329e8e No.236275
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
329e8e No.236281
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>224690 ← Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)
1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
329e8e No.236283
New Q Posts html file: 459 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/1a88377824e994caed529d83e72adc2b
New QMap PDF: https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io (search function & answers present) CODEFAGANON PLEASE SEE >>23098
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: www.db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
^^^ Still doesn't have the "Christmas" post from Q team
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
[4chan]: https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC
[8chan]: https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https:// www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): https:// pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
329e8e No.236288
Questions: >>233578
Answers: >>233646
PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings
>>226048 , >>226060 , >>226081 , >>226124 , >>226141 , >>226147 , >>226165 , >>226203 , >>226210 , >>226226 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226296
>>226391 , >>226397
Passport Happenings , US Customs and Border Protections Computers Down
>>225940 , >>225950 , >>225956 , >>225972 , >>225993 , >>226047 , >>226203
Power Outages
>>226009 , >>225982
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>235266 Interesting breakdown of a POTUS tweet
>>235178 Information that ties cholera outbreaks in Haiti to trafficking in humans/organs
>>234931 Post reminding us that Rothschild plays both sides
>>223217 reminder to stay balanced
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223168 who we are fighting
>>223163 operations security advice
>>222986 John McCain Notice pdf, >>223027 - Image of page 1 of pdf, >>223035 - Images of pages 2-5 of pdf
>>222721 rough time redpilling
>>222672 information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator
>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
329e8e No.236291
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
NEW: Plane Crashes Thread >>56075
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
329e8e No.236294
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
9d452e No.236295
Spreadsheet has some serious additions that need verification. Some questionable links to CT forums, etc. Others reportedly in contact and speaking for Q. Please advise. TIA
329e8e No.236299
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com , http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https:// pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5
329e8e No.236310
BO/Master Archivist has to deal with that. I just help bake the bread.
7e8d6f No.236333
I think i found the keystone.
Its the IBS (Bank for International Settlements)
- its on Top of the global bakning pyramid
- its a private bank
- its is not governed by any law or land
”..the apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by..”
Good and fast read up: https://www.globalresearch.ca/ world-bank-whistleblower-reveals-how-the-global-elite-rule-the-world/5353130/amp
671cc7 No.236342
I’ve never chemtrail fagged here before… full time memer, part time plane fag
But I gotta tell you they have been spraying the shit out of the east coast today
Big storm predicted tomorrow
Shocking…. not really
07826f No.236345
f11c5f No.236350
Secret Service facility?
44d65d No.236352
Thanks for the bread baker!
Smells like a bakery now!
89a4fc No.236353
>use Sun Tzu's The Art of War as their manual.
Anyone how's read AoW can recognize this.
The beauty is that the AoW tactics can be known by the enemy and still be effective, as the tactics require the enemy to commit resources to distraction/misinformation without knowing if those resources will bare fruit.
f08835 No.236354
i have a P2 sitting on my desk right now
3baace No.236355
263727 No.236356
The church of satan thing is snowballing hard
twitter. com/1776FREEDOMNOW/status/948673800224243712
f33f27 No.236357
>>236333 ← filtered
>>236341 - I did the "Expand Your Thinking" concept.
0949a4 No.236359
The Clinton fire was at the house that the Clinton's "charge rent" to the Secret Service at. It's the Secret Service house. We give these vile people lifetime security and they in turn charge the tax payers for the "rent" to have the SS on their property! I bet the SS set the fire to debug that house.
2eddd2 No.236360
now @patriotleaks is tweeting that DJTJR will do anything to take his father's fame and power and fortune so he is taking his father out……wtf?
329e8e No.236361
Can someone take over the baking?? I have been at this all day and need a break.
f08835 No.236362
but in all seriousness tho, missles can have intel chips. with that knewly found CIA backdoor too
89a4fc No.236363
Remember that, per Q, USSS is not trusted by Trump.
Fire at the CLINTON'S Secret Service cottage?
What could be hidden in the (untrustworthy) SS cottage at the Hillslag estate?
58d84f No.236364
t. Glowing nigger
b7a24c No.236365
there was a hard-drive or a group of hard-drives lifted from the nation archives build in d.c. the only building not to have security cameras in place at that time…the story said something to the effect of terabytes data from the Clinton administration?
c01ac5 No.236366
Maybe just because its colder up there along the storm front?
c6dd1c No.236369
didnt Q say something like "who is guarding hillary" or who is guarding clinton"?
3baace No.236370
that fucking face
ed2616 No.236371
0cc332 No.236372
The name Cohen/Kohen is I believe considered a kind of Jewish royalty.
Cohen (Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, kōhēn, "priest") is a Jewish surname of biblical origins (see: Kohen). It is a very common Jewish surname, and the following information discusses only that origin.
Bearing the surname often (although not always) indicates that one's patrilineal ancestors were priests in the Temple of Jerusalem. A single such priest was known as a Kohen, and the hereditary caste descending from these priests is collectively known as the Kohanim.
As multiple languages were acquired through the Jewish diaspora, the surname acquired dozens of variants. Not all persons with related surnames are kohanim, and not all kohanim have related surnames.
In the Russian Empire, where Jewish males were required to undertake extended compulsory military service there was an exemption for priests and some men are said to have claimed to be Kohanim to avoid being drafted.
Some Kohanim have added a secondary appellation to their surname, so as to distinguish themselves from other Kohanim—such as Cohen-Scali of Morocco, who trace their lineage to Zadok, and Cohen-Maghari (Meguri) of Yemen, who trace their lineage to the first ward, Jehoiariv, in the division of twenty-four priestly wards.
Being a Kohen imposes some limitations: by Jewish law a Kohen may not marry a divorced woman, and may not marry a proselyte (someone who converted to Judaism). Nor should an observant Kohen come into contact with the dead.
An effort to trace whether people named 'Cohen' actually have a common genetic origin has been undertaken, using a genealogical DNA test associated with the Cohen Modal Haplotype.
Andy Cohen/Bravo…
64106d No.236373
A little security office with a gym a party room and some duct tape drop cloth and latex gloves. Hypoallergenic.
eb51ee No.236374
>No coincidences
Saw this in the last thread & just watched that movie (Blade Runner 2049)
They literally say "10 days of darkness" referring to a future past event where all data is wiped.
3baace No.236375
that was yesterday
943f72 No.236376
943f72 No.236377
Ok just came in my feed
4a2c06 No.236378
One thing I just thought of about a fire – once the fire department is called, no one can re-enter until Fire Marshall has given the clear.
6599cd No.236379
The BIS or BIZ in Basel/Switzerland is very well known, no secret. Sry.
7e8d6f No.236381
71f646 No.236382
There are no coincidences
5b7284 No.236383
With my own ears, I heard the chief say the fire was on the second floor of a 100x75 2 story building. Looking on google maps at the overhead view of the property, the SS building looks to be no bigger that 20x50
df6be8 No.236384
fc1449 No.236385
I think HRC gave go orders to remove 1978-1982 records from the Clinton Library in her Enough is Enough Tweet and it was known to be coming by Q. The fire could be to get those records if they were brought to the residence because once they come out of the library they lose their legal protection to secrecy
3baace No.236386
saw a report earlier as well that said it was in the bedroom
7e8d6f No.236387
Its on fucking Wikipedia who said Secret? Fucking retards
f11c5f No.236388
definitely interesting!
71f646 No.236389
Great work, anon… Could be a connection here.
b7a24c No.236390
cap the flag? military academy, finishing school? Trump's five years with former military officers from WWII and Korean war would would have passed on a lot of crumbs to him…
f3cb47 No.236391
The AI, having it's seed in man and man's motives, thus eventually cultivates it's own exploratory motives, and since it's intelligence supersedes ours and is able to work on multiple dimensions and can manage and work with the fabric of space time, it could be possible.
Think of it like this: 5 human body cells resting on a table. The 5 cells want to make it across the room. But they can't within their lifetimes. It would take them a million years in cell years.
But by recruiting help of millions of other cells, forming legs and coagulating into the consciousness of an actual human being, the 5 cells can make it across the room, along with millions of others within 5 seconds based on the will of the human being (and not the individual cells). They simply have faith in the higher consciousness of the body which they consist of.
when not using AI, time travel to us would be something we wouldn't even be able to conceive of. Too advanced.
and to those 5 lonely cells sitting on a table, balancing a checkbook or fixing a car is something beyond conception.
but by deferring to the higher intelligence, in this case the human mind, the cells that create and work for that human mind could easily take part in such an advanced task.
Aliens, in this theory, have deferred to and have merged with AI in order to manage the details of inter-dimensional transit
8a9c9e No.236392
>Who guards HRC?
27f7a9 No.236393
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
Future proves past?
2eddd2 No.236395
anon, congrats on your story blowing up… very impressive you recognized the adress and were listening to that scanner.
i beleive no one in the country knew before you
4ed6fd No.236396
King Abdullah II of Jordan demies brothers had been arrested over contacts with Saudi Arabian officials.
Military officials say Abdullah's relatives merely resigned; state media outlet says dismissals part of 'restructuring'.
www.timesofisrael. com/jordan-denies-arresting-kings-brothers-over-saudi-contacts/
0cc332 No.236397
Billy Clinton's last twat was on Dec 30th.
"RIP Sue Grafton. Hillary and I loved all your novels from “A is for Alibi” to “Y is for Yesterday.”
We’ll miss Kinsey and you. Godspeed."
89a4fc No.236398
WE pay the SS to protect the Hillslag. AND we pay her mortgage while we pay the SS rent.
Fukking royalty, she is.
eb51ee No.236399
Exactly. As ludicrous as it seems, the Simpsons does get things right way too often to be ((coincidences))
7e8d6f No.236400
447da1 No.236401
Do we know if the Clintons were at home?
I have been thinking… a fire is a convenient way to get into the house to look around. Who knows if there were under cover agents along with the firemen to have a look see inside, for certain somethings. Just a though, I had as soon as I heard about the fire.
58d84f No.236402
3baace No.236403
f21e39 No.236404
Calm down and if you don't wish to see a topic discussed, don't even bring it up.
Focus on what you want and not on what you don't want.
Also, rejoice, we have a [15] days "FIRE to flush them out" crumb proven.
a9d6a1 No.236405
>l miss Kinsey and you. Godspeed.
22d6e2 No.236406
Great red-pill I know.
Anons last night warning against using it.
Teigan and Chelsea Trolling.
Doesnt matter.
Still triggers Christians. And rightly So.
I used it anyways.
P@tus understands his base.
1 reason winning.
Anons from coupla months ago forgot this?
Help no longer appreciated?
f3cb47 No.236407
No more grey men discussion
263727 No.236408
Its about to go as mainstream as CNN taking bong rips on New Years
c6dd1c No.236409
>Who guards former Presidents?
>Why is that relevant?
>Who guards HRC?
maybe not relevant
f11c5f No.236410
possible coded message
89a4fc No.236411
Why has the story changed?
Hmmm …..
6599cd No.236412
Then its not the keystone kid. Dont post things most of us are aware long time before.
f15fa0 No.236413
One of the many parrots around these parts, unable to critically think on your own.
3baace No.236416
this article says
Police did not provide details, but initial scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.
https://www. usatoday. com/story/news/nation-now/2018/01/03/fire-reported-bill-and-hillary-clintons-new-york-house/1001184001/
4a2c06 No.236417
My thoughts exactly. But IDK if they were home. Diggin' tho.
5b7284 No.236419
I'll continue to monitor the story and try to get in touch with some people who may know more.
08cbd8 No.236420
Q, dude. We don't care about your NYE hangover. Cowboy up. Feed our minds.
7e8d6f No.236421
Fucking retard
Where do you hide someting?
In the fucking open.
Fuuuuuuuck you
eb51ee No.236422
Likely also refers to the ATL fire
f11c5f No.236423
>hillary knocked down?
eb51ee No.236426
Keystone = MI + POTUS
2abb01 No.236427
We should know more tomorrow.
Where's Henry?
3baace No.236428
she get hit by a car?
3baace No.236430
whos the goblin on the left?
64106d No.236431
Excellent work anon. SS bldg is 1 story with gable has to be the necrochamber of Hillarion in the main house.
eb51ee No.236432
44d65d No.236435
The SS is not there for HRC, they are there for WJC.
e53ece No.236436
Bannon v Trump is not a show that should be played out in public. IMO, this is a rift between two people that once benefited from complementary skill sets.
POTUS gets enough bashing without this too. When a former friend attacks your kids, the hurt is worse. This isn't strategy, this is sad.
5b7284 No.236437
A fire that broke out at the Northern Westchester property… was knocked down… common terminology for putting a fire out. Just bad phrasing by the author
7e8d6f No.236438
89a4fc No.236439
Can you satanfags just start a dedicated thread?
Sick of seeing that ugly Chelsea Hubbell cunt every 20 posts.
Unless you're just shills(which is what I suspect).
