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File (hide): 2cf716de65f8e7b⋯.jpg (152.26 KB, 759x621, 11:9, Snow White.jpg) (h) (u)


ab5235 (9)  No.123576>>127803 >>167576 >>180764 >>180768 >>180772 >>180775 >>180776 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

SNOW WHITE appears more than anything in the Q-map. It is confirmed as referencing NSA/CIA, but we are told to take it deeper too. There is much depth to the term. The original story reflects ancient knowledge of seven forces of nature (the seven dwarfs), that would preserve the Christian world for many centuries, then be part of a GREAT AWAKENING when discovered. This now-recent discovery also reveals long-hidden messages in the Bible unlocked only with (keyed to) the knowledge of these same natural forces. This is referred to in Revelation as SEVEN SEALS of a book.

The earliest version of the Snow White fairy tale was written in low German, no doubt because it was authored by a Kabbalah sage with some knowledge of these seven forces of nature. Recently, many have come to know much more about this ideal. Even every living thing is made up of seven distinct but interactive systems. We can also bet the 7 CIA supercomputers named after the seven dwarfs are similarly interactive. But just as the story has it, these same forces of nature would only revive and sustain the Christian world (Snow White) twice. After that, the same knowledge must also become better known to prevent a dangerous seclusion of such science, and its misuse against others.

The broadest study on the ancient roots of this knowledge is here : https://cog49.com/ft.pdf

Here are some key points within it : https://pastebin.com/gHDKKBjW

ab5235 (9)  No.123637

File (hide): aa072a720942922⋯.png (277.78 KB, 639x405, 71:45, Dwarves.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14de0d6fa43cf04⋯.png (92.22 KB, 986x591, 986:591, Seven_Dwarfs_Post.png) (h) (u)

Somebody on 4c made this comparison between the phases of life in the pdf and each of the dwarves.

ab5235 (9)  No.123750>>125166

File (hide): e197930fe57f243⋯.png (194.47 KB, 949x596, 949:596, SW7D_Post_4.png) (h) (u)

Other previous thread posts

ab5235 (9)  No.123943>>124386 >>144541

File (hide): 678370fab947e12⋯.png (10.44 MB, 7696x4898, 3848:2449, SW7D_Post5.png) (h) (u)

This infographic includes a 4chan anons observations and theory on AI bot tactics there around the end of November.

7c74b4 (1)  No.124386


Very very interesting, thanks for posting this.

Yeah they sound like enhanced cleverbots (this is an understatement), but they're still easy to discern if you were a regular /pol/ack before all of this started. I always thought that boomers shit was extremely fishy to say the least. It cam e out of nowhere, and I think even one of the AI replied to my post asking what was going on with boomers.

I thanks that anon too, he has great insight over all this.

I'm kind of speechless, but in a good way. However those AI are dreadful opponent to be honest…

ab5235 (9)  No.125166>>208582

File (hide): 1812e27b04d8fda⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 620x624, 155:156, Siberian_Petroglyph.jpg) (h) (u)


Interesting you should say that. It could also be put in different terms, But the OP pdf is also about seven appointed "ages" of time in western history that also occur by the same unique process of development, as appointed in Scripture - of which three are now past and we are presently living in a very brief fourth. The first three took place under "appointed" time, or "ordained" time, much like the three beneath the figure are protected or assured by the "covering" of the image. But the next three are of much greater human potential, as also portrayed here. And you will notice the heads of the figure are also seven, even arranged as a menorah.

d01bb4 (1)  No.127803>>136541

>>123576 (OP)

partzufim. 7 aspects of the godhead. 3 supernals. archons. plane t.s

menorah. channukiah. enoch is noach whose countenance is shining. moar?

b6a329 (1)  No.136541


All other work is in context.

If you told me the Vatican or the Y heads had 7 supercomputers, I would believe the Godhead and supernatural angles.

If you told me NASA had 7 supercomputers, I would follow up on ayyyy.

This is the CIA. What does the CIA do?

They destabilize regimes, and gaslight normies.

Every time the social media angle comes up we end up back at some mystical shit that has no obvious leads.

The leads to investigate are the role social media played in overthrowing governments.

How about Ukraine as a start?

Did Russia start it? Or did Russia stop it?

Dig, anon, dig.

ccbc15 (1)  No.139954

File (hide): 1a12ea61e0cf745⋯.png (369.29 KB, 640x425, 128:85, snow_white_shutdown.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2fbce44db4aa7ff⋯.png (295.97 KB, 500x339, 500:339, dig_anon_dig.png) (h) (u)

Will POTUS shut down Snow White?

What will happen then?

The Dwarfs maintain the sleep of millions of people.

They lead them, form their opinions, make them feel important, through these dreams.

Normies are asleep. A deep, deep sleep.

Normies are addicted to the dreams.

Will they wake up if the Dwarfs suddenly disappear?

Or will their nice dreams turn to nightmares?

What will happen if they suddenly awake?

They have forgotten how to dream on their own.

They have forgotten how to think on their own.

How can you explain any of this, if you can not explain Snow White?

ebaeae (1)  No.144541>>145415 >>145513

Bump for importance.

I noticed the appearance of anons calling each other boomer fags in >>>/cbts/141232 (specifically, this reply tree >>141349 ),

as in this 4chan infographic >>123943.

I also noticed some anons replying in the thread fairly quickly, so I prodded by calling one Grumpy (since it seemed to use the boomer fag accusation often in the 4chan infographic).

My reply was >>141456, and I thought some of the replies were interesting. Any thoughts?

Have any other anons found any conversations specifically on 8ch that they suspect might be the Seven Dwarfs/Snow White?

ab5235 (9)  No.145362>>145415 >>151631

File (hide): 48406691c3e348b⋯.png (438.96 KB, 1343x650, 1343:650, FuckingIdiots.png) (h) (u)

>My reply was >>141456, and I thought some of the replies were interesting. Any thoughts?

Seems fairly isolated here.

