2bebf5 No.220000
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
2bebf5 No.220002
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
2bebf5 No.220005
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger? <-- Seemingly, no one has done a dig on this
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>201953 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>201927 Planefaggotry summarization
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201466 Anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 Qanon on RT
>>201435 Anon on Iran deal
>>201391 More crumbs?
>>191147 Crumbs? ← possible help from Q team
>>190329 And more crumbs?
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
2bebf5 No.220013
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
2bebf5 No.220015
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Q_Data_Set_1.5 - https:// anonfile.com/meI9s5d9ba/Q_Data_Set_1.5.zip >>219579
Interactive: https:// qcodefag.github.io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http:// qarchives.ml/
Text: [4chan] https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https:// anonfile.com/o9b1r6d0b8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.0.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// www.anonfiles.cc/file/2145042ee95f7d7747a43a1fbf03b375
The Book of Q: https:// pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http:// www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Spreadsheet Guidelines: >>213146
Q turned A: https:// anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https:// ufile.io/nmyy0
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https://www .paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
Current Meme Topic Suggestions
* POTUS declaring Anti-Slavery Month
* POTUS jobs kicking in
* Tax cut
* POTUS tweets regarding Iranian revolution
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
2bebf5 No.220018
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com, http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https: //pastebin.com/Df40KHmY
2bebf5 No.220021
Important summary of ‘helper anon’ ID 35087e from Thread 252
1) Assets to be seized by Trump like SA. In addition, gold and assets seized at the end of WWII to be given back to people from Fed and BIS in Switzerland. Leo Wanta who has court titel to manage assets was seized at ATL during darkness.
Neil Keenan? The emergence of Neil Keenan at the cutting edge of these events can be traced to the theft in 2009 by Vatican financial insider Daniele dal Bosco of $144.5 billion in Federal Reserve notes which were entrusted to Mr. Keenan by the Dragon Family, the group of ancient wealthy clans in Asia who are the legitimate owners of vast amounts of gold in the off-ledger Global Accounts. “The belly of the Dragon Drips Water”?
The end result would be enough gold to put us on the gold standard at the end of Trump’s second term.
2) Diego Garcia is Gitmo 2. Both have judicial courts and no visibility of planes flying to them. Implies that we’re using DG now and since it’s a joint owned base with the Brits, a place for European crooks also.
3) Julian Assange secretly working with us to find Europe crooks to start the Storm in Europe. We’ll need a place like Diego Garcia soon. Also mentions there are 20,000 pedos in UK alone. Q ‘twitter rogue’: Navy knew twitter would delete JA so they restored it and instructed JA to add new followers to his account and ‘accidentally’ tweeted Julian Assange.
4) Iran was operated by Mullahs with Soros. Soros strings cut, so now time for revolution. Israel and Saudi’s secretly assisting revolution. One of eight countries to have a change of leadership.
5) Trump’s capital C tweet? “US U C MUCH MORE”: 30 to 50 congressmen not returning after break. 800 more indictments last week in Ca. So many indictments is why break was extended.
6) Roth’s are squealing (like a stuck pig or talking?)
7) Hilary to be hanged
8) Confirms dates. 10 days of darkness started 12/25 making these dates important Jan 4 (10 days), Jan 10 and Jan 20. 4/10/20…DJT or dates? Previous Fire Watch anon suggested Kim is onboard a sub since December 17,
291c29 No.220023
2bebf5 No.220033
Happy new years anons.
Apprentice baker signing off.
74942c No.220054
Thank you for your service Baker Anon.
Blessings to all this new year.
It's special this time guys.
2bebf5 No.220069
Just glad I could pinch hit :)
edd2a7 No.220128
Don’t know if posted, but Assange looks like he dropped a key code?
e809c4 No.220134
fdd71c No.220155
>All I wanna do is
https://www.twitter. com/JulianAssange/status/947664148376182784
6ec0e4 No.220163
93563b No.220170
makes me wounder if it's the code for his next drop??
7281e9 No.220191
105f22 No.220192
news (in all forms) unlocks the map.
When is Enough
Enough? When?
one must assuredly prevent collisions at sea.
"A mere caution to sailors is an excellent thing. . .Were the compass bearings taken? When were they taken; how often were they taken? And woe betide the who has not fulfilled what was intended to be his duty."
Quartermaster on deck? if not, you should step up and see to it that bearings are taken, and that they are correctly understood.
What are the Quarters of the earth?
Are you sure about that?
What is the longest possible Great Circle Route? How long did it take to go around antarctica's coastline? is that consistent with ones assumptions or not?
all Quiet on the Quarterdeck? man your stations men. unbox your compass, if your Queries are to find their mark.
s N s
eb1559 No.220204
Q said 10 days of darkness, confirmed it started on the 25th, so dont expect anything until the 4th.
6ec0e4 No.220206
Is the fame whore on the run?
fdd71c No.220217
Drop, like with the ball in NYC?
Decrypt key posted to twitter just after midnight, London Embassy time.
6e836d No.220235
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
As the world storm builds, anons, keep your heads. You have everything that is needed, anything extra that comes out, is just another nail in the coffin of the anti Humanity crowd.
1c6237 No.220244
CC - emails
assangle got fly fly on a plane from atl to dulles mang. he got visas he got files he gonna spill some beans for ya'll. mmmmkkk hez gonna deliveer that swagger bout saudi arabaia n planez hitting the world trade towerz. revelaton for yuhz bitchess wake up ffs.
BOOM im a rapper now
05152f No.220246
Thank you, Baker, for pitching this loaf.
Well that's easy to solve. Just try the digits 0 - 9 in a precise order (keeping track as you go, checking off the combos that don't work). Time consuming? Yes, probably. But listen, I once cracked the combination locks on a briefcase this way. It took a while, but I eventually found the combo after methodically going through the numbers in an organized way.
9f17a7 No.220250
7aae6a No.220252
Lone Ranger image is top kek. Domino mask (looks like an infinity) much better symbol than maskfags Guy Fawks faggotry.
a5f2d9 No.220253
Hey… did you know that if you DON'T act like a complete fucking faggot retarded POS cunt, people will automatically be okay with you?
And if you respect people who deserve respect (AKA Elders) then you are just that much more of a human?
1c6237 No.220254
i just puked inmy mouth anon not fair
1bc52c No.220255
trial and error are best for computers.
hashes are a horse of a different color
Trial and error would take decades
9f17a7 No.220257
What if they’re not exactly Encryption keys, What if they are Swiss Bank account numbers?
ad7c98 No.220258
ca8366 No.220259
>The bread that would not die.
Pretty close, Dude, but there were several others…))
From one 'thread killer to another,' Happy New Year!!
9bb211 No.220260
Looks like a passphrase to me.
fab0ed No.220261
Happy New Year, anon, from the other OG Thread Killa!
7297d2 No.220263
DR Congo < Bill Clinton has this country as the wallpaper on his twatter page. massive mining corruption.
87cfd7 No.220264
Didn't we go through this same bullshit awhile back? The code was a confirmation number for some damned interview or some shit.
e5b491 No.220265
1c6237 No.220267
cant tell if joking or not
98cddd No.220268
Happy New Year AC, you Satanic Fag
9f17a7 No.220269
These are all the codes he has dropped so far…
4767 5774 6a7a 4d6c 6330 666b 314a 3453 0000 0907 84b4 f787 7616 86f7 a737 5707 5736
09daf5 No.220270
de64d7 No.220271
that's not assange
946d35 No.220272
2dd474 No.220273
Checked and approved!
2b69e5 No.220274
Well it's hexadecimal, so that's 16 choices for each digit.
16^4 possible combinations, about 60,000.
98cddd No.220275
Too the Left's brainwashed bubbles imploding in 2018 in spectaculer fashion!
33fcaf No.220277
How was it confirmed?
fe1de0 No.220278
Congo - also known as the "rape capital of the world"…..Not surprising that a predator would want to honor that kind of horror.
ca8366 No.220279
Keepin' it going for another round of Q!
4680e5 No.220280
Hillary to be hanged?
a5f2d9 No.220281
If you expect me to be excited about a turn-around after fucking 60+ years of bullshit, you're sadly mistaken.
de64d7 No.220283
8a5132 No.220284
All we got is hope man.
df0e69 No.220285
9b40f7 No.220286
Its hard to care or have empathy, when so many saw the abuse and torture, and simply turned their heads out of fear of retaliation. But when backed up by a large group they SUDDENLY have the balls to stand up. Less chance of injury i guess.
1bc52c No.220287
are you saying this because his account went down the other day? or does he have a different twitter that he uses that doesn't have the check mark?
105f22 No.220288
as the world turns
1c6237 No.220289
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
some get deals some dont
sometimes u dont think it be like it is but it do
2ff3f0 No.220290
No he did not !!!
b74fdc No.220293
8a5132 No.220295
It's possible the account could have been compromised. For some reason JA now re-tweets the popes messages.
a5f2d9 No.220296
I wish I could just play myself off as a CIAnigger. but that's not the case.
597cc3 No.220297
Happy new year my beloved anons! Happy New year Q! Happy new year President Trump!
Im slightly drunk but i love you all!
98cddd No.220298
It's such a bad source…
2dd474 No.220302
>Q said 10 days of darkness
NO he did not. When is this bullshit going to die?
This and the retarded David Wilcox/Benjamin Fulford disinfo bullshit >>220021. Seriously, just stop.
256c95 No.220303
If we find out who Q is we put him in danger, no?
de64d7 No.220305
>>220288 blow me faggot. you have something to say? say. I have no time for your fuckin bullshit riddles, cunt sore
805f92 No.220306
It wasn't. HERE is what was confirmed:
Dec 18 2017, 23:57:15
What happened on 12/7?
Dec 18 2017, 23:58:04
Clock started - 10 days.
06bbcf No.220307
It's a big hexy deal. It unlocks the next Vault that he's already dropped us. Working on it.
0cd31f No.220309
Correct …anyone demanding to know who he is …wants him harmed …
f148f6 No.220310
I don't think the original plan was "insurance", rather that they were planning to destroy Trump to make sure no one ever tried the same thing again.
All they did was up the ante and piss the bear off even more.
Once they lost they had to try to fix the implementation, but that got short-circuited because the MSM had been taken out to a degree that they hadn't reckoned with.
It was too monolithic to adjust to the hit it took and now just appears to be out of touch and vindictive. Petty, even.
Now they all have to be destroyed, but it's of their own doing, IMO.
acb4a1 No.220312
Show me where Q said this?
He didn't even say dark mess, he said darnkess
fe1b12 No.220313
just friendly, happy new yrs reminder, anons– only 4 countries left that DO NOT have Central Banks (NK, Cuba, Iran and Syria). Odd little list, no? The ones that do: wikipedia .org/wiki/List_of_central_banks
98cddd No.220314
It's group of people with NSA skills, so don't fret…
105f22 No.220315
what is perpendicular to both X and Y?
Zulu Time? Ice station Zebra?
what country is ZZ?
what is a Z-pinch?
what is Zero Point Tekton?
Zero Point Time?
who circumscribes the four quarters of the earth?
better get yo azzz to Dome Depot bitches.
0cd31f No.220316
7bcf85 No.220317
Happy New Years anons, no better place than bread crumbs
9bb211 No.220318
Never, and any day that nothing happens will have mental gymnastics applied to place it within the mythical 10 days of darkness.
6e836d No.220320
This is the truth. Anyone trying to doxx Q team is not looking out for the best in what we are doing. Period.
33fcaf No.220321
Yep I know. That's why I was asking. ;)
"10 days of darkness" right now is disinfo.
7bcf85 No.220323
theres… ummm. 3 ppl in here, whoz doxn?
fab0ed No.220324
To the folks looking at the Assange hash. You cannot decrypt it. Hashing works one-way. If you want to decrypt, then you would need the method used to encrypt it. You need a digital key. Surely, someone already has the key to what Assange posted.
No matter how long the password used to create the hash, some password hashing algorithms will always generate a 60-character string. Technically, your password could be a string of length 2^31 - 1 (2GB).
tl;dr - None of use are cracking that hash. Leave it for the folks Assange intended to send it to. They're on it.
0cd31f No.220325
I’m not worried about them …just helps people identify
f03818 No.220326
Yea I can't get onboard with the source....
679989 No.220328
Happy New Years All
Praying for a Great New Year
God Bless our Military Patriots, Thank You
God Bless Potus and His Family and Friends
God Bless [you] Fine Anon Patriots
98cddd No.220329
I'm sure they are safe and sound in a vault within a vault within a vault….Raise a beer to them!
1fe2bd No.220330
I wonder if the day will come where I can take the tape off my devices cameras and not be worried that some clown is on the other side jacking off.
9f17a7 No.220331
B is here in this room…..
de64d7 No.220333
I'm saying it for two reasons- Q said it isn't assange. And- they deleted his account. The normal procedure is to deactivate or ban. Deleting all the account data gave them the ability to register a new account with the same name.
58d87a No.220334
just because Fulford or Wilcock talks about something doen't mean it ceases to exist. Wilcock talked about Q does he exsist no longer for you?
877fd9 No.220336
One of the Anons posted how high paper planes fly early this week.
Assange just tweeted about paper planes.
6903b2 No.220337
In fusion power research, the Z-pinch, also known as zeta pinch, is a type of plasma confinement system that uses an electrical current in the plasma to generate a magnetic field that compresses it (see pinch).
Z-pinch - Wikipedia
I read about someone who planned to circumnavigate Antarctica by ship, log the mileage and time, and post daily reports. Can't find that article right now. It's a much, much longer trip than geography teachers, maps, and "globes" suggest…
fad94e No.220338
Betcha Q-Team is on it… Hope they swish a little whisky down and toast POTUS and the greatest timeline EVER!
Wearing face shield > Watching #FLYSHITFLY into the FAN!
