d45ce9 No.12535
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Posts of interest
!!!Latest Q!!! >>10925
Goals/Motivation >>10207
WH Recon Anon https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
Anon that digs >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole >>11979
Updated Legend >>12014
Reality of Booksigning today >>12408
Past Threads -> Archive
...see pastebin below for previous archives
11. >>>/cbts/10890 -> https://archive.fo/snHSz
12. >>>/cbts/11654 -> ComingSoon
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/DmSuwvsi
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s
Original links do not cross post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find old Qs.
>Q Trip Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
How to spot FAKE Trip Q -> >>1005
Other almond-activating tripfags' archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Q-Text https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC - https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf - https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v ) https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=e3d1071b533c412f8bc08ebbb1b444f6
WIKI (Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD) https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Collection of ALL (1000s) of LINKS posted on 4pol https://pastebin.com/j41qm1d0
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
Please Use the Catalog https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
Threads Directory
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
Wikileaks Diggathon >>10270
CERN & AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia: >>1327
Sealed Indictments >>4409
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
Trump & Company: >>1380
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
The News List: https://pastbin.com/h8aUyMhA
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy' >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy' >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2
Q Posts, Screenshots, Etc: >>423
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, Opsec: >>629
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
d45ce9 No.12537
The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q's posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It's a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial "reinventing the wheel" i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.
As such, it's helpful to know what is needed and how to do it. The following guidelines will help us work together better, so we can go on to the questions that haven't been answered and accomplish the goals Q set forth:
1. answer the questions
2. build the bigger picture
3. break it back down
4. meme it for the public: educate & calm them
We were given this task by serious men, in a serious situation with very serious consequences for the entire world.
Let's apply our weaponized autism in an organized and efficient manner, accomplish the task we were given, make our POTUS & /ourguys/ jobs easier.
> You are the calm before and during the storm.
They are counting on us.
> short, to the point
> factual
> sourced, if at all possible
Some issues simply are not suited for a definitive source as the answers are inherently subjective. We can only do our best here.
< add extra rows
< change colors of cells or columns or rows
< use it as a personal "scratch pad" to work out your thinking
< argue with other anons
This or 4/pol/ is a place to argue & thrash it out, not on the sheet
< overwrite or delete other anons' answers
< leave your answers in the row or sheet comments
< involve meta-conspiracy theories
This is a real-life enormous conspiracy. The way Q has laid it out is perfect: it goes from point A to point hellish to point confident step by step. Each question builds upon the previous & itself is a meta-conspiracy if you look from 40,000ft view.
> text is best
> original source documents if possible
> articles from reputable sites (yes, I know, see below)
> maps, when appropriate
> images, where appropriate
> link to the text/ original document, & if possible, an archive link (archive.is, archive.fo, archive.org etc)
David Icke, Alex Jones, and that lot are not sources that will be believed by the normalfags. While they may be truthful, our sources need to be what an average Paul or Cindy can look up themselves without seeing it & closing it immediately and disregarding all the rest. No Shape-shifting reptilians, Pleiadians & the like. That may upset some but let's remember our mission: this is for the general public and it's going to be difficult enough for them.
< youtube videos
< random tweet links
are just not the best sources for this endeavor. They may be informative and truthful but not best suited for this medium.
Light blue cell in the number column
PDF anon went through and changed all Q's questions to statements in a narrative form. Those are included at the bottom row of many of Q's posts. The goal is to answer the questions and then present the answers in the column next to it to present a fuller picture.
Some posts have a summary, some don't. When you look at the spreadsheet, you will see why, up to a certain point: that is where pdfanon had stopped, AFAIK. That's something else that I will be working on.
On the far right column, confidence level can be input in the answer(s) given: low, mid, high. It's set up to change the color of the cell where the question number is. When the answer is complete and has high confidence, the row is locked, as no further answers are needed, and we can focus our energy and attention on those yet un-answered.
light yellow = low
med orange = mid
tomato soup = high
peach = un-answered questions, or those whose answers are not truly complete or definitive
Please focus on those, not the ones already answered.
Place your input in the column marked Extra Answers (Unlocked, Post Here):
> double-click the cell
> alt+enter to make a newline (carriage return)
> type/paste in your answer & sources
You can export the spreadsheet into excel (.xls) and pdf formats by clicking the little paper icon on the top left of the toolbar on the left. When exporting to pdf, be aware this is a very large document. You can put a header, footer, page numbers etc.
I encourage anons to make periodic backups for yourselves.
THANK YOU to all anons who have helped, contributed, supported & been patient in this effort. It wasn't my idea, but it seemed like a good plan so I volunteered - so did you, and it's appreciated very much.
3d47c0 No.12545
de2bf5 No.12547
Thank you for baking new bread, baker
146293 No.12549
5462a8 No.12550
I mean, do you want me to really guess?
These guys probably have full spectrum SDR with foolish throughput and can listen and record anything with a radio. They can probably transmit and overpower any signal with capabilites on board as well. They can probably track frequency hopping comms. And probably more.
Sorry, I'm tired of people guessing and then those guesses derailing the conversation because nobody can be arsed to write anything down. It doesn't help there's an entire mountain of disinfo pouring in either. Cite your sources.
It'd be nice if people went to other threads than the general as well.
d45ce9 No.12551
The pleasure is mine
Would like to retire if a new baker could take over
174309 No.12553
how am i supposed to be funny and not pick on shills at the same time
759b24 No.12555
Less Information More Transformation.
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Change The World.
Awaken Peace Within To Awaken Peace Within Others
Disclosure And Awakening In Progress
What A Time To Be Alive The Micro Changing The Macro
146293 No.12557
> I'm tired of people guessing and then those guesses derailing the conversation
Me too. That was not my best thread. Have actually positively solved a few. Keep up the good work, anon.
7dc925 No.12558
Awesome work, thank you for all your effort it will always be appreciated
fcdb44 No.12559
Full spectrum includes all, incl www and more. No more guesses go with what you got, 1010
2029f9 No.12560
I just want to know what types of Psyops they pulled. What if we already dropped multiple MOABS on NK and these guys created radio silence and made it look like nothing happened.
6feba2 No.12561
Here in a bit of time, several thousand sealed indictments WILL be put before the bench.
When that happens, i hope that POTUS' working to cut the funding to BLM, ANTIFA et al was truly effective.
I think that WE as a group have been tasked as a psyop to pink (then Red) pill the masses prior, during, and after these events.
I do not think that POTUS desires ML, but i do not think he will hesitate to enact it if forced to.
We are looking at the very real possibility of the
Unprecedented… but neccessary to truly "drain the swamp".
This is on top of the cabal, ayyys, nibiru, or Jesus.
Bunch o' ducks to get in rows. This exercise is part of a multi-pronged strategy to make the best of an horrific situation.
Searching out the truth and memeing and Q fukin Xmeta all are here.
>>Find your spot and hop to it folks
<Time is getting shorter
2029f9 No.12562
This is why the "www" was shit. So all the blackout stuff was referencing communications not power I guess.
eabcf1 No.12566
This asshat again ^^^
a0ab46 No.12568
apparently, somebody called rex a Nazi and he responded by calling them a retard.
guess who got shoah'd
2029f9 No.12569
Also the pics Q posted of the river in PA was close to major military installations.
>Pic related is the exact spot one of the photos was taken.
5462a8 No.12570
Likely, POTUS ended antifa without a single shot fired. Shut down their communications for a night and arrest their bosses. Nab Al-Dweeb and there's no more money, no more money, no more communist leaders, no more communist leaders, no more stupid weak social media communists.
fcdb44 No.12571
>>12562 iF and whatever they may or may not be doing they are fully on board with POTUS
0eacdc No.12576
Makes sense now that they've started re- branding themselves.
9dbdcc No.12578
>no money
>no busses
How else do you plan on moving thousands of kids still living in their parents basement to events
a9ba22 No.12579
fcdb44 No.12580
>>12569 Army War College and 193rd both within 10 miles of the pic
5462a8 No.12581
There's no doubt in my mind that this doesn't end at the Palpal Bloodlines.
3d3641 No.12582
spicy spicer is on hannity
what happened to him as press secretary anyway?
31abde No.12584
Where did Q post this pic or its relevance? Missed it.
3d47c0 No.12586
Wasn't that pick, but a photo taken from that location posted a week or so back
fcdb44 No.12587
Q might be the POG dude onboard…just could be…..well within their parameters, I worked there for 17 yrs full time>>12569
297605 No.12589
He got pissed off Trump picked The MoochTM and resigned. Deep state.
d45ce9 No.12591
God, Trump, and Hannity are the BIGGEST teases ever. My balls are so fucking blue right now
fd22fa No.12593
<The 193d SOW's primary wartime and contingency operations mission is to broadcast radio and television signals to target populations from an airborne transmitter, jamming existing television and radio signals where necessary. Messages are not developed within the wing itself, but are provided by staff of the United States Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne), based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
297605 No.12594
What are you expecting? Public execution?
a0ab46 No.12596
somebody relieve this blessed baker
i can't do it tonight
calling all STD-free bakers
thanks, basketweaver baker, for your faithful service on this momentus day of happenings.
5462a8 No.12597
Should we bet The_Donald Hillary is a no-show tomorrow night?
2029f9 No.12598
Commando solo http://www.193sow.ang.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/1062881/ec-130j-commando-solo/
US Army Security Assistance
676a4b No.12599
What am i supposed to see in the x_files?
0eacdc No.12601
Too much of a cuckservative.
174309 No.12602
found this on ebay…fraternal org in Zurich
2029f9 No.12603
189cc7 No.12604
HRC may have ties with S.Korea all female elites pizza. SEE BOTTOM
c8cc56 No.12606
Haiti and 60,000 BOTS
Blue is us, Red is them
The Rothschild(red shield) protect the Red or Below at any cost. They are the middlemen.
The flag of Haiti represents the entrance from below to above, symbolized by the oasis between the red and blue
as do the entire central America(the countries between Mexico and Columbia)
The Lichtenstein Family are the rulers of the Above but not Below symbolized by the crown on blue.
The earthquake of Haiti in 2010 was an effort to move Bots to NA. It was not a normal earthquake, ask any geologist. They opened the gates of hell.
Also the reason for the transsexual movement is because the BOTS would have a easier time mixing into society.
Does a tranny look fucked up?
Does a Neanderthal/BOT look fucked up?
4d3e63 No.12607
This. Is it fake or projected because she's a witch or a vampire?
d45ce9 No.12609
I will not settle for anything less than the Guillotine! Iron Maiden would be acceptable…
a0ab46 No.12610
kek, leafbros quakin' in their boots
feckless (unironic) fag Trudeau is a nancy boi
probly knows the storm is coming for him
297605 No.12612
I'd watch the shit out of that. But alas, this is not ancient Rome.
a0ab46 No.12614
meme-worthy: PERVNADO
ed2488 No.12618
Greg Gutfeld called it Pervageddon tonight
a0ab46 No.12619
KEK-ize that mofo and we have a winner
2029f9 No.12621
Sometime reflections will be different in photos due to some kind of effect with timing of shutters. She looks like she is yelling in the photo. I like the demon idea though.
eabcf1 No.12622
How did he make that … The peeps at the Embassy help him out? it isnt generated you can tell by the shadows.
3a63d8 No.12623
Maybe I'm not woke enough but can you tell me wtf a BOT is?
4ad557 No.12625
Here's a tidbit on the HRC book signing tonight.
a0ab46 No.12626
100 percent of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's donations went to Democrats
5a6fac No.12627
Cult of Megalia! It only just dawned on me that they've got to be connected to South Korea's own swamp.
Shit. Another thought dawned on me. Kim Jong Un's rarely-seen wife. Could she be part of those crazy whores too?
d45ce9 No.12628
Made me look up different methods of execution. Scaphism looks fun, never heard of 'Blowing from a Gun', and it looks like being drawn and quartered is the classical punishment for High Treason!
a0ab46 No.12630
fuuuggggg anon, tldr much?!
0c986f No.12632
The democratic party is imploding and getting hit form every angle.
3a63d8 No.12633
I'm pretty sure I've seen that picture before. Not sure if mandela effect though.
Hey, do we care that this just came up?
792d5c No.12636
Stake through the heart sounds appropriate.
b571cc No.12637
78204e No.12638
What happened to that FBI informant that was going to testify against Hillary?
189cc7 No.12639
> Kim Jong Un''s wife is N.Korea though.
9824e7 No.12640
Checked Trump's twitter. We need OUR memes posted as comments to his tweets. I can't, no social media accounts. Right now /theirguys/ are heavily posting negative memes.
Let's go, folks! Post memes from the Meme thread in the Catalog, and from the dropbox link in the OP.
ed2488 No.12641
William Campbell - I was expecting his lawyer Victoria Toensing to be on Hannity tonight. She wasn't. Complicating his appearance is fact that he's apparently very ill with cancer. Has anyone been following the FBI Informant story?
1b50ac No.12642
It was asked in last thread. The reflection does not mirror.
fd22fa No.12643
b571cc No.12644
According to that chan insider, it's gonna be possibly 4-6 weeks for the indictments, if I read that right.
5a6fac No.12645
My point exactly. You know, Q said If we knew who Kim's true handler(s) were, we'd all laugh. What would be more absurdly plausible than hyper-feminist Kimchi women just below the border?
