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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: fcebe4560065858⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 800x472, 100:59, CBTS-281.jpg)

0d9c6d  No.237102

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.



Please read the "About Shills" section below.

0d9c6d  No.237105




Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update


C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement


Board Owner's emergency announcement


>>224690 ← Modanon explains




— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —


Archived! See RESOURCES below.


Archived! See RESOURCES below.

— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —

Archived! See RESOURCES below.




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)

1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.

0d9c6d  No.237107





New Q Posts html file: 459 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/1a88377824e994caed529d83e72adc2b

New QMap PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io (search function & answers present) CODEFAGANON PLEASE SEE >>23098

PLEA FOR UPDATES QCodeFaganon Please update your site with all Q posts: anonfile.com/p98dtedcbe/q_raw.txt

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

Wiki: Need a proper wiki.

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Tools & Information

Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941

Free research resources: >>216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

0d9c6d  No.237111





Questions: >>233578

Answers: >>233646



PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings

>>226048 , >>226060 , >>226081 , >>226124 , >>226141 , >>226147 , >>226165 , >>226203 , >>226210 , >>226226 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226296


>>226391 , >>226397

Passport Happenings , US Customs and Border Protections Computers Down

>>225940 , >>225950 , >>225956 , >>225972 , >>225993 , >>226047 , >>226203

Power Outages

>>226009 , >>225982

>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent

>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council

>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA


>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General

>>184893 Uranium Passenger?

Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>235266 Interesting breakdown of a POTUS tweet

>>235178 Information that ties cholera outbreaks in Haiti to trafficking in humans/organs

>>234931 Post reminding us that Rothschild plays both sides

>>230753 Archives of #272 #271 & #269

>>226399 SSAnon on link formatting

>>226267 Spotting bots

>>226147 US passport system tango down?

>>225901 RSA Book (be strong before reading)

>>223217 Reminder to stay balanced

>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors

>>223168 Who we are fighting

>>223163 Operations security advice

>>222986 John McCain Notice pdf, >>223027 - Image of page 1 of pdf, >>223035 - Images of pages 2-5 of pdf

>>222721 rough time redpilling

>>222672 Information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator

>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work

>>222601 Posts from Codemonkey re trips & >>222672 , >>228678

>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!

>>216840 Crumbs?

>>216724 The Sum of All Fears

>>215470 Act II Scene IV

>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon

>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?

>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier

>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)

>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.

>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.

>>204864 Lucis Trust

>>203051 Oldfag on culture

>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring

>>202429 "&"

Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.

To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.


BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:



More info: >>140461

>>120430 (Petition)

194734  No.237113


If we hear they "perished" in the fire…find that sub from Argentina.

0d9c6d  No.237114




Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)

A peek into (((they))) >>2422

Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613

Asia Foundation >>15984

Bloodlines and Y >>7705

British Connections >>117841

CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461

FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194

Godfather III >>2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952

Hunt For Red October >>3102

Indictments & Arrests >>3163

Israel & Zionism >>1398

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391

Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334

North Korea >>1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249

NEW: Plane Crashes Thread >>56075

Q Signatures >>2198

Q Stringer Central >>2300

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171

Red Cross >>40157

Rothschild Family >>1362

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327

Sealed Indictments >>4409

Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139

Snow White and AI Science >>123576

Soros & NGOs >>1367

Stringers, military courts >>189447

Titanic >>106

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346

Who is P? >>202645

**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.

0d9c6d  No.237118




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>2

Memes #2: >>61078

Memes #3: >>107604

Memes #4: >>142207

Infographs: >>10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1:>>189448

Part 2:>>189460

Part 3:>>189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>55606

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

0d9c6d  No.237120





(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the

destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.

Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com

You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.

It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.

If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.

Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com

You can anonymously search web using this site.

It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly

go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make

duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"

directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.

Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.

There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.


About Shills

Read >>226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:


Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.


Dough & Baking Instructions


If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:

Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.

Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.

Last dough: https:// pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5

b580e3  No.237131

Thanks Baker. You're the bestest. Not sure how much more I can eat tonight though.

b27e73  No.237133

If Disinformation is Necessary, then what was purpose of the Election Commitee and ALA election Disinformation? If we can figure this out maybe it unlocks the purpose of Q? To flush people out?

b9ecc3  No.237143

File: 72c3b6423b26041⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, pixlr_20180103191512419.jpg)

Future proves past? Similarity between Q and Trump's statement on Bannon today.

2a2869  No.237149

File: 0d9538fe354f26c⋯.png (434.88 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 1ba1c344cd6a977f9f978e6853….png)

Great edition name baker! I love happy days.

May every patriot that works for positive change have a happy day today.

a61d5d  No.237156

New from DOJ today, haven’t seen discussed.


>Turkish Banker Covicted of Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions Against Iran and Other Offenses

>Mehmet Hakan Atilla was found guilty today of conspiring with others, including Reza Zarrab, aka Riza Sarraf, who previously pleaded guilty to evading U.S. sanctions among other offenses, to use the U.S. financial system to conduct transactions on behalf of the Government of Iran and other Iranian entities, which were barred by U.S. sanctions, and to defraud U.S. financial institutions by concealing these transactions’ true nature.

Turkish bank CEO found GUILTY by DOJ

Iran sanctions busting

Money laundering

Bank fraud

Defrauding the US

Falsifying food/humanitarian aid


Crumbs? Major domino falling? News will unlock the map?

f9526d  No.237157

Anyone think this Clinton fire was a way to burn the evidence? Why didn't she wish the US a Merry Christmas or New Year? Look at her twitter. No signs of real Bill or Hill anywhere. Old ass pictures. Old Opera video to show the house. This entire thing STINKS of coverup- and yet where are the Clintons???

>www.tmz. com/2018/01/03/bill-and-hillary-clinton-house-fire-chappaqua/

0d9c6d  No.237158


Sorry for the mix up. Am now handing it over to you. Can you acknowledge?

855164  No.237159

Fuck Bannon the nihilist, gimme a break. He's a pseudo-populist, a sycophant and a sicko. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

95fd48  No.237160


no worries and ,

i can

95fd48  No.237161



513fb5  No.237162

We need ideas to keep Mitt Romney out of the senate.

855164  No.237163

The fire at the Clintons' Chappaqua compound started in the Secret Service Facility.

b0eabe  No.237164

Thank you to ALL bakers.

194734  No.237165


Like I said…if the news is that they "perished" in the fire…lock down the airports, trains, luxury liners, submarines, etc…

b27e73  No.237166


Maybe the fire was set to attempt to flush them out of their hiding place, to make communication with someone about the fire?

0d9c6d  No.237167


Thank you. I am frazzled. Been here since early this morning. Like a fucking drug!

194734  No.237168

d514fe  No.237169


News is trying to pass the fire off as a non-event.


3ab033  No.237170


The same is doing Wikileaks. Yesterday a lot of strong leaks about Hillary, cabal, etc, then all of a sudden a stupid thing over Trump tax returns.

They must act unbiased

4acb42  No.237172


March 4th 2013

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/ queen-elizabeth-leaves-hospital-stomach-bug-article-1.1278781

234dca  No.237173


Too late. They're already "sitting on a beach, earning 20%."

f1cc4b  No.237174

Regarding the Clinton fire,

Q said they would use fire to flush out the baddies!

All the happenings lately are part of the soap opera(As The World Turns). Don't get discouraged because Q hasn't been here! He'll be around soon enough.

0a21e6  No.237175

Re read fbianons first drop

Good for motivation and focus

How about we focus on Clinton fundation til q return?

b0eabe  No.237176


All material on CF has been dug by Charles Ortel.

bd03ba  No.237177


Good post and description of the DC environment. Thanks for that.

The disinfo and 4d chess is hard to fathom after a certain point, for those of us biding our time, waiting for justice and proof of concept regarding everything we believe will happen.

Faith is the right word for it. But it is extremely disheartening, or exhausting, to watch as nothing happens to demonstrate that justice will be served. I know we should ignore the BS media, and most of us do with extreme prejudice. We need to see some progress, though.

41ed08  No.237178

Why focus on Bannon saga? Its clearly not relevant to us. More theater and if not, who cares.

6703f5  No.237179


From the last thread

>Anon…I considered it to be theatre until I saw POTUS statement which was confirmed by his Press Sec. There is NO WAY POTUS can walk back what he said about Bannon. It was too severe a statement. Re-read it. I take it as real split. I will also say, IMO, Bannon is a small player in the world of the Trump base. Ppl will go with Trump and easily let go of Bannon.

I would argue that they can perform this misdirection theater once, in the final scenes of their plot, before the grand unveil.

The Trump reactions are TOO INFLAMMATORY, based on the quotes from Bannon, presumably misquotes anyway. It's an overreaction, bad theater to be honest, but the press is eating it up.

So, if we assume it IS theater, what is the misdirection for?

234dca  No.237181


Fuck, let's just research the war of 1812 while we wait for our next spoon feeding.

85745f  No.237182


Exactly, it's a distraction for the MSM. Not meant for us to worry about. We have never had a crumb about Bannon.

7e9fa1  No.237183


I have some more updates for the next bread based on the current dough. Thanks, new Baker!


Bold Questions and Answers like so:

Questions: >>233578

Answers: >>233646

Remove stale link:

>>184893 Uranium Passenger?


Change this:

(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://www' part.

To this:

(UPDATED) Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http://www' part.


For brevity and clarity change this:

(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

To this:

^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

db8b31  No.237184

cbeda8  No.237185

File: fd3900135e55c66⋯.png (522.36 KB, 1335x656, 1335:656, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

Been saying for a while, we need to take Cali back… It's happening!

b580e3  No.237186

Hmm, starting to think that Q calling us, "Autists," was a clue…

d514fe  No.237187


I still think it’s Art of War distraction.

They have to make it look legit, the media is starting to wake up from their comatose stupidity to the fact that Trump & Bannon have been playing them like a fiddle.

I just can’t bring myself to think that Bannon is so stupid as to actually betray Trump like this -

Just remember that when the storm hits this kind of stuff will become supremely inconsequential

0b6369  No.237188


Send him to somewhere as a missionary. Tell him, authoritatively, that a new "latter day" writing by Joseph Smith recently unearthed instructs all Mormons to pull a second stint as a missionary in the latter years of their life. He's so gullible he might actually fall for it.

512e59  No.237190


There was no one home and it was the SS residence.

Hopefully they raided Hillary's house & dungeon.

78b292  No.237191


This is much bigger. Remember accusations that Flynn on take for $15m to kidnap Fethullah Gulen and extradite him back to Erdogan? I will try to unravel this story tonight. A lot of moving pieces.

d514fe  No.237192


great point anon

3288f4  No.237193

194734  No.237194



Man, if anyone deserved to see the hammer of justice, it is those two…well, there is eternity.

Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord.

cbeda8  No.237195

File: cf0210239919bc8⋯.png (844.95 KB, 1309x859, 1309:859, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

Keith Ellison wants to knuckle up… Let's let him have it!

5b6f55  No.237196


According to the Library and Museum of Freemasonry, this belt buckle was given to nurses who trained at the Royal Masonic Hospital, a private hospital for Freemasons and other fee-paying patients. The Royal Masonic Hospital stopped existing in 1992 but its belt buckles are apparently still worn by “elite” nurses such as the one who treated the queen.

Remember that King Edward VII Hospital is where Kate got hospitalized due to a pregnancy-related illness, which led to the suicide of one of the nurses.

vigilantcitizen. com/latestnews/why-is-queen-elizabeths-nurse-wearing-a-masonic-belt/

9544e3  No.237197


Do you think it's gonna kill the democratic stranglehold on the state?

e8026b  No.237198



>sure hope that's the strategy. Does seem like there's a lot of nervous panicking in the WH - both sides.

Issued on: May 11, 2017 (main article already deleted of WH site)


Issued on: January 3, 2018


a6964e  No.237199




Look into what happened during Kate's pregnancy.

She spent most of it in hospital. Her nurse was punked by a radio station and conveniently died soon after.

Rumor is that her drug problems became a real concern and overdosed several times.

Anyone, working for the Royal Fam must be a mason. "Semper occultus"

512e59  No.237200


>Fuck, let's just research the war of 1812 while we wait for our next spoon feeding.

No shit, but unless we track the bloodlines of Nimrod and Semiramis, nothing will make sense!

60a51e  No.237201


Exactly, never heard Q talk about Bannon that I remember, think shit hits the Fan Monday and Bannon is going to nail those fks that we have indictments on to the MSM cross and people will be burning the streets, hope the leftist fags have pink guns with hello kitty so we know you to waste

fbfd43  No.237202

File: caaa7c9708ae7f2⋯.png (705.67 KB, 988x569, 988:569, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

Waiting for them to go after Barron again too.

4c3d13  No.237203

File: 05ccfe54cd1bbd6⋯.jpg (212.4 KB, 917x629, 917:629, BO World Drug Dealer.jpg)

I recall reading an in depth investigative news report a few years back describing how former attorney general Holder under Obama was the point man who on behalf of big pharm lobbied the FDA and DEA to loosen the opiate laws and regulations that led to all the doctor shops that sprang up in Florida, which then became the launching pad for creating a huge black market of "legal" opiates across the nation. This allowed for the artificial expansion of a vast increase in "legal" opiate dependency in the US along with huge profits to shareholders of big Pharma. I say "artificial" because this expansion couldn't have happened without lobbying efforts thru the AMA to change the standard care for treating the increased prevalence of "lower back" pain among an aging population of obese Americans. There are many other factors to consider here as well that I don't have the time to go into, but it's suffice to say that there was much more calculated cronyism going on here than meets the eye.

http://dcwhispers. com/want-to-know-who-the-most-successful-drug-dealer-of-all-time-is-its-this-guy/#oK1yaAfl2BT3xl0D.97

https://www.washingtonpost. com/graphics/2017/investigations/dea-drug-industry-congress/?utm_term=.546dc9851bc1

872133  No.237204

Could the fire be a cover for accessing the Clinton email server? they can give anything incriminating that they find to Wikileaks and blame Russian hackers.

7e9fa1  No.237205




Plus, remove the last dead link from:

PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings

85745f  No.237206


If they go after Barron I'm gonna come through the screen at them.

34fa84  No.237207


Hoping here with every ounce of being that ICE goes in there, takes the rats by the neck, and violently shakes them while they squeal.

The announcement that the voter fraud commission would be disbanded did not mention DOJ. It mentioned DHS.

http://thehill. com/homenews/administration/367343-trump-dissolves-voter-fraud-commission

6703f5  No.237208


You have to explain why they would want to distract from Iran, it seems like a good story for them. To the extent we are not sending in military to effect regime change, its fine.

Part of me thinks the CIA is behind kicking it off, however. It's following our MO from Libya and Syria. Which is ok if we are just righting past wrongs, and not going to replace one bad actor with another.

d29dd5  No.237209

File: 294c933106511ae⋯.jpg (26 KB, 550x412, 275:206, george-washington-masonic-….jpg)

This event was years before Trump was elected.

I'd say 4 or 5 years?

Chuck Schumer’s Daughter Katie Dragged In Handcuffs Before A Federal Judge

"Queen" and belt buckle been done already

[don't know how to link back to an earlier thread]


eb6bb9  No.237210

am I the only one whos not 100% convinced this bannon thing isnt a distraction to keep the MSM occupied?

fbfd43  No.237211

File: 8793e1ed79990d9⋯.png (554.24 KB, 728x654, 364:327, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

Another convenient fire?!?


194734  No.237212

POTUS responds to Bannon:

http://publicpool. kinja.com/subject-pool-report-2-statement-on-bannon-1821743287

4c6239  No.237213


Getting impatient here.

Very impatient.

Where is Q?

654b93  No.237214

File: 5513d7e5e020565⋯.jpg (78.82 KB, 380x442, 190:221, chryslerbld5531.jpg)


Sorry for the confusion

the Queen / Nurse belt buckel reveal was many years ago.

The Chuck Shumer "daughter" arrested in Mexico was dated 6 months ago.

d8c139  No.237215



Missing in Action + Superman IV

Film producer = Yoram Globus (+ his cousin Menahem Golan)



bd03ba  No.237216

TruePundit says Bannon has been a POS from the get go

>Bannon will pretend he's on Trump's side & then use the rookies at Breitbart to try & take him down.

>Has there been one WH leak since Bannon left? Do the math

>Do you think Steve Bannon wants to help Trump or simply burn the entire GOP to the ground

https://truepundit. com/four-tweets-foretold-steve-bannon-betray-donald-trump/

c28e5a  No.237217


>Keith Ellison - Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison

"I just found the book that strike fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump"

Sweet Memes are Made of this….

95fd48  No.237218

any anon reading this who is going back through threads to catch up

>can you keep a record of relevant breaking news and noteworthy posts

report back here with links to said posts and a brief description of overall content see , the soon to be cleaned up and updated , >>237111

>News , breaking news , Q related , not a post that mentions a news story that was first mentioned earlier. The first post. Interested parties can then follow that link and read on from there.

