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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 0ffe583e044831d⋯.png (583.34 KB, 800x473, 800:473, cbts.png)

85bf3e  No.150923

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.

85bf3e  No.150926

==Latest Q posts== , rt = replied to

2017/12/22 - FRIDAY





>>146058 rt >>145983


>>146147 rt >>146134

>>146268 rt >>146142

>>146328 rt >>146206

>>146454 rt >>146326


>>148746 rt >>148634

>>148761 rt >>148729

>>148848 rt >>148751


Graphic , >>150705

2017/12/21 Thursday

>>139686 rt >>139380







>>139851 rt >>139840

Graphic , >>150687




>>142996 rt >>142811





>>143223 rt >>143179





>>145418 rt >>145408


Graphic , >>150693


>>139686 , rt >>139380 https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136

>https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

More info here >>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread

And here >>141931

Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange

>>139851 , rt >>139840

>>142996 , rt >>142811

12/18 >>120430

12/19 >>130064

Petition for Disclosure thread >>120430

85bf3e  No.150928


Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country

>News unlocks message.

>Future proves past.


Interactive Qmap

https:// qcodefag.github.io/

Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by signatures to unlock?

We're all apart of the greatest timeline we've ever known.

Graphic Qmap

Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532 , >>>/cbts/95263 , >>>/cbts/140346 , >>>/cbts/143990

4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142488

4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/142506

8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142514

8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/149437

Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers

https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064

Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/

Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/ddp2p6d2b5/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.9.1.pdf

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/j832pfdfb7/Q_Map_12_22_2017v2.pdf

Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com

Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523

CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/134020

Qmap Ven Diagrams and Q signatures studies >>>/cbts/119423

Summary “40,000 ft.” perspective >>>/cbts/134020

Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.

85bf3e  No.150929


Q Resources

Psalm 144:1

Praise be to the LORD my Rock,

who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.


Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/133263

How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391

QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17

part I -> https://anonfile. com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile. com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile. com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile. com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf

part V -> https://anonfile. com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf

Research Tools

Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>>/cbts/80489

Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196

Map Making Tools

Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses, foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc. Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here are posts showing some of the free resources available to anons'

>>>/cbts/111700 & >>>/cbts/119941

Decoded Stringers


https://anonfile. com/Y6x1ned2b0/Red_Red_decipering.png

https://anonfile. com/Xcx9nbd3b5/Deciper_part_1.png

https://anonfile. com/a5y9n3dbb2/Deciper_part_2.png

Latest decoded stringers >>>/cbts/109555 , >>>/cbts/109748 , >>>/cbts/108638

FREEDOM stringer diagram >>>/cbts/138885

Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

FBI Anon Transcripts

https://dropfile .to/GrYcrR2

4Chan and 8Chan Archives

CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0 [includes direct links to Q posts]

CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https://8ch. net/cbts/archive/index.html

CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/8zHit7mA [includes direct links to Q posts]

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL

Latest Archives

Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*




>Archive: https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0

85bf3e  No.150931

==DAILY NEWS - Enjoy The Show== >>>/cbts/4485

Please crosspost in relevant threads!!

Recent Findings

For dig inspiration and catching up...

12.19.17 >>>/cbts/144985

12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162

Todays Findings / Happenings

Post on the NEW Executive Order on Human Rights & Corruption

See Q's posts in the OP about how he said the new EO release was inspired by us!

Executive Order on Human Rights and Corruption - https://


Treasury Department Tweet - >>>/cbts/139481

Full EO Graphic - >>>/cbts/144786

United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across The Globe


DC Is Getting a Clean House


EO targeting ANYONE who as an abuser or corrupt actor in ANY way, shape or form. >>>/cbts/139492

Here are two videos about people named on the Human Rights Sanctions List put out by the Treasury Dept. Very informative

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=1TWhlPqVddc

https://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZB3YoAvEro

Was this the exchange? https://8ch.net/cbts/res/140364.html#140844

The exchange and response?


Resigning CEO's List. Coincidence?

Google CEO resigned 12.21.17. Coincidence? List of all CEO's who have resigned since Oct 17 >>>/cbts/146328

NEW THREAD Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations Here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action, people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334


Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606

Useful Posts

How to spot a 'Bad Guy': >>>/cbts/89275

How to spot a 'Good Guy': >>>/cbts/89305

Black PR: >>>/cbts/115726

How to handle Black PR: >>>/cbts/115472

Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423

Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172

Research Findings & Threads

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action, people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334

Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FBIAnon-AMA Transcript: >>>/cbts/137237

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hefner/Blackmail >>>/cbts/132899

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>10556

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Rothschild Family Summary >>>/cbts/139091

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

The British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Underground massive data center? >>20714

Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/848

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

**Some broken links from above have been removed.

If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link.

Thank you for your patience.

85bf3e  No.150933



Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1 >>2

Memes #2 >>61078

Memes #3 >>107604

Memes #4 >>142207

Infographs >>10

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads

→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour. https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip

→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip

→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/TbCal8d1ba/CBTS_Memes_2B.zip

→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip

→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip

→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip

→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip

→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip

→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip

→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip

→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip

→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip

→3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/80zco9d5bc/CBTS_Memes_3e.zip

→3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip

→3g 330 files from #3, 20Dec2017. 82 Mb. https://anonfile. com/JaU9o4d4bd/CBTS_Memes_3g.zip

→3h 240 files from #3, 20-21Dec2017. 63 Mb. https://anonfile. com/G0j1pddfb0/CBTS_Memes_3h.zip

→3i 308 files from #3, 21Dec2017, 89 Mb. https://anonfile. com/3302p9d0b1/CBTS_Memes_3i.zip

Red-pilling Methods


Guerilla Twitter Tactics



They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.

85bf3e  No.150937

In The Event A Baker Is Needed


Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes.

Location for new thread: Go to the top of the index page for CBTS which is 8ch.net/ cbts/index.html (without the space after the first / )

Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition

Post: From the pastebin location given below, copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field.

Add Image: Upload the new image.

Activate New Thread: If needed, do the verification. Then click on the 'New Thread' button to the right of the subject field.

Adding the rest of the sections: Click on the number of the post in the new thread you have just created and add the second section after the first +++PAGE BREAK+++

Add the rest of the sections as individual comments - each section is separated by the ++++PAGE BREAK++++ notation

Keep adding comments until all sections are posted.

Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.

==NOTE:== You do not need a pastebin account if all you are doing is copying and pasting. You do need an account if you want to keep a copy for yourself and then add and format links, other data, etc, although you can do that in the comments box when posting.

Last batter used: https:// pastebin.com/eyEEAuLW (#175)


Update this line with the link to the pastebin file you used to bake this bread.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

a0515f  No.150959


Slimes? Smiles?


Code for the map?

Too busy. Putting it out just in case i am on to something.

d8f19a  No.150962

File: 345c14161db6879⋯.jpg (98.53 KB, 500x690, 50:69, Alice-Dorothy.jpg)


>What news about IRAN broke?

This is old news, but…

Donald Trump and top Republicans pummeled the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton Wednesday over what they called $400 million in “secret ransom” paid to Iran to secure the release of American hostages.

President Barack Obama’s secret, $400 million ransom payment to Iran was just the tip of the iceberg. Turns out there were 13 other payouts made before that, according to new reports.

If proven to be true, these payments would be a direct violation of the Constitution — an offense so serious, Obama could be impeached over it.

At the same time, the White House unfroze a larger pool of Iranian assets, estimated at $100 to $150 billion…

https://thehornnews.com /judgment-day-obama-broke-law/

https://www.washingtontimes.com /news/2016/aug/2/report-obama-paid-iran-400-million-ransom-american/

https://nypost.com /2016/08/03/gop-blasts-obamas-400m-secret-ransom-paid-to-iran/

http://www.cnn.com /2016/08/03/politics/us-sends-plane-iran-400-million-cash/index.html

f51ce2  No.150970

File: e52515816252deb⋯.png (180.9 KB, 600x398, 300:199, grow-a-pair.png)

0fa444  No.150977


yeah yeah,i know its infowars,its still some good info. The same lawyer that filed suit against the DNC. Watch how her eyes bug on a certain topic,it may be relevant

tl;dw Mayo Clinic - Clinton connection

future proves past

e68e9a  No.150983

File: a5620037c91d2b4⋯.jpg (187.6 KB, 668x1238, 334:619, qbamur.jpg)

Is this coincidence? Please don't start any fights!

862214  No.150990


This guy has been spamming us his twitter posts for a week now.

c41612  No.150993

File: 3ad9ca5fbef1418⋯.gif (96.84 KB, 500x287, 500:287, Luffyquestion.gif)


Is he not referring to the news this week that the Obama administration interfered with an investigation into Hezbollah fronts in the US to appease the Iranians into accepting the Iran deal?

862214  No.150995

So, in the movie Speed, the bomb goes off if the bus slows down below 50 mph. Bomb arms once it goes 50 mph. I haven't seen the movie but can anyone figure out how this movie connects to NK?

Have to move at the right speed or the bomb will go off?

7a848e  No.150997



210d2c  No.151001

File: 7666d8d111f6f80⋯.jpg (159.12 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 1.jpg)

File: cc7f59ebfb8415b⋯.jpg (159.17 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2.jpg)

File: 9074ab2cb27080f⋯.jpg (159.93 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 3.jpg)

File: 50a3fb0f0cefed9⋯.jpg (159.93 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 4.jpg)

b06a93  No.151002

Mary Jacoby!

Quick alert: Have you all dug on Mary Jacoby?


e141d5  No.151003


why do you need a name? standout? are you special? not here, moron

28c953  No.151005

File: dd6a0710862bb50⋯.png (187.05 KB, 490x250, 49:25, Screenshot-2017-12-22 Meme….png)

ca82e6  No.151006

Dear anons in need of prayer,

<Prayer Request Thread




a0354b  No.151007

File: 967b669dcfd6d63⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Reward.jpg)

2fa268  No.151008

File: 87399fc37c2bc59⋯.jpg (216.4 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, clinton portraits2.jpg)

File: a5a03c75a9b19d0⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 21jy9y.jpg)

File: 689a30ff6c1af53⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 21k0f4.jpg)

File: f949f2d6cf63cca⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 21k0p6.jpg)

e141d5  No.151009


outstanding, anon

210d2c  No.151010

File: d10ca164b380204⋯.jpg (158.56 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 5.jpg)

File: 42955f3e1f3473c⋯.jpg (158.74 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 6.jpg)

File: 443b33d23623842⋯.jpg (162.71 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 7.jpg)

File: 9091e76051f5a99⋯.jpg (171 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 8.jpg)

82709c  No.151011


and shove that boot where the sun don't shine.

cc0013  No.151012

File: 69a9e96109056d9⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, MAGA-manifesting.jpg)

17b842  No.151013

File: 3f6b2e5b1a12672⋯.png (815.38 KB, 1466x1056, 733:528, Christof_we-accept_reality….png)

7e20ad  No.151014

Not sure if this was covered, but its def a good read.



a0515f  No.151015

Miss Le?

123dc1  No.151017

Guys do you have the link to list of CEO's resigning Anon posted a few threads ago? I thought they were put in the batter but I couldn't find them…

17b842  No.151018

File: e804fc5d847d947⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1466x1058, 733:529, Truman_Show_Much_Worse.png)

There is a reason it was called the True-Man show. They were trolling us.

519860  No.151019


>madworldnews ffs

210d2c  No.151020

File: e4fac9c15dd9482⋯.jpg (171.15 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 9.jpg)



And we're caught up to today…

a5f317  No.151021


Knew this was coming

18b376  No.151022

File: cbc9f3f7ba5cca2⋯.jpg (188.65 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, base.jpg)


That thing gives me the creeps!

f51ce2  No.151023

File: de90cccdc173311⋯.png (186.54 KB, 600x398, 300:199, six-degrees-of-HRC.png)

66a250  No.151024

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

2m2 minutes ago

Remember, the most hated part of ObamaCare is the Individual Mandate, which is being terminated under our just signed Tax Cut Bill.

7a848e  No.151025









possible interpretation:

a missile = a missle (i.e., it MISSED), when it's been shot down/Fox 3 splashed; and "as the world turns" is a reference to the JFK assassination (that was the TV soap that was interrupted to bring us the tragic news) -> so, Q's telling us that (((they))) tried to take out Trump via a missile that missle'd due to our taking it out, and just as the Russian dossier came back in a Red October fashion on (((them))), so, too, will this when the news breaks.


e141d5  No.151026




alright already……..

862214  No.151027


These are amazing!

2ad12d  No.151028

c01eac  No.151029


Lynn & Evelyn de Rothschild

28c953  No.151030

File: 9e54b78144ea5d6⋯.png (200.71 KB, 714x331, 714:331, Screenshot-2017-12-22 outs….png)

a5f317  No.151031


Not till he gets to 12!

52a2e4  No.151032

There are many map tools anons…

I want to open a version (that is updated frequently) that will allow me to search for keywords quickly, so that I may dig efficiently.

Which map tool/reference would you recommend, anon?

7a848e  No.151033


keep em coming, this is so f'g festive, we're loving it!!!

340440  No.151034


https:// qcodefag.github.io

e141d5  No.151035


haha POTUS beat you to it, twat "I hear Soros is enjoying GITMO"

e68e9a  No.151036


Maybe this will help?


28c953  No.151037

File: 13c884cff26c64a⋯.png (2.07 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-22 The ….png)


>https:// qcodefag.github.io

c41612  No.151038

File: c0e234153ca8f5c⋯.jpg (178.23 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, trump_check_em.jpg)

cc0013  No.151039

Need to go out and do some shopping (haha) so no more MAGA memes unless someone else wants to take over (like the original poster of the meme) and do 'em!

28c953  No.151040

File: a96bbc45af9a5db⋯.png (1.95 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-22 The ….png)



210d2c  No.151041

File: ac2ff32a2faf655⋯.jpg (172 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 10.jpg)

File: 9083d088e179e02⋯.jpg (174.8 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 11.jpg)

File: 5efc2eeca9a4d7a⋯.jpg (175.35 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 12.jpg)



Well. i was gonna wait since it's not Christmas yet, but i suppose getting it all out and over with is a plus.

5d70c7  No.151042

File: daef082bd523beb⋯.png (776.19 KB, 800x655, 160:131, lexington-green.png)

77c92c  No.151043

File: 9369dcf5870abd7⋯.png (145.27 KB, 799x347, 799:347, ClipboardImage.png)

Friends… 12 hours ago "Iran supplied ballistic missile to Al Houthi rebels in Yemen"… to fire at SA.

Link to article returns a 404… interesting.

http://gulfnews. com/news/gulf/yemen/iran-supplied-ballistic-missile-to-al-houthi-rebels-us-1.2145222

b62671  No.151044



11b064  No.151045

File: eff703e86bf0dc3⋯.png (851.38 KB, 1134x632, 567:316, ClipboardImage.png)

a0354b  No.151046

File: 1b4c141be0d9094⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 744x138, 124:23, Tweet.jpg)

a0515f  No.151047



This anon may be on to something.

cc0013  No.151048

49ede6  No.151049



What would LE be?

de4db4  No.151050


Top Kek

11b064  No.151051


They misspelled missle in official govt documents in 2012-2014 and it was finally corrected in 2015

cd4fb9  No.151052



Both Germany and Australia upset over tax cuts as they think is going to now take jobs from the countries! It is about time that jobs come and stay in U.S., we have been losing jobs for decades now. MAGA

2362b7  No.151053

wasn't there supposed to be some important press conference today?

e141d5  No.151054


yeah, I'm seein dat lol

210d2c  No.151055


MI, Michigan

SS, Secret Service

LE, Law Enforcement


a0515f  No.151056


In all of them?

a5f317  No.151057



5d70c7  No.151058

File: 45507e97cadcc16⋯.png (672.45 KB, 800x655, 160:131, lexington-green2.png)

e141d5  No.151059



c41612  No.151060


MI - Military Intelligence

5eaa80  No.151061


Speculation of a press conference

594fd3  No.151062

I put this in the prior thread but it was very close to the last posting, if not the last.

