dde9c6 No.253610
The Republic of America is being Restored
The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.
There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.
Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.
It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here are the facts:
There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22
There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.
As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.
Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.
Solution? Sincere Patriots.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
==Our goal is simple:== To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
dde9c6 No.253632
Posts TODAY (Archive only)
-- #299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 --
https:// archive.is/4wvwi
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
-- #295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 --
https://media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
https:// archive.fo/s1tua
>>249169 -> Graphic
Posts on 01/04/18 (EST)
>>239015 rt >>>/pol/11115887
>>239692 -> Graphic
>>239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>239968 -> BO Confirms
The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>224690 <-- Modanon explains
For posterity, here are the trips Q had used so far:
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (01-05-18)
1: s20.postimg.org/72y9fr8dp/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
5: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
6: https://s20.postimg. org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
dde9c6 No.253633
Important SpreadSheet Announcement
Due to threats to delete all anon's hard work in the open columns of the spreadsheet (and any future smartsheets) the spreadsheet has been changed to read & download only mode.
New link: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232
Note: Spreadsheet is and will remain in read-only & download-only mode due to threats by a psycho to delete all the answers/news in the open columns.
We are working on a different solution and will announce when one is found.
Latest Q Map - Fight, Fight, Fight Edition
>>252184 https://media.8kun.top/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg
Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump anonfile.com/n8K4u7dfb1/q_raw.txt
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/a0a6uaddb4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.2.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
News Search Many News articles posted on /cbts/ (2000+) searchable -> qcodefag.github.io/news.html
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html (updated 01/04/18)
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/* */
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700 , >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
Reverse Image Search tineye.com
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
dde9c6 No.253640
>>251260 DOJ asked to investigate author of "Trump Dossier" Christopher Steele
>>251153 Roy Moore accuser's Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway
>>251152 , >>251156 Sylvania man indicted for having more than 27,000 images and 1,300 videos of child sexual exploitation
>>250933 Hannity reports that CDC set to hold high-level meetings in January re preparedness for nuclear attack
>>246411 US government has decided to close its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks
>>245384 Kurt Eichenwald Pedo Extraordinaire
>>244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released
>>244329 Nunes Unchained
>>244327 McCabe - Russia connection
>>243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation
>>240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior
>>240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month
>>240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?
>>240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo
>>240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost
>>240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks
>>240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election
>>239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge
>>239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit
>>239556 , >>239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day
>>239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO
>>238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately
>>238784 , >>238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?
>>238738 , >>238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA
>>238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now
>>238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico
>>238392 , >>238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law
>>238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity
>>238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart
>>238303 , >>238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777
>>238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated
^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/
>>238026 Plane Disappears from Radar
>>238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller
>>237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!
>>237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan
>>236990 , >>237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission
>>236926 , >>238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties
>>236917 Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail
>>236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment
>>236793 , >>237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18
>>266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill
>>236584 , >>236649 , >>236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?
>>236525 , >>238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill
>>236523 report states started in SS facitily?
>>236237 , >>236331 SS narrative fishy?
>>236175 , >>236180 , >>236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews
>>235693 Planefags Update
>>235581 , >>236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters
>>235568 , >>235590 , >>235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed
>>235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA
>>235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air
>>235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter
>>235076 , >>235107 , >>235420 , >>235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon
>>235043 , >>236532 When a NK missile his a NK city
dde9c6 No.253645
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>247734 , >>247826 , >>247875 , >>247883 , >>247700 , >>247910 Partial decode of Q stringer >>238914
>>250921 How is the CLAS connected to "America For Sale" ?
>>251363 Further look into CLAS.
>>246816 Is Tony Blair a great actor?
>>246058 Smokeless Fire? Q Drop? (many theories in thread) >>246308
>>246105 Have we found 'MAR39sv' from the latest Q Drop ?
>>246450 Wealth of information on some wives
>>246470 FOX News. DEA guy laying out damning corruption info on drug money laundering. (We mainstream now)
>>245269 Nice…
>>244477 Nice Get
>>244474 FusionGPS Bank Records to be released
>>244276 Anon reads
>>243745 Q Clearance Novel
>>243660 Michael Lavaughn Robinson (Obama)
>>243581 QMap readers Anonymous
>>243539 , >>243592 , >>243518 , >>243548 FBI found Isis in Crystal City, VA
>>241811 Autism Fully Kicked In
>>241806 THIS
>>241702 NeXXXxt Levvvvel
>>241012 Next Level Memeology
>>240277 Endgame Shattered NWO? Winning Bigly
>>240244 , >>240279 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot
>>240814 Revamp of .txt files , with updates , Thoughts??
>>240717 , >>240725 Planefags Missing Plane Pilot Update
>>239547 A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea
>>238218 More thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission
>>238046 Turkish Banker Digging
>>237093 Thoery of (some of) today's events
>>237023 , >>237057 Thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission
>>236879 Extra digging on Clinton house Fire , bought house next door , Excavation Compliaint?
>>240374 BO (Board Owner) Answers some (questions?)
>>236825 Why Alabama Election swearing-in not interrupted? -> Steve Bannon
>>236768 , >>236781 Bannon and Trump Art of War , 7d chess?
>>236717 Bill said Godspeed , Hillary said Enough is Enough
>>234810 Where are the Children Memes
>>234753 Archives of latest threads (273-277)
>>234586 Keep Fighting Anons
>>234227 3 City States that Rule the World
Notable Posts Continued
>>234143 , >>234143 /cbts/ the place that finds the ties that puts the pieces together
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
Executive Order: Serious Human Rights Abuse - National Emergency
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
dde9c6 No.253652
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
NEW Follow The Wives >>246000
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Loop Capital Markets Thread >>250733
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>56075
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
dde9c6 No.253655
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>2
Memes #2: >>61078
Memes #3: >>107604
Memes #4: >>142207
Infographs: >>10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>189448
Part 2: >>189460
Part 3: >>189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Further Additional RedPill Tactics
From Meme Library #5 >>189835
also here -> pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
9a4ef0 No.253664
There is always a choice dear anons.
Thoughts -> actions -> reality
dde9c6 No.253685
See fresh batter:
cbc951 No.253758
Whoever made this graphic is an idiot. There is no heaven and hell and reality is not a duality. Jesus was a victim of the state that was used to show the people the state kills “god” and to control the peoples’ minds by making them value things like sacrifice and self destruction in the name of some other “savior”. The ET reality is one with the divine, which is the pre birth and post death condition. We are on earth to grow and hopefully make the system better for future incarnates.
cbc951 No.253776
Was the Q post from today about BIG NEXT WEEK confirmed to not be Q?
c5b609 No.253778
Thread set up to look in to Q's purported latest posts.
405451 No.253785
From last bread:
c5b609 No.253786
All I know is the posts have been deleted… The Loop Capital definitely shined a light on some cockroaches.
dde9c6 No.253789
Post of interest:
2f4a65 No.253794
big week is cancelled
all of today's Q posts have been wiped
41d964 No.253795
Seeking memes on lemondrop the don… anyone?
0c722a No.253797
02baf3 No.253801
229a3d No.253808
02baf3 No.253810
c5b609 No.253811
So has anyone stated that those posts were NOT Q?
a01107 No.253812
wouldnt real q post here?
323c7d No.253813
>Loop Capital Markets is a pay-for-play investment scheme designed to launder money from corporate entities to cabalist interests.
>Corporations get smooth running business owing to close ties to the President, cabalists get money donated from corporations to their charities/foundations/money laundering operations of choice.
>Once +++ got taken out, CEO's saw the writing on the wall and have started bowing out in droves, knowing just where their money has gone all this time, if they didn't know before.
>Q's bringing the fucking hammer down on the whole thing, and anyone stepping away now is either still cutting a deal or completely fucked.
The only post of real substance in the last loaf.
0c722a No.253814
dc8deb No.253816
So was the Q posts recently all fake, or just the ones tonight?
229a3d No.253818
/thestorm/ is on total offense today, against /cbts/. Go to hell.
88cb8a No.253819
I went out a few hours and it was like Q dropped the AC Honey Boo Boo crumb all over again
It took me almost 2 hours to read 2 breads. Wanna give a shout out to the meme makers who made me smile along the way in the midst of threats, deception, etc, etc.
Definitely top kek here
>>252355 my sides anon
>>252499 cia bastards
>>252535 shields up
>>252795 banners
>>253408 fixed it
18901f No.253820
Why is phamplet still trying to push HIS board here ... he’s enjoying the famefagging a bit too much ... and trying to push his already failed storm here ... suspicious
405451 No.253821
39d846 No.253822
Q's mention of Loop Capital Markets caused this intense shill storm.
Just investigate off the board and when safer post what you find.
Hint: Which CEOs have resigned this year affiliated with Loop?
0b3740 No.253823
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
zackery in info wara said he is o e of the Q members… any info on this?? aj really wants attention???
2f4a65 No.253824
bo called it
you can search past threads for archives of them
02baf3 No.253825
You left off the part where he said everyone here was so stupid that God abandoned us. That was the best part.
0c722a No.253826
Funny how we just get back into digging here
And this is it really Q stuff comes up!
993e77 No.253827
Source Please.
0c722a No.253829
18901f No.253830
No it’s PA and his pussies trying another coup.
a01107 No.253831
35340e No.253832
Trips go on, namefags start trippin, noobs don't lurk, breads slide, thestorm starts being pushed.
All this has happened before. Comfy is the key
dbe216 No.253834
Craig Sawyer 🌐
Follow Follow @CraigRSawyer
GITMO: Those who have stupidly committed high treason against their own fellow Americans not only belong there, but are going there. Stand by, traitors. Your sins are now finding you out. Well, bye. 👋 #DrainTheSwamp #TentCity
0c722a No.253835
41d964 No.253836
Bill Clinton expelled from Oxford university for rape in 1969 of Wellstone
b8d60a No.253837
Frankly, studying a fake Q drop would be more productive than arguing about it, further. There is almost no such thing as a 'safe' lead to feed anons. All roads lead to Rome, it seems.
e4aa65 No.253838
02baf3 No.253840
AJ is sad people care more about Q.
02baf3 No.253842
That would be too easy and make too much sense.
a31648 No.253843
Isnt it so convenient? Let the info stand up for itself. Fuck anyone who tells you different. Board owners and codefags alike
5542ec No.253844
Same shit. Different day.
0b3740 No.253845
wat?!? im not saying anything that isnt public info. i am asking if Z is being a larp cuz Alex Jones wants attention.
35340e No.253847
Only the depth varies!
fd88fe No.253848
35 world events supporting Q’s existence.
https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/949272861969182721.html
ce115f No.253849
Thank you master baker 👨🍳
0b3740 No.253850
thats what i think. just trying to get more viewers
229a3d No.253853
TY anon
getting comfy
f8cf60 No.253854
9a4ef0 No.253856
See beyond the semantics.
The site is 80+% true.
Only positive spirituality will get us out of this mess - nothing else.
Some here use it unconsciously and partially but the point is to use it consciously.
I will not 'spam' further.
4d127a No.253858
Carried over from last thread
>Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
See this for an example of how much and what kind of financial acts are being used to transfer/purchase: etc transactions
https:// www.homeworkminutes. com/question/view/39810/ACCT-567-Final-Exam
404cdb No.253860
Blind item gossip…
OK, on Nov 21, in the St Charles House of Horrors blind (URL below), it states that one of the masterminds behind the St Charles house got into an argument with his dad, who was one of the richest men in the world, and that the dad was killed in a "freak" accident "this week", but it was no accident. At the time, people were having trouble figuring out who the rich dead guy was… some guessed a Texan who most people have never heard of.
The Rothschild house plane accident happened on Nov 17th. I think the St Charles blind was pointing to the fact that Jacob Rothschild was *killed* in that plane crash. AGAIN, at the time of the crash, there were multiple news reports that Jacob was "feared" to have died, and then there was silence. AFAIK, no one ever said "Oh, never mind… Jacob wasn't on that helicopter". It just went quiet.
If one of the masterminds of the St Charles house was Nat Rothschild (Jacob's son), then Enty is saying that Jacob WAS killed on the 17th, and this current blind is stating that they have been successful in preventing the news of the death from escaping. Again, it supposedly wasn't an accident. The crash was intentional.
