46eb25 No.56670
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads' conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Recent Past Threads' Archive Links
50. >>>/cbts/44736 -> https://archive.fo/Lmxw2
51. >>>/cbts/45641 -> https://archive.fo/lRGVj
52. >>>/cbts/46456 -> https://archive.fo/j3kvb
53. >>>/cbts/47314 -> https://archive.fo/161V0
54. >>>/cbts/48266 -> https://archive.fo/955KP
55. >>>/cbts/49045 -> https://archive.fo/CctA0
56. >>>/cbts/49926 -> https://archive.fo/qrv2A
57. >>>/cbts/50850 -> https://archive.fo/Nm1Eh
58. >>>/cbts/51584 -> https://archive.fo/RF9uG
59. >>>/cbts/52438 -> https://archive.fo/suKMQ
60. >>>/cbts/53296 -> https://archive.fo/KM22b
61. >>>/cbts/54220 -> https://archive.fo/89AF4
62. >>>/cbts/54929 -> https://archive.fo/ASe6O
63. >>>/cbts/55851 -> coming soon
!!!Latest Q Posts!!! -> >>50693, >>50787, >>50834, >>50896, >>51313, >>51735, >>51739, >>51744, >>51750, >>51984, >>52122, >>52134, >>52157, >>54349, >>55699
Latest Q Compilation -> >>55760
Complete Q [4+8] -> >>52506
10 days of darkness: -> >>37286
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/NBTQVYRY | https://pastebin.com/45r1FK9q
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )
Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/E6U4jbd0b6/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712080030.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
Really Cool Videos
I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0
In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I
Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920
Another almond-activating tripfag's archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
<And PRAY!
46eb25 No.56672
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2
Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423
The FAQ of Q: >>18427
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629
/CBTS/ Catalog
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
What is Keystone: >>28513
Who is Y?: >>19041
The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>16020
Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408
Anon bringing things around -> >>15208
Red Cross: >>40157
Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613
Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350
Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876
The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984
Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253
Loud Noises -> >>15157
Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092
'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199
Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> https://8ch.net/cbts/res/29994.html#35814]
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219
Trump & Company: >>1380
Underground massive data center?: >>20714
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++: >>672
The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA
Guys, COME ON!
Q has already given us all the clues. They’re in all the questions which aren’t really questions at all, but simply hints to get you thinking on the right track.
I don’t think Q wants this to turn into some super complex code-breaking treasure hunt. That was never his intent. He’s trying to give you the dots in as simple a manner as he is safely capable of doing. STOP TURNING THIS INTO A 3D PUZZLE.
Q WANTS this information out there ASAP. It does him no good to hide things in complicated codes and patterns and getting you to go down insignificant rabbit holes. QUIT OVERTHINKING IT.
Go back, piece together what the Q posts have been hinting at all along. THINK BIG PICTURE. Stop getting sidetracked with trying to figure out every single detail. They’re not as important as the connections.
THE STORY IS WHAT MATTERS. The characters and details are all secondary to that. You can redpill way more people with overarching plot points than you can with detailed infographics about minor players.
46eb25 No.56675
The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q's posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It's a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial "reinventing the wheel" i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.
As such, it's helpful to know what is needed and how to do it. The following guidelines will help us work together better, so we can go on to the questions that haven't been answered and accomplish the goals Q set forth:
1. answer the questions
2. build the bigger picture
3. break it back down
4. meme it for the public: educate & calm them
We were given this task by serious men, in a serious situation with very serious consequences for the entire world.
Let's apply our weaponized autism in an organized and efficient manner, accomplish the task we were given, make our POTUS & /ourguys/ jobs easier.
> You are the calm before and during the storm.
They are counting on us.
> short, to the point
> factual
> sourced, if at all possible
Some issues simply are not suited for a definitive source as the answers are inherently subjective. We can only do our best here.
< add extra rows
< change colors of cells or columns or rows
< use it as a personal "scratch pad" to work out your thinking
< argue with other anons
This or 4/pol/ is a place to argue & thrash it out, not on the sheet
< overwrite or delete other anons' answers
< leave your answers in the row or sheet comments
< involve meta-conspiracy theories
This is a real-life enormous conspiracy. The way Q has laid it out is perfect: it goes from point A to point hellish to point confident step by step. Each question builds upon the previous & itself is a meta-conspiracy if you look from 40,000ft view.
> text is best
> original source documents if possible
> articles from reputable sites (yes, I know, see below)
> maps, when appropriate
> images, where appropriate
> link to the text/ original document, & if possible, an archive link (archive.is, archive.fo, archive.org etc)
David Icke, Alex Jones, and that lot are not sources that will be believed by the normalfags. While they may be truthful, our sources need to be what an average Paul or Cindy can look up themselves without seeing it & closing it immediately and disregarding all the rest. No Shape-shifting reptilians, Pleiadians & the like. That may upset some but let's remember our mission: this is for the general public and it's going to be difficult enough for them.
< youtube videos
< random tweet links
are just not the best sources for this endeavor. They may be informative and truthful but not best suited for this medium.
Light blue cell in the number column
PDF anon went through and changed all Q's questions to statements in a narrative form. Those are included at the bottom row of many of Q's posts. The goal is to answer the questions and then present the answers in the column next to it to present a fuller picture.
Some posts have a summary, some don't. When you look at the spreadsheet, you will see why, up to a certain point: that is where pdfanon had stopped, AFAIK. That's something else that I will be working on.
On the far right column, confidence level can be input in the answer(s) given: low, mid, high. It's set up to change the color of the cell where the question number is. When the answer is complete and has high confidence, the row is locked, as no further answers are needed, and we can focus our energy and attention on those yet un-answered.
light yellow = low
med orange = mid
tomato soup = high
peach = un-answered questions, or those whose answers are not truly complete or definitive
Please focus on those, not the ones already answered.
Place your input in the column marked Extra Answers (Unlocked, Post Here):
> double-click the cell
> alt+enter to make a newline (carriage return)
> type/paste in your answer & sources
You can export the spreadsheet into excel (.xls) and pdf formats by clicking the little paper icon on the top left of the toolbar on the left. When exporting to pdf, be aware this is a very large document. You can put a header, footer, page numbers etc.
I encourage anons to make periodic backups for yourselves.
THANK YOU to all anons who have helped, contributed, supported & been patient in this effort. It wasn't my idea, but it seemed like a good plan so I volunteered - so did you, and it's appreciated very much.
46eb25 No.56677
Q's tripcode confusing you?
How to get a tripcode?
In the Name field in the reply dialog box -
if you put name#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !, with no space in between the name and tripcode
if you put name[space]#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by a space and then your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !.
Also the #password on 4chan yields the same result on 8ch.
So in conclusion ->
Q used Q#password and got Q!ITPb.qbhqo when not using space in between, and
Q used Q #password and got Q !ITPb.qbhqo when using space.
So, no matter how you look at it - !ITPb.qbhqo is the real Q!'''
>tl;dr -
Both Q!ITPb.qbhqo and Q !ITPb.qbhqo are Q.
It is a unique string of characters that distinguishes your post from everyone else's. They are used when the poster does not wish to remain anonymous.
>How does it work?
Your password does some magical code-mating with the website's salt, as they call it, and the result of that union is your tripcode
>secure tripcodes?
There's 2 kinds of salt, apparently.
The salt used for single # is common for most [all?] chan like websites, called imageboards, and hence back-engineerable. Easy to break and duplicate, I'd suggest you refrain from using it.
The second kind of salt is unique to each imageboard. It can't be back-engineered, broken, duplicated. Using a secure tripcode is recommended.
To make your password code-mate with the unique salt, simply use ## instead of #.
4a7a5b No.56686
o7 Saluting Anon Baker o7
Thank you!
b9bba8 No.56689
b13f47 No.56693
Tuned in, and, yes, thanks to the anon baker.
55d4e6 No.56700
Zach called into Infowars, you guys might no him, but he definitely is referencing Q in this interview. Listen to the whole thing, but definitely at 10:00 where he says Hussein is Barack O. Interesting shit
If you bake it, he will crumb
8fbd06 No.56701
Can everyone who is going to babble about Jesus and Satan please reply to this post so that you can be filtered quickly? Thanks!
30e9bd No.56704
Exposing Infiltrators and Traitors
Canary Traps, Barium Meal Tests, Embedding,
Trap Streets, Traitor Tracing and Fingerprinting.
How Trump & Flynn plugged the leaks
8da218 No.56705
Put a ? after Daddy and let people make conclusions for themselves.
17815c No.56709
aa75fe No.56710
Trump speech at Pensacola FL live stream
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=_3afaZSB30E
Crowd coverage, President not speaking yet.
71c0d6 No.56721
0274ff No.56722
We are in pensacola on the arena floor. There is a guy with a Q sign first row in the stadium seats on the NW side of building. I screamed Q!!! And have him a thumbs up.
b19a71 No.56724
unsure if this has been posted already or not. 5 dead in plane crash at St. Croix…feel like I remember St. Croix coming up in these threads somewhere.
17 hours ago. LdR and Co.?
b4da17 No.56725
Should we make T-shirt’s? lol
d52c5d No.56728
Thank you Baker. You are amazing.
46eb25 No.56730
covfefe, all the way.
275a51 No.56732
Prayer Request Thread
828159 No.56733
hahahha….love it. Trump Time!
aa75fe No.56734
Congressman or someone speaking first
Blah blah blah
828159 No.56735
plane crash thread.
