From another anon:
This is so disheartening. There will be no public verification of any events? While I get the overall Big Picture of where this is going… for the overall good of the people, the country and the world…it doesn't explain to the public what the hell was going on behind the scenes and how it is being/was rectified. It also doesn't clarify to the public how they were duped, what to look for, what to do to stop it, and how to prevent it in the future. No one needs/wants to see guillotines, or watch the trials be made public. No one is asking for that. But public verification IS necessary. Yes, there will be those that scream to the sky; but the MAJORITY can handle the truth. It needs to be acknowledged PUBLICLY.
Just how will you justify the complete drop from the public eye for so many IN the public eye? As in, I ==DAMN SURE== don't want to hear some ex-POS-POTUS passed away and we're all supposed to stand and fucking salute his sorry ass for his great service to our country!?!? And I assume our govt will spend millions of dollars in a formal send off party for said sorry ass POTUS? Same goes for anyone from Congress or SoS?! I do not condone any such expenditures. Their "position" does not warrant such, given their actions.
If you are planning to take THAT route, then you are just as bad and corrupt as them. THAT is just more of the same bullshit tactics THEY pulled.
If there is no public acknowledgement for America, then there is no "story over". PERIOD.
And what's with that Bullshit line " Sexual assault victims must be protected"? Absolutely, of course they do. No one asked for names and dates to be published. But by the same token, you can't sweep the magnitude of child sex trafficking world-wide by so many "reputable" people, elites, leadership, and organizations under the rug and pretend like it didn't happen. How are reputable foundations EVER to be trusted again, if no one knows what the bad ones did?How are we ever supposed to trust our food, water, vaccines, electrical components, social media platforms, media, satellites, FBI, CIA, NSA, CURRENT ADMINISTRATION and every other damn government agency again, if there is no clarification, vindication, and affirmation of all of these events? THE PEOPLE ARE STRONGER THAN YOU GIVE THEM CREDIT FOR. Try being fucking honest. You claim to be "for the people", but this looks like more subterfuge, black ops and taking out of the competition, when there is no honesty, transparency and open dialogue with the PEOPLE-when it's time.
The people NEED to be brought up to speed, enlightened and relieved of the pain, pressure, stress and anxiety of all of these pedo/govt/organizations, both nationally and internationally, to fully understand exactly how badly they have been betrayed.
What was the god damn purpose of us MEMEing the world if " we want to turn the tide in a measured predictable way."? You are apparently planning to do all that without our help, so…WTF?So we continue to hide the seedy, corrupt, sick, baby rape, baby eating, blood drinking, torture, trafficking, money stealing, illegal activities of foundations, and CIA-behind-the-scenes-undermining-tactics and all the other fucking lies to save someone's feelings or counteract drama?
You think there's not going to be a hell of a lot of questions when people start disappearing? When leadership suddenly doesn't show up in Congress and is never heard from again? Don't fucking tell us to stand up for America; fight, fight, fight; bring out Washington Crossing The Delaware; call us PATRIOTS; invoke pride in our country and tell us we are fighting the good cause, in one breathe, and then tell us, in essence, "no one can know about this. It's all being done behind the scenes and no one can ever know about it." BULLFUCKINGSHIT. That's a ginormous slap in the face to every patriot, every military person, every military family, every victim and every GOD DAMN AMERICAN citizen. Not to mention the international community. You say you have our back. I call you out for the fucking liar that you are. Oneway.
THIS is absolute betrayal to those of us here; the rest of America and the rest of the world. If you want a fucking revolution on your hands, then get the damn people involved. WHEN it's safe to do so.
THIS is one more level of corruption using us and the people to hide corruption. THIS is why the people don't trust their government. THIS is why there is no reason to believe anything that we have been told up to this point is the truth.
I thought THIS was finally the administration of clear transparancy?