35ea96 No.189803
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”
We are Restoring the Republic of America
Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.
We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.
Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].
We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.
Our goal is simple:
To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.
>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.
Can you?
Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread.
35ea96 No.189837
17/12/25 - CHRISTMAS DAY
>>172761 to >>172726
Graphic >>183550
17/12/23 - SATURDAY
>>158144 to >>158096
>>158162 to >>158138
>>158219 to >>158194, >>158202
ZULU TIME definition: >>178049
>>158980 to >>158952
>>159016 to >>158980
Graphic >>183585
17/12/22 - FRIDAY
>>148746 to >>148634
>>148761 to >>148729
>>148848 to >>148751
>>151134 (Wikileaks Stringer?)
>>154468 to >>154372
>>154505 to >>154429
>>154535 to >>154477
>>154583 to >>154493
>>154682 to >>154644
35ea96 No.189842
Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)
>>184925 Dec 26 stand, Dec 27
>>184800 It's [0] in the countdown
>>184805 Radio Silence
>>183552 OP IS BIG. The Wrath is REAL.
>>181689 More decoded stringers
>>168555 NEW - Stringer thread has a decode, folks. It involves Seth Rich and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
>>184094 Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and 2 others apparently detained at LAX. Flight our Planefags were tracking earlier today
>>182981 Our Planefags tracing the flight above earlier today >>184448
>>184614 LAX shut down
>>184297 LAX passenger must have been 'a big fish.'
>>184893 Uranium Passenger?
>>184700 Top Kek
Washington Crossing the Delaware
>>172153 , DoD Tweet
http:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#q147433975
BIGLY: Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange:
https://twitter .com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136
https://www.whitehouse .gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
More info: >>141931, >>140461
>>120430 (Petition)
=Why We Break Links=
35ea96 No.189843
Alien / Disclosure Related >>26613
The Asia Foundation >>15984
A peek into (((they))) >>2422
Bloodlines and Y >>7705
CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>146483
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Creatures >>1411
Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>140461
FBIAnon AMA Transcript >>137237
Godfather III >>2078
Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>3952
Hunt For Red October >>3102
Isreal & Zionism >>1398
Indictments & Arrests >>3163
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>1391
Missle Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as 'missle' twice? >>147334
North Korea >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>4249
Q Signatures >>2198
Q Stringer Central >>2300
Rothschild Family >>1362
Rothschild Family Summary >>139091
Red Cross >>40157
Report Strange NWO Deaths >>114171
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Snow White and AI Science >>123576
Soros & NGOs >>1367
The British Connections >>117841
Titanic >>106
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>1346
>>189447 ← Stringers, military courts
**Broken links have been removed.
35ea96 No.189846
New QMap PDF freshly baked https://anonfile.com/43C4q9d5ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.12.0.pdf
Alt Link to PDF Above https://dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io (has search function, also a section for answers)
Graphic: >>161446 >>161453 >>163079 >>178717 (Grand Q-Map(s))
Text: [4chan] https://pastebin .com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] https://pastebin .com/dfWVpBbY
PDF: https: //anonfile .com/02A1q4d1b6/Q_Map_12_26_2017_v1.pdf
PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q%20print.zip?dl=0
>Alt Link to PDF Above https: //dropfile.to/2UrnCy7
The Book of Q: https://pastebin .com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)
Q Database: http://www.db-q .com/ (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)
Spreadsheet: https://app.smartsheet .com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444
Spreadsheet (Q & A) Guidelines >>>/cbts/182132
Q turned A: https://anonfile .com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Wiki: Need a proper wiki.
Thread archives: http://qarchives .ml/
CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: https://ufile. io/nmyy0
CheatSheetAnon 40,000 ft. perspective: >>134020
How to read the Q map: >>133263
Tools & Information
Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941
Free information: >>152634
For site archival: https://archive .fo/
Marine Codes: marineparents .com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf
Prayer Requests: >>55606
35ea96 No.189849
CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0 [includes direct links to Q posts]
CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https://8ch. net/cbts/archive/index.html
CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/8zHit7mA [includes direct links to Q posts]
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Pastebin of of Links posted 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL
Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*
Through tempest, storm
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Memes #1 >>2
Memes #2 >>61078
Memes #3 >>107604
Memes #4 >>142207
Infographs >>10
Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads
If a baker is needed and you decide to step up for God & Country,
Simply read the instructions at the top of the batter paste. It's so easy.
When you're done, make a pastebin . com of your recipe for the next baker.
Don't forget to update the last batter below.
Last batter edited from: https://pastebin.com/WHwRfeRs (#211)
→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
have been posted to Memes4 thread in three parts:
Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B
(The original pastebin it came from is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe and it contains some additional links that did not get retrieved from the archives, but I think maybe this is enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
o7 Seth Rich o7
Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.
3c19be No.189870
da28e0 No.189879
Bless this bread. Pray for Ops.
f5c370 No.189883
God bless this bread. Thank you bakeranon!
a71891 No.189890
Any updates on Chicago and the UN fiasco?
0ea8e1 No.189895
I have to say this discovery was not surprising to me at all…. Francis is part of the bloodline.
https:// www.geni.com/path/Jacob-Rothschild-4th-Baron-Rothschild+is+related+to+Pope-Francis?from=6000000010041954752&to=6000000019819086151
c622fe No.189897
Hard to update something that never happened.
e3d517 No.189913
Dont do dumb shit, how difficult is that? "Oh I wasnt impersonating Q I was mocking someone". Youre fucking stupid for thinking you wouldnt get banned.
f0b3e2 No.189915
Thanks for Baking!
606b45 No.189923
35ea96 No.189925
I know. Had to TRY to make it look legit. ;)
428402 No.189936
The CIA have been involved in Disney since its creation. Here's a post from The Asia Foundation thread >>30353
By the late 1950s, it was clear that theme parks were the future of Disney. The company’s first park, California’s Disneyland, had saved it from bankruptcy and was soon generating huge profits. A second location was only logical, and Walt Disney himself soon had his heart set on Florida. (A probably apocryphal legend claims that he initially wanted it in St. Louis but changed his mind after feeling insulted by local Budweiser executives.) But there were challenges to be faced: Disneyland was such a huge money-spinner that local landowners were sure to jack up their prices once they heard Walt was sniffing around for a second space. Additionally, Walt was furious that cheap hotels and businesses had sprung up around his California location, ruining the ambiance. In Florida, he wanted to be in complete control.
To help him achieve that, Walt turned to two of the most notorious spies in American history. William “Wild Bill” Donovan was the founder of the OSS, the World War II–era spy agency that eventually morphed into the CIA. As such, he has a serious claim to be the founder of modern US espionage. By the late ‘50s, Donovan had been unceremoniously retired from government service and was heading up his own law firm, which Disney quickly hired.
He also hired Paul Helliwell, an incredibly shady figure who ran CIA front operations in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean and who usually shows up in the various conspiracy theories about CIA drug trafficking. Helliwell’s job was to use his CIA experience to set up a number of shell companies, which would be able to buy land in central Florida without anybody realizing it was really being bought by Disney.
That part of the plan went off without a hitch, with Helliwell snapping up land for as low as $80 an acre while Donovan’s law firm ran a disinformation campaign to prevent anyone working out who was really behind the purchases. When word finally got out that the land was for Disney, the price ballooned up to $80,000 an acre, but by that point the space for the park had been acquired at an average of just $200 an acre. But Disney still needed to make sure he completely controlled the land—and that meant getting the government out of the picture as well. Luckily, Helliwell had a solution.
The CIA man advised Disney to set up “puppet governments” in the form of two fake cities. Since nobody actually lived in the area, Disney would just need to place a couple of hand-picked employees in the cities to totally control the local government. This was probably illegal and arguably unconstitutional, but with the aid of a compliant state legislature, the cities (Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista) were duly incorporated. They still exist today, with a combined population of 44 people, all of them Disney employees, or retired employees, or the children of employees. The citizens elect officials and decide what ordinances to pass, but “if they didn’t vote Disney’s way regularly, you can be sure they wouldn’t be Disney employees or living on Disney property much longer.” By controlling the cities, Disney controls local government, making Walt Disney World a magical kingdom indeed.
baacf9 No.189944
bro you had the tripcode in the name field. thats a bannable offense.
877873 No.189950
bitch you're posting right now. Don't fill up this bread with complaining. Dig, meme, pray or GTFO
35ea96 No.189951
Just how many replies are allowed in a thread now? The last one is up to 775 now.
35ea96 No.189956
3f9860 No.189962
Filtered for being a faggot
41c81f No.189964
Reddit’s, normies, and new shills …I say leave them over there
dab6df No.189965
>Peter Munk
some connections for digging
ebea5f No.189971
The Deep State is working over time with the MSM to ush the narrative to protect them from what is coming…
The same people who said Hitlery had a 96% chance of winning…
Said it was "impossible" for POTUS to get the tax cut bill passed by Christmas…
Who does Gallup work with? Says it all.
35ea96 No.189973
f5c370 No.189974
You're an idiot and deserve everything you got.
ec461f No.189975
Dear Lord, we thank you for this righteous bread and for the crumbs we may receive herein. We ask that you watch over us and guide us through Q's clues. Lord, please give us the strength and wisdom to exact justice upon the wicked, with your guidance. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
7756b5 No.189976
Kiddies in here like mad. Someone musta dun posted a link on minecraft…
26a1d2 No.189977
I am liking it… a little more cowbell needed.
ebea5f No.189978
http://www.zerohedge. com/news/2017-12-27/north-korean-defectors-show-signs-radiation-exposure
31f7fe No.189979
The thought of them slipping on a "fishing vessel" crossed my mind.
I keep looking at https:/ /www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-100.3/centery:6.2/zoom:3
0ea8e1 No.189980
BO you really should spell out what you're going to ban people for on rules page for noob dumbasses. I mean, they ARE complete dumbasses after all.
8218cc No.189982
Oh, this again. Hi Lynn, you're tried that trick many times with many 1-post IDs in the past, and you're at it again; still doesn't work
428402 No.189983
That number may include deleted posts. Also, if there aren't many images in the thread, the post count can go up.
989e18 No.189984
>Twitter is trending about Most Admired man.
>We need some meme maker masters to get on it.
a0fcb5 No.189985
Awan's wife coming back for arrest. They think she has serious mud on DWS for some immunity.
http:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-12/rep-franks-predicts-awans-will-get-immunity-significant-disturbing-story-about-wasse
da28e0 No.189986
From True Pundit!!!
Sexual Harassment Scandals May Drive Democrats Out Of Power In CALIFORNIA
4f629d No.189987
lol Never enough cowbell
5cc351 No.189988
This. One of the best places to start is by searching "SEC" or Securities Exchange Commission with searching new subjects of bread. <---everybody, this. Soros, Munk, any corporation. Do it.
Follow the money = make connections = truth.
dc470c No.189989
0e2bdc No.189990
Please remember the Shadow Government, the Cabal, and pretty much every single government on the planet have the same high-level technology, and they've had it for years.
cec7a9 No.189991
unicorns horns are a penis. it's where you get the term horny. search unicorn+virgin for more clues to their fuckery.
1a9f89 No.189992
5cc351 No.189993
a60c8c No.189994
What exactly is a "blocked" plane? Does that mean they're being escorted?
46c1d6 No.189995
"When weak, appear strong." Sun Tzu
4bb916 No.189996
>carried over from end of last thread
So, judging by replies in last thread, I gather many are not too big on George Webb?
Good to know. I just discovered him and not sure what to think. He does seem to have amazing detail on matters related to the storm, but I've only seen about 5 of his videos so far.
ec461f No.189997
(Face-palm) For fuck's sake…
7797a5 No.189998
Well, regardless of party association, that’s good. Drive out the sickos
41c81f No.189999
That article is from sept anon …she’s back ..still haven’t heard what she has to say yet.
428402 No.190001
He's not known as Mossad George for nothing.
35ea96 No.190002
"You get a boot, and YOU get a boot..
EVERYBODY gets a boot!"
1ec075 No.190003
Apparently he has deep admiration for Barry. Doesn't connect.
989e18 No.190004
New name for Pepe, since copyright claims.
4a167a No.190005
Maybe there are tunnels under Disneyland hiding the kids/bodies? The blackout might have disabled security measures to retrieve them? Any reports of Marines around Disneyland? Jade Helm?
26a1d2 No.190006
He owned Trizec Hahn, personally which owned buildings every where, including in Houston which housed the offices of Enron and Halliburton. Good Cheney bud.
Also it owned Sears Tower in Chicago.
Add the Russian connections of the business there he was in with Nat Rothschild.
Also add Khashoggi connection - Khashoggi is the one who really fronted the money to Munk to start Barrick
5cc351 No.190007
7756b5 No.190008
>Democrats Out Of Power
Brain tingling: Power outage double meaning during raids for shifting power. Stringer review…
0ea8e1 No.190009
Looks like we got bots in the channel.
e1039c No.190010
Considering the earlier find of the Xpand your thinking book, yeah. What is done> Who does it>How do they do it> Why do the minor players, etc> and where are the fucking kids?!!
dc470c No.190011
See this post. Nice chart from this Anon.
Has anyone checked WikiL or F-I Vault for MUNK?
1a21e0 No.190012
Found it. (Pic)
Q post from December11th:
Q earlier posted on November 12th:
Disney is a distraction
Then Q posted again 'FREEDOM' on December 25th:
Disney outage is definately part of the operation, albeit meant as purpose for distraction.
e2fdb3 No.190013
most admired man #qanon .. duh
99c6f0 No.190014
How about we make Munk Most Admired man?
Use the exposure as leverage?
7797a5 No.190015
Sounds like a Soros connection somewhere…
8218cc No.190016
560254 No.190017
http://www.thegatewaypundit .com/2017/12/house-intelligence-committee-chairman-devin-nunes-subpoenas-john-mccain-associate-fusion-gps-dossier/
ec461f No.190018
Pede. Short for "Centipede"… An r/The_Donald-fag phenomena. Not to be confused with "pedO".
519b62 No.190020
POTUS at the Palm Beach Fire Dept. #resCUE
da28e0 No.190021
There's been so many distractions the last handful of days. Basically Christmas was the only time there wasn't an odd or crazy thing going on since the EM launch. To me this means soooo much is being accomplished!!
4a167a No.190022
Nov 3rd 2017
SAN DIEGO — The Marine Corps says 69 recruits in Southern California are being treated for apparent exposure to E. coli and nine have developed a serious complication.
Those being treated Friday include 14 new cases among some 5,500 recruits at Camp Pendleton and the San Diego recruiting depot. The military says nine developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a problem that can cause anemia and kidney damage.
Overall, about 300 Marines have been affected by a week-old outbreak of the diarrheal illness.
The source of the outbreak is under investigation.
Training continues and some 500 Marines graduated from training on Friday.
The Marine Corps says efforts will be made to allow recruits who had to miss training to make it up.
c0daa9 No.190023
5cc351 No.190024
Ah, makes sense. Ease up on him–a few people have floated around the idea that BHO flipped on establishment, signed into law some stuff POTUS could use for his benefit.
Makes sense tbh. Obama signed Magnisky in, was a virtual unknown when he got catapulted (quite intentionally) to notability, etc.
Not saying I agree or disagree, just don't write off somebody who obviously cares about shit and works hard just because he has an idea that you might find shitty, you know?
4d7a25 No.190025
Let BHO win. The disgrace will be that much sweeter
e8392a No.190026
No news is good news. Means the Ops are going well (my thoughts)
90b84a No.190027
Yes, among other sources, which are all free and listed in here: >>152634
Despite its inherent leftist bias, Little Sis is also invaluable for providing the connections between people in a manner that is not as overwhelming as a Muckety Map.
bde812 No.190028
blocked plane just north of Tuscon on flightradar as we speak .make it easier to find .
4128ff No.190029
so from last thread it seems HRC is human rights council and Hussein is that guy who just resigned. interesting?
1546b1 No.190030
trying to take out Trump's army?
5c661c No.190031
SD has been having a lot of "health" issues recently.. look up their downtown street cleaning …
40f20f No.190033
Seems the Pope has now joined the fight back against POTUS. We knew he was involved and now he's revealed himself. #Redshoes
Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good”
http:// yournewswire.com/pope-francis-world-government-rule/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
2309ef No.190034
www.space.com/39215-contact-lost-with- angosat-1-manufacturer-says.html
df8c01 No.190035
Jewish ritual murder - blood debt - these images pretty much tell you exactly what the evil/dark/cabal forces are doing. We need some extra powerful memes based around these.
