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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 5f0601a10161259⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 255x151, 255:151, cbts-header.jpg)

8270fc No.255388

The Republic of America is being Restored

The Silent Executioner has taken the Stand. The floor is yours.

There has been a Storm brewing for more time than we know against the monsters that impoverish our world.

Good hearted Men in positions of Power have each drawn their line in the sand and watched these wretched idiots rape their way across it.


It stands to reason that Good Men across intelligence agencies have set in calculated motion the greatest restoration of Good the world will ever know with an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’"

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here are the facts:

There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22.

There have been thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office.

As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations.

Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.


Sincere Patriots.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic spread.

You know what to do. Godspeed Patriots.



Please read the "About Shills" section below.

8270fc No.255390




The Board Owner Q IS BACK Tripcode Update


Board Owner's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Update


C!Odemonkey's IMPORTANT NEW Tripcode Announcement


Board Owner's emergency announcement


>>224690 ← Modanon explains

For posterity, here are the old trips Q had used so far:

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


Q !2nVA4xm522

(last trip was wrong trip due to error in entering password)




Posts TODAY (Archive only)

– #299 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:403375 –

https:// archive.is/4wvwi

www.anonfiles .cc/file/aa5f7432dd68ac9f740e2bd67a2fe118

– #295 using name/trip "Q !UW.yye1fxo" & ID:ab7ad6 –

https://media.8ch. net/file_store/537c23cbde1a9342adaebe37b7f34cae6b77c1f019fcb550d5c01368ac47ef5a.jpeg

https:// archive.fo/s1tua

>>249169 -> Graphic

01/04/18 (EST)


>>239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


>>239222 -> C!Odemonkey (8ch Admin) Confirmation

>>239917 -> Confirmation The Second

>>239968 -> BO Confirms




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)

1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.

8270fc No.255391




Important SpreadSheet Announcement

Due to threats to delete all anon's hard work in the open columns of the spreadsheet (and any future smartsheets) the spreadsheet has been changed to read & download only mode.

New link: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=526615d9859649bbb85460c498bab296

Working on alternatives and will make announcement soon on a resolution to this issue.


Latest Q Map - Fight, Fight, Fight Edition

>>252184 media.8kun.top/file_store/92a7a7fd28c4fb2505bfc47e0fe2b370a82dc22ab9a2a4f0c27b7aa80f9cec27.jpg

Q Posts 2017 (meta, txt & html): 460 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/b93ccf2f2476b34fff65be9f0ad4e75a

News Search: qcodefag.github.io/news 2000+ News articles from /cbts/ searchable ← "News unlocks map." -Q, 11/23/2017

Text: [4chan] pastebin.com/vTs4pdpC | [8chan] pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

Raw Text Q Dump: anonfile.com/n8K4u7dfb1/q_raw.txt

Updated QMap PDF: https://anonfile.com/22Y4ubd7ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.3.1.pdf

PDF: For Spider Web Mapping: dropfile.to/2UrnCy7

Dataset: Dataset of Q's posts: anonfile.com/mei9s5d9ba/q_data_set_1.5.zip, >>219579

The Book of Q: pastebin.com/g893uTTk (pdf, parts I-V)

Interactive: qcodefag.github.io

Q Database: db-q.com (has posts, search, glossary, legend, timeline & quiz)

Q turned A: anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf (Last Q post on this is from 12 NOV 2017 - It's getting stale)

CSV file of Q posts, time stamps, and POTUS Twitter: ufile.io/nmyy0

Wiki: Need a proper wiki.




CBTS 4chan & 8chan Threads Archive list: qarchives.ml/qarchives.html

Archive of all 8chan Research & Topic Threads 12.29.17: pastebin.com/bzKgFDwC

CBTS 8chan Board Archive: 8ch.net/cbts/archive/index.html

Search archive.is for CBTS and Topic Threads: archive.is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

4chan Trip-Q Archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of Links Posted to 4pol: pastebin.com/A97LLKZL


Side by Side of Q/POTUS as Q requested:


All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/PnVUATb4

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

Tools & Information

Mapping tools: >>111700, >>119941

Free research resources: >>216402

For site archival: archive.fo/

Marine Codes: marineparents.com/downloads/CP04-AppdxB-Acronyms-Abbreviations.pdf

Encode/Decode Text: paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

The World Government PDF: bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wordlgov2005.pdf

Bad Actors and their crimes (WIP): pastebin.com/ZP9izH9s

Reverse Image Search: tineye.com

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

8270fc No.255395






>>251260 DOJ asked to investigate author of "Trump Dossier" Christopher Steele

>>251153 Roy Moore accuser's Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway

>>251152 , >>251156 Sylvania man indicted for having more than 27,000 images and 1,300 videos of child sexual exploitation

>>250933 Hannity reports that CDC set to hold high-level meetings in January re preparedness for nuclear attack

>>246411 US government has decided to close its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks

>>245384 Kurt Eichenwald Pedo Extraordinaire

>>244751 FusionGPS bank records to be released

>>244329 Nunes Unchained

>>244327 McCabe - Russia connection

>>243821 FOX: Justice Dept. reopens Hilary Clinton Email Investigation

>>240992 Another one bites the dust , CBS News employee , inappropriate behavior

>>240917 DoD Tweet - National Slavery and #HumanTrafficking Prevention Month

>>240771 POTUS Tweet on - Voter Identification - Coincidence?

>>240756 4.5 Earthquake San Francisco Bay - Yahoo

>>240675 Mike Tyson's new Weed Farm ->WashPost

>>240571 POTUS tweet -> NK , SK talks

>>240539 POTUS tweet -> Democratic States hand refused to hand over data from 2016 Election

>>239749 Deep State's Plan 'C' -ZeroHedge

>>239666 Rosenstein loses game of chicken vs Nunes House Intelligence will get documents ->TruePundit

>>239556 , >>239570 Mt. St. Helens 40 Eqrthquakes since New Years' Day

>>239554 Bump for Visibility and Relevance , EO_Proclaimation_EO

>>238914 1st 2018 Verified Q Post ->suggest read from here , some anons started digging immediately

>>238784 , >>238796 Pilot of missing plane identified , connections?


>>238738 , >>238740 Amtrak Train Derails in Savannah ,GA

>>238517 France to crack down on Fake News -> Fox6now

>>238481 Sad Aviation Story Tonight , Plane out of Oklahoma dissapered over Gulf of Mexico

>>238392 , >>238406 POTUS Signs H.R. 4661, S. 1536, and S. 2273 into Law

>>238371 Press Secretary Statement -> Presidential advisory commission election integrity

>>238538 Voter fraud commission being handed off to dhs will no longer be stonewalled by dems , Breitbart

>>238303 , >>238366 Anniversary of The Battle of Princeton 01/03/1777

>>238137 Timeline of Treason HRC DNC FBI , sourced , dated

^^needs independant verification -> /cbts/

>>238026 Plane Disappears from Radar

>>238003 Sexual abuse of Disabled Veteran , DailyCaller

>>237721 DJT Tweets , Tax Cuts , Stock Market , MAGA!

>>237121 Trump Admin announce Cuts in security assistance for Pakistan

>>236990 , >>237000 Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission

>>236926 , >>238046 Turkish banker convicted , 5 counts of conspiracy and bank fraud , Iranian ties

>>236917 Anti-Trump media blitz -> DailyMail

>>236844 Managing Director of Och-Ziff Cap.Mgmt. Indicted for Defrauding Client and Ob.of Justice-> unsealed indictment

>>236793 , >>237395 AG Sessions appotints 17 interim prosecutors , 30-50 Flights to GITMO since Dec. 18

>>266655 C Clinton denies worshipping satan - TheHill

>>236584 , >>236649 , >>236698 Mark Cuban Underage Girl , related to Bannon news?

>>236525 , >>238438 Rosenstein into Speakers Office - tweet , importance TheHill

>>236523 report states started in SS facitily?

>>236237 , >>236331 SS narrative fishy?

>>236175 , >>236180 , >>236182 Fire was in the SS facitity , FoxNews


>>235693 Planefags Update

>>235581 , >>236215 Manafort files Civil Lawsuit against Mueller , Dep. AG Rosenstein and US DoJ , reuters

>>235568 , >>235590 , >>235652 Report of Fire in Chappaqua , Clinton's home , Confirmed

>>235518 Houthi rebels 'sieze' unmaned passive UUV , claimed to be operated by SA

>>235284 Planefags notice lots of choppers in the air

>>235217 Don Jr. Packs a Punch - twitter

>>235076 , >>235107 , >>235420 , >>235559 Trump slams Bannon - FoxNews , bloomberg , WH , Amazon

>>235043 , >>236532 When a NK missile his a NK city

>>241335 More happenings list

8270fc No.255399




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1: >>2

Memes #2: >>61078

Memes #3: >>107604

Memes #4: >>142207

Infographs: >>10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>189875




→ Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance (>>134272). Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

Additional Redpill Tactics in Three Parts

Part 1: >>189448

Part 2: >>189460

Part 3: >>189467

Derived from this source file: pastebin.com/mYN5J74B

^^The source of this pastebin is here: pastebin.com/JUp6vUDe (Contains additional links not retrieved from the archives and contains enough redpill tactics for new meme-droppers to learn the skill…)

Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Your call, Anons. But don't mention 8chan, please.


Prayer Requests: >>55606

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

e3b00a No.255422


I am confused. Why would Q use an ex AMB's name for his trip code? And, why after three months would he come out yelling: "Who is AMB Matlock?" Is it possible that we are somehow having a two way conversation with the Ruskies?

8270fc No.255430

File: 3462aee53a1f235⋯.png (789.28 KB, 720x537, 240:179, potusq.png)

BO Announcement

Good morning you indomitable anons. Another glorious day in the Corps. Shills, trolls, famefags and other illiterate losers have been busy already today, helped by some Clown shekels. Have faith: they are being dealt with. A few points:

Codemonkey is MIA

He changed the algorithm that generates the super secure trips to fix a bug. That changed my trip AND everyone else who uses a super secure one (MasterArchivist for example). I have asked him for some resolution but so far, none has been forthcoming. This is the BO however, as the edit to this post will show.

Claiming that I or this board is compromised gets you a ban and delete

/thestorm/ is over there. Be my guest. Really.

The latest posts from Q are a LARP

The mods have consulted with Dr Jerome Corsi, a recognized expert at military intelligence communications, and he confirms that the most recent drops from Q using the !UW.yye1fxo tripcode are a 'kid who thinks he knows what Q posts look like.' They have been deleted. If you don't like it, again, /thestorm/ is that way.

Any bakers lurking, put your hands up please.

We are /cbts/.

We serve at the pleasure of POTUS and Q.

Do not fuck with us.

- The Board Owner and co.

Post last edited at

1d9c09 No.255434

File: b3209691aaa36cc⋯.png (393.75 KB, 1129x802, 1129:802, FakeQaustraliafight.png)

File: c1260e4fba8b636⋯.png (114.94 KB, 540x300, 9:5, mossadhackedQ.png)


Fake Q is indeed from a different timezone. It's Australia. He/they were busy cracking the tripcode on Jan. 1st.

http:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/UWeyye1fxk

(See pic.)

In the last post if fake Q he encourages you all to fight. Fight each other, that means!

They want to destroy our unity. Devide amd rule.

(((Their))) motto is "By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War".

Don't fight… Unite!

046db3 No.255447


>The mods have consulted with Dr Jerome Corsi, a recognized expert at military intelligence communications, and he confirms that the most recent drops from Q using the !UW.yye1fxo tripcode are a 'kid who thinks he knows what Q posts look like.' They have been deleted. If you don't like it, again, /thestorm/ is that way.

fuck yeah, knew they were off. All those years shittily wordsmithing poems paid off! Cheers BO, thanks for the confirm.

5061cc No.255451

Being hateful and negative creates negative situations.

Being focused and positive creates positive situations.

1d9c09 No.255452



Your doing good BO, you know who (((they))) are.

This is not a game!

After my post the shills come in fast!


Now accusing BO of being Mossad.

(((You))) people are really sick in the head!

db0e63 No.255453

Can we get back to the real Q posts?

Last I knew, before the artshillery attack, we were trying to figure out what the

/[RR-out][P_Pers] and follow on meant.

Has there been progress?

8df2bc No.255455

BO is correct. /thestorm/ is over there and everyone is free to leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

Anyone who is continuing to troll this board and try so hard to convince anons to go to /thestorm/ is way suspect IMO.

I've been here for months and the trouble has ALWAYS been with those people.

I agree the last Q posts were fake and nothing so far has convinced me otherwise.

So children, stop crying so hard, it's embarrassing and pathetic.

dbdb4d No.255456


there are conversations going on in here, but I am no expert, but with the possible Putin angle in the election coming out right now, it might be good for Russia to have begun negotiations if this becomes a thing. Very interesting to say the least

a82a33 No.255457


BO's heart is true in this fight. Rock on BO!!!!

bbe6ef No.255458

File: a00ae1cd4323302⋯.png (84.78 KB, 629x753, 629:753, Q.png)


So these posts are considered legit? (Linked above, under Latest Q Posts.)

bace42 No.255459

Okay then…. Independent of all the fuckery… who's got an angle on this "Muslim" cuck allegedly cracking tripcodes? Seems like prime time for counterattack. Can I get a second on the motion?

ec5f10 No.255460

Good Morning Anons!

TODAY is a NEW day. Let's Roll.

db0e63 No.255461

8270fc No.255462


Thank you anon - as I suspected.

eb1dee No.255463

File: 23062965d7e2906⋯.jpg (771.12 KB, 2562x1624, 183:116, freemindmediamockingbirdjp….jpg)

My first crappy meme for this session.

Hey, at least I'm working.

8270fc No.255464


Fake and gay. Ignore.

5ea414 No.255465


>angle on this "Muslim" cuck

mossad jew agent

pretending to be a muslim

trying to crack Q tripcode

to post his own propaganda posing as Q

to create a falseflag info-attack here on cbts

1d9c09 No.255466


Mossad always creating false ID's. In Australia they're busted many times…





dbdb4d No.255467



8270fc No.255468


Dr Corsi thinks that this means Rod Rosenstein is going to be pushed out. The P_Pers could mean Presidential Personal - i.e. it will be on the personal recommendation of the President. Not sure about the latter bit though.

5ea414 No.255469

#303 is still at 668

fill it up before coming here.

db0e63 No.255470


I read Corsi's account via his twat. I agree with that line, but almost everything else in his analysis does not make sense.

It's the SIG_con line that has me scratching my head.

bbe6ef No.255472


It's locked.

1d9c09 No.255473


False flags are their way of deception.

Using other (names) to blame another entity. Most often, muslims.

8270fc No.255475


Currently locked for skull-cracking purposes.

bace42 No.255476


I know what he's doing. I mean where is it going down, (Or already did, I suppose.) perhaps getting evidence of them actually cracking the trip would be beneficial to everyone. Would be nice to know for sure with a nice screenshot of him going (Hurhurhur it's #NotMatlock gaize!!"

a2c48c No.255477




>Cbts has become the Gorilla Channel

Hey now!! CBTS isn't THAT good. (/s)

1d9c09 No.255478


Because (((you))) are the fake nazis, fake muslim terrorists.

There's no irony in it, only deception.

But we know it. Trump Q team knows it, Palantir system knows it.

You are done!

db0e63 No.255482

I found this while checking out alternative acronyms for SIG:

Marine Strategic Initiatives Group:


It's empty, like it was just a fake put up, but it's on the official .mil site. Source code is just a template, too.

b462d8 No.255483


Do you find it odd that the word "adrenochrome" ends with CH Rome. Wonder where the hell that word

eb1dee No.255484

Come on guys, honestly.

If Q is true, and if Q needs to drop us anything else, Q has access to some of the best people and resources out there. All this bickering and in fighting is making all of us, and the entire Q thing, a fucking joke. Please excuse my language, but you're all really starting to piss me off.

Q will find a way to reconfirm, if Q wants/needs to.

Otherwise, just get on with the task at hand for Christ's sake.

/end rant

db0e63 No.255485


Q's 1-4 post clearly showed he knew about the cell phone ban 7 hours before it was announced. The *real* message started with the /[RR-out][P_Pers] line.

Concentrate, fags. That's the message we need to look at.

823acb No.255486

File: abc50944218f690⋯.png (1.83 MB, 800x800, 1:1, nw.png)


Thanks for the info and efforts. Stay vigilant.

8df2bc No.255487


Thanks for the proofs anon. The timestamps don't lie and we all knew the 2nd Q trip was about to be cracked. Looks like (((they))) succeeded and would be fun to watch him post on /thestorm/. But tbh I can't be bothered watching the fuckery continue over there. kek.

bc9da2 No.255488

File: 2af4d68767aecbd⋯.png (43.57 KB, 639x350, 639:350, POTUS 1-6-2018 3 49 am.PNG)

2dfefb No.255489

when will all this bs be rectified?

a82a33 No.255490


No new bread over there,.they're still at bread #5

4b3709 No.255491

>>255453 I thought this had been associated with an EO that had been 404'd from the Ronald Reagan times hence R_R and EO number. This made sense the 31281a code at page end was the 12th of March 1981 when there was an assassination on RR no conspiracies.

a7b45d No.255492

Guys, apologies if this has been posted before but 11 hours ago the fat man aka AJ posted an interview on YT with “Zaq”, supposedly an intelligence operative titled: “High Level Intelligence Source Confirms Kwok Is REAL”.

