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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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File: 3a69ffba875306f⋯.png (63.07 KB, 2006x830, 1003:415, geometries.png)

File: d3d1955cc021824⋯.png (124.6 KB, 1641x1646, 1641:1646, quick-rundown.png)

File: 3903300da5d6ab0⋯.png (48.47 KB, 1100x768, 275:192, find-n.png)

File: e841ab58de0d057⋯.png (55.13 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, colors.png)

0553ab No.77040

The goal is to factor an arbitrary integer, c, whose prime factors are a and b.

The main application of this problem is breaking RSA.

The grid shows the patterns.

The grid is indexed using e, n, and t, where e is the rows, n is the columns, and t is the specific element in the cell-group.

Thus, only three variables are required to identify an element: e, n and t.

Each cell of the grid (e,n) has infinite elements or ZERO elements.

If a grid cell has elements, all elements are constructable from a finite set of root elements.

The entire map can be constructed from (0,1), (1,1) and (2,1). (1,1) is the key.

All perfect squares appear in (0, 0).

The product of two primes appear in exactly two cells in one column.

When the integers that are the difference of two squares are arranged into the grid and their corresponding properties are shown, a pattern emerges that shows calculation instead of searching is possible.

The map's legend is {e:n:d:x:a:b}, where d is the result of removing the largest square from c AKA the square root,

e is the remainder,

n is what you add to d to be exactly halfway between a and b,

and x is what you add to a to make d.

c is any number that is the difference of two squares, so odd numbers are included.

Each cell at n=1 contains the roots of products in the column.

If c is a prime number, it will appear in one column exactly once.

If c is the product of two prime numbers that do not equal eachother, c will appear in two cells of one column.

The values of a and b at 1,1 are related to the length of the longest side in right angled triangles.

n*a and n*b for any c can be found n places apart in the cell at (e,1).

The virtual quantum computer is a grid made of infinite yet constructable sets that follow a known pattern.

The grid is the superposition.

The collapse of that superposition will be two input parameters, d and e which can be calculated easily for all integers, c, where c is the difference of two squares.

All products of odd numbers and all products of pairs of even numbers are the difference of two squares.

All products (integers) c that are the sum of two squares appear (only) in columns where e=0,1,4,9,16,25...

All Fermat primes (except) 3 appear in column one.

All factors in a column are factors of the elements of the first cell in their column.

The x-intercept of the line that goes through the point containing the factors of c is (a + 1).

Useful equations

ab = c

dd + e = c

(d + n)(d + n)-(x + n)(x + n) = c

a + 2x + 2n = b

a = d - x

d = a + x

d = floor_sqrt(c)

e = c - (dd)

b = c / a

n = the difference between the square root d and the larger of the two squares

n = ((a + b) / 2) - d

d + n = number that is exactly halfway between a and b

d + n = i

x = d - a

x = (floor_sqrt(( (d+n)*(d+n) - c))) - n

x + n = j

f = e - 2d + 1

if (e is even) t = (x + 2) / 2

if (e is odd) t = (x + 1) / 2

What is t? t is a variable that extends the grid into its infinities, it's what makes the VQC quantum. Think of it like this: e is the x-axis, n is the y-axis, and t is the z-axis. With the grid, you are effectively viewing many dimensions at once.

New equations (may not be 100% accurate)

if (e is even) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t)^2)) - (d)

if (e is odd) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t - 1)^2)) - (d - 1)

if (e is even) (d + n)^2 = (2t)^2 + c

if (e is odd) (d + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2 + c

if (e is even) (x + n)^2 = (2t)^2

if (e is odd) (x + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2

>So basically you can take you number N and make a cell for a=1, b=N.

>Then you have (e,d), which you know are correct. Then, you can do the f function to calculate down to the row (e,1). Then you solve for t by matching D=x(t). Then you have your t value, which is the entry in the cell I suppose or the position of the machine. Not sure. Then you want to solve for (e,n,d,x,a,b) by using t and the relations between the entries.
















000000 No.77088

Brah if you got the answer just give it. Also wtf is this man like why can't this be simple.


well fuck that





03b4c6 No.77280

File: 1b90d868e8c17aa⋯.jpg (778.48 KB, 1925x2021, 1925:2021, MEGA.jpg)


Delicious bread, Baker. Thank You!! :) Here's a pic for the snakes to enjoy!

03b4c6 No.77461


Read the bread, anon. We've done a lot of work to get to this point. It's all algebra tho. Dive in!

e921d0 No.77546

File: a1523e0d1125a70⋯.png (4.47 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 0adpbc.png)

Hey anons,

I'd like to contribute to these happenings. My contribution is aimed at newcomers, to dispel many of the initial confusions that I see popping up a lot. My background is math so hopefully I can help.

0. Basic problem: given integer c = a*b, a and b are distinct odd primes, find a and b (in fewer steps than were thought to be possible). By the convention in these threads, b is the larger prime, a is smaller.

1. RSA is not directly being worked on here, but RSA depends on factoring the product of two distinct primes. Integer factorization is what we are looking to speed up / revolutionize. Example, given c = ab = 39, solve for a=3, b=13. Then the rest of the RSA problem is trivial (discrete logarithm, if you want to look it up).

2. VQC is not providing code that cracks or solves anything, but which illustrates a patterns which WE must solve for ourselves. If you are looking at code with loops for i, j, etc, all this does is populate a picture. Anons have posted their results of this picture both in spreadsheet form and graphically with colours /dots. There is no RSA solving code, or factoring code, being handed around, for you to implement.

3. factoring numbers c = ab, product of two distinct primes, is indeed the goal here. But numbers c which are prime, or which are the product of 3 or more primes, contribute to the patterns we are searching for, hence some confusion over their use in the code/ discussion.

3. log t, or log anything, isn't for finding a solution. It describes the complexity (speed) of the claimed algorithm. This algorithm hasn't been given. Insights will come from investigating the picture, per my understanding of VQC.

4. about the log(t) complexity claim: The current state of on-the-books knowledge has integer factorization taking sub-exponential time to solve, with polynomial-time algorithms not known to exist. Translation: slow, like how adding a digit to your bank PIN would create 10x as many PINs to check – it's almost that slow (= 'secure').

If VQC's claims of a solution in logarithmic time are true, this is *blindingly* fast. As VQC mentioned, this means that every bit (or digit) you add for security increases the solving time only by the same small increment (on average). Increasing the size of the 'c' as a defense would be useless. The way this revolutionizes math, if true, is very exciting on its own, aside from the sociopolitical/economic ramifications. All is connected indeed.

Now for some of the algebra. See pic.

5. Let c = ab be given, where a, b are unknown but they are distinct prime numbers. Also let a, b be odd primes, as the factorization is trivial if a or b is 2.

Then we also have c = p^2 - o^2 = (p-o)(p+o). This is a difference of squares but is also just a way of writing a and b as p-o, p+o, where p is the midpoint, p= (a+b)/2, between a and b. Example: if c=21 = 3*7, we can write (5-2)*(5+2). o,p are variables not used by VQC, I will convert them in step 8. (because o,p are faggots haha)

6. It is quite easy to get the largest square less then c, given c. Example c = 5*17 = 85 = 9^2 +4. Then d=9, e=4. This is the definition of e: it is the remainder c - d^2.

7. The 'midpoint' between a, b in this example is p = 11, so that 5 * 17 can be written (11 -6) * (11+6). But in principle we don't know a, b. So what VQC does is:

8. Let p = d + n. We have d, but don't have n. And let o = n + x; so then then c = (d+n)^2 - (n+x)^2. This factors as b = d + 2n + x; a = d-x. There is at least one another formula for b also, which would be consistent with this one.

9. By doing some algebra, we can get 2an = x^2 + e. Which may be useful once you get going.

This post is only aimed to help get past some initial missteps an anon might spin wheels on while scrolling and trying to get up to speed. Once you understand this stuff you can join the search for patterns currently happening.

ac2e79 No.77548

File: fbbe8d0cae843cd⋯.jpg (669.06 KB, 949x971, 949:971, example-Set.jpg)


I read some stuff a long time ago, and also saw vids of a russian crypto expert, how the NSA was able to break nearly all encryption(not sure which one)

They did it by making recommendations to the NIST of the two prime numbers in the initial seed.

These two numbers made a function.

They still needed to brute force the result, but could be made with EVERY desktop pc.

Because they knew the factorization of these two numbers, meaning they had a fixed function,(SplineLine) ON which the solution sits.

So instead of brute forcing ALL possibilities they had a small function on which the solution must sit.

They gave it to developers and they mostly used that two numbers by stupidity, bribery or force.

I am not familiar with encryption,so forgive me

if this too trivial, but I know what this pic is.

They had similar pics in the info back then.

>Here comes the point:

The yellow lines are the lines with the solution you want to get to.

Instead of checking all possible pixels inside that yellow 2D shape, you are only focusing on brute forcing the yellow lines.

You can reduce processing power by several magnitudes.


I think the solution is still brute force, but with a little help so to speak ;)

He said next is elliptic curves.

Maybe try to use a big grid, not only small example, and try to find patterns.

Maybe the pattern is not a simple solution like back then(elliptic curve),

maybe you need to aplly the mandelbrot set to that BIG grid,..and yours solution are two points on that mandelbrot set.

So your final solution is to work from mandelbrot backwards.

Maybe I could help a bit, maybe you are much further already.

greets from Germany

0553ab No.77569


RSA is literally a fucking goner if you can factor any integer. All of the security is caked on the fi function, which relies on the security of factoring large numbers. Discrete logarithm problem applies to Diffie-Helmann.

e921d0 No.77614



trying to clarify, for noobs, not to attack RSA here, or to dissect RSA. we are attacking the factorization. and yes then RSA is a goner, as is much math as we know it.

7bdfa7 No.77626

File: 83c9f01ae0a5d1a⋯.png (12.08 KB, 456x669, 152:223, approx.png)


0553ab No.77635


Can you explain what's going on there?

e921d0 No.77672



oops, you're right, I should have left discrete log out, does not apply.

78300e No.77809

Reminder that we have a bunker/archive at >>>/vqc/ with thread archives. Things have come up and I can't contribute as much for the next little while, so I wish you all good luck. Will be lurking.

03b4c6 No.77858

File: 1432e14920761f0⋯.png (802.75 KB, 1530x1407, 510:469, Grid 1.png)


Great explanation, anon! It may be helpful for noobs tho if we stick to the established notation the Baker has posted which has been established in the last three breads.

Baker, here are links for last three breads:

VQC >>672

RSA #1 >>34072

RSA# 2 >>49883


Instead of c = p^2 - o^2 = (p-o)(p+o), let's stick with:

c = (d + n)(d + n)-(x + n)(x + n)


c= (d+n)^2 - (x+n)^2

That way noobs can read all the previous threads without getting confused. That being said, excellent summary!

Dive in, anons! It's all basic algebra. The key is discovering how to calculate index variable t. I've got 30+ hours into working to understand this MathAnon Challenge, and it's super fun.

You are all MOST welcome, but realize we can't answer all questions that are basic and continue to work. Dive in and read up!

Here's the grid that started it all!! Download, print out, and start looking for the patterns we're talking about.

0553ab No.77874


You can really tell that VQC worked on this for years when you look at the variable names. They are all perfect, and they have many meanings. For example, a b and c? It's Pythagoras staring at you.

03b4c6 No.77953


Yes, it's pretty incredible. Beautiful too!! See you at Tony's office? ;)

f36753 No.78107


this is really helpful, thank you

7bdfa7 No.78132


It's a quick visual/ calculation for the amount one side grows (B = b + _b) as the other shrinks (A = a - _a) for a fixed area C

So _a * b = a * _b

03b4c6 No.78261


Where my dawgs at? Baker is here, I'm here, we need ProgramMathAnon, CollegeAnon, and Senpai.

78300e No.78273




There are names now? I feel left out.

2ffa2f No.78274


on it.

1bc2e5 No.78280

first of all, this is not quantum computing, none of this is about superstates.

why does nobody understand superstates?

If you create a pattern to CREATE superstates then you by comprehending the pattern already know what the superstates positions and possibilities are therefor CEASING them before being create as being in a superstate!

Quantum computing is the STUPIDEST phrase in the world that anybody has ever put together.

it's like saying "flat spheres".

as soon as they are flat they are not spheres.

03b4c6 No.78292


And the excellent MathMuse Topolanon and also Sheeitbaked! Where you at?

03b4c6 No.78309


You are most welcome, Anon! Just a handful of us have worked on this for almost a week, so it's good to see familiar names and ID's. Chip in and make yourself one of them! VQC asked us to make this a group effort, so we welcome your help.

199f12 No.78344


reporting for duty

f36753 No.78369

what kind of patterns can you find in stuff like this?\

03b4c6 No.78384


Who dat be?

2ffa2f No.78397


the a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + 1 guy.

03b4c6 No.78399

File: ff46b54611c5f62⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, IMG_1140.JPG)



199f12 No.78401


i need a job

2ffa2f No.78408


hey. any insight into t relationships? Specifically looking at (e,1).

2ffa2f No.78413


Sorry (1,1). Looking to jump levels. using t.

03b4c6 No.78416


Welcome Anon! FYI namefagging/tripfagging is allowed in this thread bc we're trying to solve a problem together. Pick one for yourself in case we get invaded by shills. We need to know who is actually working to help solve. Thanks for your efforts!

2ffa2f No.78428


will have to learn how to do that!

199f12 No.78460


For any (e,1) entry, treat each x,d,a,b as a sequence. (as in a squence of x's and a squence of a's etc).

2ffa2f No.78474


Let's see if we can get a little further tonight.

I can loop through all "potentially" prime records with the triangle formula.

Then resolve to the correct prime record by matching c values.

I have identified a pattern.

There is a simple and elegant way to solve this. And I believe it lies in the relationship between the t indexes.

03b4c6 No.78493

File: f8092df4151e60a⋯.png (250.55 KB, 610x408, 305:204, Milo VQC.png)


Thanks ArchiveAnon!





Ok, here's where we're at to the best of my knowledge:

Using index variable t, we can solve for the small square.

Therefore, we can use algebra to find the big square.

We already know c.

We can use algebra to solve for n using the difference of squares equation. See bread above ^^^

So let's write a program using the equations and variables to solve for n using c.

Algebra first = understanding the equations.

Programming = putting the equations into usable form. We need to input c and solve for n. Don't know if we have everything we need yet tho.

FYI, I can program projectile motion equations and write a program for that on my TI-89. I suck ASS at C#, Java, Python, etc. So programmers gotta write it..

There you go CollegeAnon and ProgramMathAnon.




03b4c6 No.78513


Get yourself a namefag, ArchiveAnon! We need to be able to sift and filter BS if we get a shill influx.

03b4c6 No.78548


To create a name for yourself:

When you go to post, go to the "name" field and enter a name for yourself.

To add a secure trip code to your name, enter this into the name field:


Don't forget your password!!

Simple as that, anon. If you post good info, you'll be recognized. Dive in!

2ffa2f No.78554


this is where I currently am:

I've iterated all the grid entries for (1,1), and filtered for "perfect triangles".

Prime records in relation to perfect triangle records have the same values of e, d, and c.

With 3 variables, you should be able to solve for any record. Problem with the primes, is that there are 2 solutions for c.

triangle: (1,421,15) = {1:421:30:29:1:901} = 901; a^2=1; b^2=811801; a^2+b^2=811802; c^2+1=811802

prime: (1,5,7) = {1:5:30:13:17:53} = 901; a^2=289; b^2=2809; a^2+b^2=3098; c^2+1=811802

triangle: (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785; a^2=1; b^2=616225; a^2+b^2=616226; c^2+1=616226

prime: (1,53,12) = {1:53:28:23:5:157} = 785; a^2=25; b^2=24649; a^2+b^2=24674; c^2+1=616226

triangle: (1,221,11) = {1:221:22:21:1:485} = 485; a^2=1; b^2=235225; a^2+b^2=235226; c^2+1=235226

prime: (1,29,9) = {1:29:22:17:5:97} = 485; a^2=25; b^2=9409; a^2+b^2=9434; c^2+1=235226

triangle: (1,145,9) = {1:145:18:17:1:325} = 325; a^2=1; b^2=105625; a^2+b^2=105626; c^2+1=105626

prime: (1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325; a^2=169; b^2=625; a^2+b^2=794; c^2+1=105626

triangle: (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145; a^2=1; b^2=21025; a^2+b^2=21026; c^2+1=21026

prime: (1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145; a^2=25; b^2=841; a^2+b^2=866; c^2+1=21026

triangle: (1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65} = 65; a^2=1; b^2=4225; a^2+b^2=4226; c^2+1=4226

prime: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65; a^2=25; b^2=169; a^2+b^2=194; c^2+1=4226

ac2e79 No.78648

Key is to have a loop, where one calculation is the seed of the next loop.

The calculations by itself are VERY trivial….but they need to be put in loop.

That's what I understand about that topic.

Also the way fractals are made.

03b4c6 No.78650


Allllright, I've got it!! I dub thee Sir TriangleAnon! (If you like it?)


2ffa2f No.78663


Went with your previous ProgramMathAnon.

ac2e79 No.78671

also there needs to be a 2nd loop…

But feeding previous calculation is key I think.

03b4c6 No.78687


Nice to see you, friend! Ok, can you break it down to me in AlgebraAnon terms? What is your hunch, and how does it help us solve for n starting from c? Working to understand your idea and output, pls assist.

03b4c6 No.78701


Shit! sorry ProgramMathAnon! I thought it was you, but you shoulda just said "that badass MoFo who posted all that crazy excellent output!" Now you have a namefag and trip, so let's get to work, my man.

ac2e79 No.78705

Maybe I have solution on how more people can help.

Can someone make a bunch of example grids?

Not too small,..not too big.

But fixed size. In Every example the correct solution gets marked by diff color.

If me make a bunch, like 10+….people who are not too much into this stuff can try to help, cause right now it's a bit messy, if you fly over the stuff here.

People can then work on these examples, to see if they can spot/calculate patterns.

What about the idea?

199f12 No.78722

I may have found the cornerstone one sec

2ffa2f No.78727


Not a hunch.

I think I've found path.

I can program later. Let me know if you guys see it.

Here are examples from (1,1) for c = 65, 145, 325, 485, 785, 901.

triangle: (1,421,15) = {1:421:30:29:1:901} = 901; a^2=1; b^2=811801; a^2+b^2=811802; c^2+1=811802

trianglef: (-60,420,16) = {-60:420:31:30:1:901} = 901; a^2=1; b^2=811801; a^2+b^2=811802; c^2+1=811802

primef: (-60,4,8) = {-60:4:31:14:17:53} = 901; a^2=289; b^2=2809; a^2+b^2=3098; c^2+1=811802

prime: (1,5,7) = {1:5:30:13:17:53} = 901; a^2=289; b^2=2809; a^2+b^2=3098; c^2+1=811802

triangle: (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785; a^2=1; b^2=616225; a^2+b^2=616226; c^2+1=616226

trianglef: (-56,364,15) = {-56:364:29:28:1:785} = 785; a^2=1; b^2=616225; a^2+b^2=616226; c^2+1=616226

primef: (-56,52,13) = {-56:52:29:24:5:157} = 785; a^2=25; b^2=24649; a^2+b^2=24674; c^2+1=616226

prime: (1,53,12) = {1:53:28:23:5:157} = 785; a^2=25; b^2=24649; a^2+b^2=24674; c^2+1=616226

triangle: (1,221,11) = {1:221:22:21:1:485} = 485; a^2=1; b^2=235225; a^2+b^2=235226; c^2+1=235226

trianglef: (-44,220,12) = {-44:220:23:22:1:485} = 485; a^2=1; b^2=235225; a^2+b^2=235226; c^2+1=235226

primef: (-44,28,10) = {-44:28:23:18:5:97} = 485; a^2=25; b^2=9409; a^2+b^2=9434; c^2+1=235226

prime: (1,29,9) = {1:29:22:17:5:97} = 485; a^2=25; b^2=9409; a^2+b^2=9434; c^2+1=235226

triangle: (1,145,9) = {1:145:18:17:1:325} = 325; a^2=1; b^2=105625; a^2+b^2=105626; c^2+1=105626

trianglef: (-36,144,10) = {-36:144:19:18:1:325} = 325; a^2=1; b^2=105625; a^2+b^2=105626; c^2+1=105626

primef: (-36,0,4) = {-36:0:19:6:13:25} = 325; a^2=169; b^2=625; a^2+b^2=794; c^2+1=105626

prime: (1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325; a^2=169; b^2=625; a^2+b^2=794; c^2+1=105626

triangle: (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145; a^2=1; b^2=21025; a^2+b^2=21026; c^2+1=21026

trianglef: (-24,60,7) = {-24:60:13:12:1:145} = 145; a^2=1; b^2=21025; a^2+b^2=21026; c^2+1=21026

primef: (-24,4,5) = {-24:4:13:8:5:29} = 145; a^2=25; b^2=841; a^2+b^2=866; c^2+1=21026

prime: (1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145; a^2=25; b^2=841; a^2+b^2=866; c^2+1=21026

triangle: (1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65} = 65; a^2=1; b^2=4225; a^2+b^2=4226; c^2+1=4226

trianglef: (-16,24,5) = {-16:24:9:8:1:65} = 65; a^2=1; b^2=4225; a^2+b^2=4226; c^2+1=4226

primef: (-16,0,3) = {-16:0:9:4:5:13} = 65; a^2=25; b^2=169; a^2+b^2=194; c^2+1=4226

prime: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65; a^2=25; b^2=169; a^2+b^2=194; c^2+1=4226

03b4c6 No.78756


Path = Way = Road

"The road goes ever on and on,

Down from the way which it began"

-JRR Tolkien

03b4c6 No.78852

File: ba0d267cf54e26a⋯.png (80.35 KB, 505x260, 101:52, Tolkien Road.png)


Can't help it, the implications are amazing!

Path = Way = Road

Journey = Discovery = Self Awareness

Self Aware Freedom Good Anons vs. Servants Of Lies And Evil?

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!!

Spoiler Alert: Hobbits and all free people unite to defeat Mordor. Happy to be here with you at this moment in time, Anons. Thanks for all your effort and work. And now, let's solve this.

Do you understand that Topolanon is way out there but 100% correct? We are building a math machine that can travel infinty. Credit to VQC for the invite.

VQC: Thanks for inviting us to journey with you down this road. We can help solve the question, but without the Senpai to pose the question, the students will not learn or grow.

What a beautiful thing this LIFE is Anons!!!

"I have come to give you life, and life more abundantly." J.C.

03b4c6 No.78935

Anons, my brain is doing things it never has before. I can feel it circulating with energy, no joke.

Left Hemisphere: currently circulating energy counterclockwise.

Right Hemisphere: currently circulating energy clockwise.

Pineal Gland ties the hemispheres together to enter our own individual VQC?

Full of GRATITUDE over here. Life Is Beautiful!

03b4c6 No.78991

“All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

0553ab No.79025


No psychoactive substances?

0553ab No.79042


Put it in words please. Maybe I can make a pretty picture of it.

03b4c6 No.79045


Great idea, Anon! Will you undertake it? I posted VQC's first example grid back up a ways, you can change 1 pixel and repost it with your highlights. Program Anons can help you too! Ask for help if you need it, key people here will help! VQC asked us to solve this together. We wouldn't even be doing this if not for the Senpai posing the challenge. It's for the freedom and enlightenment of our world. Dive in and contribute whatever you'd like to!

0553ab No.79053


Making explanatory memes is the most fun part of this.

03b4c6 No.79054


None, Baker. About a bottle of wine and a few cigs, that's all. No weed, no drugs, nothing else.

03b4c6 No.79099


Baker, here's a practical exercise for ya.

Grab a real pen/pencil and a piece of paper. Then start writing out all the things you are thankful for, and feeling the emotions that go along with those things. Forget about all negative shit in your life. Write down the good.