By now those of us who dig have realized that with the cabal, it all stays in the family. We've heard about Merkel being Hitler's daughter, there's a theory out there (which may well be valid) that George H. W. Bush is really George Scherff, Jr., and now I found an article (link below) that John Podesta's father is Josef Mengele. It's worth some digging! Don't freak out over the unreliable source; I never take it at face value, but further digging will reveal what it does.


e141d5  No.151064

77c92c  No.151065


ding ding ding

49ede6  No.151066


Q team launching? Military Intel, Secret Service, and Law Enforcement?

d8f19a  No.151067


I missed that, but it seems irrelevant in comparison.

cd52c0  No.151068

If true fuuuuuuck.


a9c951  No.151069


Has there been any confirmation that he was taken? God I hope so.

154de0  No.151070


Q stated that the missing i means icbm in a question sentence

4cfe05  No.151071



123dc1  No.151072



e141d5  No.151073

86cc46  No.151074


Found this article. Might be of interest, especially in light of Q's reference to the Yellow Brick Road.

I wonder is Soros the wizard, the man behind the curtain. The wizard only has power because he creates the illusion of power. Assange recently said something like this in reference to power.

4c6b0a  No.151075


Kek, ultra

2fa268  No.151076

File: 376b830db9cd3f9⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 21k244.jpg)

11b064  No.151077

52a2e4  No.151078


> Crooked FBI "insurance policy" in case trump won election…(muh Russia, piss dossier, etc)




>DoJ/IG launched Investigation into Crooked FBI


> IG Investigation 'connects/proves' …Cleanup at top of FBI (the bad 10%, including the head attorney today)


> 4 10 20 is a showman and is rolling it out to us like a soap opera…every day is a new show


> Literally, the "Muh Russia" gambit by HRC/FBI


cd4fb9  No.151080

File: cabf672b40122a3⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 612x381, 204:127, Fullscreen capture 1222201….jpg)


Could Lynn Rothschild's tweet be referring to it somehow? If we went that angle of a missile being shot….

c41612  No.151081

File: 4b5208781f3b07b⋯.png (684.64 KB, 1700x4440, 85:222, Barbarabush.png)


I remember reading about that a long time ago, also have this cap saved abput Barbara Bush possibly being Aleister Crowley's.

49ede6  No.151082


So MI, SS, and LE removed ICBM?

f51ce2  No.151083

File: 5431de1314711dd⋯.png (180.22 KB, 600x398, 300:199, missile-defense.png)

2362b7  No.151084


ah, I thought Q had confirmed it.

cd4fb9  No.151085


The post about LDR is in reference to her saying So Stupid for 'Blockchain'

77c92c  No.151086


the FB1 speech was filled with that rhetoric. MI, SS, and LE and Sessions introduced trump as our highest law enforcement officer

efd04f  No.151087


Maybe she thinks what Trump is doing is stupid and is parroting Q calling them stupid

5d70c7  No.151088



Nato old abbreviation was "LE"

82709c  No.151089


>showman and is rolling it out to us like a soap opera…every day is a new show

It really is. The greatest show on earth.

52a2e4  No.151090

e141d5  No.151091


where was POTUS when missle fired?

11b064  No.151092

cd4fb9  No.151093


I was thinking the word "Blockchain" is what she is calling Stupid. Upset a missile was blocked?

86cc46  No.151094


'Le' is 'the'. Put it at the front and you have 'Le miss'.

The miss, or just miss. Who or what missed?

5ffebe  No.151095


I hope she will come back here to post, hahaha I want to taste her fear again.

aeafc7  No.151096


MI=Military Inteligence

2fa268  No.151097

File: 77b26aed69e5b50⋯.jpg (146.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 21k1au.jpg)

2362b7  No.151098


probably not because i imagine his family would be saber rattling about unfair confinement. that's probably the hardest part to believe – that their side hasn't tried to frame things as trump attempting to seize power illegally or something.

594fd3  No.151099

0e48aa  No.151100


That stringer was posted on the 19th and was about AT&T. Already happened.

f51ce2  No.151101


The crumb:


He had the press in the Oval Office to watch him sign the Tax bill into law and also signed the Missile Defense Authorization. It was pre-recorded. At that same moment, Q started posting today.

210d2c  No.151102



Yeah. agreed. Much more sense that way.

7ca12a  No.151103


That is a big break in analyzing this madness. Thank you for posting.

2c1eb1  No.151104


Brilliant deduction!

a9c951  No.151106


Valid point. Unless he has then by the balls too somehow.

28c953  No.151107

File: 6aaf809af098a76⋯.png (147.5 KB, 490x275, 98:55, Screenshot-2017-12-22 Meme….png)

98a465  No.151108

File: 586bff4f20b2803⋯.jpeg (6.6 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download (5).jpeg)



How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?

What was stated during Hussein’s term by agencies?

How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

What is leverage?

Define hostage.

Their last hope!


I might have have figured it out the MISSLE, missiles have two i's (eyes), when an individual loses an eye the have a hard time with depth perception, estimating distances, and tracking moving objects. This is the same problem of the NK guidance cap. PIC RELATED!

If you bake it, he will crumb

a5e36c  No.151109

To whom ever it is, thats speaking of the dark triad, i say this. What you seek is a utopian land. There will always be a dark and light. Neither can exist without the other. Now, people can be conditioned to behave in certain ways, but then you have the genetic components to think of. A certain breed of dog can be trained to be aggressive, even with proper environmental conditions. Its called cellular memory. Dark triad people are the same. Or, a society could utilize this component and put them in possitions like, well, soldiers who kill the enemy. But the true question is, is state sanctioned murder murder? A serial killer gets the death penality, but the military sniper gets the medal. Is this your sense of morality? Kill all the dark hats and you simply turn into the very thing you hunted out of good.

e141d5  No.151110


FOX WH guy snivalling no "official" Christmas POTUS press conference

f51ce2  No.151111


What family? The son that's being sued for $23mm?

cbc316  No.151112

File: 3ce08b7c2f0f0b7⋯.jpg (26.02 KB, 500x337, 500:337, memetic-american-great.jpg)

86e3f8  No.151113


Check the graphic for 12/22/17. >>>150705

77c92c  No.151114

File: 38043651337d235⋯.png (127.89 KB, 785x482, 785:482, ClipboardImage.png)

could the missing i be related to this… who gave nk red star? hmmm

a9c951  No.151115


I believe that is an employee being sued. Not the son. 23mm is pocket change to them

98a465  No.151116

File: 652891670dc6020⋯.jpeg (6.26 KB, 258x195, 86:65, images (1).jpeg)

11b064  No.151117

a0515f  No.151118


Where? Missed that one.

Though DOES make sense.

Nasty if it was really an ICMB.

514c0b  No.151119


Or an educated guess that missed. President traditionally give a year end speech.

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/12/22/fake-news-cnns-brian-stelter-ignores-obama-skipping-end-of-the-year-press-conference/

eb4833  No.151120


Kabamur is a fake he believes he has contact with the Pleiadians & that a Galactic Force will save us. This is all disinfo. I have friends that were in the SSP & Project Pegasus. There are some benevolent ETs but they will not interfere with humanity.

Too many people are being fooled by Kabamur I think he's a CIA shill.

075545  No.151121

Q, advise a 500 word statement at 5th grade reading level. Names of recognizable bad actors, what they did, since when, numbers of victims. Link to govt sanitized .gov website evidence of crimes against children and occult activity. People will RACE to defend Trump and actions to take down once they see it. Women and mothers especially, and those of genuine religious faith in a benevolent God, will flee the left. Law must be SEEN in operation for masses to KNOW it is real: why VIP perp walks happen. OPEN WARFARE is also legal if necessary. The longer all the secret squirrel stuff continues, is not justice denied if delayed? Are THEY so powerful as to ward off the assembled lawful might and right of the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s? Put me back in, Coach. Let’s do this. Thank you for your service, Godspeed.

17b842  No.151123

File: ab0e08b8a7c6748⋯.jpg (170.71 KB, 800x621, 800:621, On_the_air_unaware_Truman_….jpg)

85bf3e  No.151124



http:// thehill.com/homenews/administration/366238-trump-leaves-washington-without-holding-year-end-news-conference

12/22/17 04:15 PM EST

2ad12d  No.151125


Based on the press coverage, that signing was also a LOT faster than the press was reporting was likely. I think the clue was that they knew it was going to happen a lot faster than everyone else thought.

28b0a6  No.151126


I had actually thought of that word /right/ after posting the request. Thanks anon, it's perfect!

As an alt edit, I'd like to request Meme (or Memeing) A Great Awakening, if you would be so kind.

c07ade  No.151127


Mankind, A Great Awakening?

efd04f  No.151128






"The Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, is a United States Department of Defense history of the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. The papers were released by Daniel Ellsberg, who had worked on the study; they were first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971. A 1996 article in The New York Times said that the Pentagon Papers had demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration "systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress".

73b277  No.151130



3fbaa1  No.151131


Awesome anon…love these

d4dbbb  No.151132

https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/148453.html#148746

Non-NK launch [Falcon 9], then NK launch, then broadcast interrupted by POTUS, "storm upon us" tweet

f51ce2  No.151133



12d253  No.151134









CLAS: 1-12>




(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>




/_\ >











CLAS: 1-4 PAY>




CLAS: 1-9>







[FISA 2]









c2ea26  No.151135

File: 7a9b379e45e83fc⋯.jpg (60.94 KB, 333x274, 333:274, 6943895.jpg)

Right track?

77c92c  No.151136

File: b3ccf459c4308eb⋯.png (48.65 KB, 754x175, 754:175, ClipboardImage.png)


or this.. .

hmmm one more connection between the apple and the oogle.

82709c  No.151137

File: 7d883befdac27e5⋯.png (197.24 KB, 519x333, 173:111, zuck.png)

5d70c7  No.151138

Hi Q

2fa268  No.151139


Fine afternoon for you to stop by, sir

85bf3e  No.151140



519860  No.151141


here we go!

075545  No.151142


He does not want his GeolocDTG knowable maybe

cc0013  No.151143

File: 969c37839edafc8⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, MAGA-meme-a.jpg)


Here you go…

98a465  No.151145

File: c9cfe28bd89104f⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, black-eye-patch-.jpg)



Q can you confirm missle with one eye?

Pic related

5d70c7  No.151146


No THAT's a crumb

85bf3e  No.151147


>one of twenty two


17b842  No.151148

File: ca0a58be51bd30b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1462x1052, 731:526, who_really_controls_north_….png)

Eric Schmidt - Who really controls North Korea?

a7fe44  No.151149


I noticed you said Hussein three times. Hmm…

4cfe05  No.151150



c01eac  No.151151


Welcome back Q!

2ad12d  No.151152

aeafc7  No.151153


Very nice. Thank u

ec8f7b  No.151154



The Honorable Daniel Coats was sworn in as the fifth Director of National Intelligence (DNI) on March 16, 2017. As DNI, Mr. Coats leads the United States Intelligence Community (IC) and serves as the principal intelligence advisor to the President.

cc0013  No.151155

File: e248f337b297a65⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, MAGA-mankind.jpg)

5d70c7  No.151156

28c953  No.151157

File: 39bb6318ee20e6a⋯.png (331.86 KB, 490x303, 490:303, Screenshot-2017-12-22 Meme….png)

e141d5  No.151158


7:32 AM - 21 Dec 2017



67 replies 532 retweets 565 likes

1.New conversation

2.JEG‏@iijeg 5h5 hours ago

Replying to @ABCPolitics

Is this why George Soros put $18B in a non profit?

2 replies 5 retweets 19 likes

3.IAMTRUMP‏@I_AM_T_R_U_M_P 5h5 hours ago

Replying to @iijeg @ABCPolitics

Yep. Hear he is enjoying Gitmo.

1 reply 4 retweets 16 likes

77c92c  No.151159


YEP - connecting the dots…


2ad12d  No.151161



1b798f  No.151162


All who will may come!

5d70c7  No.151163

[SR] =Seth Rich?

[WL] =WikiLeaks?

cc0013  No.151164


I really do need to go shopping….

075545  No.151166


Yes it’s the sequence of what happened

4c6b0a  No.151167


Anyone have eyes on a statement by an agency on NK and nukes? Only finding Obama's statements on testing. Same same?

98a465  No.151168


FISA on Seth Rich?

17b842  No.151169

File: e75377a300462af⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1468x862, 734:431, One_Does_Not_Simply_Meme_Q….png)

38550e  No.151170



The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

5ffebe  No.151171



Are they against us ?

82709c  No.151172



All of that into the first investigation?

6c46d0  No.151173

File: a35f74333f5b59d⋯.png (176.57 KB, 873x3348, 97:372, CEO resignations EO.png)

File: 728df06ab9bbbd8⋯.png (165.35 KB, 873x3647, 873:3647, political resignations EO.png)

Got some spicy infographs coming your way - fire up those meme cannons!

This train has no brakes

11b064  No.151174


sounds like burning evidence to me

trafficking locations?

7ca12a  No.151175


>(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>


Oh shit..That seems to reinforce the theory that Wasserman-Schultz had (2) MS-13 members kill Seth Rich.

efd04f  No.151176

The Last Refuge/Conserative Treehouse site has done an amazing job of analyzing and explaining this DossierFBIHusseinFISA crime to spy on Trump.

a5f317  No.151177


checked and rekd!

4c6b0a  No.151178


NM, finding now. DIA report 2013…

49ede6  No.151179


1 of 22 clown ceo's?

6498fd  No.151180


all this is 1 page of 22 of critical intelligence and plans ongoing?

seems like folders on a computer

2dd1df  No.151181


That's not a crumb, that's a couple of slices!!

154de0  No.151182

5ffebe  No.151183


Very nice man !

f51ce2  No.151184


>(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

what are your thoughts on '187'?

4cfe05  No.151185


Unless someone's got an old hard copy of eye doctor definitions my searches are turning up zilch on "missle" being a reference to an eye condition…

5a4cd6  No.151186


The trump dossier came from the former british spy

f8a16a  No.151187


>▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  12/22/17 (Fri) 16:37:09 12d253 No.151134

Wow working on it!!!

4c6b0a  No.151188



DIA report, Feb 2014

http:// www.dia.mil/Portals/27/


52a2e4  No.151189

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>


>SR = Seth Rich

> MS13 (2) 187 =killed by two MS13 gangmembers (187, slang for section 187 (murder)

>DWS = Debbie Wasserman Schultz

efd04f  No.151190


Here is one. There are many reads



7ca12a  No.151191


Police code for homicide.

2ad12d  No.151192

f8a16a  No.151193

17b842  No.151194

File: bde3275ab15a375⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1452x968, 3:2, He said podesta.png)

ac023f  No.151195


Well here we go then.

c41612  No.151196

File: bb7618845f4e9ec⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Negotiate.jpg)


Holy shit!

efd04f  No.151197

AM = Andrew McCabe

LL = Loretta Lynch

JC= James Comey

297a86  No.151198


State Route 187 runs through California.

66a250  No.151199


187 is the penal code for murder.

a5f317  No.151201


Thank you for this Christmas present, Q!

82709c  No.151202


Well played anon

5be621  No.151203

We're patriots and ready Q

0e48aa  No.151204


Soros funded hmmm

eed466  No.151205



f51ce2  No.151206


Damn. I was hoping he was under witness protection all this time.

