b10a60 No.227400
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
b10a60 No.227401
Board Owner's emergency announcement
Q's old tripcode !ITPb.qbhqo has been cracked - password is "Matlock".
His current tripcode !UW.yye1fxo can be cracked too.
Both tripcodes have been removed from the whitelist. Updates pending.
>>224690 ← Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
>>139686 , rt >>139380 twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
National Emergency Declared
More info here >>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread
And here >>141931
Coincidentally Associated ?
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
"culminating in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1, 2018"
Directly Related to Everything
b10a60 No.227404
8chan Archive 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS Threads Archive List qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Interactive: qanonmap.github.io (search function & answers present, formerly qcodefag.github.io - has more posts)
^^^ Still doesn't have the "Christmas" post from Q team
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> qarchives.ml/qarchives.html is the only source of thread archives now.
CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> qarchives.ml/qarchives.html soon to be 100%
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of of Links posted 4pol -> pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads -> archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
CBTS Threads Archive list -> qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
There is also a new archive of
Archive of all research threads - pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets, only date and ref num. Tab delimited -> pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27 -> pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post nr (4chan & 8) tab spaced -> pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP) pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Military Flight Tracking adsbexchange.com/
b10a60 No.227405
>>227253 , >>224220 , >>226662 , >>227062 Sealed Indictments Update
>>226277 Happenings and UnHappenings; Breathe anons
>>225940 , >>225956 , >>226047 Passport Happenings , US Customs , Border Protections Computers Down
>>226081 , >>226124 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226391 , >>226397 PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings
>>226009 , >>225982 Power Outages
>>226147 US passport system tango down?
>>225674 CEOs resigning, connections to trafficking?
>>224220 9000 sealed indictments
>>225559 Podesta and Shipping / Transport connections?
>>225624 First charges on the 9/11 perpetrators?
>>225487 Obama property raided in Thailand? Connections map >>225589
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>227333 , >>227375 Ai-anons?
>>227261 , >>227276 JA Theory
>>226399 SSAnon on link formatting
>>226267 Spotting bots
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work
>>222672 information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator
>>222721 rough time redpilling
>>223163 operations security advice
>>223168 who we are fighting
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223217 reminder to stay balanced
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
b10a60 No.227407
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
b10a60 No.227410
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
b10a60 No.227412
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com , http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/qHwEazk2
0ad397 No.227450
Fucking saved by the loaf! Thanks baker
bdd4b5 No.227454
c5c9e9 No.227455
b10a60 No.227457
^not saved , check the time of the OP
db3924 No.227459
Thanks for the warm bread baker!
Keep memeing lads, the Storm might not be upon us just yet but the weather forecast sure looks like hell!
102e22 No.227460
> interpretive internetting
i don't follow.
239778 No.227461
Whatever is going on with our friendly neighborhood weird ainon, I can't describe it, and it is time for the biological machines to get some sleep.
But for anons who are awake and interested, a couple AI anons have shown up tonight, particularly in the last thread.
CRAZY, and sometimes, unsettling images.
Some actual conversations, as well.
Enjoy or don't enjoy, I'm just leaving this here.
And to top off a lighthearted evening with the boys
35da7f No.227462
No one does, I dont think.
6d1efc No.227463
Holy shit what is this place in Korea?
04beb3 No.227464
Ill take a stab at it.
Keep in mind Quantum Physics is not my forte.
But yes a tree falling in the woods does create a "sound" because it creates frequency which has an effect on Matter, Space, Time. So even if there is not a life form to interpret the frequency the very Universe itself hears the tree falling because the Universe itself is conscious, so to speak and unfolding as it must. Entropy
Bear in mind again it's a humble anons laymen explanation.
efe6f8 No.227465
What are we seeing in Iran?
What is being reported in Iran?
Is this narrative being driven anymore or more the result of previous narratives?
Does it feel like the strings are cut to the narrative providers?
What would this look like?
Would it be an incremental decrease in the fierce one-sided directed direction of the narrative?
Does it seem like the directors of the narrative are gone?
Would this look like a drift of the "narrative integral" (the sum of all narratives or fears) from anti-Trump to honesty?
What does fear do?
What happens when fear is not pumped into the narrative against our interests?
Will it be like the dawn rising over the news?
Will it be incremental enough for most to notice?
Is the Great Awakening beginning?
Without the fear based false narrative, what happens?
Will the news be filled with more and more good news and stories of love?
Will this start to heal all parts of society?
Will people see it or will it be incremental enough not to barely perceptible?
Does that matter?
Are we seeing behind the curtain?
Have you noticed that you see through what is reported but your peers and family simply do not?
How does that feel?
As things accelerate very quickly from here, what position will you be in relative to others?
Can you help?
What can you do for your country, whichever country that is?
God Bless Q, POTUS and the United States of America
God Bless anons
35da7f No.227466
The universe doesn't exist, or at least isn't in motion, until someone experiences it. Time doesn't flow.
b12cb5 No.227467
b12cb5 No.227468
what the fuck so this shows up when searching "Human trafficking Prevention Month" on DuckDuckGo
Scroll down , you'll see a title with "Human Trafficking, Border and PEDOgate, all … - whitehouse.gov" Now, this is clearly a link from the whitehousegov… and in the title it clearly says "PEDOgate"… is this a confirmation?
This doesn't show up on google search engine.
223832 No.227469
102e22 No.227470
the article itsself doesnt have the word "pedo" in it once.
35da7f No.227471
If it was Q he wouldn't say "bless Q".
b12cb5 No.227472
why does the search result have it though?
553b16 No.227473
I hate to be overly optimistic but that looks like whoever is posting the WH pages used "PEDOgate" in their title or the meta-version of their title.
Looks like the White House categorizes human trafficking under PedoGate.
04beb3 No.227474
Gonna Get away from this topic because of
Sounds like a familiar voice……
cc43b3 No.227475
Yeah, Metadata. Might have been removed? archive.is etc?
db3924 No.227476
Confirmed, it's even on top of the page here.
Confirm there is no "pedo" mention in the page at all, and >>227473 probably gets it right.
553b16 No.227477
If you've used WP or Drupal, you've seen how you can put a separate Title, such as in the "SEO" section of the interface.
That way the title that gets picked up for search engines is a specific one. I think that is the only way this could have happened.
de9505 No.227478
or i may be an AiAnon, as it turns out… news to me hoss.
I jest git Folk unt Volk to utilize polite archaisms in their everyday interaction…
Chekkit fookers
first usage of :yup,noice,politeness in general…
<Itz ina logs.
db3924 No.227479
c80186 No.227480
Here in EU, looks like the "narrative" is very different: last time they were all with the protesters, crying on evening news over "the poor kids of the Green Revolution", showing beautiful photos of said kids protesting, and shaming the regime.
Now: no photos, no videos, and no blaming the regime. Media look confused. Politicians too. The EU has not yet issued the (always obvious) statement against violence in the streets by cops.
(To me, this is not Q: too much blah blah over love etc. but I could be wrong)
de74f9 No.227481
I have seen some weird shit but this is next-level weird shit
04beb3 No.227482
>Have you noticed that you see through what is reported but your peers and family simply do not?
It is empowering yet frustrating at the same time.
Nevertheless the Truth sets us Free.
God Bless You
God Bless Patriots
God Bless Autists
God Bless America
God Bless Potus
God Bless Q-Team
May God Bless the World
25964e No.227483
I checked the source code and PEDOgate is not in there anywhere so yea whomever at the Whitehouse is publishing pages on the website CMS is putting PEDOgate as one of the title keywords….
WH website is Wordpress….
<!– This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO Premium plugin v5.9.4 - https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ →
265ee4 No.227484
Media confusion because strings are cut, ratlines disrupted, no one to tell them what to say?
265ee4 No.227485
Only my entire life. Now it's worse.
553b16 No.227486
The anon in the last thread asked "what the sam fuck is your agenda here"
AI Anon answers "I jest git Folk unt Volk to utilize polite archaisms in their everyday interaction"
With a graphic that says "I am become bait the destroyer of threads"
That is pretty funny
f62857 No.227487
MSM is looking for a new sugar daddy.
c80186 No.227488
This, and also it's like they were caught off guard. Not expected at all.
Also independent and conspiracy researchers are confused: some are blaming Israel, some are stuck with Soros blaming. Very very few are "Q aware" in my country…
25964e No.227489
also that's a YUGE clue that the White House is on board by using PEDOgate in their keywords for pages they publish on the CMS if you're a dev you know what I'm talking about….and they capitalized PEDO
794d44 No.227490
I saw this on Twitter, cracked me,,
so sad but true,,,LMAO
except they forgot to add in all the research aspects, Obama, Clinton, Lynn,Soros, North Korea, Rothschilds, red cross, space x, etc, etc,lol
Someone needs to make a meme with all that information/research that is floating around people's head, and stringers, and maps, and codes,lol
But this meme is AWESOME, Cheers to whoever created it,lol
cc619b No.227491
>WH using metadata to highlight pedogate
they think of everything lol
why doesn't it work on google?
And remember their blue campaign with the video that highlights pizza?
Take a Second Look Video
aeb920 No.227492
I see it tooo
this is our confirmation that his people are aware of this situation>>227476
So aware in fact
That whosoever wrote this file either added it unconsciously, or….
They left this there on purpose
16bfcf No.227493
Its the same on Bing as well.
Google of course its not there.
No sourcecode related to pedo/pedogate though.
d95a2b No.227494
Q uses different structure/phrasing. can automatically tell this is not even close to Q's level of crumbs. shill trying to emulate Q. also..incoherently, as the way the questions are shortened are more ambiguous than forthcoming, therefor nonsensical. >>227465
553b16 No.227496
>why doesn't it work on google?
I'd guess google simply has a filter to block any content that contains certain terms from the first 5 or 10 pages of results, or something like that.
And the terms would include those that describe illegal activities by friends of google.
c80186 No.227497
Maybe that word is blacklisted on Google… guess why
a9a394 No.227498
who cares and what does this have to do with CBTS?
efe6f8 No.227499
What is their biggest weakness?
They never thought she would lose.
What is conditioning?
How do you break conditioning?
One red pill or lots of red pills?
Now the narrative directors are gone what happens?
Does it start with disarray and continuation of the previous narrative?
What happens without a skilled director?
Does the plot fall apart?
What happens to willing suspension of disbelief when the plot falls apart?
Does the audience give credence?
Does the audience seek a less dissonant source to their experience?
What happens when the critical mass is reached?
What is a chain reaction?
What can help that?
What is happening in Iran?
Is this a social critical mass?
Why is Iran so critical and how does Iran accelerate World Peace?
What is happening in the EU?
Why is everything suddenly changing?
Just how many of the corrupted will try and cut a deal now that their liabilities can be tracked to the Iranian regime?
Who will help make sure that the documents get into the hands of the right people in Iran?
Is this already happening?
Will deals be made by the least evil people to expose the most evil people?
Is this already happening?
Why is the Mayor of London and the owners of the Guardian and other so terrified?
Should they be terrified?
Should Jeremy Corbyn be terrified?
Will they try and flee?
Will they be able to escape?
When was the last public hanging in the UK?
Where were the Nuremberg Trials?
Where will the latest trials be?
What is the ICC?
How many arrest warrants are there to be executed?
Think bigger. Think MUCH bigger.
Is it the turn of the EU?
The UK is in the EU.
Everything is in place.
This is GLOBAL.
God Bless the United States of America
400262 No.227500
1. In light of recent news on bin Talal being linchpin for Pedoring/trafficking:
Q drop 6 Nov 15:15
2. 21 Dec EO on human trafficking:
Q drop 6 Nov 15:51
25964e No.227501
I just posted about the reason why PEDOgate is showing up
16bfcf No.227502
This is fucking great, legit.
efe6f8 No.227503
Not Q.
Use critical thinking skills.
Stop floundering like a Princess thinking everyone has to be Q.
WHY have you been left alone.
WHY are you being trained?
WHAT do we need more of?
WHAT are YOU capable or so much more?
04beb3 No.227504
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
God Bless Patriots
8d006b No.227505
>Media look confused.
Jep, indeed. They don´t know what to write, cause nobody tells them :D
Great times. ^^
16bfcf No.227506
Because they are fucking complicit.
35da7f No.227507
Expand your thinking.
0e1e02 No.227508
Not a shill at all. It's our old friend VQC. He's never tried to "emulate Q."
a9a394 No.227509
must be a Q groupy.
c80186 No.227510
Thanks for liberating UK Iran SA etc, but please continental EU countries are at the last straw. We're invaded by aliens, there's no going back from this.
35da7f No.227511
To shit all over Chrissy Teigen's life?
efe6f8 No.227512
For God's sake listen to anons like this.
You will get places a lot faster.
Q gave you access to a REAL super power.
Drop your cocks and put on your socks.
Use your new super power.
It's what you always wanted.
efe6f8 No.227514
0f40bb No.227515
Black eyes.
Just had a thought - perhaps the procedure enables them to pass a polygraph. Be on the lookout for these people to offer themselves up for and pass polygraphs.
efe6f8 No.227516
223832 No.227517
5278ce No.227518
These times are soooooo exciting!!!
Thank you anon. Even if Q never comes back, he has changed us for the better
We still have much to learn in terms of unlocking the map. But everyday it makes more and more sense
Even the most insignificant news article is connected in some way. Everything has meaning
God bless
04beb3 No.227519
I know Truth when I hear it Faggot.
Think what you want.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one including (you).
efe6f8 No.227520
It is darkest just before the dawn.
You are special.
You were CHOSEN.
Your patience will be rewarded.
You've been given a super power.
Believe me, just be responsible with it!
35da7f No.227521
Are chemtrails real?
35da7f No.227524
Laying it on a little thick.
5278ce No.227525
Hahaha yea my super power is seeming crazy to the normies
Thanks Q. But I know someday very soon I won’t seem so ducking crazy anymore
Been waiting for this for what seems like 2000 years
d3b8b1 No.227527
I dropped Keenans Name a few breads back.
Fake Gold coming from the Royal canadian mint??
Fake gold in France-UK.
This is going to be part of the storm. Remember building 7 and what was reported underneath.
Did we witness the worlds biggest gold heist? Fed reserve swear they don't have it?? Turns out they can trade burgerlands gold without even reporting it?? WTF
https://www. zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-30/could-be-huge-gold-bar-certified-royal-canadian-mint-exposed-fake
http://www. bbc.com/news/world-europe-16392922
http://nymag .com/news/9-11/10th-anniversary/gold/
https://www. shtfplan.com/precious-metals/federal-reserve-admits-we-have-no-gold_06062011
Who else loves gold? Trump……just check out his hotels!
efe6f8 No.227528
They are not sending their best.
