7db389 No.19432
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
1. Find relevant (A)nswers to (Q)uestions using Normie approved media
2. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
3. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on-topic problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
4. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
5. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies(Literally your mom/grandma)? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good, KISS Memes.
6. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Posts of interest
!!!Latest Q!!! -> >>10925, >>12916, >>13092, >>13215, >>13282, >>13601, >>17283, >>17290, >>17359, >>17474, >>17546, >>17586
Who is Y?: >>19041
The ground is a shakin -> >>16464 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9QfAq2ML8
Goals/Motivation -> >>10207
WH Recon Anon -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tnum/151285365/uid/YRqlR4GG/order/asc/
AXE PROOF -> >>15666 (thanks satan)
Anon that digs -> >>11800
Google Acquires Keyhole -> >>11979
Updated Legend -> >>16020
Reality of Booksigning Yesterday -> >>12408
Anon bringing things around -> >>15208
Light Bodied Aliens tell all -> >>15350
Asia Foundation Findings -> >>15876
Barry Important -> >>14627 >>16251 >>16253
Loud Noises -> >>15157
Bitcoin Theory -> >>15201 -> >>16092
'The Sum Of All Fears' Theory -> >>16199
Tesla Lithium Source -> >>16146
Twitter story of great interest -> https://twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/936360137362513920
Past Threads -> Archive
15. >>>/cbts/14277 -> https://archive.fo/ZPXNj
16. >>>/cbts/15090 -> https://archive.fo/vqxct
17. >>>/cbts/15991 -> https://archive.fo/l0OC8
18. >>>/cbts/16943 -> https://archive.fo/To3mI
19. >>>/cbts/17741 -> https://archive.fo/ISO2s
20. >>>/cbts/18636 -> coming soon
Latest Q Compilations -> >>17800 or >>17823
CBTS 8ch.net Threads' Archive list -> https://pastebin.com/pQR1CN49
CBTS 4chan Threads' Archive list -> http://pastebin.com/Qk2B3K5s
Original links do not cross post from 4chan, instead use 4plebs archive to find old Qs.
Q Trip Archive -> http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo
How to spot FAKE Trip Q -> >>1005
Other almond-activating tripfags' archive -> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./
Q-Text -> https://pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile.com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf | https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/11/16/q5/
SPREADSHEET Open to contributions, with answers being a collective effort. ( Thanks Spreadsheet Anon AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v )
WIKI ( Thanks WikiAnon!!bWaeQ92+NhD ) -> https://cbts.wikispaces.com/Home
BOOK OF Q (PDF) [Updated]
part I -> https://anonfile.com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf
part II -> https://anonfile.com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf
part III -> https://anonfile.com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf
part IV -> https://anonfile.com/0c85hcd5bc/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712011300.pdf
QturnedA -> https://anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf
Collection of ALL (1000s) of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin.com/j41qm1d0
>Help spread these on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, tmblr, reddit, IRL, etc.
DROPBOX -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cttxb9tqm7raowd/AAAxFfTDKuyUdrKc5NLamrU8a?dl=0
Please Use the Catalog -> https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
and post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the respective threads.
Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
7db389 No.19434
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your content in the correct threads as well!
How to spot a 'BadGuy' >>11963
How to spot a 'GoodGuy' >>11965
Infographics & Info Dump: >>10
Meme & Pic Dump: >>2
Q Posts, Screenshots, Etc: >>423
Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, Opsec: >>629
Really Cool Videos
I, Pet goat 2 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_xCI-peq0
In-Shadow - A Modern Odyseey -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I
/CBTS/ Catalog
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
Sidley Austin Digathon >>15139
Wikileaks Digathon >>10270
A peek into (((they))): >>2422
bloodlines and Y: >>7705
CERN /LHC / AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Decode Hexcode: >>174
Erik Prince - Expand your thinking: >>1816
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Godfather III: >>2078
Heffner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse: >>3952
Hunt For Red October: >>3102
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Jesuits: >>4287
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Maps and spatial data: >>8329
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Occult, Symbolism & Leadership: >>4249
Owl and Y Symbolism: >>12362
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Q Confirmed by WH Anon!!: >>10556
Q Signatures: >>2198
Q Stringer Central: >>2300
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia & M.E.: >>1327
Sealed Indictments: >>4409
Indictments & Arrests: >>3163
Snow White, Fairy tale of the Church Age: >>3259
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
The Actual Truth !RRVe.ETtN. : >>2219
Trump & Company: >>1380
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
VQC+++: >>672
The News List: https://pastebin.com/h8aUyMhA
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
7db389 No.19437
The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q's posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It's a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial "reinventing the wheel" i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.
As such, it's helpful to know what is needed and how to do it. The following guidelines will help us work together better, so we can go on to the questions that haven't been answered and accomplish the goals Q set forth:
1. answer the questions
2. build the bigger picture
3. break it back down
4. meme it for the public: educate & calm them
We were given this task by serious men, in a serious situation with very serious consequences for the entire world.
Let's apply our weaponized autism in an organized and efficient manner, accomplish the task we were given, make our POTUS & /ourguys/ jobs easier.
> You are the calm before and during the storm.
They are counting on us.
> short, to the point
> factual
> sourced, if at all possible
Some issues simply are not suited for a definitive source as the answers are inherently subjective. We can only do our best here.
< add extra rows
< change colors of cells or columns or rows
< use it as a personal "scratch pad" to work out your thinking
< argue with other anons
This or 4/pol/ is a place to argue & thrash it out, not on the sheet
< overwrite or delete other anons' answers
< leave your answers in the row or sheet comments
< involve meta-conspiracy theories
This is a real-life enormous conspiracy. The way Q has laid it out is perfect: it goes from point A to point hellish to point confident step by step. Each question builds upon the previous & itself is a meta-conspiracy if you look from 40,000ft view.
> text is best
> original source documents if possible
> articles from reputable sites (yes, I know, see below)
> maps, when appropriate
> images, where appropriate
> link to the text/ original document, & if possible, an archive link (archive.is, archive.fo, archive.org etc)
David Icke, Alex Jones, and that lot are not sources that will be believed by the normalfags. While they may be truthful, our sources need to be what an average Paul or Cindy can look up themselves without seeing it & closing it immediately and disregarding all the rest. No Shape-shifting reptilians, Pleiadians & the like. That may upset some but let's remember our mission: this is for the general public and it's going to be difficult enough for them.
< youtube videos
< random tweet links
are just not the best sources for this endeavor. They may be informative and truthful but not best suited for this medium.
Light blue cell in the number column
PDF anon went through and changed all Q's questions to statements in a narrative form. Those are included at the bottom row of many of Q's posts. The goal is to answer the questions and then present the answers in the column next to it to present a fuller picture.
Some posts have a summary, some don't. When you look at the spreadsheet, you will see why, up to a certain point: that is where pdfanon had stopped, AFAIK. That's something else that I will be working on.
On the far right column, confidence level can be input in the answer(s) given: low, mid, high. It's set up to change the color of the cell where the question number is. When the answer is complete and has high confidence, the row is locked, as no further answers are needed, and we can focus our energy and attention on those yet un-answered.
light yellow = low
med orange = mid
tomato soup = high
peach = un-answered questions, or those whose answers are not truly complete or definitive
Please focus on those, not the ones already answered.
Place your input in the column marked Extra Answers (Unlocked, Post Here):
> double-click the cell
> alt+enter to make a newline (carriage return)
> type/paste in your answer & sources
You can export the spreadsheet into excel (.xls) and pdf formats by clicking the little paper icon on the top left of the toolbar on the left. When exporting to pdf, be aware this is a very large document. You can put a header, footer, page numbers etc.
I encourage anons to make periodic backups for yourselves.
THANK YOU to all anons who have helped, contributed, supported & been patient in this effort. It wasn't my idea, but it seemed like a good plan so I volunteered - so did you, and it's appreciated very much.
7db389 No.19442
How to get a tripcode?
In the Name field in the reply dialog box -
if you put name#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !, with no space in between the name and tripcode
if you put name[space]#password, then it shows the name in bold green followed by a space and then your tripcode, starting with an exclamatory sign !.
Also the #password on 4chan yields the same result on 8ch.
So in conclusion ->
Q used Q#password and got Q!ITPb.qbhqo when not using space in between, and
Q used Q #password and got Q !ITPb.qbhqo when using space.
So, no matter how you look at it - !ITPb.qbhqo is the real Q!'''
>tl;dr -
Both Q!ITPb.qbhqo and Q !ITPb.qbhqo are Q.
It is a unique string of characters that distinguishes your post from everyone else's. They are used when the poster does not wish to remain anonymous.
>How does it work?
Your password does some magical code-mating with the website's salt, as they call it, and the result of that union is your tripcode
>secure tripcodes?
There's 2 kinds of salt, apparently.
The salt used for single # is common for most [all?] chan like websites, called imageboards, and hence back-engineerable. Easy to break and duplicate, I'd suggest you refrain from using it.
The second kind of 'salt is unique to each imageboard. It can't be back-engineered, broken, duplicated. Using a secure tripcode is recommended.
To make your password code-mate with the unique salt, simple use ## instead of #.
7db389 No.19450
for your discretion
68a2d3 No.19452
No thank you anon for making 8ch great again.
bda215 No.19467
Let us not forget…BO botched Oath of Office and then redo.
adbbab No.19472
Guys, didn't Q mention something about Europe terror attack?
7db389 No.19473
NEW BAKER is needed for next few threads.
I need to be AFK and do some life.
Please claim responsibility for baking next bread.
7db389 No.19478
the pleasure is all mine.
825f71 No.19485
Could Q be calling BO Hussein now because they know that the B O persona, name, place of birth, etc. was a fabrication? His "mother" or the woman they claim is his mother was (C)I (A) . Do (they) have little armies of children raised from birth to be operatives and placed with families around the world to infiltrate? Is B O really related to the SA's who funded and mentored him and VJ as his handler is also connected to Muslim Brotherhood. IF proven B O was foreign born what happens to all of the laws and decisions made in office?
7db389 No.19501
tripcode =/= trips
more like ninth circle
98d386 No.19502
My thoughts exactly, that’s why they started running articles saying DT still questions BO’S birth certificate
e857b3 No.19503
Does Hussein have SS protection while he's whoring himself out around the globe?
7db389 No.19504
>Do (they) have little armies of children raised from birth to be operatives and placed with families around the world to infiltrate?
malia and sasha aren't hussein's?
michelle is michael?
endless possibilities unless we can find evidence.
b1a63e No.19505
Guys? Why does the CIA have only these languages translated versions on its site?
7) Kurdish
Only ONE of these are actually from Europe! You know? The place where American's descended from?? WTAF? I would assume that German would be on there at LEAST. Is this normal?
abadf2 No.19506
>Shown here are images of some recent criminal docket listings in Arkansas federal courts. At right are listings from the Western District between Nov. 13 and Nov. 20. Below are listings from the Eastern District between Oct. 30 and Nov. 20. Could they be related to speculation that further indictments are expected in the public corruption investigation in which one state representative, Micah Neal, has pleaded guilty and another, former Sen. Jon Woods, goes on trial in Fayetteville next week? A number of filings in that case remain under seal and attorneys in that case have said they expect other indictments.
4133ce No.19507
Since Q is posting so brazenly now we can infer that the web crawlers he was parsing his words around are no longer a threat, correct?
d3b405 No.19508
They have Flynn meeting to discuss operations against terrorist after the election? Big deal.
7db389 No.19509
>ONE of these are actually from Europe
but i see your point
70a87f No.19511
well, I will say that the location you identified is VERY conveniently located on the shortest telecom path between Q's zip (89074) and the other end of the fibre in Salt Lake City
d90366 No.19512
Hussein is evil and a real loser.
No special treatment.
Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
Morons, all of them.
c09a07 No.19513
70a87f No.19514
or he knows that they're not capable of stopping him/them. or he's compromised. or he, as a they, has been replaced with a different he who has a different writing style.
ef355a No.19515
>>19443 there are 2 posts with same 89074 one said 89074-b i can't find the screencaps does anyone have them?
If you want to assume b means +1 then 90185 and I get this spoopy link http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=HIP+90185
Double or multiple star
ε Sagittarii (Latinised to Epsilon Sagittarii) is the star's Bayer designation.
It bore the traditional name Kaus Australis, which derived from the Arabic qaws 'bow' and Latin austrālis 'southern'
*adjusts tin foil hat*
Revelation says Jesus will come with a sword and the anti-christ has a Bow...
Sagittarius is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It is one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. Its name is Latin for the archer, and its symbol is (Unicode U+2650 ♐), a stylized arrow. Sagittarius is commonly represented as a centaur pulling-back a bow.
The demons are supposedly transhumans and animal human hybrids.
I dunno
468e99 No.19517
Kurdish??… I know it's not a joke but it sure looks like one
35f7df No.19518
Re: Q 4chan post in pic
I did some searches for condition 89074 and for "89074b", and check this out:
The satellite "Cosmos 2039" was launched 14 Sep 1989, and has the "Designation 20233 / 89074B"
don't know if it could be relevant
c09a07 No.19519
4133ce No.19520
Nothing left to do but dig and wait and find out. At least we have time frames and predictions to confirm. Hoping for your first thought though.
1aa466 No.19522
Another possible Henderson, NV angle- Medcure. Office in Portland already raided by FBI………….
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2233577
9194e2 No.19524
0f6c94 No.19525
Has Q posted today?
6b3c27 No.19527
Found this location more than a week ago. Anyone want to chime in who owns/runs this place?
38°11'25.3"N 113°16'53.9"W
bda215 No.19528
Lurk moar lazy nigger faggot
70a87f No.19529
wow, today I learned that the actual specific text of the oath is specified in the Constitution. no wonder hussein had to retake the oath, to get it right.
abadf2 No.19530
Owns 84% of Nevada
d90366 No.19531
So SA prince was BO Sugerdaddy
0f6c94 No.19532
On mobile, life is hard
ace409 No.19534
You'll have to send screen captures.
bda215 No.19535
35f7df No.19536
Pic attached.
