5947d5 No.70260
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The GENERAL is for consolidated discussion - and posting tl;dr's of dedicated digging threads'
conclusion. DO NOT go into detailed digging in the General.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, simple Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Recent Past Threads' Archive Links
64. >>>/cbts/56670 -> https://archive.fo/2CtTJ
65. >>>/cbts/57446 -> https://archive.fo/VK3GR
66. >>>/cbts/58319 -> https://archive.fo/6VBJ8
67. >>>/cbts/59130 -> https://archive.fo/poMSg
68. >>>/cbts/59969 -> https://archive.fo/635xL
69. >>>/cbts/60804 -> https://archive.fo/NGJcz
70. >>>/cbts/61621 -> https://archive.fo/vl1R4
71. >>>/cbts/62562 -> https://archive.fo/UeKZc
72. >>>/cbts/63405 -> https://archive.fo/31NWt
73. >>>/cbts/64254 -> https://archive.fo/2GpRq
74. >>>/cbts/65108 -> https://archive.fo/iTLm3
75. >>>/cbts/65909 -> https://archive.fo/9c5cs
76. >>>/cbts/66796 -> https://archive.fo/afKc9
77. >>>/cbts/67649 -> https://archive.fo/h8sY7
78. >>>/cbts/68564 -> https://archive.fo/wQrtm
79. >>>/cbts/69407 -> https://archive.fo/JXucx
!!! Latest Q posts !!!: >>59684, >>60141, >>60201, >>60244, >>60291, >>60336, >>60350, >>60382, >>60470, >>60507, >>60523, >>60365, >>60568, >>60630, >>60660, >>63599, >>63628, >>63644, >>70055, >>70088
List of all Q posts in order, screen grabs + text, date stamps,
links to original posts, searchable, good for printing and sharing:
5947d5 No.70267
QMap w/ built-in search function, includes Q's posts AND anons' posts that Q responded to:
4chan Q Drops pt. 1 -> >>66953
4chan Q Drops pt. 2 -> >>66963
8ch Q Drops pt. 1 -> >>63794
NEW THEORY FOR Q TO CONFIRM OR DENY: -> >>62955, >>62972
CheatSheetAnon Compilation: -> >>62967, >>62971
10 days of darkness: -> >>37286
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49 [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s [ includes direct links to Q posts ]
Original links do not cross-post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find Qs.
4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
Q-Text [4chan] -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
Q-Text [8ch] -> https://pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY | Updated 10Dec2017
How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>33814 | >>36225
Q MAP-> https://anonfile.com/kcS5kbd3be/Q_Map_12_10_2017v4.pdf (updated 10Dec2017)
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks SpreadsheetAnon!)
Q WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/h2Cak3d5bd/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712101010.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
'Pastebin of Pastebins of LINKS posted on 4pol' -> https://pastebin.com/A97LLKZL
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
Guerilla Twitter Tactics - >>>/cbts/12832
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
ANONFILE -> https://www.anonfile.com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip
Meme collection #1 >>2, Meme collection #2 >>61078, Memes Bulk download >>62600
Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920
Please use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay COMFY, SENPAIS!
<And PRAY!
5947d5 No.70271
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy': >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy': >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Q Posts, Screenshots, etc: >>423
The FAQ of Q: >>18427
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, OpSec: >>629
/CBTS/ Catalog
''Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the
other threads.''
What is Keystone: >>38503 (Verified by Q >>38514)
Who is Y?: >>19041
Let us channel the spirit of Thomas Paine!: >>56328 *NEW! Pamphlet creation thread for spreading during STORM* (in case modern communications compromised)
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>16020
Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408
Anon bringing things around -> >>15208
Red Cross: >>40157
Alien / Disclosure related: >>26613
Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350
Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876
The Asia Foundation Dig Thread: >>15984
Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253
Loud Noises -> >>15157
Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092
'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199
Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259 [new -> >>35814]
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
Trump & Company: >>1380
Underground massive data center?: >>20714
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++fag(HAS BEEN BANNED, but link included anyway for those still curious): >>672
The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA (Oct 31 - Nov 21)
<If any Anon wants to update the News List and make a Pastebin link that would be very helpful
Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes and upload new version.
Title: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition
First post: See pastebin and go to first set of ==== signs, may need to cut out some stuff and post two separate things.
Second/third post: All after ====== signs.
<Shill derail tactics: talk of Bitcoin or any other cryptocoin, prepping water, bathtubs, drinking from bathtubs,
<hydroponics, using Q's tripcode as a name, mocking and personal attacks
>please don't feed their belly with (you)'s, they must starve so please filter and focus, or pray for the Patriots risking
>their lives
o7 Captain Mike Green o7
136696 No.70279
A Hopi Elder Speaks
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader."
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!"
"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
"Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
"The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for."
(Banned - off topic ) c707d8 No.70292
4e57a8 No.70294
Can someone make a map overlaying the California fires with Schiff's district? Might make a good meme.
ec8ab9 No.70295
3 straight dubs for q. Praise kek
9889bf No.70298
Adam Schiff.
Traitor and leaker.
d6cc90 No.70299
hey Q soon we are gonna have to talk about these sealed indictments? ppl are saying like 9k now? whats the scoop on mass incarceration?
3478d3 No.70308
Q: You posted marker in Nov about Our Father
Catholic Version no Doxology
POTUS visited in May offered Vatican to be free from Cabal. Agreed on Our Father code.
Can't use private communication now
Just like SA tweet about IPO was go so was this.
POTUS is offering redemption for all that have been held hostage by Cabal.
Cabal infiltrated CC (Bella Dodd testimony)
Vatican will have to purge puppets like SA & reform if they want to be free from Cabal.
Took the deal & Our Father was sign?
POTUS knows world is better when CC teaches truth.
Francis is Soros/R puppet. Was placed for NWO.
283395 No.70310
5947d5 No.70311
pastebin. com/G6LajeZs
dd91d2 No.70318
Can anyone crosscheck the sealed indictments? 9000 or so true?
5947d5 No.70323
No, I'm just a very average anon
7c0b49 No.70324
8ch Q Drops 2nd Half
Beginning of 2nd Half Image
Created 12/10, will continue to update
Please notice.
c707d8 No.70327
Guys Blunt and Direct Time?
Roy Blunt?
dd91d2 No.70328
Adam Schiff's congressional district covers…wait, you guessed it…
5947d5 No.70331
updated the dough, thank you though!
9889bf No.70332
so he likes pizza and pasta, old cunt.
ec8ab9 No.70334
b97979 No.70335
Thank you as always. Updated Q Map pdf ready; waiting for incoming drops if any.
e5953b No.70336
edc9b9 No.70337
782c1d No.70341
d19e98 No.70342
e5953b No.70343
Stop trying to dox Q!
89d193 No.70345
Does Jeffrey Feltman have his hand in the See Eye Aye North Korea Obama mess?
1c71d5 No.70346
Shadilay, mighty Q. Shadilay.
283395 No.70347
dd91d2 No.70348
Make the memes, get them out everywhere. We can show we were the first to know ahead of the MSM
edc9b9 No.70349
>Thank Q
Welcome back tubbs, Behave yourself
ec8ab9 No.70350
Sorry bad joke because he did tick tock
7b635a No.70351
You guys know the MSM will do nktjing with Schiff and focus entirely on the sex scandal bullshit against POTUS, so MEME the shit out of social media tonight. What you're doing here is more important than many think
18c5ce No.70352
Puff puff pass, because that was some good shit. Very creative. Cliche'd but creative.
3478d3 No.70353
Jesuits largest order in world
Own most colleges
Infiltrated first decades ago
Puppets for R
Bergolio was rigged election
Was put in like Hussein to destroy what was left of CC
Blackmail was delivered to B16 in dossier
He resigned rather than make it public
St Gallen Mafia installed Bergolio on behalf of Cabal
Use Vatican bank, charities, colleges etc.
POTUS offered to free CC held hostage for years
5947d5 No.70354
Do your worst/best :)
b5a51e No.70355
9889bf No.70356
Hashtag is…..
#TraitorSchiff ?
d8cf8c No.70357
So Adam Schiff leaked poisoned intel to CNN.
Outs himself as LEAKER and now lashing out on Twitter?
943cca No.70358
Did he have it torched to destroy evidence? To scream global warming??
f30e4f No.70359
It's stormy out there right now.
Much love and respect to ALL Anons here for your dedication, shared knowledge, and fun.
Let Us Pray to the Light!
89d193 No.70360
aca958 No.70361
>Blunt & Direct Time
I might be drawing conclusions, but Q doesn't usually capitalize things for no reason. BDT might refer to Bangladesh Standard Time. Maybe a false flag will happen there. Does anyone have any other ideas?
70f15d No.70362
Muh Q Generation
136696 No.70363
WATER - Stored?
FOOD - Stored?
e0a6a7 No.70365
he always seemed Schifty to me.
9889bf No.70366
bf0908 No.70367
Please BO. Let us.. do our thing.
8a459f No.70368
negative. He's being blunt and direct. Statements instead of questions. Most of his messages are literal and to the point and we usually read too much into them.
7c0b49 No.70370
Thank Q
-.- PUNishable offense
89d193 No.70371
000000 No.70373
and experience the simplicity of LIFE?
9889bf No.70374
needs more schiff and less shit
5b8732 No.70375
Overheard today CA fires are global warming.
a99ee0 No.70376
Schiff is such pos! I remember when Tucker Carlson hammered his ass on his show one night. You could just tell he was a spineless traitor! Good ridance! Add another log to the fire!
