022b40 No.14277
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Posts of interest
!!!Latest Q!!! -> >>10925, >>12916, >>13092, >>13215, >>13282, 13601
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>12014
Reality of Booksigning today -> >>12408
Past Threads -> Archive
10. >>>/cbts/9957 -> https://archive.fo/gdiVg
11. >>>/cbts/10820 -> https://archive.fo/4yLDa
12. >>>/cbts/11654 -> https://archive.fo/jTXJd
13. >>>/cbts/12535 -> https://archive.fo/ja6ag
14. >>>/cbts/13366 -> coming soon
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s
Latest Q Map -> >>13657
All Q posts on 8ch so far -> >>13720
Original links do not cross post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find old Qs.
Q Trip Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
How to spot FAKE Trip Q -> >>1005
Other almond-activating tripfags' archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Q-Text -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )
WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/n2d6h8d9b2/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201711300830.pdf (updated regularly)
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Collection of ALL (1000s) of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/j41qm1d0
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
Please Use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
022b40 No.14278
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy' >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy' >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2
Q Posts, Screenshots, Etc: >>423
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, Opsec: >>629
/CBTS/ Catalog
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219
Trump & Company: >>1380
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++: >>672
The News List: https://pastbin.com/h8aUyMhA
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
022b40 No.14280
The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q's posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It's a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial "reinventing the wheel" i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.
As such, it's helpful to know what is needed and how to do it. The following guidelines will help us work together better, so we can go on to the questions that haven't been answered and accomplish the goals Q set forth:
1. answer the questions
2. build the bigger picture
3. break it back down
4. meme it for the public: educate & calm them
We were given this task by serious men, in a serious situation with very serious consequences for the entire world.
Let's apply our weaponized autism in an organized and efficient manner, accomplish the task we were given, make our POTUS & /ourguys/ jobs easier.
> You are the calm before and during the storm.
They are counting on us.
> short, to the point
> factual
> sourced, if at all possible
Some issues simply are not suited for a definitive source as the answers are inherently subjective. We can only do our best here.
< add extra rows
< change colors of cells or columns or rows
< use it as a personal "scratch pad" to work out your thinking
< argue with other anons
This or 4/pol/ is a place to argue & thrash it out, not on the sheet
< overwrite or delete other anons' answers
< leave your answers in the row or sheet comments
< involve meta-conspiracy theories
This is a real-life enormous conspiracy. The way Q has laid it out is perfect: it goes from point A to point hellish to point confident step by step. Each question builds upon the previous & itself is a meta-conspiracy if you look from 40,000ft view.
> text is best
> original source documents if possible
> articles from reputable sites (yes, I know, see below)
> maps, when appropriate
> images, where appropriate
> link to the text/ original document, & if possible, an archive link (archive.is, archive.fo, archive.org etc)
David Icke, Alex Jones, and that lot are not sources that will be believed by the normalfags. While they may be truthful, our sources need to be what an average Paul or Cindy can look up themselves without seeing it & closing it immediately and disregarding all the rest. No Shape-shifting reptilians, Pleiadians & the like. That may upset some but let's remember our mission: this is for the general public and it's going to be difficult enough for them.
< youtube videos
< random tweet links
are just not the best sources for this endeavor. They may be informative and truthful but not best suited for this medium.
Light blue cell in the number column
PDF anon went through and changed all Q's questions to statements in a narrative form. Those are included at the bottom row of many of Q's posts. The goal is to answer the questions and then present the answers in the column next to it to present a fuller picture.
Some posts have a summary, some don't. When you look at the spreadsheet, you will see why, up to a certain point: that is where pdfanon had stopped, AFAIK. That's something else that I will be working on.
On the far right column, confidence level can be input in the answer(s) given: low, mid, high. It's set up to change the color of the cell where the question number is. When the answer is complete and has high confidence, the row is locked, as no further answers are needed, and we can focus our energy and attention on those yet un-answered.
light yellow = low
med orange = mid
tomato soup = high
peach = un-answered questions, or those whose answers are not truly complete or definitive
Please focus on those, not the ones already answered.
Place your input in the column marked Extra Answers (Unlocked, Post Here):
> double-click the cell
> alt+enter to make a newline (carriage return)
> type/paste in your answer & sources
You can export the spreadsheet into excel (.xls) and pdf formats by clicking the little paper icon on the top left of the toolbar on the left. When exporting to pdf, be aware this is a very large document. You can put a header, footer, page numbers etc.
I encourage anons to make periodic backups for yourselves.
THANK YOU to all anons who have helped, contributed, supported & been patient in this effort. It wasn't my idea, but it seemed like a good plan so I volunteered - so did you, and it's appreciated very much.
48700b No.14299
Fresh tasty new BREAD
smells good, Baker!
022b40 No.14302
All Q posts on 4chan and 8ch so far compiled for your discretion.
f5142d No.14311
Thanks for baking, baker
d7846e No.14315
Bitter Pill = Hard to swallow
90d367 No.14316
Will reading the spreadsheet in full give me even a cursory understanding of WTF is happening here? It's incoherent as shit and following these threads with 100% of my time daily FOR WEEKS has not given me any sense that I understand what is happening here whatsoever.
Anybody else know that feel?
022b40 No.14317
My reward is all the dubs my Op's are getting.
7ed8ea No.14318
NK’s failed tests could be from scientist with conscience or paid by cia. If later, then BO admin was curtailing Kim for “not on my watch” narrative. 2016 was start of successes. U1-RU, $-Iran, U1, delivery sys to NK.
5f0100 No.14320
Welcome to CBTS. It's not easy. Make your own mind maps. Always go back to Q's originals. You still have a better view than 99.999% of people out there.
b15f12 No.14327
>You still have a better view than 99.999% of people out there
THIS. This is our job. Learn, understand, meme it to the sleeping masses in tolerable doses. Keep it simple, keep it straightforward. Teach them to ask questions and learn as Q has taught us.
022b40 No.14328
To be honest I think we need a greentext tl;dr that can be posted in the OP.
But i don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to construct one. I wouldn't even know where to start.
Is anyone here willing to take on the task?
Keep it as short, but as full of info as possible.
This is a request.
Someone please take on the mantle of greentexting our journey with Q.
e853f0 No.14330
>Anybody else know that feel?
Yes. The questions were more than enough to get his point across while making it easy for people to research into each topic. Now its incoherent bullshit bordering into a larp.
d7846e No.14334
BO is Kim's handler
its a bitter pill for democrats to swallow they would never believe. he is their messiah he walks on water as far as they are concerned
5f0100 No.14336
Excellent idea. I'll do one later.
90d367 No.14340
Start with the French Revolution and work your way up to present, it's the only way to make sense of it all
b5c0d3 No.14342
>Define proxy war:
>Define proxy war:
>Define proxy war:
" WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." Major General Smedley Butler called them out in 1935. Marines worship him, for good reason. Read this, it lays it out.
If Q is not a Marine or former Marine, he's certainly been exposed to this.
This anon gets it. They were proxy wars to enrich the financiers of both sides, the jews.
00784e No.14344
What if "Define proxy war" was meant to be a message to us to start memeing heavily?
We know he said that phrase 3 times, what would be the 3 fronts to start redpilling?
Start redpilling social media about the pedo connections.
Public should be able to handle it now that they have been heavily hit with the sexual allegations going on literally every where.
d7846e No.14345
they bet on both sides and always win
337234 No.14347
Side conversation has anyone here looked in to the fack that Jullian Assange was raised by a cult that was given carte blance to operate in Australia i.e. had backing from a high level?
Most people have 0 clue what this phrase means I 100% agree this is meme territory. Whats the best example of a proxy war that would get the normies riled? Some examples of the white helmets activity in Syria proxy? The truth about Libya petro dollar proxy war of sorts? Vietnam? not sure where to begin or if some of these could be defined as explicitly proxies
5f0100 No.14348
Heh - I was thinking back only as far as Oct 31
bada29 No.14351
Jesus born in Lebanon not Judea.
Jesus born in Lebanon not Judea.
Mary was Lebanese woman born and raised in Qana.
Mary was Lebanese woman born n raised in Qana.
Jews lie, cheat, steal.
Jews lie, cheat, steal.
022b40 No.14352
i think so too.
also, trips checked
we shall always be thankful to you.
okay, how about we start on it?
this thread is big enough to have a few posts trying to construct a big picture.
revelations per day is good as well, but it will be soooo long.
what >>14340 is asking for is a tl;dr of all the bad actors' bad actions including the all big events in the last few hundred years.
1f8af4 No.14353
It seems like Q is telling us the Iran deal was a money funnel to pay NK to hold out on actually doing anything with their nukes until an enemy of the cabal is in power..which is now
337234 No.14354
The stage is being set for 9/11 v 2.0 with a mini nuke on US soil. It wont be an ICBM these are just the fireworks to set the scene and raise public awareness for the capacity of NK.
022b40 No.14355
it was basically hussein saying to kim, "hey, don't tarnish my legacy by connecting ww3 to my name."
90d367 No.14356
what purpose does this serve?
5f0100 No.14357
It makes my blood run cold that the good guys are actively preventing, as in RIGHT NOW, a suitcase nuke false flag attack on the US.
022b40 No.14358
>9/11 v 2.0 with a mini nuke on US soil
UN building in NY.
cap this.
if anything 9/11 tier happens in the US in the near future it's going to be the UN building.
193759 No.14360
You guys need to stop with this - the Jews - shit. Why not the Americans? Oh the Jews made them do it. C’mon this is about good vs evil and has nothing to do with religion - just the opposite - this all started in Egypt and knowledge got obscured and hidden by the abrahamic religions in order for a few to control the masses. Calling people names or blaming a religion is what they want and you are then part of the problem.
I’m jewish and I’m here just like you because all I want is a meditative spiritual life and all of these criminals (including many in Israel and many of the evil families who happen to be Jewish) to go to jail.
ea0b76 No.14361
Well, we know who the enemies REALLY are.. I don't wanna say any names, but it starts with "Rothschilds"
8a341d No.14362
To get America to go to war with China/Russia as the "funders of terror".
1f8af4 No.14363
Fugg I hope not I live in NY :/
This..for 12 years I've been saying…
c5e561 No.14364
Listen what Lt.Col. Potter has to say…
6a1f80 No.14365
Why does BO travel ahead and behind Trump?
Didn’t Q insinuate previously on cuckchan, BO isn’t a bad guy and is helping Trump?
As bad as I hate that fuck BO! Am I remembering that correct?
d65c5b No.14366
>>14272 The grail is a cup or a vessel which holds the blood as in a baby, which can be male or female. Either way they come from a womb. That's all I was implying.
d7846e No.14367
It could be one of our allys thats gets nuked then it would cause proxy war
1f8af4 No.14368
If I remember right it was implied that BO hates HRC more than he hates GEOTUS….may not have been from Q though
8a341d No.14369
>Didn’t Q insinuate previously on cuckchan, BO isn’t a bad guy and is helping Trump?
BO was brought up CIA operatives.
It is not at all a stretch to consider that CIA has a hold over him through his family. And I'm not talking about training.
b5c0d3 No.14370
>Define proxy war
We are waging this meme war on behalf of Q. We are proxy's. Which brings us to:
Who are the deep state proxy's for?
I think it always comes back to the same cabal of international bankers and the military industrial complex.
>what would be the 3 fronts to start redpilling?
1. Expose the Federal Reserve racket, particularly the CFPB.
2. Redpill normies on the sexual/satanic deviancy of the "proxy's doing the bidding of the Int'l bankers and MIC.
3. Expose the "war economy" we've been in for the last hundreds of years as a machination of the int'l bankers. Again, mostly of what tribe?
d7846e No.14371
also there have been terrorist warnings for europe right now London changed the gaurd
337234 No.14372
In the run up to 9/11 there was a period of relative peace internationally. EU was condensing the old block and reaching out to new countries. Trade was booming etc. Then 9/11 with CNN / BBC etc. etc. finger pointing on the very same day that it was the Taliban / OBL. Lets face it Bush jr. was no mastermind and probably had as much to do with the planning an execution as the kids he was reading my pet goat too.
>They fucking hate peace
Now we have a pres that talks peace, is making moves to reduce the level of international conflict. Trade is booming …..
> How to force a presidents hand? What do if MSM is losing its grip on the population and over time and is becoming less and less effective at controlling the narrative. Do you act sooner or later?
90d367 No.14373
What purpose does this serve? Depopulation? Who is pulling these strings and do they want to inhabit a nuclear wasteland Earth?
022b40 No.14376
>what purpose does this serve?
a pubic face to face with 9/11 v2.0 will clamor to the capitol demanding USA do a Hiroshima to Pyongyang.
and that will get the ww3 ball going.
many jews are minions of the real fuckers behind it all.
Rothschilds are crypto jews.
normie jew like you ain't no one's enemy, mate. it's just people just want an easier to word to slide of their tongues.
probably not that effective.
UN building is symbolic as the old world order.
pulling that serves several purposes.
b5c0d3 No.14377
>Start with the French Revolution and work your way up to present, it's the only way to make sense of it all.
2821a9 No.14378
He doesn't have evil eyes tho. I think he's on our side, making up for past wrongs which he may not have had the opportunity to fix. Maybe this is all happening now for a reason. All of the dominoes needed to be in place, one false move could have cause MAJOR repercussions for thousands maybe millions of people depending on who got pissed off. I'm not pointing the blame finger just yet. I have a good feeling about BO. Maybe Q was calling him Hussein to hint at who was controlling him, not as an admission of guilt. Those guys are hanging upside down somewhere getting their toes tickled.
6a1f80 No.14379
What is a proxy 3x?
CIA —proxy of the cabal
NK —proxy of CIA ???
Iran—proxy of Russia
My previous thinking was that Iran was a proxy of Russia and NK was a proxy of China, being in cooperation with Russia in using NK to Test the US on the West coast while Iran tested the US in the east
337234 No.14381
Europe is now the gaza strip - shits gotten bad, real bad. Speaking about it is largely illegal, which is why you don't hear more. Many states have a total gag order on publications with negative connotations to migrants or muslims in general.
<Europe has fallen it is already too late
6216fd No.14382
Disagree that it starts there, they are a red shield for something older. Certainly an enemy though.
1f8af4 No.14383
Proxy War of Info = MSM Mockingbirds vs meme warfare specialists?
Cold Proxy War = typical "proxy" i.e. war on terror, soviet cold war, etc?
HOT Proxy War = The Storm, false flag invasion/attack from "NK" (pyramid/Y families) nuclear fallout, military tribunals?
2821a9 No.14384
Yes it's been discussed plenty but I think that could make him even more qualified to be doing what he is doing. He has witnessed things 99.99% of people never will. Cults aren't always life sentences. People get out.
c3dc64 No.14385
search on youtube for a 50 year recording that exposes all, that might give some insights about the bigger picture
00784e No.14386
I think it's the Book of Mary, which was not canonized, but it speaks of Mary, the mother of Christ, was also born of immaculate conception as well.
2821a9 No.14387
I hope Jesus comes back as a Jewish/African woman lololol. Best timeline ever. Don't ban me plz.
7ed8ea No.14388
Questions to ask- Why is Russia and China stockpiling gold? Why is Soros divesting his investments? What are they preparing for? Where are bubbles of BO re-election coming from? Why is he on other side of globe? Who else is OutConus?
Conspiracy answers: reset internet w/LHC. WWIII
Here’s a question: What do JFK, Reagan and Trump have in common?
If you believe the evil ones have so much power as to create WW III, Soros/Rothschild stories, or Clinton’s occult stories, it should be no stretch to think (((they))) know fallout on global markets from huge event. What would be huge? What happened to JFK? Imagine MSM narrative, liberals response if that happened now. Anyone remember market reaction 50 yrs ago? Back to my first question.
d7846e No.14389
he hates america and wants it torn down
337234 No.14390
I would agree with you largely, I dont think you can come to that level of power over short a relative short space of time without 'approval' - royals or similar will just hire a hit on you. This has never occurred. I think the people really in charge over the roths, we do not know their names and if they are outed and named we will have no idea who they are. A bad example here would be the Medici family - what ever happened to them?
I hope that you are right, back in the pizzagate days we traced funding and material support for WikiL & the Family to the open socities and Tavistock which was concerning but not definitive. I find it curious that Assange 'launched' WL with MSM support and the other founder, the guy who runs Cryptome ran a fucking mile away from Wikileaks at his first opportunity. He is not shy about voicing his concerns about the operation.
b15f12 No.14391
>they are a red shield for something older.
Older, darker, and formerly more powerful. The bringers of the light are winning.
ea0b76 No.14392
>Rothschilds are crypto jews.
>normie jew like you ain't no one's enemy, mate. it's just people just want an easier to word to slide of their tongues.
^^^ Exactly. I think most people know there's two types of "Jews" and it says so in the bible too.. there are Jews, and then there are people who will 'claim to be Jews' because ultimately Satan would love everyone to hate them.
But saying "fake Jews" every time just confuses people, so.. we just say "Jews"
Lol It's like when people say "white's are racist' and they're white. Obviously not talking about themselves! ;)
When people think of "Jews" in a bad sense, it's the greedy, money-grubbing, hand-wringing, satanic/anti-Christian asshole Jews. Not the faithful, spiritual, smart, decent Jews. Ugh. Hard to explain.
Maybe we need a word for 'Evil Jews' like Crypto Jews. But not everyone will use that term, out of pure laziness.
1f8af4 No.14394
00784e No.14396
That sounds pretty solid.
We have all the info for how the Fed. Reserve was founded, we just need to start getting memes together that will connect the dots for normies.
In order to do the satanic bit, we'll need to go with the religious tone to get normies used to that, then throw in the satanic stuff.
The sexual stuff would probably be the better rout though.
Most normies are already redpilled by the sexual assaults, we just need to work in the pedo rings now that can tie back into the current stuff on the MSMs.
War economy could be tied back into the founding of the Fed. Reserve I think.
c3dc64 No.14397
b5c0d3 No.14398
>> How to force a presidents hand? What do if MSM is losing its grip on the population and over time and is becoming less and less effective at controlling the narrative. Do you act sooner or later?
I believe Q and company are trying to foil the plot(s) being used to "force the President's hand".
7ed8ea No.14400
Who pays for bots? Who controls MSM? How many times does a lie have to be repeated to become truth? Antifa, YouTube, FB and Twitter, NN bots all focus on curtailing free speech. Is this phase 1 of a proxy war?
022b40 No.14402
kek, well, there you go.
but even the "zionists" are of 2 kind - one's who truly blindly believe that all jews are the best and the god's chosen people and should be defacto made royalty, and others - who know that they are just using the jews as scapegoats to serve their own ulterior motives.
wasn't the khazarian theory debunked?
or has info-overload has turned my brain into mush?
Q&Co. wants the normies to know the signs of the events that lead to "forcing the Pres' hands" so that they won't believe any happening being agenuine one and thus Pres would not have to force his hand.
00784e No.14404
There are theories that over population is causing alot of earth's problems as well.
And then there's those stones in Georgia that most believe are a message of the Rosicrucians.
8adea0 No.14405
When Michael met Barry O
"Even then, there was a lot of buzz about this 27-year-old prodigy from Harvard Law School. Sidley didn't usually hire first-year law students as summer associates, so Barack's arrival was noteworthy. Martha Minow, a law professor at Harvard, told her father, Newton Minow, a high-ranking partner at Sidley, that Barack was possibly the most gifted student that she had ever taught. Michelle, who'd graduated from Harvard Law herself in 1988, felt annoyed by all the chattering. Why were people surprised that a black man might be articulate and capable?"
who is Newton Minow apart from hiring BO for Sidley?
