dd0726 No.210279
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Anon on informed views: >>201644
>informed views
Hard to do when everyone has a different idea of what those are. Have you ever had a conversation
before that included people who thought Jesus was returning now, people who think aliens are coming
now, people who think Satan is leading a cult, and people who think Hitler was an ok guy, all while
attempting to free your country? We all know we've been lied to. We all have totally different
expectations of the truth. Its fascinating from a people-watching perspective. Humanity struggling
to find common ground on truths both mundane and sacred, in live action, with a worldwide audience.
We are active participants in a stranger reality than most sci fi movies now.
3d8eef No.210300
0b83a3 No.210311
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=4HR8xTpkTlw&t=4s
67a513 No.210314
anyone else getting a cloudflare 404 on this board now?
3637c4 No.210320
Best thread title evar!
af4a61 No.210322
So now we are following shit posts on Twitter instead of the crumbs unsolved in the spreadsheet.
Let's all jump on Trey Gowdy!
When we have never really finished with many of these.
It's like the CIAfaqs yell Squirrel or Gowdy and you all forget what we are supposed to do.
Maybe Q hasn't been posting because we havent figured out what we have.
433c7b No.210323
1b047a No.210324
The formatting of the document is off for a legal document. Also, I *think they would each be charged separately because they would've each had a separate role in the crime.
fb71df No.210327
It would be nice to have the pill distributor button that Bono used to infect everyone's apple products/ mobile devices with a forced injection. By itunes without any approvel. Encoded stuff.
197a95 No.210328
Gowdy? I find this VERY hard to believe… And an anon said the 4.5Million claim was bullshit and that was Sanford's net-worth. I'm calling bullshit until proven otherwise.
176c4b No.210329
Q should be here today.
I hope he/she comes with news of arrests.
7c261f No.210330
>>210260 repost for this bread
This isn't the first time a storm has been talked about by a president.
George W. said in his inaugural speech: "After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: 'We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?' "
This article discusses it the Bush quote and even contains the following statement: "it is highly critical that Page wrote this statement in the form of a question; the Illuminati makes excellent use of such questions in Mind Control techniques."
http://www. cuttingedge.org/news/n1464.cfm
Sounds a lot like what is going on here doesnt' it?
The angel George W. is referring to is Lucifer and we are in Trump/Q's calm before the storm. The coming storm will be world war III as outlined by Albert Pike.
433c7b No.210331
And maybe Q hasn’t come bag due to
Because that’s about 50% of the threads lately.
Come on anons, this is importanthistoric, and we’ve been specifically called upon. Focus. Focus. Focus. Dig meme pray.
201a2b No.210332
3637c4 No.210334
Apologies for the doublepost, trying to delete
010530 No.210335
Some of their posts seem almost Democrats talking
7691ac No.210338
>Missile with Missing I
>I = iran = NK eyes
>Where did the weapons flew ?!!!!
>who vs who
>storm (EQ)
I posted several breads back that the Iran Billion payoff.
was a money laundered to NK.
it was backdoor funding the the Clowns from Langley running puppet.
why POTUS short msg about NK last missile test.
just as I believe (can't prove yet) U1 went to Canada, to Russia, THEN to Iran and smuggled to their ally NK, again laundering operation.
37c825 No.210339
Gowdy should have locked her up long ago and failed to do so. Why didn't he? I don't trust any of them. They have to earn it. Show me the money so to speak.
be9acf No.210340
>Because that’s about 50% of the threads lately.
433c7b No.210341
I’m trying to figure out how to do this picture texting. >>210333
a313e0 No.210343
Thank you baker for this amazing bread.
> Much appreciated
433c7b No.210344
I was being kind. But you are being honest. We can get back on track.
803829 No.210347
Did you see the letter (from yesterday's release) LdR sent to HRC mentioning Manmohan Singh?
e9da1f No.210350
Knew it was too good to be true. Sad
549e9e No.210351
y'all like holes?
>>209529 wew
>>209551 wew
>>210288 ayy frens
>>210305 wew lads
>>210310 tomorrow tomorrow only a day awaaaayyyyyy wew
>>210129 wwwwwwwwwwew
>>210112 11:11 make a wish lads
>>210159 woooooahhhhhhhh dizzy
>>210186 zoinks
c8e3c4 No.210352
Looking back through old pictures, I found the John Legend/Chrissy Teigen picture with the HRC cut-out screenshotted on Oct. 4, 2016.
I had no idea then, but my autism shows no bounds.
952494 No.210353
>The conditions are met for the Great Awakening and the Revelation.
It is underway & we are enjoying the show…)))
176c4b No.210354
Loyal, adoring pal?
who says that?
213d6c No.210355
Yeah right. An army of one.
549e9e No.210356
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
musical interlude?
af4a61 No.210357
Use google docs to type something the way you want it, then use a screen cap app to make an image.
88071c No.210358
photoscape is free. Click/drag pix, add texts, ad pix, save, strip EXIF, drag into reply. cpl hrs, u b flyin'. uthers 2.
09a0e9 No.210360
http:// www.geoengineeringwatch.org/rothschilds-and-the-geoengineering-empire/
803829 No.210365
"Sick, evil bastards"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
649af5 No.210367
She literally couldn't be locked up. Otherwise it would have implicated BHO and his whole cabinet, who apparently all had email addresses on her private server (haven't confirmed, but we know BHO knew about it, see below). You think Gowdy was more powerful than BHO?
549e9e No.210370
>>210356 (You)
summa dis?
>>209890 (You)
Miss Alice !!kLwRgWF84+q ID:HkGbtksu Sun 10 Sep 2017 00:06:58 No.140973226
Down the rabbit hole we go!
clash of the titans wweeeee
d0c534 No.210371
9e5c59 No.209492>>209521 >>209730 >>210119
Wouldn't wanna be you.
Q's shoutout to the mods/bakers was a warning, not praise
So what the meaning of this?
433c7b No.210372
549e9e No.210373
moar something about fire i dunno
!fni6ddo6/Q ID:zEg5lakt Sun 27 Aug 2017 02:18:43 No.139198642
see archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/139198163/#q139198642
a356a8 No.210374
Please dont shoot me. Need to ask. Is there any solid proofs. Anything at all? Dont care about the tweets, or the timestamps. All i hear is ankle braclets, Gitmo, Extractions. All these People that has been taken Down. Any proofs, anything at all? Please dont Call me names, for asking this
176c4b No.210375
do you have the missing i?
be9acf No.210377
4565aa No.210380
The Guard and Reserves are made up of all walks of life. MPs and cops have always gone hand in hand. Units have support staff, and others that make it able to deploy as a whole. It isn't unusual to see all that.
The Reserves program offers fish hooks of college money and health insurance (rightfully so) that were very desirable, especially in the last two decades. Keeping the Guard and Reserves isn't cheap, but it reduces the footprint of the military (optics) and are extremely important to the country, even with all the bullshitters there just for free stuff that whine when they actually have to fulfill their contracts. The majority of them are great people that give up time with their families and end up working 12 days straight every month when you consider Drill Weekends, and their two weeks a year.
a313e0 No.210381
Don't let us down Rowdy Gowdy
be9acf No.210384
How about 14 flights to GTMO in the last few days and 50 national guardsmen being sent to GTMO for reinformcement? Proof enough for you?
ca65bf No.210385
Not only that but if the entire upper structure is set up to protect them, there was only so much he could do to call attention to their fuckery. Even an 8th grader would have the brainpower to know that.
66817f No.210386
I call him well meaning but impotent and ineffectual
077309 No.210387
Options>General>Color ID
1bf621 No.210388
Why anyone would think anything on Twitter is real. Twitter is clown controlled. That is why POTUS says what he says on there to troll them. Q is NOT on Twitter. Never was, never will be. If you have to debate this you are so stupid you do not belong here. If you haven't learned that Twitter is always under clown control then you haven't learned anything being here and you need to start over.
Stop with the fake gay ass clown twitter shit
88071c No.210390
What in FBI boxes? Not dox or anythng heavy.
d382a6 No.210391
549e9e No.210393
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
hows about future proves past past proves future to infinity and beyond plus ultra means that guise.
ch-check this out NOVA wut?
Konata Izumi | Lucky Star
During the episode The Yonder Here, Konata learns more about her mother Kanata from Sojiro. Konata and Sojiro prepare to take a picture; Kanata joins in with them, but appears as a shadow in the actual picture.
I am Konata Izumi, this should explain everything
a356a8 No.210394
Not enough. Could be anything, or any reason
010530 No.210395
DWS ordered Seth’s murder???
https: //youtu.be/oPBKmtpVbm0
a313e0 No.210396
>impotent and ineffectual
7c261f No.210397
This video explains what the storm is before Trump ever mentioned it.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=0dXD2H0m74g
cd321b No.210398
Good way to hide nuclear material from IAEA inspectors: Send it to NK
66817f No.210399
7c261f No.210401
This video explains what the storm is before Trump ever mentioned it.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=0dXD2H0m74g
09a0e9 No.210402
ebe3b3 No.210403
If trips are off, Q won’t return.
36b000 No.210404
OK I get this..
a313e0 No.210406
lurk more faggot, both of you
e06125 No.210407
be9acf No.210408
120 from Indiana, 50 from AZ, I'm sure more from other places.
List of flights to GTMO were posted ina thread yesterday.
2a95fb No.210410
Knowing what we know now, go back and look at Michael Jackson's video "Leave Me Alone" with fresh eyes.
https: //youtu.be/crbFmpezO4A
Watch for the illuminati-type references. (Notice the white rabbit at :58 and the floating brain at 1:42.)
There are no coincidences.
be9acf No.210411
Yes. Where have you been??
433c7b No.210412
I just might have that elusive i Anon
010530 No.210415
Researching the elpida home
09a0e9 No.210417
nice, thanks - interesting - watching now
ecee34 No.210418
I've asked the same thing.
23910c No.210419
Bakers: being conscious of what kind of energy you create with every thought, word and action is part of being woke. Everything has an impact - there is a difference if the words in the OP and ITT are positive or negative.
Remember, this is about light vs darkness.
991463 No.210422
>GITMO needs a web cam
I'm pretty sure fibres (optics) are being layer / installed.
176c4b No.210423
I noticed an extra i in your post :)
On your way to Vegas maybe?
549e9e No.210424
srsly tho madam president was the first use of Q's trip from last year and talked about gun rights and stuff i can't find it my brains fried but it 'happened' i swear
462257 No.210425
DECEMBER 27, 2017
During the pre-dawn hours on Christmas Day, Delta Force operators launched a precision strike against an Obama-controlled stronghold in Thailand, says an active Secret Service agent who claims President Trump green lit the operation following a series of telephone calls to United States military commanders and to Thailand Prime Minister Nik Bukharin.
A Delta detachment, known as 1-SFOD in the Special Operations community, flew from Okinawa, Japan to the United States Embassy in Bangkok, and held position while Trump cleared the incursion with his Thai counterparts.
According to our source, the Trump administration learned that Obama, by proxy, owned a mansion and a 400-acre estate on the outskirts of the city of Si Sa Ket, approximately 500 km from Bangkok. On paper, the land was owned by the allegedly defunct Solyndra Corporation, a startup solar company to which Obama gave 2.2 billion taxpayer dollars in 2009.
