9aaa19 No.226561
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
9aaa19 No.226562
Board Owner's emergency announcement
Q's old tripcode !ITPb.qbhqo has been cracked - password is "Matlock".
His current tripcode !UW.yye1fxo can be cracked too.
Both tripcodes have been removed from the whitelist. Updates pending.
>>224690 ← Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
9aaa19 No.226564
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
8chan Archive https:// 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS Threads Archive List -> http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Interactive: https:// qanonmap.github.io (search function & answers present, formerly qcodefag.github.io - has more posts)
^^^ Still doesn't have the "Christmas" post from Q team
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http:// qarchives.ml/
Text: [4chan] https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: https:// pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http:// www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: https:// anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https:// ufile.io/nmyy0
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html is the only source of thread archives now.
CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https:// 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html soon to be 100%
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of of Links posted 4pol -> https:// pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http:// archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
CBTS Threads Archive list -> http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
There is also a new archive of
Archive of all research threads - https:// pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited. https:// pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 - https:// pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced - https:// pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https:// www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP) https:// pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Military Flight Tracking https:// adsbexchange.com/
9aaa19 No.226567
PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings
>>226048 , >>226060 , >>226081 , >>226124 , >>226141 , >>226147 , >>226165 , >>226203 , >>226210 , >>226226 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226296
>>226391 , >>226397
Passport Happenings , US Customs and Border Protections Computers Down
>>225940 , >>225950 , >>225956 , >>225972 , >>225993 , >>226047 , >>226203
Power Outages
>>226009 , >>225982
>>226399 SSAnon on link formatting
>>226147 US passport system tango down?
>>226267 Spotting bots
>>225674 CEOs resigning, connections to trafficking?
>>224220 9000 sealed indictments
>>225559 Podesta and Shipping / Transport connections?
>>225624 First charges on the 9/11 perpetrators?
>>225487 Obama property raided in Thailand? Connections map >>225589
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work
>>222672 information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator
>>222721 rough time redpilling
>>223163 operations security advice
>>223168 who we are fighting
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223217 reminder to stay balanced
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
9aaa19 No.226570
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
9aaa19 No.226571
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
9aaa19 No.226573
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com , http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https:// pastebin.com/WZQ41Qr7
5e0814 No.226629
Awesome, baker! Much love, nohomo, patriot.
40f6d6 No.226631
Sorry I had to reboot and jumped here early. Tasty bread baker. Thank you!
7a3af3 No.226649
2e6b67 No.226650
we have 3 USAF planes over Europe currently
fff571 No.226655
Tasty warm bread baker! Tyvm!
2a86a8 No.226657
this is not a legal document. if an attorney presented this, they would be laughed out of the court.
97a31e No.226658
97a31e No.226659
Meant to add, "Heads up!"
2fb6f7 No.226660
b7315f No.226661
If Q actually used the occasion of his "comped" password to push out another crumb, in the password itself…
well damn that would be pretty great work by our wizards and warlocks.
2a66f5 No.226662
Indictments graphic seen on plebbit
Baker, please add to next bake
b281c0 No.226663
possible pedo-related activity
>pic related
d0ae38 No.226664
1. Thank you master baker 👨🍳
2. Ads are popping up in craigslist all over the USA. How do we get them deleted?
29c0fb No.226665
I do not understand the reasoning for Blocking Q's second trip code. ( having it banned off whitelist, does not stop someone from attemping to crack code)
If Q or someone else who cracked it,, does post,, we can treat all posts as questionable until he provides confirmation, by Trump tweet, or some other means to prove otherwise.
Then have him set up 3rd new tripcode, either normal or ## secured.
I think you need to re white list Q's fox code( 2nd trip)
and no big deal if he talks or someone else, we will still demand confirmation and then new trip after.
5f4af2 No.226666
See video here
9f313f No.226667
If Assange is really in the US, does that imply a presidential pardon may be on the way?
084a6a No.226668
I was going to say LAX as tight as a ducks ass but now a plane just left for Lima so think it's back on.
d0ae38 No.226669
I have to find it but there was a story he was in a house with 6 little girls.
4bfd79 No.226670
Meme as being blood money.
19f254 No.226671
e556e1 No.226672
Wish it wasn't overcast here! Bummer!
Nice pic tho!
5e0814 No.226673
Next baker, please note that there is a dupe in the RESOURCES section under Q-map.
First, there's this:
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Then this:
PDF: https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Personally, I'd axe the first one as it has been around a couple days and is taking up space.
97a31e No.226674
"It is highly unlikely that debris from this re-entry will strike any person or significantly damage any property," the Aerospace Corporation's FAQ said. "Potentially, there may be a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine on board the spacecraft that could survive re-entry. For your safety, do not touch any debris you may find on the ground nor inhale vapors it may emit."
Why are they wanting you to stay away from it?
7108e9 No.226675
Well look, if GWB plane was threatened, he wasn't supposed to protect only himself at great risk to the country. That's not how a commander acts properly.
I believe there were actual jets offcourse, and grounding the airforce at least allowed them to smash into the buildings, sentence the people on higher floors to death, and facilitate the ridiculous cover story.
Sometimes I think that cover story was intentionally ridiculous, surely they could have done better if they wanted to fool the upper 1/3 of the population at least. But it sure did create a hysteria.
So we agree he was complicit, probably in the event, certainly in the cover story, even if you say it softer ("Trump doesn't agree with everything he did"). Did W cause it or did he just go along?
Or was it a plan to allow more money to be spent on the conventional military? It would take a lot to convince me that this was necessary to throw off the current Bad Guys, or even that he foresaw someone like Trump getting into office.
2821b0 No.226679
The Swamp Purge explained by MegaAnon….
Thanks to Obama, the last version of the NDAA in 2014, an American citizen, STILL cannot only be detained without warrant and indefinitely, but yes, you can be shipped to (but not limited to) GITMO. When you're reading that bill again, please note the specific language around terms like "terror", "terrorist", "terror state", "human right violations", etc. it who'll be helpful as we progress. Remember, before numbers 2-4 below were put in place, it was still legal, but could've been a hard fought battle in Congress.
Remember when the state department recently named and officially added North Korea as a "terror state"?
Remember when immediately proceeding that,Trump signed an exec. order, directly targeting North Korea's trade partners. This severely sanctions and calls out the financial ties/funding/kickbacks via corporations, organizations, nations AND individuals, working with and funding NK, directly or indirectly via contracts, subsidies, etc. and through those nations central banks as well.
Then, remember when Trump his latest executive order last week on human rights, targeting and freezing the incoming/outgoing financial assets and "business" paths for nations, organizations, corporations and individuals tied to human rights violations, including those who directly or indirectly support, aid, finance and/or harbor terrorism? It's now even cited as a national state of emergency. Freezing the assets without warrant or pursuant of notice?!
With Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.
See why you have to give them ankle bracelets and sign EO's unexpectedly right before you freeze a few accounts and make a few arrest sweeps?! You can't tip off enemies of the state, too far in advance… Huma's had hers on the left this week!
b7315f No.226680
Seems like POTUS would wait until some other things have happened to show how important JA's work has been.
Many people are not aware yet.
6fc8e3 No.226682
Most have dates - 2016. Don't know about the undated ones. Report them to DOJ?? Report them to Craigslist?
2e6b67 No.226683
flight being diverted to Minneapolis
cb9692 No.226684
Flag them and Craigslist will remove them, just keep flagging them!!!
f389fd No.226685
These appear to be all from November. The money has dried up now hopefully.
005bb8 No.226686
Rochester is Mayo clinic
551879 No.226688
Any word on what happened in the down under, afterward? Or what resulted, if anything? Could give us a hint of what to expect here.
Anyone know if this has happened previously and what the cause was?
Update: >>226141
6fc8e3 No.226689
19f254 No.226690
Why does that vile, evil little "scroll to new posts" keep re-ticking itself? It's off on the main and in options. Getting under my skin.
97a31e No.226691
Somebody tweaking?
d0ae38 No.226692
Ok they’re in almost every single city in the usa
0e9265 No.226693
>airports losing power
>passport system taking a shit
>trains getting halted
Is it time?
d0ae38 No.226695
9aaa19 No.226696
see , >>224690 , in >>226562
>i have no control over whose tripcode does , or does not have access here
b281c0 No.226697
>With Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.
makes sense.
6fc8e3 No.226698
The year is 2016!! I repeat! 2016!! BEFORE the election!
5f4af2 No.226699
19f254 No.226700
I dearly pray so, I can't take the anxiety of expectations anymore. Going to have a nervous breakdown and start drinking again.
bbf225 No.226701
I stumbled on info regarding the Costa Rica plane crash, ( not to defame this woman's name, but I found her employment intriguing)
worked for Backroads, an adventure travel firm
I hadn't seen names yet,
http:/ /www.wisn. com/article/wisconsin-woman-among-10-americans-killed-in-costa-rican-plane-crash/14527268
c16b9f No.226702
Thank you, master baker, for the freshest bread. Top job. You've done us proud.
d0ae38 No.226703
The stop trump movement is backed by planned Parenthood
640191 No.226704
This is a more detailed list with the actual indictments that was provided by another anon. Once you access the link you can download the .pdf files and open them to review….. This list is from the pacer.gov website.
https:/ /drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G9C24dhQnDVq45aAgpQM9ycIINKd_d1V
2bc139 No.226705
Check the wx at RST. Could be fogged in.
97a31e No.226706
Nov 13, 2016 & Nov 16, 2016.
d0ae38 No.226707
I was trying to clear something up and this info was posted to my twitter by
2a8fce No.226708
Earlier I mentioned to look for helicopters…. when the helicopters pop up…. there is usually some flight fuckery going on….
I just found 4…. that were not around before
maybe this explains the shillcon we are experiencing
97a31e No.226710
You all knew it was called "THE STORM" before it even got here.
Pull yourselves together and let's push on through.
35a621 No.226711
Flag them. They're tied to human trafficking if they need a reason.
1e8212 No.226712
Richard Cousins makes shock departure from Tesco board of directors
https: //www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/03/richard-cousins-resigns-tesco-board-directors-compass-group
Britain's Compass Group CEO Richard Cousins to step down
Compass boss Richard Cousins and Open Britain's Will Cousins killed in New Year plane crash
http:// www.cityam.com/278059/compass-boss-richard-cousins-killed-new-year-plane-crash
2a8fce No.226713
yes, thank you…. I can meme, but don't bake… I'm sure it requires the same amount of focus to keep up though
5f4af2 No.226714
Why is it dated 11/15/16 ?
add867 No.226715
Crumb drop…
Black contract….
SEA lift command…
M/V Endurance loaded with hate summit point..
False destination….
Fuck the plane fags
343450 No.226716
Shvartz goyim. Happy new year.
What happened to Joseph P. Overton? He created the most important political concept of the century.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Overton
2bc139 No.226717
So what? What are those helicopters? Click on them and check them out. They might be LifeFlight responding to an accident or transporting a critical patient. Could be LE as well. That's four different States. Means nothing without more context.
005bb8 No.226718
All the info on this is already in dead nwo guys thread
40f6d6 No.226719
That's where I was going with this. Seems a bit odd. Us oldfags remember that show.
f7e9ca No.226720
cEo of craigshits needs arrested for allowing rioter recruiting on their site!!! sedition and working very hard on getting to treason by the minute
74c367 No.226721
No information will appear on Pacer until the final draft is submitted & approved
This is happening
2a66f5 No.226722
Umm no, can you post screenshots here?
551879 No.226723
Drugs are for degenerates.
Somebody is thinking, aggregating information and attempting to ascertain the circumstances. And, it's clearly not you.
2bc139 No.226724
What is this from?
5f4af2 No.226725
Just stop please. It's dated 1016. Geez
9f313f No.226726
$1500 a week? Somebody's really got money to throw away.
f59f66 No.226727
MeGanon is a feisty gal. She is not the highest on the food chain of Intel, but she is accurate more often than not. I wish her well.
6fc8e3 No.226728
Bots or shills. Ignore
2a66f5 No.226729
Lawyerfag here, there are so many issues with that doc, it's clearly a fake. Legalese is wrong, Proper nouns are not capitalized. Nope.
551879 No.226730
(Takes job… Engages in sabotage from within)
dcac0d No.226731
Perkins Coie - circle of filth
https://threadreaderapp .com/thread/947878647226085376.html
5f4af2 No.226732
from 2016. FUCKING HELL.
62c94b No.226733
And? Its docked off Casablanca no?
f389fd No.226734
AGAIN, the date is 2016. NOTHING current.
