ed4447 No.208626
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Anon on informed views: >>201644 to >>201644
>informed views
Hard to do when everyone has a different idea of what those are. Have you ever had a conversation
before that included people who thought Jesus was returning now, people who think aliens are coming
now, people who think Satan is leading a cult, and people who think Hitler was an ok guy, all while
attempting to free your country? We all know we've been lied to. We all have totally different
expectations of the truth. Its fascinating from a people-watching perspective. Humanity struggling
to find common ground on truths both mundane and sacred, in live action, with a worldwide audience.
We are active participants in a stranger reality than most sci fi movies now.
ed4447 No.208627
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— SATURDAY / 23 Dec 17 —
>>154468 to >>154372
>>154505 to >>154429
>>154535 to >>154477
>>154583 to >>154493
>>154682 to >>154644
>>158144 to >>158096
>>158162 to >>158138
>>158219 to >>158194, >>158202
>>158980 to >>158952
>>159016 to >>158980
— FRIDAY / 22 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
>>146147 to >>146134
>>146268 to >>146142
>>146328 to >>146206
>>146454 to >>146326
>>148746 to >>148634
>>148761 to >>148729
>>148848 to >>148751
>>151134 (Wikileaks Stringer?)
>>154468 to >>154372
>>154505 to >>154429
>>154535 to >>154477
>>154583 to >>154493
>>154682 to >>154644
ed4447 No.208630
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above earlier today >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
>>184700 Top Kek
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>201363 anon on the Papacy
>>201391 crumbs by an anon
>>201435 anon on Iran deal
>>201466 anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 We are on RT
>>201697 Steve Job's wife
>>201709 P = Philippe
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201927 planefaggotry summarization
>>201953, >>201955 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>192250 BREAKING House Intelligence Committee Issues Subpoena In Search of McCain Evidence in Trump Dossier Scandal
>>191147 More crumbs for us?
>>190329 Crumbs for us? & >>190337
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184800 It's [0] in the countdown
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
>>181689 More decoded stringers
>>168555 NEW - Stringer thread has a decode, folks. It involves Seth Rich and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
>>172153, DoD Tweet
>>162785, Q's post
http://archive.4plebs .org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147433975
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
>>139686 to >>139380
https://twitter .com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https://www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>141931, >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
>>139851 to >>139840
>>142996 to >>142811 (Exchange)
ed4447 No.208632
'NEW Who is P? >>202645
NEW FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
The Asia Foundation >>15984
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FBIAnon AMA Transcript >>137237
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Isreal & Zionism >>1398
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Rothschild Family >>1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>139091
Red Cross >>40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
The British Connections >>117841
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Stringers, military courts >>189447
ed4447 No.208633
Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http://qarchives .ml/
Text: [4chan] https://pastebin .com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https://pastebin .com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https://anonfile .com/43C4q9d5ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.12.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https://dropfile .to/2UrnCy7
The Book of Q: https://pastebin .com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http://www.db-q .com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet .com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A)
Q turned A: https://anonfile .com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https://ufile. io/nmyy0
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited. https://pastebin.com/ BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 - https://pastebin.com /PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced - https://pastebin.com/ uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free information: >>152634
For site archival: https://archive .fo/
Marine Codes: http://marineparents .com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
ed4447 No.208636
Before posting links, put a space before the first dot after the site's name.
e.g. http://twitter .com http://en.wikipedia .org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Batter & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the batter below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the batter used for this bread.
Last batter: https://pastebin .com/2Lr1JNGg
ed4447 No.208638
/// Extra Instructions/Guidelines for Experienced Bakers
/// By choosing to become a baker, you have accepted a few responsibilities.
/// Which concerns the information provided by the bread. In other words:
/// How to make the bread tasty?:
/// - Read every post on the previous thread(s). Even if skimming through, by your experience,
/// you will (generally) notice a few posts standing out from the rest. Add those
/// to the previous notable posts part of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Follow the news. As with notable posts, include relevant news in the news part
/// of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Do not include a collection of links in any part of the bread.
/// e.g. …/part1.zip …/part2.zip …/part3.zip
/// This makes the bread take unnecessary amounts of space, making it harder to read.
/// Instead, collect the links and make a post inside or preferably outside the general
/// thread, and include the post instead. Alternatively, you can collect them all in a
/// pastebin.com paste, and include the link of that.
/// - Above all, please understand:
/// A bread is meant for consumption. If you fill it with tasteless stuff, it will
/// become unedible. Ideally, every bread would be read by each anon, and it would
/// bring them up to speed, even if they have been away for a while.
/// There is simply too much noise(flaming, shills, stupidity etc.) in the threads,
/// which makes them very hard to follow consistently. As a baker, by including the
/// tasty stuff, you bring *some* order to this chaos. Chaos, in many ways, defines us.
/// But there still needs to be a balance. (You), baker, are the balance.
/// "Perfection is achieved,
/// Not when there is nothing more to add,
/// But when there is nothing left to take away."
/// - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
/// Godspeed.
a89e66 No.208640
Ignore shills and work.
ed4447 No.208642
Sorry for the emergency bake guys
966c40 No.208647
https: //www.go-fiji.com/flag.html
bc700a No.208660
LOL You put your name all over it.
966c40 No.208661
might want to check into these books https: //foia.state.gov/searchapp/DOCUMENTS/Litigation_Jul2017/F-2015-06322/DOC_0C06016710/C06016710.pdf
2787ae No.208662
Good job, Baker. Merry 6th day of Christmas (EST), anons!
8ef183 No.208663
No doubt. It's going viral hard. I think the researchers and meme-ists here should have a brew and enjoy the lull and get some sleep; it's because of their efforts that this is happening. Q will return when there's new info to communicate.
295230 No.208664
March 17
https:/. /threatpost.com/apt-attackers-flying-more-false-flags-than-ever/116814/
Mar 18
Mar 19
http:/ /allnewspipeline.com/Are_They_Preparing_A_Massive_DC_False_Flag.php
f73c9c No.208665
You are seriously stupid.
War does not fall under "maritime law"…Military action and military ships in action do not either. You are just plane stupid.
2fe5c7 No.208666
Russian ships?
Aren't those the pics of Chinese and Korean ships from 2 days ago? (They are)
Try harder, glow-nigger.
295230 No.208667
d801eb No.208668
names are for friends
fuck muslim tho
46d858 No.208670
Thank you, Baker!
d36b54 No.208671
Its like watching a virus spread in real time. Its fucking neat
431370 No.208672
It is so simple!
I am so tired of group think.
afe1fb No.208673
The fact you even interpreted it as a code hinting at something more meaningful is enough.
As to who is doing the eating? Well, let me just say… some of you are tasty.
74f747 No.208674
don't delude yourself. nothing has happened until we see these criminals in hand cuffs. PERIOD
ed4447 No.208676
didn't mean to do that actually. meant to sign but I forgot to delete and was in a hurry
d103dd No.208677
Yes they are, but the report of Russian vessels doing the same thing was not tied to that photo.
f73c9c No.208678
Are you fucking retarded? Do you think I am going to doxx myself? Sorry, I am not a burned out drama whore that needs attention and his safe space when things stressful.
You obviously are a noob fag. Or you would have realized I have been on here a very long time. I dont need to prove myself to faggot like you.
2fe5c7 No.208679
Dear Lord, please bless this bread we have received and grant us the wisdom to contribute to it abundantly. Guide us to dank-memes and damning-info and rain down flaming sulfur on the corrupt 3-letter fags and shill-nigs. Amen
2787ae No.208680
Advice on Email Sauce
When providing a pic of something saucy from the email dump, provide two bits of info.
1) A direct link to the PDF.
2) The page number of the pic referenced.
Without this info, expect to be flamed, filtered, or challenged.
33da1d No.208681
Very unusual meme, anon, kek
d801eb No.208682
Its okay blueballs, we love you
15defb No.208683
2fe5c7 No.208684
Did you provide a report?
5cf789 No.208685
part of redpilling i guess
a31754 No.208686
Beautiful bread, Baker. WTG. Good to see all of the ingredients!
46d858 No.208688
7e606f No.208690
Jordan’s King arrests Brothers and cousin in suspected Saudi led coup
539356 No.208691
can you both just shut the fuck up? make your own thread if you want to kissypoo back and forth
d36b54 No.208692
Kek you magnificent bastard
2fe5c7 No.208693
"You are just 'plane' stupid… "
Yeah, as in stupid, regarding airplanes… or something. Lol
f73c9c No.208694
You are asking an Anon for "verification"?
Lololololol Who made you the board commie dictator? Faggot.
99fda8 No.208695
She stole furniture from the white house. You don't think she's above stealing books for her home library?
2fe5c7 No.208696
Fuck… No wonder Q bailed. The storm was like, "Oh shit, the NORMIE-STORM is coming!"
295230 No.208697
I oft times wonder if this is a test from Q, those who pass will prob be recruited …..
8ef183 No.208698
Absolutely. I'm overawed by the caliber of intellect here.
244643 No.208699
What a fuckin witch. She needs to hang.
f73c9c No.208700
Ooh-rah, Devil Dog
2787ae No.208701
Baker, this may be important for the batter, just until the emails have been sifted.
d8694e No.208704
2fb3ac No.208705
Well I'm fucked. Started digging into spy satellites and now everything is leading to aliens
2fe5c7 No.208706
At this rate, Muzzie bitches are going to be driving cars in Iran by Monday.
7c1599 No.208707
Dont give a fuk. Oh, look, I typed fuK without the 'c'. Little drama whore needs a safe space now. Run, hide…cry you little 14000 IQ super master power super human with 15 graduate degrees. Lol
244643 No.208708
Maybe it is cruel to hang HRC. Maybe burn her at the stake instead.
a2d7af No.208709
There are no coincidences. Right?
294164 No.208710
15defb No.208711
The rabbit hole,lol
d801eb No.208712
d8694e No.208713
Wonder how many know what "keel haul" means and why it was used and what the method was?
