilds control strings to gov

>Order is critical

Trump takes out SA to save the children. That leaves Soros and Roths. If he takes out Soros first, Roths still control govs and can manipulate them. If he takes out Roths first, Soros has no control since bureaucracy will no longer turn a blind eye to him.

8c7cad No.52103



5880ea No.52104

File: cab472dae30add7⋯.png (827.93 KB, 1200x584, 150:73, aw.png)


Awan Bro was flashing the symbol when he left court one day. Apparently he held the hand symbol for a while when he was walking and it was suspicious. Can't find the vid right now.

a207ff No.52105

6f5128 No.52106

File: 4c98ef28e1fadbd⋯.jpeg (38.99 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 55AB541B-C01A-4E14-A01D-B….jpeg)








““Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.”

“According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call “loosh.”

“According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic “energy farmers,” intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.”

609c2a No.52107


Then Soros is deadman?

e1bcd9 No.52108



Lucifer was twisted by them. Lucifer represents the propensity for man to do GOOD or EVIL. Lucifer can be synonymous with Jesus, as both were the morning star, but in the sense that Jesus was the son of God and HUMAN and also had the propensity towards EVIL but he chose GOOD because of FREE WILL. We are all children of God therefore Lucifer can be all of us.

f5d93a No.52109


Know Thy Enemy:

How the Rothschild’s and Centralized Banking (ie, The ‘Fed’) Works

US left the gold standard in 1971 — Kissinger

Made a deal with House of Saud that all sell of oil would be in us dollars; thus, granting US $ legitimacy if not actual intrinsic value such as gold provided. The Fed, an Rothschild offshoot of the Bank of England adopted by W Wilson at the behest of JP Morgan (chase) and Rockefeller: both Roth cutouts began as, and still is, an independent Bank— the fed is as Federal as KFC chicken is fried in Kentucky; they will tell you that if you look> the Roth fed now prints paper money with no intrinsic value other than SA agreement to trade oil only in US Dollars (which may b changing) > banks accept transactions , as when you make a deposit with ‘your’ money, but they, the banks, are not required to keep the money on premises— only a fraction of your deposit— a fraction they are not required to disclose > the remainder of your money leaves the premises and is used to give loans to other ppl while you still own it without your knowledge; thus, further double-dipping as it were into the value of said paper worthless dollar; ie, your deposit money is both in the bank covering you while also an unknown fraction is paying another bank for McCabe’s loan on a new Fiat. Fake money gratuitously printed by a Fake ‘Fed’ issued in form of salaries and loans then taken out of ur account to fund other salaries and loans without your knowledge. Fake money double- dip FMDD.

To make things even more interesting, SA— leading purchaser of of Treasury Bonds, makes said purchases in exchange for continued protection as they have no viable military of their own, but rely on US and Pakistan for assistance in this regard— further fueling the Roth machine. It is

A Centralized reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages a state's currency, money supply, and interest rates. Central banks also usually oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries.

Fiat currency is without intrinsic value established as money by government regulation. … The term derives from the Latin fiat ("let it be done") used in the sense of an order or decree. It was introduced as an alternative to commodity money.

Fractional-reserve banking is the practice whereby a bank accepts deposits, makes loans or investments, but is required to hold reserves equal to only a fraction of its deposit liabilities.[1] Reserves are held as currency in the bank, or as balances in the bank's accounts at the central bank. Fractional-reserve banking is the current form of banking practiced in most countries worldwide.[2]

The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. So is the Fed private or public?

The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends. Holding this stock does not carry with it the control and financial interest given to holders of common stock in for-profit organizations. The stock may not be sold or pledged as collateral for loans. Member banks also appoint six of the nine members of each Bank's board of directors.

Sauce: https://www.stlouisfed.org/in-plain-english/who-owns-the-federal-reserve-banks

4ea44b No.52110


I don't have wingdings2 on this linux box. Last time the simplest answer was a copy pasta and change the font

fb8d8d No.52112


Probably a distress signal.

dfcf0f No.52114


Looks like code to me too, I think you're on to something here.

6eabea No.52115


Q, your intel poster this morning midsection thread 54 set the table for these "revelations." Job well done. The riddle of "GODFATHER III" needs reconciliation in order to proceed. THANK YOU for stepping in when you have as you are mindful of your followers.

Ah, Benedict XVI is still alive.

Yes, we know all about St. Malachi's prophecies. Hopefully a thousand years later we've learned to skip rope as children on the playground of life, but as you've said, rightfully so, this is WAR. Spiritual warfare. Apparently DJT and Isaiah 45 have relative roles. Two Corinthians isn't 2nd Corinthians, rookie mistake!

Suggestion, get this GODFATHER III riddle solved soon.

Question, was DJT's 2 day trip to the Philippines on his recent Asian tour successful in securing surety to the Marcos' gold reserves for the GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS?

I sure as hell hope so!

Oh yes, the Indonesians and Chinese were appropriately thanked in the President's post tour speech for their cooperation in these matters. Dinner in the 'Forbidden City' is a first ever for an American President.

Finally, they collectively sighed, "the leader of the world" as introduced before the South Korean Assembly.

Aside…MSM never showed the overwhelming standing ovation our Beloved President received for several minutes after that rousing speech!

Back to the subject matter, there are many of us already engaged in this Spiritual Warfare, we have expected it, and are engaged in it along with many others. Even as has recently been reported, "either God wins or I am dead."


20e2e7 No.52116


It means he will honor his Masonic oath and not talk

a207ff No.52118


Apparently the anime "Bokurano" was disclosure. Who the fuck knew.

b7e726 No.52119

File: 4e6009ca2e7eaa1⋯.png (101.64 KB, 421x259, 421:259, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at ….png)

59cb69 No.52120


I can't believe they're actually flashing each other hand signals. That's gay as fuck. Sad!

fb8d8d No.52121


Another thread maybe more appropriate for your theological discussions not very related to the topic.

913bb1 No.52122

Can you find a pic of Alwaleed and Hussein or Clinton or other US politicians?


Heard you can’t sleep anymore.

Don’t come here again.


cc3368 No.52123


I think there's a war within the Freemasons between the followers of God, and the followers of Satan.

