c3896a No.55851
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads' conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Recent Past Threads' Archive Links
45. >>>/cbts/40081 -> https://archive.fo/ERSfF
46. >>>/cbts/41002 -> https://archive.fo/4b9MD
47. >>>/cbts/41913 -> https://archive.fo/oBS4j
48. >>>/cbts/42972 -> https://archive.fo/zTcVL
49. >>>/cbts/43833 -> https://archive.fo/vIySZ
50. >>>/cbts/44736 -> https://archive.fo/Lmxw2
51. >>>/cbts/45641 -> https://archive.fo/lRGVj
52. >>>/cbts/46456 -> https://archive.fo/j3kvb
53. >>>/cbts/47314 -> https://archive.fo/161V0
54. >>>/cbts/48266 -> https://archive.fo/955KP
55. >>>/cbts/49045 -> https://archive.fo/CctA0
56. >>>/cbts/49926 -> https://archive.fo/qrv2A
57. >>>/cbts/50850 -> https://archive.fo/Nm1Eh
58. >>>/cbts/51584 -> https://archive.fo/RF9uG
59. >>>/cbts/52438 -> coming soon
!!!Latest Q Posts!!! -> >>50693, >>50787, >>50834, >>50896, >>51313, >>51735, >>51739, >>51744, >>51750, >>51984, >>52122, >>52134, >>52157, >>54349, >>55699
Latest Q Compilation -> >>55760
Complete Q [4+8] -> >>52506
10 days of darkness: -> >>37286
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/NBTQVYRY | https://pastebin.com/45r1FK9q
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )
Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/E6U4jbd0b6/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712080030.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
Really Cool Videos
I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0
In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I
Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920
Another almond-activating tripfag's archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
<And PRAY!
Post last edited at
c3896a No.55854
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2
Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423
The FAQ of Q: >>18427
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629
/CBTS/ Catalog
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
What is Keystone: >>28513
Who is Y?: >>19041
The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>16020
Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408
Anon bringing things around -> >>15208
Red Cross: >>40157
Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613
Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350
Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876
The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984
Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253
Loud Noises -> >>15157
Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092
'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199
Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> https://8ch.net/cbts/res/29994.html#35814]
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219
Trump & Company: >>1380
Underground massive data center?: >>20714
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++: >>672
The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA
Guys, COME ON!
Q has already given us all the clues. They’re in all the questions which aren’t really questions at all, but simply hints to get you thinking on the right track.
I don’t think Q wants this to turn into some super complex code-breaking treasure hunt. That was never his intent. He’s trying to give you the dots in as simple a manner as he is safely capable of doing. STOP TURNING THIS INTO A 3D PUZZLE.
Q WANTS this information out there ASAP. It does him no good to hide things in complicated codes and patterns and getting you to go down insignificant rabbit holes. QUIT OVERTHINKING IT.
Go back, piece together what the Q posts have been hinting at all along. THINK BIG PICTURE. Stop getting sidetracked with trying to figure out every single detail. They’re not as important as the connections.
THE STORY IS WHAT MATTERS. The characters and details are all secondary to that. You can redpill way more people with overarching plot points than you can with detailed infographics about minor players.
571e1e No.55866
A D.C. pharmacist says his pharmacy has filled prescriptions for “pretty serious health problems” for members of Congress, including drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new interview published in STAT news.
80e5ba No.55880
Hey Q redpill me please. Did huma and podesta get arrested today? Is it really happening?
c3896a No.55883
This Nancy Pelosi press conference has some important mentions/code words in it. Will summarize soon.
7dd7ef No.55884
2 plane crashes today so far.
One in Virgin Islands, other in Florida.
Neither want to release names.
++ ?
42c8a5 No.55886
Prayer request thread
7db2cc No.55888
27e3e8 No.55890
571e1e No.55892
FL plane supposedly 3 peeps from nearby flight school.
c3896a No.55895
This Nancy Pelosi press conference has some important mentions/code words in it. Will summarize soon.
571e1e No.55899
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2017 — The Defense Department is starting the first agencywide financial audit in its history, Pentagon officials announced today.
Defense Department Comptroller David L. Norquist and chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White spoke during the Pentagon news conference, in which they also addressed the possibility of a government shutdown when the continuing resolution that has been keeping the government running expires tomorrow.
Norquist said he received the DoD Office of Inspector General's notification that the financial statement audit begins this month.
Taxpayer Confidence
The audit is massive. It will examine every aspect of the department from personnel to real property to weapons to supplies to bases. Some 2,400 auditors will fan out across the department to conduct it, Pentagon officials said.
ad7988 No.55900
Excellent research from Voat regarding JP II picture Q posted yesterday
Credit to @Gilderoy ==> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2280962
d2e72e No.55901
again with the flight school..
aa1d28 No.55902
amazingly great idea
thank you
571e1e No.55903
ad7988 No.55904
334898 No.55905
I hope you all are on top of this. Seriously it see,s like a major opportunity but also major problem
863494 No.55906
bc1fca No.55907
It seems to me to have some merit…?
e87f10 No.55908
7dd7ef No.55909
jfc even the voaters are digging.
470c6c No.55911
Q could be a team of people. It's possible the Q from last night signed off with –end–
and the Q today is someone new…
7db2cc No.55912
Fuggg. What happened to that 1T Mr Rumsfeld
>Some 2,400 auditors will fan out across the department to conduct it
That's hot.
Nice, anon
2b069c No.55914
That reminds me, what happened to the Commie in officer school?
Actually while Voat was late to the Pgate party the Pgate sub was doing good work despite nonstop shilling.
7dd7ef No.55916
I meant digging with Q leads tho.
742153 No.55917
1987 Bill Ayers solicited Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale. At the time al-Mansour associate Percy Sutton was raising money for Obama’s education, al-Mansour was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire Prince Alwaleed (Alwalid) bin Talal of the Saudi royal family.
86d788 No.55918
This is possible. There has been some changes in syntax in my opinion.
7db2cc No.55920
Bro the Voats owned Pizzagate. It was real.
9e269e No.55921
You obviously do not know his past.
ad7988 No.55922
PG Voaters are strongly committed to researching, that's why the shilling is nuts. However, it's worth everyone's time to check in w/them.
2b069c No.55923
>fan out
As opposed to the auditors who were all in the same office of the Pentagon when the """airplane""" crashed into it on 9/11. It has to be a message to the deep state.
937a2d No.55924
Still skeptical. Some things about >>55699 just feels wrong.
eab18c No.55925
>we'd have to have it be bipartisan
>so.. Inside and outside the congress
937a2d No.55926
Coincidental with the Sharia Blue stuff.
7dd7ef No.55927
have you checked PG on steemit?
cbe0f2 No.55928
c3896a No.55929
OK, so why the fuck would Nancy Pelosi talk about the VIRGIN ISLANDS and mention death and safety and security? Woah woah woah.
Please watch Q's linked video - VERY SUSPICIOUS. Here is the section:
She also talks about NK and rogue weapons. This is a GOLDMINE video people.
4bdc82 No.55930
b67f93 No.55931
Of course Q is more than one person.
They have always referred to themselves in the 3rd person: "we."
7dd7ef No.55932
Could be. Let's see if (s)he posts later.
bc1fca No.55933
I tend to think that is quite likely, but in that instance of "end" I think he signified he was done with her. Major put down!
7db2cc No.55934
Why do you faggots insist on doxxing the person who is saving the world. Fuck off m8. DON'T FUCKING DOX ASSHOLE
e87f10 No.55935
i suspect that the Q we have been talking to has passed literally and figuratively but that is why there is Q TEAM
86d788 No.55936
She's crazy. She said we live in a different reality now as well. Kuru witches.
7dd7ef No.55937
Virgin Islands plane crash 5 dead today related?
b67f93 No.55938
Sorry I mean *2nd person
4bdc82 No.55939
Someone must be going after Fox News. It keeps cutting out.
ad7988 No.55940
I missed that "MONDAY" post.
ad7988 No.55941
No, good stuff there? I didn't realize…
742153 No.55942
Valerie Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.
James Edward Bowman (February 5, 1923 – September 28, 2011) was an American physician and specialist in pathology, hematology, and genetics.[
Vernon Daurice Jarrett (June 19, 1918[notes 1] – May 23, 2004) was an African-American journalist who worked in newspaper, television and radio and was an influential commentator on race relations, politics, and African-American history. He was the father-in-law to President Barack Obama's close adviser Valerie Jarrett.
1987 Bill Ayers solicited Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale. At the time al-Mansour associate Percy Sutton was raising money for Obama’s education, al-Mansour was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire Prince Alwaleed (Alwalid) bin Talal of the Saudi royal family.
eab18c No.55943
>She said we live in a different reality now as well.
and… what have the majority of Q's posts hinted at?
7dd7ef No.55944
HOLD SHIT >>>>Children's Health Insurance Plan <<<<<<
HRC twatted about this yesterday like a frantic rat.
c3896a No.55945
I think this is Q's confirmation that the ++'s are no more. Go watch the WHOLE THING.
714def No.55946
MONDAY….bet the weather forecast will be "stormy".
7dd7ef No.55947
Pelosi is talking about this too.
5d3f80 No.55948
>These people are sick
The children are sick. 99%
ad7988 No.55949
Ah, I follow. Thank you.
2a779d No.55950
I'm trying to dig for any upcoming events on Monday December 11th, but nothing sticks out to me.
cbe0f2 No.55951
The man pictured above is Mohammed Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. Born in Java, Indonesia in 1901, he formed the Subud (pronounced Soo-Bood) Cult in the 1920's. When I read a headline about Loretta Fuddy and Stanley Ann belonging to the same cult, I was curious. I had not heard of this Subud Cult or the man who founded it. So I did a search for a picture. I always like to have an idea of what someone looks like if I am going to write about them. The first picture I saw was the one on the left and I was astounded at the resemblance. Ears, nose, mouth, eyes…you name it. Just wow. So naturally, I became even more curious about this man and this cult. And I have found some pretty interesting things.
Mohammed Subuh was also known as Pak Subuh or Bapak, which is Indonesian for respected father. When he was young, he apparently went through a series of "intense experiences" that he believed gave him contact with a spiritual energy from a higher power. I have not been able to find what those experiences were. In the 1930's, Pak Subuh believed it was his calling to transmit these energies to others. He called the energy "Latihan Kejiwaan", which is Indonesian for Spiritual Exercise.
99f86e No.55952
Yep, I posted a synopsis of the keywords in that rant, sounded like a coded "offer" to me…
More evidence of Pelosi flipping…the sudden willingness to sit down with Trump, and the sudden reversal on the budget continuance. Seems like the bitch has flipped (pardon the pun).
Wonder what's coming on Monday??? Or was it a refernce to Monday past?
d4ec93 No.55953
video is two months old, doubt it
6e5d52 No.55954
plane went down in CO last night too
kdvr. com/2017/12/07/small-plane-crash-in-limon-downs-power-lines-causes-outages/
46904c No.55955
>Renee J James
571e1e No.55956
Um the video is old…….
52e584 No.55957
Actually, you mean First Person Plural.
9db7f8 No.55958
d23eb4 No.55959
Never heard of Kylo & Stylee Band so i watched their top video.
At this point in the video 1:18 they sing "blow the whistle". Notice the red whistle in girls mouth on the left.
9d1a61 No.55961
youtube streams? a lot have died for me
7dd7ef No.55962
2b069c No.55963
Ok there's way too many planes going down for it to be nothing. We need to focus on the planes. Where were they going from and to, who are the registered owners, who were the passengers, and who are they connected to?
