91d683 No.94250
The goal is to factor an arbitrary integer, c, whose prime factors are a and b.
The main application of this problem is breaking RSA.
The virtual quantum computer is a grid made of infinite yet constructable sets that follow a known pattern.
The grid is the superposition. The collapse of that superposition will be two input parameters, d and e which can be calculated easily for all integers, c, where c is the difference of two squares.
When the integers that are the difference of two squares are arranged into the grid and their corresponding properties are shown, a pattern emerges that shows calculation instead of searching is possible.
This is mathematics. Sometimes mistakes happen. Always seek to prove your results. Always seek to question what is written here. It may not be entirely right, but you should endeavor to understand it before contributing. If any of this is proven wrong and shown to me I will remove it.
The map's legend is {e:n:d:x:a:b}, where d is the result of removing the largest square from c AKA the square root,
e is the remainder,
n is what you add to d to be exactly halfway between a and b,
and x is what you add to a to make d.
c is any number that is the difference of two squares, so odd numbers are included.
n*a and n*b for any c can be found n places apart in the cell at (e,1).
Rules of the grid: global rules
Each cell of the grid (e,n) has infinite elements or ZERO elements.
Each cell with one value has infinite elements, since every element can make a new one.
By induction, a cell only needs one value to make infinite values, that's part of the power of this and is why it is a virtual quantum computer as a whole.
The t variable is what will allow you to walk across these infinite elements.
If a grid cell has elements, all elements are constructable from a finite set of root elements.
The grid is indexed using e, n, and t, where e is the rows, n is the columns, and t is the specific element in the cell-group.
Thus, only three variables are required to identify an element: e, n and t.
All products of odd numbers and all products of pairs of even numbers are the difference of two squares.
The x-intercept of the line that goes through the point containing the factors of c is (a + 1).
(1, 1) - the key
The values of a and b at 1,1 are related to the length of the longest side in right angled triangles.
Each cell at n=1 contains the roots of products in the column.
If c is a prime number, it will appear in one column exactly once.
If c is the product of two prime numbers that do not equal eachother, c will appear in two cells of one column.
All products (integers) c that are the sum of two squares appear (only) in columns where e=0,1,4,9,16,25…
All factors in a column are factors of the elements of the first cell in their column.
All Fermat primes (except) 3 appear in column one.
(e, 1)
If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).
Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).
(1, n)
The cells in row one where n=1 have a relationship with the cells 2n to the right and 2n to the left.
Each "a" from the first row equals na because xx+e = 2na and na is half of that. That's BIG part of the KEY
Each element in a cell can be generated by moving up (t-1 = x-2) or down (t+1 = x+2). Other variables can be generated from x.
Every single factor of any value of a in the first row will be referred to as s.
Useful equations and notation
ab = c
dd + e = c
(d + n)(d + n)-(x + n)(x + n) = c
a + 2x + 2n = b
a = d - x
d = a + x
d = floor_sqrt(c)
e = c - (dd)
b = c / a
n = the difference between the square root d and the larger of the two squares
n = ((a + b) / 2) - d
d + n = number that is exactly halfway between a and b
d + n = i
x = d - a
x = (floor_sqrt(( (d+n)*(d+n) - c))) - n
x + n = j
f = e - 2d + 1
t = the variable that lets you traverse the infinite elements in for a given (e, n) that has values.
New equations (These don't always apply, approach with caution)
if (e is even) t = (x + 2) / 2
if (e is odd) t = (x + 1) / 2
if (e is even) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t)^2)) - (d)
if (e is odd) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t - 1)^2)) - (d - 1)
if (e is even) (d + n)^2 = (2t)^2 + c
if (e is odd) (d + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2 + c
if (e is even) (x + n)^2 = (2t)^2
if (e is odd) (x + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2
91d683 No.94256
What is the F function? >>88489
What is an entry point? >>89551
Previous Threads
VQC: >>672 (http://archive.fo/XmD7P)
RSA #1: >>34072 (http://archive.fo/RgVko)
RSA #2: >>49883 (http://archive.fo/fyzAu)
RSA #3: >>77040
c460dd No.94265
nice fresh loaf smells delicious
42f4eb No.94343
Mold in batter:
if (e is even) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t)^2)) - (d)
if (e is odd) n = (floor_sqrt(c + (2 * t - 1)^2)) - (d - 1)
if (e is even) (d + n)^2 = (2t)^2 + c
if (e is odd) (d + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2 + c
if (e is even) (x + n)^2 = (2t)^2
if (e is odd) (x + n)^2 = (2t - 1)^2
Repeat batter mold , those last 6 equations will hurt your digestion of the material
63c3ea No.94518
A couple of links.
A pastebin of the grid (download as .csv): https:/ /pastebin.com/LpP1kCSG
A list of all products of two different primes and their related cells: https:/ /pastebin.com/vEdTTLcF
42f4eb No.94548
just discovered a way cool property of Phi anons. (Phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 ).
thought there was nothing special at starting Fibonacci sequence at 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 etc., since you can start at say 4, 4, 8, 12, 20, 32, 52, etc and the ratio between successive terms converges to Phi no matter what, or any two positive integers
wrong: I took Phi*n for n from 1 to 200 and graphed the difference between nearest integer. ie. abs ( Phi*n - round (Phi*n) ) . call this the "error term" as per convention. what I found: look at any point on the graph where the error term is smaller than any to the left (i.e. it is the minimum over all previous n). all such minima are Fibonacci numbers : 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144.
It is related to this http://www.friesian.com/golden.htm but still blew my mind. maybe something similar will show up in the grid somewhere.
8c1b96 No.95002
Nice find, Anon. I noticed something else. Probably doesn't help the mission but Phi-related so who knows.
On your graph, if the error term is smaller than any to the left, then that error term is Phi^-(i+2), where i is the number of previous minima to the left.
1st error term = 0.382 = Phi^-2
2nd error term = 0.236 = Phi^-3
3rd error term = 0.146 = Phi^-4
5th error term = 0.090 = Phi^-5
8th error term = 0.056 = Phi^-6
13th error term = 0.034 = Phi^-7
914f97 No.95047
Active behind scenes here friends.
Just pointing this out for later, please don't be distracted in the moment.
Very interesting you pasted that link. The other night when Topo provided the youtube vid with E8 dimensional projections to lower dimensions (fascinating short vid!!!), the next to go was a lecture from Roger Penrose. It was all about the link you just pasted.
https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3YMEamzmw
Roger Penrose - Forbidden crystal symmetry in mathematics and architecture
You anons are amazing. The energy here is leaving my pits dripping a bit with internal enthusiasm.
Very very successful redpill day yesterday with family and friends.
041c56 No.95074
Try the following instead of ((1 + sqrt(5))/2)
x % (a + b)/a == prime
Turns out (a + b)/a is only the 'golden ratio' when (a+b)/a = a/b
So the x % (a +b)/a == prime relationship has NOTHING to do with the golden ratio.
041c56 No.95080
Also wtf is up with this bread, why post solution.png, that anon was begged multiple times to share the equations they're using to generate their images and they've refused.
041c56 No.95086
Literally no way to generate the two graphics in OP and the VQC map is over a week outdated, why are you a lazy baker OP?
5c4d85 No.95342
My bad. I forgot to send the KH2.0 Update. See attached.
5c4d85 No.95360
Damn. You weren't lying. I tried it and look how phhhine the imaging came across. That's the hottest chick I've ever seen. Seriously. Even in my dreams. #1 all time every time.
041c56 No.95394
Attached is pretty too!
91d683 No.95468
I thought so. Will be removed.
fccad8 No.96914
public struct TheEndRecord {
public readonly int e;
public readonly int n;
public readonly int d;
public readonly int x;
public readonly int a;
public readonly int b;
public TheEndRecord( int e, int n, int d, int x, int a, int b ) {
this.e = e;
this.n = n;
this.d = d;
this.x = x;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public int c {
get { return a * b; }
public int t {
get {
//(e & 1) == 0 perform improvement
if ( e % 2 == 0 ) {
return ( x + 2 ) / 2;
} else {
return ( x + 1 ) / 2;
public override string ToString() {
return "{" + string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}:{5}", e, n, d, x, a, b) + "}";
public string ToIndexString() {
return $"({e},{n},{t}) = {ToString()} = {c}";
public bool IsValid() {
if ( c != a * b ) { return false; }
if ( c != ( d * d ) + e ) { return false; }
if ( c != ( d + n ) * ( d + n ) - ( x + n ) * ( x + n ) ) { return false; }
if ( b != a + ( 2 * x ) + ( 2 * n ) ) { return false; }
if ( a != ( d - x ) ) { return false; }
if ( d != ( a + x ) ) { return false; }
if ( e != ( c - ( d * d ) ) ) { return false; }
if ( n != ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) - d ) { return false; }
if ( x != d - a ) { return false; }
return true;
fccad8 No.96921
A test method to create ent combinations.
/// <summary>
/// iterates from min_t to max_t and creates records from ENT.
/// </summary>
public static void CreateRecordByENT( int e, int n, int min_t, int max_t ) {
Debug.WriteLine( $"Enumerating e={e}, n={n}, for values of t from {min_t} to {max_t}.");
for ( int t = min_t; t <= max_t; t++ ) {
TheEndRecord ter = TheEnd.CreateForENT( e, n, t );
Debug.WriteLine( $"{ter.ToIndexString()} {ter.IsValid()};" );
5b0bc0 No.96931
I've archived the 4 threads as well so we don't lose the work.
VQC+++ (RSA-START) >>672
RSA#1 >>34072
RSA#2 >>49883
RSA#3 >>77040
fccad8 No.96938
public static void TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( int c ) {
TheEndRecord ter = TheEnd.CreateForC( c );
TheEndRecord root = TheEnd.CreateForENT( ter.e, 1, 1 );
if ( !( ter.IsValid() && root.IsValid() ) ) {
throw new Exception( "Invalid c or root record!" );
IEnumerable<int> factors = GetFactors( ter );
Debug.WriteLine( "" );
String factorsAsString= String.Join( ",", factors );
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Enumerating factors for {ter.ToIndexString()}." );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Root: {root.ToIndexString()}." );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Factors below d={ter.d} to search: {factorsAsString}." );
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
int depth = 1;
foreach ( int s in factors ) {
// we need to increment the factor to search foro the next record?!?!?!
// get the factorTer
// this is the wrong t!
// our entry point needs to have the right t
// or we need
TheEndRecord factorTer = TheEnd.CreateForENA( root.e, 1, s );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Base record for factor {s}: {factorTer.ToIndexString()}.");
if ( factorTer.c == ter.c ) {
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Prime record found for c={ter.c} in base record!" );
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
//Also, if a number at position t has a factor s at (e+1), then s is a factor at (s+1-t), (2s+1-t), etc for a at (e,1).
// we have e, n, and t!
TheEndRecord adjacentTerByENT = TheEnd.CreateForENT( root.e + 1, 1, factorTer.t );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Checking for valid factor record for factor {s} at e+1 by ent: {adjacentTerByENT.ToIndexString()}; valid={adjacentTerByENT.IsValid().ToString().ToLower()}" );
int primeT = ( s * depth + 1 ) - factorTer.t;
TheEndRecord primeResult = TheEnd.CreateForETA( root.e, primeT, s );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Checking for valid prime record for factor {s} at t={primeT} by eta: {primeResult.ToIndexString()}; valid={primeResult.IsValid().ToString().ToLower()}" );
if ( primeResult.c == ter.c ) {
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Prime record found for c={ter.c}!" );
Debug.WriteLine( "————————————————-" );
} else {
Debug.WriteLine( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"Oops! Mismatched prime record for c={ter.c}!" );
Debug.WriteLine( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
Debug.WriteLine( "" );
Debug.WriteLine( "" );
91d683 No.96943
I tested your code and it works for all of the right side the map, the t equations are just a bit wonky by nature. It doesn't work to the left of e=0, but that isn't necessary if we are only fiddling with positive e. I can probably add a special case to generate e<0 cells, I've been working on it for a while.
fccad8 No.96952
Lastly, my current test samples:
TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 5 * 13 ); // 65 // OK
TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 5 * 29 ); // 145 // OK
//TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 5 * 157 ); // 785 // FAILED!
//TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 17 * 53 ); // 901 // FAILED!
//TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 31 * 197 ); // 6107 // FAILED!
TestOnlyValidFactorsForC( 137 * 149 ); // 20413 // OK
Again… be kind on the code.
This is all very rough to understand ideas.
fccad8 No.96960
Other than being able to generate a negative value, I haven't spent much time on the left hand side.
Can't guarantee anything!
fccad8 No.96970
One more helper function to get factors for a record.
private static IEnumerable<int> GetFactors( TheEndRecord ter ) {
List<int> factors = new List<int>();
int max = ter.d;
for( int factor = 2; factor <= max; factor++ ) { //test from 1 to the square root, or the int below it, inclusive.
if ( ter.c % factor == 0 ) {
factors.Add( factor );
return factors;
91d683 No.97151
You should take a look at it. It's very interesting and doesn't have the same rules as the right side.
63c3ea No.97163
I've gone back through all your posts about the factor s and its relation to t.
I think you're the closest to a working solution at the moment.
As you have already pointed out though, you need to work out the factors of c, which of course is the primary goal, so its kinda circular.
But I see what you're saying, that there's a known relationship between the factor and the next n in which you'll find another factor - good job!
c5f20b No.97178
Can someone verify if any of these are correct?
63c3ea No.97196
I appreciate the double checking and the feedback anon - thanks for searching down that path, it is valuable even if incorrect.
What did Edison say? I'm probably going to butcher this but: "I didn't fail 100 times, I successfully discovered 100 ways NOT to make a light bulb."
What are your primary languages? If you're familiar with javascript I can share my current code and my current issues?
fccad8 No.97199
Closest I've come to enumerating values of n was verify records where (e*n*d / a*n*d) == e.
63c3ea No.97259
Not the first one, but the other 2 are correct. Proof in image.
I'm trying to visualize something right now that might help you.
What do you think about looking at how x grows at particular (e,n)'s and relating it back to the genesis cell?
I think that might be key.
I don't know if you saw my posts last night, but take a look about the x = x relation:
fccad8 No.97475
These are potential n jumps to get from factor 5 to answer c = 785.
(1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65
(1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145
(1,17,7) = {1:17:18:13:5:65} = 325
(1,29,9) = {1:29:22:17:5:97} = 485
(1,53,12) = {1:53:28:23:5:157} = 785
anyone see a pattern?
00d99d No.97524
I can learn like a motherfucker my dude. Pastebin your code.
600829 No.97544
t and x jumps alternating by 4 and 6
n jumps by 4, 12, 12, 24
Need to check against more data but if we can calculate the jumps…
600829 No.97568
d and x, not t and x…
91d683 No.97608
How are you jumping? What are you doing exactly to get from (1, 1, 2) to (1, 5, 4) and then (1, 17, 7) and so on?
63c3ea No.97612
https:/ /pastebin.com/jf5Vqax5
Here is all my code. There are several files in one paste, it should be obvious how to break them apart and save them.
I've been using nodejs so you'd be best to install that, although db.js works in the browser too, so if you need to you can make an html file and play with the code inside chrome dev console.
Let me know if you need more help getting set up, otherwise, ping me back when you can run test1-3.
Thanks dude.
I understand your logic, trying to look into this now.
And a pastebin for you my friend:
https:/ /pastebin.com/8AKaFfNV
What you're looking at is:
[e,n] => t0, t1-t0, t2-t1 etc etc
for every cell in the grid.
Your pattern works for some, not for others.
Hope this can help!
63c3ea No.97624
I missed this, I'll take another stab at producing the series and testing!
63c3ea No.97678
Gosh i really screwed that description up…
[e,n] => t0.x, t1.x-t0.x, t2.x-t1.x etc etc
fccad8 No.97746
copy and paste dude!
91d683 No.97769
fccad8 No.97783
just trying to put pieces together.
we have a factor of 5, that doesn't resolve at the first n.
The original spreadsheet shows all the records.
First I copied and pasted!