9ccfa1 No.52124

File: c381211bc45d6d8⋯.png (985 B, 303x27, 101:9, ClipboardImage.png)


I think this is a dead end, but to humor you…

e1bcd9 No.52125

Nothing about this is funny…


Are you all ignoring the black hexagon ring representing Hilary being the bride of satan or is it just too much for you to comprehend at the moment so you are choosing to tune it out to save your own sanity?

Because it seemed pretty important to Q

fb8d8d No.52126



937a33 No.52127


Some think Podesta is wearing a Carnelian ring which is in the quartz family. Might symbolize fealty to some angelic mysticism depending on his birth date. See website below. Lastly the carnelian stone is Latin for ”flesh”.


fe89d6 No.52128


>Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

>Banks / Financial Institutions

>WW Gov Control

>Gov Controls People

Roths, through banks/churches establish worldwide control over general population, assigns govt roles.


>Oil Tech Sex/Children

>SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)

Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, ebay, Tesla/Space X, Xerox, etc..

McCain, Clintons, Obama, Bush, Putin, Assad, Merkle


>Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

Law firms(Sidley Austin, TAF, etc), Letter agencies, supreme court, MSM, Iran deal

>/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

> _\ (present)

1.2 Million strong, Saud corruption purge, Wall removed removed


>Order is critical.

Roths next, soros last

>Strings cut to US/UK.

What countries are next?

Germany leadership change?

Pakistan leadership change?

>Expand your thinking.

>Swamp drain.

>1 - sexual harassment exit + future


>[R] - No.

>Bomb away.


80e82e No.52129


Best Christmas present EVER if it happens!

efb862 No.52130

a38722 No.52131

Anon (ID 4ad7a5) is doing an awesome job posting some interesting stuff in

Daily News bread


20e2e7 No.52132



Is this Lynn we're aiming at?

4ea44b No.52133


She was lurking or trolling here? LMAO

913bb1 No.52134


Sweet dreams.


fe89d6 No.52135


Scrubbed before Hussein election.

How deep can we dig?

Who has leads?

efb862 No.52136

404fa5 No.52137

0207d5 No.52138


>Q !

Thank you!

2ff921 No.52139


Neitzsche: the golden lion > the child > the ubermensche (goal of humanity).

From Zarathstra

4ea44b No.52140


Very glad to not be L. right now

af4473 No.52141


Now i'm cozy compfy : )

5d3e7d No.52142

Does this involve the "The Nine" ??

God bless and keep safe Q,DJT and all those in harms way bringing light to the darkness of the world.

24ceff No.52143



fb8d8d No.52145


One of the first Q posts:

>Soros is targeted.

Yeah, Soros is kill

979438 No.52146


Agreed. It brings me back to his post about celebrities. What does HRC represent to them? Chilling. God protect us all. God forgive us that we didn’t see it sooner.

7e61f9 No.52147


take care - be safe

4df356 No.52148

Roth - puppeteer

SA - enforcer

Soros - zeitgeist management

f89033 No.52149


Godspeed Q!!!! MAGA

70b739 No.52150


[R] - No

So use ROT cypher and R becomes S?

fb8d8d No.52151


Drag them, Q.

404fa5 No.52152

bacd06 No.52153

78d855 No.52154

Lol. 'Drunk Pic Post Q" Maintain your military bearing.

af4473 No.52155


Thank you for being a TRUE AMERICAN Q!!!

dfcf0f No.52156


Look harder anon, there is so much here it's incredible.

913bb1 No.52157

For Green.



fe89d6 No.52158


Republican swamp drained?

4ea44b No.52159

2ff921 No.52160


Best. Christmas. Ever.

21b9c2 No.52161


I agree. Well-stated.

9b2312 No.52162

Before the jersalem speech there was a view of the christmas tree with a flying eagle on it

now it is cut off in every video i checked

none show the top of the tree

was very cool

decor done nicely very nicely

fe89d6 No.52163


: (

Loaf complete

450c5b No.52164



59cb69 No.52165


lel somebody here probably called Lynn Rothschild a faggot.

ca59df No.52166


Supposedly Davie Crockett did something of that nature to the Mexican Gen. Santa Anna.

Crockett had raised his hands in front of the general before they had a chance to execute him, and Santa Anna spared him.

Supposedly they were both Freemasons.

efb862 No.52167


Thanks for everything Q. God bless.

979438 No.52168


RM said/says no?

ac7863 No.52169


NO MERCY for those wretched manipulators of the entire world!!!

Here's to 100% success for Q and operatives!!!

78d855 No.52170

End of the Thursday night bottle. We all do it.

ba2eeb No.52171


Where can you fly when there's no where to flee to?

I wonder what she's hallucinating? That happens when you can't sleep for too long…

966f63 No.52172

File: e760c3085c13ceb⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 610x425, 122:85, rudy_Alwaleed.jpg)

af4473 No.52173



cc3368 No.52174


SA were the handlers for US politicians, a task given by the Roths, just as Soros was given his task by Roths…Was US founded by Masons who were against Roth control, and their evil? Is that why they consider US their greatest foe?

4ea44b No.52175


Post again L. I don't have loc yet

24ceff No.52176


58min ago:

"So happy to join @robertwolf32 @JoeBiden @IndraNooyi to support ways to end gun violence"

fe89d6 No.52177

God bless the patriots.

265ef3 No.52178

Thanks Q!

What a blast.

ba2eeb No.52179


F for Capt. Mike Green

1c5972 No.52180

File: 30713f9f9104c4e⋯.jpg (422.05 KB, 1066x751, 1066:751, Screenshot_20171207-193021.jpg)


u r the BEST!

dfcf0f No.52181


Interesting af. You deserve your own thread for this. Please make a separate thread.

ca59df No.52182


That would explain why we would have problems posting here from time to time.

20e2e7 No.52183


I recall the story from Babylon when a member refused to divulge information about the order, he was celebrated for his strength and the hand sign was born

a207ff No.52184


Assuming this means that Q's messages here are finished, we must assume that we have everything we need to keep people calm during the roughest parts of the storm.

We can also surmise that that will be soon. Good luck folks.

fb8d8d No.52185


The Nine. Esalen. Tavistock. Star Trek.

bc46f4 No.52186


This Anon has a deep understanding of what is going on. Nice summary.