Of course I could be totally off base, but this connection seems too good to ignore. I just wouldn't know where to dig in that line of investigation unless some South Korean anons could chime in?
a0ab46 No.12646
>The USASAC is also responsible for life cycle management of FMS cases
why is this raising my hackles?
where did we see this acronym before?
earlier today?
b571cc No.12648
Closed door hearing, happened on the 28th. I'm also wondering what happened with Erik Prince's testimony that was supposed to happen.
f506f2 No.12649
It’s als close to the proposed federal jails that were told to prepare for high value prisoners. This was before Q trip code as well, some speculated that it was a treat from the clowns… TMI near by, also a possible source for transferring Uranium for under table deals… a lot possible going on in that photo!
c8cc56 No.12650
People from Below, Below the water and deep down.
See my Truth Thread and notice I say that we live at 50% or above of the planet. The 49% and below contains their domain. We live in the light, they live in the darkness.
3de0e8 No.12652
In my view "Godfather III" is most likely to refer to the Obama administration plot to depose the conservative Pope Benedict and replace him with the progressive globalist Pope Francis.
189cc7 No.12653
Here's the board i found 8ch pol
189cc7 No.12654
ed2488 No.12655
My search turned up Foreign Military Sales for FMS
USASAC is based at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL
d45ce9 No.12656
146293 No.12657
In context he (g3) is Rothschild. Doubt it not.
143d44 No.12658
The left-wing, anti-American CBC. Please.
c4da48 No.12659
If you zoom in her teeth are actually visible. The glass is curved around the edges and so her bottom jaw doesn't show up.
I'm not saying she isn't a Satanist, but this pic isn't proof of it.
401b26 No.12661
Guys, I figured out what Snow White is. Go watch the movie Deja Vu. They never hid it from us. It's a supercomputer (quantum?) that bends space/time thru a Einstein-Rosen bridge. Allows us to look back in time. If I'm way off just ignore.
189cc7 No.12662
https://8ch. net/pol/res/10930266.html#q10930266
146293 No.12663
Does she cast a shadow?
d9caa5 No.12664
The original reminds me of the movie Invasion of the body snatchers. When they would find a human that wasn't "converted" they would open there mouths like that and squeal. Lol
86e768 No.12665
Q sent out SOS message today.
See >>12651
3de0e8 No.12667
If Pope Francis is a globalist puppet, it would explain why Trump feuded with him during the campaign.
2029f9 No.12668
I like Soros as Godfather who removed the conservative pope along with BO and the Clinton's.
fb4787 No.12669
d45ce9 No.12670
agreed, this resonates
0c986f No.12672
Is the Truth Thread in cbts catalog?
2029f9 No.12673
See this is what this is about Trump already knew who the puppets were and went right at them. IC and DOD MI probably went to war internally during all of this. POTUS pulled all the generals in and here we are.
a0ab46 No.12674
the momentum is building
it feels unstoppable
it feels comfy
2029f9 No.12676
No D-wave quantum on the table imo. Trump is a time traveler for sure.
adfd63 No.12677
bc8ae1 No.12678
Doug Engelbart first envisioned his work in the 1950s, published it in 1962 with a call to "augment the human intellect", and hired a small team of researchers to develop a demonstration hyper collaborative knowledge environment system called NLS (for oNLine System), first published and publicly demonstrated in 1968 (see the Mother of All Demos), and continued to evolve it under real world usage with a team of up to 47 researchers in his now legendary lab at SRI (Stanford Research Institute, now SRI International), cultivating a networked community of early customer IT pioneers (called "KWAC" for Knowledge Workshop Architect's Community, the first intentional NIC) via the newly formed ARPANet.
Note that the basic funcitonality of NLS was envisioned at a time when the nearest computer was 3,000 miles away, and implemented at a time when the human-computer interface consisted of punch cards and teletypes, with clumsy line editors to support elite scientific and mathematical applications. So Doug's lab had to prototype much of the underlying technology – for example they pushed the frontiers in display technology and invented their own high-performance pointing devices (thus was born the Mouse, invented by Engelbart in 1964), and participated in launching the first computer network so they could leverage network technology for their collaborative applications –as well as needing to develop their own paradigm and vocabulary for this work.
1b50ac No.12679
Well, John P did say she stunk like rank urine in his emails. LOL
ebd74a No.12681
297605 No.12682
He did, where? Anyone else remember when he said torture chamber? Two justice systems….
532561 No.12683
YT has deleted 150,000 YT kids videos that were exploiting kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih2CIdnHWms
2029f9 No.12684
Im sure flies were flying out of her mouth and her eyes turned black right after.
1b50ac No.12685
e52024 No.12686
For those who wondering why Tom Steyer is making so much noise…..
Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer has donated more than $20 million to candidates and outside groups to influence this year’s election, making him the top individual contributor in 2014. And that’s just a fraction of the $50 million Steyer has said he’s willing to spend.
http:// dailysignal.com/2014/08/11/nancy-pelosi-helped-top-democrat-donor-nab-millions-taxpayer-money/
c8cc56 No.12687
ebd74a No.12688
Q said Jumpers were randomly causing connection/sec issues. Maybe there are many time travelers (jumpers). Maybe they use story books to communicate with us?
cbe61c No.12689
Pervnado meme would be amazing.
e6e0ad No.12691
Her reflection still doesn't have any teeth. Where are her teeth?
2ffcb9 No.12692
They must have taken part in the Clinton Foundation 'delete training' program.
c8cc56 No.12694
Very interesting.
146293 No.12695
Back on track, latest Q
Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
This was not anticipated.
Control / protection lost.
Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
Working to resolve.
Select people removed.
Stay strong.
We are winning.
More to follow.
2029f9 No.12696
Yes but they are also at the Cumberland Depot with DLA which is one of our main supply lines for logistics. Thousands of government contractors etc. It's not super exciting but the photo was taken just down the street on the edge of the river.
e50f6e No.12697
7cc4c1 No.12698
It Takes an Island to Rape a Child
fc012d No.12699
operation blue beams little brother
a0b5bb No.12701
Tru handeler is Dennis Rodman
2029f9 No.12702
Oh, it's breadcrumbs or seeds. Many books and movies are created with real info to prepare our minds for the truth. Trump and Pence are known time travelers.
2029f9 No.12703
Yep and the girl in red is disgusted because she probably just found out about Hillary's kuru disease from spirit cooking.
3d47c0 No.12704
The Time Traveler Trump + Many Pence theory was the highlight of election memes for me.
3d47c0 No.12705
Whose the Chink on the right with crutches and a boot, see that? God my mind got me looking for boots everywhere now lel
e5c9c1 No.12706
Holy shit John G Trump the uncle of Trump has a part of teslas death ray. WTF
Trump will redeem Tesla, brah I'm woke af
2029f9 No.12707
Absolutely, it was the best. I'm still riding the time travel train.
5fc00f No.12708
2333e4 No.12709
> It's a supercomputer (quantum?)
Yup. My thought exactly.
b15568 No.12712
2029f9 No.12713
Yup and Tesla was way ahead of even modern (CERN) theory regarding cosmic Ray (MUONs)
Unfortunately, Tesla had the research but not the tools and money to build what Trump had now.
401b26 No.12714
I also watched the movie Contact which didn't offer much help but led me to Deja Vu. They even called the computer/device Snow White in the movie. Also took credit for the blackouts that happen. Major blackout back in 2003 on the eastern seaboard. Movie was made in 2006. Keep in mind that was over a decade ago. No doubt there have been major advancements in the technology since that time. Something tells me this is a major piece of the puzzle.
5462a8 No.12715
>Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
Pic related.
>This was not anticipated.
They weren't expecting the attack.
>Control / protection lost.
Their OpSec was compromised.
>Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
Sounds like "The Hammer" breached their air gap: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_gap_%28networking%29
>Working to resolve.
Gottarework Q's infrastructure because it's compromised.
>Select people removed.
Bad guys who were the vectors were captured.
>Stay strong.
>We are winning.
>More to follow.
Self explanatory MAGA.
a0ab46 No.12716
>If we knew who Kim's true handler(s) were, we'd all laugh
maybe we should start a separate thread on the catalog
and have a contest for funniest answers to this question
you know, harness the autism
fcdb44 No.12717
297605 No.12719
Quantum computers are different from supercomputers anon.
Quantum computers operate at a slower rate than normal computers, but they take less time to complete a task because they are able to use quantum-enhanced algorithms. They execute instructions slowly, but it requires less instructions.
Supercomputers on the other hand are just really buffed computers with thousands of GPUs and CPUs. They are incapable of breaking good encryption and the like even at their insane speeds.
a0b5bb No.12720
I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen in England terrorist attack 9/11 style
b04652 No.12722
The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents
Just found this. About 3 hours old
146293 No.12723
Nice work anon. TY
297605 No.12724
It is revolting to think about what's going on in her head looking at that kid.
e50f6e No.12725
to compare dates with relation to
https://survivorship.org/ 2017-dates/
https://survivorship.org/ 2017-dates/
https://survivorship.org/ 2017-dates/
https://survivorship.org/ 2017-dates/
6aaa30 No.12726
Not sure if this has been posted. Kim's sister seems to play a major role.
She organises Jong-un’s public appearances and works as his political adviser.
Until last week, when she was named an alternate member of the Politburo, her official role was as vice-director of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party’s propaganda and agitation department.
a0ab46 No.12727
e52024 No.12728
same group throughout history….
5a6fac No.12729
Nah. It's probably more a QTDDTOT than anything and I was going on a bit of a tangent. Other anons are pointing out Rodman, which equally makes sense.
Still, it doesn't diminish the nastiness that is the Cult of Megalia. If we need a thread to talk about, they could be a good one since they're royally fucking with South Korean society.
fc012d No.12730
can you explain quibits real quick for a layman, i know i can look it up but lay man me that shit senpi
e5c9c1 No.12732
Damn that explains why he is far better than others or us mere humans.
Either you a larp of the century or you too woke.
a0ab46 No.12733
not neanderthals
e50f6e No.12734
12/17-12/22 Saturnalia
12/17-12/22 Saturnalia
12/17-12/22 Saturnalia
Mark my words, some shit is gonna happen during this time
Take noteee anons!
a0ab46 No.12736
>Pervnado meme would be amazing.
i've tweeted and getting a lot of likes and retweets…….
help me out, meme-autists, let's get some PERVNADO memes going!
9dbdcc No.12737
So we can expect a nice Christmas then
d45ce9 No.12738
Thank you sir may I have another?
d45ce9 No.12740
Trump was tweeting about getting everybody a nice christmas present
2029f9 No.12742
Think he's talking tax cuts but let us pray.
9dbdcc No.12743
If you've not watched his "tax cut speech" today, it's more of a rally then anything and he noted heavily the return of
>celebrating Christmas
7d4f5d No.12745
Check if she has the boot
d45ce9 No.12746
It's all connected remember
e5c9c1 No.12748
Yo every country in central America has a illuminati sign on their flag wtfffffffff
5462a8 No.12749
Can you believe we live in the timeline where DJT is President of the United States?
Can you believe we live in a timeline where the world is going to turn out alright?
9dbdcc No.12752
Ofc everything is, I wouldn't be spending time on this as a canuck if I didn't know God Emperor is in for the much longer game than America First
143d44 No.12753
Yes, because if she does it is not about her toe.
146293 No.12754
No. But that is what I see.
cbe61c No.12755
Should be a rad meme.. a tornado, either out of the whitehouse or approaching victims, with all official pervs swarming through it…
3a63d8 No.12756
Praise Kek we are all getting presents.
>shitlibs get triggered by christmas, we get salty tears
>america gets taxcuts which should lead to an economic boost, we get extra salty tears
>(with luck) we get some hammer dropping, with plenty of ham tears.
e50f6e No.12757
There was a curtain at the front of the table, and no photos of her standing
d45ce9 No.12758
>not here for mongolian basketweaving
532561 No.12760
5 ex presidents 1 cum dumpster
Meta caption;
One of these things just doesn't belong here
78204e No.12763
"Now comes the moment of truth. In the coming days the American people will learn which politicians are part of the swamp, and which politicians want to drain the swamp."
82ada1 No.12766
Yeah, it's Carter, lol.
4d3e63 No.12767
Ask and thou shall receive
b15568 No.12769
Maybe he is talking about those who will vote for the tax bill and those who will oppose it?
5462a8 No.12770
Carter was swamp, he just wasn't swamp enough.
d45ce9 No.12771
174309 No.12772
actual caption: of course Kim Jong Un is her bitch
4d3e63 No.12773
Here, you guys can have the template. Fuck around with it
c8cc56 No.12775
Santa's coming girl!
Yeah yeah yeah yeaoooh
Santa Claus is coming to town
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
He's checking it twice;
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows when you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows when you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
So it's that time of year
Where you let all your problems go
And you know you just
Shake it shake it baby
Shake it shake it baby
Do do do do, do do do do do do
Shake it shake it baby
Shake it shake it baby
Do do do do, do do do do do do
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows when you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
He's checking it twice;
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
5462a8 No.12776
Leave Assanges real hair.
d45ce9 No.12777
fb8a55 No.12778
some anon posted this link yesterday.
e5c9c1 No.12779
Lmao the sealed indictments are list of naughty people
Oh this is too good
e50f6e No.12781
he FIRE DOG to be specific
5462a8 No.12783
Oooh a sealed naughty list? DoJ seal on it? Jeff Sessions in the background?