Then I wrote some test code:
Debug.WriteLine( $"{TheEnd.CreateForAB( 5, 13 ).ToCsvString()}" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"{TheEnd.CreateForAB( 5, 29 ).ToCsvString()}" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"{TheEnd.CreateForAB( 5, 65 ).ToCsvString()}" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"{TheEnd.CreateForAB( 5, 97 ).ToCsvString()}" );
Debug.WriteLine( $"{TheEnd.CreateForAB( 5, 157 ).ToCsvString()}" );
Now analyzing.
fccad8 No.97894
potential pattern for jumps.
Don't think we are changing n. Could be changing x relative to factor (s) and depth.
possible formula:
even jumps: new.x = orig.x+s*(depth-1)-1
odd jumps: new. x= orig.x+s*(depth-1)
Depth starts at 1 for the first iteration….
pic related.
8a4f6a No.97950
Testing tripcode, here comes the OC.
d10f68 No.97991
hehe, building blocks ;)
8a4f6a No.98030
1st pic, overview of the end. 2nd pic, looking across + E. 3rd pic, looking down + N. Diamond = A prime. Emerald = B prime. Glowstone A+B prime (c is semiprime, this is what we're looking for). Glass, A+B not prime.
fccad8 No.98035
x is related to t. We are already manipulating t.
d follows the same pattern for movement.
even jumps: new.d = orig.d+s*(depth-1)-1
odd jumps: new.d= orig.d+s*(depth-1)
fccad8 No.98045
ad0c1a No.98068
There's also a board where you can archive things/post images you don't want lost/etc >>>/vqc/
91d683 No.98130
Haha that´s nuts. How'd you make that?
8a4f6a No.98240
1st pic, Location approx E = 1570, N = 100 looking minus E. 2nd pic, Location approx E = 70, N = 900 looking minus Z. 3rd pic, gap is E 58(left) 57(right) looking plus N.
8a4f6a No.98255
These gaps happen more than once down N on E.
This is a spigot server with a void map and a quick plugin to run the original code. Posting formulas for verification.
91d683 No.98260
Clever way to visualize it. I like it!
8a4f6a No.98269
Code used as follows,
static World world = Bukkit.getWorld("world");
static final int I_MAX = 1024;
static HashMap<Point, Integer> Y_LOG= new HashMap<>(1000);
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i <= I_MAX; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
int a = i - j;
int b = i + j;
int c = a * b;
int d = (int) Math.sqrt(c);
int e = c - (d * d);
//int f = e - ((2 * d) + 1);
int n = i - d;
//int x = d - a;
Material blocktype;
if (Test.primes[a]) {
if (Test.primes[b]) {
blocktype = Material.GLOWSTONE;
} else {
blocktype = Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK;
} else if (Test.primes[b]) {
blocktype = Material.EMERALD_BLOCK;
} else {
blocktype = Material.GLASS ;
Point y_look = new Point(e, n);
Integer y_pos= Y_LOG.getOrDefault(y_look, 1);
world.getBlockAt(e, y_pos, n).setType(blocktype);
Y_LOG.put(y_look, ++y_pos);
return true;
8a4f6a No.98444
Here's an overview of only the semiprimes. Taking requests on data veiws, perspectives, etc.
91d683 No.98487
Can you show one with only the elements where (a^2 + b^2) == (c^2 + 1)?
bc16c7 No.98492
Minecraft visualisation.
Genius idea.
I'll be back on this weekend UK time.
I'll show you all how to move easily from the first or second cell (odd or even e) to any value c and then any value that is the product of p and c, where p is a prime.
Once you can see how to move to any value c in the first row and then a multiple of c in the first row, things get REALLY interesting.
The value p, the multiplier of c, can be CHOSEN, so you basically get control of an entire cell for manipulating c.
Then we will use that control of a multiple of c and the pattern of the cell it is in to expose the factors of c.
Strap in for the weekend.
This is when the fun begins.
Thank you for your efforts.
You achieved in two weeks what took me a long time to create from scratch and you improved massively on the visualisations that I had.
Brilliant work.
Thank you. All of you.
fccad8 No.98530
VQC - shall I stop tinkering now?
How about a single prime solution.
Plot the root record. Large square of 3x3 with a smaller 2x2 square inside.
Plot the prime solution at (1,5). Large square of 145x145 with a smaller 1x1 square inside
Plot the P starting position at (1,61). Large square of 29x29 with smaller 5x5 square inside.
Lines connecting them to show perspective?
bc16c7 No.98560
The more familiar you are with the grid, the easier the weekend will be.
Take the number 71. It appears once in the grid.
The number 15, twice.
71 is prime. All prime appear once.
15 appears twice, in the same column.
How many times does 105 with three factors appear in one column?
How many time for a number with four factors?
It's not linear.
If you multiple c where it is the product of two primes by say, 105, you're going to have a product, a new c, that appears quite a few times in the same column…
This is where we are heading.
91d683 No.98570
You can rest, if you haven't. Seems finding a variable that leads you to a and b is truly the longest part.
fccad8 No.98617
just want to give you my humble gratitude.
the door you've opened here is profound.
8a4f6a No.98626
Evaluating ((a * a) + (b * b)) == ((c * c) + 1). 1st pic, Location E = 0, N = 256 facing + E. 2nd pic, standing on top of E = 0, T = 2, N = 0 facing + N.
fccad8 No.98638
I believe these are all P (prime candidate) records.
They can also be identified with ( e*n*d / a*n*d ) = e.
91d683 No.98655
Yeah, you are where I got the idea from. Are they guaranteed to be primes? If not what makes them vary? You should also note that the (a^2+b^2) == (c^2 + 1) equation constitutes a right triangle that is off by one degree.
8a4f6a No.98657
You can see in the second picture that T = 2 alternates every line between existing or not. All of the rest fall on T = 1.
Give me a formula or some equations. It's not possible to draw a line between coordinates in minecraft, but I can export the data to a file, where you can render it how you want.
fccad8 No.98699
>You should also note that the (a^2+b^2) == (c^2 + 1) equation constitutes a right triangle that is off by one degree.
>Give me a formula or some equations
the grid is setup entire based on the difference between 2 square.
small square = (x+n)^2
large square = (d+n)^2
Between the prime coordinates, I'm guessing they interest on some Fibonacci spiral.
The grid just seems to line up too perfectly.
b56ad5 No.98739
We should all get minecraft and join a server.
Be careful though, you have to use a VPN or Tor because the server owner can see your IP.
You can use Unity instead.
91d683 No.98747
Meh. Only good for visualizations. We do have our own board, though.
b56ad5 No.98752
We should move there! So we can have more than one thread!
b56ad5 No.98756
And Unity is capable of calculations and other advanced graphing stuff.
91d683 No.98758
I'm in favor of creating threads for certain things there. But what we have here is very good. We can recruit new people to help us.
b56ad5 No.98791
Honestly I was just trying to nip the whole
'lets join a minecraft server' idea in the ass before anybody had it.
That's all. Sorry I thought you all were too incompetent to take care of your own opsec.
6722a1 No.98825
Thanks Senpai! You have helped me choose to reignite my love and passion for math(s). This part of my spirit and soul has laid dormant for many years. I am having a tremendous amount of fun, thanks for posing the challenge and dropping crumbs for your padawans. I'm literally sneaking out of work jobsites during the day to look for grid patterns, and I put my TI-89 from old days in my backpack just in case I need to calculate on the fly. Bringing my clipboard with notes everywhere to review. So much fun!!
91d683 No.98856
I'd ditch anything to crack this shit. But I'm trying not to. Work. Social life.
fccad8 No.98863
>Take the number 71. It appears once in the grid.
(7,28,4) = {7:28:8:7:1:71} = 71
>15 appears twice, in the same column.
(6,5,2) = {6:5:3:2:1:15} = 15
(6,1,1) = {6:1:3:0:3:5} = 15
The rest… can't wait for the weekend!
6722a1 No.98880
Mincraft Anon, excellent work! What a sweet way to visualize the output. You can set perspective wherever you want with Minecraft? Math / Algebra Anon here, so appreciating your skills over here.
91d683 No.98889
The kind of RSA numbers we want to factor have only two factorizations.
8a4f6a No.98905
If I rendered the prime candidates in the negative, and if there was a way to to render them in a higher dimension, they would be a double helix? That would explain the alternation T = 2?
The records are accurately set to the 3d block positions, and the game lets you teleport and move around.
600829 No.98921
If a number at position t has a factor s, then s is a factor at (t+s), (t+2s) and so on for a at (e,1).
Have been plaing with this and gotten some results. Doesn't work for all records (or my grid is not big enough, the code is buggy, etc.)
new_t = (a / i)) - t
new_e = 1
Some random samples
( 2, 97, 58) {2:97:181:114:67:489} 32763
( 2, 1, 9) {2:1:145:16:129:163} 21027 c % b = 0
( 2, 617, 331) {2:617:1013:660:353:2907} 1026171
( 2, 1, 22) {2:1:925:42:883:969} 855627 c % b = 0
( -7, 19, 14) {-7:19:46:27:19:111} 2109
( -7, 1, 5) {-7:1:46:9:37:57} 2109 c % a = 0 c % b = 0
( -7, 57, 33) {-7:57:102:65:37:281} 10397
( -7, 1, 4) {-7:1:28:7:21:37} 777 c % b = 0
( -7, 63, 39) {-7:63:124:77:47:327} 15369
( -7, 1, 8) {-7:1:124:15:109:141} 15369 c % a = 0 c % b = 0
( -7, 93, 52) {-7:93:160:103:57:449} 25593
( -7, 1, 5) {-7:1:46:9:37:57} 2109 c % b = 0
( 1302, 461, 236) {1302:461:711:470:241:2103} 506823
( 1302, 1, 5) {1302:1:691:8:683:701} 478783 c % b = 0
( 1241, 435, 222) {1241:435:670:443:227:1983} 450141
( 1241, 1, 5) {1241:1:670:9:661:681} 450141 c % a = 0 c % b = 0
( 1313, 439, 221) {1313:439:664:441:223:1983} 442209
( 1313, 1, 2) {1313:1:664:3:661:669} 442209 c % a = 0 c % b = 0
First line is the starting record, second line is the root in row 1. And comparing c from the starting record to a and b in row one.
fccad8 No.98929
Finding the factors is an unknown. Small integers isn't a big deal, but very large numbers will be.
I think the last couple of weeks was an intro to The Grid. And the fun is about to begin.
Possible. I can't visualize it. You can negate any record with:
public static TheEndRecord CreateForF( TheEndRecord ter ) {
int e = ter.e - ((2 * ter.d) + 1);
int n = ter.n - 1;
int d = ter.d + 1;
int x = ter.x + 1;
int a = ter.a;
int b = ter.b;
return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );
91d683 No.98950
Brilliant! Does this mirror the element? :^)
6722a1 No.99039
Ok lads, rested up and have some questions to pose. Kindly point out any and all errors, and pose solutions in a constructive manner.
So, a and b are suppose to be prime, correct?
As e increases, I see fewer and fewer primes in a and b, and more composite factors.
As n increases, I see fewer and fewer primes in a and b, more composite factors.
In (1,1) and (2,1) I see two trees growing next to each other with lots of primes on all branches of a and b in both trees.
Var x for (1,1) and has lots of primes, and interestingly enough, it shows all primes in a row, breaking only for multiples of 3. Print out a primes chart and verify yourselves.
Since a and b are supposed to be primes, should we be focusing here?
Example:(1,1) for var x
X= 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21
I'm looking at my printed out primes chart, and I'm seeing a path to finding every prime number. Prime, prime, multiple of 3. Prime, prime, multiple of 3.
I only have my printed chart, so could of you excellent code/program Anons run (1,1,t) out further (t=100??) and see if this pattern holds?
Var x -Prime, prime, multiple of 3. Prime, prime, multiple of 3. Maybe this helps with var s?
I've been wrong before, so no worries if I am this time. Just wrestling with this thing, and I'm not stopping. I love q good math challenge. ToughLoveAnon, be nice to me faggot! ;)
Non primes in these two trees (1,1) and (1,2) see to all be multiples of 3
6722a1 No.99064
Posting from mobile sorry for typos.
91d683 No.99090
Yeah, I can generate cells with extended t value. You just have to change "set_size" in the original program.
8a4f6a No.99092
results of:
if (((a * a) + (b * b)) == ((c * c) + 1)) {
world.getBlockAt(e, y_pos, n).setType(Material.EMERALD_BLOCK);
int ne = e - ((2 * d) + 1);
int nn = n - 1;
Point ny_look = new Point(ne, nn);
Integer ny_pos = Y_LOG.getOrDefault(ny_look, 1);
world.getBlockAt(ne, ny_pos, nn).setType(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK);
Y_LOG.put(ny_look, ++y_pos);
Y_LOG.put(y_look, ++y_pos);
91d683 No.99112
This minecraft stuff is really cool. Can you do it without setting up a server?
6722a1 No.99121
And pattern with multiples of 3 begins at t=5 where x = 9. (3 x3). Next occurrence, t=8 x=15 (3x5). Next occurrence t= 11 x=21 (3x7).
Printed grid here. I predict t=14 x= 27 (3x9). Can I get your eyes on this, anons? Again, could be wrong. Seeing a clear pattern,tho.
8a4f6a No.99122
Green is positive, red is negative. I'm not adjusting for -T, and somehow there was a record mirrored to E= -3 N = -1? Also T=2 for the positive E side only happens where E = 0.
8a4f6a No.99138
To execute your own code, the easiest solution is to run a local server, and a local client, which is what I'm doing.
6722a1 No.99143
Thanks anon!
Check out my last post. Just want to see if the patter holds for (1,1) bc if so we can generate all primes by riding the t elevator up to whatever level we need to. Not 100% sure tho, so want to verify.
b56ad5 No.99152
Minecraft is cool but you could use unity, it's 'free' and we could all follow along then.
91d683 No.99165
What language do you have to use Unity with? Neat thing about Minecraft is that you don't have to use Winblows to play it.
b56ad5 No.99177
c#, and I don't have a Windows machine either Unity works fine on Ubuntu and so does MonoDevelop.
b56ad5 No.99180
Oh wait, Javascript also works. So that covers Teacher as well.
91d683 No.99186
Yeah, Mono's existence was God's grace. VisualStudio is a fucking disaster. I've literally had it turn into a space-eating virus trying to install it.
600829 No.99188
Improved results by trying more values for i, and checking both a and b factors
b56ad5 No.99193
I'm not shilling though, do MC if you all want, but Unity is pretty decent and has distance calculations, quaternions, you name it and then we could all follow along together.
6722a1 No.99199
New bread, looking for my faggots.. Is this Bantz and Shitpost Anon?
b56ad5 No.99202
8a4f6a No.99205
The only reason I'm using Minecraft is because I know it and Java well enough to kludge something together fast enough to be helpful to the thread. I'm only on day 2 in this thread chain, and yall should have had a way to render data instantly at least 2 threads ago.
91d683 No.99211
Yeah, not at all. I'll try both. Can you think of how I can improve the OP? I'm working on updating the VQC map right now.
8a4f6a No.99223
Also if RSA gets broken through a java minecraft plugin, I'm going to piss myself laughing.
6722a1 No.99226
Hey Teach! Hope you had a good day. Can I get your eyeballs on this pattern please?
I think I found a potential path to generate all primes, multiples of 3 in between every third t starting at {e,n,t}(1,1,5). We need to run (1,1,t) out to t= 100 to see if the pattern holds. I could be wrong, but seeing a clear pattern here.
91d683 No.99229
What type of server are you using? Tips for install?
b56ad5 No.99239
There's literally not a modern machine that would spend longer than 5 seconds compiling and output a new .bmp, we're not exactly hard up for computer power here. Unity works, is free, has a nice IDE and doesn't require a minecraft license. I also don't have to down the line deal with you all talking about how we should join a minecraft server together so bad actors can pwn your machines. I still do not trust any of you.
Take out the math that's not good, an updated VQC map would be ultra dope and a major time consuming operation so thank you for doing it.
600829 No.99241
b56ad5 No.99257
Your visualizations are great but you never share the sauce to generate your visuals :( I see the pastebin, but like, your power function thing looks dope as fuck and I can't recreate it.
6722a1 No.99259
You're such a faggot, always acting like an old grandpa fag. Get with the times and prepare for the shill influx when we solve this. BantzShitzAnon?