2ad12d  No.151207


MS-13 guys killed nearby - found in car?

04f1ab  No.151208


Merry Christmas Q!

ed7a4d  No.151209

When is Meuller investigation going to end? It is the last string the left is hanging on to

340440  No.151210

52a2e4  No.151211

File: 830ddcead5eb326⋯.jpg (94.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, seth.jpg)

187 via MS13


The number "187" has been used by gangs throughout the United States as a synonym for murder; this usage has been reported as far away as Florida,[1] Wisconsin,[2] and even the United Kingdom[3] and Germany.[4]

e68e9a  No.151212


I have some doubts with him as well, but a lot of what he posts is true.

11b064  No.151213

File: 2db6cc1a3ee4cea⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 550x496, 275:248, allseeingpepe.jpg)

82709c  No.151214


>50+ UN marked armored cars

Team Q will comp and convert them into maga party buses.

66a250  No.151215


So was I. 187 is a term often used by gangs

951d61  No.151216


C'mon anons, list the names next to the initials. There are many connections here. There is definitely a pattern.

f276cc  No.151217


Yes I forget their names though. There's pics of the killers online.

7ca12a  No.151218

As much as I have 'known' all this, to have such confirmation is almost making me sick. Only consolation is that it is finally going to end. If I was to meet Trump, I would burst into tears.

0eb7b4  No.151219


This is a directory listing of Antony Weiner's laptop. I'm sure of it.

4c6b0a  No.151220



4cfe05  No.151221



5ffebe  No.151222


Seth rich murdered by two members of MS-13 ?

f276cc  No.151223


Yeah homocide police code.

c41612  No.151224


LL - Loretta Lynch

82709c  No.151225


Facebook days are over. They would never cancel something like that otherwise.

11b064  No.151226


hahahah yesss

8df25e  No.151227


Ya Awesome site

sometime updated before thread is even finish

https://qcodefag. github.io


efd04f  No.151228



CS=Chuckie Schume

NP= Nancy Pelosi

2ad12d  No.151229


Perhaps these guys led back to who ordered it and Q has evidence of the transaction(s).

3bf9c3  No.151230


SR was killed (by MS-13) and 2 MS-13 members were later killed. No loose ends. This has been covered by George Webb for many months on YT

8010d5  No.151231


Seth found murdered, 2 MS thugs found murdered

0fa444  No.151232

f51ce2  No.151234


AP=Adam Schiff

e0db0d  No.151235


and AS is adam schiff

a5e36c  No.151236



Was expecting a legitimate discussion on the topic, haha not that.

b06a93  No.151237

central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top-secret “sources” in the Russian government—which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control—but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.

Has anyone dug this?

b848bd  No.151238

File: ec771b5067d4aef⋯.jpg (133.53 KB, 760x336, 95:42, front page ballerina.jpg)

How did we not know?

f276cc  No.151239


Yes what was their names though?

d8751e  No.151240


This is a directory of A.W.'s INSURANCE FILE ON HIS LAPTOP.


Post last edited at

5d70c7  No.151241


Section 187 (often referenced in slang simply as 187) of the California Penal Code defines the crime of murder. The number is commonly pronounced by reading the digits separately as "one-eight-seven", or "one-eighty-seven", rather than "one hundred eighty-seven."

e141d5  No.151242


Q ask POTUS to repay SS stolen $ from confiscated. respectfully

efd04f  No.151243


Class Felonies??

8010d5  No.151244


On the penal sentencing chart the other day, these classes listed the punishments for classes of crimes

0eb7b4  No.151246


Must be.

66a250  No.151247


It is the CA penal code for murder - the term was first coined by street gangs in LA

2ad12d  No.151248

b06a93  No.151249

File: e1bca7d9dc8fdba⋯.png (214.4 KB, 1346x290, 673:145, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at ….png)

f09e85  No.151250


Low Energy Anon

951d61  No.151251


This is also in chronological order. Connect the dots.

cd52c0  No.151252


No, you don't

154de0  No.151253


Goys, this stringer sounds like the Hammer.


fc8143  No.151255


Q says trust WRAY. I say trust must be earned. Where's the beef? Bad actors at alphabet agencies still collected their gov paychecks on our tax dollars. BO still living like a king.

10d08a  No.151256

[PS]=Peter Strzok ?

aeafc7  No.151257


States with a Class 1 senator: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

States with a Class 2 senator: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

States with a Class 3 senator: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.

86cc46  No.151258

FISA 2 - reference to 2008 amendment of foreign intelligence surveillance act 1978?

c01eac  No.151259

JC = James Comey?

efd04f  No.151260

PS=Peter Strzok


ac023f  No.151261


Well looky looky who was the DNI for most of Obama's reign:

https://en.wi kipedia.org/wiki/James_Clapper

This is also the man who was the Director of the NSA and who lied to Congress about the NSA collecting American's data. Nothing came of this even though Wikileaks proved that Clapper lied to Congress.

Director of the CIA? Oh, none other than this asshole: https://en.wik ipedia.org/wiki/John_O._Brennan

Rumor has it he converted to Islam during his time as CIA director. What's also interesting is in 1976, he voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall in the presidential election. Just like Leon Panetta (worth a look also), also a former CIA director he really seemed to like Communism.

0e48aa  No.151262


Makes me want to cry, though, for his family. Happy that they will hopefully get some answers. Such a sad sad situation, but it wasn’t for nothing.

04f1ab  No.151263


US SR187 :


A resolution congratulating and honoring Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory on 50 years of groundbreaking discoveries. Congratulates and honors the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) on its semicentennial. Wishes Fermilab success in continuing to help the people of the United States understand the mysteries of matter, energy, space, and time.


17b842  No.151264

File: 7fbd1dbb41d49dc⋯.jpg (131.87 KB, 505x342, 505:342, CBTS_greatest_show_on_eart….jpg)

951d61  No.151265



54bb87  No.151266


bravo anon !

38eac1  No.151267



8b0e18  No.151268


Hi Q, can you confirm this?


I would be very glad if you can say if it's true or fake.

Thank you, and thank you also for turning me into christianity -kinda of-

b06a93  No.151269


> central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top-secret “sources” in the Russian government—which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control—but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for The Wall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.

Hey guys?

bebf2b  No.151270

Since 2003, worldwide concern over Iran's nuclear program has increased as Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) spar over investigation and details of Iran's program. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly denied Iran is building a bomb and says weapons of mass destruction are forbidden under Islam.

Is this why they are using NK?

cd39e1  No.151271


He isn't spreading hate & Q told us that there are NO coincidences! So much has been kept from us that I truly believe anything is possible. My belief USC to continue to have faith in God, do our truth digging that we were brought here to do, and help others understand when the Storm hits. In my heart I know that much more is to come.

cd4fb9  No.151272


The whole thing about Seth Rich is he was NOT found dead. In fact the EMT's were shocked he died at the hospital as he was talking and alert during the ambulance ride. It was once he got to the hospital he was murdered.


4e3f41  No.151273

File: f7e1a09be8290c3⋯.png (6.34 MB, 8064x5904, 56:41, 8chQDrops2ndHalf.png)


8ch Q Drops 2nd Half

Please Update Link

Thank you please

United we stand!

o7 Godspeed Heroes and Patriots o7

76b149  No.151274


Ok. Ready for 2 or 22 now.

b948fe  No.151275

man i sure wish i was at home on my pc now…damn!

efd04f  No.151276


f51ce2  No.151277



Sen. McBoot

8010d5  No.151278


LL= Lois Lerner ?

8575f8  No.151279


Yes, many have seemed to forget this.

49ede6  No.151280


Adderall wore off. Haha good now…

b848bd  No.151281

File: 5e7b8f4ed299c85⋯.jpg (159.92 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, jedi hillary.jpg)

Jedi Hillary

aa5d7e  No.151282


We don't like to say his name

04f1ab  No.151283

cd52c0  No.151284


Seth Rich 187!

951d61  No.151285


The last doctor to see Seth Rich alive gave lectures at Georgetown with John Podesta. Go figure! There was a great piece on OAN over the summer about this.

3bf9c3  No.151286





[SR]> ==Seth Rich==

[WL]> ==Wikileaks==


DNI DIR> ==Coates==

CLOWN DIR> ==Clapper==

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> ==funding==

CROWDSTRIKE> ==server forensics (refused FBI help)==

DNC> ==data taken by SR==

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> ==SR was murdered by MS-13, MS-13 members later killed to tie up loose ends.==



"INSURANCE" ==Strzok/Page==

/_\ >



LL> ==Lynch==

JC> ==Clapper==

AM> ==McC_be==

PS> ==Strzok==

(SUPPORT: CS ==(Chuckie)==, NP ==(Pelosi)==, AS ==(Schiff)==, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS-5, CLAS-6)>

BRIT INTEL> ==Steele==



CLAS: 1-4 PAY>




CLAS: 1-9>







[FISA 2]




BUZZF> ==BuzzFeed==





775d31  No.151287


Yes. Good catch anon

77c92c  No.151288



Oh ya… Q def said they intentionally do not call him by name

cd4fb9  No.151289


WHY haven't we ever seen Strzok on TV? why hasn't a news station interviewed him? Why isn't there footage of him from a news station? Why hasn't he released a statement?

WHO is Peter Strzok in reality?

210d2c  No.151290

LL = Lois Learner or Loretta Lynch?

ec8f7b  No.151291


Regarding the DNC Breach / Dossier


DNC Breach

Seth Rich


Barack Hussein Obama

>On July 30, 2008, President George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13470,[1] amending Executive Order 12333 to strengthen the DNI's role.[2] Further, by Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by Barack Obama in October 2012, the DNI was given overall responsibility for Intelligence Community whistleblowing and source protection.

Director of National Intelligence at that time: James R. Clapper - August 5, 2010 – January 20, 2017

Clown director at that time: John Owen Brennan Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - March 2013 to January 2017


GOOG> Eric Schmidt involved

CROWDSTRIKE> handled the Seth Rich "investigation" created a fake report

DNC> paid Crowdstrike to create a fake report

SR 187

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> SR-187: VENICE BLVD Two members of the MS-13 gang were involved with the botched assassination of Seth Rich

DWS_DIR> Department Workforce Services - Deborah Carrol who resigned in December 2016

F-I/D-J ASSIST> FBI and DOJ both helped the cover up

still digging…

a5420f  No.151292

Im not sure if this has been brought up yet or not but, what are the thoughts on Quinn Micheals, Tyler and Q Anon?

Video: https://youtu.be/F4ihlWZYMlE

de4db4  No.151293



Twenty-two folder/drives/packages


files on the DNC breach


files on the DNC as a whole - composition, funding, etc




Wikileaks (Vault 7,8,9?)




DNI communications


C_A communications

>> CLAS: 1-12>

All Congressmen/Senators classified into twelve levels, perhaps seniority/rank/corruption

>> GOOG>

Don't be Evil Elgoog


The Program

>> DNC>


>> (SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>



Dancing with the Stars???


the other rungs of the Deep State Stasipolizei?


Seth Rich/Weiner materiel

>> /_\ >

Religio-alien stuff


Level 2 -44

>> HRC>


>> LL>


>> JC>


>> AM>


>> PS>



Extended WW Intel support


The HRC cabal payments


DNC payments

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>


Dossier evidence/trail


Art stuff?


Eric Holder-Russia communications

>> CLAS: 1-9>


Identified senators from classes 1-9


Identified senators from class 1


Identified senators from class 2




>> [FISA 2]

FISA 2 filings


Daily Briefings







The redpilling for the masses


defense ops against future risks to admin


Ramifications of intel spying on pres candidates, elect, cong, sen, etc

>> Q

El jefe

951d61  No.151294


I'll go with Loretta Lynch for $200 Alex.

ae2793  No.151295

File: 7a8931a261fe406⋯.jpg (132.93 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA1.jpg)

File: fcd3804f00a2e84⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA2.jpg)

File: 623122ec89e2abe⋯.jpg (133.55 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA3.jpg)

File: fc9b45aaa404023⋯.jpeg (133.63 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA4.jpeg)

82709c  No.151296

File: 79f5edc717fedaf⋯.png (453.4 KB, 634x568, 317:284, dd.png)



Found out today that he is. They took a pic of him coming out of his house.

aeafc7  No.151297


Chester from linkinpark died the other day, his dad is john podesta

17b842  No.151299


Love that Sen. McBoot <US SEN NO NAME>

a5f317  No.151300


There it is!!!

2ad12d  No.151301



FBI/DOJ asstance/assisted

66a250  No.151302


Article is in News so yes, that is him

de4db4  No.151303


>> LL


17b842  No.151304


Maybe Insurance was the "insurance" on Weiner's laptop?

d3ec6a  No.151305


Need to get this on the spreadsheet ASAP.

2ad12d  No.151306



fBi/dOj = BO = Barrack Obama assisted?

ae2793  No.151307

File: 18f91a283a31725⋯.jpg (132.46 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA5.jpg)

File: 03d40e7344e7f17⋯.jpg (132.57 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA6.jpg)

File: 7ea4b9df8feffdb⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA7.jpg)

File: e036c2e35e4a414⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA8.jpg)

de4db4  No.151308




Joint jefes

f41fa4  No.151309


If you want copy-able text the list go to:


Listing begins at line 1609

2e091e  No.151310

File: 99983e1f0cb1802⋯.png (65.41 KB, 720x413, 720:413, 1513979491902.png)

2dd1df  No.151311

The tax reform bill is signed.

The continuing funding for operations is signed.

The hammer is fucking coming down, NOW.

b06a93  No.151312


Oh thats cute

ae2793  No.151313

File: 7e847f972df20a4⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA9.jpg)

File: c0ffffcb00e04e9⋯.jpg (134.79 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA10.jpg)

File: 34fcb356767e649⋯.jpg (136.62 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA11.jpg)

File: 584ac04e19a1190⋯.jpg (137.24 KB, 500x666, 250:333, MAGA12.jpg)

9bbe1e  No.151314

Q, I will only post this twice. You must reveal the swamp works to the American people. Please impress on C.I.C. the importance. No secret deals when the smoke clears. Educate, inform public how the swamp worked. No half truths. If you do not reveal to the citizenry, it will happen again, this century or next century. Past history proves future.

-Why is secrecy repugnant?

-Who was Andrew Jackson?

-These people are stupid. Persistent?

Godspeed to us all.

db1ff5  No.151315


This is the timeline leading to the Special Counsel Investigation led by Mueller

4c6b0a  No.151316


>What was stated during Hussein's term by agencies?

Michael T. Flynn

http:// www.dia.mil/ Portals/27/Documents/News/2014_DIA_SFR_SASC_ATA_FINAL.pdf

efd04f  No.151317


dws Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz

b06a93  No.151319


Yep, basically the chain of activity

2fa268  No.151320


Thats Schits to you

c07ade  No.151321


DWS_DIR> Deborah Wasserman Schultz

4c6b0a  No.151322


Checked. Confirmed Kek.

cd4fb9  No.151323


That is totally what I am thinking. The NYPD said they saw stuff on it that made them sick! They said it was horrible stuff. I wonder if that was the big jumping off point for all the investigations into the pedo around the world. Also to think that the top law officials who knew and saw that shit would still be silent and allow Clinton to possibly be elected. The swamp needs to drain and a big ass plug needs to come up and out to drain them all.

2b1d44  No.151324


Just want to say thank you Q. I hope everyone has a safe a very merry Christmas. When Orin hatch was crying about this president and could be greatest ever I immediately understood. You are Patriots Q. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I will raise a glass to the greatest year in American history since 1776.

3879b8  No.151325

Dear everyone (except shills) I am just a lowly lurker. I do gather information and spread it on twatter. I just want you to know that I'm grateful for all your work, and thank you, Q, for restoring my faith.

