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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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f2ac01 No.154170

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up guys, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

f2ac01 No.154181

==Latest Q posts== , rt = replied to

2017/12/22 - FRIDAY





>>146058 rt >>145983


>>146147 rt >>146134

>>146268 rt >>146142

>>146328 rt >>146206

>>146454 rt >>146326


>>148746 rt >>148634

>>148761 rt >>148729

>>148848 rt >>148751



Graphic , >>150705

2017/12/21 Thursday

>>139686 rt >>139380







>>139851 rt >>139840

Graphic , >>150687




>>142996 rt >>142811





>>143223 rt >>143179





>>145418 rt >>145408


Graphic , >>150693


>>139686 , rt >>139380 https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136

>https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

More info here >>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread

And here >>141931

Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange

>>139851 , rt >>139840

>>142996 , rt >>142811

12/18 >>120430

12/19 >>130064

Petition for Disclosure thread >>120430

f2ac01 No.154182


Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country

>News unlocks message.

>Future proves past.


Interactive Qmap

https:// qcodefag.github.io/

Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by signatures to unlock?

We're all apart of the greatest timeline we've ever known.

Graphic Qmap

Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532 , >>>/cbts/95263 , >>>/cbts/140346 , >>>/cbts/143990

4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142488

4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/142506

8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142514

8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/151273

Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers

https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064

Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/

Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/ceFbp0dab2/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.10.0.pdf

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/CaD8p7dabd/Q_Map_12_22_2017v3.pdf

Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com *not available

Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523

CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/134020

Qmap Ven Diagrams and Q signatures studies >>>/cbts/119423

Summary “40,000 ft.” perspective >>>/cbts/134020

Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.

f2ac01 No.154189


Q Resources

Psalm 144:1

Praise be to the LORD my Rock,

who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.


Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/133263

How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391

QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17

part I -> https://anonfile. com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile. com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile. com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile. com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf

part V -> https://anonfile. com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf

Research Tools

Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>152634

Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196

Map Making Tools

Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses, foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc. Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here are posts showing some of the free resources available to anons'

>>>/cbts/111700 & >>>/cbts/119941

Decoded Stringers


https://anonfile. com/Y6x1ned2b0/Red_Red_decipering.png

https://anonfile. com/Xcx9nbd3b5/Deciper_part_1.png

https://anonfile. com/a5y9n3dbb2/Deciper_part_2.png

Latest decoded stringers >>>/cbts/109555 , >>>/cbts/109748 , >>>/cbts/108638

FREEDOM stringer diagram >>>/cbts/138885

Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

FBI Anon Transcripts

https://dropfile .to/GrYcrR2

4Chan and 8Chan Archives

CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0 [includes direct links to Q posts]

CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https://8ch. net/cbts/archive/index.html

CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/8zHit7mA [includes direct links to Q posts]

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL

Latest Archives

Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*


8ch.net CBTS General Threads Archives List Webpage http:// qarchives.ml/

With clickable archive & zip download links.




>Archive: https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0

f2ac01 No.154193

DAILY NEWS - Enjoy The Show


Please crosspost in relevant threads!!

Recent Findings

For dig inspiration and catching up...

12.19.17 >>>/cbts/144985

12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162

Todays Findings / Happenings

Post on the NEW Executive Order on Human Rights & Corruption

See Q's posts in the OP about how he said the new EO release was inspired by us!

Executive Order on Human Rights and Corruption - https://


Treasury Department Tweet - >>>/cbts/139481

Full EO Graphic - >>>/cbts/144786

United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across The Globe


DC Is Getting a Clean House


EO targeting ANYONE who as an abuser or corrupt actor in ANY way, shape or form. >>>/cbts/139492

Here are two videos about people named on the Human Rights Sanctions List put out by the Treasury Dept. Very informative

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=1TWhlPqVddc

https://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZB3YoAvEro

Was this the exchange? https://8ch.net/cbts/res/140364.html#140844

The exchange and response?


Resigning CEO's List. Coincidence?

Google CEO resigned 12.21.17. Coincidence? List of all CEO's who have resigned since Oct 17 >>>/cbts/146328

NEW THREAD Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations Here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action, people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334


Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606

Useful Posts

How to spot a 'Bad Guy': >>>/cbts/89275

How to spot a 'Good Guy': >>>/cbts/89305

Black PR: >>>/cbts/115726

How to handle Black PR: >>>/cbts/115472

Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423

Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172

Research Findings & Threads

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action, people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334

Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FBIAnon-AMA Transcript: >>>/cbts/137237

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>10556

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Rothschild Family Summary >>>/cbts/139091

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

The British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Underground massive data center? https:// archive.fo/lszIj

Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/147083

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

**Some broken links from above have been removed.

If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link.

Thank you for your patience.

f2ac01 No.154195



Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1 >>2

Memes #2 >>61078

Memes #3 >>107604

Memes #4 >>142207

Infographs >>10

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads

→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip

→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip

→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip

→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip

→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip

→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip

→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip

→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip

→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip

→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip

→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip

→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip

→3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/80zco9d5bc/CBTS_Memes_3e.zip

→3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip

→3g 330 files from #3, 20Dec2017. 82 Mb. https://anonfile. com/JaU9o4d4bd/CBTS_Memes_3g.zip

→3h 240 files from #3, 20-21Dec2017. 63 Mb. https://anonfile. com/G0j1pddfb0/CBTS_Memes_3h.zip

→3i 308 files from #3, 21Dec2017, 89 Mb. https://anonfile. com/3302p9d0b1/CBTS_Memes_3i.zip

→4a 282 files from #4, 22Dec2017, 70 Mb. https://anonfile. com/6aD0p9ddb0/CBTS_Memes_4a.zip

Red-pilling Methods


Guerilla Twitter Tactics



They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.

f2ac01 No.154197

In The Event A Baker Is Needed


Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes.

Location for new thread: Go to the top of the index page for CBTS which is 8ch.net/ cbts/index.html (without the space after the first / )

Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition

Post: From the pastebin location given below, copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field.

Add Image: Upload the new image.

Activate New Thread: If needed, do the verification. Then click on the 'New Thread' button to the right of the subject field.

Adding the rest of the sections: Click on the number of the post in the new thread you have just created and add the second section after the first +++PAGE BREAK+++

Add the rest of the sections as individual comments - each section is separated by the ++++PAGE BREAK++++ notation

Keep adding comments until all sections are posted.

Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.

==NOTE:== You do not need a pastebin account if all you are doing is copying and pasting. You do need an account if you want to keep a copy for yourself and then add and format links, other data, etc, although you can do that in the comments box when posting.

Last batter used: https://pastebin.com/V31YRagx (#176)


Update this line with the link to the pastebin file you used to bake this bread.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

952261 No.154220

Thank you baker

583f70 No.154221

File: 42e4df0707f6035⋯.png (319.8 KB, 450x450, 1:1, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

a09c73 No.154226

File: 5b51a7f72187ce0⋯.jpg (231.46 KB, 625x415, 125:83, is-your-general-knowledge-….jpg)

File: be2325fd5dca17b⋯.jpg (293.07 KB, 1200x1574, 600:787, Flora_Antarctica_title_pag….jpg)

File: 29fba6cb58e992d⋯.jpg (101.41 KB, 750x308, 375:154, dollar 750.jpg)

File: 8cd6bfdf7f25a50⋯.png (616.09 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Muskox_distribution_combin….png)





Now when Q says that if you knew the TRUTH "It would put you in the Hospital".

That statement is very true BRO. Very very true. Again, not being an a-hole but bro just letting you know.

v=Your View of the World

r=me and many other anons out there

Q=The Real World


Everything Really is a LIE.

I find life boring cause I have no one to share my knowledge with so just appericiate what you get for free.

If I tell an "elite", they will kill me in an instant cause I'm not one of them.



Do you know why the Q is highest clearence in US Gov? Just look at the letter and you can see it.

"Q" literally represents the person who pulls the strings on the globe/org. Globe(O) and the string(~) combined.

try to mirror the "?"

You think Trump just changed the tide in just 3 years before the Election?

Did you forget about ANONYMOUS….? Someone had to gather the intel. Worldwide Revolution takes atleast a Decade.




The answer is already out there.

Read the Book(Pic related) but ewwww its Botany….You make your own gates to the TRUTH.


Search up what an MuskOxen is, yes the cow.(btw FU MuskyMusk)

I attached a Picture of where they are found……

The red are confirmed locations…and blue are locations where they "tried to introduce them".



Try to figure out what happened to "RMS INVESTIGATOR".

and why do the Muskoxen vanish in huge numbers.


Ponder These:




The Meaning For The Back of the DOLLAR BILL

The eye of the providence watches over the money, the words mean you accepted the slavery.

While the Vulture(eagle) steals your foods and the weapons.

The spider web of power(lies) is watched by the OWl in the darkness.

The two seals combined make the eyes that watch you and within the seal is the pineal gland eye.





A Gay/Transexual President, and that means the US is a faggot utopia. But that didn't happen…….THANKS TO TRUMP.


I have said it many times and have made many people trump supporters by the above alone.



Grab a hand full of salt for the observation.



31st is Sunday, mayan 2012 probably meant the second coming……..wild stuff. Keep this in mind cause ya never know.


and time to solve some bread crumbs cause I got the whole night and day.

Also I found the 5th Layer "The Mirror Layer" in the Qmap.


6763ae No.154231

Can we fuck this fag

2f0a5b No.154232

Thanks baker!

6288a4 No.154236

18a11a No.154237




[SR]> Panda. DNC IT staff leaker. Leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks. Murdered by HRC and dems via MS13.

[WL]> Wikileaks. News source aimed at uncovering the truth. Never been proven wrong. Julian Assange.

HUSSEIN> Barrack Hussein Obama. 44th President.

DNI DIR> James Clapper

CLOWN DIR> John Brennan

CLAS: 1-12>?

GOOG> CEO Eric Schmidt. 100 mill to Crowdstrike.

CROWDSTRIKE> Investigated hacking of DNC server. Refused FBI help.

DNC> Democratic National Committee

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> Seth Rich murdered by two MS13 members. Murderers found dead in car in SC day after. Didn’t finish the job.

DWS_DIR> Debbie Wasserman-Schultz directed SR murder

F-I/D-J ASSIST> Barrack Obama, FBI and DOJ helped in covering up murder of SR


/_\ > Cabal- Chain of Command

HUSSEIN> 1. Barrack Hussein Obama

HRC> 2. Hillary Rodham Clinton

LL> 3. Loretta Lynch

JC> 4. James Comey

AM> 5. Andrew McCabe

PS> 6. Peter Strozk

(SUPPORT: CS, NP, AS, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS-5, CLAS-6)> Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff

BRIT INTEL> Christopher Steele. Created Steele Dossier in attempt to “incriminate” Trump. Russia narrative.

HRC CAMP PAY> Hillary campaign funds helped pay for Steele Dossier

DNC PAY> DNC funds help pay for Steele Dossier

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELE> Christopher Steele. British MI6. Steele Dossier ………..

PODESTA> John/Tony Podesta. Podesta group. DNC email leak. Bought/Received Dossier.

HOLDER RELAY SPEC RUSSIA> Eric Holder gives Dossier to US Gov?

CLAS: 1-9> ?

US SEN NO NAME> John Sidney McCain



JC> James Comey

LL> Loretta Lynch

HUSSEIN> Barrack Obama

[FISA 2] 2 FISA warrants requested in order to spy on Trump

PRES DAILY B> Obama holds daily briefings on intended public narrative. Operation Mockingbird.

US SEN NO NAME> McCain in on daily briefings. Relays information to new shop.

NEWS SHOP> Gannett? Single source all “news” originates from.

BUZZF> Buzzfeed. Final product. Fake.



RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> Cabal, headed by BO, used US intelligence and resources to spy on Trump and anyone associated/supporting him.


78f9ff No.154238

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].






07877e No.154239

a18085 No.154240


Roger that!!!

f2ac01 No.154241


Link here:

Wikispaces Qmap - https://cbts.wikispaces. com - just says 'Subscription Expired' when I tried it - anyone know any more about it?

2b42ec No.154242

10a957 No.154243


So the black eyes are symbolic!

4fad58 No.154245


Welcome back, big fella

a18085 No.154246


So the black eye on Elon Musk is significant?

234e47 No.154247


Skyking x3, scary, no thanks

a988ec No.154248

c78cc8 No.154249



Google subsidiary will lease a NASA facility in California's Bay Area for $1.16 billion over the next 60 years, agency officials announced Monday (Nov. 10).

a9dfa3 No.154251


Is Elon on house arrest? Did ((we) launch the rocket tonight?

263c45 No.154252


>HRC SAPs (private server).

They used the server to leak tech and accelerate their development??



2b42ec No.154253


>>154230 rt >>154006

>what happened here?

d533a9 No.154254


have to go for a while, can post memes

6288a4 No.154255

File: a971255cc7186b9⋯.png (139.2 KB, 800x569, 800:569, ClipboardImage.png)


EYE OF RA, copy

80c3a8 No.154256


I'm confused now because I have never seen the horns. The goat cycle begins soon? Now? I am getting flooded with messages. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud owns it now apparently. I read that but where did this horned version come from?

>>154207 Yes, very much so.

cbcc30 No.154257


I, for one, am intrigued and would love to learn more. do you have more links and knowledge for me? i wanna move my v

65add8 No.154259

5be43d No.154260

Q can you just let us know if ETs are involved. Just need to get people to move past the Pleiadians etc.

4754a2 No.154261


the blackeyes are just symbolism

damn every time i think i know how dumb they are

they outdo themselves

they set up that server with all that information and sold access to it

NASA tech to anyone with enough money

c78cc8 No.154262

Q-election fraud AL?public?plz!

Normie needs pillz!

Praying for ops! BESAFE

2187b5 No.154263

An investigation into Alabama Voter fraud has been launched per True Pundit on Twatter

146d29 No.154264


Absolutely Justice! Merry Christmas Q

87bb82 No.154265


Ha Ha! Insane, spooky? This is a cakewalk….

6c81e3 No.154266

File: e28a4040116431c⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 251x201, 251:201, americaneagle1fixed.jpg)


May God's Light shine BRIGHT over You, and each and every man/women helping bring JUSTICE to the United States of America and this World. Thank you all, for your service.

213ce2 No.154269


2761b9 No.154270

File: 394e8e6e4fd3af2⋯.png (422.95 KB, 755x437, 755:437, Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at ….png)


Thank you, Baker!

6288a4 No.154272

Yellow Brick Road represents the gold standard?

73ef1c No.154273


Hello Q and thank you for your recent disclosure. It's also good to see this information leaking more into the 'mainstream' of the alternative media world. However, to all Anons who have been contemplating our current plight and the condition in which we find ourselves, we need to have an important conversation regarding FULL DISCLOSURE.

The argument that Q team is making is the same as FBI anon. The people cannot handle the whole truth. We will only be given crumbs. 80% private 20% public. We have been given a lot of insight in these discussions and we can infer from the publicly available information enough about what is going on to understand it. But we will not be shown the evidence. It will remain classified. The system will collapse if we hear the truth. There will be revolution. There will be war.

I think most of us agree that certain things need to be temporarily withheld in order for the current operations to be successful. It would be prudent to ensure that all of the evil-doers who are currently in positions of power are jailed or executed prior to doing anything else. But the point that some of us would like to impress upon you (and anyone else who is capable of leaking the information) is that once that is done and the situation is secure, EVERYTHING must be disclosed.

This issue is far too significant to think that we can just go on like normal once the job is complete and the government operatives put the bad guys behind bars. The severity of the crimes deserve justice, but perhaps more significantly, the severity of how deeply compromised and corrupted our system can become warrants a complete and total reassessment of that system. Trusting the government to fix itself will not be sufficient. Everyone in society needs to be given the knowledge of these facts and the opportunity to fix it.

However, our culture is too inoculated from the truth by MSM, schooling, fake politicians, etc for the people to be significantly impacted by the memes we make from our crumbs. Their reality needs to be shattered for them to fully recognize and come to grips with the situation. The evidence of all the hardcore crimes that have been committed must be exposed for everyone in the government and society to have an accurate and complete understanding of what is going on and to realize that we must all work on a solution together. Ignorance, political affiliation, brain washing, blackmail, bribes, etc will prevent mutual cooperation unless everyone receives a SIGNIFICANT shock.

Every man, woman, and child needs to come face to face with this evil and realize that it exists and contemplate how it can totally compromise our system and our society. Only then will we be able to rectify the situation and do our best to prevent it from happening again and eventually bequeath that knowledge to the generations to come.

