713fb5 No.220949
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
713fb5 No.220951
— MONDAY / 25 Dec 17 (CHRISTMAS DAY) —
>>172761 to >>172726
— FRIDAY/SATURDAY / 22/23 Dec 17 —
Archived! See RESOURCES below.
713fb5 No.220955
>>212602, >>212601 Iran protests turn violent
>>212226, >>212418 Trump fires 16 members of AIDS council
>>205364, >>205417 FBI Conducted Raid in Sterling, VA
>>202440 NSA Finally Gets an Independent Inspector General
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger? <-- Seemingly, no one has done a dig on this
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>216840 Crumbs?
>>216724 The Sum of All Fears
>>215470 Act II Scene IV
>>213716 Crumbs from "Fire Watch" anon
>>213405, >>213485 Did the number of sealed indictments more than double to 10,448?
>>212675 Stringer UPDATED to include He Who Must Not be Named leaking Dossier
>>211680 Dig on Q image of China Navy Ship post on 06 Nov 2017 (4 part post)
>>205047 Rogue nuke discussion - word format, QMap pic (1/10th scale) - full size TBA.
>>205029, >>205114 @kill_rogue twatter changed handle from @0seek0. Discern for yourself.
>>204864 Lucis Trust
>>203051 Oldfag on culture
>>202965 Ms. Jackson-Lee pedo ring
>>202429 "&"
>>202417, >>202424 10 days of darkness?
>>201953 Pepsi's use of fetal cells for flavor enhancement
>>201927 Planefaggotry summarization
>>201868 Trump body double
>>201779 Trump making connection?
>>201466 Anon on OP. F&F and Philippines
>>201460 Qanon on RT
>>201435 Anon on Iran deal
>>201391 More crumbs?
>>191147 Crumbs? ← possible help from Q team
>>190329 And more crumbs?
>>190303 Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile
>>189936 Disney was founded with CIA help
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
Ordered by date. Possible crumbs highlighted with bold.
To bakers: limit to 30. FIFO.
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
713fb5 No.220956
Research Resources >>211983 (for findings that do not fit into threads below)
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
Asia Foundation >>15984
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
British Connections >>117841
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FLIGHT TRACKING (PlaneFaggotry) >>195194
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Israel & Zionism >>1398
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Red Cross >>40157
Rothschild Family >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
Stringers, military courts >>189447
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
Who is P? >>202645
**List is in alphabetical order. Findings/files should go to >>211983.
713fb5 No.220957
/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0
/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.
/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.
/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
https: //anonfile.com/12H9s8dab8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.1.0.pdf
Q_Data_Set_1.5 - https:// anonfile.com/meI9s5d9ba/Q_Data_Set_1.5.zip >>219579
Interactive: https:// qcodefag.github.io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>163079 (Grand Q-Map)
Thread archives: http:// qarchives.ml/
Text: [4chan] https:// pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https:// pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https:// anonfile.com/o9b1r6d0b8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.0.0.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https:// dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: https:// www.anonfiles.cc/file/2145042ee95f7d7747a43a1fbf03b375
The Book of Q: https:// pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http:// www.db-q.com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444 (Q & A, guidelines >>213146)
Spreadsheet Guidelines: >>213146
Q turned A: https:// anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https:// ufile.io/nmyy0
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free research resources: >>216402
For site archival: https:// archive.fo/
Marine Codes: http:// marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Encode/Decode Text: https://www .paulschou.com/tools/xlate/
The World Government PDF http:// bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf
'''The official CBTS discord server-remeber everything said here can be heard by intel agencies-discord. gg/NVXDNYG
> Through tempest, storm
> And darkest night,
> Anons don't rest
> 'Til things are right.
Current Meme Topic Suggestions
* POTUS declaring Anti-Slavery Month
* POTUS jobs kicking in
* Tax cut
* POTUS tweets regarding Iranian revolution
THREADS: #5 >>189835, #4 >>142207, #3 >>107604, #2 >>61078, #1 >>2
MEME AMMO: >>180945, (bulk image download)
REDPILL TACTICS: >>189448, >>189460, >>189467
Prayer Requests: >>55606
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
713fb5 No.220959
(UPDATED) Before posting links, put a space after 'http://' part.
e.g. http:// twitter.com, http:// en.wikipedia.org
Stripping http:// and https:// is also acceptable.
e.g. twitter.com wikipedia.org
When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.
This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the
destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
Use hooktube.com instead of youtube.com
You can anonymously watch youtube videos using the above site.
It has a clean interface and it allows you to download youtube videos easily.
If you use Firefox you can install an addon called Hooktubeify which auto-redirects youtube links to hooktube.
Use duckduckgo.com instead of google.com
You can anonymously search web using this site.
It also has a cool feature called "bangs", which allows you to directly
go to and search within websites using aliases. For example, if you make
duckduckgo your default web search engine, you can type "!wiki POTUS"
directly at the URL bar and it will take you to POTUS' wikipedia page.
Although it is allowed, do not provide a valid email address for your comments.
There is very little(if any) reason to do so. This is an anonymous board, and for good reason.
About Shills
Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.
They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.
Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur(leftists).
So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*
You don't.
Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,
mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:
Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)
and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.
Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.
Dough & Baking Instructions
If a baker is needed and you decide to be one:
Read the instructions at the top of the dough and below.
Do not forget to update the link, which contains the dough used for this bread.
Last dough: https://pastebin .com/c9m4rKNC
713fb5 No.220960
Important summary of ‘helper anon’ ID 35087e from Thread 252
1) Assets to be seized by Trump like SA. In addition, gold and assets seized at the end of WWII to be given back to people from Fed and BIS in Switzerland. Leo Wanta who has court titel to manage assets was seized at ATL during darkness.
Neil Keenan? The emergence of Neil Keenan at the cutting edge of these events can be traced to the theft in 2009 by Vatican financial insider Daniele dal Bosco of $144.5 billion in Federal Reserve notes which were entrusted to Mr. Keenan by the Dragon Family, the group of ancient wealthy clans in Asia who are the legitimate owners of vast amounts of gold in the off-ledger Global Accounts. “The belly of the Dragon Drips Water”?
The end result would be enough gold to put us on the gold standard at the end of Trump’s second term.
2) Diego Garcia is Gitmo 2. Both have judicial courts and no visibility of planes flying to them. Implies that we’re using DG now and since it’s a joint owned base with the Brits, a place for European crooks also.
3) Julian Assange secretly working with us to find Europe crooks to start the Storm in Europe. We’ll need a place like Diego Garcia soon. Also mentions there are 20,000 pedos in UK alone. Q ‘twitter rogue’: Navy knew twitter would delete JA so they restored it and instructed JA to add new followers to his account and ‘accidentally’ tweeted Julian Assange.
4) Iran was operated by Mullahs with Soros. Soros strings cut, so now time for revolution. Israel and Saudi’s secretly assisting revolution. One of eight countries to have a change of leadership.
5) Trump’s capital C tweet? “US U C MUCH MORE”: 30 to 50 congressmen not returning after break. 800 more indictments last week in Ca. So many indictments is why break was extended.
6) Roth’s are squealing (like a stuck pig or talking?)
7) Hilary to be hanged
8) Confirms dates. 10 days of darkness started 12/25 making these dates important Jan 4 (10 days), Jan 10 and Jan 20. 4/10/20…DJT or dates? Previous Fire Watch anon suggested Kim is onboard a sub since December 17,
713fb5 No.220961
/// Extra Instructions/Guidelines for Experienced Bakers
/// By choosing to become a baker, you have accepted a few responsibilities.
/// Which concerns the information provided by the bread. In other words:
/// How to make the bread tasty?:
/// - Read every post on the previous thread(s). Even if skimming through, by your experience,
/// you will (generally) notice a few posts standing out from the rest. Add those
/// to the previous notable posts part of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Follow the news. As with notable posts, include relevant news in the news part
/// of the RECENT HAPPENINGS section.
/// - Do not include a collection of links in any part of the bread.
/// e.g. …/part1.zip …/part2.zip …/part3.zip
/// This makes the bread take unnecessary amounts of space, making it harder to read.
/// Instead, collect the links and make a post inside or preferably outside the general
/// thread, and include the post instead. Alternatively, you can collect them all in a
/// pastebin.com paste, and include the link of that.
/// - Above all, please understand:
/// A bread is meant for consumption. If you fill it with tasteless stuff, it will
/// become unedible. Ideally, every bread would be read by each anon, and it would
/// bring them up to speed, even if they have been away for a while.
/// There is simply too much noise(flaming, shills, stupidity etc.) in the threads,
/// which makes them very hard to follow consistently. As a baker, by including the
/// tasty stuff, you bring *some* order to this chaos. Chaos, in many ways, defines us.
/// But there still needs to be a balance. (You), baker, are the balance.
/// "Perfection is achieved,
/// Not when there is nothing more to add,
/// But when there is nothing left to take away."
/// - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
/// Godspeed.
f45d89 No.220979
God bless this bread, and protect those who would lay down their lives for God and Country.
93f1d8 No.220984
2a42d1 No.220986
Thank you master baker for such great bread
17f5fb No.220997
8f6027 No.220999
reinounido .embajada.gob.ec
17f5fb No.221021
956f35 No.221030
I swear I see owls everywhere now.
Are there owls on this dress?
9f400a No.221034
The fucking gas mask bong on CNN!
7870b1 No.221038
419c6f No.221039
searched back 3 days for paper planes. no luck.
9f400a No.221040
I didnt screenshot it, sorry bro
8b3366 No.221042
8c4ede No.221043
Thank you baler for this fine bread, and Happy New Year's to you. I'm going to bed, but keep up the great work, you fucking amazing Patriot!!!!
0de372 No.221044
There flowers …your drunk ..go to bed
8ae4e7 No.221045
March 2016 HRC's emails were released by State Dept under FOIA. But many were missing and still are. Some of the missing have now been released unddr FOIA thanks to Weiners laptoo.
July 2016 we got DNC leaked emails thanks to Seth Rich. DNC killed Seth Rich for that because they knew he stole them but werent sure if hed given to wikileaks yet. plus they wanted to punish him, as we saw from Podestas hacked and leaked emails in…
…Oct 2016, wikileaks released Podestas hacked emails.
Which email trove did dossier refer to?
2d72a8 No.221046
Black Pigeon Speaks.
63b913 No.221047
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
12 killed, including 10 Americans, in Costa Rica plane crash
youtu.be/ xrwVfORsh-o
78d518 No.221049
Wow! The media sure attacked Barron! They are ruthless aren't they. This is gonna take a while…
bf9d0d No.221050
Seth is a hero, thanks for seeking the truth
713fb5 No.221051
thx guys glad I have time again
8f6027 No.221052
2 Doctors, alot of doctors have been dying lately
894d38 No.221053
No. Don't be gay.
17f5fb No.221054
87fcb4 No.221055
Thanks for the intel drop in last bread. Staggering if true.
4efb61 No.221057
don't wish for that anon. he can deliver you from whatever you are dealing with. i prayed for you and believe you should watch this tonight:
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjv-oVuOEeA
2a42d1 No.221059
Poor baron. Wish they would leave him alone! They didn’t do this to any other first kids! Makes me so angry!!!!
d28134 No.221060
google lazy
f042c5 No.221061
Happy new years you filthy animals.
i got love for some of you.
New year new blessins.
Let's go.
52c4e2 No.221063
All the Anons in here didn't bother to read the first sentence. The PM of Thailand is NOT Bukharin. The current prime minister is Prayut ChanOcha. Anyone can confirm, most are lazy.
I can't say anything about the rest of the report but it's likely to be a fabrication. Current PM = Chanocha, which ousted Yingluck in a military junta.