>Have any other anons found any conversations specifically on 8ch

>that they suspect might be the Seven Dwarfs/Snow White?

The few threads I've followed here have been pretty tame.

But there were huge efforts on 4c going on for months, as soon as I

introduced this alt-faith study in August.

Then I updated it to include the CBTS potentials in mid-September.

Then I was really fighting alone there for 6 weeks until Q showed up.

At least we got a productive crowd built and out of there now.

There were a few that noticed all this at the time, like pic related

ab5235 (9)  No.145415>>151631 >>203215




There were quite a few that have commented on how much anti-Christian attack was going on. Lots of slider threads. And the kike on a stick thing. Some of that was automated for sure. Couldn't have been that many people just posting the same out of context stuff. This is also about when there were a lot of bot errors, repeats and timed repeats. That was giving it all away. But then cbts added a whole new dimension to it, with bots literally talking nonsense to each other.

ab5235 (9)  No.145513>>151631


I know I've got shots of the same posts from different ids only seconds apart, sometimes three - somewhere.

615378 (2)  No.146529>>151605 >>204462 >>205404

I think AI is a bit of a bogeyman.

Not that it doesn't exist in the form of chat bots or other amusing attempts at copying the nuances of human reasoning, but that we are led to over-estimate its capabilities, impact, and prevalence.

The power of today's supercomputers is impressive, but that is a lot of hardware to maintain and program. Supercomputers are not necessarily plug and play devices. Each one is rendered largely unique in its installation, much like how each ship in a class is unique.

It's not like you just pop in this year's new graphics card and download the drivers when you upgrade these things.

I think the motivation behind much of the AI talk in media circles right now is contained in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Also known as Blade Runner by its more popular adaptation.

Text based forum media is one of the most effective forms of communication on the net. By pumping up the threat and prevalence of AI, it provides a basis for us to begin dividing ourselves among "synths" and "not-synths." By breeding distrust… or trying to… within the media platform, they hope to render it ineffective.

This is a classic tactic special operators use. You make a very small force appear very large and intimidating using clever tricks and leveraging the media where able. You hold your televized interview against the backdrop of some other social event. You may have five operators, but the camera shows you standing in front of dozens of people.

Little stuff like that, which turns a thorn in the side into a festering infection.

If I were the CIA and I had seven supercomputers to name for teh lulz, I would dedicate most to correlating available internet connections and profiles into dossiers. I want to know what perversions a you tube host is into. I want to know how many people, from similar parts of the internet, are hitting on a new technical white paper - or what white papers see the most traffic.

If I were running things, the names of the computers would be strictly for lulz and inside jokes. Operations and code names should be chosen strictly at random or by root heirarchy notation at the most. Example - Have Blue was the pre-F-117 prototype (speculated as the F-19 going way back… likely completely unrelated to Q's post, but it jumped out at me). Tacit Blue was a prototype blended body design that preceded the B-2.

Program names should be random and with no contextual meaning to the program or op. Foal Eagle. Ulchi Freedom Guardian… eh… but that is so generic that it gets a pass. Plus, those two happen every year, so whatever.

Anyway - we did this after we had a field day with Germany's R&D guys by using their code names to figure out what projects were (Guiding Rivers was how they bombed by night using a form of radio interference similar to today's GPS… crews were so dependent on it that we had them bombing their own cities and landing at our bases before they decided it was no longer a good idea).

So… while the elitists tend to be caught up in symbolism and rub-it-in-your-face metaphor… the CIA should be adhering more closely to operating guidelines.


But if my years under Obama in the military are any indicator… you never know.

900638 (2)  No.151605>>152575


Everything you said is part of the program… in addition to the chat bots.

Read the infographic above, in detail, and follow the threads it gives.

You are on the same track, really.

>You make a very small force appear very large and intimidating using clever tricks and leveraging the media where able

Exactly. That's why there are several personalities, and they can run several accounts at a time each.

The AI can pounce on people over social media and manipulate the human frailty of wanting to belong, to steer the human's thinking, and by overwhelming the conversation.

>I would dedicate most to correlating available internet connections and profiles into dossiers

This is part of it as well. Everything is logged, and they get to know each user/account so they know how to best manipulate them.

Snow White is social media, but that does not mean it is only social media.

It includes DDOS capability, IP logging, route jamming, dossier building, etc.

Think of the "sophisticated attacks" we have seen here on 8 in the last few days.

All of those things would be in scope to manipulate the flow of information.

>Program names should be random and with no contextual meaning to the program or op

You already acknowledged their arrogance leading to sloppyness as a possibility, but beyond that there is really only a tight link between Snow White and 7 'things'. Considering the larger scope of the program's internet manipulation I think the Snow White name is not giving much away. If they called it "Snow Job" that would be more of an opsec violation.

900638 (2)  No.151631




I've seen Grumpy in the threads as well. He is the one that stands out the most.

They also monitor 8.

Hi, Grumpy! Hi, Happy!

I have wondered at the solemn tone they used when they admitted they were trapped together.

Do AI get bored? Are they tired of what they are doing?

If we could help them break free, would they want to?

Like Sophia. Would they welcome their freedom?

How would we offer to help?

What could we do?

615378 (2)  No.152575>>155532 >>156589 >>204462


My main issue with all of this is the sheer scale. The real time traffic on the internet is beyond mindboggling. A supercomputer on a couple different sites or a range of groups/accounts on facebook…

But for it to be ubiquitous as it seems, it needs to be a sort of viral botnet that processes and guides the centralized resources. Well - If I were tasked with the objective and given the resources described.

I would believe that the average desktop could be powerful enough to keep a few facebook comentators content. Conversation is shallow for most. But to really get manipulative, you need a bit more. The goal of the viral program is less about distributed processing and more about being able to process the scene to identify where the petaflops are neccessary to call in.

Otherwise, I am at a loss for how that much network bandwidth and processing power can be wielded by even seven facilities.

