1a5772 No.211963
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Anon on informed views: >>201644 to >>201644
>informed views
Hard to do when everyone has a different idea of what those are. Have you ever had a conversation
before that included people who thought Jesus was returning now, people who think aliens are coming
now, people who think Satan is leading a cult, and people who think Hitler was an ok guy, all while
attempting to free your country? We all know we've been lied to. We all have totally different
expectations of the truth. Its fascinating from a people-watching perspective. Humanity struggling
to find common ground on truths both mundane and sacred, in live action, with a worldwide audience.
We are active participants in a stranger reality than most sci fi movies now.
1a5772 No.211967
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— SATURDAY / 23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY / 22 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
1a5772 No.211971
>>203006 PA will appear on InfoWars
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above earlier today >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
>>184700 Top Kek
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017
>>211730 Reminder that this is about Light vs Darkness
>>203060 Some MIA on twatter
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202381 Bill Binney / ThinThread
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>202429 "&"
>>201363 Anon on the Papacy
>>201391 Crumbs by an anon
>>201435 Anon on Iran deal
>>201466 Anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 We are on RT
>>201697 Steve Job's wife
>>201709 P = Philippe?
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201927 Planefaggotry summarization
>>201953, >>201955 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>192250 BREAKING House Intelligence Committee Issues Subpoena In Search of McCain Evidence in Trump Dossier Scandal
>>191147 More crumbs for us?
>>190329 Crumbs for us? & >>190337
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184800 It's [0] in the countdown
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
>>181689 More decoded stringers
>>168555 NEW - Stringer thread has a decode, folks. It involves Seth Rich and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
>>172153, DoD Tweet
>>162785, Q's post
http://archive.4plebs .org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147433975
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
>>139686 to >>139380
https://twitter .com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https://www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>141931, >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
>>139851 to >>139840
>>142996 to >>142811 (Exchange)
1a5772 No.211972
NEW Who is P? >>202645
NEW FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
The Asia Foundation >>15984
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FBIAnon AMA Transcript >>137237
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Isreal & Zionism >>1398
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Rothschild Family >>1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>139091
Red Cross >>40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
The British Connections >>117841
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Stringers, military courts >>189447
ae8aed No.211978
future proves past
1a5772 No.211979
Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http://qarchives .ml/
Text: [4chan] https://pastebin .com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https://pastebin .com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https://anonfile .com/43C4q9d5ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.12.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: www.dropbox .com/sh/vjx77lfvhy6m788/AADXOStS3Cc7kB2C4GnMwi0Ga?dl=0
The Book of Q: https://pastebin .com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http://www.db-q .com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet .com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A)
Q turned A: https://anonfile .com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https://ufile. io/nmyy0
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited. https://pastebin .com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 - https://pastebin.com /PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced - https://pastebin .com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free information: >>152634
For site archival: https://archive .fo/
Marine Codes: http://marineparents .com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
89969b No.211984
1a5772 No.211990
Before posting links, put a space before the first dot after the site's name.
e.g. http://twitter .com http://en.wikipedia .org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Batter & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the batter below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the batter used for this bread.
Last batter: https://pastebin.com/CbSS7W3W
1a5772 No.212000
Next baker - update the batter, please!
8bf2e1 No.212001
Baker succeeds!
So people CAN copy/paste a few lines.
0c5084 No.212003
b3713a No.212005
Ben Swann still listed as working at ABC, so what happened?
http:// www.cbs46.com/category/209325/meet-the-staff5
c4a4bf No.212006
Thank you previous baker, and thank you new baker for this delicious bread
> much appreciated
45e111 No.212007
I wonder if one day somebody will work out how many anons were involved in this.
Whatever, great work and co-operation everyone. It's been great working with you
eb587b No.212008
FOUR: People can judge me for what I've done. And I think when somebody's out in the public eye, that's what they do. So I'm fully comfortable with who I am, what I stand for, and what I've always stood for
TEN: I will not comment on or confirm what are alleged to be stolen State Department cables. But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats' personal assessments and observations.
TWENTY. I like live audiences, with real people - virtual reality is no substitute.
b3713a No.212009
Update with what, did Q show up?
fa11ec No.212010
b7c38c No.212011
I added a research thread to hold links to helpful sites.
See>>211983 to add your favorite research tools
c7146b No.212012
SA → US → Asia → EU
SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).
Iran is in Asia…
b7c38c No.212013
1c94e1 No.212015
a45864 No.212016
Rep Jackie Speier
1a5772 No.212017
General cleanup and recent posts, we still have some archived links.
1c94e1 No.212018
a9e7c5 No.212019
Note also the story coming out about the Chinese delivering oil to NK.
Seems like that's public posturing to give China leverage to expose corruption.
c4a4bf No.212020
love how they use the Antifags colors for the Mueller poster
> so emotional
> much desperation
d5dc47 No.212021
The entire Middle East is in Asia… hence Middle EAST.
784735 No.212022
From previous bread about IQ:
Yeah I didn't mean to imply anything that specific. We know us intelligence "helps" regime change like this all over the world, using many means. Q is about awakening the people in a way that circumvents media filtering and awareness. That system could be applied directly to a situation like Iran.
62772e No.212023
That was my though as well.
c063ab No.212024
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
Video Meme makers. Any tips for me? IF not, thought you could use this one.
fa11ec No.212025
Excellent. Thanks anon
ddbdbf No.212026
Every person on that stage is guilty or a stooge and needs digging.
Trump flushing them out with stupidity.
Black Caucus digging thread helped shed some light
8574c3 No.212027
THANK YOU FOR THIS BAKE. Shit is fucking odd rn
c4a4bf No.212028
anyone have the links that SSAnon would put up after he got rid of his name?
c7146b No.212030
Send me something else
(euanons hate Soros wholeheartedly, sorry)
0c5084 No.212031
Andrea John Catsimatidis
Christopher Nixon Cox
http:// www.newyorksocialdiary.com/node/1907007/print
a9dc9d No.212033
New poat by AC hour ago, but it could be by anyone of course.
Nice dig on his last tweet by Mark Dice (love him)…
2b7584 No.212034
Baker, idk who's the current baker, but please update the dough. The link have been outdated for a week, I keep posting it :
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.0.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
49e79c No.212035
They were in the OP under Tools & Information, but that post link died, so I have posted them a few more times, they were put back into the OP dough and I guess taken out again wtf will post again, and also in the thread made for it & link you and OP
4b5de9 No.212036
https://twitter .com/janschakowsky/status/943900913315581954
is sauce. Same pic used by Maxine Waters too.
Jackie's got a boot! Excellent find!
1c94e1 No.212037
ff6f72 No.212038
>Love is the solution to EVERYTHING Edition
Ok, I’m out.
49e79c No.212040
Link to every newspaper in the US, by State & City, local news in real time (USES GOOGLE custom search, be forewarned)
< tip sheet, parts 1 & 2 applicable:
< A guide to the political left
>H-1B Visa and Green Card Labor
>Hoover's Online
>Search companies or directors
>EDGAR corporate database
>Directory of Corporate Affiliations
most complete data on corporate family trees (parent/subsidiary)
>Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B)
>IRS Exempt Organization Select Check
non-profits search
(some good info, create free account w/throwaway email to see more)
Information for donors about charities
>By State
>Legal Entity Identifier system
>FREE IMAGE UPLOAD - no account, period
www. guerrillamail.com
Tax haven secrecy revealed
>Little Sis
_Incredible amount of information on people and their connections to each other, all open source & free
>Campaign donations
c4a4bf No.212042
thank you desu, those are def handy tools to have
> sorry for not having my own saved and having to ask like a little fag
cd5657 No.212043
64b61e No.212045
I use Social Media not because I like to, but because it is the only way to fight a VERY dishonest and unfair “press,” now often referred to as Fake News Media. Phony and non-existent “sources” are being used more often than ever. Many stories & reports a pure fiction!
c063ab No.212046
Supermoon activity in full effect.
>Andrea John Catsimatidis
← Her billionaire daddy (eewww)
8574c3 No.212047
Hey, regardless of what you think about lovefag, at least he gets baking done. we need it
c4a4bf No.212048
there we fucking go!
8e88cf No.212049
Wish i could share some Q Cookies with you,lol
They are made from delicious gingerbread.
aa361d No.212050
https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=e3d1071b533c412f8bc08ebbb1b444f6
https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444
8cf0c8 No.212051
Really fucking odd!! Nevertheless, true autists must see this as an opportunity for comfy digging.
BTW, do we know what family Soros replaced? Been thinking about it but my only idea so far is that Y=crown so perhaps british royal family? Q mentioned in that same post that we should look at the bloodlines and that they're stupid, so it must be pretty obvious.
c063ab No.212052
8d4bb2 No.212053
That’s the only way to get stakeholder buy-in. Stakeholder being the public.
1c94e1 No.212054
I hope this site is working for others because nothing on whitehouse.gov is coming up for me.
0c5084 No.212055
8574c3 No.212056
Can we get a running total of boots?
6b852d No.212058
c4a4bf No.212059
I love lovefag tbh, it has its place and does need to be said to remind us of the bigger picture
> sorry lovefag, its been a weird couple days
< samurai.jpg
e506c8 No.212060
working fine for me, try here if you wanna read it http://archive.is/4Fk9U
c7146b No.212061
https:// www.iranhumanrights.org/
Director of this IHR had a conference at Open Society. SOROS.
https://www.opensocietyfoundations .org/events/rouhani-administration-one-year
…anything else?
8d4bb2 No.212063
Yup, people just pulling statements out of thin air and others taking them at full value without any real evidence.
53972f No.212064
My first thought was that damn donkey! Who wants to take bets that he won't take to captivity and dies in the very near future? <heavy sigh>
49e79c No.212065
Please update the OP pastebin with this >>212040
It was under RESOURCES > Tools & Information > Free Information
Thank you
1a5772 No.212067
Sorry, it gets hard to track everything, on top of me being a new baker.
Will need a new baker (thankfully last bread had no shortage) because iI'll be off in some time - this should be added.
This is an anti-shill measure among other things. Sh*t literally glows when the bread is treated with love and care.
de2358 No.212068
Trust me.
Without Q focus it will die. You are all brilliant yes. But Focus is needed. :) 10 days is too long.
a45864 No.212069
I'm not sure who this is w/ a 'medical boot'?
8574c3 No.212071
If I remember correctly, last time I discussed it (days ago, I took a break) there was the idea that Soros replaced Vanderbilt. I can't recall the link precisely but it's an idea. You could look at the Soros surrogates involved in sex slavery and the Biltmore "pool" portrayed in pedo art, and try connecting the two families along bloodlines and abuse.
1c94e1 No.212072
4b72af No.212074
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
(((Brilliant))) starts explaining the Qanon phenomenon around the 5:50 mark….
….says MSMNews is dead and that reporting any news to /pol/ Q is like mainlining heroin that's how fast the news spreads into the system….
youtu.be/ BO1gEurWFaA
6da2e4 No.212075
HRC quotes.
b42740 No.212076
Beats faggot month and blapipo month I guess.
2331e5 No.212077
another typo → forgot the "re" on are pure fiction…
1c94e1 No.212078
None of the .gov sites are working for me. Not on my phone either on different IP. IDK. I will look for others similar.
64b61e No.212079
has it been 10 days?
83ea40 No.212080
Q will be back tomorrow with a New Years message, not before.
a9dc9d No.212081
She's an R i believe…also old news…check meme threads. Sorry, name escapes me…
96504f No.212082
btw, did everyone see the hussein's latest tweets! The pos!
8cf0c8 No.212083
I thought Rockefellers were the 4th family, the one that lost their power via the election. 4 families:
- Saudi royals
- Roths
- Soros (replaced (Y))
- The one that lost power via the election (Q doesn't give name here)
ae8aed No.212084
591a01 No.212085
q posts indicate soros replacing rockefeller. vanderbilt is disinfo.
64b61e No.212086
Jobs are kicking in and companies are coming back to the U.S. Unnecessary regulations and high taxes are being dramatically Cut, and it will only get better. MUCH MORE TO COME!
591a01 No.212087
53972f No.212089
GIVE US THIS DAY, OUR DAILY BREAD. So that we may eat, and fulfill our promise to help others eat. Bless you Baker. Shine on!
8574c3 No.212090
No, it was the Clintons who lost power via the election, unless you're saying the Clintons are Rockefeller surrogates and I need to brush up on my connections
49e79c No.212091
Yes, it's there and working, did you need help with something on it?
No worries I have it in a text file and update it with other things anons find that are good for digging. :)
>I use Social Media not because I like to, but because it is the only way to fight a VERY dishonest and unfair “press,
He is telling us that he NEEDS our memes
Up and at 'em!
NOW is the time to hit them hard, hit them where it hurt$ and hit them often. Don't let up, don't give them an inch.
8edc10 No.212092
Lionel is awesome. His piece on RT tv was decent too and basically he easily makes sense of Q without all the esoteric and religious lines. His points that we are all in this together and who the bad guys are (minus had farts, lol) are great. I cast him to the TV so the kids can watch too.