3d47c0 No.12785
Thought this year was Fire Cock next is Earth Dog.
>Mans Best Friend + Earth
we golden age
bb0e29 No.12786
The cat ladies at Twitter strike again. While they can.
bb5ac9 No.12787
GenFlynn followed me Anon.
3d3641 No.12789
>mfw swamp monsters get arrested on christmas day in front of their whole families
2233f8 No.12790
So what have I missed in here tonight?
5737d8 No.12793
eh, not sure it works as well
also did a b&w one for kicks
5462a8 No.12794
Why are my memes contextual?
I shitposted these and now someone banned rex for defending himself when being called a nazi. Who's the real nazi in this scenario?
d45ce9 No.12795
>!!!Latest Q!!! >>10925
>Goals/Motivation >>10207
>WH Recon Anon https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
>Anon that digs >>11800
>Google Acquires Keyhole >>11979
>Updated Legend >>12014
>Reality of Booksigning today >>12408
8754c9 No.12796
You are @magapill?
420a19 No.12797
Johnny Depp.
Island scene … red tower and blue tower … explained by retired colonel: one represents the public, the other one represents the private.
b9bd5b No.12798
2233f8 No.12799
5462a8 No.12800
Dude that's so cool. You're being followed by the greatest CoS in the history of ever.
a0b5bb No.12801
In a few weeks there wont be a man left standing in TV, Hollywood or CEO's of company's the Feminazi revenge for a women not being elected president, it was supposed to be their turn damn it!
bb5ac9 No.12802
e52024 No.12803
c8cc56 No.12804
You better watch out!
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
He's checking it twice;
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
This year will be the greatest Christmas ever
401b26 No.12806
Looks interesting. Will do. Thanks.
78204e No.12807
i call BS, just looked through his following list. no MAGAPILL there
78204e No.12809
"MAGAMarchforJustice" is the only username that starts with MAGA for me
a0ab46 No.12811
10cac6 No.12813
how do i search Q's tripcode on 8ch?
a0ab46 No.12816
And our all-time favorite #PERVNADO-ist
78204e No.12818
d45ce9 No.12819
2233f8 No.12820
I'm starting to think the same.
It makes one wonder if Killary has been stirring up crap behind the scenes to make feminism an authority figure.
Thinks about this for a moment, what's going to happen if a MSM or political female gets accused of sexual harassment?
We see how they have been bashing men, and yet women say they still love the idea of chivalry? You know, open doors and things of that nature, but if they keep going the route they are going why would it not die out?
Either way, women have lost global leadership for most cases, even Merkle over in Germany is running into problems now.
Any how, I really believe this is something cooked up by Killary.
3ee61e No.12821
Are we getting our country back for Christmas?
a0b5bb No.12822
Dont forget Bill Cosby he made all this possible
78204e No.12823
Haha, i dont live in the united states. but i hope Trump cleans this mess!
fd22fa No.12824
it's a webm of Trump saying
>"Now comes the moment of truth. In the coming days the American people will learn which politicians are part of the swamp, and which politicians want to drain the swamp."
what's the question?
628990 No.12825
Hey, I'm back, so if you wish to take a rest, i can bake next few threads.
c8cc56 No.12827
HOW long will the distractions work?
78204e No.12829
you tagged me xD thats why i send you the quesiton marks
2233f8 No.12831
375ee9 No.12834
Here is an image if you need
d45ce9 No.12835
Sweet, sounds good. I have been trying to consolidate it as much as possible to keep the beast that was cbts on 4pol at bay.
4ad557 No.12836
Never before done? I'd say so.
4d3e63 No.12837
They fucked Tesla out of his ideas and then when he died they brought out Edison, I think. Look it up, very interesting stuff
2233f8 No.12838
Stop trying to bring the Nazi crappers from 4ch here.
Don't tell me you haven't.
I've been sitting in there watching, and YOU have definitely been causing problems in both locations.
0c986f No.12839
Agreed. Many defend this one, I don't get it
a0ab46 No.12840
OK, last one, and then back to more serious work.
1fff9b No.12841
I started the Owl Y thread Please feel free to contribute. It's going to be a long one!
e50f6e No.12842
They were there
this meme is void
628990 No.12843
you have done well.
It is a pleasure to share the responsibility with you.
consolidation is necessary. i might split the OP into 2. we'll see.
thanks for your services.
i'm gonna need you in 12-13 hours time, though. please be back.
4d3e63 No.12844
I was gonna ask this. Are there any pictures or vids with her casting a shadow or having a reflection
a0ab46 No.12845
ban and filter this feckless shitposter
has contributed NOTHING of value
brings the shills and bots
and when they don't come
stirs up trouble with hard-working anons
174309 No.12847
if i find anything worthwhile… that was a dead end, they mock royalty
a0ab46 No.12848
wictor rocks (most of the time)
3ae279 No.12850
That's my thought!
c4da48 No.12853
Please, for the love of whatever you consider holy, stop antagonizing people. You are the most divisive named person here. It's like you go out of your way to be rude. Almost every item on the "how to recognize bad guys" list describes you. You have made the esoteric thread a minefield of obscenity.
Please stop already.
a0ab46 No.12855
>i can bake next few threads
thanks for relieving our hard-working hound
3d3641 No.12857
>glenn thrush
living up to the name
a0ab46 No.12858
>Are we getting our country back for Christmas?
i'd settle for some taxes back for Christmas
it might take all four years of GEOTUS's first term, and then some, to get the country back
d45ce9 No.12859
As long as it does not get longer than two. More than that and it will be a nightmare to post(especially on the run)
I will be around tomorrow (though I feel there are lurkers who would bake if needed)
4d3e63 No.12860
100% positive?? Goddamnit
2233f8 No.12861
Didn't see Sylvester Stallone in there.
a0ab46 No.12862
just for you, anon
4d3e63 No.12863
Thats too obvious though imo. Who is Dennis Rodmans handler? Oprah?
628990 No.12864
just doing my part.
sure, mate.
you take some well earned rest.
I would sure like to have at least one more regular baker here.
4ad557 No.12865
Holy Shit, that's right. Also Lena Dunham
9dbdcc No.12866
Don't you guys love when they start turning on their allies, fucking Kathy's out for revenge haha
1fff9b No.12867
This pops into my head often. Who tf is it? Hillary? Nah she's not powerful enough for a whole country. By Kimchi women I'm assuming you mean that ousted confirmed Satan worshiper South Korean leader. Too lazy to look it up. I don't know how deep that cult goes.
Who else would be so absurd? We already linked the characters on the lawn of the hotel to translate to SET as in Temple of Set as in Michael Aquino Satanist bs.
The Clowns would seem too obvious and not really funny per se. Rothschilds too obvious b/c everyone already hates them.
The Queen? Meh..I don't think so. Maybe Israel? wouldn't seem 'funny' either.
It has to be someone with some power enough to control a whole country for an extended period of time. I'm guessing it's the Pope/Vatican. How more absurd can you get (to most people who think they are good people)? Vatican could def pull it off tho.
2233f8 No.12868
Let them destroy each other! LOL
4d3e63 No.12870
Holyyyyy shit man! Fucking Bette Midler though, really?
2233f8 No.12871
I know, right! LOL!
Of all….lol
a0ab46 No.12872
>Bette Midler though, really
she's a whore
wouldn't stand up in court
0c986f No.12875
This is great. They are outing each other.
Doesn't get better than this!
a0ab46 No.12876
oops. did i type that out loud?
time for another drink <urp>
3d3641 No.12877
i hope fred stoller outs kathy griffin as a rapist next
2233f8 No.12880
I think your wrong there, she had a pretty large following here in the US, and she has not gone off into obscurity yet…so…
b15568 No.12881
I pray Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Keith Olbermann get outted for being pervs
d45ce9 No.12882
I will be here as much as I can, you are not alone
aba291 No.12883
Oprah Winfrey's named was dropped as being involved in introducing someone to Weinstein. Not sure if she was aware of him or not, but it is interesting. I would not be surprised though…she is a deep state type.
2233f8 No.12884
a0b5bb No.12886
Thanks although Im sure those dirty whores had it coming
416546 No.12887
8919fb No.12888
posting this here too:
572143 No.12889
You see this is going to be a rabbit hole. MUON detector is kind of a neat thing. It detects cosmic rays.
Which can help detect:
(Video is a projection of what the Apophis astroid would do to the earth.)
MIT has a special project based on this
>Pic related
Apophis is the serpent that Ra battles https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apep
Apophis is also known as Apep or Anti-pep
Anti-pep= Anti-KEK
KEK uses MUONs to explore the Pyramids at Giza for a hidden void inside the pyramid.
KEK LHC is in Tsukuba Japan and is located at the base of Tsukuba mountain which has a Shrine where Worshippers invoke the male god Izanagi and the female god Izanami for lasting marriages, safety, prosperity and warding off evil spirits. 12km (half an hour drive) from KEK. It just so happens that frogs are the symbol of Mount Tsukuba. The key to the mystery behind Mount Tsukuba’s frogs awaits you on the summit.
So big picture is KEK is helping us prepare for Apep who is scheduled to arrive 2029-2036 and we will need to come together as one to defeat this serpent.
But wait theres more…
a0b5bb No.12892
Grasshopper snatch the pebble from my hand
4d3e63 No.12893
She has a bunch of interesting ties, foundations, and connections and thats what I saw on the surface on her wiki. she's been around a loooong time and has her own network, radio, everything. Please tell me somebody sunk their hooks into this
628990 No.12894
good to know.
thanks and MAGA MEGA
b15568 No.12895
I thought Bill Cosby was found not guilty? Wasn't the only crime he was accused of that he gave a girl a pill which she WILLINGLY took?
I heard it was a deep state attack because he refused to support Hillary during election?
But then again, I don't know much else about the case from what I've read from other anons so i may be wrong
2233f8 No.12896
de2bf5 No.12898
A government agent that monitors and manages situations for whatever purpose.
3d3641 No.12899
and don lemon
watching him deliver his heartfelt apology off the autocue would be comedy gold
1fff9b No.12900
Uhhh that makes no sense. Care to elaborate how this person came to those conclusions? How was that decoded? Or is it just a wild guess?
e52024 No.12901
Its the Jesuits/lack pop….
Founded by this guy: St Ignatius of Loyola, like a spec ops unit for the Vatican
More info to dig:
http:// www.reformation.org/jesuits.html
0c986f No.12902
Courtesy of Halfchan
4d3e63 No.12903
He was good friends with Hugh Hefner so no idea who is telling the truth. then again, they murdered Hugh so maybe it was another hit piece
a0b5bb No.12904
it was a hung jury
6de227 No.12905
>in one day trump talks shit about muslims, the media, hillary, and obama
It's safe to assume the plans are accelerating?
1275d4 No.12906
So, why won't Q just tell us who Kim's handler(s) is/are? I'm pretty tired of all the questions.
We all know Kim's handlers will be the Kardashians. It's the only thing that makes any sense. We just need confirmation.
416546 No.12907
Ok thanks but what would, say, Kim's handler actually do in a day to say basis, as a handler?
b9bd5b No.12908
already pretty fed up with the distractions. personally.
I don't give 2 dams about news fags playing grab ass in the office. why aren't they talking about NK rockets and sealed indictments.
2233f8 No.12909
She's also LOADED like a baked potato with funds!
I could see this as a possible tie in somewhere.
Time to drop a line.
bb0e29 No.12910
de2bf5 No.12912
As far as I know he is the head guy of NK but if he were someone controlled like some people seem to think then a minder or handler would report about the situation as they see it to superiors.
416546 No.12913
Dennis Rodman is his handler, probably.
a0b5bb No.12915
he had sex with her when she was passed out
249a4f No.12916
Where is BO?
What is the purpose?
Who fired?
1275d4 No.12917
Big dick Jury? WTF?
8919fb No.12919
got myself some good timing
866087 No.12920
1fff9b No.12921
>>7705 needs helpers
416546 No.12922
d912b9 No.12923
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>10925
>Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
Snow White, poison apple
>This was not anticipated.
>Control / protection lost.
Slobodan Praljak?
>Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
>Working to resolve.
>Select people removed.
>Stay strong.
>We are winning.
>More to follow.
Closest thing with poison in news.
aba291 No.12924
2233f8 No.12925
a0b5bb No.12926
How about Oprah now that would be funny
1275d4 No.12927
Wish I had your budget for Travel.
b15568 No.12928
You can never really be too sure.
Michael Jackson was a victim of the deep state because he would try to save children from elites and was exposing them in his music.
He even called out the deep state/illuminati and tried to warn people to wake up:
They ultimately killed him though.
6e4f2e No.12929
No, this was next to Harrisburg, PA airport where he gave a recent speech. Across the river to the SE is the site of the 3-Mile Nuclear accident where over 200#'s of uranium was removed. Another nearby town was linked to over 200#'s of high-grade uranium stolen by Israel in the early 60's. It could somehow be tied to the Uranium1 deal since this 3-Mile uranium ended up in Canada.