17815c No.56738
Posted a few times, but yes, it's speculated that one of the dead is LdR.
46eb25 No.56742
I'm gonna hang in here until at least 11 pm Eastern Time. Someone else will have to pick up the dough and yeast after that.
828159 No.56743
Plane crashes thread for yesterday, today, and over the weekend.
b19a71 No.56744
thanks anon. wowie.
5cc27a No.56749
"There is interest ... in the US establishing itself as no first use...
they want to take power away from prez. put it into a bi-partisan group.
very shady after " i think we need to go now"
d81041 No.56750
holy shit.
from the TAPP website:
What is the Registry?
The Registry is the tracking component of the Arkansas Early Childhood Professional Development System. The Registry plays a key part in promoting professional development. Early childhood professionals in the state are encouraged, and sometimes required, to become members. Each member has access to an online training transcript, which lists the training he or she has attended over the year. Fifteen hours of training are required each year to maintain membership. Members are assigned Registry Identification numbers which can be used in place of social security numbers at registered training events across the state. Each member is assigned a level according to education and training he or she has received. Members can move forward to reach professional career goals and can use the TAPP Map to guide which training is best suited to fit his or her needs.
The Registry web site includes training opportunities for all registered training agencies across the state. Online registration can be done quickly! Check for training opportunities by location, date, or topic.
The Registry tracks trainers across the state and verifies that they have experience training adults, working with children, and education in their related field."
I bet there are child traffickers listed here!!!
I found a way to search:
http://professionalregistry.astate .edu/std_reports/available_trainers_start.asp
428610 No.56751
Seems like it.
828159 No.56752
perhaps we should make a baker schedule lol
efb2b5 No.56753
O Happy Day
Sky Kings:
09DEC2017 0048Z
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzj3pOdCOqU
a25043 No.56754
Holy crap.. please let it be so!
b9bba8 No.56755
The guy speaking at Trump's rally just said that after the tax bill we need to "drain the swamp" and will be implementing term limits.
7af06a No.56756
Awesome!! I'm going to listen for some winks toward us during his speech!
d32754 No.56757
a253b8 No.56758
That's….that's just so fucking great!
6c702b No.56759
He is good people. Said Vegas was the tipping point so he came all in! Is in the know
828159 No.56760
we need confirmation.
75ea6d No.56761
5efd0d No.56762
Thanks for this. That dude is awesome. I missed this.
7af06a No.56763
This is the Emperor's first rally since Q began, correct?
828159 No.56765
828159 No.56767
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=rEzEGto67Jw
ef2d45 No.56768
06ced7 No.56769
trump getting to the podium now.
aa75fe No.56770
The venue is packed and the people look pumped. But Trump isn't speaking yet.
75ea6d No.56771
I member PG Voat. I member how Shariablue went apeshit when the Voats found Jimmy Comet's Pegasus Museum.
They hated that shit
efb2b5 No.56772
Another one bites the dust:
Next on the playlist: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE
d9437a No.56773
Again it is assumed Q said it.
Yes it is good to question, but not based on a false premise.
Let me explain by demonstration. Have you stopped beating your wife?
See that's the kind of question Paine is asking.
He is assuming that we are mute on Mueller elsewhere which is likely not the case. I know it isn't for me.
Also some of the "conservative" sites pump up stories that turn out to be big nothing burgers. Remember how they were reporting "police activity" in DC?
They are in this for the money, or for distraction.
7cff1b No.56774
Juliet Huddy
In January 2017, Huddy settled a suit with Fox News alleging sexual harassment from long-time Fox anchor Bill O'Reilly and co-president Jack Abernathy
84d58d No.56775
Thank you baker Ricky Bobby!
75ea6d No.56776
aa75fe No.56777
President Trump just entered the place and will be speaking momentarily.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=_3afaZSB30E
a253b8 No.56778
Local news [NOVA] just said something like 'Since there won't be a shutdown this weekend…' but that a possible 'Pentagon shutdown' might happen in the next couple of weeks. Was out of the room so couldn't hear well, but that's what it sounded like.
5efd0d No.56780
Military insider who calls into InfoWars frequency to drop intel.
17815c No.56782
That's a lot of names to hunt through.
"Coincidence" that it's Arkansas would suggest a tie to the Clintons.
Dig deep.
6c702b No.56783
and that’s all you need to know
d15f42 No.56784
MAGA! Trump, Q, Anons, bakers, Cpt. Green and patriots! Rock on!
d52c5d No.56785
lynn d rothschild's last tweet was 23 hours ago
5efd0d No.56786
Paine worked under Mueller and McCabe. He knows they are swamp creatures better than any of. He is merely asking for discernment, and rightly so.
b13f47 No.56787
Do you think Trump will echo Q and say, "These people are sick," in regard to the bad actors?
06ced7 No.56788
trump just gave a shout out to the fake news back there….lol
dac106 No.56789
ec3b63 No.56790
The Baroness Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild (born
Paris, France, 22 November 1933) is the only daughter of the vintner
Baron Philippe de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking dynasty
and owner of the French winery Château Mouton Rothschild.
Rothschild entered her father’s wine business in the late 1970s.
When Philippe died in 1988, Philippine inherited three winery estates
in Bordeaux. At the time of her father’s death, the company sold
1.3 million cases of wine a year. By 2000, sales had almost doubled
to 2.1 million cases. In 1999, sales amounted to around $155 million.
Her personal wealth has been estimated at €190 million by Le Nouvel
Below are photos of the Baroness. Note that in every picture she wears a
heavy chainlinked gold necklace with a pendant. The pendant in the first pic
below is a huge image of Baphomet, a pagan deity that, since the 19th century,
has become a figure or synonym of Satan.
Philippine de Rothschild died on August 23, 2014, at age 80 in Paris “from the effects of a serious operation,” according to her family.
bd7662 No.56791
Hasn't there been talk of a new energy source. Possibly from Tesla, and previous held in secrecy, and due to be implemented?
What's up with that huge power thing they are buidling in Australia/New Zealand?
10 days of darkness?
a25043 No.56792
efb2b5 No.56793
5cc27a No.56794
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, BVI — A United States probe into the Swiss banking system has revealed that a prominent bank – headed by a man whose family is famous for winemaking – has used the British Virgin Islands’ lax income reporting laws to bilk the American people out of billions in tax dollars owed to the U.S. Treasury, the Virgin Islands Free Press has learned.
c7a53d No.56795
I think Q has been T lately
ad5a91 No.56797
>Sky Kings:
>09DEC2017 0048Z
75ea6d No.56798
President Trump is only growing in power. It's remarkable.
b13f47 No.56799
Kinda difficult to argue that point, anon!
06ced7 No.56800
lol…calling the fake media out on having to back peddle so much…lol
9fed53 No.56801
e4ed6e No.56802
Here's hoping the devil gets his due.
c7a53d No.56803
In my head I read them in his voice and too many things line up perfect to not be him speaking directly to us
75ea6d No.56804
Holy fuck POTUS is dragging the MSM.
Telling everyone to sue them.
828159 No.56805
Holy shit POTUS is going off!!!
1150bf No.56806
PDF of Media Matters' donor pitch (leaked)
c29c62 No.56807
consequences getting very steep
06ced7 No.56808
hispanics want the wall too…lol…he's busting librals chops toniht!
828159 No.56809
"Hispanics didn't vote for me because they didn't want the wall. But now they do, because they want security."
d6295d No.56810
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Aide Trump, it was pictured, why is Trump wearing a Hat? A secret Agent in Disguise?
There is Hope, but we still need to be wary!!!
a17896 No.56811
What’s happening? Can’t access the rally at the momst. What did he say with that
9fed53 No.56812
"Its all psychological, thats what makes greatness"
President Trump
7eb714 No.56814
06ced7 No.56817
he on the health care thing agin.
275a51 No.56818
6c702b No.56819
I’d love to be RV’ing hillary right now.
efb2b5 No.56820
828159 No.56822
it do be like that some times, it do be.
ec3b63 No.56823
Philippine de Rothschild
Here’s a pic of a bottle of red wine from one of her wineries, Chateau Mouton Rothschild. Note the serpent; the words “cou cou” (which is French for “neck neck”) coming out of the mouth of the bodiless head in top right; the headless female figure below the serpent on the left; and the glass of red liquid (wine or blood?) right below “cou cou”:
6c702b No.56824
He just said FLYROTHFLY..
46eb25 No.56825
b4da17 No.56826
Who is the granny?
d6295d No.56827
Money, on the end of a Parachute, meaning?
They are bringing it all down, to create: One World Currency
828159 No.56828
2f46dd No.56830
Why, Baroness Phillippine Mathilde Camille yada yada Rothchild, the Satanist par excellence.
5366ec No.56832
>Oh, Paul Ryan funds Shareblue through one of McCain's shell companies. Fun fact.
That and much more:
06ced7 No.56833
b4da17 No.56834
They look like they could be related. Just wondering. Hadn’t seen her before.
040b31 No.56835
9fed53 No.56836
Calling out the Resistance movement HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
c7a53d No.56837
someone should see if Renee is in the Roths family photo that James was circled in too
6c702b No.56838
Exactly what I thought.
a53059 No.56839
calling out the "resistance" Trump is on fire
c29c62 No.56840
8da218 No.56841
2 or more Apples in meme; Sometimes you are offered bad apples that mess with your mind. Keep your freedom to think for yourself.
Or Snow White accepted a free apple and you know the rest. Be careful of what goes to your head.