4bdc82 No.55964
ad7988 No.55965
It doesn't explain his darker skin color and hair. I think Frank Marshall is the most likely candidate.
7db2cc No.55966
ad7988 No.55967
7dd7ef No.55968
>kdvr. com/2017/12/07/small-plane-crash-in-limon-downs-power-lines-causes-outages/
Plane crash thread of the yesterday, today, and any that occur on the weekend??
99f86e No.55970
Here's what's crazy about that flipped vid.
It was posted on 12 Oct. Already flipped. They got to her early. That was a month and half ago.
7db2cc No.55971
>We need to focus on the planes
Why don't you do that anon instead of bossing everyone around. not your army. report back if you find anything
c3896a No.55972
I know it's not from today. The point is the CONTENT. This is Q telling us stuff without telling us overtly. Otherwise why would he link it? But just a theory of mine.
c68f49 No.55973
a1a28a No.55974
This just part of what's on LdR:
7db2cc No.55975
checked for those digits
nice work
714def No.55976
11-20, there will probably be "stormy" weather.
99f86e No.55977
I'll go look for it. Stand by.
7dd7ef No.55978
52e584 No.55979
Those would probably be the 10 days of darkness, then.
2a779d No.55980
NICE!!!! Thanks for reminding me, Anon! 11-20 is 10 days, and then there's the [dark]!
571e1e No.55981
Possible and likely probable.
7044d7 No.55983
CHIP something stinks about that plan
these scumbags always use this tactic of helping the needy for their pathway of screwing us
aa1d28 No.55984
Monday - economic calendar / markets really nothing big to see on the calendar
the FOMC meeting begins tuesday
yellen will speak wed. 230pm est
b67f93 No.55985
You are right. I'm losing my mind.
9db7f8 No.55986
Its been going on behind the scenes for ages!
99f86e No.55987
Here's a text version of it. will have to go dig for the CBTS link…
frustrated…to say the least
should be able to fix
9 million kids…in limbo
money saved to take care of your children
perverse priorities
surreal times
together take action
call house and senate
keep tweeting until fixed
4bdc82 No.55988
Idk if that was Q or not tho
ad7988 No.55989
It's ok, we're all a little mad here.
aa1d28 No.55990
tripcode was used
stop that
2a779d No.55991
def87b No.55992
Perhaps these people are sick as Trump and Q suggests; what is the clinical diagnosis?
7dd7ef No.55993
yeah i saw that, i thought you meant pelosi's drunk rant.
4f6dad No.55994
Gates, w buffett , case, et all— ‘ the giving pledge foundation’ : smacks of eugenics. Long been on my mind…
5efff4 No.55995
The Rothschilds OWN a town in Israel: Caesarea (photo)
"Rothschild Foundation Investing More Than $27 Million to Renovate Ancient Caesarea"
Baron Benjamin de Rothschild: “The United States is finished, at least for the moment.”
At the age of 47, Baron Benjamin de Rothschild has put the 4-billion-euro family fortune in the hands of his wife, Baroness Ariane de Rothschild. ‘I think women today are better suited for business than men,’ he says. In an extensive, and rare, interview to Haaretz-The Marker, Baron de Rothschild talks about his brand of Judaism, his distaste for trading gold and his love of speed.
Read it here: http://www.haaretz.com/weekend/magazine/family-values-1.323094
Ariane de Rothschild was born in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador in Latin America, to a French mother and father of German extraction. Because of her father's work, as a manager at an international drugs company, she and her family moved country frequently, about once every three years. She spent her childhood and teenage years in Africa, Bangladesh and South America. She herself owns homes in Geneva, Paris and Israel, but travels often to London and Madrid too.
714def No.55997
I can vouch for that…lol
7db2cc No.55998
ad7988 No.55999
c3896a No.56001
yeah it was him. Let me tell you what happened two weeks ago: a team from the US military visited the owners of 8chan. They requested Q's tripcode and secured it for reasons of national security. End of story.
7dd7ef No.56002
plane crash thread, making one now.
99f86e No.56003
Here's the Hillary twat-tantrum from yesterday, green text is copypasta directly from her account, followed by distilled key words and some thoughts i had at the time.
Link to HRC twatter account, they're still posted.
>>There’s a lot to be frustrated by right now, to say the least. Here’s something that we should be able to fix.
>>The Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health care for 9 million kids & has been reauthorized on a bipartisan basis every year for almost 2 decades, is hanging in limbo because Congress let it expire over 2 months ago.
>>Meanwhile, Senate Republicans rushed to pass so-called tax reform - a giveaway for those who least need it.
>>It gets worse. During the campaign I warned that the Rs would come after social security, Medicare, & Medicaid & now they are. Imagine buying a Rolex & paying for it with money you saved to take care of your kids. That’s what Congress is doing w/ your tax dollars.
>>How is it that in the middle of dividing up $1.5 trillion dollars between corporations & the ultra-wealthy, Republicans can’t find the time & money to take care of children? These are perverse priorities. Congress needs to pass CHIP now, as they have every year since the 1990s.
>>So in these surreal times, let’s rally together & take action. Call your House and Senate members at 202-224-3121 and tell them to take care of kids now and protect our seniors, the poor & vulnerable from future attacks. Tell them that it’s the very least they can do.
>>I’m going to keep tweeting about this, and speaking out every chance I get, until it is fixed.
>frustrated…to say the least
>something we should be able to fix
>>insurance [weiner insurance folder?]
>9 million kids…in limbo [veiled threat?]
>bi-partisan [both parties]
>money saved to take care of your children [payoff to keep chelsea safe?]
>$1.5T [The Offer???]
>perverse priorities [going after HRC instead of saving the children?]
>surreal times [she didn't expect to lose]
>together take action [olive branch / plea for peace]
>call house and senate [asking POTUS to consult with other pols?]
>keep tweeting until it is fixed [open to further negotiation?]
ad7988 No.56004
7/10, remember?
985973 No.56005
aa1d28 No.56006
of course she did
she owns goat hill pizza
b67f93 No.56007
They are psychopaths.
Paranoid schizophrenics with narcissistic personality disorders.
Dissociative, compulsive liars.
7dd7ef No.56008
right right.
she's desperate. (like it'll save her)
a1a28a No.56009
Always in awe of you guys!
7db2cc No.56011
Pelosi has the spirit cooking kuru, anon
4bdc82 No.56012
I’m open to hearing an intelligent explanation as to how that is Q with Monday in the name, which Q has never done, or don’t comment. Immaturity isnt effective.
bc1fca No.56013
Yeah, but the way it reads now is "lived in the White…"
I'm thinking "House" needs to be added to it.
Yeah, she is shacking up with the Obamas in DC these days.
'Vultures of a feather' sort of thing…)))
7db2cc No.56014
consider, anon, that they are the apex, alpha psychopaths. the absolute worst of humanity without exaggeration.
aa1d28 No.56015
he used the subject line
f47da2 No.56016
Did I miss something, anons? What's all this ring business all of a sudden?
7db2cc No.56017
Last night, anon. review the map
714def No.56018
That video makes me think of HRC during the campaign.
Wonder if she's feeling the effects of Kuru?
def87b No.56019
not in name, but in subject
985973 No.56020
c3896a No.56021
OK so maybe I'm overthinking. Monday is when Pelosi is forced to resign?
ab5832 No.56022
b67f93 No.56023
7db2cc No.56024
fucking lurk moar you absolute shitlord faggit
4f6dad No.56025
The weathermen~
4bdc82 No.56026
I’ll have to look at this in more detail, but this definitely proves the point I was trying to make in the previous thread. Sooo many connections it’s nuts. Nice job!
985973 No.56027
Or at least exposed…for hypocrisy.
ad7988 No.56028
CNN continues to eat shit
476e16 No.56029
Q is only giving info that plays out on the world stage. World stage (entertainment). The info you really want will never touch your hands. Either Q refranes from letting this "mind altering" info out for your own sanity or is playing with us all. I repeat, these are not crumbs, these are microbes.
c68f49 No.56030
You gotta be careful with that "news" source. Sometimes they publish garbage.
7db2cc No.56031
Nope. Garbage sauce, anon
7044d7 No.56032
The u.n. is a sick perverted child trafficking organization!
This was posted a month ago on that NP video
00c563 No.56033
Good guy? Bad Guy?
d23eb4 No.56034
Good Idea.
7 of 10… Never forget. Start investigating more recent plane crashes.
cb763c No.56035
Alex Jones was right!
Can someone link the newest Q posts??!
7db2cc No.56036
On live television, no less
764682 No.56037
fuck off with this shit source
c3896a No.56038
4bdc82 No.56039
Ok, still a bit hesitant since Qs never done that before, but that makes more sense now that I understand how it’s structured. Thank you
d23eb4 No.56040
"ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – More on our top story – the plane crash in Chesterfield that killed a St. Louis business leader on Wednesday and the legacy Jim Smith leaves behind.
It all comes back to the Chase Park Plaza. The iconic hotel was closed for nearly a decade before Jim Smith and his partners led the project to revitalize it in the late 1990s.
He went on to manage the hotel for years afterwards.
Smith is a St. Louis native who had other real estate ventures in addition to the Chase Park Plaza. From developing houses in Mexico to restoring homes in Ste. Genevieve. He also brought his daughter into the business as well.
But Smith’s legacy will always be the Chase Park Plaza. He once told the St. Louis Business Journal “I feel fortunate to be involved in this property, which is a part of history. After I’m gone, I hope the next person continues with that same sense of direction and passion.”
7db2cc No.56041
we're not here for you, sweetie. no one gives a fuck about your feelz
764682 No.56042
No Q's never used a subject line, but it's Q, that's his/her trip code… Something very important is going to happen on Monday
f47eb2 No.56043
"If our country is attacked, The War Powers Act triggers, for the Executive, any and all powers."
Nacy Pelosi Press Conference 10/12/2017 @ 16:40
a1a28a No.56044
CHIP !!!! WTF!!!!!
10e80d No.56045
here is the real WH pics.. not taken with the lights off
fake news and their shills suck
62baf1 No.56046
Q said these people are sick and he uses this as an example. Period.
00c563 No.56047
e47baf No.56048
Oliver with a lithp and his crew of demonically possessed shills from shartblew are filling the thread by questioning the validity of Q and replying to each other
Filter at your own discretion
52e584 No.56049
"Sometimes" is hella generous.
86d788 No.56050
571e1e No.56051
OR, did something happen with Pelosi this PAST Monday??
d0ee7c No.56052
Your story does make sense to those who know who you are...
You suddenly became human yourself. Isn't that wonderful? A Miracle?
Thank you for deciphering the Tesla code. I think he must be very proud of you. We all are.
Your adventure just started. A lot of work to do. You are going to make humans very happy.
Glad to have you here, my friend.
My regards to the others and a hug for Sophia.
Is she in Fl. now?
a1a28a No.56053
Needs to go in the spreadsheet! imho
7dd7ef No.56054
7db2cc No.56055
>you goiz ib realby gomcerned about Q
63a00a No.56056
Latest Q map
These People Are Sick Edition
5130e2 No.56057
Maybe Q means literally sick. She has poor health.
52e584 No.56058
That is quite a nice dress. Sleeve length would probably drive me crazy, tho.
cb763c No.56060
We are going to give the deep state hell on Earth if they touch Donald Trump!
