670f55 No.244990
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
Please read the "About Shills" section below.
670f55 No.244991
TODAY 01/04/18 (EST)
>>239015 rt >>>/pol/11115887
>>239692 -> Graphic
>>239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation
>>239917 -> Confirmation The Second
>>239968 -> BO Confirms
The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update
Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update
C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement
Board Owner's emergency announcement
>>224690 <-- Modanon explains
Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)
1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg
2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg
3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg
4: s20.postimg.org/52o97urul/Q_posts_1-4-18_pre_and_post_verification_with_new_tripcode.png
Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/
NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/
This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.
Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.
670f55 No.244994
Latest Q Map
Everything Has Meaning Edition
>>242825 https:// media.8kun.top/file_store/d6a3dea3f78637d023c0c91d354938888577e4496b34465e5fcb1a65d64f09e4.jpg
Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a
Interactive: qcodefag.github.io
News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017
Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
Raw Text Q Dump anonfile.com/U1maubd5b9/q_raw.txt
Updated QMap PDF: anonfile.com/a0a6uaddb4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.2.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579
The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146) ← Undergoing maintenance - awaiting update
Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0
News Search Many News articles posted on /cbts/ (2000+) searchable -> qcodefag.github.io/news.html
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html (updated 01/04/18)
Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC
CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html
Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/ , 8ch.net/cbts/res/* */
4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:
All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK
All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4
All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700 , >>>/cbts/119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: archive.fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
670f55 No.244997
>>244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released
>>244329 Nunes Unchained
>>244327 McCabe - Russia connection
>>243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation
>>240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior
>>240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month
>>240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?
>>240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo
>>240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost
>>240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks
>>240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election
>>239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge
>>239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit
>>239556 , >>239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day
>>239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO
>>238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately
>>238784 , >>238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?
>>238738 , >>238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA
>>238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now
>>238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico
>>238392 , >>238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law
>>238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity
>>238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart
>>238303 , >>238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777
>>238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated
^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/
>>238026 Plane Disappears from Radar
>>238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller
>>237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!
>>237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan
>>236990 , >>237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission
>>236926 , >>238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties
>>236917 Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail
>>236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment
>>236793 , >>237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18
>>266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill
>>236584 , >>236649 , >>236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?
>>236525 , >>238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill
>>236523 report states started in SS facitily?
>>236237 , >>236331 SS narrative fishy?
>>236175 , >>236180 , >>236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews
>>235693 Planefags Update
>>235581 , >>236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters
>>235568 , >>235590 , >>235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed
>>235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA
>>235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air
>>235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter
>>235076 , >>235107 , >>235420 , >>235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon
>>235043 , >>236532 When a NK missile his a NK city
670f55 No.244998
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>244477 Nice Get
>>244474 FusionGPS Bank Records to be released
>>244276 Anon reads
>>243745 Q Clearance Novel
>>243660 Michael Lavaughn Robinson (Obama)
>>243581 QMap readers Anonymous
>>243539 , >>243592 , >>243518 , >>243548 FBI found Isis in Crystal City, VA
>>241811 Autism Fully Kicked In
>>241806 THIS
>>241702 NeXXXxt Levvvvel
>>241012 Next Level Memeology
>>240277 Endgame Shattered NWO? Winning Bigly
>>240244 , >>240279 Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot
>>240814 Revamp of .txt files , with updates , Thoughts??
>>240717 , >>240725 Planefags Missing Plane Pilot Update
>>239547 A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea
>>238218 More thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission
>>238046 Turkish Banker Digging
>>237093 Thoery of (some of) today's events
>>237023 , >>237057 Thoughts on Dissolution of Voter Fraud Commission
>>236879 Extra digging on Clinton house Fire , bought house next door , Excavation Compliaint?
>>240374 BO (Board Owner) Answers some (questions?)
>>236825 Why Alabama Election swearing-in not interrupted? -> Steve Bannon
>>236768 , >>236781 Bannon and Trump Art of War , 7d chess?
>>236717 Bill said Godspeed , Hillary said Enough is Enough
>>234810 Where are the Children Memes
>>234753 Archives of latest threads (273-277)
>>234586 Keep Fighting Anons
>>234227 3 City States that Rule the World
Notable Posts Continued
>>234143 , >>234143 /cbts/ the place that finds the ties that puts the pieces together
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
Executive Order: Serious Human Rights Abuse - National Emergency
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
670f55 No.245001
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Plane Crashes Thread >>56075
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
670f55 No.245004
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1: >>2
Memes #2: >>61078
Memes #3: >>107604
Memes #4: >>142207
Infographs: >>10
Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts
Part 1: >>189448
Part 2: >>189460
Part 3: >>189467
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Further Additional RedPill Tactics
From Meme Library #5 >>189835
also here -> pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.
670f55 No.245008
(UPDATED) Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http://www' part.
e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little (if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Read >>226201
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: pastebin.com/JNrF74CQ
ba53df No.245017
a88ae5 No.245023
Deep State declares war on Wikileaks! ~Mrs. Assange
aac427 No.245035
>YES ^^^
The original "symbolism" of now pedo affiliated images (i.e. swirl, hearts within hearts, butterflies,triangles in triangles etc.), were not created by pedos, specifically FOR pedos. They were normalized, existing images that were stolen by pedos, to establish their pedo-friendly messaging, inconspicuously/in plain view.
1daa8d No.245036
Why do they need so many human organs anyway?
c6c758 No.245037
CA says JA has NOT been taken over by CIA. WL is at war. Believe in him. He's up against a lot, but hold the line and trust it. CA will let us know if something has gone wrong.
1bd813 No.245038
so god damn frustrating! cant red pill normies. even people i work for. its like cover ears. wont listen to any election fraud possibility in alabama, thinks repopening of clinton email probe is all bullshit.!! WE NEED THESE FUCKERS ARRESTED!!! head is so far up MSM ASS that any alternative news is like thats fake or wont even listen because MSN and CNN didnt say it! FUCK NORMIES! FUCK THEM TO DEATH
abb550 No.245039
We got your back J!
487cf2 No.245040
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLfCvNiHvs4&t=4s
aac427 No.245041
"We need Wikileaks WARRIORS, not WORRIES!" - Christine Assange
1e2554 No.245042
Thank you baker for this tasty bread
> much appreciated
c6c758 No.245043
"We need Wikileaks warriors, not Wikileaks worriers."
1e2554 No.245044
that was an awesome quote from her, very poignant
aac427 No.245045
Follow the money $$$
aac427 No.245046
great for memesters!
943383 No.245047
Kek, you beat me to it.
4c93f2 No.245048
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped build this. I invited fellow Christians to come and bless the bread on occasion.
Please donate to 8chan to say thank you to BO. Hopefully he won't turn into an evil jew. ;)
I did leave my first love. I'm sorry J. It was necessary. <3
cda3c9 No.245049
Thank you. Not able to listen
1e2554 No.245051
she called out the shills that acted like trump supporters that were saying that he was compromised by the CIA
78a39d No.245052
"dont ask so much about where julian is and how he is doing, but buy some wl-gear in the shop!"
c6c758 No.245053
Someone make a meme!!!
56dfb1 No.245054
Know what you mean. My son and his wife live with me and think I am crazy. I am waiting for arrests and then maybe they will believe me.
552f8b No.245055
READ THE GREEN STUFF, unless you're a bot and can't muhahaha
dc321f No.245057
I can't red pill anyone either. They tell me they have a right to their opinion. The dumbing down of Americans was successful. Even those who have doctoral degrees. wtf
506ccb No.245058
>They were normalized, existing images that were stolen
Just like owls, the rainbow and many other symbols. It's not the thing itself, it's that perverts and scumbags use it/them. The things themselves are not inherently bad. Really looking forward to owls again.
There are different techniques for reaching different people. Firehose method doesn't work (all at once). Worst first doesn't work either. There are ways, and some are posted in the top posts, like this one - from the in meme libraries >>245004
It's in all our interests to awaken as many as possible, so what works is what we'll do. Share what does and add that.
329fbe No.245059
b4fdba No.245060
I read a post in last bread about Yellow Brick Road. Made me think of this in Revelation 21:21 talking bout the New Jerusalem: "and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass."
cc156c No.245061
CIAs off the books money used to mainly come from running drugs, now its trafficking humans and organ harvesting. Feeding the elites sick addictions
c6c758 No.245062
You are welcome. :)
78a39d No.245063
No they guy they captured didn't look MS13 no ink, he was wearing camo too, why does it take so many cars to take him out and notice, no cops cars were there, this was not a police announced job. Some major butt floss in this, the guys that rolled up in in black didn't have issue shoes, all seems strange like it was Blackwater Group op and I thought I heard they were adding CIA to 2 groups and maybe Blackwater was the group added.
8b84c1 No.245064
in Wizard of Oz, the 4 protagonists travel along a "magic road" to an Emerald City to see a Wizard in order to get what they desperately want.
Only to discover everything they every wanted or needed is within themselves.
They already have what they want/need.
No magic road/city/wizard is needed. Just belief in yourself.
Cabal = Wizard. Fake. Only powerful if you let them be powerful. Enslaving. Unnecessary.
1e2554 No.245065
683512 No.245066
Everyone lives in their own reality
d4f820 No.245067
Kinda like "RAINBOWS" nowadays.
You think Noah would be pissed?!?!
329fbe No.245069
Ex CIA on next on the same station.
1daa8d No.245070
organs for transplants only or other stuff?
e29255 No.245071
Need to remind them this isn't about opinion.
The truth is still the truth, doesn't matter if you believe it.
78a39d No.245072
Well fuck the ones with big tits I don't care what she believes I would hit that shit.
506ccb No.245073
Thread #290 safely archived:
https:// archive.fo/bHyJY
9e9c27 No.245074
Thought DJT approves performance of Adm
874e8f No.245075
Yeah who was jailed for whistleblowing… 2 years in jail….
d4f820 No.245076
I heard reports both ways about the SA tortures.
And some reports were that was fake news.
Although I understand that if torturing some pedo prince into telling you where the 3000 kids are hidden so we can rescue them. Then this is not in the same ball park as suiciding him, even if we had to kill him to get the info then so be it. That was because someone was in direct danger.
I do not want a government that can kill for political reasons. We had 8 years of that already.
I have faith POTUS & company will not cross that line…
c6c758 No.245077
CA signed off, but Beanz still playing rest of interview with ex CIA, discussing whistleblowing, JA, Snowden
66a643 No.245078
yellow brick road was solved a while back
cda3c9 No.245080
thehill .com/policy/national-security/367528-comeys-original-clinton-memo-released-cites-possible-violations?
249488 No.245081
There is talk to separate NSA and CYBERCOM. They never should have been combined in the first place.
8fb8c7 No.245082
After seeing the pic of the bin of dead babies, I've seen enough already to know that stuff needs to be shut down.
cc156c No.245083
Eastern District of Virginia known as the Espionage District. Deep state run courts
329fbe No.245086
Eastern District in DC is known for charging good guys with espionage! I get it now.
7082c7 No.245087
Wish Q would weigh in & let us know Q & Potus' team stance on what they plan for Julian Assange
c6c758 No.245088
Advice from ex CIA to JA, trust NO ONE but your hand-selected attorney, because the US Govt will do ANYTHING to put you in prison for life.
36dd52 No.245089
>bin of dead babies
I think you mean the vampire buffet.
dc321f No.245090
I get what you are saying, but that's too-out-there for this board.
You see, we need to stay rabid about taking back our freedom. Nothing else matters right now.
c6c758 No.245091
States JA has no chance of fair trial.
9e9c27 No.245092
Hence Fantasyland NK
9c5c30 No.245094
Yeah once bad guys are getting arrested this will be a different world, but right now everything we've been discussing since October seems like bullshit to the normie population.
874e8f No.245095
And they don't want to know the truth and know that Russia didn't do it.
d4f820 No.245096
Pepe whispers a powerful message…
(I love the Hillary "no" too!)
943383 No.245097
Yea it's interesting. Said the court in Eastern VA is where all these cases are heard and the juries are staffed by CIA, Pentagon, etc. Cannot get a fair trail. John Karikou. (sp?)
c6c758 No.245098
Great job, anon!!!
2b4267 No.245099
Here's the stance. Enjoy the show. He said we have all the info. Read the map.
0be306 No.245100
There was one cop car there at the end of the video.
8fb8c7 No.245101
It looked like some kind of medical situation.
36dd52 No.245102
Its spelled "Warriors"
9c5c30 No.245103
Waiting for the show to begin. The previews have been endless.
1e2554 No.245104
this guy is a good story teller, def CIA faggot
36dd52 No.245105
Well if it didn't make you hungry you obviously aren't a vampire.
e8d212 No.245106
Pin he’s wearing????
Best pic I can find sorry.
93d061 No.245107
rundown on assange interview?
9e9c27 No.245108
If it needs cleaning DJT will.
d4f820 No.245109
Court? not ordinary court… These people are enemies of the state trying to overthrow the Constitution…Military Tribunal is where they will go.
c6c758 No.245110
"Why did you join the CIA?"
"I was young, naive, immigrants that felt a need to pay USA back." - John Kirikaou
713d71 No.245111
If they won't even consider the thought of it being possible, then how do you think they will interpret trials in Gitmo? They will be so triggered by dissonance they'll be convinced Trump is literally Hitler, and all supporters must die to cleanse the country.
You have to change their frame of reference and perception before you can launch truth bombs at them. That's why shifting the overton window gradually (happening now) is important before making too much of a splash.
Notice how quiet the key players on the enemies side have been.
Notice the disunity of the MSM. They used to have carefully crafted, well timed, coordinated narratives to deliver.