1c71d5 No.70377
06b0cc No.70378
5dea95 No.70379
7c2f75 No.70380
5e4306 No.70381
All I can find so far is that Schiff was caught leaking to CNN about the Wikileaks email and Don Jr. He was deliberately given disinfo and is how he was caught out.
But I can't see what that has to do with NAT SEC. There must be something else he was caught leaking that is way more damning.
5947d5 No.70382
9889bf No.70384
06b0cc No.70386
ad8200 No.70387
Another false flag "shooting" might happen Monday. to deflect news.
f413cf No.70388
f68afd No.70389
Seen an anon say 8500 indictments.
Can we confirm this?
Who got the sauce
7eaa4e No.70390
I know you want to help but that's nigger-tier trash. It doesn't inform, interest, and persuade.
6cb611 No.70391
Any chance Adam Schiff is related to Jacob Schiff? That would be unbelievable.
07e6d5 No.70393
How about 'I'm getting #ShiffFacedTonight!' ?
f18138 No.70394
8a459f No.70395
Who paid him the $7.8mm? We need to find that out.
b22fb0 No.70398
c707d8 No.70399
1c71d5 No.70400
Digits have spoken. It must be #schiffhead
4c1c2d No.70401
000000 No.70402
We will combine the Powers of 3 and 3 to achieve the impossible. 8
1 2 Infinity and Beyond
e7deb2 No.70403
Holy Schiff! What type of damage control will Nancy and Chuck sing tommorow? SMH at such greed! Pray for President Trump.
6599c2 No.70404
And what committee was he on? How could he have endangered NATSEC? What could he have done to brand him "traitor"?To whom else did he give intel? Is that who paid him $7.8 mil or just the media?
d8cf8c No.70405
Take off the kid gloves with Adam Schiff. Use that Keystone Intel.
Release the truth bomb. See if the world can take it.
This guy can't be allowed to just resign or just not seek reelection.
0d194d No.70406
<Keep simple, make 1 point rather than telling whole story, and stick to these topics Q gave us - the offenses that will be revealed:
Adam Schiff
Traitor, Leaker
$7.8 million, Sold our National Security
Hope it was worth it
Justice is coming
Corruption exposed
bf0908 No.70407
Hey niggers. Just because Q said Adam Schiff, doesn't mean we can do shit until we have solid evidence.
Dig Niggas. Before shit is erased.
6ddb10 No.70408
Sara Carter reports the the FBI has 27 investigations into leakers, and that it's not certain if these are all focused on the FBI itself!!
000000 No.70411
not what happened. Pope Francis is a devout satanist, that's why he got the job. He changed the Lord's prayer to fulfill a biblical prophecy- blaspheme the Holy Spirit and place himself above God.
4c1c2d No.70412
Neck yourself, shill.
5e4306 No.70413
Blunt & Direct Time - BDT.
Might be an acronym for some company. Maybe something to do with the $7.8mm.
Dunno, I'm just popping ideas on the fly
283395 No.70414
spoopy tor anon says not Q, says no more
ef874c No.70416
Muh Q Generation
6ddb10 No.70417
House Intelligence Committee
6f49dc No.70418
indictments can't be known. Sealed Court actions is what can be seen. Some are search warrants, some are arrest warrants, some indictments. Sealed Court actions is what should be told not indictments
7eaa4e No.70419
These faggot normies are useless plebbit niggers. They're too eager to tripcode for glory and pat each other on the back than do the work. God help them.
136696 No.70420
Agreed, pull together to nail a GUILTY Man, not String up an innocent one!
8a459f No.70421
#1 Traitor in US History:
Benedict Arnold
His name is synonymous with disloyalty. Let's tie him to that.
ef874c No.70422
Fuck Schiff that pedo loving faggot
5b8732 No.70423
ranking dem Trey Gowdy chair
cfe35a No.70424
B_ = ???
89d193 No.70425
5b35f3 No.70426
It literally means exactly what it means.
Talking bluntly, directly with no roundabout hints.
He named one leaker directly, listed his crimes. Literally spelt it out for us.
Connect the dots from previous posts regarding traitors, evil actors. Connect the clues to recent events.
1c71d5 No.70428
poop on face has way more value than some 14th bloodline shit
3c131d No.70429
#TraitorSchiff is easy and catchy and says it bluntly.
06b0cc No.70430
Directly smoke a blunt?
b22fb0 No.70431
Who gets a big break
Where do big breaks happen?
000000 No.70432
>Agreed on Our Father code
so they changed a 2,000 year old tradition as a sign? Couldn't they just pinkie swear?
bf0908 No.70433
Start with, of course, FB, Twatter, and shit that's gonna get deleted.. then move towards shit they have no control over.
603b36 No.70434
782c1d No.70435
If that means anything, it would be Twitter banning DT.
947c5e No.70436
What is a meme? what is the Sniff message/red pill?
I am but a lurker UK anon - i have meemed and contributed in the past, however, this is unknown to me. I do however, recognise the
How could you convince me that Shiff is a traitor, and why would i believe you?
Compare him to previous traitors perhaps? Judas? I may not know about shiff , however i may know of others similar to him
0f9a95 No.70437
http://schiff. house.gov/about/biography
>In his 9th term in the House of Representatives, Schiff currently serves as the Ranking Member, or top Democrat, of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and as a Member of the Benghazi Select Committee. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence oversees the nation’s intelligence agencies including components of the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, State and Energy.
5e4306 No.70439
LOL yep and all that too.
He's done some interviews on TV today so I'll look and see if he lets slip in any of those.
ee7f4e No.70440
Try… #BenedictAdam for a hashtag when the time comes?
ec8ab9 No.70441
b5a51e No.70442
b97979 No.70443
>takes the words <blunt and direct
>makes them fuzzy and confusing
6599c2 No.70444
So might he have been selling our NATSEC to others besides the media? It has to be pretty serious for Q to call someone a traitor.
Schiff sold our NATSEC secrets not only to media - at such a level to brand him a traitor.
>these people are stupid
89d193 No.70445
A U.S. Congressional delegation composed of Reps. Jack Kingston (R., Ga.), Scott Tipton (R., Colo.), Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) and Ed Whitfield (R., Ky.) met with Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday, a day after the fire at Smart Export, a Congressional aide confirmed.
098e26 No.70446
18c5ce No.70447
Stop. Just stop. That isn't something that anyone with a conscience would just feed little hints about on an anon board - unless they were the shooters or in on the plan. We have already seen that twice on the chans.
Tomorrow, Corey's shit comes out on Dr Oz. Counter to that we have this anti Trump thing trying to ride the groper hysteria and I guess get soy boys and mad feministas to burn down the White House. There are others things happening all week. If it's damning to the dems, expect a counter flag to head fake their stupid masses and drag their emotions through the mud. Kind of like these fires, which oddly enough no one gives a shit about much, even though we probably all know someone that lives out there. Or at least feel sorry for the dead race horses.
Think rationally, and less emotionally. What news are we about to have popped out that they want to take the public eye off of.
06b0cc No.70448
4e57a8 No.70449
Best I can do on my mobile device. Directly overlaps however. Schiff's district on left, fire on right.
24a3f1 No.70450
IDK, I was expecting McCain to take that dishonor… bigger fish to come! Starting small
1c71d5 No.70452
We should bacon-bury some mosques as payback.
f18138 No.70453
POTUS already has the evidence to put him away, memeing it right now before it goes public will give more validity for future memes. Sounds like his ass is going down soon
3c131d No.70454
Everyone, we have Schiff. NEWS! So now take that name and figure out the codes! Map!
c31d56 No.70455
>my half-assed effort
I want to meme Trump taking down the fed's pyramid scheme.
7c0336 No.70456
d6cc90 No.70457
yea well you have to admit its when we start nearing 10k thats kinda scary. are we gonna take down the entire government in one swoop plus hollywood and ms13 all at the same time. it would be nice?
6fc2b1 No.70458
He's a piece of Schiff
27677d No.70460
The Bengahazi committee.. umm this dude is bad! Do memes with Benghazi. He knows the truth I bet
8bf5c6 No.70462
Been a long, long, long time. Finally, JUSTICE! Schills are gonna Squeel like the filthy swine they are!
ef874c No.70463
5e4306 No.70464
kek pretty sure he didn't mean the blunt you're thinking of.
0a921e No.70466
Where did $7.8 mil come from?
cfe35a No.70467
Yes! Now that is tremendous quality autism. Didn’t even think of that, anon.
647334 No.70469
I believe the Awon brother did IT work for Schiff. Its possible he was selling, among others, secrets to MB in Paki
166e4b No.70470
3c131d No.70471
Agree. Hence the traitor labelling.
Fireworks are going to fly tomorrow!
b56fe2 No.70472
So while 1/2 of Shiff's district burns he's pocketing $7.8m for intel 2 the media?
6ddb10 No.70473
I know a lot of people don't like Alex Jones, but everytime I hear of Adam Schiff, I always think about this rant when Alex threatened to whip his ass! Top KEK!
ad8200 No.70475
did you not see Q's second post ? it's in the 1st line.
000000 No.70476
This should take out CNN, as well.
CNN should have bit the bullet and said their editors fucked up reading the date.
Instead, they defended their editors and blew the leaker's cover.
Which leaker will trust them now?