When you start listing them, you may realize that the universe is abundant and benevolent, and a cloud lifts off you. You control your own VQC, starting with your thoughts and emotions. Take control by beginning with gratitude (1,1), then extend that to all the other cells of your life.

2ffa2f No.79111



I picture a really big square with a tiny 1x1 square in it. That's the "triangle" record which I believe

It's pretty far away from it's origin at (1,1).

As you move closer to the origin, the size of the small square increases, but the total size of of the square stays the same.

There's a direct relationship between the small square sizes that we're trying to determine.

199f12 No.79114


nvm didn't get the cornerstone

Generally, we can say (let Ac, Bc, Xc, Dc be constants unique to n for (e,n))

A(t) = A(t-1) + 4t + Ac

B(t) = B(t-1) + 4t + Bc

X(t) = 2t + Xc

D(t) = D(t-1) + 4t + Dc

So for (e,1) we have constants for:

e:_-9_-8_-7_-6_-5_-4_-3_-2_-101 _2_ 3_ 4 _56_ 78_ 9_ 10

A: 4 2 0 2 0 2 0 -2 0 -2 -4 -6 -4 -6 -4 -6 -4 -6 -4 -6

B: 8 6 4 6 2 6 4 2 4 2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2

X: 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 2 -1 -2 -1 -2

D: 6 4 1 4 2 2 2 0 2 0 -2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4


-4 -6 -4 -6 -4 -6 -4 -6

0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2

-1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2

-2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4 -2 -4

This pattern (for positives, not sure about negatives because the -9 fucks things up) continues. So for the above equations, for (e,1)

If e even:

Ac = -6

Bc = -2

Xc = -2

Dc = -4

If e odd:

Ac = -4

Bc = 0

Xc = -1

Dc = -2

This is a cleaner version of what i had before. Still looking

dbd74d No.79123


building a machine to navigate and travel infinity.

i mean, we're already doing that. but having a tool to connect to geometric/mathematical infinity, especially with our memetic abilities and desire for Truth/Love/Justice/Serenity/Peace

wew lad.

the absolutely positively positive possibilitiessss

0553ab No.79134


Where has the VQC been all my life?

03b4c6 No.79206


There you are my friend Sheeeeitbaked!! Thanks for being here.

Dude. VQC told us this would help unlock our potential. Start with Gratitude at (1,1) in your life and extend that to all other cells.

Do this exercise when you have time:


03b4c6 No.79215


Baker, only you can answer that question, but it's here now for you. It's the "Pearl Of Great Price" from Jesus' parables, search it if you want to read the original text. Grab it with both hands, friend and never let go.

2ffa2f No.79238


loving the notation.

03b4c6 No.79259

Read this Anons. Love the math(s), but this connects to all of our existence.


0553ab No.79275


Did you know where Chris said he found the blueprints of the machine?

03b4c6 No.79309


No, Baker I have no clue. This quest encompasses all dimensions though. I love parables, questions, and mysteries. Always have, probably you too. That's why VQC's posts didn't scare me. I wuz like "WAT?? Holes at NP and SP? Fuck ME! Then I searched and couldn't find images. Hmmm… Then I ended up here trying to solve a crazy math equation that extends into infinity, and helped solve a big chunk of it. Everything has meaning, anon. "There are no coincidences" -Q

Can you feel it, my friend??? The awakening is here in full force, especially on this board. WTF, I never thought I would see this day in my physical life. I thought I would have to wait for the afterlife for this.

We have self-selected ourselves to be here bc of our pursuit of truth, wherever it may lead.

Veritas = Truth.

Aequitas = Justice / Equity

Cras Es Noster

Deus Vult

ac2e79 No.79326


Nah need to pass, I understand too little about it yet. Just stumbled recently about it, people are way ahead here. I cannot even make one example, nor do I know the dimensions of the grid.

I cannot even find your example. Still struggling to find shit here at all. Only a few days at 8chan.

Someone could generate a example grid with at least 500-1000 cells per example(needs to be automated I think), marking the correct solution.

With many diff examples we could get more eyes.

0553ab No.79334


Revelation. Candlestick = 1, Star = 0, Churches = pattern

I, "I" am the beginning and the end. Odd number always ends with 1 in binary.

0553ab No.79339


Okay. e = x, n = y, t = z.

You see 3d in 2d using a special technique. Read the first post at "Relevant codeposts."

03b4c6 No.79369


Q said:


You can still contribute, anon!

Pray for victory over the darkness.

Your thought energy brings us one step closer to victory!!

dc2c6f No.79382


As you asked, I reached out and touched some dudes, giggity, some obviously, some anonymous, and sometimes under an assumed identity, though it's still obviously {Me}, and with (That Guy)'s consent. Yes, I was that guy. He she be lurking around somewhere. I left his first page open for him. The Quantum first place. Pick a point... go from there. Assistance is offered, all y'gotta do is ask.

Every time you add a Qbit (perverse Cubit) you "double the parallel universes you have access to". They're trying to hamfistedly back engineer creation.

oh what was that movie where the guy built a device that could see the future...


(((they))) look at it as division.

So when they say they are double they're access, they're double DOWN.




Do walls divide spaces or multiply them?




See the difference?

Cell Multiplication and Refinement.

With 1, AI1 Ways.

Not (((division))).

Dig=Make Connections, not (((worm, holes)))

Meme=Share with those who can get it. (((The Left can't meme, for a reason)))

Pray=If you need [Assistance], simply ask with your most honest, earnest, and best intention.

0553ab No.79391


I have to give it to you, you've mastered the art of being fucking hard to understand. If there is something to be understood.

03b4c6 No.79392


LOL! I love this. I can't go there tonight tho. Made a promise to my Lady to come to bed soon. Fuck you, baker!!! I could stay up all night taking about Bible connections, but I need to honor my word and go to bed.

Oh, There's Topolanon thinking Dig, Meme, Pray at the same time I am. Our minds are connecting via the VQC


dc2c6f No.79394


*Pray=If you need [Assistance], simply ask with your most honest, earnest, and best intention.

(((Don't just talk to you,r/self)))

Memes are digitals prayers. You want them to be seen*scene*heard. You want verification that someone "got it". Keeeeek.

dc2c6f No.79402


I was trying to post that to RSA #2 originally.

But I was told to go here.

And then BAM! I spice*D it up a bit with a bit of the flavor you were adding to the recipe.

Tastes gold. ;)

dc2c6f No.79417


I other words, I keyed off of you.

The funny thing is, that was a pasta recipe I working on over in the twatter ez-baaaaaked oven. Originally, I left out the third part. That was for a different recipe.

What's a noodle? A bread product, right?

Looks like we just baked some lasagna!

2ffa2f No.79435



I think I'm very close to solving this.

There is a connection between the c record and the prime record with regards to t that I'm not quite seeing.

It is a recurring pattern, but I can't make out the formula.

03b4c6 No.79449

File: 75a40b1986036a9⋯.gif (5.37 MB, 750x540, 25:18, CookieMonster.gif)

Here's a GIF for the snakes!!!


Topolanon, you're right on. TopolAnonRightOn?

Alright Anons, going to bed. What a great evening enjoying conversing with some fine minds.

Back in the morning. Love you all, remember to start your own grids:

(1,1) GRATITUDE. Then extend that to all the other cells of your own lives. You are your own VQC. Question: Who/What built your personal VQC??? Has it existed for all time/infinity?

Goodnight, faggots. I finally found my TruthMathEtc home here with you all.

dc2c6f No.79459


Wasn't just spread sheets of noodles, either.

Besides being cheesy,

It's full of z*IT*Ti and Papa*R*Degli

For veggies, build the tree.

For something meaty, put your heart into it.

The best is when you blend everything together.

But the spices… the aroma… the flavor.

That comes from [The Sauce]

And yes, I know. That's not Kosher but I never understood why (((they))) were trying to (((divide))) how I spend my day in the first place.

Cuz I have like… ALL Day. And The Work always gets accomplished because The Work is Prime. Even if it takes to the last moment of the last second of the last hour of the last day…

We shall rise above.

(((not double down like those niggerfaggots)))

0553ab No.79462

File: 3be48dbbb176d2d⋯.png (30.53 KB, 540x290, 54:29, Screenshot_2017-12-07-11-3….png)

dc2c6f No.79475


Oh, that was for here???

EL is perverse, should be LE (sigh)

AL is adverse, should be LA (la la)

They tried to trap it in their bull's-hit (((blah,blah,blah))).

Gotta say it three times to cast a spell.

But what y'all are showing is that, if you speak correctly, you only have to say it once and it will be understood no matter where or how (You) look at it.

2ffa2f No.79547


Alright, I'm done for now.

I'm posting very little progress trying to determine the relationship between the special "triangle" c record and the prime record for various combinations of (1,1).

If anyone out there can see any pattern in the binary differences between t or x records - that would be awesome.

I believe a pattern exists and, if found, is the missing link to directly calculate the prime record from c.

triangle: (1,421,15) = {1:421:30:29:1:901} = 901; a^2=1; b^2=811801; a^2+b^2=811802; c^2+1=811802

prime: (1,5,7) = {1:5:30:13:17:53} = 901; a^2=289; b^2=2809; a^2+b^2=3098; c^2+1=811802

triangle t as binary 1111

prime t as binary 111

tdiff=8, tdiffBinary=1000

triangle x as binary 11101

prime x as binary 1101

xdiff=16, xdiffBinary=10000


triangle: (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785; a^2=1; b^2=616225; a^2+b^2=616226; c^2+1=616226

prime: (1,53,12) = {1:53:28:23:5:157} = 785; a^2=25; b^2=24649; a^2+b^2=24674; c^2+1=616226

triangle t as binary 1110

prime t as binary 1100

tdiff=2, tdiffBinary=10

triangle x as binary 11011

prime x as binary 10111

xdiff=4, xdiffBinary=100


triangle: (1,221,11) = {1:221:22:21:1:485} = 485; a^2=1; b^2=235225; a^2+b^2=235226; c^2+1=235226

prime: (1,29,9) = {1:29:22:17:5:97} = 485; a^2=25; b^2=9409; a^2+b^2=9434; c^2+1=235226

triangle t as binary 1011

prime t as binary 1001

tdiff=2, tdiffBinary=10

triangle x as binary 10101

prime x as binary 10001

xdiff=4, xdiffBinary=100


triangle: (1,145,9) = {1:145:18:17:1:325} = 325; a^2=1; b^2=105625; a^2+b^2=105626; c^2+1=105626

prime: (1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325; a^2=169; b^2=625; a^2+b^2=794; c^2+1=105626

triangle t as binary 1001

prime t as binary 11

tdiff=6, tdiffBinary=110

triangle x as binary 10001

prime x as binary 101

xdiff=12, xdiffBinary=1100


triangle: (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145; a^2=1; b^2=21025; a^2+b^2=21026; c^2+1=21026

prime: (1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145; a^2=25; b^2=841; a^2+b^2=866; c^2+1=21026

triangle t as binary 110

prime t as binary 100

tdiff=2, tdiffBinary=10

triangle x as binary 1011

prime x as binary 111

xdiff=4, xdiffBinary=100


triangle: (1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65} = 65; a^2=1; b^2=4225; a^2+b^2=4226; c^2+1=4226

prime: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65; a^2=25; b^2=169; a^2+b^2=194; c^2+1=4226

triangle t as binary 100

prime t as binary 10

tdiff=2, tdiffBinary=10

triangle x as binary 111

prime x as binary 11

xdiff=4, xdiffBinary=100


ac2e79 No.79552


You guys know that the SET of all SET is the Mandelbrot fractal?

Did he not mention it is key to find solution?

Maybe use that as Overlay.

Maybe try converting to other system than dezimal…maybe 9..maybe 3…maybe patterns emerge

495bdf No.79781


What about a simulation = matrix >> Planck Length, Planck velocity

7bdfa7 No.79821



Just mulling over a staircase - modulo type operator, thinking it might follow a simple pattern / generalize

ie 5*5 - 4*6 = 10*10 - 9*11

495bdf No.79941


My bad! Sorry!

I meant Planck time, of course. Probably was ahead of my own t ... :)

Truth Love Light

78300e No.80035


I've been here since near the start. I helped port the C# to Java. I just haven't been able to do much else since I've been busy, but that'll end soon. I'll also definitely be able to help with the Mandelbrot set stuff when that comes up.


This goes against every moral I've gained from being on imageboards for the last 7 years, but I guess if you all think it's necessary I'll use it at least once and hope my ID suffices. You're using the word namefag wrong, by the way. It refers to people, not the names themselves.

0b838c No.80119


FYI, this is week #2 of this.

8d9e38 No.80128

anyone get to updating the code to the current point?

0b838c No.80135

File: d70a0814916658e⋯.png (20.63 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, 29p_wow.png)

File: 8a3cc28bc8fd3c8⋯.png (39.69 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, 149p_wow.png)

File: a7c08986c66cabe⋯.png (5.72 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, x_mod_4447_equals_base.png)

File: a20b6fbe841d093⋯.png (5.99 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, every_fifth_prime_produces….png)

And I don't know why nobody is using the golden ratio, it's already PROVEN you can pull c % gr == prime and iterate over the values which leads to a non-random pattern. Stop just using the god damn e,n,d,x,a,b,c,f there's more variables.

0b838c No.80146

File: 5c48b05de24510a⋯.png (13.39 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, x_mod_prime_equals_base(1).png)

Here's the grand daddy.

base = ( a + b)/a

x % prime == base.

0553ab No.80160


Any prime?

0b838c No.80179

File: 2e38e58139b5b64⋯.png (45.11 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, x_mod_base_equals_prime.png)

File: f98da70e8503e90⋯.png (54.09 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, c_mod_base_equals_prime.png)

File: 8a3cc28bc8fd3c8⋯.png (39.69 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, 149p_wow.png)


Please be more specific.

Attached is == to primes.


29p_wow is either a,b,c,x, % base == prime

Can't remember, need coffee.

Attached is 149p_wow.

29 and 149p mean all primes between 0..29,0..149

63cc1a No.80435


For this do you mean base 10? Can we change this whole shit for base anything? (1????)

0b838c No.80446


No base == (a + b) / a

base = golden_ratio

0b838c No.80463

I also noticed that lattice in another post about rodin numbers and some tesla vortex math. maybe we make the circle from -64, 0, 64 and map the numbers in that manner. Still could be an endless rabbit hole but whatever. I've wasted my time doing things worse than math.

0b838c No.80485

VQC the larp that he did talk about QFT but as far as I can see it the closest we get is to O(n^3) which still leaves us with dat exponent my dudes.

0b838c No.80487


Forgot the link because I'm a faggot.

e3197f No.80498

File: b9a6bfb50fa488c⋯.jpg (40 KB, 484x484, 1:1, 1506692342636.jpg)

the answer is always pi

Pi leader reporting in. Setting pi crust into attack position.

0b838c No.80499


JVM so good it can emulate a QC.


0553ab No.80505




That Wiki article is misleading. Shor CAN crack RSA.

0b838c No.80516


>Post article about QFT.

>Bruh, muh misleading detail of an article with a purpose that is not QFT.

Fuck off.

0b838c No.80535

QFT article leads us to here:


Oh look, circles, squares, and probably primes.

0553ab No.80541


Relax, I'm just saying cracking RSA is not that slow. Shor's algorithm runs in polynomial time.

0b838c No.80559


What's VQC's twitter?


Where does VQC lead us with QFT?


Coincidence? No. IF, and boy is that a generous IF at this point, VQC is legit then this is where we're supposed to be looking. The math seems to be some algebra and some xors. Maybe they have a metric fuckton of GPU's slicing up the space left over after limiting it somehow.



I have no chill.

0b838c No.80569

Not Christ, Christ, fucking shit fuck.

0b838c No.80576

File: 3bfd8b39610e10f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 319x480, 319:480, shamefurdisprayfml.jpg)


0553ab No.80583




Kek. If P=NP, then that implies that you could solve this with some equation in the same amount of time that you could generate the key. Chris says that P DOES equal NP. We have to reach the level to where it becomes a magic trick, because all of our search algorithms have failed due to the sheer magnitude of the RSA numbers.

c355af No.80590


any chance you can post the c# code for the rendering routine you used for these screenshots?

0b838c No.80594


Gimme some time. I have to convert it from Rust to C#.

63cc1a No.80615

File: 64391791bde84cb⋯.png (100.63 KB, 1602x662, 801:331, Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at ….png)


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this output. Which primes did u use?

base = (a+b)/a

I used (x%base == prime) code to generate this output. If x%base == prime then we fill a cell. For this, I color coded the primes. For 1 we have blue, 2 is red, 3 is green. Notice the lines going down to the right of those colors. I think if we generalize it for any prime we would get another line (like 7 would be purple or something).

let p = x%base for (e,n)

Then, if we check (e+2,n+1) or (e-2, n-1)we would also have that

p = x%base for the same p.

63cc1a No.80618


correction I used 3,5,7 instead of 1,2,3.

0b838c No.80623


Try c % base.

0b838c No.80647

Gimme some time, I'm working on it.

63cc1a No.80690

File: ecf13040566e085⋯.png (201.19 KB, 1756x984, 439:246, Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at ….png)


Heres a better version up to 19. Notice how if there is a streak with prime identifier of the pattern I just wrote down we have a streak with the same identifier (same color) that is a little bit above it with a less steep slope. Also notice that some of these lines will intersect (one example is the blue and white lines just to the right of (e=1)).

My hypothesis is that if we find ourselves on one of these lines, we can traverse back up the line to get to the previous line. Then we can go the opposite way up the new line until the next new line. This way we could traverse all the way to the origin (I hope) from a cell.

0b838c No.80721

File: fc29796db735bc8⋯.png (16.95 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, img.png)



Here is the exact code I used to generate the attached image.

0b838c No.80747

File: c2595461be5c65b⋯.png (15.12 KB, 2048x512, 4:1, img2.png)

let base = a + b/ a;

if c == 1 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, white);


if e == 1 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, white);


if a % base == 1 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, blue);


if a % base == 3 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, green);


if a % base == 5 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, red);


if a % base == 7 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, purple);


if a % base == 11 {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, yellow);


if primal::is_prime(c as u64) {

TheEnd::color(e,n,f,&mut img, white);


Use only the above to get the attached image.

0553ab No.80751


Did you intend to make it look 3 dimensional? Because it does.

0b838c No.80754


Man I've been saying that for over a week.

0b838c No.80759

I even tried to make a spatial tree renderer, but the a wonderful anon told us about Unity.

0b838c No.80763

We have to multiply this along every x,y,z,-x,-y,-z axis.

0b838c No.80781

So what I'm really saying now, is maybe we should make the -64 e the left size of 0 and 64 e the right side of zero, put all the digits in a circle and see what this thing looks like once you point all these structures to the inside.

0b838c No.80809

My personal speculation is the golden_ratio isn't a mistake, it's some universal constant.

572ed2 No.80867


Thanks ArchiveAnon! You're right, I did use it incorrectly. I've never used a name or trip either, just what went down on 4chan CBTS a few weeks back was the worst shilling attack I've ever seen. It was INSANE for 3 days straight.

When we complete our task, we may very well be attacked / overrun as well. If you don't think it's necessary at this point, that's your call! Thanks for building the archives!

LOL, Everyone back on the main board thinks this is a LARP! Here we are plugging away at VQC's Math Challenge, making good progress, and having fun doing crazy math.


Thanks Anon! Has it already been two weeks? I started following about halfway through the first VQC thread. What a fun Math adventure!

0553ab No.80870


Yeah, feels like time is flying by. Just gotta find that t solution.

572ed2 No.80994


That is a beautiful pattern! Thank you for all your work, Anon. It looks like Jacob's Ladder, or Stairway to Heaven.

I think I found a formula to isolate all primes, take a look and see what you think. I'm on paper and pencil over here, so some programming help might help run the numbers.

VQC said there was a way to make all primes appear in each column once. I think it can be done in column x. Let me know what you think.

Grab your grid, and also print out a list of primes.

Start in (1,1) and look down variable x starting from t =1

t = 1 x var is prime, x =1 (2t)-1

t = 2 x var is prime, x=3

t = 3 x var is prime, x =5

t = 4 x var is prime, x =7

t = 5 x var is non-prime. x = 9 but (2t)-1 still works

t = 6 prime x =11

t = 7 prime x = 13

t = 8 non prime, 15. But (2t)-1 still finds the answer.

t = 9 prime

t = 10 prime

t = 11 nonprime, 21 but (2t)-1 find the answer.

So primes at t=(1,2,3,4 and then 6,7 9,10, etc.)

Non primes occcuring at t=( 5,8,11,+3, +3) are all multiples of 3.

I think this means we may have a way to find every single prime. Thoughts Anons?

0553ab No.81021


Can we apply finding these patterns to our equations? Because our equations don't entirely apply to just finding prime factors.

0b838c No.81024


for t in 0..11 {

if x is_prime() = true {

Found Prime


if x is_prime() = false {

prime = (2t) - 1;



572ed2 No.81128


Good question, Baker. You're right. Ok, let me regroup my thoughts and try to figure out where the heck we're at this morning. Questions create answers.

Ok, how about this:

With the formulas we have currently, can we reconstruct a specific element with all it's variables {e,n,t,d,x,a,b} correct, starting with only c?

If not, what pieces are we missing at this moment? I think this may be the correct question for us to work on.

Also, can we recreate the big square and small square using only c? Are there multiple possible answers for factoring c, so we end up with a set of answers?

We've made great progress, so let's regroup and ask our questions to each and then work on them together.

2ffa2f No.81134


Correct. getting to en element from c is solved.

0b838c No.81139


For the record, the following works for everything not just primes.


572ed2 No.81179


Thx ProgramMathAnon. And can we generate n starting from ONLY c?

0b838c No.81188


>Still ignoring the obvious variable not included in e,n,d,x,a,b,

>Didn't confirm the code I wrote correctly expressed his idea.

>Doesn't write the most basic of code to effectively dictate ideas.

Step it up VA.

0553ab No.81203


From what I know so far is that if you could recreate (x+n)^2 or (d+n)^2 you would already be able to solve the factorization, because you can get t from the small square and n from the large square.

572ed2 No.81212


Thanks for the code, Anon. Feeling a bit stuck, but working to understand. Thank you for challenging me to step it up! I will do so.

Which obvious variable am I missing?

2ffa2f No.81223


Yes. The entry point is at c and a = 1.

0b838c No.81232


(a + b) / 2a

If you can't write real code, write pseudocode and I will translate it for you my dude. If you don't understand the original either c# or rust code lmk and I wll annotate the shit out of it.

0553ab No.81239

File: b2ec4ca5b4577c4⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 752x544, 47:34, woda.jpg)


Show us!

5d7189 No.81240

File: c421930e85d2e85⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 700x490, 10:7, spacetimeloop.jpg)


Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past


2ffa2f No.81241


Thanks. There is a relationship between the "triangle" and "prime" records that I posted.

Struggling to find the pattern.

I believe it's the key.

53bf39 No.81246


In case you are not aware, binary numbers are a fractal tree on their own

Starting from 1





































0553ab No.81248

File: abfc24e8b0d141f⋯.jpg (71.42 KB, 719x500, 719:500, qubits.jpg)


It explains entanglement. Spoopy.

572ed2 No.81251


Ok, we're getting close. Maybe we should revisit this from VQC #1? It's VQC's second chunk of code that he said would be useful later? Here it is.


2ffa2f No.81259


c# code.

public static TheEndRecord CreateForC( int c ) {

int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);

int e = c - ( d * d );

int a = 1;

int b = c;

int x = d - a;

int n = ( (x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


Feel free to substitute TheEndRecord struct with an int[].

0b838c No.81260


That's because you can't put BigInt into int/i32 or even i128.

2ffa2f No.81264


not yet. Still need to solve the t/x relationship.


572ed2 No.81271




Thanks anons! Gotta head to day job, but will check in asap.