Autists Assemble!!
5cc351 No.190036
Actually I really like this idea.
I'm an oldfag–helped moot get to Time 100. Long, long before he fgted out.
Very effective in garnering attention. I like your idea.
90b84a No.190037
damnit, meant to reply to >>189988 also
b680e8 No.190038
OSC. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC COMMAND. OSC was created by and for the SS, thats nazi SS. CIA/SS. OSD HQ is…DisneyLand.
f5c370 No.190039
3c1962 No.190040
>>189936 I've been looking into Disney. I suspect Disney is responsible for the Elsagate cartoons. Those cartoons use Disney and Marvel characters (Disney owns Marvel comics now) but never get any takedown notices for copyright violations.
35ea96 No.190041
Well muh niggas, it's been fun. But I gotta run
This -> https: //pastebin.com/WHwRfeRs is the new batter. Don't use the other one that I accidentally baked in to this loaf but was too far behind to re-do it.
Thank you all! Except the snowflakes and shills. Fuck them.
1ec075 No.190042
A lot of people have written him (GW) off. I am always neutral, but GW is not - he has concluded already that he "admires" Barry. Both conclusions, for or against betray a mind that is chasing its desires, rather than chasing the truth. We are human. No one is perfect, but I need to take most people with a grain of salt…some with a handful.
5c661c No.190043
i'm pretty sure this is actually hidn' on flightaware .. better to see if there were land markers.. check back
feb3d6 No.190044
1658d8 No.190045
And yet, the founders went to war against the Whiskey Rebellion and a couple others. The reality is that a government can't be infinitely tolerant of speech and assembly, else it will be tolerant of the very crimes it was constructed to redress. You may not be able to arrest me for speaking out against the government - but it is absolutely absurd to suggest that the 1st amendment applies to "burn this bitch down" or conspiracy to subvert the due process of law. There is a process for addressing grievances with the government. Putting in place a cabal through fraud and coercion is not how it works - and it is incumbent upon those who hold themselves to the Constitution to persecute, with ruthless perseverance, those who would act against it.
ab5f39 No.190046
>Assange was an abused child.
>I believe there's a ring of them helping to wipe off the cabal. But I haven't any proof of course
I think so too. Especially when I think about how you would have to get a lot of undercover good guys up into top positions to be able to take the corrupt ones down...they would have to establish trust, do all the awful things, who could do that? Some people would be strong enough but the less risky way would be to condition these undercover agents to be somewhat dissociated from it so they don’t mess up or something. Mkultra style conditioning should theoretically work for anything, so you could use it for good if you needed someone to do awful stuff and not have to live with the memory of it.
ec461f No.190047
The CIA makes /cbts/ look like Patrick Shwayze in Road House.
5cc351 No.190048
Thanks for this info, appreciate you
da28e0 No.190049
Marines are def being targeted on purpose.
7797a5 No.190050
When you click on a plane, it will give you information like carrier, departure and arrival locations, etc. Blocked planes block all of that, but some still show things like altitude and speed, for the most part. So, a blocked designation leads you to believe it could be military or someone who doesn’t want to be tracked.
d1463f No.190051
S Diego had hazmat there few weeks back for sledges HepA
dc470c No.190052
I have followed GW work for over one year. Once you figure out his style, you get it…you get him.
It's a lot like Trump…initially, some ppl are put off.
But once you figure out the guy - you see what he's doing.
It makes sense.
Both are amazingly productive…
I am a serious researcher / analyst - don't have any time for fools…and there ARE some out there.
Like I said, I have been following GW for one year.
a60c8c No.190054
Understood. Where EXACTLY does one cross the line? The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. Crossing the line is when people are encouraged to disobey or attack established authority? We can talk about the changes we would like to see, but that should not include attacking authority. Is that it? (That's how I understand it, anyway.)
8218cc No.190055
3eea9a No.190056
Want to get sick, listen to this girl when she was 12 and her fun at Disneyland, we need to jail these fucks, he was 24
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHjLRSHkwI
0ea8e1 No.190057
Oh look, the Cabal thinks they can successfully invade and conquer America now.
0bd061 No.190058
Q has mentioned the black D's,,
And story about Sheila Jackson, Black Democrat from Texas,, having another incident with an airline. She got another passenger's seat, and called them a racist for complaining.
Here is what she thinks of herself,
'I'm a queen and I demand to be treated like a queen!' How Congresswoman involved in race row on plane was chauffeured a block to Congress and was nearly banished from an airline before.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 5216023/Rep-United-flight-fight-history-bad-behavior.html
She is worth 2.9 million. I say we get the Autists to SHINE A LIGHT on her,,, and see how she is connected.
I have not seen much investigation into the black members of congress, since Q posted that on Nov 1st. I misssed some threads, but do not think we really got into that subject( unless i missed it in bread somewhere,lol)
UNLEASH THE AUTISTS,LOL ( like release the Kraken)
a4b9ce No.190059
Is it just me or does everyone picture Clinton, BHO, Soros and Podesta in Hannibal Masks, their pretty orange jump suits, handcuffed
dab6df No.190061
here's some connections with Peter, Nathanial Rothschild and Oleg Deripaska… a Russian oligarch.
1411ae No.190062
I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in this "news" source. It's known to put out fake stories.
ff6690 No.190063
so in the 1960's my dad was stationed at Ft Story and Norfolk NAS, his mos was long shoreman's helper. We visited family in Va and we drove up on the mountain where he use to work. I was never in the tunel system but, he helped relocate and mothball thousands of ww1 and ww2 arms and equipment in the system and from the sounds of things coming out now there are experimental cities under ground tied to this EO from the 21st...millions of people bred for traits not natural selection...began with IKE leave office to present...several third hand account over the years of fbi, blm, and others snatching people, children, and babies for this project and blaming it on little green men sad...
1546b1 No.190064
sure looks that way . . . there are no coincidences. another show of force from bad actors.
4a167a No.190065
eb9324 No.190066
>plane anon C56X
going in direction of cuba/gitmo and no details available.
pls real plane anons, help me out, stupid old fart here
d1463f No.190067
Clown Twitter June 6 2017 75 th anniversary of OSS. See Broughton, Disney, Alice camera man
f5c370 No.190068
>but that should not include attacking authority.
Understand that as "Attacking the Rule of Law." and it all makes sense.
40237b No.190070
Gallop polls show
ab5f39 No.190071
i mean not the trauma-based part of mkultra…you could probably get a solid level of conditioning done with other methods that are humane
bde812 No.190072
99c6f0 No.190073
Ok fine now try to convince a normie that that's not a coincidence.
40f20f No.190074
They must be desperate for this to happen
5cc351 No.190075
While she does have the highest staff turnover rate of anyone in Congress, the lady's a fucking tyrant who also happens to be a complete fucking loon. Good idea and worth digging, however the woman is so incapable of establishing and maintaining even basic interpersonal connections that I doubt she's very well connected at all, aside from threatening everyone with the race card.
1546b1 No.190076
didn't the alleged "NK defector" show traces of anthrax anitbodies? (they let this guy escape on purpose . . . he was a messenger.)
(((they))) have an arsenal of bioweapons . . .
ec461f No.190077
Lmao… "Marines being targeted". As an American, I can completely assure you, this will not end well for those targeting Marines.
666c5b No.190078
Ummm….so I'm the digfag who was digging on the Trump tweet that had the mispelled chidlren in it. It seemed to set off a fake Q faggot who kept trying to distract. THEN I had to do the captcha thing again (though I already did it once today. It made me do two. This is what they said: pics related. Coincidence?
Who's Kim? Should I answer my doorbell?
a71891 No.190079
How do you conquer the country with disarmed homosexuals?
d1463f No.190080
Clown Twitter June 6 2017 75 th anniversary of OSS. See Broughton, Disney, Alice camera man
519b62 No.190081
I'd rather just sit here smiling and enjoy it! Why let a normie screw it up!?
5c661c No.190082
i think there are tunnels where HW and KS are doing their "treatment" … why else would these pedo fuks go to the same place?
5cc351 No.190083
He married Michelle because he caught that jungle fever. Went black, never came back
1faaa0 No.190084
unicorns in north korea?
fd1cbd No.190085
>muh nahzees
Fuck off kike stop trying to divert. CIA is CIA.
35ea96 No.190086
>Who's Kim? Should I answer my doorbell?
No, don't do it.
35ea96 No.190088
That Soros fucker was screwing with shit as far back as 1979!
The SEC announced on May 21 the filing of a complaint in the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New York seeking injunctive and other equitable relief
against Soros Fund Management, Inc. (SFM) and its president, George Soros, alleging
violations of the antifraud and anti-manipulative provisions of the securities laws.
SFM is an investment adviser whose principal business is managing securities investments
for foreign investment companies. The Commission alleged in its complaint
that Soros and SFM manipulated the market price of Computer Sciences Corporation
(CSC) common stock. In its complaint, the Commission alleged that SFM and Soros
engaged in a scheme to sell CSC common stock shortly before a public offering of such
stock which caused the offering price to decline, and during such offering, purchased
approximately 165,000 shares of CSC common stock at an artificially low price.
Thereafter, the Commission charged that SFM and Soros purchased additional shares of
CSC common stock for the purpose of purchasing additional stock at artificially low
prices and causing the market price of CSC common stock to increase. (SEC v. Soros
Fund Management, Inc. and George Soros, U.S.D.C. S.D.N.Y., Civil Action No. 79-2641).
d1463f No.190089
Children of God was cult Assange family belonged to
7a4b9d No.190090
"Cybernetic Network"
This is interesting about satellites maybe birds singing?
“The Birds” (Gr: “Ornithes”) is a comedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. It was first performed in 414 BCE at the City Dionysia festival, where it won second prize. The story follows Pisthetaerus, a middle-aged Athenian who persuades the world's birds to create a new city in the sky (thereby gaining control over all communications between men and gods), and is himself eventually miraculously transformed into a bird-like god figure himself, and replaces Zeus as the pre-eminent power in the cosmos.
7d2058 No.190091
Nobody puts Q in a corner.
5c661c No.190093
there's something going on w/ captcha.. it's fuking me up too
d1f1a4 No.190095
Question: Why do people talk about all the money that was stolen from us by the elite? It's their money, they invented it. We were stupid and accepted it as compensation for our blood, sweat and tears, but it's just one form of payment that they control. It's literally no different from Monopoly money. We can decide not to accept it anymore. We are one side of the social contact, and we are many.
5cc351 No.190097
YES. I KNOW. KEEP DIGGING–the SEC used to be more baller before it got corrupted. These are the same pieces of shit who insider trade and accrued mammoth crooked wealth that they manage now via "hedge funds" and we're supposed to act like that's normal or okay. Keep going anon, I believe in you.
f5c370 No.190098
I get the feeling most plebes have been exposed to the "appeal to authority" (look it up, newfags) for so long… That they have forgotten or do not know what authentic authority actually is.
fd1cbd No.190099
Boomers. Every single person who whines about the money are boomers.
7a4b9d No.190101
Disney is literally a distraction from that. Hollywood is the director/does the CGI for NK.
ff6690 No.190102
6e52e4 No.190104
Agreed the change starts here with us
fd1cbd No.190105
And I say this scathingly because they ignore just about all of the other crimes when they go into their muh shekels trance.
d1f1a4 No.190106
I guess it's hard to admit you were so wrong for so long.
b680e8 No.190107
The names change, but they stay the same
e8392a No.190109
Obama only had 28 months in office, or fighting against Isis….
ab5f39 No.190110
i'm imagining the cia lurkers here going - man, no one's even afraid of us anymore. we're the laughing stock of 8ch
a60c8c No.190111
>Understand that as "Attacking the Rule of Law." and it all makes sense.
If we could somehow communicate that part in a meme, it would be a good idea. I frankly think a lot of people don't understand that fine point.
666c5b No.190112
What are the odds?
5cc351 No.190113
Blahblahblah. Don't get dumb like everybody else. Money = motive = truth ←- point, not materialism. And if u shillin I feel bad for u son
7797a5 No.190114
Some good looking numbers. Only highlights even more the fact that past presidents haven’t been doing shit. They’ve just been pretending…
7a4b9d No.190115
Now you're getting it. MKUltra is very much alive.
9ae706 No.190117
5cc351 No.190119
Good point there anon, keep looking
eb9324 No.190121
> look at this
fucking ballooon or whatever ib flightradar 24 near cuba
info N/A N/A wasnt there 5 mins ago
52a6ce No.190122
if you understand leaglise or lawful paperwork, brackets [] indicate something that's NOT solidified in the paperwork. maybe Q was pointing out that God & Country wasn't yet solidified, and once the brackets were removed, it was done.
c9d5a3 No.190125
Reuters published a story today about the business of selling body parts Nation-wide. Highlights:
>Kazemi helped cut up and package Patrick into seven pieces. BRC shipped Patrick’s left foot to a Chicago-area orthopedic lab. His left shoulder was sent to a Las Vegas company that holds surgical seminars. His head and his spine went to a project run by the U.S. Army. And Patrick’s “external reproductive organs” were sent to a local university. His right foot and left knee were placed in the company’s freezers, where they became part of BRC’s million-dollar inventory of flesh and bone.
>For $607, BRC sold the liver of a public school janitor to a medical-device company. The torso of a retired bank manager, bought by a Swiss research institute, fetched $3,191. A large Midwestern healthcare system paid $65 for two femoral arteries, one from a church minister. And the lower legs of a union activist were purchased by a Minnesota product-development company for $350 each.
>Since 2004, when a federal health panel unsuccessfully called on the U.S. government to regulate the industry, Reuters found that more than 2,357 body parts obtained by brokers from at least 1,638 people have ended up misused, abused or desecrated.
Documents reviewed for this article indicate that those figures are vastly understated. The extent of BRC’s operation surprised even investigators who raided the Phoenix-based company in 2014.
https://www.reuters .com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodies-business/?_ga=2.132010125.385606214.1514415039-1018127430.1514415036
cross-posting to the News thread
d1f1a4 No.190127
FUCK (You)
Die, you faking fuck.
26a1d2 No.190128
Awesome… one other thing. I don't see Soro's name, maybe I am missing it. But they are totally BFFs. They do a lot together.
fd1cbd No.190129
Get the atrocity propaganda out of your head and read up on the inner workings of the SS.
The most inspiration they could have taken from the Germans was their threat identification methods really. But it wasn't the most effective I mean near the end there were people being thrown into the work camps (Oh sorry lacquerhead I should say le magic gas chambers) over accusations from business rivals lol.
Big old clusterfuck.
a60c8c No.190131
Oh? If you can identify Q posts back to Nov. 3, I'd be happy to include them in my work.
2e2e0e No.190132
(((They))) have done more than enough actual illegal things…sedition doesn't even need to be part of the conversation.
877873 No.190133
To be fair, he spent his first 68 months creating it.
fd1cbd No.190134
No it's materialism you shekel grubbing baby boomer STFU.
519b62 No.190135
I posted a link earlier, CIA is also involved with the Vatican!
7797a5 No.190136
Exactly, it’s not based on anything tangible. When it’s all said and done, we should send the rothschilds Monopoly money
fd1cbd No.190138
The eternal papist strikes again
f6b72d No.190139
qcodefag .github.io/
d362a4 No.190140
Read this report this morning, gross
a60c8c No.190141
OMG! That's real photo??? Where did that come from?
fdb778 No.190142
The BIG MOVE - Covers the SMALL MOVE -
McCain - Associate has been subpoenaed
46c1d6 No.190143
I find Lynn cute. But then again I think I'm a reptilian who defected.
35ea96 No.190144
Check the bottom link…dollars to donuts, he was doing it.
[8] The form letter is available at action.sumofus.org/a/sec-ceo-pay/ . According to their website, “SumOfUs.org is a 501(c)(4) non-profit incorporated in Washington, D.C., with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship arrangement through the Tides Foundation.” The Tides Foundation has received funding from George Soros. See Kelly Riddell, George Soros Funds Ferguson Protests, Hopes to Spur Civil Action, The Washington Times (Jan. 14, 2015), available at www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/?page=all .
2f8e03 No.190145
>Obama spent his first 68 months creating ISIS
4a167a No.190146
Just realized Nov 3rd is around the time first Q showed up. Maybe the ones who poisoned the Marines knew something was happening soon around Disneyland. Underground CIA facility operating under Disneyland? Is that the distraction? Did an EMP cause the shutdown?