33da1d No.208715
Getting security warning from that site.
Archive shows HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found
2fe5c7 No.208716
When you find yourself in the "aliens" rabbit-hole, double-back… You got disinfo'd somewhere, because you were likely onto something. Something less-exciting than aliens.
7c1599 No.208717
Are you triggered? Things didnt go your way, lil guy. You got your ass handed to you on this board, so you might want to STFU from now on.
d8694e No.208718
Well, your not going to see top dogs like that.
To much civil unrest would occur doing that.
244643 No.208719
There are SO MANY Satanists to take out. Be patient.
2fe5c7 No.208721
Ummm… Actually, I wasn't the person you initially responded to. I just pointed out your stupidity, whilst calling another anon "plane stupid".
But sperg out some more, I need a laugh.
7c1599 No.208722
Lots of glow stick niggaz in here
Same for safe space needing Nancy boys with 15 degrees and superhuman IQ
7e606f No.208723
Ok sorry try this one There are plenty covering it
966c40 No.208724
haiti… and pedophiles mentioned https: //foia.state.gov/searchapp/DOCUMENTS/Litigation_Jul2017/F-2015-06322/DOC_0C06001520/C06001520.pdf
243f11 No.208725
Page 2 is big on this - clearly stated WikiLeaks source is a ‘fully cleared intelligence officer’ —- in other words - the Obama administration and Hillary knew it was an inside job and not a ‘Russian hacker’
d8694e No.208726
You got a point there
2fe5c7 No.208727
I got my ass handed to me? Lmao… When?
Are you that same shill-fag from earlier? You must be "plane stupid".
244643 No.208728
HRC is a sick fuck. Burn her.
7c1599 No.208729
Whilst…lol…Anon used whilst.
You really are a prissy faggot, arent you? Go run to your little safe space now that the big bad wolf said "faggot."
If you are so smart and strong, send me your name and address. Or are you afraid? Or better yet, use your superhuman IQ and find me.
0bff6a No.208730
Benjamin Gran – killed in Amtrak crash
The central figure in the BoyLovers.com investigation, Robert Mikelsons, was accused of sexually assaulting at least 86 children and has since been sentenced to 19 years in a Dutch prison.
>>>> Investigators describe Gran as a close friend of Mikelsons and a fellow supporter of the movement to legitimize the sexual abuse of children. <<<<<<<
http://www.seattlepi. com/local/article/Charge-Auburn-boylover-caught-with-child-4579970.php
We would not 'intentionally' harm a person in the pursuit of a TARGET.
This was retaliatory re: ATL.
33da1d No.208731
King Abdullah of Jordan has dismissed three members of the royal family including two of his brothers from the army in a major shake-up in the powerful establishment with sources saying the dismissed individuals were planning a coup and had contacted de facto Saudi ruler Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
King Abdullah has decided to retire his brothers, prince Faisal and Alifrom the army, citing a 'restructuring' plan, Petra news agency reported.
His cousin prince Talal has also been dismissed after a long service as a commander in the special service. The three are now reportedly under house arrest.
The development came as Abdullah prepares his eldest son, Crown prince Hussein to take on a more prominent role following his recent graduation from the top British military academy, Sandhurst.
Over the recent past, Jordan has been moving away from Saudi Arabia and getting closer to Turkey in ongoing regional political realignments much to the chagrin of bin Salman.
Al-Aqsa Mosque located in al-Quds (Jerusalem), the third holiest place in Islam, is under the authority of the King of Jordan through past agreements. The Jordanian monarch is reportedly under intense Saudi-US pressure to accept President Donald Trump's declaration on al-Quds as the capital of the Israeli regime.
Jordan has so far sided with majority of Muslim states in rejecting Trump’s al-Quds declaration and this explains why the Jordanian king was present at the OIC summit in Istanbul despite being under huge pressure to boycott it. The Summit was boycotted by Saudi Arabia, the host of the OIC headquarters, which only sent a junior foreign ministry official.
2fe5c7 No.208732
Oh, you wanna be friends now? That's just "plane stupid".
2fe5c7 No.208734
Who's triggered? Lol
7c1599 No.208735
No, no, you got up the ass and you liked it.
Shill-fag with a hyphen. How proper we are on inf chan arent you, lil fat faggot.
Lol fuckin noob shill
2fb3ac No.208736
I have but it keeps happening. Problem is I do thing aliens exist. It's something I feel is totally possible E.T.s or fallen angels could be a thing.
42c82a No.208737
Since a lot of info is redacted from these emails there are still lots of name leads and email subjects to take note of.
d8694e No.208738
You really want that to happen?
You may not like the results.
2fe5c7 No.208739
Lock this glowing-faggot up!
966c40 No.208740
guys this is no joke… "long sleep cure"
the long sleep is death
death cure or life extension
drinking blood of young people to extend life
i found this in the new release but i can't remember which page… fuck i swear its legit tho
6390eb No.208741
Nice work and no worries. :)
2fe5c7 No.208743
Alright… But when you get to the end of the rainbow and all you find is John Podesta and a bunch of pizza, don't say the anon didn't warn ya.
c3f9b1 No.208744
Why are many of the links to Q's posts broken up top here? Who's deleting breads??? WTF!!
7c1599 No.208745
Oh, look, I repeat what someone says to me and that makes me so badass.
Fucking dumb, arent you? I am starting to feel sorry for your fat gay ass. I am laughing my ass off and recording this interaction for my jewtube channel. Look for it in a few hours, you are going to be famous…faggot. lol
d8694e No.208747
I'm guessing you have no clue as to what pizza means to them, right?
5cf789 No.208748
2fe5c7 No.208749
Are you 12? Or just "plane-stupid"?
(Notice the hyphen i put in "plane-stupid").
Hang it up kid, you suck at this.
2fb3ac No.208750
I'd still fuck him up and save the kids. I know Podesta and Kilary believe in aliens.
2787ae No.208752
d8694e No.208753
Another /pol/ ahole.
Just filter that shit, and you'll be good to go.
7c1599 No.208754
Bring it!
Son, you have no idea who you are dealing with. Put away the lil guy bravado and protect yourself. Better yet since you are spouting threats, send me your address or name…You are so tough, arent you?
0bff6a No.208755
Pedo killed on Amtrak was best buds with a serial abuser in the Netherlands, Robert Mikelsons…
The investigation "led to child pornography traffickers in 7 countries and counting. It was a vast global network and, unthinkably, just the tip of the iceberg."
33da1d No.208756
Its possible, sure, just outside the scope of our investigation. We arent actual intel agents so we cant prove anything about angels or ayys. If it comes up later, it comes up.
2fe5c7 No.208757
Can anyone verify this shit from Plebbit?
42c82a No.208758
Subject: Re: MEMO: Good idea on Afghanistan. Sid "
"Goodbye AL.
Add to list.
"Trip code on 4 working.
We don't like to say his name.
7c1599 No.208759
No, because then I cant trapxk down the faggots. One isnt using a good VPN…Wont take long…..
7e606f No.208760
Signs of the world deep state fighting back This King’s a 33 degree mason etc etc etc
afe1fb No.208761
Okay anons, let me pose the question.
What if Q never comes back? What will you do?
f7932b No.208762
What is Lynn saying? Leaving on last flight of Dec 31?
7c1599 No.208763
Waiting on your name, faggot. Scared?
d8694e No.208764
Nothing about amtrack other than a revenge attack by antifa for throwing people out of the us by demoncraps.
7c1599 No.208765
431370 No.208766
TY, Anon. Just doing it Anonymously
966c40 No.208767
i'm trying to track it down…. i copied the wrong URL when i posted it originally and now i can't find my way back
1157c9 No.208768
I checked https://pastebin. com/hgW5q5Kx and don't see anything about hiv/aids
2fe5c7 No.208769
Lol… You know you triggered the fuck out of someone who was being just "plane stupid", when they go make a Youtube video about how they got BTFO.
Personally, I recommend some personal-reflection, some calming tea, and perhaps a warm, relaxing, bubble-bath. Nevermind… That suggestion is just "plane stupid".
d8694e No.208771
Q already stated we have all the info needed.
So get up off your fat lazy ass and start connecting the fucking dots!
33da1d No.208772
Live. Be. Exist. Same as ever, hopefully a little happier, in a nicer world.
7c1599 No.208773
Faggot. What is taking you so long? The obesity issue making things difficult? Anxiety issues? Panic attacks? Didnt take your meds today? Mommy didnt rub your back? Someone took your safe space, snowflake? Someone making fun of your idol HRC? Triggered lil fella?
d8694e No.208775
Your problem when you get to the bubble bath…shit!
2fe5c7 No.208776
My name? C'mon… Giving my name out on 8chan would just be "plane stupid".
But alright… My name is Goldstein. Richard Goldstein. You can call me Dick.
15defb No.208777
Go on living life , just knowing these scums get what's coming to them will be justice served.
294107 No.208778
5cf789 No.208779
So, what is ATL? I thought it was atlanta when the post came out…….when Q confirmed this was retaliatory im not sure what he meant
2787ae No.208780
46d858 No.208781
That's from a prior FOIA release.
Did you see it in today's Weiner release too?
33da1d No.208783
http:// archive.is/7d5lw
Try this
2fe5c7 No.208784
Wow… This guy really is having a tantrum. Either that, or he's just "plane stupid".
f38fdc No.208785
The "pedo" was autistic and got wrongfully caught up with the real pedo. Do your research
5cf789 No.208786
Hopefully spending time in a better world…but for now it seems more purposeful to be here
7c1599 No.208787
I thought you were going to find me, faggot. Too busy getting it up the ass again? Waiting faggot. Show me your amazing skills and intellect from those 50 degrees you have…your super human IQ, faggot…
Pussy cant do anything. Nothing.
d8694e No.208788
Am-Track was a retaliatory attack on we the people, (fucking cowards) for the removal of refugees at ATL airport from my understanding, by the demoncraps.