The “operative” Zaq mentions a number of things that have come from Q without attributing them to Q. These include: “what makes a good movie? Good (sic) actors”, supposedly a Trump tweet which I can’t find, as well as Matlock.

Check it out and see what you think:

www. youtube.com/watch?v=tmnBywq8zR8&sns=em

Something fucky with this guy and who is Miles Kwok?

db0e63 No.255493



8270fc No.255494


Getting there fast anon.

13bc3a No.255495


Chrome comes from ancient Greek for Colour - Khroma.

f53c56 No.255496

So, had a chat with some normies today, and all I got was Trump this and Trump that. They have created a cult of personality about him, sort of an anti-hero vibe. Like he is the ultimate monster, the ultimate evil, the ultimate imbecile. Its as comical as the KJU NK thing but sort of in reverse. Needless to say I wasn't very successful at redpilling any of them, but I did matter of factually correct a few of their overly exaggerated claims, and managed to get a few people thinking about the "my button works" comment when all they could parrot was the "my button is bigger" comment. We definitely have our hands full - I now see why Q wanted us to do the dirty work : these people are so brainwashed that nothing coming from the GEOTUS side of the field would ever be believed no matter how much evidence is presented!

And I say this from as far away from the CONTUS as you can get… this is a WW fight fags!

Godspeed. There are a few of us far away trying to help.

8df2bc No.255497


They've been at the centre of fuckery 4 times (?) now. I was over them the 2nd time. But 4 times? C'mon now. =D

dbdb4d No.255498


how do we fell about Jerome Corsi because he is updating a page from all Qposts and his up to 4th Jan

Should I post the link? it is fro Scribed

2dfefb No.255500



not to be a dick but a lot of faith in cbts has been lost I hope that changes when things get sorted

db0e63 No.255501


That EO number is from the FDR times. It is not on his look up list, but there's a scan all over the place here on various breads. It dealt with what eventually became the OK for the ATF… from 1934.

I was following the thread where the commission DJT disbanded on 1/3 (sections 6 and 7) was due to be terminated 30 days after issuing its report. (Section 6). But Section 7A is only admin stuff saying they get what they need from the GSA to do the job… So, my line was probably a dead end. (sections 6 and 7 of 1/3 EO).

a82a33 No.255502

File: f536957cd6fef1f⋯.png (231.6 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, Screenshot_2018-01-06-19-5….png)

8df2bc No.255503


You should do an interview with Corsi. It would be good

bc9da2 No.255504

File: 5839415e74dc679⋯.png (50.33 KB, 634x384, 317:192, POTUS 1-6-2018 3 57 am.PNG)

046db3 No.255505


Was obvious it was attempt to D&C back on 4chin when the Baker Wars started. Many of the tripfags were good actors, but shitstirring was so common between true anons and tripfags, it was impossible to have arisen organically. BBox is one of the shitstirrers, no idea whether just stupid misguided teen or actual clown.

a09ff4 No.255506

fuckery is still afoot soldiers. look alive!

8df2bc No.255507


I was spooked today and now I feel comfy again. My intuition is always 100%.

d34047 No.255508

Debt Free Jubilee ONLY WAY TO MASS REDPILL the Normies…… PAY There Electric Bill for a year….. They will ask WHY ? Then are willing to hear us………

6d8722 No.255509


Hahaha. Get your waders on

6a408e No.255510


Miles Kwok is supposedly gets orders from Soros and Bannon is working with Kwok. China wants Kwok extradited then China will give Greenlight on NK strike

8270fc No.255511


Digits confirm uncertainty. The lost of trust was the whole point of the shill attack and it also distracted us from digging.

8df2bc No.255512


kek dude, I'd watch it. I like Corsi, he's good value.

4d61dc No.255513


An option would even be that the "breach"of the pw would have been part of an original plan.

In any case the low security of the used pw is quite surprising and a little odd…

2dfefb No.255514


"distracted us from digging"

thats an understatement

409b42 No.255515

File: 0a141d217d16706⋯.png (10.32 KB, 310x66, 155:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny you say that, I was of being from stormfront and was banned for speaking about voting trends by demographic in a way that even Trump speaks about publicly.

You also are implying that real Nazis are your (and Trump's) guys, which is an opinion that antifa has and a talking point that even CNN uses. You further your convoluted argument by accidentally claiming that your implied guys are shills that support Trump.

This is a textbook disinfo strategy here, basically there is no coherency to what you are saying or accusing people of, just pure conflicting rhetoric, reddit.

db0e63 No.255516

Another fuking blank page… this time for the US Army Strategic Intelligence Group. It says from MA, but I'm pretty sure its out of Ft Belvoir, VA, just outside DC.


Why have a web page at all? Just another blind alley.

6d8722 No.255517


Not saying he isn’t. More of a jab at Tracy’s BFF

bace42 No.255518

Currently digging on that cuck that supposedly cracked the trip… nothing so far though. not really my wheelhouse.

5cc3a0 No.255519



Please allow me to ask this question and hope you could honestly answer….

You mentioned you have back channel to Q, could you explain what that is and how this faggotary could happen if there is a back channel?

Thank you

4d61dc No.255520


Can anyone explain why Q wouldn't use one of the fancy new super sector trip codes and use an old one instead?

6a408e No.255521

The infighting and lack of TRANSPARENCY along with the I'm the Authoritarian BO shit cause dissent. Shills are trying to takeover these boards to control the narrative


8270fc No.255522


Classic disinfo attack. Not badly done either - took us at least a couple of hours to get on top of.

d74704 No.255523


They did this with NZ passports too. They like to travel under the passports of harmless countries.

As for the tripcode, Mossad would have been smart enough to run a dictionary attack, and then they would have used the tripcode to post a whole bunch of fake Q posts and get us to waste time and discredit ourselves. This "muslim" guy also acted like being two letters off is close, when it is not at all. I think he was dumb. Probably a muslim.

P.S. Looks like all the recent fuckery is in response to the Loop Capital crumb. Loop Capital is running pyramid schemes. These are perfect for money laundering and payola. All it takes is a few tips on when to get in, and when to get out. Think of them as a mob casino.

db0e63 No.255524


BO never said that. He said Q could contact him, NOT that there was a back channel. Attention to detail is important.

b1df7c No.255525


You are not a dick. This is temporary, and really, restored my faith that CBTS is honest and trying to do the right thing in a sea of childish egos. It was embarising to watch them pile on the BO demanding instant attention to their shit. I feel bad I didn't post something in support, but I felt that would have ben just more noise.

4d61dc No.255526


secure! Not sector. Dam autocorrect

bab9c5 No.255527


Straight out of the ShareBlue manual.

BO and these clowns are shills.

They are trying to discredit Q drops.


6d8722 No.255528


Easy when the warriors are not in the battle.

eb1dee No.255529


I've been getting a tonne of 404's and 'can't find that page' of late. I mean, so many that I can't help but think there's something dicky going on, and I'm not one to be quick toward thinking something shady.

046db3 No.255530


You now have the word of a fucking military analyst against you. Do you feel you measure up?

Do you feel in charge?

d34047 No.255531

I would not bash Tracy, she is not hiding behind anon boards… Her ass is out there in the wind also…. in a big way… Stick together all want the same outcome….

8df2bc No.255532


I was there during the 4ch baker wars. Fame whores are always highly strung lil bitches. Just look at Hollywood starlets.

That said I like other name anons here like spreadsheet, wiki and archivist, they're solid and put A LOT of work into this project (or whatever this Q thing is).

bab9c5 No.255533


And who would that be?

Are you trying to sound menacing, shill?

64d476 No.255534

Good Morning Guise ! Was just about to figure out what happened overnight.


What's with the read circles ? Threads being deleted again ?

046db3 No.255535


>confirmed for not reading thread header and being here just to shitstir

You make it too easy

2dfefb No.255536


I was there in real time. I can see a shift in attitude happening.

Like another anon said the attack makes cbts and Co intentions to help more clear

bab9c5 No.255537


Jerome? Give me a break.

5cc3a0 No.255538


Thank you for that..

In that case We should sit tight and wait for CM and Q's next move…

Thank you all the honest anons handing in there….

1d9c09 No.255539


I don't buy your bullshit.

And loop capital is as unimportant as the rest of your crap.

We know who you are and your deceptive games.

f53c56 No.255540


Break links or they can see where traffic is coming from and can deep 6 pages that are important to /cbts/ research unless we archive them. Basic informational warfare. 404's mean that either pages are created for nothing, or pages are removed for a reason. There are no coincidences…

8270fc No.255541


Timeline is important to understand.

1. I removed all Q's whitelisted trips because the old one was cracked and the new one was becoming close to being cracked.

2. Q posted as Anonymous in /pol/ because he couldn't post here with compromised trips. This was confirmed by Codemonkey and by the mods who saw that he was posting from a device used by previous known good Q.

3. LARPers pop up in here using Q's now cracked second trip with a cracked pw.

db0e63 No.255542

A bunch of squirrel-chasing shills invaded and were busily fuking with cbts while the mods, BO, and codeM slept, apparently.

I just took a nap and waited, myself, after I saw the BO announcement of the fake Q posts. Last real ones were 1/4. The one that started "Follow the MONEY" was the first fakery.

046db3 No.255543


Well, there's also not being aware of baneposting, but that's a different matter, clown.

404135 No.255544

File: 85127a1a681bfe4⋯.png (254.86 KB, 601x600, 601:600, IMG_2003.png)


Whether they are Shareblue or just opportunists the truth is shining through.

> Fake Nazis are Jews

> Discussing MAGA policy = stormfront

> Nazis are all shills unless they like Trump

> Nazis like Trump

> Trump = Nazi

2dfefb No.255545


after the first crack any subsequent posts should have been met with skepticism


8270fc No.255546


I can't explain how it works but it does exist and is very real.

0e69e4 No.255547

File: 9d2279bb991f10a⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 1000x543, 1000:543, screen_shot_2014-07-09_at_….jpg)

File: 8915f21973fc5a4⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 353x431, 353:431, kekmate.jpg)

awesome jupiter mars conjunction this morning

where is pierre?

db0e63 No.255548


We know how to fix links. These aren't bad URL 404's. There are lots of pages 404ing for no apparent reason. I found two nearly-blank pages that are just templates today… see my earlier. Just strange that so many blind alleys are turning up.

8270fc No.255549


Correct. Carry on anon.

6d8722 No.255550


How does number 3 work when you do number 1?

8df2bc No.255551


Dude I've never had an issue with Tracy. I was subbed to her youtube channel months before Q existed and her research skills have always been solid. She's just a chick with good skills and a strong belief in the Qdrops. Always friendly and IMO always humble in her style and communication.

If she makes a few $$$ out of this then kudos to her. I haven't seen her make any errors yet.

BTW I'm a conservative and a capitalist and support people who try and make a buck or two. But only if they're true and tracy is true. She's no con artist.

046db3 No.255552


Trips were reenabled in the hopes Q would establish and confirm a secure one. Timeline got fucked since tripcrackers were first.

eb1dee No.255553


Um, I haven't posted any unbroken links.

I've been getting a lot of 404's and 'can't find page', not from here, but when doing my own digging. Mostly government sites, and I can tell you if using a VPN, no WH page will load.

And, I thought 404 was just a generic code for something went wrong, but we can't tell you want, because we don't know.

bd0005 No.255554

File: 544aca1572b17c2⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 300x210, 10:7, 1j6iss.jpg)

Mods and their arrogance on authority…aka i got the bigger dick (pic related)


5cc3a0 No.255555



Thank you, so this back channel does exist?

Can you get in touch with Q or only he can get in touch with you?

And any latest news on the guy who first used Matlock to impersonate Q? You say you reported him right?

6d8722 No.255556


He clearly says the old trip was removed from the whitelist and then says it still has access.

2dfefb No.255557

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

"out the old Ronald Reagan"= RR out?

046db3 No.255558


It was an additional step between 2 and 3, a few days ago.

9ca28f No.255559


>Codemonkey is MIA

>He changed the algorithm that generates the super secure trips to fix a bug. That changed my trip AND everyone else who uses a super secure one

That's an obvious lie.


bc9da2 No.255560

File: 699c0a103f8ff37⋯.png (48.9 KB, 648x386, 324:193, POTUS 1-6-2018 4 19 am.PNG)

2b9640 No.255561

Is Mike Pence good guy or bad guy?

Looking for info. Lot's of weak sauce articles saying he was pedo and trafficker in Indiana.

This Feb 2017 blog:

"Former CIA officer Robert David Steele explains how Flynn was really fired because he was in possession of a high-level Washington DC pedophile list with many names. One of those names was Vice President Mike Pence’s “best friend”.

http:// www.theeventchronicle.com/cabal-exposed/former-cia-officer-flynn-fired-high-level-dc-pedophile-list/#

Pence's best friend seems to be Jeff Flake.

http: //archive.is/upbJY

8270fc No.255562


Duh - step 2a was me re-enabling all trips in the hope that Q would post from a known good IP with a super secure one. You can see the rash of tripfags re-appearing in the thread when I did it.

2dfefb No.255563


"out the old Ronald Regan"= RR out?

0f0491 No.255564


BO I hope you are the real deal, but if you're not and compromised, please just walk away. Q will find a way to get back in contact. I don't mean any disrespect because we have some horrible people opposing us. Their lives are literally on the line and of course they will try everything. There is no shame in walking away and having some 'me' time if they are threatening you. It's completely understandable. However if you're the real deal and recent Q has been fake then you are a hero. Hope you understand. There is no shame in making yourself safe.

(BANNED - any suggestion that I am compromised gets a ban. Can you read? )

db0e63 No.255565


Bingo! We have the /[RR-out][P_Pers]

answered. But again, this just proves Q is on the inside. We already know that.

What is the point, and how do the EO ad SIG_con lines matter?

8df2bc No.255567


YES exactly. I watched it all go down

6d8722 No.255569


Duh? Ok. 2a, 2b, 2c

af0bfe No.255571


And it was a P-pers or personal president announced message through twitter– another Q confirmed drop– YES

7a5742 No.255572


Dumb question maybe: how can Q use always the same IP if he travels the world? And anyway, how can you be sure he's going to use that IP, it was a clear agreement or just you supposing so?

Because if there wasn't a clear agreement, he could change IP, and you could call him shill by mistake.

8270fc No.255573

File: 54b3c89cbd9d81e⋯.png (43.25 KB, 1174x352, 587:176, codemonkeypm.png)


Pic related. Fuck off.

2dfefb No.255574



and notice the phrasing? Its not quite the correct wording

8df2bc No.255575


Whoa that's just too coincidental.

f9816e No.255576


How can you be sure that they cracked the second trip?

If they did, why Q asked Codemonkey's help in /thestorm/?

bc9da2 No.255577

File: 8e953ef049dc9b1⋯.png (48.1 KB, 639x379, 639:379, POTUS 1-6-2018 4 27 am.PNG)

6d8722 No.255578


Yep. Don’t hit the Starbucks WiFi - LOL

9911c1 No.255579


Sorry faggot. We're not stupid enough to fall for your bullshit.








7a5742 No.255581


This is big.

Q announced PPers tweet RR out.

We also have definitive proof that Q 01.04 was real deal. Genius, man.

64d476 No.255582


Mr. Bakerman, I believe SpreadSheetAnon posted an updated link to the spreadsheet with notes to be included in the batter yesterday >>250326

Did some updates in yesterday's dough get lost during the shill storm ?

a82a33 No.255583


Go back to /the storm/ then

a09ff4 No.255584


why are you pointing people to that shithole?

7da465 No.255585



codemonkey comped?

f9816e No.255586


Was there ever contract between us and Q stating that he/she/they would post at a specific timezone?

bc9da2 No.255587

File: 8e1ff4e777a74eb⋯.png (30.18 KB, 639x276, 213:92, POTUS 1-6-2018 4 30 am.PNG)

a09ff4 No.255588


possibly… someone definitely is.

7da465 No.255589



2dfefb No.255590


Its hard to argue with that

db0e63 No.255591


My problem is that the first half confirmed he was legit. Now, the start of the second half proves he's legit… OK, we got it! He's legit.

What's the message?!

DOD instruction from June 7, 2013 about preventing HIV transmission in service members. Another nothing burger.

fbce21 No.255592

BO had you let these posts be, tagged them, put your doubts for all to see, and demanded further verification without skullcracking left and right, we wouldn't have schism 2.0

banhammer will accomplish nothing, you can't fight confusion with hate. Only a higher energy can clear a lower energy…

3fceb7 No.255593


Yet your telling us not to dig into loop capital because it's 'fake and gay' yet a shitton of connections came from digging into that. It's very difficult to believe anyone at the moment with all this bullshit going on. I find it super fucking hard to believe some 'kid' who cracked the trip would know about connections between loop capital and what's going on. Also your now name quoting some faggot like we should give a shit? Until codemonkey comes back and verifies anything im going to keep digging into what we have, better then wasting time arguing about stupid shit.

50adda No.255594

Was looking at POTUS' tweet last night and noted he got lambasted in the follow-on comments with leftist memes and such. We were distracted by the shill attack here, but with all the great memes folks have posted up on this board, none were appearing on twatter. Suggest keeping an eye out, stay focused and engage when we can.

6d8722 No.255595


I’d kinda like to know how many bans are active.