Disneyland protects an underground CIA headquarters surrounded by human shields?
Snow White, Alice in Wonderland and Fantasy Land ALL have ties to DISNEY…
Plus, Disney just bought FOX making them the most powerful Studio on earth.
c769e9 No.190147
>>188999 ?LAUGHING????
EVE (Hava) giving "birth" to the human race. OR post-prandial (meaning after-EATING)
CAIN kills ABEL. (say together CANN-IBAL)ev
evil is consuming good
(pic related)
arrogance is what keeps PEOPLE BLIND. humility means remaining TEACHABLE. the ARROGANCE of some anons!!!
PRDSS levels of interpretation. ALL of Q is based on this. multiple levels of meaning that we have found. http:// www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/312116/jewish/The-Five-Levels-of-Interpretation.htm
eventhough chabad is an example of satan's army, it is basic hermeneustic/exegesis
that feeling fades, but yes, can relate.
the lie of "Humanism" of Carl Rogers is cleared up right away once red-pilled. humans are NOT essentially "good" and circumstances create "bad". Humans must be taught and constantly vigilant to be work "good".
"die to the flesh"
being evil is easier-softer-way
7797a5 No.190148
Yeah, if you want to make him a significant player, you have to make the connection to Soros as well.
4bb916 No.190149
If Webb truly admires BHO my tendency would be to write George Webb off as another uninformed warm body taking up space.
However, there is the syndrome of journalists taking "middle of the road" positions to maintain posture of objectivity. Sort of like picking one's fights: I can say I admire Barry during the investigative phase because the endgame and real battle is about getting Barry thrown into Leavenworth.
I'll watch some more of Webb's work and see how it plays out.
I do appreciate getting more detail on Pakistan and the bullshit going on in the DOJ, which Webb seems quite on target with.
Appreciate all the input, anons.
90b84a No.190150
> Reuters found that more than 2,357 body parts obtained by brokers from at least 1,638 people have ended up misused, abused or desecrated.
8f28b9 No.190151
"Peter" Pan's Flight is a Fantasyland attraction
https://disneyland. disney.go.com/au/disneyland/peter-pans-flight/
26a1d2 No.190152
It looks like it is. I almost threw up when I saw it. Makes me want to cry.
99c6f0 No.190153
there is a petiton for disclosure.
If things were going well it shouln't it be logical to share to gain trust?
da28e0 No.190154
No name is tied into that somehow too with funding isis
f54225 No.190155
American Barrick Taps Rich Seam / Struggling US oil and gas company becomes leading gold producer
Financial Times (London, England) - June 11, 1986
Author/Byline: BERNARD SIMON
A wealthy Saudi Arabian family, a Gulf State's investment arm and a colourful Hungarian-born entrepreneur now living in Canada are among the leading players in a fast-growing Toronto gold mining company which has caught the imagination of the international investment community.
Barrick's head office - an elegant town-house in Toronto's most fashionable shopping and hotel district - gives a clue to its unusual background. Its chairman, Mr Peter Munk, is a Hungarian emigre who stirred up controversy in Canada during the late 1960s through his association with a failed stereo and television set manufacturing venture in Nova Scotia. He then moved into the hotel business, developing a chain of 65 properties in Australia and the South Pacific with the help of Saudi Arabia's Khashoggi family.
Mr Munk, who is still deputy chairman of Southern Pacific Hotel, failed, however, to persuade the late President Anwar Sadat of Egypt to allow him to build a resort in the shadow of the pyramids.
The Khashoggis have a substantial non-voting interest in Barrick as part of the 35 per cent controlled by Mr Munk. An unidentified Gulf government is also a shareholder.
5cc351 No.190156
It's true. And it's fucked up because there were protesters in Ferguson and Baltimore who were from the communities and were really messed up over Freddie Gray and Mike Brown. That violence was engineered.
I work and live in one of those districts–schools. Odd white person out and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's fucked up how both sides use and hurt communities of people just because of skin.
They also do it with money, and they hurt white people who are poor the same way.
Fuck them. Keep digging.
599076 No.190158
Anons, i have attached a pdf containing the Q drop which gave parameters/outline of the Trump Russian Collusion Narrative in the order, presumably, as Q deemed it important. Utilizing research, lurking on CBTS, and fellow anon input (i have posted rough drafts previously), i have come up with a near finished document that can hopefully explain to a newbie how the TRCN was created, as Q would want it. I welcome any further input. i also welcome suggestions on where i can pin it to achieve maximum exposure. thx, anon
5cc351 No.190159
They hurt whoever is vulnerable and convenient. We have to stop it.
46c1d6 No.190160
>Using the movieclip about Nash to explain Nash Equilibrium
665178 No.190161
Any word from Killary or Obongo?
eb9324 No.190162
a60c8c No.190163
I have a friend who was probably on the edge with that stuff. Good-hearted, possibly misdirected. A lot of my social media posts were indirectly for him to try and keep him from making the mistake of joining up with those people. The hard-core ones are probably locked in their course. But I'm guessing there are quite a few out there who just don't know better and need a little guidance.
f6b72d No.190166
Everyone is not Lynn, just saying
ff6690 No.190167
bet he is a cult priest
2f8e03 No.190168
I think she enjoys LARPING in here.. lol
90b84a No.190169
>sedition doesn't even need to be part of the conversation.
No but we can normalize the concept for the public and acquaint them with the term, so that it will be understood. That was the point of the graphics posted in the previous thread that (((triggered))) some people.
b680e8 No.190171
You told me their were no coincidences. Shill and filtered.
da28e0 No.190172
No. BHO tweeted out a Christmas picture on Christmas but it was a picture from 2013
ec461f No.190173
Looks like the TriGranite Development Corporation is our main-actors common-thread. Autists, assemble. What can we learn about TriGranite?
Might wanna look at these notable links, as well:
-Atticus Capital LP (Seems exclusive)
-Barrick Gold Corp. (Connections to Clinton Foundation, mining companies and Cohen family).
-Bullingdom Club (Maybe we can connect more dots from here).
-South Pacific Hotel Corp. (Connects N. Rothschild, Gilmore and Barrick)
-Rusal (Thinking all these spin-off individuals should be looked at…Deripaska, Warnig, Blavatnik, Goldman, Lader, Glasenberg)
***Also, note connection of Oleg to Manafort. And, Putin. Putin… Please be good guy. (Hard to tell with this guy).
e36aac No.190174
c3dc7f No.190175
Should this be linked on Twitter?
3eea9a No.190176
not seeing that plane, where is it,usually they go dark when they get close
3c1962 No.190177
fd1cbd No.190178
Not me that was some other guy.
Lol pussy. You can't handle knowing the <coincidences> then. Why are you even here?
5c661c No.190179
^^ it's a small world after all…
a60c8c No.190180
Thank you. I think I caught all of those in my work, and perhaps a few others.
e270ca No.190181
Well, how long does it take a submarine to get from Argentina to North Korea anyways?
https:// www.csmonitor.com/USA/Military/2017/1227/With-submarine-program-N.-Korea-signals-surge-toward-full-nuclear-deterrence
Think we may have found our missing sub folks
c769e9 No.190182
and the FORKED tongue of the snake is the sidewalk to the house of government
how fitting
5cc351 No.190183
>TriGranite Development Corporation
Central Europe Real Estate Lobbying–connection between dual Podesta and Manafort 2015 Ukraine lobbying?
It's always about using controversy to move fucking securities and real estate. He's right–get in here.
702cb5 No.190184
Webb's motives are not clear. And the one-eyed illuminati symbolism on his twatter page is bad news
f5c370 No.190185
concern trolls have already been put on notice. That's a bannable offense you know.
46c1d6 No.190186
If you become a sovereign citizen, you're tried in a military tribunal. The Bill of Rights are for plebs.
I think the Montana Freemen forgot this part.
ab5f39 No.190187
Was it? I remember something called "The Family". Are they somehow connected? All I know is that they did the same kind of child trauma torture and when the kids were freed, the chick running it never got punished, so she must have been doing her "job" and some kind of an mkultra-like handler/groomer. She was also worth like 50 million dollars and never worked i don't think
5cc351 No.190190
*Central Europe Blackstone, basically
90b84a No.190191
Rule # 1
Rule #2
Do NOT link people to here. This our workspace:
599076 No.190192
Sure, i have an account that i use only to check POTUS' tweets. what hashtags are suggested beside #Qanon??
d1f1a4 No.190193
Replace Hitler with Lynn
98f557 No.190194
Tom Steyer is disgusting and has (((a lot))) to hide that is why he is spending millions on impeach trump commercials!!!
He is all over the Podesta emails – Walnut Sauce anyone….
All Steyer & Podesta emails:
https:// wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=tom+steyer&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
Walnut sauce email:
https://wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/59229
956a22 No.190195
Norm In Child sex cases is 13 yrs per case. And Is normally spent in Leavenworth. I know one such person who is currently there I went to his trial
4a167a No.190196
Closest Airport to Disneyland: 6 miles away
The Fullerton Airport is the only general aviation airport in Orange County. It is centrally located in the Los Angeles basin, and is adjacent to Interstate 5 and Highway 91. The airport is three miles from Knott's Berry Farm and six miles from Disneyland. The airport is self-supporting and does not receive any subsidies from the City. Revenues from the airport fund the cost of operations and maintenance, with the surplus going into the enterprise Airport Fund.
Fullerton Airport
4011 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92833
[email protected]
4f629d No.190197
0bd061 No.190198
It is a Fantasy land,lol
c0daa9 No.190199
da28e0 No.190201
Thomas Paine
22 minutes ago
Change in Border Guard Behavior Means NK Collapse Could Be Closer Than We Think
5c661c No.190202
create a website or post on forum somewhere other than here .. and put on ur twitter feed
46c1d6 No.190203
Very connected to arms dealers. Mila is an expensive woman. Used to keep cash in safety deposit boxes in NYC for her shopping sprees.
599076 No.190204
Q Drop: ‘The Russian Narrative’
[DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] ’17 US Intel Agencies concluded, ‘based on info given by Crowdstrike {CS} (A a private a crisis/intel forensics team funded, in part, by Google to the tune of 100mil— discussed later), ‘that Guccifer 2.0 was responsible for Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack,’ and subsequent Wikileaks (WL) drop, which would be known as the Podesta Emails. They also concluded, based on CS intel, that Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian agent/entity. When breech was discovered, DNC declined F_I outreach for help; and, instead, brought in private firm CS, which wiped all intel from servers/ hardware so no evidence of malfeasance would remain utilizing, among other things, software known as ‘BleachBit.’
The HRC controlled DNC Hired Fusion GPS, a ‘strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C,’ to create ‘opposition research’ on DJT which eventually led to the phony ‘Russian Dossier’ in an attempt to deflect attention from DNC breech/WL drops and her use of a private server in which classified emails were sent/received.
5d57f5 No.190205
I 've
99c6f0 No.190206
We unfortunately are a minority.
40237b No.190207
Calvanist heretic detected
ba1a7f No.190208
maybe a bit off topic but has FGuistra been arrested yet? https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Frank_Giustrahttp://www.businessinsider. com/frank-giustras-amazing-comment-about-bill-clinton-2015-4https://www.bloomberg. com/news/articles/2017-10-12/hive-switches-from-mining-gold-to-bitcoin-surges-six-six-fold
35168d No.190209
CLAS: 1-12>
(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>
You guys read this? Pretty good https://disobedientmedia .com/2017/12/fancy-frauds-bogus-bears-malware-mimicry/
599076 No.190210
[SR]> Seth R_c_, a B Sanders supporter who worked for the DNC in DC, learned of DNC donor funds being shifted from BSanders’ account to HRC’s. He copied what would become know of the Podesta Emails onto thumb drive and arranged for them, though an unknown channel/person(s), to make there way to WL. Days later, Rich was found near his home shot dead in what DC Police described as a ‘Botched Robbery,’ though nothing was removed from his person. Surveillance footage was confiscated from nearby convenience store and other businesses and have yet to be commented on or released to public. Family hired a private detective, R. Wheeler, to investigate for themselves the suspicious death; however, when ex-DC police officer, Wheeler, concluded that Rich had been in contact with WL, the family fired the detective he was placed under nondisclosure order to keep from revealing specifics of case. Since, J. Assange has all but said that SR was his source for Podesta Emails, going as far as offering a reward for info into his death.
[WL]> Wiki L received S.Rich’s thumb drive with metadata from DNC— which was controlled and funded by HRC (Hillary later admitted on her book tour, that the DNC was left broke by Hussein Obam_, and The Clinton Foundation {CF} funded it)— which showed they had arranged for donors’ contributions to be shifted to HRC’s account from B. Sanders’; as well as other damning revelations which can be read about on WL website: See ‘Podesta Emails.’
eb9324 No.190211
dont c the fucker anymore got distracted by the fucking balloon. now theres a LJ35
with n/a n/a 2 the east of cuba. over inague islands
ab5f39 No.190212
Can we get a bot going that posts that message every 5 mintues as a reminder? In bold red caps? That'd be good
98f557 No.190213
wow fantastic work anon….
ec461f No.190214
dc470c No.190215
It is not about the messenger.
599076 No.190216
HUSSEIN> BHO had knowledge of possible Russia hacking into the DNC at least as early fall 2016 but denied/downplayed Russia Interference because HRC was ringer to win the general election and BO wanted DJT to have no excuses for his impending defeat. However, once DJT pulled off the unexpected miracle, the same hacking that BO deigned occurring back in the Fall of 2016, he used as fuel to propel the Russian Collusion Narrative, closing both Russian diplomatic compounds, in NY and MD, expelling 35 Russian diplomats back to Russia in retaliation for, ‘a series of ‘cyberattacks’ which targeted U.S. political institutions during the election.’ Mockingbird media runs with it’s new Russian Narrative. >>See Gannett<<.
DNI DIR> Hussain’s Director of National Intel, J.Clapper, allowed for wiretapping and illegal unmasking of DJT’s campaign team and transition team and subsequent leaking of identities and intel gained illegally to the MSM in attempt to discredit candidate and also President-Elect Trump.
CLOWN DIR> Wahhabist muslim, J.Brennan, organizes, along with Clapper, the obtaining of FISA Warrants through nefarious practices which led to the unmaking and leaking of information regarding General Flynn, DJT’s National Security Adviser. This leads to Flynn’s dismissal for not disclosing his involvement with a foreign entity concerning his lobbying efforts in Turkey prior to joining DJT’s campaign team.
CLAS: 1-12>
GOOG> Eric Schmidt— Chairman of Alphabet Inc.(Google’s parent company) and BHO’s leading corporate adviser, meeting with then President 18 times at WH — in 2017 funded Crowdstrike with 100 million in venture capital. Google also manipulated the algorithms of internet searches during election cycle to ensure negative stories on HRC stories were buried while positive articles were promoted.
4a167a No.190218
Has anyone cross referenced Q's posts with Podesta emails?
Any mention of Fantasyland, Snow White, Alice, Wonderland or Godfather 3 in Podesta emails?
Wonderland and Fantasyland are 2 different things.
456f39 No.190219
2h2 hours ago
Court: All correspondence between the US and UK about @WikiLeaks founder @JulianAssange must be kept hidden from the public in-order to avoid "tipping off" about sealed extradition warrant. Press appealing decision. #FOIA @SMaurizi"
Sounds REALLY familiar... Was that part of a VERY EARLY QPost...? Going to look....
5cc351 No.190220
>Tom Steyer
Founded Farallon with $15 million in seed capital
Seed capital = form of securities offering in which an investor invests capital in exchange for an equity stake in the company.
"Farallon made a name for itself by being one of the first firms to raise money from a university endowment.[6] In 1987, Steyer, who received his bachelor's degree from Yale, approached the university's endowment to allocate funds for Farallon to manage. The Yale endowment declined based on the fees charged by Farallon. David Swensen, Yale's chief investment officer, later came to an arrangement with Tom Steyer in which Farallon would initially manage an allocation of the Yale endowment for no fee.[7] After Yale's investment proved to be lucrative, many other college endowments and pensions began to invest in hedge funds."
Started the business of educational corporate profit that fuckers like Munk and Clinton are reveling in–yes, disgusting. These people are sick.
599076 No.190221
CROWDSTRIKE> CS, a private company, which was called in to clean up the DNC server hack, ala Wolf from Pulp Fiction, instead of F_I, has been providing investigators with what former Director JC described in June as the "relevant forensic information… needed to understand the intrusion.” >Servers wiped clean of info such as DNC funneling B Sanders’ funds to HRC, which Seth uncovered and ultimately gave to WLeaks.
