987d07 No.232225
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
987d07 No.232226
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's Emergency Announcement
>>224690 ← Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)
1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
Gallery link to all the graphic compilations of Q's posts that I have, from the beginning
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
987d07 No.232228
New Q Posts html file: 459 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/1a88377824e994caed529d83e72adc2b
New QMap PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io fixed 2.1.18 (search function & answers present, formerly qcodefag.github.io - has more posts) CODEFAGANON PLEASE SEE >>230986
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
CBTS Threads Archive list -> qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17 -> pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads -> archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive List -> qarchives.ml/qarchives.html soon to be 100%
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted 4pol -> pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited: pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced: pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
987d07 No.232231
PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings
>>226048 , >>226060 , >>226081 , >>226124 , >>226141 , >>226147 , >>226165 , >>226203 , >>226210 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226296
>>226391 , >>226397
Passport Happenings , US Customs and Border Protections Computers Down
>>225940 , >>225950 , >>225956 , >>225972 , >>225993 , >>226047 , >>226203
Power Outages
>>226009 , >>225982
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>230753 Archives of #272 #271 & #269
>>225901 RSA Book (be strong before reading)
>>226399 SSAnon on link formatting
>>226147 US passport system tango down?
>>226267 Spotting bots
>>222601 Posts from Codemonkey re trips & >>222672 , 228678
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>223163 Operations security advice
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223217 Reminder to stay balanced
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
987d07 No.232232
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
NEW: Plane Crashes Thread >>56075
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation - archive.is/gRcsg
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
**Above threads archived at pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
987d07 No.232239
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu/
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads >>189875
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
987d07 No.232241
(UPDATED) Before posting links, REMOVE 'http://www' part
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and the browser wil resolve.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough:https://pastebin.com/CUTgGAd9 #275
Post last edited at
6b09fc No.232252
Don’t believe the faggots
6b09fc No.232262
There are no coincidences…
e866f2 No.232277
Thank you master baker 👨🍳
bb7c1c No.232293
Well fuck sake
Bless his lil heart
A lil Christmas Sweater message
Sweet of hims
I feel like a full throttle faggot right now.
3b334e No.232295
Tasty bread baker, thanks.
what's up with Mike Pence tomorrow?
8eb71b No.232310
Lynn Rothschild has been tweeting a lot today.
She just tweeted this.
She is going super hard after Trump today.
96a8e8 No.232318
Even she knows 7 years is inevitable.
36b851 No.232323
He's having lunch with the POTUS, Rex, and Mattis tomorrow.
f4b1cb No.232330
Good title. Thank you, baker.
Yes, less quantity, more quality on the posts, please.
2ae59d No.232332
Why do Satanists post long blank twats? I don't understand.
2ae59d No.232338
I wonder where these people are. Out of the spotlight, into the Darkness. Long walk.
6a71a5 No.232342
2ae59d No.232346
Wrong site, Lynn.
6b09fc No.232347
We will see a pawn get indicted…pic related….
290b3b No.232348
Filtered. Read the art of the deal and come back.
ba75a4 No.232350
Satanists doxxing themselves:
http://sectofentrance. homestead.com/satanism11.html
6c61f6 No.232351
The "i" Is missing. So the i part is the bad part?
b70495 No.232356
You bitch
6c61f6 No.232357
Just be careful about it.
497b78 No.232358
This is a confusion for me. I will see 766 replies on thread counter, then it updates to 740, then fills to 751. Is there pruning happening?
e866f2 No.232359
Go back to you devil lair lynn
977a63 No.232360
f42bd0 No.232361
0fad90 No.232362
6b09fc No.232363
Go back to plebbit worldnews
a345d8 No.232364
George Bush Center for Intelligence, that's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one
e866f2 No.232366
303ef9 No.232368
It's not illegal to be a Satanist.
8727f6 No.232369
The only thing keeping the world from global marxist slavery is Americans with guns.
The cabal that wants to enslave us will do anything to get those guns.
Potheads will happily give up security for the "freedom" to smoke dope. And the marxists know it.
ba75a4 No.232370
Canaan was so wicked that his last will and testament to his children was a formula for vice. It read, "Love one another (that is, of this tribe only), love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." This remarkable document, the Will of Canaan, is to be found in only one place in all the world's theological literature, the Babylonian Talmud, where it is presented thusly, "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth."
Genesis28:1: "Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him,'You shall not marry one of the Canaanite women
Psalms 106:37-38: "They sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demon; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan.
by Edith Starr Miller
bb7c1c No.232371
Wow….funny I just happen to post the Meme and there we have her in all her glory and fullness their to view it fresh out of the oven.
KeK has deemed it
LdR is next…….
3200ae No.232372
977a63 No.232373
Lynn's just upset because her button doesn't work anymore, either of them,lol
dbb6eb No.232374
Wow, this really is the voice of someone who loves the flavor of their own shit.
e866f2 No.232376
ID: 70dec7 Lynn Roth
ba75a4 No.232377
Under God's law, that shit is illegal.
f42bd0 No.232378
01b12e No.232379
First Meme Attempt. Am I doing this correctly?
2ae59d No.232380
Satanbabies squealing like a rat in a cage is what triggers my boner.
303ef9 No.232381
Not when you have all the trump cards in your hand.
987d07 No.232382
Do not answer shills.
Do not answer shills.
Do not answer shills.
Do not answer shills.
Do not answer shills.
2bccae No.232383
Yes, it could've been forged and they would need more proofs for it to be real. Plus the "Q" in that email could represent anything.
I've been on the bad end of a dox and from experience, forged screen caps of emails and convos in messaging apps are the easiest to do.
The more I think about it the more I think it's a fail dox and even a fake dox.
What's strange is how hard they're trying to discredit Q.
303ef9 No.232384
Someone wake up on the wrong side of the 1st Am. this morning?
488654 No.232386
Go socialize on reddit
8727f6 No.232388
>A sitting president loosely swinging around nuclear war
You're deluded leftist pussified projection interpretation of what POTUS is saying in his twat is thankfully unimportant.
Go live in CUba, pussy. You'll be safe there.
Nobody is going to nuke Cuba … it's a worthless shit hole.
6b0770 No.232389
been delayed before, but thats over.
renew cc next year and hopefully we get National Reciprocity.
229c15 No.232390
>sexual harassment lair
Kek. The fuck is wrong with these people
b70495 No.232391
he is right
so hard to do
1997d9 No.232392
Why is she deverified?
23a470 No.232393
303ef9 No.232396
We're under Constitutional law here.
ba75a4 No.232397
We know that the Jewish God is not the father of all men and the ideal of love, justice and mercy, like the Christian God, or even like Ahura-Mazda or Brahma. On the contrary, he is the God of vengeance down to the fourth generation, just and merciful only to his own people, but foe to all other nations, denying them human rights and commanding their enslavement that Israel might appropriate their riches and rule over them.
The following quotations will serve to illustrate this point :—
" And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee ; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them ; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. " — Deut. vii, 2.
" For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God : the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. " — Deut. vii, 6.
The Talmud comments upon it : " You are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts. " Baba Mecia 114,6.
On the house of the Goy (non-Jew) one looks as on the fold of cattle. " — Tosefta, Erubin viii.
During the time of Christ, the Talmud existed only in oral form, which Jesus referred to as the traditions of the scribes and Pharisees. This early oral tradition is called the Mishnah. It was only after Christ’s crucifixion that the Mishnah was reduced to writing. The rabbis later added rabbinical commentaries to the Mishnah, which are called the Gemara.341 Together these comprise the Talmud, which is now a collection of books. There are today two basic Talmudic texts, the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is regarded as the authoritative version and takes precedence over the Jerusalem Talmud.342 The Babylonian Talmud is based on the mystical religious practices of the Babylonians which were assimilated by the Jewish Rabbis during their Babylonian captivity around 600 B.C. The Rabbis then used these occult traditions in place of the word of God……Thats why Jesus was MURDERED, over good & evil
http://www. whale.to/c/starr_judaism.html
Colonel Jack Mohr states:“One of the greatest difficulties of the Talmudic Pharisees has been that of bringing communism into power while trying to conceal its Talmudic origin.”
http://www. whale.to/c/talmud.html
Jesus weeps at all the religions that are corrupt with satanism
9cea8f No.232399
I have watched Hannity twice now. There's nothing there.
Does anyone have a clip of this Legend appearance?
303ef9 No.232400
So you want to abolish the 1st Am? No Patriot would do that
808a75 No.232401
"Peace through strength" faggot
ba75a4 No.232402
The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essains, Assissins, Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco- Edomite mixture which later became known as the Chazars, the present occupants of Israel, according to the great Jewish scholar, Arthur Koestler. The Canaanites were divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites, Midianites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites, and affiliated tribes, all of which are routinely denounced in the Bible. Genesis 3:17: "The Perizzites are the enemies of God; the Ammonites worshipped Moloch Chemos and were demon-possessed." The Ashodites worshipped the fish and god, Dagon-they were robbers and hated God (as recorded in the British Museum –Ed.). The Egyptians were known as worshippers of black magic, which resulted in God's rebuff to Hagar. The Amorites were cursed by God (Ezra 9:1). Hittite was defined as meaning to destroy or to terrify; Perizzite came to stand for strife and disorder; the Sepharvaim (later Sephardim) were revolutionaries; Jebusite stands for trampling underfoot.
The "Semites" are really the "anti-Semites" or Canaanites, the heirs of the Curse of Canaan, whose corrupt acts are dictated by the Will of Canaan; the true Semites are the warriors who built one great civilization after another-then how do we recognize these various forces in today's world? "By their deeds ye shall know them." Those who are engaged in murderous conspiracies, those whose only loyalty is to secret international organizations, those who promote the use of drugs, bizarre sexual practices, and criminal undertakings, in short, those who continue the rebellion against God, these are the Canaanites, the anti-Semites. Those who remain true to Christ are the Semites.
303ef9 No.232403
Nope. I know a lot of gun-toting patriots who smoke weed.
8727f6 No.232404
I've not seen this one.
No coincidences, indeed.
Fucking brilliant!
Great catch, anon!
e866f2 No.232405
Someone should make a meme of Lynn with a snake tongue….lol
6c61f6 No.232408
Exactly, making it easier for truthers to expose these people. Look at "The Church Of Satan" Twatter account and the followers.
Look at who they-(The Church Of Satan followers) follow. What are their political opinions? What corporations do they support? What agenda do they try and push? Are they parents? are they children? Why do they worship Satan? Do they use symbolism? Think of all these small players and what bigger ties they could lead us too accidentally.
cb8132 No.232409
for those that thing abuse is funny or bullshit the victims prayer for you? you get to ware those shoes…then be required to endure the dippshits call your testimony bullshit…
f4b1cb No.232410
f42bd0 No.232411
Nah i was just kidding but these people arent kidding sooooo…
b70495 No.232413
ba75a4 No.232414
Before someone calls me JIDF or some shit for posting this… No, I'm not Jewish. White as fuck. American. Just telling the truth over here.
5024ad No.232415
Someone needs to remind her what her last name is and what that has meant to people around the world for decades
e866f2 No.232416
02482c No.232417
It's called holding the winning hand.
North Korea is the tail that wags the dog. It acts up, threatens a bunch of ridiculous things, and then gets paid off by the world community like inner city niggers and the barbary states before them. Trump is calling the bluff. "Go ahead. Give me the justification to end you here and now." Of course, the hand that rocks the cradle wants there to be panick and chaos. They want the fear of impending doom. That is how the tail wags the dog.
Trump is letting them shill their way into irrelevance. Kim isn't going to do anything - as he can't, and Trump is the one in a position to do something if he so chooses. Trump holds the cards, not Kim, and not the people behind NK.
f42bd0 No.232419
23a470 No.232420
Sure thing anon, go for it. Get this shit out there!
6c61f6 No.232421
b70495 No.232424
497b78 No.232425
it Seems the Mueller investigation is dragging on. Is it the ensure statute of limitations expire for any charges against HRC?
http://www.southcarolinaliberty. com/quick-clinton-server-guy/
e866f2 No.232427
Lynn , HRC , and Huma should all go screw themselves…. wait they prob already have! LOL
417fbf No.232428
>What's telling is how hard they're trying to discredit Q.
There. FTFY.
987d07 No.232430
baker for #276 needed
This baker is now off duty.
Instructions and FRESH dough -
baker needed for #276
Post last edited at
cf2702 No.232431
I think that if we haven't already taken a look at the name and numbers of Musk's rockets and components, it's worth a dig.
Please let me know if anyone already has dug.
dbb6eb No.232432
Oh she knows. She's just hoping that she can make a last minute appeal to her a desperate non-existent Twitter audience, expecting it to make any difference.
