865f56 No.224932
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
865f56 No.224936
Board Owner's emergency announcement
Q's old tripcode !ITPb.qbhqo has been cracked - password is "Matlock".
His current tripcode !UW.yye1fxo can be cracked too.
Both tripcodes have been removed from the whitelist. Updates pending.
>>224690 <-- Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
865f56 No.224939
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger? <-- Seemingly, no one has done a dig on this
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work
>>222672 information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator
>>222721 rough time redpilling
>>223163 operations security advice
>>223168 who we are fighting
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223217 reminder to stay balanced
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>201953 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>201927 Planefaggotry summarization
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201466 Anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 Qanon on RT
>>201435 Anon on Iran deal
>>201391 More crumbs?
>>191147 Crumbs? ← possible help from Q team
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
865f56 No.224943
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
865f56 No.224945
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Interactive: https:// qanonmap.github.io (search function & answers present, formerly qcodefag.github.io - has more posts)
^^^ Still doesn't have the "Xmas" post from Q team
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http:// qarchives.ml/
Text: [4chan] https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https:// anonfile.com/o9b1r6d0b8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.0.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: https:// pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http:// www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: https:// anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https:// ufile.io/nmyy0
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https:// www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP) https:// pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
Current Meme Topic Suggestions
* POTUS declaring Anti-Slavery Month
* POTUS jobs report vs. MSM jobs report
* Iranian revolution news
* Fake News
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
865f56 No.224947
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com, http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https:// pastebin.com/bwbNWbt8
13e031 No.224977
865f56 No.224999
Are you here?
Here's your dough for the next loaf:
Knead it well.
865f56 No.225010
You're welcome, anon.
78e427 No.225011
The last bread ended up being an echo chamber of BS. Anons too interested in talking garbage instead of reading. Reread last bread for crumbs
be412f No.225012
The bots and shills that come here would love to see you waste your time, or lose your resolve to make sense of the chaos of our times. With a little practice you can see them easily:
What is the Socratic Method?
Were we told to question everything, follow the crumbs, build a map of connections by what is uncovered, and provide evidence?
Being pushed outside of that mission scope is a red flag.
Attempting to get an emotional trigger response is another red flag.
Using faux debate tactics (appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, etc etc) is a third red flag.
The only way to win the game is to not play. And this isn't a game. The flak is heaviest over the target.
Godspeed, anons.
fc5cfd No.225014
>You're welcome, anon.
Thanks. Ready for #267
9bc814 No.225015
Somebody tell Q to shit or get off the pot. Time for answers and action not questions hardcore Trump followers already know.
c8715c No.225016
Assange is posting about US Armed Forces but mostly Navy twitter accounts, that makes me believe the summary at the top that Julian is on the high seas right now dropping more files than the K.G.B.
506c2f No.225017
Prolly not for another few years.
Privatization has been stigmatized by leftist propaganda very effectively.
Mentioning it too soon would trigger road blocks from the lefties unnecessarily.
But setting up a replacement for the Clowns without really publicizing it makes sense.
MI could assume the intel role of the Clowns while private subs would make sense for assuming the military role.
It's just got to be introduced to the public properly … and timing is crucial.
91e248 No.225018
General Mattis, if you indeed come here, we greatly appreciate you and your soldiers' efforts in this epic battle. Give 'em Hell, sir.
d23574 No.225019
865f56 No.225020
Get dough:
26a5a0 No.225021
78346c No.225022
It's -16f here. We could use some global warming.
91e248 No.225024
Hope springs eternal.
e9e928 No.225025
Reposting… No one else thinks this is odd that MO would have this as X-mas decor?
They did have a nativity scene up… a non-traditional one for sure.
506c2f No.225028
1969c8 No.225029
304eeb No.225030
This (pic related) was the original photo I got off Twitter #iranprotests and many artists have extracted the woman's image as "courage personified". The courageous Iranian protestor took off her headcovering and stood on top of a platform.
Whoever hacked up my poster and wrote Marina Abramavic on it should be ashamed, and should delete it. Because your version expresses the exact opposite of what POTUS wants. POTUS wants to support the Iranian people in their peaceful protests.
6f6b1c No.225034
Sounds like someone came from a broken home and hasn't gotten over it. Throws anyone older than him under the bus, and credits todays 20somethings with voting Trump into office. PPppfffffft! What an emotional, unsubstantiated, immature rant.
b1c606 No.225036
Don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them….maybe you can hire The A-Team.
faf116 No.225039
From what I've heard - the "peace sign" is actually a symbol of The Cross broken and upside down, used in initiation into Satanic cults. If true, I hope memes being created from this board are not including it. (I assume this particular screenshot is from someone outside of 8ch, but just mentioning the symbol as it relates to the topics in here.)
26ccaa No.225040
Nuremberg Trials a useful precedent?
On 11/20/45, a series of trials of accused Nazi war criminals, conducted by a U.S., French, and Soviet military tribunal based in Nuremberg, Germany, begins. Twenty-four former Nazi officials were tried, and when it was all over, one year later, half would be sentenced to death by hanging.
The charges against the 24 accused at Nuremberg were as follows: (1) crimes against peace, that is, the planning and waging of wars that violated international treaties; (2) crimes against humanity, that is, the deportation, extermination, and genocide of various populations; (3) war crimes, that is, those activities that violated the “rules” of war that had been laid down in light of the First World War and later international agreements; and (4) conspiracy to commit any and all of the crimes listed in the first three counts.
The tribunal had the authority to find both individuals and organizations criminal; in the event of the latter, individual members of that organization could then be tried. The chief prosecutor was U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, who was asked by President Harry S. Truman to create a structure for the proceedings. The defendants were arrayed in two rows of seats; each of the indicted listened to a simultaneous translation of the arguments through a headset.
There were 216 court sessions. On October 1, 1946, verdicts on 22 of the 24 defendants were handed down (two were not present; one had committed suicide in his prison cell, another was ultimately deemed mentally unfit): 12 of the defendants were sentenced to be hanged, including Julius Streicher (propagandist), Alfred Rosenberg (anti-Semitic ideologue and minister of the occupied eastern territories), Joachim von Ribbentrop (foreign affairs minister), Martin Bormann (Nazi Party secretary), and Herman Goering (Luftwaffe commander and Gestapo head). Ten of the 12 were hanged on October 16. Bormann was tried and sentenced in absentia (he was thought to have died trying to escape Hitler’s bunker at the close of the war, but was only declared officially dead in 1973). Goering committed suicide before he could be hanged. The rest of the defendants received prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life. All of the defenses offered by the accused were rejected, including the notion that only a state, not an individual, could commit a war crime proper.
2ca33e No.225041
There are those loonies out there that think that they should be doing this under current POTUS. And there are those that know we would have had to do it if you know who had been elected instead. Anyone that tells us that we should be minding our own business all of sudden after their decades of fuckery in all these countries is just whining because they didn't get what they wanted. They wanted something like this for us. Sharia, and a total make over of our society to those rules on their way to an even worse set of circumstances. Oh hell no.
327508 No.225042
506c2f No.225043
"Ding dong, the witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch …."
246647 No.225045
you are correct, here is back up for you
http:// www.whale.to/b/v_s.html
26a5a0 No.225046
Hope is as useless as fear. It creates false expectations, anticipation. Hopes get crushed every day. Existing without fear and without hope is the first step towards actual contentment with everyday reality.
327508 No.225048
394f87 No.225049
Most definitely Nuremberg IS the precedent.
139464 No.225050
How on earth don't you know that's not his account? Seriously?
50b11b No.225052
ac3720 No.225053
Ready and waiting.
791756 No.225054
Reminds me of an old joke.
OJ Simpson was pulled over in the white Bronco.
He said to the cops he was going to Cancun.
The cops said "No, you're going to the can, coon!"
b53d16 No.225055
suggested next bread title:
17505c No.225056
This is of course NCAA, but yeah I hear ya
9d9ff3 No.225057
Mkay… I’m here Shills. Bring it. But remember there might be logs. Fuking faggots.
394f87 No.225058
fe99cb No.225060
POTUS and Q are already taking HUGE actions if you have been paying attention to all the 'coincidences', arrests, resignations, and general downfall of the so far low-level fruits.
The fuck are you doing 'demanding' Q act? What are you a fucking sjw snowflake?
Get off your bitch ass and start learning here: All posts in searchable form.
https://qcodefag. github.io/?
Dec 13 2017, 00:12:53
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
It’s FAKE!
Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless’ and forever brainwashed.
Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D’s have on the black pop.
Why is this relevant?
Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
These people are stupid.
You are safe.
Have faith.
Dec 9 2017, 13:34:24
Q !ITPb.qbhqo Q !ITPb.qbhqo
What has been said about the US Military?
The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.
Expand your thinking.
Re-read crumbs.
Re-listen to yesterday's speech.
Connect the 'markers.'
News (in all forms) unlocks the map.
Expand your thinking.
The Great Awakening.
ac3720 No.225061
Locked and loaded
791756 No.225063
This is good news, it means you're rattled. Keep the peanut gallery comments to yourself, it's unbecoming.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you…and then you win." –Gandhi
26a5a0 No.225064
No. But you are welcome to think so. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes you to master your emotions .
241f11 No.225065
absolutely 100% a satanic symbol
42a037 No.225066
Looks like people just keep filtering you Kek
791756 No.225069
>When he lived in North Vancouver, Morgan mentored Sarah Mazza's son as part of the Big Brother program.
>deeply respected
1f0ce3 No.225070
Good Work, anon. I especially like the 2nd one, very nice.
9d9ff3 No.225071
Shills don’t like it when we run our own logs. So fuking sad.
50b11b No.225073
Proud member of the APFF Anon Plane Fag Force
251ad1 No.225074
It's the semaphore symbols for "ND" for Nuclear Disarmament. Read a book before you post.
0d8813 No.225076
Q tripcode crack worries me. Maybe his new one is better?
394f87 No.225077
I didn't say it for you, I said it for the more impressionable ones who might read that nonsense and not see right through it like I and most other anons do.
251ad1 No.225079
241f11 No.225080
791756 No.225081
>you actually believe that billionaires would come to 8chan
I have proof they do.
c70fa7 No.225082
Will Trump strike North Korea before or after the winter olympics (January or March)?
50b11b No.225083
Wizard of Oz MKULTRA programming. They put that or Alice in Wonderland into EVERYTHING.
6d137b No.225084
Why did I think Q had appeared since 25th?
Am I confused?
I thought Q would possibly reappear on 5th.
Is someone spreading info that Q has shown up since 25th?
Help me understand.
0d8813 No.225085
6f6b1c No.225087
* When you are all in it together.
*When you smile on the outside, but on the inside are counting the minutes til your next babyorgy
ac3720 No.225088
>It's just got to be introduced to the public properly … and timing is crucial.
Destroy the propaganda media and there won't be an issue.
0fbfc5 No.225089
The original poster was very good.
Nobody is going to use the Abramovich one, don't worry. Be sure tweet yours. You would be surprised how fast it will spread. Good ones always do.
251ad1 No.225090
Let's see your sauce.
7a65a6 No.225094
Whats happened to the new trip being "mathematically impossible" to crack?
91e248 No.225095
That's where you'd be wrong. Dead wrong.
0c21e2 No.225098
Serious hardware.
Nothing is impossible, just need 7 clown supercomputers.
daf388 No.225099
I read a story about them. It was so sad. Gross people in that area thought that Albinos blood was magical, so they would steal any Albinos & do sick things to them. It wasn't that long ago in the news
241f11 No.225100
8acffb No.225101
I find it surprising that Q would use such a simple password as "Matlock."
b65ac6 No.225102
Obama Thailand raid: Real or fake?
337714 No.225103
Thanks for reposting. I missed that the first time. Fuck, that gave me the creepy goosebumps. These people are sick!
0c21e2 No.225104
You do things when you can.
You create the possibility inside of you so you can act when the time comes.
Positive energy is all we need.
9a47c0 No.225107
A tree in front of the sun is how the peace sign originated. The hippies inverted it. Why?
506c2f No.225108
>Destroy the propaganda media and there won't be an issue.
I think this is well on its way. One of the first thing Trump did (successfully) was to re-brand/reveal the clown-controlled propaganda machine.
26a5a0 No.225112
If its wrong why did Obama campaign with "hope " as a slogan? Hope all you want, it gets you nothing but betrayed. Life is what it is, not what you hope it is. Thats reality. They dont want you in control of reality. They want you full of hopes that they will never have to deliver.
If you clise your mind, you do not learn and stay enslaved. I do not care what you choose to do.