7cccf4 No.56843
Scandal cost three congressmen their jobs this week. The last time something like this happened, it was over slavery.
https: //www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/12/08/scandal-cost-three-congressmen-their-jobs-this-week-the-last-time-something-like-this-happened-it-was-over-slavery/?utm_term=.c6074db21a3a
06ced7 No.56844
trump refered to the different nations as being a spider's web due to the amount of money they are making.
6c702b No.56845
God damn! I should have recorded this!
f0a0bf No.56846
This is a little off topic but Rothschild related… I saw in the other thread the discussion of the Carslyle group and Blackstone so…
IIRC the technology that the Roths got through Blackstone when the plane crashed was cloaking tech. And just the other day POTUS mentioned jets you couldn't even see and how they were amazing… now this woman who possibly has access to tech is near POTUS? Or did I miss something…
828159 No.56847
4a7a5b No.56848
efb2b5 No.56849
Crowd going crazy, "Lock her up! Lock her up!"
c7a53d No.56850
2f46dd No.56851
Search all family photos. My eyes suck and I can't find my glasses.
efb2b5 No.56852
This is a sick system from the inside
We have a lot of sickness in some of our institutions
06ced7 No.56853
he's refering to our system as being rigged now.
b4da17 No.56854
d1caec No.56855
POTUS ripping (((them))) a new one
828159 No.56856
d9437a No.56857
The president just said this is a sick system.
3ac43c No.56858
And there it is - a "sick system" - "sick from the inside"
a2a862 No.56859
Trump just purposely used those words very strongly!!
a25043 No.56860
5efd0d No.56861
2cbe27 No.56862
I'm so happy, if only us french could have someone like him….
4b3f1d No.56863
Trump talking about how sick our current system is. (live now)
75ea6d No.56864
7af06a No.56865
"We have a sickness in some of our institutions" HOLY SHIT!!!
b4da17 No.56866
So that was Q confirmation with the Monday title
000000 No.56867
3ac43c No.56868
He did indeed…over and over. I concur with a previous comment that Q sounds much like T lately.
9fed53 No.56869
Bringing up Mad Dog right after calling out the Sick System!!! OH SNAP
06ced7 No.56870
e47a5a No.56871
From the 404 page:
"Why are images missing from my board?
We lost some images during the hack. To make an image available again, you just need to post the same image anywhere on the site and it should be fixed everywhere."
4chan had a way to reference a post without knowing its thread. Is there a way to do that here? The 404 page does not suggest one.
d15f42 No.56872
the veil is very thinly covering full disclosure in this speech. Trump is preparing for future red pilling!
a2a862 No.56873
God I love our President. The media was trying spin a health issue with. Look at this mother fucker go tonight!!
I believe in Q more than ever now.
828159 No.56874
red pill, red tie.
45941a No.56875
Got to admit, not a coinkidink. And for-mentioned.
We may be a little rednecky here in FL, but we do care about our country. P-Cola has a lot of vets, too.
6c702b No.56877
7af06a No.56878
06ced7 No.56879
1000s of people under surveliance right now.
efb2b5 No.56880
surveillence: turns out i was right about that one, wasn't i?
c29c62 No.56881
040b31 No.56882
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
828159 No.56883
Getting rid of MS- 13 animals.
-> Safety.
6c702b No.56884
I hope the camera pan’s the Q sign
2f46dd No.56885
75ea6d No.56886
POTUS gets energy from military and vets.
He is fucking on fire. The crowd is hyped.
He is savaging all of his enemies tonight.
He looks younger.
We are fucking winning.
6af524 No.56888
((((They're)))) at work trying to bury themselves. Literally. IMO.
06ced7 No.56891
he said it…he withdrew us from theun plan of no borders!
828159 No.56893
4a7a5b No.56894
That's ANTI-Je—–Communist!!! WOOOOhOOOO
9fed53 No.56897
06ced7 No.56898
he's giving the un a big middle finger! love it!
4a7a5b No.56899
No more Roaschild
No more A-la-dickweed
No more Khazar jew queen
275a51 No.56900
>Borders on
<Borders on
>Borders on
<Borders on
040b31 No.56901
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
>Pensacola Rally Thread
Pensacola Rally Thread
efb2b5 No.56902
WTF, they just cut and switched the feed!
1150bf No.56904
https://www.scribd.com/document/337535680/Full-David-Brock-Confidential-Memo-On-Fighting-Trump (49 pages)
"Crew" isn't a name that we've seen discussed frequently - yet. See page 5.
Really am not sure how this is not clear-cut sedition.
Regards to the useful anon who originally leaked this and the donor pitch documents.
a53059 No.56905
cock suckers fucked the feed
dfa22e No.56906
Sorry to crowd up the board, but I want to thank all the bakers who put forth the time and effort to keep these threads alive. You may not always hear it, but know that HOARDS of us appreciate these threads, they keep us up to speed.
So, thanks gents.
Merry Christmas to all!
64dc8a No.56907
as in tap using an app…tapp.
a25043 No.56908
b4da17 No.56909
Yes yes thank you!
06ced7 No.56911
ending the theft of intellectual properties!
bd7662 No.56912
a53059 No.56913
mentioned China stealing IP, not just china, a Kia is basically stolen Ford IP.
040b31 No.56914
how can you steal IP if it doesn't exist?
a25043 No.56915
I Was sort of joking, but ya never know. Q has warned of it.
50934e No.56916
Cspan2, no talking heads
f1041d No.56918
c4302a No.56919
Feel that? Feels like honor. Feels good dudn'it?
a53059 No.56920
not total shutdown
but my facebook feed died, then youtube paused
30e9bd No.56921
b4da17 No.56922
Yeah, feels like we’re going to stop being screwed over
b9bba8 No.56923
RSBN is back up now
it was only down for about a minute
6c702b No.56924
Open our federal lands for logging! Stop these fires
2f46dd No.56925
>Feel that? Feels like honor. Feels good dudn'i
Fresh air!
9fed53 No.56926
my shit got fucky as well
0080a1 No.56927
It's gotta be a con
828159 No.56929
Trump comparing himself to Lincoln, a "regulation cutter."
Melania Trump said she wanted to be like Jackie Kennedy.
See the resemblance?
810de0 No.56930
Kia is made in SK and is arguably better quality than a Ford these days.
d15f42 No.56931
this old dude is feeling alive again!
b19a71 No.56932
45941a No.56933
None on Faux, either. Just the ticker.
64dc8a No.56934
b19a71 No.56935
a53059 No.56936
what does that matter? When they started, they stole Ford tech.
2cbe27 No.56937
Lol he likes Emmanuel Macron
50934e No.56938
a53059 No.56939
d39b66 No.56940
Trump needs to employ the Unreal Tournament announcer during his speeches
53465f No.56941
Watching on FOX:
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Following Following @realDonaldTrump
More Donald J. Trump Retweeted Fox News
Just arrived at the Pensacola Bay Center. Join me LIVE on @FoxNews in 10 minutes! #MAGA
828159 No.56942
He wants clean air and clean water.
No more chemtrails? Fluoride?
c29c62 No.56943
6af524 No.56944
Careful, Lynn will eat your cock given the chance.
275a51 No.56945
ccc9f6 No.56946
You just got filtered ass wipe.
a25043 No.56947
We have lovely Rothchilds water here in the UK.
f78661 No.56948
Hey just said KEYSTONE this rally is huge for crumbs from Q, someone needs to compile. Will there be a transcript?
06ced7 No.56949
he's refering to the wind blowing…lol
b4da17 No.56950
I was just about to say that. Haven’t seen many chemtrails since the first Q post tho.
bd7662 No.56951
'TOTALLY self sufficient by the end of the year"….?
ec3b63 No.56952
Former Mason Bill Schnoebelen, reveals the awful truth about most of the Masonic rings, tie tacks, and other symbolic items when he writes:
Let's face it, the Masonic tie tacks and rings that so many Masons wear proudly to their churches on Sunday are sexual idols…The Gods, like Baal, of all pagan nations around Israel were all sexual idols. This is precisely what God does not want in His Church, and yet all these Masons are flaunting both their idols and their (church) membership.
Schnoebelen also mentions a little pin many Masons wear on the lapel of their jacket or coat shaped like a hockey stick with two balls attached. It is named "Tubal Cain." In reality, it represents a man's phallus and testicles; yet, the pin is worn publicly and proudly by many perverted Masons.
A Bond Between Chieftains and Warriors
"Tubal Cain," the phallus pin worn by many Masons. Tubal Cain is the password of a Master Mason (3°). (From the book, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pg. 233, by Dr. Cathy Burns)
Barbara Walker, editor of The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, discusses the significance of the ring in her book. She says that, "Rings were traditional symbols of the bond between chieftains and their warriors in Anglo-Saxon England."
Among the Celts, a ring given by a woman to a man represented her sexual availability; putting the finger through the ring was a sign of sexual intercourse.4
The ring, then is a symbol of authority, of bonding, and is a sign of the covenant made between the inferior and superior members of the Illuminati group.
In ancient religions and cultures, rings were also magical in nature. According to cabalistic rabbis, King Solomon used a magic ring with a hexagram symbol on it to enslave the demon Asmodeus into helping him build his famous Temple.