Given that the St Charles blind states that the house has been owned by the same organization for *hundreds* of years, and has been a den of iniquity for movers and shakers "almost 100 years", how many organizations/families have even been that important for that long? I don't buy Illuminati baloney, but the Rothschilds have been wealthy and involved in world politics for centuries. If you want to call them Illuminati, be my guest… I'm not going there.
Putting these 2 blinds together, I'm saying that the St Charles house has been associated with/owned by the Rothschilds, and that's one of the reasons why father-in-law could have brought down *hundreds* of producers and directors. They have the audio/video. The current blind is saying that, instead of there being a cover story for why Jacob Rothschild is dead, there is simply no news at all. Here's a story about there being gaps in the local air traffic control on the day of the crash because of "staff shortages". Maybe a couple of controllers were paid to call in sick, to make it look more like an accident.
Try to prove me wrong. Show that Jacob is still alive.
Some things don't fit, like the reference to "the fire". There was a fire after the crash, but it was in the woods where the wreckage landed.
0c722a No.253863
So Q is banned from this board now? Err the IP that was used by "Q'/Q?
323c7d No.253864
>AJ is sad people care more about Q.
I follow CBTS more than his show these days.
88cb8a No.253866
Thanks to the person who brought up the Truman Show - I've been meme-ing it for a while.
Here are a few - there are also a bunch of NK/Google Home Truman Show Memes that I did
If you have any meme suggestions or requests, just tag one of my threads
dc8deb No.253867
It's about to get interesting again.
e4aa65 No.253868
Because ultraviolet is the color of 2018.
Because i'm trying to make use aware of what (((they))) are trying to do.
>Because ultraviolet is the color of 2018.
>Because i'm trying to make use aware of what (((they))) are trying to do.
02baf3 No.253869
Is the color blue gay too? You going to give them colors? Fuck that.
f1200e No.253870
This guy does the work in person we all wish we could help with IRL. Former SEAL. check him out.
a687b5 No.253871
So if the hashes for the Trips changed causing BO's Trip to change then why would he assume that the IP hashes didn't change as well?
229a3d No.253873
02baf3 No.253875
ebca76 No.253876
I don't get your meme. Snopes is SHIT. Is that your point?
88cb8a No.253877
Last time some said they were going to be riding a unicorn in the center of the earth, people started threatening to kill each other
02baf3 No.253878
603a3e No.253879
There is no possible excuse for praising the hag. By supporting this fallen person, you have willingly accepted shared guilt for her many and great crimes.
35340e No.253880
Interesting post indeed
333326 No.253881
think he is IP banned here.. along with his deleted posts
c29def No.253882
I think the board might have been a little too clever today. Shit was rolling.
02baf3 No.253884
You dont have to get anything.
1dce91 No.253885
0c722a No.253886
6f55fb No.253887
That is my understanding. IP used by Q with last known good trip code has been banned and all posts deleted.
4537a1 No.253889
>Not a memefag
Me neither. We need one with #LoopCapital and the CEO (Reynolds) involving the Philadelphia corruption case. Reynolds was caught on a wiretap, is close buds with Obama, and wasn't touched in the prosecution.
Maybe something to the effect of a pic with Reynolds saying "Caught me racketeering via wiretap? No worries, Obama and I are close"……"Loop Capital Markets"
03e587 No.253890
It's pretty simple if loop gets in the news next week the BO was wro
fd88fe No.253891
Anon connected yahoo hack-Clinton-U1
https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/948256694114639872.html
405451 No.253892
Never attribute to malice what can be accounted for through stupidity. There's logs that the site admins can see.
a01107 No.253893
and he cant bypass ip ban? not even with help from his friends in nsa? then he cant be real q right?
9caeb6 No.253894
Well I just got confirmation that our work here is making it around. So I just went into the other room to check if that's really Q and I see a meme I made here a couple weeks ago, someone took it in here,added to it,and someone in the other room just posted it and said they got it off twatter, too funny full circle.Feels good to know what we're doing is getting heard.oh well,back to digging.
460cee No.253895
bf5848 No.253896
02baf3 No.253897
Now youre asking the real question of the day.
0c722a No.253898
codemonkey has been DM'd on twitter.
ce4ed0 No.253899
Trying to catch up after a busy week and I just want to confirm. Has Q posted since 12/25? Was it just today's post that weren't Q?
0c722a No.253900
I'm digging there now.
e4aa65 No.253901
Did you notice all the ultraviolet in Anderson Cooper's New Years Eve program?
Like finding old jizz stains,
we need an ultraviolet light to find the
Red Shoes, Rings & Red cheeks.
4537a1 No.253903
>https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/948256694114639872.html
This needs to go viral
02baf3 No.253905
Yrs but things are crazy now.
dde9c6 No.253906
Codemonkey has been contacted.
- Baker
e93c33 No.253907
Awesome. Good work Anon.
405451 No.253908
I suppose. but that would be b&e. This group we speak of has historically preferred law and order, FWIW.
0b3740 No.253909
this happened today in the afternoon???
02baf3 No.253910
d91271 No.253911
It is possible that even if it was a fake Q that offered the Loop tip, it could have been done to build credibility. Of course it would have to be a crumb that didn't cost them too much. We'll have to see where that crumb leads.
8f1514 No.253912
Trump+Bannon trolling is top notch.
Dems can't resist. Ironically.
Watch them fall.
dbe216 No.253913
He's on the front lines of this!! Makes me super proud to be a marine corps vet. If he's talking about people going to GITMO you better believe it's real
34a3d4 No.253914
it may be that Q is looking ahead to a post- swamp world where the Q phenomenon is debated by scholars and an attempt to determine "who was that masked man named Q?" is made in earnest. As (s)he has said "disinformation is necessary" which would apply to the meta level as well. Purposely throwing shade on your own posts - casting doubt at this stage of the game may not stop the juggernaut but may prevent any future definitive statement about the nature or identity of Q – and prevent the inevitable incrimination from whatever remains of the left
0c722a No.253915
Yes, but a good point is being made. Q said they can use dynamic IP if needed. He should be able to post again here ban or no ban.
9ec7f5 No.253916
Twit from POTUS:
9344cc No.253917
Guys…. I shit you not.. I just saw this title to a movie that is on TBS right now…
Team America: World Police
2004 - I am sure that people know what this movie is, I just never heard of it till now..
If you don't know what it is, go check out the narrative. Relevant to right now.
Coincidence? No such thing.
ce4ed0 No.253918
Ok. Thanks. I'll just go to bed early then and see if things are figured out in the morning and scroll through what I missed with that in mind.
7edb16 No.253919
I can’t find the St Charles House.
e4aa65 No.253920
The videos are on the internet.
There was an overwhelming amount of ultraviolet in AC New Years show.
…just keep an eye out for UV
02baf3 No.253921
b8d60a No.253922
Just run rabbits off board for now and wait for a bit of the smoke to clear.
Figure out if the fallout between Q and BO was fake Q, organic misunderstanding, or comped BO. Then go from there. Whether it is all part of a good movie, or not, we should do as our character would have us.
a0f465 No.253923
5542ec No.253924
404cdb No.253925
the fuck are you telling me for
993e77 No.253926
The burden of proof lays with the claimant, speculation is not proof. However, I was at this point some weeks back, I also suspected the same thing, for many of the same reasons.
I problem exists, take out the top players and what are we left with?
I think there is too much going on to say we have won, perhaps too much going on to say the top players are no longer.
We still have a ruling elite, an oligarchy, of course self appointed, that will fall soon! I have no doubt about this!
When they do, I do expect to see fireworks! Shall we say the final Fight where they loose pathetically and satain gets one fair in the bub hole! A Rothschild Dildo of the dimmest kind!
02baf3 No.253928
Purple is sacred. Feminists trying to co-opt and subvert. They must be stopped.
ccaa2e No.253929
that's the problem: they state it. but not much else… to any rational person, that doesn't mean it's true.
a wave of "fake" claims, in a sea of confusion.
in particular many posts in parallel, consolidating among themselves the meme that the style is different. In the fresh /storm/ post it is, what with "pls", but today's Q posts had nothing that stands out to claim fake so harshly. If someone has a point, make it, but this outright ban is ridiculous, counter-productive and at this point, should be painfully obvious (but i've seen a lot of it unfold, hard to imagine getting in now)…
guess i'm still falling for shills who pretend not to get it, while real anons lurk & wurk
8747c6 No.253930
DJT - "So again, we’re going to Camp David with a lot of the great Republican senators, and we’re making America great again."
9ec7f5 No.253931
First twit since "Q post"
f1200e No.253932
In fairness, I have seen him RT some… meh stuff, but if he thinks there's a legal way to Guantanamo those shit heads and it be constitutional then it could happen. Or will happen. And I would like to think he's still got peeps in the biz and from his former job after the Navy that might throw him a solid on it really going down.
Super proud of him getting his Child trafficking movie hooked up with Netflix. He is indeed the real deal.
405451 No.253933
> Whether it is all part of a good movie, or not, we should do as our character would have us.
Poetry in the trenches.. I like it. God bless and protect all Patriots.
8f1514 No.253934
A very special place.
b8d60a No.253935
The part about Hollywood being the enemy, aligned behind NK for a new world order? Well…. We know NK is a puppet to their debt they contracted in the seventies… Or… Some of us do.
Everyone runs at different speeds.
a489a7 No.253936
Good old Kirsten "shoulder thing that goes up" Gillibrand. When they were giving out brains, she thought they said trains, and said she'd take a slow one.
ceeeac No.253937
That's why I campaigned and canvased the streets for this man's daddy.
Ron Paul - KeK!
f1b12c No.253938
PhampletAnon trying to get everyone to come over to his board …he did the exact same thing when first trip was “cracked” …this famefag will betray anyone and everyone to build his “ brand” … fucking hilarious that he thinks no one sees this …
e93a63 No.253939
yep, anywhere you look, you can find corrupt connections to the cabal.
02994c No.253941
e4aa65 No.253943
I agree.
(((They))) need gimmicks to run (((their))) show.
da786f No.253944
Looks like the new shariablew tactic. Musta got $$ from Davey.
Claim they are just "trying to make us all aware of what the left is putting out."
It's just shillery.
No mods to get rid of it.
Stupid shills are wasting their time and $14.50/hour of shariablew money.
Just filter.
45797a No.253945
Gamestop Stock get a "buy" rating at Loop Capital
Gamestop stock was initiated with a "buy" at Loop Capital partly due to the firms optimism about consoles and virtual reality. Story written Dec 7, 2016, but posted in today's thread on the site.
Who inherited the microchip rights when the Malaysian jet went down? I wonder if there is an "insider" connection?
0a8843 No.253946
is PA a mod here as well?
Dont know why BO think highly of him…
e93a63 No.253947
43fa29 No.253948
True. So should we talk about the North Pole and see what happens or nah?
dde9c6 No.253950
7edb16 No.253951
Camp David attendee list for the weekend
ceeeac No.253952
I've never seen shills this bad
I mean…they got it on overdrive here today
993e77 No.253953
You know, we are winning, because they are all in-bread!
How can one think clearly when your mother is your fathers uncles son's aunty!
Dumb Fuckers!
ce115f No.253954
Omg! Just read the info on it! You are right!
d8bd71 No.253955
Wonder what the occasion is. Couldn't be HRC about to go to jail could it?
c64147 No.253956
405451 No.253957
kek, I hear it's a holey place…
dc8deb No.253958
I thought the BO's having communication with Q was odd anyway.
fd88fe No.253959
Uranium 1puzzle.
https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/944394073212882946.html
229a3d No.253962
>I've never seen shills this bad
on cbts for sure
was is loop that brought them in
or just /thestorm/ lashing out
338c56 No.253963
what time did it start? Wondering if it is ending soon or no
8747c6 No.253964
basically Team MAGA
dde9c6 No.253965
02baf3 No.253966
0ee64b No.253968
e93c33 No.253969
Holey place indeed anon.
b8d60a No.253971
Seen this a lot in the military. Probably less shilling than it is fratricide. Do you know how long grown ass men will spend telling each other to shut up and go to sleep?