2dfefb No.255596

I'm just glad I'm not the BO who, when bullshit was afoot, had to make decisions and quickly

db0e63 No.255597


Fuking idiots don't think that the F_I (good ones) or D_J (good ones) don't already know about LCM?! It would take like five minutes to find the connections and irregularities by check Hussein's photos and who's in them. LCM is already compromised, so the Clowns told us nothing NEW, just showed us a squirrel to stop us from following the latest lead.

7a5742 No.255598


To me, if Trump tweet confirms, it's Q.

Don't care if Q post is his grocery list, he has reasons to do it.

5cc3a0 No.255599

File: 0680680bc0c5309⋯.png (98.38 KB, 756x856, 189:214, Capture55.PNG)

Does anyone know this person may be?

af1707 No.255600



192 replies 241 retweets 894 likes

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

10m10 minutes ago

….Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star………to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!

8270fc No.255601


Be my guest anon.

29deb5 No.255602


Time stamps reflect the time based on your device's time zone

So if someone took a screenshot then the time zone displayed is the one they have their own device set (not the poster's time zone)

046db3 No.255603


I really love the fact they do everything they can not to name that particular citizen.

Optics would definitely shift if it was Soros or Hillary, eh?

6d8722 No.255604


The ISIS combatant captured in ME.

1c373b No.255605

>The mods have consulted with Dr Jerome Corsi, a recognized expert at military intelligence communications, and he confirms that the most recent drops from Q using the !UW.yye1fxo tripcode are a 'kid who thinks he knows what Q posts look like.'

<muh appeal to authority

>They have been deleted.

Of course they have you terrified lying abomination


it wasn't, notice no one on half chan has posted under that trip, therefore not hacked just as Q told you.

His name is Paul. He is the comped lying dickriding famewhore BO of this board. He has plotted to subvert Q from the start. He is a proven well-known liar and should be praying to Jesus Christ right now for forgiveness because the people he has betrayed will not forgive him. No more warnings Paul. You cannot run, you cannot hide. May God have mercy. I will personally leak the photos of Paul hanging from his feet.

Watchu gonna do when codemonkey confirms your game Paul? Is he a russian spy too?

(Thanks for the laughs BB. /thestorm/ is that way. )

7da465 No.255606


I have sent your details to Q

and asked him to do something about it

this is not a game fuckhead

you're looking at 16 years for impersonating a Q clearance operator

and fucking around with a military intelligence operation

I already know what the IP is you posted from

as soom as the trace that back

then the fucking feds will be on your sorry ass

like fly on shit

db0e63 No.255607



046db3 No.255608


>no one on half chan has posted under that trip, therefore not hacked just as Q told you.

if you yourself cracked Q's trip and it was your mission to fuck with the board, would you release the only thing that would allow you to do so to the public? Would you make people aware that the trip is comped?

Jesus, it's like herding retards. I'm starting to remember why I usually lurk.

435fe8 No.255609

Fuck you bo im OUT, raging like a 14yr

095b5b No.255610


I think we all need to change our language.

"Q" needs to be referred to as "Q-Group"

I think in time this will be prove to be more realistic and regain credibility.

a09ff4 No.255611


You're absolutely right. Follow your intuition. Just consider how long it took (((someone))) to crack a password like "Matlock", well over a month. This password was obviously meant to be cracked. Now consider that the new password was MUCH more complex. Now they're trying to tell us there was a change in the "algorithm" and all double hash tripcodes changed.

2dfefb No.255612

The loop capital "Q post" is a self fulfilling crumb if it is big news next week then its validity will be confirmed

fbce21 No.255613

File: 8c88740a72215c1⋯.gif (61.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, flower_of_life_wellbeing.gif)


When the board is positive and has the energy of cosmic universal Love in the "air", all falsities, confusions, lies, troublemakers, shills etc. literally glow, as you could readily tell when the board started. Nothing really glows now, due to rampant confusion.

I call everyone to try and stay positive, especially in these situations when everything you stand for is tested. The Truth always shines through, point is not to rampage your way to it like an elephant in violent quest for your goals. Ends never justify the means. Ends present themselves when your means are in tune with what's good and right.

My two cents - both Q and BO were legit. It's no easy feat to crack a trip.

6d8722 No.255614

Fox just played RIDING THE STORM OUT for bump music

8270fc No.255615


This guy sounds serious - I wouldn't fuck with him.

046db3 No.255616


The algo was changed only for the supertrips, 8ch exclusive feature, retard

11b857 No.255618


I like the info, but too wordy

2dfefb No.255619


You or the BO? Cos youre the one acting like a 14 year old

02a393 No.255620


you mean exactly like they did with Q's first trip? not even a good try.


>you mean exactly like they did with Q's first trip?


a09ff4 No.255621


and you know this to be true, how?

11b857 No.255624


One of those fake was flagged as Oz; coincidence?

046db3 No.255625


And you do realize they tried coming back here with Q's old trip BEFORE it was leaked to 4ch, yes?


Because using supertrips requires three hashes. Here, fucko, I'll demonstrate.


a09ff4 No.255626


how do you know the "algo" changed?

e8fdd9 No.255627

Monday, big day. Until then, this place is a shitshow.

fbce21 No.255628



046db3 No.255629


because I used the three hashes on /test/ as soon as the feature was introduced and then tried again when Codemonkey announced the algo was fixed, which gave different results.

Christ, it's worse than a playground here today.

095b5b No.255630

Enough infighting!!

we just need to know if Q is LTQBILMASHDTFER Friendly. focus

8270fc No.255631


Bingo. At least SOME people in here are paying attention.

2dfefb No.255632

I feel like we have had possible confirmation of the RR-out Q post that we should be looking into rather than bickering

a09ff4 No.255633


changed from base16 to base62?

095b5b No.255634


Can you elaborate plz.

eb1dee No.255635


Thanks. Yeah, I thought it might be. Do you think there might be a way of cutting it down, while keeping the full intent of the message?

Happy to hear any suggestions.

a09ff4 No.255636


what was difference between the original hashes and the "new" hashes?

and for the record, nobody even used these "super secure" hashes on this board until trips were re-enabled

bc9da2 No.255637


Jan 3 2018, 21:43:04

MONDAY Anonymous ID: 8f9964



Everything has meaning.

Who is AMB Matlock?






2dfefb No.255638

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

"out the old Ronald Reagan"= RR out?


6d8722 No.255639

File: 0e2881e598de440⋯.jpeg (181.35 KB, 2048x602, 1024:301, 89C3E8B5-B3A2-4878-89E5-D….jpeg)

046db3 No.255640


Trips arent board-specific, please lurk more than 2 years before posting.

94871d No.255641


Very interesting and likely.

a09ff4 No.255642


what other boards does "Board Owner" post on?

046db3 No.255643


I am now saddened at the state of your faggotry. Please look at the archives of the first posts BO made under the new trip when the feature was introduced.

e1067d No.255644


Everyone can post wherever. What's your point?

fbce21 No.255645


People are ban evading, nothing new

11b857 No.255646


>I feel bad I didn't post something in support

And yet, you did in the end.

I too don't mind the inconvenience of change if it leads to more delicsios crumbs!

046db3 No.255647


Don't feel bad anon, I almost got caught in the ruse and pissed off BO a bit just as he was coming back. Did my research, now convinced both of tripfucking and of BO being honest.

94871d No.255648




a80021 No.255649


Good morning BO. Thank you for guiding us thru the struggle and clarifying our direction.

a09ff4 No.255650



>Everyone can post wherever. What's your point?

the spook said trips aren't board specific

11b857 No.255651


I've watched her vids; they are not bad, but I can't always get through the whole thing.

a09ff4 No.255652


which is fucking obvious btw. you dont need to lurk for 2 years to come to that conclusion

e1067d No.255653

So who here has been following this shit since the first Q post where he spoke about NK and Russia?

fbce21 No.255654

Goal: to clean up the satanic cabal, and remove satanic influences inside and outside

0e69e4 No.255655


and bingo was his name o

-and the dox was good, amen

046db3 No.255656



I've yet to understand what do you hope to gain by drilling this question. I already said I have first-hand experienced the algo change. If you didn't test it and would rather play the sceptic, go ahead, but don't be surprised when people call you a retard for it. Another anon >>255628 already linked to the /sudo/ thread where Codemonkey was notified of the bug which, after fixing, changed people's trips. You can see it in the trips themselves: before announcement, trips only used lowercase A-Z, afterwards, capital letters were added to increase complexity.

2dfefb No.255657


been here since the end of October

095b5b No.255658



e1067d No.255659


They aren't board specific and thats not an issue because trying to come up with the same password in the same "anon context" is highly unlikely


Calm your tits not everybody is chan savvy

11b857 No.255660


>i got the bigger dick

But My Button is BIGGER

2dfefb No.255661


I meant following Q sorry

66615b No.255662


My only request: create a sarcasm font.

dbdb4d No.255663

b8f687 No.255664

File: 4911102a628e3fb⋯.jpg (383.87 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, 143618152.jpg)

Another one bites the dust. Paul haggis has been accused of rape.

095b5b No.255665


dont apologise - just improve

I kid, i kid welcome.

bc9da2 No.255666

e1067d No.255667


I went back to the first Q posts and realized we dont have a "detective corkboard"/postimeline/detective style shit that would give more context to this whole charade.

a09ff4 No.255668


I'm drilling for the source of the faggotry in post ID 255464. I wont link to it for obvious reasons.


What's missing is the evidence, let alone PROOF that Q's second trip has been cracked (as you say - highly unlikely). All I see is some dipshit calling his posts "fake and gay", which isn't very credible in my humble opinion.

11b857 No.255669


>The Board Owner !!!ZTY0ZjM1M2UwOWM5

Is it possible for you TripCodes to be compromised; and/or would you be notified anyhow?

941498 No.255670





a80021 No.255671


Corsi is smart and true. I trust anything coming from Corsi. He is a one of a kind guy.

66615b No.255672



I’ve been messing with this off and on. Q does bottom-top. I’ve looked at some number - letter charts. I assume this is backwards “sv” is “vs” anyone having luck tying it to a line from Freedom post?

e1067d No.255674

>>Board Owner

Centralized info collection is critical for investigation and spread. I saw a project the other day with sms style coding with the Q posts. Do you have the link?

2e36b9 No.255676


That's pretty straightforward actually.

11b857 No.255677


(V)irtual (P)rivate (N)etwork

046db3 No.255678


Case in point >>255670

b462d8 No.255679


seems like a lot of questions from someone sticking their nose where it does not belong.

db0e63 No.255680


I am playing with that one right now.

He also sometimes brackets things… BECD could be BD and EC, but no luck on either. Betsy deVos and European Community yield diddly… I'm getting nothing but blind alleys today.

1d9c09 No.255681


Doing that one again? That's easy using another ip.

We don't fall for your crappy deception.

We know (((you))) don't act alone.

9d17de No.255682

I don’t know about all you, but I hope Trump absolutely destroys this clown and his fake news book. I’m fuckin pissed

9fc935 No.255683

Meme dropping fag here. We need more memes. That is all…

fbce21 No.255684


Have you cracked the trip?

e5b8aa No.255685


So then do you have a back channel open to communicate with Q?

Why didn't Q tell you when he was returning like you thought they would?

Why did they completely ignore you and your super secure trip efforts when they returned?

The whole tough guy routine is pretty embarrassing, honestly, so please just answer a few questions and spare us the "don't fuck with us" cringe fest.

e1067d No.255686


see v


Everyone can see similarities in between this hash and Q's hash.

What most don't know it's if it's different it's different ergo not the same hash/password.

TL;DR were we (people) see similarities the computer/hash function does not give a shit it's different so fuck you(computer).

046db3 No.255687


>Why didn't Q tell you when he was returning like you thought they would?

>telling Q what to do

that's not how this works

>Why did they completely ignore you and your super secure trip efforts when they returned?

They didn't return recently, last legit post was anon when trips were disabled.

eb1dee No.255688


Agreed, but I'm currently suffering meme block. I need some inspiration besides talk of trip codes.

db0e63 No.255689


You have obviously never been involved in anything important. You don't give out details or anything pertinent you don't have to. And some whinyassanonbitch who asks too many questions doesn't rate an explanation.

29deb5 No.255690


Go back to the map for inspiration

7d29c5 No.255691


Second that.

I believe BO's heart is in the right place, still I would not be so quick to dismiss the LCM drop as fake.

I like Corsi but I'd rather wait for Codemonkey's clarifications on the matter.

3fe639 No.255692

The only thing accomplished in this thread is everybody agreed the BO is a total fag. Move along nothing to see here.

e1067d No.255693

>>255670 = !UWeyye1fxk

Q = !UW.yye1fxo



f5fc5c No.255694

NBC Today show this morning. Talking a lot of crap about POTUS: unstable, unfit for office, yada-yada…..really pushing this message hard. We knew this would happen, but is really heightened this morn. Wearing lots of purple, too.

095b5b No.255695


second that….who should we target?

bc9da2 No.255696

File: 333cbbdc135ed69⋯.png (662.73 KB, 637x862, 637:862, GOP.PNG)

File: 9118c28cbc1d097⋯.png (87.65 KB, 627x540, 209:180, concha.PNG)

The fall out from the book is comical.

f53c56 No.255697

Hussein is going to appear on Lettermans new show on Netflix on the 12th.

This show has been known about since Aug last year, and will consist of 6 "pre-recorded shows"

https:// consequenceofsound.net/2017/08/david-letterman-to-host-new-netflix-talk-show/

The other guests are Tina Fey, Jay Z, George Clooney, Malala Yousafzai, and Howard Stern - all rabid anti-Trumpists except Stern who has many hours of Trump being Trump, man-to-man conversations such as the "grab them by the pussy" bullshit that focused libtard rage for weeks…

https:// www.theverge.com/2018/1/5/16854334/david-letterman-netflix-my-next-guest-barack-obama

Free tickets are no longer available:

https:// 1iota.com/Show/699/NEW-DAVID-LETTERMAN-SERIES

so Hussein has already recorded his part, all the usual suspects will line up the pins, and Letterman in typical CIA style will try to get a strike with the normies via Stern with Trump RE sexual assault to try to force impeachment.

Last ditch media attempt to avoid Obama treason procedings?

a80021 No.255698


I too have noticed little impact n those in #Resist. Many feel cheated because SHE didn't win and isn't their POTUS now. The enemy continues to saturate them with messages of doubt and confusion and hatred. these messages continue largely because those who have committed crimes and want them hidden are still bribing (or blackmailing) the MSM.

But I have noticed that those with Trump are learning more and becoming stronger in their support. Strengthening the base is a good outcome.

IMO, the REAL awakening of the Clinton Cult groupies will be when indictments and convictions occur. Facts about the crimes will come out. THAT is when ppl will be forced to face the truth. When the snakes have been de-fanged, their power over MSM will lessen. Until convictions, the enemy will keep up their desperate fight against Trump.

11b857 No.255699


>ISIS combatant

On foreign soil shooting at our Troops

They forgot that part

5ea414 No.255700


still haven't cracked the trip or just pretending to not have?

eb1dee No.255701


Ahem. That was my way of having a cheap and under the table shot at all the trip talkers. ;)

But thanks for taking the time and sparing a thought to give good advice.

e1067d No.255702


Good memes are funny not forced.

They spread because they make people feel good.

7d29c5 No.255703


we have a winner there

073965 No.255704


Request unbanning me. I’ve never violated terms. Was banned last night during shill fuckery.

a80021 No.255705


Excellent creations.

Perfect to publish in social media. TY

e5b8aa No.255706


No, you have obviously never been swept up in a cult mentality where idiots get in a fever pitch and toss discernment and skepticism out the fucking window.

BO uses his supposed connection to Q as justification for running this place like 1984, and he refuses to answer any questions.


073965 No.255707


“Ding ding ding ding”

b1df7c No.255708

The book is a trap. Idiots.

This weekend, the Trump team meets and starts the next phase. Next week, the frustration of "are we there yet?" will be over. Big week coming.

And are WE ready with the red pills? Remember to feed gently.

3fe639 No.255709

>The whole tough guy routine is pretty embarrassing, honestly, so please just answer a few questions and spare us the "don't fuck with us" cringe fest.


073965 No.255710


The last act of a desperate MSM

eb1dee No.255711


I think we should target David Letterman!!!

bc9da2 No.255712


The Liar and Phony I just grabbed from GOP Twitter if you want a better version.

29deb5 No.255713

e1067d No.255714




I think we should go back to the first Q posts. So many lost drops and context.

1d9c09 No.255715


Read again



(((They))) try to confuse anons with deceptive postings.

095b5b No.255716


YES!! get ahead of the game

4e23e7 No.255717


lol why the fuck would we trust Corsi

Did you see how he tried to create an official looking document out of a Q post, mark it up with the meanings broken down, then signed his name on it like it was his baby?

Only problem was this was days after we had already solved it. He's just a famefag of the highest degree, and so of course BO would think that dropping his name would mean something. Only to other famefags, I'm afraid.

5b066e No.255718


A. We don’t know for sure his second trip was cracked because there is not one shred of evidence.

B. You claim you have a way to contact Q but you can’t provide evidence.

C. You can’t force Q to play by your rules. I don’t think his second trip was cracked. If it wasn’t, you just messed up everything. What if that last post WAS Q?? Now what!!

Prove me wrong BO.

