b6f62c No.209455
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Anon on informed views: >>201644 to >>201644
>informed views
''Hard to do when everyone has a different idea of what those are. Have you ever had a conversation
before that included people who thought Jesus was returning now, people who think aliens are coming
now, people who think Satan is leading a cult, and people who think Hitler was an ok guy, all while
attempting to free your country? We all know we've been lied to. We all have totally different
expectations of the truth. Its fascinating from a people-watching perspective. Humanity struggling
to find common ground on truths both mundane and sacred, in live action, with a worldwide audience.
We are active participants in a stranger reality than most sci fi movies now.''
b6f62c No.209457
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— SATURDAY / 23 Dec 17 —
>>154468 to >>154372
>>154505 to >>154429
>>154535 to >>154477
>>154583 to >>154493
>>154682 to >>154644
>>158144 to >>158096
>>158162 to >>158138
>>158219 to >>158194, >>158202
>>158980 to >>158952
>>159016 to >>158980
— FRIDAY / 22 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
>>146147 to >>146134
>>146268 to >>146142
>>146328 to >>146206
>>146454 to >>146326
>>148746 to >>148634
>>148761 to >>148729
>>148848 to >>148751
>>151134 (Wikileaks Stringer?)
>>154468 to >>154372
>>154505 to >>154429
>>154535 to >>154477
>>154583 to >>154493
>>154682 to >>154644
3a9172 No.209458
f77299 No.209459
Do they have names?
b6f62c No.209460
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above earlier today >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
>>184700 Top Kek
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>201363 (anon on the Papacy)
>>201391 (crumbs by an anon)
>>201435 (anon on Iran deal)
>>201466 (anon on OP. F&F and Philippines)
>>201460 (We are on RT)
>>201697 (Steve Job's wife)
>>201709 (P = Philippe)
>>201779 (Trump making connection?)
>>201868 (Trump body double)
>>201927 (planefaggotry summarization)
>>201953, >>201955 (Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement)
>>192250 BREAKING House Intelligence Committee Issues Subpoena In Search of McCain Evidence in Trump Dossier Scandal
>>191147 More crumbs for us?
>>190329 Crumbs for us? & >>190337
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184800 It's [0] in the countdown
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
>>181689 More decoded stringers
>>168555 NEW - Stringer thread has a decode, folks. It involves Seth Rich and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
>>172153, DoD Tweet
>>162785, Q's post
http://archive.4plebs .org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147433975
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
>>139686 to >>139380
https://twitter .com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https://www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>141931, >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
>>139851 to >>139840
>>142996 to >>142811 (Exchange)
b6f62c No.209462
NEW FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
The Asia Foundation >>15984
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FBIAnon AMA Transcript >>137237
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Isreal & Zionism >>1398
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Rothschild Family >>1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>139091
Red Cross >>40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
The British Connections >>117841
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Stringers, military courts >>189447
82a9c7 No.209463
2df947 No.209465
Giustra began to discuss putting together the company UrAsia Energy Ltd. with potential investors in 2004.[5] According to Giustra, Sergey Kurzin, who is the founder of Orsu Metals in Kazakhstan, had initiated discussions with Giustra about Kazakhstan.[13] Former U.S. President Bill Clinton arrived on "billionaire Ron Burkle’s plane, four days after Giustra"[13] According to Giustra, "UrAsia and Jeffcott Group exchanged a final version of the agreement on Aug. 25, 11 days before Clinton’s trip to Kazakhstan."[13]
Clinton and Giustra visited with Nursultan A. Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan on September 6, 2005.[5] According to Forbes magazine they were there to "announce a Clinton Foundation agreement enabling the government to buy low-cost HIV drugs."[13] They also went to India and China to see the philanthropic work done by Clinton Foundation in the three countries.[5]
Giustra sold UrAsia in 2007 to Uranium One.[5][13]
Somebody probably beat me to it
But Boom anyways.
Clinton Foundation U1.
Radcliffe Foundation
b6f62c No.209466
Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http://qarchives .ml/
Text: [4chan] https://pastebin .com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https://pastebin .com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https://anonfile .com/43C4q9d5ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.12.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https://dropfile .to/2UrnCy7
The Book of Q: https://pastebin .com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http://www.db-q .com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet .com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A)
Q turned A: https://anonfile .com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https://ufile. io/nmyy0
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited. https://pastebin.com/ BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 - https://pastebin.com /PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced - https://pastebin.com/ uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free information: >>152634
For site archival: https://archive .fo/
Marine Codes: http://marineparents .com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
0a71e1 No.209467
Any anons seen the new twitter acct "PatriotLeaks"?
they're having massive hacking attacks right now, so have gone dark for the past 16 hrs.
Q had said to check out members of Congress' net worth (before/after) . . . and we've done that for many and we memed them – but, for the most part, they were the obvious suspects (Schumer, Pelosi, etc.). PatriotLeaks claims Trey Gowdy and Dana Rohrabacher are on the take and are traitors. Have we ever looked into them (I took a quick look at Gowdy and it seems he's skyrocketed from $175k to over $4mm in just a few years, but the sources were inconsistent. Also recently read that Gowdy just got the highest security clearance available . . .and he'd worn a purple tie to something . . . hmmmm???).
Any anons available to check into Trey and Dana's finances today? With Joy Villa recently being outted it made me wonder who else we've overlooked . . . when I saw the PatriotLeaks posts I thought, hmmm again, I have always wondered how Gowdy couldn't nail Hillary on Benghazi, etc. (all bark no bite, ALWAYS).
I'll post some screen shots from PL twitter . . .
Again, this is Q related!
b6f62c No.209468
Before posting links, put a space before the first dot after the site's name.
e.g. http://twitter .com http://en.wikipedia .org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Batter & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the batter below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the batter used for this bread.
Last batter: https://pastebin .com/dzFDtFqd
f3b4a3 No.209469
Let’s all take a moment and pray for the Patriots that got stuck in the other timeline a year ago. -Amen
82a9c7 No.209470
702af7 No.209471
Is something wrong with the interactive Qmap? I got a message from a friend luker this morning:
"hey, i noticed this morning that the link i use to read the Q posts (https:// qcodefag.github.io/index.html ) is missing 27 posts. i've been monitoring the last few days to see if there's anything new and there haven't been any updates since christmas day. that last post was post number 423 but it's now registering as post number 396. that's been since… oh, i noticed it around 1pm. i checked it a couple times this morning and it hadn't changed yet.?
Does anybody know what's up?
Just asking again from stale bread.
b6f62c No.209472
/// Extra Instructions/Guidelines for Experienced Bakers
/// By choosing to become a baker, you have accepted a few responsibilities.
/// Which concerns the information provided by the bread. In other words:
/// How to make the bread tasty?:
/// - Read every post on the previous thread(s). Even if skimming through, by your experience,
/// you will (generally) notice a few posts standing out from the rest. Add those
/// to the previous notable posts part of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Follow the news. As with notable posts, include relevant news in the news part
/// of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Do not include a collection of links in any part of the bread.
/// e.g. …/part1.zip …/part2.zip …/part3.zip
/// This makes the bread take unnecessary amounts of space, making it harder to read.
/// Instead, collect the links and make a post inside or preferably outside the general
/// thread, and include the post instead. Alternatively, you can collect them all in a
/// pastebin.com paste, and include the link of that.
/// - Above all, please understand:
/// A bread is meant for consumption. If you fill it with tasteless stuff, it will
/// become unedible. Ideally, every bread would be read by each anon, and it would
/// bring them up to speed, even if they have been away for a while.
/// There is simply too much noise(flaming, shills, stupidity etc.) in the threads,
/// which makes them very hard to follow consistently. As a baker, by including the
/// tasty stuff, you bring *some* order to this chaos. Chaos, in many ways, defines us.
/// But there still needs to be a balance. (You), baker, are the balance.
/// "Perfection is achieved,
/// Not when there is nothing more to add,
/// But when there is nothing left to take away."
/// - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
/// Godspeed.
2df947 No.209473
Ty baker for fresh bread!
b6f62c No.209476
Yeah so pastebin same, forgot to do that even after I created an account. But I know better for next time. And no new posts, baking on the fly doesn't allow for scanning through bot crap for tidbits of flavor.
0a71e1 No.209477
yeah, it's a problem, don't know why . . . last post on my link is 12/21.
c1e344 No.209478
Gowdy has been where justice goes to die, single handedly making the house a powerless body.
Exposing him would be huge.
a2baa5 No.209480
could be a good thing/planned. does the resulting body have more power to punish than the house did?
82a9c7 No.209481
Every time I reload that page it goes to 391 & says "fetching new posts" I just set my phone down b/c it takes so long to load the rest. Are you waiting for that?
e6adf7 No.209483
>>208801 Is it any wonder Manmohan Singh "smiled broadly when we (MS & LdR) talked about you (HRC)" Scandal plagued, including Nuclear deals!
f3cdfe No.209485
It might be a good idea for BO to consider capping ban limits if that's happening to good anons by mistake.
0a71e1 No.209486
that's my thought, anon.
check this out:
Gowdy's net worth in 2014: $167,499
http: //members-of-congress.insidegov.com/l/523/Trey-Gowdy
in 2017:
4.5 million
http: //www.whatnetworth.com/trey-gowdy/
need to check more data though (i'm not sure about these sources) any ideas?
fcc19d No.209487
I've created a thread for red pilling the masses.
Each post should be:
Image source description
The image
The result from an image detection app.
I use Fake Image Detector app
26de30 No.209489
They knew about North Korea's nuke capabilities in 2010. China took them there to visit.
b6f62c No.209490
I'm convinced Gowdy is a good guy. He was just surrounded by bad actors.
9e5c59 No.209492
Wouldn't wanna be you.
Q's shoutout to the mods/bakers was a warning, not praise.
aad71b No.209493
good crumbs anon.
c1e344 No.209494
>does the resulting body have more power to punish than the house did?
Juruy seems to be out on that question. Since our justice system had been so abused the past 8+ years, or longer, it is not yet evident if or to what extent there will be any punishment.
But compromise of Republicans in Congress seems to be the biggest problem.
f77299 No.209495
So Gowdy has been the designated guy to make it look like someone on the committee is trying to do their job.
0a71e1 No.209496
Gowdy's net worth in 2014: $167,499
http: //members-of-congress.insidegov.com/l/523/Trey-Gowdy
in 2017:
$4.5 million
http: //www.whatnetworth.com/trey-gowdy/
Need some anons to help dig. Anyone available today?
f3cdfe No.209498
Well I have been on unofficial holidays for the last week and a bit.
Board seems slower, but maybe that's Christmas or simple fatigue like my case.
460577 No.209499
I think Gowdy is full of hot air. His bark is bigger than his bite.
b6f62c No.209500
Remember for this bread we're looking into Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation, Elpida Home, and also CRS, Catholic Relief Services.
57173e No.209501
www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-proclaims-january-2018-national-slavery-human-trafficking-prevention-month/
c1e344 No.209502
Precisely. Well spoken, makes himself look serious.
702af7 No.209504
I haven't used the interactive map much. Literally "asking for a friend" who apparently was not aware of cbts general but got hooked into the map.
c1e344 No.209505
You've got to be kidding anon. Have you followed his committee hearings?
9e5c59 No.209506
638ad7 No.209507
I think GEOTUS and Q got that. They investigate better than we can. Like, NSA better. Go for it if you want to keep busy.
b6f62c No.209509
But the committees, as he often says, is to inform. DOJ is supposed to listen, and initiate charges, investigations, etc.
2df947 No.209512
Lets hope. Theres this Gowdy Thing going already…..
c1e344 No.209513
Thx for these.
My thought was they had video of him doing something awful …. but money probably a key factor. Will look into it.
b6f62c No.209516
House and Senate make laws. DOJ enforces them. So if Congress sees laws being broken or bent, they explore, and Executive branch does the indicting and arresting.
82a9c7 No.209517
I think Gowdy is a good guy underneath it all. He had just been a prosecutor for so long that he's a bit jadey. & those committees don't have the power to fire or arrest, the most they can do is collect evidence via hearing & subpoena witnesses.
0a71e1 No.209519
WE NEED TO DIG. This could be huge, and it Gowdy is deepstate, it will remove one of their big players from the board.
also, Dana R. (PatriotLeaks had said to check out his "vacation home"/what's the "workshop" for??? (pic related)
255f7d No.209520
was looking @ Qs last post
Where his comes compromised..he led us to Kill_rouge and was telling a actor the floor is all your ..take over comms
fa5a2c No.209521
When did this happen? Good morning Winners!
b6f62c No.209522
Exactly. He can only do so much.
255f7d No.209523
0a71e1 No.209526
I'd always felt Jason Caffetz had been the guy to make We the People look like someone in Congress was trying to do their job, but now that he's gone . . . Trey Gowdy??? If true, many will find this very hard to believe. We need to research this, and if true, get the word out. Gowdy just got the highest clearance possible.
c1e344 No.209528
I know. But congressional pressure has become nonexistent since 2010.
This could be a 500 page book. But for a microcosm, look at the national debt, and Benghazi.
Why did we need a GOP house?
Anyway if you have faith in Gowdy, knock yourself out. I think he needs to be looked into.
74cd52 No.209529
For those of you who have an open mind and think this is about more than politics...
First I saw this
>>206862 !!!
>>206864 !!!
0a71e1 No.209530
Well sure, GEOTUS and Q have it all . . . but Q told us to do our own research and to focus on members of Congress. They're not spoon feeding us, anon. You going to dig, meme, pray, or GTFO?
b6f62c No.209531
And Gowdy is one of a handful defending Mueller and even Comey, both of whom I think were a tad corrupted only in fear of being suicided.
0a71e1 No.209532
absolutely. he's a great interview for the MSM, but NOTHING ever gets done when Gowdy is involved. bread and circus, bread and circus . . .
cb0e58 No.209533
Gowdy seems like a fake watchdog. lots of bark no bite. nothing has ever come from ANY of his inquiries..form benghazi to clinton email probe to comey… and now hes praising Rino Ryan?! http://www. breitbart.com/video/2017/12/28/trey-gowdy-cant-think-anybody-job-house-speaker-well-paul-ryan/
e57c22 No.209535
Missile with Missing I
I = iran = NK eyes
Where did the weapons flew ?!!!!
who vs who
storm (EQ)
f77299 No.209537
Bit of a hand grenade in the room, this Gowdy thing. Open mind fuckers. We ultimately don't know shit. ANYONE can be a bad guy. I guess we look at the facts we have: Gowdy didn't get results and he acquired a lot of money. Can we get a really solid source on his net worth?