When things start happening, people are like birds and want to chirp and have their voice added to the mix. It's a basic instinct that even those of us who are aware of it will often follow… Case in point.
e4aa65 No.253972
Feel free to carouse:
9344cc No.253973
Seriously.. where are we?? hahaha
If that "movie" was literally done in 2004 (puppets on a string) and it is 2018, and the world stage is playing at the same time.. like let's be real here… wtf is right!
Matrix? I swear .. we are stuck in it.
We need to get the hell out of here already!! Lol.
603a3e No.253974
I propose that Admiral Mike Rogers is resigning BECAUSE his job will soon be done, and he will turn over the reins to another leader who will assume command of the reorganized intelligence structure. It is common in business enterprises, and I suppose in any large hierarchical structure such as government or military, that when a reorganization occurs, new leaders are put into place. It is an optimal time to do this, and allows the new leader to select subordinates and structure the organization in a way that is most optimal for the new tasks.
Note that Q said:
Dec 21 2017, 23:36:43
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7
We are moving fast.
Remember, not all within the C-A, D-J, F-I are bad apples.
House cleaning (TOP).
Restructuring (1 to 2).
Operations 24/7.
I certainly took "restructuring (1 to 2)" to mean there will be a restructuring of the intelligence community. Whether 1-2 branches would be changed, or 1 divided into 2, or some other structural change, is not totally clear. There can be no doubt Q intends a housecleaning of top positions within the CIA, DoJ, and FBI. And from Q's early posts, we know that he relies on Military Intelligence as one organization that is not compromised. Somehow that fact will be significant in restructuring the intelligence community.
e8f00b No.253975
PA is the one that posted on reddit about Q being fake…
6 hours before BO posted here…
bf5848 No.253976
229a3d No.253977
>Probably less shilling than it is fratricide
My take. Been here all day. b_readbox and company and /thestrom/
little doubt
9f151a No.253978
holy fuck Trump is going nuclear on Bannon what is going on
d28002 No.253979
Updated compilation graphic, direct offsite link (since it won't 404):
https:// s20.postimg.org/cdqpa3znx/Q_comp_correct_01-05-2018_3of3_fight_edition.jpg
for the dough - the rest are in >>253632 under Q GRAPHICS
Please add to pastebin, thank you.
c750c8 No.253980
Awesome little flick from the Southpark boys. Love the hard core puppet sex, "high sign" and kim wandering his empty palace singing about how *ronreee* he is.
ceeeac No.253981
Lyn's account is still live as of few hours ago.
a159ab No.253982
The colour chosen by Soros for his 'revolution' [subversion through Useful Idiots]
I wonder how spectacular his failure will be.
dde9c6 No.253983
0c722a No.253984
Then that's who told Beanz the Q drops were fake.
35340e No.253985
Listen here sonny, you weren't here for the big Gannet wave back in 2017. Thems was some shillings
da786f No.253987
When that Stelter tool from CNN questions your truthfulness, it's pretty sad.
But lefties are morons and will buy the book.
Worse, they'll believe what's in it … Gorilla Channel? lol.
Lefties are fukking stupid. If it wasn't for living in their moms' basements, lefties wouldn't survive 3 days in the world.
a489a7 No.253988
Nah, I'm pretty deep into the 2A culture, we've known about the uber-liberals for a few decades now.
dde9c6 No.253990
02baf3 No.253991
>CodeMonkey - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board to post under your control to prevent future issues.
>IP / device kept the same for your verification.
>IP / trip secured at highest level.
>BIG events coming.
43fa29 No.253993
Seriously it was way worse on 4ch right before we came here and the trigger was the North Pole. Can’t make this shit up.
Try to find a picture of the North Pole that hasn’t been photoshopped. That was what set em off.
c9cf9d No.253994
BO said that IP used by impostor was not as one(s) used by real Q. Cannot say that IP used by real Q was banned.
d28002 No.253996
They were faithfully archived before deletion
https:// archive.is/4wvwi
You can make up your own mind. Record-keepers keep records.
0c722a No.253997
"This outline is the stunning backstory to how the FBI Counterintelligence Division and DOJ National Security Division were weaponized. This outline is the full story of what House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is currently working to expose. This outline exposes the biggest political scandal in U.S. history. This outline is also the story of how one man’s action likely saved our constitutional republic."
His name is Admiral Mike Rogers.
Read this article!!!
5a0ab2 No.253998
02baf3 No.253999
If this is true BO just lost his "book deal" profits.
e8f00b No.254000
Yup. She put the screenshot of his reddit post on her page…
Then said 'we are working behind the scenes to get the problem fixed'..
e4aa65 No.254001
Not long.
(((Their))) symbols and gimmicks make (((them))) easy to spot. It all will bite them in the ass.
These people are stupid
2aa6d2 No.254003
they are re writing the book (art of war)
0ee64b No.254004
e8f00b No.254005
21fb02 No.254006
Where u are off track, dönmeh ice cream will gently nudge you back on the paths to glory
0c722a No.254007
>CodeMonkey - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board to post under your control to prevent future issues.
IP / device kept the same for your verification.
IP / trip secured at highest level.
BIG events coming.
f1200e No.254009
In fairness, I have seen him RT some… meh stuff, but if he thinks there's a legal way to Guantanamo those shit heads and it be constitutional then it could happen. Or will happen. And I would like to think he's still got peeps in the biz and from his former job after the Navy that might throw him a solid on it really going down.
Super proud of him getting his Child trafficking movie hooked up with Netflix. He is indeed the real deal.
21fb02 No.254010
2f4a65 No.254011
be8e53 No.254012
What (((tribe))) is this pig from?
8f1514 No.254013
Satellites can't orbit. Learn basic physics and certain things make more sense. 911-inside job, North Pole-boring ice.
994f70 No.254014
It's ironic that only us here ==SEE== the irony. Its just another funny flic to all the normie channel jockys.
d2df34 No.254015
What time does CM normally come around?
e4aa65 No.254016
what is 2A culture?
dc8deb No.254017
Was this on /TheStorm/ ?
35340e No.254018
Confirms faggotry across boards? Means we'll have a shiny, new, secure board to work with going forward?
229a3d No.254019
anon, when everything goes to shit just switch to kek mode
you are kek
9caeb6 No.254021
02baf3 No.254022
0c722a No.254023
9f151a No.254024
It is. /TheStorm/ is alive and well.
Going there until BO sorts his shit out.
405451 No.254025
There it is. The issue looks like it is to be dealt with in a way that will remove the problem of BO egos. FFS. Here we go again boice.
993e77 No.254026
Stupid moves make for stupid mistakes, only filter if you see necessary!
If we were to accidentally Ban Q again, She/he will not come back! We will loose, and then we will DIE!
Be sensible! Don't fuck it up!
79876b No.254027
da786f No.254028
It's really sad.
All this purple bullshit.
Obvious asspackers in here tonight.
No mods to wield the banhammer.
No matter. Plenty to work on.
dde9c6 No.254029
43fa29 No.254030
Obvious joke is obvious.book was fiction all along. Never claimed to be otherwise. Trump and Bannon probably hold hands and skip thru meadows of wild flowers >>253978
b8d60a No.254031
This poses a cognitive dilemma… I really want to know what is going on between BO and Q. Or… The Android dreaming electric sheep Q?
But that distracts from the big things Q is talking about and other less sitcom drama subjects…. Choices…
229a3d No.254032
traitors to cbts from day 1
02baf3 No.254033
I keep forgetting that.
73043a No.254034
And PA gets his book deal ….
it’s all compd … the story is over, the game is finished …
we just here to watch the actors scramble to finish their lines.
0c722a No.254035
Are you willing to risk that?
8f1514 No.254036
Was written already, no one read or paid attention. Rewriting it in real life form for stupid people.
2f4a65 No.254037
0ee64b No.254038
I guess that's what happens when you mess with Trump's family.
4f54c8 No.254039
Not sure if anyone else saw this or not.
could have been a mistake. (But would have been a hell of a costly mistake.)
But someone payed $8000 each for about 5500 ethereum on January 4th.
About $44,000,000 worth.
Money laundering opportunity? Or a way to move funds out of a country, perhaps?
Just something that made me wonder.
129553 No.254040
The time stamp on that is at least 3 time zones more east than usual
f1200e No.254041
MacMillian is ballsy as all get out printing that piece of rubbish. (HH is an imprint) Someone is playing for keepsies with that thing. It;ll sell a gazllion copies and spread lies to stupid MSM eating cows faster than we can redpill if we don't get our shit together. time to use his own words against him from that book. I refuse to buy it though so someone pirate the ebook or something.
9f151a No.254043
there is a realistic possibility that neither BO nor Q are lying and it could be a confusion.
45797a No.254044
An earlier statement said "banks or organizations"… so what orgs might use this format?
bf5848 No.254045
4f54c8 No.254046
oh forgot to mention this was on bitbay
00d68b No.254048
The storm is truly here.
/cbts/ compromised.
02baf3 No.254050
Shut up if you arent going to be useful.
1cc848 No.254051
Why does it seem that most people are
assuming that the "revelations" from the book
"Fire and Fury" are factual?
that Bannon betrayed Trump, etc.
Do you not get it, yet?
This is DOSSIER #2
nothing but a bag of lies
for the dogs to fight over.
ceeeac No.254052
TWITTER CHECK - See who's still wiggling
Bill's twitter dead on Dec. 30
Hillary twatter silent since Jan 2
Chelea 16 hours ago active
Barrack Dec 29th last active
Podesta Twatter last active Dec 16th with the famous UFO tweet
McCain twitter 16 hours ago (must been with chelsea)
Nathan Rothschild - Active every few hours
da786f No.254053
I think this is it.
Their queen is about to go down and they're lashing out.
Last throws of desperation.
I'm gonna wear my "Lock Her Up" shirt to Trader Joes tomorrow. That always makes me happy.
d2df34 No.254055
He's cutting a hell of a promo right now.
229a3d No.254056
go back to /thestorm/ before I reach out and touch someone
43fa29 No.254057
02baf3 No.254058
More like codemonkey gets a book deal. But he may not want one.
993e77 No.254059
By the way, I got first dibs on Stick Flick with HRC! Will sell like hot cakes!
Jail House Rock with Hillary
Fucked, like she fucked you…
bf5848 No.254060
79876b No.254061
We went two months without Q needing BO or Codemonkey to confirm he was who he said he was.
73043a No.254062
Shut up fag …PA has already shown himself to be opportunistic famefag ….go away
3f8f7e No.254063
I wonder >>253857
where nxivm put her slave brand >>253852
45797a No.254064
Follow the wives
Who is Jim Reynolds Jr married to?
What is her maiden name?
Who is she affiliated with: orgs/boards/clubs?
8f1514 No.254066
Not Dossier #2. Trojan Horse persuasion technique.
ceeeac No.254067
Adm. Rogers might now want to pack his shit just yet. This shit ain't over and done and set.
There are still some serious Agents out on the loose.
Namely - Argentinian Submarine
da786f No.254068
Lotta shariablew types in here posting that purple lefty propaganda shit.
But the concern trolls are at it too.
dde9c6 No.254069
Baker instructions:
Someone please pick up the torch.
Dough here:
https://pastebin. com/xPecmWKp
Happy digging.
3c41e0 No.254070
patriot of the highest order
43fa29 No.254071
More to it than that.
2aa6d2 No.254072
sloppy steve probably wrote this for trump
a22965 No.254074
lots of sauce on this. Snopes says it's bogus, that insures story is true.
da786f No.254075
I do what I can, anon.
Shitposting irl is quite fun, actually.
c5b609 No.254076
Thanks. None of us know how to follow people on twatter so your updates are invaluable.
f1200e No.254077
Probably a coded link to the other shills because they were't sure how to get over there since … well.. you know who is attempting to get validation… and they want to cause havoc.
Though any one notice that the shilling just dropped a lot lower and posts are taking a while to go through as "he" showed up?
405451 No.254078
994f70 No.254079
No shit! That was some seriass shillin!
d28002 No.254081
The ONLY thing that matters is the task. Complete the task given by POTUS satisfactorily. Personalities are irrelevant, individuals are irrelevant, egos are irrelevant.