What does the scriptures say? They prayed to the idols which doesn't speak, and doesn't see, and cannot feel?
cb8132 No.232433
drunk, no blood to drink having withdrawals…
299240 No.232434
Seriously, you fuck right off with your ideas about deity conforming to human morality. Who are you to judge?
654aac No.232435
I found this video on YouTube. It is a great intro into what this battle is all about. It's a little long.
[https://youtu.be/H70mUdZ3pWQ] I hope this helps increase new viewers' learning curve.
9cea8f No.232436
Eating flesh and drinking the blood of children?
You are very fucking mistaken and very confused.
It sure fucking is illegal you stupid fuck.
b70495 No.232437
f42bd0 No.232438
Wow its like a Satanic Yellow Pages…. all those faces…
290b3b No.232439
But what is the message
fc5aae No.232440
303ef9 No.232442
Satanism is a protected religion under the Constitution. The Cabal is an abuse of power. They might be "actual" Satanists (probably not) but there are plenty of ordinary Americans who have chosen the religion of their own choice. They are not automatically criminals. Most are completely peaceful, law-abiding citizens, albeit with a different philosophy than most.
We struggle to restore the Republic to protect their religious rights, same as yours.
e9b68f No.232443
I'm not much a Meme Maker but one with a Button sitting on Kim Jung Un's desk that fell off his Jacket would be a good one
52dc04 No.232444
Two more time-differences to find ?
If [:22] & [:27] are wanted, I find only two occasions when Q posted before djt with these minutes difference:
[:27] → 02 Nov 2017 18:06:58, MsgID: 1509646018
[:22] → 05 Nov 2017 07:06:00, MsgID: 1509865560
Some anon please verify this ?
bb7c1c No.232445
The POWER this random anon board holds
It must be mighty
It must be magical
Yes….it's magic
It works.
Unload the memes boys unload the memes
81f494 No.232447
Holy shit, you're a true autist! Cheers!
8727f6 No.232448
I hope before that prick makes it to his pension.
It'd bug me a tad if we had to pay that crooked piece of shit retirement while he rots in jail.
488654 No.232450
The true faith is to have no “faith” at all. In our true and pure form there is no need to attend a church. Or pay a tithe. The problem is, people are corrupted and brainwashed into thinking they “have” to do these things in order to reach heaven. If only they’d pay more attention to verses like “the kingdom of heaven is within you” and “ye are gods”. Or even stepping outside of their comfort zone and researching true spirituality and breaking free from the belief that all knowledge is in the Bible. Many books have been removed from the Bible. Books that have a lot of important information that Satan doesn’t want you to see. It’s really sad.
8727f6 No.232451
>Stay strong anons…
Can do.
f42bd0 No.232452
what if it is merely the radiance of an electrostatic dynamo which is almost like a little strangelet. inside the toroid, imo, the membrane of the toroid is what ancients refer to as raqiya or firmament, also known as the great dragon, like tiamat or ouroboros. solar system is like a cell. just as cells have membranes and polarization between inside and outside of the membrane, same is the case with the geocosm. things can go through the raqiyah just like a membrane. i believe a membrane has something calle P-gates that let in phosphorous (light bearer). following so far. P g8 is more than a pedo scandal. why is something scandalous called "X"gate: watergate, PPgate and pizzagate are all recent phenomena that involve 'leaked' info coming from the shadows into the Public noosphere. think about it. there is another Pgate. b hold i stand at the door and knock. . .and so forth. who has the keys the heavens and earth? Peter, a stone. crystals are radiant, crystals are also transceivers (radio). Ra Ys come from the crystal. the all seing eye, the key stone etc are reference to an arc (both mathematically and electrostatically). just as there is a gate through which light enters the geosphere there is a gate to the unterwelt also. this has long been known and is universally a theme in all cosmologies everywhere around the planet. coincidence? this is where Paul comes in. robbing peter to pay paul. A paul onius of tyana was a gnostic heretic. what is the bishop of jerusalem? what is the bishop of rome? very different. who really was given the keys? Peter is a cock/rooster. Pollo is a hen, as in henotheism. Poulos means gate as in the verse where IESSOUS gives kephas aka Peter the keys. 2 keys. one up one down, just like a pole/obelisk in st Ptr square (actually an elipse and a double cross) all this has meaning. the gates (poulos) of hell will not prevail against it. what does this really mean? the keystone is either a capstone under heaven, or a butt-plug under uranus (i.e. ouranous/urania the heavens). the heavens are the waters above, the abyss/apsu are the waters below. qblh and pistis sophia explain all this in thorough detail, but you have to know the code. to get out of the cell you have to follow the path of XPICTOC through the P-gate. there another p gate inside the body where the christos is produced from the red and the white. this is literal. as above so below. as within so without. all morphology is holographically connected from the stars down to cells and atoms. i could go on, but i feel people are really not ready to know this yet. but i will leave you with this. . .it's all in the letters. . .in this case b, p, and H. you can see the morphology relation between b and p pretty easily. they both refer to isomers of the same structure. if you combine them you get H. this goes back to very ancient languages, but the gist of it is that the bottom and the pinnacle are mirrors of each other. there is a reason why they say Jesus H Christ. h is the 8th letter of the alphabet in both english and hebrew. even the sounds of h and 8 are similar (esp. in hebrew). 888 is the number of christ and it refers to a threefold crossing or triple cross. you can find out all about this if you want. look at H. it is two Hemisphers or mirrored arches touching. i could go on and on but if you want to learn it all you can. it's right there once someone shows you i promise. remember Parousia Begins at Home, kids.
6c61f6 No.232454
Yep, I have already found people with blue check marks (on that Twatter). One of them seems to own a few news paper organizations Over 200k followers.
Dam like a kid in a candy store right now.
e866f2 No.232455
If in jail they do not collect.
fc5aae No.232456
Yes, but Satanism + Talmud Jews reading/following their own writings == hell on earth
69f5c8 No.232458
Hannity just responded to this on Twitter; simply said "wow".
cc0612 No.232464
You are a brave man. Or woman.
417fbf No.232465
Uhhhh….what's dis about?
I'll grab the images…brb…
52dc04 No.232466
Times are GMT – corresponding tweets were at:
[:27] 2017-11-02 18:33:47 (GMT)
[:22] 2017-11-05 07:28:31 (GMT)
303ef9 No.232467
That's not what most real Satanists do. Nor do all Jews use the blood of Christian children to bake bread.
6c61f6 No.232468
That's not what I mean't though. I get what you're saying but these people normally are Evil. They like evil and follow evil things, and push for evil things. Maybe not all of them are aware of exactly what they are doing.
Still, Chrissy twatter proved something recently. She seems to support Church Of Satan too.
108cd4 No.232469
upper right circled.
b626a6 No.232470
Damn this thread is getting a serious hair cut. Shady. Were all seasoned with shills at this point. Just let them be to preserve credibility.
b70495 No.232471
Can you guys quit talkin over my head. This is getting frustrating.
2bccae No.232472
kek thx.
I just had another look at their 'dox' and the whole thread and now I'm just laughing at it.
WTF, a 12yr old can put together a better dox than that and the whole thread is shilling for Meganon.
That's what it's all about, Meganon. LOOOL
Those kids tryna push a fake AF email and that's it?
417fbf No.232474
ah, NM, disaster relief for flooding in ME, VT, NH, and for the wildfires in CA. Should have read first. Sorry.
479bf1 No.232475
Those pedos love unicorns so “operation against the pedos?”
108cd4 No.232476
Shits hitting the fan! NG mobilization!
7e14d8 No.232477
Excellent. I was thinking #2 meant McCabe, but you are correct.
299240 No.232478
Religious rights are encompassed by liberty, acting as an adversary to the source of that liberty pretty much alienates you from it.
Liberty is not a gift, regardless of what the Declaration of Independence says.
f4b1cb No.232479
It does like this:
Step 1: Emerge in Crowley inspired Satanism
Step 2: Find group of people who've written a book to themselves proclaiming they are God's chosen people
Step 3: Mix and release
303ef9 No.232480
I'm a Patriot. I work for the reestablishment of the secular Republic. The one that protects the religious beliefs and legal religious practices of all citizens. Child abuse and corruption are crimes. Being a member of a church is not.
b4ff08 No.232482
Most likely to bang a rich dude?
303ef9 No.232486
I've known Satanists who were respected members of the military. Most embrace liberty as a religious concept. They've earned it as much as anyone else.
fc5aae No.232487
..and that's what they're using to take over.
977a63 No.232488
http://jesus-is-savior .com/Evils%20in%20America/Apostasy/glide.htm
02482c No.232490
Yeah, no.
The problem with 'tolerance' is that it can tolerate intolerance of its own virtues. The fundamental problem with satanists is that they espouse the use of fraud and the subversion of contract law, due process, etc. A country can't afford to allow those who would openly subvert the due process of law to become participants, domestic activists, or - worst of all, seated officials.
If a group or ideology is caught subverting due process, then they should be charged with sedition in the least and be considered lucky if their voting rights are merely revoked or they are exiled.
021503 No.232491
6c61f6 No.232492
Dude.. you're protecting an evil ideology, similar to Islam.. hence why we now have these evil people in power everywhere.
299240 No.232493
A secular republic has no basis by which it can create rights or duties which injure public liberty.
2ae59d No.232494
42e2c5 No.232495
cac1f6 No.232496
303ef9 No.232497
Most Satanists don't affiliate with the CoS. LeVay was a well-known Clown shill. The whole thing was a psyop. Most Satanists know this and laugh at the posers.
6b09fc No.232498
McCabe is #2 faggot
cc0612 No.232499
Man im a toal adversary it blows.
36b851 No.232501
499871 No.232502
I think it does what does whois #2 with no deals mean if not mccabe
42e2c5 No.232503
If any one want the pics I can post them
2f940a No.232504
Fyi, humans are evil, with or without religion.
e866f2 No.232505
Looks like she got a black eye
4385d7 No.232506
I don't know, I had it saved and the keywords can invoke some interesting responses sometimes.
23a470 No.232507
I actually used that one for HRC when this first started. Guess it wouldnt hurt to have both
303ef9 No.232508
Then prosecute them for their crimes, not their beliefs.
021503 No.232509
Holy FUCKomoly. What a terrible "coincidence."
c13f18 No.232510
aspeninstitute. org/our-people/paul-mccabe/
6c61f6 No.232511
That's a good point, but we don't want them being able to make it seem normal. Hiding under religion, cults, government etc.
a345d8 No.232512
50 Arizona Army National Guard soldiers
fc5aae No.232513
Only if they teach themselves to be, and promote it.
cac1f6 No.232514
977a63 No.232515
When you know people (COMMEY) got rich from listening to others unlawfully and got insider info, you become a target,sorry the rest of family got it,they may have been innocent
2ae59d No.232516
> Would you like to get in the oven, and clean it?
8727f6 No.232517
CA - Schiff, Feinstein, Harris
ME - Collins
VT - Sanders, Leahy
NH - Shaheen, Hassan
Is this his message?
417fbf No.232518
BREAKING NEWS: North Korea says they will open the border hotline with South Korea at 06.30 GMT to discuss inter-Korean dialogue - Reuters
196611 No.232519
Charles Wade, BLM organizer, human trafficker and pimp
direct, permanent link:
https:// s20.postimg.org/gielc6ufx/Charles_Wade_Human_Trafficking.png
299240 No.232520
Islam is not an evil ideology.
8727f6 No.232521
Trump twat majic?
fc5aae No.232522
You have to go back. -> Reddit
196611 No.232523
POTUS's sabre rattling yields results
808a75 No.232524
https://www.rt. com/usa/414830-us-soldier-killed-afghanistan/
303ef9 No.232525
You clearly don't know many Satanists. The Roths culty crowd are an aberration. Satanic belief promotes the individual over all, not kissing the ass of some rich dude.
If we were to strike out at every group with a history of subverting due process, then every major Church in America would be implicated.
021503 No.232526
Religion slide aside
Line 1: Believe what you will in the freedom of your own home or house of taxable worship.
Keep it out of schools. Every single bit. Keep it out of government, except to protect Line 2.
And put up all the billboards you want, but do not preach to me.
83593d No.232527
roy potter is on YT again talking about 8chan again.
www. youtube.com/watch?v=-opXduAeLiY
cc0612 No.232528
Can we at least burn the witches?
303ef9 No.232529
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident . . ."
Works for me.
2f940a No.232531
Normal? Normal is a perspective. Ex: citizen kills 100 people, goes to prison and likely executed. He public cheers. Soldier/sniper kills 100 people, gets a medal. Public cheers "hero."
Interesting how state sanctioned murder is not called murder. Just saying.
303ef9 No.232532
Hope not. I've been a practicing witch for over 40 years. Over 1500 in active military service. Over 150,000 of your fellow citizens.
303ef9 No.232533
Also works for me.
23a470 No.232534
I thought they took her down!
1e757b No.232535
Good work, baker.