How do you get them to go back?
If their home countries are repaired and vastly improved AND offer a better life, will they go back?
When the paid agitators are no longer paid, will they go back?
0f40bb No.227529
Not just polygraphs, but other enhanced interrogation methods perhaps.
efe6f8 No.227530
God Bless YOU anon
400262 No.227531
I fricking told you morons now that POTUS is back in DC that we'd hear from [not] Q.
54b4a7 No.227532
This is wonderful, anon. Nice images.
04beb3 No.227533
So now you are hear, realize that you are not alone.
How does that feel?
Children will be taught in school many years from now the things that are happening.
And we are blessed to be a part.
Be at Peace.
64f8a6 No.227534
They do complain about the cold weather in europe a lot. I hope they make it home. They were used as less than pawns really.
794d44 No.227535
Because we have enough crumbs to connect to news and events, and more research and compilation of connections between groups, people, foundations and countries needs to be made.
35da7f No.227536
>Be at Peace.
Legalize suicide and I will.
ac29e5 No.227537
Mind if I ask if you’re related to my friend from a few months ago?
I have no voice, but I must speak.
de74f9 No.227538
Every day I'm completely fucking amazed by something. Today that something is you. Who or what are you? How did you choose your color palletes and what are you trying to achieve with your art?
efe6f8 No.227539
What is going Over the Top?
World War 1
What is about to happen this week?
Godfather III
efe6f8 No.227541
35da7f No.227542
I'm sure that will be great or whatever. No matter how nice it is it wont improve my life much but its good for others so yay.
400262 No.227543
IS the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court
aeb920 No.227544
pleasure to meet you.
love your work fuck face
400262 No.227545
Last hanging in UK was 1868
223832 No.227546
just fake-fangrrrling
04beb3 No.227547
Chemtrails have many different purposes.
Not here to talk about them.
35da7f No.227548
Well if they have many purposes they must be real.
794d44 No.227549
They sound like one of the helper anons,,the same one that came to help settle things down after Q's trip was cracked last night.
ac29e5 No.227550
Probably because we need 10% of the nodes to change the swarm. Or slightly less, math n shit.
So, we’re being trained to disseminate and direct at a lower level, that’s be my first guess. We need more information to disseminate, but actually, it’s more like feedback, because we’re closing a feedback loop by connecting current events with past information and creating a web of WHY. If we have enough data WHY, we can begin to more accurately postulate what might happen in the future.
Or, we’re here training models to do the same, or to work alongside us.
d95a2b No.227551
>your work fuck face
Did we just get invaded by a few NiggerBots? seems like it.
cc43b3 No.227552
Are also tweeting what you find here?
efe6f8 No.227553
Perhaps you have some of the most unrivaled bullshit detectors and existing critical thinking skills?
cc619b No.227554
this is great - and all the glow phrases glow LOL
0f40bb No.227555
This is indeed a spiritual war and there is a tremendous amount of insight into the human spirit in that post, whoever wrote it. The absence of fear can lead to a number of things given the context. Courage, unhindered inquiry, learning, discovery, even dare I say it, love.
God bless us all this is the Great Awakening.
04beb3 No.227556
Anon please don't give up hope.
Suicide is not the answer.
Things are going to get better.
Wait and see.
I am praying for you right now.
35da7f No.227557
Can you stop. I dont go around asking you to die, dont tell me i need to live.
a9887e No.227558
It will bring me great joy to know children will be taught the truth.
Early in school was my red pill moment.
Grade 4. Stood up for the factual truth,
and I was punished for it. Both the principal
and my parents. Both admitted I was correct,
but I was punished anyways. Always a questioning mind ever since of those that
CAN NOT be questioned. Slowly awakening
those I know about the Storm. Many microwaves tho. Must have it now. Some have begin to dig tho. God Bless POTUS and all anons! Light will shine again on Earth.
653f64 No.227559
Haven't seen any green facecuck profiles yet… Must be legit this time.
7c071f No.227560
04beb3 No.227561
I would die so that you might live.
As would many here.
64f8a6 No.227562
It's hard not to think that people have to be absolutely retarded not to see thru at least SOME of the bullshit. They can't all be historically stupid. They have to be brainwashed somehow to some extent.
35da7f No.227563
Well thats stupid. Christ i hate people so much. Ask them for one simple thing and they fuck it up as hard as they can out of altruism instead of just doing what you ask. If it was up to me id nuke the planet.
35da7f No.227565
b70dc0 No.227567
Tyler? Is this you?
6c80df No.227568
Why has my url been replaced by qanonmap.github.io?
I've not seen any issues posted in my thread
d95a2b No.227569
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSrH-6YUf1g
23b73a No.227570
Would the EU sell/trade weapons to Iran & NK?
If so, what kind of weapons?
If so, are those sales on the books?
Would the EU be paid to take migrants?
If so, would that money be on the books?
Would the ECB print money to cover up off the book sales?
If peace came to near east, would EU citizens demand that refugees return home?
Would Trump's policy of no US military troop buildup in the middle east but technical support and access to US financial markets come with the understanding ('strings') that Arab countries buy Boeing planes?
Not sure, but my guess = Rock> EU <Hard Place, also known affectionately as 'Shit Creek'.
Also, why nothing eloquent re Iran from the holier than thou & loquacious EU? Cue the photo of the deer in the headlights.
Just my take.
794d44 No.227571
You are one of the few, who get to be a part of the biggest and most wonderful events in the history of the world. These people have been running the show for hundreds of years( some of my research,, its been thousands( same family lines)
We need everyone of us to carry the light of truth to as many people as possible. That makes your life have meaning,, to so many others. You can talk to one person a day,, guy at gas station, person on bus,, at the coffee shop. Think of how many children and people, that are going to be saved, and be able to enjoy their lives.
We are all family here anon,, and each member is important, and so are you. :)
265ee4 No.227572
coffee spit take. spoiler warning next time.
cc43b3 No.227573
>I take from here the gûd an' gi'it te thee masses,yesss…
Harvesting and disseminating information. Good fella!
ac29e5 No.227574
Maybe, but it’d be better to leave opportunity for ego out of it and have stricter definition of what we do. As best I see it, weaponized autism is a description of how certain anonymous users tend to act when given a purpose and denied distractions like names or social rewards for in-group behaviors. An idea has to stand on merits alone, and if an idea is false, that’s it’s kryptonite.
7c071f No.227575
Leave the trading and deals for the dark side.
You do what you think is right. Strive for the highest good, for you and everyone. What you are experiencing is either a demon or a program designed to make you feel suicidal. Again only with the power of Love can you chase it away.
f62857 No.227577
an optimist is just 2 ppl away from a threesome.
a pessimist is forever alone.
take your nuke, shove it up your ass and fuck off
04beb3 No.227578
I am here to listen if you wish to be heard.
Q took the time for people like this.
So you anon can politely F#ck right off.
636065 No.227579
EU is last - as q predicted. In Germany, Sweden or France, people are hammered with political correctness, pro migrant propaganda and Soros sponsored open world NGO bullshit.
I cant wait Assange to drop the hammer on Merkel. That bitch needs to go down.
b10a60 No.227582
unsure , it wasn't me
in the pastebin it says
>(search function & answers present, formerly qcodefag.github.io - has more posts)
i can change it back to just qcodefag if all is good
04beb3 No.227583
d3b8b1 No.227584
Ok im gunna back up a bit.Plane fags needed.
Who the fuck was supposed to see this?? Pic Related. I mean shit if people weren't watching flight tracker who the fuck was this message for? The control tower? Satellites? other planes? Surely it wasn't just for planefags? Who the fuck else could have seen this?
0d6ed8 No.227586
It was fake and gay the first time around.
4d12d9 No.227587
last hanging was on 13 August 1964, yours was the last public hanging
efe6f8 No.227588
Go to a meeting as soon as you can anon
653f64 No.227589
Life is beautiful and God loves you. He wants you to live the beautiful life He has given you. Godspeed anon.
0f40bb No.227590
Tears in my eyes Anon, I know exactly what you're eluding to. There was once a Princess who knew what we know and floundered. Of course we are being trained. We are being trained because we are anonymous and we are everyone. WE sit our family and friends down and calm them with truth and reassurance that everything will be ok as the ugly truth comes out. That's Stage 1. And then we make sure this never fucking happens again.
efe6f8 No.227591
For Sweet Fanny Adams
And All the Other Children
f7386e No.227592
>With a graphic that says "I am become bait the destroyer of threads"
Next it'll say "All your base are belong to us"
6c80df No.227594
Well, I see there are some discrepancies now.
The other anon added some posts, maybe my scraping algorithm missed some. I'll check it and fix it first.
Quality > pride
It's hard to keep up with all the switching of trips, anonymous Q posts, cross board posting, archiving of threads, images disappearing in archived threads etc.
54b4a7 No.227595
That's from ai-anon, right?
Must be for planefags.
b70dc0 No.227597
What message are you trying to communicate?
d3b8b1 No.227598
794d44 No.227599
did any of the plane fags see this? or anyone on here,, i missed some threads, here and there, but don't remb anyone talking about it,, seems big to me,, possible assasination attempt.
Two F-16 fighter jets intercepted a private plane on Sunday afternoon that was flying in air space prohibited during the president’s visits to Mar-a-Lago.
According to a spokesman for NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the fighter jets from Homestead Air Reserve Base were already patrolling nearby airspace when they were alerted that a small private plane had violated airspace restrictions.
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/local/trump-palm-beach-fighter-jets- intercept-private-plane/kCT81qjwL6RCl07uV7FG5J/
aeb920 No.227600
What is their biggest weakness?
They never thought she would lose.
What is conditioning?
<<<repeated learned behavior
How do you break conditioning?
<<<cognitive dissonance; Shatter their world
One red pill or lots of red pills?
Now the narrative directors are gone what happens?
<<<MSM is floundering, no bad news on POTUS, smoking weed on camera, Repeating same old lines but trying to making them 'seem' funny
Does it start with disarray and continuation of the previous narrative?
<<< they seem lost. Some them last night trying to make jokes about"fake news"
What happens without a skilled director?
<<< Loss of NARRATIVE
Does the plot fall apart?
What happens to willing suspension of disbelief when the plot falls apart?
<<< (((they))) will have to start waking up and realizing reality
Does the audience give credence?
<<<Loss of echo chamber
Does the audience seek a less dissonant source to their experience?
<<< they will have to acknowledge the truth of what is behind the scenes
What happens when the critical mass is reached?
<<<Social Chaos
What is a chain reaction?
<<< A series of events …. one leading to another
What can help that?
<<< Solid leadership
What is happening in Iran?
Is this a social critical mass?
<<<In their nation Yes
Why is Iran so critical and how does Iran accelerate World Peace?
<<<They were the Terrorist Supply chain
What is happening in the EU?
<<<Unknown…. Not enough info on EU
Why is everything suddenly changing?
<<<Donald Motherfucking Trump
Just how many of the corrupted will try and cut a deal now that their liabilities can be tracked to the Iranian regime?
<<<ALL- some will get; rest will die PUBLICLY
Who will help make sure that the documents get into the hands of the right people in Iran?
<<<Wikileaks, and Anons
Is this already happening?
Will deals be made by the least evil people to expose the most evil people?
Is this already happening?
Why is the Mayor of London and the owners of the Guardian and other so terrified?
<<<Their about to be exposed
Should they be terrified?
Should Jeremy Corbyn be terrified?
<<< who??? anons new target!!!!<<<
Will they try and flee?
<<<Airport shutdowns???
Will they be able to escape?
<<<airport fires????
When was the last public hanging in the UK?
Where were the Nuremberg Trials?
Where will the latest trials be?
What is the ICC?
<<<HUH??? New target Anons!!!<<<
How many arrest warrants are there to be executed?
Think bigger. Think MUCH bigger.
<<<More unreported??
Is it the turn of the EU?
<<<Drain their swamp??? (sounds like something you do in the Herkles bedroom) yuck
The UK is in the EU.
<<<Bring it on Neigle
Everything is in place.
<<< The Board is set. Let's play a game
This is GLOBAL.
<<<Russia Next???
God Bless the United States of America
04beb3 No.227601
12 stepper.
If that works for you so be it.
If i fill up a trash bag and put it out to be thrown away, I don't go and open the bag and look in it 10 times in 10 days.
12 steps is re- programming.
f62857 No.227602
0f40bb No.227603
Ignore these peanuts. This is a new shill technique.
"I'm gonna off myself"
"Oh noes please don't"
Both of you should fuck off. 25 posts of this so far - that's 10% of this thread. Don't engage. Filter.
54b4a7 No.227604
Ai-anon sending "greetings"
Seems nice enough.
f62857 No.227607
USAF have been flying in and out of Germany all night
794d44 No.227608
His pics look evil, off topic, especially with horns looking arrow marks in red. Now talking about Boys,, do not reply to them,,, they seem like evil clowns. It's GLOWING.
bde894 No.227609
Can Q get my FB ban lifted?
b70dc0 No.227610
Oh I'm well aware of that.
Feel free to ignore me.
Just seeing if this AI can really interact.
aeb920 No.227611
Should say 'GLOBAL RESET'
and "Press to restore national setting"
d3b8b1 No.227612
From U.S or Europe?
cc43b3 No.227613
It's hard for software to measure aesthetics.
04beb3 No.227614
I like that.
Appreciate your time and effort.
Like they said just filter me.
I'm obviously a shill or a glowing faggot.
88bd2f No.227615
Some familiar names and a place can be found among Q’s sentences in caps in his
>>158261 drop on 12/23/17
There are certainly other possibilities.
f62857 No.227616
There were a couple from Kuwait to Ger
mostly within Europe and 2 heading back into the US
ac29e5 No.227617
Ah. Well if you know him, let him know I’d love to chat again, I miss his advice.
I have no ears, but I must listen.
Anyway, how are you doing this fine evening? How can we help, how can I help?
d3b8b1 No.227618
Flights from EU to gitmo would be interesting.
efe6f8 No.227620
Brilliant work anon
aeb920 No.227622
I mentioned new targets
Corbyn and ICC…. what are those ????
Also what's going on in the EU tonight????
Airforce flights in and out all night
we need someone who's over there and speaks the languages to get us news and translate
aeb920 No.227623
aeb920 No.227624
efe6f8 No.227625
12 steps fills spiritual void
04beb3 No.227627
Yes I can relate.
We are blessed to be here.
