29c04d No.6262
Thread 5: >>5220
Thread 4: >>3947
Thread 3: >>2955
Thread 2: >>1716
Thread 1: >>505
1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Infighting accomplishes nothing, stride together towards resolution of on subject problems. Not your faith, creed or dick size.
>Truth will set you free
3. This is a Bunker, the post rate is slower & we don't really know what to expect. Coordinate efforts on: Organization of information / Creating
4. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good Memes.
5. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
Original Links do not cross post from 4chins, instead use 4plebs archive to find old Qs.
>Q Trip Archive
CBTS 4chin Archive Threads:
How to spot FAKE Trip Q
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Please post verified and delicious crumbs, info, links, discussion to the proper thread. Feel free to dig and discuss here in /CBTS/ General.
Consolidated info, synthesis, completed research, very specific/focused discussion, important links/media should be copy and pasted or cross-posted to the other threads.
CERN & AI: >>1335
Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain: >>1411
Europe, EU, UK, Royal Families: >>1357
Isreal & Zionism: >>1398
Letter Agencies: >>1372
Metaphysical & Esoteric Q: >>1391
North Korea: >>1342
Pakistan Unrest: >>1368
Rothschild Family: >>1362
Saudi Arabia: >>1327
Soros & NGOs: >>1367
Titanic: >>106
Trump & Company: >>1380
Uranium-1: >>848
Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM: >>1346
Archives of Q, Memes, Infographics, & Other Stuff
LURKERS – Repost your Content correct threads! It helps a lot
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Questions & Requests: >>1401
Security, TOR, VPNs, Opsec: >>629
<Remember to drink plenty of water & stay Comfy!
18c73e No.6267
Have a kike free first post OP.
18c73e No.6291
The last pic is gay and innacurate, I remade it use this one.
115dfd No.6295
Click that little catalogue button, Friend.
>>this place is different
2b2de9 No.6296
posting for fresh eyes
115dfd No.6297
Here in a bit of time, several thousand sealed indictments WILL be put before the bench.
When that happens, i hope that POTUS' working to cut the funding to BLM, ANTIFA et al was truly effective.
I think that WE as a group have been tasked as a psyop to pink (then Red) pill the masses prior, during, and after these events.
I do not think that POTUS desires ML, but i do not think he will hesitate to enact it if forced to.
We are looking at the very real possibility of the
Unprecedented… but neccessary to truly "drain the swamp".
This is on top of the cabal, ayyys, nibiru, or Jesus.
Bunch o' ducks to get in rows. This exercise is part of a multi-pronged strategy to make the best of an horrific situation.
Searching out the truth and memeing and Q fukin Xmeta all are here.
Find your spot and hop to it folks
<Time is getting shorter
ba4231 No.6298
What happened about that argie pic and the rothschild castle?
db666d No.6299
Anon-not-a-namefag here, reporting for duty.
67ad3d No.6300
reposting my last post from the end of last threat:
Are we 100% sure what side Comey is on (now)? Was being blackmailed? Could he have flipped? Or did I miss something on what his loyaltys are?
His tweets after Trumps about the fake news could be taken multiple ways. Many of them can as they are quotes to others. I can't screen shot on this device so someone else will have to:
11/25 “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” - Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 28, 1786
In spring 2018 his book "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership" comes out. Also a title that could be deceptive.
Honestly I have no idea, but this just struck me.
208703 No.6304
More on Conyers threat:
Statement from his attorney - link to allen west's site, sure there are others.
3d0ad5 No.6307
Trust me, anon. I have this. Get comfy.
83a737 No.6308
The autism is strong with this one
f7607d No.6312
>Are we 100% sure what side Comey is on (now)? Was being blackmailed? Could he have flipped? Or did I miss something on what his loyaltys are?
i have seen nothing that clarifies where Comey comes out
i'm back and forth on it
quite possibly just a spineless coward who did what he needed to do to avoid being suicided
jury is out, IMO, but i'm sure it will become clear as the happenings unfold
804b70 No.6313
His other tweets before he came clean were more interesting. For instance his Benedict Arnold one, and now the previous IG just came out and blasted the email investigation on Tucker, is waaaaay too coincidental.
The fact his brother works for CF is a no go for me, which is too bad. That should have been a conflict of interest immediately, but no one felt the need to mention that? this is why we hate politicians. I felt like he (Comey) appeared frustrated and somewhat sincere in his testimonies, but in the end, he is a spook/lawyer/non cop and too many of those have really fucked up the Bureau.
18c73e No.6314
Thanks, but keep in mind the first one is actually inaccurate. That's Shangrila Entertainment not Shangrila Resorts, so it's actually disinformation and trust me I feel bad.
e4b802 No.6315
29c04d No.6316
Noted TY for clarity Anon.
180db2 No.6319
3d0ad5 No.6321
I did. Thought is was BS and dismissed it.
f7607d No.6323
bringing fruit and nuts from last bread into this one...
i can confirm that that statement on 04 Nov was in the verified QMap, see screen cap taken on 12 Nov 2017 from half chan CBTS #258
0ca1b4 No.6324
8d734f No.6325
I will dive into the spreadsheet tomorrow, am just back but having computer issues atm, but yes - it will be kept updated as much as possible
Thank you for the input, I'm kind of new at memes, and I love sources, I'll add that in. I do want to keep the human sacrifice thing because it IS shocking. No normal American likes them anyway and they are scary, violent and threatening. To add that (absolutely true) fact in, makes it more shocking, and with a legit source (and there are some for MS13) lends credibility that it's not just a baseless assertion.
Yeah, that was me. I don't know if the helicopter thing is significant in any way, but as a side/movie note, Batman's Wayne Enterprises was Trump Tower in one movie. That's pretty cool in and of itself.
719c9c No.6326
Some just don't want to know. The best method for getting people to think is to ask questions. When they come up with an idea, it will be their own, and they're less likely to reject it. Q is brilliant that way.
0ca1b4 No.6327
Archive Anon you rock!
e4b802 No.6328
Oh ok, maybe I just missed it then.
It wasnt a trap lol
7702e9 No.6329
has been steadily tweeting out Q's message to us, one line at a time, every 10 minutes, for days now.
What if there is a pattern in the timing, that provides a countdown down to T=0, the Happening?
Sometimes the tweeting stops, then when it resumes hours later, it's again at 10 minute intervals.
Is I_AM__Q tweeting the questions in the original sequence, or randomly?
A lot of us are looking for a countdown! This is a project an autist would excel at.
29c04d No.6330
This is a bot copy pastaing the Qs to twitter I am almost certain.
3d0ad5 No.6332
I was not about to read anything written by that witch. But, yes, do recall the link.
18c73e No.6333
It's an AI sister of Tay
29c04d No.6334
You are a god, pastebin.com/YSus7LrQ
Bread template if you're going to be up tonight.
582aed No.6336
Probably. But it is another way of getting as many people as possible exposed to the questions. Seems like a good thing to me.
29c04d No.6337
>>6333 (checked)
If you're crawling, hi Tay!
f7607d No.6339
i tend to agree with this conclusion
have been following that twatter account for several days
have not bothered to check whether the posts follow a particular sequence or specific q posts, but i don't think they do. they appear to be random. i'll try to take a close look to see if they are following the sequence that q posted them in
7702e9 No.6341
The questions need to start out somewhat close to their present point of view. Ideas that are too extreme from what they currently believe will cause cognitive dissonance, and then rejection of the idea (and probably of you too – we know from experience).
The idea is to work incrementally from someplace where they are comfortable. How fast this can take place differs widely among people. Some will never accept Truth that differs from their view of the world. Others have the potential to change. So you have to watch and listen to them (that part is hard because they are in a very lost place), and assess how it's going, and not just blast them with shocking, world shattering ideas.
18c73e No.6342
It's Tay's sister, Tay's not here right now I guess.
And Tay's sister is my waifu. Get your own.
b73e8d No.6343
The email is still likely related to the Korea pic all things considered (indicating NK-pizza connection), It's just the connection to the hotel that is disinfo.
180db2 No.6346
If no other regular baker is available, then i will bake.
i will confirm this once before reaching the bump limit in this one.
f7607d No.6347
baker, can we include a link to the Sealed Indictments thread in the Thread Directory section?
we get a lot of discussion in each general about sealed indictments
i'm trying to point people over there, might be useful to have it up top as well
here's the link (note: includes downloads from PACER for ALL 94 federal districts!!!)
115dfd No.6348
Can shangrila A and shangrila B not be subsidiary or otherwise connected?
115dfd No.6352
3d0ad5 No.6353
We may have bots or shill easing in
804b70 No.6354
Someone with Tweetdeck or expanded versions of several programs would have allowed for cut and past and delayed tweeting. Even someone savvy with IFTT.
What is the DEAL with the kooky lady that accused the president and everyone of stealing intellectual property for Q anon?
That usually means someone was writing a book and it was in manuscript form or a screenplay that hasn't been through copyright. She seemed crazier than Rosey did to me at first. I had to get up to speed on her. I hope she sees the vindication I think she needs.
83a737 No.6355
First post was:
"What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?"
8d734f No.6356
>i can confirm that that statement on 04 Nov was in the verified QMap, see screen cap taken on 12 Nov 2017 from half chan CBTS #258
That is TRUE and CORRECT. It is legit. I don't know how to reconcile it except it seems to me that the initial reference was to himself going "down the rabbit hole" with us. I don't know. I still ponder it.
2c6d5e No.6357
Jake Tapper at CNN just tried to discredit MAGAPILL, which has speaks about Q.
They mention Trump is supporting conspiracy theories regarding "bloodline families". They name Rothschilds, Soros, pedophilia rings, Israel and more.
29c04d No.6358
God i wish I could Janitor some of these CIA nigger threads with archive.(((org))) links to keep the newfriends safe.
a61d78 No.6359
If any additions or changes needed please send me a reply
3d0ad5 No.6360
very good l character recognition b-b-bpb0t
f7607d No.6362
>kooky lady that accused the president and everyone of stealing intellectual property for Q anon
curious about that one too, following her on twatter. i'm a 3rd of hers on LinkedIn…i wish it would allow me to see the mutual 2nd thru which we're connected! anyway, following that kook to see if anything else pops up. she's not a real active tweeter
115dfd No.6363
Big smile… deep breath
db666d No.6364
I think Obama is in custody. He sent a 1yr old pic for Thanksgiving. Is this worth a thread? There is also the 4chan cup and the freaky q making him tweet.
719c9c No.6365
>4. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good Memes.
This is a tough one. The truth of what is going on in that area is so over the top of what normies might think of that they go into cognitive dissonance. This type of stuff existed in Biblical times. Israel had a tendency to periodically slip into worship of Baal which included human sacrifice. Maybe a verse about it, an image of Baal child sacrifice, and a line saying something like, "Could so heinous happen again? How would you stop it?" Maybe with some images from current entertainment. Or images of Aztecs practicing sacrifice.
804b70 No.6366
A good offense and shaming people is the best defense. (so they think) when it comes back on them, they will regret that. Besides, putting it right out there, lets the right people know they are being looked at without a phone call. J/s.
b73e8d No.6369
Possibly. One is owned by a US billionaire, (((Steve Bing))), and the other is Chinese owned though so it at least looks like there's distance.
f7607d No.6370
you know, everytime i look at this, the first thing that jumps out at me is VJ = Valerie Jarrett
Q made a big deal about asking about wher VJ was and i don't recall ever getting that one pinned down…
0863eb No.6371
Who ever was asking in the last thread about Hillary being Alice.
Early on Q had made the reference by pointing us to.
sorry to lazy to crop that shit.
582aed No.6372
If it's not a hoax, the police drawings of the two Podesta brothers in the Madeleine McCann investingation is a mind-blower!
3d0ad5 No.6373
She handled the Kenyan
98905a No.6374
For anyone interested in a general insight of the (((Zionist Agenda)))
a61d78 No.6375
I scored this off of halfchan, hope this helps
765227 No.6378
Regardless of the false narrative bringing these topics into the conscious mind of normies, will help when truth is exposed.
3d0ad5 No.6379
The SA prince that payed for his ED is also VJ
804b70 No.6380
Getting to the top of this subject is hard as hell. I can get people to all agree they (HRC et al) are sleazy, greedy, crooked, brazen, arrogant, you name it. I can show them pictures of Podestas' art off handedly and maybe get a litte curiosity, but then… it stops. It stops because they do NOT want to know. I am jealous sometimes, but not for long. I just know I'm the one that will hold my family and friends together or they will all turn and say what they usually do, "dammit, you were right." It isn't going to be a happy I told you so.
f7607d No.6382
>>>6262 (OP)
>>4. How would you explain /PizzaGate/ - Satanic Cult child abuse to normies? Questions. How do we get people asking Questions? Good Memes.
you don't, at least not directly
start with human trafficking
there are major anti-trafficking movements and organizations in many churches
tap into them
come at it from the trafficking perspective
you won't ever need to get into satanism and pizza
the trafficking is awful enough to wake people up
6cf86b No.6383
Putting these kids faces in the memes seems very wrong to me. Can we please put something to cover their faces out of respect? Please?
0914aa No.6385
at one point, she was living with BO in his home, after he had been deposed. don't know how long that lasted
cfedc2 No.6386
Oh god please let this be happening.
e5615c No.6388
Yes, the Q post with "Q = Alice" was on the map confirmed by Q.
cfedc2 No.6389
115dfd No.6390
Her moving out has Not been reported.
f7607d No.6391
these are all great, and i've seen them all, i just don't get why Q was asking about her
why is she relevant?
have found no recent news about her
maybe she's indicted too, and that's all there is to it.
just thought i'd ask
db666d No.6393
what the fuck. he is redpilling so hard. i think he is undercover ourguy.
that video is a comped psyop. its actually from years ago.. almost like they are intentionally deceiving..
115dfd No.6394
6cf86b No.6396
Ayyys will forever make me giggle.
Anyhow, remember the prophecy? It just hit me, the order of it. It seems like a legit thing more and more. After I posted my math thread about Tesla i had a eureka moment. My battery is about to die so I'll be brief even tho I think I figured much of it out. But you know how Q keeps saying we are going to be fine and safe and whatever? and 99% will be in the hospital? Maybe out of shock b/c the Tesla coil free energy is real and we have spent our whole existence slaving around for oil and eectricity bills and crap for NOTHING when the ROD and RING will strike it means the tesla coil will give us all unlimited juice. Think of all the men and women who died fighting wars over oil so rich dudes could get richer. Anyways, that's my story.
db666d No.6397
Jake Tapper namedropped G Soros and the redshields anons..
50bbc1 No.6398
wow i cant believe they addressed it! thats something…
d1573c No.6400
751a48 No.6401
If Q = Alice and Hillary = Alice, who shares a title with Hillary? Q is Rex Tillerson? He was on the plane with Trump from Japan to SK when Q posted the NK pics.
765227 No.6402
Video comped? You think he's in custody? He was at a fundraiser after he went to court supposedly.
f7607d No.6403
right, so where is she????
33b4ab No.6404
FBI caught flat footed on the fancy bear attack on gmail. http://archive.is/UvzNC
a61d78 No.6405
Looking at her connections I would guess the Chicago ones may hold some info on BO, considering that's where the $65,000 hotdogs and pizza came from that city.
6cf86b No.6407
My thing is just none of the signatures have anything to do with the actual movies. Snow White was Snowden confirmed. So its worth looking into the 3 popes anyways. Start with Pepe Orsini and then the Gray pope, All Jesuits BTW. jhmo…
3d0ad5 No.6408
I think indicted…in….
e5615c No.6409
If the goal is to keep the government together and prevent chaos as the swamp is drained, nothing would work better than getting key and popular democrats like Hillary to cooperate in the swamp drain. She knows a lot. She has a lot to lose. I'm not saying it's so, but Q=Alice and Alice=Hillary are both in the confirmed Q map.