6f49dc No.70477
8500 sealed indictments CANNOT be known! 8500 sealed Court actions can be known
df01c2 No.70478
see: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cC702ou3zm4VJICOI30EwaVCbbvYDQ5p
the last update 27th Nov says 4,289
if it is 9,000 - then the trackers need to update their spreadsheets
6ddb10 No.70479
Sounds about right, but who else are leakers, I wonder…
0d194d No.70480
Graphics thus far are awful. No offense. Hope some anons with meme skills will jump in. Sorry I am on a phone….
f18138 No.70482
Yeah I want that sauce
5e4306 No.70483
FUCK OFF CUNT he's done code shit like that in the past.
dd91d2 No.70484
Sounds like he was already arrested.
166e4b No.70485
18c5ce No.70486
Look for shady donations to any foundations he fronts or campaigns he recently ran. Is he married? What does his spouse do? ( he is Californian after all, it could be a walnut tree or something) Follow his money.
f18138 No.70488
Could be, Q did name him
b22fb0 No.70490
I think when this is over, BA just gave up that trophy/belt/title. Just sayin…
098e26 No.70491
>If that means anything, it would be Twitter banning DT.
When that happens we know shit is about to go down or already did. There will be nothing left of the left when smoke clears.
603b36 No.70492
Check the wife….. remember Q said follow the wives?
2912e0 No.70493
Blunt & Direct Time.
(((Adam Schiff))) is a traitor to our country.
Tick Tock.
Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
"Schiff was born in Framingham, Massachusetts, son of Edward and Sherrill Ann (Glovsky) Schiff.[2] He was raised in a Jewish family, and moved to Danville, California during high school.[3] He received a political science degree from Stanford University and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.
After receiving his JD from Harvard, Schiff began working as a prosecutor in the Los Angeles branch of the U.S. Attorney's Office. While an assistant U.S. Attorney, he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65,000 in gold and cash."[4] The first time Miller was tried, it resulted in a hung jury; the second time, it resulted in a conviction overturned on appeal,[5] and the third time he was convicted."
943cca No.70494
In that case, California should get ZERO dollars from the federal government. They made their bed with their sanctuary cities - they can damn well sleep in it!!
5b35f3 No.70495
We need to bring 4chan /pol/ folk over here NOW. With mods on our side here, we can make this work without too much shilling or distractions.
Newfags and boomer/evangelical housewife crowd alone is no where enough!
We need to hyper autistic turbo charge this thing. NOW.
6f49dc No.70496
9889bf No.70497
Inmate? Don't be so merciful.
6599c2 No.70499
>I believe the Awon brother did IT work for Schiff. Its possible he was selling, among others, secrets to MB in Paki
That is a possibility
>Sounds about right, but who else are leakers, I wonder…
The fake news outlets all said they had "multiple sources" - there's another leaker out there - anons should look at who's on the committee who hates POTUS
5b8732 No.70500
Eve (Sanderson), and two children
dd91d2 No.70501
I bet this will be on Fox & Friends in the morning. Wonder if POTUS will call in on the show.
166e4b No.70503
she's a real beauty
edc9b9 No.70504
We are the gobetweens. Q drops it to autists. Autists take it to the public.
822774 No.70505
d20e21 No.70506
The ppl seriously involved will find it.
24a3f1 No.70507
I got firsties on tagging his twatter account :-)
b3204c No.70508
on a duckduck search i pulled a politico article that has $7.8 million in the search title but when you open it, it only talks about the Benghazi stuff.
18c5ce No.70510
He did not say shooting. Do not add a word to cause panic. Do not be an asshole.
098e26 No.70511
f413cf No.70512
5b35f3 No.70513
Awan thing was mentioned by Q LONG ago.
Re read the map, connect the dots, paint the bigger picture for public consumption and disseminate.
Also, 8 to 9 out of 10, it's always ((((them))))
30b409 No.70514
if so, then Article 1 Section 6 is entirely applicable
GEOTUS has to play by the rules.
and these are some serious rules.
05eb9b No.70515
7c2f75 No.70516
We have no proof lol
603b36 No.70517
6ddb10 No.70518
She looks like Ted Cruz.
166e4b No.70519
he's a criminal so it will be an investigation
doubt he'd be able to comment on it
a99ee0 No.70520
0d194d No.70521
We have a usable meme! Good work anon.
b3204c No.70522
8bf5c6 No.70523
Schill ahem… Schiff* is one Campells soup ass bitch lookin mother fucker!
dd91d2 No.70524
Hit him again!
c240fd No.70525
love it feels like high school football were i was called nigger haha ha
5df92f No.70526
Pretty much this. I'm surprised we're getting bloggers and youtubers covering this. I found out about this bunker through a link outside fullchan
b5a51e No.70527
That dude gets BJ's in the little boys room. Definitely.
b3204c No.70528
$7.8 million and Clinton provided over 11 hours of … - POLITICO
> https://archive.fo/NGehC
dd91d2 No.70529
1c71d5 No.70530
f30e4f No.70531
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
> "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
LOVE THIS! Gift for you
6599c2 No.70532
I know. Those were rhetorical questions and acknowledging the connection between Schiff > Awan > foreigner spying > NATSEC > treason
ebe2c2 No.70533
>They just logged me off.
9889bf No.70534
they remind me of polish immigrants inside of a soup kitchen during the cold war.
f413cf No.70535
TY, I don't have SM, so anons will have to take up my slack
943cca No.70536
He said there would be false flags. Whats wrong with alerting peeps?
9889bf No.70540
Q didn't actually say when though, but i understand.
dd91d2 No.70541
Guys, connect the dots. We have news. Can anyone find where we were given info from Q about Schiff earlier but just didnt realize? We can check it off and maybe start to see a pattern.
6599c2 No.70543
943cca No.70544
They logged me off too!,
5947d5 No.70545
And it isn't even the 18th, they are so scared, GOOD
d6cc90 No.70547
what turns an innocent child into a satan worshiping, genocidal lunatic?
f30e4f No.70548
18c5ce No.70549
Go for it. Please make sure you use your personal twitter and facebook and sing it loud. I give up. You are a shill. I get it now. And stiiiiiiilll an asshole
22e22a No.70550
@Thomas1774Paine on twitter just now:
How long until the Schiff hits the fan?
Where's Chuck?
Andy working on his resume.
Wray of sunshine?
7c2f75 No.70551
They triple logged me off!
89d193 No.70552
000000 No.70553
AND THE ___?
85618f No.70554
Yemen raid-→ SEAL killed-→ Schiff leak?
f30e4f No.70555
IMO and from what I've learned and read…she didn't have a chance. She was born into it. She knows know other life.
2629a9 No.70557
b5a51e No.70559
Trump made a big show of returning to the White House alone today.
000000 No.70560
There won't be a shooting. they already tried that.
0d194d No.70561
These are great! and would be a lot easier to read with a narrow san serif font like Impact or Arial Condensed, or any Swiss or Helvetica or Arial really.
85618f No.70562
d240f7 No.70563
d6cc90 No.70565
6f49dc No.70566
>>70482 I was not clear Sorry! whether they are indictments or not CANNOT be known because all info is sealed. The number of 8500 may be correct but could be search warrants, arrest warrants, indictments, or any other formal Court recording
cb380b No.70567
I'm ready Mr. Krabs!
6ddb10 No.70569
"A disgraceful, malnourished chipmunk" - Alex Jones
b5a51e No.70570
166e4b No.70572
but this leak
this is 99.9% prolly the sept 4th email that DJTjr didn't receive until sept 14th but schiff (and one other unknown as it was originally reported) leaked it to CNN and/or MSNBC to add to the Red scare
the $7.8m ? hrm
isn't that close to the amount the dnc paid fusiongps?
b56fe2 No.70573
>>70486 Pasternak raises thousands for Schiff, and Schiff raises millions for Pasternak. It’s a sweet deal all around.
feeding baby right now but look into pasternak ties i will once kidlette is down
b3204c No.70575
c30f4d No.70576
Just make a thread about it and do it already. You have been posting this shit for what seems like forever… Shit or get off the John yo
f18138 No.70577
Two Q posts and no ?.?.
f30e4f No.70578
You might enjoy these, worth reviewing and saving - they are a great map time line.
f6c8bd No.70580
Before he was appointed as a Member of the Benghazi Select Committee, Schiff called the establishment of a select committee to investigate the 2012 attack a "colossal waste of time," and said Democratic leaders should not appoint any members, stating: "I think it's just a tremendous red herring and a waste of taxpayer resources.
943cca No.70581
They logged me out and all i did was go to Schiff's twitter page. I wrote NOTHING! They must be able to see I am on 8ch
b5a51e No.70583
Let me correct myself:
faad68 No.70585
In this example, we believe it is most likely House Intelligence Committee Minority Chairman Adam Schiff was the recipient of the disinformation, and has now exposed himself as a leaker to an elite, previously undisclosed, investigative unit specifically assembling evidence of corruption and leaking at the highest levels of government.
The scale and strength of the CNN push-back, and specifically the tone in their refusal to even consider discussing source of the false information, further supports our supposition.
Keep in mind, Representative Adam Schiff is -as an outcome of his minority ranking on the House Intel Committee- a member of the elite congressional oversight “Gang of Eight”.
This is a VERY BIG deal. The Gang of Eight holds oversight on every covert intelligence operation going on around the world. The Go8 oversee the NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI, and every single intelligence unit and operation. The Go8 are the only group with oversight on the CIA action from Presidential Finding Memos authorizing covert operations.
Maybe a meme with a stinger?
b5a51e No.70586
943cca No.70587
The beginning of the blackout?