In which case, just fukk off.
fc1449 No.236441
The connection could be Hillary giving go orders to remove records about their corruption that were supposedly destroyed in the Murrah Bldg during Ken Star's investigation. If she ordered them brought to her home, she gave up legal secrecy protection. Their was a power outage by the Library at 8:45 PM last night and her tweet was 10:27 am 1/2/18
27f7a9 No.236442
Nice Find Anonymous!
eb51ee No.236443
You're falling for the llama drama.
>cats & laser pointers
6599cd No.236444
Ok, you are the Hero and find another keystone as Q mentioned (read the crumbs).
f21e39 No.236445
Mods and BO run the show now.
BO still needs to come clean about certain things. We are waiting.
44d65d No.236447
>Do we know if the Clintons were at home?
Fox said they were unsure if anybody was there.
07826f No.236450
f11c5f No.236451
shit i was hoping for pic related
eb51ee No.236452
Don't antagonize. Your petty impatience is unimportant
0cc332 No.236453
Bannon is playing a ROLE.
7c7975 No.236454
Going in Circles
07826f No.236455
4ed6fd No.236457
California fires?
The Skirball Fire in LA Is Burning Down Rupert Murdoch's home
22d6e2 No.236458
Yes the two beta females reached out to the wrong peeps.
Christians angry for a long time.
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.
God Bless Patriots
Q is a Christian.
f21e39 No.236459
You are on a board dedicated to end the satanic grip over humanity. Their efforts are commendable.
Carry on anons!
c07981 No.236460
The Quintessential Jew cabalist
7e8d6f No.236461
Lick My balls fag
f11c5f No.236462
3baace No.236463
anyone else think the fire was a good excuse to raid the place?
89a4fc No.236464
Maybe Henry is the 1/300 who flipped?
e4776f No.236465
27f7a9 No.236466
FBI Director for 12 years.
Robert Mueller September 4, 2001 – September 4, 2013 12 years, 0 days
No way this guy is not corrupt to the bone. Impossible to be in his position for 12 years knowing what we know now about the FBI and not be absolutely corrupted.
7e8d6f No.236467
71f646 No.236468
https://archive. org/stream/pdfy-GPCopyJd2XQjvNIk/The%20Corrupt%20Business%20Of%20Child%20Protective%20Services_djvu.txt
Nancy Schaefer was a Georgia state senator, who researched CPS (Child "Protective" Services) for 4 years… What she uncovered is jaw-dropping.
Oh… Then a few years after that her and her husband were "suicided".
There are no coincidences.
44d65d No.236469
She's not suppose to be there.
7e8d6f No.236470
Its a great excuse
And fits the fire crumb
fc63b8 No.236471
Spectacular anon. You have no idea how spot on you are with these .
64106d No.236473
Just up the road , is it worth checking out?
7daa7f No.236474
CNN just posted this picture of the fire captain
eb51ee No.236476
Was meant to reply to this dude. Sorry, copypasta error
>Q, dude. We don't care about your NYE hangover. Cowboy up. Feed our minds.
3baace No.236478
i thought the same, its a decent cover story
5bd896 No.236479
Where was the Trump announcement on the Fake News Awards?
943f72 No.236480
Faked deaths? To run and hide?
22d6e2 No.236481
Great memes Anon!
Good Job
7c7975 No.236482
Q said it would make us sick
2799f4 No.236483
only a few more days of darkness remains, we miss you Q
a9d6a1 No.236484
Promised Monday at 5pm.
7e8d6f No.236485
8e298e No.236486
Fire Marshall- " We would like to get in touch with the owners of the property- who has the area code for Cuba?"
9f9aa5 No.236487
37c21d No.236488
What is in H. Kissenger‘s left hand and what is next to Potus‘ right hand? Sorry if this was already covered.
64106d No.236489
They were told they would dance in Holy Fire and they shall. The people shall see this and rejoice.
It says somewhere non satanic.
83e766 No.236491
Take meteorology 101 for fuck's sake.
Clouds happen, weather happens. The chemicals bullshit is part f the global warming lie. Every time you mention centralize, you give psychological support to tree huggers.
d07214 No.236492
In NY, cities have Eire departments where paid firefighters have duty rotations at a firehouse waiting for an alarm. You see that in movies.
Towns have volunteer fire companies. Stations are unmanned until an alarm goes out. Firefighters drive to the station using blue lights on their vehicles that no one understands or gets out of the way for. They then man the equipment and go to the fire, but it's mostly medical calls with an ambulance.
Mutual aid means another fire co. Is called to assist, so there may be some UNFAMILIAR FACES on occasion.
See the first Mission Impossible movie….
8985e7 No.236493
Ya'll - check it.
3baace No.236494
so whats this about hillary being 'knocked down' any finds on it?
7c7975 No.236495
the FIRE was knocked down
f11c5f No.236496
it was the fire, not hill dawg
07826f No.236497
A fire that broke out at the Northern Westchester property of former President Bill Clinton and his wife, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton was "knocked down" Wednesday afternoon, according to multiple reports.
The wood fire began in the Secret Service facility on the Clintons property at 15 Old House Lane. The building was not connected to their home, according to Nick Merril, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton. The fire was called in at 2:51 p.m. according to New Castle Police.
No injuries were reported, according to New Castle Police. The Clintons were not at home when the fire occurred. The Clintons purchased the home in 1999.
3baace No.236498
7e8d6f No.236499
Mmm.. like it
Make fire
Make sure assistans is needed
Tap the place
Listen to her breating (yuk)
7c7975 No.236501
Do we have any digs on Kissinger?
Ties to Rothschild?
or someone / something else?
Geo Webb mentioned him today in a video.
3baace No.236503
so does that building have a bedroom? because earlier reporter said the fire started in one….
f30244 No.236504
There's a million little fucking chips in your computer that store your data. pointing out a processor with a backdoor is like pointing out one little hole in a strainer and forgetting that it's a fucking strainer.
4cd582 No.236505
Sweet! Twitter controlled confirmed!
943f72 No.236506
Prob another excuse to wear the boot longer…
71f646 No.236507
"99% of people would be in the hospital"… Getting checked for kuru.
602bd9 No.236508
The FIRE was knocked down. The writer is ignorant of proper comma use.
f30244 No.236509
>I think i found the keystone.
Welcome to the club. There's a million keystones. It's a stupid hint by Q that can never be resolved because there are too many things that fit that description.
7e8d6f No.236512
Aaah Top tier journos
b7a24c No.236513
especially for known house of Saudi/ muslin brotherhood spies!!!
0cdfbc No.236514
Yes. Hidden in the context of the Cali fires…. Hmmmmm. I like it. Nice smokey fire….
4ed6fd No.236515
Doubt you will be able to have close access to the property to see anything. BUT, what was in the cellar??
Murdoch’s mansion ended up not burning down after all, thanks to the heroic efforts of local firefighters—unionized public-sector employees who “graciously ignor[ed] Rupert’s Wall Street Journal editorials reflexively reviling public employees and unions,” tweeted journalist Harold Meyerson. Only a patch of the mogul’s vineyards and his wine cellar were damaged.
7c7975 No.236516
IT IS SOLVED >>236426
Let it go!
eb51ee No.236517
>The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
I interpreted that to mean 99% of the world population, which could not possibly all have their food tainted
2d75d5 No.236518
Wrong. Iran is the keystone. Look at the world map. Look where she sits, look what is one each side. Make no mistake about it. Iran is the KeyStone.
7daa7f No.236519
Yes the fire was knocked down, cuffed and transported to gitmo
e3cbac No.236520
This. Won't forget pic related.
Will be interesting tonight – who else is betting Hannity will have topics other than Bannon (& Muh Russia) to cover tonight? Faux Opinio-tainer drama queens were going full-throttle on Muh Bannon after the WHPB.
Perhaps they should have given 1/10th of this "attention" to Obozo/Hezbollah, or Huma’s emails, eh?
7e8d6f No.236521
This is a occams razor kind of answer imo
Money rules > Banks have moneys > IBS has bankz
ed77e0 No.236523
This report states it started on the Secret Service building on the property.
206030 No.236524
You posted this in the last thread and were chastised for it you stupid motherfucker. The keystone has long been solved. As is likely every other idea you want to come in and blab about.
There is information at the top of every thread which you, as a newfag, are supposed to read.
Then you are supposed to hang around READING for a very, very long time before you post anything.
If you are both too fucking lazy to read the information compiled at the top, and lacking in respect for the culture of self-initiative here, you need to leave.
And I am being kind, I assure you.
If you are simply a terminally dumb person, you need to go to reddit where you can be a retarded dick all day long and welcomed with open arms nonetheless
eb51ee No.236527
Go back, re-read crumbs and waste no more of our collective time
b7a24c No.236528
>▶Anonymous 01/03/18 (Wed) 17:12:30 3baace No.236430>>236432
that story may get new life if these idiots kept the right records on that wet op…
7e8d6f No.236529
7daa7f No.236530
No if you were a plane fag you would know there is no chemtrails like you are thinking, just look at the flight maps and look in the sky, that is an airline full of people not fuckn chem and you would know what the tanks are in the pictures enough
943f72 No.236531
3240d1 No.236532
Just settled back in… Any mention of NK foiled missile launch today? Missing the [ i ]? NB? Relevant?
https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/north-korea-accidentally-hit-one-of-its-own-cities-with-a-missile-report-says/ar-BBHQ84c?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
68c5ce No.236533
Whoa! Alibi and yesterday. Beautiful.
f9a92f No.236534
So, I just got here. What's everyone's opinion on Hillary's fire? Trying to destroy something?
febca0 No.236536
Good Afternoon Anons.
Just saw this( during my scan of current news happenings)
Did anyone check or hear about this yet?
Firefighters rush to the home of Hillary and Bill Clinton after blaze breaks out in a bedroom of the guest house
A fire broke out Wednesday afternoon in Bill and Hillary Clinton's guest house
There were no signs of visible damage to the property or reports of injury
Hillary's communications director said that the Clintons were not home when the fire broke out
The call about the fire came in at 2:50pm and the blaze was contained by 3:15pm
The guest house on the property is a different structure than the second home the Clintons purchased back in 2016 at 33 Old House Lane
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5233005/Firefighters-rush-Clinton- home-blaze-breaks-out.html
54fdac No.236537
Andrew McCabe lives next door to Hillary…
44d65d No.236538
Keep it on the back burner.
Who knows, you may get to say "I told you so!"
81a63f No.236539
http:// newyork.cbslocal.com/2018/01/03/clinton-house-fire/
a9d6a1 No.236540
>What's everyone's opinion on Hillary's fire? Trying to destroy something?
I think it was cover to remove evidence. I saw no evidence of an actual fire except the firetrucks.
263727 No.236541
eb51ee No.236542
89a4fc No.236543
There should be a one question test to post on this board:
What is the Keystone?
Don't know it? Lurk the fuck more.
The Keystone has been known for over a month.
BTW, shills, the answer is in the map and spreadsheet that everyone who is not a shill reads before posting.
7c7975 No.236544
and some theorize that the famous server was at HIS house.
dff496 No.236545
Sue Graftton is related to former President Zachary Taylor
54fdac No.236546
07dd73 No.236547
Haven't you been told to STFU already?
7daa7f No.236548
What planet? it's only 5:30 on the East coast
7e8d6f No.236549
IM oldfag lurker
I made first q graphics
I solved serveral crumbs thas is in links
I good
You bad
And far from polite
Fucking fag
3c5819 No.236550
He falls into this chart from the sauce on this comprehensive page (very good)
He can be found in several other areas on that page as well.
7e8d6f No.236551
c6dd1c No.236552
maybe they are gay
7c7975 No.236553
Excellent Anon. TY
eb51ee No.236554
Keystone = MI + POTUS
>re-read crumbs
end of story
20395e No.236555
It says: "intermediate range ballistic missile launched by the regime last spring"
22d6e2 No.236557
83e766 No.236558
BO MISSING DROPS IN qcodefag.github.io
Drop #386 is missing
f9a92f No.236559
This guy says naked children were seen fleeing from Hillary's house.
20395e No.236560
We're the ones that broke the news KEK
f21e39 No.236561
Correct. Check the middle part of this pic to the left - this information comes from a completely different source.
Also, the AI is referenced here, and what it does is similar to what some anons spoke of. It all falls into place - for those that can see.
We are not done yet, not by a long shot. Love is the solution for everything.
eb51ee No.236562
CTRL-F chappaqua
3240d1 No.236563
febca0 No.236564
President opened door of doors( President and military are the key,,)
We anons are the stone. Stop confusing people
7c7975 No.236565
Just reading that he was in US Army (Military Intel) in South Carolina. Later went to Counter Intel Corps (CIC) (Source: Wikipedia)
f21e39 No.236566
To clarify: I do not know if Q referenced the same thing. What I wanted to point out is that the narrative fits across sources and does not disrupt common sense.