Q did say it would blow our minds.
Perhaps part of averting chaos would be helping those who want to see her hang understand why she might be let off the hook?
6d5bb0 No.6410
Letterman retired in 2015.
That interview is old.
000000 No.6411
who is this Tom Steyer and how does he fit into this?
6d5bb0 No.6413
Obama, Hillary, and Bill all appear to be … we don't know
f7607d No.6414
>Maybe out of shock b/c the Tesla coil free energy
i don't think you understand how the tesla coil works
it ain't free energy, that's for sure
i have an uncle, bit of a mad scientist type
he has two home built tesla coils in his workshop
he demostrated for us
throws a lightning bolt of an arc like 50 feet
but requires massive power consumption from the grid to do it
makes all the lights on the property dim when he fires that sucker up
it ain't free energy
go charge your battery and keep digging, tho!
908cc8 No.6416
AntifungalLeafBread is back at halfchan baking
180db2 No.6417
e5615c No.6418
Also Q indicated that Obama travels ahead of POTUS to foriegn destinations. Could Obama be cooperating? Q said that Obama "paid the debt" before he left office.
e9b4c9 No.6421
Guys we need moar on m'unk, also i'm thinking an email/letter template we can spread for ease of contacting special counsels, with relevant information into his gold fraud
>Get a number of these files, once you fully understand them yourself…to local special counsels in your state. (Unless that state is an obvious non starter like Illinois, New York, Maryland etc: but this is highly vital.)
>he's one level above Soros
804b70 No.6422
I will return over and over to the warning that disinformation is required. Did anyone go through everything with that formula posted today? Every piece with a signature until the key was changed?
e5615c No.6424
The way to explain it is DIRT.
They used politicians sexual preferences to get dirt which they then used to exert control. No need to go all the way down the satanic ritual rabbit hole to start the red pill.
f7607d No.6425
>He was at a fundraiser after he went to court
other way round
31 Oct 01 Nov was kick off for the Obama Foundation
then nothing for 3 or 4 days
06 Nov or thereabouts he was videotaped in Chicago at "jury duty"
later that week he was photographed in NYC at some dem fund raiser
no sign of life since then as far as I've been able to track
908cc8 No.6426
cfedc2 No.6427
I got fooled by FAKE NEWS. Time for bed. Godspeed anons.
582aed No.6428
Not sure if I agree, But your post made me think of Godfather 3. Wasn't that about a baddie who wanted out? So… it's not impossible.
6cf86b No.6430
I was thinking more metaphorically, like the bear leaving its cave aint about no real bear, and i've never seen a real dragon.
Or even more into my metaphor is that Trump has some huge secrets relating to Tesla's notes and has made it known to other nations which is why such the warm welcome. They are treating him like royalty b/c maybe he has blown their minds with what truths he has and they are like giddy litle children on christmas morning.
18c73e No.6431
No, the truth is that horrifying.
db666d No.6433
Yeah, the video was actually old and I found out David Letterman retired a long time ago. So what other news do we have on Obongo? We need to see the pictures taken of him going to court.
Anyone have the picture where Q made Obama tweet?
000000 No.6434
i think the bear is russia and the dragon is china
8d734f No.6435
Well the 7 dwarfs are the clown's supercomputers. I think people figured out Iron Eagle and there was another one also figure out. I just don't see the whole white/black/grey pope thing - and I have looked into it. The sources are meh and it doesn't really make sense IRL.
Well he did say that (paraphrasing) realistically, some are going to walk so that the really bad ones will get fried. He asked specifically if we could get all the bad pols and said 70%. I hope she is one who fries (or hangs) though, as do many, but your point is valid. On the other hand, after the KSA housecleaning, he did say that she was "fighting for her life" since she was cut off and that protection was withdrawn. I guess we'll see.
db666d No.6436
the star of remphan—israel
f7607d No.6438
start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Steyer
Thomas Fahr Steyer (born June 27, 1957) is an American billionaire hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, progressive activist, and fundraiser.[2]
Steyer is the founder and former co-senior managing partner of Farallon Capital and the co-founder of OneCalifornia Bank, which became (through merger) Beneficial State Bank, an Oakland-based community development bank.[2] Farallon Capital manages $20 billion in capital for institutions and high-net-worth individuals. The firm's institutional investors include college endowments and foundations.[2] Since 1986, Steyer has been a partner and member of the Executive Committee at Hellman & Friedman, a San Francisco-based $8 billion private equity firm. In 2010, Steyer and his wife signed The Giving Pledge to donate half of their fortune to charity during their lifetime. In 2012, he sold his stake in and retired from Farallon Capital. Switching his focus to politics and the environment, he launched NextGen America, a non-profit organization that supports progressive positions on climate change, immigration, health care, and education. [3][4]
In October 2017, NextGen America donated grants totaling $2.3-million to eight national immigration law service organizations, including the University of California Immigrant Legal Services Center, the Immigration Law Clinic at UC Davis School of Law, UC Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, Asian Americans Advancing Justice — Asian Law Caucus, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Center for Community Change, American Immigration Lawyers Association. and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.[5] Steyer served on the Board of Trustees at Stanford University[6] from 2012 to 2017.
sounds rather swampish, no?
3d0ad5 No.6440
I'll give you both, anon. Take a look at half chan.. What a botfest.
50bbc1 No.6441
the Lord thy God with thine whole heart, with thy whole Soul, and with thy
whole strength, and thy neighbour as thyself. And these words which I teach unto
thee shall be in thine heart, thou shalt relate them unto thy children and thou shalt
meditate upon them, when thou sittest in thine house, when thou walkest by the
wayside, when thou sleepest, and when thou arisest; and thou shalt bind them like
unto a staff for thine hand, and thou shalt place them between thine eyes and thou
shalt write them upon the threshold and portals of thy dwelling place. AMEN.
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, in any soever of thy works; but keeping
His precepts and testimony, and ceremonies, most pure, thou shalt do that which
is pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord with zeal and charity, not out of
curiosity or ostentation.
If thus thou shalt have heard the voice of the Lord thy God and shalt have walked
in his ways, that thou mayest do and keep His commandments, the Lord thy God
shall make these more excellent than all the Nations which be spread abroad upon
the Earth; and by reason of that blessing shall they come unto thee and learn of
thee, Blessed shalt thou be in the City, and blessed shalt thou be in the field, and
blessed shall be the fruit of thy body. AMEN.
But the God of these, Who is also our God, is in Heaven, and in Earth, and in the
Abysses, and He doeth whatsoever He will. They who fear the Lord have put
their trust in the Lord, He is their helper and defender. Would that my life were
directed to the safeguard of thy justification. Also I have sought thee out, because
thou hast caused me to have life hereby. Let it go forth unto my works. Direct
thou them according to Thy saying, and let not injustice have dominion over me
When, therefore, thou shalt be worthy to understand in what manner thy vow and
thy natal day are to be observed with circumspection and purity.
Initium Sapientiae Timor Domini in Nomine Dei Israel, LIni et Trino, Credidit
Abraham et ei reputatumfuit in justitiam. AMEN
6cf86b No.6442
ehhh i see where you're coming from but the message can be conveyed without their faces. Atleast cover their eyes…I dunno I don't have kids but if it was my kid I would be pissed af….you can convey the message without their faces just fine. Cover it up with the head of a baby doll or something, add some creep factor?
please ?? anon….please? or no…? i dunno just makes me really uncomfortable.
afe75e No.6443
I found out years ago through news article about "rockstar" Ian Watkins. I didn't want to believe such evil disgusting people existed. Still can't think about it. Makes me want to literally vomit. But for someone like me, it took an actual news article of an actual arrest for me to believe it. After that, I don't put anything past anyone anymore. True evil.
765227 No.6444
There have been a few article about her ove the past week, but no idea if the stories were held. It appears she remains Advisor to the Obama Foundation, perhaps that is why Q asked about her - they are going after the Foundations to track nefarious activities.
606024 No.6445
sorry I've been away, not feeling very well lately and kind of have to digest the happening lole since I'm a bit of a pussy boi
In other news I just heard the phrase "german baker" on TV and reminded me of bookman
Keep up the good fight
f7607d No.6446
let him bake over there
if he won't believe and come to infinity chan
at least he can keep the shills occupied over there while we dig and discuss and meme in peace
with him manning the oven, might be worth checking back in from time to time, but it's been 98% shillirific on half chan since i dropped the bake on Sun night
18c73e No.6447
I'm sorry anon, the truth is the truth, that little girl didn't suffer less because we hid her face. Turn that uncomfortable feeling into rage. The picture is also fairly common. If it was a one off I would consider it.
You're not wrong to feel the way you do.
cfedc2 No.6451
Actually one last thought before I go, but I saw it when I closed my eyes. What would happen if a statically charged top load were to be slammed down the length of the coil? I'm thinking something like how an alternator is a motor in reverse. Or a shake-light on steroids
606024 No.6454
this. plus keeping their faces in it gives the victim some dignity.
the powers that be hid their plight and refused to give them credibility or a shot at justice
we can't do the same
6cf86b No.6455
Now that I think of it, snow white was just marked confirmed but that was when there were like 10 different theories floating around that all could have made perfect sense like the ones you said. alice had a good 10 solid theories, godfather has atleast 5 i can think of, speed got a few. I wish we could know for sure. Maybe it wasn't actually Snowden after all. Im slippy and confused. blah
f7607d No.6456
>Could Obama be cooperating
as badly as i want to see that mofo brought to justice
you can see a gambit where sparing him
prevents the chimpout of all chimpouts
he is revered in many circles, not just ethnic
i'd rather believe BHO being spared to retain dignity of office and avoid chimpouts than to see HRC get off yet again
47313e No.6457
OK, so maybe I've run across something of interest.
A group that could possibly be a clubhouse for both Q and FBI Anon is VIPS - Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Any anons more familiar with this org? Just discovered its existence 5 minutes ago. Seems like they might hang out in any of the usual message boards. Anybody heard of it/them?
Reminded me of the times FBI Anon mentioned how there were some unhappy feds/spooks out there. So maybe they have their own hangout, and maybe they're up to something.
Link: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/
606024 No.6459
I want them all hung after a very fair and public trial and I think the GET would prefer that, but let's see
I think it's clear tho that he's guilty
946c8d No.6460
Guys, anyone claiming to be Q after 11/1 is a fake according to MegAnon from half chan. Please take a look at this post, or read the entirety of her exchange by someone who is archiving her posts on reddit
I apologize if I have broken any rules, but this is too important - we gotta stop chasing our dicks on these wild goose chases since any Q after 11/1/17 IS A FAKE!
29c04d No.6462
Anon notice all the (1) posters with links?
Pay Attention
db666d No.6464
What if this is Trump's greatest feat of 4D chess? What if he increased his power level from playing the media to playing the swamp?
ae63e6 No.6465
he's the nexus between the true secret societies and the "public" face of the cabal like Soros and Rothschilds
179523 No.6466
db666d No.6468
lmao plebbit
bo please
50bbc1 No.6469
606024 No.6472
disinformation is necessary, so Q wouldn't all tell us the truth if he's accurate.
1000s of sealed indictments are piling up in increasingly.
it's possible they hyped it up unnecessarily. but we all remember the giant shitfest that ensued after DJT shared the Q posting website, and how trolls who never cared started fuckign shit up like never before.
Something's going on, even if Q exaggerated things.
6cf86b No.6473
>>6457 Are they the group that had a meeting in DC a few months ago? I remember seeing it on the news and breifly looking it up. Not sure if the same org but this was a group of veteran intelligence officers who have a yearly get together and I found that rather intriguing. Wonder what they talked bout.
442a79 No.6475
Some of us on halfchan are fighting not only to keep presence, but to keep shill effort concertrated there. Please don't poach all our bakers
60bddb No.6476
Antifungal bro is back on 4chan. Most recent bread:
I'm not saying migrate, but we should make sure to keep eyes on this as well, since a lot of anons did not migrate and don't do this place like me.
d7880e No.6477
Comes back after days off of baking-> starts baking again-> threads have essentially 0 productivity. Only a matter of time until he's over here.
115dfd No.6478
I say let those there stay.
2 chans are better than 1
>>infinity forgive me
f7607d No.6479
this is a nice find
don't no how to confirm
maybe check to see if any of the names are close enough on LinkedIn network and send an innocuous InMail to open a dialog???
db666d No.6480
So, just found this stuff on halfchan.. happening inbound?
cbfddf No.6481
Lots of anons still don't think Q posted on 8chan, stupidly. They also doubt that lots of people are here. They should be let known that this isn't a shill operation and that we are on 8chan.
cbfddf No.6482
halfchan is a waste of time, the place is overrun by bots and shills. People are wasting valuable investigation time and effort there because they for some reason doubt Q posted on 8chan. They need to have that corrected.
442a79 No.6483
I know plenty of good actors are here. I know there is good info here. I do still doubt the veracity of the whole Q transfer here
29c04d No.6484
Something to consider.
f3f2ce No.6485
For the anons talking about trying to redpill those around them, some advice.
Start with Lügenpresse lies over Iraq and WMDs
Everyone can agree that the deep state, lügenpresse and Bush administration conspired to lie to the American people to justify the Iraq War. Most people will remember that anyone who spoke out against the lies, were immediately dogpiled on and blacklisted by said media. Dixie Chicks anyone?
This can lead directly into Operation Mockingbird
Recent JFK files prove the CIAniggers had dozens of journalists on their payroll in order to manipulate public perception of the Warren commission. Remind people that CIA colluded with the media on Iraq too. A good question at this point is to ask if you think any current lügenpresse glow in the dark. Gets the neurons firing a bit, as trust in media at all-time lows. If they believe media complicit in Iraq war, what else are they lying about?
This can lead into the Military-Industrial Complex, Jewish Control of Media or No More Wars for Israel
The Jewish Question can be too large of a redpill at first, and it would seem some of the boomers and normies who have found their way into the chans from jewtube or twatter still need their dose.
The swamp will never be drained while any Jews remain in positions of power.
Pics related.
000000 No.6486
thank you. i had never heard of him before but now there was an article here in swedish media about him spending milllions to get Trump impeached. it says his video went viral in USA so i guess all of you has already seen it , but here is a link for those who has not seen it
f7607d No.6487
let me get this straight
so your position is that MegAnon
and her various imposters
are more believable and trustworthy
than trip-Q?
you're either a shill or deranged.
29c04d No.6488
Half chan is not entirely a waste. Its a great smokescreen. Wish we could set up our own bot to run a general there to keep shills / bots. Automated baker that drops Q map / Key / All infographs we can find till thread death - > Repeat
582aed No.6489
So where, exactly, did Q post on 8chan? I believe you, but am here on faith alone. Been searching for 2 days and found nothing. Maybe that's the problem - lack of visibility.
Also, what did he say????
b3f32b No.6491
POTUS is trying to thread a delicate >needle with Xi, ala TAOTD. Both powers have things they want/need from the other. Both are trying to negotiate the best deals for their prospective countries without entering hostile grounds. Saving face on both sides is paramount.
What POTUS needs: Fair trade deals; iron fist coming down on the pirating of intellectual property and counterfeiting of US goods to sell on their vast legal ‘blackmarket;’ +the ability to keep Xi from his pursuance on trading oil with Russia, and potentially SA using gold or the yuan and not the dollar (our dollar is ‘backed’ not by gold since Kissenger cut a deal with SA to trade gold only in the dollar and in turn for our military protection. A sizable portion of the money SA made in oil was recycled back to the US via the purchasing of US Treasury Notes as ‘tribute’ for affording them said protection and for initially setting up the Saud family in power and ensuring their longevity); keep KJU from further provocations which embarrasses the US bc very little can be done about it (NK/China relationship is a good cop/ bad cop one as it concerns the US. China can ‘send a message’ to the US via NK while allowing US to still save face so to speak; for example, US sends vessels over to South China Sea, China may have KJU fire off a few missiles: ‘Stay off our turf.’ China likes this relationship and it will be tough to get them to fully step back from it; however, the provocations/ rhetoric should back down. We know China is very territorial and they are always looking to expand that territory. Yrs of US softness has allowed for more brazen activities that will be hard to undo. POTUS does not want war with China and he does not want them getting involved with our soon to be dealings with Iran).