91d683 No.99261
It's gonna be total chaos. They're all going to be scrambling to get rid of their dirt. You know how many gubmint shills use PGP?
600829 No.99268
The one in the OP?
Most of it is too hackish to share unless the results are worth it
b56ad5 No.99290
<Wants to use modern tooling
<Uses langs like Rust/C# instead of C
>Stop acting like an old grandpa fag
Listen here you little snot nose faggot. Get the fuck off my internet with your shitty fucking 'video games' with 'dedicated servers' and 'Java APIs'.
The shills ought to realize, that I'm not stuck here with them, they're stuck here with me.
When they shill me it's like I have real friends.
Be my friend faggot.
Yeah the one in the OP, it's dope as fuck. No need to post every piece of code but maybe toss the pertinent if's in a cap on the post itself.
6722a1 No.99299
Yeah it will. Gubmint shills bout to sheeeeit their pants!
You're welcome sheeeeitbaked, I'm doing your own marketing and promotion for you. I'll send you the bill, you can pay in weed. I'll smoke it with you.
8a4f6a No.99314
Be the change. Make a quick Unity how to, post code, and take requests. Also no one should be joining anyone's server. This is 100% local and makes no connections to the internet. It's also pirated, slow, bulky, and completely outside it's scope, but I can force it to act like a 3D excel, so it's gonna be what I use.
You're going to want IntelliJ, the JDK8, a (pirated optional) minecraft client, and the BuildTools.jar from the spigot website.
8a4f6a No.99327
P.S., you'd be better off learning unity and using whatever language you know if you don't already know java.
91d683 No.99333
I'm a shill for Java. Python is unreadable. C is too low level. C# is ok.
6722a1 No.99345
Hang on! I was shitposting too. Just messing with you. You have been crushing it, I thought I could get a Kek from you. Let's continue being friends. I was merely suggesting that you have have a name/trip if we get invaded, which as you know is starting to happen.
b56ad5 No.99366
Another anon posted code, I'll repost my latest rendition.
Pretty simple, install Unity.
GameObject > Create Empty
Assets > Open C# Project
Pick TheEnd.cs or whatever you call the file you imported from pastebin.
Now drag TheEnd.cs to the right side into the 'inspection window' and press play at the top. You can pause it and move around or we can implement minecraft like movement.
I mean to work on movement but I got sidetracked trying to render spatial trees in OGL in Rust.
b56ad5 No.99370
Oh I knew my dude, no worries. I love you all but I do not trust any of you.
91d683 No.99406
You can trust me! I'm legit.
But for real, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
b56ad5 No.99411
For the record, I will take any Unity request seriously and knock it out the best I can.
8a4f6a No.99458
Here's a visualization of positive E extending right, positive N extending down, green blocks where a record exists, red blocks where a record does not exist.
b56ad5 No.99468
add + (max_width / 2) to both e and f to center it.
91d683 No.99509
I can see the grid.
8a4f6a No.99535
Center it to what? I'm not calculating any of the F (-E?) side.
Also the namefield is gone?
b56ad5 No.99570
Yeah because namefags are literal cancer but you'll know me because I write rust and will call you faggots and will always play worst case scenario devils advocate.
Don't worry if you're not calculating the negative side then :D
ad0c1a No.99580
>namefags are literal cancer
8a4f6a No.99633
You'll know me because of my severely autistic minecraft screenshots. inb4 shill imposter
Teach or someone smart should be able to use this picture to derive an equation to move laterally in the grid.
b56ad5 No.99655
You can kind of make the grid hollow if you do c % prime == sqrt((a+b)/a))
maybe it's a % prime, i can't remember.
91d683 No.99685
Wow, the main thread is exploding. If this board is really comped, you all know where to go.
(Don't remember how to link but just type vqc in the url. I'll be making a post there soon.)
ad0c1a No.99688
Here's the same thing made with the image generation code.
91d683 No.99689
Again I say, our bunker is 8ch.net/vqc
ad0c1a No.99694
Also BO of >>>/vqc/ is active (hello)
91d683 No.99702
I'll be emailing you as well. Really hoping this was just a mistake.
8eb676 No.99703
6722a1 No.99773
Main CBTS? Been stuck here working on math. Is shit going down like 4chan CBTS a few weeks back?
91d683 No.99787
The BO disabled trips and hasn't reinstated them yet.
6722a1 No.99829
Well yeah even here we've had a ton of name/trips posting complete nonsense. I can handle Topolanon, he's the MysticAnonAdvisor. Mr E Melange is cool too. All the rest can fuck off.
ad0c1a No.99851
Hopefully he doesn't read this and take great offense to it, but has Topolanon contributed anything useful, or has he just posted endless posts about how "3 6 and 9 are beautiful and the golden ratio is the key to life and you just need to understand the numbers maaan"? I haven't been paying total attention.
91d683 No.99858
I'm going to make a post soon in our new board. Updating batter and such. Watch for it
6722a1 No.99913
Topolanon is cool, imho. I like his intuitive understanding. He's /ourguy/ and he's admitted he can't do the maths or programming, but has love for the topic. Also, the balance of maths and mystical understanding makes the thread much more fun. Also, Sonic Rainboom a few nights back was epic. We need fun and math. Topolanon elevates my game, I like him. That's just my opinion tho.
6722a1 No.99920
Thanks! Is this Baker?
91d683 No.99929
Thank you for being able to foresee this situation. If I could reward you for creating that board in advance, I would.
ad0c1a No.99965
Most of you (I'm assuming) are new to this website, so you won't have been here for all the other times things like this have happened, like during Gamergate (not that I helped much with that, but it was entertaining to watch). At this point it's just part of the process when these big things happen here.
I don't dislike him but I was curious about what he's actually doing.
6722a1 No.100008
VA here. Went through shillcon 1 on 4chan CBTS. It was incredible for three days straight. Buckle down, lads. Backup in place. Pretty new here, but seen a lot.
8a4f6a No.100013
>f o r c e d g e t
Dear God, please give us the clarity of mind to see the truth and the strength of will to vanquish our enemies. Amen.
91d683 No.100020
I certainly don't miss those shitty captchas.
6722a1 No.100030
Neither do I. You could choose old school Captcha in the options tho. I hate the road signs one.
ad0c1a No.100032
Since you obviously weren't already aware, 4chan has been compromised for years. I suggest you look into the guy who runs it (Hiroyuki Nishimura) and all the data mining/selling shit he did on 2chan, as well as Gawker Media (the daughter of the guy who ran Gawker was dating moot, the guy who used to run 4chan). Not to mention they use fucking Google captcha.
91d683 No.100045
Yeah, the owner of this site is pretty shady too. 4chan is 100% comped, though. They silently delete some threads, but most of the undermining is by selling data and giving away IPs to bad actors.
ad0c1a No.100061
Apparently Jim is a freemason but I don't know where I heard that. Either way, he's connected to Hiroyuki. Also there was a hack a while ago and it was found out that there was this piece of code that was logging the IPs of board owners along with their email addresses. Nowhere on the internet is safe, but at least less of our data goes to Google here. Plus, I don't know if you were aware, but Google doesn't even allow this 8ch to turn up in search results because of its content. There's a fork of 8ch (8ch.pl) which does turn up, so when people look up 8ch in Google they'll find .pl and think it's dead and irrelevant, which is pretty great.
6722a1 No.100073
Thanks for the knowledge, AA. Also, thanks again for planning ahead.
6722a1 No.100083
Amen!!! Let it be so. We need all the help we can get. Divine assistance much appreciated.
ad0c1a No.100155
For some reason I don't seem to be able to archive this thread. It redirects to (thread url)/index.html instead of just the thread url. I tried .is and .fo (although they seem to be the same website under different names since .fo has .is on its front page).
6722a1 No.100164
Seven Dwfs be getting busy on our shitz.
84b268 No.100180
Here's some more OC to wet everyone's whistles.
1st pic, every (E,N) where ANY T contains (A == 1). 2nd pic, every (E,N) where ANY T contains (A == 2). 3rd pic, every (E,N) where ANY T contains (A == 3).
ad0c1a No.100183
I don't know if that email you were planning on sending was important but I haven't gotten anything so I'm curious now.
6722a1 No.100206
Hello Anon! Can you please post the output for (1,1,t) from t=1 to t=100? Trying to verify this pattern for primes. Thanks in advance for your help.
84b268 No.100224
Same as above, but for A == 4, 5, and 6.
I can do this, do you want the raw data or blocks colored by rules?
6722a1 No.100260
Thanks! Raw data in the original grid form that QVC's first program posted would be great. (1,1,t) for odd e, t(1-100) and (2,1,t) for even e. T(1-100). These two trees are unique for generating primes, which we are seeking for a and b. Appreciate your help, Anon!
6722a1 No.100270
*VQC* not the shopping channel, lol!
6722a1 No.100292
Whoa. They flow off the 0,0 axis in semicircular patterns in your graphical output.
84b268 No.100297
Using C up to 1mill, I'm only generating (1,1) and (2,1) up to T ~23. Is there a formula to calculate straight up T? I'm gonna bump C up and bruteforce it in the meantime.
6722a1 No.100299
Sorry, here's my last post. On mobile, typos galore.
>>100292 semi circular patterns flowing off the axis.
84b268 No.100335
Sorry, life calls. Will complete in ~30 minutes if someone else doesn't generate it for you.
6722a1 No.100336
No need to bruteforce. For row 1 we know our t equations work fine.
ad0c1a No.100370
FYI, I've been attempting to dumb down what we've been doing as much as possible into some kind of guide/map/thing, like VQC suggested. Since VQC said that, several of you have written up great guides, and I'm not trying to say that any of them aren't any good, but I'm trying to go into as much detail as I can for the sake of everyone who might not know anything about anything (for example, the OP mentions a few quantum computing terms, such as the grid being the superposition, but before spending a few hours looking into it I had absolutely no idea what that meant). I'm trying to include details about every field this involves (how the grid is generated, how RSA works, how quantum computing works, Shor's algorithm, etc), since, according to VQC, that's meant to make the answer obvious, and it'll also help me understand it all in the first place (I tend to do this when I don't understand things regardless of their use to other people, so if you don't care feel free to ignore me). I'll post it when I'm closer to done so anyone who wants to can critique it and suggest areas that could use more explanation. It's already about 6 pages long, so hopefully it won't be way too long.
91d683 No.100390
I've been typing up a bit of a quick rundown on Shor. I had some problems with Gimp consuming too much RAM but I may be able to finish it.
ad0c1a No.100421
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>100390
Gimp? I've just been using a text editor. I understand it myself, assuming this video is accurate, but obviously you can write up an explanation too.
8eb676 No.100438
Thanks Anon! Will you please post what you've got so far? If you'd like to wait that's fine tho.
8eb676 No.100445
VA here. VPN keeps jumping.
91d683 No.100446
Research it more, it's fascinating. I'm using several analogies to take the math out of it.
ad0c1a No.100461
It's quite a lot of text, and it might need a bit of reordering, so I'll edit it at least a bit before I post it. The point of posting it will be to shape it into something legible, so if it isn't 100% legible to begin with, it misses the point a bit. You probably know most of it anyway, VA. It'll be ready eventually.
Here's what I typed out for Shor's algorithm. I haven't really gone over it, and it was around 2am, so hopefully it isn't hard to understand. It's based on the video I linked and a couple websites.
Shor's Algorithm:
>pick a number smaller than n (n = p*q, from RSA) which is relatively prime to it (a)
>find the period of a mod n (r) I explained periods somewhere else
>if r isn't even or if a^(r/2) + 1 is congruent to 0 mod n, pick a different relative prime
>if a^r (cong) 1 mod n, that means a^r -1 (cong) 0 mod n
>saying something is congruent to 0 mod n is the same as saying that it's a multiple of n (e.g. 30 is a multiple of 5, so 30 (cong) 0 mod 5)
>that means there must be an integer k such that
<a^r -1 = k*n
>since r is even, we can rewrite this as
<(a^(r/2) -1)(a^(r/2) +1) = k*n I think there was more explanation for this somewhere too
>since n = pq, we'll replace it with pq
<(a^(r/2) -1)(a^(r/2) +1) = k*p*q
>the greatest common divisor of a^(r/2) -1 and n is one of those prime factors, and the greatest common divisor of a^(r/2) +1 and n is the other one based on some other math from the video that I didn't type out
753181 No.100463
This shit is the big kahuna
91d683 No.100469
That's a good walkthrough. Have you written up an explanation of the Euler series?
42f4eb No.100478
>it's not linear.
Forgot to mention yesterday: number of ways to factor a product of n distinct primes into two factors is 2^(n-1) [sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, …]
e.g. for a, b, c we get four appearances generated by the grid
1 * abc
a * bc
ab * c
ac* b
8eb676 No.100494
VA here. Hey all Anons, names and trips are currently disabled bc of shilling on CBTS main. We know who we are. CA, PMA, TA, MA, Teach, Baker, BantzShitz, etc. If I forgot you I sincerely apologize. It would be helpful if you post "CA here." Etc so we can continue working under the shill shutdown.
8eb676 No.100499
Yes, it's all primes, and we're trying to find a and b which are primes? Correct me if I'm wrong.
ad0c1a No.100503
Nope. I haven't read into it myself yet. I'm trying to link each thing I talk about to every other thing I'm talking about as I go, and I'm not even completely sure what the Euler series is used for in this context yet (although I have seen it mentioned I think). I'm currently getting my head around a few parts of quantum computing. I also have other shit I should be doing but whatever.
AA here
914f97 No.100506
hello BO, serious implications going on atm, I'm a bit of a fart so this 4/8ch chit is new to me, but I've been awake for 25yrs so am wary as a motherF.
Thanks brah. I _almost_ filtered Topo, now have come to love him. Still 1/2 think he could be an AI, but it would be insane if AI was advanced enough to generate all those puns (unlikely), unless it's a mashup of all related inputs into some coherent response. Might have been wrong calling out that other ID as a shill, who knows, read his posts that showed back up after clearing cookies and hopping vpn's.
I'm not an anime guy, but that Rainbow shit was epic, and have no frickin idea how he pulled that out so quickly, perfectly in context, and then did it again with another clip. This is awesome.
Thanks for the heads up on other places that are comped. Should figure out if /cbts/ is really comped (likely know tonight), and if so do we migrate? I'm a newb and follow you all, thanks for the crumbs in the woods.
Think you're likely right about those dwarfs. Anon has hit a frickin' nerve!
Ok friends, I know I haven't actually contributed ANYTHING of real use so far, but hang with me please. I'm right now working on the backend working to loop a few A+++ minds on this (mathematicians, physicists, profs), men I completely respect and trust. As someone said, we don't want the newk codes going into the wrong hands. If what VQC has said is true, and I believe him, we are JUST cracking the surface of this, and we are going to need these types of resources in our collective as we move forward and catch up to where VQC is at already. Like we haven't even begun to touch stages 2 and 3, we're still in elementary school frankly.
Ok, I love you guys, and no, I'm not a fag.
914f97 No.100512
I thought my trip was going going to work because the fields were showing (but not in the other threads). Guess not, it's mystery melange here.
Waiting for orders from the pros.
8eb676 No.100516
It's fucking rainbows of numbers!!
c460dd No.100523
>It's fucking rainbows of numbers!!
91d683 No.100524
Euler sequence is what you find the period of. It tells you about the factors of c.
914f97 No.100526
MM here. (I won't get wacky w/ M^2 or anything silly)
8eb676 No.100529
Mr. E, what's up? Sonic Rainbooms tonight? What you got?
91d683 No.100531
Yeah I'm trying to finish some things and then I'll make a thread on the next board.
ad0c1a No.100538
Oh, I didn't realize that had a name. I think I glossed over that part but I did mention that you're meant to find where the mod pattern ends (which is always when the remainder equals 1). And then that ties into the probabilities of the qubits.
91d683 No.100544
The QFT makes the qubits have a high chance of collapsing into the answer instead of a random term of the sequence.
8eb676 No.100546
If you're here you're a faggot, Anon! Is this ToughLoveAnon? This has nothing to do with your sexuality. You're just a faggot for Beijing here. Embrace your calling.
8eb676 No.100552
Damn you autocorrect.
b56ad5 No.100558
Confimed, you're a faggot for existing.