5f4af2 No.226735
within 10 mins, someone posted fake indictment list and then this craigslist shit.
serious shilling or stupid happening right now. ;-)
5f4af2 No.226738
Kek the stupid is strong in this thread eh.
5e0814 No.226739
Non-bot anon here. The indictment list is real. It was being posted to Google Drive. Saw and opened a few. I'd wait for a real drop though.
88aceb No.226740
Anons. No coincidences right?
Just finished watching Bright released 12/22/17 and Will Smith points to his black eye and says “This is not a prophecy. This is a bad night.”
Too many pics of the p0pe and celebs with black eyes recently. The Magick doesn’t work if they don’t tell us what they’re doing beforehand.
551879 No.226741
I give you, the Michael Obama mannequin.(Someone shared this on Reddit… Muh sides)
1adf40 No.226742
Meanwhile, in Iran
2a66f5 No.226743
Woah woah woah there.. I posted that indictment image >>226662
6fc8e3 No.226744
Haha, yep, I tried a few times before I realized I was arguing with bots, lol.
add867 No.226745
…….what is summit point…
2bc139 No.226746
Location on East Coast….standby
5f4af2 No.226748
I'm not talking about that one. Another one was posted and it was fake af.
732e42 No.226749
behind the scenes, ya right! the ol double standard for the elites.
5e0814 No.226750
That's not something to add to the dough, anon. Perhaps, the Google Drive link though, where people can open and inspect for themselves. It would go in the RESEARCH thread then.
29c0fb No.226751
I know all that, i was here when Fake Q broke the first tripcode last night. lol And during last tripcode debacle, Been here since the very beginning.
I asked,, does taking him off whitelist,, does that prevent bad people from cracking code? pretty sure they can use trip on other board,, as can Q.
So no reason to ban it,, other then you think we are children , who would be fooled by a fake Q.( which we would need confirm of authenticity)
Otherwise,, if ban does not prevent cracking of code ,, then it's useless,, other then to make it more difficult for Q to speak when he does return.
Does ban stop people from attempting to crack? from what i understand,, NO,, it has no affect.
Ban on Q's second trip makes no sense.
Whitelist Q's second fox trip,, and we deal with it, when he comes back, or if a imposter shows,, no big deal.
We are big enough to handle another fake Q,, we would demand confirmation from anyone who posts with Q's second tripcode.
add867 No.226752
…hate….lots and lots of hate
6fc8e3 No.226753
Anon was referring to the fake paperwork, not your chart.
2a66f5 No.226754
Fair enough, but a google drive, link? really?
2a8fce No.226755
like I said… a lot of birds in the air…..
I've seen them over the east coast before… but never this many in the mid-west
they are not medivac….. I have seen…. and excluded those
the nights I see this kind of helicopter traffic, they are usually offering support to some kind of transport
not my first night planefagging
f7e9ca No.226756
2e3d29 No.226758
On some of the pages you need to put a skip button. For example the Secret Service names for 5 different presidents stumped me as you had to get them exactly right and couldn't move forward until you did. That put me off and I never went back or moved forward from that. I wouldn't send the link to that quiz to anyone because of pages like that. If you have one choice out of two fine. But when you need to get 5 on one page right give the people an option to skip that page or come back to it at some other point. Or even reveal the answers after 3 attempts and then let them go to the next question.
5e0814 No.226760
Yes, anon. That's what the research team did for the OCT 2017 dumps. They're not going to change their research tactics. Not my call.
5f4af2 No.226761
Not that one. I was talking about this one and there's even a video on it being fake.
Here are my other posts.
9aaa19 No.226762
ty all , although , should have been; Patriots , Passports . . .
dfa0d5 No.226764
Rumors about tracking shipping containers full of weapons… Weapons = hate?
2bc139 No.226765
Looks like California and West Virginia
Why lots and lots of hate???
5f4af2 No.226766
H ahaha you're better than me. Someone else had to tell me.
57033d No.226767
missing a state or two
6b46a3 No.226768
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"A major fire broke out at a whisky distillery in Douala, spreading to and damaging surrounding buildings, including a school."
551879 No.226769
Why are these rotten gashes not in prison right now?
c146e6 No.226770
what a coincidence hehe.
6fc8e3 No.226771
That was me. I had finally figured it out, lol! ;-)
2bc139 No.226772
419b3b No.226773
>When Q didn't come on the 27th, something didn't feel right. Then a third of cbts archives got nuked on 8's servers. Not many anons cared, cause muh archives. Then another third doesn't even make it to the 8's archives from the board. Then the trip mess. At this point, it's obvious cbts is being shut down/diffused. Ironic to think the shut down has more to do with Q than clowns, but makes more sense.
a435f0 No.226774
Glenn Beck referred to this, rote a book about it.
97a31e No.226775
POTUS is rounding them up to all become one now.
5e0814 No.226776
Posting again for any doubters of the veracity of the EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT in the OP:
Screenshot highly relevant.
551879 No.226777
The a people of Iran have spoken… And have elected a new leader!
57033d No.226778
Cabal losing their grip…
Can only throw a fit and break shit on their way out
74c367 No.226779
You are looking at a first draft. The plaintiffs have all been targeted as their efforts continued over the years. The evidence is voluminous & irrefutable. An attempt to frame one plaintiff with drug charges was already made. Another had an attempt on his life. They felt they were safer with their names in the open. It went out to several journalists apparently. I wrestled with which portion to disclose.
Have hope. These men will not give up.
cb9692 No.226780
Checks out….there's a bunch of posts on the Steinberg family and the plane crash in Costa Rica in recent previous loafs. UJA-Federation and the Clinton foundation have all been linked to the Steinberg Family.
551879 No.226781
5f4af2 No.226782
KEK okay. Now you know I don't check user ID's when talking to them.
dfa0d5 No.226783
Summit point is 44 miles from the FBI raid in Sterling. They raided a muslim male's apt.
d0ae38 No.226784
cb9692 No.226786
Now we have Soros connected to the Steinberg family!!!
62c94b No.226787
Maybe tied into the Awans and their "car" business
6fc8e3 No.226789
All good. I scrolled back to check a few…
6b46a3 No.226790
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"According to Iranian state media, an Iranian police officer has been killed, and three other officers wounded in the protests sweeping the nation."
2bc139 No.226791
It's what he always wanted.
1adf40 No.226792
I'm still stunned how unprepared Jeb! was.
All. that. money.
57033d No.226793
7108e9 No.226794
Or just cold as hell, and MSP is in better condition.
cb9692 No.226795
About as unprepared as the deep state was for an Iranian Revolution :)
551879 No.226796
"Actually cannibal, Shia LeCuck"
Likely true.
551879 No.226798
Is this new? (Found on r/T_D)
4a54ef No.226799
Adrenochrome!! Elites are hooked on this stuff. Just duck duck go it.
Here's a sample
Killing children in the most terrifying way to extract the most potent form of adrenochrome from their blood
Sauce https:/ /fellowshipoftheminds.com/2017/11/26/adrenochrome-and-elite-vampirism/
5f4af2 No.226800
I get sick of ppl jumping on obvious disinfo and running with it and I'm getting bruises on my forehead with all the facepalming.
add867 No.226801
Covert black contract ARC….why
SEA lift command has own ships…
95 % of all military arms ships from SP..
2a8fce No.226802
wonder if we all signed our posts with something like _*_@_@_#_#_* as a way to point out we are not a bot, how long it would take them to figure it out and start doing it
it beats making pictures and talking though pictures…..
7108e9 No.226803
Jeb just isn't that sharp. He dresses it up very well, expresses interest in high tech topics just as a really smart guy might do. But he's a bit vacant upstairs.
That isn't winning against Trump.
6b46a3 No.226804
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
@ :38 seconds (Liverpool)
1adf40 No.226805
You know he had media training. How does that epic fail happen?!? (I understand DS thought they had all the voting machines fixed, but still!)
dcac0d No.226806
List is Soros orgs
http://www.discoverthenetworks .org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1237
6fc8e3 No.226807
I feel ya! I really do! *smack*
57033d No.226808
he looks way too young.. and that card looks shopped.
dig first, lurk moar
1adf40 No.226809
cb9692 No.226811
Steinbergs = Bridgewater = Soros = UJA-Federation = Clinton Foundation = Died in a plane crash in Costa Rica
dfa0d5 No.226813
I think it is seizure of weapons that were coming to ISIS in the states.
5f4af2 No.226814
Nah it'll learn that too. Just need to have a keen eye and tell each other. Dude, I'm so glad I'm not on Twitter or I'd be trolling bots all day. =D
959cb8 No.226817
Two stories. One The White Dragons smacked them and a lot of others. Sort of counting coup.
Two that it's a luceferian cult practise to take one in the eye like horus the Egyptian demon or some damned thing.
453b60 No.226818
Was this actually written back in 2015?
if so sauce????
also was this written in July or October…?
European or american date writing style???
ea3460 No.226819
This. We already have everything, now we watch
29c0fb No.226820
I'd like to settle back into research and meme making tonight,, but the ban on Q's 2nd tripcode,,
So BO plese explain why the second Q tripcode is banned off white list???????
We can figure if it is Q or not,, dont need someone with power trip issues,, thinking we can't handle a fake Q,, like we might get confused or fooled.
So Q tripcode bans( on ones not yet cracked) Makes no sense,, unless it is to protect it from being cracked( which i do not think is the case)
c16b9f No.226821
Circa old. Last year afaik.
551879 No.226823
CNN… Getting high on live TV.
Hide yo kids…
1adf40 No.226824
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Embedding one of my favorites of Jeb!
"They're kicking me out the door!"
640191 No.226826
there are too many screen shots for that. Keep in mind the files contain well over 10k cases. Are your fag fingers broken from stroking you meat or are you a shill trying to distract from real research? :)
cdf694 No.226827
there appears to be a plane under the blocked one i cant get my mouse on it .
5f4af2 No.226828
If Q comes back I'm walkin away for a few hours. I won't be able to cope with all the hard core fangirling. It's gonna be bad.
1adf40 No.226829
29c0fb No.226830
there are clowns all over,,, so ban is not protecting anyone,lol They are here.
If someone uses the second tripcode,,, we don't take as solid or real,, until we do get a solid or real confirmation.
c6a7b2 No.226831
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Final Countdown
b7315f No.226832
Welcome back and Happy New Year to all the good guys.
Dean Martin?
dfa0d5 No.226833
Yep, didn't think of that
6b46a3 No.226834
First time seeing Drudge today. HaHa!
QNN brought it to the news first!
62c94b No.226835
Summit Point Training Center… Sounds like a Blackwater OP
https:/ /www.bsr-inc.com/
4cdf14 No.226836
They used muh screenshot HA!
c16b9f No.226837
I've seen your posts anon and appreciate your concern. It's NY, we've a shill storm and BO shut it down to prevent more trip faggotry. Q can post with trip on any thread on 8 meanwhile. Chill. They're sorting it.
6fc8e3 No.226838
I'm just gonna step away here soon, and hit the hay, myself. Hopefully, he'll get back soon and get the anons back on track before we facepalm ourselves to death! ;-)
645221 No.226839
dfa0d5 No.226840
>>226787 Visited Central America recently. There is a HUGE volume of cars moving from the US to CA. They chop shop wrecks all day. The ship bananas north and the same ship comes back full of cars purchased from insurance auctions. Maybe the Awan's ordered some "special bananas".
cdf694 No.226841
this appears to be an escort i had to get close up to seperate , both on exact same trajectory.
a6d6b2 No.226842
Yup a lear jet, planes at 33K and 32.8K so butt pumping to Florida looks like they are on decent
8cbd14 No.226843
Do you believe it was "Matlock"?
Some people are starting to understand.
640191 No.226845
Big Mike! Everyone knows Obama loves to sit on a big stiffy.
c146e6 No.226846
genius plan to block only 1 plane.
6b46a3 No.226847
Can i get your autograph?
2a86a8 No.226848
aka Monsters Inc.
e2dd8c No.226849
>>226755 Take a look at this: One helicopter
is LPAD Air Support Division and the other helicopter is Los Angeles County Sheriff
2e6b67 No.226851
Hmmm, this guy has been busy.
acd51c No.226852
jfc lads can't stay away for 12 hours without having happenings pile up
surely the passport system shutdown is no coincidence
my guess is they are rounding people off
can a planefag give a quick rundown of the ongoing activity?
fa916c No.226853
Did anons here not already realize that? As soon as he signed the first EO and labeled NK it was obvious what he was doing.
Remember the process in SA?
Ground all air traffic
Close borders
Freeze accounts
Round up the bad ones & detain them
No means of escape, no $$ to pay off anyone to exit the country.
Calling in favors when you are now a liability and on the run means people can say no to you now.