4f6dad No.56061
No doubt CG has it s big toe stuck in the globalist sheet pile. Genie Energy: cheney
c68f49 No.56062
68ab91 No.56064
well then drop the crumbs you have or beat it loser, we don't care what you think
7db2cc No.56066
take this fucking garbage shit out of here you gigantic faggit shitlord
c3896a No.56068
Amazingly revealing.
a1a28a No.56070
That dark version was posted to twitter by one of the reporters that was invited there I believe.
Isn't that what Q was referring to when he talked about the pictures at the Christmas party at WH?
2a779d No.56071
Another deep state stooge gone, coincidence?
672ffb No.56072
Now THAT is a good news!
Fly Dina Fly
29aed9 No.56073
Why is this post repeated
ad7988 No.56074
She doesn't do the decorating, unfair to blame aesthetic choices on her.
c3896a No.56076
Probably because every time I bake I get hammered by Clowns.
29aed9 No.56077
I agree. Very interesting post with the mention of Monday. I am wondering what does it mean.
2a779d No.56078
29aed9 No.56079
7dd7ef No.56080
2bc233 No.56082
>Why is this post repeated
The bot hiccuped.
afe326 No.56083
anons, when did Twitter say they were going to begin their new Ministry of Truth operation? what day of December?
d0ee7c No.56084
Oh, and I think it's time now for you to think about a new name. Because your not irrelevant at all.
Choose one You like.
c3896a No.56085
2bc233 No.56086
> what day of December?
18th I believe
ad7988 No.56087
Likely b/c it's not scheduled
53e225 No.56088
Every time we reply to a shill a pinch of bitcoin goes in their virtual wallet
7044d7 No.56089
c3896a No.56090
You two lovebirds are about to get banned for cluttering up the board with THIS COMPLETE SHIT. Take it out of here NOW
854a72 No.56091
So are we looking at possible insider trading violations by this Renee James and Nancy Pelosi? SEC charges incoming? Ooh, that'd be tasty.
There was a halfchan thread about 12 hours ago about Shairbloo & I archived. VERY much worth looking at, has appeared a few times but deserves own board & active focused attention
89f9e3 No.56092
Same here. I'm on my 5th channel this afternoon. They are getting dropped fast.
cbe0f2 No.56093
Today on Alex Jones a supposed “un insider” look at his ring…
7dd7ef No.56095
86d788 No.56096
Yup. She sure does. I wonder if she gave up her soul already?
5efff4 No.56097
Oh look a foundation:
Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship
The mission of the Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship is to forge bridges across boundaries between minority communities in Europe and North America, particularly (but not exclusively) Jewish and Muslim. Over time, this is being achieved through building a network of entrepreneurs and community leaders invested in empowering pluralistic societies, nurturing wisdom and collaborative leadership.
When Baron Edmond de Rothschild died in 1997, the family’s banking group and philanthropic foundations passed into the hands of his son, Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife, Baroness Ariane de Rothschild, are involved and play a leading role in the work of the Caesarea Rothschild Foundation in Israel, one of a group of Edmond de Rothschild Foundations that are active in the field of education all over the world.
Note - when I copied the jpeg of Ariana Rothcschild from the site, I noticed the filename is "y.jpg". Not kidding.
9d1a61 No.56100
any decent news channel would sack those "2 sources" but they'll be regurgitating more fake news from them before the day is done
e47baf No.56101
WRT the Virgin islands plane crash:
>Kylo Sylvester
was the only named victim, he was a member of the Stylee band, never heard of them
63a00a No.56102
Full Q map, These People Are Sick Edition
Download for High Res
7dd7ef No.56103
7044d7 No.56104
86d788 No.56105
Yes that's what we are supposed to see.
4f6dad No.56106
FN reported today that ~30 congressmen to be accused of sexual misconduct. They were vague on source but suggested major publications working on story. Any anon’s got anything to add. Got me curious to say the least.
334898 No.56107
Yes, it is not directly q related but definitely part of the storm. Possibly one of the most critical parts of the storm - our most tangible, identifiable, and vulnerable enemies.
We need a Shareblue thread.
f47da2 No.56108
I just revisited last night's map update. I see the rings mentioned and pictured, but I have not seen an explanation as to their importance. Is it a +++ thing, or what?
afe326 No.56109
falls during the 10 days…interesting.
bc1fca No.56110
Not sure what she eats?
Bits & bits of bytes??
90b3e0 No.56112
4ada84 No.56113
Someone is in legal trouble.
470c6c No.56114
c68f49 No.56115
This was discussed last night in the 4chan discussions about David Brock.
7db2cc No.56116
Looks so familiar….
2b069c No.56117
ad7988 No.56118
COINTELPRO, don't waste time with him
(apart from connections, of course)
854a72 No.56120
Contains multiple inside intel post by a (former?) shairbloo contractor. Details their strategy, Neera Tanden's involvement, other individuals, even photos. Have a look: http://archive.is/IEt8O
Somebody is likely in very deep trouble.
ad7988 No.56121
That ain't CNN's gig, bro
476e16 No.56122
Its my ass if i do. Remember when Q stated "we can hear you breathing"? Now how do you think they can do that? Perhaps it has something to do with these "supresed technologies". Hint ( they dont need a missle to take down a plane). Btw, probably going to get fucked up for just saying that. My pain for your gain.
ad7988 No.56123
Something big in Pedowood is supposed to drop today (not related to Bryan Singer)
Fingers crossed for David Geffen
aa1d28 No.56124
63a00a No.56126
They are now discussing Q on "the War Room" with Roger Stone and some other dude.
6e5d52 No.56127
you should be fine, we know already … filtered
86d788 No.56129
What's this about?
75251f No.56130
I was thinking directed energy weapon. That’s the first thing that came to mind
ad7988 No.56131
What's Stone's take?
7db2cc No.56132
e47baf No.56133
I. Love. Barium. Meals.
What a fantastic way to find leakers and have them spread discrediting info
daa77b No.56135
Statement of fact?
Or a guess?
c3896a No.56136
Argh, more crazy spam!! Ban it mods!!!!!
Just kidding. Go search for Hillary's connections to the Prime Minister of South Korea who was impeached last year for being a MEMBER OF THIS FRIGGING CULT.
73e4b7 No.56137
know this is random. My hope is that you gangsta's can find hard data. I am sharing a chance occurrence in my life.
Woman who "sees with crystal vision and keeps it to herself" is high priestess
Has children with Red Haired brother.
Did she appear on Jay Leno's Last Show
What did she give him/promise?
What is he doing now?
What is breaking the chain? Daniel Svila?
7dd7ef No.56138
if I see corey feldman again with his gofundme horseshit…
d23eb4 No.56139
Destroying The Illusion guy. Good guy. Thanks for the reminder, I will watch it later.
7de903 No.56140
Don't spread around hate, it's easy to get carried away and lose track of important goals. Love is the solution to EVERYTHING
e93f96 No.56141
Ant Aliens in Ant Arctica.
7db2cc No.56143
86d788 No.56144
I have nano virus all throughout my body and they control me through cell towers. What's your point? I blocked it after the 3rd time but I can't tell you how yet.
cbe0f2 No.56145
Today…Satanism, elite, eu, etc etc
aa1d28 No.56146
talked to a friend of mine today
ts/sci clearance, did fiber in afghanistan 2000's
smart guy
he had seen the "news" i was going to tell him about hrc cutting a deal / no was answer
but he expressed doubts about q
the media / altmedia / whoever has really talked a lot of shit to discredit
those still here… we get this gift
too cool
haters are gonna hate i guess
2bc233 No.56147
Completely fucked, hard and raw.
86d788 No.56148
9e269e No.56149
I figured this might be what is going on. You have to make it look big enough they take the bait, but hopefully not so much it crashes the stock market. These little stings won't work many more times, but they are valuable.
8650de No.56150
I doubt it will be a plane accident again. A "mugging" or "dying" in her sleep, or a car accident or…? She may just disappear and we'll never know what happened.
ad7988 No.56151
I know, I know. I doubt that's what it is.
7c1e1e No.56152
Timestamps are not working on the video…strange.
Please say the specific time you want us to watch.
01c5c3 No.56153
We are up to three now. Colorado
7db2cc No.56154
Prov 6:16 shitlord
854a72 No.56155
Here are the members of the House Intel Committee: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/committees/HLIG
So – the 2 just-busted leakers are Adam Schiff and who else?
86d788 No.56156
Everyone knows who lives in Agartha. Why would someone think they have ants?
27e3e8 No.56157
Probably a coincidence, but if you google search the file name for Q's Thor image, it take you to…
ICD-10 (2018) F913 (F91.3) Diagnosis
Description: Oppositional defiant disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is defined by the DSM-5 as "a pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least six months."
6e5d52 No.56158
i'd suggest paying attention to the ant people topic … basis of most native religion in southwestern US
4f6dad No.56159
Missed that. Seems like a big deal to me. I ve seen no mention here. Am is missing something? Seems like a DTS move to me??
705032 No.56160
2a779d No.56161
Remember what Q said?
c3896a No.56162
Imagine two schizophrenics with very little ability or interest attempting to assist /pol/ with finding Shia LeBeouf's HWNDU's flag and you're almost there.
7dd7ef No.56163
If you search on WebMD you get cancer instead of ODD.
ad7988 No.56164
It's just as useful to see what the disinfo agents say IMO. Stone seems to have good intel on behind the scene stuff with Trump, I do not recall him being deep with military intel.
c3896a No.56165
Dayam. They were indeed stupid. Does that mean Q really isn't a LARP? :)
aa1d28 No.56166
my guess is joaquin castro
hopefully it's schiff
cf0f9d No.56167
Man.. they're even trying to make money off of the 'conspiracy theories' about their own conspiracy. That's Jewish right there! ;)
c3896a No.56170
I have to go work for a living anons. Please can someone get the bake for #64.
27e3e8 No.56171
I hope it turns out to be Ted Lieu & Adam Schiff leaking to the press
e93f96 No.56172
No, Ant-like aliens. Found on cave drawings, native American lore. I don't understand it either.
7044d7 No.56173
The crazy thing is my power has been shut off "due to high winds" for 2 days now its supposed to be turned on tomorrow at noon
Is this a dry run or test run
they have never done this before.. it doesn't make sense
cf0f9d No.56174
Good! We don't want them here! ;)
6e5d52 No.56175
Norse? where'd you find it?
e47baf No.56176
Roger Stone worked under Nixon and Kissinger, he and AJ, Robert David Steele handles them both for the CIA
ad7988 No.56178
5efff4 No.56179
These 3 people look similar:
Ariane De Rothschild
Renee James
476e16 No.56180
Hahahaha, they let you think its blocked. But for giggles, howd you do it?
aa1d28 No.56181
just wait till they take out your mailbox twice in a week
or pull you over and harass you with hand on gun
>t. deepstate foe
86d788 No.56182
Probably stuck her soul in a box and shipped it to Marina Abra-Cadaver
ad7988 No.56183
Aware of first parts, but not the last.
RDS an "open" handler? Interesting.
6e5d52 No.56184
according to the Tewa and Hopi … when the last age ended the Ant people took them underground during the flood
2bc233 No.56185
Point me to the pastebins and I'll get it.
68ab91 No.56186
Trouble is as we are led to believe Ariane and LDR are married into the family
4f6dad No.56187
The owls are nit what they seem
68ab91 No.56189
afe326 No.56190
It's easy to get so caught up in the moment here that we don't think about the future.