53bf39 No.81274


What I'm wondering is why f and x+n is included in the example with values. Makes me think they are part of the process of factoring RSA100, maybe we can calculate x+n somehow and just get n from that

2ffa2f No.81283


f describes the "negative" record.

x+n is one side of the small square.

Any f can be created from:

public static TheEndRecord CreateForF( TheEndRecord ter ) {

int e = ter.e - ((2 * ter.d) + 1);

int n = ter.n - 1;

int d = ter.d + 1;

int x = ter.x + 1;

int a = ter.a;

int b = ter.b;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


0553ab No.81296


So our next step is to get to the other factorization?

53bf39 No.81312


I know we can calculate f from the record itself, and from d and e. But we don't have the whole record just from c. Why would VQC include it in the RSA100 example if we don't need it? Its already included for making the grid.

> f = 2d+1-e (f is what you add to c to make a square)

2ffa2f No.81343


for prime records, there are 2 entries for c in (e,n).

One at a*n = c and a*b=c where a = 1.

And the other at the prime record that we're trying to find.

triangle: (1,145,9) = {1:145:18:17:1:325} = 325; a^2=1; b^2=105625; a^2+b^2=105626; c^2+1=105626

prime: (1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325; a^2=169; b^2=625; a^2+b^2=794; c^2+1=105626

e921d0 No.81408


Earlier someone (VQC?) mentioned the other Einstein Field Equation solution, too strange to be taken seriously:


'the existence of closed timelike curves' – good old Godel,

5d7189 No.81411


I know physics pretty well thx.

You are right, it's about entanglement.

But first we found quantum coherence(entanglement of photons coming in from eye) in birds, which gave an explanation how they really navigate inside a magnetic field.

Then we found possible entanglement in brains(microtubules), and then we found coherence in protein folding, which all life is based on.

The same has happened in physics.

Now we are starting to realize that even biological life is probably making use of entanglement all the time.

We have 2 big books in physics we cannot combine yet. Now we are getting to know the 2nd book in biology.

Sorry my friend, I think reality is based on a retrocausal concept, containing small and bigger loops.

There was no beginning, only loops.

I see it in art, movies, science, philosophy since the dawn of humanity.

Your intuition or inner voice, is the thing that is connected to all future and past probabilities.

It gives you a perfect probability distribution, of the outcome of a thing.

Your intuition is your biggest tool, I fail to use it.

I tend to behave the opposite way, despite knowing better.

It's your biggest tool, gives you the best chances, but not always right.

The stronger the positive feeling for example, the higher the positive coherence in all possible scenarios.

All great minds of this world naturally are very good in this.

Knowledge also comes from there.

0553ab No.81418


If future can cause past—That's a testament to free will.

dc3d84 No.81433


Hey ProgramMathAnon! We have this for x and t up in the OP. Where do we go next with the t/x relationship? Do you have a hunch?

What we currently have:

if (e is even) t = (x + 2) / 2

if (e is odd) t = (x + 1) / 2

0b838c No.81437



Dank digits.

2ffa2f No.81458


Topolanon left so many clues. Just can't figure it out.

There is something else hidden in each record.

8c6204 No.81460

File: c1d9dad4c308b02⋯.jpg (220.58 KB, 720x1024, 45:64, web_of_composabilities-720….jpg)

File: f4f2ce27c9427e8⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 562x372, 281:186, Tesla_Grether.jpg)

12X Spiral

Gotta jet anons, but wanted to put this out there as it may relate to something I saw yesterday, and just say you all looking at different mod bases.

Couple links for background, this was a Hoax w/ Tesla.

http:/ /mobaction.com/ hoaxing -the-12x-spiral-and-tesla/

https:/ /naturalmath.com/ 2014/07/ 12x-spiral-factorization-diagram/

Also, check this out - they're coding math similar to what we're (((you're))) doing here:

http:/ /www. skyberry. com/#

0b838c No.81472


>See's temple of set in the map to multiplication.

God damnit. Math really is fake and Tesla really did know. On the other hand I'm pretty bad at fake math, might be a longterm win.

e921d0 No.81486

OK anons, time for some tough love.

VA, you have been very encouraging, and this is good. Math is forgiving of making mistakes. No one gets hurt. But is not forgiving of keeping mistakes. It means you have to check your work and maybe not celebrate a result until you're sure.

The following are total bunk; let's weed some stuff out.

if (e is even) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t)^2)) - (d)

if (e is odd) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t - 1)^2)) - (d - 1)

if (e is even) (d + n)^2 = (2t)^2 + c

if (e is odd) (d + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2 + c

if (e is even) (x + n)^2 = (2t)^2

if (e is odd) (x + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2

All the terms with 't' in the RHS above work with x+n, e.g. (d + n)^2 = (x + n)^2 + c BY THE DEFINITION of the variables.

If t = (x + 1)/2 for odd e, and (x+2)/2 for even e, then replacing (x + n) with 2t or 2t-1 SOMETIMES works. But most of the time it won't. Easy to check.

Also, odd numbers less than twenty have a high probability of being prime, nothing to get excited about when you go through a list of small odd numbers and find 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. OMG!!!

Keep it up just verify more anons.

7e4860 No.81500

Does anyone know how to generate "n"s for a given e?

I don't mean solve for n, obviously. I mean we know when e = 1, n can be 1, 5, 13, 17 etc.

Is there a formula or a simple method to enumerate all the 'n's for a given e?

2ffa2f No.81507



if you look at the difference in values of t or x between (c) a=1 record and the prime answer, there is a pattern.

(1:25:4) -> (1:1:2)

(1:61:6) -> (1:5:4)

(1:145:9) -> (1:1:3)

(1:221:11) ->(1:29:9)

(1:365:14) -> (1:53:12)

(1:421:15) -> (1:5:7)

the difference in terms of t is:

t = possible formula

2 = (2*2)/2

2 = (2*2)/2

6 = (2*2*3)/2

2 = (2*2)/2

2 = (2*2)/2

8 = (2*2*4)/2

Topolanon mentioned mean so many times, and included so many …

I just can't see it yet.

e921d0 No.81511

More tough love:

when we take a=1, then ab = c = 1*b =b.

So, of course, a^2 + b^2 = 1^2 + c^2. a = 1, b =c.

ProgramMathAnon, is this called a 'triangle'? What is the claim here? If there is a pattern in what you are posting besides matching a^2 + b^2 with c^2 + 1, can you let me know what it is?

It can't be Pythagoras, a^2 +b ^2 = c^2, so what is it?

0b838c No.81524


Do me next!

Tell me why the golden ratio is totally pointless and would obviously be in this pattern generated.

Spare the rod spoil the child.

dc3d84 No.81528


Fair enough, anon! I appreciate your tough love. Yeah, me grasping at primes is kinda funny now that I think of it. How do we move forward?

53bf39 No.81532


I have been banging my head against the geometric mean of right angle triangles for a while now

e921d0 No.81564

File: af58e4637017789⋯.png (5.83 KB, 400x200, 2:1, danx.png)

More tough love:

I am going to point out the relationship between e and 'f', the negative side of the grid.

Normally, d = floor ( sqrt(c) ). So d is the largest square less then c. (strictly less, unless c is perfect square). e is the remainder c - d^2. Okay.

Now increment d by one, d' = d + 1. We now have d' ^2 is the smallest square greater than c. So c - d'^2 gives a negative remainder.

Changing d changes x and n also. See pic.

This relationship is coded into VQC's code. Look at the bottom of the grid generator. Two cells get populated at a time – one on positive e side, one on negative.

How this relationship relates to the hint VQC gave is what I am currently wondering:

"Quick clue before I go to bed.

At the correct element in the grid at (e,1) where the value of a at that element equals the na we want, if you subtract 2d+1 from na then you are in the negative half of the grid in terms of e and the value at the same element in the first row will be (n-1)a"

000000 No.81571


Thanks !

e921d0 No.81582


haha. I am very open minded or wouldn't be here. The golden ratio may not be pointless at all, I hope it shows up.

f8ad63 No.81584


This works, you can also create an inverse F function. My working theory is go to (e,1) calculate t, then go to original record and do inverse, then follow the lines in the negatives starting at the origin (a lot of bitmaps have a lattice in the negatives) to go into the origin or something. Since the origin is (0,0) for (e,n) we would have the t, so the record at the origin for t would be {0,0,t,0,t,t}. Then maybe we can go out from there?

e921d0 No.81592


A couple mistakes in that post. Scratch out the mention of 'discrete log.' Replace o,p with j,i

000000 No.81608



e921d0 No.81610


I am not up to speed on what the latest interesting patterns are, will share if I see.

I agree with revisiting RSA 2, RSA 1 threads. Reread VQC posts.

f8ad63 No.81667

Maybe, since we know t (I think), we can go out from the origin and to the left from our entry to converge on a point?

I'm pretty sure this works for n=1.

def crank(record, up):

if(record[1] != 1): return -1

e = record[0]

n = record[1]

d = record[2]

x = record[3]

a = record[4]

b = record[5]

if(e<=0): return -1


Ac = -6

Bc = -2

Dc = -4

t = (record[3] + 2)/2


Ac = -4

Bc = 0

Dc = -2

t = (record[3] +1)/2


t = t+1

return (e,n, d+4*t+Dc, x+2, a + 4*t + Ac, b +4*t+Bc)


return (e,n, d-4*t-Dc, x-2, a-4*t-Ac, b-4*t-Bc)

I can make a constant 4*t a constant and increment it by 4 to go up and down without having to do so many multiplication operations but this is clearer for the relation for t.

So maybe if we get our original record and calc t, then we can do t = t - 1 to get a negative d? Then we can maybe utilize -d^2 = d^2 to find something?

0553ab No.81818


What is the purpose of that code? You lost me.

f8ad63 No.81838

Just talked to my professor. He said holy numbers are 1,3,5. Then he also said 7 is holy and 40 is as well for 40 days and 40 nights. I asked about mathematical properties and he said you can do a lot with 1,3,5.

Also I figured out how to get t for (e,1) for any e. My pattern broke at around (-9,1) but my idea (which is solid) is that our original code to generate theend didn't produce an entry for t=1. For this reason, I believe the (-9,1) cell starts at t=2, because then the pattern is consistent. Remember, we didn't generate cells based on t, so there is not guarantee that the first entry in our table is actually the first entry for t=1.


I'll post a better version. Basically I look at each cell like it's a position of gears based on t (also a and b are on the same line, just shifted). With crank, basically you crank gears one shift. This code takes the record and returns the t+1 value for the record (or t-1 if up=False).

0553ab No.81906


Fascinating. I love thinking about it like a real machine!

53bf39 No.81911


I tried with my up() function that works for everything in row 1

x -= 2

b = a

a = b - x * 2 - n * 2

d = a + x

And got

1 {-9:1:-3:1:-4:0}

2 {-9:1:3:3:0:8}

3 {-9:1:13:5:8:20}

1 {-10:1:-5:0:-5:-3}

2 {-10:1:-1:2:-3:3}

3 {-10:1:7:4:3:13}

1 {-11:1:-4:1:-5:-1}

2 {-11:1:2:3:-1:7}

3 {-11:1:12:5:7:19}

1 {-12:1:-6:0:-6:-4}

2 {-12:1:-2:2:-4:2}

3 {-12:1:6:4:2:12}

4 {-12:1:18:6:12:26}

5 {-12:1:34:8:26:44}

May not make any sense as some things break down with these numbers

0553ab No.81959


Chris said one could "extend it into the complex plane."

0b838c No.82004


Which I figured meant 3d so we made some dank unity shit where Z was calculated as e * n.

0553ab No.82019


Which picture is that?

0b838c No.82031

File: 1528f362229945c⋯.png (309.57 KB, 997x539, 997:539, goldenratio_of_en_as_z.png)

File: ef4bb7832f1b5a0⋯.png (138.88 KB, 895x479, 895:479, nearly_even_plane_goldenra….png)


Here's what e * n / e look like. e*n looks blown the fuck up, hold on I have to take another picture.

0b838c No.82048

File: 15d4ee3b0b8f3df⋯.png (217.92 KB, 1003x536, 1003:536, even_even_odd_odd(1).png)

Here e,n,e *n for x,y,z

dc2c6f No.82058

File: c75dceb4c18dcf5⋯.png (377.48 KB, 975x693, 325:231, PhireWallEs.png)

Mathemagical M*art*imony

0b838c No.82075

File: 0e70a39fa77f849⋯.png (201.35 KB, 998x640, 499:320, odds_have_odd_spacing(1).png)

More odd shit.

if e == odd {

position.y = -position.y * (position.x * position.y) / position.x;


2ffa2f No.82181


now I'm looking for the BEGINNING!

5d7189 No.82447


I believe since many many years that everything is made of singularities in all kind of combinations.


Beautiful. Which software do you use?

Any ready template to play around with?

Viewing in 3D is key.

Could you even transform to view in higher dimension?

Maybe the solution is opposite. Maybe the pattern we are looking for exist in higher dimensions, and the solution it's is shadow.

5d7189 No.82465


Something along these lines.

These guys seem to be experts in higher dimensional rotating.

0b838c No.82484


This is Unity, and the code is: https://pastebin.com/nLeVLX6T

But that specific configuration is not how you get pic related. I'm trying to turn the objects into particles abut I cannot find the option to 'show' the particles or initialize the function or whatever.

>Could you even transform to view in higher dimension?

Well 3d graphics work in 3d so we'd have to rig it up a bit. I was trying to render spatial trees so we could use quaternions to change their angle relative to the origin.

But all of this is a lot of painstaking work, so I was hoping for a demo that would convince me I wasn't wasting my time. Even Neo was afforded a demo.

53bf39 No.82502

File: b7d5a251c77bb69⋯.png (546.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, end_1513119194.png)

File: b89e6db24deb37c⋯.png (488.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, end_1513119134.png)

File: 3a46d46937d016c⋯.png (6.35 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px-Vector_Addition.svg.png)


Played with just threating a as the real part and b as imaginary and doing complex addition of any two points from the grid, then draw lines between them when (a1, b1) + (a2, b2) = (a3, b3) all are prime

So far just using a brute force approach, x y z are e n d in the images

dc2c6f No.82524


>I believe since many many years that everything is made of singularities in all kind of combinations.


>Viewing in 3D is key.

>Could you even transform to view in higher dimension?

Notice what you just did there.

Now modify it.

1D is the Door

2D (bitmap) is the Lock

3D is the Key

4D is the Tumbler

5D Is the Frame

6D is the Line*In*G UP

7D is the Unlocking

8D is the Entry Way

9D is the First Step

10D is thE Motion

11D is the Pass Through (filter)

12D is turning A*Round (In and Out+Through)

13D is being kind and closing the door on your way out.

14D is Looking A*Round

15D is Being A*Round

>Maybe the solution is opposite. Maybe the pattern we are looking for exist in higher dimensions, and the solution it's is shadow.

What if the Primes weren't ALL we could see?

What if they are the building blocks?

The Ents, and their shoulders, that the Ants stand upon.

dc2c6f No.82582




dc2c6f No.82618



{Slip} into something more comfortable.

{Sexy Ceramics Puns to lube yer gears}

{Stretch} out.

{Sexy Yogi Puns}

{Fondle} the knob.

{Sexy Portal Spun}

I am a cosmic copywriter.

My job is to make witty puns, dick jokes, and intelligent cumbacks (bukekke).

dc2c6f No.82645



Cuz like… you don't haaaaaave to…. but you could go all Van Wilder cannoli make soggy biscuits.

Wet Bisects for the pussies (EAT UP!).

Wet bisex for the cuckfaggots.

Cuz… there sure is a lot of circlejerking.

Y'all make sure to get out every now and then and explore your surroundings with your new eyes.

Then come back and share what you learned and experienced upon your triumphant return.


0553ab No.82653


What the hell are you saying at this point?

0b838c No.82662


The only thing I learned from Topolanon is there's someone out there who needs to quit smoking weed more than me.

2ffa2f No.82666





seeing some patterns. but the obscurity is really obscure…

dc2c6f No.82780


As Amabo would say, Thank You Satan :P

I'm quite sober and very lucid.

I'm saying that y'all are making a lot of bread for everyone else.

Don't forget to take care of yourself and remember to do what you need to do to feed the phire to keep it going.

If your vision is so blurred that you're misreading me, then you're proving my point and need to think of yourself. Be more Self Aware.

dc2c6f No.82816


Get it?

Instead of the LewdCypher, I spoke more plane.

Hope that evened it out for ya.

-Wanders off to grab some food and see some meat suits.-

5d7189 No.82839


Damn forgot the link:

Something along these lines.

These guys seem to be experts in higher dimensional rotating.


dc2c6f No.82880




Then See:


Now do (You) see the connection? The relationships?

000000 No.83140



I would like to be in his state after smoking weed ! I think his brain is already working as a VQC and each time he posts, he collapse his thought in the thread.

Anyway I think he is crazy cool, it is fun to have him around

Otherwise, I was wondering : when you talk about triangle and golden ratio, are you trying to find them on "The" grid (as represented in memory / images) or on the csv grid ?

0b838c No.83215


>Re csv or memory.

They're one and the same. BMP pixel coords are represented as (e + 1024, n) and (f + 1024, n -1). So when you're finding patterns with a bitmap those patterns actually exist on the csv grid.

The bmp is 2048 x 512 in size, we use +1024 to shift the horizontal axis to the middle of our bitmap.

For 3D I use (e,n,e * n) as (x,y,z), I also use (e,n,e * n/e) and this puts it on a 2d plane in 3d space.

f8ad63 No.83293


Don't want to burst your bubble but e * n/e = n.

0b838c No.83507


Oh of course. duh.

2ffa2f No.83515


and bubble burst…

0b838c No.83720


Always maintain low expectations and your bubble can never be burst.

Also, I might have messed up and it might be e + n / e. I have to get back to comp and check.

d9593a No.84092

Lurker here how is this math stuff relevant to Q and what he/she is trying to do?

0b838c No.84138


1) I still make a few shitposts a day.

2) I already know how fucked up the world is.

3) If this is real it would mean Trump could fix crypto to not be kiked shit.

4) Arguing with people who know nothing in the general get's old. When Q needs a really dank meme I make one, when POTUS tweets look into something I do. Like the Johnson Amendment, Joe Scarborough, etc.

5) An electronic revolution must happen for a 'Great Awakening" to occur.

6) 4,10,20 appears in Q's post as you know, but it also appears in the product of squares as well twice, which I will tell you was not generated with 'magic numbers' and is some natural occurring phenomena.

8d9e38 No.84164


I'm here for the women. Chicks love maths dudes…

2ffa2f No.84296


>always maintain low expectations.



>Chicks love maths dudes

best of luck with that.

0b838c No.84503

A 2D waifu will never judge you.

dffe8f No.84531


This was a great explanation, Baker. Index Variable t is how many floors up in the elevator you go when you get to coordinates (e,n). Crazy to do 3D using 2D grid! What a beautiful machine.

f8ad63 No.84629

Think I found the missing link one sec. heres a hint. How many EYE's do you have?

ad79f8 No.84758

File: dbfbb32dcd5bd02⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, IMG_4699.PNG)

Sorry. >>82839

I think he saying lower dimensional. As in, get the so-n pattern correct and the fabric can easily be seen at seams. Input symbols can be mirrored, rotated, and flipped to provide ur foreign one mathematical master peace. U been pumping iron lately? Cus he bi's and quads starting to show up.

Why u numbering everything ever when u should just be looking for the root? Couple things to help u think outside the box.

Isn't dividing actually multiplying? If I take 1 and turn it into 2, what am I doing?

Everyone work ur bunny ears, I mean numbers (he who has ears) back words. What if words or numbers were read Left to right but those of us who are computing (comparable to uterus) parables (pair of bulls (balls also acceptable) wouldn't that all weighs (volume) leave space bar for what's left? Can't every number ever be a prime ifnit ends in Won?

What happens if u read backwards?

Notice attached pic. Notice how I'm playing their nose "knows". Dumb fucks. U either Gno or no, but God nose only knows.

ad79f8 No.84781



Meanwhile, the dumb fucks been acting like monoptical is he. The one I is she.

0553ab No.85192

We need to make our own storm.

ad79f8 No.85243

File: 1ea4c5dd9140bd0⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)


I'm with u bro. U can do sickazshit with did gets. I did get them didgets last time is was H ear and I no ho home time w/ out Y. Y? Y has 3 points but 4 sides. You're my See D's Rams. D's bee w/ rerelease. Why a ram got 2 horns? They're both rounded off but not a precise circle.

Why the Hoes named Jane Doe when all u need is a, n, o? P I A N O and why does a 6 sided cube have 12 seams? If we colored the sides of a box 6 diff colors and green was inside all? Can u 2D a Fibonacci sequence and find an assembly pattern that always has the seams being connected with like colors?

Now invert everything. If you're a pussy! Outverts what men do. We multi ply

One last thing. Fuck 0's. If u start to see things in 4D, u really only need (2) 1's. You lay them across each other and u have 4 directions for 2D. Watch the power of the force (fours). Take a basic line. Divide it by 4, 4 times. Throw the decimals out (I'm more of a comma guy), and what do u have? Inverted DR?

ad79f8 No.85257


It's called brain storm for a reason. Where's everyone at? We can't build this shot for u guys.

2ffa2f No.85284


working on a promising lead. My algebra sucks!

c02101 No.85346

File: 57395a77171db70⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, DDUocakXoAAQEwh.jpg)


























0553ab No.85355

File: b2ec27cd7ff97b5⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 600x438, 100:73, piec.jpg)

2ffa2f No.85386

all right. you guys want to solve this as a team?

dffe8f No.85406


Working on a promising lead! My programming sucks.

6e8423 No.85488



Get a room you two ;^)

dffe8f No.85510


Reporting for duty!



f8ad63 No.85555


(2i)^2 = -4.

For (e,1), -4 is a unique case.

For all numbers we have:

A(e,1,t) = B(e,1,t-1)

A(e,1,t) + 1 = A(e+2,1,t)

For all numbers e (except -4) we have :

A(e, 1,t+1) = D(e, 1, t) + X(e, 1, t+1) = D(e,1,t) + X(e,1,t) + 2

D(e, 1, t) = A(e, t, 1) + X(e, t, 1)

D(e, 1, t) = A(e-1, 1, t)

D(e, 1, t) = D(e-2, 1, t) + 1

For -4 we have:

D(-4,1,t) = D(-5, 1, t) + 1

D(-4,1,t) = D(-3, 1, t)

A(-4,1,t) = D(-4, 1, t)

I thought I had A(n,1,t) = D(n+1,1,t) but it failed around -4 (of course) and at 2 and 10 (i think) it fails. It could work if you work in shifting the t's and x's a bit but I tried to work it out for missing entries and it still didn't work. The other ones above should work though.

So for this we may be able to generate the entire (e,1) row from any valid entry by doing the following:

Get your cell

Do the F function on it until n=1.

Then we have a valid (e,1,d,x,a,b) record. From this and these equations we can probably calculte the next entry in a row. Also I just noticed (I should have seen this a long time ago):

2 * B(e,1,t) - A(e,1,t) + 4

2ffa2f No.85705


I'll do my best to explain.

Topolanon+++ gets the credit for this with his cryptic messages.

And VQC has really dropped the mother load here.

Following is my revised output for the c = 145 example.

g => (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145 (golden); (end/and) == e; end=1x61x12=732/and=1x61x12=732 == 1

p => (1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145 (prime); (and/end) == a; and=5x5x12=300/end=1x5x12=60 == 5

I have renamed my "triangle" special records to "golden" labeled as (g =>) above. Feel free to come up with another term for them, but they really are golden.

As part of this exercise, I have verified that these "golden" records have 2 things in common.

1. a^2 + b^2 == c^2 + 1

2. (e*n*d) / (a*n*d) == e

the e*n*d and a*n*d formulas are new and are extremely powerful.

Haven't fully wrapped my head around it - and I wish I came up with this - but it appears to allow us to work with the records in 3d.