748d8e No.52187


For Capt Green, sir..

06175c No.52188


I'll take "Which Satanist child-rapers just got indicted?" for 400.

I'll take "Who is all dressed up and ready to rape some kids?" for 200.

286b6c No.52189


the Norse god Thor in a battle against the jötnar.

In Norse mythology, a jötunn (plural jötnar) is a type of entity contrasted with gods and other figures, such as dwarfs and elves. The entities are themselves ambiguously defined, variously referred to by a several other terms, including risi, thurs, and ==troll.==

fe89d6 No.52190

6273af No.52191

As a patriot I will sleep better knowing that Patriots keep LDR awake at night

d70734 No.52192


I think he mean for Pilot Green-taking down Roths….I could be wrong.

Does anyone know where Michelle Obama is in all of this?

d26318 No.52193

There is NO REST for the wicked Q.

989138 No.52194

Judge who recused himself from Flynn sentencing is a FISA judge.


f5d93a No.52195


>1 - sexual harassment exit

>2 MSM tripling down on destroy POTUS, further discrediting them as viable resource for intel; ie, pushing narrative that since AF gave himself up that POTUS should own Fake News allegations.

>3 At mid-terms, electing ppl that are Nationalists at nature; thus, giving POTUS more leverage to get old guard that were not compromised to stand down.

>4 IG/ AGJS Wrey investigations reveal DS and Dems/HRC to rig election via Fusion GPS and Hillary's many other crimes; redpilling public that can be redpilled. Cronies like McCabe et all gathered up.

>Quell riots, lol– no really, NG, Marines.

4ea44b No.52196


she just responded to him see


bacd06 No.52197

fb8d8d No.52198


God bless Patriot Green. R.I.P. You are being avenged hero.

2ff921 No.52199


Bless you Q

We’ll remember Green forever.

20e2e7 No.52200

File: e41e5ad24849735⋯.png (246.99 KB, 907x485, 907:485, Dirty Rotten S.png)

Look what lynn posted an hour ago….

Worried about getting shot?


78d855 No.52201


and you never will

ca59df No.52202


Next phase?

24ceff No.52204



Helicopter pilot killed in mid-air crash named as Mike Green

"Police and air accident investigators continue to scour the crash site near the Waddesdon estate, the former country seat of the Rothschild banking dynasty, for clues about the cause of the collision."

18dbc8 No.52205


Thank you Q and Team for saving the for us and our children

God Bless you

7416c7 No.52206


Wrong roger ramjet. Most masons are your moms and dads.

444f6f No.52207


No. It's a way of holding your hands when performing a stand-up public presentation. Ollie White videos.

It's a method of keeping your hands in a neutral position so as not to detract from your presentaton.

I learned it 26 years ago because my job at the time required many many technical presentations. I still hold my hands this way when speaking, even one on one conversations.

I'm sure frau Merkel has been trained in public speaking the same way.

What is notable, however, is the lack of ring. She's also childless, as are most EU "leaders". That's a huge problem in their decision making process. They don't give a fuck because they aren't leaving the world for loved ones, so they don't give a fuck how they leave the world.

4ea44b No.52208


So true. You have what many men do not.

f89033 No.52209


Get em Q!!!! MAGA

2ae2e1 No.52210


WWIII is not what everyone thinks. Book of revelation - revelation to all of us that its a battle between good and evil. It has nothing to do with a country vs another. US is consciousness of world - MAGA means ascension. We are living the Bagavad Gita - individually and collectively. We are all one and part of the same. As your consciousness changes and your vibration raises this affects the morphic field. This is why we have been kept in the dark for so long. Keep us from waking up.

937a33 No.52211


Rudy Giuliani is the only US pol I’ve seen with him

af4473 No.52212


075b03 No.52213


It's time to end the leftist insurrection. >>48056

80e82e No.52214


This has to be the L. post lol…

Go back to hiding bitch we will find you…

450c5b No.52215


Hows it feel to see it all crumbling L?

328cad No.52216





95ecca No.52217


Are you MRogers?

20e2e7 No.52218


He's right, and you're wrong

f89033 No.52219



af4473 No.52220

Bye Bye Lynn, I thought this room smelled funny.

d26318 No.52221


Ever heard of remote viewing? It's a thing.

6500ee No.52222

File: 531a4ce250fc589⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 657x403, 657:403, IMG_0095.JPG)


Here's Huma with his wife. Follow the wives?

efb862 No.52223


Apparently like insomnia.

989138 No.52224

This posted today.

men of gold the global elite part 2 the rothschilds.


55fe30 No.52225

File: 1781d2baf5352dc⋯.jpg (511.84 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, 1478746383733.jpg)


Which is it? Looks most like the locket to me. Victims hair inside?

ba2eeb No.52226


Dearest Lynn,

"we can hear you breathe"


/you know who/

cc3368 No.52227


Thank you Q… GODSPEED! May the Grand Architect be with you all.

6eabea No.52228


Q, you've already posted a pic of Alwaleed with the Queen? Your mention of mere peasants surprises me? Oh well, it keeps an autist searching when us Boomers move on.

So Lynn is also fishing for clues to escape the TRUMP DRAGNET? Lonely days and sleepless nights don't bode well with Damsel's in distress, and all the Queen's horses and all the Banker's men can't prevent from Isaiah's 45th man!!!

06d534 No.52229

24ceff No.52230



286b6c No.52231

Thor’s belt

In Norse mythology, the megingjörð (meaning "power-belt"[1] in Old Norse) is a belt worn by the god Thor. The Old Norse name megin means power or strength, and gjörð means belt.

According to the Prose Edda, the belt is one of Thor's three main possessions, along with the hammer Mjölnir and the iron gloves Járngreipr. When worn, the belt is described as doubling Thor's already prodigious strength.

78d855 No.52232


Never even close to concern.

20e2e7 No.52233

It's time to hunt

b12c5d No.52234

File: 94aead07876f5cf⋯.jpg (405.49 KB, 1403x773, 1403:773, trump_heart.jpg)

If any thing this Trump gesture is a heart

24a83f No.52235


She hasn't made any Twitter posts on that account since 12/4

78d855 No.52236


Looking at my remote now.