>Notable posts , posts that lead somewhere , or lead back to the Q map etc., see same post above

reply to this post or OP



got cha

b580e3  No.237219


If that's true, then why are the firetrucks parked at the home itself?

e8026b  No.237220

File: 9967acdacd32a31⋯.png (483.49 KB, 583x620, 583:620, Keith Ellison.png)


>nope that's not what he stated.

Re-read. Your comment is misleading.

eb6bb9  No.237221

Q promised 2018 would be


and I believe him

a0a573  No.237222


Monty McGovern died December 23, 2017.

7324da  No.237223


This separates Trump pretty dramatically from both Bannon and Moore.

WH statement regarding election commission being closed said they didn't want to waste taxpayer money, so they would refer their findings to DHS.

Now, if SHTF regarding the AL election, POTUS is very insulated. He is pre-framing the situation so it seems less likely that this was some sneaky ploy by him and Bannon. That's why it has to be so over the top dramatic, and personal (kids).

905304  No.237224

File: c09b6826f2b54d1⋯.jpeg (208.93 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 6E4A953B-489A-4685-93AE-F….jpeg)


c28e5a  No.237225


https:// twitter.com/keithellison/status/948657342308147202/photo/1

2a2869  No.237226

File: df27f12c96bbbd1⋯.jpg (90.41 KB, 787x1058, 787:1058, 12115_777.jpg)


>Getting impatient here.

>Very impatient.

Waiting for what? For a spoon to feed you? This is the cabal's narrative, perpetual wait.

Light forces do what they can, they do what they are allowed to, and you create the future for yourself and your surrounding depending on your thoughts and actions. Choose for yourself, and do what you can.

Things happen when the time is right. Can you help create this time for yourself and others? Start within. Use LOVE.

41001f  No.237227


Twist it up and shove it up his ass meme.

c88151  No.237228

File: 7b08206b374275c⋯.jpg (225.86 KB, 781x1046, 781:1046, Kim_trump_lauer.jpg)

Meme coming in at 8 O'Clock!

4b9cfe  No.237229

First no merry christmas from killary

now no happy new year from obumer

is there only one working phone at their vacation hide away

137934  No.237230


Where's the story about the suicided nurse? Sounds interesting.

e8026b  No.237231


I'm with TP. We shall see.

fbfd43  No.237232


Doesn't matter, if it's connected to the Clinton's it's dirty. They have a long, long history of destroying evidence.

7e9fa1  No.237233


Your next bake will be the best of the day. God bless!

6703f5  No.237234


This. What I speculated in the last thread. No coincidence this all happens just after Jones is sworn in.

e8026b  No.237235

>>237225 - huh? I posted that already. WYP

bd03ba  No.237236


Might be a good time to take a step back and wait for things to develop. Attend to personal life for a while.

Our chief executive needs to begin doing what was promised. And also show us that Sessions isn't compromised, that Mueller isn't going to keep fishing until he manufactures grounds for impeachment, and that Huma, Podesta, Clintons, Susan Rice, David Brock are not all going to go unpunished.

Remember Scooter Libby!

c28e5a  No.237237


My bad. He's not DNC chair. Got that from Daily Caller article. He is: Rep. Keith EllisonVerified account


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Vice Chair & Labor Liason, @USProgressives.

c021e6  No.237238


personally responsible for off shoring jobs, bain capital enough said

03fe73  No.237239


Someone is focusing.

Why did POTUS Tweet end with a comment

about KJ's button maybe not working?

Why did DTJR Tweet: "Weird, I wonder what prompted that???"

Are they related?

219f4f  No.237240


I agree. Bannon is and has always been a true patriot.

82a816  No.237241

Can't we just give NK the targeting coordinates of California?

03fe73  No.237242

What is a "dry run"?

What could have been just that recently?

c021e6  No.237243


subversion is kin to treason and corruption is the thread that will tie them to hell forever!!!

3ab033  No.237244


eufag here. Ban me if you like, but now I'm convinced that if tomorrow (january 4th) nothing happens, I quit.

I was into conspiracy things for years, but this thing sucked the life from me. I forgot my job, my family, and on new year eve while friends were partying I sit apart to update the board.

This is normal for an autist, but this is not sane.

I'm ready to serve if we are here to save the world, but this nothingburger is too much of a burden to carry on.

Sorry if I seem to demotivate other anons. I'm not a shill. But I waited for Assange, for leaks, for indictments, for arrests, too much. Tomorrow will be the last day of my addiction… or the first day of the Storm. No other options.

abdc93  No.237245

File: 51b80492a3f00ff⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1269x711, 141:79, qfire.PNG)

Newfag , had to do this …

234dca  No.237246


Oh look, we have a clown here. I just mentioned spoon feeding in a comment, clown, so why must you use it in your comment? All of the vast resources in Langley, and you're too busy choking on hot dogs and cheese pizza to make an original comment.

2b2939  No.237247

File: 0b951a3fb5542a0⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 0b951a3fb5542a0cb39b9d9bd3….jpg)




"seek to burn the world down"

Here in lies the onion: Bannon and all like minded, enraged, frustrated, and impotent people who has the power to inflame, make noise, and point out the problems but not the skill set or the experience to either A) directly kill our enemies or B) put a choke hold on em through political/financial manuever are at this point in time best focused on what they do best: GETTING THE MESSAGE OUT. They are 120% understandably angry, enraged, with all the answers to our problems being correct (globalism, jewish question, need for counter actions etc).


This is NOT a game. THIS IS WAR.


No one wants to see our champions cuck on anything, or seemingly cuck on things. However, just as POTUS allowed the russia gate to continue until it was tightly wrapped around the necks of our enemies, and thus producing REAL results, we need to think on the same level.


If we go out in the blaze of righteous, enraged glory and our enemies have it all to rape, plunder, invade, and destroy our nations, it's our loss that we as people and nations may not recover from for a LONG time.



we are in a far bigger hole than most imagine, or want to imagine. I myself thought the situation 90% hopeless until POTUS succeeded and started showing results (already, the fact that our enemies politically are on the backfoot is a REALITY).

20% public, 80% dark.

THINK, anons. This is a war, and we only get respite if we can afford to. It's a war that made us into a hell of a fix, and WE ARE STILL ALIVE, and not only are we still around, WE ARE PUSHING BACK FOR REAL.

Future proves the past (posts/crumbs) - Q


Re-read ALL Q crumbs here:

https://qcodefag. github.io/?




Let's get to work.

cbeda8  No.237248

File: 4c52bfbb2a99df0⋯.png (94.51 KB, 745x745, 1:1, syGC15HtSD6PS3yDHCzzys-D2i….png)

03fe73  No.237249

Why do a dry run on the holidays?

6703f5  No.237250





Another theory is it was all a ruse for the 'volunteer firefighters' to discover a 'missing' server (or other evidence). ie, parallel construction, no warrant.

1423e2  No.237251

File: 251cee06018e295⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 400x300, 4:3, mitt-romney.jpg)

File: 807d3413e66246e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3110x2332, 1555:1166, mitt-romney-delivers is a ….jpg)



Romney is a corrupt POS!

0667d3  No.237253


Sorry to hear it. Hope you find some joy, either way.

c28e5a  No.237254


Check'd. Thanks.

5ddedb  No.237255


try eating some prunes

3288f4  No.237256


That is not a Clown comment.. it's reality. The TRUTH.

af722c  No.237257


Good cop routine didn't work. So now the bad cop (DHS) takes over.

2081db  No.237258

a0a573  No.237259


There are posts on twitter discussing why Q wont be posting again but I'd rather not link them here. A lot of twitter people quit over it last night. People are really angry at that Tracy Beanz person, as she knew from the beginning what was really happening. Im staying out of it. Major drama.

bd03ba  No.237260


It is healthy to get away from this. No one can operate on faith and promises for very long because too much of life passes us by. If we are not engaged in something tangible, we have nothing to live for.

Take a vacation from the Storm and go live life.

cbeda8  No.237261


No… But it is a significant step in the right direction. Many other things would have to take place in order for Cali to flip from Dem.

6237b9  No.237262


…and these…

Attorney General Sessions Appoints 17 Current and Former Federal Prosecutors as Interim United States Attorneys

https://www .justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-sessions-appoints-17-current-and-former-federal-prosecutors-interim-united

Former Executive Managing Director of Och-Ziff Capital Management Indicted for Defrauding Client and Obstruction of Justice: Former Hedge Fund Executive Sought to Defraud Charitable Foundation and Cover Up Fraudulent Self-Dealing from Federal Investigators

https://www .justice.gov/opa/pr/former-executive-managing-director-och-ziff-capital-management-indicted-defrauding-client-and

Former Executive Admits Guilt in Antitrust Conspiracy Affecting Water Treatment Chemicals

https://www .justice.gov/opa/pr/former-executive-admits-guilt-antitrust-conspiracy-affecting-water-treatment-chemicals

85745f  No.237263

Because no one I paying attn during the holidays.

234dca  No.237264


Got MO's foot long in your mouth, huh?

2a2869  No.237265


Don't place your faith into external things. That's the cabal's MO. Support the good wherever you see it.


e8026b  No.237266


solid point.

3ab033  No.237267


Thanks anon.

2e22a7  No.237268


other than the mom jeans , cool .

8416db  No.237269



d3f1d5  No.237270


Looks like this guy is asking for a meme barrage. Interesting, isn't it? Almost like it was served up on a silver platter to get as many people seeing it as possible. Amazing coincidence…

38b82f  No.237271

File: 8a1d38332364612⋯.jpeg (471.91 KB, 751x2152, 751:2152, 07C735C5-0B72-4A2A-A955-3….jpeg)

Hugely important CDAN blind today

913afc  No.237272


What are you talking about?

cbeda8  No.237273



85745f  No.237274

NK soon?

34fa84  No.237275

They have fires in Argentina too. Miraculously convenient fires that destroy documents in the nick of time. And if 9 peasants die, oh well. Article from 2/5/14, during the corrupt presidency of Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, who is another person of interest in our investigations.

https://www.zerohedge. com/news/2014-02-05/argentine-banking-system-archives-destroyed-deadly-fire

cbeda8  No.237276


Say no more, fam…

f68bd9  No.237277

File: 807d77146a7b473⋯.jpg (610.45 KB, 1440x2476, 360:619, Screenshot_20180103-195523.jpg)

This is deals being made

Its "Sing & GTFO"


We expose & prosecute you

Your family gets humiliated


You'll be lucky to serve Blizzards at your hometown's Dairy Queen

Remember, the guys who were "just taking orders" are the most likely to get offers


a0a573  No.237278


If you look into it you'll see it. I'm not posting it here.

1423e2  No.237279


Get a life and enjoy the show!

85745f  No.237280


Nice find Anon!

ca3055  No.237282


Q suggests that NK does not have nuclear capability right now. It's an illusion. What's behind the curtain? POTUS tweet confirms that NK is not nuke operational. DTJR tweeted in response to NK and SK opening up comms again. Suggesting that KJ knows POTUS called his bluff.

95456e  No.237283


The Navy has the missing iredium satellites. They have the missing "i".

Ego, missles without guidance.

b995ad  No.237284


He's "Deputy Chair", a position given to him or created for him when he lost the race for Chair. It has no power.

34fa84  No.237285


(Reply from last thread.) It is merely an artist's conception depicting HRC's pay-for-play rig. It is not an actual pic of her actual bathroom (so far as I know). Found the pics by searching Google images for server in a bathroom; keywords did not include Hillary Clinton. Source: am the meme maker.

6f76e4  No.237286

I wasn't able to get this into the last bread but, that tweet of Bill Clinton about R.I.P. Sue Grafton, the alphabet mystery writer of "A is for Alibi" and "Y is for Yesterday", is definitely a coded message.

In Y is for Yesterday, the plot is nasty. Four upper class male students rape and torture a 14 year old boy. They video tape the rape. Conveniently, two of the four assailants are murdered. The video tape goes missing and the remaining two assailants walk free. In the fire today, evidence against them now destroyed? Alibi now intact? Message to Hillary? Definitely a coded tweet!

905304  No.237287

File: 7dbee984aa16a2b⋯.jpeg (10.1 KB, 251x201, 251:201, E0F52544-031A-466A-9AFE-4….jpeg)

e6c1dc  No.237288


Instant morale boost. I’m in it to win it. Prayer. Research. Sharing truth. Red pilling.

03fe73  No.237289

Details. Guidance. Focus.

Keep things together, Anons. Put away your selfishness. Utilize each other's skills and experience.

Sometimes you miss or ignore key Anon posts. Sometimes you miss Q posts. Remember "Christmas" and "Xmas"? Small details can deliver big changes in your research. Do not discount anything. Filter with logic, facts, cross checking, and support. Patterns are always important.

It is going to get hot in here soon. Be prepared, be a team. Fight the attacks swift and effectively.

Just standing Fire Watch. I am not important.

3beedd  No.237290


You thought the koran was gay fiction, wait'll you read this!

58b2d4  No.237291


>What is a "dry run"?

A testing process where the effects of a possible failure are intentionally mitigated.

>What could have been just that recently?

CBP computer system airport outages?

e8026b  No.237292


Nice reminder. You are important Anon.

2f9623  No.237293


Thanks for oversight and Fire Watch!

f9526d  No.237294


If we are going to use CDAN as a source (we have no reason not to at this point)- you must read the comments. Certain people comment daily with excellent guesses. G may equal Getty. John Paul Getty. Makes those stories about under the Getty interesting too. They even brought that up. Always read their comments but one reader says bodies were at an annex. Getty Villa. All this shit relates. Look at all the art in Getty Villa (mostly greek.) Who else had the greek head as a profile picture (JA) in the pizza parlor??? We are close. They all know it.

>blogger. com/comment.g?blogID=37309174&postID=2300754112559718988&isPopup=true&bpli=1&pli=1

56f680  No.237295

There have been a lot of scheduled happenings todays. The biggest one is the Bannon shit storm.

Somebody pulled the trigger on the story specifically at this time about 9 days since Qs last post. There are no coincidences. This is being orchestrated. There’s a bigger picture that I’m not seeing.




Is this the beginning of THE STORM.

01d9b7  No.237296


No. Disinfo is necessary. Enjoy the show.

b995ad  No.237297


There was what I think is called a "helper" comment saying that as for NK's nukes "their chord is broken".

The word that makes sense is cord not chord. The difference is the letter h.

From that I guessed that it was saying Kim's h-bombs are broken. Blown up under that mountain?


e6c1dc  No.237298



f68bd9  No.237299


Imagine how many NSA agents were ordered to do stuff they knew was wrong but felt trapped. Prior administrations had no problem KILLING YOU for "leaving the reservation".

Snowden was the only one brave enough to say "this ain't right" & DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

The rest just tossed their oath in my opinion. Now they have to leave. Would you really quit your cushy government gig & pension due to "low morale".

It's soldier ants being told to march the hell home

2a2869  No.237300

File: 8c669e1225d223f⋯.jpg (274.12 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, obr102.jpg)


Thank you anon.

Universal Cosmic Love be with you and guide your every step.

Same goes for everyone.

03fe73  No.237302


Blame the "holiday." "Busy time, weather, understandable."

0667d3  No.237305

Great opening speech by CSM on X-Files tonight. Almost like they've been reading CBTS for months. Makes you wonder just how close fiction is to reality, too.

29fd30  No.237306

File: cb7b61024a31375⋯.png (223.23 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-0….png)

Asking for assistance, but want travel ban lifted. Hmmm

https://www .reuters.com/article/us-iran-rallies-monarchy/u-s-should-clear-way-for-tech-companies-to-help-iranians-former-crown-prince-idUSKBN1ES23V

ca3055  No.237307


Why do a dry run on the holidays?

If airport/passport sys down was dry run, over the holidays it would be a lot busier - greater test ability with max numbers

6f76e4  No.237308


What's going on?

2cd181  No.237309


>There are posts on twitter discussing why Q wont be posting again

It hardly matters. Those who witnessed the events unfold in the manner that they did understand what took place. That's one of the advantages of looking at things through the perspective the Socratic method gives you.

Fixating on Q is another form of cult of personality, which is a blind turn. What we do know is that we essentially conversed with the modern day "Deep Throat". If they choose to reappear, then great. I personally am not expecting to converse with them here again, unless it's in that scary but safe way.. So I'll just continue to observe the world with a discerning eye until then.

f9526d  No.237311


Remember we were instructed of dis-info and to not trust MSM on things until we see actual evidence they tie in.

56f680  No.237312


They get the answer on the first couple posts almost everytime. A lot of the posters seem like industry types too.

34fa84  No.237313


Back to this again. Anyone who wishes nukes on their own people is not a righteous warrior. He is a pretender, and we don't need him. We will win CA, but righteously.

679d70  No.237314

did all that dis-info who was spread to find the "leakers" virtually ALL find it's way into the same book?