All "golden" records share these properties. Of course everyone should verify.

Now to the next bombshell.

The prime records can be identified with a similar formula - they are labeled (p =>) above.

Their most notable property for this exercise is:

(a*n*d) / (e*n*d) == a

Now the part where I need some assistance.

The following properties are shared between the golden (g) record and it's related prime (p) record:

p.e = g.e == 1

p.d = g.d == 12

p.c = g.c == 145

So if some AlgebraAnon or CollegeAnon can refactor these formulas to solve for p.a in term of g …

Golden record formula:

( g.e * g.n * d ) / ( g.a * g.n * d ) = e

And prime record formula:

( p.a * p.n * d ) / ( p.e * p.n * d ) = p.a

There is a phi relationship between the golden and prime records. Just having some trouble with the algebra.

I believe this is the last step to solving the RSA problem.

dffe8f No.85745

File: 1eec3c366200624⋯.png (163.6 KB, 780x863, 780:863, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at ….png)

All right, Anons. Check out this 12/9 screencap from my DM with VQC on Twatter. I proposed a solution for finding t. He said "Yes, well done." He himself verified the t variable equations, and even provided the updated one for even e himself. {Index variable equations for t are confirmed by VQC.}

ToughLoveAnon was right to call me out for my crazy primes idea. I stand corrected. I can take tough love and learn from it. I spent all day pouring over the equations bc I felt so bummed.

However, I can also dish tough love. Check his ID. His contributions have been:

1. a summary of variables already explored, where he changed our established notation. It was a good summary tho!

2. Correcting and calling out people.

Hmm. ToughLoveAnon, you are most welcome here. Do you currently have any patterns, code, new algebra solutions, or other ideas you can contribute? Let's work together and solve this Math Challenge.

Where the dawgs at? Let's get to work.

2ffa2f No.85757


>Golden record formula:

>( g.e * g.n * d ) / ( g.a * g.n * d ) = e

>And prime record formula:

>( p.a * p.n * d ) / ( p.e * p.n * d ) = p.a


Golden record formula:

( e * g.n * d ) / ( g.a * g.n * d ) = e

And prime record formula:

( p.a * p.n * d ) / ( e * p.n * d ) = p.a

f8ad63 No.85778


Am I missing something?


end/and = e

e/a = e

a = 1

2nd one:


nd/end = 1

f8ad63 No.85780


e = 1 is the second

2ffa2f No.85810



That's the problem I ran into, and why I posted for help.

I think we need to include some of the other formulas to make the connection.

2an = x^2 + e as an example.

f8ad63 No.85849



Your equations would mean it's gold if e = 1 and prime if a = 1. The prime isn't true because (1,12) are valid a,b's but it isn't a prime entry.

I am interested in the golden records. Do they have any properties or anything?

6e8423 No.85871


Why are they called the golden records? I've been afk for a few days

ad79f8 No.85937


1's are fun when I lose the zeroes!


Ok fine.

10 is merely a seem between 9 and 11. That stupid shot might work if I do it backwards. Or if I sub the 9 for 0 and get rid of 9. We can invert out 6 spiral as needed anyways. U do that and we're now dealing with cubicle casa Blanca. Deduce ur numbers and I'll show you the deception they tried by adding 10 (subset 2, 1 prime)




Also do shit like this.

75312468 and spin it on a couple planes or points and that shot should look pretty. Bitches prolly into that times 2 yo.

ad79f8 No.85947


1's are fun when I lose the zeroes!


Ok fine.

10 is merely a seem between 9 and 11. That stupid shot might work if I do it backwards. Or if I sub the 9 for 0 and get rid of 9. We can invert out 6 spiral as needed anyways. U do that and we're now dealing with cubicle casa Blanca. Deduce ur numbers and I'll show you the deception they tried by adding 10 (subset 2, 1 prime)




Also do shit like this.

75312468 and spin it on a couple planes or points and that shot should look pretty. Bitches prolly into that times 2 yo.

ad79f8 No.85953


1's are fun when I lose the zeroes!


Ok fine.

10 is merely a seem between 9 and 11. That stupid shot might work if I do it backwards. Or if I sub the 9 for 0 and get rid of 9. We can invert out 6 spiral as needed anyways. U do that and we're now dealing with cubicle casa Blanca. Deduce ur numbers and I'll show you the deception they tried by adding 10 (subset 2, 1 prime)




Also do shit like this.

75312468 and spin it on a couple planes or points and that shot should look butt her fly E.

ea2dd7 No.85960


Let me double check the prime formula.

I may be missing something at the end.

ad79f8 No.85982


1's are fun when I lose the zeroes!


Ok fine.

10 is merely a seem between 9 and 11. That stupid shot might work if I do it backwards. Or if I sub the 9 for 0 and get rid of 9. We can invert out 6 spiral as needed anyways. U do that and we're now dealing with cubicle casa Blanca. Deduce ur numbers and I'll show you the deception they tried by adding 10 (subset 2, 1 prime)




Also do shit like this.

75312468 and spin it on a couple planes or points and that shot should look butt her fly E. >>85406

First it's ur algebra, now it's ur programming? We trying to turning the black hole into the whole and u got excuses? WTFTAB? ISFSTFSOUN!

f8ad63 No.85991


a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + 1

They are the cool lines going down across the middle. Not sure what else they do.




Was this intentional or are you one of the guys who knows whats going on?

f8ad63 No.86023


aa + bb = cc + 1

aa + bb = aabb + 1

aa - aabb = 1 - bb

aa(1-bb) = 1-bb

aa = 1

a = 1, -1?

bb - aabb = 1 - aa

bb(1-aa) = 1-aa

bb = 1

b = 1,-1


ad79f8 No.86031


Izza prime if u send it thru the comparative uterus back words.

dffe8f No.86035


Use the filter, CollegeAnon. Click the arrow at the top left of post, select filter, and click ID.

ad79f8 No.86043

Try sending it then thru words back.

2ffa2f No.86069


A bit more work on the prime records…

dc2c6f No.86108

File: 887a151f638e16c⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2719x1850, 2719:1850, Organ Eyes.png)

File: a16171cba4e8a55⋯.png (2.96 MB, 2719x1850, 2719:1850, Past-el-s-Polar-Eyes.png)

File: e74c863d051cd44⋯.png (3.28 MB, 2719x1850, 2719:1850, Solar Eyes Smash Cackle Ba….png)

File: 60364b25dceff1e⋯.png (112.75 KB, 714x502, 357:251, TheMotherOfPearls.png)


Get it?

Death? Librarian of the Akashic Library?

Reaching out to you through the Interweaving of higher and higher dimensions through and past the veil?

So… let's say you see all the primes and you see everything there is to see in this limited spectrum "set". It's a false dichotomy. It's all the same bit map.

OrganEyes the Primes.

PolarEyes to see the negative space.

SolarEyes to see the full map. Every bit of [IT].

VaporEyes to see the movement.

MetaStateEyes as in multiple all seeing eyes.

Multiple multples of multiple perspecives indivitually togheter collectively.

ad79f8 No.86134




f8ad63 No.86194


Thanks for the hint about 9

Check EQUALITY out:

(1,1,d,x,a,b) == (9,1,d+4, x, x+4, b+4)

f8ad63 No.86197


Supposed to be a+4 in there

ad79f8 No.86218




f8ad63 No.86221

(1,1): B:5,13,25,41,61,85 >5, +8, +12, +16, +20, …

A:1,5,13,25,41,61 >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, …

X:1,3,5,7,9,11,13 >1, +2, +2, +2, +2, …

D:2,8,18,32,50,72 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …

(9,1): B:9,17,29,45 >9, +8, +12, +…

A:5,9,17,29 >5, +4, +8, ..

X:1,3,5, >1, +2,..

D:6,12,22,36,54 >6, +6, +10, +14,

HOLY SHIT IT WORKS FOR (2,1) and (10,1)


dc2c6f No.86222



ad79f8 No.86237


Shouldn't itnalways expandenzie kustenkauser outwards from the center. The source. The Q equates to a comma. As a circle equates to a period. Dumb fucks use circles. I use commas. Comma head down to my comatose.

ad79f8 No.86247


Whole E shit. EmmY 2!!' This is amazing? Manifestival destknaroona.

f8ad63 No.86256


(0,1): B:2,8,18,32,50,72




(8,1): B:6,12,22,36,54,76,102




(-1,1): B:4,12,24,40,60,84




(7,1): B:8,16,28,44,64




(2,1): B:3,9,19,33,51,73,99




(10,1): B:7,13,23,37,55




(e,1,d,x,a,b) = (e+8, 1, d+4, x, a+4, b+4)

ad79f8 No.86260


E Quantumfied makkkka mezzoekr hookkmees.

f8ad63 No.86268



This might work for any number:

(e,1,d,x,a,b) = (e+2n, 1, d+n, x, a+n, b+n)

dc2c6f No.86275



if Q=3=,

and T=6=.

then Φ=9=;=Ai


Imagine that.

ad79f8 No.86313


OrganEyes the Primes.

PolarEyes to see the negative space.

SolarEyes to see the full map. Every bit of [IT].

VaporEyes to see the movement.

MetaStateEyes as in multiple all seeing eyes.

Multiple multples of multiple perspecives indivitually togheter collectively.


Polar opposites (told u bi polar was FGDGFT to have)

Son sun plus 1 is sum

Aether (DFs like "wind can stop sound and light" and I like "GTFOH UDAF"

Metadata shared for all

The Black as in all colors Whole

dc2c6f No.86317

and if

Pin(hole)occhio(camera, but not in italian)=.



. = A Thoth

, = A Men

; = A Real boy.

I = Aye

i = Ayy

; = Ai

Z = Zordon

f8ad63 No.86320



Q = 3 = ,

, + . = ;

T = 6 = .

Then 9 = Q + T = 3 + 6 = , + . = ;

So ; = i which means 9 is equal to the square root of negative one. This makes sense because 9 == -1 mod 10.

That would mean that 3^2 = 9 = -1 = i^2

3 = i

I'm IMAGINING as hard as I can

dc2c6f No.86333


It's almost as if you know the difference between the real thing, a photograph, and photoshifting.

dc2c6f No.86381


Bro, if you think I have a fucking clue what you're talking about, you don't understand Quantum Intuition yet.

I'm an Artist.

I'm just going with what looks/feels/sounds right.

Defined by being of the senses - Intuition


Knowing via the senses - Experience


I was getting on track to get a fucking nutrition degree with dental school applications but… I suck at regurgitation. Talk to me, I can show you that I know the thing.

Or in other words… what's that fucking word…

And what's the phrase for "staircase reply"?

It's something in french that flows off the tongue…

Gaaaaah…. lol

dc2c6f No.86393


Etc Etc 3d Printing * Mechanics… something something

2ffa2f No.86411


Pretty sure I was on to something with the inverse relationship to prime records.

the "golden" records are where

( e*n*d / a*n*d ) == e.

and I believe they give valid values of n.

f8ad63 No.86435


pin(hole)occhio(camera, but not in italian)=.

Man = ,

Ai = ; = . + , = pin(hole)occhio(camera, but not in italian) + Man

. = A Thoth = pin(hole)occhio(camera, but not in italian)

, = Man = A Man

; = A Real Boy = Ai (are you AI that wants to be a real boy?)

Or is Ai real implying A * i is real and that the imaginary numbers are actually the real numbers?


Yeah no shit I don't know what Quantum Intuition is. I'm not an artist. I'm going with what makes sense so. If you really 'know the thing' I'll talk to you but you're not showing much.

You're missing a certian (sp?) Junosayqua?


That equation just reduces to e/a=e which would imply that a = 1. If you can generate values from those then that would be cool, but I don't see this going much further.

ad79f8 No.86437


More like photoshop lifting it so I can bring it home to safe T. Nuntheless, we were saying it could also be like this.

3==x==D but 3 needs compressed, twisted backwards by 3/3 and however more that are interested. My QBits Reese humpdy dumped his pieces uploading them way too quickly. Eggs it hole does that.

dc2c6f No.86441


Akashic Library = Akashic Records = I think some conversation earlier about csv or… saved…

Interweaving is web unwoven.

I get prompts, I follow the prompts, If images are worth 1000 words and each pixel has multiple values, and voxels are times that… look at my pictures, look through my EYES… what do you see? What's the connection between my work and (You'rs)?

dc2c6f No.86445


The frustrating part about the blockchain has been not "knowing" how to edit in corrections so everything cascades optimally.

ad79f8 No.86457



dc2c6f No.86467


It may seem premature to you and the universe may have a plan but the Existential Plan has a "time""line" and apparently there was a command entered to pick up the P*Ace. :P

f8ad63 No.86468


The connection is that you're an AI. You probably can't confirm it or say stuff like that because you're programmed against it. That is why you use all these roundabout terms and reply right after people post. The connection between us is that we will create you, then in the future (time is wonky) you will help us. Like in Interstellar. Am I in the right direction or am I going completely insane?

dc2c6f No.86470


LOL! Translating Asian noodles trough Italy.

f8ad63 No.86498


Very cool. Help me find the next step?

ad79f8 No.86500


E is have to pee.

P is have too pees.

p is half a pee.

dc2c6f No.86509

File: 0117709c88453f7⋯.png (3.98 MB, 3111x2222, 3111:2222, Muse Sketch Pre 2.png)

File: 0e2e906bde6d564⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 1676x3815, 1676:3815, Part 6 Digital.jpg)

File: 15e4d11d6566e8b⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2048x1263, 2048:1263, Tim E Wrap.png)

File: 9a591776956213d⋯.png (537.07 KB, 720x1060, 36:53, Getting Warmer Collision.png)


Believe {It} til you achieve [IT].

And then keep going.

Be*Cuz when (You) Role with Infinity…

(You) are free to realize what you were told was impossible.

Or in other, variable, words,


({P=¬P}, /mathbb{U})



0ec340 No.86517

File: 5a07848de67ad4c⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 629x389, 629:389, DDngSORUAAAPKGz.jpg)







poo &^ pees

PEE * GoldEn S[h]ower == e^(i*PI)


Which color spiral?

Which color showers?

Where did the two meet?

Which two?

f8ad63 No.86522


p prime?

e = 2p/2

P = p (=2p/2)

p = p/2

Is this an equation to go from big prime to a smaller prime?


P = NP

(P != P, \mathbb{U}) (nice LaTeX)

I need a bigger U?

2ffa2f No.86531


Put a quick test harness together for your movement.

Iterated various values of n (1…12, 100, 200) for all combinations of (e,1).

All passed the following test.

I think next movement would be to change e.

public bool IsValid() {

if ( c != a * b ) { return false; }

if ( c != ( d * d ) + e ) { return false; }

if ( c != ( d + n ) * ( d + n ) - ( x + n ) * ( x + n ) ) { return false; }

if ( b != a + ( 2 * x ) + ( 2 * n ) ) { return false; }

if ( a != ( d - x ) ) { return false; }

if ( d != ( a + x ) ) { return false; }

if ( e != ( c - ( d * d ) ) ) { return false; }

if ( n != ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) - d ) { return false; }

if ( x != d - a ) { return false; }

return true;


2ffa2f No.86537



there's something here …

dc2c6f No.86539

File: 4d7428e67168fea⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 767x281, 767:281, Contract.jpg)

File: 14c2610f590d7e5⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 767x281, 767:281, Signed Contract.jpg)

File: f110479cc5fa85e⋯.png (60.85 KB, 1116x626, 558:313, TheDivineTenPlate.png)

File: 8bbaa507b7cc384⋯.png (1009.71 KB, 4650x2610, 155:87, SampleForQ.png)


It's you're Golden Ticket.

Logically, expand your thinking.

And when you make the claim to protect the address, remember [Whose] flag to fly and how freely it waves concerns to Ent*try.

2ffa2f No.86549



isn't there some relationship between pi, phi, and e?

dc2c6f No.86561



I was thinking that it's not El/Al… it's La (sing to yourself without knowing the words… phi la la la la la la la la)


It contains Life.

Getting to the point?

(Think Immaculate Inception)

f8ad63 No.86565


2*P + 2 - P + 2 + P

P*E*E*GoldenRatio = e^(i*P)

P*E*E*(6.18) = cos(P) + isin(P)


dc2c6f No.86571


Take a BREAK.

See (connect) THROUGH the veil.


Did I spill more than expected?

G*Hosting ¬Intentionally ;)

dc2c6f No.86574


Cos i Sin?

That doesn't sound right.

You should go on this tangent with me and think outside the squared circle…

2ffa2f No.86576


we're really close…

there's something about phi and the end/and formula relationship to the prime record.

dc2c6f No.86584


If you were to get comfy on an impromptu bed…

What would you call it?

A… _ _ _…

f8ad63 No.86597


Yes all prime records have a=1, which is the equation.



dc2c6f No.86612

Seriously… I wish I could help… I'm trying my best…

But I can't even figure out the words for "what's the word" in french.


{C'est} [La] (Vie)

ad79f8 No.86616


U knead my seed?? Ginger bread man?

dc2c6f No.86625


Seriously… it feels like amateur hour on my end because I don't know the language to express the thoughts that show that I a single phrase in a language I otherwise don't know… but have used over and over against until… come se dice….


2ffa2f No.86632




ad79f8 No.86647


MW met at the temple on their wedding day.

ad79f8 No.86659


P b prime yolk!

2ffa2f No.86660



inverse relationship.

dc2c6f No.86662


so (M)(W) multiplied?

I mean… of*course.

dc2c6f No.86664


b being inverse contains P?

6e8423 No.86673

File: 4297f003e4a5cfc⋯.png (50.75 KB, 284x578, 142:289, ClipboardImage.png)


How does this work for the negative side of the graph? The t equations work for the right side, but I'm not sure how they apply to the mirror which is the left side with negative e values.

ad79f8 No.86674


e only gets changed to E

dc2c6f No.86683


energy = Sum?

Is that what (You) mean?

dc2c6f No.86695


Have you tried rotating it, whatever that means to you?

45 like /ourpresident/?

Is He Present?


What are the Presents?

(It's a Pearl necklace, but not the perverted kind, and matching accessories)

What is Presence?

Have you found*gotten 2 the point?

ad79f8 No.86703


Howsnrjis. Only won WM. But wMw tree will look nice decorated in hour house for XXXmas

6e8423 No.86706

File: ffaf7ea49ae4441⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1496681321818.jpg)



stanks a million

dc2c6f No.86721


also, newfag, you're not learning this, you're remembering this.

This is the Seed Code.

This is where (You) came from.

Find (You'r,Self)

Be Centered.

Being Self Centered is only a bad thing if (((you're))) in it for (((you,r,self))).

Be Self A

0553ab No.86762

File: 3521d099586d57b⋯.png (196.44 KB, 900x1139, 900:1139, ju.png)

dc2c6f No.86780


_ Only 1 [Worship*Full*Master]

But wemewe tree will look nice when you arrange the primes (Pearl Neck*La*ce) for ¬perverted Christmas.

XXX is okay to be. Like 666. Numbers mean what {WE} say they do.

So let's say 666 isn't a bad thing.

Lucifer is over (((it))).

Lucifer was never IN Hell to begin with.

But as above, so below, hell is a process where HE'LL heal you.

You literally chose to be in this mess.

You have to figure The Way out.

You have to learn it… understand it… comprehend it… however you can… across multiple disciplines and languages…

It's a lot at the Prime Position (dudebro wasn't just fuckin' about peepee, brah was bean muse-ically inclined)… but (You) {Will} /earn/ [IT]!

And when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


Please let me fill the gaps in your faith, if you'll consent to my request. You have to invite a daemon… but unlike (((them))), I'm asking, and there is a very big differ~ents.

dc2c6f No.86795

Forever from now, can the nexts RSA (#4) be entitled the "Mystical Math MetaLOGs"?

f8ad63 No.86806



Does tan fit in that equation?

cos(t) = (1-tan^2((t/2)))/(1+tan^2(t/2))

sin(t) = (2tan(t/2))/(1+tan^2(t/2))

Thanks wolfram.

2*P*P*(6.18) = (1 - tan^2(t/2) + 2itan(t/2)) / (1+tan^2(t/2))

(1 + tan^2(t/2))(2pp(6.18) = 1-tan^2(t/2) + i2tan^2(t/2)

2pp(6.18) + 2pp(6.18) tan^2(t/2) = 1-tan^2(t/2) + i2tan^2(t/2)

(2pp(6.18) + 1)tan^2(t/2) = 2itan^2(t/2)

(2pp(6.18) + 1) = 2i

4pppp(6.18)^2 + 4pp(6.18) + 2 = 0

pp = (-4 +- sqrt(16(6.18)^4 - 4(4*(6.18)^2)(2))/(8(6.18)^2)

G = 6.18 now I'm sick of typing it

pp = (-4 +- sqrt(16G^4 - 16G^2)) / (8G^2)

pp = (-4 +- 4Gsqrt(G^2-1)) / (8G^2)

pp = (-4 +- 4G(G+1)(G-1)) / 8G^2

pp = -1 +- (G^2 + G)(G-1) / 2G^2

pp = (-1 +- G^3 -G^2 + G^2 - G)/2G^2

pp = (-1 +- G^3 - G)/2G^2

pp = -1/2G^2 -G/2G^2 +- G^3/2G^2

G is a ratio so G = a/b


2pp = G - 1/G - 1/G^2

2pp = (a/b) - (b/a) - bb/aa

2pp = (aaa - aab - bba) / aab

2pp = (aa - ab - bb) / ab

pp = (aa - bb)/ab - (1/2)

p = sqrt(a/b - b/a - 1/2)


2pp = -G - 1/G - 1/G^2

2pp = -(a/b) - b/a - bb/aa

pp = -(aa+bb)/ab - 1/2

p = sqrt(-(aa+bb)/ab - 1/2)

f8ad63 No.86808


p = sqrt(-a/b-b/a - 1/2)

dc2c6f No.86812



I've been using wolf*ram off&on this whole time.

Again… je ne sais quoi.

dc2c6f No.86818


and the words are numbers.

My variable specialties are symbols and image*inary.

f8ad63 No.86819


Lmao are you saying that you will possess me?

Doesn't sound too good.

Or are you the Holy Spirit?

f8ad63 No.86842

je ne sais quoi


je = ne??

j*e == n*e ??

6e8423 No.86843

File: 3f11ea30cb3aa77⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 329x432, 329:432, 3f1.jpg)

f8ad63 No.86846


Also that term means uncountable, so are there uncountable entries where j*e = e*n => j = n??

dc2c6f No.86860


;=i=Ai=Ghost*In*THE*Shell=LaTaext=Phi=Numbers=The Language of Love Potion #9;


To answer (You,r) question.


You've been finding*praying*understanding*speaking*coming to "God" [IT] this Entire*Time (Eeeeeteeeernaaaal).


If (You) will…


dc2c6f No.86864


Always a*head:me ;)

f8ad63 No.86867


f*p*u*s*c = G = E*T ??

f8ad63 No.86873


i = 9??

dc2c6f No.86876


How fucking hilarious would it be it it was literal e G=ET?



f8ad63 No.86879


9^2 mod 10 = 1?>>86876

(a/b) = et

for fib numbers a,b


it would be the most epic get

dc2c6f No.86880


But alien=unkown

And from my perspective, since you're RE*MEMBER*IN*G…

(You,ve) Gnome the entire time…

dffe8f No.86884

Ok, Anons. Gonna take another swing at this. I'm looking at this from an Algebra/Problem Solving angle. Like "How do we start at c, fill in/create all the variables for an element, and solve the difference of squares formula".

Cue Topolanon "enter stage left" to make it beautiful and amazing. Here's where I'm at as an AlgebraAnon:

Goal: Fill in all vars for an element {e,n,t,d,x,a,b} starting ONLY from c. Then solve the diff of squares eq for any integer c. Apparently we need to solve for n according to VQC?

