387660 No.234709
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
387660 No.234715
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>224690 ← Modanon explains
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)
1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
387660 No.234717
New Q Posts html file: 459 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/1a88377824e994caed529d83e72adc2b
New QMap PDF: https:// anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io (search function & answers present) CODEFAGANON PLEASE SEE >>23098
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: www.db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
^^^ Still doesn't have the "Christmas" post from Q team
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
[4chan]: https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC
[8chan]: https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: http:// qarchives.ml/qarchives.html
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https:// www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): https:// pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
387660 No.234720
Questions: >>233578
Answers: >>233646
PlaneFags Unite w/Passport Happenings
>>226048 , >>226060 , >>226081 , >>226124 , >>226141 , >>226147 , >>226165 , >>226203 , >>226210 , >>226226 , >>226229 , >>226241 , >>226261 , >>226296
>>226391 , >>226397
Passport Happenings , US Customs and Border Protections Computers Down
>>225940 , >>225950 , >>225956 , >>225972 , >>225993 , >>226047 , >>226203
Power Outages
>>226009 , >>225982
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>222458 Anon reminding us not to waste our time!
>>222665 Note to ignore fake posts and continue doing your work
>>222672 information about tripcodes from the 8chan administrator
>>222721 rough time redpilling
>>222995 John McCain Notice pdf, >>223027 - Image of page 1 of pdf, >>223035 - Images of pages 2-5 of pdf
>>223163 operations security advice
>>223168 who we are fighting
>>223181 Lee Wanta blocked from accessing funds by bad actors
>>223217 reminder to stay balanced
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
387660 No.234722
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
NEW: Plane Crashes Thread >>56075
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
387660 No.234723
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
387660 No.234727
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com , http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https:// pastebin.com/Aeh0WZd5
30a009 No.234731
This is what appears when searching
"chelsea clinton" "Natalee Holloway"
for images.
It looks like a lot of people have spent mega time researching the coincidental similarities and timelines.
964871 No.234737
Thank you, Baker, excellent bread.
964871 No.234740
7d125d No.234741
>CBTS have original pics to meme from/with?
There are some blanks in the various meme threads and sometimes people post blanks (photos themselves) in the generals.
387660 No.234742
I was wondering what happened to the previous baker. Never got a response so went ahead.
964871 No.234743
Appreciate you stepping up!
9e2dcd No.234745
That's one tasty warm bread you have here baker, thank you.
When did the list of 300 drop?
e5c3bb No.234746
from previous bread.
I noticed John Walsh on the list.
Wonder if it is the same TV guy who's son was murdered?
387660 No.234747
About an hour ago or so.
a80d67 No.234748
Yeah & you mix in the idea of Hollywood. A dream within a dream. Actors on stage… Then when it's over, we all get together and laugh about the show.
027d4e No.234749
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
More Congo footage.
Jan. 2
e5c3bb No.234750
Pence swearing in the traitor.
55c949 No.234751
How insulting for the Natalie. Hubble's calf wishes she looked more like that, instead of a baby hildebeast.
Hell, maybe she does (wish that) and generated all those results herself. kek
7d125d No.234753
ARCHIVES of latest threads
#277 ← last bread, now safely archived
https:// archive.fo/l2Ew2
https:// archive.fo/2gckO
https:// archive.fo/yyQZK
https:// archive.fo/cxa3g
dd28f5 No.234754
When it is proven the election was stolen, being sworn in makes the charges against them even more severe.
d0f04b No.234755
This is a worthy read for those that are ready for this kind of information. Picture (from an entirely different source) supplements it.
1c1e90 No.234757
Where did that come from?
460079 No.234758
1c1e90 No.234759
e5c3bb No.234760
0fcba5 No.234761
Anyone have or know where the pic of Creep Joe with arm around boy practically in a head lock is?
9e2dcd No.234762
what's remarkable with this list is that a lot of people who are in there are no longer relevant in politics
seems to indicate that an appointment in the committee is permanent
then again as I said on the other bread I am not entirely sold on this list, chances of bullshit are literally through the roof with stuff like that, and it's not like somebody with a bit of connections and knowledge couldn't make that up.
7664b6 No.234763
someone was looking for a pic earlier, dont remember the pic but the description reminded me of the "aventine keyhole" which i didn't see mentioned yet….
6a0f1a No.234764
If he becomes senator doesn't that cause some credibility issues with Q? I have been waiting on the DOJ to stop it but it seems like the election is not being challenged by the DOJ.
58fb9d No.234765
#272 I believe but it’s AWOL
e8e743 No.234766
just a thought: prosecution of any sealed indictments is more likely to take place in districts where new Judges have been confirmed to beat the past corruption seated. It might be helpful to track odd activity at those Courthouses.
e5c3bb No.234767
we have to take everything with a grain of salt on here…..
fdff18 No.234768
>Someone on that list flipped.
Gary Cohn?
www.cnn. com/2017/12/20/politics/gary-cohn-not-leaving/index.html
460079 No.234769
Looks like 4chan. Idk who posted it.
9e2dcd No.234770
It might be an outlandish claim here but there is also the possibility that Jones himself knows nothing about the fraud mechanisms. Protection of the figurehead, no lie under oath in case of an investigation.
8e5b8c No.234771
Small synchronicity Pic related
Btw the NK situation seems like it may be hotting up. I left a message last thread and in planefag thread about it. Might be an idea for someone to look there to see if spot anything interesting. I can't at the moment, and not really good enough with plane tracking.
b876bd No.234772
3edec6 No.234773
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Verified account
2m2 minutes ago
Steve Bannon story debunked. Guardian quotes taken way out of context from a characterization of the Left’s arguments. Obviously fake news designed to pump book sales
Saying Bannon story is fakenews…. MSM took comments out of content..
7911a7 No.234774
Is image implying that “higher standard of living” means more advanced spirit?
As in “rich people” are spiritually enlightened?
9e2dcd No.234775
ofc but this type of material especially
with WL seal of approval it can distract quite significant resources from here and get anons side-tracked with shit for days
34bb4a No.234777
Crumbs from last bread regarding list of 300. Has anyone started a list of who IS accounted for?
7d125d No.234778
luckily # 272 was archived
You may not be able to see any photos posted in that thread, there's some coding fuckery going on and 8ch isn't saving images reliably, I think the data was corrupted as I archived it.
7911a7 No.234781
George Soros is missing.
Most wives are missing.
a9985e No.234782
For those who may find it inspirational, confirming or interesting.
Latest dream/vision from a Christian woman.
http: //sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-271/
“”When you hear and see the atrocities against the weak and, yes, even children, remember that theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not mourn for them though as they will be here wearing crowns. Mourn instead for the grieving. Mourn instead for the lowly who have lost a great light."
e5c3bb No.234783
>www.cnn. com/2017/12/20/politics/gary-cohn-not-leaving/index.html
maybe. Updating my spreadsheet.
3edec6 No.234784
Well we can Definitely mark off the list of Q information that the Alabama voter fraud was going to be revealed.
I am now really worried… about other Q predictions. Because he was wrong about Alabama.
What is going to be real and what is not.
I am not a shill either, I have added a lot of info here. It is a REAL and Valid concern. I kept waiting for Alabama to be proven fraud.
We know it was due to the video of the guy and video of all the buses of people being brought in. But nobody ended up doing anything and no fraud was proven.
57e7ed No.234785
It is Official
Doug Jones & Tina Smith (Franken's replacement) were just sworn in.
460079 No.234786
dd28f5 No.234787
Why do you keep spamming this? No one cares about some schizos dreams.
58fb9d No.234788
9e2dcd No.234790
He is not. Look more carefully.
Gotta leave it to you for now anons, the crumbs questions make sense, worth digging.
Not a single pro-Trump in there imo, at least declared.
God bless.
d0f04b No.234791
The man who does not know the secret of happiness often develops avarice. He wants thousands, and when he gets them they do not satisfy him and he wants millions and still he is not satisfied; he wants more and more. If you give him your sympathy and service he is still unhappy; even all you possess is not enough, even your love does not help him, for he is seeking in a wrong direction, and life itself becomes a tragedy.
Spirituality has nothing to do with material satanic grinders.
This sentence, if understood, holds the key to freedom.
>Understand that we have to be negative. That’s what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, which has always been to help you by providing the CATALYST OF FREE WILL AND CHOICE. Being negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we’re programmed that way), but on a spiritual level. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are light, and we are love. It is a very hard thing for us to do spiritually, to create all this negativity, but we do it because we love you. And ultimately it is also for your highest good.
289b3e No.234792
He must go thru the entire process and get confirmed officially or the crime would be corrected before a charge, and thus doubtful that all of the charges would stick.
6a0f1a No.234794
e5c3bb No.234795
659ea9 No.234796
96c238 No.234797
re: Jones - they may not be ready to expose the whole house of cards yet. Letting Jones take his seat doesn't do anything unless/until there is a big close vote.
The list of 300 is not a real WL drop. Its from some wikileaksnews.co fake site.
289b3e No.234798
If the fraud was stopped or intercepted, then it would be arguable about the validity of the fraud accusations. So "now" the shit can legally hit the fan.
Give it a few days.
The entire system is complacent in the fraud now- because he is officially sworn it…
3edec6 No.234800
Here is the video of Pence swearing them in.
Watch the video after the swearing in, you can see Pence shake Biden's hand… BUT as the camera gets closer up, he keeps his hand on Biden… as if giving him a squeeze or something… like it was a message "I got your back" or something like that. It is weird how Pence keeps holding Biden's arm.
https://twitter.com /FoxNews/status/948602485622689793
460079 No.234801
Frustrated with being in the dark.
57e7ed No.234802
Not to mention 4 Election Fraud Experts showing a one in 15 Billion chance of such statistical anomalies occurring during the Special Election.
Roy was robbed!
c0609c No.234803
where is the list of 300 to begin with?
659ea9 No.234804
fdff18 No.234806
I'm following a crumb from last bread.
Just spitballing from the list of 300 right now.
Don't update until we narrow it down.
Joe Lieberman?
Dems didn't like Lieberman for FBI Dir last May.
Old article:
'Senate Democrats reject Lieberman for FBI director"
www.politico. com/story/2017/05/18/joe-lieberman-fbi-director-senate-democrats-238570
f59908 No.234807
"Bring in the light of the Creator, into your heart space, into your breath and into your being. Hold his light as love and feel it as your love also, for the love of the Creator is also your own. Know that the love of the Creator lives and breathes in all things, and there is nothing that is separate from him or that is not loved by him. When you know the unconditional love of the Creator and live within His light you will also see everything from a place of love. One cannot judge others when one lives in the light and love of the Creator, nor can judge oneself, because the Creator knows no such state. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS."
b876bd No.234808
I hope it was Joe; I didn't agree with a whole lot of his opinions but I like the guy
e5c3bb No.234809
34bb4a No.234811
http:// wikileaksnews.co/illuminati-leak-full-list-secret-society-members-names-exposed/
Crumb stated one recently was knighted. Ringo Starr, Barry Gibb both knighted by Queen Elizabeth who is listed as the head of the NWO.
https:// www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2017/12/29/Queen-Elizabeth-knights-Ringo-Starr-Barry-Gibb/4351514589898/
3edec6 No.234812
OMG Leiberman is the Worst! Horrid Horrid guy! No morals at all.
c0609c No.234813
awesome, thank you
437493 No.234814
I always thought optics would be much better with him being sworn in. The investigation will happen, then he will be pulled out once the fraud is proven in court and all. I'd like to think the whole "Q said Jones would never win" is pure Disinfo.
c772dd No.234815
96c238 No.234816
You people pushing this 300 list need to realize its not from Wikileaks, and so the person who claimed it was is a shill.
The list came from here, not Wikileaks
659ea9 No.234818
ff5024 No.234819
This lady is lucky she isn't living in the OT days. False prophets were put to death back then.
550391 No.234820
e5c3bb No.234821
c772dd No.234822
Timing of the list.