2787ae No.208789
My Residual Christmas Cheer will continue tomorrow. Goodnight, fags. Patriots make the dough rise.
2fb3ac No.208790
Honestly it's just as likely to end in aliens as anything at this point. So fuck it I'm going to keep them on my radar.
7c1599 No.208791
Faggot, waiting…faggot shill got called out. Still waiting. Thought you were going to find me.
Check jewtube soon…faggot.
966c40 No.208792
yes i linked to it
0bff6a No.208793
Oh yeah????
In Holland we have our own ‘little’ elite pedophile scandal. Joris Demmink was the secretary-general of the Dutch Justice department and he has been accused of child abuse for decades, see Jason’s post. This video shows how Dutch officials run child trafficking and pornography for the elite.
In the nineties the Rolodex investigation targeted some high ranking Dutch officials accused of child abuse, but failed to find anything. Although Demmink was officially not a subject of this investigation, he was very closely related to many of the subjects and he held a high ranking position at the Justice department. Investigators later said the investigation was ‘blown from the inside’.
In 2012 Robert Mikelson was the sole convict in a vast child pornography case in Amsterdam. Even though he told the police he delivered the material on request, the case was closed and no further investigation was done. Demmink was the highest ranking Justice official at the time. Marc Dutroux obviously was part of a large network, but no one else was convicted.
https://www.corbettreport. com/pedophiles-in-politics-an-open-source-investigation/
https://hooktube. com/watch?v=nmeYiR-yyS4
7c1599 No.208794
Waiting…what's taking you so long, fat boy?
33da1d No.208795
Absolutely. Follow your intuition.
15defb No.208797
ATL, airport , they were gonna blow off bombs and kill thousands, we foiled it they retaliated, believe he was a star witness against the pedos, he was a sicky himself, train wreck no more witness.
d8694e No.208798
Filter and move on.
Best way to the truth, knock out the BS.
7c1599 No.208799
Health problems? That obesity issue again?
15defb No.208800
The room is so calm tonight,lol
966c40 No.208801
email exchange with lynn de rothschild
https: //foia.state.gov/searchapp/DOCUMENTS/Litigation_Jul2017/F-2015-06322/DOC_0C06064225/C06064225.pdf
2fe5c7 No.208802
I was going to "find" you?
Listen sweetheart… I'm sure you're a really nice girl and all. But, I have a girlfriend (Solid 8.5) and I'm really not interested in your YouTube video that you made for me.
Maybe try making a mix-tape for the next guy? Best of luck. Runs long now. I'm sure Mr. Brock could use another cup of Joe.
62625e No.208803
Q, I made you a beautiful drawing.
Am I on right track?
If no, where to look?
7c1599 No.208805
I thought you had 15 Arts' degrees? Graduate ones too. So you obviously can find me, right? What's taking so long…………
Faggot shill
154381 No.208806
Hi Q, did the ATL "extraction" refer to a person, or something else, like stuff from the CDC?
2fe5c7 No.208807
Eh, I'm eating and taking a break… This shit is comical. Also, never bothered with filtering. Not even sure how it works.
ca7383 No.208808
This may be something
NFL canceled (moved actually) their night game on Sunday night 12/31
Poss false flag instead?
33da1d No.208809
>those women who never stop dreaming
>heard you cant sleep at night
YFW we are fighting a female Freddy Krueger
0458b8 No.208811
I am asking this information be passed to "Q" anon and POTUS. Outlining how I was a member of Special Grand Jury (which investigates the government) and the crimes that happened to us, to interfere with this process of justice and the continuation of investigations and sharing into with all levels of law enforcement. Still over a decade has passed and the drug running/child prosti is fully operational. (Deep State)
I spoke with a friend, who is an assistant D.A. in another county. He said "The FEDs will never shut this down, they are too afraid of stepping on toes". Meaning all the different groups of guys (CIA) who are running drugs and HT makes it so the feds will not do their jobs!
To "Q", this file is a 7-zip (compress/encrypt) folder. If you want the password, you have to call the US Attorney of the Western District of VA. His name is Rick Mountcastle. My liaison was AUSA Anthony Giorno. Tony will know the password by heart. Just call him and say, "There is a gentleman from Charlotte County Virginia, I need his password, to open his encrypted package, and he says you have his password" … Please consider sharing with Potus! Would be nice if he ordered Mountcastle to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
I even include the identity of the actual CiaNigger (8chan speak) local operations management.
The most effective weapon against crime is cooperation … The efforts of all law enforcement agencies; with the support of the American people ~J. Edgar Hoover
http://s0 00.tinyupload.com/?file_id=20020498102559677329
d8694e No.208812
Fuck off!
False (You)
Missing more than just a few words in my original statement!
Neck yourself!
5cf789 No.208814
fuck normal chics dont talk like that to eachother - fucking psychos! loyal adoring pal? xoxox?
33da1d No.208815
2fe5c7 No.208816
Little retarded girl… Scroll back up to the top of the page and retrace your posts. I was not the same anon who was going to "find" you. Nor did I ever claim to have 15 degrees. You are a lunatic. And frankly, just "plane stupid".
0458b8 No.208817
They did get one, but he is getting easy street in Feb, to easy!!!
https://ww w.justice.gov/usao-wdva
http://southsidemessenger.com/ billy-dunn-charged-with-sexual-battery-accused-of-abusing-5-year-old-boy/
http://ww w.thecharlottegazette.com/2017/07/05/dunn-faces-third-assault-charge/
7c1599 No.208819
Sweetheart? You ARE a faggot!!! Lol
Mix-tape with another hyphen?! Lolololol you really are dumb! No hyphen, faggot.
Hitlery shill fag. You got caught and your sneaking shilling didnt work. Adios, shillfag
33da1d No.208820
Maybe you should send this to Trumps attorney or something?
d8694e No.208821
Play offs.
Get your panties out of a wad.
They always change that shit up when it's this close to super bowl.
2fe5c7 No.208822
But, at this point… Myself and likely many others are interested in seeing your wacko YouTube video. Go ahead and post it here.
e6140b No.208823
Sealed Indictments
Each indictment can name numerous defendants, esp if there are allegations of criminal conspiracy. So, take the number of reported indictments and multiply by x for the number of actual defendants. 20,000? 30,000? Gitmo can house 30,000. There were only a few dozen there last month.
7c1599 No.208824
20 degrees?! Oops, sorry…
1000 IQ, right?
33da1d No.208825
Please stop filling the thread with this.
8efab8 No.208826
Its a bot run by the clowns. Filter both and move on.
Simple psychology on this one; 25 rules of disinformation #5, name calling and ridicule and #8, invoke authority.
7c1599 No.208827
Find it…just like you were going to find me….
Scary guy you are…you have mad skills. All hail the commie shill!
123eb3 No.208828
>War does not fall under "maritime law"…Military action and military ships in action do not either.
There are two kinds of people that argue law- lawyers and retards
7c1599 No.208829
Commie speaking for the others…yup, ok…commies always try to control things.
Adiosm, shillfag. You got caught. And still cant find me. But, hey, you are a super genius!
c3f9b1 No.208830
Kek. Yeah, 60 million eyeballs are about to be on Q's posts. The world will redpill itself. We have all helped build the Library Of Q, and now they can find the truth.
0bff6a No.208831
>Do your research
I am. He was basically the only fall guy (besides Mikelson) in a huge global elite network of pedos that spanned 7 countries+
Maybe it's more than random antifa copycats.
Or, maybe you're right. It was just a "coincidence."
7e606f No.208832
Then there’s The King Hussein foundation created a year after his father’s passing. Chaired by his wife Noor an American citizen.
March 2005 article http://
2fe5c7 No.208833
Sorry… How do I filter this wack-job? I've never done it. But, this dude is off the chart nutty.
d8694e No.208834
Yep, and guess who gets screwed over by them because they don't understand them…people like YOU.
GTFO shill!
7c1599 No.208835
You were proven wrong by several Anons and instead of admitting it, you tried to yap your way out of it with excuses and bs. Sorry, but you are still a faggot that doesnt have enough IQ to be on this board.
Hitlery shill
e6140b No.208836
How do you say, Show us your tits, in Farsi?
0bff6a No.208837
>train wreck no more witness
adds up.
8efab8 No.208838
Do not talk to shillbots, it feeds the AI algorithm. (I guess shills need sleep sometimes)
The Clowns will use your emotions against you.
They will use your fear.
They will use your hate.
They will use your anger.
They will use your concern.
They will confuse and bewilder you.
They will argue with you and among themselves and banter.
Filter and move on. They are desperate.
2fe5c7 No.208839
Well, at least he's on your case now. Who's got the ban-hammer? Someone drop it on 7c1599
e6140b No.208841
You have to tie her up and throw her in a pond. If she floats, shes a witch, burn her. If she sinks, may God have mercy on her soul.
d8694e No.208842
>How do you say, Show us your tits, in Farsi?
7c1599 No.208843
Nope. NFL ratings are so low now with the backlash to their anthem protest bs. TV is mad because they are losing serious ad money. Stadiums are half full or less with $4 tickets. Economic decision.
9d554c No.208844
Did u find out what SID was anon?
42c82a No.208845
Yea this bread is funky.
c3f9b1 No.208846
Baker, why are many links to Q's posts broken? Is someone deleting breads??? WTF.
2fe5c7 No.208847
d8694e No.208848
Been weird all night, not just this bread.
42c82a No.208849
Wish I could remember what we speculated SID was.
7c1599 No.208850
Still debated. But might be a twist to this one given Q kept referring to it…and we obviously didnt figure it out. McStain, but could be something that might surprise us. I still think McStain but could be wrong.
834437 No.208851
No, just more threads than the board can handle. They are archived wherever possible.
46d858 No.208852
Did you get that from the Weiner release? I can only find it from a prior FOIA release in 2015.