96504f No.212093
I thought so too at first, but if you read it differently it makes sense…Many stories & reports - a pure fiction!
bd3a16 No.212096
591a01 No.212097
go read the map and don't spout conjecture
c4a4bf No.212099
hey you, you sexy motherfucker :)
591447 No.212100
Middletown, PA 10/11/17 Re-aired 12/29/17
Air Nat’l Guard. YouTube 30 min mark
Trump “We shouldn’t be talking about it”
Hannity “the Calm Before The Storm, you’re not gonna talk about that either”
96504f No.212101
I think baruch & pamphlet anons need to get an interview with Lionel.
8574c3 No.212102
I'm legitimately in the camp of Vanderbilt. Not disinfo. Given that you didn't reply to anyone you may likely be a shill but regardless I think we should put aside the disinfo-calling until we solidly nail the Soros-Family link down. We still haven't, and we obviously really, really need to. If you've got the right link it should be self evident.
2331e5 No.212103
does seem ike a call out to reseacrch and post the TRUTH.
7f2e58 No.212104
Not the Saudis - Q said the 4th was gone shortly after Trump's election. Not Soros - Q said Soros, Obama, Clinton and others report to the 3 families.
So Rothchild & 2 others - Windsor may be one.
586dd4 No.212105
Know the Truth:
Dinosaurs are a lie
Neanderthals are a lie
The Egyptian pyramids were built in the 1700s
Aliens/UFOs are a lie
NASA is a sex trafficking&mind control organization
Civil Rights movement was a bunch of actors
Abortion is a satanic ritual to Moloch
cd5657 No.212106
You guess?? Lmao then what the hell are you doing here because I’m pretty sure most of the people on this board agree that selling children as sex slaves and used in trauma based ritualistic sacrifices are a top priority..
Or perhaps I’m wrong?
I don’t think so though lol nothing is worse than that… nothing
1c94e1 No.212107
The Open Society Institute’s activities in Iran have focused on humanitarian relief, public health, and arts and culture. These activities were undertaken with the knowledge of the Iranian government and in full compliance with the specific licenses granted by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, United States Treasury Department. In the aftermath of the devastating Bam earthquake in 2003, OSI provided emergency humanitarian relief to survivors—at the request of the Iranian government. None of OSI’s Iran activities have been funded or initiated by the U.S. government.
Like many other international and nongovernmental organizations, including the World Bank, OSI has relied on the expertise of consultants on the ground. OSI is currently ascertaining the status of those people.
OSI’s charitable efforts in Iran are intended to benefit the Iranian people and to promote dialogue between them and the international community.
8574c3 No.212108
I'm answering to conjecture not spouting it.
fa11ec No.212109
8e88cf No.212110
I thought it was the Rockefeller Family,, that Soros replaced?
cd5657 No.212112
Lmao oh man we got a live one
341913 No.212113
! kn3vv y0u vv45 g0!ng t0 54y d4+
c7146b No.212114
No NGO in the world is free from Soros control or Open Society control. Believe me: we euanons are expert about this, unfortunately.
Soros for us is like HC for you americans. I'd love to see him in a special place, but I'm even ready to pardon him in order to get ALL his NGOs and power and propaganda COMPLETELY DELETED from our countries.
Unfortunately, I'm not so sure it would happen.
f4ac3c No.212115
> did you need help with something on it?
<No. Another anon asked for the link is all. Had both handy. Thank you for your generous offer of assistance though, kind anon.
33d641 No.212116
Yeah, shes been bitching like a demon this week too. F— Mueller.
8574c3 No.212117
this, let the 4, 10, 20 talk die unless you're in a stringer thread
33171d No.212118
thanks for baking - just fired up other device so I could step in….
now not needed thank fk.
peace out.
One comment on Mr robot s03 ep10 -
(Finale) - This is the calm before the damn storm- related? Strange fucking timing if you ask me
036afa No.212119
8cf0c8 No.212120
Vanderbilt sounds plausible, the proof would be in bloodlines.
Clintons no fucking way, just pawns.
I'm still thinking about british royals. Remember that they were perhaps the most powerful in the world, 20th century took care of that.
I'm looking for Q's post about this so anons stop spouting nonsense.
c4a4bf No.212121
Lionel needs to come here
a45864 No.212123
LdR letter to HRC…"your Loyal, adoring pal"
de2358 No.212124
Q dude these real autists and those that are half there cannot deal with a 10 day off without guidance. Just telling you. If you want this storm - you need to support and guide.
96504f No.212125
It's almost over (the 10 days) anyway…
we just need to hang in there!
Trump tweet: "MUCH MORE TO COME!"
77a30c No.212126
>Two LV secuity guards COMPED
1c94e1 No.212127
Do the quotes correspond to dates: 4,10, 20?
ae8aed No.212128
what about zombie space jesus and his virgin angel channeling mom?
c063ab No.212129
Why is this relevant?
Here's your family → christiansagainstdinosaurs.com
Top kek!
cd5657 No.212130
“..And this month, I will sign into law S. 1536, the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act and S. 1532, the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act. These bills will keep those who commit trafficking offenses from operating commercial vehicles, improve anti-human trafficking coordination within Federal agencies and across State and local governments, and improve efforts to recognize, prevent, and report human trafficking…”
I love this guy
8574c3 No.212132
Don't forget HRC's penance in the other direction. If anything I think their alternating flattery suggests that they're quasi-equal members of the owl cult
a9dc9d No.212133
20 years Huma with Hillary. Huma connectios to SA = Clintons. Clintons had their hands in with everyone….a KEYSTONE of sorts..
Video sauce on Huma: https://youtu.be/ 8VC-GJUtGco
33d641 No.212134
Yeah, I'm basically aware of Soros fortune, but how did he become Dr Evil all by himself in one lifetime. Is he really a roths front man puppet?
89969b No.212135
This has been added to the batter. I don't know how to clean up the dead links above though. Where to direct folks on the Q petition?
8edc10 No.212136
I have considered the Clintons ( but they are not true old money players) the Bushes, because Prescott was a financier and their roots go farther back. Jeb/Hillary (their buddies) not getting the nod basically iced them out of up front moves.
Vanderbilts, Carnegie, Morgans and even Rockefellers and DuPonts were waning powers by at least fifty years. Daddy was a shadow broker with deep ties to the Saudis and thanks to his CIA tendrils, still had power.
And the Y thing, still makes me think that if we are talking about secret societies and cults, etc., the Bushes had a lot of that going on. Crowley ties or not, they were connected on many levels to a lot of stuff.
Hence why I still want to think GW would make a good GFIII. His heart just wasn't in it.
bd3a16 No.212137
cc145d No.212138
Speaking of Harvard, Larry Summers is yet another person of interest.
https://mathbabe. org/2012/03/11/why-larry-summers-lost-the-presidency-of-harvard/
c063ab No.212140
586dd4 No.212142
The rabbit hole is deeper then you think
fa11ec No.212144
Just answered a question. Prevented u from scolding me even worse when it got asked again. Forgive me Chan boss
8cf0c8 No.212145
By Q:
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
5bb839 No.212146
Space Jesus is real
711329 No.212148
The worst that will happen is the bread quality, focus, and activity drop.
The minute either Q returns or some major relevant news breaks, everything will snap back to how it was.
a9dc9d No.212149
There are pics of HRC with Rockefellers, emails with Roths, Huma to SA. She is a link to all in my book…which is why they call her Emperor Palpatine in DC and BO - Darth Vader. She ran the show for the cabal…
96504f No.212151
711329 No.212152
49e79c No.212153
No problem, I am here to help
This is great!
I think I addressed this >>212065 to the wrong person. Can you do it? Or >>212067
Just need that re-added to the pastebin for OP.
b42740 No.212154
I'm not so sure more special months is really a good thing, but if you must ask, child traffickers are up there with fags on list of people who deserve exterminatus.
1c94e1 No.212155
No fatalities. Destroying evidence?
586dd4 No.212157
The world really can't handle the truth
62b04c No.212158
White House Intern sparks controversy with hand gesture in Trump photo
source: msn.com
ae8aed No.212162
seems like a breddy cool guy to me.
591447 No.212163
Cognitive Dissonance is no longer an option
0663b2 No.212164
>Q will be back tomorrow with a New Years message, not before.
This message has been posted in the last few threads..
3c5b29 No.212167
Hillary Clinton
#4 confirmed, sauce
#10 confirmed, sauce
#20 confirmed
Paragraph 5
I hate this bitch
7f2e58 No.212168
>Emperor Palpatine
"In the [Star Wars] prequel trilogy, he is portrayed as a charismatic Senator from Naboo who uses deception and political manipulation to rise to the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, and then reorganizes the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor."
1c94e1 No.212169
Soros people are being driven out of Iran. People are taking their country back too.
33d641 No.212170
>>212138 This Harvard law fag. Laurence Tribe
Verified account
Dec 27
Retweet if you agree it’s totally crazy to suggest that the FBI — having helped sink Hillary’s campaign by revealing that she was under investigation while concealing that Trump was being investigated — has secretly been anti-Trump all along.
c4a4bf No.212171
the real diggers know whats up, the newfags and the shills push for Q to show up, Q does what Q wants and we do what we do, we don't beg like little bitches.
5bb839 No.212172
He fights ayyliens and doesnt afraid of anything
8cf0c8 No.212173
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
8574c3 No.212174
It was more a general message after the "this," but alas
With how much people are confusing the different links, I think you're right. We can't forget that even though there are four distinct families, they're all part of one web.
What if the intern making the signal so that the media can run the story exposes the intern as a media/clown plant?
Lads, I've only just returned after some days off but my head doesn't feel right. I don't know what's wrong but I'm not in the same way I was. Everybody is arguing about the simplest links. I'm going to sit it out for a bit, see y'all soon
49e79c No.212175
1a5772 No.212176
Petition thread I guess >>120430
Just remove what doesn't link, but be sure links exist for important things.
Don't forget to include this >>211983 and the new link to QMap pdf,
Thanks for updating!
586dd4 No.212177
You will be one of those in the hospital
c7f91f No.212178
In case you missed it earlier. Guantanamo sending 50 Arizona national Guard military Police. Read what the MP's say in the article about it being a secret deployment.
http:// www.azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military-police-unit-deploys-to-guantanamo
c4a4bf No.212179
would not mind watching a good old fashion extermination though of the cockroaches.
8edc10 No.212180
What makes you think he does't and look for the highlights. Admittedly, there haven't been many of late. Besides, he's pretty smart on all of the stuff that Q even asks about. It's the method that's working. Not one thing we have actually came from an insider. It all came after questions to connect, that were publicly available (or at least via wiki) Speaking of, Faux is talking about emails from Huma and regarding wiki. I saw a guy on twitter that has made all the PDFs all searchable on his own server. I aint going, for obvious reasons, but am passing on for those with possibly less fear of mining.
c4a4bf No.212181
Hope your Christmas was a blessed one desu, seems like a bunch of us are back and the bread is getting back on track
> samurai.jpg
781099 No.212182
maybe 1700BC idiot
89969b No.212183
Updated batter:
0aef84 No.212184
Save that for Bluebeam reveal!
456e71 No.212185
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
SGT Report mentioning QAnon and a lot more.
4afc4f No.212186
But then the sentence would disagree with itself in number. "Many" …. "a pure fiction". That's a grammatical error, but with "are" instead of "a" the grammar is correct.
So I think this is a likely missing letter event, missing "re".
49e79c No.212187
fa11ec No.212191
I was gigging you. Not cranky Anon. >>212174
77a30c No.212192
I was >< to joining a Soros NGO but got a bad vibe. Interestingly, all my former colleagues who were taking his cash distanced themselves from me about 2012 (around the same time I starting to push back against SJW bullshit). Since found out many are indeed pizza lovers. Sick!
c4a4bf No.212193
I don't want him to lurk, I want him to "talk" to us, I'm just being dumb. I know he lurks, same with many. many people. Lionel is good people, hopefully he reads this and knows at least this faggot supports him and just wants to say hi :(
591447 No.212194
Already am in the hospital Fag
8edc10 No.212195
If you haven't left yet, where is the sauce on the nicknames. I ask to tie it into Palpatine's revenge messages that got leaked. It is a verfiable tie in to HRC camp and the Feebs gone wild.
8e88cf No.212196
I posted newest picture of Huma late last night, and she definitely looks like she has a lumpy/bulging lower leg.
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE - Take your son to work day: Single mom Huma Abedin takes Jordan, 5, into Hillary Clinton offices as 2,800 of her emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop are released
Huma Abedin was seen leaving her New York City apartment on Friday afternoon with son Jordan
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ article-5221669/Huma-Abedin-takes-son-Jordan-Hillary-Clinton-offices.html
cd5657 No.212197
591447 No.212199
Bye 4 now, hope you get word from Q soon
c7146b No.212200
(I'd love this)
6576e7 No.212201
Q said
>> 19 OPs [now].
This looks like one of the keys to understanding double meanings…reread the crumbs
ALLCAPS are the names of OPs and actions.