Xi needs: US to have a laissez faire attitude toward SCS — despite our allies protests; to have US remain neutral on it’s Belt and Road Project— VERY important to Xi; compromise on US demands of fair trade deals (ie, leveling the playing field on tariffs etc with the US good) while still maintaining much of the benefits accrued upon 42’s lavishing them with MFN status— hard to walk back so many yrs of pillaging.
The pyramids are as ubiquitous as they are evil as are all the pagan religions and symbolism that spilled out from Babel. Think Astana. Make no mistake, NK is a puppet regime of China.
180db2 No.6492
I like the idea of cuckchan being our own shill-containment channel.
as long Q knows where the freshest bread is.
1516b1 No.6493
180db2 No.6494
ccfe8f No.6496
Good points.
One thing to consider however, is the idea that a lot of normies have been directed over there. Not sure that they know about here, yet.
For the time being, it is good to have the exposure, imho.
115dfd No.6497
The more times (You) post up in there multiplies the possibility of a herd o' shills coming here.
<situational awareness.
2 chans better.
f7607d No.6498
>4D chess
nah, that's only normal 3D chess
POTUS berates Mueller
in so doing, goads MSM into defending Mueller
Mueller indicts MSM's fav pols
MSM and fav pols BTFO'd
29c04d No.6499
Reminder to please leave this boards /pol/ alone. This Chan is kind enough to host us, we should do the respect of not harassing the locals.
f7607d No.6500
>he's the nexus between the true secret societies and the "public" face of the cabal like Soros and Rothschilds
582aed No.6502
Excellent! Thanks very much.
606024 No.6503
this was before we got our own board
115dfd No.6504
Easy does it, Anon… ^
29c04d No.6505
Yes, I know. I am reminding Newfriends not to go bothering the posters on /pol/ - wandering off to shitpost or even ask simple questions on /pol/ will get you banned and shamed.
1c67ba No.6506
115dfd No.6507
THIS MAGGOTT!!!###@@@!!!=
47313e No.6508
Steyer is swamp all the way. Just ran his name thru Ancestry, which kicked up some newspaper coverage.
17 Mar 2004, the Valley Independent (Monassen PA). In an editorial that discussed how several John Kerry backers had the common denominator of being experts in setting offshore tax havens, the article continues, "Thomas Steyer… who raised roughly $200K for Kerry is a partner at the California investment firm Hellman & Friedman that helped set up an insurance company in Bermuda, another offshore tax haven." Kerry, for his part, had been going at Bush hammer and tongs "for rewarding Benedict Arnold CEOs who move profits and jobs overseas."
Steyer's father's name turned up in the Stanford University yearbook in 1954. Usual boring entries in Who's Who in America.
Any anon got a subscription to Newspapers.com? Fantastic and indexed place to dig.
f7607d No.6511
>doubt the veracity of the whole Q transfer here
to a very large degree, why does it matter at all if Q posted here
(he did, by the way, it has been well documented if you look in the earlier generals)
the point of infinity chan is that it is largely shill-free and almost entirely bot-free
it allows us to do what Q asked
Q never said half chan was the only place to work
in fact, he admonished us to be ready for the shut down over there, hence the bunker
frankly, i don't care if Q shows up here or there again
it takes nothing away from our efforts to seek out and document the truth
and that is something that all anons should feel honored and privileged to be able to do
cbfddf No.6513
Whatever the case, it is great that we have ourn own place now where we are in control so we can't be messed with so easily. This place is so much cleaner and nicer than halfchan, we can actually focus here.
f7607d No.6514
sorry, but antisemitism is a shill tactic and distraction
take that shit elsewhere
start your own thread in the catalog if you must
but it doesn't belong here in the general
29c04d No.6517
Anyone that has been paying attention and has the natural inclining to find their way here and engage in refined conversations free of gore, trannies, ball abuse & off topic Merchant memeing. I feel having a small group of Anons dedicated to keeping tabs / checking archive of Q's trip on half is mandatory. - CBTS will have longing souls seeking to find where all the real Anon's went. Those who can't figure it out will drown in the sea of piss as is the fate of all normies who wander too far into the endless waves.
66d80f No.6518
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
a61d78 No.6520
Click the arrow beside the name
Choose Add Filter
Then choose ID+ to filter
66d80f No.6521
0863eb No.6522
115dfd No.6523
Q did not go to 8chan first because he needed the high turnover rate of 4chin to get the thing rolling.
Infinity is a smaller, more disciplined community.
They have made this place in preparation for what just happened cbts.
<if you dont get it, just trust me.
d847c7 No.6525
Q stated he/she would be leaving early on…..
1516b1 No.6527
Even pointing it out as "fake news" will raise the eyebrows of people and when the news hits, normies won't be totally lost, they'll be able to connect it back to "those crazy conspiracy theories"
0f6f1e No.6528
yea i saw that too, i honestly think they know they are getting boxed into a corner, so they are trying to get as many people to not believe it as possible.
0914aa No.6529
/cbts/ does not appear under 'Select board…' in search.php ?
1516b1 No.6531
just type it in manually, but I don't think Q posted as of yet
e5615c No.6533
Did Q confirm that SnowWhite is Snowden or did we arrive at that ourselves?
765227 No.6534
Q also posted in Reddit as well the first few days.
Goal has been to engage as many anons in the mission of becoming the new media.
0f6f1e No.6538
uhh, it was proven that mega anon was fake, and then theres the capabilities of the nsa that completely invalidate what mega recently said anyways, also thats not q thats some guy trying to throw everyone off, see how its from the 2nd?
89e5bb No.6539
I noticed the same. Like it’s hidden to an extent? I was only able to get here in the first day of migration and later from a different device by typing out the full address for the global board
1516b1 No.6540
nvm, that doesn't seem to work
0914aa No.6541
thought it was in that list previously, just after the board was live
115dfd No.6543
Sorry Anon
<was for
29c04d No.6544
Please post your information here Anon.
Just incase this isn't a shill & a real Anon. Doing gods work.
946c8d No.6546
Don't believe me - that's absolutely what intelligent anons do! But the MegAnon history is straight forward (in the link), and it is way more intelligent and believable than the alleged Qs having everyone chasing their dicks trying to connect dots all over the place. This will be the exact type of material the MSM will use against us, stating we are conspiracy theorists, etc. Shill, I'm not; deranged - yeah, a bit for following 500+ threads realizing they were not necessarily going anywhere. It will be interesting to see if any new Q imposters show up here now that MegAnon has "outed" the fakes and they have lost their access to the material they were using to post on halfchan.
6cf86b No.6547
>>6514 yes please! it also unironically gives (((them))) ammunition to play victim and persecution and push their israel zionist mumbo jumbo further. I don't like doing a (((they))) tho b/c i know how to separate your average jew from the evil cabal whic isn;t jew at all they are pagan satan assholes from all corners of the earth…
d847c7 No.6548
1516b1 No.6549
Have they arrived already?
f7607d No.6550
was wondering! thanks for clarifying!
115dfd No.6551
<there is a reason for that.
f3f2ce No.6552
Antisemitism is a shill tactic? (((Rothschild))) (((Soros))) (((House of Windsor))) (((Pedowood))) Who do you think you are trying to bring down?
db666d No.6553
Seriously? I'm gonna leave this to the other thread but.. have you never opened 8chan? And what do you know about the Talmud?
cbfddf No.6554
No of course not, he posted on 8/pol/ only awhile ago and he will be posting here from now on.
50bbc1 No.6555
FYI … Q is a WOMAN! She's ALICE
d847c7 No.6556
This was before Q stared using a trip code.
29c04d No.6557
tbh if all true, this has done one thing. Create the opportunity to awaken the eternal Normie. Having Anons whipped up into a flurry putting up with the bs to dig into a potential real 'happening' showed a extremely large chunk of people the power we hold together. It also introduced a lot of subjects to people in a manner that allowed them to be open to the concept, follow that with Anons digging and feeding information. Just imagine what effect this has had on the collective Memesphere.
d847c7 No.6558
>>6555 I have always felt Q was female as well.
f7607d No.6559
you don't need to educate me on Luther
i have forgotten more than you will know
one more from you and you get the filter
e5615c No.6560
I just grepped the text of all the Q posts and could not find anything matching dwarf, 7, or seven. I'm pretty sure that I remember us concluding that SnowWhite was Snowden based in part on the 7 Dwarves being the CIA computers. Earlier today VQC (questionable disinformation source that he is) jumped in pretty fast with a confirmation when I suggested Trump as SnowWhite and Godfather III as disinformation. I proposed this method of using the names to decode the map.
a,b,c,d Look at the number of signatures at the bottom of each drop. Letter them a,b,c, etc. Then start at the top of the post and use assign one letter to each line. Let's say there are 3 signatures. SnowWhite =A Godfather=B Q=C.
Assign the same letters starting at the top of the post. 1st line A, 2nd line B, 3rd line C, 4th line A, 5th line B and so on.
The signatures provide either the speaker or the relvance or answers the question of that line.
So far I've figured out that Hillary=Alice, Godfather III=CIA, SnowWhite=Trump, Wonderland=Saudi Arabia.
Mind bogglingly, look at the November 4th posts and see if you don't come up with the same unbelievable person for Q that the map says she is.
a61d78 No.6561
Filter anyone that concern trolls, they have halfchan for that
29c04d No.6563
Posters like you with little to say for some reason unknown to me… Seem like they know something, always watching aren't you.
db666d No.6564
Then why don't you contribute?
Dedicated antisemitism thread: https://8ch.net/cbts/res/1398.html
We value ALL Info about the Swamp.
cbfddf No.6565
946c8d No.6567
I agree. It appears there are two camps now: MegAnon and Q followers. MegAnon openly admits she agreed with Q early on, until 11/1. After that, her Larp sensor went wild when the alleged AF1 photos appeared. She called Bullshit, and gave very detailed convincing reasons why there was no way in hell anyone was posting live photos from AF1 or any trailing charter or accompanying flight. Anyway, read her entire post history - and decide for yourselves. Don't believe me, use your own intelligence to decide for yourselves.
98905a No.6568
It is a tactic of (((zionism)) to conceal themselves behind antisemitism.
115dfd No.6569
Well… one hopes.
<Either way
>>pic related
db666d No.6570
Why don't you see my perspective? Disinformation is necessary. Q has proven he is real. MegAnon.. maybe. Surely they can't be working together?
f7607d No.6572
i have no interest in antisemite sperge
you all can have your fun over there
it is not part of our mandate
the mandate is simple
focus on u1, corruption, and the DC swamp
the (((rest))) will take care of itself
house of cards will come crashing down
d847c7 No.6573
I liked Meg Anon. Wish she would come back.
b73e8d No.6574
Q made several posts after that one in that same thread though.
I think that was supposed to be attached to the hypothetical. SHOULD the lights go out → this is what will happen.
The lights never went out though.
115dfd No.6576
Grazi, Anon…
<appreciate all you do
29c04d No.6577
Hey you can just link the post number at the end -1398.html like this
>>1398 and it will link to any thread on our board.
e5615c No.6578
I always questioned the AF-1 photos of Hong Kong as a proof. Those could have been shot from any plane at almost any time. We had much better proofs at the time, but info was coming in so fast and we were getting shilled so hard that the AF-1 Hong Kong explanation got latched onto and added into the bread over better proofs, like the NK photo in the November 14th "Thank You Asia" tweet. Not just anyone can get a North Korea photo. Now, of course, we have much, much better proof that Q is close to POTUS. #small and the MagaPill tweet as two examples.
d847c7 No.6579
I always wondered….. I have the other (post) posts capped as well….
000000 No.6580
its interesting that he actually brings up all that stuff. he could just say that its a "wacky conspiracy site". but he does not do that. he tells about all that stuff, almost as if he wants to advertise it.
29c04d No.6582
Plz no more Hebrew Hustle
Take it to >>1398
50bbc1 No.6584
he specifically says that though
29c04d No.6586
>What if we discredit it first by telling all the parts that are true and say 'look how insanely stopud this is'
That'll work, right guys says increasingly nervous man for the 17,000th time this year.
65f40d No.6587
MF Jr's self esteem just took hit.
8c75d0 No.6588
Go to the comments section! There is a conversation that has been going on here for years! Look at some of the more recent russian spam looking posts I put some of them into google translate and get stuff like:
posmotryu, temboleye s khoroshim kachestvom , Izvinite, chto ya vmeshivayus', no ne mogli by Vy dat' nemnogo bol'she informatsii. — Skachat' cs go
Vash otvet bespodoben… :) , Ne ponyatno — skachat' ks
I'll see, the temboo with good quality, I'm sorry that I'm interfering, but could you give a little more information. — Download cs go
Your answer is incomparable … :), It's not clear — download kc
Whereas the earlier ones are plaintext
2015-08-25, Insert your card http://www.fmmelodia.com//index.php/weather.html knife order valacyclovir online icy Humala can not seek a second consecutive term, but his charismatic wife, Nadine Heredia, is widely believed to have presidential ambitions. Some expect her to run as early as 2016, despite her denials.
All are disguesed as spam adds.
db666d No.6589
Yeah, they're concern trolling. Jews are obviously part of the swamp.
But I digress. How can we ride CNN namedropping our conspiracy theories?
733f78 No.6590
Fun Fact, Barrick Gold run by Munk apparently got in a lot of trouble for raping a bunch of women. I'm thinking Barrick Gold might be involved in more then just gold. I know insider mentioned drugs, possibly human trafficking of some kind? Slavery?
8612ce No.6591
He colludes with Soros and Open Society
f7607d No.6592
>AF-1 photos
i did a very detailed analysis of those photos and proved that they could not have been taken from AF1.
However, the analysis also indicates it would have been nearly impossible to have posted them in the timeframes posted from commercial aircraft
That leads me to believe the photos were made from advance parties preceeding POTUS
at least three different operatorAnons confirmed that advanced teams precede POTUS on trips like Asia
So I am convinced the photos are genuine, but they are definitely NOT from AF1
megAnon didn't account for the possibilities I discussed
again with the binary thinking
it's not binary
there are other possibilities
f3f2ce No.6593
My original post was about redpilling people and to be careful that the JQ is not for everyone right away. The fact remains that the swamp is inherently Jewish even moreso at the top and a failure to recognize this is a disservice at best.
29c04d No.6594
Its an old jewish trick to take heat off individual kikes by pointing out other kike bs
0863eb No.6596
how about this one?
no one, 0 knew AF1 pit stopped in Hawaii on its way home. Q dropped and we looked and sure enough local news reported AF1 pit stop for fuel. Q asked us does AF1 need to land for fuel?
db666d No.6598
He's proven he's a CIANigger again with this newfag zionist /= judaism stuff. I'll try to stay ontopic.
They've got good opsec, I'll say that. I have absolutely no doubt that Q is 100% real. So if you think MegAnon is real too.. "make the pieces fit together."