2a42d1 No.221065
Oh I have to meme this one!
0de372 No.221066
This is false …check your sources or go to reddit where they love rumors
8f6027 No.221067
are you sending emojis? all i see is a small box
85cf95 No.221068
Cheer up, the kid is just a few years away from grabbing any pussy he wants….
0d91a2 No.221069
So edgy with pot being legal there and all.
f042c5 No.221071
fb618d No.221072
Old Fake News Anon…
Pic is from travel site,
the name of Thai PM is incorrect
has been reported on old breads…
Not News. Lurk Moar
8bf56a No.221073
Here's the video describing the gas mask bong and showing some screen grabs. I'm sure by tomorrow there'll be a video of it up. For now, here ya go (link split): https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=87HF3IqNlyQ
8b3366 No.221074
Can't wait to see your work, anon. Godspeed.
34c7d7 No.221075
No more taking hostages
enough is enough
Return of the Wise White Owls + friends
We tame beasts
Fight Wise and you'll have the Treasure
"Truth" will be your sword …..
Look for the sword …….
894d38 No.221076
You're a special kind of stupid, anon. Tineye before you post, maybe you'll learn something.
af3159 No.221077
Different dude, but connected to Alefantis: Werkinonmahnightcheese
0d91a2 No.221079
d28134 No.221080
0de372 No.221081
Looks like the
Are rolling in
8f6027 No.221082
24e38a No.221084
how beautiful. Cheers anon, Happy new year.!
06db99 No.221085
What if I shit and one hand and wish in the other?
9067df No.221087
Man, you want to talk about a red line…
fb644a No.221090
You're doing it wrong, but nice try, fag.
aa19a0 No.221091
To all those sitting in front of screens and devices as the clock and calendar rolls over, Happy New Years.
fb644a No.221093
4efb61 No.221095
8b3366 No.221097
A bong with a CNN microphone. This doesn't even need a caption!
That said, our memefags need to tear this one up.
aa19a0 No.221098
And I see CNN is having a stupid good time.
aa19a0 No.221099
85cf95 No.221100
Hey, it's a sinking ship, might as well party on the way down.
aa19a0 No.221102
Trump needs to retweet that image NOW.
fb644a No.221103
…and the same to u, of course.
8bf56a No.221105
Cut the shit, Anon! Seriously, log the fuck off and take a break from the steady flow of information. And get yourself a pet for crying out loud, preferably an older one from a rescue group. There's nothing that keeps you grounded like caring for an innocent animal who relies on you for everything. They give back unconditional love and will make you feel good, calm, and relaxed. So quit yer bitchin' and help a pet in real life. Log off if that's what it takes. And never forget: when the worst has come, the worst is going . . . . get some sleep and you'll feel better. Sleeping with a pet on top of your covers is absolutely the best, so go get you a needy friend tomorrow.
aa19a0 No.221107
Getting high does not equate to staying afloat.
8f6027 No.221108
You're pretty late to the party anon :)
32d342 No.221109
Best I could do on mspaint.exe, I can't be fucked loading up photoshop.
ff8aaf No.221111
Yeah me too, that would be a great read!
fb644a No.221112
Trump says, "GTFO! You're FIRED!"
…with a FedEx letter no less. Luv to the POTUS!
4573b6 No.221113
2a42d1 No.221114
87fcb4 No.221115
Anons, brace for staggering news coming out of that Assange file. You can piece it together if you read the last bread properly. If it's a LARP it's really well done. Best wishes to all, this will be interesting.
50dac2 No.221116
guess area 51 is the embassy of the 7 seals
2694a8 No.221117
That reminds me of a joke. What do you get when you mix FedEx and UPS?
8933cf No.221118
Yep I like how they are all right there immediately, like inhumanly fast.
0d91a2 No.221119
21e61d No.221120
The reference to the "world" should actually be considered "world order," because the rule is only for a time, until the end of "ordained" time (for that), or the end of the world.
That end was 1997. We now live after the end of that appointed rule. And this time begins with a forty year period of transition. We are now half way through that and it is going very nicely.
The many "plagues" of truth promotion that have developed in this time are what is making it all possible.
This is all detailed more here :
…and even moreso in the OP link there.
fb644a No.221121
Enlighten me, Anon.
63b913 No.221122
UJA-Federation = Clinton Foundation connection
We’re dynamic women — active moms, busy professionals, and empty nesters — who get together for worthwhile programs that inspire us and make a difference for people in need.
Westchester Women Leadership
Chair: Michele Gregson
Advisory Chair: Laura Kleinhandler
Cabinet Members
Irene Steinberg (((plane crash victim)))
www.ujafedny.org/get-involved/ find-your-place/uja-women/
a0d4c2 No.221123
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Insane to believe? Can a truth be scarier than fiction? Who ran our country?
aa19a0 No.221124
Thank you!
I'll have you know I am still in 2017! You are all from the future! Does that mean I'm actually early?
0de372 No.221125
4573b6 No.221126
Smell what mr. Lahey?
2694a8 No.221127
Fed Up.
On that note I think I'm tipsy and sleepy. I'm out. Happy New Year anons!
85cf95 No.221128
LOL, looking back now at the way he fired Comey is even funni now; by leter while he is on the other side of the country, so he finds out while seeing it on TV! Hahahah….Fuck you!
f359d5 No.221129
obligatory stfu about twatter q fags you dumb fuck.
0d91a2 No.221130
Smells like it's coming from AUS
fb644a No.221131
LOL! Noice!
Good night, anon. Sleep well, knowing that 2018 will be glorious.
80f80c No.221132
It Friday I'm sure.. It was dropped from a balloon, in a thread about how high planes can fly. It may be in the planefag thread even.
f45d89 No.221133
It's the winds of shit, Randy.
17f5fb No.221134
Smells like winning.
ff8aaf No.221135
Smells like Victory!
f26422 No.221136
What's the latest "feel" as we revisit the @kill_rogue twitter account?
He's posted his 5th & 6th original tweets today, then moments after #6, re-Tweeted JA as this Anon pointed out in last Board……
Was his final Xmas message one of ForWarding to Twitter into this existing account? And still assuring "10 days darkness" after Xmas?
067933 No.221137
f45d89 No.221138
Smells like a shitnami is about to hit (((them)))
8b3366 No.221140
A CNN reporter with a bong. What, you want a meme?
18345b No.221142
I think the key word there was PARTY,lol
0de372 No.221143
Fake account … go away
689c6c No.221144
8f6027 No.221145
wow.. im gonna go to sleep now.
sick of these retards that doesn't understand that Kill_Rogue is a fake account that has nothing to do with Q.
i think i've filtered at least 50 anons now.
87fcb4 No.221146
Now I know who the deep state is afraid of lol
bf9d0d No.221147
Ok gents and ladies, take 2 mins and remember the glory
8933cf No.221149
that and the "helper" bots
8f6027 No.221151
yeah those are filtered as well xD
f042c5 No.221153
I wanna see cuffs.
I wanna see darnkess face their biggest fear manifest.
I wanna see what im not supposed to
see cause im on the quest to scratch that itch
87fcb4 No.221154
I have a red pill suggestion that will soon be appropriate. "You are not going to fucking believe this." There is no way to ease into the topic.
067933 No.221155
I love you shitapillar.
2a42d1 No.221156
Paper Planes
I fly like paper, get high like planes
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
If you come around here, I make 'em all day
I get one down in a second if you wait
Sometimes I think sitting on trains
Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game
Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame
Bona fide hustler making my name
All I wanna do is
And a
And take your money
Pirate skulls and bones
Sticks and stones and weed and bong
Running when we hit 'em
Lethal poison for the system
No one on the corner has swagger like us
Hit me on my Burner prepaid wireless
We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
Already going hell just pumping that gas
8b3366 No.221157
A CNN reporter with a bong. This doesn't even need a meme.
20a2b7 No.221158
love the title! so true! hope the minds changing about 80% private is true! only, ONLY way to actually gain trust and get ppl back out to the polls.
85cf95 No.221159
I want to see anyone executing kids go out in that same fashion….make it so!
f99599 No.221161
The liquor, Randy
0de372 No.221162
yeah, the “helpers” delusion is cracking me up
689c6c No.221163
adcc1e No.221164
I never get tired of that
87fcb4 No.221165
Hats off Q team, you did an amazing job with an incredibly difficult task.
2d1232 No.221166
It looks like Bruce Steinberg is also related to (((Beth Steinberg))) pic related who also appears to works with UJA-Federation….
bb9bf9 No.221167
Lyrics seem like a description of CIA.
Wonder what JA is trying to imply.
0d91a2 No.221168
I watchin them Randy… Like a shit hawk, like a shit hawk..
d1d8b5 No.221169
WTF there is a white rabbit in that picture of Iranian women taking off the scarf.
upper left side on top of the air conditioner.
2a42d1 No.221170
I’m trying to fig out, I see the skull and bones, and that other person tweeted a utube video about their ritual
bf9d0d No.221172
Poor Mr Lahey, rest in peace
2a42d1 No.221173
Maybe he’s safely with the cia?
32d342 No.221174
I have to agree with you Anon.
Just because the words "Kill_Rogue" were within a tweet, shouldn't mean people jump to the conclusion that it's Q.
Q went to significant effort to use half and 8ch to get their message to people who could understand it, why would they suddenly mainstream themselves unless:
1. Q is trying to famefag themselves, maybe for a book deal?
2. Someone else is trying to famefag, and make some $ from Q's following.
^- This one is most likely the case.
21e61d No.221175
>Believers are no longer under the rule of Satan…
This was true until the end of time. Since then, the church has been dying because the people were not protected there. The ordination of the church expired at that time. Only once the new leadership of "Christlike-ness" is supreme does that change again. Then the protective verses you quoted are valid again, but only as under the new authority. Until then, rain falls on the just and the unjust.
We now live in a time some of us will choose to follow Jesus (in his words and deeds) instead of Paul, and become that new leadership.
87fcb4 No.221176
I guarantee you Julian is safe.
8f6027 No.221177
who was a member of the Skull and Bones?
What was that person involved in ?
0de372 No.221178
one bots talking to imaginary friend
8b3366 No.221179
A CNN reporter coming up with sources & stories.
bf9d0d No.221180
Over and over and over, them laughing at Ann, in the words of a wizard "These people are stupid"
85cf95 No.221181
yeah, kill rogue means terminate what the bad guys are doing right now…
067933 No.221182
(((just enjoying some levity)))
2a42d1 No.221183
I have no doubt to that
c65363 No.221184
it's down.
http:/ /www.consuladoecuador.org.uk
fb644a No.221185
Anon admires your effort!
Visit the memes threads in the /catalog.
Godspeed, anon.
87fcb4 No.221186
No I'm not a bot, just a guy sitting in the California desert who the light bulb finally went off for. Read the last bread with an open mind. There is much to discover.
0d91a2 No.221187
sniff.. sniff..
Feel that?
8933cf No.221189
>with the CIA
pick one
2a42d1 No.221190
Almost every past pres has been a member
2a42d1 No.221192
8f6027 No.221193
Look at that picture, think 2001…
think Assange, what do you think he's gonna release?
458ca8 No.221194
this last post will be dismissed because it's not from Q
i think that anon knew what he was talking about though
87fcb4 No.221195
Yes safe, and I would wager quite close to the President.
bb9bf9 No.221196
Skull and bones makes me think "The black flag will fly above the dome" He could be signaling that.
Let me watch the video and see if I can find anything there.
>safely with cia
KEK not even CIA is safe with CIA.
947e77 No.221197
MIA planes vid from JA
The lyrics. Planes. NY. Skull and bones.
9/11. Bush.