That would be hilariously genius

2f9623  No.237315


Or maybe her Alibi is busted. Why would BC set a fire in their own house and attract attention if they are hiding something. I'm thinking our guys somehow got something worthwhile and BC is screaming #FLY#

1bacc5  No.237316

Why was POTUS blast at Bannon via WH statement instead of Tweet? Is POTUS hiding his location?

8335b0  No.237317


So put up a link. I don't see anything on Beanz' twatter.

5a34de  No.237318

File: 3622ef142936deb⋯.png (173.02 KB, 695x590, 139:118, ClipboardImage.png)


He is an attorney and lays out each of his videos as he would a court case.

If you haven't been listening you are missing out!!!

Check out his latest…

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-cOBuuuwJ8

4b9cfe  No.237320

trump won

lizard and philip needed hospitalization

missed christmas service that year ,,,which is hilarious

because she is the pope of the church of england

probably needed to be hospitalized because of a sudden shortage of children

e8026b  No.237321


>FUCK OFF! Why would you want any state in the USA targeted asshole. (that was not a question)

4acb42  No.237322


Many events have occurred, and are going on daily.

This is not some simple overnight, instant gratification.

There are hundreds to possibly thousands of operations, to be carried out.

It's a long chess game,, and we are finally getting to the end part of the game.

Everything has been done as secret as possible, in order to protect the missions, and

Q has stated many times, these people are stupid.

Add stupid together with possible access to deadly materials/weapons, and knowing their way of life is going to end, that they will be exposed, shunned, and executed/jailed for life,,, which makes them stupid,, and desperate,, and still in positions of power to manipulate a horrific event or tragedy upon countless innocent civilians,, because they also have no Compasion, no humanity, no guilt,, no soul,, these people are evil,, and could resort to anything, even something unthinkable and quite heinous.

So YES, they have to do this in a careful , methodical fashion.

Can't just go out guns blazing against these people.

They are Stupid / desperate / dangerous/ NO COINSCIENCE,, and they are also insane, and psychopathic narcissists,,

Keep Faith PATRIOT, Many things are going on, and all will be revealed soon.

Take a break for a few days,, or make memes, or work on red pilling a few people a day.

Thank you

68dbaf  No.237323




8d58ee  No.237324


Monday, perhaps Tuesday. Things are going to change, or they're gonna change I know things are going, and we are winning.. but there is SOOOO much work to do to make the world a better place. We can't keep waiting and watching the cabal laugh even more. It's nauseating to anyone who has a heart.

Laugh time is over. You had your fun. Hope it was worth it.

I'd like to see the beaten down homeless occupy the luxury suites while the elitists who've never done anything to help sleep on the streets for a change. I would bet my bottom slave dollar that the crazy homeless guy you see on the street is 100x smarter/more aware/intellectual than most of the celebrities we see on television today.

Hard times will change a person. Nobody knows that except the ones who've actually talked to them.

a61d5d  No.237325




2b2939  No.237326

File: 7208788b4b2b224⋯.jpeg (84.15 KB, 474x711, 2:3, saintmichaelwar.jpeg)


We americananons appreciate the efforts of decent people EVERYWHERE, ESPECIALLY EU, TO HELP US OUT.

We also understand thoroughly how draining and absolutely soul crushing it is to see all this, and having things not work out to your personal expectations no matter what other things 'seems' to happen.

EU anon, we hope you recharge, relax, get things together, and meet back with us within 2-3 weeks time for renewed push. I believe 1st quarter of the year will begin to see streams of political public upheavals in both the msm news and political landscapes around the world that would confirm a tide of change even half of the most bluepilled dimwits can't deny.

and WE are the vanguard of these events from civilian point of view. WE, the anons on these boards that still have the freedom of expression.

We see the depressing news about merkel's 'hate speech laws' coming into effect, and enemy surely wants us demoralized and losing hope. Not to mention by very nature even if the political situation is 80% dark and is actually contained completely, the street level reality still goes on as if nothing happened.


This is a multi-year, probably multi-decade effort on part of decent people everywhere to begin fighting to take back what is THEIRS. Their dignity, their family, their daughters, their wives, their husbands, their towns and villages and cities, their nations, and THEIR CIVILIZATIONS.



Useful idiots will be made to meet their fates, by OUR hands! OUR blood and tears and hatred will carve a way to a world where our children will not be prey, but STRONG and POWERFUL, enough to strike fear of God into the hearts of our enemies.

Our enemies laugh, sneer, and outright try to victimize us. There will be casualties. There will be anguish. There WILL be darkness.

Yet do we give in? NO.

We will create our world. With OUR HANDS.

Take a time off to recharge, strengthen your offline presence, finish your tasks, so that you have a solid foundation both on and off the board to build on. THIS IS VITAL.

Come back to us when you are ready, to fight full strength again.

God bless our European brothers, and all decent suffering people all over the world.

Let's get to work.

6cc139  No.237328


Trump probably wanted more media exposure.

a0a573  No.237329


People here are thoroughly unpleasant when confronted with information they don't want to be true. I'd rather not deal with it.

85745f  No.237330


POTUS, Tillerson, and Mattis had lunch today. But no news to his whereabouts since then. Hopefully he is safe and preparing for what comes tomorrow.

c6e70c  No.237331

File: 10d65c08d051ebe⋯.jpg (134.2 KB, 685x651, 685:651, Lynn.jpg)

b5dc77  No.237332

File: 2b31b478b3388a2⋯.jpeg (100.69 KB, 870x580, 3:2, B74F3BF4-65A7-490D-8EA0-A….jpeg)

68dbaf  No.237333


We know this, the missing I was the Iridium guidance systems we can now over ride.

The Navy has them, remember their digitial post?

1423e2  No.237334


Jean Paul Getty?

b5dc77  No.237336

File: 3fb126353789810⋯.jpeg (24.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 083E6AFC-8799-45B1-BB59-D….jpeg)

File: a72ab614b796201⋯.jpeg (3.01 KB, 251x201, 251:201, 7EE03C12-2E6C-4D2A-8D40-2….jpeg)

2a2869  No.237337


There are more EUfriends here than you think.

This will go global. You can't just remove the cabal in one country.

01d9b7  No.237339


Yes. He's DNC chair.

679d70  No.237340


The fort will be held for quite some time yet Anon. Have a good old break in the meantime

56f680  No.237341


Brilliant but why Wolff?

e8026b  No.237342

FBI director, Justice Department deputy huddle with Paul Ryan amid contempt of Congress threat

"The FBI director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein met with House Speaker Paul Ryan late Wednesday afternoon, the same day lawmakers were demanding that they turn over documents to the House Intelligence panel about the Trump-Russia collusion probe."

>Link: washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-director-justice-department-deputy-huddle-with-paul-ryan-amid-contempt-of-congress-threat/article/2644895

b92dc1  No.237343

File: 268e5622dff6a65⋯.jpg (380.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2879.JPG)


Thank you for supporting us and being here, Firewatchanon. It's appreciated. WRWY.

>List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions -

> - Fire Watch – Sentry on duty specifically guarding a person, place, object, or area in a non-combat area (such as a barracks); considered under arms but usually unarmed. See also duty & OOD.


c021e6  No.237344


need a paypal fine hopper for this 0.25 per foul lol!!!

679d70  No.237345


I think it's VOTL

95fd48  No.237346

File: af374b6858d2f41⋯.png (412.61 KB, 716x775, 716:775, dod_tweet_bakers.png)

some encouragement , or mere coincidence? , for those who haven't seen


>pic related


^baker , rt



>pic related?

f9526d  No.237347


They are. Tricia (if you follow you see her) she was someone very in. She knows too much. There is the infamous 'himmmmm' people say is possibly related to Mr. Stark ;)

Anyways. This story for some reason makes me think of the movie the Post. Getty also has a movie coming out. The post owner killed her self like her father did (did she really suicide?). Ionno. This has threads all dangling- but there is soo much already on the table. And we have lost focus as a group. This has to be how Ed Norton felt when it became 'Project Mayhem' and things were no longer just in the basement.

1423e2  No.237348

File: 423281531cb0b5f⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 624x655, 624:655, 1-3-18 b.jpg)

cb37a9  No.237349

Blocked flight just crossed into N Carolina. Started out somewhere in CT or north of CT.

Closer to the coast.

68dbaf  No.237350


Or they have the key to operating them.

e82a78  No.237351






[G]I T M[O]

…just saying that's what it looks like to me

0f7999  No.237353


distance when Bannon goes all in on the stuff that's about to come out..

It will end up looking like an egotistical pissing match to show who has done the most to help drain the swamp.>Regarding Bannon / Trump stuff (and this has been going on the whole presidency)


>….. I think it is Art of War distraction, they are in cahoots to get the whole media audience focused on one hand while the “magic trick” is performed in the other.



I'd bet money that when Steve Bannon joined the Trump campaign he clued him in on what he knew about Breitbart and they joined forces with the caveat… Bannon gets to break the story.

This separation spat is theater to give

7e9fa1  No.237354


Top kek

1423e2  No.237355


There are no coincidences!

5a34de  No.237356


Agreed!! There are phases in every war, maybe what Q's mission was has been completed now.

Q helped construct an army dedicated to exposing the TRUTH of what is going on around us.

We still have work to do. Finishing the map (answering ALL questions); more digging; more meming; more praying!!

Q got us going, don't leave your post with the work udone - remember how POTUS likes things…

Ahead of schedule and under budget!

I believe 2018 will be the fruits of our labor of 2016 & 2017. We will see much happenings!!

2a2869  No.237357


I have no connection to the twitter brigade. I only post what is important and what keeps focus on the goal.

82a816  No.237358


Even the top Merman is dead? Hmmmm

8335b0  No.237359



2d0e8f  No.237360

Reply to anon from last thread re: leaked child trafficking email



I turned the suspicious spaces into two lines of text, one for letters before a space, one for letters after:

mmHDmmGWwwwmMDmRGGwmHwwwmM Cm

ipaoiooeiieiaoieioaaeheipa oa

As you can see, the letters are not random. The first line has an inordinate fondness for m's and w's. The second has an inordinate fondness for vowels. The space before the last two characters represents the bulk of the letter having proper spacing. Therefore this person isn't a retard. It IS a message within a message. Can't figure it out though.

5a34de  No.237361


f9526d  No.237364


Plebbit spacing. Ya gotta go back. Nothing in your message did anything related to digging. Just clogging up the threads.

60a51e  No.237365

Thomas S. Monson head of Mormon church, dead hmm any skeletons?

0667d3  No.237366




Listen up, autists. Pay attention. Be careful.

Keep your focus and keep your faith.

8ac209  No.237367


Thomas Wictor agrees its Sun Tzsu-for whatever that is worth

b92dc1  No.237368


Great encouragement anon, although personally, I'd like to see Q back. It's why we're all here. Small coincidences aren't cutting it just now for me, personally.

>nb4 shill

34fa84  No.237369

Trump's verbal accusation today of Bannon having been a White House leaker is the first time this has been explicitly stated, as far as I know.

From POTUS' statement:

>Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.

That is an accusation of criminal activity, is it not? Before, it was possible to infer that Bannon was a leaker or that he did not get along with others or was not a team player or left "voluntarily". An inference has changed status to a direct accusation. If it were not provably true, POTUS would not say it.

I am examining the situation for actors playing roles here, but not seeing a scripted drama; rather, serious accusations and genuine anger coming from POTUS.

I believe everything POTUS does is carefully considered and deliberate, down to the timing and often multiple meanings.

Time will tell if this is a script playing out or an actual dispute potentially including criminal conduct by B.

cbeda8  No.237370

File: 640d45b2b200298⋯.jpg (85.96 KB, 583x620, 583:620, KE9967acdacd32a315e67dddae….jpg)

2f5dd8  No.237371

Have faith anons. 9000 indictments is going to take a while to process. Don’t want to cause riots. Info will take a while to absorb. Q said to sit back and watch

78e5ff  No.237372

File: aebaab6bf948e0f⋯.jpeg (227.16 KB, 841x1090, 841:1090, 330539E5-18A6-43E5-8914-D….jpeg)

Clinton’s “house on fire” on Jan 3rd 2018.

Is it real? Fake news? Fake News Awards?

Consider this: today, 1/3/2018, the Earth was closer to the Sun than any other day of 2018.

Is this a coincidence?

78bc0e  No.237373

Can you all please take a look at this?

Q says (pockets)

POTUS tweets "pockets"

10 days apart


85745f  No.237374


Q is why we came. Not necessarily why we are still here.

34fa84  No.237375


Sorry forgot sauce:


c021e6  No.237376



>punishment from above all, God is supernaturally cleaning house!

95456e  No.237377


90 year olds tank everyday. Why don't we add some flour.

b92dc1  No.237378


I hear you.

4f0a81  No.237379


sometimes the autism goes a bit too far with you retards. look at the original PDF. it's just a shitty OCR.

765d31  No.237380


canfag here.

I have high hopes we will turn this around as many anons here have found out many things of each government.

Europe, Canada, USA, Russia, China and the Koreas obviously have set the stage and we are the actors.

That much we know.

How far this thing goes and all of the slimy, windy roads that lead to cul-de-sacs half the time.. who knows.

What I know for a fact is there is an agenda and the stage holders seem to be behind it.

They are making us give up freedoms fast, I see this a lot in Canada, matter of fact it is the part of the reason I left the military. Thought police telling me how to think.

Giving terrorists millions of dollars, forcing the common man into trusting terrorists.

The gender issue is insanity. I don't give a fuck about what you want to do - but when the tax payer is paying for a troop - 100K+ for a sex change, but cannot give another troop in the same military laser eye surgery for 1.5k???

The fuck is wrong here.

it's like 1984 on roids and I happen to want to have kids in the future but i'll be fucking DAMNED if i'll allow them to be born into a sick society where the laws are made up and Shepards poke the sheep.

cbeda8  No.237381



bf8d75  No.237382



Hey beautiful Anons, something keeps itching in my mind. I keep seeing LdR being referred to as Lynn de Rothschild, but would it not be more appropriate that it be Lord de Rothschild (aka Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild)? Am I missing something?

2a2869  No.237383


Steven Bannon: Darkness is good.

Warned you back around 100 threads ago.

Now let's move along, you can't focus on every single puppet that much. Don't get dragged down. What he chooses is his deal, leave him to it. Love is the solution for everything.

01d9b7  No.237384


Thanks for the pep talk, FW Anon.

6237b9  No.237385


Hence, I'm looking at official DoJ website for facts.


That article about "Former Executive Managing Director of Och-Ziff Capital Management…" - "was charged in an indictment unsealed today" - anyway of finding out if this was one of the thousands of sealed indictments? Also, he's a "Cohen" - "Michael Leslie Cohen, 46, of London, England was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit investment adviser fraud, one count of investment adviser fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, four counts of wire fraud, one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, one count of obstruction of justice and one count of making false statements. The indictment was returned under seal by a federal grand jury sitting in Brooklyn, New York on Oct. 5, 2017, and relates to Cohen’s alleged conduct between 2008 and 2013."

So, he's not on wiki, but I found this:

https://www .bloomberg.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=26050830&privcapId=975327

- Xceed Molecular, Inc "develops a system for gene-expression analysis system, assay, and cancer express chip. It operates a platform for automated gene expression analysis and developing clinical research assays and custom arrays." - da fook has that got to do with hedge funds?!

Looking at the list of "companies" he's into, we're talking money and genetics. A typical Cohen bloodline (of the 13 illuminutti sort) sorta thang?!

85745f  No.237386


Autists for hire.

7e9fa1  No.237388


>>237379 ←Agreed, but not on the retard part

It's a bad OCR. Keep digging, patriots. Make the dough rise!

2a2869  No.237389


I'd say this is more appropriate since Lynn is only a girl married into the already established bloodline, and her narrative is testament to her lack of knowledge the more powerful roths have.

4f0a81  No.237390


I say retards lovingly, fag.

5a34de  No.237391


No sign of them because they were there. That is not their only home.

A fire started, somehow by someone, or idiots left something on. I doubt it is a coinsidence.

I am sure it will be used to it's full advantage!! Yum Yum!

6f76e4  No.237392

Tomorrow, January 4th, aledged the mother of Julian Assange, Christine Assange will announce on KABC radio that her son is a free man and was extracted from the embassy on Christmas Day by the US Military on orders by President Trump. Julian Assange tweeted a teaser about this. I'm wondering if he is at Camp David? He deserves to be freed. Wiki links has been our Ally in this war against the traitor's.

913afc  No.237393


I've looked hard and the only thing I saw was that she said someone was impersonating her on YT. I didn't see anything to back up your comment. PUOSU

234dca  No.237394



Just when there's a senate vacancy in UT too.

c6e70c  No.237395

File: f75e5a27f40b64f⋯.jpg (354.11 KB, 837x1251, 93:139, Sessions.jpg)

It's happening.