54a097 No.52237


Thank you Q. Godspeed

f5d93a No.52239


>4 Continue work with MBS in SA to align again against Iran expansion in ME with part of POTUS deal to allow sunni leadership to be sympathetic to Israel– esp, since epic move to name capital Jer

>5 Sure up borders

>6 hammer down on Roth Fed

>8 run rats run

>9 focus on UN, World bank and all Globalist/ Roth concerns

ac7863 No.52240


Pretty sure the Rothschilds and all their wicked friends have dreamed up a couple of dozen scenarios for confiscating every gun in America. Got to get those dumbed-down, brainwashed, mixed-race peasants (that'd be us) under control, they think.

Go straight to hell, Lynn, and take all those matronly sheath dresses that are your dowdy trademark with you. BTW, the Martha's Vineyard house looks like you let Fixer Upper do it.

17fa2c No.52242


The pyramid of control. / SA, _ Roths, \Soros

Roths (cult leaders)(church)(P). P may mean Pyramid since the Roths are the top of the Pyramid. The cult leaders. They eye of Horus.

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)

/ SA is gone. _\ (present) Roth and Soros remain.

(Future) note Roth an Soros are gone.

Now that the SA stings have been cut to the US (and apparently UK) the swamp is draining. Next will come Soros. Finally the Roths.

Not sure what the [R] means.

748d8e No.52243


You think you a invincible??

fb8d8d No.52244

>Q Maps!

Get yer Q maps!

Fresh and hot.

Updated. So fresh, anons!

All posts. In order. Date stamps. Screen grabs and text. You can search it.

>Includes recent Q posts from tonight!


Will update if more drops come. Please post corrections or edits. Thanks

ca1204 No.52245


What a story I have to tell my grand kids some day!

dfcf0f No.52246


Lots of info here tonight. Q is out, it's past h{is,er} bedtime.

2ff921 No.52247

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

I love you Chanons.

0d3ede No.52248


The Y represents them destroying the pillars of heaven. Heaven is inside of you. Mary and Jesus represent PURE LOVE. Your BLOODLINE is your family. >>46820

1=2 symbolizes matter+spirit (humans are body and soul) it also represents mother+child in one body.

The pillars of heaven are represented by the pillars in Freemasonry Boaz and Joaquin. The removal of the KEYSTONE represents opening up the GATES of HEAVEN to SATURN who will DESTROY it (YOU)

ABORTION is the destruction of all that is HOLY and DIVINE. A pregnant woman represents 1=2


265ef3 No.52249


We were here to witness it.


78d855 No.52250


Pretty close, child.

bf2410 No.52251


>[R] - No

How about this: [R]othschilds got the same answer as HRC.

4ea44b No.52252


Who else has been drinking, Lynn?

fe89d6 No.52253



dca75e No.52254


thank you Q!

efb862 No.52255


Then what are you doing here?

5ca065 No.52256

File: eb0f8ad5a4c8941⋯.png (487.81 KB, 581x644, 83:92, rlood.png)

8a377d No.52257

>mfw everyone gets banned for scriptureposting and I'm the only one left to dig

dca75e No.52258

78d855 No.52259




fb8d8d No.52260


You seem rattled Satanist?

7416c7 No.52261


Thank you for your sacrifice and service! It's been one hell of a run! RIP Patriot Green.

cc3368 No.52262

I think Q is done here Anons, we have all we need, THE STORM IS UPON US, may God be with you all!

bf2410 No.52263


>If any thing this Trump gesture is a heart


21b9c2 No.52264

Okay. So Q is clearly focusing everyone on the pyramid with significant emphasis. Their pyramid always has the "all seeing eye". That has to be the Saturnalia bullshit. That's Satan. Their God. Not our God. It's no revelation to the learned folks here that these are Satanists.

979438 No.52265


There it is.

609c2a No.52266


It would be end of Soros.

45f9bd No.52267


>Heard you can’t sleep anymore.

>Don’t come here again.

This might as well be a message to me.

God bless you Q, but this whole saga has been a blessing and a curse for me. Anxiety, paranoia, isolation, insomnia…

fb8d8d No.52268


Let's just see, anon.

b7e726 No.52269


An honor.

78d855 No.52270


My snake is bigger than yours.

450c5b No.52271

Truly the greatest timeline… this shit is wild.

efb862 No.52272


Got a lot of time for that running banks and all?

5b02f5 No.52273


Swedish painting 1872 by artist Mårten Eskil Winge.

59cb69 No.52274


If the moms and dads are participating in satanism, they don't know it.

4ea44b No.52276

File: ab2cd17ed46a60d⋯.jpg (3.5 KB, 250x180, 25:18, 1498096057029s.jpg)


yeah, and I am there. I'm drinking too.

20e2e7 No.52277




78d855 No.52278


Haha. I can't even type.

fb8d8d No.52279

File: 0c4927a5b09b0ff⋯.jpg (78.41 KB, 768x768, 1:1, michael.jpg)


I know how this ends, faggit

10650e No.52280


Godspeed, we are going to miss you Q.

78d855 No.52281


Feels like winning around here.

59cb69 No.52282

If L. has an alternative explanation for all this, I'd love to hear it.

80e82e No.52283

What fucking timline is this? A Rothschild that has to go on a chan board to figure out what is going to happen..


450c5b No.52284


Thats what im sayin

20e2e7 No.52285


the BEST timeline!

8a377d No.52286

You live in the timeline where someone told a Rothschild they'd better check an Azeri Ant Farming Forum

84aa27 No.52287


Laughing out loud! Laughing out loud!

d26318 No.52288

The greatest gift comes after it is all over.

1601b0 No.52289

File: 7a6f686e319484c⋯.png (831.48 KB, 686x759, 686:759, Capture _2017-12-07-22-41-….png)

b7e726 No.52290


Crime and Pretension, a hell of a mix.

1ba564 No.52291


>what could be worse than eating babies

Read this thread >>>/cbts/50022

356e7e No.52292


Beautiful. Thanks Anon.

f89033 No.52293



78d855 No.52294


Yep. You die of thirst after watching your children die first.