DWS_DIR> Head of DNC,DebbieWS, provides HRC with questions to Democratic party debates against Burnie, despite policy against such action, giving HRC a clear advantage. Debbie was also the leading player in the scheme to embezzle Sander’s funds and place them in HRC’s account. Debbie was revealed by WL’s just prior to Democratic National Committee and is forced to step down as chair. DonnaB is elevated to chair and discovers the further corruption of how the ‘books were cooked’ against BS, which she Details in her book, ‘Hacks’— released AFTER election. In her books she also states that she was afraid for her life after Rich’s death.
(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>
-I/D-J ASSIST> B.Ohr held the rank of Associate Deputy Attorney General, a post which gave him an office four doors down from Deputy Attorney General R.Rosenstein where Ohr held his secret meetings last year with the founder of Fusion GPS, GlennS, and with Ch.Steele, the former British spy who compiled the infamous Russian pee dossier. Ohr’s wife also worked for Fusion GPS (small co ~16 employees) at the time the Dossier was compiled on DJT. Since, the Justice Department stripped Ohr of his deputy title, though he still works for the FBI.
5cc351 No.190222
35ea96 No.190223
I just want to say, to the butthurt faggots who are worried about language on this board…
If you're going to let a WORD hurt you. If you don't think that EVERYONE gets made fun of, talked shit about, disrespected, and bullied to some extent in life, then your Fantasyland lights are definitely out. Welcome to reality. Humans say stupid shit. Stupid human shit is NOT worth getting upset about.
I've been called names and made fun of my whole life for various things. Some serious, some not so much. Either way.. I don't give a shit. I realize these are just human faggots whose opinion is worth exactly what I paid for it.
If you think you're so fucking special that you deserve better treatment than everyone else, then YOU are the problem. [/rant]
7b4d00 No.190224
Disney is a “distraction”. Disney is known as an “attraction”. I think it’s a play on words by Q.
599076 No.190225
“INSURANCE”: Deputy Director of F_I, AndyMC (Wife, Jill, given ~700k for failed Democratic senate run by CF while A.McCabe was one of the lead ‘impartial’ investigators in the the HRC email scandal) concocts, in his office, along with F_I’s PeterS. (who would later be tapped to be part of Special Council RobertM ‘impartial’ team to investigate Trump/Russia collusion) and his paramour, FB_ lawyer L.Page, what is referred to as an ‘insurance plan’ to ensure DJT cannot win election. Though the plan is not specifically delineated in personal messages obtained between Strzok and Paige— the animus against the soon to be POTUS is, referring to him as an ‘idiot,’ for example.
Insurance Part II: A.Weiner’s laptop was confiscated by NYPD as part of sexual misconduct with minor investigation they were conducting. Evidentially, HumaA, member of Musli_ Brother_ood,used AW’s private laptop to conduct StateD business. Allegedly, Weiner had a file marked ‘insurance policy,’ on laptop (allegedly containing damning info on HRC that Weiner could possibly use as a bargain chip to obtain a lesser sentence in his pedophilia case). It has been alleged that during sweep of AW’s laptop, NYPD finds potentially classified files from HRC and read some of the info contained within. They then contact, the F_I, concluding it was a Federal matter. The NYPD’s knowledge of potentially damning contents of laptops forces JComey to get ahead of NYPD’s potential revelations and he reopens HRC investigation. Important note: This is something Comes did NOT want to do because he was a good ‘fixer’ and had already exonerated HRC despite her guilt, guaranteeing him a job with her future regime. Of course, Comey had to become the fall guy after he reopened investing into email scandal because it cast further shade onto HRC.
HRC> Blames Russia interference for race being close; ‘Bots’ for not being ahead ‘at least 50 pts.’
e801de No.190226
Blocked Planes mean mainly military. Most SOP. If going odd places or odd pattern may be significant. Can often be circling military bases. Groups flying not around bases or in patterns would be significant.
4819a8 No.190227
Let us know what you find, anon. Godspeed.
99c6f0 No.190228
excellent if not for the fucking enter's you fucking attention seeking whore.
4a167a No.190229
Disney CEO, ABC News Cozy With Clinton, WikiLeaks Reveals
Image: Disney CEO, ABC News Cozy With Clinton, WikiLeaks Reveals
(L-R) President at Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, CCO at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, John Lasseter, producer/president at Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, chairman/CEO of the Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger, and deputy editor at Vanity Fair, Stephanie Mehta on October 19, 2016, in San Francisco, California. (Mike Windle/Getty Images for Vanity Fair)
By Tom Borelli
Monday, 24 Oct 2016 10:11 AMCurrent | Bio | Archive
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WikiLeaks email revelations from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta show that not only is there a deep connection with the media — reporters, opinion writers, and news anchors — but it also reaches as high as the corporate executive suite.
Disney CEO Bob Iger appears in the latest round of released WikiLeaks emails, offering insight that those at the very top of the organization accept and encourage the pro-liberal bias at the company’s media division: ABC News.
Iger is a visible and active supporter of progressive politicians, thus sending a powerful message throughout the company about his political beliefs and — potentially — his expectations of news coverage. With the CEO investing significant amounts of his personal money in liberal politicians, it would likely be career-limiting to challenge his political investments. On the contrary, attacking conservatives could be the ticket to career advancement.
A long-time Hillary supporter, Iger appears in an email chain — subject: "Email from Steve Bing" — with Clinton campaign head John Podesta and Steve Bing and Andy Sowers from Shangri-LA business group.
The emails refer to Iger expressing an interest in taking an active role in the campaign stating, "He wants to be helpful." In a follow-up email months later, Bing mentioned that Iger had connected with Podesta and that those discussions had gone well, "[Iger’s] had a couple of good talks with you."
At this point, we don’t know the outcome of Iger’s conversations with Podesta or what it meant to Clinton’s campaign, but we do know the Disney leader co-hosted a Beverly Hills fundraiser at billionaire Haim Saban’s home last August that carried a $100,000 cover charge for hosting couples.
According to a Washington Free Beacon story last year, "Disney CEO Bob Iger has given more than $400,000 to Democratic candidates (including Hillary Clinton) and campaign committees since 1999."
Iger’s aggressive support of Democrats, in general, and Hillary Clinton, in particular, provides cover for ABC News to be as biased as its left-wing heart desires.
Given the pro-Clinton bias at Disney and ABC, it’s not surprising that the Clinton campaign would target George Stephanopoulos with ideas to challenge "Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer. (The book describes how the Clintons built a personal fortune by leveraging their political influence.) WikiLeaks documents show a series of emails from Clinton staffers celebrating the April 2015 interview on "This Week With George Stephanopoulos." One Clinton team member, Jesse Ferguson, touts Stephanopoulos’ success in refuting Schweizer’s claims and takes credit for the group providing background to the host of "This Week."
great work everyone. this interview is perfect. he lands nothing and everything is refuted (mostly based on our work)
In addition, Stephanopoulos did not disclose that he donated a total of $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation prior to the interview with Schweizer, even though the Foundation was the focal point of his book. Stephanopoulos merely issued a statement apologizing to ABC News and his viewers for not disclosing his donations to the Foundation. Predictably, ABC News backed Stephanopoulos, saying the failure to disclose his donations "was an honest mistake."
Given Iger’s support of Clinton and that Stephanopoulos is the former communications director for President Bill Clinton, it was highly unlikely the host of "This Week" would get penalized for aggressively challenging Schweizer or for not disclosing his own donations to Hillary’s campaign.
It seems that Iger’s backing of Clinton virtually eliminates any penalties for its media unit’s employees who get caught playing footsie with team Clinton. And WikiLeaks shows that when it comes to Disney and ABC News, liberal media bias comes from the very top.
Dr. Tom Borelli is a contributor to Conservative Review. As a columnist he has written for Townhall.com, The Washington Times, Newsmax magazine, and also hosts radio programs on SiriusXM Patriot with his wife Deneen Borelli. Dr. Borelli has appeared on numerous television programs on Newsmax TV, Fox News, Fox Business and TheBlaze.
599076 No.190230
LL> Attorney General, L.Lynch, head of the lead prosecuting body of the Clinton Email Scandal, meets with husband of Candidate HRC and former POTUS, BC on a plane, privately, for ~30minutes; resulting in probable assurances being made that HRC would not face criminal charges. It also gave the opportunity for the State Department to synch ‘stories’ with candidate HRC.
JC> LL synch’s with AndyM, PeterS and JComey. JC reads PeterS Changed wording from ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminally culpable) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ exonerating HRC from email/server scandal wrongdoing, thus, assuring her election(Even though Comes has no authority to adjudicate such a matter— only investigate — under his prevue as Director of FB_).
AM> Andy was Deputy Director of F_I under BO and Director, after ‘philosopher patriot,’ James C. was canned. Director Wray was tapped by DJT as JC’s replacement; however, AM stunningly remains as DD of F_I while trying to run out the clock until March 2018, in an attempt to have the citizens’ of The Republic to subsidize, for life, in the form of a pension, a literal traitor who attempted to change the lawful outcome of a US election, depriving the citizenry its right to a candidate of their choosing. Andy played am extremely pivotal role in facilitating the Dossier’s transfer from DNC to FB_; which included extensive coordination with Obama Admin, JComey, JPo, Brennan, and PeterS to secure FISA warrants, wire-tapping, unmasking/leaking of information on DJT’s team as candidate, and even President elect in an attempt to sabotage an election.
PS> P.Strzok, F_I, member of RobertM’s investigation team, was sharing anti-Trump text messages with FBI lawyer and ‘paramour’ Lisa Page. Which showed extreme bias against DJT and revealed plot that took place in A.McCabe’s office to insure DJT would never take office: see ‘The Insurance Policy,’ covered earlier.
5c661c No.190231
w/ genetic manipulation and vast land to experiment w/… who knows what these fuks have created…
eb9324 No.190232
found it again. its str8 north of moa
another learjet with n/a n/a as course in vincinity of guantanamo
e3d517 No.190234
Last month, the world saw an extremely well-documented flight by a North Korean soldier from his home country to the South. He was shot at by his former comrades, and severely wounded.
More recently, however, another defector made the dash across the DMZ and the elite troops meant to protect the most isolated nation on earth from southern invaders gave a reaction that is even more telling, and possibly indicative of major change to come.
At the time of the defection, which took place Thursday, according to the U.K. Daily Mail, the elite guards of dictator Kim Jong Un’s regime did nothing.
Not a single shot was fired, and according to writer Don Surber, such mild reaction could well be indicative of major change ahead.
“Is North Korea about to collapse?” he asked in a recent opinion piece.
“I ask this because it seems like Kim Jong Un’s most elite troops — the ones he places along the border with South Korea — no longer protect that border,” he continued.
“If people figure that out, they will start walking south by the dozen, then hundreds, then thousands. We saw that happen in 1989 when East Germans began crossing the Austro-Hungarian border to freedom unmolested."
dc470c No.190235
599076 No.190237
BRIT INTEL> C. Steele, former MI6 and liaison to Russia, created fake Trump/Russian Dossier along with Fusion GPS with money from HRC (T.Mcauliffe), CF and DNC which created the Russian collusion narrative that resulted in SpecialC RobertM being appointed, utilizing millions of taxpayers dollars, investigating POTUS —the the person the citizenry just elected into office—having already rejecting the Russian Narrative prior to election.
PODESTA> Did HRC dirty work as campaign manager and handler. He was main liaison btw Clinton Team and Obama Admin (Andy M.) to facilitate the Russian Collusion Narrative. General all-caps SCUZ. See WL’s ‘Podesta Emails.’
CLAS: 1-9>
US SEN NO NAME> Maverick, JSM, given fake Russian Dossier. McCain turns it over to JC thinking he is putting the nail into DJT campaign. Did not know JC already had the document and that the F_I may hay been contributing in ‘continued’ funding of Fusion GPS on DJT.
JC> James bypasses LLynch (with her permission) and adjudicates HRC’s server scandal himself instead of investigating only, which was beyond his prevue as Director of F_I. JC changes the wording of ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ with guidance of PS and AM— exonerating HRC, keeping her in the race.
LL> AG Lynch basically recuses herself from HRC email case, announcing she will accept whatever ruling JC decides on HRC email scandal.
HUSSEIN> Campaigns for HRC knowing fully/ and is complaisant in the HRC email scandal coverup and the proliferation of fake Russia Dossier, and its use to facilitate FISA warranty to surveil DJT and his team— even through his transition period once he had been elected POTUS.
46c1d6 No.190238
80% private / 20% public
4a167a No.190239
Disneyland is NOT just an amusement park
86535d No.190240
4bb916 No.190241
Nice spacing there between your paragraphs, nigger.
599076 No.190242
[FISA 2] Clapper and Brennan facilitate the further issuance of FISA warrants, with BHO’s knowledge, using fake Dossier as probable cause.
PRES DAILY B> POTUS Briefings were ‘wire tapped.’ Massive leaks made to media with no sources named.
US SEN NO NAME> No name, McCain, arranges leaks of dossier to media outlets such as Buzzfeed. He is also presumably responsible for many other anonymous leaks to MSM.
NEWS SHOP> WaPO, NYT, CNN, and other muckrakers in MSM continue to used leaked, unnamed sources to fuel daily Russian Narrative and delegitimize POTUS, 45, election.
BUZZF> Buzzfeed published leaked fake Russian/Trump Dossier on its website. Backfired: It did not come off as credible to public. However, is later revived in campaign once Billy Bu_h Access Hollywood tapes did not eliminate DJT as calculated. Note: though the Fusion GPS Dossier was discredited, it was the genesis of the Trump/Russian Collusion Narrative (TRCN). So, even though the foundation of the narrative was found to be erroneous, it was still used to promulgate further fake Russian stories involving POTUS and his staff. It became so pervasive, and time consuming, that POTUS went to JamesC. asking if he, POTUS, is being investigated. JC insures POTUS 3X that POTUS is NOT under investigation. POTUS asked Comey to go pubic with knowledge to quiet the TRCN. JC refuses. President fires JC for gross lack of loyalty to the Execute Branch in which JC operates under. The firing leads to Special Council RM brought in to investigate Russia interference in US election.
3c1962 No.190243
>OSC. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC COMMAND. OSC was created by and for the SS, thats nazi SS. CIA/SS. OSD HQ is…DisneyLand.
Disneyland does have an extensive network of tunnels and a private club for the elite.
5cc351 No.190244
I understand, it's okay Anon, get in here and bake :)
3eea9a No.190245
Look at the damn date, the marines were poisoned like Nov 3rd, they they would still have the shits, please verify before posting, make sure you understand what the hell you are looking at before
4819a8 No.190246
Also, remember the double-meaning. Disney is an anagram of Sidney, McStain's middle name. Hence, #FLYSIDFLY#.
dc470c No.190248
Vault 7 and 8
599076 No.190249
PUBLIC/NARRATIVE: TRCN Born: Fake dossier funded by HRC, CF, DNC (and possibly, at some pt by F_I) created by Fusion GPS: hiring C. Steele (was MI6 liaison to Russia when active) to go to Russia and collect/create intel on DJT which included hookers, urination, etc, which was later leaked to Buzzfeed by McCain and ultimately discredited; but was still used as basis for investigating DJT’s team for fake Russia collusion and served as fuel for MSM’s daily attacks on POTUS.
Flynn was part of a FISA warrant/subsequent unmaking that stemmed from TRCN. He was low-hangin fruit because of his dealings with Turkey in which he failed to disclose prior to being appointed to POTUS’s staff; and his conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak during transition (which was legal— what was not legal was Flynn’s name being unmasked and name leaked by BHO Admin). Flynn was/is a good man, also key in further red-pilling DJT on ‘sick people,’ and connecting him with key figures such as A. Rogers who could guide POTUS through initial hostile waters. Flynn was fired by Obama and knew of most of Hussein’s dirty dealings—Hussein had to discredit Flynn/ compromise him so Hussein’s actions, which Flynn was privy to, could not be revealed. Hussein could also use Flynn’s non-disclosure to further TCRN— 2 birds one stone. Flynn’s son tweeted about PG, as well, and was, thusly, caught up in indictments.