Some might not like me pushing that idea, but I believe it needs to be discussed and thoroughly considered by more than just the select few. Q et al are using their knowledge of this evil to do good, for now, but they will not always be here. If the evil is not fully exposed to the light, then it will resurface again in the future.

A number of people have made some interesting comments on this topic in the following thread:


…if the truth about what has been going on in our government is so hardcore that revealing it would threaten to collapse the current power structure, then maybe that structure needs to be rebuilt. If full knowledge of the horrors of this evil would compel every living soul to rise up against it until it is defeated, then I say, BY GOD WE MUST HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE.

952261 No.154274


Merry Christmas 🎄 Q

80c3a8 No.154275

>>154198 I just read earlier today Orions belt used to have 4 stars. I'll hop over to the meta thread when I get a chance anon. I'm really tired rn.

09e048 No.154276


>Why does it frustrate anyone to look at angels and demons as extraterrestrial?

Because it completely removes responsibility for human welfare from humans.

That has already proven the most dangerous flaw of subverted church doctrines.

We just might survive that one though, at least as long as we can keep away

from all the delusional morons that just want to sell us another one.

952261 No.154277


Left eye marker? The black eyes?

2187b5 No.154278


That's what I am thinking…

46c954 No.154279

Q after all is said and done

will we even recognize the world ??

2761b9 No.154280

File: 236633f853b5e16⋯.gif (644.78 KB, 216x288, 3:4, lotus.gif)

Ok, I think I'm tired, I read this as




Sorry Q.

c78cc8 No.154281


That’s precisely what needs to happen! Time to trim the fat & I cull heavy!

ee0be1 No.154282

I need meme ideas, niggas!

Sup. There is so much going on, I can't even keep up. THOUSANDS of people involved in sex trafficking, I really just want to concentrate on the ROOT of the problem.. where is all this coming from? Who's perpetuating this garbage?

I have a feeling the Vatican and Roman Catholic church is still living their dream of ruling everyone as they did during Caesars time. They're relentless.

But.. hard to red-pill with that. I don't watch television and haven't since around 1989 or so. I am COMPLETELY out of the loop (which was kind of the point). I can make memes, but I want them to be effective. I like funny, and sometimes just plain retarded shit, but.. I need something that works for normies. Having been awake since ~1992 or so, I've spent MOST of my life being awake and watching. The names of these 'people' I don't care about. I don't even want to dignify their existence by remembering their name(s). However.. apparently it is important for 'normies' to know the names. Again, there are THOUSANDS of people involved. Each one is it's own massive rabbit hole and there is no time to go down each one.

– Semi un-related but something I was just looking at ———————————————–

Elon Musk (this is from Sept of this year) says he thinks AI will start WWIII. This is predictive programming, which started years ago as a method of selling American housewives on products, with a nefarious intention to learn the psyche of people and master mind control in the new age of digital marketing.

http://money.cnn .com/2017/09/04/technology/culture/elon-musk-ai-world-war/index.html

Just saw this.. this is fukn funny!


a988ec No.154283


2nd^ normies/skeptics chalk this up as nothing more than conspiracy since hardly any public proof (ie arrests reported). Q we need to see something, please.

146d29 No.154284

Q, any significance to the Dallas Fort Worth Love Field Airport evacuation on Friday morning? Fire?

2187b5 No.154285


An investigation into Alabama Voter fraud has been launched per True Pundit on Twatter

6e6f9b No.154286

i love how we combined everything. everything realized its greatness to rise up and destroy evil. feels good!

87bb82 No.154287


I'm sorry it's been difficult for you, too. I believe it will get better soon although I'm not sure how people are going to deal with the Truth. What I do remember is, well, difficult to swallow.

46c954 No.154288

Q is CASIS relevant ??

b9131b No.154289


this Q? sounds like him.


Very end of last bread

10a957 No.154290


The world you see around you isn’t real to begin with. Complete illusion. Which is why 99% would end up in a hospital if they knew without preparation.

4d2e3a No.154291

File: f9c8b4f3dd65c7f⋯.png (174.03 KB, 624x570, 104:95, emnk.PNG)

Kind weird how he brings up North Korea.

53f1d3 No.154292

50e089 No.154293

File: 72c1a060386c3f8⋯.png (134.52 KB, 500x612, 125:153, who-is-punching-them-ea-sy….png)

f08156 No.154294

a988ec No.154295


Only thing is… there has been what, maybe 5 'investigations' ongoing over past year + and nothing has come from any of them. Just launching 'investigation' does nothing for public nowadays

146d29 No.154296

I just had a discussion today with a leftist idiot about the black eyes….too funny.. no Coincidences!!!

fddcaa No.154297


Got it

5be43d No.154298

File: 33a50a0a20664c7⋯.jpeg (12.73 KB, 241x209, 241:209, images (6).jpeg)

Eye of RA is the pineal gland.

4fad58 No.154299


Maybe they arent getting punched?

441dc5 No.154300



>NASA Tech to ?

Manned mars mission?


Is Ishtar what they are worshipping?

>Left eye [marker].

Is this the eye these creeps keep getting punched in?

2761b9 No.154301


What's the significance of the left eye?

f08156 No.154302


Okay it is obvious previous post is yours, tyty please dont waste time replying to me

ac915e No.154303


project blue beam.

09e048 No.154304


I've seen an awful lot of figures with left eye bruising.

I've wondered if they do a brain implant through the optical orbital.

f49d8b No.154305


Tony Podesta Tried To Shut This Down | Full Unedited 18 Minutes of Tucker Exposing Manafort Links To Podesta Group https://twitter.com/SIDSexposed/status/925174311261999110

4fad58 No.154306


Thats what I was just thinking

263c45 No.154307


That's the eye of Horus.

a988ec No.154308


1. Some of those are right eye. 2. Some of those are fake.

2b42ec No.154309

just make anons aware

Q posted at very end of last thread , without trip


^^inb4 not Q , lurk moar , shill



>>154230 except rt >>154006

952261 No.154310


Maybe symbol is like a gang initiation

c78cc8 No.154311


Many many symbols in it but it boils down to “submission” & “admission” into the club….

5be43d No.154312


You mean Firesign?

ee0be1 No.154313




"The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The Eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it also behaves as an independent entity, which can be personified by a wide variety of Egyptian goddesses, including Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, Wadjet, and Mut. The Eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn. The Eye's violent aspect defends Ra against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule. This dangerous aspect of the Eye goddess is often represented by a lioness or by the uraeus, or cobra, a symbol of protection and royal authority. The Eye of Ra is similar to the Eye of Horus, which belongs to a different god, Horus, but represents many of the same concepts. The disastrous effects when the Eye goddess rampages out of control and the efforts of the gods to return her to a benign state are a prominent motif in Egyptian mythology.

The Eye of Ra was involved in many areas of ancient Egyptian religion, including in the cults of the many goddesses who are equated with it. Its life-giving power was celebrated in temple rituals, and its dangerous aspect was invoked in the protection of the pharaoh, of sacred places, and of ordinary people and their homes."

ac915e No.154314


that was in california

0636cc No.154315


Obama and Clinton sure did a lot of damage.

3f8d27 No.154316



146d29 No.154317

We need a rolling list who now belong to the "Eye of Ra" club!

fddcaa No.154318

btw if you dont know what an SAP is, it is a Special Access Program

e6a7a0 No.154319


Mkultra lobotomy?

952261 No.154320

I remember something about left eye and Anubis

ac915e No.154321


does it have to names… false flag holograms…

2761b9 No.154322


& that's Clinton's most recent treason

How tf did she get that info

7th floor?

5be43d No.154323

File: ea97bb3c3585a39⋯.jpg (160.84 KB, 567x794, 567:794, ddb1f3872853d629c23ce905be….jpg)


Left vs. right..

4fad58 No.154324


Idk, what if theyre being systematically taken over?

f885f7 No.154325

File: d490f798157cc47⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 21huxk.jpg)

b7ade4 No.154326


I think the one of Reid was flipped because he got it much worse on his right eye but he had shiners on both for a while.

f2ac01 No.154327




No probs - bread title is a nod to the SkyKing Anons for all their great efforts!

57469c No.154329


That’s weird.

5be43d No.154330


Right same shit.

11f98c No.154331


Yes. It’s a ritual of some sort

bd22f7 No.154332


Left is supposed to symbolize darkness and hidden occult to (((them)))

fddcaa No.154333


have no idea

5be43d No.154335


You would think Q would dismiss disclosure outright if it were part of the cabal plans.

50e089 No.154336

File: f38e31b75a2ffd3⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 240x267, 80:89, all-seeing-eye.jpg)

f49d8b No.154337


This ties in with the reports that Glenn Simpson and his wife came up with the dossier story from their reporting on Manafort's relations to Russia for the Podesta Group on behalf of John Podesta and Hillary??

87bb82 No.154338


Good evening, Q. Thanks for including the Eye of Ra. I'm glad we might now be able to freely talk about these things. In Love and Light.

b7ade4 No.154339

File: 604dd0a293ab9ea⋯.jpg (406.27 KB, 709x1024, 709:1024, prince-philip-sporting-a-b….jpg)


Wow. Prince Philip got a shiner.

bd22f7 No.154340


Oh. I could use a little excitement haha.

ac915e No.154341

question…. did the spaceX rocket actually shoot off tonight… or was that a firesign/blue beam test run?

a18085 No.154342

File: f6feca009869097⋯.png (157.53 KB, 359x244, 359:244, screenshot_47.png)

Eye of RA

6102e7 No.154343

I wondered a long time ago if HRC sold access to her server when she took her unsecured crackberry on a world tour, and, magically, the CF received big donations after.

bc9b97 No.154345

If eye of Ra is the right eye, why did Q say left eye?

ee0be1 No.154346


YES!! We need some help from the media. We know it's cabal owned.. but even the tiniest little red-pill of the new-age satanic agenda would be helpful to give us more credibility.

If you're 'in the know' then this shit is obvious AF, but many these days have not been brought up with the bible or Christianity and Jesus.

c78cc8 No.154347


(((They))) never thought their high priestess would lose!

The wives!

b3fddc No.154348


Orbs of light are very real and not manmade.

4fad58 No.154349


Disclosure from them may be leaking shit that was already going to leak, just they got their dirty little dickskinners on it and are beating everyone to the punch

3f8d27 No.154350


Just thinking about that Bush one.


a924ad No.154352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I brought this up earlier - future proves past: Were they trying to usher us into Transhumanism? Neom? Lots of big money like you have been talking. Leads me to this alot. Well and BIS.

Was this what they wanted globally?

http://www.foxbusiness .com/features/2017/10/24/saudi-arabias-new-super-city-fast-facts.html

234e47 No.154353


Righty's punch it.

952261 No.154354


That’s a left eye

441dc5 No.154355

Damn, I'm gonna have a hard time redpilling the 'rents… You just can't make any of this shit up, kids.

[disappears down the rabbit hole]

50e089 No.154356

File: ea22d90f34e791f⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 599x687, 599:687, BafnnKjCIAAbxYy.jpg)

09e048 No.154357



Sure would explain it all.

5c9741 No.154358

File: 1416b004edb675a⋯.jpg (128.17 KB, 591x507, 197:169, One Eye.jpg)


>Left eye [marker]

They are a bunch of satanic fucks. Can't wait to the see them burn.

4bbfd5 No.154359

>HRC SAPs (private server).

Hillary Rodham Clinton kept Special Access Projects on a private server.

Now we know why she said they were going to swing from nooses.

70e42a No.154360


Come on Q this is poor OPSEC for you guys

<please remove the HTTP or HTTPS header

0cd887 No.154361

File: f014930af53a855⋯.jpeg (40.23 KB, 570x570, 1:1, D3EA66F4-3F96-4A82-BB77-7….jpeg)

3f8d27 No.154362


"Zach from Morocco" legit?

GS "contained"…no twatter?

January significant NK?

0ecc0d No.154363

File: 8c60ca52f500738⋯.png (536.06 KB, 1160x809, 1160:809, newsunlocksfuturepast.png)

c78cc8 No.154364


That’s the eye of Horus and shows protection…they are protected. But this all boils down to Saturn worship and the “sun god” the black box twisted islamism etc…

46c954 No.154365

i wonder who hits these people in the eye is it their handler or is it themselves ??but the thoughts of it being caused from something we cant fathom also come to mind

ac915e No.154366


failed miserably today.

3cf171 No.154367


The SAPs!!!!

#FBIanon told us about the SAPs she had.

3f8d27 No.154368


Is ALL forms of punishment for HRC and BHO being considered, including execution for treason if found?

c174d8 No.154369



ever seen a rothschild with one of these?

guess who rules them all and deals them these marks?

5be43d No.154370

File: 2aba737c2d3d005⋯.jpg (106.1 KB, 840x480, 7:4, the-hypercube-decoded-apep.jpg)

3cf171 No.154371


Is Barry going down with the ship?

7cda9d No.154372


Q posts missing letter "i" are markers?

6288a4 No.154373



263c45 No.154374


Your image has the right eye, Horus, mislabeled as Ra.

There is no such thing as the left eye symbol, if anything it's just a variant of Horus.

Find another source outside of Pinterest, maybe.

46c954 No.154375

if reincarnation exists then execution is pointless


3f8d27 No.154376


I hope the ultimate. Only way to cleanse.

6288a4 No.154377


They never thought she would lose.

441dc5 No.154378

So.. the pineal gland factors into this too?

3cf171 No.154380


Does Iran control NK?

a18085 No.154381

File: 257935784ae5c33⋯.png (454.89 KB, 380x600, 19:30, screenshot_48.png)

Harry Reid (((Eye of RA)))

c23138 No.154382

File: f51d3c7333e9f2f⋯.jpg (133.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Loboset002.jpgf8fe0f55-d45….jpg)

File: 1487aaf290f66fd⋯.gif (31.75 KB, 360x315, 8:7, unethical-medicine.gif)

3f8d27 No.154383


No. Execution period.

f885f7 No.154384

Left eye right eye, chess pieces, two of each bishop, rook, knight?

263c45 No.154385


These images are pulled from fucking pinterest and etsy that are trying to drum up ideas for fucking tramp stamps.

They are not accurate.

Please stop.

af1466 No.154387

Q, 33396693.

Give me a wink if im on to something.

11f98c No.154388


I suspect it’s from their handler as punishment or part of their programming rituals.

2761b9 No.154391

File: 032fef091ede1bd⋯.png (150.68 KB, 374x262, 187:131, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at ….png)


I fully agree with this points made by Anon.

We cannot create a fair and just system – a constitutional system – without FULL DISCLOSURE. Please give the public credit. We must awaken from the bright and shining lies of our lives, it is the only way. Only the full truth can light the way.

3cf171 No.154393

HRC was giving Iran NASA related SAPs?!

Nuke related SAPs?

3ccae1 No.154395


> like a gang initiation

Seems most likely. A visible sign of entry into the club, coupled with ensuring they know who is really in charge.

6288a4 No.154396



a18085 No.154397

File: 65c5b29ce179472⋯.png (358.17 KB, 499x489, 499:489, screenshot_49.png)

John Stamos (((Eye of RA)))

ad6f5d No.154398


It's always been my contention that HRC's bathroom server was unsecured because it was the drop-box.

Just like the old trashcan by a national monument in the old cold war days, HRC left information that she sold on her server and let "donors" to her "foundation" hack the unsecured server and get the info. The info was placed on the server once payment was received.

This system would give her plausible deniability … "My server was hacked! I didn't sell classified info."

c78cc8 No.154400


I fully agree, this time I’m choosing to trust Q that more will be made public!

Remember! “It’s all about the break”

ee0be1 No.154401


Maybe we need a 'black eye of Ra' lol

I made a meme with the black eye of Horus already.

952261 No.154402

Left eye Horus

Thought is represented by the eyebrow, sitting above the eye like the brain does.

The pupil represents sight as it is the aperture through which the light we see passes.

The triangular shape between the pupil and the inside of the eye symbolizes hearing.

The triangular shape between the pupil and the outside of the eye represents the sense of smell.

The vertical line interpreted as a tear elsewhere is here thought to represent a finger and the sense of touch.

The sweeping, spiral-ended curve is taken to be an illustration

of the tongue and the sense of taste.

http:/. /mythologian.net/eye-horus-egyptian-eye-meaning/

09e048 No.154403


I think they have turned some of the ancient Egyptian thought into a premature pseudoscience and subjected all their own to it.

55ce11 No.154404


Yeah that's pretty serious shit, can't believe it took months for the government to confirm that. Extremely careless is an understatement.

If she leaked anything about nukes I don't know how the FBI could cover that up, that would be high treason.

I think she leaked SpaceX & NASA intelligence to the cabal, allowing them to control the governments DEW and weather manipulation projects. Q let me know if I'm onto something.