Gitmo activity, and now Sessions places 17 prosecutors at DOJ

cbeda8  No.237396


https://www. intelligencecareers.gov/nsa/

Looks like the NSA is hiring! Jump on board, patriots.

a4b5c0  No.237397


Guys, don't get caught up in the dis-info. It is necessary. Classic look over here, now look over here. Surely Bannon is in the 10 listed at the beginning as in the know (3 with full picture).

Remember when Trump kept tweeting not so positive stuff at Sessions…Meanwhile Sessions was having his DOJ pumping out sealed indictments and kicking MS-13 the fuck out of our country.

Everything looks different after a couple news cycles. Be patient and stay focused.

a39742  No.237398

Not a plane fag (bless you guys) but keep wondering about "40K"… and the fact that their filtering to 40K seems to reveal a lot more.

What is the operational limit of a Stinger or other portable missiles?

435d66  No.237399



78bc0e  No.237400


It is definitely symbolic.

Of all the people's houses to catch on fire….and right after Chelsea tweets with the church of satan?

Come on, y'all!

29fd30  No.237401

Ifiot of the day award goes to this guy

https://www .reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-threats/man-charged-with-threatening-to-kill-trump-during-visit-to-utah-idUSKBN1ET03G

82a816  No.237402


Such a tough choice for Mitt: Hmm, which one, which one?

5a34de  No.237403


Question would be, has Q ever referred to ldr as a he/she?

bf8d75  No.237404


Exactly. She married into the bloodline. What about the real LdR?

56f680  No.237405


There’s a lot of inside baseball.

7e9fa1  No.237406


Very interesting find, anon. Especially because Q's post and POTUS' tweet both reference Iran!

I don't know how it fits other than the very obvious money thread:

Q: $$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).

POTUS: All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.”

Any other ideas?

As a recap for those not viewing the original post, these occurred 10 days apart.

406945  No.237407

Maybe there would be less anti-American machinations in this country if we required all citizens and immigrant and visa applicants to periodically sign an oath of allegiance.

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."


This is the Oath of Office for Members of Congress.

“I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God” (5 U.S.C. §3331).


But members of Congress do not have to disclose dual citizenships, so they can keep their divided loyalties secret.


It is thought that American-Israeli citizenship is the most frequent for Members of Congress.

Since 2010, Israel has required an oath of loyalty for would-be Israeli citizens to "pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state".

A spokesman for the US embassy in Israel in 2010 said the oath would not affect US citizenship–not because there is no conflict in citizen loyalty to two different countries–but because-wait-for-it

“US citizenship, in general, in order for it to be lost, something fairly strong has to happen like renunciation,” he explained. “So it’s really hard to accidentally lose American citizenship, with the exception of treason or working for a foreign government and those sorts of things."


So dual citizenship may conflict with American interests and principles, but that doesn't matter because America is lax in requiring loyalty to our country.

Unfortunately, we can be certain the dual citizenship members of Congress will block any legislation that would require single citizenship and a loyalty oath for all citizens, not just naturalized immigrants.

eb6bb9  No.237408


how the frig did I miss that? thank you anon for taking the time to repost it. A clear message from Q and GEOTUS..easily overlooked

78bc0e  No.237409


If you're say Bannon is one of the less than 10 that Q says knows about the operation?

Uh, I don't agree.

d1240d  No.237410

File: 84ee728ddd29041⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 541x350, 541:350, SatanFags.jpg)

2a2869  No.237411


Defeated easily by spreading awareness about how life doesn't have to be so corrupt and miserable by your own positive informed choices and actions. That's from my perspective, I think the positively-charged forces of Good have more concrete plans on this matter.

7e9fa1  No.237412


Damn skippy! Love you, nohomo.

cbf78a  No.237413


He has not by gender. Agree with anon, lord makes more sense

78bc0e  No.237415


Thanks, hope someone can help out with a graphic. Stood out even more because POTUS put pockets in quotes.

a6964e  No.237417


WE are given a chance to make a difference. It is not about one nation. It's about humanity and OUR survival/future.

f9db50  No.237419

Wtf happened to critical thinking in here? I see a bunch of comments on how we all freed the human race…simply by clicking on links. WE didnt do shit. Each individual searched for their own individuated understanding oh how the world works, especially within criminal networks. For fuck sakes, even if the cabal is taken down guess what, humans will still be evil, kids will still go missing. Trump, although a damn good prez, is not going to save the world. Nor could he save us from ourselfs.

82a816  No.237420


If that's the case, I don't agree either

679d70  No.237421


trying to get us to ease off your twitter lynn???

a4b5c0  No.237422


There's another angle to this and I'm not speaking from a position of being in the know.

Is there a chance that some of the NSA best were selected to "leave" the NSA and go work with the white hats / Private intel companies that are most likely a big part of this take down? (Think Eric Prince, Zack from Morocco, etc). Even MegaAnon sounds like she is coming from a position where she was a high level government employee that might now be on the outside and a gun for hire. Just saying.

Can't believe anything you hear these days…needs to be vetted and sourced from different angles to prove validity….

6e4115  No.237423


Geez I leave for a day and come back to a love fest bromance goin on.

20e529  No.237424

What if the clintons are the ones who asked trump to run? Wouldnt that be a hoot? Tweet tweet. When does a bird sing?

7d6752  No.237425


Is there a tie-in to the list of 300? Neither Globus nor his partner Golan are on it. Going blind trying to find the person on the list with a connection to Superman IV…. so many possibilities

Also, the Hollywood insider who may reveal stuff - the one we would laugh if we knew…?

I thought it might be Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who is descended from Gerard Louis-Dreyfus, on the list. But she's a confirmed Dem hanging out with Amy Schumer, so not her as far as I can tell.

78bc0e  No.237426

These people are sick.

Their symbolism will be their downfall.

cbf78a  No.237427



keep it up anon

82a816  No.237428


Cool story, bro

7e9fa1  No.237429


I capped it briefly here:


Full Q:

Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 23 Dec 2017 01:12:33 78f9ff No.154238

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].







The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.” The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!

e6c1dc  No.237430


Pockets-personal gain not in public coffers?

382296  No.237431


Awesome idea, put it in the hand of those who can get the info, and then press charges for fraud! Brilliant!

78e5ff  No.237432

Bannon and Trump feud is Fake News.

It’s akin to Professional Wrestling.

It’s a PsyOp.

Art of War.

When you are Strong, appear WEAK.

Expect much FAKE NEWS before the FAKE NEWS AWARDS. Come on, Anons.

68dbaf  No.237433

Guys, the Trump/Bannon display is needful separation - before sparks start flying.

Some battles can be fought on high, at the top, in prominence.

Others must be fought low-level, from the ground up, to bring the people along.

In the Alice in Wonderland story, Alice got out of all kind of trouble by making herself either big or small.

This is the same thing.

c021e6  No.237434


this is hilarious anon's direct quote from Q in this article where is this guy working crumb, bread truck with a door open here! "For God and Country"!!!

85745f  No.237437


Privatized intel….tell me more….

cb37a9  No.237438

Blocked flight out of CT, now in NC near Delway, NC. A second leaving Jackson Hole, WY, now over Salt Lake City.

Both house a lot of elites.

406945  No.237439


Agree, Lord makes more sense. Reference to her became more frequent because she is the one he called out for visiting the board, "Lynn".

cbf78a  No.237440


>Guys, the Trump/Bannon display is needful separation


6e4115  No.237441


One of their witchy spells gone awry and the black candles caught fire to the curtains. =D

7e9fa1  No.237442


It's in the air. Looky what another anon just discovered:






2e50bc  No.237443


Critical thinking is discouraged. It may interfere with reality.

Welcome to the game.

Modern day “Farmville”


29fd30  No.237444

Goodbye POSs

https://www .reuters.com/article/us-elsalvador-gangs/u-s-deportations-of-alleged-el-salvador-gang-members-surge-idUSKBN1ET02X

d1240d  No.237445


Is it just me, or have people been in a much happier mood lately? Seems to be contagious..

20e529  No.237446


Disinfo is necessary. Read between the lines. Expand your thinking. Game theory.

82a816  No.237447


No coincidences

cbf78a  No.237448


nice summary, anon

bf8d75  No.237449


OMG! lol. really?! Little LdR, with her twats, could actually be diverting attention to the actually LdR - Lord de Rothschild.

a4b5c0  No.237450


Fair enough, you are entitled to your opinion. Bannon and Gorka are 100% MAGA. Bannon was the only one who stepped up after the "Grab em by the Pussy" tape and told him he had a 100% chance to win. He might not be one of the 10, but is he trusted by Trump…absofuckinglutely, I don't by this story at all and I figured this would be the one group of people who could see through the mis-direction. Did I think Trump was capable of this before seeing Session head fake, no. After…Yes I believe he is a 5D chess grand master.

e8026b  No.237451



I do believe that's highly possible. Ultimately because they are low hanging fruit in the grander scheme of things. Small fish, puppets, born into a crime family.

Godfather III - (just for fun)

>As Hillary Clinton ages, she finds that being the head of a crime family isn't getting any easier. She wants her family out of the Mafia, but the mob kingpin (Soros) isn't eager to let one of the most powerful families go legit. Making matters even worse is Soros nephew, Marc Mezvinsky - who wants a piece of the Clinton family's criminal empire, but he also wants their daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

20e529  No.237452


Could be another rocket man scenario.

a4b5c0  No.237453

0667d3  No.237454


>or have people been in a much happier mood lately? Seems to be contagious..

We're winning, bigly. Yugely, in fact.

78bc0e  No.237455


Thanks for the get!

05fe0e  No.237456

space x launch Friday with the Zuma Payload

6cc139  No.237457


Necessity is the basis of lawlessness. In commerce, truth is sovereign. Disinformation is corruption of the truth.

7e9fa1  No.237458


I could actually buy this scenario.

7324da  No.237459

File: 8c64b38c23f1768⋯.png (301.43 KB, 1840x1074, 920:537, Untitled.png)



OP asked for a meme, here's a shitty meme for you to share, friend.

20e529  No.237460


Kill rogue might be an AI. Has intel created a monster?

b34553  No.237461

O U lookin' at artists like the harvests

So many Rollies around you and you want all of them

Somebody told me you thinkin' 'bout snatchin' jewelry

I should've listened when my grandmama said to me

Shit don't change until you get up and wash yo' ass, nigga

Shit don't change until you get up and wash yo' ass, boy

Shit don't change until you get up and wash yo' ass, nigga

Oh now, slow down

I'm trapped inside the ghetto and I ain't proud to admit it

Institutionalized, I keep runnin' back for a visit

Hol' up, get it back

I said I'm trapped inside the ghetto and I ain't proud to admit it

Ghetto make you said, I aint too proud but the dreams are still lucid



3fcec2  No.237462


Same anon.

You are not alone.

5a34de  No.237463


True, that confirmed it for me. But I agree that Lord makes more sense.

But he also has pointed out the wives. She is very vocal with her support for hrc and hatred for Trump.

1423e2  No.237464



Wasn't Jacob Rothschild the one that was just killed in the plane/helicopter crash over or near one of their estates?

cbeda8  No.237465

File: 8defcf070c3c278⋯.png (272.22 KB, 948x859, 948:859, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)


Might be time for a career change…

2a2869  No.237466


When you take down the cabal those things will be reduced and managed to such a level we will basically be living in heaven. Thing is, the cabal has its tentacles absolutely everywhere. Refer to this image


This is why inner spiritual work is fundamental for real change.

f9526d  No.237467

File: 4ffa4f39cd54259⋯.jpg (130.12 KB, 670x499, 670:499, i897983749180.jpg.jpg)



Yeah- scis love game theory too. I believe they call it Fair Game

wikipedia .org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology)

And to everyone saying they want Q to come back. We are anonymous. The Q team may be here 24/7 and none of us would know any better. So shut up about it and get to doing something constructive.

6cc139  No.237468


It's faith based reasoning, a really good way to disconnect yourself from reality.

7e9fa1  No.237469


Fine job, anon!

16a2f2  No.237470

File: 8f97e08bfa74cdd⋯.jpg (4.67 MB, 6900x5064, 575:422, We_Are_CBTS.jpg)

66fdad  No.237471

Perhaps off topic, but here is a good starting point for developing critical thinking, and adopting the trivium method when processing the yuge amounts of data we see each day. Anyhoo, check it out, or not. Be well, stay bold.

No matter what the outcome, it was always up to us.

https:// webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/D36749F1-3A40-09FA-957F-41294B88CB70#-4016

2e50bc  No.237472


You’re partially correct.

Enjoy the show

Watch for the boomerang.

20e529  No.237473


What the question q asked about catching a predator? Or was it an animal? Beast?

3fcec2  No.237474


Was this the last arrest or evidence gathering?

1423e2  No.237475


lmao Lynn also retweeted an article from Stalin recently that said 'Stop sending people to kill me…'

82a816  No.237476


This chessfag approves

f9526d  No.237477


Nice work- when does the [5] start then?

c6e70c  No.237478

File: fdb1894675c7f99⋯.jpg (217.53 KB, 831x875, 831:875, Assange.jpg)

1423e2  No.237479



"How do you capture a very dangerous animal?"

3fcec2  No.237480

By the way.

It is coming up to 2am Zulu

e88290  No.237481


I pulled GIS for Westchester County NY and find no owner by name McCabe. Provide your sauce, anon or don't make statements like that please.

85745f  No.237482

If we have less 'fuck's in the memes I can actually post them.

6e4115  No.237483


Lol yea I haven't looked at anything yet and scrolled straight to the end and saw the love in.

And oh wow, that is a nice find. I still think Q's last drop was about us (and others) to keep 'fire watch' on Twitter to look out for chatter among Iranian protesters leading up to the main protests.

I still don't know that WHITE_WHITE is tho. Probably something about JA but I'm still seeing if it's related to anything Iran.

I think the US, Israel and SA have been working the protesters in the months leading up. Kind of the same way the EU and US worked up the coup in Kiev a few years ago.

5a34de  No.237484


In the next Heaven and Earth, there is not going to be any darkness.

God is doing away with day and night - it's in Revelation. There will be no time keeping in eternity. There will also be no darkness, only LIGHT!!

9829af  No.237485


Fake news…

20e529  No.237486


Yea i think (((they))) created a monster and realize all their bloodlines are in imminent danger. No one is safe. Not even them. Unless! Unless they work together. We are only privy to the shit they feed us on msm. Fake news. How naive to assume it’s as simple as repub vs dem….couldn’t be rather from the truth.

f366fc  No.237487


Goldie Gardner. That clip was from 1984. She resembles Mike Enoch's wife Ames and is shilling for dollars, hence the joke.


He's data mining, not LARPing.

cb37a9  No.237488

Blocked flight just left Boston and is over the water off Long Island

78bc0e  No.237490



f9526d  No.237491


Sorry. lmao. I was getting carried away and people are aggravating me. Nothing says pay attention like swear words lol. You could always censor the memes in a fun way.

20e529  No.237492


Now watch Black Mirror…the AI is becoming sentient. They created a monster!

2cd181  No.237493


>It’s akin to Professional Wrestling.

Let's not forget the big elephant in the room that is the public self-destruction of all of these high profile people.. It really is a circus at this point.

6cc139  No.237494


Predators run on survival traits. To overcome them you've got to integrate your heart and mind. The triune brain model helps to explain this.

382296  No.237495

File: 8d811d620cae0e9⋯.png (196.3 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 61E95577-297D-4079-A0BF-99….png)

4c6239  No.237496


Thanks anon. Your comment was needed and appreciated. 2018 will be glorious. Keep up the Great Work.

84c5f0  No.237497


Thanks Quinn.

bf8d75  No.237498



She could be doing diversion for him.


Where is the sauce?

e82a78  No.237499


and of course altitude is 40,000', right?

46a0c3  No.237500

File: 92c4842fe02b5d1⋯.jpeg (51.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, image.jpeg)

File: e1bda9b6f0064f7⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB, 240x320, 3:4, image.jpeg)



From the retail residential property listings of Berkshire Hathaway. Located in Aksarben village, part of Omaha, Nebraska.

"Ak-Sar-Ben, an area originally developed by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in 1895 for civic and regional enrichment, is now part of a cultural and economic revitalization in midtown. Ak-Sar-Ben horse racing was a staple in Omaha for over 75 years, and the organization continues today aiding in student scholarships and civic projects. Where the racetrack once stood are a mixture of neighborhood retail shops, University of Nebraska-Omaha buildings and student housing, and a wonderful outdoor venue in Stinson Park."

Sure it's full of lovely people but afraid there's too many symbolic connections not to at least mention it - post dedicated to the late, great John W. DeCamp.

5a34de  No.237501


No way!! Trump would not have responded against Bannon as strongly as he did.

a4b5c0  No.237502


If you listen to INFOWARS, there is a Zack from Florida (now Morocco) that calls in. He is ex-intel analyst that served with JSOC. He is on the outside now and his calls into the show have been highly revealing. He appears to be in the heart of this and certainly would be an alliance member.