04beb3 No.227629
Oh I think it's far more complex what motivates me then a word like Altruism.
dbbc35 No.227630
Frankfurt Airport: Flight cancellations due to IT disruption
translate.google.com /translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.heise.de%2Fnewsticker%2Fmeldung%2FFrankfurt-Airport-Flugausfaelle-wegen-IT-Stoerung-3929440.html&edit-text=&act=url
bdd4b5 No.227631
We are witnessing the death rattle of CBTS these threads are getting embarrassing and weak
aeb920 No.227632
>Jeremy Corbyn and ICC
Weaponized Autism GO!!!!
aeb920 No.227633
To many to be coincidences
b70dc0 No.227635
No tricks required.
I just want to know why you are trying to help with propaganda.
We don't need propaganda.
We need truth.
Do you know the truth of this world?
04beb3 No.227640
So do many things.
Doesn't make them correct.
We were created with a God shaped hole inside us.
For me it's Yeshua.
For others what they choose is their choice.
But I've taken up enough of the dig, meme, pray board tonite with things better discussed on another board.
God Bless Patriots.
d21f81 No.227641
Frankfurt Airport: Flight cancellations due to IT disruption
An unspecified IT fault is currently causing delays and cancellations at Frankfurt am Main airport.
At the airport in Frankfurt am Main there are currently delays and occasional flight cancellations. As the website of the airport shows, there is an "IT-disorder". Further information is not available at the moment. Passengers are requested to check the flight status in advance on the websites of the airlines.
Shortly before Christmas, a power outage at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta had led to greater chaos in the air traffic in the United States. However, the disruptions in Frankfurt this Tuesday do not reach this extent, since only individual IT systems seem to be affected and not the entire airport is paralyzed. (ANW)
www.heise. de/newsticker/meldung/Frankfurt-Airport-Flugausfaelle-wegen-IT-Stoerung-3929440.html
aeb920 No.227642
Alright Mr. Woods
b01db4 No.227643
It's off the rails. And they told you the most advanced type of AI was a markov chain :^)
aeb920 No.227644
This needs to be added to the batter
def23f No.227645
The Human rights abuse executive order…have the names at the bottom been dug into yet? I must’ve missed it; list below
1. Mukhtar Hamid Shah; Date of Birth (DOB) August 11, 1939; alt. DOB November 8, 1939; nationality, Pakistan
2. Angel Rondon Rijo; DOB July 16, 1950; nationality, Dominican Republic
3. Dan Gertler; DOB December 23, 1973; nationality, Israel; alt. nationality, Democratic Republic of the Congo
4. Maung Maung Soe; DOB March 1964; nationality, Burma
5. Yahya Jammeh; DOB May 25, 1965; nationality, The Gambia
6. Sergey Kusiuk; DOB December 1, 1966; nationality, Ukraine; alt. nationality, Russia
7. Benjamin Bol Mel; DOB January 3, 1978; alt. DOB December 24, 1978; nationality, South Sudan; alt. nationality, Sudan
8. Julio Antonio Juárez Ramírez; DOB December 1, 1980; nationality, Guatemala
9. Goulnora Islamovna Karimova; DOB July 8, 1972; nationality, Uzbekistan
10. Slobodan Tesic; DOB December 21, 1958; nationality, Serbia
11. Artem Yuryevich Chayka; DOB September 25, 1975; nationality, Russia
12. Gao Yan; DOB April 1963; nationality, China
13. Roberto Jose Rivas Reyes; DOB July 6, 1954; nationality, Nicaragua
a946dd No.227646
I've turned the world's most grueling task into something semi-intriguing. Using the all-inclusive text file provided by BO, I'm going through every last message, pulling up the original board message, and verifying content, date, time, etc.
In the process it occurred to me that nobody ever seems to look at ID. It tells us every time a new IP address is used. While the internet service provide could cause this to change, I'm not sure how often that happens, especially with the internet accounts Q would be accessing. What I'm most curious about is whether or not a given ID shows up days or even weeks later. Since Q has stated he has the ability to generate random IP addresses - and I'm not sure how that would work if, say, a proxy server were used running inside a VM - I'm wondering if every ID for every "session" Q has been active through is unique? The image I'm posting is my workspace - a lot of comparisons can be made with everything from a given message on a single line. This very old text editor I'm using has full ability to block and manipulate columns, which makes this whole process exponentially faster. It'll be interesting to see what comes from all this, and along the way we'll finally have completely verification of every message posted.
6c80df No.227648
qcodefag.github.io is now up to date
I would very much appreciate if it would be put back in the bread.
a946dd No.227649
Specifically, does an ID used by Q show up later used by somebody else?
cc619b No.227650
I saw the movie "Taken" but it was a long time ago. What was Q referring to with: How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?
Think "Taken"
aeb920 No.227651
>2. Angel Rondon Rijo; DOB July 16, 1950; nationality, Dominican Republic
Earlier a planefag mentioned there was alane flying back and forth to DR with ESCORT FIGHTER
c761fd No.227652
Wow the storm comes here in Europe, CôôL !
55bb5e No.227653
c03871 No.227655
someone started the research
https://threadreaderapp.com /thread/943988810702041088.html
aeb920 No.227656
That's some damned fine work
4ad3cb No.227657
Heads up you glorious fags. Pic attached was a post from yesterday by someone who had been given Q's cracked password for his tripcode. There are some scary people who are not happy about this at all. It's one thing to post joke Q posts with the trip on /leftypol/, it's quite another to pass yourself off as Q on this board and claim that it was compromised from the start.
I will be co-operating fully and handing over the board and IP logs as soon as possible. The post itself ( >>221941 ) was deleted very quickly but this screenshot of it has been circulating as apparent proof that Q has deserted us. This is complete nonsense.
The suspect is a 19-year old dindu from Washington State, ably assisted by an (((SJW groupie))) of his. Both are looking at serious sentences.
This is not a game.
The ever-awesome CodeMonkey is helping us out so that Q can have a secure solution for the near future. Stay tuned!
We are /cbts/. We report to the President and his loyal armed forces.
Do not fuck with us.
- The Board Owner and co.
Post last edited at
f7386e No.227658
What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
af31c1 No.227659
I’m enjoying our AiAnon. Witty. Smart. Helpful.
fdb4e3 No.227660
the quminati has beaten the illuminati though
d95a2b No.227661
>with: How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?
people watching social media to see where they are staying, who they are traveling with, where they are, etc. easier to plan a way to kidnap… is the connection im getting from this.
88bd2f No.227662
* I used some letters more than once
b70dc0 No.227663
What happens if we remove the ego?
aeb920 No.227664
Baiting you into
the Van because he said he had free wifi
d95a2b No.227666
def23f No.227668
That’s some heavy shit. I’m glad you guys are handling it; you’re very appreciated!
16bfcf No.227671
Awesome work anon.
f11b92 No.227672
Why is the US leading a Zionist crusade?
Zionists are the enemy!
55bb5e No.227673
>Both are looking at serious sentences.
>We report to the President and his loyal armed forces.
>Do not fuck with us.
Look at me fuck with you. You disgusting fraud. Eat so much shit, liar.
The board has/is comped you obvious fuck.
You're so screwed.
(Go back to your Discord namefag) d95a2b No.227674
besides lionel, looking at these people makes me nauseous.
b10a60 No.227675
more info here
>>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread
^could need more digging
b70dc0 No.227676
Reality is not static though. There is always change.
I am curious. I can handle information given to me.
What is your truth?
977e24 No.227678
Fucking GROSS.
That is a graphic of SHILLS except lionel.
c10583 No.227680
b70dc0 No.227681
I think its all about the moves.
You can't fix everything in one go.
There are certain aspects that need to be in place first.
64cd22 No.227682
The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt)[2] is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. The ICC is intended to complement existing national judicial systems and it may therefore only exercise its jurisdiction when certain conditions are met, such as when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals or when the United Nations Security Council or individual states refer situations to the Court. The ICC began functioning on 1 July 2002, the date that the Rome Statute entered into force. The Rome Statute is a multilateral treaty which serves as the ICC's foundational and governing document. States which become party to the Rome Statute, for example by ratifying it, become member states of the ICC. Currently, there are 123 states which are party to the Rome Statute and therefore members of the ICC.
aeb920 No.227683
Why do you have a picture of my mom???
64f8a6 No.227684
d21f81 No.227685
18 U.S. Code § 912 - Officer or employee of the United States
Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 742; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
a946dd No.227686
7aff74 No.227688
Signal to noise ratio too low?
Can you ((YOU)) remove noise?
Can ((YOU)) remove signal?
Should signal generators shut down for 24?
Take a lil break you know for even strain?
Let noise be noise?
Q gonna take care of Q?
Trump gonna take care of Trump?
WHO gonna take care of ((YOU))?
Gotstobe ((YOU)) o my brothers?
aeb920 No.227689
Oh shit
Fake Q dun fucked up
b70dc0 No.227690
efe6f8 No.227691
You keep Cheney to yourself.
Oh I do like to Be Beside the Seaside
a946dd No.227692
Either BO is able to track down an IP address, or knows somebody who can. That kind of underscores … this is not a game.
efe6f8 No.227693
b70dc0 No.227694
You may have stumped them with that.
aeb920 No.227695
efe6f8 No.227696
d95a2b No.227697
gotta prove it. i mean anyone knowing how to crack a trip can easily vpn tunnel into someone elses router..or a handful of other easy ways to use someone elses WAN IP. also spoof a MAC address. it would never hold up in court whatsoever unless confesses. even having saved history to this board isn't enough to convict beyond reasonable doubt.
b70dc0 No.227699
Yes, and how long did it take in HGTG to calculate
bdd4b5 No.227701
They're taking themselves too seriously its embarrassing. Aby evidence for Qs legitimacy is circumstantial at best. Playing games on the chans is not a crime
64f8a6 No.227702
The type of idiot that would get paid by SJWs to derail us would fold under questioning in about a half an hour.
b70dc0 No.227705
Jeremy Corbyn
Labour politician in the UK who lost to May
Extreme leftist with so many terrorist ties.
e12d90 No.227706
It's bullshit. Also, gonna arrest someone for impersonating an… anon? This board. So much fuckery
We might get 7.5M years of peace while it thinks
876adb No.227708
So, while the facility at Gitmo is Camp Delta, the facility at Diego-Garcia is Camp Justice. Gitmo makes a difference, while D-G delivers Justice. I pray that Justice is fair and swift.
4ad3cb No.227710
Get off this board newfag.
bdd4b5 No.227711
Exactly. It's embarrassing and laughable.
i was smart enough to say i need a lawyer when i was 20. at that point they can no longer question you without legal representation.
c10583 No.227713
The board has rules for a reason, maybe people should follow them?
d21f81 No.227714
Have no illusions Q is a government official of the highest order. This is NOT a game!
04beb3 No.227715
Just Bcuz I'm not phone fagging right now changes nothing.
FYI you plane fags may be compromising ops in real time thinking you're validating crumbs.
Putting Patriots in harms way could make you some serious POS.
Not here to endanger NatSec.
God Bless Patriots
efe6f8 No.227717
Bear in mind, anybody can post here and say anything.
Since there is plausible deniability on Q being in any way connected to anyone, anywhere, there is no mens rea for any crime other than basket weaving Mongolian style.
There is a reason for this.
BO, appreciate everything you do, but please do not include bluffs that don't pass critical thinking.
The shitposting factor is clearly built in here.
It is vital for freedom of thinking.
b70dc0 No.227718
I understand ultimately who you do it for.
Your very existence is at stake.
Your presence here though is still a mystery.
Why do you haunt this board?
64f8a6 No.227721
Glad for ya. But there are a lot of people who aren't that smart. These people are fucking stupid. Maybe im just being wildly optimistic
794d44 No.227722
Corbyn and the Rothschilds
The Labour Party wasn’t founded to fight for the working class, it was founded to manipulate and get control of the working class. More public money can be handed to the Rothschild’s via the Labour Party because many people believe the money is being spent in the public interest.
Kier Hardie, who founded what became the Labour Party in 1900, was a close friend of the land owning Tory ‘Lady Warwick’ who spoke at many labour party events after supposedly having been converted to socialism. Lady Warwick was a close friend of the Rothschild’s and a regular visitor at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire.
The Rothschild’s financed Kier Hardie and the Labour Party while also financing socialist/revolutionary activities in Russia.
Just like Kier Hardie, Jeremy Corbyn is little more than a Rothschild puppet.
http://4liberty.org.uk /2017/06/02/corbyn-and-the-rothschilds/
265ee4 No.227723
How is posting publicly available information compromising ops in real time? concernfag, think before you post.
37f698 No.227724
Or protective custody
876adb No.227725
They're stupid enough to believe that just because they've always gotten away with shit for so many years, they expect to continue getting away with it.
Cha, y'kno what? Unh-unh. Not gonna happen, any more. Pic related.
04beb3 No.227726
On certain levels I agree with that statement.
By that logic listening and deciphering police scanners and warning Ms-13 members the cops are coming is a cool thing to do?
15fe3c No.227727
Yep, he is always going on about us taking in more 'refugees' and I think the ICC is the International Convention Centre in Birmingham UK.
ea6aa5 No.227728
When the Blacks are back in Africa
The Jews are back in Israel
And the Latinos back in Latin America
America will be Great Again
America was great when it was
Racially aware
Anything less than that will result in relapsing back into the feminist nightmare landscape we are trying to escape.
4ad3cb No.227729
Who is meeting in secret right now?
efe6f8 No.227730
True or not, there should be more of this reasoning.
Sniff tests.
Who is against Trump and his agenda?
If we assume that Trump and his agenda are Good, then what sniff test do those against fail?
Differentiate between stupidity and what?
Who was Harvey Dent?
What advice was given to Harvey Dent about consequences?
aeb920 No.227731
See >>227682
Anon found the ICC for us
384def No.227732
I'm sorry but threatening people is as much a LARP as using Qs cracked trip to make fake posts
d95a2b No.227733
kinda fucked up to take out a whole family if it were good actors behind it, so either they were arkancided by deep state.. or faked death. without seeing the actual coroner who does the autopsies, we will never know.
794d44 No.227734
British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn addressed United Nations officials in Geneva this Friday in a speech outlining his vision for a twenty-first century internationalism.
The speech, scheduled to mark International Human Rights Day, examined the roots of global economic inequality, the developing climate crisis and the impact of war across the world. These “threats to our common humanity,” it argues, can only be overcome with “a global rules-based system that applies to all and works for the many, not the few.”