5a6fac No.12930
Q! Good to see you stop in.
Anyway, that's a pic of Beijing. Is Obama really out in China right now despite all the old pictures being plastered on his tweets?
d40475 No.12931
8919fb No.12932
4d3e63 No.12933
Somebody mentioned lynching, guillotines, and being drawn and quartered earlier and I think those are great ideas however I would like to add using stadiums to televise death matches between all of them, Roman colosseum style.
d8522f No.12935
Oops wrong thread but that one needs helpers too.
Made a thread about Tesla and math and stuff b/c he fits into this somehow…I think.
2233f8 No.12936
b75750 No.12938
Def, not the Vatican. Doesn't have the resources or motivation.
a0b5bb No.12939
whats with the space in the trip you have to explain
b15568 No.12940
I wonder how Trump feels.
People like Michael Jackson and JFK Jr were his friends and they killed them. This has been a long term revenge plan for Trump.
174309 No.12941
would putin be funny ??? kinda funny to me
4cad05 No.12942
>Where is BO?
China? Shanghai?
>Who fired
NK missile test?
Matt Lauer fired as a distraction?
5a6fac No.12944
Oh, whoops. Indeed, that's Shanghai. (I keep forgetting it's got a more modern skyline than Beijing does.)
416546 No.12945
de2bf5 No.12946
Cool pic of Shanghai
b15568 No.12948
Hes doing his own Asian tour.
4ad557 No.12949
Are you trying to say that BO controls NK weapon program?
1275d4 No.12950
BO is making "feel good" videos for Jimmy Kimmel Live relating to AIDS and telling the public they can Pilot AF1.
4d3e63 No.12951
/our/nigga! Come here often stranger? :P
2233f8 No.12952
d45ce9 No.12953
Big trouble in little China
0c986f No.12956
>>Where is BO?
>>What is the purpose?
Making deals w/NK
Who fired?
North Korea or Matt Lauer?
d8522f No.12957
wait wat? who does? I haven't even gotten started into the juicy stuff yet. building up the foundation.
de2bf5 No.12959
Well he is here from now on
522491 No.12960
Earlier today, there was no space in the trip. Now there is. Please explain
6e4f2e No.12961
Not Q…unfortunately. directions to spot above.
c4da48 No.12963
You live in an interesting reality.
4d3e63 No.12964
Wasnt that serpent building somebody found a few days back, in China?
628990 No.12965
Welcome back, sir.
he put a space after name; what's there to explain?
416546 No.12966
Who fired?
Garrison Keillor
31abde No.12967
SK? They fired missiles near the rocket, right?
Could SpaceX have something to do with the most recent launch and the marked increase in missile range?
1275d4 No.12968
Seems decent. Now what?
a82a7a No.12970
Needs some Charlie Sheen.
1fff9b No.12971
lmao is that a joke? They are the richest nation on earth and worship satan hardcore. lolol this made me giggle.
3d3641 No.12973
i noticed trump saying something like chuck and nancy should play ball after the NK missile, like it was a signal
but it could just be him telling them to stop being retards and focus on the safety of the country
4ad557 No.12974
we'll put that under older….
4b25f5 No.12976
As crazy as it sounds, it actually makes a lot of sense. Listen to the interview Rodman gives back in June. He pretty much lays it out for everyone to see.
ee71af No.12977
Now I understand why the underling (ass't director) filed a suit trying to block Trump's pick to be the head of the bureau.
416546 No.12978
fd22fa No.12979
>Courtesy of Halfchan
.pic related
4ad557 No.12980
Sure it is. Matches the rest of his tripcodes.
b75750 No.12981
Is Raymond Burke significant in all this?
Is St. Gallen Mafia connected?
15c7ad No.12982
The image is Shanghai, China
572143 No.12983
Hidden void inside Pyramid:
Zahi Hawass, Egypt's minister of state for antiquities affairs is the director of the project named Djedi, after the magician that Pharoah Khufu consulted when planning his tomb. He says no other pyramid has a tunnel and door like this, suggesting that it may well contain a hidden room.
Hawas told the New Scientist, 'The Magician Djedi met Khufu, who was searching for the god Thoth so he could find the secret of hiding his pyramid…maybe there is something hidden in the pyramid.
The emerald tablets:
>"Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall"
a0b5bb No.12984
rocket launch used as distraction/cover for Obama trip? most peons probably dont even know he is going
2233f8 No.12985
Where is BO?
What is the purpose?
Undermine recent talks with POTUS.
Who fired?
SK fired missiles into ocean on day of NK ICBM launch.
Trying to put nuclear war back on track.
4d3e63 No.12986
Sooooo she did or she didnt?
628990 No.12987
the space is irrelevant. it is not part of the tripcode.
also, check the thickness difference between the name and the tripcode.
conclusion - >>1219 is real Q
6bc74d No.12988
Both Elon Musk and Disney left Trump's Advisory Council on the same day. Look into this and the twos relationship.
416546 No.12989
Ok Q,
The fuck we gonna do with this information? What are we supposed to be doing?
4b25f5 No.12990
here is a link to the interview, but it was Sept, not June.
42e2a0 No.12991
i think there is a chance this was recorded earlier in the month… these two pictures of chelsea she seems to be wearing the same shirt. one pic taken on nov 10th, on supposedly taken today
375ee9 No.12992
h-hi senpai..
Where is BO?
What is the purpose?
No former presidents will be exposed to secure trust in presidency/protection from bad actors/informing
Who fired?
During flight over
Reconcile = restore friendly relations between
3d3641 No.12993
>Undermine recent talks with POTUS.
i think they'd have him by the balls by now and wouldn't let him out of the country if he's going to cause mischief
174309 No.12994
i had a thought of looking around Zurich for owl stuff … found a pin with lots of symbolism tudor rose (lots of italian nastys use it too) owl/two towers etc.
chased it down, ran it through the translate-o-matic it's a mock royalty club they duel by singing at each other
drunk goofy german
d40475 No.12996
Gotta keep us busy, Q, or people get to talking about religion and race.
4d3e63 No.12997
It does make sense but I still dont think he is a big enough name anymore. Just my opinion.
a0b5bb No.12998
yeah but why would he change it I mean he had to know it would stir up shit, maybe that was his plan?
c8cc56 No.12999
Can you name the Prince Harry's Favorite Pornstar?
6ddbf3 No.13000
Q, give us one more clue….please!
135fba No.13001
I don't see the connection here… I believe that was a nice try at interpretation by my dick doesn't agree.
Snow White = CI Glowers computer, IMO.
Q was giving a heads up they pointed it at his leaking, making it more difficult for him to post/share with us openly.
He's using jumpers (VPNs) to slip in when possible.
0c986f No.13002
It appears she was there. However, given that there was a FB post for Nov. 10th with Chelsea at a book signing in the same clothes, same place, no way to know if this happened today or not.
628990 No.13003
1. research and find for yourself the absolute fucking state of the world.
2. make memes to spread to the normie world and redpill them.
3. ???
4. rejoice as the world rights itself.
4d3e63 No.13004
Those are from the same signing I think, that brown chick in the black sweater was also in the other images up top
1275d4 No.13005
By "clue," you mean answers, right?
572143 No.13006
You have to understand how magic works
Do you believe the CIA invented MKUltra or the Nazis just like occult symbolism? Why do we see Egyptian architecture in DC and the Vatican?
>99% in the hospital
2233f8 No.13007
You a fly on the wall? We don't know what they are talking about, do we?
Therefore it is safe to assume that ANYTHING could be talked about.
a0b5bb No.13008
416546 No.13009
Step 3 is I guess where I'm stuck
5462a8 No.13010
Snow White are the CIA's computers OPERATORS.
78204e No.13011
Naziz, mind KONTROL
4d3e63 No.13012
The Phoenix. Where is this at?
5462a8 No.13013
It's SnowWhite vs Wizards and Warlocks
c4da48 No.13014
You can't prove anyone else is real.
This is going off-topic though. Have fun in your reality.
1275d4 No.13016
>Why do we see Egyptian architecture in DC and the Vatican?
The ancient Pharaonic bloodlines still control everything.
572143 No.13017
Not sure why you disagree with me then. That's exactly where the photo was taken.
628990 No.13018
>stir up shit
only those who still haven't learned how the tripcode works are stirring up shit.
yeah, all you gotta do there is sit back down and chill.
wait for step 4 to happen.
416546 No.13021
Q seems to arrive when we talk about NORTH KOREA. NK. KIM.
Maybe he's hinting that Obama is Kim's handler. I dunno.
bc8ae1 No.13022
Operation Snow White was a systematic attempt by the Church of Scientology to infiltrate and steal classified files on Scientology from governments all over the world. Its exposure by the FBI in 1977 led to the arrest and imprisonment of the senior leadership of the Church's intelligence agency, the Guardian's Office, in the US and Canada.
The program consisted of a number of sub-programs ("Snow White Operating Targets" or "SWOTs"), each with a different codename, aimed at targets in particular countries or international organisations. The original aim of the program was to expose and legally expunge "all false and secret files of the nations of operating areas" and to enable OTC (the Panamanian-registered front organisation for the Sea Org), the Apollo (the Sea Org flagship) and L. Ron Hubbard himself to "frequent all Western nations without threat." Crucially, the word "legally" was later removed to enable this goal to be met through clandestine (and illegal) operations.
In 1989, a letter came to light from a member of the Office of Special Affairs, the body which replaced the Guardian's Office in the early 1980s. Elaine Siegel described herself in the letter as "Snow White Programs Chief" in the Office of Special Affairs United States and went on to describe her functions and those of the "Snow White Unit".
f506f2 No.13023
Does MO use this with Valerie J?
b75750 No.13024
Richest? Sure, if you count the value of old statues and churches. There are not a lot of buyers of priceless historical artifacts though.
The Church is cash poor. It's wealth is in its connections. (and if you believe in it, being the Church founded by Christ)
Kim family took power in Korea before the 50s. Vatican wasn't compromised until 60s.
Can't be the Vatican.
fd22fa No.13025
>i think they'd have him by the balls by now
what makes you think they don't?
it'd be a shame if his SS protection wasn't good enough to protect him…
>tfw the Secret Service under new operating procedures call out donald duck and fall to the floor as machine gun fire rakes the room and cuts Barrak Hussein in half
fc012d No.13026
Where is BO?
> Tour of Asia
What is the purpose?
> Black mail
Who fired?
> NK
> After President Trump called out Deep State
6e4f2e No.13027
It is Q..space threw me off. WB, sir.
BO in Shanghai. Why?
Didn't BO provide Aid (food, etc.) to NK?
Is BO in China trying to back-stab Trump's recent progress and negotiate aid on behalf of NK vs sanctions?
a0ab46 No.13028
it wasn't
we have no mandate to attempt to decode the stringers
if there is anything meaningful in them
it would be encoded in such a way as to be non-decodable if you didn't have the key AND the encoding method
we have neither
all this time wasted trying to figure out the stringers
by so-called autists who clearly have no idea how cryptography works
it's a wild-ass guess, and a lame one at that
4d3e63 No.13029
Because the Pharoahs never died out? Or were reincarnated, or something similar. Everything goes back to Egypt, its everywhere.
d41a63 No.13030
I've been testing the shills in the /pol/ CBTS threads.
I believe Snow White is the master program, and the 7 dwarfs are AIs with distinct personalities, designed to influence humans through social media.
Activating Snow White means they turned their attention to /pol/.
5462a8 No.13031
5462a8 No.13032
8919fb No.13033
festive lighting
>Where is BO?
>What is the purpose?
to get troops back on the india border
>Who fired?
we'll find out.
ebd74a No.13034
Screen capping this for prosperity. Hello Q!
36b465 No.13035
trips wasted on silicone
actually who gives a fuck
checked, also wasted
4ad557 No.13036
I'll try to keep up I guess. Latest Q map.
2233f8 No.13037
Then stop letting your dick do the thinking, and make your brain think…lol
572143 No.13038
Astana the new home of the NWO and the next anti-christ.
e5c9c1 No.13039
Lmao and Q appears in this thread.
It's happening
375ee9 No.13040
Obama went to china to reconcile with his involvement in the deep state and was shot upon arrival by NK assassin?
174309 No.13041
Q seems to arrive shortly after baker shift change
6ddbf3 No.13042
Clues, answers, riddles…beggars can’t be choosers. Thanks, Q!
628990 No.13043
pharaos had blood relations with european royalty.
european royalty
maybe make a fresh map for 8ch Q drops.
a0b5bb No.13044
Thats possible you might be right
416546 No.13045
4ad557 No.13046
4b25f5 No.13047
I miss read the first post. I dont think "Rodman" is Kim's handler, but I think he was sent by Trump to make a deal and to seal the deal Kim requested that Trump call him the Rocket Man. Unlike all of Trumps other linguistic kill shots, the Rocket Man seems like a gift.
I suspect Kim's handler is a deep state operative, but Kim is more of an actor than a dictator. Remember Ironman III?
d45ce9 No.13048
A handler is someone behind the scene that is able to direct an actor to the desired effect. Essentially the 'strings' of a puppet.
aba291 No.13049
Been a busy day today!
Former Intel agents talking about Q!