45f9bd No.52295


Come back and visit us soon. Hopefully next time we hear from you it's out in the open and not behind codes and aliases.

af4473 No.52296

File: a7b0eb8435e4df5⋯.png (238.56 KB, 730x400, 73:40, Can't Sleep.png)


fe89d6 No.52297


I love having no more friends and staying up til 6 in the morning every night. Thanks, Q!

8d310e No.52298

File: e969316a9fa6161⋯.jpg (6.99 MB, 8090x7270, 809:727, Q_comp_correct_12072017_2o….jpg)

Latest Q map

This Is The End Edition

in memoriam Capt Mike Green

f89033 No.52299


is that an aerial view of satan's turd? /s

f5d93a No.52301


>9 fade into the tough stuff– the pushback against globalism will be harsh. EU esp will attempt to thwart POTUS in every way: see withdrawal of Paris Climate Accord– racist, enemy of environment., idiot, 25th amendment, etc. POTUS will begin with the evidence of human trafficking/ child as currency and the darker issues that take more trust to spring on a Mockingbird saturated public than can be done now.

1-9 will have massive overlap. MAGA!

d2c323 No.52302

File: f1dcc538e4cd60b⋯.png (184.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ocarina_of_time_ganondorf_….png)






wonderland and the man from the desert

07d1ab No.52303

Just gonna renew this suggestion now that all Q's latest posts suggest it's relevant. (Thank you Q, prayers answered!)



I cannot recommend the following read highly enough - http://www.lovethetruth.com/books/william_guy_carr/the_conspiracy.pdf

("The Conspiracy To Destroy All Existing Governments And Religions"

By Admiral William Guy Carr, 1959. It was the book he was working on at the time of his death.)

I submit that it should probably be required reading to understand why the (giant, and indeed bitter) pill would/will be so very hard for 99% of normies to swallow in its entirety.

5b02f5 No.52304


Godspeed. God bless and keep you Warriors all! Thank you!

8a377d No.52305

"Oh, well you see anons, we were just really into al-Khidr. Everyone we killed was going to be the next Hitler. Promise."

075b03 No.52306


>being a fag mason in 2017

lul, lick any dirty brass rings (anuses) lately goat boy?

6eabea No.52307


The helicopter pilot who was taken out on the Rothschild manor extraction.

f8136b No.52308


Maybe he just means end of R.

d63af1 No.52309


Lose the Shield for Mike Green, DoItQ!!!!!

If you bake it, he will crumb

fb8d8d No.52310


Nah, we good. We got this fam.

Looking forward to your lynching, flaying, and eternity in hell, faggit.

0d3ede No.52311








Isaiah 25:8-12

8 he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. 9 In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

Matthew 7:13-15

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

LUKE 17:21 Neither shall they say, ‘Lo, it is here!’ or ‘Lo, it is there!’ For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1c4a2a No.52312


Am I really here at the end of Q?

af0a11 No.52313


Yes, it does.

3bb3b1 No.52314

Wait was Q telling us no more post from him/her??? or that is the end of the evil satanist????

450c5b No.52315


The –end– comes AFTER Q. Has he ever posted anything after "Q" before?

ede4ed No.52316

hey q, looks like they are taking a shot back with that kingsman 2 movie trrying to bluepill people back

748d8e No.52317


Not if POTUS has control of the military.

YO\ou dont have much of a chance if he send delta/Seal team 6 after you and your irk..

Thats what Im hearing

ffe798 No.52318


For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

fe89d6 No.52319

Who else is gunna suffer from withdrawal and depression?

10650e No.52321



c8ee6b No.52322

096f0d No.52323


Is it time to get the popcorn out and watch the show?

f8136b No.52324


No, never. That is too bad. But we have the pictures and the posts.

af4473 No.52325


20e2e7 No.52326

File: f55619bdbb00c80⋯.png (135.42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, r3SL4EJI_400x400.png)


78d855 No.52327


Hell is imaginary. Thirst is real. You will see soon sweetie.

06175c No.52328

File: 01c4a6411045772⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 92210e662be463c46380f86f06….jpg)

b3208b No.52329


Hopefully all these evil players are either in custody or dead real soon. Thank God for giving us Donald Trump. Good will overcome evil!

eabaeb No.52330


kys its the only choice

59cb69 No.52331


No, I think they're just done for today.

8a377d No.52332

Ha, Meem.

The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.

The forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. There is no deity except Him; to Him is the destination.

No one disputes concerning the signs of Allah except those who disbelieve, so be not deceived by their movement throughout the land.

The people of Noah denied before them and the factions after them, and every nation intended for their messenger to seize him, and they disputed by falsehood to invalidate thereby the truth. So I seized them, and how was My penalty.

And thus has the word of your Lord come into effect upon those who disbelieved that they are companions of the Fire.

d26318 No.52333

If some were to say to you. Look there! The kingdom of heaven is in the sky, then the bird of the air would proceed you into heaven, and if someone says to you lo there! the kingdom of heaven is in the sea.. then the fish in the abyss shall proceed you into heaven. Rather… the kingdom of heaven is inside you and all around you yet you do not see it.

286b6c No.52334

File: 2b0b39eae601c83⋯.jpeg (95.63 KB, 800x533, 800:533, A1357DBA-F8DF-441E-B2F7-2….jpeg)

78d855 No.52335


Well, they can always be paid a little better.

07b0ad No.52337

If Lynn is here she must be VERY, VERY FRIGHTENED.

I have prayed these ppl will feel the horrific fear all those poor babies must have felt who were violated. Lynn Rothschild, you will reap what you have sown, and when you do, it will be your own doing. I have no pity for you. There are those who have been created for destruction. You are one.

000000 No.52338


There's not a moment in human history similar to what happened here in the course of the past few weeks.

I'm forever grateful, it's been a true honor.

Godspeed, Q! MAGA!

1665cf No.52339

6.7 quake in micronesia. possible tsunami?


1601b0 No.52340


That's her real face without the dermablend

045197 No.52341



>https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=QhUhCwpd8d8


d70734 No.52342

So we should be able to see the sealed indictments opened soon? Arrests made? No Shutdown?

c43415 No.52343


Moment of silence for patriot Green.