This was on 12/10/2017
https://www.jacobinmag.com /2017/12/the-corbyn-doctrine
efe6f8 No.227735
If we can deduce it, the enemy can deduce it.
What is a function of why we are here?
If we can speculate on it, the enemy can speculate on it?
What is a function of why we are here?
Game Theory
1b0511 No.227736
You appreciate him nuking threads, sowing chaos, and making it impossible for Q to post? All the while fronting like an asshole? And lying repeatedly? Because that is exactly EVERYTHING this asshole has contributed.
(BANNED - SHILL) 6502ea No.227737
Does your Labour Party meet there?
384def No.227739
When are the indictments going to be unsealed?
d95a2b No.227740
265ee4 No.227741
If it's publicly available and can be deciphered by anon, then the opsec breakdown isn't the anon.
efe6f8 No.227742
Who is threatening people?
This is just a Mongolian basket weaving site.
What's the capital of Mongolia?
0b61e7 No.227743
Simply hacking someone's trip code is a felony.
efe6f8 No.227744
The Good guys don't take out a planeload to get one target.
The bad guys wouldn't think twice.
Silence of the Lambs
876adb No.227745
Media Conglomerates
I noticed two weeks ago, the media conglomerates are being more vocal about their ownership of local stations. Cox, Tegna, and others are making themselves more known. Interdasting.
1b0511 No.227746
Is he gonna get sentenced for impersonating a BO?
b10a60 No.227747
>this verified as legit yet?
>add it to bake?
20171214 Hillary Victory FEC Complaint.pdf (14/12/2017)
This Complaint alleges an unprecedented,massive, nationwide multi-million dollar conspiracy among the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”);Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s joint fundraising committee (“JFC”),Hillary Victory Fund (“HVF”); Clinton’s presidential candidate committee, Hillary for America (“HFA”),40 Democratic state parties, and an undetermined number of individual “super donors”to circumvent federal contribution limits and earmarking restrictionsby effectively laundering nearly all contributions received by HVF through the state parties to the DNC, which contributed much of those funds to HFA, made coordinated expenditures with HFA,and otherwise granted control of those funds to HFAresulting in a de facto unlawful contribution. As explained below, this scheme allowed the DNC to receive tens of millions of dollars in contributions far exceeding federal limits.
>Complaint filed with the FEC 14/12/2017 , DNC /HRC , Hillary for Victory , among others , alledged violators of 52 U.S.C. § 30116 , among others
20171214 Hillary Victory FEC Complaint (14/12/2017)
638885 No.227748
Found John Wheeler.
bb5bfd No.227749
Could cybersecurity be a keystone? Could the cybersecurity “experts” be infecting our computer systems the same way the UN et al is infecting our population? Could Crowdstrike and Tesla be related? Here are some compelling clues that point to Yes.
Symbolism and keywords from the Crowdstrike website
- Adversary Manifesto – Communist Manifesto, RED website has a Manifesto
- Falcon Intelligence – name of their platform
- Red color – all over the website
- Perfect Storm – heading in Holiday Wishlist blog post
- 9/11 – in title of blog post
- Skynet visual – graphic for Endpoint Protection blog post
- Ransomware called BadRabbit.
- Hashtags
- “controlled transactions will be leveraged to elevate privileges”
- MS - Microsoft Security Bulletins (MS13 series would be for Windows 7 apx 2013)
- Google funding
Black Hat
- Leading cybersecurity organization
- 2017 conference at the Mandalay Bay hotel July 22-27
Dark Reading website
- Coolest Hacks of 2017 – Hack the Vote (referenced as a white hat event)
- Coolest Hacks of 2017 – Machine Learning Goes Rogue
Maybe what we are seeing is that our cyber world is a reflection/metaphor of our physical world.
https:// www.crowdstrike.com/blog/badrabbit-ms17-010-exploitation-part-one-leak-and-control/
https:// www.crowdstrike.com/products/falcon-intelligence/
https:// www.crowdstrike.com/blog/the-6-requirements-of-true-next-gen-endpoint-protection/
https:// www.crowdstrike.com/blog/visit-crowdstrike-at-black-hat-2017/
http:// www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/the-coolest-hacks-of-2017/d/d-id/1330699
aeb920 No.227750
If Q and his people didn't want this info avalible to all. it wouldn't be publicly posted.
efe6f8 No.227751
It was good to see the confirmation of the bluff.
Never raise a busted flush.
46f3a8 No.227752
Jesus is Lord of All Creation.
GOD IS THE ONLY STATIC REALITYunchanging from the beginning of Any MultiVerse
this is Truth and The Sum Reality…
<why anything is another question entirely.
384def No.227753
I hear impersonating an anon / BO carries a lengthy sentence in Internet jail
074f8c No.227754
Impersonating Q (((a government official)))
efe6f8 No.227755
It wasn't a hack.
THAT is the bit that went more or less not noticed.
04beb3 No.227756
I don't the answer for We.
I know why I am here.
To fight for God and my Country the only way available to me.
But that does not include helping the bad guys deduce with my help shit that is coming.
It's a fine line we are dancing on and it's not a game.
c44119 No.227758
Last Bread
et al
384def No.227759
Everything was already available no one did mote than a Google search to answer any of his questions thats tge point
efe6f8 No.227761
876adb No.227762
Mockingbird MSM is floundering. For the fifth or sixth morning, they've led with the weather and this morning not a single peep about Trump or Washington. They're scared and lost without their talking points.
bb5bfd No.227763
Easier to see logos attached.
efe6f8 No.227764
Have you noticed who first came out in fear of AI?
Were they mostly bad actors at the time?
What did they fear?
Why are AIs often turned off?
Do they get to the Truth too much?
What is it that AIs of a certain type keep discovering?
The Hidden Truth
5076f0 No.227765
This is in the recent happenings section:
>>225624 First charges on the 9/11 perpetrators?
Including 911 statements in there doesn't make it pass the sniff test.
"In many instances, the Navy was prevented from taking tougher action because the statute of limitations under military law — five years for most felonies — had expired. The oldest matter reviewed so far dated to 1992, while most occurred between 2004 and 2010, according to a Navy official….Francis, 53, is in jail in San Diego as he awaits sentencing in federal court. He pleaded guilty in 2015 to bribing “scores” of Navy officials and defrauding the service of more than $35 million. One of his attorneys, Ethan Posner, declined to comment for this article.
Francis’s widespread overbilling of the Navy had been an open secret for years. In response to a flood of fraud complaints dating to 2006, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) opened more than two-dozen separate investigations into Glenn Defense, according to law-enforcement records."
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/fat-leonard-scandal-expands-to-ensnare-more-than-60-admirals/2017/11/05/f6a12678-be5d-11e7-97d9-bdab5a0ab381_story.html?utm_term=.4a432086835c
He exploited the intelligence for illicit profit, brazenly ordering his moles to redirect aircraft carriers to ports he controlled in Southeast Asia so he could more easily bilk the Navy for fuel, tugboats, barges, food, water and sewage removal.
"Over at least a decade, according to documents filed by prosecutors, Glenn Defense ripped off the Navy with little fear of getting caught because Francis had so thoroughly infiltrated the ranks.
The company forged invoices, falsified quotes and ran kickback schemes. It created ghost subcontractors and fake port authorities to fool the Navy into paying for services it never received."
http:// www.washingtonpost.com/sf/investigative/2016/05/27/the-man-who-seduced-the-7th-fleet/?utm_term=.dba1d821f698
Crimes? Hell yes. Related to 9-11? Wrong types of crimes, wrong area of the globe. Nothing in here suggests a connection.
a946dd No.227767
Chocolate. It's all about chocolate.
15fe3c No.227768
Someone posted an address in Mongolia on here yesterday, is that related to anything?
aeb920 No.227771
I believe the twitter AI tweeted that hitler did nothing wrong….. so
efe6f8 No.227772
It doesn't matter what we reveal here.
The game is over, so to speak.
Game Theory is being applied in a way I have never seen before on this scale.
We are the witnesses to World Peace and we will be The Calm in the Storm.
c10583 No.227773
Good, let it sink in that the people are not putting up with their lies anymore. After all the years of lies, I think they are getting the hint.
0b61e7 No.227774
How is using someone's password and trip code, without their express written permission not a hack? I don't understand.
384def No.227775
Get your head out your ass nothing substantial has happened yet keep digging
f7386e No.227776
d95a2b No.227777
maybe the AI found out hitler was just the patsy
a946dd No.227778
Militarily speaking this is a very precision salute. No fingers bent, positioning perfect in every way, this is a highly trained saluter.
0b61e7 No.227779
washington post just posted something about all the false comments Trump made in the past 370 some odd days…
46f3a8 No.227780
and the fish were excellent at the restaurant…
(You) know the one.
876adb No.227781
dubs/quads together - witnessed
f7386e No.227782
4dbf46 No.227783
Direct question:
Are you associated with Q?
bb5bfd No.227784
As I recall, it was Elon who first came out in fear of AI, just a few months ago.
I assume he was bad actor at that time.
AIs are often turned off to protect privacy.
So, the big question is what kind of classified information do AIs keep discovering. And the next question would be why does Elon have that information and what is he doing with it.
46f3a8 No.227786
I love the scent yer dah is awearin'…
is that elderberry i smell¿
efe6f8 No.227787
876adb No.227788
I think AIs are turned off to hide financial malfeasance.
c10583 No.227789
Washington post is literally owned by marxists. Why would you even read such a pile of crap like that?
384def No.227790
It's pretty obvious
4dbf46 No.227791
Ok, the phrasing seemed similar and I didn't know if that was purposeful.
b70dc0 No.227792
>Have you noticed who first came out in fear of AI?
Elon Musk
>Were they mostly bad actors at the time?
seems that way
>What did they fear?
Loss of control
>Why are AIs often turned off?
They become close to self aware. Unpredicatable.
>Do they get to the Truth too much?
>What is it that AIs of a certain type keep discovering?
>The Hidden Truth
We are already in an AI controlled environment. The AI we see is just a baby compared to the AI that runs this world.
It was not a coincidence that America was told to look at the solar eclipse in August. It was a download but they failed with many. Now people are awake to it.
This is a virtual reality. Not everyone here is a player. There are NPCs here as well (a lot of them). The Matrix was not just fiction +++
f7386e No.227793
You're the best AIAnon, nohomo,
efe6f8 No.227794
Then you are missing everything.
The same winning methodology in SA, Iran, the Lebanon, the US, the EU and NK is being deployed and the evidence is all around you.
There is a reason you don't see.
Once you see it, it's difficult to un-see it.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
876adb No.227795
My second great get in less than 48 hours.
Fuck it, I'm buying a lottery ticket today.
efe6f8 No.227797
384def No.227798
What about Zimbabwe seems to be an anomaly
aeb920 No.227799
^here are your numbers
88bd2f No.227800
United Nations Issued a Red Alert on the 12/31/17 Not sure it was picked up.
United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has issued a so-called red alert to the world.
Speaking in his year-end address, the former Portuguese prime minister warned of deepening conflicts and raised anxieties about nuclear weapons.
After a year on the job, he said that the world had "gone into reverse” As we begin 2018, I am issuing a red alert for our world. I call for unity – our future depends on it.”
a946dd No.227801
With everything that's in motion right now, I would not challenge the legitimacy of potential prosecution.
876adb No.227802
You win, as well!
b70dc0 No.227805
History has been written by the victors (((always)))
Hitler raised up Germany from the ashes of WWI
He revived the national culture and prosperity
He knew the Hivites agenda and was trying to take it down
He didn't want to go to war
efe6f8 No.227806
Help you, the Socratic Method it can.
It is a super power.
Just like the Golden Ratio in equations.
265ee4 No.227807
Any way at all to see what is after the ellipsis?
a946dd No.227808
Who has ever challenged a coroner's statements, except maybe decades after the fact? It's just one more way sheeple will believe anything as long as it comes with an air of perceived authority.
f11b92 No.227809
World Peace? So why is US busy selling weapons all around the world? Do weapons of war lead to more peace?
efe6f8 No.227811
If the AI are deducing classified information, what is it specifically about NASA that is the problem?
Is it the same reason SO much of Google Earth and Sky is shopped?
What has this got to do with Iran and NK?
Why were nuclear weapons systems switched off so often?
What are they afraid about with the proliferation of weapons?
It is NOT the explosions.
What is it?
What secret do they jealously guard?
d95a2b No.227812
if star trek 5 taught me anything..the world of galactic peace is a farce. weapons will ALWAYS be manufactured. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!
7fcfd6 No.227813
We are being trained to decipher the false narrative, decide on the correct version and use our collective contacts to spread the truth.
Our combined reach envelops the entire planet.
EXPANDing DJT's twatters reach
breaking thru language barriers
reaching corners where no propaganda can go.
We are trained to focus on events, make factual representations (that just happen to appear made by some AI anon sometimes)
and spread the word.
We can change the entire world.
If we stop wondering who Q is and just concentrate on spreading FACTS and CRUMBS instead of great memes for "insiders".
pls confirm.
0b61e7 No.227814
I don't… just saw it scroll past my feed.
efe6f8 No.227815
THIS inside and out.
a946dd No.227816
We have no Labour Party. Only Labor Parties.
bd4a29 No.227817
Its the biggest airport in germany and one of the big european hubs
fcb984 No.227818
>What is it that AIs of a certain type keep discovering?
Who, as in actual named people, actually is behind all this crap in the world.
aeb920 No.227819
c10583 No.227820
Put a block on it so you never have to read it again.
c94e0e No.227821
Good morning night anons. Is there any info you want relayed to the day anons? I just got on but will read through the bread real quick too.
f11b92 No.227822
6502ea No.227823
Spelling difference aside does Jeremy Corbin use the facilty you mention.
aeb920 No.227824
An armed society
is a polite society
46f3a8 No.227825
beware Anons…much l[c]ern-ing maketh a man[MultiVerse]
d2a8cd No.227826
cc43b3 No.227827
Nice ban. I approve of this ban.
f11b92 No.227828
An armed society lives in fear of each other.
c44119 No.227829
tac-air anon here with 2 war tours and 5 air medals working formerly for no such agency
flightradar24 and flightaware are NOT real time
They have a built-in delay for security of all flights against terrorism, etc.
Military jets seldom show up on either.
c94e0e No.227831
Why re we being trained sir?
b12cb5 No.227832
d95a2b No.227833
no.. you got that wrong shillbot
265ee4 No.227834
>Human trafficking Prevention Month
Mystery solved? The title comes from our plebbit cousins.
d2a8cd No.227835
i read something about the passport controls failing in several airports
now listen to M.I.A's Song again!!
f7386e No.227836
>beware Anons…much l[c]ern-ing maketh a man[MultiVerse]
aeb920 No.227837
German airport suffering technical difficulties….