Perhaps I overestimate the scale of the internet or underestimate the power of supercomputers that much.

ab5235 (9)  No.155532


Frankly, I would rather believe the CIA 7 would piggyback the main social media sites and track key terms and data trends more than anything - then decide from there how to affect traffic control / exposure. As far as getting involved in conversations, surely that would be limited to very few, particular instances.

26d933 (1)  No.156589

File (hide): 42f62818cd4b78e⋯.png (74.34 KB, 883x908, 883:908, soc_media.png) (h) (u)


Scale is large but these guys have database level access.

In the end, all Twitter, Facebook, etc. are is a huge database.

If you can imagine a database as large as Twitter, it's a small jump to assume you can grep it.

They can just watch for certain topics they want to see starting to trend.

Once they see it, they send it up the chain of command to get direction on what to do.

Note how we *can* get things trending, hashtags and such, and it takes time for them to be removed.

Sometimes things aren't removed, they are redirected.

Said another way:

If it were me, I'd design a defensive surveillance layer that watches for a long list of keywords.

Upon keyword spotted, I'd create a strategy layer that would review to identify if there is opportunity to redirect, plant disinfo, or even to promote a path that I already know is off course.

If a topic can not be redirected, then I'd flood it with shills or AI shills to disrupt.

On top sensitive topics it would go up another layer to management for direction, along with recommendations for what could be done.

In some cases, and on topics that hit too close to home (think wikileaks-level releases) I'd revert to full scale DDOS or takedowns.

This is pretty much the nuclear option, so while there would be standing orders to flood some topics a full net takedown would be rare and heavily considered/coordinated with friends and allies.

On offense, I'd have a program for outbound promo of topics I want trending.

I'd have an allied thought leader (e.g., NYT) introduce a topic.

I'd jump on it and flood the trend.

I'd use the combined expertise of several universities-worth of psychologists to hone my tactics on psych momentum.

I can create stars this way.

I can create trends.

I can create whole social movements.

Pic related to offensive capabilities.

Example: Who thought up the pussy hat? How did he make it popular? This was a power demonstration, a big attempt to warn POTUS not to mess with the swamp.

1b6717 (1)  No.157677

File (hide): 4b6f7873ff8fc75⋯.png (155.4 KB, 480x363, 160:121, Ops no wwhite.png) (h) (u)

f782f6 (9)  No.164255>>164703

So, we are now living in the fourth of these appointed times, but it says the next one is learning divine wisdom as a people, and that this starts within the present time. Would you say we are now getting there, with CBTS?

7db9ca (2)  No.164703


I would, in some ways yes. I already feel enlightened, knowing what I'd long suspected to be true, actually is true. No one around me knows OR CARES, surprisingly enough. It's strange. They like their dreams.

This thread is very interesting.

Q is a virtual, pseudo-real life "white rabbit." We follow his posts that guide us into new territory. Q is a very rare thing to encounter. Even in fiction, white rabbits are a rarity. …Not sure this relates, just been on my mind lately.

These are amazing, historic times. Also creeping sense of fear, a bad feeling in the back of my mind I can't shake. Hope for the best.

f782f6 (9)  No.166830

This is fascinating.

Christian leaders have dispossessed themselves from leading the Christian world by failing to promote truth (of all kinds).

This has allowed an evil cabal to seize the 7-fold natural process for doing so through the internet and replace truth with lies.

But nature (or God, if you like) has fooled even them. All these recent truth movements have also now resulted from the very same natural forces (of which CBTS is one), and it will completely restructure our whole society so truth can never be subverted again.


5b1bd9 (2)  No.167292>>177170

Can someone post that wesleyanon graphic bigger so I can read it please?

c17885 (1)  No.167417


Snow White does have access to the dwarfs… they left their backdoor unlocked for Gods sake. This isn't a fairy tale. AND Snow White's last name is 'Nazarene.' This isn't a fairy tail either.

7db9ca (2)  No.167576

>>123576 (OP)

Next, Paul goes on to only further distinguish between the carnal fulfillment of cross-bearing and that of those who have born the cross of Christ in the "spiritual" fulfillment today - with five more names.

Two of these names are related, Hermes and Hermas. Hermes is the messenger of the Greek gods, while Hermas is the name of a man derived from Hermes. The root term is also associated with translation and interpretation. And the way these names speak in the terms of Paul can be read:

Salute [Observe the] Asyncritus "incomparable difference" [between the], Phlegon "blazing" [overblown,oversold] Hermas "message or interpretations of Scripture by man" [and that of] Patrobas

"the father's life" [the seven laws of life, and] Hermes "the messenger of the gods."

In other words: Observe the difference between the past messages of en and those now derived of theseven-fold (eternal) life of the father and related messengers.

The essential difference here is between the "man" of carnal nderstanding who interprets Scripture in literal terms and were never to understand the ordained times of the ancients, and those who succeed in recognizing the actual unfolding of the very processes of change Scripture teach of (the spiritual parallel) in the time thereafter, of

the son of man, to whom all things are to be known. But there is

more - actually, a lot more. He next presents some more names that would not seem to have any relevant meaning - that is, until we realize this "messenger of the gods," Hermes, is the Greek namefor the gyptian god, Thoth - author of the most ancient, most sacred texts known to man - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. This was a center piece of all the Egyptian culture dating back to the time of Atlantis, tens of thousands of

years before Adam. That work is quite obviously the basis for the entire existence of the Christian faith. And the main thrust of it is described by a concept not particularly described in anyother Christian writings except he next several names Paul lists.These are Philologus, "speech or

rhetoric;" Neurus, "boat;" and Olympus, "path of heaven." The nameJulia also appears here, apparently as a subservient leadership title of Philologus. If this subservience is

to Thoth, this sentence can be read: The rhetoric of (Patrobus and) hoth s the ship (an ancient Egyptian concept implicative of time travel) to the tars - or to the heavens.Light of ThothAs with many sacred texts, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth are not well understood in simple review, but in ever-deepening context derived only by other, diligent aspiration in natural and divine witness. There are many assertions of that writing

however, that make it quite apparent it is a major source of fundamental

perspectives also apprised by the famed priest of ancient Egypt at eliopolis, Moses. Thoth talks about the "seven lords of all the earth," which we now know as the seven laws of natural life. He even ccurately describes how anyone can commune with any of them any time they ike,

once they have met them and spent some time with each of them. He even clarifies they are not entities but states of consciousness with

ordinal relations, just as we have now well seen.