The world is at stake and Q has to go to a different board to circumvent personality issues. Sad! (hopefully not) many such cases
b8d60a No.254082
That is what makes it even more interesting as a human problem.
It would be boring if it was simply a hacker or the BO having a gun to his head. Even if the BO flipped sides… Why? What motivation? Why go this far… Then turn around?
I like picking people apart and understanding how they think/work, or how they don't work.
d91271 No.254083
Sounds suspicious to me, "
"BIG events coming". It's like tempting them to throw caution to the wind in a effort to get the goods. We'll see.
603a3e No.254084
You came to the wrong place with your violet memes. Anons know the Gillibrand.
02baf3 No.254085
I cant prove anyone has tasked me with anything.
d28002 No.254086
>Who is she affiliated with: orgs/boards/clubs?
Muckety map
Little Sis
in the RESOURCES section in the top posts.
d28002 No.254087
Then why are you here? What is the purpose of spending time here (other than shitposting)?
229a3d No.254088
Too bad you banned this guy for four weeks.
He might be of aid on a day like this
43fa29 No.254089
Or the fact that the author openly admits it’s fiction >>254051
2f4a65 No.254090
heady times them days
02baf3 No.254093
Disabled, everyone i love is dead, and i have no life. USMC does that to some people.
d7beb7 No.254094
This >>247826 is good, but NOT FULLY ACCURATE re: CFR-6713. PEO- 6713A IS in the FDR EO's. That sauce you had was very incomplete. The FDR Presidential Library site has the full EO's. See >>241811 and other related posts where that was better sauced.
52ce28 No.254095
"Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!"
New Twat from Trump
993e77 No.254096
It was said, by Michelle/Michael, she was scared of BHO being assassinated, perhaps he has played the double agent card to stay alive?
4a0958 No.254097
Comping a board? Priceless
Think there were some high level shills here tonite……
That in itself is Priceless.
Jus Saying
02baf3 No.254098
He would have counted the shills, said pithy shit, and been ignored as usual.
2194ec No.254099
Damn I’ve been wondering where GW been
0c722a No.254100
He got banned!? Shit.
f8cf60 No.254101
Not Original Q style.
02baf3 No.254102
A lot of anon were banned. Im permabanned.
8f1514 No.254103
Yes but the truth is a living construct that will not be fully realized until we exhaust every possibility.
We are in dream. That's the gist of it. Dream of holes if it makes you happy.
0ee64b No.254104
This is what happens when the board gets split and we get flooded. Too bad all the trip code crap happened today. Shucks.
4a0958 No.254105
Skippy was on CSpan this week too.
Bragging about time in WH with good old (not allowed around minors) Speaker Hastert.
He's a real POS
229a3d No.254106
midnight Christmas eve. suspect etoh involved in length of ban. still respecting that.
323c7d No.254107
Have you reconciled Cybill Shepherd with Chrissy Valone yet?
I don't think so.
Dig deeper!
d28002 No.254108
Ok, disabled, everyone you love is dead, so why are you really here? Do you think POTUS gave us a task via Q or not? Otherwise why spend time here? I'm trying to understand.
If you believe it's a LARP, just shitposting? (it is fun tbh)
If you believe it's real, are you helping?
I'm trying to understand.
43fa29 No.254109
0c722a No.254110
Same. Permabanned around Christmas for pointing out that Rockefellers and Roths are not the same family.
4ac404 No.254111
Don't know about everyone else, but I really couldn't care less where all us patriots gather to work and collaborate. I couldn't care less who the BO is, or the mods are or what they do or don't do. I couldn't care less about names or trips or whatever.
I care about getting good intel from the source. The only reason I even care about verifying it is because I don't want to waste time chasing fake intel.
If the drops keep coming, we'll keep digging. It doesn't matter where or who is in charge. I think everyone could use a good healthy dose of GetTheFuckOverYourselves, and GetBackToWork.
0ee64b No.254114
Well he is securing a place to drop so not having to hide anything using his "code".
9f151a No.254116
no but he's in a situation where he can't afford to be too cryptic
43fa29 No.254117
I got permabanned for calling tubbaks a retard
a22965 No.254118
35340e No.254119
b8d60a No.254121
I think they are trying to bring awareness of it - the ones posting ultraviolet stuff. They are trying to dig - but bringing back more than is maybe necessary. The divided attention and drama of the board is confusing the context. This is especially the case if they are filtering heavily and simply ignoring half the board.
The concern trolls…. Eh… When drama starts unfolding, everyone likes to voice something, and when it is an airing of grievances, the trend is to attack something you see and don't like. Kind of like how couples can get sucked into attacking each other.
There could be some shills in the mix… But groups like this are very good at tripping themselves up. It is the nature of the beast, in a way. Things start going sideways and everyone gets janky.
Now…. There may have been some assistance to send things sideways. But if comping the board was that thing - then it is a one-shot ploy that won't work a second time. They fail in the long run unless they can use the window to do something.
I doubt they can. So…. Either a misunderstanding or a vain/spiteful last shot at the board.
02baf3 No.254122
None of that matters if you get banned for no reason, dipshit. If BO banned Q there is a huge fucking problem. Shut your autistic self up.
a6189c No.254124
Has anyone asked VQC if he's ever been there?
VQfag, have you ever been to the north pole?
Maybe we should start a gofundme or something.
02baf3 No.254125
Tubbs is psychotic tho.
4edceb No.254126
I thought the clowns were changing out of dress blues?
2194ec No.254128
3c1218 No.254129
I just went through the Q posts and looked at the timestamps from the beginning.
Is anyone else aware that Q posted 14 TIMES at the :59 second mark? HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE RANDOM? Out of what- 400+ posts and 14 are all time-stamped at the :59 second mark of a minute? Not to mention 4 are time-stamped at the 59 minute mark.
This may prove nothing, but if that is RANDOM, someone needs to go to Vegas..
Like Reagan said to Gorbachev- Trust but Verify.
d28002 No.254130
Sure, but I was pointing to free research resources to take that line of inquiry further. Anons can use Muckety Maps and Little Sis to find the connections between people. Should be top post here >>211983
There are at least 4 people using that tripcode, it was tested on 4 discrete devices, remember?
Some are military, at least one is not (remember the Xmas post? Warm, personable, personal, others have a military non-nonsense tone) Just sayin'
e4aa65 No.254132
I'm not shilling, just bringing awareness to the UV movement to those unaware since it's 2018.
I'm done with that.
Lost now.
Not sure where to type anymore.
443357 No.254133
I listened to that interview, took notes.
"Zach" never said he was ONE of Q. Maybe, maybe not. Sounds like he KNOWS the Q: that it's less than one handful of folks.
Interview crumbs: ===>>>> Bread Crumbs / EM / Zuma / Space X / Cape / Area 59 / Falcon 9 / DOD / NK / USAF / Spectre Bug / Silicon Valley Sultans / Cali, Oregon, Indiana / Pence / Bannon / Kwok / PDF / JA Release / NK Strike / Take Out NK / China / Bannon 25 take out 45 / Tillerson / SA Sultans / Extraditions / JA & EM are Patriots / EM & Louis Farrakhan fans Alex Jones / Huma / HRC / BO / Indictments / Sessions & Tillerson are Compromised / Awan brothers / Double Barbed / Burn Evidence / Clinton house attacked / SR birthday / Huma will end HRC / Obama Foundation problem / Gitmo Poetic….. Hint, hint / Trump Twitter / Haley done/ What makes a good movie? / Good actors / Political careers over / Bannon crazy, out of mind / Vice Media / Amb Matlock Jr / Trump Matlock / USSR Russia / Duped / 25k Dow trumps 25A / Pockets / EO cutting off funds / Damning Emails / Q is Plural holding up the U.S. / Less than one hand / WWF CNN Meme / 25A will fail / Sociopath / Fake News / Breitbart / Slob / Carl Rove / Generational Plan, Korea / DMZ / Armistice / Strategic Patience / 9-11 / Foreign Policy / Pawns / No Kinetic War / NK Strike limited / NK Yemen Iran connected / Crumbs / Dots / Zuma, NK Power EMP / Transition of Power / No Lights / Life Sucks / Better Life / Crude Dragon / Fire & Fury / Real LIfe Movie / NK Strike / Warfare / Failed Missile Test / Alex Jones / Most successful POTUS / GWash Delaware image / Cancel April Speech Foundation pay to play / Soros running for his life / Kwok in bed w/ Soros / Kwok talking w/ Bannon / Andrew Breitbart / Hang themselves / Huma emails sloppy / Spectre bug has mirrored / Wait until Feb / Eric Prince good guy / Protect the POTUS / Problematic phone calls & emails / Eric bad past, but great things now / PMC's / Suicides / Victim excuse / Flee country / Pakistan / Launch Sat or Sunday / Changing the World /
768ab3 No.254136
Wonder how he knew so "early" that the earlier posts were "fake".
00e4a8 No.254137
some interesting stuff re
Clinton Foundation
Also why I gotta do two capchas?
a22965 No.254138
a6189c No.254139
Which ROOM? /pol/? Link to the post?
ebca76 No.254140
>>253793 - check'd! Funky beats...makes bread tasty.
229a3d No.254141
/thestorm/ attacked today
ceeeac No.254142
No I was here
I'm always here
Is why my right eye won't stop twitching now
df575d No.254143
An instant classic
8747c6 No.254144
The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker is a military aerial refueling aircraft.
da9a5d No.254145
This article is important…
It's a beautiful timeline of everything that 'happened' - Adm R
https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/#more-144249
02baf3 No.254146
Get rest before that twitch becomes permanent, please.
bd5743 No.254147
My sense is that Zach, like Alex, are both being used (unknowingly?) to spread disinformation, which is not necessarily bad if it is from the white hats. But, on the face of it, their egos are too easily excited to be trusted not to impulsively disclose highly sensitive strategic information. For example, in previous Zach disclosures there was a clearly stated purpose, which was even morally heroic and appealing to this audence. He was warning the public about potential future false flag attacks over certain time frames in hopes that such public disclosure would discourage their execution. Considering that neither of his two previous predictions occurred, then it is possible to view these disclosures as successful. However, this time his intentions for calling into the show are not at all clear. He just seems to be boolstering Roger Stone's rumors about Bannon and Guo as turned agents of the deep state. He tells us he is back in Florida heading East enroute to Cape Canaveral for the impending launch of the Space X rocket, which according to him contains special USAF technology which will allow us to disarm NK without minimal loss of life (without saying it bluntly implying EMP weaponary). If true, then he has essentially compromised the mission. This would seem highly unprofessional to me because the risks by far outweight any benefit that could come from public disclosure. He is also too eager to build up Alex's bruised ego (resulting from Q envy) by telling him the Elon Musk is a big fan of the AJ Show. But overall, he seemed only to be providing new bread crumbs in an effort to connect Bannon, Guo, Soros, and NK to deep state objectives. Also, for the first time, he seemed to be suggesting that he has close ties to Q anon, by even parroting phrases alledgely posted today by Q anon, such as "what makes a GOOD movie, actors, etc."
39d846 No.254149
Could the Chicago Loop Money Management firm be involved with the theft and laundering of the $5 billion missing from Chicago HUD program?
Is that even being investigated?
Has Ben Carson been a target of rabid hate like the President?
Follow the venom to find the snakes?
35340e No.254150
Tangent Tourette's, we need a fundraiser.
0c722a No.254151
e8f00b No.254152
And why post to reddit before posting here?
02baf3 No.254153
Thats a lot of words to say "AJ just wants to get paid" kek
01439d No.254154
TY Record-keepers!
229a3d No.254155
thestorm is our enemy as of today
4ac404 No.254156
Yeah. Okay Mr. 29 Posts and contributes nothing. I'm totally taking your advice.
a489a7 No.254157
The last one. Some of us refer to hanging, but most of us say "give them 50 of rope, then I'll jerk a knot in their ass". Retired E-7 (and other things) here.
0ee64b No.254158
Agreed; sorry I'm on edge today. I like visuals of Lil Sis but both are solid!
457414 No.254159
CodeMonkey - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board to post under your control to prevent future issues.