Some members of the Illuminati in France in the late 18th century, about 1780, founded a new secret order, the Academy of Sublime Masters of the Luminous Ring. The tenets of the group were Pythagorean, and the fields of geometry and science were emphasized.5
In today's Illuminati, the philosophy underlying the use of rings, neckties, etc. continues from such traditions. The ring is configured as a circle, implying the supposed eternal reign of their God, Lucifer. He shall, they declare, wear a crown of gold. Thus, the metal of gold is favored.
a53059 No.56953
AJ said that Trump killed the chemtrail program,cut the funding right off
2f46dd No.56954
Do you have a link to that?
06ced7 No.56955
calling out the dems to stop threating shutdowns
19dcc5 No.56956
Nope still here but ty.
b4da17 No.56957
We can’t play games…
…This is not a game
45941a No.56958
Potter was still taking video of them last week so I don't think it's completely kaput.
b19a71 No.56959
dude holy fuck i heard it.
750dd0 No.56960
Still spraying the crap out of us.
f1041d No.56961
Google always messing with the RSBN feed. Too consistent to be coincidence
13323e No.56962
I've been seeing chemtrails but today there was not one. I'm hoping that continues. That's when I will know that (((we))) won
b4da17 No.56963
Bummer. Haven’t noticed it where I’m at. Clear skies.
a53059 No.56964
no I do not
He said it on air around March? Said "notice the skies" no more chem trails because (somebody) cut off the funding
040b31 No.56965
"He didn't know it was a gun!"
2f46dd No.56966
I have noticed it where we are. And we used to have a ton
f1041d No.56967
Yeah, so good that I see them on all the rental car lots. Try seeing the "quslity" of a KIA after it has a bunch of rental miles on it.
06ced7 No.56968
he's putting sanctuary cities on notice
ef2d45 No.56969
"We can't play games." –DJT45
b9bba8 No.56970
Did Trump just insinuate that he will rule the USA until he dies?
>"By the time I decide to go into the blue yonder, you will be left with the strongest military ever."
or something along those lines
d1caec No.56971
im on to it
when it ends there will be a transcript
>will post link
ef2d45 No.56972
natty gas exports huge
reduced oil imports (use tar sands instead)
has been on track
it's great news
b4da17 No.56973
c29c62 No.56974
f1041d No.56975
DJT knows things we dont. He is VERY confident. A great sign!
06ced7 No.56976
yep, he's calling out sanctuary cities big time
1a4c19 No.56977
Did he really say that? I didnt catch it.
702024 No.56978
I caught that, too.
bd7662 No.56979
He meant "by the time I leave this position, you will have the strongest military in the world"
64dc8a No.56981
Yes! Wild blue yonder!
No way!
f1041d No.56983
Notice DJT's twatter just posted…while he is speaking.
Q team?
bd7662 No.56984
YES HE DID say it.
dfa22e No.56985
Good. Our state is being ruined by loads of illegals demanding special access and using our services. You have no idea how many legal Hispanics support Trump; they can't stand these "line cutters" who don't contribute.
2cbe27 No.56986
He definitely said it
0080a1 No.56987
We could make t-shirts for the next rally?
b4da17 No.56988
But he’s big on term limits
509021 No.56989
1a4c19 No.56990
Sounds like something far beyond oil
c29c62 No.56991
How about the pedophile Ari Emanuel oops wrong city
f1041d No.56992
MSM is going to go apeshit that they cant control the message when king POTUS speaks.
828159 No.56993
yes. he also posted foxnews live link, as opposed to any other.
guess that's the only news source we should be looking at for the next couple of weeks.
d32754 No.56994
scanning audience for the "Q" sign.
53465f No.56995
d9437a No.56996
No they're still doing it. Maybe not as much. I remember a guest suggesting that, not AJ.
6af524 No.56997
Donald? kek! <3<3<3 still love you fr Canada :)
b4da17 No.56998
Yeah, that could work. I might suggest having Q and nothing else. Or Q on the front and a ? on the back.
ef2d45 No.56999
One can only hope.
Would amend over this guy 10/10
manaforbama btfo
e47a5a No.57000
The feed got cut temporarily. I hope that's restored at some point.
64dc8a No.57001
Don Jr
4a7a5b No.57002
…"preying on our children"
"going to send them back or in JAIL"
6c702b No.57003
Can some tech fag take a cut of this speech where DJT said
“It’s not me it is us! Us! Us!”
Then cut in a clip of BHO saying
“You got a business? You didn’t build that! Someone else built that”
e4ed6e No.57004
They want to compete, I suppose
b9bba8 No.57005
I believe that was posted shortly before he went on stage.
06ced7 No.57006
275a51 No.57007
Should we red pill the live chat? Lol
2f46dd No.57008
They think and talk too fast.
b19a71 No.57009
f1041d No.57010
Redpill everywhere! Memes everywhere too.
LDR silent on twatter? Is she running?
06ced7 No.57011
ending cnain immigration!
06ced7 No.57012
6c702b No.57013
c29c62 No.57014
e4ed6e No.57015
Shareblue is there, might as well fight back
ef2d45 No.57016
earlier post indicated they were on the floor and there was a Q sign in nw corner of stadium seats
0080a1 No.57017
I doubt they would they be so obvious. Their style is more invisible hand.
a53059 No.57018
it was AJ who said it
then the other day AJ was saying that not every contrail is a chemtrail, implying that it is OVER
a25043 No.57019
Lynn De Rothchild hasn't posted in 23+ hours, around the same time this Plane crash killing 5 people happened.
b19a71 No.57020
f56c7f No.57021
someone is supposed to be holding it up in the corner of the room
d32754 No.57022
yes, in the audience. poster at top is there and said s/he saw it and yelled "Q" to the sign holder.
e4ed6e No.57023
06ced7 No.57024
hementioned that year book!
45941a No.57025
HAHAHA, no wonder they look a little more red of the neck than me, they are all from Bama. Ah well. Still good people.
ad5a91 No.57026
Dude don't be a retard. Kia licensed (i.e. paid for) anything they built that was not their design. They've done that with Mazda/Ford, Fiat, Mitsubishi. It's not like China where companies steal plans from VW/GM/etc.
You're also a retard because Kia uses DCTs in more models than Ford and theirs are equally shitty.
Yeah they're semi-disposable cars. I'd probably take a Kia or Hyundai over anything Fiat/Chrysler, but it's not really made to last much over 100k
f1041d No.57027
Dont think so. More like running or worried tracked by twatter.
Anyone find her schedule?
c0481e No.57028
Rahm and Al-Waleed
Obama Jarrett
Headquarters of the resistance
efb2b5 No.57029
POTUS BTFO Gloria Allred, kekeK!
06ced7 No.57031
5efd0d No.57032
ef2d45 No.57034
seems outside dc that chicago is the hq (maybe dc under chicago control even)
3ac43c No.57035
He is on fire tonight!
e4ed6e No.57036
Correct, rally sombrero
cd4548 No.57037
30e9bd No.57038
e4ed6e No.57039
a53059 No.57040
All I know is that the COO of Ford back in 2005 told me that a Kia is stolen ford technology, maybe not now, but when they started, it was all stolen Ford tech. That is my point, do you think the SK's just reversed engineered everything on their own? Or did they just steal plans?
4a7a5b No.57041
ef2d45 No.57042
he's going ham
he's having a great time
he's singing
this is the best
you can't beat this
i love this guy
b19a71 No.57043
c0481e No.57045
Trumps taking away DC as a safe harbor. Chicago is next
Then San Francisco
309fae No.57046
My prayers about Trump were answered!
963200 No.57049
GMO free food and fluoride free water!
b3f27a No.57050
Holy shit he said Jones is Pelosi and schumers PUPPET
75ea6d No.57051
POTUS loves our veterans.
POTUS is roaring like a lion.
POTUS is laying down the law.
f93ebc No.57052
Nancy got a wet hand, btw?
b19a71 No.57055
POTUS. Is. On. Fucking. FIRE.
b4da17 No.57056
Reeeeedddd Liiinnnnneeee!
cf044c No.57057
275a51 No.57058
Just saw follow “Q” in the live chat of the stream lol good work lads
4a7a5b No.57059
06ced7 No.57060
59 perfect hits from 700 miles away
f56c7f No.57062
d32754 No.57063
e4ed6e No.57064
Looks like they're going for it
75ea6d No.57065
Yeah, top form. The cabal must be terrified.
45941a No.57066
Speaking of "Red Line" , go look up the article on prince Salman financing Syria. Kept trying to link it earlier today. It matters.
2f46dd No.57067
I saw a couple…goes by so fast.
a17896 No.57069
275a51 No.57070
In the live chat on the RSBN rally stream
b3f27a No.57071
Spinning like a top? Definitely out of place…. must've been a message
c29c62 No.57072
f56c7f No.57073
75ea6d No.57074
c29c62 No.57075
0080a1 No.57076
The bastard. Literally rape.
06da64 No.57077
The plan crashed 8:30pm I imagine they mean Virgin Islands time. Would be 12:30pm West Coast time. Q said –END– at 21:29, so 11:30 west coast time? Would that be about right?
64dc8a No.57078
Loaded up planes with cash!!!!!
efb2b5 No.57079
$1.8B probably for hostages.
What does he know?!
6c702b No.57080
Holy fuck. Plane loads of cash…can you believe the president can do that. -DJT
4b3f1d No.57081
Wow. Trump ain't pullin' no punches.
Planes fulla cash.
4a7a5b No.57082
b19a71 No.57084
c29c62 No.57085
d32754 No.57086
watching FOX live. Will keep looking for it.