Manafort was also low-handing fruit due to his lobbying ties with Ukrainian oligarchs; though his connect to them were prior to working on Trump Campaign. DJT cut him loose early in campaign, after only a few months, upon learning about overseas deals— not because it was illegal, but it provided the campaign with bad optics. But Manafort was later used to further fuel phony Russian narrative even though his business/lobbying dealings with Russia/Ukraine had been many yrs earlier before his involvement with Trump campaign.
599076 No.190251
RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> TRCN, though discredited and phony, is used by Deep State to ‘Wire tap’ WH even after POTUS, 45, takes office. POTUS leaves WH on August, 5th 2017 for a 17-day "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, while White House is ‘Swept.’ Mockingbird media ‘cleans up’ story of the ‘wiretapping’ of DJT Team by siting TRCN as justification for Obama Admin’s holdovers continued spying on POTUS. A justification whose genesis was sourced from a fake, discredited dossier which the BO Admin were complicit in making. These people are sick!
acba1a No.190252
Eat a dick, you glow-in-the-dark faggot.
da28e0 No.190253
Something is up for sure!
35168d No.190254
Either him or Henry
5cc351 No.190255
Very logical and accurate–however go back and look at Manafort's denial of his request to get off of house arrest–it gives insight into his bail stipulations.
Powerful people being a literal and figurative flight risk can offer flexibility in regards to what you accurately speak of.
40237b No.190256
Gallop polls show
e8392a No.190257
The t-shirt she is wearing is creepy AF
90b84a No.190258
>>190192 --> >>190191
Attempt at making the narrative easily understood in graphic form with faces
I'm sure we could but many would still ignore it :/
35168d No.190259
Always thought UMBRAGE would come into play, but want to find out if Crowdstrike has that as well
dc470c No.190260
Fire and Rescue after golf course,
as reported by his scheduler
baacf9 No.190262
35ea96 No.190263
I'm done baking. Maybe ONE more, but I gotta sleep. I should have went to the store a week ago, but I've been on the edge of my seat with the Christmas happenings and post Christmas happenings. All the way to fucking 2018.
e3d517 No.190264
da28e0 No.190265
So you all are telling me that having to sign into captcha multiple times a day (or even in the same few hours) from the same computer is not normal? Interesting.
dc470c No.190266
You doubt?
You don't think Sean Henry has all of the tools?
3eea9a No.190267
https: //x.company/loon/
Google puts them up for internet for the poor areas like PR is now
9ae706 No.190268
Who does #2 work for?
d1f1a4 No.190269
5d57f5 No.190270
fdb778 No.190271
What about Denver Airport - Is this the Final Boss
35168d No.190272
Nah don't doubt it all
a60c8c No.190274
Noted. I'll program in the breaking of backlinks on my site. Not too difficult to do. So far, I've only got half-chan stuff up there.
46c1d6 No.190275
Never accept a free helicopter ride
1484df No.190276
THOUGHT ON MK ULTRA brain manipulation….
Why did Pamela Anderson ( of all ppl) visit JA
Why did Denis Rodman ( of all ppl) visit North Korea… Were they like messengers ..
57f157 No.190277
>Days later, Rich was found near his home shot dead in what DC Police described as a ‘Botched Robbery
SR wasn't found dead. He was alive when he got to the hospital from what we have been told.
5cc351 No.190278
There are some entities definitely pushing for an NK war–look at the "traces of anthrax" NK soldier story that's getting circulated around and reeks of impressive levels of bullshit.
You ever see anybody in Pyongyang? Ever wonder how NK can afford one of the world's largest structures even though its trade presence is 0 and they suck off of China's cautious teat?
:3. Buoy. Go dig.
c3dc7f No.190279
Of course not… I know better. But what about saving the pdf and uploading from somewhere far from here?
I should have worded that better.
42e9a7 No.190280
SNA has a ton of small aircraft going in and out everyday.
7797a5 No.190281
Nope. There was some news put out about Hillary and Obama voted most admired people in US. Seems like interesting timing to out that out today. Preparing to twist the narrative when the truth comes out.
ec461f No.190282
1. Sir Leonard "Len" Blavatnik (Russian: Леонид Валентинович Блаватник, Leonid Valentinovich Blavatnik; born June 14, 1957) is a Soviet-born British-American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He made his fortune through business via diversified investments in myriad companies through his conglomerate company, Access Industries.
In 2015, he was named Britain's richest man with an estimated net worth of £17.1 billion as of April 2015.[3] In 2017, Blavatnik received a knighthood for services to philanthropy.
Blavatnik was born in Odessa to a Jewish family.(EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.)[4][5] He attended Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, but did not complete his coursework due to the family's request for emigration visas. His family emigrated from Soviet Union to the United States in 1978, and he received a masters in computer science from Columbia University and an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1989.
In the Sunday Times Rich List 2015, Blavatnik was listed as the UK's richest person,[25] with a fortune of £16.9 billion. Forbes ranks Blavatnik as the 16th richest in the world as of April 2015.
Blavatnik sponsors a Colel Chabad 20,000-square-foot (1,900 m2) food bank and warehouse in Kiryat Malakhi, Israel, which sends monthly food shipments to 5,000 poor families in 25 Israeli cities, and before Jewish holidays to 30,000 families in 73 Israeli cities, towns and villages.[20]
In 1986, Blavatnik founded Access Industries, an international conglomerate company located in New York, of which he is chairman and president. Access has long-term holdings in Europe and North and South America. Initially, he moved into Russian investments, just after the fall of communism. He and a friend from university, Viktor Vekselberg, formed the Renova investment vehicle, and then the two joined with Mikhail Fridman's Alfa Group to form the AAR venture.[7] Access has since diversified its portfolio to include investments in industries such as oil, entertainment, coal, aluminum, petrochemicals and plastics, telecommunications, media, and real estate.
35ea96 No.190283
I kek's probably harder than I should have.
d1f1a4 No.190284
West Palm Beach
Fire Station #2, 4301 S. Dixie Highway: Hazardous Materials, Dive Team
dc470c No.190285
Fire and Rescue # 2
Palm Beach, FL
http ://townofpalmbeach.com/index.aspx?NID=231
e3d517 No.190287
I dont respond to orders. Have a nice day.
5cc351 No.190289
Drink a good amount of water, stretch your back a little bit and I hope you have a restful and good sleep. Be well, take care, and thank you my fellow anon. -hug-
27b74d No.190290
ab5f39 No.190291
jeeze if any of these sensitive people got a job in the hard-core business world they'd go home crying by lunch time.
5d57f5 No.190292
it worked
Trump just tweeted
90b84a No.190294
Thank you. Normies to plebbit, anons work here :) We don't really want them knowing (inb4 Beanz) or coming here. Works bettah that way.
Sorry, knee-jerk reaction. You can upload it somewhere like anonfiles
665178 No.190295
Dig into the Human Foundation. Org
It's a non profit for children. YET, when you scroll down their web page you'll find 13 links, some dead (special permission to access) including EASTERN STAR, baphomet sign, Knights templar, demolay. org, shriners. org. All non profit very dark sites.
HFGrotto .org
dc470c No.190296
they would never make it, would they?
c3dc7f No.190297
I think I'm willing to wager that tomorrow, all hell is going to break loose. It all seems to be coming together. Besides, the two day window will no longer be a window. It has to be go time. I bet it kicks off with the Ala. election certification. Bet they reverse it.
666c5b No.190298
Have there only been a couple of mk ultra victims that have escaped and told about it?
da28e0 No.190299
Much power you have!
116966 No.190300
if you believe. Q is sending messages to us not in type but in mind. i'm getting them full force. tinfoil hat? so were you faggot's for years talking the same shit we are all on now nigger. Q needs OUR help. not YOURS. WE need everybody. stop being a FAMEFAG thinking YOU know what is best. YOU are a faggot like we all are. A TOOL. fuck you very much. STRAIGHTEN UP or we fucking lose. WE are ONE not fucking PARTS of ONE. STOP FAME FAGGING… in your own fucking words turtle trying to be a giraffe. FUCK YOU!
5cc351 No.190301
I respect that–I did not mean to be seriously directive and it wasn't my intention, Typing tends to lose translation if a person is being factious but not attentive in a response, and I need to be a bit more diligent about that. I'm sorry.
35ea96 No.190302
c499b4 No.190303
Bingo! Walt Disney was an occultist, satanist, Freemason and pedophile:
Walt Disney was one of the creators of NASA:
A. Jack Whiteside Parsons – Occultistn, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge, Idolized Aleister Crowley
B. Aleister Crowley – 33rd degree Freemason, Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast ‘666’ Wrote the Book Of The Law and considered to be he most evil man ever conceived.
C. L. Ron Hubbard – Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Fledgling Science Fiction writer, Founder of The Church Of Scientology, Idolized Aleister Crowley
D. Werner von Braun – Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.
E. Walt Disney – Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, Freemason and founder of The Ordem DeMolay Disney provided the massive sound stages and brought Hollywood into the fold.
Its no coincidence he had "Club 33" at Disney
Disney World is its own Sovereign state and is not even a part of the US:
Sovereign status also includes
The United Nations property in NY
Washington DC
The Vatican
And The City of London.
The above are all there own Sovereign entities
666c5b No.190304
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
9m9 minutes ago
Just left West Palm Beach Fire & Rescue #2. Met with great men and women as representatives of those who do so much for all of us. Firefighters, paramedics, first responders - what amazing people they are!
c3dc7f No.190305
Thanks… I'll start trying to get it out there. Only 10 pages so screenies are not out of the question either.
a3b798 No.190306
Don't expect Q update while alternate universe, reverse John Galtian event of bad hombres disappearing for OPSEC reasons. We know shit is going down, bizarre news events tells us.
Nice waste of space fag.
dc470c No.190307
Did you see the drop about time some Anon left? (perhaps an Owl helping us out)
Look at >>188629
35ea96 No.190308
Thank you. <3 (nohomo) ;)
5cc351 No.190309
e3d517 No.190310
>Q is sending messages to us not in type but in mind. i'm getting them full force. tinfoil hat
37fb42 No.190311
Give a nigger power over others and it usually end badly.
7797a5 No.190312
Most likely. Everyone plays a role in the mind control and brainwashing whether they realize it or not.
599076 No.190313
you're right. i forgot. need more help like this
ab5f39 No.190314
you're right, they'd leave the interview crying lol
0724ad No.190316
Love this like a good meme
c3dc7f No.190317
I missed that! Where was this?
aa9cef No.190318
>https: //pastebin.com/WHwRfeRs
I can bake a couple, unless anyone else wants to?
5c661c No.190319
7797a5 No.190320
Someone in the last bread mentioned that he was standing in front of the fire truck with cue next to his head. Could just be a coincident though
c3dc7f No.190321
22 hours would fit perfectly with the election certification…
e3d517 No.190322
>alternate universe, reverse John Galtian event
Anyone sane still here? This is getting weird.
3c1962 No.190323
>it is incumbent upon those who hold themselves to the Constitution to persecute, with ruthless perseverance, those who would act against it.
I disagree. Protecting the constitution is a great standard for our armed forces, but 99% of the people that claim to be constitutional conservatives have no idea what the constitution actually says. It's a legal document, and legal thought (along with all other thought) is suppressed in our schools. You can convince the average American that the constitution says pretty much anything.
However, if you're a soldier it's a different story entirely. I'd rather have soldiers defending the constitution, whether they understand it or not, than defending politicians.
5cc351 No.190324
aceacd No.190325
haven't been around for the start of a bread in a long time.
Thanks BO, mods and bakers – keep up good job!
f5c370 No.190326
>Could just be a coincident though
negative. those aren't a thing here.
7797a5 No.190327
369ff0 No.190328
Off topic slighlly,
Half moon ish tonight (GMT)
Can any one see a blue tinge around the moon, almost like a halo? Can't explain…
dc470c No.190329
one or two threads ago. He left four messages
I posted material on Awans and Royston in last batch
0bd061 No.190331
I followed george and his investigations the past year. I think he's a good guy. Jason Goodman is questionable,, and seems like a lying paid weasle. George is slightly autistic,,and he is a dam good investigator, and uncovered lots regarding Awan Brothers, Clinton Foundation, and Ratlines of corruption.
7797a5 No.190332
e5192c No.190333
I cannot help but feel that Bush Jr. is "Godfather III" in the sense that he is the Michael Corleone of the story, so to speak.
That said: I believe Bush Sr. is guiltier than all hell.
c622fe No.190335
If you haven't been driven fucking crazy by the last two months then you haven't been reading hard enough.
d1f1a4 No.190336
No one cares. Get back on topic now
dc470c No.190337
so the timing looks to be about
1 PM EST 12-28-17
116966 No.190339
lost. so lost. fuck. i can't give it to you bro. feel it. remember… tinfoil hat. i feel it. it is real asshole. all of it. years of digging for nothing. it was all real. POTUS is proving it. REJOICE ANON!
da28e0 No.190340
So I am not imagining that there are helpers dropping stuff lately!!?? Thank God! I thought I was truly losing it!!
5290aa No.190342
Is that Chelsea or some other bebe?
b894dc No.190343
He openly stated that Disney is a distraction. He said those exact words.
515ef9 No.190344
(bloody) wonderland = SA
fantasyland = NK
Q already stated this.
d1f1a4 No.190345
That's nice hunny
369ff0 No.190346
Allways am on and off topic. It's all relevant. Coincidence? Filter me if required.
e1039c No.190347
Several of them, if that flood happens will be some sort of patient zeroes… That is NOT a good scenario.
da28e0 No.190348
How does 22 hours fit with the AL certificaation?
37070c No.190349
I'll bot for you SirAnons if you're serious
Rule # 1
Rule #2
Do NOT link people to here. This our workspace:
d1f1a4 No.190351
I could but it would be better for everyone if you stay on topic more often.
35168d No.190352
This'll be dope
Hope you enjoyed the Xmas decor!
POTUS will verify directly to provide crumb auth for dissemination.
We are crushing these sick people.
God bless, Patriot.
0bd061 No.190353
The Iraq war is why the Military budget ballooned under Bush jr,,, I don't think he's smart enough to be a godfather,lol But he could have been putting on a dumb good ole boy act.
dc470c No.190354
single-handedly raised public awareness and pushed Congress into action.
Rosiak and others played a role…and are getting all of the credit..
But there is no one (IMO) who has slugged away relentlessly at finding the truth than GW. Ppl don't know the risks he has taken…Surprised he is still with us…
e270ca No.190355
Can anyone else find a pic of
Alaweed, or Clinton, or Soros, or Rothchilds?
That confirms they are out in Public right now?
We need to see proof of freedom right now
da28e0 No.190356
Wait its suppose to be certified tomorrow right?
5cc351 No.190358
James Alfantis' gift to Alice Waters + Pyongyang + Clintons + hadron = linked
da28e0 No.190360
Alaweed wouldn't be out. He hasn't paid his bail.
46c1d6 No.190361
Murray "Which Koffler building, there are many" Koffler was nicer about giving. Shoppers Drug Mart founder. He passed away recently. Can't help but think the Shermans were victims of a pharma mafia vacuum.
44661b No.190362
Any martial/Marine jurisdictions in Palm Beach?
d1f1a4 No.190363
I wish he would have given a timeframe.
8cbc60 No.190364
I suspect they like to hang out together at this place…..kids, booze, private and exclusive. Wonder what the real requirements are for membership at the highest level?
http:// www.thisisinsider.com/disneyland-exclusive-club-33-disney-2016-6
90b84a No.190366
May or may not be helpers. EVERY intel agency in every 1st & 2nd world country monitors here & halfchan. It's easy for any of them to post. Some really weird posts are messages between them.
Remember where you are.
The world is at stake.
It's easy to post anything, even to make yourself seem "helpful."
Think for yourself, verify and discern.
Remember where you are and who is watching, and what is at $take.
You'd better get BO's permission though. Seriously please.
116966 No.190367
chat on facebook… you belong to satan.
5cc351 No.190368
You both are focused, don't get discouraged okay? Miscommunication is unfortunate but alright. Any thoughts/baking for us??
369ff0 No.190369
So why isn't Moloch Machine on topic?
James A Roths gift….
74202b No.190371
da28e0 No.190372
I really hope you are not here to toy with us. I was way too mind fk'd after last night.
But…I will dig here.
dc470c No.190373
isn't it fun to know stuff…?
makes putting the pieces together much easier…
5cc351 No.190374
Nono, Alefantis–from his IG, do not disinfo, accidental or intentional…
e270ca No.190375
>>190360 I'd assume as much.