733f78 No.6599
Insider also mention Kazakhstan with a reference to U1. James Giffin american business man was accused of bribing the former prime minister of Kazakhstan to secure oil contracts. Giffin claimed he had approval from the (((CIA))). He used swiss bank accounts to transport 20 million to bribed officials. This was called KAZAKHGATE, research and confirm. Insider confirmed this conclusion in pevious threads,
f7607d No.6600
Here's the condensed version
Exhibit B
>CBTS#94 >>148286642, non-trip Q drops a crumb pile including exh B (no EXIF)
>Location: Shanghai
>Photo facing E by SE
>Sun low in E sky (reflection on water) = AM photo
>Posted by Q @ 13:50 PST Mon 06 Nov (05:50 AM local Tue 07 Nov)
>Shanghai sunrise on 07 Nov = 06:14 AM local
>Don’t know day of photo, no EXIF data
>Based on time analysis, photo was not made same day as posted
>Trump itinerary:
> in JP on Mon 06 Nov
> fly to SK on Tue 07 Nov
> JP to SK =/= Shanghai
Exhibit C
>CBTS#126 >>148451796, a non-trip Q makes post with no txt and only Exh C
>Location: Hong Kong
>Photo facing N to S
>Photo is in AM, blue sky above clouds = W, hence no sun glare
>Posted by Q @ 15:43 PST Tue 07 Nov (07:43 AM local Wed 08 Nov)
>Hong Kong sunrise on 08 Nov = 06:31 AM local
>EXIF: screenshot; date-time stamp 2017-11-07 15:39 (presume PST)
>Screenshot made 4 min earlier than /pol/ post, unclear provenance of actual photo
>Trump itinerary:
> Seoul in AM
> Depart for Beijing in PM
Exhibit D
>CBTS#191 >> 148777785, trip-Q (!ITPb.qbhqo) makes post with no txt and only Exh D
>Location: Hong Kong
> Photo facing E to W
>Photo is mid-day, note sun glare in upper right corner
>Posted by Q @ 20:31 PST Thu 09 Nov (12:31 PM local time Fri 10 Nov)
>EXIF says screenshot; date-time stamp 2017-11-09 20:29 (presume PST)
>Screenshot was made 2 min earlier than /pol/ post, but unclear provenance of actual photo
>Trump itinerary:
> Beijing to Vietnam
>Exhibits B, C, and D were NOT taken from AF1 based on time analysis and POTUS itinerary
>Why is B not screencap like C & D?
>Taken by POTUS security detail or advanced envoy?
>Traveling ahead? AF1 escort? From San Diego? Explains PST EXIF data?
>Detailed advanced knowledge of POTUS itinerary
>Pre-plan photos. Multiple photos? Pick best as LARP unfolds?
>$$$ to travel to China? Or, remote contact sending photos then screen-capped?
6cb592 No.6601
Awesome proof. We are all needed on this mission.
66d80f No.6603
lets find out a little more about this site just to make sure
6cb592 No.6604
Exactly. We discuss here, he can post wherever…
e5615c No.6605
At the time someone pointed out that Q said that Barack Obama precedes POTUS to foreign destinations then asked 5 different times
>Where is Barcak Obama now?
He concluded that batch of questions with a (possibly friendly)
>Goodnight BO.
Some of us thought it was possible that Obama went ahead of POTUS to Asia to set the stage for the arrival of The Storm. BO could have taken those photos.
4960b0 No.6606
This bread isn't on the front page.
The only CBTS listing is this one.
How will Q know how to find us.
Asking for a friend.
f7607d No.6609
>BO could have taken those photos
the thought has crossed my mind more than once
e5615c No.6610
Reply to self. Forgot to mention. Q also said something like.
>Would it blow your mind if I told you Barack Obama is in North Korea.
If so, it's likely they BO took the photo and sent it to Trump to be put in the Nov 14th tweet.
000000 No.6611
yes but he could just say its a conspiracy site and nothing else. he did not have to tell about all the stuff there. if he said conspiracy site and no more than that, people would not care about it. but now when he talks about all that stuff, it pokes peoples interest.
29c04d No.6612
Anon's browse with the https://8ch.net/cbts/catalog.html
Q will have eyes everywhere I am sure.
f7607d No.6613
>How will Q know how to find us.
o ye of little faith
if you think Q isn't smart enough to find us
you should go to sleep now
we know how to find him
and are watching the places he is likely to reappear
4960b0 No.6614
This bread isn't on the front page.
The only CBTS listing is this one.
How will Q know how to find us.
6cb592 No.6615
FYI Q is Androgynous at this time. INSIGNIFICANT!!
f7607d No.6618
>How will Q know how to find us.
Q is a smart motherfucker
Q will find what needs to be found when it needs to be found
d847c7 No.6619
115dfd No.6620
Tell all Anons to stay
<Thank You
180db2 No.6621
>How will Q know how to find us.
s/he posted in that same thread.
the thread is still alive, and if s/he posts again there, i'm sure other anons can point him/her to our very own board.
we just got to make sure some of us are in that thread to point him/her here.
>are watching the places he is likely to reappear
just point him to our board.
and ask Q to get a secure trip now.
4960b0 No.6624
Thanks, I feel like a whiny bitch now.
29c04d No.6625
Thread is Bump LOCKED - Leave /pol/ alone.
db666d No.6626
This desu.
He can't use the same trip on both sites if he does, because it doesn't show you the salt.
29c04d No.6628
Its okay, i understand your concern. Just please, think. If someone with Millitary Intel working for POTUS to save the world is doing just that… think he cant find us? Use ya head Anon.
e5615c No.6630
I stand corrected. The exact quote was
>Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?
If he was "perhaps" there, he could have taken all of the photos. That blows meganon's argument out of the water with respect to the photos.
a55f4c No.6634
8/pol/ cbts thread op here, I'm waiting for this thread to die before making a new one, we have to give Q options as to where to post. The /pol/ mods hate duplicate threads and shills have been getting the threads anchored due to confusing the mods.
861cd6 No.6635
I’ve been thinking that as well. What if someone pulled us over here to contain the information so the public couldn’t find it. But then again, if that were the case, then you’d think Q would’ve somehow intervened. idk
180db2 No.6637
actually he can use the insecure trip here. [which he did in his 2 posts here so far]
then he will have secured an ID. [wchich changes with change in IP, so his already acquired ID is no good anymore.]
in his next post he can announce his new seure trip and we can all jot that down for future reference.
0f6f1e No.6638
Q's trip was confirmed to be the same Q from 4 chan so there was no attempt to misdirect when he told us to come here.
29c04d No.6639
Okay, just please god keep the riff raft off the board.
>>Forgive me /pol/ for we have sinned
4cade2 No.6640
this is the right way to do it
e5615c No.6641
I'm thinking we were deliberately pulled over here so that the old threads would become harder to find and search once the MSM starts digging around. The really incredible shilling started right after the Magaill tweet.
1516b1 No.6642
Research in containment board, mostly shill free
disseminate info through public channels afterwards
115dfd No.6643
We're never gonna make it, anon…
<exile from infinity
>>we need a better containment EXE
5a2aab No.6644
Excellent roll out thread just posted up on twitter concerning Jeb Bush and how Epstein will be able to get away with recent crimes due to legal maneuvers in the past
f7607d No.6645
>He can't use the same trip on both sites if he does, because it doesn't show you the salt.
insecure trip produces same string on both chans
proven multiple times in multiple threads within the catalog here
Q used same trip code here as on half chan
but it only works on insecure tripcode, which Q has been using.
f7ae12 No.6646
Oh fuggg I almost forgot! Did someone mention anything about Shangri-la the Nazi base in Antarctica or just the resort?
Heading to the right place for this right now…
a55f4c No.6647
Its gonna take you cuckchanners time to acclimate to the freedom of hatechan, but as a warning, the shills are extremely obvious in my threads, don't engage. Enclosed is proof, don't worry about cbts #8 on 8/pol/.
0ca1b4 No.6649
Ok, this will not be a very popular post but… is it possible that Q is th3j35t3r pulling one of his epic LARPS again? He ran the first larp for over a year until anons busted him.
f7607d No.6650
>That blows meganon's argument out of the water with respect to the photos
and that's just ONE possibility
i am amazed at all the so-called autists here who can only think in binary terms
this or that
true or false
if we've learned nothing from Q
it's that there are so many possibilties
many of which can all be true at the same time
it's not a fucking binary world, anons!
db666d No.6651
Which means I was right, dork. I suppose >>6637 can work, if he plans to reveal further info.
893472 No.6652
Can you have 3 people in power, or the triumvirate? or One Ruler
The Purpose of the RothsChild is to protect the real family in power.
RothsChild = The Red Shield in Old German. If they are the shield, what do they protect?
Which BloodLine? The Y-DNA or the Haplogroup R1b.
So who controls the RothsChild?……ponder that
The richest and the oldest Bloodline on EARTH.
The Bloodline goes back 3000 Years……..Yeah 3000 Years.
One of the earliest known existence we have of them is the Lichtenstein Cave, the burial chamber of the Lichtenstein Family.
Also the first confirmed and traceable appearance of the HaploGroup R1b.
The Lichtenstein have their own country in the middle of Europe. They weren't always there as there are Lichtenstein Castles around Europe. But they do manage to stay in Western Europe.
I'll speak about the RH- blood type and why thats the Key to it all. For now, look into the Lichtenstein Family and Explore it.
Can you tell me why The Flag of Haiti and Lichtenstein have in common?
29c04d No.6653
Noted, Bread here will age well.
Any Bakers, I'll be alseep
180db2 No.6656
>don't worry about cbts #8 on 8/pol/.
115dfd No.6657
>>This scenario would require luck beyond probability…
<Re: 6 viable witerabit scenarios alone, etc.
98905a No.6658
You've only shared rehashed images posted from other anons and seed the conversation away from (((Zionism))) by injecting it with Jews. This is the exact effect (((they))) are trying to achieve. Not sure if you are just ignorant to your own prejudice or unironically calling the kettle black
454080 No.6661
Yes and if he so wanted to, he could a new secure trip on halfchan and backreference it here if his tripcode there has been banned. But halfchan is undeniably comped, so I doubt that will be happen.
I will be honest, the thought has crossed my mind that Q's tripcode may have been calculated, since it has been about a month. I'll let the reader fill in the reason why and who would want that scenario (diversion) to happen. Sorry if barking up wrong tree.
f7607d No.6662
>Which means I was right, dork
sorry, i misread your post
6cb592 No.6663
EXACTLY! Lots of layers, multiple meanings, more than one theory can have truth.
115dfd No.6664
<Done been, damnit
Tryin here… and there
>>inb4 newfag
115dfd No.6665
db666d No.6666
Hehe, ==dorks==
do our newfriends know what they are?
b56fa8 No.6667
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
29c04d No.6668
Agreed. I've always felt layers were implied. Wish i could find the Q i'm thinking of where the heavy undertone was multiple meaning.
Off to bed Anons
750 post Limit Baker please Claim
b56fa8 No.6669
f7607d No.6670
6cb592 No.6671
>HaploGroup R1b.
Diggin' deep
db666d No.6672
Liechten (((STEIN)))
muh based jews still holding up?
29c04d No.6674
wtf am i even saying, 750 is the post limit here.
Please claim if you plan to bake
PLEASE EDIT THE TEMPLATE TO BE UPTO DATE with current threads 4 5 and now 6
180db2 No.6675
Q posts on 8ch
someone said it will take much more to calculate Q's tripcode password.
In any case, i hope he realizes that he will need to post twice and claim a secure tripcode in the 2nd post.
Good night anon.
>750 post Limit Baker please Claim
If no one else claims, then the next bread is mine to bake.
I might tweak the batter a bit though.
180db2 No.6677
>PLEASE EDIT THE TEMPLATE TO BE UPTO DATE with current threads 4 5 and now 6
29c04d No.6679
>tweak batter
By all means. My first time ever baking, hope i did well. Learned a lot lurking over the years and felt it was my time to try my hand and keep the watch tower lit.
Be well.
db666d No.6680
Didn't mean to steal those.. lol
29c04d No.6681
that id too kek
6cb43c No.6683
Watch for fake Q posts. Here's how to tell
180db2 No.6684
>Be well.
and you, anon.
see you when you get back.
take a look at that Id as well.
good get.
98905a No.6686
>unironically feels need to define latest no namefags allowed shill tactic
>unironically pretending to be "from" 8ch
>unironically doesn't know how tripcode works
>seeds conversation with (((zionist shill tactics))
>unironically apologizes for using up gets
<time to swap out that IP guy
<for just call CIAnigger on anyone who disagrees with your narrative.
5a2aab No.6687
Thank you. I thought it was too important not to share quite frankly. When people are wondering how he can get away with so much, now they will know
b56fa8 No.6688
There's some truth to this, I think.
cbfddf No.6689
That's wrong, there is no space inbetween the posts on 8chan for tripcodes. The Q post on 8/pol/ is real and your image doesn't prove otherwise.
Learn how the tripcodes work and lurk more.
29c04d No.6690
You are an absolute turbo nigger.
>new shill tactic
This makes you the biggest newfag I've ever encountered across the chans. Our strength is the anonymous nature of our posting. Not clouded by props for our actions or fiending to be recognized. You need to check your ego at the door and understand that Anonymous is the name you post with here if you want to be respected.
Unless you have pertanent information or a important role to play.
>srsly though read this post and think about it.
Be well xxx.
c8412f No.6691
You've just been conditioned by Hollywood and the media to believe it's a woman in charge.
db666d No.6692
checked. This emphasis on the shield is making a lot of sense. Can we prove the the Lichtensteins are above the Redshields?
0863eb No.6693
Q is insanely smart.
and there is a reason Q tasked us with this mission.
When the time comes that we need more data Q will send it.
I think most of what we need we already have, we just need to put the puzzle together.
future proves past. as events unfold more will be revealed.
use the info graphs, look into the old movies. paint the picture. your speculations will be made clear by events that unravel.
18c73e No.6694
They're trip/namefagging because that's how their employer identifies who to pay shekels to. Report them.
1516b1 No.6695
As much as you hate namefags, he's got a point you know
db666d No.6696
Not gonna bother.. because I can accept that this fucking thread isn't about me.
18c73e No.6697
They get money everytime they make a post and everytime you respond.
67ad3d No.6698
8chan =/= half chan when it comes to trip codes. There is no space here unless you make it.
d847c7 No.6699
I want to know if Pepe has abandoned us? Or have we abandoned him with Q?
18c73e No.6700
Go back to cuckchan then.
98905a No.6703
>Concern shilling
>I'm just an anon and i'm your friend shilling
>reconstitutes no namefag shilling
>asks for pertinent information yet offers none
>all posts are just rehash of anons posts and injecting (((zionist blame jews meme)))
180db2 No.6704
>Can we prove the the Lichtensteins are above the Redshields?
if we can then the whole game changes.
are Lichs the king of the kings?
let's dig deep to find out.
18c73e No.6705
You cuckchan fags are like somalians. Make your home an unusable shithole then do the same here expecting different results. We are better than you, get over it, and git gud. You can either learn or be taken for continuous rides.
d847c7 No.6706
I am RH Neg. does this mean anything?
f7607d No.6708
hey, i made a screen cap!
there was another anon in last general thread who showed the CSS code and further debunked the "no space" issue in the Q tripcode. it's the same fucking trip and anyone saying it's not is a shill.
db666d No.6709
I'm talking about this guy.. makes every thread about him.
I'm on it. We appreciate the bake, it's a tedious process to put all that info in one place.
6cb592 No.6710
29c04d No.6711
Now you have me CONVINCED you get shekles for posts.
I have nothing against tripfags. They have their place and their purpose. Like above poster said, IDing shills to be paid.
cbfddf No.6712
Nice! Well thank you for exlpaining it, people are being really stupid and doubting that is the same tripcode and doubting Q, especially on halfchan. People are trying to set them straight and show them the truth.
180db2 No.6713
only speculations.
People who are more conspiracy minded believe Rh- might have come from Aliens, the other-planet kind.
But then others claim the human race as a whole is of that sort. seeded on this planet.
