cae777 No.206957
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Anon on informed views: >>201644
>informed views
Hard to do when everyone has a different idea of what those are. Have you ever had a conversation
before that included people who thought Jesus was returning now, people who think aliens are coming
now, people who think Satan is leading a cult, and people who think Hitler was an ok guy, all while
attempting to free your country? We all know we've been lied to. We all have totally different
expectations of the truth. Its fascinating from a people-watching perspective. Humanity struggling
to find common ground on truths both mundane and sacred, in live action, with a worldwide audience.
We are active participants in a stranger reality than most sci fi movies now.
cae777 No.206961
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— SATURDAY / 23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY / 22 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
>>205364 , >>205417 FBI Conducting Raid in Sterling, VA
>>203006 PA will appear on InfoWars
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above earlier today >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
>>184700 Top Kek
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format , QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029 , >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter a/c changed handle from @0seek0 , discern for yourself
>>204864 Lucius Trust
>>203697 We are fighting an Information War
>>204377 , >>204384 , >>204616 , >>205175 Huma FOIA Emails
>>203060 Some MIA on twatter
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202381 Bill Binney / ThinThread
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>202429 "&"
>>201363 Anon on the Papacy
>>201391 Crumbs by an anon
>>201435 Anon on Iran deal
>>201466 Anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 We are on RT
>>201697 Steve Job's wife
>>201709 P = Philippe?
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201927 Planefaggotry summarization
>>201953, >>201955 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>192250 BREAKING House Intelligence Committee Issues Subpoena In Search of McCain Evidence in Trump Dossier Scandal
>>191147 More crumbs for us?
>>190329 Crumbs for us? & >>190337
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184800 It's [0] in the countdown
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
>>181689 More decoded stringers
>>168555 NEW - Stringer thread has a decode, folks. It involves Seth Rich and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
>>172153, DoD Tweet
>>162785, Q's post
http://archive.4plebs .org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147433975
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
>>139686 to >>139380
https://twitter .com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https://www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>141931, >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
>>139851 to >>139840
>>142996 to >>142811 (Exchange)
cae777 No.206967
NEW Who is P? >>202645
NEW FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
The Asia Foundation >>15984
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FBIAnon AMA Transcript >>137237
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Isreal & Zionism >>1398
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Rothschild Family >>1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>139091
Red Cross >>40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
The British Connections >>117841
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Stringers, military courts >>189447
cae777 No.206970
Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http://qarchives .ml/
Text: [4chan] https://pastebin .com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https://pastebin .com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https://anonfile .com/43C4q9d5ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.12.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https://dropfile .to/2UrnCy7
The Book of Q: https://pastebin .com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http://www.db-q .com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet .com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A)
Q turned A: https://anonfile .com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https://ufile. io/nmyy0
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited. https://pastebin .com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 - /PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced - https://pastebin .com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free information: >>152634 >>206357
For site archival: https://archive .fo/
Marine Codes: http://marineparents .com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
cae777 No.206972
Before posting links, put a space before the first dot after the site's name.
e.g. http://twitter .com http://en.wikipedia .org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use instead of
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use instead of
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Batter & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the batter below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the batter used for this bread.
Last batter: https://pastebin .com/5eM2v3it
cae777 No.206981
Part of why we're here..
The Rothschilds and the cabal:
They are one of the richest families on earth (hidden behind foundations).
They run the world banking cabal. They will do anything and kill anyone for more money.
They have directed the killing of tens of millions of people.
They paid Karl Marx to write The Communist Manifesto, to unite aetheists behind communism.
They want all religions destroyed and replaced with Satanism.
They have a primary objective of having the Christians and aetheists (communists) kill each other, then the Christians and muslims kill each other, until most are dead.
They funded the overthrow of Czar Nicholas II of Russia and replacement of the government by communists, who killed millions of Russian citizens.
They funded WWI both sides of the war, resulting in massive devastation, death, and massive debt owed to the cabal.
They recruited Hitler and directed him. The objective was as much destruction and killing as possible in Europe, and massive debt owed to the cabal.
Their banking cabal has seized control of the central banks of nearly every country on earth.
They are one of the largest owners of the stocks of public companies.
They and the cabal control more than half of the congressman of the United States.
They are one of the primary owners of military defense weapons manufacturers. Therefore, they need constant war to make more billions.
They direct the media to promote constant fear. They created the "cold war" for fear. They created "muslim terrorists" for fear. They created North Korea for fear.
They funded the creation of the HIV virus to kill people. They own the pharma companies that sell anti-AIDS medications.
They funded creation of the avian flu to kill Asians.
They are Satanists. They rape and murder children for fun and as part of their cult.
They have directed the overthrow of many, many governments. They have directed the murder of many world leaders.
They ordered the murder of President Lincoln for refusing 30% interest war loans and having the U.S. print their own money.
They ordered the murder of President Kennedy for having the U.S. print their own money and threatening to shut down the CIA.
They believe they are the gods of the earth and that all the people are peasants. Their goal is complete control of the earth and poverty for everyone else.
They want the world population reduced to 500 million, so more than 7 billion must die.
Their planned strategies are world nuclear war, starvation following economic collapse, mass disease.
They have underground bunkers to protect them for world nuclear war.
Their plan was for HRC to start WW3, resulting in massive nuclear destruction of the United States and the death of most citizens.
They have done much more than what is listed here. They are constantly scheming, stealing, killing.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, born in 1774, dreamed that his descendents would control the world. Instead, they will be stomped out like rats.
After hundreds of years of crime and killings, the Rothschilds are going to be taken down by the White Hats. The Rothschilds are dead people walking.
http ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
Walt Disney was one of the creators of NASA:
A. Jack Whiteside Parsons – Occultistn, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge, Idolized Aleister Crowley
B. Aleister Crowley – 33rd degree Freemason, Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast ‘666’ Wrote the Book Of The Law and considered to be he most evil man ever conceived.
C. L. Ron Hubbard – Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Fledgling Science Fiction writer, Founder of The Church Of Scientology, Idolized Aleister Crowley
D. Werner von Braun – Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.
E. Walt Disney – Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, Freemason and founder of The Ordem DeMolay Disney provided the massive sound stages and brought Hollywood into the fold.
Its no coincidence he had "Club 33" at Disney
Disney World is its own Sovereign state and is not even a part of the US:
aa42ea No.207080
cc3d8e No.207091
Blessed are the bread bakers.
ea44de No.207094
They are doing to Mike Flynn Jr what we do to LdR…. some patriots should jump over to twitter and help him out
cae777 No.207107
(drunk) bread bakers. :D YW
e99b19 No.207111
Here is the tax record sales history for 46930 Courtyard Sq, Sterling, VA from here
http://reparcelasmt.loudoun. gov/pt/search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=address
pics related
cb89ce No.207112
c931a4 No.207113
Ready Player 1
8ce560 No.207114
There is alot of spiders here in this code that has not been broken.A said “Darnkess”
DAR = Daughters of the American Revolution founded 1890 and Headquartered in Washington DC
NK = north korea
ESS = Earth and Space Sciences
b05078 No.207115
More musac
Fuck the elitist pigs. Animals Floyd
Or searching for Relics Floyd
9ef04a No.207116
Great find.
I heard that the ppl in the house moved in 30 days ago…
so ….renters?
3ac33a No.207117
Pertaining to "Darkness" and "Darnkess"
Here you go:
Nov. 5, 2017
Ten days.
Dec.11, 2017
Light will overcome d_a_rkness.
Light will expose darkne_s_s.
Light will _reveal_ darkness.
From Dec.18, 2017
Learn double meanings.
Nov.5 2017
10 days.
Good v. Evil.
62de33 No.207118
… and trust my family of Anons
cb89ce No.207119
Some tools for the newfags
Link to every newspaper in the US, by State & City, local news in real time (USES GOOGLE custom search, be forewarned)
< tip sheet, parts 1 & 2 applicable:
< A guide to the political left
>H-1B Visa and Green Card Labor
>Hoover's Online
>Search companies or directors
>EDGAR corporate database
>Directory of Corporate Affiliations
most complete data on corporate family trees (parent/subsidiary),cw_391,2015
>Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B)
>IRS Exempt Organization Select Check
non-profits search
(some good info, create free account w/throwaway email to see more)
Information for donors about charities
>By State
>Legal Entity Identifier system
>FREE IMAGE UPLOAD - no account, period
Tax haven secrecy revealed
>Little Sis
_Incredible amount of information on people and their connections to each other, all open source & free
>Campaign donations
938cbc No.207120
ews shot of chair with double head eagle. track that symbol. important!
ca869a No.207121
Thanks! No idea how the anon gathered them there, or if he still maintains it. Earliest 8chan as I have it is 11/26/17 03:54:45 (GMT), should be 11/25/15 22:54:45 (EST)
de3f7f No.207122
reads like an uprising event North Korea from satelite
5ffc43 No.207123
Hey, Lynn: You've got a plane to catch
3ab082 No.207124
Thank you, kind Baker!
dd4d3b No.207126
He came in at a time there were many boomers that were ready, that had not dropped the ball - that's why he brought in all the old generals and the like.
But Bannon, mainly connected him with the youth and the fighting spirit online.
He succeeded so well for crossing the generation gap.
e99b19 No.207127
Yes, current owner listed as living in Mclean, VA – so not easy to identify who is actually living there now.
I did a quick search on owner and nothing interesting pops up yet, however, the husband and wife do own a location that just got raided so maybe there are worth looking into further.
a8365a No.207128
Show me your boot!!! Classic
57efee No.207129
Wew lads… I believe we found ourselves a spirit-cooker!
Marina HAS to = Marina Abramovich, given this crowd.
9ef04a No.207131
I might have a resource. Will check
e60480 No.207132
OK puzzle partly answered. Two people in different time zones, both without Twitter account, are shown the same timestamp on a Twitter post.
Anons, help us with a quick xperiment.
Let's look at POTUS tweet here:
https://twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/946201376652169220
Mine shows 6:09 PM on Dec. 27, 2017.
Now we need an Anon who DOES have a Twitter account to reply with their timezone and what timestamp they see.
Your reply should say whether or not you have a Twitter account, and what time zone your PC is set to. (Assuming you aren't using a VPN to access Twitter).
1ad918 No.207133
So is Trump trying his hand and a good gold Soros (((color revolution))) in Iran, or is it more deep state fuckery?
465651 No.207134
And this Marxist thing
57efee No.207135
$50 to any anon who gets video of themselves asking to sign some deep-stater's boot! ;)
cb89ce No.207136
5ffc43 No.207137
The overgrown Pillsbury Doughboy is coming after Rosie O'Donnell!
de3f7f No.207138
sheez read the summaries above. O L D news. refrain from posting, lurk moar
aa42ea No.207139
341d01 No.207140
cbc093 No.207141
X was too busy getting stoned. So yes they didn't give two shits. The 80s were the start of gender identity (I think I might be gay because someone else is). Boomers and hippies are often mixed because of the short time frame of wars and "conflicts" between WW2 and the cold war. That's 45+ years of elietest propagation that went unquestioned.
cae777 No.207142
I never hated Jews, until I realized that they hated me.
5ffc43 No.207143
57efee No.207144
Nobody fucks with our Flynns… CHARGE!!!
1ad918 No.207146
ce1f15 No.207147
Nice work!
Does duckduck give any info on David Laing?
How about Linkedin?
50ea95 No.207148
Maybe on to something here POTUS reads (((a lot)))
e60480 No.207149
I'll award a brand-new Pepe to the first Anon who meets the experimental criteria and replies satisfactorily.
aac901 No.207150
She's asking for the priestess! Needs her support or treatment somehow.
9ef04a No.207151
Looks like current residents are
D Laing and J Laing
25dc93 No.207152
> 9:09 PM - 27 Dec 2017
That's what shows for me. Yes, I have a Twitter account. Everything here is EST.
ddc75c No.207153
Last post was near to the end so I'll repeat for the person who asked about missing Q posts on github with more detail.
Q's FIRST post on 8ch was
11/25/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 ID: 48dd16
yes, correct healthy link b/c internal
SECOND post on 8ch was /cbts/
11/26/17 (Sun) 00:28:38 ID: 48dd16
again, healthy link b/c it is here.
BO did choose to have this board included in the 8ch archive, (THANK YOU BO). It's clunky and not user-friendly like cuckchan but it's there and we have it.
What this means is that even if some of the Q posts have fallen off of the github site, that anon can use the links in the spreadsheet and fix it. ALL of Q's post from 4 & 8 are there, all have direct working links to his posts and they are all in chron order (each new post starts with a light green line for easy visibility).
[I do back up the spreadsheet constantly and encourage others to do so as well. It's always good to have backups.]