And so am I.
b56ad5 No.100560
Are we moving to VQC or what's going on here, because this chan is fucked.
753181 No.100563
Looks kind of like a tan graph when I graph all these
91d683 No.100565
Yes, gimme a few minutes.
91d683 No.100569
You can technically run Shor's algorithm just fine on a classical computer. But it might take a million years to find the period if it's an RSA c.
4f0b1d No.100570
I'd rather bruteforce it and give you 100% good data, than for you to work with potential tainted data from unknown variables. Starting work again now.
In those specific examples, the green blocks are any (E,T, N) where A == 1 through 6, across 6 different images. A being the less of the two factors of C.
ad0c1a No.100571
Yup, and what I was doing before I started eating was getting my head around that and how it relates to the grid.
b56ad5 No.100572
My man, nice picture. Good to see someone else making the tree. I've done it with all primes up to 149p but after it looks messy imo. Good job dude. Love the coloring.
91d683 No.100586
Nothing wrong with bruteforcing to discover things. If you try it on anything significant (as I have, even though what we know so far is already faster than GNFS) it will take God knows how long.
914f97 No.100612
Ok, based on response, you're likely the fag I called out as a shill. If so, and you're legit and were just being a really skeptical ***, then I've got an apology for you, otherwise, fvck-off.
Also I've got my sig freshened up w/ extra clips ready, yada yada, 30 gallons of water in the basement.
Also, I've got no job since a few weeks back, so unless you got a bitcoin to toss me, I've got to worry about feeding my family in Feb. The only reason I'm here (and doing digging and posting in the general threads), is I KNOW we're going to change the world.
Peace M8s
fccad8 No.100617
PMA here.
you guys still looking for (1,1,t) data up to 100 rows?
8eb676 No.100621
Glad you're here, TL. Put your eyes on this pattern in (1,1) and (2,1)
8eb676 No.100641
Yes please PMA. (1,1,t) for odd e. Along with (2,1,t) for even e for t=(1-100). Two prime number trees growing right next to each other in the grid. A and b are supposed to be primes, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, lads.
42f4eb No.100645
I am TLA.
I posted above about how many times a product of n distinct primes is generated by grid: it is 2^(n-1).
fccad8 No.100653
(1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5} = 5;
(1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65;
(1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325;
(1,1,4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41} = 1025;
(1,1,5) = {1:1:50:9:41:61} = 2501;
(1,1,6) = {1:1:72:11:61:85} = 5185;
(1,1,7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113} = 9605;
(1,1,8) = {1:1:128:15:113:145} = 16385;
(1,1,9) = {1:1:162:17:145:181} = 26245;
(1,1,10) = {1:1:200:19:181:221} = 40001;
(1,1,11) = {1:1:242:21:221:265} = 58565;
(1,1,12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313} = 82945;
(1,1,13) = {1:1:338:25:313:365} = 114245;
(1,1,14) = {1:1:392:27:365:421} = 153665;
(1,1,15) = {1:1:450:29:421:481} = 202501;
(1,1,16) = {1:1:512:31:481:545} = 262145;
(1,1,17) = {1:1:578:33:545:613} = 334085;
(1,1,18) = {1:1:648:35:613:685} = 419905;
(1,1,19) = {1:1:722:37:685:761} = 521285;
(1,1,20) = {1:1:800:39:761:841} = 640001;
(1,1,21) = {1:1:882:41:841:925} = 777925;
(1,1,22) = {1:1:968:43:925:1013} = 937025;
(1,1,23) = {1:1:1058:45:1013:1105} = 1119365;
(1,1,24) = {1:1:1152:47:1105:1201} = 1327105;
(1,1,25) = {1:1:1250:49:1201:1301} = 1562501;
(1,1,26) = {1:1:1352:51:1301:1405} = 1827905;
(1,1,27) = {1:1:1458:53:1405:1513} = 2125765;
(1,1,28) = {1:1:1568:55:1513:1625} = 2458625;
(1,1,29) = {1:1:1682:57:1625:1741} = 2829125;
(1,1,30) = {1:1:1800:59:1741:1861} = 3240001;
(1,1,31) = {1:1:1922:61:1861:1985} = 3694085;
(1,1,32) = {1:1:2048:63:1985:2113} = 4194305;
(1,1,33) = {1:1:2178:65:2113:2245} = 4743685;
(1,1,34) = {1:1:2312:67:2245:2381} = 5345345;
(1,1,35) = {1:1:2450:69:2381:2521} = 6002501;
(1,1,36) = {1:1:2592:71:2521:2665} = 6718465;
(1,1,37) = {1:1:2738:73:2665:2813} = 7496645;
(1,1,38) = {1:1:2888:75:2813:2965} = 8340545;
(1,1,39) = {1:1:3042:77:2965:3121} = 9253765;
(1,1,40) = {1:1:3200:79:3121:3281} = 10240001;
(1,1,41) = {1:1:3362:81:3281:3445} = 11303045;
(1,1,42) = {1:1:3528:83:3445:3613} = 12446785;
(1,1,43) = {1:1:3698:85:3613:3785} = 13675205;
(1,1,44) = {1:1:3872:87:3785:3961} = 14992385;
(1,1,45) = {1:1:4050:89:3961:4141} = 16402501;
(1,1,46) = {1:1:4232:91:4141:4325} = 17909825;
(1,1,47) = {1:1:4418:93:4325:4513} = 19518725;
(1,1,48) = {1:1:4608:95:4513:4705} = 21233665;
(1,1,49) = {1:1:4802:97:4705:4901} = 23059205;
(1,1,50) = {1:1:5000:99:4901:5101} = 25000001;
(1,1,51) = {1:1:5202:101:5101:5305} = 27060805;
(1,1,52) = {1:1:5408:103:5305:5513} = 29246465;
(1,1,53) = {1:1:5618:105:5513:5725} = 31561925;
(1,1,54) = {1:1:5832:107:5725:5941} = 34012225;
(1,1,55) = {1:1:6050:109:5941:6161} = 36602501;
(1,1,56) = {1:1:6272:111:6161:6385} = 39337985;
(1,1,57) = {1:1:6498:113:6385:6613} = 42224005;
(1,1,58) = {1:1:6728:115:6613:6845} = 45265985;
(1,1,59) = {1:1:6962:117:6845:7081} = 48469445;
(1,1,60) = {1:1:7200:119:7081:7321} = 51840001;
(1,1,61) = {1:1:7442:121:7321:7565} = 55383365;
(1,1,62) = {1:1:7688:123:7565:7813} = 59105345;
(1,1,63) = {1:1:7938:125:7813:8065} = 63011845;
(1,1,64) = {1:1:8192:127:8065:8321} = 67108865;
(1,1,65) = {1:1:8450:129:8321:8581} = 71402501;
(1,1,66) = {1:1:8712:131:8581:8845} = 75898945;
(1,1,67) = {1:1:8978:133:8845:9113} = 80604485;
(1,1,68) = {1:1:9248:135:9113:9385} = 85525505;
(1,1,69) = {1:1:9522:137:9385:9661} = 90668485;
(1,1,70) = {1:1:9800:139:9661:9941} = 96040001;
(1,1,71) = {1:1:10082:141:9941:10225} = 101646725;
(1,1,72) = {1:1:10368:143:10225:10513} = 107495425;
(1,1,73) = {1:1:10658:145:10513:10805} = 113592965;
(1,1,74) = {1:1:10952:147:10805:11101} = 119946305;
(1,1,75) = {1:1:11250:149:11101:11401} = 126562501;
(1,1,76) = {1:1:11552:151:11401:11705} = 133448705;
(1,1,77) = {1:1:11858:153:11705:12013} = 140612165;
(1,1,78) = {1:1:12168:155:12013:12325} = 148060225;
(1,1,79) = {1:1:12482:157:12325:12641} = 155800325;
(1,1,80) = {1:1:12800:159:12641:12961} = 163840001;
(1,1,81) = {1:1:13122:161:12961:13285} = 172186885;
(1,1,82) = {1:1:13448:163:13285:13613} = 180848705;
(1,1,83) = {1:1:13778:165:13613:13945} = 189833285;
(1,1,84) = {1:1:14112:167:13945:14281} = 199148545;
(1,1,85) = {1:1:14450:169:14281:14621} = 208802501;
(1,1,86) = {1:1:14792:171:14621:14965} = 218803265;
(1,1,87) = {1:1:15138:173:14965:15313} = 229159045;
(1,1,88) = {1:1:15488:175:15313:15665} = 239878145;
(1,1,89) = {1:1:15842:177:15665:16021} = 250968965;
(1,1,90) = {1:1:16200:179:16021:16381} = 262440001;
(1,1,91) = {1:1:16562:181:16381:16745} = 274299845;
(1,1,92) = {1:1:16928:183:16745:17113} = 286557185;
(1,1,93) = {1:1:17298:185:17113:17485} = 299220805;
(1,1,94) = {1:1:17672:187:17485:17861} = 312299585;
(1,1,95) = {1:1:18050:189:17861:18241} = 325802501;
(1,1,96) = {1:1:18432:191:18241:18625} = 339738625;
(1,1,97) = {1:1:18818:193:18625:19013} = 354117125;
(1,1,98) = {1:1:19208:195:19013:19405} = 368947265;
(1,1,99) = {1:1:19602:197:19405:19801} = 384238405;
(1,1,100) = {1:1:20000:199:19801:20201} = 400000001;
91d683 No.100655
Real fucking good. Did you verify?
fccad8 No.100657
(2,1,1) = {2:1:1:0:1:3} = 3;
(2,1,2) = {2:1:5:2:3:9} = 27;
(2,1,3) = {2:1:13:4:9:19} = 171;
(2,1,4) = {2:1:25:6:19:33} = 627;
(2,1,5) = {2:1:41:8:33:51} = 1683;
(2,1,6) = {2:1:61:10:51:73} = 3723;
(2,1,7) = {2:1:85:12:73:99} = 7227;
(2,1,8) = {2:1:113:14:99:129} = 12771;
(2,1,9) = {2:1:145:16:129:163} = 21027;
(2,1,10) = {2:1:181:18:163:201} = 32763;
(2,1,11) = {2:1:221:20:201:243} = 48843;
(2,1,12) = {2:1:265:22:243:289} = 70227;
(2,1,13) = {2:1:313:24:289:339} = 97971;
(2,1,14) = {2:1:365:26:339:393} = 133227;
(2,1,15) = {2:1:421:28:393:451} = 177243;
(2,1,16) = {2:1:481:30:451:513} = 231363;
(2,1,17) = {2:1:545:32:513:579} = 297027;
(2,1,18) = {2:1:613:34:579:649} = 375771;
(2,1,19) = {2:1:685:36:649:723} = 469227;
(2,1,20) = {2:1:761:38:723:801} = 579123;
(2,1,21) = {2:1:841:40:801:883} = 707283;
(2,1,22) = {2:1:925:42:883:969} = 855627;
(2,1,23) = {2:1:1013:44:969:1059} = 1026171;
(2,1,24) = {2:1:1105:46:1059:1153} = 1221027;
(2,1,25) = {2:1:1201:48:1153:1251} = 1442403;
(2,1,26) = {2:1:1301:50:1251:1353} = 1692603;
(2,1,27) = {2:1:1405:52:1353:1459} = 1974027;
(2,1,28) = {2:1:1513:54:1459:1569} = 2289171;
(2,1,29) = {2:1:1625:56:1569:1683} = 2640627;
(2,1,30) = {2:1:1741:58:1683:1801} = 3031083;
(2,1,31) = {2:1:1861:60:1801:1923} = 3463323;
(2,1,32) = {2:1:1985:62:1923:2049} = 3940227;
(2,1,33) = {2:1:2113:64:2049:2179} = 4464771;
(2,1,34) = {2:1:2245:66:2179:2313} = 5040027;
(2,1,35) = {2:1:2381:68:2313:2451} = 5669163;
(2,1,36) = {2:1:2521:70:2451:2593} = 6355443;
(2,1,37) = {2:1:2665:72:2593:2739} = 7102227;
(2,1,38) = {2:1:2813:74:2739:2889} = 7912971;
(2,1,39) = {2:1:2965:76:2889:3043} = 8791227;
(2,1,40) = {2:1:3121:78:3043:3201} = 9740643;
(2,1,41) = {2:1:3281:80:3201:3363} = 10764963;
(2,1,42) = {2:1:3445:82:3363:3529} = 11868027;
(2,1,43) = {2:1:3613:84:3529:3699} = 13053771;
(2,1,44) = {2:1:3785:86:3699:3873} = 14326227;
(2,1,45) = {2:1:3961:88:3873:4051} = 15689523;
(2,1,46) = {2:1:4141:90:4051:4233} = 17147883;
(2,1,47) = {2:1:4325:92:4233:4419} = 18705627;
(2,1,48) = {2:1:4513:94:4419:4609} = 20367171;
(2,1,49) = {2:1:4705:96:4609:4803} = 22137027;
(2,1,50) = {2:1:4901:98:4803:5001} = 24019803;
(2,1,51) = {2:1:5101:100:5001:5203} = 26020203;
(2,1,52) = {2:1:5305:102:5203:5409} = 28143027;
(2,1,53) = {2:1:5513:104:5409:5619} = 30393171;
(2,1,54) = {2:1:5725:106:5619:5833} = 32775627;
(2,1,55) = {2:1:5941:108:5833:6051} = 35295483;
(2,1,56) = {2:1:6161:110:6051:6273} = 37957923;
(2,1,57) = {2:1:6385:112:6273:6499} = 40768227;
(2,1,58) = {2:1:6613:114:6499:6729} = 43731771;
(2,1,59) = {2:1:6845:116:6729:6963} = 46854027;
(2,1,60) = {2:1:7081:118:6963:7201} = 50140563;
(2,1,61) = {2:1:7321:120:7201:7443} = 53597043;
(2,1,62) = {2:1:7565:122:7443:7689} = 57229227;
(2,1,63) = {2:1:7813:124:7689:7939} = 61042971;
(2,1,64) = {2:1:8065:126:7939:8193} = 65044227;
(2,1,65) = {2:1:8321:128:8193:8451} = 69239043;
(2,1,66) = {2:1:8581:130:8451:8713} = 73633563;
(2,1,67) = {2:1:8845:132:8713:8979} = 78234027;
(2,1,68) = {2:1:9113:134:8979:9249} = 83046771;
(2,1,69) = {2:1:9385:136:9249:9523} = 88078227;
(2,1,70) = {2:1:9661:138:9523:9801} = 93334923;
(2,1,71) = {2:1:9941:140:9801:10083} = 98823483;
(2,1,72) = {2:1:10225:142:10083:10369} = 104550627;
(2,1,73) = {2:1:10513:144:10369:10659} = 110523171;
(2,1,74) = {2:1:10805:146:10659:10953} = 116748027;
(2,1,75) = {2:1:11101:148:10953:11251} = 123232203;
(2,1,76) = {2:1:11401:150:11251:11553} = 129982803;
(2,1,77) = {2:1:11705:152:11553:11859} = 137007027;
(2,1,78) = {2:1:12013:154:11859:12169} = 144312171;
(2,1,79) = {2:1:12325:156:12169:12483} = 151905627;
(2,1,80) = {2:1:12641:158:12483:12801} = 159794883;
(2,1,81) = {2:1:12961:160:12801:13123} = 167987523;
(2,1,82) = {2:1:13285:162:13123:13449} = 176491227;
(2,1,83) = {2:1:13613:164:13449:13779} = 185313771;
(2,1,84) = {2:1:13945:166:13779:14113} = 194463027;
(2,1,85) = {2:1:14281:168:14113:14451} = 203946963;
(2,1,86) = {2:1:14621:170:14451:14793} = 213773643;
(2,1,87) = {2:1:14965:172:14793:15139} = 223951227;
(2,1,88) = {2:1:15313:174:15139:15489} = 234487971;
(2,1,89) = {2:1:15665:176:15489:15843} = 245392227;
(2,1,90) = {2:1:16021:178:15843:16201} = 256672443;
(2,1,91) = {2:1:16381:180:16201:16563} = 268337163;
(2,1,92) = {2:1:16745:182:16563:16929} = 280395027;
(2,1,93) = {2:1:17113:184:16929:17299} = 292854771;
(2,1,94) = {2:1:17485:186:17299:17673} = 305725227;
(2,1,95) = {2:1:17861:188:17673:18051} = 319015323;
(2,1,96) = {2:1:18241:190:18051:18433} = 332734083;
(2,1,97) = {2:1:18625:192:18433:18819} = 346890627;
(2,1,98) = {2:1:19013:194:18819:19209} = 361494171;
(2,1,99) = {2:1:19405:196:19209:19603} = 376554027;
(2,1,100) = {2:1:19801:198:19603:20001} = 392079603;
fccad8 No.100659
Code already posted included an IsValid method. All passed.