2dd1df  No.151326

04f1ab  No.151327



HRC board of Directors:


309645  No.151328

GOOG> Google


CrowdStrike, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Sunnyvale, California, and a wholly owned subsidiary of CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.

ae2793  No.151329

File: ca4a80038beca34⋯.jpg (90.95 KB, 960x674, 480:337, HRCPainting.jpg)

60ee26  No.151330


I don't think so, It seemed in context it was talking about the rocket launched at SA and was downed with our defense missiles in Saudi. We have not shot down a rocked since the gulf war, remember the skud missiles? and the mm defense was just kind of new and they were still working on tracking and hitting let alone stopping a rocket.

5be621  No.151331

Qs playing a game of chess .

Patience pays.

cd39e1  No.151332


POTUS "God, I got your back! I got a QTeam and a team of autistic Anons who will bring these sick fks down to hell"!

4f8ebf  No.151333

File: b7ef3cb85c1ae0b⋯.png (775.25 KB, 631x900, 631:900, spotlightii.png)

File: 666c532d45c4b7d⋯.jpg (852.47 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, spotlight.jpg)

File: e4fd64a7a53ec74⋯.png (768.77 KB, 631x900, 631:900, spotlight2.png)

any gimp or photoshop fags wanna help me?

Take this idea and add the faces of the major pedo/satanic players and the good guys over the existing ones.

DJT, Flynn, Killary, Podesta, Mueller, Pope, Soros, others?…freelance if you like, but I got this idea in the shower and quickly put it together.

Blank jpg for you. Was originally supernova, but then global trinity sounded cool too. WHich is better?

951d61  No.151334


JC=James Comey

28c953  No.151335

File: 520b0affd23cca6⋯.png (150.9 KB, 380x380, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-22 Meme….png)

ae2793  No.151336


These came from a Twitter feed that is obviously associated with the WH + Q. I didn't make them. Yes they are outstanding! Let's sing it all together now, fam!

a5f317  No.151337

FOX News

AJ investigating 0bama!!!!!

cd39e1  No.151338


You are Autistamazing!

8e6b41  No.151340

Thank Q! And yes, God is Love!


519860  No.151341


Clapper or Comey

nice break down, beat me to it.

ac023f  No.151342


Just so we're clear I think these are:


>HRC> Clinton

>LL> Cankles

>JC> Comey

>AM> McCabe

>PS> Peter Strozk

c07ade  No.151343


Second that!

951d61  No.151344


AM=Andrew McCabe

2fa268  No.151345


Noooo fucking way! Sauce bruh

2ad12d  No.151346


>AJ investigating 0bama!!!!!


ada9eb  No.151347


Legal Execution

463fca  No.151348


> i imagine his family would be saber rattling about unfair confinement

I'm betting they either don't know, or the public knowing he's in GITMO would be bad optics to them.

66a250  No.151350


Breaking on Fox now. It's correct.

210d2c  No.151351


Actually I made them, but however the cookie gets crumbled.

99cef3  No.151352



We haf a connection.

"Angelina".Julie is special envoy of the UN commission on refugee.

She may run the Hollywood snack bar,

It would depend on how you interpret the little vial of dark blood she wears around her neck. Which dank practise she shared with onetime tinsel town throbbe,r BB Thornton.

4f8ebf  No.151355


no words needed for the enlightened. Clever.

c75907  No.151356


Johnny Cash

box set "Come Along and Ride This Train"


(b) Adopted a process for receiving and investigating complaints of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on any of the actual or perceived characteristics set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code and Section 220 of this code, and disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The complaint process shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(1) A requirement that, if school personnel witness an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, they shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so.

(2) A timeline to investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying that shall be followed by all schools under the jurisdiction of the school district.

(3) An appeal process afforded to the complainant should he or she disagree with the resolution of a complaint filed pursuant to this section




[                    C          P            19]


Show the World Our Power.

Obama is describing #Trump

Here is the reality: That won't happen until we have a president who restores America's respect and leadership so we don't have to go it alone in the world.





7633c3  No.151357

Can we leave Israel and focus on stuff at home? middle east fetishes are bad mmkay

82709c  No.151360


>Article is in News so yes, that is him

Kinda hoping he was an alias. It would have added another level to the story.

5ffebe  No.151361


checked, nice anon !

2ad12d  No.151363

File: f3f8487876651cc⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1491x830, 1491:830, fox.png)


On FOX a minute ago.

38550e  No.151364


I don't know why but it has always bothered me about Clapper lying to Congress and nothing happening about it.

5e255b  No.151365


Disinfo is info too, we only need to read between the lines

0e48aa  No.151366


Trump likely to approve sale of tank-busting missiles

11d143  No.151368


519860  No.151369


>>SR Seth Rich

d0dfc1  No.151370



Falcon Products confirmed botnet


b59717  No.151371

Is there a reason why a (non troll, non toxic) post i made yesterday would be removed? It's gone and i dont know what that might mean.

a54fae  No.151372


>GOOG> Google


>CrowdStrike, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Sunnyvale, California, and a wholly owned subsidiary of CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.


http://www.breitbart .com/big-government/2017/01/06/dnc-russian-hacking-conclusion-comes-google-linked-firm/

I assumed it was common knowledge for anons. Supplementing. The russian collusion narrative was largely pushed by Crowdstrike.

efd04f  No.151373

Oh Dear – Trail of Russian Dossier Origination Now Directly Leads to The Obama White House….



0e48aa  No.151374


Left out that was for Ukraine

2fcfe3  No.151375


The White Alice Communications System (WACS, "White Alice" colloq.) ALaska Integrated Communications Enterprise. The AC&W site was located in the crater of an extinct volcano. Parabolic, billboard like, Reflectors 36th parallel.

The troposcatter system operated around 900 MHz, and utilized both space and frequency diversity. It used pairs of 60 ft (18

m) or 120 ft (37 m) parabolic, billboard like reflectors. 18mx37m=666m.

White Alice Site, Tropospheric Antennas, Troposcatter relay site at Buckingham County, VA. Tropo reflectors are hardened concrete with infrastructure several stories underground. Gamma ray detectors are mounted to outside structures. [VA-1] is one of five "Project Offices" built by AT&T in the 1960s in the mid-Atlantic region. The station is hardened against nuclear blasts, and features an earth-covered underground building with a "drive-through" entrance-decontamination area, a high-powered troposcatter radio communication s system with large concrete-backed reflectors, a helipad, blast-resistant terrestrial microwave "dish" antennas, and physical-security measures beyond those used at conventional AT&T facilities.

Detailed information about [VA-1]'s function has never been revealed. The facility housed a switching system for the

Department of Defense's AUTOVON telephone network, but that was probably not the station's primary mission. It's likely

that [VA-1] supported a highly-classified Continuity of Goverment program and may have served as an emergency relocation

site for senior executive-branch officials and/or military leadership. [VA-1] is still an active, secure AT&T facility, and unofficial visitors are not permitted.

The AN/FSQ-7 Combat Direction Central, referred to as the Q7 for short, was a computerized command and control system for Cold War ground-controlled interception used in the USAF Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) air defense network.[4] The largest computer system ever built, each of the 24 installed machines[7]:9 weighed 250 tons.[8] The AN/FSQ-7 used a total of 60,000 vacuum tubes[8] (49,000 in the computers)[7]:9 and up to 3 megawatts of electricity, performing about 75,000 instructions per second for networking regional radars.

The AN/FSQ-32 SAGE Solid State Computer (AN/FSQ-7A before December 1958,[6]:27 colloq. "Q-32") was a planned military computer central for deployment to Super Combat Centers in nuclear bunkers and to some above-ground military installations. The Q-32 prototype was installed at System Development Corporation (SDC) headquarters in Santa Monica, California, and SDC developed the prototype software using JOVIAL. The mainframe occupied nearly an entire floor of a large office building (refrigeration units were also in the building).

6498fd  No.151376


pretty sure the "insurance" is the one they talked about on strzok's "text messages" in case trump won

d3ec6a  No.151377


Need to get this on the spreadsheet and build on it.


[DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] Democrat server breach and fake/phony pissgate dossier

[DNC] Democrat National Committee

[SR]>Seth Rich



DNI DIR> Coates

CLOWN DIR> Clapper

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> Google. Google is CIA.

CROWDSTRIKE> DNC Server. Only people who saw the server.

DNC> Data taken by Seth Rich

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>MS 13 killed Seth Rich

DWS_DIR>Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairperson of DNC.

F-I/D-J ASSIST> FBI/DOJ assisted in the fake, phoney dossier to undermine Trump.

"INSURANCE" Weiner’s laptop and whatever is on it.

/_\ > Saudis/Soros/Rothchilds


HRC> Hillary Rodham Clinton

LL> Loretta Lynch

JC> James Comey

AM> Andrew McCabe

PS> Peter Strzok


BRIT INTEL> Involved in creation of the fake, phoney dossier



CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELE> Christopher Steel, ex British MI6, involved in the fake, phoney dossier

PODESTA> Pedophile.


CLAS: 1-9>






HUSSEIN> Authorized illegal wiretap on trump campaign.

[FISA 2] FISA 2 warrant to illegally spy on Trump based on fake phoney dossier

PRES DAILY B> Obama got updates on the illegal wiretaps in his daily briefings

US SEN NO NAME> McCain? McCain was involved in the dossier

NEWS SHOP> Manufactured fake news about the dossier. Attempted Coup.

BUZZF> Ran with the fake dossier story.

PUBLIC/NARRATIVE. Control the narrative. Overthrow an elected president.




7ca12a  No.151378

MS-13 also appears to have taken over much of the street drug sales in many areas that were once controlled by small, local black gangs. Elimination of competition.

99cef3  No.151379



c75907  No.151380

How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?


What was stated during Hussein’s term by agencies?

How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?


What is leverage?

George Soros

Define hostage.



Held against their will

Their last hope!

Comply or be disassembled or destroyed


2e091e  No.151381

File: 0568627d22fb188⋯.jpg (570.52 KB, 1073x1439, 1073:1439, 1513983868172.jpg)

Its happening.

8010d5  No.151382


JC - James Clapper

82709c  No.151383


Kek. Not creepy at all.

b62671  No.151384






712906  No.151385

File: 4132f2090cc5efa⋯.jpg (227.04 KB, 823x1684, 823:1684, ms13 dws 2.jpg)


looks like we're eating noodles tonight :D

520ded  No.151386

Hostage = bargaining chip.

11b064  No.151388


ec8f7b  No.151389

>DNC Servers, CrowdStrike and Seth Rich Murder

>Seth Rich was a DNC employee! So why haven't the authorities investigating his murder inspected their servers and investigated the DNC?

>Why was CrowdStrike given such a task instead of the FBI?


Video was taken down

4cfe05  No.151390

File: 513b99ae57ad1b7⋯.png (666.59 KB, 1255x911, 1255:911, screenshot_36.png)

Sessions orders DOJ review after report Obama administration gave Hezbollah a pass

http://www.foxnews.com/ politics/2017/12/22/sessions-orders-doj-review-after-report-obama-administration-gave-hezbollah-pass.html

82bfef  No.151391


Prep for a massive raid of EXTREMELY sensitive material/people?

fdabc3  No.151392




Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).







76b149  No.151393


Loretta Lynch

b62671  No.151394



4c6b0a  No.151395


f51ce2  No.151396



Clapper was DIA

f26ba4  No.151397

File: 1199c1962c3dc24⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 678x948, 113:158, Obama_Medvedev.jpg)









Might MISSLE refer to #MISSLE on Twatter?

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner claimed during the U.N. General Assembly on Monday that a former Obama administration official attempted to convince Argentina to “provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear fuel.” The claim was seemingly overshadowed by President Barack Obama’s high-stakes dealings with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


56a97f  No.151398




Debbie Wasserman Schultz directed?

FBI database Data Warehouse System Director?

>Disclosed in a heavily redacted review of the FBI's role in the prevention of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, its full capabilities are classified but at a minimum, provides a searchable archive of intercepted electronic communications, including email sent over the Internet.

17b842  No.151399


could be…. everything this guy puts out there has more than one meaning…. intentionally I'm sure

520ded  No.151400

Doesn't some society have possession of geronimo's bones?

85ddf6  No.151401



They’re manufacturing a coup instigated by POTUS firing Mueller. That’s not going to happen. I hope Mueller unseals some of those indictments real soon.

69dda2  No.151402

File: befd5b2aa10cdf6⋯.jpeg (6.59 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 586bff4f20b2803418228dc4b….jpeg)


Reposting Because I believe I've figured out MISSLE

How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?

What was stated during Hussein’s term by agencies?

How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

What is leverage?

Define hostage.

Their last hope!


Missiles have two i's (eyes), when an individual loses an eye the have a hard time with depth perception, estimating distances, and tracking moving objects. This is the same problem of the NK guidance cap. PIC RELATED!


If you bake it, he will crumb

7e20ad  No.151403


Skull and bones Yale

951d61  No.151404


Skull & Bones

b848bd  No.151405

File: d27f89fe3bb9981⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 900x300, 3:1, bathouse berry.jpg)

Bath House Barry

b948fe  No.151406


scull and crossbones

86e3f8  No.151407


Is this a laundry list or marching orders? Could it be the go ahead to news outlets?

6c46d0  No.151408


>Need to get this on the spreadsheet and build on it.

It's already in there :) pasting in answers as fast as I can

PLEASE ADD WHAT YOU DON'T SEE IN THERE I can't possibly get it all.

Thank you anons!

ac023f  No.151409


Unsure of these:

> CS

Commercial Service

> NP


> AS

Don't know.

82709c  No.151410



>Debbie Wasserman Schultz Directory

A folder of info on her

11d143  No.151411

Q on a Friday night is the best! Xoxo

7e20ad  No.151412


AS = Adam schiff (?)

cd39e1  No.151413


Well, I see Q posted and now my Christmas presents won't get wrapped tonight…again! Kek!

5657df  No.151414


Didn't they fire a missle from NK when Potus was around in Asia? Where was he?

d3ec6a  No.151415


CH = Chuck Schumer

NP = Nancy Pelosi

AS = Adam Schiff

2dd1df  No.151416


It would be SO NICE to see the lying MSM taken down swiftly and firmly.

85ddf6  No.151417


That’s pretty good.

c01eac  No.151418


Well spotted Anon!

efd04f  No.151419


News Shop

Apparently the DNC shopped the dossier for months but nobody wanted anything to do with it until FBI made news by saying they informed Trump that it was out there and then BUZZFEED printed it and CNN make it fake breaking news

b62671  No.151420


I'm doing the "it's happening" dance!!

951d61  No.151421


CS=Chuckie Schumer

NP=Nancy Pelosi

AS=Adam Schiff

520ded  No.151422


No. Going to msm now would work against us

9450b1  No.151423


> Crowdstrike connections Obama and DNC

"In April 2016, two months before the June report was issued, former President Barack Obama appointed Steven Chabinsky, “general counsel and Chief Risk officer” for CrowdStrike, to a presidential “Commission for Enhancing Cybersecurity,” further demonstrating CrowdStrike’s intermingling with powerful Democratic Party factions.

Neither the FBI nor CrowdStrike responded to requests for comment on the nature of the services provided. As of yet, the only entity known to receive primary access to the DNC servers is CrowdStrike. At a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in January, Comey testified that the FBI had been denied "

https:// medium.com/theyoungturks/crowdstrike-the-dncs-security-firm-was-under-contract-with-the-fbi-c6f884c34189

28c953  No.151424




hey guys what do you think about this

ac023f  No.151425


Me too, Patriot. Unelected officials lieing to our elected officials.

5ffebe  No.151426



What the deal with those bones, why do they keep them ?

519860  No.151427





60ee26  No.151428


That would be the Bushes

82bfef  No.151429


Anthony Podesta ….