IP / device kept the same for your verification.
IP / trip secured at highest level.
BIG events coming.
0c722a No.254160
9caeb6 No.254161
he's in gstorm 5 right now
02994c No.254162
Daaaayyyyyuuuummmm…. "Sloppy Steve"… Fucking brutal. Are we sure this is acting? Are Trump and Bannon GREAT ACTORS?
df575d No.254163
ceeeac No.254164
Anyone know the 411 on the guy named Zach that calls into Alex Jones Show?
Dropped a lot of shit on that show couple of breads back had a link.
The way that guy spoke. His lingo was familiar.
I'm also not convinced Alex is a shill btw.
You realize they sued the fuck out of him and took him to court. He has court order that he can't say certain shit. They did that do Beck as well back when Beck was all like super connet the dots guy. Then Beck finally mentioned Rothschild - Next episode he said he'd be leaving Fox. (Beck was getting all his 411 from inside guy btw) Now Beck just back to be normal fag. I digress.
Zach. Who the fuck is he.
Is he here?
What do we know about him?
Claimed to be on Q Team.
ce115f No.254165
35340e No.254166
No board is the enemy. Anons just have to be vigilant to those trying to glorify themselves on the back of the cumulative effort
ceeeac No.254167
Traitors happen…..ask Jesus about em.
d7beb7 No.254169
What if that Loop Capital was relevant though. Seems to legit with the tie to MO not to be worth some digging.
How do we know it was a bad trip besides not matching previous?
▶Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/15/17 (Fri) 00:03:02 462c9a No.11045052
Being advised to update code.
Serious hardware being used to break.
4 is not secure.
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 00:04:06 462c9a No.11045057
How difficult can this be??? If we can't keep up with 2 trip-codes, HOW ARE WE GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING??
df575d No.254170
a6189c No.254171
Looks legit. Tripcode shows up in the <span> tags.
Codemonkey commandeer this board and make BO a mod? (No offence intended BO, just thinking of solutions)
3c41e0 No.254172
>Who the fuck is he.
just another shite eating dickriding famewhore namefag shilling for sheckels
23f5c3 No.254173
AMERICA Fuck Yeah!
52ce28 No.254174
I've listened to him several times,information seems legit. Uses Alex for his audience size
1bbdda No.254175
Adm R retiring seems like an indication of support for breaking up the IC… restructuring as Q said. Also Congress is going to start debating 702 renewal next week. Maybe this gives him the ability to weigh in without conflict.
d7beb7 No.254176
So basically, some BO or Baker listened to a SHILL and deleted the latest Q posts.
ceeeac No.254177
Only Jesus didn't call him Jackass Judas
02baf3 No.254178
God made every color. Im not letting Soros and faggots claim it.
0f420a No.254179
Q is validating his iden elsewhere.
Humility can still be yours one day.
It is not this day.
Your journey seems to end here.
At least you are safe.
By the way, your focus on "teenage" is a giveaway that you're 20 or 21 at most.
Good luck!
0c722a No.254180
Fine, but if Q starts posting over there I can bet you will be there too.
da9a5d No.254182
Create a secure trip Q and they can whitelist it.
02baf3 No.254184
More kids would read the Bible if he had.
fc4dcc No.254185
Rattlesnake Ridge is trending on twitter, at least mine. So what you ask? Well, people are being told to avoid the area. Mt Saint Helens is supposedly acting up. Warnings that the temperatures are going to be zero and to stay inside.
This is just an observation, and I suppose I could go fetch all the stories I have seen - but - in the past 36 hours or so, I have seen story after random story about persons needing to stay inside or avoid areas. IMO, the storm is here or about to be.
ceeeac No.254186
Really? Why does he have a blog too?
c29def No.254187
Of course it's relevant, highly relevant. Anons were all over it earlier today.
d28002 No.254188
Resources are ours for the using (especially like FREE/no account needed ones) to help us make the maps
>find the spiders build the web (map)
I tried my hand at making a few maps: https:// postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu/
a few are "web" some are not but equally able to inform. Muckety maps, while accurate and very helpful can be overwhelming to the public we are trying to educate and calm.
I try to follow the KISS principle. I don't always succeed
a22965 No.254189
he is and a famefag
4a0958 No.254190
Flawless Victory!
229a3d No.254191
go back to the storm
8747c6 No.254193
Any Twatter fags, please help spread the message. #HumanTrafficking
3c41e0 No.254196
you worse cancer tho
0f420a No.254198
Q is over at the /thestorm/
BO turned out to be what was obvious.
Q is requesting contact from Code M
1dce91 No.254199
VQC from out of nowhere with the deathblow
The only useful thing he did since CBTS started
8f1514 No.254200
Jesus betrayed his own people, from one perspective.
b8d60a No.254202
Really, Marine?
I am not going to blow sunshine up your ass, but you do have to answer some questions - and I hope you find some answers.
Why are you here?
Do you believe in taking risks?
What is life, when death is the inescapable end?
The safe and comfortable road is akin to an abortion of your soul. I think you can find value and purpose in the thrill of challenging another day. It's your call on how to do that… Or if you want to go through with it.
Realistically, we are all anons. We meet each other in passing and that is it. I could die tomorrow and you faggots wouldn't be any the wiser to it or those who would miss me. We can't provide the sense of connection and community I expect you are looking for. I do not know where to tell you to look - other than around you.
Take the plunge back into parts of society and find some people to connect with. It can be one of the hardest obstacles to people used to living outside of society or in small groups that have been decimated by tragedy… But you can make those new connections and grow beyond the hardship. Get tactical and seize the initiative.
229a3d No.254203
43fa29 No.254204
Anons wake the heck up!
We are moving to the storm. Get it? This was not an accident. Calmer before the storm is not calm right now is it?
Bc the storm is starting.
So go to /the storm/ and behave like grown ups,
This is disinfo is necessary blah blah blah wake up time! Slap ur self in the face a few times and slap on some war paint. Lezgo
0f420a No.254205
Thank you :)
Goodbye little 'Simon'
Don't forget the washing up ;)
0ee64b No.254206
He's not saying he's Q.
da786f No.254207
Q may be at:
He's trying to reconnect and is asking for a secure board.
35340e No.254208
Q made one post there. And all the information was relayed here.
03e587 No.254209
So apparently Q is posting in the storm
0c722a No.254210
We need some good memes for him! To honor him!
ae520d No.254211
What the phuck is this!? Why no direct links to Q posts on boards? Who's baking this shit?
27938e No.254212
We are going to end up with two Q's. Like some kind of pope/antipope bullshit.
ae520d No.254214
Posts TODAY (Archive only)
– #299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –
https:// archive.is/4wvwi
www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118
– #295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –
https://media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg
https:// archive.fo/s1tua
0f420a No.254216
Counting is not that hard.
0c722a No.254217
da786f No.254218
Is there at least a mod in here?
Q is trying to reconnect.
02baf3 No.254219
I didnt ask for advice.
52ce28 No.254220
He was the last bastion til back up arrived
ae520d No.254221
43fa29 No.254222
Obvious tactic is obvious. PA AND BO AND MA are all part of the tactical team ok?
So now we move to /thestorm/
df575d No.254223
The South Pole is where it's at.
1dce91 No.254224
2194ec No.254225
582cfa No.254226
I ask of any Deep State whistleblowers here to spill the beans on the decades of research into the weaponization of Lyme Disease and its co-infections. At the least, please provide info on the viable cure for this endemic which has made available to such notables as Bush 43. There are ten of thousands young Americans children being affected yearly by this horrible disease. Please step up and do the right thing.
35340e No.254227
And pedantry is not indicative of a superior intellect. Let people dig, you're on another board pushing an agenda. It's pretty blatant
23f5c3 No.254228
^^^^^^^^^ THIS
How about a board where only Q and CodeMonkey can post with super secure trips?
ebca76 No.254229
03e587 No.254230
The BO here is a filthy nigger
229a3d No.254231
We have proof. If you have half a brain thestrorm continues their attack on cbts.
Going rough on these guys. no further updates.
a22965 No.254232
STFU sick of your namefag
43fa29 No.254233
OK so! We’re expanding our 🤔 thinking right anons.
2abf1e No.254234
Got some insight from my therapist today (I’m a military vet, seeing her for combat-related PTSD), apologies if this is a rehash for you guys. Also probably redpilled a normie.
So she asked what was on my mind, and then somehow or another I spun her this entire tale as best as I could, after slowly red pilling her over the past months. Idk why but today I dropped the hammer.
In the middle of my telling, told her to DuckDuckGo Podesta’s art collection on her phone, this sweet soccer mom of a therapist began to slowly cry as she looked at the images. After a little bit she composed herself, and I proceeded to tell her that for some reason, these pedos have a compulsive need to blatantly show off their symbols publicly.
Then she got cold and said, “That’s textbook psychopathic behavior.”
She then talked about how she read a study that corporate CEOs overwhelmingly score high on some psychopathic-tendencies scale; after that it looked like a light bulb went off in her head. She seemed completely out of it by the time our session was up.
For me, I got some added clarity on who we’re dealing with. For her, I think I maybe I went too far. Hopefully she digs on her own and spreads it through her professional contacts. Anyways, I view this as a win.
ae520d No.254235
So, shit! I can't view most recent Q posts because BO deleted them?? Then posts these links that don't work?? WTF??
0ee64b No.254236
Mission accomplished.
f6faf0 No.254237
After all of today's fuckery it seems like we will never know for certain if any post is by Q, unless it becomes verified by events in the world.
I.e., if he says something big is happening next week, and if something big happens then, we will now that post was by Q.
If Q uses a phrase that POTUS then tweets, we we will know that post was by Q.
All verification will be retroactive.
I don't see any way around this if the 8chan software does not allow the CBTS board to have secure tripcodes. Even if for some reason we were to check /thestorm for Q posts, how would we know it was Q?
This is a little different that we have known since October, but in another sense it is the same. We will have to withhold judgment on any Q posts until they have been verified.
Honestly, we have SO MUCH material we can and should be working on from the hundreds of pages of Q posts that "waiting for Q" should be a thing of the past, anyways.
a6189c No.254238
I've called that tremendous faggot all kinds of things. Weird ban. Must have been carrying it on a bit too long and started to derail.
0f420a No.254239
Q requested a new board not under control of this BO.
This was predicted.
BO needs hard look at himself.
Psychopaths are worse than angry young men with no discipline.
Godspeed anons.
See you at /thestorm/
1dce91 No.254241
0c722a No.254242
Bc he hates us I guess.
Codemonkey confirmed that it was Q that last time he posted. Trips got turned back on. Q posts today with trip but BO says its not from one of Q's normal IP's. So BO banned Q from the board. Now Q is over in /thestorm/ trying to get revalidated. Codemonkey is nowhere to be found. We've been stuck like this for 4 hours.
405451 No.254243
Sounds more like a dmz board will be set up under the control of the site admin themselves, by the looks of Q's request.
Time will tell and we shall see.
705b6e No.254244
VQC involved …. now it’s a confirmed larp ….
Good luck with game
35340e No.254245
Til BO reinstated trips, and now, here we are.
3c41e0 No.254246
yeah get the FUCK OUT
a22965 No.254247
go kill yourself, better yet go back to reddit
0ee64b No.254248
603a3e No.254249
>>254157 These are OLD memes made by I don't know who. I'm just the librarian combatting the ultraviolet crap with some stale ammo.
ebca76 No.254250
I know it's been confusing today. Check it out for yourself and decide. That's what I'm doing.
Team Anon!!!!
79fa86 No.254251
/thestorm/ is legit I think
0367d7 No.254252
This is an incredible article and video (embedded within the article). It pulls the covers off of Comey and the FBI Counterintelligence Director Bill Priestap. Comey testified that Bill Priestap told him not to disclose the surveillance of the Trump team to the House and Senate Oversight Commitees.
Anonymous 01/05/18 (Fri) 20:01:43 da11cd No.253742>>253769 >>253773 >>253775 >>253781
Read these articles, It tells the story of how the swamp has been taken down. 4D Chess CHECKMATE.