791756 No.225113
>Whoever hacked up my poster and wrote Marina Abramavic on it should be ashamed
They are glowing, it's their job to subvert effective propaganda.
fe99cb No.225114
Q has not reappeared since the 25th. Some anons claiming to be affiliated with Q or at least here as watchers dropped a few lines to let us know Q team is watching and reading our 'progress' and stated we could use a little guidance because we kept fucking ourselves over like non-autistic fucks you newbies are.
Authenticity of this watchman is not set in stone.
Q team is still watching. I would personally keep digging and learning and understanding all the vast amount of information and hints Q provided to for us to do what we are supposed to do: Create a map/infographic to inform the public as well as digging for more evidence to UNDERSTAND so we can actually teach and inform, not just copy/paste slops like pigs being fed.
Let's get to work. Link to ALL Q posts in searchable form here:
https://qcodefag. github.io/?q=re-read
0509c9 No.225115
Permission to start thread on Sovereign Nation power changes since POTUS took office? Days ago let you know I'm compiling other power change happenings and need a gravy boat to hold sauce. Also was requested to provide map for visual.
251ad1 No.225116
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Really? That's your sauce?
Stick to Sunday School, reading Jack Chick pamphlets. That's where your understanding of Satanic symbols and Satanism in general will serve you best. Where you see SATAN in everything that doesn't shit rainbows.
394f87 No.225117
What the hell are you talking about? This information campaign is 100% public. And it is changing the world right before our eyes.
241f11 No.225118
What's your sauce for the source? LOL Go fuck yourself you're a tool
180912 No.225120
LAST 2 SHOOTERS ARE VETS… INTERESTING… Could those poor guys have been programmed ex: MK ULTRA and are set off for diversions by the cabal…
304eeb No.225121
>The original poster was very good. Nobody is going to use the Abramovich one, don't worry. Be sure tweet yours. You would be surprised how fast it will spread. Good ones always do.
Can't. I am a meme-maker and not a tweeter. I don't have any social media accounts. Hope somebody will tweet >>225096 this.
a379e1 No.225122
That's like saying there's no sense praying, fear is being scared of something that hasn't happened yet, Hope is looking forward to something good happening. If you want to think negative you will be negative, change your thought pattern, it's not working.
0d8813 No.225123
When are you going to prove that to me?
5390bd No.225124
Is there an issue with the archives? Can’t access some bread from a couple weeks ago.
9d9ff3 No.225125
Flag Officers will serve the American people.
c2ffc5 No.225126
The Swastika is also a symbol of peace therefore the Peace symbol thus can probably mean a few different things to different people. Depends on whats in a persons heart….
251ad1 No.225127
Thirty five years of cult investigations.
95cd0e No.225128
fake, namefag
You must go back
91e248 No.225129
And an EXCELLENT repost it is.
Thank you, anon.
a278fc No.225130
bread #263 was bade bread I cant believe you guys didn't call it out for having neil keenan bullshit on it.
50b11b No.225133
How about the kid killed his family last night with a AR rifle, sounds like the left is pushing that gun control hard
d3fc60 No.225134
or it, like everything, could just be in the sky
241f11 No.225135
LOL K, so nothing lol. My research says otherwise at every turn, so you enjoy your garbage research skills.
26a5a0 No.225136
Hope and fear both take you out of the present moment. Hope and fear are purely mental constructions, they have no physical existence. It is very easy to enslave people with these mental constructions.
506c2f No.225137
>The hippies inverted it. Why?
Universal symbolism. NWO/Globalists love universal symbols that supersede those of sovereign states (like flags).
The globalist goals of the NWO have been in place for decades.
6d137b No.225138
"Matlock, a renowned, folksy and popular though cantankerous attorney. Usually, at the end of the case, the person who is on the stand being questioned by Matlock is the actual perpetrator, and Matlock will expose him, despite making clear that his one goal is to prove reasonable doubt in the case of his client's guilt or to prove his client's innocence."
https: //en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matlock_(TV_series)
78346c No.225139
Special Friends: The Cozy Ties that Bind Saudi Arabia’s ruling Al Saud Family and the Windsors.
180912 No.225140
and running out of time
50b11b No.225143
Last 2 shooters being vets is going to come up as a way to try to remove the 2nd from vets across the country.
I think they know there is a storm on the front steps, they just don't know how it's coming for them.
7d2bf6 No.225144
You left out Matlocks love of hot dogs, kind of creepy I found
394f87 No.225145
All the Gulf monarchies are British pawns.
cffd78 No.225147
Yeah, no one ever made a show about a DA that accuses guilty people every week that turn out to be guilty. Wonder why?
2ca33e No.225148
The tie in will be antipsychotics. Will cast a bigger net that way. Mil/VA give out narcotics and head drugs like skittles, and definitely by trial and error. They wanted drugged up easy keepers that didn't realize they were in so much pain or sick and didn't care as long as they got their drugs. Mass produced drugs is way cheaper than actual treatment for the issues.
Navy Yard shooter, etc. once a normal (and I knew him personally) decent kid and a fantastic example. They are looking for the unstable, medicated Vet and others… gun control angle.
506c2f No.225150
You're arguing with a shill.
9d9ff3 No.225151
Did you like the full moon?
139464 No.225153
720f0b No.225154
So are we settled on the following facts:
A) Mueller is our guy?
B) there are 9000 sealed indictments across the USA, an astronomically high number in comparison to regular years?
C) these indictments represent high profile crimes committed by high level power brokers/political elites involving human/child trafficking pedophilia?
D) there is currently an insurgence of the indicted criminals aforementioned being transitioned to gitmo?
Is this correct ?
6d137b No.225155
Thanks for the update.
251ad1 No.225156
For the last time: It's the semaphore symbols for "ND" superimposed on each other, a sign for the anti-nuke Nuclear Disarmament movement. The "broken cross of peace" crap was a Clown psyop to demonize the peace movement in the minds of simple-minded Christians looking for an excuse to be pissed off.
f4a9ea No.225158
>Link to ALL Q posts in searchable form here:
Unfortunately, some of Q's posts have "fallen off" of that site. I don't know if he is maintaining it and have not seen him lately.
All of Q's posts, 4/pol/ 8/pol/ and here are on the spreadsheet, with working clickable links to his actual posts on 4plebs and here, and in the 8ch archive (those are the ones that fell off of the github site).
<I would personally keep digging and learning and understanding all the vast amount of information and hints Q provided to for us to do what we are supposed to do: Create a map/infographic to inform the public as well as digging for more evidence to UNDERSTAND so we can actually teach and inform, not just copy/paste slops like pigs being fed.
<Let's get to work.
Yes, please!
Also, if anyone sees github anon, please let him know he can use the direct links in the spreadsheet to rebuild his platform (relink the missing ones)
a379e1 No.225160
78346c No.225161
Anon who put all the work into this >>>
91e248 No.225162
Somehow, I believe General Mattis understands EXACTLY how millions of US citizens are feeling about this shit, right now. That gives me great comfort. And comfy is pretty damned good.
0d8813 No.225163
Yeah, but I wouldn't say our guy. Just trying to do something good for once.
506c2f No.225164
>Let’s go Eagles!
Get that bbc out your mouth, cunt.
d3e1a6 No.225165
26ccaa No.225166
The swastika was always powerful peaceful symbol before the Nazis subverted it. It goes WAY back before history and is found in ancient India, Japan, Greece, Sumeria et al. I recently did a study on it. In Japan, for one example, the swastika is still used on maps to designate locations of Buddhist temples and it is very much associated with Hinduism in India.
a379e1 No.225168
Hey Lynn, keep that club clean, they're going to be raiding it soon.
d3fc60 No.225169
its the pattern of the seasons when viewing the north star.
c2ffc5 No.225171
241f11 No.225172
All of that shit stroll right back to occult symbolism long before the nazis. They just aquired it, but it was all tied to fallen angel worship. All multi-god religions are fallen angel worship, so they were ALWAYS occult, long before hitler.
180912 No.225175
Let us pray that all we are hoping right now is in reality and that we get saved this way.. But I do know following the book of revelation that these demons will not go down without a fight… GOD.. help us in 2019, it will be end of the mild trib and heading into the heavy time..
1f0ce3 No.225176
The Rosenberg Trial is also relevant where passed precedents are concerned. If there is to be a restoration of our Judicial System/Process in the minds of the people, there will have to be drastic punishments levied against those who have perpetrated these crimes against the Republic.
26ccaa No.225178
The only point I can honestly agree with here is the existence of the indictments. The rest is unknown.
791756 No.225179
Rick Ross?!
Approaching twenty here.
f5553d No.225180
Nazis subverted it?? How about the Jews themselves subverting it!
Nazis wanted peace and therefore used a peace symbol. All the shit you hear now is Jew propaganda that has subverted the truth. This is the only thing Jews are good at, Subverting
251ad1 No.225181
6d137b No.225183
Please help spread the word for this dad in Ohio. The state kidnapped his daughter and he found her on Craigslist. Her mom died in 2012. He has reported to police and FBI.
https:/ /mobile.twitter.com/AaronRay3355/status/946551554294853632
26a5a0 No.225184
251ad1 No.225187
Nope. I keep a low profile.
b53d16 No.225188
it's an inverted broken cross in a circle.
a79165 No.225189
Looking into 'GERONIMO' -
'Geronimo was a prominent leader and medicine man ….joined with members of three other Chiricahua Apache bands—to carry out numerous raids as well as resistance…'
Could it be Q's way of telling us POTUS has joined with 3 other countries (SA, Japan, Israel?) to fight the (NWO) resistance?
0d8813 No.225190
I think Matlock is itself a crumb. Look at all the coincedences here.
It's a good show, too.
9d9ff3 No.225192
E) elected officials that have broken the USC 18 code
251ad1 No.225194
How about GEOTUS' emergency declaration? Mere coincidence?
791756 No.225195
Oh shit, these idiots are so fucking obvious. Laughably obvious. The Matlock shilling is just icing.
78346c No.225196
Sauce on the retweets or you want the whole document?
Its a declaration drawn up by a citizen but anon put a lot of work into it.
26ccaa No.225198
You are apparently unaware that the nazis used the swastika as a primary political symbol while they were destroying Europe.
0d8813 No.225199
Israel is not fighting the NWO.
506c2f No.225200
Lynn has a few bricks stashed up her cooter.
a68d6e No.225201
The Nazi's recognized its true, profound meaning, to all indo-European peoples. . . they revived it, they didn't 'subvert' it.
It's an immensely powerful symbol, with spiritual significance, and was spread across the globe, wherever the Aryan/Indo-Europeans roamed, it became their call-sign.
Be wary of the Jewish/Khazarian mainstream press perversion of reality. . . dig, seek source material, avoid speculation/opinion/commentary.
791756 No.225202
I thought it was Cord Meyer?
c2ffc5 No.225203
Ahh okay was just trying to figure out what it was, thx
8070b3 No.225205
I hear that but there’s nothing like a good perp walk. 1000’s. Would never get old. Think of ALL those that have suffered.
9a47c0 No.225207
look up druidic symbols and runes.
251ad1 No.225208
I take it you're going to quote some bullshit conservative Christian site for sauce, now?
Or do you just believe that anything that isn't the cross hanging on your wall is "Satan"?
By all means, demonstrate your autism for us.
e5492e No.225209
9b59c9 No.225210
Strongly disagree. Morons will riot, claiming Trump is starting a dictatorship and imprisoning all of his political opponents. Prepare to have martial law installed to protect yourself from their tantrums.
251ad1 No.225213
I'm a druid. Got it covered.
0d8813 No.225214
Original picture?
a79165 No.225215
That's why I out a '?'!
It might be Russia, Putin hates those evil child rapists!
241f11 No.225216
So you expect your Satan evidence to have no link to Christianity?? LOL Are you braindead?
156387 No.225217
now now anon…
48d0a3 No.225218
26ccaa No.225219
Well, many of these indictments were issued prior to the E.O. being in effect.
a68d6e No.225220
Keep in mind the Nazi's were wrestling with the same globalist/int'l-finance monster we are, today. Europe was destroyed because Churchill was a Rothschild-controlled stooge, Germany (and Hitler himself) desperately did *not* want to fight those they considered brothers in the UK.
We've been fed a great many lies, over the decades
9b59c9 No.225221
Lets hope it's Guantanamo Orange...
91e248 No.225222
Obama was a liar. And a cheat. And a criminal.
72f941 No.225223
7 containers in Canada contains CHILDREN
d23f68 No.225224
about 4300 before the EO
50b11b No.225225
8070b3 No.225226
Orange is the new purple.
205000 No.225227
0d8813 No.225228
No, I mean, where can I get the original picture of that?