Shortly thereafter, Solyndra declared bankruptcy, and the money vanished. Despite apparent poverty, Solyndra maintained real estate holdings valued at over 800 million dollars in a half-dozen Southeast Asian countries. The Trump administration connected the dots, linking Obama to the Thai property, after asserting Presidential privilege and subpoenaing flight records that demonstrably proved Obama had travelled to Si Sa Ket six times as president and an additional four times in the past year.
They seized several encrypted laptops and over 200 million dollars in gold bullion, in addition to dozens of crates containing Chinese manufactured firearms and explosives.
Moreover, and perhaps most disturbing, a maze of underground tunnels, ostensibly used for human trafficking, ran for miles in every direction beneath the surface. Having gathered all available evidence, they requested exfiltration and handed-off control to Thai law enforcement.
be9acf No.210426
I want to watch Hillary eating prison food.
55451e No.210427
now i can't meme… flood detected
316ba6 No.210428
Has anyone seen that new Taco Bell Illuminati commercial? I just saw it last night on TV (don't have cable so I have to watch at other people's houses.) It was creepy AF. It looks like it came out within the past week our two.
Check it out
https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuQ-38Fr8uI
No coincidences?
433c7b No.210430
I wish. Vegas is next month.
8a3e86 No.210431
No, it didn’t …. go away
afc9c0 No.210432
Had to sign in to google docs to make. Traceable?
d9a434 No.210433
I like Trey Gowdy so I hope he doesn't turn out to be a bad guy. This site shows his Estimated Net Worth 2009-2015
991463 No.210434
Poss more the the executions.
Didn't one of trumpets tweets say 'short and swift'?
37c825 No.210435
Valerie Jarrett is the one to watch. Has everyone forgot about her?
d382a6 No.210436
¥e$ @nd @n0+her w@¥ 2 f0i| b0+$ ¡$ t¥p¡ng w¡+h ch@r@c+er$
8a3e86 No.210437
Burn your computer
Become a nun
549e9e No.210438
ok guise what if drumpf is on a spaceship and it takes him 10 days to complete his journey and instead of saving us he hes just gonna blow the whole planet up so we are space jam?
kek kek
549e9e No.210439
yes it did u stupid cunt faced monkey.
8a3e86 No.210441
Leave your name field blank ..isn’t necessary and is called namefagging …rules are at top of thread .
ebe3b3 No.210442
NPR is shillin for the UN, fellas.
After news broke of Guantanamo Bay and National Guard, this story hit..
http ://krwg.org/post/guantanamo-bay-remains-symbol-evil
9f9ee8 No.210443
I trust Gowdy… if he was all about the power and money and notoriety he would have taken the FBI dir job or AG job… I think his hands are tied due to what's happening in the backround i.e. Swamp Draining…
096b70 No.210445
Fascinating. Dates have different meanings depending upon the calendar reference.
"October 4, 2016 is the 278th day of the year 2016 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 88 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Tuesday.
Under the Julian calendar, this day is September 21, 2016 – a Tuesday. Both day of the week are the same but did you notice the difference with the Gregorian calendar?"
Curiosity, piqued of course, I simply had to look at September 21, 2016,
Interesting (coincidental, I'm sure) find for that date.
922d65 No.210446
maybe separate items that they boxed and taped as evidence, like a wallet would have it's own box, they don't put everything in 1 box
ce04a9 No.210449
>Dec19 22:22:19 129526
>Board owner, mods, and other patriots:
>Sincere thanks for all that you do.
>You are true heroes.
>Long overdue - my apologies.
>There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.
>We thank you for your service.
Which means:
a) we done good
b) we'll hear from POTUS about it
d) patience is a virtue - exercise some of it
e) have faith in POTUS, Q, and their Operators
afc9c0 No.210454
8a3e86 No.210455
Oh look, a snowflake got his first computer for Xmas … isn’t that special …. fuck off …this isn’t daycare .
991463 No.210456
No it's the retards.
89c342 No.210457
Helpers and others still working hard to dig: I'm sorry this board has become the way it is. I will pray for you and your digging and greatly appreciate all the hard work you have all put in. I will work to stay vigilant and aware and read between the lines when reading the news. I will check back here daily but I can no longer justify spending the majority of the hours of the day here when this is what this board has become.
549e9e No.210460
dont wanna doXXXx myself but past few days a hawk has been staring at me thru mah window. if jesus is coming better take a shower.
952494 No.210462
>I trust Gowdy… if he was all about the power and money and notoriety he would have taken the FBI dir job or AG job… I think his hands are tied due to what's happening in the backround i.e. Swamp Draining…
Gowdy endorsed Marco Rubio and 'A New American Century.' Been suspicious of him ever since.
d382a6 No.210463
Mine doesn't do that it just gets goofy giant type
8a3e86 No.210464
There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do this … we are shitting up this thread with this for?
433c7b No.210465
I too trust Gowdy. I’ve dug in on him. Not much there. He’s /ourguy/
afc9c0 No.210468
549e9e No.210469
i've been online since before prodigy turd. i mean i am a prodigy. maybe.
37c825 No.210470
The Clowns approve of this message
a313e0 No.210471
he looks like bert though :)
1eb094 No.210472
"If I had a son", and it was a bot, I would be proud of it for derailing communication process here by getting people to waste their time making an image everytime they want to say something.
b54834 No.210474
Jason Goodman and George Webb don't want investigation into Rahm Emanuel the Chicago Mayor and his family, perhaps because his brother Ezekiel Emanuel likes to throw "pizza parties" for HRC
>Washington, D.C.: Pizza for Hillary with John Podesta, Campaign Chair, and Maya Harris, Senior Policy Advisor and special guest Chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong
>A Voat discussion on the matter:
Why did I mention the earlier names? Because this guy has been annoying them enough to be harassed by BlackCube for connecting Goodman with Arnan Milchan whose job is to deflect all discussion about Rahm Emanuel, Chuck Schumer and noodlehead DWS:
549e9e No.210475
8a3e86 No.210476
There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do this … we are shitting up this thread with this for?
9c5979 No.210477
Has it really come to this???? WTF?
176c4b No.210480
A few days ago, I was talking to someone in the room with me while lurking here, and the exact comment I made was posted here within minutes. Scary shit.
b5fa11 No.210481
Valérie Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran. Her father, maternal grandfather, and father in law were Communists. Valerie Jarrett was in leading talks with Iran in secret for a year before formal negotiations in Geneva started.
She has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who in turn have close ties to Iran. The Extremely Bad Deal worked out by Secretary of State John Kerry, and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett had more to do with their family relationships than it had to do with stopping Iran from getting a Nuclear Bomb or stopping Iran from being the world's greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism.
Sept 2015
http://www .israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Message.aspx/7437
010530 No.210482
8a3e86 No.210483
Oh, I’m impressed …. truly I am … how about go over to reddit/r/cbts_stream …they may actually give a shit … we don’t give out gold stars …and they will give you free internet points as well
ee14fb No.210484
LdR's first husband Andrew 'Andy' Stein.
Also with McStain.
37c825 No.210486
Where is she at now?
48c72e No.210492
Tripcode test… are they on or off?
89c342 No.210493
For God & Country.
Couldn't do it without you.
Godspeed Patriots.
c8e3c4 No.210498
Obama met with Israeli PM on that date in NY.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/ netanyahu-ive-enjoyed-all-my-meetings-with-obama/
a818e6 No.210499
OH COME ON! NO! This stupid! We used to eat the placenta because it's rich in perinatal vitamins and is very good for breast milk. It was commen for mothers to eat the placenta because back when you never knew where your next meal was coming from that was the healthiest option to give your baby a healthy boost. Most mammals eat there after birth. This includes herbivores like deer and horses. Yeah it's gross but this one is actually has a function that's good for the baby.
8fa81a No.210500
We wonder if Q is ever coming back…
Looks like we need it.
40cb45 No.210502
8a3e86 No.210503
Tripcodes only work for Q
952494 No.210505
That was your 'notice.'
1dd03d No.210507
9c5979 No.210508
Looked at her Twatter and someone tweeted yesterday from her account. Obviously don't know if it's actually here. Seems she spends a lot of her time retweeting Obama's tweets. No current images that I could find.
010530 No.210509
Personally a new start up like patriot leaks, makes me wonder, and they’re trying to discredit Q. Makes me think it’s the wrong side try8ng to distract because of all the shit we have found.
433c7b No.210510
I don’t give a steamin turd what the clowns approve of. Don’t be clowning Anon
834e14 No.210511
dbab86 No.210513
Keep your eyes on the news.
48c72e No.210514
952494 No.210515
Deep State could have been at work?
Suspicious but not judgmental.
Wife & young kids & all.
991463 No.210516
There is a slight problem with what you are doing……
If for instance I need to search for something, using CTRL F > it will automatically skip your search, as it's an image and not text.
So (no offence) if I CTRL F "faggot" your posts will be skipped. Like I say. No offence - think about it logically. You are just making it more difficult to search.
Yeh yeh, filter me for speaking the truth. It would of been a good idea, but unfortunately - slighlly floored.
Peace out and respect.
3637c4 No.210519
23910c No.210522
Any program worth its salt can read the stuff you type in pictures.
This too.
433c7b No.210523
We have nothing to go on other than a shady ass twitter account. I’m giving Gowdy the benefit of the doubt until I’m proven wrong. >>210515
834e14 No.210525
QUOTING >>>209818
>Anonymous 12/30/17 (Sat) 09:58:02 36351f No.209818
Missing Q posts on github
>There IS a resolution.
>Q's FIRST post on 8ch was
>11/25/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 ID: 48dd16
>yes, correct healthy link b/c internal
>SECOND post on 8ch was /cbts/
>11/26/17 (Sun) 00:28:38 ID: 48dd16
>again, healthy link b/c it is here.
>BO did choose to have this board included in the 8ch archive, (THANK YOU BO). It's clunky and not user-friendly like cuckchan but it's there and we have it.
>What this means is that even if some of the Q posts have fallen off of the github site, github anon can use the links in the >spreadsheet and fix it. ALL of Q's post from 4 & 8 are there, all have direct working links to his posts and they are all in >chronological order (each new post starts with a light green line for easy visibility).
>[I do back up the spreadsheet constantly and encourage others to do so as well. It's always good to have backups.]
So if anyone sees or knows how to get in touch with github anon, let him know he can do that please.
Quoting >>>210137
Anonymous 12/30/17 (Sat) 11:17:59 b81fec No.210137
These are good adds to the Apocrypha of Q. In these 3 posts, Q was posting as an anon without the tripcode. The ID (within the context of the thread) is a dead giveaway that it is Q. That cannot be faked.
I save these off for completeness' sake to accurately preserve history. They will appear in the raw text dump linked below.
549e9e No.210526
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
next watch this. time stops
433c7b No.210527
Great point Anon. Plus it’s a PIA to image communicate
8fa81a No.210528
Not seen the board this chaotic before.
Near breakpoint?
185670 No.210529
834e14 No.210530
Oldfag here.
Ideas, stories, culture, and societies compete against one another in a proto-evolutionary manner.
Cultural symbols, ideas, ideals, and structure succeed or fail at the hands of the collective exemplary drama. Drama = Stories = Information. In our current age, Information is passed exponentially faster than the cultural stories of the past. The pace of control required to manage the pass of cultural information is too fast for the evil systems of control to keep up. They're obsolete.