877fd9 No.220339
and turn on your speakers again!
98cddd No.220340
I know you're not. Just saying not sure that "Q" can even be doxed. People working with Q might get discovered, but…
You are correct…anyone attempting to Dox → not /ourguy/
6c9c81 No.220341
Q - 2018!!! Happy New Year!
* thinking the same about the lyrics of MIA/Paper Planes. Must be what the new drop is referencing data about (SR?)
0b1358 No.220342
Yup got all my devices taped up too
1c6237 No.220343
404 not found making sense to yooz guys yet?
MIA? anyone home?
e3ee6f No.220344
Sydney plane crash was CEO of largest food service corp
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - The CEO of Britain’s Compass Group CEO, Richard Cousins, was among six people who died after a seaplane crashed into a river in Sydney on New Year’s Eve.
The other five who died in the crash were Emma Bowden, 48, Heather Bowden, 11, Edward Cousins, 23, William Cousins, 25, and the 44-year-old pilot Gareth Morgan, Detective Superintendent Mark Hutchings from the New South Wales Police said.
Hutchings said Heather was with her father onboard and that all passengers knew each other. He added that police had already been in contact with UK authorities.
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-seaplane/compass-group-ceo-five-others-dead-in-sydney-seaplane-crash-idUSKBN1EQ0O3
fe1b12 No.220345
Patriot of high order
8a5132 No.220346
Are they good guys or bad guys that died though?
33fcaf No.220347
Damn I remember that post. It would be near impossible to find now.
de64d7 No.220349
>If we find out who Q is we put him in danger, no?
No. We put those that found his identity in danger. They should be careful for what they wish for
b471d1 No.220350
Check out this great Tracy Beanz vid re the Trump Dossier.
She stumbled on a great clue, but didn't go the step further to connect the dots.
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D90N1xF8mSg
In the dossier they talk about crooked's "leaked emails"…
But by this time, it had not happened yet.
Tracy is asking why didn't they leak it if they already had that?
No, no! The question is if they talked about it before it happened, then were they already planning it's release? Why?
Because someone (must have been a good actor) must have told crooked's camp that they had seen her emails and showed her proof. So they knew they were going to leak it. But instead of telling the truth about what she was really doing with the server (leaking to other enemy nation states) they were going to control the narrative by making it all about her missing yoga/wedding emails. Hah! No big deal, let's move on.
This way they could also protect the then so called president as well and control any investigation by getting ahead of it.
That is why Trump always said that leaking Comey was very kind to crooked. (I feel like I'm reciting a disney story). The NYPD knew what he was talking about and almost released what they had from Weiner's stuff, forcing leaking comley's hand. But I believe that the reason they did not ultimately leak it was because Trump won and they knew he would make sure this was going to be fully investigated and all would be held liable for their crimes.
Boy were they really stupid. Tracy is great and she always does a great jobb on all her vids, but I just wish sometimes she would take it a step further - you can say, hey I'm speculating. I am. But you have to at least ask that question.
fad94e No.220351
I'm drunk as hell, but gotta point out…
A map of LAND portion of Antarctica was found on a gazelle skin in like the 1700's by some frenchfag. They ruled it not accurate because ships did map it back then, but only until satellite did they determine both was correct.
First = depicted land under the ice.
Meaning the ice was NOT always there.
But earth ain't flat. Sorry… Too many reasons to mention here, but I will mention one reason:
1. The CIA created the flat earth theory to discredit "conspiracy theorists" - that is pretty well known by now.
2. See #1 (I'm drunk!)
c8bdd0 No.220352
thegoldwater. com/news/14999-Brutal-Iran-Regime-on-the-Verge-of-Collapse-and-with-it-Goes-Obama-s-Legacy
2b69e5 No.220353
This CNN show is very serious! Not entertaining, not bad, but heavy and philosophical.
9f17a7 No.220354
I bet the keys dropped are for a new dump. Went on my pc to try and it doesn’t unlock anything so far
a5f2d9 No.220356
Ultra-Violet Q with glitter, nice work. Fitting.
Happy New Year!
People in the audience at these New Years Eve events look so sad compared to pre 911 days.
They look like they are cattle standing there, emotionless. Like standing in a long line to go black friday shopping.
Let's hope next year's New Years will be different.
Tomorrow's Monday! Fuck Yea hangovers!
877fd9 No.220357
I love a challenge…..
1c6237 No.220358
c64ca1 No.220359
Is JA with the US NAVY? Where are our Planefags!!!!
ca8366 No.220360
I like Ben, but don't trust his sources. He does have an excellent board of commentators, though.
Wilcock's subject matter if a bit too esoteric at the moment, but I smell a musky rat. First things first, Corey.
Ah, Meg! Not your area of expertise, but your comments are always welcome. Thank you, Feisty One!
33fcaf No.220361
LOL yea but on new years day? Right now I only have the brain capacity for pretty pictures on Pinterest.
a5f2d9 No.220362
IKR I am so thrilled to watch this gleeful event. see the crowd?! LOL
94f005 No.220363
H N Y, Anons!
A little levity to bring in the New Year.
MEGA 2018!
b471d1 No.220364
Did that make sense?
Cause I'm half drunk!
No, I am toasted drunk!
de64d7 No.220365
>only 4 countries left
Wrong frame of mind. We're starting with only 4 countries without a central bank. That's a pretty good beginning. Next year it'll be dozens
fad94e No.220366
Don't forget "on-star" in your car!
Cut the microphone on hands-free or they can listen…
-BTW: Clowns jack each other off… (kek)
a5f2d9 No.220367
they think they're cool with a lady puffn a pink joint…
22aa95 No.220368
anon stumbles in. Gives mods a dirty look.
Smiles at anon.
Happy New Year!
2dd474 No.220369
>Show me where Q said this?
ok, hold babby's hand
ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:15:25
<line 994, question #791
>"Disinformation exists and is necessary.
>10 days.
>Good v Evil.
>Roadmap of big picture is here.
>Review post happenings.
>Crumbs not only for /pol/.
>The silent ones.
>Others monitoring (friends and enemies).
>Snow White.
>Godfather III."
12/18/17 (Mon) 23:58:04 82d434
12/18/17 (Mon) 23:57:15 d3b6f7
What happened on 12/7?
<line 3225 question #2383
>Clock started - 10 days.
That is an utterly retarded non-argument. Neither Wilcox nor Fulford are valid sources.
>muh ninja monkeys
Pull your head out of your ass.
This is not a game.
It's very disappointing the lack of reality, lack of discernment of what is real and what is not, who is trustworthy as a source or not, what the actual source says [read the Q posts goddamnit, what he actually said, not what you think you remember] and so will repeat spurious, clearly nonsensical bullshit. Newfags and naive youngfags swayed without actually CHECKING.
*Lurch uuuuhhhhgggg*
a5f2d9 No.220370
"Puff Pass and Paint"
So mainstream.
877fd9 No.220371
Thank you.
Great art work.
May I save and share?
8561ed No.220372
Cheers for an autistic 2018!
6ca2eb No.220373
Its the fucking twilight zone on this shit. Talk about a last ditch effort
22aa95 No.220374
7aae6a No.220375
Thank you, Anon. Keep us posted.
e3ee6f No.220376
2b69e5 No.220377
I don't know why NYPD didn't leak and still hasn't. They hated Hillary and probably didn't want her elected. She never went into NYC which is why she was never arrested – presumably for 9/11 complicity, maybe for other crimes. But with the 9/11 15th anniversary remembrance ceremony, as a candidate she really couldn't miss it.
And so she was thrown into a van that looked like hers but wasn't and was driven away, never to be seen again for the remainder of the campaign. (For the rest, including the debates, it was another woman – younger, thinner, shorter.)
bd469f No.220378
>>220271 It is him you cuntfag.
a5f2d9 No.220381
i can't believe it. Fox better have Kennedy take a bong hit or something.
c2aea4 No.220382
>area 51 an embassy the answer to the 7 seals?
what? like aliens?
4680e5 No.220383
Haaaaaaappy New year!
1c6237 No.220384
wew lad i was just about to doZe off am i swoke now. yeah bin woke but wew thanks
6429e7 No.220385
Just getting back on( missed a thread,lol). Happy New Year Anons.
I was looking at that event John legend was a part of with Marina Abramovic.
Heaven spirit of Elysium,, which is part of the art of Elysium. This entire Charity/ art center a place to dig into. They have lists of many people involved with this group.
http://www.theartofelysium.org/ programs-1/#
The heaven event was for 2017,, hosted by Marina Abramovic,, and they gave Amber Heard the spirit of Elysium award.
Amber is currently in Chile with Rocket man Elon Musk.
They have a video of event, where they show clips of a wierd animated cartoon. Ill put in a couple of pics of it.
https://ebstudios.vhx.tv/the-art-of-elysium-s-heaven/season:1/videos/ sno-heaven-marina-abramovic
I think the picture depicts them on the side with sun with an ancient mixed religion,
( I think their religion is a mix of Pagen/ egyptian/ roman/ greek/ babelonian/ satanic / luciferian / Saturn worship/ mixed with numerology / zodiac topped all off with pure EVIL, insanity, Narcissistic and psychopathic inbreeding)
On other side it looks like Us Military, John Wayne,lol, an ape,, a giant skull.
That was impression i got from it,, it look like a war between alliance and Cabal.
If someone could archieve Amber Heard's Twitter https://twitter.com/realamberheard ?lang=en and her instagram
And also archieve Elon Musks.
Did any Autists start archieving ( celebrities, politicians, heads of corporations, VIPS) peoples social media accounts( incase they start erasing them like chrissy Teigen) She was too late,, the Autists had already archieved her account,LMAO
Each event at Elysium has a Host committee. And many names on those lists.
de64d7 No.220386
The dumbest motherfuckers on the planet are the people that think software is written in stone
fad94e No.220387
Central banks are usually PRIVATELY OWNED.
Heres the good part:
The private ASSETS of a criminal actor engaged in Human trafficking can be SEIZED under Trumps new Executive Order. (I bet other countries issue this legal recourse very soon if not already)…
WHEN the assets are SEIZED.
The country owes NO ONE (well, itself).
The countries that do this will be FREE.
List those countries again and reapply thinking!
POTUS is leader to save the freaking planet.
Perhaps after years of listening to Miss America contestants talk about PEACE on the planet, he decided to show them how it is done!
4680e5 No.220388
It's Howdy Doody Time!
1bc52c No.220389
4-5 planes have departed Tehran, Iran recently. No callsign.
am I in the wrong thread?
33fcaf No.220390
I first heard Fulford just after the GFC and he was talking about mass arrests. Now it's 2018 and he's still talking mass arrests.
ba06b6 No.220391
God love her. Nobody's home
1c6237 No.220392
u think they would build a parking garage no?
7aae6a No.220393
I would say you are a Clown of the lowest order.
Try again. Your memes are weak.
105f22 No.220394
"That i have not addressed you in Public is due to the divine sign which has deterred me from a course which could only end in my destruction. When I have acted in a public capacity, it has been at the risk of my life. I maintained my right in the teeth of Democracy. . .Could I have survived to this age if I had attempted a public career, acting, as I should have done on these principles" - the apology of Plato
What is Starfish Prime?
What is Operation Dominic?
What is Operation Fishbowl?
What were they aiming at, really?
charging up the schumann cavity with radiation or something more ballistic in intention?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl
05152f No.220395
Yes, Anon, it was just a joke. But I did suceed in cracking a briefcase lock, years ago. The briefcase held my airline ticket (back in the days before e-ticketing) so if I didn't crack the locks I would have been seriously screwed.
Sorry for the confusion and cheers, everyone.
58d87a No.220396
7aae6a No.220398
4680e5 No.220399
Where did that come from?
Got more?
816ad1 No.220400
We aren't gonna stop saying it. And maybe when Q does return on the 4th the rest of you will shut the fuck up. Not saying we're right but not saying you are either. 4,10,20 lines up quite nicely and Q has said multiple meanings. You don't know jack shit either so how about just don't respond if it pisses you off so much. Some of you autists are as much a snowflake as what's currently on the front lawn.
fad94e No.220401
Chunks of vomit in throat… Need more Whisky…
877fd9 No.220402
66e714 No.220404
Shadilay. Happy Q Year
2dd474 No.220405
ohhh the muh-Area 51 is really a galactic embassy goys- er I mean guize "helper" helper glowfaggot is back.
Fuck off we're full.
4680e5 No.220406
Thanks for the image. I have heard it but no confirmation.
b471d1 No.220407
Wow! Yeah, but NYPD would have ruined it for Trump if they leaked her stuff. I think because of the fact that he wanted to make sure that it was his DOJ & FBI that would handle that stuff - too hot to mess it up!
ba06b6 No.220408
7aae6a No.220410
6ec0e4 No.220411
fab0ed No.220412
I was jealous of the patchfags when they were posting all of their stuff, thinking we anons need our own patch.
I present you all with a 2017 Anon Q Patch. Wear it with pride!
acb4a1 No.220413
Recently is not a time, post the TIME
2b69e5 No.220414
I recall there was something leaked out around 2008 leading me to think the owners of the Fed are as expected, the major money-center banks. Goldman, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Citi, etc.
These banks haven't been shown to be involved in human trafficking. They have a different cleaner gig and don't have to get hands dirty with that stuff as far as I know.
105f22 No.220415
do you think the arctic circle would be a good place to employ such a technology, piggy backing on field lines there?
fe1de0 No.220416
Good night guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my anon family. Love you! nohomo
a5f2d9 No.220417
Cooper coughed other fag screamed "Now You're going Crazy"… some more words ensued about painting when you're high.
Coop looks very rat-like tonight.
4680e5 No.220418
So missing I showed up there.
2b69e5 No.220419
1c6237 No.220420
it was past 2 days max i saw it too.
fab0ed No.220421
An anonymous patch, anon.
a5f2d9 No.220422
Where do i put it?
fab0ed No.220423
Print it out and sew it to any clothing you wish.
bca516 No.220425
Thank you very much..