Former FCC chair
Minow said his greatest contribution was persuading Congress to pass legislation clearing the way for communications satellites. Also TV stuff and chaired Carnegie Corp.
Senior counsel in the Chicago headquartered law firm of Sidley Austin LLP
Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Singapore
Minow's early contact with Singapore and Singaporean officials was through his law work at Sidley Austin, which opened a Singapore office in 1982.
He sits on a shit ton of boards including Mayo Clinic. Way too maaany to menntion.
e853f0 No.14406
>Sidley Austin
>Sidley Austin LLP, formerly known as Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
>The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 personally affected the employees of Sidley Austin. Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith.
>Sidley Austin reopened its New York office on Monday, September 17, 2001 in the old Sidley & Austin office on Third Avenue which it had planned on closing on September 16. Instead, it leased four additional floors in that location, in a deal completed less than three hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Sidley Austin later opened its permanent new office in the Equitable Center building on Seventh Avenue in July 2002.
>According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Sidley Austin was one of the top law firms contributing to federal candidates during the 2012 election cycle, donating $1.45 million, 66% to Democrats (however, one of its former summer associates, Barack Obama), was running on the Democratic ticket).[26] By comparison, during that same period Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld donated $2.56 million, 66% to Democrats,[26] while oil conglomerate ExxonMobil donated $2.66 million, 88% to Republicans.[27] Since 1990, Sidley Austin has contributed $6.88 million to federal campaigns.
f4c0bd No.14407
See that’s my concern of behind the scenes. Market crash, or dollar collapse. Along with ww3
8a341d No.14408
A war with NK would give the MSM a way to argue for Trump's impeachment on the basis of "antagonizing". It's all about control.
b67d37 No.14409
I believe that PROXY WAR is going on now….we, "humans" on Earth, are fighting the war for the Light vs. the Dark. The more humans awaken from the 'darkness' the more Light we get and the more Light wins. Thoughts?
2de76e No.14410
is complicated for sure, but here is a non-racist explanation of the Israeli Deception, which ties it all together - Satan, the money changers, Rothschilds, false prophesy, evangelicalism, etc.
be0301 No.14411
HLR (first).
Civil rights attorney.
13th District - Sen.
DNC. < — Democrat National CONVENTION, where BO made his national intro
519c1b No.14413
I think the other founder of WL was probably just scared to death of getting popped after JA released the huge cache of cables. I know i would be scared if
1. i knew of the internal workings of CIA, FBI , HRC, etc
2. had access to a ton of intel they don't want out.
7ed8ea No.14414
A said it would get worse. If MSM is first weapon against Trump, what’s next? Sec. 702 expires 12/31. 3 letters are pushing hard for its renewal. Is Congress being (((encouraged))) to pass it?
Is Q&Co pushing back w/Hwood leaks, sexual harassment allegations? They’ve taken DNC funding arm away?
cdde31 No.14416
It's working. A boomer, normie school-teacher sent me the following this a.m:
"Have you seen the videos of Joe Biden being a child sexual predator? I'm wondering how true they are. Videos of him touching stroking and whispering in the ears of young girls. It's very creepy."
The conversation she commented on wasn't even regarding Creepy Uncle Joe….IT'S WORKING.
b67d37 No.14417
Q said "Revelations coming very very soon"….could he actually be talking about the Revelations in the Bible? Just throwing that out there!
b5c0d3 No.14418
>.we, "humans" on Earth, are fighting the war for the Light vs. the Dark.
Very likely. Did you notice how spiritual the discussions on half chan were becoming right before the shitstorm got us all banned?
It is certainly a component of our communal efforts for a lot of anon's working on this. I'm not terribly spiritual so I'm not the best judge of that, but you're right on in your thinking this is a battle of Good vs evil, or Light vs darkness. I have to say Q admonishing us to Pray is an indication that he/she is thinking along those lines too. There, you made me make your argument for you, good job!
8a341d No.14419
Yes, there is also the cult angle of them wanting to hijack The Apocalpse, specifically the stuff about 1 in every 3 humans dying. They've already had a go at the absolute money control aspect 666.
It's kind of ironic really, all their plans are laid out clearly for the world to see, but 99% don't listen because they are told that religon is whack by the time they've left school.
0d2603 No.14420
022b40 No.14421
6407e5 No.14422
anons, here's something to dig.
can we find any connection between this guy, the islamic mosque where he worked, and dopey prince waleed????
Rogue Twitter Employee Who Deleted Trump’s Account Was in U.S. on Immigrant Visa; Also Worked At Islamic Mosque
00784e No.14423
I'm a little confused on this one.
I thought the Mueller's investigation was on Russia's involvement on the election?
So why are the investigating a meeting that occurred after the election?
A quote from FoxNews:
MUELLER'S TEAM QUESTIONS KUSHNER: Senior White House aide - and President Trump's son-in-law - Jared Kushner - met this month with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, Fox News has confirmed … Investigators reportedly questioned Kushner about a meeting he had with an unnamed Russian ambassador and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the New York Times reported. The meeting reportedly took place in December 2016 during then-President-elect Trump’s transition into the White House. The revelation of Kushner’s meeting with Mueller investigators came days after it was reported that Flynn cut ties with Trump's legal team.
6acaab No.14424
>Will reading the spreadsheet in full give me even a cursory understanding of WTF is happening here?
Hopefully. You can see all his statements & questions in order. At the end of most of his posts there is a summary. The questions that have been answered will have answers to the right of the question/statement
# | question/statement | answer (short) | answer (more detail/additional info
Each post has the date & timestamp + ID and direct link if you want to look at it yourself.
Keep in mind there are a lot of them. Some of the answers haven't been moved over from the open column anons can type into to the "answer & extra answer" columns yet. I'm working on it. It's not "done" by any means, it's an ongoing project. But I hope it helps.
7ed8ea No.14425
Watch Aramco. If China stops IPO buy purchasing 5%, yuan, not US$ will be oil purchase currency. Maybe Soros is eying oil futures, forex, or just buying yuan.
b67d37 No.14426
Also, BO comes from Chicago…..which has the HIGHEST crime and killings in America. I don't think that is a coincidence either!
609ed1 No.14427
Zews! lol
I dunno. But I stopped saying 'niggers' because it offends people that happen to be black. I now use "Dindu's" since it's more specific to people who are just criminals and "Dindu Nuffin"
There's evil sides of any race or people. Or just people in general, regardless of race or color.
Jewels would be a good one, since it hints towards a penchant for luxury. But.. I doubt any of those would take off, unfortunately.
8adea0 No.14428
Not going to invoke the grand end game scenarios yet.
The purpose is probably dilution? Russia, China and Japan are still very ethnically cohesive and resistant to multicultural subversion.
Why the cultural mixing? Maybe the devil's sick twist of the Tower of Babel story - Where to prevent a single minded people from attempts to seize power, the people were thrown into confusion when mixed up.
7ed8ea No.14429
BO is a mouth piece. End game- US will need a voice of reason when chaos ensues.
87a03e No.14430
>These people are losers!
POTUS, is that you (this time)? Sounds like him.
2e3843 No.14431
Just catching up on last night. Apol's if this has been discussed.
Re Sidley Austin and their Obama et al connections, there's a strong possibility that they've been commissioned as defence lawyers for the cabal.
Is Q tasking us with uncovering the co's crimes in order to render their council useless in reality and in the eyes of the public? It's a thought.
d50c0d No.14432
The Sum of all Fears
>US steals its own uranium and gives to israel
>israel loses nuke
>rouge elements use nuke to try and instigate WW3 between US-Russia
>WW3 stopped when they eventually found the uranium signature was american not russian source
>US sells then exports its uranium eventually ending up in NK
>NK tests only nukes built with non-american uranium
>NK builds and keeps nukes built with american uranium
>[clowns] smuggle NK american uranium built nukes into russia/china and detonate
>nuke signature looks like its an american attack
>massive depopulation
>start of one-world government 'for our own species survival'
f4c0bd No.14434
I honestly think anything is possible at this point.
bbce20 No.14435
As much as I despise the guy, he is a good speaker and presents a unifying figure in the sense that everybody likes him, black or white.
Maybe he wants to redeem himself? He still has a long life ahead of him, annd his shit legacy being what it is, I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to atone.
b67d37 No.14437
I agree….O did everything in his power to help the Muslims, released terrorists, and gave Iran ability for nukes. He looks reptilian to me and I think is of the dark side. Something is not right about him….but what is it???
b15f12 No.14438
Pray to your God. Pray for the blessing of Light. Collectively bring the light and forever banish the darkness.
b5c0d3 No.14439
>Is Q tasking us with uncovering the co's crimes in order to render their council useless in reality and in the eyes of the public?
It's a damn good thought. "Happy Hunting". Indeed.
d65c5b No.14440
Amen to that. The confusion started with Babylon when the people dispersed with 70 languages and the pagan gods all got thousands of names just to cause chaos and confusion. The Catholic church is referred to as the Mother, a woman. The whore of Babylon is the Catholic church. Jesus never said anything about building a structure or demanding 10% of your income to fund it. Jesus said your body is the temple. Jesus said the only way is through him, the truth, the light, the word. The church is the beast.
6acaab No.14441
>wasn't the khazarian theory debunked?
>wasn't the khazarian theory debunked?
Koestler, just like Sitchin, on his deathbed admitted he made it up because the answer was positive for their eternal question
>is it good for the jews
A lot of people don't know that, just like ISIS was called ASET in Egypt. Some resist accepting those truths because it would screw up their theories on various things.
609ed1 No.14442
It does sound like POTUS! Lol! "These people are losers!"
So simple, yet awesome.
b67d37 No.14443
Add Islam to that….the False Prophet Mohamed…Islam is ingrained into the minds from birth and is pure evil- just look around the world! Obama=Islam=Evil
022b40 No.14444
only if Q were here to stamp this as perfect rendering
>Koestler, just like Sitchin, on his deathbed admitted he made it up
alright. accepted.
1bf973 No.14445
It does say that. There are legends of Virgin births and resurrections way before Jesus came along. It's in almost every culture. imho the virgin part refers to the heart/soul not sexuality.
6407e5 No.14446
>HLR (first)
i haven't seen much discussion of this
do we have a working theory on who HLR is?
6acaab No.14447
You absolutely have to look at the CONTEXT of Q's statements & questions. In that case, it was not a religious context. It was intimating that revelations about who is behind the bad actors and what they have been doing (including revelations about people in our governments etc.)
Taking a question or statement OUT of CONTEXT and looking at it through one's own mental filters or lens leads to answers which may be true on their own but are incorrect in that particular post, considering the topic he was discussing. That is why the graphic compilation map of Q's posts is so very vital, and why the spreadsheet was created - so you can see them in order and in context.
8a341d No.14448
In context it was something BO did.
72fd2f No.14449
Tasty bread, looks good
5cb8bc No.14450
whats weird is he is german and worked from germany. are german/eu laws beeing applied in the us? that was in q questions i think.
facebook also has 600 people deleting posts in germany. the work is done by arvato/bertelsmann
maybe its the same company doing it on twitter
e75608 No.14451
Dont forget the Lichtenstein family. they must be taken out too
c5682a No.14452
>OWO to establish NWO
>Bad SA farms BHO for role of POTUS
>Puppetmasters bunkers set
>9/11 kickoff
>Opium goldmine party cash
>BHO/DNC army 13
>Russia, consistently unreliable
>Iran cash & merch
>NK playground & stage; hostage
>Immigration benefits
>Worldwide distractions/NWO party time
>WWIII imminent
>Nov. 2016 whoops
>Oct 1 busted
>SA on board
>China on board
>Russia on board
>Swamp draining like a clogged sink
Where's Israel in all this?
6407e5 No.14453
SSanon nails it once again
8adea0 No.14454
Used to wondner myself. if you ever seen this docu called Defamation, where a Israeli guy exposes the ADL, he asks his granny about anti-semitism and why is it such a big deal outside Israel.
His granny goes something like this "We are real zionists! We don't want to replace a country or its people! Why aren't the jews complaining about anti semitism coming here? Are they waiting for the next Hitler?
Well they don't come here because Jews love monney, jews are crooks, they make money there without working. If they came here they would need to work to make money."
So Jewish patriots = Zionists who returned to Israel. Shylock Jews remain outside to make money without working (granny literally said monkey business)
Video of actual dialogue
2e3843 No.14455
28fa99 No.14456
Now that I think about it.. whoever's baking.
Maybe it would be good to put into the batter a good video that makes the distinction between the 'evil Jews' and the 'regular "true" jews'.
Just a thought, because I think it's a very important distinction for people to make when we get to the time when the Rothschild's and truth about Israel and Zionism comes out..
f4c0bd No.14457
I was thinking the same thing. Definitely sounds like him.
8a341d No.14458
Perhaps something at Harvard or Hawaii?
7ed8ea No.14459
Q string is about BO. HLR could simply be Harvard Law Review. Did BO publish everything while at Harvard?
8adea0 No.14460
Context wise, I think what is clear today from GEOTUS tweet is that China does not control NK and lacks the power to exert control.
6407e5 No.14461
>In context it was something BO did.
Q's context:
>Focus on Hussein.
>Revelations coming very very soon.
>HUMA - SA - Hussein.
>HLR (first).
>Civil rights attorney.
>13th District - Sen.
>Hussein v HRC v McCain.
>Why is this relevant?
>Follow the money pre-pres.
>Follow the connections pre-pres.
Q has frequently used initials to refer to people, not events
so this leads me to believe HLR is a person
in the context of the line of questioning
i am deducing that it was someone that helped BHO during the run-up to his first presidential bid
possibly a civil rights attorney
and major player in the DNC at that time
so that's where i'm going to start the dig
make sense?
any other thoughts?
022b40 No.14462
i agree.
we'll need text for it too though.
tl;dr of the video.
and if that video ties the normie jews to the real controllers, or at least someone very high up there, then even better.
b5c59b No.14463
They want to play God and destroy the earth b/c they worship Satan. The real reason priests can't marry is the same reason they are trying to be able to genetically engineer and grow a baby without a woman. They hate love.
Mithras was said to have been born from a “petra genetrix,” a fecund rock. Likewise when he wanted to have a son, he, according to Pseudo-Plutarch, “mounted a rock,” which “became pregnant” and “after the allotted time, it bore a child named Diorphus.”
He did it this way reportedly because he “hated the race of women.” The name Diorphos implies a connection with the “Orphic egg,” a.k.a. Phanes, a primordial egg from which the Olympic gods emerged. Phanes looks a lot like the way Mithras himself was depicted in his “Saturn/Aion” form, in which he is surrounded by the circle of the zodiac and entwined with a serpent.
Crowley thought that women were not necessary to magick, although they could be used for certain things, but that men produced the semen, the all-powerful substance in his view, which he believed was unnecessary for the creation of children. In fact, he believed that reproducing without a female was superior magick.
I urge everyone to read this. I am in no way affiliated with the author it's just really well written and covers a ton of ground http://tracytwyman.com/killing-god-to-become-god-david-bowie-stanley-kubrick-arthur-c-clarke-and-hillary-clintons-emails-decoded/
94606d No.14464
I mentioned this before too, 'high on our own supply'. We are on the same track…
000000 No.14465
this is what Q mean as a hard pill, true is a hard pill to slalow for that 99.999%
2e3843 No.14466
From CIA-RDP84B00049R001303260026-4
>This report will have to be coordinated with OMB and personal intervention by the Secretary probably will be necessary to obtain OMB acquiescence to it.
Document Creation Date:
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date:
October 19, 2006
Sequence Number:
Case Number:
Publication Date:
November 25, 1981
Who is OMB and who is the Secretary at this time?
6acaab No.14467
checked. I normally don't get involved in these ever-repeating discussions about jews but the fact that people are trying to politically correct what used-to-be-politically incorrect annoys me.
>are german/eu laws beeing applied in the us?
YES on social media. That is the vehicle the social media companies are using to really ramp up the censorship. So they are no longer following the US laws & Constitution in the US (free speech) but EU ones.
Clever, but will ultimately fail.
I'm trying m8.
I haven't seen that one today, but that seems correct. While China can exert pressure on NK, they cann't control it. Russia also is right next door, so the same applies to them. That is one reason (only 1) that Trump went to the Orient and met directly with the leaders of those 2 countries.
>we allies nao
cdde31 No.14468
I don't know why ppl freak out about this. If one goes and reads Revelations and takes it on face value, they will know what is happening cannot be stopped. That said, we shouldn't just lay down and let evil prevail. We are to stand for what is right even if it means our life. The course of future history Is plainly laid out in Scripture, and all that Jesus prophesied would occur before His arrival either has occured, or is occuring. I'm no shill, and say with all seriousness, to anyone reading: Seek the God of The Bible now while He still can be found, but the point will come when He will remove His Spirit from the earth and it will make what is happening now seem like a cakewalk. Events will be at such a level that ppl will die of heart attacks from the shock/stress, or try to commit suicide from the shock/stress according to Scripture.
8a341d No.14469
>Hussein v HRC v McCain
iirc this was the first battle of memetic warfare on the net, and it was all tilted in the side of BO.
Kind of ironic actually.
5f0100 No.14470
I invoke the Righteous Quads of Summoning!
d31fcb No.14471
where does love fit into this equation?
I was taught it is the answer.
00784e No.14472
My thinking is that he had HUMA assistance all the way to presidency.
We know who was funding his college, why would he stop funding there?
6407e5 No.14473
i got it
first result from "civil rights attorney sidley austin obama first term"
HLR = Harvard Law Review
from the article:
"As the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama had his pick of top law firms. He chose Miner’s Chicago civil rights firm, where he represented community organizers, discrimination victims and black voters trying to force a redrawing of city ward boundaries."
not sure the relevance yet, but this seems to be pretty solid answer to Q's line of questioning
IRL is beckoning
will check back in when i can
50d901 No.14475
The text on the video is called "The Israel Deception" so that automatically calls into the fact that Israel IS a deception, as it stands today.
I'm still listening to it. Seems pretty factual based and less "religious" which is nice for people who don't want religion shoved down their throats, but DO want the truth about why Zionism and Israel and 'Anti-Semitism' is such a big deal when it comes to how we're being fucked.
I'm admittedly not an 'expert' on that, I just know a few things.. enough to know that the entire Zionism thing is a farce.
Maybe someone who knows more could summarize it better than I can.
6acaab No.14477
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
Not sure who Secretary or Director was at that time
6407e5 No.14478
>Who is OMB and who is the Secretary at this time?
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
Current Secretary = Mick Mulvaney
d50c0d No.14479
alternatively (((NK))) could nuke itself with the american-U nukes, falseflagging a US preemptive attack. WW3 starts to stop those evil americans.
ab6f2d No.14480
USA Southern Momma to 6, I am horrified to learn all this that has been hidden from us but have to agree Trumps ‘fake news’ push lead me to searching other ways to get info and to this! Soooo happy for smartSheet person as this compiles all the facts and research y’all have done and puts it where everyday people can learn more with links while y’all brainstorm here. God Bless y’all and keep going! HEY y’all should come up with a symbol that can be used when anyone post to the outside world, friends , soc media so each can know we have now been awaken and we are a part of the ‘group’.. like eyes 🕶 or a symbol? §
5f0100 No.14481
e6fa3e No.14482
Medicis apparently died out in 1600's but here is some on the bloodlines.
Pepe Orsini of the Roman Maximus Clan.