6ddb10 No.70589
Alex is funny as fuck!! "I'll beat your goddamn ass you sonofabitch!"
098e26 No.70590
>They logged me off too!,
Shit is going down, they're in full coverup mode! Intensify shitposting.
000000 No.70591
I think #HolySchiff is catchiest
18c5ce No.70592
Show me shooting. I explained myself have fun done engaging.
324b60 No.70593
Adam Schiff
Traitor to US
Traitor to Humanity
30852e No.70594
ok.. next bread should be Adam Shiff'svillve and friends
b5a51e No.70595
Doesn't make sense though
5947d5 No.70596
Added to the dough, thank you!
d516d2 No.70597
Trump's army navy tweet is a visual allegory....
Telling us that legit Army forces are taking out fat leonard corrupt navy forces in military action?
166e4b No.70598
these people are morons
and evil
but that one… really just so stupid. wow.
Meet the United States' new Benedict Arnold
ec8ab9 No.70599
ebe2c2 No.70602
can one of you high speed sonsobitthes tell me where one o them twitter links're Please?there is an autosignin function i needa try
5b35f3 No.70603
This is good. Significant. Our national security and secrets were compromised, our agents and fightings soldiers were lost due to these traitors.
Let's keep connecting the dots. Re read all previous Q posts, draw the map.
18c5ce No.70604
1c71d5 No.70606
c30f4d No.70607
Well a shooting FF has happened before, so it's in the realm of possibility to be used again. Anon isn't saying it's happening, just it's possible.
0d194d No.70608
Yup, Looks like the blackout has begun on Twitter.
Time to get creative. We knew this time was coming.
7eaa4e No.70609
>We need to bring 4chan /pol/
>evangelical crowd alone is no where enough
/pol/ is traditionally a Christian board, new faggot.
000000 No.70610
I've seen reports that women are supposed to come forward to accuse Trump of groping. Today (Monday).
That will look like a mosquito bite against these allegations or a false flag.
A false flag would be the nuclear option on the Schiff revelation and would jettison the gropers (because it was checkmated).
i.e., if we see a FF, the 'groper' type of shit is over with because the anti got raised. Anyone trying it again and someone else will just get Schiffed.
Shit's getting real.
9889bf No.70611
if you're on mobile, yes.
i thought an anon posted already NOT to use 8ch on mobile?
d6cc90 No.70612
just keep hashtag simple #adamschiff
06b0cc No.70613
f413cf No.70614
85618f No.70615
If Schiff used the Intel from the gang of 8 to sabotage Yemen raid, it's OVER.
000000 No.70616
30852e No.70618
Nigger. He just said Adam Schiff!! WTF more do you want!?!?
Or maybe you're a schill/slider. in which case. I hope we get you IP address. Because I can guarantee you I care more about the live of every person in this country than I care about yours.
Figure it out.
25dce3 No.70619
Been thinking a lot on this, and your theory is good. I think you're right about the comms, too dangerous. Codes are better.
136696 No.70620
Double meaning? Double Jeopardy?
I cant stand the woman!
8bf5c6 No.70622
A damn Schiff.
Schiffty Schitty Schilly Schiff
If your last bame is Schiff you might want to change it.
6f49dc No.70623
agree but love the creative effort to find trendy style
b5a51e No.70624
f18138 No.70625
That was a bomb drop,tick tock,enjoy the show,fireworks, and the biggest, BLUNT&DIRECT TIME, That means Mr.nice guy is over and it's time for that ass kicking we've been waiting for
782c1d No.70626
They'll ID you when you log back in. Do it anyway.
7eaa4e No.70627
All caps, significance greater than word alone. Probably not an acronym, so possibly double meaning. Justice, but could it also mean to watch Judge Jeanine's "Justice" show on Fox? I thought it was too loose of a connection until I saw https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=fDhrXRAYMBI
738c71 No.70628
Then would Q referring to Schiff as EVIL be partly in the same regards as calling Hussein EVIL since the Yemen raid plans were originally setup under Obama?
25dce3 No.70629
Called out on Twatter. Nice.
e7deb2 No.70630
It's all over Twitter. Not good for that clown!
6ddb10 No.70631
"Blunt and Direct time.", which, IMO, means things are imminent…
5df92f No.70632
Don't save or post fucking thumbnails!
6cb611 No.70634
This says that "He [Jacob Schiff, 1847-1920] was sent to America in the late nineteenth century by the European Rothschild financial dynasty. One of his assigned tasks was to seize control of the money supply of the U.S. Government." Could Adam Schiff be yet another Rothschild plant??
5b35f3 No.70635
If Schiff's leaks were used to sabotage our mens' mission in yemen, this is basically benghazi 2.0 x10.
A sitting intelligence committee member sold our people out for bribes in order to purposefully fail POTUS's first military action against muslim terror group in order to get back at Trump administration.
ee7f4e No.70637
Woods is very much in the know. A paragon in the perverted seas of Hollywood.
5947d5 No.70638
I feel the presence of evil among us….
Oh it's just little cock David Brock!!!
Heya Davy boy!
How's that tick tock ticker going for ya right now?
782c1d No.70641
947c5e No.70642
Meme artist?
e7deb2 No.70643
So this is the "Bomb Away"!
e0a6a7 No.70644
Blunt & Direct Time → BDT → Bravo DT450-1 (Q stringer) ?
6f49dc No.70645
>>70625 tick tock enjoy the show might mean Sean Hannity because Tick Tock is his catch phrase on Twitter
5e4306 No.70646
Q's post has to do with the Benghazi investigations. It cost $7.8mm over 2.5 years.
usatoday .com/story/news/politics/2016/12/12/house-benghazi-committee-files-final-report-and-shuts-down/95336692/
e945ca No.70647
85618f No.70648
Exactly. Also, the info gleaned from that raid outed financiers and future plans for Clowns
b3204c No.70649
he most def would need to hang for that one, that, or the firing squad
782c1d No.70651
943cca No.70652
136696 No.70653
Sweet, like LibAnon - Nice!
6cb611 No.70654
0d194d No.70655
Consider making the hashtag say what it is, even if less catchy.
>Consider making the hashtag say what it is, even if less catchy.
Consider making the hashtag say what it is, even if less catchy.
>Consider making the hashtag say what it is, even if less catchy.
Such as, #TraitorSchiff
b56fe2 No.70656
BY: Charles Fain Lehman
May 28, 2017 11:45 am
Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said that leaks from the Trump administration to the press remain an "issue" and a "problem" which could pose a threat to U.S. government sourcing.
hypocrite schiff
f18138 No.70657
Where there's a bomb there are FIREWORKS.
6ddb10 No.70659
Nigga literally has pedophile eyes!
738c71 No.70660
That’s when you know someone is pissed. And rightfully so
e7deb2 No.70661
I'm not a fan of Mondays but, now I can't wait!
7d1a80 No.70662
Begin from the assumption that Q is only going to plainly reveal something like this after they've already done the homework and are ready to put on a show. That's the only assumption under which any of us would be here so let's go with it. Q said enjoy the show. Exactly what I'm gonna do.
3241af No.70663
ok. just now on nbc news announcement that Megyn Kelly will have multiple women who are Trump accusers on her show Monday at 9 AM. Then later tomorrow a larger group of female accusers are going to be gathering together (but anchor nevers says where/when/what, etc)
b97979 No.70664
James Woods for CEO Trump Studios
603b36 No.70665
7.8 mill exact costs of Russian investigation
c9b614 No.70667
>Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.
Not $7.8m ?
Why the extra 'm' ?
75f328 No.70668
This Kid knew about #SchiffForBrains 10 hours ago.
000000 No.70669
Doubt that the anons are unaware of this, but there is a search function on twitter, whereas you can type keywords to search within any tweet from or to anyone. It has been helpful to find out things like "UFO sighting" and it will return (starting with the most recent) matches.
This returned reports of the military operation last night. And has been useful in the past. The MSM is not going to report, but the people who tweet do the talking and if you know about this you can search out whatever they tweeted using keywords for the occasion…
I assume MOST of you know this already, but the normies may need help researching things as they break.
4c1c2d No.70670
Guess not. Go to bed. Brush your teeth first junior.
b3204c No.70671
i like the #TraitorSchiff one tbh
ebf8cd No.70672
7d1a80 No.70673
Nikki Haley also just out with something on this
6ddb10 No.70674
4:50am or pm, I think…
3241af No.70675
kind of ironic, no? a comment about SCHIFF by a guy named Lehman.
782c1d No.70676
mm has bee used before, it just means millions
dd91d2 No.70677
I think this is bigger than just simply leaking to the media. Perhaps a foreign power? Q sounded extremely agitated by him and directly called him a traitor.
Watch the MSM and false flags. Fires?
e0a6a7 No.70678
$7.8 million per month?
9c2830 No.70679
and these fireworks appear to be the opening salvo of artillery prep for a major offensive.
85618f No.70680
324b60 No.70681
The barium meals that entrapped the leaker was the "Bomb away"
2f2a16 No.70683
Oh, of COURSE. Of course.
Eve Schiff runs the Sunlight Foundation for the Rockefellers.
She's a member of a PTA in Maryland. So I guess they're raising their kids in Maryland.
So they don't really live in their California district.
From a Zero Hedge article's comments:
Adam and Eve Schiff are a husband and wife.
Eve runs the 'Sunlight Foundation' for the Rockefeller Family Fund (one of only ten funds).
The wealth of the Rockefeller's is est. at about $3 Trillion US $$$ A!