19f672 No.52344

This definitely isnt 4chan… Nobody told Lynn to tits or gtfo

fb8d8d No.52345


Not yer sweetie asshole. You have like maybe another few hours to beg Jesus for your soul.

I'm gonna make popcorn and watch tv.

ede4ed No.52346



Glad to be on your side

4ea44b No.52347


I found her. follow my id back a few posts

53caa3 No.52349

File: d71cffe7d44de02⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 568x450, 284:225, 111111.jpg)

File: 91f89c2c3c043d9⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 332x423, 332:423, ramsey-prophet-of-evil.jpg)



>>51884 (You)

>>51926 (You)

>>51960 (You)

>>51995 (You)

>>52033 (You)

>>52041 (You)

>>52050 (You)

45f9bd No.52350


I just need closure, finality, confirmation… something. I know this process can't be rushed, but it also can't come soon enough.

8a377d No.52351

Can we bury all the participants alive, and construct a giant monument in every language we can muster kindly reminded everyone not to do this shit again?

Maybe in Switzerland? Or how about on the bulldozed ruins of the Vatican?

78d855 No.52352



dbeba8 No.52353


Please include Q post in next bread.

Sorry if not correct way to link to 56...newfag.....back to lurking.

f5d93a No.52354


nice, anon

1665cf No.52355

File: eb967108bd84192⋯.png (283.84 KB, 683x329, 683:329, Opera Snapshot.png)


6.7 in micronesia and 6.2 in new zealand!

pic related

1c5972 No.52356


what does thirst mean?

af0a11 No.52357



d86385 No.52358


Hi L.

24ceff No.52359

8a377d No.52360

I have a feeling the Eagles won't make it to the Superbowl this year.

55d053 No.52361

File: 0f14b6c5d2233f8⋯.jpg (557.73 KB, 810x1782, 5:11, 20171207_215131.jpg)

816898 No.52362

Thank you Q!!! I’m ready to die for my country and God killing Satanist!

d26318 No.52363


Fuck off with the satanic symbolism. All you are doing is hurting people with it.

20e2e7 No.52364


Please secure the vatican vault, they have the library of alexandria in there and the bloodlines of Christ which we need to hunt them to extinction

e00111 No.52365






Incredible time to be alive and to witness this.

444f6f No.52366


Same design:

Jugears' ring

Merkel's necklace

Hillslag's earring

df6b86 No.52367

File: 1ce27523bfd5699⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 236x343, 236:343, dd43fe4eab24f9a3763aa12545….jpg)

78d855 No.52368


eat some popcorn and you tell me

4ea44b No.52370


finger on filter. ty anon

11e9e3 No.52371

File: 538fb5bebfd261e⋯.jpg (141.59 KB, 600x599, 600:599, paul.jpg)


A painting from one of the architects of wtc

af4473 No.52372

LYNN WATCH OUT!!!!Don't look out your windows.

5b02f5 No.52373


World Wide

cc3368 No.52374

Arizona GOP Rep. Trent Franks to resign following sexual harassment claim.

e932fb No.52375

File: 190c12ae4b99e1c⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 345x400, 69:80, 1510280360801.jpg)

1c4a2a No.52376

King O'

53caa3 No.52377


How? I am trying to show you (((their))) symbolism and truth.

The ring Q mentioned is a SATANIC SYMBOL

Are you all really not seeing the gravity in this?


8a377d No.52378

Lynn De Rothschild, when the memes fell

d2c218 No.52379


Nope, the 4th family was Rockefellers. They were the authority over the followers. They were taken out not longer after Trump became POTUS.

Thus, (check past Q posts) /_\ means SA +++(Saudi Arabia), Rothschild/s++, and Soros+. So, _\ (present) means Rothschild/s and Soros are yet to be taken down. Q says about importance of order, which leads me to believe Rothschild/s next to be taken down.

4ea44b No.52380


Behind you, Lynn!!!!

188c28 No.52381

File: 4a6cadb80c2afb5⋯.png (520.67 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 9VQt645.png)

18dbc8 No.52382


Does -end- mean the start so the 10 days of darkness?

Good luck Q

8d310e No.52383

File: 0ceb8ae11b9cfab⋯.pdf (15.1 MB, Qposts.pdf)

Entire Q map

PDF Format

High Res

1c4a2a No.52384

File: 05c957f6fc74308⋯.jpg (165.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, farewellq.jpg)

06175c No.52385

Current List of politicians resigning or not seeking re-election. Probably due to being indicted (4289 sealed indictments).

Joe Barton, R

John Conyers, D

Bob Corker, R

John Delaney, D

Charlie Dent, R

John Duncan, R

Jeff Flake, R

Al Franken, D

Trent Franks, R

Bob Goodlatte, R

Gene Green, D

Luis V. Gutierrez, D

Jeb Hensarling, R

Lynn Jenkins, R

Sam Johnson, R

Sandy Levin, D

Frank LoBiondo, R

Tim Murphy, R

Ted Poe, R

Dave Reichert, R

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R

Carol Shea-Porter, D

Lamar Smith, R

Pat Tiberi, R

Dave Trott, R

Niki Tsongas, D

Al Franked and Trent Franks resigned today.

d86385 No.52386


What a brilliant work of art.

20e2e7 No.52387

Q, If you ever needed an idiot to do some destruction I'll happily give my life in service to God.

Save the Patriots for their families

989138 No.52388

d26318 No.52389


You are filtered you ass clown… Take your satanic sigils and shove them up your ass… do you even know how bad it is for people to look at that imagery… fuck off.

53caa3 No.52390


Who am I hurting? I don't rape and murder children. Why are you shielding yourself from the truth? Why are you here?

8d310e No.52391


Must download for full Resolution

286b6c No.52392

File: fa94e5eb989e133⋯.jpeg (479.23 KB, 1351x1019, 1351:1019, 6DB32132-7773-4767-9B3C-5….jpeg)

Alweed and bill gates are butt buddies

8c7cad No.52393

Good summary of current events:


8a377d No.52394

Are you ready for your next test anons? Procure DMT and smoke it.

000000 No.52395


It is among the oldest of all known symbology- Was alongside the star of david in many jewish temples pre-hitler. Represents the sun - watch a video on youtube titled "symbols of an alien sky" - a real eye opener about ancient culture.