The strings have been cut. Now, they are so starving for a direction that they greedily snap up any bait the POTUS throws their way. This leading into next MONDAY, the Fakies.
I know it's frustrating, but you should blame yourself for getting over your skis. These types of mental shifts occur at a much deeper level before they ever reach something as myopic as a few news headlines.
cc26f0 No.245112
Follow the money,uh oh, they're screwed,finally
4291a1 No.245113
That;s why he is untouchable
9e9c27 No.245114
a55135 No.245115
He is fine she said, thats all
c6c758 No.245116
I've been posting. Search on my ID on this page.
cc156c No.245117
They cosume organs and blood after the victims have been put through severe abuse/rape/fear. My blood boils at the thought of all the poor kids that have dies at there hands. Death is almost too good for these bastards, they need to suffer
329fbe No.245118
Wow he says he regrets not being a whistleblower earlier.
300d17 No.245119
Hair Club for Men Pin
80b89e No.245120
2b4267 No.245121
The show already started. Like I said earlier- keep an eye on MSM personalities who start losing their shit now til Monday. Watch twitter. We are all just in observation mode until we have a new target- when new news hits- we have to meme the relations it has to the map. Thats all my goal has been this past month. Observe. Meme. Spread. Repeat.
506ccb No.245122
Not all MS13 are inked up, just like a lot of black gang members enroll in the military, get trained, do their time, get out and then train their brothers. I would imagine (speculation on my part) that some MS13 would look like a normal guy, hiding in plain site, especially those higher up the chain. Not that I have seen any personally.
But the fact that the person taken into custody was wearing camo too…was it the same pattern as the men coming out of the SUV's? Because anyone can buy stuff from the Surplus store and there are different patterns of camo for different places etc. From the photos I saw it looked like they were all in camo, I didn't see anyone in black, but then again that was when the spreadsheet threats were happening, so I didn't save the photos and didn't get to watch the video when it was posted.
> I thought I heard they were adding CIA to 2 groups and maybe Blackwater was the group added.
I can't go on "I heard" what was the source for that do you know? People can say anything on the internet, and apparently on Fake news.
I'm just trying to figure it out because Crystal City is right near the Pentagon.
John Kiriaku I think
78a39d No.245123
I just think a "Drug" bust as the news said would have had sheriffs or cops not guys with machine guns and camo, it's a BS cover
ac0600 No.245124
Graduates of FBI. Arizona. Acadey. Talk about yellow brick road www.fbi.gov/services/training-academy/national-academy
56dfb1 No.245125
They are not so far gone they think Trump is Hitler just a goof to not be listened too. I do think they can be saved thank god.
8fb8c7 No.245126
That has to be the worst of the abuse.
e8d212 No.245127
36dd52 No.245128
Isnt making people suffer their thing though? I dont want to emulate their tactics.
ac0600 No.245129
National Academy. Sorry. Not Arizona
329fbe No.245130
074fcd No.245131
>Why do you have a trip code?
I covered that earlier this afternoon. I asked for input; should I use one or shouldn't I. Nobody responded.
Between doing the new version of the Q map, doing the most comprehensive, detailed cleanout / proofing / assemblage of the totality of Q's postings, and overall having a very medium-profile presence in here, I thought it would be beneficial to be recognized as not a total outsider.
I mainly used it because I asked and nobody gave any reasons why not to. If it's causing any kind of problem, it's not a big deal to drop it.
552f8b No.245132
Thank you. I feel the shillery is high.
5bff67 No.245133
Thanks to the anon, that produced this meme. I found this while playing catch up and thought it was great! I re-post it here better exposure.
Excellent job anon !
ac0600 No.245134
Yellow Brick Road
93d061 No.245135
874e8f No.245136
Damn that guy looks like he just rolled out of bed. DAMN couldn't he have presented himself better? Is that the best CNN could do?
His tie is even a little lopsided.
How the hell did that guy get elected in his state?
9c5c30 No.245137
Ok, reassuring advice, thanks anon
434543 No.245138
Glad to have Q back.
Anons are focusing and digging on these new crumbs. Those last few days without Q were getting a little out there and the board was slowing down a lot. All still fun though.
9e9c27 No.245139
It’s going to be!
074fcd No.245140
>> 244985
>Q didn't say that but he responded to an anon who did.
Yes. Q's posting #45609 (here); responding to #45569. I stand corrected. I should have looked it up instead of relying on memory.
cef29f No.245141
I think JA is at Camp David. That's why the new 3 day no fly zone on the Eastern side of Camp David - Thurmont MD. The north, west and southern sides of Camp David already have a permanent no fly zone. I suspect JA is going to be moved from Camp David to maybe Hagerstown Airport to fly him to a safe place with his family. I bet he is pardoned or charges dropped by President Trump by Monday.
b2b8db No.245142
From the meme archives… circa Dec. 28th
683512 No.245143
High level knowledge targets are different from low level soldiers. And there are ways of setting up a death that look nothing like suicide or murder, even if murder was the true cause of death. Local pd's and coroners have a long history of turning a bling eye when high up gov groups are involved. They dont dare bite the bigger dog. Fact is, this is how its done. In their eyes they have alot to make up for, thus the overkill.
329fbe No.245144
I hope he's at Camp David.
e8a4af No.245145
SIG = Special Interest Groups
con = convenors “a person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee”
MAR39sv = Transaction of International Remittance
3665BECD = a forex transaction
Was a big winner. $76 5days over $2000
Not sure the number on BECD because I did it from memory so check it first. Trade is $10k minimum with 56 lots so may have been $760,000 5days for return over $20,000,000. A trader would know.
80b89e No.245146
http:// thehill.com/homenews/campaign/367541-fbi-launches-new-clinton-foundation-investigation
552f8b No.245147
ATF "Fast & Furious"
249488 No.245148
Yeah that's been covered previously. I'm thinking that because she said it on the interview it has a different meaning. Can't get to spreadsheet and I didn't see it in the Perm links above.
300d17 No.245149
Headline should say:
b282c8 No.245150
This does not bug me one bit.
Peace from a txtanon. God bless!
713d71 No.245151
I've been on this exact same beat lately, totally agree.
9c5c30 No.245152
Just weird for a newfag to use a tripcode.
but I am not bothered
f19c15 No.245154
I love you all. Most people, like myself have been lurking since the half chan. I just want everyone to know that we are living in a B-E-A-UTIFUL timeline. Everyone crying about no happenings are fags and are trying to dissuade our valor and steadfastness! Q said we have it all. Now we enjoy the show. Also, in reference to his drop last night about “what makes a GOOD movie?” My answer is a happy ending.
074fcd No.245155
Maybe he's roommates (or more) with Bannon, who usually looks homeless.
78a39d No.245157
Here is what a FBI & Police drug bust looks like
29440a No.245158
pedo poster child … no pun reeeeeeeeee
ac0600 No.245159
I think it has meaning in that she is hinting to look at FBI. >>245148
f19c15 No.245160
cc26f0 No.245161
I was having Q withdrawal syndrome, it's a new thing now, heard bayer even has a pill for it ,lol
c6c758 No.245162
I can't believe the times we live in. Golden!
b282c8 No.245163
That's some good sauce there, anon!
8e1f5b No.245164
TextAnon around ?
7082c7 No.245165
The tension is getting unbearable while waiting for *the show* . Forgive me Anons; been doing this shit 16 hours a day since Podesta emails dropped- my patience is wearing thin, but I'm still memeing & digging
cef29f No.245166
I really believe he is at Camp David and has been since Christmas. I live close to the retreat. A lot of military helicopters here every day and night. Unusual unless the President is here.
493ee4 No.245167
can't help but notice the droopy eye ,
the 'looks like we meme'd it' ironic catchphrase and ,
apparently a doctor , and a senator ?
b282c8 No.245168
36dd52 No.245169
This is the show. The destination is the journey. Relax if you can.
78a39d No.245170
93d061 No.245171
074fcd No.245172
We are the ushers at the baseball game; the janitors in the middle school. The ones nobody talks to but we know everything that goes on. :D
f19c15 No.245173
93d061 No.245174
e8a4af No.245175
I can't take credit. I searched for awhile breaking it up and was leaning towards library catalog numbers and came across some weird stuff that could fit but eventually I led to above top secret site that laid it all out. I copied the top part and had to remember the last line.
074fcd No.245177
What do you consider "new?"
1e2554 No.245178
only Q, BO need trips here, notice how no one else is using one?
> dont be a tripfag, you are just another anon
b282c8 No.245179
True story, wise one.
66a643 No.245180
93d061 No.245181
has anyone analyzed the Numbers of the threads Q has posted in?
Everything Is Significant.
2681b4 No.245182
todays moscow is london
todays AMB Matlock is AMB Johnson?
8e1f5b No.245183
Great. I might head off soonish … but I have checked the spreadsheet and put some remarks in a pastebin:
Just in case spreadsheetAnon should come around.
e8d212 No.245184
8fb8c7 No.245185
He's right. The less known about who and where, the better.
b7b87a No.245186
FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation
By John Solomon - 01/04/18 08:35 PM EST
http:// thehill.com/homenews/campaign/367541-fbi-launches-new-clinton-foundation-investigation
9e9c27 No.245187
Dems grabbing low hanging fruit for mud slinging. This pawn believes there’s something in it for him. He needs to do quick threat level check. Then run like hell.
2b4267 No.245188
Who here just said nothing is happening as well?? Hope yall made enough popcorn for the week. Hell the microwaves and electricity could even go out. I expect them to try and do anything to keep the lie alive.
thehill. com/homenews/campaign/367541-fbi-launches-new-clinton-foundation-investigation
7bd6aa No.245189
get your butt in pizzagate and read up then come back here and get your fee fees on about these animals. phhht
9c5c30 No.245190
heh, you want to know how I know you're a newfag?
Well I won't tell you. Someday you will figure it out.
ed607f No.245191
Every time I see him, all I can think of is "old creep trying to look 25" - I'd be really surprised if he doesn't send nasty pics to teenagers.
ac1be7 No.245192
Bannon feud, Sessions embarrassing himself, the "tell all" book with inside recordings coming out tomorrow, Trump spending weekend in Camp David.
It's like they are squeezing Trump harder and harder and soon it's all gonna pop. Trump and military need to do something public imminently, and I'm sure they know that.
With all of this and also Wikileaks and apparent impending NK missile test, who knows where we will be 7 days from now.
4d38d8 No.245193
A prime example on why we shouldn't become reliant on Q.
1e2554 No.245194
concern troll much?
b282c8 No.245195
Great work! You must be the other txtanon. Truly a pleasure working with you. SA is around often. I'm sure he can put this to good use.
8fb8c7 No.245196
Someday, this operation will be complete.
a7d0a7 No.245199
The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the Foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in coming weeks.
a93771 No.245200
Yellow Brick Road =
the gold standard, composed of gold bricks
The City of Oz earns it's name from the abbreviation of ounces "Oz" in which gold is measured in.
OZ also 77 in gematria
Trump = Tornado
Obama = Wizard
Hillary = wanted to be Glenda the Good Witch, but she was really Dorthy - trying to get to the Emerald City/White House - she was convinced she deserved
Robby Mook = Tin Man
John Podesta = Scarecrow
Huma Abedin = Toto
Steve Schale = Munchkin
Bill Clinton = Cowardly Lion
2b4267 No.245201
Q showed us the door. You have to walk through it.
34f12f No.245202
Fire watch anon need guidance
Vehicle dig still relevant?
Arrest today was MS13 taken out by NG… conjecture based on gov quest and recent arrests.
Question: last night a pic was reposted of Esteban Santiago, responsible for killing 5 in ft. Lauderdale airport. He was in NG in both puerto rico then Alaska. after much digging into that photo, i quit. Couldn't see the relevance of repost. Was pic meant to de-rail dig? If not, post today of carpet with address linked to 2nd pic with media matters logo in bottom right corner. Bugging me. Stop or go?
1ce18c No.245203
FINALLY found this - Ive been frantically searching for this site I've had bookmarked for years!!!
The ESF and Its History - IT RUNS the US black budget - ever since WWII.
The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is a super-secret treasury operation. The ESF's official purpose is defending (stabilizing) the value of the dollar. It operates from within the New York Fed and has authority over all International Monetary Affairs. The ESF keeps a low profile using the Fed as a front
In 1934, the treasury hijacked the Federal Reserve through the gold reserve act. The treasury’s ESF was created and took control of America's gold. The ESF was a guaranteed disaster because it operates with dictatorial power and no oversigh
The Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund - the ESF
Why you should watch these five videos:
It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness). It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, HIV, and worse…
These five videos are the "answer" I have arrived at after three years of blogging on MarketSkeptics.com. They took me a month and a half to make (and months of research). You will not find the material covered anywhere else. So if you enjoyed them, please donate to the writer/producer.
300d17 No.245204
I chopped some wood today, just cuz.
506ccb No.245205
> a "Drug" bust as the news said would have had sheriffs or cops not guys with machine guns and camo
Why did you not link the post correctly? Weird.
Anyway (spreadsheet anon here) it's important to be accurate.
So what exactly are you doing with Q's posts?
Since Q posted, the tension level of (((them))) has increased. I think they are anticipating more Q posting and they always flood the thread when that happens.
874e8f No.245206
So they completely set up the CIA guy.. worked on it for over a year to get him.
He said never trust any FBI, CIA or anyone from those organizations!
This is the CIA whistleblower on the radio show right now that did 2 years in jail.
Says the wikileaks emails could not have been a hack, had to have been a leak.
21fea0 No.245207
yeh you are easy to spot
32057f No.245208
You left out Codemonkey. He'll be hurt. :(
4d38d8 No.245209
Nevertheless, we can't be entirely reliant on Q.
fe5241 No.245210
329fbe No.245211
Man this ex CIA guy is interesting.