0a71e1 No.209538
f3cdfe No.209539
Would it be prudent to turn trips back on?
82a9c7 No.209540
What GENIUS decided banning bakers would work out fine?
f77299 No.209541
02a84f No.209542
Does anyone have access to the CM ECF login so we can see AWAN case was removed? and get an updated case list and see who else may have flipped over the last 10 days?
0a71e1 No.209543
And what exactly was the end result of the Benghazi Committee, headed up by Mr. $4.5 million Gowdy?
He's worth looking into, anon. Deep State has their guys in place at all levels. We've been fooled many times before. Let's look and then decide on Mr. Gowdy.
b6f62c No.209544
I've been lurking here 3 days and already baked? Eat a snickers. Or a kid or something.
2df947 No.209545
In 2013, American Life League proved that CRS provided $64 million to organizations distributing contraception, committing abortion, and performing sterilizations.
In July 2013, Life Site News reported that CRS had contributed $2.7 million to a population-control organization called Population Services International (PSI). PSI, which was founded by an international pornographer, provides abortion, contraception and sterilization to poor people in third world countries
This org dirty.
2.7 million to pornagrapher founded agency.
Planned Parenthood.
God Bless Patriots
9e5c59 No.209546
Going as planned.
Comped from the start, bro.
They keep going and I'm LMAO.
"We can hear you breath" and all that.
It will all come out in the wash.
0a71e1 No.209548
facts so far say otherwise, anon.
Gowdy in 2014: <$200k
Gowdy in 2017: >$4mm
b6f62c No.209549
fcc19d No.209550
Please consider contributing to the fake image thread.
I used Fake Image Detector app. Free to download.
I included Chinese ICBMs, Russian ICBMs and North Korean parades.
I so far cannot find any NASA satellite images that haven't been digitally altered.
How much is Fantasyland?
74cd52 No.209551
More Easter Eggs I noticed from yesterday. I could have gone back further but some of us believe we have insider anons or 'helpers' in the threads dropping clues. Of course we do. It's up to you who to believe is one of them tho but here's some stuffs to ponder. Yesterday there were tons of hints dropped about poles north or south. The morning before we came over here to 8ch VQC and a few other anons were discussing the lack of photos of the North Pole and then the greatest 4ch shill storm ever occurred and site went down for 20 minutes, then came back and shills had multiplied, gore, tranny porn, rabid copypastas, it was surreal lads. It was the North Pole that triggered them. Dafuq is this talk about being cold lately all code for? Also this…
>>204016 why no Antarctica on the maps here
>>204383 zoom in
f77299 No.209552
So what is all this fucking CONCERN about?
0a71e1 No.209553
if he's gone to the dark side, it's probably because of both.
i'll keep digging, as well.
982cdb No.209554
The dis info and divide and conquer shills are here in force.
82a9c7 No.209555
So what exactly are you saying?
70e34b No.209557
pray they live up to their RESPONSIBILITY!
THIS may just BE about politics! people just don't look UP any more
74cd52 No.209558
I saw several anons claim to be banned but they were sharing the same VPN with other anons so it wasn't for their post. that sucks
3ba10b No.209559
Antarctica is on the map, it's all around the outside, the first map is a flat earth map, the UN symbol is the flat earth map.
e6b1cc No.209561
Wow! Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Mr President! Please have public trials.
1c755c No.209562
Learn to tell the difference between a Q-type helper and a clown agent of disruption.
Helpers bring crumbs to expand our research. Helpers challenge us to see something from a new angle
Clowns (whether they are bots or contractors) bring chaos, promote censorship, provoke infighting
Why are we here?
To get to the truth and package it for public consumption in service to POTUS.
The ability to tell the difference between helpers and clown will move us toward success.
c1e344 No.209563
Personally I think this board has been well run the past couple weeks, since the tripcode problem.
Yes, there are shillstorms, but it is not a bad workspace.
Seems like BO has found a happy medium with security policy to make CBTS run smoothly.
74cd52 No.209564
have you compared it with the pastebin?
maybe the change was Q team sending a clue in code?
check the pastebin and compare timestamps with the interactive map.
Q team likes codes. ;)
70e34b No.209565
except all the bakers that kept new bread ready gave up
c5a959 No.209566
Yea, Id bet well all be surprised by the level of corruption…when Q said deep cleaning, I think he means down to the local level perhaps
f7fcec No.209567
meme like masturbation, come in handy
9e5c59 No.209569
It takes more work to fuck up the bread than not.
74cd52 No.209570
There have been many helpers here the past few days anon. They're usually commenting on planefags or talking to each other lol.
0a71e1 No.209571
anyone who defends Comey is automatically suspect.
f77299 No.209572
I agree. Regardless of who he may be and what he may belong to, the board is working OK.
aad71b No.209573
I mean I know all the good domains are taken and all, but this is ridiculous.
Speaking of CRS …
http://catholiccharitiesnwo. org/
f7fcec No.209574
Has everyone in Hillaryland been dug in to?
fcc19d No.209576
0a71e1 No.209578
hadn't seen that, thx.
so we have Gowdy trying to take the heat off Comey, Rino Ryan, and Mueller (the only one in my mind who may have been flipped by Trump). Let's just see where the $$$$ leads us re. Gowdy. His net worth sure has catapulted in the past 4 years. He gets nothing done. He's an excellent orator and certainly makes us feel he's on our side, fighting for Justice and all that . . . and then he's gone, until the next Committee hearing sound bite.
Worth looking into.
c5a959 No.209579
Radcliffe link
http:// radcliffefoundation.org/about-radcliffe/
def connections to clintons etc.
f77299 No.209580
Shills like you buddy? Just GTFO.
fcc19d No.209581
There are people helping out.
Look at the thread created about fake images.
Hint: maybe try the app
Hint: maybe fine any image from NASA that includes an unadulterated image of the north or south pole.
The world is not flat but it is a Truman Show and the north pole has a giant hole.
The only question is WHY IS THIS SUCH A SECRET.
Not asking you to believe anything.
Just ask yourself why hide the north pole.
The answer is out there.
0a71e1 No.209583
Anons, what is the best source for someone's net worth? What about a Congressman's net worth - do they have to file annual financial disclosures that are public?
d73b8c No.209584
Q will be back to say happy new year.
If he is not, I don't know what to think.
182bcd No.209585
All the Gowdy shit and #patriotleaks is bullshit. Fuck off with this dis info. You shills are fukn weak.
fcc19d No.209586
Well spotted, hate the concern trolls.
Those who hated VQC had a valid point about name fagging but they hated what he said FAR too much.
70e34b No.209587
borad completely changed on Christmas. still lots doing good work! but a lot who were working hard are gone.
Its at the point where so much has been discovered, keeping it all in one thread makes it too confusing
d9b235 No.209588
CRS and CC are both compromised, leftist-controlled organizations.
74cd52 No.209589
The art of war
The art of the deal
Q said some good guys were threatened heavily maybe their families, or by big players threatening another false flag, another 9/11 type event, Vegas was supposed to be worse, thousands of people were in danger…
Some who are being vilified might have averted those catastrophes while being forced to allow smaller wrongdoings in the grand scale of things.
We are not privy to all the facts.
702af7 No.209591
>have you compared it with the pastebin?
>maybe the change was Q team sending a clue in code?
>check the pastebin and compare timestamps with the interactive map.
>Q team likes codes. ;)
thanks anon
d73b8c No.209592
Did anyone see Jerome Corsi on the war room yesterday WAX POETIC about q?
c1e344 No.209595
Still a news blackout on FBI raid yesterday. Normally local sheriff office would have some statement since the activity was so prominent and thw raid last for over 5 hours.
Some new notes from updated local news last night:
>Multiple boxes were seen piling up inside the home and several law enforcement members were seen bringing items and boxes from the home.
>There was also a mobile unit stationed in the area with FBI agents inside.
>Neighbors told FOX 5 that they believe the man who lives in the home moved in at the end of summer. They said he was cordial and received many Amazon packages.
http://www.fox5dc .com/news/local-news/fbi-conducting-raid-in-sterling
fcc19d No.209596
I know of a namefag who had a massive police operation with helicopter behind his house that was all over Fbook. Nothing in the news. Nothing reported anywhere.
All gone by the time he got home.
Only info came out of a suicide behind his house.
6a6605 No.209597
ok. that's fine. all traitors. list is all mice to elephants imo. i'd say worth some time to doxx but not spend every mental resource on. Q said 70%. can't fire 70%. if we blast this out in meme and attacks we are doing good? or harm to the mission? jmo.
74cd52 No.209599
Has anyone considered Iran regime issues have to do with SA? Did SA control Iran the whole time? General consensus now seems to be the US in some shape or form controls NK via Pentagon and/or President and/or CIA. Maybe Pakistan was controlled by India or China? I'm thinking chess strategy. The UN fits in somewhere obviously, but how? Israel, who controls them? Vatican/Roths maybe?
0a71e1 No.209600
yep . . . and then we have to work to keep it clean!
74cd52 No.209601
70e34b No.209602
finding SOOO much. Yet still such a small part of what's being covered up
3ba10b No.209603
I honestly have no idea what shape the earth is, many questions are being asked because all pictures of earth are composites, not one real picture of earth from space….Why is that?
aad71b No.209604
from your own sauce, doesn't trust the numbers.
But why would they lie? It's not like the Center for Responsive Politics is funded by Soros' Open Society or anything.
Oh, wait. They are.
fa5a2c No.209605
April 3, FBI raided apts & properties owned by Calvary Temple Church. In Sterling.
b05999 No.209606
So smart. No computer will EVER be able to break binary code AND of the 10 kinds of people in the world, SO MANY will enjoy translating every byte.
0a71e1 No.209607
anon, we haven't been privy to anything but crumbs. Q said to check out members of Congress. you want facts, do some digging yourself.
36525b No.209608
Talking about baking bread – I have a question to those anons around since early on half-chan:
I noticed that at least in two threads:
the first message was from Q. Does that mean that Q was the baker of these breads ?
82a9c7 No.209609
From my pov, I have no interest in looking into Gowdy or anyone in the Freedom Caucus at this point! At least not as long as E. Cummings, who contacted IRS to investigate patriots, & Swallowell & JackassLee, etc. are still in. When all the D's who are corrupt, are purged, then I'll look at neocons, THEN I look at constitutional conservatives.
c1e344 No.209610
Yeah there could the been anything going on in that townhouse.
Although if it had to do with Calvary Temple, seems like there would be a statement by now. That was not even remotely a hush hush story.
Ah, we'll probably know something in a few hours.
faac4c No.209612
Q is enjoying the Christmas break. He's gonna need the break because 2018 is going to be savage.
e7cc6f No.209613
this guy is reporting on his twatter
b18b8d No.209614
>inb4 famefags contributed because they wanted to get fame.
at least they contributed substantially.
0a71e1 No.209615
What are you afraid of, anon? The financials on Gowdy won't take long. Let's wait for some facts to come in and then decide. He's a huge fish, no harm in making sure which side he's really on, right?
1c755c No.209616
>>209562 Hope ppl read it
b18b8d No.209617
>Q was the baker of these breads ?
fa5a2c No.209619
The new tenants just mooved in, trafficking? If so we would not here a peep.
1669c5 No.209620
0a71e1 No.209621
yeah, i know - that's why i'd initially said there's conflicting info out there and asked where the most reliable source for financial data might be.
still digging…we'll see.
289b9f No.209622
I find it hard to believe now gowdy has been given the highest security clearance that he wasn't vetted and under constant scrutiny that he is somehow compromised. Don't waste your time. Pin the tails on the donkey's first..
7332ca No.209624
banned and striking…
Just a bunch of egos, damaged ones, operators for the dark side…planned division, chaos, sabotage. Same game used to take down this country. So obvious. Not really concerned. Those who are successfully red-pilled with focus on light know how to continue on with current event assessment, reliable sources. Unfortunate for those newcomers with good intent who have not sharpened discernment as of yet, but I believe they will be fine.
c1e344 No.209625
Interesting, thanks very much, that is good info, desu
House is right across from a very major mosque.
dfecaf No.209626
When did he get the clearance?
0a71e1 No.209627
Who gave him the clearance, anon?
1c755c No.209628
Yes .
On the board about 16 hrs a day / so I have seen it.
Too many not seeing it.
da4313 No.209630
If you've been banned, appeal your ban.
If you've been wrongly banned, it will be revoked.
There are no ban appeals up at the moment.
If you have a problem, let me know here.
1669c5 No.209631
289b9f No.209632
2df947 No.209633
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
Sun Tzu
0a71e1 No.209634
who's the shill here? that article is over a week old. Also, go back and read the Benghazi headlines . . . and what became of those hearings? NOTHING.
He's worth taking a look into, unless you're trying to cover for him.
aad71b No.209635
>facts so far say otherwise, anon.
don't declare it as fact then.
dig away.
36525b No.209636
Thanks – wasn't sure how baking works on the halfchan. But if Q can and did bake, back then, then:
first, he might have done so on 8chan as well without using his trip and without many of us noticing ?
and secondly, also any shill/clown could have jumped in as a "baker" here as well (and poison/screw with the bread) ?
0a71e1 No.209637
but a BREAK in any links you post, anon. read the rules.
4b5aa6 No.209638
Owning a house alone gets net worth over $400k. Add retirement savings 401k, is $200k net worth in 2014 reasonable?
c1e344 No.209639
Gowdy defenders are surprising me, do these people not follow what Congress has done (not done) the past 7 years?
Guys, please don't freak out if we learn Trey Gowdy and a few others with solid reputations in Conservatism, Inc., are actually not so great.
289b9f No.209641
apols need sleep.
bc50b5 No.209642
Received an unusual amount of Amazon packages, from the post office? Could this be related to POTUS tweet yestrday?
5adf39 No.209643
I could not open this bread in Firefox; it would appear in catalog & when I tried to click to open it was shoa'd WTF are we comped? I searched 8ch.net/cbts in Brave & that's how I got in
fcc19d No.209644
Iran was a Clowns op.