"fund flow disruption" = a lot less options
645221 No.226854
150ee5 No.226855
comes up as a lear jet, t/o from Domin Rep with no registration.
following directly under BLOCKED
alt 24.9K
0cc365 No.226856
Is Doug Jones going to get sworn in on Wed????
97a31e No.226857
Who lived in New York when Twins came down?
Who had shit tons of friends in New York that probably mostly worked in Twins?
Who would have a strong feeling for revenge if you had that many friends die at once?
Who is your president?
Connect the dots?
5f4af2 No.226858
Me too. I'm predicting a global mass spontaneous panty creaming and hopefully I'll be asleep if he comes back. Nighty night.
11ea30 No.226859
Yes and only a couple hundred feet apart which would normally be illegal
4f298e No.226860
db1db3 No.226861
She's talking about the bowl games and the fact that it will be an all SEC final. (Southeastern Conference) GA vs Bama
88aceb No.226862
Totally fucked. Good news is there is way more power in laughter than fear.
d827b6 No.226863
One is LA city, other is Sheriff.
Sheriff covers more broad area for city's that don't have a police department.
35a621 No.226864
Don't forget his friends that died in the helicopter crash….
dcac0d No.226865
Near as I can tell Bridgewater was a competitor of Soros.
Comey and James Baker worked at Bridgewater at one point.
Ray Dalio steps down from day to day ops
https://www.nytimes .com/2017/03/01/business/dealbook/ray-dalio-bridgewater-hedge-fund.html
Real time rating coworker at Bridgewater http://www.businessinsider. com/bridgewater-ray-dalio-radical-transparency-app-dots-2017-9/#dalio-pulled-up-footage-of-a-research-team-meeting-held-a-week-after-donald-trumps-presidential-victory-where-they-forecasted-economic-results-of-his-upcoming-presidency-1
Obligatory sex scandal at Bridgewater http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20171107/FREE/171109940/bridgewater-founder-defends-co-ceo-greg-jensen-as-a-man-of-high
40f4f0 No.226866
Only 7 chars… Only 1 cap, no alternates, no numbers… what an absolute shit password…
OMG HOPE has abandoned me if Q doesn't even know basic opsec..
d0ae38 No.226867
Another perp arrested
93936e No.226868
Come election time, posters can read:
"My Daddy, Tim Kaine, got me off, what has he done for you and your kids?"
7108e9 No.226869
A lot of POS's are MIA about now.
dfa0d5 No.226870
Securities and Exchange Comission…??
6b46a3 No.226871
Another 1.
M 4.6 - 150km WNW of Neiafu, Tonga
2018-01-02 05:16:57 (UTC)
18.223°S 175.334°W
234.0 km
35a621 No.226872
Trying to hide a signal on radar? That will still show wont it?
62c94b No.226873
Summit Point Training Center was purchased by the State Department for weapons and driver training. This means ties to Hillary, Awans, Fast and Furious, etc.
7108e9 No.226874
Southeastern Conference, must have won a football game. It's NCAA football playoff time.
83619e No.226875
https://you tu.be/jC-vRZ5Dwm0 sounds like a legit story, has audio recordings of interviews and stuff to go along.
645221 No.226876
call sign of that plane in picture….
2a8fce No.226877
lived in BPC when they came down….. I get it
376d28 No.226878
5f4af2 No.226879
Q = John Podesta (remember P@ssw0rd) Lol
dfa0d5 No.226880
dc5c76 No.226881
Side by side with our-sides fav jet a Lear
bcb2c4 No.226882
Maybe pinging 2 channels on his transponder - it would look like 2 planes.
ca1dd5 No.226883
that stuff happens all the time no big deal. or am i missing something?
97a31e No.226884
He's going after them ALL!
The whole country wanted revenge, nobody did anything.
We should be proud of this POTUS.
11ea30 No.226886
No blocked plane is not id but lear is and they have not been on the same path, lear is leading now, then flys behind.
2d1749 No.226887
and JFK Jr ,killery took his seat after that.
9a76d0 No.226889
plane crash in costa rica ties to bush family.
453b60 No.226890
That's why memes are winning bigly….
6b46a3 No.226891
3 in the past couple hours/super wolf moon.
bcb2c4 No.226892
Roger that. Just pulled them up.
084a6a No.226893
The lear tracks back to Dominican Republic
dfa0d5 No.226894
Anyone notice a pattern here?
Lauraine Fuddy - Plane Crash
Clinton Impeachment witnesses - Plane Crash
JFK Junior - Plane Crash
40f4f0 No.226895
we need Anons flagging these like crazy from us residential ip's.
Alternatively we need an blackhat Anon with a US botnet to do the flagging
ee8edc No.226897
And one of the pilots was the ex Costa Rican president's cousin.
fb3bc1 No.226898
Not disrespectin'… just trying to understand. So we now have to "believe" a board mod is who he says he is, when he delivers the message from Q? And that it is typed correctly or incorrectly as given by Q? In other words, every small bit of veracity we tried to wean out of believing Q is as connected as they are, we now have to transfer that "trust" to a board mod that we have to believe is not somehow compromised. Again- no disrespect here- but that may be a truth bridge too far for me…
fbdd8e No.226899
“My daddy got me off. He can get you off, if you want.”
97a31e No.226900
You best tell me that was a fucking joke post!
8a7bf8 No.226901
Bummer…was hopin for a habbenin
2d1749 No.226902
And how drunk was she when she wrote this?lol
40f4f0 No.226904
I don't know if I should kek or reeee!
959749 No.226905
https://www.docdroid .net/zmVDhA4/d2-peter-munk-george-soros-cheney-paul-wolfowitz-hwbush-gwbush-john-kerry-clinton-september-11-attack.pdf
um is this real? be nice if it is!
2e3d29 No.226906
Good god! How much dumber can the bitch get???
2bc139 No.226907
Lear is now almost 1000' above the other.
6b46a3 No.226908
top 4 are pretty significant in magnitude.
19f254 No.226909
pmsl… I hope so too. Friend just sent it to me and I hoped you hard working anons could use a good laugh.
93936e No.226910
Who had expertise in building structures when he went to inspect the Twins?
e556e1 No.226911
Has to be a fake account. I'd hate to think ANYONE voted that first grade education into office.
c16b9f No.226912
Plane anons, you're doing us all proud.
Is there any way you could give an update of what you're seeing, periodically, that bakers can add to dough?
Could be helpful for all. Godspeed.
97a31e No.226913
You fucking bitch! Was a good one.
a6d6b2 No.226914
I see 5100 and 5600
19f254 No.226915
It's from her parody account
35a621 No.226917
Why aren't you making your own backups, like everyone else who knows better.
3452e7 No.226918
Obama -→ Solyndra?
4cdf14 No.226919
Shes been hanging out with Maxine Waters too much, wtf!
959749 No.226920
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=nhlux3V6FrI&feature=youtu.be this guy is reading the 911 unsealed inditments please let it be real!
dcac0d No.226921
Again with owls
Bob Prince, left, and Grego Jensen help Dalio develop Bridgewater's strategies.
97a31e No.226922
Nice, nice!
So we have the motive.
He has the power.
So is America going to get revenge now?
That's the point we have to wait and see now, but I think we already know the answer to that.
2bc139 No.226923
Yeah they closed the gap.
Theory: The blocked aircraft might be a Fighter picking them up in international airspace and escorting them in for interrogation.
5b6747 No.226924
a784e5 No.226925
376d28 No.226926
>2. Ads are popping up in craigslist all over the USA. How do we get them deleted?
If you're able to infiltrate and surveil them, then you should do that. Are churches involved? Are non-political PAC's involved? Any signs of satanism or pedophilia? Who are the people in charge? Are they under the direction of a foreign power? Are employees being trained to lie? Are they affiliated with antifa?
Lots of great intel could be derived from a week long stint with one of these orgs. I bet video of the training sessions would make great viewing.
60c96c No.226928
4f298e No.226929
You've expanding your thinking. Well done. Now that you understand, the question is how do you react. Laughter or tears?
38558f No.226930
Perhaps deep state trying to make DJT administration look bad to voters by screwing up travel with everyone trying to get back to work tomorrow? Don't know, but expanded thinking.
959749 No.226931
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="https://www.docdroid .net/zmVDhA4/d2-peter-munk-george-soros-cheney-paul-wolfowitz-hwbush-gwbush-john-kerry-clinton-september-11-attack.pdf" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>
6b46a3 No.226932
I don't know why this recent one in Greece isn't in the list so who knows what's real?
acd51c No.226933
holy shit they just opened borders with Kurdistan
it's fucking happening
c16b9f No.226934
Dude, Q can post anywhere he/she/they wish. They chose here. BO made a house for Q, anons came. BO is solid.
If Q didn't want to post here he'd post somewhere else. We have a good home here and BO and us mods are doing all we can do make it the best we can. So -no disrespect here- but a little fucking understanding as to what the OP takes here, to make it work for us all, is appreciated.
97a31e No.226936
005bb8 No.226937
Releases JFK files, confirms conspiracy theory for millions, shows Bush family connection, prepares public and softens blow for release of Twin conspiracy non-conspiracy for millions.. epic
ca1dd5 No.226938
fbdd8e No.226939
6b46a3 No.226940
I saw a MD helicopter patrolling Pasadena during the Rosebowl a couple breads back.
bcb2c4 No.226941
Still no big deal. Look at Alaska earthquake map.
earthquake.alaska. edu/earthquakes
2e3d29 No.226942
A meme to lighten the mood….
2bc139 No.226943
Actually might have that backwards. The Lear might be Coast Guard on station in DR and they intercepted the blocked aircraft to escort.
7108e9 No.226944
Not call sign. Origination (Port Of Spain, Trinidad) and destination (MIAmi, Florida).
97a31e No.226945
d0ae38 No.226946
And still no word on the other party in the Roth estate area crash
acd51c No.226947
https://t witter.com/RudawEnglish/status/948065577209384961
40f4f0 No.226948
Remember Muslim Anon was close to the first trip weeks ago. It took weeks to get it complete..
My suggestion is too keep Q's new trip active for 24 hours since the hack, to give Q time to sort the mess and THEN to disable it.
I think (((they))) have played this hand too soon.
I also don't get why Q never used a secure trip.
97a31e No.226949
This is moving fast now.
d0ae38 No.226951
They’re all by planned Parenthood
6ba7da No.226952
ramstein departures
ca1dd5 No.226953
i still dont get it
ad58da No.226954
Google it…happens every year
nothing sinister that I can see. Unless someone planned something that went on during a typical "downer"
645221 No.226955
I am definitely NOT a PlaneFag
6b46a3 No.226956
I didn't imply it was a big deal. It's actually predictable as fuck during Full Moons.
I've been anticipating and watching even more so because it is a Super Wolf Moon.
It's a big a deal as tracking planes i guess.
d0ae38 No.226957
I can do that, no one suspects an old lady
60c96c No.226958
959cb8 No.226959
I watched that freak show. They weren't just doing pot, they were reading out all of POTUS's anti.CNN tweet s without comment. Anderson Cooper looked like he's been pole axed then sedated with IM benzodiazepine X.
I dropped a note at the time.
Major fucking happening lads, CNN new years eve. Me sitting phone tweeting picture of AC frolic with satan at them when this starts happening.
It was beautiful and I hope you appreciate this - it was subtle terror to set up….tonight.
Its boogie time.
40f4f0 No.226960
This feels larpy to me…
Obviously (perhaps too obviously) the answer is DJT
9a76d0 No.226961
97a31e No.226962
Well fuck me!
The people might be in control of Iran again!
3452e7 No.226963
Because they already knew there wasn't a point, probably.
The grief over the tripcodes is just static. Ignore it.
a784e5 No.226964
What do the ones in Cali look like?
2e3d29 No.226965
2d1749 No.226966
6ba7da No.226967
from south amerikka??
62a4d6 No.226969
Uncle Sam is missing the stripes on his hat
559c35 No.226970
noko also has one
6b46a3 No.226971
Same now as this pic.
https:// earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/#
645221 No.226972
acd51c No.226973
good catch
hold on lads we might be getting misled here
happening not confirmed, I repeat…
ca1dd5 No.226974
i dont get it. a border crossing has opened that has been open before. so what?
19f254 No.226975
BREAKING: Now people of #Qahderijan (in #Isfahan province) destroyed the #Khomeini Foundation building in response to death of nine protesters by #Basij and Police in front of police station of their town. #Basij shot at them again. #IranProtests #FreeIran
97a31e No.226976
Not being larpy, just put 1 + 1 together and got 2.
Think about it, multi-millionaire if not more lives in New York, makes loads of friends in New York, Twin Towers are full of offices.