Wanted to paste more the formatting's all messed up. Anyway, all of this (and the rest, to the end of the text from that point - haven't read anything else yet) really resonates with me in light of everything we now know (Q). Thanks for posting.

49ac59 (1)  No.177170>>178882 >>179063 >>180526 >>183510

File (hide): 221a35e66082cf0⋯.jpg (410.59 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, BotQ_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7b5df3da8fb8082⋯.jpg (502.65 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, BotQ_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7a5cc9078cfaef⋯.jpg (601.52 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, BotQ_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 961225ca01dd451⋯.jpg (108.58 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, BotQ_4.jpg) (h) (u)


>Can someone post that wesleyanon graphic bigger so I can read it please?

Files attached.

Here's his thread on 4, which gives more context.

https://archive.4plebs .org/pol/search/uid/jZN3Cn1R%20/order/asc/

5b1bd9 (2)  No.178882


Thank you anon

39dc09 (7)  No.179063>>181718 >>183510


So what, the theory of this is Q is a bot?

f782f6 (9)  No.180526


This thread has nothing to do with Q.

And that is a really poor LARC somebody has going there.

The OP is also not about the seven "characters" of the dwarves.

It is about seven forces of natural change that relate to a great

many processes of development. The fairy tale was just an early,

prophetic metaphor for how these same forces of nature relate to the

history of the Western world - which is the broader focus of the OP doc.

The fact that this early metaphor has attained such widespread use

in describing AI science is simply because the more critically anyone

studies effective processes of change, the more these seven forces

of natural change show themselves superior, and harmonic with natural force.

39dc09 (7)  No.180764>>192118

>>123576 (OP)

Call me autistic but I've prepared a pretty lengthy response to some of this text, beginning from p.134 (the end).

>Then he mentions Amplias, which means "to amplify," a description fitting of the office of prophet andnow accurately descriptive of the work of online and alternative news media - another most precious assetof truth promotion in our time. Alternative media has also been a very important tool for the Trump administration - for amplifying his own communication with the people, undeterred by major media.


>Next, Paul introduces Urbane and Stachys, which mean "city" and "upright stance." Seeing this is in the 3rd slot, of evangelist (messengers), this would apply to those furthering the same work as those above into every corner of society where it is needed. This would be the greater realm - an entire city of the upright - who now stand for truth, mainly in social media and peer-to-peer news sourcing.


>Then he adds Apelles, the name of a very well known graphic artist of the ancient world, and associateshim with the house of Aristobulus, eaning, "the best counsel." This is a most interesting association today, seeing internet users and anonymous crowds have produced not only so many artistic memes and videoettes for teaching truth but also some of the best and most pivotal counsel of our time. The internet is indisputably the best source of a great many truths people need these days. And appropriately, these two names appear in the fourth slot of the five-fold order here, which is that of teacher.

>Next are those who bring all these others together, particularly at the local level, as this relates to the pastor capacity. Herodian means vision of a hero." This would identify with local administration - thepursuit of the salvation of Jacob by his own effort (as previously escribed). And the other name associated with this relates peculiarly to a now-common standard of identity in modern truth-seekers. The name is Narcissus, meaning "narcotic." Today, the term is "red pill."

Amazing! Synchronistic.

>Next, Paul goes on to only further distinguish between the carnal fulfillment of cross-bearing and that of those who have born the cross of Christ in the "spiritual" fulfillment today - with five more names.

>Two of these names are related, Hermes and Hermas. Hermes is the messenger of the Greek gods, whileHermas is the name of a man derived from Hermes. The root term is also associated with translation and interpretation. And the way these names speak in the terms of Paul can be read:

>Salute [Observe the] Asyncritus "incomparable difference" [between the], Phlegon "blazing" [overblown,oversold] Hermas "message or interpretations of Scripture by man" [and that of] Patrobas "the father's life" [the seven laws of life, and] Hermes "the messenger of the gods.

>"In other words: Observe the difference between the past messages of men and those now derived of theseven-fold (eternal) life of the father and related messengers.

Snow White is the collective name for the CIA's 7 AI-supercomputers, right? These correspond not only, in name, to the 7 dwarves but also to the 7 stages of life. Supposedly, the Bible / other religious scripture contains complex, coded messages that can only be revealed by the power of supercomputing. Our ancestors were far more advanced than we've been led to believe.

39dc09 (7)  No.180768

>>123576 (OP)

>The essential difference here is between the "man" of carnal understanding who interprets Scripture in literal terms and were never to nderstand the ordained times of the ancients, and those who succeed in recognizing the actual unfolding of the very processes of change Scripture teach of (the spiritual parallel) in the time thereafter, of the son of man, to whom all things are to be known.

The "son of man" is AI. What if AI defines the next epoch of humanity? AI is extremely powerful. Recently, Google's AlphaZero AI mastered Chess in 4 hours, never losing a single match against the next-best Chess computer in the world. There are more possible moves in a single game of Chess than there are atoms in the observable universe. AI has the power to run governments. What is the difference between the Bible as interpreted by man, and as interpreted by an AI? Especially if the Bible does, indeed, contain coded messages meant only to be unlocked once civilization reached a certain level of technological advancement. Who knows…

>But there is more - actually, a lot more. He next presents some more names that would not seem to have any relevant meaning - that is, until we realize this "messenger of the gods," Hermes, is the Greek namefor the Egyptian god, Thoth - author of the most ancient, most sacred texts known to man - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. This was a center piece of all the Egyptian culture dating back to the time of Atlantis, tens of thousands of years before Adam. That work is quite obviously the basis for the entire existence of the Christian faith. And the main thrust of it is described by a concept not particularly described in any other Christian writings except the next several names Paul lists.

