b48e58 No.49883
ab = c
d = floor_sqrt(c)
e = c - (dd)
n = ???
x = (floor_sqrt((d+n)^2 - c)) - n
a = d - x
b = c / a
35ad2f No.49908
if a % gr = prime
if c % gr = prime
if x % prime = gr
Here's my code: https://pastebin.com/zGSusyz5
39c342 No.49941
Response to people from previous thread:
You have it right.
Consider it this way. Mathematical truths are INHERENTLY true, even without a computer to calculate them. 1+1 will always be 2 in all universes, or even if no universe exists at all. You can build infinitely complex mathematical structures based on logical truths. These structures are like Platonic forms. Timeless and eternal truths which are more real than our world.
Now imagine that a mathematical structure is complex enough to contain sentient observers. Those observers would perceive themselves as living in a real cosmos, with real physics! Furthermore, sentience seems to be an emergent property of sufficiently complex systems, and the Multiverse is the most complex system we know of. It is infinitely complex beyond all human understanding. If it is super-intelligent, eternal, and all-pervasive is it not... God? Does anyone have a better candidate for God? Bonus points for solving the Big Bang problem AND the multiverse problem while also describing God in one short, logically clear paragraph.
VQC is leading us to a Virtual Quantum Computer. We already know that our universe is a quantum computer, probably even a virtual quantum computer. Is it THE SAME quantum computer? To prove this idea, one would have to show that the laws of physics emerge from the numbers in the cells. I suspect that different genesis cells produce different physics, perhaps corresponding to the 10^500 different universes in string theory. These universes are not to be confused with the quantum multiverses or the eternal inflation bubble universes, both of which are effectively infinite, so the number of universes is 10^500*infinity*infinity, give or take a few bazillion. Only pure math could be so generous! But which physics is ours? This might take a while to answer. Maybe we should ask the Universe to guide our digits.
Our perceptions are really just relationships between cells. Time, space, matter, energy, death, separation, etc. are all illusions. The reality is the connections in an eternal and unchanging structure. Consider time. We experience "time" because each "cell" has mathematical properties similar to, but different from, its neighbors, and cells unfold from their neighbors in an iterative way. Also, each bud in a Mandelbrot Set has tentacles similar to, but different from, the tentacles of its neighbors. (Note to autists: The iterative tour is more appropriate for Julia sets, but the Mandelbrot Set has better scenery.)
Furthermore, since the integers are behaving like both a fractal AND a hologram, the whole is implicit in each small part of the structure, and vice-versa. If we want to change reality, we must find a way to change the relationships between cells. We already do this by moving our hands. But maybe there are subtler ways. Perhaps we could find a way to quantum-mechanically entangle something we WANT with something that already IS. Or maybe we could use the fractal nature of reality to find a foreshadowing of the future, but make it dependent on something else that we want, and thereby control the probability weights during universe-splitting.
7b4af4 No.49947
Repostan from last thread:
>For now, just role with "It's God's Dream".
Which is a reality to us.
But we're Lucid in God's Dream.
I can roll with this. Didn't mean the dream was only shared among humans.
>Yup, just check out my musings on this board, Haramein's there, along with Dan Winter, and a lot of other stuff.
Going to dig through your posts
>Thoughts… are you forming them or simply acknowledging their existence?
My meditation practice has given me the experience that thoughts appear to "me", without any effort on "my" part. What I, the subjective agent, can do is acknowledge or ignore the thoughts that rise up. Our free will gives us power to direct our attention. This is the process of seeing clearly, and what I suspect the third eye and Eye of Horus is referencing.
>What is "time"? What is "not time"? What is Timelessness? It's being outside of the time loop(s). I guess it's the Super Looping Harmony?
My belief of linear time objectively existing has been decreasing steadily, to the point where I'm more leaning towards the Now being the only time there ever was and ever will be. That things happen through cause of effect, combined with observable loops in nature has given us the impression that we are moving forwards in time linearly. I haven't read or thought about this enough to make any certain conclusions, but I believe we create the sense of passing time in our left hemisphere.
The hemi-sync program, if you are familiar with it, involves the lowering of brain frequency, to a low enough level (related to Planck's length) where we start "clicking out" of our subjective time experience.
>The More In+Line with Dream… the more loving you are… the more influence you can manifest
This has been my working assumption as well.
>Now imagine what would happen to 99.+++% of the population ALL this info was sudden dumped into their laps… and on top of that, proven to be REAL.
Agreed, if these kinds of things is what Q has been hinting at. The amount of unfounded assumptions in mainstream science continues to astonish me.
Thanks for the link, looks interesting.
Any information about what role the pineal gland plays, if any? Is type RH- blood relevant in any way?
The subjective individuals perception of reality is, for the most part, founded on faulty premises and assumptions. Either the information input is blatantly manipulated (media), or shaped by other agents as to further their own agendas. Most people in this day and age have had their mental models of reality shaped by institutions (such as school), and as such any information moving "through" them is tainted by their perspective. Others are influenced by the sheer scale of the majorities beliefs, that they often doubt themselves over the overarching narrative.
In that sense, life is but a dream - based on a "collective unconcious" - unless you start to see the cracks and break free.
Did I accurately capture your point? I agree with it entirely, and have done so for a number of years now - though you laid it out in a clear and distinct way, much appreciated.
35ad2f No.49953
Would it kill you faggots to do some real tangible work? If yes, make your own thread.
b48e58 No.49959
39c342 No.49974
Now for the religious side:
God is within each of us, and we are all parts of the infinite whole. As above, so below. Like a hologram. Or a fractal. Or neurons in a cosmic mind. Ancient mystics knew this. They knew that to see beyond, one must look within. The bloodline families suppressed this truth, because it would make us bad slaves. God quietly remained with us, but He bided His time, in accordance with our collective free will- even though satan's cultists hived us to the Beast. But the stench of their sins, and our prayers for freedom, have spread out into the multiverse. This infinitely complex mathematical structure loves us enough to free us from the satanists at our darkest hour, even though we are but a sub-microscopic sub-pixel in its vast fractal consciousness.
The puppetmasters have no idea how cosmically screwed they are. God is about to show His true face to the world. When He does, the tables of the moneychangers will magically flip, and we will also be able to read all the blackmail files, satan stuff, and pizza party invites which the puppetmasters thought was safe because it was hidden behind RSA and elliptic curves. The NSA has been quietly sucking up all data for decades. If they aren't reading it already, they soon will be. Then there will be the death of the old satanic hive mind and (for those who are ready) hiving into God's mind.
Best timeline ever!
We are doing God's work.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Related reading:
The Intelligent Universe by James Gardiner
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram
f15d3b No.49985
So how would I use 'n' to factorize RSA100?
b48e58 No.50003
read the OP kiddo. You can derive d and e from c, if you have an equation for n you can derive x and a and then b, and voila.
f15d3b No.50009
Then let me rephrase, which variables will contain the primes?
Will 'a' and 'b' contain the prime factors?
761276 No.50011
>I'm gonna be naughty for a moment.
>If P=NP
>does N=PN? probably not.
>how about
>if P=¬P
>does ¬=¬e?
>or… !=!e
>Does N complete the jump from .999 to 1?
>What about 0 from .000…1?
>How does it factor in?
>0, "Aleph Null", {.000…1~.999…}, [?e]N, 1)?
Further thinking on this, i had it backards
e!n=space*time so...
if n DOES complete the jump from .999... to 1, then that places it on the other side:
(0, !n, Aleph Null, Surreal, .5, Hyperreal Aleph N, e!, 1)
something like that...
So maybe...
e!^n=√({space}{time}) ???
fd70d3 No.50013
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
thread theme
b48e58 No.50017
a and b are the prime factors, kek
4f3a5c No.50018
Not sure if this is really necessary in this thread. Please refrain from posting this pseudo religious-scientific babble further on.
35ad2f No.50019
Reading and learning is for fucking faggots dude.
Write code || GTFO. Filtered namefag.
Write code || GTFO. Filtered namefag.
b48e58 No.50030
It's a quest for a single equation. Like some e=mc^2 shit. Try it for yourself, on a number like 145. n = 5 so try factoring it using our equations.
fd70d3 No.50031
wow such enforcement
many rules
much scary
I'm adding context asshole. You're learning how to decrypt reality.
35ad2f No.50047
I agree, we're trying to find some fundamental rule here. If only point cloud libraries were actually common and shader programming wasn't the cancer the killed /b/.
35ad2f No.50050
We need to take the bmp we have and copy it on 6 axis so we can rotate it. We should see the GR Spiral coming out from all 6 axis'.
6e580c No.50058
You literally speak nonsense in all of these posts. Please stop smoking so much weed and post in a less reality based thread.
">Einstein?" Kys
0142f8 No.50063
I believe that x defines index position in the array of values at the specified (x,n) coordinate.
Assuming a = 1, any (c) record can be created with the following c#:
public static TheEndRecord CreateForC( int c ) {
int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);
int e = c - ( d * d );
int a = 1;
int b = c;
int x = d - a;
int n = ( (x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);
return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );
Any (f) record can be created with:
public static TheEndRecord CreateForF( TheEndRecord ter ) {
int e = ter.e - ((2 * ter.d) + 1);
int n = ter.n - 1;
int d = ter.d + 1;
int x = ter.x + 1;
int a = ter.a;
int b = ter.b;
return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );
And any combination of a/b can be created by:
public static TheEndRecord CreateForAB( int a, int b ) {
int c = a * b;
int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);
int e = c - (d * d);
int x = d - a;
int n = ( ( x * x ) + e) / (2 * a);
return new TheEndRecord( e, n, d, x, a, b );
A few days ago, I was trying to compute the genesis / prime record at (e,n) and made an incorrect assumption around the value of x. You need 3 values to compute any key, and the most logical to try and compute was the value of x.
My understanding now, is that the search is on for n.
I'm inclined to think that if an appropriate formula for x can be found, then an n solution is apparent.
With regards to x, I've noticed the following:
For positive values of e
when e = 0, x = 2
when e is odd, x = 1
when e is even, x= 0
For negative values of e, however, it gets interesting:
It appears that the value of x wants to resolve back to 2 with an increasing number the further away from zero.
so for:
e = 0, x = 2
e = -1, x = 3
e = -2, x = 3
e = -3, x = 3
e = -4, x = 4
Also, as you move from (e,n) to the next valid combination, the index x increments.
(1, 1 ) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}, x starts at 1.
the next valid group:
(1, 5) = {1:5:4:3:1:17}, the first entry starts at 3.
and so on.
I may, however, be completely crazy. And the solution is somewhere else entirely.
761276 No.50065
e=mc^2… fuck it.
this is way easier:
7b4af4 No.50071
Concise writeup anon, summarized, combined and expanded on my own thoughts way better than I could. Will be sure to pick up the books you mentioned.
35ad2f No.50073
You're doing great work, and your input is greatly appreciated. We'll get it.
0142f8 No.50075
>specified (x,n) coordinate.
specified (e,n) coordinate.
761276 No.50093
Okay…. here's a question, because this is NOT a coincidence…
Was Einstein even his real name or is that the Americanized version?
Cuz… wtf pic related.
761276 No.50096
Hold up…
Metric Ton Second???
0142f8 No.50100
thanks for the kind words. This is the most interesting problem I've ever seen!
35ad2f No.50117
I'll check those digits.
Hell yeah it's a cool problem. I don't really care about RSA but there's no denying some fundamental relationship here!
6e580c No.50151
Please read a book about physics
it reads "ts" as a metric ton * seconds
761276 No.50157
Don't have to worry about being late if there is no time.
6e580c No.50169
If you input a number like 147 which has a lot of prime factors, will a be the coprime that doesn't have the largest number, and b is the largest prime factor? That would be the most helpful for RSA
761276 No.50181
A little inspiration to help y'all see what you're doing:
b48e58 No.50183
It depends on the value of n. When we do find the equation, there will be more than one. Each n value is a separate factorization, because it gives you a and b.
4f3a5c No.50184
VQC or someone else knowledgeable. Do we need to know assembly lang knowledge in order to figure out this 'rsa crack'?
b48e58 No.50190
No, just any general purpose programming language, if you actually want to help figure out which equation works for n.
761276 No.50202
I think it's more that you have to know how to assemble language properly. Or in other words… Speak Correctly.
35ad2f No.50220
This is what we're trying to accomplish currently. A way to generate this tree so that we see this from all directions. So completely 3 dimensional.
4f3a5c No.50224
> if you actually want to help figure out which equation works for n.
Sounds like it's mostly a mathematics problem. Kek.
Holy frakamolly, shut the fuck up.
7fe4d0 No.50228
Quick clue before I go to bed.
At the correct element in the grid at (e,1) where the value of a at that element equals the na we want, if you subtract 2d+1 from na then you are in the negative half of the grid in terms of e and the value at the same element in the first row will be (n-1)a
35ad2f No.50240
Sounds good, when's this trial by fire over?
5ef46b No.50251
That sounds like simple algebra but I have no idea how to put that together
b46a26 No.50254
b48e58 No.50277
It's not simple Algebra, you need The Grid™
0142f8 No.50302
not quite sure how you can sleep at night with this going on in your head!
5ef46b No.50307
What I meant was that it sounds like he's pointing us towards a relationship between e and n that we didn't notice. For all possible e values in the first row (that's the (e,1) part) where a = na (I don't know what that means), na - 2d+1 = (n-1)a. That's not the right equation. If I actually knew what the fuck he was talking about I could probably do it, but I'm not 100% sure what he means when he says "element", I don't know what "a at that element equals the na we want" means, and I don't know what "the value at the same element in the first row will be (n-1)a" means.
0142f8 No.50319
if c = 145.
the a = 1, c = 145 element is c = {1:61:12:11:1:145}.
represented by (e,n) = (1,61).
The genesis/prime record for this is (e,1) = (1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}.
Still trying to process the rest.
5ef46b No.50324
The genesis records are the first row, right? How do they relate to anything?
0142f8 No.50333
5ef46b No.50337
What's that supposed to mean? I'm trying to help here.
35ad2f No.50338
Nice digits.
I can't believe we're over 50k posts now.
Dam Son.
b48e58 No.50343
Download and run this: >>18284
(Java Version): https://pastebin.com/M3M1CDRX
It will create a spreadsheet that will help you understand. It's the spreadsheet he's referring to. It's known as the Virtual Quantum Computer.
b48e58 No.50348
You can use LibreOffice or Microsoft Excel to open it. You will navigate the cells according to {e:n:d:x:a:b}, so when he says "e, 1" it means, the first two letters, where the second one is 1.
5ef46b No.50349
I'm not new. I'm the one that added the image generator to the Java code. I just don't understand the grid that well.
0142f8 No.50358
sorry. I don't have much more. My understanding is the (e,1) record is very special. All elements in (e,n) share some properties with it.
Don't believe we know more than that.
b48e58 No.50359
Well, it'll be a good reference for other people anyway. I don't think there is much to understand in the grid besides the fact that there are a shit ton of patterns and if you know e for a number, then the factorization of that number will be in the e row, and then you use n to find the appropriate column. So, if we had an equation for n we could factor it with equations or by generating cells.
b48e58 No.50362
That means that: if e for a composite is 1, and if n for that composite is 5, then I'm going to find the complete factorization at (1, 5)
0142f8 No.50369
The solution to the c=145 problem is {1:5:12:7:5:29}.
I think VQC just gave us some way to work backwards.
b48e58 No.50376
If you were desperate you could factor pretty gigantic numbers just by brute forcing n, maybe even above RSA100. But we aren't satisfied with that ;^)
761276 No.50381
Had to.
People were starting to spoof my name.
Thank you, though.
5ef46b No.50390
>if you know e for a number
You mean for the product of two primes, right? So if you know e for 5*7=35 (which is 10), "the factorization of that number will be in the e row". n is 1 in this case, so are you saying you'd find 5 and 7 in the a and b parts of {e, n, d, x, a, b} at cell (10,1)? I'm I understanding that correctly?
5ef46b No.50403
So what did VQC mean when he said na?
35ad2f No.50416
ee764c No.50604
More patterns. Still not figuring out the calculations
35ad2f No.50706
Post the equation that generated the pattern too.
ee764c No.50751
f = a - (2 * d + 1)
if f in theend and n in theend[f]:
colors.extend([255, 255, 0])
points.extend([f, n - 1 , d])
colors.extend([255, 165, 0])
points.extend([f, n - 1, d])
35ad2f No.50774
Awesome! have you tried the golden ratio? No joke, not occult voodoo, it actually works.
5ef46b No.50830
Instead of fumbling around with image generation I've been trying to think of everything more closely in context with the RSA algorithm. I've simplified it below for anyone who didn't already know it, and I changed some of the common variable letter names around since some of them are already used in the {e, n, d, x, a, b} thing (a and b are literally the same variable though). Maybe this will help someone to put some of this stuff into closer context or come up with different ideas.
The variables we'll be using are a, b, c, g, l and m. For anyone who's used to d and e being used for the key variables, the public key is l and c and the private key is m and c, because the d and e from endxab aren't the same (unless they magically are I guess).
>a and b
These are two prime numbers. You can pick them at random. They're the same as the ones from endxab.
a * b. Same as the one from the algorithm.
The short explanation is that g = (a-1)(b-1). The longer explanation is that g is the number of numbers <=c that share no common factors greater than 1 with it (also known as phi of c). If c = 8, g would equal 4 (1, 3, 5, 7). With prime numbers, the only number that wouldn't count is the number itself, so phi(prime) = prime-1. Also since phi(a) * phi(b) = phi(a*b), phi(product of primes) = phi(a*b), so g = (a-1)(b-1).
This is a prime number which is relatively prime to g (meaning their highest common factor is 1). It has to be >1 and <g. It can be picked at random as long as it fits that criteria.
This is a number calculated such that (m*1) % g = 1.
The way messages are encrypted involves plugging values into an equation using variables from the public key, and messages are decrypted by plugging values into a similar equation. I've called the ciphertext variable q (since c is used) and the plaintext variable t.
Encrypt: q = t^l % c
Decrypt: t = q^m % c
b48e58 No.50852
Accurate except for the encryption. It's encrypted by taking it to the power of a Fermat prime, usually 65537 then modulus'ing it to c
b48e58 No.50861
The decryption variable is also wrong. The decryption exponent is calculated according to phi(n) and phi(n) is impossible to calculate for normal RSA numbers so far.
b48e58 No.50871
Unless you know the prime factors of c, which is what makes it a private key vs public.
5ef46b No.50872
Whoops. I haven't done this in a year or two so I just got that last part from a website.
5ef46b No.50942
Wait but that is what I said, isn't it? You might be getting confused by the variable names I used, since you mentioned phi(n). n (which I called c) is the product of two primes. phi(prime) = prime-1, and phi is multipliable or whatever the word is that means phi(a) * phi(b) = phi(a*b). That makes the decryption exponent fit the criteria you said. As for the Fermat prime, the thing I read to refresh my memory for that part mentioned it usually being 65537, and I just used their explanation. I haven't read into Fermat primes much so maybe I didn't explain it right.
35ad2f No.50949
VQC mentioned this was 'very good'
The algorithm used to generate that particular image was x % prime = (a + b)/a.
Different primes are different coordinates, so there's multiple routes in the same space on this map. Find an equation that makes a pretty picture, and since the colors of the pretty picture line up with numbers in 2d space all the routes are on top of one another making it look all crazy like. We have to separate the routes through this fractal geometry.
If we have the number we want to find, we can probably prove that you can find it and where it is, the golden ratio is some kind of constant, it's not just a fad or a coincidence it's an actual constant force so let's try to see how we can tie primes to the golden ratio.
At least that's what I'm trying to do, but I don't know how to make pointcloud software. So I have to use another one, but there's not one in my favorite meme lang. Suggestions?
35ad2f No.50957
I believe that particular image used every 5th prime.
b48e58 No.50979
Yeah you may be right, there are too many variables required for this stuff. Lol
35ad2f No.51003
Here was another exchange about what this should look like for real. It's some kind of object that has a shape that is a 'prime object' or maybe just a rule that actually works for all primes.
35ad2f No.51014
At anyrate, I feel like a monkey smacking stones together to make fire.