11b064  No.151430



god damnit….i gotta eat fuckin dinner. im going crazy thinkin "who the FUCK is LL?"

im an idiot. its time for food. sorry guys..im so ashamed

ac023f  No.151431


Thank you, I concur.

193e77  No.151432


pay attention anons

b59717  No.151433

Q, is yesterday's EO the epicenter of The Storm? Can you confirm?

2dd1df  No.151434


Loretta Lynch


Lois Lerner

2ad12d  No.151435



Very nice.

b62671  No.151436


AP - Associated Press??

c7f8c7  No.151437


I think SR refers to Seth Rich. Also followed by MS-13 (who killed him)

04f1ab  No.151438


MS13 murdered Seth Rich for DWS of DNC

5be621  No.151439

The bond of patriotism is binding and infectious , and to all Americans LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and take back our pride , root out the evil around us , and fight for our history our dignity and our future , and let GOD watch over us as we go to war on all that hurts us , because we believe in the existence of the Stars and Stripes and the American people .

520ded  No.151440


That doesn't sound like meming or digging

52a2e4  No.151441

File: e1b1b29369ac3c4⋯.jpg (97.46 KB, 1038x712, 519:356, VP.jpg)

[FISA 2]

>Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act package #2, ongoing operation to determine who is behind the "Insurance Policy"


>Presidential Daily Brief



>Amazon / WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/ investigations/journalism-for-rent-inside-the-secretive-firm-behind-the-trump-dossier/2017/12/11/8d5428d4-bd89-11e7-af84-d3e2ee4b2af1_story.html?utm_term=.5a03a69150fa


> Received the Dossier from US SEN NO NAME https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/22/ buzzfeed-wins-right-keep-identity-steele-dossier-s/


> Russia has Kompromat on DJT; he is owned by VP

a5f317  No.151442

966fbb  No.151443


actually, it's the Truman show but much better. There's a God waiting outside this bubble.

69dda2  No.151444


(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

187 = murder these two MS-13 killed Seth andf then were 187ed. http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/local/crime/article89158707.html

Possibly DWS directed?

11b064  No.151445


NICE goin anon!!!

bec8bb  No.151446


Two things happened around the time SR was killed: Weapons were reported stolen from an F_I vehicle in the area, and two MS13 were found dead not far away.

38eac1  No.151447


Interesting, anon.

Q *did* say they didn't like to say his name…

(Though in context of that - used MAVERICK instead)… (Drops on Dec 15th & 19th)

cd39e1  No.151448

File: d10fdb605668759⋯.png (118.82 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_9317.PNG)


SR= Seth Rich…2 MS13 were killed in my state…Code 187- pic related

3fbc57  No.151449

it is a file directory (folder) list from a computer.

DIR = directory/folder

7ca12a  No.151450

Looks like we should expect Wasserman-Schultz, among others, to be convicted for murder. I hope some of these trials are televised.

f51ce2  No.151451


Typo. It was AS

966fbb  No.151452

2ad12d  No.151453


>Is this a laundry list or marching orders?

Looks like a timeline of evidence of crimes to me.

520ded  No.151454

DIR = director.. of an agency?

6c46d0  No.151455


ANONS - please put your relevant news items in the open NEWS column on the spreadsheet:


4d2f52  No.151456

Been lurking since start of Nov, all in. Spouse works at a C location overseas on a base. Comes home saying someone injured a rabbit and put it at their front entrance. Said they wanted security to review the video footage to see who it was because they thought they worked with someone who is sick in the head to do this. She tells me the next day that the video showed a crow/raven had attacked the rabbit and had taken its head off. She said it was not the first rabbit but at least three times this had happened. Q says pray, AI by God etc so I see this as a possible sign. I look up the animals online and a group of crows is called a conspiracy, a group of rabbits is called a colony. Earth is a colony "planet", colony conspiracy. It made my hair stand up on end.

c713e0  No.151457


If thats only in cali, keep route 187 on table?

2ad12d  No.151458

4cfe05  No.151459

File: ac6c5e1e2375285⋯.png (85.02 KB, 466x383, 466:383, screenshot_37.png)


Correct 187 is police code for (((murder)))

c2dc1d  No.151460


Big if huge

83e0b8  No.151461


>ause they thought they worked with someone who is sick in the head to do this. She tells me the next day that the video showed a crow/raven had attacked the rabbit and had taken its head off. She said it was not the first rabbit but at least three times this had happened. Q says pray, AI by God etc so I see this as a possible sign. I look up the animals online and a group of crows is called a conspiracy, a group of rabbits is called a colony. Earth is a colony "planet", colony conspiracy. It made my hair stand up on end.

A group of crows is also called a murder.

f26ba4  No.151462

2c9feb  No.151463








I'm Taking Care of Business


7e20ad  No.151464



Its called crooking. And its a "tradition" the other groups have. "To out do each other" in the crooking game.

The bones are a "Trophy" because they stole them from other places

c713e0  No.151465


NWA niggers

76b149  No.151466


187 is pretty common slang for murder(more specifically a shooting I believe) has been since at least the 90s

0eb7b4  No.151467

>(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

His name was Seth Rich.

82bfef  No.151468


That would be nice but I suspect it's Loretta Lynch

0e48aa  No.151469


Weiner’s laptop insurance?

2fa268  No.151470

File: 72267d0d115c70c⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 21k4jn.jpg)

b62671  No.151471

File: cc22fe87434358e⋯.png (11.97 KB, 589x119, 589:119, ClipboardImage.png)


We all want Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men!

Love my Prez!

f51ce2  No.151472


Was pumping out memes. This was a gut punch.

520ded  No.151473


since the sublime song about the LA roits, at least

d8f19a  No.151474

File: ec3478e455de9a0⋯.jpg (452.47 KB, 2098x1400, 1049:700, D.A.R.E.jpg)




Honestly, which is worse? Banning discussion of Hezbollah having drugs & weapons, or giving $150 billion in aid to the enemy?

c713e0  No.151475


Yeah, i remember NWA nigger rap.

187 on da motha**** cops

8bcdd2  No.151476


Excellent find anon.

4c6b0a  No.151477

fb85ca  No.151478


Debbies Washingmachine Sux

2ad12d  No.151479

>[FISA 2]

Didn't they present one set of info to get a FISA warrant and the court rejected it until they submitted a second attempt?

7e20ad  No.151480


This pic tho

4cfe05  No.151481


Seth Rich was gunned down (((murdered))) by two MS13 gang members

6c46d0  No.151482


Let us know what else we can help with


t. itchy graphics finger anon

b62671  No.151483


Hired hitmen for crooked and dws/dnc!

66a250  No.151484


More specifically, it is also where MS 13 began, in CA

519860  No.151485

c4ebc5  No.151486

3fbc57  No.151487


i think that makes as much sense as anything else right now. what do you think?

5e255b  No.151488


Q here are a few european patriots too, trying to support. Have you some crumbs that we could bake easier than US politics and celebs?

e68e9a  No.151489


More messages about TRUE Love and ACTUAL Peace - these things happen when people like Q are around ;)


Whatever you are inspired by and helps us defeat the satanic cabal!

76b149  No.151490

aeafc7  No.151491


Church of Scientology

193e77  No.151492


yes q sir

7ca12a  No.151493

Sounds like they can easily make a RICO case against the DNC.

7185b7  No.151494

Q is giving us a map of Weiner's laptop.

Mapping the drive.

The names of folders.

He is showing deep state here what is in the Insurance laptop from Weiner and telling us too.

b62671  No.151495


Right! The second attempts I believe contained the stupid dossier.

4cfe05  No.151496



514c0b  No.151497


we suspected exactly this way back on 4ch

86cc46  No.151498

11d143  No.151499


Route 187 outside dc

93d8e3  No.151500



Tells the whole story

7633c3  No.151501

You guys got any leads on Canada or Justin Tradeu? He seems pretty hostile to Trump.

193e77  No.151502



>Chuck Schumer


>Nancy Pelosi


>Adam Schiff

b62671  No.151503


I thought that too, but some "folders" have the same name, is Q just referencing them multiple times?

154de0  No.151504


Ask these guys to make a song of it.


e68e9a  No.151505


By all accounts this is going to go global - get some truthseekers in your country (I got mine - a rising political party of (almost) incorruptible people) and prepare for stepping up when the cabal goes down

6c46d0  No.151507



Got some out there already, >>151173

raring to make some more to show the CONNECTIONS between players/ideas/places/activities in this drop and anything else

db9644  No.151508



Day of days

951d61  No.151510


MS-13 started in El Salvador

76b149  No.151511


There is probably a route 187 in every state. That doesnt negate the fact that 187 is murder code.

b0ded5  No.151512


Law Enforcement, so

Military Intelligence

Secret Service

Law Enforcement

7ab10e  No.151513


Thank you for listening to the people. you are literally a miracle. be proud yourself, you deserve it.

c713e0  No.151514



2ad12d  No.151515


He's frightening the shit out of them. Sun Tzu, bitches.

This is the fire he's lighting under their asses to flush out the songbirds.

f7dfd5  No.151517


i;m a thinkin that the CLAS-X markers are initials of folks that were flipped to our side

85bf3e  No.151518




>Demoncratic National Convention Breach in relation to Russian Dossier



>Seth Rich ? other SR connected with DNC / Dossier


>Name W.L connected with DNC / Dossier




>was Director of National Intelligence


>and CIA Director

CLAS: 1-12>

>held Classification 1-12? Classified Level 1-12? above all others



>"The company provides endpoint security, threat intelligence, and incident response services to customers in more than 170 countries.[1][2] The company has been involved in response efforts to several high-profile cyber-attacks, including the Sony Pictures hack,[3] the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak, and the Democratic National Committee cyber attacks. In the last case it concluded Russian state actors were responsible." https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrowdStrike


(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

>Killed Seth Rich and two MS13 operatives


>Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers' Compensation https:// www.dir.ca.gov/dwc/


>along with FBI, and DOJ Assisting


>Seth Rich had insurance, Wiener's laptop?

/_\ >

>this is the triangle/pyramid


>obama CLAS-1


>Hillary Rodham Clinton CLAS-2


>? CLAS-3


>? CLAS-4


>? CLAS-5


>? CLAS-6




>HRC campaign paid British Intelligence


>DNC paid British Intelligence

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

>at these pay grades? , equlivalent to this level of classification?


>they paid Steele


>they paid Podesta


CLAS: 1-9>


>J McC has CLAS 1-9









[FISA 2]

>Higher pay grade? , classification level? above all others


>Presidential Daily Briefing


>with J McC


>together they create the news


>with buzzfeed


>to create the public narrative



>Ramifications: US intelligence can legally spy on . . . anyone , including Prediential canditates or even the President Elect

<help fill in some of the names my grey matter cant retrieve atm


3fbc57  No.151519


i think they are just nested folders with the same name as the parent folder.

efd04f  No.151520

says that DNC official Seth Rich was “lured/enticed” to his murder by this Clinton “hit team” who portrayed themselves as FBI agents wanting to secretly interview him—and that the expelled Russian diplomats had given the US State Department “electronic access” to so that they could be found.

Curiously, this report continues, US authorities, and while being able to track this Clinton “hit team” since 7 July, only confronted these assassins yesterday—and who before being captured, engaged in a gun battle with US federal police forces firing their fully automatic weapons before being trapped and surrendering just blocks from the US Capitol and White House.

SVR intelligence analysts contributing to this report speculate that this latest assassination ordered by the Clinton’s has enraged FBI Director James Comey who barely a week ago allowed Hillary Clinton to walk free from her many crimes committed against her own government and people—and that he had no choice to do because of his own involvement with the Clinton Foundation while he was the director of the notorious HSBC money laundering bank that funneled hundreds-of-millions of dollars to the Clinton’s.



7185b7  No.151521


Do arrows mean subfolders?

You can have two subfolders the same name if under different folders

86e3f8  No.151522


Agreed. A laundry list of the insurance policy. He’s “waving” it for ALL to see. GEOTUS got the goods. Game over. You want leverage?

69dda2  No.151523

File: eed1ec2b60a2005⋯.png (21.48 KB, 1053x411, 351:137, crowdstrike-payments.png)





[SR]> Seth Rich

[WL]> Wikileaks


DNI DIR> Clapper

CLOWN DIR> Brennan

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOG> Schmidt



(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> Murders Seth and MS-13 found in South Carolina

DWS_DIR> Directed murders

F-I/D-J ASSIST> Comey/McCabe/Strzok and Lynch/Yates/Ohr asssisted


/_\ > Chain of command underneath Obama-> Strzok



LL> Lynch

JC> COmey

AM> McCabe

PS> Strzok


BRIT INTEL> Steele and possibly SIS

HRC CAMP PAY> Perkins Coie -> Fusion _> Steele

DNC PAY> Same and also Crowdstrike https://af-mg.com/2017/09/21/breaking-seth-rich-hush-money/

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>




CLAS: 1-9>




JC> Comey

LL> Lynch


[FISA 2]




BUZZF> Publishes Dossier





Fill in rest guys

If you bake it, he will crumb

495ba0  No.151524

2f04c5  No.151525

File: 0d5af821e5e911e⋯.png (50.76 KB, 974x632, 487:316, s187.png)



When I saw it I for some reason thought Senate Resolution 187

CHUCK SHUMER! Stopping a deportion.


a46d21  No.151526


>Doesn't some society have possession of geronimo's bones?


(Geronimo) died of pneumonia on February 17, 1909, as a prisoner of the United States at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.[76]

He was buried at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in the Apache Indian Prisoner of War Cemetery.[58]

Six members of the Yale secret society Skull and Bones, including Prescott Bush, served as Army volunteers at Fort Sill during World War I.[78]

966fbb  No.151527


so then "missle" refers to a missile or tech obtained by NK from 2012-2014

4cfe05  No.151528

File: c27a67d79434b34⋯.png (323.38 KB, 1370x908, 685:454, screenshot_38.png)


Justin Trudeau Gives Clinton Foundation $20 Million of our Tax Dollars

https://www.eastonspectator.com/ 2017/07/13/justin-trudeau-gives-clinton-foundation-20-million-tax-payers-dollars/

10d08a  No.151529


Insurance is more likely what Strzok/Page messaged about like this anon has it >>151286

involving the FISA surveillance of the pres & his friends/associates

795654  No.151530


anons will find or recall that "yellow brick road" and "this is not a game" were coined by q quite early on in this journey…

nullifying this meme…

they can't meme

c713e0  No.151531


But would Q mean with '>' a go-ahead for OPS?

cd4fb9  No.151532


Vegas shooting. Seems the FBI contacted those who were there to send paperwork (non-disclosure) and recommended them joining a class action from attorneys they recommended which involves not being able to talk about it at all. I have to wonder if those witnesses who have been dying since the shooting are ones who won't sign and join their recommended class action.

Why is the FBI involved in setting up a class action suit..why are they recommending and handling the paperwork?

Sadly, J.P. lost his nephew-in-law in the Las Vegas mass shooting last month. His nephew was shot in the torso standing next to his wife. That left J.P.’s niece a widow with three children and no income. His niece spent a lot of time meeting with FBI agents — as a witness and a victim.

That’s what makes this story so shocking and outrageous. Is it possible that the FBI uses the trust and bond formed with victims of violent crime and even mass murder to sign them up as clients for private law firms?

Here’s the story.

J.P.’s niece was contacted by a FBI “victim specialist” a week after the Vegas tragedy — at the worst and most fragile moment of her life. The “victim specialist” identified herself as an employee of the FBI and said her goal was to help victims such as J.P.’s niece receive the money “she needs and deserves.” She asked this grieving widow to sign a form and send it back to get the process started quickly.