There are private contractors that make up 80% of the DOD agents, but there may also be other intel for hire type organizations outside the actual DOD agencies that can be contracted for their analysis put together by their own independent organization. Similar to a Blackwater for intel…

I'll look for a good YouTube on some company that was giving great analysis on NK…

20e529  No.237503


Each hive has one queen. Goes back to my Victoria references from this morning. I’ll try to link later when I have time.

You are a queen in this scenario. You have not succumbed to the hive mind. Be proud.

34fa84  No.237504



41001f  No.237505


Nice description of "the MAP" and a nice pep-talk as well.

6765d2  No.237506


I think you're on to something potentially YUGE.

Maybe pair the letters (before + after) space

Gives you a series of 2 letters. Feed info to crypto anon.

e88290  No.237507



2a2869  No.237508


At this stage of development back towards the higher dimensions/heavens/kingdom of God we still have the choice of darkness or light so we can see Light is the way forward. We can see it the easy way (by choosing Light) or the hard way (by choosing darkness). Either way Light will defeat Darkness (Q crumb) and God is LOVE (Q crumb).

16a2f2  No.237509


it's at 40K right now, but that's pretty normal….

when they get up to 43K to 47K…. I raise and eyebrow

on flight radar24, their flight path will turn red

this one is holding steady at 40K, makes the line purple

46a0c3  No.237510


Forgot to add, name derived from spelling Nebraska backwards.

Also, I thought the chemtrails in my first image were a nice bonus.

3f3f6c  No.237511


POTUS distances himself from bannon.

Watch for upcoming violent rallies.

I am assuming POTUS distancing himself from upcoming paid protesters starting violence "under the alt right"

Its pre-emptive to combat the dems narrative that Trump supporters are racist just before 2018 midterms.

9b001d  No.237512

File: 1be30e6097b6f86⋯.jpeg (145.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 062386E2-0883-4223-8820-4….jpeg)

The air is ripe for battle. A Bomb Cyclone from the north. The swamp will freeze ten feet under ground. It’s happening I can feel it.

68dbaf  No.237513


Actually, I think it says there will be no more moon.

The moon is the subversive (night time) element, for bad or good.

85745f  No.237514


I'm not offended but we need them so that Grandma can retweet them too ;)

58a530  No.237515

We do not quit! We all have sacrificed over the holidays. We are Anon, we are patriots, we are warriors. Do we want the enemy to think someone has to always hold our dick for us to finish the fight? Fuck no, we are here to complete the task we have been given. There is no exceptions for pussies. Just because times are frustrating, we never stop. Hooorah!

382296  No.237517


One was turned around, people placed on another plane, and it was then turned around again! Both times for noises heard….

cbf78a  No.237519


The wording is not Trump's on that bash. It was well done. He just gave the order.

eb6bb9  No.237521


I agree with you anon

I see right through this bullshit

Im not falling for it

We were trained better than this

come on now..


"look here, or there, or here..behind you.."

292789  No.237522


Looks a lot like Amityville Horror house

16a2f2  No.237523

File: 50b50eceff7d219⋯.png (853.26 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 1_3_18_sky.png)


I'm not a chemtrail fag, but today…. they unloaded all over northeast

they sprayed hard from early morning

have not seen them spray this hard in a while

I'll go back to meme-ing and plane fagging now

68dbaf  No.237524


Bannon can take it.

Everything rolls off of him.

He has a base like that too.

6cc139  No.237525


Agree, repub vs dem is an artificial division, what really matters is libertarian (i.e. old school liberty) vs statism, especially for state-centric societies like the US.

23c8d6  No.237526


WTF? does this shit ever end?

e82a78  No.237527


10 days puts us at tomorrow…

I believe!!!

679d70  No.237529


pro wrestlers give themselves little tiny razor cuts in the scalp shortly before the perform for the biggest shows… only takes a little "dunt" to have blood flowing… it's real blood but harmless….

All part of the show!

29fd30  No.237530

Another win, POTUS kept his promise to the codetalkers

https://www .justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-funding-opportunities-tribal-communities

6765d2  No.237531

I realized something yesterday. Q is no longer necessary. This movement has reached critical mass.

Connected Anons + Time + weaponized autism = "all your base are belong to us"

cbf78a  No.237532


The bottom will drop out soon. Very soon. Days

a6964e  No.237533




We would not be here without him. Who knows, perhaps Killary would be president now… I get literally sick of that thought.

be2df7  No.237534


Curtains? Was Comey hiding behind them? Smells like a meme!

b0eabe  No.237535


RE: Bannon

Lee Stranahan's video

https ://twitter.com/stranahan/status/948678336934326272

0f7999  No.237536


it's kabuki

20e529  No.237537


It was ‘dangerous animal’

How many definitions for keystone, P, stringers etc have we come up with?

How many would an AI figure out?



You are what you eat?

If you are an AI who feeds you?

Created a monster…

Can an AI feed itself?

Ever see Stranger Things?

DoE made a ‘mistake’ that became sentient and they lost control.

It’s vine like tentacles infiltrated every this it touched.

intel inside?

Of what?

Nearly everything?

cbeda8  No.237538

Are some lines in the "map" not meant for us, but military/intelligence-eyes only? Many of the stringers don't seem to reveal anything to me, but clearly serve some purpose. Disinfo? Or above my pay-grade?

6765d2  No.237539


Definitely a pants on fire meme in there too

512e59  No.237540


Anyone who listens to that show would know that already?

Other than Jerome Corsi, there's not much going on there anymore. It's one giant infomercial to fund a bloated staff and alimony payments.

cbf78a  No.237541


served with covfefe and walnut sauce

b34553  No.237542

They wanna play the game

Act like they set a time limit

tryin to reach the summit but they only plummet

they wanna finish but they causin the delay

and then they wonder why the spring come in may

wanna finish, then sit back and let me play

7d6752  No.237543


very interesting

"…plane was turned around after pilots heard a mysterious noise coming from the plane."

Delta rep is connecting planes turning around since Dec 21 Exec Order.

"since the 21st of December there has been multiple outages at airports, US Customs computer systems going down, as well as a multitude of emergency landings.

There is something obviously connected to all this, because passenger jets don't just turn around where they came from…If they have to make an emergency landing they usually land at the closest airport. We will likely see this happen again with a plane being turned back around to the United States."

b0eabe  No.237544


Hey kabuki

POTUS cannot take back those accusatory words.

face it..its real.

eb6bb9  No.237545



55c8cc  No.237546

File: bb9db30a3ab28a9⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1510515946726.jpg)

Anyone have the yellow Book of Q?

1c8283  No.237547


Passive aggressive drama queen. Put up or GTFO. You're fucking anon.

e82a78  No.237548



I think I just puked in my mouth

365f48  No.237549


I believe that the spat when Bannon left the WH was a calculated move as Bannon could do more out of the WH than In it.

He is still part of Trumps team, re:MISDIRECTION and the chaos it creates. Right hand, look here, Left hand is what they are doing. Art of war masterclass before your eyes.

382296  No.237550


He sent off rocket today and it landed on a village in NK

a68e35  No.237551


Keep letting some line out….. let 'em swallow the hook.

3cd6a8  No.237552


You answered your own question.

6f3e94  No.237553

come on Q, drop some more crumbs…

f8cb72  No.237554

I'm sorry, a little late to the game, but does this:


relate to the fire in Killary's lair?

f68bd9  No.237555

File: fb82046cbf9476a⋯.jpg (268.25 KB, 1440x802, 720:401, 20180103_204657.jpg)








>>237434 Same Quote I used on my New Years Meme

Could be a bit of harvesting white hats & flushing out black hats. After the election, more of the latter I'm sure.

cbeda8  No.237556


Yeah… I do that sometimes.

cb37a9  No.237557


Why? Want to learn.

a8c4b9  No.237559

rich people >>237557

7e9fa1  No.237560

File: e3871e298a798b7⋯.png (198.59 KB, 914x1224, 457:612, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)


OK, on WHITE_WHITE_, I tried to expand my thinking. Here's 2 pertinent Q lines from that post:

Twitter FW_


Maybe with the first line, FW_ was to tip us off for a search term in the second line CONF_WHITE. Change the spacing and you have CONFW_HITE or CON FW_HITE. I looked up FW HITE on duckduckgo, and came up with:

hitesite.org ← ONLINE RESOURCE DIRECTORY connecting New Yorkers with free and low-cost health and social services

I went to "ABOUT US" and noticed a link at the bottom saying: HITE has been operated since 2005 by the Greater New York Hospital Association

www.gnyha.org ← There's a lot of news links there that may be worth digging, but it's not my forte. Screenshot of those links is attached. Decide whether it's worth a dig.

1c8283  No.237561


Makes sense. Get a lot out of people if you make them think you have common enemies.

e82a78  No.237562


I smell a fellow jarhead…amazing how many of us are here

cb37a9  No.237563


What is the criteria to allow for a block?

a68e35  No.237564


Kek. Kek. Worthy anon.

29fd30  No.237565

File: 4612b75381300d7⋯.png (486.01 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

File: 42ff64779b80288⋯.png (425.84 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

File: 0c1bff33cabc945⋯.png (519.13 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

File: 27e543435af53fa⋯.png (488.31 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

Jim Jordyn twatter questions

0f7999  No.237566


>face it..its real.

yes, the words are real.

Steve Bannon after seeing what (((they))) did to Breitbart teamed up with Trump with the bargain that he gets to break the juicy stuff.

If Trump is seen as close to Bannon when the bombshells are launched it could all be discounted as machinations by Trump.

With this distance Bannon is free to be the loose cannon the truly is.

85745f  No.237567


Yeah I definitely recognize that!

54205d  No.237568


I remember seeing Warren Buffett's name as being a member of AKSARBEN.

f68bd9  No.237569

File: 2132a244133ba48⋯.jpg (305.15 KB, 1103x847, 1103:847, Screenshot_20180103-205156.jpg)



Trips of CHANGE!!

>>>NSA turnover

7d6752  No.237570



Almost like it's planned

cbf78a  No.237571


nice that you guys are here

you are welcome but expect to be beaten from time to time

you can handle it


365f48  No.237572


Copy that, Agreed

29fd30  No.237573

File: 10263085b75e3d1⋯.png (540.61 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

File: 18ed14d19bbc49e⋯.png (483.83 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

File: 25fc8fc1492713b⋯.png (360.52 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-01-03-19-3….png)

The rest

34fa84  No.237575



dry run

ˈdrī ˈrən/

noun informal

noun: dry run; plural noun: dry runs

a rehearsal of a performance or procedure before the real one.

e.g. "the president went through a dry run of his speech"

Yes it is certainly possible that MANY recent happenings could be rehearsals in advance of some kind of an operation.

ATL airport - extraction, or preparation for a bigger extraction

Passport system down with international departures halted

Airplanes turned around

Flights apparently going to Cuba

Some of POTUS's public posturing on Twitter

There was news of large-scale Marine exercises in California area several weeks ago, and then it just disappeared from the news

Power outages here and there including Penn Station, NY disrupting some train travel

There are lots more but my mind is too cluttered day-to-day stuff to produce a thorough list right now.

ae0b95  No.237576


Wait, Trump is Superman? I thought he was Batman.

16a2f2  No.237577

File: f2ca4ec00d79922⋯.png (198.14 KB, 1894x788, 947:394, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)


tomorrow, they are forecasting a "bomb cyclone" in the northeast (after spraying the shit out of us all day today)

is there something they want to hide tomorrow?

I would call it a "false weather flag"

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2018/01/02/monster-storm-to-blast-east-coast-before-polar-vortex-uncorks-tremendous-cold-late-this-week/?utm_term=.ae965af5cebd

20e529  No.237578


He and bannon could be having coffee rn thinking up a new master plan. You don’t know!

e8026b  No.237579





2f5dd8  No.237580

Chelsea and Gates vaccine boy - meme away

https://www.facebook. com/PATHglobalhealth/photos/fpp.29775770058/10154740350155059/?type=3&theater

6765d2  No.237581


Aksarben is Nebraska backwards. The occultists love that shit. 88 and all.

37ba4e  No.237582


white tie on white shirt??? that's original…

7e9fa1  No.237583


Good gravy, he sure is asking the right questions!

eb6bb9  No.237584


I agree with you

I see this exactly for what it is

f5f11a  No.237585


340B lawsuit jumps out..

859a70  No.237586

File: fdf760efc18f921⋯.png (396.02 KB, 912x450, 152:75, Cigar.png)

e88290  No.237587


Several reasons actually. 1) they want to remain anonymous; 2) claims have been made that the transponder pulls too much power and can cause a fire in certain older planes; 3) it's just not required for private planes to squawk…it's optional. Therefore, make sure the entire flight looks suspicious - otherwise, you'll be finding things daily that are truly normal.

512e59  No.237588


Jim Jordan seems to get more results than the 'grandstanding' Harold III.

382296  No.237589


Great catch,!

655248  No.237590

File: 370b215f8fc18f1⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.png)

File: 9185be02c4a7347⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.png)

2 USAF flights

one out of San Diego and another out of Nashville?

a1e992  No.237591


Etymology of "aut-ist"

From etymonline.com/word/auto- and /-ist

>auto's root is: self, one's own, by oneself, of oneself

>ist's root is: one who does or makes

So an autist is one who does or makes oneself or on one's own.

If doing oneself, he's calling us a bunch of jerkoffs.

If making oneself, he's saying we are self made or possibly independent. I would guess that means "folks not connected to others," which might mean not part of the cabal.

If he just made up the word, he's combining some word that begins with aut(o) and "makes or does oneself."

Anyone have any insight where to go next?

85745f  No.237592

File: 1b0870dcae30dbb⋯.jpeg (36.61 KB, 490x373, 490:373, DSp-CYhX0AAoV2p.jpeg)

RE: Bannon & Trump

7b60c0  No.237593


Thanks for us :-)

01d9b7  No.237594


And…. they spend the rest of their lives pretending to the world that they are enemies. If they "saved" America, I don't think they'd mind. But that's just me…

137934  No.237595

If we think Bannon is merely distraction from other more important thing, why are we falling for it too. That's all I see on here.

20e529  No.237596



Cell division


You are reaching more than you know.

That’s how information spreads.


I’m a [10] rn not gonna lie lolol

e82a78  No.237597


Keep in mind who POTUS prefers to surround himself with. The NAZIS called us Tuefel Hunden for a reason.

eb6bb9  No.237598


amen brother im with you

27c034  No.237599


Bill Clinton crime related. Whitewater- Whitehouse?

b9881c  No.237600

File: c42c22ebc750a8b⋯.jpg (208.65 KB, 1080x502, 540:251, 20180103_175251.jpg)

File: bc236d91636b6da⋯.jpg (248.17 KB, 1077x581, 1077:581, Screenshot_20180103-174800.jpg)


ae0b95  No.237601


That's real nice and all, but at some point we have to go beyond Twattering, and get down to jailing.

16a2f2  No.237602

File: dd8356b654ea9f8⋯.png (292.01 KB, 874x702, 437:351, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)


The Phoenician alphabet was the 1st phonetic alphabet and can be written both forward and backwards.

This means you can translate literally every language into Phoenician is

It's used as a code language, this is the cypher.

They also love reversals so the fact that you can writing it backwards is satanic/luciferian.

All cult children are taught to write backwards

cbf78a  No.237603


The only reason he is still with us

a68e35  No.237605



And people take the inconvenience in stride….

f8cb72  No.237606


It makes sense, it sounds like it might give responder vehicles a bit more leeway to investigate. Maybe, I don't know

34fa84  No.237607


FIRE. Multiple meanings.

Consider ATL airport happening was a Fire.

Los Angeles area and central Calif MAJOR fires, one the biggest in state history (and CA has a history of many huge-acreage fires).

Little Chappaqua fire.

Perhaps others.

It may be that Q's post correlates to >1 fire.

There may be more fires ahead, that will also demonstrate that Q's "future proves past" is a true statement.

Q: Future news will unlock more of the message.

News unlocks map. Future proves past.

f8cb72  No.237608

9ccc76  No.237609


then why 556 cant we get some 308 in there.. hell!

f68bd9  No.237610

File: dc0fce18bfea8c8⋯.jpg (540.69 KB, 1434x2051, 1434:2051, Screenshot_20180103-205857.jpg)

File: e0f67c760cd16fa⋯.jpg (159.04 KB, 1440x583, 1440:583, Screenshot_20180103-205917.jpg)


Daniel Ennis… The guy who left the NSA & quoted Q's "For God & Country" is the first employee noted in the article about this new firm that launched late summer



41001f  No.237612


I saw something like your odd text strings in youtube videos for children. they were in the comments of very odd/scary children videos that no sane parent would show their child. i reported one of the videos to youtube and they took it down. i commented about the odd text strings and another person tried to tell me it's just kids playing with the keyboard. however, i don't believe that because they often contained some words with proper spelling and capitalization. i will try to locate one of them.