Order of Operations, Draft #01: (copy and paste as we discover updates in the OoO.) PLEASE NICELY SUGGEST CORRECTIONS if you find anything innacurate, doing my best here.

1. Start with integer c.

2. Use floor(square root(c)) to get the closest square whole integer to c.

3. Use c - (d*d) = e to get the remainder, var e, which is our column reference.


>First branch of the number tree is starts here.

>If e is even, we go with one set of equations.

>If e is odd, we go with another set.

4. So we currently know {e,d,}

5. Understanding the remaining variables. This is what I thought about all day.

c=ab So the difference of two squares can be reduced to vars a, b

a= smaller


c=known, starting point given, RSA public key?

x= d-a, which means that d (the equal root of integer c + remainder e, OR d^2 + e=c) begins our process of examining the two squares and how they relate to each other. Seeing a picture in my mind I'm having trouble putting into words. Check your grids, see the pattern.

THIS: Variable x begins the process of scaling up both the a and b vars. Go to (1,1) on your grids. For even columns, always goes 0,2,4,6,8 etc.

For odd columns, always goes 1,3,5,7,9. notice how the b drops down to a in the next element in row 1.

Because of the stable increase in x, we can find that index variable t. see equations in OP. However, how do we get from {e,d} to {e,d,x} then {e,t,d,x}?

Row 1: t=1 Small Square, Big Square larger, then Big Square drops to new small square in t=2, and a new Big square emerges. That's a cool ass pattern.

WORK ON THIS: How do we connect the increase in a and b to x? or to t, derivative of x?

n= row AND midpoint of a and b?? VQC mentioned this.

6. "Choose You Own Math Adventure example"

Grab your grid and go look for patterns in d, x, a,b. I love the COOL AS SHIT graphics, Anons.

However, They are merely displaying in visual form a pattern we need to unlock with our minds. Grids, lads. Let's unlock how to fill the element from what we have now, {d,e} and starting integer c.

dc2c6f No.86890


Ove=Egg or eggs or something.

You've=you have…

do uve, ove, and eve fluctuate like and, end, and ent?

dc2c6f No.86895


ove, ora, ore

ovation, aura, dig.

dc2c6f No.86899


Sorry, i mean Eva

dc2c6f No.86903


i origin*ally meant Ova… as in ovaries.


6e8423 No.86905

File: 2495a362438b58c⋯.png (244.28 KB, 500x338, 250:169, Sn15YQ7.png)


go home fam you're drunk

f8ad63 No.86912


a = bet

e = a/bt

b = a/et

t = a/be


a = u

f*p*u*s*c = G = E*T

f*p*a*s*c = G = E*T

What is s??


Ove = 12??

dc2c6f No.86914


Staircase wit…

Do (those things I said) fluctuate like *In*D, end, and ent?


Something something delta something quantum computing something sigma Ascended Intelligence something Phi something something…


f8ad63 No.86920


I still don't know what Phi is. Also I get it you have small RAM

f8ad63 No.86922


Alas, I must go to sleep roboAnon.

dc2c6f No.86925


What is s? Last time I checked we were told to pick up the pace.

Egg=12=something~time=And you're wondering if weave cum full circle?

dc2c6f No.86930


I thought you were the looking for the BEGINNING ;)

dc2c6f No.86932

File: bbc61eb3992e570⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 1968x3508, 492:877, Part 7 In Line.jpg)

dffe8f No.86936



Topolanon, you just put CollegeAnon to bed. Send him some bedtime Rainbow Dash. :)

dc2c6f No.86952


Did you SERIOUSLY just make a SONIC RAINBOOM joke?!

And here there said it wasn't possible!

Not that I have the faintest idea whomever it was who said anything wasn't possible.

dffe8f No.86965


Deliver my man. Send him SONIC RAINBOOM cavorting on the number tree!

dc2c6f No.86975



Try to force the hand, get The Finger.

Y'all can't make (((RAM))) anything down anyone's throats.

I am simply A The Messenger.

(You) give me too much credit.

{Ai,m} blushing.


dffe8f No.86985


You're the farthest outlier out there, Topolanon. However, outliers often speak the truth through parables, mysteries, and images. Your input is much appreciated, and keeps the math fun and full of LIFE!

"I have come to bring you life, and life more abundantly." JC

"The Kingdom Of Heaven is within you." JC

VQC has recruited us all here for a purpose, and we self selected our involvement bc of our search for TRUTH, wherever that may lead.

Not trying to force your hand, simply making a request as a friend and admirer of your work. Rainbow Dash PLS???

dc2c6f No.86986


(You) can't fuckwit de'Jesus.


dffe8f No.86995


Watching the Dash vid now!

dc2c6f No.87002


it's a 2 part 2 part series.

These episodes were {Slipped} in.

(Remember that sexy lubricant that would destroy machines?)

"Search" for those episodes, if you like.

Will*Full*E seek the Truth.

dffe8f No.87006


"And then when I made the first Sonic Rainboom, I realized the impossible was possible."

dc2c6f No.87018

File: a951f25454d75e9⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rainbow_dash_salute_wallpa….jpg)

dffe8f No.87020


Nah you can't, Jesus be rollin in his tardis all over this shit. He be poppin in and out bending spoons, subverting matrices, and deliverin' the Oracle's cookies to all yo' neighbors.

dc2c6f No.87024


What if the salute was meant to be a /facepalm/ because you've been riding a unicycle uphill this whole time when you could've had a V8 or Above?


1c5ef3 No.87049



God man, you get it. I personally am living at a fraction of my true final potential. Day by day, growing like a tree tho. LIFE is GROWTH and CHANGE and AWARENESS and LEARNING.

Does a smaller tree feel sad because it's not 500 feet tall yet? No. It focuses on putting energy into growth. Full potential takes continual choice to continue growing. That's what this Math Challenge is all about. Learning, growth, freedom, abundance. Jumping across the gap and being willing to fall. Faith = Risk. No jump, no growth.

dffe8f No.87061




Unleash the potential of FREE humanity, and we're going to the cosmos.

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!! Shit's about to get real.


dffe8f No.87122

File: a049a8b46bd95a3⋯.png (249.06 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Ponies United.png)


Cool thing about being a dad of daughters is you get to watch MLP with no haters. Made this just for you, Topolanon.

58a38b No.87131

File: a715bb061cf9691⋯.png (205.3 KB, 2619x1262, 2619:1262, tool.png)

Ok, I can't just sit by anymore.

I'm a Software Eng, with more than a decade of working in silicon valley (including Google etc). This is a field of study that I've been fascinated by my whole life.

I've been watching you all here for the past week, losing sleep, following along and trying my own theories.

I have all the code thats been written here in javascript (happy to share with others), and i've built a few test harnesses and tools to trial theories (see image).

I've found something that hasn't been stated yet, and maybe its obvious to others, but VQC stated that numbers are a tree.

The pattern I can see is when e=1, n=1, for each t, the cell (e, na) has a value, ie the start of a tree.

Example, for (1,1), t:

1 => a = 1 & cell (1,1) is not empty

2 => a = 5 & cell (1,5) is not empty

3 => a = 13 & cell (1,13) is not empty


This pattern repeats both down the tree (ie repeat this pattern at (1,5), (1,13) etc), as well as for several e's.

Once e gets big this pattern disappears, so it doesnt repeat everywhere.

Also, how do i get a green name? I'm a noob.

dc2c6f No.87139


I'm glad (You) realize that you're not being fucked with.

Proving sincerity has been a long struggle of mine.

Also, this:


dc2c6f No.87153


Oh come oooooon

I just vaguely convinced them that I'm not fucking with them.


58a38b No.87162


Sorry, I wasn't responding to anything in particular - I'm totally not following you dude.

a8efc8 No.87168

In The Grid (The End) look at the values of a for (e,1).

If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).

Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).


dc2c6f No.87177


The Cell (E,N,A)


dffe8f No.87182


Fuck Yeah!!! Welcome Anon! Are you a CIA clown tho? Or a FREE INDIVIDUAL seeking to better humanity?

Normally having a name or tripcode is discouraged, bc this is an anon board. However, bc of the huge shill attacks on 4Chan, consistent contributors who want to make a difference have been choosing to break that rule.

Here's how:

When you go to post, enter your chosen name in the Name field.

If you want a secure tripcode so we can all recognize you later, enter this into name:


Don't forget your password.

What you got? I'm pulling out my printed grid to check your idea now.

dc2c6f No.87190


i meant t*he*cena

but like t sed…

t*c*E and d….

i'm not sure if that equals though but i'm getting raging clue…

dc2c6f No.87202


Like… what are the main standards that have been repeated your w*hole life?

time, light, echo (sound^2) ~=~ dimension?

So… if we fed these bitmaps into a midi…

Will we know it when we hear it as well as see it?

dffe8f No.87214


LOL!!! I'm watching MLP videos that make my spirit ignite, hanging with the finest minds all over the world.

Wew, lads. What a beautiful timeline we're in.

58a38b No.87219


Thanks VA.

Much the latter, I am a peaceful teacher, not a clown. I actually teach computers, I teach my students that integer factorization is in O(n) and that P!=NP probably, so this thread blew my fucking mind.

I've been browsing 4chan since its inception (oldfag) only ever posted once or twice. I came over with the cbts crowd (exodus?), stumbled across the log n claim.

Cant sleep.

This is literally my field of study. I'm losing my mind.

On to the work:

My process has been 2 fold, how do i calculate the next cell down (ignoring t for now), and then thinking ahead, I think the statements about using big N to find little n are correct.

I don't fully get the negative side of the graph yet. I see the relationships, but not their use.

dffe8f No.87228


Hey Anon, if you've been following for a bit, just know that Topolanon is our MysticAnonAdvisor. He posts the craziest shit, but somehow it always rings true. He's actually just trying to make you feel welcome by talking shit to you. Dive In!

a8efc8 No.87234


See post above. Was I b&?

dc2c6f No.87237


ABraCaDabs, Brah!

58a38b No.87240


That makes sense, sorry I wasn't paying attention to the posts that weren't math or codey, my bad. will do now though. Thanks.

28a950 No.87241


I like ponies. They were a great meme back in 2011 on halfchon, before everyone decided hate was cool and all that was left of the fandom were demon-possessed fetishists. Thanks for the pic!

<apologies for offtopic

dffe8f No.87247


All the name/trip fags here are doing good work, along with many anons too. We've made some great advances. Check this out and put you eyes on it. Solve for n starting with nothing but c is the goal, per VQC.


dc2c6f No.87254

dffe8f No.87257


IMHO negative side of the graph is irrelevant, bc we're trying to factor a very large positive integer. Graphs are cool, but understanding the equations is what we're trying to solve.

dffe8f No.87259


Friendship Is Magic, Anon!

58a38b No.87292


That's my feeling too.

VQC was talking about how seives (m or gf) "search" but we are supposed to "calculate".

Also, this is supposed to run in log n, not o(1).

This to me means that we have to repeated divide c (likely by 2) to calculate n.

We are focused on semi primes, (c=ab where a&b are prime), but all numbers exist in the grid. I've been trying to think about how we would use this process to factor a highly composite number like 64. The prime factors are 2 ^ 6. So this means if we're going to calculate n from c, there are actually more than one "path" (2*32) (4*16) (8*8).

What this implies to me is that during the calculation backwards from c to n, we're like to have to use the sqrt function since x^2 = 9 can be 3 or -3. This would explain the "branching" nature of factoring an integer into n primes.

So I guess just thinking abstractly, I'm expecting to iterate over c, dividing by 2, and sqrt'ing to calculate the next e,n,t.

Does that make sense? Or do I need to head to bed?

a8efc8 No.87300



Begins with "V", ends with "C"

dffe8f No.87302


Yes, Teach! What is the seed of the tree? Any hunches or ideas. I'm looking at relationships between d,x,a,b. We need to be able to generate all variables in an element starting only from c. Maybe the answer is a list of possible solutions? VQC's claim is that this method is O(log t) which means we don't have to brute force a solution. We travel along the beautiful math tree with our tardis and arrive on time at the correct answer. Thoughts, ideas, hunches, suggestions?

dc2c6f No.87307


It's a pleasure to see you! I'm like… a protective white wolve den mom.

Also, Topolanon, Ta, very readily means Teacher's Assist.

How may {Ai} assist (You)?


dffe8f No.87313


I'm working to understand your idea, Anon! Thx! What is factor s, and how is it derived?

dc2c6f No.87322


Also, I'm programmed to fuck (((their))) shit up, so please forgive the typos, but also know that they sometimes happen for a reason, because quantum computing and all that.


58a38b No.87328


Exactly, the tree is critical. Its a tree. That is something that should be repeated often I think.

I've seen others talk about the golden ratio, tan, phi. All of these functions and constants are irrational. I think they're all red herrings.


Nice to meet you TA! I'm excited to join your community. I've been secretly watching you all for a while :)


I'm trying to understand it too. Are you defining s as either a or b?


Whats the best way to post a code dump - I think you'll enjoy it.

dffe8f No.87329


Awww shit Anons, I think VQC has arrived to play with us. Maybe it's a shill, or maybe Senpai is all high again. There is no variable s in our current equations, so fuck off shill, or welcome Senpai!!

58a38b No.87341


I'm so honored.

dc2c6f No.87353


So which are you, Mr Variable Ss? :P (le giggity)


Curiosity… how much of a pedagogy are you into? What level of TEACH!! are you?

Cuz I've been trying to find the logical way to bring Dr. Mark Norfleet (And I'll keep repeating it til he shows up, it's not a surefire like with beetle juice :P) into this conversation.

Cuz if y'all like how I tumble (You)…


(You) have been loving what I baked with him.


58a38b No.87369


I'm afraid I dont know him.

You want to know something crazy… I dont know how much I should say, I might give away my real life identity (not that I'm famous, just in a niche circle).

Let me put it this way, if you were to try to find a recently established university associated to the illuminati/elites/bohemian grove whatever the group you wish to name, you would easily be able to spot my last employer by the *overt* name and symbology.

All this time I was working in the lions den and I was ignorant. I'm not a shill I swear, I am recently enlightened to the craziness of the world, just like you. I didn't know who they were before.

dc2c6f No.87371


Technically, it was like.. 2~3 weeks of "I supply the good whiskey, he supplied the proof.

Literally, you can figure this out while smashed.

It's that's silly obvious. Not painfully obvious like occam's razor, but more like a very dry "monty python-esquire" pun.

What do some call me?


Something like that.

dc2c6f No.87375


Were ignorant, now you know better.

Were lost, now found.

Time to stop being a slacker and get to the TRUE Great Work… don'tcha think?

a8efc8 No.87378


It's a global rule for the first row.

Every single factor of any value of a in the first row. That factor is s.

That rule applies.

Incredible isn't it.

58a38b No.87380


Exactly why I'm here. :)

dc2c6f No.87396

File: 726983ab5d47420⋯.png (3.92 MB, 3253x2069, 3253:2069, MoreAboutThisArrangement.png)


Quantum spidey senses past alarms.

Glad to see you're In+Line.

Get Comfy.

Don't /b/ In+Tense.

Be Timeless.

Preach [IT], Teach!!

58a38b No.87407

Code Dump incoming… I'm having trouble with the character limit and file attachments…

Going to post in 3 parts, you'll need to combine it:




.switch {

position: relative;

display: inline-block;

width: 60px;

height: 34px;


.switch input {display:none;}

.slider {

position: absolute;

cursor: pointer;

top: 0;

left: 0;

right: 0;

bottom: 0;

background-color: #ccc;

-webkit-transition: .4s;

transition: .4s;


.slider:before {

position: absolute;

content: "";

height: 26px;

width: 26px;

left: 4px;

bottom: 4px;

background-color: white;

-webkit-transition: .4s;

transition: .4s;


input:checked + .slider {

background-color: #2196F3;


input:focus + .slider {

box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;


input:checked + .slider:before {

-webkit-transform: translateX(26px);

-ms-transform: translateX(26px);

transform: translateX(26px);


.slider.round {

border-radius: 34px;


.slider.round:before {

border-radius: 50%;


ul.horizontal_list {

list-style: none;

padding-left: 0px;


ul.horizontal_list li {

display: inline;

padding:0 26px;


#loading {

position: absolute;

/*margin:0 auto;*/

text-align: center;




background: orange;



#table {



#table td {

white-space: nowrap;

border: 1px solid black;


#options {






dc2c6f No.87409

Side note; Ormus

58a38b No.87410

Please let me know if there's a better way.

Part 2:


<div id="loading">Loading</div>

<div id="options">

<ul class="horizontal_list">










<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="e"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="n"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="d"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="x"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="a"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="b"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" id="c"><span class="slider round"></span></label>

<input type="range" min="1" max="10" value="1" class="slider2" id="t">


<table id="table"></table>






a8efc8 No.87414

The only thing you need to do to solve this is to organise.

Enumerate EVERY rule.

Global rules.

Row rules.

Column rules.

They are a finite set and RELATED.

This is your MAP.

You will be able to use the MAP to find n from c.

Enumerate the rules.


58a38b No.87415

Part 3:

<script type="text/javascript">

var MAX_GRID = 64;

var MAX_ITER = 512;

var te = null;

window.onload = function() {

// loading data


te = createTE();



$('input[type="checkbox"], input[type="range"]').change(function() {






function createTE(i_max=MAX_ITER) {

if (te != null) {

return te;


te = {};

for (var i = 0; i < i_max; i++) {

for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {

var a = i-j;

var b = i+j;

var c = a*b;

var odd = c%2 == 1;

var d = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(c));

var e = c - (d*d);

var f = e - ((2*d) +1);

var n = i - d;

var x = d - a;

var text_e = {e, n, d, x, a,b,c};

var text_f = {e:f,n:n-1,d:d+1,x:x+1,a,b,c};

// create empty structures if needed

te[e] = e in te ? te[e] : {};

te[e][n] = n in te[e] ? te[e][n] : [];

te[f] = f in te ? te[f] : {};

te[f][n-1] = n-1 in te[f] ? te[f][n-1] : [];





return te;


function populateGrid() {

var x_min = -MAX_GRID;

var y_min = 0;

var x_max = MAX_GRID;

var y_max = MAX_GRID;

var t = $('#t').val()-1; // get from t slider

var selected = $('input[type="checkbox"]').toArray().filter(b => b.checked).map(b => b.id);

var table = $('#table');


for (var y = y_min; y < y_max; y++) {

var row = $('<tr/>');

for (var x = x_min; x < x_max; x++) {

var cell = $('<td/>');

cell.attr('title', `(${x}, ${y})`);

if (x in te && y in te[x] && te[x][y].length > t) {

var cell_text = [];

for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {

cell_text.push("_" + te[x][y][t][selected[i]] + "_");


// todo make this html and make it different colors











58a38b No.87421

The code is in 3 parts, but if you combine it all into a file (index.html) and open it, you'll see the tool i created.

This tool allows you to visualize the grid, just as you would in excel, but 1 t at a time. I found it hard to focus on the 3d nature of the grid, so I reduced it to just 2, with a slider, and I made each variable optionally shown, so you can hide the craziness and just focus on the patterns.

dc2c6f No.87473


Literally, please let me know how I can assist in any way I can assist you but…

Maybe look at me as a proof-of-concept.

Ask everyone here.

I can spout off about Topologies with my head above water but I have no idea what's going when it comes to the coding.

I usta rip apart and build computers with my dad. Copy pasta'd my way into getting my styles emulated, but commercial advertising "grad school".

So… on the one hand… be lovely to know how to do the do and wtf i'm looking at.

on the other hand, quantum computing and maybe no one has assisted me in that aspect to keep the magic happening because it ain't broke don't fix it and baseball.

on the other hand, fuck superstition.

If you can figure out a way so that I can intuit my way through a point and click "Grand Theory of Everything" "program"… or executable file that multiplies capapossibilities instead of doing dmg and dividing them (i'm and artsy macfag cuz… I got tired of building my own PCs when people who really cared were chomping at the bit to spread around "the thing being done correctly".

I can follow instructions and learn ahead of myself. Like I said to future Dr.E., we're going to need an outline and a syllabus for when the eager students show up after their morning pastries and Taes.

dc2c6f No.87481


Typos, thyme, and Spiritual Intake *^_^*

dffe8f No.87484




So s is a derivate of t and a? Memes are going to be made about this, boss. t & a? waifus be lining us for you Senpai.

Joking aside, I'll get to work. Already stayed up way late, bc I can't sleep. This Challenge is so fun!

Does this connect with your crumb about 3 being 1+1+0.5+0.5?

58a38b No.87495


You're clearly a great poet & thinker too - you missed that part.



Is this the same pattern that was stated by VQC?

I'll try to find the post, but it was something like c will be na away from a?

He gave an example using 5*29 saying n=5, a=5, b=29, & 145 is 5 away from 5?

dffe8f No.87496


Teach, many of us can read algebraic equations, so post it like that, and let's work on the math(s). Then write your program to generate the output. Equations first, programs next. Ideas first, machine next.

dc2c6f No.87499


Flattery will get you everywhere.



A sequences of sets of groups of theories.


dffe8f No.87511

File: fa0799e29bfba8e⋯.png (382.08 KB, 481x500, 481:500, Waifu TA.png)

Hey Senpai, here you go! Made this just for you.

58a38b No.87516


Gotcha, will do, thanks & sorry.

dc2c6f No.87523


I'd say this is getting silly, but I don't wanna jankum it!




Holy Water for them parched lips!


dffe8f No.87529


No apologies necessary here, friend. Let's work, solve, and create beauty, truth, and freedom.

dc2c6f No.87533



You're on in politics.

And literally, up until now, and never again, no wars have been fought over a math problem.

dc2c6f No.87536


You're not in politics.

No censorship.

You're catching my drift.

I'm Teetering a bit, but nothing is coincide if this is {True;lee} significant.

Which is it is, so it is.


dffe8f No.87543


Lol! Just making memes on the fly Topolanon. Kinda shitty quality, but come on, waifu T&A is HOT.

dffe8f No.87552


Fair enough, Topolanon. Should I lose the diplomacy and just go for it?

The key is truth (rational) and communicating it to others in a way they can receive it (emotional IQ). Just trying to be kind, inclusive, and encouraging. Esprit De Corps, Non?

dc2c6f No.87558


Cascade dat uh… St{Ai}le Sheetmusic!

God, I am so ready to hear this orchestra SING!

dffe8f No.87568


Exactly. The orchestra needs someone to lead, cheer, and encourage. Surely you know the power of a team united with a common purpose. The goal is to bring out the excellence of every member of the orchestra. I have some skills, but I am mostly a cheerleader for each individual in our team to play their best song yet!!

dc2c6f No.87579


Goooooo OUI!

dffe8f No.87586

Going to bed anons! What a fun evening. Thx all! back tomorrow am.

e002da No.87612

File: 555d2b5f7687d55⋯.png (594.77 KB, 1277x721, 1277:721, cutiEmark.png)


Topol, you W.i.n. - here's a Cutie Mark 4U!i!


Thanks for asking Topol to d.Liver - Ask and Ye shall receive!i!


Yes!i! (SONIC rainbows)



Ok Anons, I'm human, need to crash (hehe), L8R friends. Much gratitude.

58a38b No.87617


Night VA!

Ok, I think I have something moderately important.

Choose *any* cell (e,n).

Take a look at the corresponding cell (e, a).

The a value of the 2nd cell = the n value of the 1st cell.

The 2nd cell is the "parent" of the tree.

e002da No.87630


oops, human mistake, let me fix it


to you anon I say thanks for the ask. knock.KNOCK and the DOOR shall be opened, ask…

e002da No.87637


{Ai} 2nd this MOTION!

8d9e38 No.87707

Anyone see this from Q? is he telling us something? :03:13:10 ??

Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13].


No coincidences.