34bb4a No.234823
Please break links
fdff18 No.234825
Rupert Murdoch?
He's selling part of Fox to the rat house.
He's been letting Hannity and Tucker destroy the cabal.
ff5024 No.234826
I hope you are right.
550391 No.234827
The Committee of 300 governs the world via a three city state empire, in which the cities pay no taxes and obey their own laws.
659ea9 No.234828
what do u mean by break
c772dd No.234829
Where did the list come from and what was the timing?
387660 No.234830
I actually tried searching wikileaks.org for this list and there was nothing that came up. We may have been had. :(
419e2a No.234831
yes they have Gary Cohn on the list, i'm sure he wouldn't of been allowed anywhere near the president if he was in this list of 300
fdff18 No.234832
May be a bad list.
But the person dropping the crumb is not the same as the one posting the list.
I think the crumb is still valid, if working off a correct list.
ff5024 No.234833
Wrong. In so many ways.
96c238 No.234834
>If the fraud was stopped or intercepted, then it would be arguable
>optics would be much better with him being sworn in
If they stopped it, people could say 'hey, the system works'.
Now they can prove the system DOESN'T work and that election fraud IS occurring.
Also opens up the can of worms - what other seated elected officials are illegitimate?
e5c3bb No.234835
not the first time :)
f59908 No.234836
8ab7c3 No.234838
like this:
https:// www.google.com
cbbd67 No.234839
Old, Fake and Flaming Homosexual
b876bd No.234840
Why would Soros Jr twit about being against capital punishment?
https:// twitter.com/AlexanderSoros/status/948288672125865985
fdff18 No.234842
Thank you
God bless
e5c3bb No.234843
I found the list by searching Google. My bad if this is dis-info. Just following crumbs…..
c3619f No.234844
>http://www.theartofelysium. org/
mind control project in plain sight, these creatures tell their minions which children have the highest energy levels and who are the most susceptible to control and then groups like MS-13 move-in snatch these kids at a later date. Shipping containers cross borders under diplomatic cover…wtf!
437493 No.234845
Don't worry anon. He had to be sworn in first, now the dominoes will start to fall.
30a009 No.234846
Fact: of all the places in the world, Hillary and Chelsea were on Aruba at the time of the Holloway thing. "Business" they said. Indeed.
09a376 No.234848
From previous thread, can MIA be initials we should look for in the list of 300?
d0f04b No.234849
Beautiful. Thank you for demonstrating the positive choice.
If you feel so - of course. What's your favourite violent videogame?
093d9d No.234850
f6b691 No.234851
I think that's key. The cabal has to know by now that things are going south. Freeing Assange at this stage is going to be a major eye poke. It's going to tell them: You Lost. It's over.
cdf295 No.234852
Roman Abromovich. List of 300
His wife is Dasha Zhukova
pic (center)
ff5024 No.234853
Super Mario Odyssey. What's your point?
cbbd67 No.234854
mine is fruit ninja
093d9d No.234855
Saw that, but have also seen reports that the Bannon quote is fake.
Using the word "treason" would be textbook deflection from the Clinton/Cabal camp. Accuse your enemy of what you're doing.
"These people are stupid"
fdff18 No.234856
You're good.
It's a start.
The list you posted is probably not far off.
34bb4a No.234857
Bannon is keeping Russian collusion in the news. Don't want people to get the impression that collusion is not that big of a deal. Also, it makes liberals start to defend Bannon. Notice he mentioned money laundering also. Both of which are crimes committed by the Clintons.
dd28f5 No.234858
Milking you for personal data.
Don't reveal your powerlevel, anon.
e5c3bb No.234859
ty. Shadilay my friend.
ff5024 No.234862
Maybe the kids got out of their cages in the cargo bay.
96c238 No.234863
List came out ~Nov 1. I believe its been dropped here or pol before.
The list is probably a good guess.
Just warning people not to take it as WL gospel or think the timing today is significant.
387660 No.234864
Is that Ivanka Trump to the left?
d0f04b No.234865
You have rejected the anon's beautiful invocation of our dear Creator, replying to it as "Wrong in so many ways". Why do you choose to reject Love in one of its many forms? What does this serve - what is your goal?
e8e962 No.234866
If you truly are a POTUS fan and you see the merit of 9 out of 10 moves……don't second the 10th just because you can't see how it works right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
e5c3bb No.234867
cdf295 No.234868
Yes, and Joshua Kushners girlfriend to the left.
fdff18 No.234869
Murdoch would definitely know where the bodies are buried.
fdff18 No.234872
>Just warning people not to take it as WL gospel
Got it.
Thanks for the heads-up.
b876bd No.234873
Democrats want to issue a "minority report" about more "muh, russia"
Hasn't anybody in the Dem party seen the movie, and doesn't anybody realize that this is bad terminology to associate yourself with?
81a374 No.234875
(inspire the boomers series)
ff5024 No.234876
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
8d4564 No.234877
James Wood tweeted it
e7f2a2 No.234879
could P be nancy pelosi?
i know it may sound retarded but she attended soros wedding(some anon suggested soros boss might be at his wedding)
1cec64 No.234880
whoops, don't know how the (op) response got in there, meant to be just image
943bb9 No.234882
Heck no. Pelosi isn't smart enough to give orders to a drive-thru window.
b6a2c6 No.234884
no way. too many nobodys on that list. i call bs.
e5c3bb No.234885
Nancy is a puppet ex-beauty queen.
Her hubby has the BIG BUCKS and influence.
3cae57 No.234886
Why are news from small Denmark important?
Because Denmark is a member state of the EU.
And because the EU is trying to enforce the UN’s resettlement and Relocation Agenda on all its member states.
Only the Visegrad 4 (Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia) are resisting and are threatened with expulsion from the EU.
But those countries chose to stay and to fight the despotic EU from within.
Today I found two articles in Germany stating this:
Denmark is opting out of the UNHCR. It declared to be no longer willing to take their annual share of refugees.
MSM is not reporting on this. How could they uphold the narrative that every EU member must abide by their refugee resettlement program,
if a country like Denmark is refusing to do as told?
Q mentioned in his post from Dec, 23 „enough is enough“. A Danish guy mentioned to me that the Danish PM used these words in the NYE’s
speech (no sauce, unfortunately).
Q mentioned dominos falling. He might not have meant the EU’s (and UN’s) „Resettlement and Relocation“ Agenda, but how will Brussels be
able to enforce this policy now on their member states?
They cannot silence the news from Denmark forever.
So, if others would like to stop obeying the EU=UN=EU’s agenda too: would they also be called ugly racists or nazis or would the EU=UN=EU lose their
evil grip?
www.taz .de/!5473566/
www.epochtimes .de/politik/europa/daenemark-verlaesst-un-fluechtlingshilfswerk-aufnahme-von-migranten-komplett-gestoppt-a2310280.html
http://uim .dk/
e5c3bb No.234887
The EU was always a bad idea…. it must go
3cae57 No.234889
cdf295 No.234890
When you have the kind of money Alex Soros has, you have lots of neat friends.
d0f04b No.234891
Deep down inside, you know you have a choice. And in every facet in life, it really is so, there is a choice. Love or hate, light or darkness, positivity or negativity. This is what you are here for.
From your current position of sitting or standing here staring at this screen living in this polarized Earth in turmoil it's most important of you to extend the hand and reach out for what IS. Some of us offer you LOVE. Love is the solution for EVERYTHING. You can learn this now or you can continue to believe in falsities and learn this later. It's that simple.
3ccd8e No.234892
Typically, YES
Something different about this event in Iran.
May be good guys.
e5c3bb No.234893
TRUMP meeting with TOP officials today. Waiting for them to finish lunch and give us some crumbs……
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
11:00 am || Receives his daily intelligence briefing
12:30 pm || Lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis
All times Eastern
Live stream of White House briefing at 3:00 pm
3ca4ee No.234897
Agree that the fraud finding will be much worse after Jones is seated. There are a lot of downsides to taking a federal position fraudulently. So much so that Jones may know he is in a hot seat, and may vote with the GOP.
Yeah that might be a stretch but definitely, if Jones knows there was the possibility of fraud being exposed he is looking nervously over his shoulder right now.
09b907 No.234899
Communism and Socialism started off as great ideas, but somewhere in the application process it always turns into shit.
You are correct. The EU has been destined to fail since its inception. The Nazis never died. What they couldn't do with tanks, they did with banks.
e5c3bb No.234900
POTUS is too clean.
Bannon is playing the game.
But this is really NOT A GAME.
0e084e No.234901
Take this donnie darko, love/hate shit and shove it. Far more complex than this.
e5c3bb No.234903
use the filter function
55c949 No.234904
>Then why are they burning government buildings? Fucking hell the shills are out in numbers today.
Not a lot unlike here. The Gov stages their own protest to the protesters for the benefit of the worldwide MSM in an effort to discredit the severity of the peoples' uprising. This started a day or two ago, the only real surprise was that it took them that long to make the futile attempt.
cfea42 No.234905
I guarantee you those helping POTUS have much more dirt on Bannon than they do on Trump. Trump would be out already if there was any dirt on him.
550391 No.234906
Bait and switch
hope the media are dumb enough to fall for it
my guess is YES
cbbd67 No.234907
Grab your popcorn, and stop concern trolling
d0f04b No.234908
Sorry, I went a tad too far. Doesn't make it any less true :)
We will know in time. Bannon has a bad rhethoric and an unknown track record. He's at least susceptible of being a bad actor.
b876bd No.234909
War is a game
But it's a very serious game with history and timeline changing consequences for billions of people
That's why it's called war, and not a game
3ca4ee No.234910
Don't post if you are actually this stupid.
Reporter already has been revealed this morning as someone who has problems with factuality.
But again, gtfo, now.
4f079b No.234911
Hey fags just woke up. Was on a no sleep for 36 hours day last night. I checked in and was reading board when BO said it was all a LARP. I took that as BS, then watched Hannity. Please confirm it was BS.. going to go get caught up on last nights threads. Watched Tucker too. So much being brought to light. At least at Fox.
c3619f No.234913
good find, btw that was my last tail no. assigned and the J-starts is not just a missile detection platform. This radar array installed on bone yard B-707's is capable of tell the war-fighter (Commander in Charge) and #potus see all armaments across the battle-space in a SATCOM link in real time. I know I was a ground crew member and maintainer for 4 years on them…
0d6c2f No.234914
Grasshoppers: remember Q say distractions and disinformation is necessary…must grab pebble out of hand
bbc0bc No.234915
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Reuters World twitter.com/ReutersWorld/status/948527798582415361 "North Korea reopens long-closed border hotline with South Korea" and asks…
"Weird, I wonder what prompted that???"
7b965d No.234916
The world are hostages.
Iran and NK proximal to Russia; masquerade as rogue regimes, really under cabal control. Likely bases to instigate WW3 in the event HRC wins election, but she didn't. Giving Iran and NK nuke capability was only one more step towards war with Russia/The Sum Of All Fears/WW3, the end goal. Both DJT and Putin know the magnitude of the evil the world is up against.
We've focused on NK hard, and so has the media, largely by DJT's influence. The cabal realizes that was a smokescreen for movement in Iran.
>3. Asia/NK
The "steps" provided by Q may be disinfo, another smokescreen to keep everyone focused on activity in the US while moves are being taken elsewhere. Only "4. EU" seems out of the picture as a pariah now. If the bishop taken in ATL is any indication, and, hope of hopes, + is indeed captured, it would seem both plans for US and Iran/NK are in motion.
b876bd No.234918
Must catch fly with chopsticks
be20c8 No.234919
From where don't see it on Wikileaks
c3619f No.234920
disinfo is necessary
0d6c2f No.234921
3ccd8e No.234922
Understand how you might be discouraged.
But It is never too late for truth to be revealed.
It may come out yet…in time.