He is the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines…
The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.
The "Illuminati" is only one of the six current heads that make up "the Beast" and there is a head to that beast… a woman who rides that beast, the evil Queen Hephzibah (the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semaramis).
You will never read any article about her, she is a Nephilim hybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the queen, the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her.
As this previous poster has said, yes there are others that you never hear about and that all information is destroyed before that it can get out. I could not give this information out if I wasn't one who is feared by the elite myself. The real people in charge, you have never heard of them.
People take note and remember…
Outer Doctrine = What They allow out to Us or allow Us to know even if it is supposedly Back Channel - COSMIC Level Info.
Inner Doctrine = The way it really is and this is only known between Them.
Us = Father / Son / Spirit.
Them = Father / Mother / Son.
Names have Power over, or in relation to, those Beings being called by PROPER Name. For this reason and this reason alone - The Names We commonly know Them by in the Main Stream are merely monikers of much Older and more Powerful Names.
Innana > Isis > Diana.
Marduk > Ra Marduk, Amen Ra, Ra.
The Original Names are for the most part only known to Them, and believe me - That's a very select group..
The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope.
The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
These powerful bloodlines are the,
You'll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
71c143 No.14483
Really Board Owner? 7 days? How many anons have you banned that don't have the ability to speak out against it? 7 days, really?
2e3843 No.14484
cdde31 No.14485
"It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it."
Book of Zechariah
8adea0 No.14487
- BO hired by Newton Minow at Sidley Autin.
- Newton Minow still a very influenntial comms & media networks industry lawyer and ex FCC chair.
- Minow declared TV a wasteland in 60s - said TV should promote public interest and promote awareness of social issues. Now he says TV standards are much better.
- BO / FCC passed Net Neutrality.
- Trump trying to get NN repealed.
6407e5 No.14488
good riddance
8a341d No.14489
Yeah I know fam. I still have faith that the seven thunders (not written down) said something along the lines of it won't hit the faithful as hard or some such, or god won't allow the plagues to fully hurt or apply to Earth. In any case exposing the devil's madmen isn't evil. We just might be the 2/3's anyway.
Peace out, it's 01:52 here.
God bless.
72fd2f No.14490
This my initial thought
2de76e No.14491
c6b480 No.14492
0e1128 No.14493
Right. That's why I think, if WE want to be the pure purveyors of the pure TRUTH, we should be making the distinction between TRUE Jews and the fake "Synagogue of Satan" Jews.
Everyone loves to point fingers and blame someone else.. unfortunately.
5f0100 No.14494
Yes really. When the fucking board owner tells you to shut the fuck up about his board, you FUCKING DO AS YOU'RE TOLD. You don't call him a retard or tell him what the purpose of the board is (he knows - he set up the fucking thing) or tell him how inviting 4fags isn't going to shit up other boards (yes it is).
7ed8ea No.14495
David A Stockman was director of OBM 81-85
6a1f80 No.14496
109c7a No.14497
Your deflection of blame away from the Jews needs to stop, Schlomo.
>Who do you think the majority of the swamp is?
>Who controls the fake news?
>Who runs the pedo blackmail rings?
>Who has control of hollywood?
>Why has every single country in history eventually expelled the Jews?
>Who runs the banking industry?
>Who set up central banks in every country in the world?
>Who runs google?
>Who runs Facebook?
00784e No.14498
cfba64 No.14499
Tillerson out. Pompeo in.
eac045 No.14500
why is this relevent?
6a1f80 No.14501
Shit….never thought of that…kamikaze false flag as it were
5f0100 No.14502
Pompeo is a clown. anti-deep state move this
cfba64 No.14503
Why is it not? It could be related to swamp draining?
CIA is gonna be without a director… does this mean that its being dismantled? Or will there be a new director?
50d901 No.14504
That seems to be an old trick that's been played out throughout history.. #9/11
7ed8ea No.14505
BO and Michelle worked at Sidley Austin.
6a1f80 No.14506
I can’t for the life of me understand why trump continues to surround himself with these
Swamp rats
eac045 No.14507
>CIA is gonna be without a director
good point, good point
449bb6 No.14508
Well I'm confused as we have been assuming this whole thing was a proxy war involving the CIA so why would the head of the CIA be moving closer to the POTUS? Maybe it's a sign that the CIA is winning now.
00784e No.14509
Sever conflict of interest here!
Isn't the CIA the very ones Q has been telling us is the enemy?
WASHINGTON — The White House has developed a plan to force out Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, whose relationship with President Trump has been strained, and replace him with Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director, within the next several weeks, senior administration officials said on Thursday.
5c532b No.14510
How about you keep digging for the magical bone for your shills and we go about actually saving the world.
5cb8bc No.14511
keep your friends close keep your enemies closer? cant fire the guy so you promote him lel
6a1f80 No.14512
5c532b No.14513
Plus there won't be a CIA to rule over soon. Tillerson may have simply been the odd man out. Musical chairs.
eac045 No.14514
>Maybe it's a sign that the CIA is winning now.
I can see that too. i dont know why this would be a good thing
5f0100 No.14515
Nothing is as it seems.
DIsinformation is necessary.
POTUS has it under control.
cfba64 No.14516
Also, Tillerson, as secretary of state, would have been also negotiating with North Korea, wasn't he?
6a1f80 No.14518
Could be much like the “Q group” article. Pure bullshit to push buttons…
cfba64 No.14519
We need Q to give us information on whats going on with Tillerson/Trump/Pompeo.
This is big because Tillerson is essentially Trump's #2 after Pence.
eac045 No.14520
Yes normies! Focus on the state department while fbi and cia are being destroyed from the interior! glory to trump
50d901 No.14521
Nothing is coincidence. Not even the debate fly.
2e3843 No.14523
So we have
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
Current Secretary = Mick Mulvaney
Mick Mulvaney = Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?
David A Stockman was director of OBM 81-85
Who is EA, HA & NEA who were pushing, in this doc, for the government to commit to the funding of The Asia Foundation?
8d99e0 No.14524
Neither I am…
CIA always on board could mean direct control from within the white house, the place we suspect Q to be and keeping us informed. Why would that be a good thing?
6a1f80 No.14525
And why mention Cotton to take over CIA…what’s the angle on Him?
90d367 No.14526
Stiglitz is a muppet but he's right, BTC is Jewish sorcery on a higher level than fiat
BTC is dangerous to human wellbeing for a number of reasons but I will provide you a jumping-off point from an economic perspective
In "Simulations and Simulacra" philosopher and semiotician Jean Baudrillard describes his 4 successive phases of the image:
>1. It is the reflection of a basic reality.
>2. It masks and perverts a basic reality.
>3. It masks the absence of a basic reality.
>4. It bears no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum.
In the first case, the image is a <good> appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an <evil> appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it <plays at being an appearance>: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation.
This history of Bitcoin and Blockchain seem to fit perfectly into this theory of images.
>1. Gold Standard - 1 to 1 equivalence of paper and gold
>2. Fractional Reserve Lending - More money is printed than gold exists, based on assumptions of growth.
>3. Fiat currency - Gold is abandoned altogether, money floats with nothing beneath it.
>4. Bitcoin - Blockchain mining purposefully mimics gold mining, but this time as pure simulation.
The cycle forms a loop, gold to fake gold, and from what I have observed in contemporary bitcoin forks, we're repeating this double-spending cycle by duplicating the blockchain into further simulacra.
This creates a bubble of sorcery/illusion which separates the human from value.
72fd2f No.14527
While I don't disagree with you, our output still needs to be palatable for the masses. And as unfortunate as it may be, the second somebody mentions Jews in normal conversation, you are instantly hailing victory.
Are there good Jews and bad Jews. Sure, and even if there were no such thing as a good jew, us bringing it up ad nauseum doesn't help our causes
6407e5 No.14528
>Tillerson, as secretary of state
>Tillerson is essentially Trump's #2
Trump about to BTFO Tillerson:
NYTimes is suggesting Pompeo will be moved into that slot
50d901 No.14529
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?
fd82d9 No.14531
Fuck you, DO AS YOU'RE TOLD, fuck you faggot, cuck for the board master
I never called him a retard
7 days is fucking stupid BO
eac045 No.14532
so what do you propose then? Gold standard? the kikes own all the gold.
efa535 No.14533
>Even Pocahontas would find this interesting.
72fd2f No.14534
If you want to fix a sewer, your probably gonna get a little dirty
c8db6e No.14535
Guys, keep in mind that Mike Pompeo was given his position of CIA director in january by Trump.
He's our guy.
If you read the article it says that Mike Pompeo has been extremely beneficial and has a good relationship with Trump.
This was just a move to get deep state Rex Tillerson out., and move Mike Pompeo up since he has proven himself.
eac045 No.14536
off topic anyway; unrelated to draining the swamp or the #happening
fd82d9 No.14537
Reduce sentence BO 7 days is fucking tyranny and you know it
d31fcb No.14539
If you read
The Art of War
The Art of The Deal
it will help understand POTUS strategy
90d367 No.14540
>nothing true is popular and nothing popular is true
Full stop. Palatability to the masses is counterproductive to our goals, the masses are comprised largely of failhumans with inadequate IQ to parse 99.99% of the shit going on ITT
fd82d9 No.14541
7 days is far too long, BO has done me wrong!
6a1f80 No.14542
Gold and silver is the only true money. I look at bcc as the beast currency. No one will buy or sell w/o the mark…(possibly the qr code)??
efa535 No.14543
"Our job is to control your thoughts". Is NYT mockingbird media?
2e3843 No.14544
Fugg Off Tubbacks, everyone hates you.
You're a schizophrenic fuckwit tripfag ego-stroke requirer who should seriously see about medication correction.
5f0100 No.14545
BO says "congratulations, it's now 30 days."
fd82d9 No.14546
8d99e0 No.14547
Good thing is, Q told it us himself that this is to come..
Working to resolve.
Select people removed.
Stay strong.
90d367 No.14548
And they don't own all the crypto? What is stopping the most wealthy/intelligent technocrats from controlling crypto markets? As Stiglitz said in the video, the crypto bubble is only happening because of crypto's value as a unlegislatable currency. Do you honestly believe that the world in its current state is capable of creating a utopian ancap technocurrency invulnerable to Jewish sorcery?
bac168 No.14549
Look into Brown and Root too. Merger in 2001 and relation to 9/11 , the worlds largest and most thorough paper shredder..all evidence conveniently lost, company absorbed.
"Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith.
Sidley Austin reopened its New York office on Monday, September 17, 2001 in the old Sidley & Austin office on Third Avenue which it had planned on closing on September 16. Instead, it leased four additional floors in that location, in a deal completed less than three hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Sidley Austin later opened its permanent new office in the Equitable Center building on Seventh Avenue in July 2002."
fd82d9 No.14550
fuck you faggot 7 days now 30 days thats bullshit. how would you feel some fucker gave you 7 days for suggesting simple thing as let the anons who didn't make it over or fell victim to shilling know that board is over here?
5f0100 No.14551
fd82d9 No.14552
fuck you BO, i got hit with multiple bans baking breads through those shitstorms in kikechan, fucking 7 days? now 30 days? you fucking serious?
6a1f80 No.14553
Need to get info on Tom Cotton! Maybe the CIA op is complete and the “inside man” is being pulled and moved up. Another good guy inserted (T. Cotton)?..
fd82d9 No.14554
Are you BO? talk to me in some stupid thread
00784e No.14555
"within the next several weeks"
So, with that said, I'm assuming there are going to be major happenings within these next several weeks.
Indictments opened up, arrests being made, the whole nine yards, how else is Trump going to get a corrupted CIA back on track?
And just what will CIA be after all this goes down?
Will it STILL be in control of all those things that have been discovered here?
Getting a headache just thinking about all this, after all it's been an uphill battle against the CIA, and now this news….ughhh….lol
5f0100 No.14557
e75608 No.14558
fd82d9 No.14559
Are you BO or just some fucking asshole?
5f0100 No.14560
120 days. Try me and find out.
fd82d9 No.14561
Yeah well if you are honestly BO and you are seriously doing this level of ban, you're a dick and control freak.
d31fcb No.14562
Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton is an American politician who is the junior United States Senator from Arkansas. A member of the Republican Party, Cotton has served in the Senate since January 3, 2015. he is currently the youngest U.S. Senator.More at Wikipedia
72fd2f No.14564
Haha indeed.
They are mad because you are taking attention away from the cause and putting it into your name.
fd82d9 No.14565
I never called you a retard in that post, infact i said you sound serious please dont do anything drastic
e75608 No.14566
cfba64 No.14567
>Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton has proven to be like Trey Gowdy, in the sense that he is always after the truth and he calls out Clinton all the time in the same way people like Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy do.
From what I have seen, he has been on our side for many many months.
fd82d9 No.14568
Jesus christ there is the real problem then, fucking claims to be anon but secretly just fucking pissed off at a trip, fucking faggotry
6a1f80 No.14569
Maybe not the info on cuck.gov but rather his “inside” info and where his allegiance lies!
fd82d9 No.14570
Wow BO, just fucking ridiculous
e75608 No.14571
cfba64 No.14572
This should let you know whose side Tom Cotton is on.
Here he is completely destroying the "collusion" narrative.
5f0100 No.14573
Well done XXX, your name is now permanently banned. You are hands down the stupidest person I have ever seen online and I've been on IRC since 1991.
fd82d9 No.14574
Fucking control freak
939b68 No.14575
Roger Stone said this about a month ago. Said expect a #Rexit by January 20th. Roger knows his shit.
72fd2f No.14576
Your acting like a nigger
fd82d9 No.14577
Fuck you lemming, and fuck you board owner faggot
fd82d9 No.14578
eat shit you fucking asshole boomer fuck
939b68 No.14579
InfoWars. Get next months news today.
fd82d9 No.14580
eac045 No.14581
>Well done XXX, your name is now permanently banned. You are hands down the stupidest person I have ever seen online and I've been on IRC since 1991.
i agree completly
e75608 No.14582
5f0100 No.14583
No I'm Gen-X actually. I hate the boomers too.
fd82d9 No.14584
fd82d9 No.14585
2e3843 No.14586
e75608 No.14587
5f0100 No.14588
How to win friends and influence people 101.
fd82d9 No.14589
5449b7 No.14590
How can I make all posts from only ONE user visible within a Thread?
I'm wanting to do a custom archive for my own purposes.
fd82d9 No.14591
00784e No.14592
That video is pretty good.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
8d99e0 No.14593
Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
This was not anticipated.
Control / protection lost.
Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
Working to resolve.
Select people removed.
Stay strong.
We are winning.
More to follow.
Select people removed.
Select people removed.
Select people removed.
Select people removed.
Q told us yesterday that this is going to happen. Seems like everything works out as planned
90d367 No.14594
Stop with the sissy pissy context manicuring, what are you, 12? You ban someone who is contributing in good faith and allow this >>14571>>14563>>14566>>14582
If you make a habit of acting like this the board will 100% turn to shit.
If you have to ban someone best practice is to do it silently and just ban proxyfagging complaints as well instead of starting babyschool drama which detracts from actual discussion
5f0100 No.14595
What is the matter with you? You're posting here aren't you?
fd82d9 No.14596
d31fcb No.14597
cada5b No.14598
Medical examiner in the Klausutis case was a donor to the Scarborough campain:
fd82d9 No.14599
Eat shit faggot youre like some ugly fat bitch who is jealous of the pretty girl at this point
eac045 No.14600
2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 terms
fd82d9 No.14601
5f0100 No.14602
Hmmm, I wasn't going to comment but this does explain a lot.
fd82d9 No.14603
2e3843 No.14604
BO has given XXX multiple, multiple opportunities to stop making drama. They made drama on half for us all hardworking anons. We don't need that here. We want to work in a peaceful environment w/o drama.
For drama, you have to go back.
cfba64 No.14605
All I know is, Tom Cotton has been extremely pro-Trump for a long time now. He has always been fighting the Russia BS, so for him to be CIA director is big.
fd82d9 No.14606
fd82d9 No.14607
f85822 No.14608
>Control freak
That's you, fool. How many warnings and hints did you receive? Probably hundreds on both boards. Go start a youtube channel and twtitter account you filthy attention whore.
fd82d9 No.14609
I hate you board owner, SO MUCH
17fad5 No.14610
Someone get this hothead outta here
939b68 No.14611
Salon is about a believable as the flat earth theory.
fd82d9 No.14612
Whatever board owner you're a petty piece of shit fucking retard
939b68 No.14614
"As" believable. D'OH!
6a1f80 No.14615
He received $700,000 for his senate campaign from the Emergency Committee for Israel.That’s correct – $700,000! Such an exorbitant amount of money ensures that Cotton is one of the most pro-Israel senators in Congress. During the 2014 Israeli invasion of Gaza, when over 500 Palestinian were killed, Cotton called the Israeli defense force “the most moral, humanitarian fighting force in the world.” In December he said Congressshould consider supplying Israel with B-52s and so-called “bunker-buster” bombs for a possible strike against Iran.
fd82d9 No.14616
FUcking scoopless bitch
d31fcb No.14617
d31fcb No.14618
86a613 No.14619
I think what we need, or would be helpful, is a list of names with arrow to their immediate focal point/industry/organization.
Barrack Hussein Obama -> Angela Merkel -> whatever..
Hillary Clinton -> Clinton Foundation -> Saudi Arabia/Alwaleed Bin Talal
George Soros -> Open Society Foundations -> Antifa -> BLM
Just an idea. Preferably in a TEXT file that can be formatted to use in scripts. Plus, I just like LISTS of things. I think it really helps to easily narrow down the scope while providing very important information..
Maybe I'll work on that, among the other crap I'm working on, but if someone was sitting around doing nothing, that would be a great project.
90d367 No.14620
This was a nice thread for a while there, derailed by modfaggotry and resulting tardrage. Hope BO learns a lesson
5f0100 No.14621
Hope you all learned a few as well.
eac045 No.14622
>This was a nice thread for a while there, derailed by modfaggotry and resulting tardrage
was nice for a while…better than 4chan's nazi and snuff film posts…those were pretty fucking bad
2e3843 No.14623
00784e No.14624
It still is, just use the little arrow to the left of their post, and ID +.
Get's all nice and quiet again so you can think.
a39eb2 No.14625
Agreed. Heed anons
b5c0d3 No.14626
>>HLR (first)
Maybe a stretch but HRC's father was Hugh (E)lsworth Rodham
4b87f8 No.14627
I’ve been lurking since the early days, never posted until now. I think you guys are missing the key connections regarding BO.
BO traveling to Asia.
Q says “think NK” in this context.
CIA control of NK.
Q says “define hostage” in context of NK.
Rapid NK tech development.
SpaceX and NK tech.
BO’s nuke deal and missing cash.
U1 deal and missing uranium.
POTUS flyover of NK.
NK Temple of Set.
BO connections to world elite via SA.
BO missing on Twitter for weeks.
The sum of all fears.
Come on autists, do I have to spell it out for you? Don’t you see the pattern?
BO installed in office to facilitate U1 deal, providing nuclear material to NK via Russia.
CIA control of NK, SpaceX providing technology (private entity, not government, avoiding conflict/suspicion).
Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal. Define hostage? THE WORLD.
Get it now?
P.S. Iran deal provides BO’s “retirement package,” flees to NK (CIA/elite safe haven) with hundreds of millions in cash to escape accountability.
eac045 No.14628
>use the little arrow to the left of their post, and ID +.
thank you
7facd7 No.14630
plz no moar i am submit im sorry ;[
2e3843 No.14631
You've elucidated it all perfectly anon.