That's no typo folks (if anything its a lowball figure), and its run by the Kaiser Family.
Her husband 'adam (of eve)' is like all Rockefeller tools on the intelligence cmte.
Note: You'll always find these well connected stool pigeons on defense or the appropriations cmte.
"Like all Rockefeller tools on the intelligence committee" – oh ya'll, there are MORE of them. I predict this will get very juicy, very fast.
Bring on the show, Q.
782c1d No.70684
Remember we were also said to reach "1.2mm"
30852e No.70685
RIP to brothers. GBNF 81 / 2
You will be avenged. PP / 2F / IC / PT
dd91d2 No.70686
If so, death penalty.
cb380b No.70687
e0a6a7 No.70688
Yeah that also works.
1.2million people per month.
947c5e No.70689
05eb9b No.70690
Anybody know the best brand of POPCORN ?
cb380b No.70691
It was reported yesterday.
4c1c2d No.70692
Groper liars are supposed to run their cunts at 10:30 tomorrow.
Handcuffs on Schiff at 10:45 will drown out the false accusation bitches.
2f2a16 No.70693
"Adam Schiff: A Warmongering McCarthyite Hellbent on Destroying Trump's Presidency"
782c1d No.70694
That's for confirming that you're batshit insane.
b5a51e No.70695
Dude you can't make up a new number of days in a year. It's how fast the Earth rotates around the sun, I don't think you can change that.
e0a6a7 No.70696
Was hopin today's Q drop would be about last night's planes
324b60 No.70697
603b36 No.70698
Love it! Thank you Q! I am awoke!
b97979 No.70699
Always always always follow the wives/handlers/strap-on giver
9889bf No.70700
more plane crashes today
6ddb10 No.70701
07e6d5 No.70702
Bravo DT450-1
Could also be Bravo [D]onald[T]rump450-1 (450-1=45=45th President - Bravo may mean 'Well Done')
So - Bravo Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.
73fa63 No.70703
Right. He got a good inkling from Breitbart.
dd91d2 No.70705
Really? What twatter is it hitting most?
1c71d5 No.70706
The madman is going full timecube! You never go full timecube!
8bf5c6 No.70707
41ee3f No.70708
from some website (don't know if same person - or if it's accurate):
About Eve Sanderson Schiff
Potomac, MD
Birthday: 12/12/1962
Income: $250K+
Current Net Worth: Greater than $499,999
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern American
Relationship: Married
Religion: Jewish
07e6d5 No.70709
Could also be Bravo [D]onald[T]rump450-1 (450-1=45=45th President - Bravo may mean 'Well Done')
So - Well done Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.
b3204c No.70712
> Rangers Lead the Way
56f0de No.70713
*8500 Indictments*
cb380b No.70714
5e4306 No.70715
$7.8m is how much the House Benghazi Committee investigations cost over a 2.5 year period
603b36 No.70717
6ddb10 No.70719
How many plane crashes has there been in the last few days now?! Someone getting rid of witnesses, perhaps?
f18138 No.70720
30852e No.70721
Indeed sir. Lead the way. Oo Rah.
b5a51e No.70722
Best I can do is 360, plus 5.25 days of celebration.
dd91d2 No.70723
#SchiffForBrains best twatter name. Spread it!
283395 No.70725
I made one too, still want sauce
e0a6a7 No.70726
Can't you read the screencap?
The sauce is… himself……..
41ee3f No.70727
"After graduating in 1985, he clerked for federal Judge Matthew Byrne, a Los Angeles native who presided over the trial involving Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. Later, Schiff spent six years as an assistant U.S. Attorney in L.A. During that time, he met his wife, Eve Sanderson Schiff — yes, they’re Adam and Eve — and prosecuted Richard Miller, the FBI agent convicted of espionage."
7eaa4e No.70729
Could refer to removing 1 pretend POTUS (Onigger) who's been shadowing President Trump.
05eb9b No.70730
Kid….as in goat….cvlt children ?
Should be be on the Lookout for more Kids ?
ef874c No.70731
c30f4d No.70734
A little off topic but I was wondering if someone here could help explain this to me…
The French nuclear safety regulator IRSN first detected the radioactive element ruthenium 106 in the air in late September, tracing its origins to the Ural Mountains in the border region between Russia and Kazakhstan.
An increase in the radioactive Iodine-131 was first detected over the Russia-Norway border in January, but that spike has since made its way across Europe.
The increase was then noticed in Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain but authorities decided to keep the information private as they believed it “had no news value”, according to the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA).
000000 No.70735
Adam & Eve
That is some biblical SCHIFF
(see what I did there)
Meme that!
738c71 No.70736
Damn, you’re getting info others aren’t. Just be thankful. This isn’t our agenda or on our timeline.
87084b No.70738
8bf5c6 No.70739
07e6d5 No.70740
Its Huuuuuge!!! with an H fer crissake.
9889bf No.70741
that or a really shitty time to fly.
rough winds? bad weather?
e4ddde No.70742
I like it, but why not use Q's words.
e0a6a7 No.70743
One can be disappointed and grateful at the same time
30852e No.70744
That's not BS is it?? :) Either way brother. Rangers lead the way. <3
782c1d No.70745
Schiff is also up to his creepy eyeballs in the Ukraine coup.
b56fe2 No.70746
Because that anon did not make that gif. Come clean anon.
b5a51e No.70747
Never been so excited for a false flag.
6ddb10 No.70749
Thanks Anon! That's counter intelligence 101 right there, they really are stupid, just like Q said!!! HAHAHA
2f2a16 No.70750
The more I read about him, the more I hate Schiff.
With extreme prejudice, Q. Extreme prejudice.
9889bf No.70751
dang 400+ posts in an hour.
we're really pumped…..schiffly pumped.
15864f No.70753
166e4b No.70754
782c1d No.70755
You could probably just find out what his net worth is and call it all the proceeds of treason.
087528 No.70756
4c1c2d No.70757
Yep. Timing is right.
85618f No.70758
They're so desperate they're trotting out the liars who accused POTUS.
136696 No.70759
It gives me a SHIFFY just thinking of the Justice we are working for!!!
5e4306 No.70760
33ea9d No.70761
5947d5 No.70762
#SchiffForBrains has seen some action, looks like you can reach people with that one
@RepAdadmSchiff is his twitter handle
85618f No.70763
e02ff5 No.70765
5e4306 No.70766
LOL I knoooowww, I'm tryna get everyone to calm down.
b3204c No.70767
do we have sauce on any of them?
9889bf No.70768
check plane crash thread
b7b60b No.70769
All those charities are perfect vehicles for money laundering.
56eb6a No.70771
e0a6a7 No.70772
til it takes more than an hour for the world's elite autists to come up with a schiff # I can get behind. I know, I'm part of the problem. Maybe I should get a headstart on the upcoming pelosi #
d6cc90 No.70773
everyone take 2 seconds and search for #adamschiff in twitter search. run threw and re tweet everyone's tweets! lets light this fire, so they can see it from space!
3d09e2 No.70774
66f6a9 No.70775
walking boot or straight up perp walk?
782c1d No.70776
They baited POTUS into approving that op when they'd already compromised it. Absolute scum.
947c5e No.70777
See the citation in my post? Its a great example however
30852e No.70778
[Rangers] we have your back. Anything you need.
57 65 20 68 61 76 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 61 63 6b 20 61 73 20 61 6c 77 61 79 73 2e 20 44 6f 6e 27 74 20 62 65 20 65 76 69 6c 2c 20 75 6e 6c 65 73 73 20 79 6f 75 20 6d 75 73 74 2e 20 3a 29
2f2a16 No.70779
Important point to be aware of – Schiff was one of the many who were wired directly with the traitorous Awan brothers! Must have been handy, to get all that data expedited quickly!!
Damn these guys to hell. Somebody want to help me build a gallows?
"“Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned."
“Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues, information and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.”
06b0cc No.70780
I'll take Treasonous Bitch for 7.8 million Bob…
5e4306 No.70781
e5953b No.70782
Still waiting for this to show up!
e5953b No.70784
There's plenty of them at a FEMA camp in AZ.
b3204c No.70785
4540cd No.70786
Went to work out a few hours ago with the intention of not checking this thread as often. Come back and see the last two Q posts - there is HIGH energy in here now. This thread is like crack.
087528 No.70788
Quote some txt from it .. that'll get some attention
It cost $7.8m .. erm .. I see a link
738c71 No.70789
Would make sense with $7.8 mm connection
8bf5c6 No.70790
Has pic of a plane on it in the catalog.
dd91d2 No.70791
Its spreading!
https://mobile.twitter. com/Nascar4rocks
9cdbc9 No.70792
Just say the latest Q. Huge news on Schiff.
Schiff would have had plenty of access to very high level national security intel.
This from the LA Times:
U.S. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), an influential congressman who is well-respected for his national security chops, will give brief remarks Wednesday evening.
Schiff, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has spent more than a decade building his expertise in foreign affairs. His post is a rare position of power for someone of the minority party, made possible by the panel's tradition of bipartisanship.
Before being appointed to the committee in 2015, Schiff served on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Select Intelligence Oversight Panel on the Appropriations Committee.
Schiff was also one of the top Democrats on the House committee investigating the 2012 attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, and used the position to decry the investigation as political maneuvering.
54b245 No.70794
dd91d2 No.70797
Yes. Search #SciffForBrains and do same. I am starting to see memes come up.