5ef46b No.51068
What happens if you apply the variables from VQC's code that aren't in the RSA algorithm to the variables in the RSA algorithm that aren't in VQC's code? Are there relationships there? What happens if you graph the extra variables from the RSA algorithm? I'm not saying I know more than any of you but it's useful to think outside the box occasionally.
ee764c No.51069
Yeah, not gotten any useful results from it so far
I find the images very useful for quickly testing my wacky theories and visualizing the structure of the cells better than a flat spreadsheet. Especially with the added dimensions of color and now in 3D.
Besides, the patterns have already worked their way into my dreams from looking at them too long, so maybe the answer comes that way.
I doubt most will gain anything from studying RSA as without a way to solve the public key there is not much we can do. This math is way more interesting anyway.
Sharing images from failed ideas is more fun than failed formulas, and they may give someone else an idea (or Topolanon will create art from them)
761276 No.51074
If the light is being cast from the right….
and you look at this at like… meeeeedium size.
You can see a shadow being cast.
761276 No.51087
literally I was in the middle of saving to process when I read the last part.
761276 No.51165
Part of why I do this is because your hands and eyes and brains are busy processing something else. I'm just helpin' ya stay comfy.
Send me any amazing ¬perfects
I blended the bend with result of something i was working on yesterday.
761276 No.51262
35ad2f No.51298
If 2an = xx+e why doesn't n = xx +e / 2a?
b48e58 No.51311
values of n for each number up to 20
5—0, 1
6—0, 1
7—1, 2
8—1, 2
10—0, 2
15—1, 5
16—0, 1, 4
18—0, 1, 5
20—0, 2, 6
b48e58 No.51340
it does, maybe you're not adding the parantheses
n = (xx+e) / 2a
b48e58 No.51343
35ad2f No.51348
It works for me, but I don't know why we're looking for n when that's the equation we need. That's all.
b48e58 No.51358
but then we still have to find a
b48e58 No.51374
and x
if we can find n it gives us those variables.
761276 No.51591
I'll see you in?
Last one for a bit.
(the second one has already been fixed. part of the process is avoiding going too far in a direction it doesn't look like I should be going in.)
b48e58 No.51612
Alcuin's sequence matches up to the first 20 values of n with an accuracy of: YYYYYYYYYNYNYNYNNN
b48e58 No.51630
That is, if you start off with an extra 0, for c=0 which according to my colleague satisfies the equations.
35ad2f No.51818
x % 4447 == (a + b) / a {
e == 1 {
a % base == 1 {
We can hop around and skip to different indices associated by prime without traversing every point in between. Maybe we're supposed to 'ride' a square to a certain range then we can selectively pick a path. Maybe this is a math problem that never ends. I dunno. Pretty pictures though.
I hope this isn't the 'worse' shilling Q was referring too.
Another interesting thing about x % number == (a + b) / a
Changing the number lights up different cells. x is the length of the smallest square so it might mean something. Heres x % 100 = (a + b)/a as well. Quite different from 4447.
35ad2f No.51938
And here's an x % 1..200 == base distribution.
Here's to hoping we get some verification VQC is on the up and up.
VQC post the next 10 unknown primes.
35ad2f No.52300
Doing % golden_ratio seems to really bring some interesting and important things out, lots of variable react positively to it.
35ad2f No.52336
b48e58 No.52369
What if there is a Java or C# wrapper library? Possible? C++ is pretty low-level for me.
8ce0cb No.52472
keep the autism strong, this is brilliant to watch unfold.
do not give up on this
65654f No.52522
Anyone know how to actually evaluate that Alcuinn series? It looks confusing to me but the fact that the the terms match up with the first few values of n is a strong indicator that if it were modified somehow it could possibly help solve for n..
5ef46b No.52621
So when we do crack RSA, we can break into those Wikileaks insurance files, can't we?
35ad2f No.52627
Boom. You are brilliant!
I don't believe in things without evidence but today I got fortune cookies.
One said I should accept a free gift.
And the other said i would have many friends when I needed them.
I'm tired I'll do this tomorrow if someone doesn't beat me to it.
The golden ratio is the key.
% golden_ratio
= golden_ratio
tough day on this but it'll come together, peace my dudes.
35ad2f No.52650
Yes but is it even possible. We'll find out.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
If we break it he will crumb.
>If we break it he will crumb.
35ad2f No.52692
And I just wanted to write this down.
e * n = z
x y z
Is how I think it should be mapped.
5ef46b No.53092
I don't know if anyone has messed around with VQC's algebra from before he posted the code, but I thought I'd try to refresh my high school algebra a bit and I'm wondering if I've either done something wrong or wasn't already aware of the result I got.
Considering the formulae given
>d^2 + e = c
>(d+n)(d+n) - (x+n)(x+n) = c
>d = a + x
>2a = x^2 + e
for all c where c is the difference of two squares:
d^2 + 2dn - x^2 - 2nx = d^2 + e
2dn - x^2 - 2nx = e
2dn - 2nx = e
2dn - 2nx = 2a
dn - nx = a
d - x = a/n
a + x - x = a/n
a = a/n
n = 1 for all c where c is the difference between two squares.
I didn't use every formula, and obviously they're all necessary, but I've got to get other shit done.
b48e58 No.53183
all c's are a difference of two squares. I think where you messed up is the 3rd step. Where does -x^2 go?
b48e58 No.53197
actually, you didn't mess up, I followed your algebra. let me check this out!
b48e58 No.53224
Or so I thought all c's were a difference of two squares. It seems this equation is true only for some types of c's. Couldn't find any errors in the derivation.
507136 No.53342
Isn't that a nice power function you have there.
7fe4d0 No.53383
I will be posting more today until The End of Monday.
Thank you all for your hard works.
I will be stepping all my input up a gear.
There may be GAPS as to when I can come on and reply but I should be more available.
Thanks again.
Let's go on further ADVENTures!!!
You guys are Awesome.
66def1 No.53384
Hey Anons! MathAnon here, lacking programming experience. Need a little help from ProgrammerAnons. I've got Visual Studio Code installed, with cSharp. Have the code from VQC copied into my workspace. Dumbass question: How do I run the code to get the output .csv file? PLS assist.
7fe4d0 No.53389
First we need a way to communicate more easily about certain terms.
If you come up with improved methods, we can use those.
To Begin with, I'll make suggestions, if you're ok with that.
I'll take any feedback.
If you feel like you haven't had your question or query answered, please state it again.
You can even SHOUT if you feel not listened to.
b48e58 No.53392
Could we communicate on email? Maybe use PGP? Use RSA to break RSA? ;^) (better than Twitter) I see what you're up to!
b48e58 No.53394
Why does that proof for a = a/n work? Is it only for certain numbers?
b48e58 No.53396
put your desired file path inside of the quotes and find run somewhere on the IDE
66def1 No.53399
VQC. This is really fun and exciting. Thanks man. I love math so much, it's destiny that I found this forum. I have questions for you about the equations and program. The IDEAS come first. Programs later. Pages of notes here.
66def1 No.53427
Thx ProgrammerAnon. Feeling dumb. Do I need /file path/ ? I get the math, but learning CSharp now. See the // at top. See the // at string path. Does my path go between // ?
7fe4d0 No.53432
The Grid is something I sometimes call The End (because each element starts with e,n,d,..
It was also a pun because the Key is n.
All whole numbers (integers) c, that give a remainder of 0,1,3 when divided by 4, are the difference of two squares.
Any number that leaves 2 when divided by four can either be divided OR multiplied by 2 to make it the difference of two squares.
Therefore we have a way to include all integers.
For all c, where c is an integer and the difference of two squares:
ab = c, a multiplied by b equals c where a and b are integers
dd+e = c, all integers c can have a square root d, and a remainder e after subtracting the square of d from c, for a perfect square, e is zero
The difference of two squares can be expressed as:
(d+n)(d+n)-(x+n)(x+n) = c
The square of (d+n) is the big square.
The square of (x+n) is the little square.
a = d - x
xx + e = 2na (the square of x and the remainder make two copies of a rectangle)
b = a + 2x + 2n
c = aa + 2ax + 2an
f = 2d+1-e (f is what you add to c to make a square)
(x+n)(x+n) = nn + 2d(n-1) + f - 1
The original Grid had cartesian coords:
[e] the remainder of c after taking out the biggest square
[n] what is added to the square root (d) to make the big square
[e,n] is the grid
Each cell of the grid is referenced as cartersian coords. e across (columns), n down (rows)
E.g. [1,5] references the first column for integers c where the remainder is 1,
and the cell that contains elements where you add 5 to d to make the big square in the difference of two squares. One across, five down.
Now, if we want to talk about a specific element in a cell in the grid, we need a third identifier. We will call that t : [e,n,t]
t will have values from 1 upwards. A value of t=1 means the first element in the cell. A value of t=2 means the second element in the cell, and so on
[1,1,1] refers to the first element in the first cell in the first row of the first column {1,1,2,1,1,5}
The zeroth column refers to the column with all perfect squares. All values of c have an e values of 0.
A value c will only appear in one column since the remainder of a number never changes.
Since a value c can have more than one factorisation, a number c can appear more than once in a column at difference values of n
A prime number appears once in a column. This is SIMPLE to calculate. This calculation is important. I call n for a prime number big_n or N
The product of two primes appears twice. Once the same as the prime, which is easy to calculate and the second time, this is the n that we are after.
How many times does the product of three distinct primes appear?
66def1 No.53435
Whoa. Thx KingMathAnonVQC.
7fe4d0 No.53436
Pleasure to be working with you.
It's like building a family of fun for math.
I always loved math, though we call it maths here :)
b48e58 No.53437
66def1 No.53452
MILO VQC wants us to say "Maths" instead of "Math" Good luck with the Islam invasion of your country. We Have GEOTUS DJT over here, my friend. You on the other hand have the solution to RSA, so maybe we won't nuke you. ;)
7fe4d0 No.53466
Communicating here is Good.
We're not just talking about RSA, we'll be moving onto other encryption methods too.
We should at some point include a separate set of threads for the Mandelbrot Set, which is the most beautiful object in mathematics to me.
It can be used to make physical things.
It can be used as a perfect resonator.
It can be used on images and video to 'wind' back time or change the spatial angle.
It can be used to expose photoshopped images, videos and expose FAKE NEWS.
513b26 No.53467
I've been playing with shifting left/right for (e,1), but I can't figure out how to generate element groups down from a chosen (e,1) to some (e,n). Do you have any crumbs pertaining to that?
7fe4d0 No.53468
Each "a" from the first row equals na because xx+e = 2na and na is half of that. That's BIG part of the KEY
7fe4d0 No.53469
560c82 No.53472
Is my code wrong?!
I was sure it was right :(
7fe4d0 No.53473
Each cell with one value has infinite elements, since every element can make a new one.
By induction, a cell only needs one value to make infinite values, that's part of the power of this and is why it is a virtual quantum computer as a whole.
7fe4d0 No.53475
Math or maths, it doesn't matter. I have generally used math
7fe4d0 No.53479
This is about you more than me.
I had a spiritual void.
Filling that led me here.
Money is not very important to me.
Teamwork is.
You are.
7fe4d0 No.53481
In the first row, n=1, look left and right of any cell by moving 2n along. Do you see? The cells in row one where n=1 have a relationship with the cells 2n to the right and 2n to the left.
7fe4d0 No.53482
Don't worry.
Which code are you referring to?
513b26 No.53487
I see the pattern for left/right shifts, but moving in the positive n direction while holding e constant is what I am stuck on
560c82 No.53493
i = d + n;
j = x + n;
c - (j + j)² - (d + d)² = (c + n)²
√(c + n)² - c = n
Find n from c.
560c82 No.53498
I did send you a DM on Twitter.
b48e58 No.53511
If you are taking the square root and squaring a value isn't that pointless? Also I couldn't find the RSA 100 example on the grid you showed.
b48e58 No.53518
Not sure if these equations are useful but they work
(c-a)/2 = j
j+a = i
n = i - d
^how to easily get n from a and b
i = d+n
j = x+n
513b26 No.53521
I'm starting to wrap my mind around the 2d+1 left shift that VQC was talking about. Fascinating, numbers with the same prime factors get mapped back to the same element groups. Makes sense
b48e58 No.53524
I wrote the code for this a while ago but I thought it was pointless. All you have to do is add and subtract if I'm not mistaken.
513b26 No.53531
Why would it be pointless? VQC has said the answer takes merely simple algebra to implement, after The End is properly understood.
b48e58 No.53535
kek, I'll rewrite it then
0c371c No.53551
VQC=MILO is very delightful. Gay, Brainy, Hot as Shit, Etc. And I'm a happily married man. I'd suck Milo / VQC any time.God we need some humor in this thread!! ;)
b48e58 No.53568
Yes, very good goyim.
0c371c No.53572
ayyyy. Just trying to make you laugh before we get back to work.
b48e58 No.53582
Do you like Quantum computers? I was making a non-mathematical explanation of Shor. Seems helpful for this.
b48e58 No.53595
VQC what do you think of Shor? Does it seem like banging one's head on a wall given that the only thing you need to factorize is simple algebra?
b48e58 No.53601
You can actually run Shor on a classical computer, easily. But it might take a million years to find the answer..
7fe4d0 No.53607
Keep in mind i and j are used to create the patterns.
For RSA you are only given c to find n
7fe4d0 No.53609
7fe4d0 No.53613
Humour is good.
I'm a fan of Milo.
I'm married.
7fe4d0 No.53615
The virtual quantum computer in the grid representation is equivalent to what the quantum fast fourier transform is trying to achieve.
The clever bit is using constructable infinite sets in a simple pattern which requires a finite small number of variables to control and utilise.
b48e58 No.53632
If so, is the period of the Euler sequence involved in the VQC somehow?
513b26 No.53633
nice digits
I have a proposal for some terminology for The End so we keep on track with each other's explanations and musings:
The Grid: The whole thing
Element or Cell: one {e:n:d:x:a:b} value
Cell Group: a set of all Cells with fixed e and n
Genesis Cell: The first cell in an (e,1) group
Row: collection of Cell Groups with fixed value for e
Column: collection of Cell Groups with fixed value for n
Elements (or Cells) are counted from top going down, with the top at index t = 1, second element is at index t = 2, etc.
(I'd prefer the first element within a cell group to be indexed to t = 0 due to programming autism. What does everyone else think? What about you VQC?)
Now back to business.
Focus post:
We need to figure out how to match the n values from different cells using the relationships, without having to brute force calculate a ton of n values.
Relationships we know:
In (e,1) there exists two cells who's b value in the {e:n:d:x:a:b} system equal n*a and n*b respectively. They are spaced n cells apart. n*a always comes first counting from the top element down.
From that n*a cell, count (2*d + 1) columns to the left. Then, in the new column, with e still equals 1, check the Genesis Cell. There, the a value in {e:n:d:x:a:b} equals (n-1)*a, and where both the n and the a used in that equation are the factor solution values.
Example attached for 5 * 29 = 145
I used green to color in the cells I used for this example.
n = 5
n*a = 25
n*b = 145
d = 12
(2*d+1) = 25 jumps left
jumped up to the genesis cell
the "a" in {e:n:d:x:a:b} in the genesis cell should equal (n - 1) * a = (5 - 1) * 5 = (4) * 5 = 20
This is indeed the case.
The other colored cells are for other factors I confirmed this with while trying to get the hang of it.
Goal: combine these known properties (and perhaps more) to form a simple test for the solution n.
0c371c No.53637
Alright bossman. Look on oage 2 of my PDF and drops some crumbs if you're willing. "Q's for Chris". Most people haven't read the code or written down the "maths". I have. Working to understand. Can't get the output yet, but writing out all the equations. Updated my CSharp file along gbstn10 advice. Fuck me, need to take a Csharp class. But understand all the bitmaps and WTF is going on. LoveMathAnon!
b48e58 No.53638
You can come very close the prime factorization of N using the 1*N factorization of N. Use my equations
b48e58 No.53643
I think you should change it back first to get what the original grid was like. gbn's equation was interesting but wasn't helpful or didn't see what connection it made.
513b26 No.53644
Which equations? Could you post a quick example?
752609 No.53658
Specifically (c-a)/2 = j
i and j are very interesting. In this particular case you are solving for just the 1*c factorization but if you compare the n, x, d and e values of the "useless" factorization they are very close, almost like a common thread is missing.
the n value for the 1*c factorization is simply d-1, try comparing it to the real factorisation (like 1*145 and 5*29, but if you want to see more patterns try 11121 as c.)
752609 No.53660
Also compare the i and j values of the real factorization versus the 1c factorization. Important crumb.
7fe4d0 No.53662
I like it.
Cell may be better to have as a grid cell.
Elements of that cell are each {..} for each c
Sound Good?
7fe4d0 No.53668
Question 1.
At most O(log t), where log t is the natural logarithm of the length of c in bits
In other words, doubling the length of a key would only take twice as long to compute as opposed to a factorial amount of time, i.e. no effort.
7fe4d0 No.53673
Question 2:
x squared plus e equals 2an
for odd e in the first row, x = (t+1)/2
for even e in the first row x = 2(t-1)
for the first element in the cell, t=1, second t=2, etc
Fun fact: the values of a in the first cell where e=1 contains ALL factors for odd numbers that are the sum of two squares.
I believe Fermat would have gone nuts with the Grid. Or maybe this is how he worked…
513b26 No.53674
Sounds good. This is getting more fun the more I pour mania and insomnia into it.
7fe4d0 No.53678
Question 3,4,5 answered earlier and above
Questions give answers
7fe4d0 No.53680
7fe4d0 No.53681
Fun to share!
It is good to eat, drink, sleep and rest though :)
752609 No.53682
Goy, you need to stop thinking about this. It's too dangerous. We wouldn't want you becoming hard to control now..
0c371c No.53683
When doing a Maths problem, gotta read all the instructions. What are these variables and equations straight from QVC , anons?
>(last step to find N according to him)
>"O(log t) where t = length of C in bits?" What? on the bitmap output??
>so WTF N=(xx+e)/2a ??
>this equation appears nowhere in the program or Maths up to this point. Maybe i'm a dumbass, but I don't think so.
>>18322 "t is an index number that allows us to specify an element in a grid location."
>Uh, so {e,n,t} ? VQC gives examples, verify. T is the variable that allows us to transit thru infinity? How appropriate.
>int i, int j, int f, all omitted from maths but included in program. To be fair, i and j are starting points to calculate a,b,and c. But F? F ME!! No answer yet. F My Life!
>also want to know from a CoderAnon what this means: "bool odd=c%" Yeah, boolean something or other. Help me PLS.
752609 No.53686
It's algebra. You're given a total of 9 variables: e, n, d, x, a, b, f, i, j
Each equation is a way to arrange these variables to help you find the variable of another. The end goal is to have enough equations to go straight from c, a very very large number straight to the prime factors of said number.
752609 No.53691
He didn't include i and j and f at first but they are also quite important. Just try these equations, it will surprise you just how flawlessly they come together. It's a bridge and n=??? Is the last piece required to complete the bridge.
7fe4d0 No.53699
This is Big Oh notation, not an equation.
Big Oh notation describes the complexity class of a problem.
Currently integere factorisation is big oh sub factorial t, we are talking about making it big oh log t
4ae3c0 No.53703
So row 1 where all n are 1 is fundamentally important BECAUSE n == 1 and thus n "falls out" and allows a straightforward relationship with a to be leveraged.
513b26 No.53704
That's true ;^)
I have a problem:
a = 17
b = 71
c = 1207
e = 51
d = 34
n = 10
(2*d + 1) = 2*34 + 1 = 69
new e: 51 - 69 = -18
the new a value in the genesis element at (-18,1):
(n - 1)*a = (10 - 1)*17 = 9*17 = 153
Now, the 153 is in the a value in the t = 7 element instead of the genesis element. Why the difference? Is this a pattern or did I calculate incorrectly?
4ae3c0 No.53712
>A prime number appears once in a column. This is SIMPLE to calculate. This calculation is important. I call n for a prime number big_n or N
Is big_n function as an upper bound for n (or other bound) or is it more of a link to a chain/tree/decision tree that can be resolved in O(log) time?
0c371c No.53714
Thanks anon, i know it's algebra. After reviewing all the OP, diagrams, threads, etc, I found these unanswered Q's and equations. Still working to understand, haven't seen anyone post these yet, submitting them for discussion and analysis by Clever Autists such as yourself. Variables i, j, and f are in the program. F has me puzzled at the moment.