9bb211 No.220426
de323a No.220427
Missing I
MSS_LE means NK is next.
fad94e No.220428
I thought anons confirmed that was a lowercase L in that tweet…
4330fb No.220429
what is in the box bro?
3689b9 No.220430
I fly like paper, get high like planes
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
If you come around here, I make 'em all day
I get one done in a second if you wait
Been alot of plane activity…
Wonder if some of these lyrics reference the EB5 visas George Webb speaks about when referencing AwanContra…
Might be a stretch…
truePundit had an article about awans forging documents…
b0683a No.220431
1. checked!
2. your dough is fucking awesome, bakers. nice work.
3. is Pepsi really made from fetal tissue?!? am I reading that right? new to me! gives new meaning to "taste of a new generation"
877fd9 No.220432
Any way to search a phrase in 8ch?
I think it was this quotd phrase:
" Incidentally, the record for a paper airplane is 89,590 feet"
1bc52c No.220433
they are still flying around but scattering… This is happening RN. Recently means right fucking now.
6e836d No.220434
It's an every night thing, how fucking new are you?
a5f2d9 No.220435
1c6237 No.220436
2dd474 No.220437
Yeah. It helps if you read what Q ACTUALLY said.
I'm all for Q coming back. I just want you dumbfaggots to not listen to disinfoglowfaggots and read what Q actually said.
I doubt there is a person who spends more time looking at Q's posts.
fe1b12 No.220438
yes, central banks are privately owned, by the Roth fam, such as our fed. i just find it interesting that 4 counties do not have a CB: Cuba (BHO put an embassy there and was looking to lift embargo); Syria– need i say more; NK??; Iran?? no coincidences. trying to expand my thinking here
105f22 No.220439
fab0ed No.220441
Just wait til the end of 2018. That Anonymous Patch will have to be a surprise until then.
5219d3 No.220443
To hell with all of you who are on this board and witness to the indescribable crimes that have occurred behind closed doors and who still argue to keep those crimes behind closed doors.
I'd love to write another rant but i'll just direct you here to read my opinions on the matter https://8ch.net/cbts/res/120430.html#
Continued suppression of the full facts of these crimes AFTER having knowledge of them makes all of you, in addition to POTUS, Q, military, etc., COMPLICIT in the very crimes themselves. The act of covering this up is an act of suppressing Justice. Our ineffective memes to normies based on PUBLICLY AVAILABLE information does not disclose ANY FACTS about the crimes themselves. Withholding the real evidence while pointing to unsubstantiated bread crumbs does not absolve you (or Q). It's like getting audited by the IRS and telling them to look at your (falsified) tax return while simultaneously burying all the receipts that disclose the real crime. The tax return (memes based on public knowledge) is not good enough for the IRS, so why are the Q disclosures good enough for anyone without the EVIDENCE?
For God's sake will some patriot in government please get their hands on these documents and slip them to Wikileaks or post them online????
de64d7 No.220444
>If you expect me to be excited about a turn-around after fucking 60+ years of bullshit, you're sadly mistaken.
That's how I feel. All I want out of it is death. Hopefully I can talk God out of this eternal existence bullshit and just have him end me
2b69e5 No.220445
It felt far from certain that Trump would win that night. It was a very strange night. If he had it all under control, well that's great.
If Trump had not won because NYPD didn't leak, that would have been unfortunate.
7aae6a No.220446
No. Just not stupid.
f8138e No.220447
Should we re make the song?
4680e5 No.220448
Wow, he does look just like a rat! ugly demon=possessed.
58d87a No.220449
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
a shitload of fake treasury bonds ala Neil Keenan
2b69e5 No.220450
Couldn't you just make some memes based on the facts you want to publicize then?
8c6013 No.220451
Are you guys aware James Alefantis acknowledged a basement in a 2015 feature about Comet Ping Pong?
See highlighted paragraph. I've included a larger page (4 pic) for easier reading & the link to the magazine is here (broken in two)
That's the crux of their denials! Now I don't think it helps to say Pedogate is run out of that basement (its way more widespread) but it certainly makes you wonder why Alefantis, Clinton, Podesta, etc would go out of their way to deny the existence of the basement.
This is fishy as hell. If this is old news, I'm late to the game. I was busy blowing the whistle on corruption in Jersey when many of you were researching Comet.
a5f2d9 No.220452
They were talking about "Something Special"
3acdd1 No.220453
4680e5 No.220454
0fdf5d No.220455
Umm, guys… MIA —Missing Planes?
With Wikileaks Password?
The single "Paper Planes" peaked in the Top 20 worldwide and reached number four on the Billboard Hot 100. "Paper Planes" was certified gold in New Zealand and three times platinum in Canada and the US where, as of November 2011, it is ranked the seventh best-selling song by a British artist in the digital era. It has become XL Recordings' second best-selling single to date. M.I.A.'s third album Maya was released in 2010 soon after the controversial song-film short "Born Free".
7aae6a No.220456
You want to play a short game against people who have been doing this for generations. That's an approach that will lose.
d73269 No.220457
confirm 2 … 1 is a damn airbus 320 headed toward afgan
fad94e No.220458
The banks themselves dont have to do anything illegal. If they are PRIVATELY owned, they can be seized as asset of the entity or person committing the crime.
Think of drug lab discovered in your home. They seize the house. And if you are owed money by a gang of thugs you extorted, then when you go down, the thugs are not obligated to repay you either…
64f9ba No.220460
>>220433Im not seeing anything fishy here?
148b96 No.220461
Nobody said they HAD to have a Central Bank. That was just one suggestion. This is about Regime change.
bc884a No.220462
The key assange dropped, can it be for the next wikileaks drop about HRC and 9/11?
06bbcf No.220463
It is JA. Navy put it back up. 65GB drop here (proceed with caution of course):
https:// steemit.com/conspiracy/@vaerospace/wikileaks-drops-65gb-torrent-link-weiners-emails
fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 +4
4680e5 No.220464
bc884a No.220465
Thats not Weiner emails, Filtered CIA FAGGOT.
5e7eee No.220466
>would go out of their way to deny the existence of the basement.
That creepy video of that tranny signing was done from the basement.
816ad1 No.220467
>Yeah. It helps if you read what Q ACTUALLY said.
You missed one.
Dec 18 2017, 23:27:52
/\* /\ /\*
Shall we play a game?
Map is critical to understand.
Future unlocks past.
News unlocks map.
Find the markers.
10 & [10].
12/7 – 12/17.
Concourse F.
Terminal 5.
Private_operated plane (OP)?
>Learn double meanings.
Q/POTUS-4 [10]
“Special Place”
Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?
Coincidence or message?
“The Great Awakening”
POTUS today.
How about a nice game of chess?
Nobody is gonna read your fucking novel.
e26a18 No.220469
I dont expect it to be anything since I honestly think assange was compromised last year and we missed a certain batch of emails from podesta when they were being dropped for some reason.
0fdf5d No.220470
How do I know that’s the right one?
This cloak and dagger shit is dangerous AF
2dd474 No.220471
Q said 7/10 plane crashes weren't accidents. I wonder what that Detective Superintendent knew, or the associations of any of the others…
fad94e No.220472
I don't give a shit tonite → Drinking ←
Don't go grab a gun and go after a pizza parlor!
Get drunk and let it play out properly.
(I am never this nice sober.)
9bb211 No.220473
Then kick their ass for it later when it won't fuck up the plans, that are going in the right direction, that are being executed right now.
bc884a No.220474
because the only 65GB drop wikileaks did was 2012.
and they are called "the Spy files"
just google "Wikileaks 65GB" its not hard
a5f2d9 No.220475
From pot to fidget spinners.
3be6cd No.220476
I love each and everyone of you patriots!
We've come so far, and the day of the rope is at hand for the evil doers.
Because of our work and grinding every detail. We are the light!
Happy New Years Q!
You've done so much and we will love you forever!
7aae6a No.220477
So the last 4 are his ultimatum?
9f17a7 No.220478
When I open it I get this
6@Ò/u`Nä¹l Ü$²J‚2@ê} p+”Ò˜÷¡Õœ²…O†`O›¶H¿œ$¦#VÜäI;ÖZ%¯q²ñ6âÉÝtF9[oº$µD‘W±E«}§ µÜÒgF(YN1–¡ììMÀ¾¯PE¡špl=Î ‡b†WÔôòšaö¤®ÃãùR»ìH ÑŸŒìw£JÓ Ùr¹H½M:¾=Öœ׸2¿JÅÚV“¬nUð;êŠ^_jígñnä:ıÊþó‹ðúŒ1Aº’>2yâwhº;ðFxlþ®.œÂ @u÷bC^¶qÈHÞDÃï¥mgõ5”Á4²;w1„ïbg€wéC¿Æ_Ôå-¬Ó#¢“Òõâ‰ã¬usÿö÷W™xýS‹~Àñÿ¸¸ˆûÂ1âÉöG~¥ÙG ÂécQð> ™ÃW{Œ1°ï4w,ºå?(äPK*r^d›N39(ÎŒsþ£æ¬½AÍ¿ÛwEÌÙ»—Úðd¾žëÕ5hÅÈúœ«_A"«‹/R•µEK`§M®1(¬¨f<é(¯ª÷”š¹,Äÿûe²±™%pÓçñËŠÄVCWËîyK:ÊEš¢±õ*ªÝ‘ž’!4ù‰ ã+ðò?†ÎfÖàÅr÷äã ¬Û_ë1S[“=Ð-ÇÓÓ4ŸÏ€ádrÃ÷B†&ñ‡³ÒÑ©täHFÏ-<_`Î7°¢ˆ'„oVñÅjP¨Ýj 2·ß"–ðtøW‘qëvÔ.ëûú«1dhòÀ'ˆ¬TÔ.×UW¸Ft&Ï™åcÐçDËû¼D|Á:ç}`_!ÓxI›â¿ðx>¸Õ9öO錧=¢"V¿ªPG¤»•R•p8e…eü¶6 ãø‰½:¿ädðmÌç¼RòVç6A`Š/ôJãÃ4ït]¥}U°¯XB<éÔŸýÂ@˜ t}:Sãõú)–„;óÑ=jŸ®ÇÃ6©£=ï䬶N˜¶«8 ÐG|!°¢P`7.g ¸ ×ùÄÞLxBìô«‹°à?òRA bÇ.vVÉc›/¨;þDÙ.ÜK|Õkâ3dŹM ÷A²Â«…F5€sÁ.NÔ¬µ¨° Á*©®œ×|}§w{¥®ÿ5KHoD9¥hvKšPÁ[aÛIï-å…rru–£®g$?Qá+דâä÷òF„Š)íÝåEy¬ÆË.8Òã4‰“Ù¬. ŽÁg ?̘™1æì»>Ìž˜“Ë©Ù6Š=?NyÑ„¶Q¡.¾Jp¼ÃÐZ·÷fM {¾1l#ÃëXÀ ÿŽ¸Aw¡° êòö,WÈåq#{š+¡zLZŒD¼U¨k•ÀÑæýæ vF%l/}ÀðìQÒÈYãÑ^,µGÈÊDï1¯ ðÃ^š+ØB‚|¨Ü¤OÊÂoýõ,õ.ùi#@.~œÊògtßÈ19úUÝP/8b3jøJè’ŸÒË'$Æòz¦îËbÚ¦U2.æð6$† "Q3íÌ ,"öÃ@ZÉÞiÆf´Wu„‰¦ÙIJç¢Å:8mq³ V0ðV«âAÞÀ+p6SAN|xƒÊ½Æ‰#@XÙks˜Ï¡ïÉGw®_¾|°blŸÂÿÉòw§,8Á–ã8º?Ã…Ó]R†ñ¯$W¨\AÅþøµÃØô¶.3Áäx‚£Íñ«tÂpÞ»,|YO-•šý¡é)sêBä «Ô‰„k ³à~sɵ[M!Óô¤ßÏâ²êC«þTK¢VDºÜ&@ia€œ?~þÐ\–ý~CïØãÞ5õƒ}]£OøT¡ñëÌ&+œ~ÿ’›®¿i¹kÔŽèâõ4Àæ8k¤Ùsn—ú¦:CŠñm|ŽÌV…Ýkq“¿Ž«(‰®›÷GþH[ÑßÃoKă™Ì”-R²“ð@ͱÁ JÉiíÎ;Js„¡ÛÀþ<:ÜHs×Ø*Œñ,+¦s{®ðt«€|7#&Ö„ôIN›ÏC,¾‘0”â ¡}@âùÓ8–~¥0§yXüìuzbÖ]¹^¡îðÑ£‘ÒÖ+‚ÅÑâ`êÛµSß/׫"<ŽTzKsŸæ,^×¾/8þ¤2ü~9þ¯„Ó¹}¤Ò&VðŸì$‚8Ä9×oþ£Ä~Û‰áÙ^€ïN·•u²_5›êw~›…^šc´LÌñ¢ÎrouzLÄÚYƒÜ« ¨kðs î"úÄé\ý0Ý/‘õÑ:%ë‡×qÓya:G×M¶}þœ¤2·‰;ùÒNCpJL´%éѪ™Ç2€[ËøN™"F®ÍP(ÃøÅi|¼]TÄU¥6ü[¿wñ†ûdŒZfSV'‰®kEZ£½A2TG£Ž1i}¦‰Vº¤yC%Ê&¥qMç`ôÊ«‚â.zš£Ø‰e]ÙU‹ù¿©§èFÈí«Ë'ÜäÁÞ.bfK¡+Öéwò¦ïÔS$4ÉàÐ%â¨îÏo4]ó'²F1áõ{ÜH&†EBe ®>ìkiùÙüét7—ËSÖPÓy(+ñÃÞ!³Žä„ˆsB\Gàq†—ÍÂL˜üh¥q6üÌ„Hß³Wht1•cœL>$Wçêsîý¨½+ñíK¤8Öè a =èl_!6orÿ!