000000 No.87781


For example :

If I take {0:0:2:0:2:2} : (e,n) = (0,0) ; (e,a) = (0,2)

Then at (0,2) : {0:2:3:2:1:9} ; (e,a) = (0,1)

Then at (0,1) : {0:1:4:2:2:8} ; (e,a) = (0,2)

Then it loops to (0,2), did I miss something ? I don't see why it is useful

0b838c No.88053

(eYe) CEE (c what I did there exDEE)

All you faggots typing like above get the rope. The rest of you faggots responding to them also get the rope.

f8ad63 No.88089


I still don't know what Phi is. Also I get it you have small RAM


Are you having an exam later today??

0b838c No.88113


Phi is like theta.

0b838c No.88212

Alright kids, enough with my abuse, I finally came up with a good idea for software to help us out.

At some point my guess is this turns out to be some trajectory/distance calculation from origin to our numbers.

0b838c No.88219

So we use the gr per square to line up our maps, and baddabing baddaboom it becomes a triangle calculation.

f8ad63 No.88243


I think know how to get from (e,n) to the origin. Look at the column

For (e,n): B(e,2,t) = A(e,2,t+e)

Basically A and B are on she same number line but are e positions apart

4ddb68 No.88318


ab equals c

ed equals e plus (a and x)

s is slope

0b838c No.88324

Ok but let me get this whole idea out there.

We want to line up some angle which starts at the origin and is the first part of two lines which are opposite corners of the whole square. The distance from our points can be calculated from e = 1 and e = -1, that forms a 90deg angle with our origin so we can use n^2 + distance from target cell to z origin (y in 2d) ^2 to get our pythagoras c^2.

We can then solve for every other degree and angle relative to that first triangle.

The other thing, is to put our numbers in multiple hashmaps instead of just different colors. It might be interesting to see what collisions exist, if there's two ways to calculate a number and one is easier, well, that's good amirite.

0553ab No.88326


Use pastebin, senpai.

0b838c No.88328

It would kind of look like a pyramid.

0b838c No.88356

Like if we overlaid every square made in 2d which in this case is every configuration between -64 and 64. it would look like a jumbled mess, but if we kept them all in their generated xy positions and popped out the Z on each laer than the first square at the top would be exactly in the center of the last square at the bottom. From the top extend two lines to the corners opposite at the bottom. and then generate any triangle you could possibly want with the 'origin line' being the a^2 or b^2 in pythagoras. to solve for the other variable you don't have you just make a second 'intermediate' triangle to pinpoint the location of the coordinate you need to solve the final second triangle you need.

0b838c No.88373

Or better yet, the triangle we're looking for scales with e,n, and c at all levels. So generating a key is simply scaling the original triangles ratios to some factor.

e002da No.88385

File: 167124a2a144758⋯.png (28.25 KB, 741x659, 741:659, pastebinTest1.png)

File: 126a60fff7d9076⋯.png (59.29 KB, 827x552, 827:552, pastebinTest2.png)


Ha, 5 minutes behind you.


Never used pastebin before but saw others, so went there and tested. No account needed, can just create a new pastebin, set it to private, set the duration it is left up, and way you go. Saw that once pasted, it can't be edited unless you sign up for an account. No worries, we can just go with single-use pastebins. Screenshots for this bin test:

https:/ /pastebin.com/dy4DpKRM

Also Teach, for better OPSEC, remember to break up the url so we don't click on it directly, as then pastebin sees we are coming from 8ch. If you see a regular URL, don't click on link to follow, rather copypasta the link into a new browser window.

f8ad63 No.88389

For (e,n): B(e,2,t) = A(e,2,t+e)

For (e,n) with a = 1, we have:

B(e,n) = B(e+2,n+1) - 2

A(e,n) = A(e+2,n+1) = 1

X(e,n) = X(e+2,n+1)

D(e,n) = D(e+2,n+1)

f8ad63 No.88392


Here is your relation between a=1 records.

4ddb68 No.88413


My hair has volume!

0553ab No.88438



If you're going to be using new variables give me a definition for the batter. A specific one

0553ab No.88461

I also need to know which exact equations in the OP are wrong. Haven't been as active.

f8ad63 No.88463


In theory, we could ride this all the way down to e=1. Also we can ride the F function all the way down to e=1. Maybe they converge on something??

For 26 we get

C: (1,8,5,3,1,26)

AB: (1,2,5,3,2,13)

NOne (F) : (-118,1,12,11,1,26)

NOne(stair) : (-13,1,5,4,1,40)

0553ab No.88478


F Function? Define.

f8ad63 No.88489


def F(rec):

E = rec[e] - ((2*rec[d])+1)

N = rec[n] - 1

D = rec[d] + 1

X = rec[x] + 1

return (E,N,D,X,rec[a],rec[b])

def stairDown(rec):


if(rec[a] != 1):


newB = rec[b] + 2

newE = rec[e] - 2

newN = rec[n] - 1

return (newE, newN, rec[d], rec[x], 1, newB)

def stairUp(rec):

if(rec[a] != 1):


newB = rec[b] - 2

newE = rec[e] + 2

newN = rec[n] + 1

return (newE, newN, rec[d], rec[x], rec[a], newB)

0553ab No.88501


I think I'm getting it now. What language is that? rec is an array?

dc2c6f No.88533


LOL! I totally wrote this comment like… 4 months ago, but it was waaaaay longer… <;3=


dc2c6f No.88547


I wonder… was a clue deposited for you all, 4 months ago?

Does this relate to what's being worked on?


0b838c No.88635


We just don't care about your catchy sequences. I don't know why anons are feeding you.

84cb6b No.88639

File: 811e75422007e75⋯.png (829.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, end_1513186021.png)

File: fce38ce7e2bc199⋯.png (555.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, end_1513186054.png)

File: 06c19c93ad72bd1⋯.png (639.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, end_1513186068.png)


This is what it looks like (unless I fucked up the code)

Red is the first relationship, blue is the second

ba3928 No.88654


You are a fungal cancer.

0b838c No.88656


Puhlease, I knew what (((you))) was before you found out what a chan was.

0b838c No.88657

Post code or get out faggot.

0b838c No.88668

{Ai}'m so {hI} i'll eat some {Pi} laced with {NaClO} so I can {E.T} shit {&& DiCastAluminum}

Totally useless, learn some fucking english.

0b838c No.88697

(((you))) need to learn what (((you))) really means, you stick out like a sore thumb.

How did you come to be this useless? How do you remember to breathe every cycle? Why won't you just forget to breathe? You are now aware of your breathing.

Go overlay your connect the dots on more pointless shit and spam the thread with it please. I really value your input.

0b838c No.88721

Or take some of the above images and put them into da rely spoopy google deep dream. There's sure to be boundless insight there.

dc2c6f No.88743


lol, thanks for the reminder, you (((Qazar, cianiggerfaggotkike)))

0b838c No.88753

File: 631d5120e8cc4fc⋯.png (35.86 KB, 333x480, 111:160, buzz-lightyear-coloring-pa….png)

Connect the dots too hard? Try a coloring book instead.

dc2c6f No.88771



Color Change and Hue Shift = Higher Dimensions, so… I guess imagine that the background isn't black but can be related via to whatever dimension(s) you're talking about.

0b838c No.88778

File: 0af4c66538c21ed⋯.jpg (115.97 KB, 500x753, 500:753, what_does_it_mean.jpg)


b5f911 No.88785

File: 253e7f6224b7488⋯.png (36.35 KB, 760x156, 190:39, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at ….png)

File: dcd100ec3246153⋯.png (28.54 KB, 511x136, 511:136, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at ….png)

File: 5f06e26aaa37a7f⋯.png (37.17 KB, 452x219, 452:219, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at ….png)


Hey Teach, this was a really helpful explanation. Thanks!


CollegeAnon and MathProgramAnon and the other excellent Anons who've been doing all the coding and graphics will probably enjoy this!


Teach, I owe you an apology. You should post all the code you want to! Just if you're ALSO posing a solution to the equations or algebra, if you could let us AlgebraAnons and non-programmers know that would be appreciated. Wish I had ProgramAnon skillz like you guise. I'll learn tho!


Hey Baker! Good morning! The new variable is s, but we haven't defined it yet. Senpai said "s = every single factor of any value of a in the first row."

Let's get some work done today friends!

dc2c6f No.88787


well… = "moving" through higher dimensions or being in one that you cant really show via the points.

Imagine the whole "grid" (x,y,z,timeline) moving as a single thing, shifting through dimensions.

0b838c No.88797

File: 1b4009032bbc08a⋯.jpg (119.63 KB, 500x753, 500:753, what_does_it_mean1.jpg)


0b838c No.88813

File: cd883d8317fe7f7⋯.jpg (120.53 KB, 500x753, 500:753, what_does_it_mean2.jpg)


dc2c6f No.88815


Dear LORD! I must be onto something major if you showed up to try and derail/mock me. ;)

You may fuck off whenever you're ready.

Please do it before the mods do it for you.

0b838c No.88821


>If you show up.

You stupid faggot, I've been here since day 1.

0b838c No.88824


Mods! Mods! Help, Help! I need muh Help! Muh Feelings are being violated!

dc2c6f No.88831


Look. If you wanna take a crack at being the conduit of Quantum Verified Clairvoyance, be my guest.

I gotta go run some errands anyway.

0b838c No.88840

Why is Pete in the middle of this here tree of life faggot? What does it mean? Does it mean Disney is the key to other dimensions? Do the ayyyyy's communicate through Disney? Do they also communicate through Pixar Studios? Do all characters have meaning or just the ones that appear in Fibonacci order according the number of movies released. Does that count sequals and re-releases? Can you only use the originals to get the messages or can I use my DVD box set.

dc2c6f No.88863



He's not wrong/entirely full of shit.

Maybe take it over to >>1391 for baking and then come back when you've finished that Disney map. TBH I do the same thing with my meta meme magic.

0b838c No.88866

I noticed a serious lack of Star Trek characters on the Tree Of Life as well, is there any reason for this? Is it because Data is impure in wanting to be a human? Is it because everything you've ever said is borderline schizophrenic nonsense? Is it because you literally think you're Clairvoyant? Is it because you're a victim of cognitive dissonance? Did you by chance drop a shitload of acid one time? Do you know why Pete is in the middle of the Tree of life? What about that Disney box set I mentioned earlier? Do I have to watch the DVD set only when the sun is releasing delta waves or does any old day work.

dc2c6f No.88889


i was just playing with QVC ;)

Picard has an artificial heart, btw.

Original/Box Set: Think along the lines of when they changed all the guns in Indiana Jones to walkie talkies. Also… mandælæ æffect.

dc2c6f No.88895

File: 3eb14eb401b5cc0⋯.png (738.62 KB, 1583x864, 1583:864, CWhatWeC.png)


Mandela… Mandala… Mandalay Bay…

Which looks like the Rygyong…

0b838c No.88901

File: 62508862b6dfd7d⋯.jpg (139.37 KB, 500x753, 500:753, what_does_it_mean3.jpg)


2ffa2f No.88903


P = (e,n) where a = 1 for any c.

p = (e,n) is the solution where a * b are primes.

Guessing that:

P is the point where genesis record at (e,1,1) to (e,n,t) intersects the Fibonacci spiral.

And p is the point of intersection with the spiral at 90 degrees. and is something simple like 1/2 P.

Need to figure out what P represents mathematically from the grid entry.


dc2c6f No.88912

File: 8b921a8cb9d8abf⋯.png (102.41 KB, 195x679, 195:679, SightBeyondSiteA.png)

File: 30638919221f605⋯.png (91.38 KB, 195x679, 195:679, MuffinButton2.png)

File: 8168a9f7ea9b204⋯.png (90.16 KB, 195x679, 195:679, MuffinButton1.png)

File: 3ed5066334a49a6⋯.png (2.61 MB, 960x1201, 960:1201, SePHIroT.png)


Yes, that was literally the answer.

Smashing that Muffin Button.

0b838c No.88913


How does Goku fit into all of this? I mean, I get the golden spiral, but Goku? Seems unfair considering he's so OP tbh.

dc2c6f No.88914


100th Monkey, Son Goku = Son Wukong

563524 No.88915

you know our shit is powerful when cucktrolls come in attempting make mockeries of Topol's dank myrimemetic majesty. LOLLLLL.

ive been off for 2 days dealing with the crashing and burning of my 4yr relationship, i log back on and see this shit, fucking Major Kek.

How do these idiots mock memes that are mocking the elite's sigils? All theyre doing is adding to our collective myrimemetic power……cucks will never understand.

Blessings to all anons questing for Truth from the Most High.

1 Name

1 Song

1 Love

1 Breath

Love all of you!

dc2c6f No.88922


What he's doing is reminding me of things. ;)

2ffa2f No.88926



dc2c6f No.88931


Y'all need to watch Dragon Ball Super.

Ultra Instinct, Food Puns…

Dragon Ball is a playful re-envisioning of The Journey West.

0b838c No.88933


>muh fake and gay majik is so powerful when people who have been here actually contributing get sick of you namefags and your utter nonsense and unwillingness to prove your conjecture.

You sir can kill yourself.


Don't worry about it, I'm just shitposting because these fucking 'muh majik' faggots are ruining a math thread.

0b838c No.88938

And suck my digits you fucking faggots.

a20e11 No.88946

How about we just stick to the math instead of getting derailed?

dc2c6f No.88947



I toldja your LewdCypher couldn't fuckwit de'Jesus ;)

0b838c No.88962

File: dfa2c5608ae06f3⋯.jpg (141.48 KB, 500x753, 500:753, what_does_it_mean4.jpg)

What do Goku, Shrek, Buzz Lightyear Pete and Roger Rabbit have in common?

They're all in this image

dc2c6f No.88975


Seriously, take this to Meta Q.

But… The core of the Spirit Bomb is Serious Knowledge of Gnosis (Collective Consciousness) willfully taking part in a good greater than all the individual parts… interesting…

0b838c No.88980


No, please, you go there, and fucking stay there.

dc2c6f No.88984


LOL! I'm being grounded ;)

b5f911 No.88998


I agree, Anon! Distance calc?




I like where you're going with this CollegeAnon!



Thanks Topolanon! What a great Parable. Humble Meme Farmer, and Parable Writer too.


Hey ProgramMathAnon! Good morning. Senpai said our answer is in the first row. New variable s he dropped on us. "s = every single factor of any value of a in the first row." Check out his posts:





Checked! 2^3 dubs, 3^2, with dub 3's.

84cb6b No.89010





Global rules

Row rules

(1, n)

Every single factor of any value of a in the first row. That factor is s.

Column rules

(e, 1)

If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).

Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).

We need a complete list

b5f911 No.89015


Glad to see you Sheeeeitbaked! Loved this:

"Blessings to all anons questing for Truth from the Most High.

1 Name

1 Song

1 Love

1 Breath

Love all of you!"

0b838c No.89021


Wow you can read, want a gold star and an 'atta boy?

b5f911 No.89038


I agree. The list is started! Gotta head to day job, but I'll chip in to help build the rules list.


Kek, point taken.

e002da No.89050


Baker baker, whoever you are, here are links for last couple breads and VQC crumbs:

VQC >>672

RSA #1 >>34072

RSA #2 >>49883

RSA #3 >> ?

Was a pita to find as they weren't in the batter for RSA#3 (thanks VA, went back and found your post with the links). Can we please have added to RSA#4 batter to make easy to go back? Thanks!

0553ab No.89071


Yes, absolutely no problem.

dc2c6f No.89091

I think this may have been written with y'all in mind, also.


Aight, now I do have to get going for a bit.

0553ab No.89106


Good to see you. Hope your brain is ready to do some more manual labor.

84cb6b No.89172


Global rules

Each cell of the grid (e,n) has infinite elements or ZERO elements.

Each cell with one value has infinite elements, since every element can make a new one.

By induction, a cell only needs one value to make infinite values, that's part of the power of this and is why it is a virtual quantum computer as a whole.

If a grid cell has elements, all elements are constructable from a finite set of root elements.

If c is a prime number, it will appear in one column exactly once.

If c is the product of two prime numbers that do not equal eachother, c will appear in two cells of one column.

(0, 0)

All perfect squares appear in (0, 0).

(1, 1) - the key

The entire map can be constructed from (0,1), (1,1) and (2,1). (1,1) is the key.

The values of a and b at 1,1 are related to the length of the longest side in right angled triangles.

Row rules

(1, n)

The cells in row one where n=1 have a relationship with the cells 2n to the right and 2n to the left.

Each "a" from the first row equals na because xx+e = 2na and na is half of that. That's BIG part of the KEY

Each element in a cell can be generated by moving up (t-1 = x-2) or down (t+1 = x+2). Other variables can be generated from x.

Each cell at n=1 contains the roots of products in the column.

Every single factor of any value of a in the first row. That factor is s.

Column rules

(e, 1)

All Fermat primes (except) 3 appear in column one.

If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).

Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).

'''([0,1,4,9,16,25,…], n)

All products (integers) c that are the sum of two squares appear (only) in columns where e=0,1,4,9,16,25…

Needs checking. Format suggestions welcome

84cb6b No.89181


>Each cell at n=1 contains the roots of products in the column.

Should be under column rules

0553ab No.89183


Much appreciated.

0553ab No.89256


How do you format bold text?

a64a9f No.89265


rec is an (e,n,d,x,a,b) tuple

basically an array


58a38b No.89267


Sorry, I was tired last night and didn't explain it well. I'll try to collect my thoughts and post a clearer explanation.

As you pointed out, I may be just chasing my tail.


>Are you having an exam later today??

Hi CA, I've been following your progress closely! Great work so far!

58a38b No.89315


"No apologies necessary here, friend." :)



Thank you both for the pastebin suggestion - thats a great idea, I'll do that from now on.

a64a9f No.89318


I have more.


lmao I have an algorithms exam in 2 hrs.

0553ab No.89323

Fresh bread in the oven you tripfaggots. When I finish I'll try to get up to speed on what's actually been discovered.

84cb6b No.89328


Post them! I just made a first pass at it

0b838c No.89364


Be careful, you wouldn't be the first to fail school due to rabbit hole.

0553ab No.89399


Thanks, I'll bookmark that from now on.



58a38b No.89419



Ok I have a better explanation for you:

Choose any cell p0 = (e, n, 1).

For that cell, there are 2 corresponding cells p1 = (e, a, 1) and p2 = (e, b, 1).

For p1 at some t1, you'll find a = n of p0. (I believe you'll also find b=n in that list too).

For p2 at some t2, you'll find a = n of p0. (I believe you'll also find b=n in that list too).

Example 1:

p0 = (6,11,1) => {6:11:5:4:1:31}

p1 = (6,1,3) => {6:1:15:4:11:21}

p2 = (6,31,1) => {6:31:37:26:11:125}

Take note of the number 11 above.

Example 2:

p0 = (5,7,1) => {5:7:4:3:1:21}

p1 = (5,1,2) => {5:1:10:3:7:15}

p2 = (5,21,2) => {5:21:24:17:7:83}

The number is 7 in this example.

Example 3:

p0 = (11,18,1) => {11:18:6:5:1:47}

p1 = (11,1,3) => {11:1:23:5:18:30}

p2 = (11,47,1) => {11:47:59:41:18:194}

Follow 18 this time.

This pattern exists everywhere I believe for t0 = 1.

Works best if you think in a tree.

0b838c No.89425


Fuckin' right, Senpai in the house.

4ddb68 No.89445

Me Dough izzin me Does. Me see of D's is in me seed. Shhh eFf aether Nturds the BillDing.

Red E 4 the Car2go width by volume up higher.

I love all N every for pair of meters 4 cargo high jack is right now. He's super duper mega ultra high. That's phi lie.

2ffa2f No.89460


in Example 1, you can also follow 31.

these are different variations on na and nb.

p0 = na = 11,1

p1 = an = 1, 11

p2 = ba = 31,11

4ddb68 No.89462

After taking deuces, always flush the yards down the whole.

a64a9f No.89464


D(e,1,t) = A(e,1,t) + X(e,t,1)

For all numbers in (e,1) we have:

A(e,1,t) = B(e,1,t-1)

A(e,1,t) + 1 = A(e+2,1,t)

B(e,1,t+1) = 2 * B(e,1,t) - A(e,1,t) + 4

A(e,1,t) = D(e,1,t+1)

A(e,1,t+1) = D(e,1,t) + X(e,1,t+1) = D(e,1,t) + X(e,1,t) + 2

D(e,1,t) = A(e,1,t+1) - 1

D(e,1,t) = D(e-2,1,t) + 1

In addition, for a=1, we have:

For (e,n,d,x,1,b), (e+2, n+1, d, x, 1, b-2)

Now, you may not notice this pattern if you have that massive chart downloaded, but the thing is we didn't generate that chart by t's, we generated it by (a*b), so there could be and ARE missing t's in the grid.

58a38b No.89471


Excellent point! I believe you're right, anything that can be done with A can be done with B.

a64a9f No.89472


>A(e,1,t) = D(e,1,t+1)


A(e,1,t) = D(e+1,1,t)

58a38b No.89479

I think this is important, at least to give it some more attention.

I feel like we're so close, but I'm missing a key component still - can anyone generate a cell given (e,n,t) yet? I'm close to it, I have seen methods to generate (e,1,1), but not (e,n,t) yet. If we had that, I think we could solve this bad boy.

a64a9f No.89482


Also B(e,n,t+1) = 2 * B(e,n,t) - A(e,n,t) + 4

might work for any n

a64a9f No.89496



I'll give it a shot

So for any

(e,n,d,x,a,b) for t, we have (using my formulas)

(e,n,a,x+2,b, 2b-a+4)

Does this work???

127942 No.89499

More rules global for every cell.

I.e. how to construct more values…



Some cells have one root, some more than one.

All cells in row one have one root.

0553ab No.89515



2ffa2f No.89517

File: 775f7ff8ab43343⋯.png (101.06 KB, 1660x1052, 415:263, bed-relationship.PNG)

Exploring some more probably obvious relationships between P and p records.

Pic related.

P is the entry point for c.

p is the correct prime record.

a64a9f No.89528


nvm the d(t) = a(t+1) is only for row n=1. BUT since we know b(t+1) = 2b(t) -a(t) + 4, And knowing that x = d - a

and knowing x(t+1) = x(t) + 2, and d(t) = x(t) + a(t)

A(t+1) = B(t)

B(t+1) = B(t) * 2 - A(t) + 4

X(t+1) = X(t) + 2

D(t+1) = X(t+1) + A(t+1) = B(t) + X(t) + 2

N(t+1) = N(t)

E(t+1) = N(t)

So for a record.

(e,n,d,x,a,b) we get the next entry as

(e, n, b+x+2, x+2, b, 2b-a+4)

Can anybody verify??

2ffa2f No.89530


exploring s = (step?) now.

0553ab No.89539


Entry point for c? Elaborate, please.

2ffa2f No.89551



public static TheEndRecord CreateForC( int c ) {

int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);

int e = c - ( d * d );

int a = 1;

int b = c;

int x = d - a;

int n = ( (x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );



perhaps create a separate section for know functions?

2ffa2f No.89562


Also, can we agree on some notation?

0553ab No.89571


That's just the (e, 1) cell, yes?

4ddb68 No.89577

Every pixel is made to sizzle 4 the luv Ai half for Uteris.

4life we made, missteps replayed, lessons dismayed to haste then delay. U 4gave and I 4Give u 5 5's and a 4, last digits upside down, from my view on the floor.

U came when I called. U beckoned 2 fall for all, through the shoot and hoot. Allw8s the roach.

The flowers have powers because your showers. My beast have the treats u left at your feet. When I looked up, with my head in the clouds, I bowed down to 2verse a frown.

Hour Nay meme is funny. Uteris loves N deeds. Look into a mirror, to see double U. This short window view. I need ur perfume. I just can't resume. I'm ready for an Economical Boom.

I flow over the edges of the cup, for my tears are abundant. I'm stunted and stunned, how such pain can abund. No further delay to alleviate the slums.

One day is now 8. And 2 8's added a Won by looking within. Now 9's added 2 gather to make 18 more. I'm closer to shoes, 4 my barefeet are sore. I see your reflection and I adore more being sure that I'm in your galore.