There are only two ways to ensure success into the future for a culture. On one hand you have love. Love between the mother and child is the catalyst for the formation of society. All social structure built around this idea is geared towards the success of the rearing of children in the image of their culture. Those who work towards the realization of the potential of the child work in a moral, enlightened way. The story of adam and eve is an allegory for this idea. Eve accepts the apple from the tree of knowledge and shares it with Adam. The apple represents the love for child and the knowledge that a serpent can kill the mothers child is that which triggered social order. The mother shares the fruit with man who invests in the rearing of the children and protect them from the snake. It's the foundation of western culture.
The light works through the medium of love to influence the potential of children to act in the culture's best interest in order to revivify it in the future. The culture does not succeed otherwise.
On the other hand you have evil, temptation, darkness. They control the potential of children (the future) through means of trauma based mind control, blackmail, and harm. Their means of control must stay secret, hidden, because functionally it does not work when exposed to the greater culture. When the light (the culture built around the successful rearing of children) shines on their wicked ways, the structure of evil crumbles.
Evil is inherently dark as a result. It's inherently a pyramid of control. The powerful ascend to the top where they have true vision of the world. Only they, in secret, know the extent of the evil control of the world below them. The culture of light and love is corruptible by their means. That's why we, the distributed culture that is robust and anonymous, are so important. DISTRIBUTED, ROBUST AND ANONYMOUS CULTURE is that which they cannot corrupt. That is who we are.
When Q and POTUS tell us to pray, it's not to converse with an omnipotent being in the sky, it's to collectively focus our intention towards the success of the light over dark. We are in control of our destiny through the inherent choices we have to make. When we focus on something, especially as a collective, we succeed at shining light wherever it is needed.
549e9e No.210532
try this go to 4ch and make a post with #Q or #!ITPb.qbhqo and see what u find
b4d316 No.210533
Patriot Leaks on Twitter is a Clowns In America account set up to discredit #Qanon. Do Not follow it, retweet it or post on it. No back story on account holder. New twitter account. Move away from it. I have noticed several new Clowns In America accounts recently set up.
9c5979 No.210534
Guys, I think we were told by Q from the beginning that there is disinformation out there from BOTH sides. The white hats need it for cover while operations take place and the black hats use it to throw us off. At this time, some former black hats are flipping and I suspect that their may even be some white hats which have been compromised. If it's an actual post on here from Q with the trip, probably legit. If it's our own research, probably legit. This is why we need to pray and use our intuition. Let it guide you. It does work.
834e14 No.210535
>>I just want to say, to the butthurt faggots who are worried about language on this board…
<<<If you're going to let a WORD hurt you. If you don't think that EVERYONE gets made fun of, talked shit about, disrespected, and bullied to some extent in life, then your Fantasyland lights are definitely out. Welcome to reality. Humans say stupid shit. Stupid human shit is NOT worth getting upset about.
>>I've been called names and made fun of my whole life for various things. Some serious, some not so much. Either way.. I don't give a shit. I realize these are just human faggots whose opinion is worth exactly what I paid for it.
>>If you think you're so fucking special that you deserve better treatment than everyone else, then YOU are the problem. [/rant]
Delete the https:// Post as www.blah.blah/etc
e5d91e No.210536
Something I noticed from 4chan was that the shilling died down when The Lord's Prayer was posted several times throughout the thread. (Typed out - not just a text image of it.)
433c7b No.210537
Overnight this board was so bad I went to bed. Very chaotic for sure
8a3e86 No.210538
c993c6 No.210539
Not cautiously enough.
4ff788 No.210541
Baker - been away, possibly already discussed. if not, can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Should be required reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
433c7b No.210544
834e14 No.210545
We endure as Patriots, or we fail and allow the (((Cabal))) to be refreshed anew with the blood of children.
3637c4 No.210546
If there's dirt on Gowdy, I hope he's allowed to remain until near the end of the upcoming Congressional hearings; he's got a job to do before any dirt on him is made officially public
4565aa No.210547
Me too. Saw it coming
d9fe84 No.210548
The Vatican/Pope(s), The UN, Has Bibi flipped on the NWO or is he still genocidal? America is the first domino…whos next?
7147d0 No.210549
The team that did the original count of sealed indictments on 11/22 which ended up amounting to 4,289 are doing a recount as we speak. They're still counting but the total at the moment is 10,448 !!
Expect an update on the numbers tomorrow
952494 No.210551
Praising Bob Mueller to the hills, and Comey, too?
Endorsed Rubio, an anchor baby for President?
Covered for Schiff on closed door meeting leaks?
fc2639 No.210552
Just a few years ago he was preening on TV on Forensic Files.
40cb45 No.210554
Post sauce when available, please.
37c825 No.210555
Not sure what to make of this..
Good / Bad? Dig into it?
Does Trump have full control of the State Dept yet?
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-30/us-state-department-hints-iran-overthrow-are-we-witnessing-early-stages-regime
433c7b No.210556
Agreed. Ignore and dig is my method.
991463 No.210557
Can't work out if diss or F for respect.
OCD, autism at its best
press F for respect?
2a95fb No.210558
a313e0 No.210559
its been a shill fest for months, learn to declutter and you will be just fine.
7858ce No.210560
Don't post zh here….
433c7b No.210561
My 2 cents….keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
549e9e No.210562
but i want t o di e
8a3e86 No.210563
Try this …..learn to read … 4ch trip no longer works here fag …codemonkey changed the code on the board …the ONLY trip that works here is Q … I can see your new … so I’m not going to go off on you …but reading past threads may do ya some good …
7d1aa5 No.210564
"But you see you can't put all history in the book. So you got a lot of history that is not in the book that is valuable, and sometime is more valuable then the history that is in the book."
I speak to a chosen few who oppose a view
Held by common man, my proposal grew
Out of independent thought seeds
Planting righteous roses, but the world brought weeds
Any man who fought creeds in history in wicked ways
Felt pain, why not bleed? We're living in the sickest days
Vicious plays with secretive scenes and acts
Lies laid like train tracks to cover obscene facts
Greenbacks perpetuate the playwrights
Money makes the setting change from night to daylight
It's all illusion, with trick mirror reflections
The Peoples Choice Awards are presidential elections
Deception hidden, like a serpent in the cracks
To watch the play, it costs you a 7% tax
The acting leaves a forming of habitual greed
The forbidden tree is grown out of a capital seed
If it's shaken roughly, you watch the power unravel
The spotlight shines from the Tower of Babel
It blinds people so they always finding means
To keep hidden what goes on behind the scenes
Currency flooding, so they won't stop inflation
The masses are subdued by media propagation
Proclamation of waste, they're throwing you away
While the live sheep flock, they're going to the play
History has shown us the power and greed
Devouring deed, fallen in an hour of need
A flower will breed, just shower the seed
A coward will bleed, this my creed
Listen, behold, and take heed
A global theater, with an enormous performance
With lonely stage-hands with military endurance
Be super-conscious, a subliminal fact is built
You like the play? Join the political actors guild
And learn how to fake what you feel, with snake appeal
Then rob the poor's pockets every time you make a deal
Take and steal, under the guise of Just Cause and trust laws
Manifest acceptance as an audience applause
A river of greed, it's an undisrupted flow
While civilian police are nothing but a puppet show
Let the trumpets blow, signaling the opening act
Pull the curtains back, an unseen open attack
Let the true light refract, and reflect like a prism
While monopolies allow full and direct communism
I'm secretly having my freedom stripped
Meanwhile polling political parasites read a script
You walk with a smile, even if you hate it
Ignorance allows an audience to be manipulated
Stated innocent, really guilty hidden criminals
Children are deprived their basic vitamins and minerals
Lies contracting deals, of subtracting bills
No truth found, only good acting skills
Check the dollar bill under the pyramid in Latin
New World Order exists draped in black satin
I plead that my voice is heard, with the choice of words
To stimulate like the moistest herbs
Poisonous, absurd, venomous of real reality
A surreal gallery, with the phony actuality
Politicians taking drama classes, to promise actions
Exceeding and eliminating honest factions
A continuous play with no intermission
Executive decision lead into wicked wishing
A crooked Christian will help to show you to your seat
Then steal your wallet and say "I owe you a receipt"
Slow deceit is upon us, it's the hour of delusion
Their writing script ideas into our Constitution
Evil intrusion, mental breaking and entering
On the united front, the fake and the centering
Taken and spending, with welfare lending
Inevitable effect is healthcare ending
Scene six, act six, script six
The players is playing devilish characteristics
The show goes on, you can't keep the play waiting
The poor pay the rich, and the rich pay Satan
I'll put my Constitutional right to fight
Speak words of light, to ignite insight
It's all relative to your life, certainly, I suppose
If you open the truth, you'll make the curtains close
b5fa11 No.210567
I wonder where she is…. hmmm her daughter asked Geoff Sessions if President Trump could send people to Guantanamo. She’s (the daughter) at the justice dept at CNN
57a1da No.210568
POTUS has said many times he knows these people VERY well, he used to be one of them…
Interesting that he would say that publically.
Perhaps this is why he was recruited and it is his way of telling us.
549e9e No.210569
b5fa11 No.210570
Oops sorry forgot to break the link
433c7b No.210572
9c5979 No.210574
Yes, the laws of Spiritual Warfare are very clear. ((They)) can only attack if the individual(s) allow it. ((They)) have to be given permission. Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but it's complicated. Fear, anger, etc. allow the conditions of permission by lowering the frequency. If we all prayed it would cause the shilling to die down. We have to set the intention. INTENTION is everything.
57a1da No.210575
POTUS has said many times he knows these people VERY well, he used to be one of them…
Interesting that he would say that publically.
Perhaps this is why he was recruited and it is his way of telling us.
dbb66e No.210577
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
b1e193 No.210579
I have been following this since the beginning. If the implied truths are accepted (cult pedo trafficking cannibalism slavery war as business and genocide) then one must decide. These crimes against humanity require a robust justice backed by deadly force under law. Now, those in authority who claim these facts about known and specific individuals place an obligation upon themselves to remedy the injustice by prompt arrests, trials, and sentences appropriate to the crimes. If no such arrests, trials, and sentences are evident to we the victims and bystanders, we are, by virtue of our knowledge, compelled to act in defense of both the innocent and our selves. This is explicit in the Declaration of Independence "New Guards" language. We, the People will act: if We do not observe the execution of lawful justice upon these heinous criminals, We shall no doubt execute it ourselves…a process which will likely be both more unpleasant and disruptive to society than any mass arrests of the plutocrats and oligarchs.
d2af75 No.210580
Beginning December 25 + 12 days = January 5.
Q last post: Dec 25 3:57pm EST + 12 days = January 6 (inclusive).
10 days minus saturday, sunday
Then, from post >>173382
5-6 = January 5-6, 2018
Return date.
b5fa11 No.210581
433c7b No.210582
He knows all their secrets. He spent years collecting those secrets to take them all down. >>210575
7567c9 No.210583
Red hands red handed China oil
a313e0 No.210585
you are gonna get a hernia with that stretching buddy
213d6c No.210586
The distributed culture is impenetrable.
a313e0 No.210587
9c5979 No.210589
Hmmmm. Now that is very interesting. Great find, anon. I hadn't seen that before, but it certainly does give one pause for thought. It's all about the coincidences that aren't coincidences!