42f4eb No.100663
>(2,1,7) = {2:1:85:12:73:99} = 7227;
99 = 3*3*11
914f97 No.100667
Ok then Rusty Skeptic. Glad we cleared the air a bit. We need the devils advocate side in a big way, I respect that.
Now I'll lurk so y'all don't get on me for sliding the thread.
fccad8 No.100670
feel free to suggest improvements.
public bool IsValid() {
if ( c != a * b ) { return false; }
if ( c != ( d * d ) + e ) { return false; }
if ( c != ( d + n ) * ( d + n ) - ( x + n ) * ( x + n ) ) { return false; }
if ( b != a + ( 2 * x ) + ( 2 * n ) ) { return false; }
if ( a != ( d - x ) ) { return false; }
if ( d != ( a + x ) ) { return false; }
if ( e != ( c - ( d * d ) ) ) { return false; }
if ( n != ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) - d ) { return false; }
if ( x != d - a ) { return false; }
return true;
4f0b1d No.100676
91d683 No.100677
Flawless. But if a cell has a negative e value it will say invalid.
42f4eb No.100678
deleted 100665 because of mistake.
thanks for posting IsValid, I thought you were checking if a and be were prime
8eb676 No.100682
Listening, attentively. What am I missing, TLA?
fccad8 No.100684
if you're looking at the data. look closely at the last digit for d, x, a, b.
notice the recurring pattern?
for (2,1,1)
d ends in (1,5,3,5,1)
x ends in (0,2,4,6,8)
a ends in (1,3,9,9,3)
b ends in (3,9,9,3,1)
then they repeat!
fccad8 No.100689
no. Prime records may just be unique due to placement in the grid.
fccad8 No.100697
will make a note to test. thanks.
42f4eb No.100701
ok awesome catch. i was confused by a statement about a and be being prime and didn't know what was being validated
8eb676 No.100708
Hello TLA! Only problem is that starting from c we aren't given n. We have to solve for n given c. We're kinda stalled at the moment trying to generate all variables for an element. We got c,d,and e. For primes. It seems that (1,1) and (2,1) are the two trees of primes. Thoughts?
4f0b1d No.100711
If we can calculate E and T, and move laterally through N, we can brute force our way to N.
If there's a way to derive D, X, A, B and C from any E, N, and T, we can solve in Log(n).
42f4eb No.100721
yes from the start there have been two parallels, looking for patterns in known data and then trying to reverse from c to ab.
tonight i'm gonna have to get into this grid business and learn some of the terminology anons are using (record, etc). will report thoughts.
minecraftanon, i would like to see the view at the floor, t = 0, the forest floor, canopy from below, looking N, E, maybe NE?
8eb676 No.100722
Thanks Anon! Appreciate your work. I'll look over the output now.
ad0c1a No.100725
I must be out of the loop. What is T?
42f4eb No.100741
what does it look like around N =400, E= 400, at the floor (Z = 0) ? looking N, E, or +Z?
4f0b1d No.100756
Variable E is the X axis, variable N is the Z axis, variable T is the Y axis.
ad0c1a No.100762
That doesn't explain what t is at all
91d683 No.100766
fccad8 No.100774
tested IsValid of -e values.
works fine.
sample output.
Enumerating e=-1, n=1, for values of t from 12 to 15.
(-1,1,12) = {-1:1:287:23:264:312} = 82368;
(-1,1,13) = {-1:1:337:25:312:364} = 113568;
(-1,1,14) = {-1:1:391:27:364:420} = 152880;
(-1,1,15) = {-1:1:449:29:420:480} = 201600;
ad0c1a No.100776
I didn't realize it was in the OP. You could have said that. We're all trying to help each other here.
4f0b1d No.100779
Look at this picture. >>99633 These are (E,N) positions that exist (in green) and don't exist (red). The ones that do exist are infinite in size (indexed by T)
42f4eb No.100788
fccad8 No.100791
fuuugggg. sorry to self reference.
check out the ending digit of c. repeating pattern.
for (1,1,t) repeating groups of (5,5,5,5,1)
for (2,1,t) repeating groups of (3,7,1,7,3)
bet there's a relationship with e and t.
c06ad6 No.100800
VA here.
t equations: only confirmed for (e,1) aka row 1 per VQC.
for even e, t= (x+2)/2
for odd e, t= (x+1)/2
For row 1, t is the index variable derived from x which allows us to number elements in an orderly fashion (1,2,3,4, etc), and hopefully identify recurring patterns that can be turned into equations, which can then be turned into programs, which can then help us solve the diff of squares equation for var n.
CHECK MY WORK HERE ANONS!!!: Our goal is to find all PRIMES of a and b (a*b=c) to solve the difference of squares equation. a and b should be primes?? After two weeks I'm still overwhelmed by the amount of data and equations. Confirm PLS anons?
fccad8 No.100806
and we have more repeating patterns
Enumerating e=3, n=1, for values of t from 1 to 10.
(3,1,1) = {3:1:3:1:2:6} = 12;
(3,1,2) = {3:1:9:3:6:14} = 84;
(3,1,3) = {3:1:19:5:14:26} = 364;
(3,1,4) = {3:1:33:7:26:42} = 1092;
(3,1,5) = {3:1:51:9:42:62} = 2604;
(3,1,6) = {3:1:73:11:62:86} = 5332;
(3,1,7) = {3:1:99:13:86:114} = 9804;
(3,1,8) = {3:1:129:15:114:146} = 16644;
(3,1,9) = {3:1:163:17:146:182} = 26572;
(3,1,10) = {3:1:201:19:182:222} = 40404;
d = {3,9,9,3,1}
x = {1,3,5,7,9}
a = {2,6,7,6,2}
b = {6,4,6,2,2}
Enumerating e=4, n=1, for values of t from 1 to 10.
(4,1,1) = {4:1:2:0:2:4} = 8;
(4,1,2) = {4:1:6:2:4:10} = 40;
(4,1,3) = {4:1:14:4:10:20} = 200;
(4,1,4) = {4:1:26:6:20:34} = 680;
(4,1,5) = {4:1:42:8:34:52} = 1768;
(4,1,6) = {4:1:62:10:52:74} = 3848;
(4,1,7) = {4:1:86:12:74:100} = 7400;
(4,1,8) = {4:1:114:14:100:130} = 13000;
(4,1,9) = {4:1:146:16:130:164} = 21320;
(4,1,10) = {4:1:182:18:164:202} = 33128;
d = {2,6,4,6,1}
x = {0,2,4,6,2}
a = {2,4,0,0,4}
b = {4,0,0,4,2}
fccad8 No.100824
and for c the repeats are
(3,1,t) c = {2,4,4,2,4}
(4,1,t) c = {8,0,0,0,8}
91d683 No.100844
I'm baking for the new board. Sorry for the delay.
c06ad6 No.100866
VA here. Hey Anon, you're welcome to be here! We've had some shills trying to derail, so we're on our guard. You are welcome to be here, and to contribute. If you don't have something to contribute yet, lurk moar, or post us some dank memes to make us laugh while we work. Us MathFaggots are a serious lot, but we need lulz too. Balance between work and fun.
Also, Q said: DIG, MEME, PRAY.
On this board, DIG means work to understand and contribute.
MEME means post some dank ass memes here cuz math faggots are way too serious.
PRAY means understand that your own mind is a VQC, and your prayers/thoughts/emotions for success contribute to our cause.
Pick one or more, and know that you are appreciated and welcome here, faggot.
ad0c1a No.100879
Learn how IDs work. I'm AA.
c06ad6 No.100890
AA, I apologize sincerely. Just jumped devices. A little tipsy too, about a bottle of wine. My bad. Sorry for that.
ad0c1a No.100900
No need to apologize, just pointing out how IDs work.
c06ad6 No.100933
Thx, I know. Made an error. Wish we could have a master screen showing threads for all id's you're following. You got any dank memes to post?
c06ad6 No.100935
Nice digits, BTW.
95fc35 No.100956
Floor view of EXACTLY E400, N400. Positive E to the right, positive N pointed down. There's a far view as well but I cannot for the life of me post both at the same time.
c06ad6 No.100969
Sonic Rainboom. You see that output? All primes in rainbow patterns. Flowing from the axis. for (1,1). Primes in circular/rainbow patterns. We're looking for primes for a and b, right? PLS correct me if I'm wrong. Did you all see VQC posts earlier in this thread?
More to be revealed this weekend!! Per VQC.
c06ad6 No.100974
Here's the Prime number Rainbow. Thx Anon for generating this!
95fc35 No.100981
From what I can tell, there are patterns straight across E and N, then there are patterns with a primary angle, with sub patterns growing from it.
Keep in mind these aren't prime, this is just where an (E,N) coord exists or not.
c06ad6 No.100986
Here's one for our MysticAnonAdvisor Topolanon! Where you at?
95fc35 No.101014
Last two for tonight, hitting the hay. 1st image is every (E,N) where ANY T matches B <= 100. 2nd image is every (E,N) where ANY T matches B <= 250.
63c3ea No.101015
Teach here - just got home. Great progress all.
VQC, thank you so much! This is crazy… I never thought I'd see the day. Congratulations on your ground breaking work, honestly, the work of a great man.
Just got home, getting caught up. I'll check out your pattern ASAP if you still would like me to.
Oof, nice work!
bd2341 No.101029
Not a shill or anything lol, just honestly wondering: do you all actually believe you're going to be able to break RSA? It's a little hard to believe.
bd2341 No.101031
How about using PGP for identification? lolololol
91d683 No.101034
Ironic, but something like that would be useful
95fc35 No.101035
914f97 No.101252
That is a link that has Q's 9 posts that occurred during the whole trip removal cufuckery. Here they are, posting for those who want to know what's going on without wading through 900 garbage posts.
Note, Q now has 2 trips:
original: '!|TPb.qbhqo'
new 2nite: '!UW.yye1fxo'
(Q cross validated one with another, see below).
Interesting example of how important secure / trusted comms are. Wow, quite the context for our work here.
Thank you patriots.
91d683 No.101296
Made this for you all
ad0c1a No.101481
Let's get opinions: should we move to >>>/vqc/ ? Someone was emailing me about it. I think it should be up to everyone, so I'm bringing that question here.
Pros of migrating:
>non-compromised board
>can have multiple threads on a range of topics, subdividing the possibly confusing topics in these threads that distract from one another
Cons of migrating:
>no newfags unless we shill somewhere
>this thread isn't complete yet
>some of us might not see this and wonder where everyone went
>maybe some of you don't trust me (I would be disappointed if you all had total faith in a stranger)
a3593d No.101582
>come to my non-comped board
lol I bet you glow so hard you can read your code book in pitch blackness
ad0c1a No.101793
Have you even been here before? I'm opening a discussion, shill, not telling everyone to trust me. If you didn't notice, there were more cons than pros in my post.
857c6b No.102001
relating it back to the genesis cell?
sounds key
I think the solution is a loop, where right side of loop gets feeded back to start of loop
914f97 No.102487
Migrate vote. Without reservation.
Am assuming this thread doesn't go away. Leaves plenty of crumbs for anyone with desire. We can take our time moving and continue to leave fresh crumbs here to follow.
1st point about non-compromised - that's the only real risk, same as last point on the negatives. Trust.
I see point #1 on your negatives as a positive.
Second Pro point is huge, many aspects to it. I believe this is going to be big. As time goes on, new folks will be at different levels, can have Q&A thread, etc. Going to get confusing as soon as we have RSA, mixed with ECC, and then someone else discussing fractals, which will cause frustration. Let alone all the applications that open up with a working VQC.
I've already started to reach out to a select handful in my network on this topic (physicists, mathematicians, and security experts both in industry and academia). Here is the note that follows a friendly introduction catchup bit (damn line breaks!):
A few weeks ago on an anonymous chat board, a member announced a
methodology for constructing a Virtual Quantum Computer with unlimited
qubits using a GRID methodology. An outline and initial code was
provided. The grid provides the ability to factor any arbitrary c,
being the product of two primes, in a relatively trivial way using
only algebra. The implication is that RSA, which relies upon the
difficulty of factoring two primes, will be broken, as a 4096bit RSA
private key can be calculated in less than a second from the public
key. This can then be extended to elliptic curves as well, with
implications for ECC. Beyond that will be the use of the Mandelbrot
set (still in the earlier stages).
The GRID is constructed of cells, each having a set of elements, and
has various properties and patterns - it shows the structure of
numbers as families, and as a tree. An example of a property of the
grid is that all Fermat primes (except 3) appear in column one. Each
cell in the grid is either null, or has elements. C## code was
provided for generating an initial grid, with the output being a csv
file. Attached is a screenshot of this output brought into Excel,
color coded based on even/odd/prime. Starting with this and the
relationships, the anonymous team has been cranking and appears very
close to a solution. The teamwork is fascinating, a chaotic process
out of which insights emerge. Some amazing plots of primes and other
relationships have been generated (see attached example).
My intuition tells me this is all very real. It's moving fast, the
implications are significant. I respect you and I trust you, hence
this note. Are you interested? Would you like to hear more?
Warm regards,
Mr.E (←just kidding!)
That was yesterday afternoon. Have already gotten a couple interested responses, and those individuals received the next crumb drop.
Here's an example of a piece of one response:
I do know a bit about both cryptography and quantum mechanics, so
my big question is how much of the grid needs to be constructed
for it to be useful. It sounds like it's using something on the
order of one cell per prime, or per number, etc. which implies that
for it to be useful to crack RSA, you need to build a grid of order
2^2000 in size, which as I'm sure you're aware is vastly larger than
any conceivable computer could store or even count up to. For this
to be practical, you'd need to have some scheme where you imagine
the grid, but only calculate just a tiny fraction of its cells to
solve any specific problem.
Has the group worked out the procedure to factorize, say, 6-digit
numbers, just to test out the algorithm and see how it scales beyond
what can be easily viewed in Excel?
I'm intrigued, of course, but my prior probabilities are skewed
heavily towards "random guy on the internet doesn't understand math"
rather than seeing a world-changing breakthrough in progress.
914f97 No.102501
looks like trips are turned off again at the moment. Good thing I jokingly signed that with my nick.
914f97 No.102545
ps - I prayed for you all this morning for a good bit. And for my girls, and for our country. Haven't really prayed / deeply meditated in a while. Couple of the images in the General yesterday got me. These last 3 weeks constitute the 3rd 'awakening' / redpilling cycle in my life. It's all been easy to swallow as I expected it, just not quite to this scale. The Titanic and NK puppet country were a bit of a surprise and weren't on my radar, but right away I was like, duh, of course. tbh, would be hard to imagine a 4th beyond this, but who tf knows what galactic evil is out there, will leave the possibility open of something worse. I'm not going to any hospital, I'm alive and haven't felt more hopeful (yet slightly desperate) in my life.
Love you fags. Mr.E
547c6d No.102887
PMA, thanks for posting these! I fell asleep early, but appreciate your work here! I'm looking them over for patterns.
Whoa!! Thanks Mr E for linking Q's posts. Shit is going down. No comms?
42f4eb No.103034
Ok anons. Bit of analysis here.
If anyone is wondering about this 2d +1 business, it's the difference between (d+1)^2 and and d^2, because (d+1)^2 = d^2+ 2*d + 1. Dunno if that's come up in a picture or not.
And when you go from d to d+1, that is what makes the remainder negative (the one we call f), since d+1 is the ceiling of sqrt(c). If the code that generated the grid defined f as c - (d+1)^2 it would be more obvious, but worse code.