Just want to see if any lurking snakes got anything to say otherwise.
ec461f No.190376
35ea96 No.190377
I can vouch for that
da28e0 No.190378
d86bb2 No.190379
That Rothschild scum-bitch thinks she can buy off our Patriots. She needs the Guillotine…like the rest of her family
5cc351 No.190381
USanon here–just pulled him up, thank you for this!
369ff0 No.190382
I wouldn't trust myself…
Have baked, but not for a while. I leave that to the micheline star experts.
If I'm required I would step up but difficult from device I'm on.
Peace out and respect…
956a22 No.190385
Blue ring around moon ….Luna halo ,
Ice storm near..
efd424 No.190387
Oh there are 100% tunnels under Disney. Used to work there ;) Everything happens underground to maintain the guest experience.
f6b72d No.190388
Moloch Maschine? WTF?
2e2e0e No.190389
b,b,but, I already made this.
a60c8c No.190390
Had a thought about preventing people from formatting their names. If the code doesn't have it already (it should), convert any tags into their & preceded equivalent. I think there's a function that can do it. So once the location in code is found for outputting anything like that, it's a quick fix.
956a22 No.190391
Been searching for days, nothing I. Last week or more
5cc351 No.190392
Er sometimes I might use this place as CliffNotes so I don't forget to post while reading–newfag on Bank of Cypus so I'm in balls deep rn, sorry anon
725e8b No.190394
apologies in advance for the wall of text
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Donald J Trump , President of the United States of America
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
The White House December 20, 2017
>national emergency declared
A state of [national] emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions that it would normally not be permitted. A government can declare such state during a disaster, civil unrest, or armed conflict. Such declaration alerts citizens to change their normal behavior and orders government agencies to implement emergency plans.
The Constitution explicitly provides some emergency powers:
-Congress may authorize the government to call forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress an insurrection or repel an invasion.
-Congress may authorize the government to suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus "when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."
-Felony charges may be brought without presentment or grand jury indictment in cases arising "in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger."
-A state government may engage in war without Congress's approval if "actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."
>however , also
The United States declared a national emergency in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks that remains in effect. This emergency proclamation suspends certain provisions of law that limit the size of the military and the duration of military service. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and current President Donald Trump, have chosen to extend the duration of the proclamation each year following its original declaration. Currently, the proclamation will remain in effect until September 14, 2018, unless it is extended again by President Trump.
>several concurrent national emergencies
>under a national emergency Congress may authorize the suspend consideration of writs of habeas corpus "when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
>martial law
The martial law concept in the United States is closely tied with the right of habeas corpus, which is in essence the right to a hearing on lawful imprisonment, or more broadly, the supervision of law enforcement by the judiciary. Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
In 1878, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval.
>not sure how martial law applies to these complaints filed with the FEC , civil court
>but all proceedings and judgement can be used as evidence for further proceedings
>sealed indictments
>seditious conspiracy
956a22 No.190395
515ef9 No.190396
Trump tweets: "Fire & rescue #2"
Is Disney "fire & rescue #2"?
Was ATL fire & rescue #1? Ten days go?
116966 No.190398
ok. lets figure out the topic first huh? dead babies. end of the world. i need to talk about faggots or i get no free speech. niggers suck i can say that. what the fuck is the topic. personally i say the topic is save the good and fuck evil in every form. i bet i get none to agree. it's about FAME FAGGING!
b894dc No.190399
I guess that would depend if you believe those Disney nightmare stories that are out there…. from what I know from having a cousin that was in costuming they def have an anything goes type thing as far as sex drugs and booze, but she has never seen any kiddy rape happening…
5d57f5 No.190403
35ea96 No.190404
725e8b No.190405
20171214 Hillary Victory FEC Complaint.pdf (14/12/2017)
This Complaint alleges an unprecedented,massive, nationwide multi-million dollar conspiracy among the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”);Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s joint fundraising committee (“JFC”),Hillary Victory Fund (“HVF”); Clinton’s presidential candidate committee, Hillary for America (“HFA”),40 Democratic state parties, and an undetermined number of individual “super donors”to circumvent federal contribution limits and earmarking restrictionsby effectively laundering nearly all contributions received by HVF through the state parties to the DNC, which contributed much of those funds to HFA, made coordinated expenditures with HFA,and otherwise granted control of those funds to HFAresulting in a de facto unlawful contribution. As explained below, this scheme allowed the DNC to receive tens of millions of dollars in contributions far exceeding federal limits.
>Complaint filed with the FEC 14/12/2017 , DNC /HRC , Hillary for Victory , among others , alledged violators of 52 U.S.C. § 30116 , among others
20171214 Hillary Victory FEC Complaint (14/12/2017)
4730b6 No.190406
illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
an evil act on humanity…it is still spewing its evil.
dc470c No.190407
James Alfantis' gift from Alice
90b84a No.190408
Sure. And just to clarify I didn't mean you.
>even to make yourself seem "helpful."
I meant (((them)))
It's very nice.
725e8b No.190410
§30109. Enforcement
USC 52 §30109 (a)(1)
Any person who believes a violation of this Act or of chapter 95 or chapter 96 of title 26 has occurred, may file a complaint with the Commission. Such complaint shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the person filing such complaint, shall be notarized, and shall be made under penalty of perjury and subject to the provisions of section 1001 of title 18. Within 5 days after receipt of a complaint, the Commission shall notify, in writing, any person alleged in the complaint to have committed such a violation. Before the Commission conducts any vote on the complaint, other than a vote to dismiss, any person so notified shall have the opportunity to demonstrate, in writing, to the Commission within 15 days after notification that no action should be taken against such person on the basis of the complaint. The Commission may not conduct any investigation or take any other action under this section solely on the basis of a complaint of a person whose identity is not disclosed to the Commission.
>5 days after complaint, notify respondent , 14/12 + 5 days = 19/12
>EO declaring National Emergency signed 20/12
>demonstrate in writing within 15 days after respondent notified , that no action should be taken 19/12 + 15 days = 03/01/18
USC 52 §30109 (a)(5)(C)
If the Commission by an affirmative vote of 4 of its members, determines that there is probable cause to believe that a knowing and willful violation of this Act which is subject to subsection (d), or a knowing and willful violation of chapter 95 or chapter 96 of title 26, has occurred or is about to occur, it may refer such apparent violation to the Attorney General of the United States without regard to any limitations set forth in paragraph (4)(A).
USC 52 §30109 (c)
Whenever the Commission refers an apparent violation to the Attorney General, the Attorney General shall report to the Commission any action taken by the Attorney General regarding the apparent violation. Each report shall be transmitted within 60 days after the date the Commission refers an apparent violation, and every 30 days thereafter until the final disposition of the apparent violation.
>Jeff Sessions
USC 52 §30109 (d) Penalties; defenses; mitigation of offenses
(1)(A) Any person who knowingly and willfully commits a violation of any provision of this Act which involves the making, receiving, or reporting of any contribution, donation, or expenditure-
(i) aggregating $25,000 or more during a calendar year shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both;
(D) Any person who knowingly and willfully commits a violation of section 30122 of this title involving an amount aggregating more than $10,000 during a calendar year shall be-
(i) imprisoned for not more than 2 years if the amount is less than $25,000 (and subject to imprisonment under subparagraph (A) if the amount is $25,000 or more);
(ii) fined not less than 300 percent of the amount involved in the violation and not more than the greater of-
(I) $50,000; or
(II) 1,000 percent of the amount involved in the violation; or
(iii) both imprisoned under clause (i) and fined under clause (ii).
www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18 (USC Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure)
>penalty varies depending on violation(s)
>fined under title 18 , imprisoned for not more than 5 years or both
>fined not less than 300% of the amount involved and not more than 1000% , imprisoned for not more than 5 years
>per violation
>468 complaints , in exhibit 1 , against Hillary Victory Fund alone
666c5b No.190411
Probably not. That would be the name of the fire station.
606b45 No.190413
da28e0 No.190414
Navy complex in West Palm beach.
9ae706 No.190415
When you're looking out for #2 Be careful you don't step on #2!
46c1d6 No.190416
>Fully automated Ai.. like Robocop.. or robo-indiana jones..
Or a Doctor.
5cc351 No.190417
Something I felt was really insightful in terms of boomer disposition–like not just in words but how you could tell he felt it was Mark Hamill when they were asked him what he thought of when he was playing Luke for the Last Jedi. I dunno why but I recognized what I realized my mom feels and it kind of made me feel good, but really sad too. I am having a hard time finding this link but if you or any other anons have it/find it please post
3eea9a No.190418
Thinking about that Japan flight turn around, they propose it was child trafficking (maybe the asian woman), I read about the training that the flight attendants do now specially around the super bowl time and I know one already was rescued otw to the super bowl.
Maybe someone identified a person being trafficked, notified someone and they turned around the flight. Could have been legit boarding passes and just trying to cover it up till Q get's em all
40237b No.190420
What is that logo/script across the wooden stick in the photo, that would seemingly be the end of a wooden spoon?
d4e7ec No.190421
The Family was the Manson cult. Children of God was the cult Rose McGowan, River Pheonix and the rest of the Pheonix kids were raised in.
54aff1 No.190422
I was actually trying to illustrate how the moves one takes during a process of negotiation can influence the likelihood of success. This is what Q, and Trump, are doing. The moves they take are meant to slowly turn circumstance in their favor. Then, when they can, they'll take everyone out in one fell swoop.
As other anons here have pointed out, we are helping Q by changing the circumstances in which they operate. In particular, the environmental factor of "public opinion," which we are beginning to take control of from Mockingbird media.
4b4cae No.190423
We're seeing that for these connected liberals, normal rules didn't apply. Life was on easy mode, and they made mistakes and did things we wouldn't dare to do. All she had to do was pull the race card, no special way to do it, just any old way, and it got her what she wanted. Same with Harvey Weinstein and his sexual proposals, etc. etc. These guys were in at least a gray area of the law that was forbidden to us but allowed to them.
Perhaps now the standards we've had to meet will be applied to their behavior.
d5fd65 No.190424
5a9b70 No.190425
da28e0 No.190426
AUTEC is basically an undersea laboratory for the advanced analysis, measurement and testing in a simulated undersea warfare, deep-water range, and in-air tracking. The laboratory performs detection, calibration, classification, and weapon destruction, assisting the naval forces with underwater research, testing, and evaluation, besides training and certification of captains and crewmembers for submarines.
dc470c No.190427
In this picture from James Alfantis' Instagram we see some hand towels, the handle of a knife and an obscured print framed in the middle of the picture. http ://sli.mg/NCW4od
Handwritten across the top of the print positioned as the subject, we can read "My dearest James". In type we see "..en Moloch Maschine", which most likely says "Sturm auf den Moloch Maschine"
This is, I'm guessing, a lithograph of the scene from Metropolis titled "storm of the Moloch Machine". http ://sli.mg/d32n8m
Moloch is of course the ancient god of child sacrifice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch
The same deity the establishment worship at Bohieman Grove. http ://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Wicca%20&%20Witchcraft/bohemian_moloch.htm
I also got the wondering about the hand towels. They seem to be very special and of very high quality. They have "A L" hand embroided across them and that too is carefully positioned in the middle of the frame. Like a message. I Googled "A L handtowels" to see if it was a brand, and instead what came up on top was "Al Netilas Yedayim" hand towels. Al Netilas Yedayim is a special Kabbalistic handwashing ritual. http ://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Netilat-Yadayim
The presents are from Alice Waters, a member of the Hillary PizzaPac. http ://archive.is/VhjhQ Here she is with Obama , http://archive.is/wLAKC
Moloch, ritual hand washing and kinfe. Can anybody make out the inspriction on the knife handle?
*Edit 01: Not a knife. Little Deer pot scoop. http ://sli.mg/I9lgrh
99c6f0 No.190428
I'm not Q
If I was
I would trip code
Spaces in poetry are gay
Even if the content
is gold
e522ea No.190429
or MOM, I dont feel safe
5cc351 No.190430
Back. This.
https:// youtu.be/FePaTuMU-VE?t=91
dc470c No.190431
Missed some breaks in URLs - be careful
ba1a7f No.190432
hes mossad….even admitted it before hooking up w cstruth. watched him from day 12.
46c1d6 No.190433
Imagine seven IC factions with boiler rooms of autists
4b4cae No.190434
I don't get that he's "OK" with those things. But he's keeping his calm and rationality, showing them to you, letting you react as you see fit. That's a good reporter.
We don't need him to tell us these things are bad.
dc470c No.190435
You don't get it.
He is just trying to STAY ALIVE
e522ea No.190438
Thank you for not breeding
1a9f89 No.190439
e5192c No.190440
There's plenty of evidence pointing to them being one-in-the-same.
fb0673 No.190441
I only ever had to sign on once in a 24 hour period. What you just posted isn't normal.
da28e0 No.190442
40237b No.190443
That's not a knife. No tang. It's a spoon, or something.
e270ca No.190446
Now that Roths have sooo much light on them.
I wonder if any of the other CLUB members will take advantage of their week position?
Lots of competition at the top.
Lots of competition at the top.
In fact, I wonder if any of the other club members are feeding US data even now?
I wonder if any of the "family" have turned?
MMM rather…I wonder HOW MANY of the Family have already turned….
Meh…probably not.
But that darn Trump sure does seem pretty sure of himself doesn't he?
Almost like he had insider info….the whole time?
4b4cae No.190447
Stasi. Friend of Angela Merkel? That would make sense if he's building the pipeline from Russia to Germany. Also maybe friend of old KGB agent Putin.
0bd061 No.190448
I saw updated story on Sheila Jackson Incident. The Bumped Passenger asked who the man was next to her on plane, If he was in congress? Maybe he's a handler of sorts. Does anyone recognize him from congress?
fb0673 No.190449
What you just posted isn't normal. I have only had to sign into captcha once in a 24 hour period.
2e2e0e No.190451
I think this is my favorite all week (not a boomer)
d362a4 No.190452
Digging into Munk wives
Found this anout Linda, sounds like she knew him well
https://www .theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/linda-munk-left-the-life-of-luxury-to-reinvent-herself-through-the-arts/article12011742/
5cc351 No.190453
Justified sociopathy sans direct aggression, which somehow is even more insidious….. It's truly intentional doublespeak as psychological/situational subjugation and slavery while being able to maintain (often spook-certified) plausible deniability.
All we did was swap when we were socially instructed to give a shit and when we were socially instructed not to give shits while maintaining said plausible deniability. Feels kind of like when you air your balls out, except ideologically. It's nice.
b23c52 No.190454
Vernon E Jordan Jr is on the board of Barrick Gold Corp, and was one of Bill Clinton's "close advisors".
So close that they went to Bilderberg meetings together.
http:// archive.is/ikyO
The guy is also a significant donator to Obama/Hillary's presidential campaigns.
Also: He is the great uncle of Valerie Jarrett, who was an advisor to Obama. Interesting how the family connections relate to both being advisors to different Presidents.
Pic related so any other anons can dig as well.
40237b No.190455
Also, links aren't worky.
dc470c No.190456
Anon - what do we have here?
Connection to
hacking tools?
Uranium One?
Trump Dossier - Fusion GPS?
e1039c No.190457
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Quite Frankly is doing The Calm before the Storm this evening. I think you may know some participants.
Its preshow atm and can get raunchy, so those wilting violets should skip for a few minutes.
35ea96 No.190458
>>not sure how martial law applies to these complaints filed with the FEC , civil court
>national emergency declared
National emergency is a form of martial law, and under martial law civilians may be tried under UCMJ at the discretion of the commanding officer.
In this case, POTUS.
666c5b No.190459
I wonder if we are in a full information blackout while they get all these arrests taken care of. Thus no Q, no Assange. No more hints. Info and disinfo in place.
Don't you know those maggots are shitting their depends at every sound or shadow? Just the thought makes me smile
369ff0 No.190460
Not sure,
Yes from his insta or fb. - I like your thinking….
I could tell you a little more, but after the Chinese doxed his FB things got a little sour….
515ef9 No.190461
The ame of the Fire and Rescue station is 2, not #2, I googled it.
58a2d3 No.190462
will look for it… in the meantime…. here is a map of the pig farm
dc470c No.190463
good digging Anon
40237b No.190464
Obama's wearing a purple tie.