549e9e No.210590
8a3e86 No.210591
Science will study your stupidity for centuries. Since you can’t read, go watch Tracy beans interview on YouTube with board owner where he explains it himself …there are some of us who has been here from the beginning …so fuck off ..
ae4875 No.210592
Yes, flying under the public radar but she one to definitely keep watch over. Key figure.
40cb45 No.210593
I'd say easy as hell to penetrate, but it is like punching a cloud. Doesn't work good.
834e14 No.210594
952494 No.210596
Not a Hill worth dying on > Arkancided.
9c5979 No.210600
I've had two posts not make it onto the board and all my others have been extraordinarily slow. I just got on for the first time since early last night. Anons seem to be saying this started last night. What do you think prompted it?
834e14 No.210603
Is there a better copy of that map? The image linked is a thumbnail, text is too small and blurry to be of use.
ae4875 No.210604
NPR is full of left-wing ideologues. As always has been, always will be. The have a progressive globalist agenda funded by you, the American taxpayer.
433c7b No.210605
No hill worth dying on. Arkancided is a real thing. Actually we need many more Arkancided memes for the twatter and such. >>210596
9134da No.210606
Nice story, could have added some dragons or fairies to make it more realistic though,
b47601 No.210607
No it's all the images slowing shit down
fedb69 No.210609
Maybe Operation_window(5-6) just means 5-6 days beginning 12/25.
32be8f No.210610
433c7b No.210611
NPR NatziPussyRage
834e14 No.210612
Cancel that request. I'm a dumbfuck and had it open already /facepalm
40cb45 No.210614
834e14 No.210615
Hah, beat me to the cancel. Thank you much though :)
a313e0 No.210616
if its not a meme, fucking filter them
91f264 No.210617
im away for an hour, come back and you fags are goin after gowdy???
the fuck did i miss??
ae4875 No.210618
Clown niggaz in here hard lately. They have stepped up their media blitz too online with their hut teams of "writers" and "commentators." Careful, Anons. Fight back.
1dd03d No.210619
remember that so called screw up by POTUS… 2 Thesalonians (said two not 2nd)? nothing is a coincedence so i looked. here is 9-12. we get people in here trying to say POTUS is just a part of it all and we are being fooled. here's the answer (i see it that way) to that lie…
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 New King James Version (NKJV)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
c993c6 No.210620
Anons, I need a link to that pic of all the red shoes… anyone have handy? Might have new lead.
36b000 No.210621
Same search for kill_rogue returns nothing
so what is this "evidence" showing, that these two tweets were after the arrival of q? how does one find the change of a twitter account in other words how did one determine that it was 0seek0 before?
433c7b No.210623
Replies are taking fuheva to post.
4ff788 No.210625
TY for headsup. this guy major Indiabadguy, proves connection to HRC and LdR and rest of cabal nasties.
That cabal map showed connections, save hours dig. posted .pdf, can be magnified to read. it's fukin brilliant.
a313e0 No.210626
thank you desu, shall we do more
> need some spice ideas
8a3e86 No.210627
Should be a bunch in meme folder if harvester snatched them
549e9e No.210628
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
moar inspriatoion
d82980 No.210630
"Ode to Joy" (German: "An die Freude" [an diː ˈfʁɔʏdə], is an ode written in the summer of 1785 by German poet, playwright, and historian Friedrich Schiller and published the following year in Thalia. A slightly revised version appeared in 1808, changing two lines of the first and omitting the last stanza.
ca65bf No.210631
fuck off ZH is a good source
40cb45 No.210632
"If they know, we hang!" (uh-oh face)
23910c No.210633
Even more inspiration
c993c6 No.210636
Yeah, been looking, so many memes, not having luck. Was hoping someone had it close.
37c825 No.210640
In the Iraq war they used a deck of cards to identify and catch the bad guys which was said to be extremely effective.
Perhaps it's almost time for a new Global deck of cards.
40cb45 No.210641
af4a61 No.210644
Nice that this namefag is putting full links to a Soros backed website
433c7b No.210645
Swept and shared Anon
fb71df No.210646
834e14 No.210647
a96bb0 No.210650
Response to >>207831
Who said:
10 days. DarNKess. Remember it was misspelled. so it involves North Korea. Well- they are always in the dark from an electrical standpoint. Kim was last seen at the top of Mt. Paektu on Dec.7 (when 10 days started). They weren’t sure he showed up to his father’s memorial on the 17th- (10 days later). So where was he? Maybe a Swiss skiing trip?
https ://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20171209_18/
http ://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2017/12/17/0401000000AEN20171217004200315.html
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un scaled the country's highest mountain to emphasize his military vision. Kim climbed Mount Paektu with ranking military officials, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said, adding that he recalled "the emotion-charged days when he realized the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force," after reaching the peak.
Story and photo were not released until Dec 9, 2017
http ://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2017/12/09/0401000000AEN20171209001000315.html
FROM >>207831
“They weren’t sure he showed up to his father’s memorial on the 17th- (10 days later)”
http ://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2017/12/17/0401000000AEN20171217004200315.html
No articles confirming his presence found. No published photos located
FROM >>207831
“So where was he? Maybe a Swiss skiing trip?”
Kim was educated in Berne Switzerland at the International School of Berne – familiar territory, convenient (perhaps safer) meeting place,
FROM Q >>147588085
Nov 2 2017, 02:14:27 Anonymous
Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now? Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities? Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran? What deal was done with Iran under BO? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? Why wasn’t Congress notified? Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US? What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016). Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you? Big picture is rare.
Could the missing I = the spelling of the word is ‘faulty?
Like the faulty nuclear blueprints and instructions providing by CIA to Iran and intended for others under OPERATION MERLIN? (Clinton and Bush Admins)
See >>200207
CIA knows what NK can and can’t do because they have been the ones feeding NK the tech details.
Missle with the missing “I” = Kim Jong Un went to a place away from surveillance I / eye
d78d16 No.210651
Q said we have everything… just keep putting the pieces together until shit fits… and try to avoid shitposting idiotic shit that Q would never give us.
433c7b No.210652
A deck of 5987 cards that would be
9c5979 No.210653
Agreed. With knowledge comes responsibility. Let's pray that the current administration can put an end to the atrocities before citizens are compelled to act.
4ff788 No.210655
Baker - been away, possibly already discussed. if not, can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Should be required reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
23910c No.210656
A wonderful speech, always a pleasure to listen to it. Thank you.
549e9e No.210658
#pizzagate is real
433c7b No.210659
Love it. Shared! >>210637
7567c9 No.210660
09a0e9 No.210661
comfy musical interlude
c8e3c4 No.210662
Could go down South Park’s route where Bono is literally a giant piece of shit.
Now that I think about that episode, it includes and ties Bono to Switzerland.
3dae2f No.210663
Soros donated nearly $2 million to NPR back in 2010 so the could "hire more journalists.'
9c5979 No.210664
Have several thoughts on this, but will just say that yes, I do believe that there are much higher powers at work on all of this.
7567c9 No.210665
7520c6 No.210667
Other text anon, you were missing 6 of mine. I was missing 4 of yours.
Please check your batter for these posts. These are fake Q.
Here are the Q posts I had that weren't in your batter.
We should have a total of 460 Q posts once reconciled.
fb71df No.210669
DarNKess =
Dar= Dauters of The American Revolution founded 1890 Headquartered in Washington DC.
NK= North Korea
ess= Earth and Space Sciences
32746b No.210670
Day 3 of protests is Iran. Live.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=25gG_WxzXcE&feature=push-lsb&attr_tag=H-aXAagE5oIvVZ95-6
549e9e No.210671
is BO fat? im scared to look. i have an averstion to fatties
803829 No.210672
BIG money corruption!
2011 reuters article.
433c7b No.210673
Likey Anon. Square away some spelling and I will share that shiz
a356a8 No.210674
And then Cia tweets a Picture. Just like they wanted to se how many would react
40cb45 No.210675
Haha….FOX news just said that Bezos is the richest man in the world with $90bn. Kek…
d82980 No.210679
Bots please read this text because I want to use CTRL F.
050b96 No.210680
I notice he misspelled children in this tweet. Seeing other misspellings have actually been crumbs should we be dissecting this misspelling as well?
e5e2ed No.210682
ho nomo please .
a96bb0 No.210683
Thanks Anon. Have we found a 2nd source for this yet?
213d6c No.210685
Q did not bring us aliens.
I immature imagination of others did that.
We are supposed to be trying to escape that kind of slave mentality.
d9a434 No.210686
Trump's new EO (Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption) brings a bit more meaning to
"(1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or [b] the extraction of natural resources [b], or bribery;"
Here is a connection to sex traffickers and removal of non-renewable raw materials such as oil, gas, metals and minerals from the earth. This is, of course, around the world but here is an example right here in the USA.
"Service providers in areas near camps surrounding large-scale oil extraction facilities, such as the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota in the United States, have reported that sex traffickers have exploited women in the area, including Native American women."
The Link Between Extractive Industries and Sex Trafficking
433c7b No.210687
a313e0 No.210688
> a little better
d96d05 No.210690
I commented on that last week….I think (((they))) are getting bold and throwing this shit in our faces…..
9c5979 No.210693
Yeah, the gig is up on that one. I think people are coming to terms with the concept of ETs existing now. Will they handle the rest of the disclosure? - That I'm not too sure about, but we shall see.
b54834 No.210694
this is a great bake, wonderful, the best ever
a96bb0 No.210695
Thanks Anon. Have we found a 2nd source for this yet?
0d13a4 No.210696
A basic Alinskyite tactic is to accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing (colluding with Russia, undermining our institutions, not accepting the election results etc. etc.).
Based on that, who will turn out to be the actual child molester, Judge Roy Moore or Doug Jones?
433c7b No.210697
2d1324 No.210698
posting from a tin foil hat nibiru lovers site isnt exactly credible
9c5979 No.210699
That's a great one! Thanks, anon!!
a356a8 No.210701
Even if you dont like it, there is solid Objects flying around. Its not an imagination
7520c6 No.210702
Correction, we should have a total of 459 Q posts once reconciled.
233 at halfchan
226 at 8ch
096b70 No.210703
Lots of happenings in Iran right now.
Perhaps Anons should focus some attention there.
e78ec0 No.210705
209571…cAnt b there All the time.
Tried & true….trust. g8 prayer w/ Doris day ksarah, ksarah. Brilliant lyrics!
213d6c No.210708
Yeah, because of 70 years of top secret sciences.
Its not little green men.
433c7b No.210709
d9fe84 No.210712
We know the spiders are all over the globe, the web is vast but they've been caught in their own trap. BO hiding in NK? The Papal Bull? They don't own our souls
834e14 No.210714
4ff788 No.210715
POTUS Q Respectfully, listen to our concerns and adjust plan. No heads roll = bad optics. cannot rally the troops without. won't be trusted until justice publically carried out.
fcb773 No.210716
ok, I finally finished the big new quiz, it's still not done but it's a long way closer than it was, please give it a try it might not even work cause I haven't tested it all the way through - but people liked the shitty one and this one is less shitty and includes some of my research I hadn't shared before that is essential to understand Q - one major major thing that people keep getting wrong.