The documents that come out of there or are helped to be found there, s'gonna bring down Deep State on another front.
Once Iran gets peace, Saudi and Iran recognise Israel, give Palestinians a State contiguous with Gaza in Sinai and you have…
Drum roll please…
World Peace.
Then we get the Revelation or RV
c1e344 No.209645
Yeah q didnt bake
c5a959 No.209646
Rhetorical question here: why are so many cabal foundations/trusts/charities located in Canada?…ill keep digging just thought that was interesting
b18b8d No.209648
>he might have done so on 8chan
might have, sure;
probably didn't, though
>any shill/clown could have jumped in as a "baker" here as well (and poison/screw with the bread) ?
and now you know why we were so keen on having a few trusted tripfags bake the threads.
but then the BO decided we didn't need tripcodes.
we are in a shillfest ever since.
aad71b No.209649
Still saucing from Open Secrets, funded by Soros' Open Society. I don't want to ad hominem or anything, but there is def a chance of bias.
289b9f No.209650
charity donation laws are lax. Easy to launder. I think they don't need to declare the donators.
0a71e1 No.209651
what those sites reported are facts, anon. other sites may offer additional facts/opposing facts, etc. like a jury, we look at all the facts, assess what's more credible, what's worthy of consideration, and come to a conclusion. we're in that process, nothing has been decided, we are gathering facts, and those are facts. what facts have you come up with, or are you just here to complain and criticize?
36525b No.209652
Thanx for clarification !
1c755c No.209653
Things are not as they appear.
Its too easy to take the "obvious" as fact.
Deception is necessary for the battle we are in. Don't tell your enemy in advance what you plan to do OR even what you know.
Some people are deceiving just in order to stay alive.
The best patriots, no matter where their tour of duty (stateside, overseas, or on this board) are cool-headed…and always thinking….seeing something from every possible angle…avoiding quick judgements.
35b314 No.209654
Big stuff worth pursuing - Maybe its own thread?
45115b No.209655
If these are honest folk knee-jerk defending Gowdy without a cursory inspection. I blame reddit. Gowdy's been on the nose on the chans for a long time.
5adf39 No.209656
Exactly Anon; the laundering process then becomes easy peasy
c5a959 No.209657
that makes sense…from a darker angle, I was wondering if there is also something to do with the native americans/innuits there…and missing people
c1e344 No.209658
Could be but to be fair Amazon has a big footprint in that area, 2 warehouses within 15 miles. You can buy half the stuff same day delivery, it seems, in the Dulles Airport region. So maybe they just bought all their groceries online.
fcc19d No.209659
d55da0 No.209660
I went to bed for the night, and people were banned? Bakers? What the fuck happened?
Is there an explanation??
0a71e1 No.209661
no problem w/ 2014 . . . it's the 3 year span to 2017 and the corresponding possible increase in net worth to over $4million.
Q said to look at the before and after net worths? Where did these members of Congress get all the money during their tenure?
1c3d76 No.209663
A person's net worth is NEVER accurate.
Money in your bank account + assets (houses & cars, etc.) = a total different amount.
02a84f No.209664
because BHO and T are butt-buddies in the cult and to circumvent U.S. laws as much as possible while both worked and are still working for the cult and attempting to bring about the last ten kingdoms of mankind…
6ec249 No.209665
Q relates to the search icon as well as the letter
Double meaning fags
da4313 No.209666
Permabans are generally given to obvious shills, those calling larp and those disrupting the board. Appealing a ban is extremely easy, if it's an unfair ban it will be revoked.
d55da0 No.209667
And fucking trips are gone?? What the fuck?
8ecd55 No.209668
How difficult is it to make big $ in congress? Insider trading is NOT illegal for them. Companies spill the beans, congress cooks them up and profits. Up or down, doesn't matter. Vote according to the lobby, easy money. Doesn't take an evil cabal to do this.
c574ea No.209669
Color me skeptical...l But I don’t exactly trust somebody who just recently popped into existence claiming to be in the open with the alphabet agencies
91ea7d No.209670
fcc19d No.209671
The new fake image thread I created might be useful for some of that
fa62fa No.209672
Those boxes the FBI agents are carrying appear as if little or nothing is in them. Is this merely "For the cameras?"
da4313 No.209673
If any bakers or hard working anons were banned, let me know here.
97957b No.209674
I'm convinced Gowdy……
Blah blah. You convinced yourself by ignoring what he has done bad, and only remember good. Confirmation bias.
We must all be careful. We are all susceptible.
d55da0 No.209675
I'm not allowed to ask? Go fuck yourself
c1e344 No.209676
Friend, you probably just want what is best for the board, but I would gently remind you that when we had the tripcodes and named bakers, the breads were screwed up a lot of the time. Those guys messed up the numbering so often its hard to imagine it wasn't intentional. Though im sure it wasnt.
82a9c7 No.209677
I think we all get that conservatives can be corrupt too. But why take them down & leave the people responsible for ruin their own cities & the most corrupt in place while going after less corrupt?
You do that & you allow D to control things & no end to D corruption b/c they'll shut down or lie through any investigation just like they did in Obastard years.
Those hearings happened under Obama Admin. Keep in mind.
c574ea No.209679
Add mutual funds and it adds up took him 4 yrs to get there. Also his wife’s $?
fa5a2c No.209681
A group of canadian ceo’s & vp’s placed in american msm networks and cali businesses a few years back, a few all friends in same club jumped ship, left Hollywood. Are on islands now. Thats all I can drop on this topic.
0a71e1 No.209682
They're especially surprising HERE . . . our minds should be open, we should be aware of the Deep State's roots and treachery, and as you say, given what Congress has/has not done over the years, we should be scrutinizing every single one of them, unless Q has told us to TRUST that person, as he did Wray. Cognitive dissonance is alive and well, unfortunately. I hope Gowdy proves to be on our side, but if he's one of (((them))), I want to know. Simple as that. Shill factor here is remarkable.
1c755c No.209683
Ancient wisdom
Many have been guided by it
Including Alinsky and his current day sycophants #Resist
POTUS is guided by this wisdom as well
c574ea No.209684
News said was terror related, Arabic male.
Link posted last thread
0a71e1 No.209685
No Soros-funded sauces, anon. Keep digging.
84ee25 No.209686
Re: Gowdy increase net worth - if you know their game it wouldn't be hard to do this and not cause too much harm on the flipside. No?
16af75 No.209687
All my digs have showed under $200K I don't see anything about $4.5M. I will source all shortly
1c3d76 No.209688
the Oversight committee has no power to prosecute someone. Gowdy is no traitor.
c5a959 No.209689
c574ea No.209690
Think if he was Q would have mentioned him
74cd52 No.209691
Consider the following…
>>205624 !
>>206575 ?
>>206725 hmmm
>>206773 snow on the ground
Side note: During the height of Pizgate a reditor found a huge massive network of Pedo Twatter accts. This person made a new twatter to point it out and report. Several others tried to report. There was fucking tons of CP on these accounts! It was sick as fuck! Half of them were in Arabic too. Long story short, anyone who reported the CP got banned from twatter and the CP accounts are all still there to this day, thousands of them.
e6adf7 No.209692
'Chaos is a ladder'
59279e No.209693
Gowdy is a traitor who let Hillary off the hook. it was controlled opposition. This board is full of Clowns
289b9f No.209694
Dig and post evidence or stfu and gtfo.
183875 No.209695
Concern trolling is not allowed. Being a retard who doesn't lurk is not allowed. Either way, you're vomit.
35b314 No.209696
74cd52 No.209697
2df947 No.209698
I posted it as its relevant to the board.
Patriots watching and waiting.
2bd415 No.209699
WOW! Very nicely done. Tons of effort put into this. You rock.
84ee25 No.209700
Gowdy is one of a few that would go on tv and speak up. Why? Were we told to trust no one?
0a71e1 No.209702
what do have against the dig?
16af75 No.209703
http: //www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/congress/article51324980.html
32f13c No.209705
10a395 No.209706
Least we forget Baker's Union back on /pol/.
That shit was a real cock-up.
82a9c7 No.209707
We know for a fact Elijah Cummings is a traitor. Let's dig into him.
& is Whitehouse still in senate? I haven't heard anything abt him in a long time.
c5a959 No.209708
ldr donated to whitehouse, I know that via spider map….
7b1b51 No.209709
Thinking Capt Mike Green (RIP) may have been a decoy. The Rothschild’s probably have a no low fly zone over their more sensitive properties Their alert system could have been triggered on purpose. ( coincidentally Aylesbury is famous for its white duck) Maybe his helicopter was the distraction while action was happening elsewhere on the estate.
16af75 No.209710
THIS IS THE ONLY WEBSITE REPORTING $4.5M for Trey Gowdy. They have no source for the info.
www. whatnetworth.com
1c3d76 No.209711
>We know for a fact Elijah Cummings is a traitor
100% that swollen wrist toad is a fuqing traitor.
3ba10b No.209712
Who knows how far back it goes? You or I can't go there.
74cd52 No.209713
Bakers and BO might not be who you think they are…random chanfags or higher up? Expand your thinking. Chess.
27ed10 No.209714
I've created an animated gif as a meme. Feedback welcome.
8d8c76 No.209715
"At the bottom of the South Carolina list is Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-Spartanburg, with an average net worth of $167,000. Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, was elected in 2010. His financial disclosure forms show liabilities, which include a mortgage on his house in Spartanburg and a student loan by a dependent."
In the House:
Rep. Mark Sanford - 88th
Rep. Tom Rice - 94th
Rep. Mick Mulvaney - 130th
Rep. Jeff Duncan - 205th
Rep. Joe Wilson - 256th
Rep. Jim Clyburn - 281st
Rep. Trey Gowdy - 367th
1c755c No.209716
or a pit, depending on your POV
1c755c No.209717
0a71e1 No.209718
right we've seen that site.
can you find a reliable source that shows his net worth for the last 3 years?
6a6605 No.209720
looked familiar. the three popes.
Revelation tells of a Beast power, which we see to be Roman Catholicism, that Satan uses to counterfeit the ministry of Christ. He even sets up a false trinity to lead the world astray.
74cd52 No.209721
Some shills might be planted by the good guys to sway us from certain things on purpose, just a thought.
bb5281 No.209722
I went through all their tweets. Starting on 12/20/17 they say Q is compromised and it's repeated 6 times.
c1e344 No.209723
Article is 2 yrs old and who knows when their data is from.
Doesn't actually prove anything
74cd52 No.209725
A helper posted a pic of the north pole from a military satellite. I can't find it but hang tight I'm still trying. It was very uhhhh interesting to say the least.
af4f28 No.209726
Report ing for du-ty, co_mm@nders
faac4c No.209727
More like shitbot. Those cianigger bots were tax dollars well wasted.
59279e No.209728
>http://www.thestate. com/news/politics-government/article14374046.html
That's Mark Sanford, not Gowdy. Gowdy is corrupt, hes controlled opposition. He put on a big show like a clown at a circus.
74cd52 No.209729
23b34f No.209730
23b34f No.209731
Bull fucking shit!
8d8c76 No.209732
Yes thanks bro.
Sharia blue must have got their new narratives.
Incl Sheriff clarke and Gowdy.
af4f28 No.209735
And THAT's why we should be pissed. Our very hard-earned wages, being confiscated illegally and totally fucking WASTED by these cl0wns.
d47dc4 No.209736
All of which have nothing to do with Q. You shills aren't even trying. Filter ID using the arrow. Filter ID+ to get rid of his mates replies as well.
a2baa5 No.209737
The fact the kill_rogue twitter image is a rabbit, that is really a cut out of donalds hair, and slightly stylized bugs me a bit
3ba10b No.209738
>>209722 Seem like an attention seeking whore to me.
Twitter is full of fags.
27ed10 No.209739
>>209725 May not be the one you are looking for though
c5a959 No.209740
frank guirski founded lions gate entertainment fwiw
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionsgate
fcc19d No.209741
fcc19d No.209742
Could have been a coincidence.
390252 No.209744
This is a good read on things, hope you are right Anon. Not to be a biblefag, but Zech also says that AC comes at a time of peace and safety. Rev and Daniel say that three horns (kings, kingdoms) of the evil system we are fighting are ripped out by their roots before hand. Doesn't say AC rips them out, maybe the good guys do.
fa5a2c No.209745
He is a product of the time, because of his color besides not being qualified, he was given a opportunity to represent his community & America. He had a choice when he got in. He chose to serve Evil. Let me drop on Gowdy… I knew him before office, squeeky clean good guy all about America & if you knew him from young he was allway wanting to fix broken America. If all we can find is a few #$ mean he is a good guy undercover. My jaw dropped too on certain things he said. But then step back & look at big picture. Very well planned…
The Show is about to Start.
8d8c76 No.209746
Hmm seems relevant.
https:// t.co/YeSfioW5fA
https:// iran.liveuamap.com/
A pipeline just got bombed.
d55da0 No.209748
Not concern trolling, cunt. Been here since you were in your dad's balls.
That's the problem with you newfags, you can't tell the difference between questions and concern trolling. Your millennial is showing
a2baa5 No.209749
it's not strange at all considering most of you retards are loud and useless
1c3d76 No.209750
holy shite, your computer is newer than mine.
8d8c76 No.209752
They are getting desperate when they roll out 6 month old stories there on there knees about to recieve the cock.
1cdf48 No.209753
6a6605 No.209754
i have to ask this. who are normies? i know what thet are but around here it seems sometimes it's not everybody that has no clue. wtf? it's everybody but we don't focus on everybody. talk faith and told to fuck off. fuckers don't even seem to notice satan in Q posts. or pray. or scripture. i am no good with making memes, mostly bc i have a hard time seeing anything on screen these days. commands and such. look through the memes, and the threads here. nothing for that demographic. ain't been to church in 30 years or more but those people are included i would think. we can't talk about evil and satan without talking about god and good. just a thought.
ef6af3 No.209755
74cd52 No.209756
Interesting considering the Templars (tempo,time) changed the calendars to hide the truth.
faac4c No.209757
It's happening. A part of the world stalemate: overthrow Iranin regime. This along with Saudi crackdown, should totally cut funding for terrorism WW.