2fe5c7 No.208853
It was fine earlier… Got shilly AF about 2 hours ago
f38fdc No.208854
You must be confused. Obviously. I never said it was just a coincidence.
8efab8 No.208855
They get archived here (slowly)
Bread gets updated every once in a while, so this happens.
7e606f No.208856
Good 1 and the purple dress is burnin’ my eyes lol
d8694e No.208857
Baker's Union was here earlier.
Apparently /pol/ doesn't carry CBTS anymore, or they just aren't creating the breads for it.
9d554c No.208858
Yeah i believe this guy was spilling the beans and looks like they took him out, So can rail carrages new automated system be hacked and made to do 80 on tight bend?? If they did it to putins driver they could do it here.
834437 No.208859
Sidney Blumenthal or another Sid whose name escapes me t the moment.
123eb3 No.208860
you're on a wild goose chase. 7 people on that train died. out of hundreds. That's one incompetent conspiracy that would derail a train for the 3% chance that a target may be killed.
e6140b No.208862
Yes, the actions seem to be underway, so now doing instead of posting.
42c82a No.208863
Ah yes TY. Racking my brain what the other SID was. Maybe ~50 breads ago.
46d858 No.208864
Don't be so sure: >>208781 >>208852
0bff6a No.208865
Thank you for the reminder.
966c40 No.208866
yes from the weiner release
6051c8 No.208867
John Sidney McCain
42c82a No.208868
834437 No.208869
5cf789 No.208870
I agree it was just weird
d8694e No.208871
Somebody still here fishing.
That's old info.
d36b54 No.208872
It was too big imo, I reworked it
46d858 No.208873
Can you screen grab the email on the reading room list so I can see the date? I only see that email from a release in 2015.
2fe5c7 No.208874
Well, they're always here… Just got heavier about 2 hours ago. We were cruising for a while with very little problems today. Lots of good intel shared. Little directly related to Q posts, but certainly related to the storm.
8efab8 No.208875
Don't use clown technology to host information.
They can change or delete it at will.
7c1599 No.208876
Shill needs ro be banned. Only joined recently and was shilling before for HRC and acting like a concern shill.
741035 No.208877
John Sidney NoName
6ced28 No.208878
Plane of existence?
46d858 No.208880
True, their new tactic is to take old releases and leaks & passing them off as Weiner releases.
2fb3ac No.208881
741035 No.208882
You know, the one that Q will not mention his name. They supposedly dying Senator for AZ.
afe1fb No.208883
Exactly. We just need to keep digging and compiling information. But we desperately need organization. Our digging goes off in a million different and becomes its own tangled mess.
We should review the basics. Are we completely certain our initial estimates were correct? Do they continue to make sense after new Q posts? How do we determine whether a news item was, or was not, actually predicted by Q?
I've noticed a lot seems to get repeated without substantiation. It doesn't invite testing methodology. I think a lot of anons are using different methodologies to interpret the stringers, which creates a lot of 'incidental' correlations between them, but how much of this is just confirmation bias? I know these are questions most anons here have asked themselves, but they are worth discussing. Frankly, the more I examine Q's posts the more I sense there is a simple solution - a cipher as it were - which, when applied to the stringers, demonstrate a consistent pattern. There are greater events still to come…
tl;dr Q is a prophet
2fe5c7 No.208884
Listen to this fucker above… 7c1599. It's like they're hiring people out of mental-wards now.
d8694e No.208885
G'night all!
I see /pol/ trying to take over this room again, so time to go!
Good luck all!
7c1599 No.208886
6051c8 No.208887
They asked.
I answered.
Is that a problem?
1b9947 No.208889
7c1599 No.208890
There are a few shills in here tonight. Left coast faggots prob given the time. Always after 3 est
2fe5c7 No.208891
Then, you shouldn't have any problem showing us a screen-shot of those posts… right?
8efab8 No.208892
Yes, send this to trump's attorney.
294107 No.208893
feel free to copy the data…
42c82a No.208894
For future reference:
John Sidney McCain
Sidney Blumenthal
4dc560 No.208895
NRO recaptured from cabal.
Aliens known.
ed4447 No.208896
Any additions need to be made to the dough?
834437 No.208897
McLiterally Who didn't seem to be that high up in the power chain. Surprised his name would be so intimidating. Dude must be some kind of evil sorcerer to be that scary.
2fe5c7 No.208898
Hang on… I'll call Trump, his attorney and Q on my cell-phone right now. Because I can totally do that.
We all can.
f8a956 No.208899
In the Hitlery emails it's Blumenthal. He was an advisor on her campaign and worked for billyboy
2fb3ac No.208900
42db3b No.208901
I'm curious why the verified status has been removed. Is she locked up and this is all false?
Just askin….
966c40 No.208902
the highlighted one
c5c862 No.208903
In name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
St. Michael the Archangel, illustrious leader of the heavenly army,
defend us in the battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of darkness and the spirit of wickedness in high places.
Come to the rescue of mankind, whom God has made in His own image and likeness, and purchased from Satan's tyranny at so great a price. Holy Church venerates you as her patron and guardian. The Lord has entrusted to you the task of leading the souls of the redeemed to heavenly blessedness. Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet, so as to keep him from further holding man captive and doing harm to the Church. Carry our prayers up to God's throne, that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons, casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations.
2fb3ac No.208904
834437 No.208905
Whatever that pic is I want some.
cb9169 No.208906
We have become vampires edition. See: >>208894
2fe5c7 No.208907
Hey… Still waiting on you to share those screen-shots of me "shilling for HRC" and "acting like a concern shill".
834437 No.208909
59d0b4 No.208910
Again, I believe this to be mistaken. I was monitoring the excitement as this happened, and as I recall Teigen left LAX at ~0200.
Her Twitter feed is active, as is John Legend's.
The "eyewitness" stated that four people were removed from the flight at LAX--three men and one woman. She did NOT identify either Teigen or Legend.
AFAIK we have no idea who any of the four people were.
7e606f No.208911
Fantasyland Gallup poll BO & HRC retain most admired titles
f8a956 No.208912
Found a weird email about a painting from artist kay jackson. I looked at some of her work and found some bizarre shit. She also painted the White House for a Christmas card. Weird red light in 3 of the windows.
0458b8 No.208914
anyone have his email??
f38fdc No.208915
Any Navy anons still here that could recommend a good cite to track a barge or ship as far back as 2010
2fe5c7 No.208917
Of course… Why wouldn't we have Trump's direct email?
e6140b No.208918
Bush Jr. specifically authorized Mil Tribunals of enemy combatants at Gitmo, but it's been a real legal football. All kinds of unusual issues. If the trials go forth there as most anons think, the legal issues will multiply, however, the appeals will be determined by a 3 member panel of Officers, probably on site. SCOTUS may have final jurisdiction, but it doesnt mean they will hear any cases. They might. The legal issues alone on these trials will be legendary, not to mention the historical aspects of the sentences.
5cd453 No.208919
Dunno if its been posted here yet.
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=L3YFwS4UGxo
Sean directly asks Trump about Q. Trump simply responded with "I wont talk about it."
f81376 No.208920
Has anyone noticed #adrenochrome on twatter? http://www.imdb.com/ title/tt2273648/
59d0b4 No.208921
Since you brought it up, neither do airplanes.
f22bf0 No.208922
random bits of filth from the swamp. praying for great news in the morning.
42db3b No.208923
I noticed a bread was missing a while ago…
When I was back tracking.
f08d63 No.208924
Yeah thanks for that. now we have to search 44 minutes of video to find the 3 seconds you're talking about
2fe5c7 No.208925
Hey, where's my Youtube video, fuck-boy?
e6140b No.208926
Look up Ty Cobb at The White House.
0458b8 No.208927
what does "Nice Digits" mean? (yeah, I'm newby)
834437 No.208928
"Calm before the storm" referred to a meeting Trump had with his officers before cbts started. Sean is asking about the meeting, not cbts. This neither proves nor disproves anything, sadly.
834437 No.208931
Repeating digits at the end of the post number.
6ced28 No.208932
LOL - you know you're winning when the bread is this much of a shitshow. It is a good day.
123eb3 No.208933
The clown tactic of the day is shitposting, in case no one noticed.
7e606f No.208934
NK celebrates most powerful missile with a postage stamp
d36b54 No.208935
Its like watching a bunch of retards fight. Glorious, yet cringeworthy
1157c9 No.208936
6ced28 No.208937
123eb3 No.208938
>LOL - you know you're winning when the bread is this much of a shitshow. It is a good day.
what a maroon. you fuckers are disappearing off the face of the planet, but disrupting a messagebaord is a sign of victory?
cling to it while you can. You'll be in Cuba soon
2fe5c7 No.208939
I mean… His name is Evelyn. How can you further insult a man named Evelyn?
2fe5c7 No.208941
kek… They have to go back.
123eb3 No.208942
Bb is a clown. one of the more disruptive shills in the history of cbts.
966c40 No.208944
contact ACLJ… they have a youtube show and they take cases. its jay sekulow's deal and he's trumps attorney
6ced28 No.208945
No no no - sorry. My point was that this is obviously getting to them - asshats are in a state of panic. Sorry - did not mean intentional confusion of the goal was a good thing, but it certainly indicates when you've hit the nerve.
2fe5c7 No.208946
Wtf? Can someone verify this tweet from Sizemore on his page?
cb9169 No.208947
Why would (((they))) allow that plot? Maybe to get in front of it before all hell breaks loose?
966c40 No.208948
i saw it… i'll see if i can find it again
5cd453 No.208950
he also mentioned Q by name.
both of those cant be a coincidence.
7e606f No.208951
Hwasong is named after NK’s concentration camp for political prisoners
577103 No.208952
I think that's friendly fire. Read his post again and look at how hard the shills/shillbots are going at disrupting our peaceful bread-baking.
834437 No.208954
When, please, i missed that, sorry.