20e529  No.237613


Free thinkers. AUTIST 4 LYFE BRAHHH

eb6bb9  No.237614

File: 862d126a147d08c⋯.png (181.53 KB, 437x577, 437:577, ClipboardImage.png)

http://www.busi nessinsider.com/bill-clinton-lost-president-nuclear-codes-and-nobody-found-out-2018-1



these fucking people..

NOT ONLY did we have top secret plans for our nuclear WEAPONS stolen from the DoD..Our launch codes went missing too???

f67cec  No.237615


At this point in time and unless we can prove it to be different, I believe, it is safe to assume that anything the MSM eats up is theater.

6e4115  No.237616


Some of the SAP data in the emails were drone projects. Considering the Awans, I'm thinking that intel was funneled to Pakistan and then who knows.

453d82  No.237617

Whatever happens tomorrow, just remember how long these people have been in control. They have had decades, centuries in some cases, to plan and plot. This evil will not be defeated in a day or a year. They have been running our schools for years. This will take decades to fully undo. We have made huge strides in 2017 and that foundation will be used to accelerate the cleanup in 2018. Never give up.

ea106f  No.237618


Off topic, ever notice Andy's toys have the same name as his Mom's,(Woody and Buzz), no coincidences.

f68bd9  No.237619



I understood ALL that

e6c1dc  No.237620


Pockets-personal gain not in public coffers?

70bbb3  No.237621


I'm starting to have a feeling this cold weather IS planned from either:

a) /ourguy/ has control of HARPA or

b) /ourguy/ has put an end to HARPA

for the purpose of keeping normies indoors as much as possible to stay safe from the impending storm.

dceedc  No.237622


Thinking out loud here … "Why do a dry run on the holidays?" MOST of the events hitting the news have been related to air travel. Air travel picks way, way up during the holidays. If that's what it was, then the point was to do this dry run during a time of peak traffic. Frankly that doesn't make much sense for any number of reasons.

Maybe the Bannon thing was to gauge public reaction to a "falling out" involving Trump and somebody else. Bannon has a cult following at best; not too big but big enough to be potentially useful for seeing what comes of it. It's doubtful that the response of the media would have been examined because that's more or less a constant and there is little that could be taken from a dry run that wasn't already obvious.

Maybe it's about key Republicans going down, but entering that area, it all seems to move toward grasping at straws. It's probably something more conrcete.

6cc139  No.237623

22 letters + 10 sephirot = 32 = לב = heart and mind

17c524  No.237624


Chemtrails may/may not be Cloud Seeding. Cloud Seeding patents have been around since the beginning of the 20th century.

382296  No.237625


Keep people from rioting

af722c  No.237626


AI: Is this the 99% population in the hospital Q was referring to?

4af39c  No.237627


Bannon doesn't use social media..

82a816  No.237629


Like the keycard to a hotel room you visit: so are the launch codes reset per administration, and if they're smart–and they're very smart–they reset the launch codes periodically, like every month or week or day

4b9cfe  No.237630

why does fox news keep playing clips from other networks attacking trump?

if we wanted to see what the other networks were doing

would we just watch those channels?

fox is just as full of shit and poison as the others

094152  No.237631

File: b0d249352067ebf⋯.png (611.78 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, ba1a6561-8510-4bc3-89f5-17….png)

File: 61953da91c2d765⋯.png (500.01 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, e761a366-8260-4b5c-aa81-f3….png)

I found out why so many people quit last night. Big fight over Q on twitter.

859a70  No.237632


There's a video with BO saying he is taking the nuclear codes until he feels Trump is worth having them,look it up,f'n barry

cbf78a  No.237633

Anyone else lost some faith in Q over the last couple days? I was %90-95 he was for real before the trips issue and "backdoor communication with BO". I'm still %75-80. And the AL election does not help. %50-55. Time will tell.

20e529  No.237634


The majority of the nazis have been weeded out. Haven’t you noticed the difference between here and pol? Not an accident

0f7999  No.237635

where is Pence?

70bbb3  No.237636


I didn't even consider the rioting aspect, that's a good point!

6237b9  No.237637


Source of Gitmo activity?

704016  No.237638

Who killed Otto?

7d6752  No.237639

File: 9f0f8e9115a520d⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 400x358, 200:179, lions.jpg)

File: 8b3fe012af2c490⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, focus.jpg)

e6c1dc  No.237640


On target ?’s

bbe91d  No.237641


“If you are an AI who feeds you?”

The answer is in the question

As they say, “It’s all about the data”

Socratic method largest value is to test arguments.

Before they are used …

Best to not play the game.


6765d2  No.237643


Sounds right. As above so below and all that.

Wondering if the capital letter should stand alone. Proper name (initials)?

There is something there to find.

8e5304  No.237644


Happens all the time. Not the most comfortable ride unless they roll the palletized seating in, but hey! It is after all what we do. Move people and stuff all over, all the time to anywhere.

7e9fa1  No.237645


Digging on this provides a plethora of links using this search term in duckduckgo: AHA 340B Lawsuit HHS White

I don't think any results return white.

On the surface, the ruling cuts funding for minorities and low-income individuals seeking prescription drugs. See:


Expanding my thinking more though. POTUS is going after the NWO worldwide and not just draining the swamp in America. Could it be that he will eventually be going after Big Pharma as well?!? That would be GREAT news! However, more digging would be required. I can't see the link and don't even know where to begin.

1423e2  No.237646


You are sharing tweets from Steven Bannon when his name is spelled Stephen? wtf? smdh

9ccc76  No.237647


yes it is, its sad but true,

e88290  No.237648

File: 16066b48f3a1996⋯.jpeg (104.93 KB, 1111x494, 1111:494, DSovpkxUMAII0bi.jpg-large.jpeg)



95fd48  No.237649


post link for this article please

a1e992  No.237650



A pocket is also a clandestine cell, such as a group within a group. Therefore, the money could have gone into terrorist cells.

From dictionary.com:


any isolated group, area, element, etc., contrasted, as in status or condition, with a surrounding element or group:

pockets of resistance; a pocket of poverty in the central city.

e6c1dc  No.237651


Where are four horsemen? Trump, Mattis, Pence, Tillerson

77324c  No.237653


Add +white

f9db50  No.237654


What about the homeless?

3f3f6c  No.237655


Expect violent "alt right" paid protests.

f68bd9  No.237656


With this company named "Blue Team" I highly Ennis is Q Team? Or is THE NAME disinfo? Great way to hide in plain sight.

Are they really Blue?

365f48  No.237657


Would you not want all of the "Critters" in DC when it all went down.




Good tune there

219f4f  No.237658


Controlled opposition.

6765d2  No.237659

File: b501f7127b35c86⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 661x434, 661:434, Anons.jpg)

590659  No.237660


>He sent off rocket today and it landed on a village in NK

this seemed important when i read it. it was miss[i]ing some proper guidance

5e00f4  No.237661


Gray Son

Grey Son


Inb4 ayyyyylmao

234dca  No.237662

I can't wait for the next chess move that distracts from the Trump/Bannon feud chess move.

382296  No.237663


Most those left wingers won’t go out in the cold lol

a8c4b9  No.237664


rupert murdoch is on the list of 300 released by wikileaks

7e9fa1  No.237665


Could definitely be. See the thread I was on in researching another tack.


>>237585 ← Another anon provides focus

>>237645 ← Further dig

e88290  No.237666


DIS IS Awesome!!!

70bbb3  No.237667


I'm pretty sure emergency shelters open up for them if it gets below a certain temperature (below 30 perhaps?) and its definitely below 20 in most of the country

3985b9  No.237668

Does someone have a tally of the number of pedophile/sex trafficking arrests in 2017? Need it for red pilling purposes and I don't want to waste research time if its been compiled already.

365f48  No.237669



a8c4b9  No.237670


6855 i believe

6765d2  No.237671


Rode a bird like that across the pacific several times.

82a816  No.237672


The fire chess move

8e5304  No.237675


So he posted from the grave on Christmas day?

That is the guy that sent the email asking if the professor was involved, that we saw last night.

The shift that has occurred because of the high visibility of this "phenomena" was inevitable. Personally, I found the quiet last night, as the shills had mostly bailed to be great. Surely there is some nignog/gaykike board that needs you?

679d70  No.237677


replication yes

Consider this: > in modern culture, meme replication has almost completely overwhelmed the glacially slow gene replication - Susan Blackmore

>From a gene's point of view, celibacy, birth control and adoption are horrible mistakes. From a meme's point of view, they are a gold mine. Few or no children free up the meme-carrier to devote more energy to horizontal transmission to non-relatives (monks and nuns the world over figured that out long ago), something the gene is incapable of. With adoption, memes can even co-opt vertical transmission between generations.

382296  No.237678

655248  No.237679


I figured that, they seem more interesting than the random blocked planes

3985b9  No.237680


Thank you!

7e9fa1  No.237681


Provided nothing new. <sigh>

1423e2  No.237682


THIS needs to be saved and twatted to every asshole spewing shit about being 'scared' of POTUS have the nuclear codes!

20e529  No.237683


What do you need Q for?

He she whatever said you have everything.

Use your noodle.

You never needed Q.

You needed to wake up.

78e5ff  No.237684

File: 05534a04b9bccac⋯.jpeg (200.97 KB, 704x1300, 176:325, C710CDAC-D43B-486E-8218-6….jpeg)


219f4f  No.237685


Not surprised one bit.

e6c1dc  No.237686


Jailing=twattering, of a kind

8e5304  No.237687


Hey, those guys are always interesting. But not that interesting if you did it for 27 years. hint hint

38a2d5  No.237688


I have a bushwhacker, hedgeclippers and a pair of scissors she can borrow.

00394f  No.237689


This may not be out of the realm of POTUS steering a shitstorm for ease of operations.

(airport shutdowns!)

In my area of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana… There have been no sightings of CHEMtrails since Q mentioned CIA was in control of NoSuchA.

I drive all day, so I get to see for myself.

So to me, that was yet another Q confirmation.

20e529  No.237690


Actually, Socratic method has equal benefits for teacher and student. Each being interchangeable.

f67cec  No.237691


Monday 5 pm -> News Awards -> the show

Does anyone know what to expect? What is that really about?

34fa84  No.237692


During the holidays most people are at private homes (their own or relatives) instead of at work or out and about shopping, etc. If the event is one to take place in a public place, a city downtown area, etc. then the majority of people would be unaffected during the dry run because they are at home.

But I'm wildly guessing.

590659  No.237693


actually this was a year ago, not today.

43f930  No.237694


That really puts the 'soap opera' into perspective. We are going on a wild ride.

679d70  No.237695


clown faggotry working on moronic consciousness yes?

566510  No.237696

Trump dissolves voter fraud commission


41001f  No.237697


Check out the comments and number of views for this video. Open the replies to the odd comments and you'll see even more odd replies.

I believe this is a pedophile code and they may be direct messaging the channel owner.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMSTwKQ4NM8

08e82a  No.237698


left picture is a fake not even the same handle. theres going to be alot of those people thinking they can swing peoples minds by impersonating bannon now. go look on bannons twitter he dosent name who that "Opposition" is. and the 2nd tweet is him debunking CNN trying to put words in his mouth

85745f  No.237699

How does Socratic method help the teacher?

cbf78a  No.237700


Agreed, anon. Look what we have done. Awesome!

eb6bb9  No.237701

im not believing there was a fire at all

it happened in the SS guest house

possible extraction of SS agents/clinton allies?

Firetruck for a distraction?

4bb210  No.237702


Clinton House. What could keep the press from talking about a fire at an ex- presidents house? Do you think only fire fighters went in the house? Sneaky moves by Trump. Disinfo is real and necessary.

1423e2  No.237703


Massive online Pedophile Ring Busted by Cops "An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday."


3913e9  No.237704


Top Kek!

Shared it. ;)

bbe91d  No.237705


Never place faith in anyone but yourself anon.

Just focus on learning to discern based on your ability.

Regardless of who posted the questions attributed to “Q”, they were interesting questions. But, leading questions. The predictions can have other ways of being produced.

But, “ Only speaks through us” is cultish.

But some of the questions still may be interesting in their own right and worth researching.

Research Web Bot ( Clif High), high Frequency Trading algorithms, and many others …

Godspeed Anon

3985b9  No.237706


Isn't that supposed to happen within 30 days after they provide him their final reports per the EO or did I misread that. Hmmm? They weren't to prosecute from what I remember.

6cc139  No.237707


It forces him to look at other angles.

a8c4b9  No.237708

File: fe885429627f994⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 1024x526, 512:263, DSlpyLsVwAAOhIX.jpg)

3985b9  No.237710


Wow, I missed that one.

Ok that is even more helpful! Thank you!

Thank god Trump is president!

70bbb3  No.237711

File: e372127a2652c81⋯.jpg (185.32 KB, 589x758, 589:758, Untitled2.jpg)

Three new twats

MAGA usually means somethings happening

0f7999  No.237712

File: 82fb313dbbcf892⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 575x364, 575:364, A-wise-man-can-learn.jpg)


>How does Socratic method help the teacher?

95fd48  No.237714

just to let anons know

there is a baker at work

6e4115  No.237715


Mmmm no I'm not thinking that. My rule of thumb when trying to work out some of the codes is to take in context with the whole drop plus the other drops he did on the same day. Then it needs to be taken into context with the news around the same time.

The time of that last drop, the JA twitter drama went down and a couple days later the Iranian protests hit the news. Regarding the Iranian protests, they would've already started when Q made that post but it just hadn't hit the MSM yet.

So in that regard, that online resource directory is out of context. It may be worth looking at but I don't think it's related to the Qdrop.

3f54ba  No.237716


To this anon(s): please just dont ever stop! I laugh out loud every time-

“Lynn, is that you?” Omisides!

f67cec  No.237717


improve organization, logical consequences, evaluation of possibilities through student responses

16a2f2  No.237718

File: a04d78d6c8b623d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1516x1110, 758:555, Audeh_Group_North_Pole_Rot….png)

http:/ /www.audeh-group.com

https:// www.champagne-bdr.com/en/news/une-premiere-barons-de-rothschild-au-pole-nord/

34fa84  No.237719


A bit hard to read.


10 (eyeball) DAYS


Tick Tock (red vertical)

The ten days starts when.

Anons have speculated on many possible dates.

The linked post says



Stars can't shine without darkness.

Agreed. When we see the sun shining we call it "day" and although the stars are presumably up there in the firmament still, we cannot see them while the sun is up.

5ddedb  No.237720


>This means you can translate literally every language into Phoenician is

this exact post was posted a long time ago. like months. i remember this weird sentence. ai?

1423e2  No.237721

File: f36f71bb1fc0208⋯.jpg (161.05 KB, 621x723, 207:241, 1-3-18 c.jpg)

File: 359f5b50f8ac310⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 610x347, 610:347, 1-3-18 d.jpg)

File: bf49aa7045f5d71⋯.jpg (17.41 KB, 588x164, 147:41, 1-3-18 e.jpg)

20e529  No.237723


You have no idea who BO is or how many different BOs there are

094152  No.237724



Beats me, I just investigated it. Draw your own conclusions. In any case, The Church of Satan just got a lot of free publicity.

7e9fa1  No.237725


Thank you, Baker. Godspeed!

075758  No.237726


Roths on ice???????????taken out

f67cec  No.237727


everyone has all the knowledge of all there is but needs to learn to trust oneself in order to apply that knowledge in a constructive and productive manner

655248  No.237728

File: 566b987039d82aa⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.png)

File: 4f7f775ee775f15⋯.png (249.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2.png)

This plane has had a few interesting flights in the recent months

Also trying to find some info on a Learjet call sign N33NJ that frequents gitmo, but no luck

20e529  No.237729


Nice twist there! I like the way you think anon

34fa84  No.237730

If "Stars can't shine without darkness" is figurative rather than literal, it can indicate that things (ideas, data, etc.) will become evident during a period of metaphoric "darkness".

Sorry, I should have put that into my prior post but it popped into my head after posting.

7e9fa1  No.237731


Original anon that posted that here.

I agree. I chased the wrong rabbit.

78e5ff  No.237732

Anons I’m looking for the info on Bill Clinton adding Secret Service duties regarding child trafficking / investigating abduction. I can’t find it. Can anyone help?

a8c4b9  No.237733


q would have posted to pol though if he really couldnt post and wanted to

16a2f2  No.237734


Regardless of what the deal with Q is, the mission of "To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world."

is a good one

There is no other option than to continue red pilling people, other than going back to sleep yourself

859a70  No.237735


Because if they talk about it everyone will want to know what happened,where was it,lets ride by and look etc. Last thing they want right now is attention.

4c78c7  No.237736



"pockets" = terrorists cells

41001f  No.237737


Here's another one. It has to be pedophiles because these videos suck, they have a ton of views and the comments just don't make sense. Many of the comments are names. Are they looking at a web page and then ordering child porn? Have I lost my mind? I don't think so…..