But never mind my strange satellite theory, I do like this one better:
d90366 No.19537
That would be a good Meme BO and SA prince
468e99 No.19538
>Cyrq Energy has the reputation for operating geothermal energy power plants in very challenging circumstances. Finding, developing and managing a geothermal resource to its full potential is difficult when one relies on the invisible heat beneath the earth for a long-term fuel supply. Cyrq Energy has developed the proven expertise to fully develop, operate and manage successful power plants for the long term. Cyrq Energy is often called upon to address and fix difficult underperforming geothermal sites. We have the people and the technology to turn challenging projects around and achieve full energy output from existing geothermal resources. That is why Cyrq Energy is known in the industry for getting the most out of geothermal resources.
>Cyrq Energy operates several geothermal plants providing green energy to a number of states.
>Cyrq Energy Inc.
>Nick Goodman- CEO
>John Perry- CFO
>Steve Brown- VP Business Development
>Scott Rhees- VP Transmission & Utility Relations
>Monte Morrison- VP Operations and Safety
>Mike Gipson- Director of Special Projects
>Tom Carroll- Director of Community Relations
<Thermo No. 1
<Ryan Christensen – Thermo No. 1 Plant Manager
<Sherri Christensen – Thermo No. 1 Administrative/Operations Assistant
>Lightning Dock Geothermal
>David Ramirez- Lightning Dock Plant Manager
Kacie Peterson-Manager, Permitting & Community Relations
>Soda Lake Geothermal
>Greg Champneys- Soda Lake Plant Manager
>Dale Smith- Soda Lake Operations & EHS Supervisor
>Dena Partridge- Soda Lake Plant Administrator
1bd2b4 No.19539
The tech giants were planning on bringing some of silicon valley to where the Tesla facility is in the next 5 or so years. >>19530
d4e43f No.19540
Didn't some people think the NV site was where to NSA's datacenter was? Potentially a supercomputer/AI for trawling the internet - or Prism type programs?
d90366 No.19541
worlds biggest Loser
c09a07 No.19542
>That would be a good Meme BO and SA prince
Especially using the photo of BO bowing and the looks on their faces in reaction to it
468e99 No.19543
Strela translates to arrow in Slavic
1aa466 No.19546
Thanks. They have five U.S. locations….should keep a look out for St. Louis, Orlando, and Cumberland, R.I. activity. Chatter on Twat suggests FBI has raided Vegas location.
c9e8dd No.19548
And he was supposedly a "Constitutional Lawyer".
bda215 No.19549
Mod please ban this negative nancy. Thanks in advance
c09a07 No.19550
An anon posted on the spreadsheet he has a friend on the ground in the area he's going to ask about the data center and report back
> question # 1969
bda215 No.19551
Moar like a glow in the dark ni____
9194e2 No.19552
He was talking about Hussein Anon. (Pretty Sure)
825f71 No.19553
What is your hunch Bezos may be behind the data servers as a front man for the Clowns?
70a87f No.19554
anybody have a link to our handy earthquake map? or the booms?
c9e8dd No.19555
70a87f No.19556
>Chatter on Twat suggests FBI has raided Vegas location.
c09a07 No.19557
You sure anon isn't referring to Obama as "world's biggest loser"? That's how it seemed to me at least.
bda215 No.19558
lol…der and apologies if so
954058 No.19559
Is Flynn (ourguy) or is he a loser?
e1f75b No.19560
Your post reminded me of this:
"…So I made a call to Mercer Island High School:
Hi, I was wondering if I could come over and look at some of your yearbooks. Do you have any from the 1950's?
Are you looking for something on President Obama's mother?
Well, don't bother coming over, because you're not going to find anything.
Why is that?
A few years ago, just before the Obama campaign got started, before most people knew who he was, someone came here and asked to look at those yearbooks. Unfortunately, we let them. And they took off with them and never brought the books back…and we think we know who she is, and that's all we're going to say about it."
There are a lot of records surrounding Barack Obama that have either dissapeared or remain unreleased. They include: Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth."
e070ed No.19561
im pretty sure you could find out with a dna test and im sure someone has done it at some point just to be sure.
0ab640 No.19562
Stay focused!
You are not focusing on what Q mentioned in his latest posts. Re-read.
Why did Q post late these last few times?
Think. Where is Q? Who is Q?
70a87f No.19564
no offense! his invective wasn't aimed at me. it was aimed at BO (quoting Q, who called BO a "Loser" around midnight last night)
1aa466 No.19565
Swamp Drainer +
This account was active early on half chan….been following Q crumbs early.
506f5b No.19566
(2) think of all of the lies that Team Trump have spun in last 16 months regarding knowledge of Russian attack on USA."
Is this Freudian slip - He has admitted to being everything that Trump has said about his Family!
be0ae7 No.19567
56e331 No.19568
Expand your thinking guys…don't be so gullible.
c09a07 No.19571
definitely /ourguy/ all the way
0ab640 No.19572
Why is BO running around the world so quickly?
Why hasn't the MSM reported much on this when they are so infatuated with him?
Where he lands gives direction.
531a71 No.19574
>Be rich as fuck.
>Spend all your time assmad about Donald Trump.
What a faggot.
7db389 No.19575
>world's biggest loser
>from most loved exPOTUS to most hated
i can see how that may play out
be0ae7 No.19576
6b3c27 No.19578
Looked like a cover site for me when I visited it.
This is one in screenshots. >>19527
>Thermo No. 1 BE-01, LLC is an operating binary geothermal power plant located in Beaver County, Utah. The facility is located on 1,120 acres of property leased from School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) and a private property owner.
>The facility was constructed in 2008-2009 and placed into service and commercial operation in April 2009. The facility is a 10.3 MW rated, zero-emissions, water cooled, geothermal power plant. The power generated at Thermo No. 1 is currently being sold to the City of Anaheim. Thermo No. 1 employs 9 full-time employees, including 7 local residents.
>geothermal power plant
>looks like water storage tanks
Lol, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
055c5b No.19579
70a87f No.19580
well, the famous new nsa datacenter is in utah, not nevada. which is not to say that they don't have more than one, of course.
0ab640 No.19581
422b2b No.19582
>Stay focused!
>You are not focusing on what Q mentioned in his latest posts. Re-read.
Massive underground data centre in Henderson. Clown related.
>Why did Q post late these last few times?
He's working late. Or he's in a different time zone? Like West Coast? Maybe…LV?
>Think. Where is Q? Who is Q?
Close to POTUS. Close advisor to POTUS.
0d76c3 No.19584
you'd be mad as well, and trying to go after him, if you were up against the wall like he and his family are
d717c9 No.19585
Any Q posts since last night's bucklei n?
70a87f No.19586
lol. well, tunnel heat has to come out somewhere
736c4b No.19587
SPOOPY was going to link DutchSinse my fav earthquake guru… livestream down … first time thats happened to me in 5 years SPOOPY
63346a No.19588
He looks just like his mother anon…
831d52 No.19589
Not done with this anon's good catch:
What was being buried in this array in 1990?? ELF antennae? HAARP related? Seismic grid?
63346a No.19590
b/c he is now /ourguy/ and no longer /theirguy/
6b3c27 No.19591
Here is another geothermal plant in Nevada.
>The Patua Geothermal Power Plant
This plant produces up to 25 MW of geothermal energy, which is sold to Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
Geothermal is 100% renewable energy, often called the “greenest of the green.”
Geothermal is called “baseload power” because it provides power around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
552e80 No.19592
Guys, seriously. What can be done about all of our new friends? That last thread was a drag sifting through all that crazy. I hope our leftist friends are having this much fun with thier buddies. (Pic related)
6fa2f8 No.19593
e7d385 No.19594
d90366 No.19595
I think your on to something
1aa466 No.19596
More Henderson possibilities….sourced from Twat
https:// www.ll.mit.edu/
70a87f No.19597
the location of NSA's shiny new data center is pretty well known…
> The NSA Data Center is usually described as being “in Bluffdale.” Technically it is in Bluffdale, but it is easy to mistake it as being on property that’s connected to Camp Williams, a National Guard base that really only touches the southern edge of Bluffdale.
it's definitely farther northeast (almost 4 hours) from the coords that anon provided, 38°11'25.3"N 113°16'53.9"W
that said, nsa's datacenter seems *very* conveniently positioned wrt the trunk fibre between salt lake and las vegas…
d90366 No.19598
Hussein is evil and a real loser.
No special treatment.
Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
Morons, all of them.
b324c9 No.19599
>NEW BAKER is needed for next few threads.
Anyone step up yet?
0ab640 No.19600
Events shift as events unfold.
Tax cuts key.
b50f11 No.19601
That’d make sense.. build an geothermal energy plant as a cover but use it as a base of operations…
monarch used to be out in the ‘open’ secretive of course but buildings were in plain view and had its own landing strip.. but that was the 50’s..
not as easy these days to sneak kids, families, military and high officials in and out
Prism is updated.. gotta update with the times.. do like The Island and go underground away from prying eyes and busybodies…
1aa466 No.19602
Don't forget about ALEXA.
506f5b No.19603
Has this been covered please?#
www thestar.com/business/2017/11/03/barricks-digital-reinvention-is-taking-shape-in-the-nevada-desert.html
0ab640 No.19604
055c5b No.19605
Exactly. Logs your name, family, habits..
70a87f No.19606
I'd be shocked if it's not true Bezos is helping CIA with datacenters. but I'm not making the connection to Q. maybe because I still don't entirely understand the AI angle yet.
bfb871 No.19607
Srsly? You think he would say that if it was true? Seriously? lolol, no….
468e99 No.19608
That there's a huge underground data center? At this point I wouldn't be surprised
Check out the site on google earth and something looks really odd, two yellow lines/cables/tubes running from the plant to a hole in what looks to be a dried out pool
bda215 No.19610
0ab640 No.19611
CA connection exposed soon?
0d76c3 No.19612
nothing that your computer mic and cell phones weren't already doing
bfb871 No.19613
So does your computer and phone…
8681f5 No.19615
Been told that there is a main Cabal data center in Racine, WI. Anyone else know about that?
1fd730 No.19620
Hard to get here sometimes from outside.
70a87f No.19621
no visible shadows from any above-ground structures on each dot… probably therefore little if any above-ground structure… probably not radio or atmospheric except if low-power receivers of some sort… more likely below-ground… perhaps test boreholes… or underground seismic receivers…
35f7df No.19622
The only difference is that Alexa comes from ONE company (Amazon), that has spent millions on marketing it. Meanwhile they don't care about launching it abroad, but are fine with having it just in the US.
Also, your phone may record you from time to time, but if it were recording 24/7 the battery would run out. Most Alexa units have a cord connected 24/7…
736c4b No.19623
I grew up there …. lots of spoopy stuff look at Bong state rec area
fc72b6 No.19625
Anons, been working, just got the chance to check out the internet.
Also, more importantly, what does this Flynn testifying against Trump mean for us?
35f7df No.19626
wrong url, it's "8ch", not "8chan"
bda215 No.19627
954058 No.19629
When Hussein goes down, black community will riot and then we enact martial law and grab everyone else?
Check 'em!
9c76c6 No.19630
What's the deal with the Flynn story today, saying he is pleading guilty?
More theater?
c09a07 No.19631
>the location of NSA's shiny new data center is pretty well known…
May be referring to one that is ahem, less well-known :)
But good info to know nonetheless.
bfb871 No.19633
That's where ur wrong my friend. Recording sound takes a tiny mount of battery juice. Sorry.
b50f11 No.19635
Exactly.. webcams, phone, fb, YouTube, the chip in your bank card..
we all consented and allow it because we don’t unplug or read fine print..
or most either stopped caring or forgot about invasion of our privacy, or thinks it’s a ‘good thing’
Pic somewhat related
bfb871 No.19636
108099 No.19637
Spent a significant time of my life there. Nothing would lead me to believe that but there is certainly a lot of empty area to build something large.
d4e43f No.19638
the implication with constantly recording sound is sending that data somewhere, which does NOT take a tiny amount of juice
e0c1f9 No.19639
When will the tax cuts happen?
I truly believe BO is evil like Q said and is trying to get people on his side…but Trump has them inn his pocket….am I close?
d90366 No.19640
I think your on the wrong chan Dopey
b0a68e No.19642
the admission of him lying to the FBI is in regards to the same "LIES" that he told to the VP and was forced to resign over. This is NOTHING new and all THEATER.
edeef0 No.19644
we don't really know that Flynn is testifying against Trump. Only the one report from (((Brian Ross))). Kinda feels like when CNN said comey was going to testify that he never told Trump he wasn't under investigation.
d90366 No.19645
7b9c39 No.19646
always notice how a story against trump comes out and it a big nothing? Just more crap to feed the masses? If history is correct something else might get dropped today
6b3c27 No.19647
>that said, nsa's datacenter seems *very* conveniently positioned wrt the trunk fibre between salt lake and las vegas…
Sorry, I'm confused. Which one is conveniently positioned?
c09a07 No.19648
Can I just take this opportunity to say
For giving your time, energy, attention to this effort. For wading through shills, cl0wns, bots and all the bullshit. For constant support and participation and patience.
Not all of us anons are even American, but we can see the seriousness of this situation and recognize that it will affect the entire world. We are participating in history - doing our bit, what we can, when we can. We're doing it because we want to, because we feel we have to. We're doing it for free, no recognition, no reward, history will never know or name us. And we don't care.
I am so proud of you glorious motherfuckers and so proud and glad to be a part of this. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and call you all brothers.
422b2b No.19649
Focus ppl. There are incoming attacks. CBTS #22 which was deleted by a mod had fake links in. Wild clowns spewing salt in previous bread.
Where is Q now?
Why was he on late last night?
Who is Q?
What does he do?
What did he mean by his last post?
155192 No.19650
Stored locally, sent out once phone is turned on in a tiny little binary file. Converted back once received.
You would be forgiven for thinking that your private conversations were just that, but Google's Voice Assistant could be recording everything you say.
The feature is designed to allow users to talk to enabled gadgets to search the web, launch apps and use other interactive functions.
As part of this process, Google keeps copies of clips made each time you activate it, but it has emerged that background chatter could be enough to trigger recording.
afd59f No.19651
Could this possibly be Q Anon?
Follow the flow in my Pic.