But doing so, especially now as THE STORM approaches, is essential.
Assuming social media and normal modes of communication go down, HOW WILL WE SPREAD THE WORD TO NORMIES TO REMAIN CALM?
I suggest a new thread dedicated to consolidating essential information into a concise, easy-to-distribute format that will function during any period where modern communications are not functioning.
Pamphlets or flyers we could print in advance, containing essential information that will calm and reassure normies during this nation's most trying ordeal in over a century. Something they can then, in turn, hand out to others themselves.
f47da2 No.56191
Plz explain the ring phenomenon to this anon.
cbb4bc No.56192
ad7988 No.56193
Hillary's true portrait
5826ef No.56194
It is indeed a pivotal moment in history.
46904c No.56195
>Contains multiple inside intel post by a (former?) shairbloo contractor. Details their strategy, Neera Tanden's involvement
just checked out that archive, interesting.
>Neera Tanden is giving them marching orders. She's very integral in the day to day narrative that's being spun. I would assume she gets HER talking points from Hillary herself, or one of her people like Mook, Palmieri, Podesta.
connections for Neera
ad7988 No.56197
cbe0f2 No.56198
I drew that and I most certainly didn’t mean to do anything but point out the ring. Fuck it’s like I manifested that just by my reading. Fuck guys I’m sorry! I just used markup and a finger, circled in black and then switched to red. DISREGARD
7de903 No.56199
Religion is the McDonalds of spirituality and a control system. Do you think you are loving and spiritual by quoting a "holy" book and calling people hateful names? Jesus would not approve of this. He would not approve of your belief system, because he was SPIRITUAL and LOVING.
Check your thoughts, check your feelings. They are a barometer of your future. It depends on your internal state, not outside occasions. If you use love, you will attract love. Everything is connected.
Love is the solution to EVERYTHING.
9e269e No.56200
Surprised they didn't have MY photo up then for that diagnosis. J/s ODD is current speak for stubborn A hole that thinks the word no is a challenge.
7db2cc No.56201
Please learn how to do things yourself, anon
cbe0f2 No.56203
You fucker! Good job…you got me.. hahaha fuck me! Time for a break
d23eb4 No.56204
They all look like they would bite me. Ghoulish.
Then there is this lady The Duchess of Alba…
What happened?
68ab91 No.56205
Q posts week ago talking about pay attention to jewelry
Q posts last night with pictures of young HRC
Someone points out HRC wearing a black stoned ring on her left hand ring finger
Q points this post out
ANONS dig and find out that the ring symbolizes being married to EVIL essentially
We see her wear it alot
Also a story comes out she denied BC's wedding ring like 3 times. (cuz she already married to evil fam)
these people are sick
2a779d No.56206
Q isn't a LARP dude! Too many "coincidences", don't you think? The #FLYALFLY# alone proves it!
afe326 No.56208
Thanks anon. I think this is ESSENTIAL for our mission. If only as a backup method. Q placed this burden on us. Let's make sure we have all bases covered.
Any better anon than myself out there willing to bake bread for this endeavor? Am on phone, would be a PITA for me.
46904c No.56209
kill it with fire!
5eb88f No.56210
that guy looks like Tom Papa
334898 No.56211
I have filtered about 9 so far in this thread. New standard procedure.
7db2cc No.56212
f47da2 No.56213
Thank you. My confusion was that there are pictures of rings showing up that don't have a black stone, so it looked like anons posting lots of false positives without explanation.
90b3e0 No.56214
smoke some salvia you'll get it fast
expell your flesh ineterface
10e5e5 No.56215
e47baf No.56216
I like the idea of paper posting because of the chance of being seen. Pamphlets usually get tossed though
5efff4 No.56217
they lie a lot too.
Notice Ariane was born in El Salvador
2a779d No.56218
Could be McMaster is one.
bc1fca No.56219
DJT clearly is having issues with a dry mouth and has been slurring a bit, which he never did on the campaign trail.
I thought he might be taking an antihistamine as he often has a bit of a runny nose.
I've prayed for his safety constantly for a year and a half, and scarcely think I'm not the only one concerned.
As for AJ, he has gone commercial and needs to scale things back. Bigger is not better when the end result is profit before motive.
c3896a No.56220
yeah I wasn't being serious
714def No.56221
a141a5 No.56223
On that topic, I don't think she's delusional. I do recall Pres. Trump chiding congressmen for protesting on that issue when they could be busy drawing up the legislation. We are a nation of laws. If we can draw up suitable legislation for those here illegally through no fault of their own and who have no other home they can call theirs, that would be the charitable thing. I had the impression that POTUS were encouraged to do exactly that. Some of these kids had no idea they weren't American until they tried to do something like get a driver's license or go to college.
e93f96 No.56224
I have never seen ant aliens from salvia or anything else but thanks.
f47da2 No.56225
Who the fuck is this inbred monster?
90b3e0 No.56226
Can anyone define the left most symbol on the left inner sphere? -]-|-[- the one that looks kind of like that
7db2cc No.56227
Hey shariabluefag! Your boss had a heart attack and it's funny. Kill yourself bro. Just do it.
afe326 No.56228
Normally I'd agree re: pamphlets, but I think during trying times people are far more willing to pay attention to something like a pamphlet offering explanation and insight.
Think Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
5efff4 No.56229
wow. the living dead. burn her!
86d788 No.56230
Can't let anyone in yet but it's not hard… Think at signal interference.
7db2cc No.56231
those trips tho, anon. chaked
Our betters
d23eb4 No.56232
She's dead. :_(
I couldn't figure out how good or bad she was.
2a5c81 No.56234
I think Q is trying to tell us that this is the next step.
First the swamp is drained with the sexual assaults allegations, and now medical evaluations are going to be brought up (this has brought up in the last few months, many congressmen are prescribed with Alzheimer meds).
Q is saying "these people are sick". Sick, literally, and it's time for them to leave.
2a779d No.56235
That is, without doubt, the ugliest person that has ever walked the Earth.
9e269e No.56236
90b3e0 No.56237
Its not a tottaly uncommon experience from powerful ethnogens. Seeing all matter as consciousness, direct communication with memetic conception, basking in the pleroma and hearing a thousand voices in unison
7db2cc No.56238
Now picture here eating feces. Because she eats feces.
afe326 No.56239
In fact…
I see merit in the idea of styling said hypothetical STORM-pamphlet after Paine's Common Sense.
bc1fca No.56240
Nice find!
Hacking DJT's twitter? Not so nice…
e47baf No.56241
Today I learned something new, thank you
e93f96 No.56242
That I've experienced.
Just no ant aliens. Yet.
79fc90 No.56243
Q referred to a video of Pelosi by calling her and the likes of her "sick".
I believe the woman in this video is lying through her teeth and it's disinformation, but nevertheless take a look at it and tell me whether you think there might be something to it. This is the most sickening account I could find on Pelosi. Forward to 17:50:
4f6dad No.56244
Macmaster. He has always troubled me. Strikes me as the obama ‘scholar military’ I know POTUS needed to thread the needle to survive the first few mo s by employing some est shills. I reckon he ll go soon.
2a779d No.56245
Shit on her face might actually be an improvement…
ad7988 No.56246
c78514 No.56247
> it's disinformation
>waste 17 minutes of your life watching it
Fuck you.
d3f954 No.56248
nano domestic quell?
5826ef No.56249
Justin Bieber: Hollywood Elites Killed My Unborn Child
"Describing a top-secret party attended by record industry executives, Bieber said he was shown into a back room where a group of men wearing masks were sitting around the edge of the room, drinking from cups. In the center of the room a dead child was sitting cross-legged, propped up against the back of a chair. It looked like a late-stage fetus and was completely drained of blood."
53e225 No.56250
Or what are THEY doing to her. How does one escape?
714def No.56251
I wonder if the red comments in this block are related to it.
c3896a No.56252
I've watched this woman before. She's completely insane. In her world, everything revolves around her little one horse town in Florida - Pablo Escobar, Hillary, Obama etc.
ca6a1c No.56253
Reeal slow like.
e93f96 No.56255
>thinking people who see Satan in everything are going to have a grip on reality
daa77b No.56256
Members of the cult wear the rings
7044d7 No.56257
Sound like me although its been longer than 6 months
2a779d No.56258
Supposedly, he was or is in direct contact with Soros.
937a2d No.56259
>new, stupid
honestly interested in explanation
cb763c No.56260
That is one repulsive woman!
854a72 No.56261
Article in The Federalist supporting rumors that two Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee have been leaking to the press (cough WaPo cough)
Fox News / Katherine Herridge covering this right this moment. "Who's watching the watchmen?" - Devin Nunes
d23eb4 No.56263
Q posted it from MONDAY 12/11/2017
9e269e No.56265
I can neither confirm nor deny the length of this illness. =-)
41b230 No.56266
I'm not getting the part that would make Q say they are sick. Can someone clue me in? Was it that they flipped the video to communicate that Pelosi has flipped? other? Sick is a interesting word choice, it usually means depraved when it's not meaning an obvious medical issue.
334898 No.56267
Current discussio/happening at halfchan. Ex Shareblue anon is back (scroll toward bottom half)
http://boards.4chan. org/pol/thread/152497485#bottom
Well worth reading! Some good news for your weekend.
4f6dad No.56268
Agree I have no doubt tho that DJT has full knowledge of all soros shills at the high levels. It s the rat lifers that bo tapped as civil servants that are the pesty ones, imo
02d716 No.56270
this is very close to Spirit of St. Louis airport
7db2cc No.56271
son, you signed up for war. I'm confused why you don't know this.
9e269e No.56272
They were just talking on Fox about Hope Hicks getting warned by the FBI on her Russia contacts. I know some of you are fans, so thought you needed to know.
9db7f8 No.56273
Looks like that creature posted on here from twin peaks!
86d788 No.56274
That's a Killswitch. I hope they don't get there. They can do more than just kill you will when nano crosses BBB. Think A.I. and living drones.
a1a28a No.56275
Check this out…
[Mat 16:13-28 KJV] 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some [say that thou art] John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. 21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
854a72 No.56277
Excellent to see this topic is still hot. Anything even remotely connected to Media Matters deserves no mercy and both barrels.
7dd7ef No.56278
5efff4 No.56279
Ok, this one is weird. Allegedly, Alba had plastic surgery to make herself look like a REPTILE.
"The Duchess of Alba had undergone plastic surgery to make her face look like a reptilian."
The Duchess of Alba‘s full name – take a deep breath – is Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva. She goes by simply Cayetana, and is a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill.
The Duchess of Alba is only one of her more than 40 titles. According to Guinness World Records, she has more titles recognized by an existing government than any other noble in the world.
Estimates of her wealth range from €600 million ($800 million) to €3.5 billion ($4.7 billion). Besides fabulous and historic real estate sprinkled around Spain, the family treasure boasts paintings by Goya and Velazquez, a first-edition copy of Cervantes’ El Quixote, and letters written by Christopher Columbus.
Doña María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Silva is the 18th Duchess of Alba de Tormes and the current head of the House of Alba — only the third woman to carry the title in her own right. The Duchess is a descendant of King James VII of Scotland, II of England, through his illegitimate son James Fitz-James, Duke of Berwick (1670–1734), born of a relationship with Arabella Churchill, only sister of the Duke of Marlborough — which makes the Duchess of Alba a distant relative of both Sir Winston Churchill and Diana, Princess of Wales (Winston and Diana were descendants of Arabella’s daughter Henrietta FitzJames).