073965 No.255719

File: c40d6b24d4f8b96⋯.jpeg (82 KB, 620x375, 124:75, 3401A0AC-526E-4EEE-9D60-4….jpeg)

File: cf0046a30f614fd⋯.jpeg (83.55 KB, 620x375, 124:75, 17B80776-7AA6-44A4-84A8-B….jpeg)

File: f63fc007996794d⋯.jpeg (82.45 KB, 620x375, 124:75, 4C590539-669C-4A9E-A6E5-3….jpeg)

File: ad9b5ff155d4b3b⋯.jpeg (81.46 KB, 620x375, 124:75, 8A03ADBF-849C-4E60-B37F-C….jpeg)

66615b No.255720


8/9 SC justices ruled on this already.

https://en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/Hamdi_v._Rumsfeld

4e23e7 No.255721


Why prove you wrong when he can ban you and have shills attack you for asking legitimate questions?

073965 No.255722

File: 20d84ab9d87ac9a⋯.jpeg (88.27 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 7B243F2B-B628-4777-A000-B….jpeg)

File: 63467e05004d3ba⋯.jpeg (113.59 KB, 750x499, 750:499, CBD1038C-074B-4174-8BD9-A….jpeg)

File: 496b61f23fcd4d6⋯.jpeg (32.1 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6E65E827-1F61-4121-9AFA-3….jpeg)

File: 8efe6f32cd27917⋯.jpeg (124.1 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2E2371C1-BC43-45DE-9F5D-9….jpeg)

f5fc5c No.255723


Totally love those memes! Cracks me up!

6d8722 No.255724

Benghazi was a hit.

34852f No.255725

Dubito ergo cogito ergo sum

f53c56 No.255726


Problem is normie attention span has been reduced to initial headlines only. They heard the first anti-Trump things from MSM and due to conditioning thats all they hear. Its been over a year of repetition! We need to be ahead of the news cycle, not responding to it! Thats what Q wants from us…

1d9c09 No.255727


Posting again with another ip?

We see through your deceptive games.

Try harder, Schlomo.

eb1dee No.255728

If anyone has nothing else to do but talk about trips and anything else that's pissing me off, no end. How about digging up some dirt on Letterman for the meme makers, so we can get a headstart, before his first show airs?

ba2b84 No.255729

File: 4c00bca54786b81⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 666x386, 333:193, safe&sound.gif)



Thank you for your diligence during the shit storm BO.

Feels Comfy. Safe and Sound

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=47dtFZ8CFo8

81e0aa No.255730


i am probably going to get banned for this.

This has happened before.

Don't you guys remember for FUCK SAKES?







How can we be on a board that is being CENSORED when we are all HERE TO FIGHT THE CENSORSHIP in our real lives?

The lying and control and deceit and obstruction of free communications.

I don't know who is good and who is bad.

I have been here since the very beginning and this is looking to play the same as last time.

BO getting angry, power tripping, talking smack.

I think we might be going to BAKER UNION CORRUPTION


If I get banned for this it proves my point for asking a question

e1067d No.255731






Obama is been flying around the world.

Tweet at Letterman questions about the Obama lifestyle these past few months.

Innocent little questions bring such good results don't you think?

073965 No.255732

File: fcb93d05d7a0431⋯.jpeg (94.68 KB, 500x557, 500:557, A06F4A6E-D64D-410A-B2DF-F….jpeg)

File: d7ff8e9d1362daa⋯.jpeg (36.13 KB, 306x240, 51:40, 796894E7-3485-4E4F-A569-A….jpeg)

File: c8ad521363241e4⋯.jpeg (92.36 KB, 509x500, 509:500, D31A5F18-757B-4931-B9D5-B….jpeg)



Suggestions for new memefag?

5cc3a0 No.255733


I want to make sense of all the faggortary that happened and that BO is not comp etc..

However BO is not under obligation to answer them and I have not been in anyone face about it, take that as you will.

5b066e No.255734


What? No, perhaps not everybody is stupid enough to fall for the BO following he managed to accumulate in such a short amount of time

WAKE UP dipshit

8ff253 No.255735

a80021 No.255736


"headlines only"

I think you are correct.

That's why a good, thought-provoking meme is so valuable. It fits into their short attention span. I have seen some excellent ones, but some others have tones of vindictiveness. We want to be careful about what we put out to the public. The mockingbird Op one this morning was just the right kind, I think.

ba2b84 No.255737



5a53ac No.255738

File: fe6180c0f4e58ad⋯.png (156.18 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, image4.png)

eb1dee No.255739


Sounds like a plan.

5b066e No.255740


I agree with you!!

This is wrong. Very very wrong.

2d06d0 No.255741


I doubt that. At least I think so. I am what I am.

e67abc No.255742

File: 3646cb780222d6e⋯.jpg (96.26 KB, 700x438, 350:219, USA-Independence-Day-4th-J….jpg)

did q operation start 4 July 2017, Independence Day?

10 July KC-130 crash

11-20 July Saber Guardian (military exercise in europe)

4 10 20 is always the theme since then… im sure there is alot of other news that connects.

jul aug sept was internal (clear bad apples?)

oct nov dec was a bit public (cbts)

jan feb mar is public "the storm"

4f01da No.255743

Slowly getting back on track.

I love you anons <3

All will be resolved.

e1067d No.255744


What's the style of the book? publication of Q's posts? Keep us posted!

046db3 No.255745


A. We didn't know for sure Q's first trip was cracked until it came here to gloat a little before releasing the password on 4chin

B. If you had a channel to talk with Q, would you tell everyone on the Internet how, so he would close down that channel? How old are you? This isn't a fucking game.

C. No one can FORCE Q to do anything. You thinking things doesn't make them real. If that was the last post from Q, he will make it known by never returning here and the fight will progress in secret, without disclosing juicy bits to anons.

Sit the fuck down, it's not /cbts/ that's important, what's important is the the fight against the Cabal.


This. Also the neverending shilling and the rest of /pol/ getting tired (although I still think that was manufactured).


>BO following

you misunderstand. Anons never follow, anons use logic to confirm what is true and what is not. All you do is REEE because you don't have proofs where proofs cannot be provided for the fucking security of the operation, both Q's work and /cbts/ itself. Once again, sit the fuck down and listen.

5b066e No.255746


They straight up said Q was a larp last night

We are not on track and Q isnt gunna play by BO rules

34852f No.255747


> I am what I am.

I yam what I yam

and that's all what I yam

enough is enough

and this is too much

I've had allz I can stand


>mfw Popeye point reached

f53c56 No.255748


Dig, make MEMEs, release, then watch the news for confirmation.

Not wait for confirmation before spreading.

Once the news hits, the majority of normies will reject the MEMEs due to conditioning.

However, if the MEMEs arrive before the headlines, they will break the cycle of reinforcement and reality will start to seep in.

b1df7c No.255749


Great. How about recruiting ads? MAKE $9k a month! Flexible hours, dental and 401k. JUST LIE ABOUT TRUMP!

e1067d No.255750


"They" without a context or reference.

(((goy detector beeps)))

eb1dee No.255751


If Q has any more to tell us, Q will turn up where ever he/she pleases. If and when Q turns up again, the truth will be sure to come out. In the meantime, all this carry on that doesn't seem to be able to be proven either way, is clusterfucking up the boards.

Everyones's waiting for this or that, or this person or that person to give confirmation. People are asking the same questions over and over again. They're getting answers, but true to being braindead, brainwashed little plebs, they aren't happy because they're not getting the answer they want.

Can we just get on with what needs to be done?

Assholes who won't STFU are our worst enemy right now. See, you made me use foul language again.

2d06d0 No.255752


Popeye point reached. Wise old philosopher.

5b066e No.255753


Right. No proofs? Don’t need proofs?

Think. Think about what you are saying. I think last night Q was legit. I want to know why BO says it wasn’t.

5b066e No.255754


I’m talking about BO

You guys are on some next level defend the BO and not Q shit

046db3 No.255755


He already said it in the first fucking posts and I concured with him in the last thread by my own analysis >>255375 , jesus christ, you're really getting filter-worthy.

316335 No.255756

File: 488e23bb2ca35c6⋯.jpg (135.04 KB, 709x557, 709:557, #Trump Tweets Calling Hims….jpg)

Trump Tweets Calling Himself a 'Genius'

e1067d No.255757


good theory have a (you)

db0e63 No.255758


Q said he would use the same IP (check the map). The Q posts starting with "Follow the MONEY" did not use the same IP, which BO can see on the hash.

5b066e No.255759

Q, if you’re reading this and I’m wrong, I’m sorry.

If you’re reading this and I’m right, I tried. I really did.

94871d No.255760


Humble: No

Correct: Yes

7a5742 No.255761




I go back to lurq 10 moar years

a80021 No.255762


What will have the desired impact?

Creating fiction or exposing the real truth?

If we put out anything that can be easily debunked, we have discredited the project, IMO

03839a No.255763

File: 0abe21e59273b72⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DSwAblHW4AAKQBx.jpg)

Zak on AJ stated Kwok to be extridited back to China this week.

Zak also said Q is plural as in a hand full.

Zak has been arrested but released by the fb_i and the military both.

Elon Musk to have a launch Sunday from info that was delayed.

The payload on the missile Falcon 9 heavy is to be a weapon to be able to total neutralize NK

China to bust NK when Kwok extradited…

Thoughts Anons?

2111f9 No.255764


this is spin

f5fc5c No.255765

Pope Francis is having cards printed and distributed showing a 1945 photo of victims of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki along with the words "the fruit of war" https://t.co/1zpZDs8x5S https://t.co/9ixVSPU9ji. As tweeted by CNN.

Btw: important to track the MSM angle so we know the latest tactic and get ahead of it!

ba2b84 No.255766


The likelihood of you getting banned is relevant to how much of a self entitled, disruptive, asshat you act like.

You don't like CTBS you are free to leave anytime.

For the moment, anons can still dig, meme and pray. Until that changes, the only thing your fag bitching will accomplish is more division and in fighting.

If this post triggers you, then come at me bro!

Otherwise, get back to work anon!


This. If we don't stand together, put ego aside and get back to work, /pol/ infighting is doing the black hats work for them.

2d06d0 No.255767


Goading the Left: Definitely.

4f01da No.255768


We are on track if we don't descend into hate and confusion.

Real positive actors will be known in time. The more Love you have the faster that happens.

073965 No.255769

File: a713a51a3348b38⋯.jpeg (101.45 KB, 546x500, 273:250, C141233C-0B10-4964-AFAC-5….jpeg)

e1067d No.255770


Last week before the holidays there was bread shortage. no Board Owner to be found. We all people. This is a board for Q drops and such. He gets to be the board owner we get to "own" the conversation. You are welcome to derail the conversation but know that some are intelligent to figure out some ones agenda by text posts.

e86554 No.255772


must be distraction, but so amusing!

e1067d No.255773


3/10 make it humorous.

ac6546 No.255774


>and being, like, really smart

greatest tweeter, always entertaining

and impressive how many insults he manages to cram into a single tweet

ba2b84 No.255775


Was just thinking the same thing.

96b027 No.255776


zaq also said ASSANGE THIS WEEK

96b027 No.255777

Q is love

7cb347 No.255778


Wait, we're ignoring this? Despite:

>Track CEO resignations

and all the work from yesterday connecting those CEO resignations to Loop Capital? >>250733

Independent of this post and regardless of whether it's Q, those connections still exist.

66615b No.255779


It’s not wasted time.

ba2b84 No.255780


Info can be legit without it being Q. Plenty more actors in the sea who are insiders.

9401c0 No.255781



if you feel something is there


if not drop it

we all go our own way with research

this makes us strong

if we tell each other what to do we are(((them)))

03839a No.255782

File: 4d0ffbcc215dfe1⋯.jpg (89.07 KB, 750x750, 1:1, DOlhY6bWAAAs5K5.jpg)


Assange is the person of the year

Without Assange DT would have never been elected via Wiki's

db0e63 No.255783

I saw somewhere something like 'Twitter is Trump's laser pointer, and the MSM are all cats." That would make a great animated GIF.

94871d No.255784


You are aware of Assange as an intelligence op, correct? You are aware that he's not a 'natural' standalone freedom fighter, right??

8270fc No.255785


Yes it is. The single # trips ARE compromised already - takes about a month. ## - no. ### - fuck no. I don't receive notifications no.

f53c56 No.255786


Which part of "pre recorded" dont you understand?

Twats to Letterman wont change a thing: Letterman is as rabid anti-Trump as any of his "guests" are!

7cb347 No.255787



I'm not saying it's wasted time, and I'm not telling anyone what to do.


So another insider, who happens to be on our side, decided it was in his best interest to hack Q's tripcode and then starts posting legit information posing as Q?

I'll keep digging.

d2319b No.255788


>we get to ‘own’ conversation

Yet some of ‘our’ (other anons) posts get deleted?

e1067d No.255789


Letterman doens't answer were Obama has been these few last months? why? ;)

8270fc No.255790


Fair questions anon - no ban incoming. Clown-funded attacks more or less continuously for the last 48 hours. BO is still his calm and in-control self, except when he sees newfags asking stupid questions whereupon he becomes the usual impatient psycho.

You're welcome to post here if you like it or go somewhere else if you don't. That hasn't changed.

dbdb4d No.255791


More like a conductor

The Madman Maestro My Official Infowars Meme War Submission!



7d29c5 No.255792

George Webb is following a lead into a Devon and a Kathy Strzok (remember there are very few with that name in the US) who were invited in the situation room in the WH one night in March 2015.

They are both Navy apparently. It happened a few days after a conversation between Podesta and Neera Tanden about someone from the Clinton Foundation leaking information. Webb speculates it may tie into Navy doing illicit trafficking of some sort (drugs? weapons?). Ties with CF? I know Webb sometimes sounds like he's crazy, but remember he was the first to dig into the Awan bros. scandal.

Let's also remember the wide spread corruption in the Navy which lead to so many firings/resignations last year.

This has potential to be very big IMHO.


94871d No.255793


George webb is a fucking SHILL of the highest mossad order.

073965 No.255794

File: fcaf897b04d4cd2⋯.jpeg (95.78 KB, 509x500, 509:500, 2163E34D-2690-42B9-9DAC-6….jpeg)


>How about recruiting ads? MAKE $9k a month! Flexible hours, dental and 401k. JUST LIE ABOUT TRUMP!

6ee26d No.255795

File: cfef3a4da827a31⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1426x933, 1426:933, Child Sex Robots.png)

File: d3f1f29105a9e53⋯.jpg (25.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, David Cox.jpg)

NBC News pushing child sex robots.

https://www. nbcnews.com/mach/science/would-child-sex-robots-stop-pedophilia-or-promote-it-ncna834576?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma

David Cox wrote the article. These "stories" don't land on their desks. He obviously wants to push this. Should be investigated. Most likely a pedofag himself.

https:// twitter.com/dcwriter89?lang=en

Yup. Looks the part.

e1067d No.255796


Sure. I was a "victim" of it too but the conversation keeps going doens't it?

It almost seems that his intentions are not to censor speech but to


>BO is still his calm and in-control self, except when he sees newfags asking stupid questions whereupon he becomes the usual impatient psycho.

94871d No.255797


Fuuuck, innocent til guilty, but deserves a deeper look. It's in the EYES.

7d29c5 No.255798


Everything he found abot the Awans was correct.


2111f9 No.255799

261215 No.255800


good job

4f01da No.255801


You can be even more calm :)

94871d No.255802


Still a fucking MOSSAD SHILL. Take everything with a grain of SALT. SORRY YOU DON'T GET THAT CONCEPT. Gatekeepers mix truth, with just enough LIES to fuck you. SOWWY.

6f1dd0 No.255803


Sweet mullet

d14772 No.255804


yep, namefagging, tripfagging, youtube fame fagging cunts the lot of them. BO deleting posts and then quoting corsi for a reason? are you shitting me, saying BEANZ is ok in his book. ACTUALLY saying he wants to write a book about this? like FUCK RIGHT OFF this goes against everything we have been working for, unless BO has been working towards this from the beginning with wanting to get something out of it. we have and always will do our best work as ANONS.

2111f9 No.255805

MUSLIMfag is here to try and give credit to BO's bs….

but MUSLIMfag is only close…. not quite there yet

4e23e7 No.255806


I'll be honest, I've been openly critical of you, because it really rubs me the wrong way when questions and healthy skepticism is shut down and appeals to authority are made in their place.

You seem reasonable enough….is there anything you can do, that will maintain appropriate op sec, but will provide some sort of validation for those with honest concerns?

Something you can do for Q to validate the new arrangement moving forward, so we can put it all behind us?

Trust me I'd love nothing more than to have something firm I can use to defend you and this board moving forward. I am an annoying fucker when I have a good fact to use, and I will shill hard for the truth. But I am also a skeptical fucker, and I'm afraid no matter how cool of a dude you may be, I'm not going to blindly trust and follow you.

d2319b No.255807


Sorry m8. Going to have to disagree. A ban for questioning BO motive is suspect. This board is only board that BO is so out in the open. If one is to believe the subject being discussed is so dangerous, with multiple new fag warnings about safety and security. One must wonder why BO is so prevalent with parading around. Does BO feel above and beyond safety concerns? Why? Controlled?

8a3a81 No.255809

>>255793 controlled opposition to distract, mislead from his sponsor's role in all of this. Huge Hussein supporter. Some of his drunken rants are incredulous.

ad8d55 No.255811


7cb347 No.255812


>The mods have consulted with Dr Jerome Corsi, a recognized expert at military intelligence communications, and he confirms that the most recent drops from Q using the !UW.yye1fxo tripcode are a 'kid who thinks he knows what Q posts look like.'