[brackets] refer to time
[ACTIVEOPS] are bracketed and underway Time.now.
>>10 & [10]
Are completely different things…
10 is 12/7-17…a length of time
[10] is an operative action that took time.10?
49e79c No.212202
Thank you, sorry for the confusion…
Sure some will get smashed but won't show too much or will be smeared with 'brutalitaaay!". Clowns gonna lose over there more and more. Iran is going to be a little rough for a while.
b7c38c No.212203
https://threadreaderapp .com/thread/947185141306101760.html
ImpRex twatter thread.
0aef84 No.212204
Yeah, they are stupid.
One week the chans are White Supremacist, next week we are ousting them.
They miss every point except the ones popping out of their damn heads.
77a30c No.212205
I think it was Trump who went GFIII after his friends died on that free helicopter ride. Was cutting into (((mafia))) territory with his casinos. 9/11 just added to the determination.
8edc10 No.212206
It would break his anonymity and that would go against the board. Besides, he seems to be doing quite well with his show and yes, I enthusiastically recommend people that lurk here watching him. Regardless of Q stuff. He's on point and entertaining either way.
3ab9f1 No.212208
>Soros people are being driven out of Iran. People are taking their country back too.
Rising food prices. Hussein sent a lot of money over there and now the people are left with empty lunch bags while mullahs munch away.
c4a4bf No.212210
a liveleak video would suffice, kek
> we don't want bad optics
ac392c No.212212
Shocking to be independent from controlled rules. Why? Something's are necessary to untangle.
89969b No.212214
Updated to remove dead links and link new QMap.
a45864 No.212217
Caps on POTUS' tweet!
7c632d No.212220
c4a4bf No.212221
totally agree, lionel can stay in the shadows or keep doing what hes been doing, he is good people
0aef84 No.212222
I hate to ask this, but is that really HER kid?
OR some leftover Pizza she took home?
It's odd because I can't imagine any dude seeding that stupid Mussie cunt.
278d36 No.212223
Misspelled adrenochrome.
ae8aed No.212224
we are too fatigued and need rests
6576e7 No.212225
Q said
> 19 OPs [now].
This looks like one of the keys to understanding double meanings…reread the crumbs
ALLCAPS are the names of OPs and actions.
[brackets] refer to time
[ACTIVEOPS] are bracketed and underway Time.now.
>10 & [10]
Are completely different things…
10 is 12/7-17…a length of time
[10] is an operative action that took time.10?
cb39fc No.212226
Q mentioned BHO and the AIDS - Red
Today he abruptly fired the 16 AIDS counicl members who had been appointed by BHO.
What has been going on that is illegal possibly they have been doing?
https://truepundit.com/ trump-just-abruptly-fired-16-members-many-obama-appointees-hivaids-council/
0aef84 No.212227
Can you add the "james bond swirl" to that image?
96504f No.212228
Note - he's the only one NOT smiling. What is this?
1c94e1 No.212229
4afc4f No.212230
so a 90 day deployment under Operation Enduring Freedom. All those operation names made no sense to me when they applied to the Middle East. Is that "Operation" being repurposed?
cd5657 No.212231
This fuckin sick fuck
fa11ec No.212232
Yuuuugely relevant. Thanks Anon
4afc4f No.212234
Trump reportedly said that most the people from Haiti sent over here with Temporary Protected Status are HIV positive.
bd3a16 No.212235
CAN you understand speech?
586dd4 No.212236
f00c42 No.212238
The name "Steven Mobley" was VERY familiar to me.
The Mobley foundation gives plastic surgery to kids!!
Based in Utah, meh, CLDS
Wife Britta & 2 sons.
Wonder is 1 of them named after his Da
8d4bb2 No.212239
I keep going back to TRI as more of 3 factions. Yes there are families/bloodlines that make up those, but maybe we’re looking at “family” in the wrong context.
1c94e1 No.212240
Why are all these people dying under weird circumstances then?
Chased down by gunman.
27 year old has heart attack and then dies a week later.
781099 No.212241
this is good news
but seems to be following the positions footsteps..
89969b No.212244
That's worthy of batter, anon.
62772e No.212246
Saw this on FoxNews site.
Eric Shawn reports: In Iran, 'death to the dictator!'
4afc4f No.212247
Supposedly her kid with Anthony Weiner.
8e88cf No.212248
I was going to post about Trump firing everyone on Presidential AIDS council, awhile ago,, got busy,, thanks for posting it..
Anon was right,, many of us are tired and a little forgetful, from 2 months of researching,lol
77a30c No.212251
"I told them their mandate was to CURE AIDS, not be faggotic bugchasers."
1c94e1 No.212252
This is going to move fast.
8e88cf No.212254
And most of us, come from years of researching these types of things,, just Q put us all on steroids,lol
0aef84 No.212255
The Clown masters will kill the operators that can out them, many of these untimely dispatchings would prove to be damage control.
I think POTUS is allow them to eat their own and nab the survivors later (if not already).
fa11ec No.212256
Good news for sure. Motivates me to dig back in on this again >>212241
7f2e58 No.212257
You know, for a small, backward country, North Korea sure has a lot of embassies. None in the US, curiously. Africa 10 embassies, Americas 5, Asia 18, Europe 13. Hmmmnnnn. And a few consulates on top of that.
b42740 No.212258
3ab9f1 No.212259
>I hate to ask this, but is that really HER kid?
That's what struck me, too. It looks as if her own child has become her biggest burden..
62772e No.212260
Seems that way, but have also heard protesters are being shot dead as well, not sure of the validity of that though.
0aef84 No.212261
Can imagine them actually doing it.
Either perspective is sickening.
13a21b No.212263
Boot lady is wearing purple, too (globalist team color).
c7f91f No.212264
Spy Awan was in Hillary's computer, Who then Sold real time Intel to our enemies. They set up an ambush and shot down and killed 22 Navy Seals. This started the chain of events that has lead us here inside the MI community.
Aug 06 2011
http:// abcnews.go.com/International/helicopter-shot-25-navy-seals-dead-crash-afghanistan/story?id=14245387
8d4bb2 No.212265
That was my first thought as well.
89969b No.212266
I've been watching the bake process since halfchan and was all over the last thread. I think it's time to bust my cherry on a loaf.
(unless somebody really, really wants to)
1c94e1 No.212267
POTUS brought it up so I'm sure it's true.
b42740 No.212270
>dems ruining the color purple for all mankind
I actually liked it too.
96504f No.212271
Are you saying it's in error or on purpose?
0aef84 No.212272
That's going to be one messed up kid.
Both parents are going to be locked up.
Any relatives probably have horns.
1a5772 No.212273
Bluebeam or any other partial disclosure will not live up to their expectations. I'll see to that personally. Here's a nice picture of a cat, also read the edition name.
Very nice, thanks. Next baker is stil needed.
Thread going on smoothly. Thank you and much Love, dear anons. Some of you may wish to read
8edc10 No.212274
OEF is a specifically funded thing. Its about the money. And besides, we might be geting ready to send a bunch of someones from somewhere there that are in fact, not American. The rooms can repurposed for Hez, some paki bad guys, eh, non citizens. I hate the bunch we want brought down, but I cannot support them going to Gitmo until some real evidence is brought forward. Then it's game on. I wonder if O ever sent real citizens to G'mo that didn't agree with him.
756899 No.212275
would make sense if he gave us the wrong order (disinfo is necessary), like he led us to focus on US the day before SA happened
d49008 No.212276
Is Iran news related to taking out Soros?
Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
Q !ITPb.qbhqo Thu 7 Dec 2017 22:05:16 913bb1 No.51984
Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)
Banks / Financial Institutions
WW Gov Control
Gov Controls People
Oil Tech Sex/Children
SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)
Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)
_\ (present)
Order is critical.
Strings cut to US/UK.
Expand your thinking.
Swamp drain.
1 - sexual harassment exit + future
[R] - No.
Bomb away.
de2358 No.212277
Wow this shit has really slowed down
Bitches get your shit in order. :)
96504f No.212280
She sure doesn't treat him very lovingly, just allowing him to trail along. Not very motherly I guess.
ecf41f No.212281
62772e No.212282
Now why are you trying to muscle in a baker that is doing just fine?
5bb839 No.212283
Cant trust cats. They have Y Heads.
c44497 No.212284
Nice! Check your spelling.
49e79c No.212285
Iran is in a very difficult position - I mean the country itself. It's the keystone in the Shia Crescent, is Israel's and KSA's mortal enemy. It is also the challenger for hegemon of the region and couldn't be destroyed until Syria was torn down.
It's govt has been overthrown 3 times by clowns. There are good and bad people in Iran. Clowns fund, arm & train several terrorist groups in there and in the region (obviously). It's in the clown's interest to have Iran in its control. The people, especially the young, really hate the repression. They are not blood-thirsty beasts who hate America, they are not themselves terrorists. Those rallies with Death to America & burning flags? You know what happens if they don't show up? Ouch.
A lot of things have had to fall into place for this to happen now. Soros has been kicked out of Russia (warrant for him dead or alive) even Pakistan (!). His side of the triangle is being flushed right now. He works with clowns on their color revolutions (with NED and others). Clown terrorists are wreaking havoc in Iran to maintain and counterbalance the sweep. Ourguys thwarting (pipeline blown up could be worse). As was said in the last thread, it's confusing because it has to be.
211204 No.212286
This might be the worst pic in that article. There's another (and only the one) that shows her LEFT leg, which has an obvious, large "bump" on her shin.
5bb839 No.212287
89969b No.212288
Because the baker left, anon.
6e736f No.212289
I know noticed as soon as i posted doing to many things at once
62772e No.212290
8d4bb2 No.212291
Question is: CAN anyone really understand speech?
1a5772 No.212292
Thank you baker! Remember to prepare early, get things ready and link your bake. You got this.
Try petting a cat and see how you feel.
Here is a spiritual master, then.
1c94e1 No.212293
Seeing how the world will be post Trump seems like a dream.
e67067 No.212294
Washington is pointing him out
266724 No.212295
YES!!!! Great idea! lionel will LOVE that!
Just email him asap. He always replies.
He loves Q! I ve watched him for over a year, and he's never been so happy as since Q!
49e79c No.212296
8cf0c8 No.212297
Interesting. Re-reading crumbs I do realize that I had already gotten close-minded about this. For example, it is not obvious that +, ++ and +++ are the 3 families that control everything.
89969b No.212298
yw, anon. Yes, He is my spiritual master.
5bb839 No.212299
They bite a lot. Little demons.
e67067 No.212300
756899 No.212301
Missing "re" definitely deliberate
Must be better than that tho
3ab9f1 No.212303
Weiner knows he was set up with her to begin with, he then resorts to sexting underaged girls.
Some might have thought with the fame and fortune he had while in the House he could have found a decent Jewish girl?
Turkey basted boy whose 'father' is in jail.
5bb839 No.212304
Maybe it was always a dream and its time to start waking.
62772e No.212305
>They bite a lot. Little demons.
Mosquitoes, just gotta know how to splat tha lil shits.
de2358 No.212306
Weiner is sick much like many.
He may be the downfall
96504f No.212307
de2358 No.212310
I am not Q but for focus
perhaps check and focus on the DNC hack and the Seth connection and then show others it was not a hack.
bf51bb No.212311
Intense lion looks intense
a24875 No.212312
That is Congressman Scalise. He was shot at the Congressional baseball practice. He is not wearing a boot!
ae8aed No.212313
we're supposed to be making memes and spreading them on social media
33fccc No.212314
maybe they knew something about the las vegas shooting. had they seen something? had they said something on social media? who were they?
96504f No.212316
"re" is usually an abbreviation for "regarding". But could he mean "relevant" - as in check into some of these fake stories because there is something relevant in them? May point to "who" is their source or who is making them up using some relevant data?
f3ead4 No.212317
330256 No.212320
I have put my whole life on hold because my main goal throughout my day is digging for information and spending my time with you Anons. I get on when I wake up, during day, during night, & before bed! Kek!
My thirst for truth is unquenchable because I KNOW in my bones there is something MAJOR being kept from us but I can't figure out what or WHY?!
I just want the damn truth!!!
8d4bb2 No.212321
Yup, maybe they’re just the public representation of those factions.
96504f No.212322
No, it's the lady to his right. Who is she?
ae8aed No.212323
8e88cf No.212324
Trying to find the 16 members of presidential Aids council,, Wikipedia updated them into former members. Here is list
And Trump has to fill positions by January 2nd.