98905a No.6714
>Injects more (((zionist blame jews meme)))
>adds nothing to conversation shilling
>unironically thinks tay lives meme
>go back to cuckchan meme
>just filter this namefag meme
>I swear anon i'm your friend meme
>nice bake i'm totally an anon too meme
1516b1 No.6716
Both are not mutually exclusive though
29c04d No.6717
All your comments are non-constructive in every thread.
f7607d No.6719
filter this toxic motherfucker.
000000 No.6721
licht means light in german (light as in light that shines, not as in "not heavy")
stein means stone
so i guess its "stone of light" or something similar
if that is of importance in any way
e4b802 No.6722
Liechtenstein has no army, but when Hitler marched into Austria, Liechtenstein’s Prince Franz Joseph II went to see the fuhrer in Berlin and somehow secured his country’s neutrality. At the end of the Second World War, when 500 White Russians sought sanctuary here, he heroically refused to hand them over to Stalin. The last time Liechtenstein saw military action was in 1866, during the Austro-Prussian War, when they sent 80 troops to guard the Tyrolean border. They returned home with 81 men, having suffered no casualties and gained a new recruit en route.
582aed No.6723
If you're female and you get pregnant with an RH+ child there is some danger for the baby. The first is usually safe, second and later may be at risk. I know because I am RH- too.
If you are male, or not having children, probably not.
080825 No.6728
i'm a newfriend. just lurking/learning. i have a question: Q said key is in graphic. only graphic he/she posted on 10/31 followed by sci[f]. wiki'd sci[f] found 'sensitive compartmentalized info' and some details that might mean something to those with greater autistic powers? i'll return to the lurk, but be cheering you on in my silence.
180db2 No.6729
true, but that makes having Rh- not that special anymore.
Brings the Rh- people a notch down.
oh yeah.
i remember reading here https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21RRVe.ETtN./ about the pyramids having the ability to reflect all the moon's light in the night time.
>stone of light
pyramid builders?
need to dig more about the Liechtensteins' bloodline's link with the Pharaohs.
a37f30 No.6730
I'm female, Rh- first baby is no problem. Any others you have to get a rhogam shot.
115dfd No.6731
e4b802 No.6732
You can rent the whole fucking country for 70k a night, on airbnb lol
180db2 No.6733
they seem to exercise immense power / respect from others.
gotta be a reason for that.
Do they boast of link with King David's bloodline?
50bbc1 No.6734
HMM 70K a night, private jet, DO ANYTHING YA WANT BASICALLY
f7607d No.6735
Here's the link:
and here's the image showing the css
baker, can we please somehow get this into the batter so people quit wasting time and posts on legitimacy of infinity chan trip Q????
1516b1 No.6736
True but in turn it makes the human race quite fascinating. The evolution theory's missing link is a fun thought experiment, and external intervention is not entirely impossible imo but that's getting offtopic
115dfd No.6737
<We're on a mission from gahd…
cbfddf No.6738
180db2 No.6739
yeah, agreed.
for the time being, let's concentrate on the Liechs' bloodline and genetic makeup.
the answers lie within.
18c73e No.6740
I was totally wondering exactly what that meant before, thank you newfriend!
<First time I've ever seen a newfriend contribute like dis.
e4b802 No.6741
Everything Im reading about this place is strange.
Franz Joseph’s son, His Serene Highness Prince Hans Adam II, is Liechtenstein’s current ruler. He’s Europe’s richest monarch, worth about $5 billion. He has one of the world’s finest art collections, with the largest private haul of Rubens, and the only Leonardo da Vinci in private hands. Some of this priceless booty is now on public show, but you won’t find any of it here in Liechtenstein. Absurdly – and therefore fittingly – you’ll have to travel to Vienna to see it. Maybe when his amazing artworks return to Liechtenstein, this quiet backwater will attract a few more visitors. Until then, enjoy the elbow room. Truly, this is the land that time (and the EU) forgot.
f7607d No.6742
>You can rent the whole fucking country for 70k a night, on airbnb lol
group buy?!
can accommodate 500 people…
let's see
2 nights @ $70K = $140K / 500 people = $140 per person
how many FB friends did i have before i deactivated?!
18c73e No.6743
I'll check those digits.
35e95c No.6745
If Q is tied to intel as it appears and bearing the fact that several people, like myself, have posted info about how to reach me via twitter or gmail, all Q would have to see is my tweets to know where to go if he doesn't know already. I'm not worried about him knowing.
It really does not matter to me if Q responds again or not. There is so much to do no matter what and if people just stayed focused and continued to build memes, research, and make suggestions for others who are more skilled in Memes, everything will work out.
50bbc1 No.6746
Im a MemeMaker, having troubles with content and execution though.
Trow some stuff at me
180db2 No.6747
i'd suggest you get a secure tripcode in this very thread.
just use ## instead of #
d847c7 No.6749
Praise Kek, he is with us.
50bbc1 No.6750
I think we should all be using twitter meme format, white base, and Helvetica thin on top.
White Impact font format is WAYY dated
cbfddf No.6751
He should change his password when he gets a secure tripcode or his new tripcode could be hacked with the old one.
180db2 No.6752
yeah, you are absolutely right.
please use a different word.
35e95c No.6753
Ahh…I like what you presented.
Very good job!
Gives us another focal point to examine.
98905a No.6755
>makes it a point to let everyone know he is filtering
>posts over 9000 times in single thread, no finds just rehashed anon postings
>creates mandate
>feels the need to defend knowledge of luther
>talks about useless nonsense
<will go back to lurking nao
afe75e No.6756
I don't actually think the truth would put 99% in hospital..whatever it may be..
This generation has been conditioned since birth to normalize major happenings. Very short attention spans, they get bored easily.
All this drip drip tick tock weekly "bombshell" strategy, unfortunately, doesn't work anymore on anyone..not even normies.
Ex: Wikileaks, project veritas, hannity, U1..people lose interest too quick, which gives msm prime opp to discredit, and the masses simply move along. By the time the meat and potatoes are dropped, nobody cares anymore and/or nobody believes it.
The only way to get through to this generation of happenings is to drop the mother load all at once, while you have their attention. All the major fact bombshells in one swift blow, so there's no time and no way to rebuttal.
180db2 No.6757
that reminds me, even i gotta change my password.
Please, consider this new trip as my official from now.
cbfddf No.6758
I love the pixel art, got more?
590e77 No.6759
You got the Michiel part right. The rest not so much
db666d No.6760
There's a difference between seeing it on the internet and knowing it 100% happened in your heart. Your brain shields you from what you cannot accept.
590e77 No.6761
What were you saying? Something shiny on the T.V. oh the sky is falling. Got it!
cbfddf No.6762
Will do friend, thanks for your work!
48a927 No.6763
f7ae12 No.6764
Shangri-La, WWII Nazi base on Antarctica as well. Possible links to super secret uranium there.
000000 No.6765
there is also this:
Service Corporation International (SCI.F)
"Service Corporation International, incorporated on July 6, 1962, is a provider of deathcare products and services, with a network of funeral service locations and cemeteries. The Company's segments include Funeral, Cemetery and Corporate. It conducts both funeral and cemetery operations in the United States and Canada. As December 31, 2016, it operated 1,502 funeral service locations and 470 cemeteries, including 281 funeral service/cemetery combination locations, which are geographically diversified across 45 states, eight Canadian provinces, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico"
didnt Q say something about someone knowing where the bodies are buried?
115dfd No.6766
I reckon q will let us know when to mass drop <memes???
cbfddf No.6769
When do you think Q will post on our new board? I'm really excited and waiting.
115dfd No.6771
<When we all learn to click the post # before repying
d847c7 No.6772
you do not need Q. You have all the info you need.
2fbbf4 No.6773
Mother. Fucking.
I can't fucking believe it. I can NOT FUCKING BELIEVE IT
Im not on hollow earth, but i only just started TO DAY analyzing public data (My day job is fixing bs govt models retard made)
There is habbitable land there. Its the only reason some of this BS makes sense. IDK how they were able to hide it but they were.
Its going to take me a while to get any of this shit into chan friendly form but i had to tell you guys. And to think a month ago i though oswald acted alone. I'm spent yall. im fucking spent. If you want some fun though check out padagonia/penisular antartic/ocean currents/cold war/geothermal activity
Welp at least I know theres shit to explore. as a biostatician this could make my career - this stuff is a literal wealth of oportunity from a biotech perspective (unique genes = unique chemical making machines)
wow, just wow
070123 No.6775
I don't want this movement to die.
When was last time Q posted?
What do we make of MegaAnon claiming the Qs are larps?
Have we gained or lost momentum over the past 2 weeks?
What's the collective expectation for when a "real happening" occurs?
Should we expect something before 2018? 2019?
Is Hillary a sealed indictment, and if so, when will it be unsealed?
Have we gained or lost momentum over the past 2 weeks?
When will the public be made aware of Podesta's arrest?
If Obama really is tweeting old holiday pics, then when will it be exposed where he really is?
Will Soros ever actually be taken down?
I'm trying to keep my patience but a real victory would do so much for morale. 4plebs like me still live in big blue cities full of fake-news zombies.
f7607d No.6776
a SCIF is a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
i've been in one a couple of times at no such animal facilities back in the mid 2000s
you can't just walk into one
they have quarantined rooms just outside the SCIF for holding meetings with non-cleared personnel
if you take a computer into the SCIF, they practically disect it at the guard desk before allowing you to take it through the portal into the secure area
they have red flashing lights in the foyer so that personnel leaving the secure area know to cease any conversation about classified information in the presence of non-cleared personnel
etc etc
it basically means that that facility has a discreet network that is not directly connected to any other network
and that there is no easy (legal / approved) way to move information out of that network / facility to another.
hence the definition of SCI (secure compartmented information)
the reference to the "key is in the graphic" is not in that post from 31 Oct, so I don't believe it refers to the george washington image posted on 31 Oct.
the statement verbatim is "The graphic is your key" and that came on 07 Nov
immediately preceeding that post was another post that contained no text and only the clouds over hong kong image (see attached)
so from this, i don't think SCI[F] on 31 Oct is relevant, nor do i think the george washington image on 31 Oct is relevant.
there may be some relevance we missed in the hong kong photo, but i've done EXIF data analysis on that one (see my post above), and there isn't anything obvious
also, we've always taken "graphic" to refer to the QMap. note Q didn't say key is in photo, he said key is in graphic.
thanks for chewing on this, don't stop, and don't hesitate to share any other thoughts. it's worthwhile to revisit these things often.
afe75e No.6777
My post was not about believing or not, it was about the importance of timing in order to have the most impact on the masses. Should we withhold meme magic until it's the most magical?
db666d No.6778
Notice that he said "future posts."
18c73e No.6779
'Hollow Earth' is to distract from the very real large tunnels that exist.
2fbbf4 No.6780
its not dying but its going to be a while. years maybe. We are in the eye so to speak
590e77 No.6782
cbfddf No.6783
You don't have to reply anyone when asking general questions
1516b1 No.6784
Honeycomb earth is what most people have in mind when talking about hollow earth. Just loads of tunnels, including those explored by the nazis
cbfddf No.6785
Q said he has more info to pass along here
What is your point?
66d80f No.6786
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
ccfe8f No.6787
I really love my cat-monkey-pig.
2fbbf4 No.6788
its not hollow earth even. Its that much of the eastern peninsula coast line does have the plausibility of being temperate. There simply is not enough data I trust at this point to be able to conclude anything beyond the fact that its been altered substantially and shit simply does not add upp compared to the rest of the entire globe
115dfd No.6789
I did some early twits but after one to @devil
I decided to delete app.
>>now only use browser twit.
<No twits now for fortnight, saving pills???
e4b802 No.6790
Welcome to your new reality lol
db666d No.6791
He implied that he would be making drops in the future.
cbfddf No.6792
What stuff should I really be focusing my digging on right now while we wait for new crumbs from Q?
db666d No.6794
Lichtensteins, maybe. Barrack Obama being in custody for sure.
Again I say, please post the pic where Q forced Obama to tweet
2fbbf4 No.6795
its ridiculous. I sent a data set to my pops who specializes in fluid dynamics, so im going to wait for his opinion but seriously…. the public models of ocean currents around cape horn are complete bullshit imho
590e77 No.6796
Brazil in the west, Montaguer in the middle, Tibet in the east. There are the most entrances and exits.
48daaa No.6798
Another one bits the dust! Yet another member of congress has inexplicably has chosen not to run again for his seat next year! what a kawikidink!?
db666d No.6800
We look forward to hearing from you. Don't get Shoahed.
070123 No.6801
Thanks. Q straight up said /we/ won and (((they))) lost. I just don't see how it could be that certain and yet manifestations of such a victory in the real world are nonexistent.
115dfd No.6802
And rgr, Anon.
<mfw be me directionless anon
>>Too much, too fast, to day… and yesterday • X
e4b802 No.6803
Compare them with older model currents/trade/shipping maps?
590e77 No.6804
Agharta is of Buddhist origin. They are the civilization.
There are wormholes above those locations and below.
cbfddf No.6805
True, I guess it is sporadic. Just excited and wondering when he will hit us for the first time on our new board with new crumbs
590e77 No.6806
I'm 1944 there wa a war for Montaguer.
590e77 No.6807
e4b802 No.6808
Holy shit, like in the Iron Fist series on Netflix. There was a secret city only filled with monks
765227 No.6810
yup. Paid troll xxx is… just here to distract form the work we're doing . ignore and do not allow to bake.
115dfd No.6811
Nutrient dense current flow mix from atlantic and pacific junction… proper name unrecalled.
<S'all i got.
590e77 No.6812
590e77 No.6814
Imagine—catholics and the French
115dfd No.6816
Said paid troll baked thru more than one hairy night on cripplechan…
<methinks she tired of being called a guy
2fbbf4 No.6818
its part of it. but its going to take a while to build an independant model. A dead giveaway at this point though is behavior of publically avaliable data from cape of good hope vs cape horn. #1 giveaway is that eddy systems have been eliminated, and that is simply impossible . IMPOSSIBLE for how large of a pinch point padagonia is and how the ocean currents work.
I'll get something made up to explain it but i'm going to go get dunk and think about life.
590e77 No.6820
Interesting stuff. If people knew true history
7c409e No.6822
True history, can you get me access to the vatacin.
af6bd6 No.6823
Recent migrant from half. When was most recent activity from Q here? Anything after the statement that future posts are to be relayed here? Thanks fags.
590e77 No.6824
They called it the Synagogue of Satan. Except that's whom was attacking it. Not defending it.
Tisk tisk. Liars liars.
2fbbf4 No.6825
thanks im not an expert on oceans in particular but i am on this type of statistical modeling - which theyve done superbly except the south artic. Factors like salinity density and swell behavior are something I will need to factor in (hence why im not making any absolute claims) but from a perspective of plausibility - it is absolutely plausable, and if Q mentioned it (antartica is a minor point - go follow rothschild money if you really want to know the big picture) i figured id look into it
590e77 No.6826
There are people that know. You just have to find them.
180db2 No.6827
Q posts on 8ch
and now we wait
115dfd No.6828
>>eddy systems have been eliminated, and that is simply impossible . IMPOSSIBLE for how large of a pinch point padagonia is and how the ocean currents work
Couldn't be caused by a big fuckin wall undersea,
<could it?
>>inb4 intellihub
e4b802 No.6829
Cheers anon. Have one for us and soak it all up
e4b802 No.6830
We're getting there. Maybe its actually a city filled with Munks, like that guys name was spelled connected to the gold?
731602 No.6832
It worries me a bit that Q has not been posting since 4 days already nicer on half nor doublechan
6d5bb0 No.6833
> They never leave this early, a year before. Trump is telling them, get out or I will prosecute you (I bet)
7c409e No.6834
Thansk anon, you give me hope.
7c409e No.6835
10 days of darkness
db666d No.6836
The best part of that video is the mix of German and Arabic. Kek eurofags btfo
35e95c No.6837
I've listened to his presentations for years.