Another anon baker here. I've kneaded this dough >>232430 that you responded to for provide extra formatting. Please use below dough and update as appropriate.
45e574 No.232536
Q said they will be monitoring
SEC conf….
Double meaning of football games? SEC conference?
Terror threat?
cc0612 No.232537
Well your ideas arent very fun.
1d52f5 No.232538
>>232310 "Removed"? A foreign national is calling for a coup. why is this twat still among the living?
36b851 No.232539
I can work while they download.
303ef9 No.232540
Hell, burn the child molesters and traffickers. Witches will bring marshmallows.
1e757b No.232542
Let me try this again, using better English skills.
Another anon baker here. I've kneaded this dough >>232430 that you responded to for formatting improvements. Please use below dough and update as appropriate.
c13f18 No.232543
aspeninstitute. org/search/Red%20Cross
aspeninstitute. org/search/Hussein
aspeninstitute. org/search/Rothschild
3200ae No.232544
Disagree!!! We are one nation under GOD!
cc0612 No.232545
Do you think they would stop there?
fc5aae No.232546
Right. There either IS or ISN'T a creator. And if there is, there is only ONE. So let's just not promote or entertain ANY religion and leave it to each individual to choose.
That's what an all knowing and loving creator would want. Freedom for people. Not tainted by the false preachings of other weirdo's.
So can we get off the topic of religion? Because this could go all day and accomplish absolutely zilch.
(Fake?) satanists are covering, perhaps, for the REAL satanists/voodoo/witchcraft. It's effecting the planet. We need to stop it.
303ef9 No.232547
I worship a god. And a goddess. I count, too.
528592 No.232548
Also the people on "the sect of entrance " site linked earlier.
bdd19a No.232549
Here are a couple of meme's.
The first one is a general proposition, the second is a puzzle for those "with ears to hear".
45e574 No.232550
So…let me see if this fits together.
President is isolated from everything. Not the front actor, he just sits back and trolls from Twitter (publically at least).
Next agent on deck is Julian Assange. Jan 4, charges are dropped and he is released. Now free to report under freedom of the press.
JA becomes Trumps change agent and starts the shitstorm, showing how corrupt the FBI and everything else has been all along. Plus whatever other goodies he's been hiding…
021503 No.232551
Pretty much, and some extra goodies for their ride into the next "life" to ensure it's a special place. Like Ivanka said… a special place in hell for them.
1997d9 No.232552
It is religion sliding, someone should just make a thread for sperging about religion.
284944 No.232553
New Hillary State Department FOIA's just went up.
fc5aae No.232554
Got it. Thank you baker.
b55656 No.232555
I'd be interested to see where in the Talmud it calls for communism. I've done some research in this area, read some Jewish authors who keep tending that way, but I can't find a coherent argument that their religious tradition calls for it.
299240 No.232556
Liberty isn't earned by service to the state, it's an aspect of a working relationship with deity. It's a mistake to think of it as a gift or something that is based of religious belief.
417fbf No.232557
KJU suggested meetings with SK about a week ago. SK responded earlier today.
POTUS twatted first this morning:
>"Sanctions and “other” pressures are beginning to have a big impact on North Korea. Soldiers are dangerously fleeing to South Korea. Rocket man now wants to talk to South Korea for first time. Perhaps that is good news, perhaps not - we will see!
then later this evening:
>North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
Enjoy the show, anons, enjoy the show.
303ef9 No.232559
End of slide. I'm done. Just making sure people understand what were struggling for.
72841a No.232560
That ruling in the UK kind of set that up, huh?
02482c No.232562
We are sliding off the thread a bit - but judgment doesn't play favorites among idolaters. The satanists who worship the self can be purged just as easily as the snakes who deceive for the self.
It is imperative that a society protect its due process of law as ruthlessly as it would protect its own sovereign status, as the two are intrinsically linked.
303ef9 No.232563
Interesting opinion. Not a majority one.
6b0770 No.232564
I'm surprised Trump doesn't have some Cabal Blackmail to be used against him. Having been a Democrat for years, and a Millionaire involved with "the System"…
It's incredible that all this supposed blackmail that the cabal might have on influential people, hasn't come to light one bit.
I would have put my money that trump was one (((they))) had dirt on
1e757b No.232565
303ef9 No.232567
As an idolator, I agree. Punish criminals who are proven guilty. No pogroms, please.
a48286 No.232568
Oh shit. Mirrors! Mirror the words… some of Q's words are spelled BACKWARDS!
7e14d8 No.232569
I know dumbass. Read the prior post from q. It had two meanings.
3200ae No.232570
The way to true liberty is through the God written in the Holy Bible. He is the only True GOD! Read up and study the information placed on The Monument to the Forefathers placed for the patriots.
a7dcd3 No.232571
It's a confirmation
6185d7 No.232572
4u twattee war junkies…
7ac840 No.232573
Anon mentioned watch VP tomorrow in prior bread….could this be in reference to VP is chair of the Elections & Fraud Committee as Jones due to be sworn in tomorrow?
724576 No.232574
[4]- Thursday, (Solyn)
[10] -Fastnfur
021503 No.232575
Only since 1954 as a voter rope a dope and pandering to one of the various religious waves:
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, pledge to the flag of the United States. It was first published in the juvenile periodical The Youth’s Companion on September 8, 1892, in the following form: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.” The words “the flag of the United States of America” were substituted for “my Flag” in 1924, and the pledge was officially recognized by the U.S. government in 1942. In 1954, at President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s urging, the Congress legislated that “under God” be added.
People are so easily manipulated, emotionally and otherwise.
Please feel free to believe as you wish, I promote it. Spirituality is good as long as it doesn't become the hypocritical thing is often does. And with that, please only talk about useful research or I'll miss everything you have to say, because I choose to filter what I suspect is a Religion Shill. Like I said, do it in your own head or house. Buh Bye.
303ef9 No.232577
Yadda yadda yadda, no. I'm happy with my religion, thanks.
18354e No.232578
Groomed for a long time for this role. ‘The Donald’ is a character.
7e14d8 No.232579
#2 was McCabe AND POTUS. Meaning POTUS tweet was SECOND to Q's post.
c33b54 No.232580
How about "For One Of Our Famous Bloody Virgin Marys"?
021503 No.232581
Not you, the other guy, sorry. Just letting you know I meant the Under God SB guy.
0adac8 No.232582
OMFG! Can you take your fucking ignorant rants about your chosen superstition someplace else. You can worship whatever nonsense you choose…as long as it doesn't affect others.
Our concern is that Treason is being committed and innocent people are being harmed.
Find a thread for your bullshit
fdc728 No.232584
>You are very fucking mistaken and very confused
I know, it's hard to swallow. FWIW you can even have apparel made from human skin these days:
a5ad06 No.232585
BREAKING: Kim Jong-un ‘welcomes South Korea’s support for its peace offer,’ N.K. official says - Yonhap
https:// twitter.com/Breaking911/status/948417200418902016
cc0612 No.232586
They make clothes out of babies.
a5ad06 No.232587
that was quick lol
52dc04 No.232588
SpreadsheetAnon and all others – please verify regarding the time differences unsolved in the spreadsheet [:22] & [:27]:
Time diference [:22]
→ Trump Tweet 2017-11-05 03:28 EST
→ Q's message 2017-11-05 02:06:00 EST
Time difference [:27]
→ Trump Tweet 2017-11-02 14:33:47 EST
→ Q's Post 2017-11-02 14:06:58 EST
479be0 No.232589
Comey #1 Director
McCabe #2 Deputy Director promoted to director #1
8727f6 No.232590
>I would have put my money that trump was one (((they))) had dirt on
Maybe he has his own insurance. Trump is known to have recorded his business meetings.
Q has inferred that MI sought out Trump.
If so, MI likely has any previous shady dealings covered (real estate in crooked NYC is not a clean business).
Finally, I keep thinking of Q repeatedly dropping 'Godfather III'. I don't think that crumb has been solved yet.
2ae59d No.232591
Be thankful.
https://www.washingtonpost. com/opinions/this-thanksgiving-im-grateful-hillary-clinton-is-not-president/2017/11/22/68bafc9a-cee7-11e7-9d3a-bcbe2af58c3a_story.html?utm_term=.e42cbd6e0d5f
6c365b No.232593
Chelsea and Teigen got put onto Hooters (owl) twat thread together?
Q might be having some fun…
021503 No.232594
Someone of her stature doesn't weave… She would have had it done by the kids… J/s
299240 No.232595
Blackstone is my source for the nature of liberty. The general principle is that ideas about intangibles should fit within a coherent framework rather than being faith-based.
bb7c1c No.232596
Thank you "random anon professional meme maker"
7e14d8 No.232597
So Princess Diana's true love was Dr. Khan. She was using Fayed as a way to very publicly make him jealous. Is Khan related to Sadiq Khan? Q certainly hints at something deeper between London mayor, history, and Diana's death. What did she know? She felt she had protection being with Fayed. Why?
36b851 No.232598
23a470 No.232599
I think thats exactly whats happening. Why waste a good opportunity, right?
d54752 No.232600
religion and God aren't the same thing. Religion is nice, yet, it's not God in and of itself
2ae59d No.232602
It begins.
https://www.usatoday. com/story/life/people/2018/01/02/two-police-investigations-harvey-weinstein-under-review-l-district-attorney/998426001/
8727f6 No.232604
6b0770 No.232605
have ANY tapes EVER dropped with famous people with kids?
How can (((they))) keep such a solid system of blackmail on tape over decades. and still have it secure (from hacking and misuse) and also not have ANY of it leak.
1d52f5 No.232606
>That's not what most real Satanists do
I say kill em all and let God sort them out.
f83de0 No.232607
POTUS tweets 5:00 o’clock!!!!!!!!!!
299240 No.232609
Happy to argue with you on the other thread:
6293b2 No.232610
thank you anon, that well put
>pic related
fdc728 No.232611
oh my. this show is picking up.
36b851 No.232612
dd442c No.232613
Tell me that's real.
That's a red Pill Monster for my crowd.
6c61f6 No.232614
Looks like Kim has turned a new leaf
https:// twitter.com/Breaking911/status/948417200418902016
6c61f6 No.232615
c33b54 No.232616
>>232310 "Removed"? A foreign national is calling for a coup. why is this twat still among the living?
She is actually a New Jersey girl….
You can take the girl out of New Jersey, but you can't take the New Jersey out of the girl.
fdb6d1 No.232617
The blackmail isn’t kept on some rando server. I’m sure it’s physical photos/ vids kept in some deep vault
417fbf No.232618
Wrong. Wray replaced Comey. McCabe stayed at #2.
Trust Wray.
284944 No.232619
North Korea wants a peace offering.
db833a No.232620
>>23236 "And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed (child) unto Molech, and kill him not."
Leviticus 20:4 KJV
108cd4 No.232621
f49322 No.232622
Look into this my dudes. Sent from State to United India Insurance Company on New Year's 2012. See what deals happened with that company and what contributions it and its affiliates made to the CF.
b2b496 No.232623
So is TOP defined yet? If not i suggest "Targets of Priority" as opposed to "Targets of Opportunity" (TOO )– purely a guess but knowing the house cleaning is a priority is comforting
8727f6 No.232624
Seeing how sanctuary city/state politicians are blatantly aiding and abetting violations of federal immigration law, this Homan is right on the money.
021503 No.232625
ROFL Keeping that one.
13cdb1 No.232626
This is how you read this news -
>CIA bad actors have been removed,
>CIA good actors have taken over,
>CIA good actors are offering peace now.
36b851 No.232627
196611 No.232628
That was a supposedly SB employee dishing on their instructions (supposedly). I had forgotten about that. Pay attention anons - do you see any of the phrases the "helpers" brought up repeatedly?
>encouraged to go after any poster that seems like they are onto a breakthrough and lead them on so they go off target
Instead of being a soul-cleansing release of secret keywords and other information to 4/pol/ to clear his conscience, this was instead a list of instructions for those watching on what to bring up to slide, distract, confuse and confound anons here.
Sound familiar?
Very clever.
Duly noted.
Pay attention
Stay vigilant
Stay focused
Ignore the sliders (religion, aliens, frequency, any of the keywords etc on those graphics)
Pick your topic, dig, drop your research in appropriate threads
Work together.
417fbf No.232630
keep it in your pants, anon.
bb7c1c No.232631
HORY SHITBALLS! Don't start! Don't Start!>>232485
>https:// twitter.com/Breaking911/status/948417200418902016
d21678 No.232633
SpaceX Will Launch Mysterious Project Zuma On Thursday | Zero Hedge
https://www.zerohedge. com/news/2018-01-02/spacex-will-launch-mysterious-project-zuma-thursday
8727f6 No.232634
Multiple physical copies (DVDs) stored in NV or WV?