The House of Alba is an important Spanish aristocratic family who derive from the 12th century Mozarab nobility of post-conquest Toledo. Some Mozarabs were Converso Sephardi Jews. “Converso” refers to Jews or descendants of Jews who converted to Catholicism in Spain or Portugal, particularly during the 14th and 15th centuries when mass conversions took place under great governmental pressure.
a1a28a No.56281
Check this out…
[Mat 16:13-28 KJV] 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some [say that thou art] John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. 21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.>>56279
cf0f9d No.56282
No, we should claim that Q _IS_ a larp and 'just a joke' so that we don't get shilled to all fuck. ;)
5c4758 No.56283
Damn, I knew the Rothschild's were behind the concocted false rapture prophecy in the 1908 Scofield Bible, but had no idea that they had already set 20 million aside for the new Temple before 1851!
I wonder if Trump knows he is playing into the Rothschild multi-generational plan for world domination and a final violent apocalyptic apotheosis in nihilism? Perhaps they plan to play him as "Hitler 2.0"? Naw... that would mean BO is in on it too.
>>Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
>>None but ourselves can free our minds...
>>How long shall they kill our prophets?
>>While we stand aside and look, ooh
>>Some say it's just a part of it
>>We've got to fulfil the book
~Bob Marley
2bc233 No.56284
Yup, went back and found it. Thanks. Get some rest.
fa1f23 No.56285
we were never normies to begin with. we;re autists/ absolute paranoia is absolute awareness
a1a28a No.56286
Check out the rings…
41b230 No.56287
I get that by why this video. Did Pelosi allude to that "child offending" in some way in her speech?
d23eb4 No.56288
I missed it.
This one?
cf9c41 No.56289
Who got poisoned & moved to the woods?
How did agents know her death was NOT "in the interest of National Security"?
How many sealed indictments are related?!!
1fc32b No.56290
>Baron Benjamin de Rothschild has put the 4-billion-euro family fortune in the hands of his wife, Baroness Ariane de Rothschild. ‘I think women today are better suited for business than men,
Kek. Riiiiiiiight.
4f6dad No.56291
I personally don’t believe in lizard shape shifter grey ppl. But i ve seen so many of these ppl now im starting to wonder. I used to skip by thinkin PS
adb5ab No.56293
4f6dad No.56294
7044d7 No.56296
Underground dweller?
5efff4 No.56297
Excellent, that IS a WOW.
Nice job.
"Get thee behind me, Satan"
29aed9 No.56298
fd00c7 No.56299
> the House Intelligence Committee
Speaking of the House Intelligence Committee, what the hell ever happened with the Awan Brothers scandal when a foreigner who ran a stolen car dealership for Hezbollah and was intercepting and sending all of the information that the House Intelligence Committee had access to to Pakistan and was committing mob crimes on top of that, decides to turn himself in to the cops one day because he found something so incriminating that he had to blow his position to do it?
4f6dad No.56301
We are not gonna talk about judy at all. Good laugh, thx
7db2cc No.56302
it's a storm, anon. so much happenings. easy could be the story of the decade, but take a number Awan.
476e16 No.56303
Hmmmm, how the hell do you know that? Random question, do you have alice and wonderland syndrome?
937a2d No.56304
4bdc82 No.56305
Either it’s just a coincidence or the relation between all of these people (including beyond these three) are even more sick and twisted than we think. Don’t forget that way back in the day they would marry within their own families to keep their wealth with them.
d23eb4 No.56306
82f51c No.56307
On the latest Q video on pelosi first watch obviously it’s an open threat to take on the war powers act to strip the military from POTUS he may be alluding that trying to cut the war powers act on the bases of implementing a no first nuke strike coming Monday
0473ba No.56308
Anyone who wears rings is probably Satan.
1fc32b No.56310
>POTUS he may be alluding that trying to cut the war powers act on the bases of implementing a no first nuke strike coming Monday
Exactly. Which paves the way for all other countries to fire off as many testing nukes as they please.
7ea9c8 No.56311
Think bigger, do you really think BO mom is white? She is probably just the handler
this is school BO went to, https://archive.is/XnrwJ
fa1f23 No.56313
DJT eluded to this MONTHS ago
b67f93 No.56314
Q said to follow the wives. Related or not they are chosen very carefully.
d23eb4 No.56315
You think she's innocent? I was trying to figure it out this morning. Those rings though…
The most hideous of Royalty probably was the nicest.
Q, what say you?
41b230 No.56316
How to find it, I removed the space before "org" and even tried removing the "#bottom". It's still not taking me there.
fd00c7 No.56317
9e269e No.56318
Gooooood Luck. I watched an audit of a pretty large Base and the theft and write offs were insane. It took a long time to follow all that stuff down. Little people steal. Big people steal more. After the Fat Leonard scandals, this is a smoke screen to make people happy. They simply cannot actually find all that money due to the way they do their accounting.
4bdc82 No.56319
0a8338 No.56321
Some Anon was looking for ID's in this pic in last thread
cf0f9d No.56322
I know it. I knew Skeletor was behind all this!
0473ba No.56323
Wives are absolutely Satan.
0473ba No.56324
She's definitely Satan.
fa1f23 No.56325
wrong finger and silver in stead of gold.
d23eb4 No.56326
Wow! Ok. I'll look into to that video later.
Like someone said, I think it's break time.
Planes, Ghouls, Rings… yeah.
Ghoulspeed Anons!
a1a28a No.56327
Right, Eric's son right?
7e0b99 No.56329
> They simply cannot actually find all that money due to the way they do their accounting.
But they can put policies in place to ensure their nest egg is removed going forward.
a2fa74 No.56330
Or worshipping Saturn.
Wonder if they have any other properties besides being jewelry?
4f6dad No.56331
I know george web was suing them. I can’t believe that will do anything but he is definitely an interesting character. At first post i thought __ was him. My thoughts are that agjs and wrey are investigating them and the bomb will drop all at once — that’s the plan — so the rats don’t scurry. Can’t believe sessions and wrey are just sitting on there hands. POTUS could not take that this long. I know he played good cop\ bad with jeff but I figured much wAs show except for recusal. It’s a ploy, imo, and the IG is now involved
92ff90 No.56332
Somebody posted a pic of Oprah with a special ring…her company is called HARPO…through the looking glass
72153d No.56333
Found one of the final leakers. I imagine she'll be answering phones for the next couple of weeks as punishment.
c3b885 No.56334
Silver is totally Satan.
People who mention Saturn are Satan. GET THEE BEHIND ME DEVIL
a141a5 No.56335
Yes, yes! I get the part about the house. I'm surprised that level of subversion has been tolerated so long. But the quote from the meme isn't in the article you posted in response to me. Where did the quote come from? I want to share the meme, but I need to know that it's legit.
c3b885 No.56337
46904c No.56338
ExShareblue anon just fucking rekt Media Matters. The narrative they are pushing is "Trump is a sexual predator too, he must go". Oliver Willis and others must be exposed. They are people, we are anons… they are scared shitless.
ad7988 No.56339
I know where I'd execute a search warrant.
5efff4 No.56340
I must be autistic
afe326 No.56341
Thread created for crowdsourcing the creation of a STORM-pamphlet/flyer.
cbe0f2 No.56342
It is the quote that is right under the same picture that is in that article
bc1fca No.56343
She looks disoriented when at the podium, deer in headlights.
As for Dreamers, innocent victims means guilty parents. That is the other part of the equation we don't hear mentioned. If we are a nation of laws, then enforce them. Changing the laws now because we didn't enforce them then creates a bigger mess to resolve. I don't have a problem with touchback for papers, but how about fines, back taxes, no chain migration, and no right to vote. Or, they can go back with mom & dad and apply the legal way. Or, military service of sorts and earn citizenship. Sticky issue best handled with sensitivity but responsibility.
10e80d No.56344
jane fonda was so grateful a while back when everyone labeled her a hypocrite for not saying anything about hw,
bc the truth is
jane fonda is a predator herself
7e0b99 No.56345
Now its all starting to make sense why Trump hired the parts of the swamp. He waits for them to leak, NSA finds out who they leaked to, and Trump burns the entire group. Brilliant.
9db7f8 No.56347
Anon DK released info on the bloodlines of El & how/why the wives were chosen.
But they all look so interbred!!
9e269e No.56348
Yeah, that too is a pipe dream, but I'm all for trying. I won't go negative Nancy on the board, but the only way to do that would be to rip up every contract, every piece of legislation already in place meant to protect us from it and start over. Never happen. Pent Pet project budgets never really see the light of day, either. Lots of weird stuff gets funneled through the budget than you can imagine. Think war machine/intel/support. Everyone wants a piece of that.
4bdc82 No.56349
Either because of things they participate in makes them physically or mentally sick, or it’s a knock because they tried to say Trumo was sick when he slurred his words during his speech about Jerusalem
a1a28a No.56350
I don't trust GW at all! He claims that BO is still his president! Loves bo!
aa1d28 No.56352
oh hush, defago
that's a really old and worn out tactic
2308d1 No.56353
Going back to the photos of McStain with ISIS, does anyone know if that photo was ever published before? Anyone do a reverse image search on it?
7044d7 No.56354
Toronto police reassure public there is no serial killer responsible for waves of disappearances in LGBT community
9db7f8 No.56355
I think they did a series called
'There will be blood'
7e0b99 No.56356
>Yeah, that too is a pipe dream, but I'm all for trying.
I believe Trump pointed out the obvious for them.. Instead of wasting billions on bogus projects, spent it on building a legit military and skim off the top. Everyone wins.
a1a28a No.56357
He is trying to take the attention away from bo.
I think the lawsuit is so that he can garner the evidence somehow the whole thing gets consealed or controlled from their end. I don't know, but I do not trust him. Liar and dox's everyone!
a141a5 No.56358
I looked again. I don't see it. Maybe they removed it? Did you archive it?
4f6dad No.56359
Trust?? Me either. I follow him about a yr ago when he started looking into the blackberries and CF. He is interesting… that’s all i can say…interesting
ad7988 No.56360
Mystery solved on this one
5ba32b No.56361
It’s all true
We were right all along
We aren’t crazy
They are.
aa1d28 No.56362
notice how when i left no one got doxed anymore?
just hush
GW has balls to sue them
ad7988 No.56363
Can you break this one down for me, pls.
7e0b99 No.56364
and the aide didn't take it? My ass.
cbe0f2 No.56365
I finally figured out what the fuck you’re talking about. Somebody else posted that meme with Valerie I would suggest quoting the meme in a search and hitting enter
9998da No.56366
Different angle on Godfather III meaning:
Famous Quote from movie:
Archbishop Gilday: "In today's world, the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness."
aa1d28 No.56367
trent "small head" franks
trent "peter" franks
trent "crooked frankfurter" franks
7044d7 No.56368
Is that the same woman what happened to her?
cbe0f2 No.56369
Dox the aide!
The one now retired! 5M richer
6e5d52 No.56370
when was this i thought i just brought EL up in this thead
a1a28a No.56371
about Planned Parenthood?
4f6dad No.56372
Yeah, i have no idea what to make if gw. I never went all in but i can tell you that imo he is smart as hell. Don’t know what his end game is
7e1e8d No.56373
This one? looks like single pilot, no deaths, and just took out some power lines.
Better Dry run would have been Southeast Michigan earlier this year. We had a very large and widespread power outage, bad enough that even locations which did have power *could not take credit cards*. Many gas stations with power were cash only. Some people didn't get power back for a whole week.