8b3e32 No.225229
Does anyone remember the terribly botched false flag at Smith Mountain Lake in VA where supposedly a reporter and cameraman were shot point plank live on the air? The shooter, who was a real ex-anchor for a TV station in NC supposedly pulled the trigger, all the while filming it. The young, blond reporter who took a bullet point blank ran away. Both her and the camera man supposedly died. I want to find this bitch. She is out there somewhere.
https://youtu.be/ QAPlmeGSeRY
251ad1 No.225231
No, Satan is a Christian god. But the origin and meaning of the peace sign and the psyop labeling it Satanic by the CIA are well-established. So your continuing to spread this misinformation not only derails the board, it makes you look like an uninformed moron.
b53d16 No.225232
I do not have crosses hanging anywhere.
I have eyes in my head and can clearly see that it is a Christ mocking symbol band you are a breadsliding dickhead.
26ccaa No.225233
Hitler was financed out of NY and London, the same sources which funded the Allies. WWII was the biggest scam in history prior to the War on Terror.
48d0a3 No.225234
just google merkel and bibi in images
50b11b No.225235
Wasn't there an EO issued back around October that was pretty much a National Emergency type thing?
180912 No.225237
This summer there had better be a plan cause when the shit hits the fan there is going to be turmoil and rage in the country… Believe me when I say I fear the storm But it has to be done.. The grass on the other side looks pretty darn worth my effort for my grandchildren …. We must do something … We must … I promise my grandchildren
720f0b No.225238
So are we supposed to wake up tomorrow and see something about this on the news ? It seems we are always on the eve of some great happening. I've been on the train since November of '15. I remember Kim dot com saying rememeber remember the 5th of November . I also remember the original fbianon saying if they do it right it would take much longer than we wanted. I hope they have finally got there ducks in a row. I can't take the constant b s over the years.
241f11 No.225239
0d8813 No.225240
Found it. Surprised they would joke about that.
71183d No.225242
26ccaa No.225243
Thats not to say that the EO doesnt apply to the same creeptards as the earlier indictments.
95cd0e No.225244
b53d16 No.225245
not band… and…typo
6f7617 No.225246
Meme makers… great work today by all.
Please remember to also post your memes in meme thread. Haven’t had a harvester for a while. I will put many on twatter today. Thanks anons
765ef1 No.225247
The title of Satan was around long before Christianity was a thing.
ab3b14 No.225248
I was on last night when the fake Q appeared with the old Tripcode.
I don't understand the reasoning for banning his current / second one. People trying to unlock it, can still do so on Pol board.
So as i understand it,, no trips will work at all here.( banned all trips before, but the 2 Q trips)( now all are banned)
I think you should leave his second Fox one open( white list) and when he comes on,, we can have him provide proof( maybe a Trump tweet or something) and have him switch to # # secure double tripcode.
Leave it on( so he can fix that) if someone breaks it,, and starts larping as Q we will take it with a grain of salt( not count crumb as solid until he provides a matching Tweet or something)
Otherwise he will have to come on as anon, say turn the fox code white listed code on, so he can switch.
If he made a new double secure trip,, we would not know,,( because no trips allowed here)
Please explain why you banned second Trip Code ( we can handle a Fake Q,, it's easy to tell, and it's not going to hurt us, to hear them speak),
(If youleave fox trip open for Q )and we will not believe him, until we get Tweet proof)
I don't like the banning of his second trip,, MAKES NO SENSE.
Sorry, hit caps,, and did not want to re type,lol
Not yelling,,lmao,, Just curious what pupose it serves to ban second Q trip code?
I think you should leave second Fox one open,, and we deal with it, if someone starts using it( with ban in place, we will not know) also if it is compromised it would be nice to know) and Q would have to start from scratch with new double ## code,, and then provide proof.
From the time several weeks ago until early this morning,, they did not break his first code( took them 2 monthes) they were as close to first trip,, 3 weeks ago.( as they were to second trip 3 days ago)
It will be atleast a few days until they can break second trip,, so just leave second fox trip open, to save less hassle. And no harm can be done from that 2nd tripcode being white listed,, Q will have to provide proof or confirmation again.And we will not trust crumbs until he does confirm.
50b11b No.225249
No prior to that one.
139464 No.225250
That's really strange as few seconds before your post I clicked on this YT link.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMdwzIogP5A
BREAKING: 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers Being Tracked By SERT, QAnon Hints and Julian Assange
cffd78 No.225251
"Satan is a Christian God"?!?! And you call others uninformed?!?!
For the record, Satan is a name for the fallen angel Lucifer. Duh.
cc6e8e No.225252
Who is this Abraxas guy.
Screeching owl lady?
b6ecbe No.225253
You mean Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were communists, not Alfred Rosenberg who was a Nazi.
c74e7e No.225254
Yes, but make no mistake, the is much work to be down following "the storm" so that we may create a better future for humanity. With this in mind, I offer the following recommendation to those who can "see." A MUST READ: The Breakdown of Nations (1951) by Leopold Kohr
The following was excerpted from: http://thehealingproject.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/LEOPOLD-KOHR.-The-Breakdown-of-Nations.pdf
[words in brackets are mine]
Although written in 1951, “The Breakdown of Nations” has diagnosed the essential pathology of the twentieth century, even before it developed into the universally sanctioned policies of globalization that now manifest in the cultural, economic and military Americanization of the world.
It is only in small [localized communities], Kohr suggests, that there can be true democracy, because it is only there that the citizen can have some direct influence over the governing institutions; only there that economic problems become tractable and controllable, and economic lives become more rational; only there that culture can flourish without the diversion of money and energy into statist pomp and military adventure; only there that the individual in all dimensions can flourish free of systematic social and governmental pressures.
[Kohr presents] a new and unified political philosophy centering in the theory of size. Wherever something is wrong, something is too big.
If the human body becomes diseased, it is, as in cancer, because a cell, or group of cells, has begun to outgrow its allotted narrow limits. And if the body of a people becomes diseased with the fever of aggression, brutality, collectivism, or massive idiocy, it is not because it has fallen victim to bad leadership or mental derangement. It is because human beings, so charming as individuals or in small aggregations, have been welded into over-concentrated social [collectives] such as mobs, unions, cartels, or great powers. That is when they begin to slide into uncontrollable catastrophe.
The solution of the problems confronting the world as a whole does not seem to lie in the creation of still bigger social units and still vaster governments whose formation is now attempted with such unimaginative fanaticism by our statesmen. It seems to lie in the elimination of those overgrown organisms that go by the name of great powers, and in the restoration of a healthy system of small and easily manageable states such as characterized earlier ages.
The hallmark of Western civilization is [the] love of personal freedom and personal accomplishment. [Its] common denominator has always been individualism, in contrast to that of the Orient, whose basis has always been collectivism. Though these designations have likewise a faintly geographic origin, they refer more clearly than the others to cultures, not to regions; to ideas, not to nations.
As Western civilization could not be conceived without the personal genius of those like Shakespeare, Voltaire, Rembrandt, Dante, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Beethoven, Kant, Goethe, or Socrates - theirs was a civilization created by persons fulfilling the purpose of their individual existence, not by communities or peoples joining in collective effort to reach a collectivized end.
Most nations, irrespective of their racial background, the stage of their civilization, their ideology, or their economic system, have managed to roll up an impressively similar record [of mass murder]. If similar [outcomes] occurred everywhere and in all phases and periods of historic development, the common denominator seems to be the simple ability, the power, to commit monstrosities. As a result, we arrive at what we might call a power theory of social misery.
If wars are due to the accumulation of the critical mass of power, and the critical mass of power can accumulate only in social organisms of critical size, the problems of aggression, like those of atrocity, can clearly again be solved in only one way through the reduction of those organisms that have outgrown the proportions of human control.
This means that, if the world is to be relieved of some of the pressures of aggressive warfare, we can do little by trying to unite it [as this would only] increase the terror potential that comes from large size. What must be accomplished is the very opposite: the dismemberment of the vast united national complexes commonly called the great powers. For they alone in the contemporary world have the social size that enables them to spread the miseries we try to prevent, but cannot so long as we leave untouched the power which produces them.
1f0ce3 No.225255
Don't know if she'd let him get at 'em now though, For some reason, she's been grumpy lately.
95cd0e No.225256
Dig, anon.
26ccaa No.225257
I was in Berkeley the last time the Auntie Fags tried to riot. They will be rolled up and locked down in 30 mins based upon the size and equipment of the police forces I saw. No co ntest at all.
50b11b No.225259
Hacker trying to get you to drop your guard?
That's what this shit looks like to other anons.
a379e1 No.225260
Let them riot, if proof of major wrong doing is presented and people are guilty, then the people against it who protest and riot should also be looked at. This stupid shit has to end once and for all.
b6ecbe No.225261
Just guessing here, the mod staff can see what's guessed and maybe it's converging on the right answer.
91e248 No.225262
Some of us enjoy wasting THEIR time and effort. And showing how wrong they are.
251ad1 No.225263
Do your own goddamn research on it. It's First Level stuff. You should be embarrassed not to know about it. Classic Cold War propaganda move in the early 1970s (Nixon era). Should only take you a week or so to track down.
Now quit trying the Satanic Panic. Some of us are working, here.
50b11b No.225264
720f0b No.225267
What is the usc18 code my friend ?
a79165 No.225268
Holy shit! I was just reading today that Hussein wanted to sign some f'ed up law that gave ONLY the UN the right to search cargo containers coming into the US! Now why would he want the child trafficking/sexual predators at the UN those rights?
241f11 No.225269
LOL Fuck you, you can't provide one link, because you're bullshit.
0d8813 No.225271
Stop shilling for Q to get a double secured trip. You can't keep track of those, the salt is secret.
facdce No.225273
Sorry you had to deal with that.
64dadb No.225274
As the regimes in Egypt and Tunisia fall, and fighting breaks out across Libya, billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros saw it fit to provide his insight into the situation. Iran will be overthrown “in the bloodiest of revolutions,” Soros says of the turmoil fueled by economic inequality and government corruption. At a glance, he has hit the nail on the head. Since early February, remnants of the 2009’s Green Movement, inspired by the cries for democracy in Iran’s neighboring countries, have taken to the streets in a series of protests. Mir Hossein Mousavi, the opposition candidate in the widely contested election of 2009, has stood firm in his support of the protestors, despite calls for death from more hard-line members of the Iranian parliament.
Khamenei warns against election unrest, George Soros
https:// www.al-monitor.com/pulse/en/originals/2017/05/iran-khamenei-warning-election-unrest-2017-vote.amp.html
A real uprising, right?
Rothschild an Soros want the overthrow of Iran to install another Rothschild central bank. Iran is one of the last who has control over their own bank.
c2ffc5 No.225276
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
These two items are definitely related. April seems to be reporting on the same intel….
5390bd No.225277
Now I get a 404 when I try to acces archives. What’s going on?
26a5a0 No.225278
3f743d No.225279
these are great, keep going
that face lol
a379e1 No.225280
UN is part and run by them,that's why. And why was the cia only allowed to land at certain airports?same reason.
b6ecbe No.225281
A broken-up USA would be much weaker. England, still mad about losing the wars of 1776 and 1812, was backing the Confederacy. Do you think they really cared about the Confederacy?
Nah, it was all Divide and Conquer.
82108f No.225282
Andy Griffin - AG
154dd7 No.225283
That's helpful>>225129
6f7617 No.225284
d3cf49 No.225285
Reminds me of a joke from the same time.
What's OJ Simpsons password?
For slash, for slash, back slash, back slash, escape.
50b11b No.225286
How smart is that?
Sure, just go ahead and talk about JA's possible location to the whole fucking world.
What a stupid cunt.
0509c9 No.225287
My heart just broke… again, i may need a break from here today
5d2e9e No.225288
Did anyone hear anymore on that group at trucks that was heading through the south with a supposed nuke ….?????
9d9ff3 No.225289
1c5005 No.225291
Anons on Chrissy T - a lot of excellent work has been done thus far. Look on who has covered it in media.
https://www.washingtonpost.com /news/reliable-source/wp/2018/01/01/chrissy-teigen-fights-back-after-twitter-user-drags-model-into-the-false-pizzagate-conspiracy-theory/?utm_term=.2001abf8a910
https://www.teenvogue.com /story/chrissy-teigen-made-her-twitter-and-instagram-private
http://www.marieclaire.com /celebrity/a14526364/chrissy-teigen-instagram-twitter-private/
http://www.ladbible.com /news/weird-celebrity-news-chrissy-teigen-sets-twitter-account-to-private-after-pizzagate-accus-20180101
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5224959/Twitter-removes-users-blue-tick-Chrissy-Teigen-spat.html
These have been posted within the last 12 hours! There are also more from Buzzfeed, HuffPo and others.
In my opinion we should target these twatter feeds, FaceBonk pages etc, comments section, with a bombardment of Red Pills as happend on CT account. We have seen what effect this has had the last 24 hours.