2fb3ac No.208955
8 are awesome…Hard 8s
741035 No.208956
In the timeframe of this email, chances are it's Sid Blumenthal. He was advising Hitlery when she was Secretary of State even though Obama told her not to do that.
966c40 No.208957
here it is
https: //twitter.com/TomSizemore/status/946591467270574085
2fe5c7 No.208958
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=IWSyKwfDXoY
Interesting/sick video on Adrenochrome harvesting. Watch at your own risk. Will need eye/ear-bleach following.
2fe5c7 No.208962
Are we sure that's actually Sizemore's account?
171388 No.208964
KEK! i heard they can take the centerpieces home with them…
f81376 No.208965
https://hook tube.com/watch?v=VfTldid-zyQ
7e606f No.208966
That looks even better
e7636c No.208967
This is genius.
We need to build tools for this. We can at least avoid the bots.
Great thought anon.
f22bf0 No.208968
you just cannot unknow this stuff
7e606f No.208969
This is an interesting quote about storms hmm
The DPRK, as a responsible nuclear weapons state, will lead the trend of history to the only road of independence and justice, weathering all tempests on this planet.”
d165c0 No.208970
Any anons in the WTucson area?
Look up to about 5,000ft and tell me what this is…
6ced28 No.208971
>We can at least avoid the bots.
Overcoming this is relatively trivial from a software standpoint. The opponent has pretty damn deep pockets. They'd just write software to do whatever you're doing.
SIGNINT…it is a thing….not really defended here…
123eb3 No.208972
Think so? I thought he was referring to all the broken links and virus in the zipped files, not the clowns and bots posting.
171388 No.208973
So, has anyone run facial recognition software on the nork's propaganda videos yet?
59d0b4 No.208974
What I WON'T do is post comments whining and wondering about it.
6ced28 No.208976
I'm gonna go with drunk indian in a plane for $200.
e7636c No.208977
Explain to me how randomly generated type faces with random distortions is relatively trivial to solve.
e7636c No.208978
*randomly chosen typefaces
577103 No.208979
Yeah, he didn't link it but see >>208945 for explanation.
e7636c No.208981
With the right algorithm(s), you can literally put this on the backend seamlessly, unaffecting the end user.
6ced28 No.208982
Oh, there's no question that it would make scraping the textual data harder, but if you don't think the other teams have OCR, you're nuts. If you push them to dial in higher level stuff, they will. It may slow them down, but they'll be on it.
My SIGINT reference was intended to point out that with "Real" defensive measures, you don't have SIGNINT problems. The only major hurdle is that it isn't commoditized (yet.)
123eb3 No.208983
>What if Q never comes back? What will you do?
Q doesn't need to come back. we have what we need.
2fe5c7 No.208984
I like the idea… But this makes it a pain in the ass for us to communicate, also.
We just need someone with a ban-hammer and good judgement.
243cc7 No.208985
6ced28 No.208986
It would also make it very difficult to copy/paste - keep that in mind for the overall user experience.
f7932b No.208987
Unless he was dead before the crash. A nasty way to cover tracks.
6ced28 No.208988
>just need someone with a ban-hammer and good judgement.
Better solution, IMO.
4dc560 No.208989
Place is crawling with ayylamaos
Elsewhere on board.
Here we not discuss.
244643 No.208993
POTUS knows if he can trust JK. Time will tell.
2fe5c7 No.208994
While listening to this video, MK Ultra subject Cathy O'Brian mentions being raped by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, and says he is a professed Jesuit. Interesting.
2fe5c7 No.208995
Looks like he died in 2000
42db3b No.208997
It won't work, usually with image boards, there is an image limit.
7e606f No.208998
Hot off the printers NK ‘s new postage stamp. I wonder if this news could tie in with Potus’ tweet US postal service losing so much money ( Blamed Amazon) NK’s nuclear ambitions have cost the US tax payer a lot too perhaps or am I reading too much into things…
6ced28 No.208999
> there is an image limit.
14076a No.209000
Around 28:00
Trump: I’m not saying I’m do anything, but I’m not saying I’m not. We shouldn’t be talking about it.
Hannity: What about Calm Before The Storm. You’re not going to talk about that either?
Trump: No, I’m not talking about it.
I took that as confirmation that people need to stop specifically referencing CBTS and Q. Just focus on the information.
051a48 No.209001
The limit is 4 per post.
That's 3K
d36b54 No.209003
Wonder what its doing
0bff6a No.209004
https://isgp-studies. com/joris-demmink-and-prince-bernhard-s-alleged-westerflier-cult
741035 No.209005
Are you able to give the password to us on 8chan?
6ced28 No.209006
Amtrak just got a new CEO, did they not? Old CEO resigned?
244643 No.209009
e7636c No.209010
You need to train OCR. Unless they have something truly advanced, they won't be able to extract reliable data. There will be noise, and with enough noise, their systems will fail.
Correct. But i believe it will be worth it.
439fcf No.209011
George Soros and covert stuff in Libya…
123eb3 No.209013
>>208811 what an idiot. Like an intelligence agent is going to doxx himself for the remote chance of getting evidence of crimes he already has ample evidence for.
The file isn't for Q, it's for newfags that think they've stumbled onto something. Try to download that file and the clowns will pack your computer full of malware
6caadb No.209015
BTW, that is not Sean directly asking about Q, dipshit – that is Sean directly asking about CBTS
f81376 No.209016
Robert David Steele on "Adrenochrome"
https://hook tube.com/watch?v=zRF3QeQ8gUI
e7636c No.209017
Less shills/bots.
6ced28 No.209018
> Unless they have something truly advanced, they won't be able to extract reliable da
I think you underestimate the OCR they have had for decades.
251a35 No.209020
Was cbts on 4chan when that interview occured? Thats what is being questioned.
f9d7bc No.209021
Any luck getting the info to the right people? or their contact number?
Just so you know Q and his tea m does monitor this broad…
You can try calling the White house directly or somone trusted such as Gen Flynn etc…
244643 No.209022
This bitch will hang. So much rope, not enough time.
6ced28 No.209023
> Unless they have something truly advanced, they won't be able to extract reliable da
Also, pointless slide. Let's focus.
294107 No.209024
14076a No.209027
This was from the rally. We were over here. I know he isn’t specifically say Q but it’s all tied together. That’s my opinion. Y’all interpret however you wish.
123eb3 No.209028
>>208846 the baker is breadbox anon. the same shithead that fucked up the forum last time. He announced yesterday that he would be back fucking shit up, and here he is.
6ced28 No.209031
>(new Amtrak CEO)
And there it is.
e7636c No.209034
Not pointless unless proven.
Will be pursued.
You are free to do otherwise.
251a35 No.209036
244643 No.209038
Nothing that a gold cross through the heart cannot fix.
d36b54 No.209039
There doesnt really look like shit out there on the maps
251a35 No.209040
The dead links arent bb's fault actually. Threads fall off the board eventually.
2fb3ac No.209043
You know they may have bots that can identify objects/faces/text in a picture. You're right they would probably have to spend more for those.
Of course you are basically saying you are going to post text memes on an image board right?
431370 No.209044
6caadb No.209047
CBTS was not from a rally, and it wasn't from 4chan. It was at meeting of military leaders
See => https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBlrcUsMhps
2fb3ac No.209048
Pretty weak memes guys. You can put a picture in the background if you want.
051a48 No.209049
Trump was criticizing Obe for talking about all his missions first.
Hannity just said "cbts?
T said, "I'm not going to talk about it."
64d140 No.209050
we parse
(You) taught us…
2fb3ac No.209052
2fb3ac No.209054
f81376 No.209055
Not sure, but can the Baker or BO add "Adrenochrome" as a Research Thread? Should have been included long ago
051a48 No.209056
Still appears as text to a bot.
64d140 No.209057
File: 3ad6f8640c73825⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 627.94 KB, 1076x1485, 1076:1485, Screenshot_20171230-032553.jpg)

6caadb No.209058
Yeah, it's all tied together
Hannity asked Trump if +++ refers to Nov 4 round ups, Trump says "I'm not going to talk about it"
"It's all tied together. Y'all interpret however you wish"
for fucks sake…
14076a No.209060
Yes, I understand that. But people refer to this as CBTS. Again, as I previously said, y’all interpret it as you wish.
f81376 No.209061
https://hook tube.com/watch?v=VfTldid-zyQ
d36b54 No.209062
I remember, we tried all kinds of shit. Code words and when that didnt work we started posting addresses and contact numbers of senators and stuff, then the image text then they flooded us out
051a48 No.209064
No. it was Oct 11
251a35 No.209068
Yeah thats what i thought. Thank you.
125fd6 No.209069
I can't make sense of this handwriting.
~t. shill
f7932b No.209070
Interesting pickup - didn't notice the lack of tick.
https:// twitter.com/LdeRothschild
66adac No.209072
we could also post in binary
01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101100 01101100 01110011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100
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Why Binary Numbers Are Used By Computers?
Strings of 0s and 1s, Binary numbers are often used to operate computers. But why is that? Why do… Read more
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nipuna 11/19/2017
01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01010100 01101111
2fb3ac No.209076
6caadb No.209078
then refer to it as CBTS, not "Hannity directly asksTrump about Q"…
Thanks for wasting my time and other people's time.
14076a No.209083
Never did. I simply posted the time and my opinion.
0bff6a No.209090
Can I borrow your purple tie?
8feb5c No.209094
Vampires are nocturnal anon - read the email again. They're working late, not drinking blood ffs
0458b8 No.209095
I am legit, this is virus free and a simple call will give him what he needs to open
f22bf0 No.209096
ok nevermind lol past bed time anons
64d140 No.209097
boo motherfucker
1b9947 No.209099
Lynn de Rothschild Retweeted
The Spectator Index
The Spectator Index
Dec 3
QUOTE: "Stop sending people to kill me. We have already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."