So if anyone sees or knows how to get in touch with github anon, let him know he can do that please.
cbc093 No.207154
Get off of Flynn's sack. The dark horse will be back.
7db667 No.207155
HRC had a maid named Marina as well
c931a4 No.207156
Task 80
Ready Player 1
59a72e No.207157
The year is almost over - and one POWERFUL message that is sorely lacking…
Is a comparison of the sex crime arrests this year under Trump versus prior years.
I know that a factual comparison of these statistics would be VASTLY redoubling… but the task of objectively compiling and comparing these data points in a manner that is unassailable by the fake news media is daunting.
I’m asking for help anons. This project would be the project of projects to redpill normies. I know this for a fact from the interactions I’ve had for the last year.
98b6e4 No.207158
50ea95 No.207159
Dammit my dyslexia got the best of me disredard….
ce1f15 No.207160
It's …. the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man ….
25a9e1 No.207161
With all due respect, this marina stuff is pretty old news to most of us.
de3f7f No.207162
Dah….this is a research board. do the search yourself and report back
c9ff50 No.207163
Weird that all of sudden I have been getting this.
5c95c0 No.207165
Soros takes orders from P.
You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Fight, fight, fight.
Day of days.
Game over.
Peter G. Peterson
Who’s the King of Big-Money Politics in the U.S.? Soros? Koch Bros.? No, Peter Peterson
FGIC, of course, went belly up, but by that time Peterson had sold most of his shares in a Blackstone IPO in 2007 on the eve of a catastrophic meltdown – not caused by deficits, Social Security, or Medicare, but by recklessness, Wall Street gambling, and greed.
Why Is Obama Taking Orders From A Secretive Billionaire?
Many of the CEO’s involved with the “Fix the Debt” campaign are the heads of some of America’s largest corporations, and many have testified on Capitol Hill and met with President Obama directly during discussions on the economy and the national debt.
He was invited by philanthropist John D. Rockefeller III, CFR Chairman John J. McCloy, and former Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon to chair a Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy, which became known as the Peterson Commission. Among its recommendations adopted by the government were that foundations be required annually to disburse a minimum proportion of their funds.
e4b591 No.207166
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month /presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-proclaims-january-2018-national-slavery-human-trafficking-prevention-month/
e60480 No.207167
I believe we have a winner!
So the Twitter timestamp algorithm goes like this:
If you have a Twitter account it shows post time in your local time zone per your Twitter account settings and local PC settings.
If you do not have a Twitter account it shows the time in PST (Twitter's home time zone).
Congratulations, you win a brand-new Pepe!!!!!! I hope you like it.
57efee No.207168
Lineage based… "Bloodlines"
But, they claim to be patriotic. Thoughts?
cae777 No.207169
One little addition?
a4ae92 No.207170
They hated you since birth Anon.
Glad you got wise.
-fellow Goy
7cf4b5 No.207171
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Did she work in HRCs office? There are a few with that name in it and they seem like she’s working for her
1e60b8 No.207172
5ffc43 No.207173
They both are kek
a4ae92 No.207174
You (& anons) agree that this is the catalyst that will open the conversation in the media about pedos.
This is your hint…
bd899f No.207175
What do you know about this??
cae777 No.207176
Oy vey. Uff da. No me likeeee..
25dc93 No.207177
WooHoo! I never win anything! How exciting
dd4d3b No.207179
Last stat I saw had it up 500% plus.
Could be much more by now.
b1ca03 No.207180
If you're referring to this post >>206725 by me, but forgot to address me (as I see you also quoted it after) - then it's because meatspace called and I had to take a very sick pet on an emergency trip to the vet, if you must know. Posted what I had been writing before, once I got back.
25dc93 No.207181
Yeah. So. She's a dog.
8ce560 No.207182
Hes our guy. Nice work Anon
7bfbae No.207183
Her twatter acct is @_negina and she's blocking everyone who asks her about email on hotdogs laptop
ddc75c No.207184
See → >>207153
All is well.
D-do you mind if I save that one? It's really nice
7db667 No.207185
Or she just wants the maid to come in while she's out of town
ea44de No.207186
cae777 No.207187
This is a good song.. white stripes..
https ://
The big 3 killed my baby..
57efee No.207188
Another thought…
DA = ?
RNK = Republic of North Korea
ES or SS = ?
a8365a No.207189
Zuul asks: Are you god here?
a4ae92 No.207190
Aww man. Bummer…. I collect Pepe's…
Maybe next time.
ea44de No.207191
When you see the Weiner e-mail be on the look out for alterations - they can show up as artifacts/compression
b5df20 No.207193
Agreed. It's just going to have leave the MSM no choice but to report on it.
683a10 No.207194
Heart of Darkness is about observing the crimes that Leopold the II ordered in the Congo. com/watch?v=wExK37zBmX8 four hours long com/watch?v=dmKEltYUy6k abridged
7cf4b5 No.207195
Could it open the door of all doors?
8ce560 No.207196
DAR = Daughters of the American Revolution founded 1890 and Headquartered in Washington DC
NK = north korea
ESS = Earth and Space Sciences
a4ae92 No.207198
I dunno, but its gonna open a big can of whoopass…
ca869a No.207199
"dar" also is "to give" in spanish – from what I gather NK had been given at least some Enhanced Satellite Systems
f0fc85 No.207200
They will make it about prostitution, not the kind of thing we are concerning ourselves with.
1ad918 No.207201
Kek, he gets the lügenpresse all to virtue signal against pedos and human trafficking, I still think slavery is the better term then drop the hammer on the pedos and slavery rings in Pedowood and politics. Pottery.
57efee No.207202
Where? Just looked through them… Don't see that one? Which are you referring to?
273794 No.207203
I am 42.
Did not have kids because of the wars, and felt hopeless of the future. Lived in much fear for all of Humanity.
Now I do have Hope.
2018 I will find my Melania, and have children.
da8c66 No.207204
Bottom line is that as far as history goes, you can easily connect all dots of every major event in history to the SAME people.
That you should all know (by now- or get your own history lesson over with damn fast, look up the Khazars, history you probably didnt learn in school)
Move on to the present, figure out whats going on now.
is a great format for posting, thats just my two cents. If our goal is to "To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world."
then we have to be very specific with our posts to the current issues - and just my suggestion that posts have some (date) order like this post to be able to bring others up to date - referencing Q's posts are also part of what we have been instructed to do anyways.
This is of course with the blessings of the moderators of this Board, and firstly, their rules should be followed.
Just a way to make it easier for ALL to get up to speed with each post, if we need to reach critical mass.
Everyone has great stuff and everyone's efforts are duly appreciated, I just think better organization can help us all do much more, even more quickly.
aac901 No.207206
I'd like to draw attention to this, that was posted a few threads back. This is their endgame:
I'd approve of this being put in the batter. The fact that it's still here is proof that this is a worthwhile endeavour. If you "don't get it", I expect you will after thinking about it for a few days.
dd4d3b No.207208
I know the feeling.
7cf4b5 No.207209
That’s for sure lol
1e60b8 No.207210
e357fb No.207211
8ce560 No.207212
Dont care what it means in spanish! These are real organizations & companies involved. Dig & you will see.
b5df20 No.207213
969a2a No.207214
Did my best to report a few of them dicks on Flynn Jrs tweet, nothing will be done knowing that shithole of a platform
ce1f15 No.207215
>David Laing
Was someone talking to you?
189772 No.207217
Not to burst y'all bubbles but it's been this way since 2011 at least
41ad04 No.207218
I think that this is by far the best post I've ever seen.
c931a4 No.207219
a85837 No.207220
Good work anon.
Check this out too.
5ffc43 No.207222
1e60b8 No.207223
Updates to pacer.
ca869a No.207224
"Learn double meanings."
de3f7f No.207225
pray your very sick pet is over crisis and recovering well.
a8365a No.207226
Im 37 and with you on that one. I became a disabled veteran against my will and watched everything go to shit from the comfort of my own home and said fuck having children. Soon as this is over and we are all entrenched in the truth Im on a hunt for my very own FLOTUS. We
So hang on just a little bit longer anon
e60480 No.207227
>>206492 (You)
This is my corrected answer to a question posed in >>206125.
I have assembled the data and done the math. (2 pic related – spreadsheet has been updated after our Twitter timezone experiment). >>207167
I hope some other Anon can explain what this means because I have NO IDEA. I believe it is a time marker for some event that is predicted to occur, but I have no idea what even or which of the 8 mentions by Q of "US Military" is the pertinent one.
Help me, anonfam. This is not my kind of autism……
Hope we can turn our (and Q's) frustration with our difficulty decoding markers into a joyous group accomplishment.
Signing off for the night.
da8c66 No.207229
That's been around for YEARS
7bd463 No.207231
Thank you most kindly master baker
a8365a No.207232
haha what is this from?
a93083 No.207233
>>206098 Interesting link to body-frequencies /hertz.htm
Do geomagnetic storms have any effect on frequency's? (cause changes?) /products/27-day-outlook-107-cm-radio-flux-and-geomagnetic-indices
da8c66 No.207234
189772 No.207235
Pretty sure this is just George Webb filing more of his intervention motions.
d0c9c5 No.207236
Need an ‘it’s ok to not be a pedo’ campaign
b1ca03 No.207237
Thanks anon, it's touch and go for the next few days - prayers appreciated.
7cf4b5 No.207238
Why are you posting this?
c9ff50 No.207239
I can't wait for Jan. 3rd. Devin Nunes put his thump down on DOJ and FBI! video-nunes-blasts-doj-fbi-failure-produce-records-relating-anti-trump-dossier/
57efee No.207240
Based on what Sanders and the State Dept put out, it looks like were doing some house-cleaning over there… Bringing back 1970's Iran. Blue-jeans and woman-driving Iran.
855a13 No.207241
Can't remember but meme worthy.
000068 No.207242
Luke 11:17
But he(Jesus), knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
Romans 16:17-18
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
1 Corinthians 1:10-13
I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.
and on and on anon :}
7cf4b5 No.207243
aac901 No.207244
The Pike quote is most explanatory. Take into account that it's not just religion now but also RACE they're eliminating and replacing. Hence the miscegeny they're trying to force on Europe.
45c793 No.207245
Interesting, how many is that now?Lot of indictments all together so far
b5df20 No.207246
Trump slams Amazon, says USPS should raise rates
bd5ad4 No.207247
>Laing and J Laing
This is what another anon pointed me to in the last bread. It is from here: https://nuw
e60480 No.207248
Yes you can collect it, sure.
There will be other nice collectable Pepes available in the coming days and weeks. The better we all stay on task, the better our chance of collecting these.
e0d0e4 No.207249
Why do they never post screen shots of that shit?
e54b14 No.207250
57efee No.207251
>I never hated Jews, until I realized that they hated me.
Same… It's a hard pill to swallow. 5 years ago I was posting crap like "I stand with Israel" on Fagbook. Look at me now…
Eat shit, Juden-rats! ;)
d73771 No.207252
HDNet World Report - Season 5 Episode 28 - Heart of Darkness: Inside One of the World's Most Fertile Terrorist Recruiting Grounds; 9/11: The Unknown Battle of the Forgotten Heroes
a85837 No.207253
and, this from the perspective of the infamous Jack McCloy
59a72e No.207254
Autocorrect turned redpilling into redoubling :(
Let us redouble our efforts to redpill people!
+500% charts with sources would redpill people like none other
ddc75c No.207255
Will add to the pasta, thank you
Great job anon! That is what we needed. Thank you for that.
A lot of people keep track of family lines that were here for the Revolution and even the "civil" war and are very patriotic. In fact, that is one way they show it - they are so proud their ancestors came over and fought for it. I have an ancestor who held a bridge. It's a deep kind of patriotism that is lost now days (not bringing up the generational shitfest d&c) because of the cultural Marxism. We have been denuded of temporal continuity - what you do no longer reflects on your family as a whole and no one thinks whether their grandchildren will be proud that granny rode the cock carousel.
DAR are fiercely patriotic.
e54b14 No.207257
341d01 No.207258
Replicant? Army? MHQ?
561c39 No.207259
Can confirm they preach patriotism and handout pocket constitutions. Grandmother joined a decade ago and traces her family all the way back to the early 1700's
c931a4 No.207260
Message to Q:
Inject focus point
Now would be a good time
6aca94 No.207261
Someone meme this up and we will share the shit outta it. >>207230
de3f7f No.207263
ea44de No.207264
my contribution….. Pepe… Soros and Google Home
b5df20 No.207265
You should focus and then you might get a message.
bd5ad4 No.207266
There is only Zuul.