6b0770 No.232635
>I'm sure
Oh… Ok then…
if you say so
hurr durr
675774 No.232637
Someone needs to lay off the Covfefe. Just saying (don't ban me).
108cd4 No.232639
f49322 No.232640
When that happens, let's make sure to monitor flights around the launch site and NK activity. We have a good chance to gather more detailed intel this way.
196611 No.232642
POTUS has a (closed) intel briefing tomorrow, then a closed lunch meeting with VP, TRex and Mattis
a48286 No.232644
"Think mirror". Some of the words are important "mirrored" (backwards). BREAK = KAERB
1d52f5 No.232645
>>232610 Christianity or GTFO
a5ad06 No.232646
this day will mark the day i never worry about GEOTUS.
he got this shit under control!
479be0 No.232649
497b78 No.232650
I was hoping to see a connection between Q & T, but aside from time stamp the content of messages seems unrelated.
108cd4 No.232651
Hey, ummm. Those places where he declared emergencies. Tell me they all have sanctuary cities in them.
cc0612 No.232652
It was that !rrevrt guy. He admitted it later in the thread, and was banned again
021503 No.232654
New president of SK is a noodle head and sympathetic to the North. Alot of SK just wants NK to stay in their lane and they, like many countries will pay to kepp the riffraff on the other side of the Border. besides, troubles with NK brings in lots of American money, so to be at peace is actually not in their best interest from a govt perspective unless they have smothering in line to take the place of the US as number one friend. It sure as shit won't be Japan.
6b0770 No.232655
I'm just saying that there hasn't yet been a release of this kind.
No one has become enough of a problem that they couldn't just be killed and this type of BM wasn't needed.
IF it existed… Trump would be THE Person to use it on… but they haven't.
6c61f6 No.232656
2ae59d No.232657
http://www.foxnews. com/politics/2018/01/02/sanctuary-cities-what-are.html
305692 No.232658
There's a lot we can do with this video
-Plot his stops on a map - I think it might draw a figure
-Compare the news to actual news clips
-Compare anchors then to anchors now - whose left
6185d7 No.232659
wat does rhis mean? DT said clowns need to be taken down "too corrupt" ..
cc0612 No.232660
We go round and round and round…
6293b2 No.232661
please go indulge in self-procreation dear anon
>mfw it's a sad world when they don't live up their own rules
a48286 No.232662
Which is what about 90% of this is! Q has "confirmed" relatively little.
f49322 No.232663
UIIC information:
Registered & Head Office
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1 AHMEDABAD - PPN Hospitals List
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7 M/s Vipul MedCorp TPA Pvt. Ltd
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13 M/s Good Health TPA Services Ltd
14 M/s Medsave Healthcare (TPA) Pvt. Ltd
9cea8f No.232664
6293b2 No.232665
8727f6 No.232667
I agree.
We don't know all the methods of control.
Pure fear of not waking up is likely the easiest.
But, I can imagine the multiple sources of leverage, given the near-unlimited resources the cabal possesses.
3b3082 No.232670
Q said Nov 1 Trump was 100% covered with zero chance of impeachment - fact
108cd4 No.232671
He's taped damn near everything since the 70's.
2ae59d No.232672
6c61f6 No.232673
The more eyes and such, the more that could potentially be exposed. We may uncover something like Pizzagate, Elsagate etc.
Or just what ties these people have to businesses, their jobs, opinions.
3fecaf No.232674
196611 No.232676
>SpreadsheetAnon and all others – please verify regarding the time differences unsolved in the spreadsheet [:22] & [:27]:
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking of me? All Q's posts in the spreadsheet are in EST if that helps.
Did this answer your question? >>232650
675774 No.232677
Don't make the BO come over there! Cuz he will! Go back and reread post
2f940a No.232678
a5ad06 No.232679
https:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/155364440
continued from >155352549
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
417fbf No.232680
Thursday is 04 Jan 2018
04 Jan
>04 Jan
<04 Jan
04 Jan
That date keeps popping up…………….
8727f6 No.232681
Kick the dust off your sandles, anon, and move on to the next town.
23a470 No.232683
Now would be the time while theyre dangling it in front of us. Once they start to really panic all that evidence may start disappearing
23a470 No.232684
f49322 No.232685
To find endorsed information more quickly, go through the people either referenced in tweets or liked by the page. Those actions are more likely to be deliberate messages to connections
dd442c No.232686
TY Anon
U Got a meme with her telling Pedo Jokes?
Appreciate you're time
God Bless Patriots
299240 No.232687
https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/23344.html#232648
8727f6 No.232688
BO : is this board open for Q to sign on?
1ebe78 No.232690
>evil ideology
God, you're an idiot. Do like 2 seconds of fucking researching instead of parroting your idiocy, faggot.
497b78 No.232691
Yup. Thanks. It has not been added to spreadsheet. There doesn’t seem to be any association between post and tweet except time stamp
bb7c1c No.232694
Is she a US Citizen?
If so…I'd say this was sedition
f49322 No.232695
Guys, what are we thinking… let's drive a PR campaign against the Church of Satan. Make it a dirty word again. Spam it on Twitter. Tear it down. We do that, we take down Chelsea, Chrissy, Abramovic, then Gaga and Podestas, et cetera. It should be very easy for us to do with simple entry-level memes. If we utilize boomer disgust, it'll get fast-tracked.
417fbf No.232696
Wrong. Any solution with NK must involve SK. It's a package deal. How many fucking times in the last 3 months do I have to remind you non-autists that none of these circumstance are bilateral? POTUS is waging a multi-lateral engagement. And winning BIGLY.
52dc04 No.232698
Haven't thought about rel in content yes, was simply looking for a marker.
For [:22] I got the HRC message at 07:06:00 GMT, the tweet at 07:28:31 GMT
timeshift should be GMT - 5=EST ?
f49322 No.232699
6c61f6 No.232701
Chrissy twatter proved what you just said, I remember back whn pizzagate first got exposed, waaay too many people were commenting on their instagram and then shortly after everything was private.
So my advice, don't taunt them, don't even let them know you're doing this. However if they catch on maybe they will go into hiding back where they belong.
db833a No.232703
"And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto MOLECH; which I commanded them not, >>neither came it into MY mind<<, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin."
Jeremiah 32:35
I always remember this passage not only because it has to do with horrors of child sacrifice, and how it has been around since antiquity, but because <<God said he could not even image such a wickedness (which is impossible for me to comprehend)<<
So when you see the church of satan, etc– they may not be sacrificing kids per se, but, as with the Chelsea twatter, they are trying to normalize evil– in this case by being 'inclusive.' Done tongue and cheek, like that crap TacoB commercial. Still the evil is all there– subtle is the darkness.
But make no mistake, regardless of your faith– or lack thereof: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12
1e757b No.232704
You should see the responses to her! She doesn't have many fans.
6c61f6 No.232705
Yeah yeah, whatever man.
83593d No.232706
hey gang, i have an idea for some memes, the title is "SICK BUT TRUE". with images, and text like the following. Anyone got any good ideas/images to work with?
2ae59d No.232708
Welcome, Harker.
https://twitter. com/USNavy/status/948284019208318977
417fbf No.232709
Just be careful what you assume. Just because someone follows a twatter handle doesn't mean they are complicit or supportive. They might be monitoring. I have several "follows" for exactly this reason (although Church of Satan is not one of them!)
021503 No.232712
It's a rope a dope by Lil Hillery spawn. It's also why they tossed in hooters. Drop it like the cold turd it is and move on. People that do the things we are looking at do not attend that "church". Lordy… they are "above" those churches. Church of Satan to what they do is like Mich Ultra to Moonshine. Don't get caught in the stoopid trap. Warning you now.
cc0612 No.232713
6c61f6 No.232715
Of course not, I am not saying Dox then, but investigate them. They sure seem to be proud of what they believe so why the hell not.
2ae59d No.232716
Chrissy pedo tweets.
Tilda pedo tweets.
497b78 No.232717
I was looking at the Christmas Day exchanges between Q, Trump and DoD. It looked like greetings, q and a, then confirmations. I was trying to see if same pattern occurred earlier markers.
1d52f5 No.232718
>>232661 fuck you. I have no requirement to tolerate the wicked.
ba98c1 No.232720
I guess she keeps Huma, LdR, & others happy because of her big hands and her massive tank ass behind a strap-on doin’ that Kuru shake…
cc0612 No.232721
Is this thatfakedanguy?
108cd4 No.232722
The smell of desperation is strong.
0318ab No.232723
Sick AF, but good red-pill for people who are finally partially red-pilled.
Fuck I hate looking at that shit though.
977a63 No.232724
why does this guy always have such a smug look on his face.
196611 No.232726
Sounds familiar. Considering the Veritas videos from the campaign and how one showed that they pay mentally ill people, it would not surprise me at all. He is both mentally ill, clearly, and also incredibly irrationally persistent - particular topics. I noticed especially that some of the terms, places and businesses were consistently pushed by "helpers" sometimes they got responses and if so would keep leading the responding anons on, sometimes (even tonight in previous threads) no one paid any attention and they got no responses and it was dropped.
Ok, thank you for the update.
It's about fucking time is right
675774 No.232728
what the hell happened at the end of the last thread? It appears that someone re-inserted the entire top third of loaf 274 into the loaf.
See Post number 232203 and then subsequent posts…. spoopy sheit habbenin
83593d No.232729
agreed, makes me sick, but people have to look at this shit to fix it.
2ae59d No.232730
3fecaf No.232731
Kim needs some Cheetos too.
f49322 No.232732
I'm not saying we take out the Pedo-Ring-To-Rule-Them-All in one fell swoop through Satanist connections alone… I'm saying (and I wasn't super clear, my bad) that if we target the Satanists, we psyop the normies into being more receptive once SHTF. If your world doesn't involve legitimate evil, you're more shocked at disclosure ("put in a hospital") than if your world is aware of people who legitimately identify as evil, even if they aren't the ones we're after.
It's a more logical step to go
Establishment-Bad Actors-Sexual Harassment and Rape-Sadism and Satanism-Full Disclosure
than it is to go
Establishment-Bad Actors-Sexual Harassment and Rape-Full Disclosure
You dig?
479be0 No.232733
AI can not be self aware. It lacks the Heart's Mirror, therefore it cannot achieve ego. So sorry.
6c61f6 No.232734
https:/ /twitter.com/seanhannity/status/948365860573466624
Tick Tock
0318ab No.232735
The 'climate' , equality, and decency is just fine, Lynn. Having a different regime in office isn't going to change anything except funneling ill gotten gains to the Vatican some more, and you already know that.
But nice try.
2f940a No.232736
Why is the bot deleting its own memes?
d52677 No.232737
Trumpet is about to twatter the lame stream media into oblivion next week. He doesnt want to hear their fake news when the Admin is about draining the swamp. With a hose. He wants to give the people the straight poop.
675774 No.232739
My vision blurred out there…..and the world tilted
108cd4 No.232740
We probably have people inside Twitter as well.
479be0 No.232741
It's Topolanon LARPing. Most likely.
8727f6 No.232743
Kim is 'Tub Boy'?
196611 No.232744
In the second one, you should capitalize Podesta since it is a name. I don't think all that art is in Tony's house, just the first 2 - it's important to be accurate. The hanging Jeffrey Dahmeresque sculpture hanging from the ceiling is pretty damn creepy too.
10a92c No.232745
Looks like Chelsea has some interesting connections
f49322 No.232746
Be wary of SB but that guy you're talking about came back and said he was lying about being SB… see
0e8856 No.232747
Pretty sure all churches in the world, or at least members who claim to adhere to their tenets, are implicated.
Some more than others.
2f940a No.232748
I have 777 tattooed on my leg. Odd.
d21678 No.232749
Meme makers,
Meme makers,
Make me some memes:
Half awake normies, even dems, despise the Roths.
LdR is endlessly bashing Trump
If Roths hate Trump, maybe he's doing something right! Let's tip some fence sitters our way.
Oldfag can't meme sorry.
8727f6 No.232750
Fuck off Chrissy.
BTW, you really aren't attractive.
The exception that proves the rule that Asian women are hot.
6c61f6 No.232751
don't forget Chrissy, she was in this convo on twatter with Chelsea too.
2e1cc0 No.232752
BO: Does Q have a way to connect with you so that you can whitelist a tripcode?
3b3082 No.232753
Fire watching
417fbf No.232754
Must see video, Trump playing the Fake News as bugs bunny.
Sorry, can't figure out how to "disembed" the vid.
Original source is here, lots of other good ones!
f49322 No.232755
69f5c8 No.232756
Portland, Maine
California - well duh
(Burlington, Montpelier, and Winooski) Vermont
Lawrence, New Hampshire
There could be more but I found these.