Fuck the MSM!
e0a6a7 No.70798
This post is my spirit animal
56eb6a No.70800
How does this relate to Schiff whatsoever?>>70781
6ddb10 No.70801
At least Arnold had some reasons you could sympathize with, these other assholes are nothing but slime.
1c71d5 No.70802
0f9a95 No.70803
Sunlight Foundation
https://sunlightfoundation. com/about/funding/
Rockefeller Family Fund
2006 - 1900000
2007 - 1000000
2008 - 500000
2009 - 1750000
2010 - 1000000
2011 - 1500000
2012 - 500000
2013 - 500000
2014 - 500000
>Total 7750000
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
2011 - 2015 40000/year
>Total 200000
dd91d2 No.70804
Someome troll Comey on his Twatter with the #Schiff memes. Troll the biggest trollfag out there
66f6a9 No.70805
#QAnon is loaded with memes too
MQNDAY is coming
df01c2 No.70806
do one that says
I have 7.8 million reasons to be Schifft-scared of Trump
782c1d No.70807
Why would Schiff personally receive the cost of the Benghazi hearings? GET THAT DUMB SHIT OUT OF HERE.
7fdb64 No.70808
house intelligence commitee
2f2a16 No.70809
>>>70683 (You)
>All those charities are perfect vehicles for money laundering.
Especially when your traitor co-conspirators are in the White House and have weaponized the IRS, so the tax laws are blithely IGNORED – the existing laws for charities are insanely strict, much more so than they are for for-profit corporations! Huge fines, back taxes, penalties, interest, and jail time!!
8bf5c6 No.70810
Confirmed or just type Schiff in the search.
Like wild fire. People are PISSED!
ccdcff No.70811
American Revolutionary history lover here. Arnold was a war hero and valiant and did cool stuff like turning Saratoga into a victory and helped capture a British outpost with the Green Mountain boys.
He defected because Congress kept dicking him over.
Because he was such a hero is why his turn was so demoralizing.
This adam schiff is a cowardly shit that doesnt hold a candle to Benadict Arnold. He is a shifty jew just like wormtounge from Lord of the Rings the two towers or that shit Alfrid from laketown in the hobbit movie.
000000 No.70812
This. He caused a waste of 7.8 million, meaning he made sure Benghazi investigation went nowhere.
603b36 No.70813
Spreading on FB as well lol
000000 No.70814
>Eve Schiff runs the Sunlight Foundation for the Rockefellers.
THERE is a dose of upcoming DARKNESS…
ef874c No.70815
Come on people, get #SHEKELSCHIFF going to freak the kikes out.
Two birds…One stone
4c1c2d No.70816
Don't hold your breath.
It's a larp.
dd91d2 No.70817
https://mobile.twitter.com /gal_deplorable
Great example of a meme twatter account working well.
d516d2 No.70818
Iranian arsonist in Schiff district wildfires is false flag news…..watch cnn lead and bury with it…
30852e No.70819
Fuck off shill. I know people far scarier than you. Clowns Don't Count. I'd kill you, and poop down your neck. I'll get you address. Don't worry.
dd91d2 No.70820
Tick tock from Q means more is coming. Everyday this week I hope!
6ddb10 No.70825
IDK, 7.8 isn't even a drop in the bucket when it comes to government spending, 7.8million to Schiff personally is an entirely different matter, and seems more likely. Plenty of ways to hide it off shore too.
d6cc90 No.70827
its happening guys! keep pushing we are coming up and fast!!
ed1a60 No.70828
False Flags, look over here
e6d1fc No.70829
April LaJuene is saying 9000 indictments
Don't know how credible
b5a51e No.70830
He said we should change the year to 369 days.
feee0c No.70831
He was getting dicked over, but just monetarily. Notice no other patriots felt the need to TUCK TAIL AND TURN COAT.
a48494 No.70832
Schiff -> 7.8M -> Lawyers -> Schiff Favors/Payouts
000000 No.70834
5e4306 No.70835
tick tock is also Hannity's favourite phrase. o_O
9889bf No.70836
*turns on fox news*
a48494 No.70837
cb380b No.70838
Disinfo is necessary
8fba08 No.70839
she has proven that shes not credible unless she shows sources. she pushed that phony langley story.
60a6a5 No.70841
Up Schiff creek without a country…
1c71d5 No.70842
end game of the oppression olympics
something has to give
eba15d No.70844
30852e No.70845
324b60 No.70846
Rep Swalwell is the other suspected barium meal leaker.
000000 No.70847
Is NYT any better?
>But the lack of any clear finding of professional >misconduct or dereliction of duty was certain to >fuel further criticism of the length of the >investigation — more than two years — and the >expense, estimated at more than $7 million.
603b36 No.70849
Don’t know why, but my gut is telling me not to trust this…..
5e4306 No.70851
it means he wasted $7.8m on a sham of an investigation.
I'm thinking if Q is mentioning it, then they've got the proof Schiff was covering up Benghazi.
4c1c2d No.70852
The Twelve Days Of Quistmas.
05f754 No.70853
That low life SOB murdered 200 horses and that was just at one racetrack. Think about all the innocent wildlife souls that were taken we will never know about. Someone give me a gun, I'll shoot him myself!
07e6d5 No.70854
738c71 No.70856
5e4306 No.70858
YUP. I think they've got the proof he covered up the truth on the benghazi attacks.
I could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me.
ebf8cd No.70861
To start with the title of the damn article is weird. women are battered not girls.
66f6a9 No.70864
8bf5c6 No.70865
dd91d2 No.70866
Twatter is already blocking memes as "sensitive content"!
Twatter is also putting MSM and left-wing schiff twats up high in the searches, burying Q memes.
The MSM has already started putting out false news and flags. Slate suddenly twatted after Q's post about all the great thing Schiff is going to tell on Trump, completely ignoring the counterintelligence sting on Schiff
a48494 No.70867
>I'm thinking if Q is mentioning it, then they've got the proof Schiff was covering up Benghazi.
Or something completely unrelated to Benghazi altogether. Just leaking classified data to the media is illegal.
73fa63 No.70868
12 Days of Christmas begins on 25 DEC.
000000 No.70869
How about "Im a SCHIFFT FACE Leaker"
54b245 No.70870
Repost that pic? 404'd. I'm interested
06b0cc No.70871
At this point, what Schifference does it make?
dd91d2 No.70873
Somebody posted that on here too.
Need to see Pacer.gov. Dont have an account
d19e98 No.70874
5e4306 No.70875
Google Adam Schiff $7.8 million
there's loads of articles to choose from that say the same thing
087528 No.70876
HRC is going to feel the blowback from this
f30e4f No.70877
SERIOUS. His head almost exploded.
3de1db No.70878
I like Sciffstain …
06b0cc No.70879
6ddb10 No.70880
I guess that seems more likely, could he have also leaked info in regards to that?
8bf5c6 No.70881
3de1db No.70882
One more time. Correct spelling this time…
a19f59 No.70883
People are getting all messed up about this. Are you on Pacific Time where you're seeing the board and getting this screen shot? It would reflect the time where YOU are seeing the post. Q was on EST, clearly. 1:34 EST = 10:34 PDT (and whoever captured this screen shot had to have been in PDT).
Doesn't matter now. Q has tonight cleared up what's been going on.
0f9a95 No.70884
see >>70803 for how much Rockefellers have donated to Sunlight
000000 No.70885
d3085e No.70888
You guys seem to think the Vatican recently fell to the cabal. It started well before the fall of the Roman Empire. The CC will not turn into good guys, it's not in the cards. Be ware of how things look. The Pope has most of the Gold, the biggest, oldest library, biggest telescope, the most followers (who have no clue). I'm not the Bible thumper I should be, and this isn't the right thread, but the Vatican is no less in this than all the Roths combined.
If Trump has been sent by God, and Revelations has no truth in it, then maybe. Just does not seem likely to me.
If you want to think changing the Lords Prayer is some kind of covert communication w/ Trump, it would be much more likely that the Pope declined his offer.
It never ceases to amaze me, how many people are blind to how UN-Godly the Vatican is.
54b245 No.70890
f30e4f No.70891
5e4306 No.70892
All corrupt roads lead back to hillary
453670 No.70893
So cool, I want one!
For such a time as this.
God bless Q!
e298ad No.70895
>At this point, what Schifference does it make?
d3085e No.70896
ad8200 No.70897
The force is strong on social media.
a48494 No.70898
On the 12th day of christmas my Q anon gave to me
…6 gorillion indictments
ebf8cd No.70900
hahaha need one getting 'schiff"ed in the prison
9889bf No.70901
5 golden stiiiingggsss
6ddb10 No.70902
I have to point out though, Schiff wasn't the Chairman of that committee, just saying..
8bf5c6 No.70903
He may very well replace the word Shit in our vernacular. I'm almost forgetting how to spell Shit… No Bullschiff!
947c5e No.70904
b3204c No.70905
146 151 141 164 040 152 165 163 164 151 164 151 141 054 040 162 165 141 164 040 143 141 145 154 165 155
8bf5c6 No.70906
b56fe2 No.70907
54b245 No.70908
Can you put that '3 6 9' pic back up? I only saw the thumb of it before it 404'd
06b0cc No.70909
How about, "Errbody in the House Gettin Schiffy"
de0bc7 No.70911
Given that this revelation about Schaffer is already/will be known … would it not be more advantageous to focus on waking up normies to the false flag(s) coming? This is what catches their attention when it happens … take away their tool of false flags by showing normies it’s Dmitri g and who is doing it and why …may be a longer term action that helps us. False flag ( for example gun control) incoming in 3..2..1… certainly make it harder for them to pull it off withought bringing scrutiny if we flood with those warnings instead of the obvious
c93a4c No.70912
I never knew why her college classmates used to call her Hillary "ugly pants" Rodham. Now I know why.