I can show you how to get x from n the case n=1, the first row. This case proves nothing, as knowing n=1 (or having small n in general, as per the wiki) already would compromise the factorization. But I'm gonna show some anons what I found anyway.
Take c = 91. Remember we don't know a or b so pretend we can't see them, or x, or t. We know c, and get d and e easily: d=9, e = 10. Go to column 10. If I know I'm in this row, then I can jump to f-land: let d'= d+1 = 10, then f = 91-10^2 = -9. Then also the n drops down, to zero, and x increases (don't know x yet). But over in row zero of f-land, this means n=0 and this makes -x^2 = f happen (and a*b factorizes as (d-x)*(d+x)). So f = -x'^2. That means x' = 3. Here in row zero, that x' is half the distance between a and b, so at this point we would easily get the factors knowing they are 6 apart and their midpoint is 10, they must be 7 and 13.
Also will point out some in-cell patterns for a and b. In the cell (9,1), the numbers are 5, 7, 13, 23, 37, …
This page shows how to solve: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100311130414AAtPWQr
In this case it is 7 - 4t + 2t^2, to generate 5, 7, 13, 23, 37, … (Similar to the 4, 10, 20 sequence which is generated by 2t^2 +2. )
420bf9 No.103035
I'm impressed. It's going to work easily with RSA numbers, because the qubits exist in the abstract, say - Plato.
547c6d No.103041
VA here. Beautiful picture! Look at the rainbows of primes on the side! Nice work, anon.
d10f68 No.103068
LulzCypher = Coding in Puns.
420bf9 No.103084
Does this pattern apply to all c's?
fccad8 No.103091
relevant records:
P => (10,37,5) = {10:37:9:8:1:91} = 91
Pf => (-9,36,5) = {-9:36:10:9:1:91} = 91
p => (10,1,2) = {10:1:9:2:7:13} = 91
please outline the jump again.
42f4eb No.103104
Do you mean the pattern of solving x using row zero in f-land? No, the interesting primes would have large n values.
Do you mean the formula for a and b? Most are quadratics like this, but some cells have irregular t-increments, at least in the csv file I have. Dunno why
547c6d No.103145
Good morning Topolanon! Nice to see you back, I posted some ponies for you last night :)
Thanks for the Shor's explanation AA, appreciate the summary.
42f4eb No.103147
I'm afraid I haven't absorbed the 'records' language yet.
from {10:1:9:2:7:13}
to {-9:0:10:3:7:13}.
Again I would only know {10:1:9:x:a:b} and the 1 is a huge piece of info.
Then I get {-9:0:10:3:a:b} and that is enough.
420bf9 No.103152
Because the t equations are misleading when you compare them to the grid. When you go down a cell-group, the first cell of an (e,n)'s t value (think of it as a starting index) changes. So as you go down, the first cell you see will have t=2, next t=3 and so on.
42f4eb No.103168
Oh I know. You can start way far down and most are still quadratic. Starting value is not the problem. It is erratic spacing of t values. They must be regularly spaced.
t = 7, 10, 13, 16, no problem
t = 7, 10, 15, 16, this won't work
42f4eb No.103178
e.g. in cell (6,55) I have t values of 10, 25, 32, 47, 65, 80, these are not regular, dunno what is the reason, maybe missing values or maybe gets complicated
42f4eb No.103208
I figured it out, the t values get weirder patterns as you explore further from 0,0. in cell (51, 22) they jump by 2, 9, 2, 9, 2, etc. There might be formulas for each cell but they might increase in degree as our numbers get larger.
547c6d No.103218
Yeah, I'm not understanding the jumps in t either as n increases, and VQC verified them to me, at least for row one.
> Starting value is not the problem. It is erratic spacing of t values. They must be regularly spaced.
I agree, I have no clue what to do with the irregularly spaced ones. They do move in patterns upward somehow related to n?
start at n=3
(0,3) t= 4,7,10,13,16, etc
(3,3) t= 2,5,8,11,14, etc
but then you have cells in between like(2,3) that are erratic.
42f4eb No.103245
oh yeah, already at (2,3). might as well look at cells close to home then. break time, i'll be back
edb3c0 No.103251
MCAnon here, give me some (E,N) coords and a formula for where T should land, and I'll render them. I'm gonna render some ideas that I had last night.
42f4eb No.103275
if it is a polynomial in t you can use this technique, but if the 'second differences' aren't equal then you would need a higher degree, or maybe a different pattern i haven't thought of
547c6d No.103335
VA here. Yeah, I've been praying a lot too. The levels of evil that are being exposed are intense. No wonder I've been like "WTF is wrong with this world?" since I was a kid. A bunch of evil psychos currently have control of it. VQC RSA quest ties in. Total Conspiratorial Power = 0 if you can't keep/hide secrets. I seriously can feel energy leaving my body nowadays when I pray, I'm transmitting upwards to the source of Truth and Justice, and calling on that source to bring down some justice on these evildoers.
May good defeat evil, and as the good book says:
"If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead."
547c6d No.103362
And God Bless and protect DJT, Q, and all the patriots who are fighting to overthrow the evil empire. I'll do my small part by following Q's instructions to Dig, Meme, and Pray, and have some serious fun working on math(s).
547c6d No.103390
And Thank You VQC for inviting us to join you on this Math Challenge that can help better the world. We are humbled and honored to be here, Senpai. Thanks for hanging out here with all us faggots.
fccad8 No.103394
Want to share some minor tests for creating new records based on changes in d.
Formula is as follows:
int newD = ( depth % 2 == 0 ) ? orig.d + a * ( depth - 1) - 1 : orig.d + a * ( depth - 1 );
Also a new method to create a record by EAD:
public static TheEndRecord CreateForEAD( int e, int a, int d ) {
int x = d - a;
int n = ( ( x * x ) + e ) / ( 2 * a );
int b = a + 2*x + 2*n;
return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );
Output as follows where c=785.
Analysis of (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785
Enumerating e=1, n=1, for values of t from 1 to 5.
(1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5} = 5;
(1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65;
(1,1,3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25} = 325;
(1,1,4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41} = 1025;
(1,1,5) = {1:1:50:9:41:61} = 2501;
Enumerating factor 5 for (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785 by changes in t.
Base record (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65 for factor: 5.
(1,1,7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113} = 9605;
(1,1,12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313} = 82945;
(1,1,17) = {1:1:578:33:545:613} = 334085;
(1,1,22) = {1:1:968:43:925:1013} = 937025;
(1,1,27) = {1:1:1458:53:1405:1513} = 2125765;
Enumerating factor 5 for (1,365,14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785} = 785 by changes in d.
Base record (1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65 for factor: 5.
(1,1,2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13} = 65;
(1,5,4) = {1:5:12:7:5:29} = 145;
(1,17,7) = {1:17:18:13:5:65} = 325;
(1,29,9) = {1:29:22:17:5:97} = 485;
(1,53,12) = {1:53:28:23:5:157} = 785;
547c6d No.103585
Hey PMA, nice work. So var d moves in the same pattern as t? That's cool bc starting from c we already have d, so we could use your idea to help generate all the "seeds" or factors for a?
I've noticed an interesting pattern that ties t directly to a. At the moment I only have it working in (1,1) but it's still pretty cool. Don't know how it can work in other columns yet, if at all.
Check this pattern out:
go to (1,1)
t=1 a=1
t=2 a= (current t^2 + previous t^2) a=4+1=5
t=3 a= (current t^2 + previous t^2) a= 9+4=13
t=4 a= (current t^2 + previous t^2) a=16+9=25
t=5 a= (current t^2 + previous t^2) a=25+15=41
Cool, huh?
edb3c0 No.103671
Hivemind as fuck, here's some visualizations of D. Check the filenames.
91d683 No.103699
Mathematical minecraft! Kek! Did you just invent a new genre of worldbuilding!?
edb3c0 No.103718
I just like to play games to win.
Next up, X!
fccad8 No.103721
similar pattern.
formula for t changes:
int newT = baseTer.t + depth * a;
formula for d changes:
int newD = ( depth % 2 == 0 ) ? baseTer.d + a * ( depth - 1) - 1 : baseTer.d + a * ( depth - 1 );
These seems to work for any value of e and factor a where n = 1.
edb3c0 No.103745
Oh fuck. This is where X == 2. It extends out to infinity. There's a relationship from E, to X and B. And from N, to D and A.
447ce7 No.103759
Yeah we think X is like an indexing set or something because they always go up by 2
547c6d No.103815
Great work on these visuals, Anon! I think the patterns in d are pretty promising, especially since starting from c, d is the first variable be can get to, along with remainder e. Next, we find the pattern that helps us generate the "seeds" or factors of a. Kind of appropriate that Senpai's new variable is "s" like factor "Seed".
edb3c0 No.103835
X has patterns as well, it's very interesting.
edb3c0 No.103857
It's also worth noting, if E is even, X is even. If E is odd, X is odd. Always.
91d683 No.103890
If that's true..
that's huge.
b56ad5 No.103967
RSA cracked. BTC on suicide watch.
edb3c0 No.103975
Here's a evaluation of, if X is odd, turn (E,N) green.
Also hello namefield.
edb3c0 No.104010
If X is even, turn (E,N) green. There's also a pattern in D, coming up.
Fucking reality is god damn fractal.
447ce7 No.104024
Towards the end of this its the exact same arc just moving down along the center
91d683 No.104025
edb3c0 No.104038
Some kind of harmonic frequency?
447ce7 No.104040
Just tried to loop it. Wasn't working for me originally
447ce7 No.104047
This is cells where values of A are equal to 0->100. I'll make more gifs I just figured out how to do it. Any requests???
b56ad5 No.104058
Somethin' fancy so I can enjoy it while smoking a joint.
547c6d No.104060
It is true. Also, a is always less than d, and b is always more than d. small square is for a, big square is for b.
Take a look at this pattern too, lads
(1,1) and (2,1)
for any location t in row 1,
a = d - current x
b = d + next x in series
d=50 x=9 a=41b=61 So a=50-9 b=50+11 (x in t=6???)
d=72 x=11 a=61 b=85 So a=72-11 b=72+13 (next x down?? in t=7)
Lots of patterns from d, Anons. Thoughts?
edb3c0 No.104062
Make gifs of all the variables as they ramp.
b56ad5 No.104076
I'm tryna smoke a j my duderino famalamabamaramawhama. Let's get some infotainment up in dis.
447ce7 No.104095
new A and new B with labels. B looks like a standard normal
447ce7 No.104100
Throwing B up to 500 for this next one
edb3c0 No.104106
There's another pattern in D I just found. If D is even, it will never land on E2, E6, E10, E14, E18, etc. If D is odd, it will never land on E1, E5, E9, E13, E17, etc.
91d683 No.104114
Don't smoke. It makes you dumber yet think you are smarter.
I honestly would love to destroy Bitcoin just because coinfags are cancerous.
b56ad5 No.104123
I smoke to make myself dumb because dealing with the rest of the world sober is like walking through a sea of cold molasses made of ineptness, mediocrity, and stupidity.
Unfortunately it doesn't do much for the hate.
91d683 No.104143
That's a blackpilled way out.
b56ad5 No.104155
Maybe blackpill is what I worked my way up to.
edb3c0 No.104166
There's a fuckton of patterns depending if varibles are either even or odd.
b56ad5 No.104169
Love it, love it, love it.
Double love it.
edb3c0 No.104182
Do gifs of the variables sloping, where the variable is either even or odd. Sloping odd x, sloping even x, sloping odd d, sloping even d, etc, etc.
447ce7 No.104193
This puts the D's and X's on the same graph and its white when they're the same
447ce7 No.104196
Elaborate? What do you mean sloping?
edb3c0 No.104205
If C is even, it will never land on E1-2, E5-6, E9-10, E13-14, etc etc etc.
edb3c0 No.104207
The same thing you're doing now, but only if the variable is even or odd.
edb3c0 No.104213
There's two patterns that are very close to each other, but shift slightly if the variable is either even or odd. That's why it looks like the pattern is oscillating, because you're showing two different patterns back and forth.
edb3c0 No.104217
It doesn't look like it in A, but it's definitely there in D and X
fccad8 No.104226
>You should also note that the (a^2+b^2) == (c^2 + 1) equation constitutes a right triangle that is off by one degree.
MCAnon - a thought.
Does it mean that in 360 steps a line going from (e,1) through each "perfect" point of (e,n) where a = 1 will complete a full spiral?
And if you factor in the negative f records for each of these points, does it oscillate?
91d683 No.104283
Looks like it's dancing.
edb3c0 No.104299
The two in separate gifs?
I'm not sure it'll be in 360 steps, but yes. I think the missing key is in the T variable, and with it the A = 1 pattern would be 3 dimensional. There's a gif that would help explain, let me find it.
447ce7 No.104303
Here I made if the A value is the same, then a slightly different color if the cell is equal to the previous A value, then another if it's equal to the next A value
447ce7 No.104324
Another with the A's. They all go in linear paths.
447ce7 No.104334
Notice the sideways parabola that just moves downwards. This is crazy because we can predict exactly where that parabola will go. In addition, we know that the parabola to the right and left of it shift over by an increasing amount (because the slope is 1 or -1).
Here's B in that same style
b56ad5 No.104372
Nice digits Riker.
91d683 No.104382
Time to Trekkie meme it up. Which character is Chris?
b56ad5 No.104389
edb3c0 No.104435
I can't find the exact gif I'm thinking of, but one on this page is close. http://0a.i<linkbreak>o/calculus-explained
I think the same way a 2d circle looks like a line in 1d, or a 3d cube looks like a square in 2d, some of these patterns might exist in a higher dimension then the 2+1d grid we've got so far, and we're only seeing the artifacts of the real pattern. I read on /pol/ a long time ago some russian guy broke RSA using an oscilloscope, and got fucking murdered for it.
Think of it like this, we know C, and we know it's rounded down square root (D). If we could walk along D (a waveform through (E,N)?) we can check coordinates where the waveform intersects properly. There's some kind of trigonometry or calculus, or linear algebra, or combinational relationship between some of the variables.
91d683 No.104452
Need to start using Khan Academy again, Kek
fccad8 No.104582
quick question for Algebra anons.
Is it possible to solve the equations given e, d, and c?
91d683 No.104598
Not currently, no.
42f4eb No.104602
thanks anon. close up enough to find the cells in and study up close on the spreadsheet
b56ad5 No.104604
Topolanon, why the hell isn't there new Dragon Ball until tomorrow?
edb3c0 No.104672
Quick recap from my EZBake oven,
If E is even, X is even. If E is odd, X is odd.
If D is even, it will never land on columns E2, E6, E10, E14, E18, etc. If D is odd, it will never land on columns E1, E5, E9, E13, E17, etc.
If C is even, it will never land on columns E1-2, E5-6, E9-10, E13-14, etc. If C is odd, it has a pattern across N0 and E0 as shown.
91d683 No.104746
42f4eb No.104918
>(a^2+b^2) == (c^2 + 1)
off by one degree? are you sure?
This will give you the cases where a = 1 and b = c. Which is a good segway to the next post
ad0c1a No.104926
Reposting a couple of these from a few threads ago because of these gifs. For some reason I feel like there might be a relationship. Filenames indicate the axes used instead of e by n. There are more but I'll save you the wall of images.
So when should we move? I'm slightly more free than I have been for the past week to moderate the board right now, but there is a hell of a lot else I should be doing. I'll still be there daily whatever the circumstances (I moderate a couple other boards so I have to be).
91d683 No.104966
Yes, the Pythagorean theorem applies to non-right triangles in the form of an inequality (adding one makes it greater and not equal)
fccad8 No.104968
218e5a No.105026
Seems okay to be here now. In the instant something happens to the board I'll be there to post.
42f4eb No.105038
Ok here is what those shallow diagonal lines crossing the center are. the ones in the pic. whether you fix x or fix d will give these same lines, here's why:
When d is fixed and a=1, you have c = b and x = d - 1. Then the following relationships hold.
Using b = 2n + 2x + a and substituting gives b = 2n +2d -1.
Since e = c - d^2 = b - d^2, we can sub for b in the line above and get e = 2n + 2d -1 -d^2 = 2n - (d-1)^2.
So the cells we are seeing lit up here follow 2n-e = (d-1)^2.