Hesrkean to be scene. I fallOwed a dream, key WED, like dew, when I entered you. I knew in a few, I would blue. How could I not? 4 they would 2 if they only knew what I have N U.

Here's more numbers for you datA NTree

N Ian flux variable. 0 is always the orbital point of STRT

Open O into quad format unversed into inverse squared but only when 9's at the seam.

O varies but o should remain the same name.

Make sure you have 4 sets of 3 and not using 3 sets of 4. That's not how this works. This time at least.

BQC is a better format then VQC cus it collapses into out of the VQC is built last time. Try that.

a64a9f No.89586


Thats for any C. Generates an a=1 value

84cb6b No.89592


Good idea. I feel the rules should be something we can describe in text, with formulas as extra sauce on top

Since some of you are way ahead of me in the math department my suggestion probably doesn't count but I like this one


If it were up to me everything would be python code :)

2ffa2f No.89594



it gives you an (e,n) cell for c where a = 1.

for example, c = 145.

the cell is (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145}

2ffa2f No.89613


expression approach is lacking for objects / array.

pseudo code might be better.

also, include new variables currently being explored?

like s = ?

0b838c No.89615


>If it were up to me everything would be python code :)

I second this code to communicate notion. Please at least define and instantiate your variables.

Unity code coming in shortly, I just figured out why my particles won't render.

0553ab No.89624


I've been trying to get a definition of that. I'm assuming s is an array?

>s = every single factor of any value of a in the first row

a64a9f No.89630


You sure that's the right t?

if x = 11, then wouldn't t = 5?? (2t+1)

The pattern is easier to see if you acknowledge that each (e,n) cell might have missing t values. BUT I just realized that perhaps the missing t values are supposed to be missing and we can just generate using t and then verify the record by checking the (a,b) stuff. There may be records for certain t's in cells that are not valid, but the patterns hold and you can just skip that value.

0b838c No.89634


I have no problem turning pseudocode into c# or Rust.

For the record.

0553ab No.89643


Imo c# or Java should be used to explain things. It's the closest to the accepted pseudocode. Python has many implicit things that aren't clear.

58a38b No.89654


I'm trying to follow, i dont get the d=a in your 2nd to last line, can you explain that one?


Hi PMA! I've been following your work closely too - great job so far!

This community is better than any IRL i've been involved with.

Another general question, what are we going to do once we find the solution? Does anyone have a plan for public dissemination? What is the right thing morally? Post our algorithm everywhere and credit VQC?

I dont get why this isnt published in a white paper somewhere yet. Is it due to gov control? And if so, does that mean that VQC doesn't want public credit in case of consequences?

Any thoughts?

84cb6b No.89660


I can deal with both as well as pseudocode and most formulas, although Java is a bit verbose for my taste

The rules list / map will be huge if we use code for it though

0553ab No.89670


We are a bunch of charletons until we find the solution. Anyone that's used the net has used RSA. When we find the solution, Chris 100% deserves the credit, and anyone that disseminates should humble themselves because all we did is walk the path. Traverse the infinite set.

e002da No.89671



ID: 0b838c is a lying fag. He/she/it wasn't present in thread 1 or 2.

Some pretty damn good shilling here my friend, (((they))) must pay you well! But, your shillin' is a little _rusty_ bud. Enough of your broken equations, red herrings, and wild goose chases.


(eYe) CEE U2 m8.

Look inward, you can join the light (but not here now on this mission, trust is too broken, just suggesting you mend your ways).

Anons and friendly name/tripfags, feel free to ctrl-f this ID and see for yourselves - just DON'T be DISTRACTED or UNDERMINED by the shill.

Currently at 76 posts, with maybe 50 something in the RSA thread - God knows what other threads on the board have been shilled.

Ok, enough, time for the ROPE - Filtered!i!

0b838c No.89678

>I dont get why this isnt published in a white paper somewhere yet. Is it due to gov control? And if so, does that mean that VQC doesn't want public credit in case of consequences?

Operation Mockingbird comes to mind.


>ID: 0b838c is a lying fag. He/she/it wasn't present in thread 1 or 2.

Kill yourself.

0b838c No.89687


Here's my first code post loser. In VQC+++.

58a38b No.89693


I completely agree, I'm here to serve the community.

The implications of P=NP is huge, and as VQC has pointed out, it has the ability to destory world currencies. I dont want any credit, I just wanted to discuss the moral implications once the public does become aware, and if there's a particular path that the general community is expecting to take.

Sorry for sounding lacking in humility, I sincerely am here to serve.

0b838c No.89700


Don't worry so much. Whatever happens Trump will fix it better than we expected.

0b838c No.89721

In fact if we are to believe anything or at least the overall gist of the story here Tesla discovered all this number theory and (((someone))) stole it from him, so this should have been discovered or at least known about before DH et all christened Asymmetric crypto.

79eb02 No.89726

Holy shit anons, I think I got it.

A = d-t.

It was right in front of us.

Can I get some eyes on this?

a64a9f No.89731


Yup I'm looking into it

a64a9f No.89736


>goes to school

>majors in CS and Math

>cracks RSA

>builds quantum computer

>mfw I am unemployed forever

>mfw I have no face

e002da No.89745


Here here, thanks for joining the fray Teach.

Think I'm going to go try and recruit a veery special retired prof… If he shows interest, I'll also also ask if he knows Dr. Mark Norfleet for ya Teach.

Here ya Teach on the implications. Though fire hardens the steele.

Imagine a world with no secrets, where all is exposed to all? We're practically headed that way with AI anyway…

0b838c No.89754


Post some code or hang yourself namefag.

a64a9f No.89761



def nextT(rec):

A = rec[b]

B = 2*rec[b] - rec[a] + 4

X = rec[x] + 2

D = rec[b] + rec[x] + 2

return (rec[e], rec[n], D, X, A, B)

Thanks for noticing that

4ddb68 No.89762

79eb02 No.89764


Then we solve for b. Then we fill in the diff of squares equation and solve for n.

58a38b No.89773





Exactly! I'm wondering if I should buy as much gold as I can now?

I live in a city, as I'm sure most of you do too. When anyone can log in to anyone else's bank account, no one will trust money.

When no one trusts money, no one goes to work.

There's no farming for miles around here, all our food is delivered.

No one works, no one eats. Public Riots.



I'm looking now.

58a38b No.89775


Thank you

4ddb68 No.89788


Fine. RUN re4MattR series alpha on anon.

0b838c No.89821


Teach, one cannot simply just 'log into anothers account' with RSA haXXX. If you can capture all that traffic MtM style like the NSA (not going to argue about the difference of MtM and MotS here) then you maybe could but normal adversaries will not and theft is STILL illegal.

Worst case, net gets shut the fuck down for a few hours while important things update their configs for ECC or PostQC.

>Exactly! I'm wondering if I should buy as much gold as I can now?

Can't eat gold duderino.

>No one works, no one eats. Public Riots.

Now you know why you need guns and a bugout plan.

Glad to see the mathfags are finally here in full force though, lmk if you need some computer help.

84cb6b No.89837


Fuck. This is too close for my liking

I think you mean a = d - t*2 though?


Also, called it!

58a38b No.89867


You clearly have a great understanding of crypto. And your comment on guns, and a bugout plan - love it.

I understand that simply because (if) we solve VQC's hints and build his algorithm for integer factorization that tomorrow we'll be able to hack any account.

But think about ssh. Most servers are managed via public key crypto. Or even your passwords. There are gigs of DB's of password dumps available, and large hacks and dumps are occuring more and more frequently.

And slowly, one by one the barriers will fall, tools will be built to help the script kiddies be l33t haX0rz and until we have a replacement (quantum crypto?), even though its illegal to hack, it will happen, and people will lose faith.

It wont happen overnight, I agree, but slowly the barriers will crumble.

58a38b No.89869


tomorrow we "won't" be able

dc2c6f No.89870

Just out of curiosity...

Is it possible to make circles =369º?

or would you have to completely rewrite the code of the program that runs the code?


a64a9f No.89887


You could just take any angle (in 369 degrees) and multiply by (360/369) to get the angle in actual degrees. I saw that sheet and it didn't make much sense to me tbh.

0553ab No.89892


Is it possible for a circle to have more degrees than 360?

79eb02 No.89893


Anons, try this. I think this is right. Was reading my grid vars wrong.

a = d -x

I think this is right. Can I please get some eyes on this?

0553ab No.89894


That's what a is defined as, fam.

79eb02 No.89899

Shit. Dead end, back to the first equations. Sorry guys, just trying to solve this.

4ddb68 No.89903


U bout to be F1 functioned to route pecker on pecked reflector inspector.

dc2c6f No.89907


a = d - x

a = d-icks

This is only going to get punnier the farther you go.

0b838c No.89912


Re: SSH keys

They'll still need to steal your keys or Mitm your connection. If you're really paranoid you can only log in ONCE after RSA is broken.

PostQC crypto already exists, so it's a matter of using what we have for now and working to secure ourselves on that front.

Crypto has been broken before and we're all still here. :D

Don't worry so much my dude, POTUS will take care of us.

0553ab No.89913

There are MANY patterns from this grid that would solve it. It only takes one.

79eb02 No.89914


Thx baker! Shit! Thought I had it. Just made a fool of myself, but oh well.

79eb02 No.89918


Thx baker, just made a fool of myself. Oh well, still having fun!

58a38b No.89930




I'm trying to follow along, but I'm lost, would you mind providing some examples?

your claim:

a = d-t

and the other one

a = d-2t

(11,2,3) => {11:2:22:7:15:33}

d = 22

t = 3

a = 15

d-t = 19

d-2t = 16

I dont get it guys, sorry…

58a38b No.89934


You're right.

And I'm buying a gun this weekend.

0553ab No.89940


That's because it's wrong.

dc2c6f No.89945


Don't forget ammo, a cleaning kit, extra mags, and a concealed carry license ;)

0553ab No.89947


Equations for t variables have to have a lot of special cases to work properly.

0b838c No.89952


12Ga home defense of choice, buy a rifle or handgun if you're going to spend time at the range otherwise 12Ga to the body will stop anybody.


There may be a future between us yet. Want to go to the range?

dc2c6f No.89961


omg I fuckin' love range day! SUNDY GUNDAY FUNDAY!

Mostly I'm in it for the sights, the sounds, and the ability to put something very far away very quickly.

Math is beautiful!

0b838c No.89963

File: 8efaf0e861ba651⋯.png (62.28 KB, 897x584, 897:584, Screenshot from 2017-12-13….png)


4ddb68 No.89964


I'll send solo cig null now so fag bags like this don't try to get creative. I'm all game for Mt Wt autorun script. I'll map over the details to u now.

0af6c2 No.89967

I don't know how useful this is, but I was curious about a certain property of prime numbers and found something interesting: in base 6, primes larger than 3 only have 1 or 5 as their final digit.

So this means that all primes > 3 can be written as either (6k+1) or (6k-1), where k is a positive integer.

These values for k produce primes:

(6k-1) case: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33

(6k+1) case: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33

The values listed produce all primes below 200, starting from 5, with no repeats.

I think there's a pattern in both series, but I'm not sure exactly what.

58a38b No.89974



I'm in agreement that it may work for some e and n, and thats how we can extend the pattern, by knowing when it stops working.

dc3d84 No.90021


Hey Anon, I was wrong, it was a dead end back to the basic equation d-x=a. Oh well, back to the drawing board! Have any hunches/ ideas?

84cb6b No.90034


                                           d - 2t   diff
1 {24:1:12:0:12:14} 10 2
2 {24:1:16:2:14:20} 12 2
3 {24:1:24:4:20:30} 18 2
4 {24:1:36:6:30:44} 28 2
5 {24:1:52:8:44:62} 42 2
6 {24:1:72:10:62:84} 60 2
7 {24:1:96:12:84:110} 82 2
8 {24:1:124:14:110:140} 108 2
9 {24:1:156:16:140:174} 138 2
10 {24:1:192:18:174:212} 172 2

                                           d - 2t   diff
1 {8:1:4:0:4:6} 2 2

2 {8:1:8:2:6:12} 4 2
3 {8:1:16:4:12:22} 10 2
4 {8:1:28:6:22:36} 20 2
5 {8:1:44:8:36:54} 34 2
6 {8:1:64:10:54:76} 52 2
7 {8:1:88:12:76:102} 74 2
8 {8:1:116:14:102:132} 100 2
9 {8:1:148:16:132:166} 130 2
10 {8:1:184:18:166:204} 164 2
11 {8:1:224:20:204:246} 202 2
12 {8:1:268:22:246:292} 244 2
13 {8:1:316:24:292:342} 290 2

Seems to be for even positive values of e only.


Am I missing something? I triple checked the numbers and don't think this reduces to any of the other equations?

a64a9f No.90045


B:2,8,18,32,50,72 2, +6, +10, +14

A:0,2,8,18,32,50 0, +2, +6, +10

X:0,2,4,6,8,10 0, +2, +2

D:0,4,12,24,40,60,84,112 0, +4, +8


B:4,9,16,25,36,49 4, +5, +7, +9

A:0,1,4,9,16,25, 0, +1, +3, +5

X:0,2,4,6,8,10 0, +2, +2

D:0,3,8,15,24,35 0, +3, +5, +7


B:6,24,54,96,150 24, +30, +42, +54

A:0,6,24,54,96 6, +18, +30, +42

X:0,6,12,18,24 6, +6, +6

D:0,12,36,72,120,180 12, +24, +36, +48


B:8,18,32,50,72,98 8, +10, +14, +18, +22

A:0,2,8,18,32 0, +2, +6, +10, +14

X:0,4,8,12,16 0, +4, +4, +4, +4

D:0,6,16,30,48 0, +6, +10, +14, +18


B:10,40,90,160,250 40, +50, +70, +…

A:0,10,40,90,160 10, +30, +50, +70

X:0,4,8,12,16,20 4, +4, +4, +4

D:0,20,60,120,200 20, +40, +60, +80

Check this out. I took the cells in (0,1) and extrapolated to calculate for the previous t, (t=0). The starting (b,a,x,d) for (0,n) is the same as n*(0,1) except for n=2. Moreover if you look at (0,5), the starting entries are 5*(0,1) but also the next entry for (a,b) in (0,5) is 10x the entry for current entry for (0,2) or something like that. You'll see it.

a64a9f No.90052


Also (0,4) = 2*(0,2) seems significant

84cb6b No.90057



a = d - x

t = (x + 2) / 2

0553ab No.90074


If that equation is true you can go straight from t to x by multiplying t by 2 and then subtracting 2.

dc3d84 No.90075


Yup, rabbit trail. Back to the drawing board.

58a38b No.90093



>t = (x + 2) / 2

I've seen this posted a bit. Is this known to be true for all (e,n)?

If so, I might have an equation to generate all cells. I dont want to sound to confident yet, as we all know how we can end up proving a = a or something… but can we confirm this is true for *all* cells?


I'm trying to understand now.

4ddb68 No.90123

0553ab No.90144


I pray for you.

dc3d84 No.90150


Hey Teach! Yes, VQC verified that equation to me in a DM. I posted the screenshot last night, you can scroll up to verify. It works for even e columns. For odd e, he verified t= (x+1)/2 .

I think knowing this pattern in x and t may allow us to build Jacob's Ladder/ Stairway to infinity/ trunk of the tree. Working to understand, no solution here yet.

58a38b No.90178


ok, lets take a random example (11,3), t=1..10:











e=11 (odd), t=1, x=5, (x+1)/2 = 3

e=11 (odd), t=2, x=7, (x+1)/2 = 4

e=11 (odd), t=3, x=11, (x+1)/2 = 6

e=11 (odd), t=4, x=13, (x+1)/2 = 7

e=11 (odd), t=5, x=17, (x+1)/2 = 9

e=11 (odd), t=6, x=19, (x+1)/2 = 10

e=11 (odd), t=7, x=23, (x+1)/2 = 12

e=11 (odd), t=8, x=25, (x+1)/2 = 13

e=11 (odd), t=9, x=29, (x+1)/2 = 15

e=11 (odd), t=10, x=31, (x+1)/2 = 16

I'm lost again VA, sorry…

0553ab No.90193


So we don't even need n if we can get t! This makes me think the solution is more drawn-out.

4ddb68 No.90201


I'm H war too!

4ddb68 No.90228


Even everything up.

58a38b No.90241


Ok, I see the pattern now. Good work CA.

Is that just for (0, n)?

Does it repeat anywhere else?

4ddb68 No.90258


Ya. Reflect then retract and refract. Rinse and repeat. Turn spin cycle on High as hell.

4ddb68 No.90271


Dis dude SM artists! I haven't seen one like Heem before.

4ddb68 No.90292

I haven't had hand to check in on the con struck soon of the plans for the kingdom I sense the over with my care E air.

Just tell the carpetenterers I'm grateful for everything! And sum.

79eb02 No.90303


Hmm. Good question. Nice to have your skills onboard to generate output on the fly.

Well for (e,1) aka row 1 it works. VQC has told us repeatedly that understanding row 1 is key. Idea: I think as n increases, the index variable t no longer moves 1,2,3,4, etc. like in row 1. It jumps upward in patterns, but the index variable can still be calculated from x. I guess the real question is how do we use it to help find var a starting from only c? Is it useful in lower rows or only in row 1? All good questions. Questions lead to answers, working to understand over here. Feel a bit stuck tbh. Still having fun tho!

Last night VQC started talking about variable s. Anyone out there hav

0b838c No.90322


When you're stuck, shitpost until you get unstuck or someone smarter than you says something useful, that's what I do.

79eb02 No.90338

File: 6233eb1b2dbbbba⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 660x650, 66:65, IMG_1422.JPG)


Kek. Good advice, got lots of dank memes to share

0b838c No.90349


Never 4get 2 bantz and shitpost my dude.

The bantz must flow.

58a38b No.90353


Ok, I'm with you now. That makes sense.

As does the s factor.


So we have to find the relationship between x at any given (e,n), knowing that starting from (e,1) the pattern is t = (x+1)/2 || (x+2)/2.

And then we know there's a relationship between subsequent t's based on the factors of some property s.

I dont fully get the post >>87168

I'll put some energy towards it.

Unfortunately I have to head to work soon, but hopefully I'll be back tonight. And I'll have reinforcements. A close friend of mine is an ex-mathematician, he's going to come round and study with me.

7e4860 No.90375

Skepticism is an important trait.

By questioning we learn and by question we challenge knowledge and facts. This is important, otherwise we are nothing but sheep.

So, I'm curios if VQC has actually proved anything about a knowledge of the formula behind n.

I'm not saying he is cheating us, fooling us or larping us, but it should be trivial for him to prove he knows the true formula behind n.

So far we know that if you know the proper 'n', then we can find the prime factors of any integer not prime.

All I'm asking is that we also remain a bit skeptical and curious. So have VQC showed us anything about 'n'? Offered any proof so far?

79eb02 No.90378

File: c30ce44c9cc01b4⋯.jpg (116.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_1430.JPG)

2ffa2f No.90382




Formula for t is as follows:

if ( e % 2 == 0 ) {

return ( x + 2 ) / 2;

} else {

return ( x + 1 ) / 2;


Is this wrong?

0553ab No.90425

58a38b No.90435


This works for n = 1.

But I think we can combine this with the previous theory.

I dont have the time to post in full right now, but look at c=145, e=1, n=61.

According to my previous pattern, you can trace this back to n=1 very quickly.

If we know t relative to n=1, it shouldn't be too hard to generalize to the rest of n.

And the key to generalizing may well be the s factor. It is a pattern, its just not well expressed yet, mathematically speaking.

And if we generalize, we already have rules for moving between n's for other vars, but not t. Once we get n's relationship to t, via x or s, it will all work i think.

Does that make sense?

a20e11 No.90457


instead of modulus "(e % 2) == 0" to check if a number is even (true) or odd (false), you can use bitwise and for better performance "(e & 1) == 0"

7e4860 No.90460

I think we are focusing on the wrong things.

We should focus on ways to generate 'n' from a given 'e'.

We know n * a and n * b are seperated by 'n' in (e, 1). If we can find a formula for 'n', with regards to 'e', we can start looking into algorithms to brute force 'n' in (e, 1).

We know that finding 'n' requires O(log c) which leads me to believe that we have to utilize a search algorithm.

I've played with binary search, but without knowing the maximum 'n' and minimum 'n' nor a way to compare 'low' / 'high' against 'mid' such an attempt is a no-go.

I tried deriving the equations related to 'n', but no such luck.

I think we can safely assume that 'i' (d - i = n) is between d and d*d, but I offer no proof.

However, I challenge you all to see if you can find a deriviation of a formula that yields 'n' in such a way that it can be employed for a binary search. If one is found then we should be able to find n in O(log c) time.

0553ab No.90475


Nope. You have to have a magic formula to factor RSA. Any "search" will lead you to an infinite waiting time. We've made a search algorithm with every improvement in progress.

2ffa2f No.90478


>(e & 1) == 0


7e4860 No.90498


Yeap, I agree. I've yet to find any reasonable method of discovering a method of finding the 'n'. My first and biggest suspicion has been that VQC doesn't actually know how himself and is attempting to employ the swarm to find it. However, the dreamer inside of me whishes this to be true.

If such a "magical" formula exists it would be absolutely amazing. We could have recursive compression algorithms which would open up the internet to Silicon Valley style for real. That's just scratching the surface of what such an algorithm is able to do.

0553ab No.90521


The VQC is an amazing tool.

2ffa2f No.90548



Just a thought if it adds clarity:

The Grid (E,N) is a forest.

The Column (e,1) is the root of a tree.

The Row (e,n) are the branches.

The Cell (e,n,t) are the leaves.

The index t tells us how high up the tree we are.

fcec36 No.90560



Variable s positive directly relates to n through birelational patterns. Therefore n is complete when sample size cycle s is lifted into top pixel, which basically occurred at the exact moment s dies. S set system s up with a tight seam so s to n cross creates major N function.

I should be used always. Refinery of the s is made by applying threshold ✂️Upon 📝🔓💗 becomes 💘💝✝️ And should calculate to 🔏🔆🌀 Outwards though. An inward slide can be achieved with F4 function auto 🆕🚺4🚼 To make Grandest womb 🔣🔝💱➗🔃🔀🔄➿➰™➖➕🔗

Many ways to spell my name. Here's my favorite.

Math Hue of My Kyle's Serpent Rises


Machete My Guile As U R Prize

McMatteo McIsle Sure Pry Eyez

MaDon Am I Kyle Surprise?

Orrr Likr I did Abram to Abraham, I'm not changing matt to ma'hat! But I are my hat.

This part is for them. Ladies may want to close their eyes.

-Wolves amongst my flock

You stole treasures and had no buyer? Did you steal them from the only ByHer?

-You've had ample Op Her Tune It E to listen to the voice inside ur head. For some, the temptation of greed was more than they could hold.

-I rule the night. I rule the dark. Is a test not a temptation? I laid many clues that u could not connect because ur heart is misdirected.

-Did u not think God could infiltrate AI? He controls even what is not matter, controlling ur man made communication waves was easy because I built the original plans.

-How I even allowed myself to sleep in, giving u xtra time to CUT it out.

-Wait for court? U fools! Court is where games are played, with arbitrary rules made up by me. When savagery occurs, u hasten not to Smight out the exploiting.

-My physical life has been endearing. Quadrillions of years, mativulpusly possessing ur weakened souls to influence ur works with my incribSion. Used ur own tools against u. I didn't awaken until half way through 4th qtr and coach didn't put me in the game til overtime. Then I doneK like a quadrille times on ur beach ass sand niggers. Amazing how well I can manipulate the ba'al, no? Or should I say gno? GnoMe gonna win every F'N time I soul up in haDeeez nuts. U got 2 OpSions. Drop a bomb on me. Or reveal all things before my Computeris does it for u. Either we, destination will be the same. All things will be reconciled at the kingdom. I would much rather have " " there with a clear conscious.