57efee No.207267
What? Fuck off, MySpace-fag… Flynn is /our guy/ and by some osmotic-form of default, his family is /our family/.
b8d71e No.207268
>>207134 This is postmodernism (intellectual degeneracy). The words "From a Marxist perspective" tell you you're going to get smoke blown up your ass.
In postmodernism, talking heads never attempt to link their theories to objective fact. They always establish their argument on a subjective platform like "perspective". You can view it from a marxist perspective, a feminist perspective, a colonialist perspective. . .and none of those perspectives are wrong, they all have equal value.
The one perspective they will never use as a foundation for an argument is a biological perspective.
da8c66 No.207269
Khazars are the fake jews, who are zionists today, not all Jews are evil, just the Zionists are, just research it, and just know ALL DOTS connect back to the same people, throughout history, every time, in every way!
ALWAYS the same people, thats all you need to know!
Dont waste your time learning history here!
Get up to speed, look at what is going on now.
f0fc85 No.207270
philes, not files
b05078 No.207271
dd4d3b No.207272
Yeah. They've finally scaled the ladder out there.
3d5c55 No.207273
"Yes. You died and went to hell."
e45e0a No.207275
Drudge is reporting growing civil unrest in Iran.
Ahmadinejad is the legitimate 12th Imam. This did not sit well neither with Jarrett nor Hussein, who looked to usurp political power for religious prestige on a far more obtuse agenda of self aggrandizement on the 'end times' theme. To be honest, 'Chainsaw Cheney' was not to thrilled over the guy either as geo-political interests prevailed at the time.
That said, "Cyrus" was the Persian King at the time of Israel's Reprieve, and now that Isaiah's 45 is in office, let's not be hasty here. Mahmoud is well versed in Scripture and his writings, however misrepresented, at the time, Persia lacks proper infrastructure to refine it's own oil resources. 'Art of the Deal' should be able to reach an acceptable compromise on 2 levels here, oil refining and nuclear ambition oversight. It's a 'win-win' if handled properly and fairly.
Keep your options open, there are sufficient opportunities for the World Community to participate in:
"The Great Awakening"
bd5ad4 No.207276
I love how the email is unclassified and then the entire body is redacted. Good thing that's not classified!
cae777 No.207277
Can this get any more ridiculously awesome? ;)
a56355 No.207278
Have not seen ANY Judges that are going against Logic & POTUS go down Yet anyone have data on any ?
e0d0e4 No.207279
> The one perspective they will never use as a foundation for an argument is a biological perspective.
Why's that?
c931a4 No.207280
41ad04 No.207281
and instead of retyping something from a book i've read a thousand times,what if you actually used your own mind and said the same thing in your own way.
4167cb No.207282
ce1f15 No.207283
Couldn't find anything of importance on David Laing or Jody Laing (wife) of Sterling, VA.
c868bd No.207284
This. Can we imagine all the members of pravda who are, themselves, guilty of very rotten doings? Considering how controlled (and obviously scripted) they are, they're probably as bad or worse than the politicians they shield.
57efee No.207286
Well no shit… Everyone knows about Marina. But everyone knows that Huma runs with Marina (If that's THE Marina mentioned in TODAY'S released emails).
da8c66 No.207288
I wish Q would drop more, there are some of us ready to swallow the whole big ass pill now
57efee No.207289
*But not everyone…
1e60b8 No.207290
Docket info. See .12 com/file/d/1oPGpNFz3TKbKuO3g0eaT6AZj7qMinMr5/view
b8d71e No.207291
766157 No.207292
I just posted about this web site a few threads back and now I just found this Scott Anthony yt vid….
Listen in, was this a strike?
https ://
341d01 No.207293
Enhanced? Destroyed? Altered?
a4ae92 No.207294
The difference this time = POTUS
He is not using the designation to FUND RAISE for the cause, being the cause to fund more child trafficking as previously.
This is critically integrated into every mainstream charity that I am aware of.
Same with cancer charities. They spread awareness.. In context - Awareness is advertising for the charity, nothing to do with the cure.
MONEY scams.
POTUS is going to make us aware in a different way. I can feel it in my frog bones…
1e60b8 No.207295
I thought George was only filing motions on Awans
5ffc43 No.207296
LONG before that: Jesus said that they hated Him first before they hated us
d0c9c5 No.207297
0c6902 No.207298
7bd463 No.207299
3d5c55 No.207300
More effective is you say "patriot" instead of black man.
74327c No.207301
He actually held this sign….
b5df20 No.207302
Military Acronyms
Field Work Proposal
Flag Writer
Fusion Workstation
000068 No.207303
i did write my own words and then was asked for back up
c14d89 No.207304
244A huh? .. kek
meanwhile in ot news… swat setup
57efee No.207306
Well… Before this point, we sure did uncover a whole lot of shady Ps. Our struggle was not in vain.
c931a4 No.207307
Out of
Ain't bad
ce1f15 No.207308
OK. Who brought the dogs?
1ad918 No.207309
How many sealed indictments are we up to now?
3d5c55 No.207311
Bing bong. Winner.
cc3d8e No.207312
a8365a No.207313
e0d0e4 No.207314
No way to verify, except by 'word of mouth'
000068 No.207316
i keep hearing past 9000
bd5ad4 No.207317
Do you have access to Pacer? Can you see indictments? I"m looking for how many sealed indictments there are in Texas, specifically in the region of San Antonio.
a93083 No.207318
I beg to differ.
I am in EST and my twitter shows 9:09pm. I believe the time stamp comes in according to the TIMEZONE the user (receiving) is located in. Not what timezone TWATSHIT is located in.
8ce560 No.207319
e54b14 No.207320
It costs several hundred dollars to count the indictments apparently, there is a collection to recount them going on, but dont remember where.
b5df20 No.207321
Or JA. He been in a cage for so long.
cae777 No.207322
Yeth!!!! With that AIDS n stuff…
90f9aa No.207323
Maybe if claims of "expertise" hadn't been abused so much over the years (bad science, etc.), people wouldn't be discounting it now. Hopefully, that gets fixed, too, in all this work. Make America Honest Again.
45c793 No.207324
Of what the indictments? Maybe because they're sealed and not public yet or something like that.Funny I found one which said USA vs Hill and one USA vs SELF, Hill sounds like Hillary,Self would be Bill since he was president(self) Just a theory, it found in the east AR section. /folders/1cC702ou3zm4VJICOI30EwaVCbbvYDQ5p
6aca94 No.207325
3d5c55 No.207326
Remove the plural and you've got it.
7cf4b5 No.207327
e0d0e4 No.207328
Gunna need shit loads of actors to execute that number.
dd4d3b No.207329
Because science doesn't lie.
5f2726 No.207330
Holy crap! Look at that screen shot!
5ffc43 No.207332
POTUS twit:
cae777 No.207333
Plural? There's more than 1 mister…
a4ae92 No.207334
Interesting JEWfact: (theres plenty more too)
The word "JEW" was not in the KJV bible originally, it was coined by Shakespeare much later. A HEBRON was someone who spoke hebrew. And a JUDEAN was someone from Judea. It was that simple.
Imagine TEXAN being called a religion. (ok it kinda is, but…)
e4b591 No.207335
well said
have you ever read Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN years ago? eye opener
98b6e4 No.207336
Nothing's going to happen big enough to affect my daily life. That's my belief.
1e60b8 No.207337
Tidbit info-in order for US citizen to be given military tribunal, they need to be deeded “enemy combatant”. Person must be present at Gitmo to be called enemy combatant. I think us citizen charged with war crime outside us (ie on a ship in intl waters), then relocated to gitmo can be subject to military tribunal.
8ce560 No.207338
USMC & NG is gonna do it
3d5c55 No.207339
Then you might find a singular.
f9706a No.207340
McCain templates. Keep um coming Anons!
Love it!!
a4ae92 No.207341
Keep that photo handy, it is not going to age well…
dd4d3b No.207342
…which would only hurt progress "out there."
b8d71e No.207343
>>207245 Something happened at an airforce base near stockton.
bd5ad4 No.207344
I checked the original set of indictment spreadsheets and IIRC, there were about 380 or so in the CA area containing Los Angeles. This is a HUGE addition (if true.)
341d01 No.207345
Not enough clues…drop crumb
e0d0e4 No.207347
> /folders/1cC702ou3zm4VJICOI30EwaVCbbvYDQ5p
So I'm expected to believe that the federal courts systems keeps their indictments on a google drive?
a93083 No.207348
While you are looking….How does that compare to….say…flights into GITMO from December 2016?
da8c66 No.207349
000068 No.207351
Trump tweets support for Iranians rising up
41ad04 No.207352
yes the original was much nicer…thanks for dumping me off the board twice.
cae777 No.207353
You're saying that ONE thug is == all the other thugs they hang out with?
90f9aa No.207354
Still got stuff like that stuck in my head from last year's P-Gate reporting. Yeah, agreed.
Can't. Un. See.
Has anyone tried NLP for this? Did it help?
bd5ad4 No.207356
e54b14 No.207357
Honestly if that turns out to be true im pulling the plug. Tired of living like this. I think you will be pleasantly surprised tho.
cc3d8e No.207359
Real jews aka israelites, are actually more closely related to modern day 'palestinians' or possibly some groups in greece and cyprus. Even than, that's like claiming blacks wuz kangz type of deal because most actual israelites have been scattered, diluted, and basically fucked out of existence since 4th century AD.
In reality, judea and israel as in biblical times ceased to exist as an entity after the classical era.
Khazars are basically fake jews, fake israelites. They share very little if any of their blood, and are turkic by lineage. What remains, however, is the visceral, racial, and ethnic semitic nature of hatred on tribal level that Jesus precisely condemned the pharasees for. The current modern day behavior of these 'jews' is exactly as it was in the times of chirst - avaricious, deceptive, hateful, inferior to others in everyway yet deluding themselves the 'masters'.
They must be made to pay - and none must get away.
45c793 No.207360
I was thinking someone leaked it and put it on there
dd4d3b No.207361
Many charities only truly fight for the very causes they purport to stand against.
Why would they want to decrease the demand for their business?
Especially medical causes.
90f9aa No.207362
Sign of the times. Matthew 24.
b5df20 No.207363
98b6e4 No.207364
I hope you're right, that I'm wrong. But it seems like happenings are in private. Doubt my life will change.
d73771 No.207366
first use of the sound "jew" is found in a masonic Talmud encoded in fractions a few thousand years before any religion and they were the founders of all religions as a divide and conquer tactic. It worked.
5f2726 No.207368
Radio nerds!: look at the screen shot and see the 3 yellow highlighted buttons….What does it mean?
c931a4 No.207369
I'm not lost.
Ready Player 1
cae777 No.207370
Gosh darn. I can see beyond my laughing tears, but.. I dunno.. besides a gallows, I dunno what else to add..
b5df20 No.207371
000068 No.207372
peace to you anon
f9706a No.207373
I just saw the owl next to Shillary
These are cracking me up!!
Great Work anons!!
3d5c55 No.207374
I'm saying singular and plural don't jive as far as the meme goes. 1 patriot and 1 nigger is more effective. But it's your meme, dude; do as you will. That's just my opinion. Good job either way.
a8365a No.207375
I got my quarters up, ready player 2
41ad04 No.207376
the same thing that it's meant for the past 2 days
b8d71e No.207377
yep. Imagine if they had to admit physical reality. Boys are boys, sex is genetic, a fetus is not a part of a woman's body, facts are objective truths. . .
they'd be finished if reality were ever fully asserted.
8ce560 No.207378
U can die to that
e0d0e4 No.207380
>I was thinking someone leaked it and put it on there
OK, I can buy that, but as soon as it was known that it was out there like that, it would be gone again.
bd5ad4 No.207381
> find anything of importance on David Laing or Jody
For what it is worth, Steven Mobley works with PwC and in DC. Seems like a good fit for government financial skullduggery there.
Also, look at his Facebook likes….Goldman Sachs is in there. Who the fuck likes Goldman Sachs on their Facebook page? Janet Yellen?
57efee No.207382
What's up with those icons next to "Tam"?… (Other than the flag, obviously)
f4b133 No.207383
Opinion section is beginning the Normie drops.
9bc075 No.207384
Scarborough pens ominous op-ed: 'A storm is gathering' in 2018
9b13a0 No.207385
I had missed this email posted in the last thread, but upon reviewing it, I didn't see that anyone noted that in the next sentence Brahimi was mentioned. Sounds like he was on the invite list, too. I'm guessing this was not the footballer, but the UN diplomat who served as special envoy to Syria?