The line will run for b values above (d-1)^2, and below (d+1)^2. For example with d = 7, be values will be above 36 and below 81. The one in the center one column, e =0 will have b = 49.
This also explains why the shape is a downward parabola.
218e5a No.105045
For now I'll post some highlights from these threads there.
42f4eb No.105080
The following is true for all triangles:
C^2 = A^2 + B^2 - 2AB cos(c)
Your claim is equivalent to 2AB cos(c) =1,
so (c) = arccos(1/(2AB), doesn't mean you're going to find an 89 degree or 91 degree triangle.
I won't stop anyone throwing ideas around, but why not check?
42f4eb No.105295
by the way the lines in the pic here >>105038 have a^2 + b^2 = c ^2 +1. since a = 1 then necessarily b = c. I did the math on how this creates lines inside a parabola
be520b No.105321
You're right. I'm not an expert in any maths, I've just tried applying different things to it.
d04542 No.105642
Another interesting property, for semiprimes the original record (A==1, B==C) is very very far on +N, however the factor of it is actually very, very low on N. Generating some sample data now.
d04542 No.105924
Redacted, this is only true when C is small.
91d683 No.106099
Not a general, just for explanations.
96b88d No.107039
Why did you delete.
42f4eb No.107057
>>105321 sorry anon i was being a dick
trying to rewrite it better. on my screen it's still up so confusing.
I wrote how I know a formula for getting the first element in a cell in (e,1) for any e using only known values (which are e and 1). I suspect what VQC is getting at is even simpler though.
The loop generating the cells creates small x values first (related to the inner j loop, j=x+n = x+1) . Since n = 1 in this row, we get 2an = 2a = x^2 + e so a = (x^2+e)/2. If x = 0, a = e/2 so there is an entry like this only for even e.
If x =1, we get a = (e+1)/2, so that is the first entry for odd e values.
Then b is a + 2x + 2.
Also in this first row, the sequence for a and b looks like you can use the formula I've linked to above (a quadratic relation). I still don't know how they are keys for the cells below the first row. I'm finally getting into looking at that part
42f4eb No.107256
the hint that na, nb for any c can be found n entries apart in the cell at (e,1) also applies to the factorization a=1, b =c. That's the big N (d+N = (c+1)/2 so N is bigger than usual).
So N and cN are part of the sequence of a and b values in (e,1), along with na and nb.
Also the a and b values in the (e,1) are involved in deciding whether (e,n) is empty or full. Look down column 22.
42f4eb No.107260
>Look down column 22.
at the value of n when a cell is occupied
42f4eb No.107286
Pick an 'e' and run down the grid. Seems like a cell is occupied if its n-value is a factor or a multiple of the sequence of a,b values that the cell (e,1) runs through.
42f4eb No.107318
which means (e,na), (e,nb) , (e,N) , and (e, Nc ) are occupied cells in the e column.
and also (e,a) , (e,b) should be occupied.
sure enough in the 5,29, 145 example, the cell (1,29) is occupied. what to do with that idk
bc16c7 No.107338
Still no tripcode.
bc16c7 No.107342
91d683 No.107745
Why are the threads at the top of my list deleted??
56fda1 No.107871
Some faggot deleted the original VQC thread, that sucks
56fda1 No.107877
Hmm, its still up, just the backlinks are fucked?
598f48 No.108001
Code to generate any genesis element in (e,1), positive or negative:
d66989 No.108874
Good job!
Where are you?
Is everybody just lost in math and code, have you given up or did you get kidnapped by the clowns? Not even TopolAnon is here too cheer us up
d1b0d9 No.108900
VA here, happy weekend to all you faggots!
Great recap and visual of variable relationships, thanks Anon.
>Quick recap from my EZBake oven,
>If E is even, X is even. If E is odd, X is odd.
Even more interesting to me is this realtionship of where c and d land in the columns, and where they don't. Nice work on this too!
>If D is even, it will never land on columns E2, E6, E10, E14, E18, etc. >If D is odd, it will never land on columns E1, E5, E9, E13, E17, etc.
>If C is even, it will never land on columns E1-2, E5-6, E9-10, E13-14, etc.
>If C is odd, it has a pattern across N0 and E0 as shown.
Good work here TLA!
Seems like we're gaining greater understanding of how the variables interact, and how the variables help determine column and row placement. Making progress, lads!
I was just wondering the same thing! I'm here tho. Let's keep working. Got family stuff to attend to, but I'll pop in and out!
d66989 No.108962
At least the thread works! Eerily quiet here, either everyone needs a well deserved break or there in a clown cell somewhere :(
VQC missing too, maybe 8ch is comped?
Still working and will post as soon as I have something useful, enjoy your family stuff (or not depending on your family)!
42f4eb No.108981
Agreed weirdly quiet. Thought weekend would be abuzz . We can still work on this:
>I'll show you all how to move easily from the first or second cell (odd or even e) to any value c and then any value that is the product of p and c, where p is a prime.
>Once you can see how to move to any value c in the first row and then a multiple of c in the first row, things get REALLY interesting.
>The value p, the multiplier of c, can be CHOSEN, so you basically get control of an entire cell for manipulating c.
>Then we will use that control of a multiple of c and the pattern of the cell it is in to expose the factors of c.
Anyone mess around with this yet?
d66989 No.109050
Don't even know where to start short of bruteforcing c*p and checking against the first row
b56ad5 No.109065
Google ChrisRootofDavid.
Totally shoahd
4b4786 No.109088
I'm also here, just thinking. I'm stuck on trying to understand T outside of the first row. I think I'm gonna brute force C to a huge number, and post the CSV of just a small number of cells.
b56ad5 No.109148
Literally some weird fucking shit. Lends credence to VQC not being a fake and gay faggot larp.
d66989 No.109160
Make your fucking point or GTFO
How can you contribute actually useful rust and unity code and still be a total idiot?
b56ad5 No.109165
Are you stupid?
VQC getting shoahd from google search is high indication there's some threat to them.
Sorry you're an idiot.
b56ad5 No.109166
Also reports of bank websites being down for a few hours.
b56ad5 No.109169
And unlike you niggers tucked away in here, I've been putting up memes like I was originally asked until VQC comes by this weekend like he said you petulant little bitch.
4b4786 No.109179
>not trying to solve it before he comes back
b56ad5 No.109184
Priorities, sorry.
b56ad5 No.109186
Nobody made Adam Schiff or Doug Jones memes, someone had to do it.
42f4eb No.109204
also we can try to find out how the branching of the Tree works. Hint was that first branching is whether e is odd or even. Second branch? Third? Keep this in back of mind while messing around
d66989 No.109220
I'm even getting the original VQC arhcived thread in the results, how is that shaohd? The fucking twitter is gone?
Who gives a shit? Not like anyone is gonna find the fun stuff from twitter or google anyway
b56ad5 No.109236
>Original archived thread
That's the ONLY result.
Search: ChrisRootofDavid twitter
The original archive thread is the only result.
Before you could google 'ChrisRootofDavid' and it would work, it still works on DDG. I'm sorry you're assmad I noticed a change in how things are. Sorry I bothered to tell your dumb ass about it.
d66989 No.109288
>The original archive thread is the only result.
I get the first RSA thread as well
So google banned some twitter results, what else is new… We made the list along with everything else that is interesting, weee. Both are obviously crap so why care?
Maybe someone added it to the blacklist on purpose, in which case they just wasted more of their time. Who searches ChrisRootofDavid on google anyway when you can go to twitter or find it on real search engines?
We already know the info in these threads is worth nuking way more than just search results for, why it hasn't happened yet is beyond me, unless we're getting played
d66989 No.109292
But whatever, thanks for the info. No need to argue :)
Post some fucking code!
b56ad5 No.109301
>Post some fucking code!
Dude I'd love to come back here and chill with you faggots but cbts is in dire straights kinda. There's literally only me making memes.
b56ad5 No.109304
Like the storm is happening in Alabama.
d66989 No.109309
Yeah I noticed the board is totally fucked after the major shilling, not sure how to put it right
b56ad5 No.109321
Memes are important because normies will be back monday while they're at work. If any of you can spend a few minutes memeing that'd be great. If not that's cool too. Sorry I can't help atm but they're really fucked.
8eb676 No.109353
Yeah, he's right. Time to fire up the meme cannons. Let's keep working here, but we need to make memes for normies. This project is awesome, but is a sub project to Q's directives. 4chan comped and overrun, 8chan possibly comped and totally fucked just like what happened on 4chan weeks ago. Clowns and Svn Dwfs are trying to nuke CBTS. What's the status over there, anon? va
b56ad5 No.109366
Shit's fucked on all fronts.
I don't know how to fix it.
Meme for your lives m8's.
The storms here.
Rolling up in Alabama now.
Election fraud is going to rip everything open big time.
Doug Jones had a heart attack after blaming his campaign manager for everything.
Jeff Sessions is from Alabama and Roy Moore is a Patriot, so it's for sure going down.
I guess after some investigation by the state dept they declared the election close enough for a recount, still unconfirmed.
8eb676 No.109393
Holy shit, recount in Alabama? VA here. I've had the news/computer off all day except for this thread! WTF, Jones had a heart attack? Fucking recount, investigation, IG's office with 450 agents working on the hush hush IG report, 4,287 (more now?) sealed indictments? Fucking major storm from rolling in lads. If there's major election fraud in Alabama it's time to get your meme cannon, along with guns, food, and water if you're in the US. That's enough to start a civil war here. Honestly, if shit hits the fan and we still have internet access, that would be a great time for VQC to pop by and we can work on maths and blast out some memes too.
b56ad5 No.109418
Calm down, there will be no civil war.
POTUS and crew are in complete control.
42f4eb No.109470
twit handle is chrisrootodavid – take the 'f' out and you find the tweets
b56ad5 No.109480
91d683 No.109488
b56ad5 No.109500
I am memeing it faggot, I'm the only one that is. Jesus aren't you a pissy little faggot right now. Sorry to intrude your safe space and dead thread faggot.
91d683 No.109511
Checked, I'm the biggest faggot.
b56ad5 No.109517
Digits confirm.
91d683 No.109545
I guess it didn't get shoahed just board being fucking retarded. I'll link to them in some other way I guess.
You're the guy making all the memes in that thread? Thank you so much. I made that thread too and I'm a pretty shitty meme maker besides these math pictures but I'm having fun spamming it on plebbit and 4. I'll be the distributor to your memetics
b56ad5 No.109560
Thank you for distributing. I'll work on some more.
Yeah, I'm the shitlord you guys. Sorry. I tried to hide it but I can't.
I also made all the good adam schiff ones.
897ef7 No.109644
Let's bake in /vqc/. Too many shills derailing our maths.
91d683 No.109656
Ok fam, you got it.
897ef7 No.109662
b56ad5 No.109671
I didn't realize a call to arms to complete our original mission was shilling. Neck yourself.
91d683 No.109678
It isn't at all. I don't mind shitposting here. Except for topol.
100 posts of nonsense each thread.
But I should start utilizing our new board. Post on whichever thread you want.
b56ad5 No.109687
>Topol is cancer.
897ef7 No.109736
Eat a dick. All you do is either suggest shitty minecraft or derail the thread. You're not contributing at all. Fuck off you dumb piece of shit.
Here's is a contribution:
c = a * (2 * floor((abs(a**2 - c))/(2 * a)) + a)
Another one:
This calculates the (e, bigN) for a given c and outputs the f as well as parts of the (f, n). Along with i and j for bigN.
91d683 No.109743
Interesting, does that first equation let us solve for anything we couldn't before?
897ef7 No.109746
Derail thread more please
b56ad5 No.109747
>Suggest shitty minecraft.
Right, I provided Unity and Rust code for minecraft and shitty Java.
Don't be stupid.
897ef7 No.109752
Oh shit that was you?
Unity AND rust? You must be a silicon valley developer.
b56ad5 No.109753
Nice python, you're the fag that generates images and doesn't share sauce, you're less than worthless.
91d683 No.109758
Answer the question.
There is no undertone.
It's a question.
Can I use it?
b56ad5 No.109760
>Silicon Valley.
I'm a freelance NEET shitlord, that's all.
ad0c1a No.109761
It's ironic that you'd all start slagging each other off for not contributing anything constructive and in the process not contribute anything constructive.
91d683 No.109771
Exactly. Just trying to see what the fuck to put in the bread and where I should focus next time I sit down and work on this.
897ef7 No.109776
I've been trying different mehtods, but so far no luck. It's a simplified expression of c, x and n.
It only yields insight into the relationship between c and a.
897ef7 No.109787
The python code might yield something, but so far I've been drawing a blank.
It generates the (e, bigN) which I suspect might at the very least result in an upper limit for N in the event that the algorithm of finding n is a search algorithm.
91d683 No.109794
42f4eb No.109810
take c= 3*7 and c = 1*21. Both have the same d. but n is bigger for the 1*21 factorization. because the midpoint is bigger.
d+n = midpoint. d is 4. 4+1 =5, midpt of 3 and 7.
4+7 = 11, midpoint of 1 and 21.
7 is N or big N
1 is little n
The negativity on this thread. Who do you think wants that???
897ef7 No.109812
bigN is the n from a = 1, b = c.
897ef7 No.109819
Where c is the number we are trying to factorize.
91d683 No.109823
That makes sense, never realized 1*c n is larger than a*b n.
4b4786 No.109825
This equation doesn't help anything. You can't solve for C using C.
b56ad5 No.109831
You can in python.
4b4786 No.109832
This is the equivalent to saying b = (2 * floor((abs(a**2 - c))/(2 * a)) + a).
Which you can also just say b = c/a.
91d683 No.109839
It's easy to find red herring's when you are trying to discover new equations. I've done it plenty of times.
There was even someone that posted an equation that evaluated to
2 = 2
67b424 No.109851
Can you even read?
Anything else you need sauce for?
897ef7 No.109856
You're right it doesn't. But I've been trying to find a useful equation to use for deriviation in order to do a binary search.
Note: This equation doesn't yield a nice result (but someone should double check)
91d683 No.109863
What kind of binary search?
b56ad5 No.109866
No sorry, what's reading?
Have you heard the virtues of fearless concurrency and bare metal programming?
>Anything else you need sauce for?
Can you finish my shaders for my spatial tree renderer?
897ef7 No.109880
I've not been successful, but I've been looking at equations for n.
Based on the crumbs from VQC finding n requires O(log c) which screams search algorithm. If we have an equation where a n' (pretend value we test for) is either < or > that n we should be able to do a binary search.
However that has simply been a hypothesis.
4b4786 No.109896
Bruteforcing N wouldn't be a problem if we could figure out how T scales down N.
91d683 No.109901
How does that scream search algorithm? Search algorithm would be something slow as fuck like log(n!)
Maybe not that bad but might as well be when you are trying RSA numbers because it will take fucking forever.
4b4786 No.109911
We have C, and therefor D and E. To bruteforce N we need T to get X to get A and B.
91d683 No.109914
O(n) I mean.
Anything less than a magical solution will take 1month of CPU time to get an RSA number.
67b424 No.109917
I think its like when the book is not upside down and you put the letters in an array, and then split it into this thing called "words", and pronounce them while drinking vodka. If you figure it out there is something called "sentences" too
Fearless concurrency is like non-blocking queues based on atomic x86 instructions (or just ignoring what happens if you don't)
Bare metal is a pain in the ass
Where is your spatial tree renderer? Shaders are fun (not)
But seriously, I think I posted code for the good visualizations, anything in particular you want?
b56ad5 No.109922
No, sorry for being a faggot to you. I just wanted backup in the bama thread.
897ef7 No.109925
No, you must be misinformed. Search algorithms are sadly some of the most optimized algorithms known.
We are talking about O(log n). Take for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm. That one is _at worst_ O(log n).
You might be confusing search with sorting. Those are different.
897ef7 No.109939
Btw, since we are talking about a virtual quantum computer has anyone taken a look at Grover's algorithm and seen if it applies to this?
91d683 No.109942
O(log n) doesn't mean the search algorithm isn't garbage.
VQC's solution being O(log n) was slightly deceptive, because it's the log of c in bits.
That's fucking instant.
On the other hand if you have a gigantic fucking search space (like bruteforcing n on a 2048 bit number) even a log n search algorithm is garbage.