2f46dd No.57088
Evil all looks the same.
3de75b No.57089
The Q team must have hit a milestone.
a25043 No.57090
I would say it's possible, Q has confirmed basically something happened and it was a success. 5 roths dead is a nice number.
64dc8a No.57091
50f473 No.57092
Hey Q….word on the street is that they've been hiding cancer cures and POTUS is going to release them….pretty sure I'm about to be diagnosed, so I'd love to be yalls test dummy if ya want…
49fad0 No.57093
I do not know coding.
I do know when something does not save cleanly into a notepad document.
I copy/pasted some text from:
https://8ch.net/cbts/res/54220.html, #61
12/08/17 (Fri) 10:55:32 68fba7 No.54618
and there was a pernicious apostraphe in the – 1930's – which was not a clean save
just saying
e4ed6e No.57094
57bdb6 No.57095
dude eat hash … 1 gram a day for a month
c0481e No.57096
File: ad13e166f6d16f6⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 517.26 KB, 1500x2397, 500:799, E444FEE7-F80F-481A-8539-0….jpeg)

b4da17 No.57098
I bet there’s about to be a lot of curing going on…
280479 No.57099
Q we want to help our man DJT but we need your help. Do we need to protect him against Mueller?
06ced7 No.57100
watching fox now, it's not scrolling on the bottom of the screen.
so fuck off!
f56c7f No.57101
c29c62 No.57102
you stole my plans for my time machine that only goes into the future!
0080a1 No.57103
>a prominent bank – headed by a man whose family is famous for winemaking
b19a71 No.57104
I'd say so. LdR last tween almost 24 hrs ago.
75ea6d No.57105
POTUS will be remembered for centuries. He has saved the world, anons. You helped him. God bless. Let's help him finish the job.
762306 No.57106
Except for Fox (sometimes), there is not ONE SINGLE THING about Trump that the media can be trusted to report accurately.
Start with the premise that anything the media says about Trump is propaganda and a lie, and you'll be right about 99% of the time.
3de75b No.57107
There are none. We were told :)
e4ed6e No.57108
This guy's going for it
d32754 No.57109
Go next door to FOX Business News. That's where I am, sorry.
06ced7 No.57110
we keeping our guns as well!
doing away with the johnson amendment!
0080a1 No.57111
All it proves is that Q might be part of the social media team
>Meganon said as much
4a7a5b No.57112
Retarded Zionist Communist
35107e No.57113
Johnson ammendment
2f46dd No.57114
God Bless him…bombs away..
e4ed6e No.57115
simmer down
you're not arguing with me
64dc8a No.57116
75ea6d No.57117
309fae No.57118
They are desperate
b4da17 No.57119
bd7662 No.57120
Don't hold back, POTUS, tell them how you really feel!
43d652 No.57121
ad5a91 No.57122
That COO was a retard. Look at wikipedia to verify.
Broad timeline showing COO is a retard:
1974 - Kia starts building Vehicles under license from mazda. Mazda Enters Partnership with ford at the same time.
1986: Ford Launches the Aspire/Festiva (Not to be confused with the Fiesta), Which is a Mazda made by MANY automakers under license, including Kia.
1990s: 2nd Generation Aspire/Festiva is made ONLY by Kia, FOR ford.
Late 90s/Early 2000s: Kia (with hyundai) starts evolving designs, instead of using licensed Mazdas, creates their own designs using Licensed Mitsubishi Engines
Mid 2000s: Kia/Hyundai's next generation engine is developed with Mitsubishi and Chrysler.
Ford execs (especially old-timers) tend to be salty as fuck about both Kia and the Dodge Caravan. Both were things that they had in their lap but were too incompetent to make it work for them.
06ced7 No.57123
something like that would be on both stations.
3de75b No.57124
This speech should be in history, along with Gettysburg.
bd7662 No.57125
Hitting all the KEY points, isn't he?
790e0c No.57126
Did I just miss the Donna Brazile spam? There’s nothing in this thread or the last.
6c702b No.57127
We are witnessing the turn because this is far more than a simple rally speech
d62966 No.57128
Just gonna leave this here
c0481e No.57129
Lifeless like a mask.
d32754 No.57130
Johnson Amendment posted here exactly, wait for it, 2 seconds after President Trump. Is "our guy" in the audience posting??
06ced7 No.57131
stand for the anthem!
he is burning it up tonight!
55d4e6 No.57132
Damn Lynn's a pretty consistent tweeter too, hopefully she's being flipped right now or dead with the rest of the fam 😈
2f46dd No.57133
a53059 No.57134
I'll take your word for it
the COO was bill lambreth?
4e8b16 No.57135
Military as a force for global justice.
b9bba8 No.57136
Trump is bringing the world back from the apostasy.
I myself was brought back to God because of Donald Trump.
64dc8a No.57137
762306 No.57138
Do you know how many women I've tried to kiss?
It's what guys do, ffs.
WTF is this 7th grade bullshit?
3de75b No.57139
Amazing, isin't it.
654284 No.57140
75ea6d No.57141
06ced7 No.57142
this has got to be the prelude tothe storm!
d0c169 No.57143
So since mods are deleting discussion threads as they see fit, can someone tell me if they are really archived? Where do I find the archive?
a25043 No.57144
The problem is, this news https://antiguanewsroom.com/regional/st-croix-five-dead-in-plane-crash-at-airport/
suggests it was “Kylo & Stylee Band”, so unless Rothschilds were “Kylo & Stylee Band” groupies…this might not be their plane crash
4e8b16 No.57145
Indeed. Does Q help the speechwriter(s)?
309fae No.57146
64dc8a No.57147
He's calling them ALL out!! Yeah! MAGA!
c29c62 No.57148
2f46dd No.57149
A Prelude to the greatest symphony we will every hear.
828159 No.57150
Q please confirm.
++ dead?
75ea6d No.57151
>very very bad and evil people. they know who they are.
>we're stopping them. you're seeing that right now.
280479 No.57152
06ced7 No.57153
he's stopping them, the ones in d.c.
a53059 No.57154
309fae No.57155
a25043 No.57156
YES PLEASE Q, or at least some more ++ information. We want Capt Mike Greens death not in vain!
64dc8a No.57157
e4ed6e No.57158
It's what girls do too
It's a nothing burger, but it's evidence the cabal is still swinging
654284 No.57159
762306 No.57160
There are no coincidences.
2f46dd No.57161
I feel it! Energy everywhere. God.
000000 No.57163
4e8b16 No.57164
No Such Agency:
>Yesterday, I was thrilled to be with so many WONDERFUL friends, in Utah’s MAGNIFICENT Capitol.
>It was my honor to sign two Presidential Proclamations that will modify the national monuments designations of both Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante…
>9:46 AM - 5 Dec 2017
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/17 (Tue) 16:27:56 7cfe10 No.38701
>WONDERFUL friends.
45941a No.57165
Go look up the training program, Can I kiss you? I sat through a couple hours of it for the military. they contract these guys. Anything you do is bad unless you discuss it first. There's more.
I basically just kept thinking of LiLu on the Firth Element: Never without her permission.
dfa22e No.57166
Collective consciousness is a real phenomena. I love it; the power of positive energy we give this man and his mission shines through. We are literally making the course of history as we desire it.
06ced7 No.57167
I think this is the preface to phase 2.
b19a71 No.57168
20a905 No.57169
Anons. Help me out. Wasn't there a Q post yesterday with the word Monday in it as a ref to Rothchilds? Wtf?
828159 No.57170
Q last post.
"These people are sick."
b4da17 No.57171
Yup early on. Ties to the pelosi YouTube video saying these are sick people.
309fae No.57172
bd7662 No.57173
790e0c No.57174
>Q might be part of the social media team
And as such would know absolutely nothing about future policy, as he has been so ready to make wild claims…
99dc64 No.57175
Someone make a GIF please, think I saw it too.
b19a71 No.57176
Am unfortunately watching on smartTV. wifey caught it. I had just glanced away.
43d652 No.57177
Seriously this is great. How long did it take you to make this? I'm laughing my ass off.
7af06a No.57178
4e8b16 No.57179
More energy, no slurring.
d52c5d No.57180
omg…. you anons rock…. how do you find this stuff so fast? Kudos….
f56c7f No.57181
c4302a No.57182
The brevity in his presentation is noticeably authentic. Comparatively i mean. He's comfortable in this moment.
75ea6d No.57183
he gestured his hand in a circle repeatedly as he said it, yes.
3de75b No.57184
275a51 No.57185
Just saw in the chat
>Follow Q. He drops the crumbs that will make your loaf.
5efd0d No.57186
Agreed. He's burning down the joint. It's electric.
06da64 No.57187
No my military time skills are lousy. 21:29pm Q was communicating with L. That is 9:30pm West Coast time, the crash was at 5:30pm West Coast time. So, it's not likely connected to L.
c29c62 No.57188
oh but he drew a crowd he's literally Hitler ain't he
35107e No.57189
is he doing this speech without notes or prompters. Sure looks that way to me. Impressive.
7af06a No.57190
06ced7 No.57191
75ea6d No.57192
checkd, anon.
I just stole it anon. Too good not to share. Save it for special moments. POTUS tonight is VERY SPECIAL
d52c5d No.57193
d1caec No.57194
The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code, named for then -Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, who introduced it in a preliminary draft of the law in July 1954.