055c5b No.19652
Alexa is just another tool, more convenient and more organized invasion.
pic related
e0c1f9 No.19653
fc72b6 No.19654
d90366 No.19655
I think the data center we are looking for is secret and underground not easily found
f5046c No.19656
64969e No.19657
Ignorance is bliss huh, Happy?
fc72b6 No.19658
Stop trying to doxx Q
70a87f No.19659
the one they talk about, near salt lake. idk if there's another, secret one, more to the southwest where we've been talking about. either way, though, BOTH would be right on the trunk between las vegas and salt lake.
d90366 No.19660
That link is Fake News.. Sleepy or Dopey?
f5046c No.19662
Fully agree. Amazing work and cooperation!
e0c1f9 No.19663
What does 'CA' stand for?
1b9d4f No.19664
Its spin. Report mentions he contacted them for a way to work together to fight against ISIS. I guess his fault for not taking the 5th and not wanting to work with ISIS.
Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and, according to a confidant, is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.
68a2d3 No.19665
Going with /ourguy/.
- Fired from the obama admin
- With Trump since the beginning of the campaign
- CIA leaked his conversation to the press. They wouldn't take out one of their own
- Clinton took shots at him on twitter once he was fired from the admin
b205db No.19666
Important post.
6b3c27 No.19667
>I think the data center we are looking for is secret and underground not easily found
There is more than just one on the west coast and in western states.
Regardless, does anyone have any pointers as to how look for/id glow`~i~`ndark data centers?
b0a68e No.19668
It's a distraction from the newly enabled killing of Americans by foreigners who get zero punishment for the act of killing and it sidelines the gun killed the girl (not the immigrant) narrative that was nationalized last night. This is all by design to push the REAL news to the bottom and distract the people.
b50f11 No.19670
e1f75b No.19672
Earlier this year after Flynn was fired someone posted that he was not going away, but over to the most top-secret, most powerful agency…I think it was Geospatial. Never heard about that again, and got silence when I asked a few people on twitter. Anyone remember that?
831d52 No.19673
>perhaps test boreholes
Most llikey, but? Also trying to figure out if the square was first excavated (looks like because of shadows). There is a considerable gap in the GE views so we wouldn't have seen any construction of a building. Now it seems that the skid pad is elevated and recently repaved with asphalt. The police training facility might be a cover for a secure facility. Note all of the pipelines being laid during construction, the settling ponds over time, and the developed water source during construction.
2bbbf9 No.19674
bfb871 No.19675
Seems like this big reveal would be a daunting task to unfold in a year doesn't it? ;)
736c4b No.19676
I would look for Infra red from satellite view…. maybe Goes infrared?
144968 No.19677
Seems relevant: sputniknews.com/world/201712011059586842-daesh-terror-threat-new-york/
155192 No.19678
He must be at work during the day and posts when he is in a secure location away from prying eyes and ears. I doubt he's at home watching Maury.
d90366 No.19679
My browser has been lagging and hanging
0ab640 No.19680
Yes on POTUS.
Tax cuts there but a few last stragglers who are trying to force a deal on being treated leniently for their vote. I think you understand.
POTUS wants tax cuts first and then the rest explodes. He knows his leverage.
fc72b6 No.19681
>A news aggregate is fake news
Curb your idiocy.
The sites linked on the other hand are another story entirely however
c09a07 No.19682
>Where is Q now?
With or near POTUS
>Why was he on late last night?
different time zone, or was necessary
>Who is Q?
I'm not telling.
>What does he do?
liaison between POTUS & autist hive mind
>What did he mean by his last post?
informing us there is a larger data center (NSA) no one is talking about/unknown
< wouldn't divulge classified info here, so is either MILDEC, misdirection or there is a different one in a different location that's active & better
get us thinking about data centers (uses, who has them, where, size etc)
get us thinking about (again) just how much data NSA/MI actually has
> who knows where the bodies are buried?
off the top of my head…
fd3131 No.19684
abadf2 No.19685
Some fun, first Jacob Rothschild mention for the first time that isn't speculating about his death an in "freak accident:" www.dispatchtribunal.com/2017/11/30/lord-jacob-rothschild-purchases-7701-shares-of-rit-capital-partners-plc-rcp-stock.html
>RIT Capital Partners plc (LON:RCP) insider Lord Jacob Rothschild purchased 7,701 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Friday, November 24th. The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 1,948 ($26.09) per share, for a total transaction of £150,015.48 ($200,904.62).
>RIT Capital Partners plc (RCP) opened at GBX 1,960 ($26.25) on Thursday. RIT Capital Partners plc has a 52 week low of GBX 1,764 ($23.62) and a 52 week high of GBX 1,986 ($26.60).
What is RIT Capital Partners?
>RIT Capital Partners plc, Rothschild Investment Trust, is a large British investment trust dedicated to investments in quoted securities and quoted special situations. Established in 1961, the company is a list on London Stock Exchange and the FTSE 250 Index. The Chairman is Lord Rothschild.
>n November 1983, Jacob Rothschild merged RIT & Northern into Charterhouse Japhet and took a controlling stake in the combined business which was briefly known as Charterhouse J. Rothschild.[3] Jacob Rothschild then sold the banking business, still known as Charterhouse Japhet, to Royal Bank of Scotland in 1985.[4] In 1988, Jacob Rothschild transformed the remaining investment business into a publicly traded investment trust with the name "RIT Capital Partners plc."[5] In May 2012, RIT Capital Partners, led by Jacob Rothschild, bought a 37% share in Rockefeller Financial Services (David Rockefeller).[6]
d90366 No.19686
I don't Know but something big is about to happen Can feel it in my bones T attack
e1f75b No.19688
I think General Flynn would give his life to take these pedos down, as would President Trump. He is 100% on the side of Justice and Honor.
d4e43f No.19689
i have had a similar uneasy feeling for the last week or so
552e80 No.19690
c09a07 No.19691
>What does 'CA' stand for?
In the context of Q's questions/statements about the path wrt Uranium One it means Canada
It doesn't matter if anyone doxes Q or not, Q isn't going to lose his job, he's doing this not just with permission, but this IS his task given by POTUS. Knowing his identity will be totally irrelevant to anons and the public.
8f64de No.19692
>>19572 good question
>>19590 <shill
>>19594 <shill
>Hussein is evil and a real loser.
>No special treatment.
>Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
>Morons, all of them.
144968 No.19693
remove the "an" in the URL
d8fc20 No.19694
thank you!!
I´ve been uplifted myself by the camaraderie of all you guys! been here since since start of november and glad to be able to help with the little bit of crumbs i gathered over the years. i´ve lowered my drug use to half of what it used to and enjoy every moment of this. After Years of living in the Matrix and beeing redpilled long ago, THIS RIGHT HERE is one of the few hearthfelt moments i enjoy in life.
back to work now anons ! embrace the storm!
17d6f1 No.19695
ugh I wake up hoping Killary is in jail only to find out the BIG HAPPENING was Flynn? I need to restart my day with a Bloody Mary.
736c4b No.19697
0ab640 No.19698
Remember, Dec. 1 was stated.
Dec. 3 also
Even Dec. 5
Remember Q's latenight post about today…and then hinting at next week.
bda215 No.19699
Prolly normal with uncovering and digesting the amount of info we have in the past 30 plus days…..some of this stuff is hardcore.
fc942e No.19700
abadf2 No.19701
>This month, I attended the spectacular centenary dinner for the Balfour Declaration at Lancaster House, with descendants of many of its creators: Lloyd Georges, the photographer Christopher Sykes, grandson of Sir Mark Sykes. The dinner was hosted and organised by Jacob Rothschild and Roderick Balfour, who entered with the prime ministers of Israel and Britain. Jeremy Corbyn refused to attend but sent deputy Tom Watson and shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry. In his speech, Benjamin Netanyahu claimed imminent developments in the peace process; no one was convinced but he was surely hinting at the potential of the new relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Even though the Saudis would love to manipulate Jerusalem into a war against Hezbollah, client of their mutual enemy Iran, Israel is becoming ever more part of the Arab Middle East. One surprise was that Theresa May gave the best, most passionate speech of her career. If she could do it there, why doesn’t she do it more often?
Nov. 2nd was Lancaster House and Sebag-Montefiore is one of my favorite spoopy people, his Stalin books were fantastic and did not achieve the messaging he had hoped. If I ever rule the world he is going to be my prisoner/biographer
704a80 No.19702
Did you think the same during the Obama administration? Hint ;)
144968 No.19703
DUDE! check your URL
552e80 No.19704
468e99 No.19705
<if you are using firefox or a derivative like waterfox there is a memory leak occurring while on this board
<open up the Task Manager or other memory utility to verify
To quickly remedy the issue:
>copy the URL, close the browser, restart and paste the URL back
981d75 No.19706
Politely asking Q to drop some crumbs on positive extraterrestrials.
d90366 No.19707
Now that the terrorists have lost cash flow (strings cut) they will try something before all money gone…Soon
299f94 No.19708
Frankly I'm tired of all this hush hush spy crap. It's been fun, but out with everything already! We're literally watching the establishment trying to take down a duly elected administration and there's no response whatsoever from the DOJ. And this Q stuff, while entertaining, is all speculation. Sure, there's sealed indictments, but until we see some people go down, then it means nothing. Also, if it isn't in the news, then frankly it didn't happen. It might as well gone down the memory hole. If Q reads then he should know how important optics are. Spill it. Now is the time. WAY past time.
704a80 No.19709
Did you happen to catch the other posts from last night in context? Expand your thinking anon…come on now anon…put on your thinking cap…
fc942e No.19710
Q, where are you?! We need some encouragement over here.
330ab1 No.19712
bda215 No.19714
Toodles, don't let the door hit ur ass on the way out. TTFN
bfb871 No.19715
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer *cough* Hillary *cough*
4c8634 No.19716
guys you have to add coordinates to these screenshots or I am going to start calling you out as distracting shills.
these are most likely plugged and/or abandoned gas wells. without coordinates I can't verify that but if you are looking at CO or UT I would be 90% positive.
8ad87a No.19717
Why are "our" guys the only ones being charged? When will some of the HRC, BHO, Dem lib-tards be pleading guilty?? It seems like it never happens and these crooks continue to spread their evil ways week after week and it keeps fueling Dems on tv and their position against POTUS. Why isn't Sessions doing anything? It's time to flip the fucking tables!
abadf2 No.19718
remember when JEB! was blowing college studs in New Orleans?
1b9d4f No.19719
Posting this again. That's why the media is so powerful when they push out headlines that tell half the story.
>Its spin. Report mentions he contacted them for a way to work together to fight against ISIS. I guess his fault for not taking the 5th and not wanting to work with ISIS.
>Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and, according to a confidant, is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.
d90366 No.19720
Wow dude something this big takes time to pull off Chill
abadf2 No.19721
And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (Al-Anfal, 8:30)
7fbbf1 No.19722
I don't think Q posts here based on his own timezone or his own schedule. I think Q posts on here based on when THIS forum is most populated with faggots who are willing/able to dig into the shit that Q posts - 0000 to 0300.
Just my thoughts.
e0980b No.19723
Plebbit's getting botted. When the fuck does a state subreddit get 40k votes.
97b6ab No.19725
Question was more directed to the Obama fbi house raid link
eabb36 No.19726
4-D Chess guys ;)
Wait til you see the Checkmate. Wew.
6fa2f8 No.19728
Do we have a time?
0ab640 No.19729
Q is busy.>>19722
Not always.
Dictated on guidance, timing, and operational requirements.
Connection not always secure too.
d90366 No.19730
960ac6 No.19731
Must say this does sound like Trump.
First time Q has insulted? Losers, morons.
I can't recall Q talking like this.
d4e43f No.19732
wait Q mentioned listening to SATs…
ec57c8 No.19733
The whole "flynn said Trump told him to contact russia, news story is fakenews, started by ABC
flynn said "full cooperation" with mueller
ABC says , A CONFIDANT OF FLYNN said he will testify that Trump told him to contact Russia"
All other news reports are based on the ABC report.
This need to be squashed ASAP.
not plug, don't want to rewrite…sauce im there
e0980b No.19734
It's going to take a lot to prove to me BO has flipped. What Q really said is that BO was looking for protection from the ultimate ass-whoopin' Trump is gonna give him.
552e80 No.19735
China, India and now France right? I need a news article about where he's been. He was gone during thanksgiving too if I remember, so it's been almost 2 weeks now. (Didn't they use the old Easter family pic on the twitter account?)
Does a new handler really imply he's just looking for financial backing? If SA is cut off, and Soros is cut off… and I assume the Roths are pretty close, right? Or did we secretly take someone out in the helicopter crash and. I one knows?
These bots are killing me. Is there anything to be done? I assume if we ban them all they'll just sprout new heads and come back, huh?
6fa2f8 No.19736
Is this speculation or do you know stuff that we don't?
981d75 No.19737
>Love and Light
It's the only thing that matters. For the seekers here, I leave this Truth. Because in these times, more people appear to be open to new information.
9194e2 No.19738
>tfw Barron is neurolaced with Quantum computers & is rewriting our timeline
704a80 No.19739
Oh you guys…I tried to tell you but I seem to be ignored. C'est la vie.
b0a68e No.19740
Stop being a baby. Put your big girl panties on and get back to work. LOL
70a87f No.19741
exactly. I interpreted his "looking for new handlers" to imply that old handlers at CIA or wherever had been incapacitated.
330ab1 No.19742
beautiful time to be alive
God is blessing us profoundly
For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
b50f11 No.19743
Well get used to it because it’s been that way for a longggg time… the indictments are probably for something that no one is even thinking about.. pizzagate is important, but that’s just a fraction of what they get into… it’ll most likely get quietly handled without much public knowledge…
A friend said the indictments are Q level clearances.. very high up, across different nations.. for human trafficking..
The only thing is.. they don’t want you to know who they’re trafficking to..
That’s where it lies.. it’s bigger than you think..
Look up Tau treaty..
fc942e No.19745
How about for about the last 7 years or so?
704a80 No.19746
Yes b/c it makes so much sense to warn him he is being monitored and despised *eye roll*
Sounds like a pretty shitty game strategy to me ;)
68a2d3 No.19748
>What Q really said is that BO was looking for protection from the ultimate ass-whoopin' Trump is gonna give him.