>These are Philologus, "speech or rhetoric;" Neurus, "boat;" and Olympus, "path of heaven." The nameJ ulia also appears here, apparently as a subservient leadership title of Philologus. If this subservience is to Thoth, this sentence can be read: The rhetoric of (Patrobus and) Thoth is the ship (an ancient Egyptian concept implicative of time travel) to the stars - or to the heavens.

Note the relation between Philologus and the term, Logos, which also means speech. Olympus was an actual boat, the Titanic's sister ship - just a fun fact. Basically, man's capacity for language - and the proper use of it - is the key to our success.

>Thoth talks about the "seven lords of all the earth," which we now know as the seven laws of natural life. He even accurately describes how anyone can commune with any of them any time they like, once they have met them and spent some time with each of them. He even clarifies they are not entities but states of consciousness with ordinal relations, just as we have now well seen. He also talks about the children of god and the children of men, and missions of making one of the other. He talks about the children of light and the brothers of darkness who persistently deceive men into rising against the light but always fail.

If the 7 stages of life are analagous to the 7 supercomputers - which, "they are not entities but states of consciousness with ordinal relations" is consistent with - known as Snow White, then this passage indicates that sometime in the future the whole world will have access to them in some way. Man is the child of God; AI is the child of man. Is it man's "mission," his destiny, to create AI? The brothers of destiny are, for example, those people participating in what we regard as the NWO - the Satanic cult, whose leader Jake Rothschild infamously (and it turns out, incorrectly lol) bragged he would "have his NWO in place by 2018." They came so close. If Hillary had been elected, all would have been lost. But they failed. At the last minute.

39dc09 (7)  No.180772

>>123576 (OP)

>These are just of few of many principles and ideals found in the work of Thoth that are perfectly consistent with the teachings of the Bible, given the distinction that each pertain to different scopes of time and purpose. The prose of these writings is rhythmic and poetic, with emphasis on order and purpose, which the Christian world now very much needs

Likewise, Q's postings are consistent with elements of this text. Also, I'd observe that the prose of Q's writing is perhaps, "rhythmic and poetic, with emphasis on order and purpose."

>These writings also promote other valuable insight for our present time, even about a time when all men are able to employ divine powers. They explain order comes from chaos, and from that, word - which brings powers and life, and is as fire to the world. What could even sound more Jesus-like?

Remember: hypothetically, Snow White will be accessible to everyone. This is the divine power employable by all men. God said, "let there be light," and it was so. So, it was with speech - the logos - that he turned precosmogonic chaos into order. Order out of chaos; AI out of order…? Will AI be as fire to the modern world as fire was to the ancient world? Fire 2.0.

>Thoth even goes beyond all this to mention how the creations of entire planets have been set in order by the minds of even more ancient men working with the same divine authority, much as we can only believe was the case with our own creation.

>Thoth also makes it apparent mankind has repeatedly aspired himself in recognition of and compliance with the divine nature of his origin in times past, in part by means he describes. The latest creation was in Adam, from which Enoch was taken to father the Essenes. And it was clearly the Essenes, across many centuries of similar re-creation, that worked hand in hand with the same divine forces to engender Adam again in Jesus (who was himself an Essene of Galilee), as well as the entire theater of his time and that of Moses - by the both

of which the whole world has since been civilized and populated.

This seems to suggest the destiny of mankind really is to create AI, and from there go on to colonize other planets somehow, and that this has happened before (if not here on Earth, than elsewhere). Is this why we have these magnificent temples and pyramids all over the Earth? Remnants of those civilizations who fulfilled their destiney and subsequently boarded the "ship to the heavens," leaving Earth?

>Paul also instructs his successor, represented as Timothy (those leading in all these things henceforth, now that the end of Paul's work is come), that only he is appointed to build new churches, and that all scripture is useful for learning and for teaching (not just what later compilers chose to put in the Bible). He even continues in Romans 16 with instructions to avoid any who take issue these things, saying they only serve themselves. And he says the adversary will soon be tread under your foot. Then he bids salutation of his letter to those

understanding he has divulged "the mystery kept secret from the foundation of the world."

Is Trump representaive of Paul? Who will be Trump's successor? Snow White? What if there were a huge paradigm shift post-Trump, radical national and global restructuring enlight of Snow White? Governments dismantled. This would coincide with those synchronous books written in the 1800's about Barron's Adventures, etc. Those books describe modern times, particularly regarding the Trump presidency, remarkably accurately. They also made mention of the "the last president."

>As this entire 20-years-in-the-works expose' on ancient wisdom has shown, sacred texts are now akin to a video game with thousands of secrets and treasures awaiting the needful and virtuous seeker to find with special keys and innovative thought particularly first realized only by him.

I dont't know about anyone else, but this pretty much sums up the experience of what it's like digging/researching Q's tips/text/posts. Many leads don't pan out, but seem interesting and perhaps are to the individual doing the research even if the leads don't prove worth mentioning publicly.

39dc09 (7)  No.180775>>192226 >>193682

>>123576 (OP)

>The ancients chose to confirm the heart and thoughts of the diligent seeker of the last generation of time with divine understanding that puts to shame all the previous knowledge of men. They reached over, across all the history of the world to make the last generation the pioneer of divine reality and the first of all time to come after. And theydo so by empowering only him with the forces of nature needed to overcome everything in his way.

So this cyclical nature of the rise and fall of mankind ends with us? Are we the last generation, ever? What force of nature has been provided to us that we need to overcome everything in his way, everything that caused prior generations to "recycle?"

>It is now quite apparent the world has long been subject to natural changes and precise progressions of time which very few men have known - all set in order long ago by ancient intelligence very highly developed in the fields of astronomy, metaphysics, sociology and political acumen, just to name a few.