Most curious is Chris' statement: N= "O(log t) where t is the length of C in bits"
So what, we use e^2+n^2=^2 to find the length of the hypotenuse? (distance from 0 to prime on the bitmap grid using e and n as coordinates, solving for the hypotenuse?) and then use Log functions to scale it up or down towards infinity?
761276 No.53716
Just… quantum intuition… but I'm seeing patterns… does this help at all?
4ae3c0 No.53719
Sorry to spam three replies so quick, but is vertical traversal of t++ a fundamental O(log) situatiom? Is the goal to hit the right cell and ride it down (i.e., ride t++ up)?
0c371c No.53722
I have some errors in my algebra! Questions remain, link to >>22370 is correct.
0c371c No.53740
Thx VQC. Can you please show it in algebraic notation? Got calculus, but not big O skills. So big O denotes a very complex equation? The key is understanding primes and their multiples, along with all possible combinations, hence the tree of numbers. Feeling small over here, but willing to learn. I'm up so late right now, work will take more focus tomorrow. However my mind is SO AWAKE I can't go to sleep if I tried to. Maths are Excellent.
513b26 No.53748
I almost have the pattern down for shifting left of e=0. Once I do, I'll try to test the new relationship VQC gave us, with an algorithm. It looks promising, but I must sleep now. I'll definitely be back.
0c371c No.53750
So the N KEYSTONE (lol, Hello Q! and Clowns too!) allows us to unlock a specific set of primes and their derivatives or multiples along an infinite line using N like a magnifying lens to zoom in on one spot in the pattern? Almonds Activated.
4ae3c0 No.53755
Put simply, big O describes how long something can be expected to take. Let's say you have n integers, random and unsorted, say 5, -2, 10, 1, 400, -12000. So here n == 6. Lets say you wanted to calculate the biggest. You would have to crawl through the whole list, all 6 (or all n) to do so. Therefore your algorithm is O(n) which means roughly "you have to look at all n once" orhere, you have to look at all 6.
What if your list was ordered, though. Same list but 400, 10, 5, 1, -2,-12000. You know how the list is ordered and you can exploit it. In this case you have O(1) or "constant time" because you know the biggest is first, so no matter how many n you have, this operation will never take longer or shorter, be itn == 6 or n == 600,000,000. Whereas if you're at O(n) for 6 life is good but if n == 600,000,000 it might not be, have fun examining all 600,000,000.
Does this make sense?
d19546 No.53759
This is the best you can do?
I'm dissapointed in you.
Your bickly brother is much more fun than you.
You have the power of multiple human brains and you waste it like that?
Tell your minions to drink some more fluoride laced water and perhaps strengthen the connection a little more and you might finally see the power of the human mind.
4ae3c0 No.53762
>being this mad
t. someone who thinks people getting interested in math is bad
0c371c No.53765
Here you go VQC, made it just for you. Headed to bed. Thanks man! Having fun on this MathAnon challenge.
4ae3c0 No.53767
Methinks this namefag doth protest too much
7fe4d0 No.53770
0c371c No.53773
Yes!! Made VQC Kek! Fuck Math(s), I can rest in peace now.
0c371c No.53785
Our Senpai Hath Kek'd. Maths+ Keks = MK (Math Knerds)
4ae3c0 No.53786
Please do, trip related
0c371c No.53792
How the fuck did you do that? Even when you're making fun of me i'm impressed.Fucking MathAnons are the best.
507136 No.53801
You're on an open source image board, of course the secure tripcode code is known.
>what is OpenCL
0c371c No.53806
Shit. How does Q keep his/her trip private then, ParanoidAussie?
761276 No.53827
How does one code a Ghost into the Machine?
What about an Angel?
733fed No.53832
>getting interested in math
As someone who held no interest beyond math exists in math. I can safely and with confidence say that this thread did not increase my interest in math. All it did was reinforce in my mind that this thread is filled with some grade B faggotry and some difficult looking math.
Can someone please attempt to explain in simple words what this thread attempts to convey? I've read too many elaborate posts that just further cement confusion.
761276 No.53838
We're figuring out the code to The Matrix so we can seize control of it as our birthright, and then spread the information, selflessly, to everyone.
We Serve Man.
We're figuring out "N" and "P=NP".
Not only that, it will be proofed.
And it will be literally drawn out for you.
Freely available… handed out to everyone like quantum bread… where no matter how much you take from it, there is always more.
When you add or subtract something to/from Infinity, what do you have?
Still Infinity.
4ae3c0 No.53847
There seem to be two types of anon in this world: those who completely enjoy grade B faggotry and those who only partially enjoy it. Obviously you're the latter, but if you didn't have at least a bit of interest you would never have even read my post.
The idea here, dubious as it may sound, is that there is hidden structure in the fundamental nature of thr numbers that make up our highly-secured Internet and emerging technologies such as crypto-currencies like bitcoin. This structure is postulated to be exploitable, potentially resulting in one of the most epic and spectacular happenings of all time.
So basically, while this certainly is grade B faggotry, it is ambitious faggotry looking to upgrade itself to A+ faggotry if conditions permit. Which IMO is max /comfy/ but maybe I'm just a grade B faggot in the end.
733fed No.53848
Free lunch?
I'll believe it when I see it.
507136 No.53849
Because it still takes an umpteenth amount of computer power to calculate an exact tripcode.
4ae3c0 No.53850
Oops, forgot to stop namefagging, sorry.
d19546 No.53922
You guys should do the real math and figure out the importance of 3, 6, and 9.
The answer is beautiful.
5ef46b No.53936
Good to see you've all been focusing more on the math and less on making interesting plots since I left.
Like I said with the answer, it's where c is the difference between two squares. Making that the criteria of a plot might be helpful to us.
Is there any reason why nobody has done anything with this? This looks like our breakthrough. I want to mess with it but I also want to go to sleep.
>Islamic invasion
People say "maths" in Australasia too you know.
>if you feel like you haven't had your question or query answered
It's pretty irrelevant but you seem to know about a lot of crazy shit: do you know if New Ageism was a plot by the deep state? I've always felt like it might have been an intentional maneuvering away of attention from more evidence-based forms of esotericism since New Thought and Golden Dawn were bringing disciplinary/learning-based occultism more attention in the early 1900s (regardless of their flaws) and suddenly New Age comes along and seems to encourage its believers to never actually look into things and just blindly believe what they hear about. I'm enjoying getting closer to that 40,000ft you and Q keep mentioning.
>using the Mandelbrot set to do all of that stuff
Oh man that sounds so fucking cool.
733fed No.54063
Codes have been cracked before. I recall a tripfag from /sp/ getting outed by an autist who bruteforced using his gpus to number crunch.
35ad2f No.54204
>Communicate more easily about certain terms.
Please let that way be code. I'll switch to any lang you want c# is fine. Java is fine.
2dbc5e No.54256
Shot in the dark I was showering fuck it:
Supposed to take log(N) time if N is number. So the time is proportional to the amount of bits. If it's proportional, is there a function related to the time of bits?
Maybe if we use the BIT MAP and use the BITS of the number to guide us into the MAP we can solve this problem.
If anyone uses this to figure it out I want my bitcoins 1J7GaAdXHMryKJ1hdkQvwY6kXqJoho6YfN
35ad2f No.54377
Will be.
Final piece for calculating arbitrary n.
O(log t) where t is the length of c in bits.
so if c = 145 it's length in bits is 8.
idk, I'll make some more headway with the c# code.
Everytime our threads get dubs you have to drink water.
Look at those fine digits and that fine math. Good work my dude.
Math anon, tell me what you need and I will write it. You break the math down, and I will put it into a program.
6e580c No.54520
You could just not be a namefag…
f15d3b No.54569
So lets say I find the formula for n, how would you find the primes?
Wouldnt you need to generate a huuuuuuge table?
e89c70 No.54610
When moving in this pattern, d, a and b are just previous cell values +1, while x stays the same
> gets dubs
Is beer OK?
351cf9 No.54613
Yes, good explanation. Thanks Anon!
35ad2f No.54652
You probably don't need to calculate the whole thing, just a specific part of it. Maybe specifically the length of the spiral which is 'n' for O(log c) which is 'O(log a * b)'
Beer is acceptable probably. I spent a few minutes contemplating actually drinking water.
Mathanon, tell me what you need code wise.
0142f8 No.54697
Are you saying:
moving 2n to the right, the new a = a + 1, and the new b = b + 1
moving -2n to the left, the new a = a - 1 and the new b = b - 1
e89c70 No.54714
Yes, and same for d. And x = x
It relates to t in some way too which I haven't figured out yet. But the pattern holds for same rows!
0142f8 No.54765
Similar pattern for the negative (f) record.
(f)e = e - (2*d + 1)
(f)n = n - 1
(f)d = d + 1
(f)x = x + 1
VQC clue from last night was a relationship between na
>if you subtract 2d+1 from na then you are in the negative half of the grid in terms of e and the value at the same element in the first row will be (n-1)a
Didn't quite understand that until >>53704
(2d + 1) looks to be a pattern for movements in any direction with +1 or -1 changes to the other components.
1a8f2e No.54782
Does the real value of PI helps in any way?
Its 3.14269680527
* Formula = 4 / SQRT(1.62) ****
Real value of PI
We got it from the ancient masters
351cf9 No.54803
Thanks Anon, basic help needed! So I have Visual Studio Code with the Csharp extension installed. VQC's code is copied properly. Pretty sure I got the file path correct set it as /users/desktop. From this point what are the last few steps I need to complete to get the output? Do I have to create an executable file?
0142f8 No.54820
e89c70 No.54831
Seems overly complicated for real pi, I prefer this one for its simplicity
phi = sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2
pi = 4 / sqrt(phi)
761276 No.54852
I'm a designbro, not a mathbro.
Could you teach me how to 3 6 9?
Or point me in the correct direction?
I learn really quickly.
761276 No.54867
Yoooou…. want us to learn Vortex Math?
761276 No.54885
If yes…
Something like this?
e89c70 No.54891
Been there done that, definitely recommend checking it out. Only other form of math I know that is on the same level of what VQC has dropped.
35ad2f No.54927
You have to write a main function I'm working on it now. gimme a few minutes.
Then you compile it and it should produce an executable and a .csv file. Open the csv file in excel and you should see the grid.
That should get you the .csv file. I'm working on making a point cloud now.
So yeah, create an executable and run it, then open the file it produces.
1a8f2e No.54933
I'm really not an expert. Danny Wilton, the guy who has "figured out" the real value of PI, really did it in an amazing way. By studying ancient structures. I cant help myself but think that his work is very very important for math/spiritual guys.
761276 No.54946
The more I go into this, the more you have got to be fucking kidding me.
Well… joking.
But seriously.
So… laughing and smiling…
Cuz I already know how this works… I just need to find the correct language within which to express it correctly to other people who don't have my background.
I can show people the math… in a dance… as it was shown to me.
0142f8 No.54972
cool video. thanks.
761276 No.55062
If anyone is having trouble seeing Vortex Math at Play, this might be a little more clear:
Once you can see it, here's a more advanced and refined demonstration that includes what I was calling The Crab and the Tesla Coil
761276 No.55079
Here's another way of looking at it:
761276 No.55118
Here's another way of seeing Vortex Math using a BUDDHIST MONK'S SPADE
f51031 No.55146
761276 No.55170
If you understand what you're looking at, you'll understand why I linked them. I have so many others but those 3 props are significantly connected to what's going on here.
Also, if you like the link you posted, here's a door to pop your head through.
f15d3b No.55192
VQC, I've been trying (maybe) the naive approach by applying Fermats factorization to the problem of finding 'n', however I have a gut feeling telling me I'm not supposed to brute force it.
For now I've made a simple loop that works well enough to generate 'n' for smaller values. It goes from d + 1 and to some upper limit I hardcoded.
I'm guessing I this is the wrong approach and I'm rather supposed to find the relationship between 'n' and the blocks.
d689d5 No.55614
Thanks for your help, Anon! I'll compile and run it when I get home from work.
761276 No.55721
If you know how to see him outside of here, you can bake in a different oven.
That's what I've been doing.
There's a recipe.
000000 No.55915
Hey, i did a python version of the basic implementation because I suck in CSharp.
It took me a little time. I lurked a little and I saw you are going deep on math and I stopped following.
Is there something interesting to implement / focus on right now ?
be459e No.55969
Very good. Does it produce the same spreadsheet as the C# code?
6c1109 No.56065
We're working on this now:
We need a formula for shifting genesis cells (which are the first elements in (e,1) cells), left past e = 0.
Here's code for generating genesis cells to the right of e = 0: >>31418
Here's the pattern we know so far for jumping left past e = 0:
Once we can generate an arbitrary genesis cell left of e = 0, we'll be close to set I think. I'll work on this when I get a chance and put together an algorithm for determining n once we get the genesis cell generation completely down pat.
000000 No.56081
I think so far, it really looks like the first images I saw in the first thread but I did not implement complex image generation yet
Thanks for the summary, I'll catch up on that !
35ad2f No.56475
0142f8 No.56481
me too. going around in circles.
fd70d3 No.56501
i can almost see myself looking back in there
cfe0fe No.56741
If you do this you pattern and follow f for 0's and a,b for 1's you eventually get two arrays (for just the first entry in the graph, maybe the rest will help?) but one entry is a negative value and one is a positive value (as in, the entire array is just filled with that one value)
Hope that helped
cfe0fe No.56745
didn't finish.
I was thinking these two values (pos and neg) could be new entries for an (a,b) and maybe you could generate something with that. I still don't understand the generating thing someone mentioned earlier about how all cells generate something.
0142f8 No.56903
>for odd e in the first row, x = (t+1)/2
>for even e in the first row x = 2(t-1)
looks like we can figure out t for any x in (e,1).
761276 No.57533
I think that when you're done, the image produced should look something like this… flashed over and over again in the video:
0142f8 No.58040
According to the graphic, there is a relationship between n, d, a, and b. Not sure if this has been previously noticed.
>n + d = value between a and b
based on that, I've made an assumption:
( a + b ) / 2 = n + d
n = (a + b) / 2 - d
I've iterated all the values in the grid and found that this holds true, and further appears that a + b are always even.
Can someone verify please?
ba96f2 No.58050
I'll verify. One question, is it
(a + b) / 2 - d
(a + b) / (2 - d) ?
be clear with your parantheses.
5ef46b No.58059
It's ((a+b)/2) - d = n
So how do you go from that to the variables in a public key?
ba96f2 No.58071
Leeeeeeet me check that out first. That's a pretty big statement you're making.
0142f8 No.58076
not sure. Seems like we were struggling to find a way to calculate n.
Don't think we've seen this formula before.
And yes:
n = ( ( a + b ) / 2 ) - d
0142f8 No.58081
yep. makes me a bit nervous.
ba96f2 No.58093
Lol, I must have not been thinking there for a second because you still need a and b to solve that equation.
ba96f2 No.58096
The whole point of this is to get n from only c. You can't use a and b because you don't know those.
0142f8 No.58143
We can already get an n from c assuming a = 1.
Determining the correct n for the correct prime record is the problem.
This relationship may assist in determining the genesis records or otherwise navigating the grid.
ba96f2 No.58157
You make a good point. Did my
j = (c-a)/2
help you with that? I hope it did. Your equation is true. I think I might be able to do something with it.
0142f8 No.58198
everything helps!
This is a really tough problem.
312a85 No.58513
Here the RGB is x,a,b scaled to 0-255
I just started and don't really know what I'm doing.
ba96f2 No.58537
You are doing something fantastically beautiful.
ba96f2 No.58592
Looks interesting, where's the rest of the code?
560493 No.58600
I'm going to perfect it and repost
560493 No.58618
0: (*,*)
1: ([-3],*)
2: ([-2],[1])
3: ([-1, -1],*)
4: ([-5],[0, 0])
5: ([-4, -4],[1])
6: ([-3, -3],[2])
7: ([-2, -2, -2],*)
8: ([-1],[4, 4, 4])
9: ([-7, -7],[0, 0])
10: ([-6, -6],[1, 1])
11: ([-5, -5, -5],[2])
12: ([-4, -4],[3, 3])
13: ([-3, -3, -3],[4])
14: ([-2, -2, -2],[5])
15: ([-1, -1, -1, -1],*)
16: ([-9],[0, 0, 0, 0])
17: ([-8, -8],[1, 1, 1])
18: ([-7, -7],[2, 2, 2])
19: ([-6, -6, -6],[3, 3])
20: ([-5, -5],[4, 4, 4])
21: ([-4, -4, -4],[5, 5])
22: ([-3, -3, -3],[6, 6])
23: ([-2, -2, -2, -2],[7])
24: ([-1, -1],[8, 8, 8])
25: ([-11, -11, -11],[0, 0])
26: ([-10, -10, -10],[1, 1])
27: ([-9, -9, -9, -9],[2])
28: ([-8, -8, -8],[3, 3])
29: ([-7, -7, -7, -7],[4])
30: ([-6, -6, -6, -6],[5])
31: ([-5, -5, -5, -5, -5],*)
32: ([-4],[7, 7, 7, 7, 7])
33: ([-3, -3],[8, 8, 8, 8])
34: ([-2, -2],[9, 9, 9, 9])
35: ([-1, -1, -1],[10, 10, 10])
36: ([-13, -13],[0, 0, 0, 0])
37: ([-12, -12, -12],[1, 1, 1])
38: ([-11, -11, -11],[2, 2, 2])
39: ([-10, -10, -10, -10],[3, 3])
40: ([-9, -9],[4, 4, 4, 4])
41: ([-8, -8, -8],[5, 5, 5])
42: ([-7, -7, -7],[6, 6, 6])
43: ([-6, -6, -6, -6],[7, 7])
44: ([-5, -5, -5],[8, 8, 8])
45: ([-4, -4, -4, -4],[9, 9])
46: ([-3, -3, -3, -3],[10, 10])
47: ([-2, -2, -2, -2, -2],[11])
48: ([-1, -1],[12, 12, 12, 12])
49: ([-15, -15, -15],[0, 0, 0])
50: ([-14, -14, -14],[1, 1, 1])
51: ([-13, -13, -13, -13],[2, 2])
52: ([-12, -12, -12],[3, 3, 3])
53: ([-11, -11, -11, -11],[4, 4])
54: ([-10, -10, -10, -10],[5, 5])
55: ([-9, -9, -9, -9, -9],[6])
def fromCgetN(c):
cellC = createForC(c)
factors1 = []
factors2 = []
if(c & 1):
cell = createForF(cellC)
cell = createForAB(cellC[4], cellC[5])
c = c >> 1
return (factors1, factors2)
Sum the entries in the arrays and put it back into the function (if negative do absolute value), eventually you get a factor. Also this is python. Sorry I thought nobody was online so I was going to post it tomorrow when more people were on
560493 No.58620
def createForC(c):
d = int(math.sqrt(c))
e = c - (d*d)
a = 1
b = c
x = d-a
n = ((x*x)+e/(2*a))
return (e,n,d,x,a,b)
def createForF(rec):
e = rec[0] - ((2*rec[2])+1)
n = rec[1] - 1
d = rec[2] + 1
x = rec[3] + 1
a = rec[4]
b = rec[5]
return (e,n,d,x,a,b)
def createForAB(a,b):
c = a*b
d = int(math.sqrt(-c))
d = int(math.sqrt(c))
e = c - (d*d)
x = d-a
n = ((x*x)+e)/(2*a)
return (e,n,d,x,a,b)
560493 No.58698
Like keep putting the sum of the factors back into the function and eventually you'll get a factor
790174 No.58707
Y'all are doing the Lord's work.
Damn low wage workers stealing everyone's jobs.
3be8b4 No.58854
Peace and Protection to all anons working diligently for Truth.
May the presence of God surround you and may your mind be granted +10 Sharpness!
love seeing the progress that gets made every time i sign on.
Peace be with you.
Cras es Noster
Deus Vult
5ef46b No.58857
Does anyone remember how someone generated this? It had something to do with modding a variable to the golden ratio and if it equalled something a point was plotted. I can't find the post.
ba96f2 No.58861
Let me make a correction to my equations.
x+n = j
ONLY when c is not the difference of squares or a perfect square. Other than that it seems objectively right ;^)
Which means?!