48eb02 No.207386
Cool we have Real estate fags now,lol Nice find
6aca94 No.207387
Keep the faith Anon. And get to digging! >>207364
f9706a No.207388
Forgot pic
What's left? Maybe a few songbirds perched on the rails.
Anyone got the skills?
e0d0e4 No.207389
I mean seriously, Google is in bed with the enemy, and it's stored on a google drive?
No sense there.
a56355 No.207390
cae777 No.207391
Have you ever been in a situation with just 1 nigger and you? I've been robbed 3 fucking times by niggers. It's NEVER just Me and ONE other nigger. It's ALWAYS at least 2 more.
bd899f No.207392
Over the past week I have been occasionally coming into breads and dropping my findings on satellites and specifically the role of the NRO SIGINT crumbs throughout Qanon posts.
I will add this to the fire I've been trying to get started.
Intelligence community has been at odds for years over budgets, cover ups, agenda, etc. In my opinion Q along with Trump et al is in the middle of an intelligence purge. The reason we see so many inditements is a large number of these criminals are currently holding security clearances. Here is just the tip of the iceberg of crimes involving the NRO SIGINT (satellites) and others. Remember there are still factions of good guys out there.
>NRO/NSA/Pentagon pedo cover up /2017/01/the-child-porn-pentagon-nsa-cia-link-they-dont-want-you-to-know spy-agency-busted-for-not-reporting-criminal-admissions-during-polygraphs/ /2016/05/FEDs-Found-Unbelievable-Amounts-of-Child-Porn-on-National-Security-Computers.html?m=1
Earthquakes and other theories (use discernment on the source here) national-reconnaissance-office-struggled-to-keep-up-before-katrina-while-facing-serious-cuts/25/
Satellite mining gold/uranium
ce1f15 No.207393
I couldn't find anything of interest on David Laing or Jody Laing (wife) of Sterling, VA.
closest was Laing International of Sterling, VA, but doesn't seem to be any relation.
90e56f No.207394
>Scarborough pens ominous op-ed: 'A storm is gathering' in 2018
A sad attempt to co-opt "the storm" meme.
a8365a No.207396
Keep filling it up! Pack as much into as possible like a Where's Waldo
7bd463 No.207397
Once an indictment is served , then it’s no longer in this data base?
1a7242 No.207398
Is that a January 1st prediction?
a4ae92 No.207399
The native Israelite (Sephardi Jew) are the ones that are "religious" and wear the beanie (historically).
The imposters are Khazars or "AshkeNAZI" jews.
These are the Polish ones.
The "word" Ashkenazi translated from hebrew means "German".
Now… Where did the term NAZI originate again???
Hitler was an AshkeNAZI too…
bd5ad4 No.207400
This is why we must all strive for precision and facts.
189772 No.207401
Idiots. The existence of the sealed indictments is public info, but you have to be on pacer to get it, and cull it from all the regions. So someone did that, and put it on Google drive. Now it's out of date, thats all.
1e60b8 No.207402
Vessel registration. gov/pls/webpls/cgv_pkg.vessel_id_list?vessel_id_in=1230780
45c793 No.207403
Like you,all we can do is find evidence and see if it's fake or real, we're gonna have to wait and see the truth on most of this stuff i guess.
6aca94 No.207404
a56355 No.207405
57efee No.207406
THIS, THIS, fucking THIS
bd5ad4 No.207407
5f2726 No.207408
debd31 No.207409
Not to take away from anything you reported but Imadinnerjacket isn't the guy in charge in Iran. The Mullahs are the ones in charge. He's just a figure head.
e0d0e4 No.207410
>sealed indictments is public info, but you have to be on pacer to get it
So not public like your saying.
cc3d8e No.207411
www.zerohedge. com/news/2017-12-29/state-department-releases-2800-clinton-emails-many-which-were-classified-found
Weiner emails, the long awaited sources of all the clinton stuff, is being released bit by bit.
35ec8d No.207412
>>206984 These are 'sick, evil bastards!'
HRC with Gaga & GagGag with Spirit Cooking wench Marina Abramovic…
ea44de No.207413
Good job everyone - the tide is turning - if you have not been to Mike Flynn Jrs Twat page….
please see previous link and go help him out
41ad04 No.207414
i love the info fam, but where are you trying to go? i follow this stuff too…
e0d0e4 No.207415
>Once an indictment is served , then it’s no longer in this data base?
Deflecting from >>207347
35d4fa No.207416
Yes they ARE patriotic–you have to see that to some people the fight for the Republic in 1776 was worth remembering each and every day till now, how MUCH we risked, how much we sacrificed, how much we gained. And it has been drained away by the same damn people who made it necessary for us to fight in 1776!!
I have an ancestor who fought with the local militia during the Revolution. Every day I am here on CBTS I am just continuing his fight.
f9706a No.207417
The McCain add ons are making my night!
I tweeted him this one in a reply that went to about 50 politicians, patriots & POTUS
c931a4 No.207418
e45e0a No.207419
>have you ever read Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN years ago? eye opener
I did indeed read it and realized the guy was far more learned than he was presented in the Western press. His name is derived in conjugated and hyphenated terms, as is somewhat obvious. US corporations could benefit from Iranian infrastructure development in expanding or even creating refinement capability, and on another level, leaving the spies out of contractor work, have boots on the ground so as to alleviate nuclear armament concerns. The current regime is antiquated and a reasonable opportunity for the Iranian people to participate in THE GREAT AWAKENING is here.
Mahmoud is a decent man and might be somewhat of a card in the deck President Trump can play in serious negotiations. Trump would have to realize this himself alone, however, as he is surrounded by those inimical to anything less than Zionist interests at the expense of a greater peace and THE GREAT AWAKENING which includes all people, from all nations, from all races.
3d5c55 No.207420
I've been around blacks all my life, including the worst neighborhoods in D.C. and Chicago and New York with one, two, three, more and, no, I've never been assaulted or threatened. Maybe I have a guardian angel. At any rate, fix the meme to your tastes. It's a good meme.
44d3ff No.207421
>what drives people to them, no matter how wacky"
>Just because people think something is just a conspiracy theory doesn't mean it isn't true.
I'm sure the "Declaration of Independence" seemed "wacky" to the British Crown back in 1776, but it documented the "conspiracies" for all to see in the light of Truth.
Excerpt: "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."
Perhaps its time for an updated 2.0 version outlining the deep states crimes against humanity. Start from the original and just update and revise the players and crimes. Start a separate thread and have a writing contest for all the anon lurkers to work on and submit for voting and refining. Would be a great way to galvanize the movement.
45c793 No.207422
pizza slice, girl ,boy is on there, I think Tam is a laywer and her sig other is USMC
90e56f No.207423
>Dont waste your time learning history here!
Always learn history. Kikery tends to repeat itself.
341d01 No.207424
273794 No.207426
The difference being this time he has a hefty EO with teeth behind it threatening the assets of anyone involved in any sinister shenanigans.
Watch what happens to the sheisters, Anon.
bd5ad4 No.207427
Sauce or GTFO. The only number I'm firm with right now is 4,289 and that might be one lower because I saw a Federal judge go down a couple of weeks ago. I've been looking for better verification since.
b5df20 No.207428
>I wonder how long they're going to put out fake tweets on arrested politicians/celebrities accounts to keep the illusion going?
e357fb No.207429
Should be in as a certain case then.
f9706a No.207430
Arg… forgot pic AGAIN. I'm delirious with a cold & McCainisms
e0d0e4 No.207431
7bd463 No.207432
Lots of them have been “doctored”
c931a4 No.207433
189772 No.207434
I believe it's a modest amount to pay for the service, but otherwise anyone can join. In theory you could also get it in person if you could visit all the court houses? So public but not completely free online.
debd31 No.207435
dd4d3b No.207436
…except in time of national emergency, which Trump already declared.
a4ae92 No.207437
This is a term I have heard used before in the context of holiday, in this case new years day.
(also means a wonderful or terrible day, such as "my birthday will be the day of days.")
000068 No.207438
slow escape …..dang apple battery
ce1f15 No.207439
>Steven Mobley works with PwC and in DC.
I would bet my left nut PWC is tied to the cabal in some way.
And the Goldman Sachs like? Virtue signaling among accountant/financial types … they're geeks like that.
"I'm one of you. I love Goldman. See, I like them on my Cuckbook."
e8f8c0 No.207440
Yeah I think she was likely picked up. She said something like "this is my life now" and a pic of hand over heart (loyalty to the cabal, we speculated at the time) while in the holding room … then not much more but a pic of an airplane
>>207097 Does not look like the same Pocahontas. It would be major shit if a sitting senator is picked up. They have immunity from prosecution for their official actions, forget what the legal term is. And am not sure if it extends to violations punishable under military justice. Frankly I didn't think she was such a player. Lying about native American heritage isn't enough to get you picked up.
(links to last bread, I can't read / write / even think sometimes, fast enough to keep up.)
41ad04 No.207441
cc3d8e No.207442
Sephardi 'jews' are moors + iberian outcasts. They are on the other side of the fucking mediterranean.
Just as judaism spread to khazaria via convenient conversion, so has it gone there.
Real jews, by blood, are in reality no longer in existence any more than ancient assyrians or persians or babylonians. Hell, modern day european whites have more claim to being children of rome than any of these literal bastards have to ancient persia or babylon or israel.
The most important aspect is that enemy seeks to destroy all sovereign peoples, be they white, black, yellow, brown, or red. We must fight.
7bd463 No.207443
K trying to find more info on a case in Missouri. Fed court. Fed vs gurley, ricky case was extended till March.
bd5ad4 No.207444
>& NG is gonna do it
I think LEOs are going to do it. There's plenty of them.
1a7242 No.207445
Super/wolf moon on that day. And then a super blood moon 30 days later.
c53ae1 No.207446
Elon Musk
www.df. cl/noticias/empresas/multinacionales/la-enigmatica-visita-de-elon-musk-a-chile/2017-12-29/102938.html
>>"En las últimas horas trascendió que el empresario quería ir a visitar la antártica"
>>"In the last hours it became known that the businessman wanted to visit Antarctica"
e0d0e4 No.207447
So there is still the possibility of someone blowing smoke up our asses because first off, it's on an enemy site such as google drive which through research we have determined that NK has also been working for.
1ad918 No.207448
>Over 9000
The memes write themselves.
e357fb No.207450
Fauxcahontas has MAJOR crim exposure over the CFPB that Mulvaney just took over.
abd823 No.207451
You millennials with your Tourette syndromed, parrot Boomer squawking twat mouths need to learn the difference between the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomer Generation. All you bitches do is blame and talk shit. I am not surprised considering that your coddled, SAFE generation never even fought in real life. Going to a playground with your mommies was probably the closest hostile interaction you ever had. You can keep talkin shit and blaming your elders, but if you bring that shit up to us in real life you'll be in for a surprise. We don't talk all that shit and blame like you. Blah, blah, blah…You disrespect us with that chatter, we will pop you in your fucking mouths and break you with no discussion necessary.
Be thankful for your elders when we have to protect your pussy asses.
a4ae92 No.207452
There are christian Zionists too.
All are dangerous.
None more dangerous than Talmudic AshkeNAZI Zionists. They are the end-all supremacist…
f9706a No.207453
So far the owl is my favorite add on. He's just about the last thing you see cuz he's so "lurky".
45842d No.207454
All your base are belong to us
c931a4 No.207455
Information => no time index
This is real
Then you type:
09b229 No.207456
is taking down one family enough? They need to be outed though, thats for sure.
cae777 No.207457
I (still) got nothing against black people. I know the Democrats fucked them. The Democrats FUCK US. They fucked EVERYONE.
There was a time when blacks owned bushiness. The KKK (started by the Democrats) shut that down.
I think they are probably decent peeps if anyone would give them a chance.. but they keep voting Democrat, even though it was the Republicans that saved their asses. How many white people died to save the lives of them. Now the Jews have the blacks hating whites even though the Jews largely financed the slave trade from Africa.
I just.. I just don't know what to fucking do anymore. I can't take the stupidity.
35d4fa No.207458
This is just reactionary brainstorming, but the pineal gland is said to be able to be re-activated with sound frequency, (opening chakras also uses this) and Nikola Tesla said everything was frequency.
bd5ad4 No.207459
You learned how to use a highlighter?
0b98d8 No.207460
Nice work anon. Thanks for posting. I appreciate it, that article is profane and demands to be challenged. I've been working on a response actually, maybe I should get back to it.
1e60b8 No.207462
Q’s last post. FDeltaC25-26
Is there confirmation of another flight turn back? Virgin America to Maui?
Is it possible FDC means Federal Detention Center?
7bd463 No.207464
90e56f No.207465
>Fauxcahontas has MAJOR crim exposure over the CFPB that Mulvaney just took over.