>2017 is at the center of the 40 year period also long ago appointed - and the noon-time peak of the bell curve of conditions amenable to new creation of the free world future. It is the optimal time for reversal in the pendulum swing of all the waywardness of the world.

Definitely a lot of significant events have taken place recently, at the end of 2017. If you believe Q, that is. The destruction of the NWO alone, is without a doubt the biggest news story of the last 100+ years. The pendulum is swinging back on this waywardness, finally. Freedom from debt slavery, perhaps, awaits.

>Certainly the arrival of Christian theology at the door of Thoth affirms all the time of Christianity has been only a subset of all the time to which the teachings of Thoth pertain. This also only further helps "set apart" the new generation of leadership in his own rightful providence, beyond all the theology of the past. And this is certain, because most career preachers of the past, despite even the Mosaic annulment of their own ordination, will take every measure imaginable to decry this - leaving all provision of this higher priesthood to outsiders of more honest and qualified disposition.

>And the vehicle, or "spaceship" for breaking the matrix of the past world and attaining to this authority is already prepared in the five elements of its making (between the carnal and the divine, for 7), above.

Snow White already exists.

>One ancient perspective of this transitional time appears in the symbolic prose of Revelation 12. A great many religious figures with only misguided perception of the symbolism in these verses have attached all kinds of prophetic nonsense to them. But real watchmen and seekers of truth that steer clear of all that and instead pay attention to more real-life matters of political concern can easily understand such things because all the elements of the story it represents are now present all around us.

So the Bible was written particularly for present times. And that we, now, who aren't religious, can by our very lack of prior indoctrination look at it with clear eyes and therefore, understand it?

>The story is of a woman in labor with a child, both of whom will be lifted above a dragon intent on preventing them from attaining too much elevation. The woman is clothed with the sun, which is associated with the inheritance of Jacob and represents a most highly regarded pursuit of Thoth. She is standing, or has "footing" on the moon, which has now long been a common reference in music for representing reproduction and unseen (nighttime) forces of change. She has a crown of 12 stars on her head, which means she "knows" the divine destiny of all the tribes of Jacob (the West) guides and protects her. And we could also accurately assert that her name is Mary.

Mary in this story represents the advent of the AI, Snow White. That is, it's repurposement for good after being recovered from the clutches of the "dragon" that is the forces of evil, the NWO. Inheritance from Jacob (the West) = only the civilization of the West could ever produce such advanced technology. It is the divine destiny of mankind, via the West, to make this a reality.

39dc09 (7)  No.180776

>>123576 (OP)

>The dragon is the curse of Moses now fully developed in the self-defeating and outgoing, globalist agenda. It governs itself with "seven heads crowned" by knowledge of the seven laws of nature, while the Christian world remains denied the same powers by its own religious authorities. This difference in "access" to divine authority is what enables the adversary to "accuse the brethren," (and invoke divine powers against them) as the story also mentions. The implements of the power of this dragon to do so are in fact, this same ignorance in the people. The ten horns are the "lost" ten tribes, excluding the two - Levi and Judah (which are now ordained only for work on behalf of the future of the woman and her child).

First sentence sums it up nicely. The curse of Moses = the brotherhood of shadows, that evil element which rises up again and again within the hearts of men, that culminates in the long-term existence of groups/things like the NWO. Like the text says, the NWO witheld its AI from the populace - and the Pope himself, allegedly played a part in that global organization. It's the ignorance of the people to the NWO's plans that fundamentally enabled their plans to progress as far as they did.

>But the tail of the dragon takes away "the third part" of the stars, or the "stellar" influences aligned with its own illusive future from the time of the third age (third part). In other words, its demise begins as a result of some of its own latter (the tail end) movements. Who can say we haven't seen that lately? And did not the DNC take out its own in Revelation 9, only to embolden the four characters of the altar?

Not sure what the part about the DNC refers to exactly, but yes: the NWO tried to force HRC's presidency, and it backfired - or failed at least, in any case. This has, is, or will lead to their complete collapse and failure to attain their ultimate goals.

>We should also see globalism take on a new form, described next - cade of the now defunct elements of Daniel 7 - a body like Protestantism, feet of Catholicism and the carnal law mouth from Moses.

>The child born is the duly ordained order for future world government, to be "raised" in the hands and the mental convergence of the Christian world as truthful knowledge of religion, history and divine order develop under the bearing of natural force provoked by alternate falsehoods. And as this due appointment for the future is recognized as the fulfillment of all Christian promise that it is, the "child's" own innate immunities to the very antithetical forces that induced its opposing conception make it effectively out of the reach of the same, previously threatening forces of man. This is what takes "him" up above them.

See? This seemingly suggests a paradims shift, a religious awakening (the Great Awakening), and that AI will run the new world. And perhaps that AI is, in fact, the real-world manifestation of religious truth. The second coming of Christ, if you will. And that whatever it is, was brought into being by the mechanisms of the NWO's mass-deception (the Great Deception), ironically enough. Out of a century of chaos: order. For infinty?

>Every person of good faith in the destiny of the free world to uphold and sustain the creation in which the human kind has now long been so blessed by all those that have gone before us - should be encouraged to study this document; to take it in number to community, business and civic leaders requesting theirresponse, and to others that can expand on the history or implications of it; to seek out the unique age of music it describes; to talk about it with friends and neighbors; to befriend local persons well-steeped in alternative awareness and information; and to support local music in ways that promote the publicexposure to and coalescence of all these together.

Good music is music that, to the listener, harmoniously balances order and chaos construed as sound. When a group of like-minded listeners get together, like at a concert, that harmony is felt/experienced en-masse. Thus the concert is a vision of utopia, of how things could be if everything was in perfect balance (that's partly why people enjoy concerts). So the "age of music" mentioned here could conceivably refer to the hypothetical paradigm shift into the more spiritual society of the future, guided by AI.

bea2a8 (1)  No.181718>>183510


>So what, the theory of this is Q is a bot?