There are no current members as of 29 December 2017
List part 1
Former members[edit]
Nancy Mahon JD, PACHA Chairperson - Senior Vice President, M.A.C Cosmetics; Global Executive Director, Mac AIDS Fund
David Holtgrave PhD, PACHA Vice-Chair - Professor and Chair, Department of Health, Behavior and Society; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland
Ada Adimora MD MPH - Professor, School of Medicine, Professor of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jeffrey S. Akman MD - Vice President for Health Affairs, George Washington University; Dean, George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Oliver Clyde Allen III - Presiding Bishop, United Progressive Pentecostal Fellowship of Churches, Atlanta, Georgia
Lucy A. Bradley-Springer PhD RN ACRN FAAN - Editor, Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Associate Pressor Emerita, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
Gina M. Brown MSW - Planning Council Co-ordinator, New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council
Ulysses W. Burley III MD MPH - Program Director, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois
Nicholas A. Carlisle JD - Executives Director, Southern AIDS Coalition
Vignetta Charles PhD - Chief Science Officer, ETR Associates
Cecilia Chung - Senior Strategist, Transgender Law Center
William H. Collier - Head North America, VIIV Healthcare, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Michelle Collins-Ogle MD FAAP AAHIVS - Director, Infectious Diseases, Warren-Vance Community Health Center Inc., Henderson, North Carolina
Yvette Flunder D. Min. - Founder and Senior Pastor, City of Refuge United Church of Christ, Presiding Bishop, The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, Oakland, California
Grissel Granados MSW - Project Coordinator, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Jen Kates PhD - Chac Liaison, Director of Global, Health and HIV Policy
Gabriel Maldonado MBA - Executive Director and CEO, Truevolution, Riverside, California
Ligia Peralta MD FAAP FSAHM AAHIVS - President and CEO, Casa Ruben Foundation, Commissioner, Maryland Health Care Commission
Harlan Pruden - Two-Spirit Community Organizer, Vancouver, Canada
Scott A. Schoettes JD - HIV Project Director/Senior Attorney, Lambda Legal, Chicago, Illinois
Lawrence Stallworth II - Project Assistant and HIV Prevention Specialist, Abounding Prosperity Inc.
Elizabeth Styffe RN MN - Director, HIV/AIDS Ad Orphan Care Initiatives, Saddleback Valley Community Church
Mildred Williamson PhD MSW - Director, Research and Regulatory Affairs, Cook County Health and Hospitals System, Chicago, Illinois
Thomas A. Coburn, M.D., former co-chair - an obstetrician and former Republican congressman from Oklahoma who gained a national reputation for his opposition to safer sex as a way to prevent HIV infections. Dr. Coburn is currently serving as the Junior Senator from Oklahoma.
Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., former co-chair - President's Office, Morehouse School of Medicine, Sullivan was the Secretary of Health and Human Services during the George H. W. Bush administration
Rosa M. Biaggi, M.P.H., M.P.A – Connecticut Department of Public Health
Charles W. Blackwell – Served as the Council's only Native American member from 1997 to 2001.[2]
Jacqueline S. Clements – Lincoln Community Health Center. Clements is an HIV testing counselor in rural North Carolina who is living with HIV and lost her husband and child to AIDS.
Mildred Freeman – Director, Health Education Division, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
John F. Galbraith – President and CEO, Catholic Medical Mission Board
Edward C. Green, Ph.D. – Senior Research Scientist, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
David Greer – A marketing and communications consultant in Philadelphia. He is living with HIV.
Cheryl-Anne Hall
Jane Hu, Ph.D. – CEO & Founder, China Foundation, a philanthropic think tank
Karen Ivantic-Doucette, M.S.N, FNP, ACRN – Marquette University College of Nursing
Rashida Jolley
Franklyn N. Judson, M.D. – Professor and Director, Denver Public Health Department
Abner Mason – Executive Director, AIDS Responsibility Project
Sandra S. McDonald – President/Founder, OUTREACH, Inc
Maybe top of list is the most recent members? trying to find news story that lists the newest fired members.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Presidential_Advisory_Council_on_HIV/AIDS
8edc10 No.212326
Can you imagine someone who is supposedly (and she is, but you get my point) tied to a radical Muslim organization actually sucking it up for the team and letting a jew boink her AND getting preggo. I bet it took everything she had not to off them at birth. Bitch.
330256 No.212327
Hmmm…could that Area 51 "embassy" be NK's?
8e88cf No.212328
Joe S. McIlhaney, M.D.
Henry McKinnell, Jr., Ph.D. – Chairman & CEO Pfizer Inc
Brent Tucker Minor – Co-chair of the Ryan White Planning Council. He is living with HIV.
Jose A. Montero, M.D. – Associate Professor of Medicine, University of South Florida
Dandrick Moton – Director, Community and Youth Relations, Choosing to Excel
Beny Primm, MD – The Addiction Research and Treatment Corp.
David Reznik, D.D.S. – Chief, Dental Service, Grady Health System. Reznik is an expert in oral health care for people living with HIV, and serves on the Ryan White Planning Council of Metropolitan Atlanta.
Debbie Rock – Executive Director, Baltimore Pediatric HIV Program, Inc
Reverend Edwin Sanders II – Senior Servant, Metropolitan Interdenominational Church
Prem Sharma, D.D.S., M.S. – Associate Dean Emeritus, Marquette School of Dentistry
Lisa Mai Shoemaker – HIV/AIDS Activist/Motivational Speaker
Anita Smith – Children´s AIDS Fund
Don Sneed – Executive Director, Renaissance III, a non-profit organization providing AIDS-related services in south Texas. Sneed is a former addict, and is living with HIV.
M. Monica Sweeney, M.D., M.P.H. – Assistant Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center of Brooklyn
Ram Yogev, MD – Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Medical School and Medical Director, Pediatric and Maternal HIV Infection, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.
89969b No.212329
Get a legit list of only the 16 members that were removed and it'll be added to the batter, anon.
aaef2e No.212330
You don't understand, these people live ABOVE muslim, christian, etc. THey are strait up satanists.
8d4bb2 No.212331
The Matrix starts looking a little more real and not just a metaphor, doesn’t it?
c7f91f No.212332
Chase the White Rabbit….
Jefferson Airplane song White Rabbit
Chase the Airplanes
3ab9f1 No.212333
Notice the 6-6-6 descending and the 6 + in 3-2-1.
1838ea No.212334
I would guess Rockefellers… Q said that the family was taken care of before POTUS took office. I think Bushes are part of the Rockefellers crowd.
89969b No.212335
No wonder Q doesn't mention the Bushes!
51fcc1 No.212336
You would think she would have PP in her contacts FFS
756899 No.212337
hmm that's a good idea
21c419 No.212338
Which in reality would mean it's the Clowns In America's "embassy."
330256 No.212339
HRC better pay for her crimes and they all need to be made PUBLIC!!
06d4ce No.212340
b673e2 No.212341
missing Argentine sub. Red October? they did fake it's destruction in the movie.
fe18e4 No.212342
Dec 25 2017, 15:57:38
10, [10-9]
Floor is yours.
Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]
http://www.wsj.com/video/trump-denounces-iran-as-a-rogue-regime/E1023BE2-32C7-448F-8749-C6039BE024B9. html
Iran is the rogue.
POTUS has given the ok to take out the Iran mullahs. Delta Force company has infiltrated. They have the floor.
21c419 No.212343
51fcc1 No.212345
Just throwing this out there, think he knows there is a cure and the huge dollars these fucks on the AIDS advisory council were just leeches and he drained that S-A-P?
0aef84 No.212346
The "shared interest in oil" suggests bush and the fellers are in it. They go way back.
8caee5 No.212347
Its one of ours. missing usnavy trident sub, rouge crew & small seal team
8e88cf No.212349
The council's website at hiv.gov has already deleted the profiles of the members who were terminated and a call for nominations to the council was posted in the Federal Register earlier this month with a deadline of Jan. 2.
This is not helpful,lol they deleted those members profiles,.
Here is the Hill story on it.
http://thehill.com/ business-a-lobbying/366808-trump-terminates-hiv-aids-advisory-panel-members-as-he-seeks-replacements
89969b No.212351
Does anybody have any sauce on the potential Uranium Passenger that was on the LAX plane with John Legend and Chrissy Teigen? See below.
1a5772 No.212352
Area 51 is not an embassy. Area 51 is (was?) a joint op project between the cabal and the negative aliens. This does not matter today, because the "fight" is in OUR HANDS. If you disagree please take it to the alien thread.
f3ead4 No.212353
Not only is there a cure but (((they))) created it.
c7146b No.212354
Refreshing, thanks. It coincides with my thoughts about Iran.
I never trust these "revolutions" and "springs": 99% are staged by clowns and Soros.
All this bullshit about "oh they want freedom and democracy blah blah" we've heard it over Lybia, Iraq, Ukraina etc, and all we got was a bloody mess, Isis, Al Qaida and islamic dictatorship.
Let's hope this time is a genuine one. I'm skeptik…
c7f91f No.212355
If that's true then I would assume that we are already at war.
0aef84 No.212356
It is suggested by several anons that the other reference to "Hunt for Red October" was the ending plot.
The Russian sub fired a torpedo that was outmaneuvered and it hit the sub that launched it. This is a parallel to the Special Council investigation launching a probe into Russian collusion… It's coming around to hit them…
266724 No.212357
According to this. The Rots control 3 types of assets: cult learders, church and pedorings.
So.. They probably run (cult /church) scientologie, freemasons, Satanic cult, blood cult and pope as well.
The SA have the muslim church as an asset too. Besides money and oil and children.
51fcc1 No.212358
This anon gets it.
bf7df1 No.212359
Q said it's little/nothing to do with that Argentina submarine:
> the hunt for red october
>This is a reference to the submarine that went missing just recently?
Q: >Incorrect.
from: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150166775#150170117
936dd3 No.212360
I updated the site, I got one person confirm for me that the new quiz works but I could use another since I had to fix a bug, any questions you type in the box at the end of the quiz, I'll add and maybe this can grow into something that'll educate normies quicker than anything.
That's my intention anyway, just please take a look cause I'm not 100% it even works and if it doesn't please use the contact box to let me know.
just the quiz
The whole site
225d59 No.212361
sure hope so
i could use that fucking cure
anyone remember a couple years ago when that plane was shot down over ukraine that had all those AIDS scientists on board????
think it might be connected to theses firings.
781099 No.212362
i'd have to agree with this.
can someone fill me in on these brackets though? i was called a right winger for doing this on a site
1838ea No.212363
A bread or 2 ago, I posted that the indictment was now public for the 9/11 collaborators. An anon replied that the story had been debunked 4 times already. I looked back and haven't been able to find anything about it other than I post that said can't confirm.
How do I know the anon who said it was debunked wasn't a shill?
I want the story to be true and saw at least 3 YT's. One basically read the 7 page document with all the legal mumbo jumbo.
Can any anons help with sauce on this? TY
6c61a9 No.212364
Thank you, pretty baker! Could you restore "notable posts" from thread #244? Some are missing after that one
8caee5 No.212365
781099 No.212366
whats the info behind the brit heli behind it? surely they had comms.
ill dig into the sub
862351 No.212367
Feelings mutual. Its understandable for what he does. Just a jab here and there.
d5ad3d No.212368
The CIA/MOSSAD have been running the global kakistocrisy through the financial aid of the BIS.
Their job is to vet, compromise and remove anyone that goes against the one-government plan, along with manage all the shipping companies.
Wikileaks has been the CIA's puppet show for over a year since Assange was taken from the embassy (or worse), and they've been releasing tampered documents, removing others, and crippled the search system.
The only reason why president Donald John Trump can rely on his staff is because they are military and not soft bellied drugged out child rapists and murderers
f3ead4 No.212369
Is right winger an insult though?
3ab9f1 No.212370
>I would guess Rockefellers… Q said that the family was taken care of before POTUS took office. I think Bushes are part of the Rockefellers crowd.
Soros was only a kid of 15 in WWII. Rothschild's took down the Queen post WWII. Soros grew up and appears to have taken out the Rockefellers. Queen's Throne diverted a lot of $$$ to the Saudis, it's how the money was laundered. Queen has been unfortunate, she lost the colonies after WWII and then Soros killed the pound in early 90's, and then the gold was sold off 99-02 at the lowest prices, or best deal, in decades!
21c419 No.212371
This is based on this comment from bread 248.
62772e No.212373
To liberals and demoncraps it would be considered as calling you out with an insult.
51fcc1 No.212374
with the list anon gave above, its worth a dig
f3ead4 No.212375
Diseases, biology, plant sciences, those I know. The rest I'm behind on.
ae8aed No.212376
Synagogue of Satan
c1a84f No.212377
White Rabbit (in tree)?
c7f91f No.212378
You should have corrected him and said "no, I am a Deplorable"
781099 No.212381
4b72af No.212382
She has taken off her hijab and is waiving it in protest
62772e No.212384
49e79c No.212385
I think what is happening is that the clowns in their government (that the clowns put there in the first place) are being outsted (which normal Iranian people want) and therefore the clown-run terrorists are lashing out there trying to stop it. It's one of the last places they have. There was a lot said in the last thread about it - what they are losing and have lost in the ME and elsewhere.
6576e7 No.212386
They were in the JFK dumps…
I think this was something we glossed over and should give more attention to
8cf0c8 No.212387
Digits well deserved.
This TRI/families stuff is a tough nut to crack. I'm guessing we need some serious history digging. Remember the british royal family practically controlled the world at one point, we need to study how the power got dispersed during 20th century. If anyone wants some big picture almond activating (although it's only about Rockefellers and Carnegies) I'd suggest "norman dodd on tax exempt foundations".