5be43d No.154405


Shit I just grabbed an image from my browser to help dig. Glad you were here to shoot it down.

ed82a6 No.154406


Don't forget the pope and I think Mcstain

bc9b97 No.154407

Y'all are retarded.

It's not the eye of Horus, which is the one you keep posting.

Eye of RA.

From Wikipedia:

"The Eye of Ra is similar to the Eye of Horus, which belongs to a different god, Horus, but represents many of the same concepts."

f49d8b No.154408

f885f7 No.154409

an eye is a receptor of information, i like that theory

2761b9 No.154411


Friend, I hope you're right. Rationally, there is no other way.

146d29 No.154412

Q, Maxine Waters and her shady mortgage deal with Taiwans Blue Moon Bank. Anything happening with her?

2f0a5b No.154413


Left eye marker, vrill society?

ef38d2 No.154414


What happens when we win? We can't go to gold standard as that would leave billionaires with the finances still to Fk the world over again. Reset everyones acount to zero and a Universal basic income?

4fad58 No.154415

I wonder if we could find out where they went when they got those black eyes? There is still the unresolved matter of why they are putting mummies into the hadron colliders

55ce11 No.154416


At times the Egyptians called the lunar eye the "Eye of Horus", a concept with its own complex mythology and symbolism, and called the solar eye the "Eye of Ra"—Ra being the preeminent sun god in ancient Egyptian religion. However, in Egyptian belief, many terms and concepts are fluid, so the sun could also be called the "Eye of Horus".[1]

3f8d27 No.154417


New bread, new Q. Q likes new bread.

Anons, if you hadnt noticed, Q posted again after we confirmed all the details of his last post. Let's get on it the same way. Re-port newest message with GREEN details you think it means…line by line.

The faster we get this done, the more Q will post.

2f0a5b No.154418


'Alien' entering the eye, dominating consciousness, explains black eyes on left eyes of politicians, pope, prince P?

952261 No.154419


She’s on trial for several charges I heard

1bfe0b No.154421


When we win, we Ascend

045252 No.154422




ac915e No.154423


what if uranium one didnt sell uranium to russia…. and it sold it to iran & NK?

04806e No.154426

ee0be1 No.154427

File: 936f939dfa70fc9⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 255x217, 255:217, GeneralAndAlien.jpg)

Q, is this photo legit? Any idea?


Who or what 'eye' is used on the pyramid? Or is it insignificant?

ed82a6 No.154428


Can't Wait!!

11f98c No.154429


“The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened President Obama’s North Korea “strategic patience” policy – a policy to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road to the next president.”

Hmmm “down the road” sounds familiar. Wonder who said it?

952261 No.154430


NOW that I would believe!

f08156 No.154431

File: e3dc9a026fa2e66⋯.png (6.72 MB, 8360x5904, 1045:738, 8chQDrops2ndHalf.png)


8ch Q Drops 2nd Half

Please Update Link

Thank you please




o7 Godspeed Patriots o7

234e47 No.154432

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  12/22/17 (Fri) 22:12:3378f9ff No.154238>>154239 >>154240 >>154242 >>154243>>154245 >>154246 >>154248 >>154251 >>154252 >>154253 >>154254>>154255 >>154261 >>154264 >>154266 >>154274 >>154277 >>154293>>154294 >>154297 >>154300 >>154302 >>154304 >>154309 >>154313>>154315 >>154338 >>154352 >>154356 >>154358 >>154360 >>154361>>154363 >>154367 >>154372 >>154380 >>154413 >>154417 >>154418

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].







Bump q text

46c954 No.154433

please Q i really dont like these late night single posts they give my brain blue balls

3f8d27 No.154434

We need ONE photo file that shows all the major world and corporate leaders with LEFT EYE bruising. One big poster photo file.

Any anon help? Maybe Anons can re-post those photos like we are already doing and someone can put them together fast and post on here. Then meme bomb time!

2761b9 No.154435

File: 058d6213d20b280⋯.png (488.85 KB, 667x391, 29:17, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at ….png)

f2ac01 No.154436


>2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

>US loses space dominance.

This was a real head-scratcher imo when it happened.

It was like a backwards step - the Space Shuttle painted the future - it was ace!

f08156 No.154437



Will continue to update as needed.

5be43d No.154438


Well it does heavily impact Judeo Christian religion. Thoth/Enoch and Moses was Egyptian…

a9dfa3 No.154441


Like "clones"? If they had chips implanted, the can be controlled and tracked.

f885f7 No.154443


say what

263c45 No.154445

From the Wiki on Eye of Ra:

>The deities associated with the Eye were not restricted to feline and serpent forms. Hathor's usual animal form is a cow

Side of beef confirmed

234e47 No.154446


Shiner confirmed

70e42a No.154448

Maybe a black-eye thread is needed?

952261 No.154449


RFID chips!

ef38d2 No.154450


I think everyone here would line up a la airplane!

b04d48 No.154451


Sold Uranium to Iran who enriched it and gave it to NK ready to go into a bomb.

5be43d No.154453


Don't scare people with that stuff.

09e048 No.154454


What has to happen first, is we have to disenfranchise the MSM from their own benefit in the globalist scheme.

Once they see there is nothing to fight for any more, they will be dead in the water and start seeking better credibility..

ac915e No.154455


how else could both NK and iran develope nukes with some of the rarest material on the planet?

146d29 No.154458

0cd887 No.154459


Great point

952261 No.154460

Damn if this isn’t sounding like the house of Anubis tv show

a44ab4 No.154461



[DNC] Guccifer 2.0 fall guy for Wikileaks drop– claimed he was a Russian; DNC declined F_I help; brought in Crowdstrike=Bleach bit.



HUSSEIN>BHO had knowledge of Russia hacking in early fall but played it down because HRC was ringer to win; wanted no excuses from DJT

DNI DIR> Clapper: allow for illegal ‘wiretapping,’FISA, unmasking with Brennan.

CLOWN DIR> Muslim, Brennan: organizes FISA unmaking of Flynn, et al

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> Controls algorithms. Negative HRC stories buried.

CROWDSTRIKE> Bleach bit. Servers wiped clean of info such as DNC funneling B Sander’s funds to HRC.

DNC> DWS: Arranges for $$ from donors shifted to HRC: Seth R_ch

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

DWS_DIR> Podesta Emails leaked; Debbie takes a hit and steps down. DonnaB comes in and finds out about corruption. Details in Book>MSM buries story.

-I/D-J ASSIST> McCabe(wife given 500k for Dem senate run): Sets up ‘insurance’ plan with PeterS to make sure DJT cannot win.

“INSURANCE" Huma/Weiner laptop confiscated by NYPD secondary to AW sexual charges> forces JC hand/reopen HRC case bc info is out their with NYPD.

/_\ >



LL> Tarmac with BC. Assurances will not prosecute HRC. Stories synched

JC> Comes reads PeterS Changed wording to exonerate HRC from email server scandal to insure election.


PS> Possibly Andy Mc; but biased player who attempted to rig an election.




DNC PAY> Fusion GPS to create Fake pee Dossier

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELE> prior MI6, Russia liaison.

PODESTA> HRC campaign manager. HRC connection/ liaison’s with Awan. Possibly arranged Scalia. Wet-job


CLAS: 1-9>

US SEN NO NAME> Maverick, JSM, given Dossier = turns over to JC who already had it.



JC> bypasses LLynch (with her permission) and acts adjudicates HRC’s server scandal instead of just investigating which is beyond his prevue changing the wording of ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ with guidance of PS and AM— keeping HRC in the race.

LL> Says she will accept whatever ruling JC decides on HRC.

HUSSEIN> Campaigns for HRC knowing of the scandal.

[FISA 2] WireTaps ordered by Clapper and Brennan with BHO’s knowledge

PRES DAILY B> Breifing were ‘tapped.’ Massive leaks


NEWS SHOP>Adam Sch= major leaker

BUZZF> leaked dossier.

PUBLIC/NARRATIVE: ‘Russia Narrative’ born: Dossier funded by CF created by Crownstrike: hiring C. Steele (was MI6 liaison to Russia when active) to go to Russia and collect/create intel on DJT which included the hookers and urination— later leaked to BuzzF. Flynn was part of a FISA warrant/subsequent unmaking and was low-hangin fruit bc of his dealings with Turkey which he failed to disclose; and his conversations with Russian Ambassador during transition ( which was legal— what was not legal was Flynn’s name being unmasked and leaked by BHO Admin). Flynn was/is a good man, also key in red pilling DJT on and connecting him with key figures such as A. Rogers who could guide POTUS through hostile waters. Flynn was fired by Obama and knew of most of dirty dealings. He dad to go bc of this knowledge but could also be used to further Russia Narrative— 2 birds one stone. Flynn’s son tweeted about PG, as well, and was caught up in indictments. Manafort also low-handing fruit. Trump campaign learned of PM ties to Ukraine olig and cut him loose fast. But too late, also used to fuel narrative.


RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> Wire tap WH; POTUS leaves for one of his houses while WH is remodeled/ swept.


a18085 No.154462

File: 8737de9324119ce⋯.png (558.89 KB, 526x580, 263:290, screenshot_51.png)

Pope Francis (((Eye of RA)))

10a957 No.154463


It’s actually more real than you think

4fad58 No.154464


We were talking about this awhile back, they have been messing around with mummified egyptian kings in the hadron colliders, why, we have no idea.

952261 No.154465

It involved the eye of rah and Anubis, end result was to gain immortality

ac915e No.154466

50e089 No.154467

File: 2a8b22c9498b85e⋯.jpg (178.86 KB, 908x815, 908:815, illuminati_celebrities-_ha….jpg)

File: 2db239378c4b16e⋯.png (411.87 KB, 438x438, 1:1, 2017-12-23 00_40_02-celebr….png)

File: 047363066f9dd14⋯.png (523.45 KB, 452x479, 452:479, 2017-12-23 00_42_01-celebr….png)

78f9ff No.154468


What rocket fired today?


Message sent.


65add8 No.154470


The Denver Post

April 11, 2013, 3:58 pm

Rep. Doug Lamborn breaks news on North Korea’s nuclear capability


2b42ec No.154471



^^what do you think of this

end of last thread

>>154230 , same , >>154238

4fad58 No.154472


No, i believe, Im just keeping it light to not get a (you) kys lol

70e42a No.154473


SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch Dec. 22, 2017

6288a4 No.154475

File: 17dea54a187b275⋯.png (198.45 KB, 400x305, 80:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e67ca33467d6d7⋯.png (145.86 KB, 212x300, 53:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6385666a283733e⋯.png (206.57 KB, 301x363, 301:363, ClipboardImage.png)

495c75 No.154476


The Latin word for left is sinister.

b04d48 No.154477



952261 No.154478


Space x , and some say a test missle from a base.

98f81c No.154479


My thoughts exactly. Let disclosure happen and let the chips fall where they may

fddcaa No.154480


SpaceX Rocket

5be43d No.154481


Because genetics does nothing for your soul. You can clone Jesus, Moses, etc. If you want a spirit you have to go a little further down the rabbit hole.

583f70 No.154482

ee0be1 No.154483

I know in some sects, you get punched in the eye for fucking up, or disrespecting a 'brother'. Common practice in secretive societies. It generally means you fucked up and needed some straightening out. Some wear it as a badge of honor symbolizing that they 'took their hit'.

I have a feeling it means something different in political circles.

bc9b97 No.154484

File: 29f2cccdc25b204⋯.jpg (124.63 KB, 800x617, 800:617, 800px-Das_linke_und_rechte….jpg)

Both eyes: the left eye of Ra, the right eye of Horus.

952261 No.154485


The one that blew up?

e4bd75 No.154487


" Iridium-4 satellite was launched as part of a series for the Iridium NEXT mobile communications fleet."

5be43d No.154488


Having organic chemistry flashbacks

ed82a6 No.154489

File: b73da69daefb8d0⋯.png (349.31 KB, 804x685, 804:685, cvc.PNG)

46c954 No.154490

h ttps://www.iridium.com/

umm guys they like CNN

146d29 No.154491


ac915e No.154492

>>154451 sounds believable..

50e089 No.154493

File: 02b07cb9225ccdf⋯.png (75.51 KB, 574x534, 287:267, 2017-12-23 00_46_02-Elon M….png)

2d703f No.154494

File: 2d10fcc45d101c7⋯.jpeg (492.8 KB, 1570x1177, 1570:1177, AC200FB5-A5E4-40E6-B2D3-A….jpeg)

If you take the Dollar bill as Eyes. A black right eye could be a signal to indicate they don’t have control or lost intelegence into US Govt

045252 No.154496


Is that the missing “i” from Missle?????

b7ade4 No.154497


Did they get a bloody nose?

a924ad No.154498


That first big one. Caption could be:

If I don't do it will I end up like Chester?

952261 No.154499


Message sent when it blew up meaning to stop?

70e42a No.154500


I got too excited and forgot to put the rest in

>On Friday, December 22nd at 5:27 p.m. PST, SpaceX's Falcon 9 successfully lifted off from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, carrying the Iridium-4 mission to orbit. This was the fourth set of 10 satellites in a series of 75 total satellites that SpaceX will launch for Iridium’s next generation global satellite constellation, Iridium® NEXT.

481ca2 No.154501


c78cc8 No.154502

The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the "eye"s of particular gods. The right eye of the god Horus, for instance, was equated with the sun, and his left eye equated with the moon. At times the Egyptians called the lunar eye the "Eye of Horus", a concept with its own complex mythology and symbolism, and called the solar eye the "Eye of Ra"—Ra being the preeminent sun god in ancient Egyptian religion. However, in Egyptian belief, many terms and concepts are fluid, so the sun could also be called the "Eye of Horus".[1]

78f9ff No.154505


Who was suppose to be the next President?

Expand your thinking.


3f8d27 No.154506

THANKS, ANONS, for posting left black eye pics.

Someone good with PhotoShop or similar piece them together and add names under each. Others can meme them and get them out.

3eb30b No.154507


space X, I heard some sats where onboard

583f70 No.154508

3660c2 No.154510


Space X/ Elon Musk

2f0a5b No.154511

File: 900e49c56317636⋯.png (126.99 KB, 561x317, 561:317, 1.png)


>eye of ra

>eye of horus

>left eye marker, black eyes/swelling on or around eyes.

>painful until over.

>symbolism snake.

e4bd75 No.154512

It was the 18th and final launch of 2017 for SpaceX, which has contracted to replace Iridium's system with 75 updated satellites. SpaceX has made four launches and expects to make several more to complete the job by mid-2018.

The satellites also carry payloads for global real-time aircraft tracking and a ship-tracking service.

Following the launch calls came in to TV stations as far afield as San Diego, more than 200 miles south of the launch site.

Cars stopped on freeways in Los Angeles so drivers and passengers could take pictures and video.

The Los Angeles Fire Department issued an advisory that the "mysterious light in the sky" was from the rocket launch.

SpaceX chief Elon Musk also joined in the fun, tweeting: "It was definitely aliens."

fddcaa No.154513


Wait a second intercepted?? Woah

583f70 No.154514

451e0a No.154516


any guess to what the meaning of the "black eyed club" is?

5c9741 No.154517


Looks like a tampon

441dc5 No.154519


EM's rocket was the missle?

ed82a6 No.154521


The one God chose! Killary prob.

c78cc8 No.154522


(((They))) never thought she’d loose


3f8d27 No.154523


Rocket failed on purpose? Success?


70e42a No.154524


HRC was supposed to be president so she could stop bragging about 9/11 and start bragging about WW3

952261 No.154525

b7ade4 No.154526


Weren't some people saying that she would start WWIII?

4fad58 No.154527

Is she the embodiment of Isis?

46c954 No.154529

are we Dorothy in wizard of oz ??

451e0a No.154530


>the female version of the devil…

>Jezebel reincarnated

>she has many names but normies know her as Hillary

511455 No.154531

The left eye is for the female initiates of the mystery school of ancient Egypt. It signifies moon worship or the ancient Egyptian god Thoth. Initiates were better known as the Magi … very sick people. There are many ancient texts which explain clearly what they believed and many of their rituals. Spent over 40 years researching this group … makes sense why Q wouldsay follow the wives … and even more sense what guccifer said in his letter.

1bfe0b No.154532


HRC. Was going to use Tech to control Us

952261 No.154533


Somehow this was a message to HRC?

a924ad No.154534


i suggestions-




Why tonight? Why not as much coverage of the Japan one

78f9ff No.154535


Future news will unlock more of the message.

Missing [i] confirmed.


583f70 No.154536



ee0be1 No.154537


Is HRC and BC's involvement in Haitian VooDoo rituals in 1975 anything significant?

7cda9d No.154538


Eye of Ra.