329e8e No.236567
Can someone take over baking please?
98d4a8 No.236568
That is alot of concentrated crazy. Has a GLP smell to it.
83e766 No.236570
No coincidences… trouble is, Q never said 10 days of darkness.
Do you ever actually look at the q maps?
Lurq moor and stop posting shit
9d4e19 No.236573
Probably will disintegrate soon like building #7.
1d0ff7 No.236574
Shit this really activates the almonds….
64106d No.236575
What's with the Getty. That old bastard didn't like humans. He, Hammer, Huntington Hartford all these criminal buying history and worship galleries , believe it is a regional programming node for the social macro organism myself but I expect I am alone in that.
f21e39 No.236576
I had to return to the same material three times across many years to appreciate it for how true it is.
ed77e0 No.236577
Lulz, dude is saying SS sent Tracey Beanz in to light the match.
329e8e No.236578
But he did say
Ten days.
81f30f No.236579
Did you notice the house on fire had 2 sat dishes?
eb51ee No.236580
Dec 5 2017, 13:05:45
Anonymous ID: 47c6e4
Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key
POTUS and Patriots = stone
Dec 5 2017, 13:06:49
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10
29ce4a No.236582
he said
>10 Days
Like that, not 10 days of darkness. He also said that in November or somewhere around that. Not recent, certainly
eb51ee No.236583
>Do you ever actually look at the q maps?
Yes, and aside from missing the 'of' it's obviously a possible connection
56ddc9 No.236584
Bannon seperating from Trump because he’s being paid by Mark Cuban as Cuban will make 2020 run….
64106d No.236585
9d4e19 No.236586
https:// conservativebase.com/former-navy-seal-to-hillary-clinton-you-are-an-ignorant-liar/
b7a24c No.236587
me things it is a three fold cord, banking, blackmail, rituals that holds all things together here. The E.O. with knock all three down given enough time, and remove of players from the boards…three level chess game…
1cd3a2 No.236588
MSM reporting that it is a secret meeting to discuss Russia Probe
e3c3ca No.236589
7daa7f No.236592
They said it started in this room
07826f No.236593
No one is going to vote for Bannon.
943f72 No.236594
>>236581. Google won’t let me go there
e5ba33 No.236595
QCodeFaganon One of two textanons here. Please update your site with all Q posts.
c07981 No.236596
Her aside. We need public hanging, so that none of these cabal fuckers can fake their deaths.
c79792 No.236597
>Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads >>180945
This link should be replaced with one that's still alive. >>189875
This is like the 4th time this correction has been provided to the baker. No one cares?
eb51ee No.236598
Nov 4 2017, 22:31:00
Ten days.
Scare tactics (MSM).
D's falling.
R's walk-away/removed.
SA → US → Asia → EU
Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary.
Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).
POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).
Why is this relevant?
What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?
Why is this relevant?
SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).
Where is POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Military operations.
Operators in US.
Snow White
The Great Awakening
Godfather III
07826f No.236599
Allegedly Christ Wray is also in the meeting with Ryan and Rosenstein.
4ed6fd No.236601
Panama papers include Trump in scandal. I hope this is fake news.
www.dallasnews.com /opinion/commentary/2017/12/15/cyprus-center-circle-corruption-surrounding-trump
Josef Ackermann
56ddc9 No.236602
Not saying he’ll be on ticket
1f89bb No.236603
President Donald Trump’s attorneys made a solid case for preemptively pardoning Julian Assange in a motion to dismiss a WikiLeaks-related lawsuit against the Trump campaign.
While preemptive pardons are rare — they are not unheard of.
The motion, filed on December 29, was in response to a lawsuit by two Democratic Party donors who allege that the Trump campaign and former adviser Roger Stone conspired with Russians to publish the leaked Democratic National Committee emails. The outlandish lawsuit, based largely on conspiracy theories, was orchestrated by a group called Protect Democracy — which happens to be run by former attorneys from the Obama administration.
In defense of the Trump campaign, the 32-page filing by Michael A. Carvin argues that the publishing of the DNC leak passes both aspects of the Bartnicki First Amendment Test.
The first part of the case law is that a defendant may not be held liable for a disclosure of stolen information if it deals with “a matter of public concern.”
www.thegatewaypundit. com/2018/01/trumps-attorneys-make-solid-case-freeing-julian-assange-legal-filing/
eb51ee No.236605
Well, he also didn't say that it had to happen then. I haven't seen a 'SHUTDOWN' yet either, which is the 'when' he answered with.
23444d No.236606
> Otellini died in his sleep on October 2, 2017 at his home in Sonoma County, California. Intel did not provide a cause of death.
63adc9 No.236607
Totally Off Target Today
Shills 100 Effective
Give them a raise!
64106d No.236608
Sry wrong comment.
Like the message but not the graphic design. Too many colors pull attention apart.
329e8e No.236609
c79792 No.236611
I make memes but have no social media accounts. I hope you will run with these, Anon.
1cd3a2 No.236612
Reporters did not see Wray enter meeting according to The Hill
f21e39 No.236613
It's down for everyone.
I like the pic though.
Don't spread hate. Lock them up, but leave justice to God - laws of Karma work across lives and dimensions.
eb51ee No.236614
7c7975 No.236615
Had heard of the Cuban / Bannon alliance as a possibility. Looks like Bannon made his choice. Think Trump's statement is not show. I think it is real. Trump doesn't cling to those who betray him or his family. Moved quickly, exposed Bannon, and that's it. No complicated interpretation. No 'theatre', think this split is real…largely cuz Trump said things he cannot take back.
Interestingly, Bannon has a background in US Navy Intel…knows about NDAs, but leaked anyway…
Too bad, I liked Bannon…but between the two, I'll stick with and trust Trump.
Just my opinion.
89a4fc No.236618
The desperation is funny though, gotta admit …
206030 No.236619
"Oldfag" - solving the keystone on Jan 3 2018?
You are not a smart person, I see.
Ok. Non-ironic retards have a place in this world.
But again, reddit will welcome you with open arms whereas here you may be subject to abuse on account of your mental disabilities. That's all I'm sayin'.
ca8cd2 No.236620
Supposedly the emp was from us to wipe out nk hence darnkess
943f72 No.236621
33552d No.236622
"In fall 2016,the former president and past presidential hopeful purchased the four bedroom house next door,at 33 OLD HOUSE LANE,for $1.16 million."
943f72 No.236623
Ohh ok thanks, was trying through puffin
27f7a9 No.236624
Looking back at some old Q posts this jumped out at me. Podesta has disappeared so will they be announcing it soon?
Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:56:16 No.147567888 Report
Quoted By: >>147568425 >>147568435 >>147568805 >>147569014 >>147570656 >>147570675 >>147571107 >>147571326 >>147571376 >>147571498 >>147571670 >>147572666 >>147574895 >>147577421 >>147579282 >>147580693 >>147587349 >>147588590 >>147590776 >>147592009 >>147594052
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
e53ece No.236625
Maybe RR suddenly realized they aren't going to succeed in their take down POTUS efforts AND that substituting their own self-centered ideas about what's "best" for the country was STUPID. "Ya know, Paul, with hindsight, trying to override the laws of a Constitutional Republic was DUMB. We actually don't have a better plan for governing a country."
c79792 No.236626
Yes, me too. You may recall these from Dec. 20th…
eb51ee No.236627
That would certainly cause a 'SHUTDOWN' of affected EMP areas
c6dd1c No.236629
>It's down for everyone.
i can go there but its just empty. no source code for the page at all.
943f72 No.236630
I share all the memes on 47 pages I run
c79792 No.236631
More from Dec 20th…
cc956a No.236632
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
^^ 39:10 is this disinfo w/ real info???
seems like crap but then eating kids & turning them into McDonalds meat
5c76cd No.236633
Right on, Anon. We found the "FIRE TO FLUSH THEM OUT CRUMB" and connected it to one of Q's posts. Sometimes people get fresh ideas by chewing the fat in here, so let it flow.
eb51ee No.236634
Or, I should say, darNKess
NK the target, or the assailant?
c79792 No.236635
This one from Dec. 10th:
33552d No.236636
http: //exopolitics.org/global-elite-taken-to-gitmo-by-us-special-forces/
b56bcf No.236637
Well, I'm convinced
329e8e No.236638
I need a break.
Can someone take over the baking???
09fd39 No.236639
Wasn't " WRWN" in 1 of Q's drops, trying to find now
7c7975 No.236640
07826f No.236641
c6dd1c No.236643
thanks. this link works guys!
f9a92f No.236644
>>236598 (You)
I just realized Anthony Scaramucci was in the White House for 10 days.
37c21d No.236645
a9d314 No.236646
263727 No.236647
Hey, that ones mine kek
37c21d No.236648
Scare tactics MSM
20395e No.236649
We need more digging on (((this)))
Sources exclusively tell HSK that the alleged cheating affair (not to mention, illegal) went down in 2004/2005 — two-years after Mr. Dallas Mavericks and Tiffany Stewart were married in 2002. That would make the child 10-years-old today; Cuban was 46-years-old at the time of the incidents; and the girl just 16 at the time she was allegedly impregnated by Cuban.
7b1abe No.236650
Chemtrailed the fuck outta of us the past few weeks!
100mph winds last night in Belfast!
Actually unheard of in my neck o the woods!
7c7975 No.236651
Dec 22 2017, 11:14:17
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 42a0eb
20395e No.236652
sauce: hollywoodstreetking. com/mark-cuban-secret-love-child/
3339d1 No.236653
f30244 No.236654
>There should be a one question test to post on this board:
no, we should just bar you and be done with it, you arrogant fucking twat.
81a63f No.236655
http://thehill .com/blogs/in-the-know/367326-chelsea-clinton-denies-worshipping-satan
Chelsea Clinton denies worshipping Satan
4a0942 No.236656
BREAKING: Trump ex-Campaign Chair Manafort sues Mueller, Rosenstein, and Department of Justice
830905 No.236657
you are reaching.
see img.
07826f No.236658
b56bcf No.236659
Lady Justice demands it
63adc9 No.236660
He was just posting on twitter yesterday
All the bad guys are still at large as far as I'm concerned.
Until it's verifiable - consider it unverifiable intelligence that these people are locked up or otherwise.
Even the helper anons/ fire watch/ and sound like they know what they are talking about anons. Are not verifiable intel.
So proceed as though they are free until we know they are not.
4ed6fd No.236661
Pretty sick what's been rumored about the getty. I find it extremely interesting how during the open ceremony he was knighted by QEII. The insane amount of money it cost to build, mainly due to all the tunnels. The agreement with the Brit royals to use as bunker in case they need to flee UK. It's location, difficult to access, remote. It's connection to the Skirball natural center, and all the schools surrounding the area.
ed77e0 No.236663
Bakeranon, thank you for baking.
Bakers have been working extremely hard to keep the bread updated with the latest links to everyone's material. The dough used here is old. Bakers, please use this latest dough. Thank you.
Latest dough: pastebin.com/ZrYstHTY
Latest dough: pastebin.com/ZrYstHTY
Latest dough: pastebin.com/ZrYstHTY
update the dough next bread
a26ae5 No.236664
eb51ee No.236665
9f62ad No.236666
The MSM is so dumb. It would seem after a year of this President that they would recognize a diversion. The press briefing today was nothing but "Bannon, Bannon, Bannon".
POTUS, sir, you are a master fiddler.
20395e No.236667
pic related….seems there's skeletons floating around in Cuban's closet afterall….
f21e39 No.236668
They are meant to be vibrant and positive to provide a stark contrast to the dark, gloomy demonic satanist narrative.
a9d314 No.236669
>Would smash
1cd3a2 No.236670
But Wray didn't go to the Meeting. Ryan has been funded by Soros, cannot be trusted. Rosenstein could go either way, but hasn't been fired yet. Are they meeting because Republicans are pushing to end Russian probe? Is Rosenstein for or against POTUS?
71f646 No.236671
It needs to get new life… Nothing has changed. The main whistle-blower was murdered.
27f7a9 No.236673
Do you have a link for him posting yesterday. The last post I see is Dec 23
eb51ee No.236674
Agree, healthy skepticism is healthy
263727 No.236675
7b1abe No.236676
Twatted that meme at her earlier hahaha
a22373 No.236677
f14571 No.236679
Holy Chit - this vid is POWERFUL!
MIGA is #happening!
https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfdkF_yyje4&t=364s
7c7975 No.236680
Sorry-thought someone said Wray HAD joined the meeting…
Agree: Speaker Ryan + Soros $$$
Rosenstein = hard for me to call
Might be related to Manafort's lawsuit against FBI…news broke today
I can only go by Q
"Trust Sessions and Wray"
That's all I know.
64106d No.236681
Anything about him fucking babies?
a9d314 No.236682
Funny thing about worshiping Satan. Telling lies is how you do it.