I was on their radio show today for a 2 hour presentation over law, etc. I will post that link here soon. Enjoy!
572143 No.13050
See you get this anon. DNA/Holy Grail/Bloodlines/Y family (Jesus bloodline)
1275d4 No.13051
Stop begging then. You'll only be fed the scraps.
730e19 No.13053
There's no fucking way Colbert doesn't rape and eat children.
416546 No.13054
31abde No.13055
Could BO be coercing Kim to back down preemptivley? He won't survive if NK is run by CIA and they are dismantled.
a0b5bb No.13056
namefags are back what a coincedence
5462a8 No.13057
Yep, I'm going to bed. Don't get derailed before I get back.
b15568 No.13058
Obama going to negotiate with President Xi on behalf of North Korea…
That to me sounds plausible for some reason.
0c986f No.13060
This is a model. Where did you get it from?
Where is the location?
d45ce9 No.13061
Missed the q from this morning >>10925
aba291 No.13062
About the Military Tribunals…I did not speak with them about this today. I will speak with them in the next few days and update them about the Q story and related events. I am very aware of what's going on…
1275d4 No.13063
>pharaos had blood relations with european royalty.
Yes! They moved all over the world during the last few Millenia. Having blood relations, changing their names, and even their identities.
1f30c2 No.13064
What if Q is obama? I keep getting that strange feeling that Obama is a helper in all of this. I can't shake it. Just a gut feeling.
Would anyone like a Bible interlude? PRAY is always on the Q menu after all desu.
Judges 5 : The Song of Deborah and Barak
The general lesson of the text is that the powers of the heavens are on the side of right. Often we get discouraged. We are aware of our weakness, but we take little account of the Lord and His power which is working for us. We are prone to trust in ourselves. We know about this world and the forces that are against us, but we forget the spiritual forces which are available to us. So we become depressed, like men who can see great difficulties ahead of them and forget that they have allies.
The text teaches us that we should not allow ourselves to come into such a state. We all know from experience that the majority of our troubles are imaginary, and we should also know that we are, in unseen ways, guided and protected by an infinite and all-wise Providence which has our eternal welfare at heart.
And we should know that about each one of us there are heavenly forces sufficient, if we will avail ourselves of them, to give us power over every trial through which we may have to pass. "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways" (Psalm 91:11).
Sometimes things seem to go very strangely in this world. Sometimes it seems that everything is in confusion. The truth is that we are not only overshadowed and surrounded by spiritual forces, but we are sustained and upheld by them. Even in the natural world the real and dominating forces are spiritual forces.
Everything that exists in this world exists because it corresponds to something in the world of spirit. And we are told that when we come into the world of spirit, things will appear much as they do here, only in far greater beauty. We are further told that—speaking after the manner of man—the heavens of every earth are near that on earth itself, and that the inhabitants of every earth are in association with those heavens. The stars of our text correspond to the spiritual truths which are given for our guidance, and they are also symbols of the heavenly societies which surround and protect us. For we are indeed surrounded by hosts of heavenly beings, beyond whose presence and supervision we cannot wander; and we are constantly under the Divine care and protection, whether we know it or not.
You all mocked me when I said the map was the stars and all legends of old are born in the stars. ALL mythology is celestial.
God bless our souls and the souls of the unborn children. Amen.
4d3e63 No.13065
Look up graveyards and cemeteries in Switzerland, obelisks are EVERYWHERE. Its like a field of stone Osirus cocks
416546 No.13066
Guys FYI m pretty sure Kim and Trump already have a deal. The drama is part of it. You may already know that, sorry.
2233f8 No.13068
Why would somebody that is pissed about not having a 3rd term as president of the US do that?
6a726e No.13069
I don't like you.
You have a big nose… don't you?
6ddbf3 No.13070
We’ve been surviving on scraps for days. Q, give us something big tonight.
2233f8 No.13071
730e19 No.13072
I think it's been established that Rocket Man refers to Elon Musk who has been giving NK the tech capability to launch missiles and shit.
>pic related
a0ab46 No.13073
why Shanghai??????????????????
135fba No.13075
Following your link, those OPERATORS are computers themselves.
SNOW WHITE = COMPUTER(S), a group working together symboitocially. AKA A.I.
>global intelligence COMPUTER databases inside CIA HQ…
A.I. = the seven dwarfs A.I. computers.
NOT human.
>Where is BO?
Pic is Shanghi.
BO is in NK
>What is the purpose?
Twiddle dicks with Kim
>Who fired?
NK (REALLY the CIA/A.I. computers running NK)
Yesterday, same time as Trump was tweeting about Matt Lauer
Creating a distraction when their people are being revealed. Typical tactic.
The fucking computers are firing the missles, guys!
A.I. runs NK
416546 No.13077
Random question: why did Trump mention high flying assets? Was he just trolling? He always had multiple reasons though.
d45ce9 No.13078
Which would explain his short stay on Trumps CEO cabinet
375ee9 No.13079
So Obama is going to China in order to reconcile his past by telling about who fired missiles and when?
730e19 No.13080
Unless he flipped. It's almost impossible to know who's on Team Trump today and who isn't. Mueller, for one famous example.
4d3e63 No.13081
Isnt Shanghai different than the rest of China, or is that Hong Kong?
1f30c2 No.13082
I think it's saying Kim is not the man we think he is b/c he is being heavily controlled. Maybe it's implying he wants to do right but can't? The signs are all there. Look at his eyes. They look sad, they don't look evil.
375ee9 No.13083
Obama is going to China to reconcile his involvement by telling truth about who fired missiles and when?
aba291 No.13084
Watching this show now. OMG..it's a must see!
You will love it
aa0c0b No.13085
The last Q message in the MAP is not from 4chan, and... Is it really from inf-chan? The !!!Latest Q!!! >>10925 does not have the space between the Q and the !
Can someone help me here
2233f8 No.13086
Actions speak louder, no matter who's in control.
730e19 No.13087
I hope Obama doesn't go unpunished. I was hoping to see him hung by his neck from a tree and then set on fire.
2233f8 No.13088
…and here comes this bullshit again!
6e4f2e No.13089
WB, sir.
BO in Shanghai.
Why? - BO/Kerry sent $900,000 in aid to NK the day before Trump was sworn into office. Related? Is BO trying to undermine Trump's negotiations with China to provide more aid to NK?
Between 1995-2008, US has sent over $1.3 billion in aid or energy to North Korea.
416546 No.13090
He's posted here before. The trip code doesn't have a space on 8ch
c1f088 No.13091
If you have some spare time remember Q told you repeatedly to PRAY….
7ebe7c No.13092
Focus on Hussein.
Revelations coming very very soon.
HUMA - SA - Hussein.
HLR (first).
Civil rights attorney.
13th District - Sen.
Hussein v HRC v McCain.
Why is this relevant?
Follow the money pre-pres.
Follow the connections pre-pres.
Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
Think Asia.
Think NK.
What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
Define hostage.
The Sum of all Fears.
Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
What is a pill?
When is it hard to swallow?
How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Define stages.
Define puppets.
Define puppet handlers.
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
Expand your thinking.
Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Does POTUS control all matters classified?
Have faith.
These people are losers!
d45ce9 No.13093
What if ALICE is quantum computing on a global level. They talk about it being a time synchronicity protocol, so essentially it aggregates all the information from all the web and compiles what it finds
572143 No.13094
The obelisks of ancient Egypt represented the benben, the primordial mound upon which the god Atum stood at the creation of the world. As such, they were associated with the benu bird, the Egyptian precursor to the Greek phoenix. According to some Egyptian myths the benu bird was the first living creature whose cry awoke creation and set life in motion. The bird was linked to the morning star and the renewal of each day but was also the sign of the end of the world; in the same way the bird had cried to begin the creative cycle, she would sound again to signal its completion.
6a726e No.13095
Fuck you tubbaks. You're really fucking annoying. Like all the time.
You're like a new youtuber striving to gain fame, it's utterly pathetic.
Your "contributions" are a joke, and only serve to discredit this community as a whole.
Please go neck yourself, you stupid tryhard. Thanks.
~Your friendly neighborhood salty anon
a0ab46 No.13096
>why the underling (ass't director) filed a suit
ding ding ding
fc012d No.13097
Where is BO?
> Tour of Asia
What is the purpose?
> Black mail
Who fired?
> NK
> After President Trump called out Deep State
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reconcile
686e48 No.13098
NK is just a CIA playground
Uranium funneled to NK…we will 'high on our on supply'…fuck!
de2bf5 No.13099
No, that is the real Q it has already been explained.
b15568 No.13100
The way Rodman describes him, its completely the opposite of how hes portrayed in our media.
Rodman describes him as having fun, playful emotions who enjoys a variety of hobbies… which is the opposite of a sociopathic personality.
Its really a confusing thing.
a0b5bb No.13101
What if Q is KIM?
just kidding
628990 No.13103
this is where i differ from what trump allegedly said about protecting the sanctity of the chair of POTUS.
i believe truth shall out, no matter who gets the guillotine as a result.
if the former presidents get beheaded, then so be it.
a04a15 No.13104
It would be good if instead of posting direct links to webpages or other documents that must be DOWNLOADED that you would post the original link and ALSO the archive.is link. I won't be downloading anything, If it is worth viewing then archive it to ensure it is there and be sure it is saved, HINT: KEEP ARCHIVE.IS ON YOUR TOOLBAR. AS YOU FIND PAGES, USE IT. Keep good links available in an archive.
aa0c0b No.13107
I know this, I pay attention.
But the Q-post, that I have never seen before, that looks like it is from inf-chan DOES have a space, which is should not.
Not trying to start something, really, I just want to verify if I am missing something or if it is a shop
b15568 No.13108
Obama going to China to negotiate with Xi (on behalf of North Korea) to try to reconcile the relationship between NK/China, since Xi is starting to lean towards Trump's side of things and Obama wants to keep Xi as an ally?
3cb4bd No.13110
2233f8 No.13111
I think your right.
bc305c No.13114
It has been demonstrated that on 8chan, you can have a space or not. Both of these are equally valid on 8chan:
Because of this great confusion, Q has just now decided to remain consistent with the way halfchan presented his name and tripcode. Thus, he's now using the second form. It doesn't really matter which you see. The tripcode is legit if it is non-bolded.
aa0c0b No.13115
Then why does the latest Q post in the map I linked to earlier, unknown to me until now, DOES have a space. which it should not if it was from inf-chan
help me here, what am I missing?
da4d17 No.13116
3d3641 No.13117
>These people are losers!
spirit of trump confirmed
6e4f2e No.13118
Thank you, Q! Working. $1.3 billion sent to NK in aid prior to POTUS. BO/Kerry sent $900k day before POTUS inauguration. Follow that money? NK hostages?
3cb4bd No.13119
My thoughts exactly.
c1f088 No.13120
Kim does have a thing for BBC sorry not sorry
I can't make up my mind now b/c this too makes sense as much as I think BO is secretly /ourguy/
aa0c0b No.13121
Ok, another "Q" post.. that DOES have the space… what's going on here?
b75750 No.13122
St. Gallen?
628990 No.13123
should we ask Q to get a secure tripcode?
i have always inclined towards secure trips.
a0b5bb No.13124
b15568 No.13125
>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
that they would not be able to threaten US for several years?
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
they were suddenly able to threaten US with missiles/nukes
4d3e63 No.13126
Remember that Seth Rogen/James Franco Korean flick where they went to NK? That movie portrayed him the same way
416546 No.13127
Those are not from 8ch. Those are from 4chan. 8ch stuff doesn't appear on the archive unfortunately. You have to search the trip code on each thread. He's been posting here the last few days.
31abde No.13129
For the past few years we were always told NK was a 5-10 years away from being able to harm the US. Now they can reach anywhere in the world.
Harassment claims are necessary to open the public's eye to what's been going on. A year ago no one would believe someone like Kevin Spacey could get caught up in a sex scandal. Now it's commonplace.
A pill is hard to swallow when it's too big. Hollywood is the introduction to the political world.
What's the best way for the common person to prepare? Worry about a stock market crash?
If this is all true and we get rid of the evil in our government, are the people who will replace them trustworthy? Should we 100% trust Trump. Are there any other agendas?
a0b5bb No.13130
Obama is Muslim brotherhood
4ad557 No.13131
If someone sees a post I've missed, let me know.
Latest Qmaps.
2233f8 No.13132
3cb4bd No.13133
Shut the fuck up about the trip code, Q is giving us info, and you niggers are going on about the trip code still. Fuck off.
46ccc9 No.13134
So the storm surges in stages to remove proxies and servants, one layer at a time - this way the BOs and HRCs don't have propaganda support when its their turn to pay, and the normies have already turned on them (swallowed the pill)?
God bless all Patriots!
f506f2 No.13135
Are those pics relevant to Fat Leonard’s port that he blackmailed 70 Navy Admirals to use to refit with bribes? What was the real goal of aquiring the refit access? Reprogramming software, guidance?…
730e19 No.13136
Most of this is recap
Hussein clearly refers to BO
HUMA = Harvard University Muslim Alumni funded BO's college thanks to Alwaleed
Past 8 years we were told NK couldn't send nukes for at least 5 years. Suddenly NK has nukes; holding Trump hostage.
the harassment claims are a cover to remove Operation Mockingbird CIAniggers.