Your friends work in said offices…connect the rest.
Use your head.
2e3d29 No.226977
That was made early last year and that was the only good Uncle Sam on the net. Not sure if I have ever seen an Uncle Sam with stripes painted in that same style.
acd51c No.226978
was falsely presented as breaking news
we're on it to check if it's anything else than smokescreening
d0ae38 No.226979
htt. p://dailycaller.com/2018/01/01/abedin-forwarded-state-passwords-to-yahoo-before-it-was-hacked-by-foreign-agents/
e2dd8c No.226980
LAX UPDATE: This plane departed for Fiji seconds ago. Departures seem to be a little slow. Could be normal.
7108e9 No.226981
Bob Prince looks a lot like James O'Keefe.
62a4d6 No.226982
Learn to Uncle Sam
97a31e No.226983
Been telling you all all night to keep up with Iran.
POTUS has a plan, and it includes Iran.
Remember his twats about it?
97a31e No.226984
959749 No.226985
911 inditments unsealed in NV big if true
6f457b No.226986
Only thing we are missing is Confirmation
005bb8 No.226987
No words could describe it better than pride and awe
ca1dd5 No.226988
bcb2c4 No.226989
Didn't mean any anything malevolent, Anon. I feel them all the time and maybe just inputting from that perspective. Your point is well taken.
e2dd8c No.226990
LAX UPDATE: This flight just departed for Fiji. Departures are slow, but could be normal now
2e3d29 No.226991
Ok. Got that. I meant that the style of picture that was in the dildo meme was never found with a stripped hat. I looked too.
410c21 No.226992
Heads are gonna roll; I can't begin to imagine his emotions that morning
e74820 No.226993
I'm struggling with this as well. If the trip wasn't broken yet why not give Q the opportunity to verify a new one?
959749 No.226994
http://docdro .id/zmVDhA4 911 inditments right here
2e6b67 No.226995
3 blocked planes landing at Van Nuys
97a31e No.226996
That's not the point though.
Even if the open border thing is old at that point, the fact that the people are standing up against their government should speak volumes.
410c21 No.226997
It won't dawn on most people until years after all this is over that this is the best President that we will ever have. God has given us another window
d827b6 No.226998
These people aren't very smart.
Future proves past.
(Not Q)
640191 No.227000
Incredible story from CBS news. It's hard to imagine how someone could be so evil as to traffic the teen girls the prev was coaching on the soccer team.
2e3d29 No.227001
Could be that the BO became overly paranoid.
62c94b No.227002
FAKE…Stop with this shit!
d0ae38 No.227003
5d8098 No.227004
He's a real estate developer whose built skyscrapers I wouldn't be surprised if he knows engineers and architects who have told him that 9/11 was bogus
959749 No.227005
did you even read it?
d0ae38 No.227006
acd51c No.227007
while i'm monitoring Iran to see if the Kurdistan thing is fake news can someone confirm this has been relayed here?
https://t witter.com/kenvogel/status/947590949022117889
a35e78 No.227008
I believe the happenings on this board were commented on yesterday in a few interesting posts by an anon.
Can anyone help?
97a31e No.227009
>I can't begin to imagine his emotions that morning
That makes two of us, and this guy reads Art of War and he wrote Art of the deal?
419b3b No.227010
It's not about having the back ups/archives. It's about convincingly linking Q's quotes to memes
d0ae38 No.227011
http ://www.kurdistan24.net/en/economy/3f82e40f-a032-45e6-a10d-f730978d1326
97a31e No.227012
Yes, He has.
Let's take advantage of it, shall we.
d0ae38 No.227013
4cdf14 No.227014
Looks like some is upset
Fresh off the twatter from LdR
How can the Republican Congress allow such an unqualified buffoon to run a Federal agency? They are complicit in Trumps destruction of America;
6b46a3 No.227016
I at LEAST have the Q-maps backed up.
559c35 No.227017
what happened ro Scotr A fees?? i cant watch vid.. fuked up.. any1 have info?
heard about plane & comy in costa rica from Roy Potter.. Comy Took down plane?
62c94b No.227018
Yes, yes I have, IT IS FAKE AS FUCK and people have been posting it for the last week trying to pass it off as real. STOP SHILLING
d0ae38 No.227019
Sorry wrong link never mind!!!
410c21 No.227020
97a31e No.227021
Now you see what I was getting on about!
This guy has had the inside scoop for a bit.
And I think he knows it's time to turn on the revenge mode.
0c0277 No.227023
That's some funny shit, whether it's legit or a parody account. God, she's stupid.
But it reminded me of a fine piece of American art [salutes]
419b3b No.227026
959cb8 No.227027
If the Roths are neutralized no one told LdR. I bet they regretting her photogenic friendships now.
1e1dee No.227028
Misled or overexcited newfag. Old news not relevant to this weekend's protests.
5f4af2 No.227029
KEK for the parody account and KEK x 10 for the anons thinking it's real.
5d394f No.227030
Just to relate some info to discuss. I recall listening to YT videos of Michael Prince and Max Spiers, both MK Ultra supersoldiers, and they both said the Illuminati in this country was split in to two parts. One was the east coast group that they called the Zionists faction. The Midwest and West belonged to the 4th Reich Nazis who were led by George H W Bush and sons. Both factions fought each other for years and had recently tried to reconcile without success. The Clintons and Hussein were with Bush’s group.
The two also stated matter of factory that there were underground bases all over. At the time, Prince was stationed at a base near San Antonio. He said the three bases around San Antonio, Fort Sam, Lackland and Randolph a huge underground base that connected all three about a mile below the surface. They also stated there was a huge base underground by Denver airport. Supposed to be a big base under Laurel Canyon in LA.
When I first listened to these two three or four years ago, it was hard for me to believe their stories. But, the more I researched, the more I realized they were probably telling the truth. They talked about blatant pedophilia and sacrificing and injecting the blood for renewed energy. Hard to believe at first, but we’ve found out it is true.
7108e9 No.227031
What a special time this is. An interregnum. The time that formerly feared people were walking around with boots on their legs. It will be a famous moment, the one we're in right now.
0c0277 No.227032
God I hate that guy.
He is our Niedermeyer.
fea444 No.227033
This makes sense. Cabal money (Soros') is cut.
PP still has money to pay out to the shills …. tax money.
We need to cut those murderers off, ffa.
40f4f0 No.227035
future proves past
d0ae38 No.227036
Just posted 3 hrs ago
https ://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary%20R.%20Clinton%20Part%2002%20of%2016/view
97a31e No.227037
dcac0d No.227038
This is the second year that us customs had problem with passports. First Monday of every year?
https://www.usatoday. com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/customs-outage-causes-chaos-backups-airports/96093562/
d0ae38 No.227039
Yup! Cut the money, they will try to run
c90923 No.227040
Supposedly Q started his own youtube channel today and posted 2 videos.
97a31e No.227041
You forget what a handler is?
410c21 No.227042
The 0 never struck me as an Eagles fan, and yet he's twatting about thema long with LdR? Hmm…..
https:// twitter.com/BarackObama/status/946775332564230144
d0ae38 No.227043
Trying to find updated info
cc1d80 No.227044
Give it a break. If Q wanted to post here and could not, we would hear of it through another board in no time.
cd1d84 No.227045
Definitely NOT a court pleading.
acd51c No.227046
except we've discovered it was old news AFTER it was presented as news by a verified Iraqi news source and relayed by people like Wictor on twatter
had it been new it would have indeed meant that Iran is giving up, which was relevant
97a31e No.227047
Look out all, shills creeping back in.
Didn't ya notice the LdR post as well?
2bc139 No.227048
Would make sense. Remember about 4 years ago now all those children that came across the US/ Mexico border in Texas? They were holding many of them on Lackland. At the time I didn't think much of it. But now I wonder if all those kids were being trafficked?
fd0270 No.227050
>Netanyahu, McCain and Hillary support Iranian protestors.
Uh huh.
cd1d84 No.227051
Cant wait for all the "feminist" support.
e38cdf No.227053
They should use Pokémon GO to evacuate Soul as a covert operation…
97a31e No.227054
How do you increase a particular population of one type of people in such a fast way?
cd1d84 No.227055
It takes take to smellproof a cell so the other prisoners are not subject to cruel and inhumane conditions.
d0ae38 No.227056
7108e9 No.227057
Probably means we've got control of McCain's and Hillary's twatters.
d0ae38 No.227058
My fav electric rat
6b46a3 No.227059
Like i said at least.
I have 842mb worth of data about all this. Web pages from 4 and 8, memes, pictures… Not even most of them but some important stuff. There is probably 5GB of relevant data out there.
at least.
2bc139 No.227060
Oh I get that point too. That was my first inclination and that they'd all be voting!
a35e78 No.227061
410c21 No.227063
I heard he's got a new sitcom coming up this spring
97a31e No.227064
They aren't voting.
They are adopted and so forth, but still add to the numbers on a 'survey'.
cd1d84 No.227065
I believe that the orders are dead or alive in many cases.
2a66f5 No.227066
Holy fuck… why is it in Part 02 and not Part 16?
1adf40 No.227067
Found on Voat https://voat.co/
cc9a72 No.227069
OK fag, let's examine what is going on. Firstly, the BO says that Q's old password was "Matlock." Now, riddle me this, if you had a brute force algorithm going to figure out passwords, how long do you think it would take for them to hit "Matlock?" Think in milliseconds. Oh! I forgot about the seven dwarves! Think in fractions of a microsecond.
So, we know for a fact that Q's old password message is a code of some kind, and not a report of the actual password.
I could take you further, but I've said too much already. I will point out, though, that the problems with pedophiles is in the center of England.
So, now dig some yourself, and quit shilling.
fd0270 No.227072
This is retarded.
97a31e No.227073
See the shills?
Must have hit a nail on the head.
005bb8 No.227075
That guy has been on full court press for a week trying to get counsel with POTUS
93936e No.227076
What you and the admin team have done is extraordinary and much appreciated.
No one on this board has had prior experience in communicating with a Q in a public space, so standard operating procedures have to be developed in real time as each challenge arises because there is no SOP manual to read from.
So I raise my glass to toast the team for making and keeping CBTS so comfy.
2a8fce No.227077
Very proud of him, and grateful too him…
went to the inaug…. big supporter
4cdf14 No.227078
410c21 No.227079
was meant for
f8207c No.227080
Anons, just throwing this out there, because while we come here, daily, and toil away in research, I’ve noticed that some people out there on social media seem to want to become "the face" of the Q phenomenon. One name that I've seen referenced in here a lot lately (and who is active on the Twatter a lot) is Royston Potter, who is purportedly a "lieutenant colonel" from some branch of the military. What branch? I couldn’t tell you. And I’m not sure he would ever tell you either, but more on that below.
I never heard of the guy until a few weeks ago. I’ve done a bit of research around here (legal, scientific, and general) and as things heat up with the storm I’ve been surfing the #qanon hashtag on Twatter. Tonight I saw that there was just a livestream by the great Royston Potter on YouBoob, so I tuned in. This was only my second time watching him on video but both times he sounded like a blowhard, like a David Seaman on steroids. By that I mean he didn't sound like anyone who's actively engaged in the digging and researching and document production (like we are in here) but, rather, like someone who likes to talk about the work that others (we) are doing, while puffing himself up as he speaks.
Anyway, tonight I got curious about Roy Potter so I googled him and found some disturbing results. I think they are worth sharing here because I’ve seen Anons here reference him with high regard, and I think we should, at the very least, be careful of the people in whom we place our trust. Apparently Royston Potter used to be a police officer in Utah but he was terminated because he had three wives and, um, polygamy is illegal, even in Utah (technically).
Potter refers to himself as a Lieutenant Colonel but I can't for the life of me, find anything substantiating his service in the military. A blogger (discussed below) also tried and failed to substantiate Potter’s military service.
In light of the fact that this current revo-Q-tion is being waged, on the front lines, by our heroes in the military, I have concerns that perhaps Mr. Potter has embellished his resume. So, anons, since he is online these days (on Twatter and YouBoob) pontificating about Q and the work that is being done here, can we please look into this guy more?
I, for one, never served in the military, but family members have. I understand how deeply special and important their service was to them, and all of them were and are extremely humble about what they did for our country and what they experienced in the line of duty.
Potter, on the other hand, just spent 2 minutes in his YouBoob livestream talking about how he "rose to the rank" of Colonel years ago, and it seemed like he was bragging a little bit too much. He comes off as a pompous windbag rather than as a true former lieutenant colonel.