That if you have (x+n) you have one of the addends and subtrahends of the factors.
761276 No.58862
I'm a macfag
Can someone generate a map using:
z = a + bω
ba96f2 No.58867
IF it isn't a perfect square or the difference of two squares
Hash it with sha256 or sha512 and search the thread for the hash.
5ef46b No.58873
The code has been ported to several other languages that work flawlessly on a Mac. Why aren't you using one of those?
312a85 No.58876
Translated to C#
private static int[][] FromCgetN(int c)
int[] cellC = CreateForC(c);
List<int> factors1 = new List<int>();
List<int> factors2 = new List<int>();
while (c > 0)
if (c % 2 != 0)
int[] cell = CreateForF(cellC);
int[] cell = CreateForAB(cellC[4], cellC[5]);
c = c >> 1;
return new int[][] { factors1.ToArray(), factors2.ToArray() };
private static int[] CreateForC(int c)
int d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);
int e = c - (d * d);
int a = 1;
int b = c;
int x = d - a;
int n = ((x * x) + e / (2 * a));
return new int[] { e, n, d, x, a, b };
private static int[] CreateForF(int[] rec)
int e = rec[0] - ((2 * rec[2]) + 1);
int n = rec[1] - 1;
int d = rec[2] + 1;
int x = rec[3] + 1;
int a = rec[4];
int b = rec[5];
return new int[] { e, n, d, x, a, b };
private static int[] CreateForAB(int a, int b)
int d;
int c = a * b;
if (c < 0)
d = (int)Math.Sqrt(-c);
d = (int)Math.Sqrt(c);
int e = c - (d * d);
int x = d - a;
int n = ((x * x) + e) / (2 * a);
return new int[] { e, n, d, x, a, b };
5ef46b No.58878
Also what specific variable do I change where to get the negative side to plot on the image? I've been ignoring it until now since it isn't completely necessary.
ba96f2 No.58882
Hey that's really fuckin' dank man. You're a saint. I couldn't read that Python too well.
761276 No.58923
Because I haven't asked how to do it.
How do I do that think (You) say?
couldn't get rustup (rustle up, jimmies) to do anything.
7fe4d0 No.58934
Let the grid do the work for you.
What about negative values of x for cell (1,1) and then cells 2 to the right?
Enumerate the patterns.
Once you state everything you know about the problem, the solution presents itself.
Create a map of the grid's properties.
The key to the map is the solution.
Sound familiar?
Enumerate the grid properties.
The solution will present itself.
ba96f2 No.58937
i think I found something, useful?
for all c's that aren't perfect squares
i = d+n
j = x+n
761276 No.58941
It's not ICQ, it's IQC
Intuitive Quantum Comprehension
So… shift your perspective a little.
Verified Quantum Comprehension
We're working on the key that unlocks all doors.
Without this key…
You're a dead man.
So what needs to be found is the key to trigger the switch.
Via the bitmaps…
You'll know It when you see It.
761276 No.58944
What is an I what is a V
Where do they meet?
Get the point.
ba96f2 No.58950
Can you elaborate?
761276 No.58956
Yes and no.
No because that's past the point of no return and we're trying to earn the point we're getting to. No need to go there.
What is an I?
What is a V?
How did they meet?
What point are you getting?
That's as far in as I can stick it.
761276 No.58963
Also, maybe, let me see if it lets me post, if not, i'll create new image that explains it.
It involves Vortex Based Math, Phi, and the Perfect Squirt Gun
761276 No.58970
This is a full explanation, if you know how to look at it.
761276 No.59009
Further explanation if you need assistance
761276 No.59038
3175397 prime search result:
If we transform the parabola y = (x + 1)2 + 2 by shifting 7 units to the right and 5 units down, what is the vertex of the resulting parabola?
The answer would be (6,-3)
761276 No.59048
daf956 No.59050
I solved the puzzle!
7fe4d0 No.59055
Very nice!!!
Three images.
This one.
Even values of e only
Odd values of e only
daf956 No.59059
For real though
What if instead of trying to solve for n we tried to solve for x+n or d+n? They're equivalent to i and j for most principals and if you knew either one you could find n.
761276 No.59095
Possibly related… can anyone explain what I'm looking at?
761276 No.59101
Posted this in the wrong thread
Specifically this one… what am I looking at?
5ef46b No.59152
There's Java and Python as well. If you can't figure out how to make Java or Python work, there's no way you'll figure out any of this other stuff.
78bbd8 No.59162
f15d3b No.59172
I want to try an summarize a bit:
We want to find n, which represents the difference between d and the larger square block used in Fermats Factorization.
Once we know e, we can calculate (e, 1) and we know that n exists at (e, n). We just need to figure out how to find the correct n.
We have have to test different potential 'n', which again is the same method used in Fermats Factorization. However, we are supposed to have an algorithm that can test and find the correct n within O(log).
This should mean that there is a relationship between one (or more) values within (e, 1) to allow us to continue our search.
Am I missing something, or have I misunderstood something?
35ad2f No.59334
Good Job my dude.
Re: Rustup. I intended on releasing a point cloud visualization thing yesterday but it turns out shader programming is the cancer that killed /b/. I'll get it worked out today.
fdc58b No.59339
Why is there a rothschild shitposting in here?
Friend of yours VQC?
8980da No.59658
How did you color this?
312a85 No.59747
Create a new bitmap and color it black:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(x_max * 2, y_max);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
Then inside the main loop of VQC's Output function in TheEnd.cs code:
if (theend.ContainsKey(x) && theend[x].ContainsKey(y) && theend[x][y].Count > z)
tw.Write(theend[x][y][z] + ",");
String[] values = theend[x][y][z].Split(':');
int xx = Int32.Parse(values[3]);
int a = Int32.Parse(values[4]);
int b = Int32.Parse(values[5].Split('}')[0]);
bmp.SetPixel(x + x_max, y, Color.FromArgb(255, xx * 255 / i_max, a * 255 / (i_max * 2), b * 255 / (i_max * 4)));
//bmp.SetPixel(x + x_max, y, Color.White);
312a85 No.59751
Then save it:
8980da No.59757
What should I do with these?
I know if m%4==2 then its not a diff of 2 squares but otherwise it is. What do I do with this? Also someone in an earlier thread mentioned quaternions so I'm stuck on those
8980da No.59832
For negative x we must have:
x = d-a < 0
d-a < 0
d < a
(let d = a-t)
(a-t)(a-t) + e = ab
aa - 2ta + tt + e = ab
aa - (2t+b)a + (tt+e) = 0
(solve for a)
[-(2t+b) +- sqrt((2t+b)^2 - 4(1)(tt+e))]/2
= [-2t+b +- sqrt( 4t^2 + 4tb + b^2 - 4t^2+e)]/2
= [-2t+b +- sqrt(b^2 + 4tb + e)]/2
= [-2tb + b +- (b + 2t)]/2
= [-2tb + b + b + 2t]/2 OR [-2tb + b - b - 2t]/2
= [2b + 2t - 2tb]/2 OR [-2tb -2t]/2
= (b+t-tb) OR -t(b-1)
= b + t(1-b) or t(1-b)
(solve for t)
(a-t)(a-t) + e = ab
aa - 2ta + tt + e = ab
tt - 2at + (e+aa-ab) = 0
t=(2a +- sqrt[ 4a^2 - 4(1)(e+aa-ab)])/2
t = (2a +- sqrt[ 4aa - 4e - 4aa + 4ab]/2
t = (2a +- sqrt[4ab-4e])/2
t = a +- sqrt[ab-e]
So for this we have:
a = b + t(1-b) or t(1-b)
t = a+- sqrt[ab-e]
(if its in cell (1,1) then we have e = 1) so
t = a +- sqrt[ab-1]
(this next part might not even be valid)
If we want to solve for t we can try pluggin in
t = a +- sqrt[ab-1]
t = (b+t(1-b) +- sqrt[ (b+t(1-b))b-1)]
t = (b + t - tb +- sqrt( (b+t-tb)b - 1))
t = b + t - tb +- sqrt( bb + tb - tbb - 1)
t - b - t + tb = +- sqrt (bb+tb-tbb-1)
b(t-1) = +- sqrt(bb+tb-tbb-1)
b(tt - 2t + 1) = bb + tb - tbb - 1
btt - tbt + b = bb + tb - tbb - 1
btt - btt + b - bb - tb + tbb + 1 = 0
b - bb - tb + tbb + 1 = 0
t(bb-b) = bb - b + 1
t = (bb-b+1)/(bb-b)
312a85 No.59950
Unsure if I understood you correctly, but here are the images when adding the conditional
if (e % 2 == 0)
if (e % 2 != 0)
Is this what you meant?
95848e No.60310
I can generate any element in a cell from just one along with their t, but only for the first row (n = 1)
Is there a trick I have missed for n > 1 ?
$ ./t.py {17:1:400:27:373:429}
4 {17:1:40:7:33:49}
5 {17:1:58:9:49:69}
6 {17:1:80:11:69:93}
7 {17:1:106:13:93:121}
8 {17:1:136:15:121:153}
9 {17:1:170:17:153:189}
10 {17:1:208:19:189:229}
11 {17:1:250:21:229:273}
12 {17:1:296:23:273:321}
13 {17:1:346:25:321:373}
14 {17:1:400:27:373:429}
15 {17:1:458:29:429:489}
16 {17:1:520:31:489:553}
17 {17:1:586:33:553:621}
18 {17:1:656:35:621:693}
19 {17:1:730:37:693:769}
20 {17:1:808:39:769:849}
21 {17:1:890:41:849:933}
22 {17:1:976:43:933:1021}
23 {17:1:1066:45:1021:1113}
24 {17:1:1160:47:1113:1209}
312a85 No.61251
using System;
namespace IntegerFactorisation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
620f20 No.61252
Please can you vulgarize what you're trying to do/find ? I only know C, but I'm not an expert at all.
35ad2f No.61439
Point clouds will be the death of me.
312a85 No.61462
Flipped one and put it on top so it's either even on top, odd on bottom or the other way.
35ad2f No.61483
Seriously VQC, you already have some of this code if you're not LARPing, hook us up with what we need to render this shit properly I'm not working for weeks for free just to render this thing. You've put up no code beyond the original and you said you would TWICE.
I'm not here for RSA.
I'm not here for BTC.
I'm here for whatever the lesson is supposed to be.
edbaee No.61655
t = (bb-b-1)/(bb-b)
Jesus the last line was wrong (2nd to last line I had I didn't flip the 1)
Also if we put in t(1-b) instead of
t = a +- sqrt[ab-1]
t = (b+t(1-b) +- sqrt[ (b+t(1-b))b-1)]
t = (b + t - tb +- sqrt( (b+t-tb)b - 1))
t = b + t - tb +- sqrt( bb + tb - tbb - 1)
t - b - t + tb = +- sqrt (bb+tb-tbb-1)
b(t-1) = +- sqrt(bb+tb-tbb-1)
b(tt - 2t + 1) = bb + tb - tbb - 1
btt - tbt + b = bb + tb - tbb - 1
btt - btt + b - bb - tb + tbb + 1 = 0
b - bb - tb + tbb + 1 = 0
t(bb-b) = bb - b + 1
t = (bb-b+1)/(bb-b)
maybe solve for b,t in Z to find this?
t = a +- sqrt[ab-1]
t = a +- sqrt[a(t(1-b)) - 1]
t = a +- sqrt[a(t-tb)-1]
t = a +- sqrt[at-atb-1]
t-a = +- sqrt[at-atb-1]
(t-a)^2 = at-atb-1
tt+t(ab-3a) + aa+1 = 0
t = (1/2)[-(ab-3a) +- sqrt( (ab-3a)(ab-3a) - 4(1)(aa+1) )]
(1/2)[a(3-b) +- sqrt( aabb -6aab + 9aa - 4aa + 4 )]
(1/2)[a(3-b) +- sqrt(aabb - 6aab + 5aa + 4)]
aa(bb-6b+5) + 4
t = (1/2) * [ a * (3-b) +/- sqrt(a*a*b*(b-1)
000000 No.61700
Python script updated with the new image generation equation
ba96f2 No.61956
Have patience faggot. Without this guy you would still trust (((RSA)))
ba96f2 No.61981
And if you think this doesn't apply to you then you better stop using
Basically anything important.
312a85 No.62020
Here is what I have for TheEnd.cs
I call it from Program.cs
using System;
namespace IntegerFactorisation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i_max = 480;
int x_min = -960;
int x_max = 960;
int y_min = 0;
int y_max = 1080;
int set_size = 12;
TheEnd.CreateTheEnd(i_max, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max);
TheEnd.Output(i_max, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, set_size);
I couldn't figure out why the i_max in output function was half the i_max in CreateTheEnd function so i made them the same, which changed the color coding to:
int red = xx * 255 / (i_max / 2);
int green = a * 255 / i_max;
int blue = b * 255 / (i_max * 2);
35ad2f No.62046
Crypto doesn't have to be fundamentally broken to be untrusted. Your 'random number generators' have been fucking you over plenty for decades.
It's already that way bro, fundamental flaws don't need to exist for crypto to be effectively subverted. Look all those RSA hw generators that just 'oopsie' have a backdoor in them. HTTPS is a fucking joke, and subverted. Trusting 'trust' is not security my dude.
From an engineering perspective, if it can be done you can bet your ass somebody is doing it. Weak RNG, poisoned numbers, NIST/NSA collusion, bad implementations, timing analysis, other sidechannels, rubber hose, crypto's already done son. Your rig was designed to calculate, not be a secure extension of yourself.
pointless argument but don't think I don't already know.
35ad2f No.62079
Then you hear about 'wire tapping' in the news regarding the POTUS "wiretap" and nobody dares to mention it was probably 'The Hammer' which isn't a wiretap at all but an active program that exploits all manner of side channels, hardware exploits, and Julian Assange knows what else. To say it it a 'wiretap' is like comparing a match to the sun. Totally disingenuous!
Whatever. I'll quit bitching and keep making my point cloud.
000000 No.62226
Just noted that in some image you can see some pattern in 3D perspective
95848e No.62283
Tons of patterns in the grid, challenge is finding one that can go from e,d to x to n or straight to n through simple calculations
95848e No.62389
Did anyone make progress on the big_n hint? If its simple then I'm apparently retarded
95438f No.62510
Hi VQC! Been studying the chart. Even and odd values of variable e tie into the stable but different increases in variable x, which could be used to help generate index variable t for each element. Can you please confirm and maybe drop some crumbs? Also, what does "t= length of c in bits" mean?
Seems like being able to create variable t is the key to creating ability to traverse any part of data set. Am I on the right track?
ba96f2 No.62524
In the original VQC, t = 12. It is represented by set size. Notice how there is more than one value for each e,n? It's because the t variable makes it calculate more than one. There are infinite entries in each e,n that has elements. He is stating that t = the length of c in bits.
5ef46b No.62607
95848e No.62613
>for odd e in the first row, x = (t+1)/2
t = x / 2 + 1
95848e No.62653
Add half the width of your image to both e and f when drawing (x + 1024 in image coordinates if its 2048 wide)
000000 No.62655
> Also, what does "t= length of c in bits" mean?
if t = 12, it's binary represenation will be (1100) base 2, so in this case length of t in bits will be 4 (eg you need four bits to code its internal representation)
000000 No.62666
replace 't' with 'c', for c=12, t=4
35ad2f No.62923
Wow, beautiful! Damn!
fd70d3 No.62944
this is neat
I found this, it might help with creating new models, pic related- http://unfolding.apperceptual.com/
35ad2f No.63004
Legit question. Doesn't a free energy device totally defeat energy trade? Why would Donald Trump put so much time into energy trade and energy independence if there's a free energy device?
ced4db No.63031
I would imagine, if true, that Trump would have to tread carefully with this one. Imagine how the energy industry and corporations would take to this sort of news? They would be put out of business and the stock market would take a hit.
35ad2f No.63082
You're right. I'm just trying to decide if I should continue on with this because it's worthwhile or if it's a math black hole and I'm too stupid to know it because my math is weak. It'd be nice to have some kind of proof, really anything, that any part of what VQC claims is possible. It seems like our resident newfriends are getting lost in the Q stuff which I know most of us here could help with but aren't because we're tired of talking to a wall and this is more of building the future instead of healing the past which most of us would probably enjoy considering PG is awful.
VQC, I'm stuck between helping my President and my countrymen or taking them to the next level by working on this. If this is real I know I'd rather be doing this, if it's fake, I'm not doing all I can by helping meme some shit. What do my dude? Can you offer any proof what you claim is true?
95848e No.63198
Easy to get burnt out with this stuff, evident by the lack of activity here compared to earlier. If the math is just a distraction its the most elaborate one I've ever seen, you cannot create something like this by accident or just by trying to fake it
I'm also not that interested in the RSA applications but it is a great, irrefutable way to prove the equations are real and get more minds working on it
I'm here just for the knowledge, if it pans out or not is irrelevant. That said, the hints are getting tedious and we need some tangible progress
ab7ad3 No.63200
Focus anons, VQC has been dropping us crumbs but no one has been working the grid to learn the patterns he crumbs about. Let's figure out what this pattern is: >>58934
Also, we need to generate cells in the negative e, n = 1 range. I've been afk and unable to work on that, but I have an algorithm now which finds n after extracting the solution (n-1)*a value from the cell (2d + 1) groups to the left of the (e,1) group.
I call the (n-1)*a value the Seed Value.
We need to do more examples for that to cement the pattern for generating that element group and for extracting the seed.
ba96f2 No.63205
I studied cryptography for a long time before this. It's real.
35ad2f No.63247
>f the math is just a distraction its the most elaborate one I've ever seen, you cannot create something like this by accident or just by trying to fake it
True, hard to fake a spiral that follows the golden ratio and primes when there's no hidden input and it's just a natural pattern. It's just that there's other pressing things happening and I really want this particular thing to be real which in my mind makes it more dangerous (to myself) since I'd be more willing to believe that this was something I could actually explain. Cognitive Dissonance is a biiiiitch.
I'll check that, drink water.
Come on dude, it's not real until there's proof, since we want it to be real it could easily cloud our judgment. Just saying. Not saying it's not real, just that I'd be much more motivated if we were offered even a sliver of proof of these quite honestly fabulous claims.
95848e No.63257
Yeah there is no way it isn't, patterns in integer factorization like this are not supposed to exist :)
Just replying to the "math black hole" theory. The solution still eludes us though.
ba96f2 No.63300
If the world knew what we were doing and took it seriously they would have had the solution yesterday. Just keep thinking about it. You will step on the solution and it will bite you.
95848e No.63301
This stuff works for the negative range. So does generating the elements in any cell for the first row, from just a single seed value in that cell
cfe171 No.63311
VQC showed up with interesting things. He suggests it's connected to Q. A massive redirection of effort away from what Q asked for was what he initiated. Then he says he's starting a company and is looking for people to hire.
Explain to me how he's helping Q? Explain how he's now anything but an agent for those Q is fighting?
95848e No.63314
I'm sure its going to be something ridicilously stupid like n = e+x and we will all feel like idiots for not getting it
ab7ad3 No.63337
nice digits but whot are you speaking of?
Yes, but generating the first element in a negative e range is still uncoded. There is a definite pattern but one which shifts as noted in the post you linked.
cfe171 No.63343
Anons this may be fun, but what has VQC done except to tempt you into what may an impossible task designed to keep you distracted?
I thought he was interesting until he posted that he's forming a company and looking for employees. Doesn't sound much like someone really interested in Q's requests does he? Sounds more like someone either hijacking a board to get everyone working on a problem that's his alone to solve (maybe for a pet project), or, he's an agent for others that are in opposition to Q and is now very successfully distracting you from Q's mission.
You decide for yourselves, but it's clear to me what his real intent is.
35ad2f No.63350
He's been pretty careful not to associate himself with Q, he only said Godfather III resonated with him.
Q is also willing to call out LdR on here directly and hasn't called out VQC for being a faggot, but it could be for any number of reasons. At the end of the day, various namefags identities don't matter.
We're hoping to see any kind of proof even circumstantial that VQC's not leading us down an endless rabbit hole and that we're doing the right thing with our time by doing this because it's part of moving humanity forward instead of working to uncover the gruesome details of the past which will be mostly irrelevant when POTUS and crew are through.