2a42d1 No.221198
Right around my birthday time!!! What a great Bday present!
765d78 No.221199
Kill Rogue AI?
http://www.firstpost. com/tech/news-analysis/while-elon-musk-worries-about-a-rogue-ai-killing-humans-mark-zuckerberg-focuses-on-ais-potential-benefit-3857451.html
8f6027 No.221200
Finally someone that gets it… respect Anon
2a42d1 No.221201
adcc1e No.221202
aa19a0 No.221203
Webs and Spiders
Red Cross
PEPFAR (RED) Red Ribbon
Peace Corps
The Radcliffe Foundation
China Foundation
UN Human Rights Council
Susan G Komen
Frank Giustra
Dr. Vanessa Kerry
John Legend
Bruce and Beth Steinberg
fb644a No.221204
Hi there, glowbots! I wanna be your sledgehammer!
f45d89 No.221205
What is the Socratic Method?
Were we told to question everything, follow the crumbs, build a map of connections by what is uncovered, and provide evidence?
Being pushed outside of that mission scope is a red flag, to me.
Attempting to get an emotional trigger response is another red flag.
Using faux debate tactics (appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, emotional triggers, etc etc) is a third red flag.
The only way to win the game is to not play. And this isn't a game.
We have to be smart.
We have to be savvy.
We have to use our wits and intellect.
Godspeed, anons.
2a42d1 No.221206
I don’t worry about his safety, except from deep state people’s
8b3366 No.221207
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
– Q 20 Nov 2017
2a42d1 No.221208
0e9b67 No.221210
did he give a release date and time for the info?
fb618d No.221211
Does anyone have access to the list of things Anonymous hasn't forgotten?
That list may be relevant.
947e77 No.221212
thank this guy –→ @bchapman151
9067df No.221213
Billy, is that you?
0e9b67 No.221214
fb644a No.221215
Epic kek, especially the first one.
9067df No.221216
8f6027 No.221217
Lmao, im not a insider Sorry.
im just a good lurker and i look stuff before i post
87fcb4 No.221218
My last attempt … see if you can figure out who kept 9/11 from being worse. It's in the last bread.
aa19a0 No.221219
Iran is the rogue nation. And NK.
086b9b No.221220
Was Anderson Cooper live tonight for the new year?
2a42d1 No.221221
Damn fireworks! Spent half the night hitting the deck every time they set them off
17f5fb No.221222
Sound advice. Thank you for being here tonight even though not much progress has been made. Happy New Year. See you tomorrow.
21e61d No.221223
Nobody knows everything.
But all the nobodys do.
0e9b67 No.221224
I got the same idea. Just thought I had missed a time frame.
8933cf No.221225
>We have to be smart.
>We have to be savvy.
>We have to use our wits and intellect
It's like deja vu seeing my own words repackaged like that.
2a42d1 No.221226
I may not know everything, but together we can learn all.
d1d8b5 No.221228
af3159 No.221229
Bold gd move.
2a42d1 No.221230
0d91a2 No.221231
85cf95 No.221232
Fuckin Y heads, yes…..so much meaning…
84d375 No.221233
Nice! Both are awesome. My personal fave is the second.
87fcb4 No.221234
Amazing things in there. Amazing.
9067df No.221235
Yup, they like to do that now and then lol
aa19a0 No.221236
So Trump set this up.
Q was just saying watch Twitter as Iran's authoritarian regime goes down the shitter.
086b9b No.221237
Not good. Any theories on why he's still in the public sphere?
8f6027 No.221238
i call bullshit, screens?
what was it?
2a42d1 No.221239
0d91a2 No.221240
8b3366 No.221241
Sure, CNN. Get baked. You have no idea what's coming next.
765d78 No.221242
Anything you can share with the rest of the class encryption fag?
87fcb4 No.221243
Nice pics in the last bread. Florida, I believe.
086b9b No.221244
Great. Thanks for that.
2d9e93 No.221245
LOL shit. Of course Yale. The Y thing has been bugging us for ages.
b13ed7 No.221246
Field McConnell imputed a delay.
f45d89 No.221247
Thank you, and the words ring true. God bless you!
8f6027 No.221248
He's full of it, filter him
17f5fb No.221249
f042c5 No.221250
OMG pledians?!!?!!one!
0d91a2 No.221251
You're welcome Mr. Cooper.
fb644a No.221252
Turn off your CAPS LOCK, glowhard shillbot C_Anigger. Who the fuck are you yelling at?
fb618d No.221253
from your posts you look a couple years old on the chans at most.
someone has the list. im just asking the wrong people.
87fcb4 No.221254
Good luck to all, the news is big.
a58c7f No.221255
Whether it's an alien embassy or GOD'S EMBASSY, if doubters can come up with a single more plausible reason why Presidents with ultimate decisions over classification cannot enter then spill it otherwise admit there isn't one.
Logic moar.
8b3366 No.221256
This is CNN baking your next Fake Newscast.
f26422 No.221257
Maybe we'll find out come 01/04…..
17f5fb No.221258
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Could Sept. 11 Have Been Worse?
Nov. 6
Several suspected al Qaeda terrorists who tried unsuccessfully to enter the country around the same time as the Sept. 11 hijackers may have been part of a plan to launch other attacks on targets in the United States, ABCNEWS has learned.
Some U.S. investigators believe that if the men had been able to get in, al Qaeda organizers might have used them for an even broader attack on Sept. 11, 2001, that would have involved six or seven planes rather than the four that were ultimately used. Other investigators suspect the men were to be part of a separate, second wave of attacks.
"Our assumption at the White House at the time was that there were more attacks planned," said Roger Cressey, the former director for counterterrorism for the National Security Council. "Maybe not on 9/11 but certainly afterward. [Osama] bin Laden and his people think strategically."
The identities of the new al Qaeda suspects were discovered after U.S. officials compared visa applications received in the months before Sept. 11 with names recovered from documents seized in caves in Afghanistan.
Some of the suspected terrorists have been killed or captured overseas. One man who was traveling to the United States with one of the suspected would-be hijackers is still unaccounted for and intelligence officials are worried he could be in the country.
A recently declassified top secret government report used in the Zacarias Moussaoui case states that "as late as August 2001 al Qaeda was still trying to insert new hijackers into the September 11th attacks."
2d9e93 No.221259
Yep, kill_rogue and fire watch twitter meant Iran.
8933cf No.221260
What's far more interesting is what gets left out. Safe to say the bots program is adapting and becoming increasingly similar to the script they ran on cuckchan.
32d342 No.221261
^— Last post was 25/12/17, 7 days ago.
^— Kill_Rogue - Iran - Civil unrest / protests, started 6 days ago, within (5-6) operational windows?
1558d7 No.221262
lol me too,, they have been lighting off some big ones non stop all night.
2d1232 No.221263
I smell a flaming clown terd….
2a42d1 No.221264
32d342 No.221265
Started 1 day ago*
2a42d1 No.221266
Glad I’m not alone
f26422 No.221267
Asking for a friend??
41112f No.221269
RRV Anon, put down the bong
75fe79 No.221270
Happy New Year faggots. One way or another 2018 will be the year of disclosure. Thanks for allowing me to ride along.
0d91a2 No.221271
Giving me flashbacks…
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
af3159 No.221272
Same to you Anon, the ride is just starting.
a58c7f No.221273
Those were me yesterday.
Happy New Year from the UK
Watch for "Assange" to finally deliver.
0de372 No.221274
noticing that as well
aa19a0 No.221276
Yes, except I correct myself, Trump is listening in, Intel agents are ours, so as Iranians know they can now stand up, and talk about it, our sources send word back. Iranians know we have their back.
2d9e93 No.221277
Actually it started around that time frame and exploded all over Iran nearly 3 days ago now.
84d375 No.221278
Okay, that one made me laugh out loud. NICE!
87fcb4 No.221279
The key is working and there is stuff on Weiner's lap top you won't believe. Pay attention to hints. And yes, EXPAND YOUR THINKING. They weren't kidding about that.
21e61d No.221280
I was making a joke.
I don't have it.
5b432c No.221281
Without a link, it seems like it's more likely on your coffee table.
aa19a0 No.221282
"The world is watching."
2a42d1 No.221283
f45d89 No.221284
fb644a No.221285
There is a dual meaning here as well.
Very hard to tweet when you're under armed guard transport, or at an undisclosed location. JS…
Look to Twatter
IZON, Patriots and Anons!
Planefags relevant, IMHO.
bb9bf9 No.221286
Okay why did I volunteer to decrypt the symbolism from Paper Planes. My method assumes the artist in the video (MIA) is meant to stand in for Assange. KEK
Here's what I found in the first 30 seconds, will continue…
As shown in the first image (MIA_PP1.JPG) you can see both a bridge (looks like the Brooklyn Bridge) and paper planes. This means "paper planes" and "bridges" are meant to be associated with each other. The symbolic meaning of a bridge is crossing a divide, or reaching out to someone.
Also see MIA_PP2 depicting FIVE loaves of BREAD. Five is a number also associated with connection, i.e. it is the "bridge" between 0 (nothing) and 10 (perfection). Bread implies spiritual wisdom, think Jesus.
MIA_PP3 shows the artist working at a foodtruck and serving a black man. As /pol/acks should know especially, 'nigger' = spook, agent, operative, etc. So the artist is, in some way, serving operatives (not necessarily CIA) of some sort.
MIA_PP4 shows paper planes and traffic, meaning these are meant to be associated with each other.
MIA_PP5 shows the black man/operative handing the artist a chain necklace. This implies that, in return for what the artist provided, the operative is giving back a chain of interlinked goods (e.g. keep doing what we tell you and we'll treat you nice).
SO… assuming Julian Assange is implying any of the occult meaning of MIA's song "Paper Planes," then at least initially I think the message must be something like this:
>JA is saying something about a transaction that happened/is happening
>he's implying that he's doing his part, now he expects someone else to do theirs
>someone out there is the "operative" he's corresponding with/trying to reach out to
It would imply that this leak is Assange attempting to negotiate with someone/something.
I could be flagrantly wrong. I'm going to continue decoding the video.
fb644a No.221287
Epic lulz.
WTG, anon; well done!
9067df No.221288
why not just share with the rest? why be secretive? We're supposed to be working together…
af3159 No.221289
From a dirty cop.
See you in holding, Comey.
463608 No.221290
sanity speaks. totally agree.
8b3366 No.221291
CNN reporter reveals coping mechanism for having to repeatedly report Fake News.
e1470c No.221292
Care to share more?
85cf95 No.221293
No shit….quit honey dicking ya fag
bb9bf9 No.221294
Forgot the last image, MIA_PP5.JPG
aa19a0 No.221295
WHITE_WHITE may mean Assange's white hair to the White House.
87fcb4 No.221296
Just have a good look at the last bread. Photos of Florida. Remember, expand your thinking.
17f5fb No.221297
This theory supports alleged statements from suspected al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who has been cooperating with authorities since his arrest in Pakistan in March. Mohammed told interrogators that bin Laden originally wanted as many 10 passenger jets involved in the attacks, including five originating from Los Angeles and San Francisco to attack California's tallest buildings. Bin Laden reportedly scaled back that first plan, made in 1996, because it was getting too complicated.
Replacement Hijacker?
There is growing evidence al Qaeda was routinely floating operatives in and out of the United States before Sept. 11, 2001.
The FBI has identified a Saudi national who was picked by al Qaeda leader Ramsi Binalshibh to replace him as a hijacker after Binalshibh's visa applications were repeatedly denied, ABCNEWS has learned. The man came to the United States, but left just before Sept. 11 for reasons unknown. He was reportedly traveling with yet another man who is unaccounted for. There is no record that he left the country, so intelligence officials are worried he could still be in the country.