>"His Job Is Done - Admr Rogers retires"
>"He Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis"
This outline is the stunning backstory to how the FBI Counterintelligence Division and DOJ National Security Division were weaponized. This outline is the full story of what House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is currently working to expose. This outline exposes the biggest political scandal in U.S. history. This outline is also the story of how one man’s action likely saved our constitutional republic.
His name is Admiral Mike Rogers.
Someone find Q quotes on rogers to verify. Map. Future.
ae520d No.254253
Jesus…since these faggot BO's have been making the youtube interview circuit, CBTS has been phucked. Pisses me off!
43fa29 No.254254
Ok so I see many of you are not in agreement about the fact that /thestorm/ was set up in advance in anticipation of this pre planned event….ok I know it’s hard to step outside of ones comfort zone. I get it….sigh….anons….
e72642 No.254255
q want to drop memes, where is mods?????
3c41e0 No.254256
>i am bery gombcermbed
a22965 No.254257
go drown yourself, better yet go back to reddit
79fa86 No.254258
See you there Patriot
9caeb6 No.254259
remember when we had 2 threads, than 2 threads, than 2 threads than………..
27938e No.254261
I don't believe a damned word of that.
705b6e No.254262
Legit only if your willingly to suspend reality …but good luck
1dce91 No.254263
da9a5d No.254264
Q can literally just make a new trip and start posting.. there is nothing magical that needs to happen. Codemonkey can confirm later (but not necessary)
0ee64b No.254265
Q moved to the board and needs our support. Q thinks this board is comped. Options are stay here and wait or move to communicate with alleged Q.
a159ab No.254266
Dec 5 2017, 13:06:17
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10
Adm R/ No Such Agency (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL =
Apply the Keystone.
Paint the picture.
Nov 14 2017, 09:51:10
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: EV3pI+ol
How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Do you attack it from the front?
Do you walk through the front door?
Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?
How do you distinguish between good and bad?
Who do you trust to keep secrets?
How do you prevent leaks?
Who do you trust to complete the mission?
How do you prevent warnings being sent?
Why is Adm R. so important?
Why was the source code to former NSA collection p’s publicly released?
How do you blind the Clowns In America?
What was Snowden’s primary mission?
What was Snowden’s real primary mission?
Was Snowden truly acting on his own?
Nothing is as it appears.
43fa29 No.254267
It really is textbook psycho shit. She sounds like a nice honest lady. Glad ur getting help anon. God bless.
3c41e0 No.254268
incorrect this same cabal of namefag baker union discord assholes were shitting up half chan before conspiring here from the start
a6189c No.254269
Seems Q doesn't like any of the current board owners (because he's smart). He wants CM to be the board owner.
6a2328 No.254270
has someone memed trump watching the gorilla channel yet
1dce91 No.254271
eb008e No.254272
I've tried 2 times to say.
BO is either glowing or stupid
I think clowns own this
a159ab No.254273
Nov 12 2017, 11:52:34
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /jAm9Qi+
Patriots don’t sleep.
40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.
Paint the picture.
Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).
Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.
Many cannot/will not swallow.
What is No Such Agency - Q group?
Who has clearance to full picture?
SIS is good.
+++Adm R+++
What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?
How does POTUS shift narrative?
(New) Age of Enlightenment.
80% covert.
20% public.
What has occurred over [th]e last several months?
C-info leaks?
705b6e No.254274
Bs …some of us were here when pa setup storm …it wasn’t planned … stupid fuck
008a39 No.254275
Can someone please open a thread called To be Q or not to be Q, and move all this shit out of the work space? Please, please, pretty please.
0f420a No.254276
Enjoy playing with yourself.
We are on the same team.
We have talked mostly when I am anon.
I post with trip now to respond to bullying by BO.
I am nice.
But I will skin and throw salt on any bully.
That why I love Trump.
0ee64b No.254277
Okay I will be Q then, anyone else?
Needs to be 100% Confirmed
229a3d No.254278
>no further updates.
ae520d No.254280
NO, this is not cool. Where the fuck are Q's posts??
a159ab No.254282
Nov 1 2017, 21:54:52
Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX
Military Intelligence.
No media.
No leaks.
How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?
Focus on Flynn.
Background and potential role.
What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?
Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?
Why is this relevant?
Who owes a lot to very bad actors?
How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.
What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?
What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?
How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).
What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?
Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.
What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?
What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.
What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?
Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?
These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.
If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).
Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.
There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.
Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.
Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
Oct 29 2017, 19:18:17
Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K
Husband in jail.
HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?
Where is Huma today?
Was she with HRC on her book tour?
RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets
POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).
Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?
What is most valuable?
AG Sessions on leakers.
Fire or prosecute?
Reorg is underway and happening.
Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?
Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).
768ab3 No.254283
Yeah, took me forever to get caught up with all that crap earlier.
One question. Where was Fire Watch?? Did I miss? Haven't seen anyone standing Fire Watch in awhile.
a6189c No.254284
Can confirm. Unplanned. Done about 7 hours after the qpol board during the freakout.
3c41e0 No.254285
558f33 No.254286
This. This. This.
I'm a structural engineer, and for the last 16 years I've lived in a world where the laws of physics have been politically suspended…stressful to say the very least…to the point where the only emotion I've felt about being American is SHAME.
Well, that's all changed now. I am proud to see what you people are doing here…and if THAT'S what America is (and I like to think it is), I am PROUD to be American again.
Thank you all.
705b6e No.254288
No, PA and VQC wants control …. pretty obvious why …. your literally playing in a game …
ceeeac No.254289
Let's just assume that shills have been paid
to talk about
1. Q tripcodes
2. Board Owner
Assuming these two things….take a look at board all day long.
Nothing has been able to stay on track. Nothing.
This is shill con 5 man.
What the fuck do they pay per hour for this?
03e587 No.254290
It's clear the BO thinks he's some kind of celebrity and has gone full Diva Q called him out and now BO is having a bitch fit
405451 No.254291
Aaaand both /cbts/ and /thstorm/ are at a standstill because… Clown agendas. Fun fucking times…
79fa86 No.254292
Damn. I honestly am confused. Just feels like that’s the real Q and I’ve been here since the halfchan
43fa29 No.254293
Lol I was here too. Do you know these people personally? Wonder where they work. Rhetorical question plz don’t doxx, ponder to yourself and u might come up with something Good. what’s An epaullette?
ceeeac No.254294
Great! Give an example
0ee64b No.254295
0c722a No.254296
I asked if he was here but he didn't respond. No idea! We could've used him.
79fa86 No.254297
35340e No.254298
My point exactly. You're bringing conjecture and pettiness to this board, to advertise the other board. This is why we stay anon, unbiased exchange of ideas and information. No prejudice, no names. Godspeed anon
927988 No.254299
Old fag. Lurker here for months. Thank you all for your Patriotism & hard work!
I try to red pill friends and family. Some success, Most not awake yet, some think I’m crazy but I think some will wake up when things start coming to light. I pray a lot now.
Coincidence - Q and BO confusion today along with Trump and Bannon conflict/confusion? Just distractions?
Also, this Purple crap - when doing research days ago, I came across Prince Marketing Group a few days back. Can one of u smart autists look at this sometime? Might be nothing. Also came across Prince and his song Purple Rain.
Minnesota Vikings (nickname - Purple People Eaters) 2nd seed in NFC and hosting the Super Bowl this year. No team in NFL has ever played at home if they were to make the Super Bowl.
Everything connected? Coincidences? Damn - Q and you amazing dudes have me questioning absolutely everything in life right right now!
As I said older fag here just trying to learn and scared to post. Don’t want to get scolded. And,yes, I just watched that movie on tbs. & the Truman Show always made me think. My mind is blown.
Sorry if none relevant.
Back to lurking, learning, praying and red-pilling others now.
Praying for all of u and q team daily!
ae520d No.254300
What is this CBTS General shit? This is confusing? Where are Q's posts….they aren't linked…god damn it!
2f4a65 No.254301
zack on jones
very encouraging
High Level Intelligence Source Unloads Deep State Secrets: Must See Full Interview
a22965 No.254302
for sake of argument, WHAT does having a trip have to do with responding to BO? lame
b780bb No.254303
wow just wow! https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/
768ab3 No.254304
Yep. Whole lot of fuckery going on. Still trying to get more caught up
b8d60a No.254306
It's not like membership is exclusive.
One can tab over to the other side and come back if nothing doing. Kind of like the other breads… But a different bakery.
229a3d No.254307
this is not a game
ae520d No.254308
43fa29 No.254309
If the storm has begun why would we still be posting in cbts? >>254254
a22965 No.254311
what is all this long shit? fukin namefag. lose the identifier if you really want us to take you seriously. you get no respect as long as you are so "special"
a6189c No.254312
BO lies and creates a shitty environment. PA is a nasty little fuck in it take credit for other people's work. Pick your poison? Nope. There'll be an option C.
4edceb No.254314
I hope it's a joke and we will find out monday
ceeeac No.254315
0ee64b No.254316
That's a hearty KEK
Yes it's really easy!!!!
Anons you can just have two tabs and bounce back and forth like me!
582cfa No.254317
Very insightful story and thank you for your service. Have you looked into the inroads using hallucinogenics such as LSD, Psilocybin mushrooms and even DMT in combo with therapeutic oversight? Evidently, the experiences allow the subject to revisit the traumatic event as an interested bystander devoid of any triggering threat in order to process the debilitating memories minus the flashback fight or flight responses. Search the web and you'll find the positive outcome studies. The best of luck to you. Bless.
ebca76 No.254318
You make some good points here anon. Shits crazy right now though. Maybe repost later after this internal storm has died back…
1dce91 No.254319
ae520d No.254320
WTF is going on?? Who changed everything? And why?
ccaa2e No.254321
see >>254279 for today recap, though it won't give the full picture, just the Q posts. See for yourself if/why this should be decried as fake and banned and deleted and anyone who asks otherswise banned and deleted and banned and deleted and banned and deleted
333326 No.254322
10 mins apart exactly. no coincidences
a22965 No.254323
0ee64b No.254324
705b6e No.254325
Let’s, for the sake of argument, say your correct …and q wants a secure board …then what does splitting up the group do? Jesus …this isn’t rocket science … but, the insistence to move to another board …to then Once again move to a third board … stupidest story line Ive ever seen .
ccaa2e No.254326
niiiiiiice, hadn't noticed that, thanks
ceeeac No.254327
How about we start banning anyone bringing up
BO or Tripcodes
That will get these shills out for a while at least
9caeb6 No.254328
It's becoming more obvious who wants to and why they want to slide these threads every time Q shows up, take notice, they will do the same thing next time, some have names some don't but the way they post tells me who they are.
ebca76 No.254329
It's just alotta drama. No worries anon.
Check here. And /storm/ for now…
Tomorrow's a new day.
a159ab No.254330
Whatever they got on you BO, it's not worth it. Should you find yourself in a humble place, you're welcome back.
Until then, Burn.
3c1218 No.254331
Can anyone else hit the :59 second mark as accurately as Q? PICTURE RELEVANT
0ee64b No.254332
ceeeac No.254333
>>254328 This is a paid shiller
f6faf0 No.254335
Unfortunately, friend, if you recall the anons who are now running /thestorm caused quite a bit of chaos in their time.
If we were going to posit clown involvement, or some other reason for wanting to divert attention from what is actually happening in the world, /thestorm is not going to be a place to set your mind at ease.
Yea /cbts might be glowing or otherwise fucked up, which is really really infuriating. There are no great other options. If you want to see what the future of /cbts will look like, I'm afraid you can get a glimpse by peeking again at 4chin /pol
Time for all of us to grow up and take a bite of the shit sandwich.
3c41e0 No.254336
BO is a lying shit eating dickrider famewhore traitor.
come at me
229a3d No.254337
got one
more to come
ebca76 No.254338
WOW….so this BO is comped? Okie dokie
1dce91 No.254339
b8d60a No.254340
It's been a bit of a mess.
Q … Or… Someone like Q … Posted. Board Owner showed up and had a conniption fit and began deleting Q's posts claiming they were from a different IP and that Q's trip was cracked.