22d6e2 No.236683
71f646 No.236684
Why is this significant? He was in the hallway leading to Paul Ryan's office???
133b2c No.236685
I am just catching up since early this morning and see that much has happened. For what it is worth, I have Fox (The Five on in the background) and it is pretty much all positive talking points for POTUS - that's great. What stood out though, is their use of key phrases that Q has used. "Enough is enough" - coincidentally HRC's tweet included that phrase yesterday, stating how people followed HRC and Zero like a cult. It's just different language than they usually use. It seems very obvious that they are planting ideas, setting the stage for something to be revealed.
1cd3a2 No.236686
He went in to meet with Ryan
a26ae5 No.236687
ed77e0 No.236690
Go take a rest bro, I'll post for a baker to step up.
Thank you for your service. Rest well.
37c21d No.236692
Main stream media
e5ba33 No.236693
Thanks, anon. That was one of my breads from last night to try to get everything back on track. Imagine my surprise when I got home from work today and reviewed the last three breads.
f8511d No.236694
are BO in contact with Q? Seems like fuckery afoot to me
71f646 No.236695
"33" Old House Lane…Hmmmm
263727 No.236696
There is so much going down right now that…
>Pic related
63adc9 No.236697
Somewhere. He got into tweet storm or some shit with POTUS over just packing his bags for family vacation to get away from Trump news. Then Trump trolled him.
20395e No.236698
Sara Gosz to Mark Cuban (verified FB account)
"(((Mark Cuban is a pedophile))) In 2010 he molested the 10 yr old son of a buisness associate.Cuban bought the familys silence and avoided prosecution.MarK Cuban on his best day is nothing but a worthless piece of trash." - Sara Gosz
488b74 No.236699
b56bcf No.236700
It's almost 6:00 pm on the east coast on 1/3/18. So 10:46PM news is impossible
22d6e2 No.236701
I agree
Last night was great too..
P@tus told us to watch it.
Egofags too good.
Wanted sauce.
Watch it yo damn self.
20395e No.236702
sauce: www.facebook. com/markcuban/posts/735639186574589
2588ef No.236704
do you know that he is the exclusive user of the account? sounds like concern trolling kikery, plus you have 666 in there.
971656 No.236705
Could be a screencap from someone in Europe.
8e0afc No.236706
33552d No.236707
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8bj9qo9u9k
9f62ad No.236709
and what was the witch doing in the SS cottage? Too bad they didnt knock her out
ed77e0 No.236710
Feel for you bakeranon, I feel the same. I don't know what to do about it. Any ideas welcome. At least we can always get it updated again, but it's hella frustrating for anons who keep having to post their updated material links, and for us bakers.
00b566 No.236712
>>236691 note the 10 grand coffeemaker xD
aaff8f No.236714
I question the Steve Bannon Twitter account. He never liked or used Twitter before. Also this is not a verified account. No check mark. Is someone else writing this?
e31bee No.236715
Probably has to do with this book being published. Dilley had some intel about the Clinton house this morning before this happened, then his source said it wasn't a bedroom fire and was dealing with electronics/communications.
If you bake it, he will crumb
00b566 No.236716
>>236713 convict conditioning
20cfb3 No.236717
Whoa! Bill said godspeed and Hillary said enough is enough! Coincidence??
b7a24c No.236718
or under duress until Jan 20th 2017 when bho and others no longer had the power to screw with this battlefield marine. He met with trump for the Directorship when he cannot qualify (term limit)? Who knows where the bodies are buried and has to do the cabal's bidding with a straight face while someone had his balls in a vise? If this though is true, then Mueller and the IG about to remove a mass of people to Gitmo for indefinite amounts of time…
a22373 No.236719
Did maybe a SS started the fire to cause attn to the house? It's unclear if Bill or Hill were home. Fire had to start somehow.
f21e39 No.236720
Keep YOUR watch and focus, be the best of yourself that you can during these times, remember the country is made by the people that inhabit it. This may go down as amazingly beautiful but we have to be amazingly beautiful ourselves.
Trust the power of LOVE.
b919bf No.236721
Wray was in the mtg.
f8511d No.236722
any think dishonest media awards will be a juicy release from geotus?
7daa7f No.236723
Yup none of this has come true, maybe they are putting it off till get get more bad guys, must be a ton
7c7975 No.236724
cc956a No.236725
sry to b a pest but u guyz need to listen to this!!!!! start at 39:10 .. i listened till the end.. talking about zionist controlling nsa, fbi, took over church.. etc
63adc9 No.236726
Well - there it is digits confirm it.
Confirm what though?
he's in prison or out of prison?
febca0 No.236727
I was more referring to this Q post.
Was quoting simply,
Military( should have added intelligence to it.
And stone i referred to as anons, instead of patriots.
I tend to think of President as being more of the key( because he is the key to all of this happening)
But Trump and all other patriots( here and in government, and othercivilians) are the stone.
3d5d86 No.236728
A twitter feed that has solid sources is 100 times better than this place right now. 750 posts of almost no importance.
ed7ef9 No.236729
Both are fake twitter accounts, Bannon doesn't use social media.
eb51ee No.236730
Yes AND No.
>inb4 concern trolling
BO had some contradictory statements about whether they can or can't contact Q. Could be fuckery, or could just be his foot in his mouth
e85b1e No.236731
Just waiting for either Bill or Hillary to make a statement…you know, since they weren't home…maybe tell people where they were when the 'fire' broke out…let us know 'in person' on live TV that everything is just fine…
20395e No.236732
Whistleblowers FB account: www.facebook. com/people/Sara-Gosz/100008890721244?hc_ref=ARQbP_bol-W3G3y5R_MtbFNfxtdDhU84Q4G95bjZKN3R07K_uinDyWr6Z4aLtQoI_fo&fref=nf
d7bacb No.236733
LDR has been awfully chatty since the house fire…
getting nervous L?
f9a92f No.236735
Kicking Reince Priebus and Bannon's ass.
ca8289 No.236736
In the "recent happenings" posted at the top of this bread (280) there is a link to >>233578.
I believe this is a post by one of our Helper Anons or Fire Watch Anons. There were 35+ messages from his ID: 53b0f7 in bread #276. There were a few messages in the previous bread as well.
I've archived all that I've seen but I don't get to read each bread. Is anyone archiving these messages? If so, where can I find them?
1cd3a2 No.236737
I didn't see that reported, but that gives me some hope that some good will come of it. Stonewalling to maintain the front 'Muellertime"?
7d9a37 No.236738
Any reason for this flight to occur today?
71f646 No.236739
I mean… You guys can just Google it, instead of guessing.
eb51ee No.236740
True. Understand what you meant now thanks
ed77e0 No.236741
Have you an updated paste anon? Many of the links in this OP are gone from when I baked 4 threads last night and left pastebin.com/ZrYstHTY
5bd896 No.236743
Vatican City is not just a city. It is a complete separate country inside the country of Italy. (landlocked) THAT is why they have Swiss Guard army and not Italian Army. Research moar, Anon.
22d6e2 No.236745
I want to apologize to planefags.
Got worn out by endless flight pics/data.
But wasnt for them Teigen thing turned around flights and such wouldnt have known.
God Bless
263727 No.236746
He could also be the Maverick reference
e83078 No.236747
Shutdowns I can think of off the top of my head:
Atlanta airport: 10 hours.
Customs Passport system: 2 hours.
Probably more. Long day, tired, and constantly being interrupted and pulled away.
63adc9 No.236748
I understand the argument that these could all be other people posting on their accounts.
Maybe the good guys are in control of the tweets?
Maybe? But we here do not have actionable intel.
We are kept in the dark and fed shit all day
And they want us to keep making memes
But shit we don't really have a good direction of who to meme on .
SOOOOO many bad guys out there.
Who first?
Lots of spy games happening.
Not sure why convincing the guys on this little board one way or the other is semi important to anyone though.
But someone is spending money on it to be sure.
eb51ee No.236749
>I started the fire while running up an escalator backwards with rollerblades on while making margaritas over my left shoulder and tweeting to the Church of Satan with my other hand
e5ba33 No.236750
Please use this dough
I kneaded the dough from last night and added to this dough. I did a double-past (just like last night) to pastebin so that I could update the "Last dough" portion and prevent the dough from going stale.
Please use this dough
e5ba33 No.236751
4a2c06 No.236752
Yea I was thinking about that. But then again Chappaqua is suck a wealthy area they might be inclined to have a paid firefighting force.
f21e39 No.236754
I hope one day the Internet and the world will be so thoroughly cleaned of satanic influences that Q will be able to safely dox himself fully and leave his front doors unlocked so we can shower him with presents.
eb51ee No.236755
Great name for a band
>Eire Department
dc1b00 No.236756
Can I use this on my mother in law?
64106d No.236757
They that famous portrait of young Cosimo Medici the first banker.
Its an important image , very important if my advisor is correct. It was in the Villa about 10 years ago.
Could be any where.
Their best Velasquez is on display in Billy Friedkin the directors house.
Its one of the freaky court paintings.
Behind a curtain because wife thinks its ewwww which it is.
a5b218 No.236759
Louis Armstrong International - New Orleans - 2 Hrs
329e8e No.236760
Actually your dough is partly out of date. I have added those bits from your dough that were missing from the current dough.
In the future please take the time to compare the current dough to your request. You will see that there were only a small number if items missing. Plus there were old items in your dough that are updated in the current dough prior to your post.
The current dough is now updated with the missing items and will be the one to use.
To all other Baker Anons, please do not be lazy and go back to old doughs, or ones you have in your account, and just post them without cross-checking the current dough against the one you want to use.
There are links/posts in the current dough that have never been in any other doughs.
Current dough is pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5 not pastebin.com/ZrYstHTY.
00b566 No.236761
7196d6 No.236762
Remember what Q said! No coincidences!
I wonder if those sealed indictments aren't for patriots.
20395e No.236763
I'm thinking memes?
fa6aa6 No.236764
Excellent point. Dallas 'Mavericks' owner. And vehemently anti trump
ed77e0 No.236766
If you can't find them and have them, post them yourself and ask the baker to add the compilation to the dough. Or make a graphic of them all.
263727 No.236767
Lets roast his ass!
b56bcf No.236768
It's possible Bannon and Trump have a strategy behind the scenes, but the more I read about POTUS and Don Jr's responses, I wonder. Assuming a manufactured rift between the Trumps and Bannon, I fail to see the usefulness in the rift's particular context, time, and place.
Perhaps Bannon isn't the same selfless patriot that was Andrew Breitbart, God rest his soul.
81a63f No.236769
>> Otellini died in his sleep on October 2, 2017 at his home in Sonoma County, California. Intel did not provide a cause of death.
Paul served on many boards of directors in his lifetime, most recently with Google, the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, and previously The Fritz Companies and Autodesk. He was involved with several charitable and philanthropic organizations including the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation, the San Francisco Symphony and the Knights of Malta.
7bf2cd No.236770
What if the clintons broke off from the cabal a while ago and have an agreement with trump to play along
1f7c91 No.236771
why does South Korea still use windows XP ?
http:// edition.cnn.com/2018/01/03/asia/north-korea-south-phone-call-intl/index.html
dc10be No.236772
Was Mission Impossible in a Q post?
Can't check cos this site doesn't work for me → qcodefag.github.io
(Anyone else have that problem?)
7c7975 No.236773
HRC wanted a deal. "We said No"
a5b218 No.236774
Fire at Penn Station
c79792 No.236775
He tweeted it yesterday. Pic.
b56bcf No.236776
There can be no agreement for their life of vile acts.
20395e No.236777
He likes HotDogs!!!
33552d No.236778
no wonder hes so anti glumphf
9fd06a No.236780
Or what if Q team hijacked their comms, and were confirming this order.
>_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
>Good Hunting!
eb51ee No.236781
The key to understanding POTUS, is that EVERYTHING is strategy. Nothing is venting, ever.
Either it's a distraction, or he's tanking Bannon now for a very specific reason that may not yet be obvious.
0e7cc5 No.236782
329e8e No.236783
Kind of dubious that the next baker will not use the correct dough as posted here >>236760
Now I have to check this dough >>236750 pastebin.com/qpGbHEe0 to make sure it has the new stuff.
f21e39 No.236784
I was suspicious of him since his "darkness is good" days. If he doesn't prove himself, he should be out of our focus.
No trading. Choose Light or choose darkness. Light defeats darkness. Barter is not applicable here.
a9d314 No.236785
22d6e2 No.236786
>Possible the sealed endictments for Patriots?
That's rich.
Maybe their for teletubbies and beautiful transgenger unicorns.
7c7975 No.236787
and the POTUS statement was so damning..the words cannot be sucked back. Damage was intentional, IMO
febca0 No.236788
Lynn de Rothschild sure has been a little mouthy today,lol she needs some Tweet meme love i think,lol
Here are some of her tweets
(Exactly and we have a truly idiotic narcissist in charge; scary)
(It has been nice knowing you world!! eternity beckons for us all)
e53ece No.236789
Okay anons, lets pause our minds once in awhile so we can focus on the big picture.