74cd52 No.209759
TY! thats the one
aad71b No.209760
Can we move on now?
www.whatnetworth. com
http://www.mcclatchydc. com/news/politics-government/congress/article51324980.html
"At the top of South Carolina’s list with a net worth of $4.5 million, Sanford is only the 127th richest member in the U.S. Congress."
"At the bottom of the South Carolina list is Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-Spartanburg, with an average net worth of $167,000."
Just ref'd relevant posts.
meme not directed at any anons.
just fake news.
0a71e1 No.209761
yep, saw that. read them all.
6a6605 No.209763
fcc19d No.209764
If Iranians find the evidence of drug and human trafficking and fuckery by the many including Hussein, then it's a new front to counter cognitive dissonance of it coming from the US admin.
It is literally THE ultimate red pill for slicing through party politics in the West.
It expose Deep State.
It exposes every corrupt politician in the EU and the UK as well as the US and in Asia.
The curtain will fall on Deep State.
World Peace.
The conditions are met for the Great Awakening and the Revelation.
God in his returned form, shows Himself and the Curse is lifted.
It has already begun.
He has posted here.
It is becoming obvious.
God definitely has a few Keks sense of humour.
He believes in your free will.
The Ending will explain all and tie up all loose questions.
This is very real.
Mind blown.
d65691 No.209765
I see Gowdy as a vain and egotistical person.
Maybe he has much to hide and needs to play both sides.
Let's see what happens.
74cd52 No.209767
You have a very closed mind then and I feel bad for you or only taken what is spoon fed.
ef6af3 No.209768
been to northern NL. its worse on the mainland.
huffing gas
murder - murder gets you sent to the other community.
they have different laws. they kind of dont even belong to canada NOR follow CANADIAN LAW
SERCO is there. they are the meal hall and lots of other accommodations.
i might get smoked for this but there is tunnels ALL underground Happy Valley Goose Bay.
I have been in them myself.
0a71e1 No.209772
not sanford. gowdy - says $4.5m.
but source is questionable.
still digging.
a2baa5 No.209773
Voice your displeasure here
1c755c No.209774
Breakup of ratlines for oil/gas, illegal arms, drugs, human trafficking.
Shit will fall back on Patraeus, Morrell, Clinton, Bush and others
When exposed, evil ones will be de-fanged.
fcc19d No.209775
Urm, not staying anonymous?
There seems to be a reason for that.
10a395 No.209776
>Your millennial is showing
10a395 No.209777
Past reveals Future.
a2baa5 No.209778
Durrr someone figured out how to use your autism against you
fcc19d No.209779
If the people of Iran come up with the evidence, it is hardly partisan now, is it?
da4313 No.209780
If you've been banned, appeal your ban.
If you've been wrongly banned, it will be revoked.
There are no ban appeals up at the moment.
If you have a problem, let me know here.
>crickets so far
74cd52 No.209781
Trudeaus father UN Lucis Trust Windsor Bank Panama Papers Alice Bailey Aleister Crowley Anton LaVey Michael Aquino L.Ron Hubbard Scientology
all of those make an ugly web
1669c5 No.209782
Watched a documentary about Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army that supposedly kidnapped her.
Check out their "manifesto":
…the unity of all left-wing struggles, feminist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and others…all races, genders, and ages to fight together in a left-wing united front, and to live together peacefully.
Sound familiar?
Nothing new under the sun ,Anons…Ecclesiastes 1:9
1c755c No.209783
genius. loving it.
c4b0d8 No.209786
The NBC drop on this story about Clark was also conflated on this very board and twatters with the happening with FBI in Virginia. Curious timing, that.
9de71b No.209787
Anyone attacking Gowdy is a soros funded shill.
Block them, and realize this is proof that Gowdy is a serious threat.
aad71b No.209788
did you read your source?
it references the McClatchy article.
The McClatchy article explicitly says the 4.5M is for Sanford, not Gowdy.
94094a No.209789
Trey livs in a 225k house. Not over the top.
https:// qpublic.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=857&LayerID=16069&PageTypeID=4&PageID=7149&Q=817091108&KeyValue=7-17-04-004.00
3d139f No.209790
They're starting to look like SB.
fcc19d No.209791
The measure of genius is how quick you spotted it in DJT.
74cd52 No.209792
huge distraction nothingburger
59279e No.209794
I wonder if the high murder rate in Chicago has anything to do with all this as well.
Trump mentioned Chicago a few times.
We know that mayor is Corrupt as fuk.
Last week the whole UN in Chicago controversy.
Who is the mayor? Worth looking into?
0a71e1 No.209795
anyone know what "vipfaq" is?
ef6af3 No.209796
http:// globalnation.inquirer.net/138974/aquino-likely-to-speak-to-trudeau-on-asgs-beheading-of-canadian
c4b0d8 No.209797
Rahm Emmanuel. Seriously, anon?
faac4c No.209798
8d8c76 No.209801
"Trump’s cryptic warning ahead of Iran decision: ‘The calm before the storm’
@realDonaldTrump: Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with government's corruption and its squandering of the nation's wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people's rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching! IranProtests
Def a major part of the storm is happening.
Iranians shouting REMOVE KEBAB!!!
bc7f7f No.209802
Rahm is as blue and vile as they come.
cb0e58 No.209803
Gowdys money isnt suspect..but his endorsements are
backs rubio for pres.
https:// www.politico.com/story/2015/12/trey-gowdy-endorses-marco-rubio-217201
Gowdy also said that history may look more favorably on Comey. And shills for him.
saw in a breitbart post awhile back.now can only find a reference form an anon on reddit the donald.
praises Mueller as straight arrow
http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/trey-gowdy-robert-mueller-is-your-quintessential-straight-arrow/article/2626294
aad71b No.209804
from http://www.whatnetworth. com/trey-gowdy/
"Estimated net worth has been taken from:
Which says 4.5M is for Sanford, NOT Gowdy.
It's simple, really.
74cd52 No.209805
Hah! wtf. the 'helpers' kept hinting at Phillipines past two days except they said Philippians as in the Bible.
37748b No.209806
People are fleeing the city in droves, that and in body bags to.
82a9c7 No.209807
Thanks for that. I can usually see through bs & have a knack for spotting bad people, lies, disinfo, & deception. I've gotten angry at Gowdy for things in the past but I've never seen anything really bad in him. I've been wrong before & will be wrong again, but I just don't see Gowdy as controlled opposition or bad guy.
"I have a 5th sense, it's like ESPN or something."-some movie
ea48de No.209809
Just read through the tweets. Seems like disinformation. They reference a "pedo" in the Alabama election getting a lot of money, even after the party cut him off. Assuming they're talking about Roy Moore, that's incorrect. His campaign was running on a shoestring. It was Jones who had all the money, but he wasn't cut off from his party. This reeks of a liberal, trying to distract us.
fe7313 No.209810
Good day all ye faggots, cianiggers, and newfags
Grace upon ye bakers. Thanks for baking!
1c755c No.209812
Look it up
Let it go
c4b0d8 No.209813
Yeah. It's bullshit.
4b5ea2 No.209814
82a9c7 No.209815
27ed10 No.209816
Since my meme here >>209714 hasn't been commented on thought I would change it slightly.
2b8f9d No.209817
fuck you faggots
I just woke up
I'm still drunk
36351f No.209818
Missing Q posts on github
There IS a resolution.
Q's FIRST post on 8ch was
11/25/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 ID: 48dd16
yes, correct healthy link b/c internal
SECOND post on 8ch was /cbts/
11/26/17 (Sun) 00:28:38 ID: 48dd16
again, healthy link b/c it is here.
BO did choose to have this board included in the 8ch archive, (THANK YOU BO). It's clunky and not user-friendly like cuckchan but it's there and we have it.
What this means is that even if some of the Q posts have fallen off of the github site, github anon can use the links in the spreadsheet and fix it. ALL of Q's post from 4 & 8 are there, all have direct working links to his posts and they are all in chronological order (each new post starts with a light green line for easy visibility).
[I do back up the spreadsheet constantly and encourage others to do so as well. It's always good to have backups.]
So if anyone sees or knows how to get in touch with github anon, let him know he can do that please.
a2baa5 No.209820
Trump administration declares support for Iran’s protesters against the 'rogue state'
kill_rogue = iran, the twitter account is a misdirection
https: //www.thenational.ae/world/trump-administration-declares-support-for-iran-s-protesters-against-the-rogue-state-1.691490
16af75 No.209823
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We have more important digs.
c4b0d8 No.209824
More signs of bullshit:
1. "According to users of vipfaq" What? How about the fucking tax filings and public disclosures?
2. Tax filings and public disclosures for 2017 are not available. Why's that? No one has filed for 2017.
Conclusion: anons must use their brain and think things through. Don't participate in Project Mockingbird by spreading disinfo. THINK!
aad71b No.209825
No, it's not. It was a "mistake." It reported Sanford's income as Gowdy's income. Two different people. It didn't even get the right info from its own source listed at the bottom of the article.
ef6af3 No.209826
you are talking to a shill- why?
am i too then…..?
36351f No.209827
OP, could you please include this post in the pastebin for the dough up top until we can get github anon's attention?
This will also help those who keep asking about the issue.
Thank you.
16af75 No.209828
Let's stay the course today. I feel big news is coming. LET'S ROLL ANONS!!!
aad71b No.209830
good point.
i will not respond to shills.
i will not respond to shills.
i will not respond to shills.
good mantra.
fare well.
10a395 No.209831
Plop, plop, fiz, fiz, or hair of the dog.
3d139f No.209832
OK Gowdy seems to be in the clear. Let's move on.
ce8753 No.209833
"Chaos is a laddah"
said the guy who ended up throat cutted
2b8f9d No.209834
going with a dog and coke
6a6605 No.209835
until the next idiot tweets he's the second coming of Q. slap me silly.
0815a4 No.209836
This whole Gowdy hunt is an attempt to distract. Disregard that twitter feed here out.
cb0e58 No.209837
New Details on High-Profile FBI Raid of Northern Virginia Home
https:// truepundit.com/new-details-high-profile-fbi-raid-northern-virginia-home/
FBI sources said the target of the warrant is renting the apartment unit in Sterling and is an “Arabic-speaking male.”
1c755c No.209838
82a9c7 No.209839
Look at Issa. He got rich, but it was due to an invention or product patenting. Just b/c someone acquires wealth doesn't mean they got it through corrupt means.
Then there are others who we know are corrupt but wealth acquired through spouse or inheritance. Networth alone means nothing.
c4b0d8 No.209840
No, I'm replying to a shill post in the hopes that anons vulnerable to shillshit will use it as an opportunity to harden their armor.
23b34f No.209841
I can’t understand all this ass hurtery about names and trips….
It’s like google filtering my search results, tell8ng me what to read.
I’m smart enough to filter anyone I don’t want to see AND anyone associating with them! I appreciate seeing a recognizable name baking the bread!
Just like all this rule bullshit about breaking links! Who the fuck made this bullshit up? While a good practice what the fuck do you care if it’s done or not? Bunch of fucking hall monitors making sure we know, that they know…bahling that they are “just trying to keep you”….muh opsec….the fuck did we do without you for thousands of previous posts?
I think the boards ran better and got more done before the trip debacle before the name complaints! MUH anon status…gtfo!
Not surprised Q dropped the board! What a shitshow!
There as prompted by modanon, I voiced my concern…enough said i’ll Watch and see how things run won’t shit up the board with anymore of this but it needed to be said!!
2bd415 No.209842
Maybe this will help…
ef6af3 No.209843
e5aaf2 No.209844
e6adf7 No.209845
haha Exactly! Let's pray the same thing happens to the 'sick, evil bastards' that have manufactured chaos WW for decades/centuries for their own agenda!
da4313 No.209846
Thanks for this. Hopefully Github anon sees it. If I see them I'll pass it on. Saved.
36525b No.209847
Thanks. Posts:
(i.e. ID=8GzG+UJ9) still missing in the spreadsheet ?
82a9c7 No.209849
Drink plenty of water.
2bd415 No.209851
oops forgot pic
62062b No.209852
Done. That certainly is food for thought.
And another of a million things we should be Thankful for every day.
2b8f9d No.209853
sure….. blurp…… will
702af7 No.209854
A new variation on a theme
7e8442 No.209856
Yes this is disinfo intended to derail from going to @kill_rogue twitter- which curiously, despite Q specifically pointing to that account, is being treated as somehow a bad place to go — anons should go have a look themselves. It’s all WikiLeaks and Seth Rich specific from good sources. It’s obvious it’s legit. If this is really dismissed and continues to be ‘banned from the batter’ as false, I’m done. I’ve been at it from the first bread and long before for years. FFS “Twitter [kill_togue]” is just that simple. If something that obvious is ignored then the wrong people are here. I hope that’s not the case.
4c77f5 No.209857
British Windsor's have always eluded prosecution. Hopefully the house of cards is coming down under the latest EO.
6abe1c No.209858
If helpers are here I'm ready to listen. If we are going to ignore good tips and information to dig into and call anyone who isn't flashing a tripcode a shill. You guys are on your own.
36351f No.209859
Clowns, infowarriuhz/hangers-on, shills, SB, tiny amount of actual anon trolls. You'll notice a pattern. The uptick signals their increasing panic.
10a395 No.209860
Then by all means, GO!
STFU about it!
aad71b No.209861
135611 No.209862
I just saw the other day that local police within 100 miles of Bohemian Grove are compromised.
36133e No.209863
i know this is a little off topic but this is insane. our fellow citizens need our help. anons should launch a mematic counterstrike to end this crazyness.
https: //twitter.com/PamJonesLiberty/status/946169664651931648
8d8c76 No.209864
Interesting. Iran could be the storm front moving towards Best Korea. The GCC is def gunna have a hand in this pie too. Palestine, Jerusalem, Iran Best korea Major fucking global storm.
82a9c7 No.209865
Is that a chicken in a bloody Mary?
206a97 No.209867
What does this mean?
Was this foreshadowed by Q's messages?
https://twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/946949708915924994
Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching! #IranProtests
6abe1c No.209868
No one is trying to convince anyone else that the helpers are Q. The helpers say they are not Q. Researching the info they give us helps the cause and doesn't harm anyone or the board.
Rant over. Thank you.
68ae28 No.209871
Shooting at a law firm in California: I wonder who the target was
6abe1c No.209872
It means the regime is changing in Iran similar to how it did in SA.