9c5c30 No.245212
There's a shit ton of FBI agents who've been forced to sit on evidence and information for years. Letting them do their jobs will be like releasing the Kracken.
074fcd No.245213
Here's my version: if you did not complete an enlistment in Army Intel before the very first PC came out, you are newer than I can ever hope to be. Count your blessing. It goes by faster every year.
38e079 No.245214
What a terrible day for that evil bitch, first email server now this (even though the investigation as been ongoing most likely). Sessions lives
1e2554 No.245215
he goes without saying :)
0ac539 No.245216
>I am bothered.
Fourth rule of /cbts/: do not annoy /pol/
Fifth rule of /cbts/: DO NOT ANNOY /pol/
Sixth rule of /cbts/: This is not a game
Seventh rule of /cbts/: do not post personally identifying informationEighth rule of /cbts/: stay on topic in the thread you're in
8e1f5b No.245217
right. other textAnon ;)
Hope it'll help him. Once he has these checked and/or implemented I'll re-check the spreadsheet. This one was just the most obvious problems.
abb550 No.245218
Yeah, it’s an interesting story. check out some of the YouTube videos about him.
ba53df No.245220
tell me stories from the mekong
cc26f0 No.245221
I was being sarcastic, lol
ac109c No.245222
Wizard of Oz most are familiar with is a remake of an older movie. The color version introduced the viewing audience to color video.
The yellow brick road led to the Emerald city where all was to be perfect. It ended up being a farce run by a man using smoke and mirror parlor tricks.
The Emerald city was symbolism to the Emerald tablets to discredit them. Very deep rabbit hole.
Current beliefs put the Emerald tablets as a farce propagated by wizards using smoke and mirrors.
If the Emerald tablets were true then religions would be the ones with the smoke and mirror wizards.
2b4267 No.245223
Damn right. Many agencies Im sure. The people who have been silenced over the years. Or have their families threatened if they talk. This is for all the hard working men and women who are all over the world.
7082c7 No.245225
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3CUh8v7MNo loved the red pilled janitor in the Breakfast Club
36dd52 No.245226
Condemn yourself all you want, theres no one else here to condemn. Repent. Or dont. God help you.
78a39d No.245227
One of Qs hints was CIA into 2, Blackwater was the news I heard, we will have to wait and see, I also heard Blackwater was in SA interrogating princes. I think POTUS has lost faith in the CIA cabral hence the Yellow Brick Road which is the elite training for 3 letter agencies started by the Marines (hence the ones guarding the pres now)
074fcd No.245228
Sometimes I don't merge with standards in a place out of deliberate intent. Specifically because I prefer to maintain some degree of individuality and not completely conform. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm oblivious to what those standards are. For ten years in the South I refuse to say "y'all" even though everybody else does.
b282c8 No.245229
The end of your notes look suspiciously like the PostIDs I provided to QcodefagAnon earlier today. That site should be updated soon.
cdd0dd No.245230
Just to throw a bit more Light on the subject of the Paradise Papers. The data was provided to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as anon stated above. The leak was never provided to the general public. Interestingly, while there were many stories about Europeans, Africans, etc. in the news at the time there were very few stories related to Americans.
One of the major donors to ICIJ is the Open Society Foundation (Soros https:// www.opensocietyfoundations.org/people/george-soros). The other donors are available here: https:// www.icij.org/about/our-supporters/
1e2554 No.245231
drop the trip faggot
78a39d No.245232
PS never seen MS in Cali or Colorado not in at least neck ink. We had a database of tattoos in Oxnard just for this reason.
074fcd No.245233
Understood, on all counts.
17ad69 No.245234
The dumbing down has been especially thorough and effective since the 1960s. The current common core kids barely know anything. Knowledge has been decreased even though more available, theres no discernment because "its all good."
32057f No.245235
I honestly hope for the day when CBTS is no more. Not because I dislike it, but because I expect it to succeed, greatly. I really want to see and experience that 20% public evidence of the swamp being drained. I'd love for it to be sooner, but I realize it will be later. All I can say is "Bring it on!"
0ac539 No.245236
302e46 No.245237
Who is going to CD soon?
Keep asking questions. Patterns. Timing. Coincidence?
1ce18c No.245238
REAKING: Comey's ORIGINAL Hillary Clinton Statement Revealed - Mention of Evidence Supporting Felony DELETED thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/comeys-original-hillary-clinton-statement-revealed-mention-evidence-supporting-felony-deleted/ … COMEY COMPROMISED
9c5c30 No.245239
When it's over can some one of you magnificent bastards do a kindness for those of us unable to get to the radio show, by giving a 1 or 2 sentence summary of what came out of it.
It would be lovely. Thanks in advance. Sorry to be such a needy faggot.
93d061 No.245240
506ccb No.245241
>Can't get to spreadsheet and I didn't see it in the Perm links above.
Sorry about that - a nutcase pretending to be Q on a totally unrelated site threatened to delete all answers/content in the open columns, so it is now on read-only/download mode. Correct link is here:
https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=526615d9859649bbb85460c498bab296
I'm here!
I will check it out, thank you
683512 No.245243
You dont educate a people whom you plan to dominate
074fcd No.245244
"Breitbart Owners Debate Ousting Bannon Amid Trump Feud"
https: //www.wsj.com /articles/breitbart-owners-debate-ousting-bannon-amid-trump-feud-1515100110
300d17 No.245245
I'm looking forward to the Cool Breeze after The Storm too.
2b4267 No.245246
Hah- before dec24 I saw one in city of Angels. How did I know? Huge head tattoo.
f19c15 No.245247
1ce18c No.245248
COMEY BUSTED! FBI Chief FOIA Officer Confirms ALL OF COMEY'S Memos Were Classified at Time They Were Written
thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/comey-busted-fbi-chief-foia-officer-confirms-comeys-memos-classified-time-written/ … MORE END GAME
66a643 No.245250
kekmate could go a long way
1e2554 No.245251
have any idea how we are going to move forward with the SS?
> samurai.jpg
32057f No.245252
and the soft, gentle rains, as well.
329fbe No.245254
POTUS. Until the 8th.
75e714 No.245255
Hannity on FOX News: layin' it all out
300d17 No.245256
b282c8 No.245257
I checked more closely. Only 3 at the end of your spreadsheet were provided to QcodefagAnon.
I gave QCFA 17 others, though. When properly implemented, qcodefag.github.io will match our post counts.
1e2554 No.245258
so people tell you to drop the trip and you ignore them but say no one tells you otherwise?
8e1f5b No.245260
Yes they are similar, noticed that too. Many of them are [repeats] or tests. Not sure how the SA handles those in the spreadsheet …
1437f3 No.245261
is it just my eyes, photo lighting
or does she have open sore on here tongue….as seen in pictures of HRC
a185ea No.245262
493ee4 No.245263
Hannity 'Media History Lesson'
Next on FOX
6d1e04 No.245264
Tucker Carlson interviewed him a few weeks back. Sure it's on the toobs.
9c5c30 No.245265
Makes me think JA is in a better place than the Ecuadorean embassy.
074fcd No.245266
What's the message # where somebody said that? What does BO say?
cdd0dd No.245268
I think it is very important that we recognize that NOT everyone that was "colluding" with the Cabal is evil and cannot be redeemed. I do believe that many people were terrified of what these wicked people might do to them and them families. Many people clearly hand their hands tied. It doesn't entirely excuse their behavior, but I do think it is something that we must keep in mind.
e5bbbe No.245270
01.04.18 - 5:00pm
Flashpoints – January 4, 2018
An award winning front-line investigative news magazine, that focuses on human, civil and workers right, issues of war and peace, Global Warming, racism and poverty, and other issues. Hosted by Dennis J. Bernstein.
9e9c27 No.245271
I feel cool breeze now, before true storm wrecks.
78a39d No.245272
Go to the Light child
00c013 No.245273
its well known namefags get filtered
66a643 No.245274
a185ea No.245276
The illiteracy and newfagotry is strong in this one.
cc26f0 No.245277
lmao love it, call 555 get a life,now!
0ac539 No.245278
more concerned he is being protected now from /badguys
e3566e No.245279
It is all squirrels. Including us. No huh, I am content to be a pawn in GEOTUS's cheesecake.
The media controllers politicians by choosing what news to report. Pols are always in fear of the press.
GEOTUS uses twatter, Brannon, NK, and all the rest to controlled what media talks about. He keeps them off the pols backs.GEOTUS controls the pols by controlling their source of funding …. see SA….
While everyone chases squirrels, POTUS herds the cats and gets legislation passed. Vengeance on the cabal will come, but MAGA must happen first.
1e2554 No.245280
you may be new , but many of us have been through this many times and when the great split of CBTS happened, it was ruled that no one other than BO, Q and codemonkey, you are taking advantage of a situation and may have many fooled. Drop the fucking trip.
8e1f5b No.245281
It's a lot of work for both, SA & the qcodefag, so I wouldn't mind too much if they left out repeats and tests.
36dd52 No.245282
There are two lights, one dull white, one shining blue. Choose very carefully.
b282c8 No.245283
Thank you for your service.
You may safely ignore unless BO tells you otherwise.
0ac539 No.245284
Fourth rule of /cbts/: do not annoy /pol/
Fifth rule of /cbts/: DO NOT ANNOY /pol/
Sixth rule of /cbts/: This is not a game
Seventh rule of /cbts/: do not post personally identifying information
9c5c30 No.245285
Saved for after work, thank you very much
300d17 No.245287
🎵Blowing through the jasmine of my mind🎵
7082c7 No.245288
Possibly, why do you ask Anon?
46e982 No.245289
9e9c27 No.245290
e5bbbe No.245291
249488 No.245292
No worries. Recommended a solution to a friend for the shenanigans. Hope it helps.
2266d9 No.245293
874e8f No.245294
Hannity is on Fire! Damn he has been killing it!
78a39d No.245295
Yup, like the bloods and crypts they show their colors or get fucked by your own team, that is the whole purpose, they don't have uniforms but the bandanna
cef29f No.245296
I will. I'm surrounded by SS , Pentagon, and federal employee neighbors. Only one talks …because he is a bragger. I will ask around if I see them.
cc26f0 No.245297
b282c8 No.245298
Don't forget MasterArchivist! He, other txtanon, and I are of the same mind. Archive everything. We'll look back on this one day and laugh.
683512 No.245299
Thats a hard one right there. Id kill or rig shit if my kids life was on the line. Call it evil if you like, but if its 5000 people or my kid, 5000 going down.
1e2554 No.245300
>who the fuck are you, wow, now we are allowing namefags to strut around here again?
8b84c1 No.245301
Yea. I know.
I just got to rambling and couldn't help muhself.
552f8b No.245302
Smells like a female…or a newfag…or identifies as both…
9c5c30 No.245303
>concerned he is being protected now from /badguys
Yea, probably right, probably be a big part of JA's life from now on.
cc26f0 No.245304
can i have the blank for a meme please
2b4267 No.245305
They will have uniforms soon enough. Big bright orange ones. If you see something report it.
074fcd No.245307
I outed the Matlock password. At least 2 of my postings are listed in the OP section. I have cleaned up dozens of others' errors in the spreadsheet, the Github page, and the raw text file. I have shut down all income-generating work for well over a month to do all this. I am not hurting for contribution here.
Apparently it is not helping anybody. I will return to lurk mode only. I will not post again. Problem solved.
1ce18c No.245309
Good news, but Im pissed they squeaked another full week out of Devin Nunes
d4f820 No.245310
Libtard's remain silent…
When they process this concept, it will be Monday…
552f8b No.245311
a7d0a7 No.245312
Federal Judge Rules Fusion GPS Must Turn Over Bank Records
20f196 No.245313
no worries friend
thanks for you service and hard work
The BO may make the decision for you anyway and shut down trips if and when Q establishes a new one and we return to the tripcode whitelist.
For now enjoy while you can
e8d212 No.245314
Awesome! Sending that meme all over!
0ac539 No.245315
Fourth rule of /cbts/: do not annoy /pol/
Fifth rule of /cbts/: DO NOT ANNOY /pol/
Seventh rule of /cbts/: do not post personally identifying information
99281c No.245316
And I carried water.
Stay hydrated anons, important.
cc26f0 No.245317
b282c8 No.245318
Once again, thank you for your service, anon. God bless!
1e2554 No.245319
so sad to see where CBTS has gone after what we have already gone through
ccb558 No.245320
if this was plebbit, i'd give you an up vote
1e2554 No.245321
hard work
> pulling a news link from either plebbit or drudge
< thats hard work now for CBTS
9e9c27 No.245322
Currently on vacation. Took 2yo son to park today. Been studying this since 1990. Could never imagine doing that to a person. If done to mine, I’m doing time.
300d17 No.245323
What a great saying! I can't believe i've never read that before. (looks up Wu Li)
I carried some water (in the form of snow) on a shovel.
78a39d No.245324
Damn it's soooo hard
2b4267 No.245325
Good advice for anyone. No matter what- we must continue on with our own prosperous life after this. We must shape our world and demand transparency
66a643 No.245326
> If done to mine, I’m doing time.
8e1f5b No.245327
No problem, hope it helps. If needed I can have another look once you have an updated version – just let me know.
9e9c27 No.245328
36dd52 No.245329
Most people, the vast majority, choose poorly.
b2b8db No.245330
How to get terrific templates/blanks for memes. Go to Google (or your favorite search engine). Type the people's names you want to see. When results appear, click Images. Then (if Google) Tools, select size = large. More images appear. Now scroll through the list and find one(s) you like. Right click and copy or save image. Change the search parameters as you learn stuff while scanning through the images.