9cb107 No.225292
It has not been verified yet just rumor
26a5a0 No.225293
We have no idea if its true.
539919 No.225294
its why we are here anon. to save our kids
9b59c9 No.225295
The problem is they are so brainwashed and programmed that they're not going to believe anything they see. While I agree they should be arrested and heavily investigated too, it's not going to change the fact they will riot. Just look how they act even today when you present them with hard core evidence. They'll believe nothing coming from the Trump administration. We will be under martial law until they are dealt with.
c2ffc5 No.225297
You're a shill idiot if you think this board is the only people talking about Julian Assange, bloody moron, smh….
d97ba3 No.225299
Satan is called a God in 2Corinthians 4.4
a379e1 No.225300
4-6% brainwashed forever remember.Some peeps gotta go
b53d16 No.225301
are they alive?
91e248 No.225302
>Obama was a liar. And a cheat. And a criminal.
Witnessing my own damned dubs.
304eeb No.225303
You don't need permission here, Anon. Sounds like a good idea – just do it. As the results appear, post them on the General thread periodically.
205000 No.225304
>For the record, Satan is a name for the fallen angel Lucifer. Duh.
For the record, the Hebraic meaning of "satan" is: adversary or the one who accuses or adversary. https:// www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/satan/
Depending on the context - such as the first couple of chapters in the book of Job - think of it as a title. So the satan here is not Lucifer. The satan here is a member of Yahweh's council.
ab3b14 No.225306
Whether its a new## secure,, or just a regular new tripcode, I,am not shilling for one over the other,lol
Just stating to leave Fox one open,, and we deal with it, ( fake Q or real Q until we get solid confirm)when Q returns, by having him confirm, and switch to a new one,,be it new or double secure##.
251ad1 No.225308
. . . which comes from the Judeo-Christian-Islamic and proto-Semetic root cultural group, filtered through both Zorastrian and Greek cultural filters. From the proto-Semetic deity Shaitan, reduced to angel-hood after the conversion to monotheism. Retconned by the Talmudic scholars into Satan, "The Adversary", during the collection of the Alexandiran Pentatuch. Later associated in Europe with a group of (predominantly) rural horned nature divinities as a means of suppressing native populations. The Islamic offshoot recognizes the divinity as a fire spirit, no horns. Conflated during the Middle Ages with a variety of political groups to further Catholic control of ignorant rural people and used as leverage to oust political opponents.
Church of Satan revival by Anton LeVay, widely known as a Clown Psyop to provide a prop foil for the conservative Christians to shadow box against. Uses anti-Christian imagery and lurid rumors to stir up psychological sentiment pre-programmed by scriptural response and early childhood trauma.
So yeah, shithead, I consider you uniformed.
a68d6e No.225309
The jewish banking families fund both sides of every war, this shouldn't surprise anyone.
They funded Germany just enough to assure a great deal of blood, profit, and Germany's complete destruction.
'Judea declares war on Germany' is a headline stripped from the front page of multiple 1936 newspapers (google it), the jews literally wanted the nation destroyed long before the first shots were fired.
1f0ce3 No.225310
You are correct. The Rosenberg couple convicted stateside for espionage, spying, etc.
95cd0e No.225311
? 4 teh plainfags…
Was that like 40 flights inbound to Stennis so far today? Seems unusual, for a holiday, no?
f8698c No.225312
304eeb No.225313
Nuremberg trials lasted from 11/20/45 to 10/01/46. What officially happened there should also be looked at with healthy skepticism.
9b59c9 No.225314
I suspect more than that.. but yes, they'll have to go.
50b11b No.225315
>You're a shill idiot
Called yourself out!
Talking about and dox'ing a location is 2 very different things asswipe!
765ef1 No.225316
Done it already and the title of Satan existed long before Christianity was a thing. If you don't know about the Synagogue of Satan then you risk supporting those who are owe allegiance to it.
6f6b1c No.225317
I see the UN being revamped, heavily.
I see changes to diplomatic immunity for incoming planes.
I see a more "secure" and inspected future for USA.
e14605 No.225320
b6ecbe No.225322
I'd guess "Reza Pahlavi" who's tweeting a lot about the uprising now is his son or grandson.
b53d16 No.225323
suggested next bread title:>>225073
Good work Planefag Anon.
d97ba3 No.225324
angels are also called gods in psams 82.1
satan called a god in 2corinthians4.4
humans called gods in john10.35
672faf No.225325
I know. I didn't do the whole meme, just replaced the head.
0d8813 No.225326
They were tortured until they signed confessions that they didn't write.
251ad1 No.225327
Because I'm busy.
But since you want me to wipe your ass . . .
Let me know if I can help you with the big words. Now let me get back to work, faggot shillord.
f6b75d No.225328
>>225266 WOW hello Iranian
72f941 No.225329
I got this from April LaJune….someone posted about this last thread but April didn't know what was in the containers. She put this out a little while ago. My bad not sourcing her sooner…
b6ecbe No.225330
Yes, like many of us have had to do in the past 30 or 40 years, we have to learn to lock our doors. The world is different now, and pretending it's the old way won't change it back.
a68d6e No.225331
No, No, one thousand times NO.
The Nuremberg trials were a stain on the history of the western world. A complete farce, kangaroo trials that cared nothing for facts, justice, reality. . . even Patton voiced his disgust, several times, before his mysterious death.
If we're headed for such a disgusting and ignoble farce, count me out. . . we must not be semitic in our approach to justice here, but instead aim for NOBILITY, truth, honor, justice. These people should be held accountable for their crimes in a FAIR court of law.
The means must be worthy of the end… we musn't stoop to their level, ever, under any circumstances.
a40d94 No.225332
I don't doubt this - got that sinking feeling that's what was in the containers when I first saw the report. Save the children!
304eeb No.225334
The nature of the offenses these sealed defendants are charged with is unknown to us at this time. It is possible that a lot will be human/child trafficking but it is also possible that there will be charges for many other crimes such as bribery, extortion, accepting bribes, money laundering, murder, accessory to murder, conspiracy, RICO… Really I would expect the charges to completely cover the gamut with some surprises too.
Also bear in mind that one indictment can be a single defendant and multiple criminal counts, or multiple defendants for crimes relating to a specific incident, etc. So the correlation of sealed indictments to defendants is probably not going to be one-to-one. I'm not an attorney so these are just an educated layperson's guesses.
9a47c0 No.225335
‘Wolf Moon’ opens 2018 – but are supermoons really so super? (PHOTOS)
https:// www.rt.com/news/414773-2018-wolf-moon-phenomenon
Livestream in 105 minutes here:
https:// youtu.be/Q5UVYf3nBmM
765ef1 No.225336
The council is more directly referenced as Elohim, in the book of Job the adversary was with ben (the sons/daughters of) Elohim, and had a reason for acting against Job.
5d5800 No.225337
HAHAHAHA His wikipedia source. Wooo. LOL go fuck your shill self. filtered. Retard alert.
3f743d No.225338
This is good because it's not a joke. We don't have many like that. Make sure it gets out on twitter (and FB), esp to accounts parents and religious people go to…this guy's creepiness is tough to ignore
9d9ff3 No.225339
LaJune regurgitates our posts without proper credit
251ad1 No.225340
I honestly didn't think you could handle anything more complex.
5390bd No.225341
And who’s the A team?
5ff889 No.225342
Timeline of all relevant news stories concerning HRC/DNC/FBI/DOJ Russia collusion, 2013 - present
(owner has restricted file to viewing only, no copy pasta allowed)
b53d16 No.225343
Well the shah;s children were very rich at the time of his death, $600 billion between them. and that was 1978 dollars.
So where did they end up?
dcc733 No.225344
>Rather than sincere, non-partisan inquiries, Matlock asserts that the hysteria over contact between Trump’s campaign officials and Russian diplomats fails to acknowledge the necessity of maintaining diplomatic relations with Russia.
http://observer. com/2017/03/ambassador-james-matlock-russia-trump-hysteria/
5cd6b2 No.225345
56fa41 No.225346
The feet of the wicked witch?
9a47c0 No.225347
M 4.6 - North Pacific Ocean
2018-01-01 17:03:40 (UTC)
b6ecbe No.225348
It was a trade war as I recall. Basically BDS against Germany by Jews.
31c4b2 No.225349
not just her but most tubers do .
091211 No.225351
the CBTS universe is telling you we are all anonymous. Do you want to fit in or namefag and attract hostility from other anons?
205000 No.225352
I think one of the confusing things here is that English doesn't really have a good translation of Elohim. Elohim can be singular or plural depending on context. The english word "sheep" is the same. See the interliner text below. Notice the English words for "God" and "gods" are the same in Hebrew.
http:// biblehub.com/interlinear/psalms/82-1.htm
>>225336 - Yes. I stand corrected.
b53d16 No.225353
The last Shah of Iran Wikipedia page is a reservoir of linky dinky's.
Yes there are entire paragraphs of bold faced lies… but the discerning reader will edit accordingly. MAJOR dots to connect there.
I used that to make this meme.
bd4a54 No.225354
The peace sign is the rune for death bound in a circle.
cd1ca5 No.225355
No more name calling.
Jew Kike
etc no longer acceptable.
We will rise to the level of adults to spread the gospel. Thanks in advance for your compliance.
e6c321 No.225356
There is a home for the sickos….
251ad1 No.225357
9d9ff3 No.225358
Agreed. I was responding to an internal post
765ef1 No.225360
Psalm 82:1 doesn't specifically identify angels. This verse is more descriptive of a divine council than of messengers.
John 10:35 is talking about prophets, not humans. The prophets didn't suffer from the human condition.
1275c4 No.225361
As the world turns, eh?
251ad1 No.225362
You're new here, huh?
cd1ca5 No.225363
No but you will be banned if you continue in your perverse ways.
ea91ac No.225364
Been channing for a Tatum now, but what in the hell is a glowfag?
5d5800 No.225365
Real sauce, or fuck off.
56aa01 No.225366
304eeb No.225367
765ef1 No.225368
You don't get to make the rules, and this isn't about your religious beliefs.
6f6b1c No.225369
56fa41 No.225370
Another one bites the dust!
31c4b2 No.225371
b53d16 No.225372
which is why I am feeling kinda sketched out about the riots/protests. The Shahs regime was a nightmare for the people of Iran.
180912 No.225373
Just be a little lenient on your interpretation of bible works… I would really like to be able to read the Hebrew text.. Translations me as a lot of meaning can be lost with just one letter…
81355e No.225374
Sounds like a great plan you fucking kike faggot.
251ad1 No.225375
Perverse? Banned? Are you not familiar with chan culture?
f51dac No.225376
Gas yourself, Newfag.
e6c321 No.225378
What you talkin bout, foo.
251ad1 No.225379
Thank you. Newfags suck.
a79165 No.225380
/Bows to the new rules maker! GTFO faggot!
b53d16 No.225381
cuz you're all of those things….
You mad bruh ?
b6ecbe No.225382
From what I understand, that ship was some clowns like CIA, interfering in their victory in the 1967 war.
b1a311 No.225383
Digits confirm. We represent POTUS and Q and they would never speak suck blasphemy.
95cd0e No.225385
Hi. You're not from around here, are you, faggot?
bd4a54 No.225386
>implying that's not you
Until you've killed one of those bastards, save your God damn rhetoric for the collapse.
facdce No.225387
That S***face grin he had so often, thinking it was fun to spend everyday destroying this country and assisting the most vile actions of others.
I wish FOX would find some liberal commentators with both morals and brains that would not just sing praises and defend everything their god and goddess (BHO & HRC) have done.
Just tired of the airwaves being so filled with people that hate this country and think depravity, and pure evil are okay expressions of individuality.
cc6e8e No.225388
Jupiter Ascending.
Very Good
Sometimes they jus like to show off.
Ever G**gled any companies with
Abraxas name in it.
Pretty weird Stuff.
Cubic anyone?
50b11b No.225389
As usual, faggot, you were blindsided with the 8ch life.
Suck it up butter-cup, or GTFO.
d97ba3 No.225390
in the christian greek scriptures there are many different word for the english wird god. just like the greek words for loveand the many different types of live the same is for god and the many different types of god. only the jehovah the father is called by the greek word θεόν, jesus in john 1.1 and satan in 2corinth4.4 are called θεὸς a lesser tyoe of god. jesus said jehovah is greater than he is in john 14.28 proving the trinity a false doctrine
ea91ac No.225391
3f743d No.225392
maybe the funniest post i've read today. hahahahahahahahahahaha
251ad1 No.225394
No. We represent ourselves. We support GEOTUS, because we believe in what he's doing. We listen to Q because we feel it supports what we believe. We are Patriots, not Christian Soldiers. And we are reestablishing a secular Republic where "blasphemy" is covered by the First Amendment.