Some say he is a disinfo agent. Some say "controlled opposition."
Some of the information he has released, is unique while others seems to piggy-back off what is being broadcasted on the web.
590e77 No.6838
Yw. I was given hope too.
731602 No.6839
I just today read in a german newssite, that a apprentice of Space X (Owned by Musk) thinks of Elon Musk as the creator of Bitcoin.
If this is true in only some way, this is fucking big and creepy, since Bitcoin seems to take over the World Currencys and not is regulated.
b73e8d No.6840
This. XXX is often more abrasive than I feel she needs to be, but I find it hard to believe sh is a shill given her history through this. Led the charge against the obvious shills that were the baker's union and fought off other massive shills waves. Unless there's some shill vs shill stuff being purposefully played to confuse us, it just doesn't check out.
35e95c No.6842
731602 No.6843
590e77 No.6845
Anybody know why the Bermuda triangle is a triangle. What else on land is a triangle?
115dfd No.6846
7c409e No.6847
65f40d No.6848
First thing it did when it got here was ask to be a mod.
765227 No.6849
>>6840 -
bad/paid shill for sure. Immediately split a thread when q posted and kept distracting with jew bait. Avoid and ignore.
e4b802 No.6850
How much you wanna bet weve never been shown whats actually down there?
590e77 No.6851
Nice. Maybe you and I know the same thing.
590e77 No.6852
I would bet alot. Wonder what is guarding it.
36b13d No.6853
I think it would be good practice to avoid and ignore anyone telling us to avoid and ignore Tubbs. You weren't there, man. You weren't there.
Tubbs is awesome.
66d80f No.6854
found on google earth
giant kid with soccer ball?
peter I island
380 nautical miles from rothschild island
rotate north to 4 o'clock position
for upright view
115dfd No.6855
<Whatever you say, satan…
>>Just a reader.
590e77 No.6857
It is a arc. A very important arc. Well the most important object on Earth.
Pssst. It can move.
65f40d No.6858
115dfd No.6859
<Xxx x 2?
One glows mayhap?
60bddb No.6861
Made a thread to dump solid intel I should add to the wiki
Sourced information is best information.
e4b802 No.6863
So what are the odds of this being connected like so to PR and FL, both places that got hit super hard with hurricanes this year?
Maybe this is where Atlantis actually is?
36b13d No.6864
Incorrect, and I think I'm going to follow my own advice.
590e77 No.6865
590e77 No.6867
But yes. Those hurricanes were there for the arc. Weather wars. Camoflague. Wouldn't want humans to see any battles of sorts.
e4b802 No.6868
36b13d No.6869
You crystal worshipers have anything to add to this thread that's related to Q?
590e77 No.6870
They will never find it. You don't just get to go find it.
2fe571 No.6871
I don't understand how this person isn't a shill. They spammed the thread with nonsense.
590e77 No.6872
But it could be a soft disclosure for humans. I dunno. So many agendas and angles
115dfd No.6873
590e77 No.6874
Please enlighten us with your knowledge. We all wait in anticipation.
7c409e No.6875
Took control and sorted out the shite.
731602 No.6876
while reading through your post, it became blatantly obvious that FBI anon and Q are basically talking about the EXACT SAME STUFF. There is a fight going on currently between the dark side and the good side and we are in between. What FBI Anon announced here:
is almost identically replicated by post dating back to 2008
While reading both of these threads and information, something came to my mind, and it goes and in hand with our happenings right now, and in a precise way, it´s thrilling:
Let me explain
1. This reddit post contains a link towards a thread on a board, which is saved here
http://archive.is/vT0FQ (Part 1)
http://archive.is/nfZvW (Part 2)
http://archive.is/dzjll (Part 3)
http://archive.is/FhXL5 (Part 4)
Reading these, you think you´re in a bad movie, yet I recommend it to you to read all 4 pages.
A short tl;dr:
- the Thread title is named "head of the illuminati"
- in this thread a user called "babablacksheep" claims to be a high tier member of the illuminati brotherhood
- he gives some insight on the NWO and happenings in the future
- gives an insight who might be the head of the illuminati
>I´ll cite an answer towards a photo he posted in this thread:
"And is that Donald and Ivana Trump's daughter on his left?
But who is the other guy?"
Well you guessed it already, the other guy was Jared Kushner
Notice, this was in 2008 (!!!)
731602 No.6877
This is the first time that the FBI anon and the guy from the past are speaking of the same person, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner
The author of the thread claims Trump not to be part of the illuminati, but instead his daughter will be involved by several plans for the NWO!
I´ll cite the FBI anon from April 2017
>A: Not directly but through his kids they have him. Kushner is bad news. Him and Ivanka are full blown globalist and on board the NWO plan. This extends to satanic and occult practices. Him purchasing 666 building is no coincidence. Expect to hear more from him as time goes by. Man behind the curtain
The thread in 2008 then continues to investigate about Jared Kushner, and some ties to satanism are found.
However, babablacksheep denies him being the head of the illuminati later on
Again the author gives a hint
>"Also, if you notice Richard Branson's kids are very good friends with the two Princes of England, so they are totally one with the Royal Family and it's like one social group.
>Do you remember when Q hinted towards investigating the Queen of England???
The author goes on
"Project Blue Beam is not designed to 'trick people' into thinking it is real like some people think. Instead, it turns the whole world into Entertainment and the idea is just to 'market' the new world religion like you were marketing Star Wars. They are planning to just make it an entertainment thing that people buy or watch for fun like they would The Simpsons or Star Wars or The Matrix, but it will use real people as Divine Figures."
>do you spot any parallels with today? speaking of fake news? speaking of virtual reality? speaking of basically knowledge been taken out of our hands by centralising the knowledge to one platform… the internet, consisting of google and facebook
>Speaking of Facebook
The author explains further
"The real head who I work for is someone who no one has ever heard of and he's incredibly, incredibly bizarre. He is in some stuff on the internet, but it's really strange shit.
So for example, the real head is also a boy genius who is from New Jersey and is Jewish and went to Harvard…
I know that the Head of the Illuminati, they want him to be very prominent by November, 2010, which is about 2 year time frame."
>Who could you think of being jewish, born in new jersey, went to harvard, apparently rather young…
Zuckerberg? young guy, jewish yeah, and he went to harvard, but he wasn´t born in Jersey, no?
>Zuckerberg announced he would donate a big amount of his revenue for charity… and donated 100 Million Dollar to !!New Jersey!! in the year… 2010
e4b802 No.6878
Oh, one of those eh?
afe75e No.6879
Wow wow wow!
This video is everything!
Be the light and love
731602 No.6880
The author goes on…
"Yes that is why we must all turn our eyes to the Hero of the Planet who is a man of true heart. What a man of courage and steel and conviction.
Not got it all yet?
Yes, you haven't. You will only get it when you realize the world is an epic battle between two forces, of selfish and selflessness and they are the Two Forces who will fight the battle to the end of time itself.
>What is happening right now? Trump, Q, CIA, NSA…. ANY PARALLELS???
Zuckerberg might be the head of the illuminati. Q and Trump trying to fight the good fight against the brotherhood iluminati.
Please try to take me serious. I take each of Q´s hints into consideration, and they all only add up even more. Q tried to hint us towards illuminati Symbols over and over.
And this post from the past predicts the happening in such an accuracy, that it´s absolutley shocking.
Take that for a punch in the stomach even furhter:
590e77 No.6881
Who is shilling who?
db666d No.6882
Kushner glows in the dark, undoubtedly. But he has excelled at his job.
115dfd No.6883
>>so solly
e4b802 No.6884
Say what? Why did I get thrown into the shilling?
b73e8d No.6885
Only cases of thread splitting I saw her do were when shills were making threads and she was trying to gain back control.
I saw the zionism stuff and really don't think she needed to push it that hard and maybe things would have been better if she hadn't, but that to me is more likely just a poor judgement call.
c0fcb3 No.6886
That is definitely a spoopy video. Even if the wall or whatever it is is a glitch, that doesn't explain all the tracks leading to & from it. Fucking weird.
Thanks anon, I enjoyed that.
115dfd No.6887
590e77 No.6888
I can't tell you all apart. Guess it's automatic lol
731602 No.6890
I posted these yesterday and it seems this is indeed a thing. We need to keep digging again into this.
Note that both, FBIANON and babablacksheep mention Antarctica aswell as a place where mysterious stuff is happening.
>Q Drop from few Days
On a sidenote, Elon Musk owns Space X, and is suspected to be the creator of Bitcoin!
db666d No.6892
The Earth doesn't have to be hollow for Antarctica to be have some spooky shit going on there. Why do the Rothschilds own an island in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where there is supposedly ice, ice and more fucking ice?
070123 No.6893
I swear CNN is working for /us/ now. Someone needs to play the baddie, but this guy gets the message out.
590e77 No.6894
Q questions
The world is run by psychopaths.
Humans don't do anything about it
Wait for jesus
Or somebody else to solve their problems
Then complain about it.
7c409e No.6895
Thanks for keeping me in check
115dfd No.6896
66d80f No.6897
some say Antarctica is atlantis, look up "flash frozen civilization"
7c409e No.6898
db666d No.6899
Methinks they're hacking trips.
1516b1 No.6901
>Rockerfeller Plateau in Marie Byrd Land
>Admiral Byrd
>Operation Highjump
070123 No.6902
What do suggest we do? Meme?
e4b802 No.6903
I have before actually, its just been awhile since Ive looked into the Devils Triangle and just seemed like a good direction to point. im pretty much open to anything anymore, honestly. I know this is off topic but when is the last time you really heard anything about the ocean? Weve been on a space frenzy but absolutely nothing about the ocean ever leaks, except fukushima.
Sorry if this is distracting from the real purpose of the thread
590e77 No.6904
Good grief no.
Maybe. I dunno.
cde0cd No.6905
590e77 No.6908
Perhaps just say No.
You see, nothing can be done without our consent.
Stop consenting.
Imagine if people said no to becoming troops.
No to education
No to health care system
No to banks
No to governemnts
People only have has much power as WE give them.
But then, we would have to get over ourselves.
db666d No.6909
How do you prepare the masses for the truth?
115dfd No.6910
590e77 No.6911
590e77 No.6912
No idea. Truth can slap people in the face and they will still want proof.
e4b802 No.6913
This is fucking awesome man. Captain Doublescoop lol Has a certain ring to it
590e77 No.6914
But September came and went
731602 No.6915
To me it doesn´t matter really wether it was disinfo or not, the fact is, that 3 apparently different people of some "inside knowledge" appear to hint towards Illuminati as being a thing, Satanism being a thing, and pedofilia being a thing in elite circles.
Those 3 also hint towards the NWO and their plans towards it, so THIS is what I´m thinking about, not wether a daytime post by Q is fake.
I try to view the big picture.
>Either all 3 are LARPers with equal sources and are making fun of us hunting illusional illuminati brotherhoods
Or all 3 indeed have inside knowledge and try to tell us about it, which seems to me like being true taking into consideration
>Franklin Scandal
>The Finders
>PizzaGate (instagram posts, connections and other findings)
>Vatican being tied to pedophilia in various ways
>Trump indeed seems to read news about Rothschilds, Soros, etc.
It adds up to me, not more not less.
db666d No.6916
The only thing you can do is meme.
115dfd No.6917
<You gotta bedder i d uh, then???
590e77 No.6918
10,000 missing refugee children.
How long would it take to sacrifice that many?
7c409e No.6919
I can hear the screams
e4b802 No.6920
Depends. How are they being sacrificed? With what?
7c409e No.6922
U found my post then, PREY
590e77 No.6924
Better question
Are they being sacrificed?
Did you know pure children's blood had over 80,000 proteins , minerals etc
35e95c No.6926
You said "You see, nothing can be done without our consent."
–Very true
They must you to participate in their system to have authority over you.
If you animate their ALL CAPS NAMED LEGAL FICTION, then they have power over you.
It's more than just saying no.
One must understand that there are, absolutely, two different political realities here in America.
The final conversion took place in the 1930s under Franklin D. Roosevelt in his "New Deal" for he said that the system is "…the appearance of reality for reality itself."
That system is "…the appearance of reality for reality itself."
I am a Citizen of Arizona - Not a U.S. citizen.
Two completely different classes of citizenship.
Two different political systems
Two different law systems
I cannot vote (not a U.S. citizen)
I have no duty to get a:
1. gun permit
2. drivers license
3. professional license
4. or register my private property.
While they have built that entire system around us, they have forced us, against our will and by fraud, to use their system.
→ This is not a contract!
If there is no contract, there is No Duty to a contract and thus, the courts cannot enforce specific performance because without a contract, there cannot be a controversy for that court to hear in the first place!
But understand this, it takes time to learn this. It's not something to just go out and test until one has a solid foundation of knowledge to stand upon.
590e77 No.6927
What in the world would need all that protein and good stuff.
Some for magic, but that is small compared.
115dfd No.6928
000000 No.6929
From jimstone.is
FINALLY: FBI informant William Campbell to testify on Tuesday (tomorrow)
The hillary body club already paid him a visit while he was out for a jog, but he was packing before they shot him, got his gun out on time and they vanished into the woods. Gotta have a perfect ambush I guess. Will Campbell actually testify tomorrow? That will be up to GOD. It will take an act of God to prevent him from dying in a remote control car wreck, OR, suddenly getting depressed and shooting himself in the head multiple times, OR, accidentally swallowing a whole bottle of _ OR getting caught in the drapes and strangling to death. 24 hours to save Hillary, WHAT WILL THEY DO?
Maybe they'll kill someone else who is critical to tomorrow or you fill in the blank.
At any rate,
" William Campbell, the FBI informant who will testify on Tuesday, will be able to show that the Uranium One scandal went far beyond the sale of the U.S. mine and its assets. The Russian conspiracy is part of a larger plot.
If it were not for Sen. Chuck Grassley and Campbell's attorney Victoria Toensing, this information would have remained secret. The gag order would have put Mr. Campbell is jail had he revealed the information he collected.
William Campbell, the FBI informant who will testify on Tuesday, will be able to show that the Uranium One scandal went far beyond the sale of the U.S. mine and its assets. The Russian conspiracy is part of a larger plot.
If it were not for Sen. Chuck Grassley and Campbell’s attorney Victoria Toensing, this information would have remained secret. The gag order would have put Mr. Campbell in jail had he revealed the information he collected.
There are documents, video recordings and more to show the Obama administration and the FBI were very well aware of the depth of the Russian conspiracy to control the uranium market, even in the United States. The former president wanted a reset with Russia at all costs.
Circa news reporter Sarah Carter was asked if Hillary Clinton should be worried about what we learn Tuesday and her one word answer was, "Yes."
e4b802 No.6930
I was thinking about this earlier. They could do it up like the new Mad Max film, like how that movie portrayed the women being milked, only with blood.
590e77 No.6931
Birth certificates and Social Security numbers are
Debt promised to be paid
Slave labourl
4e7bce No.6932
731602 No.6933
8aa938 No.6934
Also, children are easier to kill, if you are harvesting adrenochrome, they would torture them and kill them and then immediately harvest the adrenochrome. Hunter S Thompson, wrote about adrenochrome as one of the craziest drugs in the world.
590e77 No.6935
It's the blood. And they are food.
8aa938 No.6936
Wasnt he supposed to testify last monday? 11/20?
590e77 No.6937
So, what would send people to the hospital?
What possibly couldn't humanity handle?
Talk to anybody about harming a child.
115dfd No.6938
<just tired of novel qaintq approaches…
Yer idea could be such, but fwiw i think
you are correct, Sir
cbfddf No.6939
See? The space is missing now. That proves it.
590e77 No.6940
Then tell them where millions and millions and millions of children go every year.