For the sake of transparency, may we please see/hear this conversation?

94871d No.255813


This anon gets it. If you don't understand this concept, learn it.

f66d7d No.255814

Sorry if this has already been confirmed. Is the last real and confirmed Q post the ones from Dec 25? If not, which ones since Dec 25 are considered authentic? Just confused.


a09ff4 No.255815


yes exactly. 9/10 characters is not "close". it's wrong.

e1067d No.255816


Do you know where you are? this is a chan. I should be working on my masters project assignments. Some people are not concerned for their security. I am from portugal. do you think i give a shit?

ad8d55 No.255818

Hey, my mod account no longer works. What gives? All I ever did was be a janitor to clean up spammers and shills. Granted, not very active, but still. POOF! Can't log in any more. Do you still want me here anymore? I posted a lot of info anonymously. What gives….

db0e63 No.255819


January 4 are real. Starts with [J-Go…

First Fake 1/5 starts with "Follow the MONEY"

e1067d No.255820



sorry i dind't address the issue further you seem like a nice bloke. things to do, have a good 1

8f3ef7 No.255821


As the Portuguese as descended from rodents rather than apes, no, I would imagine not. Salutations.

8270fc No.255822


Keep being skeptical anon. Trust no-one. If Q needs to post in here again, we will find a secure way to do it. You're welcome to question my motive at any time. It's only claiming without proof that I am compromised or the board is compromised or Codemonkey is compromised or some other shit gets you a ban.

1e6de8 No.255823


Proof right there

0ca0e3 No.255824


I was on the board when he posted that. I had a feeling it wasn't right because of the 2nd one.

Said one post and yet posted again.

So we all spent our time on nothing. Even though Loop Capital is interesting.

11104b No.255825


BO thanks for all you do Patriot

I am here still serving and will continue to do so until I am relieved by Q or POTUS.

It's truly amazing to see how many attacks CBTS has survived and we will continue to persist because of strong Patriots such as yourself.

Here is to reaffirming my resolve.

Best wishes to all Patriots.

a09ff4 No.255826


that's a 'k', Q is 'o'

9401c0 No.255827

File: 014fc20aeb296c8⋯.png (361.18 KB, 571x500, 571:500, ClipboardImage.png)

2dfefb No.255828


is that real?

7d29c5 No.255829


Don't shoot the messenger.

Just do your own research.

Two months of Q have taught you nothing.

Remember these names for future references:




cfe2a6 No.255830



Can I offer you a valium? Are you 12 years old? Or just an entitled snowflake? Learn to treat people with respect. All you have is an opinion and it's no more important than anybody else's. You're just another anon in here. Nobody looks to you to enlighten us on how it's supposed to be. So sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

dbdb4d No.255831


Peter Strzok

e1067d No.255832


Sure kid. *sips Porto out of a barrel*

7cb347 No.255833


It would be in your best interest, for the sake of proper argument, and in the best interests of the skeptical anons, to produce a stickied thread detailing your argument for the most recent Q posts being a LARP.

Such a thread should include IP logs, your consultation w/Dr. Corsi in full, and any other substantiative evidence that suggests 2018/01/05-Q is fake.

This would put the concerns of anons to rest and validate your stance on the matter, ultimately putting this shit to rest and letting us get on with the digs and memes.

8270fc No.255834


Mail me dude - it's been Clown city in here.

9401c0 No.255835

File: 6fda811fba5a90e⋯.png (950.07 KB, 914x800, 457:400, Jake tapper tweet.png)


The tweet is

here's the original

073965 No.255836

File: 53e591ea9f6c5b5⋯.jpeg (91.85 KB, 811x500, 811:500, 6161C544-4317-4580-9B5F-D….jpeg)

8270fc No.255837


Checked and ayed - coming as soon as I can get to it.

db0e63 No.255838


Or you could just keep following the latest Q post as if it were true without knowing the details. That's YOUR choice. BO can make his own choices without people who have no clue what OPSEC entails making stupid suggestions.

Don't believe BO? Then keep following LCM or go to /storm/ or wherever.

275d27 No.255839


jake tapper = ultimate douche.

def1a7 No.255840

Urgent message to BO.

Your book deal payment of 30 RothCoins… You have to collect it in person… Come dressed for, um… dinner. Yes, dinner.

66615b No.255841




Do this help restore confidence in BO?

2dfefb No.255842


Id rather be bald than have hair like that

9401c0 No.255843



But when I saw the image

with that hair


had to do something with it

695353 No.255844


Thanks BO , left after the shit last night, after 4 months of kike, fag and abusive niggers of all walks of life, glad to see you keep us in the fight. Thanks for a place to do what we do, now , hunt those fuckers down and put your foot so deep in their asses, that the water on your knee quenches their thirst.

eb1dee No.255845

Would be nice if folks just STFU and did something constructive. Take a step back and look at yourselves. Honestly, you're an embarrassment.

Maybe you're all too far gone. Do you people know what your president gave up in order to be doing what he's doing? FOR YOU!

Do him a favor and get back to work.

9401c0 No.255846


That's why I shave my balls

don't wanna get caught with a bad hair cut

38d260 No.255847


Paul Haggis - Look at this report from Crazy Days and Nights (CDAN) in 2012

http://www.crazydaysandnights. net/search?q=paul+haggis

Apparently Paul Haggis had enemies like the Church of Scientology

dae242 No.255848

8f4ef4 No.255849


>implying I haven’t chanfagged for a decade

>implying Portugal is outside global reach

>I r8 14/88 b8 m8

I’ll bite. Listen faggot I should be working on my 83nd doctorial dissertation. The post you responded to wasn’t about (You) or I. Read again and talk to me when you brush up on your reading comprehension

def1a7 No.255850


When is never?

How will an illiterate child write a book?

Would the payment be to doxx everyone in Discord?

Would they give a FCK about a book from a spastic?

8f4ef4 No.255851


You too. Good luck

404135 No.255852


I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this.

dbdb4d No.255853


they are calling POTUS mentally unfit seems to me there is alot of unfit mentally challenged in your congress how about a meme for that

275d27 No.255854


no I love it.

275d27 No.255855


yes THIS is what projection is

dae242 No.255856


A complete ban list should be included.

695353 No.255858


Hey Doc, it should be 83 (rd) , toughen up ffs

3cf308 No.255859


Has anyone heard from CM yet so you can have him weigh in as well?

def1a7 No.255860

Classified information has been unintentionally disclosed.

Several agencies are performing due diligence to ensure their members did not leak.

BO is being used to include in his payment all info from Discord.

Judas got paid 30 pieces of silver.

I suspect BO got royally lowballed.

1ce662 No.255861

Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames.

7cb347 No.255862


It's not a matter of "believing BO", it's a matter of having the facts presented to us for such a serious claim.

I'm willing to take his word at face value, sure, but that comes with a trust that the facts will be elucidated to us in short order.

After all, we're operating on logic and reason here, and the facts of the matter should clearly illustrate that 2018/01/05-Q is false.

I would like to see those facts neatly summarized, as would every other anon who would rather have a logically satisfying conclusion to this mess.

Plus it shows good leadership on BO's part, that there's no smokescreening going on here.

e67abc No.255863

File: 6f5cb27cb2e2241⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 869x270, 869:270, NorthernTrust_Logo.jpg)

Northern Trust could be imprtant:

northern trust just lost its ceo frederick Waddell


beore cofounding loop capital albert grace was Vice President at the Northern Trust Company.


4af356 No.255864


Nice quints.

These questions are on my mind too.

51e214 No.255865




Agreed 1000%

66615b No.255866

‪Crumbs from 299 table‬

‪>>‬251413 ‪Safra Banking Family‬

https://archive. fo/Z1sRq

https://archive. fo/Hn2sz

http://archive. is/LWtcY‬

‪>>251583  ‬Josh Mandel drops out

‪ >>251634 BO Verified.‬

‪>>251835‬ World leaders get pass on twitter ban.

275d27 No.255869

before all the shit went down last night we were looking into the CLAS stuff…

503af2 No.255870

Forgive my newbness, I am only a 2-week lurker.

I have a question about something in the bread baked up top.

I've just started posting memes, but am challenged occasionally by blue-pillers who want evidence.

? Is there a source for the (over 4K indictments filed) that would satisfy a blue-piller? I'd love to have that in a meme about the storm's arrival.

a09ff4 No.255871


I'm with you. This shit reeks of clownfaggotry.

073965 No.255872

File: 30b80402451c26d⋯.jpeg (92.03 KB, 571x500, 571:500, 3A493CF2-E7C1-4FFB-A125-7….jpeg)

db0e63 No.255873


BoofuckingHoo. Good thing I'm not BO. I'd tell you to FO. OPSEC means not telling anything you do not need to tell, so that nothing inadvertently slips out. Information is power, so you do not give any away without reason.

There is no "serious claim" here. Believe or not. Your choice. I think BO is making a mistake if he listens to shills like you begging for information you do not need to know.

Nice phrase that… "need to know." I've heard it somewhere before.

ebfbd7 No.255874

Look. I don't agree with book writing and whatever the fuck else famefaggy shit people want to do. It is not what we do - but it's also besides the point here. Being more visible, doing fagtube shit, etc - that's different and is actually following Q's directive. We need that because it's pushing us closer to the tipping point in the mass redpill war.

Re: Q post verification fuckery - we don't know anyone's motivation - BO, mods, other Anons. The best course of action is to remain skeptical and use your own brain. That's why we're here. We're Anon, we're smart enough to handle this shit.

If you think someone is comp'd, dig on the crumbs you feel are valid. If you don't think they are, dig on the old crumbs and wait for BO to provide more info.

We can't do this again just as we have mass credibility. If we actually care about this we need to stop pussy bitching and dig. Use discernment, use your brain. Watch, share, etc

Love you no homo

275d27 No.255875


agree 100.

ad8d55 No.255876


Email sent to BO.

dbdb4d No.255877


this person follows it


copy paste into the bar

2dfefb No.255878

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

"out the old Ronald Reagan"= RR out?

9401c0 No.255879

File: fde1d46716fc613⋯.png (423.69 KB, 1018x554, 509:277, Heil ta tay.png)

Just saw this tweet

i added the tay tay

don't send it out

they'll think we're nazi's

just thought i'd point out

they think everyone who doesn't is

8270fc No.255880


Frankly, if you can't see that 2018/01/05-Q is written by illiterate teen fags, then I don't know what else will convince you. I have plenty of other ways of knowing that those posts weren't real but they're none of your business.

db0e63 No.255881

9b4691 No.255882


http://i-uv. com/9294k-sealed-indictment-count-for-usa-through-12-22-17/

dae242 No.255883


Loosen up the button finger.

275d27 No.255885


ha, depends of what

1e3923 No.255886


Does it really matter at this point?

Seems to me that it is more important that the blindfold of Justice is restored so that all are once again equal under the law. That is why Jeff Sessions is right - he is more interested in re-establishing the rule of law (which has been undermined for decades) than dictating what the law should be - that's not his job.

11104b No.255887


This is what everyone should be doing and should be continuing to do if you already are.

If you are an Anon without guidance looking for something to do, here are some excellent paths to take:

1) Dig. This means search for connections between relevant players and organizations. Look at them on google earth, search their public records, look into the #s if that's your bag. This part is about information gathering. If you find something noteworthy, post it in the relevant thread or in the general. If you don't know what topic to dig on just join an active specific thread and go by intuition.

2) Meme. Learn a relevant photo editing software (I use photoshop.). Take a picture, put some words on it. Viola! It's not as easy as it sounds, good memes are to the point and pack a TON of information. The old saying a picture is worth 1000 words. Sometimes good memes are worth many more. Make sure you have a target audience in mind, understand their psychology. This task is best left to the big picture thinkers and assimilates, and those with an artistic aesthetic gene.

2a) Info-graphs. This is sub category of memeing, that doesn't require the psychological depth of understanding of target audience. You can make info-graphs showing visually the connections that the diggers have found. Boxes, circles, arrows, words, small descriptions. Start small, practice with a family tree. There is a free website to do this: draw.io . Practice!

3) Spread. This is a tricky step and in my opinion the hardest to do well and effectively. You take the best original content that other anons have made in steps 1 & 2 and spread them via social media. The most effective ways of doing this is having multiple instagram, twitter, and all other kinds of social media accounts that are yours. Sock puppet type accounts, a hot girl that posts normal memes and occasionally slips in a heavy hitting red pill meme. Get 1000s of followers from being a hot girl with booby pictures. Have 10 hot girl accounts. Are you seeing the bigger picture? This is of primary importance currently and we need these anons badly. OPSEC must be of primary importance.

3a) Personal communication If this movement is to be really effective, you must talk with your friends and family in a way that allows them to receive these ideas. It's about an environment you create. Don't force ideas down your friend's and family's throats, but suggest this is how and what you think is going on and give them easy life rafts to use so that they may do their own research. Price Alwaleed is a great place to start, let them know about what happened in SA and why it's relevant. Start small. But this information must spread no matter how.

4) Pray Whether you believe it or not, positive intention towards modifying the future probability of our reality works. We have massive amounts of statistical evidence showing this from PEAR labs (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) over 30 years of research with immaculate protocol. It's science now, and like gravity, works regardless whether you believe or not. Your mind and thoughts effect the reality you live in, this is the least you can do. It doesn't need to be religiously affiliated.

It is an honor and a pleasure serving with you Patriots.

7cb347 No.255888


Chill out.

>Believe or not

Brilliant. Very academic, logical.

Not shilling, just want to know what the hell is going on since last night was a clusterfuck of screaming madness.

Calm and reasonable explanation would be much needed here.


If they're none of my business, then they're no anons business, and we're all back to being mushrooms, fed shit and kept in the dark.

I'm not satisfied with that, but I have no choice in the matter, so I'll just dig.

Thanks for being rational, BO, you're a treasure.

eb1dee No.255890

By any chance, has anyone linked a company by the name of "Keystone Group' to Loop? I saw something briefly, before the page I was reading redirected and wouldn't let me back.

727219 No.255891

File: bd25b0ca6243b26⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 560x351, 560:351, norwegians-customs-doll.jpg)

File: 6526bdbde0ec02c⋯.jpg (95.79 KB, 860x430, 2:1, doll.jpg)

There are just no fucking words for this. Except SICK.

December 14, 2017

"Experts: Sick dolls encourage child predators; Legislation prohibits interstate sale of lifelike dolls that promote the exploitation of innocent children"

Washington, DC—December 14, 2017….Congressman Dan Donovan (NY-11), along with a bipartisan coalition of 12 original cosponsors, today introduced the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act to ban importation and distribution of child sex dolls.

Similar bans already exist in Australia and the United Kingdom. Pedophiles buy and sell the lifelike silicone dolls, which resemble children as young as three years old, through online websites and marketplaces.

Congressman Donovan said, “It’s a uniquely vile person who preys on children to fulfill horrific pedophilic urges. During my 20 years as a prosecutor, I put away animals who played out their disgusting fantasies on innocent children. What I saw and heard was enough to make anybody sick. Now, as a legislator in Congress, I’m introducing a bill to ban the newest outlet for pedophiles: child sex dolls. They don’t belong in our communities.”

Original cosponsors include Representatives Peter King (NY-1), Trey Gowdy (SC-4), Rob Bishop (UT-1) Bill Johnson (OH-6), Tom Marino (PA-10), John Rutherford (FL-4), Nanette Barragan (CA-44), Claudia Tenney (NY-22), Don Bacon (NE-2), Chris Stewart (UT-2), Ann Kuster (NH-2), and Kathleen Rice (NY-4).


An op-ed highlighting the threat that child sex dolls pose and the CREEPER Act was also published in The Hill:

"Child sex dolls, the newest outlet for pedophiles, must be banned"

BY REP. DANIEL M. DONOVAN (R-N.Y.), 12/12/17


"Would child sex robots stop pedophilia — or promote it? Some say the devices could provide a safe outlet for individuals who are sexually attracted to children."

by David Cox / Jan.04.2018


Sign the petition to pass the CREEPER Act:


a09ff4 No.255892


you mean these? archive.fo/4wvwi

>>255458 <or these?

what is so illiterate teen fag about them???

1d9c09 No.255893



Can Q/POTUS confirm via Twitter the Q poster on January 5th is fake by tweeting:

'unQualified psychiatrist'

…as response to Jamie Raskin tweet from J. Tapper?

226705 No.255894



the folks at abeldanger.org speak at some length about NT being the parent of IRS, BAR association and other entities. I began digging yesterday and posted a few of the findings, but yesterday, I feel, much work was ignored due to the concerted attack.




0ea6cf No.255895


Nice outline…thanks Anon.

275d27 No.255896


but not in the classical sense no

7663d9 No.255897


>being this new

073965 No.255898

File: bc430df9a0272d2⋯.jpeg (91.54 KB, 571x500, 571:500, 55DE8DFB-9FBB-46AD-91C5-2….jpeg)

0ea6cf No.255899


we have 100% entered the Bizzarro World.

9401c0 No.255900

this is a wonderful idea

9401c0 No.255901

File: 8ff4c4bc944eb10⋯.png (381.87 KB, 680x340, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

db0e63 No.255902


FO. You have no need to know, so just keep wondering. I am chill. You're the one asking for information you have no right or need to know.

267156 No.255903


that counts as a Personal message from Potus that mentions RR out .

47e3ca No.255904


Fair enough.