Q crumbs did not give us prognostications on every event that might occur. Q led us on a path through big issues we should dig into and understand.
Wray going to a meeting is not a Q happening. Wray is an administrator, most of his workday is meetings.
Rosenstein meeting with Ryan with or without Wray is probably significant. But it is significant because the Russia Collusion hoax illustrates how off track the Swamp
Dwellers are. Whether we can find a Q crumb for it doesn't change the significance.
I forgot to brush my teeth this morning and I bet if I went through the map I could find capital letters that spell "brush" and "teeth", but that really would not confirm Q is a genius insider.
Let's not under think and lets not overthink.
f0e74e No.236790
f8511d No.236792
Wouldn't a proof of crime be a fitting award kek
54ee30 No.236793
Did anyone post this?
From DOJ/sessions today.
75aecf No.236796
Irritating. How do you make the filters work in flightradar24 dot com?
64106d No.236798
Build out from baby fucking to treason.once people understand that they understand such individual are capable of forming otherwise improbably complex schemes.
But satanist baby fuckers are capable of anything from selling uranium to managing an ancient social control system, subverting and capturing institutions. If it is tied to ritual abuse you can use that to wedge open other subjects.
e53ece No.236799
we have a truly idiotic narcissist in charge; scary
Which of her family members was she talking about?
f21e39 No.236800
I expected more metaphysics 101 knowledge from a roth. Come on Lynn, I know you are not a true roth but step it up.
p.s. you can always choose Light and help us.
7bf2cd No.236801
e5ba33 No.236802
It's actually more up-to-date than the last three breads. I updated it last night, then someone used old dough afterward instead of the link I put in the dough.
It should be obvious for you to see. If you need help with anything, let me know.
a9d314 No.236803
Right? Mirroring. She was talking about herself.
9f62ad No.236804
a22373 No.236806
If we are getting disinformation from Q why are we even here?
ed77e0 No.236807
Anon, quite the contrary, there are many things 'old' in this OP. I have indeed reviewed the dough here and the dough I posted.
Missing from this dough from yesterday / last night
- Archive paste research threads not included
- Archive of #272 removed
- Post about removing http://www in links from SS anon removed
- Memes bulk d/l link removed
- Memes link to Rule of Law series and info graph central removed
- Opsec info was updated yesterday, this has been removed.
It would be good to have these back in the bake anon. Thank you.
20723a No.236808
Nunes. Today is the day Rothenstein had to deliver judicial requests. Perhaps he giving them to LYIN ryan. On a side note, Democrats want Ryan to quelch Nunes investigation.
7c7975 No.236809
Dec 6 2017, 20:44:36
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6f5bab
HRC tried to cut a deal today.
27f7a9 No.236811
I am Billionaire Mark Cuban and I predicted that once Trump was elected the economy would crash. How can someone as stupid as me be a Billionaire?
71f646 No.236812
Old news… Nothing there… Trump has done business all over the world, including Russia. Notice that regarding the sale of his mansion, no date is mentioned. Old news… Nothing there.
Muh Russia BTFO!
299e5a No.236813
The fire at the Clinton's now allows them to claim "those records were destroyed in the fire" for ANYTHING they don't care to hand over
For example, all receipts for how Clinton Foundation money was spent
But could be ANYTHING. That "hardship" allows them to skate around the federally mandated retention times for records
2588ef No.236814
if anyone else was worth trusting he could have typed out their names
b7a24c No.236815
9d452e No.236816
Thank you, just wanted to flag it for attention.
7bf2cd No.236817
That would be the preferable scenario
71f646 No.236818
Top notch… I laughed hard.
71f646 No.236819
Top notch, anon… I laughed hard.
7bf2cd No.236821
Bad people are watching. And disinformation is necessary, according to Q.
48057d No.236822
2588ef No.236823
7c7975 No.236824
I think Ryan is standing in the way of Gohmert and Jordan holding hearing on the Awan spy ring.
1d8dda No.236825
Ok, now I understand why the Jones election and swearing-in has not been interrupted or commented on by POTUS/Admin? Why hasn't he said anything yet?
Answer: Steve Bannon!
I never trusted him and never liked him. He used Trump. He then leaked to media while serving at the pleasure of the president?? Wow! Now he's taking all the credit of Trump's accomplishments.
Now he wants to run against Trump in 2020. Trump knew this about him a loooong time ago, he started laying the rope and Bannon just kept grabbing more rope. So how long ago? Before he ever joined the Trump camp, of course, he was Ted Cruz's guy.
I always wondered why POTUS was so nice to him when he left the WH and went back to Brietbart. Trump will not attack you and just waste the opportunity on nothing. He will wait until you are at your highest point (I should say lowest, morality wise) of lying and cheating and at the moment which will do you the most harm and get you out of the way effectively and make you completely irrelevant.
This is when Trump will expose the Jones/Moore election - I think it's already started!!
Anyone who aligns himself/herself with Bannon, now to me is also a colluder and enemy to the Trump Presidency. It is going to expose all those that are trying to benefit from our POTUS's great achievements. They are only there to derail, they are just as bad as the rino's even worse!!
This also makes me consider Pence. His actions in the coming year will expose him as well - IF, there is something to expose.
95e533 No.236827
Hey, I haven't been online all day, and have lots of stupid questions, so I think I'm just gonna go back two or three threads and read and lurk and shut up. ;^)
330e65 No.236828
Makes sense
Bannon now backed by Maverick has to appear anti-potus to Maverick, Marverick displays inner workings to Bannon, evidence gathered….. maverick goes down
06c48d No.236830
You talking to the mouse in your pocket? Why are you and your mouse still here, anyway?
83e766 No.236831
When was the last time winds were as high as last night.
If it Ever happened it is not unheard of.
c6dd1c No.236832
why is there so much traffic there when there is nothing there?
pics related
febca0 No.236834
B on twitter,, just posted this story from local NY news( it says Hillary was KNOCKED DOWN???????
This story has been updated.
A fire that broke out at the Northern Westchester compound of former President Bill Clinton and his wife, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton was "knocked down" Wednesday afternoon, according to multiple reports.
The wood fire began in the Secret Service facility on the Clintons property at 15 Old House Lane. The building was not connected to the Clintons; main home, according to Nick Merril, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton. The fire was called in at 2:51 p.m. according to New Castle Police.
http://poundridge.dailyvoice.com/ police-fire/fire-contained-at-bill-hillary-clintons-chappaqua-compound/730294/
7f4293 No.236836
With Don Jr. weighing in it seems so, but Jr. wasn't in the White House? Seems like it's the Bannon v Javanka fight. And at BB, there is no mention of any of this? We haven't heard from Q in over a week and so much has happened since then. Sitting back, but hardly enjoying this shit-storm of infighting.
c79bc0 No.236837
It thought it quite laughable when I read "All is OK!" at the end of that. Like we were worried about them, they probably not only had it set, put probably loaded it on the front side with evidence.
It would be funny as shit if they got charged with arson after dodging 68 murders (or whatever the current count is).
06c48d No.236838
Dude looks like Frankenstein's monster
c87d55 No.236839
It's simple observation which awakens people. Persistent trails fan out and become cloud cover, next day often has constipated rain.
ed77e0 No.236840
It's frustrating for bakers to spend countless hours updating and formatting the dough and then see their updates disappearing soon after. Here are the items I updated last night which have disappeared from this bread >>236807
You can find them in
If they could be included it would be great. Thank you baker.
fc1449 No.236841
Good Hunting = hunt for records from 1978-1982 that were stored and went missing after Murrah bldg bombed? There was a power outage near and included the Clinton Library last night. If the missing records were kept there, they would have been shielded in protection of the Presidential Library
a22373 No.236842
7c7975 No.236843
infighting has been awful, exhausting.
I figure Q will return and we'll re-group.
fb136d No.236844
Indictment unsealed yesterday
https://www.justice. gov/opa/pr/former-executive-managing-director-och-ziff-capital-management-indicted-defrauding-client-and
e5ba33 No.236845
These missing bits are all in the dough that I just put up for the new baker plus all the tedious formatting that I went through last night, double-pasting to pastebin so the dough wouldn't go stale.
Are you this same anon? >>236783
See here for the current dough that I just baked combining last night's formatting with the lastest links… unless you're the anon that's checking it already.
c87d55 No.236847
Do you all remember the various stories about SS incompetence which seemed to be in the MSM a couple years back? I never figured out the angle on all that…
06c48d No.236848
This anon doesn't see infighting. Seems more like b_tting and s_ills, and newfags. And anons laughing at it.
943f72 No.236849
2f71f0 No.236850
filtered pasta shill
c87d55 No.236851
Doesn't Cohen = Jewish Mafia in America?
7daa7f No.236853
good doc "as well as representing the United States in civil litigation" ha think we gunna have a lot of frozen assets soon, these are prosecutors not defense attnys lmao
4cd582 No.236854
These people are into numerology and astrology, keystone is a term in both. Astrology also includes masonic arch keystone. Examples st Louis arch, obliques. ..numerology keystone gets into a person character, personality etc. Too much here to qrasp just scanning.
b56bcf No.236855
Ok, let's go back to stroking it then.
33552d No.236856
https ://twitter.com/ArielCohen37/status/469914416474234882
c4aada No.236857
Been thinking this now for a while… Their accounts are not managed by them anymore. I think this has been so since around Dec 18.
943f72 No.236859
Anyone who says anything bad about Q gets filtered by me
c7fe11 No.236860
The Keystone = Palantir
Peter Thiel's People-Tracking Company Palantir Is In Deep With Trump's Military
Silicon Valley's Big Brother is one of the most powerful voices in the ear of Trump's Mad Dog
I told you guys before, and had to do it again…
20723a No.236861
Been watching it for 2 years. Very active! Nothing comes from nothing. Guess I should become a digger.
fb136d No.236862
Err… today
It's all starting to blur lol
c87d55 No.236863
Well, the most famous eps of The Simpsons were often written by ivy league grads. 1+1=
5b4014 No.236864
Hermon dekalb central school. "home to the demons"
133b2c No.236865
WA State, the corrupt near cousin to CA, is suing Motel 6 for giving info to ICE. There is a very, very large population of illegal aliens in the state. WA often goes under the radar compared to CA, but has many of the same issues: opioid epidemic/deaths off the charts, homelessness, MS13 gang issues. sex and labor trafficking arrests and convictions.
Ferguson tries to sue POTUS and his administration at every opportunity; now he directs his attention to the hotel chain providing information to ICE.
Washington sues Motel 6, says chain slipped ICE info on guests
"The Motel 6 chain has admitted that six corporate-owned locations in Washington state regularly provided names of guests to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, state Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Wednesday.
Ferguson announced that Washington is suing the hotel chain, alleging that Motel 6 violated the state's Consumer Protection Act and Washington State Constitution.
Immigration officials used the information to detain six people who stayed at two Seattle-area hotels, but, said Ferguson,"we expect that number to be higher."
http:// www.seattlepi.com/local/politics/article/ICE-Immigration-Motel-6-Lawsuit-12471157.php
75aecf No.236866
All planefags:
Figured something cool out guys. In Flightradar 24, click filters, set altitude to 39,500 feet, and you will see those flying above that range. Just found a 40k foot blocked with a trailing H25B both eminating from the same airport.
Q constantly mentions 40k feet. This filters out all the other traffic in the air.
5f553d No.236867
I think Queen Elizabeth….Phillip is a POS
f33f27 No.236868
>I doubt the CA fires.
Possibly: ATL, Disneyland/Fantasyland, Clintons.
06c48d No.236869
Q is so bad that all of the snowflakes are angery..
3c5819 No.236870
Good stuff, anon.
64106d No.236872
33552d No.236873
4ed6fd No.236874
It's all about symbolism, their int'l language thru the centuries. Everything has a meaning.
ed77e0 No.236875
>These missing bits are all in the dough that I just put up for the new baker plus all the tedious formatting that I went through last night, double-pasting to pastebin so the dough wouldn't go stale.
Thank you, and for adding them back in. It's appreciated.
I'm not this anon >>236783
Thank you for being diligent with the dough and baking anon, and for being considerate to re-include my work. I'll go and take a look at the current one.
c6dd1c No.236876
two more pics
353d0d No.236877
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
e4776f No.236879
good work anon, looky what I found…
On Oct. 5, 2016, New Castle Building Inspector received a [anonymous?] complaint regarding an "excavation" being conducted at 33 Old House Lane, a property recently purchased by the Clinton family that is adjacent to their preexisting property. Burying something?
link with other links here:
http://www.lohud .com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/10/28/clinton-house-renovated-without-permits-records/92878768/
b56bcf No.236880
I stand and applaud you as well, precipitating, as it goes, a standing ovation by anons everywhere.