Timing may be purposeful…fitting into a particular context where the revelation might have more impact…
Just a guess here..But I know in life, timing is everything.
e5c3bb No.234925
checked and NO KEK
c3619f No.234926
treason rope is coming and not for trump
4773d6 No.234927
POTUS is having lunch with VP and Tillerson, then at 3:00 pm, special press conference at the WH.
cbbd67 No.234928
what are you checking anon?
49b0b2 No.234929
TripAdvisor symbol is an OWL, btw>>234352
e246a6 No.234931
It's now a little discussed fact that in early 2016 it was widely reported that Rothschild And Co. had opened a trust company in Reno, Nevada, just blocks away from Harrah’s and Eldorado Casinos. The Rothschild's have been moving the vast fortunes of its clients out of notorious havens like Bermuda, which are now subject to the new international disclosure requirements, and into the literally-Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada that are exempt from scrutiny.
“How ironic—no, how perverse—that the USA, which has been so sanctimonious in its condemnation of Swiss banks, has become the banking secrecy jurisdiction du jour,” wrote a lawyer at Anaford AG, Peter A. Cotorceanu, in a legal journal. “That ‘giant sucking sound’ you hear? It is the sound of money rushing to the USA.”
http://anonhq. com/48371-2/
There is also a document posted on their website which is rather interesting.
Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement (September 2017)
https://www.rothschild. com/en/Modern_Slavery_Act_Statement_Sept_2017.pdf
BTW, the notion that POTUS EO on Dec 20 2017 was somehow in response to anons' demands for full disclosure is complete BS!
>Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 00:25:21
>Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?
>We listened.
>Feel proud.
>Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private/Public.
>We are listening.
>Highest priority.
>Have faith.
In essence the EO, "… enthusiastically enforces the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, signed by President Obama in his final days in office, which authorizes the president to block visas and sanction individuals and entities from any country that abuses human rights or engages in “acts of significant corruption.”
Trump’s government produced a list of human rights abusers to sanction that was serious, well-constructed and crafted to implement the law as intended, said Daniel Fried, who was the State Department’s sanctions coordinator during the Obama administration.
“Despite all this talk about the ‘deep state,’ it shows how the professionals who run the policy are capable of working under difficult circumstances and doing great work,” Fried said. “And if the Trump administration gets credit for it, so be it.”
The authors of the law, Sens. Benjamin Cardin, D-Maryland, and John McCain, R-Arizona, praised the administration in a statement but also expressed their gratitude to career professionals inside the bureaucracy “whose expertise and dedication to justice made today’s Global Magnitsky sanctions designations possible.”
http://www.miamiherald. com/opinion/op-ed/article191719724.html
4b0d99 No.234932
oi, lads. Something smells like cbts fish with this leaf material:
1. Omar Khadr was a "Canadian" placed in gitmo for a decade after killing an American with a grenade in Afghanistan when he was 16.
2. Due to his age at arrest time, a bunch of legal shite took place and an apology was made. Traitorous Canadian PM Trudeau gave this fuck $10M EVEN THOUGH HE WAS NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED TO DO SO.
3. This Joshua Boyle cunt, pictured with Trudeau www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/joshua-boyle-ottawa-charges-1.4470475 and now just arrested based on what looks like kiddie diddling, had traveled to Afghanistan and was a "hostage" there for years with his "American" wife.
4. Joshua Boyle was originally married to the sister of Omar Khadr.
What is this fuckery? What's about all that $$? Was he making connections on the ground for U1? WTF.
d89d7e No.234934
I'm absconding with one of your memes. This makes me heart & soul sick. Prayer, lots of prayer to research this "filth". Days that I feel so "dirty" from this. Sick bastards.
cd6989 No.234935
387660 No.234936
Sorry, that info was just to do with what time this appeared. It is not on WL but on some other site: wikileaksnews.co - possibly a fake WL site.
4fd931 No.234937
That is not the wikileaks website. It's some news outlet using the wikileaks name but notice the .co domain. It's not wikileaks.
8e5b8c No.234938
Your jargon is a little above my head, But got the general jist. Along with the skykings, and a constants streams of EAM's recently, It tells me something is going on in the Korean peninsular, most likely related to another missile launch that has been reported to be in preparation.
7b965d No.234939
Russian reset:
Clinton trolls Russia on behalf of NWO.
"We have nuclear power in Iran, NK, US, and EU; you're surrounded. We will "reset" Russia and replace you with someone amenable to the cabal.
Then DJT wins and the plan is kaput.
So much for trolling.
94696e No.234940
the Shills have been pushing it all morning
bbc0bc No.234942
Michael Cohen, Former Executive Managing Director of Och-Ziff Capital Management, Indicted for Defrauding Client and Obstruction of Justice.
d0f04b No.234943
This is a good post. Let's be on guard.
dce703 No.234944
it's coming
96c238 No.234945
Isn't that exactly what I said? It's not wikileaks.
fdff18 No.234946
Fuck right off, shill.
e5c3bb No.234947
or maybe shills are trying to discredit the list?
either way, there is a list…..
d0f04b No.234948
Nice meme.
Let's make this not descend into the "illuminati" rhethoric that has discredited the past truthseeking movemetns.
Stop the shill talk anons. Focus on finding the Truth.
4fd931 No.234949
the world contains evil people that are lurking all around us. my 30 year old cousin went missing in Chicago about two months ago. she just disappeared into thin air. she is a very attractive girl.
this is why we need to be able to defend ourselves at all times. also, teach your children to defend themselves and be aware of their surroundings at all times.
8ca136 No.234950
He knows what in store for him & his peeps.
cbbd67 No.234951
and that one is not it anon.
> please try harder
dce703 No.234952
On Tw they're saying Tillerson wanted to resign
let's hope it's not
39e142 No.234953
Trump lawyers argue for Assange right to publish in Roger Stone case
https:// www.infowars.com/case-for-trump-to-pardon-assange-gaining-momentum/
c3619f No.234956
be still God's purpose with bare fruit on his clock not ours
e5c3bb No.234957
I will if you will as well……
0d6c2f No.234958
d89d7e No.234959
I have looked & looked for real confirmation on this:
http:// www.someonesbones.com/blog/delta-force-raids-obama-stronghold-in-thailand/
https:// www.sgtreport.com/articles/2017/12/30/wishful-thinking-or-trump-deep-state-counter-coup-reality-delta-force-raids-obama-stronghold-in-thailand
Popped up right after Christmas, but have not been able to really confirm. There is a LOT of deniers running with this. (Snopes is one - what ever they say if 99% false).
Would this be one HUGE present if true?
cbbd67 No.234960
been at this for years, not my fault you are so new to this 2 month old shit is new to you.
659ea9 No.234962
97ff70 No.234963
agreed I stopped after 1 guys net worth
of $800 000
was waiting to see if anyone else noticed
34bb4a No.234964
>TripAdvisor symbol is an OWL
Parent company looks like a black sun symbol.
John C Malone Chairman. Now largest land owner in the US: https:// www.forbes.com/sites/monteburke/2011/03/10/john-malone-largest-private-landowner-in-the-u-s-speaks/#35a5f4e657d4
e5c3bb No.234965
me too.
why are you so hostile?
94696e No.234966
Why's MagaPill calling out Steve Bannon what'd I miss this morning?
cbbd67 No.234968
what does that wikileaks have to do with Q?
> why so stupid?
4773d6 No.234969
05b421 No.234970
Something to open your mind to is ritual sacrifice.
Look at the clebs who have a close family member or close friend die.
The clebs do this deal for promises of wealth & fame
0b24a9 No.234971
David L. Boren
Retired in Sept. 2017 as President of the
University of Oklahoma.
David Lyle Boren (born April 21, 1941) is an
American university administrator and politician
from the state of Oklahoma. A member of the
Democratic Party, he served as the 21st
governor of Oklahoma from 1975 to 1979 and
in the United States Senate from 1979 to 1994.
The University of Oklahoma, in Norman, OK
was home to John Gittenger: Oct 26, 1988 -
NORMAN After a 28-year career with the CIA,
University of Oklahoma alumnus John Gittinger
is enjoying what he calls a peaceful life in
Norman. As chief psychologist for the Central
Intelligence Agency, Gittinger was responsible
for locating, assessing and recruiting foreign
nationals to be agents for the CIA.
Norman Oklahoma is also where 6 of the 9/11
hijackers purportedly trained.
The University of Oklahoma has a high
Nigerian student population, who like to major
in the Mental Health field. Therapists who
barely speak English are misdiagnosing children, and profiting from it. Medicaid fraud
is rampant.
Oklahoma has a state emergency in opiod use,
and is full of meth trafficking.
Gov. Mary Fallin's Chief of Staff is Denise
Northrup (different spelling than NG) and under
the administration, Oklahoma has taken a nose-
dive into the bottom of the barrel in every
category - education, crime, health care, etc.
This is surprising consider the amount of
money Big Oil pulls in.
Oklahoma has 9 private prisons. If the prisons
fall below quotas, the state of Oklahoma must
pay penalties.
Oklahoma leads the nation in women prisoners,
and has for years.
Oklahoma has such a bad problem with their
Child Protective Services, that three others
states sued Oklahoma for the inhumane
treatment of children.
As recently as 2013, the state of Oklahoma lost
78 children, and failed to report them missing.
Satanism is prevalent in Oklahoma, but so is
stupidity, or so it seems.
Amazon is building in Oklahoma.
Because of the OKC bombing, Oklahoma hosts
a well-staffed Fusion Center, and the
Department of Homeland Security is situated
next to the OKC Memorial.
Oklahoma is also home to Lockheed Martin,
Northrupp-Gruman, Boeing, DYNCORP, and
Tinker Air Force Base, to name a few.
Oklahoma is the state where they were going to
erect a statue of Satan at the capitol.
Oklahoma is a hub for child sex-trafficking,
consistently in the top ten for decades. Several
state reps are now convicted pedophiles.
The corruption in Oklahoma is so awful, the
Center for Public Integrity gave Oklahoma an
39e142 No.234973
Almost EVERY CORPORATE logo is an occult symbol, good videos about this at www.whatonearthishappening. com
c3619f No.234975
daddy is about to be shot or hung?
0a8cdd No.234977
The 1%
Almost all the MONEY
Read BETWEEN the line anon's
Critical Thinking Needed
132976 No.234979
Hahaha yea dude trump is a pure breed red white and blue American who associates himself as more of a citizen than a member of government
I was fooled in the beginning before the primaries
But then I could smell (((their))) fear
And I knew trump was worthy of my trust.
39e142 No.234980
I dont think Bannon said anything more than he has already said, I think this writer is twisting some comments that the has already publicly made, I dont see how there is admission of guilt stated, he is just saying how the Feds are gonna approach this
3a5592 No.234981
Friendly "reminder", mayhaps?
96c238 No.234982
It's mostly theater but not everyone is privy to the script.
e8035f No.234984
Hm….sealed indictment now unsealed?
1db81a No.234985
The list is there. I looked at it. You have to un-break the link.
e246a6 No.234986
Thank you. I'm not a shill and I have been very supportive of Q anon movement, but we must be vigilant and not make ignorant assumptions just because it fits a chosen narrative.
The Rothschild's have been playing the human race for generations and they do it by using deception and playing both sides. I'm not suggesting that the Rothschild's are behind Q or that Q is not legit, but there are discrepancies that need to be addressed and the sooner the better.
We already knew the deep state wants WWIII to distract and reset everything. Thus, we need to get a handle on all this before war starts out with NK or Iran.
94696e No.234987
Screw fake new Drudge I never listen to that rag!!!
a1dd0c No.234988
So who the fuck is doing it all?
Just say it
986725 No.234990
That pic is Ambassador Christopher Stevens being tortured/killed in Benghazi
94696e No.234991
Yea sure it is Kek
cbbd67 No.234992
This Bannon thing is bad. Real bad.
eb930c No.234993
Has anyone investigating Alice & Wonderland investigated the connections to Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson)?
Alice Liddell was apparently an infatuation of Dodgson, who was a probable pedophile who liked young girls.
Alice lived in Oxford. So, if this is Alice, maybe Wonderland is Oxford.