Thats exactly what he meant. Onog needs to be exposed.
d90366 No.19749
He was replying to desperate Annon going on about BO traveling
e1f75b No.19750
I don't think I even heard of General Flynn until he was being floated as possible VP, as I had hoped he would be. Looks like I misjudged the depth of the swamp, but I have never lost faith in Operation: Take Back America!
b0adb7 No.19751
Alex Jones just used the word morons today, too.
68a2d3 No.19753
Alex Jones = CIA
Never forget that.
0ab640 No.19754
Watch out for the shills and LARPers that try to distract us from focusing. They are one here and we are being monitored.
d90366 No.19756
831d52 No.19757
>i have had a similar uneasy feeling for the last week or so
Same here, since Q's "10 days of darkness" post. Taken literally, grid down for 10 days going into winter. Bad news for a lot of people in northern states because of cold, bad news for everyone as far as food/water/fuel/comms.
I'm keeping fuel tanks topped off, water barrels full, pantry full, extra diesel tank for spring farming and generators, ordered pitcher pump for my shallow well, got a couple tons of coal coming, bought new batteries, put crank and battery radios/LED flashlights/generators in EMP proof ammo cans inside steel container storage, garden seeds for 3 years, fertilizer and chems for 3 years, topped off all of our prescriptions, three extra cords of hardwood, potassium iodide, tamiflu, hazmat stuff refreshed, two pair of new boots for everyone, spare bicycle tubes/tires, touching bases with neighbors. But no, I'm not worried. Much.
704a80 No.19758
Hate to burst ur bubble pal but you're monitored the second you log onto this site…
abadf2 No.19759
la la la la nothing to see here: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2283192/Rothschild-versus-Rothschild-How-financial-genius-Nat-brought-earth-cousin.html
a9c5c1 No.19760
DJT uses that language, calling someone a loser, like a terrorist for example. Shows that Q hangs with DJT
d90366 No.19761
The shills are getting stronger don't reply that's what they want
afe0bb No.19762
https://earthquake-report.com /eq-map/
Give it time to load, server is often busy/slow.
0ab640 No.19763
Detected more than that in the last 20 minutes.
Some of us know.
31347f No.19764
The /otherguys/ have exactly as much reason to believe this is a LARP as anyone else. I'm sure they have Q's posts analyzed as intelligence, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't treat it as Word of God.
They can't take anything Q says at face value, which is why Q can say as many true things as he wants (and which is also why disinformation is necessary)
fc942e No.19765
No. FBIanon confirmed otherwise.
e0c1f9 No.19768
Thank you for guiding us…Thank you PATRIOT!
0ab640 No.19769
Now we are thinking.
d4e43f No.19770
not necessarily its not like its a difficult style of typing to replicate.
i agree that he seems to hang with him, for other reasons though
51b4d6 No.19772
Is Rasputin second in line there?
Am I incorrect in thinking he was a dark magician?
330ab1 No.19774
not to worry …Let the wicked fall into their own nets, but let me escape. Psalm 141:10
Psalm 7:15
He has dug a pit and hollowed it out, And has fallen into the hole which he made.
Psalm 57:6
They dug a pit before me; They themselves have fallen into the midst of it.
afe0bb No.19775
You have to give the location (Lat/Long) if you want anything useful from Anons. There is a NV site of windmills arranged in a grid-shaped array that is spooky at night if you don't know what you're driving by. Kek.
0ab640 No.19776
Go back to Q's last 10 posts. We still have not figured out some key ingredients.
Remember, there is disinformation included. can you separate?
9194e2 No.19777
Why does it matter /who/ the insiders are? Wonder what's in that datacenter
960ac6 No.19778
Leave the ID of Q out. It does not matter.
d82c6b No.19781
He also taunts a man with a nuclear arsenal by calling him Little Rocket Man. Thinking caps anons…Geotus is a genius…would a genius put the whole world/country at risk by teasing someone who could destroy us with the push of a button?
You guys…plz…enjoy the show.
831d52 No.19783
>guys you have to add coordinates
Click the link I furnished: >>19311
This goes back a few threads from >>17825
Came from the zip code rabbit hole, Henderson NV. Abandon your real life, lurk moar.
7fbbf1 No.19784
THIS, ffs.
Q has already confirmed his authenticity. Who he is and where he is makes not one fucks worth of difference.
Just research his crumbs.
afe0bb No.19785
Main thing about geothermal plant, I speculate, is massive heat exchangers with boreholes and piping underground, and high tension electric service to/from. Might make excellent cover for datacenter cooling needs.
0ab640 No.19786
Read graphic.
Re-read again.
468e99 No.19787
<We're being raided by leftist propaganda puppets
>Please Filter by ID+ to escape their despair
ab6b68 No.19789
Trump called terrorist/ISIS "evil losers" Is Q using Trump's special form of branding and signaling Hussein = terrorist?
7db389 No.19791
baker needed for next bread.
someone call it, please.
here's the batter -
bakes 2 slices
here's spreadsheet uidelines -
Q's tripcode explained -
0ab640 No.19792
Proves which side he is on. And how close he is.
9194e2 No.19793
Well if he's the handler of NK w/ ICBM and nuke options. Clearly terrorist.
8ad87a No.19794
Hoping so…(crossing fingers)
cbdfd3 No.19795
Can we go back and look and see what q said about Flynn? We are supposed to be reviewing the map everyday.
bda215 No.19796
Sorry to be a baking NAZI but it's DOUGH….not BATTER. lulz
e857b3 No.19798
Does he have SS protection while shopping?
e0980b No.19799
>Only 10 can confirm me
It's not like you can find out, anyway.
5c69e2 No.19800
Makes you wonder if either Trump is Q, or Trump's Twitter is run by Q. They must be very close regardless.
b50f11 No.19802
This! Doesn’t matter who.. just be grateful..
either we’re all chasing godamn unicorns to distract us (plausible)
Or they’re not allowed to disclose, but they’re moral center has gotten them to defect and share with us tips, riddles, parabols so we can dig information and realease it.. (also plausible)
531a71 No.19803
It's the new concern trolling.
inb4 they scream about the 'rules of /b/'.
8ad87a No.19804
It's Dan…check the payroll records
831d52 No.19805
55 54 30.88N 114 56 45.62W
Guess I'm your nigger now.
cbdfd3 No.19806
d4e43f No.19807
i could bake im not doing much but ive never done before nor would i know how to go about it. Just copy paste the dough?
5c69e2 No.19808
c34a36 No.19809
is this relevant to the vegas search?
2b0bb0 No.19810
CIA or not, Alex Jones shouldn’t be trusted. Bill Cooper, the man who predicted all the shit going on right now called him out long ago.
144968 No.19811
When posting links in the future… please remove the https :// - no live links. Board rules I believe.
cbdfd3 No.19812
Agreed, i feel Flynn’s arrest is nothing to worry about. Arrested for lying abiut talking to russian officials about isis.
e1f75b No.19813
Searching stuff for 'Henderson' and found this. From some file called 'Secrets of the Majave':
"A local Henderson resident, who shall remain nameless, has been into inner earth research for years. This person has been hounded and chased due to intimate knowledge of inner earth tunnels in the local area."
960ac6 No.19815
If some anons spent as much time figuring out Q's last crumbs than begging for their next fix, or asking who Q is, we'd be a lot further on in our hive knowledge desu.
e0c1f9 No.19816
Anons…..PAY ATTENTION TO THIS POSTER!!!! Hints are being given!!!
afd59f No.19817
Could Erik Prince be "Q" ?
Follow my Pic…
d4e43f No.19818
not revelant really focus on Q's info
cbdfd3 No.19819
We dont want to know who he is. We want to know what he is trying to tell us. Knowing who he is doesnt help us know what he is trying to tell us.
1abfce No.19820
0ab640 No.19821
afe0bb No.19822
The importance is that Q(team) knows where it is and who utilized it in some improper way. Our digging on that data center is probably over and we can move on to other assignments, neh?
81d9b9 No.19823
could be.. He definitely is our Jack Ryan. Sum of all Fears & Hunt for Red October
fc942e No.19824
Not sure if everything on this graphic is accurate
7fbbf1 No.19825
>Arrested for lying abiut talking to russian officials about isis.
AFTER the election ….. it's bullshit.
Flynn lied about something he knew wasn't an issue. Why would he do that? To get Mueller to charge him, that's why. Now he can be "flipped" and testify against the swamp - 0bama - and tell his stroy, like he's always said he wanted to. Flynn is the bait, and the lefties have swallowed it. The Clowns likely knew what Trump was up to with Flynn all along but couldn't do one fucking thing about it because Mueller is independent.
afe0bb No.19826
CA = Canada?
International 2-character country code in common use.
cbdfd3 No.19827
I will check. Thank you for sharing.
1abfce No.19828
81d9b9 No.19829
I think you're on to something
330ab1 No.19831
Hussein is evil and a real loser.
No special treatment.
Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
Morons, all of them.
bo looking to be someone's bitch ….
i'm sure he will find lots of takers in prison…or gitmo
9194e2 No.19832
Please give me ammo to wake up the Leaf with.
f79a4a No.19833
I thought that was Lil Marco,
fc72b6 No.19834
Bill Cooper also claimed that he saw JFK assassinated on live television when there want any live video of the event.
>Into the trash it goes
Also, Alex Jones is irrelevant
1b9d4f No.19835
> maybe flynn will provide the revelations on BO to Mueller if what you say is true.
It does feel like a huge roundabout the way its done.
e0980b No.19836
Q isn't gonna selfdox, nigger.
cbdfd3 No.19837
Yes but by making Trump’s people go down first, it gains the Trust of MSM and the libtards.
6f081f No.19838
I tried that also. The cbts board seems to be hidden from the public. I don't know how and who set it up but whoever they were, they must have had a backdoor to do that. Good for them.
3ca8b8 No.19841
Define hostage: a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement — hostage in a sentence.
Could Rocket Man be our hostage? or BO?
or both? Hmmm?
10dfb4 No.19842
Exactly. He would have to testify, rather than giving the Monopoly of info to clowns. Testimony will be public record.
e857b3 No.19843
Seems that all those who keep trying to identify Q work for the dark side! Trying to co-opt us into crowdsourcing the doxx.
Q's id is irrelevent! The crumbs are the priority!
981d75 No.19844
I have no idea. I wouldn't focus on that.
a9c5c1 No.19845
I follow him, and u all should give mine a lookover
bb8367 No.19846
Pence is a child-raping swamp dweller. Just wait. Trump will dump him.
299f94 No.19847
You misunderstand. I'm on board with this. Following it from day 1. I'm just being practical. At what point do you strike back? Frustrated.
6f081f No.19849
yes please … please … please
3ca8b8 No.19850
According to VQC, Q took the photo…
afd59f No.19851
…Ah, but it is relevant:
(Less than 10 can confirm me)
(DOITQ - coincidence)
His words - not mine
1bd2b4 No.19853
Hey, doesnt google also have a roaming data center built into a ship or was that still being developed?
cbdfd3 No.19854
No… the Deep state is using NK to hold Trump hostage. They threaten nuclear war on his every move.
c34a36 No.19855
guys, stop talking about who Q is. start digging instead!!
1aa466 No.19856
fe8be1 No.19857
Earthquake data (1970 - present)
afd59f No.19860
Right click (this photo) in Pres Trump's Twitter feed… open it in a new window and look at the name of the file!!!
a9c5c1 No.19861
Correct on Flynn news. Nothing Burger.
438222 No.19862
When the time is right, which it is not yet. Patience, young padawan.
The only thing relevant to us is digging for info, answering questions, and making the connections to paint a picture of just how corrupt this whole mess is. Q's identity means absolutely nothing when it comes to these questions, and that's the point - the information we find should be separate from who delivers the information. Remove the argument from authority, and all that's left is the information, the facts, no spin, no bullshit. Do not focus on who Q is, focus on what Q asks and provide answers.
30df4e No.19864
Am I wrong, or do there appear to be more shills than usual on here today?
56e331 No.19865
That wouldn't be winning bigly now would it?
Remember future paints past. All of the Q drops are things that have already occurred. No one is putting any top secret plans in Jeopardy with the Q posts.
Perhaps Little Rocket Man is just an actor in the movie rn. And therefore Geotus can have a little fun by calling him names. You'll see ;)
c34a36 No.19866
its because the link to CBTS is all over Twitter and other places
bb8367 No.19867
huh? the black community saw right through O in the end. Many voted for Trump.
81d9b9 No.19868
omg their clients are literally everyone…
81d9b9 No.19869
299f94 No.19870
Young? Not exactly-I wish though. But not exactly Boomer either. lol
831d52 No.19871
56e331 No.19872
Yes I saw that. Now I urge all of you to go back to the thread from last night and read it all in context! You might need to go back to the previous thread. Pay attention to the trips. Expand your thinking ffs gahhhh!!!
330ab1 No.19873
trump will expose jt at just the right time
can't wait
cant happen soon enough
6f081f No.19875
knowing who Q is will only jeopardize the whole thing. Stop asking. Stop even trying to find out.
30df4e No.19876
Well, to me, it seems like it occurs right after Q makes new posts… Just my opinion…
7d396b No.19878
9 located already of 103, so like last night@%10
0ab640 No.19881
Focus here:
40000 ft view (datacenter obsession too focused)
Read inbetween the lines provided. Future confirms past. Pattern.
7fbbf1 No.19882
The timeline is probably NOT based on our attention span.
We've been given a lot of confirmation that the war is on. We need to have confidence in our leadership that they have more battlefield knowledge of than us (they certainly do) and that they have a plan with contingencies.
This IS a war. Have faith in your leadership, fulfill your roll (research the crumbs), and have patience.
afe0bb No.19883
>55 54 30.88N 114 56 45.62W
is somewhere in the boonies of northern Canada. Wtf?
831d52 No.19884
>Earthquake data (1970 - present)
Biggest one is here, outside of Henderson:
c34a36 No.19885
>Focus here:
>40000 ft view (datacenter obsession too focused)
what do you mean by trips and signatures?