Thanks and woah.
f85822 No.14632
You can't ban a tard that crazy without the tard rage unfortunately. I'm not BO btw, tard was confused there. I just couldn't help taking the bait since it still didn't understand.
fb6aa0 No.14633
Fuck off nigger. XXX was ALWAYS derailing threads. Good shit BO.
000000 No.14634
oh shit nigga, so we´re the the "host" if Trump don´t get in control of the jews they simply treat to shot nuclear missils all over the world from NK
5f0100 No.14635
Here's a video presentation of this thread:
e75608 No.14636
Trump Killin the RATATAS
What a wonderful phrase
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Yeah, sing it, kid!
It's our problem-free philosophy
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Trump Killin the RATATAS
f85822 No.14637
Hey what? I fully support the ban my dude. They XXX was driving me nuts while lurking this place.
2e3843 No.14638
Hope it really is a permaB&.
5f0100 No.14639
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I'm a dumbass - here it is embedded
6407e5 No.14642
>Just an idea
not bad anon, keep going on this
b5c0d3 No.14643
> Sec. 702 expires 12/31.
Good catch. Search terms "Section 702 expires".
Much interesting reading. Part of the puzzle for sure.
fb6aa0 No.14645
Yeah, I meant who you replied to
2e3843 No.14646
So the satanic world controling cabal have a nuclear arsenal over in NK alongside their bunker hotel. Makes sense of all the crumbs.
What about the rocket yesterday then? A warning? A red herring?
ee21ed No.14647
remember the last post from Q?
>some people removed
or something like that, maybe "certain people removed"
wonder if related
ace08f No.14648
Talks about outing Rex Tillerson with no official sources given is hitting some news space again.
20bab5 No.14649
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 personally affected the employees of Sidley Austin. Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith
6a1f80 No.14650
Was for sure a warning! Via the CIA is how I viewed it.
How about the two NK satellites that traverse the Us twice daily
cfba64 No.14651
Could have been a respond to Trump calling out the Deep State by name on twitter?
fb48e9 No.14652
If true….why does POTUS support Israel and the PM & why did Obama hate them?
2e3843 No.14653
Excellent idea. Then threads could be made for each connection string documenting evidence for munition.
fe3870 No.14655
I just don't know where to start.. lol or what scope to limit it to..
Maybe in order from 1776.. ?? Before that? Ugh. Maybe just start with very recent stuff.
I'm currently checking my computer for any possible silent installed weirdness. Shouldn't have any, but a few threads ago got me all paranoid. lol
e75608 No.14656
Trump Killin the RATATAS
What a wonderful phrase
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Yeah, sing it, kid!
It's our problem-free philosophy
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Trump Killin the RATATAS
Someone make this better, I aint too good at this
6a1f80 No.14657
Installed via a posted link? I’ve wonder3d about this but I’m too retarded to know this technology shit
efa535 No.14658
Makes sense but….
Previous post was about BO at Global Alliance if SME's conference in China. He went to talk f2f with the NK controllers. Next day missile goes off. Sounds like bad actors were sending a message but not executing the "final solution". What are (((they))) waiting for? What piece are (((they))) still missing?
Regarding the "retirement package" this does not fit in with BO stalking GEOTUS.
You are definitely onto something but there is more to the story.
fe3870 No.14659
I always thought it would be good if each 'bread' had kindof a 'to-do' list. Keeps ppl busy rather than droning on about conspiracy theories and arguing over shit that doesn't matter.
9df6d6 No.14660
Thanks for the reference to Zech, Anon. Yeah, I've been reading and thinking a lot about Zech Chapters 12-14 as well.
2e3843 No.14661
Indeed. Could have been a signal saying they won't go down w/o using nuclear. Samson option? Interesting developments here anon.
245213 No.14662
you should just give her two scoops and be done with it
6407e5 No.14663
i think i answered my own question.
HLR = Harvard Law Review
BHO was president their (first) before being POTUS
eac045 No.14664
>> Sec. 702 expires 12/31.
>Good catch. Search terms "Section 702 expires".
>Much interesting reading. Part of the puzzle for sure.
9ec8e8 No.14665
JOHN CONYERS "hospitalized due to stress"
doesn't say where…
ANother clown removed from the stage.
4b87f8 No.14666
This anon gets it.
Recent “tests” have been warning shots. As POTUS turns up the heat, warning shots get closer. A battle of wills to see who blinks first. I don’t think they really want to destroy civilization (yet at least, which is why the timing all of this is so critical). They still need us, so must defeat them before they don’t anymore.
5f0100 No.14667
Great work. Very plausible.
fe3870 No.14668
Sure! Could do that. Could create an entire website if one was so inclined.. We've got PLENTY of stuff, it's just difficult for newbies and non-tech-savvy folks to find sometimes. Or people are too lazy to really look.
Those of us, like myself, who've been here since before the very first thread, pretty much know what's going on, but the masses that are just waking up still.. need a little push/help.
When I'm done checking my 'puter for nastiness, I'll see about starting something and see if it takes off.
2e3843 No.14669
I also think this. We had a thread focus list on many of the 4breads, it really helped focus those on the thread and also served to bring those just re-joining up to date.
When it was posted in a shill-storm too, mid thread, it helped re-focus. Maybe bakers would consider it again.
6a1f80 No.14670
I think we will see an EMP attempt to totally cutoff the head of the snake. CIA Option of last resort.
6407e5 No.14671
i agree with all of this except for the BHO fleeing part.
i think the plan would be for him to stay in the US, essentially hiding in plain sight as an operative of the CIA
once a nig, always a nig (works on so many levels, doesn't it?)
(((they))) would not want to raise suspicion by having (((him)))) suddenly defect to some other country
the plan was (is) for him to setup the Obama Foundation to keep the flow of illicit launderd cash going to continue funding both DPRK and Iran
4b87f8 No.14672
>You are definitely onto something but there is more to the story.
Yeah that’s why I finally posted. I could see this angle, didn’t think others were on to it yet, but I know I’m probably wrong about some points and/or missing a lot of pieces. Hoping the crowdsourcing can fill in the gaps.
2e3843 No.14674
Indarasting. Appreciate your insight, anon.
51a319 No.14675
the answer is NO.
Simple as that, really.
6407e5 No.14676
>funding both DPRK and Iran
addendum: not to mention
continued funding of the fuckery in the ME
which POTUS and MbS have just fucking destroyed
hence the CIA nig-out and deep state panic
anons, are we getting close to the big picture yet?
anyone still think BHO would flip to /ourside/
(hint: you're a special kind of stupid if you still think that)
9ec8e8 No.14677
THEY dont hv the launchcodes of the big stuff. GEOTUS has them. also: Russia might b a friend and played the joker in this whole game.
5f0100 No.14678
It's a very good angle. We should go back into Q's stuff on NK and see if it answers some of his questions.
cfba64 No.14680
BO was just on Jimmy Kimmel about 1 or 2 nights ago asking for money for "AIDS" research or whatever.
6a1f80 No.14681
He’d be based in the US to stand up the left and be their president again. The Patton on the left so to speak
245213 No.14682
i've got an angle of scoops for you bitch
2e3843 No.14683
Remember when Trump was in Asia there was talk on the 4breads about Navy Demolition teams doing special ops to repatriate someone?
Could that have been BO from NK?
245213 No.14685
6407e5 No.14686
>What are (((they))) waiting for? What piece are (((they))) still missing?
a way to evade the Wizards and Warlocks
US is untouchable for now
SpaceX – if rogue– could be game-changer
(((they))) would acquire ability to evade, neutralize, or directly attack Wizards & Warlocks
fe3870 No.14687
It's always been my opinion that 'research' money for cancer/aids/whatever is a way of them getting money from the stupid masses.
Remember the 'ice bucket challenge' and then suddenly we have ISIS?
yeah.. and the satanists would think it very funny that we would fund our own demise.
245213 No.14688
(Frodo: It's some form of English - I can't understand it. Gandalf: there are few who can) 9ec8e8 No.14689
KIMMEL is a clown. prerecorded, hologram or whatever. BO is in NK 4 sure.
that HongKong visit, I reversed googled some pix and they were from a visit in 2016.
try it yourself.
00784e No.14690
Not if Q and Team get to SpaceX first.
245213 No.14691
245213 No.14693
cfba64 No.14694
Well he wasn't on the show live, they just showed him in a pre-recorded message type video package asking for donations.
6a1f80 No.14695
How many millions $$$ did #vegasstrong raise?
Haiti earthquake etc etc.
2 trillion missing! Announced one day prior to 9/11
245213 No.14697
Fuck you board owner anon you're a fucking asshole and i hate you forever
2e3843 No.14698
Could the Asia Foundation have been a cover for NK funding?
6407e5 No.14699
>Could that have been BO from NK?
i don't think so because BHO was confirmed in Chicago during that time span.
31 Oct - 01 Nov for Obama Foundation launch (don't forget about Prince Harry's involvement………)
06 Nov for "jury duty" in Cook County
need to go back and look at the timeline of the suspected extraction event in Q drops
but i'm not convinced it was what we think it was
nor am i convinced BHO ever left the country
it's possible, but improbable based on what we currently know
Occam's Razor: fewest assumptions……..
9ec8e8 No.14700
I rest my case. BO iz noshow.
as narrative is controlled by the clowns,
they can feed us all kinda BS
BTW: did podesta show up for his speech yesterday?
b67d37 No.14701
Maybe we should revisit the Sinatures Q dropped….he said they were IMPORTANT…I believe we need to decider the "Map" because I think Q has given us the answers…imo
5cb8bc No.14702
something about a umblical cord collecting company with Y logo (they harvest blood or cells or something?)
00784e No.14703
But BHO had to come back from the Phillipians to show up for jury duty.
72f80b No.14704
Wonder why that lady wasn't warned.
6407e5 No.14705
>Not if Q and Team get to SpaceX first.
this is why i brought up way back on half chan
that it was important to watch whether the Zuma launch went off
it did not
how many times has it been delayed now?
SpaceX is suspicious af
to borrow from Q: Clear and Present Danger???????
2e3843 No.14708
Thought this also. Just look into all big cancer charities, they're as corrupt af and 1% goes to research. It's a travesty and why I never give or do their f'd up challenges which normies appear to love. Hopefully this can all be sorted out in the very near future.
>dreaming of a very different world
118490 No.14709
eat shit board owner anon you're a fucking faggot
118490 No.14710
fucking kill yourself board owner anon
6407e5 No.14711
>But BHO had to come back from the Phillipians to show up for jury duty.
show me the evidence that BHO was in the Philippines.
we have none
all we have is supposition
somebody go back and check the timeline of the extraction event please
118490 No.14712
fucking do it you fucking pussy fuck you board owner anon
118490 No.14713
eat shit and die board own anon fuck you
118490 No.14714
118490 No.14715
118490 No.14716
387cae No.14717
Right. It all makes sense, when you know the picture.. the quintessence of which is the trillionaires from another country FUNDING all this madness.. which only makes sense that a family who is used to being 'royalty' would work so hard to gain control of, not only their own country, but the entire world.
Crazy fuckers.
118490 No.14718
2e3843 No.14719
Well documented anon. Thanks.
baf784 No.14720
In regards to all the BHO questions there’s one thing I’m confused about — didn’t early on Q mention that Trump didn’t want to go after him in order to respect the office of the president? Or was that someone else who said that? If not, then why does it seem like Trump has flipped and is going after him again in regards to other Q posts and birther accusations?
4b87f8 No.14721
Indeed. Unfortunately I work a lot and am just browsing on my phone now. Will go through entire archive this weekend looking for connections to the “cabal built a private nuclear arsenal in NK using ill-gotten American money, tech and materials” theory.
118490 No.14723
90d367 No.14725
if you care so much about this board why don't you just go back to contributing anonymously instead of being disruptive?
118490 No.14726
6407e5 No.14727
what fuckery is this?!?!?!?
118490 No.14728
e8e327 No.14729
BO didn't do that. The 100s of Anons that reported you for being an insufferable name fag had that happen. The BO just instills the will of his people.
6a1f80 No.14730
‘V’ just ran down some good info.
China is sending elite SF troops to Syria to assist Russia in rooting out terrorists(((US/CIA built ISIS))) attempting to oust Assad. Putin apparently brokered peace between Israel & Syria
China, Russia, Iran, Syria, trying to work with Israel, SA, all against ISIS WHICH IS THE CIA/CABAL
118490 No.14731
not until he knows
118490 No.14732
387cae No.14733
118490 No.14734
90d367 No.14735
118490 No.14736
118490 No.14737
6407e5 No.14738
>didn’t early on Q mention that Trump didn’t want to go after him in order to respect the office of the president
it was some other "insider"
might have been megs or meg-larper
don't quote me on that, need to verify from archives
but i am 99% certain it was not Q who said this
although i have been wrong before
[note to self: lay off the bourbon]
118490 No.14739
118490 No.14740
118490 No.14741
118490 No.14743
fucking stupid bitch fuck you
118490 No.14744
b67d37 No.14745
?…what is your play here? You are disrupting the flow therefore YOU are being a problem. This isn't about YOU & your hurt feelings…this is much bigger than anyone can imagine! We are truly saving ourselves and helping redpill the masses. Please stop with your nonsense.
baf784 No.14746
118490 No.14747
b16d04 No.14748
can you guys behave yourselves? the fuck is going on over here
022b40 No.14749
yeah, it was "alleged" by some "alleged insider" that trump wants to protect the sanctity of the chair.
completely unverifiable though.
i think we should assume trump doesn't care about the chair's sanctity.
and all past presidents are on the menu.
e8e327 No.14750
This board has asked you many times to drop your namefaggotry and contribute. Now you prove to all of us with your antics you aren't interested in this board at all, outside of your ego being stroked for 'digging and saving the world' with your namefag. You do not belong here if this is your reaction to being banned for name faggotry. I highly suggest BO just perma bans you and your Trip.
387cae No.14751
>[note to self: lay off the bourbon]
Hory Shet. I was just about to go celebrate the fact that it's a day ending in 'y'.
118490 No.14752
eat shit faggot go suck board anons dick
b67d37 No.14753
The WaPo is saying that POTUS is replacing Rex T with C!@ POMPeO
118490 No.14754
118490 No.14755
6a1f80 No.14756
ba9a0b No.14757
This guys seems swampy. The economy has already proven him wrong with its continued growth.
From April 2017
David Stockman has a stern message for investors: They're living in a fantasy land about Trump.
In a recent interview on CNBC's "Futures Now," the former director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Reagan said that "Wall Street is totally misreading Washington," and President Trump's promises of tax reform will be "dead before arrival."
The president is "essentially a 70-year old kid in a candy store who wants one of everything: More for defense, veterans, border walls, law enforcement, infrastructure and 'phenomenal' tax cuts, too—without the inconvenience of paying for any of it," said Stockman.
6407e5 No.14758
>all past presidents are on the menu
i'm getting hangry
118490 No.14759
118490 No.14760
118490 No.14761
118490 No.14762
118490 No.14763
2e3843 No.14764
Doing Gods work anon. This would be excellent.
118490 No.14765
b67d37 No.14766
We are getting closer to the truth and the CLOWNS ARE FREAKING!!!
118490 No.14767
118490 No.14769
118490 No.14771
ef8592 No.14772
I'm not sure what you are missing.
The knowledge being gained is instrumental.
If yo u are wanting a complete BIG PICTURE, it's not going to happen yet.
Several of us have been deeply involved in research for years and understand the significance in what's being presented. We happen to be well ahead of he curve and have a deeper awareness than most others.
Some of us are also connected to incredible people who are true heroes.
There are some of us who gave up everything in our life even to suffer from poverty to educate ourselves and others and make things happen behind the scenes.
I hope that you continue to research and remain objective. There is nothing wrong with questioning everything for that is how one stays grounded to the earth.
There are also many who are in the "truth movement" who are compromised. Be aware of this. I have put certain people on notice to Cease and Desist for when this all comes to light, they may also be held accountable for serious crimes. If anyone here is among those I'm speaking of, mark my words, you will be exposed.
Keep up the excellent work everyone! I am so thankful for you and hope one day we all get to celebrate together!
May God bless each of you!
118490 No.14773
118490 No.14774
118490 No.14775
5c532b No.14776
Europe ought to be a no-fly zone. Europe ought to be destroyed for all time and eternity. It is a den of stinking evil and always will be.
118490 No.14777
2e3843 No.14778
Read about this some time ago. Apparently umbilical cords contain highly regenerative cells which can, if frozen at birth, cure any later health issues. Parents are really being pushed towards doing this now.
6407e5 No.14779
>you guys
XXX tubsAnon is same-fagging under multiple IDs and throwing a shit fit
filter and ignore
magical, no?!
f62bed No.14780
shilling unreal right now
387cae No.14781
Too rich for my blood. I may go with old faithful #Vodka
Wonder how much he got paid to say that?
So it would seem. If they were to 'accidentally' drop some munitions on specific residents over there, I wouldn't be too butthurt about it.
97be42 No.14782
>gave up everything in our life even to suffer from poverty to educate ourselves
sounds like me
>May God bless each of you!
72fb04 No.14784
NewFaggotry inbound…
What the hell happened with bans, and wtf are scoops?
1cef98 No.14785
Push Back expected - MSNBC!!
b67d37 No.14786
God bless you Anon!
e42b30 No.14787
TOMB RAIDER Teen ‘undergoes 50 surgeries’ in a bid to look like her idol Angelina Jolie… but is branded a ‘zombie’ instead
2e3843 No.14788
Nice digging. Noted.
109c7a No.14789
>Where is BO?
Officially in Asia but I'd say North Korea.
>What is the purpose?
To try and undo what Trump just did there. To plan a false flag of some kind with nukes.
>Who fired?
Kimmy boy on Obongo's/Rothschild's orders
3am local time in NK.
>HUMA - SA - Hussein.
>HLR (first).
What is HLR?
>Civil rights attorney.
>13th District - Sen.
13th district of where?
>Hussein v HRC v McCain.
>Why is this relevant?
No matter who you choose, cabal wins.
>Follow the money pre-pres.
Obongo funded by Al-Waleed
>Follow the connections pre-pres.
Obongo glows in dark
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
Remind people who controls the levers of power
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
Damage control
>Think Asia.
>Think NK.
>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
Kim did not yet have Rocket Man powers
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
Kimmy is a Rocket Man.
Cabal has something planned re: NK
>Define hostage.
NK cabal holding China/Japan/Korea hostage?
>The Sum of all Fears.
Nuke during superbowl maybe? Read the plot summary.
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
Rats fleeing a sinking ship
Nothing is coincidence
>What is a pill?
>When is it hard to swallow?
Too big
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Kill them all
>Define stages
Where the performances happen
>Define puppets
Politicians Spooks Celebs
>Define puppet handlers.
Those pulling the strings. Rothschild Soros etc
>Define proxy war. x3
2 greater powers doing war through puppets
>Expand your thinking.
Chans vs CIAniggers (information war)
CIA/Mossad/Isis vs Russia/Iran/Syria(Greater Israel / pipeline to weaken Russia)
WW1 to weaken Germany
WW2 to create Israel
WW3 to create global government
>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Need to take back control of the media first?
Too big of a redpill for the masses to swallow all at once?
>Does POTUS control all matters classified?
I would imagine he could de-classify whatever he wants.
Needs to be done properly to prevent Civil War 2
>What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004?
I'm intrigued, how did they acquire these capabilities?
>What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?
Same answer.
>What if the previous tests that failed were staged?