Worth pursuing, or shill bait?
94696e No.234994
09a376 No.234995
Could MIA mean someone's initials?
2345f9 No.234996
More fake news. Anti-Trump source takes a statement out of context.
1db81a No.234997
Actually you have to have an IQ over 180 to make that work.
cd6989 No.234998
'this Bannon thing' is fake, very fake!
e5c3bb No.234999
really old news…covered this a few months ago Anon.
cbbd67 No.235001
You know the Bannon shit is a nothing burger when they have to come here to concern troll.
0d6c2f No.235003
34bb4a No.235004
Pay off all debts both public and private. And checked.
97ff70 No.235005
Hey Julian drop some shit here
2345f9 No.235006
Exactly. An out of context statement being hyped.
c3619f No.235008
good find, btw that was my last tail no. assigned and the J-starts is not just a missile detection platform. This radar array installed on bone yard B-707's is capable of tell the war-fighter (Commander in Charge) and #potus see all armaments across the battle-space in a SATCOM link in real time. I know I was a ground crew member and maintainer for 4 years on them…
e8e962 No.235009
94696e No.235010
Agreed, drummed up by retarded shills!!!
07b063 No.235011
Yeah guise this Bannon thing real bad! BTW, anyone know where I can find a deal on cheap butt plugs?
bbc0bc No.235012
Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book
(Same Author)
Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President
One year ago: the plan to lose, and the administration’s shocked first days.
fdff18 No.235013
Lots of misdirection and misinformation.
Bannon needs to be seen as the bad guy.
I think he relishes that roll.
39e142 No.235014
https:// twitter.com/EricTrump/status/948378088899072000
cbbd67 No.235015
you do know i was mocking him right?
> no probs not, but keep on with you bad self
09a376 No.235016
So does the hotdog. Get it? Ugh…
07b063 No.235018
I'm just having some fun. Meant for OP.
aad729 No.235019
I don't trust these "crumbs". Crumbs from someone who is misspelling. List of 300 from not a legit source. This is not legit.
cbbd67 No.235020
373744 No.235022
Chateau des Amerois
Find out who owns it.
24166f No.235023
Setting up a fake reason for a coastal blackout during the real storm methinks
cd6989 No.235024
If you get twisted out of shape and start doubting POTUS/Q every freaking time fake news is posted you should be on Fakebook playing Farmville! smfh
d80eeb No.235027
Hood info. Thanks!
fdff18 No.235028
Language of any poster on r/politics right here in this post.
132976 No.235029
in latin hed be called shillfagusmaximus
fdff18 No.235030
Oh lord. What are we to do????
d80eeb No.235031
b876bd No.235032
7d125d No.235033
This is our process - evaluate veracity and applicability. Does it pertain directly to what Q asked/stated? Is it part of our task directly?
Use discernment, move forward.
b876bd No.235034
bbc0bc No.235035
Statement from the President of the United States
"Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency.
When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.
Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn't as easy as I make it look. Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans.
Steve doesn't represent my base-he's only in it for himself.
Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.
We have many great Republican members of Congress and candidates who are very supportive of the Make America Great Again agenda. Like me, they love the United States of America and are helping to finally take our country back and build it up, rather than simply seeking to burn it all down."
fdff18 No.235036
ba719d No.235037
Mia is an artist
The song is paper planes
Jillian Assange posted the video on twatter
They wanna take your money .>>234995
132976 No.235038
3cae57 No.235039
fdff18 No.235040
But none of the names on the list fit.
Someone from Miami maybe?
85518a No.235042
Alex Jones on his radio show just Just had a report on the pedo round-up. He said it was real and happening now.
2d01f3 No.235043
When a North Korean Missile Accidentally Hit a North Korean City
Oops.Maybe Kim read the instructions from Musk wrong.
0fcba5 No.235044
OK checking thanks
0fcba5 No.235045
fdff18 No.235046
Trips confirm this future.
55c949 No.235047
>They wanna take your money
That certainly does not set them apart from anybody else. kek
e8e743 No.235048
Does anyone have a Pacer account to check if any of the sealed DC indictments have been assigned to any of these 3 new Judges?
1. Timothy J. Kelly
2. Trevor N. McFadden
3. Dabney L. Friedrich
08ae41 No.235049
You mean celebrities who lost close friends and/or relatives like Kanye, Jennifer Hudson, John Travolta, Mike Tyson, Johnny Carson, Eric Clapton, Paul Newman, Marie Osmond, Keanu Reeves, Mary Tyler Moore, Jerry Lewis, Marlon Brando, Anna Nicole Smith, Bill Cosby, Carol Burnett, Prince, Joe Biden, Dr. Dre, Mia Farrow, Loretta Lynn, Lou Costello, Vince Neil, Robert Plant, Anthony Quinn, OJ Simpson, Roald Dahl, Dianne Ladd, Roy Orbison, Bruce Dern (and Laura Dern), Roy Rogers, Nena, Kristin Cavallari, Chelsea Handler, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Joaquin Phoenix, Kelsey Grammer, Queen Latifah, Waka Flocka Flame, Diego Rivera, Niecy Nash, Luke Bryan, Miley Cyrus, Sean Puffy Combs, Jerry Seinfeld, Diana Ross, Janet Jackson, Lea Michelle, Vin Diesel, Demi Lovato, Snoop Dogg, Pete Townshend, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Stipe, Flea, Rozonda Thomas, Anthony Kiedis, Timbaland, Warren G, Bob Weir, David Chase, and others?
7d125d No.235050
THIS 100%
>disinformation is real
>distractions necessary
"All warfare is deception. Pretend inferiority and encourage the arrogance of your enemy. Hold bait to them, feign disorder to draw them in, then crush them."
The Art of the Deal
The Art of War
d80eeb No.235051
Prayerful it’s truth!
fdff18 No.235053
I got the relish and roll ….
4f079b No.235054
That one made my day
cbbd67 No.235056
top kek, the media will love this
…. its been going on for months….. AJ is a limited hangout so he can pay off his divorce
7f9d45 No.235057
god damn they're going full WWE
bbc36c No.235058
>this not descend into the "illuminati" rhethoric
Hey shill, you want to make some extra cash? you can't be living too large off 14.50 an hour
b5e8ed No.235059
Who's being played here? Not Anons.
08ae41 No.235060
Do you know what courts they work out of? I can check. . . .
fdff18 No.235061
Now that POTUS has brutally distanced himself, watch Bannon go nucular on the dems leading up to the mid terms.
b9843e No.235062
wasnt MIA the artist who sang "paper planes?"!
09a376 No.235063
Just thought it strange he repeatedly mentioned MIA in that post.
aad729 No.235064
a70887 No.235065
I'm not sure…he's in deep with Israel. Was also a huge leaker. Where do you think cernobitch got his scoops? Notice they stopped when bannon left.
b876bd No.235066
Except there are no rasslers representing these two, it's them going at it themselves!
09a376 No.235067
05b421 No.235068
d9e2b2 No.235069
Tweet back you agree. They should have all their capital taken from them then give them the death penalty, lol
7b965d No.235070
This reeks of leaker bait.
e8e743 No.235071
Thanks anon! They are at the US District Court in D.C. These are the newest active Judges that POTUS nominated for that Court. I have a hunch these Judges will get the hottest cases
a1dd0c No.235072
Bannon was the leaker in chief
Notice how white house leaks stopped once he was gone? Hmmm?
132976 No.235073
this is not enough
flipping burgers is not enough. behind bars or 6 feet in the ground. thats it.
fdff18 No.235074
Officially turning the pitbull loose.
cbbd67 No.235075
shhhhhh, come on now anon
94696e No.235076
www.foxnews. com/politics/2018/01/03/trump-slams-bannon-after-criticism-says-ex-chief-strategist-lost-his-mind.html
81a374 No.235077
Schiff had that honor IMO.
3073f4 No.235078
Has bill gates been MIA? Haven't heard anything about him in ages and ages.
b86da6 No.235079
Did you guys see this shit??
From Chrissy Teigeins Twatter
Excited to host the red carpet LIVE at “The Most Dishonest and Corrupt Media Awards”!!! Be sure to tune in!!
96aece No.235080
why are they pretend fighting?
bbc36c No.235081
I pointed out trip advisor back in November and within 12 hours I got a threatening call from them
This shows two things-
they are monitoring this board
if they threaten you, they're bluffing
132976 No.235082
"Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary."
387660 No.235083
Always post sauce.
3a5592 No.235084
I'm not sure you got the kek.
964871 No.235085
Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. This is too important to not be revealed.
7b965d No.235086
Is this statement on any of the official DJT channels? All I've seen thus far are MSM.
298b60 No.235087
Why is this statement not linked at ZH? Primary sources, please.
fdff18 No.235088
>Hold bait to them, feign disorder to draw them in, then crush them.
How many times has Trump done this in the past 2 years?
And they STILL haven't learned …
BTW, love AoW quotes. Been going back to it quite often this past year.
3ccd8e No.235089
Well may be the case.
If so, nothing to do but let it play out.
When the dust settles, we see where we are.
Above our pay grade..
8b1858 No.235090
The 90 days started from the day trump tweeted he had that many left..(Trumps tweet.)
94696e No.235091
Trumps is a WWE veteran it's all pageantry :)
be20c8 No.235092
Let me guess, the news will be breaking soon on all the ped arrests or something big and they want the lemmings watching a new bright shiny thing.
09a376 No.235093
So lefties side with one of the righties. It's planned.
a1dd0c No.235094
Anyone notice Bannon's Twitter has been dead since August? No Tweets since August? WTF?
298b60 No.235095
Yep. Something weird here. No one reporting this statement has a primary source linked. "Hyperlinks. What are those?"
3a5592 No.235096
Been reading this site religiously recently.
Worth a check for any Anon. It's another giant piece of the puzzle explained.
de65fc No.235097
Agree, this is a distraction. Look at the squirrel!
be20c8 No.235098
Yup I can see Trump with a folding chair right now, they are in the ring!
964871 No.235099
Agreed, it's become a must-read.
be20c8 No.235100
Can I pet da squirrel George
d0f04b No.235102
BREAKING NEWS: Promoting darkness everywhere makes you unpopular with the Light forces.
ec2f86 No.235103
Tom Steyer relevant too
Him and brother
Podesta Wikileaks Walnut Sauce
Very anti trump
fdff18 No.235104
Yes. Ties of Mia to any Illuminati?
Lots of artists are rich kids who are pissed off at their parents …
94696e No.235105
That is kind of weird….
cbbd67 No.235106
298b60 No.235107
"If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."
735d65 No.235109
Been wrestling with Jeff Sessions connections to Vanguard (i.e. private prisons) and Q's statements on Sessions.
Is the EO naming human rights abusers POTUS's workaround for a lame/useless AG?
Or has Jeff Sessions been playing a long, long game to get himself deep into the crevices of the globalist cabal?
https://www. washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/01/09/read-the-financial-disclosure-documents-released-for-five-trump-nominees/?utm_term=.1e52dafaf919
986725 No.235110
>>233183 I wondered the same thing, as I thought they had been picked up. Haven't actually seen them at public functions, so this hasn't been verified. IF they are indeed out of the picture, like some other key players still tweeting, that would make sense.
We should probably start following/researching all their seemingly benign posts.
406850 No.235111
Did any anons put this together about Q's spider web??astoundingelements.com/qanon-follow-the-spider-sculptures-called-mamans-around-the-world.html
3cae57 No.235112
94696e No.235113
09a376 No.235114
She's potentially good. She's onto the CIA / Google link. She's in support of WL.
8b1858 No.235115
Looks for sources… not in tweet..
7b965d No.235116
The Bannon/Trump feud going on right now isn't the typical DJT dog-and-pony show meant to confuse the shills. This is legitimately FAKE NEWS, all fabricated bullshit intended to divide and conquer.
Unless one of you chucklefucks comes up with a primary source for this shit, IGNORE IT.