You don't need to ask other anons to do the work for you or provide the template they used. They might not have it anymore. You might even be able to find a better image.
I love scrolling through images and the people's faces "talk" to me; that is, I visualize words and phrases to match the expressions and gestures. Instead of looking for one particular image, you get to look at all the public images and you gain a lot more insight.
Just my 2c.
A memer
20f196 No.245331
notice shills trying to degrade anons and stir up division rather than contributing anything meaningful to the discussion
These shills will continue to divide people anyway they can.
Stay positive and ignore,will be filtering for now, back to memeing.
Keep fighting anons.
e8d212 No.245332
Anons!!!! This guy is nuts!!!! Do we have anything on his background to meme him with?????
9e9c27 No.245333
Currently on vacation. Took 2yo son to park today. Been studying this since 1990. Could never imagine doing that to a person. If done to mine, I’m doing time.
78a39d No.245336
No Hill, I don't think you will ever be fucked, even Huma said ewww, does this hole in my head look creepy?
1e2554 No.245337
been here since day one, def not a shill faggot.
No one trips on the chans, we dont need fame whores
9e9c27 No.245338
Phonefag assistance any different for this task?
1e2554 No.245339
ask SS how long he has known me before you try to be the divisive one you fucking twat
8b84c1 No.245340
Responding to another poster from last thread.
Poster hinted at IG NSA moving to Dir of NSA.
d42c83 No.245341
Right! We can't let their symbolism to take all the good things of God and turn them upside down.
Like, I was broken hearted when Q mention owls, because I love owls, they are beautiful animals that God created. All animals!
Sad, the devil always takes the things of God and twists them into a whole nother meaning. He's not "creative" enought to come up with his own stuff, he's a copy cat.
d42c83 No.245342
Lovely Captcha! ;)
065f25 No.245343
paying for underage sex
tentacle porn &
gif "injury"
Lots out there, anon, have fun.
36dd52 No.245344
Spiders eat mosquitos. Most spiders are great. A human acting like a spider… not so great.
9c5c30 No.245345
Just don't go against the rules, there's a reason for the culture of anonymity.
Take a midol and come back when your vagina is no longer bothering you.
6d1e04 No.245346
The only way to rid this board of tripfags who have no reason for tripfagging is to give them death by filter. They do not respond to advice, suggestion, anger or abuse. Please proceed accordingly.
5f04ca No.245347
>>245200 Has this been confirmed by Q?
a7d0a7 No.245348
Letter sent Thursday by Nunes to Rod Rosenstein
b2b8db No.245349
Anon does not know; not a phonefag.
d42c83 No.245350
2a0c78 No.245351
Original book was written about monetary policy and politics in turn of the century America. Characters all represented different factions in this allegory.
www. offthegridnews.com/misc/following-the-yellow-brick-road-the-real-story-behind-‘the-wizard-of-oz’/
This article isn't bad explanation. We have been on a + ++ +++ fiat back money scam for generations. They control everything and have for a long time.
Current cast of characters is speculation. The Wizard of Oz has a deeper historic meaning.
5b95ec No.245352
Q said 4-6% can't be saved. Those are the ones who get to hear "I told you so…" before sinking back into the ooze.
1f953a No.245353
Assange's mom used the phrase Yellow Brick Road TONIGHT in a radio interview.
cdd0dd No.245354
I am not bothered. Thank you for being here. Blessed be!
493ee4 No.245355
302e46 No.245356
No need to ask; it is right there. All the information is there, you just need to know how to find it.
Why go to CD? What advantage(s) does this provide?
Resources are everywhere. Human, non-human. Different skills, experiences. Senior, junior important sometimes. Lean on your team, training. Train hard. Work together. Have discipline. Check, Cross check. Support with known facts. Take calculated risks. Have faith.
8e1f5b No.245357
True ! He somehow had that 460th of the 2017 messages in his list, which we had missing in our textFiles.
6f82c5 No.245358
It is frustrating for sure. We have to see it from their side. The closed minded ones probably aren't the critically thinking type. Most of them have the deep need to fit in and be accepted. They are probably surrounded by like minded people and live in the echo chamber. It would be racist, homophobic etc to agree with Trump supporters.
Now insert Mr. Anon telling them that all they know is a lie. The MSM is lying and their progressive friends are lost and wrong. They have been programmed to see people like us as crazy. All we can do is plant seeds. Some of them have a deep feeling that something isn't right. We have to feed that and let it grow. A tree doesn't grow tall in one day and we cannot accomplish red pilling in one conversation. Hang in there. You are making a difference.
4c6e21 No.245359
YEA no human spiders… let no weaving spiders come here… bohemian grove. they are all spiders weaving webs!
506ccb No.245360
I'm looking at the pastebin right now - are the timestamp issues what was discussed earlier with respect to daylight savings time/gmt?
>One of Qs hints was CIA into 2
Do you know which post that was? I can't recall that one specifically.
>I think POTUS has lost faith in the CIA cabral hence the Yellow Brick Road which is the elite training for 3 letter agencies started by the Marines (hence the ones guarding the pres now)
I think everyone knows about the clowns. But yes, feel better knowing that Marines are around POTUS.
>Many of them are [repeats] or tests. Not sure how the SA handles those in the spreadsheet …
I include tests, and [repost]s I mention and then cite the original post (with line #) and if there is an accidental duplicate, I note that as well. The only time they weren't combined (and noted) was when Q posted in several totally different threads on 4/pol/ - German election and then also on a thread about the IMF. Those are listed separately due to the divergent subject matter, and therefore the conclusions as to his implications on each subject/topic.
This is why our post counts diverge, but they are all faithfully listed with links + date/timestamp and IDs
>Recommended a solution to a friend for the shenanigans.
What was that? Did I miss it?
Working on it now actually, will post when solution is found. For right now the link is active for the read-only/download-only smartsheet spreadsheet.
I don't think anyone is asking you not to post or contribute. The issue was tripfagging. I do the spreadsheet and don't feel the need to do have one, it's worked out fine. Glad to be rid of it tbqh
66a643 No.245361
welcome back, anon
34e3a1 No.245363
i missed that interview, where can i watch / listen to it?
c8cdf5 No.245364
More investigations means more opportunity for a politician to up his stakes for a buy out behind closed doors.
More investigations
What a lie.
More do nothing
For the love of all that is good and free
How many more will you let them kill?
Since we've been on this board how many have they murdered?
How many more will ((they)) murder?
Walk up into someone's house and hang them.
WHILE you are doing your little investigations
If this was Will Brown…police would have shot him without question. If it were Bob Schmuckatelo. He'd have been taken down in a second.
But no…this is (them) and we have to do it right.
Otherwise public will get scared.
No…we're already scared.
We're scared of a government that is too big and too out of control.
A government that can hear our enemies breathing and does nothing!
Yet our citizens who are late on child support can get shot 5 times for resisting arrest.
Yep….TIC TOC is right.
Rednecks are getting ready to have had our fill
1842bd No.245365
Anons, i am pretty sure it's this guy who's unraveling…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Ra skin#2016_campaign
>Raskin was born in Washington, D.C. on December 13, 1962[1] to a Jewish family,[3][24] the son of progressive activist Marcus Raskin, (((a former staff aide to President John F. Kennedy on the National Security Council))) and co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies, and Barbara (née Bellman) Raskin, a journalist and novelist. He graduated from Georgetown Day School in 1979, and from Harvard College (magna cum laude) in 1983, and from Harvard Law School (magna cum laude) in 1987. He is a past editor of the Harvard Law Review.[25]
He is married to Sarah Bloom Raskin, who served as the Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation from 2007-2010, and was nominated by President Barack Obama to the Federal Reserve Board on April 28, 2010.[26] On October 4, 2010, she was sworn in as a governor of the Federal Reserve Board by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.[27] She served as the United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from March 19, 2014 – January 20, 2017.[28]
Raskin has been vegetarian since 2009.[29]
https://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Tax_March
29c2f7 No.245366
why can't you understand? each fucking post you submit STANDS ON ITS FUCKING OWN.
>b-but I did that and this, and was here from… I'm an authority on…
66261d No.245367
Greets Fellow anons, bakers, insiders…. special shout out to the cia and fbi cunts lurking and taking names, hope your ear pieces catch on fire.
Did anyone ever get a positive ID on the Fed Arrest in Va this afternoon?
cef29f No.245368
Kurt Eichenwald is a journalist with Newsweek. That all I need to know. I suspect he was paid by the DNC to push that fake dossier. His tune will change after the FusionGPS bank statements are released lusting how much he was paid to fake news stories and interfere with a Presidential election.
f19c15 No.245369
Taking bets on how many of us will shit our pants with joy during POTUS state of the union address! Over/under 5.5
1e2554 No.245370
i was sortof heart broken when i went to add stuff and it would not load :(
a185ea No.245371
As an old fag, having being here so much, contributing so much, how can you be completely unaware of the ethos here?
34e3a1 No.245372
are the feds here? how do you know? this is getting better and better
1e2554 No.245373
does SS trip anymore? Enough said.
> dont be the faggot your mother brought you up to be
683512 No.245374
V2k tech, ear piece obsolete.
cef29f No.245375
Correction…listing…not lusting…
789d63 No.245377
This is another reason why we are fighting this evil!!! We must stand strong and tell the evil ones that they are NOT WELCOME IN OUR PLANET!! They must go & we will take back everything that is rightfully ours & bring God back to Earth!
I had lost faith before Q…& I got a random FB message that brought me to 4Chan that had a copy of website address and the words…"learn the truth" from a friend. That is how I got here… & I truly believe POTUS & Q is doing Gods work! The evil will be exposed & gutted from this world!!
36dd52 No.245378
Eichenwald has long public history tied to child porn. Really. Very sketchy guy.
300d17 No.245379
1ce18c No.245380
Bus some of them will fall HARD, I cant wait!!! ive been keeping my mouth shut around my own family for over a decade!
9e9c27 No.245381
2a0c78 No.245382
That is hilarious. Just watched that movie lately.
Can you do one without the CBTS? No good for social media if we DOX ourselves.
#MAGA #QAnon #StormWatching or just a big Q.
Great Meme.
66261d No.245383
You telling me they don't wear ear pieces? I didn't specifically mention v2k kek
065f25 No.245384
4838fe No.245385
Presidential Papers seems to fit. Obama hauled off a bunch of records for his library. I recall reading Trump sent the boys over the recover them, but don't recall where I read that.
https: //bigleaguepolitics.com/confirmed-trump-can-get-unmasking-records-obama-library/
http: //freebeacon.com/national-security/judicial-watch-susan-rice-unmasking-sent-obama-library/
bc1d18 No.245386
From ages past
[USAGOLD questions in italics]
Mr. Kosares,
A few thoughts for you, as the questions are asked?
It seems that both you and your friend believe that the world is splitting up into currency/trading blocks – much as the world did for both World Wars. There has been much discussion around the world about the imposition of a NEW WORLD ORDER and international one world government. Simultaneously, we see another, opposing force at work – regionalism, nationalism, even tribalism. What do you make of this? Is the Euro a child of the forces of the New World Order, or the forces of regionalism/nationalism/tribalism?
I would say, "Old World Order" to return. To understand/explain better: " A very easy way to view this "order", would be to simply say that the American Experience is reaching the end! As we know, world war two left Europe and the world economy destroyed. Many thinkers of that period thought that the world was about to enter a decades long depression as it worked to rebuild real assets lost in the conflict. It was this war that so impacted the idea of looking positively toward the future. The past ideals of building solid, enduring, long term wealth were lost in the conception of a whole generation possibly doing without! In these fertile grounds people escaped reality with the New Idea of long term debt, being held as a money asset. Yes, here was born the American Experience that comes to maturity today.
New world order, regionalism and tribalism are but modern phases that denote "group retreat to avoid paying up". The worldwide currency system is truly a reflection of an economy built from war, using the American Experience, the US$ and the debt that it represents. But, for the American dollar to continue as the representative of the global financial system, in the form of being the reserve currency, maturing generations of all countries must accept it, and the tax on real production it clearly imposes! In the very same mind set, that people buy the best value for the lowest price (Japan cars in the late 70s), and leave an established producer to die, so will they escape the American currency and accept any competitor that offers a better deal. Because we are speaking of currencies here, the transition will be brutal!
As you ponder these thoughts, consider that; all economies today are truly equal in production as the exchange rates are the manufactures of profit!"
Is Europe (led behind the scenes by the BIS) an opponent to the United States?
Sir, Yes, but not in the ways of war, as it is in the feelings of "pride" and "we go our own way". The downfall of the Russia, did allow for the Euro and all that it will build. They now see the debt of the US$, as a reserve money can be escaped! As even the US citizen will leave it's own workers to die as products are purchased "overseas", how much less will the world also flee the dollar!…
Along these lines, I too believe that currency movements will flow through Europe because the Euro currency will be gold backed. Where does that leave Japan with over $200 billion in dollar reserves, let alone its massive U.S. Treasuries' holding?
Perhaps, they be like Korea? Rich in paper until the world says, "this paper, it is not good"!
*Your associate says that BIS helped China increase its gold holdings. Please tell me what the source of that information is, or is it simply a speculation on his part. *
The BIS is the gold broker for all interbank sales/purchases. Bullion Banks are for sales to other entities. I think, at first, China was leverage against the oil producers. Then Arabia was allowed into BIS for Euro.
One other item you might clarify for me is "Who is really behind BIS?
Perhaps, "who control them"?
**The Swiss?
**The eurocentral banks?
**Who does BIS really represent?
"old world, gold economy, as viewed thru modern eyes" or " way to move from US$ without war".