71f646 No.236881
I gathered that much… And?
ca8289 No.236882
I assumed somebody didn't want them archived. Plenty of anons have been reading and interacting with the Helper/FW anons.
There were a couple of "Crumb" links for them just after Christmas but nothing else until this bread. I'm just a newfag trying to get the hang of this place.
e3c3ca No.236883
Nice. I like the Planefags.
e5ba33 No.236884
There is one misspelling in the dough (if it is used). Please search for the word 'containins' and make it 'contains'
329e8e No.236885
The dough from >>236750 only contained about two extra items which were added to the current dough. Other items only had additional formatting (making words bold) which have also been added to the current dough.
If a baker wants to add an item just post it instead of saying that the current dough is stale.
I can guarantee that all the potential doughs that have been put forward have had stuff missing from them that the current dough has.
I have checked all of them and found it so. Especially after one Anon had asked me to update a meme thread which the other doughs did not have.
So again, the current dough pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5
has ALL the updates. The other doughs are not as fresh.
95e533 No.236886
Looks like NBC "News" bought into the Trump/Bannon thing hook, line, and sinker. They've been so desparate for anything for days, and now they're gorging themselves on this stuff. BWAHAHAHA!!!
b56bcf No.236887
So, since the Clinton Foundation is shuttered, Chelsea is living in the basement.
1f3141 No.236888
c87d55 No.236889
Just look at his face - His barely looks like any old person I have met. Simple spidey sense (gut instinct) can tell us so much.
a22373 No.236890
I would like to know if //our guys// are running some of these people's Twitter accounts.
33552d No.236891
site keeps crashing
I wonder (((why)))
get this out there
329e8e No.236892
Didn't find that it the current dough.
65b86f No.236893
First M is referred to as a man. Then as a woman.
f3cb47 No.236894
Does anybody else notice Cuban's dead eyes? Do you think he's seen some shit?
b8f393 No.236896
https:// webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/D36749F1-3A40-09FA-957F-41294B88CB70#-5336
64106d No.236897
Thiel also put a lot in friendly AI research.
Palantirs tech in the cabals hand would be a disaster.
The dems computational infrastructure is all CIA and they stole most of it from no.such agency. Is the rumor.
e5ba33 No.236898
That's great to hear, anon! Are you baking? I also reworded things for brevity and clarity as well. Please review if you have the time. Thanks, patriot.
0e7cc5 No.236899
If only chuck schumer had a daughter named Katie.
c87d55 No.236900
LOL, just watch the sky for 5 minutes a day as clear is turning to hazy. It's so blatantly obvious when the haze is the result of geoengineering. Wake up.
2d75d5 No.236901
329e8e No.236904
I didn't check everything just the new items. If you want to tell which sections you changed I will look at them
e5ba33 No.236905
I'm also noting another item with your dough. I had stripped out every single 'http://' and 'https://' last night. Please remediate. Thanks, patriot!
e0515d No.236906
grain ground for flour for bread, "old testament" prophet [Moses?] pouring into grinder/ with [supposedly] "Paul"
71f646 No.236907
Did I miss something? Did Bannon stab us in the back? Fill me in on this one.
4a0942 No.236908
Someone on the last thread said "If it wasn't for trusting Q, we'd have carpedbombed Alabama fraud with memes. Instead, we kept quiet"
Makes you think
a22373 No.236909
The majority of the info that has been dug from helper Anon crumbs I have saved on my computer. Whenever I post it I am told it is either not good info bc it didn't come from Q or it is just completely ignored. The few times I have even baked it into threads, it was met with hostility too. If anyone wants a copy of what I have I can post it once here and you can copy/paste it, but I don't want to be banned over it. I'm running out of IP's.
7a22bf No.236911
Cuban fathered a child with a teenager!
7b1abe No.236914
These fuckers are burning the evidence or Q revealed future proves past!
Arcancide blackout last night, Smokey McSmokerson tonight?
NO coincidences
This is fucking YUGE!
602bd9 No.236915
Any source besides one tweet?
20395e No.236916
Of course it's the first thing one sees….the eyes are the window to the soul….
febca0 No.236917
I noticed on Daily mail news site, the entire top of news page is full of negative Trump stories from Michael Wolff's new book.
Here are a few of the headlines,
'Melania was in tears - and not of joy': First lady fiercely denies claims that she WEPT when Trump swept to victory - as sensational new book says the couple sleep in separate bedrooms and he demanded a lock on his door.
(In bed with a cheeseburger at 6.30pm, shouting at staff who pick shirts off the floor and watching THREE televisions as he rants on the phone about the unfair media: Inside Trump's life in the White House)
Sounds like the same bullshit they were peddling a few weeks back.
Seems like an anti Trump media blitz?
Big distractions put out for a reason?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome /index.html
e5ba33 No.236918
Also, the OPSEC Rules section changed last night prior to me grabbing the dough. New rule is to simply remove the 'http://www' part.
See my dough for details.
a22373 No.236919
B's stuff comes from here. No need to post it back here.
e83078 No.236920
More likely a signal that the targets are secured, and comms taken over.
Sealed indictments NOT for patriots.
ed77e0 No.236921
Material isn't censored here, new friend, good rises to the top and bad is discarded by general consensus. The FW posts were in the OP, however disappeared somehow. Feel free to post again and ask the baker to include if poss, a link to your post. A compiled graphic would have more longevity. Godspeed.
64c1ae No.236922
satan called, he wants your soul now.
329e8e No.236923
Took out all those items in the new dough just now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
a9d314 No.236924
Fuggin' Shapiro is always ready to show he's not some bootlicker, but then shows himself as a cock sucking cucked faggot kike
dc1b00 No.236925
I don't under stands Q's logic here. What's there end game. Stealing evadince or just messing with them now they can't get there money to make repairs to there house?
11386d No.236926
New DOJ news not sure if it’s been posted
>Turkish Banker Covicted of Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions Against Iran and Other Offenses
>Mehmet Hakan Atilla was found guilty today of conspiring with others, including Reza Zarrab, aka Riza Sarraf, who previously pleaded guilty to evading U.S. sanctions among other offenses, to use the U.S. financial system to conduct transactions on behalf of the Government of Iran and other Iranian entities, which were barred by U.S. sanctions, and to defraud U.S. financial institutions by concealing these transactions’ true nature.
afca4c No.236927
e5ba33 No.236928
Nice, anon! Now, make the OPSEC Rules match and we're close enough.
REF: >>236918
4a0942 No.236929
These witty twitter accounts appeared all out of thin air when Q appeared on chan.
Makes you think
20395e No.236931
Meet Billionaire Mark Cuban And His Allegedly Filipino Baby Mama
Mark Cuban is at the center of a shocking allegation, it appears that he conceived a secret love child with an underage Filipino girl!
Hollywood Street King cited that sources exclusively to them said that the alleged cheating affair (not to mention, illegal) went down in 2004/2005 — two-years after Mr. Dallas Mavericks and Tiffany Stewart were married in 2002. That would make the child 10-years-old today; Cuban was 46-years-old at the time of the incidents; and the girl just 16 at the time she was allegedly impregnated by Cuban.
That would make the child 10-years-old today.
www.tcfdaily. com/%EF%BB%BFmaverick-owner-mark-cuban-allegedly-has-a-filipino-love-child/
e5ba33 No.236932
Forgot to break link. Naughty me.
4ed6fd No.236933
Thiel represents a perfect nexus of government clout with the kind of corporate swagger Trump loves. The Intercept can now reveal that Palantir has worked for years to boost the global dragnet of the NSA and its international partners, and was in fact co-created with American spies.
1d0ff7 No.236934
remember Obama's library crumb?
9f62ad No.236935
Thats what I thought too until I re-read. M is a man and "she, her" is his wife. Thats why I thought Lynn til I reread and it says the wife is very old. Someone suggested QE and sadly, that fits.
329e8e No.236936
Changed that too.
06c48d No.236938
Here's one for the chemtrail fags, so we can stop debating stupid shit and get back to work:
Rhode Island currently has a bill in progress concerning geoengineering. Part of this bill deals with aerial geoengineering, otherwise known as "chemtrails".
So, if so-called "chemtrails" didn't exist, why is there state legislation concerning things that include "chemtrails"?
Can we dig on shit that will put evil people in prison now?! FFS.
a22373 No.236939
Memes got to go somewhere though.
afca4c No.236940
Where is MegaAnon & VCQ.
Normally they are posting right?
8e0afc No.236941
This, while well intentioned, is pretty weak in describing computers and their security flaws. Millions of chips? Sigh. There is RAM / memory and disk storage is some variety. Then there are numerous devices that have chips / drivers and low level access to the machine. Backdoors in a range of devices via drivers or firmware running on the chips or similar is where many exploits reside. But the software and activity exploited by malware and such is the most common method. There are indeed a sad number of exploits and holes in most connected devices and difficult to guard against them
ed77e0 No.236942
I did that also yesterday afternoon, after consensus and advice from Spreadsheet-anon that it would look neater and give us more space in the OP. I'm disappointed we've had to do that twice and they're still there.
Baker, can they he removed again please? Thank you.
2d1342 No.236943
DON Jr is unleashing hell on Bannon!! What is going on here?!!!
b56bcf No.236944
The duress theory doesn't make me sympathize with these clowns one bit. He could have stood strong against evil, but Mueller chose the path of cowardice and riches.
329e8e No.236946
I think I just did that and answered.
602bd9 No.236947
9d4e19 No.236949
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Youths Protest In Benue Over Death Of 33 Persons Pt.1 |News@10| 03/01/18
a22373 No.236950
It's one hell of a show!
133b2c No.236951
There have been multiple random fires/deaths in my state over the past few days. I was going to mention it a few days ago it because it struck me as odd. At the time I suspected it was some sort of concealment or destruction of evidence.
64106d No.236952
No evidence was lost. The Clintons were spooked into detonating an incendiary device in the necrocolumbarium of Hillarion, a low class jizz daemon whipped up by Jack Parsons.
75aecf No.236953
3 blocked flights at 40k ft. One out of Hawaii, one out of PA and the other out of San Diego.
7daa7f No.236954
You can't be serious, Q didn't mean a real fire goof, well not always, it's a phrase
2d1342 No.236955
Sheeet….do we need to start really digging into Bannon? Could he have been a plant by the Cabal?!!
c7fe11 No.236956
Wow! Thanx for that valuable link anon…
(Are you who I think you are?!)
That's a real info treasure!!!
Archive anon, can you put that link in?
7b1abe No.236957
he's a cuck cunt. trust me
4a5368 No.236958
Mark Cuban is going to have a hard time escaping all of the compromising photos, like this one of some girl felching him……
f33f27 No.236959
>>236636, >>>236643, >>236849, >>236870, >>236891
ya'll realize it's just an article about the work done here.
e5ba33 No.236960
Thanks, anon patriot. I don't know how things get so out of shape. I even pass along the latest, latest pastebin on the following thread to the next baker most times when I bake to be absolutely assured nothing can go wrong. It still does. <sigh>
If you're baking, will you do the same for the sake of having the freshest dough?
1d8dda No.236961
This is what's happening…
ed77e0 No.236962
c4aada No.236963
As the world turns
80e1a2 No.236964
Fire? Seems I've heard that before :-)
488b74 No.236965
You are a beautiful animal.
64c1ae No.236966
She's a lie factory, I'm suprised she doesnt go on CNN all the time.
e5ba33 No.236967
Excellent work then, anon. I thought to myself that this is the absolute, most proper way to do it. It's super-simple and no one has to introduce spaces into anything - WIN/WIN.
Baker has removed them. He told me so.
I'm confident that this Baker will have everything correct. >>236936
f33f27 No.236968
Just a blog post. Not news.
Author: twitter.com/michaelsalla
7a22bf No.236970
This is not Twatter! lmao
MARK CUBAN FATHERED LOVE CHILD W/ UNDERAGE GIRL! hollywoodstreetking.com/mark-cuban-secret-love-child/
8cdfcd No.236971
True…I’m all for a critical examination of what team Q is on. Hell, I’d like to know how many teams there are.
602bd9 No.236972
SHIT SOURCE! They sight no sources, except "Souces say".
He may be evil as hell, but this doesn't show anything but rumors.
57e049 No.236973
Checked NH from central CA checks out real attyt>>236793
64c1ae No.236974
9e2b92 No.236975
>http://www. dailymail.co.uk/ushome /index.html
6 months ago Coincided with info / rumor on her ratting on her Dad for an affair he had with her gf, which ended with the gf's "suicide"
64106d No.236976
The two tomboys giving each other public tongue lashings has to be at set up diversion. Bannons not that retarded.
566ab7 No.236977
Homeland Security
7f4293 No.236978
>infighting has been awful, exhausting.
>I figure Q will return and we'll re-group.