2b8f9d No.209873
f6a7be No.209874
whitehouse is still in. he and climate change wife attend McCain Institute for several years (sedona institute). ri needs thorough cleaning.
2f84dc No.209875
8bd44d No.209876
9d139d No.209877
Definitely wears his fair share of purple ties. Just a few pics I pulled from Google
289b9f No.209878
Interesting. Iran could be the storm front moving towards Best Korea. The GCC is def gunna have a hand in this pie too. Palestine, Jerusalem, Iran Best korea Major fucking global storm.
829e5c No.209879
I am sure it's been discussed, but just in case: Elpida has a blue triangular pedophile logo.
c5a959 No.209881
Whoa…SERCO has hands in everything.
6a6605 No.209883
i think most took the advice of some here and went to reddit and elsewhere. Q and company have what is needed. said as much. honestly i can't tell the difference between a shill and a oldfag anymore. (sometimes) i think it's save the children and our humanity. some it seems is just save 8chan. i saw that need early on and fell into it. Q is going more and more mainstream and hate talk is going away with it. just a thought.
c4b0d8 No.209885
By all means, have a real good look at this distraction for yourself.
289b9f No.209886
I've dealt with S E R C O they never want you to ask too many questions.
74cd52 No.209888
this thread has a ton of deleted posts…
Remember sound can be used as a weapon, think Cuba, or sound can be used to repair DNA. It's all waves, everything that matters is waves.
>>206231 this thread has a ton of deleted posts too
Seems this post was deleted but the random chit chat in thread was not, deleted by whom or why? I don't know but mods were not banning according to logic or board rules if it was in fact the mods.
>>209756 notice post deleted….why? Pic related. (tempo-music-time)
"These original sound frequencies were apparently used in the great Hymn to St. John the Baptist that, along with many Gregorian chants, were lost centuries ago according to church officials. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart special spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses."
Professor R. Wever from the Max Planck Institute was interested in the effects of the Schumann resonance on human beings, and carried out tests on volunteers in an underground bunker which completely screened out magnetic fields, including the Schumann resonance of 7.8hz.
After four weeks underground the volunteers were suffering from emotional distress and migraine headaches. After a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz, the symptoms of dis-ease cleared up and volunteers felt healthy again. The same problems of depression and illness were reported by the first astronauts and cosmonauts, who, out in space, also were no longer exposed to the Schumann waves. To counter this, modern space crafts are said to contain a device which simulates the Schumann waves of 7.8hz"
"There is a musical scale referred to as “Solfeggio”. This scale is comprised of six tonal notes which were said to be chanted by Gregorian knights. The purpose in the chants was that they contain special tones or frequencies which, when sung in harmony, were believed to impart spiritual blessings during religious masses. In 1050 AD, however, these specific frequencies seem to have become lost to history though some still believe they’re kept in the archives of the Vatican. Each of the six Solfeggio frequencies corresponds to a tonal note, Hz frequency (per second), and are associated with a specific color, and, ultimately, to a particular chakra in the body. The 528hz frequency is associated with the heart chakra and has always been thought to stand for Love, and “Miracle”. In fact, Dr. Leanord Horowitz proclaimed, “528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature. It is love.” This particular frequency adapted the name “Miracle” because of its use through history to heal and repair DNA, as observed by genetic biochemists."
God is Love - Q
what are they tryng to hide here?
what were the Templars trying to hide when they plunged people into the Dark Ages?
Darkness and Light is a theme here that should not be ignored.
Someone doesn't like us sharing this information.
67c214 No.209889
I'd bet my left nut Gowdy is clean. Actions speak louder, and before this all blew up he was up peoples asses, never pulled a punch when others wouldn't touch things. Gowdy and Rand are about the only two I'm sure of being "good guys"
As for that Kill_Rogue twitter. I don't trust it, I think it's a honeypot / disinfo.
If there were ever a time for "Q" to come in and confirm or deny it's now.
74cd52 No.209890
Did you guys know Q's original trip on 4ch was linked to posts last year with the name 'Madame President' hahahaha gotta love me some Q. If you're clever you'll figure it out. ;)
c4b0d8 No.209891
ef6af3 No.209892
in what business?
f4f512 No.209893
like the concept very much.
wondering if the "thumbs-up" image is the best answer for your question in light of the "storm".
maybe the two-handed drinking or similar "Q" sugnals.
just my thoughts. again, very clever…can answer many questions.
6a6605 No.209894
on the flip side it was proven they were a distraction. and info is here. i'm sure in other places people are doing the same thing.
62062b No.209895
Good grief, at that rate, not only is he not corrupt, but he is one of us. Kinda makes you wonder what he drives?
If true, that also proves his hands are tied. For the passion he delivers doing his job, it would be far more profitable for him to be an actor.
1c755c No.209896
Affirmative. Have witnessed.
Will dig
They already have / know it all. Trying to educate Anons. Anons can repackage info for public consumption. Wise to connect events to posts. Wise to see overall patterns in messages.
Have been convinced for days that helpers are guiding us. Able to discern between helpers and clowns
Will dig
Will dig
No platitudes. Metadata + current events + knowledge of human behavior patterns (It’s math)
289b9f No.209897
Filter all Gowdy Doubters.
e5aaf2 No.209898
fe7313 No.209900
Suggestions to BO / Bakers
<Before posting links, put a space before the first dot after the site's name.
<e.g. http://twitter .com http://en.wikipedia .org
>Instead, just leave off the http:// of a link. Link is easier to copy/pasta
<Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
>Instead (or additionally) use Startpage.com. Start Page gives the same quality results without any tracking or adverts
>Additional suggestions: use new browser Brave for privacy and/or Opera (Opera offers built in, free VPN)
>Don't use Chrome or Firefox. Both are owned by the (((enemy))) and both track every move you make within the browser, even with strict cookie settings turned off
c5a959 No.209902
59279e No.209903
32f13c No.209904
Like both versions >>209816
8d8c76 No.209905
Nothing that would provide insight.
fe7313 No.209906
shit, I reversed the > <. Apologies
3c7854 No.209907
yesterday there were posts about "going postal" and mailmen and so on. i did not pay attention then but todays news is that there is a hostage situation in a post office in ukraina.
82a9c7 No.209908
Anyone know anything about David Perdue of Ga? Good/bad?
135611 No.209909
My local news gives 30min to NOVA, and there was no mention of the raid last night. Most stories are 'cat stuck in tree', but I thought they would at least give it a few seconds.
255f7d No.209910
just went over all Q post again he keeps saying these people are sick…..what if he means they are going through a withdraw syndrome because they cant get blood glands etc..look.@ NP video and HRC….it is killing them
8bd44d No.209911
So what is date of first q post November? I see some post here that align with q post
3c7854 No.209912
KIEV (Reuters) - A man believed to be strapped with explosives has taken nine adults and two children hostage in a post office in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, police said on Saturday.
https://www.reuters.com /article/us-ukraine-security/man-with-explosives-takes-11-hostages-in-ukraine-idUSKBN1EO0CV?il=0
48a7d2 No.209915
I am digging into this company: Deloitte LLP contributed $35,250 (some interesting connections you wouldn't think of in regards to Gowdy)
bc939b No.209917
I like Gowdy and I don't think he's a bad guy. But I do think that the argument that he's all talk and no action isn't necessarily unfounded
c4b0d8 No.209918
There are 0 "Q posts" on twatter. If you come to a different conclusion, please provide your evidence.
74cd52 No.209919
Be thankful u no hav smol benis
82a9c7 No.209920
Probably just Clowns since so much of their funds have been shut down.
6abe1c No.209922
I saw it.
Did helpers drop anything this morning? They were lurking last night bt the board was pretty hostile to them so we didn't many drops. Although, I also gave up around 1 because people were being dumb last night.
10a395 No.209925
>being dumb
That's putting in mildly
1c755c No.209928
Analysis of the @kill_rogue account:
• The name on the account shows as Q @kill_rogue
• Account was started BEFORE May 2016
• Profile was modified in October 2017 (Q began posting on 4ch on 10-28-17)
• The account has 51 tweets (originals)
• The most recent tweet from this account was on 11-30-17
"Isn't it amazing how easy it is to openly hide on twitter?"
• For the entire life of the account, the user has “liked” only 30 tweets
o 9 likes were of Wikileaks posts
o 8 likes were of Julian Assange posts
o 2 likes were POTUS posts
o 11 were likes of random TW users
However, one “like” DID catch my eye.
It was a Q followers thread published on 11-19-17
Giving the public instructions on how to follow Q
When the information was coming to us on 4ch.
Possibility this is how Q team is monitoring the increasing public awareness
"You are reaching more than you know"
Let's keep an open mind about the kill_rogue account.
Wouldn't hurt.
3ba10b No.209929
For the last two years I've not had a proper Christmas holiday, last year I was stuck in front of my computer for god knows how many hours because of Wikileaks/Pizzagate and this year Q……Hopefully next Christmas I get to watch the Wizard of Oz at least.
74cd52 No.209930
this theme has potential.
82a9c7 No.209931
Ok, Q, we need a sit rep here.
2b8f9d No.209932
in all reality they are dumd everry night
159644 No.209933
Here plenty of REAL images of earth: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAhaIDNVyC0
03181a No.209934
a718c6 No.209935
Anons - See what I mean? The effort going into discouraging seeing this twitter is pretty interesting. Look at it and give me one tweet that is false / poorly sourced or against the crumbs Q has given ? ‘The floor is yours’ infers Q is going quiet while this account gives additional info. So much glowing
36525b No.209936
Date of first post on halfchan:
Sat 28 Oct 2017 20:44:28 (GMT) – Sat 28 Oct 2017 16:44:28 (EST)
Date of first post on 8chan:
8bd44d No.209937
Asking of date of first q post on 4chan it was no tripcode but later verified by q
c4b0d8 No.209938
Dig deeper. This account's original ID was not @kill_rogue.
471963 No.209939
Good morning
I agree, so with that out of the way, expanding my thinking
We have spent 2 months mining data on bad actors and what a collection there is
So, what if we take these tweets and reverse them in meaning, duality, the tweets are bad actors per se, but not, mine the data just as for true bad actors which will prove the listed actors are either good or bad
I'm betting Trey is good
Per Q more good than bad, so let's confirm the good so when the excrement hits the oscillating fan, we have all the facts and who can be trusted
BTW yesterday I posted a theory on who controls NK based on kill_rogue avatar and ying/yang and boom kr avatar changed
In my thoughts, hit a nerve
You decide
68ae28 No.209940
No coincidences
I just wonder about these seemingly unconnected murders across the country, especially when it has something to do with a law firm or banker. Ought to be an "unconnected stories" thread or some such thread
0949f0 No.209941
c4b0d8 No.209942
Oh, then you were replying to the wrong post. Think you got your answer anyway.
74cd52 No.209943
Here's a thought, since this seems to be a touchy subject for people who have problems thinking for themselves without being spoonfed by Q and the hive mind, maybe go to that Twitter, click what you find relevant, and then post it here without ever mentioning that Twitter page, Fight Club style.
9d139d No.209944
Gowdy defenders: What has he done besides go on a couple of tirades that have you defending him so much? Controlled opposition..
10a395 No.209945
>kill_rogue = iran, the twitter account is a misdirection
I have to agree with this.
POTUS set it up so Iranian people would start protesting their rogue government, and now they are trying to actually kill it.
So the BS twitter crap must be a Clown trying to distract, after all the post they posted from that account, is old shit and not relevant to anything we are actually trying to work on now.
62062b No.209946
>anyone know what "vipfaq" is?
Ya, fucked up as hogan's goat, that's what.
Over a 1/2 Billion dollars ?!?! A dead brain in a jar knows better than that without digging.
4c77f5 No.209947
Prince Charles son of the World's richest asks for your donation to save these poor animals?
1c755c No.209948
7cebde No.209949
100% of the tweets and retweets are referencing evidence at WikiLeaks and well sourced articles that are entirely true. Prove one tweet or retweet is false and I will endorse this bullshit claim you’re making.
https:// mobile.twitter.com/kill_rogue
ef6af3 No.209950
or maybe it is a honey pot? everyone gets tracked who goes to the page?
bc939b No.209952
I like his purple tie…
050570 No.209954
Be really careful on the screenshots not to doxx yourself on accident. Screenshot just the text.
f63328 No.209955
Patriot Leaks on twatter is a clown operation.
While they claim to be NSA and IRS, they started their ops by asking "send us your leaks, we'll make them public". Well, really, you need random twatter users to collect kompromat?!
Apart from the Gowdy BS they branded Pence as a pedo. Maybe you don't like Pence for a number of reasons, but do you think POTUS would associate himself with a pedo?
> patriot leaks = clown ops
> patriot leaks = clown ops
> patriot leaks = clown ops
a2baa5 No.209956
http ://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/election/article113586818.html
He was voted in to office, and to public knowledge hasn't done anything illegal, unethical or immoral.
End of story.
ef6af3 No.209957
hey expand ur thinking a little
7b1b51 No.209958
And a rogue Iranian govt supported by a rogue intel agency?
ef6af3 No.209959
command , shift, 4
19e019 No.209960
→ Anons who helped me w/ this yesterday, thank you……. SMH — how did I miss nk for NK??? Duhhhhh….
You Pats are the best.
fa5a2c No.209961
In Arkansas people have been dropping like flies. They think it will help if they kill off loose ends. Like Q said No Deal..
10a395 No.209963
Flip that 2 rabbit pic upside down, and you have a goat's head….hummm
70ecea No.209964
Hahahah. So desperate to scare people from even. looking at the twitter account. So people go to jail for looking at a twitter page ?
159644 No.209965
1c755c No.209966
Analytic platform allowing for registering human behavior within a specific time and space
d73b8c No.209967
link to 4plebs, or else youre a shill. pretty sure youre talking about a fake Q
36351f No.209968
Isn't it interesting who anons are being pushed really, really hard to suspect? Someone who the President trusts? Instead of those that Q directed us to look into? Lawmakers who have foundations, who were given big donations by Saudis to their foundation & campaign?
No, no no!
Anons should look into and suspect someone the POTUS trusts, don't bother looking into what Q said!