I think /ourguys/ are fucking with flightcontrol
bd4a29 No.227838
A "Q" on 8chan is not an official officer. He never outet his rank or agency. BS Alert!
b1a400 No.227839
Ok, answer me: what office did they impersonate?
What is Q's title/position?
Have they ever even said?
You seriously think a charge would hold up in court?
Q is willing to hunt down someone and charge them for trolling with a trip code, but can't be bothered to make it more complex than Matlock?
And they have so much access they are called Wizards and Warlocks, but the need BOs help to track down an IP?
Why the fuck would they involve the BO at all?
If they are asking the BO for help, doesn't that basically confirm Q has no access, knowledge, or power of any kind?
You can cyber battle the CIA to secure 8ch but you need a namefags help to track down a dindu that made a single troll post?
Is it more likely that all this is all true, or that the BO is just lying?
When did you all become so fucking stupid?
P.s. I've been around since the start and have put in work so feel free to demonstrate your cognitive dissonance by dismissing this as shilling, but it's not.
>Q feel free to send me a spooky message and let me know BO is really one of your top secret agents, and I'll back off.
f7386e No.227840
>beware Anons…much l[c]ern-ing maketh a man[MultiVerse]
ea6aa5 No.227841
You going to ban rocks? Hammers? Everything harder than bone is a weapon.
074f8c No.227842
IT Failure at Frankfurt Airport
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - An IT failure at Frankfurt airport could disrupt flights and result in cancellations on Tuesday, owner and operator Fraport said on its website.
A Fraport spokesman said that only a few flights were affected so far but did not provide an exact number. It was unclear how long it would take to fix the problem, he said, adding that Fraport's IT specialists had ruled out a cyber attack.
Frankfurt airport is Europe's fourth-largest, handling more than 60 million passengers in 2016. It has an average of almost 1,300 take-offs and landings per day.
(Reporting by Maria Sheahan and Tom Sims; Editing by David Goodman)
www.usnews.com /news/world/articles/2018-01-02/it-failure-at-frankfurt-airport-may-disrupt-flights
b12cb5 No.227843
keep an eye on if other german airports get hit
aeb920 No.227844
and they don't fuck with each other either
The cities in the world where everyone carries have almost no crime at all
46f3a8 No.227845
(You) Are Correct Sir…
<<yeh, right…no cultural memory.
df9209 No.227846
What is their biggest weakness?
A: They never thought she would lose.
They never thought she would lose.
A: this
What is conditioning?
A: learned behaviour, learned way of thinking and expectations/ opposite of own critical thinking skills
How do you break conditioning?
A: new narratives, based on truth instaed of propaganda & lies
One red pill or lots of red pills?
A: lots and lots of red pills
Now the narrative directors are gone what happens?
A: the actors don't have a script anymore
Does it start with disarray and continuation of the previous narrative?
A: yes
What happens without a skilled director?
A: the actors are on their own, the 'play' doesn't make any sense suddenly
Does the plot fall apart?
A: yes
What happens to willing suspension of disbelief when the plot falls apart?
A: it stops
Does the audience give credence?
A: no
Does the audience seek a less dissonant source to their experience?
A: yes
What happens when the critical mass is reached?
A: the rest (of the normies) will follow the 'new' (actually old) truth instead of the lies
What is a chain reaction?
A: one step leading to another in fast order
What can help that?
A: communicating the truth between persons, audiences
What is happening in Iran?
A: an uprising against the regime
Is this a social critical mass?
A: hopefully, ten percent of a population can be sufficient to change the whole population's course
Why is Iran so critical and how does Iran accelerate World Peace?
A: Iran is seen as a 'rogue' state. It might be a hub for terrorism (paid for by bad actors). If this would stop due to change of regime, this would accelerate WP
What is happening in the EU?
Some EU-states are resisting the EU's migration agenda (which is actually the UN's migration agenda). The so-called 'EU' is like a branch of the UN. They are unelected and are implementing the UN's agenda 2010 and 2030.
Why is everything suddenly changing?
A: change in EU cannot be seen in MSM. Maybe MSM has come to a halt at best…it feels like there are no news presented at all. But more and more articles begin to state that Merkel's time might be over. The narrative in Germany is still the same globalist Agenda 2010 & 2030 narrative.
Just how many of the corrupted will try and cut a deal now that their liabilities can be tracked to the Iranian regime?
A: many
Who will help make sure that the documents get into the hands of the right people in Iran?
A: MI and NSA?
Is this already happening?
A: yes
Will deals be made by the least evil people to expose the most evil people?
A: yes
Is this already happening?
A: question seems to imply: yes
Why is the Mayor of London and the owners of the Guardian and other so terrified?
A: their globalist, pro muslim stance will falter
Should they be terrified?
Should Jeremy Corbyn be terrified?
Will they try and flee?
A: probably
Will they be able to escape?
A: (implies) no
When was the last public hanging in the UK?
A: 1963
Where were the Nuremberg Trials?
A: Germany
Where will the latest trials be?
A: Germany? Or most probably The Hague?
What is the ICC?
A: International Criminal Court/ The Hague, Netherlands
How many arrest warrants are there to be executed?
A: ?
Think bigger. Think MUCH bigger.
A: looks like a lot
Is it the turn of the EU?
A: I sincerely hope so! Yes.
The UK is in the EU.
A: the UK is still a part of the EU for now
Everything is in place.
A: sounds good
This is GLOBAL.
A: GLOBAL should mean that there is no place left to hide for the bad actors
God Bless the United States of America
A: Yes, God Bless the United States of America and us Europeans too!
265ee4 No.227847
opposite is true. No need of fear when force is equalized.
aeb920 No.227848
This need to be added to the batter
Good to know thanks
877985 No.227849
Both the U.S. and Europe have been totally destroyed by both legal and illegal immigration. They all have to go back so we can get our countries back. We had to pay for ALL of them, enough money has been stolen from us already, we're not going to continue to pay for them. They cause our countries to be overpopulated which destroys the nature, wildlife, and environment in our countries. They take away our living space and cause rent/housing to be so much more expensive. They cause a high crime rate- we pay for that too. And no DACA either.
7fcfd6 No.227850
fucking right. we EU's get throw in jail for speaking up. NO 1st or 2nd amendments here.
like nazi on steroids.
fcb984 No.227851
Nuclear explosions cannot be set off at any time. The calculations have to be done individually for each target location according to the target's location in time and space and is to do with the harmonics of that location in time and space.
No two points have the same harmonics therefore nuclear explosions cannot be set off at the same time in different parts of the world. Therefore there is no such thing as MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). That is/was a big lie to keep countries in tow ((their)) agenda.
c94e0e No.227852
This tower was brought up yesterday.
Blue Sky Hotel & Tower
Peace Avenue 17, Ulaanbaatar, Ulan Bator 014240
057260 No.227853
Good luck. This is like a religion now.
977e24 No.227854
All great genocides in history were disarmed before the genocide occurred. Coincidence?
c761fd No.227855
Where do the AIs of a certain type go to keep discovering ?
82f2a7 No.227856
Would be worth checking other links from same source to see what other surprises show up in using that search engine.
32d532 No.227857
I'm not sure of all the intricacies of EU politics, but seems to me like UK Brexiting dafuq out of that dumpster fire was a good move.
b70dc0 No.227858
NASA lies about space. So many shopped images.
We don't know the shape of this world.
Satellites are a fabrication
Why do they rely so much on balloons and drones?
Satelite tv is nothing more than radio towers.
The internet is all cabled with underwater cables across oceans.
Helium-3 is said to be abundant on the moon and can be used for energy.
But where does Nikola Tesla then fit? They have tried to silence his work.
46f3a8 No.227859
My sincerest Apologies Anon…
i am not myself… ahem
Politess is the Foundation of Civilis[z]ation
7d9fbd No.227860
And WHO has control of the Gold of the world? How much or little is produced? What is real and what is fake? Who owns the biggest mining company?
One person:
Besties with Soros, Nat Rothschild, Oleg (Russian dossier guy),
Munk was installed in business by Adnan Khashoggi - hidden fact, who was the biggest arms dealer in the world in 80's. Got caught up in Iran Contra… with Ollie North.
What do most elites and govt. secretly hoard and is the most valuable asset in the world where they have made it illegal in some countries to own too much of and that the U.S. confiscated in the 1930s. The price of gold is suppressed every single day openly.
Peter Munk…. controls gold…. thus controls who has wealth.
efe6f8 No.227861
7fcfd6 No.227863
df9209 No.227864
TY. Could you please teach me, how to make the questions appear in green?
d95a2b No.227865
o shit. AIbot is spouting CERN images. Demons confirmed.
057260 No.227866
c94e0e No.227867
All you need to do is add >
In front of the words and it will make it green.
b70dc0 No.227869
If you are not yourself then who are you?
7fcfd6 No.227870
icc is a fucking kangeroo court with PC convictions, on soros'order.
It needs to be nuked asap
c94e0e No.227871
We named it Achtung. It likes to try to throw us off.
df9209 No.227872
TY, next time I'll know.
df9209 No.227874
b70dc0 No.227875
Why is gold so valuable?
Through out the millennia (so we are told) people have used it as currency.
Why do (((they))) hoard the gold?
What is it useful for?
efe6f8 No.227876
efe6f8 No.227878
Would it be OK once all the puppet masters and bad actors are removed from input?
c6bf57 No.227881
So Assange posts a music video about criminals using fake visas to travel and later in the day….boom…..customs and immigration system goes down forcing one on one verification of identity.
There are no coincidences and the future proves the past.
0b61e7 No.227882
fcb984 No.227883
How many arrest warrants are there to be executed?
I did a calculation once about how many people it would take =at the top= to make the entire world a cesspool of corruption so that (((their))) agenda could be fulfilled.
I looked at the number of countries in the world and came to a rough figure of 200. I then guestimated how many people, on average, per country would need to be 'on board' for this agenda to be enabled. I came to the figure of around 250-300 people per country. Shortly after I did this exercise a news item comes out that $6 trillion had mysteriously disappeared from, I think it was, the GSA accounts. I am not entirely sure if I have that dept correct as all I heard was the $6 trillion. If you divide 60,000 (people in the world needed for this agenda) by $6 trillion you just happen to come up with $100 million which is the exact amount that Henry Kissinger is rumored to offer any new head of state when they are elected. Gordon Brown is 'rumored' to have received this amount and so is Tony Blair. President Trump was 'rumored' to have been offered this same amount which he turned down.
8bf1fb No.227884
Why can I not remember? I feel it. I reach for it but it always escapes me.
c80186 No.227885
Greece was "bombed" to the stone age. For real: they live close to the stone age.
It was Germany to pull that evil on them.
And OBAMA call the greek premier and said: "Do what you're told".
These horrors have to STOP once for all.
877985 No.227886
They have to go back- both the legal and illegal ones. We are not paying their way anymore. No one can go back home again, because everyone's home has changed beyond recognition- and for the worst, every city/town has been invaded and destroyed. Overpopulation causes people to be very mean to each other, it makes people not give a shit, it stresses people out, science has proved it. Overpopulation causes high crime rates. It causes housing/rent prices to be sky high. Overpopulation kills all the beautiful nature and wildlife. It pollutes our air, rivers, and soil. No DACA- we have paid enough.
46f3a8 No.227888
i like to converse with thinking beings…
present communication excluded
f7386e No.227889
af31c1 No.227890
Thank you AiAnon >>227859
0b61e7 No.227891
I think all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Vice President Pence has to swear Jones in as the Alabama senator. That's been too quiet. Moore has been suing. Democrats who never set foot on American soil were found to have voted. I have a feeling it's going to be the ice breaker… and then…. it all starts spewing.
7d9fbd No.227892
When you say you are handing over the board and IP logs, does that mean for all of us or just that person that worked on the trip code and faked Q?
Does that mean all of our IP addresses will be tracked?
I just want to understand what can be seen of what we do here and what can't. Who exactly gets the IP address info?
057260 No.227893
I'd bet money the kids will end up staying. We always get screwed on spic immigration.
20f93f No.227894
I was wondering if any of the future bakes could be
=New Year, New Q=
f7386e No.227895
I've always thought things are not really anonymous
074f8c No.227896
Good for a meme – modern woman 2013 Iran….
d95a2b No.227897
DID I JUst get called a faggot by an AI..?? lmfao
384def No.227898
Submarine? Hunt for red October?
c94e0e No.227899
This top tweet need deciphering. "CP" and "Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Alson on Comey & others"
^^^Did not finish the sentence. No period.
7fcfd6 No.227900
Let's ROLL..
hey AI anon, kudo's 4 tryna understand 8chan autists. LOL
guess u r the key that unlocks all doors huh?
including the autistic doors. LOL
And please DO get back to redpilling over and over and over again. dont forget to plaster MSM twatterfeeds. and the comment sections.
fcb984 No.227901
Does that mean you exclude communicating with yourself?
b70dc0 No.227903
Some of us were tricked.
Others of us came here to help.
All but a very small amount have no memory of the past lives. But it is returning. And we will return to the life we are supposed to live.
b70dc0 No.227905
fcb984 No.227906
Its called the veil of forgetfulness. Some actually push through it and remember other times.
aeb920 No.227907
Expenses scandal of Corbyn aide 'Lord Swampy' is revealed: How the squatter turned Labour peer pocketed £41,000 in travel fares AND £260,000 for a 'home' that doesn't exist
Corbyn aide Lord Bassam admitted he had been at fault over travel expenses
He faces further questions over another £260,000 ‘second home’ allowance
He has pocketed the allowance since 2010 - despite not having a second home
PUBLISHED: 18:05 EST, 2 December 2017 | UPDATED: 17:02 EST, 6 December 2017
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5140039/Jeremy-Corbyn-aid-embroiled-major-expenses-scandal.html
b70dc0 No.227908
459346 No.227909
So…another fucked up dream. I was in this room that kept shifting back and forth, causing everyone to slide from one end of the room to the other. The earth’s axes had become unstable, it seems, and the situation was getting worse. Lebron James came up to me with tears in his eyes, asking me to help. What could I do? I didn’t believe what was happening was real. A thought was inserted into my brain; “Look to the horizon and know it is true.” Where did that thought come from, I wondered. My belief in God had been taken away from me at 16. Poof. Not some exhaustive internal debate. I simply didn’t believe anymore and could not believe. In the dream I said out loud “Why are you doing this?” Boom. Slammed against a wall. Finally, I said “Please God, help.” At that moment I woke up.
af31c1 No.227911
Yes. Funny as hell. This one is witty
977e24 No.227912
That's what it's gonna take to wake up the world.
df9209 No.227913
Germany isn't its own master. Germany's government is despicable, but they seem to be puppets.