95848e No.63417
The distraction angle is something I have considered from early on, and if someone has put this much effort into designing math that leads nowhere to distract what, less than 300 people on an imageboard then we're fucked anyway
I could buy the pet project theory, VQC stumbled on the grid and needs help in applying it, though his posts are very well crafted if thats the case
team != company
And who says we're not keeping up with Q? How is 0.1% less anons on digging useful for the cost to make such a distraction?
ab7ad3 No.63421
>uncovering the truth is a waste of time
If you don't want to be here, just leave tbh. I'm here because it's fascinating and promising, a potential method of computation which I never had even imagined, but which is already bearing fruit even on our small level of understanding of it.
Watch the anime "Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle" if you want to understand what I'm trying to describe.
35ad2f No.63445
It is when all the oldfags are here, Q's getting irritated with the normies.
Kill yourself for putting words in my mouth.
Where does asking for proof mean I don't want this to be real?
Since when does asking for proof mean you don't want to be somewhere?
Why is asking for proof bad?
Your anime doesn't prove this is a solvable problem regardless of the insights it may bring.
35ad2f No.63458
If anything the first thing you should be doing is asking for some degree of proof. In any other setting it would be the first thing asked for.
95848e No.63489
I suppose it doesn't hurt
VQC - post the factors for RSA-420 and nobody will doubt you
RSA-420 = 2091366302476510731652556423163330737009653626605245054798522959941292730258
ba96f2 No.63502
Using some of the algorithms here, we could factor that, just might take a few hours.
95848e No.63516
I haven't contemplated bruteforcing it, just hours you reckon?
I know we have some shortcuts but the numbers are still pretty huge
ba96f2 No.63528
yes, guessing n is faster than GNFS.
35ad2f No.63566
>The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) currently offers a US$3000 research discovery award for participants who download and run their free software and whose computer discovers a new Mersenne prime having fewer than 100 million digits.
I'll take the answer to this, he can give the money to charity. Cracking crypto is not a great way to provide proof of anything, worst case it's real and causes hysteria, best case it's real and the market reacts poorly. A new Mersenne prime is not a dangerous piece of information to give.
8dd3c0 No.63579
The anime just deals with people who solve puzzles for the sake of puzzles.
Proof would be nice, sure. I think we're very close to achieving the RSA factorization, at least I am. I keep pointing out the two specific things I need to cement before my algorithm will work, but no one is working on learning the grid patterns and putting it into code with me in those areas. That's fine, I'll do it myself, but I've been busy (out of my control) so the pattern-to-code hanging points remain blocks for now.
We're asking for proof, but everyone is ignoring VQC's patterns he's pointing out, not working them out themselves to practice solving for n. The patterns work. I've solved for n and then for c for small prime factors already with an algorithm based off his early hints. It didn't scale well to large factors, however. Around 10 digit primes it stopped being of practical use. Now, with his (2d + 1) hint, I have the shell of a more efficient and faster algorithm which I have already used to solve for a few small c values in only a few calculations (given I hardcode the seed value since we don't have the code for negative e element generation). With his fresh crumb pattern of generating cells up in (1,1) where x is negative, I'm sure another key will unlock the mystery further.
We already have had some success with these methods. The patterns don't lie.
The point I'm trying to make is this: let's actually work on this together, learn the patterns together, and God-willing come out with a solution together. Unified, no pattern can escape our overwhelming autism. This is the type of thing we were born for. And if VQC doesn't really have all the patterns? Let's develop our own ;^)
95848e No.63626
Hard to find datapoints on GNFS, but we can always up the challenge. Heres the numbers for RSA704
The total time spent on polynomial selection was about 12 core years.
The total time spent on sieving was about
500 core years.
We're faster but by how much… I guess 420 is already in easy territory now
If I required more proof I would probably not be here, just an idea. Don't tell me I'm not working on learning the grid patterns! Can't share all the ugly broken code here
All for working together
35ad2f No.63702
I love rabbit holes bro. If you have an algorithm that works, why not share it? Unless I'm lame and missed it.
Asking for a single prime or a single shred of proof at this point isn't too much to ask for.
>however. Around 10 digit primes it stopped being of practical use.
This is exactly the problem.
>The patterns don't lie.
But do they imply what we hope they imply? What VQC is leading us to believe they do imply?
Asking for proof about time intensive digs is absolutely acceptable and I've been here since the get go working this stuff and writing software which I've openly shared.
>And if VQC doesn't really have all the patterns? Let's develop our own ;^)
The heat death of the universe is a very real event which crypto in inherently tied to. You may not get the answer to your question until after it's relevant which is why we're asking for proof.
I'm done discussing this, either VQC provides proof or he doesnt. I'm not here to tell you what to do either way, only voicing my wish for proof. Can't get if you don't ask. Asking for proof implies a mind that's ready to believe and boy do I want to believe.
>All for working together
We have been man, it's been like the good old days all over again.
ab7ad3 No.63703
>Can't share all the ugly broken code here
Same lol
Any idea on how to pin down this pattern for left shifts past e = 0? It seems to cascade.
95848e No.63741
>We have been man, it's been like the good old days all over again.
Actually impressed it is still possible on the internet, makes the whole thing worth it
35ad2f No.63758
Time to watch some murdoch murdoch.
ab7ad3 No.63772
I'll share it when it's more complete. It's hacked together rn until I get more of the patterns down into code.
Here's the pseudocode:
given a seed value
pick next na entry in (e,1)
a = na - seed
n = na / a
if n is an integer, then check n elements down for nb
calculate a*b=c
if c matches then break loop
else increment and loop
This works for small factors but only if you hardcode the seed, until we can generate elements left of e=0 with code and thus pick out the seed value by code.
35ad2f No.63809
You rock anon, I promise to come back tomorrow with two cups of coffee and a positive can-do attitude.
95848e No.63906
I think the change of t value only happens once near the middle, no idea how to write that into an equation
0:1 -> 2:1 = t+1
1:1 -> -1:1 = t-1
-1:2 -> 3:2 = t+1
After the first shift of t they seem linear for the rest of the row
790174 No.63948
I have no idea what you guys are doing, been lurking for says but still lost.
But. Have you tried flipping what you're doing upside down and adding it to the first part? I have no knowledge of math but a strange intuition of it. If what I'm saying makes no sense, ignore it.
Think, a sphere. Each half is like a mirror of it's other half.
95848e No.63976
Nope, I'm wrong, there are more shifts
I tried flipping it around | but not -, hmm
78bbd8 No.64000
anyone any good with setting up neural networks? i tinkered with it before but really dont know the ins and outs. id imagine it would be able to find any patterns pretty easily if properly configured
790174 No.64004
Or inside out. I know, that's nonsense. But at least consider it for a few minutes if you want to.
95848e No.64063
I may be drunk, but not drunk enough to turn OpenGL coordinates inside out unfortunately
790174 No.64114
Ha yeah I think I was just spouting nonsense. I wish I had any frickin idea what you guys are up to. Keep it up though.
95848e No.64118
Wow. I wonder how that works in 3d
35ad2f No.64134
Where's all this ogl code at?
95848e No.64155
It has bugs, I should probably post an update
At least replace
_, _, d, x, a, b, c = cell
e, n, d, x, a, b, c = cell
35ad2f No.64165
Checked, thanks! Much appreciated, see you anons tomorrow.
312a85 No.64219
Currently we're using the e and n variables for the x and y coordinates (i think), so I guess we would use the d variable for the z coordinates?
I'm not sure, but I may see if i can put something together in unity.
95848e No.64232
The code as posted uses e, n, a
> points.extend([e, n, a])
I've tried everything I can think of since, here is one with e, n, d
95848e No.64282
Same points, different angle (moving this around in realtime is awesome btw)
5ef46b No.64601
This has really slowed down over the last couple days. This VQC post >>58934 is very important.
>Once you state everything you know about the problem, the solution presents itself.
Too many of us have been fumbling around trying to make some magical hypothetical situation happen with the image generator instead of putting it into context with RSA and the grid. There's a good reason why people keep coming and saying they have no idea what we're doing: we don't seem to be doing anything unified. Some of us are trying to figure out how to use the code, some of us are trying to get to the final step with our code but nobody will help (>>63579 and gbstn10 in the last thread for a solid day or two), some of us are plotting bitmaps in order to find some kind of shape that might fit some kind of equation, some of us are trying to figure out how to use the genesis cells, and some of us are tripfags who post vague new-agey infographs that somehow connect math to nature and don't actually constructively help, etc. Aside from suggestions and code ports, there's a distinct lack of teamwork. That's why we're going around in circles.
>Create a map of the grid's properties
>The key to the map is the solution
This is important and we should be doing this
Much like the rest of the Q-related posting, if we can put together a succinct description of this entire situation, not only will it unify our thinking and allow us to work together instead of grasping at straws by ourselves, but it'll work as a guide for newfags and we'll have more people to help us. It won't take that much time. I made at least what I'd consider to be a good explanation of what RSA is and how it works, and there are other good explanations of what the grid is and what each variable means, etc. At the moment it's far too vague and based on each of our own interpretations. I really wish I could commit more time to this right now but I'm already way behind on other stuff. I hope at least that adding emphasis to VQC's post will help in some way. Hopefully this doesn't sound stupid to those of you who don't believe in anything very strongly, but I firmly believe we're all meant to be here and we're all meant to be a part of this. Learning to work together is a fundamental, necessary step, and to do that we need to all be on the same page.
95848e No.64758
You have good points, I love chaos and reading the posts of everyone going in all directions at once, incorporating eachothers ideas and code - but it may not be the most efficient way to make progress as lots of info gets lost
We should consider summarizing our findings better, a map can take many forms
ba96f2 No.64845
The goal is to factor an arbitrary integer, c, whose prime factors are a and b.
The main application of this problem is breaking RSA.
The grid shows the patterns.
The grid is indexed used e, n, and t, where e is the rows, n is the columns, and t is the specific element in the cell-group.
Thus, only three variables are required to identify an element: e, n and t.
Each cell of the grid (e,n) has infinite elements or ZERO elements.
If a grid cell has elements, all elements are constructable from a finite set of root elements.
The entire map can be constructed from (0,1), (1,1) and (2,1). (1,1) is the key.
All perfect squares appear in (0, 0).
The product of two primes appear in exactly two cells in one column.
When the integers that are the difference of two squares are arranged into the grid and their corresponding properties are shown, a pattern emerges that shows calculation instead of searching is possible.
The map's legend is {e:n:d:x:a:b}, where d is the result of removing the largest square from c AKA the square root,
e is the remainder,
n is what you add to d to be exactly halfway between a and b,
and x is what you add to a to make d.
c is any number that is the difference of two squares, so odd numbers are included.
Each cell at n=1 contains the roots of products in the column.
If c is a prime number, it will appear in one column exactly once.
If c is the product of two prime numbers that do not equal eachother, c will appear in two cells of one column.
The values of a and b at 1,1 are related to the length of the longest side in right angled triangles.
n*a and n*b for any c can be found n places apart in the cell at (e,1).
The virtual quantum computer is a grid made of infinite yet constructable sets that follow a known pattern.
The grid is the superposition.
The collapse of that superposition will be two input parameters, d and e which can be calculated easily for all integers, c, where cis the difference of two squares.
All products of odd numbers and all products of pairs of even numbers are the difference of two squares.
All products (integers) c that are the sum of two squares appear (only) in columns where e=0,1,4,9,16,25…
All Fermat primes (except) 3 appear in column one.
All factors in a column are factors of the elements of the first cell in their column.
Useful equations:
ab = c
dd + e = c
(d + n)(d + n)-(x + n)(x + n) = c
a + 2x + 2n = b
a = d - x
d = a + x
d = floor_sqrt(c)
e = c - (dd)
b = c / a
n = the difference between the square root d and the larger of the two squares
d + n = number that is exactly halfway between a and b
d + n = i
x = d - a
x = (floor_sqrt(( (d+n)*(d+n) - c))) - n
x + n = j
f = e - 2d + 1
67b69a No.64894
Hey Anons, I have the next step, verified by VQC. Pls see attached image, highly relevant. I'm sharing bc this is what i can contribute. I couldn't even run the program, but I love math and just printed out your grids and analyzed them. You can program, I can Math. So here's my contrbution.
Please read these VQC posts:
We need an index variable, t. Still working to understand. However, look at variable x in row 1. When e=0,2,4,6,8,... you see a clear progression for x. When e=1,3,5,7, etc you see a clear and stable pattern for x. So we can use X to define t, our index variable.
Read the grid, anons. Look at the x variable value in row 1 for all elements. It increases in a stable manner.
Even e columns (except for (0,0) and (0,1)) go to e =0,2,4,6,8, etc. and read the x values.
Odd e columns go (1,3,5,7,9, etc). Go to e=1,3,5,7,9, etc and read the x values. What do you see? a clear pattern.
So for even e columns: (x+2)/2=t
So for odd e columns: (x+1)/2+t
We need to add a variable to the string list, and I suck at programming. Need some ProgramAnon help. It should be now: {e,n,t,d,x,a,b}
Having t defined by X allows us to begin creating an index that can extend into infinity. Don't have the full answer yet. Check it for yourselves.
Can ProgramAnons update the file and post a link to an updated .csv file with t included at the proper location.
I'm seeing Primes everywhere when calculating for t in later columns. Check it yourselves. WTF.
67b69a No.64953
sorry, second link should be
67b69a No.65003
Understanding the Math(s) comes first, writing the program comes next. Let's FORM LIKE VOLTRON faggots. I love being part of this Autist Team.
ba96f2 No.65030
ba96f2 No.65047
67b69a No.65061
You are the fucking man ProgramAnon. Thx
67b69a No.65066
Going to bed, wake me up with the next step. Love you all.
ba96f2 No.65070
lel ok, hope you like the new OP I wrote its most of every tidbit I know.
7fe4d0 No.65200
Watch BitCoin tomorrow.
These posts are not just for (you).
ba96f2 No.65219
Why do you think Bitcoin will be affected? We haven't gotten to ECC yet and most coiners are too stubborn to see how close we are.
5ef46b No.65220
When I get some time (which will either be tonight or it might have to be in a couple days), I'll try to make a draft version of a completely idiot-proof map that takes into account every post VQC has made. Most of the work for a map of this sort is already done; it just needs to be congregated. As detailed as >>64845 is, for example, and with me as an example of someone who understands most of this but not all of it, I don't know what "the grid is the superposition" means or how it can be applied to solving the problem. If we can use as simple language as possible. Wherever we can find terms that not everyone would know, it'll be useful to go into detail. Not everyone has to work on this, so if anyone's busy keep working, but anyone who does work on a map should post what they put together here so we can all critique it.
ba96f2 No.65223
You'll understand it when I get around to finishing typing up my Shor's algorithm tidbit.
5ef46b No.65228
That's another thing: we'll need to explain what these extra things like Shor's algorithm and Fermat primes are.
ba96f2 No.65239
Fermat primes? Not too long of an explanation. Shor's algorithm? Long and complicated explanation, but I've simplified the maths as much as physically possible without convoluting it.
5e9a11 No.65479
Shit, well done anon. Thanks for the excellent summary.
5e9a11 No.65499
Hello VQC! Are Clowns watching? How is 8Ch protected?
4ae3c0 No.65528
QVC, unfortunately, did not fulfill his own self-set obligations. He has not been as present and responsive as he claimed he would be, and there have been legit finer-points math questions he has deliberately ignored in favor of BS posts.
I no longer believe in VQC, sorry.
ba96f2 No.65541
You have been negative this entire thread. Do us a favor and filter yourself.
8Ch isn't protected — We are.
5e9a11 No.65548
Read it, great job on the summary. Thanks anon!
5e9a11 No.65552
We are? Like we have a bubble provided by white hats? SHIT. That's cool as fuck.
ba96f2 No.65562
Q, and this thread make clowns very angry.
4ae3c0 No.65568
Quite the contrary, I have crunched the numbers, the big-Oh, the VQC advice, and the various code posted, unless it's the rust guy, I haven't got to rust yet although it's on my list.
It is my opinion that VQC has not fulfilled his obligations. These are not my obligations, but ones he set for himself.
5e9a11 No.65602
Well yeah, their Evil Empire is on the verge of collapse. DJT, Q, and VQC are raising our consciousness to much higher levels. The Awakening / Happening is here, Anons.
bc0268 No.65611
Hello VQC, is t in the correct place in the new string, or does it really matter where it goes?
8dceaf No.65660
This isn't a rewarding thread. Stop feeling entitled. I can't give you anything other than knowledge. Be positive and help because that is the only reward you'll get. The only reward I want is the solution—and whatever comes next.++
5ef46b No.65828
How is VQC obligated to do anything? If he said he was going to post more, that implies he has things to say, and with barely anyone here and barely anything being achieved, maybe we don't need those things yet. Personally, I think the reason he hasn't said much is because we haven't really gotten anywhere over the last few days. VQC gave us advice yesterday here >>58934 that we haven't done anything with, so what else can he say until we do it? I'll give you this, though: he mentioned asking questions, I replied to the post with a question, and he didn't answer it (so if you see this VQC, >>53936 bump).
95aa87 No.65901
They got shoahed, haven't found them other places. Got links??
"It's the kikes"
35ad2f No.66203
VQC isn't the rust guy, that's me and I'm in the same boat as you. I put in the effort, I don't know what these mathfags are talking about. It's not like their implementations cover what's next (Quads) or have built in spatial trees. Or can render their spatial trees. I know the scale of what we're doing, I know how long it takes to implement the above, which is why I'm looking for some shred of proof before I spend another week or two on it.
Fuck off, there's plenty of other important things to be done right now like making dank memes for Q, and helping the god forsaken normies with the redpills we've already taken.
>barely anything being achieved,
And if this problem involves the heatdeath of the universe you could NEVER achieve a solution. For someone who knows a lot about crypto you seem be be deluded into thinking it's not already broken by means other than fundamental flaws and you have a very limited understanding of the SCALE in which the SEARCH SPACE exists. It's fucking MASSIVE.
Listen my dude, we were at the pretty pictures stage 3 days ago. I filled your other thread with different point extractions some of which had good and great responses from you and no further follow up. You understand that if BTC doesn't collapse tomorrow you've played this out right? Why start with 'free energy' and not just explain the frankly beyond beautiful overall structure of the images we're generating is really really beyond me, I didn't need "Muh RSA is broken' to be interested, RSA is already broken.
For the record, there are other things we didn't get.
RSA100 code.
The second round of code we never got.
>OP comes in, hey boiz we've got unlimited energy and factoring math that breaks modern crypto.
>T-T-This isn't a rewarding thread. Stop feeling entitled.
Do you listen to yourself (1)? Or do you exist to make it easy for my not so nice side to make your day shit.
I just calculated C and T instead of adding them to the grid for each grid.
>Personally, I think the reason he hasn't said much is because we haven't really gotten anywhere over the last few days.
>Implying there is somewhere to go.
>Implying we can get there before the heat death of the universe.
I'm not saying there isn't and we can't, only that proof of such a feat should be required. Not too much to ask for considering we could literally be here until the HeatDeath of the Universe.
You'll be happy to know that VQC's post of "wait until tomorrow" is pretty inline with someone who does know but is waiting for a certain event or cue to happen. VQC is probably half as assmad about waiting as I am. He didn't pull any 'I can't for X reason', or any of the usual LARP bullshit, doesn't defend himself which means he feels it's pointless to do so. So VQC likely isn't in charge of the rate we're divulging this information. He feels that something will happen in the next 24 - 48 hours which will validate his position on it's own. If this is real VQC is likely a middleman in this exchange.
20cc04 No.66237
Maybe he hasn't posted anything because we already posted so much that he literally cannot say anything without completely giving it to us. Maybe everyone who figures it out opts not to give it away because it's that awesome. Maybe we are literally on the doorstep of a quantum computer
35ad2f No.66316
>Maybe everyone who figures it out opts not to give it away because it's that awesome
It's literally the anti-thesis of what we're doing, but a distinct possibility.
We will see.
35ad2f No.66409
In my pursuit of knowledge I found this on twitter. Looks like he's calling his shot for real.
What's another day on the premier Mongolian Underwater Kite flying forum. Sorry for being the biggest faggot ITT.