56e331 No.19886
If you want even more context study the threads before the tweet about China and Russia not being pleased…
Anon's there's nothing going on here now…I'm dropping massive hints…
8b91cf No.19888
>Fulfill your roll
Okay, rolling
422b2b No.19889
Roll confirmed. Impressive digits.
e857b3 No.19891
831d52 No.19892
>>55 54 30.88N 114 56 45.62W
Yeah, sorry, typing in the dark. It's 35, not 55N.
30b7de No.19894
Identifying Q is just destructive:
1. Destroys a valuable source of info
2. Targets Q
3. Destroys his/her career
If that is your goal you are with the Cabal, not the Patriots. Should be blocked from thread permanently.
afe0bb No.19895
Yes, somebody posted a photo inside the massive data center in the #20 pasta as well as some corporate info. Seems to be a commercial facility that handles lots of Fortune 1000 clients.
81d9b9 No.19896
Their clients are literally every major media outlet including Fox which is even more interesting. Remember the gold couple everyone was trying to figure out who they were? I looked into the photographer and she works for a media company called Media Man (MM) in Alice Spring Australia owned by none other than Ruppert Murdock … CEO of Fox
30df4e No.19898
Ya know, Q did post a photo of the atomic cloud over Hiroshima, and the "40,000 ft" post came right after it… The Hiroshima cloud reached a height of 40,000 ft!!!
56e331 No.19899
Yes research the crumbs!!!
You're all missing a YUGE crumb!!! You must go back!!!
8b91cf No.19900
Sounds like a pretty ideal front company for clowns if you ask me
a6c522 No.19901
Let's get something clear.
Q is a distraction to both occupy you and to give you hope that the "swamp will be drained for real" but
It's a trick. You're expecting everyone to get locked up or caught diddling kids. That's not how power works.
Deep State already won as always. They had to sacrifice some paid off Congressmen and Actors to give the appearance of fixing things, but soon it will be business as usual for the deep state.
Flynn charged on nothing is the next domino in the witch hint, which will succeed in turning enough optics to impeach Trump and make his admin untrustworthy.
The push to win was lost. This is a foe you just can't beat. How do you win a game when your opponent decides the rules on a daily basis and that has all normals convinced of trump crimes???
Outside of this shit box, most people assume he's guilty. PR is more important than evidence. The game is over. Stop pinning hope on q.
Sorry but let's be real. I didn't want it this way but the system always wins.
- a friend
70a87f No.19902
FWIW, "snow white" is also a technology developed at Langley by NASA and is used on SpaceX Dragons.... a type of coating.
There are really just so many "snow whites" that it's really hard to track them down.
eb3985 No.19903
Read the guide at the top of each page.
4f41fe No.19904
This post listed several >>15157
FWIW, in follow-up to MI story link, huge data center (looks like a pyramid) in Grand Rapids MI. News is claiming party goers shooting tannerite caused the booms (yeah right)
eb3985 No.19905
Wishful thinking (on your part) doesnt equal reality.
bb8367 No.19906
can't you simply tell us what you are seeing?
297d0f No.19907
>impeach Trump
c34a36 No.19909
all pics are saved if they are needed again
8b91cf No.19910
The nice thing about this that is your claims (and ours) will either be proven or disproven within a relatively short period
422b2b No.19911
Another wild Clown appears! Enjoy your connectivity problems later today.
7fbbf1 No.19912
Defeatist shit.
eb3985 No.19913
Trolls and shills are arriving.
Ignore and BO filter.
70a87f No.19915
not to mention, disincentivizes other potential allies from sending us crumbs. bad anon (cbdfd3)! deserves stabbing to death with a plastic spork.
81d9b9 No.19916
CA was the exit point for the U1… There was a signed statement by a guy who saw them or something like that let me see if I can find it
30df4e No.19917
Clowns gonna clown!!
ba6182 No.19918
So why is Trump allowing Mueller to do whatever he wants? Why did Trump interview Mueller a day before he was appointed Special Counsel?
If Trump had any indication he would be impeached Mueller wouldn't have a job.
0795f5 No.19919
>browser keeps locking up
I get javascript errors. I think the js is creating procedures that aren't then destroyed, And it loops, always creating, never destroying until the memory is gone.
afe0bb No.19920
Huh? So many hours x days x weeks on this board I am getting dense…. I have no idea what you are asking me for…
56e331 No.19922
I've been trying to! BO is either voluntarily or involuntarily helping drain the swamp. Being heavily monitored. Rocket Man has been under control of /ourguys/ and is now just an actor in the script. It's crystal clear!
eb3985 No.19923
Remember the testimony that was kept secret recently.
Remember CA in Q's posts.
There is a connection.
736c4b No.19924
pretty sure us not Quite boomers are the majority around here
09c67a No.19925
MB in United Slushfund of Arabia
7fbbf1 No.19926
In the midst of this shitstorm, Is anyone close to Trump calling for Mueller to step down or be fired???
NO. That should tell us all we need to know about Mueller's investigation.
422b2b No.19927
Anons, just a thought here: why would our favorite Saudi prince want to own a hotel in Vegas? I mean, what for? He could have built a better Vegas inside his own compound anytime. Is it because he needed to visit the Clowns' data centre regularly?
bb8367 No.19928
no one here thinks kim is anything but a puppet.
cia owns nk, right?
eb3985 No.19929
I have detected intrusions also. Slowing down everything. Everything is monitored and clowns on here trying to redirect the investigation.
1d88d6 No.19931
People, if you want me to read your messages, please refrain from insulting one another. I tend to block if I see this.
eb3985 No.19932
910597 No.19933
I don’t have time to research right now but wanted post. So from my work trying to figure out the code and messages. I came across SAH Mountain as a reference. One thing I did find was a hiking and mountain biking web site where you can put in location and it gives you map for trails near area. The satellite imagine is incredible. It might me a good place to search locations that other maps may hide images. The page is letsgoplayoutside .com
30df4e No.19934
Plenty of D's, and anti Trump R's calling for it… IMO, that right there tells us what we need to know…
70a87f No.19935
yes, q's comments on the uranium aligned extremely well with the news that week
here's the lead that you're looking for
e1dd9a No.19936
Switch has 2.2M sqft of colocation space in LV. Would make sense that if anyone wanted to capture the data going through there, they would have to build something equally huge, and very close by.... or Q may be referencing Switch themselves.
422b2b No.19937
Multiple attempts made to stop him testifying.
He knows almost everything about U1.
Q said biggest cover up in our history.
U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
Iran deal.
Russian reset.
Trudeau involvement in U1 is going down soon.
6f081f No.19938
I thought the 40,000 ft referred to the height of flight. 40,000 ft is usually around the limit for a commercial airline. Therefore, the reference to the 40,000 ft seemed to refer to the degree of danger. Every plane I ever flew in stayed at about 30,000 ft
"One of the central reasons behind aircraft altitude is that, as the air gets thinner with every foot climbed, planes can travel more easily and therefore move faster and burn less fuel, saving money.
The “sweet spot” of flying is regarded as between 35,000 and 42,000 feet – too high and the oxygen becomes too sparse to fuel the engines, too low and the air resistance is greater. This optimum height is linked to the usual weight of a commercial jet – that is, heavier planes would fly lower, and lighter higher."
736c4b No.19940
17d6f1 No.19941
Me as well. Nets r lagging and dropping connectivity. Delay in posting etc.
0e676e No.19942
One of the four horseman has a bow, not sure about antichrist. I know the tribe of Benjamin are archers. They're the last tribe.
fd3131 No.19943
Rob Roy, CEO, minimal public info (similar to Rizvi). finally cnet gets interview by way of Larry Ellison. Larry Ellison company Oracle, bought Sun Co, open source software. The Larry Ellison Foundation focus on (anti aging research and eradicating polio). Gives large donations to Silicon Valley Community Foundation and National Philanthropic Trust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Valley_Community_Foundation
7fbbf1 No.19945
0bama is likely being allowed by Trump to travel to India, China, and France in order provide proof to those countries that what Trump has promised about draining the swamp is true. Trump has already given those countries the heads-up on Jugears' intentions.
Can you imagine the cold sweats Jugears is having trying to convince those countries that he's the good guy and Trump is the mean boy who gives wedgies? All those countries have been squeezed by 0bama's Clowns for 8 years and now he's trying to make nice to save his own scrawny ass.
Those leaders must be fucking loving the irony … and thanking God for Trump.
a9db26 No.19946
QQ, did you anons give me the RV coords for the Henderson zipcode? effort underway now
bb8367 No.19947
BO is no friend of patriots. So, how do you think he's involuntarily draining the swamp?
We all know BO is heavily monitored.
What makes you think kim is under Trump control? I think CIA is running NK.
eb3985 No.19948
I tend to agree with you.
6b3c27 No.19949
>55 54 30.88N 114 56 45.62W
That's already been looked at in CBTS #20 >>18750
>That’s where it lies.. it’s bigger than you think..
>Look up Tau treaty..
How about we don't go wasting our time on crazy crackpot theories about grey aliens getting some free humans to abduct courtesy of governments around the world. Instead keep this crap Earth centric, assume that aliens mostly observe and keep us from nuking each other.
Let's keep everything as simple and logically plausible as possible and work outwards from there.
299f94 No.19950
My doubt is not unfounded. Remember when we were told it would look different when the president came back from his Asia trip?
That hasn't happened. At least it isn't visible. To me. Maybe others have evidence to the contrary other than sealed indictments–but honestly that could be a nothingburger.
I've researched this 'til I'm sick and I want to believe, but unless something happens in the affirmative soon, then the doubt will grow.
Hope we do hear something today though.
2e72bd No.19951
Next domino to fall…Canada
7d396b No.19952
works like a charm
bb8367 No.19954
who are you? Obama is nothing but shit scum traitor. He is not helping Trump.
shill alert.
36da6d No.19956
fc942e No.19958
"The system always wins"
Sorry to burst your doom and gloom, but there's a new sheriff in town.
Tick Tock
30df4e No.19959
I remember reading about an underground base in Vegas where kids were sold as slaves to Rich Arab shieks…
2e72bd No.19960
Anons….remember the photo that was posted a few days back that was of 2 buildings…and was confirmed to be in Toronto (I think)….is this relevant to the blue Anons posting?!!!
6f081f No.19961
Agree! You can tell what they are thinking by the kind of treatment Trump is receiving in some countries. This says everything you want to know about the UK which, in my view, is totally swamped.
c09a07 No.19962
>40000 ft view
Refers to overview, zoomed out, looking at the big picture
>>19881 is saying, as Q has, that anons are getting bogged down in the minutae instead of looking at the bigger picture. In this case it's the data center itself, instead of how it fits into the picture.
> Answer the questions
(just answer, we don't need to know all the details)
> build the bigger picture
> break it back down into manageable chunks in topics
> make memes to educate and CALM the public
438222 No.19963
Amen. God bless you, Spreadsheet, you crazy data nerd. We love you.
422b2b No.19964
6 trillion in dirty money taken away from the bad actors counts as a different world to me. No it's not visible to most. It's true though.
fd3131 No.19965
Saudi (Talal) had major ownership in Fox. Murdock has been named in past as member of committee of 300. no surprise here
eb3985 No.19966
Just imagine if the PM had to go on tv and tender his resignation.
Just imagine…
ccd6cb No.19967
The white horseman has the bow yes. He is supposed to be the last.
981d75 No.19968
This is why you need cosmic Love in your heart and consciounsness. Focus on what is positive and beneficial for ALL.
422b2b No.19969
yes of course pizza is also on the menu. It's why Podesta travels to Vegas and stays at Roy's house.
4f41fe No.19972
I remember it being discussed in different venues- Flynn never lost his security clearance after the "firing" and there were some other crumbs hinting at him going deep. Will try locating and posting.
fd3131 No.19973
1d88d6 No.19974
Here in the Phoenix area…more military helicopters…appears to be (2) CH-47 Chinook, ut I'm not an expert.
The traffic has increased much in the past week.
422b2b No.19975
Fucking checked. I can't wait.
a9c5c1 No.19976
second the warning not to trust nor follow Alex Jones, traitor IMO
981d75 No.19977
It remains to be seen.
This depends on actions of everyone.
299f94 No.19978
Everything is optics. If it isn't seen, then it might as well not have happened. MSM memory holing.
fc942e No.19979
There ya go.
At least we're not claiming they're on the red planet.
c7d592 No.19980
Let's get something clear:
You are a cockholster.
Spit the dick out of your mouth and discontinue being an Eeyore.
Take your defeatist attitude back to the TARGET bathroom and hope someone punches you right in the cocksucker.
7fbbf1 No.19981
Re-read my comment or take a reading comprehension course. I'm saying that Trump is LETTING 0bama travel freely and run his piehole so those countries have independent proof that Trump is sincere when he talks of draining the swamp.
0bama's cold sweats of desperation will prove to those countries that Trump is serious and that 0bama knows that he is fucked when he gets home.
bfb871 No.19982
Good now go back to the 2 threads right before that and the conversations regarding BO. Happy hunting
422b2b No.19983
And yet here we are, speaking about the most important intelligence drop in the history of civilization - and almost no-one knows about it.
981d75 No.19984
Stop arguing dear diggers, arguing and negativity is a tool of the dark side cabal.
Search for the TRUTH and nothing else! Whether the information posted servers us all or is but a distraction remains to be seen. In any case the solution is spiritual development through love.
bb8367 No.19986
CA connection to what, other than U-1?
30df4e No.19987
Obama is a messenger for "them" giving orders to "their" actors in Asia… I think Trump is already aligned with Pres of China against the elites evil plans though, and Obama is being played like a violin… IMO
35f7df No.19988
>Intel Officer
>can't even spell "peek" correctly
a6c522 No.19989
Because that would guarantee immediate impeachment proceedings.
You realize the MSM and Congress have one thing we dont- normies believe them
If he even says the name Mueller the machine will grind them all down.
Not happy but let's see the forest for the trees here. Fact: Clinton lied to FBI. Fact: they don't care
Fact: Flynn sorta lied to FBI
Fact: he's been charged and tarred and feathered and guilty in the eye of the public.
You can't see the game is different for those in power?
I'd like them all to be flushed more than anyone but look around, the same corrupt people still control all the power. They have the media, they have the judges, they have the dA's, the have the US justice Department, they have the FBi, they have the CIA, they have the State Dept, they have the world convinced that SPEAKING tona Russian is treason.