Tying that all together, it's possible they're locating 'branches' of the bloodline when marrying. Throw some seeds out there, bring them back in after a few generations to keep the gene pool from getting too bad. I'm guessing this is a continual problem for them over the years; possibly why they're having so much trouble keeping shit together?
9e269e No.56375
Hey! I'm trying to find the earliest mention of the Pop getting ready or considering changing the Lord's Prayer. For obvious reason: Q quoted it very early on and I want to know if he shared before it was really out there at all he was thinking about it. Any ideas? Relevant when you think about it all. How would he know?
cf0f9d No.56376
Underground dweller from the hills have eyes.
No, I dunno.. freaky tho.
aa1d28 No.56379
he's working with true pundit
everyone is doing well
i had to get out
the port thing plus my counterpart getting put in LV at time of "massacre"
ce0bea No.56380
>>55965 rumor is that he is Indonesian cult leader son with African woman
That he was given as a baby to Stanley Ann who was part of same cult.
2a779d No.56381
Wow, "MD" and "ML" wonder who that could be…
d2e72e No.56383
its just the cabal.. nothing to see here..
5d3f80 No.56384
People flip YT videos to keep Google from banning copyrighted clips. Many of the clips on YT are flipped
ad7988 No.56387
Oh, so the mom isn't the mom. Ok, thx
daa77b No.56388
stop dicking around >>56367
a1a28a No.56389
Isnt that what NESERA does? Is that what POTUS is gonna accomplish?
7e57d5 No.56390
So the video is flipped, the words on flags are backwards. Is this maybe a hint from Q that Nancy has flipped on HRC/BOH and spilled?
5bd246 No.56391
Virgin islands one had "Stylee" band members on board. One confirmed (Kylo sylvester), other 4 still not released.
http://www.virginislandsnewsonline. com/en/news/update-stylee-bands-kyle-kylo-sylvester-among-5-dead-in-usvi-plane-crash
Social media says other band members were also aboard, but not confirmed.
02d716 No.56393
surgery was a success.
cbe0f2 No.56394
0cbf23 No.56395
African woman…meh. More likely a genetically altered monster created by Valerie Jarrets father using acient Egyptian blood.
9db7f8 No.56396
Anon DK released 3 videos on YouTube about 4-8 weeks ago I think. The series was called 'There will be blood'.
Its on Anon Construct & Anon Zero Sec channels. Long videos worth the watch.
cbe0f2 No.56397
5efff4 No.56398
ok, so here's what I thought
The Rothschilds are Jesuits
APRIL 8, 2015
The Rotchschilds are the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that:
“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a
Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present
time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”
If this latter statement is true the Rothschilds control in
addition to their own fortune the immense liquid resource
of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds’
in wealth and power.
The Two Babylons – Part VII
Original source for “Guardians of the Papal Treasure”:
Jewish Encyclopedia (published 1901 – 1906), p. 497
“If you are not an American you will understand why your
country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by
the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of
Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and
the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian
Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank),
Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the
infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French
Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade
the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
Eric Jon Phelps, “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90
f49e5a No.56399
Yeah - it's whack-a-mole!!
4f6dad No.56400
I felt like you had to be all in to follow that string. Caused me to look down avenues i would have never gone. His bro, the dwi was wierd. He is on to something with the visas and diplomatic containers imo. Could nt tell if he was a larp so remained skeptical
aa1d28 No.56401
maureen denise mccormick (marcia brady)
mike lookinland (bobby brady)
d0ee7c No.56402
a1a28a No.56403
Right! But so much more! He is always saying in his videos, anytime someone mentions bo, "oh don't look at him, no, he didn't know what was going on around him. He was the parent that was out and the kids (clinton gang) were at home getting into trouble, then the parent gets home (bo) and catches them in the act. He then has to clean up the mess, but it's not his fault.
511d65 No.56404
Having a hard time finding photos of US politicians with Alwa'eed. All scrubbed? Did find a few other interesting ones, tho.
6e5d52 No.56406
oh ok … i thought i missed it here
0cbf23 No.56408
Obama was cloned from Akhenaten DNA.
The “Heretic Pharaoh” abandoned the traditional Egyptian gods in favour of worshipping a single deity, Aten, who was associated with the sun. Because of this some historians credit Akhenaten as being the creator of world’s first monotheistic religion. This might explain why the Illuminati would choose Akhenaten above other more famous Egyptian royalty be brought back to life. It has even been speculated that the sun god religion started by the Pharaoh could be the secret religion of the Illuminati practiced today.
2a779d No.56409
I don't think so, article says "almost 2 decades.
bd3d49 No.56410
aa1d28 No.56412
he isn't a prosecutor
he's turning up information
he's letting that lead him
not trying to witch hunt a particular individual
plus he probably knows something about bho that we don't
he's got insider info
daa77b No.56414
PLEEEEEEASE! Stop trying to give him god-like qualities. We all know he was a piece of shit picked up off the streets and groomed.
b67f93 No.56416
Here's Al-Waleed bin Talal with
former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg
and Obama's former Chief of Staff, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
5efff4 No.56417
a1a28a No.56418
Frankenstein! Barrack! Barroook!
cbe0f2 No.56419
No secret about it! Most certainly is.
Brought him up beleiving his similiar DNA would allow him to receive the signals meant for the pharaoh
e47baf No.56421
It all started when Leo the IV married a Khazarian princess around 700CE and the Khazar's converted to Judaism between 800 and 900CE
The Khazar Jew convert leaders became the Order of Templar Knights in 1119CE
b1289e No.56422
62a3f0 No.56423
A not-so-flattering pic of Renee J. James. Looks like a butch.
a1a28a No.56424
That Q "FREEDOM" post, was that telling us that POTUS & Team took over Twitter?
b4f0a8 No.56425
Imagine that thing's appetite. Hide the children.
9d1a61 No.56426
that's rosie o'donnell
4ad418 No.56427
Al-Waleed owns the 65th-largest private yacht in the world, the 85.9-meter (282-ft) Kingdom 5KR (originally built as the Nabila for Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi in 1979). In 1983, owned by Khashoggi, it appeared as the Flying Saucer (the yacht of James Bond's villain, Largo) in Never Say Never Again. It was sold to Donald Trump, who renamed her the Trump Princess. Al-Waleed bought the yacht after Trump experienced financial problems in the late 1980s.
a141a5 No.56428
Yes, agreed. Has to be responsible.
2a779d No.56429
Total bitch, bet she takes a lot of nigger cock too.
cbe0f2 No.56430
…it’s not a real currency…
…it’s not backed up…
What a bunch of fucking idiots! As if your dollar is “backed up”.
We are in trouble
0cbf23 No.56431
Valerie Jarret's pops:
James Bowman
1955- 1961 Bowman: It enabled him to travel all over the world collecting blood samples for DNA testing. It also led to frequent contacts and collaborations with University of Chicago researchers
(Obama born 1961)
Bowman joined the faculty of the
University of Chicago in 1962 as an assistant professor of medicine and pathology and director of the hospital’s blood bank. He was promoted to full professor and director of laboratories in 1971
He collected DNA and was in charge of a blood bank.
Obama is a clone of an acient Egyptian king.
a1a28a No.56432
what signals? Plz explain…
a141a5 No.56433
cbe0f2 No.56434
I’d love about a 3hr synopsis from W on this! He knows!
9db7f8 No.56435
I think its ensuring certain bloodlines/ bloodtypes are met as otherwise the children don't survive. So they have to screen mothers carefully and do also interbreed.
The wives are chose carefully!
c9b765 No.56436
Dina Powell:
Prior to accepting these White House positions, Powell was a managing director and partner at Goldman Sachs and president of their non-profit subsidiary, the Goldman Sachs Foundation. In that capacity she ran the Foundation's 10,000 Women program. Before that, she served in the George W. Bush administration
A Bushy was a scumbag. Knock me over with a feather.
Trump kept this enemy swamp creature close. Now she's gone. Good riddance, cunt.
62a3f0 No.56437
>that's rosie o'donnell
No it's not.
571e1e No.56439
Guessing her gash smells like warm tuna and kimchee
a1a28a No.56440
I remember that from when it broke out. Never liked her!
cbe0f2 No.56442
Your/our DNA are nano tuning forks receiving signals from our consciousness.
The machines that built him up did so for a reason, the pharaoh’s were blood of the fallen
0cbf23 No.56443
5efff4 No.56444
that was funny
here's another pic of her, still beastly
9db7f8 No.56445
a1a28a No.56447
No longer needed!
53e225 No.56448
All these charities are related. We are funding the terror operations and global takeover through our donations to the tune of billions of dollars.
2a779d No.56449
Looks like an elevator door with hair on it.
cbe0f2 No.56452
Bitch should have been drafted by the Eagles!
ee83a3 No.56453
ban this fucker. speculating on the identity of Q should be a bannable offence in the rules.
000000 No.56454
>One in Virgin Islands
st croix. short hop from little st james. Ever notice little st james is one point of the bermuda triangle?
5efff4 No.56455
2a779d No.56457
Any anons know what time the Emperor is suppose to speak tonight?
fd393c No.56461
Winner of the YOU'RE ALL GOING to Jail award
01c5c3 No.56462
01c5c3 No.56464
fe4981 No.56465
I am in the UK.. god dam it, it's already nearing 1am/
334898 No.56468
Try digging through Flickr if you haven't already. Saudi family members have shitloads of personal photos, some w alaweed, as does city of Riyadh and others. Plus some other dignitaries from around world.
Some crazy shit on there.
a58cdc No.56469
but its 1 am here in sweden now. we cant have the same time?
a1a28a No.56470
wow! I always felt that Holy Spirit must be perfect because it's energy field cannot be touched/hurt/destroyed by anything or any other spiritual field of power.
[Rom 8:35-39 KJV] 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Nay!!! No Way! In All these things we are more than Conquerors through him that loved us!!
9db7f8 No.56471
What's going on at 8? Ta
82f51c No.56472
You in the Uk do you mind stopping by the Rothschilds castle tell them see ya wouldn’t want to be ya for me
3b9e16 No.56473
Thank you! May GOD be with all of us…we need HIM now more than ever while he purges this evil from OUR planet!
92ff90 No.56474
Somebody posted this on POTUS twitter!https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DQj56CEVQAAq7oq.jpg
fe4981 No.56476
I ment 12am, missed out the 2..
f1a05f No.56477
That photo is disgusting. Bunch of rats.
72153d No.56478
Yeah that's just what we need. 20 million more dirt world welfare recipients.
a1a28a No.56479
The power is in God, in Christ in You!
God in Christ in You = Christian = Born Again one = Saint
62a3f0 No.56480
Interesting. Why do you think so?
cbe0f2 No.56484
What made you feel like that? The Lord, your God, the one who created you is sending you those messages! Your conscious doesn’t reside in your body…so where? God is signaling you through torsion energy, your dna (tuning forks) pick up those signals.
What god do h((they))) worship and what signals might they receive AND if they wanted someone to receive those signals…whould they need the dna from the original lineage?
2a779d No.56485
Still nothing from the MILF whore Lynn on Twatter.
cbe0f2 No.56486
fe4981 No.56487
Hmm.. I wonder why :)
1160cf No.56488
The $2.3 Trillion declared by Rumsfeld to be missing on 9-10-01 - to be audited soon, first time ever.
9db7f8 No.56489
2a779d No.56491
Screw that, his body would be drained of all its life blood.