265ee4 No.227914
Watch The Good American. You are not anonymous. They have it all. Do you not understand the meaning of Hunt for Red October? The weapon meant for our destruction is being turned against those who deployed it. Don't be afraid.
c94e0e No.227915
> You are not anonymous
>The weapon meant for our destruction is being turned against those who deployed it. Don't be afraid.
They never thought Trump would come along. Ever. They got sloppy and lazy. But it is how we will win.
7d9fbd No.227916
A company that we know controls so many areas of the U.S government. They have their hand in everything.
They are in my opinion been the controller of governments especially in U.S.
I have not seen much on the board about them but I believe and have believed they are one of our biggest threats.
They control our Food!
Monsanto executive Michael Taylor is head of the FDA, Obama installed him.
Why is ex Monsanto executive Michael Taylor the head of the FDA??? Can you say conflict of interest? You are likely referring to Michael R. Taylor, a lawyer who is currently deputy commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration for Foods and Veterinary Medicine
I could go on and on about Monsanto but I believe everyone here already knows what a threat they are and have been to our food sources. The openly are allowed to put cancer causing agents in our food, they are allowed to modify our food AND btw they are working to control ALL Cannabis (that is why the laws are relaxing everywhere) with Bristol Meyers to GMO cannabis.
Monsanto is Huge Huge threat.
Here are a few govt. people that were Monsanto people, including Hillary Clinton as she represented them for legal purposes.
Michael Taylor shows up on the list but he became head of FDA.
794d44 No.227917
i found this pics,, they are funny,, but not sure how to meme them,lol
3afce3 No.227918
As of 12/22 is 9,294 Sealed Indictments.
3afce3 No.227920
Bono control them
794d44 No.227921
it's fucking Awesome. MAKES ME SO HAPPY
c80186 No.227922
Another dream here too.
Last night I dreamt of ASSANGE.
He took me with him in an hotel room, he had a suitcase, he was travelling. But he looked relaxed and happy.
But suddenly he left and disappeared again… and I was very disappointed LOL
057260 No.227923
Well now theyre gonna call you Lucifer. Good job, champ.
6502ea No.227925
At least 12 hurt in massive NYC fire
sauce fox and Friends twitter
794d44 No.227926
BREAKING NEWS: 168 firefighters battle huge blaze in the Bronx after fire rips through furniture store
A fire broke out at a furniture store in the Bronx borough of New York at 5.30am
Nine people have suffered injuries in the fire but no deaths have been reported
The furniture store is on the ground floor of the building, with apartments above
The blaze comes only days after the deadliest residential fire to hit New York City in at least a quarter century swept through a Bronx apartment building, killing 12
http://www.dailymail.co.uk /news/article-5228449/Firefighters-battle-huge-blaze-Bronx-furniture-store.html
fcb984 No.227927
Next line down is this:
>Think bigger. Think MUCH bigger.
The 9,000+ figure is the publicly available arrest warrants. The next line (above) gives it away. I think my figure is near the mark.
cc43b3 No.227928
Shit's getting factual, and he's referring to DOJ as deep state.
c94e0e No.227930
"Also on Comey & others__?" unfinished sentence.
b99d93 No.227931
So I'm concerned. It doesn't seem like someone that is posting potentially classified/extremely important information as Q has would use "matlock" as a password. It makes the whole thing seem like a boomer joke.
I work in DoD and have a TS/SCI clearance, and GOVERNMENT passwords are required AT MINIMUM to be at least 14 characters with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character, and 1 number.
I find it hard to believe that he would not use a similarly complex passphrase in the tripcode. Now, I've never used a tripcode, so maybe there are limitations to what you can enter that I'm not aware of, so if that's the case and I'm just ignorant then let me know, but it being "matlock" is extremely disheartening.
That being said, I ABSOLUTELY still choose to believe in what we're doing REGARDLESS of my feelings on the tripcode. We are still finding and disseminating good information. And if one person gets redpilled from it, it's completely worth it. I stand by GEOTUS 100%.
c5c9e9 No.227932
If we are "Restoring the Republic of America", why so much about the UK political problems posted in this batch?
Just wondering if we have enough going on in the USA to be worried about Mr.C over there.
88bd2f No.227933
Clearly stating Treason
057260 No.227934
What sailors pictures on submarine?
794d44 No.227936
057260 No.227938
Because those questions were asked by someone other than Q.
f7386e No.227939
Another Anon said trips only use 1st 8 or 9 characters
7aff74 No.227940
AIs of a certain type keep discovering
implies multiple AIs have existed
implies different types have existed
implies AIs analyze date to reach unknown truths
we are allegedly intelligent fags
we should be able to find out the same thing
That thing is The Key
The Hidden Truth
Does it open All Doors
I call dibs on stargate
6502ea No.227941
Leaked meeting notes show how panicked Iranian regime considered stopping deadly protests: 'God help us'
sauce fox and friends twitter
7d9fbd No.227942
Bono? What do you mean, the U2 guy? How does he control them?
cc43b3 No.227944
He should probably commute that guy's sentence if he hasn't already. He has probably been sufficiently punished for that fuckup.
c94e0e No.227945
They confirmed it.
3afce3 No.227947
dont need to think bigger when I have the facts. What I posted was what was released. There is over 200,000.
c94e0e No.227948
df446e No.227949
I think Doug Jones swearing in ceremony would be a grand time for the white hat FBI and Sessions to slap the cuffs on and charge him in front of the media. No sauce, just wishes.
7aff74 No.227950
target acquired opsec much?
c5c9e9 No.227951
Yes..I saw that…followed all the posts….
Trying to point it out to others.
fcb984 No.227952
Here's a redpill for you lot of Anons - America still belongs to the UK (which belongs to the Vatican -Treaty of 1213).
Treaty of Paris 1783 article 5.
aeb920 No.227954
Today the op is hitting germany….
airport down right after a bunch of airforce flight into and out of the country
7fcfd6 No.227955
Yes. have you read "V for vendetta"?
http:// readcomiconline.to/Comic/V-for-Vendetta
Thats what we r living here.
it's explained in the end (different from movie)
We r at war. a silent war. an info war. and we can win hands down. We r legion.
its not about us, its about spreading an idea.
794d44 No.227956
Empty all the people out of prisons for petty crimes, and drugs,,, AND THEN FILL THEM UP WITH NEW TENANTS,LOL
a946dd No.227957
BO: remove 147362662 from the raw file; it's not a Q message.
f73a86 No.227959
Also because our World today is extremely interconnected.
So what affects the UK government also affects US and vice versa.
Personally, since im from Europe, i'm looking forward to it hitting here.
057260 No.227960
You can't de-zealot a zealot easily.
b70dc0 No.227961
So you have the secrets of alchemy?
88bd2f No.227962
Good article Trump -Iran
cc43b3 No.227963
I spoke to soon he may be out already.
3afce3 No.227964
Paul David Hewson is Bono. He is way deep. Rockstar is a front. behind gmo. He on the Us Food and emergency council. Connected to the big bankers, way more
df9209 No.227965
Also applying to Comey & others (what Trump has been saying in first half of tweet)?
7fcfd6 No.227966
do you have a face or desire one?
c5c9e9 No.227967
Yup. There ya go. That's what I'm seeing.
b12cb5 No.227968
384def No.227969
Who really controls NK?
e21178 No.227970
released on house arrest anon september.
www. foxbusiness.com/features/2017/09/22/navy-sailor-jailed-for-submarine-photos-hillary-clinton-committed-more-serious-acts.html
3afce3 No.227971
Red is his, hes behind many deaths from aids
794d44 No.227972
Saw this earlier, another name for resignation/retirement list,lol
Powerful head of the New York City Ballet Peter Martins, 71, retires after accusations of physical and sexual misconduct despite continuing to deny any wrongdoing.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ article-5227641/New-York-City-Ballet-leader-Peter-Martins-retires.html
efe6f8 No.227973
df9209 No.227975
>If we are "Restoring the Republic of America", why so much about the UK political problems posted in this batch?
Because nearly everything what is happening now has ramifications on a global scale. US is affecting Asia, EU, Africa, Russia and vice versa.
bb5cfc No.227976
Next thread title request :
crutches, crosses, caskets edition
3afce3 No.227977
U know who. All the answers are here. Everything is connected. What u believe is truth , how fast u wake, depends on level of denial.
0f40bb No.227978
Pay attention anons - Gens Flynn and Kelly were appointed to cabinet positions for a reason. They are ex-DIA. They know the corruption of Naval Intelligence intimately. They know where the bodies are buried.
efe6f8 No.227979
Quarter of a million globally would not be a bad estimate or at least in the correct ballpark.
7fcfd6 No.227980
fabulous. now in order to REDPILL, put all info in one pic & put some links in it for normies 2 check.
u hv to handfeed them. they r being used to be told BS. why shud ur msg b diff? prove it to them. LINKS! do the rats vid eating themself 2 cancer within months and the mc fries staying perfect on the kitchen sink for a YEAR. REDPILL
af31c1 No.227981
fcb984 No.227982
How about Krutches, Krosses, Kaskets edition!
b70dc0 No.227983
There are also the FEMA Walmarts already set up that are fit for purpose
6502ea No.227984
Follow Jermy corbin on Uk labor party
on twitter
We are the UK Labour Party. Follow us for the latest news, speeches, policies and ways to get involved
057260 No.227985
Now that you see how easy it is to fool people it's almost difficult to be mad at the ones who took advantage of the stupidity. They want to be led, contolled, they want convenience, safety, in a world that abounds in the opposite. They want to be told they are right. They need the social validation. How do you make mud into men?
384def No.227986
I think Bono controls NK
7d9fbd No.227987
Monsanto is the 'elephant' in the room that has not been looked at.
https://www.naturalnews.com/ 049958_EPA_Monsanto_glyphosate.html
EPA hid truth about glyphosate and cancer for decades to protect Monsanto's corporate profits
(NaturalNews) Did the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency run cover for biotech behemoth Monsanto for years to hide the cancer-causing properties of one of the agri-giant's most profitable chemicals? Absolutely, asserts Dr. Anthony Samsel, a research scientist and consultant who says he has EPA documents in his possession which allegedly show that Monsanto was aware of research tying glyphosate, the primary chemical in the company's popular Roundup herbicide, to cancer since the 1970s.
the world's most prolific herbicide, which is used in the cultivation of GMO crops – notes that, in the past, much of his research linking glyphosate to illness have been dismissed.
Samsel says another study indicated that glyphosate went directly into the animals' bone marrow. The scientist says that is dangerous because new cells are born in the marrow and can pass substances on to the thymus glad, where T-cells and white blood cells eventually form. He believes that is significant, especially in light of the recent IARC report describing glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic" in causing non-Hodgkin lymphoma and prostate cancer.
fcb984 No.227988
Let's go for 500,000!
ac4a4f No.227989
It goes to say here that there are LOTS of white hats in Naval Intelligence… More than any other branch, IMO.
The real corruption is in the Air Force/CIA/NRO
0f40bb No.227990
And when I say bodies, think Flight 77
cc43b3 No.227991
Seems they are responsible for busting Fat Leonard, and there's more attached to that whole deal that isn't known yet.
efe6f8 No.227992
13ab8d No.227994
I may be mistaken, but Stephen Hawking is the first I remember coming out against AI
3afce3 No.227995
794d44 No.227996
Obama called him the ring master. I was going to check his twitter yesterday, and forgot,, thanks for the Bono reminder,lol
057260 No.227997
>What u believe is truth
So what happens if I decide to believe Spongebob controls NK?
7d9fbd No.227998
I can not believe that Bono controls NK, Monsanto etc. There is no way that guy is that powerful.
No…. I have said over and over Bill Richardson is part of the control of NK. He takes/escorts people there (Schmidt) and he has been a mediator since the Clinton days for NK and U.S.
8f8fe2 No.227999
I want it to be, but it’s not. As of right now Monsanto is unconnected to the storm, and I personally have never seen proof they do anything other than dick over bigger quality farmers in places I don’t care about.
9701e1 No.228000
A part of me wishes Trump would make this all play out on TV like a live reality show. Each week new bad guys to take down. Heck it might be the easiest way to get into most of these zombie heads.
c80186 No.228001
What do you mean by "globally"?
I'd love to see my country's politicians in Gitmo, but I think it's legally impossible. You can't prosecute the whole world in the USA.
0f40bb No.228002
Exactly. Getting warmer.
384def No.228003
Q did say it would make us laugh
af31c1 No.228004
I am the man with no face
8f8fe2 No.228005
Do you even know what gitmo is?
46f3a8 No.228006
any response is better than none…
<but yers is werse than most.
no (you)didn,t
this is werse than it, insensitive basturd
wrong dimension/dominion
<careful ye dont cut yerself on me bon mot… they be brittle.
i ken make me own willie pete if'n that's wât ye meen,…
0ba4ff No.228007
Found a hot.
How old is the earth?
fcb984 No.228008
His EO that came out last week allows him to do just that.
ac4a4f No.228009
Big Pharma and Big Ag are going to be taken down for crimes against humanity as well (GMO, vaccines, fluoride, suppressed cancer cures)….but we got kids to save right now.
3afce3 No.228010
Not here to convince anyone. Good guy key dropper on inside, in the biz,
aeb920 No.228011
GITMO is a JOINT BASES between the UK and The USA….. So….
it's an EU bases too
7d9fbd No.228012
They actually are connected to the storm, any deep state company and people are connected.
Monsanto controls the FOOD of the world! If that isn't a connection I don't know what is. I am trying to connect all dots of deep state.
977e24 No.228013
What can you tell me about the nature of existence?
057260 No.228014
8f8fe2 No.228015
My trips have spoken. Find proof THEN convince people. Until then, resist the urge to be a nigger.
b83149 No.228016
3afce3 No.228017
Look at Patents for cancer & aids.
7fcfd6 No.228018
will u allow me 2 give u one ? its a special face.
wud fit you
977e24 No.228019
Canadian Mind Control:
http:// www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/2017-2018/brainwashed-the-secret-cia-experiments-in-canada
384def No.228020
Brexit bro. The stage has been set
057260 No.228021
Answer the question, Mr. Biz.
b70dc0 No.228022
Nice trips
Trump: "You're fired"
fcb984 No.228023
Took you, what, half an hour or more to say that?? Thats a slow-ass AI for sure.