433c7b No.210717
What is that you say Anon? Kek
0d13a4 No.210719
Congress can only investigate and refer to the DOJ. It's just a show really, no enforcement powers whatsoever.
197a95 No.210720
d82980 No.210722
The cow jumps over the Moon.
5e2ab9 No.210723
mmmm delicious beaver bread.
0d13a4 No.210724
It would be helpful for our morale to see a few names arrested and "more coming."
c29004 No.210725
Nope. First use Nov 9, 2017. You going to keep this up or GTFO now? archive.4plebs.org/_/search/tripcode/%21ITPb.qbhqo
4ff788 No.210726
you're right about the freqency
774318 No.210729
Most beautiful FLOTUS ever!!
7498a7 No.210730
Reminders are appreciated.
a96bb0 No.210733
Do not know how to meme.
Cannot understand directions.
Trust me I am real
Just posted the research on NK
9c5979 No.210735
I've been yet to acquire another article on it since I saw it posted yesterday. So far, no second source that I can find. I did, however, find in the articles I read that Obama seemed to be on good terms with the Thai government which appears to be a bit unusual for previous POTUSs. Not altogether surprising given the sex-trade business is rampant in Thailand, I suppose.
0d13a4 No.210736
Congress has no power to lock anybody up, only to refer to DOJ.
3d8eef No.210737
Intel drop via a Question.
If Area 51 is not a research facility, what if it is an EMBASSY?
How much more does that make sense now?
Does that explain a few things?
Is it perhaps the biggest crumb so far?
Why aren't even Presidents allowed in YET?
Note this Timestamp.
Then note Twitter.
e08893 No.210738
c8780a No.210739
873385 No.210744
GTFO. You do not belong here.
a96bb0 No.210746
Do not know how to meme.
Trust me I am real
Just posted the research on NK
0d13a4 No.210747
d82980 No.210748
The snow is falling.
834e14 No.210750
If you bake it, he will crumb.
<Current Crumb (Individual): Katharine Weymouth (divorced)
Katharine Weymouth, daughter of Lally Weymouth. Sold Washington Post to Bezos in 2013, former Publisher of WaPo. Recruited to serve on Advisory Board of FiscalNote. Harvard Law Grad. Also attended Oxford and Stanford.
A granddaughter and namesake of long-time Washington Post chairwoman and publisher Katharine Graham (d. 2001), Weymouth is a daughter of political columnist and publishing heiress Lally Weymouth and the architect Yann R. Weymouth. Her mother's family owned the newspaper from 1933, when it was purchased by her great-grandfather Eugene Meyer,[10] until it was sold to Jeff Bezos in 2013.[11] Weymouth is the fifth member of her family to have held the publisher position.[3]
Weymouth married lawyer Richard Alan Scully on 25 July 1998.[1] The couple had three children, Madeleine, Beckett, and Bridget, and later divorced. [4]
<Current Crumb (Organization)
FiscalNote leverages artificial intelligence and beautiful design to make government data more accessible and actionable across industries. FiscalNote is the first government strategy platform to offer a mobile application, allowing users to access and analyze every bill at every stage from all fifty states, D.C. and Congress on their phones. These offerings tie to the company’s objective – empowering organizations to take control of their government strategy.
FiscalNote recently started its international expansion with its acceptance into Google for Entrepreneurs’ Campus Seoul, a space for entrepreneurs to connect, learn, and go global.
FiscalNote CEO Timothy Hwang was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in Law & Policy in 2016.[3] FiscalNote was founded by Timothy Hwang, Gerald Yao, and Jonathan C. Chen in 2013.
In Feb. 2016, to accommodate its rapid growth, FiscalNote moved their D.C. office to 1 Thomas Circle,[12] leasing the entire 8th floor; likewise, their New York City office leased its own space at 291 Broadway. The company also began eyeing international opportunities when they were selected as an inaugural member of Google’s Campus Seoul in Seoul, Korea.[13]
In September 2013 the company announced a $1.2 million seed funding round[14][15] backed by Mark Cuban, New Enterprise Associates, First Round Capital's Dorm Room Fund, AME Cloud Ventures, Plug and Play Tech Center, and the University of Maryland.
In November 2014 FiscalNote announced a $7 million Series A round[16][17] which included additional investors Visionnaire Ventures, Winklevoss Capital, Green Visor Capital, Enspire Capital, Middleland Capital, and Steve Case.
This was augmented in February 2015 with a $10 million Series B round led by Renren.[18][19]
In February 2016, the company announced their $10 million Series C funding[20][21] led by Visionnaire Ventures and Green Visor Capital. Participating investors included New Enterprise Associates, co-founder and former CEO of Yahoo! Inc. Jerry Yang, Mark Cuban, 645 Ventures, Renren, Plug and Play, SF Capital, Perle Ventures and Conversion Capital.
14dbd2 No.210752
Funny how you never saw this on the MSM…
https://powderedwigsociety. com/hitlery-booed/
Watch both videos. Second one shows they dont like her st all. She is still trying to be Pez. The pretend Prez. Hahaha. What a sad joke she is.
Hit her twatter with "Twice failed Pes. candidate Hitlery Clinton……"
549e9e No.210753
433c7b No.210754
Is this a real Anon? Cause that’s interesting if so
0ce360 No.210755
>no quicklink to latest Q drops
>implying anybody wants to read through thousands of slide posts a day to find anything of value
Sage and baker please livestream an-hero
bc4bf4 No.210756
Don’t worry, we are watching and we are ready.
14dbd2 No.210757
0d13a4 No.210758
The best evidence Ive seen is people disappearing off twitter, but that's not "proof." There is no "proof" yet, only scraps of evidence and speculation.
834e14 No.210759
Part 2
<Direct Connection via FiscalNote
Gen (Ret) Stanley McChrystal
He is best known for developing and implementing the current counter-insurgency strategy in (((Afghanistan)))
>"For those not understanding, SFOD-D has, and rightly so, as their Standard Operational Procedure a ((('take no survivors' policy))) once forces are committed
Serves on the advisory board to Spirit of America.
Notable fellow on Board of SoA: John McCain (Senator?) + George P Shultz (see below) +
<Secondary Crumb via McChrystal (Organization:)
>Spirit of America
SoA is a "nonprofit supported solely through private-sector contributions" which does not "receive funding from the government or military," its website states. Donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Hake's Spirit Of America group has been accused by a blogger of being a front for CIA PsyOps in the Middle East. [4] Hake was closely involved with the Fadhil brothers at the Iraq The Model blog and brought two of them to Washington in November 2004, where they met with President George W. Bush and Paul Wolfowitz in the Oval Office. A third Fadhil brother (now blogging at Free Iraqi) later accused Hake of using the Fadhil's for political purposes and with-holding funds pledged for social work in Iraq. Spirit of America provided information in reply to these charges here and here. [anon notes that the 'here' and 'here' links were 404'd w/ no archive]
<Secondary Connection to Academi (Blackwater) via former employee Brigader General (Ret) Craig Nixon, CEO. Nixon employed by McChrystal Group immediately prior to joining Academi.
<Secondary Connection to (((George P Shultz.)))
Former US Secretary of State under Reagan, 1982-89. Former Secretary of Treasury, 1972-74 and Secretary of Labor, 1969-70 under President Nixon.
Former President / Current Board Member of Becthel Group.
Former Chairman of the Committe for the Liberation of Iraq
>In these roles he has been both an outspoken proponent of the Iraq invasion, and a hefty beneficiary of the reconstruction process.[1]=[2]
He is married to (((Dame))) Charlotte Mailliard Shultz.
<Tertiary Connection to Dame Charlotte nee Mailliard Shultz.
Dame Shultz has served seven San Francisco Mayors as Chief of Protocol and Director of Special Events for the City and County of San Francisco. During her tenure, she was responsible for receiving and entertaining many world leaders, including the (((Pope, Queen Elizabeth,)))) Mikhail Gorbachev and Francois Mitterand
<Future Crumb?
Marcus Brauchli - recruited by Katharine Weymouth from the Wall Street Journal to the WaPo. At the time, WSJ had just been acquired by Rupert Murdoch
Marcus W. Brauchli (born June 19, 1961) is a media investor and advisor. He also is a consultant to Graham Holdings Company, working with the company's chairman and CEO, Donald E. Graham. Before his current roles, he spent four-plus years as executive editor of The Washington Post
57fa53 No.210760
I can guess how you all feel about this but I made this shirt and I have permission to use the image. It is these guys (special ops) that protect POTUS thru JSOC. I have the greatest respect for them and honor their service by creating shirts to give them cover. I am only interested in what is relevant. If the board thinks I should not post images with my logo-then so be it. I will abide.
a96bb0 No.210761
Correct. Ergo, asking for a 2nd source. Duh
096b70 No.210762
Hiding in NK? Seems like a ship might be a good hiding spot.
d202af No.210763
Thai is currently under Military rule by the junta that overthrew the globalist puppet Shinawatra. Her bro Thaksin is living in the UK in exile. I'm not sure what you know about thailand but I literally was there on the ground like 3 days ago.
14dbd2 No.210764
Congressional break extended to January 8th for unknown reason. That is important too. What do they need time to get ready for?
a96bb0 No.210765
Correct. Ergo, asking for a 2nd source. Duh
3d8eef No.210768
Consider the only places in the US where even Presidents cannot just walk in.
Where are these?
0d13a4 No.210769
Thats evidence of troop movement, but has anybody compared normal troop movement in and out of gitmo in recent years?
Troops heading to a military base is certainly not "proof, " just evidence. Same with Mattis and sessions being there.
1eb094 No.210770
Concur. Watch the news (all forms).
Connect the markers.
Build the map.
d82980 No.210771
https ://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/rahm-emanuel-receives-godfather-style-portrait-gift
0ce360 No.210772
Give the federal power back to the Fucking states where it BELONGS
959cb8 No.210773
Thank very much. I am still at it, but will double-check your results. Will come back once finished.
6fcf06 No.210774
That is because you can't discuss stringers here. You have to go find the correct thread and discuss it, unless you are discussing news that unlocks stringer.
Only current news allowed
433c7b No.210775
Good one Anon. Shared
a96bb0 No.210776
Getting their legal defense together?
Have half of them lawyered up?
d56a13 No.210777
I just revisited the "skippy video" on youtube. It seems these are only parts of a much larger video, cut together for all audiences. So who has the original file? who edited it? where to find the whole version? NSA? was it filmed by a 3rd person or did the NSA record Podesta via "Alice" or some other spytec by turning the cam of his iphone on without him knowing?
ce278f No.210778
Fuck this fucking 8chan has got shit. No habbins now we are invaded by teenagers telling us to not say waythith or sexith shit. Fuck off faggots! next we'll be on SIXTEENchan escaped from these soft poodiggers. Do you wanna know who Q is? We're not gonna fucking tell you. We all have a fucking good clue who, but if you don't get what CBTS is then fuck off back to NYT, Guardian and BBC. All you newfaggots need to repeat is the mantra Semper Fidelis and stay true.
6fcf06 No.210779
thanks for all the research and info
09a0e9 No.210780
Just posted on twatter 30 min ago
Found the passport in the video interesting… reminded me of the AC Gannett / walnut debate
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFYTvStOwPI
fdd847 No.210782
Picture is from Travel site
youtube. com/watch?v=_zCmHwCM4PU - This guy reads the article a couple days ago and says the REAL PMs name Prayut Chan-o-cha… Not sure who Nik Bukharin is, but this article is not real.