66615b No.255905

‪table crumbs From 300‬

‪>>252651 speculation that Jacob Rothschild died 11-21 Helo crash incident. ‬

275d27 No.255906


yea thats as solid as its gonna get

94871d No.255907



980266 No.255908

I had a bit of an epiphany last night. I woke at 4am with loads of stuff in my head and it was like the moment in The Imitation Game when the code breaking machine stops. OK, let me lay out what's in my head and I apologise if I ramble.

Future proves past - this will be a return to the Gold Standard to underwrite the dollar. What's been supporting the dollar since they decoulled? Oil. Rockefeller's company Standard oil was broken up for operating a monopoly (search the Octopus and Rockefeller and it will be clearer). Why did a Rockefeller die on the Titanic along with Guggenheim and others? Oil and the Federal Reserve. I belieev that Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller by descent (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

Why did they go into Iraq? Saddam Hussein was about to start trading oil in Euros, so the war was planned to stop him. Why was Ghaddafi taken out in Libya? Because he wanted to create his own gold-based currency (the new Dinar) and trade oil in that, so again, the WND thing was bluffed and fluffed up to stop him.

Putin made a big deal about Turkey stealing oil from Libya. Trump makes a big noise about China and them supplying oil to NK.

Tillerson used to work for Exxon-Mobil - Exxon is the descendent of Esso, the company Rockefeller created after Standard Oil was broken up. Esso = S.O. Standard Oil. This indicates that Rockefeller involvement in oil never ended, in fact it got bigger

Why was SA so against fracking? It affected oil prices, so they did what they could to sabotage it. The Venezuelans came out recently and said that they were starting to export oil in larger volumes to compete with the Saudis.

Sea to Shining Sea - Trump is opening the oceans to oil drilling again, another thing that will undermine oil prices.

What is the ultimate target? OPEC. Break up the global cartel that #is using the same tactics as Rockefeller did with Standard Oil (future proves past).

Break oils' link to the Petrodollar, go back to the Gold Standard and the Saudis can't corner the market to themselves any more. Oil becomes cheaper and in more plentiful supply as the taps aren't dependent so much on $$$ and generating income for the Saudis.

Why is gold so valuable and coveted so much? Gold is the most inert metal, resistant to the most aggressive acids, that's why Aqua Regia is called that, as it was used to prove that a metal was gold.

Gold was used by the Pharoahs and was buried with them, Hitler's gold is still being looked for, Gold went missing from haiti and other nations (Libya for example) and the question is, why?

Is gold so valuable as it holds the key to time travel? it's used in electronics because it's sop stable and if it's resistant to acids, does that make it resistant to megnetic fluxes and plasma, energies that might be used in anti-gravity and time travel?

it has to have a value other than decoration that makes it so valuable and worth hoarding so much.

I'm trying hard to expand my thinking and the best explanation I hae is that oil is being used to support the dollar while the elites misappropriate the gold that was originally used to underwrite the dollar. Why did Gordon Brown sell off some of the UK's gold so cheaply, was a debt other than in monetary terms owed?

Nokila Tesla might have stumbled on to this and it might explain why those at the top collect and hoard gold so much, yet keep us in eternal debt to keep us away from it.

I have 101 thhings rushing through my head at the moment and it's like I've become next-level woke, it's early days for me so bear with my rambling while my head works to figure it out some more.

Feel free to troll, diss, laugh etc.

afe870 No.255909



Q graphics 4-6 missing from bread.

See #302 dough:


48025a No.255910

Alex Jones just made a video with a "Real Q" on his show. The guy was anonymous and went on calling Elon Musk a patriot etc. He said that he had a real Q anon and not some LARP like what's on the chans. I'm really starting to not like Alex Jones. Alex Jones was the one telling his viewers that he couldn't wait to get his DNA analysis back from 23 and me. I'm starting to think more and more everyday that he's a clown plant.

a09ff4 No.255912


>Elon Musk a patriot

to south africa??

94871d No.255913


Uhh, he's well known clown shoes, like, level one gatekeeper. MOSSAD

ff1aa4 No.255914

File: 1b3af1cccfe1630⋯.jpeg (92.28 KB, 739x500, 739:500, B42C17D2-66BF-4F28-813A-5….jpeg)

23a61d No.255915


Right now , save all photos of pervy joe b you can find, so when the time comes flood the internet with is creepy shit. Save save save

5ea414 No.255916



from the very first Q post i have been saying that AJ is a disinfo agent and should never be trusted.

i hope more and more people will come to your realization.

94871d No.255917

275d27 No.255918


Nice meta view…I think it holds weight

def1a7 No.255919



Are you five.

BO couldn't OPSEC if his life depended on it. Which if the Chicago Mafia are involved, it does.

9401c0 No.255920



If your going down this rabbit hole

Think Monatomic gold

Increases brain functionality and speed

Improves immune system

increases longevity

this is a VERY important medal in reguard to human health

a09ff4 No.255921


regardless of what anyone thinks of AJ himself, his GUESTS are shady as fuck

ec5f10 No.255924



980266 No.255925


Thanks. Sorry for the loads of typos, my head is all over the place and so is my typing as I'm trying to lay it all out.

9401c0 No.255926


but i like his water filters….. pout.

db0e63 No.255927


I happen to agree that BO needs a refresher (or primer) on OPSEC. That's part of what I have been posting for, to let him know he doesn't need to give out any explanations.

838049 No.255928


Raises hand

94871d No.255929


FUCK his water filters. Get a BERKEY.

980266 No.255930


Yeah, I'm aware of this, remember the '60s series The Champions? They had stitches of gold in them when they were rescued and it gave them special powers. Have they been signalling this in plain sight for years?

9401c0 No.255931


you have been trolled….

48025a No.255932


I've always viewed Alex Jones as an entertainer but I'm starting to see him as a disinfo agent.

Conspiracy has been given a shameful label and I think he's one of the forces pushing it along.

I used to see him as benign. Not so much these days.

def1a7 No.255933


This is all you need to know.

This is not even good lying.

Q is still real.

BO is having a breakdown or too much meth.

7663d9 No.255934


Of course he is. And people have been banned here for saying he is controlled op. Really makes you wonder

9401c0 No.255935


kind of

hawaii has the current highest amount of momatomic gold in the water

back in ancient times it was near iraq iran area

this is supposedly why the annunaki were there

7663d9 No.255936


He walked back pg8. Enough said

66615b No.255938

‪table crumbs From 301‬

‪>>253157 >>253419 Aramco IPO‬

‪>>253295 Gitmo use. Several vague references to gitmo being used to detain elites. Credible journalist?‬

‪>>253556 rothschild banking influence. ‬

http://katehon. com/article/purging-russia-evil-rothschild-money-changers

‪>>253601 future role of China’s yuan‬

Disclaimer: some posts were mine. Not self promoting but topic is significant imho

2dfefb No.255939


Any updates regarding code monkey or progress in clearing up all the recent confusion?

94871d No.255940


Anything but benign. Anyone who thinks dis-info agents are benign doesn't get it. People listening to these fagbois (let's put George Webb and the like in there as well) are being MISLEAD, DISTRACTED, and SEEDED WITH LIES.

It's not worth filtering the garbage, they are more bullshit than true, and the truth is tainted.

275d27 No.255941

is this article just a coincidence about MAR39, or is it meaningful? Noone re yesterday morning when posted….

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/01/05/us/san-francisco-terror-suspect-indicted/index.html

cd8de9 No.255942

Is the power tripping mod still banning left and right? What are these rumors about a book deal?

Wierd how slow this board is moving now.

eb35b3 No.255943

File: 3852c1baaec8209⋯.png (27.68 KB, 937x358, 937:358, image.png)


Two different posts at exact same hour, min, sec using different ID's?

5ea414 No.255944


your opinion of AJ is only going to fall.

congrats on uncovering yet another layer of propaganda.

many more to go. good luck.

66615b No.255945


https://t. co/hy0bPNkT8y

702 and Rogers https://theconservativetreehouse. com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

US citizen fighting in Syria, surrendered to Kurdish mil 9/12 - sent to Iraq Base 9/14

https://www.aclu. org/blog/national-security/detention/aclu-will-represent-american-citizen-us-military-detention-abroad


ff1aa4 No.255946

File: 073ea75d1728a0a⋯.jpeg (57.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2795BFB3-9725-42B0-8029-5….jpeg)

94871d No.255947


This. He's only level one. There's at least 2 further levels of gatekeepers.

afe870 No.255948


News to put in bread:

Sessions challenges loophole in immigration cases

http://thehill.com /homenews/administration/367731-sessions-challenges-administrative-loophole-in-immigration-court

Trump team, GOP leaders, go to Camp David

https://www.cbsnews. com/videos/trump-team-gop-leaders-retreat-to-camp-david-to-discuss-2018-agenda/

11 Saudi Princes arrested

https://www.rt. com/news/415160-saudi-princes-protest-arrest/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS

Trump stands by Sen. Paul's plan to fund infrastructure with suspended aid to Pakistan

http://www.latimes. com/politics/la-pol-updates-everything-president-trump-commends-sen-rand-paul-after-he-1515214635-htmlstory.html

00b111 No.255949

Gots to rd this


ef4c00 No.255950


Tony Podesta maybe?

e1067d No.255951


First half is great man.

Were you on weed? not judging.

7663d9 No.255952



Never seen a bo concern/control ban on ANY Chan site. Even when PCs were getting straight Shoah’d, the mods and BO NEVER flexed muh ban powers. Looking more and more controlled

74e9bf No.255953

As I mentioned on >>>/sudo/66101, I updated the code for super secure tripcodes because someone found it was excluding capital letters, thus making them less secure. I immediately changed the code on January 5, 2018. Because it wasn't really announced except on /sudo/, this might have caused some confusion. Sorry about that.

Regarding any Q posts that happened then, I can't verify anything because it seems the posts have been deleted. However, let's assume Q's post history wasn't the same. That does not necessarily mean his tripcode has been cracked. Q might have changed IPs, reset his connection, used cellular data, used a different VPN provider or even a different IP location from the same VPN provider - there are a number of reasons why a post history might start from scratch. Again, I cannot verify his posts because, well, they don't exist anymore.

980266 No.255954


Explains why they needed Saddam out of the way then. The war was a cover story to nick the gold?

2dfefb No.255955


sounds like Snowden

afe870 No.255956


Damn it.

226705 No.255957


Here's another with some additional crumbs.


94871d No.255958


Monoatomic gold is about to go through a revolution. There is a recycling tech that produces monoatomic gold NATIVELY very cheaply.

90522e No.255959


Amen brother

980266 No.255960


My brain sometimes runs in what I call 'subroutines', in that if I can't solve a problem straight away, it works away on it in the background. Sometimes I wake at stupid o'clock and have the answer, but have forgotten the question as the par of my brain that asked the question isn't awake. It may indicate some autistic leanings in me, when my IQ was tested when I was younger, it was found to be over 130.

I don't drink (diabetic) and I don't smoke either. Caffeine is my drug of choice and sleep is for the weak.

dbdb4d No.255961


what about this


96b027 No.255962


thank you codemonkey.

many of us have maintained the posts should not have been deleted, for a multitude of reasons. this only adds to those reasons.

i fear Q is gone,

7cb347 No.255963


Thank you for the input, Codemonkey, and for being a voice of reason.

So we truly are in the dark as far as whether those deleted posts were legit Q or not, yes?

e9568e No.255964


Hello… Thanks for Dropping By - Can you get rid of this BO Faggot?

He's deleted the evidence

48025a No.255965


George Webb is an advocate for Targeted Individuals so it's hard for me to go against him. TIs are real and there are few vocal and visible advocates.

7663d9 No.255966


>fear q is gone

Why the fear m8. (You) have all (You) need… the map.

e1067d No.255967


What's your opinion about this wheel man? (i assume you'r Fredrick)

94871d No.255968


LOL that's how they work. They weave enough truth and soft hearted bullshit in to draw you in. You are fooled. That's a mossad agent, and he doesn't give a fuck about targeted individuals.

7663d9 No.255969


No, no. TBeanz needs her patreon (((shekels)))

dae242 No.255970


How convenient

dc1d66 No.255971


Nice digits

KEK wills it

>four months after

That would make the pick up early Sept. 2017

94871d No.255972


We need those people. You're a fucking jealous fool. Go get a patreon yourself. Stop shitting up the board.

74e9bf No.255973


I can't verify posts that are not from 8chan as I don't have access to anything.

e9568e No.255974

File: c619f257d7fe595⋯.jpg (6.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)


I would check with thomas paine..

He's EX MI - and Q has worked with him before - He might lurking now.

dbdb4d No.255975

ba2b84 No.255976


Never said fake Q was on our side.

Just said; "there are more actors who are insiders." Welcome to 5d chess of the spy world we have been invited into.

The hack was done for one (or more) reasons;

1. Ego

2. H-jack to co-op for "good intentions." (not implying its moral)

3. Subterfuge.

Take your pick.

96b027 No.255977

B "hillary clinton" O

charged with deleting evidence

afe870 No.255978


Check storm #5 or #6. Q posted there.


74e9bf No.255979


Anything on github that is.

e9568e No.255980


Can you take the Board Back?

261215 No.255981

Heard ABC News Radio announce yesterday that DOJ investigating ClintonFoundation. Getting too heavy for MSM to ignore now.

96b027 No.255982


link pls

7663d9 No.255983


>we need those people

Mouse in your pocket faggot? No, we don’t need famewhoring dickriders

>start a (((patreon)))

No nigger. I don’t support kike (((donation))) companies. I am employed and a productive member of society. I don’t dickride hard working people while screaming I need muh (((shekels))). How can you take ANY dickriders seriously? Take Cassandra FairShekels. Bernie ho one day, watches Trump rise to power, sees the (((shekels))) then becomes a trump dickrider… hmmmm

5ea414 No.255984

dc1d66 No.255985


Who is the ying to Trumps yang?

ca3b1e No.255986


>The mods have consulted with Dr ngCorsiombn

So I guess you consult wirh Alex Jones on plu

96b027 No.255987

3d1586 No.255988


people who don't have it, don't understand it. he thinks theres gotta be something more to it, but the reality is, gold is just the ultimate currency and whoever has had it through history, has been better off than those who haven't.

Monoatomic gold could just be an urban legend to interest the poor in gold however.

94871d No.255989


K, how do you propose to get the media to the world? My guess is it goes through profit based media eventually. You live in fantasy land. Deal with it.

96b027 No.255990


if you wish to use the board /rorqror/ - restore our republic - i will happily hand back the keys

66615b No.255991


Pope soros.

http://sorosfiles. com/soros/2016/08/the-popes-boss.html#axzz51yxYU3tW

Magintsky sanctions. See https://t.co/xJ7zthF6Fv then read

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943988810702041088.html.

Anon is digging through Clinton-Obama corruption scandals. Just following the money. Peeling the onion.

ZTE http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1EG03R?__twitter_impression=true

Karma is such the bitch. Dream act isn’t revenue neutral. HR 3440 CBO scored https://www.cbo. gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/costestimate/hr3440.pdf

Global crime syndicate shut down https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943903828067409920.html

e9568e No.255992


Never read such dross.. Fucking CIA Niggers

afe870 No.255993




Confirm Q's posts on /thestorm



8a3a81 No.255994


Come on His real name appears to be ZACHARI KLAWONN. Seems he was used by MSM around time of Ft Hood shootings to prove that Muslims embedded in our military are all peaceful and good. He was on ABC, etc. Many youtubes showing he was discriminated against because of being Muslim 1 week after Ft Hood shooting. Where was he stationed….yeah wait for it…Ft Hood. I am very suspect of "zach"'s info. Said Sessions very compromised, claims to be Q team, claims Elon is patriot. Q has specifically called out Elon as cabal. ????

7cb347 No.255995


Thoughts on how to proceed? BO has explicitly stated we're on "need to know" re: whether those Q posts are legit, and without any way to corroborate what he presumably knows, we're blind here. If you can't verify Q's posts, is there really any way for BO to verify them?

afe870 No.255996


https://8ch. net/thestorm/res/3995.html#q4706

695353 No.255997

File: 1bb4309d85dc4d3⋯.png (2.23 KB, 355x355, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e2cc72fc3d24fd⋯.png (3.01 KB, 355x355, 1:1, butthurtcream.png)

Some folks seem a little sore this mornin, hope this helps!!! We need to get back on task now, not continue flaming the BO and sliding with "AJ", we still have unfinished business, diggin to be dunn, memes to create, and pills to drop.We know there is powerful niggardry here with us , dont feed it.

2dfefb No.255998

People wanting control of the board are the ones that most likely comp. the board.