"Paragraph (3) of subsection (c) within section 501 of Title 26 (Internal Revenue Code) of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.) describes organizations which may be exempt from U.S. Federal income tax. 501(c)(3) is written as follows:
(3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
"The benefit of 501(c)(3) status is that, in addition to the organization itself being exempt from taxes, donors may also take a tax deduction for their contributions to the organization."
efb2b5 No.57195
Top KEK, the Russians advised Hillary not to go to Wisconsin, KEKEKEKEKEKEK
35107e No.57197
a17896 No.57198
HAHAHA ! That was awesome!!
4e8b16 No.57199
The "Q" photo on AF1 indicates a team effort, and Miller is in that photo.
9dd0a2 No.57200
f56c7f No.57201
Bunch of dummies priceless
15ca1f No.57202
>Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec >>629
Was this post deleted?
d62966 No.57203
Antiquity is another is another example. Anti (Before) Quity (water or flood). True antiquity was the golden age of Aquarius.
* Note of the word Quarantine: the ancient secret of purifying dirty water was to let it sit in the sun for ten hours. The silt would settle to the bottom and most of the bacteria would die thus making the water safe to drink.
** Q always goes next to a U because U is an urn. Can't carry water without a container to put it in. I will cover this more under the letter U.
They found the Holy Grail, it's a woman….stay tuned…we already lived through tribulation, millions have already died…59 million aborted fetuses a year….plus starvation, manufactured disease, senseless murder and wars, natural disasters…the storm is ending…you made the cut…rejoice!
d15f42 No.57204
trump is doing bubba impersonations….kek kek
3de75b No.57205
d52c5d No.57206
please explain the term "sauce"
55d4e6 No.57207
Holy shit draining the swamp!
b4da17 No.57208
Drain the swamp….Yeah we are!
fef182 No.57209
Plenty wrong with Chicago. There isn't a more corrupt, bankrupt or murderous city in America.
Been having a pretty strange feeling about Chicago for awhile now. It seems like an obvious selection for something major to transpire given the economic and political paradigm. The people involved couldn't possibly be more sketchy and the entire state of Illinois is broke.
828159 No.57210
4a7a5b No.57211
President DJT is dropping so many seeds into the minds of Americans it's a good time to water their minds with memes
06ced7 No.57212
he's laying out every thing that has been going on.
he's going to pull the trigger, and soon!
b9bba8 No.57213
d62966 No.57214
Green is the color of Satan according to (((them))) he was a blood sacrifice. Very sad.
4e8b16 No.57216
Usual style, at rallies: prepared speech on the 'prompter, occasional ad libs.
c29c62 No.57217
I didn't vote
I was that disgusted with everything
But when I got this call here I responded.
He's got my vote for 2020
Shit I can't believe I'll vote again
000000 No.57218
Last Q post - he used 'Monday Q' as his name instead of usual Q
b19a71 No.57219
lurkmoar. sauce = "source please?"
4d5df7 No.57220
Trump might have trolled the cabal
He talked about 59 missiles, and after that 33 billion in trade Trump took back.
59 = Numerical value of the Hebrew word Boaz according to Abellio, one of the two pillars of the Temple of Solomon, the other being Jachin
59 + 33 = 92
92 = the numerical value of the Hebrew word Jachin according to Abellio, one of the two columns of the Temple of Solomon, the other being Boaz
234151 No.57221
So true, so true…MEME TIME!
06ced7 No.57222
he is so redpilling tonight!
654284 No.57224
AMERICA has been waiting for these words for a long time.
b4da17 No.57225
Same here. I gave up hope it’d ever be brought to light.
3de75b No.57226
06da64 No.57227
It's unlikely. Q was talking to alleged L 4 hours after this accident occurred. Accident 4:30pm West Coast time, Q says –END– at 11:29 WCT.
20a905 No.57228
Anon, you also remember 'Monday' in one of Q's posts? Are we trippin?
a17896 No.57230
bb4f1d No.57231
Pretty sure Mega also said that the ones behind Q had been found and dealt with, and yet Q's been posting over here reliably for a while, and with stuff just as real seeming as ever.
654284 No.57232
Same here I've only voted once and im past my 30's.. first and last person I voted for was Ross Perot.
ec3b63 No.57233
Someone pointed this out earlier
Alefantis & Philippine DeRothschild
def related
2f46dd No.57234
Brilliant. Incestuous swamp rats.
fc3967 No.57235
He is, but most people who dislike him aren't watching it live. They will likely only see MSM edited fuckery.
b19a71 No.57236
4e8b16 No.57237
Yes! I suspect he will be doing this repeatedly in coming months.
Memes on social media, same themes in speeches, various web posts.
All reinforcing each other.
9dd0a2 No.57238
"Proud deplorables"
Brings a tear to my eye. :)
2f46dd No.57239
Brilliant. Incestuous swamp rats.>>57233
Don't forget fake person.
64dc8a No.57240
So right, so right!
bd7662 No.57241
substantiating source of information
654284 No.57242
b4da17 No.57243
That was today. It was in the title of Qs Name. Q posted a YouTube video of pelosi and he said these are sick people.
f56c7f No.57244
2e9f7d No.57245
35107e No.57246
It was mirrored (flipped), not an accident
efb2b5 No.57247
Easter egg at 9:46.
3de75b No.57248
This is going to be one of those times in your life you will always remember where you were.
b4da17 No.57249
I saw people talking about that but I was busy so didn’t get a chance to check into it.
c29c62 No.57250
yeah they do want to grow things I don't want to think about, but I'm here aren't I
20a905 No.57251
Oh yea, thx. I was seriously trippin out for a sec.
1e1c62 No.57253
My theory.
I'm thinking it's bait for media which would lead tu1. And on side note, notice he gave a congratulatory kiss on the cheek to DHS head earlier, prolly bait too. prolly already knows about ex-Fox employee allegation.
Also, has anyone connected a possible snowwhite=snowden angle. so much info here not sure if i missed it.
THANK YOU Q! and ANONS.. much love (No Homo)
b19a71 No.57254
me right now listening to PDJT speak
c29c62 No.57255
I'm going to be building those bridges. No joke.
Iron and steel? That's me
75ea6d No.57256
POTUS is painting the picture of the new world
>forged from fire and spark from our country
3de75b No.57257
dfa22e No.57259
Tranny? Not unlike "Michelle" Obama? Not shilling, I genuinely wonder if they're enlisting transexuals as a means of some kind of twisted CIA operation. This is the world we live in, that it no longer seems like a far-fetched idea.
06ced7 No.57261
watching it from my recliner, and conversing with the anons that are helping to achive it.
75ea6d No.57262
f78661 No.57263
>He is, but most people who dislike him aren't watching it live. They will likely only see MSM edited fuckery.
Yeah and you can see it now MSM will spin this as a Nazi style rally comparing him to hitler. They will pick out as many rednecks as possible from the crowd and cherry pick some choice quotes. That's the next step for them and we have to be ready to fight it.
cef157 No.57264
f56c7f No.57266
75ea6d No.57267
second time this week POTUS told us he feels young.
35107e No.57268
What was it? I got sick and had to puke at 0:56
c29c62 No.57269
d52c5d No.57270
Interesting… I googled images with "Renee J James family" and Reese Witherspoon, David Rothschild, and Martin Sheen showed up…. there were other faces I kinda recognize, but i have never been a people magazine type.
e4ed6e No.57271
b4da17 No.57272
Haha he said do you feel young? I feel young
We were talking about that yesterday after he slurred his speech. That maybe he needs more sleep and someone referenced him saying he feels 35 lol
4e8b16 No.57273
Dude, you are a meme magician!
The power of KEK must be strong with you.
bd7662 No.57274
speak up, be heard, fight, fight fight.
06ced7 No.57275
762306 No.57276
58ec75 No.57277
Here's what was showing when he mentioned Arnold. (lower right corner)
75ea6d No.57278
>no goal beyond our reach
3ac43c No.57279
That was a direct message if I ever heard one
20a905 No.57280
Thank you anon. All cleared up.
efb2b5 No.57281
Our revolution didn't end on Nov 8
That was just the beginning
55d4e6 No.57282
The greatest adventure still lies ahead
35107e No.57283
That is awesome. I downloaded it and looked at it for quite a while. top kek
2e9f7d No.57284
If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I’d worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there's pride in every American heart,
and its time we stand and say.
That I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
3de75b No.57285
Same here, with a homebrew in my hand. I think I will save the bottle.
cef157 No.57286
Next bread: calm before the Soros
2f46dd No.57287
a53059 No.57289
b4da17 No.57290
Or…Soros, you’re next
c29c62 No.57291
b19a71 No.57292
>listening to this
>so comfy
06ced7 No.57293
just fucking awesome speech tonight!
654284 No.57294
03700b No.57295
I keep coming back to Rothschild crest. Black Eagle. The rabbit hole I’m falling in is gold, gold, gold. Nazi gold train. Yamashita gold. Confederate gold.
Then I think of black eagle trust fund. Conspiracy central. Begs the question. Where did the gold go 9/11? Was it even there in the first place?
35107e No.57296
75ea6d No.57297
POTUS just changed the world
bd7662 No.57298
And he closes with "You don't always get what you want!"
d6295d No.57299
@ Master Archivist - Seems there is a problem with this link: https://8ch.net/cbts/res/21668.html
This link comes from the PasteBin Archive page:
c29c62 No.57300
I can see the headlines
06ced7 No.57301
they making it look like it's snowing when he finished
280479 No.57302
Got to love that man! I am so glad we are here together for the cause!