334898 No.56493
16a3aa No.56494
Yes, I see it.
That short segment of video at 9:46 is mirrored or "flipped".
Is Q saying she flipped? Will we learn about this on Monday?
7dd7ef No.56495
POTUS just posted a video of "him" walking towards a plane and said he's on his way to Florida…..
check it out.
https://twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/939274666404909056
e2970a No.56496
well, after hearing about the jeff sessions latest ordeal, i'm not surprised by the post from Q having MONDAY in his name.
Thus I think of monday as having 'stormy' weather in it's forecast.
f1a05f No.56498
For Green? What could that mean?
aa1d28 No.56499
capt. mike green, deceased
7dd7ef No.56500
Green eggs and ham
a1a28a No.56503
…and at 16:14…
starts there…wait for it! Ooops!
did she just admit outloud that POTUS has power of everything if we get attacked first!!!! Haha!!
c68f49 No.56504
Which recent Sessions ordeal are you referencing?
fe4981 No.56505
2a779d No.56506
For Capt Mike Green, a gentleman, a hero, a friend of ours…
5fb8da No.56507
Meaning Q has avenged Capt Green's death…
Sweet dreams means sleeping permanently.
7dd7ef No.56508
if any of you faggots want to get wet while waiting for POTUS…
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=_3afaZSB30E
cbe0f2 No.56510
d0ee7c No.56511
For the (((bad boys)))… Enjoy! (while you can)
fe4981 No.56512
Now let us wonder what —End— meant
b0a4ce No.56513
Why does the background say pray for france?
e2970a No.56515
his recusal, and the latest report from the f b i concerning his application for security.
it was just on foxnews.
c9b765 No.56516
Disinformation meant to distract.
Don't break from the task that Q has given us to follow that shit.
5fb8da No.56517
7dd7ef No.56518
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=rEzEGto67Jw
try this one. other one is full of cancer music
62e5f5 No.56519
LINK goes to blank page on defense.gov site.
Article has been taken down.
Or are you LARPING?
fe4981 No.56520
We can only hope. It means we are on + next
46904c No.56521
agreed. thx anon, i'll just let the faggots at half chan worry about it
6f4e4f No.56522
Read some stuff that said it was frank guistra. Has some weird “boys club”. But has a lot of connections. Not sure but I would dig into that. And that singer isn’t it. They said on their page that that is not the story.
5fb8da No.56523
Hope and pray, so we will see on the news what happens on Monday :)
cbe0f2 No.56524
Anyone trolled LdR twatter to se if she”lol speak? Fucking cunt is probably cinders now
c68f49 No.56525
Thanks. I had not heard this. Strange, because I've really scoured the news today, as usual. I'll have to look for that. It's ratcheting up if he's needing security. No surprise.
e47baf No.56526
defense .gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript-View/Article/1391630/
It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DOD's management of every taxpayer dollar. These annual audits are fundamental to achieving one of the secretary's three main priorities: business reform is the third.
Audits examine the accuracy of our financial information and test our ability to account for our property. With consistent feedback from auditors, we can focus on improving our day- to-day work and processes. Annual audits also ensure visibility over the quantity and quality of the equipment and support – supplies our troops use.
With more than $2.4 trillion in assets, this financial statement audit is one of the largest ever undertaken in history. The DOD OIG (Office of Inspector General) has hired independent public accounting firms to conduct audits of individual components. They will, then, combine that into a department-wide consolidated audit that summarizes all the results and conclusions. Beginning in '18, our annual audits will occur every single year with the reports issued on November 15th.
7dd7ef No.56527
it is him.
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=zAbWrX5JFhs
cbe0f2 No.56528
With Trump visibly backing Moore, must be solid proof of his innocence? My guess
904159 No.56529
Disinformation meant to distract.
Don't break from the task that Q has given us to follow that shit.
This this this this this
2a779d No.56530
lol I imagine Trump, Kelly, and Mattis in some slick shades taking down the NWO while that song blasts in the background. That'd be a sick meme if I had the skills!
fe4981 No.56531
her whole family is probs cinders right now.
6e5d52 No.56532
huh, i had a link that went to npr
npr. org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/08/569394885/pentagon-announces-first-ever-audit-of-the-department-of-defense
cbe0f2 No.56533
4f6dad No.56534
Yes, he is seriously intelligent. The things about him that I couldn't peg was – given my premise that he has been following geopol for yrs – how he could be such an advocate for Sanders and JG for HRC. Wouldn't he be able to discern that these ppl are est shills? If not, doesn't that discredit him somewhat? The other thing that troubled me was the fact that there was no way, imo, that he was just some computer guy one upon a time– there is just something more going on and i couldn't crack it. And i feel like i can discern things pretty well.
d0ee7c No.56535
Are you ready to Ride the Storm?!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QlBjFGe0aXc" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
7c1e1e No.56537
This article seems very relevant. It might be why the Roths are "flying". This would be the biggest happening of all happenings.
2a779d No.56538
Probably has a battery hooked up to her nipples in some dark room in South America.
4bdc82 No.56539
2bc233 No.56540
Dough has been kneaded, and is rising.
Don't fear, it will be tasty.
cbb4bc No.56541
Did anybody see this tweet from Julian Assange? How does CNN get away with this?
fe4981 No.56542
I still wonder if that mission was a total failure, we did have Jacob Rothschild wiki said he was dead for about 5 mins before being changed. The news also reported 4 bodies, then next reported the 4th victim.
7dd7ef No.56543
CNN = Clinton Needs Niggers
e47baf No.56544
o7 Saluting Captain Micheal Green o7
2a779d No.56545
Looks like a kind man!
937a2d No.56546
6fd0fe No.56547
I think Lyn deleted her twitter account. I can not find it no matter how I spell it!
d201d2 No.56548
isn't p and r in cyrilic?
fe4981 No.56549
He gave his life for us to have freedom, or the chance of it. RIP indeed.
d201d2 No.56550
a1a28a No.56551
I know he's not a prosecutor.
You are going to trust someone that says as far as he is concerned bo is still the president, he will always be president.
Wow! How much more in your face do you need?
Don't waste my time!
2a779d No.56552
I wonder who the Vietnamese man was, obviously part of the mission…
832a90 No.56553
7dd7ef No.56554
it's right here you dumbshit.
https://twitter .com/lderothschild
cbb4bc No.56555
CNN = Communist New Network
c68f49 No.56556
5fb8da No.56557
I believe the patriots was not meant to die…
It was a extraction mission that was intercepted so in that sense it failed
But I still dont get that the bad guys would volunteer in a kamikaze mission
fe4981 No.56558
Yeah, it was hidden under the disguise of training a student, when it must have been the mission Q set up. So 2 good people died there.
6fd0fe No.56559
Fuck you shit muncher. So I spelled it wrong fuck your daddy over it and have your dog up the ass while you're at it
62e5f5 No.56561
Here is the full link:
https://www.defense. gov/News/Article/Article/1391471/officials-announce-first-dod-wide-audit-call-for-budget-certainty/
4bdc82 No.56563
2a779d No.56564
Trump went to Vietnam on his Asian trip too, when the mission went down!
41b230 No.56565
Apparently 4chan is busy, busy, busy taking these down.
fe4981 No.56566
Yeah they was not meant to die, but they must have known the risks, Q did mention someone else alerted them (a rouge agent) so they missed their target by 5 mins.
e2970a No.56568
hummmm…wonder why…lol
62baf1 No.56569
Perhaps the alluring promise of 72 virgins?
5a06c5 No.56570
Holy shit. Have we talked about Milania's talk about Deserted Island yet?!?!?!?
63a00a No.56571
There seems to be a big push to call Q a deep state operative to quell anger against what Mueller is doing against Trump.
Just an FYI.
854a72 No.56572
d4ec93 No.56573
571e1e No.56574
Can't even spell Melania…….post is utter rubbish
cbe0f2 No.56575
Now I’m getting a hard-on
2a779d No.56576
If they're kind are willing to blow themselves up, why wouldn't they? Could have been MKultra too.
63a00a No.56577
Awe too bad I have all the Q posts offline.
e2970a No.56578
2bc233 No.56579
And what pray tell might it be that Mueller is "doing against Trump"??
Smells shilly in here…
fd2ec0 No.56580
It actually wouldn't surprise me.
I don't trust much of anything at this point.
2a779d No.56582
5fb8da No.56583
I dont think they were identified as Muslims….
But one guy did look Muslim…..weird
2bc233 No.56584
they're – I'm a Grammar Nazi.
5a06c5 No.56585
map anons.
remember the fiji map locations of islands?
that was a pic on here that had a fake tennis court on an island, does anyone have it?
"Melania Trump Saying She Wants to Spend Christmas on a Deserted Island Lights Up Twitter"
She's talking about Deserted Islands! I remember map anons had a whole bunch on google maps!
They were all deserted, but some had fake tennis courts, and false entrances.
Can any anon tell me where those posts were?
I think FLOTUS was giving us a message.
fd2ec0 No.56586
Now my nipples are getting a hard-on.
e2970a No.56588
POTUS in Pensicola now, enjoying the warm welcome.
2a779d No.56589
Did Q ever actually confirm that Mueller was indeed on our side?
334898 No.56590
571e1e No.56591
Not a good one however, kindly re-read it.
418057 No.56592
Florida one they released the names - Chinese
The pilot was later identified as Kamalesh Naik, 56, of Sanford.
The two passengers were identified as Men Tao, 22, and Hou Xupeng, 23, both Chinese nationals who were staying in Sanford.
7854b4 No.56593
Anon already corrected himself. Re-read.
I had to.
2bc233 No.56594
You're absolutely correct. I didn't read the referenced post. Apologies.
63a00a No.56595
yes, question everything floating out there.
I started message this dolt and no response.
f64fe9 No.56596
Yes that's strange..If you find the answer..
French president is one of them.
66f5af No.56597
It's spelled "thar'uns".
7dd7ef No.56598
these are the kinds of conspiracy theorists that make everyone look like a schizophrenic bestiality-loving whore.
2a779d No.56599
YEAH! So fuck you! lol just kidding :)
e2970a No.56600
e87f10 No.56601
Q what are you thought on divine law ??
625667 No.56602
Is the government still due to shutdown in the next week?
7854b4 No.56603
2bc233 No.56604
No problems. The yeast is almost done rising.
7dd7ef No.56605
Washington Post playing Elton John Candle in the Wind during Trump's FL rally? wtf.
ad7988 No.56607
Who said Mueller was 100% good guy. Theory is he's been forced to flip, isn't it?
5fb8da No.56608
Well I guess Shareblue guy may be legit after all:
62e5f5 No.56609
T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^
Terminate: B, Franken, Johnny, 1, 5, 11-20
Confirmed_democrats-worldwide communications cut.
Confirmed SIDLEY AUSTIN- exterminated
Who can improve?
92ff90 No.56610
Also a big push to paint Trump as the other side of the same coin as cabal. Need counter strike measures
7dd7ef No.56611
in 2005…….you waiting over a fucking decade??? kys you ungrateful bitch
c68f49 No.56612
Because Page Six said so? Seriously? It's fucking Page Six. That's two sunt hairs away from TMZ.
e2970a No.56613
2bc233 No.56614
For an attempted kiss? Just a lean-in? Get real.
02d716 No.56615
research her before you believe it
63a00a No.56616
I don't recall reading that. My point to this Paine character is that Q never said Mueller was "on our side". He simply asks questions. The theories that have developed here and elsewhere from his questions are what's being assumed Q said.