66615b No.255999

Misc background on current events

Fusion background http://www.tabletmag. com/jewish-news-and-politics/251897/obama-steele-dossier-russiagate

Iran deal.

https://www.politico. com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/942545154447097856.html

https://now.mmedia. me/lb/en/commentaryanalysis/564899-extraordinary-concessions

https://www.hoover. org/research/title-tbd

http://thefederalist. com/2017/12/18/obamas-iran-deal-makes-trumps-russia-collusion-look-like-childs-play/

http://www.foxnews. com/politics/2017/12/17/obama-administration-undermined-anti-hezbollah-task-force-to-help-secure-iran-nuke-deal-report-says.amp.html?__twitter_impression=true - https://www.dea. gov/divisions/hq/2016/hq020116.shtml

http://amp.miamiherald. com/news/local/article190875044.html?__twitter_impression=true

https://securitystudies. org/scandal-threatens-nato/

https://www.bloomberg. com/amp/view/articles/2017-12-18/obama-s-alternative-facts-on-the-iran-nuclear-deal?__twitter_impression=true

https://nypost. com/2017/12/18/how-trump-can-repair-the-damage-from-obamas-narcoterror-fail/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

https://www.bloomberg. com/amp/view/articles/2017-12-18/obama-s-alternative-facts-on-the-iran-nuclear-deal?__twitter_impression=true

http://freebeacon. com/national-security/congress-demands-doj-turn-docs-related-obama-scheme-nix-hezbollah-terror-investigation/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

Obama arms Hezbollah http://nsroundtable. org/as-we-see-it/arming-enemies-betraying-allies/?platform=hootsuite

CIA tips Hezbollah off http://nsroundtable. org/as-we-see-it/our-new-allies/?platform=hootsuite

John Brennan thinks moderate Hezbollah will work. http://nsroundtable. org/as-we-see-it/our-new-allies/?platform=hootsuite

Preemptive Demospin http://amp.dailycaller. com/2017/12/21/obama-echo-chamber-manufactures-media-narrative-ahead-of-investigations-into-hezbollah-scandal/

Hezbollah -Awan

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943269801501253634.html


https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943744986884931584.html

https://securitystudies. org/saudi-arabia-changes-balance-iran/

https://securitystudies. org/opposing-axis-authoritarians/

http://www.foxnews. com/opinion/2017/12/05/change-in-middle-east-change-must-come-from-people-in-region-thats-why-support-new-saudi-moves.amp.html?__twitter_impression=true


https://www.theatlantic. com/amp/article/8318/?__twitter_impression=true

https://apnews. com/fe6a15e5d16a40718ad4d80ef22a8864/Trump-to-unveil-'America-First'-national-security-strategy

America fst

https://www.whitehouse. gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/NSS-Final-12-18-2017-0905-2.pdf

https://securitystudies. org/polished-american-first-national-security-strategy/?utm_content=bufferc0d44&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

https://securitystudies. org/capital-conflict/

NKhttps://www.wsj. com/amp/articles/u-s-seeks-u-n-ban-on-ships-helping-north-korea-dodge-sanctions-1513764003?__twitter_impression=true

https://www.facebook. com/notes/timothy-bair/proof-unctad-and-imf-conspire-to-undermine-national-economies/1897225293855987/

http://english.alarabiya. net/en/News/gulf/2017/12/20/Germany-says-it-shares-Saudi-concerns-on-Iran-and-Hezbollah.html?utm_content=buffer5d039&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943582484746211328.html



https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943786618002878464.html

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/943269801501253634.html

https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/937831014965153792.html

https://assets.documentcloud. org/documents/3892131/Trump-Dossier-Suit.pdf

Obama trip to China https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/937456884713373696.htmlb


https://threadreaderapp. com/thread/939215270974914560.html

58de10 No.256000


I believe this. The original BO super secure tripcode was all Hex characters. I thought that was odd. Now it has full text characters. As a code banger myself, this "fix" by code monkey makes perfect sense.

2d06d0 No.256001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<3 (no homo)

Hope can re verify later on.

8a3a81 No.256002

>>255910 Zach used by Mockingbirds just days after Ft Hood shootings. Zach of course was stationed at…..FT HOOD. Now he is secret Q insider giving intel live on Alex Jones. Tells exactly how POTUS is going to take down NK BEFORE it happens. Slips in "we" intermittently like he accidentally is revealing he is part of secret ops team. I call BS!

7663d9 No.256003


Well, people get banned for saying AJ is controlled op

8270fc No.256004


Thanks CM. Check your PMs. 2015-01-05 Q posts were fake and gay and therefore deleted. I can send you a backup I took of the IP hashes if you need to confirm for yourself.

980266 No.256005


You can't eat gold. OK, so you could, but you'd still starve to death.

"When the last fish has been caught and the last tree cut down, only then will they realise that you can't eat money". Same applies to gold.

d1b9ca No.256006


Great memes.

Tweeted and retweeted. 14K possible views but twatter loves to suppress these so only 1.6k impressions so far. Haven't even had breakfast.

Keep it up Anons. We are winning.

503af2 No.256007

File: b19ba602e6bec0e⋯.jpg (85.52 KB, 400x401, 400:401, IndMeme.jpg)


Many thanks!

My meme.

e4e72d No.256008

Thanks for keeping cool while getting this sorted out, BASED BO.

e9568e No.256009


Wouldn't trust you.. Sorry but you're a bit of dick.

8a3a81 No.256010


Is Alex Jones being used as part of the play? Keeps up story of bad Jeff Sessions & bad crazy Bannon for MSM. Disinformation is necessary.

3d1586 No.256011

Ok, going on over 14 hours of talking about the same shit. IF no one has new crumbs, give us the most recent REAL ones so we can continue digging and STOP THE CIRCLEJERK

afe870 No.256012




2dfefb No.256013


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

"out the old Ronald Reagan"= RR out?

8270fc No.256014


No, I'm a huge fucking massive dick when it comes to this board. That's why we're on more than a quarter of a million comments and you're still here.

50754e No.256015


I'd like to know how many active BANS are in place on People that have done a lot of past contributions to the Cause?

I don't know if we'll get an honest answer or not?

But, a little transperance by the mods could clear up any suspision

d74704 No.256016


Gold's value is in keeping the monetary system honest. It is readily recognizable, non-reactive, easy to hide, can't be stolen by lawyers, bankers, greedy exes, etc., can't be created out of nothing, and we have been hoarding it so much that mining only increases the existing supply by 2% per year- which is much less than the real rate of inflation. Essentially, gold is naturally occurring money which the Jews can't counterfeit or steal. That's why they have a love/hate relationship with it. Love that they can protect themselves from the predations of other Jews, but they hate that the Goyim can protect themselves. Furthermore, in order to maintain the illusion that the dollar is money, they have turned the entire gold market into a giant Ponzi scheme. Calling bullshit by buying the real metal means that the Jew has to unwind 100x that much paper gold somewhere. So when some uppity goyim like Gaddaffi decides that he is going to nationalize some Rothschild-owned infrastructure and start selling oil for gold, of course the Rothschild puppets will "spread democracy". BTW, one of the first things the goatf*ckers did was establish the Central Bank of Benghazi. Libya had been one of a small handful of "rogue states" without a Rothschild-controlled central bank.

I am suspicious of the "health" uses of gold but even if true, those applications (along with electronics and science projects) will still be a small fraction of the total supply, so there must be another reason for their obsession with gold. I think it has to do with typical kikery.

b1df7c No.256017


I hope he calls the fake news awards the


3a044f No.256018


What about the \TheStorm post, can you verify that one?

74e9bf No.256019



Board owners sometimes make mistakes or become very unpopular. Based on 8chan policy, that does not give me the power to remove them.


46ba0c No.256020



red pilling means asking them the questions, such as Q was doing. they have to think for them selves. you can't just tell them, you have to ASK them (means twisting their words and thoughts) but it makes them either 1. shut up or 2. start thinking.

3d1586 No.256021


http:// articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-07-29/opinion/ct-oped-0729-goldberg-20110729_1_ronald-reagan-reagan-mantle-obama-economy

Anything here?

261215 No.256022

This new book about Trump is so completely ludicrous that it should be glaringly evident to all that this is something Bannon/Trump cooked up to troll the MSM. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 They are so dumb.

29deb5 No.256023


Stop with the deleting

Not good for integrity of the board as this incident clearly shows

7663d9 No.256024


>implying the reason Q didn’t come to the chans was bc if the like it or leave it, wait for it chanculture

>implying it’s ok to be white wasn’t done to trigger media

>implying media isn’t /ourusefulidiot/

Listen /newfag/ most of the work done on the chans in the past has been done anonymously no need for media/ famewhores. Now fuck off back to plebbit

e4e72d No.256025


(Mossad agents be like: "It was ISIS Muslims, I swear!")

66615b No.256026

Department of State has designated Muhammad al-Ghazali, Abukar Ali Adan, and Wanas al-Faqih as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs) under Section 1(b) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224. These designations impose strict sanctions on foreign persons http://breaking911 . com/state-department-designates-3-al-qaeda-figures-global-terrorists/

Fusion - House Intel bank records https://www.scribd .com/document/368439696/Fusion-GPS-vs-House-Intelligence-Committee-Bank-Records

Good tying threads together on 2016 FISA abuse. https://theconservativetreehouse . com/2018/01/04/understanding-the-context-of-devin-nunes-requests-obamas-2016-doj-fbi-spying-operation/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

226705 No.256027




3d1586 No.256028


>After all, the 1982 deal that raised taxes was one of Reagan's greatest regrets. The Democrats promised to cut $3 in spending for every $1 in tax increases. They lied, a fact Reagan resented until he died.

9cbfc5 No.256029


You need to work on your discernment skills.

e9568e No.256030


You're starting an internal war with your attitude.

f9816e No.256031

File: 0f7c1c39dadd09f⋯.png (621.24 KB, 1842x3073, 1842:3073, 526ad3ddaaf53f9d9b92c0cdcd….png)


You probably have seen it but just in case.

50754e No.256032


Alarming !!!!

This is Huge and Heavey

7663d9 No.256033


>in b4 ban

980266 No.256034


A certain person of legend / existence (YMMV - I'm agnostic) allegedly threw out the moneylenders from the temple. Might this be another example of 'Future proves Past', in that the eternal debt they want us in is a form of moneylending and that Trump is addressing the moneylenders in the same way?

e1067d No.256035


wtv man. gud first half. last half you ran on a tangent on my opinion.

If what you say is true than get your noggin joggin on the roths family perspective. Seeing the whole picture is valuable to be able to discern what's likely true or not

7d29c5 No.256036

What a fuggup.

BO hasn't got the same privileges as CM.

CM himself says he can't verify anything that was deleted.

CM says different IP, posting history, VPN don't necessarily equate fake Q.

How the hell do we recover from this

29deb5 No.256037


Please see for the still existing posts for verification


8270fc No.256038


C!Odemonkey, you can always head across to /thestorm/ and see the latest posts from "Q" there. Should be easy to verify those right?

afe870 No.256039


Get CM to confirm Q posts made on /thestorm.

7663d9 No.256040


Wait on /pol/ for Q

275d27 No.256041


yea this needs clarification

cd8de9 No.256042


Can you verify the two Q posts over at /thestorm?

8270fc No.256043


"Q" has posted on /thestorm/ as well - he just needs to go there and check. It's easy.

44c3e5 No.256044

Stale bread

Thank you inspirational BO

Great work shutting down anons

Prob the anons who worked hardest that got most angry bq most engaged. All banned by BO.

As we say in Sweden, jävla sopa.

2dfefb No.256045


Any updates regarding code monkey or any updates in general?

8270fc No.256046



e9568e No.256047


Yep.. That would alarm CodeMonkey.. Doubt this would happen.

44c3e5 No.256048


Great example.

afe870 No.256049

8270fc No.256050


I thought you said 'Allah Akbar!" in Sweden.

3d1586 No.256051



he has 24 posts in the thread, and you're actually telling him where to look for info. ban him retard.

f9816e No.256052

9cbfc5 No.256053


Oh look, Jordan from creating my delusion is here

44c3e5 No.256054



Take a fucking step back.

Unban all.

Shut up.

Lets hope makes it back to normal.

You personally have shut down most important anon-project ever.

And yes. You have. Look at bread. Stale. Look att your angry answers to anons.

BO for CBTS is big responsability. You are fucking up big time.

e4e72d No.256055


Negro, go into a dark-room and glow…

Hitler was a Rothschild, who was funded by Rothschilds and NWO lackeys. (i.e. a Fake Nazi). And ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Why do you think they formally apologized to Israel after accidentally attacking Israeli troops?

http://www. newsweek.com/isis-fighters-regret-attacking-israel-apologize-defense-minister-591020

Why do you think Israeli think-tanks are clamoring that ISIS is a "good for Israel" in the fight against Hezbollah/Hamas?

http://www. libertynewsdaily.com/blog-2179-israeli-think-tank:-isis-is-good-for-israel

Why do you think ISIS is NOW attacking Hamas in retaliation to Trump's Jerusalem move?

https://www. thesun.co.uk/news/5275030/isis-plot-overthrow-hamas-gaza-israel-donald-trump-jerusalem/

The writing is on the wall. (((Ya'll))) fucked up.

dae242 No.256056



15c636 No.256057

Why wont CM check /thestorm/ Q posts?

44c3e5 No.256058



Well. You are not wrong.

Let the world see Sweden as a warning.

8270fc No.256059


Thanks anon. I'll be just fine as I am.

a2c48c No.256060


I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you amid all the shouting. Now, what are you so concerned about, again? Oh, right. Shilling. Fuck off.

48025a No.256061


Fair enough. I have heard the Mossad angle before and I've done a bit of research. He supposedly had to flee the country to Israel (how would that help you, anyways?).

bbe6ef No.256062


I'm sure he has/is. Give him time to sort through all this fuckery.

db0e63 No.256063


You obviously were not here when the shill storm hit. Most of those banned were /storm/ shills or worse. I don't want BO to unban anyone without appeal.

Too bad he deleted so much shyte. And shyte it was, for hours.

48025a No.256064

dae242 No.256065


When is the book due out?

66615b No.256066

I dumped crumbs and tidbits I was able to scavenge from the shit storm that hit breads 299-303. Dig. Ignore shills. They are winning if you’re distracted by anon verification bullshit.

We are all anons. We are all patriots. We are all looking for the truth because our govt officials, msm, and others feed us lies.

Get over it and get back to reason we’re here.

Stop wasting energy.

e4e72d No.256067


BO… Do we know exactly when Q's identity was compromised? We should consider what our our opposition has attempted to get us to dig into and why.

Could you make a post clarifying exactly when the Q posts were compromised? What date? This way we can go back and get on track.

e9568e No.256068


All those feelings, do you need a hug?

a09ff4 No.256069


Thanks for the clarification. Seems whoever deleted the posts had something to hide.

The Q posts dont seem very suspicious to me: archive.fo/4wvwi and >>255458


There's a special place in hell for you.

db0e63 No.256071


We were examining the Q post that started /[RR-out][P_Pers]

That part has been answered, but nothing following.

7cd47a No.256072


Whoa Whoa Whoa! Shills are laughing and mocking this board right now. Take a step back and a deep breath and calm yourselves. Unity over division. Get it together anons.

3cf308 No.256073



Surest sign of someone who has failed at life: something like Q comes around and their dick gets hard as a rock thinking of the fame and money this could bring to liberate them from their retail career.

Anyone with an actual life can spot these fucking losers from a mile away. Tripping over yourselves to get interviewed on jewtube and to try to get a "book deal."

Jesus Christ you are embarassing.

9fb412 No.256074


head of ACLU (Romero) was on email invite list to Podesta's Martha's Vineyard pizza related handkerchief party.

b47e1e No.256075


a2c48c No.256076


(/s) doesn't work for you?

2d09e9 No.256077

File: fed89466993e859⋯.png (217.42 KB, 790x675, 158:135, book_deal.png)

Where can I also get a book deal?

3d1586 No.256078

File: a94c217c6ae1aae⋯.jpeg (141.71 KB, 430x539, 430:539, dick.jpeg)

afe870 No.256079


Will you be baking #305?

3d1586 No.256080

File: f3261fac150ff0f⋯.jpeg (159.69 KB, 1000x637, 1000:637, 3056.jpeg)

e9e845 No.256081


Was quite a read. Many thanks anon. Everyone needs to read this! Everyone.

a8f4d1 No.256082

File: b6cde5641f796a7⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2196x1566, 122:87, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at ….png)

File: 943783ea798232e⋯.png (437.17 KB, 2682x458, 1341:229, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at ….png)



9401c0 No.256083

the most recient drop from Q

that starts with [j-go)

refers to this


a70334 No.256085

So much infighting. This is EXACTLY what THEY want. Little research is being done right now.

Take a step back.

Stop fighting.

Dig, meme, talk to others, pray. And most importantly, chill the fuck out. If Q has more to say, they'll find a way. The same way we found them in the first place.

13b644 No.256086


Cool. Thanks.

3d1586 No.256087


Just keep hammering a dig topic stupid. We don't need advice, give topics.

9401c0 No.256089

can someone repost the stringer we're supposed to be working on


afe870 No.256090



>>239015 rt >>>/pol/res/11115887


dae242 No.256091


Get in line you fuking sheep. 1984 grey suits for everyone.

6dd4b1 No.256092

File: 3432666d97c957e⋯.jpg (599.52 KB, 1731x1735, 1731:1735, A CBTS 02.jpg)

ae770b No.256093


Hey remember that time the BO got so buttblasted he tried to use his “fame” to motivate people into doxing someone on reddit? Good times.

db0e63 No.256094



Everything has meaning.

Who is AMB Matlock?






Everything until EO_ has been decoded. Lots of speculation on the rest.

There may be other items of interest, too.

2dfefb No.256095


Looks like codemonkey hasnt confirmed your bullshit no wonder why youre screaming like a bitch

3d1586 No.256096

File: c75067814f8cca8⋯.png (751.11 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 42f21c962d352b86999e42307a….png)






e9568e No.256097


CodeMonkey has seen enough. Have patience.

e4e72d No.256098


Flynn is woke AF.

2dfefb No.256099


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump


Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..

"out the old Ronald Reagan"= RR out?