2233f8 No.13137
I like this. Explains it pretty simply when you think about it.
So we need memes that are like this.
189cc7 No.13139
79c960 No.13140
I'm working on that in >>7705 when I can but I keep getting led back to aayyyyy bloodlines and jews being neanderthals and t=it's weird. all the ancient legends involve humans mating with demons/angels/aliens . spoopy.
aa0c0b No.13141
Ok thank you, I didn't know he could add or remove that space.
Thanks friend!
de2bf5 No.13142
He probably fixed it so that you guys could better understand. The space originally wasn't there when he first posted and people complained. You should be grateful he is catering to you guys.
d40475 No.13143
Nothing new yet. How bout a headline from tomorrow's news, Q?
a0b5bb No.13144
d41a63 No.13145
BO is SA stooge. Manchurian.
They accelerated the NK nuke program once Trump won.
Original plan used NK vs. China, Japan, APAC.
Plan changed to hold the world hostage.
BO pulls the strings?
Makes him untouchable. Sortof.
Media revelations are the proxy war.
Remove their ability to drive narrative.
Stalling is to make sure the media can't drive narrative.
Also preps normieland for more changes.
Revelations will continue after Mockingbird is killed.
c8cc56 No.13146
aa0c0b No.13147
Yes I understand now, I didn't think he could change it at will..
2233f8 No.13148
…and still going on about it? Really?
G'night all!
b2d8e4 No.13149
Shanghai is different. The rest of China speaks Mandarin but in Shanghai they speak Shanghainese A bit different culture
49ea7d No.13150
any updates in the past 24 hours?
730e19 No.13152
6ddbf3 No.13153
Q, was Hussein born in Kenya?
8919fb No.13154
shanghai and a bunch of other major cities are special economic zones. hong kong was previously owned by the british but all crown power has been relinquished.
thank you, Trump
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
>Think Asia.
>Think NK.
Stage setting, maintenance.
>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
Nuclear Capabilities.
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
take away voices that give other people power. stage setting for bigger and bigger degeneracy convictions.
>What is a pill?
a tedious or unpleasant person.
>When is it hard to swallow?
When it's not watered down
>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Something else hasn't happened that needs to first?
4d3e63 No.13155
Yes, thank you! Are they under British or India control or something similar?
3cb4bd No.13156
2 in this thread alone
867e34 No.13157
Ya know Q I don't even care anymore. I have been coming here life after life… and this life I am blooming… I see… I hear… I know how depraved these people are… I know lab coats are worn during SRA…. None of this matters unless spiritual truth returns to teach the people.
e50f6e No.13158
This Q seems to be leading us astray … This Q has a space in the trip code
416546 No.13159
I think he's a weak pawn, like Bush Jr. Nice guy stuck in the middle.
4d3e63 No.13160
Nevermind, was answered
3cb4bd No.13162
866087 No.13163
Shills are out tonight I see
49ea7d No.13164
tl:dr what are the updates?
867e34 No.13165
it's Q was shown how to fix it by ss
79c960 No.13166
I think so too. I think the drama is to throw off the real guilty peeps. Then u sneak up behind em in a dark alley when they least expect it.
a82a7a No.13167
It doesn't matter if there is a space or not. Same person as long as it has the different fontness.
416546 No.13169
He has a family, which if you noticed, his daughter was being threatened with negative news coverage recently. Message received, right?
d45ce9 No.13170
>Focus on Hussein.
>Revelations coming very very soon.
>HUMA - SA - Hussein.
>HLR (first).
Harvard Law Review
>Civil rights attorney.
>13th District - Sen.
>Hussein v HRC v McCain.
>Why is this relevant?
>Follow the money pre-pres.
>Follow the connections pre-pres.
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
>Think Asia.
>Think NK.
>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
>Define hostage.
>The Sum of all Fears.
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
nosuch thing
>What is a pill?
>When is it hard to swallow?
when you are wrong
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Discredit them, let their mistakes be their own undoing
>Define stages.
Layers of a plan
>Define puppets.
>Define puppet handlers.
strings on actors
>Define proxy war.
A war between two states using two seemingly unrelated parties
>Define proxy war.
a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.
>Define proxy war.
Letting the little guy do the dirty work
>Expand your thinking.
40k ft
>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
damage control
>Does POTUS control all matters classified?
>Have faith.
>These people are losers!
B-team 4life
4ad557 No.13171
Q, if you would confirm these maps as accurate.
a0b5bb No.13172
What is a Pill? A capsule
e50f6e No.13173
okokok i just wanted to make sure
if your with Q i am too
8648ca No.13174
Q! Are we taking our money back, and heading to a GCR?
49768a No.13175
Lurker question, sorry to intrude:
NK + SpaceX = missiles
NK + SpaceX = satellites (?)
Been warned these may have EMPs
Who is controlling the satellites?
Any connection to POTUS Japan speech "we dominate the land and space”?
Snow White took (satellites) control back?
No moves til the people can be protected from this?
aba291 No.13176
It does have a few unique traits to it that was not shown before. But then again, I am under the belief that Q is a group….not a single person.
It also could be possible that the account was hacked/compromised.
Keep in mind that let's go on the concept that there will be disinfo, the same can go for redundancy which means some questions might not be relevant.
867e34 No.13177
Best Christmas ever? Do you realize how many children have died? If you could have a smile on your face while they open them you are fucked in the head.
b15568 No.13178
you are forgiven. now start answering the questions
a0ab46 No.13179
These pics were provided by Q very early on in the dumps
The photo was made in Shanghai, the google earth map confirms precise location
Fat Leonard stuff was not in China.
78204e No.13180
867e34 No.13181
Watching kids open presents should tear you apart.
d45ce9 No.13182
You just might get what your asking for
3d3641 No.13183
i'd say igniting tensions and using nations against each other would be the proxy war
6e4f2e No.13184
Thank you, Q!
Barack Hussein Obama -> HUMA-SA paid for college -> Obama - Harvard Law Review (HLR) -> Obama was civil rights attorney -> Obama was Senator for 13th District then DNC…now, we need to follow this money train guys. He cloaked America to believe NK was de-nuke, while paying them our $$ as "aid", then surprise, NK has nukes when Trump elected. Need to follow HRC & McCain and see how they tie together while she was Secretary of State.
bc8ae1 No.13185
>>Think NK.
>>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
North Korea is a major trouble area, especially regarding nuclear weapons and threats of military action. Not long after Obama took office North Korea elbowed its way back onto the international stage after a period of relative quiet, drawing accusations of planning a new long-range intercontinental ballistic missile test weeks after Obama was sworn in and performing an unannounced nuclear warhead and missile testing in late May 2009 to the disapproval of the State Department. Relations were further strained with the imprisonment of American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling for their alleged illegal entry into North Korean territory on assignment for a media organization although both women were later released on August 5, 2009. Later that year, Pyongyang announced its intention to terminate the 1953 armistice ending hostilities in the Korean War on May 28, 2009 effectively restarting the nearly 60-year-old conflict, and prompting the South Korea-United States Combined Forces Command to Watchcon II, the second-highest alert level possible. In 2010, two more major incidents with North Korea occurred: the sinking of a South Korean Navy Ship that actuated new rounds of military exercises with South Korea as a direct military response to sinking and the Bombardment of Yeonpyeong prompting the US aircraft carrier USS George Washington to depart for joint exercises in the Yellow Sea with the Republic of Korea Navy, to deter further North Korean military action. In light of the geopolitical developments with North Korea, the Obama Administration had called the U.S.–South Korean alliance as a "cornerstone of US security in the Pacific Region." During Obama's presidency North Korea's nuclear-weapons and missile programm had become "steadily more alarming", with his failure to stifle it being described as "glaring."
867e34 No.13187
I am just thankful my sporadic remote viewing never showcased kids. Only trent reznor and aquilerra
9dbdcc No.13188
>we dominate the land and space
The US has the best military
a0ab46 No.13189
>you stupid tryhard
now that's the funniest thing i've seen all day
and i've been at this since 4AM
8919fb No.13190
this is in the right direction, we are probably already fighting in space. there was some debris that landed in phoenix recently.
867e34 No.13191
Aguilerra is a filthy whore
867e34 No.13192
867e34 No.13194
You can't wash that shit off
79c960 No.13195
Puppet handlers are often puppets themselves that have been programmed. I have witnessed this firsthand. I have seen the workings of a real cult in real life. It's a pyramid scheme no pun intended.
The mind control is strong and hypnosis is studied to perfection and very very effective. You can hypnotize someone by phone, e-mail, song, movie, etc.
These arts are kept very secret just like David Copperfield and David Blaine's tricks. So when you see someone like Hillary or Kim, they are not the puppet masters, they are on the same strings just a little higher up.
174309 No.13196
yea i'm pretty sure thats why we're doing this
4d3e63 No.13197
Plus that gigantic cigar shaped "asteroid" in our solar system and Hillary mentioning they may have found Earth 2
d45ce9 No.13198
1. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet
2. Wouldn't Hilary in an orange jumpsuit walking in shackles be the best christmas present you could think of?
2ab6bb No.13199
Good to see you back, Q.
I have been asking about BO whereabouts all day here but many dont understand. Thanks for the support.
a0ab46 No.13200
>what trump allegedly said about protecting the sanctity of the chair of POTUS
for the record, trump didn''t say that, some alleged insider anon posited that.
not buying it….yet.
and i do want to see BHO held accountable.
401b26 No.13201
I think Q may be saying that BO is in China. Yesterday NK fired a missile towards Japan and in response SK fired a few back. China said that they would determine their position based on who fires first between US and NK. Japan was really upset about the missiles yesterday and POTUS said that the matter would be taken care of. POTUS also said he had talked with Xi and they were going to impose heavy sanctions on NK as a result.
It sounds like BO may be there to try to talk China out of imposing the sanctions or to instigate war between NK and US using SK missile's as an excuse. Or both. Maybe BO controls NK?? Or BO involved with deep state whom controls NK. Either way it doesn't seem like BO is /ourguy/.
a04a15 No.13202
Suppose BO and HRC are trying to convince the world that DJT is not legitimate, that HRC really won, etc, HRC supposedly sent $billions of CF money to Qatar before BO left office. I assumed she was going to try to rule the world from Qatar or something. They stole all that money for a purpose, maybe it is a stash for all the lawsuits they will have to face now.
9296f9 No.13203
Q mentioned Hostages.
Who could be a hostage? Michelle Obama? In another 4chan post someone posted that Trump's daughter (forgot her name-Marla Maple's girl) was kidnapped. Was a lie or? Does NK have SOMEONE held hostage and BO going to negotiate? Stab in the dark here.
8919fb No.13205
> proxy wars
what small countries like vietnam did trump and obama both go to?
897ed7 No.13206
I'll try some outa the box:
>Where is BO?
India, China, France
>What is the purpose?
Save his own pussy ass.
>Who fired?
Jugears fired Flynn from DIA
August of 2014
Flynn has flipped on Jugears. Jugears is trying to clean up his fuckery (likely CIA extortion of listed countries and other traitorous shit) with India, France, and China.
31abde No.13207
>Wouldn't Hilary in an orange jumpsuit walking in shackles be the best christmas present you could think of?
Don't be naive. Most people do not trust Trump. If he immediately jailed HRC they'd assume it was some Hitler style coup and revolt.
628990 No.13208
>some alleged insider anon posited that.
yeah, that's why i used the word 'allegedly'
in any case, past presidents should be held accountable - they are NOT above the law.
867e34 No.13209
WTF? Dude you need your ass kicked hard.
4d3e63 No.13210
Im pretty sure that every one of those pictures on the screen are space and astronaut related
79c960 No.13211
A pill is hard to swallow when it's big and I feel gross like I'm gonna puke b/c I have a feeling this pedophilia stuff is going to come out soon, which is good, but obviously also bad to listen to.
8919fb No.13212
that's why a stage has to be set.
e5c9c1 No.13213
Wtf every time this TripCodes drops mega knowledge and Q appears right afterward
e50f6e No.13214
Focus on Hussein.
Revelations coming very very soon.
HUMA - SA - Hussein.
HLR (first).
Civil rights attorney.
13th District - Sen.
Hussein v HRC v McCain.
Why is this relevant?
Follow the money pre-pres.
Follow the connections pre-pres.
Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
Think Asia.
Think NK.
What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
Define hostage.
=The Sum of all Fears.=
noticed how q capitalized TSF
heres some …
Treviso Airport, IATA airport code
Twelve Step Facilitation therapy (often used in treatment of alcoholism)
Grumman XTSF
The Scandinavian Front - A modification for Strike Fighters 2
Transaction Service Fee
tons per square foot (tsf), Strength: 1 tsf = 13.89 psi = 1kg/cm2 (metric) = 95.76 kPa;
Transsexual Fiction - Stories that involve Transformation.
Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
What is a pill?
When is it hard to swallow?
How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Define stages.
Define puppets.
Define puppet handlers.
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
Expand your thinking.
Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Does POTUS control all matters classified?
Have faith.
These people are losers!
7db625 No.13215
What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004?
What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?
What if the previous tests that failed were staged?
Why would this be relevant?
Who is involved and why?
Biggest cover up in our history.
U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
Iran deal.