Ra was a falcon.

SpaceX Falcon 9.

ed82a6 No.154539


Now I'm thinking Bernie Sanders but he got screwed by HRC

c78cc8 No.154540


Missile defense system proof?

b7ade4 No.154541


The best/easy ones were posted in that composite from what I can tell but folks will find more.

3eb30b No.154542


H illary, but mainly as a puppet to renegade

5c9741 No.154543

Maybe I missed it, but has anybody noticed John McCain hasn't said a word on the tax bill passing? He has definitely been "retired". Good riddance.

6288a4 No.154544


BHO in the shadows

3f8d27 No.154545


We know they had selected. Even she was shocked with that I should be 50 points ahead and was clearly directed at her cabal for fucking up.

But what more? Expand on this with missle?

ae4fa4 No.154546


While I agree that full disclosure needs to occur it cannot be done without bringing the people up to a point of being able to actually confront this stuff.

ALL people respond to truth. How they respond is a different matter. Some will shut themselves off completely because the shock would be so great. Some will kill themselves because their whole belief system will be wiped out from under them which will cause that reaction.

Others will get angry, others will say 'I told you so'. The responses will be extremely varied.

The other thing that will happen is that when the truth bombs are dropped peoples realities will be destroyed. There will be a vacuum there within people that must be filled up. Q, Q-team, POTUS and all others involved and all of us here will need to fill that vacuum up rapidly with truth/a new reality because if it is not done by those tasked with that job it will fill up regardless - Nature Abhors a Vacuum. ANYTHING will be sucked into that vacuum unless that info is ready to go and given out as fast as people can accept it.

What Q, his team and POTUS are trying to do is to bring people up to a point where they can start accepting the stuff that we all here know is happening. The easiest entrance point is the pedophilia that infests a lot of the upper levels of society. Next be the corruption that is going on in government.

The child sacrifices though are going to be one mighty pill to swallow. That may have to be left until people are USED to these other facts coming out about these people: the pedophilia, corruption, etc.

So what I am trying to say is that there are levels of disclosure that need to be followed otherwise people will REACT and react badly.

On the plus side, once people understand what is happening and they have been bought up to a point where they are accepting what is being revealed, their capacity to be redpilled will increase exponentially. Their reaction will probably be along the lines of 'why am I not surprised?'

Its the MSM (if not completely handled) who will be the once causing mayhem and any other chaos merchants.

So yes, full disclosure but in a layered fashion. Get people used to what is going on. Expose some high level people. See the reaction and then increase the level of horror if it is deemed safe enough.

583f70 No.154547


got it

952261 No.154548


HRC going down! Right?

fddcaa No.154549

>>154505 Hillary

143428 No.154550


Just a shot in the dark here but was Obama trying to be chair of the UN so Hillary could hand to US over to him via the UN?

f96876 No.154551



The company has also landed Falcon 9 boosters 20 times to date. But that tally did not increase tonight, because SpaceX did not attempt to land and recover this particular first stage for the second time, instead executing a landing burn and splashing down in the Pacific Ocean, according to the launch webcast.

c78cc8 No.154552


Well yeah she said she was built in Palo Alto and was superior AI

ee0be1 No.154553


Thank you! Now who/what is the P? :)

09e048 No.154555


Could be a sign of a brain implant through the eye space. Chipped for the membership.

d533a9 No.154556


greetings. looks like I'm returned and ready to rock. mememaker reporting for duty, sir.

3cf171 No.154557


Reconsider ending your prayers with AMEN. Look up the true Hebrew word and how to correctly pronounce it for "so be it".


"The name Amen is an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Amen is: Ra - personification of the power of the universe and god of a united Egypt"


Why would you end your prayers to the Almighty with the name of a false god?


952261 No.154558


ed82a6 No.154559


He was trying to get a third term somehow so maybe.

2f0a5b No.154560


Vrill society.

4fad58 No.154561


Loud and clear, boss

146d29 No.154562

>>154505 HRC but, if her health was really bad I think Tim Kane would step aside as VP and Obama might, could…would be a stand in President for HILLARY …..yes?

5be43d No.154563

File: 483600716532a45⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 296x399, 296:399, tacoBellHorusReptileEye.jpg)


3f8d27 No.154564


Thank you for the confirmation.

Future tomorrow I hope.

fddcaa No.154565


Good job anon on finding the [i]

2b42ec No.154566



^^^ (you) ?

952261 No.154567


Yes wasn’t someone talking about implanting everyone one day?

11f98c No.154568



7c2c5d No.154569

It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God. "I fancied myself as some kind of god …" he once wrote. "If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble."

When asked by Britain's Independent newspaper to elaborate on that passage, Soros said, "It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."

https:// articles.latimes.com/2004/oct/04/opinion/oe-ehrenfeld4


Does this ^^^ tie into EO singed on 12/20?

bc9b97 No.154570

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket delivered 10 satellites to low-Earth orbit for Iridium, a company focused on data satellite communications, according to a SpaceX press release.

This launch carried the fourth set of 10 satellites out of 75 total satellites that will form Iridium’s “next generation global satellite constellation,” called Iridium NEXT.

Iridium NEXT plans to replace the world’s largest commercial satellite network of low-Earth orbit satellites for a “tech upgrade.”

Iridium is a communications company that says it hopes to deliver “fast speeds and higher throughputs for…aviation, maritime, Internet of Things, terrestrial and government organizations,” according to a press release.

The company said it aims to improve aircraft tracking and surveillance systems. When the full satellite system is completed, Iridium said it hopes air traffic control companies and aircraft operators will purchase its service, which will provide real-time, global visibility of aircraft that are equipped with automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast technologies.

be3c64 No.154571

46c954 No.154572


We are a diverse, global communications provider of mobile voice and data services via 66 in–orbit satellites.

We compete in attractive and growing markets with favorable competitive dynamics and high barriers to entry. Our key sectors include land/mobile handsets, machine–to–machine (M2M), maritime, aviation and the U.S. Government.

We operate the world's farthest reaching telecommunications network with 100% global coverage. Our current satellite constellation is healthy and our unique network architecture provides a sustainable competitive advantage. We have a comprehensive business plan for our next–generation satellite constellation, Iridium NEXT.

We benefit from a large and low-cost ecosystem of partners, a robust product portfolio and a large, highly profitable recurring service revenue base.

We expect that our operating margins will continue to expand and we'll grow operating cash flow due to the operating leverage created by an increasing recurring service revenue base and largely fixed–cost infrast ructure.

this is what iridium say they are on their website

70e42a No.154573


Boeing isn't giving SpaceX the tech needed for the guidance system so Musk and friends were building a new satellite network to guide missiles and used the guise of a failed satellite telephone business

9b5672 No.154574


The iridium Sats were not the only scheduled payload on Falcon 9. There was (supposed to be an) an Eye aboard.

6288a4 No.154575


We're following the Yellow Brick Road

6763ae No.154576


Elon and Pacific trajectory

3660c2 No.154577


Iridium Next- effort to take global control of communications?

18a11a No.154578


Hillary was supposed to be president, until you came along. They were going to keep kicking NK down the road to new president, never actually doing anything. The ever looming threat of nuclear war lives on.

Until you came along.

c0117d No.154579

Eye of Ra

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz1p6uZThto


Aleister Crowley


These people are sick.

5be43d No.154580


Abraham came from Brahma and Christ from Krisnu.

6288a4 No.154581


Follow the missing iridium

be3c64 No.154582


If elon musk is helping nk why is he still free

78f9ff No.154583


Message back.

UFO put out to detract from drops.


ee0be1 No.154584


I think we need to make a connection from the Eye of Horus/Ra sunGod to the Elite and their plan to control the world. "Their symbolism will be their downfall"

They're using old God's and traditions and symbols to bring about a new-age satanic religion.

a8123c No.154585



Yes. Agreed anons.

Just good to remember this quote whenever anyone tries to tell you it's about God (but not Jesus), or about ayyyys, or about light workers or other stuff.

That may be true for them - (anons like the one I was initially replying to, who's been wanting to clue us in to their "Plaeidian" legion prepping for disclosure) - but it's not about that for Q-team and POTUS, from what we've been told in drops.

For them Q-team - the early quote sets the tone and let's us know (as Q has repeatedly mentioned) - it's about good and evil - and which side they're on. So far Q has mentioned God 27 times (not counting Godfather III references) and satan 7 times (so far).

For any anon following the Q drops, that's worth noting before diving into a theory which Q hasn't mentioned at all.

952261 No.154587


FBs eye!

b7ade4 No.154588


I always thought there was something "off" about their meat …

b04d48 No.154589


DOD is biggest user of Iridium, how does that tie in?

space news.com/u-s-defense-a

50e089 No.154590


He's not asking you to spell it out literally. OFC it was HRC but what would she have done as president… What did Hussein SETUP for her to do.

a18085 No.154591

File: 2b0af5b8d6d4e39⋯.png (387.57 KB, 586x340, 293:170, screenshot_63.png)

Hussien (((Eye of RA)))

a8123c No.154592


4, 10, 20 = DJT (alphanumeric) cipher)

Just means it's Q-team AND POTUS signing off on message.

6763ae No.154593


That is my point, Hussein sold out NASA to private corrupted interests my Dad worked at Rocketdyne, did Mercury to Space Shuttle, we ruled the sky

952261 No.154594


Message back?

c78cc8 No.154595


Awan controlled that tech, probably with Huma

0ecc0d No.154596

File: 20eca3a06d6bc7a⋯.png (569.58 KB, 901x702, 901:702, redcarmars.png)

Why do they want to send this to mars?

d533a9 No.154597


HRC to bring US into WWIII

2f0a5b No.154598


The left eye is the marker. Black eyes and droopy eyes eyes are of cabal are usually on the left.

fddcaa No.154599


got it, not going to distract me

3eb30b No.154600


From what I've gathered most people in the know, would spot it as a detraction.


ed82a6 No.154601


Just for that we'll double our efforts,Q

234e47 No.154603

Ok a couple things, this iridim constellation sounds like a bad idea. Also, can we get some new advertisers?

4fad58 No.154604


That slimy little dick-brain

f2ac01 No.154605


Well we all know it was 'supposed' to be hillary this time but -

>Expand your thinking.

- who was it to be after hillary?

Just a thought.

6763ae No.154606


Most of those Fks have a black left eye pic

a18085 No.154607

File: 858f44d7a0da120⋯.png (244.88 KB, 605x417, 605:417, screenshot_53.png)

File: 9b4efe00d9facca⋯.png (204.34 KB, 325x484, 325:484, screenshot_55.png)

File: f4f5e19f65ae341⋯.png (284.46 KB, 393x486, 131:162, screenshot_56.png)

File: e70f61b2e3d8dfe⋯.png (502.71 KB, 538x599, 538:599, screenshot_57.png)

(((Eye of RA)))

3eb30b No.154608

Check J P 's tweets on the subject no one listen to it.

be3c64 No.154610


It's the same God. You can accept that whenever.

c78cc8 No.154611


Musk is now working for the good guys, being the mouth of the new company?

451e0a No.154612


whats the meaning of the black eyed club?

why are they doing it?

is it initiation or going to the next lvl?

how do they do it? box to the eye or is it something more fucked up behind this?

>like odin had one eye

2a2fb4 No.154613

Why is it that virtually all countries that have a "space program" have logos or patches bearing very similar symbolism?

952261 No.154614


Soros and other ruling thenworld

70e42a No.154615


I suppose no one, that's why they called this new generation "Z"

c23138 No.154616

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.

>> Mothballed Spaceship mats and tech go to Iran/NK?


>> Fills power vaccum, CIA Front

NASA Tech to ?

>> Iran?NK

HRC SAPs (private server).

>> facilitate transaction as SecState/ClintonFoundation similar to U1


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).

>>Got to be Clinton Foundation


>> symbolism/Occult

Left eye [marker].

>> Actually eye of Horus, more likely Initiation or ritual or even medical (Mark Of Beast, SubCutaneous Microchip)


>> Other Anon's will dig this angle





I think there could be something special with "STUPID" he's said that many many times. something other than the obvious. Maybe an anagram, or acronym of some sort. US DT PI? Worth some thought i think.

bc9b97 No.154617


What's our leverage re: iridium?

d533a9 No.154618


if HRC detained, disclose to anons /public. respectfully

3660c2 No.154619


Is missing (i) satellite to guide NKor missle?

b08744 No.154620



Is this article related to the missing "i" as in Apple?

"2018 Predictions: Apple Buys Tesla – Cook Retires – Musk Takes The Reins"


09e048 No.154621


Head scratcher?

I knew it was treason then.

583f70 No.154622

File: 01328a02702b54d⋯.png (332.86 KB, 580x326, 290:163, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

511455 No.154623


Initiation …. shows submission and allegiance

a44ab4 No.154624





[DNC] Guccifer 2.0 fall guy for Wikileaks drop; DNC declined F_I help; brought in Crowdstrike=Bleach bit.



HUSSEIN>BHO had knowledge of Russia hacking in early fall but played it down because HRC was ringer to win; wanted no excuses from DJT

DNI DIR> Clapper: allow for illegal ‘wiretapping,’FISA, unmasking with Brennan.

CLOWN DIR> Muslim, Brennan: organizes FISA unmaking of Flynn, et al

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> Controls algorithms. Negative HRC stories buried.

CROWDSTRIKE> Bleach bit. Servers wiped clean of info such as DNC funneling B Sander’s funds to HRC.

DNC> DWS: Arranges for $$ from donors shifted to HRC: Seth R_ch

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

DWS_DIR> Podesta Emails leaked; Debbie takes a hit and steps down. DonnaB comes in and finds out about corruption. Details in Book>MSM buries story.

-I/D-J ASSIST> McCabe(wife given 500k for Dem senate run): Sets up ‘insurance’ plan with PeterS to make sure DJT cannot win.

“INSURANCE" Huma/Weiner laptop confiscated by NYPD secondary to AW sexual charges> forces JC hand/reopen HRC case bc info is out their with NYPD.

/_\ >



LL> Tarmac with BC. Assurances will not prosecute HRC. Stories synched

JC> Comes reads PeterS Changed wording to exonerate HRC from email server scandal to insure election.


PS> Possibly Andy Mc; but biased player who attempted to rig an election.




DNC PAY> Fusion GPS to create Fake pee Dossier

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELE> prior MI6, Russia liaison.

PODESTA> HRC campaign manager. HRC connection/ liaison’s with Awan. Possibly arranged Scalia. Wet-job


CLAS: 1-9>

US SEN NO NAME> Maverick, JSM, given Dossier = turns over to JC who already had it.



JC> bypasses LLynch (with her permission) and adjudicates HRC’s server scandal instead of just investigating which is beyond his prevue changing the wording of ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ with guidance of PS and AM— keeping HRC in the race.

LL> Says she will accept whatever ruling JC decides on HRC.

HUSSEIN> Campaigns for HRC knowing of the scandal.

[FISA 2] WireTaps ordered by Clapper and Brennan with BHO’s knowledge

PRES DAILY B> Breifing were ‘tapped.’ Massive leaks

US SEN NO NAME> Adam Sch= major leaker


BUZZF> leaked dossier.

PUBLIC/NARRATIVE: ‘Russia Narrative’ born: Dossier funded by CF created by Crowdstrike: hiring C. Steele (was MI6 liaison to Russia when active) to go to Russia and collect/create intel on DJT which included the hookers and urination— later leaked to BuzzF. Flynn was part of a FISA warrant/subsequent unmaking and was low-hangin fruit bc of his dealings with Turkey which he failed to disclose; and his conversations with Russian Ambassador during transition ( which was legal— what was not legal was Flynn’s name being unmasked and name leaked by BHO Admin). Flynn was/is a good man, also key in further red-pilling DJT on ‘sick people,’ and connecting him with key figures such as A. Rogers who could guide POTUS through hostile waters. Flynn was fired by Obama and knew of most of Hussein’s dirty dealings. He had to go bc of this knowledge but could also be used to further Russia Narrative— 2 birds one stone. Flynn’s son tweeted about PG, as well, and was caught up in indictments. Manafort ,also low-handing fruit. Trump campaign learned of PM ties to Ukraine and oligarchs and cut him loose fast. But too late, also used to fuel phone Russian narrative.


RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> Wire tap WH; POTUS leaves WH on17-day "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, while WH is ‘Swept.’

3f8d27 No.154625


Makes sense. Via CNN! 13 years old.

Going to be more distractions.

Threat very real to POTUS on the holidays?

143428 No.154626


Cut, The Shit. No Attempts to Dox.

ed82a6 No.154627


Man, Unhollywood's a rough place ,lol

28eeab No.154628


is it makeup? you know, a outward sign showing they're down with the NWO? I mean all of Hollywood is taking photos with 1 eye covered or encircled.