1c6237 No.220479
cant find paPER PLANE post but found these gems
6b9973 No.220480
Maybe POTUS took JA up on that Ambassador position he asked about.
9f17a7 No.220481
0fdf5d No.220482
I will wait for someone else to find and extract Wikileaks archive. I don’t trust myself to find the right one. Not taking that risk, when WL tweets the torrent, I feel safe but not some random glowing faggot
2b69e5 No.220483
Yes I know your idea, but I showed there's no link between the owners of the Fed and child trafficking.
As for the owners of the commercial banks that own the Fed? The owners of Goldman Sachs? Those are mostly former and current partners and other investor types who have nothing to do with child trafficking either. A few of these evil freaks probably own shares, but far from a controlling interest.
I don't see that this can topple any banks except maybe particular ones like some we've heard in connection with terrorist financing, none of them US banks.
6e836d No.220485
>Light will overcome Evil
>Obverse and Reverse, see the Big picture
>[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government
>Every Anon has a job, are you doing it
>You are safe, you are appreciated
>Observe the chaos, overcome the chaos
>Use the crumbs, you have a bakery, not just a bread
>America is coming back, be the Patriots we know you are.
>Learn to read the MAP, what is the legend
>Love One Another, Hate has no place in what we are building
< Happy New Year Anons!!!! Much Love <3
d73269 No.220486
6ec0e4 No.220487
We are playing "What Do You Meme" and this is one if my cards……
105f22 No.220488
any mathfags, theoryfags, or codefags want to redpill me about john nash?
what is his real story?
what are is innovations?
does game theory pertain to the Q phenomenon?
c2aea4 No.220489
4680e5 No.220490
They expect to flee to Afghan?
1c6237 No.220491
that word sure does ring a bell i like it so ima say yes
6e836d No.220492
Happy New Year Anon!
4680e5 No.220494
6b9973 No.220495
You seem to be missing the fact they all came at POTUS first.
It makes no sense from his view not to completely take down their system.
33fcaf No.220496
KEK how many "10 days of darkness" have we had now? 3? 4?
I swear, every time Q goes MIA for 24hrs the "10 days of darkness" navel gazers start posting.
fd5fbb No.220497
Do you want the rats to slip their nooses? Seriously. You don't telegraph all your moves or the enemy will evade successfully if they didn't telegraph theirs.
We are the map that will help explain to the normies when the noose is tightened and the news breaks. Future explains past.
0fdf5d No.220498
Is that a Star of David in Sebring, FL?
How’s you find that?
de64d7 No.220499
What if you go fuck yourself until your own asshole bleeds, how about that?
You have something to say, say it.
d73269 No.220500
i dont even know who the fuck they are over there , i was just confirming the planes with no call sign , i have been watching gitmo .
1bc52c No.220501
Three right around Tehran…3 landing right now…
3 more flying away. Two in-line south. One AirBus heading East towards Afghanistan
9f17a7 No.220502
When I opened the file that’s all I get pages and pages of code, tried co venting to text, and didn’t work
105f22 No.220503
what about that pegasus museum shit he was trying to build, nearby too. there were pictures purported to show the inside. sounds gay az hell.
fad94e No.220504
The owners of the FEDERAL reserve are the Rothschild family, Rockefeller, and a few others.
CERTAINLY you agree those two are in bed with the satanic cult.
Furthermore, they could be charged for racketeering and lose assets the same way.
The FED is structured in a way that makes it criminal anyway.
b471d1 No.220505
No, I mean, he wanted her prosecuted for all the big stuff. He wanted to make sure that his DOJ & FBI handled the investigation. He knew leaking comley wouldn't allow it, everyone in DOJ too was corrupt. They were all out to protect o'f face and their agenda.
They did not know he was going to win. They thought she was going to win.
The military and Marines backed Trump up and made sure that no one messed with the voting machines. That was the first military action that was done.
Just look at the video when the numbers were coming in election night and he won - everyone is excited and jumping around, he is calm. He knew the military would succeed in their mission and they did.
Crooked could not make a concession speach because she did not have one prepared. Why prepare one if you are going to win by rigging the voting machines. It's been a rigged system for a very long time, we all know that.
But they did not know what Trump was planning - he was more than 10 steps ahead. He has had this whole thing planned for a very long time. God protected this man all the way through!
acb4a1 No.220506
Well then, that includes you, asshole.
Get a twatter account and tell the whole world what you think is going on.
Happy fucking new year, twat
a5f2d9 No.220507
"Woooo! It's cold as shit out and I'm only acting excited when the camera comes by! Woooooo! Can't wait to post this on my Facebook, Wooooo!"
de64d7 No.220508
>Can't find that article right now.
How convenient
fad94e No.220509
3 or 4? hell - EVERY day starts a new deca.
ca8366 No.220510
Why not open up Melania to doing interviews with the foreign press in the many languages that she speaks?
Much of Europe would be both ours and theirs!
You've just cut off $285 million from Pakistan,
why not promote infrastructure there and here
as we try to make the world a better place?
Come to think of it, if you had an infrastructural oriented individual in Iran, maybe Trump could pull off a refinery deal, and show your detractors how it's done the RIGHT way.
Melania could certainly eloquently state in equally native tongues that not only does President Trump want the best for America, he wishes all people prosperity. We've saved some money here that can be better spent on human relations rather than on lost causes elsewhere.
If for nothing else, why isn't Melania being allowed to be interviewed by the Foreign Press to spread the President's hope to more people?
1c6237 No.220511
lol theres a thread called newton was a fag hahaha love u guys.
c94df1 No.220512
It's almost midnight POTUS-time, and the website archives.ml has been updated with #259.
Happy New Year!
2dd474 No.220513
10 DAYS.
That was the original poster's incorrect statement.
It helps if you go back and read it.
Multiple refutations
but you're fixated on mine, ok >>220302
And of course the post you responded to…
It's because anons aren't paying attention, are getting confused, going off of memory, misreading, misinterpreting and glowfaggots can easily exploit that.
That is why we have records. That is why we are vigilant about the accuracy of those records.
c2aea4 No.220514
yes, that is a star of david in sebring florida
Hmm alright, from what I can gather its an army bombing range, plus also an outdoor recreation park?
Something something natural caverns and killing children got my autism senses tingling.
As expected you can't get too close to the base via street view.
3b1553 No.220515
Happy New Year, Anons! Love you all! (No Homo)
4680e5 No.220516
IAD= Iran Air Defense?
c2aea4 No.220517
its from the Assange encrypted file
e94b3a No.220518
It is a lowercase L. Text search the twatter webpage containing the twat, and L or l, not I or i highlights the letter. Same if copied and searched in MS Word.
twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/945646491955290113
22aa95 No.220519
Happy New Year Faggot
7a54f4 No.220520
IAD = Washington Dulles International Airport
2b69e5 No.220521
He showed the existence under some reasonable conditions of the "Nash equilibrium", where each player's strategies are optimal given the other players' strategies in a noncooperative game.
That was actually a pretty simple proof but a clever idea to use a fixed-point theorem. He went on to do some really genius work in mathematics unrelated to game theory.
I don't personally see much connection between Q and game theory.
9f17a7 No.220522
5e7eee No.220523
>Much of Europe would be both ours and theirs!
She would be a huge hit in Poland/Hungary/Austria….etc. (vicegrad).
4680e5 No.220524
Future is now
Classified operations in Iran A??D??
105f22 No.220525
i did, do and will say. perhaps your desperate desire for a blow job stems from a deep inner gayness coupled with being dumb af and not listening before you open your cock holster mouth.
6edd02 No.220526
bullshit, you pulled that shit from half chan. where is the sauce brah?
a5f2d9 No.220527
Cannabis infused cocktails slung by the Bud Tender
148b96 No.220528
Obviously someone who has watched way too much TV and watched way too many movies.
You want some disclosure? I'll give you some disclosure. These things take TIME! They aren't accomplished in a 22 minute episode or a 2 hour movie.
Disclosure will happen. In time.
Calm down.
3acdd1 No.220529
Wow clowns ARE not happy
816ad1 No.220530
Q has been gone for 6 days. Seems to me it's 6x more relevant now. Drink more ovaltine and learn to count nigger.
0cd31f No.220531
If you haven’t noticed ..the press is going after the entire Trump family …no good can come from it until all the major power structures are capable of being fair. But, in a perfect world it would be. A great idea
5db41b No.220532
Welcome to America, Julian.
4680e5 No.220533
IAD also referenced to future
just thinking of double meanings
66e714 No.220534
Hubbard and Parsons were vintage car fans
f03818 No.220535
0fdf5d No.220536
I wish I could browse the contents somewhere without downloading a 65GB brick. I’m leery of it.
Where did you get it
6429e7 No.220537
Happy Q New Year to EVERYONE.
7c4dbb No.220538
621237 No.220539
Happy New Year Anons Anons
It has been a pleasure serving with you while we make the world great again.
2018 is going to be GLORIOUS!!!
God Bless all of you.
6b9973 No.220541
Of course these CNN fkn bastards have to go to their ultimate COMMUNIST song for the event !!
e3ee6f No.220543
Cousins is on the board of Tesco, they're the one who did the muslim in the christmas commercial. That company has had a rough year
08ac0d No.220544
Keep us updated >>>>220389
aaeeb9 No.220545
I hope he is wearing a fashionable boot, but not sure he is important enough to get one…
a0b057 No.220546
877fd9 No.220547
2018 will be glorious!
105f22 No.220548
do you think his ideas have potential for predicting the future. . .like Plan Activity and Intent Recognition kinda concept?
1c6237 No.220549
godspeed thread has that in there
816ad1 No.220550
Yawn. Another novel. Imagine that.
a0b057 No.220551
Start spreading manure, I'm leaving today, fuck you barry
acb4a1 No.220553
they have periods, but never see periods.
10 days ((((.)))))
Darnkess ((((.))))
War ((((.))))
b471d1 No.220554
- There was also that picture of him standing over a child size coffin he had just built - it was on his instagram I think.
It's posted in Voat.
- There is also that pic of the "torture chamber".
- There is also speculation that there are tunnels in all of that area.
- And, yes, of course he makes his own pizza sauce. I wouldn't try that if you paid me - who knows what is in that sauce. They make it in the basement. Yeah, right.
a5f2d9 No.220555
Happy New Year Anons!
de64d7 No.220557
>This is about Regime change.
You think the government is more powerful than the bank? That's adorable.
b88585 No.220558
He needs you right now. The children need you to help save them. What the hell would it hurt to suspend that thought and see what happens for a few more months? Just being here, you are making a huge difference. I mean, after all I have never seen anything like this in my life. There is too great of hope to dismiss! Have a blessed 2018.
256c95 No.220559
529972 No.220560
and cnn can go back to hatepotus mode its midnight now
1bc52c No.220561
Is this everything that Assanges code delivers or does it unlock that 65Gb file?
a72485 No.220562
Happy Q Year, anon.
f34930 No.220563
1c6237 No.220564
i just searched like 20 threads and got tired. im old and its way past my bed time but i did ctrl f for paper til around 238 or so
ca6743 No.220565
You think they didn’t use a lowercase L as a replacement I on purpose? That in itself is noteworthy.
105f22 No.220566
no, but dude, john pedosta said it was how the alt-right does fake news, though right?
fd5fbb No.220567
Happy New Year East Coast anons!
4680e5 No.220568
Q would appreciate
c9fd8e No.220569
WAY too much grenadine!
c2aea4 No.220570
7a54f4 No.220571
The New Year does not count until it exits the left coast. LOL
877fd9 No.220572
3bf3a7 No.220573
b471d1 No.220574
Protected as in no one can delete anything?
a5f2d9 No.220575
64f9ba No.220576
this planefag cant see anything worth looking into over Iran?
9661be No.220577
makes more sense now with the capital I
7c4dbb No.220578
Why are you watching CNN?
Fox News was fucking hilarious tonight
acb4a1 No.220580
Have you ever looked at the spreadsheet? Look it up yourself.
b74fdc No.220581
What is this? And where from?
6429e7 No.220582
Would you like some tasty gingerbread Q Christmas cookies,lol wish i could share them with you guys.
Our autism takes on many forms, some more artistic then others,lol Hence the Q Christmas tree( has alice in wonderland ornament, a key, wizards,( red cross cat taking care of a mouse, you can imagine how that ends,lol) etc.
a5f2d9 No.220583
Cuz AC was on it. Ultra-Violet subliminal gay tranny msgs confirmed.
148b96 No.220584
IAD = Dulles International Airport
b471d1 No.220585
Happy Q Year!!! ;]
272ad4 No.220586
happy new year
2018 is going to be GLORIOUS
I'm commited to the fight and will continue pushing for the global change.
7c4dbb No.220588
Damn… what a shitty way to enter the new year..
Fox News was legit all American patriotic politically incorrect and fuckin awesome
73058c No.220589
Happy New Year Anons, Bakers, Mods, Team Q, POTUS, Patriots! 2018 is going to be GLORIOUS!! Keep up the outstanding work! We are Making America Great Again…one meme at a time!
b471d1 No.220590
mmmmm! Q-licious!
b6d3bf No.220591
Happy New Year east coast fags!
5db41b No.220592
Saw ET Williams video on Comey and Howdy Doody. Just didnt know what to make of it.
105f22 No.220593
parsons was pretty fond of doing rituals to pan before a rocket launch. looks like little rockets around the hex. note the tire tracks on all the lanes. there is no practical reason for driving up and down a totally useless lane like that. super ODD
1bc52c No.220594
using a different website means im wrong?
your input is appreciated… im just asking questions.