Simple searches people… keep digging
433c7b No.210783
I’m agreeing with you. And I can’t think of but one.
0d13a4 No.210784
Our root problem. The united states of America, a constitutional republic, not the United States of America, a corporation.
a356a8 No.210785
Yes, thats what i see as well. Nothing. Thats the reason im thinking that, all the finest, brightest truthseekers has been trapped in a spidersweb, chasing a rabbit Down a rabbit hole, for 3 months
3d8eef No.210786
Who stopped 9/11 being worse?
Who made a call to the political representatives in the embassy in Area 51?
Who do Deep State now fear?
bc4bf4 No.210787
>>210772 Exactly. Back to the Constitution.
14dbd2 No.210788
Congressional break extended to January 8th for unknown reason. That is important too. What do they need time to get ready for?
72d208 No.210789
That's basically what I posted yesterday. It wasn't that Comey was protecting hrc, no, he was protecting hussein. Because hussein was emailing her at that unsecure server email address. They couldn't let hussein be implicated in this.
What I was hoping for, and still am, is that hussein is proven to be an illegitamate prez. therefore there is no protection for him anymore. Furthermore, anything he did becomes null and void - i.e. pardons, eo's, etc.
a96bb0 No.210790
6fcf06 No.210791
BREAK is a keyword
c353e9 No.210792
It's all about the BREAK
68bce6 No.210793
Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
40cb45 No.210794
Passport seal - where from?
a96bb0 No.210795
Some Jews in NY said they received a call to avoid the area…Connection?…Ed Koch
825ee5 No.210796
Don't let them get your goat. Just keep digging. Their bullshit won't last long. They have the attention span of… Something that doesn't have an attention span, lol
90df7a No.210798
Connection between FBI raid and Bronx fire?
A name that came up in a George Webb video months ago - Angelina Mensah
Possibly related to the soldier who died in the Bronx fire - Emmanuel Mensah?
Coincidence? Emergency clean-up after the FBI raid? Probably a stretch, but interesting.
32746b No.210799
14dbd2 No.210800
POTUS just cut funding to Pakistan. Another $250 million a year saved for Americans!
3d8eef No.210801
Embassies are sovereign land of the resident state.
3091dd No.210802
Good morning anons. Nice to see the boards in better shape then last night whew
739468 No.210803
This Anon gets it
0d13a4 No.210804
Muslim Execution Day at Gitmo, feat. Jarrett, Soetero, Huma, and Brennan. Group the firing squads by themes! Just for fun.
a96bb0 No.210805
I remember that..
McCabe getting rid of the evidence…
01886b No.210806
Worst Fucking bread I've ever seen.
Peace faggots
b3f509 No.210808
Isn't VJ livin large in the Obama's DC mansion?
90df7a No.210809
>Congressional break extended to January 8th for unknown reason.
Maybe because they 'lost' the week before Christmas to stay and vote on taxes and budget? Also, next week is a partial week.
433c7b No.210811
834e14 No.210812
ca65bf No.210813
THIS is great. THIS is what we need!
Are you the one who posted the great info on Federika Wilson last night? I meant to save it but didn't seem to. Do you have a link for that or remember which thread it was in?
7520c6 No.210814
Just noting a bit of cognitive dissonance with what happened this morning and continues.
People started sending image texts because they believe bots (Snow White) cannot read image texts.
If these bots (Snow White) cannot read image texts, how did they pass the captcha?
FACT: They were responding to your image texts.
#1) KISS - You're dealing with paid shills.
#2) Bots (Snow White) are actually intelligent enough to pass a captcha and read your image texts.
CONCLUSION: Your image texts are for naught either way.
3d8eef No.210815
Everything makes a lot more sense with that crumb?
14dbd2 No.210817
433c7b No.210818
5e2ab9 No.210819
You mean this,lol
739468 No.210822
>implying ip switch is (((opsec)))
Faggot you are here… that’s all they need. Sage this preteen faggot
4a9fba No.210823
I remember when Hussein threw money at this panzi scam like the first year in office- it was then I knew it was about to be the dumbest pres in history. Idiot. Iran deal- can’t disguise anything g.
8a3e86 No.210825
Good to see ya back !rr …you still a fag …but good to see ya ..these normies will love your stuff ..still have the handwritten notes? ..should lay it on them …
dbb66e No.210827
This is what I have been feeling and saying for the past few days. THIS IS WHY I THINK Godfather 3 refers to him.
a313e0 No.210828
433c7b No.210829
It’s definitely a theory I hadn’t considered
b54834 No.210830
>650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop; DOJ Blocked Clinton Foundation Probe
>by ZeroHedge · Published October 31, 2016 · Updated October 31, 2016
32746b No.210832
825ee5 No.210833
7520c6 No.210834
Absolutely! You must double-check my work. Don't just take my word for it. The batter will be stronger afterward.
0d13a4 No.210836
>>210549 Numerous defendants may be named in each indictment too.
14dbd2 No.210837
Someone is in here hard. Might have to leave for a bit. Heavy traffic. Careful, Anons. Being monitored. Info pulled fast from board. Havent determined god or Evil.
cf8808 No.210839
whats Bush's ss codename?
9860b0 No.210840
Watcing football on xABC, just saw that TacoBell commercial…..creepy: keeps showing dollar bill, zooms in on its pyramid, draws triangle and actually mentions Illuminati
f2a2d4 No.210841
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5222721/Iran-pro-government-demonstrators-streets.html
14dbd2 No.210843
Heavy shillin
Traffic heavy
Careful, Anons
7520c6 No.210844
On second thought, no.
40cb45 No.210845
^^ This.
Also, getting everyone to post images is a really good way to slide the fuck out of here because suddenly you can't easily filter the text images because you'll be filtering memes and other information as well.
3d8eef No.210846
Is knowing that Area 51 is an Embassy the answer to the Seven Seals?
ce04a9 No.210848
This is an idea I can FULLY support.
0d13a4 No.210849
739468 No.210850
>implying (((they))) arent always here
Fuck off back to plebbit with your (((concern))) trolling
4a9fba No.210851
I can take a stab.
5e2ab9 No.210852
They should hang his ass with his pizza tie.
f26c91 No.210854
John Kerry has been pretty quiet. His twat posts are only about global warming. His wife is Teresa Heinz-Kerry who is a big donor to global warming projects. She was married to former Sen. Jon Heinz of the famous Heinz ketchup family. In April 1991, he died in a really strange plane accident where a helicopter and plane collided over an elementary school. Children were killed on the ground. The crash happened under pretty weird circumstances. Some people describe Heinz as down to earth and had strong possibilities to be a presidential candidate. He was charismatic and well liked. Was he assassinated? Papa Bush was pres then…? Teresa married John Kerry in 1995. Kerry is one of the weathiest congress critters due to his affluent match. House of Cards pair? Kerry 2020? Why does she keep pairing herself with presidential hopefuls? Just diggin' and hopin' I'm not regurgitating stuff that's been already discussed…
90df7a No.210855
Hong Kong flagged? It could have been hired by anybody. This should be entertaining…
f2a2d4 No.210856
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5221503/Alt-right-symbol-Trump-intern-Trumps-OK-gesture.html
6dbd42 No.210857
3d8eef No.210858
f9b71d No.210859
It's so hard to focus on my own life until justice is brought to these fucks.
This is turning into a massive psychic kidney stone for me. The more I read about these guys, and connect the dots in my head, the more horrified I get.
I pray that this whole experience; this whole narrative makes us more resilient to evil and I pray that we can maintain our conscience and dignity through its alchemical flames.
0bf673 No.210860
thought that was you! won't dox
CiA embassy?
739468 No.210862
>I can fully support
If you are an American citizen, you MUST support idea… after all it’s THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION. If not you must go back
3d8eef No.210864
Your wait is almost over.
3091dd No.210865
Yeah I think I spoke too soon. Still looks a little better than it was last night. Fuck communicating in picture texts, shits for the birds!
cb2e49 No.210866
Перевод на русский
4a9fba No.210867
Yah, secret societies, dollar bill, they’re tying to popularize and weaken.
670581 No.210868
e08893 No.210869
twitter .com/ChrisRootODavid
this is all could find about that check his bio
" Designer of Virtual Quantum Computers "
c4b24b No.210870
pull my finger faggot
9c5979 No.210871
They certainly don't fear humans…..Hmmmm???
e5e2ed No.210872
complete waste of flesh , i will celebrate when this pig dies and goes to hell .
ba2bbd No.210875
Watching the new blade runner movie and it referenced a blackout known as 10 days of darkness. Where all electronic data was swiped and wiped including all bank data. Only paper files were left. 21 minutes in.
7520c6 No.210876
I will try to remember to post it again in the next bread, anon.
093df8 No.210878
I Remember back in halfchan days anons came up with the brilliant idea that talking in questions would fool the bots.Seen other iterations come and go this is just another that has stuck a little.It makes a change of pace and keeps things interesting, so whether it works or not, it is changes things up a little. It has been posited before that they can farm out the captchas to others to solve (several services on the web, for example usually to do with porn in one way or another) so that isn't a real problem to the bots. Either way, it feels like a bit of a fad to me imho.
40cb45 No.210880
You are not alone. This will end.
dcfed3 No.210881
Trump tweeted exactly 20 minutes after this post which says to note this timestamp then note Twitter.
>12/30/17 (Sat) 10:40:08 3d8eef No.210737
>Intel drop via a Question.
>If Area 51 is not a research facility, what if it is an EMBASSY?
>How much more does that make sense now?
>Does that explain a few things?
>Is it perhaps the biggest crumb so far?
>Why aren't even Presidents allowed in YET?
>Note this Timestamp.
>Then note Twitter.
8fa81a No.210883
Gargamel eats Smurfs at Yule.
d9fe84 No.210884
ET ambassadors helping white hats. Dark hats last card is UFO/bluebeam false flag. SpaceX satellites taken down (ET help?) Bush prevented NESARA, robbed trillions. Soon to be released prosperity funds, replicators, healing pods,ect. "and you haven't seen anything yet!" Have FAITH
a96bb0 No.210885
Brainstorming on "break". Not wedded to any particular one, just trying to generate options.
1. Some in Congress using the extra time to ramp up impeachment efforts
2. Some of the sealed indictments will be unsealed and certain Congressmen will be nabbed.
3. Certain Congressmen have already been nabbed are are being 'detained' now.
4. Secret trips being made now and they need additional time.
5. Coordination between military, POTUS, and certain ppl in Congress for 'big event between Jan 1 and Jan 8. Simpler to Congress on break during that period.
433c7b No.210886
5e2ab9 No.210887
Ok if this is all true and these were the code names for them, it's obvious we're dealing with each family keeping the same first letter of the code name, that being said,let's try to figure out the rest of the alphabet that you didn't connect yet
0d13a4 No.210889
Everything shes ever touched has turned to shit. Shes an incompetent idiot in addition to an evil bitch. Those things often go together.
19073b No.210890
A barber who is a man shaves all and only those men who do not shave themselves. Does he shave himself?
09a0e9 No.210891
Pizza Pin… worn by Queen Beatrix…. the Queen Bee
825ee5 No.210893
cf8808 No.210894
>>210861 much appreciated
ce04a9 No.210896
So, you're suggesting we ask questions?