85cf95 No.221298
What a prick. Hope he goes down hard. No plea for you….
32d342 No.221300
Also the other "Rogue"; "Kim Jong-un's Overture to South Korea Signals Possible Thaw in Nuclear Crisis"
https:/ /www.nytimes.com/2017/12/31/world/asia/north-korea-kim-jong-un-olympics.html
87fcb4 No.221301
I think you are right about that.
17f5fb No.221303
We are watching Iran's back.
aa19a0 No.221305
History may prove Comey to be more honest than we think. And in a VERY tight spot.
d38e61 No.221306
fb644a No.221307
Welcome aboard your grasshopper anon. I hope you have a strong stomach and mental fortitude. Many truths are in these breads, and man cannot live on bread alone.
Get right with God, and research the TRUTH. Use discernment. The answers are there for those who SEEK. Godspeed on your journey.
With love (no homo),
458ca8 No.221308
if he's referring to the intelligence community leadership, it will and he knows it
086b9b No.221309
>on why he's still in the public sphere
Not Mr. Cooper, but whatever.
3998cf No.221310
Assange is at Mara Lago?
17f5fb No.221311
8b3366 No.221312
Breaking news report from CNN reporter on the street: lolwut?
1558d7 No.221313
Earlier when watching Anderson Cooper,, he was saying he would provide the house, and andy Cohen would provide the people for a party. It sounded wierd( like he would be supplying kids, was what he really meant) Especially given Anderson and his shopping list.
I was going to mention it earlier,, thought of it now, while making a meme,lol
66b3e4 No.221314
Feel free to filter if needed. Just wanted to test a theory a friend and I were discussing [a]bout how to break someth[i]ng.
What is a cat?
2d9e93 No.221315
17faca No.221316
Gowdy said that a while back…
I'm still hung up on the Mar 24 unannounced visit by Comey to the WH…
2 days after Nunes broke the illegal surveillance info..
Comey didn't write a memo about that visit, and was never asked about it in testimony..
aa19a0 No.221317
Damn straight. And I have to admit, it gets me in the feels.
Some semblance of world peace is on the horizon.
87fcb4 No.221321
And the same back. I've been a meditator for 40 years, and a Buddhist, so I should be ok. I understand the concern, however.
53e497 No.221322
>>https://www. japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/01/01/asia-pacific/six-die-seaplane-crashes-sydney-river-ahead-new-year-celebrations/#.WknjljeYOUm
Jan 1, 2018
British catering firm CEO, sons and fiancee among passengers who died in Sydney seaplane crash
SYDNEY – A high-profile British CEO and his family were among six people killed in a New Year’s Eve seaplane crash in Australia, police said Monday.
The plane went down Sunday in the Hawkesbury River near the suburb of Cowan some 50 km (30 miles) north of Sydney as New Year’s revelers on the banks watched in shock.
The bodies of all of those on board — one pilot and five passengers — have been recovered from the wreckage, with Richard Cousins, chief executive of British catering giant Compass, identified as among the deceased.
Cousins’ two sons in their early 20s and his fiancee and her 11-year-old daughter were also killed in the crash.
“The thoughts of everyone at Compass are with Richard’s family and friends, and we extend our deepest sympathies with them,” Compass group Chairman Paul Walsh said in a statement.
0e9b67 No.221324
That one was almost as good as the guy yesterday trying to tell us the Bush's were WH's. LOOOOOOOLLLL
175e9d No.221325
Looks like 4 dead so far in the NJ shooting. Gunman was a teenager.
84d375 No.221326
I could see this.
85cf95 No.221327
Could be right. The was Mega's take i believe too, but then i keep seeing these liberal Anti-Trump style tweets and then I just hope he gets BTFO
0de372 No.221328
should post results …be interesting to see
db77af No.221329
Sometimes being honest can get you and your family killed. This awareness can affect how you make decisions.
086b9b No.221331
Kathy Griffin on FOX? WTF?
9f400a No.221332
Thomas Paine also just retweeted someone with a nail gun in Chicago shooting at people.
2d9e93 No.221333
H AHAHHAAA and the one trying to tell us hussein is really /ourguy/
9067df No.221334
“The identities of the new Al Qawda suspects were discovered after US officials compared visa applications received in the months before Sept. 11 with names recovered from documents seized in caves in Afganistan.”
2d9e93 No.221336
next we'll have bots tryna tell us Hillary's secretly /ourgal/
9067df No.221337
One of my biggest pet peeves on here
32d342 No.221338
In more news:
"Sydney seaplane: UK businessman and family named as victims"
http:// www.bbc.com/news/uk-42531669
CEO of Compass Group, some Catering company, immediate family killed.
aa19a0 No.221339
I trust Gowdy. My dad was a cop, a good cop, and I like to think I can identify other good cops and prosecutors. People who truly respect the law.
I really think Comey feared for his life. And all of this was a complete setup to get Mueller investigating human trafficking under the guise of Russian collusion. Note also that the notably biased agents were fired early on in the collusion investigation.
87fcb4 No.221342
Call me any time :)
All the best.
8933cf No.221344
Google looks to mend fences after rocky 2017
recent EO that POTUS signed?
Eric Schmidt stepping down?
They got problems…
0de372 No.221345
0d91a2 No.221346
"Alex Trebek accidently ate half a brownie" according to AC and that other fucker. @~47:49
https:// thefreshtoast.com/celebrity/that-time-when-alex-trebek-accidentally-ate-a-bunch-of-hash-brownies/
32d342 No.221347
"It is the largest contract foodservice company in the world and has operations in over 50 countries.[5] It serves around 4 billion meals a year in locations including offices and factories, schools, universities, hospitals, major sports and cultural venues, mining camps, correctional (prison) facilities and offshore oil platforms.[6][7]"
Q said that 5/10 plane crashes are hits, also to follow the CEO's. I'll just leave this here for the diggers to dig.
2d1232 No.221348
2a42d1 No.221349
a58c7f No.221350
aa19a0 No.221351
You are reading them as anti-Trump. Hasn't he only referred to honest and ethical leadership? No names?
8b3366 No.221352
If you think CNN is either crazy or high, expand your thinking.
d38e61 No.221353
Newfags, before posting here you are required to:
1. read, in its entirety, either a) The book of Q pdf, or b) The spreadsheet.
2. Lurk for at least 5 full threads
Do not post until you have met both requirements. Thanks.
2d9e93 No.221354
LOL Comey's been dirty for decades. NO SYMPATHY.
2d1232 No.221355
Summer Blockbuster "The Big Break Up" starring Google….
bb9bf9 No.221356
MIA_PP6 shows a paper plane and a delivery truck. Implying an association between the two.
MIA_PP7 depicts the artist shopping at a convenience store. She appears to have Coca-Cola (which is used to imply CIA - think, who controls the coke trade?) and alcohol. She's going to party.
MIA_PP8 shows two movie titles that can be identified. The first you can only see "C SA AND 1." We know what SA means… The other movie is "Evil Agenda."
MIA_PP9 shows the artist mock shooting up. Implying taking drugs to bliss out and stop caring about the world.
More decoding in the next post…
8b3366 No.221358
CNN: The High Times of mainstream media.
17faca No.221360
His tweets are telling a story…
Everyone assumes he is bashing Trump.
I haven't felt that way about any of his tweets.
21e61d No.221361
Yeah, me too. I remember Gowdy from forensic detective shows.
And he pulls no punches on the bench.
21e61d No.221363
The funny part with Mueller is he had massive bipartisan support for the position.
66b3e4 No.221364
Awesome. Made my night/morning/new year.
The idea is mixing something seemingly innocuous with a philosophical question. When the 1st G version was released unsupervised, it ran around trying to answer a similar question. It was crapping out cat/kitten philosophical meanings, and the had to start the learning from scratch.
Just wondered where it is at…
87fcb4 No.221365
I don't know where Julian is, just that he is ok. Given what is going on, I would expect him to be fairly accessible to the President.
80f80c No.221366
Swamp support is all.
e1470c No.221367
The Seven Seals. The Holy Grail that was not a cup but rather the bloodline of Jesus and that there is a decedent of Jesus alive today.
09eab8 No.221368
Even the bong hit is FAKE - no smoke
ad3484 No.221369
The fuck did you just say?
8b3366 No.221372
What if I told you these are the people that control your mind?
87fcb4 No.221373
There is a lot more that I don't know than what I do know at this point. Not sure about all that.
aa19a0 No.221374
I know that we don't know all the details. And we will be intentionally misled, even by Trump, if it serves a much greater good. No harm in thinking Comey is our enemy if our real enemy thinks so too.
Yes, Gowdy gets very emotional and intense when defending Lady Justice.
8933cf No.221375
Wondered about that, thank you for clearing that up.
84d375 No.221376
I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if he's speaking more of Obama/Hillary. I guess only time will tell.
f5059c No.221377
Best Q Captcha. Shine!
fb644a No.221380
New Jersey being reported as a domestic affair. Juvenile shooter - 16 YO.
Sauce link
adcc1e No.221381
He was stepping down in March
http:// www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/09/21/compass-boss-richard-cousins-step-11-years/
And he had already stepped down from Tesco
https:// www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/03/richard-cousins-resigns-tesco-board-directors-compass-group
At one time he worked for bank of scotland
bb9bf9 No.221382
MIA_PP10 shows lots more paper planes. Implying lots more money at the end.
MIA_PP11 shows the skull and bones.
At some point the artist haggles with Jews. They give her a watch, implying they give her time.
The meaning implied by Julian Assange posting the video, at least based on these occult meanings found in the video, is that he's doing his part, he expects someone else out there to fulfill their's. I believe the video is intended to speak more to the content of what is being implicitly exchanged.
I could be wrong, but thought I would try interpreting it for what JA must mean.
aa19a0 No.221384
Goes to show that many believe he will follow the facts.
32d342 No.221385
http:// www.bbc.com/news/uk-42531669
This guy is a huge player! We gotta follow the CEO's and I need help Anons, this could be really important.
Compass group are a major catering company, they had contracts in Iraq, with the UN and many armed forces / military contractors.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compass_Group#Association_with_UN_and_Armed_Forces
Owned Granada media PLC. Estimated revenue is more than an African nation.
2c4d5f No.221386
This exactly
aa19a0 No.221387
She already cleared it?
7d0905 No.221388
Really? They can go to hell then.
87fcb4 No.221390
I would add that many long-held beliefs will be challenged by some of the information.
aa19a0 No.221391
1558d7 No.221393
I saw this story tonight,, dave chapelle blaming a 14 year old child for being a victim of a Pedophile.How Fked is that??
'He grew up gay anyway': Dave Chappelle DEFENDS Kevin Spacey in new Netflix comedy show and suggests actor Anthony Rapp, who was propositioned by the older actor aged 14, got himself in that situation
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ article-5225161/Dave-Chappelle-Rapp-claims-OK-grew-gay.html
af3159 No.221394
d38e61 No.221395
Exceeded expectations
0de372 No.221396
Interesting demo …
87fcb4 No.221397
I'd like to help anons, but I really think it's best you manage that first step by yourself. It's a doozy, and you won't hit it the first time.
ad3484 No.221398
e1470c No.221400
Just noticed my typo. Descendant.
f16a2b No.221401
I crack myself up
0ecc21 No.221402
Plus, applying a little OPSEC and COMSEC as well would be a good idea.
Leave the B=Name, Subject and Email blocks blank. Do NOT dox yourself. This is not a game. Our opposition is dangerous. They are really not dumb, they are arrogant, and so arrogant for so long, they think they are above justice. They will track you down, if they can, and have been said to kill people.They are NOT nice people, they mean you harm.