Not sure what your point is…
a5f2d9 No.220595
I'd rather see the machine coming at me about to roll over me if i don't look out.
395169 No.220597
0fdf5d No.220598
Can someone post the navy Julian Assange tweet please
a5f2d9 No.220599
Indeed. Spittin image.
0cd31f No.220600
Happy New Years you glorious fags!
58d87a No.220601
neilkeenan .com/history-events-timeline/
“JFK, Soekarno, 9-11 and everything surrounding it, all boils down to one and the same groups or organizations that are known as the Cabal or NWO. Look no further than Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, and on a lesser scale Bush’s, Netanyahu’s, etc.
We must always remember that according to these people, we, the “goyim,” are the enemy and furthermore we must understand not only are they Khazars (read Khazars and their empire) but Satanists and clearly want us all dead.
They want the world, this planet and everything they touch. They taint everything they make, put together, manufacture, and one way or another are taking precious seconds and minutes away from our lives.
They go so far as to poison baby food (Johnson and Johnson’s most recently caught, simply stated we are sorry and will take the toxins out of the baby food), but when caught they simply walk away leaving a path of utter destruction for the world’s families.
It is time we defend our families, our planet, our friends and those who will soon be lifelong friends. It is time to bring our planet together as one, to fight these evil criminals disguising themselves as politicians. It is time to fight them as they fight us — stop talking about it!
The road to the collateral accounts was initially filled with litter. From OITC (Ray Dam), OPPT (Heather Tucci), Swiss Indo (Sino), Karen Hudes (who never did understand the collateral accounts and had never heard of the Dragon Family when she requested my help), Red Dragon Family, World Economic Forum (Davos and Giancarlo Bruno), the UN, and many others that I have never mentioned. They all decided at one time or another that they owned or managed the accounts when in fact not one ever had any of the DEPOSITORS’ permission to represent said accounts.
1c6237 No.220602
yes he is related to coming revelations
aaeeb9 No.220603
I didn't post that, but it's a military range (bombing/artillary) i believe. AF base near there is McDill..Can't remember, but think it is hQ for Joint Special Operations Command…JSOC.
54ce09 No.220604
How did this turn into Myspace circa2010?
359f6b No.220605
Wanta actually seems like a hero. Not someone who would be arrested. http://rense.com/ general70/leo.htm
148b96 No.220606
Didn't say that. But you like to pick and choose and take things out of context.
22aa95 No.220607
03d51b No.220608
thats the one
1st tweet.
05152f No.220609
Happy New Year, all you wonderful Qfags!
I watched these two homosexuals since 8:00 p.m., just to have something on in the background while I typed up a template document for my job. They were not very entertaining but were self-promoting and quite stiff. I cannot stand Kathy Griffin for how she disrespected President Trump this past Spring, but when she kept politics out of her schtick, she did make me laugh. I think the CNN show was a lot less funny and entertaining this year, and that's too bad. Gosh darn it, I just hope the swamp gets drained ASAP so all the haters will get red-pilled and realize we were right, and then we can come together, heal, and make life better for everyone. Nope, I'm not drunk. Just overtired. Sorry if this was an annoying post. Too wasted (tired) to do any research here tonight.
272ad4 No.220610
Remember guys and gals.
The sun rises and sets.
The moon waxes and wanes
The ocean ebbs and flows
So must you learn to flow with the cycles in life.
Sometimes you push hard. Other times you sit back and rest.
Best wishes for the New Year patriots
8561ed No.220611
Purposeful disinfo has been the game theory here, anon. For example implying that on Nov 4th Antifags would trigger martial law surely affected Soros' game plan and kept them focusing (and us) on the wrong thing for a bit.
66e714 No.220612
Dibs on the middle one. The sprinkles on the lower right one are triggering some old memories, I definitely don't want to eat that one
1c6237 No.220613
4330fb No.220614
% Odds that Barron reads CBTS?
03d51b No.220615
whats the language with the biggest alphabet? cause it looks like there are more than 26 characters
0b1358 No.220617
That’s the same ‘key’ as today. Someone said he posted 4 of them, or were they just 4 posts of the same key?
9bb211 No.220618
c9fd8e No.220619
c238c2 No.220620
>army range/ rec park
Can confirm. Popular hunting area. Any violations must be cleared w commanding officer before rec privilege is reinstated. Weird situation all around
03d51b No.220621
a5f2d9 No.220622
Oh yea Kathy Griffin was on. I passed by the other TV and was like WTF? Why's she on there (FoX) How?
Not an annoying post at all. Appreciate your input. I'm not drunk or nothing either.
64f9ba No.220623
just want to make sure any interesting flights get documented, but im only seeing a few domestic flights and a couple international flights to Dubai and Istanbul. other than those i would say the airport is rather quiet
acb4a1 No.220624
Idiot, you can't even quote yourself correctly.
You said 10 days of darkness
Q said
10 days.
ca6743 No.220625
I sure hope Q team didn’t let all those corrupt Iranian Soros puppets leave Iran with our money.
f03818 No.220626
0b1358 No.220627
Well said. Happy New Year!
dc1dbf No.220628
Washington DC’s Role Behind The Scenes In Hollywood Goes Deeper Than You Think
http://bloomsmag. com/washington-dcs-role-behind-the-scenes-in-hollywood-goes-deeper-than-you-think/
6e836d No.220629
To think they are not watching everything :)
e94b3a No.220630
That occurred to me, I'm just confirming it's not a capital i.
805f92 No.220631
That was Kennedy with a wig on.
7bc2e0 No.220632
A lot of wasted BS here now - the JA tweet is massive. He is either already here via ATL daRK or he has been granted access to landed here. SA dumps coming, SR dump, or full Weiner laptop dump? Anyone have insight?
c1bad5 No.220633
Think… Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia. Founded and Supported by The Rockefeller Foundation.
a5f2d9 No.220634
I like the orange green one on the bottom right. They look great!
cbaf39 No.220635
named after . . . . .
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-14/meet-allen-dulles-psychopath-who-created-americas-modern-shadow-government
03d51b No.220636
how did you get there?
06bbcf No.220638
Not CIA or a Faggot, faggot. Now get useful or get the fuck out, kid.
Research that link yourself….without opening it, since you're obviously a worthless void of space and useless here.
de64d7 No.220639
>am I in the wrong thread?
no. if you're a planefag, you're in the right place
c238c2 No.220640
>Be Barron
>complete autist
>no social peers
>becomes 1337 haxor
>uses 7 gorillion layers of vpn
>haxes Daddy Donnie
>leaks daily sec briefings
>Barron is Q
Screen cap this faggots
ba06b6 No.220641
This is a shitshow
a5f2d9 No.220642
06bbcf No.220644
it's common to drop a hex code down to 60 chars. Don't open that link if you don't know what you're doing.
7c4dbb No.220645
Impersonator… fucking hilarious
805f92 No.220646
I watched it. But feel free to check YouTube when you think it's been posted.
6e836d No.220647
Kennedy has been based for a long time, she is def no Kathy "chode" Griffin
Prepare your anus desu
aaeeb9 No.220648
I need to get my dad a planefag T-shirt
6429e7 No.220649
It's new years eve, some Anons are having a little fun in between researching,lol
And some old autistic fags were weaponized by Q, hence the myspace era vibe,, LMAO
The meme fags, map fags, plane fags, land fags, research fags, have to let loose once in awhile.lol
Happy Q year Anon.
Just made the meme to go with this post,lol
06bbcf No.220650
some previous Vaults are only partially open.
aaeeb9 No.220651
Coffee and menthols….awesome
ca8366 No.220652
I've heard an audit of DoD is underway. This is not a matter of Rumsfeld's missing $2.3 trillion. but why aren't the other Cabinet appointees auditing theirs? There is enough corruption to support legitimate government spending within appropriated funds already. Apparently some think the FED is above the Government, can the President please execute needed authority here?
I expected a full review of Governmental expenses, and have not seen nor heard of it.
585b19 No.220653
They look great! As a guitarfag, I'll have to take the EVH model! :p
94f005 No.220654
Shit, where did you find that picture of me? NO DOXXING!
a5f2d9 No.220655
That's in the past… heh if you say so.
2b69e5 No.220656
I saw a bit of negative sentiment from Slovenia around the inauguration. After all she left. I think she's most useful as a goodwill ambassador. But all around the world, an accomplished man like Trump is respected.
acb4a1 No.220657
f5438e No.220658
Q team here.
We'll get right on that.
Gotta finish pumping your wife first.
Godspeed patriot.
fad94e No.220661
No kidding… Rumor has it Hillary Sex tape was on Weiners laptop…
And you could see something awful that would make your brain explode.
Anons: I'm pretty drunked up.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you anons.
I'll check in the morning and see how much bullshit I posted in these breads.
MAGA and MIGA all night!
All year.
& for 7 more years!
6b9973 No.220663
And with those huge glasses he can always grab the Cheetos without taking his eyes off Pong.
f308eb No.220664
Please correct spelling for TOKYO. Originates from TO KI YO
019d97 No.220665
Nice digits to ring in the Q year
904c65 No.220666
de64d7 No.220668
>>220412 fuck that. We should stick with the original. we're just an SOS branch of pol
7297d2 No.220669
i believe the dod audit requires 2000+ auditors. labor shortage?
2dd474 No.220670
>still doesn't get it
bc884a No.220671
but seriously why isnt anyone talking about assanges first tweet? let me show everyone
see that pic? he's making a good/bad list
check assanges following list.
Usually its just Wikileaks now its 25
is he making a good/bad list?
a5f2d9 No.220672
they were saying some weird poetry. what's up with the book covers?
ca6743 No.220673
Is Barack sticking his nose into the Iran situation?
2b69e5 No.220674
Well in fact the Fed is semi-independent. The Board of Governors is mostly government, but the Reserve Banks are privately owned, apparently by major commercial and investment banks.
So Trump is replacing the Chairman of the Board of Governors and can appoint a few governors to get more control there, but it's not like he has direct control over the Fed.
33fcaf No.220675
Um where were you for the whole of 2017? There's been a tsunami of leaks and disclosure and will continue way into 2018 and beyond.
And what are you talking about - Q disclosures without any evidence? Are you kidding me? Have you not read the body of work we've already done WITH ACCOMPANYING EVIDENCE?
You sound like you only recently woke up while many of us have been doing this shit for decades - AND THAT INCLUDES POTUS.
Everybody including myself goes through this phase after they work out their perception of reality is a false paradigm. We've all wanted to scream from the rooftops the truth only to work out normies either laugh at you, ridicule you and above all ignore you.
Finally you come to a place of working out normies aren't ready to know the truth and that's okay. You settle down and talk to them when they finally come to you asking questions.
Regarding, "drain the swamp", it's gonna take years - beyond POTUS 8 year term. It's up to us to be prepared with knowledge and help normies through the coming storm. Cuz believe me, it's coming and soon. Actually it's already started.
The trump admin is not hiding anything, they are releasing in small doses and only when they have files of HARD EVIDENCE that nobody can deny. It has to be done this way to ensure the 'enemies of state and world' can be put behind bars without being able to hire teams of lawyers to get them out of trouble.
By the sound of your posts, you need to learn patience and persistence.
Take Q's example and provide the truth in the form of questions. Make people research for themselves because when they do, they can't ever go back to blissful ignorance. When they learn the truth for themselves, they can't unlearn it and like us, they finally come to the place of KNOWING.
When you run around the streets screaming the truth then you're only in the same basket as the lunatic leftist activists. They look like idiots and we are way way above that immature level.
the EVIDENCE has been spilling out everywhere and it's only the beginning. This time next year I believe the social and political landscape will look very different to what it is now. But that can only happen if we continue to support the /goodguys/ and push them to keep going with 'draining the swamp'.
Open your eyes and ears and research all parts of the interwebz and you will see it's happening everywhere.
Those of us who've been doing this for decades can't believe how fast everything is coming out now. It's truly exciting.
9f2790 No.220676
Ian Watson author of Alien Embassy
dad6fb No.220677
6ca2eb No.220678
Looks like its about to get cut off
bc884a No.220680
Good job, you just got yourself filtered for posting a fake JA account.
de64d7 No.220681
Ya, but the satanist schills will claim the rothschilds own them too.
a5f2d9 No.220682
"By I.P. Freely"
03d51b No.220683
all i wanna do is.. bang bang bang bang and kkaaaa ching… and take your money..
e94b3a No.220684
My setup is almost that nice.
6190b6 No.220685
Opening act Sat. Night Live
7c72c0 No.220686
its a shill yo…..
0b1358 No.220687
Easy little one. Your bully shill flag is showing.
df0e69 No.220688
Cry your ass off, bitch. Doesn't change the results of the poll. 3207 people want BARACK IN JAIL!
529972 No.220690
scarsdale is just as much$ as nyc to live. got me muh night dig que ty anon
bc884a No.220691
i want that too, but stop linking to fake profiles
58d87a No.220692
wanna be oldfag dismisses perfectly good info wothout checking
but you really should check for yourself i spent about 6 months on this a half a decade ago … so it really is a fucking waste of time for me to do it again. retard.
e688d3 No.220693
No nuke NYC, no arrests, fuck it …I’m going to Denny’s for Moons over my Hammy and some greasy hash browns. Diet Coke. Hope to get a crack headed waitress missing teeth so I can red pill her. Happy New Year was same as last year Anons
33fcaf No.220694
Lol or drunk or a newfag. In any case my rant is truth and actually applies to everyone wanting to read my wall of text. ;p
54ce09 No.220695
How did this turn into Myspace circa2010?
Drunken lefties gone wild ignore them
You have seen this before
Not like this
Go dark
See ya tomorrow before the hangovers set in
Be a move well played tonight
9b40f7 No.220696
Heard that the cops who viewed whatever was on weiners laptop were shaking and crying. And that they were the stoic type too.