Until DJT comments on it, treat this as high-level disinfo and wait for more information.
a80d67 No.235117
Belongs to the S0lvay family.
e391cd No.235118
can a anon post those gross chelsea pix? i need meme ammo ty
1db81a No.235120
Trump response to Bannon:
https://www.bloomberg.com/ news/articles/2018-01-03/trump-blasts-ex-aide-bannon-says-he-has-lost-his-mind-jbze0ekq
cbbd67 No.235121
yes, like the same night he dropped the crumb
a1dd0c No.235122
DJT seems to have responded directly to Zero Hedge though. So unless that's liable then he's responding to something?
b86da6 No.235123
Sorry, just waking up, trying to catch up, consume covfefe, and contain my anxiety
twitter. com/chrissyteigen/status/948612510353010688
fdff18 No.235124
>huge leaker
Strategic leaks?
I think Bannon and Trump are working together still.
But, no matter.
Bannon is still an asset. He's no friend of the cabal (I'm not convinced Israel, as a whole, is part of the cabal).
7f9d45 No.235125
and always give your enemies a way to lose gracefully. An enemy with no options has nothing left to lose
96aece No.235126
cd6989 No.235127
that photoshopped bs? smdh
fdff18 No.235128
Priebus and Spicer.
387660 No.235129
e391cd No.235130
its funny as f tho
b9843e No.235131
her dad was important….
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arul_Pragasam
e8035f No.235132
>https://www.bloomberg.com/ news/articles/2018-01-03/trump-blasts-ex-aide-bannon-says-he-has-lost-his-mind-jbze0ekq
No source given in this article. Hm…
298b60 No.235133
Oh is that how it seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeems? It seeeeeeems to be that way? Lemme know when it IS.
027d4e No.235135
Per infowars
Author Who Claims Bannon Turned On Trump, Is Known For "Factual Errors" And "Invented Quotes"
7b965d No.235137
So he also "directly" responded to Fox News and Bloomberg, both of whom are also running the same shit?
What indication do you have that the statement is officially from DJT when any niggerbrain (like you) can hammer out a similar statement in no time at all for everyone else to copy-paste?
Get your fucking head in the game, anon…
06bb0d No.235139
Not sure if this has been posted already. Apologies if so. Rothschild invests in bitcoin back the summer. https://news.bitcoin .com/rothschild-investment-corporation-becomes-bitcoin-stakeholder/
e246a6 No.235140
"shill" ~ an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
Nope, no me. Unless you can offer an intelligent and cogent response to my post without resorting to lowest of rhetorical tactics - name calling, then YOU are part of the problem.
3a5592 No.235141
Anon's already found she's wearing the same wedding ring.
cbbd67 No.235143
> per infowars
< top kek, using infowars as a source
132976 No.235144
Q !ITPb.qbhqo (ID: 8GzG+UJ9) 11/20/17(Mon)02:29:00 No.150166904
I have every single Q drop saved in a .docx file from day 1
I took it upon myself to save every. single. one.
for easy searching.
been here since day 1
happened to be on /pol/ when Q first posted
a1dd0c No.235145
027d4e No.235146
Fake shill, all the shills are using the same statement which is not on Trumps page so it's BS
cd6989 No.235148
If we use fake photos for memes to 'wake normies' it just gives them ammo to disbelieve everything we are saying, no?
a1dd0c No.235149
What's your prognosis Dr.?
ec2f86 No.235150
How come LdR isn’t on the list?
She thinks she’s hot shit
1db81a No.235151
It's nothing but sources. Read it through.
406850 No.235152
thanks, I was there, but didn't catch it because the board slides so fast.
c36eca No.235153
What if Trump is talking literally and "they" mind controlled bannon.
>tinfoil hat on
aad729 No.235154
1db81a No.235155
They're seriously opening themselves up to this kind of liability? I wonder if Bannon really said what HE'S being attributed with saying?
d0f04b No.235156
Of course. It hurts the cause. Ends NEVER justify the means, Q has pointed this out earlier.
Lies can only be defeated with TRUTH. NOT with more lies.
027d4e No.235157
Trump still playing the MSM like a fine tuned Stradivarius
aad729 No.235158
a1dd0c No.235159
Spicer just looked like a non-fat sipping latte poof. And a leaky one at that.
Trump should consult us first before next hire.
Stop hiring NYC faggots
76cfff No.235160
Intentional misinformation. SB is THE patriot, master strategist and media savvy deception and mass propaganda are his specialties, as a naval officer, the art of war is but one of his many talents, think controlled opposition psyops, think memes, he wrote Trump's inaguration speech, him and Trump are in this together
c36eca No.235161
All of POTUS's moves are pretty well calculated IMO, there must be a reason for this
cd6989 No.235162
WTF was creepy Joe Biden doing at Jones' swearing in? Trying to cop a free feel?
e391cd No.235163
i wasnt sure if it was shooped or not
e246a6 No.235164
132976 No.235165
not a doctor just a book keeper lmao
im not a twitterfag but that is the date and time of the original post on 4ch so if somebody wants to go down the POTUS tweet timeline and compare, be my guest
e8035f No.235166
Show me sauce. Where is evidence Trump said this other than 'news' outlets claiming he said it in a statement?
1c05e1 No.235167
Several threads missing. Was that intentional or a hack? a lot of threads missing thumnails, too. Fortunately, I have most of Q''s threads saved.
7d125d No.235168
Thank you for keeping up on that, those things are relevant and hopefully some anons are putting them together, especially when he reveals who in the blinds revealed. Is there a thread on this?
3a5592 No.235169
She's wearing the same wedding ring: it's her.
2fd497 No.235170
Ok, so this is the new already played out tactic then? Sling some mud with no sources provided? Got it.
This Bannon thing is just another smoke screen boice. Eye on the ball!
cd6989 No.235171
Exactly, its not like there isn't plenty of real fodder for the cannons!
f7e6f9 No.235172
>Chateau des Amerois points of interest… “Alice” Solvay, 365 windows, dome with 1,000 lights, Monarch programming, pedophilia, sacrifice.
ec2f86 No.235173
Tom Steyer
Him and his brother - anti trump
Also in the Podesta Wikileaks Walnut Sauce e-mail
b876bd No.235174
298b60 No.235175
Steve Bannon isn't on twitter. You're new to this fact checking shit, aren't you?
fdff18 No.235176
>opening themselves up to this kind of liability
Desperation calls for irrational actions.
Cornered rat.
1db81a No.235177
It's certainly of the magnitude we were looking for at this period in time - just in the wrong direction. This is exactly the kind of thing where we wait and we wait and we wait for it to all turn around and it just never does.
964871 No.235178
Critical connection made on Voat ==> Cholera weaponized to harvest organs
aad729 No.235179
cbb5a5 No.235180
Donald Trump Jr.Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Sahil Kapur
Thanks Steve. Keep up the great work.
Donald Trump Jr. added,
Sahil Kapur
Verified account @sahilkapur
Alabama now has one US senator who is a Democrat and another who used to be a Democrat.
Show this thread
10:43 AM - 3 Jan 2018
ec2f86 No.235183
LdR ha ha missing
cbb5a5 No.235184
Looks like Don JR has joined the spat
986725 No.235185
What about SevenSisters the movie? Could that be a reference? It came out this past fall.
437493 No.235188
She was the one live twatting on that Japan Airline/ANA diverted plane back to LAX too right? Interesting…
406850 No.235189
I hope you are correct
it would make sense…..
437493 No.235191
Carefully crafted Disinfo…..Art of War, Art of the Deal.
a1dd0c No.235192
Well if this is his idea of a Psyop?
It just fuckocked backwards on himself and the PRes.
Aint no fucking way to unfuck this
Image is everything
MSM will take this and RUNNNN with it.
Even if this was a STING for DIsinfo
Even if this was a STING for MSM……
Oh wait….didn't Trump say he was going to give an award to the most dishonest MSM soon?
Could this be the AWARD that Trump was referencing? Oh my….perhaps a RICO indictment is the reward?
GANNET=RICO Act Indictment?
From my fingers to your eyeballs!
c36eca No.235193
Lol shills are harping on bannon so hard, makes em laughably easy to pick em out. Try harder boys
b9843e No.235194
a museum and a hall….
0a8cdd No.235195
acronyms. the free dictionary. com/MIA
b86da6 No.235196
And got pulled into the Pizzagate ordeal afterwards, plus the Church of satan thing with Chelsea yesterday. Very unexpected twist.
7b0474 No.235197
why do some of you still believe in Bannon? He is a Christian Zionist, after all.
298b60 No.235198
Dipshit. It's not verified first of all and second there are at least 2 other accounts with his name. Listen, I'm not here to enable the mentally disabled, so you keep on believing things because that's how they seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem to you. He's done several interviews and said he's not on twitter, but you go do you, disinfo whore.
86ff95 No.235199
Maybe we should start a board game to print out for everybody.. crossing out the names that flydeadfly. 300 soon to be dead bad actors? war on? what defcon are we at?
e8035f No.235200
>NNET=RICO Act Indict
This anon gets it!
d0f04b No.235201
He should just not be trusted unconditionally until he proves himself to serve the whole populace and wants to defeat the satanic dark cabal.
Same as everyone else in fact.
ec16c4 No.235205
twitter.com /DonaldJTrumpJr/status/948625872914931712
132976 No.235206
were you here in the beginning of CBTS?
October 31, 2017 11:00 pm
UserID: grTMpzrL PostNo: 147433975
Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election supposed to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
964871 No.235207
No thread yet, but it's not a bad idea. Voat PG is excellent at staying on top of things, I encourage all Anons to visit their subverse: voat.co/v/pizzagate
e8035f No.235208
Kinda makes one wonder what's REALLY in Bannon's book…
What if it is a roadmap of how the corruption works. Now wouldn't that be a little inconvenient for the anuses.
fdff18 No.235209
We have a thread for your concerns:
Bring your butt plug, plenty of your fellow travelers there.
1db81a No.235211
We have little choice but to see how this plays out, so we might as well not throw ourselves into a tailspin overthinking it. Every possibility is possible and there is nothing to base judgement on at this point. I seriously doubt the timing of this was an accident.
7b965d No.235212
I like where your head is at. Yes, your fingers are smarter than your head, but that's OK, it all works out in the end.
298b60 No.235213
Thanks for advertising your mental disability. I'll return the favor.
76cfff No.235214
he prefers to post on CBTS
aad729 No.235215
bb318f No.235217
Don Jr. Packs a Punch! Boom!
964871 No.235218
Chelsea making the right news on T_D
7d125d No.235219
They walk into it every single time. More anons should read both and then understanding grows. The title of his book was not incidental!
>Could this be the AWARD that Trump was referencing? Oh my….perhaps a RICO indictment is the reward?
>GANNET=RICO Act Indictment?
This anon gets it
fdff18 No.235220
>were you here in the beginning of CBTS?
>What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
This one is even more relevant today.
Sanctuary cities/states?
8ca136 No.235221
1db81a No.235222
BO or mod: ID 0736A7 appears to be targeting people very selectively.
e391cd No.235223
>Ephesians 5:14
Ephesians 5:14King James Version (KJV)
14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
d0f04b No.235224
Calm down anons. Nothing is worth arguing over.
Truth awaits seekers not sh*tflingers.
01ff58 No.235225
Disinformation is real disinformation is necessary.
What happened last time we were fed misleading info on purpose?
Remember remember the 5th of November.
f6b691 No.235226
Is there a reason the names are written in the order they are? SBSDSD
b876bd No.235227
Still at large:
https:// twitter.com/LdeRothschild/status/948405091312328706
387660 No.235229
fdff18 No.235230
1 - Your concern has been noted, just like the other $14.50 losers who posted before you.
2 - muh joos
3 - Show your wrinkled flapjack tits or get the fuck out.
7d125d No.235231
Yes, there are other sites, we know, but on THIS site it would be good to have a thread so anons don't have to go offsite and wade through everyone else's stuff to have the info handy right here.