The form was a contract to join a class-action lawsuit against MGM and Mandalay Bay. Worst of all, it was a contract with two private law firms. I’ve seen the contract the FBI sent to this widow.

J.P. Hyan called the Los Angeles FBI office about this. The FBI “agent on duty” said he saw nothing wrong with such activity. He strongly suggested J.P. have his niece speak only to the FBI “victim specialist.”

When I contacted the FBI, I was referred to the agency’s national press office, which issued a statement: “The FBI Victim Services Division provides crisis intervention services to victims and families as well as information and referrals for a range of assistance to help them cope with the impact of a mass casualty event.”

It goes on to say, “Families who have lost a loved one to violent and sudden death often need referrals to public and private legal services to assist with life insurance, guardianship, wills and probate issues, and estate and tax planning. The referrals … do not encompass information on class-action lawsuits initiated by private attorneys.”

Vegas is still a mystery and yet we know there are complete lies involved and SA involved. The FBI is the head agency making sure the victims sign non-disclosures?

cbc316  No.151533


nope it started in LA

1106c8  No.151534


Great work! Check the year…

f26ba4  No.151535




4c6b0a  No.151537



2ad12d  No.151538


Just look at the increase in contributions combined with the dates! Timeline!

ce304d  No.151539

Damn anons.

Something just caused my eyes to start watering,

520ded  No.151540


I think this is it. and I think they have a kneecapped version of whatever they got

7633c3  No.151541


Damn these people are dug in everywhere, thanks m8

85e20a  No.151542

Just wanted to pop in with a little dot connecting. Q posted a pic of Thor. Then I started thinking about Odin's birds Huggin and Muggin the ravens who were named after thought and memory and the mind.

In the earlier thread CIA MKULTRA mind control was a majore theme and I think we can all agree now that it's a huge part of the spell we are under?

Anyways theres that 4cham prophecy which many of us think ties into this and the Ravens will starve fits into Huggin and Muggin as being 'the watchers' who report everyones thoughts to Odin who is known for deception and disguise (occult).

Also the Ravens of the Tower of London represent the same thing. London is the financial center of the world. The occult=hidden=mind conrol=slavery=debt=money=banking=cabal=london=vatican=dc=cia….etc

So the Ravens in London are representations of Odin's ravens which represent mind control and power over slaves.

the end

4f8ebf  No.151543

File: 20df2dcf10d74f3⋯.png (243.91 KB, 532x472, 133:118, dcconf.png)

Another movie poster idea

Need Gimp fag who wants to create

Starring GWB, Soros etc….and introducing Barbara Bush as Alister crowley's daughter.

123dc1  No.151544


Yes I found it. Thank you very much, though! Greatly appreciated!

85e20a  No.151545


lol sorry for typos phone posting with fat thumbs.

1cb8cf  No.151546

File: d4ef14b368abbb8⋯.jpg (143.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 51lNUWxw.jpg)

File: 44584f085b3c38d⋯.jpg (190.98 KB, 960x720, 4:3, orange1.jpg)

So I was thinking today how Q keeps saying LOOK at the map. I got to wondering if he meant look at it like a map. Like each drop is a piece of the maps. Q always mentioned mirroring it and other different things to do with it. So I took SA drops and turned them counterclockwise 90 degrees and started fiddling with it. It does appear there may be something there. I dont know if it is a peredella effect, but I can see some letters. Hopefully you see it too. IF this is the case maybe some of us should try working on this with all the drops togeather. Seems some the map files got lost in the hack and I dont have them all to work with. Anyhow here is a picture to show you or give you an idea of what happens. The top line is what Im refering to.

b62671  No.151547


Right! D'oh!

c59b80  No.151548

File: e5d65a3aaacfea4⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 600x314, 300:157, vW3fWdUC.jpg)

Sessions Orders DOJ Review After Report Obama Administration Gave Hezbollah a Pass



7185b7  No.151549

If this is right, WL has a lot of goods on a lot of actors

Square brackets are top level folders.

Arrows mean subfolders

6c46d0  No.151550


>Do arrows mean subfolders?

More like relationships I think or order of operations/heierarchy


>Check the year…

Wat? Explain plx

Also amd going to try to make them more RWB, more instantly patriotic (didn't because D's react negatively about that instantly)


66a250  No.151551


The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.[22]

Originally the gang's main purpose was to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other, more established gangs of Los Angeles, who were predominantly composed of Mexicans and African-Americans.[23


463fca  No.151552



187=MDK, Murder, Death, Kill

Penal code, and used in a movie as well.

From Demolition Man.

1dd6b0  No.151553


Search up Daniel Kahneman, nobel prize winning on psychological and economical theory.

Some of his work involves two systems of thinking, biases and risk aversion.

The two systems and bias theory seem to apply to your case.

Briefly explained: We have two systems:

1. the fast intuitive system, which require no effort and takes care of all functions and thoughts, which don't require deep thinking.

2. the slow thinking system, which require a lot of effort. This mainly functions as a control center to orient your first system, and situations where heavy thinking is needed. Fx exams, math questions, puzzle.

Since the first system is effortless, it is much more pleasing to remain in this system, which explains our tendency to biases. Because we make presumptions to be more efficient in a daily life.

When your super intelligent friend explain stuff, and it does not immediately coincide with any of your presumptions, then it might presumptuosly be taken as true. Just out of authority, and laziness not to involve your system 2 to investigate the matter.

I hope this explaination helps abit, and I will underline that this is simply my understanding of the work.

4513a6  No.151554


>everyone else's religion is evil

Please shut up.

2ad12d  No.151555


Ocular herpes?

123dc1  No.151556


Well I'll be!!! I guess I was wrong about it being an alias! Well done, good fucking find Anon!!

cd4fb9  No.151557


He just did that this year too. Wow… what did he have to pay off and pay for silence using Canadians money?

23a09b  No.151558

matt couch gonna b so happy

85e20a  No.151559


CIA all the way bro

0e48aa  No.151560


Yeah, looks like a file path to me with sub folders and it’s contents. One of twenty-two files.

69dda2  No.151561



Pretty convinced

951d61  No.151562


Yup, my bad. Started in LA by refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.

83e0b8  No.151563


He's a fucking hot mess. He's gonna be easy to nail.

4c6b0a  No.151564

f51ce2  No.151565



Ramifications (conclusion of the drop): US Intell was given legal (FISA) method to spy on a presidential candidate, president-elect, Repub congress, Repub Senate, Trump-friendly news outlets, etc.

11b064  No.151566

D_J, F_I, C_A


Orbis Business Intelligence

Christopher Steeles company

Russia Dossier company

4cfe05  No.151567

File: 51239da26a00f00⋯.png (617.31 KB, 1125x909, 125:101, screenshot_39.png)



Justin Trudeau, Chelsea Clinton Call for Gender Equality at WE Day UN

https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ justin-trudeau-chelsea-clinton-whoopi-goldberg-more-speak-at-we-day-1041871

123dc1  No.151568


He died like five months ago. And yes they look similar but there is no PROOF Podesta is his father.

4f8ebf  No.151569

File: a3cf0dc47600590⋯.jpg (584.17 KB, 600x508, 150:127, daddy bush.jpg)

Someone call in Antifa to do some good.

7e20ad  No.151570


I think the insurance is the Schiff insurance deal he had with McCabe

83e0b8  No.151571


Wanna nail Trudeau? Look at his generous donations. They all lead to dirt.

aeafc7  No.151572


I knew him

8b77d0  No.151573

a54fae  No.151574



>Typo. It was AS


Adam Savage from Mythbusters recently had an out of context meltdown over Trump. Probably unrelated… but you never know.

28c953  No.151575

File: c101eb6d0db6ab0⋯.png (2.01 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-22 The ….png)


Vegas shooting. Seems the FBI contacted those who were there to send paperwork (non-disclosure) and recommended them joining a class action from attorneys they recommended which involves not being able to talk about it at all. I have to wonder if those witnesses who have been dying since the shooting are ones who won't sign and join their recommended class action.

Why is the FBI involved in setting up a class action suit..why are they recommending and handling the paperwork?

Sadly, J.P. lost his nephew-in-law in the Las Vegas mass shooting last month. His nephew was shot in the torso standing next to his wife. That left J.P.’s niece a widow with three children and no income. His niece spent a lot of time meeting with FBI agents — as a witness and a victim.

That’s what makes this story so shocking and outrageous. Is it possible that the FBI uses the trust and bond formed with victims of violent crime and even mass murder to sign them up as clients for private law firms?

Here’s the story.

J.P.’s niece was contacted by a FBI “victim specialist” a week after the Vegas tragedy — at the worst and most fragile moment of her life. The “victim specialist” identified herself as an employee of the FBI and said her goal was to help victims such as J.P.’s niece receive the money “she needs and deserves.” She asked this grieving widow to sign a form and send it back to get the process started quickly.

The form was a contract to join a class-action lawsuit against MGM and Mandalay Bay. Worst of all, it was a contract with two private law firms. I’ve seen the contract the FBI sent to this widow.

J.P. Hyan called the Los Angeles FBI office about this. The FBI “agent on duty” said he saw nothing wrong with such activity. He strongly suggested J.P. have his niece speak only to the FBI “victim specialist.”

When I contacted the FBI, I was referred to the agency’s national press office, which issued a statement: “The FBI Victim Services Division provides crisis intervention services to victims and families as well as information and referrals for a range of assistance to help them cope with the impact of a mass casualty event.”

It goes on to say, “Families who have lost a loved one to violent and sudden death often need referrals to public and private legal services to assist with life insurance, guardianship, wills and probate issues, and estate and tax planning. The referrals … do not encompass information on class-action lawsuits initiated by private attorneys.”

Vegas is still a mystery and yet we know there are complete lies involved and SA involved. The FBI is the head agency making sure the victims sign non-disclosures?

cd52c0  No.151576


DWS= Debbie Wasserman Schultz

4c6b0a  No.151577

2fa268  No.151578

File: fd71e7d9185917c⋯.jpg (112.85 KB, 883x499, 883:499, 21k52x.jpg)

210d2c  No.151579

File: 82feed8d0cfcad4⋯.jpg (51.24 KB, 420x315, 4:3, ohsnap.jpg)

85e20a  No.151580


did I come at a bad time what is this ?

b06a93  No.151581


Middle name Mussie?

2b202f  No.151582

>(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

187 Murder

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_code

Seth Rich Murdered, 2 MS-13 Gang Murdered

966fbb  No.151583


The problem with looking into the genealogy of these people is that they all lie. Whether Hitler had any relation to a rothschild or not they would want to claim him as their own as an example of the alleged power of their bloodline.

They're satanists, all their arguments for superiority are lies. They are psychopaths that have invented the fiction that thy were the bloodlines Azazel was coaching all throughout history just because Azazel is teaching them the same things he taught psychopaths long before them.

There's no power in their blood. they've got piss flowing through their veins.

b62671  No.151584


"INSURANCE" - Isn't this re the text msg from PS to the attorney/lover re having insurance against TRUMP (DOSSIER). also txted "meeting w/ Andy (mccabe).

b24614  No.151585


Been following this acct for a few wks. Seems legit on info.

a5e36c  No.151586

Well, now i get the alexa crumb dropped last night.

3a539f  No.151587


1/22 ongoing investigations at DOJ? This one investigating the DNC breach / dossier?`

SR = Seth RIch

WL = Wikileaks

DNI DIR = James R. Clapper

CLOWN DIR = John O. Brennan

CROWDSTRIKE = tasked with investigating the hack/breach

DWS_DIR = ??? Debbie Wasserman Schultz ???



LL ? Loretta Lynch

JC = James Comey

AM = Andrew Mccabe

PS = Peter Strzok

CS = Chuck Schumer

NP = Nancy Pelosi

AS = Adam Schiff

c713e0  No.151588

2ad12d  No.151589


>me at a bad time what is this ?

Mount Crumb.

7ab10e  No.151590


BIGLY BREAD CRUMBS. this definatley strikes me as a Anthony Weiner type file name drop

85e20a  No.151592


I never said that wtf are you on?

f51ce2  No.151593


I'm going with context. Doubt Adam Savage could pull his ass away from cosplay long enough to help fund a phony dossier.

0e48aa  No.151594


Or order of events

7185b7  No.151595

If this is one of 22.

And this is a map of one drive.

Then Wikileaks has got the Heffner files.

Trump also then has the goods on everyone.



2b202f  No.151597



Debbie Washeman Schultz (listed right after Seth Rich murder)

3192b4  No.151598


Some dousche named "Kyle" on Twitter dug into the names attached to the New EO, and found more than a few connections to the Clintons.


phonefag, can't screen cap right now someone pls halp

78ba50  No.151599

94e7dd  No.151600


Alot of incriminating evidence on Anthony weiners laptop was a insurance folder.

28c953  No.151601

File: 9c7d603575d58dd⋯.png (76.81 KB, 1271x435, 1271:435, Screenshot-2017-12-22 CBTS….png)

4f8ebf  No.151602


This is called pay off for silence. Not to reveal the drill and/or what really happened.

who is JP?

04f1ab  No.151603


Did Pamela (Hughs girl) give the files to Assange?

efd04f  No.151604


Dept of Justice had to got to FISA courts twice to get approval to tap Trump Tower.

First time failed.

FBI paid fusion to rewrite it with help of Ohr's wife, Nellie and (her) ham radio

b62671  No.151606






AS - ??

support - they all supported the hussein/hrc dossier effort.

e68e9a  No.151607


I did some searches on the raw q file and Kabamur was the first to post these terms - do post earlier claims so we can know.

0fa444  No.151608


al Sharpton?

ec8f7b  No.151609

We got actual corrupt clown paid agents to add the Weiner laptop info in here, when nothing he had on his laptop dealt with this, it was confiscated long before the death of Seth Rich

85e20a  No.151610


to add to that I just have a crazy hunch these 1-22 posts of Q coming up are ALL going to point right back to the CIA (Vatican,London, formerly DC controlled cabal strong arm of evil)

This is why JFK was killed. This is what needs to be splintered into a thousand pieces and thrown into the wind!

2ad12d  No.151611


More likely Adam Schiff

efd04f  No.151612

◾FBI Asst. Director “Andy” McCabe has convenient memory lapse – HERE

◾Rand Paul Discusses Evidence of Conspiracy HERE

◾Summary of Scheme and Letter from Trump Transition Team HERE

◾Congress Confirms the Investigative Approach for The Big Ugly HERE

◾Understanding the Background Motives of Inspector General Horowitz HERE

◾Democrats Realize the BIG Ugly Is Coming HERE

◾Understanding the Important Role of Bill Priestap HERE

◾Inspector General Horowitz Explains how he caught Peter Strzok and Lisa Page HERE

◾Understanding the Pattern of Information Releases HERE

◾Jim Jordan Questions Rod Rosenstein HERE

◾More releases of information about Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe HERE

◾Why Was FISA Court Judge Recused – Discussion HERE

◾Jaw-Dropping Info. on Demoted DOJ Deputy Bruce G Ohr’s wife, Nellie H. Ohr HERE

◾Discovery – Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS on Trump Opposition Research Project

◾Intel Chairman Devin Nunes Outlines FBI FISA Warrant Abuse HERE

◾The FBI/DOJ Leak Hunting Task Force Everyone Forgot – Outlined HERE

◾Jim Jordan Discusses the Fraud Behind the FBI FISA Warrant HERE

◾Black Hat Hunting II – Becomes Obvious – False Media Leaks To Catch Leakers HERE

◾The BIG UGLY – The Big Picture and What it Means HERE

◾Judge Rudolph Contreras Recuses Himself – FISA Discoveries HERE

◾“The Predicate” – The Importance of the Origin of The FISA WARRANTS HERE

◾Black Hat Hunting I – First Appearance of Coordinated Plan HERE

◾Deputy Head of Counterintelligence FBI Agent Peter Strzok – Outlined HERE

◾Discovering Initial Seeds of DOJ-OIG Investigative Plan – Outlined HERE

◾President Trump Reacts to Evidence of FBI Mgmt Bias Against Him HERE

◾Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes Threatens FBI with Contempt HERE

◾First IG Release of FBI Team Bias on Robert Mueller Squad HERE

IG Stimulated Releases of Information:

♦Release #1 was the FBI Agent Strzok and Attorney Lisa Page story; and the repercussions from discovering their politically motivated bias in the 2015/2016 Clinton email investigation and 2016/2017 Russian Election investigation.