9f400a No.221403
This made for a great start to the day earlier. Loved every second of it. Thanks for keeping us updated on that
af3159 No.221404
Lots of damning prior tweets were unearthed.
8933cf No.221405
af3159 No.221406
Some serious BTFO by researchers.
9f400a No.221407
Hey, John Legends is still open. Are you guys thinking what Im thinking?!
458ca8 No.221410
did you read it?
>muh russian influence
>muh "extremist" youtube videos
>we promise to lobby even more in 2018
the whole thing is a sniveling apology to the cabal
9f400a No.221412
What the fuck is this all about
5b432c No.221413
Tell the difference how? By listening to them?
Even being an old pothead, I don't get it.
8f4f90 No.221414
80f80c No.221415
Its the stupid CNN defense commercial about apples and bananas.
2141cb No.221416
My dear memefag anons. It was I who first brought the swimming pool and girls with hands tied images to CBTS.
It's astounding to see the power of what we can do when I see these images being memed again… TONIGHT OF ALL NIGHTS…
ad3484 No.221417
This cult… do they really eat babies?
66b3e4 No.221418
It was a problem they had with the machine learning process. The question was a basic version to see what lurks here.
Going to go through some more destructive experiments in the next few days.
Never liked Disney, or the 7 dwarves anyway.
32d342 No.221419
Let me know if it's anything important.
8933cf No.221420
Failure may be punished severely by the cabal
Success will be punished severely by /ourguys/
2c4d5f No.221421
Stop with these /newfag/ instructions.
>shit up board
>never followed anyhow
This is why we are at 261 threads
2c4d5f No.221424
<implying these weren’t found a year ago
0b9d6f No.221425
I will never forget those days on seeing Jimmy Comet’s instagram. It was shocking. And thereafter the research changed me forever. >>221077
ad3484 No.221426
af3159 No.221427
Thanks for the update, Anon. Board felt weird about that one.
d38e61 No.221429
Nope. Def gonna post it every new thread
0de372 No.221431
Looking forward to seeing how it turns out … will be lurking to see
87fcb4 No.221432
We're going to need a new 8chan board: ootw
80f80c No.221433
Like anyone will comply.
8933cf No.221434
Good to know, thank you will keep a lookout for that. I'm very interested to see the response and results.
2c4d5f No.221435
>poast in every new thread
Please do so I can report for spam
a74d33 No.221436
Asia Foundation ?
f8866e No.221437
0d91a2 No.221439
I will. I don't understand the instructions. The song is only 4:24 long…
84d375 No.221440
aa19a0 No.221441
Election eve jimmycomet's pics made their way through comments I was reading on fakebook. Forever changed me.
018e72 No.221442
Exactly the realization was a cold wind blowing in my face, I followed all including discovery of their kr>>221425
aa19a0 No.221443
f45d89 No.221444
<muh /newfags/
There will always be newfags. Edifying them only helps make sense of the chaos in our times.
Wits and intellect win.
415bfb No.221445
1155 35 + 4.24 midnight
2141cb No.221447
Not at all faggot…. simply stating the fact that those exact images were not brought to the cbts table until I posted them in the same post in a bread way back in the 150's
Go check that and then fucking KYS
My only intention is to communicate with the memefags and acknowledge what our team-work achieves… so again… fucking KYS or at least shut your bitch assed trap before i show the the REAL POWER OF QUANTUM THOUGHT!
Q knows exactly what I
mean bitch so just try
adcc1e No.221448
I watched Comeys, Sessions, and Rosenstein congressional hearings and I noticed that all three were asked some leading questions insinuating HRC stuff, but they weren't direct. All three commented "I can't comment on an ongoing investigation." I will have to rewatch all of them to find those questions, but it stuck in my head with all of them. It's why I was never upset about Sessions. Just my thoughts
0ecc21 No.221449
You know, you have a point. But, I also have a point, and it seems just about every thread, some new \fag moron makes a post, and outs himself, usually by adding his email.
In other words, I wish they would just quit doing dumb things,then I wouldn't post cautions. I only do about every ten threads, so it isn't all that much.
0d91a2 No.221450
Ohhh not the track time.
18345b No.221451
Happy New Year fag,lol
db1c51 No.221452
What did you mean when you said there was less than 50 of us?
947e77 No.221453
MIA Paper Planes
aa19a0 No.221454
Webs and Spiders
Red Cross
PEPFAR (RED) Red Ribbon
The Clinton Foundation
SEED Global Health
Peace Corps
The Radcliffe Foundation
China Foundation
Asia Foundation
UN Human Rights Council
Susan G Komen
Frank Giustra
Dr. Vanessa Kerry
John Legend
Bruce and Beth Steinberg
9f400a No.221455
The boot must be getting to him
fb644a No.221456
H N Y, Pacificfag!
9067df No.221457
And just posting the pic was hard because why?
32d342 No.221458
"Mr Cousins joined Compass in 2006 when the group was reeling from allegations of corruption in its business supplying the UN."
https:// www.ft.com/content/d509299e-9e95-11e7-9a86-4d5a475ba4c5
e9f5f9 No.221460
I totally agree anon. Endgame.
87fcb4 No.221461
I didn't know if I had the clearance for it. Although it WILL be coming out.
bb9bf9 No.221462
Numerologically this would translate to something like "prosperous bridge."
I get the feeling JA is trying to sell out. I don't know. He could've picked LOTS of different songs, implying many different things… even if he did it unconsciously, it's not a good sign.
463608 No.221464
OK firstfag. You are the first post of 2018!!
87fcb4 No.221465
lol the Fake News Media is going to have an interesting time here, I would say
66b3e4 No.221468
Most of the response seems low level "auto responder" style script stuff. A couple nights back there was a true AI in here trashing the board with disinfo.
It was much more difficult to recognize from the garbage stuff.
That's why it got my attention. Anyway, have a great night, going shooting in the morning.
af3159 No.221469
I is special
87fcb4 No.221470
I think you're ok to leave it there. Food for thought and all that.
2141cb No.221471
On the Assange thing I think paper planes are planes full of cash..
bomb bomb and take your moniez bitches
skull and bones and paper planes
2141cb No.221472
aa19a0 No.221473
I called into Alex Jones the following day or the day after and had my thunder stolen by the Pettibone twins going on right before me.
fb644a No.221475
JC firing was optics. I could see in the presser, JC set up. Watch his face closely - totally demoralized. He did not want to let HRC off the hook. Lulz will follow methinks, JC will not get much credit though - his price to pay. Watch news.
fb644a No.221476
Likewise, faggot.
adcc1e No.221477
87fcb4 No.221478
947e77 No.221479
As in Boeing 757
https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/American_Airlines_Flight_77
e9f5f9 No.221480
How'd you get GPS coordinates out of that hex string?
9067df No.221481
Not mine. Reposted it from last bread.
aa19a0 No.221482
I noted all the same elusive responses. Necessary. One where the Congressman, I forget his name, kinda had a 'uh huh I get you' exchange with Wray.
17faca No.221483
Comey brought up the Lynch obstruction and tarmac stuff without being prompted..
This was AFTER he had the 'counselling' session with Mueller.
9f400a No.221484
Im reading through the shitstorm of responses and retweets now. Holy shit, its better than looking at LDRs page
e9f5f9 No.221485
I don't think he was set up.
I think he did it willingly.
His options were to indict H and that'd be it or let her skate to bring down the whole cabal.
aa19a0 No.221486
f45d89 No.221487
That would be chess.
decb94 No.221489
M.I.A. Lyrics
"Paper Planes"
I fly like paper, get high like planes
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
If you come around here, I make 'em all day
I get one down in a second if you wait
Sometimes I think sitting on trains
Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game
Everyone's a winner, we're making our fame
Bona fide hustler making my name
All I wanna do is (BANG BANG BANG BANG!)
And take your money
Pirate skulls and bones
Sticks and stones and weed and bombs
Running when we hit 'em
Lethal poison for the system
No one on the corner has swagger like us
Hit me on my Burner prepaid wireless
We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
Already going hell just pumping that gas
All I wanna do is (BANG BANG BANG BANG!)
And take your money
Third world democracy
Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.
So, uh, no funny business
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
All I wanna do is (BANG BANG BANG BANG!)
And take your money
ad3484 No.221490
9f400a No.221491
Somebody was making Howdy Doody memes of him earlier and thats the same shit Ive heard about him. Its gonna be interesting to see whats been disinfo and whats been truth
e9f5f9 No.221492
Got it. Random GPS coordinates with no explanation.
17d1ea No.221493
17faca No.221494
And getting her on mishandling classified would be nothing compared to what they've got her on now..
aa19a0 No.221495
Comey has a book deal. He'll make the most money when this is over.
0d91a2 No.221496
All i saw was cookies, cupcakes, dogs, cats, and peoples faces with dog/cat noses/ears.
fedee1 No.221497
Wonder were they landed that thing, coz it never hit the Pentagon. Wonder how they killed off the passengers. Who knows where the bodies are buried? I think Gen Flynn and Kelly know. That's why POTUS appointed both of them to senior cabinet positions. Full 9/11 disclosure, but after midterms. That's my theory anyway.
9067df No.221498
Yes, I was responding to someone talking about it.
f26422 No.221499
Does this NECESSARILY prove or disprove Q?
ie, NO CHANCE the initial @0Seek0 was still QAnon?
If so, why?
Time to earn your pay, otherwise, go cry on FB.
aa19a0 No.221500
Jim Jordan and Christopher Wray
0d91a2 No.221501
That song was on the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
9f400a No.221503
The red pills being dropped to her people is fucking unreal to see!
e9f5f9 No.221504
As has been said, it's not the crime, it's the coverup.
"They never thought she'd lose."
db77af No.221505
HRC going down will result in the largest number of fist pumps the world has ever seen. People didn't like her. They were afraid of her.
463608 No.221506
bb9bf9 No.221507
Piracy, in certain circles, is associated with hacking mind control slaves, i.e. figuring out the triggers implanted by others to use them for your own purposes.
There's a great likelihood Julian is/was mind controlled.
That's another potential connection.
True. That might just mean he's acting according to the script rather than merely using the lyrics.
Notice the chorus includes 4 shots. As Q pointed out, 4 is not secure.
If JA is MK'd, as I suspect, there is something very meaningful about the song he picked. It would imply he picked the song because he's been following the script indicated by the lyrics. It's also possible some of the lyrics have a more private meaning between him and the intended recipient, in which case we wouldn't necessarily be able to read the meaning out of it.
a58c7f No.221509
Bit sooner than that :)
463608 No.221510
f26422 No.221511
– How do we get rid of (You) BTW???
0d91a2 No.221512
I was just looking at the responses for the latest one:
"Please do not send me screen grabs or tweets of anyone still going on about this over in crazyville. I’ve muted, blocked, and gone private to let these people further dig their holes while leaving me in peace. Thank youuuuu. Love you guys!"
Which one?
fb644a No.221513
HRC is nothing but a pawn in the cabal. These people have been planning this since the turn of the century, or longer.
JC had to let the election complete to fruition without indictment of HRC. Only way to save the country. Big gamble, but he trusted the electorate. Turned out that JC chose wisely, and rightly so. Methinks a large % of DNC are also wise to what's *really* happening, and are "waking up."
As info/intel drops over the next few weeks/months, the picture will event become clearer. Have faith.
463608 No.221514
ce9440 No.221515
Former GWB solicitor general ted Olsen knows too…his wife Barbara Olsen was supposedly on that flt returning from a taping of Politically Incorrect
87fcb4 No.221516
I don't imagine there's much rush on this, so I'll just hang around and help where I can, to the extent I'm not filtered! Which is pretty funny
52c4e2 No.221517
Houston, Long Branch, NJ, Chicago…
The more false flags occur with this frequency, the more I'm certain of happenings behind the scenes.