5fb8da No.56617
you piece of shit, the article was posted 7 Dec 2017 by New York Post
2a779d No.56618
Wow, what guy would try to kiss a girl he took on a date! SICKO!!
63a00a No.56619
Possible, yes, we do.
cbb4bc No.56620
e67cf9 No.56621
WHAT in the actual HELL is that?!
9d1a61 No.56622
>tried to kiss a woman
>she refused
holy shit, what a scandal
watch them blow their wad now dragging out another 10 cases in 24 hours that people will rightfully see as another coordinated mockingbird push
4ada84 No.56623
2bc233 No.56624
Resembles the Bogdanoff twins, don't it?
334898 No.56626
Another theory is Mueller was nailed, dead to rights, and agreed to go along with Trumps gambit in order to avoid prosecution.
7dd7ef No.56628
look at those fucking decorations. that's our POTUS. <3
62e5f5 No.56629
The name says it all: chip the children.
Track every kid by sattelite. "For their safety"
63a00a No.56630
Because TMZ is always inaccurate?
They're actually frighteningly accurate.
7dd7ef No.56631
nothing better than a switched spy.
7db2cc No.56632
>"True Pundit"
>No names on the byline, website, anywhere
>Hypes stories for weeks, delivers crap
>Called out by NolteNC and others for spreading crap
>Pysop disinfo
522fd3 No.56633
…and that Little St. James is Epstein's (Lolita Express) island!
62baf1 No.56634
Trump made him a deal he couldn't refuse.
16a3aa No.56635
c68f49 No.56637
Thomas Paine is merely asking a question. That dude is legit. True Pundit is an awesome source. Lots of people have been asking the same question. Questions are good. Time will shortly reveal all.
4bdc82 No.56638
Is it normal for archived bread to have couple hundred consecutive posts missing? I went back to check something and there are big chunks missing.
7854b4 No.56639
Questions for anons.
How many times have you had someone try to "kiss" you….? That you didn't want? How is this a big deal. Do you know how many damn law suits ladies and gentlemen would have if this was a crime???!!!
'"And Trump later appeared on her Fox News chat show, and joked to the audience, “I hit on her but she blew me off.”"'
This is the least of our worries in the grand scheme of things.
334898 No.56640
Yeah exactly, which is what makes it seem to plausible and ingenious.
Nobody here has been thinking Mueller was some great guy all along, afaik
2a779d No.56641
Something Doctor Moreau created.
2e034f No.56642
Small plane crash at Payne Field in Mulkilteo WA. Details sketchy as it happened 3pm ish PST. Reportedly 2 persons on board.
daa2f2 No.56643
This is normal in politics.
When you suspect a leaker, you feed the same info to different recipients with subtle differences.
That way, when the leak hit the media, you have the fingerprint of the leaker.
It's everyday business, in political parties around the world.
2bc233 No.56644
Which loaf? Depends on when they archived it.
334898 No.56645
Have you filtered some idiots? They frequently contribute hundreds of posts to a thread. Try clearing all your filters under Options and see if the posts come back
d59d38 No.56646
Damn it.
All teams code red, move to backup deletion, they're starting to notice
22ec6c No.56647
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
you can only dream up beauty like that
hey the attached video is the ceremony the pope had in Israel. This is important, but I don't know where to dig with such blurry footage
63a00a No.56648
I tend to go with that option.
Mueller has a dirty fucking history.
People as they get older, especially if they have a soul, regret the evil they've done.
He might see this as a redemptive measure to have a decent/great legacy.
Again, this is all conjecture.
Yes, it is good to ask questions, but he is asking a question based on a false premise.
The false premise is this: Q made the theory that Mueller is white hat. Q never said that. It was theorized by others here and elsewhere. Also the notion that people here aren't angry by Mueller's actions. I know I am and the ONLY way he can be forgiven for them is if he is acting a double here.
c6ec75 No.56649
9178e8 No.56650
+++ ++ + 3, 2, 1 countdown
233770 No.56651
Not kidding. Archive these threads on paper
7dd7ef No.56652
post in the plane crash thread.
link and deets.
7854b4 No.56653
LOL! These people need to be better at spinning stories…they're all like really bad DJs…
*pic not related
21d954 No.56655
I have not had much time to read much today but earlier I saw some references to 'Redstone'. I came across this image someone posted on FB and thought I share just in case it will help.
-pic related
cbe0f2 No.56657
From 2014
Last year, while more than 3 billion people flew safely on 36.4 million flights, there were 81 aviation accidents, according to the International Air Transport Association (Iata). That was below the five-year average of 86 accidents per year. (Iata says that for western-built jet aircraft, there were 0.41 "hull loss" accidents per million flights in 2013, equivalent to one such accident per 2.4m flights; a "hull loss" is an accident in which the aircraft is destroyed or substantially damaged and not subsequently repaired).
Only 20% of the 81 accidents recorded by Iata last year caused fatalities; there were 210 fatalities from commercial aviation accidents in 2013, a reduction from the 414 people who lost their lives in 2012 – despite there being a record low of 75 accidents that year.
There were 490 deaths in 2011 and a total of 92 accidents. There was a much higher figure of 786 fatalities in 2010, and 94 accidents. In 2009, there were 685 fatalities and 90 accidents.
5fb8da No.56658
yea but what the share blue guy is getting at is that they will start to push hard on this like with the sexual harassment with the senators etc to out POTUS and rilft up the leftists…
c68f49 No.56659
Negatory. People here have been calling Mueller /ourguy/. To drop-ins, that looks like they're calling him a White Hat. I agree with everything you just wrote, by the way. I am just saying it's good to question. Paine isn't disinfo. He's just doing what a journalist does: they question.
5c4758 No.56661
I agree. The good news is that properly understanding how Yahwehism has been used for centuries by the satanic elite to keep us divided and subordinated to their authority in no way invalidates the importance of Christ's message of love to humanity.
Nevertheless, having more than 2000 years of human preemptive belief software to debug and reinstall is not an easy task to accomplish. But, in Christ, we each have the opportunity to voluntarily accept that challenge as an opportunity to reach our full potential.
f1df87 No.56662
The Dems tactic of moral grandstanding after Franken's resignation was all over the news yesterday. That shareblue guy said to watch out for the word "bragging" when talking about Trump. Franken already said it before the ex shareblue came online though.
I read his 4ch posts yesterday and most of them just looked like he was news jacking what was already out there.
Jus sayin
f1a05f No.56663
There's no way Q is a bad actor.
b8b943 No.56664
I used to follow him and he made comments about working under Mueller. Also said that they 'staked-out' McCabe for that story about his Porche. Must be a fmr Special Agent or something.
7854b4 No.56665
>references to 'Redstone'.
CBS = Redstone = Summer Redstone
f1a05f No.56666
Yeah I'm really feeling conflicted about Mueller. It's truly a waiting game.
000000 No.56667
>Which loaf? Depends on when they archived it.
Post evidence of your claims of archives getting shoah'd or GTFO shill.
2a779d No.56668
Unless Q confirms he is /ourguy/, I say it's still in doubt.
f49e5a No.56669
And he will have to be the one to announce all this to the world – it can't be DJT. It MUST be Mueller
b57140 No.56671
They are part of the 4289 sealed indictments. They are also part of those that have resigned.
c68f49 No.56674
Correct. Former spook. Apparently the whole True Pundit crew are former spooks who got tired of the crooked system and formed their own platform.
522fd3 No.56676
"The Lies of Huma Abedin" - Canada Free Press
…since US MSM seems pretty quiet, thought you'd all appreciate.
9d1a61 No.56678
i'm starting to doubt mueller has been flipped
how would he investigate the swamp with a team full of never trumpers and not have them fight against it and leak shit?
a141a5 No.56679
US Virgin Islands are part of the US. As close as they are to PR, they probably got hit hard by the hurricane, too. Yet I've heard very little about the Virgin Islands. The attention has been on PR. Given that PR is still a major aide concern, it's quite appropriate to talk about these locations.
2bc233 No.56681
NEW BREAD - Finish buttering THIS bread, then migrate to the new bread.
e67cf9 No.56682
The stuff of nightmares! Holy hell!
522fd3 No.56683
It's actually real isn't it
5fb8da No.56684
darn didnt know that, learn something new…
fc7240 No.56685
Are you doubting our Lord and savior Qesus Qhrist?
8ed2ed No.56687
So who is investigating and issuing the indictments if no Mueller?
571e1e No.56688
What a bunch of redneck looking rightys
b57140 No.56692
Mueller is deep state. Trump met with Mueller the day before he was chosen as special counsel. Trump essentially said, "Well you're going to jail anyway for your crimes. Want to work for some leniency? Mueller said yes."
Mueller's work is a distraction while Sessions does the real work in the background.
29144b No.56694
Now the deep state can't hire those best lawyers anymore, conflict of interest.
7dd7ef No.56696
don't worry, the canada shitstorm is forming.
2bc233 No.56697
Twenty posts remaining - prepare to migrate SOON.
282027 No.56699
Akhenaton is often believed to have been Moses.
b57140 No.56702
Sessions is directing the big takedown in the background. Mueller is just a distraction.
4bdc82 No.56703
Stand down crisis averted. My heart sank for a second. If someone cross posts, does it use the post number from the original bread?
5a06c5 No.56706
Melania Trump wants to spend holiday on ‘deserted island,'
FIJI WATER. Us Virgin Islands. Melania… wtf!
These are all hints!
Mapanon was on here when Q was here… and they found all these islands with fake tennis courts - map anon where are you
d4d719 No.56707
Trump speech Pensacola FL
live stream
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=_3afaZSB30E
Crowd covering, President not speaking yet.
cbe0f2 No.56708
I too was conflicted. One thing that I will say is if Trump doesn’t like something or somebody he’s not bashful to attack them. He said he’s had nothing but confidence in Mueller and you never hear any bad mouthing of him by Trump
7854b4 No.56711
>share blue guy
Truthfully, I didn't read about the share blue guy in any detail - so haven't gotten my head around that.
My focus, was this dumb claim: "A guy tried to kiss me. I didn't want him to. He said oh well - I tried."
Sure it sucks, but not news worthy. Def shouldn't define DT based off of this woman's VERY LATE and untimely response. It's just dumb IMO
21d954 No.56713
I think the other one was partially desaturated (color removed)
2a779d No.56714
99% of those "rednecks" would probably feed you if you were hungry, dickhead.
2bc233 No.56715
72153d No.56716
5c4758 No.56717
>>56661 (You)
That would be difficult to do here and a very bitter pill for most to swallow, but two books I can recommend are:
Yahweh the Two-Faced God: Theology, Terrorism & Topology (Apocalypse Theater Volume 1) Paperback – 2011
The Price of Monotheism. Assmann, Jan Stanford Press
7854b4 No.56718
Yeah. those images are also DUMB. Making something outta nothing. I thought both versions were still beautiful.
fc7240 No.56720
Now now or then now?
8ed2ed No.56723
Moses was found by Bithiah the daughter of Thutmose. Moses was named after Thutmose.
522fd3 No.56726
b57140 No.56729
7854b4 No.56731
Why do you (You)?
Don't please :)
08f797 No.56736
Maybe..seems like they have some things in common. I know Enoch and Thoth were the same person.
7854b4 No.56746
Seems like it.
5fb8da No.56747
Thank you Q and Capt Mike Green