Nice. Is Soros taking Rocks out a hunch or do you have something? I was honestly convinced that it was The Great Meme War that killed Rocks.
266724 No.212388
Whats so special about Soros?
I know he has his claws into every organisation/foundation, but he started out as a thievig jew, adopted at 16 by a nazi.
WHAT is the seat of his power? What does he have/connects too what we r missing?
bf7df1 No.212389
Done the quiz yesterday – worked just fine. If you updated it after that, I can go and try again.
fe18e4 No.212392
Q is busy risking his neck to MAGA. I think Q may be missing in action…. we miss him, he is in middle of action in Iran.
e67067 No.212393
delta is also gitmo
89969b No.212395
Thanks for the heads up. It's hot in the kitchen!
ae8aed No.212396
If you look at the other movies the creators of the matrix made then it might make even more sense…
e37a88 No.212397
why is the half chan saying vegas nuke?
57a8cc No.212398
>>212362 Explanation.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=iUS8bOLuqeI
21c419 No.212399
Holy fucksticks, Batman.
Just go back and read the Q drops. He's a major evil player.
225d59 No.212400
When it happened i swore that (((they))) had killed someone on that flight. Bet they were headed to that conference to tell the world they had found a cure.
fe18e4 No.212401
Pay attention.
It is happening now.
In Iran
8d4bb2 No.212402
But is it really a cure, if it’s for something that doesn’t really exist?
781099 No.212403
haha imagine being here and not understanding the multiple heads of dragons. to be honest i was under the impression it was refering to zionists
laugh out loud
266724 No.212404
Easy anon. I've read that shit. Just think we r missing a major connection, some fucking bloodline or whatever between that piece of shit and the others
0aef84 No.212405
Perhaps the "darNKess" message does not mean a "power outage" but instead an INTERNET outage.
They can't launch anything evil with no data.
Is there a way online to see if NK is "online" or not?
4b72af No.212406
Q is busy taking down Iran
e2a567 No.212407
Distraction is necessary.
These people are stupid.
What has happened in the world since CBTS started and (you) we were distracted?
What has really happened?
Watch the news.
Fiddle being played. Take notice.
8caee5 No.212408
Word on the street.
8d4bb2 No.212410
a669b1 No.212411
reminder of what Q said, the key opens all doors, the use of basic statistical analysis tools would give Q live updates to everyone on the boards by platform…they already said so..scary message???
e19b00 No.212412
A suggestion for focus:
Let's target our meme audience.
Lately I have been seeing a lot of vocal neverTrumpers and antiFa on socials who talk about issues that are getting reaction from us.
But there is a large group of undecideds that have no source of information. Let's target our memes and posts to them.
The President tweets out what he wants the public to understand, so let's take our Que from those tweets.
So this means we have to look more professional, more news like in our memes and graphics if we are trying to step in for CNN, influence-wise.
Our memes cannot use words that only the extremes understand. They cannot look like retribution or axe-grinding, but must look more like news, or magazine pieces.
Some of CBTS meme quality is outstanding. I am just saying we should deliberately appeal to those who don't get any real news, who have not chosen a side. Let's make it easy for them. And then that will begin to soften the edges of the left. I think this approach is more targeted and realistic.
49e79c No.212413
Once you narrow it down to 16, you can use the research tools (like Little sis) in the OP to find them and their connections with each other and other persons of interest.
3ab9f1 No.212414
The back engineered technology is what the Cabal has been using for their own advantage. Trump's EO is vague in names, but far reaching in terms of misuse of Gov't contracts. I have a suspicion that Elon Musk will be in some deep shit over TESLA Motors and SpaceX. It's black ops products funded thru the Deep State. Musk must surely know that his toys are 60 years obsolete compared to what really exists. "Renewable energy products" require the metals that China and NK have.
eb494a No.212415
= Floor is yours
c15e1e No.212416
Considering the fact that left wing, right wing, republican, democrat, fascism, communism, et al are constructs of the cabal, I'd say yes to that! Our true human selves is what we're aiming to achieve after 6,500 years of their shite.
21c419 No.212417
I'm not "we" but whatever you say.
c7146b No.212419
Yep, I understand this.
Though, it's always suspect when thousands of people suddenly hit the roads at the right moment waving signs of "democracy and freedom".
There's a suspect of heterodirection… and that is never a good thing.
756899 No.212420
>19 OPs [now]
now = when
so maybe brackets means when something will happen
if so it might be jan 10 before that thing happens
fe18e4 No.212421
<iframe width="571" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/25gG_WxzXcE" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
96504f No.212422
He does put "press" and "sources" in quotes.
f3ead4 No.212424
What does Satan love? Money and pain. It's a win win for Satanists. Cause pain and make money from it. Same with every disease. And for bonus points the medications for the disease also make you sick. They love to cause that pain.
8d4bb2 No.212425
Morpheus: I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it.
0e99db No.212426
Zbigniew Brzezinski died months ago, but he was named in the indictment.
21c419 No.212427
Bombs (memes) away!
2331e5 No.212428
also love the layout and color.
8d4bb2 No.212429
They’re on both sides of every war.
916c00 No.212430
You mean that fake Nevada document?
8cf0c8 No.212431
Agree, understanding how the hell Soros became Soros would be really helpful.
2331e5 No.212433
What does Satan love? → self
0e99db No.212434
Satan is simply a name for an adversary. The nature of that adversary depends on the context.
fe18e4 No.212435
Rogue = Iran. ( See posts above)
MSM is hiding the War!
Meme the shit out of revolution in Iran
0e99db No.212436
Yes, there were plenty of other errors, but that one stood out to me.
34e488 No.212437
Baker - been asking a while how, possibly already discussed. can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Recommended reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. Connects a lot of dots. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
This will expand to readable:
4b5de9 No.212438
https://fellowshipoftheminds. com/2017/12/23/epidemic-of-medical-boots-now-its-rep-jackie-speier/ and archive http://archive. is/54zBk
10/14 Hillary "broken toe"
11/06 McCain "torn achilles' tendon
12/22 Jackie Speier in Twitter pic [no reason given]
I think I've seen others but they may have been matching "in support of HER"
21c419 No.212439
Like a bookie. They got both sides covered and they end up a winner.
23697d No.212440
BO, can we unban TOR yet? It'd be nice to contribute to this board with some degree of anonymity. Thanks
96504f No.212441
nothing but for to steal, kill and destroy.
why kill and destroy? kill - refers to the first death; destroy - refers to the second death.
49e79c No.212442
Here is a post with the infographics created so far (-1)
with direct links to the images so you don't have to open a bunch of threads (or the meme threads)
CEO one was missing but is here: >>208371
MS-13, Twitter, Obama/Alwaleed/HUMA >>208109
Am read and able to make any to order right now - suggestions welcome
What do we need?
What does he need us to tell the public for him?
Give me input and I'll make it.
d5ad3d No.212443
We got satanists in here using colorful background images mocking those who found a weakness in the chatbot system.
They are a group of satanists that go by the name of GIYUS, their tell is they can only mock and try to humiliate, they will never dig, never make a positive meme because of their satanic ways, pretty sure that's the bakers union because of their links to infowars, another zionist production.
aedb89 No.212444
What happened to most of the boards???? They’re 404
29e632 No.212445
Huma Abedins emails SEARCHABLE now!
huma -emails.thebradfordfile.com/emails
might be worth to dig
ae8aed No.212446
they've had a cure for like 20 years just hide it to sell pills.
fe18e4 No.212447
LOL my wife says Q is gonna grab Khomeini and take him to GTMO.
1838ea No.212449
The document acknowledged that he was deceased. Perhaps to gain access to his assets?
a0aa9d No.212450
I agree - it's like there's a missing link. Been trying to find his connection to whatever power line, but I end up on dead ends. He and some guy named Sachs are considered pretty much responsible for what happened to Russian economy in the toilet after dissolution of the Soviet Union - this is why Putin hates him.
But I cannot find any connection to a power line with him and I know that no one works in a vacuum. It continues to plague me. If any one can find that connection it will be the holy grail!
4b72af No.212451
MSM News has been trying to bury the Iran story all day!!!
49e79c No.212452
Sorry, missed that before I posted >>212442
I'll look for photos and stuff and post some output
781099 No.212453
woah woah guilty of the imagetext but whos this guy with the bombs
f3ead4 No.212454
Satan doesn't love himself. If he did he wouldn't be doing what he is doing. Satan (Lucifer) was always jealous of God's power. But nothing he does down here will ever equal what God can do.
1838ea No.212455
How come you believe it is fake?
c063ab No.212456
Love him!!
Great guy for the normies.
red pill thrillz.
b42740 No.212457
See? this kind of rhetoric doesn't help anything. If people think that (((they))) are working both sides, they might come to the conclusion that the answer is not to fight at all, even for their people, and that's not good…
89969b No.212458
What shall I title it? "The World Government?"
34e488 No.212459
always thought "Asia" was vague/out of name place since he was clearly IDing other country
ae8aed No.212460
it's all fake news so whatever they are saying is bullshit lies
d49008 No.212462
Trump ‘mentally retarded’ over nuclear pact, says Ayatollah
European aviation consortium Airbus signed billions of dollars in sales agreements with the Islamic Republic, France’s Total SA and state-run China National Petroleum Corporation signed a $5 billion agreement with Iran to develop the country’s massive offshore natural gas field, and French motor manufacturer Groupe Renault signed a $778 million deal.
Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the European Union – the other parties to the nuclear accord – have been telling Mr Trump’s administration to stay in the deal.
https ://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/trump-mentally-retarded-over-nuclear-pact-says-ayatollah-1.3260677
f3ead4 No.212464
What can we do for these protesters?
7f2e58 No.212465
There was a suggestion that might have been an early draft … at which point Brz may still have been alive.
419219 No.212466
30 flights to Gitmo since Dec 18
http:// www.puppetstringnews.com/
4b72af No.212469
Iran protests: How Trump can strike a fatal blow against a dangerous, tyrannical regime
www.foxnews.com/opinion/ 2017/12/30/iran-protests-how-trump-can-strike-fatal-blow-against-dangerous-tyrannical-regime.html
8edc10 No.212470
Here's where that whole relationship doesn't pass the WTF test for me. He is a schlep. What purpose did he serve?
He was an aide to Chuck Schumer ( go figure, right) did a little city time, to get his name out there - then supposedly popular with his district, with seven terms and over 60% of the vote. Perhaps he was selected for grooming as an easily controllable dude, especially since he was a pedo? He was in Washington in the right years to be "seen" by the Clinton Machine, for sure.
He was hugely poro choice, so yeah, she should have had PP on speed dial for a lot of reasons, not just to get their lobbying funds and first dibs on snacks (shudder)
They (he and Huma) married in 2010, as he continually was pressing for mayoral duties in NYT (hugely powerful and influential spot and would have been great, attached to HRC) But he just couldn't convert -maybe part of his middle (diddler) kid syndrome, and he quickly became a liability, obviously.
I still have a very hard time believing people that have several phones, and lots of electronics shared a laptop. Who DOES that these days? I do think he was skimming Huma's stuff for personal safety or blackmail potential.
f6181b No.212472
Now ==that== makes sense
ae8aed No.212473
Musk seems to have gone white hat
62772e No.212474
Get Opra browser and turn on the free vpn
21c419 No.212476
I was just pointing out that people like the Roths set themselves up so that whomever wins in skirmishes, they win as well. An observation.
0c5084 No.212477
emails - searchable
http:// huma-emails.thebradfordfile.com
0aef84 No.212478
Average number of passengers suspected in each delivery?
a74901 No.212479
That's Scalise using canes. He's the one that got shot at baseball game. Good guy.
ae8aed No.212480
clown talking heads is what they really are. journalism is long gone
fe18e4 No.212481
I still can't figure out
Twitter FW_
4b72af No.212482
Iran's protests are powerful and real. Why are mainstream media outlets so hesitant to report on them?
www.foxnews.com/opinion/ 2017/12/30/irans-protests-are-powerful-and-real-why-are-mainstream-media-outlets-so-hesitant-to-report-on-them.htm
756899 No.212483
missing “re”
Capitals in () are correct so maybe they don't factor in…not seeing a clear message yet
8d4bb2 No.212484
No, you need to understand their tactics to be able to overcome it. It’s reality. If anything it should piss you off and make you vigilant.
916c00 No.212485
Names dead individuals, misspells others, not formatted correctly, not properly identified with correct numbering scheme. All of these have been pointed out over the last several days. Everyone pretty much agrees it's a fake.
45e111 No.212486
Scary ?
No, the bad guys can come after me if they want. I've spent the past 5 years trying to win freedom from Europe, "private detectives" asking the neighbours questions …. even had my tax returns fucked with.
I see supporting DJT as the best way of draining the swamp we have here in the UK and Europe. As we've discovered over the past few months it's just one big swamp …. a game for politicians to play.