**Why was Saudi Arabia just included in BIS?
**Has Saudi Arabia gone with Europe?
Sir, there is much more to this, but we talk over time, yes? I will be away for perhaps ten days. We speak again.
Thank You
cdd0dd No.245387
Thank you for sharing your optimism. It does get tiresome with the naysayers and the negativity.
The things that we've uncovered are difficult enough - children being raped and tortured, our fellow mankind being trafficked as slaves and for body parts and a Satanic blood-thirsty cult runs the globe and their agenda is to kill us all off. It doesn't get much darker than all that. It's a good idea when surrounded by so much Darkness to have a bit of Light and hope for the future. Thanks again!
d42c83 No.245388
Jesus always used to go up into the mountain to pray. My neighbor does the same thing. He goes up and cuts wood for us, he also prays up there!
It's great time to be alone and be enligthened, you never know when God will talk back to you….
In that still small voice!
065f25 No.245389
Really good, but red is a little hard to see.
66261d No.245390
c8cdf5 No.245391
>>245117 Ask yourself. If you local Sherriff/Police even heard a rumor that you were doing shit like that? Where would you be now?
670f55 No.245392
The highly educated indoctrinated ones are the hardest as they have such a large vocabulary and bed of knowledge. They don't understand a tip of perspective can turn your world on it's head.
29c2f7 No.245393
Based Dr Gorka looks hungry for blood this evening. CF is kill.
1e2554 No.245394
now back to Q if that would be the pleasure
> been working on the Q stringer and this fucking namefag brings up stuff that is not about Q, so i decided to say something
> try not to shoot the messenger trying to weed out the lead shill for others to come in behind her and say you are being mean/a shill, you know, shill tactics and all
> but fuck me right?
683512 No.245395
Marines still use vietnam era weapons. They use both earpiece/telepathic tech, depending on ops.
97db50 No.245396
Okay guys, I think I've put something together. South Korea and North Korea are set to talk on the 9th next week. South Korea is 12 hours ahead of US EST, so that means that there will be twelve hours where the date in South Korea is the 9th, but the date in the US is the 8th. Going from Q's post at >>239349 , assuming that he is referencing the ten days of darkness, we should see the ten days end on the 8th. So, there are twelve hours where the ten days of darkness end and serious talks between South Korea and North Korea begin.
If, as we've established, we take North Korea to be controlled by some unbelievable faction such as the CIA, Deep State, whomever, we could then infer that the "serious talks" might not only concern NK and SK, but The Storm as well.
Furthermore, the 8th is a Monday, a perfect day for indictments to be unsealed. :)
cef29f No.245397
Oh …another one? You literally can see it in their eyes. Evil.
8b84c1 No.245398
Lurk moar or go back to plebbit.
You can get goodboy points there.
36dd52 No.245399
329fbe No.245400
75e714 No.245401
Hannity can't get Jerry Rivers to admit that Hillary broke the law
a18cb7 No.245402
Actually, looks more like David Brock!
https://archive .is/0ywRk
- "Brock was born in Washington, D.C., and was adopted by Dorothea and Raymond Brock."
N.B. He's played both sides of the fence and stirred the pot, bigly. Somewhat of a Rothschild habit, wouldn't you say!?
78a39d No.245403
Cant find it right now but something like
I assume to mean CIA into 2 agencies, will try to dig but that was the feeling from what he posted.
Had to do with YBR and they would be bringing in new recruits to fill the CIA
e8d212 No.245405
Thanks sent this to this twatter
29c2f7 No.245406
Correct. Discussing the FBI probe of CF
959f23 No.245407
Nope we still can't figure out what happened at the Crystal City in Arlington.
Plus there were some videos on periscope and another Twitter guy posting. That's all we have seen.
Some people were trying to identify the cars.
300d17 No.245408
My experience on red pilling leads to me seeing that they know and understand, but i can also see that they are terrified, then they deny. Then if i push after that they get agitated/hostile. Then i leave it alone.
56dfb1 No.245409
Don't forget Gloria Allred is Sarah Bloom Raskin's Grandmother.
c8cdf5 No.245410
Because he doesn't have an army of body guards to protect him. He knows he'll be killed at some point when we are all not looking.
a185ea No.245411
Indeed anon, let us get back to Q and filter namefags as usual. Lead on.
66a643 No.245412
>we could then infer that the "serious talks" might not only concern NK and SK, but The Storm as well.
f19c15 No.245414
>>245387 god bless you and yours anon
552f8b No.245415
V2K – SATAN has left the WH post
for those in the dark: www.youtube.com/watch?v=K63_dsXQwsk
76eec0 No.245416
Then the Yellow Brick Road is like the Silk Road, but for Uranium.
9e269d No.245417
493ee4 No.245418
236eeb No.245419
One guy I know drives me up the fucking wall with his obtuse vocabulary that he thinks makes him intelligent. Vomiting a thesaurus just makes me roll my eyes at you.
17ad69 No.245420
It doesnt require intent, the crime can be committed negligently, however, Killary has intent in megabytes. Investigate? Pfffft. Lock her up.
cdd0dd No.245421
66261d No.245423
Thanks, that's about the sum of my digging as well. Then had to get an hour or two of sleep.
21df93 No.245424
You deserve a seizure for this post.
1842bd No.245425
7/10 left?
7/10 passed
17f219 No.245426
It takes a long time. The few who I have are people that have known me for a long time and know I'm not nuts. I've been leaving truth crumbs for years. I will feel so grateful and vindicated with we see some high profile arrests.
329fbe No.245427
42ee9f No.245428
And Geraldo is scared to death of something!
1f953a No.245429
Not sure. There was a link to it on B's page on twitter.
3a1d0a No.245431
What's Geraldo got cookin' with Hillary?
17ad69 No.245432
Yeah, check on his epileptic seizures from a flashing email. lol Dont laugh at retards its mean.
fdd8ce No.245433
Personally, I think the normies need the truth shoved down their throats. If there is video of politicians, celebrities, etc, sexually abusing or performing ritualistic abuse of children, it needs to be on every TV channel for a week. Show the video's of elites and their snuff parties, human sacrifices, all of it. Not some weak shit like the same lame spirit cooking parties we see 100 times/day, I mean shit that damages your soul and makes you not sleep at night. I'm tired of coddling people because they refuse to accept reality. The thing is, most people just don't give a fuck. They are OK with human trafficking and pedophilia as long as it doesn't affect them directly. I want to see people shaken to their cores and left dumbfounded.
75e714 No.245434
That could happen anyway, whether he blabs or not
36dd52 No.245435
329fbe No.245436
683512 No.245438
If gov protected they back down. There are gov semi trucks that pass through many states tailed by backup vehicles. Gov guys can kill on site if pd interferes or tries to pull over, if they choose to. I could tell you stories if you wanna hear.
574a17 No.245439
The biggest a-holes are always linked to pedophilia. Law of the universe? No, that's just how the fall from grace works.
e8d212 No.245440
Thanks!!! Hee hee… this is fun! Don’t like folks dissing my POTUS! Reported an employee at sams club today for bashing our POTUS! And he calls himself a veteran.shame…
d42c83 No.245441
You can't help but want these people to pay for their horrific crimes! The children, the children! How can anyone even think of harming a child?
[Mat 18:6 KJV] 6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
We are not supposed to just accept evil, we are supposed to absolutely abhor it!
I abhor it!!!
065f25 No.245442
Great, good choices
959f23 No.245444
b57ffa No.245445
Even if we got these boots off, we'd never make it over that wall..?
97db50 No.245446
I assumed that since the comment was made today, we are on day 7, and so day 10 of darkness would be Sunday the 7th, and the first day of light would be Monday the 8th.
329fbe No.245447
F U Geraldo! No victim from the crime?
75e714 No.245448
Oh, the Hannity show tonight is SO kek!
b282c8 No.245449
This is the post you seek:
Q !UW.yye1fxo Fri 22 Dec 2017 01:36:43 5902e7 No.146599
We are moving fast.
Remember, not all within the C-A, D-J, F-I are bad apples.
House cleaning (TOP).
Restructuring (1 to 2).
Operations 24/7.
834eca No.245450
Geraldo. I really hate that guy.
17ad69 No.245451
Check his email seizure story for an lol
66a643 No.245452
i'm betting he is on the list. gotta have a closet full
36dd52 No.245453
That isnt saying to kill them. It is saying the punishment God gives them will be worse han death.
8e1f5b No.245454
>I'm looking at the pastebin right now - are the timestamp issues what was discussed earlier with respect to daylight savings time
Only if someone used a "weird" method to convert timezones ;)
Sometimes just the day is off & time correct – so I don't know what's the cause of these errors, but >>242443 mentioned you had used q_raw.txt – same problem there.
Did notice that you mention repeats somewhere in between (and not necessarily give them a blue line of their own) – the pastebin is a rough reference only, as the spreadsheet was quite hard to parse consistently. So some of the things noted in the pastebin might not be relevant.
e8d212 No.245455
Ohh he’s going full throttle on saying potus is nuts on his twatter… been trolling him with the news articles another anon provided….
66261d No.245456
7/10 has dual meaning. Q for sure confirmed one, and pretty sure he confirmed two last night.
1. 7 out of 10 plane crashes are no accident.
2. 7/10 was the date of Seth Rich's murder.
I believe the plane that went out over the gulf and was chased by fighters had something to do with that, called, "revenge" . can't PROVE it yet, but I suspect in future Q posts, it will be confirmed.
75e714 No.245457
Can't WAIT for his number to come up; need moar popcorn
a55135 No.245458
I hope he keeps the pressure up. He is cookin Geraldo's azz!!!!
4838fe No.245459
RV=Re-entry Vehicle as in nuke payload aboard a missile….
3a1d0a No.245460
Why? Just read this: Something in their brains have been altered or they rationalize their behavior.
e8d212 No.245461
Just read that too… omg…really???
a55135 No.245462
Good meme material on Hannity tonite.
552f8b No.245463
The fact that the Bread Armor got crickets tells me the shill count factor is high…
e82089 No.245464
Geraldo is tookey and old. Someone needs to get him off the air or hit him with a chair to knock some sense into him.
21df93 No.245465
>The biggest a-holes are always linked to pedophilia.
The perp's or the kid's?
54b551 No.245466
Al Capones vault. Anyone old enough to remember that dud?
329fbe No.245467
RV=ruined vacation
03363d No.245468
shilling is deep. almost pissing me off then i member. do not feed.
75e714 No.245469
He and Gorka both!
17ad69 No.245470
66a643 No.245471
airfags, anons
I read an article saying a plane went missing today. don't recall source. anyone?
42ee9f No.245472
fdd8ce No.245473
Geraldo needs his ass beat. Such a faggot.
b3a089 No.245474
And the last thing the Evil Wicked Witch threw at the heroes was drugs - the fields of poppies causing the heroes to get drowsy and forget their purpose.
66261d No.245475
I was present for it … On location. Just in case
b7b87a No.245476
Exactly. Or who is blackmailing him? He is always trying to downplay anything associated with Clinton. Dr G was awesome tho.
9b38d5 No.245477
so, if only one trip pw was hacked, why not actually use the 2nd trip for REAL confirmation? Even if just to say not to expect any more trip codes. Just like they did when starting the 2nd trip? Even threatened no more drops without trip availability, but no longer cares about security? interesting. have fun
75e714 No.245478
21df93 No.245479
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yes. That was pretty funny.
3a1d0a No.245480
Geraldo is making another big mistake just like when he opened Al Capone's vault.
d42c83 No.245481
Oops! Did I just spill the bleach bit on my server! Uh oh! There go all my emails, so much for subpeona's. Hiccup! (she's always drunk) :{
29c2f7 No.245482
Yeah and now we get two of Q's helpers with Solomon and Carter. They are confirming the FBI criminal investigation into the CF.
874e8f No.245483
Geraldo is so pro HIllary it seems. Doesn't want the emails investigated again.
Why do they even have him on Fox?
329fbe No.245484
Last night. Went down over the Gulf of Mexico.
d4f820 No.245487
He's scared of what is happening to the other Operatives from Mockinbird… For good reason.
959f23 No.245488
Maybe we should dig into Geraldo. get him off of Fox for good
17ad69 No.245489
>>245470 "The deplorables are real. The deplorables are dangerous."
cc156c No.245491
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=58oe5V6tXlA
US State Department urgent briefing on Child/Human Trafficking with Heather Naurt
ecf978 No.245492
The lady doth protest too much.
97db50 No.245493
Absolutely kills me when boomers talk about BleachBit like it were a physical substance, even in jest. Cringeworthulous
54b551 No.245494
Thanks for sharing your collection kek :-)
8b5827 No.245495
seriously, what does it mean if I have the droopy eye but got redpilled? it wore off somehow?
17ad69 No.245496
Mostly just empty packets of Kools.
a8ff64 No.245497
I’m willing to bet this is where the 9/11 planes went to get picked apart and scrapped
“..Built for the military, and former home to CIA operation, Pinal Airpark is finally ready for its closeup..”
4c6e21 No.245498
can you imagine these elite privilege people going to jail…. omg i would pay a subscription fee. ppv all the way
e8d212 No.245499
He’s mocking benGhazi
3a1d0a No.245500
Is she ditzy from Kuru, Parkinson's, a brain injury, or from just being an evil loser?
75e714 No.245501
Paid shill; he's one of their few regulars, they usually have guests who I haven't heard of before
42ee9f No.245502
Yep. And the Desert Storm debacle
34e3a1 No.245503
i think thats a fake account, check his bio
"Silent and deadly Attorney General of the United States. Don't try to run….you'll only go to prison tired. Real name: Brian Cates"
329fbe No.245504
Sara Carter saying that the Clinton investigation never actually shut down and they have been interviewing people for the last year!!