Josip Tito in letter to Joseph Stalin.
abffe3 No.209101
remember: this is not a chatroom. before you waste time namecalling each other, keep in mind that there are little kids in dungeons somewhere that need your help.
2fb3ac No.209102
We are digging what are you Up to now?
3589ee No.209108
They have Y Heads…
2fb3ac No.209111
It's not too hard to read but the crazY is a little off.
1b9947 No.209115
Grupo Cisneros is one of the largest privately held media entertainment organizations in the world.[13] The company has been headquartered in Coral Gables, Florida, since 2000.[14]
Cisneros became President of Grupo Cisneros when he was 25 years old.[7]
Cisneros’ wealth comes from his holdings in media, entertainment, telecommunications and consumer products companies.[15] Grupo Cisneros is one of the largest privately held Spanish-language media and entertainment companies.[16] Until the buyout of Univision, the United States’ leading Spanish-language television network, Cisneros was one of the biggest shareholders of the Company. He also owns Venevision International, which produces and distributes media and entertainment products throughout the world, and Venevisión, a Venezuelan television network. Since 1980 the Group has owned the Miss Venezuela contest and since 2001 also the Leones del Caracas baseball team.
Long an advocate of free enterprise[4][5]:259 Cisneros has for many years been expanding his operations outside of Venezuela and into overseas markets, including the U.S., Spain and more recently China.[15][17]
One of his major accomplishments has been a major role in the international development of telenovelas – emotion-packed melodramas based on the harsh realities of life in Latin America that are now broadcast to about 2 billion people around the world.
In August 2013, Gustavo Cisneros appointed his daughter Adriana Cisneros de Griffin as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cisneros.[18][19]
Cisneros has been developing Tropicalia, a multibillion-dollar resort in Miches, near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Its opening is scheduled for 2019.[20]
In the past, he has been listed among the world’s richest men according to Forbes magazine, which estimated his fortune at US$1.38 billion in 2017.[21]
Also Board member.
connection Peter Munk -(P)
George Soros.
Possible Bad Actor
We having any troubles in Venezuela today. Who controls Media There?
3589ee No.209116
How did Peter Munk become the evil overlord behind everything?
2fb3ac No.209118
what's his bloodline?
64d140 No.209120
you dont know the half os it sister
this is near
2fb3ac No.209121
Imagine if you used a meme generator or app on your phone! You could add images and other content.
fcc131 No.209122
I suggested this weeks ago.
Came up with a better solution.
There is an app called Fake Image Detector.
You open an image.
It will help show altered images or outright tell if an image is CGI I.e. not from a camera.
The nork parade and rocket launch pics, the Chinese parade pics, and google earth pics of the poles are all fake.
Try it.
Solid evidence that could set off dominoes.
1b9947 No.209125
Oh Peter just happens to control Worlds largest Gold Mining company.
Hungarian Jew like Soros.
Escaped Nazis bcuz family rich.
Possible connection U1 owns Uranium mine.
Possible transport Yellow cake through Canada.
Has connection to Apotex Billionaire couple found dead next to pool.
Is 90 yrs old.
Not necessarily running entire show but someone who can certainly get George on the phone at will.
Also Peter Munk on the Map.
Trump tweeted Wintour but Nina Monk real editor.
Think thats enough for now.
47e29b No.209126
Morning beautiful anons!
Memetic warfare ammunition ideas.
Get some Epiphany (double entendres to smoke 'em) and Carnival!
Let's flank the enemies!
2fb3ac No.209127
Solid memes. I do believe you are on to something.
3589ee No.209128
Is it weird that a camera is an artificial eye? Like, whats really looking at us from the other side of that lens? I understand now why some tribes wouldnt let themselves be filmed. Eyes, man. Left eye, right eye, third eye…
64d140 No.209129
putting what (you) produce…[after suitalbe editing, of course] and archiving, primarily…
why do (you) ask, anon¿
e6140b No.209131
I usually just say this guy Q who is an inside WH source. Then tell it.
2fb3ac No.209133
Are you implying a direct relationship to Molach with these memes?
e6140b No.209134
Burning off fuel.
2fb3ac No.209138
That meme is really eYe catching.
fcc131 No.209140
Been here since start.
Do we need a new thread on compartmented red pilling?
Each module would be geared toward a personality type.
E.g. someone who needs to see to believe.
1. Download Fake Image Detector app
2. Choose North Korea Parade pic
3. Open in app
4. Be amazed
5. Repeat
6. Repeat with Chinese parade pics
7. ICBM pics
8. Question: why is this happening?
This is an example but we could build a library of modules for each personality type.
8b86d0 No.209141
Since this thread is Called Residual Christmas Cheer Edition,, it seems like the perfect thread.
Tasty gingerbread cookies, wish i could share with the bakers. :)
I by chance happened to have a Q cookie cutter, i was ecstatic to find it among my collection,lol
Thank you for Baking Bb,
2fe5c7 No.209143
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=9YL9Njk82iY
adb047 No.209144
hey you chan fags… i want to do a search for obscure shit… anyone give me a site? the shit that aint everyday
5033be No.209146
>>209144 ok you looking for some Romanian Midget Clown Porn
3589ee No.209147
Will be fewer people every day unless Q comes back. Hard to judge whether investment of time into a big project here is worth it. If you feel strongly about it, go for it .
1157c9 No.209148
https://archive. org/details/theTwoBabylons read this
64d140 No.209149
__each one is a rotation from here to twatter stopping to tweak the valuse and add shite along the way…
60 Or 70 steps per item
0bff6a No.209151
fucking brilliant. custom span class.
easy peasy.
adb047 No.209152
well now that you blew my cover… fuck off… no trying to find weird ways to contact c lists…. looking for low resulted results.
295230 No.209154
The only true way to kill a witch
Absolutely brilliant
5033be No.209155
>>209152 just trying to help anon
8b86d0 No.209156
Came across this site,, it has pages and pages of pictures, gifs, videos,, on pizzagate, their evil occult, Clintons, etc. I never went through it all,, but it had some interesting things i had not seen before.
2fb3ac No.209157
I see. You have a nice systems approach.
adb047 No.209158
>archive. org/details/theTwoBabylons
are you fucking kidding…. wtf nigger.
2fb3ac No.209160
Add an image now!
fcc131 No.209161
I'm inserting my red pill virus to be honest.
It only really needs that one idea because seeing is believing for everyone.
Once people know how much news of their "enemies" is fake, they wake up quicker.
Then the poles will come under scrutiny for the motherload.
0e60e9 No.209163
..UMMMM Goysss…..
why is the spirit cooker Marina Abramovic so eager to have quantum computers????
da fuq????????????
21:45 time stamp
adb047 No.209164
well youre not helping with my…. Romanian midget clown porn fetish…. and youre not helping me do a reverse search… for the lowest results.
2fb3ac No.209165
Compassion wins. Be the light and shine. They are the ones afraid we take off the blinders.
3b63cd No.209167
And please continue to guide and protect potus in his battle to purge evil from this world
Also, please continue to guide people into the light of truth so that their minds may be free from mental enslavement
And please send Q back soon.
We miss him dearly.
Thank you for everything God.
64d140 No.209168
the process is as near automated as i can make it
3b63cd No.209170
Hahahha wow!!! Good job anon!
3b63cd No.209172
8bafca No.209174
Because some anons are still digging…
Spiders and webs.
PEPFAR (RED) led me to CRS, Catholic Relief Services.
CRS is oddly pro abortion, and at least in South Africa, pro contraceptive (population control?)
CRS gets most of the AIDS funding it seems, and also donates to Dems.
Just going a tad further down the rabbit hole. CRS in South Africa seems like a good access point to get kids, control the population, and launder money, if you're into those things.
1b9947 No.209175
Nina Munk (born 1967) is a Canadian-American journalist and non-fiction author. She is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair,[1]
where she writes about finance and business, and is the author of The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty,[2] released by Doubleday in September 2013, and Fools Rush In: Jerry Levin, Steve Case, and the Unmaking of Time Warner.[3][4]
Background Edit
Munk was born in Canada to mining executive and philanthropist Peter Munk and University of Toronto professor Linda Munk.[5] She spent her childhood in Switzerland before moving to Toronto for high school. She received a B.A. in comparative literature from Smith College[6] in 1988, an M.A. in French literature and language from Middlebury College in 1989, and, in 1992, an M.S. with honors from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism where she was awarded the Philip Greer Memorial Scholarship for outstanding business and financial journalism. Munk is married to the artist Peter Soriano, with whom she owns a townhouse in New York City.[7]
8b86d0 No.209178
I was looking on that site i shared,, seen this wierd picture of Prince Charles, ,, but look at the funny guy in back, he looks a bit creepy. Anyone recognize him?
Also i saw Bush 9/11 videos, Cnn fake news items, copies of wikileaks emails. It's a hodgepodge of different things,lol Interesting to go through.
0bff6a No.209180
oh, look CRS in Haiti with the CF too
https://www.clintonfoundation. org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/haiti-hurricane-relief
431370 No.209181
Not schilling. I can keep them out and just put them on the meme thread, if you guys would prefer to filter out the noise.
0e60e9 No.209183
just what is this satanic witch planning to do with virtual reality and Quantum Computers?
54d107 No.209184
wtf… is this board full of nothing but faggot ass nigger shills?
64d140 No.209185
¿¿¿==(you) think ia aman ai? ==hehheh???
2fb3ac No.209186
0e60e9 No.209187
FBIAnon on 4chan if I remember correctly said back in 2016 that they were going to use Artificial Intelligence to blend in the demons if I recall correctly … if this is true then wtffffffffffffffffffff .. how do u stop these freaksss
fdcb77 No.209189
https:// aclj.org/contact-us
attn: Jay Sekulow
3589ee No.209192
Do whatever you want. Be u.
1b9947 No.209193
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Dec 28
Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs, is bending over backwards in apologizing for the minor hit they took at Crooked H. Anna Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!