Reminds me an awful, awful lot of the "Thomas Drake was smuggling mini nukes on the flight to Japan" bullshit the "helpers" were pushing
Gee I just can't figure it out…
70ecea No.209970
That’s idiotic - Twitter = twitter
https:// mobile.twitter.com/kill_rogue
74cd52 No.209971
I think we need a 'pedo' thread to post all shit like this. Oh lookee there's one now >>209969
Trump's focus is on Human Rights and the pedo shit and human trafficking needs to be front and center. That is how these sick fucks keep people under their power.
3ba10b No.209972
I have more questions than answers…..Never mind though I don't want to go off topic here.
74cd52 No.209973
They are here and have dogs haha
471963 No.209974
Wow, you are right but I forgot second pic
c4b0d8 No.209975
Where have I presented one concern about the retweets? My only concern is the amount of people compelled to follow this account and the fact that twitter changed its tracking policy on 12/18. Can you please THINK?
Or whatever, don't think. Go follow it. I really don't care about people who are absolutely convinced this is legit. 4-6% and all that.
206a97 No.209976
Saw the Schumann Resonance mentioned a few hours back. The current hubbub about whether it is changing is disinformation, put out by the same lying crew of faux scientists who faked the global warming data. Sure, the resonance has minor variations, but not like what we are now told. As someone said here, trust only what you can verify.
https://www .diamondlightworld.net/blog/heartmath-institute-the-schumann-resonances-are-not-increasing
c4b0d8 No.209979
you're shitting me. Digging.
821867 No.209980
I can't tell if the anons circlejerking about "the helpers" are just shills or are actually this retarded.
Bonus points if you are sperging out over someone who changed their Twitter handle to match a Q stringer.
92661c No.209981
If the theory that Muller and Comey flipped to help, Gowdy would be a good guy, no?
Granted, the income jump in a short period of time is weird. Dig into campaign finance reports on his last couple campaigns and that will tell you exactly what you wish to know.
f4833e No.209982
It's all connected. If some random Joe Blow in Arkansas drops dead of something other than being 95 years old with pneumonia, it's safe to assume he was tangled up with the Clintons.
7cebde No.209983
So the account is fake - but the info has 100% been correct and relevant since the account was created just prior to Q posting. That’s just lunacy
68ae28 No.209985
Sort of an anti-Q: a mirror image of what's really going on. Nothing surprises me any more, so why not?
19e019 No.209986
==> So I wake up to this Twit alert:
Mind you, this is only the 4th Twit Q has posted since creating the account @kill_rogue, if it's even the authentic account. I know the @ name can be changed at any time. I've done it myself.
– All I can say is,
1) "In Plain Sight"….. Chris Carter, et al,…. creative tip offs from DOD / Pentagon / IC insiders??
2) Why post this now? I've seen the weird chatter about Las Vegas & Colorado per New Year's Eve, but somehow I doubt it.
Thx, Anons.
6a6605 No.209987
i keep thinking about the blues brothers.
"We're on a mission from god"
meme could tag anybody. Q, 8chan, anyone.
7b1b51 No.209989
Maybe his stage is being set
471963 No.209991
Second pic, sorry for wasting a post
So must look closely in all directions
Also body count list from KR twt
9de71b No.209992
Fuck off you stupid nigger
837e59 No.209993
10a395 No.209994
If he was dirty he would be resigning/retiring etc like Flake
10a395 No.209995
is there a #8chan and #pol on twatter?
92661c No.209996
10 days of darkness started 12-25.
Keep an eye on those dates. Godspeed.
7cebde No.209997
6abe1c No.209998
c4b0d8 No.209999
Try your argument with logic and refrain from gaslighting. Or, like I said, go follow it with your real account and let thin_thread() do its job. Totally up to you.
ce8753 No.210000
I think it's normal for autists go check and recheck anyone, before saying it's the real deal.
If it was not for the Trump tweets, we'd still been debating if Q was a shill or not.
That account changed name and pics few weeks ago. This can be proof of shilling, or else it could have been a Q backup account. We'll never know.
The account is posting good material? Nice. But if you were a shill you'd drop bullshit, or good material in order to become credible?
We'll never know.
04d1df No.210001
They included Trump on a tweet why would they do that if disinfo? Why not keep lower profile?
b86f6c No.210002
Is this why we have 23 and me…. is this why they want our DNA…. are they looking for something specific that they want?
In the longer term, hope to cure porphyria is invested in gene therapy, in which the faulty genes are replaced with functional ones using a virus as a vector (delivery method).
68ae28 No.210004
68ae28 No.210005
Trolley car collision in Boston
6a6605 No.210006
1399af No.210007
050570 No.210008
>We're on a mission from god
b86f6c No.210009
92661c No.210010
Purple Revolution active in Iran.
fa62fa No.210011
b86f6c No.210012
if you are working on different iterations…. maybe include that's why they call them TV Programs
c4b0d8 No.210013
See, that's a goddamn lie. You've tried gaslighting me and now lying to others about what I'm saying. I've never said for people not to go to that account. I've asked them to reconsider following (clicking the fucking follow button if you are that dense) on an account that was created with a different ID and which can be proven to have changed it.
The only one glowing here is someone proven to be gaslighting me and misrepresenting what I've said. You, by all means, go follow that account with your real twatter account. Everyone else, do so at your own risk.
6abe1c No.210014
Controlled by Soros, or someone else?
87845b No.210015
Quads checked. I don’t know that any anon should follow any twitter accounts. I don’t. I will lurk and keep tabs on it. Twatter fags will follow it - which I think is the intent (for normies not anons) - I digress.
74cd52 No.210016
7b1b51 No.210017
36351f No.210018
The "helper" faggotry has been going on for days, and yeah the twatter account is a distraction.
What's most obvious and disappointing is that actual live anons aren't helping with what Q actually asked us to do:
>list those who have foundations
>track their income
>make the connections between donors to campaigns/foundations and known bad actors
Q was referencing SA
Someone was digging into Federika Wilson yesterday and that's fantastic, but I haven't seen other ones.
But then again, with the publicity yesterday, we should have expected an influx…
6abe1c No.210019
Yea there was a drop about someone being kidnapped in Ukraine but I forget who it was.
3d139f No.210020
They tried this route a few years ago. Will be interesting to see what's different about this time.
92661c No.210021
They won't win.
19e019 No.210022
Filtered meaning…..?
6abe1c No.210024
ef6af3 No.210025
look into his frat!
who else comes from there?
and immediately i will get hit with "captain planet" shit again! but it is subliminal messaging
82a9c7 No.210026
I've work to do, hope someone will keep an eye out for helpers for me & share w/ me later. Good luck.
f63328 No.210027
For competent insights into Middle East/Iran habbenings pls check Thomas Wiktor twatter
c4b0d8 No.210029
>Analytic platform allowing for registering human behavior within a specific time and space
Fucking checked. Thanks, anon
92661c No.210030
Once you see it, right?
God Bless the Peacekeepers.
6abe1c No.210031
I will. Ridiculous that their info is being questioned at this point anyway.
10a395 No.210032
Any American flags being burnt?
That would be different.
10a395 No.210034
I think the world is seeing Trump has their back, I'm sure we have good spies/groups in all these countries and we gave everyone the LETS ROLL signal and now like SA it's on
41b578 No.210036
Julian Assange tweets from this morning.
92661c No.210037
Now is the time. 1-1-18.
If you see something, say something. Collectively we take our world back.
6a6605 No.210038
f63328 No.210039
> the mullahs are being protested by the crowd > the mullah are in bed with hezbollah
> the mullah have done the "deal" with obama
This has potential to be a good happening
1c755c No.210040
we do not know who is behind it.
Only know Q posted about it.
That is the only fact we have.
19e019 No.210041
9c13cf No.210042
Yes! SA was the $$$ that fueled most of the evil n the world, now that it's cut they are all panicking and the thin dictators like Iran, NK et will fall without backing
10a395 No.210043
As if it wasn't already brain damaged to start with.
www .foxnews.com/us/2017/12/28/erica-garner-daughter-nypd-chokehold-victim-suffers-brain-damage-after-heart-attack.html
92661c No.210044
Yes. You are right.
They are attempting to stop progress. (((They))) will not win. Iran will be freed.
1c755c No.210045
Look it up
Let it go
92af9d No.210046
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
NOVA is an interesting crumb thanks anon. …waiting for the storm …how about this tho?
#placenta is latin meaning "flat cake", from placenta uterina "uterine cake," which is why to this day we still eat the baby's "CAKE" (which is a symbolic mock effigy of your placenta) on your BIRTHday to celebrate your BIRTH! After giving birth, It is a common practice for the mother to eat the baby's CAKE, it's placenta, the afterbirth, her "BUN in the OVEN"…. for it's vitality, it's life force/ stem cell rejuvenation. Hence the origin of the phrase "BABYCAKES!"
"Our Birthday Sacrifice Ritual! Our birthday is actually a celebration of one annual cycle of earth around the sun. Therefore we must go through the ancient rituals of old! We perform a mini ritual of the story of Jesus, or of nature, the anthropomorphic character of nature. The CAKE represents the GRAINS of the annual harvest year of the sun (son). The bun in the oven is the ritual of the baby within the pregnant mother! The baby (cake) is then CUT and DIVIDED and then consumed by all who are at the PARTY! This is why Jesus said to EAT his FLESH and drink his BLOOD!
A Party means the PARTing of A PART, the NEW part to come, that parts, separates or decapitates the OLD year (PARTy)! This is why we light up the candles (burnt offering) and make a wish as we burn the Pillars of LIGHTS that represent the pillars of the Sun and Moon! This is WHY on 911 (711), we watched the Birthday Candles of the Twin Pillars BURNING (WTC)! That's RIGHT, I am the one who discovered that on SEPTEMBER 11th in 1609 is when Manhattan was discovered! Anyway, this is why we have a CLOWN character who is the JACK, the Jester or simply Jesus, the first and the last! This is why we have BALLOONS which represent the sperm! This is why CLOWNS have Balloons and RINGS which are circles or cycles of the annual year!"
Perhaps NOW you know exactly why they COOK the spirit of the fertility Harvest Lord and eat the baby/cakes just as Saturn CanaaBAALized his own children!
So the PIZZA as the symbol of the Pizzagate scandal is LITERALLY THE FLAT CAKE, A PIE, WHICH IS PARTED or SLICED AND DICED and CUT INTO PIECES (just like the houses of the Zodiac wheel) TO BE EATEN AT KIDS BIRTHDAY PARTIES AS AN ANCIENT SYMBOLIC EFFIGY OF THE PLACENTA OR THE BABY WHOSE SPIRIT IS COOKED IN THE OVEN, both metaphorically when she cooks it in her oven during gestation in the womb and the pizza is the placenta "flat cake", just as the ancients would COOK THEIR CHILDREN in the OVEN or BELLy of BEL/ EL/ Saturn and Moloch as holocaust "burnt offerings," which is why the Jews were also cooked in the oven in WW2. The holocaust comes from WAYYYY back in ancient religious rites. So now you know FULLY why they BAKE THE BABY INTO CAKES!
And thus, you know the esoteric TRUE meaning behind why the lead singer, Chris CornEL, of the hollywood band SoundGarden was sacrificed when he got too close to exposing the pizzaphiles of Hollywood and Government child trafficking cults as alluded in his song: "Hunger Strike"
Well I don't mind stealing BREAD (cake, pizza)
From the MOUTHS OF DECADENCE (ELite ELders of EL)
When my cup's already overfilled (No desire to comply)
BUT IT'S ON THE TABLE (The offer still stands)
THE FIRE'S COOKING (sacrificial Pyre)
AND THEY'RE FARMING BABIES (no explanation needed)
mmmm Spirit Cooking.
6abe1c No.210047
7e8442 No.210048
I agree with this. Q never said it was him. But does direct us to the account. Even the ‘floor is yours’ before referencing it. Seems more likely tied to Assange. Would be epic for the hammer to drop form WikiLeaks or Assange.
c4b0d8 No.210049
Never directed us to this account. It didn't exist when he dropped the crumb. It was changed after he dropped the crumb. Analysis fail.
And filtered for disinfo.
ce8753 No.210050
I 'member that "green revolution" with the FAKE "dying girl" (crisis actress), it was a fucking Soros made revol.
This time I'm on the fence. I don't like these things, seen so many lately.
7e8442 No.210051
Twitter [kill_rogue]
https:// mobile.twitter.com/kill_rogue
84ebe7 No.210052
ive been here since the beginning. Q has never been baker. he did have some posts before his first trip but they were inside other threads already.
26de30 No.210053
Wow. Looks like a junior mint.
Do you have any more like this - or a link to the source
6f38b7 No.210055
Hunger Strike was by Temple of the Dog which was a collab with Pearl Jam.
1c755c No.210056
Look up "perseveration"
Too much Anon talk about the account
Some will follow
Some will not
Who cares
More important matters
Recommend we move on
10a395 No.210057
JA posted on his twatter already today.
So why need a second one?
'floor is yours' could also be a referance to the Iranian people.
Kill_rogue = replace leadership.
7dfe5a No.210058
6abe1c No.210059
Not understanding "preservation".
29f16f No.210060
Back in 2009/2010 there was chatter about a possible military coup in Iran, in case the regime doesn't manage to control the population. This was regarded as a means of last recourse for the corrupt generals, and it meant to sacrifice the mullahs and the islamic flavor of the regime in order to remain in control.
fe7313 No.210061
CBTS General is almost fucking useless this past week. Constant faggot fuckery. No fucking foqus whatsoever. Shills, cianiggers, famefags and fanfaqs.
RE: these kill rogue sliders - watch the IDs. Usually just 1 to 5 posts and each one is about kill rogue. Ten to one the kill rogue account holder is pushing rhetoric that s/he is Q to shit up these boards, using a rotating ISP/VPN to keep getting new IDs to bypass bans & filters. Kill Rogue has been proven to be fake. The account is just a larping famefag
Patriot Leaks is same bullshit. Just a bunch of faggots riding the Q Storm to twitter fame while spreading disinfo
Filter for sanity.
8b2573 No.210062
I go back and forth on Gowdy esp. after seeing him on Fox with Martha McGowan saying knowing what he knows history will be kind to Comey fuckery. So not trying to derail digging into him at all but this >>https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/12/30/breaking-senator-lindsey-graham-just-confirmed-the-steele-dossier-was-used-for-2016-fisa-warrant/#more-143992
Shows one dept. with no oversight hip deep in the shit. All the hard work done already. Except figuring out how GEOTUS will checkmate this. As he will.