24a83f No.52397


Awesome, thanks!

748d8e No.52398


You must be delusional

Most of them a patriots, they love this country them your dirty money…

7743e6 No.52399

File: ab0d968a0379b66⋯.png (12.41 MB, 10360x6104, 185:109, 8chQpostsv2.0.png)

8ch Q Drops Updated 12/7

17a13e No.52400


God Bless you Q.

11e9e3 No.52401


Allah is as real as santa claus. A fib told by the catholic church to try and raise an army that damned so much of history to misery and mud

You are the jar people

4ea44b No.52402


Put it in memes unless it has to do with current sauce. I sure don't get the relevance

a4719f No.52403

File: a776d4aa22c5794⋯.jpeg (109.94 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, C0DD4AD0-8D3B-436B-BF3F-B….jpeg)

Found on reddit

Danny DeVito just ‘randomly’ shows up at the Vatican?

045197 No.52404


I meant that towards Anon's posting about Green, not Q

8bafcf No.52405


when is it finally Bill's turn with his foundation for population control?

8434ae No.52406

If not already, I think we will see the Suicide of many High Profile People soon!

075b03 No.52407


Satanist btfo and trying to appeal to decency of others while you rape and murder children.

d26318 No.52408


You are an imbecile those things were designed to program people subconsciously.. this whole war is to end this programming and you are just reinforcing it..

0f8869 No.52409


An Ethiopian shoe cobbler image board

989138 No.52410

df97df No.52411

File: a2da42395ef75e2⋯.jpg (62 KB, 485x640, 97:128, codex_68.jpg)

'Shown is Charles Hayes, said to be retired CIA operative. ..what stands out is the mysterious ring with the devilish face, composed of some type of blackish material, inside a circle. What is the riddle of the mysterious ring with it's curious image?'

-Texe Mars, Codex Magica- Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati

24ceff No.52412

78d855 No.52413


We don't use dirty money. Paper is for the puppets.

80e82e No.52414


TY for the info anon will look that up.

d86d8d No.52415

bye Q!

6eabea No.52416


Of course she's here.

So is Roseanne Barr…)))

And many others wondering what has just gone down.

SO…it appears they took out the Pope in Benedictine XVI to hasten the NWO with Malachi's last prophecy.

Bergoglio has them embroiled in their own Gog/Magog war!

NOW they want to take out Isaiah's 45!

"Either God wins, or I die." (Source is ???).

We stand with GOD, we stand by President Trump!

Thanks much Q and crew…)))

d26318 No.52417


Go fuck yourself you ignoramus

20e2e7 No.52418

God Bless You All

19f672 No.52420


Favreau in background?

53caa3 No.52421


Did you filter Q too? Q is the one who mentioned the Satanic symbolism in the ring…it's a black hexagon. Look it up…please…I'm trying to help you. This is very real and very horrific but if you just ignore it it won't make it go away…

03c9b7 No.52422

File: 38750f45d8a7f61⋯.jpg (174.35 KB, 618x674, 309:337, McIsis.jpg)

File: d3a346b2f603165⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 1024x988, 256:247, mccain.jpg)

4ea44b No.52423


Hold still Lynn. Give anon a chance.

fb8d8d No.52424


Look, it's an attack anon.

Cornered animals are lashing out.

95ecca No.52425


Na, think it’s just for now.

dfcf0f No.52426


Thank You Anon

fb8d8d No.52427


Anon is right. Stop with the attacks faggot

af4473 No.52428


Your going down Lynn, there's no where to run anymore, the world is small now,they can hear and see you.You have NO power anymore beacause my GOD is way more powerful than weak evil scum like you. May JESUS break your lies.

ff460c No.52429



I see the ring thing, but it seems a stretch vs a direct LIFE mention.

fb8d8d No.52430


My pleasure, anon!

53caa3 No.52431


That's why you are here anon. To see the light and help those who are in darkness…that's the whole point of all of Q's posts.

328cad No.52432

11e9e3 No.52433


Yes, because ignoring all the symbolism for so long led the world to such a glorious position

Fear is the mind killer. Go with god and fear nothing.

Could you tame a demon to save an angel? It is not a path for all of mankind, but it is one that must be walked.

7931e6 No.52434


Time to report these soros puppets!

fb8d8d No.52435



nice anon

8a377d No.52436


you write some really fucking awful poems

d26318 No.52437


LMAO some of you guys are truly pathetic.. just marginalize anyone who disagrees with you.

e932fb No.52439


Holy shit… Witnessed?

bc46f4 No.52440


Take away their guns and they have no power to hold the elitists acountable for their crimes. You wonder why they are trying so hard to force gun control?

e00111 No.52441

It's been an honor and a pleasure serving with all of you these past 6 weeks, anons.

Let's get prepared for the coming days.

Now the real fight begins.

bebaef No.52443


weren't these debunked as photoshops?

fb8d8d No.52444


kys namefag

25bf41 No.52445

Council of 300 may be a keystone. And Scaramucci Post keeps talking about the opium crisis, related to both the British East India Company and the War in Afghanistan. I feel these are connected entities and situations to some of these Rabbit Holes.

1c5972 No.52447


omg m fo.. i know what it is to b thirsty .. i dont have ur sick as mind to related that with someone killing someone elses child.

how thr fuck is that thirsty?? again, not luciferian.. not satanic… therefore u answer doesnt compute

btw, ur post… planing on using ur foot soliders to do mass shooting everywhere? ..

i assume that has to do with thirst…u plotting some sort of wide spread attack… maybe guns maybe not. either way, we all die one day .. i'll make sure to find u if i go first :-)

53caa3 No.52448


Do you realize how close you were to death if she had won the election? Do you realize she wanted to decimate 99% of the population?


59cb69 No.52450

I was actually serious about getting an alternative explanation from L. We're not all close minded zealots here. We like ALL information.

7836ea No.52451


Even Jews hate Soros and Israel. Just saying.

The first part of this was very well done, and I was impressed or it was refreshing rather, to see a Christian do a very good job of showing what Zionism is.