Get this straight: we are not your army.
03fda3 No.225395
>>225355 Jump in a pit of Faggots and catch AIDS nigger!
50b11b No.225397
Time to break out that PhD in filtering!
9d9ff3 No.225398
246647 No.225399
Faggorty IS the issue faggot
ad5b36 No.225400
why can't Q post with PGP. No need for a trip…
Once verified its Q we can follow the PGP
180912 No.225401
now he feels like part of the family
5390bd No.225402
Interesting. ‘NEW RULES’ just appeared out of no where like there was a lag
9b59c9 No.225403
faef8b No.225404
How about the congressman/women that are stepping down or retiring. How about the huge numbers of big names who are getting busted? How about the plane crash over Rothschild's. How about the dormant twatter accts? How about SA? Those are just off the top of my head…
9bc814 No.225405
Who the fuck am I to demand Q to act? A mother fucking doer bitch. A mother fucking taxpayer for decades bitch. You think a bunch of fancy talk asking me shit that is already public is going to pose as my savior? Fuck that. Take the loaf out of the oven Q, it is burning. Stale crumbs are for cunts. A thousand anons could have written like Q if they put thought into it. All the info is out there. If they are real they need to shit or get off the pot.
09e0ef No.225406
Dude, what? You don't have to be here. Filtered.
>From last bread:
We've had public wins:
* old lady in a boot
* songbird in a boot
* kathy broke up with anderson vanderbilt and has no game (if she ever did)
* Speier has boot
* some crone from Ind (R) has boot
* POTUS still triggering
* SA still hanging Alwaleedy upside down naked and beating TF outta him. Probably making cousins suck him off to get the pedo out
* EO saying we'll take ALL THEIR SHIT if they're corrupt, human trafficking, using slush funds
* MS-13 disappearing
* planes being turned around mid-air
* after airports go dark
> off top of head. And that's the behind-the-scenes wins. They gettin' nervous. I don't think there's anything they can do but squeal like pigs (ROSIES) Fuck the elites.
Very old bread crumb, new answer?
From 10/29 pre-trip Q https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147166292
> Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
> Why is MS13 a priority?
How about the billionaire libtard boomers from Canada, Barry Sherman and Honey, who were found hanging in their home and police tried to say it was "double suicide" or "murder/suicide" on Dec 15?? http://archive .fo/nE56N
Because Mr. Sherman was connected to Killary via Haiti http://archive .fo/0IxRx similar to how doctor who arkancided with butcher knife to chest the week earlier http://archive .fo/CJkBA
5427c0 No.225407
There's a video of a container with dead bodies on meat hooks for organ harvesting apparently.
This doesnt surprise me at all.
95cd0e No.225408
Faggot derailer FILTERED!
2a5b3c No.225409
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Speeking of crosses Atronomy's pic of the day is this YT video.
It looks amazing!
https:// apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
098689 No.225410
Q posted ;
Twitter FW_
Trump posted he is going from Florida to Washington at 4pm . ???
03fda3 No.225411
Someone haze the kike right out of that glowfag
02127a No.225412
e14605 No.225414
Just fucking overwhelmed with the love Anons have just thrown his /her way
36b3db No.225415
Hey dip-shit. Try learning a little history and take your crap back to Stormfront.
LBJ, and by extension, rouge elements of our own government, were intimately involved in that horrible incident. It was another false flag, like 911 or the burning of the German Reichstag, used as a pretext for war.
There are plenty of other sources, and videos, you can check if you really care to educate yourself - though I doubt you care to.
Take your anti-Israel bullshit back downstairs you fucking pos.
a3edc7 No.225416
If you can't stand being called a twit of a fucking nigger kike for the faggotry your idea/argument is… then you're not a very focused person.
These boards are not for chat or 'learning' as a passerby. They are a battleground of ideas and theories where everyone is out to test and be tested.
3f743d No.225418
they glow in the dark, just run them over, that's what you do
8750a0 No.225420
What's the source of these pics? Anyone have a template?
50b11b No.225421
Some people are just blind, or refuse to see what's going on in the world around them and put the dots together.
Nothing much you can do for them.
aea4bc No.225422
02127a No.225423
Thanks, faggot shill, we'll keep that in mind. You're new around here, aren't you?
48d0a3 No.225424
yea new years resolution
time to grow up
e6c321 No.225425
091211 No.225426
can't fault the fag for words that have occurred to most, if honest, on board.
c74e7e No.225427
I agree and do not think we should break up the USA. The book cover has to be understood from the context of how the US was viewed in 1951 although breaking up the USA was not the thesis of the book.
Having said that, the founders believed in a strong country of self governed people where power was decentralized and strongest at the local level. I think most would agree that this founding principle has been turned upside down with the unfettered growth of a centralized federal government that is now nearly out of control.
Also, an overlooked problem with Kohr "small is beautiful" concept when applied to states is that it fails to address the rise of the corporation as a replacement of the state as a locus of power - economic, political and even military. There are single corporations whose income, assets and land ownership dwarfs many small states. Their contracted security forces are equivalent in size to the military of some small states. One of the great problems now is the lack of harmonized regulation of transnational corporations and the global flow of capital, good and services, while labor is locked behind national borders. As seen in the recent financial crisis, credit default swaps were poorly regulated, as they were seen as a form of insurance, and financial derivatives were equally poorly regulated. Thus, breaking up large nations, unions, and collectivist institutions into smaller ones will not address the power of corporate players in a world where globalism is the economic ideology.
a379e1 No.225428
I love the still getting wiser,lol, not really
8c859c No.225429
Oh my you're serious that's so cute.
40821c No.225430
Anyone have the tail #'s of the planes out of MSY → Lakeland → heading South???
50b11b No.225431
The biggest dysfunctional family in the world!
They should be proud so much love was shown to them.
52dc84 No.225432
The yellow ships are high speed craft, the gray are tankers/cargo ships.
https:// www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-172.2/centery:1.7/zoom:8
8f85cf No.225433
c770ce No.225434
Someone make a jpeg PLEASE…for me. Of Elton John in Kingsman 2 (where he does a roundhouse kick) and add any face to it you want.
2a5b3c No.225435
22:24 (10:24 p.m.) Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
21:24 (9:24 p.m.) Eastern Standard Time (EST)
20:24 (8:24 p.m.) Central Standard Time (CST)
19:24 (7:24 p.m.) Mountain Standard Time (MST)
18:24 (6:24 p.m.) Pacific Standard Time (PST)
17:24 (5:24 p.m.) Alaska Standard Time (AKST)
16:24 (4:24 p.m.) Hawaiian Standard Time (HST)
0a9731 No.225437
NO. It's Twitter Fire Watch. smh
9b59c9 No.225438
Did the shill bus just drop off another load?
95cd0e No.225439
KEK - the shipfags have joined the fight!
52dc84 No.225442
I'm not just a planefag lol
95cd0e No.225443
We are Anonymous
We are Q
a379e1 No.225444
a258a4 No.225445
Update that github. Posts missing.
91e248 No.225446
Let's give the old man a shot at these creeps, shall we?
098689 No.225447
Pretty sure you dont tell the whole internet/world what time you are leaving Florida to Washington. Esp if your president…
cc6e8e No.225448
Abbra Abbra Cadrabra I want to reach out and grab ya!
Much more to Abbraxus than widely talked about.
MS satanism is a distraction.
Enochian magik anyone?
The big dogs play a far different game then Hedonistic anti religion bent.
Solomons Key anyone?
95cd0e No.225449
I guess your a transportfag then.
Carry on, Anon!
8fa687 No.225450
anons, wud anyone like stuff like this?
its just a quick screenshot. can animate and put in every effect u can think of to piss of the Cabal and anyone else u like. Even animated if u want.
95cd0e No.225451
991196 No.225454
why would people who are here to fuck shit up update anything?
it's a feature, not a bug.
e4623b No.225455
Go back to reddit noob. The language used is to filter out people like you.
251ad1 No.225456
Shit. It's shilly as hell in here.
d69740 No.225457
that alwaleed one is fucking top knotch.
1c5005 No.225458
Bump. Great idea - it's telling that MSM not coveri ng Q bar a couple of hit pieces.
We are the media now. Meme away anon.
e6c321 No.225459
Or Fart Wars. Jeez. Fire Watch?
ded1df No.225460
Oh ffs with Satan/god ever consider that every human was a god? Wanna believe in something believe in yourself it's the only thing you truly know in this world
a60569 No.225461
5.)Dozens of congressbeings from both parties have resigned or will not seek reelection.
0a9731 No.225462
Kek I get tired of people coming here and typing their brain farts without reading confirmed drops.
8b6c8d No.225463
Crumbs-good info or leads do not just come from Q any more.
Shills sometimes provide anti-crumbs which can be useful when they put emphasis on important topics or when we go the opposite direction of where they try to steer us.
241f11 No.225464
100% the luciferean philosophy. You have been brainwashed well.
5390bd No.225465
Who do I talk to about missing archives?
d4dc5a No.225467
Already been discussed in last bread, anon. We think he knew it would be cracked and perhaps was a crumb.
cd1ca5 No.225468
Wow what an interesting experiment that was. LMFO. Faggots.
Look at all the glowing faggots.
84a121 No.225469
>>225096 It's out there. Already saw it. Good one, btw. Keep up the beautiful work, anon.
289640 No.225470
the peace sign a death sign?
0a9731 No.225471
it was confirmed the other day. LURK MOAR.
bd4a54 No.225472
The movie is worth the watch. Jupiter finds herself in the middle of a war within the Abraxas family accompanied by fallen angels trying to get their wings back.
8fa687 No.225473
ok.. I'll open a thread were u can drop your suggestions in (backgrounds or text or pose.
Our Q is fully animated, can b in the WH behind lectur, whatever u like. explosions, fire, Matrix letterrain, sky is the limit. just post suggestions and i'll make a bunch tomorrow.
3f743d No.225474
yeah i like it, but not the mask, different head
251ad1 No.225475
Give it up already, satanfag.
e4623b No.225476
Thats not how it works, they're trips.
ded1df No.225478
I think your mistaking a god for the divine the ether that runs through us all.
84a121 No.225479
Love it! Agree with other anon, no mask. Thank you!!
241f11 No.225480
Nope. That's the new age lie, you fell for level 2 deception. Pretty sad.
246647 No.225481
can make whatever you want
bd4a54 No.225482
These people are same fucking troglodytes who belch "larrrp" and that the amerimutt meme is based on. Gun them down in the fucking street when the fire starts, anon.
8b6c8d No.225483
general population with a P for pedo on their jumpsuits.
934f32 No.225484
>>225223. Godspeed to the Patriots saving the innocent victims of these monsters.
03fda3 No.225485
I swear I didn't already see you were working on these when I posted mine.
That scares me.
Means Pepe wants us to meme on this then.
cc6e8e No.225486
Ty anon.
Ive seen it.
Knew what I was watching.
Interesting what they needed from humans to keep immortality going.
55ce1f No.225487
Any truth to the reports that Obama's compound was raided on Xmas day in Thailand. GOLD BULLION, MONEY, WEAPONS seized.
http: //www.someonesbones.com/blog/delta-force-raids-obama-stronghold-in-thailand/
This youtube channel reports a major sealed indictment in Nevada has been unsealed that is directly linked to the raid.
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i-kUfL9Vlc
Can someone comment if this has been confirmed or denied?
251ad1 No.225488
Not everyone keeps the divine in a box.
95cd0e No.225489
FAKE, Anon.
Go back now!
1e7628 No.225490
MUch less convenient to quickly verify. Especially when mobile fagging. Yes, it’s theoretically more secure, but in practice less secure since most people won’t bother to check.
241f11 No.225491
The new age lie is so easy to see through. Quantum mysticism and other luciferian philosophies. look harder, you're deceived big time. done with level 2 idiots for the day, you're no-where near awake, so you can't help here fuck off.
3f743d No.225493
i knew it, that was great lol
2f705d No.225494
Fuk yes… i’m a msslefag… LOL
OHIA Lil’Kim
drop a load
d8ade3 No.225495
Where can i learn more about the different levels of new ageism.>>225480
e6c321 No.225496
It was never confirmed.
10, [10-9]
Floor is yours.
Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]
10=J Remember 4,10,20 DJT
[10-9]=1 Jan 1st
Operational window 5-6pm Trump Secured
Trump Tweet Florida to Washington
Twitter account kill_rogue
Confine World Wide
Plenty of translations, don't be so rigid.
5d2e9e No.225497
465384 No.225498
Swastica is an ancient representation of the circumpolar starts fromn the northern hemisphere
241f11 No.225499
level 2 deception is simply the second level of lies the enemy traps you in. there are many layers to wade through to find the truth.