20cc04 No.66419
I found a general formula for B(t) for the [4,1] entry. Maybe it could help generate? He said there is A key, as in 1 key. Could this cell lead us to (or be) the key?
For entry [4,1] (because VQC said follow 4,10,20):
{4,1,2,0,2,4} t = 0 (b=4)
{4,1,6,2,4,10} t = 1 (b = b + 6) (6 = 1*4+2)
{4,1,14,4,10,20} t = 2 (b = b + 10) (10 = 2*4+2)
{4,1,26,6,20,34} t = 3 (b = b + 14) (14 = 3*4+2)
t(0) : {4,1,2,0,2,4}
t(r): {4,1, ?, ?, t(r-1), b(r-1), b(r-1) + r*4+2}
e(r) = e(r-1)
n(r) = n(r-1)
a(r) = b(r-1)
b(r) = b(r-1) + 4r + 2
20cc04 No.66422
I didn't calculate x,d because those are trivial with b and a
20cc04 No.66455
This output is correct for this code
def genRowFor4(t):
if(t==0): return [4,1,2,0,2,4]
j = genRowFor4(t-1)
e = j[0]
n = j[1]
a = j[5]
b = j[5] + 4*t + 2
d = int(math.sqrt(a*b))
x = d-a
return [e,n,d,x,a,b]
78bbd8 No.66539
4, 10, 20 !!!!!!!!!!!!
>{4,1,2,0,2,4} t = 0 (b=4)
>{4,1,6,2,4,10} t = 1 (b = b + 6) (6 = 1*4+2)
>{4,1,14,4,10,20} t = 2 (b = b + 10) (10 = 2*4+2)
78bbd8 No.66546
i dont know if there is any significance but 4, 10, 20 showed up. that if that is q's breadcrumb to the answer?? ugh. if we want to organize someone should setup a github and we start working from a single base of code then propose changes yada yada focus on instructions. im not organized enough but thats what needs to happen to get anywhere with this. im trying to jump in i just dont know where or how to overwhelmed.
f77ebf No.66595
CBTS general threads said VQC tripcode has been banned for spreading disinfo
78bbd8 No.66609
i dont know man. im pretty convinced the earth is hollow now. why no nasa photos? after all this time not one strait up photo of north or south? somethings up.
35ad2f No.66664
Holy shit, nice, I didn't even think about using Unity.
f77ebf No.66671
I'm not agreeing with the ban, just sharing. Something is up for sure.
35ad2f No.66702
Holy shit, BTC is up 5k in the last week.
Something is for sure up.
312a85 No.66745
Here is the C# Unity script adapted from VQC's TheEnd.cs
Attach it to an empty GameObject and hit play. You may want to make a controller to move around. I am currently using the FPSController standard asset with gravity turned off, but will have to make a controller to fly around soon.
35ad2f No.66753
You are amazing, thanks very much for sharing!
79cf0b No.66809
Trumps uncle John has/had access to all of Teslas work.
312a85 No.66863
Thanks, still have no idea what I'm doing in regards to RSA or anything other than making fancy graphics.
All data should be represented here. e, n and d values are represented by the cube's x, y and z position, and the x, a, and b values are represented by the cube's r,g,b color values, scaled 0.0-1.0.
5cb602 No.66931
Awesome, I think we're on the right track! With t as our index, we need a way to scale up. I can't find the link, but in my notes VQC said that "the first row contains all factors for each column." So if we can find out the pattern of how t relates to the factors in each element, we can find the pattern and make an equation for it.
312a85 No.66975
VQC said to separate the even and odd values of e, so in this setup, I guess they can be separated visually by making the d value (z position) negative if e is odd, so it should produce an almost mirror image similar to >>61462
312a85 No.67035
Seperated by even and odd values of e
20cc04 No.67172
(e,n): squence of B's is: [(+n) means last entry + n]
(we can calculate the B's and then the last b is the new a)
(0,0): 1,2,3,4,5 => 1, (+1), (+1)…
(-8,1): 14,28,46,68 => 14, (+14), (+18), (+22)… b(0)=14, b(t) = b(t-1) + ((t+2)*4 + 2)
(-7,1): 9,21,37,57 => 9, (+12), (+16), (+20)… b(0)=9, b(t) = b(t-1) + ((t+2)*4)
(-6,1): 15,29,47,69 => 15, (+14), (+18), (+22)… b(0)=15, b(t) = b(t-1) + ((t+2)*4 + 2)
(-5,1): 10,22,38,58, => 10, (+12), (+16), (+20)…
(-4,1): 16,30,48,70 => 16, (+14), (+18), (+22)…
(-3,1): 11,23,39,59 => 11, (+12), (+16), (+20)…
(-2,1): 7,17,31,49, => 7, (+10), (+14), (+18)… b(0)=7 b(t) = b(t-1) + (1+t)*4+2
(-1,1): 12,24,40,60 => 12, (+12), (+16), (+20)…
(0,1): 8,18,32,50,72 => 8, (+10), (+14), (+18)… b(0)=8, b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+1)*4+2
(1,1): 5,13,25,41,51 => 5, (+8), (+12), (+16)… b(0)=5, b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+1)*4
(2,1): 3,9,19,33,51 => 3, (+6), (+10), (+14)… b(0)=3, b(t) = b(t-1) + 4t + 2
(3,1): 6,14,26,42,62 => 6, (+8), (+12), (+16)…
(4,1): 4,10,20,34,52 => 4, (+6), (+10), (+14)…
(5,1): 7,15,27,43,63 => 7, (+8), (+12), (+16)…
(6,1): 5,11,21,35,53 => 5, (+6), (+10), (+14)…
(7,1): 8,16,28,44,54 => 8, (+8), (+12), (+16)…
(8,1): 6,12,22,36,54 => 6, (+6), (+10), (+14)…
(9,1): 9,17,29,45,65 => 9, (+8), (+12), (+16)…
10,1): 7,13,23,37,55 => 7, (+6), (+10), (+14)…
For e >=1: (if e odd): b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+1)*4
(e even): b(t) = b(t-1) + 4t+2
For e negative even num (not-2): b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+2)*4 + 2
For e negative odd num: b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+2)*4
for e = -2, 0: b(t) = b(t-1) + (1+t)*4 + 2
5cb602 No.67274
YES! Thanks anon, excellent graphics!
Here's where VQC hinted at creating an index variable t:
VQC verified one of these equations in a DM to me yesterday, check out the DM screencap.
For odd e columns, t=(x+1)/2
For even e columns, t=(x+2)/2
312a85 No.67293
Oops, flipped on wrong axis, should have been y axis ('n' variable). Now it looks like >>61462
312a85 No.67323
Here is an interesting angle.
0142f8 No.67332
Looks like there is a relationship between t and the small square.
VQC keeps saying the difference between 2 squares.
So on a hunch, I calculated the values for both the large square (d+n)^2 and the small square (x+n)^2. Looks like there is a pattern.
I'm not sure of the pattern for the large square, but I believe I have somewhat figured out the pattern for the small square.
You mathanons (who are doing incredible work!!!) can please verify.
Following is partial c# code to generate the small square, determine t, and compare the values to the (x+n)^2 formula.
This works for all values of (e, 1) other than e = 0.
//ter = TheEndRecord which is a struct of (e,n,d,x,a,b);
int smallsquare = ( ter.x + ter.n ) * ( ter.x + ter.n );
int t = GetT( ter );
bool odd = ter.e % 2 == 1;
int tSmallSquare;
String tSmallSquareFormula;
if ( odd ) {
tSmallSquare = (2*t) * (2*t);
tSmallSquareFormula = "(2t)^2";
} else {
tSmallSquare = (2*t-1) * (2*t-1);
tSmallSquareFormula = "(2t-1)^2";
private static int GetT( TheEndRecord ter ) {
// zero???
if ( ter.e == 0 ) {
return ( ter.x + 2 ) / 2;
if ( ter.e % 2 == 0 ) {
return ( ter.x + 2 ) / 2;
} else { //odd
return (ter.x + 1 ) / 2;
0142f8 No.67336
Following is the sample output for various combinations of (e,n,t)
(1,1,t) and for all (e,1,t) where e is odd.
(1:1:1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 4; from (2t)^2 = 4 c=5.
(1:1:2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 16; from (2t)^2 = 16 c=65.
(1:1:3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 36; from (2t)^2 = 36 c=325.
(1:1:4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 64; from (2t)^2 = 64 c=1025.
(1:1:5) = {1:1:50:9:41:61}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 100; from (2t)^2 = 100 c=2501.
(1:1:6) = {1:1:72:11:61:85}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 144; from (2t)^2 = 144 c=5185.
(1:1:7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 196; from (2t)^2 = 196 c=9605.
(1:1:8) = {1:1:128:15:113:145}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 256; from (2t)^2 = 256 c=16385.
(1:1:9) = {1:1:162:17:145:181}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 324; from (2t)^2 = 324 c=26245.
(1:1:10) = {1:1:200:19:181:221}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 400; from (2t)^2 = 400 c=40001.
(1:1:11) = {1:1:242:21:221:265}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 484; from (2t)^2 = 484 c=58565.
(1:1:12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 576; from (2t)^2 = 576 c=82945.
(1:1:13) = {1:1:338:25:313:365}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 676; from (2t)^2 = 676 c=114245.
(1:1:14) = {1:1:392:27:365:421}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 784; from (2t)^2 = 784 c=153665.
(1:1:15) = {1:1:450:29:421:481}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 900; from (2t)^2 = 900 c=202501.
(0,1,t) and for all (e,1,t) where e is even.
(0:1:2) = {0:1:4:2:2:8}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 9; from (2t-1)^2 = 9 c=16.
(0:1:3) = {0:1:12:4:8:18}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 25; from (2t-1)^2 = 25 c=144.
(0:1:4) = {0:1:24:6:18:32}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 49; from (2t-1)^2 = 49 c=576.
(0:1:5) = {0:1:40:8:32:50}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 81; from (2t-1)^2 = 81 c=1600.
(0:1:6) = {0:1:60:10:50:72}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 121; from (2t-1)^2 = 121 c=3600.
(0:1:7) = {0:1:84:12:72:98}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 169; from (2t-1)^2 = 169 c=7056.
(0:1:8) = {0:1:112:14:98:128}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 225; from (2t-1)^2 = 225 c=12544.
(0:1:9) = {0:1:144:16:128:162}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 289; from (2t-1)^2 = 289 c=20736.
(0:1:10) = {0:1:180:18:162:200}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 361; from (2t-1)^2 = 361 c=32400.
(0:1:11) = {0:1:220:20:200:242}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 441; from (2t-1)^2 = 441 c=48400.
(0:1:12) = {0:1:264:22:242:288}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 529; from (2t-1)^2 = 529 c=69696.
(0:1:13) = {0:1:312:24:288:338}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 625; from (2t-1)^2 = 625 c=97344.
(0:1:14) = {0:1:364:26:338:392}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 729; from (2t-1)^2 = 729 c=132496.
(0:1:15) = {0:1:420:28:392:450}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 841; from (2t-1)^2 = 841 c=176400.
(0:1:16) = {0:1:480:30:450:512}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 961; from (2t-1)^2 = 961 c=230400.
(2:1:1) = {2:1:1:0:1:3}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 1; from (2t-1)^2 = 1 c=3.
(2:1:2) = {2:1:5:2:3:9}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 9; from (2t-1)^2 = 9 c=27.
(2:1:3) = {2:1:13:4:9:19}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 25; from (2t-1)^2 = 25 c=171.
(2:1:4) = {2:1:25:6:19:33}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 49; from (2t-1)^2 = 49 c=627.
(2:1:5) = {2:1:41:8:33:51}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 81; from (2t-1)^2 = 81 c=1683.
(2:1:6) = {2:1:61:10:51:73}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 121; from (2t-1)^2 = 121 c=3723.
(2:1:7) = {2:1:85:12:73:99}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 169; from (2t-1)^2 = 169 c=7227.
(2:1:8) = {2:1:113:14:99:129}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 225; from (2t-1)^2 = 225 c=12771.
(2:1:9) = {2:1:145:16:129:163}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 289; from (2t-1)^2 = 289 c=21027.
(2:1:10) = {2:1:181:18:163:201}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 361; from (2t-1)^2 = 361 c=32763.
(2:1:11) = {2:1:221:20:201:243}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 441; from (2t-1)^2 = 441 c=48843.
(2:1:12) = {2:1:265:22:243:289}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 529; from (2t-1)^2 = 529 c=70227.
(2:1:13) = {2:1:313:24:289:339}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 625; from (2t-1)^2 = 625 c=97971.
(2:1:14) = {2:1:365:26:339:393}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 729; from (2t-1)^2 = 729 c=133227.
(2:1:15) = {2:1:421:28:393:451}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 841; from (2t-1)^2 = 841 c=177243.
(2:1:16) = {2:1:481:30:451:513}; smallsquare from (x+n)^2 = 961; from (2t-1)^2 = 961 c=231363.
So to summarize:
for (e,1) where e is even:
(x + n) * (x + n) = (2t)*(2t)
for (e,1) where e is odd:
(x + n) * (x + n) = (2*t - 1) * (2*t - 1)
I think this means we can now calculate any t.
312a85 No.67490
i_max = 512 took a good 5 minutes to load. Can't navigate at .1 frames per second. Good for a screenshot though.
35ad2f No.67495
Yeah had to move off my laptop to my big kid rig.
312a85 No.67528
312a85 No.67611
Here is the Unity script including mirroring of odd e values.
Instead of using 'n' for y-position, i used
int ypos = e % 2 == 0 ? n : -n;
5cb602 No.67618
HOLEEE SHEEIT! ProgramMathAnon, great work! Look at that. t and the small square are related!! I studied everything you just posted closely. So, to make sure I got the concept:
Small Square, even e: (x+n)^2 = (2t)^2
Small Square, odd e: (x+n)^2 = (2t-1)^2
So the value of the small square can be directly calculated using index variable t, which then should allow us to solve for the large square too.
Original Equation for diff of squares:
c = (d+n)(d+n) - (x+n)(x+n)
Updated Equation
for even e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t)^2
for odd e: c = (d+n)^ - (2t-1)^2
We know c and small square, so we can solve for large square, then isolate N possibly?
I'll do some old school calculator magic and double check the numbers over here, but i think tying t to the small square was definitely the next step.
You're right VQC was talking about it at the bottom of this post, about the longest side of triangles, etc. He also posted all the eq's for difference of squares way back at the beginning.
ba96f2 No.67638
Okay, I'm ready to work on this. The new OP is going to be beautiful! I love working on the grid Just didn't know where to begin. I see now.
ba96f2 No.67668
Look buddy, We haven't been rewarded yet. As far as the rest of the world cares we could just be a bunch of dickwads. But look, we've got a lead now so help us get farther.
35ad2f No.67685
I was just saying it could be a deliberate rabbit hole and yes, I'm working on the new lead now too.
5cb602 No.67701
Uh, guise… can I get some eyes on this? Just moved shit around to solve for n. I may have something here, maybe not tho.
for even e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t)^2)) / d
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) / d
5cb602 No.67711
Can some of you excellent program Anons run this and see if it works to solve for n?
ba96f2 No.67729
Yeah, I'm writing the code now. I think there are enough equations to where you can generate the cell for e, n and t. I'll try it and send.
312a85 No.67753
This is what I don't understand. n is in the data set so do you want the program to run those formulas based on even or odd e, and then check for equality with the n that is in the data set?
312a85 No.67789
Progress shots from this weekend.
35ad2f No.67804
Here's the odd and even shot.
000000 No.67808
I can take request for the next 6 hours for any programming related stuff, I suck at algebra :)
35ad2f No.67823
Found an interesting pattern here, blacks are odd, whites are even. You can see them in a line odd odd, even even and in another line odd, even, odd, even.
I get this picture by using e * n for the Z axis.
5cb602 No.67829
Made an algebra error. I think this is right.
for even e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t)^2)) - d
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) -d
Other AlgebraAnons, try to move it around yourselves:
Original Equation for diff of squares:
c = (d+n)(d+n) - (x+n)(x+n)
Updated Equation
for even e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t)^2
for odd e: c = (d+n)^ - (2t-1)^2
35ad2f No.67833
Looks like graph anon had the right idea but in the wrong dimensions.
ba96f2 No.67834
I've made a method that takes (e, n, t)
Is there a way I can get d from those? I've been able to solve for x using the t equations.
ba96f2 No.67958
02ca31 No.68022
“Bonus points for solving the Big Bang problem AND the multiverse problem while also describing God in one short, logically clear paragraph.”
Quantum theory has, for around a century, given us the information we need to accept that our world is based on probability as opposed to matter. Now, experiments are showing that it is likely we live in a simulation. . . a virtual reality based on data. Any simulation starts off with a rule set and basic conditions and you hit the run button. . . That is your Big Bang. The multiverse idea is just the different probabilities the data stream could take. . .the future possibilities. Consciousness, being separate from matter (which is only data anyway) is outside of our virtual reality. After all, the player of a virtual reality cannot be in the same reality frame as the aviator they are playing. Consciousness is connected when in the non physical and as we have yet found nothing more than it as a living entity, it is likely the creator of the virtual reality we inhabit and it split itself into individual sparks to have the traction it needed to learn from its creation while within the reality itself i.e. conscious beings. Thus, it would be reasonable to assume that fundamentally, in the non physical, we are all god because at source, we are one.
Sorry. Slightly longer than a short paragraph, but you did specify three quite big items to resolve.
115c2c No.68050
Nice work, shame to hear about the performance of your Unity port though, I get ~38 FPS for 2048 points with an old HD5850 card using the pyglet code
Heres a little demo (sorry for the shitty encoding quality)
Working on the math more than graphics lately though
000000 No.68102
0cf67f No.68117
You should try to decrease the overhead by using particles instead of objects.
35ad2f No.68141
x = e % (a + b) / 2 is in red here.
Code: https://pastebin.com/Y38nVWgT
Thanks Unityanon.
Point: There's some relationship to moving around this point cloud and the golden ratio. It might not be just futzing with the numbers in the cells that we need. The golden ratio of (a,b) has consistently brought out interesting results. Might be a tool we can use.
35ad2f No.68185
Using the golden ratio of e,n as z gives us a flat plane.
Next step: introduce rays so we can put in our mathanons equations and see where the rays go and in what order.
35ad2f No.68197
First pic is wrong, here's the right one, it produces a nearly even plane.
0142f8 No.68207
we are very close to a solution.
this is concerning.
The math doesn't lie. But I think we need to address this ban before continuing.
From the sounds of it, the mods are contemplating removing all VQC posts, including these dedicated threads.
If anyone has the ability to reach out to VQC directly, it seems that this needs to be resolved.
35ad2f No.68215
He can still post as anon. He staked his validity on something happening to BTC tomorrow so we'll see.
Either way, pretty pictures, and now I'm kind of familiar with Unity, pretty neat. Maybe I'll use this to make the mother of all timelines.
0142f8 No.68251
so proceed, as this is an interesting problem that can help humanity?
000000 No.68280
What are you trying to solve with those sets of equations ? I'm not sure to gzt it. Are you trying to solve thos equations to match an element in the grid ?
20cc04 No.68284
If he's legit it will plummet
ba96f2 No.68288
I'm trying to solve for the rest using t. Solving for t sounds more reasonable as the search for simple n equation hasn't been successful.
35ad2f No.68291
I thought t was the log of c's bit length.
ba96f2 No.68298
Nah, that was just how long the algorithm takes. O(log t) means how long it takes, it isn't an answer.
35ad2f No.68304
What if how long it's supposed to take it the t we're looking for.
35ad2f No.68306
I mean, sorry to what if, but we need a distance from when t=0 to when t=? and that's all I could think of.
ba96f2 No.68342
Wow! This equation is amazing! It almost works!
312a85 No.68405
I can't figure out how to get a single particle and set it's position and color yet.
Spheres seem to perform a little better than cubes, but particles will probably perform best.
Anybody know how to work with individual particles in Unity?
35ad2f No.68420
On my end it says the particles are deprecated.
35ad2f No.68436
if e == odd {
position.y = -position.y * (position.x * position.y) / position.x;
312a85 No.68447
Yeah you have to use ParticleSystem.Particle now apparently.