2b42ec No.154629

8046f5 No.154631


So iridium satellites aren't for communication….but rather either a missile defense system, or a global iron dome? Why would they need a distraction

a18085 No.154632

File: 105b2c1e22e0fa2⋯.png (266.15 KB, 395x486, 395:486, screenshot_58.png)

File: 220483f3f7bc5e3⋯.png (299.83 KB, 371x596, 371:596, screenshot_59.png)

File: e5d7937df80d217⋯.png (200.3 KB, 226x422, 113:211, screenshot_62.png)

more (((Eye of RA)))

bc9b97 No.154635


And who's they?

50e089 No.154636



c78cc8 No.154637


They thought they were on secure lines with iridium but the tech was bugged. Leverage… whenever they think nobody can hear them they give up all the leverage

b7ade4 No.154638


I saw a picture with EM somewhere (different thread?) where he had a noticeable abrasion over his left eye but it was nothing like those other guys'. I can't find it online, either … help?

11f98c No.154639


To start WWIII and begin new world order

a924ad No.154640


Is this muddying the waters for an actual contact? Or just trying to dodge us and digsites

46c954 No.154641

project bluebeam looms on the horizon i feel it

a9dfa3 No.154642

Left = Eye of Horus = Moon

Right = Eye of Ra = Sun

The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the "eye"s of particular gods. The right eye of the god Horus, for instance, was equated with the sun, and his left eye equated with the moon. At times the Egyptians called the lunar eye the "Eye of Horus", a concept with its own complex mythology and symbolism, and called the solar eye the "Eye of Ra"—Ra being the preeminent sun god in ancient Egyptian religion. However, in Egyptian belief, many terms and concepts are fluid, so the sun could also be called the "Eye of Horus

ee0be1 No.154643

Everything they do is to spite Christianity, God, and Jesus.


Adam Sandler get's a dotted eye for his role in Little Nicky. lol

6763ae No.154644


I'm from SoCal, everybody worked their ass off to win in space, so many people that made a lot of money in the 70s till 80s, it was a dream to make your country the greatest on earth, so many dreams destroyed, a fountain of talent squashed and sold out, it really hurts, we really cried when we watched each shuttle launch and knew we did that

bc9b97 No.154645


They who? Specifically? Bugged by who? Specifically?

451e0a No.154646

File: 33279b68db1a2d6⋯.jpg (290.17 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, die-another-day.jpg)


remember movie that is pic related?

729137 No.154647


All programmed with hatred for America and have lost ability to think freely.

af1466 No.154648


Yes. Message musk Q's statement.

ae4fa4 No.154649


I was wondering that myself. Does it go something like this??

They have their own private grapevine/communication system/email service. A directive comes down the pipe:

Ok, fellas. We need to give each other a shiner on the left eye. Find someone in your family who can do this but not be too violent - after all we still want to have an eye to use somewhere don the road.If you don't have any family members go down to the nearest Harley Davidson gang hangout and insult one other wives. Don't be too insulting though or you might end up dead. Answer back as soon as you have done this. Cheerio!'

ec5519 No.154650


So EM tries to counter the Q drops by making a "joke" and associating SpaceX/NK/Nuclear with UFO/Aliens.

Tries to make people look crazy when arguing that SpaceX is connected with NK and their Nuclear capabilities.

People would go "Ah you just got that from his twitter joke"

b08744 No.154651

Holy Shit


Tesla == SpaceX

2018 Predictions: Apple Buys Tesla – Cook Retires – Musk Takes The Reins


3f8d27 No.154652


All the black eyes we are posting true to the EVIL and SICK PEOPLE comments you made? All? After all, how can it be so coincidental that ALL have bruising on the left side, especially for people who are not engaged in boxing or mma?

952261 No.154653


Dome like Israel have

a18085 No.154654

File: c1ac521a6730ea1⋯.png (685 KB, 969x481, 969:481, screenshot_64.png)

We all know she's knee deep ~ Beyonce (((Eye of RA)))

e4bd75 No.154656


Why is this so funny

b04d48 No.154657


North Korea might need iridium in order to communicate with their missiles for guidance/control over long distances. Comms infrastructure they currently do not have. Also, the Iridium NEXT constellation satellites each have a space on them for a co-hosted payload, meaning the satellites could serve other uses besides simple comms.

space news.com/35106harris-corp-to-market-iridium-next-hosted-payload-capacity/

acccd8 No.154658


The missing "I" from "missle"

583f70 No.154660

File: a184ed0a7731a9b⋯.png (341.75 KB, 600x337, 600:337, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

b08744 No.154661


3f8d27 No.154663


Closest star!!!! The sun! Counter to the EVIL.

a44ab4 No.154664


‘Yellow Brick Road’:

POTUS’s speech to graduating class F_I Academy, December 15, 2017, Quantico, Va: “America’s police will have a true friend and loyal champion in the White House — more loyal than anyone else can be, I tell you.  Thank you.  Thank you— POTUS.’

The cadets’ final test is a 6.1 mile course that has come to be known as the ‘Yellow Brick Road,’ after the Marines placed yellow bricks at various spots to show runners the way through the wooded trail. After completing the course the cadets receive yellow bricks. In his speech, POTUS signed these yellow bricks. Significance: Going to the heart of the Agency, the new grad foot-soldiers, and garnering their support; thus, garnering support from the ground up

ALSO: follow the YBR, the yellow-cake U as it makes it’s way from the US to the Emerald City(s)

Another interesting note is that Frank Baum wrote the TWWOO as a political satire that involved issues surrounding abandoning the the Gold standard for the Silver standard. Just for point of fact, Baum supported WJB, a staunch SS candidate which lost to GS candidate McKinley. The Centralized Banks such as the Fed utilize fiat currencies not pegged to Gold.

Wizards & Warlocks:

Faction of N_A which is responsible for data collection on foreign entities and US civilians utilizing programs such as PRISM. It might be assumed, that W&W have access to most information transmitted over web, cell, etc. Significance: Such an intelligence cache could include HRC deleted emails and many other interesting and damning tidbits on Enemies of the State. POTUS would have clearance to such data.

Alice & Wonderland:

Saudi Arabia = The Bloody Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland: HRC=Alice

Significance: A&W defines HRC involvement with SA/ Alwaleed Bin Talal, (and collaterally with Pakistan {Awan}, and MB {Huma}). U1 took U out of our country and distributed it to foreign players. Shipped to SA? UAE? SA and PK linked. PK provides KSA with military protection for $$. Spiderweb POTUS took out ABT and made a deal with MBS— full ramifications have yet to be seen 20/80.



In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Roth owned or controlled Central Bank (CB):

1. Afghanistan (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

2. Iraq (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

3. Sudan (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

4. Libya Gaddafi wants to go to Gold Standard: Executed; CB installed

5. Cuba

6. North Korea

7. Iran

Countries in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Roth Family are:

1. Cuba (BHO opening US embassyJuly 20, 2015– Deal: embargo to lifted for CB): =Central Bank Fail?

2. Iran (BHO Nuclear Deal)>Cash $$$> Yellow Cake for Central Bank? thwarted because of POTUS, 45?

3. NK: New POTUS, 45 = NK has immediate nuclear capacity?? How? Did KJU celebrate with our YC ?? CB pending because of election of DJT?

Follow the yellow brick road….

Conclusion: POTUS, with help of W&W, No Such Agency (‘more good than bad’), has followed the YBR. The Storm is rising.

ed82a6 No.154666


Forgot about that one, crap, another actor I can't watch now, the list is getting smaller and smaller.

bc9b97 No.154667


Nice catch

d533a9 No.154668


POTUS tweet, "I hear Soros is enjoying GITMO". no other place that sauce. Confirm?

ca848d No.154669


you going strong brother?

4754a2 No.154670


a show of power

he should have lasered it off its pad

3eb30b No.154671


The moon reflects the light of the sun, Ra. Ra is the light rays of Osiris, or Satan.

cbcc30 No.154672


From an American citizen, I thank you and the team for your service to us. God bless Q and keep your protection over those that place themselves in harm's way for the greater good of mankind. Amen

87bb82 No.154673


It's about having access to the third-eye. It's an open third-eye chakra. It's the ability to access what some people might call intuition, WISDOM. Some people might say, being psychic.

a44ab4 No.154674


BHO: 3rd Term

3f8d27 No.154676


GITMO has someone. Right, Q?

ee0be1 No.154677

File: 8cac7c2cbe7fec3⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 800x615, 160:123, IridiumAyyyyy.jpg)

70e42a No.154678

Current guidance system use the GPS network but the clocks on each satellite are out of synch to keep others from using it to guide missiles. A new satellite network (Iridium) would be a great front to install a similar system for private missile guidance systems (SpaceX)

9b5672 No.154680


One thing to consider. Launching an orbital satellite out over the pacific Westward is the wrong way. You need to spend fuel to overcome the earth's rotation in order to reach orbit. Launch over the Atlantic Eastward to gain the earth rotational velocity. Why were we launching westward to put up iridium satellites?

72fe32 No.154681

5x5 Lansky Inis Lollypop. you read good.

78f9ff No.154682


It’s coming back in a big way.

Space is critical to our NAT SEC.

Was terminated for a specific reason.

Godspeed, Patriot.


ae4fa4 No.154683


No wonder it went off the rails and looked all wobbly and weird.

11f98c No.154684


bugged “CIA” by Wizards & Warlocks

dfefa4 No.154687


Iridium is, of course, named after Isis.

be3c64 No.154688


You get the feeling Q is intentionally winding up a mob that will start killing mystics? I do, sometimes.

3f8d27 No.154689


Yes, Tim Kaine was a puppet stand in. ALWAYS felt that. Of course Hitlery did not want any man to upstage her or make her look weaker. So she picked a fag with no future. After she expected to be elected, she would replace him…maybe an "accident" and BHO would step in?

3eb30b No.154690


Yes! A new age!

Godspeed Q

ed82a6 No.154691


Control space and control the world, prob their thinking.

70e42a No.154692


great news, thank you Q

46c954 No.154694

is thier a greater threat to earth that we dont know about??


952261 No.154695


We can’t have private systems I. Space in the way of our own defense systems? Right?

bc9b97 No.154696


Iridium good?

2f0a5b No.154697


Fuck these CERN bastards.

7cda9d No.154698

4fad58 No.154700


The look on Buzz's face at the NASA white house presser the other day said it all

ee0be1 No.154701


Well geez satan.. kek

Yeah, IKR. So glad I minimally supported hollywood. Though I know that not ALL of them are bad.. but the ones that are.. are REALLY bad.

That's the problem with Occultism. It's been said it's like a drug.. and you have to keep pushing the envelope further and further.. until you're drinking blood, killing people, and doing all sorts of weird shit. And then you die and go to hell. Whoo hoo.. what fun.

5be43d No.154702


Because you know it's true. Anti-Trump luciferian tacos that eat your bowls and your souls. Google(duckduckgo) taco Bell Trump and see it for yourself. These people are sick.

a44ab4 No.154703


Q, Is Hussein making a play for United Nations Secretary-General?

045252 No.154704

Alpha Centauri is closest star

3188ea No.154705


Secret Space Program disclosure??

c78cc8 No.154706

File: 5a45ebd397df80c⋯.jpeg (241.02 KB, 1536x1693, 1536:1693, 3A6897E8-E05B-41BD-9025-5….jpeg)

583f70 No.154708

File: 01774525d6ae5c4⋯.png (498.65 KB, 600x456, 25:19, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

3f8d27 No.154709


I guess you are leaving us. Sleep is good sometimes, Q. We all need it but especially you.

Space is ABSOLUTELY critical. And of course BHO was trying to destroy the country from the inside and take its power in space with it…Couldnt be done from the outside.

I look forward to a real NASA working to get to the moon as soon as possible and the U.S. military to control space.

bfaef3 No.154710

File: d62ec053435d621⋯.gif (206.67 KB, 323x221, 19:13, d62ec053435d6214f886a68143….gif)


how far witha meems, Sir?

a924ad No.154711


This goes right along with the super city meme they want. No cars. No guns. Rich and poor shoved into a 'quaint cute SJW city with coffins we call a home' They want control and the only way they could get there is actively putting Camera and mics in our homes to say we broke laws. If we did that to them- we would get 2 bullets.

3eb30b No.154712


Potus has lots of 7s on him in lengths of times and events.

2a2fb4 No.154713


I have wondered about the NorCal fires esp. Santa Rosa area. I knew a family whose home was "obliterated" so I inspected videos of the area closely and became convinced Directed Energy Weapons were used in a very surgical way. Something there needed to be totally eradicated in a big way? /ourguys/ eradicating a BadThing, perhaps a biological threat? /theirguys/ eradicating evidence? Still puzzling over Santa Rosa…

55ce11 No.154714


If Iridium is the [i], and Q posted missile without the [i], then that means SpaceX must've launched Falcon 9 without the Iridium satellites.

Iridium is equipped with complex tracking and communication systems and could likely be used to guide an ICBM. NK has the range for their ICBM's, they just need to get the tracking figured out, and they needed iridium.

Patriots discovered this and cancelled iridium. It is a Department of Defense funded project after all. That's why the rocket went on a strange horizontal course, there were no satellites in it just a tesla lol. Elon Musk is just trying to distract from this with his twitter post.

ca848d No.154715


146d29 No.154716

>>154682 Godspeed "Patriot"… We used a Patriot missile to take down a rocket?

adfcca No.154717

Red pilling alot of people with Q posts abroad. Most people are susceptible to the crumbs if asked in a right order. However Q we would need to have a better look at the way to feed crumbs in ways that let them walk the path.

Wishing a very Merry Christmas and praying for the sleepless OPers that are in the line of fire. God Bless.

Good Hunting.

3f8d27 No.154718


There is the 77!

bc9b97 No.154719

Iridium /our guys/ or no?

2f0a5b No.154721


Expect more false flags this year?

>http:// edition.cnn.com/2017/12/22/us/san-francisco-alleged-terror-attack-thwarted/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Top+Stories%29

511455 No.154723


They would want this system so it’s not accessible to the NSA.

952261 No.154724


Maybe that’s where the “ bodies” are

dfefa4 No.154725


nope, scratch that, sorry. Iris…rainbow goddess. Too tired.

f2ac01 No.154727


If you want to take over, I could get some sleep!

Dough is in the OP pastebin >>154197 but I've updated links in the OP in this bread (I don't have a pastebin account).

be3c64 No.154728


Occult means hidden.

Have you ever seen God?

Is God hidden?

c78cc8 No.154729


Military tech never before disclosed. We are walking around with brass balls fearless almost. We have something others now respect!

46c954 No.154730

i am now wondering if the MAJESTIC 12 are something to pay attention to

952261 No.154732

If space x got all their stuff in space they would c9ntrol it, not the usa

485502 No.154733


Nuclear (distraction) from North Korea. He was attempting to showcase his missile capabilities under the guise of a shuttle launch.

e107f8 No.154734

File: 69c082bbe153e19⋯.jpg (613.32 KB, 900x981, 100:109, ascalia01.jpg)

Remember this Podesta curiosity…

bc9b97 No.154735


This? I hope so, funny.

fddcaa No.154736

I think you guys would love this video.

All of these masons and ssecrt societies come from ancient egypt and i dont know wtf they discovered and how but i think it was from an alien species. and no im not one of those alien conspiracy people but this actually has math behind it and is about Shakespeare knowing these equations even though it would be impossible for him to these equations100 years before they appeared.

451e0a No.154737


they are soon going brook too..

like Q said. 2018 will be interesting year

Jay z the dog will fall like a kinetic orbital strike on the deep state music industry

0cd887 No.154738


Q, will there be justice for Seth Rich’s death? If so, when?

0b73ed No.154739


I was thinking eye of ra is the name of some kind of program. Your interpretation makes sense in the context of the Qdrop. :)

a8123c No.154742

To properly understand the All-Seeing Eye, you need to consider that there are various aspects of the All-Seeing Eye, which are: a fundamental meaning, a practical meaning, a prophetic meaning, a historical meaning, and a mystic meaning. …

The fundamental meaning indicates that the eye symbolizes Lucifer [Isaiah 14:12: Hebrew, heylel, meaning “the morning star” (in the sense of brightness)]. Satan is the god of this evil world according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4.

The practical meaning goes back to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:5) when the serpent deceived Eve, promising she and Adam would become “as gods” for disobeying God. When they ate the forbidden fruit, the eye (Hebrew: ayin, meaning a singular “eye”) of their understanding was opened concerning good and evil. They became “as gods” in the sense of now being able to make their own decisions concerning good and evil. What the serpent DIDN'T tell Eve was that there are severe consequences for choosing evil.