♦Release #2 outlined the depth of FBI Agent Strzok and FBI Attorney Page’s specific history in the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton to include the changing of the wording [“grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”] of the probe outcome delivered by FBI Director James Comey.

♦Release #3 was the information about DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr being in contact with Fusion GPS at the same time as the FISA application was submitted and granted by the FISA court; which authorized surveillance and wiretapping of candidate Donald Trump; that release also attached Bruce Ohr and Agent Strzok directly to the Steele Dossier.

♦Release #4 was information that Deputy Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, was an actual contract employee of Fusion GPS, and was hired by F-GPS specifically to work on opposition research against candidate Donald Trump. Both Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr are attached to the origin of the Christopher Steele Russian Dossier.

♦Release #5 was the specific communication between FBI Agent Strzok and FBI Attorney Page. The 10,000 text messages that included evidence of them both meeting with Asst. FBI Director Andrew McCabe to discuss the “insurance policy” against candidate Donald Trump in August of 2016.

594fd3  No.151613


It's seriously starting to establish a pattern, isn't it? Always happy when I can contribute something worthwhile.

78ba50  No.151614


More than you think, save America save the West.

3a539f  No.151615


Adam Schiff - Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (Ranking Member)

7ab10e  No.151616

File: 47eaf35d66970be⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 653x445, 653:445, gulnara.jpg)

File: e90e4e126a04de9⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 751x519, 751:519, clinton gulnara.jpg)

>>151598 yea its huge!!!!! Gulnara karimova

b62671  No.151617


Right, I though of that first, but then remembered that it was actually called "life insurance".

The "insurance" (if being specific) was the Strzok text msg.

514c0b  No.151618

efd04f  No.151619





28c953  No.151620


not my post … ask the namefag

49a3e4  No.151621


Could the double meaning then be that the "intelligence" was missing, ie; they are stupid?

4c6b0a  No.151622


We've got our work cut out for us… even more so if you're on the inside investigation. Glad I'm no where near DC

b62671  No.151623


D'oh! Adam Schiff, the shitt snake!

2ad12d  No.151624


I'm pretty sure intelligence is missing with most of these fucksticks.

da732d  No.151625


I’ll take a stab at it…


-all hands on deck we have a lot of tasty crumbs coming




Seth Rich did dnc leak


Gave to wikileaks




Hussein, Clapper, and BRENNAN knew abt SR?

CLAS: 1-12>


Google’s Schmidt gave CrowdStike $100 mil


CrowdStrike did the “investigation” of dnc servers


(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

Seth Rich was killed and so were his 2 MS 13 killers


Debbie Wasserman Schultz was dnc Director


Fbi and dept of justice bad actors helped (search for fbi gun reported stolen in DC in july 2016)


/_\ >






Loretta Lynch


James Comey?


Andrew mccabe


Peter Strzok





Hillary and DNC worked with/paid brit intel for peepee dossier

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>


was brit intel



CLAS: 1-9>








[FISA 2]

Comey lynch and hussein were invovled in fisa to spy on Trump?


Daily press briefing







Buzzfeed article about McStain to set a public narrative?


Stage is set to prevent a Removal operation in the future?


There are ramifications if it becomes legal for US intel to spy on President candidate/elect

594fd3  No.151626


Excellent point, and very valid. I've read a lot of info on George H. W. Bush having inserted himself into the Prescott Bush family line pretty much at random. Prescott himself was an avid supporter of the Nazi cause and that's probably why he was chosen. But the farther you go back, the easier it was to falsify records, especially if you had clout.

69dda2  No.151627


Hey we got Q to get the EO made public, can we get a scalp Q? It can be lower level, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

5eba2d  No.151628

76b149  No.151629


You're a superhero anan

f49ad2  No.151630


>(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

State Road 187 in California is Venice Boulevard.

17b842  No.151632


she just wants us to know that she still drinking with one hand

fe92a3  No.151633

Sorts takes his orders from P

P = Pleiadian

Kabamur says that they have GS

38567c  No.151634


Agreed. Adam Schiff, as another posted, is far more likely.

c713e0  No.151635



Maybe Q will start Baking our Breads himself soon.

4c6b0a  No.151636

HUSSEIN>Sand nigger treasonous faggot.

08d126  No.151637

Q, first, thank you and everyone involved. I am so thankful to even be writing this.

But Q, will the public get to know the whole story? Will they get to know about the real Evil. Will they get to know just how important our military's role was and is in this story? And why do you keep saying "you have no idea" ?? With everything I have seen posted on these boards over the years WHAT ELSE can there possibly be?? Lord help us.

How can the public wake up to the real Good if they never hear the whole story regarding the real Evil in this world? How will those who are defending our rights as humans ever get the recognition they deserve if the whole story isn't told? Not just for Americans. For the World. Won't this full disclosure bring us together? Won't we unite just in knowing that it has not been a decline of humanity that we've witnessed in our lives, but a hijacking of humanity by a soulless few?

I appreciate so much the EO that was signed yesterday. But I worry it is not enough. We are ready.

Q, I have seen folks with handles like "concernedmom" liking and retweeting memes about the trafficking and adrenochrome and other satanic atrocities. WE ARE READY. My sense is you need us to explicitly ask and we ARE ASKING, PLEASE. Please. Please tell us that this entire story will be told. Thank you and God Bless You.

aeafc7  No.151639


Ide pay to attend that session

7ca12a  No.151640


Excellent. Billboard material.

de4db4  No.151641


SS link again please, so many versions:)

9166c6  No.151642


/_\ >

the top of the pyramid has fallen..will fall?..could be coincidence, but you never know..

e141d5  No.151643


good work

83e0b8  No.151644



d0402e  No.151645


You left off Synergy Pharmaceuticals Gary Sender


17b842  No.151646

File: 767acf6b2b2fa9c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1146x804, 191:134, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at ….png)

1dd6b0  No.151647


This must be it.

7ab10e  No.151648

File: 007f34f5d2bdf5a⋯.png (447.99 KB, 680x403, 680:403, chemtrail-spray-and-pray-6….png)


When are these guys going to be taken care of? i have photos of them creating grids in the sky around my area, mid air bends in the trails like a jet was used as well. when will the people have justice against chemtrails?

c01eac  No.151649


He takes orders from the Pope!

efd04f  No.151650

All of this mounting evidence undermines the media talking points around Special Counsel position of Robert Mueller – from the position of even having a basis for originating an investigation into Trump/Russia collusion etc. etc. However, the SC office, Robert Mueller, has never stated that an investigation into Trump exists.

The investigative “mandate” Mueller carries is to look at Russian interference within the election; and as we have continually pointed out, there is NO INVESTIGATION into Donald Trump.

The Clinton Campaign paid Fusion GPS to contract Christopher Steele for opposition research on candidate Trump. It now appears even more likely that FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok used the information from Steele to get FISA warrants against the Trump campaign.

The results of those FISA warrants were wiretaps on Trump campaign people. Those ‘wiretaps’ were then unmasked by Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice and other senior people within the Obama administration.

◾The Clinton Campaign was the predicate for the Steele Dossier.

◾The Steele Dossier was the predicate for the FISA Warrants (Agent Strzok).

◾The FISA Warrants were the predicate for wiretapping and surveillance.

◾The wiretapping/surveillance was the predicate for the unmasking.

◾The unmasking/surveillance was the predicate for Robert Mueller’s SC charges.

While the IG is working on exposing the political bias within the FBI and DOJ (report due shortly), congress is working on a similar track in exposing how that political bias was turned into action and used against Clinton’s political opponent.

All of the dominoes in the graphic below are likely to fall; however, if you look closely at the graphic you realize why the TOP-TIER of the Democrat apparatus are suddenly willing to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus. They are attempting to stop the dominoes at her.



eed5b7  No.151651

for some reason I am reminded of lateral thinking exercises with this missles thing. there should be one best answer.

missles only has one i. this implies it has poor depth perception; or that it cannot properly calculate distance to target.

5eba2d  No.151652



Seriously, this anon pointed out someone scratching the surface of a potentially deep dive on the Clintons. This deserves a read.

514c0b  No.151653


you called it, anon

check the following line

4c6b0a  No.151654



2ad12d  No.151655


You left off Synergy Pharmaceuticals Gary Sender


(fixing other anon's post to link original msg.)

85e20a  No.151656


uhh I never said anything close to that bro

c01eac  No.151657


Have some faith Anon!

69dda2  No.151658



I'm almost positive that MISSILE losing an I moving to a metaphorical monocular vision means that the guidance cap has trouble with targeting i.e depth perception, judging distance and tracking in a person who lost an i (eye)

efd04f  No.151659

File: 6addc67a708036c⋯.png (397.39 KB, 640x411, 640:411, dominoes.png)

712906  No.151661

File: 6eb4e2e8c13f27c⋯.jpg (218.95 KB, 1230x814, 615:407, DWS Nuttybar.jpg)

e22007  No.151662


We only care about deficits when Trump is in charge.

4cfe05  No.151663

aeafc7  No.151664



267a4d  No.151665

File: 971ed9220e32108⋯.png (232.6 KB, 350x475, 14:19, IMG_8413.PNG)

514c0b  No.151666



4513a6  No.151667

File: 4b7a1998aaac7c7⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1157x6297, 1157:6297, 1513983522151.jpg)


28c953  No.151668

File: ccf9394baf61766⋯.png (87.42 KB, 1271x580, 1271:580, Screenshot-2017-12-22 CBTS….png)

e68e9a  No.151669


Things will happen when the time is right - assist as you know and can.

2ad12d  No.151670



efd04f  No.151671


Stole it f from Conservative Treehouse

cbc316  No.151672

85e20a  No.151673

I thought P was Pope or Pan like the pedo satanis boy lover soooo yeah the Pope!


e68e9a  No.151674


>nobel peace prize winner

4f8ebf  No.151675

966fbb  No.151676

File: 767af1fcae926e6⋯.jpg (87.11 KB, 1166x449, 1166:449, true pundit.JPG)

The babyrapers have completely lost narrative control, and the harder they try to regain it, the less they are able.

This is the plague of gnats (commoners/democratic support) you're seeing. The wizards of pharaoh just can't create any no matter how furiously they wave their wands.

6c46d0  No.151677

File: 2220ea6ef247d5d⋯.png (169.53 KB, 873x3647, 873:3647, political resignations EO.png)

Updated infograph (correct date - WH website has it wrong kek)

even more patriotism

/meme harvester, please use this version!/

85bf3e  No.151678


can anons link their updates for the batter here

>spent too much time digging


210d2c  No.151679

File: 2e43095e27ad2fe⋯.jpg (325.95 KB, 816x1224, 2:3, ReadyForBreak1.jpg)

f26ba4  No.151680

File: 92d6dab46d12760⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 255x204, 5:4, Schiff.jpg)



83e0b8  No.151681



28c953  No.151682

File: aa3a4271b70746f⋯.png (2.31 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Screenshot-2017-12-22 The ….png)


>All of this mounting evidence undermines the media talking points around Special Counsel position of Robert Mueller – from the position of even having a basis for originating an investigation into Trump/Russia collusion etc. etc. However, the SC office, Robert Mueller, has never stated that an investigation into Trump exists.

>The investigative “mandate” Mueller carries is to look at Russian interference within the election; and as we have continually pointed out, there is NO INVESTIGATION into Donald Trump.

>The Clinton Campaign paid Fusion GPS to contract Christopher Steele for opposition research on candidate Trump. It now appears even more likely that FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok used the information from Steele to get FISA warrants against the Trump campaign.

>The results of those FISA warrants were wiretaps on Trump campaign people. Those ‘wiretaps’ were then unmasked by Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice and other senior people within the Obama administration.

>◾The Clinton Campaign was the predicate for the Steele Dossier.

>◾The Steele Dossier was the predicate for the FISA Warrants (Agent Strzok).

>◾The FISA Warrants were the predicate for wiretapping and surveillance.

>◾The wiretapping/surveillance was the predicate for the unmasking.

>◾The unmasking/surveillance was the predicate for Robert Mueller’s SC charges.

>While the IG is working on exposing the political bias within the FBI and DOJ (report due shortly), congress is working on a similar track in exposing how that political bias was turned into action and used against Clinton’s political opponent.

>All of the dominoes in the graphic below are likely to fall; however, if you look closely at the graphic you realize why the TOP-TIER of the Democrat apparatus are suddenly willing to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus. They are attempting to stop the dominoes at her.

f276cc  No.151683


Holy top kek, Anon!

4f8ebf  No.151684

File: cf1a80e853325d8⋯.jpg (167.28 KB, 600x337, 600:337, scandal.jpg)

8f4b97  No.151685

File: e186c7f24875232⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 599x392, 599:392, BPsDKOjCEAIdIjP.jpg)


I think its the Globalist Cabal which is DC, London, Vatican>>151642

cd39e1  No.151686


Insurance was the Dossier that PS talked about with his mistress

123dc1  No.151687



Me too… he is a despicable piece of shit

28c953  No.151689

File: 9986851ec178bfd⋯.png (79.27 KB, 1271x387, 1271:387, Screenshot-2017-12-22 CBTS….png)

38567c  No.151691


On the other hand, cyclops missile range was run by a serb who is head of General Dynamics.

Hell, the take-away from that exercise is that DC is so corrupt that you can dredge ISIS up from a typo if you are willing to dive. Which is probably the sick hilarity of all of this… Q could probably spout some random lines, here and there, and we'd still be able to find an avenue of corruption to attach it to.

Not that I think he does.

1dd6b0  No.151692


Blockchain technology is a major threat to Rothschild businesses.

f5773c  No.151693


Yeah looks like a chain of events with the heading


The DNC is breached, information is carried by Seth Rich, given to Wikileaks. Hussain uses DNI to start damage control, gets to work with CIA who has infiltrated or just outright runs Google, who in turn has heavily funded Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike provides phony data to the DNC that Russia hacked the DNC. Seth Rich is the only person who can testify that the data did not come from Russia. Seth Rich is taken care of, and the first rule of assassination is kill the assassin, the two MS13 members

8187ad  No.151694


Q, was Andrew Brietbart murdered?

8b0e18  No.151695

File: 990e9ea1b6c226d⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 236x386, 118:193, DRq-4F7VoAAjrCd.jpg)

Remember this guys?