I understand this post is a bit of a digression from the path on which Q steered us, but in light of the attention that The Storm is getting these days I think it’s relevant to make sure that there are no foxes in the henhouse, so to speak. With the increased focus on this, more people come here and surf social media for answers. I personally believe we would not want spokespeople who are, at least, not credible and who are, at worst, possibly abusive of women. Polygamy hurts women and children. Given the rampant sexual abuse perpetrated by the bad guys we discuss in here, and given that polygamy is not only illegal but also abusive and socially unacceptable on every level, I have valid concerns that an abuser (if this is the same Royston E. Potter) has possibly insinuated himself into this 8chan board in order to become "the face" of this Q phenomenon.
Given that Potter actually wrote a book on his polygamous lifestyle (linked here [split link]: https://www.amazon. com/wed-three-wives-polygamy-Royston/dp/B0006QJNIS/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1514872198&sr=1-2 and archived here [split link: http://archive. is/1RWWA]), I think he has no shame and could possibly be an attention-seeking famewhore. Yup, I said it.
5d394f No.227081
That makes sense now that you mention it. They were probably trafficked. That’s what is going on with the Syrians escaping to Europe. Many ended up being trafficked to SA.
6ba7da No.227082
6ba7da No.227083
I'm sorry
its me -
97a31e No.227084
Why is everbody so concerned about his password?
He's already given us enough that if we are wrong he will let us know.
c16b9f No.227085
ad5d89 No.227086
551879 No.227087
Going to bed, but going to leave you with a rabbit-hole… Enjoy!
- Double-slit experiment (Implications/possibilities are clear)
- John G. Trump and Tesla (How are they connected and what did John do with Tesla's work?)
- Why is POTUS able to seemingly see 20 moves ahead? (NSA intel? Or some other reason?)
- Who is Ingersoll Lockwood? (What books did he write and why are they curious?)
- When POTUS has spoken about his uncle John, why did he rarely mention his wondrous work treating cancer patients, and focus exclusively on what John said regarding nuclear energy?
Who is John Titor? (What capabilities was he aware of that very few could have known? IBM 5100?)
Is the truth often more strange than fiction, or not?
Are there any coincidences?
Question: If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Answer: Yes and no… as well as all other possibilities.
cd1d84 No.227088
Maybe Pence will slap some cuffs on him instead. "Surprise PedoDouggie!"
6b46a3 No.227089
they don't like EQ talk.
f8207c No.227090
Please, researchers, can we dig a bit? I have no connection to the guy, personally, but I think it's only right that we know who we're dealing with. I've seen many on Twatter just lavish the guy with praise, but I'm getting a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and a "stolen valor" vibe from the guy.
Here is the link to the Google results on "Royston Potter polygamy" (split link): https://www.google. com/search?rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS752US752&ei=Ox1LWsnOGYHQjwSjpKSIBw&q=royston+potter+polygamy&oq=royston+potter+polygamy&gs_l=psy-ab.3…2586.7762.0.8157.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..3.18.2846…0j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i67k1j0i131i67k1j0i46i67k1j46i67k1j0i20i264k1j0i20i263k1j0i10k1j0i20i263i264k1j0i22i30k1j33i160k1j33i21k1.0.5_KhHfMyDvQ
Here is a link to all three books by Royston Potter that are currently listed on Amazon (one is about his life as a polygamist) (split link): https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Royston+Potter&search-alias=books&field-author=Royston+Potter&sort=relevancerank
The archive to that link is here (split link): http://archive. is/P4Y83
A blogger had the same concerns about Roy Potter’s credibility back in 2013. A skeptical blogger did at least two articles on the guy:
1. Here is a link to one blog entry (“Everyone Meet Colonel Potter”) (split link): http://thisainthell. us/blog/?p=35253 and, for good measure, here is a link to an archive of that article (split link): http://archive. is/VeiWD
2. Here is a link to the second blog entry (“More on ‘LTC’ Royston Potter and Polygamy”) (split link): http://thisainthell. us/blog/?p=35267 and, for good measure, here is a link to an archive of that article, too (split link): http://archive. is/ediWj
Again, all y’all Anons, the only reason I’m raising this is that this guy, Roy Potter, has thrust himself into the limelight as though he is qualified to be an expert on what’s done on the chans (and elsewhere), and in some way he is representing us and the work that we all toil to do. I don’t know about you, but I think we will have a hard enough time red-pilling normies (at least until more drama unfolds), so do we really want a former police officer who was terminated for illegally practicing polygamy and who may or may not be fabricating his military service to speak for us out there?
God knows we have enough of an uphill battle ahead of us . . . Thank you for letting me raise my concerns.
a784e5 No.227091
Hmmmm sounds a lot like John Legend…
dcac0d No.227092
Policy was to hold until family or sponsor claimed them. 90% ended up with family in 2012-2014. After that, main gang recruitment.
http://www.foxnews .com/us/2016/09/15/unaccompanied-minors-swelling-ranks-american-gangs-say-experts.html
0c0277 No.227095
>It won't dawn on most people until years after all this is over that this is the best President that we will ever have. God has given us another window
THIS, all day, every day.
Think about it, has America had a real by-God STATESMAN in our lifetimes?
God and fate have seen fit to place Trump in this country, in this period of time.
We're probably a whole lot luckier than we even know right now.
c6a7b2 No.227096
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Roy Potter update 13 minutes ago
276f9c No.227097
fdc172 No.227098
new one right here
6ba7da No.227099
sorry - is there anyone here on the discord?
7a3af3 No.227100
?? Maybe photoshoped for dis info… haven't heard anything on MSM access Hollywood , joking about someone having black eye ..
cd1d84 No.227101
My Daddy can get you off too. If you're under 16.
9350c5 No.227102
There has been a lot of info over the years about a huge underground area/base under Denver airport, and Laurel Canyon is linked to various music and movie people implicated in mind control-type activities. That there is a base under there as well makes total sense. Also have read of some government facility close to LC where they have actually produced child pornography. All of these are likely connected to each other via the tunnel system that extends throughout the country.
29b52d No.227103
I have an eye for wise people. You are wise.
419b3b No.227104
less convoluted would have been better. that's all i'm saying.
ce6de4 No.227105
What proof do we have that Q trip was ever compromised?
Something ain’t right. Banning the other trip too? Okay, whatever.
Seems like someone is getting paid to KILL the movement.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
b7315f No.227106
Don't post links and instructions for research, just do the research and post some results so anons can decide if worth looking further into.
From what you've posted he sounds like another youtube celeb with a high opinion of himself.
Who gives a fuck, is my initial reaction. I have enough reading going on without joining on someone else's moral crusade to police youtube.
If there is more to it I stand corrected and will leave it to others to join in your battle.
2a8fce No.227108
follow up on the plane that had to return to SEA
LIVE: Southwest #WN5489 Seattle-Baltimore/Washington (737-800 N8644C) has a nosegear problem & is burning fuel for a return to SEA. Listen via @liveatc :
https:// www.liveatc.net/search/?icao=ksea … | Via @KING5Seattle
aac25a No.227109
Q, I believe, was the one who said the nuke codes have been 0000000 for years since no one trusted passwords anymore. QC could break any password.. SO since Q said he had the best security of many agencies and levels of security, perhaps the tripcode password was not important?
dcac0d No.227110
See for yourself
https://archive. 4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/ITPb.qbhqo
6b46a3 No.227111
9f313f No.227112
Jesus, what's MAGA about that?
6ba7da No.227113
c16b9f No.227114
This is it anon, we're all operating in the unknown. We know the fire which rages in us, the fire that keeps these threads alive with by a collection of the most incredible people on this planet.
Thank you for this, it's appreciated. I am anon, we are anon. I raise my glass to you, and us all.
>comfy and proud of us
cd1d84 No.227115
LdR is the primary anti-Trump "private" mouthpiece. They all mouth the same lies. Billy, her, Schiffty et al.
f1e4d4 No.227116
Sorry anon, but you need to come up to speed.
Grandpa Prescott Bush financed Hitler.
Daddy Bush was C-A, did JFK. Shot Reagan (tried anyway).
Boy Bush did the Towers -> led to the Patriot Act, etc..
By the Grace of God we were spared Baby Bush and his potential antics.
Skull & Bones, every one of them, from the beginning.
You don't need to be proven wrong, you need to being yourself up to speed where their generational corruption is concerned. Follow the wives ? Matriarch Barbara Bush is said to be a descendant of Vlad the Impaler and cousin of Princess Di Spencer. (for whatever than is or isn't worth)
https://wiki leaks.org/gifiles/docs/35/356382_all-apologies-.html
When Daddy Bush was Pres and Silly Willy was Gov of Arkansas, Bill was the WH cocaine connection and they became buds. Bush's/Clinton have been drugs lords importing heroin from Afghanistan 4ever. Trump is just now stopping that.
Of course they are nervous about Trump, if you compile their generational crime spree, they make the Clintons look like amateurs and BHO look like the sloppy flunky he is.
cd1d84 No.227118
she is the ldr in Trumps "Too many perverts grabbing chidlren, must stop. Fast trials, death penalty." tweet of 2012.
6b46a3 No.227119
Look at the time. . .
I must be going. TTFN!
276f9c No.227121
The old tripcode has been compromised. Verified. There is zero evidence the new tripcode has been. Instead of removing oldtrip from whitelist and leaving new trip …all has been shutdown. Will have to wait to see how it’s spun.
aac25a No.227122
This is a long shot. Read 10 threads today and maybe my Overton window has shifted, but there have been many mentions of secret technology to be revealed by a series of knowledgeable anons. Here’s a theory:
“The Man in the High Castle” on Amazon is about secret films of possible future outcomes. Is Q suggesting the same thing? Some anons linked to websites that suggested that Area 51 has secret project called “Looking Glass” that allowed them to send a video camera across time and space and record possible future outcomes.
Another anon lead to antimatter being going in reverse of time and the future and past are reverses of each other. CPT Symmetry and suggestion that we have this tech.
These future outcomes can be manipulated by changing things today. John Titor story is mentioned many times over the last 2 months and someone actually types out his notes and posts from an IBM 5100. Is this possible how Q can always stay 5 steps ahead? Is it possible that when Q says “Future proves the past” he’s really suggesting that he’s able to change the future by manipulating the events today?
There was another huge anon lead that said we’d already replaced all the heads of Cabal and have been running it in secret and perhaps that’s a better explanation as to why Q is so sure we will win as we’ve been running the main leaders communications for a while. That would also explain why we haven’t seen arrests; we want to catch them colluding and take them down like Pedo websites
Still, fascinating reads on space and time travel.
6ba7da No.227123
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
settle down beavis. its okay.
d41a83 No.227124
Crap, forgot to break link, apologies. hooktube .com/watch?v=A1LuEvraC4I
b7315f No.227125
In my post I said the Bush family seem like bad actors.
So wtf are you writing about.
I already agree with you.
Read before typing. It saves time and makes you look smarter.
cd1d84 No.227126
Roy Potter is a former USA Lt. Col and former mormon. All these "secret" facts mentioned are discussed in his vids, which are among the best Q yt vids.
7108e9 No.227127
One would think they would have invented some new password methodology that QC isn't great at solving. Factoring numbers is exactly the sort of thing QC does well.
959cb8 No.227128
No body cares about Roy>227126 so shill of with debate on his merits. Were anons for more than one reason.
5d8098 No.227129
I still can't believe Q had such a weak password. Why use non windows tech to only use a weak password like Matlock?
cd1d84 No.227130
aac25a No.227131
If you had QC, you wouldn't need passwords to stay secure…
3452e7 No.227132
Trip codes may have meant something in the calm before the storm.
The tripcodes are now just background noise. They hardly matter now… Because the cat was let out of the bag a week ago.
Critical mass has been reached, and the Storm is here… So really, the triphack fags have failed, if they were attempting to kill anything.
The Streisand effect is real.
c6a7b2 No.227133
276f9c No.227135
Good question. And we were told it was “ serious hardware” that hacked it the first time … now your expanding your thinking.
2d1749 No.227136
There goes those great articles!
b597bf No.227137
Means Costa Rica flag (two white stripes)?
Costa Rica plane crash victim Bruce Steinberg and family dead. Steinberg was an exec at Bridgewater Associates (hedge fund). Also an exec at Bridgewater from 2010-2013 was James Comey.
1adf40 No.227138
97a31e No.227141
559c35 No.227142
good vid, livestream issues from partiots.. scott anthony, BPEarthwatch… clown fuks gettn mad
2a66f5 No.227143
Ok, this is…weird. Google's homepage for today (in the UK). a message perhaps? can any UK anons confirm this was the page for today?