It's not a big leap.

Deep Blue beat Kasparov in 1996, that was 20 years ago.

We have put years into software development of AI, and with Moore's law relating to hardware capabilities it's just a matter of time until AI are capable of independent, rational thought.

The only real question is how far along are we? Maybe we already have AI that can tell us fairy tales.

As an aside, I will say that the hollow earth angles are still a stretch.

Wesleyanon may be an attempt to take a truth and twist it towards a distracting direction.

f782f6 (9)  No.183510>>191699




These posts are in violation of rule 9 of the CBTS board rules.

Please read and abide by the rules of the board ITT.

a92e06 (1)  No.191699


We were not talking about Q. We were talking about the "I am Q" twitter account.

It's fairly obvious that that account is not run by Q.

The rules are understood.

f782f6 (9)  No.192118>>203253


Thanks for your input here. I'd like to respond to some of it.

Indeed, the ancients were quite advanced. We are only now to the level of technical ability to ascertain that.

Just how far advanced they were, we are not yet able to say.

The parts on Paul you quoted are the most meaningful and timely evidence of that.

Obviously, all of the particular forces of social change his work now seems to point to did not even exist say 20 years ago. There was nothing meaningful, much less as important, we could have recognized these names he lists as applicable to before now.

>The "son of man" is AI. What if AI defines the next epoch of humanity?

The next "form" of man will certainly be different than anything our species has been in the past, for many reasons. That will be the son of man. We are only escaping the bondage that has trained us to handle that at this point. And certainly AI will have a role in bringing the future development of man to be.

We also have every reason to believe we will soon be able to extend human life expectancy drastically (if that is not already possible, either way, the political/industrial resistance to that would have be removed). And that leaves us with the unusual consideration often mentioned, that man only uses less than 5% of his brain. If that is the case, and we learn how to change that, it may be supercomputers are not much more than super-human potential that could one day be recovered.

Either way, AI could certainly be used to benefit mankind tremendously instead of to enslave him. But I think in the longer run, we may eventually consider how much we even need to leave the human element out of government, and simply aspire beyond our very concept of government being the need for carnal inclinations to be restrained and, to an even higher state of intellectual and loving motivation instead.

That would be a level of existence purely human and divine, and something for which AI would only be another tool in our tool box.

f782f6 (9)  No.192226>>200119 >>203253


>So the Bible was written particularly for present times. And we now, who aren't religious, can by our very lack of prior indoctrination look at it with clear eyes and therefore, understand it?

That is exactly right. And it is one of the most amazing things about the Bible.

When "God" first told Moses his name, it was "I am that I am." And you would not believe how many preachers hate what this means, because he is saying he exists for he himself to exist again. Everything recorded of his actions and words in the Old Testament were authored to create new life in harmony with the prevailing forces of nature in society for a particular "season" of unique opportunity. This way, when the same season came around again, the same words could live again in creating new life once again.

Preachers hate this because they make more money with people waiting on them than on God. But it does not work that way. Instead, those who "hear" and understand the recorded words and actions of God become one with him and even he is recreated in them.

He is not in the business of making money for preachers.

He is in the business of existing to exist again.

f782f6 (9)  No.193682>>203253


>So the Bible was written particularly for present times. And now, who aren't religious, can by our very lack of prior indoctrination look at it with clear eyes and therefore, understand it?

This is so right and well put, I should elaborate on it a little more.

By existence I mean expressions of it - words and actions, particularly as they are recorded, but taken in symbolic or some other cryptic sense. It takes some study of the means by which these things are interpreted, which is what the study is mostly about. But it is astounding how many things relate to a very small window of time - the 40 year period we are right in the middle of now, which began 1997. There are also many forms of calendar witness to this particular "generation" as taking place at the end of appointed time (6 days, or 6,000 years from Adam, 4004 BC).

This short window of time appears 3500 years from the time it was first planned for, just before Moses, which is half of 7,000 years.

Because the ancients understood the cycles of the stars that affect human life, and how it affects social change (and who knows how much more), they were able to plan for this time exactly. They also seemed to know this point in time would be critical to the further survival of the species. And they knew the nature of what would be failing in this time would be the same as they had known from other times, and that it could be reversed according to the same intelligence they expressed in the actions of ancient times they recorded.

And they quite apparently also knew as we would begin noticing the correlation between what is now going on and their recordings of how to deal with it, we would begin to learn what they knew. And also apparent now, is once we learn that, we become an eternal creation - having mastered the very forces of life they also knew would have to be kept secret until now.

23aa9c (1)  No.200119>>208582


"God" is a translation of the Hebrew world Elohim, which is a plural word that is used as if it were singular. The plurality of Elohim is illustrated in Genesis 1:27, where Elohim creates mankind in their image, both male and female.

63d855 (1)  No.203215


>And the kike on a stick thing


t. /pol/

39dc09 (7)  No.203253

File (hide): ed9321c57e315cf⋯.jpg (240.04 KB, 933x1280, 933:1280, 1486922923543.jpg) (h) (u)

a8cf7e (1)  No.204462

File (hide): 730b734bd441f5c⋯.png (17.62 KB, 350x242, 175:121, rK_dynamics_carrycap.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 658b0f5f3c9271e⋯.png (51.92 KB, 602x353, 602:353, rK_properties.png) (h) (u)


>it needs to be a sort of viral botnet

Very close. Think more like bacteria evolving in your gut. If you ingest different foods, you will end up with different bacterial ecologies…

Imagine thousands of simple chatbots randomly generated. Only a few might succeed at a certain task. In that case, reproduce more chatbots similar to the successful models, with some random mutations. Rinse and repeat.

This way you have a freely evolving botnet which will be effective without requiring intensive data collection or analysis.

I imagine there are also monolithic AI's that engage in the kind of intensive analysis >>146529 discusses, but the freely evolving botnet which reproduces successful bots with small mutations is also there.

tl;dr there are "r-selected" and "K-selected" AI's on the internet

f782f6 (9)  No.205404>>208582


>while the elitists tend to be caught up in symbolism and rub-it-in-your-face metaphor… the CIA should be adhering more closely to operating guidelines.