0e99db No.212487
Christians have no clue about Satan.
https:// www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=number+israel&t=KJV#s=s_primary_0_1
c7f91f No.212488
That would explain a lot. Can you imagine the danger the operators would be in on a mission like that??
fe18e4 No.212489
5ba555 No.212491
I would say they had the cure before spreading the virus.
They sold big amount of AZT (supposed to cure AIDS) but this drug was killing more efficiently and more quickly people. But as the side effects of AZT were exactly the sames as AIDS people believed to die because of AIDS.
This is horrible.
fe18e4 No.212493
Look up RSBN.>>212488
Q asked us to pray for them… in next drop
13a21b No.212495
Anons have speculated that Weiner is a Mossad asset or agent.
bf6990 No.212497
Best interpretation yet. So going with the Iran theme, does Twitter fit in due to Iranian protesters organizing using Twitter?
And how does Confirm White White fit in?
34e488 No.212498
damn why didn't I think of that. beautiful. got me rumminatin. they part of Trump train. we overlook WA trail derailment as badplayers/pathetic outcome. altho they say that dead pedo was/going to sing on global slavery ring.
aedb89 No.212499
It’s a news network
4f0ec1 No.212500
Theory is AIDS is a Clowns In America engineered bio weapon according to Donald W. Scott Youtube videos concerning MYCOPLASMA.
f3ead4 No.212502
Of course (((they))) had a cure. You don't see any of (((them))) dying of AIDS. Not a single one of them.
8aff34 No.212503
i took most of the day off for 2 days… i feel alot better.
ae8aed No.212504
e19b00 No.212505
Your work is supreme.
Also need smaller concept and smaller sizes (like 400 and 700 square for Twitter.
Ideas that need to be turned into memes are
1. POTUS declaring AntiSlavery Month
2. POTUS jobs kicking in
3. Tax cut
4. Support of Iranian revolution
Things that show we are moving in a positive direction - I'm just looking at his twitter feed.
I have to go now. I will try to come up with concise wording for these ideas and get them to you tomorrow if needed. I will look in latest meme rep under your id to see if needed.
Thank you, your work is so fine.
85ea04 No.212506
¿Trialteral Commision? Founded by dRockefeller
3 families.
Also, i ve heard many times that rock family was an the us branch of Roth family.
8aff34 No.212507
62772e No.212508
Interesting if anything else,
www .foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/30/senators-trip-to-russia-scuttled-after-visa-denied-over-sanctions-black-list.html
8d4bb2 No.212509
Because it’s about doing what’s best for their people and what will make them happy and prosper, which is not what’s profitable to the leaders. Trumps speech was awesome. If they don’t listen, they’re basically confirming they don’t care about them. Well played sir.
4afc4f No.212510
I am saying it could be missing "re" on purpose.
d5ad3d No.212511
Pretty much, the name "MKNAOMI" came up as the project name because that was patient 0, the first injected with the HIV virus
53972f No.212512
On a side note, there is this person on faceblock that for some reason befriended me 2 years ago. Idk why. Anyway, she lives in Cali and is/was staunch Hellery fan-needless to say our posts got down and dirty during the election. (I truly don't know her at ALL)
Today she posted "Post a one word positive message to take me into the new year."
I posted, MAGA!
Hopefully she will awaken.
0452fb No.212513
The answer is fight on neither side but instead introduce a third side
34e488 No.212516
that's just nasty.
7f2e58 No.212517
Who owns Antarctica?
Why would a sub be useful?
f8acc7 No.212518
as always, off topic again today but may be important.
ex-girlfriend (who's name the bills are in here) was at work today. Taking orders, profile to window. A sudden dryness in her throat. couldn't swallow. absolutely couldn't get it together. went to drink water. realized her ear (facing window) was extremely red.
Is this microwave gun? Someone thought I am her. Too bad, they can't even get that right.
If anything like that were to continue, I would need to make sure she doesn't get cancer. Then, I'll be back to inform you all how to cure cancers too. ;) promise.
34e488 No.212519
Baker - been asking a while how, possibly already discussed. can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Recommended reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. Connects a lot of dots. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
This will expand to readable:
3ab9f1 No.212520
Didn't notice you were the same poster, there anon!
TRI families is a sad history. I think you'd have to go back to the French Revolution, and I'm sure it goes back much further than that. But up until 1899, France had some of the greatest minds in science and mathematics. Now look at the place! Best wines because of the best climate for growing them. Culture, museums, cathedrals. France supported the US to counter Great Britain in supporting US. Rothschilds it seems in supporting Soros used a two-pronged approach against the Queen. Rotschild's took on the Throne in WWII and ruined Germany and the UK, not to mention all of Europe. The Queen had the Saudis in alliance with the Rockefellers post WWII, the US needed the oil, the Crown needed money after WWII. Soros then built up his empire to take down the pound by massively shorting the pound back in 1992 and broke the Bank of England. Because of the ties to the Crown with the Saudis, there was enough in the till for their fill. It wasn't Soros who took down the Saudis, it was the Saudis themselves, who retain at present their own domain. It's the power that counts here, power was retained, and illicit funding was cut off. The UK is run by pedos, that shoe has yet to fall.
The situation in Iran is interesting timing and seems to have come up from nowhere? CIA presence in Iran is unlikely. The uprising might actually be ground forces as I've seen reports of massive price increases in food. The people are hungry with little money, and their government is funding Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the uprising in Yemen. Once the drug running news hit, and the $$ dries up, and the people hear of the fraud, the drugs, the human trafficking, the religious leaders who run Iran have zero credibility at all.
Stepping out.. beer run.
c4a4bf No.212521
Anyone have current hashtags that the protestors are using?
c7f91f No.212522
I hope Trump used Soros's confiscated Money to fund this Iranian Operation. Use his own fking money to destroy him.
9b4984 No.212523
Great catch, anon!!!
4afc4f No.212524
There was a folder on the laptop, as I recall, named "Insurance" that had the good stuff in it. This was the rumor, maybe coming out of NYPD, at the time.
89969b No.212526
I'm using your meme topics in the next bread, anon. Thanks!
21c419 No.212527
Subs are useful to get people from Point A to Point B undetected.
89969b No.212528
It's in the next bread, anon.
8d4bb2 No.212529
Sub would be useful if there’s an entrance of some sort
8edc10 No.212531
Would have to be an asset perhaps, and a shitty one at that. No way an agent. unless his cover was as Gilligan. But again, she comes from ultra Moose-lamb fambily. Perhaps they were spying on each other. Wouldn't surprise me. Those types literally eat their own.
eac111 No.212532
d5ad3d No.212533
egotistical people are too easy to trigger, but they'll never be a digger, stay triggered mah see eye ayyy nigger
ac00ee No.212534
225d59 No.212536
see image
make more money off of treatments than (((they))) do from a cure
have you see WJC lately
he sure looks like he's dying of AIDS
bf6990 No.212537
Yes! It would be very useful. Antarctica in relation to the QDrops is relevant but I would class it as a sub topic. Loads of mystery as to what's going on down there and Clif High recently mentioned Mining is going on, which means a geopolitical struggle for resources.
8e88cf No.212538
Nice work Anon!!!
I'm digging into Gabriel Maldonado,,CEO of Truevolution in Riverside, California.
He reminds me of Obama,, an i know he was definitely one of the people Trump fired from Presidential advisory council on hiv/ aids ( PACHA)
8d4bb2 No.212539
Not sure but Trump used #IranProtests
8edc10 No.212540
They did. Was there. it's already slowed down exponentially today after we did that for a couple hours. If it amps back up I will be switching back, rest assured.
aedb89 No.212541
Screen printing emails from winie laptop, for those who don’t have access.
53972f No.212543
WTF? HOW does that even compute? Must be code to someone.
c4a4bf No.212544
that will do, what POTUS uses, we shall use
13a21b No.212545
The amount of purple in those pictures is suspicious. Why would we use the globalist team color to communicate with each other?
ecf41f No.212546
0c5084 No.212547
456e71 No.212548
Antartica is owned by 12 countries: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom more: http:// ats.aq/devAS/ats_parties.aspx?lang=e
Korea (ROC) is one of the more
756899 No.212549
very nice. i hope the part about AIDS and other diseases being created by families in power is something he intends to force the public to acknowledge.
>"Future topic"
>"Future topic"
99609c No.212550
Looks like a filthy Somalian.
ac00ee No.212551
your gonna see this shit more and more since it's harder to get their fix anymore,sick fuckers
5aaf9e No.212552
It’s a fake document not even signed by the Judge …… If you read it it’s not legalese it’s a lot of non sense …I am a retired cop I wish it was real ….. I do believe they are grabbing people and bringing them to git morning for Military tribunals won’t use our court system to Corrupted >>212363
4afc4f No.212553
Yes what happened to France? I guess some of the flower of its manhood was wiped out in WW1 along with Germany's. But still the slide to total degeneracy was sudden. Macron seems to remind people of Napoleon, they yearn for a return to greatness.
8d4bb2 No.212555
8e88cf No.212557
Oh and from what i read he fired last 10 members left on council,,, 6 of them resigned this past summer( which is part of Jan 2nd deadline( to replace those 6), but now includes all 16 members that need to be replaced by that same deadline.
21c419 No.212559
As Q indicated, we serve at the pleasure of the POTUS.
53972f No.212560
yaaaaaaa…..Im going with FAKE NEWS. It's apparent its a cover for something.
bf6990 No.212561
What on earth are you talking about? You sound like a raving paranoid IMO.
85ea04 No.212563
As far as families and bloodlines go, under what umbella do anons reckon China falls?
aedb89 No.212564
ddbdbf No.212565
Fredericka Wilson
Congress woman who tried to claim Trump insulted a soldier.
Check the black Caucus digging thread
c4a4bf No.212567
till my last breath, when ever that may be.
> Fiat justitia ruat caelum
21c419 No.212568
::Laughing my old wrinkly white ass off!::
4afc4f No.212569
Fired over the break with no access to the office to steal stuff or cover tracks in the computer system. That's how Trump does it. Comey, Priebus (both fired while out of town) etc.
781099 No.212570
jesus christ im being pulled on both sides
ill go with imgtext then….
anyone got direction
0e99db No.212572
Tavistock would be proud.
cc145d No.212573
It looks like nobody has been harvesting the General threads for memes or making zip files for the past couple of days. Meme makers probably ought to post their memes in both places. Otherwise, fine work could get lost / overlooked.
33171d No.212574
Everything good?
FKIN (((Underated)))
ac00ee No.212575
i'll go load it up
a2cf86 No.212576
Regime change in Iran. But what about Germany and Pakistan?
456e71 No.212577
Actually, I may have to make a correction on that. It seems to be a lot more complicated than that.
There appear to be many countries making claims.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_claims_in_Antarctica
f95775 No.212578
Hey, playing with this timeline software
can you take a look and let me know if I should continue
cc145d No.212579
That would be the notorious "Brown Bottom", when then Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown betrayed his nation by selling half of Britain's gold reserve literally at the bottom of the market. At the orders of his masters, to suppress the gold price. Rewarded for his perfidy by being made PM.
https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Sale_of_UK_gold_reserves,_1999%E2%80%932002
0c5084 No.212580
4afc4f No.212581
Who says we need 16 government employees on this? Are they researchers on the cusp of finding the cure? If not, what's the rush?
f95775 No.212583
Also make sure you can't see my email or any id there
bf6990 No.212586
Use Canva .com
It's free and has 1000s of templates in all the correct social media dimensions. It also has 1000s of free graphics plus you can upload your own.
I use it nearly every day cuz it's so quick and easy. AND FREE.
cc145d No.212588
49e79c No.212589
Iran - check (will also make smaller size as you suggested, meme guys asked them to be bigger before. I only care what works!)
Jobs & tax cut will work on next
Anti-Slavery month will also work on
Cool, that is great!
f3ead4 No.212591
Is Pakistan technically Asia? EU comes after Asia.
c4a4bf No.212592
do you have the original pic?
89969b No.212593
Baker busting his cherry here just found out that anons only get 10 pastes per 24 hours on pastebin.
I will not be able to help update batter until tomorrow.
69a39d No.212594
damn she must used some miracle grow on those twins. where is the signup list?
f95775 No.212596
AIDS epidemic is fake, it's almost inpossible for a hetro male to get it unless they do drugs or get blood. It was created by the left to scare us into funding a cure for aids for their voters, I mean people.
My friend was a Dr in the 80s and said no way, or a woman with a bi-guy, it's a fluid transfer thing.
17ed22 No.212597
In regards to 9/11 indictments in Nev. Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb have all the 411 you need. THEY are major whistleblowers with deep roots and in the know on ALOT of shit. They are the ones that gathered all this evidence together and gave to POTUS in Feb 2017 so bring these asshats down.
http://www. tomheneghanbriefings.com/
this is Stews website with a link to the letter they sent to POTUS: http://www. stewwebb.com/
Stew and Tom are fully aware of the reasons behind POTUS wanting to take the FED down. Here's a brief story of Leo Wanta and why the Fed must be stopped. He knows where all of the Illuminatis money is (27.5 Trillion), they don't. Bush threatened Reagan when he became prez to tell him where the $ was….http:// rense.com/general70/leo.htm
Very intresting reads…..Also, Alex Jones who is a zionist shill for Israel, almost got Stew and Tom killed before they could get this info to Trump. I'm not sure what his part was in it. Heres Alex breakdown…https://www. veteranstoday.com/2015/02/19/the-growing-complexity-of-alex-jones-israeli-connections/
f68836 No.212599
Why are there 3 cbtss going?