How do you change that when MSM doubles down on it soon? Everyone in the admin will be clipped on BS charged and they will be guilty in the public eye.
Mueller took this job to become "The Guy" who took down Trump for the "people"
299f94 No.19990
I apologize for my disbelief. Just trying to maintain a healthy amount of skepticism.
All these drops are interesting.
70a87f No.19991
FWIW, MIT Lincoln Lab monitors space objects. However, they don't seem to officially report any offices in Henderson, despite clearly being on the google map there
422b2b No.19992
U1 will be enough. It will be enormous. Historic. JT stammering about smuggling uranium to NK? Stuff of history books. Until next week.
6f081f No.19993
I would love to see the Canadian PM go down but wasn't the U1 incident before his time? Would he go down for something that happened before weedman became PM
893e3f No.19994
That's nothing new - 8ch is always like that.
a9c5c1 No.19995
You are so totally wrong.
What you are not aware of, is the power of FAITH which is the EVIDENCE of things not seen.
And also the power of HOPE which is what QAnon has given us on social media, even pravda did an article on it, and a good one too
this is a real movement and we cannot be stopped because Father God is behind it and us
nuff said
422b2b No.19996
I know I know. It's frustrating. You should try researching Pizzagate sometime if you want months and months of no progress despite knowing the truth.
a6c522 No.19997
Internet tough acts like SJW when things aren't going your way?
Keep digging. The truth is on our side, but since when did truth matter?
Iran deal?
Slaves to the truth is noble but in our fucked reality, optics and first impressions are more important.
Good luck Anon
bb8367 No.19998
are they planting shit in their links?
5df969 No.19999
Q is here i can sense them
7fbbf1 No.20000
I agree. But 0bama running scared shows those countries that Trump is getting ready to lock his ass up. The Chinese, especially, are a suspicious bunch … after the last 8 - 24 years, who can blame them. This desperation trip of 0bama's gives independent proof that Trump is serious about draining the global swamp.
bb8367 No.20001
no offense, but that was noted right after Q posted.
old find.
97b6ab No.20002
Did he say which potus? Misdirection is key
70a87f No.20003
if CA=canada, then there's the entire Trudeau connection to Clinton Foundation and to Rothschilds
if CA=california, then there's the Atty Gen (former Congressrat) connected to the Awans iirc, plus of course pedowood
I'd bet my last shekel on U1. the connections above are out of context and tenuous
30df4e No.20004
Those poor kids man, children are the most innocent of God's creations, the evil "they" do against them is truly the worst of "their" crimes!
8b91cf No.20005
I'd look for JT ties to Frank Giustra
35f7df No.20007
>Q is here i can sense them
quads never lie
a6c522 No.20008
Ah hope. The drug of the honest. Don't overdose or you end up broke and insane
7fbbf1 No.20009
70a87f No.20010
whanon was very clear a day or two ago that only those who break the law have anything to fear from mueller. he might or might not have cut a deal with trump, but he's still gotta do his job. same thing wrt flynn. if flynn lied to fbi, then he can be tried for it. just because he's /ourguy/ doesn't give him license to start breaking the law. that would make us as bad as (((them)))
422b2b No.20011
Godlike quads. POTUS approves.
6f081f No.20012
I noticed that during the time Q posts we get a whole bunch of irrelevant posts. This morning (EST) my browser kept on freezing. I just closed that tab and start back at the catalog and that worked. Starting to get used to doing that.
000000 No.20013
Just to add a perspective: what's 40k ft below us?
573257 No.20014
quads confirm both these posts
a6c522 No.20015
PG taught us all lessons on how truth is less important than power. Godspeed
422b2b No.20016
Godlike quads. POTUS approves. Proof attached this time.
a9c5c1 No.20017
on FBI Informant, Campbell, I saw his attorney on Lou Dobbs two nights ago. She said she it putting together a 10 page briefing summarizing his info to give to Grassley of one of the committees, so they know what to ask him about.
he is also being treated for cancer, now on pills.
this is the uranium one informant I am talking about
e0980b No.20018
Do a virus scan. Search your computer for suspicious files. Stop using Windows.
1d88d6 No.20019
Ahem, while I "use" certain things, it does not mean I have volunteered my consent and abandoned my Constitutionally-protected & Unalienable Rights. I "always" reserve my rights as stated above, without prejudice.
This correction is only because you said "we" and I never give anyone the authority to listen to, collect, record, or transmit my private property. ;)
Controlling our contracts is the KeY
70a87f No.20020
no tripcode on that one. i wouldn't lose too much sleep over it.
68a2d3 No.20021
Also according to the MSM, NK is building another launchpad for another launch soon.
506f5b No.20022
Enjoy the ride clown - the ride is of importance.Its ups and downs; ins and outs, filled with ideas and new friends.
Thank you my clown friend
7d396b No.20023
beautiful meme. and updated. ty, anon
fc942e No.20025
The PSYOPS is strong in this one.
Go along now.
a6c522 No.20027
No clown. Just a taker of the Blackpoll after 10yrs of doing all this and seeing where it got me and how nothing ever will happen to the Evil Perpetrators like HRC and GWHB.
cbdfd3 No.20028
Idk what the fuck you morons are talking about. I literally said we dont want to know who he is.
fe8be1 No.20029
Would expect underground construction to be multiple blasts with a period of weeks/months beween them for cleanup, not one huge earthquake. Most of them on weekdays.
Convenient location, right under the massive power distribution infrastructure and relatively close to a river for cooling
Listen to the audio recordings here and tell me these are earthquakes and not explosions…
422b2b No.20030
For the moment, good anon. Only for the moment.
bb8367 No.20031
. . . but we already knew that about ca/u-1/selling/smuggling to nk.
is JT mk-ultra? do you know for sure? he sure fills the bill
4c8634 No.20032
>55 54 30.88N 114 56 45.62W
Exactly… distracting isn't it… >>19883
That dark square is a pool of liquid. You can see the whitecaps in the google image. Are you suggesting that there's an underground facility there? Why not look up who owns that land if you are suspicious? Personally I don't see anything especially strange there. It looks like a "green" energy investment area… No big deal.
30df4e No.20033
I'm just saying, it could also tie into the NK nuclear factor, as well as the 'Sum Of All Fears'… Just speculation, of course…
422b2b No.20034
Thank you. Did you know he was a mod here? :)
297d0f No.20036
831d52 No.20037
>That's already been looked at in CBTS #20 >>18750
Yes, but there is more discussion:
1ef41d No.20038
>Arrested for lying abiut talking to russian officials about isis.
AFTER the election ….. it's bullshit.
Flynn lied about something he knew wasn't an issue. Why would he do that? To get Mueller to charge him, that's why. Now he can be "flipped" and testify against the swamp - 0bama - and tell his stroy, like he's always said he wanted to. Flynn is the bait, and the lefties have swallowed it. The Clowns likely knew what Trump was up to with Flynn all along but couldn't do one fucking thing about it because Mueller is independent.
Flynn is supposed to be a counter-intelligence expert and knows far more about Turkey/Syria and any number of things Obama and Deep State doesn't want US to know about. I don't trust Mueller whatsoever at all. Once this "Russian collusion" nonsense investigation is over, let's have a Special Prosecutor brought in to cover Uranium 1. I don't want revenge, I want justice and it sure as hell isn't to be found in the DOJ.
c09a07 No.20041
>At least it isn't visible. To me.
If you are looking in the wrong direction you won't see it. If you are looking directly at it and don't recognize it, then you don't "see" it. One way to think about it is that the actions during the Orient tour have had a ripple effect.
> WTO essentially kill
> $6 trillion taken from bad actors out of circulation
(bribe $, protection $ no longer flowing & changing hands)
> puppet strings cut, minions & lackeys panicking
> all of the sudden - legislators not running for re-election
> look at the financial markets - the ripple effect is seen there blatantly
> things getting accomplished by Cabinet not reported on Mockingbird media (don't want to admit it)
You may not "see" because you are looking for something that means something to YOU. If you don't see that, then, nothingburger.
Nothing could be further from the truth anon.
Remember only 20% will be publicly viewable.
736c4b No.20042
how are we supposed to tell? ENHANCE!
a6c522 No.20044
Everything I said was to help you personally. Don't end up like me.
That said, I hope for the best and am cheering you on. I myself cannot let myself get hooked on hope again. I've seen the betrayal of hope.
299f94 No.20045
This was before he was asked to do a tripcode…Trip code Q confirmed.
144968 No.20046
>Trips = Tripcodes
>Signatures = Q posts closings > Iron Eagle > Godfather III > Alice & Wonderland
d055e2 No.20047
Because Q is overseas. Dont you dare tell me that Q is OBAMA!
70a87f No.20048
ah, thanks, I didn't know. then, yes, puzzling.
144968 No.20049
Trips in this case I guess travel/destinations?
7d5986 No.20051
That clown wouldn't know anything. Except what he tells the media to print
c7fd3e No.20053
They took my internet down and put me on some secret don't actually sell this guy phone service list.
422b2b No.20054
Fake news by the Failing NYT, a Clowns publication.
fc942e No.20055
Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.
bb8367 No.20056
Biggest cover up in our history.
U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
So Justin Trudeau helped smuggle the uranium through CA on its way to NK
70a87f No.20057
k, sincerely sry for the spork comment
506f5b No.20058
Lets say Evil wants to devour our innocence , then why has it taken so long ( centuries )?
Because for 10 years , you were the force that slowed them down. You have given up for personal reasons, and not because you have lost hope. It is highly unfair for you to dishearten those trying to make a difference.
Maybe, you were doing something wrong during your ten years?
Perseverance wins the day. ((They)) are pushing , and so will we. History is littered with Good defeating evil. DOnt give up friend.
a9c5c1 No.20059
You forget the two most powerful things in our favor, Father God and our faith in His goodness toward us
He doesn't want it to go down like that. The Light is winning.
QAnon has taught us that WE have to be the media now, which I think is the keystone. We control the narrative now.
it is working on social media and in the raitings, CNN ratings for their night shows are in the tank!
normies ARE waking up.
the trend of truth posts on twitter is also growing when you check a hashtag, like on Flynn today, I saw more truth about the event than the narrative of the MSM and ABC's lies being parroted
antifa is designated domestic terrorists by FBI now
are we sick of the WINNING?
68a2d3 No.20060
>So Justin Trudeau helped smuggle the uranium through CA on its way to NK
I hope so for Canacucks case
c09a07 No.20061
best response
It may well apply. Everything Q posts is very purposeful, worded very carefully, completely vetted to not divulge anything that would jeopardize NS or any mission/op. EVERYTHING is relevant and ties together somehow to his previous posts/drops. That's why he keeps saying to review his posts daily.
I think the point anon was making is that we tend to dive in straight, go to the bottom of the pool and pull up all the tiny details, and in so doing, may miss the simple connections between concepts, people, places, events etc.
tl'dr: Sometimes we gotta zoom in, sometimes we gotta zoom out to see how the puzzle pieces fit (or look at the box [map] to see what the actual big picture is)
e0c1f9 No.20062
Can you at least please tell us Q is NOT OB!!?
573257 No.20064
did anybody see ty cobb's statement about flynn?
>the conclusion of this phase of the investigation
phase 1 complete
6fa2f8 No.20065
That's the deepest hole ever dug, it's called the Kola Superdeep Borehole
e0980b No.20066
You can't possibly believe that Hussein has the IQ to pull this off.
c5a1bd No.20067
Otherwise he'd never know he's being monitored, or that he's despised, right?
70a87f No.20068
70a87f No.20069
>the conclusion of this phase of the investigation
7fbbf1 No.20070
Checked … and double checked.
"God is love, and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him."
e7024f No.20071
Major Canadian cities are multicultural cesspools…a walk around downtown Toronto will have you convinced you are in Pakistan…Vancouver is HongCouver, Chinese people everywhere…incredibly filthy people, I have to admit, they spit and litter all over the place…
Canada certainly could use a cleanup. Hell yeah, eh.
b205db No.20072
Attempting to doxx Q should be a bannable offense.
Mods, this is your call. But at this point he/she/they have earned the right not to have us as one more pain in the ass.
422b2b No.20073
>Trudeau Foundation
>pizza-related imagery
7d396b No.20074
000000 No.20075
Have been lurking here, posting on occasion. Thought you'd find this of interest. Things in quotes are summarized.
Know person who previously had ties to OC at high levels through family. Was able to un-associate from it. Was more of a victim than participant. Occasionally drops crumbs…like… ≈ "That person is in jail for protection." (talking about narco with $b's)
Talked about what was happening here. Wasn't too interested. Mentioned all of the sex crimes. "Yeah, everyone knows that." Mentioned spirit cooking with celebs. "I've been to that."
Later in the night…"AC was there, MM" and a few others"…. CNN, Interstellar
736c4b No.20077
c09a07 No.20078
68a2d3 No.20079
>did anybody see ty cobb's statement about flynn?
>the conclusion of this phase of the investigation
>phase 1 complete
He said we don't see this going any higher. So obviously if they gave him a plea deal and it isn't for anyone above his level then……..
bb8367 No.20080
>Biggest cover up in our history.
>U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.
>So Justin Trudeau helped smuggle the uranium through CA on its way to NK
How do you think the EU and Asian countries are that will be implicated in getting the uranium to NK?
37020e No.20081
"Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds."
Okay, it's after 3 pm Eastern, if something's happening, we haven't heard about it.
30df4e No.20085
I mean no harm, chances are "they" know who it is anyway…
573257 No.20086
saw it on fox but found a link with it
https:// www.businessinsider.com.au/white-house-statement-flynn-guilty-plea-russia-2017-12
94758d No.20087
Then spill the crumb and stop the over zealous posts!!
bb8367 No.20088
oh for sure JT was mkultra'd. PT was one of them.
c09a07 No.20089
>phase 1 complete
good catch
Phase 1
736c4b No.20090
wow such negative body language
bb8367 No.20091
CA needs to clean up their own swamp. They're in really bad shape w/ JT at the helm.
7fbbf1 No.20092
Banning is usually counterproductive. But at this point we have ample verification of Q's authenticity.