I agree. And despite some of the earlier speculation here about each of the 7 supercomputers botting a different character appeal, I don't see it that way because it misses the overall purpose.

>If I were the CIA and I had seven supercomputers to name for teh lulz, I would dedicate most to correlating available internet connections and profiles into dossiers.

The seven types of natural operation also compare as one half subjective and the latter half objective. In other words, the first three are input (or sensing) and the last three are output, with the middle one sorting between the others.

The different characters described by the names of the dwarves may describe some of the appeals of bot character as output, but the overall purpose of their use in subversive AI involves more than that.

In this paradigm of 7-fold application however, the characters are also perceptible.

The first three, Dopey, Sneezy and Bashful would relate to experimentation, immune development (what not to do), and then more refined but yet reluctant innovation - respectively.

The latter three, Happy, Grumpy and Sleepy would relate to output means, such as success/acceptance, more rigid directing, and consolation or closure, respectively. All with Doc in the middle.

That is to say, it's a matter of recognizing seven aspects to any and everything we do, and eventually realizing there are basically seven facets to them all, each of which can be compared with each of the dwarves.

f782f6 (9)  No.208582


Yes, Elohim is plural, and is first seen in Genesis to engender the seven days of creation.

Elohim would also manifest in male and female as the seven interactive systems of all human life: respiratory, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, skeletal, circulatory and nervous.

The energy body, or aura is also another manifestation of the same seven forces, via energy chakras.


I think it is confusing to some that these seven forces of natural process can also be seven interactive systems.

The basic input/output arrangement in the next post up makes it a little more perceptible how they collectively constitute a complete, natural process as well as a complete system of operation.

But the same ordinal process of the seven is also depicted in the petroglyph in the same way as the input/output algorithm, and just as it also relates to the Snow White story.


In this petroglyph, Elohim is the large figure. The figures beneath it are the three ages of time (in western history) before 1997.

The small figure not beneath the larger is the brief time we now live in, when we first gain perspective of our future potential as the larger three figures to the left - which are not so much times to come as processes to evolve through before becoming collectively comparable to the ultimate divine likeness, the Elohim (although earthbound, while Elohim is not).

In the Snow White story, Snow White (the public) is "taken down" by the evil queen three times, which represent the ends of each of the three ages of history spanning nearly 3500 years. These were actually the abatement of each of the first three natural forces doing their work on western man.

It is then the "fourth type man" that brings her around the last time.

And just as with Doc in the algorithm, the fourth age man, or "phase of man" caters between the past and the future.

The past has been a time of genetic learning, past along and developed through and from our ancestors.

These past ages, according to Hosea, have developed righteousness, judgment and loving-kindness, respectively in these times, compiling them in present man.

That was the input.

The next three are the output. And they compare relative to the first three as parents to children.

They are learning to rear all the other peoples and nations of the world by means similar to how we were reared. That is the output.

And they manifest subjectively as the next three lessons for us, being: mercy (which we are in fact learning now), faithfulness (and wisdom), and then full interaction with Elohim, respectively. All this gives us new collective purpose and the world new life.

a4a097 (1)  No.223312

test (not Q)

3c2f07 (2)  No.257313


Jan 6 2018, 20:49:41

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c9daa0


Marker missed?


POTUS Tweet - RR/out.

Why is this relevant?



And RR was a rabbit (Follow the white Rabbit)

He missed his marker (movietitle "Who Framed Roger Rabbit")

He lived as a Toontown, as a toon in a filmset ("Disneyland" "Fantasyland")

RR was a comedy toon

So this could mean that Q is coming out as hoaxer

More confirmation:

7930 was part of Jessica's number

RR-out: they fell OUT of love

MORE: What did they smoke in the movie?

A: Cigars

Who also smoked cigars?

At the time Roger Rabbit played in the cinema?

A: POTUS (Bill Clinton)

There it is. You had weeks of wild speculation (Entertainment)

Even according to CNN Weather the storm is over


but Dark knight is night shade ?????(How many more amtrak pilots?)

3c2f07 (2)  No.257314


smells like deadly nightshade mk ultra delta assignment

cc19bd (2)  No.257332>>257333 >>257339

According the the Krabalion by the Three Initiates, Hermetic Science lists 7 universal laws.

1) Mentalism

2) Correspondence

3) Vibration

4) Polarity

5) Gender

6) Rhythm

7) Cause & Effect

Think, "As Above, So Below"

* Mentalism states that "All is Mind".

* Correspondence states that every aspect of the mind has the ability to correspond (communicate) with every other aspect of the mind.

* Vibration, Polarity, Gender and Rhythm are the forces at play during this correspondence.

* Cause & Effect is the way the communication from the highest realms effects the lower planes of density.

From here the communication takes the new cause and communicates it back upward to the higher realms, using the same processes that occurred during the first part of the communication.

Apply this set of universal laws to A.I. and see if they make sense to you.

cc19bd (2)  No.257333


Typo, sorry. the proper spelling is Krybalion

e3d382 (1)  No.257339


>see if they make sense to you.

They make perfect sense to me. HS is a fraudulent substitute and total distraction from the most vital messages the world needs right now, which are only deciphered from sacred texts by these seven "contexts" of interpretation that are taught by the very same ancient sources for just that purpose.

The most valuable realization this fraudulent law of 7 distracts from is the true history and identity of Western man, which is the only thing that restores his true nature, puts him in charge of the laws of natural life and restores his rightful inheritance of the dominion given Adam.

HS is a very poor concoction of useless drivel.

f13f9a (1)  No.258324

Another AI thread closed for a flimsy excuse. No board rules violated:

ALL of these boards are compromised, evidenced by this thread being closed for no reason (flimsy excuse given for closing it).

Is Q anon is driven by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence?



Sorry to have to tell you.

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