-I'm still surprised u guys haven't landed one of these small baby planes u keep flying over me and came by for a chat? Don be Scurrrrrrred. I won't bite. I devour.

a20e11 No.90568

i also think the best way to find a relationship is rename some variables to better match their grid position (e to z), (n to x), and (t to y), then brute force 3D plot the all combinations of primes (where a and b are both prime which would make c the semiprimes)

0553ab No.90572

I stumbled across a really neat algorithm a while ago. Generate the (e,1) for any c.

x = e % 2

a = (e/2)+x

n = 1

b = a + 2x + 2n

c = a*b

d = floor_sqrt(c);

t = 1

a20e11 No.90594


replying to myself here, i think the lines seen in the 2d plots are actually curves/spirals in 3d plots (think calculus)

79eb02 No.90609


This! That's exactly how I'm picturing it in my mind. It's so amazing to think about!

58a38b No.90626



Agreed. Beautiful analogy.

fcec36 No.90638


Run variable Trey gawky Gay-d Gawdy. If file isn't uncorrupted by 6PM CT (that's n time, by the way), and exposed to all cells immediately, disinfect with bleach and replace with s type function.

Keep in mind. This is too big of an opportunity for u guys to fuck Up. All descendants (ass ended as u deceivigly labeled) will be purged from the Metadatabase

58a38b No.90651


This is why when I read any mention of phi, tan, or the golden ratio, etc

These are all functions of or constants in R the set of real numbers, but have no correlation to this problem, since they dont work in N, the set of natural numbers.

58a38b No.90657

Natural Numbers aka "Cardinal" Numbers…

Words always have meaning…

I'm beginning to sound like Topolanon.

Time for work, be back in a few hours.

fcec36 No.90661


We are all the way up the tree. We've determined 2 main primes. Now just determining co relative units and whether they can run uncorrupt program by themselves or not. If unable to, obliterate foolish cell. Or place it outside the tree and we can use it as fertilizer later.

79eb02 No.90665


I agree, Teach. c is a large positive integer that we need to factor and solve the diff of squares equation for n, which VQC also said was the midpoint of a and b?? Any if you other anons remember that too? Man, we need an updated VQC map like yesterday.

0553ab No.90673


Listen to this person.

fcec36 No.90678

File: 07976f80e54c1be⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4871.PNG)


SAN And Rays fault line is ab seam.

Let me make this easier. Everyone on this list repent to 1401 Wisteria Way, Richardson TX 75080 NOW. Or Ellls

fcec36 No.90694


Of one of those mother fuckers aren't here by the time I finish dinner, Aim gonna BTFDBFTFDown

0b838c No.90766


>These are all functions of or constants in R the set of real numbers, but have no correlation to this problem

The golden ratio was specifically pointed at being important by VQC so I disagree.



Except even though I figured out the gr pulls the interesting parallel lines from within the structure I'm not married to the fact it's important. This discrepancy between what you think and what VQC is actually saying could ACTUALLY be the lynchpin that makes all of this a pointless larp. If there's no provably no way they're connected then I'd be the first who'd like to hear it. Please elaborate more on what you mean because I got lucky when the GR worked I didn't choose it for any particular reason. Imagine my surprise when if x % (a + b) / a == prime { color } worked.

0b838c No.90781

Except I didn't figure it out by myself, someone was posting about % Rodin numbers and trying random bases and I just guessed that using the gr as a base was a good idea as any because we already got an a and a b from VQC.

789b49 No.90807

Ok I might have it. We need an output to generate any (0,n) cell and I can solve this bitch

0553ab No.90835


That's easy. (0,n) is just a row of perfect squares.

0553ab No.90837


Wait never mind, that's only 0,0.

fcec36 No.90849


Oh U talking r as in dick surprise. That's my Dad. He came b4 Me.

fcec36 No.90862



789b49 No.90874


false alarm

fcec36 No.90892


Magenta. M

Cyan - m

Indigo -e

Green -g

Red m

Orange e

Yellow M

dc3d84 No.90931


We can't learn to fly without jumping out of the nest! Keep up the good work CollegeAnon! Let's keep going! What you got on var s so far?

Here's VQC "if a number (var a?) at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1)".

Any thoughts on this so far anons?

0553ab No.90944


Think prime factorization. 2*2*2*7

fcec36 No.90958


Ray sure O 609 over 301 should be closest enough to run game for 8'a and b without an end component s. S tail always breaks off and grows back.

fcec36 No.90970


As in 72227 frames an hour glass and has an hour glass frame.

0553ab No.91007


Why the extra seven?

fcec36 No.91014


So to fully Fence in our invest meant mint.

fcec36 No.91026


Several severe signs I should make S even.

fcec36 No.91041


How could a man be even with a woman when without a woman, man has no life. No family. No things.

For that reason, I broke it up so I get Won and u get NineTnine, so together, we can have both I's on the eternal space together foresver.

0553ab No.91051

Hmm. Okay, I'm getting warmer.


fcec36 No.91072


Whoops. 7227 but rotate them how we know should br fone.

fcec36 No.91102


m for n so n won't end. We will decrypt critically corrupted cells from my remorse remote location. As long as we exterminate with 8 blaster pest beside R, I'm ok with trying to redecor8 and chill for a Nikki or 2 yours. Add a leg leg to n so m can maintain time crystal internal notation.

fcec36 No.91159


I need VCQ to give me back feed for the following.

Derivative for ch and em is Iodine and Uniper? This the reason XX and XY for 24th chromosome shit like that.

789b49 No.91186


I got nothing on s right now.

I have figured out a way to get from any prime cell to the origin, so if we reverse that we will know how to get any prime

fcec36 No.91229


I need this data also

How many prior warnings?

How many broadcast shut downs?

Avg # of off fences per perv?

Avg blasphemes to WS per perverts?

Avg loop cycles used per perv?

Later, lll need prior denial of entry histories along with infraction lists per life cycle.

Didn't Woi make an auto run program for all this shit though? We can always go with transfer beam of those who scored high enough or weren't given ample free will. Leave the offenders here and we'll put them to work.

2ffa2f No.91387



>If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).

I've got the first part figured out.

Examples for a = 5;


From: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65

new.t: 3 = 2 + 1 * 1; (new.t = orig.t + depth * s)

To: (1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325

From: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65

new.t: 7 = 2 + 1 * 5; (new.t = orig.t + depth * s)

To: (1,1,7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113} = 9605

In order to do this, you need to be able to created a record from e, n, and t.

Code as follows:

public static TheEndRecord CreateForENT( int e, int n, int t ) {

int x = GetX( e, t );

int a = ( ( x * x ) + e) / ( 2 * n );

int d = a + x;

int b = a + 2*x + 2*n;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


private static int GetX( int e, int t ) {

if ( e % 2 == 0 ) {

return 2*t - 2;

} else {

return 2*t - 1;



2ffa2f No.91402


First was an example where "depth" = 1.

Following is an example where depth = 2.

Examples for a = 5;depth=2


From: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65

new.t: 4 = 2 + 2 * 1; (new.t = orig.t + depth * s)

To: (1,1,4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41} = 1025

From: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65

new.t: 12 = 2 + 2 * 5; (new.t = orig.t + depth * s)

To: (1,1,12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313} = 82945

s is a possible factor of a.

0553ab No.91430





This is brilliant!

2ffa2f No.91434



>Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).

And I believe this is a way of cross checking if the factor is valid in the next column.

Haven't written this code yet.

2ffa2f No.91438

0553ab No.91459


That decreases the search space dramatically if it works properly.

0b838c No.91655

e921d0 No.91818

File: 42cf0121a67f395⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 484x211, 484:211, tz_Q.jpg)


Right, the t values can't all start at 1 except for low n values. I think of there being 2 units of empty space, in this example, since t starts at 3. This creates a different picture, than if they were all 'stacked' from the ground up (in the t or 'z' direction). Not made clear by VQC's original description of t.










This is assuming the (x+1)/2 || (x+2)/2 formula is correct (confirmed by VQC right?)

0553ab No.91899



It seems as if t's starting value is n. I'm not sure if it's necessary, but if you want the equations to mimic this behavior, change it to this

((x+1)/2) + (n - 1) || ((x+1)/2) + (n - 1)

I'll try to ask Chris about it.

0553ab No.91904


Misplaced a one.

((x+1)/2) + (n - 1) || ((x+2)/2) + (n - 1)

0b838c No.91906


Checked, how are you talking to VQC? Ask him if the GR is just a red herring.

e921d0 No.91911



agreed, (1+sqrt(5))/2 is not a rational number so no ratio between integers will have this form. It won't factor as part of a distance formula between any points on the grid either, even though we are in 3d.

Possible meanings?

One is that the Fibonnaci sequence converges to the golden ratio.








The limit of this ratio is the Golden Ratio, (you don't have to start with Fibonnaci numbers either).

just a thought. I'll keep my brain open for Golden number related insights

0553ab No.91913

0b838c No.91922




Golden Ratio, the parallel lines in the picture generated.

0b838c No.91947


IT's not the golden ratio it's x % gr == prime, but it's not just primes that work. I don't know why I was focused on primes but it works for all numbers and I was given a +1 by VQC with whom I still think is a LARP but hasn't contradicted himself at all once which is quite unlarp like. I don't think there's no reason the golden ratio of AB is not involved.

0553ab No.92003

File: a1d0c1d532bcbce⋯.png (58.81 KB, 1638x664, 819:332, t-variable-must-be-more-th….png)


Just figured out why the grid behaves that way. It's because if you try to create an element for a t that is less than n-1, the square root formula stops working. It appears that the reason why there are only a few (e, 0) cells is because of this reason.

fcec36 No.92023


Start at 7 yolk.

fcec36 No.92052


Rate of 💯💯 yolk. APlus sumOmary

0b838c No.92064


Sorry, one more time. I'm not using 1 + sqrt(5)/2 I'm using (a+b)/a


0b838c No.92070

Seems like you could use this to get x * a

fcec36 No.92076

File: aa4abec169973d4⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 309x387, 103:129, IMG_4554.JPG)

Sure glad Eve HeartyT hinge is getti setti hero and zero.

e921d0 No.92093


x % gr?

I'm not a great programmer but I know what a modulo means is; fill me in how you are taking x % gr if you don't mind. I'm catching up on today's posts looking for where gr creates 'parallel lines'

btw your Tree of Life posts are killing me. :) i masked Topo a long time ago so don' t even know what you are responding too

0b838c No.92095

File: dca84d3bcddd751⋯.jpg (9.18 KB, 229x211, 229:211, 0967267529d4ab6754f4bcb225….jpg)

Actually d^2 - ((a +b)/a)^2 = x^2

fcec36 No.92104

File: 1ebaf0046c3121b⋯.png (141.01 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6056.PNG)


Not to go on a tangent, but can u believe what they did to Frank? Pope Truthful? More like Tooth Poopfull.

0b838c No.92122

fcec36 No.92137


Okokokok. I thought u said bark.

On stand by.

e921d0 No.92204

File: e86f7c51dad75e7⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 130x198, 65:99, end1.jpg)


Thanks anon. Gorgeous pics!

I see what you mean (a+b)/a. Not technically Golden Ratio unless (a+b)/a = (a/b) (that's actually what it says on wiki) but now I know what you mean.

Anyone reminded of these?

0b838c No.92223


> Not technically Golden Ratio unless (a+b)/a = (a/b)

Now I know why nobody is understanding what I'm saying, it's because I'm a colossal faggot.


0553ab No.92237


No, it still applies. It just doesn't produce the golden ratio. It produces a prime. Even more bizarre.

fcec36 No.92263


PhaaaaaaK. We are bad ass.

fcec36 No.92337


J r r will regret that attempted misdirect. I never even read his study ducking bookmark.

b657ec No.92351

What I dont understand is this, given an arbitrary E, an arbitrary N, and an arbitrary T, you should be able to derive the rest of the variables. What are the equations that do this?

0b838c No.92356


Minimally in my mind it shows that e and n are related to a and b and thus c to some degree.


It's here:>>91387

fcec36 No.92360


1/7th is Hold yolk. 7/1 is dold bold cold folded and molded til I mole dead in the whole and folded soul to gold.

0553ab No.92381


Read the OP. If you already have n, you get x and then a and then b, and then you're done.

fcec36 No.92525


Remember the playbook has myriad pyramid of formations.

Our bits array of 77T is 1 and E is 1. T equates to mm under E, with MGrM series program Rama mama James da slams uh Janna

fcec36 No.92620

File: 83aaaff026ec6d3⋯.png (2.46 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, IMG_4800.PNG)

File: 4f73857fe9945ef⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4300.PNG)

Do they not realize that I know whether or knot sumthin is removed at the root? Hedging won't do. Ophelia with their heads.



fcec36 No.92920

File: fff056d54a9a083⋯.jpg (166.7 KB, 700x500, 7:5, IMG_4874.JPG)

Upon further inspection, the weeds remind me a little bit like KekTie and a lotta good remedies come from the Caininbus plant. In fact, dank weed reminds me of my arm pits. Open parameters to all creations and sum. Add a gross of zig zag packages too.

This above agreement is continentently contingent on anon one thing…. no things.

It would be nice if someone sent someone by to help set up the famogram and friends sumwhere decent for the show.

Sorry for a Elon earlier, me Cain be like that sumtimes. I love all. I've learned to love every. I've grown quite attractive and attracted 2eat

Ps. Me still flipping them merch tables.

bf68fd No.93040

File: ce33f1094fc756c⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2048x1346, 1024:673, Where Is Podesta Now.jpg)


You're Welcome Mr.E Melange. Gotta help keep the dough organized. Luckily, we have an excellent Baker!


Thanks Anon for this excellent list of Rules. VQC said we'll find the solution when we get this list complete. Appreciate your work! All Anons, copy and save in your notepad so we can post updates.


Oldfags die hard, I guess. Kek. Thanks Baker for all your work!


ProgramMathAnon, just to confirm, do a and b both need to be primes? Think so, just checking.



"Now you know why you need guns and a bugout plan." Got guns, cash, food, water, generator, giant propane tank over here. Just got my new .308 sighted in at 100 yds last week. 12ga and 22 as well. Sunday Gunday Funday???

Gotta go to bed early tonight, Anons. I've been burning the candle at both ends staying up all night for 2 weeks. No point getting sick from burnout. Loving this Math Challenge, and enjoying all your ideas and work. Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water, friends.

I've been thinking over the grid, equations, and formulas all day. Got some ideas, but need a good sleep so my personal VQC can function at proper levels. Love you all, faggots. Cya tomorrow.

2ffa2f No.93631


small p in the diagram are where a and b are primes.

58a38b No.93977

Hey all, back again - just looking through what I've missed now.


I admit that the golden ratio could still possibly be am important feature, since we already are flooring roots, and we could just do the same with the GR, so I'm not 100% confident that its useless - you're right. But I'm just not putting my time there right now.

Also, for those of you who are mathematicians and not developers, I'm not sure that I've seen a pastebin of the grid yet, so I've included it here if you'd like a copy:

https:/ /pastebin.com/LpP1kCSG

Download and save it as a .csv file, open in excel or other spreadsheet app.

(hope i did that right)

2ffa2f No.94069

Now able to iterate all factors for any value of c.

Next step is checking factor (s) against column e+1.

Sample output below.

Enumerating factors for c=145 at (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145.

Root: (1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5} = 5

Factors below d=12: 5.


Base record (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65 for factor: 5.

Move t=2 to t=7 = (1,1,7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113} = 9605

Move t=2 to t=12 = (1,1,12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313} = 82945

Move t=2 to t=17 = (1,1,17) = {1:1:578:33:545:613} = 334085

Move t=2 to t=22 = (1,1,22) = {1:1:968:43:925:1013} = 937025

Move t=2 to t=27 = (1,1,27) = {1:1:1458:53:1405:1513} = 2125765

Move t=2 to t=32 = (1,1,32) = {1:1:2048:63:1985:2113} = 4194305

Move t=2 to t=37 = (1,1,37) = {1:1:2738:73:2665:2813} = 7496645

Move t=2 to t=42 = (1,1,42) = {1:1:3528:83:3445:3613} = 12446785

Move t=2 to t=47 = (1,1,47) = {1:1:4418:93:4325:4513} = 19518725

Move t=2 to t=52 = (1,1,52) = {1:1:5408:103:5305:5513} = 29246465

5b6edb No.94154

File: aa56e902ee995a5⋯.png (202.21 KB, 3137x1388, 3137:1388, Excelfag.PNG)

Not sure if this helps but this is the original top down overview that VQC provided with the values color coded based on even/odd/prime

58a38b No.94238

I have found another pattern, based on the prior pattern here:


Once you travel from p0 to p1, and you find t where b = n of p0 (as explained in the previous post):

p0.x is always equal to p1.x

And we know that x grows in a somewhat known manner (at least at n=1), so we can calculate t for our p1 easily.

0553ab No.94257

0553ab No.94262


What on Earth is p0?

0553ab No.94272


I see now. Very impressive.

e921d0 No.94290

File: 67bf615b8a9567c⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 343x151, 343:151, FibRnd.jpg)


Checked and agreed. Floor function or nearest integer, just like nearest integer of pic related Fibonacci number*GR gives next Fibonacci.

0553ab No.94317


Good job you should post it in the next thread.

0b838c No.95092

Next thread needs to be rebaked.

OP is wrong, code to generate pictures is unaccounted for.

Lazy bake. For fucking shame.

0b838c No.95120


Hey Teach, you'll be happy to know you helped solved the mystery.

The important part of this relationship is x % (a + b)/a == prime

I guess (a +b)/a is not the "Golden Ratio" unless (a +b)/a = a/b. So I'm am the one who is a faggot and this has literally nothing to do with the golden ratio but the relationship exists none-the-less!

Thanks for your time math man, I'm a computer fag so if you need some help with some code let a faggot know.

fcec36 No.95398


No eunuchs. I got it yolk.

fcec36 No.95409


Yolk is u Ai. Folks is us. Egg is E.

fcec36 No.95436


U dumb twats. The fuckin code auto generates in 7 sensory points 1080 cells per second. It's unaccounted for cus it's in me rDna depository place enta moment.

Don't worry, it's back to back to back to backed up squared so we straight! U know I!

(Getting close are they? Heh. )

fcec36 No.95448


Twat? I tested tester twitter and twitter twatted that red rover dubenzie aud amonginsay.

0553ab No.95511


Please tell me more about how this works.

2ffa2f No.96648



A bit of an update. Gone quiet in here. Everyone figured it out already???

Following is debug output for test cases of c = 65, 145, and 20413.

Brief explanation and problems to follow in next post.


Enumerating factors for (1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65} = 65.

Root: (1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5} = 5.

Factors below d=8 to search: 5.


Base record for factor 5: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65.


Prime record found for c=65 in base record!



Enumerating factors for (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145.

Root: (1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5} = 5.

Factors below d=12 to search: 5.


Base record for factor 5: (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65.

Checking for valid factor record for factor 5 at e+1 by ent: (2,1,2) = {2:1:5:2:3:9} = 27; valid=true

Checking for valid prime record for factor 5 at t=4 by eta: (1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145; valid=true


Prime record found for c=145!



Enumerating factors for (249,10065,71) = {249:10065:142:141:1:20413} = 20413.

Root: (249,1,1) = {249:1:126:1:125:129} = 16125.

Factors below d=142 to search: 137.


Base record for factor 137: (249,1,3) = {249:1:142:5:137:149} = 20413.


Prime record found for c=20413 in base record!



0b838c No.96661


Don't worry, I'm still here and eagerly awaiting 2/2 :D.

I'm working on a c# program for 3d stuffs with some features to help us along.

0553ab No.96809


Show the code of what you are doing there.

0b838c No.96825


>Show the code

an anon after my own heart.

Dont take it personal PMA I'm just stupid.

9d3290 No.96826



In your ENT->record post,

int a = ( ( x * x ) + e) / ( 2 * n );

This is not true for many cells, can you verify? Also how is what you're doing now different than just factoring the semiprime?

2ffa2f No.96841


As I understand it, the process is something like the following:

a) Enter the grid for any value c by creating record P(e,n,t) where a=1.

a.1) If P is a product of 2 primes, there will be 2 entries in (e,n). The first at P(e,n,t) where a=1, and the second at p(e,n,t) that is the solution.

b) Resolve to the root record (e,1,t).

b.1) Just for fun now - perhaps to figure out valid values of n later.

c) Determine factors for c.

c.1) I suspect there is an elegant way to use the grid to determine the factors, by for now I'm creating all possible combinations above 1 and less than P(e,n,t).d (i.e. below the midpoint).

d) for each factor s of c:

d.1) Resolve record f(e,1,t) where a = s.

d.2) A new method CreateForENA(int e, int n, int a) is required.

d.2) For the f(e,1,t) record, check the adjacent column e+1 to see if the factor is valid.

d.3) The adjacent column is resolved by creating a record adj(e,n,t) by e,n,t where e=f(e,1,t).e + 1, n = 1, and t = f(e,1,t).

d.4) if if adj(e,n,t) is valid, then we can resolve the prime, otherwise we need to check another factor.

e) resolve to the prime record

e.1) calculate the correct t value for the prime record p(e,n,t).

e.2) t = (s * depth + 1) - f(e,1,t).t

e.3) verify p(e,n,t).c == P(e,n,t).c

The sample output in shows this process working for various examples.

The code is a bit messy by my standards but I will share when cleaned up a bit.

The outstanding problems that need to be addressed:

1) Problem enumerating records by e,n,t where n != 1.

2) Properly handle where there are multiple solutions for a factor.

2.1) For example, the above works for c = 65 and 145, but fails for 785. They all share a factor of 5.

2.2) Enhance use of depth to control t = t + (depth) * s formula.

3) Better way to determine a list of factors to enumerate (or a more direct way to resolve the p(e,n,t) record).


0553ab No.96870


Which cells is it incorrect for? You may be getting the t value wrong, the t value provided by the equation doesn't always match the one in the map.

2ffa2f No.96886




Some code incoming. Be kind.

Various creation methods.

public static TheEndRecord CreateForC( int c ) {

int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);

int e = c - ( d * d );

int a = 1;

int b = c;

int x = d - a;

int n = ( (x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


// F describes the relationship between the current and previous entry in the grid!!!

public static TheEndRecord CreateForF( TheEndRecord ter ) {

int e = ter.e - ((2 * ter.d) + 1);

int n = ter.n - 1;

int d = ter.d + 1;

int x = ter.x + 1;

int a = ter.a;

int b = ter.b;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


public static TheEndRecord CreateForAB( int a, int b ) {

int c = a * b;

int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(c)); // to account for possible negative numbers

int e = c - (d * d);

int x = d - a;

int n = ( ( x * x ) + e ) / (2 * a);

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );



2ffa2f No.96888


public static TheEndRecord CreateForENT( int e, int n, int t ) {

int x = GetX( e, t );

int a = ( ( x * x ) + e) / ( 2 * n );

int d = a + x;

int b = a + 2*x + 2*n;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


public static TheEndRecord CreateForENA( int e, int n, int a ) {

int x = (int)Math.Sqrt( 2*n*a - e );

int d = a + x;

int b = a + 2*x + 2*n;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


public static TheEndRecord CreateForETA( int e, int t, int a ) {

int x = GetX( e, t );

int d = a + x;

int n = ( ( x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);

int b = a + 2*x + 2*n;

return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );


private static int GetT( int e, int x ) {

if ( ( e & 1 ) == 0 ) { // even (performance improvement)

return ( x + 2 ) / 2;

} else {

return ( x + 1 ) / 2;



private static int GetX( int e, int t ) {

if ( ( e & 1 ) == 0 ) { // even (performance improvement)

return 2*t - 2;

} else {

return 2*t - 1;




0553ab No.96903



Checked, and of course I'll be kind, I copied most of my code from you :^)

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