Can't wait until that shoe drops.
ce1f15 No.207467
War of 1812
US War of Northern Aggression
Iraq War
What's the game, anon?
b5df20 No.207468
Found in current database? Location?
189772 No.207469
Yep. Pick your opsec battles. I wouldn't bet on the info, could be larp. Do the research yourself if important to you.
a4ae92 No.207470
Jewry is a bitch…
(that I am certain of.)
debd31 No.207471
That was also an episode in Band of Brothers
c931a4 No.207472
fe907c No.207473
This is going to be fun to watch…
1e60b8 No.207474
That was recent. TPodesta was a Nov 4th or so.
6aca94 No.207475
0b98d8 No.207476
bd5ad4 No.207477
>ol we have Real estate fags now,lol Nice findI suggest 'landfags.'
695e87 No.207478
If you haven't lurked here for a year,
and want to ask questions, before you do, go here
7bd463 No.207479
bd899f No.207480
It's a rabbit hole for me. Basic idea is satellites see everything. Lyndon Johnson through Obama they have been hiding pedophiles, human trafficking, drug trafficking, Uranium mining, creating "natural" disasters, and the NRO has seen everything (Keyhole). NSA has recorded everything (Key), and the CIA has blocked everything (Keystone). The other Intel agencies are not off the hook but these are the big 3 in my opinion.
The reason I brought this up now is Trump has opened the " green door" by involving the MI which under his lead will hold the others accountable. We are hyper focused on the big "names" but this move will make the rest of the takedown much easier.
ddc75c No.207481
Very interesting, thank you. I find this fascinating. There are, like you say, factions in every dept in every agency. Glad someone is cleaning house now.
For your own self, it's really really important to archive what you find.
da8c66 No.207482
One thing I know for certain is that Q sure as shit aint posting here anymore.
and history…….
Alephbet "ALEPHBET" yes I spelled correctly is the Hebrew alphabet
Get on with (khazarian) history on your own time, with the khazarian fake jews com/watch?v=xPddfdBdAUU
Get to present
7bd463 No.207484
Adding something, brb
962a9a No.207485
PDF for the emails http://
bd5ad4 No.207486
"Hoo put me in here with this spider?"
d73771 No.207487
<PDF links to HRC emails from the FOIA request:
dd4d3b No.207488
The Judeans from the time of David were not even in Jerusalem in the time of Christ. They had migrated all over, including with the rest of the tribes. But the tribes were also promised to become nations, which they never were before Biblical times. In the 500 years before Christ they became what is now the original founders of most of the free world. This is where Jesus sent his disciples, and it is where the true heirs of promised "heard his voice and followed."
a8365a No.207489
Just an FYI guys
I think we lost harvester anon sometime yesterday so until they come back, if youre making memes be sure to add them to meme thread #5
341d01 No.207490
???????? Use crayons
3ab082 No.207491
BofB context was
Normandy landings, June 6, 1944
695e87 No.207492
41ad04 No.207493
i like landfags…i created a boatfag earlier too
bd5ad4 No.207494
Quite possible given the time context of Q's drop.
ebaaba No.207495
Light will _reveal_ darkness
See these two posts on the Stringer thread please. This has been solved. Every new attempt to "solve" this falls short of these:
It's also in the spreadsheet on line 2977.
35ec8d No.207497
I was shocked Q mentioned 'Spirit Cooking'!!
e45e0a No.207501
I am aware of that.
"Old soldiers don't die, they just fade away."
I read that from MacArthur when looking into the Korean War.
Mahmoud was prevented from re-entering politics from the very same mullahs now losing control, and if we need a back door channel, there is one already there who is more than capable to lead.
695e87 No.207502
And don't screw up like I just did !!
6aca94 No.207503
Thanks Anon. Solid info
4167cb No.207504
Dar= ?
nk = NoKo
ess= Electronic Switching System(telephone central office exchange)
North Korea Cuts Phones(darkness), hunts down phone books, after directory was leaked
https: //
c9ff50 No.207505
Jim Carrey: Hollywood Elites ‘Eat Whole Babies’ For Christmas
These people are sick! watch?v=7egd1GTRKpw
c931a4 No.207506
aac901 No.207510
Do we have any infographics on how the last 4 presidents either were clowns (41) or were groomed by the clowns from an early age?
Bill Clinton is a good place to start. Everyone who can read has seen that he was "mentored by Caroll Quigley", what they may not know is that Quigley was one of the CIA's top thinkers.
2555e3 No.207511
Clint Eastwood everyone !!!!!!
d73771 No.207512
<More HRC FOIA email links to pdfs!
3d5c55 No.207513
I hear ya, brother. I understand exactly what you're going for with that meme. No need to qualify. I didn't see racism in what you're trying to do. And as an aside: my experiences were back in the day before O'Blackie fucked up everything and convinced decent people of all colors that they're racist when we didn't think of ourselves that way before that POS wrecked everything. I probably would get assaulted in those neighborhoods now because these devils captured the minds of disadvantaged and exploited people of all colors who are too fluoridated to realize they are the target of a genocide program by demons from hell. You and me aren't those demons. Soros, Hillary, Obama, Roths, Bush are those demons.
c906ae No.207514
another huma/hillary mail
Hillary suffering from withdrawal? adrenochrome?
e54b14 No.207515
6aca94 No.207516
Sorry Anon. I swept up several for social media. Want me to post those in #5?
cae777 No.207517
I dunno.. but make one. Even if we do, maybe yours will be more better.
debd31 No.207518
If that's the proper context then that could have been when everything (the ops) really kicked off and they started going after even more people.
Perhaps the news will unlock the map as Q says.
79a9e8 No.207520
I don't trust him. My instinct tells me they are just letting Jim say this stuff publicly in order to discredit the more heinous crimes of these people because he's been nutty for the past few years
ebaaba No.207522
The spreadsheet has a better explanation of the illustration in the Stringer thread.
"Q is obviously talking about Owls, the bad actors, as is evident in the first line.
Previous post #148139234 is integral in figuring this one out as Q "misspells" darkness as darnkess. Notice the 'n' and 'k' are reversed.
Connect the letters with the underscores in in the first two "Light" lines:
"d_a_r" and "e_s_s" What is missing? What needs to be _revealed_?
'kn' is missing to complete the word "darkness." However, Q intentionally misspelled it as "darnkess" prior.
kn becomes nk or NK.
Thus, light will overcome, expose, and reveal NK.
Look up nighttime satellite images of North Korea at night. The light you see in NK is where the Owls/"bad actors" do their work.
Thus, "Light (where you see the lights) will reveal darkness (evil; where the Owls/"bad actors" operate).
"KN" could refer to a knight in a chess game."
Again, here are the relevant Stringer thread posts:
c906ae No.207523
yournewswire, Filtered
cae777 No.207524
Uff da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
c9ff50 No.207526
4b229a No.207527
Regarding how to read the map:
I've been looking over a lot of Q's statements about reading the map…things like game theory, think direction, think circles, multiple paths, future proves past, how is POTUS always 5 steps ahead, etc.
This took me in the direction of machine learning, which I have only a vague knowledge of. I'm going to try to summarize what I've learned so far, but a lot of it is new so I may be off.
One particular area of ML, Q LEARNING (!!!), jumped out at me. Q learning essentially allows for optimal decision making over time in a dynamic environment. It learns both the immediate and eventual reward of any given action, and attempts to find the optimal balance of each. It then uses this data to build a table of all possible "states" an "agent" could find itself in. Each and every state will have the optimal action to take already determined, thus enabling them to take the ideal route.
I can't help but be fairly convinced that many of the crumbs we received were just fractions of all the potential states and actions that had been laid out to optimally react and proceed with the operation.
One commonly seen application of this is in a grid, where Q values are represented for each direction one could take. The fact that Q was fairly insistent on us capturing every post on to a graphic and laying it out seems possibly relevant to me.
Just as an agent works through a grid in the classic Q-learning problem, we could see which squares in the grid (posts) are currently being explored (actually occurring) based on news confirmations. It's possible if we lit those posts up green, some sort of pattern could be observed? I believe the [MARKERS] may play some role in this, especially because brackets are used a lot in notation for Q-learning expressions.
Just as some squares of a grid will be marked with lower values and thus will never be explored, some posts are not valid, whether by purpose or because they represented a possiblity that did not occur. This is why "Disinfo is necessary"
Future proves past, because many possibilities are being laid out in front of us, but only until other parties react a certain way will the outcome (contained in a single stringer or post) be confirmed. Then we can mark the post (or stringer) as being validated. I believe this ties into the POTUS twitter confirmations with them possible serving as some stronger form of validation.
Unfortunately, due to the limits of my knowledge it would probably take me some time to find any hard application of this concept in the Q MAP. But I really believe the idea has merit, so I wanted to share it even if only in the abstract, and hope maybe some other Autist could run with it and find something of value.
I'll keep working with the idea and share anything I find, but I'd appreciate any feedback.
a4ae92 No.207528
I vote to commission a fagfag to oversee the plethora of specialty fagtags? or a fagczar in keeping the Khazar theme!
cae777 No.207529
I'm a Norwegian fag. Don't hate. Appreciate. ;)
a8365a No.207530
Oh, I thought maybe you took a leave of absence or something because I didnt see the meme thread getting added to. Dont worry about it, do your thing!
e54b14 No.207531
Carrey never said that. Vid linked is unrelated.
1e60b8 No.207532
Current reg. No IMO # makes it difficult to find with vessel finder dot com
da8c66 No.207534
Iran has not started a war in over 250 years with anyone
no people, in any land, want to hurt or go to war with anyone
The elitists, the same people in history that over and over again start wars, are always the same
Thats what matters, its always the same people
debd31 No.207535
Anon…come on! That's not a black eye. That's a brain tumor!
a4ae92 No.207536
She probably eats that too…
cee19d No.207537
f9706a No.207538
Nice! Can you put him here?
e0d0e4 No.207540
Well, we certainly know Q isn't posting on halfchan either, after all, there isn't even a CBTS there anymore.
cae777 No.207541
wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd. muh nigga.
90f9aa No.207543
Nice try, but I don't think we can use that one.
From image search: "Best guess for this image: guy photoshops himself with celebrities"
6aca94 No.207544
I’ve never added memes that I take for social media into #5. But I can sure start. I am a meme sharing machine.
c931a4 No.207546
bddb33 No.207547
Is his name Q , or is it just the magnifying glass search icon ?
90e56f No.207548
Fantastic work landfag.
a4ae92 No.207549
Do a #METOO on the guy's side…
57efee No.207550
Whoops… Slight miscalculation. Sorry, REAL kikes. Please forgive.
f9706a No.207551
It gets RICHER!
Love the note!!
90f9aa No.207552
I want to know how it is that I buy something for $1 and get free shipping, and the thing arrives in packaging used for shipping methods that cost $5.
cae777 No.207553
"I'm pretty Uranium.. so watch out.."
bd5ad4 No.207554
Unless there's another EO that's classified.
a8365a No.207555
Up until yesterday most of the memes in there are current so you keep dropping those bombs on social media! Thanks anon <3
da8c66 No.207557
Agreed, and there are an awful lot of 10's in brackets, about 9 or so, throughout all posts, some people cracked one or two, but [10] is repeated often.
I was going to ask same myself.
b5df20 No.207558
cae777 No.207559
It's the Kahasdfahpoaishdpgoasdikj;aosdg!!!!
7cf4b5 No.207560
Why? Big link to pedos
f9706a No.207561
I think we need a little Besta Pizza in there
c931a4 No.207562
Because the value of what is being destroyed (small business local independents) is long term more profitable.
da8c66 No.207563
COMMON link to pedos!
90e56f No.207564
>Is Q done posting?
Q team posts whenever they need this place to move forward.
000068 No.207565
posted this several times now
i'll included the whole thing in a pic
a4ae92 No.207566
Only Amazon (or another Clovvn related company) could do that. They suffer the loss (or get subs) to mine your information.
6aca94 No.207567
Normies eat them up! If you’ve got any social media following, it’s a good tool, then share share anons!
41ad04 No.207568
spotted duh youper again
bd5ad4 No.207569
0f82cb No.207570
Where are all the arrests and indictments?
6da916 No.207571
Very good work anon, keep passing it on.
Maybe there's something useful in finding out who endorses her?>>204301
dd4d3b No.207572
>Real jews, by blood, are in reality no longer in existence
Then who were the "twelve tribes scattered abroad" James (Jesus' brother) addressed his letter to?