7e3c5e No.225500
That is amazing
bd4a54 No.225501
Ain't it, though? The Wachowskis have all kinds of shit in their releases when they were still brothers. I think that was the last release they had before they were made to transition or die.
db47da No.225502
The real Julian Assange account is @julianassange. The fake one is @realjulianassange.
0a9731 No.225503
God is everything and everything is God. When people finally understand that then they'll understand the absolute majesty of creation.
d4dc5a No.225504
These people are sick.
092572 No.225506
Is JA the White Rabbit?
a79165 No.225507
'10=J Remember 4,10,20 DJT
1 = A
241f11 No.225511
That's the lie the enemy sold you. Sorry, bullshit.
1c5005 No.225512
Can you blend in CNN and NYT news on Iran for example, complete fake news by omission on the protests.
Is the NYT credible?
Can you believe what it reports?
How did it report events in Iran?
How does it compare to social and alternative media?
Does MSM control the narrative anymore?
d8ade3 No.225513
So in other words it's some random bullshit you made up to feel intelligent. Noted. Thanks.
241f11 No.225515
Nope, it's simply a way to describe the effect of waking up a bit, and getting caught in a more complex lie. That's it. I know it's hard for people especially ones stupid enough to get stuck in level 2.
5d2e9e No.225516
Second pic maybe add something about trafficked kids?
e6c321 No.225517
Numbers in brackets have refered to time, days hours, etc. Marker [10] was 10 days. Q confirmed that.
8b6c8d No.225518
Better be past tense, with those kids outta the boxes into someplace warm, with food, water, bathrooms, fresh clothes, medical care and loving words.
0a9731 No.225519
I'm not here to try and convince you.
It is what it is.
304eeb No.225520
Sen. Tom Cotton: ‘We Should Support The Iranian People Who Are Willing To Risk Their Lives To Speak Out Against’ The Regime
d8ade3 No.225521
You sound like a level 12 Satanist.
I can make up stupid bullshit, too.
5d2e9e No.225522
Which one had the kids?
8fa687 No.225524
he is not a mask, its a dude.
and he is Q anon… so the slight relation to anonymous is logic. besides.. he looks cool.
will polish him up a bit tomorrow.
thread is done. just dump your lines in it.
cant really spare the ENORMOUS time to make an entire new caracter.
MIB Q seems ok to me. can also do US Marine anon. but will hv to do a shitload of digging. anyway. gotta go.
drop ideas in the thread for memes. we need to work FAST and HARD
091211 No.225526
8b6c8d No.225527
Evil cabal transports kids like their merchandise.
03fda3 No.225528
Hey guys, I remember a few months ago
!Q was talking about the Secretary of Transportation being escorted by Secret Service and why was that important.
Anyone else remember?
And then a few weeks ago didn't a Transportation Secretary die in small plane crash?
ded1df No.225529
Oh plz enlighten us with the rest of the levels so we might be fooled no more all holy one
Which is the level of enlightenment? Oh I ache for your wisdom
ae99d3 No.225530
Do what you gotta do, Anon. Take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, first, you won't be any good to anyone, so it's very understandable that people need to take a break. God bless you and all the Anons working 24/7. The citizens around the world are woke, and these criminals will soon face justice.
241f11 No.225531
Fuck your stupid. Filtered.
8fa687 No.225532
pls ppost it on the new thread. i can do anything and everything with him.
dream away. just dont have me make another caracter,. that takes a fucking shitload of time.
7e3c5e No.225533
Thanks Anon. Well stated
c169b7 No.225534
Oh my ..
what is weak sHillary?
5e1de6 No.225535
Yea it’s called Effexor / lyth /kpen
765ef1 No.225536
You were sold a lie. The word holy is a translation of the Hebrew word qodesh, which means set-apart.
f4a9ea No.225537
Wrong. That was their excuse though.
7e3c5e No.225539
e6c321 No.225540
10 & [10].
12/7 – 12/17.
Concourse F.
Terminal 5.
Private_operated plane (OP)?
12/7 12+7=10 12/7 to 12/17 10 days.
DELTA Private Jet Tail # DPJ47
5d2e9e No.225541
I was horrified !!!!
cc6e8e No.225545
How much Sci-fi becomes real before people wake up..
Im awake myself but still groggy.
Apologies for shittin up the bread.
But not a whole lot happening.
Seriously tho Abraxus Companies.
Oil, Data Management, Intel, Childrens Psyche Centers.
For Bored Autists.
5e1de6 No.225546
0d8813 No.225547
Rig for silent running.
5d2e9e No.225548
Oh shit! Doc tried that on me once, half a pill, made me feel Homicidal
0a9731 No.225549
Or PTSD. I've had it and you can go into real psychosis totally reliving a memory as if it's real.
Scariest fkn shit I've ever gone through and it's worse than the actual event.
cd1ca5 No.225550
Notice the crickets. Fumb Ducks blindsided. er uh wha
5d2e9e No.225551
d8ade3 No.225552
304eeb No.225553
Nice, you sly anons.
7e3c5e No.225554
dd234c No.225556
so Q was a larp i have to say it was well played tho.
aea4bc No.225558
Truth out dot org article Dec 28 2017 how Dick
Cheney…created NK nukes crisis…go dig!
Potus tweet Florida to Washington (D.C.) Dick Cheney.
ae99d3 No.225559
Yes, Anon, the evil cabal transports kids like merchandise. A while back I found a Patent registered by a guy named Armando Podesta back in the 1950s. The title is "PODESTA METHOD FOR THE SEALING OF CONTAINERS BY MEANS OF PRE-CURLED METAL CAPS."
Now I'm not saying that Armando Podesta is related to the Podesta Brothers (John and Anthony) but he might be. I just find it coincidental that someone named Podesta has been inventing more efficacious ways of transporting things on ships since the late 1950s. It may be worthwhile to research the Podesta family a little further, to see what their connections to shipping are these days. . . .
A link to the archived Patent (link split) is available here: https://archive. is/p9Knm
03fda3 No.225560
Niggers won't riot.
1. Too cold
2. Too lazy
3. No getting paid to do so
They know cops are back and Obamy is gone
ab3b14 No.225561
Queen another one bites the dust.
https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=rY0WxgSXdEE
<iframe width="678" height="509" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rY0WxgSXdEE" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
5d87ed No.225562
The Rothschild's are LOSING this War. And the Iranian regime is oppressive to it's people and fund terrorists and N.K.. So whatever this "Soros" bullshit is, forget it
5d2e9e No.225563
Look at date at bottom!!!! It’s dated for TOMORROW
251ad1 No.225564
I've studied human religions for over 30 years. They're all "lies". Yours is no better than anyone else's in that regard.
44a7a9 No.225565
Gosh so many comments now compared to before.
Before people started saying that Q's code was cracked.
Almost like some CPU power just got shifted from CRACKING to POSTING.
5d2e9e No.225566
Thanks!!!! Sharing those!!!!
c99c86 No.225567
Nope, i took the screencap and in UTC+1 we're already Jan. 2
dfdd88 No.225568
Planefag here…Regarding Gitmo - Fire Watch stand a few breads ago (I use reference to Fire Watch lightly) that US players will be tried and detained on US soil here in the mainland. International offenders get Gitmo or Diego Garcia. I don't take FW's word for it solely, but logic lends itself to this idea and I tend to subscribe to it.
03fda3 No.225569
Thank you
Looking backwards
And talking about shipping containers
Ron Brown comes to mind
Clinton had him done
http:// www.wnd.com/2004/09/26786/
5d2e9e No.225570
Yes I know where your coming from!
92c3c1 No.225571
Is that a picture of Michelle Obama?!
47b3c2 No.225573
Suspect this is screencap from someone in Europe/Asia/Africa in a timezone where it's already 1/2/2018.
CLUES: The translation link right above picture as well as the format of the date
5d2e9e No.225574
Oh cause here in USA it’s Jan 1
0a9731 No.225576
This dude? What's it about?
a379e1 No.225577
There was also a Podesta that survived the Titanic Crash, wonder if it was relation to him.
5d2e9e No.225579
0a9731 No.225580
Thought it was. Good shop tho.
304eeb No.225581
Never did til now.
Intelligence Solutions - Abraxas - Cubic Corporation
www.cubic. com/Global-Defense/National…/Intelligence-Solutions-Abraxas
Intelligence Solutions – Abraxas. Who we are. Abraxas is a division of Cubic Global Defense and is committed to supporting our world-wide mission with service, technical, and training programs across a vast array of Intelligence and U.S. Government organizations. …
5d2e9e No.225582
Got a question for the veterans here…. did any of you get a debriefing before leaving the military? I didn’t. Someone told me that was because they can recall me anytime…
8f85cf No.225583
Still looks like Michael
0a9731 No.225585
c770ce No.225586
While youbwait for Q….
You have right here the best global intelligence group ever gathered. Make some quick goals and go after it. Figure out one thread go to the next. But throw out bullet points for lads to tackle themselves as you go? Bake your own bread for now
e6c321 No.225587
Put a cap in Hillary. Use a Maverick missile.
Meme away
56aa01 No.225588
Currently monitoring reports from multiple sources in South Korea regarding the buildup of Chinese troops & military hardware along the DPRK border. Supposedly, Chinese citizens told that "Trump to hit North Korea in the New Year, we are preparing for war on the peninsula." 1/2
We are working to confirm the accuracy of these reports and will post further updates regarding this situation as necessary. 2/2
https://twitter.com /DEFCONWSALERTS/status/947997006504562688
139d7a No.225589
Steve Spinner was a DoE loan advisor for obama’s 09 stimulus act. He was principal in getting $539m loan. 2 yrs later company bankrupt, leaving taxpayers with bill. Solyndra own $800m in real estate.
2c52b9 No.225590
Who ever is the nihilist in here i have a questiin. Do you think any of this matters? Globally and locally (that is you personally).
8efe05 No.225593
We should look into people pushing for this stuff, they might have ties to the people were looking into.
7e3c5e No.225596
I started digging after your first post. >>225545
1f0ce3 No.225597
Can fault him for being a whining bitch though. We may have thought that but, we're out of diapers. Maybe his mommy will come tuck him in.
a379e1 No.225598
Found a new mike pic,lol
5390bd No.225599
0a9731 No.225600
Hmmm why did user ID dd234c delete their post >>225542 ??
5d2e9e No.225601
d8ade3 No.225603
Most of the people described as nihilistic here arent really nihilists, they just have a different, mostly misunderstood perspective on things.
d188ac No.225605
You would know the answer to the recall question if you were in the military. This looks like a dox attempt.
48d0a3 No.225607
for dinner i meant
2c52b9 No.225608
Reguardless, answer the question.
73114c No.225610
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
“Fly Feces Fly”
Taco Bell “Belluminati” video posted on Philadelphia Eagles youtube channel.
12fd6d No.225611
It reads a bit amateurish.
cc6e8e No.225612
Yes. Good Job Anon.
Oh theres other intetesting companies as well.
Great sauce.
I think ownership or name may have changed recently on Cubic. Thought I saw it in the news but cant remember.
139d7a No.225613
Was this the Q post FDeltaC25-26?
d8ade3 No.225614
Do dreams matter while you are experiencing them? Yes. So yes, as long as you perceive yourself to be here, it matters as much as you think it does.
d6380a No.225616
PTSD sucks, I have really vivid nightmares.
Sometimes sounds can make me feel sick to my stomach or even throw up.
304eeb No.225617
Would you happen to know where I can find the current list? Someone was keeping a list… Might be meme material….
95cd0e No.225618
139d7a No.225619
Ok thanks. Just trying to catch up again.
03fda3 No.225620
Who's this?
The guy who made the AI?
5427c0 No.225621
faggot shill nigger jew kike
8b6c8d No.225622
How about the EO on human trafficking and executives resigning.
How about a Justice saying even the SCOTUS is going to look into sexual misconduct.
You thinking nothing can be happening-POTUS has been playing golf.
Cabal has been messing with the world for centuries, you want it fixed in three months, and televised in a 90 minute made for TV Bruce Willis/Liam Neeson movie. Not gonna happen that way.
4e9a61 No.225625
thats a fake account
03fda3 No.225626
3afbc8 No.225627
Bans are in the post.
It's good for us all to see what's happening on one hand, however on the other….
Fair warning.
50b11b No.225628
Nicely put, anon!
Job well done!
cc6e8e No.225629
Ty anon.
Im a nobody.
I appreciate your time.
Abraxas is an eye opener for sure on many levels.
God Bless Patriots
Autists you are deeply appreciated.
You Glorious Bastards!