872a68 No.235232
“They wear shoes, belts, and wallets made out of the skin of children that have been ritually murdered. Have you seen leather products made from human skin? It has a very unusual, distinctive look. I learned at a very young age to identify it,” said 37-year-old Culkin, who has been living in Paris since 2003."
There must be public pictures of these people wearing items made from human skin. They would love to flaunt it in front of the camera. Culkin says it has a distinctive look, so maybe we can turn that into a lead.
be20c8 No.235233
I bet it's a stunt, both sides are fake docs that they media is running with and they will award all who posted them.
17bbf4 No.235235
They are.
It was on 6'Cock news here on Radio 4 which is IYI news.
013bd9 No.235236
Is there a way to filter for blocked planes? Hovering over them is a slow process.
298b60 No.235237
76cfff No.235238
deception is part of the plan
d0f04b No.235239
We had (unconfirmed) solving of Qmap yesterday, with no replies at all. Focus should be kept on what we can do for ourselves and our loved ones.
Everyone should go re-read the OP.
be20c8 No.235240
Drop it, it's a fake list, no sauce
94696e No.235241
Prolly have to pay extra for that feature on flightradar24
fdff18 No.235242
It's a ridiculous shillfest in here right now.
Most all of it is Bannon related.
The must know Trump has turned Bannon loose and are skeered as shit.
a1dd0c No.235243
Yes…I just verified this theory with my wife.
She says it works.
My WIFE IS ALWAYS RIGHT! (just ask her)
aad729 No.235244
a1dd0c No.235246
Trump presents
Fake News Award Next Monday at 5pm
What's the award?
96aece No.235248
this is fucked
1db81a No.235249
Bigger picture, 40,000 ft., quantify: we're looking for big events about this time. Trump announces fake media awards; even though it's next Monday, the announcement is already out. This bombshell CLAIM comes supposedly from Bannon - if the cabal knew their time was up, they would have nothing to lose by going for broke and just flat-out making up fake stories to bury Trump. Ultimately we don't have the resources to know what Bannon did and didn't do, write, or say so we have to rely on patience and see what comes out about this. Bannon is well known for being slightly unstable, and he has full motive to bury Trump. I doubt that any claims he could make (if it was really him making them) would get very far on their own merit. They would have to subpoena bank records which probably could not be found.
dd28f5 No.235250
You should look up the short vid he made for RLM. Weird shit.
132976 No.235251
are we really arguing about bannon right now?
is this what we have become?
or is it optics just like antifa
"we are coming out in droves and starting a revolution!!!! NOV 4!!"
Nov 4 shows up….*crickets..crickets* nobody shows up..because we have the numbers and everything is a fuckin lie
e1921a No.235253
Seems like CDAN might be crashing at the moment. I'm sure TPTB are terrified of this one being revealed.
b3f035 No.235256
Check this out Wonderland and rabbits.
Twitter cleanhouse@ andreagaunt2
d0f04b No.235257
Good point. Let's see what comes, while doing what good we feel we can. If nothing comes - we have been deceived.
17bbf4 No.235258
Still laughing at anon who made Animal House ref
e1676d No.235259
Does anyone know what this lapel pin is on Bannon?
1db81a No.235260
Thank you for that … sometimes it can be a very good thing to lighten the mood a little. Send wishes for an awesome day to your wife. :)
86ff95 No.235261
as above - so below ..
comes to mind.
8ab7c3 No.235263
try: https:// www.radarbox24.com/
it displays all flight info without hovering over it
76cfff No.235264
his book will be a major red pill, like all of his documentaries have been, I have no doubt about it
e8035f No.235265
>Stop with the mental gymnastics and accept it
If anyone has seen a source that demonstrates that Trump actually made the statement attributed to him, sauce it. I have seen nothing.
cdf295 No.235266
Not sure what this means yet.
[ C P 19]
Show the World Our Power.
C P 19 Letters.
Classified Passwords = 19 letters
7d125d No.235267
STOP responding to bait everyone.
Work together
Answer the questions Q asked
Find the spiders
Build the web ("map")
Make memes to educate and calm the public
be20c8 No.235268
its fake drop it geee fk already
b876bd No.235269
All expense paid cruise to gitmo?
1db81a No.235270
Yes. We're seeing it now - a full frontal attack on morale at exactly this time. They're not very good at what they do, are they?
c01a4d No.235271
Four helos on the move Soputh of Las Vegas headed North West
dea09c No.235272
Are you talking about that schizophrenic retard namefag who produces all of those completely valueless "stringer decoding" graphics?
The ones that are so convoluted that you can't possible deduce his methodology? Which is intentional; you can't criticize his complete lack of stable methodology if he just packs the picture full of enough shit that you give up trying to understand what he is saying.
Because he claimed to have solved it, and that he had super secret info, but of course it was just too much for us to handle, which was met with appropriate dismissal.
Or are we talking about someone else?
1db81a No.235273
LOL "These people are stupid." Their stupid is showing now.
d0f04b No.235274
Guys let's move on from puppet hating, puppet theorizing and sh*tflinging to removing the influences of the dark satanic cabal INSIDE (of us, our thoughts, beliefs, etc) and OUTSIDE (exposing bad actors as per Q's crumbs)
Love is the solution for EVERY PROBLEM.
3c7200 No.235275
My impression for some time now (say, six months) is that Drudge Report and ZeroHedge are under new management.
aed8fd No.235276
they are trying and they suck at it.
e1676d No.235277
It‘s not that govt seal Q posted is it ? ( in the middle of the badge)
1db81a No.235278
That scene has stuck in my head all these years. Especially "wif." I threw it out as a comment; didn't know the anon would put it in the meme. Oh well! :)
b86da6 No.235279
I get the feeling this might blow all of that wide open. This could be huge if shes /ourgirl/?
aad729 No.235280
Zero hedge has articles that no one else covers though, and if you read between the lines you find some good info.
132976 No.235282
filtered. i suggest you all do the same.
if you guys are dumb enough to believe this bullshit then we dont deserve Q
298b60 No.235283
No, these clowns want us to believe that Trump, who uses Twitter to directly communicate, suddenly decides to use the AP wire. Amirite?
c01a4d No.235284
Fuck me, there's swarms of them! Triggered. Planefags on alert!!
1db81a No.235285
FWIW I'll draw it out in Blender (easy peasy) and do a Giggle image search but not having detail for the center, I'm not sure what will come up. Give me a minute and I'll see what happens.
d8316d No.235286
I see it as a deliberate distraction, a false fire in camp to project disorganization and weakness.
Basic Art of War stuff.
0d6c2f No.235287
Stop with the hand wringing!
e8035f No.235289
Yes, but I can't find any source for it. It sounds like a document handed to press by someone….and the press didn't look at it closely enough to realize that it is complete bullshit. That's my guess. And it is only a guess at this point.
132976 No.235290
yes. this is all a distraction to come and shit up the fucking board.
it happens every once in a while.
ignore. dont respond. it's been our way for a while now
stop responding to the bannonflippedfags
aad729 No.235291
3d5b7a No.235292
In commerce, truth is sovereign.
Disinformation is corruption of the truth.
e8035f No.235293
Look at the birds!
e7f2a2 No.235294
the mooch was right about bannon all this time and now hes coming back lol
dea09c No.235295
Delete this post, Steph, and don't namefag again.
Maybe keep lurking.
c01a4d No.235296
Get a load of how many in the air, this is big!
e8035f No.235297
>stop responding to the bannonflippedfags
c3619f No.235298
penal colony on mars?
7d125d No.235300
Stephanie, first, please read the rules at the very tippy top of the thread. Second, please delete your post - you posted your email address. This is for your personal protection. Third, your idea is noted.
c36eca No.235301
AI or shill. Interesting to watch in action. Learn their ways, then filter.
fdff18 No.235302
Bannon is the shill topic of the day.
MAJOR concern trolling/shilling over Bannon.
Flak over the target, anons.
Incredibly obvious.
Trump has trolled these lefty morons for 2 years using the same methods.
And Trump ALWAYS comes out on top (how's Mueller's investigation going, leftards?).
And they STILL haven't figured out.
"These people are really stupid."
a1dd0c No.235303
He'd have to have sources
Or he'd be sued for liable and slander right?
No source yet claims to directly hear this from Bannon yet. Bannon made no public response.
The response from Trump also seems "off" and possibly fake news.
24166f No.235304
smokin' indo
sippin' on gin and kids
laid back
with my mind on my money and my money on my mind
298b60 No.235305
Delete this as anon suggests. Go to the Catalog (link at the top). Find the Who is P? thread. Discuss there.
d0f04b No.235306
We are talking about him, and I was calling for him to show up and explain this. I won't waste my time on his stuff either, I tried to help and hit a brick wall.
132976 No.235307
i have a sneaking suspicion that Pence would be more of a nightmare to have as a president than Trump in terms of ridding the deepstate. I dont know why i feel that way but i really think pence is 100% /ourguy/
Hes quiet but hes a ticking timebomb and hes been ready to wreck shit for a while
e8035f No.235308
Apologies - misread which way you were thinking. Agreed.
24da90 No.235309
Ok he ask for it .
Let’s meme Bannon
10d46c No.235310
i havnt seen this posted yet, good find anon
132976 No.235311
lmao its cool anon
75f9ac No.235314
Priebus - not Bannon.
dce703 No.235315
Looks like the Iran revolution is already over.
17bbf4 No.235317
Faggy McMichaelcock
7b965d No.235318
Not sure if this has already made the rounds or not. Something to focus on for the near future.
96c238 No.235319
What is a Grand Canyon helicopter tour?
e8035f No.235320
Helos….almost looks like someone is running and they scrambled helos to locate vehicles.
8ab7c3 No.235321
just noticed there is another 4 ES50's in there too not pictured
628cd2 No.235322
Stumbled on this looking around for John Legend stuff. Elysium is apparently a dark web app for trafficking. story from last july:
https://www.europol.europa. eu/newsroom/news/14-arrests-in-takedown-of-massive-child-sexual-abuse-platform
aefaa2 No.235323
https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DHaE51tWsAA2NFV.jpg
aad729 No.235324
Why do you say that?
c01a4d No.235325
Leaving Las Vegas?
15b930 No.235326
0b22e1 No.235327
I doubt that, never heard of that. Can you show that in the Alabama law (or even another state you know better) or from a reputable source?
dfe5bf No.235328
Yep - there are no coincidences and timing is everything!
96aece No.235329
great fucking work
e8035f No.235330
d0f04b No.235331
>…but we must be vigilant and not make ignorant assumptions just because it fits a chosen narrative.
>user responds with shill, shillfagusmaximus, and Faggy McMichaelcock
Observe and think for yourself if this narrative does anything but sow confusion and detract from work.
dd28f5 No.235332
or a standard military training mission. air cav units do that all the time. Huge number of helicopters at once.
a1dd0c No.235333
Yeah i could be wrong on the Bannon thing
probably a knee jerk reaction.
The same reaction will be had by everyone else though.
My concern, is that a lot of peeps who have that same reaction…will not be able to UNDO it.
Most people cannot believe that they were fooled and will go a long long way to find facts to prove they were not fooled. (Confirmation Bias) is a bitch.
Which is why we must ALWAYS QUESTION OURSELVES and always question our motives/beliefs/opinions to see how these effect our logic and our views of facts.
aad729 No.235334
b9843e No.235335
c01a4d No.235336
New York too. Seems as though the commercial flights are out, so go the helo route.
8ab7c3 No.235337
well they all split up and went in different directions.
what is aerial search?
298b60 No.235338
Here you go, faggot.
17bbf4 No.235339
This would indicate shit is going down soon.
fdff18 No.235340
King Abdullah II of Jordan?
I think he may be a long shot though. Apparently he didn't like Trump's embassy move to Jerusalem.
"King Abdullah of Jordan reportedly fired his brothers Prince Feisal and Prince Ali and his cousin Prince Talal on Friday, relieving them of important military posts."
www.breitbart. com/national-security/2017/12/29/king-jordan-relieves-brothers-military-command-amid-rumors-saudi-coup-plot/
8b1858 No.235341
For the new memefags enjoy
9c66ce No.235342
55c949 No.235343
DJ asked him to be his Escort.