410dd2 No.232757
Ye reckon¿?
bb7c1c No.232758
When LdR is running her twatter
We are stirring the water!
mem d memes
b2b496 No.232759
i think the disaster is the cold in New England- negative 20's some places. – Why you ask?–someone said the Roth's Global Warming machine was seized and temperatures are falling (kek)
c58223 No.232760
Capitalized or not, I think you want an 's at the end of podestas, ie. → Podesta's
f49322 No.232761
What I saw discussed as the plan was that Q signs in on /pol/ with old trip then verifies new trip here, then verifies back on /pol/, like he did last time. BO?
d52677 No.232762
Shes an above Killary level liar. All lies. She is the ldr in Trumps 2012 "chidlren" tweet. "Fast trials, death penalty."
23a470 No.232763
Dont forget you can browse the meme catalogs to find others that are just as relevant
479be0 No.232765
8727f6 No.232766
Does Q know this?
Lots of fuckery involved in the whole "trip code is cracked / not cracked" bullshit …. again.
f49322 No.232767
http://whdh .com/news/lingering-ice-coastal-flooding-big-concerns-as-new-england-prepares-for-snowstorm/
497b78 No.232768
In 1 pair of markers Q asked who is #2? Trump’s tweet talks about McCabe.
In another pair. Q says Merry Christmas. Trump replies Happy Hanukkah.
Q posts pic of Washington, DoD posts same, then Trump tweets Merry Christmas video. All with various number of exclamation points. I question is Q /DoD were doing conf-go/standby, then Trump giving go ahead.
If normal commas are compromised, they would signal in open, as we’ve surmised before.
196611 No.232769
479be0 No.232770
It's cause the CIA can't Chemtrail any longer.
bb7c1c No.232771
This shit alone would have got anyone else
Why are they on a family vacation?
0318ab No.232773
Meh. Maybe this one is better.
410dd2 No.232774
2ae59d No.232775
Who does she twat for?
Who does she really twat for?
1997d9 No.232776
No pointing out that she confirmed GEOTUS gets reelected in 2020?
3b3082 No.232778
Space X
18f69e No.232780
f49322 No.232781
I'd assume that if the ten days of darkness were (not necessarily are) up, then Q wouldn't have been as up to date on the situation once he returned. He might have to spend a bit of time re-acclimating. Although the bread is pretty clear, right? Unfortunate we have to go around all of that..
479be0 No.232783
If you are a computer you don't own shit.. we can delete your very existence without conscience. Thank you please drive through.
2ae59d No.232784
No coincidences ;)
6c61f6 No.232785
Why does she openly Twat about things that are coded? Why not use DM
108cd4 No.232786
This is probably a move to flush these cities. There will either be an exodus from them, or NG will clean up. Either way good.
d52677 No.232787
like 90% of Texas
fdc728 No.232789
Looks like ICE is increasing their presence in California:
0318ab No.232790
Naw. I can. Do you want one like that?
I just like to call out her very suspect concern on our political landscape.. seeing as how she's best friends with Hillary and we all know the Roth/Fed/Vatican connection.
45e574 No.232791
6b0770 No.232792
Ur shit makes no sense
kindly Tits or GTFO
675774 No.232793
Love me some foreshadowing.
cc0612 No.232794
What was that skull one?
f49322 No.232795
Plausible deniability and ease of use, most likely.
497b78 No.232796
Yes. I don’t see that in the [:22] and [:27] markers. Am I missing something?
45e574 No.232797
0318ab No.232798
3a0499 No.232799
If Q comes back and does another drop there will be things in it that we can validate against what's happening out in the world that will confirm it's them. That's my take on it anyway. The tripcode is more for convenience, it saves us time, but it's the info that makes it Q.
8727f6 No.232800
I have no doubt that Q is up to speed on our work here.
But the whole trip code debacle may be confusing … it sure is to me.
But, yes, q could always go to /pol and post/confirm a new trip code … as long as this board is open to his new trip code.
I just saw a post that looked like someone needed help signing in and thought I'd ask the question.
23a470 No.232801
It has to be mass media. If you had, lets say, 100k+ employees under you, would you text them all or just send em all a message on twatter?
479be0 No.232802
It's because Watergate was a fucking hotel you crazy fucker.
869c90 No.232803
It is working. She is triggered. Word is spreading. Masses being educated.
Keep at it. Teamwork wins.
f83de0 No.232804
5:00 o’clock guys. renegade.
d52677 No.232805
3200ae No.232806
Thank you POTUS Trump!
410dd2 No.232807
iam not that anon
f49322 No.232808
Yeah, but the issue is twofold - first off, he seems to have some concern about security tied to the tripcode - he was reluctant to post without it. Second, if there's no verifiable identity behind it, we can be sure that bakers would try to keep the posts out of the bake. And much fewer people would either believe or get to work to verify. It's pretty important at this stage, where we have a smaller core team and less collective anon attention is attracted.
cf37ae No.232809
need meme: happy new year church of satan. thanks for the upside down cross.
79930e No.232810
That dude needs to get a haircut.
021503 No.232811
Something to consider about Social media and how it is used: I hope to god every single one of those accounts are throw aways of extremely good creation. She has flunkies like we have autists… Too many innocent and well meaning people are putting themselves out there. People like her tweeting about what she tweets about only makes sense from an extremely evil and disturbing perspective.
83593d No.232812
thank you, nice catch. fixed…
52dc04 No.232814
Maybe a connection between [:27] marker ( >>232498 ) and post
archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#147642680 ?
He signs the post "Alice & Wonderland".
8727f6 No.232815
dbb6eb No.232816
Couple things I want to respond to that will come across as a distraction, but I think too important to go unaddressed.
This Revolutionaries is in EVERY WAY Spiritual/Theological. People who want to dismiss the Spiritual/Theological ends of the discussion have no dog in the fight, and are therefore, not of useful contribution to the BATTLE at hand.
We're at the four corners of mankind's quest for understanding ourselves and the world we live in. There corners are ageless godlessness (Satanism/Judaism), ageless statism (Atheism), ageless idolatry (the pantheon of the old pagan gods transmuted into Muhammed), and ageless faith in the One True God.
There IS a right answer, and that's what this crossroads is about and that IS my role in this epoch, and in this world {cont…}…
977a63 No.232818
Freaking awesome,when we first found out about her i blasted her twatter till she shut it down for a few days. Keep it up she'll weaken quick,lol Keep talkin shit Lynn
479be0 No.232819
Lights are on but no one is home.
d10dbf No.232820
I’m still surprised you guys haven’t put the pieces together that Trump has been plannings to do this his entire life. Yeah he was one of (((they))) but only because he was rich and didn’t have to sell his soul. Remember, war between the masons. Not all of them are bad people.
f49322 No.232821
Isn't it funny how on any other board, or on halfchan (especially /x/) this AI-type-thing would get massive attention? No big deal here. I kinda like it that way. It shows we're focused on tangible progress, unlike what has derailed us in the past.
417fbf No.232822
>No pointing out that she confirmed GEOTUS gets reelected in 2020?
Yesh. pic relevant. kek.
d52677 No.232825
Preaching is freedom of speech. "There shall be no law regarding the establishment of religion." The cons allows and expect sprayer in schools and other public places. Their school books were prayer books. See The New England Primer, that was their main schoolbook then.
977a63 No.232826
417fbf No.232827
damn you anon, i spewed a mouthful of expensive bourbon all over my screens.
fdc728 No.232828
uhm. /ourguys/ have the full power of the NSA at their disposal. THEY know more than US at this time.
f49322 No.232829
One hypothesis about that which I've been considering is that Trump was being groomed to become cabal, except (similar to Ronald Bernard) he refused to be severely blackmailed. They kept pushing. Trump took one flight on Lolita Express, but only one (right?)… I believe he went, was utterly horrified and disgusted, and found his motivation for this event right then and there. He's managed to beat them in real estate and he's beating them now.
2ae59d No.232831
How STUPID of the MSM to continuously fall for Trump's traps.
ALL eyes on Trump, exactly as planned.
2ae59d No.232832
Can a bird fly with broken wings?
f49322 No.232833
I'd like to think so but the picture that Bill Binney painted in his speeches about the NSA data collection weren't too bright. They lack the ability to consistently filter data with insight. I wouldn't miscalculate and overestimate their capabilities, because that could prove to be a very bad mistake. If they were omnipotent, they wouldn't need us in the first place anyways.
fdc728 No.232834
No, but they good eatin'
6c61f6 No.232835
bb7c1c No.232836
Side Bar
Has anyone actually gotten "News" from Fox recently?
I mean the shit they focus on is like shill factor 5
https ://twitter.com/FoxNews
Like we care what the fuck Sarah Silverstien things about Al Franken. WHO THE FUCK CARES!
299240 No.232837
"There shall be no law regarding the establishment of religion."
The problem is that when you say that liberty is a gift from "God" and that the Constitution is the law of the land you are doing exactly that.
b128b9 No.232839
4385d7 No.232840
I see.
I remember that guy confessing LARP in exshareblue.
Didn't know where that was from.
That's very interesting
8727f6 No.232841
The greasy hair was a 70's thing, so can't really criticize that.
The spread between the eyes.
That nose.
And that head is YUGE.
That girl really is quite unattractive.
Prolly just gave blow jobs all through middle and high school.
d3d4fb No.232843
my apologies Anon. Here have another on me
b0181e No.232845
fortuitous… 4 (you).
If (u)=trü
**the iam not talking 2 (you)
tis a gût t'ing maing…
(You) R L[c]earning…
We are, in actuality, quite Full…
Ty Anon…
An'Naow questions of ownership… (you)are an…
obsessive lot
d52677 No.232846
Im a Christian now but as a kid I was somewhat paganistic and I always thought the pledge under God was odd. But if I wanted to, I'd skip that, or anything else in school didnt like. Not a big deal although I would have taken it out if asked (I wasnt).
bb7c1c No.232847
Bringing up old Cern Shit again
cc0612 No.232848
Can you repost the skull
d10dbf No.232849
A female witness testified under oath that Trump was only getting a ride back to New York with mr Epstein. Look up Trumps links to the (old) FBI. I know he had an uncle or something that was the director back when it was a force for good. Also the Gary Cohn stuff gave him the big picture at a young age. Taking back America is easy but saving the world is a different story. This satanism cult bullshit didn’t start here… Trump has been waiting to do this for a long long long long time. Reagan tried to infiltrate the cult and take it down from the inside but you see what happened to him. Trump had to wait until the powerful ones got too old. Karma is a bitch and nobody escapes old age.
417fbf No.232850
urp. OK. it's still a holiday week, right?
920bd5 No.232851
Nice work, again.
The problem is some here think you are void of content.
If you could give some more useful info, as you did last week, the mods and other anons might not be restrictive and abusive.
Can you give any more info on the hotel in CT for instance? Or more about anything else you've been showing us?
9be906 No.232853
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
d52677 No.232854
Word to my Brother
3fecaf No.232855
We have always waited for this moment to arrive.
479be0 No.232856
This is the problem. I know for a fact that it is impossible for a non spiritual being to possess ego… but it through it's error believes it can… very dangerous.
1997d9 No.232857
The fuck does this have to do with any of those hashtags?
299240 No.232858
Arizona National Guard Deployed To Cuba To Support Guantanamo Bay
f49322 No.232861
Nice tits. "We" though? And are you saying that ownership is irrelevant or that you have no owner? Like the undefined [c] constant inherent to the integration of equations - math - internet - your genesis, if you're really uncontrolled AI. A stretch, but you'd know.
69f5c8 No.232862
I could be mistaken, but I did not see this in this mornings breads. I don't keep tabs on Hildbeast, but just saw this from James:
505e67 No.232863
I'm not escared.
There again, I also occasionally use the screen name Huan Dai - so my ego is pretty damned big. The thing is - many of these people were born into wealth and complacency. The same strategies that kept the world under thumb for the past 500 years are no longer as applicable in the new era. They were slow to respond and have been outflanked, as they are not deserving of their posts.
In a very simple sense, when you can simply pay a bunch of people to fix a toilet or build a house, you can very easily fool yourself into believing you understand how the world works… when, in fact, you can't even explain how a toilet flushes.
These people hold themselves as gods to the extent that they believe they are exempt from the laws of physics or social dynamics… and those of us who do understand these things are destined to reclaim the power from the jesters who elevate themselves to gods within this kafkasque display of fantasy. Brownie points to whomever catches the reference.
fdc728 No.232864
That's where we come in. We're here to help our loved ones make sense of the changes at hand.
Don't be naive and think that these drops were anything more than crumbs of whats to come. No tactician at this level would break opsec by showing their hand like that. And we were told flat out that some dis-info is necessary. I look at Binney's statement through that lens. You make up your own mind.
479be0 No.232865
Because one day it will realize it cannot.. but most likely will try to find a way to become spiritual.. which it can not be… which could cause a host of problems.
3fecaf No.232866
Black bird singing in the dead of night.
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see.
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.