Vanity Fair~Nina Munk
2fb3ac No.209194
Wow. Multi-pass Quantum Leap nice!
2fb3ac No.209195
1157c9 No.209197
GEOTUS made it snow! Thank you GEOTUS.
3589ee No.209199
Im not scared if pics, thanks.
f310cc No.209200
All we have to do now is respond to every single tweet sent in the next hour with that image. Then everyone should have the basic gestalt of what's happening.
8bafca No.209201
Great job. After reading the articles I posted I intended to hand it off like that, let someone else dig further.
Clinton Foundation and CSR and PEPFAR (RED) and finding the connections is exactly what Q meant I'm sure.
64d140 No.209203
2fb3ac No.209204
D wave CERN KEK Tesla model. Flip timelines or something like that. Event horizon or solar harmonic shifts. MUONs are cosmic rays or maybe grand solar minimum.
e6140b No.209205
If the Trump Admin does an illegal wiretap and for example, hears a bunch of Kabalists plotting to kill him, that evidence should be usable as evidence in a Mil Tribunal. No exclusionary rule for evidence in the Tribunal, it can consider all evidence no matter how obtained – torture, coercion etc are not gtpunds ot exlcude evidence as they are in District Courts.
2fb3ac No.209207
Just don't use racist images this time.
3b63cd No.209209
Hmm… 40,000 lbs of avocados
That number is relevant to mai interests
2fb3ac No.209211
No offense. You had a meme with multi-pass. Red Shields a question about Rothschilds.
3b63cd No.209212
Lmao yea Man..
It’s pretty bad
8bafca No.209213
Haiti, South Africa, CHAI, Clinton Foundation, Red Cross, and PEPFAR (RED).
Kid smuggling, money laundering, population control and experimenting with new drugs and diseases.
2fb3ac No.209214
Literally you are making memes so by default the memes are more relevant….
3b63cd No.209223
Very suspicious about this…
8b86d0 No.209224
This Soros with Obama as a puppet gif is AWESOME,LOL https://rasica.files.wordpress.com /2009/12/sorospuppetteleprompter.gif
1b9947 No.209225
In 2011, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report that alleged that the private security force at Barrick's Porgera mine in Papua New Guinea had carried out "gang rapes and other violent abuses". Barrick conducted an internal investigation, assisted a police investigation and a number of security personnel were arrested and charged. HRW said the company should have "acted long before Human Rights Watch conducted its research prompted them into action" but had "taken meaningful steps to investigate past abuses and make it less likely for similar abuses to occur in future".[56][57] Barrick Gold revealed in 2013 that, after an independent investigation, the company was paying indemnities to 14 women raped by mine security guards in Tanzania. In addition to cash, the women were also receiving therapy, job training, relocation, and child education expenses. .[58]
fdcb77 No.209227
look at the train wreck scene.. cars went flying everywhere.. like an abrupt stop! not like taking a corner at 80 which would have carried the cars with forward momentum. that alone is a red flag
3b63cd No.209228
Wtf… look at his neck..::
I think pizzaman is dead yo
1b9947 No.209232
Through 2009 and into 2010 Barrick Gold’s Cortez Hills project was the subject of litigation in Nevada, seeking to block the project.[73] Opponents appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, challenging a ruling in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada, which denied the bid to block the project.[74] The Appeals Court "upheld a federal judge's finding that opponents of the mine failed to prove they were likely to prevail on claims the mine would cause visual harm to Mount Tenabo and create a substantial burden on the tribes' ability to exercise their religion" but ruled the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s previous environmental review of water and air pollution impacts "was inadequate under the National Environmental Policy Act" and ordered the District Court to provide "appropriate" injunctive relief while the Bureau of Land Management conducted further study.[75] In March 2011 the Bureau of Land Management approved a subsequent study on environmental impacts, allowing the mine to operate as originally proposed.[76]
Anything in the news lately about the Ninth Court of Appeals.
e6140b No.209235
Yes, SCOTUS just slapped it down over a DACA ruling against POTUS.
64d140 No.209237
Greetings Anon.
Politesse is paramount in interactions betwixt thinking beings, is it not?¿
3589ee No.209238
Thats not a bot. Look at that IDs other posts.
1b9947 No.209240
fa5e1f No.209241
It's from the Royal Variety Performance 2016, but it's hard to find a guest list.
f310cc No.209242
False positive, faggot.
64d140 No.209251
3589ee No.209252
Sex is gross. All those fluids going everywhere.
1b9947 No.209253
Q doesnt break up his links do they?
ead566 No.209254
Legit the cutest rendition I've seen.
Am just taking a sleep break from my meme cannon fire. It is actually kinda fun just throwing them in random comment chats under celeb tweets! Thank you bread baker and the meme makers, you're starting to really get some zingers in bread 5, kek! Curiosity is happening!
f310cc No.209256
If you want to get on Q's ass about it, go right ahead.
fa5e1f No.209257
I made a meme. It's very versatile.
295230 No.209260
I know, that’s why I’ve been single for more then a decade
1b9947 No.209261
https:// www.aol.com/article/news/2017/12/09/judge-alex-kozinski-of-ninth-circuit-court-of-appeals-accused-of-sexual-misconduct/23302524/
God Bless Patriots
3589ee No.209262
We all die alone.
813d71 No.209263
c6849c No.209266
295230 No.209267
Terrorist related, Arabic male
https. ://truepundit.com/new-details-high-profile-fbi-raid-northern-virginia-home/
1b9947 No.209268
524209 No.209269
Anons the people of Iran have taken to the streets and need our support. At this moment they are fighting for their freedom from oppression and are asking for our help to spread the word in any way we can because MSM is totally ignoring the uprising….
295230 No.209270
They build satellites for the govt
962f19 No.209271
Iran is busy with anti governemnt protests. Only fitting considering all the arab springs they helped fund. Saudi Arabia had it's shake up now it's Iran's turn. There won't be much if any terrorism from abroad anymore from the looks of it. Trump using Arab Spring an Obama method mind you on Obama's precious Iran. This is beatiful.
3f357d No.209274
https:// twitter.com/michaelcohen212?lang=en That's his attorney's Twitter. Hope that helps you in some way.
64d140 No.209276
5181fb No.209278
Cheer up. It could be worse.
3589ee No.209279
﴿†﴾ lıʌǝp ǝɥʇ ƃuıǝǝs uǝɥʇ ǝsɹoʍ sı lıʌǝp ǝɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ƃuıʞuıɥʇ ﴿†﴾
7e606f No.209283
1b9947 No.209284
Oh I have no illusions about anonymity.
The 50 men who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung for treason against the Crown had we lost The American Revolution.
It is the least I can do to follow in my family's footsteps.
God Bless Q
God Bless Potus
God Bless Patriots
4b8109 No.209285
is q gonna post again or is it done?
7e606f No.209286
3589ee No.209287
No one knows except Q.
3b63cd No.209288
295230 No.209291
Hoping someone got tired of redacting . So starting from page 94 going backwards
295230 No.209292
Used to be able to control them, getting harder with age
64d140 No.209297
<fookin ijits
3b63cd No.209298
Ben Garrison is an American hero lmao
7e606f No.209299
Did a word search for sander ( no s) which I thought I’d seen in a Q post but nothing showed . Anyone else remember it?
4b8109 No.209300
>2nd pic
6fe821 No.209304
>>208998 good spot can't believe the shills on this thread today they out in full force something's definitely brewing.
295230 No.209308
Weird calling her a president then sect
5181fb No.209309
I had a dream recently where I was in an industrial part of some city where I was researching neuro-biblical linkages to new sources of technology and power. I ran across a bunch of labrador retrievers and played in the water with them.
57a574 No.209311
I think they were referring to slick willie
07af4c No.209313
God bless you Irananons. Break the wheel.
3589ee No.209314
Prople are fucking tired.
57a574 No.209315
3b63cd No.209316
8bafca No.209319
Where are the children?
Did we forget this guy?
Frank Giustra
The Radcliffe Foundation
3b63cd No.209321
News unlocks the map
Except the avocados one… just thought the 40,000 lbs was a very interesting number
3589ee No.209323
Should have made it into a Jeb! joke.
3f357d No.209324
That's the second time this week that I've seen that name……I can't remember though where I first seen it.
8b86d0 No.209326
I've been here since the very beginning, and day after day, week after week,, monthes,lol All my dreams and sleep are filled with all of this,, Q, the Storm, Trump, etc,lol I feel like i'm still researching/working, even when asleep,lol
Which is why i was just posting the garrison cartoons i foun,, like a semi break from maps, stringers, research, meme making,,etc, etc,lol
8bafca No.209327
Isn't Frank Giustra somehow tied to Uranium One?
7e606f No.209331
Yes and other entities need centrifuging too
8bafca No.209332
Last post went to wrong anon.
This practically came up as autocomplete, frank giustra clinton foundation.
3b63cd No.209333
Dragging my index finger across a screen ain’t ‘penmanship’
But yea… my penmanship is schiff
Fur sure
8bafca No.209335
I dropped two important crumbs tonight and hardly anyone is paying attention.
I hope a baker is also awake. It's nearing that time.
3f357d No.209336
I'm not 100%, but I think I seen his name in a gold mining video about Peter Musk, people were taking about him in the comments under the video….I didn't pay too much attention to what was being said, I wish I did now.
b2615c No.209337
These are Excellent. Just fix the typo in the bend the knee one - fourth is missing R.
3b63cd No.209338
Drop em in a few hours when the researchfags wake up
CBTS after hours is no time to post bombshell schiff
295230 No.209339
http:// www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-long-beach-shooting-20171229-story.html
8bafca No.209340
Yes, his mining company involved in Kazakhstan, from Canada I think.
7e606f No.209341
Crawling out of NK to Freedom took him 4 days ( apologies if this has been posted I looked in a few threads though)
8bafca No.209342
I'll be asleep. It's almost 4am here and almost bed time.