He must still have some little boy in him,
289b3e No.235345
No real source for that concept, just common sense- same logic as requiring a shoplifter to exit the store before it is considered shoplifting. There is a point where a crime is solidified as a crime. Until that point, the law may not allow prosecution. And if prosecution is the goal, then it makes sense.
e8035f No.235346
Looks like at least a couple landed/stopped - dead stop hover or landed.
d0f04b No.235347
e8035f No.235348
Landed. Callsigns disappearing.
96aece No.235349
c01a4d No.235350
One EC30 over NY too headed for Canada?
aad729 No.235351
09a376 No.235352
I posted back when Tiegen was on the plane there was a chance her tweets were to INFORM THE MASSES.
0b22e1 No.235354
Given what Bannon is quoted as saying in the article, and some disturbing things I've seen come up on breitbart.com while Bannon's been running it after leaving the WH, I agree with Trump. Bannon is not a friend of the administration.
Bannon seems to be taking strategic shots against Trump. The comments about Don Jr. cannot be described any other way.
735d65 No.235355
1db81a No.235356
That's what I was getting at … maybe the shitholes know their time is basically over so they figure libel suits and all, they have nothing to lose; they're all going down anyway so maybe it's a last-ditch effort.
e8e743 No.235357
The crimes, if any, have already occurred. The corrective action would be different before confirmation though. Once seated a Judge would remove him and replace him with Moore. Before seated, a new election would be held and the Governor would temporarily seat someone.
96aece No.235358
827444 No.235359
Who does she always have to have that look that's just seen a soul to devour.
b86da6 No.235360
Thats exactly what happened. It was all part of the show. Monday @ 5 is going to be fun
5ac29d No.235361
Sure sounds like Getty with the annexes
e1676d No.235362
I found this on Breitbart but zoomed in for the screen shot if you want to examine it on pc
406850 No.235363
b5e8ed No.235364
Idk, there's always a lot of sightseeing helo traffic around the Hoover Damn. For some reason people like paying a lot of money to see a big-as wall of concrete. Lots of security, too. 8 choppers in the air at once does seem a bit excessive, though my info is probably 10 years old at this point.
09a376 No.235366
1db81a No.235367
Trump would not have chosen him blindly.
8ddaa5 No.235369
Wow…this is interesting. So evil but insightful about child deaths in FL.
dea09c No.235370
So you believe "Trump" (no source) in what he "said" in reaction to what "Bannon said" (also no source).
You allow yourself to form opinions based on such extraordinary claims that have not been corroborated in any way yet.
70732b No.235371
Carl A. Anderson is the head of the Knights of Columbus fraternal and charitable organization and by all accounts and logic a good guy. Somebody needs to give evidence why this guy “ deserves death” acc. to previous bread or I call BS on the whole thing 300 list. Or was he the flipper?
e8035f No.235372
Fuck all nothing where those helos landed. I'm going to go with tour. 45 degrees outside. That tour is going to SUCK.
Or…there's something else going on there.
289b3e No.235373
More complacent actors prove a larger crime.
Of course there is the other option whereas no pubic mention of it will occur, but the military tribunal will present evidence and find soros guilty. This could possibly happen without ever making it public, but in my (non lawfag) opinion that would bring guilt to all those who knew and did not correct it…
027d4e No.235374
Yup all the same type of ec130 just canyon dam tours
c01a4d No.235375
It's raining helos… They are giving themselves away…
3c7200 No.235377
Seems possible that the dark web Elysium platform is the source for some/most the sealed indictments. Good find.
289b3e No.235378
I want to see that crusty bitch go down on live tv!
e1676d No.235379
96c238 No.235380
It's on the Breitbart site now too, sourced as Sarah Sanders. Are they just playing along, or was that really handed out?
>The statement was released to reporters by press secretary Sarah Sanders prior to the White House press briefing.
e5c3bb No.235381
I researched Getty Images years ago when Pelosi held a lot of stock. They ONLY bought (invested) in image libraries (public and private). Sold NO product at the time. Now they are stamped on most internet images…..
0b22e1 No.235383
No it's not common sense, because once someone is sworn in he's not automatically removed even if fraud is shown. The law definitely allows prosecution before that.
What you're saying is wishful thinking. There's a huge schism among the R's that allowed Doug Jones into the Senate. He is now a senator and there's no prosecution in sight. I think his term runs out fairly soon though.
827444 No.235384
It must have been created by some high level people then, which when busted revealed lots of names.
I also heard playpen another sick pedo site was actually run by the cops for 1 year so they could gather data on those sharing and chatting about child abuse.
d8316d No.235385
There are some intriguing and (in some cases) unexpected names on the list. If we get bored, some enterprising anon might want to establish a database of these to compare and contrast with existing maps. Might be interesting.
c3619f No.235386
burning the house down music plz lol!
e5c3bb No.235387
dce703 No.235388
They say it's an announce on IGRC site, "sedition is over". All over the news here, but the site won't load
d4cd7b No.235389
Hey planefags, use the planefag thread and report here with anything that isn't pure noise and speculation:
e8035f No.235390
I take it back. This is where the helos landed. Near a road. This is not a good place for a tour. 45 degrees outside. Not a picnic. What's going on there - At least 4 helos on the ground there right now.
0b22e1 No.235392
I think, more like to inform her friends and fellow degenerates so they'd be on their guard.
671915 No.235393
Anon above said wait until Jones gets sworn in before the fireworks start.
That didn't take long.
Alabama senate seat front and center in this twitter food fight.
All eyes on Alabama, mission accomplished.
So what happens next?
a1dd0c No.235394
I will contact the Pleadians via deep meditation and use their meta love thoughts to help me discern the truth in the matter.
17bbf4 No.235395
Pretty clear God is helping Trump
1db81a No.235396
DAMN this should get an award!!!!!!!!!!
3f58cb No.235397
Potus is still serving barium meals to find all the fakenews outlets before he presents them at the Fakenewsies™ Awards ceremony next Monday
96aece No.235398
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>I researched Getty Images years ago when Pelosi held a lot of stock. They ONLY bought (invested) in image libraries (public and private). Sold NO product at the time. Now they are stamped on most internet images…..
what about the 100 thousand children slaves, under the Getty Museum?
d8316d No.235399
Ever consider that she's his handler?
1db81a No.235402
Nothing came up. I think the design in the middle is killing it. I threw a red dot in there just to have SOMETHING but no matches.
e5c3bb No.235403
they hide in plain site maybe?
d8316d No.235404
Don't forget key player in the region: Austria.
bab17d No.235405
>>235384 You could also look in to this, "Operation Dark Room" , a pedo ring exposed in Norway and didn't get any attention almost in MSM. In fact they covered this story as little as possible…
http: //swordandscale.com/operation-dark-room/
"The reports also state that some of the men had been sexually abusing their own children. Another man arrested in the operation had a pregnant girlfriend at the time and had conversations with other members of the network promising to sexually abuse the baby once he or she was born."
09a376 No.235406
b86da6 No.235407
The timeline of this weekend is hella interesting with this now added to it.
Saturday is the Elysium function w/ John Legend
Sunday are the Golden globes
And now monday is the DNC awards with Teigen
This could go either way at this point.
She couldve been a clever ruse or shes about to get roasted.
1db81a No.235408
What's most notable is that this story breaks right as the fake news awards are announced.
aad729 No.235409
289b3e No.235410
I'm not a lawfag by any means - I see your point. He's only in for a year, and is a rather harmless position overall a good sting to nab soros.
But I would not be surprised if POTUS starts revealing the facts (by twitter or whatever) that the election was rigged, and when the MSM corners him for lying then he will toss the proof on the table.
Even if that happens, he does not have to remove and replace Jones. It would be about awareness and opening the door to Obama's election rigging…
09a376 No.235412
That was one of my other options. The third being she's just dumb.
05b421 No.235413
Oh the feels the feels
c01a4d No.235414
The bigger picture… something is going down. Fly Eagles fly..?
0b22e1 No.235415
Well Bannon did say he wanted to turn government to chaos. Trump wants it to function but in his direction.
Big difference. Blowing the ship up vs. turning it around and restaffing it.
fdff18 No.235416
>Or was he the flipper?
Crumb from last thread said that one just flipped.
So I've been looking at recent news for high profile names on the list that the msm/dems have been trashing recently.
Lieberman stands out, but that was back in May '16. Cohn looks like he is close to Trump. Murdoch sounds promising because he's been letting Hannity and Tucker smash the cabal every damn night.
Something tells me it could be someone we've never hear of.
I'll dig on this Anderson guy.
827444 No.235417
And to think these types of people run our countries etc
ad3d72 No.235418
why? because you say so? some of us think their posts are informative. fuck off
3e211d No.235419
Is the textAnon around currently ?
bbc0bc No.235420
White House holds news briefing after Trump rips Bannon
Trump Says Bannon ‘Lost His Mind’ After Leaving White House
Trump statement on former White House strategist Bannon
e8035f No.235421
>Where is this?
https://www.go ogle.com/maps/@35.9790801,-114.557453,11853a,35y,37.66t/data=!3m1!1e3
e5c3bb No.235422
no, but those nines…….
b86da6 No.235423
d8316d No.235424
I honestly don't think anyone anticipated Iran; it seems more like a spontaneous event that took just about everyone by surprise. No doubt there has been influence, but the way everyone is reacting I think it's more spontaneous than performed.
That being said, I fully expect everyone involved to make full opportunistic use out of it.
15c6ce No.235425
387660 No.235426
I will bake next bread too if anyone is wondering…..
be20c8 No.235427
Fucking Chinese with a camera on their neck visiting vegas and taking a heli tour WTF you're wasting your time, it's winter break all the tourists are there where it's warm
71e3a6 No.235428
Ever seen "the boys from brazil"?
The Nazis hiding in Brazil cloned multiple Hitler's and had them raised by various supporting families, suffering similar trauma and situations as Hitler did.
Trudeau looks like Castro
Obama looks like Indo muslim dude
Merkel looks like Hitler
0b22e1 No.235429
Trump has to destroy Bannon, because Bannon called Don Jr.'s meeting with the Russian woman "unpatriotic".
I do think Bannon lost his mind or is under some other direction (the Pope?), and that he will be destroyed and justly so.
aad729 No.235430
17bbf4 No.235432
You get ten cookies
bab17d No.235433
>>235417 They probably are , there was one high profile US citizen in that investigation, and several other high profile guys that never got exposed to public… Wonder why ?
e391cd No.235434
agree its relavent
0d6c2f No.235435
Don't drink the Arkancide!
c01a4d No.235436
If it was in the planefag area, 1) you wouldn't know and 2) you'd bitch that we hadn't told you. Catch 22…
ef4be1 No.235437
Vigilant Citizen website has an article under Sinister Sites: Israel Supreme Court. Haven’t seen this mentioned here, but it involves the Rothschilds.
1db81a No.235438
When are helicopters used vs. planes? Ops.
bab17d No.235439
>>235433 Correction, not sure if it was a US citizen, a person from "abroad" it says…
d8316d No.235441
Oh, yeah. It's on the front of Drudge. The CNN crowd is cackling with glee over the "dissension in the enemy camp".
Morons. It's a blatantly obvious deception and they're eating it up. More "proof". They're desperate, grasping at straws, and through their desperation they reveal themselves more.
827444 No.235442
What was the one about the livestreaming of a couple abusing their child and it got tracked and linked back to people from hollywood. Those that were watching it apparently.
aad729 No.235443
When you don't have a runway. And/or you're chasing.
0b22e1 No.235445
He's said he eats McD's because he knows what's in it.
I doubt he'd drink those cokes.
bab17d No.235446
>>235266 Baker!!!! Look at this… This was interesting dude., good shit :D
1afcdf No.235448
heh. lookup "kayfabe". never break the role.