9889bf No.70913
ok but Q didn't give an exact date. are we to assume tomorrow (Monday)?
738c71 No.70914
How about:
When you don’t realize the fires in District 38 were a distraction tactic… #LiarLiarSchiffOnFire
4a4af0 No.70915
He said the truth is 369 degrees instead of 360
947c5e No.70916
Symbolism of the interchanging colours?
8bf526 No.70917
So Q wont be posting again tonight?
9889bf No.70919
947c5e No.70922
b0f96e No.70923
I don't think they can ignore it when the news breaks.
I do worry about the lefty followers though. No matter how much corruption comes to light, will they ever wake up and realize they have been lied to? Many of us have I guess, so there is hope.
166e4b No.70924
ez transcript
schiff looks like the archetypal cocksucker with those little deer-in-the-headlight eyes
and all his stuff
and there's something about this fairy - hopping around, bossing everybody around, trying to intimidate people like me and you
i wanna tell congressman schiff - and all the rest of them
hey listen asshole, quit saying roger and i – and i've never used cussing in 22 years, but the gloves are off!
listen, you son of a bitch!
what the fuck's your problem?
you wanna sit here and say i'm a goddamn fuckin' russian?
you get in my face with that: i'll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch.
you piece of shit.
you fucking goddamn fucker.
a19f59 No.70925
EXACTLY! With strange military convoys spotted during the night last night all across the western United States. Military operation in advance of this Q drop. That was what was going on last night.
d3085e No.70926
6ddb10 No.70927
That actually was the style of the times, don't ask why…
e4ddde No.70928
6cfdc4 No.70931
b0f96e No.70933
Obama appointed HRC as SOS, so even higher
f42c76 No.70934
“Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.
“Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues, information and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.”
Those three intelligence panel members are Speier, Castro, and Carson. Now aren’t you reassured that our national security is in their capable hands?
These three were merely sideshows, however, because the head clown was undoubtedly the ranking Democrat on the committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California).
8bf5c6 No.70935
Schiff, Schiff, Schiff I'm a Jew.
a19f59 No.70937
947c5e No.70939
Spot the camel toe?
5e4306 No.70940
I know. How long has he been doing it tho?
About schiff being a leaker seems more current but so far all I've found is him being caught leaking the wikileaks / Don Jr email to CNN. That doesn't seem like a huge nat sec issue.
I'm still thinking how those 2 parts of Q's message are connected.
de0bc7 No.70941
I’ve learned to never make assumptions with Q …I’m just going to start building the memes …and when it hits … I’ll fire away.
738c71 No.70942
You never know. I vaguely remember someone saying Sunday the storm comes ashore…or something like that.
9889bf No.70943
My name is 70941 and I'm a recovering lefty.
6ddb10 No.70944
Or the break in a case.
8bf5c6 No.70945
324b60 No.70947
ooooooooh my sides anon
d3085e No.70948
Well, by the Grace of God, they were still up !
166e4b No.70949
you deserve to be heard then
a48494 No.70950
We need to meme Q back into existence.
9f315c No.70952
was it not proven to be an exercise yesterday?
e945ca No.70953
Excellent. Hard laugh.
07e6d5 No.70954
7c0b49 No.70955
Q has enough Schiff to deal with
a19f59 No.70956
fe4433 No.70957
c30f4d No.70958
The French nuclear safety regulator IRSN first detected the radioactive element ruthenium 106 in the air in late September, tracing its origins to the Ural Mountains in the border region between Russia and Kazakhstan.
An increase in the radioactive Iodine-131 was first detected over the Russia-Norway border in January, but that spike has since made its way across Europe.
The increase was then noticed in Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain but authorities decided to keep the information private as they believed it “had no news value”, according to the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA).
At the source of the leak, the quantity of ruthenium 106 released was "major", between 100 and 300 teraBecquerels, it said, adding that if an accident of this magnitude had happened in France it would have required the evacuation or sheltering of people in a radius of "a few kilometres around the accident site".
Possible answers:
The artificial explosion created near a known nuclear testing site in North Korea had “moved the Earth’s crust” and subsequent seismic activity showed the region’s underlying geology settling back down, experts said.
Last month, French and German radiation safety officials identified the southern Ural Mountain region, home of Mayak, as the likely source of a cloud of a radioactive isotope, ruthenium 106, that they detected wafting over Europe. The plant at Mayak reprocesses spent fuel and produces isotopes.
The research team—Virginie Sanial, Ken Buesseler, and Matthew Charette of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Seiya Nagao of Kanazawa University—hypothesize that high levels of radioactive cesium-137 released in 2011 were transported along the coast by ocean currents. Days and weeks after the accident, waves and tides brought the cesium in these highly contaminated waters onto the coast, where cesium became "stuck" to the surfaces of sand grains. Cesium-enriched sand resided on the beaches and in the brackish, slightly salty mixture of fresh water and salt water beneath the beaches.
Or It Could Be CERN
he European Organization for Nuclear Research (French: Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire), known as CERN (/ˈsɜːrn/; French pronunciation: [sɛʁn]; derived from the name Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. CERN is an official United Nations Observer.[3] Established in 1954, the organization is based in a northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border, (46°14′3″N 6°3′19″E) and has 22 member states.[4] Israel is the only non-European country granted full membership.[5]
728fb9 No.70960
Men's lives are at danger, right now. Not a joke.
Please pray. prev pic related
30852e No.70961
146 151 141 164 040 152 165 163 164 151 164 151 141 054 040 162 165 141 164 040 143 141 145 154 165 155
means nothing nigger. and not going to spend any time to figure it out nigger. Cause you a slider.
BO, please record this IP.
dd91d2 No.70962
Yes, go after Slate .com twatter account. They are already trying to spin it as Schiff knowing all these bad secrets about POTUS but failing to mention the real news.
Everyone, meme bomb them! Qs orders!
a19f59 No.70963
History hath shown that drills almost always go live.
8a459f No.70964
ATTENTION Anons…someone needs to investigate this.
Look at this post re: DT Jr
30852e No.70965
Hate it when the schiff hits.
b3204c No.70966
Our Father,
Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
a48494 No.70967
>I know. How long has he been doing it tho?
No clue anon. I've always hated Schiff anyways so its worth stirring the pot.
8bf5c6 No.70968
Schlate you Schay? 😆
9889bf No.70969
try shoving it up your ass
b3204c No.70970
We have your back as always. Don't be evil, unless you must. :)
8bf5c6 No.70971
Ya! Where the Schun don't Schine!
6ddb10 No.70972
Nah, wars never happen when you expect them, it's always a random day when things seem peaceful.
30852e No.70973
White Stripes… just a god song. Fuck this world.
b3204c No.70976
not my fault you a lazy nigger
d19e98 No.70977
more possible burial sites. i know it's hard to fathom so many deaths, but just think about how much space is needed for 50 corpses. now if we're trafficking 8000 haitians for example, think of how much space that would need.
603b36 No.70978
782c1d No.70979
We had a shill in here carrying on about love, hope, etc. with posts that looked remarkably similar. Creepy AF.
a48494 No.70980
>Q has enough Schiff to deal with
340297 No.70981
Get it trending on twatter #FLYADAMFLY
dd91d2 No.70982
Dude reading a Kindle. And love the Amazon box in the middle of the shit.
8bf5c6 No.70984
Aww Schucks! Lol GJ!
a19f59 No.70985
5e4306 No.70986
87084b No.70990
>ural mountains
6a8e8f No.70992
or as an alternate:
…when the new administration arrests you for treason.
or: when you realize the info you leaked to the media was false and planted as bait
f42c76 No.70993
Call the President and ask.
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
ebf8cd No.70994
praying for ya'll.
6ddb10 No.70995
I was thinking, could he be under protection from potential "fallout" from "The Storm"?
f18138 No.70996
This fucker needs a visit,NOW!
c30f4d No.70997
Fuck off nigger, if you don't think a magical cloud of radiation that was detected in both February and September, being two different types, is nothing, then you're an idiot
d62f28 No.70998
The false flag(s) could be referring to previous false flags - some have been discussing the BREAK being 9/11 and the DOD audit. Or Schiff and Benghazi. Just saying the false flag(s) May be something breaks that will cause fireworks.
728fb9 No.70999
good job
i have been doing a bunch of research on aerial sites as well, and have to ask… why do they go to the bother of burial? Why don't they have cremation figured out?
9889bf No.71000
tired of the liberal bullshit.
he'll be back.
309b86 No.71001
937888 No.71002
Is someone baking? Bread is moving fast.
b56fe2 No.71003
Nope. Too coincidental after Q's post
603b36 No.71004
324b60 No.71005
>means nothing nigger.
Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
d8cf8c No.71006
b22fb0 No.71007
We have a cure for that. Welcome.
f18138 No.71008
They got me on hold,lol
dd91d2 No.71009
Dont black out his info! Lets see it
5947d5 No.71010
Everyone is doing a great job ignoring the noise and making fantastic memes.
God Bless The Patriots
Saying a prayer for all of you
603b36 No.71011
Wow, you all have revived my brain! Things are coming back! Thought I lost my mind for a while! Had forgotten so much over 38 yrs!