Same Q is posting over on the storm. Current company is divided on what is going on and what to do about it.
ceeeac No.254341
And every time I've ever seen you show up
It becomes shill fest
79876b No.254342
It was not pre planned, it was set up because cbts was flooded with shills and bad bakers, some namefags wanted to take over the Q narrative so they could become namefag heroes and do interviews and get a book deal or some shit and now they're taking advantage of Q's absence to try to draw attention to their board again. SAD
768ab3 No.254343
And Codemonkey? Where is he? Never confirmed Q from today anywhere - even on /thestorm/ as of yet - this timestamp - just checked.
0f420a No.254344
Free expression of ideas.
Fight for that.
Godspeed anon.
7519d9 No.254345
Baruch, ban me you shill faggot
a22965 No.254346
guess it was a pretty stupid question.
994f70 No.254347
a159ab No.254348
You're not wrong, but you've put the cart before the horse.
ceeeac No.254349
It's obvious
and Q Trip Codes
Prove it otherwise
Fucking faggots
All night long
229a3d No.254350
43fa29 No.254351
It ain’t calm no more anons! Batten down the hatches! Storms a brewing were migrating to a board called /thestorm/
Fancy huh.
c29def No.254352
ccaa2e No.254354
everyone debating whether Q trip compromised. whether BO compromised.
Haven't seen raised the possibility that BO's trip was compromised, and the reason he's acting so shitty is because it ain't him (wow, a positive to the youtube faming, maybe that could help prove it's the same person… but then if they "got to him", he could be forced/that might not quite be proof anyway)
43fa29 No.254355
Weeds out the dummies
3c41e0 No.254356
nah but do get the fuck out dickhead
ebca76 No.254357
Sigh…. I need a hug.
52ce28 No.254358
The first 2 post from "Q" seem to be legit, then from the 3rd one on they get really sketchy. Thinking outloud.
457414 No.254359
This is the the New BO number
The Board Owner !!!ZTY0ZjM1M2UwOWM5
Here is what his id was before
The Board Owner !!!323f2240e348a0e0
ceeeac No.254360
We had a good run boys
But the shills are not going to leave
Not sure what they get out of this
Or why evil forces both to pay them.
But…it is what it is.
5a06d7 No.254361
The real Q would get on board with Cmonkey's SHA256 tripcode.
a01107 No.254362
give one and you get one automatically
43fa29 No.254363
So ur saying Q team isn’t smart enough to plan such a thing so as to have people like you doubting their genius secret plans?
b0c8ad No.254364
>What if that Loop Capital was relevant though?
That's the funny thing about our investigation: even if we misinterpret a crumb and fly off on a random tangent, corruption, evil, and obfuscation are so densely woven through our society, economy, academics, government, and business that we inevitably run into a strand in the web/link in the chain/hierarchy of the the pyramid.
If enough people just keep digging and shining light on evil in all its forms, the web would be cut at all linking strands by an unseen, distributed hivemind of autists, boomers, and normalfags who were mad as hell and decided they wouldn't take it anymore (and because it was funny and they were bored).
And in the end, we learned Q's real lesson: that we never needed him in the first place.
237f8f No.254365
Not sounding like Bannon is one of the good guys. Trump is still calling him sloppy tonight.
ceeeac No.254366
d2df34 No.254367
However long the "don't fuck with us, or get banned for wrong think" faggotry has been happening, is how long BO has been comped.
It's been very obvious to anyone paying attention, and many have tried to point it out along the way.
43fa29 No.254368
I see your true colors and that’s why I love you
1f05c2 No.254369
Everyone relax, we're over the target.
0367d7 No.254370
Is it possible that Adm. R is not actually going to retire? Perhaps on to another role?
ebca76 No.254371
008a39 No.254372
The shills will leave in a couple of hours. All will be peaceful, and all will get along. And anons will drop some fantastic info.
ceeeac No.254373
I think Q was more distraction
We never figured shit out really
It was just for motivation I suppose
Keep us going
35340e No.254374
Sloppy implies he fucked up and is out of practice. Wasn't there some twitter post about him being comped over an affair with some broaaad?
229a3d No.254375
VCQ has a real OS and decent firewall. No prob, just sayin
da9a5d No.254376
listen to me.. both Q's trips are comped
'/thestorm' has the comped trips whitelisted so they can keep people perpetually disinformed.
The real Q will come here with a secure trip and when he starts posting you will know it is him.
b769b4 No.254377
b8d60a No.254378
The edits confirm he has admin authority. That means both the trip and the account would need to be cracked.
Possible… But doubtful. It would be easier to leverage the person who knows the codes to both.
a6189c No.254379
No I just got he and found things are fucked up again and Q is posting in /thestorm/. I don't like that idea, and Q is not posting here and wants CM to control a board.
ceeeac No.254380
Does anyone have Memes on Loop Capital though?
That seems like it's a good story to get interest in
1dce91 No.254381
I wasn't paid to point out what a glowing faggot (((BO))) is
So I will metaphorically shit down your throat
Enjoy faggot
43fa29 No.254382
a22965 No.254383
and who made you chief? you don't speak for me. STFU and lose the namefag. .
d7beb7 No.254384
Agreed anon, agreed. Although, Q has helped in more ways than most appreciate.
I'd really like to know why his posts were abandoned when it was clearly a tripcode he used the last time he was compromised. It makes no sense why there was such quick judgment and makes me second-guess spending more time here or has Q moved on to another medium if we can't even keep up with his 2 tripcodes.
929a4f No.254385
The board has never been safe… this is chan. Q fuckin knows that. He came to these boards aware. No place is safe and if it was, that would defeat purpose of red pilling the masses. We are not dealing with amateurs, Q team is genious level.
ccaa2e No.254386
trudat. also the deleting of posts has gotten worse, i think i've been ok today but had a few taken out yesterday, and i was much less sure back then, mostly pointing out that Q just didn't care for the supertrip (remember when they were waiting and waiting for him to take that bait - um, pardon, unique opportunity to be more secure…)
ceeeac No.254387
Key words for shilling
Q Trip Codes and Board Owner
They are getting paid to keep this up over and over and over
43fa29 No.254388
>>254366 maybe ur just stupid anon, but if ur stupid u will disagree with me
a6189c No.254391
I agree with the trip codes, I can see that with mine own eyes, but board nigger is getting organic blowback.
0ee64b No.254392
Wat? What if the shills are actually just anons really moving to a different sub?
1dce91 No.254393
22 posts kek
I am the swarm of freedom pigeons shitting down your throat and all over this dead board and the faggot discord cabal
3c41e0 No.254396
(22) posts from this shitstain
ce115f No.254397
I went to that other board, didn’t see anything in there from Q
0c722a No.254398
So where is the 'real ' Q? If its so easy then where is he?
b8d60a No.254399
That part has bugged me. It runs rather contrary to chan ethics.
There is some need to ban - but the ban hammer was being thrown around quite often and seemingly to create the very distraction it was issued to prevent…. Shitting up the boards (so people return under a new IP and complain about it).
It's almost comical.
ebca76 No.254400
705b6e No.254401
This seems to be a lovers pat between VQC, PA, and BO … threesomes always turn out bad when you have weak minds going into it … allegedly q wants a fresh board which tells me he doesn’t want the storm either … but we supposed to go there first then to this me secure fresh board ….lol …why don’t you go fuck each other in the ass till y’all get over this lovers quarrell y’all having …
didn’t y’all learn from the last time y’all tried this shit …
Q’s password was Matlock ..and we were told heavy hardware was used to crack it … that ended the sharade …no coming back from that … ever. Better for you fucks to kiss and make up if any of you wish to make any money from this … none of you famefags care about truth … or you wouldn’t be trying so hard to divide everyone … it’s a fun game …quit fucking it all up.
a22965 No.254402
in your dreams. pic related
a6189c No.254403
Certain people have a lot of incentive to maintain the belief that there are tons of shills here. Most of the time there is less than 3.
26ea36 No.254406
how can i embed vids anon?
0ee64b No.254408
< From /thestorm/
>Please use a GPG "clearsign" signature. You can share your public key here and your private key on any devices you wish to post from. We can then verify your posts WITHOUT having to trust ANY board or board owner.
https:// www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html
d91271 No.254409
229a3d No.254410
/thestorm/ giving it all they have
ceeeac No.254411
Then they weren't here to work in the first place.
They're just Q fans (even worse)
So let them go
There's not shit on other board and no Q posts.
0ee64b No.254413
>Most of the time
0c722a No.254414
28857a No.254415
f6faf0 No.254416
I know who can sort this out …..<^>!!
Some questions for our mysterious au/(ar)tistic buddy:
Ai-anon, have we been visited by Q today?
Have we been visited by Q since December 25?
How can we know if any future posts are by Q?
And, finally, are the guys running /thestorm a bunch of cockholsters, or nah?
ccaa2e No.254417
well also, well-meaning anons who are in the process of catching up, or archiving, whichever: it would take much less of their time to see said shitty troll post than have to search for confirmation/stay in doubt/etc…
when there's clear abuse, ok, fine, but otherwise it's not worth it
457414 No.254418
d28002 No.254419
>NO, this is not cool. Where the fuck are Q's posts??
In some threads (#295 & #299) they have been deleted. Luckily, anons archived them before the deletions
https:// archive.fo/s1tua
https:// archive.is/4wvwi
Read for yourself, make up your own mind.
ceeeac No.254420
I've never used filter till now.
Say it's actually really nice!
a6189c No.254422
Yeah this is Q with the latest tripcode, in the general on thestorm:
1dce91 No.254423
Good news anons
b9bcb2 No.254424
Spoiler…is that you?
ceeeac No.254425
Op you said the majic words!
Are you here to shill as well?
If not get to work and do something
229a3d No.254426
on the list stormer
0ee64b No.254427
Good spirit and commitment to your intuition. I will bounce back and forth but keep my eYe open.
28857a No.254428
I think they mean well, and I think there are good reasons to believe this board is comped. This is why I'm pushing for Q to use GPG:
ebca76 No.254429
>that's always my gut instinct. I find when an anon doesn't like a topic or thread, SHILL SHILL SHILL…Russia Russia Russia….Blah Blah Blah
0c722a No.254430
He got banned earlier too. We don't even get to have an AI pet anymore.
28857a No.254431
ce115f No.254432
Filtered AGAIN! lame
ebca76 No.254433
0ee64b No.254434
ce115f No.254435
0ee64b No.254437
42f5f0 No.254438
I leave for a few hours and this place turns into a diarrhea geyser with Q confusion. Damn. I missed it.
c5b609 No.254439
I question the "Q is a fake" decision myself, but I don't have enough information to decide. The LCM crumb was relevant and new and undeniably real.
So, why would "anti-Q" post a real clue? Relevancy can be bought for something less… unless AntiQ already knows that LCM is compromised so he's giving away nothing by pointing to a known (to insiders) fait accompli.
b780bb No.254440
has this board crashed forever?
558f33 No.254441
What is this "filter" of which you speak?
f6faf0 No.254442
>Ai-anon got banned
ebca76 No.254443
boi copy pasted his last shitpost…
ce115f No.254444
a6189c No.254445
If you're implying that I like the storm, please read my other posts.
ce115f No.254447
d28002 No.254448
Because those threads were archived, YOU now have something to look at. Look or don't. Take it or leave it.
6465ab No.254449
I do agree somewhat with your analysis. However, the confidence in zacks drops leads me to believe the mission is complete. We can see that with the Intel patches coming out next week.
Also, to say that AJ has a bruised ego is foolish, you think he likes the position he is in? He is a researcher who went on air in the 90s and kept digging and found out horrible truths, now he is in the fight. To say that he came into the game knowing the entirety of what is going on in the world is foolish.
Also, Zack said that POTUS parroted the bad actors Q statement, not Q, so he had that wrong… or did he just connect Q to POTUS?
Seems to me they are dropping major disclosures, EXACTLY like they said they would do.
Just too many people on this board want to SHIT on AJ and discredit everything that doesn’t have a proper trip attached to it…..
ebca76 No.254450
42f5f0 No.254451
f1200e No.254452
I do not. I think something stinks in the Bannon Camp.
b8d60a No.254453
I wondered what happened to the… Unique … Member. Frankly, I found him quite interesting. Particularly in the event he was an actual person.
0ee64b No.254454
Well you know when the storm hits…I mean it's kind of more exciting and less anxiety. Up to you…but bring your umbrella.