4b4cae No.190465
Yes I am convinced Trump knew much of this from very early on, from before he declared for President, and is revealing it step by step like the showman he is.
da28e0 No.190466
560254 No.190467
http://www.zerohedge .com/news/2017-12-27/anatomy-hillary-clintons-84-million-money-laundering-scheme
5cc351 No.190468
"Left the life of luxury to reinvent herself through the arts"
This title alone is fucking hilarious
da28e0 No.190470
8cbc60 No.190471
I lived in LA for a while. I've heard plenty of fucked up stories from models and entertainment people. I think they do seem to keep the pedo stuff hushed up though except for those "in the know," although there are plenty of rumors about Geffen. I wouldn't put anything past that den of Hollywood vultures. It's interesting that the club chose the number 33 given it's occult symbolism and they conveniently put the place on Royal Street.
da28e0 No.190472
Agreed. He's been so confident the whole time and has yet to be wrong.
315fb2 No.190473
if you use vpns you might have to re captcha occasionally when your ip changes
e1039c No.190474
Podcast, but televised. I like him. BOS will be on at 715 EST
262c63 No.190475
Good man on left, bad man on right.
40f20f No.190476
15 - 10 - 5
09- 14 - 24
0 = 28th
Tomorrow the hammer drops
5db514 No.190477
80% private 20% public.
Power outage at Disney land could be due to taking down of the elite. Q mentioned Fantasy land a few times.
But he also said that Disney land is a distraction. Meaning?
Its part of a plan. A bigger plan?
560254 No.190478
Their world is ending…
http://www.zerohedge .com/news/2017-12-27/facebook-dumps-fake-news-patrol-after-spectacular-backfire
8218cc No.190479
DJT had the goods on them before he decided to run; and is in fact the reason WHY he ran
40237b No.190480
560254 No.190481
Maybe when Q speaks, too………….
da28e0 No.190482
Did you see the NFL game for this coming Sunday has been cancelled do to low rating worries.
4730b6 No.190483
ASKED to run is my take…
da28e0 No.190485
It's suppose to be wrapped up by the 1st.
560254 No.190486
These people are stupid…
35ea96 No.190487
I've read that he was asked as well.
1a21e0 No.190488
POTUS in front of the word RESCUE
Now, what would that mean…
How many will be R…?
D.D. :)
20d96e No.190489
Like Q said, he didn't want to fight it, and could not do it.
7b4d00 No.190490
Spiritual cooking. Off topic- trying to tell us something.
dc470c No.190491
no doubt they have it!
90b84a No.190492
They are no longer protected
>Alwaleed in custody/relieved of much of his wealth
>Rothschilds floundering
>Everyone knows about Soros so he can't help
What did Q say about her strings being cut?
>she is fighting for her life
3bb647 No.190493
I am disappoint. I was promised JUSTICE.
7b4d00 No.190494
Spirit cooking- typo.
da28e0 No.190495
Recruited by the military to run is what I've heard but have no backed up source for it.
5cc351 No.190497
Oh, christ
I haven't heard Jordan's name come up in years–oldie but a motherfucking goodie
There are way, way more connections left off of this wheel that we can continute digging for (hint Revlon)–look at everything.
Good book for any anon to look at–Christopher Hitchens's No One Left To Lie To. Christopher Hitchens was one of us, albeit Britfag but still somehow patriot. Would've liked Q. Wrote books rightfully shitting on the Clintons, Kissenger and Mother Teresa in an attempt to expose the truth before he passed away.
Love to all you anon, just interested in sharing information. Be well :)
89687b No.190498
Why is it that we turn our heads to the alien theory?
842dcb No.190499
Kevin Brady. Representative in district north of SJL's.
40237b No.190500
What's the artwork in the background?
8218cc No.190502
Oh definitely asked, that's how he already had the goods on them; MI telling him why he was needed but only he could decide to run
666c5b No.190503
We can see that from his 2012 tweet about "chidlren" pointing a finger at Ldr. They were already planning all this out (right down to Q) from many years back.
We should go back and look through all Trumps twitter miswordings and mispellings. Bet most were intentional
406752 No.190504
Any details that can assist or guide addl research Anon? >>190387
efd424 No.190505
Yea a distraction from whats going on in the real world to the normies. They thinks it's great lol. It's certainly relevant.
da28e0 No.190506
I was wondering the same thing,
5cc351 No.190507
God I hate that man
f5c370 No.190508
Because there is a separate thread for that. Use it.
46c1d6 No.190509
>as only networks can fight networks, the only way to defeat enemies conducting irregular warfare is to use techniques of irregular warfare against them.
This. This about the fourth or fifth time I've been in a weaponized autist brigade, but the first time for something really important.
da28e0 No.190510
35ea96 No.190511
I forget where I read it, but he was asked to run, and refused.
They then started to brief him on these matters and that's when he changed his mind.
Like you, I have no proof of it, just what I've read here.
606b45 No.190512
Looks like a pedo shill.
da28e0 No.190513
666c5b No.190514
116966 No.190515
anon. focus. dead. babies. 4 year old. fucked by an adult cock. movie. money made. little pussy. FUCKED. on camera. FUCKED. EVIL. where is that brain you have at? SNUFF films… no FBI… laugh… FBI investigations ever turned up a SNUFF film. we know now by our investigation here they did but HID it. what the fuck do we need? POTUS. we can calm down. POTUS has this. he HAS it. breath brothers and sisters… breath. . in out. fucking slime rats are going to the gallows. old time western movie style. GUNSMOKE!
0724ad No.190516
A good poet was sorely needed here
5d57f5 No.190517
May God's Heart be move by the pleas for Justice
swiflty bringing Mercy to those in harm's way
and Judgment to those who deserve millstones.
May we as a Humanity reach the next
level and never forsake the vulnerable
among us.
May the Christmas Season win
victories like none seen before.
May we tell future generations
of the Great Victory over darkness.
dc470c No.190518
TOO MANY PPL HAVE THE TOOLS - Crowdstrike, Awans…more
"The CIA hacking tools, 100B dollars of them are 'out there'
UMBRAGE creates Russian footprints. It's a russian hacking tool that was modified by the CIA to leave on a system–Like Trump Tower–what looks like Russian Footprints [on the hosts it hacks]"
c622fe No.190520
Here's some on-topic Q for you.
e270ca No.190521
Just checking to see if any of the snakes
wish to comment on current events.
Maybe to set the cottle back into our hovels.
Perhaps the snakes can assure us that they are still in charge? Hmm?
(knock knock) Is anyone still there?
Lyn? Jacob?
Anybody home?
f2fbed No.190522
Yes. I worked at both Disneyland in CA and Disneyworld in FL. Disneyworld does have tunnels. but Disneyland does not. The tunnels are not secret and are used by all employees.
665178 No.190524
What's the significance of that color. Researched but no info available
40237b No.190525
Better view of it
7797a5 No.190526
I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t until the New Year.
c65426 No.190527
Practice makes not
46c1d6 No.190528
Hey Matlock, keep your sharp practice to the courtroom.
t. another lawfag
406752 No.190529
I never miss QF podcast. >>190457
5cc351 No.190530
Because Podesta was tweeting about it sharing WaPo articles with #IWantToBelieve hashtags before he went silent days ago
UFO is being shilled rn
Doesn't mean they're not real, establishment is getting desperate hence shilling
Wait for shilling to stop and go back but for rn avoid
e8392a No.190531
Always beware a man that owns a pig farm Turkish.
haha sounds like his mother is the queen piglet
c3dc7f No.190532
Anons…. this is fake, isn't it?
238c74 No.190533
40237b No.190534
Then no, you didn't. Very easy to find.
*Dig moar
da28e0 No.190536
How much y'all shit yourself when Q posted it the first time. I wasn't here. I would've passed out.
515ef9 No.190537
"Fire & Rescue #2"
The stations name is "Fire & Rescue 2" (without "#"), googled it.
Maybe this is a hint at Disney's fire (and rescue).
Fire & Rescue #1 could be ATL's fire on the 17th. Which was ten(!) days ago.
e8392a No.190538
35ea96 No.190539
369ff0 No.190540
Sorry, just dropping a Few more crumbs..
Some Anons don't like what I say or what I drop.
After I dropped the following, is when q tweeted about JA. I felt guilty and deleted post: very powerful MP4. Please watch.
99c6f0 No.190541
>Shout out
Baker needed
f2fbed No.190542
Just google "Purple Revolution"
40f20f No.190544
Yep using 9th as the first date + 22 days takes us to the 31st, can't link back to the reference that gave us 22 days from start to finish. But my guess is DJT has had a short hiatus from twitter yesterday and today.
Looks like some perps may have been snatched yesterday ?
Tomorrow Team Q go on the offensive
Just a theory mind you ;)
c3dc7f No.190545
I was pretty sure it was fake… at the last second before I put this kid in his place, I thought I should ask, just in case.
a60c8c No.190546
Unfortunately, that particular item is in clear violation of terms of service on just about every social media site.
35ea96 No.190547
345bc6 No.190549
Wonder if Texas knows they are a monarchy, ruled by a Queen.
Airplane pic shows one of her first class thrones.
State motto changed from "Friendship" to "Yes, Your Highness.
bd533e No.190550
Could P be Billionaire Ronal Perelman $18B
Perleman Power/Clinton
htt p://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/perelman020698.htm
da28e0 No.190552
I believe that the hammer is being dropped but we wont be briefed on it until after the fact.
dbb035 No.190553
Q it is December 27th. I am praying I get to read about big happenings in the news tomorrow.
Godspeed… But… but…. we want to see some news that shatters the status quo normie slumber & awakens the masses.
44b91d No.190554
Cuba is a perfect place for marxist commies this time of year.
40f20f No.190555
Yes fake ….bold lettering for the trip code
c3dc7f No.190556
I'm with you! I've been saying it all along and I think it's going to start with the certification of the Alabama election. Just watch, they're going to give it to Moore! And then it begins.
aa9cef No.190557
can bake will bake
7392a3 No.190558
>> 158900 Found a marker [:27]
See: >>146268 & Tweet https://twitter. com/realDonaldTrump/status/944276471614509057
a60c8c No.190559
I already knew that was true. *shrug*
da28e0 No.190560
Yes, look at bolded trip. Not actually a trip, just typed in.
58a2d3 No.190564
don't know… swear I didn't shoppe it
1a21e0 No.190565
If the Wikileaks dump really is 700tb, would it contain film material of such deeds with elite people? Perhaps lots for the use of blackmail?
Can you elaborate?
c3dc7f No.190567
Oh geeze, I didn't even notice that. (getting my glasses )
40f20f No.190569
Personally can't bake, but appreciate all that you guys are doing in that respect.
0724ad No.190570
Steve Pieczeknick made a video on hi channel telling the whole story, I think it was on nov 2016.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=CJ_CYS-KMjM
Pieczenick made 4 videos last year and explained what was going to happen to cabal. A lot of Q material there
f6b72d No.190573
i have a hard time believing they are about to drop 700 tb
aa9cef No.190574
Ty bro, appreciate all you're doing.
7797a5 No.190575
Yeah, that’s what I was alluding to.
1c03fd No.190576
>>189180 DJT just visited India and had talks with Modi. This is coordinated.
>>189076 Grow a pair, puss. Accused being tried by a military tribunal get counsel of their choice, just as if it was a regular civilian trial. And appeal rights. This is true, but even if it was not, people such as congregate here have made their choice, which is to NOT TAKE IT ANY MORE. We are in the fight, and doing it the way our leaders indicate, because it is
THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. We'll worry about later, later.
>>188985 The guy posting the detailed stuff about Barrick is doing an outstanding job. Repeat that it has been said that Barrick means "fuck you" or something close in Hungarian. Continuing the Barrick line, the Bre-X scandal was maybe the largest in PM mining history. Total fraud, mines salted with alluvial gold. Investors defrauded. When the scandal broke, the lead geologist was suicided, with prejudice.
https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Bre-X
"The fraud began to unravel rapidly on March 19, 1997, when Filipino Bre-X geologist Michael de Guzman reportedly committed suicide by jumping from a helicopter in Busang, Indonesia.[9][10] A body was found four days later in the jungle, missing the hands and feet, and with the penis "surgically removed".[11] In addition, the body was reportedly mostly eaten by animals and was only identified from molars and a thumbprint."
>>188984 This would be the same low life Prince Harry that sends his men down to ask babes if they want to party, greets them naked like a subhuman animal, looks down the lineup, takes his pick. This is what it means to be one of them, the fallen. Here is the tale of the "lucky ho."
http://people. com/royals/prince-harry-las-vegas-party-girl-tells-her-story/
4819a8 No.190578
Keep trying, anon. Let us know what you find.
369ff0 No.190579
Swim has one dated 2016-03-06 blah blah.aes256 not got a clue how to open. Doesn't ask for pswd, does swim need to do something in UNIX / Linux? Tried opening in 7zip still does ask for key. Any advice?
46c1d6 No.190580
That's my point >>189498
The state is the civilian overlay of the feudal system, which never went away.
c3dc7f No.190581
@#$^# Found a Facebook group linking here.
c622fe No.190582
Those are 10 hours apart.
35ea96 No.190583
Today was the last of the 'dated' freedom stringers 'DC27'.
So tomorrow should be an interesting news day.
44b91d No.190585
Some of the demoncrats are twatting some are mia.
cc540a No.190586
606b45 No.190587
c3dc7f No.190588
Honestly though, doubt most FB users know how to find active threads.
ec461f No.190589
Nice… Solid work. You're sure about all these connections though? Maybe next include a side-box that briefly explains the connection? Just a thought, so we know the strength of the bond, ya know?
da28e0 No.190591
Yes, but to have an insider verify it so bluntly!
40f20f No.190593
I'm in Cuba for 2 weeks from next week on vacation.
Wonder if Q can get me a pass (preferably a return one) into Gitmo, so I can throw rotten fruit at the new inmates.
Note I'm a UK citizen so we're are allowed to visit Cuba, before anybody goes on a rant about it
da28e0 No.190594
They'd get bored with no pictures of puppies here.
e270ca No.190595
Sh..she's gone?
No more Lynn?
Uh oh?
Was today the day that the black taxi comes?
Oh noooooo
b6ae2f No.190596
44b91d No.190598
If the Auntie Fags riot in Alabama, what do you think will happen?
21faa0 No.190599
Blast from the past (summer) re Mayo Clinic, organ harvesting, Clinton Foundation. Officially sanctioned evil. There is not a separate thread yet but might was well start in here to get everyone up to speed.
Elizabeth Lee Beck, Attorney - part 1
When Bernie was robbed of the DNC nomination she was part of the class action lawsuit against the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz and she started digging into the DNC and the Clinton Foundation.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=UI9hQsGUuGI
>Trilogy Properties LLC et al. v. SB Hotel Associates LLC et al, Case No. 09-21406 (S.D. Fla).
www.jampac. us/dnclawsuit
That team gets a threatening call https://archive. fo/HLKDF
She starts recieving anonymous tips to look into the recent wave of deaths / 'suicides'.
>Peter Smith, dead on May 14, 2017
>Beranton Whisenant Jr, dead on May 24, 2017
>Klaus Eberwein, dead on July 11, 2017
These three people were all connected either by the Clintons, or they were investigating the Clintons, specifically the human trafficking/organ transplant aspect of the Clinton Foundation and Mayo Clinic.
She chose this quote to tell the depth of the situation:
Sometimes, the forces of Evil are so great, that there is really nothing you can do to fight them
Here's her on Jun 27, 2017 Talking about her lawsuit against the DNC and her fears after hearing about Seth Rich
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=YzIBHlU-f00
Things she discusses in this video:
>* Two witnesses in her case are now dead.
>* Seth Rich was one of those witnesses
>* Mr. Lucas was about to provide evidence to the court. He died before he could.
>* Mr. Lucas was Elizabeth Beck's Process Server.
Here's her on Jul 17, 2017 (After apparently getting too deep into the connections around the recent wave of 'suicides' surrounding The Clinton Foundation)
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=1bmMl2OGVQ0
Transcript (Jul 17 Interview):
Federal prosecutor Beranton Whisenant Jr found dead on beach
Speculation he was connected to the DNC lawsuit
Elizabeth was asked to look into that from concerned individuals
here's what she found:
1) There is a Beranton Whisenant-Jay Plotkin-Jacksonville connection
Jay Plotkin was the director of the State Attorney's Office in Jacksonville from 1993 to 2009. Until Janury of 2009 he supervised all aspects of an office of 100 attorneys and over 300 support staff.
Mr Beranton Whisenant is actually not a miami native even though he worked here and passed away in Broward County which is in South Florida.