The prophetic meaning comes from Zechariah 11:17, which foretells that the coming Antichrist's right eye will physically be utterly darkened (blind) from an injury.

The historical meaning originates in ancient Egypt, based upon the pineal gland which the Egyptians dissected from the human brain and considered the “THIRD EYE” of enlightened human understanding. We read in Daniel 3:1-6 about Nebuchadnezzar's image, which was a 90 x 9 foot obelisk (male phallus). Today's Masonic occult symbols all relate back historically to ancient Egypt and Babylon. Modern occult symbols have their origin in the ancient pagan religions.

The mystic meaning is that the third eye is the ability to see what might be: In other words the third eye is one's ability to see potential; such as, a New World Order. Hinduism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Judaism, Mormonism, Buddhism and Eastern occult religions worship the All-Seeing Eye. Daniel 11:38 teaches that the Antichrist will worship “the god of forces.” This is the New Age religion of mysticism. The Bible says that “BY PEACE” the Antichrist will destroy many (Daniel 8:25).

All of these five aspects are encompassed within the esoteric symbol of the All-Seeing Eye (as seen above in the Great Seal Of The United States since 1782, and our money since 1935). All five aspects harmonize to prepare the world for the coming Antichrist. So keep these five separate, yet related, aspects in mind to help you grasp THE TRUTH concerning the All-Seeing Eye, which primarily represents LUCIFER, “the angel of light” (2nd Corinthians 11:15).

*Note: Remember that the purpose of ALL satanic churches, occult groups, secret societies, and religious cults is to BLIND you from the Gospel. 2nd Corinthians 4:4, “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” In a disturbing paradox, occult groups offer their members enlightenment, but in reality the Bible says they are blinding men from the saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16).

The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.

There is debate over the meaning of the right verses left ye being darkened. One possibility is a reference to the ancient Egyptian idea that the Third Eye (Eye of Horus) transcends beyond the dualistic nature of human thinking. That is, most people only think in terms of left and right, Democrat or Republican, Satan or God, wrong or right, two sides to every war. This trait of human character makes it easy to deceive people. Democrat and Republican are merely two separate legs walking in the same direction of a New World Order. By dividing society on everything, it becomes easy to divide and conquer them.

fddcaa No.154744

ee0be1 No.154745


God is everywhere, muh man. Just have to realize it.

c174d8 No.154746



MA here,

updating the pastebin and the webpage in real time.

this is beyond exciting.



ae4fa4 No.154747


Blimey!! This shit is everywhere. ALL in plain sight too!

39705e No.154748


How many normies have you been able to convince that the elite are into pedophilia with our memes so far? Don't you think a few releases of images on Wiener's laptop would help out?

407bc2 No.154749


iMissal - Catholic app - BISHOP (cult)?!

51fe52 No.154750


really? just now?

3f8d27 No.154752


Interesting and quite likely true. They could replace the iridium sat with another payload of approx weight. Maybe a military payload.

Q still here watching.

6763ae No.154753


Thanks, I know so many people that gave all they had to make this country great, men that risked their lives at Edwards to push the boundaries of our knowledge, they didn't' die for some sick people to sit on the ground and watch their fireworks, it was some dangerous stuff they did for love of country and I am glad to see it coming back, you need a reason to stand on the edge, you never make the millions of the criminals but you believe in what you risk.

d533a9 No.154754

File: 5a636831170ab2f⋯.png (350.85 KB, 383x514, 383:514, assassin guns swords marti….png)

File: 63f7d495aba2dfb⋯.jpg (27.13 KB, 361x468, 361:468, dolls, teddy bears, manneq….jpg)

File: 5dba146abca9594⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 423x546, 141:182, dolls, teddy bears, manneq….jpg)

File: 99956138a12c6fc⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 387x512, 387:512, dolls, teddy bears, manneq….jpg)

2f0a5b No.154756


Images or videos?

Everything is photoshopped if it's not pushed by the MSM.

ca848d No.154757


web page?

fbf90d No.154758

Iridium NEXT constellation of satellites

3cf171 No.154759


Are the mysterious BOOMS related to the storm?

f96876 No.154761

File: fef4cb1905854ea⋯.jpg (14.91 KB, 432x90, 24:5, success.JPG)

5be43d No.154762


Thought it was secret service

234e47 No.154763


I need to know these answers too.

c78cc8 No.154764


If confirmed We must troll his failure on twatter. Someth8ng about rockets with no brains…

952261 No.154765

As much as I want to stay. I have to sleep. Doctor in am. Love ya anons, and bless you Q! Stay safe friends!

ca848d No.154766



bc9b97 No.154767


Maybe your mom. Heh.

What's the weight on ten iridium satellites?

46c954 No.154768

i second this


0cd887 No.154770


It was terminated to make us vulnerable to a NK ICBM attack?

c174d8 No.154771



enjoy, and you are welcome


my number is around a dozen, and that is when i am completely NEET.

remember when i went missing for a few days? got to redpilling relatives during that time.

amazing fun.

7c2c5d No.154772


This Executive Order revives the Council and will reinvigorate America’s role as a leader in space, strengthen America’s economy, and advance the security of the American people.

https://www. whitehouse.gov/articles/president-trump-issues-executive-order-reviving-national-space-council/

be3c64 No.154773


Buddhists don't have to worship anything. You are projecting your faith onto theirs.

2f0a5b No.154774


Rockets with no brains, Musks with no iridiums.

d22f4c No.154775



http://www.businessinsider.com /hillary-clinton-email-server-top-secret-sap-2016-1



This shit's really exploding. Even catholic.org is Quoting /4chan/ FBI anon.

1=2, 2=4, 4=8

451e0a No.154776

File: b7811cad70a12c2⋯.jpg (46.19 KB, 800x564, 200:141, ring_800 (1).jpg)


coming back in a big way like a space elevator big?

2a2fb4 No.154777


Moses had a close encounter with God. Moses wanted to look upon God, but God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock to protect him and turned his back side to Moses so that Moses would not be injured by God's glory. Hmmm.

3f8d27 No.154779


Are you 13 years old?

e610b9 No.154780


>I think there could be something special with "STUPID" he's said that many many times. something other than the obvious. Maybe an anagram, or acronym of some sort. US DT PI? Worth some thought i think.

A frontal lobotomy would make one “stupid…”

a924ad No.154781


Should we be concerned? I know you said lights out is good for us- this sounds like we went back 2 months in the news cycle again cause we have been causing too much upraor. Do we need a new hash?

http://www.newsweek. com/north-korea-test-missile-loaded-nuclear-weapon-2018-756557

ad6f5d No.154783


>Was terminated for a specific reason.

It's possible that the NASA programs were terminated because bad actors were doing things in space that NASA may discover.

And the bad actors couldn't take the risk of its bad actions being discovered by NASA scientists.

3f8d27 No.154784


Really? lol

213ce2 No.154785

this iridium thing sounds like an anime series i just watched.. Jormungand

70e42a No.154787

Hmm, as of 2016 Iridium had 66 satellites in low-earth-orbit and spaceX launched 4 with 6 more to go, but states there will be 75 in total. Did one of the satellites go missing?

46c954 No.154788

maybe we will see the real Antarctica soon


ee0be1 No.154789


Pretty good. B+

adfcca No.154790


Was SpaceX Rocket Iridium 6 key in latest Crumb?

ae4fa4 No.154791


Message back.

>Responding here, on the board, to Elon Musk saying that crap

UFO put out to detract from drops.

>EM said that shit to distract all of us here from the crumbs that Q is giving out.

11f98c No.154792


Privatization of the space program. Easier to control and hide from the public.

bc9b97 No.154793


Sometimes it's ok to simply laugh at jokes to lighten the mood and keep things fun.

4fad58 No.154794


Shit, maybe its worse than that

f105b4 No.154795



It's rare that SpaceX chooses to sink/destroy the rocket after re-entry. Could it be that they're actually giving some # of these rockets to NK/Iran?

The September 1, 2016 launch failure was also suspiciously unexplained; could that have actually been a missile prop that exploded on the launchpad while the real rocket was delivered to NK?

a87a55 No.154797

File: 2d513e6bcf4482f⋯.pdf (11.19 MB, Benenson_CF.pdf)


He did, but that pic isn't DEW, it's FIRESIGN.

a18085 No.154798


Obama terminated NASA funding and diverted it to arming NK

3f8d27 No.154799


Okay, just thought you were trying to be an ass.

5be43d No.154800


Where did you copy this from?

8046f5 No.154801

Q - The Roths control the world banks and money supply. If they really wanted to hurt POTUS they could do it through crushing the economy…turning populous against POTUS. Obviously the markets at all time highs… Have we taken the power away from roths/soros already?

d533a9 No.154802


please disclose status /detained major players. we, like you, have worked so hard to make it happen

3ccae1 No.154804


Or they took out the hosted packages in the satellites belonging to the clowns/NK.

583f70 No.154805

File: 33ad21226f4f8d9⋯.png (582.89 KB, 600x440, 15:11, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

ad6f5d No.154806


>Is God hidden?

I see God in everything I look at.

Watch a sunset, for instance.

Go to the ocean and close your eyes. You'll see God.

Climb a mountain. Ride your bike down a country road.

If you open your heart to Him, you'll see God everywhere.

3eb30b No.154807


gold standard could fight this?

a8123c No.154808


(Was just quoting from an article anon.)

I respect free will of each to believe what they choose. Many years ago I thought Buddhism was pretty benign (in fact it is at the lower levels) but then I found out a bit more about the Dalai Lama's beliefs: http:// www.inplainsite.org/html/the_dalai_lama.html#DL12

9b5672 No.154810


LIke taking out a spy satellite. Missing an I (eye)

2f0a5b No.154811


Yellow brick road

e4bd75 No.154812

: Hathor

Hathor is another daughter of Ra.[14] When Ra feared that mankind was plotting against him, he sent Hathor as an "eye of Ra" to exterminate the human race, later sending Sekhmet to finish the job.[13] In one myth, Hathor danced naked in front of Ra until he laughed to cure him of a fit of sulking.[14] When Ra was without Hathor, he fell into a state of deep depression.[15]

be3c64 No.154813


So in other words, yes, God is hidden within everything.

The key word here being hidden, or occult.

ae4fa4 No.154814

Just had another though when viewing these posts…

Remember a band called the Black Eyed Peas?

How about if it was meant as the

Black Eyed Ps

as in the

Black Eyed Peoples?????

234e47 No.154815


Do you see God in chemtrails?

2f0a5b No.154816


Snowden, patriot?

ed82a6 No.154817

Basically the big picture sounds like they were going to create more and more false flags shrinking the worlds population to their satisfied level, then through spying they would keep the ones alive for what ever evil purpose they wanted, then just chip and control the rest as slaves and go on a blood drinking spree with their other evil friends.Did I leave anything out? lol, oh yeah and , control what we eat,breath,drink,watch,hear,read,etc. UNBELIEVABLE!!


ad6f5d No.154818


No. God is NOT hidden.

He's right there in front of you.

Open your heart and you'll see Him.

51fe52 No.154819

c174d8 No.154820


thank you for this punch to the eye.

nice realization.

3017da No.154821

>>154468 The missing I?

3cf171 No.154822






2b42ec No.154823





On Friday, December 22nd at 5:27 p.m. PST, SpaceX's Falcon 9 successfully lifted off from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, carrying the Iridium-4 mission to orbit. This was the fourth set of 10 satellites in a series of 75 total satellites that SpaceX will launch for Iridium’s next generation global satellite constellation, Iridium® NEXT.

982d65 No.154825


One of Soros' specialties was destroying the value of a nation's currency using speculation, and then swooping in to "save" the country by lending them an amount of money that could never be re payed in exchange for allowing him and his group to start creating policy for that country. Without the ability for Soros or anyone to manipulate speculation, the economy should theoretically fluctuate more naturally. In addition without all the social programs sucking up taxpayers dollars, and the reduction of taxes, the Soros model of economic manipulation takes a huge hit

that's how I see it anyway

bc9b97 No.154826

Iridium is what Trump was referring to when he said "High Flying Assets"

3eb30b No.154827


Wow, we would enter far and above a golden age

be3c64 No.154829


You sound very insecure about admitting this. I don't me you. It's time to wake up though. No more comforting lies.

e4bd75 No.154830

a8123c No.154831


Part from wikipedia and part from a Christian website - just goog'd "eye of providence" and "eye of Ra", since Q mentioned them both in drops.

5be43d No.154832


Moses knew about the eYe of Ra.

Nice get

2f0a5b No.154833


GOLDen age.

70e42a No.154834

Elon Musk‏ Verified account @elonmusk

Loss of Falcon vehicle today during propellant fill operation. Originated around upper stage oxygen tank. Cause still unknown. More soon.

10:07 AM - 1 Sep 2016

Update Jan 2, 2017

>The accident investigation team worked systematically through an extensive fault tree analysis and concluded that one of the three composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPVs) inside the second stage liquid oxygen (LOX) tank failed. Specifically, the investigation team concluded the failure was likely due to the accumulation of oxygen between the COPV liner and overwrap in a void or a buckle in the liner, leading to ignition and the subsequent failure of the COPV.

3eb30b No.154835


Your right anon, you can see proof of design in our dna and the dna of every living thing.

b04d48 No.154836

The Iridium network provides global coverage however; Iridium complies with U.S. embargo restrictions and as such is prohibited from providing products and service to the following countries: Taliban controlled Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Sudan.

a44ab4 No.154837



Any crumbs you can toss, re: LT Status UN?

50e089 No.154838

File: 200c2fec16d7391⋯.png (303.73 KB, 572x520, 11:10, 2017-12-23 01_19_07-News a….png)

1bfe0b No.154839


Was terminated because Ayys didn't want us up there

3ccae1 No.154840


The satellites might have been launched but without the special [i] clown/NK comms package onboard. A missle.

e20792 No.154841


Jeb Bush?

70e42a No.154842


>This was the fourth set of 10 satellites in a series of 75 total satellites that SpaceX will launch for Iridium’s next generation global satellite constellation, Iridium® NEXT.

07877e No.154843


It's funny you mention that. I was browsing some Hilldog pics for memes and I saw some with here and Kaine. What an emasculated little pussy, I thought. She couldn't stand to be in the company of a real man.

46c954 No.154844

where is the rocket at right now anons

2f0a5b No.154845

Shills seemed to have died.

Glad to be with you Patriots and Q.

39705e No.154846



>>154346 >>154391 >>154454 >>154479 >>154546

Another point to be made about this is, yes,THANK God for Potus, Q, et al. However, the fact that this evil could grow in our system to a point of dominating it for however many years is de facto proof that we cannot trust government operatives and the existing power structure to keep us safe from that evil in the future. Something needs to be changed structurally within it. Something needs to be changed fundamentally in our culture. Hearts, minds and souls must be awake to this reality to help safegard against it in the future. The spooks and future comeys of the government are incapable

ad6f5d No.154847


I can't make you see God.

You'll have to discover Him on your own.

Calling me insecure doesn't phase me, and if denigrating my faith makes you feel better then I'm glad I could be here to help.

I'll pray for you.

82e597 No.154849


Allowing evil to remain in the dark does not protect us from it. Smart enough to completely dismantle the most powerful alliance in the world and yet not understand that basic concept?

Please reconsider, you have time and a small army of patriots to help you.

Using easily available info on the web, I have opened so many eyes to the possibility of what "we" all know is the truth. My village is ready.

To stop short of sheading light in all corners perpetuates "conspiracy" and undermines true investigative reporting.

May I suggest cleaning up this mess, including the media, and then allowing them to see the darkness. Let them shine the light and expose it to the world.

DJT Q et al respect <3

09e048 No.154850


Well, this is certainly a memeable offense.

We need to punish him.

adfcca No.154851

What if it is carrying a payload for NK?

f491d5 No.154852


the inverse of "parallel contruction"

plausible deniability.

2a2a89 No.154853

File: 12ab529ff9fd47a⋯.jpg (258.66 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Falcon Heavy_900x600.jpg)

File: 065f389d1d169c4⋯.jpg (5.22 KB, 159x160, 159:160, index.jpg)


EYE OF RA: Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun god, Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon.

SpaceX rocket: Falcon 9

5be43d No.154854


Alright thanks

b7ade4 No.154855

OK, the shuttle program was cancelled so NASA could work on a large, heavy-lift rocket – we're told. The tech for that would be similar to an ICBM, so increased R&D for that?

They also said that it opened the door for commercial space travel, which I suppose it did but those programs have yet to bear fruit.

ef38d2 No.154856

Same as when a nuke doesnt go off properly, a Fizzle?

ee0be1 No.154857

Well.. I think we've got MUCH of the 'big picture' figured out.