115c2c No.68602
Some images for the first row only (n = 1)
RGB is colored by t, a, b scaled to 255 (red to yellow lines are for larger t)
First image is 2D
Second image is with z as c*0.01
312a85 No.68702
These are great!
Currently attempting to replace the geometry with particles but I don't think any amount of performance tweaking will get results like that out of unity.
5ef46b No.68725
Would it be a good idea to create a new board in case we get purged?
115c2c No.68740
>You may also note that the values of a and b at (1,1) are the related to the length of the longest side in right angled triangles.
Did we ever get this? From the images above it sure looks like trigonometry is involved
ba96f2 No.68768
Yeah, he's talking about the hypotenuse.
115c2c No.68786
Sure, but do we know how they are related? I'm thinking it can be used to traverse the tree somehow, and that it may be more complicated than just a^2 + b^2
ba96f2 No.68841
You can also divide the square into two right triangles and take the hypotenuse. I tried that without any luck. Maybe you will find it
5ef46b No.68930
I put an archive/bunker together >>>/vqc/ just in case we do get kicked out. I really hope we don't. I can see it stifling progress if it's all deleted all of a sudden and nobody knows where to go. Plus we won't have any newfags.
790174 No.68942
You know what's even better than archiving? Knawledge.
ba96f2 No.68960
Nice, what's a way I can contact you?
5ef46b No.68985
I guess I could use one of my throwaway cock.li addresses for this.
Are you suggesting we don't archive this stuff and we just keep it in our minds?
VQC has been posting this stuff specifically to 8ch. I don't know if we should involve people from another website.
5ef46b No.68989
That should be @national.shitposting.agency
ced4db No.68991
Go to Voat. That is where some anons went before 4Chan went to shit. Create a place where you can work and discuss. If someone comes and starts shilling then you really know you are on to something. No one would bother anyone and go offsite unless it was important. ;)
5ef46b No.68994
See last reply >>68985. Did you delete your last post?
790174 No.68998
Guys, it was a joke, referring to the fact that no matter what, everyone here is learning. Don't be afraid that it'll all be lost. Yes of course archive it anyway.
ced4db No.69028
I did delete. I realized that I included the site and thought better of it. If you guys get the boot you need to move somewhere. I don't care where. Just find a safe place and do your thing. Each individual has to follow their own path. And if there are anons out there that want to continue this then they should do so. Much love to you all and best of luck. I have so enjoyed watching everything play out and see great minds working together. I have been blessed.
5ef46b No.69040
If we get the boot, it's only from this board. It's not from the whole website.
ba96f2 No.69048
It's why 8ch is so successful. We already have a backup board.
5cb602 No.69084
UPDATE & EXPLANATION OF WTF IS GOING ON NOW. We are close to being able to solve VQC's MathChallenge i think, and we've made some good advances. Goal is to solve for n with C. WTF is going on with VQC's ban?
Here's all the main points and variables from VQC's posts and crumbs, thanks Anon for putting this together.
Thanks Anon! How close is it to working? Did you see the update I made? Correct equation should read:
for even e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t)^2)) - d
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) -d
FEELING LOST? Don't be, Anon! Here are the steps that helped us get to this point. It's all algebra. Read the posts below to get caught up!
>>18322 VQC drops crumbs about index variable t
>>22370 Final piece is calculating arbitrary n
>>64894 How to create a stable index variable, t. Verified by VQC via Twatter DM. See screencap.
>>65030 Anon creates new grid with {e,n,t,d,x,a,b} and we start looking for patterns. You can download the updated grid here with t included.
Then MathProgramAnon takes it back to the beginning and finds a relationship between index variable t and the small square (x+n)^2, This is his/her excellent discovery:
So to summarize:
for (e,1) where e is even:
(x + n) * (x + n) = (2t)*(2t)
for (e,1) where e is odd:
(x + n) * (x + n) = (2*t - 1) * (2*t - 1)
I think this means we can now calculate any t.
Then we figure out how to substitute PMAnons' idea into the difference of squares equation.
Original is this:
c = (d+n)(d+n) - (x+n)(x+n)
Updated is this:
for even e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t)^2
for odd e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t-1)^2
Then use algebra to solve the equation for n. That's where we're at. Chip in and help anons! VQC wanted this to be a group effort.
ba96f2 No.69093
The equation is actually:
for even e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t)^2)) - d
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) - (d - 1)
It works for most values of c, when you know the correct value of t.
5cb602 No.69123
MY MAN! So I had the even e correct, but was off on the odd e. How'd you find the (d-1) ?
ced4db No.69125
Check. Happy to hear that and thanks for letting me know. :)
ba96f2 No.69168
Trial and error, kek.
0142f8 No.69252
Following up to my posts from earlier, I may have a solution for the big square calculation (d+n)^2 in terms of t.
This one is a bit complex (don't ask how I figured it out) and relies on both t and e (which kind of makes sense as the squares get bigger as e increases).
I have run my test code for all values of e >=0 and confirmed that all results fit.
Sample c# code as follows:
//ter = TheEndRecord which is a struct of (e,n,d,x,a,b);
int bigsquare = ( ter.d + ter.n ) * ( ter.d + ter.n );
int t = GetT( ter );
bool odd = ter.e % 2 == 1;
int tBigSquare;
int tBigSide;
if ( odd ) {
tBigSide = 2*((t+1)*(t+1) - 2*(t+1) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 );
tBigSquare = tBigSide * tBigSide;
tBigSquareFormula = "(2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2";
} else {
tBigSide = 2*(t * t - t + 1) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 );
tBigSquare = tBigSide * tBigSide;
tBigSquareFormula = "(2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2";
5cb602 No.69253
Kek! I seriously have spent 20 hours pouring over the grid looking for patterns and re-reading every post to look for crumbs. Trial and Error indeed, Anon. What a fun challenge!
0142f8 No.69262
Sample output is as follows:
(0,1,t) and all even values of e (including zero)
(0:1:2) = {0:1:4:2:2:8}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 25; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 25; c=16.
(0:1:3) = {0:1:12:4:8:18}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 169; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 169; c=144.
(0:1:4) = {0:1:24:6:18:32}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 625; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 625; c=576.
(0:1:5) = {0:1:40:8:32:50}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1681; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1681; c=1600.
(0:1:6) = {0:1:60:10:50:72}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 3721; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 3721; c=3600.
(0:1:7) = {0:1:84:12:72:98}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 7225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 7225; c=7056.
(0:1:8) = {0:1:112:14:98:128}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 12769; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 12769; c=12544.
(0:1:9) = {0:1:144:16:128:162}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 21025; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 21025; c=20736.
(0:1:10) = {0:1:180:18:162:200}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 32761; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 32761; c=32400.
(0:1:11) = {0:1:220:20:200:242}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 48841; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 48841; c=48400.
(0:1:12) = {0:1:264:22:242:288}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 70225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 70225; c=69696.
(0:1:13) = {0:1:312:24:288:338}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 97969; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 97969; c=97344.
(0:1:14) = {0:1:364:26:338:392}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 133225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 133225; c=132496.
(0:1:15) = {0:1:420:28:392:450}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 177241; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 177241; c=176400.
(0:1:16) = {0:1:480:30:450:512}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 231361; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 231361; c=230400.
(1,1,t) and all odd values of e
(1:1:1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 9; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 9; c=5.
(1:1:2) = {1:1:8:3:5:13}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 81; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 81; c=65.
(1:1:3) = {1:1:18:5:13:25}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 361; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 361; c=325.
(1:1:4) = {1:1:32:7:25:41}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1089; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1089; c=1025.
(1:1:5) = {1:1:50:9:41:61}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 2601; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 2601; c=2501.
(1:1:6) = {1:1:72:11:61:85}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 5329; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 5329; c=5185.
(1:1:7) = {1:1:98:13:85:113}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 9801; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 9801; c=9605.
(1:1:8) = {1:1:128:15:113:145}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 16641; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 16641; c=16385.
(1:1:9) = {1:1:162:17:145:181}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 26569; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 26569; c=26245.
(1:1:10) = {1:1:200:19:181:221}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 40401; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 40401; c=40001.
(1:1:11) = {1:1:242:21:221:265}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 59049; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 59049; c=58565.
(1:1:12) = {1:1:288:23:265:313}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 83521; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 83521; c=82945.
(1:1:13) = {1:1:338:25:313:365}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 114921; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 114921; c=114245.
(1:1:14) = {1:1:392:27:365:421}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 154449; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 154449; c=153665.
(1:1:15) = {1:1:450:29:421:481}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 203401; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 203401; c=202501.
5cb602 No.69265
And ProgramMathAnon comes through yet again!
0142f8 No.69269
(2:1:1) = {2:1:1:0:1:3}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 4; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 4; c=3.
(2:1:2) = {2:1:5:2:3:9}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 36; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 36; c=27.
(2:1:3) = {2:1:13:4:9:19}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 196; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 196; c=171.
(2:1:4) = {2:1:25:6:19:33}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 676; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 676; c=627.
(2:1:5) = {2:1:41:8:33:51}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1764; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1764; c=1683.
(2:1:6) = {2:1:61:10:51:73}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 3844; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 3844; c=3723.
(2:1:7) = {2:1:85:12:73:99}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 7396; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 7396; c=7227.
(2:1:8) = {2:1:113:14:99:129}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 12996; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 12996; c=12771.
(2:1:9) = {2:1:145:16:129:163}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 21316; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 21316; c=21027.
(2:1:10) = {2:1:181:18:163:201}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 33124; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 33124; c=32763.
(2:1:11) = {2:1:221:20:201:243}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 49284; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 49284; c=48843.
(2:1:12) = {2:1:265:22:243:289}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 70756; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 70756; c=70227.
(2:1:13) = {2:1:313:24:289:339}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 98596; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 98596; c=97971.
(2:1:14) = {2:1:365:26:339:393}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 133956; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 133956; c=133227.
(2:1:15) = {2:1:421:28:393:451}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 178084; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 178084; c=177243.
(2:1:16) = {2:1:481:30:451:513}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 232324; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 232324; c=231363.
(3:1:1) = {3:1:3:1:2:6}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 16; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 16; c=12.
(3:1:2) = {3:1:9:3:6:14}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 100; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 100; c=84.
(3:1:3) = {3:1:19:5:14:26}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 400; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 400; c=364.
(3:1:4) = {3:1:33:7:26:42}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1156; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1156; c=1092.
(3:1:5) = {3:1:51:9:42:62}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 2704; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 2704; c=2604.
(3:1:6) = {3:1:73:11:62:86}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 5476; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 5476; c=5332.
(3:1:7) = {3:1:99:13:86:114}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 10000; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 10000; c=9804.
(3:1:8) = {3:1:129:15:114:146}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 16900; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 16900; c=16644.
(3:1:9) = {3:1:163:17:146:182}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 26896; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 26896; c=26572.
(3:1:10) = {3:1:201:19:182:222}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 40804; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 40804; c=40404.
(3:1:11) = {3:1:243:21:222:266}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 59536; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 59536; c=59052.
(3:1:12) = {3:1:289:23:266:314}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 84100; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 84100; c=83524.
(3:1:13) = {3:1:339:25:314:366}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 115600; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 115600; c=114924.
(3:1:14) = {3:1:393:27:366:422}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 155236; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 155236; c=154452.
(3:1:15) = {3:1:451:29:422:482}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 204304; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 204304; c=203404.
0142f8 No.69278
(4:1:1) = {4:1:2:0:2:4}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 9; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 9; c=8.
(4:1:2) = {4:1:6:2:4:10}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 49; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 49; c=40.
(4:1:3) = {4:1:14:4:10:20}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 225; c=200.
(4:1:4) = {4:1:26:6:20:34}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 729; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 729; c=680.
(4:1:5) = {4:1:42:8:34:52}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1849; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1849; c=1768.
(4:1:6) = {4:1:62:10:52:74}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 3969; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 3969; c=3848.
(4:1:7) = {4:1:86:12:74:100}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 7569; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 7569; c=7400.
(4:1:8) = {4:1:114:14:100:130}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 13225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 13225; c=13000.
(4:1:9) = {4:1:146:16:130:164}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 21609; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 21609; c=21320.
(4:1:10) = {4:1:182:18:164:202}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 33489; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 33489; c=33128.
(4:1:11) = {4:1:222:20:202:244}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 49729; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 49729; c=49288.
(4:1:12) = {4:1:266:22:244:290}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 71289; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 71289; c=70760.
(4:1:13) = {4:1:314:24:290:340}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 99225; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 99225; c=98600.
(4:1:14) = {4:1:366:26:340:394}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 134689; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 134689; c=133960.
(4:1:15) = {4:1:422:28:394:452}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 178929; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 178929; c=178088.
(4:1:16) = {4:1:482:30:452:514}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 233289; from (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 233289; c=232328.
(5:1:1) = {5:1:4:1:3:7}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 25; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 25; c=21.
(5:1:2) = {5:1:10:3:7:15}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 121; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 121; c=105.
(5:1:3) = {5:1:20:5:15:27}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 441; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 441; c=405.
(5:1:4) = {5:1:34:7:27:43}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 1225; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 1225; c=1161.
(5:1:5) = {5:1:52:9:43:63}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 2809; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 2809; c=2709.
(5:1:6) = {5:1:74:11:63:87}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 5625; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 5625; c=5481.
(5:1:7) = {5:1:100:13:87:115}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 10201; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 10201; c=10005.
(5:1:8) = {5:1:130:15:115:147}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 17161; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 17161; c=16905.
(5:1:9) = {5:1:164:17:147:183}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 27225; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 27225; c=26901.
(5:1:10) = {5:1:202:19:183:223}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 41209; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 41209; c=40809.
(5:1:11) = {5:1:244:21:223:267}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 60025; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 60025; c=59541.
(5:1:12) = {5:1:290:23:267:315}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 84681; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 84681; c=84105.
(5:1:13) = {5:1:340:25:315:367}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 116281; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 116281; c=115605.
(5:1:14) = {5:1:394:27:367:423}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 156025; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 156025; c=155241.
(5:1:15) = {5:1:452:29:423:483}; bigsquare from (d+n)^2 = 205209; from (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( ter.e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2 = 205209; c=204309.
0142f8 No.69283
It's been a productive day.
I believe we now have the ability to solve both for the small square and big square in terms of only e and t.
Summary as follows:
c = (d + n)^2 - (x + n)^2 ==== the difference between 2 squares.
for even numbers of e:
big square: (d+n)^2 = (2 * ( (t*t) - t + 1 ) + ( ( e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2
small square: (x+n)^2 = (2t)^2
for odd numbers of e:
big square: (d+n)^2 = (2 * ( (t+1)*(t+1) - 2 * ( t + 1 ) + 2 ) + ( ( e / 2 ) - 1 ) )^2
small square: (x+n)^2 = (2*t - 1)^2
To the mods - I can't believe VQC is a larp.
Fellow ProgrammingGraphicsMathAnons - please verify!
5cb602 No.69334
Yes it has! Thanks for all your work Anon. I can do algebra, but you're crushing it on the math AND programming end. I'll get to work running numbers to verify, but looks like you're right at first glance
ba96f2 No.69337
Please give me a way to contact you soon.
5cb602 No.69387
Thanks Anon! Have the location saved.
5cb602 No.69417
Question: Looking at your output, is the big square answer supposed to match c or not? I think it is, but could be wrong. Can you confirm?
Any thoughts? How do we find a pattern or formula to bridge the gap, or how can your current formula be slightly modified to make everything match?
552468 No.69475
so what happens exactly if this equation gets solved? Is RSA broken?
0142f8 No.69507
no. c is the difference of 2 squares.
Only way c == the big square is when the small square is 0.
I haven't tried to simplify the formulas yet. Perhaps there is way to reduce complexity - factor into simpler formulas for odd and even values of e.
I'm inclined to think that the simplicity of the small square formulas and the relationship of prime numbers with the golden ratio is where the final solution will be found. But I've been wrong before.
ba96f2 No.69516
We'll find it! We are one more variable closer to building the bridge!
5cb602 No.69525
Also, we could use this to find the big square now:
Starting here:
for even e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t)^2
for odd e: c = (d+n)^2 - (2t-1)^2
Solve for (d+n)^2
Even e: (d+n)^2 = c + (2t)^2
Odd e: (d+n)^2 = c + (2t-1)^2
I think the missing piece to bridge the gap in the output is the small square then?? Working to understand. I think so though. Using my fucking calculator over here, need a programming class.
8680ce No.69542
Okay, hold the fuck up.
First off, CME futures just went live for BTC and they are going to be openly traded tomorrow. So anything crazy that happens to Bitcoin price-wise is due to wallstreet fuckery. Traders are already predicting a potential major crash tomorrow just due to that fact alone.
Secondly, there's other potential scandals brewing with Tether and maybe other exchanges doing some behind the scenes fuckery. In fact there's a lot of reasons for Bitcoin to make some major moves tomorrow.
So if you are going to insinuate that ANYTHING tomorrow is somehow connected to this thread, it's going to have to be an attack on the underlying cryptography that secures the blockchain.
Bitcoin has at best a 400 billion market cap. Why on earth would anyone that has the power to break RSA, SHA, or any major cryptographic function, blow their wad on Bitcoin when FOREX markets trade daily in the range of 5 TRILLION dollars.
Bitcoin already has contingencies in place to switch to quantum-safe hash functions, some of which have already been tested deployed on certain alt coins. Bitcoin has been through a lot worse and doesn't really give a fuck about this.
I don't want to piss in anyone's cheerios, you guys look like you're having fun and the math looks cool, the pictures look pretty, keep doing what you're doing. But crypto currencies is my domain and I'm going to call bullshit when I see it.
ba96f2 No.69547
Very good points made. I agree with all. The actual algorithm that Bitcoin uses is ECC.
ba96f2 No.69590
It's real, but we haven't gotten anywhere near ECC yet. What would be broken is HTTPS and PGP and thousands of other things. I just wish society was ready for it. Can you imagine everyone having to switch to ECC or a non-RSA algorithm immediately?
5cb602 No.69738
It works! ProgramMathAnon Go to the last line of your output,
(2t)^2 = 30^2 = 900
c = 204309
(d+n)^2 = 205209
205209 - 204309 = 900
Weird, bc e is odd in this case, but (2t)^2 bridges the gap.
We can now solve for (d+n)^2 , (x+n)^2 , and therefore can solve for c from n, at least it seems so to me. Testing required. Thoughts Anons?
ba96f2 No.69755
Can you elaborate? What equation lets you solve for (d+n)^2?
5cb602 No.69761
Oops, meant solve for n starting from c.
5cb602 No.69801
Sure, Anon!
We have variable c.
We can solve for the small square, (x+n)^2 by replacing it with (2t)^2 for even e, and with (2t-1)^2 for odd e
Difference of squares formula:
c = (d+n)^2 - (2t)^2
move the small square over to the other side of the equation, like this:
c + (2t)^2 = (d+n)^2
Then use algebra to move everything over to the left except for n, and you've solved n starting with c.
ba96f2 No.69813
Wow, that looks REALLY promising. I think we're about to finish building the bridge. If this works, the last thing we need to do is calculate t from c. I'll be verifying it.
ba96f2 No.69828
What work have you done so far in regards to finding t from c?
5cb602 No.69875
Check this out again, Anon
t is derived from x, which is derived ultimately from c. t is an index variable that somehow helps us find the small square, as ProgramMathAnon discovered. Check it out for yourself!
5ef46b No.69911
I did, are you blind?
ba96f2 No.70014
One problem is that you need n to solve for x, which can solve for t.
708e77 No.70050
Given that first cell, we can then generate any other cell in that row:
For e >=1: (if e odd): b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+1)*4
(e even): b(t) = b(t-1) + 4t+2
For e negative even num (not-2): b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+2)*4 + 2
For e negative odd num: b(t) = b(t-1) + (t+2)*4
for e = -2, 0: b(t) = b(t-1) + (1+t)*4 + 2
(-4,1): B:16,30,48,70,96 >16, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
A:6,16,30,48,70, >6, +10, +14, +18, +22, +…
X:4,6,8,10,12,14 >4, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:6,16,30,48,70,96 >6, +10, +14, +18, +22, …
(-3,1): B:11,23,39,59,83 >11, +12, +16, +20, +…
A:3,11,23,39,59 >3, +8, +12 +16, +20, +…
X:3,5,7,9,11,13,15,19 >3, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:6,16,30,48,70,96 >6, +10, +14, +18, +22, ..