Russian reset.
d45ce9 No.13216
Your in the wrong place sweetheart
8919fb No.13217
may god have mercy on hussein obama
aba291 No.13218
Based upon conduct and those around Obama, the thought of him being a White Hat would have to be achieved by getting a sex change, smoking crack, and licking toilets.
867e34 No.13219
Hurry up or I'm going to shake the foundations of the world.
a0b5bb No.13220
Home location register (HLR) The home location register (HLR) is a central database that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is authorized to use the GSM core network
c8cc56 No.13222
867e34 No.13224
9296f9 No.13225
Canada seems to be involved with a lot of this including U1. Does canada have something to do with NK? George Soros partner Maurice String spent years in China?
3cb4bd No.13226
Blessed art though Q, much thanks.
49ea7d No.13227
79c960 No.13228
Something last week led me to Kazakhstan and NK. fugg i can't find it. It had to do with oil and a bunch of US agencies, USAID was one of them and human trafficking and "charity" >>13113
a0ab46 No.13229
Please note:
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
has three different IDs
so apparently
SecOps has been sorted
without TOR
very interdasting
'jumpers' indeed
i still want answers for the significance of Shanghai
535d8f No.13230
>Sum of all fears
>The hunt for red october
Goddamn, I must be retarded. Q is telling us that there are nukes missing from arsenals being transported as we speak, were they placed on the missing sub?
a0b5bb No.13231
416546 No.13232
Q we already know all that, if you're referring to U1 getting uranium to NK. Or some of us know that. Old news who cares? Why bring it up now?
d45ce9 No.13233
please re-read what I said, we seem to have a miscommunication
6e4f2e No.13234
Geez…that is The Sum of All Fears. $$. The robbing of American taxpayers.
Q, we are with you and your team. Patriots. MAGA for future generations. Hit reset and go. Praying for you and the team. We will do anything you need and follow your lead.
a04a15 No.13235
Sorry all. Following this is nuts. I propose that cbts make the posts regular at a particular time, such as every two hours, which would let people catch up with the previous posts. Then, post six times a day. Predictable so people know when to come see whats up. noon, 2,4, 6,8,10, 12 –It would really make it LESS NUTS to follow and research people's links.
4d3e63 No.13236
Or were they sent into space?
a0b5bb No.13237
8919fb No.13238
you only stage failures to convince people you're helpless.
everyone was involved.
d41a63 No.13239
She handed them a red button.
It said "Overcharge" instead of "Reset".
6ddbf3 No.13240
I think Q was referring to the movie The Sum of all Fears.
8919fb No.13241
867e34 No.13242
All I heard was break a few eggs in regards to children
6dec20 No.13243
Holy fucking shit…
Faked capabilities so they can get the public to believe that a real launch is possible/normal?
Otherwise it's be suspicious.
Is Russia in on it too? Because they want to undermine USA/have a proxy to destroy USA?
4a4ed6 No.13244
>Biggest cover up in our history.
When you say that, my mind goes to Disclosure.
What can you say about contact with POSITIVE extraterrestrials?
e50f6e No.13245
but "all" isnt capitalized like it is in the movie title
a0ab46 No.13246
>past presidents should be held accountable - they are NOT above the law.
i hope and pray
867e34 No.13247
The greys are involved… that is why they have to have leadership change in pakistan
7a4b6f No.13248
What the hell is she doing in the pic? Has she yanked all their chains??
375ee9 No.13249
>Sum of All Fears?
Does this have to do with an attempt to create world war between the United States and Russia?
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
Draining of the swamp beginning, bad actors puppets being removed? (Those puppets controlled by blackmail)
No, strategy = remove pawns to clear space for higher value targets and set climate in population that there is evil present in high areas of influence.
>What is a pill?
A tedious person
>When is it hard to swallow?
When it is insulated or difficult to capture/arrest.
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Discredit their reputation and weaken their support structure = perhaps the sexual harassment charges will create disloyalty among lower ranks.
>Define stages.
Seed distrust in puppets, dismantle chain of command, go for high level targets.
>Define puppets.
North Korea
>Define handlers
>Define Proxy war.
NK war with China and/or Japan, cause chaos on eastern border of Russia
>Define Proxy war.
Wars in Syria create chaos on western border of Russia.
>Define Proxy war.
Drug war, leaking opiates and other harmful substances into Russia
>Expand your thinking.
All to create WW3
c8cc56 No.13250
31abde No.13252
Was Iraq/Afghanistan a distraction to arm NK and lead to the real WW3 they wanted?
867e34 No.13254
To you who think ET are not involved.. guess what… RedPill … they are
535d8f No.13255
Nah, it makes sense that they are trying to send them to china, noko, and other scapegoats for kike aggression. They may be trying to send them to space via musk.
605e43 No.13256
Just a shot in the dark:
I think russia pretended to disarm, but expanded operations, invading america with communist spies and used NK as proxy base for nukes to surprise attack US.
Reset was to disarm america while NK armed, tests were faked to make it seem as if NK is incompetent when they aren't.
CIA is communist front still active from soviet times to weaken america from inside to allow nk to strike, then using weakened US to complete union of CA/US/MX, EU, ASIA, and soon world?
a0b5bb No.13257
867e34 No.13259
The greys have military implanted and programmed.
6ddbf3 No.13260
Have you seen the movie? Makes complete sense. Hussein is trying to nuke the US.
d106d2 No.13261
I don't think enough people are realizing what this link means. THIS IS HUGE. This is literally connecting the research we've made in CBTS to LITERAL REALITY. This is the war. If we could topple a POPE and EXPOSE THIS DRAGON CABAL for what it is, we'd win. Or, at least, we'd expose the beast, and they'd lose. At least initiate them into open warfare, in which they'd lose [facing a determined world coalition of US/SA/CHINA/RUSSIA as sovereign defenders/goodguys].
e50f6e No.13262
Im not saying it doesn't make sense, but im saying it can have another meaning at the same time
d45ce9 No.13263
what is the point of literally arming the 'puppet' government of NK . If the NWO was about to take over the world what is the point of giving weapons to one of your lackeys, and one of the only countries in the world that does not have a world bank?
78204e No.13264
ET? as extra terrestrial
4a4ed6 No.13265
The greys are not a threat anymore, even underground bases have been cleared. Orbital blockade is in place. There may be a few left now, but - It's just the cabal. Us vs them. Light vs darkness.
Never underestimate Light.
You may be swept up in some current affairs, but when all is said and done, your inner world should have developed.
628990 No.13267
the pak president?
8919fb No.13268
>the dragon
what do you think the sum of all fears is?
867e34 No.13269
not only are there greys but there are blues and greens as well… Greens are like the fleet captains… big green and ugly.
49ea7d No.13270
>What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004?
>What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?
the answer to both of them is they wait
>previous tests staged
to trick people into thinking they're weak
to hide secret deals
everybody, ww3
e50f6e No.13271
Where those the "Sonic Booms" being heard all over the country? Demolition of underground bases?
3d3641 No.13272
it would mean they've been privately holding leaders without the means to defend themselves hostage since 2004 (or 2009)
c8cc56 No.13273
They even tested it. LMAO
867e34 No.13274
Open your eye and look dammit… if you are ever going to get off this rock you are going to have to.
4d3e63 No.13275
Think about it. They had the Mars colonization program a while ago and we never heard jack shit after that. All these secret launches. Elon. NASA losing shit. Eisenhower, talked about this and so does his daughter, Laura, along with so many others
8919fb No.13276
867e34 No.13277
You are all slaves… spiritual slaves
572143 No.13278
Oh Lord in Heaven
Bee.n posting about this for weeks
Please tell me others are starting to see it
7e723b No.13279
Here is what I gathered so fa. Her online presence is clean, almost looks scrubbed. Guilty by association for sure.
Look at the billionaire meeting, like Lady Gaga with the Presidents, one of these is not like the other….
174309 No.13280
hurricane benefit concert
e50f6e No.13281
Kids HAVE been sent to Mars. another redpill
7db625 No.13282
Sidley Austin.
Happy hunting.
3e461a No.13283
Well that changes the picture.
Time to focus hard on what happened from Obama's time at HLR through 2008 election.
4a4ed6 No.13284
To clear inner programming, refer to infographics such as >>13265 and others posted mainly in Q meta and other threads.
I have no idea what that was, but positive ET (federation of Light) have technology that gently displaces air molecules instead of letting them pile up in front of the craft, so no sound is heard from them even though travel is extremely fast.
6ddbf3 No.13285
Watch the movie. You’ll agree that it’s the obvious meaning. That last Q post gave me chills.
416546 No.13286
Now that's a red pill.
All this other bs is old news. WW3, yawn already knew that was the goal, proxie war boooring no shit Sherlock.
d45ce9 No.13287
see ya nignogs later
fc012d No.13288
> HOLY FUCK, 2 Q's
Focus on Hussein.
Revelations coming very very soon.
HUMA - SA - Hussein.
> Harvard
HLR (first).
> Hussein
Civil rights attorney.
13th District - Sen.
> John Conyers
Hussein v HRC v McCain.
Why is this relevant?
> All apart of the Y party
Follow the money pre-pres.
Follow the connections pre-pres.
Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
> Undermine
Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
> Blackmail
Think Asia.
Think NK.
What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
> They would be allowed to have NW
What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
> Realized that it was no longer on the table
Define hostage.
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostage
The Sum of all Fears.
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0164184/
Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
> Feeling the pressure
> there are no coincidences
What is a pill?
> duh
When is it hard to swallow?
> jagged or too big
How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
> let them soil their reputation so its easier
Define stages.
> an actors stage or in incriments
Define puppets.
> those with strings attached to them
Define puppet handlers.
> The ones that hold the most important strings
Define proxy war.
> http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/proxy%20war
Define proxy war.
> As above, so below
Define proxy war.
> http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/proxy%20war
Expand your thinking.
Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
> Justice is allowing them to be their undoing first
Does POTUS control all matters classified?
> Yes.
Have faith.
These people are losers!
> Thank you senpi
f506f2 No.13289
I think it has to do with us getting nuked as fuck and nobody else to start the NWO…
fb8a55 No.13290
628990 No.13291
all we ask for, is solid evidence.
even i can post that i am the emperor of the universe, but without irrefutable evidence that means jackshit.
31abde No.13292
ee71af No.13293
Will do. Thank you for the push. Give your team our best.
a04a15 No.13294
Here is how I measure a politicians character – did s/he give aid and comfort to HRC. It is highly obvious that HRC compromised the entire security of the US and either a politician is deaf dumb blind OR THEY ARE ALSO A TRAITOR
416546 No.13295
Kids are sent from Mars.
THAT's a red pill.
46ccc9 No.13296
>Sidley Austin
How cute, its where BO met Michelle.
4d3e63 No.13297
They sure have! Finally we are getting into the meat and potatoes. To all those that talked shit, shamed and doubted the rest of us that thought outside of this, you all can suck a bag of martian dicks and KYS
a0b5bb No.13298
South Korea had a scandal with corruption recently that Moon guy is New!
Hmmm to many scandals
8919fb No.13299
Tendite ad astra viri
6ddbf3 No.13300
Michelle Obama worked for them.
867e34 No.13301
The whole reason this is happening is because this world is an incubator for enlightenment… and they want that stopped. want to control your thoughts so you can't seek within and find.
b0b369 No.13302
Were the SpaceX launches sabotaged just like the NK ones? Is that the link between NK and SpaceX?
867e34 No.13303
But they cannot stop cause and effect.. therefore…. they will lose. easy as that
4a4ed6 No.13304
Oh, my apologies, I'm not in the best mental state right now any my reading comprehension is pretty bad. Sorry!
The clearing of underground bases occured around the year 2000, so that was quite some time ago. Now all we have to worry about is ourselves. There is no greater threat than our own thoughts and actions, especially negative ones…
867e34 No.13305
They cannot stop the completion of karma.
375ee9 No.13306
>What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004?
Could create nuclear war near or at Russia
>What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?
Could fire nuclear weapon at Russia and blame United States
>What if the previous test that failed were staged?
To trick Russia into thinking NK nuclear program is not fully operational
>Why would this be relevant?
Sum of All Fears, WW3, Ignote Nuclear Holocaust Worldwide.
>Who is involved and why?
Satanic Cabal, to bring apocalyptic prophecies into play, to depopulate world dramatically.
49ea7d No.13307
867e34 No.13308
Light will shine upon the world once again
e50f6e No.13309
"Since 1990, Sidley Austin has contributed $6.88 million to federal campaigns"
Democrat. When Barak was running
730e19 No.13310
Fuck your concern trolling. What's done is done—the desire to witness justice is noble.
fc012d No.13311
Thank you Q and team, in due time the whole hoodwink will be pulled back and we can have the 4th Great Awakeing.
God bless you and your team.
5cc1d2 No.13312
If North Korea is a LARP, then what really happened in the Sony hack?
49ea7d No.13313
572143 No.13314
Sidley Austin, LLP Representing VTB a Russian Bank Contributed 385,000 to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
d40475 No.13315
Sidley Austin. Check out this partner who handles uranium transfers in asia and middle east and is also involved with Facebook. www.sidley.com/en/people/s/shaikh-ayaz-r
535d8f No.13316
>Sidley Austin
motherfuckers, what are we supposed to focus on?