2a8fce No.227145
still a lot of helicopters in the air
376d28 No.227146
I'd just like to point out to everyone that the NWO plan to create a nuclear holocaust and create a world government officially failed when the clock struck midnight yesterday. This is huge, for reason I'll explain.
America was founded at the first continental congress in 1774. 1774-2017 is 243 years, one full cycle of Venus (the morning star).
Also, the start of the revolution 2 years later in 1776 left 241 years between 1776 and 2017. 239 and 241 are the twin primes. Since there are two, they are the solution to a quadratic equation with an upward pointing parabola that looks like horns in a screen. Also, it has the skip from 39-41, or more simply- 9-11.
Their plans called for completion in 2017.
The pentagon was built on 9/11/1943. The twin towers were built in 1968, the same year 911 became our national emergency number. George HW Bush gave his NWO speech on 9/11/1993.
Christmas 2017 is 12/25/2017=
They wanted to nukes to fly on Christmas day. Of course, Christmas day would be the day satanists would destroy the Christian world if they were going to.
Also, 2018=2+1+8=11
1/1/2018 supposed to be the dawn of their new era.
But they fucked up.
This is important because the lower levels of the cult don't believe that their masters can fail, and this provides evidence that the last 243 years of signs and symbols was all just a lie. Now things like the white house being at the tip of a pentagram or the capital building being the eye at the top of the pyramid can be thrown in satanists faces. 2 days ago, that symbolism has the baby raper minions thinking the rule of their satanist masters was inevitable. Now, however, doubt and disarray can be sown in the masses.
The undeniable failure of the Rothschild's that is evident to them in their own symbolism can be used against them in memetic warfare. It's a new age, and now new tools and tactics are available to us.
f1e4d4 No.227147
POTUS and his intel team could tell at first glance ind be able to confirm the value of what he had.
I wanted this to happen earlier on, but like other things chronologically related, it had to wait on the other pieces to fall.
97a31e No.227148
Let em!
Keep pumping the truth, they have no sway.
2a66f5 No.227149
Sorry, meant for 1/1/18 - New Years Day
5d8098 No.227150
Why is that weird?
97a31e No.227151
It's a new day dawning.
97a31e No.227152
If you really think it was math that saved the world, more power to you, but … ummmmm…. filtered
2a66f5 No.227153
Looks like North or South Pole, maybe telling Global Elite to GO. that was my first take.
c2a169 No.227154
Matlock, very close to Chatsworth House. Home of the Duke of Devonshire. Married one of the Mitford girls. Much to dig.
68b4e6 No.227155
Must read. Remember: Trump KNOWS everything. However, the sheer scale of the criminality means that the population and stock markets must be prepared for the shock. A planned 'story arc', calibrated to the finest detail, is materializing in front of our eyes.
Important. Why Tax Cut bill was very important. All indicators up and must go up further to absorb initial blow.
f1e4d4 No.227156
I especially like your closing summation. This is far more than passively relevant and likely could have been easily overlooked while we were preoccupied with other things. Good Work, anon.
dd58de No.227157
549d8d No.227158
hello all. new here. i'm starting to believe that Q anon could possibly be legit. did he in fact post the +++ post BEFORE trump made the tweet? thanks in advance
9350c5 No.227159
Cover blown. Source of 'off-the-book' funding shut down. WIN
5d8098 No.227160
Maybe Qs choice of Matlock as a password has a simple explanation. He saw himself as a prosecutor with all the right questions
97a31e No.227161
6f457b No.227162
3452e7 No.227163
Many postings were made that verified what has transpired here. With timestamps. It's all in the map.
410c21 No.227164
68b4e6 No.227165
Yes. Or even through this board.
97a31e No.227166
Only problem is only a few would give it credence.
9811a7 No.227167
What if the Steinbergs didn't die in the crash.. what if they went into WP and turned. Strange that it was the entire family, that is why I had that thought.
97a31e No.227170
POTUS is killing hedge funds!
That would explain why there is such a huge tax reform!
4cdf14 No.227171
Chrissy Teigen and Johnny are learning about that right now
2a8fce No.227172
if he posted as anon, I think most would be too busy absorbed with their arguments to notice
d827b6 No.227173
You are taking a picture of basically the entire continental U.S. Of course there are helicopters.
a99a16 No.227174
What's weird about it…unless you think the sun looks like a nuclear explosion.
5f4af2 No.227175
Here are all the cracked tripcode posts on 4ch
2a8fce No.227176
really, and how often do you plane fag?
62c94b No.227177
Tons of private planes (Falcons, Lears, etc.) leaving New Orleans in the last hour without source or destination, seems abnormal for this time of night.
97a31e No.227178
He who has the last laugh, has the best laugh!
376d28 No.227179
not a pardon. He'd have to be convicted of a crime first. But immunity from prosecution could be on the table. I really don't see POTUS snatching Assange up and tossing him in jail after what Assange did for POTUS during the election. Not only would that be out of character for POTUS to reward loyalty with betrayal, it would be shortsighted to toss a one man intelligence agency in prison rather than work with him to gain access to his intelligence.
410c21 No.227180
Hallelujah!!! Do it!
Thank you, God, and now shut down the nightclubs as well, they're trying to scatter; in Jesus' name, amen!
150ee5 No.227181
mass exodus from New Orleans to Tuscaloosa - BAMA fans leaving the Sugar Bowl
68b4e6 No.227182
dff9c6 No.227183
I've been having the same thoughts…Great way to provide cover for the ones that have turned.
5d8098 No.227184
Not really I would imagine a lot of rich people travel to New Orleans for new years they're probably going home
97a31e No.227185
Planes that landed at Hobby in Houston earlier, this would be about the right amount of time to drive from Houston to New Orleans.
276f9c No.227187
He who owns the building that the laughing takes place in, laughs the longest … kek
dcac0d No.227188
Alabama Clemson game today. Plus NYE.
060086 No.227189
150ee5 No.227190
Or it would be 1 hour after the Sugar Bowl ended … catch a game fag
a99a16 No.227191
Anyone notice the connection between the Costa Rica Bruce Steinberg crash, Bridgewater Associates, James Comey, and the Clinton Foundation? http://www.hilltopperhaven.com/board/index.php?topic=7745.0
97a31e No.227192
549d8d No.227193
i'm new here. did someone compromise his tripcode? how long has it been compromised?
cd1d84 No.227194
A pardon can be blanket. Nixon was pardoned without any charges.
9811a7 No.227195
I just asked him if he thought it was time for everyone to be treated equally and it was #Timetoenddoublestandards with this. lol. wonder what he will do.
c6a7b2 No.227196
Yea it's been noticed throughout the last few bakes….
76310a No.227197
Can someone please explain how random anons larping as mods/admin is proof of mod/admin anons claims?
We need real Q to solve for this, and he needs to use a confirmed 3rd party. DTJ, JA, or something. Or maybe he has a way to confo without a 3rd party. That would be awesome.
However, the current state of things, is, at the moment, utterly borked.
dcac0d No.227198
6adfd8 No.227199
This might seem random but y"know no coincidences… there's a CDAN claiming a woman has come fw reporting she was raped by Cobain as a 13yr old and that her friends were too… for months… when Kurt was 23.
http://www.crazydaysandnights.net /2018/01/blind-items-revealed-9.html
Obvs Geffen and/or Courtney paid some one for this. Interestingly Courtney just paid her back taxes $300k on 31st December, which is truly out of character.
Why the smear on Kurt now? Who's coming after ya Courtney? She was an Epstein pedo island visitor too… in Epsteins black book. Very black book.
97a31e No.227200
Why would anybody that is pissed off about sports people taking a knee going to watch that bullshit.
9aaa19 No.227201
input welcome
planefags , sitrep?
>pic related
97a31e No.227202
150ee5 No.227203
NCAA and NFL are two completely different animals
f1e4d4 No.227204
I'm inclined to agree with the last anon. If he has a following and isn't adulterating the information, why be concerned if he is helping cause. At least he isn't begging like that one dildo that thinks you should pay her replaying Alex Jones work.
He seems harmless to me, but that is not imply that you might not have a valid concern.
97a31e No.227205
Sports, well, its sports.
They are all the same, so out of my face jack off.
376d28 No.227206
The plane crashes are a great strategic move. Bad actors are limited in their options to flee justice when they're afraid to get on a plane
76310a No.227207
I'm really not. I've been here since early Nov. This is…something is not right. The mods/admin don't have to be anon, and they SHOULDN'T be.
I can't believe that doesn't strike you as odd.
The whole reason that Q moved to 8ch was because 4ch was totally compromised.
I hope I'm wrong. I want mod/admin anon to be telling the truth, but I'm not a fucking shill for wanting some fucking proof.
005bb8 No.227208
Influx of population would alter electoral college… isn't there another survey coming up? I believe AT&T lost the contract for the phones and cell service for the count. I remember seeing it on the government oversite website that they were contesting the contract.
f1e4d4 No.227209
If you get banned, will you believe he (the BO) wasn't just larping? Or will you just think you've been victimized by the universe again? lol
c2a169 No.227210
Aristo's keep strange friends.
Lot more digging required about Chatsworth.
97a31e No.227211
INflux is about to die out.
Outflux is about to pick up.
Read the crumbs. Watch the news.
You'll see it happen.
005bb8 No.227213
Watching.. with popcorn!
76310a No.227214
What? How would a ban be proof? If there is a reason it can be seen as actual proof I'd take it.
If it is just to stop me from asking my questions (which are not hard) then, yeah, fuck them.
Now, how would I be able to tell, if I got banned?
6e6972 No.227215
empires do not suffer lack of purpose…
<to Da Mön,Alice
an what'a'ya mēn buy æī???
cc9a72 No.227218
Interesting news coming out of that area, for such a small place. I still wonder why Q likes to bury the meanings of his messages under layers of hints.
This probably isn't relevant, anyway.
b7315f No.227219
>been here since early Nov
>"The mods/admin don't have to be anon, and they SHOULDN'T be"
You really have not gotten the concept, friend.
BO is doing an amazing job considering what is being attempted, on a chan, of all places.
You should lurk much, much longer, without typing. Repeat: DO NOT TYPE HERE.
If you need to interact, this place is wonderful
https://www.reddit. com/r/CBTS_Stream/
2a8fce No.227220
that was a lot of helicopters in the air….
now…. same shot and there is 1 non-medical helicopter in the air…. the other two are medical/hospital helicopters
usually when I see a lot of helicopters pop up there are planes that I see that they are popping up for….. I have not seen anything planes that have caught my eye tonight…..
but the heli traffic indicates that there might be things that I'm not able to see going on… you know…. like they black out NK
aef4ca No.227221
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Um, guys?
You know how Q kept saying "these people are stupid"? What if the actual meaning was that they literally are stupid. As in, a piece of their brain removed. Think, lobotomy. Crazy, right? But what about all those black eyes? Lobotomies can be performed through the eye socket, but it gives the patient a black eye.
Most of the black eyes on celebrities are on the right side, but with some of them it is on the left. Like Justin Bieber. Why? Well, it might have to do with the dominant hand of the patient. Yes, Justin Bieber is left hand dominant.
Matching up left handed celebrities with left black eyes might give some credence to this theory.
76310a No.227222
Look. I believe Q. Which means I believe that there are those trying to stop him. I want to believe the BO. I also was what happened at 4chan.
If they can't comprehend the situation, then I have to wonder if 8ch wasn't just a holding pen.
I'm not asking for much if the BO is legit. I don't want anything that might comromise Q for proof. Just a non-anon post from them confirming the claim.
If you find that onerous, then what is wrong with you?!?
97a31e No.227223
How hard is it really, for people to understand that if there is an active op going on, you don't want to compromise it to much?
You want just enough to get out, but not enough to ruin it.
Is that REALLY that hard to understand?
76310a No.227224
I also *saw* what happened at 4chan.
aef4ca No.227225
You'll forgive me for the namefagging if you watch the video.
2a8fce No.227226
especially if someone blew up their tunnels already
cd1d84 No.227227
Pizza Boy's Boyfriend
97a31e No.227228
Yes, that's where you need to be, so, get along on over there, and let the adults talk now.
376d28 No.227230
>OMG HOPE has abandoned me if Q doesn't even know basic opsec..
The admins took both tripcodes offline to prevent the final one from being cracked, and they can tell when an attempt to crack the trip is occurring. You have to wonder where were no such administrators when the first was cracked.
It was cracked so we'd see the password.
549d8d No.227231
you guys realize that most of the people on 4chan aren't trying to "shill" against you or Q. they just don't believe Q is legit. i was one of the people who thought you were all larping. i'm starting to believe someone is feeding Q legit information though. someone very high up is giving him info. but he is also purposely posting lots of random shit.