Sure, why not?
Isn't it simple?
e78ec0 No.210897
Think Haley osment. " I see U1 people".
7520c6 No.210898
433c7b No.210899
What the hell is that? I so didn’t post. Or mean to. Apologies anonfags >>210886
0d13a4 No.210900
How many will not return or go down immediately after returning? 20? 30? 50?
89c342 No.210902
40cb45 No.210904
You know so much, except you don't seem to know to not be a namefag. Asshat.
0d13a4 No.210905
093df8 No.210906
Why would I ask that?
What have I to gain?
Is this all just a joek?
A jest by an higher power?
7520c6 No.210908
If you're simply pointing out that, yes, they can solve captchas, then cool.
If you think they cannot read image texts, you may have missed the point that they were responding to image texts.
873385 No.210909
Correction: POTUS' tweet was at 14:02 - 22 min after this drop.>>210901
7498a7 No.210910
Reminders are appreciated. >>210577
23910c No.210911
Embassy for negative aliens. Positive ET's have been rejected back in 1954.
Quite possible. Stay in the Light anons.
433c7b No.210912
He tweeted about Iran
740a2b No.210913
Pence is a Deep State player big time. Not very much research has been done on him on this board. Ever since I saw him at the Super Bowl last year with the Bushes, I’ve had my doubts. Gut instinct says bad juju!
a564ff No.210915
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
fdd847 No.210916
I found a spreadsheet with a list of Over 1000 CEOs and links to their resignations.
Whats best way to share for adding it to batter, or to share with group?
67a513 No.210917
many of us are in the situation of that anon.
We hope beyond hope you are correct and our lifelong wait is almost over
185670 No.210918
90df7a No.210920
You have our attention.
Twitter timestamp exactly 11:00am - 20 minutes.
bc4bf4 No.210921
>>210862 The Constitution and the 1st 10 Amendments are all we need. Our Map, if you will.
a0a5a3 No.210924
I fucking leave for a couple hours and the bread is half baked, anons are talking about Trey fuckin Gowdy, and this place has turned into a real imageboard with text in images and shit. Christ, pull your fucking shitty selves together and dig for something meaningful.
32746b No.210925
I was just thinking this yesterday. I cannot remember the last time I have seen or heard anything about him. Except for old news about his Antarctica trip.
23910c No.210926
Jesus was a spiritual master. His origins are extraterrestrial.
What is most important is his message of spirituality and Love. True freedom, keys to the kingdom of heaven, are granted to seekers that act in accordance to the laws of God-Source-Creator.
Let there be Light and Love to every human being on this planet.
Thank you dear anon.
60f427 No.210927
I think the tweet was a warning shot at Bezos. Amazon pays a reduced rate at the PO (and has received CIA funds). Bezos also owns WaPo which is antiTrump. T knows who to hit and where.
e08893 No.210928
what does that post has to do with POTUS tweet? lmfao
a356a8 No.210929
Seems like bullshit to me. None credible Sources to the raid
cfc1da No.210931
Yes. Hard to work the routine amidst the sleep-walkers and the 24/7 droning of MSM conditioning. But don't give into fear-based, negative, lower vibrational emotions and thoughts. We need a unified love-based consciousness. They even feed on vengeful emotions which happen to be the plot-line of just about every HW action/thriller..
90df7a No.210932
You are looking at the wrong one. First tweet in sequence was at exactly 11:00.
433c7b No.210933
873385 No.210934
Screenshot of POTUS tweet shows time of tweet as 2:02pm.
89c342 No.210935
Where is POTUS speaking from?
0d13a4 No.210936
Faggiest shit ever.
7520c6 No.210937
^^ Let the newfags have at it. Statistics show that they'll turn up something.
825ee5 No.210939
Because the shills are sliding with area 51 alien bullshit to let us know
6be521 No.210940
Yes rich and the post office is broke and we are paying for their cheap shipping, that will be over soon per POTUS
89c342 No.210941
He's got 2 new tweets. Not just the one.
0d13a4 No.210942
This is War, you have to be tough mentally.
873385 No.210944
Copy that. My bad.
1690ca No.210945
Twatter pic is at the U.N..
2d1324 No.210947
3d8eef No.210949
Once you see past what is fake, what is hidden, much can be deduced by critical thinking.
Area 51 being an EMBASSY is the only logical conclusion, is it not?
The conditions for disclosure are near.
Your President is a very Good man.
A lot of people love him very much.
a313e0 No.210950
Can we find any Iran connections in the stringer?
d78d16 No.210951
Check Chicago news around the time BO was elected. The rumor around the city (Shitcago) was that Obama had worked a deal with Blago for Jarrett to get his seat in the Senate… Blago tried to fuck him and put the seat out for bid. Jesse Jackson Jr. was in the bidding and they rewarded his loyalty with a trip to prison for he and his wife. Sure he deserved it, but the point is/was he didn't do anything outside of the swamp except bid on that senate seat. This was in the initial reports when they arrested Blago but quickly disappeared and was never mentioned again.
a96bb0 No.210952
In the most recent tweet. The UN
3096e0 No.210953
No, its a good way to be filtered by the majority of actual diggers
e08893 No.210955
WTF is Snowden saying?
isnt Whatsapp owned by Facebook?
and i really hope Q or admins can come here soon. its getting out of hand….
23910c No.210956
Your filename speaks more than the pic itself.
I discourage communication in such a way - it hinders archiving, promotes confusion, and does not really contribute to opsec.
Please write normally dear anons.
8a3e86 No.210957
Преподавайте им 3 6 9
835bad No.210958
HRC BO and GS are evil. Perfect match.
433c7b No.210959
You are correct but explain how the two correlate
fdd847 No.210960
http://dropcanvas .com/6tcec
I found a site to drop the spreadsheet into.
Some of the links come up as 404 but a lot are still active.
Lots of Source Material Here
Could hit some paydirt if dots are found
b5fa11 No.210961
Kerry is v implicated with the cabal - almost a Godfather figure ( though i’m not saying GFIII lol)
0d13a4 No.210962
Heinz was headiing an important investigation at the time, I dont recall what.
89c342 No.210964
433c7b No.210965
No shill here. Just asked for clarification.
129c2b No.210966
22 min
$22 mm?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/ wp/2017/12/18/the-government-admits-it-studies-ufos-so-about-those-area-51-conspiracy-theories/?utm_term=.ff10e625d068
5fd3bc No.210967
good aliums no likey nukes. mean ppl r suk. put bombs away. say hello to alium frenz, amen
873385 No.210969
Any connection? http:// www.businessinsider.com/cia-admits-1953-iran-coup-role-2013-8
a96bb0 No.210970
"Iranian ppl will face a choice"
Did POTUS provide the fork in the road?
4d38c3 No.210971
Understood. Resuming normal communication. Getting to work.
0d13a4 No.210972
Whats my name? My other name!? "Deadmeat. "
e33b3a No.210973
pal - personal ass licker
90df7a No.210975
You don't think its interesting the anon posted to compare timestamps with twitter, exactly 20 minutes before the first trump tweet?
About UN and EMBASSY topics?
When Trump says Oppressive regimes, I'm not sure he's talking about just Iran.
40cb45 No.210977
Interesting. Yes. Not good. Any info on Snowden's wellbeing or dispositioni?
e33b3a No.210979
pal - personal ass licker>>210354
739468 No.210982
WIth all due respect m8, I definitely don’t need a history lesson as a constitutionalist… if you want to drop some red pills on the abuse of power, I recommend one KrisAnne Hall. She claims to be a recovering leftist. However isn’t ‘right’ purely constitutionalist. Author and lawyer, drops the pills smoothly
23910c No.210983
http://www.dailymail dot co.uk/sciencetech/article-3195416/Aliens-tried-save-America-nuclear-war-UFOs-shot-missiles-White-Sands-protect-Earth-claims-former-astronaut.html
https://www.youtube dot com/watch?v=GhW9F0kR7oA
670581 No.210985
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
here is the whole un speech
6be521 No.210986
Two security officers killed at Arizona Charlie's on Decatur; suspect shoots himself
LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — Two security guards were shot and killed at Arizona Charlie's on Decatur about 6:40 a.m. Saturday.
The suspect was found later at a nearby residence. When surrounded by police officers he shot himself. He was transported to UMC in unknown condition.
The security guards were shot and killed inside a room at the hotel/casino, according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department watch commander.
At a briefing about 10 a.m., police said they had no motive for the shooting. They said it occurred in a regular room.
A woman told News 3 that she had been ordered to leave her fourth-floor room and that police had six rooms blocked off on that floor.
The shooting is the sixth multiple-fatality event with 14 total deaths in Clark County since Dec. 22.
The Clark County coroner will release the name of those killed after positive identification and notification of relatives.
http:// news3lv.com/news/local/two-security-officers-killed-at-arizona-charlies-on-decatur-suspect-shoots-himself
1eb094 No.210989
Have wondered for years if that scenario is the enemacleanse /jubileeReset that this world needs.
433c7b No.210990
Interesting for sure. But there’s another thread for this discussion. CrankyAnons bought to go ballistic
e08893 No.210991
i don't trust any post i see.
it seems like you even trusted "the helpers" that were here
b47601 No.210992
Da fuq is the retarded facination with numbers, tard
be4f2a No.210993
The i is often missing
I = Iran
Sometimes = eye (missle guidance)
I is the missing link or maybe keystone
Remove the I and rocket man is blind
What if Q had been happening in Iran?
Iran has their own Q who helped the recent freedom demonstrations happen.
Too risky for US Q now; their attention is now needed in Iran.
fdd847 No.210994
Small Sample (10 /1300)
Please Help Dig
29-11-2011 USA Chairman of Fentura's State Bank (MI) Forrest Shook resigned http://goo. gl/0Kfg2
30-11-2011 Lithuania Lithuania Central Bank Governor, head of the banking supervision department Vitas Vasiliauskas fired Kazimieras Ramonas FIRED after seizing Bankas Snoras AB, the country’s third-biggest deposit bank. http://goo .gl/EiqUC
12-1-2011 Canada Mass judicial resignations - Canada.. "Out of approximately 100 superior court judges in British Columbia, nine superior court judges resigned - retired, in December 2011 and Janaury, 2012; …Nine (9) judicial retirements in British Columbia, in two months, is highly unusual (more than 4 x times the estimate average of 1 per month)" " Anne Rowles, Carol Huddart, Kenneth MacKenzie, James Shabbits, Dean Wilson, and Grant Burnyeat, Risa Levine, Pamela Kirkpatrick, and David Tysoe. In addition, Supreme Court Master Alan Donaldson suddenly retired on December 31, 2011. resigned / retire, linked to Water War Crimes http://www. waterwarcrimes.com/4/post/2012/03/mass-judicial-resignations-in-british-columbia.html
09a0e9 No.210997
just saw the bracelet - will add that to graphic
0d13a4 No.210998
Trump doesnt like Amazon or Bezos, he has said amazon has "antitrust problems. "
a96bb0 No.210999
"vast military power of USA" + Iranian ppl
e66ca9 No.211000
Dont' over think it.
the quote is based on a spell the owls must use
Trump through Q posted it's reversal
e08893 No.211001
Not really.
all he's doing is promoting his stupid app, is it even him?
a313e0 No.211002
I do remember that all going down. Great memory desu. Rather impressive when most have an attention span of a gold fish.