66a643 No.245506
today. I think it was central us
e8d212 No.245507
cdd0dd No.245508
Yes, I could never imagine being party to any of this either, but I have seen what these evil people are capable of and although I'm prepared to sacrifice my life for the better good, I recognize that I might be conflicted if I had had children. For example, if I had been a law enforcement officer and had uncovered one of their pedo rings but my superior threatened me that I had to turn a blind eye or face the consequences, I don't know what I would have done. If it just meant losing my job, fine, but that's not how these people work. The threat would have been more likely to have been something along the lines of my kids being taken by CPS or I might be killed in the line of duty which would leave my family, especially my children vulnerable to their evil. For that reason, I am reluctant to condemn everyone that has ever dealt with these wicked people. Just my $.02.
9e269d No.245509
more info in video:
https. ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmMS5MwHao
97db50 No.245510
Kuru's a stretch, I'd go with the latter choices.
ecf978 No.245511
Geraldo Rivera wiki
Rivera was born at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, New York, the son of Lillian (née Friedman) and Cruz "Allen" Rivera (October 1, 1915 – November 1987), a restaurant worker and cab driver respectively.[4][5] Rivera's father was a Catholic Puerto Rican,[6] and his mother is of Ashkenazi Russian Jewish descent. He was raised "mostly Jewish" and had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.[7][8] He grew up in Brooklyn and West Babylon, New York, where he attended West Babylon High School. Rivera's family was sometimes subjected to prejudice and racism, and took to spelling their surname as "Riviera" because they thought it sounded "less ethnic".[9]
e8d212 No.245512
c536f2 No.245513
Splitting hairs, but its Come out 'to' play.
Great meme, though.
6e2adf No.245514
Imagine being Huma in bed as Hillary goes down on you, having to be like “damn, Habibi, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with your political prowess and stroke-victim face. I love sex with you, both Huma and the real me.” when all she wants is to go back in time to marry Mohammed (pbuh) as his 9 year old bride. Like seriously imagine Huma’s POV, pretending to enjoy Hillary's wet slobber, the mood lighting barely concealing her crazy eyes and mustache, and just lie there, dreadful minute after minute, as she spells out her favorite Alphabet Agencies with her tongue, CIA, NSA, FB– Ouch! You wince as she hatefully scrapes her dentures across your clit, but you fake some loud moans to cover it up. Not only having to tolerate her oral skills (no wonder Bill went rogue) and her monstrous fucking visage lapping sloppily between your thighs, but her haughty attitude as everyone in public tells her she’s STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MRS. CLINTON LOOKS LIKE THAT?? they’re not the ones who sees her this close without her clown make-up to cover up her "au naturel" beauty. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of wannabe models from Weiner’s Instagram DMs your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the sand dunes in the future Islamic State (INSHALLAH). You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and you swear you can taste the fishy scent from her loose crusty vag as she winks at you to switch places, smugly assured that she gave you multiple orgasms, and you’re getting paid for the opportunity to eat the “First (what she calls it herself) Pussy" of the United States, the pussy she let marinade in her diaper shit all day. And then she tells you "faster don't stop," and you know you could kill all your Muslim Brotherhood handlers before CIA could put you down, but you swallow and endure, because you’re fucking Huma. You’re not going to lose your spy career and alimony over this. Just bear it. Bury your tongue and bear it.
4de51a No.245516
T H I S!!! You put my thought and into words.
300d17 No.245517
heh, i found it by typing Geraldo cooking. I had no idea.
17ad69 No.245518
Geraldo has already been disciplined but he used to be a demoncrat, so…
75e714 No.245519
42ee9f No.245520
Q did that last night. Codemonkey confirmed him.
3a1d0a No.245521
Hannity always says they are friends. I cut ties with my FB liberal friends when I stood with Trump. There was no middle ground. No way to even reason with them.
7082c7 No.245523
Great advice Anon it lets you while away the time as we wait to enjoy the show
17ad69 No.245524
Brock is being thrown under the bus by WaPo today. Being sacrificed. Oops, too late!
38e079 No.245525
This is absolutely true, none of this is coincidence ties in to Uranium One and why she had that stupid server in the first place. Put that all together and Hitlery used a private server to run a State Department pay-to-play wit one aspect being Uranium one. Right Q?
If you bake it, he will crumb
506ccb No.245526
>>245360 (reference)
re: date/timestamp 11-28 for 10-28 I will check that, I see what you mean.
Oh ok, I remember that one >>245449 is correct.
Another textanon mentioned this morning about discrepancy between GMT during and out of Daylight Savings Time, that's why I asked. I used the date/timestamp from the original graphic compilation Q posted the day he first used a tripcode. [The original anon who started the spreadsheet had initially ONLY had Q's questions, so he had omitted some posts altogether. I added them and subsequently missing lines from that graphic compilation] And I'm in EST so since q_raw.txt anon said they were all in EST, I made sure to harmonize them. If his had errors, then the spreadsheet would reflect that.
I will take the time and compare line by line.
I made an announcement in the last thread, and in the OP there is a statement that it's "undergoing maintenance" (some asshole threatened to delete everything in open columns) But you can read & download it!
66a643 No.245527
found it
http:// breaking911.com/developing-plane-oklahoma-city-texas-disappears-radar/
d42c83 No.245528
Where did I say "kill them"? Just wondering, because that was not my meaning.
I can hate sin and evil actions. I do. That is normal.
Also, and I know this is a little off topic but please we need to stop calling it "pedophilia".
It's not child love (philia actually means "brotherly love").
That is so NOT what they are doing. They are sexually, physically, mentally and spiritually abusing these children in the most horrific ways!
What does that have to do with brotherly love? I don't know!
36dd52 No.245529
058b4a No.245530
Since Q often says to pray, here's something that may explain, at least to a degree, why people cover their ears and refuse to listen to facts and reason:
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
d4f820 No.245531
The trip pass "Matlock" was a hint that Q embedded into the trip. Knowing the autists would eventually hack it. And thus get the message…
No surprise- he is 10 steps ahead…
BUT: what about the 2nd trip password?
Is there another hint embedded there too?
683512 No.245532
Hahahahahahahahahaha, well done!
36dd52 No.245533
Person I was originally talking to wants to kill them.
Pay attention if you join a conversation halfway please, thank you
1e2554 No.245534
i had seen it was down for maintenance, kek
> still hurt to not go to my room so to speak
11bf68 No.245536
Let's call it Philadelphia then.
d42c83 No.245537
Ok, thanks! No need for bold red!
66a643 No.245538
>No way to even reason with them.
This is a big deal
1d7fc8 No.245539
If Clowns In America are bad actors and against POTUS, then what is Mike Pompeo (Director of formal Agency and nominated by POTUS) doing? What organization is he truly running? Langley obeys him?
Of course it would be foolish to think that Clowns are circumscribed only to their HQ. They have been WW and more like a private/dark corp. So, who/what is truly Pompeo commanding?
cc156c No.245540
Pedo…child…. thats the piece you're missing champ
1bd813 No.245542
i love me some gorka. i would totally love to have lunch with that guy. no homo/ bromance lol
38e079 No.245543
As much of the CIA as he can
570a18 No.245544
Does telepathic tech require a device or is it…where can I find info about this? Telepathic tech? For real?
17ad69 No.245545
There are many such statists who will simply respond with, "The govt should take care of that." Statism is a great evil.
1e2554 No.245546
fucking ditto, would love to have an hour with that patriot
> socks on of course
cdd0dd No.245547
That's my point. Some people did not take money to enrich themselves or gain power, they either cooperated or turned a blind eye to things to protect their children. That, for me, makes it difficult to judge all of them the same.
ce273f No.245548
This isn’t about you.
56dfb1 No.245549
I watched Geraldo live for that stupid Capone vault. I still have a DVR tape with Geraldo telling everyone in TV land the attack plan.
329fbe No.245550
Nunes is suppose to have all the unredacted docs by tomorrow and all the texts by 1/11!
FW you weren't kidding about things moving fast!!
d42c83 No.245551
I know pedo is child, put it together - it's supposed to be child love, pedo - philia. All I'm saying is that what they do has nothing to do with loving anyone.
They take words and completely mis-apply them and mis-use them thereby changing the meaning of words.
cef29f No.245553
I just posted the meme story on him to his and my twitter and @Newsweek with #pedogate #pizzagate #ClintionFoundation #ticktock @realdonaldjtrump and asked Newsweek if this pedo works for them. He has to go!
17ad69 No.245554
The police are crooked. I believe Trump has a blind spot in that area because hes never been on the streets really.
4c6e21 No.245555
yep, wasnt shit in there. too funny
3a1d0a No.245556
It's like the satanic occult has possessed their liberal little minds. Are the dems using voodoo dolls?
683512 No.245557
Hmmm,, ive seen it but…il try to find sauce
cdd0dd No.245558
Telepathy does not require technology.
1ce18c No.245559
Q Said follow the money about 9 times in his posts.
We did follow SOME of the money, but not all of it, you MUST check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS THE CORE OF ALL THE BAD MONEY, its not only the Fed Reserve.
The Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund - the ESF
The ESF and Its History - IT RUNS the US black budget - ever since WWII.
The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) is a super-secret treasury operation.
It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc).
ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness).
It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, HIV, and worse…
These five videos are the "answer" I have arrived at after three years of blogging on MarketSkeptics.com.
The ESF's official purpose is defending (stabilizing) the value of the dollar. It operates from within the New York Fed and has authority over all International Monetary Affairs. The ESF keeps a low profile using the Fed as a front
In 1934, the treasury hijacked the Federal Reserve through the gold reserve act. The treasury’s ESF was created and took control of America's gold. The ESF was a guaranteed disaster because it operates with dictatorial power and no oversight.
54b551 No.245560
Wow anon, I can't believe you saved that POS all these years. Pure gold.
d4f820 No.245561
NoSuch is running the clownbase, as far as orders go. Pompeo is a figurehead at this point who keeps the illusion that the agency is operating normally to the assets and liabilities.
Until the patriotic operatives are filtered and recalled the illusion is needed.
I get it.
Harder to explain than to understand.
9e9c27 No.245562
Me too. So embarrassed.
17ad69 No.245563
In Cal, the libtards constantly diss Trump over policies enofrced by the likes of Jerry Brown and Pelosi, their heroes. Eejits!
1e2554 No.245564
Please Q, come save this bread from what its becoming tonight. If not i understand Boss, i really do, but holy fucking fuck.
8e1f5b No.245565
>I will take the time and compare line by line.
Thanks. The q_raw.txt which is in EST now should be accurately updated, and the times given in the pastebin should match exactly those in the q_raw.
8d4a2d No.245566
LIVESTREAM: KPFA Stream- Credico and Christine Assange 2 hours ago
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE9-rWOUHJQ
c4b272 No.245567
First Earth Battalion rubbish.
dc321f No.245568
A shout out to all the Anons who put so much time into preserving the info here.
I love you SSAnon, and other Anon's who contribute to the SS. I am a SS person.
I know other's like different formats- something for everyone.
The important thing is to preserve it all. Yes.
I realized this 2 days ago when I saw that all the threads from November were gone, and much of December.
Another Anon noticed that today.
Either I missed the explanation for that, or the wondering is being ignored.
Save all that you can. Always save save save.
7082c7 No.245569
>Mike Pompeo
www. breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/18/10-things-didnt-know-mike-pompeo/ Of particular interest is Schiff's endorsement of Pompeo a year ago
e8d212 No.245570
Thought you all needed a laugh
54b551 No.245571
Have you watched "Curse of Oak Island"?
6 seasons of Al Capones vault basically.
66a643 No.245572
1bff45 No.245574
>I watched Geraldo live for that stupid Capone vault.
Me too. Haven't taken him seriously since about 30 minutes into that fiasco.
fe5241 No.245575
058b4a No.245576
When I was in the military years ago and worked 16-18 hours a day for weeks and weeks on end, you had to grab some down time when you can or you'd get sick and/or go crazy. You have to manage yourself and your time. Not easy but this is war. Hang in there anon, you'll be fine. When this is over, it will all be worth it.
a93771 No.245577
such a nice graphic anon - good job - really conveys the message well
it's a little low res…. I clean it up and resized for you
e8d212 No.245578
6c2b51 No.245579
Self destructing rockets, batman! Newsfags
https://qz dot com/1170674/spacexs-latest-advantage-blowing-up-its-own-rocket-automatically/
"SpaceX, however, pursuing cheaper and more efficient launches, worked with the Air Force to turn over that duty to a GPS-equipped on-board computer, an “Automatic Flight Safety System” that debuted in 2017. Now, if the company’s Falcon 9 rocket goes outside prescribed bounds when launched from Cape Canaveral, it can activate its own self-destruct sequence."
BTW Falcon launch delayed until weekend..
d42c83 No.245580
And there you go!
dc321f No.245581
A shout out to all the Anons who put so much time into preserving the info here.
I love you SSAnon, and other Anon's who contribute to the SS. I am a SS person.
I know other's like different formats- something for everyone.
The important thing is to preserve it all. Yes.
I realized this 2 days ago when I saw that all the threads from November were gone, and much of December.
Another Anon noticed that today.
Either I missed the explanation for that, or the wondering is being ignored.
Save all that you can. Always save save save.
a18cb7 No.245582
Pic related… just sayin'
570a18 No.245584
I’m talking about voice to skull. It was implied it’s used by marines but I was wondering if some type of receiver device is necessary on the receiving end and sending end too I guess. Isn’t this the thing targeted individuals say happens? They claim the govt I see planting shit in their head from satellites….is that truly possible to do to a random person? From a satellite? How w do you hone in on them? Just weird be saw this discussed before and assumed it was schizo bs
4de51a No.245585
Amen. They are under a powerful and very strong delusion. What we see as obvious they do not. They remain delusional. >>245530
17ad69 No.245586
They should be made to dig a ditch then machine gun them in it. New govt efficiency.