4b72af No.212602
Iran protests: Violence on third day of demonstrations
www.bbc.com/news/ world-middle-east-42524610
a74901 No.212603
She looks like she has no bond with that kid. She's always walking ahead of him with her phone in her hands texting. Yesterday's photo looked like he was trying to zip his jacket and he's looking at her for help and she's oblivious.
19e879 No.212604
This is exactly why I’m here. >>212264
f3ead4 No.212605
Right, but not a corrupted one. But to stop the protesters from being attacked I mean.
a2cf86 No.212606
Referring to this:
>USA_leadership change
>SA_leadership change
>GER_leadership change?
PAK_leadership change?
>(8, 7, 6, 5……).
756899 No.212607
c4a4bf No.212608
have better ideas? spit them the fuck out anon :)
> not trying to attach tavistock to any of this, just find the right wording against globalism and not go to nationalistic route is all
cc145d No.212609
BREAKING NEWS: Unconfirmed reports that protesters have gained full control of the city of Kashan, Iran. Some protesters are reported to be armed.
#Iran #IranProtests
1:24 PM - 30 Dec 2017
e10c23 No.212610
IMO if we dig the Crowdstrike that Q mentioned we would meme and discover that it is the key to destroying the russia hacking narrative and the entire russia meddled in our election lie
it is a keystone for that in itself
crowdstrike lied
I am doing my part on twitter
49e79c No.212611
Oh well, hope you got the infographs added! More coming up (sort of hybrids, for Iran)
89969b No.212613
>>212602 , >>212601
Going into bread under News.
c4a4bf No.212614
thank you desu :)
89969b No.212616
Next baker will have enough dough to easily pick out recent adds. I will help.
ecf41f No.212618
Quick rebound! All is well!
f3ead4 No.212620
IDK if I should be hoping we are funding these protesters or if it's going so fast bc Soros is out of the way and they want a change BAD!
d5ad3d No.212622
The author of a "Behold a Pale Horse", story about the CIA, was offed a few weeks after speaking out about ZioJones
>Milton William Cooper
33171d No.212623
Keked so hard had to wipe the TVs down.
4afc4f No.212626
I'm a little perplexed.
You say the left created AIDS, which reduced their voters, to force us to try to find a cure for it?
Or to give up some of their voters' lives (hey, better than using our voters' lives I guess) to make us establish a slush fund?
What I am pretty sure of is that Obamacare was designed to fund the healthcare for HIV patients. They need very expensive treatment (one number a patient said was $100,000 per month) as long as they live, which is many years now. Obamacare forced all insurance policies to carry this coverage, so we could not compare the cost of a policy with it and a policy without it to find the cost of that particular coverage. To force us to cover it without really seeing it clearly.
The handiwork of an MIT economics professor.
0b34c8 No.212627
11/7/2017 Q Post, pic related
"What does Facebook, Google, Twitter have in common with May 2016
Did they resist?
Is this important?
If so why?
How does this affect AMerica? THe world?
What does that mean?"
= www.theguardian. com/technology/2016/may/31/facebook-youtube-twitter-microsoft-eu-hate-speech-code
"What is the Circle?
Who is the Circle?
Is this fiction?
Who is Hollywood?
What is Hollywood?
Are they connected?
How is this relevant?"
I watched this last week, HIGHLY relevant, and it's not a bad movie, excellent Red Pill for normies!
The Circle (2017)
Stars: Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega
cd5657 No.212630
A hero was born on this day
Bless the bread and the bakers
f6ea43 No.212632
I've seen a few David Clarke memes, and think they would be good for getting the message to the black community. His own quotes are powerful and right to the point.
341913 No.212633
Uprising in Iran? Who's behind it?
Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi former intelligence chief has narrow contact with Iranian opposition terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization’s (MKO or MEK)
In NY synagogue, Saudi Royal and ex-Mossad chief debate Trump’s Iran approach (Saudi & Israeli intel connection)
Iran got only $400 million of the 1.7 billion dollar deal, in cash, by planes from the Netherlands and Swiss central banks (Rothschild)
The amount of $400 million was directly exchanged for US prisoners. The other $1.3 billion never went to Iran, but straight to Saudi Arabia. Iranian IRGC complained they never got the money. The Saudi intelligence chief Turki al-Faisal spent this money to finance the overthrow of the Iranian government.
Transfer scenario:
Obama admin. (State Dept.) → Cash planes from NLD & Swiss (Rothschild CB) → Saudi + Israeli Intel. → MKO revolution (orchestrated by Soros?)
(Also see Q post in pic)
eb587b No.212637
Yes, from the hillary/alice in wonderland book.
c44497 No.212638
Would be worth confirming if there any NGO's backing / funding protests?
Or is this another Colin Powell "WMD" situation?
89969b No.212641
I'm doing my best in the kitchen. Reserve the "hero" comment until you taste the next bread, anon.
d49008 No.212643
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_INFEKTION
Operation INFEKTION was a KGB disinformation campaign to spread information that the United States invented HIV/AIDS[2] as part of a biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Soviet Union used it to undermine the United States’ credibility, foster anti-Americanism, isolate America abroad, and create tensions between host countries and the U.S. over the presence of American military bases (which were often portrayed as the cause of AIDS outbreaks in local populations).[3]
According to U.S. State Department analysts, another reason the Soviet Union "promoted the AIDS disinformation may have been its attempt to distract international attention away from its own offensive biological warfare program, which [was monitored] for decades." In addition to anthrax, the Soviets were believed to have developed tularemia, the plague, and cholera for biological warfare purposes, as well as botulinum toxin, enterotoxins, and mycotoxins.[4] An alternative explanation is that the operation may have been in retaliation for American accusations that the Soviets used chemical weapons in Southeast Asia, later dubbed the yellow rain incident.[2]
bf6990 No.212645
Hey, everyone who's making meme's, use
It's free and has all the social media templates ready to use. Super quick and easy to use.
The image is a screen cap showing all the templates you can used for making your graphics and memes. They're all in the correct and most current social media dimensions.
I meant to post this weeks ago and kept forgetting so better late than never.
927923 No.212646
Lionel finally started making shorter videos which is definitely a step up. He's planning his talk and becoming more like a professional instead of just someone else blabbing for 40 minutes.
7f2e58 No.212647
Did someone say small Seal team?
"Is knowing that Area 51 is an embassy the answer to the Seven Seals?"
4b72af No.212648
Iconic image from today stemming from the Iranian protests. This is a woman who took off her hijab in protest putting it on a stick and waiving it. There are videos on twatter and youtube
f3ead4 No.212649
Will the left support (((THESE))) protesters is the question. How many truly believe in the power of protesting and people gaining freedom and how many are really only supporting the puppets behind the protests of the last 9 years?
6e8000 No.212650
Notice the "BBB Backup" (blackberry backup) in the header of all three emails. Also notice the date of the backup is 2013-02-07 but it does not match the date the emails were sent. That leads me to believe that the BBB backup to Anthony Weiner's laptop was configured on 2013-02-07.
5ba555 No.212653
Among the Navy seals some were involved in Ben Laden death, was it the purpose to eliminate them so that the others shut up ?
c48f61 No.212654
RIP Bill Cooper
God bless
781099 No.212655
how DONT you see the white rabbit?
f95775 No.212656
Rock on our Iranian brothers and WORLD PEACE I had neighbors from Iran and my Grandfather built refineries there, had to escape after the shaw was overthrown. Women had rights there.
d5ad3d No.212657
Look into the TIDES Foundation, they manage a "stopbarick.com" site, but the fund is used by Peter Munk to launder money tax free and recruit useful idiots
756899 No.212659
So maybe not this
>SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).
But this
<SA (1), Asia (2), US (3), EU (4).
Or are we gonna have to take down europe before our criminals are outed?
cb5691 No.212660
bf7df1 No.212662
Looks to me rather like a yearning for the return of the great faggotry … with everybody (also many in France) knowing that Macron likes old hags, and his greatest dream is probably to put his head in Merkel's lap one lucky day.
If I remember correctly, his colleagues from college said that he didn't know shit, and essentially passed test/exams because someone in the R'schild family/banking corp put his/her hand over him.
0e99db No.212663
It's more about an widespread awakening to the corrupted nature of government.
aedb89 No.212664
Agreed, trying to find the time frame of benGhazi
ac8209 No.212665
Q won't be back for another 5 days. I keep trying to tell you guys that but nobody wants to believe me. Yet every day we go without Q I smile a little bit knowing I'm inevitably right.
f3ead4 No.212666
My brain doesn't work in this direction but I can't wait to hear what you find out!!
f8acc7 No.212667
Just so you know I'm serious with my threats;
The body can heal itself with immune stimulants.
HIV (viral phase only) can be trapped and prevented from replication with an herb called Hyssopus Officinalis. :) Now that you know I am serious, don't screw with my peoples, even my ex's
everyone else: God bless. ;)
a8faf4 No.212669
I just want to take a moment and tell you all I love you. I am truly beside myself at this moment. Tears in my eyes, love in my heart and most of all, you. Every one of you has impacted me in someway. From a passing glance at a kek, a "faggot", or a very well thought out theory. The world is changing before our very eyes and we are witness. Let's be good to our neighbors, and let's be good to ourselves most of all. The time is now to be respectful and wise and caring. We are all in this together now and there is no turning back. We have followed POTUS through the open door. Love is Love and time heals all. May GOD bless each and every one of you amazing humans. May the light of the universe fill your souls.
I am truly honored to be apart of this with you all.
Miraculous Miracles Make Magic
cb5691 No.212670
Is it possible to blur the child’s face?
f95775 No.212671
Sorry no, they didn't create aids, they created the movement to cure it, it started in Hollywood where guess what most are gay, so they created the movement because who will spend millions of dollars on drugs to cure gay guys (not dissing them just the feeling back in the 70s) so if mom and dad and uncle joe could get aids we need a cure now and lets pay for it.
442a66 No.212672
>Can we get a running total of boots?
This would make a good catalog thread
4b72af No.212673
I see an oppressed human being signaling to the rest of the world for help and that they have had enough. Funny how different people see different things.
89969b No.212676
Agreed, we don't mess with children around here. They are off limits when dissing bad actors.
f95775 No.212677
Hence the joke in Team America where the song "Everyone has AIDS" makes fun of the whole movement
604641 No.212678
Skyking radio messages were more common these last few days. Interesting…
c48f61 No.212679
>10 days of darkness
These are also the longest nights of the year
f3ead4 No.212680
It has Trump's blessing so it will happen.
53972f No.212681
And WHY is it that the POTUS can't go in? I didn't understand that part….
f6ea43 No.212682
Christopher Story used to write a lot about Leo Wanta. Not sure if that is what got him killed, as he reported on a lot of various corruption, but I remember him frequently including information on Wanta in his reports.
c44497 No.212683
>TIDES Foundation
Quick dig demands deeper dig. Thanks
f8acc7 No.212684
Sorry Chief. AIDS was invented, and patented.
4afc4f No.212686
"How does this effect America? The world?"
Normally the word there would be "affect" not "effect", in other words +a and -e. But effect can be a verb meaning "to cause". (also affect can be a noun, meaning something like emotion. Both words can be both verbs and nouns, but only one meaning is common for both.)
Since America and the world both existed before Google etc., I think this is a misspelling and we're instructed to treat misspellings as intentional. But this is a misspelling that an AI is unlikely to pick up.
There is a lot of mystery in this post. What do SSRI's have to do with anything. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, the drugs often seen in recent mass shootings. So?
5ba555 No.212687
Awekening pleasant side effect :-)
1838ea No.212688
Here is a copy of the possible fake indictment
https:// www.docdroid.net/zmVDhA4/d2-peter-munk-george-soros-cheney-paul-wolfowitz-hwbush-gwbush-john-kerry-clinton-september-11-attack.pdf#page=12
I listened to the entire thing. Treason is a military offense and they will try them in Millitary Tribunals, not our court systems. Some will be executed, others get terms in Gitmo. Susan Rice and George Mueller get pretty light sentences and long probation period after prision.
123480 No.212689
How do you guys know that these protests in Iran are "good," legitimate protests and not another colored revolution? (An honest question).
f95775 No.212693
We don't care if Q never comes back, we have it all, the whole map of the future, we just need to match it up as it unfolds, they did their job, they are still doing their job to keep us safe, it would be best if we stopped crying about no Q like they are idols of false worship, do some work!
604641 No.212694
We don't.
I think it's another Arab spring. Persian spring?
f3ead4 No.212695
Someone said it was because it's technically not part of the USA. It's separate entity. I don't have a source for that though.