To be used as a distraction whenever necessary/to threaten Asia?
>Why would this be relevant?
A lot more going on behind the scenes than we know
>Who is involved and why?
Cabal. Hold Asia hostage?
>Biggest cover up in our history.
>U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
Uranium one path of how NK got it's enriched Uranium
>Iran deal.
Cash payments to certain players
>Russian reset.
Needed to hatch this plan?
1cef98 No.14790
Obviously POTUS called out the UK for a reason. Did he force them to stop something that they were planning?
b16d04 No.14791
519c1b No.14792
My guess is there was still things to tie up and he gave them all a bit of assurance they were safe hiding behind their previous status. I can't imagine he gets let go with all of the history, lawless presidency and general fuckery going on.
ef8592 No.14793
Just block those who are nasty.
I tried with some of them to encourage them to change their conduct, but I was only playing a fool.
b67d37 No.14794
That isn't even good photoshopping!!!
13c6b2 No.14796
The purpose of North Korea is to reestablish the poppy fields that are being bombed in Afghanistan.
Wizards = Poppy Farmers (CIA Opium) Remember the Spell on Dorothy in the poppy field. OZ = NK
14f0dc No.14797
Ah yes. The old "fear" tactic that's always worked so well..
Fake News, owned by the cabal.. "Amazing" which is why I don't watch that crap. Unfortunately, I never know what the normies are paranoid about from day to day.
d242d3 No.14798
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
Some attribute that quote to Sun Tzu.
6407e5 No.14799
>extraction event
if indeed there was an extraction event in the Philippines
(which i am doubtful of)
i think it is more likely that they were sweeping up
rats and ratlines to Asia
that were part of the Fat Leonard scandal
i'm not even convinced there was an extraction
Q dropped a stringer
so-called autists tried to infer meaning from the stringer
could have been disinfo
could have been nothing
but i am convinced if there was an ops that night in manilla
it was NOT the Nig-in-Chief
i don't think he was out of the country during that time
we have ZERO evidence to support the idea that he was ever out of Chicago until after "jury duty"
there was a verified BHO sighting in NYC that following weekend for a DNC fund raiser
that's the last time he's been verifiably seen
recent photos released are all fake news reposts of old photos of him with dignitaries
14f0dc No.14800
>Rats fleeing a sinking ship
pic related!
ef8592 No.14801
What the media is saying is that anyone who does not tow their propaganda, they are psychopaths. But as we know, all one has to do is invert their distorted picture to arrive at the truth. LOL - FAKE NEWS main stream media
2e3843 No.14802
We are blessed.
f85822 No.14803
CIA is now leaderless and I suspect Pompeo wasn't ever allowed "in" to the CIA. I don't think they give a fuck who the director is until they've earned their way in.
6407e5 No.14804
>some of them
it's all one person
62d383 No.14805
If Pompeo leaves the CIA, that leaves an opening for Trump to fill there, speculation is that it's Cloud. So that's a net positive move IMO.
b5c0d3 No.14806
>10 frightening facts about Tom Cotton
If that POS rag is afraid of him, sounds good to me.
5cb8bc No.14807
cfba64 No.14808
Could be.
An incoming massive false flag (((ISIS/Terrorist))) attack in the UK…
Trump tweets before this happens as a chess play
Attacks averted because now if they go through with them, they would be justifying what Trump said, which they don't want to do
152c24 No.14809
Latest Q posts seem to eliminate possibility Obama is secretly /ourguy.
More like he is emissary for Deep State actively working against GEOTUS.
14f0dc No.14810
Dunno. But the Queen changing the guard, and allegedly crying (which I didn't witness, just heard about) is pretty telling..
All of us 'truthers' know the gig.. it's not some huge secret like they think it is, or like they think the media-retarded normies think it is. They really think everyone is fucking retarded on this planet, and they want to silence the ones that DO think.. usually by labeling them as 'conspiratards' or some other dumb word.
It's almost ILLEGAL to THINK today. Even in college I had a hard time with the bullshit they were selling, and they knew it.
6407e5 No.14811
simple solution:
filter those two IDs and all the noise goes away
works like magic
cfba64 No.14812
Its being filled by Tom Cotton, and Tom Cotton is on the good side. One of Trump's guys.
e8e327 No.14813
This just further proves you are a D/C shill. You have NEVER provided ANYTHING useful to ANY THREAD. Every single time you post you DERAIL by infighting with people. Your entire purpose here is to salt the earth of this board and we all see right through you.
Examples of his past thread BS.
This absolute turbo faggot spends his time harassing posters, sowing DnC, misdirecting posters, and straight up spamming under mutiple IPs because he got banned. If that doesn't spell CIANigger / Shill i don't know what else possibly could.
cfba64 No.14814
6407e5 No.14815
>Trump tweets before this happens as a chess play
>Attacks averted because now if they go through with them, they would be justifying what Trump said, which they don't want to do
2e3843 No.14816
Excellent answers.
c6b480 No.14817
holy shit! my OC! you have made my day anon!
14f0dc No.14818
That's what's good about telling the truth.. it forces liars to change the plan so you're not seen as some fortune teller/sheds light on their deviancy.
62d383 No.14820
damn it, yeah, meant Cotton, not Cloud
b67d37 No.14821
We need to really pay attention to the tweets of POTUS and the crumbs of Q….they are both (or one) giving us the information we need! We just have to dig to find the answers so we kind find the truth ourselves!
b5c0d3 No.14822
>Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal.
I said this on half chan nearly a month ago. Though a tribe, they have assumed the economy and power of a nation. They already dominate the world financially, politically, and culturally. What's left?
152c24 No.14823
This was answered last night.
Q sketched out Obama's rapid rise from Harvard to POTUS along with implied question: who facilitated this rise
cdde31 No.14824
Could Snow White be Tillerson?
eac045 No.14825
>who facilitated this rise
saudi kikes
c6b480 No.14826
snow white is the 7 dwarves cia supercomputers
5f0100 No.14827
No, Snow White is the CIA's supercomputer that they used to silence Q.
2e3843 No.14828
Love it anon, one of the best imo. May God and Kek bless your Magical Meming Mind.
e42b30 No.14829
HLR = First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
896003 No.14830
Q, "proxy war". It's earth. Humans have chosen sides from other worlds.
249444 No.14831
Can someone check the air traffic radar around Houston. I have not seen or heard any aircraft for hours. It’s weird for a city this large.
cada5b No.14832
152c24 No.14833
Ha, love it.
There is important work to be done here. No room for egotists derailing discussion.
Thanks for the solid management, BO.
8ch is not 4ch.
6407e5 No.14834
variation on the theme
themes we've discussed:
1. massive catastrophic widespread de-population event
2. dirty bomb false flag event
but could there be other themes?
follow the money
what keeps the money flowing?
the way things have been = good for Deep State
why change?
why disrupt the flow of money?
(((they))) can't destroy /us/
because doing so would destroy (((their)))
way of life
(((they))) want to keep /us/
churning the gears of war
this was never about building up to Armageddon
it was about maintaining and tightening
the control (((they))) have enjoyed for too long
14f0dc No.14835
Which would explain the push for 'gays in the military'
'Equal rights for gays' lol. Uhmm.. you mean you don't have exactly the same rights as everyone else? No.. they want to be a protected species. Making them as impenetrable as Israel, so nobody can question them.
Pure craziness. The whole thing. And literally.. these people are actually, verifiable insane… which is what makes it that much more difficult, as they truly believe themselves and believe in their fantasy world.
6407e5 No.14836
independently confirmed above
what we haven't figured out yet
(i think)
is the relevance
efa535 No.14838
Happy hunting
>Personnel looks ok. What about their legal team? Wonder what the last line of the news is? http://www.cb-association. org/advocacy
pic related
152c24 No.14840
This is excellent anon.
Should be in batter.
c6b480 No.14841
cdde31 No.14842
When Q said that the whole of the info would put 99% of the ppl in the hospital, I think it's not only the context of it but the humongous scope of it. There is SO much. The redpill truly is too large and it will take years to break it down to bite-sized morsels. It's truly mindboggling.
249444 No.14843
453cae No.14846
ef8592 No.14848
To add on to what is being said here:
The reason why I do not care about tripcodes, or in my case, using "I Am" as an identifier, is that there are some of us who have to be more public now because of what we know. I gave up my email address of: [email protected]
my Twitter of
So that people can find me to talk in confidence.
I have spoken with some people on the phone and in exchanging emails.
If people think they can hide here or on 4chan, they are mistaken as everything….EVERYTHING..is monitored in real time. The NSA and CIA computers along with other networks have the means to know exactly where these posts are coming from, which accounts associated, and the physical location of the people along with tons of personal information via bank records, social media, friends, family, etc.
Thinking that one can hide as though they are anonymous is a fools game.
While I know this is happening, I have never volunteered my consent for anyone to track me, to collect, record or share my private information and any attempt to do so is evidence of lawless violence.
As you can see, the only true protection is by giving notice. Otherwise, if one does not create a contract/Notice and remain silent, the legal presumption is that they are subject to statutory control and are exposed to potential liability.
I do not say this to scare you from communicating or researching; I just want people to be aware of what is going on if they have not arrived at this conclusion.
Those who are a part of disinformation with the outright attempt to marginalize what is going on here, think about what is being collected on you. Think about what may happen in the near future if your conduct is so severe that it is deemed a "national security issue."
Of course, there are times when we get things wrong which is part of the process of learning.
Also, if you find someone who is posting strange things with the name "I Am", send me an email and evidence of it and I will advise.
Lastly, since the 1860s, the United States has been under a national emergency (martial law) and this can easily be discerned by General Orders 100 (Lieber code). While it is not a hard totalitarian state, there are still several bad actors out there. We must always remain vigilant about our surroundings and who we meet/communicate with.
Best regards to you all and again, thank you for what you're doing!
6407e5 No.14849
>Q sketched out Obama's rapid rise from Harvard to POTUS along with implied question: who facilitated this rise
i know
but we have not filled in all of the blanks yet
which is why i was hunting down HLR = Harvard Law Review
context and connections are important
so worth chasing down every detail
Now. Why is it relevant.
We know about HUMA and Waleed.
But were there others that facilitated it as well?
Connections at HLR?
Connections at Sidley?
Was it just corrupt Saudis or were there others?
We made the connection to the Sauds weeks ago
So it leads me to believe there is more to be found
cc08e3 No.14850
Shutthefuckup, get out
152c24 No.14851
I.e, What would be worth the trouble of a several decades plan to put their guy in the White House?
Getting their own nuke arsenal and a backwater nation to run the arsenal out of.
6407e5 No.14852
don't respond.
8c79df No.14853
I was clicking around on the flights coming into Houston Intl. And found this flight. Weird stuff.
ef8592 No.14854
North Korea launches a rocket (ICBM type–but not weaponized) and Donald Trump does a press conference, yet the Defcom status still stays at 5 (the lowest level). One would assume that this would raise the threat level…
de0fd8 No.14855
249444 No.14856
Seriously. It is spooky.
b5c0d3 No.14857
>CIA Option of last resort.
Going into winter. It would be rough, many casualties. Stockpile coal, it's cheap. Good bartering material. Doesn't need fancy storage. Great energy density. Nearly inert. Usually very safe (unless you have an employee aboard by the name of Podesta, or you need a FF in Cuba to start a war (Battleship Maine)).
eac045 No.14858
>Going into winter. It would be rough, many casualties. Stockpile coal, it's cheap. Good bartering material. Doesn't need fancy storage. Great energy density. Nearly inert. Usually very safe (unless you have an employee aboard by the name of Podesta, or you need a FF in Cuba to start a war (Battleship Maine)).
i just picked up a propane heater that cranks. you recommend coal in a wood burning stove or something?
a910b9 No.14859
Assuming there was only one guy being groomed. One would think they would by now have an entire "farm league" system.
0b0240 No.14860
With how much Trump likes to call Kim rocket man, I'd almost be inclined to look into Elton John's song for some symbolism.
f85822 No.14861
halfchan cbts is now getting shilled by operatives. NatSocs are no longer holding the fort like they have been for a couple days. That's XXX and co fuckery afoot. It's a real headfuck to read through.
90d367 No.14862
>add on to what is being said here
what was being said there? post removed?
6407e5 No.14863
Report: Trump continues to question Obama's birth certificate
could you imagine if GEOTUS has managed to get hard evidence re: BHO birth certificate?
what, exactly, was the reason he stopped back in HI on his return from Asia.
things that make you go Hmmmmmmm...
c6b480 No.14864
e42b30 No.14865
Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. BO was picked because he was black
The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.
Professors and students at the law school reacted cautiously to Mr. Obama's selection. For better or for worse, people will view it as historically significant, said Prof. Randall Kennedy, who teaches contracts and race relations law.
e105a7 No.14866
I think BO is negotiating on behalf of NK.
BO is NK?
90d367 No.14867
what's weird about this? Are they dropping somebody in the ocean from 800ft?
8c79df No.14868
It is as if someone flew out there to make a drop or something. Recon? Why would a maint. flight fly that far just to turn around in deep water and come back to the bay? I mean that is pretty far for a maint. flight, I think.
14f0dc No.14869
Sounds reasonable enough to me! I voted for O the first time.. thought he'd be a cool guy.. Hmm... dunno until it comes out in the wash. But.. how did he, seemingly out of nowhere, even get to be NOMINATED for president?
Weirdest thing ever.. a guy that most of us have never heard of, suddenly becomes president. Uh huh..
249444 No.14870
Who knows but it reminds me of 9/11.
cdde31 No.14871
I'm inclined to wonder the same thing since I watched Trump speak about the letter that Obama left him in the Oval office. I know that's tradition but Trumps demeanor when he spoke about it and Obama leaving the country immediately made me wonder if Obama had warned him.
94606d No.14872
Good Catch, wonder if it leads to anything.
ef8592 No.14873
Q has also said we would be "surprised" who runs North Korea.
With that said, let's just speculate by backtracking.
Who would we not be surprised that is running North Korea? Here are some of my impressions:
1. CIA
2. Barack Obama
3. Vatican
4. Hillary Clinton (or associated to family)
5. George HW Bush (or associated to family)
Who would I be surprised by:
1. Oprah Winfrey
2. Mark Zuckerburg (sp) or his wife
3. etc (many names I can add)
Let's look at it from another angle.
Suppose we are the "deep state," would it not be wise to use others to operate on camera in regards to "political offices"?
–What would be the best way to have some exposure but hidden enough in plain view to keep people from connecting the dots?
Please feel free to expand on this. I am hoping to see what you all think…
2e3843 No.14874
Agree, would be an excellent addition to batter.
5c532b No.14875
Boycott halfchan. Just fucking boycott it. I thought the Japanese government was holding it down but obviously that was a heaping wheelbarrow of triceratops shit.
cc08e3 No.14876
So down with the Pope ? Well Sorry to inform you ! The rabbit hole is far far deeper than that.
But this is the tip of the all seeing eye of the modern day crumbling pyramid.
Keep all your gold and silver for your self now, just as this killing system gets dismantled by us all.
And dismantled it will be thanks to you spreading this awareness.
The funny thing is That the Cardinals who pretend to pick the pope under lock and key say that God comes in the presence and selects the Pope. Ever thought if that were so, that would get 7 billion viewers on television if true?
What do they take us for ?
All the above named have picked every monarch and every pope and every president to maintain the Roman and British empires Through shear tyranny. JUST READ THE JESUIT OATH FOR YOUR SELF AND SEE HOW MUCH MURDER THEY SWARE TO:
More info here : http://lightworkersxm.wordpress.com
They have stolen your rights to be what you really really are supposed to be :
Massive balls of light spiritual beings TOing and FROing around the universe.
The food they control you to digest, ruins the very spiritual glands that bring you into true self beings. You are a remarkable evolutant construct soul in reincarnate spiritual 3D vehicles.
Wondering where your spirit and soul has gone.
Adapt the truthful way of nature and evolution again for your spiritual acclaim and be in charge of your health and stop being subservient to Pharmaceutical Chemical bioweapons and poisins, in addition to the killing doctors and dentists of Jesuits practices here: Ask your self this ? Who would knowingly and willingly sell Flouride in toothpaste and put long lasting mercury fillings in teeth?
If it isn’t to dumb down your Pineal Gland ( the spiritual cosmic conscious gland in the geocentric location of the brain).
Take the gold off these thieves and claim it back for your selves from every single person in this matrix, because it is all yours and Make Planned Citizens Arrests as and when the ITCCS present them.
It has been stolen from every one of you in all of your previous lives. What you may not know and comprehend is you have once in your life time, been given the choice to come here and take it all back and you agreed to DO EXACTLY THAT and be here to reclaim it. You unfortunately have been controlled with amnesia and have simply forgotten why you are here:
Albert Einstein once said ” The Past, Present and Future run in the same space time concurrently : If you would like to predict what happened in the future all you have to do is remember it”.
It is yours to reclaim and so are all the churches and cathedrals built in the guise of religion STOLEN FROM YOUR POCKETS, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU : The secret vaults contain your secrets to spiritual success and achievment, these too are your property and for your own education.
These need to be in your possession and instead, like gold, are locked away in the ba sement vaults of the vatican and in the British Museum and many other so called sacred tombs.
c6b480 No.14877
how so?
i was thinking just a fleeing plane forced to turn around, but im very level 1 at flight shit
de0fd8 No.14878
fuck this shill permaban
8c79df No.14879
I have not a clue as to why they would fly that sort of pattern. Just some Anon asked us to look at the flights over Houston and I started clicking on them and found that. It was out of context for other flights.
5c532b No.14880
Elon Musk. How could you forget Elon Musk. That's number one on your list. He does everything in the universe to look like a good guy watching out for us. Really he's telling us all the horrible things he wants to do to us, like control us via implants and AI.
8c79df No.14881
That is a good thought too. I had not thought about that one.
249444 No.14882
That is Hobby airport. IAH is on northside.
6a1f80 No.14883
Go to 9:00
When W talks, I listen!
6a1f80 No.14884
1cef98 No.14885
The Trump Effect? or , Soros playing the fool?
c6b480 No.14886
how does it remind you of 9/11 though, sorry, just curious
e42b30 No.14887
Im pretty sure its been proven
MSM has not reported our when they do call it Conspiricy
b5c0d3 No.14888
> Zuma launch
Your post got me bothered then, and I'm still bothered. Trump &Co need to see what's in that payload and identify who is the sponsor of this launch.
eac045 No.14890
>The Trump Effect? or , Soros playing the fool?
not the reason for the pullback. Its basic TA, BTC was well overdue for a 40-60% pullback, then continuation
152c24 No.14891
Getting ahead of yourself, my dude.
We WOULD be surprised, as fuck, if the Clowns were running NK. The only reason the denizens here are no longer surprised per re is because we've had the many many doses of pills since Oct 29.
249444 No.14892
No planes in the sky. Don’t be confused by the map. Planes fly over the city.
8c79df No.14893
Is this an actual flight path?
453cae No.14894
Buying opportunity!
249444 No.14895
ef8592 No.14896
22ae65 No.14897
Houston Plane T-38 Talon. Training.
14f0dc No.14898
THIS might be worth researching.. _IF_ there's any info on the names..
As usual, there's always a boss ABOVE the boss.. and if this is them, then that's endgame, where all should point to.
If not, well.. then we're wrong.
94606d No.14899
http://www.globalaviationresource.com/ v2/2013/08/10/nasas-new-wb-57-n927na-flies/
Nothing out of the norm.
e42b30 No.14900
SpaceX’s mysterious Zuma launch is postponed indefinitely
453cae No.14901
Houston has long been the port-of-choice for Clown operations in Latin America.
ef8592 No.14902
Yes, thanks for the reminder.