7e3c5e No.225630
Great work Anon! Good digging material
7e3c5e No.225631
Eye opener for sure.
c8db66 No.225632
That's a real ad campaign they're running?
What the fuck did I just watch?
f4a9ea No.225633
>!Q was talking about the Secretary of Transportation being escorted by Secret Service and why was that important.
Didn't find anything like that in any of Qs posts. He did mention the NYC Dept of Transportation, on a completely different post he led us to discover the Sen Grassley had additional protection, and also (completely different post) that Sara Carter and John (can't remember his last name right now), both reporters, had security.
But nothing whatsoever on federal Secy of Transportation anywhere.
c8db66 No.225634
Whatever it was, it didnt make me want Taco Bell
c8db66 No.225635
Mike's getting fat.
304eeb No.225636
Nah. Mine were made weeks ago and put on the memes thread back then. Co-anon was reading the thread ahead of me and told me about the container news so I pulled them out of my archive. I can do keyword searches on all 8ch memes through late Dec. but anything more recent I don't have though.
246647 No.225637
Can't keep track of plane crashes they are happening so frequently…..
this one out of Westchester County NY
https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/01/01/world/americas/costa-rica-plane-crash.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur
611b7d No.225638
Yes, and the KJV translates it like a title or pronoun more often than it probably should.
This hits the nail on the head.
Each of the seven forces of Elohim would effect systemic, national regeneration at the appointed times in the history of the people of Jacob.
Each time, the natural need for social renewal would appear as conflict in their way each time, as first taught in Jacob's struggle at Jabbok.
We are now in the seventh and final such struggle.
b6ecbe No.225640
Or, did someone associated with the board delete the post?
Is this real? What do we know of Prof. McGovern? Any connections to Trump, Hillary, etc?
5d2e9e No.225641
I knew I was under recall if needed, but am now 100% disabled, they wouldn’t call me back now would they? Things have changed a lot in the last 39 yrs s8nce I got out
e4a8f8 No.225642
c8db66 No.225643
But faggots, niggers and jew kikes (redundant much) are a real problem to real people. I disavow.
d7b523 No.225644
A little better. Self taught and learning
0a9731 No.225645
I don't get nightmares but yes they are memories and yes sounds and smells can trigger it.
People get PTSD when they've gone through a traumatic event where it's nearly killed them - a kind of shock. So it's typical with soldiers and police officers. Also happens to people who've been in car accidents, victims of attempted murder or suicide.
You can be going about your normal day all happy and something will trigger the memory and boom, the PTSD kicks in.
I've gone into full psychosis where I believed I was back reliving that memory and the scariest part is in the back of your mind, you know it's not real but you can't control it.
I don't wish upon my worst enemy.
b94118 No.225646
Guys don't give up hope because we haven't heard from Q. Keep digging and researching. Check the news and compare to map. Just look at current state of things, IRAN and now Pakistan mentioned heavily by trump twitter. This is ASIA. We are at that stage in the timeline on the map. SA-USA-ASIA-EU.
Swap is being drained and we will see this through. Just a concerned anon who has been here from the beginning. seeing the state of things lately I think we just need to focus.
b6ecbe No.225647
The crash was in Costa Rica, was well reported yesterday. Some of the passengers were from Westchester County NY.
5d2e9e No.225648
No kidding, couldn’t have said it better
12fd6d No.225649
satan just means adversary
b2d394 No.225650
Some of the info is wrong
Disney is not buying News Corp they are buying certain assets of 21st Century Fox. These assets will not include Fox News, Fox Sports, or the Fox broadcast network. They are mainly buying assets of the movie studio
5390bd No.225651
Where did you get this?
95cd0e No.225652
You are deluded, if that is what you think, anon.
48d0a3 No.225653
i think they has code named obama geronimo
just to add insult to osama/obama
ae99d3 No.225654
Very interesting lead, Anon. I had not heard that a Podesta survived the Titanic. In light of what Q revealed about the Titanic, I believe it would be interesting to check out the Podesta who survived, particularly if it was a healthy male passenger (given that the lifeboats were supposed to accommodate the women and children first). Great idea to dig on this.
a379e1 No.225655
http://www.thegoldwater .com/news/14874-Trump-Orders-Deployment-To-Gitmo
For newbies.
8c859c No.225657
Oh you just outed yourself as a retard.
How embarrassing.
0de585 No.225658
9390d2 No.225659
abraxas is a pretty close match for baphomet. twinning. . .Y symbolism. . .double headed eagle.
ae99d3 No.225660
Thank you, Anon. Thanks for posting that picture from the Podesta shipping container invention. Lots to dig in the database of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, in my opinion. . . .
12fd6d No.225661
adversary is what the Hebrew word satan means. I was not evaluating whether he is or isn't.
f4a9ea No.225662
>current list of politicians resigning/declining to seek re-election
There was a thread in the catalog, did you check there?
03fda3 No.225663
>>225576 Who/what? Sauce?
06abbf No.225664
Didn't he just win a seat in government for something?
241f11 No.225665
Already covered a while ago. It should be archived already, the passenger was named John Podesta, and was actually crew, not a passenger.
bc6658 No.225666
I still have not seen a source for this or anyone able to make the connection between Fat Leonard and 9/11 other than the investigation being started following 9/11. But huge if this pans out.
d716cb No.225668
0a9731 No.225669
No idea. That's what I was asking the anon who originally posted but they deleted the original post. Now I'm suspicious.
I got a screen cap of his post before he deleted it.
See the thread here.
No idea anon. See my comment above to the other anon who's inquiring.
cc6e8e No.225671
I didnt stumble upon Abraxus rabbit hole on my own.
I once showed kindness to high level illum trying to (breaking the chain.)
He woke me on some things.
Im grateful to be here with all of you
"Conspiracy Nuts"
We all bring different gifts to the table.
574fa9 No.225674
I started thinking, besides CEOs that have resigned what about the ones that have died in office recently. CEOs could be what I call 'murdicide' or taken out from illness to accidents. They know too much, just like the Clinton's have a huge body count behind them. What about CEOs that know too much and aren't completely 'in the club'..
Well,,,, there are a few that have passed recently. Huge Corporations too!
One just happened last night, a fortune 500 company.
http://money.cnn.com /2017/12/31/news/compass-richard-cousins-plane-crash/index.html
The CEO of one of Britain's biggest companies and four of his family members were killed in a seaplane crash in Australia on New Year's Eve.
International catering firm Compass Group (CMPGF), a Global Fortune 500 company, said Monday that CEO Richard Cousins, died when the aircraft crashed in New South Wales.
Compass, which reported annual revenue of £23 billion ($31 billion) for its most recent financial year, specializes in providing catering for schools, prisons and multinational companies.
It operates in roughly 50 countries, employing more than half a million people.
CEO of CSX just died.
https://www.cnbc.com /2017/12/16/csx-ceo-hunter-harrison-has-died-wsj-says-citing-sources.html
Dec. 16th
CSX CEO Hunter Harrison has passed away at age 73, the freight rail company confirmed in a statement Saturday.
"It is with great sadness that we announce that E. Hunter Harrison, President and Chief Executive Officer of CSX, died today in Wellington, Fla., due to unexpectedly severe complications from a recent illness," the company said.
http://money.cnn.com /2017/10/03/technology/business/paul-otellini-obituary/index.html
Intel former CEO Paul Otellini died in his sleep, no cause was ever given.
https://nypost.com /2017/12/03/golden-krust-ceo-killed-himself-over-tax-debt-fears-of-probe/
Possible murdicide for this guy. Killed himself this last month. Wonder if it was a fed investigation into child trafficking instead?
The founder of the Golden Krust Jamaican beef patty empire killed himself amid fears the feds were investigating him for evading millions of dollars in taxes, The Post has learned.
http://www.ketv.com/ article/sam-taylor-1961-2017/14519803
Oriental Trading Company CEO just died this last month.
Taylor joined Oriental Trading, a Berkshire Hathaway company, in 2008. He gained national attention when he appeared on the television show Undercover Boss in 2012.
Those are a few… seems there are transportation, technology, Asian, immigrant/feeding/ciminals companies involved.
Those are all type companies you need for human trafficking… if you think about it.
I may be jumping to out there ideas… but are they really? The one from last night is a super big one and a seaplane crash in Australia….hmmm….
fcce43 No.225675
Congrats, you've caught up to 6 days ago.
5e1de6 No.225676
Ever thought about the meds compounding the symptoms? Sounds , smells , colors. To much stimulation of anything will drive anyone crazy. Are they really trying to fix the veterans at the VA or are they trying to feed the M&M’s (mess&money) to them and send them on their way? When they hospitalize for PTSD /TBI do they just stabilize or do they treat? Why 23 veterans a day ? Why not even that many die every day down range…. seen legit !
c3ed9f No.225677
from my mother who recently passed. i'll post more next bread, it's relevant to the overall mission here.
these people are sick.
b76b4b No.225680
Jew Kike
8070b3 No.225681
This is interesting. Does that say “Q has a life of its own”? AI meaning?
ae99d3 No.225682
Thank you very much, Anon. I sometimes peruse the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office databases (both Patents and Trademarks). I am a little too buried in real life work to do much digging at the moment, but perhaps some of the Anons here with a bit more time could start digging more into those two databases. If you go to the Patent & Trademark Office website (split link here: https://www.uspto. gov/) you'll find the databases are pretty simple to navigate. I just started running some of the names we all know through the "Inventor Name" section, etc., etc. It's tedious work, but who knows what we could uncover (because once you hone in on a patent you'll see who else was involved in the application). From there, sometimes you'll find interesting research papers related to a given invention. This is how I dug out info on AdrenoMONE (the real-life drug derived from mammalian pituitary glands, not to be confused with the mysterious AdrenoCHROME). There are no coincidences. . . .
205000 No.225683
Generals Kelly & Flynn with a deeper history What's the original sauce of this?
59ba8a No.225684
c8db66 No.225685
Sounds like Gitmo's about to get some new "high profile" inmates.
a79165 No.225686
Fuck off! I was responding to someone else's post, Faggot!
0a9731 No.225687
Dunno. I was asking the same thing but the anon deleted their post. I got a screen cap of it tho.
See here in this thread.
95cd0e No.225689
We thank the baker for preparing to bake.
f4a9ea No.225690
Searched for UniqueID: bmoPncCb on 4plebs
4 posts total. Note the date Nov 6, 2017, right after the election.
No mention of the source of this report at all.
Link to this anon's first post in thread:
3afbc8 No.225691
Lots on Podesta/Titanic on this research thread.
Titanic >>106
cc6e8e No.225692
On that i dont know.
I do know Abraxus has legs made of snakes. Head is a rooster or Cock.
5ff889 No.225693
Enty @ CDAN has dropped 35 reveals today (so far), something big is coming to Hollywood.
ae99d3 No.225694
OMG, thank you. We need a laugh from time to time. I just taught myself how to make memes in Microsoft Paint last night. Haven't done any yet but when I have a free moment I plan to get cracking on some memes. . . .
50b11b No.225695
Naa, just MS-13 and associates, along with a few lowly targets.
The high value VIP targets they won't risk putting in there with the lower ones and possibly having a riot or jail break or some stupid shit.
They'll take high value target out to sea, where they have no escape.
dcc733 No.225696
Here's the original image, FWIW.
bc6658 No.225697
Take it with a grain of salt.
1969c8 No.225698
You make filtering fun
0a9731 No.225699
Dunno. the anon deleted his post. It is a single character tho.
5390bd No.225700
Interesting. Seems some posts were deleted from archives as well.
40d2df No.225702
Nice work, but one small edit to second to last sentence: "People are more resilient thAn you think."
424c86 No.225703
Susie Tompkins Buell, a long-time Clinton donor, paid celebrity lawyer Lisa Bloom $500,000
Effort was to fund security, relocation and possibly a 'safe house,' for women who might 'find the courage to speak out' against Trump
Clinton operative David Brock also gave $200,000, through his nonprofit group, to Bloom
Bloom told The Times that despite the $700,000 donations, the effort was never successful - none of the women they approached ever went on the record
5427c0 No.225704
where is this from?
d716cb No.225705
"Moves the camera well for a 2000 year old director"
5427c0 No.225706
where is this from?
0a9731 No.225708
Thx. I grabbed it too >>225600
It's even more mysterious now the original user deleted the post. Hmmm
72f941 No.225709
Field McConnell/Abel Danger has a real bone of contention with
the patent ofice and iss rounding up a group of retired
military to go to the office and demand …something.
he claims that Great Britian basically hijacked our patents back in the late 1800's.
Check his vids, but remember…he wanders alot.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=k9WX_gMC5GM&t=5417s
03fda3 No.225710
Nope,believe it's someone trying to insinuate that Q is an Artificial Intelligence program.