9dd0a2 No.57303
You get what you need
35107e No.57305
ac0515 No.57306
She is probably upset because he married Melania.
d52c5d No.57307
a25043 No.57308
That's if the ++ (roths) have been taken care of.
Q has basically said they have been dealt with.
275a51 No.57309
What song was that before they cut it?
762306 No.57310
Trump just grows stronger and more confident as the swamp drains.
This speech was easily his most relaxed and confident.
He knows the swamp creatures are running for their lives, and he's reveling in it.
b4da17 No.57311
True…it did seem like Roth would be before Soros
75ea6d No.57312
Same song he's been playing since campaigning. You Can't Always Get What You Want
05cd1d No.57313
Whats the significance of that upside down page???????
7af06a No.57314
You hear that Globalists?! "You can't always get what you want!"
e4ed6e No.57315
Still love it when he goes after HRC
a17896 No.57316
e47a5a No.57319
Great speech! I love this president! And what's more, I think he actually loves us, the people of this country, even if he can't know all of us individually.
bd7662 No.57321
b13f47 No.57322
35107e No.57323
And then a 15 minute eye flush, so I missed it all.
4e8b16 No.57324
Not (World) Government
03700b No.57325
ac0515 No.57326
b19a71 No.57327
>be me
>culturally inept
Rolling Stones - You can't always get what you want <3
45941a No.57328
It is snowing in PCOLA?! LOL. That is awesome. They came out in the shit weather to see him.
c29c62 No.57329
BOOK OF Q, 11/14
>Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
>Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.
f56c7f No.57330
I like this one,good job.
828159 No.57331
when did Q say they've been dealt with?
ef2d45 No.57332
It's happening
confirmed 10000000x
we need memes
05cd1d No.57333
you do realize that you can go to the video and skip to 9:46????
Have you used the internet before?
828159 No.57334
that's frozen cabal tears.
06ced7 No.57336
bummer or killary would never be able to achieve that
e4ed6e No.57337
f33fab No.57338
Meanwhile on /pol/ 152525168#p152541494
Assange is pointing things out
could this really be Q commenting?
timezone +11
3de75b No.57339
Really? It wasn't schilly at all in here.
35107e No.57340
I do. She scary looks. Guess I will have to. I do have another flush ready.
bd7662 No.57341
828159 No.57342
hm true. but L was still posting on here long after.
e4ed6e No.57345
709e95 No.57346
Check out David De rotschilds Twitter got some red cross going on.
Ps it better be disclosed and public if these folks are going down. Even if it's something like Rico… but if they all just "dissapear" part of me will always think this is a giant larp.
f1041d No.57347
828159 No.57348
leave uncle sam alone!
a25043 No.57349
Q predicts things before they happen, I don't think he has ever said something as it happened, only future.
4659a1 No.57350
Thanks for posting these links. I just caught the last 15 minutes or so of POTUS. What a great President America now has. The on ething that struck me about POTUS speaking was how genuine he was compared to the fake pricks we have had for the last 30-50+ years. He really does put the American people first.
I don't think that those who still think of him in a negative light know what they are missing. They will regret it after he has gone.
I have supported him from the getgo and have watched with dismay and sadness how my friends ostracize him and talk down about him.
Anyway, very glad to be of service to him on this board.
b9bba8 No.57351
e4ed6e No.57352
The actor René Auberjonois
828159 No.57353
Ah right…future is past.
75ea6d No.57354
sorry anon. black pill. don't know why, but there it is.
4d5df7 No.57355
We need the transcript of the speech anons, to analyse used words and numbers.
I heared FLY also. ..something like ..they FLY the best.
e47a5a No.57356
I backed up the feed so I could hear it from the beginning. You can actually do that.
828159 No.57357
a confirmation would still be cool though. like an actual explanation of what happened to L&E&fam.
b4da17 No.57360
He was talking about the blue angels in the begging of the speech
d52c5d No.57361
not if she was in the plane that crashed….
64e981 No.57362
64dc8a No.57363
Makes me cry every time!
God Bless the USA!
616fb9 No.57364
Feels so good to know we finally have a president that is dedicated to the American people! He is a good one! GOD Bless trump and his team! Best speech I have heard in a long long time! The references to what WE know is happening was awesome!!!!
1e1c62 No.57365
Yes, dont want to derail but after watching movie, I noticed he was called
snowwhite by his friend many times.
He stole files to bring up illegal surveillance and in the movies he mentions that there is much more in there.
(it was the scene were he gives the guardian reporter the memory card)
And maybe somehow that he may be Q.
Trump said years ago that Snowden was a bad guy.
But maybe Snowden help Red Pill Trump.
Didn't Q say, not all is as it seems.
a25043 No.57366
Fully agree, but "FLYROTHSFLY "Sweet Dreams" & "For Green" —-End— is pretty telling as of what he means.
7b4e04 No.57367
If you have been following Q you can see that Trump is dropping codes and hints everywhere!! THANK GOD for POTUS!!! He is ripping the evil of the government apart!!
d52c5d No.57368
I actually notice this also, but I have seen 2…. and I live in remote BFE
5efd0d No.57370
Alefantis? Is that you? Sure as shit looks like him. Are we sure this is legit?
64dc8a No.57371
Never stop dreaming!
It's gonna be so great!
275a51 No.57373
No there was a split second of a different song right at the end. Sounded like a choir or something. Then it cut to Stones.
e47a5a No.57374
I hope someday he can come home, even if we have to give him a slap on the wrist.
35107e No.57375
Okay saw it. Anyone get anything out of that?
ac0515 No.57376
Fake. Wrong tripcode
4a7a5b No.57377
We must thank the Military IC and the NSA chiefs (except the temple of set guy) for approaching DJT, without their key the stone would have no power.
Must thank the Marines and Army that are carrying out operations in God's name and putting their lives at risk
4e8b16 No.57378
>Planes fulla cash.
"Supposedly" for hostages.
72d56a No.57379
828159 No.57380
you're right. thanks for the assurance anon.
e4ed6e No.57381
Her last tweet
Looks like she tweets ~3-6 X a day.
IMO, she would have been tweeting during Trump's speech.
d32754 No.57382
Solo at beginning of song.
5efd0d No.57384
e47a5a No.57385
Yes, thank you to all who worked on the plan. And thank you to Pres. Trump for accepting his role in it.
a25043 No.57386
Q's-I mean President Trumps speech tonight was awesome tonight :3
c7a53d No.57387
Yes we already know that. We are looking for Renee James now
You can barely see someone that kind of looks like her right behind the guy on Jacobs right
17358f No.57388
That was the best Presidential speech I have ever witnessed.
That ending… I need a transcript stat!
d6295d No.57389
Thanks for posting the link:
Great Link, this is promising and I hope, truly hope, that this is really the world's turning point!
75ea6d No.57390
a25043 No.57392
She never misses a chance to do so, that makes things a lot more interesting.
d39b66 No.57393
I've been watching her twitter for a while, she's been uncharacteristically quiet now. David on the other hand is going apeshit.
efb2b5 No.57394
It's not upside down. THE ENTIRE VIDEO CLIP is horizontally flipped. With an Easter Egg inserted at 9:46. And POSTED NEARLY TWO MONTHS AGO.
Pelosi was FLIPPED. In October.
So what does that tell you about the sealed indictments??? Things have been in motion for many months now, slowly falling into place.
d52c5d No.57395
It's the new Detroit… Nightly, they break records in crime death…
b4da17 No.57396
9fed53 No.57397
So proud of Q Team for tonight's rally. Great job!!!
64cf13 No.57398
Pro Trump Gorfian Channel Live Music & Chat Stream every Friday starting at 7:30. Making Fridays Great Again: https://www.twitch.tv/channelgorf
Come join us in between posts!
35107e No.57399
a25043 No.57401
We need more people stalking all the roths twitters for a bit, keep some eyes on stuffs.
b9bba8 No.57402
Do we know if Tony Podesta has flipped?
b4da17 No.57404
What’s Meghan Markle’s connection? Kind of looks like her in the black coat on the left.
e4ed6e No.57405
Ok, this IS a development
46eb25 No.57406
Fewer than 100 posts remain in this bread.
Prepare to receive new bread soon…
b4da17 No.57407
Hostages as in children?
e2bd1f No.57408
"Sweet Dreams" is a song recorded by Patsy Cline, a country singer in the early 60's. Patsy Cline was killed in a *plane crash* in 1963.
f33fab No.57410
It is probably not Q but he did say tripcode compromised.
Date is today GMT +11
1e1c62 No.57411
I think he is going to rot. so prolly a big NO for him too! i would hope.
30e9bd No.57412
a25043 No.57413
That's some good autism work right there, possibly on the right track.
828159 No.57414
God bless America.
Loyalty and thanks to the great military and intelligence forces working with and on behalf of DJT.
4e8b16 No.57415
He's making the point that the $$$ was for something other than the hostages.
Like HEU, or HRC's debts.
As Q indicated, and these threads have been researching/discussing.
5efd0d No.57416
Fake. Q is not in Greenwich Mean. Q is EST. Wrong date.
040b31 No.57417
seriously. the web just gets bigger and bigger
f1041d No.57418
Yes, no mention during POTUS speech.
Did we trigger her last night? Maybe Q got to her by calling her out lurking on the this board. Nothing rich, spoiled globalists like about not being in control.
75ea6d No.57419
Thor's hammer has dropped.
The pedo hammer.