Fuck now gotta look into Gowdy. No fucking seep ever.
6abe1c No.210063
Preservation of a rogue?
a2baa5 No.210064
1c755c No.210065
incessant talk about the same thing..kill_rogue
We need to stop and move on
Each decides what he/she wants to do with it.
those still debating it are disruptive..keeping the chaos alive.
Make up your own mind
ce8753 No.210066
2a3349 No.210067
your glowing nigga
74cd52 No.210068
Does anyone here have that huge excellent graphic showing bucks and the cake and alefantis with every detail circled and explained?
Human Trafficking and Pizzagate is center stage right now esp considering the EO
8b2573 No.210070
>>sleep. maybe I should.
2bd415 No.210071
Some people do actually like purple for the color…and NOT because they are involved in pedo activities. just saying.
Jury still out on Gowdy tho. Not a whole lot of men wear purple, KWIM?
6abe1c No.210072
I'm so ready to move on. I missed most of everything yesterday. And last night was a joke.
7b1b51 No.210073
US Israeli deal on Iran , BO & Kerry won’t be happy
http://uk.businessinsider. com/us-israel-iran-secret-pact-2017-12?r=US&IR=T
17672b No.210075
At this point not sure why I'm still here. We've done the work, we were told to enjoy the show. Maybe I'm addicted and need a 12 step program.
ce8753 No.210076
(sorry wrong post-this is the one to ?)
da4313 No.210077
Appeal it.
You're still posting I see.
>not BO
6a6605 No.210079
there is the 70% Q mentions too. not all can be removed at once. chaos. we dig too far down the rabbit hole are we hurting the cause? Q has what they need. anything we look at is meaningless unless it exposes the cabal. enjoy the show, enjoy the show, enjoy the show… to me means stfu and watch… dig news, and happenings. iran is very interesting. Babalon has fallen! revalations chapter 14. the angel right before that angels describes the Q happening pretty clear. not angel's in a flying around look up in the sky but people, happenings and the like.
a2baa5 No.210080
http s://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/holiday-message-trump-putin-looks-forward-cooperation-2018-n833591
> In a holiday greeting to President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin said constructive dialogue between the two nations was key to addressing global threats.
>“This would allow us to make progress in promoting pragmatic cooperation designed for the long term,” the message said according to a summary posted on the Kremlin's website.
36525b No.210081
Thanks, just being curious because in the links mentioned (>>209608) it really looks like he made the very first, top post which also is colored different than all posts following
3d139f No.210082
Yeah. That's how it all looks to me.
a2baa5 No.210084
74cd52 No.210085
it doesn't matter. if you like the info there then take it or leave it! doesn't mean you ignore all the great info being posted there. think for yourselves damnit
10a395 No.210086
050570 No.210087
I dunno. I prefer one-off's if someone likes it, they can make more versions. Just adding my 'ideas' to the hive mind. :)
3a9172 No.210088
I promised an anon in the previous thread to repost his findings in this one so here they are:
050570 No.210089
74cd52 No.210091
you do realize where you are posting rn right?
a2baa5 No.210093
http ://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/12/30/north-korea-vows-to-never-give-up-nukes-if-us-continues-blackmail-and-war-drills.html
>North Korea vows to never give up nukes if US continues 'blackmail and war drills'
36351f No.210094
> to me means stfu and watch…
You are certainly welcome to do that. Actual anons will pay attention to what Q asked and answer questions he asked, follow the people he has stated specifically.
74cd52 No.210095
TWITTER HAS ALWAYS TRACKED YOU dumbasses. Just because now they tell you they are doing it doesn't make it anything new. omg.
821867 No.210096
At this point we should be focusing on creating informational memes or infographics that break down digestible chunks of the 40 ft view.
I've been thinking it would be great if we could compile all the answers and information we've gathered into a wiki style site that normies can peruse on their own, and can get lost clicking the links between people and organizations.
We need to be ready to inform when the hammer drops.
ce8753 No.210097
I think the purpose of this board is… waiting.
Q said news unlocks map. So when the right news come, our duty is to identify them and then redpill normies with memes and posts on social.
Not an hard task, I'd say.
Meanwhile, we get annoyed of waiting and mess with the board… lol
3d139f No.210099
Add these fucking retards to the list too:
92661c No.210101
Come back 1.4
Rest. Be thankful.
a2baa5 No.210102
Yup. Use the filter, and this becomes a news stream.
6a6605 No.210103
anything we look at is meaningless unless it exposes the cabal…
i also said that. :)
fe7313 No.210104
Purple Ties have been a staple of power movers in the business industry for decades and decades. As a former corporate manager, I wore purple quite often.
The human mind is pliable by many means, and we naturally associate colors with certain themes: ex, red = anger or energy, blue = calm, yellow = light, green = nature. Purple = power.
ef6af3 No.210105
obviously yes
same with the rest…
even to the point where, do YOU really want to go to a certain location? is it your thought?
74cd52 No.210106
as far as science stuff goes anyone can be lying. People get funding and do what they are told to do and report what they are told to do or else get suicided or lose their job/funding. So much has been hidden. Consider both sides of the coin, keep an open mind, 'science' is never gospel, human errors and lies abound.
3a9172 No.210107
another Qinkeedink?
ef6af3 No.210108
can you give a tldr on the filter
1c755c No.210110
when we see ARGUMENTS on the board…we know it is a disruption OP
Don't let them distract you.
Whatever the topic, you can make up your own mind
At a certain point, you may see who the "authoritative debaters" are and then filter them using ID+
6a6605 No.210111
enjoy the show, enjoy the show, enjoy the show… to me means stfu and watch… dig news, and happenings.
and i said that. c'mon you didn't read it did you? admit it. :D
74cd52 No.210112
01afcc No.210115
just gonna leave this here in case anyone decides to get real and advance positive momentum.
what is project rainbow?
what is operation fishbowl?
what did bYrd say about HIGHJUMP?
and travel between the poles?
how do you go from admiral to mental patient in one leap?
tell the truth.
what is a deck prism?
what is a key stone?
what is the great circle route really?
is there really a meaningful definition of east and west?
what is a rabbit hole. who opens it first? peter rabbit?
f63328 No.210116
Fact: security forces are not engaging protestors.
Rumor: military people including higher officials are protesting in the street in civilian clothes.
I'd say this time IT'S HAPPENING.
Mullahs being kicked to the curb.
Hezbollah will be dealt with clean and swift in the golan heights by Israel, Lebanon (and S.A. in covert operation).
702af7 No.210117
Let's look at what Q had to say about this. There may be more, these are the only ones I found.
https ://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147441378
https ://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#q147166292
https ://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147075091/#q147109593
https ://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#q147645024
c1000b No.210119
Dec19 22:22:19 129526
Board owner, mods, and other patriots:
Sincere thanks for all that you do.
You are true heroes.
Long overdue - my apologies.
There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.
We thank you for your service.
A) "It's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit"
-Harry Truman
B) really kid? writing random names? were you hoping one of the baker's might happen to be "Hamish"?
C)Where do you see a threat in this post from Q?
D)You will never find satisfaction in yourself if you are too worried about others.
E)This is normally where I leave the reddit url and tell you to shut the door on the way out.
…but Patriots would rather you stay away from the reddit as well with this jealous female drama you bringing
d97ead No.210120
also have been here from day uno, its been nice to sit back and lurk for the past couple days. We have the info that is needed and tbh, anything that is new that we have put up gets glossed over and then shows back up 4 breads later, it is what it is.
> samurai.jpg
< Enjoy the show, dont get bogged down in the back blast of the new fags and sliders.
6abe1c No.210121
Helpers, I am looking for a direction to go in here. Having trouble deciphering what is what.
a2baa5 No.210123
Ahh so the woman who is claiming now to rule Iran could potentially be a plant to get access to their nukes? Perhaps OUR nukes weren't on the table, but Pakistan's or Iran's are?
812881 No.210125
Yes, with other device. Difficult to contribute how I would like.
I will appeal.
e3ac81 No.210126
what did the swiss fag say in the comet ig pic? its unreadable.
d97ead No.210128
< so gonna sound like a shill, but here it goes
2 years back I had a dream, and the only thing I remember from it was to watch the Golan Heights, no visuals or anything, just the words.
74cd52 No.210129
NOVA on my mind still.
Where is the closest star?
1c755c No.210131
I am not a helper, just another Anon.
But you can go to >>209896 for digging ideas.
3a9172 No.210132
So now comes the question:
Who in Russia is working for a company that is able to make these backdoor deals ?
I highly doubt the Russian gov't would willingly sell shit to NK
But theres a bridge between US - Russia - China - Iran …who is the bridge?
what is the bridge
837e59 No.210134
getting sick of filtering everyone that links that Twitter "Kill_Rogue" account.
b81fec No.210137
These are good adds to the Apocrypha of Q. In these 3 posts, Q was posting as an anon without the tripcode. The ID (within the context of the thread) is a dead giveaway that it is Q. That cannot be faked.
I save these off for completeness' sake to accurately preserve history. They will appear in the raw text dump linked below.
c5f4fc No.210138
In order for the Schumann frequencies to change there would have to be a drastic and permanent change to ionosphere or the conductivity of the earth's surface. As you've mentioned there are small changes and spikes all the time due to solar wind input's effects on the ionosphere.
the correlation between Schumann resonance harmonics and human brain waves is interesting but no link has been proven to my knowledge. It is interesting in the same way as the correlation between the lunar cycle and the human menstrual cycle.
One thing of note;
Too many of these people confuse sound waves (acoustic) and radio waves (electromagnetic).
They are NOT the same.
471963 No.210139
Not with those characters
8chan for this board
Pol for anyone
# is just a hashtag
e6fc36 No.210140
Stop talking about filtering and just do it quietly no one cares and you are shitting up the board.
74cd52 No.210142
49cca4 No.210143
WTH is Pope tweeting to Julian Assange?
Julian Assange 🔹 Retweeted
Pope Francis
@ Pontifex
4h4 hours ago4 hours ago
During these days let us give space to attitudes and gestures that favor peace.
f63328 No.210144
What Comey did in his ambiguos way was actually quite neat. He prevented that Hrc could be prosecuted under an Obama DOJ because he knew she would certainly be acquitted.
He still made quite clear that she was incompetent/careless. This way she can and will be prosecuted by Sessions → WIN
6a6605 No.210145
here's something for you… in the GREAT AWAKENING… that will be revealed. and will also be guppy to a whale in what we gain in that enlightenment. faith patriot.
837e59 No.210146
am i shitting up the board? tell that to your glowing shill faggot friends
e5b5ce No.210147
c95140 No.210148
Going as planned.
36525b No.210149
Thank you ! Just for comparison: I count 464 Q posts in my local archive here (232 at halfchan, 232 at 8ch) – that's what you got in the q_raw as well ?
837e59 No.210150
he didnt tweet that to assange, assange just retweeted it
faac4c No.210151
If the kill_rogue twatter is being shilled hard its defiinitely fake AF. I knew it was fake when I seen the avatar.
8390d2 No.210152
People are not literate in science on the internet, that is something I've learned the hard way.
6a6605 No.210154
c5f4fc No.210155
>So much has been hidden.
you have no idea
> Consider both sides of the coin, keep an open mind, 'science' is never gospel, human errors and lies abound.
the problem being that much of the pseudo-science that abounds today is dangerous.
Real science is repeatable / verifiable and is based on facts. These days science by that definition is rare.
74cd52 No.210156
posts that don't break links are getting deleted for sure, not sure if thats all but a big hunk
74cd52 No.210157
im right there with you anon. we better fucking find out soon!
30e50d No.210159
Here's a picture that makes more sense for those "in the know". The view is from a higher perspective.
b81fec No.210160
You must be the "anon with a good eye" that I referred to recently. Are you also keeping raw text dumps? Maybe I an use your work to reconcile differences.
I have them all in one file, so I cannot quickly verify 4ch vs. 8ch. I have fewer than you, but more than others at 456 posts.
I'll start digging on actual post counts per channel…
187812 No.210161
Does anyone know what's happening with the sealed indictments?
6abe1c No.210162
NK is already in the dark, but they are still armed. What will it mean for them to be "plunged into darkness"? We tried to touch on this last night. If NK is bombed it will impact the Chinese economy (negatively). So how will we resolve the issue?
135611 No.210163
When I hear that so-and-so ate the placenta, I feel like throwing up. That it is shaped like a pizza just adds to the whole sickening creepshow. Good catch with the lyrics; seems like countless songs have either been trying to tell us something, or are gloating.
23955c No.210164
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Of the three motions “private individual” filed on 12/13, ONE of them sticks out like a sore thumb! Line 12 states- “Motion to Intervene/Friend of the Court/Amicus Brief (Fruit of the Poisonous Tree) of a Sitting President and His Family”
https:// americandigitalnews.com/2017/12/27/update-us-vs-flynn-case-fruit-poisonous-tree/#.Wke-USOZOu4
1c755c No.210166
UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS in response to >>207826
Dec 31 Psy (South Korea)
Dec 31 Donald Trump, Jr
Dec 31 King Salman (Saudi Arabia) *
* Date of royal succession for MSB, I believe
30e50d No.210167
Observe the puppets controlled by paper. The ease with which this happens and the mental gymnastic used by these people to justify their own actions is a testament to the degree of control this world is under.
This ends soon.
9e5c59 No.210168
>fix it. too important to fuck up like you have if your post count is off
36525b No.210169
Yes it is. But I do scripting (grep, sed, awk etc) … this is how I came to 464 posts. Yes, I have raw textdumps of my collection, I'll upload the TXTs to the anonfiles in a sec … you need text formatted for win, mac or lin ?
6abe1c No.210170
74cd52 No.210173
you might like these anon
837e59 No.210174
Isn't D-Day a military term?
fcc19d No.210176
050570 No.210177
How many died at Disneyland? How about Atlanta? NK will go dark, no power = no networks then you sneak in, sneak out
74cd52 No.210178
8ch Regime change habbened kek
d3359b No.210179
Gowdy has the power to vote against the funding bills for these corrupt agencies. He can also offer legislation to eliminate the FBI. Yea, it won't pass in the first instance but it will put the fear of God in these fucks. Pork and power are all these dirtbags care about. When Gowdy votes to eliminate their pork or eliminate their power entirely, then I'll take him seriously. Otherwise it's business as usual spewing faux outrage for the TEE-VEE cameras. Same goes for the rest of Congress. I'm fed-up with faux outrage and meaningless talk. That's all these fuckers do is talk and then proceed to waste our tax dollars by the trillions. It's time for these people to put up or shut the fuck up.