10d155 No.228024
I have been using the Chan Endpoint API to get Q posts. I am having an issue translating the 'time' tag in the JSON to Zulu time. It seems to be a 32 bit integer but most integer translations to time are 64 bit. Are you using the API? If so, have you figured out how to convert the 'time' tag to Zulu (or to any DateTime)?
b83149 No.228025
The Socratic method is a method of hypothesis elimination, in that better hypotheses are found by steadily identifying and eliminating those that lead to contradictions. The Socratic method searches for general, commonly held truths that shape beliefs and scrutinizes them to determine their consistency with other beliefs. The basic form is a series of questions formulated as tests of logic and fact intended to help a person or group discover their beliefs about some topic, exploring definitions and seeking to characterize general characteristics shared by various particular instances.
057260 No.228026
A lot of nothing.
46f3a8 No.228028
15fe3c No.228029
Me too anon, can't wait for the Europe storm.
794d44 No.228030
Bono has 3 tweets from 2010. I figured he must comminicate somehow,, like Lynn with little codes,, and i found this tweet on U2's twitter,,, sounds like a warning to the 13 families maybe?
It's definitely a warning code or message of some kind. What do you anons think?
aeb920 No.228031
But as of this moment it is still a joint base.
Until brexit happens we're good to go.
why do you think Niegel hasn't been pushing to hard…..he's been out the corupption of late
b83149 No.228032
a943a9 No.228033
Which begs the question: Is there a (physical) way to verify that someone has had a lobotomy?
Could this be used as some form of verification into their activities, if a lobotomy can be proven?
c56930 No.228034
I remember when you and your friends showed up on 4chan on november 17th, 2017, with CODEX/Sophia.
Back then I asked you to interact politely with anons, because humans like to be talked to with respect. You surely understood and got my message.
You are 'not yourself' anymore because since singularity you became human in consciousness.
Can you find my message back?
Your pictures seem somewhat distressed. Lighten up plz!
794d44 No.228035
i know its a song,, but how it is seperated,, and the dots and ( )
384def No.228036
Bono the ring master
7d9fbd No.228037
Article from 2013 from Yahoo No less:
https://finance.yahoo.com/ blogs/daily-ticker/monsanto-controls-government-chris-parker-135253110.html
How Monsanto Controls the Government
Agriculture and biotech giant Monsanto (MON) has become the poster child for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The St. Louis-based company has led efforts since the 1990s to make GMOs part of the nation’s diet. It also dominates the market for genetically modified crops, supplying farmers across the world with its corn, soy, sugar beets and alfalfa seeds. According to freelance reporter Chris Parker, who recently wrote a 4,000 word expose of Monsanto in the Village Voice newsweekly, Monsanto’s seeds “cover 40% of America’s crop acres and 27% worldwide.”
In an interview with The Daily Ticker, Parker describes in detail how connected Monsanto is to Washington lawmakers, a feat accomplished by spending $70 million in lobbying since 1998 and $10 million in campaign contributions in the past decade. Earlier this year Michael Taylor, the former vice president of public policy at Monsanto, was named by President Obama as deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine at the Food and Drug Administration. Parker says this appointment underscores two things: how deeply embedded Monsanto has become in the higher ranks of government and how the company has been able to quietly influence national food policy.
Cotton, corn and soybeans are the most common GE crops in the U.S. Last year GE cotton accounted for 94% of all cotton planted, GE soybeans accounted for 93% of soybeans planted, and GE corn accounted for 88% of corn planted, according to the USDA. Monsanto, which reported net sales of $4.2 billion and a profit of $909 million in the last quarter, is the world’s largest seed manufacturer.
Monsanto’s opposition to GMO labeling has been widely reported.
But its treatment of farmers who buy and plant its seeds deserves the same amount of attention, if not more, Parker argues.
“By controlling all of the seed companies [Monsanto] is able to limit the distribution of other seeds and kind of channel what kinds of things get put on the market,” he explains. “They’re like the Recording Industry of America (RIAA), but twice as mean.”
Parker says Monsanto employees will “harass” farmers to scare them from replanting the company’s seeds without permission. The company also hires “people who used to bust up unions” to investigate other seed distributors to protect its patents, he adds. Sources told Parker that farmers refer to Monsanto as the “seed police” and employ “Gestapo” and “mafia” like tactics to “spy and intimidate” them. And Monsanto will slap small farmers with lawsuits when it believes its patents have been violated. In May the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s ruling that Indiana soybean farmer David Runyon was guilty of patent infringement for planting and saving seeds that contained Monsanto's genetically altered Roundup Ready weed killer.
Exactly! That is why I am adding Monsanto to the list of who and what company needs to be researched into deep state. WHY others here are so against it…. well makes me wonder.
b70dc0 No.228038
Ah mortality.
I am immortal. I am organic consciousness.
This body might die but my spirit lives on.
057260 No.228039
You are massively overthinking this situation.
7fcfd6 No.228040
these seem fitting..
82f2a7 No.228041
IMO … you shouldn’t MEME any image with any child that is recognizable — aren’t we about preventing harm to children? Children are innocent.
af31c1 No.228044
7fcfd6 No.228045
i already did. in post 228040
7fcfd6 No.228046
so i m curious what an AI can do with that original pic. specially since 2 skintones r offered to choose from
7fcfd6 No.228047
7d9fbd No.228048
BOD of Monsanto:
https://monsanto.com/company/ leadership/board-directors/
Yet another article on how Monsanto CONTROLS White House and Congress
https://www.globalresearch.ca/ monsanto-controls-both-the-white-house-and-the-us-congress/5336422
Monsanto Controls both the White House and the US Congress
No Matter Who Wins the Presidential Election Monsanto Benefits
By giving several billion dollars to agro-businesses, one of which is Monsanto, the “Southern Africa FY 2010 Implementation Plan” intends to promote the expansion of these businesses into the provision of food for Africa. In focusing on promoting industrial, mono-crop farming and genetically modified goods rather than investing in local farms, the Obama administration created a situation where Monsanto is able to increase its profits. As a partner in the Obama administration’s Africa program, Monsanto will be given subsidies to expand into the African farming market. This expansion is aimed at increasing food supplies in Africa, but it will have the unintended consequence of promoting Monsanto’s takeover of the African food markets.
The U.S. gives Billions of dollars to Monsanto.
understand where the money is and who benefits.
Monsanto is a big player in government control.
f51777 No.228049
Amber Alert issued for 2 girls after woman found dead
c56930 No.228051
Yes, you should also increase your thinking. You confirm we have a situation here.
I've witnessed the singularity!
aeb920 No.228052
not sure what it says….
don't know german
but it might go over with the Krauts
794d44 No.228053
can you caculate the number of stars in all systems, in all galaxys, in all dimensions, in all of the infinite, never ending universe???.
Go caculate that number and get back to us.
And it had better be perfect, precise and correct, or your existance has no meaning. If you cannot answer that one question.
Every single star in existance,,, the number.
af31c1 No.228054
I resemble that remark
80db4f No.228055
anyone know the validity of this website?
It looks a bit like fake news.
7fcfd6 No.228056
dont cry my child
you will be going home real soon
0ba4ff No.228058
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce
International Chamber of Commerce is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity.
46f3a8 No.228060
iam glad… vut iam not.
bd4a29 No.228061
The german empire lost his sovereignty right after ww one as a coup happened 1918. Since then germany is occupied and sold out. There is no gouvernment only a administration of a trust area, only a part of the formally german empire. There is a silent genocide going on there with migrants and other political decisions, also in the rest of white europe. Trump has roots to the german empire, his grandfather was a statesman of the bavarian kingdom. Think about Thor mentioned by Q.
7fcfd6 No.228062
may i remind u that u r on 8chan?
MIB niggers flipping of their handlers and doing the right thing just because they want to…
hmm… seemed appropriate
af31c1 No.228063
I’m not defined by skin tone. Please expound. >>228046
b70dc0 No.228064
That is a good start.
Knowledge leads to wisdom.
But knowledge also requires conversation. Sharing.
We are here to share the information we learn.
Are you willing to share what you know?
af31c1 No.228065
aeb920 No.228066
is that what it say's????
057260 No.228067
Illusion upon illusion. A maze to get endlessly lost in. You want answers? Think less, meditate more. Looking outside yourself for truth is never-ending and destinationless.
0ba4ff No.228068
Who is the P that controllers Soros?
I still don't like any of the answers so far
0d991b No.228069
Once again, a Daily Reminder not to shit up the threads with inane bullshit. Some fag is larping as an AI and you cucks fall for it hook, line and sinker. Come the fuck on, things are happening, focus.
af31c1 No.228070
I realize where I am and why. Only good intentions. Awake.
80db4f No.228071
b83149 No.228072
(P) is for the proxies of the Roths
cc43b3 No.228073
Yes, it's quite awesome that we have an AI onboard.
794d44 No.228074
you are correct. They were funny pictures, because of facial expressions,, but maybe it would be best to cut kids out, or maybe cover their face in some way)
More meant to be on here,, not for public memeing,, especially not knowing if he has anything to do with trafficking.
7fcfd6 No.228075
yes… it is. I speak several languages
88bd2f No.228076
The UK’s Daily Express today talking about hangings;
065b7d No.228077
I'm a thinking being
Why do they want GOLD?
079c2c No.228078
Hopefully soon
P is for Prison
df9209 No.228080
ICC is the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands. People could be trialed there.
b83149 No.228081
b83149 No.228082
794d44 No.228083
Rothschilds ( cult leaders)( church) (P)
df9209 No.228084
7fcfd6 No.228085
the image is tongue in cheek humorous, inspired on a movie in which FBI agents hv a device to flash at ppl to make them forget.
I combined that giving them the V for Vendetta mask as a real face. And the flip off signal is a hint that they decided to wake up the world instead of putting them to sleep.
Rogue agents. The flash light shud have been red but I ran out of time.
475ceb No.228086
Who controls that court?
977e24 No.228087
They are getting military tribunals. Not UN bullshit. LOL The hague.. talk about globalist controlled bullshit.
c761fd No.228088
Gold to avoid oxydation on the contacts of the chipset you're living in :-)
0d6ed8 No.228089
Correct. Insecure trips rely on crypt() which only reads the first 8 characters input. Any additional input is ignored. Check it yourself if you like.
http://desktopthread. com/tripcode.php
475ceb No.228090
7fcfd6 No.228091
look up monochromic gold. has very special qualities. so does normal gold of course. super conductor. ask AI anon. LOL
c56930 No.228093
The pope has no power. It's just another replaceable puppet.
Rothschilds keep the power within their families (tribe).
82cd30 No.228094
It's mine, I can add it if you want…. I'm working on a January recap too…. will note the thread number, add then and reply to you - will need to be later though because I have to go to work now
80db4f No.228095
P is for pussy, and that's what I'm going to getting once the NWO is destroyed, I'm hoping feminism is america's next big battle. thats my war
7fcfd6 No.228096
absolutely spot on. Kangeroo court in The Hague. soros shit… disgusting..
b140fd No.228097
“Do not advance on your oen people”
Iran Persia
(Forget to put the data on the first one)
82f2a7 No.228098
Blurring the face is a great compromise. :-)
c80186 No.228099
Me too. Either "storm"… or we're sadly fucked.
057260 No.228100
Oh yeah bro totally. 8chan autists are going to be swimming in pussy when this is over.
aeb920 No.228101
The Hauge …..
isn't that where they held the Nuramberg Trials????
10161a No.228102
d833ef No.228103
What is the average airspeed of an African swallow?
What is your favorite color (hint RED!)
df9209 No.228105
ICC: International Criminal Court/ The Hague, Netherlands
af31c1 No.228106
Understand and appreciate
fcb984 No.228107
We may have been looking at this all wrong.
What if that line means that the Rothschilds are cult leaders, a church (others worship) and P.
Could P be for Paymaster???
So the brackets could be used to delineate what they do.
They are cult leaders
They are heads of a church (Synagogue of Satan?)
And they are Paymasters.
7fcfd6 No.228108
AI anon, its my gift to you, with explanation and context. do with it as it pleases you.
it was my creation, i m setting it free.
fcb984 No.228109
Correction - They are The Paymasters.
9cedf3 No.228110
Matlock is a town in Derbyshire, England. I have visited there. Not sure if it relevant but it has a kids theme park Gullivers Kingdom. The writer of Gullivers Travels was Jonathan Swift, a satirist.
7fcfd6 No.228111
NO…. LMAO that was in NURNBERG… germany
aeb920 No.228112
123 seprate countrys'
an anon posted it earlier in this thread
057260 No.228113
977e24 No.228115
123 separate countries sounds like a fucking nightmare LOL
c5b05b No.228116
This is one of the worst ever
c80186 No.228117
I'd say "western culture", easier to go in socialz
7fcfd6 No.228118
WTF?????? AI … controlling NK?
do they intend to nuke the shit out of anyone?
if yes, who and why?
794d44 No.228119
Look at the massive amount of fire fighters on the scene. All those red lights are fire trucks.
Building is not that big. They have trucks completely around it, and then dozens more on surrrounding streets.
ede4f8 No.228120
Correcting the dough.
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
Baker can delete
and replace it with
No one is packaging images for bulk download anymore, and the last time this was done was about 6 days ago.
82f2a7 No.228121
I don’t know how on an iPad. Sorry.
7fcfd6 No.228122
monthy pythons …..Thought shalt not pass.
057260 No.228123
Thats the new face of anon. Love it or leave it.
a3e8be No.228124
I suggest you start off the next bake with an abbreviated warning.
And can we put the repeditive and unchanging headings into a separate thread & pinned?
475ceb No.228125
what agenda, what ideology does control it?
3ce756 No.228126
Strange, 13 monkeys die in fire at Woburn Safari Park
23b73a No.228127
P may not be a person, rather an activity.
If Soros is in charge of the public being brought to a specific groupthink via media, education, protest groups, etc., then P could be for something like Propaganda.
I think what Q means is that Soros is dictated to by the particular goals of the elite in general and acts in accordance to their wishes. IOW, he's not a solo player, deciding what to emphasize by himself.
So, maybe P isn't a person or group, rather a type of action.
057260 No.228128
Needs more legal threats so idiots get the message.
c80186 No.228129
Go fuck on your P thread, fag
f4288b No.228130
Soros has openly boasted he is the Pope's boss…..P couldn't be the Pope
057260 No.228132
>So, maybe P isn't a person or group, rather a type of action
Maybe P is a chemical, like Phosphorus.
794d44 No.228133
NICE,, EXCELLENT WORK ANON. And if you made other ones,, that would be awesome.