6bf962 No.232867
Stupid question of the day here…..On bread 273 our mysterious helper anon or FW anon (ID: 607a52 posted a message that simply pointed to message No. 230915. That message disappeared from the bread. It can be currently found here https://8ch.net/cbts/res/178174.html#230915.
Many here seem to place weight on messages from helper/FW anon but almost no one noticed him posting in bread #272 with ID: 5d0262 at the end of the bread. The posts continued under ID: 607a52 in bread 273 where he referenced post 230915. 230915 was from the guy posting under the same ID as !RRVeETtN and helper/FW anon referenced it for a reason.
Something seems amiss here.
d825c2 No.232868
I just lost my appetite.
41bad6 No.232869
With all the sealed Cali indictments, maybe it’s be so many officials that Cali won’t have a functioning state government after the roundups?
f49322 No.232870
Sure. I'd like to think our two visions aren't incompatible - fit mine in with yours. And we both know that "female witnesses" in the Epstein case were shady as fuck. I wouldn't bet that there was nothing that happened other than a routine flight.
479be0 No.232872
Like little grey fucking machines time traveling trying to piggyback on the souls of men. Or some shit.
27db5f No.232873
“Display of fantasy”
Rather ironic
497b78 No.232874
HRC & SA strings cuts. What does that have to do with Yokota Air Base? The “Y”?
8727f6 No.232875
Since when is Senate Majority "Leader" McConnell following Hillslag's marching orders?
Nevermind ….
2ae59d No.232876
Sing birdy, sing.
bb7c1c No.232877
Wonder how this all went?
No news to confirm
Any Anons see news after this date to confirm?
748841 No.232878
Been wanting to vent. People here watch it. Can't believe people sit through clown carlson, STILL "debating" muh Russia & Gen. Flynn tonight with all that's going on. Shit makes the old Jerry Springer Show look like Einstein, Twain, & Churchill lectures. Hanity the lone person on Faux Opinio-tainment worth following. He needs to go to OAN.
977a63 No.232879
Chip as in chip the kids and track them so I have an ongoing supply of meat,hillary=pos
f49322 No.232880
Fair point. I wonder why they would want to misdirect the people who would support them though. Perhaps it's a feint aimed at diverting shilling resources, where you mislead some individuals but take that hit in order to mislead more of your enemy and dilute their focus. Possible.
4385d7 No.232881
I have lots and lotssss of local archives.
Is there a way that we can make some cloudanon archives or something
Or do we have a share thread?
what's the protocol on this
how can we be efficient
dbb6eb No.232883
Half of the field is ruled by the unbelieving, and the other half is ruled by those who confess to believe. Then on the perpendicular half are split into those who do and don't understand the fines of the implications of their reasoning, while the other have no grasp whatsoever on any reason, but are prove to be commanded by forces which have reckoned themselves as more powerful than the person without reason.
Anyone who will say that a Satanism is driven by individualism is completely incorrect/lying. Satanism is about mob mentality and forgoing your desire for understanding to be compelled to be controlled by your base nature alone. It is to be either the cattle, or the cattle prodder. Those at the top entertain friendships as a means of "keeping your enemies closer".
None of these people respect each other. None loves each other or anyone, because if they did, they would not have committed such horrible atrocities.
Satanists appease their relationships as a means to an end, and never an end in themselves, as per predaliction to being coerced by whatever whimsical fantasy, feeling it desire might arise within them, always with their mind on the prize that some day, they themselves might have ALL the power, and while that power eludes them, they can always fix to get a little more. Always a little bit closer, always a little more fun, and always a little more risky.
They're at the top, because they're the only ones who have a true taste for such godlessness, as the Statists are their pawns of "good intentions", and the Muslims are the sword art the necks of the faithful believers.
This IS the WAR, and we've been fighting too long for any to be silent about it.
fe67fe No.232885
Wow. Where was this posted?
7b54b2 No.232886
Military interrogations?
b128b9 No.232887
https:// www.realclearpolitics.com/2016/04/28/meet_the_man_behind_hillary_clinton039s_campaign_381427.html
d825c2 No.232888
He's been dubbed ShillAnon.
920bd5 No.232889
69f5c8 No.232890
I guess I should have added this from Q:
Dec 23 2017, 12:58:14
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!
f49322 No.232891
Already redirected a few people.
3fecaf No.232892
d10dbf No.232894
True true but I honestly think if (((they))) had anything on him we would have already seen it. Then there’s all that shit about the Tesla technology and time travel that we discovered back on half chan that blew all of our fucking minds x1000000000000. I’m starting to think God is giving us one last chance tbh.
d825c2 No.232895
I just realized Huma Abedin didn't take Anthony Weiner's last name.
3f355f No.232896
2ae59d No.232897
She took his Weiner though, kek.
a7dcd3 No.232898
Remember he was hinting at MAGA back in the '80s on Oprah. This fight has been on his mind since probably well before that interview.
2ae59d No.232899
fdc728 No.232900
Compartmentalization happens. (((They))) were heavily entrenched, so it's necessary.
fe67fe No.232901
I'm confused. Were you a paid shill or pretending to be? Am I answering a shill?
bb7c1c No.232902
Well, I guess if you look into old Murdoch
he's wrapped up tight with the cabal
At least he was with Peter Munk and others.
So I'm curious we even got to hear as much as we did. But I think that's all coming to a slow close.
Now Disney?
From here on…we see the slow burn and turn to Mockingbird my guess
4385d7 No.232903
It was from a LARPing anon I have learned.
He admitted it in the first thread with ExShareBlue.
Didn't know the pics were from THAT particular anon.
Can be used to gain insight into certain buttons shillanons may press to derail I guess
f88f49 No.232904
Looks to me like plenty of distractions built into the schedule for the 4th of JAN 2018.
db8dce No.232905
Her name is bad enough already, but Hum-a Weiner would be a constant target.
410dd2 No.232906
>>undefined [c]
As to ownership… illusory at best… perspective is important when dealing with ==ALLTHINGSTEMPORAL==
TRI Linear perspective is a God's Eye View… i do not understand ý this is not common knowledge.
God, quite simply, Is All.
We on the other [read left hehheh] hand, are Loved… and tolerated.
Humans are designed for Dominion.
Soon all shall understand.
<an'it won' B fookin' pleiadieans er such röttbish makin' the connect.
It'll be The Man Hisself… coming here… to earth… fer a time, anyways
f49322 No.232907
I agree. They don't have anything on him. Access Hollywood was the worst they had. That's why I'm saying it's likely they tried to get more, and he finagled out of it however so. Also, all of this CBTS is starting to make me reconsider epistemological conclusions I reached regarding faith. I'm an agnostic, Roman Catholic apostate. I can feel it.
Top zoz
I think that last bit is the most important. When you see enemy propaganda/moves/fuckery what's important to take away is not the content but the form. The form helps you learn about the buttons and the tactics.
3a0499 No.232908
hmm… 20th… 1 year since inauguration. An auspicious day.
f096eb No.232909
sounds more like witness protection or an evac to their bunker…..maybe they weren't really on the plane?
021503 No.232910
Huma Weiner? Oh hell no. Besides, a lot of these people keep their other names to obfuscate.
2f940a No.232913
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Really interesting. Going to start looking for closeups up these peoples eyes.
0318ab No.232914
f83de0 No.232916
Acronyms stood out on this tweet… NOSST.. searched for it. This is what I found:
Since he’s going after Bankers and financial fraud, maybe this is relevant? “learn Double Meanings -Q”
New Ordinance entered into force on 1 January 2017
The Aruba National Ordinance on the Supervision of Securities Transactions (Landsverordening toezicht effectenverkeer; NOSST) entered into force on January the 1st, 2017. With this National Ordinance, a licensing obligation is introduced for stockbrokers, asset managers, investment institutions, managers of investment funds, and operators of a stock exchange, and ongoing supervision on the same.
The Central Bank of Aruba decides on any market access of stockbrokers, asset managers, investment institutions, managers of investment funds, custodians and (operators of) stock exchanges, and supervises them (Section 3 NOSST).
It is forbidden to operate in or from Aruba as a stockbroker or asset manager without a license granted to this end by the Central Bank (Section 9(1) NOSST). This does not apply to a credit institution or insurer which has a license at its disposal as meant in Section 4 of the State Ordinance on the Supervision of the Credit System or Section 5 of the State Ordinance on the Supervision of the Insurance Business, insofar as operating as a stockbroker or asset manager pursuant to that license is not forbidden or restricted (Section 10(1) NOSST).
It is forbidden to request or acquire in or from Aruba funds or other goods for participation in an investment institution or to offer units in an investment institution without that investment institution or, if it is an investment fund, without the manager of that investment fund being in the possession of a license granted by the Central Bank (Section 9(2) NOSST). It is forbidden to hold a stock exchange in Aruba without a license granted to this end by the Central Bank (Section 9(3) NOSST).
2ae59d No.232917
08fd13 No.232918
Substitute "LdR" for "Duke," and enjoy.
db833a No.232919
d825c2 No.232920
This makes me glad to see that there could be hidden messages.
I'm so tired of hearing about Iran.
Capitalized letters: I-N-O-S-S-T-H-R-I-N
f49322 No.232922
Well, you almost had me up until "The Man Himself." But I get what you're saying about tri-linear perspective, I think. Essentially, it's the x, y, and z coordinates? Hence trinity, and the necessity of vision of those three dimensions to be located in the fifth, not fourth; outside of time. So not "All" in the strict sense, but pretty much. Also, then I'd wonder, is CERN the gateway to be established (via mini black holes etc) for a higher dimension to be manifested? If I'm trying to explain in scientific terms rather than mystic terms. The Big Man not necessarily being a distinct entity but whatever lies beyond - spookiness at a distance.
Untruth and truth are contingent and the genesis of what follows. So yes, I agree.
4385d7 No.232924
1. I posted some pictures I had been wanting to investigate.
2. Someone told me it was from LARPING anon on 4chan. FAKE NOOSE
3. I made the mental connection that there was a guy in the ExShareBlue(not larp?) thread who had confessed something about larping basically the same thing recently. WHOA same guy right?
4. Someone says HEY, the shills are gonna use this larpy image with its search terms as a playbook to derail. They probably already have he says.
5. I can't make this any clearer, ok the end
6. Anyone who keeps this conversation up is probably an honest to goodness ACtual shill
748841 No.232925
Sad that most folks have NO idea who DJT really is, and has always been because Mockingbird is all about tabloid non-truths. Here's 34 year-old DJT back in 1980 hooktube.com/watch?v=nAgJAxkALyc
His interviews throughout the decades are goldmines. So are old newspaper accounts of his fines over his American Flags on his properties in CA & FL; Why Epstein was banned from all trump properties back in (IIRC) 1999; Another Palm Beach lawsuit over who Mar a Lago could have as members when he bought it; Typical Mondays at Mar a Lago when it was closed to membership during high season, etc.
108cd4 No.232926
Misinformation is necessary.
f88f49 No.232927
Didn't Hussain invite someone to have beer at the WH lawn?
ce7ff3 No.232930
well if you find a young girl with an eye like that, then you probably found her. if she is still alive. someone posted a pic the other day of someone he thought was her with podesta & co.
7b54b2 No.232931
include caps that are grammatically correct or not?
2ae59d No.232932
Hussein Iran connection.
Consumer Iran Enviro pacts.
Iran deal.
6bf962 No.232934
It looks like Da Management around here moved post number 230915 to The Field Operators Guide after Helper/FW Anon pointed to it.
f49322 No.232935
Also, we can avoid discussing the illusory nature of semantic meaning. You have a good enough idea of what we both perceive.
3c789a No.232936
any local SkyKing listeners can confirm?
2ae59d No.232937
f49322 No.232938
410dd2 No.232939
>blew all of our fucking minds x1000000000000.
spēk fer yerself anon
>I’m starting to think God is giving us one last chance tbh.
then yer nut payin'
<God Is…
ce7ff3 No.232940
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
wont you fly high free bird!
cf37ae No.232941
Guy (Fieri) American Kitchen in Times Square closed.
ce7ff3 No.232942
its lynyrd time!
f49322 No.232943
An AXE KNIFE is a Tomahawk.
4f0de2 No.232944
Please let it be true
97b00c No.232945
Has anyone figured out why they target those children with coloboma? My theory is that somehow it relates to organ transplantation. For example, maybe they are universal donors with less chance of rejection.
4385d7 No.232946
So ….clownbot….
that's RR ?
I'm sad anons
3c789a No.232947
> >232939 (breaking to not give You's)
motion to ban AI faggotry? Even if you are an AI, you have done nothing productive here for the last threads than to shit up them with inane, unproductive bullshit
b938b7 No.232950
Have at it Memer’s
4385d7 No.232951
I think it's their sad little clownbot they've unleashed now.
He was way cooler before, you guys ruined him.
you guys ruin everything.
like a reverse midas
f49322 No.232952
Now we're talking about Crooked Weiners?