The best way for a wolf to hide is in sheep's clothing.
2e3843 No.14903
ef8592 No.14904
The CIA is a group.
Someone runs them.
A corporation still needs a CEO and Board of Directors. I am trying to focus at or near the top of that pyramid.
94606d No.14905
Same planes. One has no call sign. High altitude research aircraft. Back to taking down the cabal.
1d8b0f No.14906
Does anyone know anything about these loud booms being reported in many places around the globe? www.rt.com/usa/411440-mysterious-boom-sounds-arizona/
249444 No.14907
NASA? They fly out of Ellington Field. Military
b2f540 No.14908
Rather than light v dark, with the religious overtones, consider this a battle between fragmented personality v whole personality. A person growing towards wholeness is fundamentally in touch with compassion, love, and mutual respect. They lean towards respecting individualism and personal liberty. Fragmented personalities become stuck, usually due to trauma, and compulsively repeat their traumas – usually taking it out on others. They are authoritarian, lack compassion, rarely love anything, and at their worst are out-and –out psychopaths. They can also take charge of the upper echelons of authoritarian power structures because of their cunning, furtiveness, and willingness to do the unthinkable (see Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology).
cc08e3 No.14910
My guess was underground bases being destroyed.
Usa,canada,newzealand and austrailia right?
f8557a No.14911
453cae No.14912
2e3843 No.14914
R'schilds and blood lined families own NK?
1d8b0f No.14916
Yes, and some other locations as well…experts explaining that not likely to be sonic booms…it's been 2 days in a row in Tuscon.
f85822 No.14917
I think the plan was to drive everybody over here during the epic shill raid, then take over the board with the old 'Hey guy's I've probably got a vagina' and then v/pizzagate us. That's why it chimped out. It was failing its mission. Fortunately based BO is awake.
3c5f15 No.14918
Information from http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/sidley-austin-brown-wood-history/ with my personal notes in (parenthesis):
Its specialties cover the full range of a modern law practice, from intellectual property and real estate to mergers and acquisitions and complex financial transactions (think money-laundering). As more businesses expand overseas, Sidley Austin Brown & Wood plays a major role in the world's increasingly globalized economy (think establishment of NWO).
In 1874 the firm gained The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) as another long-term client (think access to children).
The firm's utility practice included incorporating the Western Edison Light Company in 1882, shortly after Thomas Edison developed the first useful light bulb (think competition to N.Tesla, destruction of Tesla’s efforts).
Meanwhile, the firm helped railroads to expand. It helped the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad lay the legal foundations for its extension from Kansas City to Chicago in the 1880s. For example, it set up land purchases or leases for the railroad, and continued to represent it until 1893 (think about all the crimes of the robber barons - slave labor, price gouging, ruthless business practices, drug trade and prostitution in the camps, etc).
e42b30 No.14920
Obama's lost law review article
Obama's article, which begins on page 823 of Volume 103 of the Harvard Law Review, is available in libraries and subscription-only legal databases.
07f0af No.14921
ef8592 No.14922
I'm near the Phoenix area and have not heard any booms. I keep my window open at night because I can hear sounds all around my home. It allows me to see with my ears if someone is close to me while I remain on guard.
3c5f15 No.14923
In the 1890s the Chicago firm represented the Illinois Steel Company until it was acquired by J. Pierpont Morgan's Federal Steel Company. Morgan in 1901 combined Federal Steel along with Andrew Carnegie's steel company to create U.S. Steel, the nation's first billion-dollar corporation (think beginning of consolidation of powers).
With the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act and other antitrust laws being enforced, the Chicago law firm defended its corporate clients against charges filed by the federal government (think fought to protect the TPTB rather than the democracy).
Although still a small firm, its solid reputation was acknowledged by Charles S. Cutting, a former probate judge, serving two terms as the Chicago Bar Association's president (think access to judges and manipulation of the legal system).
Under Cutting's leadership, the firm represented numerous prominent Chicago citizens in wills and estate matters. After Richard W. Sears, cofounder of Sears, Roebuck & Company, died in 1914, the firm worked until 1931 to resolve Sears's estate matters. In 1923 the partnership assisted Edith Rockefeller McCormick, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller, when she established the Edith Rockefeller McCormick Trust. After she died in 1931, the firm spent 20 years resolving disputes concerning her estate. In 1932 the law firm handled the estate of William Wrigley, Jr., who had started his chewing gum business back in 1892 in Chicago (think finding ways to protect and hold gains, both legal and illegal, in Trusts to act as slush funds to propagate the will of the few).
b67d37 No.14924
Anons….this just hit me….PRINT out the MAPS of Q (and have saved on a thumbdrive)…if we get hit with EMP or have "10 days of darkness" we Will need the proof to redpill the local normi swarms= Q stated the Future will answer the past and We are tasked with educating and helping.
eac045 No.14925
>Does anyone know anything about these loud booms being reported in many places around the globe? www.rt.com/usa/411440-mysterious-boom-sounds-arizona/
could be related to the (((space junk))) that fell from the sky in Canada, last week. As well as the wierd metal cube that fell out of the sky in Japan, this week as well.
Could there be a space war going on right now, that we are unaware of?
3c5f15 No.14926
After graduating from Northwestern University Law School, in 1926 Adlai E. Stevenson became the newest lawyer at the firm. Even as a young lawyer, Stevenson showed a strong interest in government service and foreign affairs. For example, he served in 1933 as the president of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, whose national organization often was headed by top partners at elite corporate law firms. In 1933 Stevenson left to work for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the years ahead he would work periodically for the law firm and in government service, eventually running unsuccessfully for president, thus becoming one of the law firm's most prominent lawyers (think access to the highest levels of government).
In 1972 Sidley & Austin's 100 lawyers merged with the 53 lawyers of Leibman, Williams, Bennett, Baird & Minow. The smaller firm had originated in 1945 when Robert F. Carney, G. Kenneth Crowell, and Morris I. Leibman formed the partnership of Carney, Crowell and Leibman.
New clients in the 1970s included the American Bar Association and also the American Medical Association as it fought against the Federal Trade Commission having regulatory power over it (think access and manipulation of both the legal and healthcare systems).
1d8b0f No.14927
damn. Russel Simmons is latest Pervnado casualty! www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/russell-simmons-steps-down_us_5a201a81e4b037b8ea203093?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009
6407e5 No.14929
comfy with those digits
musk ditching the advisory council
cannot be coincidental based on all we've seen
07f0af No.14930
Just saw you posting these 9 parts over at 4ch
3c5f15 No.14931
Brill's magazine and the National Law Journal pioneered modern legal journalism by shedding light on what had been more or less secret societies. With more comparative information about large law firms available, lawyers then increased their lateral career moves to firms that offered more financial opportunities. In addition, increased competition for the best lawyers resulted from growing corporations and a multitude of new government laws and regulations. Thus most large law firms grew even faster in the late 1970s and especially the 1980s.
Sidley & Austin's rapid growth paralleled the expansion of the Chicago Bar Association. By 1983 the firm had about 400 lawyers. Meanwhile, the CBA went from about 10,000 members in the mid-1970s to 17,638 in 1983. According to Terence C. Halliday, the CBA in 1983 with 'its budget of $4.4 million made it the richest and biggest of all metropolitan associations in the United States. In fact, the CBA budget in 1983 exceeded all but four of the fifty-six state bar associations.' (think money buys power - why are all these lawyers supporting the Democrats?)
In 1983 former U.S. Solicitor General Rex Lee and Carter Phillips began to build Sidley & Austin's U.S. Supreme Court specialty. In the October 1998 ABA Journal, Phillips claimed that only the Chicago firm in 1983 was 'consciously and systematically pursuing those cases.' That was an important step, for by the late 1990s the Court had reduced the number of cases it reviewed and heard more cases handled by Supreme Court specialists (think access, manipulation and control of the country’s highest court).
727798 No.14932
0f4b3f No.14933
Here's my TL;DR green text - It is taken from an economic/anthropological perspective - While certain aspects date back to the dawn of civilization the modern tale starts with Nathan Mayer Rothschild "favorite son" of Mayer Rothschild and default leader of the 5 brothers.
Dateline: Europe - Dawn of the Industrial Revolution - Peak of Colonialism (~late 18th early 19th century)
>The 5 rothschild sons invent international banking - meaning through sophisticated postal and private intelligence gathering network were able to successfully convert separate paper currencies used in (sometimes warring) nations accurately, facilitating trade.
During the battle of Waterloo one of his messengers sent and envoy stating the british seemed to be/had won - which he recieved some time before the official Military messenger (the postal system they implemented had long utilized carrier pidgeons…)
Nathan Rothschild, already an accomplished banker/financier at the London exchange - starts selling off shares en masse - which is something you would do if Britain had lost - and causes a panic - the whole exchange spirals into a crash
>Rothschild then repurchases almost the entire exchange - including the Bank of England - for pennies on the dollar. By the time word gets of Napolians defeat Rothschild is basically the majority share holder for the entire KINGDOM of britain.
>But this would not have lasted long if Rothschild was not as skilled of Banker as he was - they simply wouldve said "fuck it" and kill him.
>Instead he proves to be EXTREMELY good at running the nations financial economy - drawing heavily from the likes of Adam Smith and Locke of "Liberty/Free Markets" but also on Hobbes "Absolute monarchy" - setting out to secure his role as leader of nations through the covert financial underbelly. Long story short, it works, and by 1900 the Rothschilds were running every european central bank (except Russias?) and while a major backer to most of the Gilded age giants like JP Morgan and Carnegie, did not have what would be the crown jewl American central banking system. But he eventually got that one as well.
Now consider this - what could an organization do that had controlled the finances for 200 years do to ensure that they maintain their control? Could they influence media? Politics? Even entire national identities over generations? You should bet your ass they could.
>JFK goes rouge. He knows the system, his father was an important part of it. But post WW2 he realizes that America - with its unlimited manufacturing and military/diplomatic might can reform the financial system that still has Rothschild at the head and endless subordanants loyal to THEM (including basically the entire nation of Isreal, and indeed politicians, government officials, and even many members of MI6/CIA which were founded with people/tactics the Rothschild banking industry had been perfecting for nearly a century)
"The Time to fix your roof is when the sun is shining" - It got him killed, and however they did it, the most important thing to realize is that EVERYONE involved in the proliferation of news and investigation had ties Rothschild money. This you can draw direct lines to. Its a real pain, but I've done it.
Since then this cabal has basically been unstoppable and able to implement policies favoriable to their maintanance of power.
NUMBER ONE - Global expansion. The financial industry is often compared to a global pyramid scheme, and in a sense, it is. It MUST have growth or it WILL collapse - sometimes done in more controlled fashions "to relieve pressure from the system" (Bussiness cycle…)
Through little nudges here and there through the central banking systems, entire national economies can be made or broke - and is often described as "Commanding a fleet of oil tankers - one small nudge of the wheel and in time the entire fleet changes course."
I will skip over details but in modern times this has lead to globalization which is inherently bad for the enviorment and the west. It is a race to the bottom - and not how life is meant to be lived.
3c5f15 No.14934
Due to charges of legal malpractice from representing Lincoln Savings, one of the many savings and loan institutions that failed in the 1980s, Sidley & Austin paid $7.5 million to settle those claims made by the federal government. At least five other corporate law firms also paid large amounts to settle other legal liability charges from their work in the S & L crisis, which received extensive media coverage. None of the law firms admitted any wrongdoing, according to Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith in their book No Contest: Corporate Lawyers and the Perversion of Justice in America (think banking fraud, manipulation of the economy and how to manipulate the legal system to allow criminals to get away with it).
The Firm in the 1990s and Beyond
When Commonwealth Edison's exclusive energy contract with Chicago was up for renewal in 1990, the utility represented by Sidley & Austin attorneys demanded and received a secrecy agreement that prevented the people of Chicago from seeing any records the utility deemed confidential, although city government officials could look at them. After considerable political criticism, Commonwealth Edison allowed public and media access to most documents it had marked confidential. That led to the city renewing the utility's contract. Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith cited Sidley & Austin's behavior in this case as an example of how big law firms help corporations at the expense of average citizens. They argued in their 1996 book that the 'imbalances between real people and artificial persons called corporations are growing fast.' (think fought to make sure that a corporatocracy has more power than the democracy.)
0f4b3f No.14935
Trump is busting up the cabal - which forces retraction of wealth back into the west and the US - as these are long established economies capable of self sustainment (china too can weather it - but Brazil and the Aruba? good luck…)
Basically its reforming the system into what most people think it is like, but really isn't because of the cabal, and the sheer size of the infiltration in high level positions known as the "deep state" has prevented any reform from moving forward. Until Trump. He is Loyal to America, and in turn Western civilization. He (correctly) perceives the threat of globalization to quality of life in the west, and indeed life itself (carbon emmissions aside, 7 billion people can not live like Americans without destroying the ecosystem that supports us. Those in control either don't care/ too incompetant to realize this.
And for that they must die. Not to mention the fuck and sacrifice children apparently (that was new to me - But even learning about the truth in the system from a financial/economic/corruption perspective alone, the sheer amount of EVIL is stunning
ef8592 No.14936
I'm under the distinct impression that the Rothschilds are a major part of this equation but that there are people above them. I consider the Rothschilds to be the level just under the top…maybe two levels based upon information another poster provided above about the blood lines.
3c5f15 No.14937
In 1994 Sidley & Austin lawyer Scott Bass helped write the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. Since that law did not cover foods, later in the decade some companies were adding herbs and other supplements to what were called functional foods. However, Bass said in a 1999 New York Times article that, 'It's not valid to have a box of cereal that says `Dietary Supplement.' (think establishing the “Big Pharma” agenda)
Other clients in the 1990s and after the turn of the century included Health Alliance, Amoco, and Citicorp. It also helped Microsoft's main outside law firm Sullivan & Cromwell when the software giant was accused of antitrust violations (think fought for the consolidation of power and to curb competition).
In November 1998 the American Lawyer, assisted by London's Legal Business, published its first rankings of the world's major law firms. Based on its 811 lawyers, Sidley & Austin ranked number 12. Only 5 percent of its lawyers were outside the United States, unlike Baker & McKenzie, the most internationalized firm, with 80 percent outside of its home country. Based on 1997 gross revenue of $360 million, Sidley & Austin received a number 11 ranking.
With Baker & McKenzie having over 2,000 lawyers and London's Clifford Chance having about 3,000 lawyers, Sidley & Austin in early 2001 faced challenges from other big law firms competing for the best lawyers and clients. Thus, as part of a consolidating trend, in 2001 Sidley & Austin combined its 900 lawyers with Brown & Wood's 400 lawyers who worked out of offices in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Beijing, Hong Kong, and London. THINK THESE PEOPLE WIELD REAL POWER AND THEY ARE FIGHTING AGAINST US!!!!!!
bd1883 No.14938
If I were the CIA and Elites who have been planning this for decades and I had access to miniature nuclear payloads, I would ALREADY have multiple bombs hidden in Russia, China and the United States. I would launch progressively more sophisticated ICBM rocketry and make a big show of testing nukes at home as a distraction from that fact.
If I cannot rule the world, I will destroy it in hellfire and take everyone with me.
1d8b0f No.14939
Possible.. but it seems these are mostly associated with some kind of ground or underground level phenomena. Perception may not be accurate, though.
6a1f80 No.14940
When you get time….it’s all in the blood
eac045 No.14941
>Nathan Rothschild, already an accomplished banker/financier at the London exchange - starts selling off shares en masse - which is something you would do if Britain had lost - and causes a panic - the whole exchange spirals into a crash
>>Rothschild then repurchases almost the entire exchange - including the Bank of England - for pennies on the dollar. By the time word gets of Napolians defeat Rothschild is basically the majority share holder for the entire KINGDOM of britain.
i remember reading about that shit
0f4b3f No.14942
It is possible the Oppenheimers - the family who originally funded Rothschilds - are above them
No one unit controls everything, but they are in cahoots with each other
9385f2 No.14943
1cef98 No.14944
Guys, i was away for a few hours, and trying to catch up. What is our main focus , as things stand please?
Board seems too overcomplicated for my feeble mind!!
eac045 No.14946
>Guys, i was away for a few hours, and trying to catch up. What is our main focus , as things stand please?
Who really controls NK?
5102ed No.14947
Trainer. See thew aircraft type.
Not really a mystery, but good looking out.
1d8b0f No.14948
Sidley Austin connections, Rex Tillerson exit, and board-bickering
6407e5 No.14949
>Council on Foreign Relations
2e3843 No.14950
Life-saver based BO. Thank God. And for v/cbts.
dfde88 No.14952
Anyone into symbolism? They just returned the sphere to the world trade center location….it with the twin towers supposedly had masonic meaning…
https://www.nytimes.com /2017/11/29/nyregion/911-memorial-sphere-sculpture.html
14f0dc No.14953
Well, naturally I don't want to leave any stones upturned.. and I'm looking for "The BOSS" of all bosses. Who's the ones that control the Rothschilds? Surely it's not THEM that are the brainchildren of this whole thing.
I've long believed it had to do with the Vatican and the pope(s). Secret meetings, and knowing how much Europe has ALWAYS seemed to kiss the pope's ass, it would only make sense that the anti-christ would hide behind a robe and supposed 'man of the cloth'
Just throwing this out there. Has anyone looked into this guy/these people?
0f4b3f No.14954
yup. and right as the Industrial revolution was kicking into high gear in britain thanks to james watt / entire way Britain's economy was set up.
So they dirrectly bennefited from every penny made during the largest economic expansion in human history of the last 200 years. You know how they say their is ~100Trillion $ of outstanding debt in the entire world? These people own 70-90% of that. They can't call on it all at once (just like they say about the national debt held by other countries) because the resulting instability would crash the system and they would lose their power. Stability and growth is the name of the game for them, and over the years they have done ANYTHING to maintain that - while having the finances of entire nations annual interest payments to be able to do so.
3c5f15 No.14955
Yes, I have been trying to monitor both sites. The connections on Sidley Austin are pretty tight. I saw a post on Twitter that both Obamas worked for them during their careers, but I've yet to find documentation online verifying this.
6407e5 No.14956
not a bad thought, anon
b67d37 No.14957
Does this have something to do with the adenochrome theories? Do the 'dark' have to have blood from children to survive? Is that why the Dems are so Proabortion? Is NK farming children for them?
Maybe Hillary was having 'withdraws' from the blood and is why she was having her weird 'seizures'? I might be reaching here but Q stated that if the truth was known it would put 99% of people in the hospital.
2e3843 No.14958
6a1f80 No.14959
Too much symbolism there! I mean wired shit. The black cube inverted seemingly matching the one in Mecca is too bizarre to ignore
1d8b0f No.14960
McCain voices support for Tax Reform bill despite the shortcomings. Seems he is falling in line.
eac045 No.14962
>I'm under the distinct impression that the Rothschilds are a major part of this equation but that there are people above them. I consider the Rothschilds to be the level just under the top…maybe two levels based upon information another poster provided above about the blood lines.
2e3843 No.14963
Will do. Thank you.
e42b30 No.14965
But Obama has never mentioned his law review piece, a demurral that's part of his campaign's broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate, even when relatively innocuous. When Politico reporters working on a story about Obama's law review presidency earlier this year asked if he had written for the review, a spokesman responded accurately - but narrowly - that "as the president of the Law Review, Obama didn't write articles, he edited and reviewed them."