Kinda makes me want to view it.
ca6743 No.220697
Yep. The numbers man.
bc884a No.220698
Same here, but we all know that will never happen.
05152f No.220699
Thank you, Anon. Some days I've gone mad with my research. Tonight I let up a bit on the heavy research. I wanted to keep the CNN boys on the screen to see if they did anything ridiculous, like in years past, but it was downright boring. I did not see the Kathy Griffin impersonation on F*x but I saw a couple of tweets about it, which I'm linking here with split link: https://twitter. com/stormer59101/status/947681687030325249.
Stay well tonight, Anons! We are winning, slowly but surely. This new year will be the Year of the Unsealed Indictment or, more accurately, the Year of Ten Thousand Unsealed Indictments. I can't wait to buckle up and thank God. Y'all made 2017 so awesome. It's been a pleasure to dig with you.
f03818 No.220700
www.facebook.com/ bruce.steinberg.94/about
c238c2 No.220701
>Be Barron
>complete autist
>no social peers
>becomes 1337 haxor
>uses 7 gorillion layers of vpn
>haxes Daddy Donnie
>leaks daily sec briefings
>Barron is Q
Screen cap this faggots
ca8366 No.220702
Come on, Anon. Why do you think Q referenced the sinking of the Titanic?
The US Treasury issues the currency according to the Constitution. Asset not currency based. The Federal Reserve Act required a Constitutional Amendment and there was none.
a0b057 No.220703
Fk Betsy Ross, those are awesome and you can't snack on a flag fags
1545e8 No.220704
Why some flights drop off radar and why flight information might be incomplete. Older planes have out-dated transponders.
https:// www.flightradar24.com/blog/ how-we-track-flights-with-mlat/
148b96 No.220706
They also only have radar data for North America.
46d5fe No.220707
06bbcf No.220708
You anons are getting trolled, again. This was in a very old CBTS board.
03d51b No.220709
best theory ever!
b96df1 No.220711
All this drama here on /CBTS/ and it seems people are dumbfounded that no major shit hit NYC, etc. The night is still young (3 more hours and other time zones).
Keep in mind that life is a role playing game. Haha!
ca6743 No.220712
Would you bitch if I posted it this way? I think not.
f5438e No.220713
Q team here.
Definitely not a little one.
395169 No.220714
99% America hospital. Sick sh@&!
de9a3a No.220715
Capped for timestamp Anon
9b40f7 No.220717
Why not? TRUST ME, i can handle it. Normies, maybe not. If people want to kill each other because someone cut them off in traffic, well, hello mental hospital.
6ca2eb No.220718
Did you guys hear that shit on CNN? When they were reading Goodnight 2017, one of the lines was "Goodnight ever growing podcast Q".
Least I think it was
816ad1 No.220719
Oh I get it faggot. I just don't give a fuck what you say. Maybe you can get that.
a5f2d9 No.220721
64f9ba No.220722
don't choke on it
5e7eee No.220723
>99% America hospital. Sick sh@&!
If true hes not leaving jail alive.
bc884a No.220725
I'm not saying you can't handle it.
why would they release CP? if it leaks it will be on the darkweb though.
84f6ed No.220726
3456f4 No.220727
get a load of this horse shit
Susan RiceVerified account
How Can Trump Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet
805f92 No.220728
LOL, Had Greg Gutfield on last night, and he was asking his guests to give Trump a "grade". Shit you not, one guy said he couldn't grade him A-F cuz he was at a "Q". 'Bout $h!+ when I heard that!
aaeeb9 No.220729
It's getting to him. He knows the forecast…stormy!
f03818 No.220730
Something fishy going on these weren't just regular people!!!
Westchester Family Of Five Among 12 Killed In Plane Crash
"Bruce Steinberg and his wife were active with the UJA-Federation of New York. Irene Steinberg chaired the annual campaign kickoff of the organization’s Scarsdale Women’s Philanthropy group in 2015."
armonk.dailyvoice .com/news/westchester-family-of-five-among-12-killed-in-plane-crash/730094/
UJA-Federation of New York
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ UJA-Federation_of_New_York
33fcaf No.220731
Exactly. People should use the Q search more often.
a5f2d9 No.220732
Q's in the meta between CNN/Fox for sure.
b96df1 No.220733
Gutfield, regardless of what he "says," is a toolbag. He wouldn't be my friend in real life. I'd avoid him like the plague.
05152f No.220734
Hey, here's the tape of the Kathy Griffin impersonation on F*x (split link): https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=JRMzOVPlU5o
2dd474 No.220735
Show me the "10 days of darnkness"
That's what you asked.
There is NO
10 days
That was the point.
That you missed.
a0b057 No.220736
a5f2d9 No.220737
I agree. I don't trust him or that Watters guy. I wouldn't be surpised if 1 of them turns into a Kimmel or Megyn Kelly.
46d5fe No.220738
Which one are you asking about?
For those, we are not lacking.
1d75fa No.220739
2016 - Laughed in leftard's faces
2017 - Laughed in leftard's faces
2018 - ???
b471d1 No.220740
Wow! Did I just get attacked big time.
I've been posting all day, then I go to post the following about Podesta and wamm!, someone takes screen shots of my system, 2 times, then I'm locked out completely. Had to take the battery out and reboot.
So, here goes again…
On Voat it was discussed that the meaning of the 14 meant that during their satanic shit that they do, they cut up a body into 14 pieces - head, 2 arms, 2 legs, and I don't remember what else. The fish I think signifies the sacrifice maybe.
I know that the fish symbol was used in during the first century by the Christian believers. Due to the persecution they were going thru they would draw a fish symbol in the sand to let others know that they were Christian.
Not sure what it means here though.
Podesta had a picture in his office of men cutting up another man on a table and they had plates and utensils. He was asked about it in an interview and said, yeah, sucks to be the guy on the table, or something like that.
These are the sickest of humans, they are no longer human in my opinion, just demon possessed animals.
de64d7 No.220741
>>220514 and yet we're supposed to believe that the military is on our side
ca6743 No.220742
aaeeb9 No.220743
Layoff fucktard. Everyone figured 10 days. Darkness. Meant 10 Days OF Darkness. Fuck man…pull the fist out of your ass….
a5f2d9 No.220744
I don't like comedy in my news like the today show shit. If I want to see comedy, I'll tune in to comedy.
I don't like tragedy presented with sugar coating and smiles.
5e7eee No.220745
Says the admin that funded their oppressors.
84f6ed No.220746
Jan 1st officially begins National Human Trafficking and Slavery Prevention Month as announced by POTUS.
Just under 10,000 sealed indictments.
Weather will be Stormy.
Enjoy the show Patriots!!
https://www.whitehouse. gov/presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-proclaims-january-2018-national-slavery-human-trafficking-prevention-month/
585b19 No.220747
I don't know if I would view that or not. The reported reactions of detectives makes me think it is brutal torture stuff.. Once seen, it may be impossible to unsee. Hard enough to deal with all the written descriptions.
105f22 No.220748
so 'not stupid' that you have no counter argument or evidence, or even look into the issue at all. sounds not 'not stupid' to me. sounds Fake And Gay.
805f92 No.220749
Oh, he's definitely as a$$, but funny.
"Q" rating about 7 min in: youtube.com/watch?v=Dh7Y4hbM-1s
94f005 No.220751
Recommend that all newfags read The Creature from Jekyll Island.
c9fd8e No.220752
Somehow, I suspect open release of these, or something close MUST happen for really change. How can a community absolutely stop something evil if they are not aware of the truth of things?
46d5fe No.220753
Are such accounts numbers hexadecimal? If so, I never knew that.
Me, I'm just a poor boy from across the southland , , ,
816ad1 No.220754
What autists aren't good at: Controlling their emotions and being wrong
What autists ARE good at: Playing Duck Duck Go fuck themselves on the internet.
What does this add up to: Fucking snowflakes
fd5fbb No.220755
I keep trying to point this out, but too many pessimists abound. Normally a month like this would be called "awareness".
c2aea4 No.220756
Who is Dov Zakheim?
Was he the Pentagon Comptroller on 911?
What is System Planning Corporation?
Did they invent drone technology?
Did they test them on 767 Tankers?
Did they operate out of Florida?
What Patents do they have?
Lots more…
6429e7 No.220757
don Lemon sounds drunk again,,
f34930 No.220758
https:// youtu.be/ewRjZoRtu0Y
Comments section, a message~
148b96 No.220759
Ah wuz raised a po' black child……
Movie reference….relax.
b471d1 No.220760
What leftards? - as in they disappeared because they were so f'g embarrassed about who they were actually supporting. They just went home and stayed off social media until they finally got the help they needed to mentally get a f'g grasp on reality.
aaeeb9 No.220761
Yeah, i hear ya. This is the first night in two months that I hit a period where I couldn't post anything. Swapped VPN….nope. Had to reboot…
Yeah, if you look at upper right picture next to AC…that picture looks like a body being chopped up and spraying….
94f005 No.220762
You're glowing pretty hard there, Shillary.
84f6ed No.220763
POTUS will sign into law:
- S. 1536, the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act
- S. 1532, the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act
> I call upon industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based and other organizations of civil society, schools, families, and all Americans to recognize our vital roles in ending all forms of modern slavery and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities aimed at ending and preventing all forms of human trafficking.
6ca2eb No.220765
Here we go
Thomas Paine Twatter
BREAKING****- Active Shooter in New Jersey Reportedly Rains Down AK-47 Gunfire; “Multiple Subjects Down”
148b96 No.220766
Awareness gets you a pin to wear.
Prevention is about stopping it.
See the difference? We don't have a libtard in the White House anymore!
4ebe26 No.220767
Yes. Also the husband of the intern who died in Joe Scarxorxough office worked on and holds patents in this subject field>>220756
84f6ed No.220768
Centuries in the darkness makes one squeal at even a pea size of light.
de64d7 No.220769
> I mean, after all I have never seen anything like this in my life.
I've seen nothing but this in my life
2dd474 No.220770
>Exactly. People should use the Q search more often.
Yes, that is the point.
You can choose to interpret but it's the misquoting that was the point. Q did say that accuracy of the graphic compilation of his posts -his words- was "critical."
Feel free to argue with him.
816ad1 No.220771
Just bright enough to find my way around the space in between your ears nigger
84f6ed No.220772
You are impatient.
You are restless.
You are angry.
You are tired.
Do not worry, Patriots, we are in this together.
Have a Healthy and Happy New Year!
de9a3a No.220773
>https:// youtu.be/ewRjZoRtu0Y
Jamie Rummel41 minutes ago (edited)
Julian just showing us WTF has been going on since Obama was in office lmfao like if we did not know look at the date of the video
f5fdaa No.220774
https ://news.sky.com/story/fire-has-destroyed-all-vehicles-in-large-liverpool-car-park-police-say-11191272
this is strange a car was on fire in the uk today and every car in the car park ended up destroyed this happened at around 5pm uk time in Liverpool.
"Liverpool's mayor, Joe Anderson, said the blaze started in a Land Rover on the third level of the multi-storey car park - and police believe this caused other vehicles to ignite."
"Merseyside Police have described the fire as accidental, adding: "We believe that all vehicles parked in the car park have been destroyed and advise owners to contact their insurance companies." thats a 1600 space car park
d40be1 No.220776
Any anxious, desperate voices and peoples can't last more than a few days without hope have finally found a sliver of hope to latch on to.
It's pitiable, but also very obvious symptom of (((their))) crimes against this world.
(((they))) must fall, be violated in ways they fear the most. (((their))) lies will be exposed. Subversion is useless.
(((they))) get no second chances. This is the end game.
edd2a7 No.220777
That is why they all play with Mr. Potato Head. They can remove his parts. Also, put in different spots. Screwing with human genetics. Aren’t they clever? Take them all down.
6ca2eb No.220778
dd1284 No.220779
9b40f7 No.220780
I care not who wins, i belong to no side. With that stated, it goes to say i am not one of the good guys. Nor do i claim to be bad, from my own perspective. But most likely, if you knew me…id be on your shit list. I can handle it because ive seen life from both sides, things that cannot be unseen.
9bb211 No.220781
Praying this incident isn't some shitshow of lies and ulterior motives like vegas.
Accurate, and thanks.
0b1358 No.220782
Nobody wants to see that’s stuff, but I fear people will never understand the gravity of the situation until it’s seen. Making it easier to falling back into it in the future.
1bc52c No.220783
give a link anon… its not news if we cant chek and kek
6ca2eb No.220784
https:// twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/947704558955978752
94f005 No.220785
What a fukin' shame. Buzzkill shooter faggot.
aaeeb9 No.220786
This whole thing is about figuring out his meanings…accuracy. You tell me what 10 Days. Darkness means….I'm all ears. It can be multiple things. I'm just saying quit jumping on people for something most people think it means.
If he was saying HRC means Have Rittle Cock….then jump his shit…but choose your battles. One team one fight….
7aae6a No.220787
Second. Cool your jets.
fab0ed No.220789
Loved it! Jaw dropped.
94f005 No.220790
148b96 No.220791
No kidding. I was watching the Cathy 'Brien video earlier and had to stop when she started talking about them finding a little boy who had been skinned alive by these people.
b471d1 No.220792
Yes, I saw that. So sick.
It makes me cry everytime I think about what they do, I can't even think about it. I hear that voice in that "father" video and I want them all to suffer the most horrific death, and they will, but not by our hands, but they will suffer the second death and the devil will burn with them forever. Then finally all will be made "right" again and all will be restored for God's kingdom.
b6d121 No.220795
Happy New Year anons it is the year of the dog (god) and we are very fortunate to be alive today. Truly a blessing beyond blessing, the troubles and hardships we face are tests of might in way our ancestors could not fathom. So tonight I bring to you a story I found some time ago, and I do believe I was brought to it for good reason.