75f328 No.71012
Help a new anon here. If the #SchiffForBrains is yesterday's news, is the $7.8mm the piece of data that makes Q's message so tasty?
9f315c No.71013
he must have been picked up already. weird if keeps tweeting though.
7d1a80 No.71014
the projection we would expect to see
9889bf No.71016
try putting it in a relevant thread or kys
24a3f1 No.71017
WOW, Amazon ships there! So what’s up?
166e4b No.71019
4 floored tendies
3 lost dems
2 podesta brothers
and a stinkin witch in a jail cell
c30f4d No.71021
There were two different times this year it was detected and it was two different types of radiation. The one from February was iodine-131 and the one in September was ruthenium-106. Both at very high levels.
c30f4d No.71022
9889bf No.71023
324b60 No.71024
He was back today and twatted that Gloria Allred came snivelling back asking him to settle the cases he filed. He told her "see you in court"
ebf8cd No.71026
Night anons - #thatschiffstinks
371fe8 No.71027
Heroes are risking their lives for you. Be thankful. If you're worried, pray that the good guys win.
f8b6e4 No.71028
Don't have one. Just a normal conversation that had to be completely redacted from public knowledge.
8bf5c6 No.71030
Schame Schiff Schafted Scho Many Scheeple.
Schame Schiff Different Day.
fe4220 No.71032
Earthquake on Hollywood?
- “The BREAK.”
- B I G
- Adam Schiff
- false flags
- California fires
- Q- “expect fireworks”
- Jerry Brown “expect to burn.”
- Eagles played in LA today #FlyEaglesFly #1 trending
- “some good people in harms way.”
- tons of forewarnings and predictive programming
30852e No.71034
Word. It might be some bullshit.. but I don't care. Fuck the shill niggers.
7c0b49 No.71035
I like the poops memes ;o
f18138 No.71037
On the first day of Christmas my Q gave to me,
One Saudi Prince, Two Podesta Brothers, and a Bitch named HIL~ LA ~RY !!
8bf5c6 No.71038
Haha! The Midadch Tousch
4594ee No.71039
Remember Remember the 4th of September YOU FOOL!!!
9889bf No.71040
get this schiff out my face
371fe8 No.71041
Get that fu**er. Death for traitors.
f8b6e4 No.71042
One thing I've never understood is why these people have access to the nation's secrets. What have they done to deserve this power?
166e4b No.71043
they stole elections fair and square
324b60 No.71044
You realize you just swallowed a barium meal
9889bf No.71045
not about why, it's about how.
the how is m00ney.
8bf5c6 No.71046
A damn schame
My name…
9889bf No.71047
My name is Schiff.
Full of, Schiff.
a48494 No.71048
0eed0b No.71050
d6ed4b No.71051
The Council of Europe’s Moneyval committee is expected to issue a progress report on the Vatican’s compliance with international norms to fight money-laundering and terror financing, particularly at its bank. A week before the Moneyval report, the Vatican abruptly fired the bank’s respected deputy manager, Giulio Mattietti, who had been instrumental in getting the Vatican its initial passing grade with Moneyval in 2012.
While Pope Francis is in Asia, there are more problems within the Holy See. The no. 3 representative of the Vatican bank was fired and escorted out the door on Monday afternoon.
His name is Giulio Mattietti, and he was the deputy director. Now, his name doesn't even appear on the official Ior website.
The reasons for Mattietti's sudden dismissal are still unknown, and the lack of explanation has raised suspicion.
According to several sources, the firing is due to possible administrative irregularities, which are being investigated to check for criminal ramifications.
In June, another high-ranking official at the financial transparency operation, auditor-general Libero Milone, was dismissed
b56fe2 No.71052
America got the #SchiffSchaft
b3204c No.71053
that was FBIAnon you fucking faggot
0d194d No.71054
Eternal problem with Congress.
However it is like they sign confidentiality agreements and can catch major shit if they break them.
They receive security clearance, and all the restrictions that entails.
9889bf No.71055
738c71 No.71056
Bloodlines + wealth over generations
a48494 No.71057
LOL thats some next level memeing anon. Well done!
f8b6e4 No.71058
Q proved FBIAnon was real. Q's posts are like if FBIAnon was able to go into precise detail without being treasonous.
8bf5c6 No.71059
Any word that starts with an S can be Schiffted.
Every S word i think of now i pronounsch with a shhhh sound.
a48494 No.71061
30852e No.71063
Stole it fair and square. You niggers are just plain niggers. Just admit it.
Lefties == hookers for the left.
We know that. Go Bang some kiddiles you sick rucks.
We know who you are.
f18138 No.71066
If it looks like Schiff and Smells like Schiff it must be Shit
4c1c2d No.71069
Those are pictures of property used for fill in development of other property.
Design of a subdivision takes fill to grade the property. They take fill (dirt) from other property that they are not yet ready to develop, for whatever reason. Fill is organized into mounds for easy access.
It's not a burial sight. It's land development.
9889bf No.71070
I couldn't give Adam if Schiff happens. As long as you flush it.
738c71 No.71071
Dear baby Jesus can we please leave the puns in this bread lol
5947d5 No.71073
When this thread is full migrate to:
>>71064 New Bake
>>71064 New Bake
>>71064 New Bake
9889bf No.71074
8bf5c6 No.71075
I think keeping the a in Adam is better than splitting the a from A damn.
b3204c No.71077
FBIAnon and Partner
> F
9889bf No.71078
9889bf No.71082
tfw he says he'll give you 7.8mil and chill
937888 No.71083
Get your hashtags out of your system here. Keep new bread fresh.
4c1c2d No.71084
A sheet with multiple redactions and Schiff's name on it.
What is the context and what is your point?
96b02f No.71087
e0a6a7 No.71089
7c0b49 No.71090
gross anon, i dont want to make a lewd meme of schiff with some schiff
8bf5c6 No.71091
Now we can say shit and not be vulgar. And when we want to be vulgar we can say Schiff.
9889bf No.71092
yeah that's too much schiff
b3204c No.71094
62bb43 No.71095
Have we all agreed that [R] is in reference to the Obamas and not the Rothschilds?
b22fb0 No.71097
Thisch isch schome of the funniest Schiff I've schene all night!
9889bf No.71098
long time, we're schiffin' now
8bf5c6 No.71101
The word shit can now be put in children's books. Hooray!
937888 No.71102
yes, [R] = Renegade
b56fe2 No.71103
9889bf No.71105
keep schiff away from children, for safety reasons.
b3204c No.71106
271acc No.71107
Remember how Schiff reacted to Nunes release of info to Trump Admin regarding FISA warrant…
Definite traitor
8bf5c6 No.71108
Jack and Jill went up the hill to get some shit and it'll be okay.
9889bf No.71109
>Define traitor
07e6d5 No.71111
Gives a new meaning to Shiffty eyed…..
07e6d5 No.71117
Adam Schiff is a Schiffty character, is he not??
9e6bb7 No.71118
738c71 No.71119
I was away during that discussion, today. I was still confused why the R in LDR was Rothschild but the Question who protects Hussein? Was Renegade…doesn’t make sense to me yet. And yes, I know Obama’s SS name was Renegade.
9889bf No.71123
ldr as in lynn de forrester rothschild
d9a729 No.71124
Schiff going down. Left-wing globalist bites the dust.
4594ee No.71126
Someone's not sleeping great tonight
Adios Adam
9889bf No.71128
plane crash thread pls
40 miles from red shield residence
5126d8 No.71130
you deserve a hug for that one!
got dam … I was tearful!
5947d5 No.71134
Migrate when reply count goes over 750
9f315c No.71139
US, SK and Japan has begun military exercise in Korean peninsula now.
9889bf No.71140
07e6d5 No.71143
It's in how the R is used, where it comes in the name and how it is written: [R] = Renegade, +++ = Rothschild, Rothschild has never been referred to as [R] at least I don't remember it that way. There has been [L]…[D]….[R] which is Lynn de Rothschild.
62bb43 No.71150
FBIanon was different because he was a high-level analyst. He is a patriot. But he had no knowledge of Q/MI/POTUS plan. He wanted to relay information but didnt know whether (((they))) could be taken down.
7d6681 No.71151
340297 No.71152
[R] +4??
Obama = [R]enegade
Michael = [R]enaissance
Malia = [R]adiance
Sasha = [R]osebud
9889bf No.71155
62bb43 No.71158
782c1d No.71160
I've thought that I've seen R implying Republican, R implying Rothschild and R implying Renegade.
9889bf No.71162
i don't think q has ever used R to mean republican.
62bb43 No.71164
Wouldnt Obummer know the definition of renegade? Or did he just think it was a cool codename with no meaning.
62bb43 No.71166
62bb43 No.71170
Only when he says hoe many D’s/R’s have announce they will not seek re-election
9889bf No.71174
true that one time
738c71 No.71175
That’s how stupid they think we are and how much they think they can get away with it
d9a729 No.71176
Lynn de Rothschild twats about the Pope and supportimg him today! How convenient.
She is also very obsessed with Carson Wentz of the Eagles. Funny, she didnt photochop his photo this time. Must have gotten the word from us on here.
It seems she sits around all day on twatter…odd for a "busy socialite saving the world" dont you think?
LDR is an evil globalist scumbag.
e28cdc No.71177
62bb43 No.71178
I see where Schiff stirred the pot today and i saw Q’s drops, but is there anything new regarding Schiff?
9889bf No.71182
it appears wentz has coloboma? that eye defect that elite love to drink blood from because of anti-aging properties?
9889bf No.71186