The case comment was published a month before he became president.
The notion that Obama hadn't written at all for the Review prompted skepticism.
"They probably don't want [to] have you [reporters] going back" to examine the Review, University of Southern California law professor (and Michael Dukakis campaign manager) Susan Estrich said at the time.
The Obama campaign swiftly confirmed Obama's authorship of the fetal rights article Thursday after a source told Politico he'd written it. The campaign also provided a statement on Harvard Law Review letterhead confirming that the unsigned piece was Obama's - the only record of the anonymous authors is kept in the office of the Review president - and that records showed it was the only piece he'd written for the Review.
3c5f15 No.14966
My intuition: They hold the world in their hands.
cc08e3 No.14967
so another connected redpill..
The Cabal has had control for SO long I believe they created the Islamic religion AS A WEAPON to use. thats why they are forcing open borders to refugees
249444 No.14968
Booms still not defined.
eac045 No.14969
>The Cabal has had control for SO long I believe they created the Islamic religion AS A WEAPON to use. thats why they are forcing open borders to refugees
Well the Suadi royal family are actually jews…so i wouldnt be surprised
9afadf No.14970
Is that 12 year old ban yet?
1cef98 No.14971
High-ranking defector claims the clandestine Organisation and Guidance Department is "the single most powerful entity in North Korea"
OGD? The embedded UN link in this article is 404.
97be42 No.14972
looks like a great 1st draft.
i have to go out in about an hour, so i can't work on it, but after i am back in about 12 hours time, i'll take this as base, and add my own things. i think i will bake #16 before heading out.
in the meantime, if there are others who ant to work on it, then please go ahead.
I will request "the tl;dr" when i come back, i hope some of you will remember this.
ef8592 No.14973
Yes I am quite familiar with that.
But the message does not necessarily mean or infer that the Rothschilds are at the top. But then again, I also know to stay objective just in case. :) Thanks for the reminder though.
fe3fab No.14974
I'm sure Joe is just being friendly and theres nothing more to it.
dfde88 No.14976
It's in "Liberty Park" lol reminds me of the "Patriot Act"
727798 No.14977
airplane at very high altitude here
9afadf No.14978
This is the creepiest Joe pic I have ever seen, and he has a lot.
eac045 No.14979
>>>14962 (You)
>Yes I am quite familiar with that.
>But the message does not necessarily mean or infer that the Rothschilds are at the top. But then again, I also know to stay objective just in case. :) Thanks for the reminder though.
i doubt they are the (((top))) too. I dont think the (((people))) at the top are even human tbh
2e3843 No.14980
Thread Focus / Update
Q drop - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/13366.html#13601
The Asia Foundation.
Happy hunting.
Doc Q references pertains to a doc of Asia Foundation Trustees requesting continuted gov. funding for TAF. Was this to fund the NK Cabal bunker? Looking into this doc and connections from TAF to the swamp. Much info in thread.
Doc Q Ref'd - https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp84b00049r001303260026-4
Extraction Event
Where is BO? Was BO extracted from Philippeans or NK? Digging.
Exploring heory that NK is a cabal bunker complete with nuclear arseanal and Space-X tech paid for by gov's and normies giving to charities - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/14277.html#14627
Q Drop - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/12535.html#13282
Sidley Austin.
Happy hunting.
10th largest atourney group in NYC. Global. Connections to Obama et all. Are they the defence lawyers for the cabal? Are they connected to The Asia Foundation (TAF)? Why did Q drop this name? Digging.
Strange NASA flight over Huston. Watching.
Blood lined familes and Jesuits. Who are they, what are their position in the pyramid?
5a824d No.14981
f85822 No.14982
I'll STFU because I'm off-topic, but I expect the next step for them is to re-establish halfchan cbts and defame this one. It's about control.
3d4ce8 No.14983
so the Sum of all fears angle. have been watching it again it has a lot of interesting plot points. also there was a point in the movie they quoted someone as "knowing where all the bodies are buried" which Q brought up at one point also.
249444 No.14984
When was the last time we heard sonic booms?
cc08e3 No.14985
Also… another connection.
They know the african americans are the TRUE Israelites so they systematically oppressed them and forced them into slavery.
EVERYTHING we know today has been planned thousands of years in advance
9afadf No.14986
Or like Obamacare, Net Neutrality, maybe even Global Warming, Climate Change, Social Justice, doublespeak
3c5f15 No.14987
As a student of history, it appears to me that throughout recorded history, all religions have been "weaponized" to use against the masses. Catholicism throughout the Dark and Middle Ages, Protestantism throughout the early colonial years here in America and during the height of the slave trade, etc. There is a Creator, but the false prophets have changed the narrative over time to meet their own agenda.
fe3fab No.14988
Potentially one of the most important posts made in quite a while.
>Given your circle whats your take on Ronald Bernard real or LARP and in either case whats the objective?
727798 No.14990
last weekend here. DNK worldwide.
97be42 No.14991
good post.
will include in #16
1d8b0f No.14992
OOOOOh. Didn't realize someone tracked down a document concerning that Asia Q post.
3c5f15 No.14993
Yes, I believe everything has been planned. I may have missed it if discussed previously, but has anyone mentioned the war in Revelations (of the Bible) between GOG and MAGOG in the end times?
2e3843 No.14994
Have the same feeling. Not off-topic afaik. Am concerned.
503af8 No.14995
So you're telling me that a bunch of barely NEET's are thinking they can stand against real NEET's empowered by the White House?
They really must be desperate, why would you ever do something that can only be considered suicide for your sanity if they weren't.
133dc8 No.14996
like.. who/what is this? Or is this a hoax?
cc08e3 No.14997
d5eee3 No.14998
1cef98 No.15000
High-ranking defector claims the clandestine Organisation and Guidance Department is "the single most powerful entity in North Korea"
OGD? The embedded UN link in this article is 404.
According to Jang, the apparatus is called the Organisation and Guidance Department (OGD) – an "old boys’ network” full of Kim Jong-il’s university friends.
But he said Kim Jong-un, who was educated in Switzerland, does not have the support of the OGD and is therefore little more than a political figurehead reliant on his fathers’ advisers."
The Father is a possible good start .
735604 No.15001
A proxy war is usually a hot conflict that's fought to undermine or defeat another country. For example, The US never fought an armed conflict against Russia during the Cold War, but fought many hot wars against smaller countries that were threatening to cozy up to the Soviets (Korea, Vietnam, etc). Those could be considered proxy wars as they weren't the "main" enemy.
Q may be referring to some kind of public conflict (NK?) that has bigger players and interests on both sides.
b5c0d3 No.15002
> you recommend coal in a wood burning stove or something?
Absolutely. I've used coal in wood (kitchen) stoves, wood stoves, fireplaces, hibachis, and open firepits to get green wood dry. And of course there are dedicated whole house coal stoves. Had them in several houses in Utah years ago. Cheap, convenient, efficient, off grid.
97be42 No.15003
here's a question -
which human is at the top? it got a name?
249444 No.15005
You get lots of sonic booms?
3c5f15 No.15006
See my above posts about Sidley Austin. Yes, I believe they have been the leading law firm for "The Family" for at least 150 years.
28fa99 No.15007
Damn it!! I'm having massive problems with my internet.
Meant THIS picture.. lol
eac045 No.15008
>Medicis apparently died out in 1600's but here is some on the bloodlines.
>Pepe Orsini of the Roman Maximus Clan.
>He is the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines…
>The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.
>The "Illuminati" is only one of the six current heads that make up "the Beast" and there is a head to that beast… a woman who rides that beast, the evil Queen Hephzibah (the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semaramis).
>You will never read any article about her, she is a Nephilim hybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the queen, the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her.
>As this previous poster has said, yes there are others that you never hear about and that all information is destroyed before that it can get out. I could not give this information out if I wasn't one who is feared by the elite myself. The real people in charge, you have never heard of them.
>People take note and remember…
>Outer Doctrine = What They allow out to Us or allow Us to know even if it is supposedly Back Channel - COSMIC Level Info.
>Inner Doctrine = The way it really is and this is only known between Them.
>Us = Father / Son / Spirit.
>Them = Father / Mother / Son.
>Names have Power over, or in relation to, those Beings being called by PROPER Name. For this reason and this reason alone - The Names We commonly know Them by in the Main Stream are merely monikers of much Older and more Powerful Names.
>Innana > Isis > Diana.
>Marduk > Ra Marduk, Amen Ra, Ra.
>The Original Names are for the most part only known to Them, and believe me - That's a very select group..
>The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
>There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope.
>The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
>These powerful bloodlines are the,
>You'll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
Deserves a bump
>>>You will never read any article about her, she is a Nephilim hybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the queen, the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her.
This ^ reminds me of the ancient aliens theory
6407e5 No.15010
guess that boot is having the intended effect……
if the tax bill passes because of his vote
and McStain walks (pardon the pun)
don't be surprised
Art of the Deal
602ba7 No.15011
Makes you think that the 1% could magically float in the air while disinfecting the other 99%
f29bf0 No.15012
Could a strong enough EMP take out power in DUMBs? Seems like a real easy way to kill off those elite faggots if possible. Just have them scurry their asses into a bunker and shut off the power so they can never get out (or breathe after a while).
1cef98 No.15013
exceptional . Much appreciated.
6407e5 No.15015
>i hope some of you will remember this
727798 No.15016
2 in 2 weeks. That is all.
cc08e3 No.15017
45d885 No.15018
An Interview with Michael J. Schmidtberger, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP
>Of course, we have terrific >bet-the-company practices, which I refer to as our “tower” practices. These include trial and appellate litigation, M&A and private equity, capital markets, life sciences, investment funds, insurance, bankruptcy and restructuring, global finance, tax, and real estate.
>Nothing is more rewarding than being able to provide strategic counseling to clients, but regulatory capability is something that stretches across our practice areas and, particularly, in relation to our “tower” practices.
b5c0d3 No.15019
>Report: Trump continues to question Obama's birth certificate
And how he's got the entire resources of the government to get to the bottom of it. Kek!
Have we got a betting pool started on this yet?
eac045 No.15020
>Could a strong enough EMP take out power in DUMBs? Seems like a real easy way to kill off those elite faggots if possible. Just have them scurry their asses into a bunker and shut off the power so they can never get out (or breathe after a while).
dont think so. I would guess that the earth blocks those frequencies, but thats just a guess.
Some of those booms heard around the world could be some of these DUMBs being destroyed; just a thought
07f0af No.15021
Looks like a big chunk of shit to me! Send it back!
cc08e3 No.15022
c6912d No.15023
Arpaio already showed it was a forgery
770bf7 No.15024
found this while doing a little digging
eac045 No.15025
e42b30 No.15026
Its already been proven faked
Normies wont swallow that pill
ad37f1 No.15027
He gets to "die of cancer" and be relocated to live out the rest of his miserable life.
dfde88 No.15028
Agree. Fucking thing remained standing even as the towers fell. Guess they forgot the thermite….
97be42 No.15029
i was slightly shocked as well.
e42b30 No.15030
f85822 No.15031
07f0af No.15032
I wouldn't underestimate what this Anon has been saying >>6652
3c5f15 No.15033
This is a fairly comprehensive study on the Bloodlines that I captured before the site was taken offline. There are some errors. Specifically, the comments regarding the Sisters and Muses. There are, however, many Truths to be found here. Long read, but worth it.
cc08e3 No.15034
I know…like WHAT!?
nothing is a coincidence….
e42b30 No.15035
Obama Birth Certificate (hi-res)
de0fd8 No.15036
if the plan is to nuke the norther hemisphere the safe place is under the ice in Antarctica
97be42 No.15038
need to find more evidence about it.
109c7a No.15039
5cb8bc No.15040
holy fuck. did CBA know their procedure was harming children? did they advocate for harvesting baby blood? yup… i would lawyer up…
6407e5 No.15041
cfba64 No.15042
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Obama's birth certificate was proven a forgery with brand new evidence, not too long ago by Sheriff Arpaio.
The entire media was there and it was a total blackout in the MSM.
The full press conference:
45d885 No.15043
Sharon R. Flanagan, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP
Some notable transactions include representing the following:
>Genentech (a member of the Roche Group) in its acquisition of Seragon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology company that develops and manufactures next-generation oral selective estrogen receptor degraders for the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer for $725 million in cash and up to $1 billion in milestones.
>PayPal Inc. in its acquisition of Xoom Corporation (NASDAQ:XOOM), a leading international digital money transfer provider for $890 million in cash.
>Roche Molecular Systems in its acquisition of Genia Technologies, a DNA sequencing company, for $125 million in cash and up to $225 million in milestones.
>Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a cross-community international working group in the historic and closely-followed transition of the oversight of ICANN and the Internet domain name system from the U.S. government to the multistakeholder community.
>Medivation Inc. in its acquisition of talazoparib, a drug candidate to treat germline BRCA-mutated metastatic breast cancer and other cancers, from BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. for $410 million in cash and up to $160 million in milestones.
>eBay Inc. in the sale of Skype Technologies to Silver Lake Partners for $2 billion.
>PayPal in its acquisition of Modest, a mobile commerce platform
>PayPal in its acquisition of Israeli cybersecurity company CyActive
>PayPal in its acquisition of mobile payments company Card.io
>PayPal in its acquisition of Zong SA, a Swiss mobile payments company
>eBay in its acquisition of customer acquisition company Iron Pearl
>eBay in its acquisition of shopping engine Milo
90d367 No.15044
Mysterious boom rattles San Diego
Published time: 2 Nov, 2017 21:22
Unexplained loud 'booms' rattling houses puzzle southern Arizona
Published time: 30 Nov, 2017 13:39
NASA says origin of large boom over Alabama is a mystery
Updated Nov 14; Posted Nov 14
Loud noise Wednesday night a mystery (Lewiston Tribune, Idaho)
Nov 16, 2017
Wild Theories Offered Up About Loud Mystery Boom Near Denver
November 22, 2017 2:32 PM
Feel a rumbling in N.J.? It wasn't an earthquake, maybe a sonic boom
Updated Oct 25; Posted Oct 25
Mysterious 'boom' reported in west Michigan
Posted: 1:44 PM, April 17, 2017
Add to the list if you know of any other incidences please
6407e5 No.15045
would be ok with me if we all get our christmas present as POTUS promised
e105a7 No.15046
For what it is worth… This is how I see it:
Obama is part of the House of Saud. He does whatever they decide. The MB and HLR and many other organizations are all connected. Iran is controlled by them also NK is a nothing state is in their control also and is meant to keep Trump on his toes. This has nothing to do with Russia. China and Russia are on board with Trump. So the proxy war is happening in NK is between China and Iran (Iran is the House of Saud). The US political establishment is also part of the House of Saud. The reason the establishment in the US is part of the House of Saud is for two reasons: 1) paid off and 2) compromised through blackmail (cabal -> human trafficking -> pedophilia). The accusations about sexual harassment is the lesser of the evils and keeps the public's eyes of the actual crime which is human trafficking and pedophilia.
The NWO organization is composed of people who have various tasks just like any other corporation. The Rothschilds, for example, are the money mangers.
The whole thing is actually pretty simple and just about everything that is happening in the world is a function of this 'war'.
Not sure what I am saying makes sense to anyone bu that is the conclusion I have come to after endless hours, days, months and, yes, years of trying to figure it out.
e8e327 No.15047
Found everyones favorite black and yellow Y eagle
de0fd8 No.15049
look for more of them … vatican louvre london
07f0af No.15050
>Some of those booms heard around the world could be some of these DUMBs being destroyed; just a thought
People went through this idea a few years back went large "booms" were being heard in various places throughout the States. Of course, it was largely associated with fucking Aliens 'n' shit in the conspiracy theory communities.
eac045 No.15051
Nice list of loud boom articles anon
e42b30 No.15052
Obama wrapped up like pretzel
6407e5 No.15053
>Sheriff Arpaio
whom Trump recently pardoned……….
936ad3 No.15054
3c5f15 No.15055
Great find! It clearly shows the players and entities they control. It seemed to me when I read their history that they have had the judiciary wrapped around their fingers for a long time - at least the last century. It makes sense why Trump fired the 46 Obama appointees to the Justice Dept.
2e3843 No.15056
Excellent find. Would be great if we could create these for the connection strings we have.
Simple, postable, instant understanding.
07f0af No.15059
Which House does that one belong to?
2e3843 No.15062
Indarasding anon. Who's coat of arms?
249444 No.15063
North Korea weapons development base.
b19e56 No.15064
e8e327 No.15067
as per >>6652
d5eee3 No.15068
"I believe that the banking institutions are MORE DANGEROUS to our liberties than standing armies." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Now are these diabolical monsters print the currency of nations across the western world. The best way to understand the Rothschild System is that it is a Jewish organized crime network. Once he gained power, he created a network of Jews throughout Europe and in America brought on Shabbos Goy on as partners through the Masonic Lodges.
The Jewish Banking Mafia:
Jew - Rothschild Banks of London
Jew - Rothschild Banks of Berlin
Jew - Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
Jew - Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
Jew - Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany
Jew - Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Jew - Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Jew - Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Jew - Goldman Sachs (Obamas biggest corporate donor in 2008/2012) CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Jew - The Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yelen (before, Ben Shalom Bernanke and Alan Greenspan) including top shareholders Goldman Sachs (Jewish), J.P. Morgan Chase (Jewish) and the Rothschilds banking cartel (Jewish)
Jew - Citigroup Chairman Stanford Weil and Co Chief Executive Robert Diamond
Jew - Wells Fargo Chairman John Stumpf
Jew - Bank of America Chief Executive Charles Noski
Jew - Barclays Chief Executive Robert Diamond
Jew - J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and Chief Executive Jamie Diamond
Jew - Morgan Stanley President and Chief Executive James Gorman
Jew - USB AG Chief Executive Oswal Gurbel
Jew - CFTC Chariman Gary G. Gensler
Jew - SEC Chariwoman Mary Schapiro
Jew - NFA President Daniel Roth
Jew - FINRA Chairman Richard Ketchum
Jew - NYSE Euronext President Duncan Niederauer
Jew - NASDAQ OMZ Group Chief Executive Robert Greifield
90d367 No.15069
Did this happen recently? Find me a link?
72f80b No.15070
All this
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
Rats fleeing a sinking ship
Nothing is coincidence
>What is a pill?
>When is it hard to swallow?
Too big
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Is related to this
>Define stages
Where the performances happen
>Define puppets
Politicians Spooks Celebs
>Define puppet handlers.
Those pulling the strings. Rothschild Soros etc
>Define proxy war. x3
2 greater powers doing war through puppets
>Expand your thinking.
Chans vs CIAniggers (information war)
And this
Need to take back control of the media first?
Too big of a redpill for the masses to swallow all at once?
The sexual harrassment claims are removing important voices of media, leaving a vacuum with only less arrogant and less powerful talkers.
Once the public accepts the fact that this pretty faces were hiding dark secrets, it will be possible for them to hear more.
45d885 No.15071
>Sidley Austin, Brown & Wood merger in 2001
>Newly acquired Brown & Wood offices to be located in multiple floors of World Trade Center
>The company, of course, is heavily insured – not only for the lost furnishings and equipment, but also for its art collection, which has been valued at $1.5 million.
>$1.5 million in "art" among the insured items destroyed in the 9/11 attacks
e42b30 No.15072
(CNN)Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has postponed an anticipated grand jury testimony linked to his investigation into Michael Flynn amid growing indications of possible plea deal discussions.