There once was a time when it did not rain for a great many months. The Prairie turned brown from the Sun, and the Great River that nurtured the land began to dry up. The Plants struggled against the dry Earth to breath and grow, while the Animals became weak and could not hunt. All the while the People waited, looking towards the sky and wondering what they had done to bring such misfortune upon themselves. While the People waited, Fear grew. This Fear grew so quickly that in a very short time it began to spread across the entire Prairie, choking out everything and everyone in its path until at last it covered all but one very small place in the Prairie where only the Children and the Old Ones would sit and play together.
When Fear came to the place where the Old Ones and the Children sat playing, it stopped. One of the Children looked up from where it had been playing and asked, "What is this thing that has come to visit us?" "It is Fear," said one of the Old Ones. "Does it want to play?", asked the Children. "Fear has forgotten how to play," said the Old Ones. The Children were very sad to learn that Fear had forgotten how to play. They began to talk amongst themselves about how this could be dealt with. Finally, the Children decided that if they were to have a Great Dance then perhaps Fear could learn how to play again. They went to the Old Ones and asked if the Old Ones would teach them the songs that Children should know if they were going to have a Great Dance with Fear.
Because the Old Ones had once been Children themselves, they knew that it would be impossible to try and talk the Children out of Dancing with Fear. Besides, they were happy to be useful once again, and it was good to sing their songs and hear young voices learning the melodies and words. At some point in all of this teaching, no one is really sure quite when, the Children and the Old Ones began their Dance with Fear.
The sounds of the Singing and the Dancing echoed across the empty Prairie. Soon the Wind carried these songs to the homes of the People. Little by little, the People made their way across the dying land until they came to the place where the Children and the Old Ones were Dancing. When the People arrived, they could not believe what they saw. The Children were Singing and Dancing in a Great Circle and the Old Ones were Singing and Dancing in an even Greater Circle around them and in the center of this Circle they saw Fear. The Children and the Old Ones called out to the People, "Come join us, we are Dancing with Fear!"
One by one the People joined the Great Circle. Soon all of the People were Singing and Dancing. Fear could no longer keep still. As Fear started to Dance, Tears began to pour out of its eyes and laughter began to live in Fear's heart. The Children and the Old Ones and the People all began to Cry along with Fear. The Wind heard all of the Singing and Dancing and Crying and came to see what was happening. Soon the Wind joined the Great Circle and all of them were Singing and Dancing and Crying together. The Wind carried the Singing and Dancing and Crying back out across the Prairie to invite all of the Plants and Animals to come join in the Great Dance with Fear. Soon these Tears were falling down like rain all across the Prairie, filling the Great River and giving Life back to the places where Fear had once walked.
There are those who know that the Great Dance is still going on to this day. Many of the People went back to their work and soon forgot about the Dance. Fear has had many children since the day that the Dance first started, and these children walk the Prairie much in the same way that their Father once did. As long as the Great Circle remains unbroken, there are those who know that there will be a home for the children of Fear, and a place for the Rainmakers to play.
0cd31f No.220796
Cue gun control shills in
b471d1 No.220799
6429e7 No.220800
AK 47 fire raining down on people in New Jersey,
bd469f No.220801
Active shooter in Long Branch, NJ
https ://truepundit.com/active-shooter-new-jersey-reportedly-rains-ak-47-gunfire-multiple-subjects/
First of the year.
7aae6a No.220802
Cool story , Bro. Don't bogart,
fab0ed No.220803
Ain't gonna happen here, anon.
805f92 No.220804
LOL! Almost got whiplash myself, when I heard it last night
2b893e No.220805
Shit, this sounds bad… loads of people down
7aae6a No.220806
I was hoping it wouldn't go down like this.
94f005 No.220807
Damn -New Years, buzzed, and I can't type that fast. Cut an Anon a little slack, 'eh?
0cd31f No.220808
Agreed ..meant the libtards everywhere else
2dd474 No.220809
So why are you here?
0b1358 No.220810
Wow. Guess that was their plan for multiple cities tonight. Can’t shake the feeling like NJ was previously mentioned recently but can’t put my finger on it.
a5f2d9 No.220812
https:// truepundit.com/active-shooter-new-jersey-reportedly-rains-ak-47-gunfire-multiple-subjects/
2b893e No.220813
Disgruntled snowflake most-likely
1cc65c No.220814
There have been "shootings" in the very recent past which were proven out to be FAKE. JS..
fab0ed No.220815
A thinly-veiled "Q" reference on a major network. Wew, lad, and we're just getting started.
fab0ed No.220816
Understood, anon. Carry on. God bless!
de9a3a No.220817
https:// truepundit.com/active-shooter-new-jersey-reportedly-rains-ak-47-gunfire-multiple-subjects/
331225 No.220818
5e7eee No.220820
>Gutfield, regardless of what he "says," is a toolbag.
>I don't trust him or that Watters guy.
Every single person on Fox (except for Tucker) cucks for israel and would choose whats best for israel over america any day of the week. A prime example is the endless amount of coverage over Trump moving the embassy knowing full well it will cost america a fortune in lives and money.
Never forget the "conservatives" are exactly why america is in this mess today. Shitlibs have been unopposed for more than 50 fuckin years and only now are people actually calling these scumbags out. They praise that faggot Reagan like hes the messiah even after his tippled the government and passed an amnesty bill.
fd5fbb No.220821
There is a radical mosque connected to one of the New York attacks earlier this year. The truck one I believe, in NJ.
94f005 No.220822
65d7b6 No.220824
A definite falsehood in this post is the determination of sentence and method of execution for Killary. That is post-trial info.
816ad1 No.220825
Agreed. Q's exact words -> 10 days. Darkness. War. Learn multiple meanings.
Has Q not been active and approaching 10 days? Is it possible that could mean Q went "Dark"? Are we not in a "War" at this very moment? Could this not be interpreted as just 1 of those multiple meanings?
Some of these idiots can't see past their own ego.
2b69e5 No.220826
As I recall the planes on 9/11 were 757's.
105f22 No.220827
osiris was cut into 14 pieces, the only piece isis couldn't recover was the dick the 14th piece. it was eaten by a fish in the nile. that's why jesus is the fish. . .son of pharaoh. could also read it 'fish for teen'. either way sick. e podesta= pedo eats. podesta is italian name for a low level mob boss. go figure
6190b6 No.220828
Held leftards and comforted them as they sobbed
bd469f No.220829
I had it in the back of my head that something like this would happen after the Houston Hyatt shooter debacle was thwarted.
It's unfortunate that this happened, but I'm not surprised one bit. It almost seems like someone activated a bunch of sleeper cells.
dd1284 No.220831
877fd9 No.220832
aaeeb9 No.220833
7aae6a No.220835
Ya think? The desperation, it stinks like maggoty corpses.
6429e7 No.220836
i cant find any info on NJ shooting, nothing on true pundits site or their Twitter. Thomas Paine is reliable,,, does anyone have any other news sources for this yet?
6ca2eb No.220837
Theyre playing black hole fucking sun those cocksuckers
2b69e5 No.220838
Trump did say something like "Quick trial, death penalty." for the child abusers. It could be open-and-shut at this point esp. for a military tribunal.
Or not. Not at all sure of that, just that it isn't impossible at this point.
34e9f4 No.220839
6429e7 No.220840
i mean its not on their front page of true pundit, just the link in his twitter,, and nothing on true pundit twitter
1bc52c No.220841
You Sick Evil Bastards.
Plotting Mass Terrorism While Being Rounded Up like Cattle and Caged Like Rats
All They Can Do Now Is Cause Mayhem On The Way Out.
Let There Be More Light!
278c2b No.220842
This was forwarded to me. I'm a little buzzed at the moment, but I read it with interest. I have no idea if the source is credible, but given everything we've been discussing here in recent weeks, I find the content intriguing. You be the judge.
"Nuremberg Trial Fears Grow As Guantanamo Prepares For 'High Level' American Prisoners"
http:// www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2463.htm
1d75fa No.220843
Where/when did he say that?
05152f No.220844
Just a reminder, people: if you qualify for a license to carry concealed, please get that license and then carry concealed, as often as possible. The only thing to stop these scumbags is bullets going in the opposite direction.
34e9f4 No.220845
b96df1 No.220846
Why do people try to connect each gun event? They try to tie them together like it's part of a plague?
Fucked up.
People just get mad and want to hurt other people. Guns are not the problem. Take away the guns - and they'll figure out another way to kill and maim.
People just go nuts and want do "go out with a bang." Shit - how many of you thought about that if you were diagnosed with a life-ending disease? It's crossed many of your minds. Better to go out with a purpose than with a fizzle… just sayin'
805f92 No.220847
0b1358 No.220848
Could be. Now I can’t tell if I’m hearing fireworks or gun shots.
bd469f No.220849
https ://truepundit.com/active-shooter-new-jersey-reportedly-rains-ak-47-gunfire-multiple-subjects/
I wasn't planning on drinking tonight but I will have a drink in memory of the innocent victims of NY 2018. Damn it!!! This pisses me off.
9b40f7 No.220850
The rarity of it. Also to understand. I see you all fighting for something bigger than yourselfs, awe inspiring to be honest. How much time and effort, almost like a growing hivemind. To watch some of you directly seek out the bad actors, on their media sights, and call them out, even knowing that clowns are watching. I do tip my hat to you all.
1cc65c No.220851
Happy New Year. God bless the men and women who would lay down their lives for God and Country.
God bless the seekers of the light of Truth.
ca8366 No.220852
Happy New Year from CST USA!
1bc52c No.220853
recently started CC. I have to renew next year. but since i can pass the BG for a purchase I see no problems in renewing.
I'm just hoping for National Reciprocity in 2018. That would be a dream come true
edd2a7 No.220854
Two doctors, Mitchell and Leslie Weiss, from Florida were on that plane in Costa Rica. Also their daughter a student from Columbia. One, was a radiologist and the other was a pediatrician. Drs have been dropping like flies and they seem to tie to Clinton Foundation. I am going to check out.
aaeeb9 No.220855
May God's hand be with a good soul to quickly end that evil fucks life!
84f6ed No.220856
Weiss sounds very familiar.
fd5fbb No.220858
Someone had responded on Twitter saying suspect was in custody. No idea if accurate.
05152f No.220859
President Trump, on October 8, 2012, at 6:13 a.m., tweeted the following:
"Got to do something about these missing chidlren [sic] grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty."
Sauce: archived tweet (split link): http://archive. is/RqDhi
f03818 No.220860
I was digging around for Iran images and came across these beauties….I don't want to turn this persons beautiful portraits of modern people in Iran into meme's without permission….however I wanted to share with the thread this guys awesome work….check it out!!!
chrislettner.com/gallery/ portraits-iran/
chrislettner.com/ gallery_category/iran/
2dd474 No.220861
I have also researched many of those things, but that's not the point.
The argument you made was
>person talked about Q, so Q doesn't exist?
That is just silly.
Both of those people tell truths and untruths. It would be like using Gordon Duff as a source. He tells truths and untruths.
2b69e5 No.220862
http ://yournewswire.com/trump-pedophiles-deserve-death-penalty/
7281e9 No.220863
His twitter is active, shill. Nice try.
fdd71c No.220864
https://truepundit. com/active-shooter-new-jersey-reportedly-rains-ak-47-gunfire-multiple-subjects/
94f005 No.220865
Cheked & kekd, anon.
ea2f1a No.220866
Happy new year to you, Q!
Hope you can stop in soon and let us know how you are doing!
105f22 No.220867
who is afraid of this kind of justice?
b471d1 No.220868
Wow! Didn't know that!! so sick!!
pedo eats!!! what the hell, these peoples names!!!
278c2b No.220869
I sure as hell ain't afraid of this kind of justice.
2dd474 No.220870
Has anything you have seen or read here affected you, your perception of the world or view?
05152f No.220872
Awesome news, Anon! So glad to hear you're carrying concealed. And yes, I agree, things will be a lot better in this country when there is national reciprocity. For now I am licensed in about 35 states (through licensing in states that have reciprocity with other states). But it will be a lot better when a concealed carry permit in one state will be applicable in all other states, too. I've been an NRA member for years, supportive of their efforts, and when I finish up my legal education I will practice firearms law, get active in concealed carry advocacy, write Op/Ed pieces, and get involved more with legislators (on a state and national level). It all starts with us individuals, doing whatever we can where we are, so this is one way I intend to give back and help.
8a5132 No.220873
I wonder if what's going on in Iran will end up another Gaddafi situation. Just like they tried with Assad
94f005 No.220874
Lulz - my favorite cartoon series of all time!
bd469f No.220875
yournewswire is not a credible website.
84f6ed No.220876
After being 'accused' of pizzagate involvement, Chrissy made her account private.
331225 No.220877
Thomas Drake's last original tweet was 12/25. The rest are retweets.
05152f No.220878
Right on, Anon! God bless you in all that you do.
f3393a No.220879
In the Bible the fish has astrological significance re the water carrier (Luke 22:10) and the sign of Jonah.
2b69e5 No.220880
another anon gave a more direct cite of the same tweet. the tweet is real. you are probably not.
e3ee6f No.220881
Happy Q Tear all you fags!
Oldfags, newfags, planefags,boatfags, normies and boomers.
I want you to know, I don't even remember how I got here but I've come to respect all of you more than you could know. I know, I'm Momanon, maybe there's some truth in that statement or a crumb, but i want you to know, if I found out any harm came to anyone of you I would decimate them into smithereens with their own words.
In other news.. not happy about NJ..
94f005 No.220882
Please dig, anon.
b471d1 No.220883
You call that "a purpose"? Killing innocent people? WTF! Man, can't wrap my head around that at all. No, I never thought about it and would never think about that - sick shit!
6429e7 No.220884
Pictures and video of Trump Family New Year.