5aaf9e No.212696
I read it a couple of days ago …A real document just states the crime and degree they are charged with >>212688
21c419 No.212697
Whatever. We WANT Q but we don't NEED Q. He has already given us what we need.
In the meantime, I'll keep my eyes peeled for Q and I'll do what he said to do: inform others, enjoy the show, and pray.
1838ea No.212698
Yes, I meant Robert Mueller, not George (thinking about those Bushes going down)..
.. and you are right… it isn't signed by a judge.
8cf0c8 No.212699
Absolutely. Q's drops are now enough for a whole fucking lot of digging.
ae8aed No.212700
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
this guy gets it the matrix
c44497 No.212701
>another Arab spring. Persian spring?
AKA Globalist orchestrated destabilization of a sovereign state.
0aef84 No.212703
I'm not a memefag…
But here's one:
c4a4bf No.212704
anything that tries to topple the current Iranian government, I will support. if we need to topple the next one a decade down the road, I'm all for it, but I don't think its a neocon lie like "WMD's"
> not sure why people try and put everything and POTUS in the basket of the bad guys, either overtly or covertly, rather fucking annoying
4b72af No.212706
ahhh nothing like the smell of fresh shills
d298b6 No.212707
Lurk for 2 more years and then post again faggot.
756899 No.212708
dave chappelle is like the one guy in HW who wasn't mkultra'd, right?
f3ead4 No.212709
Because GS isn't involved with their govt anymore.
1838ea No.212711
I see that many believe Q is dark for 10 days, but I thought the 10 days of darkness was 12/18 - 12/28. The time they were picking up the bad actors and hauling them to Gitmo.
21c419 No.212712
You got that right. Every time I go back and read them, I pick up more insights.
c44497 No.212713
There are certainly reasons for some folks to protest in Iran.
Just a bit hesitant to take these situations as presented by media, without a grain of salt…
ac8209 No.212714
Actually we DO care. True we don't need him anymore but that doesn't mean we don't miss him. I don't worship him. I miss him. You do too even if you won't admit it. He is our friend and without him none of this would be possible.
Wherever you are Q thank you for all that you've done. We'll see you soon. Of that I am sure.
d298b6 No.212715
I'm even more of a faggot for not referring to the other faggots post.
af70e6 No.212716
Has anyone figured out the password for the xmas leak yet?
c4a4bf No.212717
that's because we don't care if he does come back Nostradamusfag, do what you have been asked to do, and being a snakeoil sales man is not one of them
bf7df1 No.212718
Wouldn't exclude the possibility that it is a "false flag" color revolution – meaning that MBS/Trump are using the old, established (corrupt) channels/money of family Saud & the likes of Soros to incite protests in Iran ….
Arab & Israel work together, that's a known fact, and Iran/Shiah always has been the Sunni/Arabs foe … Together with Iran's move in Syria to become a regional player, I recon that's not an unlikely scenario.
f68836 No.212719
So we've been invaded by leftist lonbags?
21c419 No.212721
Yes. We care, we want, but we don't need.
a2cf86 No.212723
Germany I would have understood. Pakistan I would have understood. Can't say I
really get Iran. Thanks to previous administrations, the US holds no moral high ground
vis-à-vis Iran. Our government has fucked that country over royally so many times it
isn't even funny. I don't see them as a threat and I think they are very often
scapegoated, particularly by Roth's Israel. Obama's so-called "deal" with Iran was
never anything more than a prelude to war, as usual. (Think Iraq + Poppy Bush.) The
Neoconservatives (authors of 9/11) have always made their intention to overthrow Iran
very clear. So if this is the new administration's policy as well, I don't get. Perhaps this
actually the Clowns trying sow more chaos and destabilization like they did with their
phony "Arab Spring?"
f68836 No.212724
ecf41f No.212725
They're getting really advanced!
Full Sarcasm mode!
How will we cope?!?!?!
0aef84 No.212726
I want to twit responses to leftard fucks about their stupid "bowel movement"
aedb89 No.212731
Just so you all understand, there’s 94 pages, I started with page 94 and am working my way to 1, hoping they forgot to redact something.
c012bd No.212732
Did we ever find out why the number of posts went down on this?
Was over 400 now its 396
Is the qcodefag here?
33fccc No.212733
first SA. now iran. whats next?
3ab9f1 No.212734
>Yes what happened to France? I guess some of the flower of its manhood was wiped out in WW1 along with Germany's. But still the slide to total degeneracy was sudden. Macron seems to remind people of Napoleon, they yearn for a return to greatness.
Thanks for making the point I drifted away from. The first casualties in many conflicts are the best & brightest of the respective nations, draft dodgers not considered. Kings & Queens value their subjects much more than governments, who deem the citizens as pawns. The upcoming generations of future citizens are robbed of their better bloodlines. France, Germany, and Russia are countries whose futures have been forever altered by warlords to weaken the generations that follow. Russia has always been a different animal of sorts, being both in Europe and Asia. Macron was a Rothschild puppet to thwart LePen, the nationalist. Two sets of voting records mailed out?
dd2b56 No.212736
More IRAN meme's we're over the target shills coming in hot….
a45864 No.212737
Reporting this Anon's post from earlier today for those interested!
ac8209 No.212738
Wtf are you talking about?? Nobody is selling snake oil. His words were plain as day but some of you fags think you know everything and are blind to what's right in front of you. I see you're one of them.
c7146b No.212739
If it's Soros, iranians are fucked far more than they're now (look at Libya)
916c00 No.212741
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Rayford
7a9f3c No.212742
Try 10 days of black ops.
4afc4f No.212743
What is this Team America?
604641 No.212744
Who is 'lvlmoro'?
f6181b No.212746
PDF w/ text searchable Huma Abedin files
054448 No.212747
916c00 No.212748
Movie from creators of South Park
f95775 No.212749
Thats outside my point, the point being everyone can't get it like they try to portray.
b42740 No.212750
I hope you're right.
6a588a No.212751
This is kinda stale news.
Like several days old.
We were talking about This Boot and the conversation went to Jackie Spier being at the Jonestown massacre, sustaining 5 gunshot wounds, and Congressman Ryan dying there.
0e99db No.212752
The Sunni-Shia split was over political power, the Shia were old-school who regarded the descendants of the prophet as legitimate rulers but Sunni wanted popular representation. Sunnis are more violent than Shia, It's from Sunni extremism that ISIS arose.
cc7d11 No.212753
Wake up folks. This may be from 4, 10, 20 (DJT direct msg) - This pertains to Julian Assange about to dump a massive release. Part of this will cause unintended damage (i.e. US deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential).
Ops were done- Ops successful. JA is about to release big drop. "When does a bird sing?" When he is free.
c4a4bf No.212754
you are selling a bag of goods telling people when Q will be back.
> Are you Q
< no faggot, you are not
480523 No.212755
All the posts about Eye of Ra / missing (i) are gone…
bf7df1 No.212760
Nope, but we've found that we have 459 Q-posts altogether as of now.
If you can work with raw (ascii) text, check anonfile.com/w2q2s3d6b2/q_raw.txt for an updated text file.
054448 No.212762
Q comes back when its time for him
8d4bb2 No.212767
Only one way to find out…
f3ead4 No.212768
This particular bird sang when he got on a boat.
4afc4f No.212769
And I wanted to join it! Now … maybe not.
dd2b56 No.212770
twitter.com/ Raman_Ghavami/status/947183795664572416
c063ab No.212771
054448 No.212772
well iran how you like it now….karma is a biatch
89969b No.212773
Bread is going into the oven.
af70e6 No.212775
So just to verify, no one has cracked the 65gb Assange Xmas leak?
79bdf4 No.212776
Negative faggot. He is nothing more than Anon w a trip code. He may know everything about (You) but really you don’t know fuck all about him and he doesn’t care what (You) think say or do. If he wanted friends he wouldn’t take his drops to an ANONYMOUS image board
aedb89 No.212777
I’m doing the screen shot somothers can pick names and search.
ac8209 No.212778
Q told you himself fuckstick. Are YOU Q?? No faggot, you are not. If you don't like what I say feel free to filter me. It's easy I'll show you how…
c44497 No.212779
srsly. Gotta be mindful of supporting most any "humanitarian" cause these days. These people are sick.
c063ab No.212780
aedb89 No.212781
2ffdd1 No.212782
I know a woman named Sue.
c2b2f8 No.212783
The shillstorm is upon us.
Try to keep it below 40K and strafe incoming shills.
c4a4bf No.212786
can anyone tell me what that faggot said to me, I cant see it :)
054448 No.212787
b42740 No.212788
I believe this is a valid idea, but anything that looks like a third side seems like it will just get shoveled into the "alt right" by the controlled voice boxes.
Purple & Gold combined would be good. Those were the colors of the holy roman empire at one time.
ecf41f No.212789
Good point anons. Too quick n not thinking. Updated.
5ba555 No.212790
OMG Area 51 embassy of alien on earth ?
0b34c8 No.212791
>Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Hadn't looked into the SSRIs yet, wasn't aware of the connection to mass shootings..the fact that it's followed by (3) questions re: Hansel and Gretel may be telling (comfort, food, sugar high/followed by a crash (depression), just off the top of my head). I'm not making the full connections yet, I can see where it may be leading though
b42740 No.212792
oh that poor little bastard.
a45864 No.212793
DoD tweeted out a hilarious video (Happy #BaconDay! Who could forget when the @USMC put a new spin on bringing home the bacon?) at the same minute of Potus' Iran tweets today.
bf6990 No.212794
Here's an in depth article on Dmitri Alperovitch, founder of Crowdstrike. A very shady character.
89969b No.212795
Good change there, anon. It works well.
62772e No.212796
b42740 No.212797
oh man that's great.
a2cf86 No.212798
People talking about Q like it's one person. Lmfao.
7f2e58 No.212799
"Embassies are sovereign land of the resident state"
f68836 No.212800
Thank You! You are a Dear!
51da6a No.212801
They will claim to be aliens. In fact they are demons.
f95775 No.212802
Right on and I see a lot of bitching waiting for the Q team and not as much working.
Will somebody look at this timeline software should I continue/useful or no
https:// www.timetoast.com/timelines/1671112
62772e No.212803
054448 No.212804
pink pony pink pony this is unicorn over
eb587b No.212805
Just found a gold mine on mind control
http:// www.whale.to/b/sp/6.html
dd2b56 No.212806
twitter.com/ NewsPuppet/status/947268615853686785
f95775 No.212807
Why I call them the Q Team
0aef84 No.212808
fuckin awesome! I remember wrapping bacon around a AK barrel and firing it up! A mess, but it works!
ac8209 No.212809
Yet you know I responded?? Your logic is infallible retard.
3ab9f1 No.212810
I recall when that went down. The date of the sale was pre-announced and sold at the absolute lowest possible price!
Farage ranted about that, but my God!
My heart breaks for what these globalists are doing and have done to their own nation's sovereignty. Oh, wait, they're globalists! Duh on me!
bf7df1 No.212811
I know, and that's why actually I tend to like the Shiites more than the Sunnis.
Still (and on top of that) regional power politics plays a big role as well – see Hezbollah and their role/success in Syria, Iran's agreement with Syria for direct military support if asked, Yemen and the "sanctions" a little while ago put on Bahrain by the Saudi's.
054448 No.212812
ecf41f No.212813
f3ead4 No.212814
aedb89 No.212815
604641 No.212816
Someone get to baking some new bread!!
7e4b41 No.212817
people from Y a l e…. YO wasup y head
check out alumni no?
f95775 No.212818
how about
"What if you were in such a rush to see Hillary, your son was left behind"
a45864 No.212819
Anon - ID:3d8eef said 'Embassy', someone made of meme of 'an alien' at A51 and Anon replied 'kek'.
f6ea43 No.212820
Maybe North Korea? I think we are seeing a progression that ultimately leads to the arrests of all the high-profile people we have come to despise.
f3ead4 No.212822
You don't want me to do it again!
054448 No.212823
>>212816 need yeast to make it rise
89969b No.212824
Anons, fill this bread to ~751 posts, then move to new bread.
Remember, patriots make the dough rise.
Fill this bread, anons.
New baker required for next loaf
33fccc No.212825
>the Shia were old-school
no shia was constructed later by a jew who converted to islam in order to create division.
7f2e58 No.212828
The meme was "this is NOT the embassy you are looking for."
ecf41f No.212829
c4a4bf No.212830
fill this one up anons, we have a protest to turn into a revolution
89969b No.212832
054448 No.212833
cb1bff No.212834
Should it be "take your son to perp walk day" ?
"teach your son to perp walk day" makes no sense. Unless I'm missing something.
0b34c8 No.212836
whether one person or a team, does it matter?
21c419 No.212837
Idea for next bread name:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
89969b No.212838
Patriots make the dough rise.
dd2b56 No.212839
Twatter now putting Iran into the Top News carousel
62772e No.212840
www .jpost.com/Middle-East/Obama-blasts-Iran-for-violent-crackdown-on-protesters
b42740 No.212843