3c5f15 No.15073
Yes, this:
The sexual harrassment claims are removing important voices of media, leaving a vacuum with only less arrogant and less powerful talkers.
Once the public accepts the fact that this pretty faces were hiding dark secrets, it will be possible for them to hear more.
eac045 No.15075
i hope morning joe goes to prison for mudering his intern
de0fd8 No.15076
i think the sex stuff is deal making … less severe conseQuences than treason
5102ed No.15077
The half chan thread is all nazified and terrible to look at if you have any humanity left in you. They mysteriously keep it running for days on end like that.
e1d630 No.15078
Thanks to all the Anons for keeping the information coming.
Should we be concerned that Q now has a space between his name and the tripcode?
de0fd8 No.15079
no just sht up about it namefag
3c5f15 No.15081
Every generation has one entity of the family which controls the money. This time it is the Rothschilds, previously it was the Medici.
519c1b No.15082
There seems to be so much going on in Antarctica that it deserves its own thread. Kerry went on election day, Russia, Nazis, Rothschilds, etc. Just a lot of noise for a piece of ice with penguins.
2e3843 No.15084
80ac5f No.15085
you are realy behind the curve.
The new black pope is Arturo Sosa.
Arent you capable of doing Wiki?
727798 No.15086
Shareblue creating an image?
b67d37 No.15087
Who is the "Eye" above the pyramid that watches and controls them? (look at the dollar)…
ba9a0b No.15088
David Stockman:
"In my first three months, I went through an absolute clash of cultures," Stockman recalls. "My first professor was an atheist and socialist from Brooklyn, and within three months I think he destroyed everything I believed in, from God to the flag." When the Vietnam War became the focus of campus radicalism, Stockman became a leader, and read Herbert Marcuse, C. Wright Mills, and Paul Goodman's critiques of American society. "I became a radical, not in the hard-core sense but in the more casual sense that nearly everybody was on campus in those days. Naturally, as a good Methodist, I looked for the Methodist youth center, which became the anti-war center, because that was the socially conscious thing to to. I was still enough of a farm boy to believe that revolution was God's work."
At Harvard, he dropped theology and moved into the social sciences (though he never received training as an economist). "I guess I always had a strong intellectual bent, so I needed a strong theory of how the world worked."
State Congress:
Indeed, as a congressman, Stockman himself had worked hard to make certain that his Fourth District constituents exploited the system. His office maintained a computerized alert system for grants and loans from the myriad agencies, to make certain that no opportunities were missed. "I went around and cut all the ribbons and they never knew I voted against the damn programs," he said.
THREE weeks before the Inauguration, Stockman and his transition team of a dozen or so people were already established at the OMB office in the Old Executive Office Building.
In early January, Stockman and his staff were assembling dozens of position papers on program reductions and studying the internal forecasts for the federal budget and the national economy. The initial figures were frightening—"absolutely shocking," he confided—yet he seemed oddly exhilarated by the bad news, and was bubbling with new plans for coping with these horrendous numbers.
An OMB computer, programmed as a model of the nation's economic behavior, was instructed to estimate the impact of Reagan's program on the federal budget.
Stockman set about doing two things. First, he changed the OMB computer. Assisted by like-minded supply-side economists, the new team discarded orthodox premises of how the economy would behave. Instead of a continuing double-digit inflation, the new computer model assumed a swift decline in prices and interest rates. Instead of the continuing pattern of slow economic growth, the new model was based on a dramatic surge in the nation's productivity….
But, second, Stockman used the appalling deficit projections as a valuable talking point in the policy discussions that were under way with the President and his principal advisers. Nobody in that group was the least bit hesitant about cutting federal programs, but Reagan had campaigned on the vague and painless theme that eliminating "waste, fraud, and mismanagement" would be sufficient to balance the accounts. Now, as Stockman put it, "the idea is to try to get beyond the waste, fraud, and mismanagement modality and begin to confront the real dimensions of budget reduction."
How much pain was the new President willing to impose? How many sacred cows would he challenge at once? Stockman was still feeling out the commitment at the White House, aware that Reagan's philosophical commitment to shrinking the federal government would be weighed against political risks.
e42b30 No.15089
Jew >>15073
I hope they have something huge on Anderson Cooper he is a perv for sure there has to be something on that faggot
3c5f15 No.15092
I do, too. I also hope that Chandra Levy gets justice one day.
f29bf0 No.15093
This post got me thinking. If this conspiracy is as vast as it seems, there is little doubt in my mind they had code for talking about these sorts of things similar to their food slang for pedophilia. During deep digs through wikileaks did anyone come across more lingo that just didn't make sense in the emails? Could be food related again, maybe sports, or something else that is kind of held sacred by Western society. I've noticed they used the words they did as a type of psychological warfare. Imagine the damage on the american mind when pizza becomes synonymous with raping children. The societal impact that would have on everyday life. Think about how much we consume of the things they used as code for the most sinister acts known to man? It's a fucking Samson Option of the Psychological Warfare front.
With that in mind, do you really think they haven't used other common terms for code? Slightly odd sounding sentences never set off any alarms until the pizza connection was found. What other American pastimes have they stained with their sick bullshit?
503af8 No.15096
Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt who was groomed for the position he's in since birth.
Thanks for the name drop, I'll look into it.
dfde88 No.15097
07f0af No.15098
Oh sweet. I'd like to get the Anon who has researched them to speak a little more about them. He has a dedicated thread now so shouldn't be hard to get in touch with him again. Plus he's a repeat-poster.
3c5f15 No.15099
This is the best source I have found online to understanding the whole pizza gate, child-trafficking situation:
5102ed No.15100
I suspect, or someone is. There has been way more attention to the chans because of this than a lot of anons wish. And when the MSM got wind of it in a mocking way thanks to the retweet, they went insane.
From a psyop perspective, even Roy hates to look at the thread and told his viewers to steer clear. So it accomplished the goals of turning people away, and gave ammunition to the bad guys, imho. I can't say who is behind it. I just know it is beyond poisoned and is a liability to genuine research when someone wanders into it for the first time.
ee21ed No.15101
yeah it's shareblue/jdif/whoever and they're doing it to discredit the effort by linking it with (((nazism))) and everything else
e42b30 No.15102
CNN: Anderson Cooper And Two Other Gay Men Laugh About His Mother Having Oral Sex…
2adc6c No.15103
Now (ACORN).
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was the plaintiff in ACORN vs. Illinois State Board of Elections.
Sidley Austin LLP was the legal adviser for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
Barack Obama was the attorney in ACORN vs. Illinois State Board of Elections, a parishioner at the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago), and an intern at Sidley Austin LLP.
Trumpeter Newsmagazine is a publication for the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago).
Louis Farrakhan was awarded 2007 Jeremiah Wright Jr. Trumpeter award from the Trumpeter Newsmagazine, and is the acting head for the Nation of Islam.
Michelle Obama was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP.
R. Eden Martin is counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and the president of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
Newton N. Minow is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, and a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP.
James D. Zirin is a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and was a director at the Human Rights First.
Mark A. Angelson was a partner at Sidley Austin LLP, and a director at the Human Rights First.
William D. Zabel is the chair for Human Rights First, was George Soros’s divorce lawyer, and a trustee at the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
George Soros’s divorce lawyer was William D. Zabel, and the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Human Rights First, and the International Rescue Committee, and the Robin Hood Foundation.
Kenneth R. Feinberg is a director at the Human Rights First, the victim compensation administrator for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, an adviser on victim claims after 2014 recall for General Motors, an administrator for the One Fund Boston, was the administrator of victim payments for the 2012 Aurora (CO) theater shootings, and the special master for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001.
Mona K. Sutphen is a director at the Human Rights First, a director at the International Rescue Committee, and was an assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff for the Barack Obama administration.
Madeleine K. Albright is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, and a professor at Georgetown University.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding was a center at Georgetown University.
Tom Brokaw is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, an advisory board member for the Committee to Protect Journalists, and was a director at the Robin Hood Foundation.
Mhamed Krichen is a director at the Committee to Protect Journalists, and an anchor for Al Jazeera.
Clifford S. Asness is a director at the International Rescue Committee, and was a leadership council member for the Robin Hood Foundation.
Michael R. Bloomberg was a donor for the Robin Hood Foundation, and the chairman for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center.
National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center is at the World Trade Center site.
World Trade Center was destroyed by the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
Osama Bin Laden planned the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and was Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden’s son.
Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden was Osama Bin Laden’s father, the founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, and Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder.
Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder was Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden, was the Saudi Arabia king, and Alwaleed bin Talal’s grandfather.
Alwaleed bin Talal is Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s grandson, the Saudi Arabia prince, an investor in Twitter Inc, and a benefactor at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding was a center at Georgetown University.
2adc6c No.15105
Note: Trumpeter Newsmagazine is a publication for the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago).
Barack Obama was a parishioner at the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago), an intern at Sidley Austin LLP, and is the president for the Barack Obama administration.
Michelle Obama was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP.
R. Eden Martin is counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and the president of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
Newton N. Minow is a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
Commercial Club of Chicago, Members Directory A-Z (Past Research)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Valerie B. Jarrett is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the senior adviser for the Barack Obama administration, and her great uncle is Vernon E. Jordan Jr.
Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a senior counsel for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, Antoinette Cook Bush’s stepfather, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP is the lobby firm for the United Arab Emirates.
Dubai is an emirate for the United Arab Emirates.
Antoinette Cook Bush is Vernon E. Jordan Jr’s stepdaughter, and was a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.
Patrick J. Fitzgerald is a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, and investigated Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden was investigated by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden’s son, and planned attacks the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden was Osama Bin Laden’s father, the founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, and Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder.
Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder was Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden, was the Saudi Arabia king, and Alwaleed bin Talal’s grandfather.
Alwaleed bin Talal is Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s grandson, the Saudi Arabia prince, an investor in Twitter Inc, and a benefactor at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States investigated the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
Lee H. Hamilton was the vice chair for the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, a co-chair for the Iraq Study Group, is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), an advisory board member for the Annenberg-Dreier Commission at Sunnylands, and David F. Hamilton’s uncle.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank), Human Rights First, the International Rescue Committee, and the Robin Hood Foundation.
George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
Vernon E. Jordan Jr. was a member of the Iraq Study Group, is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, Antoinette Cook Bush’s stepfather, a senior counsel for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP is the lobby firm for the United Arab Emirates.
Madeleine K. Albright is an advisory board member for the Annenberg-Dreier Commission at Sunnylands, and a professor at Georgetown University.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding was a center at Georgetown University.
David F. Hamilton is Lee H. Hamilton’s nephew, and was a canvasser for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform
dfde88 No.15106
Was screwing Andy Cohen
8df5e5 No.15107
07f0af No.15108
Which is kinda fucked up. ESPECIALLY when we're talking about Pedophilia.
dfde88 No.15109
cc08e3 No.15110
022b40 No.15113
CBTS General #16 is up.
Migrate when post limit is reached here.
b67d37 No.15114
Looks like a spaceship
8df5e5 No.15115
eagle? sure it's not a falcon? makes a huge difference in occult symbolism
8df5e5 No.15117
you should listen to the late phil schneider's youtubes (he was suicided after speaking out about the hundreds of underground bases in the US, what's found in them, etc.).
fascinating and eye opening.
a true patriot who died to bring us the truth.
e8e327 No.15118
I am not sure Anon, sorry if Misleading.
8df5e5 No.15119
as i recall, they put out disinfo just before Corsi's book on the fake birth cert. was to be published and then they did the fake OBL raid/death/throw the fake body overboard thing as a distraction.
3c5f15 No.15120
I agree. I'll be straight up with you, though. I'm one of those "damn newbies/Gen Xers" you guys always talk about and unfortunately, I don't know how to create them. I didn't even know what was one until I got on here several weeks ago. At this point, my best contribution will be doing research. I do promise, however, to do that well.
de0fd8 No.15122
they're eagles comes down from holy roman empire
2e3843 No.15124
Have packed all this up for taking over to next thread. Wow. Goooood work anon.
f85822 No.15126
Yeah, they're not the most significant threat though. They're like cannon fodder. The ones that are/were among "us" are what we need a handle on.
d36945 No.15127
My questions:
Why do we have 3 carrier fleets at North Korea? Wouldn’t that be an easy target for nuclear misses? Assuming NK is much more dangerous than they lead on?
Why haven’t we installed missile defense perimeter? Why is China against this if NK is much more dangerous than they lead on?
Why haven’t we used untraceable weaponry to destabilize NK?
Why haven’t they started arresting and detaining CLowns, BO? Why let this continue if Clowns in NK are so dangerous?
Why are we so afraid to make the first move? Is our enemy still dangerous? How is CLowns AI still effective against us? We don’t have superior technology? Are we really in control?
Rip the bandaid off. The human psyche isn’t as fragile as it’s made out to be…
ee21ed No.15129
not sure what you were getting at but
this is the first time i've seen this particular heraldic charge
many coats of arms have eagles but the white Y in this one is different
de0fd8 No.15132
2e3843 No.15136
2af400 No.15137
BO, HRC, and McCain all work for the cabal (Rothschild, SA) and CIA. They are all puppets of the cabal.
The CIA controls NK. BO is the messenger for the cabal who is visiting Asian countries and threatening them, bullying them.
The Sum of All Fears is death. The cabal is working to start Nuclear War (WWIII). The plan is to destroy the United States with nuclear weapons.
The sexual harassment claims is the media's reaction to the pedophile takedown that the government is doing.
It will be hard to swallow that our past presidents worked for someone else and betrayed us.
Proxy wars are when power entities (countries, cabal) fight each other using other countries.
Justice is stalling release of info until the bad guys are taken down. Sealed indictments will be unsealed.
ee21ed No.15140
the eagle symbolism goes back to egypt (and probably babylon, and on and on, and beyond)
i believe it is a reference to the classic "winged disk"
daf07d No.15142
This post hit a nerve
> many shill responses, must be true
4c80cb No.15143
It has been that way in Atl since the 11/4
It’s like the pattern has changer and at night there are much less traffic , very noticeable.
ee21ed No.15145
yes and i took it as the antlers symbolism, but it could be that he was getting at the phoenix like the photos you posted
the phoenix of course goes way back
it is the ultimate Y head, now that I think about it. the coat of arms i posted in reply above was one of silesia, and is not a Y head but rather a Y body
0e1128 No.15148
>Note: Trumpeter Newsmagazine is a publication for the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago).
>Barack Obama was a parishioner at the Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago), an intern at Sidley Austin LLP, and is the president for the Barack Obama administration.
>Michelle Obama was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP.
>R. Eden Martin is counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and the president of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
>Newton N. Minow is a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
>Commercial Club of Chicago, Members Directory A-Z (Past Research)
>Tuesday, December 17, 2013
>Valerie B. Jarrett is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the senior adviser for the Barack Obama administration, and her great uncle is Vernon E. Jordan Jr.
>Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a senior counsel for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, Antoinette Cook Bush’s stepfather, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
>Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP is the lobby firm for the United Arab Emirates.
>Dubai is an emirate for the United Arab Emirates.
>Antoinette Cook Bush is Vernon E. Jordan Jr’s stepdaughter, and was a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.
>Patrick J. Fitzgerald is a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, and investigated Osama Bin Laden.
>Osama Bin Laden was investigated by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden’s son, and planned attacks the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
>Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden was Osama Bin Laden’s father, the founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, and Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder.
>Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s builder was Mohammed bin awahd bin Laden, was the Saudi Arabia king, and Alwaleed bin Talal’s grandfather.
>Alwaleed bin Talal is Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s grandson, the Saudi Arabia prince, an investor in Twitter Inc, and a benefactor at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
>National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States investigated the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
>Lee H. Hamilton was the vice chair for the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, a co-chair for the Iraq Study Group, is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), an advisory board member for the Annenberg-Dreier Commission at Sunnylands, and David F. Hamilton’s uncle.
>Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank), Human Rights First, the International Rescue Committee, and the Robin Hood Foundation.
>George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
>Vernon E. Jordan Jr. was a member of the Iraq Study Group, is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, Antoinette Cook Bush’s stepfather, a senior counsel for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
>Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP is the lobby firm for the United Arab Emirates.
>Madeleine K. Albright is an advisory board member for the Annenberg-Dreier Commission at Sunnylands, and a professor at Georgetown University.
>Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding was a center at Georgetown University.
>David F. Hamilton is Lee H. Hamilton’s nephew, and was a canvasser for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform
Are you a windows user?
1) Download the free version of photoshop
2) find a picture you like
3) Add text using the text tool.
Hint: Add the text small, and then make the text bounding box just big enough for the text.. then hit CTRL-T and hold [SHIFT] key to re-size it and preserve aspect ratio.
Double click on the layer, add a 'stroke' to text to make it stand out better.
Position things in line as much as possible, or just make it look ridiculous like a beginner.. doesn't really matter.. sometimes the shitty-made ones are actually pretty funny.
[ALT]-F-S (saveas) JPEG or PNG or whatever. Might go to properties and make it so it's around 800px or so. Play around with it.
That's it. You've made a 'meme' ;)
fe3fab No.15149
The Rothschild story just does not add up to me. Own jewelry shop … something something … international money transfer system .. blank .. lending money to royalty. No one tried to stop or kill them, all live long healthy lives.
(pic related Republic of Eire)
eac045 No.15153
fair enough, yeah i was looking into the antlers too for the (((y head))), but like everything Q has said, there are multiple meanins.
Both hold serious significance
896003 No.15154
ee21ed No.15156
yeah, it doesn't add up.
think about british royalty
the houses that came down from one another were still one in the same (bloodline)
i can see a monarchy changing bloodlines before i can see moneychangers changing bloodlines
ee21ed No.15158
i do believe many of the double meanings are of divine nature
we're really dealing with stuff we can't comprehend due to our dumbed down educations
the Bible is the answer
c3dc64 No.15161
Good questions. To answer the last one.
NK has (on paper) yuge amounts of artillery. Aimed at Seoul (25 mln+ people) and other cities in the north of South Korea.
eac045 No.15165
>i do believe many of the double meanings are of divine nature
>we're really dealing with stuff we can't comprehend due to our dumbed down educations
>the Bible is the answer
>i do believe many of the double meanings are of divine nature
>we're really dealing with stuff we can't comprehend due to our dumbed down educations
>the Bible is the answer
i agree completly. Its also out language…its been so manipulated and most of use goys dont know the real meanins of words.
But yes the bible is the answer
f85822 No.15167
disinfo (probably accidental)
That was a butthurt operative that got banned. One person.
daf07d No.15168
eac045 No.15170
This guy wrote a book detailing how the Bible is a book of Natual Law and nothing more. Law without the religion behind it. He has an interesting perspective.
ee21ed No.15172
yes consider that what we refer to as a rhinoceros these days was called a unicorn (the monoceros) up until 1824
and dragons were not mythical creatures until that same time frame as well, when the term dinosaur was adopted
the hissing sound (ssssshhhhh, ssssssss, hisssssss) is apparently a manifestation of evil (i read that several places and basically had deduced that reasoning myself over the course of study in the last several months)
so our language is fucked and the ones who broke it are heathens who have regular people hissing and saying spells without knowing it
249444 No.15173
William Casey (CIA)
Joseph Kennedy (Ambassador to England)
are a few of the members to SMOM. Which is also the secret Vatican Guard.
Look who else.
602ba7 No.15174
9ec8e8 No.15177
LONG story on Q on Pravdareport.com (english version of Russian newspaper)
word pravda = truth.
Help looking thru the article. it cud b filled with crumbs.
they're talking about CASTLE n stuf