1558d7 No.221518
I was looking at Amber Heard's Twitter( she is currently in Chile with Elon Musk)
She had a picture of her and saw creator James Wan.He's handle is creepy puppet.
He had lots of pro obama and anti Trump items on his account, besides creepy stuff,lol
But he had retweeted that picture of Obama with the little toddlers looking out the window.
Just struck me as creepy,lol Was checking out the other creepy puppet guy with the white rabbits all over his page ( tree of dead white rabbits hanging) CJ Watson, who goes by the handle master of puppets.
Just 2 hollywood creepy puppet guys, in the same day.
Was spooked when i saw all the white rabbits on the first creeps page,lol
Still looking at Ambers page. She also got the elysium award this year at the wierd spirit cooking event with john legend and Marina abramovic.
aa19a0 No.221520
All around the world, at that.
9f400a No.221521
This one
https:// twitter.com/LizCrokin/status/947653896129863681
463608 No.221522
bb9bf9 No.221523
"It is written" is just another way of saying "No coincidences."
0d91a2 No.221524
"As 18-year-old Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) answers questions on the Indian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," flashbacks show how he got there. Part of a stable of young thieves after their mother dies, Jamal and his brother, Salim, survive on the streets of Mumbai. Salim finds the life of crime agreeable, but Jamal scrapes by with small jobs until landing a spot on the game show."
39adf1 No.221525
Habby New Year
I think ai-non may be back, in the previous thread (260)
Posts are less intensely creepy than many of the other but have some of the same indicators.
No reason to think he/it does not have different styles or iterations.
If it is him/it, the messages are direct, mostly, and point to a nasty future for some bad actors.
I have been away all night and will look to see what occurred earlier and, well, probably watch the coming days with deep interest.
Ainon posts in previous thread, possibly:
Under 2 diff IDs
User IDs
f8866e No.221526
2 1/2 month's of lurking ….
Patriots , what can I do to help . I have been sitting on the side line watching and learning from you all . I had know idea what I was getting myself into when I found 4 and then 8chan , but what a fucking eye opener this has been …..Happy New Years my new found friends …I am not a computer nerd but I can work wonders with iron …Iron bars ? tied around there fucking ankle to hold them down till the crabs eat them ?
That's enough out of me …….
Thank you all for RED-PILLING me beyond what I have a hard time believing ….These people are FUCKING SICK !!
decb94 No.221527
He referred you to the LYRICS of the song
fb644a No.221528
NOT filtered! Please read the map and dig, anon.
17faca No.221529
Remember the phone calls from the plane?
The guy that called his mom..gave his full name..to his mom…and asked if she believed him.
Nothing suspicious at all.
07c86a No.221530
anyone mentioned using this for research… its the whole timeline meticulously laid out and sourced.
http: //directorblue.blogspot.com/2017/12/a-timeline-of-treason-how-fbi.html
463608 No.221531
38b115 No.221532
You can blame the whole pink-for-entire-month-of-October annoyance on the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Nancy Goodman Brinker (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Brinker) named it after her own sister, who'd died of breast cancer, and promptly turned it into a money tree for herself. Multiple ripoff threads coming out of Komen Foundation.
87fcb4 No.221533
I found the bottom of the rabbit hole. Now I'm waiting for others to finish digging.
e9f5f9 No.221534
Nailed it.
Raising a glass to that, anon. Thanks.
fb644a No.221535
Welcome, anon! Have you read The Creature from Jekyll Island?
decb94 No.221536
Interesting, but I think we are supposed to be concentrating on the LYRICS….why am I wrong?
07c86a No.221538
might be worth attaching to the breads… i don't know… i'm no maker so i can't tell you the ingredients
07c86a No.221539
adcc1e No.221540
That's the only one I didn't see
87fcb4 No.221541
He had no idea quite how profound he was being. That's suitable for framing.
0d91a2 No.221542
I think lyrics are spot on. I think i expanded too far.
07c86a No.221543
not his quote… i think its machiavelli
fb644a No.221544
21e61d No.221545
good to have you.
aa19a0 No.221546
Webs and Spiders
Red Cross
PEPFAR (RED) Red Ribbon
The Clinton Foundation
SEED Global Health
Peace Corps
The Radcliffe Foundation
China Foundation
UN Human Rights Council
Susan G Komen Foundation
Nancy Goodman Brinker
Frank Giustra
Dr. Vanessa Kerry
John Legend
Bruce and Beth Steinberg
decb94 No.221547
>Third world democracy
>Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.
>So, uh, no funny business
Seems relevant?
b4b4c2 No.221548
>Have you read The Creature from Jekyll Island?
Want to add another… it is about a live action war game.
Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis https:// www.amazon.com/Currency-Wars-Making-Global-Crisis/dp/1591845564
aa19a0 No.221549
adcc1e No.221550
I had a "whyd he say that?" Moment. Thx for reminder
f45d89 No.221551
>“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” - JC, on why HRC would not be indicted.
I always felt his choice of words were not telling the whole story; Frankly, I had read it as JC stating: "The agency I report to is compromised." at the time.
bb9bf9 No.221552
The lyrics are a pretty obvious description of the CIA. They don't indicate anything more meaningful than is found in the video.
Here's a quick translation of some of the lyrics:
>Sometimes I think sitting on trains
"Trains" are usually a symbol referring to MK.
>Every stop I get to I'm clocking that game
"Clocking" implying both time, i.e. "spending time playing the game," and also "beating up" the game. The "game" is a way to refer to life, i.e. "life is a game." (Also makes more sense of when Q says "This is not a game.")
>Everyone's a winner
Because there are no victory/loss conditions
>We're making our fame
Celebrity is a psyop.
>Bona fide hustler making my name
A person is their name; a person trying to do all they can who only has faith in people's vices and weaknesses.
>All I wanna do is (4x shots)
4 is not secure. Shots implying both blow away the world and drinking away the pain.
I could keep going, but it basically translates to "We're the CIA and we fuck up shit cuz we can, whatchu gonna do?" It's really nothing more than an elaborate fuck you to rival intelligence agencies.
ce9440 No.221553
and the same number of women die from breast cancer each year that did before this "foundation" was ever started. But hey, her sister who started the foundation receives $400,000+/yr
decb94 No.221554
You are so clever.
Did you want to tell us your conclusion or are you just going to jump onboard when someone else puts forward a credible conclusion?
de4686 No.221555
http://www.antichristconspiracy. com/PDFDocs/Transformation%20of%20the%20Republic%20Sample.pdf
87fcb4 No.221556
Seriously anon, you need to cross this bridge by yourself. I'm being kind.
0d91a2 No.221557
You all seen POTUS wiki page?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump
Something put this pic there instead of his info.
463608 No.221560
f7427a No.221561
yo. is it possible to see how a twitter account changes…. like if their name changed… or their @ changed?
decb94 No.221563
Thanks for that. As good a theory as anyone has put forward so far.
A long bow is all we have at the moment…..
32d342 No.221564
"He said conditions were "benign" and no untoward weather activities had been reported through the day."
"We are confident we've done everything we can to avoid this situation."
"Mr Shaw said operators of the seaplane model on the ill-fated flight are required to have engines replaced every 1200 hours of flight time but his company replaces them at 1100 hours."
"The particular plane which crashed had an engine with only 200 hours of flight time, Mr Shaw said."
"No emergency call is believed to have been made by the plane before the crash he said, adding Mr Morgan had thousands of hours of experience in seaplanes."
"He told reporters the pilot had done more than 10,000 flying hours, 9000 of which were on sea planes."
https:// www.sbs.com.au/news/tribute-paid-to-sydney-seaplane-pilot
"Eyewitnesses said the aircraft turned sharply to the right shortly after taking off, before crashing."
"The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) said the plane "sunk rapidly" after crashing into the river."
"Detective Superintendent Mark Hutchings, head of the New South Wales marine area command, said: "These people had come over on holiday to one of the most beautiful parts of the world and for this to happen at a place like this is just tragic," he told a press conference."
"We would like to extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of those people that perished."
He added: "This can only be described as a tragic accident, and our hearts go out to them."
http:// www.bbc.com/news/uk-42531669
> "This can only be described as a tragic accident"
8f4f90 No.221565
Archive of previous bread
CBTS #260
https://archive.fo/2WB0W - full version - 751 replies
There is a 2nd chive of #260:
- only has 408 replies
422948 No.221566
>>221307 Grasshopper Anon lmao Classic
fb644a No.221567
Anon, I love you (no homo), but really - save teh tatas fer realz.
Admittedly - I no dig yet on Susan G Komen Foundation.
H N Y, anon.
9f400a No.221568
Anderson Cooper snuck in there drunk, with a butthole full of Lemon jizz and changed some things around for his mummy
f7427a No.221569
is it possible to add the identifying # from the wiki drop. so its easily fact checked by the normies?
decb94 No.221570
No, I've crossed that bridge and like you I have the answers. Just waiting for everyone else to catch up!
87fcb4 No.221571
There's the trees, there's the forest, then there's the whole countryside. Don't get caught up in the trees.
089c23 No.221572
Well, Flight 93 was reported to have landed at an airport in Cleveland, moved to a secure area, and evacuated. What happened to them or any of the other passengers is a mystery.
463608 No.221573
>"This can only be described as a tragic accident
You believe that, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell ya.
87fcb4 No.221574
Pay very close attention to the recent series of posts that was confirmed by both the President and the DoD with their 20-minute tweets.
7014c8 No.221575
You guys see the story snopes is running? "Soros is not dead" isn't snopes just a wing of media matters?
067933 No.221576
Links for clarity?
f45d89 No.221577
Keep doxxing yourself.
0d91a2 No.221578
https:// twitter.com/B75434425/status/947582891550298113
e152c0 No.221579
7014c8 No.221580
22fa24 No.221582
9067df No.221583
How about the fish?
bb9bf9 No.221584
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I think the most important thing to get from JA tweeting the video is that music videos like this are used for communication.
aa19a0 No.221585
When we learn that cancer and all disease originates from the mind, we'll see how truly fraudulent all of these medical foundations are. And many of (((them))) already know this.
6f4442 No.221587
Anyone know who errol Musk is.
Why is there no wiki on him.
Elon I am your Father. Nooooo!
Search your heart.
Elon (Munk)? Yay? Nay?
I think good guy.
Its just that Amber is well darnkess.
What u fags think?
Is it written?
f26422 No.221588
713fb5 No.221589
dude come here before you make a fool of yourself
discord. gg/NVXDNYG
0d91a2 No.221590
EZ with that Laser Mr. Smith.
ce9440 No.221592
If the ground at Baker Island could speak …
7014c8 No.221593
the fact that snopes says he's alive make me think he's dead. 221580
0d91a2 No.221595
Right. Just now saw it. Not sure if someone else posted the entire pic yet.
463608 No.221596
on account it's officially 2018. I'll forego my kneejerk reaction to namefagging and withhold my hostility. people around here don't take too kindly to names and tend to get grumpy.
87fcb4 No.221597
The ones from Christmas Day … started out "Intel drop via a question" and went on for a while.
a58c7f No.221598
Drop 9/11 truths.
Tie perpetrators to Iran and Uranium One.
Drug and human trafficking.
Watch a bit of salt.
Heal the World.
073441 No.221599
87fcb4 No.221600
There will be plenty of fish for everyone.
463608 No.221601
adcc1e No.221602
It would be spectacular if that big red circle was over the Bohemian grove.. just saying
f45d89 No.221603
Or custody? Either way his assets will be frozen.
a58c7f No.221604
Remember, a bit of salt can be curative.
bb9bf9 No.221605
Elon, reverse of 'lone.'