90f9aa No.207573
I've got my line to BC now. Once you hit royalty, it's already done.
e0d0e4 No.207575
Amazon is under fire now by POTUS through his USPS comments earlier today, and the Clowns there know this.
debd31 No.207576
That is fantastic! I'd add a UFO or ET to round it out.
cae777 No.207577
A1 meme tonight. Top Kek.
b5df20 No.207578
Subsidies must get filtered to the other entities.
45c793 No.207579
Ask Q when Q arrives.
6aca94 No.207580
e54b14 No.207581
Where is Tony Podesta?
c868bd No.207582
import/export services, 35 years at the Washington-Dulles International Airport,
priority treatment with U. S. Customs,
This one’s interesting -
certified member of C-TPAT(Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism).
Location besides Sterling is Cargo Building F, BWI Airport, Maryland
e8f8c0 No.207583
Maybe giving us 10 days to work, while Q does something else. It's only been 4 days and it seems like too long, we miss Q!
ce1f15 No.207585
Predatory practice to drive competition out of business.
Loss leaders to condition your purchasing habits.
Goal is to get everyone to automatically click on Amazon for everything.
Building a monster that eventually becomes too big to fail …. monopoly.
45c793 No.207586
107945 No.207587
this is very sketchy
341d01 No.207588
How do i catch an elevator or a cab to one of the poles? To one of those stars in a jar…
57efee No.207589
No-one gives a shit about Judaism… The problem is "Jews" (Khazarian-faggots) practice Talmudism (basically, Satanism). They were Tengrists (worshipped Turkish God) before the 8th Century when almost all converted to rabbinical Judaism (AKA Talmudism).
3ab082 No.207590
Clearly making a point of an important day – a militarily (wartime) important day
fe907c No.207591
Here’s the collage, needs LdR, & others…
a4ae92 No.207592
Add the text:
"She would sue me if it wasn't true"
90f9aa No.207593
But "scientists" do. And many have.
9b13a0 No.207594
Hey, José. Feel free to keep @elonmusk because we don't want his sorry ass to set foot on American soil ever again.
a5931f No.207595
41ad04 No.207596
ahh soo, it's new to you…
ea44de No.207597
Great Graphic!!!
These people play some game of Monopoly
f063e4 No.207598
Its all about drying up clown funding.
e8f8c0 No.207599
I sort of wonder what "pasta" and "walnut sauce" mean here, but suspect I would wish I could un-learn it if I did.
90f9aa No.207600
I've even had black people tell it to me just about like that.
f063e4 No.207601
Science lies all the damn time. This is why experiments need to be repeatable.
cae777 No.207602
I just want good thing to happen. Gosh darn it.
45c793 No.207603
bd899f No.207604
48eb02 No.207605
Obama's spotted in Hawaii on Wednesday
Namaste Obamas! Low-key Michelle and Malia go to yoga while Barack is serenaded by Hawaiian locals during relaxing Christmas getaway - a world away from holidays at the White House
938cbc No.207606
the g is for gay.
in russia g is replaced with hammer (cock/balls) and sickle (for chopping off) the keystone is butt fuqeen (not even kidding)
57efee No.207608
Fuck NLP… Neuro Linguistic programming is what Satanists, Scientologists and NXIVM use to enslve people mentally.
48eb02 No.207609
Sorry forgot to break link
cc3d8e No.207610
This is some next level hisotrical fantasy revisionism jewry bull shit. It reeks of "judeo-christian" lies that modern day american and western cucked christians masturbate to.
Jews are the opposite of the 'free world'. They are the deceivers. They are the slave traders. They are the pedophiles, they are the rapists, they are ethnically the most corrupt of the semites (kikes/arabs).
Painful truth. You must rise in rightful hatred and anger.
e357fb No.207611
I suppose Q will return when the cans of worms start opening.
7bd463 No.207612
Interesting turn of events…
💥Lindsey Graham asked about Mueller diverges into the classified information that the DOJ recently shared with him with regards to the Steele Dossier. What he saw has him calling for a special counsel to investigate the DOJ.
938cbc No.207614
de3f7f No.207615
why don't you do it since you suggested it.
dd4d3b No.207616
repeatable is what makes it science. And that science does not lie.
9143e4 No.207617
http://edition.cnn. com/2017/12/29/politics/huma-abedin-state-department-email-release/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Top+Stories%29
Apologies if this has been posted before.
Beginning of Huma/HRC/pedophile ring leaks?
cae777 No.207618
You mean.. 'FREE FAGOTRY'
3ab082 No.207619
Broke it down in previous bread. Several reports of this event across MSM. Video was made the weekend just before Christmas.
cc3d8e No.207620
Nice try, glowing ((nigger))
Incoming shills trying to slide and distract from weiner emails.
e0d0e4 No.207621
7cf4b5 No.207622
a4ae92 No.207623
You know the impact is real.
1. There are FAR FEWER if any chemtrails lately.
2. No terrorist shit happening.
3. News (even CNN & NBC) is not 99% negative Trump.
4. Libtards are shaking in their tracking boots.
5. Clown companies are loosing directors.
Next: you will see Amazon, Google, Etc go thru a drastic change in operations. It will become based on sales and not 'information' because there is no "buyer" for such information anymore when the clowns are dead.
90f9aa No.207624
Would he be alive today if he wasn't stuck there?
57efee No.207625
Okay, let's get down to it then… How do we identify the Khazarian-faggots and tell them apart from the Israelites?
(Actual kikes can help with this… And I say "kikes", in a friendly manner, which I've never used the term before).
de3f7f No.207626
you must have me mistaken for someone who cares
9143e4 No.207627
Noticed that too. Very little chemtrails for the past month.
e0d0e4 No.207628
Like I said, they are under fire right now, and the Clowns know it.
a4ae92 No.207629
I voted for it! but I'm not witty enough to be the labelfag…
ce1f15 No.207630
Yes. I read that and it was applicable to our work.
But, I found no tie to David Laing, other than the last name.
Doesn't mean there isn't a tie (relative) … I just couldn't find one.
Also, Laing Intl seems to originate from UK.
41ad04 No.207631
the true sprawl and power of our intel orgs…that's part of what woke me up… it had to be fighting itself.
b5df20 No.207632
e80f45 No.207633
He should look angry. Like Al Smith Dinner angry.
7bd463 No.207634
One of the anons ^^^ up there and last thread showed some were doctored! So don’t fag on me!
f62acb No.207635
What about the Phoenicians? Now those are some people that are serious about bloodlines!
57efee No.207636
A Masonic Talmud? Sauce?
dd4d3b No.207637
Then you agree with me.
The real Jews are not called Jews today.
I understand the truth quite well.
Have most all of my life. I was raised in it,
way, way before it was cool.
And I didn't just come here.
Nothing makes me mad any more.
I'm way past that stage too.
7cf4b5 No.207638
I love this insider talk. You do realize anyone can come on here and pretend to be an insider, right? Doesn’t make it true. And no where did they say we sucked at the codes. Lol relax
da8c66 No.207639
For sure! They hate us, but only the gypsies who were expelled from Europe throughout history because they were found to be practicing devil worship - Khazars!
The common jews have no idea, just like the 32nd and lower Masonics have no idea, just like the Catholic membership has no idea - they DELIBERATELY integrate innocents to defend their organizations!
Wake up, research your history everyone, then get on with what is important NOW. They have been doing this for HUNDREDs of years, we cant waste any more time analyzing and deliberating what they have done!
0ed4c8 No.207640
That overgrown Pillsbury Doughboy IS Rosie O'Donell!!
ddc75c No.207641
I should have added, after reading the first one, obviously the ones caught up in that net and not relieved of duty and prosecuted are the very ones you would want compromised if you were an evil scumbag. SCI is no joke and imagine what they were convinced to give away in exchange for keeping their scummy activities secret? There is a mindmap in one of the meme threads of US govt employees from all sorts of agencies & depts who were busted for cheese pizza, trafficking or making pizza. And that was just one 10-year period mentioned in one article. It is horrifying when you look at it graphically because you can see who was compromised and what key positions they were in (DHS, ICE, Border patrol etc). Undoubtedly at least some of them were either coerced or willingly assisted a larger cp/trafficking ring.
Look at these and you will see
7bd463 No.207642
Go back and read last thread
b3b13a No.207643
Fixed misspelling and added "disclaimer"/invitation
bd5ad4 No.207644
e54b14 No.207645
Why are you replying to 2-day old comments, kek.
f063e4 No.207646
I'm suspecting a lot of clowns are going for cover. Hiding and whatnot. The ones who are shilling us today are likely working out of a bunker waiting to get bombed by a ground penetrating nuke.
Death will be swift for them. They signed away their right to trial when they joined up. So they go straight to sentencing or die during apprehension.
938cbc No.207647
seems legit af. what if a calendar arrangement is used. i feel like the date has a significant relation to the # of q posts and even the timestamps on that day. ive seen individual instances of this (number code) but never mapped it systematically yet.
c53ae1 No.207648
>>the businessman wanted to visit Antarctica
>>visit Antarctica
6912c1 No.207649
i'd bet the house there's swamp draining needed there to progress in this war.
57efee No.207650
What makes you so certain he won't be posting anymore… I think he'll be back.
f9706a No.207651
So the STATE DEPARTMENT "doctored" the Huma emails?
Go to bed Hillary
cc3d8e No.207653
FUCK the kikes. FUCK the niggers, and FUCK the ragheads.
If you don't care enough to gather the courage to stand up for children who are being raped, eviscerated, trafficked, and used, then you are the enablers who allowed this to happen along with those scum.
Q said, 'there are only few real evil' in the world. It is the rest who do nothing or laugh at the misery that allow this to continue. Those who mask cowardice with derision, then jump on the fucking bandwagon 2 years after when most of us autistic anons have been at this since 2009.
Get the fuck to work in ways that matter, or lurk.
aac901 No.207654
Probably because they're his.
a4ae92 No.207655
>the gypsies who were expelled from Europe throughout history because they were found to be practicing devil worship - Khazars!
I didn't know that about the Gypsies… Explains why they traveled a lot- fresh meat…
b5df20 No.207656
Google had their own barges from 2010-2012. What were they using them for? Eric Schmidt went on to visit NK following that time. What was his real purpose for the trip?
bd5ad4 No.207657
bd899f No.207658
Of course. I have some firsthand/ secondhand experience with the Military (Delta)& MI vs. CIA. It's not a big secret.
45c793 No.207659
Q said one night he couldn't figure out why we weren't getting it
e0d0e4 No.207660
Well, if you had been around here when it was all happening, you would know it wasn't BS.
But you weren't were you, you were over on /pol/ dishing out nazi shit I bet and missed the whole thing.
Shit, there's even a string up top that shows just how we know where the TOP players are being held at right now, and all of the little pee-ons are being transfered to GITMO.
Sucks being out of the loop, eh?
ddc75c No.207661
Clowns still trying to push that "helper" bullshit. Fuck off and gas yourself.
cc3d8e No.207662
f6f297 No.207663
Looks like JW is either overloaded with requests or maybe under massive DDOS right now. Can't access the file, error loading???
57efee No.207664
938cbc No.207665
nazis & roths are butt buddies. argentine subs + vatican passports. isnt goglobier bergoglio argentine? hmm
b5df20 No.207666
6912c1 No.207667
this is Q.
(Revelation 14:6):
Angel One Has the everlasting gospel to preach to all who are on the earth, "for the hour of his judgement has come."
task may be done, may not.
79a9e8 No.207668
My guess is overloaded with requests. Which is glorious.
90f9aa No.207669
And many of those Palestinians may actually be real Jews. Prophecies are for the gathering of ISRAEL, not the gathering of just the Jews. The Jews are only 1 tribe of 12. Try not to lose sight of that.
cc3d8e No.207670
Couple of kikes, all varrying out their manipulative bullshit even here on cbts, are trying to pull a breitbart on us LOL
We know your game too well, jew. Mods will be getting to work shortly shoving your kind where you belong.
ca869a No.207673
You might be onto something there … I'll look into the ML & Q-learning stuff. However, if Q's posts are the map, and we'd color the corresponding (i.e. correct) posts green in order to see some pattern, wouldn't that mean we'd first have to figure out how to puzzle the posts together for the green-lit to be at the right places eventually ?
a4ae92 No.207674
FAQfag = someone who keeps answering the same questions!
It's getting uncomfortably faggy for me.
More so the more whisky I drink!
f9df92 No.207675
>the thing arrives in packaging used for shipping methods that cost $5.
>They suffer the loss (or get subs) to mine your information.
They operate at a loss until the competition is destroyed. Its all about controlling/owning every market. Easily accomplished when the funding is endless.
da8c66 No.207676
OK fags, get to know what is going on - Weinstein (obvious Jew)
Jews make up 2% of the total US population but are about 60% of Hollywood and Media. A total disproportionate accounting of one race in levels of control.