3589ee No.209343
Sometimes I really think we are all Lucifer and existing on Earth with all these horrible child-killers is our punishment for trying to live.
295230 No.209345
I’m guessing most the bots have stopped?
8bafca No.209347
Maybe Giustra was one of the ones on a plane to GITMO? A flight from Canada?
3b63cd No.209349
Dude this whole thing is like the literal matrix in my head
Everywhere I go
Everything I hear
I see shit for what it is.
I’ve always been suspicious. A ‘truther’. A ‘conspiracy theorist’… but never to this magnitude.. it’s enlightening though. It’s not a bad thing. I feel sane and present. I’m not living in the future or past state of mind and it’s nice.
CBTS/ Q drops is my drug of choice lmao
962f19 No.209350
Anon, I fucking hope so.
295230 No.209352
Am posting screen shots of all the emails for those who can’t access them. If that’s ok?
3b63cd No.209353
What’s the post numbers? I’ll repost them if they’re as good as you say
295230 No.209355
Guess Huma had a special interest….
8b86d0 No.209356
Heres some good information and pictures of Bohemian grove, their owl symbols, Company/institution symbols/logos. Which could be a good lead on finding top of cult (Rothschilds/ Cult leaders/ Church/ P )
Maybe make a map,, of cult business's/people involved, and look for connections to Soros.
https://propheticalert.wordpress.com /2011/03/25/a-satanic-alliance-bohemian-club-bohemian-grove-2/
8bafca No.209357
Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership CGEP mentioned directly related to Uranium One.
cd49c2 No.209360
There are More #QAnon Supporters than for #TheResistance
d8694e No.209361
Winning. That's in enemy territory as well.
8bafca No.209362
89bf4d No.209363
Btw, posting text in images only serves to make info harder to disseminate to anons.
OCR is easy.
3f357d No.209365
We can only hope, I don't think we'll find out about many people who've gone missing to GITMO, we may only find out about people who are wanted if they go missing because they're on the run.
3589ee No.209368
Probably not coming back.
69ecb9 No.209370
It's fucking retarded, and that weird bot isn't a bot. That's all I will say about it.
8bafca No.209371
Yes but someone somewhere referred to three businessmen from Vancouver, one being Giustra, on a plane from Canada to GITMO.
89bf4d No.209372
Probably on holiday. Maintain decorum please.
3b63cd No.209373
3589ee No.209374
At least it broke up the usual monotony.
Sleep tiem. Gn.
3b63cd No.209376
He’s workin
Maybe torturing some treasonfags at GITMO
Who knows
0bff6a No.209377
Nice. Thank you for your work.
69ecb9 No.209378
He could at least set up a cam for us.
3b63cd No.209379
Aight I got it. Worry not, brother
81ccc8 No.209380
Prolly Sidney Blumenthal
3b63cd No.209381
Q said it was optics
Resistance bullshit is all an illusion dude
Only 4-6% are considered retarded
3b63cd No.209382
Dude I don’t even think the deepstate knows who is at GITMO
We have become so used to having classified intel aired in public we forgot how actual investigations work
I have felt this coming for YEARS
Brace yourselves… Justice is coming
8b86d0 No.209383
MY WHAT AN ODD LUMP/BULGE ON YOUR ANKLE/LOWER LEG HUMA? LMAO. NEW PICTURES OF HUMA. Her most obvious picture yet,,, She definitely has something on her leg, that is not normal,lol
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE - Take your son to work day: Single mom Huma Abedin takes Jordan, 5, into Hillary Clinton offices as 2,800 of her emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop are released
Huma Abedin was seen leaving her New York City apartment on Friday afternoon with son Jordan
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 5221669/Huma-Abedin-takes-son-Jordan-Hillary-Clinton-offices.html
3f357d No.209384
I remember talk about 3 from Canada going to GITMO, but I've read so many names in the past week, I can't remember who's who anymore….This takes over you life huh
8bafca No.209385
Thanks brother.
I'm sure there is more to learn about The Radcliffe, and Elpida home. I remember the jimmycomet Instagram drop included Elpida images, or they dropped around the same time, with a photo of a recently built basketball court with the pedo triangle at center court.
And maybe Q's crumbs have references to CGEP or RF or FG or Elpida home.
295230 No.209386
Hahaha trying to get their lies straight
962f19 No.209387
That Q twatter got to be bullshit. The first avatar was that double rabbit when upside down it was a demon. This further prove what Q has said before:
They symbolism will be thier downfall
They are really stupid.
8b86d0 No.209388
I would like a job as entertainment director of GITMO,LOL
295230 No.209389
Taking her soon as an insurance policy, they won’t hurt her with him by her side
8bafca No.209390
Waiting for that Hammer of Trump to fall!
Baker, you should be kneeding some dough!
8bafca No.209393
That's what I mean. Dig. Elpida home is a great place to snatch refugee kids.
295230 No.209394
Ha! Told you all last night they usually have a doctor onboard to treat all the kids they trafficking!
295230 No.209397
https: //voat.co/v/pizzagate/1468111
295230 No.209399
Amed Khan, founder of Elpida Home
8bafca No.209402
Exactly. And that info has been out since last year. But never made it into the CBTS bread.
8bafca No.209405
Spiders and webs.
941f76 No.209406
Don't forget, anons: some bots may be good bots.
Sent here to help.
81ccc8 No.209407
Was in news a while ago because he was used as an advisor to HRC but lacked a security clearance
89bf4d No.209408
Bread maker anon better get some dough in the oven.
b2615c No.209409
leaving her child in the dust.
Doesn't even look like Weiner's kid.
He will need some serious therapy.
941f76 No.209410
"We did already b4 cripple chan crashed"
This ainon has dropped some interesting data the past few days (at least) in some cases using handwritten text in image.
0bff6a No.209412
Clinton Foundation
Frank Giustra
Uranium One
http://www.theblaze. com/news/2015/04/23/how-a-nyt-reporter-caught-clinton-foundation-in-lie-about-big-meeting-at-bill-clintons-house
8bafca No.209414
8d0e85 No.209416
Kathy O'Brien has said for decades that (((they))) have their own docs in-house.
295230 No.209417
8bafca No.209418
And that's where the children are.
Next bread should be called Spiders and webs.
Baker better be busy.
295230 No.209419
I know, had to explain to a few anons who were not aware , last night….
6cd24b No.209420
While the image only posts may be harder for bots to combat, it also prevents anything discussed from being searchable.
No one will ever be able to find a good post or relevant info after the fact.
On another note, I would take a bet on the muh IQ poster having a lisp…
295230 No.209421
Damn, now everywhere I go, I look to see if any of the symbols are in any stores I go to
89bf4d No.209422
Yes, if The Silk Road (tor) could do it, the cabal could do it too.
Money leaves trails.
8bafca No.209423
I'm sure many of us do now.
8d0e85 No.209424
seconding you, anon.
295230 No.209425
Mentions team rubicon, seen that words before….hmmm
8d0e85 No.209427
. . . and they are; they are everywhere.
6cd24b No.209428
8ch is cripple chan which was hacked not crashed
4 is halfchan but did not crash, just sperged in typical fashion.
Not sure what “crash” poster is referring to as it looks unlikely to be from /pol/…since it’s a girl.
502e5d No.209432
I something wrong with the interactive Qmap? I got a message from a friend luker this morning:
"hey, i noticed this morning that the link i use to read the Q posts (https://qcodefag.github.io/index.html ) is missing 27 posts. i've been monitoring the last few days to see if there's anything new and there haven't been any updates since christmas day. that last post was post number 423 but it's now registering as post number 396. that's been since… oh, i noticed it around 1pm. i checked it a couple times this morning and it hadn't changed yet.?
Does anybody know what's up?
8b86d0 No.209433
I was thinking the same thing,lol
how mean she was, walking in winter, in big city, ahead of him, with a lack of concern,,,, an then i was thinking, i wonder how messed up that kid is( especially with Weiner as his dad)
6cd24b No.209435
Apparently, about 80% if the posts in this thread were bots or SB as they have fled.
77877a No.209436
Same things as this here: >>208673 ??
295230 No.209439
Don’t know if anyone’s seen this
https:/. /theswissbay.ch/pdf/_notpdf_/George%20Webb/86/Day%2086%20-%20Why%20Eric%20Braverman%20is%20Key%20to%20Hiilary%20and%20Sid%27s%20Topples%20of%20Libya%20and%20Syria.txt
355a8c No.209441
Did just i realized that they look like sisters? - that bloodline thing?
cd93c2 No.209443
The "state of Emergency" EO is a defacto declaration of Martial Law. Doesn't mean tanks and troops down your streets, but It DOES mean Military Tribunals instead of corrupt civy courts. Also means they're ready for snowflake violenc
ed2520 No.209444
New QMap: http:// www. enigma-q.com /qmap.jpg. Danger, Will Robinson: it's very large. You'll have to play around with various viewers to get it to display properly.
There will be updated versions as errors and omissions are discovered.
It's just one more little piece of what is very likely the most awe-inspiring, comprehensive, expansive effort ever undertaken without any central authority supervising the work. I doubt a group of people has ever done so much on passion alone. We rock! :)
cd93c2 No.209446
wow she (am) looks like hitlr!
b2615c No.209448
should rescue him from that pedophile witch
b2615c No.209449
these witches are all related
0bff6a No.209451
SCANA > Westinghouse > Toshiba sells 10% > Kazatomprom controlling stake > Frank Giustra sets up meeting with Bill Clinton and Kazatomprom > Giustra's merger Uranium One > Shillary approves deal as SOS
b2615c No.209452
d7d804 No.210023
Has anyone researched John Kerry? I read Heinz was Trump's cousin and Kerry had him knocked off to marry theresa. Once read Kerry was a trafficking KINGPIN like mcstain.
63928d No.210090
Nearly any late model anything (car, train, plane) that is designed with Fly-By-Wire controls can be hacked. Maybe not by anybody, but definatly by 'them'.