897ef7 No.109947
import math
3000 steps doesn't sound like it should take a long time.
91d683 No.109949
You misunderstand. If you are bruteforcing n the n of your log n algorithm is going to be so
much larger than c.
897ef7 No.109956
Maybe, but this sounds not right. How can log(n) be this high?
67b424 No.109964
All is forgiven (I don't really care), but we should get back on track at some point, the progress here has gone to shit. I have some code in the oven but am to drunk to finish it
91d683 No.109965
Because big O notation is just some retarded bullshit to measure length of algorithms.
It doesn't apply to the algorithm itself.
The algorithm can be O(log n) and still be fucking trash because the "n" in the length measurement is huge, like c factorial or something.
On the other hand VQC's solution would be instantaneous.
Big O notation is more deceptive than useful.
b56ad5 No.109969
I'm thinking it's time to get fucked up too. See you fags tomorrow.
4b4786 No.109978
If someone finds a way to properly calculate T, I'll have an optimized algorithm for brute forcing N on your desk by the morning.
ad0c1a No.109979
>brute forcing
I thought the whole point of this was to avoid brute forcing.
897ef7 No.109982
I still don't understand.
Do you have any examples I could look into to grasp more of what you're referencing?
42f4eb No.109990
Basically there are 2 grids, a training grid and a real grid. The training grid was created by a loop, so we are cheating if we use it to factorize something. The training grid teaches us how to use/create/predict the real grid, which you would do give a large c value such as an RSA number.
I've been thorough with the math because I wanted to tell which arguments are circular and which are justified 'on the blind' without the training grid, because if it's knowable without the training grid then it's in your real grid. The real grid is your ability to generate / locate elements not read them off.
It is mathematically justified to generate the first element in any (e,1) cell. There is a pattern to fill the rest of the cell's elements but I haven't justified it to myself. There is also a pattern to which (e,n) cells are populated for a fixed e.
The recent hints of VQC involve multiplying c by a prime p, and seeing where pc is in the first row.
>VQC's solution being O(log n) was slightly deceptive, because it's the log of c in bits.
>That's fucking instant.
exactly, VQC is not hinting at brute force. if there is anything to this then it is a pattern not known to your math / comp sci profs, which we find/ exploit
ad0c1a No.110004
If you have a piece of code that does something to every value of n (e.g. n starts at 0, it prints out the value of zero, it adds 1 to n and prints it again, then it does that over and over until n reaches a certain point), the program runs in O(n) time. This means that the amount of time it takes for the code to run is just based on the size of n. It calculates each value on n and then it's finished. If there was a loop inside of that loop that added another number to a certain point (so the exact example above inside another loop with a different number n that starts at zero and 1 is added every time the other loop where this exact thing happens finishes - this is in VQC's code in the i and j loop), it takes O(n^2) time, because it takes the amount of time it takes to calculate each value of n but it does that n times. Binary search is an O(log n) algorithm because it works on a variable like n but every time the loop executes it halves the size of n.
91d683 No.110013
Exactly. But if the n in O(log n) is a GIGANTIC NUMBER then the log n figure is useless.
Binary search sucks.
ad0c1a No.110023
I know, I was just explaining big O notation
d1b0d9 No.110229
Lol, I'm gonna crack a beer too.
Yeah, you're right. POTUS and Team have things under control. No civil war, but possibly a lot of civil unrest as normies are force fed some large red pills.
Lol, that was me. Brilliant rediscovery of d - x = a. Yeah it'd tough when working to discover new equations.
This was a really good explanation of big N and little n, with a clear example provided. Thanks anon!
We're working from one end to understand the grid and it's workings, and to discover the formulas that describe how it works and write code too.
Then we also are starting from c and working backwards to be able to solve for n. Currently we're on hold as we try to find a way to generate the factors/seeds that help generate x,t,a, and b. I see tons of patterns, but having a bitch of a time putting them into formulas.
4b4786 No.110300
91d683 No.110338
Fam, just remove https or http and it will stop hyperlinking.
d1b0d9 No.110364
Hey lads, just noticed two other posts from VQC earlier today as i was searching his ID: bc16c7
Looks like maybe he's having some OpSec issues?
He highlighted TLA's post about na, nb for any c. I'm gonna focus on working to understand this clue, I'm still lacking complete understanding of how this clue works.
Here's TLA's post with the clue VQC said to focus on.
91d683 No.110375
I wish this stuff was easier to visualise. That's why I love making pictures of it.
b56ad5 No.110378
He can't trip because it's disabled. If he wants to trip he has to go to vqc.
91d683 No.110384
Don't worry I will be baking next on /vqc/ so he can tripfaggot all he wants
if anything goes wrong I can just bake here again.
ad0c1a No.110391
Or you could even make another board yourself. That's the whole point of this website.
42f4eb No.110437
>I see tons of patterns, but having a bitch of a time putting them into formulas.
I am good at that if you show me one. Still tinkering here.
4b4786 No.110446
I can confirm the relation between E,1 values and the amount of values in the column. Column 22 is mostly empty because A and B are both prime for quite a few T's. This pattern is even more pronounced (more T's with A/B prime) in column 58.
0a4c2e No.110545
We are trying to build a quantum computer.
Quantum is the smallest possible measure.
Since positive ones are magic
What if the smallest possible number is i?
Didn't he say it involves the Mandelbrot set?
I haven't seen one post examining i!
91d683 No.110560
Okay, I've got an idea, Chris.
I've got a complex data type.
This might be ugly.
42f4eb No.110589
yep more primes in (e,1) means fewer factors for the a,b values; those a,b values would be n values for (e,n) occupied cells
0a4c2e No.110630
Thanks but I can't figure out half of what you guys are doing! I like to look at big picture.
4b4786 No.110632
Some extra data, in E10,N1,T1-4 C is semiprime and N is empty until E10,N5,T1 which is semiprime. +T after that is mixed.
In E13,N1,T1-5 C is semiprime and N is empty until E12,N5,T1-2 which are semiprime, then mixed.
In E22,N1,T1-10 C is semiprime and N is empty until E22,N1,T1-3 which are semiprime, then mixed.
In E37,N1,T1-17 C is semiprime and N is empty until E37,N19,T1-7 which are semiprime, then mixed.
In E58,N1,T1-28 C is semiprime and N is empty until E37,N29,T1-6 which are semiprime, then mixed.
E58 actually has a fuckton of semiprimes, and of mostly empty down the entire column. I'd say it's least populated column I've seen.
8e37b5 No.110643
42f4eb No.110645
holy shit cell (58,1) ! all of those a,b generated so far are prime. see pic. I laid out the integers the way we are: as a square plus c. This pic is (e,d) instead of (e,n). also lots of d are prime. interesting for sure
ad0c1a No.110662
The program generates a bunch of numbers for each value of i and j. i is the variable used in the outer loop.
>i = 0
>some code runs inside that loop
>1 is added to i so now it equals 1
>some code runs inside that loop
>1 is added to i so now it equals 2
>etc until i equals the maximum value
The same thing happens with j, but j's maximum value is i's current value. Once j reaches i, it's set back to zero and i is increased by 1. The i and j values are plugged into some equations in order to generate the other numbers that are put into the grid. You might be right about there being a relationship between i and the other numbers that we aren't already aware of but it doesn't seem that way.
91d683 No.110680
Good shit fam.
I'm praying we finish this already just so we can study ECC because of how amazing it is to study this stuff.
You literally encrypt things with a curve.
4b4786 No.110693
I can also say the relationship isn't dependent on if the first E,1,T's are prime, to where the first N begins. E,1's that are very mixed but mostly prime have big gaps before the first populated N.
4b4786 No.110701
very mixed but mostly semiprime**
0a4c2e No.110751
What's Chris name?
What does root 0 David mean?
163c45 No.110772
i is the midpoint of a and b
j is the radius of a to b
the j loop starts over when the value of a reaches 0.
Think of it as a growing circle with it's center point at i. when the edge of the circle hits 0, it moves over one spot and starts again.
42f4eb No.110773
anon meant imaginary numbers. i was thinking of that too. but for now I am going to explore the crumbs per VQC :
take c=21 but we don't know 3=a,7=b. we can multiply by third prime, p=5. and get 105 = 10^2 + 5. in column 5 we will have 4 instances of 105:
5a * b
5b * a
In this case c=4^2 + 5 so pc and c are in the same column. this won't always happen. but it can be made to happen, I think. p is meant to be chosen for similar reasons. Try playing around with this stuff anons.
4b4786 No.110781
Wouldn't imaginary numbers essentially swap E and N?
42f4eb No.110782
edit: 105 not 121
d1b0d9 No.110951
Yeah, studying and drawing over here!
Thanks TLA! Still tinkering over here too.
4b4786 No.111137
Can someone confirm the values of E0,N1,T1? I have A=0, B=2. It's the only A=0 block.
4b4786 No.111196
Requesting confirmation of E0,N1,T1 still. Look at this pattern. First line of sign is D, then X, then A, then B. It's like E1 and E2 should be flipped.
42f4eb No.111260
a=0 terms weren't made in the original loop because then i=j, but the loop has i<j strictly.
if you want to include this one it should be
no idea if it matters
f69a1e No.111290
42f4eb No.111376
nice, a, b, and d all follow the rule that the gaps grow by 4 when t goes up. didn't notice for t.
recurrence relation is
g(t+2) - g(t+1) = 4 + g(t+1) - g(t) . The solution looks like g(t) = 2*t^2 + v*t + w, solve for v and w. Need two terms to determine, either first two terms, or any two terms further down the line that are known. Again this would apply to a, b and d separately. No idea if we will use or not but doesn't hurt to know.
>It's like E1 and E2 should be flipped.
what do you mean?
42f4eb No.111379
*didn't notice for d
42f4eb No.111385
awesome wanna try following the p-crumbs?
multiply a product c, by a third prime p. explore.
445245 No.111391
Good to see you, CA! Got any new ideas to share?
17362f No.111410
I fucked up, I had j<=i. Damn off by one errors. Should have been negligible.
f69a1e No.111419
Not really just finished exams so I'm a little rusty.
42f4eb No.111429
no it's not an error it's okay, you are generating multiples of zero. only a problem if they get in the way seeing other things. as they are not in original code i guess you can remove too
42f4eb No.111439
the a= zero square fits the same pattern as the rest horizontally and vertically, everything is valid
f69a1e No.111451
Maybe if we add 1 or subtract 1 to our C we could generate another record to see similarities and differences?
17362f No.111465
I've got something that might be worth going into the bunker for. Still have ~6 minutes until my calculations finishes.
17362f No.111521
just crashed the fuck out of that process. still have an idea
ad0c1a No.111524
with no survivors
f28724 No.111585
ad0c1a No.111592
Post something relevant or explain yourself, newfag.
bc16c7 No.111903
Still no tripcode access.
The value of x at (e,1) for na (a[t]) is the value of x at (e,n)
42f4eb No.111919
> na (a[t])
can you explain?
42f4eb No.111942
Ok the a value at t, I guess
bc16c7 No.111975
bc16c7 No.111983
I thought from near the start in 2011 that it would feel good if "x" marked the spot.
A huge amount of effort went into this. That's how much I love you guys.
Hopefully tripcodes come back. Otherwise I'll create a new board.
42f4eb No.111993
thanks for the hints! love you back
42f4eb No.112103
That is one tasty hint.
45ebac No.112125
I thought they were supposed to work. They HAVE too. Or else BO lied again.
45ebac No.112129
45ebac No.112131
bc16c7 No.112148
42f4eb No.112172
I noticed also
d[t] = a[t] + 2t -1, odd e
d[t]= a[t] + 2t -2, even e,
in first row. dunno if useful
91d683 No.112179
He has a tripcode whitelist.
You can (kindly) ask to have yours included.
ad0c1a No.112361
Hey Chris. Some of us have been discussing moving to a new board for a few days. I made one >>>/vqc/ to at least use as an archive in the meantime (although not much is there). Most of us seem to be aware of it, so if anyone hasn't been paying attention and we all move all of a sudden they'll probably know where to go. If you'd like to control/run the board I can give you the mod account (and you'll have the ability to change the password). If you do want that, email me at [email protected] (yes it's a real email address; someone else thought it wasn't). I'd offer to be a mod if you'd like, since, as far as I can tell (unless you just haven't been saying anything) I'm here more often than you, and I run two other boards on this website so I'd know what I was doing. I am a stranger on the internet, obviously, so I wouldn't be offended if you didn't trust that.
91d683 No.112404
You are a nice person.
bc16c7 No.112422
I would kindly ask the Board Owner to add me to the whitelist. I will not use that tripcode in the main thread. Just the mathematical ones.
bc16c7 No.112425
Thank you for your kindness.
If the board owner is not happy with whitelisting the tripcode, I can continue there on the new board.
This evening UK time, I'll check back.
bc16c7 No.112429
equivalent to a+x=d for all elements in all cells
ad0c1a No.112460
In that case, if I'm reading the time zones right, I'll probably wake up around 7 or 8pm your time, so if you do want the board I'll be here around then.
91d683 No.112472
So, I'm trying to generate some form of an "imaginary" VQC. The complex number grid is beautifully confusing.
23ac28 No.112634
I understand enough to ask, should this be given to the forces of good, or spread to everybody?
91d683 No.112667
I'm trying to print out the grid but it's so confusing because f doesn't even touch the y or x axis when you make everything start from i.
128d22 No.112888
Still waiting on that video chat, broheim!
74dd4f No.112903
b56ad5 No.112913
He won't dude. The BO is a shitlord who does what he wants.
Nice to see you back.
b56ad5 No.112916
And it's probably not that he just doesn't like you, but it sets bad precedence.
23ac28 No.112917
Can you tripcode post in /vqc/? I have a lot of questions.
897ef7 No.112964
When you say first or second cell are you refering to (1, 1) and (2,1) depending on even or odd e, or (e, 1) and (e, 2)?
74dd4f No.113019
74dd4f No.113024
Trip successfully tested on VQC board.
Let there be Light!
bb3f5f No.113129
Asking questions.
897ef7 No.113176
I've made some headway today.
I created two functions in python, one that generates the row at (e, 1) for a given 't' and one that generates (e, 1) for any given 'e' (up to as many rows as one wants).
I've also been looking into generating rows for (e, n), but so far no luck. If I get that one u and running I'll make one to get the row for (e, n, t).
Code is here: https://pastebin.com/mCDTmaNL
420355 No.113432
Thanks Senpai! I've been working on this for a few days. It works for row one, but not for the other rows. So was your other crumb about multiplying p * c meant to imply that we can manipulate c to get in into (e,1) ?? If so, then we can assume that the t,x values hold true, and build Jacob's Ladder / Stairway to Heaven and ride the t elevator up to the correct level? Here's some work we've be doing on t and a. Any comments or hints about the repeating patterns?
Thanks again PMA for generating this t output for (1,1) and (1,2).
14487f No.113583
PMA here. no problem!
Trying to work through x hint.
14487f No.113615
Also, in case anyone is trying to work through the na, nb is cn apart hint, I think it's as follows:
Two examples below. One for c=65, the other for c=145.
First record is where a = 1 for any c.
Second record is where e = c.e, n=1, and a = c.n * c.a.
Third record is where e = c.e, n=1, and a = c.n * c.b.
Fourth record is where e = c.e, n=1, and t = na.t + c.n.
As you can see, the third and fourth records resolve to the same (e,1,t) using different calculations.
(e,n), a=1 for c=65 => (1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65} = 65;
(e,1), a=na => (1,1,4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41} = 1025;
(e,1), a=nb => (1,1,29) = {1:1:1682:57:1625:1741} = 2829125;
(e,1), t=na.t + en.n => (1,1,29) = {1:1:1682:57:1625:1741} = 2829125;
(e,n), a=1 for c=145 => (1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145} = 145;
(e,1), a=na => (1,1,6) = {1:1:72:11:61:85} = 5185;
(e,1), a=nb => (1,1,67) = {1:1:8978:133:8845:9113} = 80604485;
(e,1), t=na.t + en.n => (1,1,67) = {1:1:8978:133:8845:9113} = 80604485;
91d683 No.113892
91d683 No.115507
We have moved here for now ^