6abe1c No.210181
Take ten days, but when will it start? (If we are allowed to know)
70e0d0 No.210182
A shame that Gowdy is full of shit and probably corrupt.
b81fec No.210183
.txt - Currently on Mac using Atom. I don't know if it's CRLF or LF. I don't think Atom cares.
050570 No.210184
Walt Disney hotels now using bullshit 'Stephen Paddock' excuse to invade your privacy. This doesn't reek of cabal overlordism at all.
https ://www.yahoo.com/news/apos-chilling-reason-disney-hotels-161331541.html
d97ead No.210185
Lets hope he actually does it. Love Gowdy, and realize what he has had to deal with the past couple years, but now it is different. I would like to see some actual action by Gowdy instead of being a face on the mockingbird channels.
74cd52 No.210186
yesterday a helper posted
learn to decider - decipher lucis - lucid
fcc19d No.210188
_ = t in Morse code
Gematria(killtrogue) = G W Bush
1c755c No.210189
see my earlier message to you and see >>209896
do you want to work on >>207582 ?
I can dig on >>207831
Sound ok?
d8edc2 No.210190
Sure is shilly in here today.
6abe1c No.210191
281779 No.210192
Seeing Trey's name on this list is a serious kick in the ding ding. Crushed if he turns out to be dirty too…
1c755c No.210193
e1f397 No.210195
It's not a real list, we already debunked it. Larper on Twitter
9571d1 No.210198
Erica Garner died at 27 massive heart attack, maybe knew to much and how she got page from the podesta machine
16af75 No.210200
ffff42 No.210201
This. User changed name AFTER Q post re: kill_rogue. FAKE.
36525b No.210203
Not sure either, win does care though.
Upload is 2 txt's formatted for mac, posts are separated by a line of "########## [. . .]"
Let me know in case it doesn't work.
c1000b No.210204
Filter. move on. We give no fucks about your emotions.
Your like the guy that goes out of his way to make sure his pants are saggin so his "Ralph Lauren" boxers are showing, hoping bitches will think your important. You got them boxers at TJMAXX homie. NOBODY GIVEZAFUCK.
6abe1c No.210205
>and how she got page from the podesta machine
b81fec No.210206
My counts:
4ch: 233
8ch: 224
Total Q posts: 457
7b1b51 No.210207
John Forbes Kerry’s daughter, Dr Vanessa Kerry, has a foundation called the Seed Global Health program.
The State Dept gave $8 million between 2012/15 to the Peace Corps which then awarded the money to Dr Kerry’s foundation.
Dr Vanessa Kerry is married to Dr. Brian (Behrooz) Vala Nahid, an Iranian-American physician. What is significant is that as part of the wedding preparations, Kerry went to a dinner party hosted by George Soros at his Manhattan penthouse. He undoubtedly met the best man Mahdi Zarif, and also met his father, Mohammad Javad Zarif,current Iranian Foreign Minister, who acted as the chief negotiator during nuclear talks, across the table from Kerry. This revelation was made by former Congressman Allen West
03181a No.210208
Another Loser feels the need to howl at the Moon…
Bono: Trump a ‘Post-Truth President Leading a Post-Trust Country’
6abe1c No.210209
What is going on here???
6abe1c No.210211
36525b No.210212
Thank you. I'll cross-check with your q_raw.txt from your link above.
fe7313 No.210214
Nice dig Anon. Keep going and share your crumbs
3f455d No.210215
Anybody wanting to research Canadian "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women" #MMIW hashtag…the RCMP is covering the murders…because they're in on it…?
Look at their national committee to look into the massive problem www.mmiwg-ffada.ca - looks good but it's a mess:
"The inquiry has been hampered with setbacks, delays and resignations since its launch in September 2016. Families of the victims have also accused the inquiry of disorganization and poor communication."
Why have they had so many problems?
"The inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women is crumbling amid defections, bureaucratic chaos and personal conflict. Inside the meltdown—and the desperate bid to turn things around"
"Police were often late to launch investigations, many of which were haphazardly carried out; and politicians just didn’t seem to care. Only three years ago, survivors, families of the dead and missing, and the wider Indigenous community had been galled to hear Stephen Harper, the former prime minister, say an inquiry into the issue wasn’t “high” on “his radar.”
"We have seen this all before, in fact: the whispers of a power struggle. Of a “toxic culture.” Of soul-destroying delays, high profile resignations, lost friendships and disagreements that could not be overcome."
WHO is intentionally murdering thousands of people and WHY don't the police care…huge cover-up/corruption here because they can't even get a committee together!…I'm sure you can tie Trudeau (and Harper) to it.
c1000b No.210218
e19048 No.210219
What chatter about LV and CO on NYE?
I need to know.
59279e No.210220
AZ National Guard military police unit deploys to Guantanamo
Posted: Dec 29, 2017 6:04 PM EST
Updated: Dec 29, 2017 6:04 PM EST
www. azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military-police-unit-deploys-to-guantanamo
c4c2c3 No.210222
b81fec No.210224
These didn't come thru with the line feeds. In other words, each document is exactly 1 line long. Will you try another format? I'd like to reconcile as well.
210690 No.210226
loretta lynch
john kerry
susan rice
cheryll mills
sally yates
these are all players in the Obama/Clinton machine. do we have all their connections?
58a715 No.210227
Her dad Eric Garner that the police killed in NY for selling single cigarettes, they probably used her as an activist pawn like we see with BLM ANTIFA etc and Im sure they paid her well
74cd52 No.210228
187812 No.210230
We're here just spinning our wheels waiting for Q
fe7313 No.210231
Top Kek Meme
Pepe is kek
fa5a2c No.210232
Bono is about to be taken down & gone forever. Very bad dude, hes not your average gay rockstar. Rockstar was/is a front.
6abe1c No.210233
50 NG to GTMO! Going to be a full house soon.
c1e3c9 No.210234
Can someone start a thread with the countries that have been liberated, changed Goverments so far? This what we are writing is a road map for the kids that are going to follow, HISTORY. We know it started with the US, then Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe was next I think? And in South Africa, they chose Cyril Ramaphosa as the President of the ANC.
1c755c No.210235
b81fec No.210236
Your raw text came thru as 1 very long line per file. Will you try another format? I'd like to reconcile as well.
74cd52 No.210237
when does a mockingbird sing?
5ba4c3 No.210238
c4c2c3 No.210239
Well I sure hope he found what he was looking for.
36525b No.210240
repost in lin & win formatting (i.e. 4 files)
8bd44d No.210241
Still looking at this, for me nothing return on 0seek0
6abe1c No.210242
"We don't want to telegraph to the world who is going and who they are and who is performing this mission because they all have families that are still back here while they are doing this mission overseas," said Col. Baldwin.
"This is a very secure, very sensitive, but a very important mission. I can assure you that our soldiers will do it to the best of their ability, " added Sgt. Major Zamora.
97021b No.210244
Baker - been away, possibly already discussed. if not, can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Should be required reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
fe7313 No.210245
Pretty much a waste of time. Almost every country on the planet has had significant regime change
e6adf7 No.210246
July 2015 Susan Rice Admits Secret ‘Side Deals’ with Iran "White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice admitted the existence of two secret “side deals” between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to accompany the main Iran nuclear deal agreed last week between Iran and the P5+1 powers (U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China)."
187812 No.210248
Where and when was this statement made?
1c755c No.210249
b81fec No.210251
As much as I hate to say this, Win format FTW!
c4c2c3 No.210252
I'll take that as a 'no' lol
8924b2 No.210253
Q is talking to @hublife on periscope. Listen to his casts. The info is interspersed with his political campaign. But there is lots of intel there. In yesterday's about half way through he explains where the info is coming from.
ac23af No.210254
search here:
https:// www.legistorm.com/memberdisclosure/2794/Rep_Trey_Gowdy.html
c4b0d8 No.210255
Follow the directions in the image
03181a No.210256
215fff No.210258
Trey Gowdy?!
256bc7 No.210260
This isn't the first time a storm has been talked about by a president.
George W. said in his inaugural speech: "After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: 'We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?' "
This article discusses it the Bush quote and even contains the following statement: "it is highly critical that Page wrote this statement in the form of a question; the Illuminati makes excellent use of such questions in Mind Control techniques."
http://www. cuttingedge.org/news/n1464.cfm
Sounds a lot like what is going on here doesnt' it?
The angel George W. is referring to is Lucifer and we are in Trump/Q's calm before the storm. The coming storm will be world war III as outlined by Albert Pike.
1b8273 No.210261
YW. Write on it what happened etc.
36525b No.210263
Hahaha, duly noted.
c4a5de No.210264
Of course Gowdy is dirty. What the fuck have we learned? They won't let you near power, unless. But, he also hates Crooked, that's clear, so he's on someone else's leash/faction.
59279e No.210265
"We don't want to telegraph to the world who is going and who they are and who is performing this mission because they all have families that are still back here while they are doing this mission overseas," said Col. Baldwin.
"This is a very secure, very sensitive, but a very important mission. I can assure you that our soldiers will do it to the best of their ability, " added Sgt. Major Zamora.
6abe1c No.210266
I'm not sure knowing who owns the townhouse will help. We need to know who rented it. The renters had the computer. I tried to look up the renters last night and came up pretty empty. No FB, no articles, etc.
fe7313 No.210267
It would be a mistake to assume the person leading crumbs to Hublife (Ben Dilley) is actually Q. It might be someone on Q's team, someone who is filtering out a much sanitized version of the crumbs we get here.
There is data being given to Hublife, but none of it was new to cbts
c4b0d8 No.210268
No. Not really. If someone has to label their account "patriot," what does that mean to you?
b81fec No.210269
OK, I've got some scripting to do to reconcile. Sending some good sed/awk prayers your way.
187812 No.210270
6abe1c No.210272
www. azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military-police-unit-deploys-to-guantanamo
10a395 No.210273
9 months, going to be a fun ride!
59279e No.210275
http:// www.azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military-police-unit-deploys-to-guantanamo
6abe1c No.210276
They are dense and too busy screwing around.
187812 No.210277
Thank you very much
6a6605 No.210278
gonna be alot of fuckers picked up and money flowing into the us treasury very soon. jiggy dance meme this.
ffff42 No.210280
More likely than the stupid twatter account.
36525b No.210281
Same here, will be checking your data.
ffa7c3 No.210282
Don't know if this has been dropped already, but just in case it hasn't here it is. I cannot get into Pacer to verify but it's blazing through the net like crazy. Looks official. https://www.docdroid. net/zmVDhA4/d2-peter-munk-george-soros-cheney-paul-wolfowitz-hwbush-gwbush-john-kerry-clinton-september-11-attack.pdf see also on twitter: twitter.com/brianGPowell
6abe1c No.210283
www. azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military-police-unit-deploys-to-guantanamo
d97ead No.210285
no sweetie, that war would have happened if Hillary had won.
> How new are you
19e019 No.210286
How was this derived? Not directly spelled out as such in searching the entire Q posts….
(scratching head).
c4b0d8 No.210287
6abe1c No.210289
"Colonel Baldwin tells Arizona's Family there are plumbers, electricians, Amazon and Intel employees among those being deployed."
Wait, AMAZON employees???
16af75 No.210290
e6adf7 No.210292
qcodefag.github.io has 391 Q post, stops 12/21/17. why aren't Q's post after 12/21/17 listed?
97021b No.210293
OMG this guy is prominently listed on that great cabal map, got to see it, Fukin BRILLIANT
Baker - been away, possibly already discussed. if not, can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Should be required reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
c4a5de No.210294
He endorsed Rubio and changes hairstyles every month, like a faggot. No one should be shocked if he's later exposed as a pederast
ac23af No.210295
50 police officers.
6abe1c No.210297
And AMAZON employees!?
70e34b No.210298
don't forget that science and the disclosures has also been totally controlled by those JUST out of power! POTUS has the facts now, bye bye Paris accord! and WH "global warminl" page. Yet still no explanation
c4b0d8 No.210299
Furthermore, data for 2017 isn't coming from income taxes or other declarations because SURPRISE! no one has reported 2017 income yet. It's like 2017 isn't over yet or something.
6abe1c No.210301
59279e No.210302
national Guard member have normal full time jobs then when deployed have to go with the Military.
1b8273 No.210304
If we didn't ban, we wouldn't be able to work.
It would be a shitshow like half was.
This morning we have posts saying bakers have been banned.
No bakers have come here to say they were, despite my post asking them to.
Again, if any good anons have been wrongly banned, appeal it and it will be revoked.
>still crickets
c4b0d8 No.210305
396 posts for me, last date 12/25.
5adf39 No.210306
Flattard detected
6abe1c No.210307
This is fake. Its been floating around for a while. They wouldn't be prosecuted in Nevada.
ac23af No.210308
why so many military cops?
Me thinks the military trials will begin in 2018.
e99088 No.210309
What are you finding Anon? Anything on NOrth Pole?
ffa7c3 No.210312
Don't know. I can't get into PACER in NV to check, I've searched the web and it's being posted everywhere but I can't find an "Official Source". I'm hoping one of you autists can confirm/deny.
6abe1c No.210313
GTMO needs a webcam :-)
ffff42 No.210315
Rosanne deleted all of her twats today.
After this shit show yesterday:
See this post:
e6adf7 No.210316
There was a scandal about Manmohan Singh paying for votes on some Nuclear Deal!
36525b No.210317
Yes, about qcodefag @ github we're not sure why posts have apparently dropped off, or aren't there. AFAIK and for now we couldn't locate/notify the anon who hosts the page.
97021b No.210319
OMG this guy is yuge major player in India, actually listed on that great cabal map, Fukin BRILLIANT
Baker - been away, possibly already discussed. if not, can this go in "Research Threads and Findings". Should be required reading for Everyfag wanting to dig. It is fukin'BRILLIANT!!
39d0e0 No.210452
Good catch- interesting…