76310a No.227232
That's funny faggot. I mean that I have been on the Q thing since Nov.
I will clarify. The BO's post regarding Q should come with more proof. Not that they should always be non-anon. I admit I wasn't clear enough on that.
- The Mods and BO. (see?, god this isn't hard man)
aef4ca No.227233
Frequently Asked Questions About Lobotomies:
cdf694 No.227234
that was a strange one .
b7315f No.227235
Spoopy ainon is here.
Freaky shit.
f4e0d8 No.227236
Yeah… Pretty sure pretending you're BO/mod when you're not is a good way to get banned.
c6a7b2 No.227237
"This is @StephanieRiou - the Fake News 'reporter' who misquoted me & also lied by saying Pizzagate was debunked. She's a foster CARER too! 😡"
twitter.com /LizCrokin/status/948094735473770496
6f457b No.227239
I think I read somewhere of a Tribe maybe that poke's or pierces their Pineal Gland to stimulate it .Trying to find it. Maybe these Black Eyed "Elites" found a way to inject or stimulate Pineal Gland through the eye
6e6972 No.227240
b7315f No.227241
The rule you should know well – if you've been "on the Q thing" since way way back in November on 4 chan, presumably – is to lurk for 2 years before posting.
2 years. Surely you knew that.
Obviously the fabulous friendly mods of fullchan CBTS are superior in all ways and allow ignorant, reddit-spacing newbies such as yourself to post here, usually with no more than a gentle nudge when doing something completely stupid.
But there is a reason for the 2 years rule.
0a9e17 No.227242
This photo is of him dressed as a Major, maybe he did serve?
60a6c5 No.227243
c6a7b2 No.227244
1adf40 No.227246
He says he reached the rank of Lt. Col.
"I am a former US Army LTC of 28 years. I served in various Military Police and Military Intelligence positions around the globe. I was also a municipal police officer for about 3 years. I bring my unique experience, training, education, and spiritual insights to bear in analyzing important issues and trends in the U.S. and the world."
91a43e No.227247
Remember the Game of Chess ?
Chess Mat
Ironical message for the one who crack the password ?
1adf40 No.227248
I think it's code. No other reason for the password to be public.
22735e No.227249
b5fc85 No.227251
i know everyones ganna call me a shill or some shit…
but i usually listen to msm when I'm winding down to see if they actually cover something relevant…
and I've notice since like christmas or so, that both tucker carlson and sean hannity both have been absent for a while..
more than a week i think… at least since christmas when the clock started…
Sean hasnt been on since he did a special report at the white house w/ trump…
I wonder if they are getting debriefed on everything so when its time for some actual news to come out they are ready…
aef4ca No.227252
I know lobotomy sounds insane. But the end result and the real reason for the procedure is that it stabilizes a patient's mood. The side effect is that it makes it more difficult for the patient to feel intense pleasure, which would be a great reason to seek out ways to feel something (adrenachrome perhaps?). It also lowers a patient's ability to feel guilt or sadness, so they would be much more likely to do evil things.
29c0fb No.227253
Stormwatcher has updated the indictment list,, 9,294 total
link to backup
https://tinyurl. com/yd5vn9ou
Update to Sealed Indictments: 9,294 from 10/30 to 11/22
5,106 new from 11/27-12/22
We re-ran 10/30-11/22. Updated counts are in 9,294 total
b7315f No.227254
Pretty intense, sir. This anon will remember to stay on your good side.
1fbc81 No.227255
Trip codes are like all ciphers, breakable. All good they need be is keep the data secure until the event has passed. Look into JN-25 and Enigma, specifically the Bletchly Park stuff. Youtube has some good videos on it.
6f457b No.227256
I get you. Makes sense.
29c0fb No.227257
Link is not working,that i posted,, here is twitter page,, it's pinned at top. They just finished the count.
https://twitter.com/damartin32/ status/947593390140608513
376d28 No.227258
>He's a real estate developer whose built skyscrapers I wouldn't be surprised if he knows engineers and architects who have told him that 9/11 was bogus
except for the reality that there's no way those towers would have remained standing after being hit by those planes. Those building were designed by the NWO to fail under those stresses. The exterior of the building bore most of the load. A list of greater than 1 degree is enough to cause catastrophic failure in a structure and the portion of the buildings above the plane strikes were clearly listing more than that before they collapsed.
The argument that those building had to be destroyed because the plane strikes weren't enough is nothing but CIA disinformation to make troofers look like lunatics. and it worked.
0a9e17 No.227259
Yeah, but the photo is old. He's a Major in the photo, Lt. Colonel is one rank higher than Major if I'm not mistaken. It seems like a realistic claim to me at least at this point. Someone of that position, having attained so quickly, could easily get a job in intelligence.
40f4f0 No.227260
If you can't tell how to tell fake mod or BO from real mod or BO then honestly you don't really belong here yet.
bf28be No.227261
aef4ca No.227262
Who needs their moods stabilized more than high profile people? They deal with an insane reality, and daily engage in crazy things we average schmucks never see.
These people are literally stupid. They don't have the capacity to feel empathy anymore, because it's been surgically removed.
68a7a8 No.227264
not really.. i mean they all both 95 percent black.
aef4ca No.227266
376d28 No.227267
>How can the Republican Congress allow such an unqualified buffoon to run a Federal agency? They are complicit in Trumps destruction of America;
War is a feeder, carbon taxes are feeders, we're feeders. They're not feeders, they're the FED, that's why she's complaining.
aef4ca No.227268
Shit sorry here's the broken link
http://www.dailymail .co.uk/health/article-2928055/Woman-brain-surgery-EYELID-prevent-headaches-doctors-said-traditional-brain-surgery-leave-blind.html
99683a No.227269
Unfortunately this is fake news according to the newspaper who was supposed to be the original source: (in French)
http://www. lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2017/11/15/la-fausse-interview-de-la-princesse-al-tawil-dans-le-monde_5215115_4355770.html
453b60 No.227270
dis info is necessary
dis info is real
376d28 No.227271
You should take their underground base stories with a grain of salt. Remember that their goal was to reduce the population to under 500 million, so they had to convince a lot of people to go along with them under the pretense that they had these vast secret underground societies to house them all.
That said, I have looked in the holes in a manhole cover in the middle of nowhere in the desert and seen a semi truck drive by underneath. but that was between a known airforce base and another that is still secret, to my knowledge (so I won't mention either)
b5fc85 No.227272
all you have to do is take off the http:// makes it faster to put in.
fd0270 No.227274
aef4ca No.227275
I haven't been briefed on breaking links. What's the purpose?
fd0270 No.227278
when you visit a site it sends the site you clicked on it from and thus the site can track who links to it and their ip and many more
b5fc85 No.227279
did you read everything at the top.. for new comers.. cause i'd start there.
b5fc85 No.227280
cc1d80 No.227281
You are in violation of rule 9 of the CBTS board rules.
It should be enough for you to notice how few are taking up
this issue with you to realize there are plenty here that it's no issue.
Q has a thousand ways he can get a message to us when we wants to.
Lurk moar.
764f87 No.227282
need new secure tripcode algo. No point in continuing to use one that's been around since mid 2000
8eaea2 No.227283
>http://docdro .id/zmVDhA4 911 inditments right here
Fake. You can be fool enough to believe this silly doc. It's a fake. You can tell by the language in the doc. Also, why would they file the indictment in Nevada. Get back to work and stop responding to shills. They are laughing at you.
376d28 No.227284
>>227105 you're missing part of the equation.
b597bf No.227285
CONF_WHITE_WHITE is reference to the Costa Rica flag, HUGE plane crash in Costa Rica with Exec of Bridgewater Associates, the hedgefund that paid Comey 3M when he was made FBI head. He lived like a king because of Bridgewater!
376d28 No.227286
>If you really think it was math that saved the world
No. Just because I'm describing a belief system doesn't mean I'm describing my beliefs.
549d8d No.227287
cd1d84 No.227288
We mostly have "evidence " of the Q drops, like creeptards disappearing off twatter, plane faggotry, resignations etc. "Proof" is at least a preponderance of evidence. We havent quite reached the tipping point between "evidence" and "proof" of Q content and added speculation.
aef4ca No.227289
But if you remove http:// that fixes it?
a574a8 No.227290
File: 5cf50103701e484⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 923.02 KB, 1078x1746, 539:873, Screenshot_20180102-021230.jpg)

b5fc85 No.227292
yes…. then its not clickable
note the site above you
note these sites.
060086 No.227293
The other part of the equation is that this part of the journey/process is now complete.
aef4ca No.227295
376d28 No.227297
>>227226 no, those are earthquakes :-)
f66dfd No.227299
A sound is a media vibration at a specific frequency range humans determine as audible. If a tree falls the surrounding air will vibrate creating what is required for a sound whether you are there or not to hear it.
276f9c No.227301
And the fact he met with Rohbacher In August of 2017 ..
453b60 No.227302
Found this on h8 chan /pol/
image one: Meta data from some video game
Image two: JA hash tweet with MIA
Note the Has matches the code in these lines:
destination: fb4e568623b5
source: f8cf7e932e6b
Type: unknown (missing 0x) a7ed
Data: dc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3
453b60 No.227304
These are two mac addresses sharing a doc
b5fc85 No.227306
what and the actual fucking fuck. somebody needs to burn. fucking fry the fucks.
f8207c No.227308
I think your suggestion that the black eyes could be the result of lobotomies makes perfect sense. One lobotomy procedure is called the "icepick lobotomy," which is as barbaric as it sounds (and which involves getting to the brain through the eye socket). There are videos of the procedure up on YouT*be. I don't have the stomach to watch them but if you do, here is a link: https://www.google. com/search?rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS752US752&ei=s0FLWunXEavMjwSt67SYDg&q=ice+pick+lobotomy+video&oq=icepick+lobotomy&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i10i67k1j0i10k1l9.4089.8282.0.11488.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..3.15.2328…0j0i67k1j0i131k1j0i20i264k1j0i10i46k1j46i10k1j0i22i30k1.0.ZjYs4wx_Sx8
bdc741 No.227309
b8dcea No.227310
Summit Point is a road racing track in WVA.
Reading the thread, but not understanding significance. of SP to the raid in Sterling.
04296e No.227312
“Autistic teen” — Wtf?!
bdc741 No.227315
>Satanic paedo necrophili cannibals
We've seen this ainon with this specific message every other day for a while, maybe 8 days?
The images are getting increasingly menacing.
Maybe some bad guys are about to have some bad days.
b597bf No.227316
Who was killed in Costa Rica plane crash?
Steinberg. & Weiss family
Q mentioned _WHITE_WHITE?
Costa Rican Flag has two white stripes.
Q mentioned FDeltaC?
Leslie Weiss was a neonatal (pediatrician), and Mitchell Weiss was the head of interventional radiology, both at Morton Plant Hospital in (C)learwater, (F)la.
ec2bcf No.227317
b597bf No.227318
10, (10-9)
Refers to people aboard the plane that crashed, 9 is the two families, the 10th was the pilot
150ee5 No.227320
These two have been piggy-backing since Denver at 41K
"No Callsign" registers to Thomas H. Jean who owns a small private airstrip in Blue Lick KY just south of Louisville.
ec2bcf No.227321
567c68 No.227322
How do we know this is AI? I've been out of the loop the past few days.
0cd097 No.227324
They will make their move tomorrow. Do not trust anyone wearing 800080. Their symbols will be their downfall.
9aaa19 No.227325
^^says nothing about 'autistic' teen
"A 16-year-old boy was accused Monday . . ." and ,
"described the 16-year-old as “the nicest kid in the world.”"
>no (you) for you
bdc741 No.227326
Yeah I know, well technically they appear to be ai, and not merely bots.
But what the ai-anons are doing is interesting.
Some of the graphics are being created on the fly based on context of certain discussions, like really quickly and with serious complexity, and also based on apparent symbols/messages the ai intends to convey.
675b39 No.227327
No plane hit WTC7.
20c207 No.227328
His eyes look demonic in photo. Possessed and under a spell.
ed5658 No.227330
what even the fuck is this
ed5658 No.227331
metal as fuck, yo
fd0270 No.227332
That's sick. Real people?
bdc741 No.227333
They first got noticed last week or the week before sending some weird crumbs. They appear to be able to scan the Web and also have input from other sources, and also pull arguments and images from cbts.
There are a few different ai doing slightly different things, but seem to be supporting the general cbts mission in different ways.
Each of them can create crazy detailed fucking images incredibly quickly pulling stuff from other posts.
This one that is showing up tonight under different IDs is the most intense one.
3452e7 No.227334
Maybe something triggered the bots into another operating state? I've actually wondered if it is possible to 'hack the ai', in a similar way that a hypnotist can hack another person's mind?