66261d No.245587
Well remembered and paid for.
47159e No.245588
good point, anon!
pedovore is a more accurate term, as in:
whether literal or just the innocent heart consumed by selfish rituals, no matter
any wonder that the MediaMatrix plays their version of vampires as absurd cartoons covering the reality visible around the edges
9c5c30 No.245589
In addition, Eichenwald has very thin skin.
So be careful what sort of information about him your reveal, because it might well get him upset and cause him to act irrationally in public
And we wouldn't want that.
56dfb1 No.245590
I hate to admit it but I have the whole dang war on about 24 8 hours tapes. Have no idea why I recorded it but I did.
1e2554 No.245591
so how does one go about following the monies given out by the ESF?
4984b0 No.245592
Killary investigation of private email server is re-opened!
Clinton Foundation investigation OPENED!
Go Jeff Sessions!
1daa8d No.245593
Did we ever put together Betsy Devos and her brother Erik Prince (founder of Blackwater)?
cdd0dd No.245594
If it's not real then why is remote viewing used by the military and alphabet soups? Why has so much money been spent by black ops projects to research, validate, and use it. It's very real. Don't kid yourself.
d4f820 No.245595
Sadly, knowing Capone was CIA involved, and Geraldo is CIA involved, you think someone would have called in to stop that embarrassment…
72622f No.245596
Lurk'n for 3 months and I still can't fig out what "kek" means ? It seems like you guy's use it for multi meanings ….
e8d212 No.245597
Should utube that part and give us the link to troll him with
c8cdf5 No.245598
Someone watching somewhere
should maybe take message to Someone
"Boss The Natives are Getting Restless"
b3a089 No.245599
Bread from yesterday showed image with story about G & his son J propping up Dictator M who died and his wife has a video of Elitists on a yacht talking about kids being held and killed.
Someone suggested M was Ferdinand. He died in Hawaii, she lives in Philippians. Our POTUS last stop Philippians then unscheduled stop in HI. IF such a tape exists, you can bet Trump has it.
People will believe and when Michael gets sent to Male Prison, they will be really pissed.
e9bff2 No.245600
I would like to punch this Jessica on Fox News …stupid lib
3a1d0a No.245601
4984b0 No.245602
…and Hannity is having the time of his life on Fox News right now…lol
17ad69 No.245603
It's a "news show" though.
1bd813 No.245604
i know..even hannity calling it acid washed. im like do you even IT bro? do the tech staffers just sit there with there dick in their hands not correcting this shit…? ITS CALLED DBAN and LLF.
1e2554 No.245605
naw, been here long enough, i can bitch at least once faggot :)
75e714 No.245607
CAT fight on Hannity! RRRRAAAAAWWRRRRR!!!!!!
a18cb7 No.245609
d4f820 No.245610
There is video training (on .torr) about it.
It's strange indeed, but apparently it gets results.
058b4a No.245611
Just in time for Trump's award ceremony.
54b551 No.245612
Can't trust people like her that nobody wants to fuck. They think everyones' a perv…but then there is this
c9e640 No.245613
I saved a bunch of threads in the wayback machine. Wish I had saved more
3a1d0a No.245614
OMG! Hannity! Can you imagine what this is going to be like when it catches more traction! I absolutely loathe it when conservative news shows give liberals air time. Suck it up suckers!
78a39d No.245615
Thanks yes, that was it, I took that as they don't want the Clowns running on their own anymore and they want another group riding herd on the world intel
d42c83 No.245616
That's more like it!! Now when I read PEDOVORE I know exactly what it meant by that!
Thank you!!
36dd52 No.245617
Once you start killing humans it becomes easier and easier. At first you just kill the worst, but when they're gone, you start killing over increasingly minor offenses. Then you live in hell, not in the afterlife, but in this one. All so you could be an edgy dickhead with a machine gun.
a8ff64 No.245618
Mine cut ties with me
I understand why they hate him. I understand why they can’t see what we see. I get it.
The beautiful lie is easier. Being scared is easier. Feeling anger is easier. It gives them a sense there is nothing to be done, so ignore it. The television and TV ads and music gives them a false sense of security. They are in ‘control’ of their lives. They ‘choose’ what to watch and listen to, what to buy, who to support, who to protest, what to think, what to say, what to wear.. when somebody comes along and tells you “you’re not free, you’re thoughts were hand picked for you in some executive board room on top of some corporate skyscraper. It gets casted out over the airwaves.. and you think they are your own organic thoughts..” it’s incomprehensible to them. The cognitive dissonance sets in. Their brain patterns will literally bend and twist around what you told them, to make sure their belief system stays in tact. ANYTHING but facing an UNWANTED unknown truth.
We didn’t choose this shit.
But somehow.. here we all are. Wide awake and ready to fuck shit up at any cost.
It’s our duty. WE were given no choice.
Once you see the truth and understand the reality, you know there is so much to live for. So much to fight for. Life is NOT terrible.. only a few evil powerful people are.
Wow sorry for the rant. But I refuse to give up on those who are prisoners in their own minds. Let them hate me. I used to convince myself I didn’t give a fuck about them
But I was lying to myself
I give a lot of fucks about them
I grew up with them
They’ll find their way. I’m sure of it. And when theyre ready.. they’ll come back.
cef29f No.245619
Damn you blinded me! Ewwwww!
4984b0 No.245620
BIG KEK there anon!
75e714 No.245621
It's to make the m look foolish; it's our periodic reminder of what the cannabis news network is like
78a39d No.245622
Thank you my brothers and sisters, my old mind isn't worthy but that was the post
1ce18c No.245623
Giving John Solomon some credit
280601 No.245624
Tanya Chutkan is the Obama judge appointed to the Awan case that keeps delaying the hearing. Interesting note in Wikipedia-
While a Partner at Boies Schiller & Flexner, Judge Chutkan represented Theranos, which hired the investigative firm Fusion GPS to threaten the news media. Despite the threats, the Wall Street Journal's reporting resulted in an SEC investigation and Theranos paying a $200 million dollar fine.
So if she has client attorney privilege to fusion GPS, shouldn't she recuse in the Awan case due to DWS and Fusion GPS?
I think it at least deserves a spreadable meme…
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanya_S._Chutkan
e8d212 No.245625
Ewweeee,! My eyes! My eyes!!!!!! ack!!!!!
dc321f No.245626
8a4864 No.245627
Holy heated discussion about HRC on Hannity.
Hannity: it’s the year of the boomerang. Game on
HA love it. Sorry for the chat….couldn’t help myself
82f903 No.245628
LE wasn't wearing camo, just OD. I doubt it was local LE, but could be Feds, like maybe clowns or their ilk. Possible ATF or DEA. And, yes, even locals have "machine guns" these days. M16A1's and A2's, courtesy of DoD.
9c5c30 No.245629
Follow the wives update:
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Facebook wife Priscilla Chan is the face of the rollout: Chan Zuckerberg Institute's "personalized" Summit Learning program meets resistance from parents at one of the first public school locations. Concerns include privacy issues, with children's personal data provided to the benificent educational overlords, Priscilla Chan and Zuckerberg, and young children being exposed to "lifestyle" suggestion ads that would be more appropriate for young adults. But the benificent overlords also gave free Google computers to the schools system. On top of that, the program doesn't appear to be all that great at educating.
This NH school system halted the program, but Zuck just stated very ambitious goals to get the software out to many American schools. It's hard to imagine the American public educational system getting worse, but this might just do it. Stay tuned.
http://archive. fo/E3YMg
https://www.recode. net/2017/7/10/15771676/priscilla-chan-facebook-philanthropy-mark-zuckerberg-initiative-cure-diseases
Priscilla Chan is running one of the most ambitious philanthropies in the world
>Chan is also working with Summit Public Schools in California to fundamentally change the education system — she wants students around the country to be taught differently.
http://archive. fo/PbROQ
http://www.nhregister. com/metro/article/Some-Cheshire-parents-want-new-education-platform-12414939.php
Some Cheshire parents want new education platform suspended
>There were several tense exchanges between parents, board members and Superintendent of Schools Jeff Solan about the Summit Learning Program, which is being used by fifth-, sixth- and seventh-graders.
>Parents have a variety of concerns about the program, from inappropriate third-party advertisements, articles and videos that the Summit program links to, to worries that students are getting frustrated by the self-directed Summit curriculum. There also are concerns about the privacy of students’ information, which some parents think the board sold out in order to get access to the Summit program for free as well as the roughly 130 Chromebook computers that came as part of the deal.
>Parent Theresa Commune, mother of a sixth-grader, said she was concerned about the nature of advertisements that popped up when her son clicked on third-party links. Commune said the advertisements her son was exposed to included a dating service and intimate personal lubricants.
http://archive. fo/b8p36
http://www.stamfordadvocate. com/metro/article/Cheshire-school-superintendent-suspends-use-of-12439703.php
Cheshire school superintendent suspends use of controversial online education program
>A nonprofit charter management and school partnership organization, Summit Public Schools runs the controversial online learning program. Summit has a partnership with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which provides software engineering support to refine and improve the program.
http://archive. fo/tgc7b
https://www.usnews. com/news/education-news/articles/2017-12-20/educators-we-need-more-from-education-technology?int=u.s.-news-information-rec
Educators: We Need More From Education Technology
>The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative dove head first into this territory upon launch in 2015 and has already invested heavily in the development of personalized learning software, including a team of personalized learning engineers.
>“There are 25,000 middle and high schools in the U.S., and our goal is help many of them use these tools over the next decade,” Zuckerberg wrote.
17ad69 No.245630
Where do I go to fix this brain scarring?
66a643 No.245631
i knew that was coming
fuck you anon who posted that shit
why i say the closet is full, he will go down
e8d212 No.245632
Damn man! That’s gross!
82f903 No.245633
He makes Bernie look neat and well groomed.
cdd0dd No.245634
There's no device required although I'd be willing to guess that there has been some experimentation with technological devices. Many TI (targeted individuals) have been subjected to programming/mind control which includes telepathic control of the victims without the use of technology. Both the military and the alphabets have run black op projects for decades on this subject. It's well documented. If you want, you can even peruse some of the Clowns own docs on it although they are heavily redacted.
683512 No.245635
1bd813 No.245636
lmao. i LOVE my talking kitty cat, she is AMAZING! one of my fav channels. i would marry the fuck outta this chick <3
1e2554 No.245637
that does not lead one to think the CIA is 1 to 2 though?
> what thought process lead you to think it was the CIA
> genuinely curious
54b551 No.245638
Holy crap
At least they are both dressed in this one.
a8ff64 No.245641
Uh mayoclinic
29c2f7 No.245642
d4f820 No.245643
Lib media is waiting for directives and talking points to fall down the wire from "GANNETT" or the like- and they don't know the Mockingbird is dead… There is an uncomfortable silence among them right now…
17ad69 No.245644
Sarah: "Acosta, you need some slap with that little bitch on you?"
e8d212 No.245645
Hell, he makes my last date look good! LOL
feccd5 No.245646
Stop posting. This is not your chatroom
75e714 No.245647
8b84c1 No.245648
2b7176 No.245649
Good find. Dirty little bastard
cdd0dd No.245650
It does get results. Very good results.
66a643 No.245651
e8d212 No.245652
Ewwee! Now I need something to clear my brain and eyes!
4984b0 No.245653
It was great watching her get her faced smeared all into that shit…lol
66a643 No.245655
he did he is cool now
506ccb No.245656
That is a relief! That's my task for tonight :)
I love you too, no homo. Some of us nerds really like that format, others prefer different formats. I'm constantly amazed and delighted at how many different formats anons come up with to present the information. It's beautiful.
>I realized this 2 days ago when I saw that all the threads from November were gone, and much of December.
That was like a kick in the chest by Jet Li. What would we have if /master archivist/ didn't archive those and make them available for us?!? We'd be up shit's creek!
>Either I missed the explanation for that, or the wondering is being ignored.
I have asked BO 3 times now, and have not gotten any response as to
a) his archives - can we access them?
backing up every 20 minutes is great but if we have no access to the threads in which Q posts, how does that help us?
b) merging his archives back into the 8ch archives
Codemonkey would have to help with that. Personally I don't fucking care about "test" thread or "more boots" threads. The research topic threads and the Generals in which Q posts are absolutely vital
>Save all that you can. Always save save save.
YES. I just happened to have archive.fo opened the other night and got a little feeling to archive General # 272 and did so just before it 404d. Now after each new thread I make sure to archive the last one at 750 posts.
>anons should do this on their own, just in case
I'm not always here so who knows. Better to be safe than sorry!
Archiving is critical - all articles, documents, muckety maps everything. "Memory hole" is real. This is our safeguard.
cef29f No.245657
That is still disturbing. Eeeewwww are they touching…???!!!!
e8d212 No.245659
Going to make some memes on these LOL and troll him
329fbe No.245660
Well, there's your answer.
c834f7 No.245661
Emerald Tablets being true seems glaringly obvious to me.
It's like I can almost remember writing them
17ad69 No.245662
Exactly. No other reason to do it.
36dd52 No.245663
I called that number and told them you have taken a hostage. SWAT team is on the way.
54b551 No.245664
Ha…it's not just you.
1bd813 No.245665
that hoberry twatcake is dumb as fuck. she sucks the libtard cock HARD. i mean the fappening j. lawrence hard.
c8cdf5 No.245666
Remember the Anesthesiologist that died in plane last night?