135fba No.13317
That's-a-bingo, Jerry.
The backbone for the data mining = bitcoin.
Tricky fuckers set up a system so people would hand over worldwide computing power to them for the 'idea' of 'currency', aka crypto
867e34 No.13318
You shall remain a slave for a long time
6ddbf3 No.13320
4ad557 No.13322
ee71af No.13323
605e43 No.13324
All I could answer
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
To threaten who he was talking to
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
to re-illiterate threats
>Think Asia
>Think NK.
He is threatening asia with NK because CIA has control of it.
>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
NK missile program is shit
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
suddenly NK is really good at missiles.
Obama is threatening Asia personally saying "look, we can end you. Don't do anything trump says"
>Define hostage.
Someone who is not in a position to act because of possibility of violence.
>The Sum of all Fears.
Nuke hitting own country.
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
Threats, keeping people in line
No, exactly the same as Asia, people must be kept in line or they will rebel against tbtb
>What is a pill?
Encapsulated medicine
>When is it hard to swallow
When it's too big.
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Through any means nessesary, murder, corruption, threats.
>Define stages.
where a play is put on
>Define puppets.
fake people controlled by others
>Define puppet handlers.
People controlling the fake people
>Define proxy war.
A war conducted by a party that is not entered in it for their own interests.
>Define proxy war.
A war conducted by a party that is not entered in it
>Define proxy war.
A war far away from the people conducting it
>Expand your thinking.
This whole thing is a war against the people through many fronts with huge insulation protecting those who pull the strings to conduct the proxy war
>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Because they will all be indicted, they are guilty and the previous administration left it as blackmail which they thought they could control.
>Does POTUS control all matters classified?
>Have faith.
>These people are losers!
6e4f2e No.13325
>Sidley Austin.
I believe that's where Michelle Obama worked. International firm. Billion+ annual revenue I believe. We need to follow their clients, cases, money. Did they setup a fund for Obama?
277c85 No.13326
Trump seemed to emphasize we look into Andy Lack.
His high school is breddy interesting. Lots of #CoolKids have gone there. "Browning School"
Check the first sentence after the superimposed quote http://archive.is/sVjg3
aa0c0b No.13327
Lol, light is such a bullshit propaganda feel good term… stop using it
4ad557 No.13328
It'd help if I add the damn file.
a04a15 No.13329
About extraterrestrials – stories are told about genetic engineering that is making freak creatures that are half human half animal. Search podesta art to see a sculpture of a pig/human nursing her young. This would make a ET looking creature that could come to SAVE THE WORLD from Planet X. We would all worship it as a higher intellect. Get it, yall???? worship the BEAST??
a0b5bb No.13330
46ccc9 No.13331
From wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidley_Austin
They conveniently only lost one out of 600 employees on 9/11.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 personally affected the employees of Sidley Austin. Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith.[24][25]
Sidley Austin reopened its New York office on Monday, September 17, 2001 in the old Sidley & Austin office on Third Avenue which it had planned on closing on September 16. Instead, it leased four additional floors in that location, in a deal completed less than three hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Sidley Austin later opened its permanent new office in the Equitable Center building on Seventh Avenue in July 2002.[24]
d40475 No.13332
Michelle is listed twice as a Sidley alumni.
3e461a No.13333
One employee dies out of 600 working at WTC, and firm relocates within 3 hours, on Sept 11, 2001.
Pretty amazing luck, that.
822761 No.13334
>Hussein v HRC v McCain.
SA v Rothchilds v Soros
>Why is this relevant?
The fix was always in
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?
ICBM and miniaturization
Is there a clown tunnel?
>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
Shutting down mockingbird.
>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?
Disgrace/prosecute them
>Expand your thinking.
You have to provide more or varying perspective
>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?
Allowing disgraceful/humiliating exit v prosecution
>Does POTUS control all matters classified?
Not really
e50f6e No.13335
Nothing is a coincidence, everything is connected
fc012d No.13336
aba291 No.13337
Looks like dropping Oprah's name netted some results! Good job! More to come I'm sure. :D
a0b5bb No.13338
de2bf5 No.13339
897ed7 No.13340
Sidley Austin reads like the law firm in 'The Advocate'. Hands in everything across the globe, likely not always legal. Jugears and Michael "worked" and met there.
Could Sidley Austin be the law firm of the global swamp?
4ad557 No.13341
>>When is a pill too hard to swallow?
When it is too big.
4a4ed6 No.13342
The future is not fixed, we can influence it with our positive thoughts and actions.
That is correct my friend.
Work on yourself. That is how you can clean up the control and realize the path of Love for yourself. Love is the biggest power there is, because as Q said - everything is connected.
Some of us anons here are meditating to ease the negative control and guide the world back into the way of truth.
With Love in your Heart, no negative falsity will have power over you. You will feel the truth when the time for discernment comes. Focus on inner development.
fc012d No.13344
look here, second link
6774d0 No.13345
>Hussein v HRC v McCain
The 2008 presidential campaign <should> have been a simple HRC vs. McCain contest.
Either way would have been fine for the DS, but then Kerry pushed BO into the limelight at the 2000 DNC convention, got him elected to the Senate, and challenged HRCs first run. BO wasn't supposed to do that well in the primaries, just well enough to sit on the bench during HRCs term, but then HRC was a lousy candidate in the primaries and BO was smooth. John Edwards was also a problem, but he got taken out in a - surprise! - sex scandal. Someone started pumping money and organizational expertise into the BO campaign and pushed HRC into an exhausting and expensive 50 state primary race that didn't end until the convention. Her big-donor money for that race had to come from somewhere. And she had to pay it back when she didn't win the first time around, one way or another. She cashed in her chips at the convention, got SecState as a lucrative consolation prize if she conceded. By the time it was BO vs. John M., she had to re-organize her plans by running money through the CF in exchange for whatever she could…and to bankroll her next bid.
>Why is this relevant?
Put her in a position to owe a lot of people a lot of money . . . for two failed presidential bids.
aa0c0b No.13346
Serving as lead attorney in the conduct of an FCPA(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) internal investigation of a Saudi Arabian joint venture of a U.S. issuer in the defense industry.
a04a15 No.13347
a Q-UESTION - why hasn't Soros been arrested as a Nazi war criminal??? Someone explain that one to me.
aba291 No.13348
I actually like seeing these things! >>13327
Why not desire to feel good about life and to vibrate at a higher frequency. There have been many tests done which show that people who have hope and faith live longer and have happier lives.
Those who are upset often tend to die at an earlier age.
572143 No.13349
Did you read my post about MUONs and Apophis?
c4da48 No.13350
Please be right.
Om ah hum soha.
71295b No.13351
She vacationed with the Obama's and Richard Branson on a yacht in April of 2017.
aa0c0b No.13352
More bs terms that doesn't mean anything IRL.. only when talking to your other CULT members
aba291 No.13353
>>13343 - You Rock!
Such amazing Bakers!!!
7a4b6f No.13354
There's more to this picture than meets the eye. I know that she (can't stomach saying her name since she is such a degraded woman) is very much at home in the presence of these men, therefore of the same mindset and inclination(s). The way she stands behind the two Bushes, with her being closer to Bush Sr, speaks volumes. Bush Sr, though he is now so decrepit, is clearly the 'Godfather' in this picture.
aba291 No.13355
Ok grumpy…time for your nap.
Sweet dreams.
49ea7d No.13356
a0b5bb No.13357
b15568 No.13358
ee71af No.13359
Thank you, added Q's posts and am gathering info on this firm and adding it.
aa0c0b No.13360
Nah… Just calling out your ILLUMINATI propaganda bullshit… get real honey
572143 No.13361
Wonder if they work with Blackstone.
a0ab46 No.13362
>When is a pill too hard to swallow?
when it is bitter
d106d2 No.13363
>Define hostage.
>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?
>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?
These Qs stick out to me. I think we're NOT to be thinking of this in terms of Barrack is fighting this running war with Trump. Hussein IS LITERALLY TRUMP'S HOSTAGE, hahahahahah. Literally everything about THIS ENTIRE PLOT revolves around BO and his administrations actions. He is literally the whipping boy at this point. BARRACK PAID HIS DUES. HAHAHAHA
3f588b No.13364
>Sidley Austin.
"Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith"
aa0c0b No.13365
no.. when the pill is large as a house it is very difficult to swallow
aba291 No.13367
LOL…nothing have I posted has any relationship to me being in the illuminati..
Time to block you. You got mental problems.
de2bf5 No.13368
6e4f2e No.13369
Bingo (#1 of likely more)…good find
aa0c0b No.13371
Nah.. it's the fact that you read ILLUMINATI bs propaganda.. stop it
fb8a55 No.13372
"Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea"
7fe749 No.13373
Yep, same on half chan i>>13213
8b9d0d No.13375
rosemary smith had information that could have led to the arrest of hillary clinton. 9/11 was a cover-up to get rid of rosemary smith.
b571cc No.13376
Someone add the answers to the spreadsheet and send me a link to the updates of all of this please. I am going through a lot of personal issues but want to update the wiki tomorrow in the few hours I will have available. I have a wiki thread you can add verified info to, which will make things a fuck ton easier on us all long run.
Did anyone notice there's a space now between the name and tag?
d40475 No.13377
628990 No.13378
4a4ed6 No.13379
Very good :-) This will pay off. Keep focusing on everything that is positive. Your heart will show you the way.
It explains everything occuring IRL. Make the connection. What you reap is what you have sown.
6a726e No.13380
Do you even bother reading the thread at all? Or naw?
ad560d No.13381
>Hussein v HRC v McCain
2008 elections
>Why is this relevant?
This should have been a HRC victory with McCain as a shoe in R candidate and Hussein intro to the rest of the US other than a "present" Sen
>Why is this relevant?
Plans were changed Hil would take back seat, JM would obviously lose and the mysterious young IL senator would be chosen
>Define proxy war 3x
race war
left and right war (divides country easier to control)
and man vs woman vs trans war (hollywood, uni etc)
the more divided the easier to control.
a place to perform or a level to reach or devolve to
medicinal, or poison a drug
>hard to swallow
hypothetically, when the truth is hard to bear, or if you know it will harm
aa0c0b No.13382
No.. it doesn't explain anything..
bs term like vibrations, light or archons are propaganda.. stop it
b15568 No.13383
Al-Waleed bin Talal funded/propped up Obama, didn't he?
e50f6e No.13384
Q asked to define proxy war 3x
must be important
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
Define proxy war.
"A proxy war is two opposing countries avoiding direct war, and instead supporting combatants that serve their interests. In some occasions, one country is a direct combatant whilst the other supporting its enemy."
can anyone else expand on this?
b571cc No.13387
8chan phone fagging is insanely difficult for some reason and my internet and pages keep locking up. To answer your question, I can't read everything. I do not have time. Did you not read my post of having personal issues? Fuck off nig
375ee9 No.13388
This is pretty intense, could this be the questions that will describe what the major crisis event that was averted was?
It sounds like WW3 United States Versus Russia, started up via proxy wars in Asia involving nuclear arsenal.
Could this be why Japan and China are so keen on Geotus?
Amazing drop tonight
And Sidley Austin, could this be in reference to 9/11 attack which triggered the war in Iraq, which lead to the creation of Isis and other proxy wars in the middle east that effect the EU via refugees?
aba291 No.13389
Yeah..I know.
I just block out those who are negative.
If they do great memes, I'll gladly thank them..
But to infer I am an illuminati, that is just ridiculous
Glad some people appreciate me here. I have always been an open book and even give people a chance to reach me and speak to me personally.
7fe749 No.13390
Russia and China are /ourguys/
46ccc9 No.13391
It's what the families have been doing for centuries - the sauds, rothschilds, etc. Governments, banks, MSM - they are all proxies.
628990 No.13392
NEW THREAD here guys.
apologies for misnumbering, got a little excited.
CBTS General #14 >>13366
CBTS General #14 >>13366
CBTS General #14 >>13366
aa0c0b No.13394
Most likely several proxy wars at once..
another anon said proxy war again russia on the east front (NK)
proxy war against russia on the WEST front (Syria/turkey/iraq)
proxy war against russia as a drug war from afghanistan (center asia/russia)
makes sense
fc012d No.13396
74daeb No.13397
These ARE fantastic!!
aa0c0b No.13398
lol… they should get a firewall for that stuff
416546 No.13399
Princeton's WordNet
proxy war(noun)
a war instigated by a major power that does not itself participate
proxy war(Noun)
A war where two powers use third parties as a supplement to, or a substitute for fighting each other directly.
Proxy war
A proxy war or proxy warfare is a war that results when opposing powers use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other directly. While powers have sometimes used governments as proxies, violent non-state actors, mercenaries, or other third parties are more often employed. It is hoped that these groups can strike an opponent without leading to full-scale war. Proxy wars have also been fought alongside full-scale conflicts. It is almost impossible to have a pure proxy war, as the groups fighting for a certain nation usually have their own interests, which can diverge from those of their patron. Typically proxy wars function best during cold wars, as they become a necessity in conducting armed conflict between at least two belligerents while continuing cold warfare
68de43 No.13400
f506f2 No.13402
WWIII, that’s why he said proxy 3 times