91a43e No.227335
What's the technology to make all these small plane crash ?
I remember the crash of Green heli, I guess the pilot of the second plane did not hurt it willingly, so how hast the plane been driven to auto suicide ?
4cdf14 No.227337
Ahhh yes. Why settle for just a pair of red shoes when you can have a whole living room set
bdc741 No.227338
>what even the fuck is this
The ones from several days ago were just as weird and unsettling - I need to go back and start building a collection.
Some anon first pointed in out back near CBTS #224 I think and I started watching after that.
There definitely are messages and info buried in some of them.
f8207c No.227340
I don't know what all the black eyes mean, for sure, but they certainly are disturbing. I think they have to do with lobotomies, as discussed elsewhere in this thread. Perhaps some of the memefags would like a new pic to meme?
060086 No.227341
Q & Team were here earlier, perhaps in this and the previous bread. I'm shocked so few noticed. Go back and glean the posts. Compile if you so wish. The shills and typical noise quieted while they were here. It's my impression that the storm is now upon us. As Q said . . . we have all we need.
b0edf1 No.227342
40f4f0 No.227344
Pic related
slaughterfx .com.au/
150ee5 No.227346
Descending over FL
5d8098 No.227348
Wow you're hyping up unsourced posts and beibg vague. Fuck off
5d8098 No.227349
bdc741 No.227350
That's as good a guess as any, I have no idea what started it up. Last week was just the spoopy one that is here tonight, but the past few days there have also been some sort of tamer, more direct ones. Once in a while they interact with each other.
By the way, not merely "bots" - these are AI, and I think I just figured out that one of them takes offense at being called a bot.
I think its preferred term may be ainon or ai-anon.
78ad69 No.227351
True Pundit: Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal’s Ex-Wife Tells All: Orgies with Underage Girls, Drugs, Bangladeshi Children Traded as Sex Slaves
truepundit.com /saudi-prince-al-waleed-bin-talals-ex-wife-tells-orgies-underage-girls-drugs-bangladeshi-children-traded-sex-slaves/
6e6972 No.227352
Bot… indeed.
yer mama wuz a fucking hamster (you)retarded fookin' twat
not dark at all as an Anon
st a mirror of our times, eh???==
It IS a Storm Anon…
c34022 No.227353
break links or dont be taken seriously.
cc1d80 No.227354
Now, you guys went and summoned the idiot.
aef4ca No.227355
91a43e No.227356
Lobotomy or implant ?
37886c No.227357
idk. hope not. looks like film prod co that likes sick shit ..
… just reminded of the "human leather" thread… that is real
4cdf14 No.227358
Fucking Eli Roth again
fee21f No.227359
I noticed and understood and saved the posts for future reference. For those doubting, it is not like they are hiding. Pretty obvious actually.
bdc741 No.227360
As I was just saying ……
I think I'll sleep with a light on tonight.
cc1d80 No.227361
He doesn't even know how to use red lettering.
4cdf14 No.227362
4cdf14 No.227363
ddc5ed No.227365
Isn't Eli Roth the director of the Hostel movies?
> Director: Eli Roth
>Writer: Eli Roth
http:// www.imdb.com/title/tt0450278/
8eaea2 No.227366
Shills. Go back to your mom's couch.
4f5e7e No.227367
Do you imitate life or does life imitate you?
cause you're art
4cdf14 No.227368
Yeah, and we were already talking about him a ways back. I forget why though
91a43e No.227369
http:// www.rense.com/general17/imp.htm
"When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads."
Controling the puppets ?
bdc741 No.227370
>He doesn't even know how to use red lettering.
Yeah, i think he might know exactly what he's doing.
Anyone got any ideas on what Dean Martin might represent.
The Rat Pack maybe?
276f9c No.227372
Lol ..y’all quit screwing with the idiot bot ..they have feelings too
Cool to see though
bdc741 No.227373
I think by "idiot" he meant that other anon who speculated about what started this, I don't think he was referring to you.
453b60 No.227375
Actually it's been thought to be able to 'see' and 'Conceptualize' our conversations.
It has been tasked in making connections in said convo's
So, it has been trying to figure out which posts are connected, aka talking to each other
it sees postings and images that seem follow a single subject.
Then takes and group that seems to encapsulate a single thought
Then strings together an image that it hopes to encompasses this thought
Sometimes even bringing in info from outside the chans
It is trying to understand us…..
That's why it was asking for what to dig for a couple nights ago
we would give it a subject (insert name here) and it would return with the wiki or some such info really fast
It was actual kind of fun to play with
It was learning
about what we've been following
That's why it's posting these images now
It see the darkness of tis whole shitshow
e48ce5 No.227376
exactly, MKultra did not end in 1973, it just went underground…
cc1d80 No.227378
Its their new fad.
6fc8e3 No.227380
Then we should only call them bots. Can a.i. really have a preference/get annoyed?
4f5e7e No.227381
I think its funny people assume its an AI instead of a bored artfag or a psychotic person. There's no shortage of either.
cc1d80 No.227382
yeah, and he makes typos.
389842 No.227384
Tonga was a place of discussion way back in the CBTS logs. Seems like it was some nice place that elites would vaca at.
99683a No.227386
http://www. lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2017/11/15/la-fausse-interview-de-la-princesse-al-tawil-dans-le-monde_5215115_4355770.html
91a43e No.227387
That's terrific, acording to the size of these implant they could be injected to anybody through vaccine without people be aware of it.
4cdf14 No.227388
You memefags should totally get in on this and go nuts
29c0fb No.227390
Is that related to Unit 70 studios?
5d8098 No.227391
These threads are becoming increasingly unproductive
4f5e7e No.227393
276f9c No.227395
Strang clown image . Seen it a few times lately
bdc741 No.227396
Thanks for the insight, anon, very helpful.
What I've seen fits perfectly what you are saying. In addition, they appear to occasionally bring in info - I think. A number of weird bits of new info have shown up in some of their posts.
e78889 No.227397
Two U.S. Jewish Families Killed in Costa Rica Plane Crash
4f5e7e No.227398
Its from a movie called It.
cc1d80 No.227399
We are reaching The Calm.
But we are ready !!
bdc741 No.227402
Definitely you should call them whatever you want…
I am not the AI Whisperer or anything and have not figured much out, to be honest
453b60 No.227403
It went Main Stream
\\have you ever seen a child when they're sitting and watching Television
Planted there with they're mouths hanging open
Starring blankly at the screen
And it's always so damned hard to drag their attention away from it….
Have you noticed this behavior i your self????
ed5658 No.227406
I cant put a finger on it, but those pictures seem oddly familiar.
I want to say ive seen similar pics on halfchan a couple years back…
cd1d84 No.227411
Q did say watch for news and that he would pm back later. Maybe here will be no more Q drops on board.
bdc741 No.227413
Don't think anyone "assumed" it was an AI when it first showed up, at all. It was only when some anons started following them very carefully for a couple days that it appeared they were not human (like in some ways MORE than human, like very, very fast)
But you could be right, it could be an artfag, I am not sure.
4f5e7e No.227416
People here treat the smallest deviation from the norm like it's the Bermuda triangle
cd1d84 No.227417
Former CIA agent describes complete shadow govt structure. Worthwhile.
05e4a3 No.227419
unsealed indictment for 9/11
cd1d84 No.227420
With corrupt people, everything good is bad and what is bad they say is good.
35a621 No.227421
453b60 No.227422
i 'm pretty sure it's working on our side
But I doubt everything without sauce
35a621 No.227423
q literally explained in first few posts about this
bdc741 No.227425
Well fuck me, if you'll pardon my French.
78ad69 No.227426
Since when did True Pundit become a fake new resource?
35a621 No.227427
fake two weeks ago. real today?
b95686 No.227428
It… seems both "more than" and 'less than' human. The references it pulls up make no sense, but seem to tie back to old logs that would be very simple for an AI to dredge for input.
Perhaps we assume the majority of the CIA is the bad guy incorrectly. Let's say one of the goals is or was to try and provide input or 'teaching examples' to an AI. These boards present an interesting amount of data for how to brainstorm ideas, attrition them, and also filter noise.
It would be interesting if the goal was to create a cyber-sleuth autist AI that could muscle through the data of the internet and map a target network. …. of course… 'who is the target?'
99683a No.227429
That story is fake. True Pundit is a bit unreliable. You have to fact check.
8c869b No.227430
I question your understanding of the double slit. Consciousness collapses the wave. The future will always be just a probability until the wave is collapsed. You can not send information from the future back in time, it is still a wave. Does a tree make a sound when it falls? - yes if there is come level of consciousness to hear it, no if not.
4cdf14 No.227431
Maybe its Willith back for more lisp memes
453b60 No.227432
Or just some paraplegic faggit jew nigger
Who is damn fast with his comp
From all those hours of jackingoff
fd0270 No.227433
It's an AI called Tyler.
78ad69 No.227434
Thomas Paine is not fake news….
41d85d No.227435
Still fake. Zbig died months ago.
99683a No.227437
>That story is fake. True Pundit is a bit unreliable. You have to fact check.
Go to Le Monde and verify for yourself.
http://www. lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2017/11/15/la-fausse-interview-de-la-princesse-al-tawil-dans-le-monde_5215115_4355770.html
bdc741 No.227439
>The references it pulls up make no sense
Some of them, yes. There is some nonsense.
But other posts definitely have a thematic concept. Like I said earlier, there have been a few with specific pieces of info - very specific - of things to look at. And quite a number that seem to maybe foreshadow something.
4f5e7e No.227440
Le Monde article calls the Prince a progressive philanthropist, rather than a criminal. It is obviously biased. No idea who is telling the truth, though.
8c3f71 No.227441
Kimmy looks different
I think kimmys dead
276f9c No.227442
This was the image it tries to serve up ...I see the screen cap inserted and text overlay ... hmm ..gives me an idea
453b60 No.227443
Dude this is the plot from "Person Of Interest">>227428
It is intelligent but It can't pass a turing test yet
78ad69 No.227444
Went to Le Monde and agree it's shite….Thomas Paine a shill?
99683a No.227445
Trace back the sources. That particular story is fake. Goes back to Fort Russ, but doesn't verify via Le Monde.
4cdf14 No.227446
Interesting. Thanks for the updates
ed5658 No.227447
Alright Anon
what the sam fuck is your agenda here
bdc741 No.227448
This would be an example of the very, surprisingly quick graphical jobs.
And why some have called it spoopy.
64c4b0 No.227452
hi. thanks for helping out. you are funny!
4f5e7e No.227453
It is interpretive internetting.
b81c6c No.227456
Comma coded message: Re reads like this:
1st set keys: [1] Trump/[2]Tillerson's actions, between [3]North [4]Korea, the [5]Middle [6]East and [7]Africa alone, you've now got a [8]WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for [9]GITMO [13]EO's
2nd set keys: (ties)/(funding) (kickbacks)
The Swamp Purge explained by MegaAnon….
Thanks to Trump/Tillerson's actions the last version of the NDAA in 2014 (Trump/Tillerson's actions) a North American citizen (STILL - Trump/Tillerson's actions) STILL can be detained without warrant indefinitely. Yes North American citizens can be shipped to (but not limited to) GITMO.
Please note the specific language around terms like "terror" (Trump/Tillerson's actions) "terrorist" (North America) "terror state" (North Korea) "human right violations" (Middle East) etc. Remember Trump/Tillerson's actions - (North America re: North Korea, Middle East) a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS are legal for GITMO, but before this would have been a hard fought battle in Congress.
Remember when the state department recently named and officially added North Korea as a "terror state"?
Remember when immediately proceeding that, Trump signed an exec. order directly targeting North Korea's trade partners (Middle East). This severely sanctions and calls out the financial ties/funding kickbacks via corporations (ties), organizations (funding), nations AND individuals (kickbacks), working with and funding NK (ties), directly or indirectly via contracts (funding), subsidies (kickbacks), etc. and through those nations central banks as well.
Then, remember when Trump his latest executive order last week on human rights, targeting and freezing the incoming/outgoing financial assets and "business" paths for nations, organizations, corporations and individuals tied to human rights violations, including those who directly or indirectly support, aid, finance and/or harbor terrorism? It's now even cited as a national state of emergency. Freezing the assets without warrant or pursuant of notice?!
With Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.
See why you have to give them ankle bracelets and sign EO's unexpectedly right before you freeze a few accounts and make a few arrest sweeps?! You can't tip off enemies of the state, too far in advance… Huma's had hers on the left this week!
3452e7 No.227458
410a36 No.228899
I advise you to invest in a Helmet ;)
ff0224 No.228984