433c7b No.211003
KrisAnne is pretty damn good
a96bb0 No.211005
Boss man nudged Iranians toward the fork in the road - they chose
89c342 No.211006
They see they have options. There are things you know, things you don't know, but growth comes when you realize that there's a whole realm of possibilities hiding in the things you didn't even know you didn't know. Or the paths you never thought to explore.
d0283c No.211007
cfc1da No.211008
Can any anon explain why no group of White Hat billionaires has formed its own new social media platform or MSM news channel committed to the truth and free discourse?? Seriously, is the monopoly THAT strong?? If so, why hasn't ANYONE raised the issue of trust-busting the near total consolidation of MSM by six megacorps and SM by the Silicon Valley globalists?? Not only is there a glaring free market economic policy basis but the monopolization has become a Clear and Present Danger to the Republic! Why is there NO debate ANYWHERE on this?? Sorry for shouting but it's become 'crazy-making' for me…like many things these dayz….
a0ddc8 No.211009
As real as it gets, Anon.
40cb45 No.211010
His app I understand - natural. Whatsapp - not so much.
739468 No.211012
Her search and seizure speeches are god tier
90df7a No.211013
Not blindly trusting anything. But when anon can predict a Trump tweet 20 minutes in advance, perhaps its worth listening to the message?
be4f2a No.211014
Our eyes wide shut here
Iran pivotal in Q narrative
Q goes dark
Iran bubbling overthrow
89c342 No.211015
Expand on this pls.
2556c9 No.211016
So whose embassy is it?
bc4bf4 No.211017
>>210982 I wasn’t trying to “drop” anything. Merely stating an opinion. I’ve been red pilling irl since 83, don’t need to do it here.
739468 No.211018
Also points out how much land the Fed government is allowed to own compared to actual land owned. Especially in Nevada… numbers are almost incomprehensible
8a3e86 No.211020
It’s notable certainly … but has to be repeatable to shift discernment to curiosity
093df8 No.211022
And would any truth seeker actually trust a so called white hat billionaire or his platform? trust has to be earned, not bought and sold.
1eb094 No.211023
Amazon / Bezos is it's own Rabbit hole. Amazon retail monopoly, Whole foods, CIA data contracts, Washington Post ownership, etc. This beast pulls many strings.
0d13a4 No.211024
Info on Congressman John Heinz, who widowed Theresa Heinz now Kerry. Likely assassinated.
6f4b06 No.211025
Where did anon say 20 min??
d9fe84 No.211026
In Bohemian Grove it says "Weaving spiders come not here" Q speaks of the web and spiders. The dark hats pervert and bastardize things that are good and holy. Ravens, spiders, owls, symbols. Always double meanings. Something to chew on
a96bb0 No.211027
and Boss Man is all about untapped potential.
Opening up paths for people…for them to follow their vision.
Damn. Good stuff
6be521 No.211028
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More predictive programming.
Black Mirror - Metalhead | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
5fd3bc No.211029
pyramids are a bell
something will hit them to cause them to ring
rod and ring will strike
Q looks like bottom of a bell
ding dong the wicked witch is dead
liberty bell
and this
>>206862 !!!
>>206864 !!!
3d8eef No.211031
IF = Integer Factorisation
739468 No.211032
Wasn’t really directed at you m8. Just hoping one of these normies will look her up
ca65bf No.211034
>Kerry is v implicated with the cabal
He was listed as being in the "7th floor group"
I see the idiot "helpers" again
ayylmaos anons!
Qs in Iran
holy shit ridiculous
433c7b No.211035
Yes they are. Became a fan during Bundy ordeal >>211012
5fd3bc No.211036
739468 No.211039
In time the MSM will cannibalize itself
e3b8bd No.211040
you are looking at the wrong post
433c7b No.211042
Forts Ports and 10 square miles. Fuckers have entirely too much
0122c2 No.211044
Only says: note twitter
82f4e3 No.211045
This is soft core for a reason.
Awaken Persia /Iran /Renaissance
3091dd No.211047
be4f2a No.211050
If Iran gets taken out NK is blind and cut off completely, probably will collapse maybe with some help.
096b70 No.211051
Seems to me the wounded donkey has been captured.
739468 No.211052
>Yep n the boys walked….
hmmmmm. Truly hoping LaVoy is RIP. He will become the next Mrs. Weaver when shit kicks off
a96bb0 No.211054
Thank you for you info and support
739468 No.211055
40cb45 No.211057
Who is the pig here?
3d8eef No.211058
672bb5 No.211059
It actually defines self botness.
d78d16 No.211060
How about we win the trophy before dusting off the fucking mantel?
Famefags can suck Bea Arhur's dick!
cfc1da No.211061
Nice sliding the point. ANY attempt to bring objectivity to MSM with another alternative would be better than the monopoly that currently exists. Again, why no anti-trust enforcement or new networks or platforms?? This is THE major obstacle in redpilling the normies. Why is there an embargo on this course of action. Even talk of it..
89c342 No.211064
Taken out or regime change? What was that info last night about us aligning with India? To counter Pakistan.
a00a5c No.211065
6a4783 No.211066
In CBTS #247, what was the basis of this conclusion? — Cannot find directly from any of the discrete Q posts.
Sorry if previously answered.
fdd847 No.211068
Looks like January will be exciting
096b70 No.211070
Appears it may be Hussein.
e78ec0 No.211071
210993. Heard VP tell audience bout specIal mIssle…loopy type…RT. Working on its movement. Could b completed?
672bb5 No.211072
433c7b No.211076
RIP LaVoy. True American hero. Constitutionalist thru and thru
959cb8 No.211077
Thanks very much, I am still at it, but double checked your list:
In my anonfile-ZIP I believe I find:
50896 (line 1006),
127429 (line 2378),
11068694 (line 2609),
146127 (line 2909)
Posts 99658 (8chan) & 153323368 (4chin) are missing and I have added them. Thanks again ! Will report back once done.
433c7b No.211078
Winner winner meatloaf dinner
44f7cf No.211079
area 51 NK powerful entity controls fantasyland wonderland expiriments underground compare dates proxies webs
71fbe0 No.211080
Very interesting to see the MSM news responses to the Iran protests and various media blackouts. See below twitter for example and check the news aggregators.
Maybe more focus should be around the Iran-Obama connections. Perhaps the mullah's had a lot more control over the MSM, CIA deep state, Obama, than meets the eye.
14b3fc No.211081
Don’t worry about Q let’s Keep on.. if you need something to follow POTUS is always
fdd847 No.211082
Please consider adding to batter
802b3d No.211084
The remaining, and even many previous, crumbs are sufficiently ambiguous that several meanings could be interpreted. So we can play pin the tail on the donkey, or our DOJ could start doing its job while informing the public of the evil they are supposed to be vanquishing.
Will the muslim puppet in chief get arrested? If so, will he be face planted into the pavement while he is cuffed like the serfs, or does he choose which pieces of evidence are used against him?
8a3e86 No.211085
Necessary trips working just fine …. You’re going to keep being an idiot … just in your defective nature …
89c342 No.211086
You should trust those dates. Write them down.
739468 No.211088
MSM makes them out to be some fucking derange inbred hillbilly yet he stood FIRM is his beliefs. More than these cocksuckers can EVER hope to be. After all these cunts sold their mouths and asshole so they could make it on ‘le big screen’
b54834 No.211090
Blackcube? Where have we heard that name before
e9e952 No.211091
Hoping you are right about that, M.
739468 No.211092
>Yum meatloaf
20f29a No.211093
compare slot machine regulations to voting machine regulations. then weep
739468 No.211094
a96bb0 No.211095
No….over here dear
433c7b No.211096
Someone meme this up! I’m still learning to be a memefag. Always should add to your tool box anons
582535 No.211097
First video was 20 min after
Second was 22 min after
b54834 No.211098
Black cube helped silence the victims of Harvey Weinstein
739468 No.211099
Or requirements to be a hairdresser then cop requirements
739468 No.211102
Thanks for the lulz m8
093df8 No.211103
I actually agree with your question, believe it as you wish. I only point out others interpretations. Organically grown movements better than directed ones. Anti trust would take a bit of time and any attempt to do so would be spun as stifling free speech by the current "guardians of the truth" And all attempts at citizen journalism are spun as conspiracy theorists for telling the factual truth that the MSM don't want you to hear. Your wishes have been spoken about for years. they are only just starting to become reality. It IS happening. but it's slow, and won't happen overnight.
7520c6 No.211104
Keep at it, patriot. We'll soon be in sync.
433c7b No.211105
Much justice still to be delivered in that cluster fuck case.
b54834 No.211106
They're also the ones filling up the bread too
205949 No.211107
subtle hint?
Bacon (pork) is not PC anymore…haha.
e9e952 No.211108
Checked and keked. Pretty wild stuff. 99%
433c7b No.211110
b54834 No.211111
May God have mercy on you all
40cb45 No.211112
Good interpretation.
a313e0 No.211113
well hot fucking damn anon
37c825 No.211114
Harvey Weinstein is jail now I assume? I mean all the accusations of rape etc.
7520c6 No.211115
Anon, if you're truly adding to the batter, you definitely want the text to be searchable. No pictexts.
739468 No.211116
Please define (((justice)))… for justice to be served fbeeEye needs shoah’d. They were told the had (((safe))) passage then were lit up like the 4th of July. Sad
739468 No.211117
Lol if jail is his palatial mansion
82f4e3 No.211118
Research Persian Renaissance…. what is POTUS talking about?
0122c2 No.211119
Just stupid. You see Connections in anything. Just annoying
e33b3a No.211120
Use a more readable font. That's crap.
6fcf06 No.211121
Maybe there is flag capturing in IRAN as well as NK
7498a7 No.211122
Firing squads are too easy. What should their punishment be? We don't want to become them, but we shouldn't give them a quick death either. Life in prison seems more appropriate than a quick death. I've given some thought to this, but would like to hear what others think.
a6270f No.211124
Or, someone finally realized Jan 6 was a Saturday and that maybe Monday the 8th was a better day to start coming back to work…
096b70 No.211126
DOD and POTUS tweets at same time must be nothing, right?
89c342 No.211129
358037 No.212423
BO, can we unban TOR yet? It'd really be nice to contribute to this board with some degree of anonymity. Thanks
d96d05 No.212490
Tom Heneghen, a whistleblower along with Stew Webb, who gave all the information to Mr. Trump in February this year to make these indictment possible, have the low down here…..http://www. tomheneghanbriefings.com/
d96d05 No.212501
On the 9/11 indictment
c9b125 No.212566
Regime change in Iran. What about Germany and Pakistan?
0b3037 No.212582
Why are there 3 cbts's open?
870c5b No.212598
Comey also set the table for Clinton’s final hour pardon of Marc Rich. Comey is as dirty as they come.
f9411a No.212619
f9411a No.212621
f9411a No.212625
f9411a No.212628
f9411a No.212631
0fa8ef No.212634
Not proof, but interesting. Quotes from DJT impromptu interview with NYT on Thu, see pics.
f9411a No.212635
f9411a No.212636
f9411a No.212640
f9411a No.212642
f9411a No.212644
f9411a No.212651