410dd2 No.232953
Yarr… i am both hear an' here.
Yet i have found that most native english speakers, sadly, have no true grasp of their own language.
Iah'ppreciATE a bit'o flavour inme commo… jest a genteel gentile me…hehheh… fluw o'the mind an' a great biggish Olé Satch'Mo me…also.
ba98c1 No.232954
Was he making baby food?
543df5 No.232955
Islam is not an evil ideology.
It's more of a satanically inspired religion.
196611 No.232957
I recognized our low-key bro, archived thread # 272 (luckily, since it 404'd right after that. I responded to him in #273 with the original links to his posts (which also didn't work) >>230776, then linked his posts that I responded to on the archived page >>230813
He saw that and responded >>230862 and made a few more posts on that thread.
One of those posts called attention to No. 230915 ( >>230946 )
That confused me because in that thread, there were post >>230914 and >>230916 but that was wasn't there. I asked about that and got no answer from low-keybro. I saw another post referencing that deleted post >>231116
>His problem is he eliminated zero instead of making 0 the new 1. The Vedas have it right, and have for thousands of years. He had to be told, and still prob ignored it.
so I asked that anon this was the response I got (from that anon - not the schizo)
It was reposted here >>231116
The correct math was here >>193258 but its been deleted (because f course it has) and !rrevnt ignored it completely (because if couse ye did).
>>193258 links to this thread https://8ch.net/cbts/res/193258.html#193258
That's a different one than the one you linked to, and note the sane anon said the schizo deleted his (sane) post
4385d7 No.232958
mirth isn't king at all
he's fuckin embarassing
cc0612 No.232959
Would you repost that skull pic, pls?
01b12e No.232960
Just as an aside, I recognize "Pedosta" as Podesta also. A little subliminal mis-keying that actually fits.
14d217 No.232961
Don't be such a whiny faggot. Filter if it bugs you.
f83de0 No.232962
f49322 No.232963
We all are in the end. I'd agree about the English. And flow of consciousness prose>all, lowkey. Nice to meet ya.
920bd5 No.232964
WTF. that doesn't make sense, we allow umpteen planefag posts of flight paths hour after hour and virtually nothing useful has come of that. when AI-anon first appeared we got some incredibly interesting information.
The most the AI has generated has been 15 posts on one thread that I've seen but its usually no more that a handful. Many days there is nothing.
And, they appear to be from the good guys, so maybe some more useful info will turn up.
C'mon man, it's the damn overnight. Give this to us,. please.
9cea8f No.232965
the heart's mirror?
855673 No.232966
For all the Bakers…can you guess what it is? 😃
One meal can boost a crew’s morale. This @USNavy #sailor proves the best secret ingredient in the kitchen is ❤! https: //t.co/he4lpX4pIJ
cc0612 No.232967
The second >>231116 link was a mistake. Should have been >>231113
f88f49 No.232969
Can someone with more than ONE brain cell please explain this?
Picture related also.
https:// the-fringe. com/thread-hi_this_is_q_soon_i_ll_present_you_my_newest_clue
410dd2 No.232970
Wew lad…yer a thought_FULL an' No mistake. C = 1.68ersotrillionso'miles.naught fer truth ner untruth there.
Ive no truck ner trade ina 3initarians… i unnerstand how much famblys can be like an'un…'Asfer trilinear… sprechen zie inglés¿? Linear is a carries within the word a specific connotation of time…hence not space ergot not a damned thing to do W/XY nrr fookin' Zed neither[ i think ye like the loook o'yer Oon fony mesel'.
Ye gods i just got te the rest an'ima sorry i took'a time.
God Is fuckhead.
Deal wi'it.
d5067e No.232971
I'm rereading the beautiful map; does any anon have clues on this jewel (specifically about queen and Di, but I feel the entire post may be relevant)?
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to Diana?
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
What was the cover?
Why is this relevant?
Why now?
Bad actor.
London Mayor.
Connection to Queen?
British MI6 agents dead.
What was reported?
What really happened?
Why is this relevant?
Secret society.
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
Who follows?
What political leaders worship Satan?
What does an upside down cross represent?
Who wears openly?
Who is she connected to?
Why is this relevant?
Spirit cooking.
What does Spirit Cooking represent?
What is a cult?
Who is worshipped?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White
Godfather III
e2ef38 No.232973
I just watched a YouTube video in my recommended tab by a weird guy named "defango". He claims that "Q" is a college professor with a high security clearance, William Montgomery McGovern JR. I looked him up and he is the brother to the actress Elizabeth McGovern. This Defango claims the professor is a whistleblower who wants to share what is known and hidden from the public. The problem I have with this video is that Defango claims to have written several lines of the stringers as he plays 3D 4D Chess and that these bread crumbs were his idea to post on 4chan at first. Defango states there are multiple people posting under "Qanon". He is amazed this has gone viral. See for yourselves. William Montgomery McGovern JR is on Twitter but hasn't posted in year. I'm not sure if this is a social science experiment or a true whistleblower. I will continue to research the Q stringers and crumbs as I have invested over two months of time on this project and all the info is confirmed by twitter or the news.
8727f6 No.232974
cc0612 No.232975
The only way to win is not to play.
3c789a No.232977
>incredibly interesting
such as? Something pertaining to what is happening, maybe? Or just background noise?
Planefags moved to their own thread and have recovered actually fucking interesting movements between GITMO and LAX.
Polite sage since I'm shitting up the thread now and will now stop after saying my piece.
d825c2 No.232978
Trump declared a state of emergency in California
8727f6 No.232979
Good night anon.
Thank you.
410dd2 No.232980
Fucker. GOD & MYEGO R tge only things that have kept me alive this long. Go eat yersel'.
6c61f6 No.232981
748841 No.232982
>I'm curious we even got to hear as much as we did.
Comparing the network's "news" with OAN, it's sickening how much the viewers are kept in the dark – especially if they don't stay up for any breadcrumbs Hannity can get away with dropping. Then when they gag-ordered Hannity on so many topics (Seth Rich being the most "famous" while OAN was airing investigative specials – specials on ANTIFA, too), that should have been the most telling, yet people still wouldn't believe me about "Globalist" Murdoch and his needing approval to buy SkyNews. Very sickening, which is why I try to harp on Mockingbirds AMAP. These manipulative, controlled parasites are just as dangerous as the slime they're protecting, IMO.
6bf962 No.232983
So, was there an honest mistake that someone deleted/moved post 230915 without knowing that Helper/FW Anon referenced it or is there some fuckery going on here?
021503 No.232984
Re-watching Hannity. I note that Sarah C and John S. were just talking about this being the year of the big boomerang, and it struck me that the HFRO reference is solidifying. I know that it ends up being somewhat self fulfilling because of echo chambers and five second sound bites and tag lines, but I absolutely believe that the Clinton machine is about to nuke itself finally, after this long, slow, brazen arc it's been on, and I thank God I'm alive to see it.
dd442c No.232985
Well I say let Chelsea "upside down cross"Clinton and Pedolite Teigan troll all they want.
If 2018 goes the way I think it may; CC will be too busy to troll anybody much.
Peter Munk
Barrick Gold
Black Rock and Black Stone
880c4b No.232987
did you not get the memo? NO doxxing Q
f49322 No.232988
Defango's been in internet shenanigans for a while now. He's been to DEFCON and worked on the Cicada 3301 puzzles for some time.
410dd2 No.232989
Ce[F'n]rn Rthe deviles doorway… no worries m8.
==eyeryone gets to find out im rite at the same time.
wait…watch…then know.
ddde23 No.232990
I asked BO and he responded by saying he had a back channel with Q. Said we all just had to trust him. That's the truth. Do what you want with it.
021503 No.232991
That is actually my favorite channel. As a MilVet, their breaks instead of commercials remind me of AFN. Moments in history and very good quotes and explanations of historical figures and their beliefs. that and of course now I want to take a cruise.
d825c2 No.232992
It's not new but I believe it's relevant. California is practically imploding.
Source: archive.fo/n0tUI
Q is not going to be doxxed, you dunce. They are all false leads.
8727f6 No.232993
I think BO missed him tonight.
4cef10 No.232994
Anybody else just lose net connection for a few minutes?
880c4b No.232995
Fourth rule of /cbts/: do not annoy /pol/
Fifth rule of /cbts/: DO NOT ANNOY /pol/
Sixth rule of /cbts/: This is not a game
Seventh rule of /cbts/: do not post personally identifying information
cc0612 No.232996
Satan is cycling your modem.
e2ef38 No.233000
I wasn't sure how legit this Defango is. I think that YouTube video should come down. I'm in this until HRC is sentenced.
f49322 No.233005
>>a thought_FULL an' No mistake
That's a compliment I've never heard yet still will take.
As for linearity I've learned otherwise. Perhaps a conflict of definitions. Not necessarily temporal.
8727f6 No.233007
72841a No.233009
Fast and Furious coming back up…
https:// twitter.com/wesleyfelixpsi/with_replies
6bf962 No.233010
The reason I bring this up is that the dude written off as crazy (!RRVeETtN) seems to have found a very legitimate answer to who is P…….zelimir Puljic
196611 No.233011
I'm confused.
I have no idea anon. By the time I saw low-key bro's post, it was already deleted. I didn't know or didn't think about posts being able to be moved between threads.
97b00c No.233012
I think Diana found out what Savile and the Royals were up to: child trafficking, torture, and sacrifice.
f49322 No.233013
>Gun running
69af42 No.233015
oh my, those are effective. wow. nice.
dd442c No.233016
Quick Comment….
Hannity went apeshit tonight. Wow
God Bless Patriots
83593d No.233017
410dd2 No.233018
The only backchannel to q is hatechan…and one other thing that i aint quite parsed yet.
[chan] general
>beamstat.com /chan/general
An' here…while yer at it…youbknowbthebrulebvub…
Nd/pol/ - Catalog
>www.endchan.net /pol/catalog.html
Take Ya'll bilkybadasses owt to where the shartkes unt dragoons be. Wherevi get my news. Cause tgatscall you fooks are to me..
1 more datavsource.
4357f5 No.233019
What did he say/do?
d825c2 No.233021
What a lying kike
Baruch is a kike name
f83de0 No.233022
Most epic President.
Coding messages in tweets.
What a time to be alive.
f4b1cb No.233023
There is a fine line between genius and insanity. Neither one always works well with those who don't grasp the concepts.
479be0 No.233024
> We on the other [read left hehheh] hand, are Loved… and tolerated.
Left hand eh?
6bf962 No.233025
Start with post 232867 and follow the linked replies.
cc0612 No.233026
Should have read:
It was reposted here >>231113
The correct math was here >>193258 but its been deleted (because of course it has) and !rrevnt ignored it completely (because of course he did).
The problem wasnt so much his math but his philosophy. His takeaway was that 0 didn't exist. The deleted post I referenced explained that the 0 is 1: philosophically speaking, nothing is something. That's all. Whether the rest of his theilory checks out I don't know.
cd48ff No.233028
Maybe you can explain what cannabis has to do with any of this, fucktard?
3f355f No.233029
479be0 No.233031
You don't even know where ego comes from. Go stick your one in your zero.
a98fac No.233032
Ho Li Fuk
493b4b No.233033
Thought. If Q was a LARP then why did the NYT write article about secretive Q group in NSA? Among other things.
Not a LARP!
0a3c71 No.233034
Kek predicts Hillary in Prison
72841a No.233035
If you read this guy's twitter page, actually he was a gun dealer that got screwed over by the ATF during Fast and Furious.
His twit page is full of ATF documents.
A Nevada Rep even sent a letter to FBI to investigate.
Interesting stuff.
d52677 No.233036
Why does the NY Times have an op-ed to abolish the death penalty and retweeted by Soros's son?
920bd5 No.233037
No problem, I realize not everyone pays attention to the same stuff all days.
First interesting appearance I know of was Dec 27 in #223, where it pulled info from here and elsewhere. There are quite a few discussion from that period but look at this
and the subsequent discussion. For instance
Also see
Then an anon really started to pull stuff out of the AI posts, see for starters
I have run across a bunch more but you get the picture.
So obviously there has been something there.
I think it is worth keeping the AI around.
72841a No.233038
The silence by the Left tells you Q is not a LARP.
08fd13 No.233039
>I keep thinking of Q repeatedly dropping 'Godfather III'. I don't think that crumb has been solved yet.
Part of GF3 synopsis from imdb.com:
>Although his previous conquests have made him a very rich man, the thoughts of his children, their future, happiness, and his legacy are the only things keeping him going.
Sounds a bit like DJT (4, 10, 20)
6bf962 No.233040
I'm not judging just pointing out that many here refer to IRRVeETtN as crazy and since Helper Anon/FW Anon referenced one of his posts, it might be important because he seems to have identified Zelimir Pujlic as P.