70732b No.235449
You will find a very devout Catholic men’s leader and pro-life conservative with abundant writings of good content….if he got put into the Vatican Bank board in 2009 by Pope Benedict it was to clean it up. I say he is (our guy) good guy 100% and if he is bent I will be the 1% in the hospital.
1db81a No.235450
He looks like a homeless dude anyway (Bannon does).
715869 No.235452
Only just arrived to /c b t s/ today but must relay to anons a seemingly simple thing. A voice in my head, maybe a dream in the night.
Some foggy idea pertaining to Q drops.
Personal/professional/cabalistic connections?
c01a4d No.235454
When you can't get on a commercial flight too… no boarding cards..
bab17d No.235455
Is this from that Norwegian shit I jjust posted ?
bbc0bc No.235456
c3619f No.235458
0b22e1 No.235460
Maybe Q was intended to create new places of discussion favorable to Trump, because his folks would need places to migrate to away from Breitbart – which is unreliable due to Bannon.
406850 No.235461
Press briefing in about 30 mins, want to guess how many questions will be about Bannon and Trump?
cd6989 No.235462
From the looks of him, Bannon is a very heavy drinker! Just saying…
c01a4d No.235463
Or you're running…
96aece No.235464
wow, you cant grammer or engrish
325389 No.235465
i think Bannon is trying to get some consideration for Trump's Monday Awards Ceremony
1db81a No.235466
Well you must afford him equal rights.
e8035f No.235467
Four helos (3 with no callsign IIRC) all go to the top of a mesa in the middle of nowhere (terrible tourist spot), land and disappear near a fork in a road. Oh, and it is 45 degrees or colder in the desert (they're on a baron mesa.) Nothing to see here?
Sounds almost like a high value target to me.
This is not a place people go to get a tour.
Also, N132GC just showed up nearby and landed on a hill overlooking. (origination/destination blocked.)
e8e743 No.235468
for those wondering what could happen in Moore/ Jones if election fraud is found, here is an article. Note a 3 day civil trial took place and a trial would have to happen. http://www.nytimes.com/1994/02/19/us/vote-fraud-ruling-shifts-pennsylvania-senate.html
1e6a09 No.235469
Ding Ding Ding
https:// www.scribd.com/document/367770647/Resignations-From-Sept-to-Dec
0b22e1 No.235470
Iran would be more a substantive topic.
70732b No.235471
Training op>>235457
c3619f No.235474
lol! like the back peddling on the dossier?
d0f04b No.235475
Contact the God-Creator first, it is easier and he provides good enough advice.
And unlike our space-brothers, our dearest God-Creator can not be considered a distraction and is immune to shilling here.
I choose to side with Him in everything I do.
To do so you need no religion or organization.
e7f2a2 No.235476
how exactly is austria a "key player" in anything this is hard to believe
t. actual austrian
e8035f No.235477
Very well could be.
1db81a No.235478
Somebody posted it would be a special briefing at 3. Is it just the normal happy hour with Sarah?
aad729 No.235479
fdff18 No.235480
My take:
Benedict and this Anderson are on the list of 300.
Helper said "one flipped".
Not two …. one.
Your gonna have to try to separate feels from evidence.
Your boy Anderson could be dirty. Sorry.
BTW, I liked Joey Ratz. But now I have my suspicions.
Unfortunately, everyone on that list is suspect.
Money and blackmail are powerful motivators … even for "very devout Catholics".
406850 No.235481
did you Anons see this?
Remember we were talking about this a few weeks back? Looks like they "found" the "security flaw" (NSA backdoor) built into Intel chips
d8316d No.235482
Lol. Read the Art of War and LurQ Moar.
a1dd0c No.235483
So are white house press conference starts in a bit
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhvXG9KSaNs
This kind of news.
We'd want to hear from the horses mouth.
All reports I see site the same statement from the President.
True? Untrue? Not sure where the POTUS released a statement. If this is indeed POTUS response. Then maybe my wife is wrong.
This is not all bad, because she will then need to repay me with sex. (get it any way I can)
17bbf4 No.235484
Sorry, I was replying to the funny name with another one. I didn't read the original thing.
476530 No.235485
Love that song and their work. I'm on top of the world was my retirement song. I'm a little confused as to whether people think that is bad or not. This whole idea that we can't visualize or conceptualize and it's always evil is a bad thing that leads to Fahrenheit 451 and crap like a handmaid's tale becoming true. There are sides to each pendulum swing. Iran, for all the trouble they are having now is an example of what can happen here if we let the extreme conservatives go too far, regardless of faith, and we have seen those times in history. The fall of Rome being an example of the other, or as some biblefags like to talk about S&G and all of that. A middle, with responsibility and simple morality that is not over burdening on either side takes work to achieve.
dea09c No.235486
Cool, a list that someone from /cbts put together of CEOs resigning, then pasted those stringers in there.
>Swing and a miss
70732b No.235488
Again I say unto you list highly suspect Carl A. Anderson goodguy >>234746
c01a4d No.235489
Yeah, there's loads to see in Delkware too… like canyons, volcanoes and shit.
0d6c2f No.235491
Could possibly have something to do with the "training" helio ops
75f9ac No.235494
He has no motive to bury trump. they are friends. this was planned - there's something bigger here. Remember, the Corrupt Media Awards are on Monday.
1843fd No.235496
and then, bring on the VOTER ID
(Commiefornia fag here)
6a0f1a No.235498
Is there a compiled list of all Q posts without commentary and peoples interpretations? just a raw list to review?
d8316d No.235500
No. Planned and planted. It's a purposeful distraction, else it wouldn't be carried so widely on ostensibly conservative press outlets. It's a classic invitation into a trap. Consider it a Briar Patch.
e1676d No.235503
Thanks Anon for trying . Maybe we‘ll have to wait for a clearer shot of it some other time or confirmation from Q if he comes back.
17bbf4 No.235505
There is also a chance that someone, like all the others, has TAKEN OVER HER TWITTER account.
She campaigned for Hillary.
Jesus Christ, am I the only one who can see?
fdff18 No.235506
Stupid cunt opened up the floodgates.
Fukking moron.
"These people are really stupid."
b876bd No.235507
Hawaiian roundup? Hopefully
e8035f No.235508
> else it wouldn't be carried so widely on ostensibly conservative press outlets.
Yes, this looks like someone injected this stuff into the news feeds and they all ran with it without doing any verification. Thus, it is a perfect way to expose how the fake news mechanism works.
70732b No.235511
>>235480 have to see some incontrovertible proof just hard to imagine. What is basis for list? By what authority are the names called into question? And for what specific malfeasance?
b86da6 No.235513
Im going with it tying into this.
The other normie award shows always have guest lists and the itinerary beforehand. Trump just sprung this on everybody, along with Teigen hosting it. We have no clue who is going to be there and what is going to happen.
24da90 No.235514
75f9ac No.235515
Exactly!!!!! Thanks anon
c01a4d No.235516
Helos all over Pismo Beach, LA, San Berdardino and Santa Ana. Something tells me that they aren't 'Clueless'.
1db81a No.235517
Time to head over to watch Tarah Tanders and the Attacking Hordes of the Media from the North.
4773d6 No.235518
https:// news.usni.org/2018/01/03/houthi-rebels-find-likely-u-s-navy-unmanned-underwater-vehicle
c3619f No.235519
Do we have access to rental data?
e1676d No.235520
Ooh found another time Bannon wore it
5392cf No.235521
very rare to see helicopters over pismo. Occasionally one will fly over shell beach but that's a govt. one trying to see the boobies at the nude beach.
0d04ec No.235522
It doesn't matter if it is currently untrue. americans are retards that have been behaviorally trained to think repetition=truth.
The real issue here is Bannon needs to eat a bullet. He's trying desperately to be a power broker and he keeps saying stupid shit, like praising satan on the campaign trail. The only thing bannon gives a shit about is bannon.
3ccd8e No.235523
Scaramucci has tweeted..
see I told you so about Bannon.
Don Jr tweeted,
Scaramucci seems to have had it right
387660 No.235524
a1dd0c No.235527
>>235475 It's a language called "sarcasm"
I'm not talking to aliens….
e5c3bb No.235528
were we supposed to count only weekdays in our 10 days of darkness?
387660 No.235529
Sorry, that last line shouldn't be there.
1c05e1 No.235530
I was able to recover thumbnails for 13 of them from Wayback, including one that had gone 404. Anywhere else I can look?
fdff18 No.235531
>What is basis for list? By what authority are the names called into question?
Like everything else in this exercise, it's just a crumb to follow.
I just research the crumbs.
The swamp is deep and wide.
I've come to realize nobody in power is beyond critique.
We've been fucked over for far too long. EVERYONE is suspect to me.
298b60 No.235534
USSS pin of the day, IIRC
a1dd0c No.235536
No computer used for secure purposes should be made overseas.
It's a JOKE!
"Boot kit"
c3619f No.235537
someone hiding in camping sites? rental data for tour groups and dept of interior camping…hmm…trump hired Zinke former seal for a time such as this!!! I bet Zinke might be supervisor of some takedowns on federal land shortly if not this site survey…
76cfff No.235538
his looks are deceiving
c01a4d No.235542
As per the file name…
a1dd0c No.235544
The response from Trump is what worries me a bit though.
Is that fake?
If so that' BALLS of steal from someone.
3ab3c9 No.235546
http: //nbc4i.com/2018/01/03/los-angeles-police-pursue-possibly-stolen-u-haul-pickup-truck/
387660 No.235547
That's very weird… I refreshed the page and the post count went down. Anyway
a37f48 No.235550
Any chance that "kill_rogue" is Bannon,
saying he witnessed Don Jr and Jared Kushner
meeting treasonously with Russians?
So he can unload one of them, but
may have to be both?
fdff18 No.235551
Intel stock down 6% today. AMD stock up 10%
Semi holders up 4% last two days (1.2% today).
Intel is a leader, getting smashed on a strong day for techs.
Something big is coming for Intel.
0d04ec No.235552
>No one reporting this statement has a primary source linked
The primary source is a book by an MSM journalist that is slated for release in 6 days. This is marketing.
d8316d No.235556
Trade, in particular.
1db81a No.235558
Don Jr. would not be likely to imply such incompetence on the part of his father. At all, let alone on Twatter.
96aece No.235559
< This is marketing.
15b930 No.235560
Attached is the high res version. However if you are planning to use this for a meme - I would say don't. There are plenty of other pictures to meme from.
This picture is of his grandson, at the funeral of Biden's son.
"Vice President Joe Biden embraces his grandson Hunter before funeral services for Hunter's father, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, Saturday, June 6, 2015, at St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church in Wilmington, Del. Biden, the eldest son of the vice president, died of brain cancer May 30 at age 46. "
387660 No.235565
They produced a porous crappy system on behalf of the NSA that has compromised security at the hardware level (a topic I have brought up repeatedly). Now that all the NSA hackware got released to the public by various hacker groups, Microsoft and Linux developers have realized just how bad the security flaws are and have started writing their software to circumvent the problems that were an NSA inspired root design feature ever since CoreVpro/Sandy Bridge. As a result, it is taking an average of 30 percent of the main processor's power to overcome the security problems of the Vpro core and AMD IS KICKING INTEL GOOD NOW AS A RESULT.
My only surprise with this is that software developers actually cared about the processor being a porous piece of crap. This echoes back a decade now, as it turns out, even though AMD processors trailed Intel by about 10 percent for equivalent models over the last 10 years, now that people realize just how bad the security is on Intel processors, all models of AMD processors are now far more superior to Intel than Intel was ever perceived to be over AMD. Due to knowing how bad the security was on Intel for the last 10 years, I have not bought Intel since the 90's (AMD was superior until the mid 2000's and when Intel "pulled ahead" they had buggable crap)
At any rate, I have been saying this for years, and now an enormous scandal is out in the open, Programmers now realize INTEL IS CRAP. Intel sold out to the NSA and thanks to good hearted hackers it chewed their behinds like a great white.