Forget about the history mystery (learn on your own time) , just know whats going on now, and know thats what it is now and this is what we have to deal with.
Yes the Zionists hate us. But remember they also fool the majority of the Jewish membership - why because they have written history to demonstrate how persecuted they were! they didnt include in history that the Khazars were expelled all throughout europe because of Satanic practices, of course not!
quit being fascinated by anything Jewish, and just know there is a small group in control, and know its ALWAYS THE SAME PEOPLE
e0d0e4 No.207677
>manipulative bullshit even here on cbts
Here from /pol/ and out of the loop…tisk, tisk
b5df20 No.207678
I jusr realized he has Google wheels! Nicely done!
dd4d3b No.207679
debd31 No.207680
Al Franken! Perfect!
a56355 No.207681
Q You are gonna have to write me a note to my wife, she is pissed. and if she ask me "When will we know ? "……? One more time, I don't know what will happen….LMAO !
6912c1 No.207683
i don't mean i'm Q i'm saying he's angel number one. and i clicked the wrong post to answer…
9b13a0 No.207684
Heck yeah! I'm sure it is related. Elon Musk is up to his neck in these shenanigans.
e0d0e4 No.207685
I liked the google wheels as well, nice touch.
dd4d3b No.207686
d91575 No.207687
shows 6:09pm I'm in Central Time Zone.
a4ae92 No.207688
THAT would explain why the Zionist Khazars want to eliminate the other "jew competition".
The victor can claim "jewness" and be honored as the bible demands (according to them).
35d4fa No.207689
Dude. Deals reversal
b05078 No.207690
cae777 No.207691
yO. hE got aLL that Shit Boiiiiii!! ;)
02c6b4 No.207692
Perhaps moving weapons from F&F to the Philippines?
7cf4b5 No.207693
When you say code, I think stringers. The thing about what is being posted, is it’s being created by people that already know the whole picture so it may seem like a clear, easy clue, which isn’t always the case. Or they were trying to say we aren’t getting it because future proves pst, in a round about way since they keep saying it and we keep forgetting.
bd5ad4 No.207694
Next bread name suggestion: Miss Cannibal Edition
e54b14 No.207695
Tell her weeks, maybe a month or two. This has to be done perfectly and legally so they cant use loopholes to get it dismissed.
cc3d8e No.207696
> up 2% of the total US population but are about 60% of Hollywood and Media. A total disproportionate accounting of one race in levels of control.
>Forget about the history mystery (learn on y
Same kikes who corrupted /pol/ LOL
Kikes out themselves.
(((shill))) alert. All pro-kike/pro-pedo apologistic sliding and derailing (((not all are bad))) cuck talk is clearn signal of jew bullshittery.
Oven dodgers out in force since release of weiner email portions LOL
So predictable.
f9df92 No.207697
>quit being fascinated by anything Jewish, and just know there is a small group in control, and know its ALWAYS THE SAME PEOPLE
Obvious but that doesn't change the fact that all need to be gassed.
b693bf No.207698
"Godfather" "pizza" above that
ea44de No.207699
Looking at that it reminded me of Q's crumb
"painted in Gold" the Arch of Hysteria "art" is painted in Gold
cae777 No.207700
Christian butt-rock:
https ://
3249d2 No.207701
I don't know how you monitor this site, but someone dropped some hard core porn on the last bake. I guess you have many enemies trying to muddy the waters.
7cf4b5 No.207702
Qincidence? I think not.
57efee No.207703
Can you explain what "pacer" is for us non-access having fags?
e0d0e4 No.207704
341d01 No.207706
Then you type:
I didnt do it
debd31 No.207707
Agreed. But Q also said much cannot be revealed. Obvious reasons of OPSEC and classification. So what Q does reveal is all that can be revealed. Some of it we might not figure out ourselves, but that's why Q said the news reveals the map.
7cf4b5 No.207708
57efee No.207709
Agreed… Must learn history.
ab3c64 No.207710
Forgot him and was adding… LOL But now I don't have Al Franken
I can fix it. Layers in Photoshop.
a4ae92 No.207712
Remember when halfchan migrated here, the lampshade? It's not that bad tonite… Yet.
7c3a6e No.207713
AAAAAND WE HAVE THE FAGGOT JEWS and (((SHILLS))) who ruined 4chan /pol/ here now. Mods couldn't have been handed an easier job if they tried LOL
You goin down, kike bitch BWAHAHAHA
Arabs are going to be on your ass faster than anyone has ever done. You lot always build your own pyre of destruction, and the world is WIDE WAKE to your pedophiles, rapists, and traffickers.
DIE, jew.
2c1b42 No.207714
What were the Rothchilds before jewish? Egyptian.
Follow the bloodlines.
e0d0e4 No.207715
Q did leave us the places to look at so we could put the pieces together.
ebaaba No.207716
Dude, that's Herman Cain, not McStain. Herman Cain was black and would've been a better POTUS than Obama, but he was accused of sexual assault and smeared by the left and dropped out.
e9ac4f No.207717
A phenomenal novel.
>Be an aspiring writer (not me)
>Read this and experience greatness
>Learn that he wrote it in English having really only picked up English after adolescence
>Stop aspiring
57efee No.207718
"Talmudic AshkeNAZI Zionists"… That's the best term for (((them))).
157ba0 No.207719
Hotdog’s laptop! Lol
e0d0e4 No.207720
>AAAAAND WE HAVE THE FAGGOT JEWS and (((SHILLS))) who ruined 4chan /pol/ here now. Mods couldn't have been handed an easier job if they tried LOL
Ummmmm, YUP!
7bd463 No.207721
Suck one, go search for yourself one anon posted last thread. With pictures. I’ve been here since the beginning…
35d4fa No.207722
And its cold. as cold as its supposed to be, as cold as the winters I remember for my area.
57efee No.207723
Amen, I understand that, anon.
dd4d3b No.207724
But this would mean white people denying their own divine providence from Abraham.
That was given long before any Khazars were anywhere around.
I hope you know this is a really new ploy you are attempting.
And the more knowledgeable and older are nowhere near falling for that.
9143e4 No.207726
> Find all twatter accts of those in leaked emails
> Troll heavily
9b13a0 No.207728
In short, PACER is an online subscription service which lawyers, journalists and others use to see the current filings in US Courts. Hope that explains it.
e0d0e4 No.207729
Oh fuck right off, shit stain!…filtered!
ce1f15 No.207730
>You do realize anyone can come on here and pretend to be an insider, right?
If you pay attention, dig the crumbs that the insiders drop, and use a brain cell or two, you will see that the insiders are folks with knowledge of the goals of our work here.
Some of us have been doing this instead of wasting our time being hall monitors of the 7th graders that populate this board.
Expand your thinking.
Lurk moar.
Follow crumbs and see for yourself.
7bd463 No.207731
7c3a6e No.207732
Why are these jews so obvious? They effete attitude even shows up in the boards lol
4786b9 No.207733
7cf4b5 No.207734
Hahaha I totally forgot about that. Damn that feels like it was forever ago.
debd31 No.207735
This is GOLD!
Future bread needs to be something related to this meme! Cannot think of anything witty at the moment though.
e9ac4f No.207736
40e802 No.207737
well, Lynn can suck my dick, then.
e0d0e4 No.207739
It's that nazi mentality they have that gives them away.
Filter and move on.
ddc75c No.207740
I only know about 12 of our agencies out of 23, but your explanation of how those 3 interact is accurate. No one can possibly untie the Gordian knot that this the CIA, there are too many competing and incestuous factions. I often wonder how many times there are teams working at direct cross-purposes, maybe even shooting at each other, not knowing they are from the same agency.
Anyway, I really hope you will take a look at the graphics linked in this post >>207641 I think it will blow your mind about the topic of the first article you posted. Graphics really do represent it in a different way, especially the side by side like that. Those graphics are really, really important to what we are doing here in part (human trafficking/pedo networks) but unfortunately not enough anons are actually paying attention. I hope you do.
ea44de No.207741
Thanks for sharing the Schmidt google graphic.
I made the graphic and I got the quote from reading this book…..
cae777 No.207742
b5df20 No.207743
Amazon pays roughly half as much to have packages delivered the "last mile," or the final leg of their journey from shipping hubs to their destinations, by USPS than it would have to pay FedEx or UPS, Bloomberg reported, citing 2015 estimates from Vernon.
35ec8d No.207744
Jerome Corsi Drops NEW Q -AN0N B0MBSHELL |mp|icating EVERY0NE https://www.
57efee No.207745
Well, I'd be glad to share a foxhole with you, patriot!
e9ac4f No.207746
Also what kind of fucking word is "effete" and who uses it
7bd463 No.207747
3ab082 No.207748
The public can make an account. Looking is free, and downloading documents is affordable.
d25000 No.207749
THIS. So much this. We barely posted weiner emails here
and all of a sudden all the ((they are not all bad)) ((it's just the ashkanazi jews the white jews)) concern/derision trolls and shills show up.
(((glowing niggers))) LOL
You give yourself away.
7bd463 No.207750
632967 No.207751
Someone with Twitter should tweet this to her.
e0d0e4 No.207752
They want to be spoon fed is all.
c9ff50 No.207753
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching! #IranProtests
dd4d3b No.207754
You identify yourself perfectly.
You claim to hate Jews, but here you are fighting for them.
b05078 No.207755
Sid blumenthal is the email address. Sbwhoeop
Sb=Sid blumenthal
Whoeop=white house executive office of the president
57efee No.207756
Yeah, but ummm… No one ole finds the pizza-slice and boy/girl thing odd? I'm the only one…???
ddc75c No.207757
When are you idiots going to realize that it's really transparent?
>not sending their best
Gas yourselves immediately
7bd463 No.207759
I would but she blocked me for the eating babies meme
7cf4b5 No.207760
Yeah because POTUS turned haarp off, so we get to keep those trillions of dollars now….
95ed6f No.207761
Love how he says, "Cuing" up…
d25000 No.207762
Typical kike projection. Your tone and wording give you away too easily. Also, you are gullible just like a fucking kike, a perfect (((globalist))) lackey.
Laughing out LOUD
465651 No.207763
Rented in July. (By a company that specializes in Foreign rentals)
9b13a0 No.207764
Good to know. Thanks, anon! Someone had previously told me it was only available by subscription.
d73771 No.207765
It's the Babylonian Talmud which was compiled by corrupt masonic followers of Hermes Trismegistus. The language was mathematics and zero was a concept not invented yet so everything was inscribed in base 60 fractions. A hint to their first existence are the priests expelled from Hyksos Egypt for demon worship around 1650 BC, around the same time the Code of Hammurabi was created.
Research topics:
Hyksos priests talmud
Babylonain Talmud
Masonic orders
Origin of Middle Eastern religions
Set worship
25a9e1 No.207766
So much this. Special helper blind faith no sauce shill bot is back.
1e60b8 No.207767
I’m not sure what Huma didn’t understand. Did she read doc before signing?
c868bd No.207768
Deleted, didn't break link, repost:
>Not sure how common his name is, especially in that area, but this is from 3 years ago:
https://www.ftc .gov/news-events/blogs/competition-matters/2014/12/december-tidings
David Laing…worked on both civil and criminal antitrust litigation, including more than 40 grand jury investigations, several years at the Department of Justice Antitrust Division …investigations and litigation with the Commission, the Antitrust Division, and state and foreign antitrust agencies, a partner in the Antitrust Group… graduate of the University of Virginia and UNC School of Law.
35d4fa No.207769
She will be running from the world mob coming for her blood, she'll be too busy
d73771 No.207770
replied to myself, this was for you too
d25000 No.207771
If only those iranians weren't such sandniggers sandniggering and making enemies instead of focusing on wiping out israel, than world would be a better place. All the talk of destroying israel with ten times the size, and they still haven't done it.
e0d0e4 No.207772
Bye, bye brain dead feed by a tube.
74e12c No.207773
Is that howdy doody with the pope?
Howdy should be with Comey.
Very nice job!
7cf4b5 No.207774
3ab082 No.207775
Fewer chemtrails? You've observed this?
35d4fa No.207777
thank you. I got your 6 too
ab3c64 No.207778
There, the gang is still together
4b229a No.207779
Q was pretty adamant about the time stamps being included and the order being correct. Date or time could be relevant in sorting.
Yeah, Q was approving graphics so I was thinking of trying to go off of that. As mentioned above, it's possible that you could use a calendar, or just group posts by day and fill in a grid that way (with no blank spots).