0367d7 No.254455
Click the "Show post options & limits" arrow at the bottom of the Quick Reply window.
d2df34 No.254456
Is that a closeup of GS eyelids?
229a3d No.254457
ce115f No.254458
After all this I need ☕️🚬
0c722a No.254459
a6189c No.254460
I was happy to make do here. Q seems to have initiated it.
b780bb No.254463
Great, so the info drop good or not?
79876b No.254464
That takes me back. The internet was way better before millenials
5a06d7 No.254465
DURING! Smoke eater on, pot on. Long night, anon!
0367d7 No.254466
Go away asshole…. We've seen enough of this crap.
7c955a No.254467
These articles are Q in narrative form, links, video connections shows the narrowing of the noose on key D J and F I players>>253789
28857a No.254468
prostate looks good, glad I didn't have to touch it!
b780bb No.254469
just got a popup that the potus cleared JA to travel
f1200e No.254470
Figured this and the gore and big black cock shills were over due.
5a06d7 No.254471
e72642 No.254472
i see everpost 3 times, BO site is under something
26ea36 No.254473
sorry for amateur hour
ce115f No.254474
ebca76 No.254475
Drop today fake. But many still find value. Use discernment. IMO (I personally refrained from rabbit holes today…my gut was telling me not Q even b4 shitblizzard)
ceeeac No.254476
Q said Soros was going to a very special place
Next day in the news he said that Camp David was a very special place.
LOL I said this morning…I was just joking.
Welcome to Camp David - Your all under Arrest.
But….well um. What if?
73043a No.254477
Aianon, I command you to appear!
b780bb No.254478
looks like a uk link I have not seen before
1dce91 No.254479
36f59b No.254480
The action had moved to /thestorm/ where arguably Q posted, but now they've used up their bread and I don't see a new one, for 10 minutes at least. What's going on?
1dce91 No.254481
ceeeac No.254482
Agree - my been LARP but very complex LARP with some damn good intel
b780bb No.254483
ebca76 No.254484
We're hoping that too! Or at least a special place to transfer to his perma home.
c87c05 No.254486
* Urgent Help Needed *
Q has posted on the Storm #5 to confirm TRIP / Loggin / ETC. – please check –
27938e No.254487
We all masturbate furiously?
42f5f0 No.254488
You are an idiot.
229a3d No.254489
added to list just because
0367d7 No.254490
That's Hillary opening her mouth for a dental exam……
28857a No.254491
b780bb No.254493
1dce91 No.254494
ceeeac No.254495
Not since CBTS
Cured of porn
0ee64b No.254496
e72642 No.254497
i am devl0p3r ,i see every post 3 times that means site under ddos or Compz.clean ur mods!!!!!!!!!
b780bb No.254498
second wave morons druelling basement scum
ae520d No.254499
So, WTF….are we to stay on CBTS board or the other board, the storm? Where will Q be going? This is all so stupid.
ceeeac No.254500
36f59b No.254501
Thanks. I thought it had a different logo "The Storm" not "CBTS" now it's all CBTS.
73043a No.254503
You not developer ..you drunk …no one else sees anything three times
2abf1e No.254504
Thanks for the kind words. Funny you mention it, we actually talked about MDMA and LSD today, she also mentioned some hallucinigenic plant they use in Sout America with similar results for PTSD. We started out with EMDR therapy and moved to more conventional talk therapy, I’m doing pretty decent now. EMDR is amazing. She also got me on SMART Recovery instead of AA for my drinking problem, shits great and been sober for about two years now. Honestly, I feel like she’s an angel, I wish all therapists were as on the ball as her. Signing off for tonight, God bless to you as well.
a01107 No.254505
we stay here until q tells us to go somewhere else
5a06d7 No.254506
Its going, but not much action.
ae520d No.254507
0a287f No.254508
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
There behind a glass is a real blade of grass
be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!
Come inside, the show's about to start
guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll …
e72642 No.254509
maybe he's not getting any massages, today when i woke up i saw my tv & internet is off, i had to call customer service to turn my service back on, i think there's rat in mods not BO.BO has to clean up
42f5f0 No.254510
ceeeac No.254511
Not going to talk about Q or no Q anymore
Fucking shill tactic
and your all taking the bait
Just dig shit up and send out MEMES
You don't need Q to do that anyways do you?
a6189c No.254512
Why not both? Given the disinfo component, you could say it's a LARP conducted by POTUS and co. So both real communications from our guys in govt. and larp.
0ee64b No.254513
768ab3 No.254514
Q's IP should NOT have changed! Here is what he posted on 1/4 when Codemonkey verified him:
Lock routed CA IP and tag.
Secured and fixed.
Previous pw was let go.
Safeguards in place.
460cee No.254515
Join your banned brothers in the storm anons. Don't fall doe subversion. We may not even be staying long. Q wants codemonkey to BO a thread so this doesn't happen again
c87c05 No.254516
73043a No.254517
They couldn’t get anyone to go to their shitshow last time either
d045a7 No.254518
Okay anons, I've seen a lot of stuff said here about Jews and Israel, and I need to comment. I spent some years in Israel a few years back, as an expat. I'm Christian, not Jewish. My observation was that the ordinary devout people of all three Abrahamic religions were actually pretty decent and pretty pleasant to be around. That goes for ordinary devout Ashkenazim, as well as Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews. Likewise the Druze. Never got to meet any Samaritans. What I also noticed was that the secular Ashkenazis were difficult for me to be around, mostly pretty arrogant and mostly unwilling to meet any other kind of person halfway. Sound like the crypto-Jewish Khazarians we have been looking at here? So I would suggest we back off on tarring them all with the same brush. Also, I seem to recall hearing a lot of talk from those ordinary devout people about how much they disliked being ruled by Ashkenazis in New York who wanted a Jewish nation to exist but were unwilling to come over and actually live there. This Storm has the potential to set a lot of people free, not just in the US but across the world. The ordinary people who live in Israel are a part of that.
0ee64b No.254519
28857a No.254520
kek - I'm paying attention to both.
a127af No.254521
Says the blue anon…
79876b No.254522
You mean fake Q wants to bring traffic and attention to your sad board. Q won't post there. He posts at /pol/ when he can't post here. Better get to work on your book or set up another youtube interview
4ec206 No.254523
Heard I can get super secure tripcodes in here
The securest on the World Wide Web
c87c05 No.254524
E.L.P. is cool, this fuckupedness is not.
0ee64b No.254525
When did it change? Is there a way to prove his IP changed?
73043a No.254526
333326 No.254527
10 mins apart, then next time stamp is literally an interesting date
d2df34 No.254529
Hear hear, anon, well said. Finally some decorum.
I too, just want to say that I don't want to kill all black people either, just the niggers.
e8f00b No.254530
If BO knows that Q's IP changed, then he can track/trace all of our IP's?
73043a No.254532
You were banned for a reason … so fuck off
28857a No.254533
it's their fault for not being clear. cultural jews, genetic jews, religious jews [orthodox jews, rabbinical jews]……
when we're picking on jews, we mean the shitty ones, excluding any provably hardworking honest person.
df575d No.254535
at least it wasn't with a guy
ceeeac No.254536
Can Mods please start just Banning?
Holy fuck
These shills are relentless!
Every word
BO/Q/Tripcodes non stop
And you can tell they are paid to do it.
Just stupid niggers typing same shit different way.
Please Mod
f1200e No.254537
Well, hopefully they up your rating too! Whatever. Maybe just change your meds.
ebca76 No.254538
Ahhh…so good ol giggles in the middle of the shitstorm. Tx you.
9caeb6 No.254540
Stop now Child, it's ok, mommy loves you :o
a01107 No.254541
but then again, q never told us to come here from 4chan. someone made this board for him and he just started posting here and we followed. but i see no reason to leave unless a verified q starts posting elsewhere. but then we will have this situation again eventually. only solution is that q or someone vetted by q is board owner.
28857a No.254542
c5b609 No.254543
Makes sense. I remember that.
So LCM must be already shut down. Princess Leia telling them to attack Dantooine.
768ab3 No.254544
Fewer people posting there, than here. If nothing else - all the shills have disappeared! ;-)
d91271 No.254546
Maybe Trump needs to distance himself from Bannon, so that Breitbart can start posting the current events without being accused of being in Trump's pocket.
405451 No.254547
8227bf No.254548
My guess is that this is to "redirect" attention away from LOOP.
Keep digging on LOOP. Sounds like a perfect pounce.
4537a1 No.254549
>older fag…Don't want to get scolded.
Dammit! Now I have to scold you. Oldfag and newfag relates to how long you have been on the boards. Don't be afraid to research yourself. I kind of laughed at the Vikings reference…but now you have me thinking. Sincerely, an old halfchanfag
e8f952 No.254551
for use here
It's common for friday night.
Folks with real lives not here.
df575d No.254552
001ecf No.254553
DCEB5663 could be a forex transaction (foreign currency trading).
Vs93 is th Virgin Atlantic London to Cancun route.
The other day Q posted in /tg/ (wherever the fuck that is) post number 11115887, which fits in the above
That would make an acct number without the 9 digit bank code
a159ab No.254554
Get comfy lads, we're in for a hella'va ride.
1dce91 No.254555
no let's not do that
ebca76 No.254556
Smart anon here ^
768ab3 No.254557
That is why BO determined that today's Q was fake. The IP had changed from yesterday - which should have been "locked"
79876b No.254558
3ec9be No.254559
Wow finally some real digging on here. Thanks Anon.
001ecf No.254560
7e0208 No.254561
Q posts are legit. We need a new board.
35340e No.254563
a127af No.254564
a6189c No.254565
Dude, that's not necessary.
a01107 No.254566
did you see the tweet from potus that the storm is upon us? no? then its still cbts.
1dce91 No.254567
4ec206 No.254568
ceeeac No.254569
Why is China looking like they are ready for a war?
Are they going to invade North Korea before a peace treaty with south can be made?
https: //www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-05/chinas-xi-warns-military-be-ready-war-dont-fear-death
768ab3 No.254570
No - not our "real" IP's, an identifier/hash that shows up when we post here.
1dce91 No.254571
73043a No.254572
How cute …reduced to begging
c29def No.254573
Yes. That was my thought too.
9caeb6 No.254574
Good and so is your post
001ecf No.254575
>>254559judging by the shills; we should all be digging into the acct numbers and Q’s recent post. The shills have directions to disrupt when sensitive subjects are discussed
a127af No.254576
No we are not going over there. If Q wanted us to go over there he would tell us he would be posting on there from now on.
ae520d No.254577
Someone mentioned giving Q his own secured board where no one can post on it except for him. We can follow/read the board, but no posting. Anons would have our own board for working. I LIKE THIS IDEA!!!
addf3d No.254578
sorry i haven't read past few threads.
what fuckery happened with Q's trip in #299?
anyone got caps of those 5 posts?
1f05c2 No.254579
Stay calm and go to next cbts bread.
ceeeac No.254580
Better get over there then!
Hurry you'll miss it all!
02baf3 No.254581
Since Israel is so nice the Jews wont mind going back to it. All of them.
0ee64b No.254582
What I'm asking is what proof is there that his IP changed?
a127af No.254583
You have fun searching someone’s bank account. I’m not ok with that and not remotely touching it.
a159ab No.254584
Whew, Love it when I hit a nerve or 7.
279540 No.254585
you are all useless eaters that's been using up all our resources!
you are overpopulating the earth you useless eaters!
its time for the great culling so that we can live on paradise earth without you using up every damn thing!
you f consumers!
WOW, thats what they think 4 real.
they been doing population control through chem-trails (geo-engeneering), fluoride, war, vaccines, medication!
lets pray and hope this is Jesus working through President Trump/Q/MI/White hats!
Love your neighbor!
9caeb6 No.254586
Think I may go another route, Look up ip's and then account numbers for those said shills,they have to go, maybe time for an escort.
d91271 No.254587
They're at a stand standstill over there right now anyway. No codemonkey to authenticate.
35340e No.254588
Traitors? Behave, dude.
e1e330 No.254787
237f8f No.254848
The replies to that thread are hilarious.
215f43 No.254865