Happy New Year to President Trump and all of his family. Thank you
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ article-5225637/The-Trumps-arrive-swanky-Mar-Lago-New-Years-Eve-bash.html
e3ee6f No.220886
Over 80 of them in 2 years.. that's a lot of docs
f03818 No.220887
also scroll up there's a report on the other family of 5 that were on that plane as well. will keep digging!!!
1d75fa No.220888
When their sources can be verified they are fine.
But yes, sometimes they talk out of their ass.
0cdb05 No.220889
If you are talking about the podesta palms photo, some people think it refers to this illuminati card.
Goldfish Fanciers 1 4
"We're sorry, but we're not even permitted to hint at what the Secret Knowledge is about goldfish. No, we're really not going to explain why."
6cc457 No.220890
Been drinking. Accidentally posted this in the Q thread.
39f737 No.220891
10, [10-9]
Operational_window(5-6)_FDeltaC25-26 Secured.
Floor is yours.
Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]
Not sure about the flavor of this sauce, but could be related…
84f6ed No.220892
33fcaf No.220893
And Ukraine. I've been trying to find info on the undercurrents and lead up to the protests but no luck yet.
e688d3 No.220894
Why does Melania have owls on her gown?
34eeb6 No.220895
foxnews. com/politics/2016/12/31/chief-justice-roberts-says-judiciary-will-review-sexual-misconduct-policies.html
105f22 No.220896
baten kaitos was rising in the east when i was born so i know all about that fish life. . .belly of the beast.
b471d1 No.220897
Wow! All amazing! Look at Barron!!!
9bb211 No.220898
Some owls are good.
3b1553 No.220899
I feel I saw that post either Thursday or Friday late afternoon.
1bc52c No.220900
Old Fake News anon…
do some digging before posting… it helps keep the thread clean
aaeeb9 No.220901
It's not but thanks for identifying yourself as one of the schills that posts that every couple hours
dd7fba No.220902
thanks…. was trying to manage some NYE parties and meme at the same time
94f005 No.220903
God Bless POTUS, Q team, Operators, an anons on this glorious 2018 New Year's Eve/Day, whichever zone you're in.
…and prayers to those in New Jersey!
a5f2d9 No.220904
photos of NJ scene:
http:// www.thelakewoodscoop.com/news/2018/01/breaking-photos-the-scene-in-long-branch-where-multiple-people-were-shot.html
94f005 No.220905
9f17a7 No.220906
Strange none of the media is covering it
f03818 No.220907
Belleair residents among 10 Americans killed in Costa Rica plane crash
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica — A plane carrying 10 U.S. citizens, including a family from Belleair, crashed in woods, killing all aboard Sunday, Costa Rica’s government said.
The Public Safety Ministry posted photographs and video of the crash site showing burning wreckage of the plane in Guanacaste, northwest Costa Rica.
Mitchell, 52, and Leslie Weiss, 50, Hannah Weiss, 19, and Ari Moses Weiss, 16, were killed in the crash, the New York Daily News and Philadelphia Inquirer reported. It was not immediately clear whether they are children of Leslie and Mitchell Weiss. Records show Hannah Weiss sharing their address in Florida of Belleair died in the crash, the Daily News reported. The State Department confirmed their deaths, the newspaper said.
Leslie and Mitchell Weiss left the Philadelphia area around 2005, relocating to Belleair, according to public records. They were both licensed as practicing physicians affiliated with local hospitals and had previously lived in Plymouth Meeting and Lafayette Hill, the Inquirer said.
www.tbo.com/news/world/ Belleair-residents-among-10-Americans-killed-in-Costa-Rica-plane-crash_164091881
a5f2d9 No.220908
The Lakewood Scoop @LakewoodScoop
UPDATE: We’re getting reports of the shooter in custody. A total of 3 reportedly shot. At least one said to be critical.
e809c4 No.220909
2b893e No.220910
It is specifically the branch of barn owls that are the evil owls. Google image search. The ones with solid black eyes are the moloch.
1bc52c No.220911
6190b6 No.220912
I guess we can remove her from the Q alias list
Doesn't count as doxxing does it?
7281e9 No.220914
Not everyone. Just faggots who can't read.
94f005 No.220915
Thank you, Baker!
bd469f No.220916
I wasn't saying the tweet was fake. I'm saying the author Sorcha Faal is a fucking tool and the website is not very credible based on his contributions.
b471d1 No.220917
There's nothing wrong with any of the animals themselves, it's just their symbolism that is f'd up.
e70283 No.220918
Support the artist and buy an original!
>file already exists
Kek, someone beat me to it.
>my contribution
6429e7 No.220919
Melania donned a gorgeous $4,000 Emery floral-embroidered sequin ERDEM gown
Its flowers,lol
9f17a7 No.220920
9b40f7 No.220922
No, not really. I knew those things were going on, but not the names or to whom they were all connected to. These types of corruption are not only going on within the elite groups, but also within all cities and small towns. Ive seen them first hand, this experience has just put faces on to whom it all trickles down to.
6b9973 No.220923
Isn't one of the matters that stirred the Ukraine pot that plane that was shot down about 5 years ago?
Obe was immediately trying to blame it on Russia, but a local got to the crash scene and took a pix that proved it was not shot down by anti-aircraft fire. I have that picture. The pilot cabin was obviously gunned through by their own escorts.
b471d1 No.220924
Yeah! Good catch! She seemed very off to me!!
05152f No.220926
@kill_rogue also just posted a tweet about Julian Assange's tweet (with the key) and said, "What words do you hear in the song?"
Split link to archive: https://twitter. com/kill_rogue/status/947712658915991553
7297d2 No.220927
veiled prediction by cnn tonight of more shootings in vegas?
"some of the theaters are a little deadly"
https ://twitter.com/MAGAPILL/status/947707032391401477
f73488 No.220928
Happy Q Year Anons!!
Just got another Q captcha!
6b9973 No.220929
He's going to be taller than dad.
e688d3 No.220930
He looks detached. Uninterested looking away
2785ff No.220933
Not hearing much on the scanner for Long Branch area.
https: //www.broadcastify.com/listen/stid/34
2b893e No.220934
I fly like paper, get high like planes
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
If you come around here, I make 'em all day
I get one down in a second if you wait
Sometimes I think sitting on trains
Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game
Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame
Bona fide hustler making my name
All I wanna do is
And a
And take your money
Pirate skulls and bones
Sticks and stones and weed and bong
Running when we hit 'em
Lethal poison for the system
No one on the corner has swagger like us
Hit me on my Burner prepaid wireless
We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
Already going hell just pumping that gas
All I wanna do is
And a
And take your money
Third world democracy
Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.
So, uh, no funny business
Are you ready all?
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
All I wanna do is
And a
And take your money
877fd9 No.220936
I think he is about 12. Makes sense.
bd469f No.220938
Hussein>AIDS/HIV>Red Cross
https: //truepundit.com/trump-just-abruptly-fired-16-members-many-obama-appointees-hivaids-council/
I wonder how it all fits in.
ea2f1a No.220939
Whoa….. Q posted p_per planes
2b69e5 No.220940
off-topic: go step outside and look at the moon tonight. It's a "super moon" and is bigger than it will be again until 2034.
34eeb6 No.220941
Perhaps an in-your-face-fuck-you to the cabal
c11a09 No.220942
Could this be related to Q's drop that 30+ in Congress will not be returning or have they been indicted or both? Happy New Year anons!
b471d1 No.220943
No, his brain is always working over time. He's probably doing some mathematical problem in his head or figuring out a new invention for something…
He is really a brilliant kid!!
9f17a7 No.220944
3a5bed No.220945
ff0097 No.220946
Probably wake some people up
3b1553 No.220947
Yea I feel like it was Friday late afternoon EST. Possibly early evening. Or maybe Thursday.
e688d3 No.220948
3e3ade No.220950
Third world democracy
Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.
So, uh, no funny business
Are you ready all?
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
805f92 No.220952
Nice catch. He posted that one several times.
f3393a No.220953
Goldfish Fanciers combines the astrological signs for Aquarius and Pisces. 14 is on the card and on Podesta's hand. The gematria for the Hebrew word for hand is 14.
bc884a No.220954
T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^
P_pers: WRWY
Nope. nice try.
abbe61 No.220958
I feel really moved to post a prayer.
Oh, divine beloved Creator God,
Please shower our planet with Your unconditional mercy,
Your unconditional Truth,
Your unconditional justice,
Your unconditional wisdom,
And above all, Your unconditional love.
Please open the hearts & minds of all living things on this planet,
Please help us lift ourselves up out of darkness & into the light of Your love.
Please armour us with Your divine courage &
Surround us with Your divine protection.
Please grace us with Your divine intervention & deliver us victory over evil.
Please fill us with Your divine strength, so that we may protect the children.
Please fill us with Your divine purpose, so that we may fulfill our destiny.
Please align our vision with Your vision.
Please let Your wisdom wash over us & guide us.
Please fill our hearts with Your love, so that we may find our way home to You.
Please unite us in Your divine love.
This I pray, in Your name & in Your son, Jesus Christ's name,
94f005 No.220962
904c65 No.220963
My first post of the Q Year. This year will be awesome, I can just about guarantee!
33fcaf No.220964
The plane was shot down by the Kiev Junta fighter jets. The Coup had already occurred and the civil was was already underway. The west tried to blame it on the east Ukrainians with the use of a ground to air anti aircraft missile but that's not true.
Just before MH17 was Putin's plane flying the same path and it's believed the Junta got the wrong plane. There were Kiev fighter jets buzzing around MH17 at the time and the evidence showed the plane was shot down with multiple bullet holes and not from a missile.
0b1358 No.220965
He’s 12. Let him be 12. Off limits
dd7fba No.220966
Greg Gutfield
GG = 77
f73488 No.220967
This has been one of my fav thing to see this Xmas - inspired!
e809c4 No.220968
b471d1 No.220969
It was on a twitter feed somewhere a while back. Someone posted a paper he'd written about the Republic or something like that. It was brilliant!!
I had to read it like 3 times to understand it.
His IQ is very high, like his dad's.
Wish I could find the sauce - I will try.
1f9cd8 No.220970
Are those missiles in each point? Zoom in.
1d75fa No.220972
P_pers: Public (not private).
>>220939 No pay rise for you fag
>>220952 No pay rise for you fag
7281e9 No.220973
None of you faggots are real autists. Those are flowers.
94f005 No.220974
TY, Baker. It smells great!
904c65 No.220975
6b9973 No.220976
rogue is quite a bit behind the times, isn't he?
9f17a7 No.220977
Wonder if they will call this a domestic also
0b1358 No.220978
Ok that’s what I thought but I couldn’t find a clear picture to zoom in on.
752896 No.220980
(((Direct Hit))) it's looking like (((all))) of these people or at least half (((Steinberg's))) of the people on that plane are (((directly))) tied to the (((Clinton Foundation))) through the UJA-Federation
www.ujafedny.org/news/ clinton-lauds-lions-support-for-local-global-work/
bc884a No.220982
haha if you're talking about that twitter account.
i'm filtering everyone that mentions it.
its so stupid xD
abbe61 No.220983
I really want to read that.
585b19 No.220985
Barron has kind of a 'James Bond' type pose happening.
94f005 No.220987
Fill this bread, my happy, drunk faggots!
34eeb6 No.220988
Typical SA-5 ground configuration which would not be unusual to see at a bombing range
dd7fba No.220989
American Airlines Flight 11
Boeing 767-223ER
United Airlines Flight 175
Boeing 767-200
American Airlines Flight 77
Boeing 757-223
f5fdaa No.220990
amen and god bless
0cd31f No.220991
Go read Qs actual post …you won’t find him saying this
68e504 No.220994
Please Lord Jesus, kill me before the sun rises. I'm sick of this fucking bullshit and I have no interest in another year of life. I don't give a fuck what happens, I have no interest in eternal life, I just want and end to my existence. Do it or fuck you. amen
b471d1 No.220995
I couldn't see the owls, my zooming doesn't show a clear enough picture, but nonetheless, shills will shill right.
bc884a No.220998
reinounido .embajada.gob.ec
94f005 No.221000
You're a coward, faggot.
a5f2d9 No.221002
Chelsea got Ultra-Violet hands in the 2nd pic.
7297d2 No.221003
9cacef No.221004
So edgy. Happy New Year.
904c65 No.221005
That's what true autism looks like. I'll be very interested to see how Baron does in the coming years
6429e7 No.221006
Not to mention his mother speaks 5 languages.
0cd31f No.221007
This I saw the problem with newfags …. ruined this place
1bc52c No.221008
Let There Be More Light!
abbe61 No.221009
That would be me!
a5f2d9 No.221012
e688d3 No.221013
Sorry bitch ur stuck with us till god emperor saves us all, take a shower and swig down a protein shake,,,,,,
2785ff No.221015
Drones have existed since the 1960's, they were a joint Airforce / CIA investment, McDonald Douglas was the contractor at the time.
http:// roadrunnersinternationale.com/meierdierck/flying.html#43
6ca2eb No.221017
Love this bread, fuck the globalists!
e688d3 No.221018
And bingo was his name o
7281e9 No.221020
You leave the movie now, you'll miss the best part. Go grab some popcorn and chill.
105f22 No.221022
rumor i heard when pg8 first broke was that this is related to osiris and the fetish of dick eating and castration. yep, that's actually a thing. these people are sick af
abbe61 No.221024
I love you guys & I'm a bit buzzed, but still sincere.
68e504 No.221025
>You're a coward, faggot.
""Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
there's 2 jesus. You've promised where @ or more agree, it will be done. Kill me. You promised.
f73488 No.221026
Barron does have that 'boyband' look - can imagine girls everywhere think he's cute & handsome.
He will grow up to be most eligible bachelor on the planet!
fab0ed No.221028
fab0ed No.221029
fab0ed No.221031
fab0ed No.221032
Patriots make the dough rise
1bc52c No.221033
fab0ed No.221035
fab0ed No.221036