096f0d No.52452

File: 5a24c079582e98c⋯.png (27.93 KB, 544x459, 32:27, Q_Post_11212017.png)


I believe it is [L]ord Jacob de Rothschild.

efb862 No.52453

Tomorrow is the last day before gov shutdown. That's why Q ends here. The storm is upon us.

20e2e7 No.52454


Every time someone gets shot Feinstein would pull out a draft law about gun control

d26318 No.52456


I have seen the light… and I have seen her face… He has caused his crown to blossom on my head. I was baptized two weeks after 9/11.

000000 No.52457


73's Q

f4f584 No.52458


MAGA! Very comfy here!

0bda26 No.52459


>"So happy to join @robertwolf32 @JoeBiden @IndraNooyi to support ways to end gun violence"

Interpretation - We need to take their guns NOW!

989138 No.52460


Speculation that judge recused himself was same judge who signed Trump FISA

d41f96 No.52461

Anons, did Q really trigger L. to coming here?



075b03 No.52462



>when the memes fell

>soros and lynn de rothschild at hell

9a0027 No.52463


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo

Other than the Rudy Giuliani photos [circa 9/11], I can't find any images of US politicians with Alwaleed. I only found picture of Alwaleed with Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates and Michael Jackson.

53caa3 No.52464


God, Bless us all. Amen.

03c9b7 No.52465


Malachi, but also Fatima, St. Faustina and St. Maria Torres de Jesus… others too

4ea44b No.52466


Yes I do, anon. Your posts are not registering with me. That is what I am saying. No more no less.

450c5b No.52467




New bread. Migrate at post count as usual.




d26318 No.52468

I am not perfect and know I am a human and not good… but through grace I am a completely different person than I was.

7743e6 No.52469


Can you repost with both early Q drops from 4/pol/ and updated latest Q map together in one post and link to OP?

Nicely done btw ;]

cc3368 No.52470


Q never posted anything after "Q", he's done, his mission complete.

78d855 No.52471


go to grammar school first. you should at least be able to read your tombstone.

8c7cad No.52474


I foresee a big series of false-flag events in the near future (ISIS Christmas warning). If you have your CC, time to pack.

c714db No.52475


It's VQC

7e5c3e No.52476

21b9c2 No.52477


I don't think so. I think Q

4ea44b No.52478


Lynn seems to be done as well. Wow

ede4ed No.52479


This scene is quite interesting, might be non related but you can sure relate

7743e6 No.52480


can confirm.

c05c9b No.52481


Q used LdR for him in the past. Just L I would think be someone different.

8d310e No.52482


If this all plays out, this will be talked about for centuries to come Anons.

Our grandchildren's grandchildren will talk about it.

I was glad to be a part.

78d855 No.52484

bake bread, kids. we love it.

bc46f4 No.52486


Same thoughts. Are the takedowns starting now? Indictments and arrests? Other?

Or was he telling LDR it is the end of the line for her?

Both HRC and LDR seem seriously rattled on Twatter these days.

0bda26 No.52487


>Lynn seems to be done as well. Wow

Won't believe that until I see it.

20e2e7 No.52488

So, should we start our own IC? :)

21b9c2 No.52489


Sorry. My post screwed up. I think Q is saying to Lynn that it's the end.

000000 No.52490




What will happen to Rothschild fortune and assets when they fall?

4ea44b No.52491


not nice tubbs

4df356 No.52492

File: 5414b97dd15511f⋯.jpeg (262.38 KB, 600x465, 40:31, E6230F05-4F6B-4983-A6B2-9….jpeg)

Now replace the support with /_\

e00111 No.52493

Cannot get over the fact that I'm blessed enough to have participated in this great endeavor.

And the best I'm sure is yet to come. Cannot wait to see our efforts rewarded, anons.

God bless you all!

6eabea No.52494


Yeah, Team Q has posters behind the scenes who post some really good stuff when things go quiet or Post Q discussion.

Today it hit back on #54 exposing the fallacy of the Papacy.

Godfather III is not adequately explained, with Q's latest we're getting there, but things are a bit too hot right now & it needs further digestion.

65268c No.52495


Use the photos to make memes connecting the dots.

c4dcb3 No.52496


Look back at the Q posts from today it's right there in your face. Hillary is the bride of Satan…She has a ring with a black hexagon on her wedding finer. Q was spelling it out for you in BLACK AND WHITE.

What are you guys even looking at?

Cognitive dissonance is strong…

Thank you Q. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am somewhat grateful for their ignorance. It is a horrific truth to know. I feel a great sense of relief and I thank you. This changed my life. Merry Christmas!

d63af1 No.52497

I'ma get Q's trip tatted, if the Swamp is drained by new year and Roth's decapitated

20e2e7 No.52499


GCR/RV, Global Currency Reset, Revaluation


End of debt slavery

989138 No.52502


Thread reader on Flynn timeline and judge recusal.


b4d391 No.52503


way to take the meme and run with it, anon.

ready to deploy.

fire away!

cc3368 No.52505


You don't understand, Q always signed his posts, and ended them with "Q", never anything after that, tonight he signs "Q" then "end", as in End of transmission… He's done, which means The Storm is Upon Us.

b04e3c No.52507


L, why will we die of thirst? How many bitcoins do you have?

000000 No.52508


How exciting!

096f0d No.52509


Some posts are referring to Lynn.

This was the first thoughts before the Q post identifying L as Lord.

Just in case some missed it.

fb8d8d No.52510


You seemed really, really scared, desperate, and thirsty Satanist. You gonna be okay? Need a tissue?

24ceff No.52511


Please take a moment of silence for yourself.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Imagine the moment our enemies are publicly disgraced.

What will you do to those that called you crazy are forced to apologize to you?

20e2e7 No.52512

bye bye james roastchild

4ea44b No.52514


agree with your words, anon. The pics kind of turned me off. Just one anon.

ca1204 No.52516


Getty Images.

Buys up libraries of images.

Owns majority of images.

d41f96 No.52518


This site I am following, although esoteric, is claiming benevolent Galactics are already doing this and the Event is on the way. Are we literally The Matrix?


a4719f No.52576


I had a feeling Q might’ve had some helpers to keep us going.

I’d like to say thanks to anyone who may have been ‘behind the scenes’ of Q.

God bless.

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