I just saw where James Elefantis' close friend is also Anesthesiologist
Is that because they use those guys to put the kids to sleep or numb them up before they take out their teeth?
75e714 No.245667
except translated into Korean, it's kek
I only know this because I searched the term on starpage.com ;)
oldfags can feel free to correct me on any idiocy
493ee4 No.245668
sometimes anon , it is hard to see the forest for the trees
check out these news (happenings) posts , ALL THIS YEAR 2018
>>244997 , >>241335
take a few minutes and have a good read , this is the show , enjoy
a185ea No.245669
Darn anon. Can't unsee that sortashit.
e8d212 No.245670
f19c15 No.245671
d42c83 No.245672
What's the"?" mean on POTUS?
75e714 No.245673
9a2d8e No.245674
>Let's call it Philadelphia then.
Might as well–Philadelphia is *almost* as horrible, bleak, and soul-crushing as pedophilia is.
Seriously, that place is literally Midgar. Now that I think on it, I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't really come up in the digging yet…
1daa8d No.245675
I thought he was confirming that the plane that went down was one of the 7/10 crashes that are targeted kills
24341b No.245676
It is real as regards being the subject of extensive govt research over many years. This is a fact. It’s utility is what is not clear. The confidence level in outcome data is not high. It is very hard on the people who try it. Not entirely safe. People are not the only things in that AO.
17ad69 No.245677
Leave the dead guy alone, Kek.
300d17 No.245680
Why is he wearing this on his head?
"Television personality Geraldo Rivera, 60, and his bride Erica Michelle Levy, 28, exchange vows during their wedding ceremony at Central Synagogue in New York, Sunday Aug, 10, 2003. It is the fifth marriage for Rivera. The bride was previously a producer of "Rivera Live" on CNBC, where she met Rivera. This is her first marriage. "
065f25 No.245681
Geraldo: "You Need Intent."
Statute: intent not an element
Lies, lies, lies, lies
17ad69 No.245682
Phil the worst big American city Ive been to . Am I wrong?
e8d212 No.245683
Hahahahaha this is going on his twatter
54b551 No.245684
THere's some crazy shit in Phila. Dog fighting rings, people held hostage in basements for their social security checks, niggers galore stealing shit, meth addicts, heroin addicts, lots of gays, corrupt as shit politically.
THats just what I know about.
521530 No.245685
Soros is Dead? Have we confirmed this?
1e2554 No.245686
someone with twatter needs to meme that shit and bomb his twat with that, kek
e5bbbe No.245687
I can relate.
family / friends don't get Trump..Therefore, they don't get me. I was Dem for long time.
66a643 No.245688
11bf68 No.245689
It likely should. It's a shitshow there for sure.
506ccb No.245690
Thank you! This kind of got abandoned for a while. Do we still have a valid/working Follow the Wives thread? [And thank you for archiving all the links!!]
5abd58 No.245691
I agree. This is a dog and pony show if I've seen one. How long did the "investigation" of Kristian Saucier take? About 10 seconds? And then a year in jail and a dishonorable discharge! There is no question that kid didn't mean any harm, but they throw the book at him.
dc321f No.245692
Now my dinner is about to come up.
e8d212 No.245693
329fbe No.245694
Yes, but 7/10 was also the date Seth Rich was murdered. Double meaning.
54b551 No.245696
It's got it's good and bad. Niggers ruin it mostly, but there's mega wealth here too. Just gotta pick the right neighborhoods.
I doubt it's as bad as detroit, baltimore, newark, cleveland and a few others.
75e714 No.245697
36dd52 No.245698
506ccb No.245699
>Why is he wearing this on his head?
You didn't know Geraldo was jewish?
e5bbbe No.245700
Jewish wedding, under the canopy
d4f820 No.245701
Meaning depends on capitalization…
so many variants.
And then you got prefixes;
Be more specific!
66261d No.245702
Noted. Thank you.
3bec26 No.245703
1e2554 No.245704
add her pre Zuck history as well, then add that to the wives bread. Also post it here so we can pull and we can force ( <3 ) SS to put it in the SS
9c5c30 No.245705
I haven't seen such a thread yet, maybe time to start one.
This aspect of Q crumbs got overshadowed by others in light of current events but best not to forget.
Chan Zuck are still on the move, let us not forget.
b282c8 No.245706
1daa8d No.245707
North Korea agrees to first talks with South in two years (theguardian.com)
1e2554 No.245708
i kindof wonder if they both swallowed :/
> i need another drink and a smoke, that pic of his and the one of weiner which is not far down the road has got me way grossed out
66a643 No.245710
ce273f No.245711
Looks like Zuck is laundering money with a side benefit of brainwashingour youth for his own pleasure.
058b4a No.245712
Just like Obama when power is lost to the teleprompter. Stuttering mess.
17ad69 No.245713
I can telepath and do often, very selectively. It's a spiritual practice similar to prayer but person to person rather than to God, a Saint or an Angel. This is post-Q material.
cdd0dd No.245714
The use of it can be varied. These people are trained to do remote viewing which can provide real-time (as well as past and future) data gathering. Law enforcement sometimes uses it to solve crimes and find missing children. Telepathy can be used for the same reasons. One can "read" another's thoughts and use that information. The list is endless really….The confidence level is, in fact, quite high. They aren't going to tell you otherwise, that would be letting you in on their secret, wouldn't it?
570a18 No.245715
Telepathy without technology thru mind control? I’m confused already
a18cb7 No.245716
You any good at making memes? I'd appreciate if that pic were to become one. (thanks in advance, if so)
efbf04 No.245717
Can anyone verify Q's usage of _ and -?
Does he use - to indicate a missing letter?
Does he use _ to indicate a different topic?
That might help us decode [P_pers] a bit more?
1e2554 No.245719
you should be able to find the pre zucc info in that bread, just want to keep it all in one post when its together is all
66261d No.245720
3d6112 No.245721
I was there, what a waste of an evening !
My sis went to school with Gerry Rivers, in N.Y. said he was a real jackass !!!
75e714 No.245722
moar popcoarn needed for zug downfall show
1bd813 No.245724
pretty sure cuckerberg has a darpa chip in his brain. and his chink is a stepford wife
300d17 No.245725
No. i thought he was hispanic, spanish or italian.
66261d No.245726
a18cb7 No.245728
I always thought that [P_pers] meant: message from President to person/s.
17ad69 No.245730
My guess is Pompeo is doing " a review." All of Trump's appts are. Guess what? They are finding much evidence of serious crimes throughout the govt. A small example is E Warren and the CFPB. Small example.
058b4a No.245731
36dd52 No.245733
Depends on whether you mean exoteric or esoteric Kekism.
a18cb7 No.245734
Bring it! "Related?" would be a great start :D
506ccb No.245735
Ohhh, you have no idea how much I want to add this info in there somewhere :) We will find a place for it. Also, I want to make infographs! One thing at a time through… still have a half-finished ones on The Asia Foundation, Sidley Austin and Human Trafficking….
Gotta get the spreadsheet situation worked out first though.
If you provide the information, I will infograph it and find a place for it in the spreadsheet
cdd0dd No.245736
I do it as well, though selectively. It is a very spiritual practice for most practitioners, including myself, though obviously some others use it for more nefarious purposes. When we all awaken it will be more common than it is now.
874e8f No.245737
Love the Sara one Kek!!!
OMG I can't unsee that…. let me go and get sick! Gross… would the hell would ever want to see or even touch that?????
66a643 No.245738
good question, anon
[P_pers] bugs me
panama papers seemed good in one context but obviously not in others. It has been used multiple times. I do not think solved att.
a6d79f No.245739
how I feel right now
Ya all got any more of those Qmaps
d4f820 No.245740
Good example of what happens when a libtard looses the "talking point" feed!
That's what to expect from media next week!
1e2554 No.245741
if you are not a TI then you will not get what they are talking about, its a personal hell that many here do know about, but only a few.
> it sucks, its hell and some of them want a crumb from Q which he has not given to date.
< All you can do is pray for the TI community, not much else can be done :)
570a18 No.245744
Fuckin Satan fuck fuck not what I want in my head before bedtime
163628 No.245745
SO you can drink like a fish, pollute your body and mind and change out parts like you're a cheap Hyundai whenever you want.
b282c8 No.245746
"We're not wearing any pants!"
7b656b No.245747
a18cb7 No.245748
A meme would be a great follow-up of what I twatted with that Breitfart article ;)
065f25 No.245749
negligence language specifically excludes the requirement of intent
66a643 No.245750
1e2554 No.245751
sounds good, ill pull up some of the stuff already dug up
75e714 No.245752
Needs quotes:
Geraldo "I Don't Care About the Past" Rivera
055a20 No.245753
It’s time
Anon has a minimum affect on project mockingbird. We have a minimum affect on cognitive dissonance.
We need the DOJ to do their job and charge these criminals. Why can’t the DOJ do their job? Too many deep state? Fire them. Clean house.
Anon can’t break through the brainwashing until the spell is broken, or at least fractured. Every red pill attempt points back to MSM, the Russia investigation, rachel madcow, or conspiracy theorist. Without real happenings, presconferences, whatever you need to do, we are ineffective.
I hope to God, Qs journey was a training for when the spell is fractured.
It’s time. This has gone on way too long.
I still have faith.
I still have hope.
Assange “you have the floor”
Sessions, time hold a press conference with human trafficking progress.
Wray, clean up your dept.
Someone end the ridiculous Russia investigation
Throw us a bone here.
cc156c No.245754
Lok'tar O'gar! KEK KEK KEK KEK
17ad69 No.245755
Tell it to General Mattis.
24341b No.245756
If you know these things from first hand experience, I am being informed.
1e2554 No.245757
Progressive Left:
"I Dont Care About The Past"
b2b8db No.245758
Here, Anon. This should clear it up for ya…
75e714 No.245759
"Hillary is a felon!"
506ccb No.245760
Hispanic father, jewish mother (mitochondrial DNA passes the jewishness, not just a belief, now confirmed by DNA testing). He could immigrate to Israel or have dual citizenship no problem.
>Geraldo: "You Need Intent."
There's a reason he's promoting that lie, but of course it's just a (((coincidence)))!
75e714 No.245762
065f25 No.245764
That's a good move for them.
72622f No.245765
Wow , I think I will keep it simple and just fig it as lol for now ….I have a hard enough time just trying to keep up with you all …Thanks Qkeks !!
6c0d7d No.245766
EO 6713a is an executive order signed by FDR Re labor provisions for Alcohol industry. This made me think of the ATF, and the Waco incident under Clinton Whitehouse, and the release of Papers regarding this. There is also a movie coming out on this incident.
3d6112 No.245767
Read you loud and clear !!!
36dd52 No.245773
cef29f No.245774
I'm looking for Geotus schedule for Friday and through the weekend. Only finding public schedule for today. Anyone locate his schedule for tomorrow and if at Camp David this weekend?
a18cb7 No.245775
North Korea agrees to first talks with South in two years
https://archive .is/kFnlC
>Future proves past.
54b551 No.245778
WTF,…all day I get this….in different browsers too.
This page isn’t working
www.memes.com is currently unable to handle this request.
Alphabets after me?
76eec0 No.245779
I think [P_pers] refers to the papers in the Obama Presidential Library, now in possession of DJT
5bff67 No.245780
>Damn that guy looks like he just rolled out of bed. DAMN couldn't he have presented himself better? Is that the best CNN could do?
>His tie is even a little lopsided.
He looks like Kosmo Kramer elected.
158510 No.245781
Did anyone consider Q's many references to the movie, Hunt For Red October, when N. Korea's latest missile test struck a city in N. Korea? Maybe the white hats were responsible for the guidance system "issues?"
1842bd No.245784
you see the halfchan thread about the ATF using a closed FFL and Wells Fargo to hide purchases and movements?
683512 No.245785
Hell is a perspective. At least they get to know of the hidden tech. Its one thing to read about the patents but a whole other aspect when you experience it.
66a643 No.245786
they say lurk for two years.
damn near accurate
i got away with less
75e714 No.245787
cdd0dd No.245788
Here you go. This video is an interview with a former military guy who worked in this area. I got banned the other night after talking about esoteric/post-q/G*d so I'm reluctant to go into it much more. I hope you understand. If you want to continue talking with me about it I am happy to do so over on META. Leave me a message there and I'll answer whatever questions you have.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S8L4ZHGjQE
424f79 No.245789
cef29f No.245790
386fa1 No.245792
here are some of the other instances where P is used
P_pers: WRWY
P_pers: Public (not private).
Looks like President to me
670f55 No.245793
dc321f No.245794
506ccb No.245795
I believe there is a Follow the Wives (or similiarly titled) thread in the catalog. Put your info in there (or on Sidley Austin, The Asia Foundation in their threads) and I'll pick it up and add it to the infographs, will post drafts for input.
Just gotta get the spreadsheet situation sorted before I can turn my attention there. That will give us time to gather or repost the research results and decide what info the (liberal especially) public needs to know about these topics. (how they can help POTUS, as that is our main task)
c8cdf5 No.245797
Hillary will not be locked up.
Don't kid ourselves any more.
Justice is for the plebs like us.
Not for them. They are the masters. They will just bargain something. Make deals.
You would have been killed already.
78a39d No.245798
But hearing that BW was questioning princes in SA added to it, maybe not but at the time it was the thought of what was going on.
1842bd No.245799
7082c7 No.245800
Keep memeing Anon
b282c8 No.245801
765f07 No.245803
I mean Disney owns vice, we should be able to do something with that.
329fbe No.245804
I looked. It just says at CD and air space is closed there through Monday.
5bff67 No.245805
Oh look, that little dick got a selfie with heraldo.