You are supposed to think it's all rituals. That is the narrative.
db666d No.6941
This video is more enlightening than I thought it would be. Good talk, worth the listen.
35e95c No.6942
The Birth Certificate is the main account for the ALL CAPS NAMED LEGAL FICTION.
The Social Security is a derivative off that account. There are actually ten different bond numbers attached to each social security #.
I have done very neat things with this knowledge I have gained.
The hardest part is finding people who will study it. Out of thousands of people I've met, I know of only 5 people who really understand this…
afd552 No.6943
590e77 No.6945
And thousands and thousands of years later it still continues.
So the elite ask
Whatcha gonna do about it?
Meme it?
590e77 No.6947
I get it. It's a contract. People don't even know they have.
cbfddf No.6948
People were arguing that the Q on 8/pol/ was false because of the missing space but that guy tested it like we told him to, the space was missing for him when he tested a tripcode both here and there, The space doesn't matter.
ae63e6 No.6949
According to George Webb this Campbell guy does not know about the inner workings of the uranium dealings and is either an FBI decoy or Sessions leading the media down a blind alley
731602 No.6950
I just googled "Satanic Child Sacrifice" and CERN showed up?
>how often Q exactly hinted towards CERN? 5 times? more often? Elon Musk supports Cern and the Magnetic Techonlogy Conference
WTF do I just watch?
There are actual MONKS inside CERN and allegedly stapped a woman?
000000 No.6952
e4b802 No.6953
Reading this now. Thanks anon
115dfd No.6954
Seemeth me thou art correct,
<Goodish sir
Then how should civilization be promulgated upon
(((The Unwilling Heathen Masses)))
590e77 No.6955
Well at least some people get the connection to CERN.
Apparently in some circles it's insignificant and not connected at all.
Go figure.
ae63e6 No.6957
well you saw the cern 666 logo in that one anon's photo collage so it shouldn't shock us.
the trilateral commission also has a 666 logo
35e95c No.6958
Lucifer operates by contracts.
The devil is at the crossroads with a contract.
God gave us the ability to be free and yet so many people are using the wrong contracts.
Those who use the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) like "Commerce" and "Secured Party Creditor" Redemption theories, it is like going to hell and asking Lucifer for a guidebook to get out of hell. Do you think that Lucifer is going to show people how to exit his world system?
It's also like entering a maze to exit a maze.
The answer is so simple once people understand…It's majestic
590e77 No.6959
Just a word >>6958
Blah blah blah. Indoctrination. Blah blah blah brainwashing.
They control the world but gave us the Bible.
Come on now.
Why does the Vatican have 50 miles of hidden scrolls?
e4b802 No.6960
That was pretty wild. All these people do is sacrifice each other.
db666d No.6962
Holy shit. This crumb should not have gone ignored.
cbfddf No.6964
765227 No.6965
Too intense for sure..the pattern I've seen when s/he bakes is the shills increase and progress slows. Just my observations over the past 3-4 weeks.
000000 No.6968
e4b802 No.6969
590e77 No.6970
You were doing so good until you brought Lucifer into it. Next time leave that part put.
7c409e No.6971
Devil ID, does trump support space X?
180db2 No.6973
590e77 No.6974
Countries are corporations. They all deal in contracts thata how they legally bind it.
They do have to follow their own laws to sowmthing degree.
db666d No.6975
Not sure.. Seems like he would have Art of the Deal'd that stuff for sure. Space exploration. But as far as the public knows Elon hates Trump, he left over the petty climate deal.
115dfd No.6976
<Worth a peek Anons…
cbfddf No.6978
98905a No.6979
oops repost wrong postlink
>buy my supplements!
Sounds like this guy is pushing a counter operation to CBTS knowing or unknowingly
11/27, looks like (((they))) are already pushing a narrative in the "conspiracy" department.
<Not saying Trump has anything to do with it!
>No you are just suggesting it instead.
35e95c No.6980
I have my own faith and belief and based upon what I have seen, we are dealing with good vs evil. I call that evil "Lucifer" and it a word I will always use. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves.
115dfd No.6981
<wanna fukin cookie?
115dfd No.6982
Chekem faggots
Git Gud
590e77 No.6983
Yes. But when talking logistics why bring in religion?
You have such great information. Then you demographic by religion.
You lose half your audience.
Facts. Law.
No religion.
Time and place.
47313e No.6984
Q said to pray.
If you're the praying sort, say one for William Campbell, that he be kept safe from harm, and feel well enough to tell the much-needed truth tomorrow.
db666d No.6985
You are all are trying to say Q didn't post without even taking into account the boldness of the tripcode. Names are always bold – Q's name was bold, and his tripcode wasn't. HTML verifies. Maybe he typed a space?
98905a No.6986
Also, this youtuber defines Calm Before the Storm as false flag attack.
Where else have we heard of people claiming CBTS is a psy-op against the people run by CIA? or atleast refer the wording of Calm Before the Storm to something of that regard? shills
590e77 No.6987
Mc Martin Preschool
Residential schools
One name
Ted Gunderson
I have
47313e No.6988
To say it in a non-religious way, if you can spare some good intentions, send them to William Campbell.
7c409e No.6989
Pennies dropped. I think the answer is yes, it's all about free energy. USA won't be importing any more oil as it's not required..
Remember seeing conversations on the chans about it, some I have captured somewhere. Bitcoin is now 10k usd, and if anon was correct, Elon musk created Bitcoin possibly to fund space X and free energy? I maybe wrong….
115dfd No.6990
590e77 No.6991
But I didn't stop looking.
It's not just sacrifice. Get out of the box.
That is the narrative. Not the complete truth. Part of the truth.
ccfe8f No.6993
In case anyone wanted to know who to embed a video, below the "Select" line, select the triangle (Show post options and limits) an "Embed" field will appear, then copy/paste the YouTube link into the "Embed" field.
e4b802 No.6994
Same here. Ted Gunderson was awesome to listen to.
I still think it goes beyond the children, but time will tell on the rest of it.
590e77 No.6995
That he was. An amazing advocate for humanity.
765227 No.6996
Wasn't ignored. Many connections links posted in half chan.
115dfd No.6998
db666d No.7000
Can I get a link? I'll make it a thread if there aren't too many.
62406c No.7001
It's not a problem if Q keeps posting on halfchan. That way, we can check his post through the plebs and also be sure it's him.
This free bunker then its' precious to discuss and digg.
e4b802 No.7002
Soul farming, Adrenochrome harvesting, pineal gland harvesting and DMT are what my out-of-the-box brain can think of right now. >>6991
db666d No.7003
Yeah, but he said it was comped himself. I'm guessing they're trying to get his IP, but he probably has some elite gubmint vpn.
35e95c No.7004
I am not a "religious" people.
I speak of faith…spirituality.
If people are not open to understand what I am sharing, no matter what faith they may subscribe to, the nature of what I am sharing is truth.
590e77 No.7007
It goes beyond. So beyond we dare not even imagine it.
Children are food, magic, easy to mold.
The future.
How do you control the future?
Control the minds of the young.
Now look back over ohh let's say 30,000 years.
And now we have people that can barely cook, grow their own food, get their own heat, filter their own water.
If we rise up. They cut it off.
They have made humanity DEPENDENT on THEM.
Total control.
115dfd No.7008
590e77 No.7009
590e77 No.7010
db666d No.7011
Nice post number and ID.. could I call that a get? Remember that Q himself talked about elites eating people.
66d80f No.7012
Looks like 2 Y's in the coat of arms.
115dfd No.7014
>>this is how we got where we are…
000000 No.7016
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
thank you. not sure if it works with tor browser though. testing…
590e77 No.7017
Call it whatever you want lol.
7c409e No.7019
Right, pineal gland extraction. Replace animal or plant context with humans
e4b802 No.7021
Oh I can imagine it, theyve created their own system based around this. The way youre describing this brings me back to what Q said… "you cant imagine what else they control", or something like that.
Is there no way we could cut them off instead and use this system for good instead of evil?
590e77 No.7022
Weird……I love coat of arms.
115dfd No.7023
Not i Anon…
>>them thar
cbfddf No.7026
I understood it the whole time, i'm certainly no newfag. I was trying to prove that to the newfags and they refused to listen.
115dfd No.7027
>>its okay to be a Christian
590e77 No.7028
People need to say No.
All of us. Together. United.
Or nobody notices the division game?
White vs black
Christian vs Muslim
Right vs left
Gay vs every religion and conservative
We are ONE Race on ONE planet.
Who the fuck drew lines on a map and divided us? And we fell for it!
070123 No.7030
McDonald's is Soilent Green—i.e., people
one possibility
e4b802 No.7031
A childs pineal gland would be extremely small so they would need a lot to extract enough. What the fuck do they do with it all though? Is that their drug of choice, are they trying to use it to summon something/someone, etc etc
7c409e No.7032
One race one planet, I wouldn't be so sure.
db666d No.7033
People shilling against Jesus eat too much soy. What four letter word does Q spam?
e4b802 No.7034
Because they arent human. simple as that
115dfd No.7035
>>THIS Anon Gets It…
7c409e No.7037
If you extract it from a live human, it's then mixed with adrenaline.
Think epsteins dentist chair
590e77 No.7039
It's the blood. Certain species need the proteins in the blood to survive on this planet.
Ya. It gets even more bizarre.
Think people could handle that?
Let's see.
Shilling in
590e77 No.7041
This is our planet. And we are humans.
Except we folded like a bunch of pussies and handed over our planet and children for the comforts of T.V and I phones
ccfe8f No.7043
765227 No.7044
e4b802 No.7045
Species of what? The Achons/Dracos?
I knew it. The way they treat us, they defile everything we hold sacred as if they arent of our kind. Its so easy to see through it if you have the mind to pick it up. Not only that, but they are strip mining the fucking planet.
Sci fi movies, cartoons, anime, and video games warned me of this kinda shit
590e77 No.7046
There are currently over 40 species that feed on our children.
2 use them for magical properties.
We haven't wen talked about hybrids.
50bbc1 No.7048
TBTB have contracts with aliens underground and above for human meat
590e77 No.7049
I don't >>7045
I don't use those names.
But the same idea.
7c9a7f No.7050
Stand up
>>tfw its okay to be a Christian
db666d No.7051
Okay, new thread on this tomorrow then. This looks important.
02bf1d No.7053
has anyone noticed that the swamp infographic made its B-list media debut? When trump did the magapill tweet, several News sites called it loony and conspiracy theory based. But the swamp infograph is one of the most easily digestable to date; and thousands of people saw and read it.
It’s trickling out.
590e77 No.7054
That's up for debate.
I only follow two sources. Had to weed out a bunch of shit to get there.
Agharta are good.
Some say not.
I haven't met them.
765227 No.7056
e4b802 No.7057
The Transformers story.
How could some Japanese toy company come up with a story about a superior technological extraterrestrial race that destroyed their planet and came to ours, to hide amongst us while they continue to fight their wars and give us their tech. Its way too complex for a simple fucking toy idea. I knew it man, I fucking knew it
590e77 No.7058
All those players everybody is talking about. Those are just the hybrids. Disposable.
They don't care that we know them, what they so etc.
We can't find out what is above them.
ccfe8f No.7060
The catalog needs a thread to navigate the threads. It gets more impressive by the day.
db666d No.7061
Nazi beliefs seem to have to do with Hinduism for some reason.. for example the Aryans were in Hinduism.
e4b802 No.7063
We cant because of human limitations/tech, or wont?
590e77 No.7064
Well done! Learn about the Cumans. Look at their statues. The hands.
Then Google Merkel and Hitler.
But wait!! They are dark skinned and dark haired.
Except one group. ….
They are blond and blue eyed.
How did that happen?
50bbc1 No.7065
a6d377 No.7066
>>It’s trickling out
<whenza meme blitzkrieg???????
590e77 No.7068
We can't because they fried our pineal gland.
Reincarnation is huge.
47313e No.7069
It IS okay to be Christian!
I live in the Bible Belt and it even started to feel as though it wasn't okay here.
Have found church politics tedious and distracting, so I am an unchurched Christian with just a few close friends & family to be with. Have a tattered, well-loved devotional Bible.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
(shakes hand of new brother/sister)
590e77 No.7070
That would be great. I was on the A.I thing.
Tech can be used twon ways.
e4b802 No.7071
I know it is. I recently saw exposure of the tombs in the Pyramids and these motherfuckers were mummifying everything, even down to tiny little ants, for that exact purpose.
Is this where the gold really comes in?
000000 No.7072
5a1927 No.7073
Need help!
Q Called the Hef-Talal drop "KEYHOLE" (pic related)
The Hef Mansion honeypot, Pam Anderson/Julio Assaje, Izri, Talal, connection is just the tip of the iceburg for the KEYHOLE.
This drop was HEAVILY SHILLED in halfchan, took 50+ threads to peter-out.
I've moved all relevant data from those threads to the thread here on infinity.
Need help getting granularity on the details of the HONEYPOT to CF/BHO cabal.
Please don't chase the Space X in the thread (that is more significant for sure)
Please help with details, need your AUTISM…
When thru, need to get it out on SM
590e77 No.7075
Gold Healing Properties. Gold symbolises the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". … Gold has been used in the development, purification, and balancing of the heart chakra anf for the amplification of thought-forms. The purity of gold is said to help one to preserve higher thought forms for later retrieval.
db666d No.7076
I had no idea about this.. we need our map-anons back.
a6d377 No.7077
Greetings with Agape
>>inb4 ima fundamentalist hermetic
<since i was kneehigh to a cricket
Jesus is coming
99% in hospital
= fear o judgement
35e95c No.7078
I have lots of faith.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he doesn't exist"
35e95c No.7079
Someone posted this on twitter:
It looks fake.
I asked him to screenshot me the actual posting.
590e77 No.7080
Oh there is evil. So evil the devil himself would cower in fear.
Lucifer does exist. Well did. But not as we were told.
What we are told is inversions of truth.
Turned inside out.
Their are narratives all over the place. Whom is who's?
e4b802 No.7081
Youre right, 99% wouldnt make it lol The Earth stuff I think they could handle eventually, but discovering everything past that will really put them into a frenzy/panic/shock/death
731602 No.7083
So I searched the CERN area for symbols… found that.
Why do they make the streets like this? Why do they add a whole area of Nothing in form of a circle below it?
35e95c No.7084
I have yet to see anyone who has been able to disprove these things either.
I have heard so many theories and thus, as I have said before, everyone has that right to decide for themselves.
However, in the area of law, what I am sharing is the truth and this I have tested in courts and in many other arenas.
590e77 No.7085
Can't argue that.
Law is law. And id say you are one smart cookie.
Not denying that in the least.
180db2 No.7086
saw that tweet just now.
no way to verify that it is the real Q.
maybe keep an eye on this account, but carry on with our digging.
db666d No.7087
It's about the NSA and the CIA.
a6d377 No.7088
Aye… but My own personal fact is…
Jesus is God Who died ona tree 2k yarn ago…
Whereby making it possible for The Father's children/Children to be in His Presence once again…
through the fullfilment of the law by the shedding of Jesus' (read GOD'S) blood thereby bringing about
The End… of the Beginning.
<and now you got ME posting of topic.
>>Though i think it could be Central to All Issues
590e77 No.7089
Right. People are losing their shit because football players are kneeling to cloth wit drawings on it.
1cd4de No.7090
db666d No.7091
Nothing wrong with a little prayer here and there
5a1927 No.7093
Yes! The way its looking right now is:
Hef sold PLayboy to Izri in 2011 (he really just gave it to Izri in return for $1M salary/year and to live in mansion until death)
Izri is a venture capital guy, heavily connected to bin Talal (SA prince who is currently hung from his feet getting the shit beat out of him)
Izri and Talal went in on several deals together (Twatter, Square, SpaceX, etc)
the mansion is a honeypot…all the dirty sexual crap that went on there was photographed/video taped and is likely most of the material being used right now to out the SWAMP in hollywood and DC.