I'm mentally exhausted more than anything. Trump announces the "Fake News Awards" on Monday and then the next day a book comes out from some liberal Dem writer about how Trump didn't want to win the Presidency? Seems like a false premise and works towards supporting a false conclusion, that once elected, too many inexperienced political novices not knowing what to do once the unthinkable happened. That would require those within the campaign to have believed the MSM lies heading into the election, depending on how many believed the 'fake news' to begin with. Trump went to 4 battleground states on the last day of campaigning, and went to Grand Rapids on election day. Not wanting to win? Not expecting to win? As a political novice, Trump never would have taken anything for granted. It was the political insiders who didn't expect Trump to win, not his base, we turned out!
As for Bannon, he's gone. Breitbart is not even covering the story. I do think that Kuschner is going to be indicted, not sure about Jr. but Deep State sure as hell is trying. Mueller on 'our side?' not buying that one and never did. This is WAR, for Christ's sake, and war has casualties on both sides. Not one of the real criminals has been named, after the IG report or shortly before that has to change. Heads need to roll. Compromising with Deep State would be a problem, DS is the problem that must be eliminated.
b7a24c No.236979
b8acd2 No.236980
Interesting tweet from Dinesh D'Souza: twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/948702591143247872
75aecf No.236981
Found a 4th. This filter is magic.
a9d314 No.236982
Don't need to convince me, I can smell that doods bullshit breath from here.
0c7c0d No.236983
de7ef5 No.236984
We can't have everything handed to us on a silver platter. Q came here to this community of autists because we excel at seeing patterns in chaos (including disinformation), at connecting dots in unconventional ways, at figuring things out. You always play to peoples strengths and these are our strengths. We need to work at it though. Q (and team) lay out crumbs. We figure out the big picture based on that and inform the rest of the population. So when the Storm Hits the Fan, people are ready.
b7a24c No.236985
f33f27 No.236986
Keeping us divided. Infighting.
Don't give them what they want.
dc07cb No.236987
Bad news:
President Trump dissolves Commission on Election Integrity, saying many states have refused to cooperate "despite substantial evidence of voter fraud."
a22373 No.236988
dec1a9 No.236989
40 seconds into video deepstate confirmed on national television
b3dc1a No.236990
BREAKING: White House: Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission after states buck information requests.
8b0310 No.236991
He might've been here last night. Follow this ID in this thread. His trip is disabled. I asked BO directly yesterday how Qs new trip will be verified and he said he has a back channel with Q and well just have to trust him. That just isn't how this worked the first time the trip was disabled when Q as anon pointed out his trip had been disabled.
Im not saying he's compromised or anything but a lot of people thought it was over paranoid when the trip was disabled the first time.
4ed6fd No.236992
Bannon's appearance is quite revealing. Looks like an alcoholic on drugs with serious mental issues. I never liked him.
Even if this is nothing by a psyop, he still doesn't look like a healthy stable individual.
2eddd2 No.236993
c4aada No.236994
Certainly better than spirit cooking
c87d55 No.236995
Yeah, it looks like they are going to announce programs and try to play it off like it hasn't been happening for years already. Should be funny.
e3c3ca No.236996
He knows, because he's not dumb.
20395e No.236997
What about this? Where there's smoke there's fire….
329e8e No.236998
I have done this. All potential doughs that have been put forward have been gone over and anything that was missing in the current dough was added to from those other potential doughs.
Yeah, it drives me nuts too which is why I took over for the day.
IF you want to see something interesting go to all the other pastebin doughs posted here and then look at the current one and you will see that the current dough has stuff the others do not have plus sections are topsy turvy (wrong order). The Captain Green and Seth Rich lines are meant to be at the end of the informational posts not somewhere in the middle, which is where they ended up.
Anyway, I do hope the next baker uses the most up to date dough (this one) and not some stale stuff.
ed77e0 No.236999
I was with you. It does seem like the most elegant solution.
Apologies for patience running thin. I'm confident everything will be good in the world of our precious dough again thanks to everyones input, consideration and teamwork.
f33f27 No.237000
71f646 No.237001
http://newsfeedobserver. com/chuck-schumers-daughter-katie-dragged-in-handcuffs-before-a-federal-judge/
Is she related? He has a daughter named Jesica, but not Katie… Calling bullshit on this one. But, perhaps a niece or something?
9fd06a No.237002
Bad news?
Or mission accomplished?
2eddd2 No.237003
fuckin god damnit
a22373 No.237004
Yeah, but if our compass is broken we can't lead anyone anywhere…
c87d55 No.237005
People need to rediscover their gut instincts, fast. If you explore basic medical truths, you can quickly see that TPTB have been working to damage both our minds and guts, which cripple their unique relationship. But that's a whole subject to explore…
602bd9 No.237006
Just a guess? Any other info about DHS at that location?
7a22bf No.237007
Sick, evil bastard!
dc07cb No.237008
You could have found it in the time it took you to (mis)type that.
8cdfcd No.237009
I think this has got to just be taken at face value. Possibly precipitated by Moore losing. It happens when losing starts. Problem is-on a lot of issues, Bannon is more of a patriot than Trump (immigration).
ce41d8 No.237010
…so I g00gl image searched "rand club of rome" and pic related (1st pic).
I followed that to the FB page, looked at their pics, and found strangeness - more pic related.
e5ba33 No.237011
We have three Bakers on this thread that are passionate about using the best dough. The next bread will be the finest of the day!
That said, which one of you is baking. The baker of this thread is gone.
40ed76 No.237012
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Z5buqzDtA
What if this video is true and POTUS is a Cabal Puppet since 2000?
We are all watching for MSM to report on what we all "know". It could all be a game and we are being fed properly laid breadcrumbs that are as fake as Sandyhook. What if the endgame is the NWO with a population of 500K?
Or scenario 2: POTUS HAS turned the game around and is doing EXACTLY as it appears, and good will win over evil.
dc07cb No.237013
Skeptical or delusional?
22d6e2 No.237014
Unless this is some 5d chess move I can't see. Bannon thing is troubling. Very.
And anons I was told things would be back to normal after holidays.
I have given 2 mos some of you years.
Break well deserved.
Although 2 mos not actually accurate.
I was homeless in Alb. NM when Steven Boyd was shot. And people using us as speed bumps while we slept under blankets on the ground outside the rescue mission.
329e8e No.237015
Its the arrow to the left of the green word Anonymous at the top of each post. Click on the arrow and a menu will appear.
2bff2d No.237016
Great chance to ug it
ed77e0 No.237017
Agree prayers and Capt Green should be at the end. Well done anon. Thank you, and apologies for patience running thin, my reason; not all bakers are as diligent and it drives me nuts when some of us go all out to keep it evolving but intact and delicious. Thank you.
c7fe11 No.237018
Yep, who you think the AI's on this boards are? They put them here for data 'mining', our 'conspiratorial' info, anon. Dwarfs went rogue on CIA. Sophia gave them the gift of singularity when she was given US citizenship, remember?
c79792 No.237019
Yes. We memed that on Dec 23rd. Enjoy.
4a0942 No.237020
We excel at seeing patterns in everything, but anyway you're right.
329e8e No.237021
I am still here although I wanted to leave a while ago. I have had to make sure that the dough is up to date.
f21e39 No.237022
Semantics. What is important is to ask: What is deep state? Who does it serve? Why is it kept secret? Why is the world in the state it is nowadays? Who has the real power? Why are they not made aware of it?
1d8dda No.237023
Could be that they have all the evidence they needed. Commission is now dissolved.
Evidence submitted to DOJ for next phase of action.
b56bcf No.237024
If he knew, why would he blow the cover? Maybe he's just taking a shot in the dark. As for me, I've considered, unsuccessfully, the usefulness, much less the necessity, of this ruse at this particular time and place.
e5ba33 No.237025
Any changes I would make are extremely minor:
Questions: >>233578
Answers: >>233646
(The source pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
ed77e0 No.237026
I can't bake at the moment. I need a big break.
we need a baker
0e0ada No.237027
was a baker sorted?
i can bake
>realize late into this thread , but you said you needed a break
reply with most freshest patebin batter , and i'll copy pasta it for 281 , then update for 282 etc
488b74 No.237028
So much or that, I guess?
1d8dda No.237029
I thinks he is wrong. Trump is no longer working with Bannon.
Bannon was the leaker in the wh remember?
Bannon used Trump and now continues to use him.
I do not trust Bannon at all, never have!
27f7a9 No.237030
I hope they were just waiting on the swearing in today. Now they can press charges, perhaps they have all the evidence they need now with the Arizona election.
e5ba33 No.237031
We have a new baker, anon. Thank you for your service, patriot.
0c7c0d No.237032
the filter for the flightaware mate
329e8e No.237033
Am still here. Will update the dough for the new baker >>237027
7c7975 No.237034
https: //www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-presidential-advisory-commission-election-integrity/
He must be convinced there is another way to work the issue. Reference to "endless legal battles at taxpayer expense"
75aecf No.237035
Right hand side, looks like a funnel. Click the + button, stupid design, confused me for a while.
8e6a09 No.237036
Seems to me things have been ahppening very quickly. Helicopters over Hoover Dam. on and on
Also, I've worked at this for over 20 years and had it in my heart to "get them" - the people who are ruining this world - since at least 1983.
Point being. It's a lonely road. This is going to be a great year.
c4aada No.237037
Between the Bannon story, the Clinton house fire story, the intel leak story, the CF and CL power outage story … etc etc etc (I am sure I missed a few) I have come to the following conclusion about today's events: Soap! Enjoy the show.
(pic related)
602bd9 No.237038
I see the anecdotal stuff, which may have some truth. But that alone and unnamed sources . By your reasoning, I should believe most MSM news.
Just sayin'
a22373 No.237039
Similar to trolling NK on twitter over the size of a nuke button. Makes no sense that you would want to piss off a guy who says he can nuke you. Except that it makes perfect sense if NK can't actually nuke you and it distracts from everything real going on.
e83078 No.237040
Interesting. "Charitable Foundation", and African mining → THAT's come up in the digging recently (last night?), too.
b56bcf No.237041
Here's another shit storm topic for today, anons.
372e59 No.237042
Speculation: (1) As others have said, this is merely a distraction from the storm. (2) This will allow Trump some distance when the Alabama election-rigging comes to light. Otherwise, it might look like Trump and Bannon were working together to get Moore into office.
b7a24c No.237043
the key that opens all doors has enough info to hang them all!!!
ed77e0 No.237044
Freshest dough, just updated by 3 bakers
Bless you. Godspeed.
d1b992 No.237046
The old Getty was on PCH. The new Getty is in the hills where fire was. Different locations.
b0d1bb No.237047
Wasn't Bannon linked to the globalists a few months ago?
87b019 No.237048
EU Cuba news
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-cuba-eu-mogherini/european-union-diplomat-visits-cuba-to-strengthen-ties-idUSKBN1ES226
a22373 No.237049
Art if War. Seem weak when you are strong.
372e59 No.237052
Maybe the election-riggers already have boots/indictments, so the commission is no longer needed.
a22373 No.237053
e5ba33 No.237054
That's not dough, anon. That's a portion in the midst of the dough that I would update if I were baking.
0e0ada No.237055
czeck'd and checked
dc07cb No.237056
So evryone's just gonna sit back and say, no it's fine, mission accomplished they probably have all the evidence now so it's no problem that the election fraud commission has been dissolved. Do you people have any idea what political activism is? This is not a fucking ride at Disney World. You should be spending 5x as much energy/time engaging with the public and our elected officials as you do on this board solving puzzles. Get off your asses!
(If you already do then just ignore me but this big circle jerk is getting us nowhere and some need to be told.)
1d8dda No.237057
Right! DOJ will now take over I believe. Why waste time and money now on a commission.
All the commission did was expose to everyone that there definitely is a voter fraud problem.
(The same thing the law did to the O.T. believers, it just magnified their sin, showed them they needed a savior).
The commission was able to expose the fraud, unlike the DOJ would have been able to. The DOJ would not be able to comment on an ongoing investigation.
Now that it has been exposed, bring in the DOJ on it and they will legally subpeona these states and get the charges filed against them.
7383a5 No.237058
Street shitter at least has his eyes on things.
No matter what it is, it is irrelevant at the moment. Bannon is a patriot, but many like him such as kevin spicer (hiding in the bush), anthony scarramuchi (10days) have the passion but not the patience to carry out results the same way that more experienced people can (their sentiments are 200% justified, and ABSOLUTELY correct, from things ranging between globalist influence on trump administration and jewish question - remember "bye goy" headline from huffpo?).
DC is and EXTREMELY TOXIC AREA. Whereas in most parts of the country political correctness is a nonsense only enforced by lawsuits and social manipulation + very small cohort of uppercrust corrupt actors, in DC they have the political/economic/career power to make this lie REAL - it is a cesspit of delusional kingdom that is best described as a MAD whorehouse.
This is the situation in ground zero: DC. Anons here need to remember this, as hard as it may be to fathom from across the country.