3cb33f No.256100

File: 8968734924e3761⋯.png (73.9 KB, 774x410, 387:205, Screenshot 2018-01-06 at 1….png)

File: ad4cfea28e97d53⋯.png (652.43 KB, 770x583, 70:53, Screenshot 2018-01-06 at 1….png)


>In the last post if fake Q he encourages you all to fight. Fight each other, that means!

This is a direct quote from POTUS twitter. Take it as a marker.

All this infighting is simple. If Q posts here then last night's Q was fake because he said he wouldn't. If Q doesn't post here then BO is fake and everyone will leave. Either way, Q will verify what to do next. Not BO, not anyone else.

9401c0 No.256101

File: 8dc0ca132c2dc04⋯.png (87.97 KB, 1228x497, 1228:497, matt couch tweet.png)

anyone else see this twat

2d09e9 No.256102

Can we get an update on that book deal?

db0e63 No.256103


Good lead, but how does it relate to the rest? Q's posts read like a story. Nothing is disconnected between "paragraphs."

50754e No.256104


Can you make a count and see how many people that have been on here since November have been Banned in the Last 7 days?

9cab01 No.256105

File: c486985d5d543fe⋯.png (10.13 KB, 336x179, 336:179, 2v5riIVGzUar6PIB4Nxggg==.png)

File: a46679bb88f291b⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 6vsOCL8xdECuV3svJDTXNw==.jpg)

File: 50f4d25d2203aad⋯.jpg (14.97 KB, 700x162, 350:81, 8FeIpGB4Q06DwqssVr8YeQ==.jpg)

File: ecac93be7e947dd⋯.jpg (178.2 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, bqE1S0NA7UWBbUYNUA uDg==.jpg)

e9e845 No.256106


I’ve never been negative about chan. Unexpectedly banned last night. What’s up

3d1586 No.256107


DCEB 5663 Vs 93 RAM

DDG 93 RAM leads to an article on human testing….

https://www. wired.com/story/the-future-of-weed-science-is-a-van-in-colorado/amp

2d09e9 No.256108

Is Baruch going to give us a fair share on those book deal shekels?

ae770b No.256109


Watch out or he’ll beg his cronies to dox you

3d1586 No.256110




LEAD: https://www. wired.com/story/the-future-of-weed-science-is-a-van-in-colorado/amp

7554c0 No.256111



post 4657 and 4706 are still there. can you verify this is or is not Q

e9e845 No.256112




5ea414 No.256113

File: 7b841de68deff1a⋯.png (13.62 KB, 1027x171, 1027:171, 4706.PNG)

2d09e9 No.256114



afe870 No.256115

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 10:58:05 1fb886

Based on the access logs, which I had to carefully go through just for this - and this alone, I can confirm this is Q (>>>/thestorm/4706), using his verified tripcode.

dae242 No.256116


Executive Order_Classified_White House Act 6713 Active


97936b No.256117

File: ee82a12dd45e173⋯.png (58.86 KB, 1257x189, 419:63, q tripcodes board ops comp….png)



BO Would like clarification on this? Also if the jan5 post are real can you make them easy to see at top of bread?

5d1230 No.256118


How BO has anyone defending him with this type of shit is completely beyond me. I can't tell if they are all shills, or just complete mush-brained retards.

You all sound like a bunch of 15 year olds, and not even particularly intelligent.

BO talks like a recovering bully victim gone drunk with power on an internet forum, convinced his book deal will carry him off of food stamps.

I'm sure Q would definitely prop up a fucking shill who is trying to dox private citizens and isn't even waiting until the serious real life shit is over before they try to profit off of this. That's definitely the guy Q would trust with private comms and confirmations.

9401c0 No.256119

a2c48c No.256120


>it's been Clown city in here.

I'm nominating this post for Understatement of the Month.

afe870 No.256121

Anyone baking?

7663d9 No.256122


>being this new

Pizzagate started to become bannable on chins n plebbit whenever ‘pizzagate’ was mentioned. So we were forced to pg8 to elude bans

2dfefb No.256123


oh shit

4fa391 No.256124

File: a5e72b3c96d07dd⋯.jpg (114.82 KB, 674x552, 337:276, gibson - Copy.jpg)

here is a start of loop capital markets… follow the $

318b43 No.256125

To Spreadsheet Anon: I can host the spreadsheet on my blog site IF we can find the software to run it. I can do research this week, but I can't make anything happen at all at least until Friday.

7663d9 No.256126


Pot calling kettle black…

9401c0 No.256127


that's why it sat weird with me

2dfefb No.256128


So BO was lying?

5d1230 No.256129

File: 69cc969278a1c22⋯.jpg (210.76 KB, 1314x985, 1314:985, BARUCH.jpg)




e9e845 No.256130


Pence grabbing Biden’s arm during swear in…creepy odd. They’re both compromised?

d6d7fa No.256131


Well well I must say thats not surprising.

7663d9 No.256132


All boomer /newfags/ m8. The same people we don’t want here are taking over…

9401c0 No.256133


will you stfu and get nbacl to work


f5c71c No.256134


I've posted this before so I'll post the link to the pdf…


The worst thing we can do is go back onto the gold standard. This plays directly into the hands of the Roths. This book explains it very well. Very entertaining to read too.

America used to be on the silver standard, though it was Bimetallic - Silver held primary value and gold was given a ratio of 1/15 with regards the silver. 400 years of stability prior to 1873 when the coinage act made gold the primary value and destroyed silver as a store of value. Lays it all out. After 1873 first market crash was 1893.

Roths are behind the move to the gold standard as it consolidates their hold on resources.

e9e845 No.256135


Nice catch anon

45551a No.256136


That would be so fucked up

2dfefb No.256137

BO is a glowing nigger!


98318f No.256138



I don't know why, but I had it in my head that Letterman was a former Marine. Apparently I was wrong if Wiki is to be believed. Says he registered for the draft but got a lottery number that wasn't drawn. Skated by on college deferment until the war was winding down. Anyone else heard otherwise? And yes, some savage Letterman memes would be greatly appreciated. It was reported that he had a secret sex room at the studio for romps with his female staffers and such. Potential vulnerability. http:/ /www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1218280/David-Letterman-kept-secret-bedroom-television-studio-trysts-female-staff.html

97936b No.256139


Question is legit Im just like the rest somthing not right here would like to be clear

13b644 No.256140


Hard to argue that one

7a5742 No.256142




bbe6ef No.256143



Ok so all the Q posts from yesterday were real including those posted on The Storm and this has been verified by CodeMonkey. Finally.

7663d9 No.256144


It’s happening m8. Alex needs alamony (((shekels)))

3d1586 No.256145

https://www. yahoo.com/news/4-biotech-stocks-watch-212509376.html


980266 No.256146


If Rothschilds assets are seized, then that game changes. Same with Rockefellers/Clintons. It doesn't play into 'their' game any more.

7cb347 No.256147







4c6358 No.256148


That is an error. Those were different posts on different threads:

>>248746 (General # 295, posts since deleted on that thread, archived before deletion)


https:// archive.fo/s1tua#selection-43773.0-43779.0

01/05/18 (Fri) 11:36:38 ab7ad6



https:// archive.is/4wvwi#selection-28403.0-28403.6

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 18:36:32 403375

35ab0b No.256149


You complete fucking idiot.

628535 No.256150

File: 1d6201581b73b32⋯.png (3.9 MB, 2222x5220, 1111:2610, 74dcaf8db171cc52fca55826b9….png)





It's Q. The second post was answering a question


2dfefb No.256151


BO is a glowing nigger!!

7663d9 No.256152


Answer is legit m8

a8f4d1 No.256153


For the 99th time, it's not referring to the Philippines Ace…look at the FDR Presidential Library 6713a from 1954 or here >>241811

https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/241052.html#241811

97936b No.256156

afe870 No.256157

db0e63 No.256158


How the fuck can you say that? No link? Nothing from CM… just a copy-paste with "no" edits?

57eb43 No.256160


>So much infighting. This is EXACTLY what THEY want. Little research is being done right now.

>Take a step back.

Agreed. Obvious divide and conquer tactic is so obvious.

97936b No.256162



Can we get them in one place at top of bread?

29deb5 No.256163

File: 0ab56663029f41c⋯.jpg (37 KB, 1508x109, 1508:109, a CM.JPG)


Based on CodeMonkey's report on the exiting Q posts on /thestorm/ I request that you kindly step down gracefully from duties on this board.

Your faggotry has caused significant sliding, shilling and confusion over the past day.

Your dictatorship of instant banning and deleting of posts is nothing but unwarranted censorship

You have compromised our mission.

Your interests in selling a book is exposed

Please hand over your keys and leave

7cb347 No.256164


Brighter than over 9000 suns.

BO, thoughts?…

Oh wait, that's right, it's "need to know", so no answers from BO, then.

We'll just have to wait for his book deal to go through, the famefagging retard.

1d9c09 No.256165




No, (((they))) used that 'muslim' trip again today just to confuse anons.

It's the same group using both trips trying to deceive you..

Rogue CIA = Mossad double agents.

94871d No.256167



cd8de9 No.256168

What a shitshow this turned out to be. I would not be the slightest surprised Q never posting here again. Great job mods. Must have a gigantic ban button

4fa391 No.256169

can someone please put up all the legit confirmed Q posts sing Christmas day?

then we can all get to work

2dfefb No.256170


Im surprised no one here seems to care

db0e63 No.256171


Who broke CM's fingers so he cannot post on /cbts/ himself? I see more of last night's shilling going on here.

4c6358 No.256172


CM posted elsewhere, don't think anyone can put a link to that here. Use your noggin, and go look for yourself.

5d1230 No.256173


Q asked for a new board, this one is comped.

Let it stand as a testament to (((BO))) and his faggotry. He wanted to be famous, it can be his Potter's Field.

7663d9 No.256174


So any anon questioning with plenty of reasons the actions of BO is the new ‘shill’ (for all you boomers who love throwing that word around) tactic? No faggot, following anybody or taking anything as blind (((truth))) is exactly how this country got to where it is. If you can’t see that, back to (((kikebook))) m8

9cab01 No.256175

File: 8cfb1a810aabdcc⋯.png (3.73 KB, 282x59, 282:59, 2288992E-93E2-48AB-A185-BB….png)

File: 7212222da6c399f⋯.png (17.89 KB, 1278x139, 1278:139, 76CDCD4F-C98D-4D42-A7B9-A6….png)

980266 No.256176

Too many bakers, not enough bread.

0ea6cf No.256177

File: 265b9fcbb5d4ac7⋯.jpg (83.76 KB, 556x689, 556:689, EO 6713A.JPG)


An FDR EO from 1934, numbered as 6713-A

http://www. fdrlibrary.marist.edu/_resources/images/eo/eo0020.pdf

a09ff4 No.256179


actually Q said: "There will be no further posts on this board under this ID."

Not sure to which ID he's referring though. The ID related to the IP or to the tripcode.

b4c43d No.256182


Q is not coming back here. BO is comped. Fuck BO it's too late for him.

cd8de9 No.256183


Assume trip

db0e63 No.256185


I've seen that… how does it relate?

7cb347 No.256187


They all got banned, it seems.

Fucking amazing.

BO wasn't compromised, he's just an idiot, an unstable, irredeemable idiot who's managed to splinter this effort a second time with his own hubris and faggotry.

2dfefb No.256190


96b027 No.256191

5d1230 No.256192

File: 785bc0f700a2cc3⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 694x100, 347:50, bb.JPG)





Are you all that helpless that you can't go see for yourselves?

90522e No.256193

File: 034ce934721b96f⋯.jpeg (365.37 KB, 1236x1392, 103:116, FBC27294-AD8E-46FE-AB2D-C….jpeg)

96b027 No.256196

someone please archive AND move all threads form this board, and post on /thestorm/

bbe6ef No.256197


Pay attention.

5d1230 No.256198

afe870 No.256201



Bread bread

Move ~751 posts.

2dfefb No.256202


4fa391 No.256203


Thank you Anon!

b1ca1e No.256204

File: 0972626548e514d⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 512x758, 256:379, slenderman.jpg)

Has this been done?

13b644 No.256205


Petro Yuan

1d9c09 No.256207


CM only confirms Q verified tripcode.

That means the tripcode was indeed cracked and taken over by an imposter.

3f0aaf No.256208


Nobody is stopping you….fuck off and get out

cf532e No.256209


BO I like you bro…

Give the bant anons amnesty. Unban everyone.

Some bant anons are useless. But some bant anons are actually good anons who do good work. Give anons the rules via riot act and start uniformly implementing the law. No one wants anons who suck but they need to be given an opportunity to prove that they don't suck even though the stereotypical bant anon sucks. Thank you

db0e63 No.256210

Apparently you and I are the only ones here who can read.

7663d9 No.256211

Board is comped by Uber glowing faggot controlled (((BO))). Only question remaining is what/who the handler is… (((shekels))) or is it (((glowing faggots))). Or both

a09ff4 No.256212







good luck with your book BO, you self serving famefag fuck

db0e63 No.256214


I am guessing clown makeup interferes with reading ability.

29deb5 No.256216



The Storm has arrived and this once comfy place is comped

CBTS served a purpose until EGO got in the way

We should remain Anons

We still have our mission

Dig. Pray. Meme.

2dfefb No.256217


7663d9 No.256218


Or TBeanerz spicy dickriding shotgun gash

57eb43 No.256220


You give up your own game easily. I said nothing about any of your tripe; I did say that the clown tactic is working though. Fuck off.

d6d7fa No.256221


Been here since 4ch, and live through this shit last time it happened. Stopped posting last night when all this shit starting going down, and BO started to throw the banhammer around, to give this BS time to be sorted out. Now that CM has shown at least one of Q's posts was him I see that what happened last night was something that these fucks have been trying to accomplish for two months now, and we all let it happen. CBTS is toast unless BO goes and Q can post with a new ID.

6eafe1 No.256223

File: 749cd138b1c9c67⋯.png (494.41 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1034.PNG)

File: 6ab8c740cdbf2fa⋯.png (194.36 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1035.PNG)

File: 094132491f5c3d5⋯.png (390.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1036.PNG)

To when m it concerns

The posts from "Q" 1/5/18 regardless of what is said or think garnered useful info

It made us dig and THINK

If a teen wiz kid impersonated Q, we mock him?


What if kid was trying to get our attention on his theory or info, were are patriots

Just remember Julian Assange was a teenager once and most consider him a hero

And if it was Q, we should be some should be ashamed, I personally stayed off board because it reminds me of my two sons fighting at age 5

If it was rogue govt, then pay attention because to get us to bite they have to give a little truth

I digressed, I took part of Q post and worked backwards

6713 is current EO

3176 1917 EO from Wilson re capture of navy vessels in our water whom he consider to be at war with

So thoughts lead me to Argentina sub, maybe we are not at war with Argentina but there was someone on sub whom we are

War is a relative term

Deleting posts is foolish and creates dissension just like when net gets scrubbed, let us disprove bad info and leave

Old adage even the devil tells the truth once in a while

To silence one is to be one of them

Re Loop capital, I compared their locations to Federal Reserve

As always, YOU DECIDE

God bless American, Americans, Patriots, POTUS, Q and You

cf532e No.256226



3d1586 No.256227


Please enter https://8ch.net/cbts/res/256159.html

BO situation must be handled, without trust we have nothing.

af1707 No.256228

File: 58940957e0183ec⋯.png (710.06 KB, 576x556, 144:139, glowclowns2.PNG)

f5c71c No.256230


The problem with that is that most, if not all, assets of Roths (and other smart bad guys) in huge Trusts that even the EO can't break. (((Their))) motto is own nothing control everything.

e67abc No.256231

loop coounder albert grace shilling for aipac


(and wearing purple)

dae242 No.256233

File: dbf535eaff6f658⋯.jpeg (150.77 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, B9954234-9D3A-4F73-8276-4….jpeg)

5d1230 No.256236


Time to hit the road boys

90522e No.256238

File: f71e8bb3ce05178⋯.jpeg (443 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FA548458-8B52-458E-A642-2….jpeg)

bbe6ef No.256241

Q already said they're not going to post to this board anymore so what's all the fuss? CM has sorted the mess so let's get back to digging and redpilling.

3d1586 No.256242






369802 No.256243

File: f4d7bf7291efc9e⋯.png (501.99 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180106-112447.png)

50754e No.256244

It's amazing that the Mods will NOT give us a count on how many bans have been placed on people that have contributed on here since November…..

3d1586 No.256246

127ae5 No.256247


Welp, looks like (((BO))) hates free speech

<true patriot!!!


90522e No.256248

File: e580d090fee4aec⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5A59AB64-93D7-4C8B-A7C6-C3….png)

2dfefb No.256249

afe870 No.256250


Q said he wasn't going to post using the same ID. Q did go on to post in other boards to ask CM to confirm him.

e9568e No.256251

File: 7352ebacec32679⋯.gif (920.33 KB, 500x367, 500:367, eYkFs6p.gif)

317606 No.256252


I tried to get feed back on using this but nobody answered its a free timeline program


5d1230 No.256253


CM has just confirmed this BO and board is comped idiot.

6e1f12 No.256257

We are disappointed in you

This is why you can have nice things and break them

bbe6ef No.256258


That's exactly what I'm saying, fuckwit. No need to sit here all day and argue about it.

4fa391 No.256259

dont you anons that have been here forever and are original oldfags. dont a couple of you know who each other is and can confirm and TRUST!

cant one of you start a board?

unban everyone and just ignore obvious shills… no?

2dfefb No.256261

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