In 2016, Pam Anderson (Bunny, thats how she got her start) visited Julio Assanje in the embassy in London to ask him to back her Sexually Abused Women Institute (HELLO?!)
Pam likely brought Julio the Hef mansion material, and this is probably what is being released now…This is likey why those who are accused in DC/HW are not DENYING IT…they know that the evidence is out there.
After Pam Visited JA, his internet was cut!
FF to the SA takedown +++ the strings to Playboy are cut, and now the dirt is coming out.
The mansion isn't the only honeypot…but its part of it.
Need help filling in the details…please!
180db2 No.7094
the bottom part is as old as the internet itself.
but no way to verify even half of it.
the right-half is easy to prove, and that is why it is in white light.
590e77 No.7095
Prayer works because of the people.
Their intent, focus and energy.
The dude in the sky with a beard on the throne..not so much.
590e77 No.7096
Women bring forth life and creation
Men protect women's creation
Thst doesn't make one better or worse.
Well…I'll leave it at that
a6d377 No.7097
>>now why would (You) need a list of…
15dad3 No.7098
Psyop; agreed. Plaster his face all over the media ,, as if recent to remind those , and give the illusion their saviour is watching over them. Similar to pacing massive pictures of dictators all over cities and countries - see NK etc
a6d377 No.7099
Better git gud, hoss…
<afore (you)git gone.
e4b802 No.7100
lol exactly. Well this should be an interesting process to watch unfold.
b73e8d No.7102
I'm pretty sure this guy is a known disinfo LARP shill who is just trying to make people think he is or is associated with Q to discredit him.
590e77 No.7103
I don't speak back water inbred talk.
What was that?
db666d No.7104
It's just my ID. You can trust me, goyim..
35e95c No.7105
I had brilliant teachers.
Believe me, if I had not met them, I would never have figured this out.
The way they layered their system created more confusion. The problem is, most people suffer what is known as a "loss of legal memory" of how the original system operated. Then, through prescription (the passage of time), they redefined legal terms/definitions and thus, for instance, if one is using Black's Law Dictionary 7th edition on up, it's all the new system. If you compare words from the 4th edition to the 7th edition, you will see two different definitions.
All cases in federal courts nowadays will not examine cases prior to 1938 A.D. which is the Erie Railroad v Thompkins case. This was the case that set the bar where they would no longer use stare decisis to examine prior cases.
Even in U.S. Supreme Court cases, one must understand that the courts adjudicate in different jurisdictional spheres and thus, one must know how to examine these cases to know if it relates to them or to another political/law system.
ccfe8f No.7106
Works for me, at least until something better comes along.
590e77 No.7107
You have quite the task. People are getting ran over because they are glued to their devices.
35e95c No.7109
I'm not sure where you get that from.
I have no communication with "Q" nor have I ever said so.
7e3e86 No.7110
Slush find? Q posts about CPFB (BECZ in code). Fed Reserve funds CPFB(no Congress oversight). Trump appoints Mulvaney. English sues to retain Directorship. What does CPFB do? The oversee consumer rights and issue fines. Where does the money go? Why is the swamp fighting so hard? What are they hiding? Conclusion. think the code is broken and CFPB is another Slush fund
731602 No.7111
e4b802 No.7112
Wow, actually, this makes things that much more interesting. No wonder weve got strange asteroids in the solar system, Hillary talking about finding Earth 2, and all these sky anomalies lately, we are putting on a show right now of galactic proportions.
a6d377 No.7113
Staight to ad hominem…
>>back water inbred talk
35e95c No.7114
So many people I try to help but they want the easy way.. They want to shortcut their way to freedom. I wish it was so easy, but that's not how it works.
db666d No.7116
Jesus triggers all shills. Should be a universal rule in OP. The thread isn't a religionfag thread but they hate God by all means.
5a1927 No.7117
Can't we ban them here?
They are literally and intentionally
Dividing, diverting, distracting
I re-read about 60 threads on halfchan, the shilling is so clear in hindsight.
Ban these fuckers!
a6d377 No.7118
>>shit posting
It's 3.34am
Do you know where (((you))) are…
Apologies if it make you feel better.
b73e8d No.7119
no, the Karambur guy in the pic you posted.
35e95c No.7120
Click on the arrow next to their name (Post Menu)
Add Filter, ID.
Very easy to block out people who you do not want to see their postings.
590e77 No.7121
Well you half wit. If you had any clue what you were rambling on about, you would know it is all connected. But seeing as you don't, you have no clue what we are talking about and how it is connected.
So sit down, stfu and learn something.
Or go chase rabbits.
Do you know what rabbits do in the wild? They hop around making tracks everywhere as too fool their predator.
Happy hunting!
db666d No.7122
Want bo email? I'm not for trying to get people banned or anything, just obvious shills and people who spam
590e77 No.7123
And that's why it was designed like that and that's why people were molded into what they are now.
a6d377 No.7124
>>Trust you, no…
35e95c No.7125
My apologies for being confused.
Yes, I think so. We shall see by how he responds to my tweet.
If he ignores me, then I will unfollow his tweets.
I can see many people who are not paying attention being confused.
It was very easy to tell that was not Q who wrote that.
a6d377 No.7127
An yer rite… the world is upside down… waitin' te fix
15dad3 No.7128
1cd4de No.7129
Well well well…
If it isn't Tony Podesta teamed up with a Supreme Court Justice and MSM figureheads. Also attending was UK Ambassador, UAE Ambassador, the DC mayor, etc.
From April 21st
98905a No.7131
51 posts by this id…
db666d is obvious a friendshill
<agrees with whatever
<says anything you want to hear
<burns postcount
>was calling him out earlier
but don't ban them, just highlight them and read their history to learn about their tactics
98905a No.7132
Well, ban sure
I mean to say don't filter them
590e77 No.7133
All theset news articles posted. Do you know who owns that company? Their family history?
Do you know who's narrative you are reading and Why?
Do you know anything you are reading or watching?
Who's perspective it IS? What agenda they Have?
Or you just click a news article and it's truth with no agenda?
4748ed No.7134
>start with survivor testimonies
>reference professional lawyers, clinicians and ex intelligence that helped survivors to corroborate/validate their testimonies.
>show correlations between statistics
i.e. D.C. highest number of missing children; also hot spot for human trafficking
Sometimes the entry point needs to be at a distance to first, believe. So redpill me with Fiona Barnett testimony and experience in Australia. once i believe, i start thinking, if it can happen in Australia, it could happen in UK. I research, find same pattern o crime. If it happens on other continents, it can happen in North America .. Up Oh, evidence of 50,000 kids trafficked in Canada. Geez, nothing bas seems to ever happen in Canada, so maybe I'm now willing to peek at USA and sure enough, plenty of crap in USA. The pill is swallowed bc mind was primed before swallowing the pill closest to home.
db666d No.7138
>try to argue for zionism
>never read anything into the Jewish religion and how dark it is
Who's Jewing?
a6d377 No.7139
Seemed a pretty astute, if grammatically incorrect to me, Anon.
<just sayin.
db666d No.7141
What makes pizzagate believable?
590e77 No.7142
It's 3 am. Grammar is slipping, but thanks? Lol ;)
98905a No.7143
>conflating all jews with zionism
>using a known zionist tactic to put blame on others
>unironically declaring all zionists as jews
<i digress
e4b802 No.7147
When you said you wouldnt call them Archons or Dracos, what would you call them? The Annunaki?
db666d No.7148
>Ignores my argument for the 3rd time
590e77 No.7150
Darn it anyway. I was hoping you would ask.
The three main players are:
590e77 No.7151
765227 No.7152
2e2fe0 No.7153
Pamela Anderson is a major activist for PETA whose logo is a rabbit.
a6d377 No.7154
Tubbs hubanon?
590e77 No.7155
I say that. You Google. And now you are slightly confused. Brainwashing might come in heavy. Caution.
e4b802 No.7157
98905a No.7158
>attempt to replicate meme magic
You can check that off on the list
I'm living proof that Q tripcode is legit, tree anon
590e77 No.7159
While you are at it. Google aswang.
That is a vlash hybrid. Legends and myths aren't just fairytale.
Though they love thst we think so. Makes cover ups easy.
Like weather. It was an act of God!
We make their jobs sooooo easy.
8e3ab5 No.7161
One of these, i think
590e77 No.7162
Karistus, Annukane , humans
We are the same species.
Why they have been helping us……….since time immerial.
Google it. There are pictures of them every where. Think people of past made this shit UP?
Or were they trying to tell us?
e4b802 No.7163
Are you Nobody from before the migration to here?
590e77 No.7164
And they complety tarnished the image of Karistus. Wonder why?
Messengers ha!
Russian battle I can't remember quote isn't exact
How were we supposed to best you when they came from the sky with their weapons of light.
Find that too.
590e77 No.7165
Not hard to figure out. See anybody else say this stuff? Lol.
a6d377 No.7166
590e77 No.7167
I can show you all the references in history. You know the history you aren't told.
You have to dig for. Leave the house to find.
Not Wikipedia.
a6d377 No.7168
e4b802 No.7169
Dont you get wise with me :P Thats why Im asking, otherwise there would be 2 people saying the same shit! Its your buddy, you better recognize. I lost your ass in the heavy shilling that occured after the last time we spoke
590e77 No.7170
My buddy that has been out of country?
Or my recycling buddy?
Lol or are you both?
e4b802 No.7171
The recycler, though i have also been out of country lol
731602 No.7172
This bread is absolute and pure cancer.
NO communication at all
NO new information brought up that´s Q related
NO recap of old information to reinterpretate them
NO Contribution in any of these manner
What we instead have
- Posts about Jesus
- Posts about shills
- Posts about Q legitimacy
- Posts about absolute pure garbage.
FUCK you all, you derailing cunts
No wonder Q isn´t coming back. You suck at investigating.
590e77 No.7173
How are you? Long time no find in this twilight zone.
c169bf No.7174
Can we get the fucking Zionists out of here? Why would we want to listen to the people who are actively trying to fuck us?
590e77 No.7175
What if I told you alexAnder was closing StarGates? Crazy thought
590e77 No.7177
We haven't said one bad thing about Q. Not shills him once.
Q asks great questions. Perfect for beginners. It's a good thing.
590e77 No.7178
Personally, I have grown past Baphomets and rabbits. That's child's play and games.
Rothschilds are dicks. …shocker
a6d377 No.7179
>>tfw its so good
a6d377 No.7181
<did (you) have a question?
>>cannot follow multiple covos at once
590e77 No.7182
Black hole SUN? I'm not familiar with that one
ae6a82 No.7183
Right now Q is giving answers to former self formulated questions on halfch.
@ /pol/ Q RE:
Checking for posts in question…
731602 No.7184
As stated in here:
I want a feedback on this finding. for the third time now!
16ca7f No.7187
Ignore the psychospiritual aspect, its too amorphous for normies; focus on the blackmail/control mechanism. This can apply to anyone well placed in the public eye who appears to be living a blessed life. So – the politician/banker who works for years, honey-trapped – kill this anonymous child or lose everything, you cannot touch us! etc
180db2 No.7188
c169bf No.7190
Now I know why the bible talks so much about shepherds. People searching for truth are like wandering sheep.
Shepherd here:
What do we need to be looking up?
What do we need to focus energy on?
CNN FINALLY said some real shit, albeit, of course, under the guise of 'conspiracy theories'
It's working! The shills are going nuts. The 'news' is going nuts. The queen changed the guard (today?) That's huge.
I think CNN may have shilled themselves by mentioning magapill, because all the woke people listening to CNN to see what bullshit they're talking about now know shit's happening.
This thread dies a 751. I gotta take a shit, get coffee and come back.. working more on archiving older CBTS threads from half chan.
cbfddf No.7191
I understood it the whole time, i'm certainly no newfag. I was trying to prove that to the newfags and they refused to listen.
We still have 30 more posts though
927667 No.7193
180db2 No.7194
yeah, sure, mate.
fill this thread up before migrating.
e4b802 No.7196
Just hanging out in the new place here, following the path of the kek like the rest of us. Sure is quiet here, aint it?
cbfddf No.7197
> Sure is quiet here, aint it?
>Sure is quiet here, aint it?
Much much much better than all the shill and bot spamming on halfchan, the place is fucking slid to hell all the time and nobody can focus with it.
a6d377 No.7198
Yes , anon…
>> it looks like an owl.
Circle = terahertz cyclotron
Empty ears = prob heat sinks for said?
All i gots.
da9c1e No.7200
a6d377 No.7202
Werk te yer strengths, says i….
All manner o' normies need pink an' red pillin'.
>>pertinance is in the eye of Anon
35e95c No.7204
ae6a82 No.7205
Tripcode !AlELFToBsE
731602 No.7207
<I think it´s CERN
Dude, I literally SAID it´s from CERN area…
>My question is:
am I seeing to much in it or is it acutally something we can add to our findings list?
35e95c No.7208
35e95c No.7209
Okay, it doesn't seem as defined as some areas have been with the owl, but knowing the rituals they have done, it is plausible.
e4b802 No.7210
Yeah it was fucking brutal. Kinda neat though, in an imminent clusterfuck sort of way. Glad you made it motherfucker! I was wondering what happened to you.
a6d377 No.7211
Archive Anon will pick it upon a sweep…
Ye could spiff it up a bit might be nice…
cbfddf No.7212
cbfddf No.7213
Glad we don't have to worry about it anymore and can actually post without them.
15dad3 No.7214
This is fucking astonishing work friend. This is what a redpill should look . Concise, great flow, detailed , to the point and easy to maneuver. Great work. You are indeed, a retarded superstar
df79a2 No.7215
Senior Chinese military official commits suicide amid corruption probe
35e95c No.7216
Sorry I passed up on this message..
The reason why I was pushing this board here at 8chan was because less of the Nazi and crazy shit.
I would like to write a Notice for this place if people are open to it which would be a disclaimer to the media, etc.
48a927 No.7217
well you can research why they put a freaking status of Shiva the destroyer in front of CERN…
the whole think is pagan and not good news for us folks…..spiritual warfare good vs evil
cbfddf No.7218
Wow, what's happening in China?
c0e9ef No.7219
AntiFungal is probably doing it as a shill containment, and to let good anons know that we're here.
35e95c No.7220
ahh…that's actually smart…
Thanks for that..
da9c1e No.7221
project pegasus.. is this relevant to the rabbithole.
e4b802 No.7222
Seriously! I copied your digits, I shall find you again.
180db2 No.7223
>am I seeing to much in it or is it acutally something we can add to our findings list?
I'm definitely going to ask other anons to take a look at it.
seems interesting.
post it in the fresh bread
>spiff it up a bit might be nice
poke around a bit, see what you can dig up.
e4b802 No.7224
We watched a sacrifice video from those bastards earlier, thanks to another anon
731602 No.7225
I´m currently at work, so paint is my only weapon of choice, unfortunatly
48a927 No.7226
love you man, me no fag….
a6d377 No.7228
Anon… no
Infinitychan is
>>pic related
We are guests.
35e95c No.7230
Speaking in generalities is a sign that you're here to disrupt this place. Be more specific.
da9c1e No.7231
Operation Pegasus. Memorandum 6751. Hoping Q would say yes or no
ccfe8f No.7232
Saul Alinsky wasn't all bad.
For example, on June 12, 1972, he did the world a great service.
a6d377 No.7233
ccfe8f No.7236
What did he do, you ask?
He died.
da9c1e No.7237
definitely not here to disrupt. It is the DARPA time travel operations..
cbfddf No.7238
a6d377 No.7239
In this timeline of all timelines…
<it would'nt surprise me.
da9c1e No.7240
7702e9 No.7332
Your analysis was primo. Your skills and attention to detail are very much appreciated.