POTUS has dropped the pedo hammer.
All will now crumble.
d32754 No.57420
lol, nice pair with my CNN banana posted earlier above.
d52c5d No.57421
manaforbama btfo
I have no idea what you intend to say with this…
a25043 No.57422
She NEVER has been quiet during stuff like this before.
20a905 No.57423
>snowden is a clown. sent to expose [n][s][a] for what congress authorized them to do, in order to have them weakened. why? cause lower-level [n][s][a] analysts were starting to catch on to the depravity the clowns were responsible for worldwide.
280479 No.57424
If you get a chance go watch this mans video. He has sources and man he is spot on with us an even more. Make sure you watch it all.
35107e No.57425
A nice shout out to Mad Dog
75ea6d No.57426
you're not wrong, anon
b4da17 No.57427
Yeah and Bill Clinton has been MIA and no posts since dec 1st
828159 No.57428
Is the baker here?
B R E A D?
e4ed6e No.57429
I wonder if Q (et al.) faked her out of the skies – a perfectly set trap.
a17896 No.57430
But why did he post there! He knows to come here.
b9bba8 No.57433
TRUMP is expecting to strike 'deal of the century' to resolve Palestinian-Israeli problem
>"Rex [Tillerson]… hinted to me that the United States is expecting to strike a ‘deal of the century,’ which would resolve the Palestinian-Israeli problem in one swoop,” Sergey Lavrov said. “We certainly want to understand how they see this happening.”
Trump is actually going to bring peace to the middle east.
a25043 No.57434
Q almost got Jacob the first time trying it.
2f46dd No.57435
46eb25 No.57436
All kneaded and risen, and in the oven.
b29590 No.57437
Here's the Q post about "Sick People" & the Link provided
I made notations about >>>MONDAY >>>Funday?!!
75ea6d No.57438
4e8b16 No.57439
See: heyjackass.com
828159 No.57441
cheers baker!!
I'm on standby when you're ready to leave.
75ea6d No.57442
God's work, anon. Cheers
e47a5a No.57443
Hostages? More likely money laundering, I'm guessing.
46eb25 No.57444
I'll let you get #66 and pass the torch, then. Thanks!
a25043 No.57445
Hopefully a bunch of arrested globalist cabal scum and dead Roths. I will never say "I Hate Mondays" again if that was too happen.
2f46dd No.57447
Gonna eat with soup tonight.
75ea6d No.57449
checked for awesome tasty bread baker! HISTORIC POTUS BREAD = BEST COMFY BREAD
f33fab No.57450
Maybe keeping fires burning? It was on a post on Assange.
Also how do you see what timezone someone posted in? I screencaptured with +11 timezone yet people are saying fake time? I'm a newfag so still learning
e70576 No.57453
OK, for those of us that watched the speech tonight, we need to get people to start making memes out the ass!
He's going to pull the trigger on the storm here really soon.
He's already gave us the cannon fodder to work with tonight.
d52c5d No.57455
Does he do this ad lib? He doesn't seem to have notes. How impressive…
He just said (I am a little behind real time) we worship God, not America…. LOVE IT
4e8b16 No.57456
He's busy doing the "hard bargaining":
>Anonymous ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:14:12 No.148032910
>Bill wants a deal.
>Playing the former President card.
… the deal Q said DJT turned down.
828159 No.57457
cheers mate, want to take 67 then?
indeed. the reward is in in the work.
ac0515 No.57458
8e5c21 No.57459
Or this by the Eurythmics…
Sweet Dreams
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas,
Everybody's looking for something.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Hold your head up
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
a27adc No.57460
You can't get much creepier than that.
46eb25 No.57462
NEW BREAD - Complete buttering this bread
THEN migrate to the new bread, please.
b4da17 No.57463
Ok, I remember that post now. Wasn’t sure if that ever came from Q but would make sense.
4e8b16 No.57464
>money laundering
>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:pD23hqrn Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:28:01 No.15051290
>U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK
>Iran Deal.
>Why is this relevant?
4659a1 No.57466
Scribd is a piece of shit now that they have changed their policies.
Here is a FAR better Media Matters pdf with immediate access AND all the pages displayed as images without any ads or other crap.
46eb25 No.57467
>cheers mate, want to take 67 then?
Nope, I'll be heading off to a VERY COMFY bed.
c0481e No.57469
Chicago Chicago Chicago
What’s wrong with Chicago
We’re going to do something about that.
a17896 No.57472
It’s not the real Q. And the the timeline can be figured out by time stamp.
280479 No.57473
Hillary is still tweeting.
b62747 No.57474
>>57266 (kek)
glad you finally found zome work
46eb25 No.57475
5efd0d No.57477
eeb258 No.57478
Alright diggers…whatvis up with this island?!? I'm on phone and can't dig well!
b4da17 No.57479
Ahhh her recent tweet had an article that has United Way and Red Cross in it…shocker. Would make sense that they started the fire to siphon money out of the charities.
eeb258 No.57482
You don't really think that is her do you? I don't!
654284 No.57484
You serious with this shit?
026e92 No.57485
Epstein's Orgy Island - temple confirmed destroyed.
35107e No.57487
7c95c9 No.57489
Shareblue is being covered pretty ruthlessly over there, most likely (I hope) POTUS team still keeps an eye on developments.
e47a5a No.57494
Publicly, yes. And maybe much of it did go to them. But why cash? And why different locations? And you don't think there'd be a kickback? But y'all have better access to money details than I do. No doubt you're on the trail.
5efd0d No.57502
Saw that. He did good. Q'd 'em up.
e64208 No.57505
000000 No.57509
Ok so while you're all hyped up because
>*spergs too hard and dies*
You should know that you a being very much watched.
I have seen many of you say
>oh I google this
Or post screenshots of which you are using google chrome on windows without vpn
Or using an Iphone with location on.
If you want to protect yourself from being tracked, look here:
cef157 No.57511
Who is the T of S guy?
e4ed6e No.57513
Doesn't he claim to be a Pleiadian?
654284 No.57515
You been living under a rock? Google it bitch.
e47a5a No.57516
Was the pic taken before or after? Can we get a better view of the destruction?
aab52a No.57517
Well let me take up a spot.
I dont understand why NO-ONE in the Government has ever risked it all. Given up everything they know and Love, to bring down the globalists in the deep state. Peeps better shut the hell up about sacrifice and other emotional BS. Trump and his close support are the only ones I've ever seen risk it all. Everyone else does it for the money.
Let the flaming begin :)
361247 No.57518
You're not very good at this.
35107e No.57519
b4da17 No.57524
I think part of it is he isn’t doing it for fame or money or anything else. He already has those things. He’s doing it purely because it’s the right thing to do and doesn’t care what people think. It seems strange to people because it’s been a while since we’ve had someone with character in there
6449eb No.57525
"He should be careful, it's dangerous to be an honest man." G3
040b31 No.57528
>almost entire island is turned dirt
i bet this is the mass burial site if there is one
57bdb6 No.57529
b4da17 No.57530
Oooh I hadn’t thought of that. Definitely possible
5078d5 No.57531
Ten Days of Darkness coming Monday? USA_leadership change Monday?
"MONDAY" seems to be an important date relating to "USA_leadership change" in a Prior Q message Nov 25, 2017.
Dec 8, Q message:
1. "MONDAY" precedes Q's normal tripcode in this message (unique to prior posts which indicates an importance).
2. Q notes y-tube of Nancy Pelosi News conference in post 55699
3. Q states "These people" which is "plural" for "people = group of these type of people, politicians et al).
4. Nancy Pelosi is considered minority "leader".
5. Q notes a state of the people being "sick". The context of the sentence implies a "disgust" in the tone. Usually something that is not tolerated or removed.
Nov 25, Q message:
6. First line is "USA_leadership change"
7. Second line is "SA_leadership change" which has already occurred.
8. 40,000ft implies "high level", "big picture", "top level", from past context in messages.
Decoding the dot code in Nov 25 Q message.
Q identified a countdown pattern in the last line of (8, 7, 6, 5...…).
However this numerical sequence if it continues using the dots the result would be minus 1 (negative 1) as there are six periods following the 5.
If you take the "hint" that the countdown pattern is a pattern to continue to follow EXCEPT you go upward from 5 you end up at 11. This would be Monday Dec 11, 2017.
(5+6=11) or (8,7,6,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) where the dots represent the counting up numbers.
----------------Dec 8, 2017 Q message
MONDAY Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/08/17 (Fri) 13:22:57 6bea6c No.55699
These people are sick.
--------------- Nov 25, 2017 Q message
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 10:20:08 No.150869010 ViewReport
USA_leadership change
SA_leadership change
GER_leadership change?
PAK_leadership change?
(8, 7, 6, 5......).
35107e No.57532
Q said it. He said it tonight.
b62747 No.57534
you'd think they would just burn the bodies, i mean hitler was able to burn 6 million jews
156d2f No.57535
Can I ask an anon for the updated list of congressional dropouts
81f461 No.57540
me >>57514
An observation about that island.
I was in Fiji in the early 90s. If this is the island a few miles from Nadi, I sailed past it about 30 yards offshore. It was essentially JUST a beach with lots of tents and a LOT of families with kids. Seemed wildly out of place. A crew member told me that it was mainly Aussies there. Nothing about where they got food, how the got there, or anything else. Very very strange.
b4da17 No.57541
Yea but not everything burns
06da64 No.57547
…and it was in relation to a video with Pelosi.