Obviously, he can't be alone…
Poor Elon. That woman doesn't treat him right.
aa19a0 No.221606
db1c51 No.221607
713fb5 No.221608
pastebin .com/jb0gdKM4
39adf1 No.221609
All that can be learned from that bullshit site is the narrative du your.
Likelyhood of Soros having had a heart attack just increased 500 percent.
decb94 No.221610
So you suggest it was deliberate:
What's your theory?
Bomb on board or shot out of the air?
No explosion so hardly a bomb….
Its a seaplane, its sits at a dock with other seaplanes taking tourists on joy flights - if someone was to sabotage it how did they know which one these guys would be on?
The final story will be 'tragic accident'
fb644a No.221611
TY, anon. I will have to dig on this bread for more crumbs.
a58c7f No.221612
That comes after the salt and a bit of healing anon.
8f4f90 No.221614
>Did you want to tell us your conclusion or are you just going to jump onboard when someone else puts forward a credible conclusion?
↑↑↑ this
They are the people who say they know but never tell you anything.
<How is that helpful?
It isn't.
Or they give you responses such as:
<How are they helping?
They aren't.
073441 No.221615
The picture is for demonstration purposes only. Its from 2013 and is almost like a stock photo.
db1c51 No.221616
You have my attention. Still trying to get caught up on the last bread now that I am home.
f9e115 No.221617
87fcb4 No.221618
Board ops can look back through my posts and tell you if I've been unhelpful.
This is a fairly large red pill and it's best you get your own mind around it if you can. It's kinda like enlightenment. I can't give it to you.
2dc90b No.221619
d38e61 No.221620
Yeah but what about the ancient Hebrew alphabetical values of 757 when considering the koranic discourse journals and astrological symbols? Don't you feel like JA is trying to reach the higher plane?
d38e61 No.221622
Whoops, meant for
adcc1e No.221623
It helps stop the bleeding
32d342 No.221624
"BBC correspondent Phil Mercer said the family were believed to be returning to Sydney from an exclusive waterfront restaurant in Jerusalem Bay on New Year's Eve when the plane crashed"
Credit / Debit transactions monitored in Real time.
Book a Tour / Rent a plane -> *PING*
Where is the plane going to be?
Tamper with said planes flaps (Needed for a water take off to add extra lift).
Plane banks uncontrollably, almost instantly without warning. Pilot naturally uses all training immediately with no effect, plane crashes within seconds.
6f4442 No.221625
Story of Elons bullying hits my feelz
Also Bond Fan.
I dont know for sure but think Lone Monk
Is /our/ guy.
Christ Redeems.
a58c7f No.221626
It's the Final Countdown!
Dun da daaa dun, dunna lun dun dun
fb644a No.221627
Newb anon, leave e-mail blank - everyone is anon, newb.
f7427a No.221628
hey fucks, is there a twatterfag that can tell me if is it possible to see how a twatter account changes…. like if their name changed… or their @ changed?
2dc90b No.221629
Space Jesus anon, for real.
713fb5 No.221630
discord .gg/NVXDNYG
a58c7f No.221631
Plus saltiness actually lances emotional boils too.
And spiritual.
A good cry can help Recovery.
db1c51 No.221632
Will Bruce Willis be involved?
fb644a No.221633
463608 No.221635
for this one thing, they/badguys should die!
a58c7f No.221636
e07cba No.221637
7 out of 10 plane crasheds are targeted take down.
Def looks like rpg or bomb. Can determine after more picks are released
87fcb4 No.221638
You figure? Something like that, I guess.
a58c7f No.221639
87fcb4 No.221640
But remember "You are safe."
39adf1 No.221641
Uh… Dude?
If this is for real, thank you
db1c51 No.221642
Do you know how many times a day I get frustrated with this project. I can't quit it though. Why do you know just the right amount to push me?
422948 No.221643
GJ planefags you made the gateway Pundt
fb644a No.221644
Glow hard my anon brother.
089c23 No.221645
That reminds me- I saw an episode of "Blacklist' the other day, and part of it took place on the island. There was some rich family that was conducting private auctions (I think actually on the island). They were auctioning off, not only the James Spader character, who had been captured, but a young boy. It was somewhat disturbing because it really felt like this is how they do it. The child sat in a chair where people could look him over before bidding. Spader plays a fmr Navy Intelligence officer, and it made me think that such a fate may actually happen to white hats targeted by the cabal.
463608 No.221646
it's past your bedtime. take your namefag, get in your jammies and go to bed.
c7add5 No.221647
can you direct me to more of this? 4chan larp .. i knew it!
decb94 No.221649
>Tamper with said planes flaps
Sounds easy, but these planes are kept in a secure area.
>Credit / Debit transactions monitored in Real time
Possible, but what if he simply booked his flight on leaving the restaurant. Are you thinking that the perps also monitored the seaplane operators to determine the plane he would be travelling on then set their cunning plan into operation?
a74d33 No.221650
Salt ( truth) can heal
bb9bf9 No.221651
Anon, I can't tell if you're being serious or trying to shit on me. As Q says - no coincidences. I speak from my own personal reservoir of knowledge, a reservoir which I know was prepared for precisely this event, among others. I am only relating to anons what I can.
I speak from personal experience with these things.
Yes, obviously Amber is Elon's handler. Which is a huge blessing to anons, because it means HE ISN'T COMPROMISED. Elon hasn't diddled children, and he's also one of our best chances at getting off this godforsaken rock. In general, niggers break out the serious "moral compromising" for people who can't be controlled through a romantic partner, children, etc.
Thank God.
Definitely /ourguy/.
d38e61 No.221652
Its bullshit. No gps coords from thay. JA posted a hashed password.
I think his deal is done. He was extracted from UK (JA twat accnt erased), put on a Navy ship (USN twat of JA conf extract), brought to the agreed upon location (loc?), and now he's sending the password for someone to decrypt a dump that hasn't been made public yet. He's saying he's safe, go for decrypt. Everyone dissecting MIA video…its just the lyrics…"MIA"? "Got visas in my name"? "More files than the KGB". Watch the news and Twat for what happens next.
1558d7 No.221653
I had read that that he does not like to be alone in Daily Mail Chile story, and i had heard that before,lol
And the entrepreneur admitted he is desperate to find love, as he hates being alone.
He added: 'I never want to be alone. That's what I would say [as a child], 'I don't want to be alone.' I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me. It's not like I don't know what that feels like: Being in a big empty house, and the footsteps echoing through the hallway, no one there - and no one on the pillow next to you. F**k.
'How do you make yourself happy in a situation like that? Is there anybody you think I should date? It's so hard for me to even meet people. I'm looking for a long-term relationship. I'm not looking for a one-night stand. I'm looking for a serious companion or soulmate, that kind of thing.'
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ article-5223309/Amber-Heard-Elon-Musk-Chile-together.html
Maybe they have a SPECIAL PLACE FOR ELON MUSK , LOL solitary confinement sounds like a perfect fit for him.
a58c7f No.221654
Isn't Cassandra Barry's tranny name?
6f4442 No.221655
Never seen board creepin along this slow
With 125 uids.
Tons o lurkers!
Or you fags are all shiffaced.
decb94 No.221656
>7 out of 10 plane crasheds are targeted take down.
Says who?
2dc90b No.221657
look at wiki for cassandra
0de372 No.221658
Watching the show
Behind the show
a58c7f No.221659
It most certainly can.
Once the world turns into a completely new year.
We get a present?
What's the final timezone?
20a555 No.221660
who's bakin? can bake
Happy New Year Patriots.
Happy New Year.
b5c361 No.221661
read the book of Q and learn
fedee1 No.221662
Easy - settings. takes 3 seconds.
32d342 No.221664
No idea, It would all be speculation, I just want to plant this seed into peoples minds in case of future happenings.
Seems like a fishy incident to me. Q said follow the CEO's that are resigning, and that most plane crashes are hits. He was set to resign / retire and died in a plane crash. Could be something, could be nothing at all, but he joined the company at a bad time, and died during a bad time too.
aa19a0 No.221665
Happy new year!
The oven is yours. Someone dropped this recently.
pastebin .com/jb0gdKM4
1beedd No.221667
Long known the CIA had capacity to use energy directed weapons and scramble a target aircrafts electronics. Turning the fucking planes off. I think a Pakistani politican in the 80's or 90's was killed this way. Along with American Military officers. He knew better than to fly but was sure we wouldnt kill our own people to get him. He didnt understand the Khazars and Jesuits at the CIA. They will kill 300 people to kill one guy. Like 007 over Korea. That was a hit on one congressman.
a74d33 No.221668
bb9bf9 No.221669
If the only thing JA wanted to communicate was a lot of files, he could've picked a thousand other songs. He meant to communicate something more specific than merely "I have a lot of files."
He meant to communicate something more specific. What it was exactly might be unknown, but he was communicating something specific.
20a555 No.221670
Superb anon, thanks. Happy New Year!
Bakin some 2018 bread.
e07cba No.221671
Q said 7 out of 10 plane crashes are targeted takedowns. Read past boards its in there.
b5c361 No.221672
Dec 5 2017, 16:09:40
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.
Dont lie to us and yourself.
aa19a0 No.221675
Have fun! I can already smell the fresh bake.
8f4f90 No.221676
>This is a fairly large red pill and it's best you get your own mind around it if you can. It's kinda like enlightenment. I can't give it to you.
You just illustrated my point:
>They are the people who say they know but never tell you anything.
Your response is as the others.
We are not kids. Share what you say you know.
Else be regarded as not knowing anything, of no help, and as this anon says >>221554
>are you just going to jump onboard when someone else puts forward a credible conclusion?
39adf1 No.221678
fb073b No.221679
Out Of This World?
or Operations Other Than War?
ac64a0 No.221680
no not for me to change mine… is it possible to see a history of someones user names & names…
7014c8 No.221681
87fcb4 No.221682
Have a close look at this picture.
decb94 No.221683
OK found it. Thanks
188d4c No.221684
Can no longer even rant safely on Twitter when you're a 2nd tier celebrity caught in a middle of a low-tier happening, we have eyes everywhere lol
fedee1 No.221685
I don't know of a way to check the history of an account's usernames
20a555 No.221686
Fresh as my dude, fresh as.
9f400a No.221687
Even the ones defending her, you can almost hear the gears turning… slowly
fb644a No.221688
Not shitfaced, but close.
Praise be to Kek for the Baker standing up on New Year's Day 2018!
2c4d5f No.221690
Fuck off you SB nigger
a58c7f No.221691
"I got chilllllls, they're multiplying,"
87fcb4 No.221692
Expand your thinking, anon
87fcb4 No.221693
Review those posts confirmed by the President and the DoD.
f26422 No.221694
Empty code talkers……
Disproves nothing.
fb644a No.221695
Kek! TY for validation.
If you have something useful, this is the place to share it.
20a555 No.221696
Sounds good. Some kind of fresh here. Some kind.
Testing fireworks for New Year Bread. What do you think anons? Yea or nea?
a58c7f No.221697
87fcb4 No.221698
Like I said, you won't hit it the first time. Best wishes.
2c4d5f No.221699
You can Fuck off two with your cliche bullshit. Nigger I’ve been digging this shit for years… yet you claim to be protecting muh feeeelz. If you aren’t helping you are complicit in every child raped and murdered. Gas yourself you larping paid dirty kike. 14/88
b5c361 No.221700
Dont be so gung-ho on that filter button next time. I understand the shaky hills are out but dont dismiss straight away.
f9e115 No.221701
I can use that in the new loaf if you want!
bf9d0d No.221702
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Best show I've seen so far was in Dubai.