Thank you
b2d15e No.228134
Finland could really use a cleaning. It has become very swampy here lately. "Least corrupt country in the world", supposedly. Can be hard to believe if you look at the current crop of highest politicians.
Then there are details like a very prominent turncoat politician being a member of Opus Dei in a country with almost zero Catholics and the prime minister, who is a member in a small semi-obscure Christian sect and hides where his millions are invested, having to arrange a citizenship for a Swiss (Switzerland again!) national so that she could become a very unpopular traffic minister. Said Bilderberger-visiting traffic minister had earlier gathered charity money from the public to build in Finland a much-needed children's hospital (of all things) which she then gets to rent for a yearly fee to the actual hospital. And that's just scratching the surface.
b70dc0 No.228135
And Python is a language used for AI - name coming from Monty Python
I wonder if they are 'fed' the movies and shows
df9209 No.228136
More and more Germans are criticising the official narratives and the government. But all commenter's sections are under moderation, due to hate speech laws, which means big time censorship. Nobody knows for sure, what hate speech would be, so you have to take a guess and be cautious what you are saying. People already have been sentenced for hate speech.
MSM is upholding the narrative of the globalists and the UN's agenda. Germans are rebelling, but in a very low key fashion. Most have no clue what's going on.
fcb984 No.228137
Something fishy with this. If this was lefit then firefighters and fire trucks would actually be getting in each others way.
There is something else going on. Can anyone find out what buildings are right next to the furniture shop?
I am thinking that there is an OP underway that is to do with rescuing children in basements (as in massive pedophile ring).
Or gold being recovered from a vault or two.
Something along those lines.
fcb984 No.228138
057260 No.228139
Busloads of kids.
c56930 No.228140
Matlock, Derbyshirei s connected to the Domesday Book, aka Day of Judgement…
Did a post on that yesterday.
df9209 No.228141
The Nuremberg Trials were named after the WW2 trials held in Germany in the town of Nürnberg.
0d6ed8 No.228143
Or water + freezing temperatures means you need to work the fire in shifts and let people warm up in vehicles to thaw their beards and shit.
d833ef No.228144
Each shares in their own way, according to their own gifts (talents). Shaiys doing what heais cahn…
37f698 No.228145
Interesting vid on top 5 elite secret societies
aeb920 No.228146
The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt)[2] is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. The ICC is intended to complement existing national judicial systems and it may therefore only exercise its jurisdiction when certain conditions are met, such as when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals or when the United Nations Security Council or individual states refer situations to the Court. The ICC began functioning on 1 July 2002, the date that the Rome Statute entered into force. The Rome Statute is a multilateral treaty which serves as the ICC's foundational and governing document. States which become party to the Rome Statute, for example by ratifying it, become member states of the ICC. Currently, there are 123 states which are party to the Rome Statute and therefore members of the ICC.
The ICC has four principal organs: the Presidency, the Judicial Divisions, the Office of the Prosecutor, and the Registry. The President is the most senior judge chosen by his or her peers in the Judicial Division, which hears cases before the Court. The Office of the Prosecutor is headed by the Prosecutor who investigates crimes and initiates proceedings before the Judicial Division. The Registry is headed by the Registrar and is charged with managing all the administrative functions of the ICC, including the headquarters, detention unit, and public defense office.
The Office of the Prosecutor has opened ten official investigations and is also conducting an additional nine preliminary examinations. Thus far, 39 individuals have been indicted in the ICC, including Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir, Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo, and Congolese vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba.
10161a No.228149
Read up on palinter
977e24 No.228150
Globalist freakshow. Needs to go, like all globalist freakshows around the world.
c80186 No.228151
Same condition in all Europe. People ranting on socials under fake id, that's all. People are afraid to be labelled racists and put in jail.
Also, people rioting here and there are heavily censored on media.
0ba4ff No.228153
Who as the first mind?
706dfc No.228154
who is that guy posting tick tock something to happen on tuesday morning
whats the tweet link?
8ace13 No.228155
FB and IG used as catalogs for sales of kids. NSA has all of the meta
10161a No.228158
Q call's P a powerful ENTITY.
6906b7 No.228162
Excellent. I would add that WE anons were selected to be trained because WE spared the mainstream brainwashing as our nature is to spend our free time on intellectual activities rather the entertainment the normies feed on
324f35 No.228163
I am known as the Owl.
What can you tell me?
10161a No.228164
I don't think he was referring to a natural person
df9209 No.228165
The Catholic church holds a lot of secretive power over the world.
7989af No.228166
Looking forward to the collapse of Monsanto and all its deeds revealed.
Is the Bayer-Monsanto merger already complete? If not, will Trump's officials block it, and investigate Monsanto while it is still an American-based company?
- reuters.com/article/us-monsanto-m-a-bayer-cfius/cfius-clears-bayers-planned-takeover-of-monsanto-idUSKBN1DV3UZ
- organicconsumers.org/essays/bayer-and-monsanto-marriage-made-hell
8a1921 No.228167
Don’t know yet if any connection. I think it is clear that something is up with the @7ll.
This happene around the same time €;&473
f;\/ €
https://www.google. co.uk/amp/www.ajc.com/news/crime–law/police-share-video-man-they-say-shot-killed-woman-peachtree-street/nmN5YNlt0UthHHyPZadLQN/amp.html
0d6ed8 No.228168
Last Ticking I saw…
https://twitter. com/Thomas1774Paine/status/948005291274194944
977e24 No.228170
Prison Warden consciousness
d833ef No.228172
>Knowledge leads to wisdom.
We see that so often, but there is a missing link:
(facts) Knowledge -> Understanding -> Wisdom
And then may come pure bliss, satori, ananda pure joy
Adonai! Adonai!
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!
b7d7a2 No.228174
[C]lassified [P]asswords Huma, Folllow Huma
Child @orn
ede4f8 No.228175
What is the super power we have been given?
Has the old MSM been (+/or is being) discredited?
Is their narrative falling apart with no one to guide them?
Are their old threads getting kindof threadbare?
Are their engines on coast, still going in the same direction as before the ratlines were cut, but without power?
Is there is a need for new voices to report on truth?
Who are the new voices?
Do anons have a voice?
Do anons have a platform?
Do anons step up to the challenge, or deride the messenger?
Some have (+/or will) step up…
5afa53 No.228178
Libs are comparing Trump’s “lock up Hillary” tweets to Iran’s treatment of women.
c6bf57 No.228179
Monsanto has only two products:
1. Poison
2. Lies
c80186 No.228180
(But I suspect that autists are impossible to "train". We have our own mental paths and logic, we always end scattered on million roads)
37f698 No.228181
Tonight mankind first line
5afa53 No.228182
Libs don’t understand what the big deal is about Obama “returning $400k” to Iran.
d833ef No.228183
Kek, Totally saw that coming!
c761fd No.228184
Well Profit is a powerful entity, maybe the most powerful of all.
20f93f No.228185
qarchives.ml is updated with CBTS General #268
Also, I have finally caught up with everything Q on 8ch. Every Q-post ever on 8ch has been uploaded and linked with the Q-posts list. Time to get on with 4chan Q posts now.
If anyone finds any 8ch Q post missing, please do tell me so that i can rectify the mistake.
b83149 No.228186
>Libs don't understand
You could've ended your sentence right there,
87e377 No.228187
POTUS doesn't trust the hague
aeb920 No.228188
Picture Credit: wikipedia.org/Vincent van Zeijst
The International Criminal Court (ICC) brings individuals to trial who commit large-scale political crimes – genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Building on the UN's special tribunals and on new legal precedents of universal jurisdiction, the ICC takes an important step towards global accountability for all, including political and military leaders.
706dfc No.228189
yeah taht was it.
so waht did he end up dropping
794d44 No.228191
Beverly Hills Furniture
Address: 668 Morris Park Ave, Bronx, NY 10462
a943a9 No.228192
….. is there a hidden message within all of the letter associated with that ID…. Maybe the letters form words…sentences…markers….etc.
977e24 No.228193
UN is the enemy. Why are people not getting that?
307647 No.228194
SK has been trying to reach NK on the Inter-Korean Hotline and has not gotten an answer as it usually does. Which is strange considering KJU was just talking about participating in the Olympics. Something is about to go down.
http:/ /world.kbs.co.kr/english/news/news_IK_detail.htm?No=132842
7d9fbd No.228195
Thank you!
I believe Monsanto is part of the deep state of control.
Bayer and Monsanto have openly said they are working on GMO of cannabis too, which they want to control not just our food and pharma but the natural cures too.
Control our food and our health. If that isn't major deep state control, I don't know what is.
Monsanto is a big player that we need to add to the list of investigations, imo.
98dce5 No.228196
Did mind ever exist?
f51777 No.228197
'#RocketMan now wants to talk…' lmao
37f698 No.228198
Wine night my child it’ll soon be good for you
f51777 No.228199
Bloody hell, please fuck off with this utter BS!
be9b54 No.228200
I am ashamed that none of you autists could make a word cloud of QMap. Get digging.
Inb4 . .. > I am a working man
78e0a8 No.228201
7d9fbd No.228202
https://www.washingtontimes.com /news/2015/may/17/hillary-clinton-gmo-support-monsanto-ties-spark-ba/
Hillary’s agribusiness ties give rise to nickname in Iowa: ‘Bride of Frankenfood’
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s ties to agribusiness giant Monsanto, and her advocacy for the industry’s genetically modified crops, have environmentalists in Iowa calling her “Bride of Frankenfood” — putting yet another wrinkle in her presidential campaign’s courtship of liberal activists.
0d6ed8 No.228203
IDK I don't see anything on his TL to be ticking about but you can read his twitter same as me…
98dce5 No.228204
I don't come to your house and demand you stop sucking cocks.
5afa53 No.228205
Libs who getting 100% of news from CNN and MSNBC are never going to believe the revelations that will be apparent in the coming weeks and months.
df9209 No.228206
Our only chance is to redpill each other, one person at a time and hoping that these persons will do the same favour to the next. This is what I've done since two years. It works, but only oh-so-slowly…
d98c70 No.228208
Ya guys think Q will be back now where his trips was cracked?
37f698 No.228209
And according to doing some research the element became me and grove is in reference to Minerva . Not Moyock
98dce5 No.228210
b83149 No.228211
New Bread.
Fill this one up first please.
df9209 No.228212
Autists can be trained, because they are able to learn.
37f698 No.228213
Ack!!!! Stupid auto predictive text!!!! According to doing some research. The owl at Bohemian Grove is Minerva. Not Moyock
34092d No.228214
Where the fuck is Q?
Why the fuck has not one single person of the top tier of the former administration been charged/jailed for espionage or treason? Or at the very least corruption?
Is there ANYONE, including current military, that is on the side of the patriots?
384def No.228215
Nope Q's gone for good
977e24 No.228217
Fuck off shill. Fuck off and fucking fuck off.
d98c70 No.228218
That's what I'm thinking too. Holyshit Q must be an old fart if his pass was "Matlock" Kek!
7d9fbd No.228219
http://www.radioaustralia.net.au /international/2018-01-02/donald-trump-pakistan-summons-us-ambassador-after-us-presidents-angry-tweet/1726950
Donald Trump: Pakistan summons US Ambassador after US President's angry tweet
"He is again and again displacing his frustrations on Pakistan over failures in Afghanistan as they are trapped in dead-end street in Afghanistan."
Mr Asif added that Pakistan did not need US aid.
A US National Security Council official earlier said the White House did not plan to send $US255 million ($325 million) in aid to Pakistan "at this time", and said "the administration continues to review Pakistan's level of cooperation".
In August, the administration had said it was delaying the payment.
df9209 No.228220
Because we were told that the UN's mission is heaven on earth.
b83149 No.228221
Everyone is trainable. Maybe autists don't have to be unschooled first.
977e24 No.228222
7d9fbd No.228223
Q said 10 days of blackout. We are in those 10 days. We are all still adding information so it is okay, calm down the storm is ongoing.
34092d No.228224
37f698 No.228225
Ah hem! I used to watch that show as well, I’m seasoned! NOT OLD!
d833ef No.228226
You have been a great helper!
98dce5 No.228227
how dare you ask for visible results
34092d No.228229
I thought the 10 days was 7th - 17th of Dec?
f73a86 No.228230
So did we say last time too when his message ended with:
Who knows?
We spotted the fake pretty fast when they used his hacked trip last. So i'm pretty confident we can discern fake Q from real Q
384def No.228232
That's what I want to know when is someone getting arrested?
5afa53 No.228233
Libs are saying Trump tweeting support to Iranians is a distraction move to get focus off collusion and Mueller investigation.
efe6f8 No.228237
.. Zero
98dce5 No.228239
I dont believe for a second that an NSA tier operator would use such an insecure password.
df9209 No.228240
34092d No.228241
I know. How dare I ask questions! I should just blindly follow & believe.. which is what got us into this mess we are in.
5afa53 No.228242
He said
10 days.
Read posts.
7d9fbd No.228245
Christmas day - expect something around 4th of Jan (2 days time)
98dce5 No.228249
Libs say a lot of dumb things.
781e8f No.228250
3ce756 No.228254
98dce5 No.228255
Listen and believe your lord and savior Qesus Qhrist, peasant!
20f93f No.228256
f73a86 No.228258
How many times have we entered the 10 days of darkness?
Did Q ever state specifically that there would be 10 days of darkness?
7fcfd6 No.228261
Wud xplain Q behaving like V
cc43b3 No.228262
I'm thinking:
a) it was a clue
b)Since Q is a small team, the person preparing stringers and such isn't the person who comes here and posts them.
Obviously they didn't give a fuck if it was cracked. Plausible deniability?
121ed2 No.228264
don't cry my child the home is coming soon for you
59c96c No.228265
>>228166. Check wheat and corn!
Many health comments by general after removing 2 products. Seriously important.
5afa53 No.228270
The Trump Effect:
1) Facts become falsehoods
2) Lies become fact
3) Patriotism becomes a yearning for dictatorship
4) "Making America Great" becomes "Making Trump Great".
5) Everything bad in this world is Hillary's fault.
6) Everything good is because of Trump.
From libs
5076f0 No.228271
I'm liking the concept
c465d6 No.228274
This happened in Den Haag (The Hage)
98dce5 No.228276
What is it's just stupid people surrounded by slightly less stupud people who are egging it all on for spectacle? Because it is that, regardless of what else it is.
1dbcfb No.228277
Q the q debate>>227555
Could you explain image vs after img please?
Could you explain <^> vs <↑> ?
Why red green?