Any more attempts at doxxing Q point to shilling/distraction trolling.
d05d44 No.20093
BO looks scared af.
422b2b No.20094
May not be able to.
Unless it's one of those 'Q is telling us to look inside our navels for alien light' posts…
e7024f No.20095
>the system always wins.
Until it doesn't…impermanence is the only constant thing in this world nigger.
68a2d3 No.20096
>Okay, it's after 3 pm Eastern, if something's happening, we haven't heard about it.
That post was made this morning @ 9am
afe0bb No.20098
CBTS #12, 13 and 14.
3188b8 No.20099
God bless to all anons in your attention to detail and ruthless determination to source the truth.
Truly amazing!
6fa2f8 No.20100
Are you talking about the newspaper in the picture?
422b2b No.20101
The plan was to have a sizeable mudslime force in North America. CA was the base.
70a87f No.20102
there was a small earthquake 1/2 hour from Henderson on Halloween, iirc
422b2b No.20103
2b0bb0 No.20104
He looks more skinny and frail every time I see him. It’s like he’s turning into John Podesta.
150714 No.20105
Or they don't dare draw attention to it for some other reason. Think about how this fucks up their whole Flynn narrative "undermining a sitting president" by talking to foreign governments.
144968 No.20106
Latest Q posts
Not seeing this in the current bread?
eb3985 No.20107
They do not have to plant anything to actually monitor. Real-time monitoring for sure, but some are being singled out most likely based on what they post. I am included in that and have moved IPs several times and covered or redirected my tracks.
So you can understand why Q is on here randomly.
d05d44 No.20108
It was 11 PM my time. West coast.
506f5b No.20109
70a87f No.20110
>https:// www.businessinsider.com.au/white-house-statement-flynn-guilty-plea-russia-2017-12
Besten Dank
02f2a7 No.20111
The fact that clowns are here demonstrates how much we are winning.
c34a36 No.20112
is Q following Hussein?
how is Q using a Spy Comm?
bb8367 No.20113
AC . . . spirit cooking?
not surprised.
Matthew McCon, too??? a spirit cooker?
i believe it.
eb3985 No.20114
A simple virus scan will not detect it. There are other ways but not everyone knows. Sometimes a simple gut feeling based small details noticed is enough.
e7024f No.20115
tfw when the walls are closing in on ya.
68a2d3 No.20117
Does each person "lying" (Papadopoulos , Flynn, Manafort) give Mueller the power to offer them immunity? Otherwise if there's technically no crime he can't offer them a plea deal, correct?
422b2b No.20118
Spy satellites.
Resolution: inches.
Smart tracking of subjects globally.
US military hardware.
He serves at the pleasure of POTUS.
150714 No.20119
16de5e No.20120
These massive underground powerlines seem to run only in that zipcode. You can find them through the indentations on the ground.
30df4e No.20121
I deleted my post, just to be on safe side. I'm only here to gain knowledge, and provide my own insights.
736c4b No.20122
wtf go dox Q somewhere else
eb3985 No.20123
BO is not the only one abroad.
Didn't say he was abroad now.
Tracks are covered and disinformation assists.
c34a36 No.20124
what the fuck are you talking about?
d05d44 No.20126
Q is not in the military. He or they directly work for the POTUS.
6fa2f8 No.20127
If we know that Q is in the military that will give us a new perspective on everything he's offered us.
6f081f No.20128
thank you …. THANK YOU!!!
Just did a little bit of research ended up with keywords: Raddliffe Foundation, Refugees, Boys Club (we know what that means) right all on one webpage: http://radcliffefoundation.org/about-radcliffe/
736c4b No.20129
nvr mind, i read that dif than you wrote it
70a87f No.20130
looks bored af to me. dude talking religious shit.
on a more serious note, I found out a BO-Asia Foundation connection…
>One of the entities affiliated with the USAID work in Indonesia was the Asia Foundation, a 1950s creation formed with the help of the CIA to oppose the expansion of communism in Asia. The East-West Center guest house in Hawaii was funded by the Asia Foundation. The guest house is also where Barack Obama Sr. first stayed after his airlift from Kenya to Hawaii, arranged by the one of the CIA’s major agents of influence in Africa, Mboya.
bb8367 No.20132
he's thinking about pizza while pretending to listen
eb3985 No.20133
Do you remember when he said "tomorrow" and what time he posted?
3 p.m. was never confirmed. It was asked.
The story is unfolding. Flynn.
422b2b No.20134
I spy with my little eye some possible keywords in here.
32cfdd No.20135
68a2d3 No.20136
Niggers want us to do the work for them. Personally dont give a fuck who he is, so long as hes legit.
8458e5 No.20138
8e6e69 No.20139
Almost 50 here.
70a87f No.20140
if anybody is bored and wants to go pedohunting one day, start with the list of foundations/orgs where Giustra serves on the board…
> Frank is a member of the board of the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, the International Crisis Group, the Radcliffe Foundation, Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation, Endeavour Mining Corporation, Petromanas Energy Inc., and a trustee of the Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. In addition, he sits on the board of the Streetohome Foundation, a Vancouver Foundation that envisions access to safe, clean and affordable housing for everyone in Vancouver.
bb8367 No.20142
yep. i thank God every day hillary was defeated. can you imagine where we'd be?
8458e5 No.20143
nothing will happen to Flynn.
d05d44 No.20144
So really it seems mostly Gen X is here. I'm a millennial myself. 26
fc942e No.20145
Will check back later.
Q, if you can, please reassure that Flynn was taking one for the team!
Thank you!
Stay Strong!>>20044
831d52 No.20146
>Listen to the audio recordings here and tell me these are earthquakes and not explosions…
Pretty brief and sharp for tectonic activity. Great site you linked to, much digging to be done.
9fc97a No.20147
4c7003 No.20148
55 year Old boomer. Been fighting this since OKC bombing. Not all of us fucked the world.
68a2d3 No.20149
Anyone else find it hilarious that they made sophia white?
b50f11 No.20150
where is BO now?
Apparently he’s in India today, but what they discussed is not released in article.. just putting that out there.. I’m trying to figure what is the purpose digging more..?
Who fired?
Any ideas?
506f5b No.20151
Interesting that he DT is bringing this up now. Q?
dc7507 No.20152
An anon earlier said he thought the data center was for live human research. Someone posted a pic of a YouTube comment stating Snow White was the name for a program where autistic children are hooked up to a neural network.
30df4e No.20153
25, myself…Not sure what the hate is for boomers though, aren't we ALL, as humans, in this war against (them)?
bb8367 No.20154
thx. i meant, are they doing anything other than monitoring in real-time, as far as you know?
e1f75b No.20156
I know it has seemed hopeless, but everything changed with the election. The impossible happened; there will be justice. Maybe not with GHWB, but I do believe Clinton will be going away. Kinda wish Trump didn't say he wasn't going after previous presidents though. GHWB is not too old to be cuffed and stuffed, and he has done the unspeakable during his quest to destroy America.
7d396b No.20157
Ivanka was just there.
c5a1bd No.20158
That may be, but the ones most likely to riot are the ones who never saw through BO (or HRC for that matter).
867641 No.20159
the only thing we need to know about Q is that he is legit (credible source), not who or what they are. to figure out who he is only makes ppl question of u are rogue agent. why would u want to give up a person/group who is sacraficing themselves for humanity? what happens to whistleblowers? ~ dead
with all the shit going on, we have enough bad goys killing good guys. lets keep these ones alive.
^ douche bag
b50f11 No.20161
I’m a millennial, just turned 28 last month.
Nice to see different generations coming together
d90366 No.20162
b7f687 No.20163
Pieczenik is the one that uses 'morons' the most
70a87f No.20165
no need. if flynn lied, then he might get a handslap. no big deal.
in exchange, he gets to testify on oath in a public forum. and fwiw, what he has to say won't be music to (((their))) ears. for years, flynn has been calling out obama and hillary. example:
>In an interview aired on July 31 with AlJazeera’s
program, Head to Head, Lt. General Michael
Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), made an unprecedented, blunt accusation
that the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) was the
result of a “willful decision,”—not an intelligence failure—by
the Obama Administration.
The Flynn revelations put even more pressure on
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to “come
clean” on what she personally knows about President
Barack Obama’s “willful” lying cover-up of the al-Qaeda
attack in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, in which U.S.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other
American officials were killed. The issue on the table,
now, with the Flynn revelations on top of the ongoing
Benghazi probe by a Congressional select committee
is: When will President Obama be held accountable for
his lying to the American people? When will he be
forced out of office?
Speaking to Mehdi Hasan, the host of “Head to
Head,” Flynn went further than any other recently retired
U.S. military official in condemning the policies
of President Barack Obama. Flynn did so, not only in
highlighting the August 2012 DIA report (only released
to the public in May 2015) that warned the Obama Administration
about the rise of the “Islamic State,” and
the creation of a “caliphate” by Syria-based Islamists
and al-Qaeda,—but also in identifying that arms shipments
in Libya that had gone to jihadist “allies” of the
United States and NATO in the overthrowing of Col.
Muammar Qaddafi, were shipped to Syria and became
the arsenal that allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria (ISIS), and other jihadist rebels to grow.
Questioned by Hasan, Flynn directly accused the
Obama Administration of making a “willful decision”
to back the jihadis:
Hasan: You are basically saying that even in
government at the time you knew these groups
were around, you saw this analysis,
sorry, pdf sauce:
30df4e No.20166
I thought it was confirmed by Q that Snow White referenced the 7 supercomputers of the Clowns, named after the 7 dwarfs?
8e6e69 No.20167
It was the Windham something castle…
7d396b No.20168
Way back on half chan I guessed 25 was the most popular age group. The boomer hate was probably shills. We were being shilled hard at that time.
d90366 No.20169
573257 No.20170
i would love it if the god emperor gets somebody on his staff to leak these stories, the press rubs their hands together thinking they've got an #impeach45 agent on the inside and then he blasts them for fake news
afe0bb No.20171
>>20098 Workin on it. Found massive crumb cache. Back in a while…
794940 No.20172
70a87f No.20173
yes. but we still don't know what the supercomputers are, specifically, doing.
some have speculated AI. but it's not obvious (at least to me)
438222 No.20174
Not saying my age here. The whole "boomers" schtick was just clowns seeding divisiveness. Anyone raising a stink about age here can be safely ignored.
bb8367 No.20175
i'm sure the AF was for child trafficking & drugs, just like all the other clown fdtns.
68a2d3 No.20177
Not that I believe this guy but this post back on aug5th is interesting.
4c7003 No.20178
02f2a7 No.20179
Stone has been remarkably prescient.
70a87f No.20180
he was trying to persuade India to go soft on Muslims.
d90366 No.20181
Lame dude how is Flynn charged on nothing the domino your an idiot
68a2d3 No.20182
ABC now claims he felt abandoned by Trump and will now tell all! LOL.
So full of shit.
94758d No.20183
It’s was little after midnight Central Standarded Time. So I am beginning to think the Flynn story was it for today. It’s already just about end of working day for Friday and weekend is starting. So most likely nothing else till next week.. Someone said a few breads back, a lot won’t happen for another 4-6 weeks.
dc7507 No.20184
If using Firefox, change the memory settings or scroll down and un-tick the auto reload function. And run noScript and/or U-block.
b50f11 No.20185
Your link doesn’t work properly, just sends me to a resort site
d90366 No.20186
its so funny cant wait when their hopes are dashed yet again…popcorn waiting
a9db26 No.20187
guilty plea means no trial, no public testimony
68a2d3 No.20188
Lets hope Q makes a post soon about what direction this will go next.
70a87f No.20189
anybody else find it hilarious that the "Q" referenced in the tweet was (fake) ai?
30df4e No.20190
Roger Stone is usually dead on with what he says though, and he was almost killed by poisoning early in the year.
b50f11 No.20191
Ahhh thank you… that makes sense
e0c1f9 No.20192
794940 No.20193
68a2d3 No.20194
e0c1f9 No.20195
The pedophiles are next!! JUSTICE FOR THE CHILDREN!
bb8367 No.20196
c5a1bd No.20197
You may be somebody's friend, but you're not mine, and probably not to most other lurkers/anons here.
831d52 No.20198
Not finding it. Did he delete it?
c34a36 No.20199
Look at the date. Nov 14th
32cfdd No.20201
Possible Tracking Citizens, monitoring how Asleep they are? Snow White went to sleep after eating a "Bad Apple".. Bad Apples putting/keeping the People Asleep?
fe8be1 No.20202
Interesting company, in same zipcode…
Nationwide Power Solutions Inc
1060 Mary Crest Rd
Henderson, NV 89074
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Systems) Sales and Services - Battery Replacement - Power Distribution - HVAC Sales & Services - Maintenance Agreements & Services - Electrical Planning & Consulting - Data Center Design - Contract Consolidation
Nationwide Power Solutions, Inc. has worked on one hundred and thirty-six contracts worth $2.09 million USD in obligations from the federal government since FY2007. In its latest active fiscal year (2016), the organization received a total of $109,877 USD in obligations.
The principal agencies it has contracted with are the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Justice, and Department of Defense.
dc7507 No.20203
I think he is the one who set up the dominoes.
e1f75b No.20204
I believe many would be in chains. That shit about re-purposed Walmarts looked to be directed at people like us.
794940 No.20205
I just haggled Flynn Pizzagate Twitter…its in image archive
6f081f No.20206
F Giustra also seems to be involved or working with
ERCI: http://ercintl.org/
the international crises group: https://www.crisisgroup.org/
International Resue Committee: https://www.rescue.org/
Human Trafficking?
94758d No.20207
You’re full of crap!
6b3c27 No.20208
'Calculating' 'connections' from the data.
Performing 'retcons' to existing 'maps'.
68a2d3 No.20209
>The pedophiles are next!! JUSTICE FOR THE CHILDREN!
I hope so. Fuckin disgusting animals need to pay for this.
794940 No.20210
I can't find any confirming story
bb8367 No.20211
not to mention the coffins…
6b3c27 No.20213
>That shit about re-purposed Walmarts looked to be directed at people like us.
What the hell?!
9fdb9f No.20214
7fbbf1 No.20215
I have a feeling the pedo shit will be used to get plea deals.