Vatican/Pope/Rothschilds have used ancient symbols and worship of pagan God's (Ba'al, Moloch, Ra, et al) to bring about a new-age religion in an attempt to control the planet, using the Jewish (who are pretty amazing at business, banking, and numbers) as their weapon.

But we said nay, and their path is filled with destruction and horrors that are yet to be disclosed.

A long-ass religious battle for the hearts and minds of the UN-knowing.

Wow. Huge conspiracy. Zero 'theory' about it. It is right in front of our faces, and has been for many decades. I've tried and tried to tell people.. 'stay away from this new advanced tech'. You're not going to want to keep taking 'selfies' and putting them on FB. But once you

Using the 7 deadly sins:








6b126d No.154858


Absolutely it would. Take the fed completely out of it and print dollars backed buy the us government and gold. Rise of crypto shows a crisis of confidence in the dollar. Perfect time to step in with gold backed currency. Strip the power from roths and create a huge demand for the new gold backed us dollar. The feds dollars literally wouldn't be worth the paper they are printed on. How the transfer would be made smooth….no idea

ae4fa4 No.154859


Good lord!!! The look on Woody's face is priceless!!! Haha!

583f70 No.154860

File: 216ca9ed97ee72c⋯.png (375.01 KB, 600x450, 4:3, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

e20792 No.154861


Sun is the closest star. Plus there is a Brown Dwarf orbiting just beyond Pluto

e4bd75 No.154862


Shut up

bc9b97 No.154864


LEFT eye.

Q said left eye. Why not right?

70e42a No.154865


This is wrong, each Falcon 9 is carrying 10 satellites for a total of 75 new ones, I guess the existing 66 are going to be mothballed

3eb30b No.154866


There's nothing to make see, God design humans and all living things. It's mathematical impossibility that God doesn't exist. Look it up.

d533a9 No.154867

File: ed44ed6b174d29a⋯.png (568.62 KB, 620x397, 620:397, Sun gate Entry to Big Brot….png)

File: 7cd4eb6239bb28a⋯.png (367.61 KB, 544x544, 1:1, Yellow purple eye Fran….png)

File: c526bc7f8173af7⋯.png (365.82 KB, 540x353, 540:353, alter Jessica Stam.png)

File: edfc49d858c7cfe⋯.png (119.64 KB, 286x429, 2:3, Hand Signs eye Khloé Kar….png)

46c954 No.154868

Q when are we gonna transcend all this knowledge and i dont think i can expand my mind anymore will the GREAT AWAKENING be the time ??

4fad58 No.154869

File: f3586fc01667c5d⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 364x205, 364:205, 21kmia.jpg)

3f8d27 No.154870

Q said Godpeed = goodnight

he was on for a little bit after then left

ee0be1 No.154871


We just need to put away a few families who are hell bent (pardon the pun) on controlling everything.

e4bd75 No.154872

2f0a5b No.154873

CEO resignation today

>Miss Americas CEO Sam Haskell

bc9b97 No.154874


Yeah we get it. Eyes are symbolic.

2f0a5b No.154875


http://www. latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-st-miss-america-ceo-suspended-emails-unkind-20171222-story.html

f885f7 No.154876

File: ff8f3de6d064810⋯.jpg (104.05 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 21hp6u.jpg)



DJT will spend his whole term in office just cleaning the swamp, get it done. It is deep and buried within is the Nephilim.

3f8d27 No.154877

Anyone see GS today? Recently?


5be43d No.154878


Well if you want to use your right eye you would close your left? So they are being struck in the eye they shouldn't use as symbolism?

f2ac01 No.154879

Who's baking next bread?

Q posts & 'replies to' for OP needed thanks.

Can I sleep yet?!

6763ae No.154880


BHO sold us out, we were the greatest show on earth, nobody could match out technology, I don't know if we really ever went to the moon but we did Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, then the Shuttle, we did what some would call magic, in SoCal these engineers made bank, their wives raised their kids, it was the American dream. Now we live in an H1B world, I don't blame them, everyone wants a better life but its broken so many dreams, hopefully we can begin anew and be the envy of the world again instead of taking an NFL knee.

a924ad No.154881


nice work Mega. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and New Year. Glad we are all here :)

a44ab4 No.154882


HRC would have never made 8 yrs with her fragility. Someway, BHO would have ended up in driver's seat. PPL say it's unconstitutional. So was the individual mandate and most of his EO's that POTUS pissed on top off. When has that ever stopped him? I just hope POTUS nabs him bf he makes a play for the UN. He is gonna make a move, unless arrested, he can't help himself and the rotten-to-the-core UN would worship his evil ass, imo

ee0be1 No.154883


Oh yes. Of course I trust a human over an omnipotent source that can transcend greater than 4 dimensions. Why wouldn't I? lmao

6b126d No.154884


Damn…. This could be the yellow brick road exposing the snake salesman roths and the entire fed. Build the gold back currency road and their power is immediately gone. The curtain lifted.

ad6f5d No.154885


I think you may not understand my post.

I KNOW God exists. I don't need to "look it up".

bc9b97 No.154886


I'm asking you to think about why you are wrong, not why you think you're right.

Listen to Q. Left eye it is.

be3c64 No.154887

There is a reason the word "lie" is based on the word "eye" and it directly involves God being hidden within what we see.

ca848d No.154888


already added brother

I know its gay but I'm active on the discord for the next bread or two

045252 No.154889


Lisa left eye Lopes

c78cc8 No.154890


It’s the overall “religion “ the left specific shows allegiance.

be3c64 No.154891


Wasted trips

ee0be1 No.154892


Eyes are commonly called the 'window to the soul'

3eb30b No.154893


Yeah, it was intended for who you where replying to. I was adding to your point.

ca848d No.154894


Never wasted brother

c174d8 No.154895




and thanks.

and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.

ad6f5d No.154896


OK. Thank you.

e4bd75 No.154897


I'm not the same anon who posted with the 2 pics talking about the right eye. Just found some info about the symbolism is all

a87a55 No.154898


It's clearly a diversion tactic and a phony UFO tactic. ou really know they are getting desperate when they throw around bogus conspiracy theories.

What's next? Skippy wearing a tin foil hat?

ca848d No.154899

bc9b97 No.154900


Yes, and posting tons of random pictures is often called "annoying."

495c75 No.154901


This. Staged if necessary, but full disclosure. Do not believe that people can't take, or will wind up in the hospital. That is an excuse to avoid disclosure that would harm important (wealthy) individuals, and institutions that are important to their power. Essentially, the deep state that are not pedos, or trying to take over the country, but still want their power and influence to take their skims. FBI Anon referred to them as the bee-keepers. We are the bees. They take skim the honey and want to keep it that way. FBI Anon said the bee-keepers are against full disclosure. No wonder the CEOs get to walk away without exposure or jail time. Do we really think that is a great job by Potus/Sessions et al? I don't. What info could they have possibly offered to get a deal if deals were refused to HRC and 12 other presumably high-powered individuals. Sorry Q, increased crumbs directly authorized by the POTUS misses the mark for what many anons meant by increased/full disclosure. I think that is obvious from comments here tonight. The CEOs walking away represents the two sets of rules for two classes of people. #lockherup is about more than just HRC. I hope POTUS understands that. It all has to come out for maximum defense against it happening again. It will be far more effective that $700B per year for our great, wonderful military.

3f8d27 No.154902

c84e29 No.154903

I'm headed to bed. I want to drop this in.

Matt Dubiel is the owner of WCKG Chicago (bigtime old radio station) and from what I can tell a patriot.

https: //twitter. com / MattOnAir

Word is there are UN vehicles on the ground in chicago ( after dems called for it. ) He claimed that when he was chatting with The Filter salesman, AM and FM got cut as soon as theywere talking about UN vehicles

Steve Quayle linked this from his site https://fellowshipoftheminds. com/2017/12/22/ chicago-wckg-radio-station-manager-un-troops-are-already-deployed-in-chicago/

There is drone footage here of more on the ground in Maryland.

Q, What the heck is going on?

b00ff0 No.154904


Question though - the program was initially slated for cancellation in 2004 by W., to be phased out by 2010. This got extended a bit under BHO and he was the one presiding over its cancellation in 2011.

I don't quite see how "Hussein" cancelled it, unless this is a longer timeline / plot.

6763ae No.154905

P.S. Thanks Q Team for your strength and being the tiller we need in the storm, sometimes you just need faith because the truth is just lagging a bit, but thanks to all that are in harms way, makes our petty issues look pretty weak.

2dffd9 No.154906



06f0ee No.154907


Wow it's almost like someone has made an infograph of that


982d65 No.154908


LOL to everyone that thinks Trump is bluffing when it comes to saving money for the country. that includes the UN countries that voted to null and void thejerusalem decision

a924ad No.154909


we are both wrong- Maga ;)

c174d8 No.154910


for humanity!

5be43d No.154911

File: 568ebabdd3a416d⋯.jpg (21.01 KB, 320x226, 160:113, obama3.jpg)


This is an image board. Nothing random or annoying.

c4a1c9 No.154912


Gold standards wasn't perfect.

Look into the role French gold hording played to trigger the Great Depression.

Also the role of the monetary policy by the Fed.

I think if there is a way to fix the money supply down to a predictable formula, like a crypto-currency, then it be less volatile than gold, and less susceptible to powerful bad actors manipulation.

c174d8 No.154913





234e47 No.154915

File: 510a459941b6195⋯.jpg (96.21 KB, 920x609, 920:609, calpol.jpg)

39705e No.154916

ae4fa4 No.154917


I wouldn't be surprised if a band was formed soon called

Whore Us


a87a55 No.154918


There are several SAP's, and undoubtedly HRC, as SoS, had access to a few.

bc9b97 No.154919


Feel free to annoy everyone then. Keep doing what you're doing.

6763ae No.154920


I was still in LA when the last shuttle hopped a ride from Edwards on a 747, we are better than that, we are America, we are Space, we are the future

7a812b No.154921


Ascend Foundation. Pan-Asian + North American development.

dfefa4 No.154922


If it is one-eye-signs you want, just scroll down the collected media pics collected by month here. Great for the meme arteeeests.

https://vigilan tcitizen.com/category/pics-of-the-month/

3cf171 No.154923






98f81c No.154924


what about labor backed currency?

c174d8 No.154925




I, for one, don't want the govt. to freeze my money with one click.

heroes become villains in no time - all it takes is power going to teir heads

451e0a No.154926


what about creating a world where the people dont have to be slaves??

my vote goes to energy backed currency

d533a9 No.154927


that's good

11f98c No.154928


He won’t get that far.

5be43d No.154929

File: 5733d040163b655⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 300x379, 300:379, thoth_eyeofra.jpg)


What am I doing? I responded to your response to another anon.

a87a55 No.154930


FWIW, I posted a pdf on Firesign, downloaded it from a reasonable source, just don't remember what it was. Check Benenson, they did it.

51fe52 No.154931


might as well use leaves

a924ad No.154932


gotta have my lulz

98f81c No.154933


Isn't free energy suppressed?

3cf171 No.154934


Q already confirmed fake news.

c4a1c9 No.154935


not familiar with the concept.

Every currency is backed by labor if it's accepted.

But having a labor reserve sounds a lot like slavery to me

f2ac01 No.154936

>>154888 chkd

Keep a look out for image anon -


- updating the graphic with new Q >>154437

ca848d No.154937


you bet brother

5be43d No.154938


Yeah I saw that PDF supposedly from Clinton Foundation.

ee0be1 No.154939


Only for about 100 years or so. ;)

We use *some* but.. they've been working so hard on trying to conspire, no effort has been made to sustain.

143428 No.154940

File: 8a80864aa5c9454⋯.png (238.84 KB, 698x663, 698:663, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at ….png)

WhaaaaatTheFuuuuuuuck A baker looking for notoriety? Seriously this make infinity look like a fucking online game board. Seriously?

87bb82 No.154941


No, he'd be burned at the stake with us. He's not suicidal. He's trying to teach them, but…..While people can come to terms with pedophiles, satan worship, blah, blah, there are some things that people just cannot wrap their heads around. They might even be able to do aliens, some of them. Religion and mystical stuff - muh, not so much. LOL! Hold on to your seat, this ride might get a bit bumpy.

be3c64 No.154942

Your left hand and your right hand both belong to you.

If someone cuts off you left hand you may well die.

The left hand path to God and the right hand path to God both belong to God.

If you try to cut off God's left hand you will be making an enormous mistake.

4258f9 No.154943



c84e29 No.154944


thank you. phew,gnight

bc9b97 No.154945


Images take up too much space on the board and don't really help anyone unless you supply real research. Images don't count as real research. Do real research and only post images when absolutely necessary.

be3c64 No.154946


What do you expect at this point.

ad6f5d No.154947


>But having a labor reserve sounds a lot like slavery to me


If you want to manipulate currency (Soros' specialty), how much shit could you pull with the labor market to do so?

As a result, how many lives and families could/would you affect in doing so?

No way currency should be tied to labor.

Slavery indeed.

e4bd75 No.154948


Wooow someones exited that they made a post here now they think they're a fuckin' baker

e4bd75 No.154949



9b5672 No.154950


Unwise move, sir.

72fe32 No.154951

Off topic as hell but this is fucked.I won't post it again so don't trip. This girl is getting harassed by small town cop. She gets stopped. She has presc. drugs on her. They get mad and take her to jail, beat the shit out of her. I look into it, it looks like a few cops/deps here are even killing vets, and there is no internal affairs here. (OH) what should I do fellow anons? I've been to jail in this place many many yrs ago, and they let ppl die, they breaks their spines, so I know they are uber corrupt.


a924ad No.154952


when normies find a chan. people should ask him why is the pool closed. then say because of uranium one lulz

c4a1c9 No.154953


I agree that to dismantle the gold standard, it would take more than just pushing a button, but with enough determination it's been done.

The whole point of crypto though is the decentralized monetary supply, and the fixed, unchangeable formula. I realize that if you take VQC seriously, then there are security issues. But conceptually, if the formula is ingrained in the constitution or some other way to take the power away from the would-be villains. In theory it can be more reliable than gold.

be3c64 No.154954


Why? Anon are as toothless and unthreatening as an old woman these days.

ad6f5d No.154955


The world is full of wannabes …

5be43d No.154956

File: b6c6ee58677836d⋯.png (55.25 KB, 280x214, 140:107, Screen Shot 2017-01-02 at ….png)


Sooooo. Was this something you just decided on your own? Because I post whatever the fuck I want. No disrespect to you but fuck off with your shit opinions.

a8123c No.154957


Yes, this ^^^

d533a9 No.154958


mememaker here. just posted "virgin" pics of EYE for others to use to make memes. OK to post?

ffda04 No.154959




the isla verde group in Puerto Rico have a hotel called the (((ESJ Towers))). Any possible connection between Isla Verde and the cabal? Could there be a connection between Trump’s response to Puerto Rico after the hurricane?

53cdd6 No.154960

File: 0852bb1afc7a05e⋯.jpg (55.15 KB, 630x541, 630:541, Elon Musk Joke.jpg)

Hi Q. Please move Elon to Quantanamo and waterboard him. He wants you to.

ad6f5d No.154961


>what should I do fellow anons?

You should go shill somewhere else.

09e048 No.154962

>yet to bear fruit? wut? How bout NK?

6763ae No.154963


I feel the same too, we did every program from Mercury to Shuttle, we have new tech and need to fund it, we can't let the rest of the world let alone EM take control of our education. We owe everything to space, every miniature circuit, light weight material, we pushed the envelope to make the smallest, highest tech stuff in the world, think that my cellphone has more computing power then the Apollo rocket.

441dc5 No.154964


>Have you ever seen God?

God = Love. If you see Love, you are looking right at God, dear anon.

>Is God hidden?

God is not hidden. God is everywhere, and pervades everything, right in plain sight. Including you, if you choose to accept God (Love). When you look at another person, you are looking at the image of God, literally.

2dffd9 No.154965


Been trying to get people to focus on this.

It's the MAP! Road map! Q wants us to map out the Central Banks. They're listed

ffe523 No.154966

wouldn't being given a black left eye signify symbolism for the right eye, since you're in effect "blinding" the left

5be43d No.154968

72fe32 No.154970


fuck off nerd. I been here since the beginning. Never shilled a day in my fuckin life. PROVE I have and I'll suck your dick, cunt. kys whore

a44ab4 No.154973

7b1401 No.154974

Can some autist please drop that huge Punished Trump meme?

Just finished catching up to the Q-crumbs and we definitely deserve some gloating. Semper fi patriots.

09e048 No.154975

>>154960 Yeah.