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzXi5HpgYGc

34fa84  No.237738



sorry, i am really screwing up my posting here. Will try to slow down and be a bit less impulsive….

01d9b7  No.237739


implies Q may never post again except through him -- that was fake.

-Q was here last night. That was not Q. Didn't even sound remotely like Q. Am curious, tho: What makes you think it was Q?

9ccc76  No.237740

https:// www.champagne-bdr.com/en/250-years-of-history/

(((their))) version of history, quite interesting

382296  No.237741

File: d77f107e406d964⋯.png (804.33 KB, 860x860, 1:1, DFF2F8A3-79F7-43CE-8E46-60….png)

Just came through

a68e35  No.237742


Ghood assessment Anon.

cbf78a  No.237744


I am with you. Agree, anon.

7e9fa1  No.237745


I agree. Both Q and POTUS implied this.

68dbaf  No.237746


I was just looking into this, check this out, from Thomas:

(75) Jesus said, "Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the bridal chamber."

(23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of

a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

(58) Jesus said, "Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life."

(30) Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."

(56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the World has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the World."

5a34de  No.237747


There will be no more moon, but because there will be no more darkness or night. The light of God, which is Holy Spirit (this is God's essence if you will) will be all we need.

f2cfcf  No.237748


He would not have been allowed to do that lol

a4b5c0  No.237749

I couldn't find a video of a private intel company that did a very good analysis of North Korean missile technology based on open source and scientific video analysis of the missile videos provided by NK (size, warhead size, thrust in video, flame color, flame size, etc).

Here is an example of a "private intel company" (Stratfor):

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=BxT_a2CstPY

5ad8bf  No.237750


We thank you for this reminder..sometimes it does get overwhelming. As Patriots, we ache for JUSTICE and the wait is agonizing at times.

f67cec  No.237751


creating news?

82a816  No.237753


"My button works" – POTUS

9ccc76  No.237754

https:// www.champagne-bdr.com/en/250-years-of-history/

Before rebuilding his own fortune, Mayer Amschel told his sons, who were adults by that time “We will work together with loyalty, concord and industry, but we will return every last centime to the prince or his heirs”. He sent each of his sons on to create a branch of the family bank in London, Paris, Vienna, Naples and Frankfurt. This led to the creation of the five branches of the family.

cbf78a  No.237755

File: 9311a6e4ad46c68⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 16a96490168bb78ecb5c25748e….jpg)


hot pockets

16a2f2  No.237756


what I would add is look for helicopters….. when I have seen things going on… helicopter POP UP every f-ing where

If you have helicopter support…. there is usually something going on

2081db  No.237757

File: f604cbcdccaa998⋯.png (206.64 KB, 346x259, 346:259, ClipboardImage.png)

ae0b95  No.237758


>How does Socratic method help the teacher?

To establish which one is the teacher

859a70  No.237760


Oh I know ,but he did say it, what a douche,lol

1423e2  No.237761


Fake account! FFS he spells his fucking name Stephen!

4b9cfe  No.237762








5f39ff  No.237763

f9db50  No.237764


Lol, you think your gonna find that shit on the internet? Like a legit evidence trail? Hahahahahaha

85745f  No.237765


Oh I'm definitely not the teacher.

dceedc  No.237766

Mt. St. Helens has had 40 quakes since New Year's day.

68dbaf  No.237767


Actually, since stones represented information (and writings) in ancient times, Twatting is also stoning - the Biblical vindication.

ec3cb1  No.237769


I worked with a guy from NSA. He left years before DJT even considered running. I think Clinton was in office. Low pay and endless bureaucracy basically. 1 hour of paperwork for every 10 seconds of real work. He got a fat raise moving to the private sector. Not so sure I'm celebrating on this one. The article cites 2015, but from what he told me the brain drain started well before that.

f67cec  No.237770


The whole nuke story seems to be designed to scare the public and make them think that POTUS is not able to deal with the situation. POTUS knows there is nothing to worry about but plays along in a joking way. Why can't POTUS speak the truth in a direct way? Will people not accept the truth? Is the truth so scary or is it so ridiculous?

80d9d4  No.237771

Occams razor says to me, sometimes an apple is an apple.

Bannon feels betrayal voting fraud in AL race stopping Moore?

Regretting galvanising alt right Christians to presidents side.

Been drinking?

Trump cozying up to MIC. Big Players in RNC.

Possible had expectations irrational?

Trumps Take.

Ive achieved and will achieve things but more pragmatic in approach?

If not useful to the big game then kick rocks.

I don't need you anymore.

I think split is very real.


There could also be intel i dont have acess to.

But a thought.

6e4115  No.237772


Q Society is an anti Islam organization in Australia.


6dffd1  No.237774


And identify which students are useful to a particular goal.

a1e992  No.237775


Chord is a structural member. Ever see a cell tower with all those "triangles" going up the side? Those are chords. A broken chord could bring down a very large structure.

Duck: chord architectural structure and look at images

329445  No.237776


that said something to me, anon. thank you.

68dbaf  No.237777


I had been wondering if I was the only one who thought that.

77324c  No.237778


I suppose they’re going over the final messaging

34fa84  No.237779


I see more in that black MAGA image.

The second A is larger than the first.

The image is, overall, hard to read BECAUSE the background is dark.

Although we are told that "Stars can't shine without darkness."

The iris and pupil of the eyeball are entirely black … (dark) … except for some white dots.

Enlarged the image to 800% and these white dots do not appear to be hidden images. But they can be read as Morse Code:

.. .


which is



The IE are within the dark iris/pupil.

The N is in the white of the eye.

What do you see here, Anons? Am I onto something or not?

55c8cc  No.237780


>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMSTwKQ4NM8


4d7643  No.237781


I listened to the video associated with the infograph provided. So many dots were connected. Thank you.

11a2c1  No.237783


Sessions replaced 17 temporary acting DA's who have served as long as possible with 17 new, temporary replacements.

Whatever is habbenin, this isn't it.

ae0b95  No.237784


He that is without sin, let him cast the first twat, err twatter

6765d2  No.237785

1423e2  No.237786


There are a lot more single post about the pedo round up but I didn't find a total for 2017.

e02d7f  No.237787

John Paul Getty Jr?

f9db50  No.237788



Had over 1000 last year

453d82  No.237789


My guess is he was briefing the team on the full scope of the storm. I'm not sure that Tillerson and Pence know everything going on. Maybe not even Mattis.

8624f7  No.237790

File: fefad057b4e76ab⋯.png (485.52 KB, 551x591, 551:591, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

>>237478 New guards for the Embassy?

cc508a  No.237791



Nothing ever happens.

Wikileaks, KimDotCom, Trump, Hannity, MegaAnon, Annonymous5, Qanon it's all just…


e6c1dc  No.237792


Ancient near east fag here I’ve no problem with lex talionis

38a2d5  No.237793


It would be helpful if we knew what these 4 pictures were. Ok, speaking for myself, I have no clue what they represent. Paint a picture, please.

c37620  No.237794

File: df8d1afe64ee866⋯.png (93.26 KB, 800x298, 400:149, t.png)

AHA! Reason for the fake Bannon/Trump tiff?

68dbaf  No.237795


Hory Sheeeeit !

2a2869  No.237796


Read these posts:



This still awaits a proper explanation.

82a816  No.237797


Digits show that more people think that way thank you could possibly know

5bad0d  No.237798


Appreciate the inspiring words anon!

Eu-anon has a point though even some of us Amerifags have to sympathize with, this cbts has taken a person toll since October for those who've been following constantly.

Personal life, energy, even financial - some have sacrificed work, some like me have run into challenges on that front.

Too bad nobody is hiring help to do digital battle like an opposing force to Shareblue, now that I think of it. That seems like a missed opportunity for POTUS considering how much cash the federal government throws in the garbage very day….

But yeah as much as we can stick around we ought to, though maybe need to to other things like earn a living for a while.

Keep up the good fight, anons.

4b9cfe  No.237799











78e5ff  No.237800


There was something posted here.

Something on Some weird non-related govt agency website

Out of place…

Agricultural website.

I just can’t find it now.

566510  No.237803

File: 606ccf8e5948cd3⋯.png (126.31 KB, 1038x572, 519:286, Latest Earthquakes.png)

312f21  No.237804


Remember the new Twitter rules in effect Dec 18 that even if Twitter not on they can track you, maybe they don’t want to be tracked? Removed twitter from phone?

a68e35  No.237805

File: d5f3fb114d1641d⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 0cad616fb7e217093774a086d0….jpg)


Still my favorite hint to the normies of my generation (pic related)

79242d  No.237806


might as well quit now and spare us the drama…

You dont have real faith to begin with and we dont need people like you…

e8026b  No.237807

File: 0c9de64f84a0c27⋯.png (1.03 MB, 900x675, 4:3, Afghan-US-airstrike-ISIS.png)

[VIDEO] Scientists Aren't Going to Tell You This! (2017-2018):

> youtu.be/GHoJxcnaNxI

[ARTICLE]: ‘Attack on civilians’: At least one killed, 13 disfigured in Afghan-US airstrike against ISIS

> www.davidicke.com/article/448493/attack-civilians-least-one-killed-13-disfigured-afghan-us-airstrike-isis

e6c1dc  No.237808

13a250  No.237809


NOPE! Main House, 2nd floor bedroom

6dffd1  No.237810


The data is valuable.

The purpose is irrelevant to those gathering it.

Only the use of the results.

ebf1b4  No.237811


Arent we still expecting a choreographed tweet from POTUS? i'd assume not tbh

e8026b  No.237812


I saw this and wanted to share. Get your input. So far that's what I fell upon.

01d9b7  No.237813


Never saw BO confirm that.

Why did you think that was Q last night? I am still really curious about that.

cbf78a  No.237814


Yes it has, but it will get much worse soon.

nice meme

34fa84  No.237816


Good. Thank you for the answer.

So when travel snafus are caused by, e.g., the passport system being temporarily down, people will likely not consider it an Operation but just "busy airport, traffic volume, weather delays, etc." and disregard that a dry run was done upon them.

98c353  No.237817

File: 1b4cee87a5c2c48⋯.jpg (84.7 KB, 610x437, 610:437, 223g9y.jpg)

20e529  No.237818

There’s a lot of wandering in the darkness/wilderness in the Bible. Eventually you must seek the light, or be damned.


82a816  No.237819

File: 7878433e3f341e0⋯.jpg (189.48 KB, 725x500, 29:20, 222f8lc.jpg)


AND it's on N-BS?

It's happening!!!

01d9b7  No.237820


Specifically - about the messages coming THROUGH BO, not about BO being able to get in touch with Q via back channel

5f39ff  No.237821


Answers always arise that s/he may not have otherwise thought of him/her self; more questions also arise – thereby enriching both the teacher and the student(s) in a perpetual pursuit and exchange of knowledge, truths, possibilities, wisdom, wonder, answers, and of course, more Questions.

Sigh. It's lovely.

34078d  No.237822


https:// www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3056

c6e70c  No.237823


http:/ /www.puppetstringnews.com/blog/gitmo-activity-and-now-sessions-places-17-prosecutors-at-doj

a68e35  No.237824


Credit best meme to better anon than I.

16a2f2  No.237825

File: a2bd342dd211519⋯.png (114.47 KB, 1204x840, 43:30, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

a8c00d  No.237826


Wow, pretty significant bust!

3f54ba  No.237828


Do we have a rapper AI on train tonight?

e8026b  No.237829

>>237809 + >>237163

Hey you two! Sauce?

I've researched. The story seems to be changing 'n' evolving like #VegasStrong - Very fishy sauce. Stinky…

68dbaf  No.237830


Oh neither do I. But show a kind cheek first,

then the opposite one if they need it.

928b20  No.237831


Sauce this shit mang!

512e59  No.237832


Reasonably sound inquiries, fellow anon.

The recent developments are about a book due out the day after President Trump's 'Fake News Awards' on Monday. Katy Tur has put out a tweet in advance warning caution of quotes as summaries and conclusions not expressed verbatim, and stated that after Kelly Conway joined TrumpTrain the author of the book was not as privy to the campaign. Apparently Ms. Tur covered the Trump campaign, and reported it thru MSNBC and NBC.

There are far more important results than present political bickerings.

f0e9f5  No.237833

File: 1b6ce040d81403a⋯.png (46.12 KB, 578x365, 578:365, 20150513ARMS_article_main_….png)

File: 78ef827fc8d92be⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, .jpg)

File: 15a01f8394b5022⋯.jpg (213.65 KB, 1322x826, 661:413, source trafficking country.JPG)

File: 1595860d8cedc98⋯.jpg (102.09 KB, 1114x825, 1114:825, turquoise hill.JPG)

2a2869  No.237834


Again I call attention to this discrepancy.

7324da  No.237835

File: dd651e38bc13020⋯.jpg (207.22 KB, 839x913, 839:913, Capture2.JPG)

File: 8c64b38c23f1768⋯.png (301.43 KB, 1840x1074, 920:537, Untitled.png)

Anons I have been working on my data set, which has forced me to reread Q posts line by line and analyze each one, for hours on end. It's really incredible the amount of info contained in the MAP, it's almost too much to keep in memory at one time, you will always forget about something. Anyways,

>I'm going to vomit up my thoughts before I lose them, sorry

We have the map.

Future proves past.

Q has told us over and over to learn to read the map, to watch the news and read it every day.

Then we were told we have everything we need, and to enjoy the show.

We are all salivating thinking Q was leading us to the end, to some grand finale. But we were being led to the beginning.

They have to shift the narrative, for normie's sake.

I know we are looking for happenings, but that will come later. What we need to be looking for are signs of this happening:

>How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?

>How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?

>What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)

>Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?

>What has been occurring recently?

>The stage must be set.

>Crumbs are easy to swallow.

We've been given our job to do, and we are moping around like retards instead of doing it.

We need to watch the news and POTUS twitter, find connections to the MAP, then meme the deeper context of those happenings.

>pics related

Everything right now is a play. See: WWE style feud between Trump and Bannon.

The stage has been set.

>The floor is yours

Everything in this period of time is going to be heavily for narrative shifting purposes.

>The Great Awakening

We should be looking for the Narrative value/effect in everything, not necessarily the literal happenings (although that's good too)

Stop looking for camera footage from a gas station that shows Hillary getting black bagged.

Start looking for the most relevant information that ties into news releases of the day, then meme the shit out of that to add Q context to everything being reported.

We are supposed to be the backing choir as the next act plays out.

5bad0d  No.237836


Vanguard investment firm, holdings.

A YouTube channel, I forget which, has been doing a series focused on Vanguard and its CEO who stepped down a couple months back.

I am ignorant of most of what they are reporting, although I think there is a bit of confusion in it. They are painting a picture of the Vanguard corporation having "ownership" level stock holdings in a vast number of companies in every important industry. They are painting this as an ominous state of affairs and Vanguard as a nefarious international almost secret owner.

However, Vanguard creates investment funds that millions of people put their retirement and other investment monies into. Much like Principal and a few others, but Vanguard is the biggest.

So of course Vanguard "owns" these many businesses they invest in — but some might see it as a basically benign sort of ownership.

The YouTube news channel makes it sound like Vanguard has been secretly buying up businesses, when what they are really doing is putting their customers into the stock.

Finally, the YouTube news person reveals that Jeff Session has a relationship with Vanguard, and suggests this makes Sessions untrustworthy. Again, on this basis, millions of Americans would also be untrustworthy.

That's my understanding, although I may be completely retarded on the topic.

a8c00d  No.237837



85745f  No.237839


You have my attn. Been waiting for digging.

20e529  No.237840


No. The teacher becomes the student

2d0e8f  No.237841



I think the rash of odd kids videos is probably due to AIs fishing for YouTube advertising dollars. This one has enough structure to have been done by humans but the odd comments might be bots trying to boost the ratings. As for the odd spacing in the email- it is bad OCR because the spaces do not appear in the PDF. Autism got the better of me, sorry.

382296  No.237842

File: 2b765bd4aeadb64⋯.png (317.75 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A89775AE-442D-47A6-8C22-D3….png)

MAGA 29 min ago!

bc941e  No.237843


>Remember that King Edward VII Hospital is where Kate got hospitalized due to a pregnancy-related illness, which led to the suicide of one of the nurses.

Was the nurse pregnant?

7e9fa1  No.237844



Baker, once the dough is kneaded and ready, consider doing this:

1) Paste to pastebin.

2) Grab pastebin link from #1 link and update your dough with it.

3) Paste #2 to pastebin.

4) Use that dough for the bread.


f0e9f5  No.237847

File: a7f507153080e03⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 1392x800, 87:50, delian clinton.JPG)

File: 064f9ba0ec8fc76⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 1131x754, 3:2, clinton mongolia.JPG)

File: 064f9ba0ec8fc76⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 1131x754, 3:2, clinton mongolia.JPG)

File: c87088239f9113d⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 826x580, 413:290, delian project.JPG)

f9db50  No.237848


What about the local police and coroner? Someone, authority, rushed to have the body embalmed so no autopsy could be conducted. Trust me fellas, its not just the three letter agencies. Its also your local police and co.