Perhaps we should call Monty at the University and check with him.
But there's his email.
On the other hand….
It could be a shill tactic.
Or it could be….a jack off that made an AI program and ran it on us called Q.
Anything is possible.
However, with Trump giving us signals and signs and coordination with his tweets.
That's one hell of a program and it can time travel.
Or it's a professor wanting to take credit for having made something he didn't. So he can sell some rubbish.
So….my guess…shill
Using the divide by causing doubt motivator.
9f79df No.225711
https: //math.washington.edu/people/william-monty-mcgovern
5390bd No.225714
Did you take a screen cap of just the image or the actual post? If it was just an image, I’d suggest making sure to get a screen cap of the actually post in the future
3afbc8 No.225715
The user was banned and their posts deleted by me.
>Ninth rule of /cbts/: Q is an AI talk is prohibited here.
Rulz: >>>/cbts/61918
No posts have been deleted from archives afaik. Proof or you know what to do.
f4a9ea No.225716
It would very interesting to plug these peoples names into Little Sis and see what comes up, how they are connected to each other or any of our other target people Q mentioned. >>216402
1d5d3d No.225717
IN LA on a TV show called Shah's of L.A.
dbdea9 No.225718
ahhh, this gives the "christmas (tree) decorations" some more context I think….
9f79df No.225719
any anon want to email Monty?
https: //math.washington.edu/people/william-monty-mcgovern
dbdea9 No.225720
I can give it a whirl…
9b59c9 No.225721
I think I'm under attack. They're using HAARP to gas me.
5427c0 No.225722
can we just have a thread dedicated to it?
seems worth investigating honestly.
0a9731 No.225723
KEK ok. cover your ears and eyes like a typical leftist snowflake cuz you can't handle anything that goes against your paradigm.
You obviously haven't reached the stage of wisdom which normally kicks in around 40.
c8db66 No.225724
Obama MUST be sent there.
31c4b2 No.225725
the force luke .
9f79df No.225726
can you share w/ us what the high level illum woke you on?
f4a9ea No.225728
>What's the original sauce of this?
Not mine, but I looked it up for the anons who showed interest, no one yet noticed I guess:
So you can read the posts and the entire thread to see what you find if you are interested.
4e9a61 No.225729
agreed , there is no reason to ban the second trip.
dcc733 No.225730
10-4. Was missing the bold red "USER WAS BANNED…" that usually clears up such conundrums.
Thanks Modanon.
246647 No.225731
9b59c9 No.225732
Suddenly having prrrrbbbffft unbelievable *pulls sweat pants back up* 21 second long, 4 octave prrrrrrrrfbbbbt gas attacks. Must be getting close to the truth.
6f62da No.225733
Opioid crisis, public health emergency
0a9731 No.225734
Okay thanks. That original user was talking about this guy.
c8db66 No.225736
Can you, can you turn him into a Space Marine? or make a Warhammer 40k themed one?
8b6c8d No.225737
Neither one of them is on our side.
18a41d No.225738
Read it. Searched names. No data.
246647 No.225739
I meme….. part-time plane fag….. dabble in research [mostly needed to support meme-ing] will leave McGovern addy to the other anons - thanks for the heads up with the addy though
dfdd88 No.225740
Might be nothing and I won't shit up the bread with more until it looks like something. All small jets on the same track and semi close group. From Boston, NYC, and CT. 6 aircraft.
574fa9 No.225741
I just started a thread of it's own for DEAD CEOs. I believe we should watch that list too.
dfdd88 No.225742
bdddad No.225743
MegaAnon post Re: Moore/Election fraud–
"Moore has enough to file his lawsuit against not only WaPo in civil court, but the state for voter fraud. You shouldn't be mad at me or anyone else that it's taking longer than you'd like, when following legal processes. You should be mad it even happened in the first place. I do t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, this shit shouldn't be happening at your/our expense.
Did you not see the Ala. AG try to throw away votes with that 2 day prior motion he passed, to do so?! Did you not see how the DOJ had to get involved and demand a stay against that action?! Why is this political bulldozing just ok with you?!
Let's put it bluntly, if this was just some poor attempt by Moore with nothing valid behind it, the admin. wouldn't let it continue. They'd have forced Moore to concede. End of story. Instead, they're letting the Moore campaign ride this out because successful rigging and fraud attempts/actions DO exist. Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass… just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing!"
0fbfc5 No.225744
Most children are flown in private or military.
Something else is in containers.
f4a9ea No.225745
I didn't read the whole thread so wasn't sure if anyone there had found anything, but thanks for looking. I guess that solves that.
I wish the archive here was as easy to navigate and search. Oh well, maybe in the future…
0a9731 No.225746
No. Let it go. The original anon poster was banned from the board. So leave that professor alone.
e4a8f8 No.225747
Please keep us updated on where they land
574fa9 No.225748
Whoa a whole bunch of them together… you do such great work tracking all these. It is so very interesting.
5390bd No.225751
Getting 404d for most of the archives for 12/21
162. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139686 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:41:11 161. 139686.PNG
163. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139691 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:42:17 161. 139691.PNG
164. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11034208.html#11068694 12/21/17 (Thu) 11:49:19 non-cbts 11068694.PNG
165. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139761 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:50:26 161. 139761.PNG
166. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11034208.html#11068701 12/21/17 (Thu) 11:52:12 non-cbts 11068701.PNG
167. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139784 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:53:33 161. 139784.PNG
168. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139792 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:54:58 161. 139792.PNG
169. https://8ch.net/cbts/res/139594.html#139851 12/21/17 (Thu) 17:01:03
6a298f No.225752
Think P_pers had to do with Julian Assange tweet.
8f85cf No.225754
Interesting Tick Tock
https:// twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/948005291274194944
5390bd No.225755
Sorry forgotten to break the links
1f0ce3 No.225756
Missing an S there at the end.
8623c7 No.225758
Check out dear monty's FB page… here's a pic from there, along with a charming one of the OBombers…and a tasty anti trump convo. not real value yet.
https:// www.facebook.com/monty.mcgovern
f2d361 No.225761
308002 No.225762
You sir get a cookie.
091211 No.225763
whoa, nice work, anon. sad these folks are compromised. Celine has angel voice, never liked her old husband/manager. looks like starting young she never had a chance.
d716cb No.225765
Nice find.
9f79df No.225766
765ef1 No.225767
He's not deluded. The idea that satan and devil are one and the same is pure vanity.
d8ade3 No.225768
Looks like you've had a little too much to think.
5427c0 No.225769
doesnt seem like, his predictions are on point.
424c86 No.225770
Meme-worthy, stat!
865f56 No.225771
f4a9ea No.225772
>I just started a thread of it's own for DEAD CEOs
Oh good. We'll see what >>225720 comes up with and if anything good, post it in there.
These >>216402 can yield an enormous amount of data on a person, group, org or business. (also in the research resources thread)
Best part about here is no b& for posting publicly available info.
65df7c No.225773
They have released an upgraded bot into CBTS . They have made some changes and are testing. They have/are deleting many things. Lots of what you see is them … it’s easy to see it work… you’d shake your head if you knew who was among them working on it.. well known to many here… voice prints would surprise. Tick Tock.
091211 No.225775
not worthwhile to me
71183d No.225776
b76dfa No.225778
424c86 No.225779
154dd7 No.225780
Holidays are over. Back to work.
3afbc8 No.225781
Feel free to make a thread anon, BO can decide to keep it up or not. If it's genuine anons looking into things I'm cool. We're under a bit of shillage atm, sure you've seen. It's nothing we can't handle, however we're being vigilant. Take your chances and see.
There are different types of bans. A straight ban (with no delete of posts) allows mods to write the red text underneath it. You see that if the mod decides to keep the post up.
The other type of ban is the 'Ban & Delete All Posts By This IP'. I use this because leaving shit up derails and distracts us and the shills get the attention they crave. Obviously there's a transparency concern with this, so it's used for obvious rule breaking and blatant shillery.
Hope this helps. YW and thanks to you all.
0a9731 No.225782
Maybe. You have to look at the context of the Q drops to see if it's related.
He also said it here.
Not sure if they're related to the AJ dump tho.
61652f No.225783
Dude, dubs and trips. Better by a lotto ticket
5390bd No.225784
ba7bbc No.225785
Yes I know. Never seen the blimp before. I like how the pattern looks. Keepin an eye on the area JIC.
e4a8f8 No.225786
Any evidence those 6 blocked planes go to gitmo?
574fa9 No.225788
AWESOME! I just love working with others as a team getting shit done and information out! It is Awesome! All the Anons on here that put the work in are amazing. We all have our strengths that are different that we bring to the table to make it a 'round' table of knowledge. Proud to be a contributing part of the community doing what I can do of research and ideas and others doing what they do.
Love it here and Love the Team work.
Great way to start 2018!!
a96e22 No.225790
Ha Ha Looksie
—FOX THREE Aviation Consulting—
"Your #1 Source for FAA Operational Flight Approvals"
I wonder if their special services include getting approvals for those who can't get approvals?
865f56 No.225791
0a9731 No.225792
I've noticed a lot of activity the past few days like they were testing or training?
7e3c5e No.225793
Kindness is most times met in kind. Glad it was for you. Thanks for the info that we can learn more about now. Please share more if able.
304eeb No.225794
Thank you for the tip, anon, but we are not finding that article on truthout.org nor by doing a web search for anything Dec 28, 2017 on Cheney or Korea from truthout.org
If you want digging, a more precise sauce would help.
8f85cf No.225795
I think the levee is about to pop
7e0931 No.225796
https://www.nytimes. com/2017/11/19/world/asia/south-korea-trump.html
https://www.reuters. com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-kimjongun/north-koreas-kim-open-to-dialogue-with-south-korea-will-only-use-nukes-if-threatened-idUSKBN1EQ0NJ?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+%28Reuters+World+News%29
Coincidence? Check dates.
af5704 No.225797
where is this from?
139d7a No.225798
The Stunning Truth Proving The FBI and DOJ Corruption Will Come Out…
http://archive. is/TbM1U
765ef1 No.225799
The law of first mention is really only a heuristic, i.e. an adversary is a role, it doesn't describe the nature of the being that plays that role. In the book of Job, Satan had a reason to act.
8b6c8d No.225800
Interesting summary of a book, "The Origin of Satan".
www .equip.org/article/the-origin-of-satan/
2ca33e No.225801
Not in MilAir fuckwad. Way easier to do it via civilian air than MilAir.
dfdd88 No.225802
>Any evidence those 6 blocked planes go to gitmo?
I wouldn't bank on it, but I really don't know anything. I think this Anon might be on the right track.
5e1de6 No.225805
560115 No.225806
Growing up I was taught that the military shouted 'Geronimo' as they jumped out of planes. I had assumed when Q posted the word 'Geronimo' it was saying he/they/we were jumping down the rabbit hole.
23a25f No.225807
Something about the
reminds me of this song & didn't the MIA have a similar chorus?
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas,
Everybody's looking for something.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Hold your head up
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
0de585 No.225810
They seem know some things.
c3cca1 No.225815
<Prayer Request Thread
154dd7 No.225816
In some cases, the V thing was probably just a pose suggested by the photographer. Not all.
7e0931 No.225817
POTUS back in Washington.
Weather forecast -> Stormy.
fe624f No.225819
==Is anyone baking==? I can do a quick one if not i guess
0a9731 No.225820
I just don't want to see everyone go into rabid lynch mob mode before anything's been confirmed. Like that chrissy teigen shit. Nothing was confirmed and twitter went nuts on her over nothing but circumstantial shit.
It does nothing but give us a bad name and makes their accusations of Qanon valid to the outside world.
f4a9ea No.225821
Coordinated, focused weaponized autism is virtually unstoppable. :)
The more we focus and coordinate, the more quality output we can produce, that's what POTUS and our country need.
You don't have to break internal links.
There are old Q posts from here that are archived but links go right to it, for example from Dec 04:
(general #38)
The images are not "sticking" even with a direct link to them, for example
also Dec 04, yields a 404
Modanon or BO can you help explain this? Tell us how to access them and keep the records correct?
[I have linked to old graphic compilations of Q's posts and need them to be available and correct]
Thank you
865f56 No.225823
Patriots, fill this bread to about ~751, then move on.
Others, hold on. Word is that Hillary Clinton will be making a guest appearance here shortly. Hang back and tell us all about it afterward.
Fill this bread, anons.
Patriots make the dough rise.
af5704 No.225825
definitely anon, go to pizzagate on voat. they are all over it.
50b11b No.225828
I guess reasoning fell upon deft ears?
c99c86 No.225829
Error in the number, 267 not 266
139d7a No.225830
560115 No.225831
SEA_TO_SHINING_SEA are the words in America the Beautiful