2017 Predictions from The Economist.

Not trying to be a shill but if this is from the System/Cabal, why would they be announcing their own defeat?

f51ce2  No.151696


No one asked you to dox yourself, Bill.

f276cc  No.151697


Yes the BREAK! This is where Trump busts up the cabal. Like pool. Thanks Anon.

a2ddbd  No.151698

Seems assumptions are this was message one of twenty-two…

http://vampirediaries.wikia. com/wiki/Day_One_of_Twenty-Two_Thousand,_Give_or_Take

Whitman College -

Kathryn Whitman - https://louisville. edu/education/faculty/whitmore/kathryn-whitmore

11b064  No.151699


1) Shawn Lucas, Sanders supporter who served papers to DNC on the Fraud Case (DOD August 2, 2016)

2) Victor Thorn, Clinton author (and Holocaust denier, probably the least credible on this list) shot himself in an apparent suicide. Conspiracy theorists at Mystery Writers of America said some guys will do anything to sell books. (DOD August, 2016)

3) Seth Conrad Rich, Democratic staffer, aged 27, apparently on his way to speak to the FBI about a case possibly involving the Clintons. The D.C. murder was not a robbery. (DOD July 8, 2016)

4) John Ashe, UN official who allegedly crushed his own throat while lifting weights, because he watched too many James Bond films and wanted to try the move where the bad guy tries to…oh, never mind. “He was scheduled to testify against the Clintons and the Democrat Party.” (DOD June 22, 2016)

5) Mike Flynn, the Big Government Editor for Breitbart News. Mike Flynn’s final article was published the day he died, “Clinton Cash: Bill, Hillary Created Their Own Chinese Foundation in 2014.” (DOD June 23, 2016)

f276cc  No.151700


Silly Billy, what have you done to yourself?

da732d  No.151701


THIS ^^^^

a5f317  No.151702


You have to ask when you know the answer?

83e0b8  No.151703


I heard a rumor they changed that card after Trump got elected. It was something else, they didn't predict Trump initially.

4cfe05  No.151704

File: a038c04fb752f34⋯.png (238.04 KB, 206x534, 103:267, .png)


And they put him over the magician which makes him even stronger KEK

514c0b  No.151705


another kek

82bfef  No.151706

Sounds like Sessions is close to giving a bunch of people the one-eyed-missle.

aa5d7e  No.151708


The card is labeled JUDGMENT but it depicts POTUS as THE EMPEROR. One could read that as JUDGMENT AGAINST THE EMPEROR. It was a warning to him.

182886  No.151709

File: ddbbe04affcf990⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 500x205, 100:41, 1HvrJcK.gif)

HRC spotted in Manhattan art gallery

efd04f  No.151710

What we are seeing in these examples of Strzok and Ohr are institutional moves to get out ahead of information that will come from the IG report based on a year-long investigation.

There is no reason to believe the investigative spotlight will stop at Peter Strzok or Bruce Ohr; they are two people within a larger organization that networks at a very high level.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s former boss was Bill Priestap, Asst. Director of Counter Intelligence. Priestap’s boss was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Directly above McCabe in the chain-of-command was FBI Director James Comey.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce G Ohr’s former boss was Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General. Sally Yates boss was Loretta Lynch.

You can see that both Strzok and Ohr are within the very tight circle of FBI and DOJ officials at the top of the food chain.

Neither agent Strzok, nor A-DAG Bruce Ohr would be operating in a vacuum. Indeed in the March 20th, 2017, congressional testimony of James Comey he said it was the recommendation of Bill Priestap that initiated the counterintelligence operation, and also the recommendation of Priestap NOT to inform congressional oversight “because of the sensitivity of the matter“. (link)


8187ad  No.151711


we want justice

2ad12d  No.151712


Oh no you di int.

9166c6  No.151713


is this a timeline?

514c0b  No.151714


today is 22

85bf3e  No.151715



bread in the oven

2c1eb1  No.151716


NO. The depiction means Trumps sits in Judgement of others

a5f317  No.151717


Looks like it

f51ce2  No.151718

File: 1576666f62cdcae⋯.png (140.62 KB, 450x300, 3:2, q-ama.png)

ce33d2  No.151719



The one side removed was DC! thats just hard to draw a pyramid with ascii characters. he meant a side of the pyrmid which is us, no longer part of their bullshit evil games





23a09b  No.151722

h ttp://yournewswire.com/attorneys-dead-wasserman-schultz/

cd39e1  No.151723


The DNC killed SR and then spun the information that he gave to Wikileaks as a computer hack by the Russians…then they had to tie in Trump with the Russians which birthed the Dossier…never forget that HRC said that if Trump won that they would ALL hang!! Q just gave us the whole story in shorthand!! This is absolutely YUGE!! And this must hit the news because this is what will help pink pill the nation (with proven facts to back it up)!! JUSTICE FOR SR!! JUSTICE FOR AMERICA!

28c953  No.151724


https://imgflip .com/memegenerator

put it on the picture tard

8b0e18  No.151725


lol wtf

cd4fb9  No.151727


I believe they were setting Trump up to be judged in that tarot card on the cover and below that card they had the Magician (they were trying to set the power up for them that the Mockingbird Magician and the CIA clowns etc were going to judge and take down Trump.

BUT what they ended up doing is giving Trump the base of the Magician in reality and him being able to judge and see who is Bad and dirty and being the Magician in getting rid of them with the power of all elements.

They screwed themselves with that whole cover! It really is funny as hell… that they used their occult images to back fire on themselves! KARMA!!

f938e3  No.151729






Why does it jump over Bill Preistap??? He should be between AM and PS.

91d5b5  No.151730


JC> JohnClapper?

LL> Lois Lerner?

AS Adam Schiff?

SR Seth Rich? Susan Rice?

AM Andre McCabe?

0939e2  No.151732



>Was ATL shutdown?

maybe with emp

>Will NK be shutdown?

possibly with emp

>Who controls NK?

roths, cia, china?


>How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking office?

they already had it set up, media lied

>How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

purchased the technology

7ec635  No.151733


https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/149151045/#149152383

for you

2ad12d  No.151734


Interesting. Possible multiple meanings here.

a5f317  No.151736

3390d6  No.151738

When can I quit drinking Q? Waiting to see these evil people locked up.

1759d6  No.151740


e22007  No.151741

Only the democrats could defend the institution and integrity of the FBI while promoting BLM who actively killed cops and entire mo is anti law enforcement.

11d143  No.151742

File: b45cfb33ba5c95f⋯.jpg (133.63 KB, 776x1024, 97:128, TW18_us_1024x1024.jpg)

182886  No.151743


does it work for gifs?

5eba2d  No.151745


You must have missed it: >>151715

6c46d0  No.151746



see >>151715

d8f19a  No.151747


Better archive this before it gets scrubbed.

2ad12d  No.151748


These cards aren't evidence and they don't matter for what needs to be done to bring these douche-nozzles down. Ignore, anon.

7633c3  No.151749

In recovery at the moment, merry Christmas everyone love you all! Keep up the good work!

ec8f7b  No.151752

When this Q drop is fully rendered I'd suggest an artistanon to draw a jacket zipper with each tooth representing a line from the drop, the jacket will be have a "cover up" as a nametag and corruption would be the name of the zipper

efd04f  No.151753


1. June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied.

2. July: Russia joke. Wikileaks releases emails from the Democratic National Committee that show an effort to prevent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from winning the presidential nomination. In a press conference, Donald Trump refers to Hillary Clinton’s own missing emails, joking: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.” That remark becomes the basis for accusations by Clinton and the media that Trump invited further hacking.

3. October: Podesta emails. In October, Wikileaks releases the emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, rolling out batches every day until the election, creating new mini-scandals. The Clinton campaign blames Trump and the Russians.

4. October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.

5. January 2017: Buzzfeed/CNN dossier. Buzzfeed releases, and CNN reports, a supposed intelligence “dossier” compiled by a foreign former spy. It purports to show continuous contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, and says that the Russians have compromising information about Trump. None of the allegations can be verified and some are proven false. Several media outlets claim that they had been aware of the dossier for months and that it had been circulating in Washington.

◾Admiral Michael Rogers had a visit with President Trump on Friday, November 11th.

◾According to the Executive Order rule changes DNI James Clapper signed off on December 15th.

◾General Michael Flynn spoke to the Russian Ambassador on December 29th

◾Dec 29th 2016 – Obama announces sanctions on Russia


6. January: Obama expands NSA sharing. As Michael Walsh later notes, and as the New York Times reports, the outgoing Obama administration “expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.” The new powers, and reduced protections, could make it easier for intelligence on private citizens to be circulated improperly or leaked.


123dc1  No.151754


We need to go and see where Q foreshadowed this! Read the news, news unlocks map!

951d61  No.151755

Did we get all of the names/answers into the spreadsheet? If this is "ONE OF TWENTY TWO", 21 more of these drops will be coming. If the end is near, this information will help complete the puzzle.

6c46d0  No.151756

efd04f  No.151757

The new rules, which were issued in an unclassified document, entitled Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency (NSA), significantly relaxed longstanding limits on what the NSA may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations.

These operations are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. Surveillances include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls, and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.

The changes initiated by the Obama Administration in its waning days empowered far more agents and officials to search through raw intelligence data.

◾Jan 3rd 2017 – Loretta Lynch signs off on rule changes for phone taps.

◾Jan 12th 2017 – WaPo reports On Phone Calls Anonymous Intel Sources

◾Jan 15th 2017 – VP Pence appears on Face the nation.

◾Jan 20th 2017 – Inauguration

◾Jan 23rd 2017 – FBI reports nothing unlawful in content of Flynn call

◾Jan 26th 2017 – Sally Yates (acting DOJ) informs President Trump there might be a conflict between VP Pence’s stated TV version (was told by Flynn), and what Intel community communicate to Yates that Flynn actually expressed to Russia.

◾Jan 27th 2017 – White House counsel begins investigation to discrepancy.

7. January: Times report. The New York Times reports, on the eve of Inauguration Day, that several agencies — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Treasury Department are monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign suspected of Russian ties.

Other news outlets also report the existence of a multi-agency working group to coordinate investigations across the government,” though it is unclear how they found out, since the investigations would have been secret and involved classified information.

8. February: Mike Flynn scandal. Reports emerge that the FBI intercepted a conversation in 2016 between future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — then a private citizen — and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The intercept supposedly was part of routine spying on the ambassador, not monitoring of the Trump campaign. The FBI transcripts reportedly show the two discussing Obama’s newly-imposed sanctions on Russia, though Flynn earlier denied discussing them.

Sally Yates, whom Trump would later fire as acting Attorney General for insubordination, is involved in the investigation. In the end, Flynn resigns over having misled Vice President Mike Pence (perhaps inadvertently) about the content of the conversation.

9. February: Times claims extensive Russian contacts. The New York Times cites “four current and former American officials” in reporting that the Trump campaign had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials. The Trump campaign denies the claims — and the Times admits that there is “no evidence” of coordination between the campaign and the Russians. The White House and some congressional Republicans begin to raise questions about illegal intelligence leaks.

10. March: the Washington Post targets Jeff Sessions. The Washington Postreports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had contact twice with the Russian ambassador during the campaign — once at a Heritage Foundation event and once at a meeting in Sessions’s Senate office.

The Post suggests that the two meetings contradict Sessions testimony at his confirmation hearings that he had no contacts with the Russians, though in context (not presented by the Post) it was clear he meant in his capacity as a campaign surrogate, and that he was responding to claims in the “dossier” of ongoing contacts.

The New York Times, in covering the story, adds that the Obama White House “rushed to preserve” intelligence related to alleged Russian links with the Trump campaign. By “preserve” it really means “disseminate”: officials spread evidence throughout other government agencies “to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators” and perhaps the media as well.

In summary: the Obama administration sought, and eventually obtained, authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign; continued monitoring the Trump team even when no evidence of wrongdoing was found; then relaxed the NSA rules to allow evidence to be shared widely within the government, virtually ensuring that the information, including the conversations of private citizens, would be leaked to the media.

5eba2d  No.151758




3c24ae  No.151759

Speed could possibly mean certain clown actors are doing reruns instead of hosting live lately, kinda like running a loop

f560f3  No.151760


No. Q means the OLD directors … the scumbags:

DNI DIR> Clapper

CLOWN DIR> Brennen

You're thinking of Coates, the new director.

The scumbag Clapper was DNI at the time of the scumbaggery wiretapping of Trump and his team.

514c0b  No.151761


good call

49a3e4  No.151762


1st of 22 indictments?

7ec635  No.151763



28c953  No.151764


was gonna QR and screen shot but i can only do each webpage once

123dc1  No.151765


I think China is a hostage, not in on it… they welcomed POTUS like a liberator.

85bf3e  No.151766





5eba2d  No.151767

Fill this bread, anons.

28c953  No.151768


https://ezgif .com/add-text

a003fb  No.151769

Here's what I've got so far…


[DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] - Seth Rich jump drive

[DNC] - Wasserman Shultz

[SR]> - Seth Rich gives emails to wikileaks

[WL]> - Wiki leaks?


DNI DIR> - James Clapper

CLOWN DIR> - John Brennan

CLAS: 1-12> - Felonies?

GOOG> - Eric Schmidt tweeking AI in HRC's favor

CROWDSTRIKE> - created fake Russia fingerprints on "hacked" DNC server

DNC> - ID's Seth Rich

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> - MS13 Hired to Kill Seth Rich

DWS_DIR> - Imran Awan has laptop data

F-I/D-J ASSIST> - FBI and DOJ muddy up the investigation into SR homocide

"INSURANCE" - Files found on Anthony Weiner's laptop by NYPD

/_\ > -


HRC> - Hildabeast

LL> - Loretta Lynch

JC> - James Comey

AM> - Andrew McCaib

PS> - Peter Strozk


BRIT INTEL> - Dossier Intel

HRC CAMP PAY> - Dossier Payment

DNC PAY> - Dossier Payment

CLAS: 1-4 PAY> - Dossier Payment

STEELE> - Fusion GPS

11b064  No.151770


Not only that, in 1999 the DOE reported that plans for our most advance nuclear weapons had been stolen. Originally a Chinese man was arrested but was later found innocent and sued the govt..

so…yea..wonder who got those plans

5eba2d  No.151771

Tasty, tasty bread!

2b6266  No.151773


Thank God this is all coming out. I saw their corruption tactics during 2016 and before, and produced two citizen journalism documentary films as a public service to alert the media and government, but most journalists and officials were in the pockets of the swamp central strategist/lobbyists shown at the beginning of this film telling BHO, DeBlasio, and others what to do.

This doc is a good way to show their tactics and give an initial red pill in preparation for what is to come (offered free without monitization): https://youtu.be/V8ERFwZoPXE

Blessings to President Trump and his team of patriots, and to Q and all who are helping to restore dharma and prosperity to our country and world.

340440  No.151775



951d61  No.151776


No, I believe the list of initials are part of a sequence of events, in chronological order. Clues to a mystery/pieces to a puzzle.

5eba2d  No.151777

Twas a delicious loaf.

10b5c3  No.151778

IYI = Intellectual Yet Idiot

Skin in the Game

Nassem Nicholas Taleb

Foolishness of elites is fatal flaw

Proverbs 14:16

cd39e1  No.151779


What a wonderful Christmas present! Kek!

627293  No.151780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Only CNN make such stupid mistakes…

"North Korea tests 'cutting-edge' missle"



Usaf probably shot down NK missile. Splash.

ATWT = ATWEC Technologies, inc. ?


Atwec Tech. Kiddy Systems???



Virus, like Stuxnet. Most likely created by one and the same, blaming Russians. (False Flag cyber attacks/spying)

a5f317  No.151781


Digits confirm

bbda31  No.188627


This is why Gen Hadden stopped William Benny from using his key in or outside government. It unlocks all no exemptions…So, Admiral Rodgers, Mueller, Flynn, Benny, and a staff of over 10,000 real patriots started to unwind this destruction of 54 year plus and now we witness the show…

961295  No.211127


Notice, what is missing, not full FBI, DOJ. hence "small group". They were assigned by the 2 missing letters. B.O.

b0882d  No.211131

File: b53eb0d7ffd68d0⋯.png (598.77 KB, 806x697, 806:697, text.png)

37e318  No.211132

File: ee1ee9ad0ec8d0c⋯.png (71.29 KB, 920x837, 920:837, ClipboardImage.png)

b0882d  No.211136

File: 30deb8d9a46658e⋯.png (87.85 KB, 920x837, 920:837, text.png)

7ec78e  No.216372





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