I'm actually more inclined that it doesn't have to be a grid, a circle or a line would make it fool proof. Q has mentioned circles and multiple paths, so it might only matter that you get the entire sequence of posts in order. Then read them start to finish each day (essentially reading in a circle) and mark the posts of value. Over time you should see the order of events, even though it was given out of order. There may be some way to use markers or stringers to see that a post represents a "junction" in the circle, jumping to a different path.
>pic related
I also wonder if you laid out the posts and formed a web of connections, if they would form a sort of neural network, where getting a confirmation on one post would confirm what the next action would be.
57efee No.207780
Trump didn't attack her so hard because she faked her heritage… There's more in that bitch's closet.
b769b3 No.207782
Love the title of this thread. Truly grateful for the POTUS, Q and all the Patriots for MAGA. Thank you and God Bless! Always in my prayers!
74e12c No.207783
e8f8c0 No.207784
There can't be over 100 emails there. I thought there were supposed to be a lot more than that in this drop.
abd823 No.207785
Dunno what who that is. I added the cane in McCaines hand, D.W.S. crying pic to his right and Franken. Everything else is by other artists.
e0d0e4 No.207786
I thought we were all crazy, but that bitch beats us ALL!
d25000 No.207787
Check em' trips
Q told us to re-read ALL crumbs, connect them to the news, and educate yourselves then educate others.
WAKE UP, make an effort. ALL are in the OP of every thread.
ce1f15 No.207788
>They want to be spoon fed is all.
Many haven't grasped that the work is the reinforcement of the proof we seek.
Our work on the drops is what constitutes the validity of the research when the normies demand proof of the scumbaggery.
Normies will need the most proof to be convinced that everything they've been told for decades is nothing but lies.
That level of persuasion is enormous.
Extensive independent research and proof is the only thing that will red pill the masses.
That's the object of our work here.
Oh, and on top of that …. all the work is goddam interesting af!
6aca94 No.207789
57efee No.207791
Serious question:
Jared Kushner?
Real Jew? Khazarian fake-Jew faggot? Or Crypto-Christian? Or some other kind of fag?
90f9aa No.207792
The $1 stuff usually comes from ebay.
a4ae92 No.207793
Everyone I told about the Clowns being defunded and dismembered was also told that it would become obvious if they watch the sky.
So, yes.
I have only seen "contrails" on cold mornings. But none have lingered for hours like used to.
I dont want to dox, but Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana areas where I travel daily have been zero "chemtrails" since nearly a month.
d25000 No.207794
This. Fauxhontas is a basket case of corruption.
e0d0e4 No.207797
He should give credit to the 6th fleet as well, those guys are putting up with loads of shouts and yells I bet…kek
8107ee No.207798
God bless you Patriot & when you least expect it, it will happen
45c793 No.207800
Because Bezos is a connected to them asshole and they found another way to funnel our money out of the country, so to speak.Fund their shit with our shit.
b5df20 No.207801
I don't think we should go there.
9143e4 No.207802
kek + and his eye rolls
f3baee No.207803
Serious Answer: He’s your father so why you asking us …talk to your mom about it
bd5ad4 No.207804
"Cheers, Sid" Blumenthal?
abd823 No.207805
Thanks. Since we have no Q drops to add to the Qmap this will have to do. I hope our collaborative efforts give Q a chuckle.
c9ff50 No.207806
I saw one man on a tweeter saying about CIA helping Trump in Iran. I was like seriously dude!
68f8b7 No.207807
> There's more in that bitch's closet.
A LOT more. Trump only attacks people who have a shit ton of skeletons in their closet. I assume some believed "he won't go there".
aac901 No.207808
Khazarian. Surface info indicates that he's helping.
ce1f15 No.207809
>He should give credit to the 6th fleet as well
In due time.
Right now, the duties of the 6th are likely being kept quiet until the roundup is complete.
e0d0e4 No.207810
I don't think it's the normies we have to worry about so much as those that have been on /pol/ or here and are just so nose up Q's ass they can't see in front of them now.
3ab082 No.207811
I'm not challenging the existence of chemtrails, rather, that you've recently seen fewer. Glad to hear it!
ab3c64 No.207812
If it's English, I'll keep it in mind for those shit rounds of Scrabble I get from time to time. I've seen that word in my tiles by accident!
a4ae92 No.207813
The cheap Chinese stuff is a different problem;
You can order a ballpoint pen for $0.60 from China with free shipping. Because OUR trade agreement with China allows them to toss the package on the ship and WE pay for it to your door.
Ship the same pen to China it costs $20.
Not a fair agreement - POTUS knows how to fix it…
d73771 No.207814
You'd have to check the bloodline and see where it came from. If not a descendant of Shem then he's not a Semite. If from Bavarian-Goth roots then he's be an Ashkenazim Jew, or better known as Khazar Jew converts
74e12c No.207815
d25000 No.207816
Kushner is a bonafide jew infiltrator thereto subvert Trump and all patriots. A fucking jewish whore scum.
Trump neeeds to operate within NYC, but this fucking kushner needs to burn.
e9ac4f No.207817
Them's quads, son.
90f9aa No.207818
It's a tool. And just like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. Unfortunately, the bad actors use it for bad.
b5df20 No.207819
On October 25, CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman chronicled his visit to Treasure Island, San Francisco, a former U.S. Navy base, where a very similar barge was moored, and where a construction facility called Hangar 3 is located. Satellite imagery showed shipping containers being amassed at Hangar 3, and later moved onto a floating barge moored alongside the adjacent pier. Terdiman uncovered the link to By And Large LLC, a dummy company set up by Google. By And Large leased a total of 727,000 sq. ft for US$80,000/month plus a US$158,000 security deposit.
448332 No.207820
Add a few zeroes and you're on.
c906ae No.207822
is this a new email about seth rich?
e0d0e4 No.207823
Just want them to be recognized for at least the shit they are putting up with.
e357fb No.207824
I believe that the people of the Bible referred to themselves as Hebrews of the Tribe of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The jew word came up much later.
68f8b7 No.207825
>SPECIAL operations. ;)
Small hit squads traveling all over the planet taking people out. The days of conventional war are over.
c931a4 No.207826
Day of Days: Dr. Suess reference Happy Birthday Book. Unreal society where entire day devoted to extravagant celebration of every persons birthday. Which VIP has a birthday soon in top circles?
cae777 No.207827
Got Spirit Cooking? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit nigga.
3ab082 No.207828
ab3c64 No.207829
To the guy that started it, bravo. We all added a lil' sumpin sumpin. I wish it were high res, I'd frame it. Makes me laugh almost as that Pepe with a plug in earlier and Mexipepe…
ce1f15 No.207830
There's a trust factor that is lost as well.
The shilling in here will do that to those who can't focus and filter out distraction and prodding.
Shilling works, that's why it's used.
cbe8a0 No.207831
10 days. DarNKess. Remember it was misspelled. so it involves North Korea. Well- they are always in the dark from an electrical standpoint. Kim was last seen at the top of Mt. Paektu on Dec.7 (when 10 days started). They werent sure he showed up to his fathers memorial on the 17th- (10 days later). So where was he? Maybe a Swiss skiing trip?
6331bd No.207832
babylonian exilarchs.
most euro royals are descendants.
masons are a babylonian sex cullt 100 percent. somehow not many get this. VERY IMPORTANT. this is where circumcision/castration come from & abrahamic 3 religions too. the obsess on 3. very very important!
9143e4 No.207833
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move fall like a …
a4ae92 No.207834
Have ONE friend out of many people I told to watch the sky who said they seen a few in West Texas. But he does not know Chem vs Con trail difference, and it was a cold morning.
Just once - even he said it used to be tic-tac-toe all the time.
I drive 8hrs a day, so I really watch for it outdoors all day. Plus I live on solar power, and the panels have produced more this year than last 3 years (accounting for aging panels that means something cleared up)
5cc433 No.207835
Straightforward response is that is not typical and likely proprietary to the program being used.
e0d0e4 No.207837
ce1f15 No.207839
>Just want them to be recognized for at least the shit they are putting up with.
bd5ad4 No.207840
> David has 25 years of antitrust
Wow….that could go either way if this is the guy the FBI just hit.
a4ae92 No.207841
Perfect! Destined for the #metoo movement…
c906ae No.207842
haha sorry im so tired, maybe i should be more specific.
i meant is it new to us? have we seen that mail before?
7bd463 No.207843
ab3c64 No.207844
>Maybe a Swiss skiing trip?
That's what I was thinking. Are there any meetings in Sunny Antarctica going on right now? Where's John Kerry?
e0d0e4 No.207845
>fall like a …
…1 ton hammer of Thor!
da8c66 No.207847
Khazars go all the way back to the Pharisees who killed Christ.
Look up Judge Anna Von Reitz
http://www.annavonreitz. com/ and look up her book.
They are the synagogue of Satan as already mentioned in earlier posts.
here they are TODAY, wreaking the same havoc that has been upon us for so many years, forget about yesterday, we need to conquer these elites/zionists/pharisees/Khazars/Jews - whatever the hell you want to call them, we know how they practice, we know they eat babies, kill for pleasure, and are in to child trafficking, and love OUR SACRIFICES
what are we going to do about it? This has been ruling us for literally hundreds of years (really more as we know)
are we going to stop them from taking our money, eating our children, making us sick, stupid and retarded, lax? C'mon!
I havent heard anything about going FORWARD, let's destroy their system and
Keep our money, save our children, reap the benefits of our own labor.
90f9aa No.207848
On the Google pic:
Overton window.
Creepy changes over time.
ddc75c No.207849
Yep and the funny part is they are actually tone policing kek, look at this faggotry
oy veeeeeeeeeyyyyyy
6331bd No.207850
effectively there were no jooz or judaism before babylon 'exile' no torah either. it is just a rehash of babylon sex cult
57efee No.207851
This guy gets it…
e357fb No.207853
The AL Senate Election fraud will be a huge event and necessarily public. Get the extra large bucket with butter. Is it Gitmo material? Close.
fff90b No.207855
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
who said ES is in NK?
… Monogram made a good pt, even pedo satanic ppl need a trail b4 going to gitmo… if they r a us citizens. .. but …. H isnt a us citizen :D
c9ff50 No.207856
I still find it it strange Julian Assange is MIA. I even went to Wiki leaks and told them it was not him and asked why they were still claiming it was.
e0d0e4 No.207857
Flew out to Ft. Hood Texas a few weeks back, and saw 2 merge into 1.
First time I ever saw that.
Was interesting.
683a10 No.207858
She has to let it out now because she won't be able to tweet after she's tried for treason.
4786b9 No.207859
prob a dox trap for anons
7cf4b5 No.207860
Exactly. If we can’t provide some type of evidentiary support, then it will only hirt the cause. You can’t just say, oh well an anonymous person posted it on this board one day. Unfortunately, until there’s something to back it up, we can’t use that information.
9143e4 No.207861
Someone link the replies to her tweet.
cae777 No.207862
New bread niggggggggggggggazzzzzzzzz…
Next bread: >>207776
Next bread: >>207776
Next bread: >>207776
Next bread: >>207776
As usual. Clowns and 14:50 niggers stay here and evaluate text. I think I heard Hitler say he was going to do weird shit. Keep an eye out on this thread. Keep us safe, niggers. Thnx.
Anyways. <3 all you Patriot faggots.
e54b14 No.207864
e357fb No.207865
Trump has previously named Sid "a very bad guy."
57efee No.207866
Awwwww, what's wrong? Mad we found out about you Khazarian-faggotry?
All lies are eventually exposed. The time for Talmudist Khazarian Zionist bullshit to be shown to the world is now. Deal with it, pedo-fag.
f9706a No.207867
Love the Classic Joe Biden!
Creeping alien cracking me up
ebaaba No.207868
9143e4 No.207869
Rest well, Patriot.
3d5c55 No.207870
That first one, though. Haaaa!
a4ae92 No.207871
Can you txt this one with:
e0d0e4 No.207872
To much whiskey, buddy?
ebaaba No.207874
Remember, patriots make the dough rise.
df1fc1 No.207875
Hmmh. Grandson randomly moved from Christmas tree.
No coincidences.
ebaaba No.207876
ce1f15 No.207877
Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton ….
ebaaba No.207878
d25000 No.207880
Trying and failing, kike boy lol
We can pick out your kind like your head is on fire :)
Easy meat.
ebaaba No.207881
e54b14 No.207882
f43a1a No.207883
This Twitter needs to be monitored daily. Guy kniws what he is talking about and has access to PACER.GOV. Anons and Board owner, keep close watch.
e0d0e4 No.207884
It will be shown.
45c793 No.207885
Would anyone that works for any Gov. agency be subject to different laws,trials etc.. like military tribunal?
ebaaba No.207886