Definitely a memeable offense

We need to punish him.

bc9b97 No.154977



Do whatever you want, it's perfectly legal to be obnoxious as you want.

72fe32 No.154979

be3c64 No.154981


If God is everywhere , as you saythen humans are God, pedophiles are God, the Rothschilds are God. Do you agree?

dfefa4 No.154982


George Webb keeps going on about the Paki. one-eleventh, a cadre of fighters who are getting back at vets in general through the spy-ring, and variable strength opiates.

https://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=mleEZHWAMlM

a44ab4 No.154983


‘Yellow Brick Road’:

POTUS’s speech to graduating class F_I Academy, December 15, 2017, Quantico, Va: “America’s police will have a true friend and loyal champion in the White House — more loyal than anyone else can be, I tell you.  Thank you.  Thank you— POTUS.’

The cadets’ final test is a 6.1 mile course that has come to be known as the ‘Yellow Brick Road,’ after the Marines placed yellow bricks at various spots to show runners the way through the wooded trail. After completing the course the cadets receive yellow bricks. In his speech, POTUS signed these yellow bricks. Significance: Going to the heart of the Agency, the new grad foot-soldiers, and garnering their support; thus, garnering support from the ground up

ALSO: follow the YBR, the yellow-cake U as it makes it’s way from the US to the Emerald City(s)

Another interesting note is that Frank Baum wrote the TWWOO as a political satire that involved issues surrounding abandoning the the Gold standard for the Silver standard. Just for point of fact, Baum supported WJB, a staunch SS candidate which lost to GS candidate McKinley. The Centralized Banks such as the Fed utilize fiat currencies not pegged to Gold.

Wizards & Warlocks:

Faction of N_A which is responsible for data collection on foreign entities and US civilians utilizing programs such as PRISM. It might be assumed, that W&W have access to most information transmitted over web, cell, etc. Significance: Such an intelligence cache could include HRC deleted emails and many other interesting and damning tidbits on Enemies of the State. POTUS would have clearance to such data.

Alice & Wonderland:

Saudi Arabia = The Bloody Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland: HRC=Alice

Significance: A&W defines HRC involvement with SA/ Alwaleed Bin Talal, (and collaterally with Pakistan {Awan}, and MB {Huma}). U1 took U out of our country and distributed it to foreign players. Shipped to SA? UAE? SA and PK linked. PK provides KSA with military protection for $$. Spiderweb POTUS took out ABT and made a deal with MBS— full ramifications have yet to be seen 20/80.



In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Roth owned or controlled Central Bank (CB):

1. Afghanistan (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

2. Iraq (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

3. Sudan (War, Central Bank [CB installed])

4. Libya Gaddafi wants to go to Gold Standard: Executed; CB installed

5. Cuba

6. North Korea

7. Iran

Countries in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Roth Family are:

1. Cuba (BHO opening US embassyJuly 20, 2015– Deal: embargo to lifted for CB): =Central Bank Fail?

2. Iran (BHO Nuclear Deal)>Cash $$$> Yellow Cake for Central Bank? thwarted because of POTUS, 45?

3. NK: New POTUS, 45 = NK has immediate nuclear capacity?? How? Did KJU celebrate with our YC ?? CB pending because of election of DJT?

Follow the yellow brick road….

Conclusion: POTUS, with help of W&W, No Such Agency (‘more good than bad’), has followed the YBR. The Storm is rising.

a8123c No.154986


I had also been wondering about Puerto Rico response - was ESJ Towers where that woman posted the video from, of all the aid workers eating and drinking after Maria? (The video was here, but it's been taken down… http:// www.whoiskjozborne.com/fema-wines-dines-in-puerto-rico-while-locals-suffer-starve-die/)

a87a55 No.154987


There's a ton of flaws in that pic.

Uniform isn't even close to right.

5 stars? Nope, I can vouch for that one.

ee0be1 No.154988



















Geez muh man. You sound like a confused, self-loathing piece of shit.

Maybe take a shower and quit shilling up the thread. You must be new.

2b42ec No.154989

File: 08fb5c59b156ff6⋯.png (986.33 KB, 1880x5054, 940:2527, 20 8CHAN Q Compilation 22-….png)

5be43d No.154990

File: d8ed025537383aa⋯.jpg (582.12 KB, 2484x3611, 108:157, TheMoonThothTarotCard.jpg.jpg)


Wonderful. Thank you for permission to posts an image along with my comment on the image board. It feels so nice. Now tell me about your real research please.

3cf171 No.154991



441dc5 No.154992


All of God's Creations are a part of Him..

Since you have Free Will, it is on you as to whether you accept that or not.

bcfdc8 No.154993



Horus lost his left to his EVIL brother, Seth (Seth murdered Osiris). They eye was repaired by Thoth, the god of moon and MAGIC. Horus gave the eye to Osiris, who then was reborn in the underworld.

d533a9 No.154994


TY. I get it.

53cdd6 No.154995

File: ab3c6c309443894⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 630x541, 630:541, Elon Musk's Joke.jpg)


72fe32 No.154996


Okay, well thanks. p.s. what do we think of George Webb?

seems like he's making sense, in that crazy kinda way. ?

3eb30b No.154997


Is E lon 's guilt in the bread, or maps? Today is the first I've heard of em.

51fe52 No.154998


man i could swear i read that last week

ffda04 No.154999


Not sure — I hadn’t heard about that. ESJ seems specific kinda like the BDT from before.

ee0be1 No.155000

Is anyone baking?

be3c64 No.155001


Good luck getting this crowd to understand that. I'm not interested in your theology. I'm trying to help people understand the occult IS PART OF GOD WHICH YOU AGREE WITH SINCE YOU SAY EVERYTHING IS GOD NOW STOP BEING A PEDANTIC TWIT.

Also stop reddit spacing.

ca848d No.155002


already baked brother >>154967

441dc5 No.155003


01c439 No.155004

Can someone make a meme with this for Me:

WE THE PEOPLE found it. We are #Qanon. We speak to the #patriot that want to #MAGA and help in what we can to stop the Coup against our #POTUSTrump & to reclaim our Country. Please visit and become #AWAKE at #Qanon8chan. We are the media voice that he cannot get from FakeMediaNews

a44ab4 No.155005



72fe32 No.155006


what…from me, or unrelated in a strange synchronicity kind of way? I've never posted it. honestly, it is about my sister. I wouldn't make this shit up. just looking for smart help on how to investigate.

0b73ed No.155007


He's a compulsive liar and constantly gets his shit wrong.

I'm still tryna work out if he's a disinfo agent or has a mental illness. Probably both.

5be43d No.155008

File: ef9fa17a1829e65⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 578x371, 578:371, TrumpThor-c64249793ed67994….jpg)

So you all called it quits on meme magic? I see a few KEK references but no memes. I am getting railed here over a few image posts by some boomer. Is this what we've become?

a87a55 No.155011


Why do you think a few people refer to her as "Hydrogen Hillary"?

bc9b97 No.155012


Not worth a reply but just because you put out the effort, don't bother focussing on people you dont respect.

3cf171 No.155013


So many injustices. I am thinking of how to collect all those abused by the system to have a place to gather so that REAL law enforcement can investigate every single case.

This is all I have so far. Give the info to her if you can. All I can think of currently on how to gather those mistreated by the system.


441dc5 No.155015


Fuck off and dig, Or just fuck off if you're a shill.

ca848d No.155016


thanks for the macro brother

dfefa4 No.155018


I have listened for a year. He is about 300 days ahead of the narrative. Mind like a steel trap. Heart of gold. Human. Worked at McAffeeee upstairs while down they were creating their own viruses. Got brownstoned. Has a brother smarter than him. Trello board will take years to read. Awesome.

1d50a9 No.155019


Q implied that Elon is using SpaceX to give missile technologies to NK.

5be43d No.155021

File: 676f8fc4f0df7b8⋯.gif (612.3 KB, 280x277, 280:277, Kek.GIF)


No one checks digits?

441dc5 No.155025

The baker has provided. now fill this bread.

0b73ed No.155026


Ignore the idiot. Both chan sites are image boards so of course we post images. :-)

be3c64 No.155027


Yes, this is what anon have become. Considering suicide, frankly. At least that would be over quick.

ee0be1 No.155028


Well crap.

483dc2 No.155029

I want some Pedofiles scalps

f08156 No.155030

File: c6c28f3b5939580⋯.png (6.99 MB, 8936x5904, 1117:738, 8chQDrops2ndHalf.png)


8ch Q Drops 2nd Half

Please Update Link

Thank you please

o7 Godspeed Patriots o7

a44ab4 No.155031


I think he is here right now

51fe52 No.155032


thats not a meme…thats a tweet

01c439 No.155033


I agree we can use this two fold. When you take something away you have to plant something in its place. If they are coming out of the dark they need feed with the light. If they are first becoming awake they need to be feed the truth in love, so which spiritual faith has love that goes along with the light we are spreading. (no not a shill or bot). But we can't awaken a person and leave them nowhere to go to help guide them and give them a sense of security.

284732 No.155034

ee0be1 No.155035


Gracious mucho brother!

ca848d No.155036


got it

next bread

f08156 No.155037






Fully updated version

Please Notice

6763ae No.155038


Yes need ped coup, many scalps

5be43d No.155039


I think the number of boomers and redditfags has seriously damaged this board. There needs to be another reset and the power of meme magic needs to be implemented.

3eb30b No.155040

File: 3f048f9ed5b6ea6⋯.jpg (71.67 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, anime gross.jpg)


Thank you anon. That makes him a sick man.

583f70 No.155041


besides that "official baker" shiit… Just checked his Twatter, he's spreading the message.

51fe52 No.155043


i have no way of telling if it was you … prob why you got called a shill

2dffd9 No.155044


Search "banks" in interactive q map

72fe32 No.155046


thanks. I will.


yeah, I dunno but soon as he starts talking, some sounds crazy, some is spot on. I jjust heard him talking about Hussein's strike on that wedding. I know that happened. Sorry to bother anons with digging that ain't the topic. resuming now

a44ab4 No.155047




[DNC] Guccifer 2.0 fall guy for Wikileaks drop; DNC declined F_I help; brought in Crowdstrike=Bleach bit.



HUSSEIN>BHO had knowledge of Russia hacking in early fall but played it down because HRC was ringer to win; wanted no excuses from DJT

DNI DIR> Clapper: allow for illegal ‘wiretapping,’FISA, unmasking with Brennan.

CLOWN DIR> Muslim, Brennan: organizes FISA unmaking of Flynn, et al

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> Controls algorithms. Negative HRC stories buried.

CROWDSTRIKE> Bleach bit. Servers wiped clean of info such as DNC funneling B Sander’s funds to HRC.

DNC> DWS: Arranges for $$ from donors shifted to HRC: Seth R_ch

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

DWS_DIR> Podesta Emails leaked; Debbie takes a hit and steps down. DonnaB comes in and finds out about corruption. Details in Book>MSM buries story.

-I/D-J ASSIST> McCabe(wife given 500k for Dem senate run): Sets up ‘insurance’ plan with PeterS to make sure DJT cannot win.

“INSURANCE" Huma/Weiner laptop confiscated by NYPD secondary to AW sexual charges> forces JC hand/reopen HRC case bc info is out their with NYPD.

/_\ >



LL> Tarmac with BC. Assurances will not prosecute HRC. Stories synched

JC> Comes reads PeterS Changed wording to exonerate HRC from email server scandal to insure election.


PS> Possibly Andy Mc; but biased player who attempted to rig an election.




DNC PAY> Fusion GPS to create Fake pee Dossier

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELE> prior MI6, Russia liaison.

PODESTA> HRC campaign manager. HRC connection/ liaison’s with Awan. Possibly arranged Scalia. Wet-job


CLAS: 1-9>

US SEN NO NAME> Maverick, JSM, given Dossier = turns over to JC who already had it.



JC> bypasses LLynch (with her permission) and adjudicates HRC’s server scandal instead of just investigating which is beyond his prevue changing the wording of ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ with guidance of PS and AM— keeping HRC in the race.

LL> Says she will accept whatever ruling JC decides on HRC.

HUSSEIN> Campaigns for HRC knowing of the scandal.

[FISA 2] WireTaps ordered by Clapper and Brennan with BHO’s knowledge

PRES DAILY B> Breifing were ‘tapped.’ Massive leaks

US SEN NO NAME> Adam Sch= major leaker


BUZZF> leaked dossier.

PUBLIC/NARRATIVE: ‘Russia Narrative’ born: Dossier funded by CF created by Crowdstrike: hiring C. Steele (was MI6 liaison to Russia when active) to go to Russia and collect/create intel on DJT which included the hookers and urination— later leaked to BuzzF. Flynn was part of a FISA warrant/subsequent unmaking and was low-hangin fruit bc of his dealings with Turkey which he failed to disclose; and his conversations with Russian Ambassador during transition ( which was legal— what was not legal was Flynn’s name being unmasked and name leaked by BHO Admin). Flynn was/is a good man, also key in further red-pilling DJT on ‘sick people,’ and connecting him with key figures such as A. Rogers who could guide POTUS through hostile waters. Flynn was fired by Obama and knew of most of Hussein’s dirty dealings. He had to go bc of this knowledge but could also be used to further Russia Narrative— 2 birds one stone. Flynn’s son tweeted about PG, as well, and was caught up in indictments. Manafort ,also low-handing fruit. Trump campaign learned of PM ties to Ukraine and oligarchs and cut him loose fast. But too late, also used to fuel phone Russian narrative.


RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> Wire tap WH; POTUS leaves WH on17-day "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, while WH is ‘Swept.’

be3c64 No.155048


Thank you for being sane. Agreed. But my other priority is making sure this doesn't turn into people murdering left hand pather's and recreating the fall of heaven. They need to understand everything is One.

ae7066 No.155050


Sweet dreams Alabama ;)

5c5fb8 No.155051

ac840f No.155052


Wait a minute faggot. I volunteered in PR right after the hurricane for a month. It's 12-15 hour days in sweltering heat, with no showers. Sleeping on cots and eating MRES without pay. Plus when we 1started got there it was dangerous. Every now and then if you find out about a rest/bar with power, it's a welcome treat. Unless you've volunteered down there, you have no right to complain!!!!

583f70 No.155054

any meme request ???

be3c64 No.155056


Mods are funny. Act like 8/pol/ but no race realism. I suspect goonery.

98f81c No.155058


There's a goddamn meme depository thread on here ffs

fe20fb No.155059


Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan

6763ae No.155060


What part about F You do you not get?

51fe52 No.155061


make memes… don't make memes…

82e8ac No.155062


You seem to have not read the answers for Q drops - The Great Depression was DIRECTLY triggered by the FED, which is Rothschild-controlled. This was discussed way back, around a month ago.

1d50a9 No.155064


It was HRC's job to start WW3 and destroy the U.S. Ukraine didn't work. Syria didn't work. NK was next.

493299 No.155066

File: 5a56258e5199cb9⋯.jpg (98.43 KB, 269x328, 269:328, 1473390280812.jpg)


Who made you hall monitor?

213ce2 No.155070

If iridium rocket was thwarted..why does spacex say all 10 satellites up and running????

5c5fb8 No.155071


VP Mike Pence

adfcca No.155072

Wildfires in Cali worst in history. Strange stillness above Cali…directed SAT energy weapon heating up Atmos with HAAP?

6763ae No.155073


I have a hall pass, look has tits

3eb30b No.155074


Cali is due for a major earthquake soon

143428 No.155076

Did I miss FRESH BREAD Baker?

7b1401 No.155077


Absolutely. Hussein set it all up, the geopolitics and the brainwashing of the public. Madame president just needed to let the ball roll.

dfefa4 No.155079


He uses very vocally hidden sarcasm to avoid being brought up on some big charges. Other weirdnesses are memory devices to help people follow.

On Topic…search his videos for satellite and learn about Awan's relation to a civilian sat. prog. Right there with Wassermoon and Hilldaw.

https://www.y outube.com/watch?v=kCCtWf4fJBQ

6763ae No.155080


Worst in history? idk we had plenty of bad fires, maybe to the rich fks it seems worse but I had burns up to me walls but it was dwarfed by the earthquakes.

f96876 No.155081


Hussein was supposed to be the next President?

Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama

http://thehill. com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/286105-majority-of-democrats-want-third-term-for-obama

82e8ac No.155082


methinks thou doth protest too much

493299 No.155083

File: fcbcfee451c2c8f⋯.jpg (20.62 KB, 427x427, 1:1, 1502837935433.jpg)


Ooooh! Lets see!

023297 No.155084


That thought crossed my mind, so I went to the trusty periodic table of elements and found Iodine…

1d50a9 No.155085


The cabal ordered BO to terminate NASA to handicap the U.S. in space. (Space weapons)

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