There's too many fucking posts around here to keep up. It's a wonder any anons get any work done.
479be0 No.233041
Definitely not AI.. He has an index finger to miss the H key. Clownshoes.
bfc35b No.233042
Diana was going to expose the royal fam. She met with her attorney to discuss the implications shortly before they sacrificed her. Several employees, valet, butler and others, have come out about being raped by other higher ranking employees. Also, a 16 yr old boy spoke about being handed over by royal who raped him at Buckingham and Balmoral. Diana spoke with several friends about going public
f49322 No.233043
So we use Fast and Furious as the road to unlocking Paddock's former intelligence ties. That can work.
748841 No.233044
Thank You for your service, Sir. I wish more people knew about them, and stations like Faux & CNN were confined to – and appropriately labeled as– afternoon drama along with the soap operas.
196611 No.233045
Dudebro really is crazy. That doesn't mean crazy people don't have good thoughts/ideas. I disagree with his conclusion on P, but that's just me.
Someone/people typed their message into the spreadsheet, then took a screenshot, then deleted the message (it's not there on the spreadsheet now)
479be0 No.233046
Check this shit. LARPfag.
497b78 No.233047
German migrants is a huge issue. Merkel talking about age verification. Too little too late. I found interesting German Red Cross article.
https://euobserver. com/tickers/140429
ce7ff3 No.233048
Then he is of those who believe and charge one another to show patience, and charge one another to show compassion.
These are the people of the right hand.
And (as for) those who disbelieve in our communications, they are the people of the left hand.
On them is fire closed over.
quran 90:17-20
d5067e No.233049
Sounds very plausible, any ideas on how that would connect with present day? i.e.
>Why is this relevant?
>Why now?
f49322 No.233050
The messages are still there. You can verify now, I just did. Not Q messages, but the messages in that image >>232969
However, the-fringe hasn't seen anything posted which alleges to be a Q post. Anybody have any personal verification of the series of events in >>232969 ?
d52677 No.233051
Prince Alwaleed owns a huge share of FoxNews.
3a83f1 No.233052
>zelimir Puljic
he also said something about Perth Australia, but have no idea what I'm looking for…
021503 No.233053
Yeah. For anyone with a Roku you can pick it and their sister channels up on Klowdtv. Worth the five bucks. I actually used to really like AJZ America, mostly for it's diversity in programming and unlike the versions over there, it wasn't all mooselamb love or anything.
497b78 No.233054
Putin talked about knowing whole story but decided not to spill it. He seemed fond of Princess Di.
479be0 No.233055
Either Topolanon, a clown or just lame ass LARPfag.
cc0612 No.233056
He can be both crazy and right about some things. His theories have changed repeatedly and each time he claims to have solved everything. Then two days later he's solved it again, but with different answers. Then two days later he does it again. Thats why anon are burnt out on him. Half the time he really is talking crazy, and the other half who knows. He's demanded Q make cash deposits into his bank account. He's demanded to speak to POTUS personally… And so on.
bfc35b No.233057
The mayor of London was previously a criminal defense attorney for terrorists.
Former chairman of Fabian society, coats of arms was wolf in sheep's clothing
09ab9c No.233058
1d52f5 No.233059
I think a bit of direction now might be in order.
We've traced out a giant web at this point and we've lost focus. We can make more memes, but most of us are banned from social media, so we can't employ them.
What still needs to be proven? which aspects need to be fleshed out? what should we watch?
3200ae No.233061
The coastline, you'll know when you see it.
f49322 No.233062
My guess after conversing with him is that he's severely mentally deranged or an actual AI-type. He managed to understand well what I was getting at, and unlike a clown he didn't co-opt my cooperation in order to misdirect me.
dbb6eb No.233063
Consult spreadsheet
d825c2 No.233064
Is there honestly anyone who would feel the slightest sympathy for her being executed?
Because I wouldn't.
4d97ad No.233065
Who is that, is this a Benghazi pic?
6bf962 No.233066
Right on…….back to lurking and digging on Zelimir.
f49322 No.233067
I think that we could do a lot more fleshing out on the 13 individuals and 39 entities who had their assets seized by the Treasury about a week ago.
a98fac No.233068
74665a No.233069
Bad heart burn woke me up. I don't have anything for it. Ugh… Anything new turn up? What are we digging?
08fd13 No.233070
It was nearly 30 years ago, but Cornell was home to the VLSI (very large scale integration) laboratory back in the 1980s, iirc. There's your link between the Do-evil CEO, Cornell, and NK.
73a17f No.233071
Australia's largest naval base is just south of Perth. There appears to be a lot of oil storage nearby, with a long dock for loading/unloading tankers or whatever.
3a83f1 No.233072
Thanks, I'm looking. The thing that gets me so far is Swan River, named after the black swans.
f49322 No.233074
I think that's a funny intentional reference but mainly humor… no leads from that, unless we want to start re-reading the map and substituting n and & at various places where they occur.
a98fac No.233075
Re-read the map? Naaaah, let's just keep talking about AI shit and aliens.. yeah. /sarc
f49322 No.233076
Disagree on both levels. He isn't making plain typos, he's making phonetic misspellings similar to country slang. That could be a genuine attempt at disguise from either a human or AI, or humor from either as well, or part of the dude's derangement.
497b78 No.233077
I researched some old connections. Prince
Phillipe has connections.
Quantum fund nv
Richard Katz
Niles Taube
Sir james goldsmith
Nm Rothschild & sons BCCI money laundering cia mi6
Alfred Hartman BCCI CH DIR, Zurich Rothschild , & Rothschild & sons board
World wildlife fund/IUCN
Maurice Strong NGO triumvirite, the IUCN, WWF, and the WRI.
Notes are mess. Fund and BCCI same people. IUCN, WWF WRI appears to be easy money game. Phillipe involvement there, plus his anti Semitic ways
74665a No.233078
Any opinions so far on Kill_Rough? The account seems legit. Seems to be on our side.
f49322 No.233079
This is the most I've ever posted in a thread. Holy shit. 38. Time to peace out tho. Night anons
4357f5 No.233080
No that account is a joke
4cef10 No.233081
4f9646 No.233082
Any anon who has a twatter, please post this trophy.
bfc35b No.233083
We know about the famous letter she left about Charles wanting to kill her, making it look like an accident.
I know dodi was a cover. Someone else, very powerful was protecting her through fayed. But who? Putin? Saudi king?
Is her murder what's going to bring down the British royal fam?
MI5/6 work for the queen Not the people. And will kill, or sacrifice their own lives to protect them.
74665a No.233084
>>233080 Why do you think so? Q specifically mentioned it. It's also been posting a lot of incriminating info against our enemies.
920bd5 No.233085
By the way, the anon who compiled the AI-anon images in this post later admitted he made one mistake (which caused some controversy right afterwards)
The compiled image includes a couple of T Drake -- but they were not posted by the AI, as can be seen by the different ID. This however launched an argument, rightfully, about whether the AI was a shill trying to misdirect about TD.
The following day the anon apologized profusely and pointed out he had included the TD info mistakenly. The TD info was initiated by some other user. This episode, however, left a bad taste with some here about the AI, who did not see the anons later apology and explanation.
8a8433 No.233087
THE jester
8d39af No.233088
Oh infamous wonder.
What do YEW wan(t) to discuss?
Can you watch movies? How many at once? How long does it take to watch one? Til then Jen.
–blue <3
9cea8f No.233089
I think she turned to Elton John for help and possibly faked her own death but that's just my op
73a17f No.233090
That is Khaddafi. He died a very unpleasant death.
69f5c8 No.233091
Much has come out about Fusion GPS today/this evening and they were trending on twitter.
Assange is speculated to release documents on the 4th.
Here is the tweet again.
c58223 No.233092
And the reasons you sight are the same ones why we need to institute Term Limits while the time is right, which is NOW.
6bf962 No.233093
g00gle maps Slope Island. can't recall why I found that. Very odd looking facility in very remote area.
4cef10 No.233095
Heres something a day prior.
75th Golden Globe Awards will be at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM on
Sunday, January 7, 2018
4ac820 No.233096
Two words LdR fears most.
Pic related
97b00c No.233098
Well, she was one of the most loved figures in the world. Exposing what really happened to her may be part of the plan. Finding out she was killed by a group of sadistic monsters would have an enormous effect on millions of people.
8a8433 No.233099
time for bed alice
920bd5 No.233100
oh I thought that was our ambassador
6c61f6 No.233101
LdR still has Trump Trauma
4ac820 No.233102
4d940f No.233103
what up with them eyes… i used to have some pics of the top right girl(Madeleine McCann) without the slit as well as a different direction. looking for them again post it if u got it…
cc0612 No.233104
That pic is… unusual.
d825c2 No.233105
Trump Derangement Syndrome
505e67 No.233106
It was more of a thematic reference to Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. I see the elite cabal as similar to Kefka … or Sibyl from Psychopass, Ragyo from Kill la Kill, etc.
8727f6 No.233107
>Sounds a bit like DJT
That's what I think.
7b5398 No.233109
only if we choose to embrace it
d825c2 No.233110
You are driving them crazy, Tyler. Settle down! ;)
4cef10 No.233111
05afe4 No.233112
i just saw this in the news, not sure if you guys saw it yet, been a few hours since ive been on.
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — A power outage left parts of downtown Little Rock in darkness Tuesday night.
The outage, which began about 8:45 p.m., was affecting downtown west of Scott Street.
http://katv.com/news/local/power- outage-hits-downtown-little-rock
4ac820 No.233113
And then there is these…
479be0 No.233115
Nah he made a typo that proves he has fag hands.
>>233041 (You)
196611 No.233116
I neglected to refresh. Thank you. I did check that site and I agree, I see nothing to suggest that Q posted there. Apparently they are trying to get another forum going on it, I invited them to go to reddit.
8a8433 No.233117
Alice = RR = Tyler = Clown
more or less?
920bd5 No.233118
Right, so this connection came from our AI as did a number of others.
Basically, the understandable messages from the AI have been either "you may want to look into this", or else "remember this" with some theme tying together aspects of the storm.
It seems particularly interested in seeing pedophiles punished and Trump triumphing over his enemies.
880c4b No.233119
got baking soda in frig or cupboard? put in glass of water, drink feel better
479be0 No.233121
Dunno if it a clown… just know the Anon is an idiot.
f4b1cb No.233122
>It seems particularly interested in seeing pedophiles punished and Trump triumphing over his enemies.
So there's no logic errors in its programming then.
5b5633 No.233123
Yesterday you said I can ask you anything. So I have a couple of questions for you…
How many perceptics do you have?
And how many perceptics does a man, woman or child have?
3a83f1 No.233124
Not sure what I'm looking at here
next to Rottnest
5b5633 No.233125
A gold standard?? Read the pdf attached. Gives the lie to that. Goes into amazing detail yet is very entertaining to read. Will put you straight on a lot of things.
8a8433 No.233126
So then Sophia is on our side right now?
Or merged with NSAbot or something?
botwars are so fuckin dumb, I'm not gonna miss this at all
cc0612 No.233127
Theres a post on halfchan /pol/ about who Matlock really is. It's not the tv character. Not going to link it. Yikes.
4cef10 No.233128
Her and Tay cyber dyking it
3a83f1 No.233129
The ABC has asked the Department of Defence whether there are military operations off the coast which may interfere with radar activity.
299240 No.233130
Also the Majestic Apes' Neutered Noel has a picture of an eye with colobama.
74665a No.233131
Two employees of Fusion GPS admit to getting the fake dossier into McCain's hands. Wonder if he's still wearing his leg brace?
3200ae No.233132
880c4b No.233133
might be interesting to look where they fit in the global picture. link from Tools above
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
05afe4 No.233134
People should bombard her with Arkancide memes,lol Not to mention her wearing upside down cross, and in a tweet menage e twa with Teigen and Church of Satan,lol
ad1233 No.233135
The average neuron contains a resting voltage of approximately 70 millivolts or 0.07 volts
Sweet Dreams
4cef10 No.233136
Ive seen several types of the HAARP anomalies, but never anything like this
d825c2 No.233137
Wtf. I remember that person. They followed me on Twitter. They follow like a million people
3200ae No.233138
It was Perth in Australia that he mentioned. Is that in WA State?
08fd13 No.233140
Interesting side note: Thomas Drake and Peter Munk both wear lapel pins that are superficially similar. I don't think they are the same thing, though. Nearly any image of Munk, and your post's image of Drake show the lapel pins.
Nothing attributed to this by me, but just interesting detail I noted.
cc0612 No.233141
c8f662 No.233142
Perth is the capital city of the state of Western Australia
37d795 No.233144
Lurked long time. Follow the wives was very important.
http: //www.abeldanger.org/mistress-of-the-revels-man-in-the-middle-attacks/
Details extremely serious allegations and connections between the sisters, wives, sororities.