"Plea and go to prison, scumbag, or I'll release evidence of your kiddy-diddling and you'll go to jail with a For Rent sign on your asshole."
Or something like that …
44f5b9 No.20216
I think Q is giving us disinfo here and tipping us off to that with his over the top characterization of him, sounds like the media don’t he. BO=the Clown, Hussein=the man with his strings cut. My guess is he is working with the white hats and will come out with MAGA at the end to usher in acceptance. The man has a cult like following and is a former president so I expect him to be treated differently, not for his sake but his follower’s sake. Just my two cents.
000000 No.20217
Why am I being told by 8ch that Tor users can't upload files on this board? Using the hidden site.
6f081f No.20218
Not using Windows is not an opetion … need for work. Have a virus program running on my computer. Freezing is happening only on this site.
d90366 No.20219
Officials removed 36 desktop computers, multiple removable storage drives, 12 laptops, and “multiple pieces of recording and surveillance equipment” as well as “thousands of pounds of paper documents” from Obama’s home.
1ef41d No.20220
Must say this does sound like Trump.
First time Q has insulted? Losers, morons.
I can't recall Q talking like this.
To be honest, it's the funniest thing I've read Q say. The pic of 0 with Xi surely must have been a WTF are you doing?? No former President has ever done what Soetoro is doing and shows what a monster ego that dude has.
94758d No.20221
Would be GREAT if he/she does!
bbc6fe No.20222
b50f11 No.20223
That’s interesting, first time seeing that.. I’m gonna check it out
So what else can I search up.. seemed to have covered the underground information base, Flynn.. BO.. missing anything?
I need some info for my fellow leafers
794940 No.20224
And a partridge in a pear tree
94758d No.20227
3188b8 No.20228
Zappos is in Henderson. NV - bought out by Amazon. Henderson Data centers underneath?
c34a36 No.20230
LMAO, Tupac alive! yeah sure in Cuba ^^
94758d No.20231
I think it’s a fake. A clown to make you or newbies think different. DISinformation post.
eb3985 No.20232
Its being monitored. You know who.
Not worried on my side; captured a few efforts. Protect myself on how I post.
68a2d3 No.20233
He's going to expect a massive amount of info in return for each one. That's for sure. Also special council lets him use gov cash while unobstructed for as long as he wants.
1515fd No.20234
Maybe Flynn is the story
573257 No.20235
because tor users are more likely to post illegal images
247292 No.20236
According to the Dutch Banker Whistleblower on youtube. Apparently all the faux banking system and elite evil that happens globally, stemmed from a certain bank in the Netherlands.
d90366 No.20237
That article is fake and most of the comment are by Bots
7d396b No.20238
From the faq
The use of VPNs is allowed on all boards. Unlike Tor posting, board owners cannot opt out of posting through VPNs. However, board owners and volunteers might ban some VPNs unknowingly, since they cannot see full IPs, only IP hashes. If your VPN has been banned, a ban message will be displayed and you may appeal the ban.
If you receive infinite captchas without being able to post after switching to a VPN, restart your browser and try again. If it still does not work, explain your situation on /sudo/.
If you are getting infinite captchas without using a VPN, the error may be Cloudflare-related. Again, post about it on /sudo/.
f5046c No.20240
I would love this to be the case. I think there is something off with that Q post. Is it 4d chess?
Many others here think it’s nothing. Time will tell.
9194e2 No.20241
Founder Frank Giustra
big investor: G. Scott Paterson, who:
Yorkton Securities Inc
In 1995, Paterson was recruited again, this time by Yorkton Securities Inc., a small, independent, mining-focused brokerage house. In his six years at Yorkton, Paterson helped transform the brokerage from a mining firm to a knowledge industries firm that targeted technology, internet, film and television, and biotechnology as their industries of focus
The Radcliffe Foundation was established in 1997 by Giustra, its president. The Vancouver-based foundation supports local and international disaster relief, economic development, and homelessness charities.
The Radcliffe Foundation has contributed $30M towards the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI), which works with governments and other partners to increase access medical care for HIV+ people. In 2005, the foundation began supporting the International Crisis Group,[23] an independent organization working to prevent and resolve deadly conflict on five continents through analysis and high-level advocacy. With the support of Giustra, who sits on the executive committee, and contributions that total $10 million, the International Crisis Group is a leading independent, non-partisan, source of analysis and advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict.
The Radcliffe Foundation also has been worked with the Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver on Streetohome, a community-based initiative established in 2008 which brings together non-profits, civil society groups, business, governments and citizens to address homelessness in Vancouver. Giustra sits on the board of Streetohome Foundation and chairs the capital campaign. He also donated $5 million to the foundation in 2010.[24] In Vancouver and surrounding communities in British Columbia, the Radcliffe Foundation assists charities and programs which include British Columbia Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, the Templeton Education Foundation, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, and various other art and theater programs for children.
dc7507 No.20242
The public will not stand for that. The outrage will be strong. Their is no greater crime than torturing a child.
d90366 No.20243
This is one of the posts on that fake Obama Story that password looks familiar
free htaccess password generator | November 26, 2017 at 5:07 am | Reply
Hi this is kinda of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG
editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m
starting a blog soon but have no coding expertise so
I wanted to get guidance from someone with
experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated!
36da6d No.20244
When does a songbird sing?
-When he's indicted and brought in to testify.
e1f75b No.20245
There were 'claims' about Walmarts being used as some kind of FEMA-type camps. Seemed a little wack, but tunnels are apparently under one in Georgia; there was a military presence during construction. I was certain that true patriots were the designated guests. As far as I am concerned, Trump literally saved our lives.
c09a07 No.20247
Yes and no. He quoted the anon who brought up that the 7 supercomputers were named after the 7 dwarfs and said
>dig deeper
It came out that Snow White is the director of operation of the supercomputers
< Snow White and (his) 7 dwarfs
bbc6fe No.20248
Henderson, NV 89074 suite 4b
redfernortho. com
422b2b No.20249
Flynn is a story but a deliberate distraction IMHO. It's a biggie - Fake News has to cover it, allocate resources, take time - and that means their eyes aren't elsewhere.
b50f11 No.20250
7 dwarves.. 7 nation army.. 7 eyes always watching us…
I like the idea of watching how asleep we are.. but Q said
operation Snow White was utilized/activated..
this was not anticipated..
Is Q referring the past, or recent events?? Who’s getting put to sleep/cursed?
68a2d3 No.20252
Its sad watching these dems struggle with basic economics. Borrowing cash = Increased infrastructure/Company profits = Higher tax revenue. Companies do it all the time.
37dc87 No.20253
Fuck I really hate the media in this country
bfebfb No.20254
that was posted last night.
0d258e No.20255
De Nederlandsche Bank is Rothschild owned. Rothschild's also have multiple castles here in The Netherlands.
d90366 No.20256
Yes but the bird has flown the coup
68a2d3 No.20257
Fox just ran a story on Antarctica called this day in history about a treaty signed today. Was that a message?
6f081f No.20258
Thank you … I think I will make myself a graphic of all of this this weekend … see how it all comes together. My instincts tell me I need to find a better, closer, stronger connection to weedman to get the attention
a9db26 No.20259
Cherish and nurture your diversity, Barack Obama tells India
Speaking at the HT Leadership Summit, the former US president said that New Delhi and Washington could solve any problem if they worked together.
https:// scroll.in/latest/859910/cherish-and-nurture-your-diversity-barack-obama-tells-india
a6c522 No.20260
This isn't a real tweet. Just more fake shit to raise hope.
You make my argument.
Good luck soldiers.
d90366 No.20261
Facts are too hard for most lefty types
Also hard work is impossible
bbc6fe No.20262
My Hearing Centers. Medical Equipment & Supplies - Hearing Aids & Testing.
Ste #4B
Henderson, NV 89074
150714 No.20263
Nope, Saudi Prince. You clearly have not read the earlier Q or you would know this. LURK MOAR
b50f11 No.20264
Thanks for the info!!!
135583 No.20265
100% imo, I had chills that whole time.
Shep is a total clown, minutes before he was hinting the stock is going to crash and emphasized it was a new world.:
419c95 No.20266
c24ebf No.20267
A lot of this would have happened under Harper, I hate to say. I don't want him to be a part of this, but we have to look.
794940 No.20269
3188b8 No.20270
16de5e No.20271
Did anything come about the zip code Q posted?
c09a07 No.20272
Q asked, in the context of Uranium 1, why Alex Soros met with Trudeau (I think several times)?
I can't answer or find anything about that. Can you? And if you do will you put it into the spreadsheet please?
bda215 No.20273
3d5bf0 No.20274
a7e890 No.20277
The treaty, entering into force in 1961 and having 53 parties as of 2016,[2] sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. The treaty was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War.
https://en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty_System
a6c522 No.20278
Nope. Just a guy. I know what you know. But I also know nobody else CARES. the system isn't set up to be true and right, it's set up to protect the powers that be.
But keep forcing mindless Q comments into crazy theories… That never turns off idiots that beleive CNN.
The war is info and PR. How do you beat CNN? Truth? No. Most people don't care as long as they are "on the right side".
But keep winning people over with hollow earth, CERN, and deep state shit that nobody will even bother to listen to because the CNN headline gave them all their info needed.
b50f11 No.20280
Good catch!! 50 years today… I don’t chalk that up to coincidence…
d90366 No.20281
6e81f8 No.20282
>Do (they) have little armies of children raised from birth
Yeah, they call them berries.
c34a36 No.20283
i think i found something guys.. ill post asap!!
3188b8 No.20284
Any links to more info on berries?
68a2d3 No.20286
Honestly never seen anything like that on Faux. "This day in history…."and with the rumors surrounding Antarctica…never know anons….
1dfcb3 No.20287
It tweets, does it?
Wonder if Sophia can be made into Tay 2.0?
That would be awesome.
d90366 No.20288
a6c522 No.20289
Is why Q info is meaningless. They don't care. Flynn today "proved" Trump is a Russian spy traitor.
Srsly. Read the news and see faceberg your neighbors have already decided.
First to post will win
68a2d3 No.20290
Pic one is my favorite pic of all time. You can feel he disgust.
eb3985 No.20292
Troll and laughing at you.
e3d28d No.20293
the more trump sets up these libtards with fake news the harder they fall when they realize the truth.
150714 No.20294
Look into Operation Jade Helm.
c34a36 No.20295
No, its bigger than that. i dont think this has been posted at all tbh
6e81f8 No.20296
> the anti-christ has a Bow…
a7e890 No.20297
agreed. skeptical but open… cray cray if real about …
c5a1bd No.20299
If you haven't seen anything, maybe you should be lurking instead of posting.
b1a63e No.20300
On the edge of Gen Y here, 23
It's revenge time baby.
8ad87a No.20303
I commented last night on Q's post regarding the NV zip code and this company's data center. It's one of the 5 biggest hubs for the internet in the world. It handles most of the data for some of the largest Fortune 1000 companies. I wouldn't be surprised if it also held the "Snowden files" on US citizens, other countries, etc. It may or may not be connected, but it seemed likely to me. More to come later on this after I confirm a few facts…
68a2d3 No.20304
To all the trolling shitlibs. Game over!
eb3985 No.20305
a9db26 No.20306
Hawaii tests a missile warning system amid fears of an attack by North Korea. The system hasn't been tested since the Cold War.
419c95 No.20307
a white cancer patient
a6c522 No.20308
And I'm the dumb one. No matter what happens it's "must be 76D chess" because Trump is infallible. You forgot he's a human and we are flawed. All of us
aaa0db No.20309
<almonds activated
John anon who warned about LV attack 3 weeks before, said to avoid Henderson (pic related).
>Patsy Paddock and his brother also owned property and lived in proximity to each other in Henderson.
But nothing ever happened in Henderson
c34a36 No.20310
would be perfect if Q came now! i think i found something he askeed about.
we will see when i post what people says
247292 No.20311
Nothing is more interesting than Q and CBTS atm.
I can barely look at other news sources I usually go on (voat, truthfeed, brietbart). I always come back here waiting for another Q truth bomb or bread crumb to drop.
It's real truth and knowledge from the administration themselves.
Admire that for a second; 8chan is currently the only place on the net where we deplorables have a line of contact from someone on the inside. What a blessing.
It gives me hope, especially with all the psyops and distractions going on in normal news sources.
If we didn't have these leaks, a lot of us would still wonder if Trump could really be able to do the impossible and bring justice to the people & children, or just fight an uphill battle he couldn't win.
God Bless Trump, his administration, and Q for giving us hope!
573257 No.20313
the point of allowing the MSM to broadcast this investigation for months is so they can't spin it when the real corruption is exposed
>b-but mueller is a russian plant, they will say
>after months of praising his character and hyping up the investigation
438222 No.20314
Q ain't gonna post until we have fresh bread for him.
17d6f1 No.20315
So, with the FlynnFlip did we just lose the war?
a6c522 No.20316
You don't even realize what you posted.
High on the drug of hope has colored your thinking. You fit any info into the boxes youve already created.
What if you're wrong?
981d75 No.20317
The thought of having someone like that on the "other side" is very warm and welcoming, but all information and allegiances must be put to the test if you wish to know they are what they claim.
e0980b No.20318
Wish this guy got more attention. He died to expose LV shooting.
e0c1f9 No.20319
look around you….who are the ones falling from grace? It isn't Trump…Q has been proven to be Real and his information credible…Nice try though but sell your bs back at FB…nobody here believes your shilliness!
ce0ca5 No.20320
Hahaha nobody believes CNN anymore, not even here in Europe
68a2d3 No.20321
And attacking Trump for even the mere mention that he might replace him. What the shitlibs tried to do all of these months is set a bunch of traps hoping Trump would fall for one of them. Then they could nail him (like Nixon).
a6c522 No.20322
Mueller covered up 9/11
Yet now he's amazing because some random post said he is on your side.
What has he done to show that AT ALL?
c34a36 No.20323
i think i got something fresh
8b91cf No.20324
Well that explain's BO's famous affinity for Blackberries – he was one himself
a7e890 No.20325
maybe disinfo?.
wow, u goes loose faith fast!
we won't know until we know. stop speculating