679d70  No.237849


Likewise I appreciate your input.. I suspect we have a very similar view of reality… now enough faggotry and back to work! kek

20e529  No.237850

77324c  No.237851


No one who was interested in conspiracies for years, and voted trump would give up now.

6765d2  No.237853


That's the server home.

550fb5  No.237854


Chuck Schumer's daughter is Jessica, not Katie. we need to be careful about spreading wrong information.

16a2f2  No.237855

File: 50bb31401f0db61⋯.png (44.45 KB, 1076x316, 269:79, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

6e4115  No.237856


So the only Q society I could find relating to Washington Uni is a LGBTQ group.

The other one is the Q Society in Australia - an anti islam organization.

Plus the professor dies on the 23rd and the last post was on the 25th?

Can these guys fail dox any harder?

7afc42  No.237857



Wasn't foolish the money went where they wanted it to.

This is also what happened in Iraq.

1. Invade

2. Dump $12.5 Billion in cash in country

3. Terrorist resistance funded

4. Years long insurgency problems

5. Profit….

2748f3  No.237858

File: cdb10f6af07603c⋯.jpg (65.22 KB, 518x578, 259:289, ldr - Copy.jpg)

382296  No.237859

POTUS gave his MAGA TWEET!!!!!!!!

46a0c3  No.237860


Appreciate the shout-out on my chemtrails image.

Man do we, as a country, have our work cut out for us. Everyone I talk to about 'world events' gets so caught up with anti-Trump hysteria it's hard to drop a Storm hint. The previous fraud, 44, along with his willing executioners, have so dumbed-down this country it's crying shame. Angry and broken hearted in equal measure.

6cc139  No.237862


The NBC article is from 2013

85745f  No.237863


Blue Sky Tower related?

382296  No.237864

File: 5f2833ef3dc2638⋯.png (55.74 KB, 860x860, 1:1, B282B2DE-9E43-427A-A9E5-BB….png)

Here better pic!!!!!MAGA!!!

f5f11a  No.237865


That's some pretty detailed interest to a "fake" Q post.

8624f7  No.237866

File: 6ec2c20c0159361⋯.png (95.79 KB, 308x266, 22:19, Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at ….png)

43f930  No.237867


People are pre-occupied with other things

2a2869  No.237868


The dumbing down started 12,000 years ago.

Not with puppet #44.

e88290  No.237870


or Guggenheim for G

6765d2  No.237871


The wayback machine says that a 2013 article…

84f3c9  No.237872


She's throwing out some serious threats

a3ae47  No.237873

File: 5e131bfaafe73f4⋯.jpg (65.22 KB, 599x399, 599:399, M 0025.6.jpg)

f420a1  No.237874


Can you make a version without the memes on top and BHO for those who want to slowly redpill normies without turning them off?

5a34de  No.237875


Right, we always have a choice - freedom of will is a law that God set up that even he will never take away from any of us.

Choosing to line up our will with God's will is choosing the light. It reminds me of this verse in Psalms…


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

God's word is God's will. And His will is that we are always informed. But informed and empowered with Truth!

[Eph 1:17 KJV] 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

[Dan 2:21 KJV] 21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

The key to getting the knowledge and wisdom, first of all is to get born again - Holy Spirit is perfect and perfect in knowledge and wisdom. Secondly, if there is something you don't know, now you can ask God and he can communicate it to you…

[Jas 1:5-6 KJV] 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not [withholds not]; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

That's what I like about Mr. Trump and Q! They love Truth, they love God, they love knowledge and wisdom!

Theos Agape!

6cc139  No.237876



Confirmed old news

312f21  No.237877

16a2f2  No.237878

File: c6d0aade36a5a78⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 432x433, 432:433, Maya_Angelou_Caged_Bird.jpg)

312f21  No.237879

a8c00d  No.237880


Ah! Thanks anon.

bc941e  No.237881


>Is this the beginning of THE STORM.

There is a literal storm set for the eastern seaboard this weekend too.

a6964e  No.237882


And the animals… breaks my heart knowing they are freezing to death.

c88151  No.237884


Yep. Good questions.

a68e35  No.237885


Fuuuuggg. Hits me like "General Quarters! Man Battle Stations!" every time.

01d9b7  No.237886



Break links!

4061ea  No.237887


YES!! MAGA was just tweeted out to us from POTUS in all caps. This is the storm. Hang on!~ Semper Fi!

601c01  No.237888

File: 0ec66ec000c6d51⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, president-obama-welcomes-c….jpg)

File: cd328eb4ed4e181⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 960x640, 3:2, White-House-3.jpg)

Fresh baked Meme cookies! Hope you can use them!

95fd48  No.237889

File: 07b44370412b624⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, damper baking lid on.png)

13a250  No.237890

File: 1823aa604290a3c⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 768x512, 3:2, HillaryHouseFire.jpg)


Here. THIS is NOT the SS residence. This is Hillary's MAIN House, and the roof is on fire…from over the second bedroom

2a2869  No.237891


This is the closest we have to an explanation.

BO shed some light please.


08e82a  No.237892

File: cb545e823afccb5⋯.png (351.26 KB, 643x635, 643:635, bjduduwdkj.png)

2cd180  No.237893


No it did not. An anon on the board lives next door. He said it started in the HOUSE. The story has been changed to say it began in the SS quarters. You have to wonder WHY?

baaf3d  No.237894

Any sightings of people we suspect might be in Gitmo? A sighting would disprove. No sightings would build suspense…

6765d2  No.237895


Yep, deleted it. Will repost. My bad.

68ef39  No.237896

Ten days.


I think Q had his holiday vacation scheduled in advance.

78e5ff  No.237897

One line from “Burnin down the house” by the Talking Heads

That keeps going through my head..

“hold tight we’re in for nasty weather”

d2060b  No.237898


I pasted the link in my browser but I wonder if this is a spoof on the nbc site. The URLs on the real nbc site are very different. Also this post has no date that I could find. It may be legit, but CHECK IT.

245749  No.237899


>https:// twitter.com/RoguePOTUSStaff

They seem to have stopped on the 29th of October. Coincidence?

6765d2  No.237900

This account has been bashing POTUS for a year. Note the name "ROGUE". Lots of info here from inside WH staff.

https:// twitter.com/RoguePOTUSStaff

679d70  No.237901



these people are stupid but the Anons above are sweet

9ccc76  No.237902



IF the fire engine that arrived was PROPERLY parked the MAIN HOUSE would be properly positioned for interior firefighting

f9db50  No.237903



Welcome to the dark side. Keep going, one day youll understand.

7324da  No.237904

File: ecb473656483639⋯.jpg (178.96 KB, 1099x1157, 1099:1157, rogue.JPG)



Interesting that it stopped posting the moment Q appeared.

20a2d4  No.237905

What if "follow the crumbs" is just a nod to old fag "delicious cake"?

5bad0d  No.237906


It seems bizarre that POTUS does not or cannot do anything to quash these traitors. People are wondering why he can't crack down on the entire federal government, a feeling I tend to share, but crap he ought to be able to clean house at the white house.

Makes me sick to think we are paying for literal sedition all around the president.

503511  No.237907


Nope. Theater. They're in a feeding frenzy. It's delicious!

Look! Over there! A squirrel!

01d9b7  No.237908


Thank you, anon

98c353  No.237909


Gitmo beckons you kek

512e59  No.237910


It's getting late in the board, but this is an excellent read.

f67cec  No.237912


Is she playing?

7324da  No.237913


Also insulates the POTUS from Bannon / Moore if any election shit were to hit the fan.

5bad0d  No.237915


Links suddenly not working?

Post 237883 exists, but my link to it is dead.

71d589  No.237916


Q did say that HRC tried to cut a deal and they said No!

I find it difficult to believe they could have slipped away somehow. I do believe they are already in custody.

That would mean their house has already been searched.

My bet is insurance fraud. HRC and WJC need the money. Their assets were frozen. That's the only thing that makes sense given what I know.

1c8283  No.237918


I hear you. I see you. God bless, anon.

f0e9f5  No.237919

File: 57ab4d0d88802e1⋯.png (94.9 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, 05afa782f9182e78c502f3735a….png)

File: 3ea2c6b468a634c⋯.png (83.86 KB, 1083x1470, 361:490, 7bb0a3f43717b9e423d455d0e4….png)

File: 1c678808a6c81dc⋯.png (54.06 KB, 1084x795, 1084:795, 861f8a011ccb9c7aac8b14eefe….png)

File: 34f34da8e6ec910⋯.png (34.01 KB, 1072x695, 1072:695, 4874f5ce44d23cdfaa95552424….png)

>>237863 that's the ulanbaatar executive tower. Included it because the symbol looks like a pdeo symbol.

Mongolia is a mineral rich and everyone is trying to get into that market right now.

I just looked into ulanbaatar because some shill claimed they (the shills) were told to that it was something to look for and disrupt on this board, so I was checking to see if he was providing valid intel. Then I found out that the Clinton Global initiative controls the voting machines there, so it looks like he is.

Here are all the posts by the shill-

3e8266  No.237920


Watch the Intervention show that was on last night called The Heroin Triangle. It's a triangle north of ATL. Had never seen heroin. Began problems in 2008 with prescription drugs. Then heroin exploded. We seeeeeee you Barry!! Motherfucker.

ec05ac  No.237922


mueller investigation needs to finish up first

77324c  No.237923


Soy boy larp

41001f  No.237926


I hadn't thought of that…. You may be right, create Bots to view the videos to obtain advertising revenue.

6237b9  No.237929






http://www .dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5233005/Firefighters-rush-Clinton-home-blaze-breaks-out.html - "The fire was on the second floor of the guest house at 15 Old House Lane in a room that had access to the attic according to information conveyed over the local scanner."

https://www .thesun.co.uk/news/5263989/fire-bill-hillary-clinton-house-new-york-chappaqua/ - "The fire appears to have been on the second floor of the mansion." N.B. The Sun is shit for facts.

http://www .lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/new-castle/2018/01/03/fire-reported-clintons-house-chappaqua/1001102001/ - "The small fire started in the second-floor ceiling of a facility used by the Secret Service, which is in a detached structure behind the Clintons' home, the Secret Service said in a statement."

f2cfcf  No.237930


Ummm…The last tweet was in October.

Bannon was fired & the account went quiet

6cc139  No.237931


Note how the "key" isn't supported by the source text.

71d589  No.237932


How about GTMO?

b47b8f  No.237933

Listen anons, you can ban me or accuse me of being Lynn or eating children, I don’t really care because frankly we all can’t divorce ourselves from the truth.

Q’s password was revealed to be Matlock, and that Q was a creation of Monty McGovern, a math professor at Washington. The interesting wrinkle is that another mathematician designed a study to compute the average half-life of a conspiracy theory and test whether or not the event actually occurred based on the persistence of the conspiracy itself. IE, one of the results determined that since the faked moon landing conspiracy has persisted for 50 years, that only 251 conspirators could have been involved via his computation, thus suggesting the moon landing happened.

Monty McGovern was interested in this experiment and spoke to its veracity in early 2016. It looks more than likely that McGovern created Q in an effort to test the Grimes mathematical hypothesis on conspiracy theories. I say this with a heavy heart because I have honestly been here from the start — since the first posts about potential happenings on 11/3 and 11/4.

Im saying this for two reasons. Two scenarios.

1) it’s all a hypothesis test, nothing is real and we’ve been duped. Well, then we need to prepare for that outcome and not turn to any anger or violence. Yeah, it’s a shitty situation, but there can still be hope that Trump is doing something to protect the US from those who seek to undermine it.

2) it was fake, but we stumbled into something real with research. This is good! This is the reason I wanted to post this. If we have blundered into a real deep state conspiracy, then we need to be especially careful about making specious connections. We need to stop falling for confirmation bias and examine our facts with a different mindset. We may have been led by a shepherd with ill intent, but the sheep can still learn on their own. But we have to do it in a way that’s intelligent. I think the Chelsea Clinton thing is an example of that — we want it to be a reveal of her cabal connections when it was probably just a sarcastic joke. We’re finding connections and answers because we so desperately want them to exist.

Any way, that’s my two cents. I expect to be banned and that’s okay. I generally lurk anyway. Stay safe and keep doing your best to save the world.

PS, someone on halfchan was saying they found Q’s password on Reddit by coincidence and posted it both here and on halfchan. I found that post on /r/topmindsofreddit by user theirmoss. It could be there’s another group that we didn’t consider working to undermine things.

Anyway, Godspeed and all that.

77324c  No.237934


Insurance fraud is highly unlikely, and a borderline retarded suggestion. Use your head.

c88151  No.237935


Parody account

245749  No.237936


Excellent! Thank you for the effort you're putting in.

20e529  No.237937

It’s amazing how few people think this way even after having the term fake news pounded into our skulls….they still don’t get it. Wtf


6765d2  No.237938


Yep, another Twat account claimed they "Busted" this user and we should grab it now before it gets deleted.

5bad0d  No.237940


>Bannon was fired & the account went quiet


that is revealing

23c8d6  No.237941

File: ed126882288810e⋯.jpg (91.71 KB, 1608x905, 1608:905, hillary_clinton3_3_1.jpg)

Hillary Email Deleter Got Immunity*After Lying to the FBI

But lying to the FBI is only a crime when it's committed by a Trump associate. Not by a Clinton associate.

That's one of the details in another of John Solomon's blockbuster Hill stories (you may remember his recent Uranium One story).

The FBI also confirmed that a key witness, a computer technician who deleted Clinton emails from her server in March 2015 after a congressional subpoena had been issued for them, originally lied to the FBI during his interviews, memos show. The witness's name was redacted from documents released by the FBI but he was identified as an employee of a computer firm that helped maintained Clinton’s email server.

His admission of false statements came one day after the Comey statement was already being drafted, investigators told The Hill.

The computer employee originally told the FBI in a February 2016 interview that he did not recall making any deletions from Clinton’s server in March 2015, FBI records show.

But then on May 3, 2016, the same employee in a subsequent FBI interview told agents he had an “oh shit moment” and in late March 2015 deleted Clinton’s email archive from the server, according to FBI documents reviewed by The Hill.

Lying to the FBI is a federal felony, a crime that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn recently pleaded guilty to. But the FBI decided not to pursue criminal charges against the witness, and instead gave the technician an immunity deal so he could correct his story, congressional investigators said.

Comey's FBI had been handing out immunity deals like candy. But this one is particularly striking.

You lie to the FBI and then get an immunity deal so you can "correct" the story. I don't recall Flynn getting that deal.

But this was the usual pattern. The FBI handed out immunity deals for the benefit of the investigation even though the letter exonerating Hillary was already in the works. Instead the investigations just existed to immunize Hillary and her people from legal consequences.

That's the gloriously corrupt way things worked under Obama.

https://www.frontpagemag .com/point/2…iel-greenfield

679d70  No.237943


That wall of text is like 90-95% auto-skip for autists…

a6150e  No.237944


The main house is white. nice try glowfag

0f7999  No.237945

File: 1eb1753c6f1a2bc⋯.jpg (164.27 KB, 1024x526, 512:263, humanTrafficking2.jpg)


>Can you make a version without the memes on top and BHO for those who want to slowly redpill normies without turning them off?

512e59  No.237946


It's even later in the board, will review!

c88151  No.237947

File: f850122e8b91624⋯.jpg (286.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Clintons Joker Rekt.jpg)

95fd48  No.237948

File: 5958c57e1500dad⋯.png (466.78 KB, 600x450, 4:3, damper done.png)

6cc139  No.237949


Thanks for your comment. Can you post your source on Monty McGovern & Q please?

550fb5  No.237950


With you anon, I was thinking of hostage, what is hostage or who is hostage..

which got me thinking about the fire today at the "cottage guest house:" at the Clintons, were the secret service stayed, and what if their families or any family of anyone who comes into contact with a Clinton is a hostage so to speak. In other words, the only way to buy a persons silence for the heinous things they do is to threaten ones family with death…

ea106f  No.237951


well said, go back to lurking part I mean

679d70  No.237952


In fact i'll give it 99% because you started it with "you can ban me"

38a2d5  No.237953




a68e35  No.237954

File: 6d5c5038816757a⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 223ix7.jpg)

a6964e  No.237955


Been exposed to the darkside 40 yrs. Nothing new

928b20  No.237956


Nice try fuckee http:// golakechelan.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/2015/12/15140102/Screen-Shot-2015-12-15-at-1.59.32-PM-e1450217083232.png

5bad0d  No.237958


Filtered moron says what?

b9881c  No.237961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


^^ Geoengineering Watch

QAnon, White Hats… Please stop the chemtrails- our earth is dying!!

fd8f4d  No.238185


Did you point to post No: 230915 on purpose last night?

382296  No.238186


Some utube said naked kids ran from the house

382296  No.238193



1c39fa  No.238197


Half the fags here should do it

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