To the contrary, Mr. Beranton Whisenant is a native of Jacksonville Florida. He graduated from Bishop Kenney High School in 1997 and worked as an assistant state attorney with the 4th Judicial Circuit from 2004 to 2007.
In other words, Mr Beranton Whisenant and Mr Jay Plotkin worked in the state attorneys office at the same time.
2) There is a Jacksonville-Mayo Clinic connection.
Mayo Clinic has a hospital in Jacksonville Florida.
ff6690 No.190600
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQk4etC3av4&feature=push-u-sub&attr_tag=excZv0uJ3fAGvVu3-6
21faa0 No.190602
Elizabeth Lee Beck, Attorney - part 2
3) There's a Mayo Clinic-Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger connection.
A lawsuit was filed in 2015 in federal court in Jacksonville against the Mayo Clinic in connection with an organ transplant case.
The judge presiding over that case was the Honorable Harvey E. Schlesinger.
>CASE NUMBER: 3:15-cv-01244
4) There's a Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger-Jay Plotkin-Beranton Whisenant connection.
Jay Plotkin is judge Harvey Schlesingers' son-in-law.
Mr Whisenant's body was recovered on May 24th, 2017. On June 8th, 2017 Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger threw out the case against Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville on Summary Judgement.
5) There is a Mayo Clinic-Clinton Foundation connection.
A number of hospitals, including Mayo Clinic and St Vincents co-sponsored a launch event in Northeast Florida in connection with the Clinton Health Matters Initiative.
6) There is a Mayo Clinic-High Government Officials connection.
The numerous public trustees of the Mayo Clinic include a Thomas J Brokaw quite possibly Tom Brokaw. Barbara P Bush. Richard B Cheney, possibly Dick Cheney. Senator Thomas a Daschle and Paul a Volcker.
The Mayo Clinic provides a full range of health services including organ transplants, bone marror transplants, blood transfusions and genetic medicine.
7) There is a Clinton Foundation-Haiti connection.
8) There is a Klause Eberwein-Haiti connection.
Klause Eberwein, a former Haitian government official was found dead July 11th of this year with a gunshot wound to the head. He was found 14501 South Dixie Highway; A Quality Inn.
This Quality Inn is 7.5 miles from my office.
9) There is a Peter Smith-Mayo Clinic connection.
My Peter Smith (((purportedly))) took his own life May 14th, in a hospital in Rochester Minnesota near the Mayo Clinic called the Aspen Suites.
The Aspen Suites is across the street from the St Mary's campus of Mayo Clinic and is almost exclusively used by patients of the hospital.
He (((purportedly))) left a suicide note which stated that "there was no foul play whatsoever" and "recent bad turn in health since January 2017" was the reason that he was taking his own life and the timing was related to "Life insurance of 5 million expiring".
He was purportedly searching for Clinton Emails.
RE the July 17 video above: ExcitedPsychologyAnon says:
>I know for a fact that she isn't lying.
>I finally get to use my psychology degree for something.
>Let me break it down.
>As an anon earlier mentioned.
>Look at how her eyes bug out at 8:53 when Owen says "organ transplant"
>and again at 9:20 when Owen says "black market organ transplants"
>These are the only times in the entire video when her eyes bug out
>She is communicating that "yes, this is what is happening, but if I use words to tell you that then I'll die"
>Secondly at 9;18-;48 you can see her frontal body take quick breaths, she trembles, her face/lip quickly in direction go down and she clenches her jaw ( she is spooked).
>Followed quickly, she begins to cry.
>This is some real shit. I've seen many Asians cry and this looks identical.
f5c370 No.190603
God bless the bakers and the batter.
46c1d6 No.190604
Here, have some Treasury Barbie:
665178 No.190606
Bulletproof walls being set up all over Paris.
aa9cef No.190608
Ty bro, back atcha.
da28e0 No.190612
I saw they had deployed troops all over France for the holiday.
369ff0 No.190613
Pretty sure I don't break the rules?
Old fkin seasoned fag here.
Fug cern - have u seen the vid from insider with sacrifice at cern hq?……
7392a3 No.190617
[:27] is difference in minutes. Q's post was Xhours :27 mins before Trump's tweet
44b91d No.190620
Please God, but we also need to purge the voting rolls and deport the illegals.
00b27e No.190623
That movie Red is on tonight.
a60c8c No.190625
Yeah, the following were suggested to make tripcodes more obvious:
1. Add the following to the tripcode class in CSS:
background: yellow;
2. Go into code and move the tripcode so it isn't next to the name.
3. Make sure that formatting can't be faked by preventing tags to be used in names. Either remove them entirely or simply use the function that will convert those angle brackets into ampersand codes. (No one should be allowed to enter active tags in the form fields anyway.)
e9cad4 No.190626
That's Ted Poe (R) TEXAS what he looked like with hair(before) and now without (current 2017)
<<pic related
46c1d6 No.190628
Define replevin. No googling either, smartass.
238c74 No.190632
Who was taken off the LAX flight to Japan last night?
8f28b9 No.190634
"messages such as “never grow up…do whatever you want”, “it’s okay to kill”, and “pediphillia”. After all, Peter Pan was named after the greek god of sexual deviance, rape, and torture."
"The story was originally written by James Matthew Barrie born in 1860."
"There has since been accusations that Barrie was a paedophile."
Peter Pan's Flight in Fantasyland
da28e0 No.190635
What channel? Never seen it.
b6ae2f No.190636
When they zoomed out I knew GEOTUS specifically chose to stand RIGHT in that spot for us… for US!
58a2d3 No.190637
Guantanamo Airport IATA Code: NBW
406752 No.190638
35ea96 No.190639
da28e0 No.190642
Yes, clearly. McClane?
8cbc60 No.190643
Thanks for sharing! That is truly masterful. I read that executive order, but hadn't really put it all together like that. Brilliant. What a clever way of doing all of this behind the scenes. Of course, the MSM didn't report on the EO so, why would anyone actually think he'd declared a national emergency. LOL! Love it!!
aa9cef No.190644
Top kek, no way?!
0bd061 No.190647
I don't think that is him,, lips and nose are different. Nice try, Thank you for effort. I looked at other pics of Brady for comparison as well.. Looking into people within her office, or maybe a Dem advisor or part of Democratic party.
606b45 No.190648
Old fuckin fag now filtered fucking fag.
665178 No.190649
https ://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/10/eiffel-tower-to-get-bulletproof-glass-walls-to-protect-against-terrorism
666c5b No.190650
238c74 No.190652
Steve is a lucky man.
5d57f5 No.190653
Reagan would not have been able to defeat soviet union without Pope JP2
the collapse of the soviet union was full of miraculous coincidences Pope JP2 had Reagan on speed dial and Reagan never missed a phone call from him
b23c52 No.190654
Mother Teresa was a piece of shit and a hypocrite of the highest order, and Hitchens calls her out on that too, in his work.
Funny how she got the Nobel Peace Prize, when accepting money from known dictators and leaving people to die because she called it "beautiful".
Ironically enough, another deceptive fuck got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, after only being in office for 12 days.
238c74 No.190655
4a167a No.190656
8218cc No.190657
Even satan disapproves!!
a60c8c No.190658
At the very least, they weren't the only ones. Difficult to tell if they were under some kind of detention. She was allowed to keep her phone. The Star Alliance lounge has private rooms for First Class customers. It would have been simple to put a guard on the other side of the door, but nothing was said about anything like that.
369ff0 No.190659
I got to leave, get to creaped out sometimes…
f887c4 No.190661
"Fri 10 Feb ‘17 03.07 GMT"
da28e0 No.190662
Weird. They haven't had any terrorist attacks right there have they?
8218cc No.190664
7797a5 No.190667
Yes, haven’t heard anything about who it could be. I’m betting they’re are connected to whoever it was and was providing cover
40237b No.190668
The Spirit is with us.
f6a53a No.190669
>"it's just a lump of cells"
>shows them this
44b91d No.190670
>>190058 The taxpayers shouldnt have to foot the bill for translating all Congressional Acts into ebonics.
842dcb No.190671
Thanks, think you're right.
Couple of posts above mine said it was Ted Poe.
Maybe him. Probably a rep from somewhere around Houston is my guess.
8b8d76 No.190672
Saw some suggestion yesterday that frank “poison dwarf” Guistra was nabbed along with Munk and one other person in Toronto two days ago. Now resting comfortably in Gitmo.
No confirmation though.
a60c8c No.190673
By the way, spouse found an article about the incident sometime today. That he heard it first from me may make redpilling a little easier.
00b27e No.190675
I never even heard of the movie Red it has Bruce Willis and something to do with the CIA
44b91d No.190676
Im a Painter and i want to paint their execution.
21faa0 No.190677
Almost nobody on the planet could do anything with a 700 tb "dump". Even broken down into pieces, what would it be 700 x 1 tb? Quite a lot of people's rigs would choke on a 1 tb download.
Most likely all we are hearing now is groundless rumor.
35ea96 No.190678
Hillary! What Happened?
515ef9 No.190679
And Trump tweeted "Fire & Rescue #2"
The stations name is "Fire & Rescue 2", not #2.
Disney's fire today is fire #2.
Ten days ago ATL was fire #1.
Maybe both were fires and rescues.
da28e0 No.190681
"Thu 9 Feb ‘17 22.07 EST"
35ea96 No.190682
have 1 and 2
e1039c No.190683
LIsten asw I work here every night. B O's on deck. And Q matters. Most listeners I've seen in a bit! People will be glad they listened just to listen.
da28e0 No.190685
Oh no not Bruce Willis again tonight…..
116966 No.190686
size who knows. content who knows. you know… open the mind. sadly every bad thing we can imagine is not that bad. sad state i know. we imagine little. dream big. our faults as human. when POTUS reveals i will cry. you will cry. nations will cry. we will over night change. i smile… it will be better. all innocent's will rise. i've seen this.
58a2d3 No.190689
Guantanamo Airport IATA Code: NBW
da28e0 No.190690
Am I the only one that picks up on your messages for some reason?
7392a3 No.190691
reason I didn't think hour mattered was from >>171661 anon posted
3d2a68 No.190692
00b27e No.190694
Oh, ok. Thought I would share since I haven't seen that Red movie mentioned on this board.
Strange that it's on TNT.
aa9cef No.190695
Let's fill up this bread lads so we can be on the new one for BO on Quite Frankly. He's on after the break which is now.
b23c52 No.190696
5cc351 No.190697
loool why did I think this post was at 750, w/e is up for justice
702cb5 No.190698
Bullshit its not about the messenger. I know some or maybe most of what George says may be true, but at the end of the day his goal is to keep the sheep corralled well away from the ultimate truth
aa9cef No.190699
238c74 No.190701
e270ca No.190702
>>190684 Yeah yeah….we know. No accident LdR
46c1d6 No.190703
Mobsters and car dealers? Whodathunk?
da28e0 No.190704
6e18da No.190705
You know it's bad when satan calls you out.
52a6ce No.190706
debf18 No.190707
Nah… no ankle monitor..
4819a8 No.190708
chekt, kekt, and rekt
35ea96 No.190709
It's a comedy with lots of action.
665178 No.190710
Started construction in Sep. My cousin lives there and sent me pics of areas where theyre already up.
ET wall alone will cost 20M euros.
They're compartmentalizing the city.
Why? It's obvious
aa9cef No.190711
e1039c No.190712
Throw it up on the #Qanon on twatter. Then they stay out there! LOL. And Frank deserves the audience.
da28e0 No.190714
d84a7b No.190715
The Hilton’s are Roth’s too?!
989e18 No.190716
af1866 No.190719
Try to remember to break links…)))
6007a4 No.190720
Wasn't Obama just interviewed by Prince Harry?
8218cc No.190721
ec461f No.190723
Lol… I screen-shotted the same video. Same scenes.
da28e0 No.190724
7d9a71 No.190727
a60c8c No.190728
OK, that's worth posting. :-)
b6ae2f No.190729
c3dc7f No.190731
35ea96 No.190733
Supposedly it was recorded in September.
feb3d6 No.190734
369ff0 No.190737
Had to be done, relevant I thought…
1484df No.190738
ff6690 No.190740
this with side by side code kek from the FBI with his pic
e270ca No.190741
>>190707 Sorry that was dumbshit Nicky. Didn't realize till I had pressed send.
Boy she's dumb. Really dumb.
e8392a No.190743
Classic MK Ultra! Good little alter, you don't want to be made into red shoes now kek
c1739e No.190744
Our GEOTUS is a fucking genius on steroids. How the hell does he do this shit!?
35ea96 No.190745
65Gb compressed…700Tb when expanded.
19598f No.190746
So can't the Wizards & Warlocks mod UMBRAGE to leave a cabal footprint and spread the joy?
aa9cef No.190747
Ach, faceslap. Apols ;
46c1d6 No.190748
If MI5 is domestic, and MI6 is foreign, that makes us
250c2b No.190749
.Disney is a distraction. But what is it meant to distract from? A Q operation?
ec461f No.190750
Same… Then, I realized that it was unlikely that any secret plans were broadcast via AP and I was the only one to notice it.
f6b72d No.190751
Old drop from 2012, posted by fake assange account
e8392a No.190752
Has anyone been able to open it up yet? I heard the passwords weren't working.
3eea9a No.190753
Can't believe they don't have Eryn Sepp singing like a canary, she did all the scheduling and logistics of moving the pizza around
a6a39e No.190754
Activating Q signal now. He will appear in the next bread.
c65426 No.190759
7d2058 No.190760
You cannot summon the Q. He appears exactly when he means to.
4819a8 No.190761
Disney was a distraction then. If you could see the breads of the day, we were not crumbing right. Disney is definitely back on the table today. God bless, anon.
3eea9a No.190763
I have not tried, I would assume he has not given out the password yet, ONION worked on one of the old files but not the whole thing, think it's still insurance, if he dies someone triggers the release of the password.
ec461f No.190765
7… for the number of dimensions we operate in.
c3dc7f No.190766
Can someone repost the picture with all the dudes wearing red shoes? I need it quickly…
35ea96 No.190768
Not heard anybody having any luck with it yet.
But just what the hell did he use to compress it with?
I mean 700Tb compressed down to 65Gb…fucking hell!
0bd061 No.190769
Yep it looks like Ted poe.
46c1d6 No.190770
>Assange was an abused child.
>I believe there's a ring of them helping to wipe off the cabal.
Some pedoized kids gets superpowers. Part of the law of karma I suppose. But... you can't drown yourself in drugs and alcohol because they don't work well then.
3ece7d No.190772
Did you guys see this article from CBS in Philly …..Power Outage At Disneyland Affecting Rides, Monorail ……Fantasy land mentioned
af1866 No.190773
I believe you are correct.
MMVs are "shooting their lights out," we shall endure the deep freeze as Deep State assets are frozen, not to mention the bogue rogues on ice.
ec461f No.190774
Don't listen to the naysayers… I think this is gonna work! ;)
aa9cef No.190775
Fresh bread
<Fresh bread
>Fresh bread
Fresh bread
1484df No.190776
omg… that's his dead man switch like…. is he o
d84a7b No.190777
Dudes from Pied Piper >>190768
35ea96 No.190778
>summon the Q
Damn…sounds almost demonic like that.
7797a5 No.190781
I see that as a double meaning. What’s happening at Disney most likely a cover for real operations (for the love, save the kids!), but disney has always been a distraction in the mind control programming and child abuse that’s been going on. Not to mention, the amusement parks are perfect covers for trafficking kids through…
d1f1a4 No.190783
Could just be filler to keep most people from being able to try to uncompress it.
7d2058 No.190784
Q is angelic for sure.
ed2096 No.190785
http://www.nhregister.com/ news/world/article/Prince-Harry-to-guest-edit-BBC-show-interviewing-12456692.php#photo-14757128
df8c01 No.190981
It's been revealing to see the network news lead with national weather the last three days. They're avoiding the subject, but they KNOW what's going on. It's killing them.
1546b1 No.191021
wonder why Peter Munk wanted a sister so badly . . . all a bunch of pervs.
1546b1 No.191034
as in . . . who is #2?
1546b1 No.191045
wonder if any of her "art" is hanging at the Podestas . . .
4a167a No.191047
At least its not ramen
305388 No.191074
Thanks for this explanation on blocked planes. Fledgling planefag here, getting used to tracking planes with FlightRadar24 app. Thanks
d83c26 No.191077
More CEO's that have resigned. Long thread.
607abc No.223747