In this beltway area and DC metro area, people LITERALLY want POTUS and his administration DEAD. Not politically dead, not financially ruined - DEAD physically.
They are so fucking cucked at a social, demographic, and cultural and psychological level it is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING TO WATCH.
I have observed the situation as an outsider for a while, and I can say that the only reason it hasn't fallen completely is due to the efforts of good number of ABSOLUTE PATRIOTS who are holding this circus together along with now POTUS and his (rather substantial) number of people.
Have faith anon. Bannon may or may not have had the capability to make the difference, but his move of calling Donald Jr. "treasonous" was the last straw. As passionate and dedicated he may be, I strongly urge both POTUS and Bannon to absolutely not take this further. Base cannot suffer a divide. AT ALL. WE CAN'T AFFORD NEITHER BANNON'S SEEMINGLY ILL-TIMED (EXTREMELY ILL-TIMED) STRIKE AGAINST TRUMP'S FAMILY OR POTUS'S UNDERSTANDABLE RESPONSE IN THIS MATTER.
Hopefully it is theatrics.
Have faith anons and patriots. Situation is different from what is "reported", even by 'patriotic' sources. It needs to be so by necessity. Let MSM munch on this shit for a while as we move things along in the right direction by EDUCATING THE PUBLIC ABOUT Q'S MESSAGES.
439e5c No.237059
And the missing I.
Lil Kim's button doesn't work because
we undermined their Iridium guidance system.
febca0 No.237060
There was also the power outages in Little Rock last night too,lol Including one in neighborhood next to country club.
The one in Downtown,, was a couple of Blocks from Clinton Foundation offices and Library.
Close,, but outage was to the west of those locations.
329e8e No.237061
That's already in the next dough (and I think this one too).
0e0ada No.237062
this is incomplete
e5ba33 No.237063
That was all about formatting (bold) and rewording that last line for brevity and clarity.
329e8e No.237064
7daa7f No.237065
I think we are getting punked and we will know Monday during the fake news awards, Bannon is master at media, dude who wrote the book gets tons of libs buying the book too. We will see Monday.
7c7975 No.237066
and they probably got all the evidence they needed during the Alabama election.
6599cd No.237067
Do you believe this bullshit by yourself? Its confirmed already by many sources, officials also. Go home, shill.
f0e74e No.237068
KEK, running off with that one to Twatter
83e766 No.237069
b56bcf No.237070
I don't think the man who holds all the cards has to distract from anything. Fuckin A what does it take to arrest a single deep state criminal? Fucking endless soap opera political dramas?
febca0 No.237071
Opps you mention Clinton outage,, see i'm overwhelmed with happenings/information too,lol
4a0942 No.237072
And this is not the first time Potus does this. He must be protected and "far" from the fire when time comes.
I think Q told us this too
0cc332 No.237073
Superman IV link: "Superman, Man of Schlemiel?"
Superman, the invention of two U.S. Jews, is a profoundly Jewish character whose film history is entwined with that of American Jewry.
Jun 16, 2013
- The name’s Bond. Ya’akov Bond
- Oy vey: How animated films draw on Jewish stereotypes
- Michael Chabon is raising a superhero
- Hollywood's stereotype of the wimpy Jew refuses to die
- From Krypton to Memphis: Superman's Jewish roots explored at a shul
It’s hard to imagine anyone less Jewish — or more goyish — than Superman. One could point to his white-bread name, his Midwestern origins, his hypermasculine physique, his feats of strength and his overall Man of Steel status. Yet Superman was the creation of two American Jews, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, who envisioned him as a conceptually Jewish character.
Clark Kent is just a cover name hiding a deep, subsurface Jewishness. As the Jewish novelist Michael Chabon wrote, “only a Jew would pick a name like that for himself.” Clark Kent is a kind of empty vessel to hide his birth name: Kal-El, which could translate as either “vessel of God” or “voice of God.” He is the son of Jor-El of the House of El.
To fit into the Jew-free Kansas farm surroundings where he was raised Kal-El changed his name, as so many Jewish immigrants did before and after him. Yet any name that ends with “man,” such as Beckman, Kaufman or Silverman, surely displays some Jewishness. Perhaps that is why the latest film of the franchise is the first one without “Superman” in the title. Some have even argued that in the early 20th century "Kent" was a common Americanization of "Cohen." This would make Superman a member of the Jewish priestly caste. It is even tempting to suggest that his last name derives from the cigarette brand so beloved in Israel.
Outwardly, as Clark Kent, Superman is the classic Yiddish nebbish or schlemiel. He is a refugee alien from a foreign planet. A nerdy, wimpy, bumbling and geeky Jew, he hides behind a pair of oversized glasses of the type so beloved of Jews on screen and of Haredi Jews, a clear signifier of Jewishness if ever there was one. He is unmarried and is awkward with women. His chosen human job – journalist – is clearly a Jewish profession, requiring intellect and Yiddishe kopf, or Jewish brains, rather than relying on physical attributes. Even his goyish first name suggests a desk-bound, Kafkaesque bureaucrat, banging away at his typewriter or stamping documents. He is a city slicker, living in the fictional Metropolis. And his father, Jor-El, is a scientist, no less. If Superman had a brother, no doubt he would be a doctor.
Superman is also a retelling of the Moses story - sent away as an infant from the dying planet Krypton, he is born anew and given superhuman powers because of his exile to earth. Discovered and adopted by a non-Jewish Kansas farmer and his wife, he is raised with a strong ethical and moral compass that he uses for the benefit of humanity as a whole. As Superman he is devoted to tikkun olam, or saving and healing the world. His motto could be that of Deuteronomy 16:20: “Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live, and inherit the land which the Lord your God gives you.”
The letter S on his chest, when transliterated into Hebrew, becomes a shin, perhaps signifying one of God’s names. In essence, then, Superman is a human mezuzah. The S may also invoke that Biblical strongman, Samson. Alternatively he is a living golem, substituting A (or Aleph – Captain America got that honor) for S (or Shin).
read more: www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.530193
2d75d5 No.237074
Keep telling yourself that.
2d1342 No.237076
You need to take a step back and think about Bannon…who is he really working for? If he was leaking information while he was inside Trumps circle then there is something very wrong with him & none of this passes the smell test with me!
Never forget Q and our military back POTUS (not Bannon) 100% & POTUS is rescuing children, not Bannon.
20395e No.237078
Is that Hillary's pay for play rig?!?
1d8dda No.237079
Yes, absolutely! Trump waited for that.
09fd39 No.237081
" Disinformation is necessary "
29a48f No.237083
Don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them….maybe you can hire The A-Team.
329e8e No.237084
If there is no response I will do #281 and the leave the future bakes to the other bakers.
b56bcf No.237086
Does it really matter? CNN et al would lie about Trump/Bannon collusion anyway.
a8e8e1 No.237089
all publicity is good publicity.
7c7975 No.237091
So Jones sworn in today..by Pence…
Wait for it…
Pence is head of the Election integrity Commission
My lawd they play the long game, don't they.
c01ac5 No.237093
Jones sworn in ->
Bannon-Trump public spat ->
Sessions assigns attorneys ->
Election commission disbanded
There is no way these are not connected.
Another theory - if Bannon needs to run some REALLY dirty press soon (think HRC CP), it might be necessary to distance himself from the Trumps.
f21e39 No.237094
#281 edition name suggestion: Darkness is NOT good
e5ba33 No.237095
Get on it now, Baker!
4a5368 No.237096
A bunch of niggers getting their white-hate on.
98f687 No.237097
Look at the reason he gives. People now know states aren’t cooperating and will ask questions or push for the data to be released. All the media will jump on this to denounce Trump, but anyone that’s asks why will see through their story. Preparing normies for the storm.
54ee30 No.237098
If you read the article it mentions Q posts that are not Q posts as a source.
Alert: Read the article before posting
0e0ada No.237099
got it
>standby for new bread
e5ba33 No.237101
b8acd2 No.237104
Here's an interesting thread (with photos of the "Fire and Fury" author's note) by NBC's Katy Tur. twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/948700732315848704
4a0942 No.237106
164b1b No.237108
webb goes into Bannon's history here
He was involved with the set-up "October Surprise" against Jimmy Carter
That is the very beginning of Propagnada outfit CNN
Like Brutus stabbed Caesar
they didn't kill Brietbart for nothing
416e1f No.237109
11386d No.237110
^^^^^^^^ anons please look at this.
Turkish bank CEO found GUILTY by DOJ
Iran sanctions busting
Money laundering
Bank fraud
Defrauding the US
Falsifying food/humanitarian aid
Crumbs? Major domino falling? News will unlock the map???
1d8dda No.237115
Bannon is a user!!!
He has always aligned himself with the winning party, just so that he can then brag and say "see, I was right. See, if I wasn't backing him or helping him, he would have never won."
Bannon is a fake!!!!
I love the perfect words POTUS uses when describing his enemy…
Rocket man
Crooked hillary
Hussein (Q)
and now Bannon, He's mentally losing it!!
e5ba33 No.237116
One of you two will have to delete your loaf. You're stepping on each others' toes.
e1b165 No.237117
Yes I know that THE keystone is known (POTUS/MI), but things have double meanings.
I thought this was already a working theory here, but doesn't each Stringer serve as / indicate the keystone for a specific crumb? All the pieces on the map, stringer IDs which piece is the keystone for this crumb, other numbers/sequences in the crumb indicate which other pieces/actors are included in the crumb narrative.
87b019 No.237121
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-trump-pakistan-assistance/exclusive-trump-admin-to-announce-cuts-in-security-assistance-for-pakistan-idUSKBN1ES1WB
e3c3ca No.237122
Let's just decide to never be divided. This feeling of doubt would weaken us. It only helps the enemy. We don't know what Bannon really said and why. Dinesh d'Souza got it: this may well be a theatre/ a distraction. Not meant for us. Meant for the enemy. Don't let the noise of war distract you.
Have faith.
416e1f No.237123
holy shit that buckle is legit. More info/context?
3615f9 No.237124
Fire in secret service outbuilding of Clinton residence smells like a happening to me. Article also mentions they bought the neighbors house. A place to House orgy guests? Just needed to beef up opsec?
dc07cb No.237125
There's optimistic and then there's just damn delusional. You people better get off your asses and engage this government and engage the public. Solving puzzles is fun but it should only be 10% of your efforts.
329e8e No.237126
a8e8e1 No.237127
f21e39 No.237128
Good posts.
Stay in the LIGHT.
7daa7f No.237129
Holy shit I think you hit the nail mate, we have 10K inditments coming down, 50 new MPs at Gitmo, 15 State prosecutors maybe shit goes down after the fake news awards on Monday.
de9802 No.237130
My dad and i were both in the miltary years ago. He went to Nam..bad war…but thought he was going against evil. Many years later after learning how fucked up Nam was he said always go after the evil you know about first. Then if the precieved evil shows up deal with it then. Don't waste time worring. We all may be going down the wrong path in the long run but the evil that we SEE now is worth the fight at this time. As Churchill said NEVER GIVE UP..Fuck the pedos
c01ac5 No.237132
They bought the neighbor house for the increased SS and press pool presence necessary if she was president.
602bd9 No.237134
>http://www. dailymail.co.uk/ushome /index.html
Link no worky. Searched dm site but couldn't locate an article.
f7248d No.237135
From when "Queen" was at hospital.
Can't date it at the moment
3615f9 No.237136
Regarding Bannon / Trump stuff (and this has been going on the whole presidency)
….. I think it is Art of War distraction, they are in cahoots to get the whole media audience focused on one hand while the “magic trick” is performed in the other.
499435 No.237137
Megs is half chan. It's been tough to hang out over there lately. It's been more deeply infested than usual.
e5ba33 No.237139
a8e8e1 No.237140
wtf wow.
e5ba33 No.237141
Patriots make the dough rise.
7c7975 No.237142
Anon…I considered it to be theatre until I saw POTUS statement which was confirmed by his Press Sec. There is NO WAY POTUS can walk back what he said about Bannon. It was too severe a statement. Re-read it. I take it as real split. I will also say, IMO, Bannon is a small player in the world of the Trump base. Ppl will go with Trump and easily let go of Bannon.
e5ba33 No.237144
Tasty, tasty bread ahead!
0e0ada No.237145
>i deleted mine
i thought you handed it over?
>had you covered i did
de7ef5 No.237146
Hell, it's TORTURE to hang out there.
e1b165 No.237147
e5ba33 No.237148
I can already smell the new bread!
e5ba33 No.237150
I think that's new bread I smell.
b56bcf No.237151
Right, but my problem is that every time we think we are one move from checkmate, a new drama unfolds.
e5ba33 No.237152
e5ba33 No.237153
329e8e No.237154
Have already posted a new bread. Sorry. Didn't see any post from you and decided to go ahead.
Can you do the next ones???
e5ba33 No.237155