Sydney and London have Eye themes.
b4b4c2 No.221703
Anons…do an internet search for "paper" + "plane" + "metaphor" Easy and deep.
ce9440 No.221704
This faggot is a LARP
Has shitted up this entire board with 41 posts saying "I have a secret I can't tell," but has contributed nothing.
458ca8 No.221705
first sunset of 2018 manifested a pink-orange tinge all over the sky for a few minutes here, lads
no coincidences
87fcb4 No.221706
Pretty good trick, huh?
2c4d5f No.221707
20a555 No.221708
Sure! Are you baking anon? I'll fire up some more.
0e6ea7 No.221709
So I wanted to share a little something with everyone. Happy New Year everyone! Let me say that this is just happenstance that I came across this but it never crossed my mind. Tonight I watched one of favorite movies "Man on Fire". At the end of the movie there is a dedication to "Mexico, a very special place". I always used to think of that as odd until now. Of course Q mentioned "a special place". And of course it is no coincidence that "Man on Fire" is about child trafficking and kidnapping. Could there be a chance that Mexico city is THE special place? Remember Trump met with the Mexican president during the campaign which was unprecedented? What if this had nothing to do with NAFTA or the Wall? What if this had to do with stopping the rampant human trafficking in the US and Mexico?
aa19a0 No.221710
Is that what they call a tribute pic in the 'biz'?
Looks good, maybe just for this one go on a black background. Revert back on the 2nd.
f9e115 No.221711
Yup, I can bake this time around, anon. I like the fireworks!
fb644a No.221712
Nice work, Anon. That is expanding your thinking, for sure.
bf9d0d No.221713
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Pretty neat in comparison to US, UK and AUS.
Taipei is pretty spectacular too.
aa19a0 No.221715
87fcb4 No.221716
I'll bet it is. I wish I could be in all those places.
6febf9 No.221717
so iran was also a cia place this whole time?
2c4d5f No.221719
Iran GOVERNMENT has been SeeEyeAyyy installed and backed this whole time
aa19a0 No.221720
bf5798 No.221721
Wow, these people are taking this stuff really seriously. I wonder what the party scene was like in Dubai
aa19a0 No.221722
Like I said earlier, world peace is on the horizon.
bf9d0d No.221723
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hong Kong gets 3rd place.
87fcb4 No.221724
I wonder how they did that
adcc1e No.221725
Brilliant anon, great movie, hellova connection
bf9d0d No.221726
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Something going on live now in Honolulu etc.
fb644a No.221727
Prayer for the Bakers, that the dough will rise, and the Bread will nourish the bodies and souls of Good Patriots this New Year's Day of 2018.
God Bless POTUS
God Bless Q Team
God Bless Operators
God Bless Patriots & Anons
It shall be glorious!
87fcb4 No.221728
That's wonderful.
87fcb4 No.221729
The eyes see it, does the mind?
d38e61 No.221730
Anons not phonefaggin it: what are the "JA" Q drops? Posting them to the board would help steer the thread i think
bf9d0d No.221731
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
DAFNEFIXED Fireworks 2018 - New Year's Eve Fireworks - 2000 rockets on bike
7cef23 No.221732
This strategy may be the only way, and, to the extent that it is, so be it. But I'll say it plainly: I hate it. The motherfuckers need to be exposed. The real motherfuckers. Not the henchmen.
It's not just about selfish shadenfreude (although that's a big, big reason why I care about this stuff). It's also about PREVENTION. Trump won't be around forever. The fact that so many patriots of like mind could come together and successfully orchestrate this is huge. It's enormously improbable, especially when you consider that the globalist niggers were 80% of the way towards fully implementing their sick end game, including the not-insignificant population reduction element.
If the truth is not exposed, we've bought ourselves a window of reprieve only. Perhaps half a century. It will be great. I will benefit, AND I will die while things are still amazing. But they will regroup. And they will never stop unless they are fully scrubbed from existence with a planetary audience.
aa19a0 No.221733
Wow that was amazing. Very creative.
32d342 No.221734
JA = Julian Assange, links at the top of the thread, recent posts.
Read the top of the threads for a coherent understanding.
a559c7 No.221735
Newfag here just looking at the lyrics of M.I.A.
Check the wiki on the song for background. Tell me to fuck off it it doesn't make sense.
If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name
If you come around here, I make 'em all day
I get one done in a second if you wait=Forged visas for terrorists.
Pirate skulls and bones = Skull and Bones society/Busch's/Clowns
Sticks and stones and weed and bongs= Weapons and drug trafficking.
Third world democracy
Yeah, I've got more records than the K.G.B
So, uh, no funny business
Are you ready all?
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go
Some some some I some I murder
Some I some I let go= Worldwide Blackmail extortion and murder.
2141cb No.221736
Piracy associated with hacking mind control slaves?
Fuck off shill!! That makes no fucking sense without sauce.. KYS and don't ever fuck with me again about that without sauce
I know all the circumstantial sauce on Julian and his past
9f400a No.221737
All these NYE shows are fucking amazing. Next year, world. Next year
9067df No.221738
“Detention facility”
2141cb No.221739
anon talking sense…. how about ups shipping disgusting stuff too?
d38e61 No.221740
Dude. Why do you think i wrote "JA"? So that you could explain what ja stands for?
Im asking for someone on a desktop to POST THEM INTO THIS THREAD. Does that make sense now? I dont fucking need "ja" explained. Thanks tho and HNY.
87fcb4 No.221741
20a555 No.221742
On it.
God bless you bakeranon, and may God bless your fresh 2018 bread.
32d342 No.221743
But some of us don't believe Kill_Rogue's twatter to be associated with Q, the whole MIA thing could be a wild goose chase for a famefag.
If Q is on twitter, I'll wait for them to confirm it first, people will ask.
aa19a0 No.221745
This year mofo! THIS YEAR!
87fcb4 No.221746
That would not surprise me at all, tonight.
2141cb No.221747
q made a point of confirming many posts, he confirmed the move here from half-chan, he would not confuse autists by changing this pattern since he knows how we operate.
d38e61 No.221748
But i can see why you responded that way with the # of newfags here. It was ambiguous, MUHBAD. And HNY.
32d342 No.221749
a0d4c2 No.221750
Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal’s Ex-Wife Tells All: Orgies with Underage Girls, Drugs, Bangladeshi Children Traded as Sex Slaves
760c70 No.221751
figured it out… the persons twitter cant be back checked… but it can be done…. in a round about way.
sweet, i'm ganna drop this around. i'm ganna feel like a dick…. vault id as well. I found it… but they wont know its the podesta emails leak…
they might be looking for DNC leak or something like that.
maybe like "Oct, 7 2016 - podesta e-mails leak"
or just the "www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/" so they know exactly where to go
9f400a No.221752
Fucking A, its gonna take me weeks to get used to saying it!
d38e61 No.221753
Hmm do you have anything around u could use to, i dunno, take some VIDEO of it?
adcc1e No.221754
I think when it's all over, there will be enough changes for the next 50 years, like you said. But there are many witnesses to the rest to keep teaching.
1=2, 2=4, 4=8
We are reaching more than we think…
9f400a No.221755
Calling all planefags!
760c70 No.221758
go before i crash.
d38e61 No.221761
Not clicking it. Too scared cause ive been an asshole all night.
32d342 No.221762
Precisely, if Q has changed their method of communication, they will tell us straight up "Kill rogue is me".
If Q doesn't, then it might even have been a ploy to keep the normies / shills at bay.
aa19a0 No.221766
It won't take that long. Because every reminder will come with a huge shit eating grin.
62af0e No.221768
I’m in bed and it’s freezing cold here — I caught a few red lights but I’ve got shutters that would prevent any decent pictures from being taken. Sorry!
a74d33 No.221769
1. You’re bubbling with anticipation
2. You just liked the movie
3. Travolta is in more trouble
4. Scientology-CIA-Operation Snow White
5. I read too much into everything
f9e115 No.221770
New bread when this one fills up.
9f400a No.221772
This whole day has been filled with them, amen to that anon
1beedd No.221773
I have been hearing stuff all week….more than usual…in Anna Po Lis. emmm Dee
463608 No.221774
2141cb No.221775
after the Grenfell Tower Disaster last year this is pretty sick and tasteless from a world power
62af0e No.221776
It’s the 22101 zip code if that helps.
87fcb4 No.221777
Here's another picture. Look closely.
9f400a No.221778
Im not one of them guys fyi. I was alerting the squadron but doesnt look like theyre here
9067df No.221779
Blocked plane going from Houston to Miami and back.
aa19a0 No.221780
Damn right. We're days away from the hammer being dropped in msm. I can feel it.
9067df No.221781
Yeah I read there’s a pentagram with old planes on each point with a weird building in the middle
87fcb4 No.221782
Not planes. Look closely.
db1c51 No.221783
Should I be looking at the Area 51 stuff or is that not related. I'm a little confused on that part.
87fcb4 No.221784
0de372 No.221785
Missle ..sorry for butting in
9f400a No.221786
If you didnt I was going to lol
0de372 No.221789
But zero support staff nor vehicles nearby …
ce9440 No.221790
It's an SA-5 mock-up on a bombing range
NOTHING unusual there
62af0e No.221791
Got another one here. Mildly freaking out.
9f400a No.221792
9067df No.221793
Sorry got sucked into the rabbit hole but yest missiles is what I was going to say
0de372 No.221796
9067df No.221799
eb17e3 No.221800
>Whether it's an alien embassy or GOD'S >EMBASSY, if doubters can come up with >a single more plausible reason why >Presidents with ultimate decisions over >classification cannot enter then spill it >otherwise admit there isn't one.
it is the embassy of the fucking moon …
the nasa/cia claimed for itself…
Thats way "How far is the nearest star?"
And Alians exist but they are Humen
and i think scientology control the CIA and Hollowood think about that… The cult runs the world
MKULTRA, Brainwash, these spaceshipcult
Tesla Musk is there Jesus who will bring them to the sky …. germanfag out
1558d7 No.221801
I was going to joke earlier about people from CBTS doing live reports,lol people had mentioned in past , they wished there was a 24/7 cbts news channel,lol
ce9440 No.221802
Helo registered to Fairfax County
32d342 No.221803
How come no one is talking about this headline in here?
"Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct before Election Day, report says"
0de372 No.221804
Pentagram and road leading into it …state of road looks recently traveled
87fcb4 No.221805
Here is where your brain is going to have a problem. Take a breath, then review the Area 51 posts that have been confirmed by the President and the DoD. If this is a LARP, they're in on it.
463608 No.221808
aa19a0 No.221809
NYT throws pedofag David Brock under the bus.
9f400a No.221813
I wouldnt worry, if you were a target youd know it by now.
0de372 No.221814
You have Lon/lat of this?
2a42d1 No.222491
2a42d1 No.222499
Managed to pull in an old friend whom I hadn’t talked to in a while, she has spent the last 15 yrs rescuing trafficked victims and getting the top people arrested and jailed. She’s willing to offer any assistance she can . I’ve been feeding her the info and she will see if she has anything else on the people to add.
2a42d1 No.222513
She said :
There is a movie called All Things Good.
It is about Robert Durst but within the movie you can see how the trafficking ties into the money laundering and the elite
2a42d1 No.222520
She also told me :
Years ago I kicked 2 FBI agents out of my office saying tell your boss I said F$^& You!!
They left children in a brothel and their boss was a buyer of commercial sex.
2a42d1 No.222528
This is also from her messages:
have been doing cases for 15 years.
I will still do some work on a limited basis- however I am tired.
15 years and it is no easier today than the first day.
Until commercial Sex is not tolerated our kids are bait!
db77af No.222530
Fill this one up. 262& 263 are currently open as well.