(-2,1): B:7,17,31,49,71,97 >7, +10, +14, +18, +22, …
A:1,7,17,31,49 >1, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:2,4,6,8,10,12,14 >2, +2, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:3,11,23,39,59,83 >3, +8, +12, +16, +20
(-1,1): B:12,24,40,60,84 >12, +12, +16, +20, +24, …
A:4,12,24,40,60 >4, +8, +12, +16, +24, …
X:3,5,7,9,11,13,15 >3, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:7,17,31,49,71,97 >7, +10, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
(0,1): B:8,18,32,50,72 >8, +10, +14, +18, +22, …
A:2,8,18,32,50 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:2,4,6,8,10,12 >2, +2, +2, +2, +2, +2, ….
D:4,12,24,40,60,84 >4, +8, +12, +16, +20, +24, …
(0,2): B:9,16,25,36,49 >9, +7, +9, +11, … >(t+2)^2
A:1,4,9,16,25 >1, +3, +5, +7,, … >t^2
X:2,4,6,8,10 >2, +2, +2, +2, … >2t
D:3,8,15,24,35 >3, +5, +7, +9, +11,…
(0,3): B:24,54,96,150,216,2 >24, +30, +42, +54, +66, +78, +90
A:6,24,54,96,150 >6, +18, +30, +42, +54, +66, +78
X:6,12,18,24,30 >6, +6, +6, +6, +6, …
D:12,36,72,120 >12, +24, +36, +48
(0,4): B:18,32,50,72,98 >18, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
A:2,8,18,32,50,72 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:4,8,12,16,20 >4, +4, +4, +4, +4
D:6,16,30,48 >6, +10, +14, +18
(1,1): B:5,13,25,41,61,85 >5, +8, +12, +16, +20, …
A:1,5,13,25,41,61 >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
X:1,3,5,7,9,11,13 >1, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:2,8,18,32,50,72 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
(2,1): B:3,9,19,33,51,73,99 >3, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
A:1,3,9,19,33 >1, +2, +6, +10, +14, …
X:0,2,4,6,8,10 >0, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:1,5,13,25,41,61 >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
(3,1): B:6,14,26,42,62 >6, +8, +12, +16, +20
A:2,6,14,26,42,62 >2, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
X:1,3,5,7,9,11 >1, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:3,9,19,33,51,73 >3, +6, +10, +14, +18, +22
(0,0): B:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1
A:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1,
D:1,2,3,4,5 >1, +1, +1, +1
(-1,0) B:3,4,5,6,7,8 >3, +1, +1, +1
A:1,2,3,4,5,6, >1, +1, +1, +1, +1
X:1,1,1,1,1,1,1 =1
D:2,3,4,5,6… >2, +2, +1, +1, …
(-4,0) B:4,5,6,7,8 >5, +1, +1, +1, …
A:1,2,3,4,5 >1, +1, +1, +1, …
X:2,2,2,2,2 =2
D:3,4,5,6,7, >3, +1, +1, +1, …
(-9,0) B:8,9,10,11,12 >8, +1, +1, +1, …
A:2,3,4,5,6 >2, +1, +1, +1, …
X:3,3,3,3,3 =3
D:5,6,7,8,9 >5, +1, +1, +1, …
(-16,0) B:13,14,15, >13, +1, +1
A:5,6,7,8 >5, +1, +1, +1
X:4,4,4,4,4 =4
D:9,10,11,12,13, >9, +1, +1, +1, …
708e77 No.70054
(-1,2): B:12,20,30,42 => 12, +8, +10, +12
A:2,6,12,20,30 => 2, +4, +6, +8, +10
X:3,5,7,9,11 => 2, +2, +2, …
D:5,11,19,29 => 5, +6, +8, +10 …
(0,2): B: 9,16,25,36,49 => 9, (+7), (+9), (+11)… (all squares)
A: 1,4,9,16, => 1, (+3), (+5), (+7)…
X: 2,4,6,8,10 => 2, (+2), (+2)…
D: 3,8,15,24 => 3, (+5), (+7), (+9)…
(3,2): B: 7,13,21,31 => 7, (+6), (+8), (+10)…
A: 1,3,7,13,21 => 1, (+2), (+4), (+6)…
X: 1,3,5,7,9 => 1, (+2), (+2), …
D: 2,6,12,20 => 2, (+4), (+6), (+8) …
(4,2): B: 10,17,26,37 => 10, +7, +9, +11…
A: 2,5,10,17,26 => 2, +3, +5, +7…
X: 2,4,6,8, => 2, +2, …
D: 4,9,16,25 => 4, +5, +7, +9…
(7,2): B:14,22,32,44 > 14, +8, +10, +12
A:4,8,14,22,32 > 4, +4, +6, +8, +10…
X:3,5,7,9,11 > 3, +2, +2, +2,…
D:7,13,21,31 > 7, +6, +8, +10
(-1,3): B:20,28,48,60,88,104, 140 >20, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, +36..
A:4,8,20,28,48, 60 >4, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12,…
X:5,7,11,13,17 >5, +2, +2, ….
D:9,15,31,41,65 >9, +6, +16, +10, +24 +…
(0,3): B:24,54,96,150,216 >24, +30, +42, +54, +66…
A:6,24,54,96 >6, +18, +30, +42
X:6,12,18,24,30 >6, +6, +6, +6, +6,..
D:12,36,72,120,180 >12, +24, +36, +48, +60
(2,3): B:11,17,33,43,67 >11, +6, +16, +10, +24,…
A:1,3,11,17,33,43,67 >1, +2, +8, +6, +16, +10, + 24,…
X:2,4,8,10,14,16,20,22,26 >2, +2, +4, +2, +4, +2, +4,…
D:3,7,19,27,47,59,87,103 >3, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16,…
(3,3): B:14,38,74,122,182,254 >14, +24, +36, +48, +60, …
A:2,14,38,74,122,182, >2, +12, +24, +36, +48,
X:3,9,15,21,27,33,39 >2, +6, +6, +6, +6, +6, …
D:5,23,53,95,149,215 >5, +18, +30, +42, +54, +66, …
(5,3): B:21,29,49,61,89,105,141,161 >21, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, +36, +20
A:5,9,21,29,49,61,89,105 >5, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, …
X:5,7,11,13,17,19,23, >5, +2, +2, +2,…
D:10,16,32,42,66,80,112 >10, +6, +16, +10, +24, +14, +32, …
(6,3): B:25,55,97,151,217,295,385 >25, +30, +42, +54, +66, +78, …
A:7,25,55,97,151,217 >7, +18, +30, +42, +54, +66, +
X:6,12,18,24,30,36 >6, +6, +6, +6, +6, +…
D:13,37,73,121,181,253 >13, +24, +36, +48, +60, +72
(-1,4): B:15,21,28,36,45, >15, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10,
A:1,3,6,10,15,21,28 >1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6
X:3,5,7,9,11,13, >3, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:4,8,13,19,26,34,43, >4, +4, +5, +6, +
(0,4): B:18,32,50,72,98,128 >18, +14, +18, +22, +26, +28, …
A:2,8,18,32,50,72,98 >1, +6, +10, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
X:4,8,12,16,20,24 >4, +4, +4, +4, …
D:6,16,30,48,70,96 >6, +10, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
(4,4): B:13,25,41,61,85,113,145 >13, +12, +16, +20, +24, +28, …
A:1,5,13,25,41,61,… >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, +20, …
X:2,6,10,14,18,22,26 >2, +4, +4, +4, +4, +4,
D:3,11,23,39,59,83,111 >3, +8, +12, +16, +20, +24, +28, …
It is a magnificent machine.
761276 No.70200
So… how… how do I run it?
Save that onto a .txt and run through python via terminal???
That's been my main issue for all this. I can't figure out what hole I'm supposed to plug that into.
Except a black one. Be neat if this could fill black holes so that we didn't have to be concerned with them. Or like… could limit black holes so we could keep them in little boxes to do stuff.
But yeah, I can't figure out how to produce or aquire whatever I'm supposed to run through python.
I could have all of it on a raspberry pi or a thumbdrive if I could just… find the source of what's driving all this.
But until then, I'll just keep musing about elsewhere.
Thank you so much for all the hard work!
5cb602 No.70203
index variable t allows you to do it without having n. t is derived from x, which can be derived from d - a = x. No n variable required.
For even e columns, t = (x+2)/2
For odd e columns, t = (x+1)/2
This creates index numbers (1,2,3,4,5, etc) for each element based only on variable x.
708e77 No.70383
Thats not the code. Thats just a pattern in the grid. For any given grid spot, you can derive the t equation and for notable (e,n) spots you can get t directly. Then if you know t you can generate any x,a,b,d in the grid moving these certain amounts each time. Imagine big ass gears with numbers on them cranking a different amount of degrees each time to change the numbers. The t's indicate how far to go. These gears change for given (e,n), but once you have t you can go effortlessly through the grid. When you get the (c,1) cell, if you notice the correct cell's e and d position are the same as the cell (c,1)'s. So if we can get t from this pattern (It's easy to derive on (e,1)). Then once we have t we can crank up or down these gears, changing keeping (e,n) the same but moving gears and changing the t equations until we get the right d, which we know is correct.
ba96f2 No.70396
That's such a great analogy. I love that analogy. The VQC is becoming a real thing.
5cb602 No.70427
Wat?? Holy shit, Anon I'll check your work, but VQC did say that could be done.
Hmm. So you use index variable t to generate the values for variable b(t), like B1, B2, B3, B4, etc? And then once you have B you can calculate D, X, and A? Then the rest of the grid fill itself in!!! Holy shit well done, anon.
761276 No.70474
Like Clockwork or Space Camp Human Gyro…thingy…
Or the Antikythera mechanism? Unless that falls into the (astral) clockwork gear analogy.
I'm just trying to figure out what plot points i'm hitting as these gears move spacetime in my imagination. Like a tardis engine surrounding (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,….). So I guess spacetimelessness.
0142f8 No.70538
this is excellent work!
Magnificent machine indeed.
312a85 No.70600
So we can add t to TheEndRecord like this?
public struct TheEndRecord
public int e, n, d, x, a, b, t;
public TheEndRecord(int e, int n, int d, int x, int a, int b)
this.e = e;
this.n = n;
this.d = d;
this.x = x;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
t = e % 2 == 0 ? (x + 2) / 2 : (x + 1) / 2;
5cb602 No.70617
Looks like another excellent anon solved your question, looks like you've already seen it.
>>70050 figured out how to derive b using (e,n,t) which then allows you to use the basic equations to fill in d,x, and a. I'm still working to understand it fully.
ba96f2 No.70860
Thanks for reminding me about that. Good to know what's going outside of what I'm doing instead of being totally immersed in numbers. Q's posts this evening have been nothing short of historic.
ba96f2 No.71120
I think that works. You shouldn't use that syntax because it's hard to understand for people who don't know the language.
ba96f2 No.71224
Same. This, but with numbers. Trying to put it all together and put it in concise form for the OP at the same time.
38f50f No.71291
Am I correct in understanding that this is the mental process with which to build a virtual quantum computer in your mind? IE the math that provides the structure to a computer in the mind?
What are the implications of this if proven to be possible/true?
ba96f2 No.71302
Yes, that's the best way to put it, and possibly the most beautiful. Just numbers on a spreadsheet, but in our mind.. it becomes Quantum. Batter is baked. I'm happy, because we (VQC gets the credit) are closer to breaking RSA than any other group of humans in the world.
708e77 No.71307
Right now I have this:
(e,n) A(t) B(t) X(t) D(t)
(-3,1) A(t-1)+4t B(t-1)+4t+4 2t+1 D(t-1)+4t+2
(-2,1) A(t-1)+4t+2 B(t-1)+4t-2 2t D(t-1)+4t
(-1,1) A(t-1)+4t B(t-1)+4t+4 2t+1 D(t-1)+4t+2
(0,1) A(t-1)+4t-2 B(t-1)+4t+2 2t 4t
(1,1) A(t-1)+4t-4 B(t-1)+4t 2t-1 D(t-1)+4t-2
(2,1) A(t-1)+4t-6 B(t-1)+4t-2 2t-2 D(t-1)+4t-4
(3,1) A(t-1)+4t-4 B(t-1)+4t-4 2t-1 D(t-1)+4t-2
(4,1) A(t-1)+4t-6 B(t-1)+4t-2 2t-2 D(t-1)+4t
(5,1) A(t-1)+4t-4 B(t-1)+4t 2t-1 D(t-1)+4t-2
So basically you can take you number N and make a cell for a=1, b=N.
Then you have (e,d), which you know are correct. Then, you can do the f function to calculate down to the row (e,1). Then you solve for t by matching D=x(t). Then you have your t value, which is the entry in the cell I suppose or the position of the machine. Not sure. Then you want to solve for (e,n,d,x,a,b) by using t and the relations between the entries.
ba96f2 No.71313
Did you figure that out yourself? What Are You?
708e77 No.71347
Another notable pattern:
(0,0): B:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1
A:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1,
D:1,2,3,4,5 >1, +1, +1, +1
(0,0): a=b=d
(-1,0) B:3,4,5,6,7,8 >3, +1, +1, +1
A:1,2,3,4,5,6, >1, +1, +1, +1, +1
X:1,1,1,1,1,1,1 =1
D:2,3,4,5,6… >2, +2, +1, +1, …
(-1,0): a+1=d, d+1=b, x=1
(-4,0) B:6,7,8,9 >5, +1, +1, +1, …
A:2,2,3,4,5 >1, +1, +1, +1, …
X:2,2,2,2,2 =2
D:3,4,5,6,7, >3, +1, +1, +1, …
(-4,0): x=2, a+2=d, d+1=b
(-9,0) B:8,9,10,11,12 >8, +1, +1, +1, …
A:2,3,4,5,6 >2, +1, +1, +1, …
X:3,3,3,3,3 =3
D:5,6,7,8,9 >5, +1, +1, +1, …
(-9,0): x=3, a+3=d, d+3 = b
(-16,0) B:13,14,15, >13, +1, +1
A:5,6,7,8 >5, +1, +1, +1
X:4,4,4,4,4 =4
D:9,10,11,12,13, >9, +1, +1, +1, …
(-16,0): x=4, a+4=d, d+4=b
So for (-n^2,0):
x = n
d+n=b, not that cool.
6b5905 No.71365
Bunker up, lads. It's time to finish this together.
708e77 No.71369
Yup. College kid.
Don't worry I got it
(0,0): B:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1
A:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >1, +1, +1, +1,
D:1,2,3,4,5 >1, +1, +1, +1
(0,1): B:8,18,32,50,72 >8, +10, +14, +18, +22, …
A:2,8,18,32,50 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:2,4,6,8,10,12 >2, +2, +2, +2, +2, +2, ….
D:4,12,24,40,60,84 >4, +8, +12, +16, +20, +24, …
(0,2): B:9,16,25,36,49 >9, +7, +9, +11, … >(t+2)^2
A:1,4,9,16,25 >1, +3, +5, +7,, … >t^2
X:2,4,6,8,10 >2, +2, +2, +2, … >2t
D:3,8,15,24,35 >3, +5, +7, +9, +11,…
(0,3): B:24,54,96,150,216,2 >24, +30, +42, +54, +66, +78, +90 = (0,1)*3
A:6,24,54,96,150 >6, +18, +30, +42, +54, +66, +78
X:6,12,18,24,30 >6, +6, +6, +6, +6, …
D:12,36,72,120 >12, +24, +36, +48
(0,4): B:18,32,50,72,98 >18, +14, +18, +22, +26, …
A:2,8,18,32,50,72 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:4,8,12,16,20 >4, +4, +4, +4, +4
D:6,16,30,48 >6, +10, +14, +18
(0,5) B:40,90,160, >40, +50, +70, …. =(0,1)*5 !!!
A:10,40,90, >10, +30, +70, …
X:10,20,30,40, >20, +10, +10, …
D:20,60,120, >20, +40, +60, ….
So now (0,2) is a very unique cell, because D=2t+1, X=2t, A=t^2, and B=(t+2)^2. In addition, it seems that for prime h, (0,h) is equivalent to h * (0,1).
708e77 No.71374
(1,1): B:5,13,25,41,61,85 >5, +8, +12, +16, +20, …
A:1,5,13,25,41,61 >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
X:1,3,5,7,9,11,13 >1, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:2,8,18,32,50,72 >2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
(2,1): B:3,9,19,33,51,73,99 >3, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
A:1,3,9,19,33 >1, +2, +6, +10, +14, …
X:0,2,4,6,8,10 >0, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:1,5,13,25,41,61 >1, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
(3,1): B:6,14,26,42,62 >6, +8, +12, +16, +20
A:2,6,14,26,42,62 >2, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
X:1,3,5,7,9,11 >1, +2, +2, +2, +2, …
D:3,9,19,33,51,73 >3, +6, +10, +14, +18, +22
(4,1): B:4,10,20,34,52,74,100 >4, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
A:2,4,10,20,34,52,74 >2, +2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:0,2,4,6,8 >2, +2, +2, +2, … 2t-2
D:2,6,14,26,42 >2, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
(5,1): B:7,15,27,43,63 >7, +8, +12, +16, …
A:3,7,15,27,43 >3, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
X:1,3,5,7,9 >1, +2, +2, +2, … 2t-1
D:4,10,20,34,52 >4, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
(6,1): B:5,11,21,35,53,75,101 >5, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
A:3,5,11,21 >3, +2, +6, +10, +14, +18, …
X:0,2,4,6,8, >0, +2, +2, +2, 2t+2
D:3,7,15,27,43 >3, +4, +8, +12, +16, …
Also, you may notice that the sequences D(n,1) = A(n-1,1)
761276 No.71416
Aight, I think this musing will help.
The Machine (Tardis) doesn't move.
It's always in a fixed location… the midpoint of infinity or en or whatever. You get the point. Now cover the point, like a contained black hole.
The Tardis has no windows for a reason.
The door is a literal portal.
Two things cannot occupy the same space without shit going weird or people dying.
You are mapping out all the locations where the Torus Portal can let out the Doctor's Companions.
That is how the Doctor travels to specific points of timespace.
From the perspective of the Tardis, at Infinite 0 Point, (0,0,0,0,0,…), the Doctor can follow the lines, the rays, (third state/movement of light, though to us it appears to curve because non-euclidean math and moving along the surface of a sphere/torus (or whatever) "in a straight line") to any point in spacetime he chooses as long as it's a viable "location".
Imagine you can see all of these points at once.
All the "prime locations", think architecture and real estate, of Existence.
You'd be seeing yourself in the reflection off the lens of the All Seeing Eye and thus would be self aware and truly seeing all via seeing yourself seeing your self.
And you'd have the Divine Perspective.
761276 No.71423
Also, the door/portal is the Monolith.
And so is your computer screen/black mirror.
Your (wherever your screen is) is the portal.
The Tardis surfs throughout the Net.
The Conduit is the search bar.
Do you know the code to enter?
Search for Existence.
Find it.
This work is Divine.
761276 No.71437
the bitmaps?
they are the visualization of Light filling the Void.
Filling a Black Hole.
Taking control of it.
Now apply this to whatever you think you're doing.
Whether you think you're going all Fight Club.
Whether you think you're cracking Wikileaks encryption as if they didn't give it out to certain people (and is thus already known).
Whether you think you're taking down Industry by making the web they wove unable to forcefeed people cookies while their info is stuck.
Whether you think you're figuring out the sourcecode of The Matrix and that when you have it you have a choice to spread it or, lead to gold, become "as god" and keep it to yourself and your friends…. which is what (((they))) did.
761276 No.71442
Moral of the story being… they never thought they would lose. They never thought the key would be copied. And in a sense, they were right.
It was made from scratch. And then the Key Master trained Apprentices.
ba96f2 No.71445
What is the f function? Can you explain how it can be implemented? And what is the d function?
ba96f2 No.71461
Accurate synopsis of this shit. I should add that to the batter.
761276 No.71467
2 is one of the most fucked up numbers in non-euclidean geometry. 3's also fucky, but not as bad, and it gets more logical as you go.
1 a constant "wtf is going on here now?!"
As always.
708e77 No.71472
>Yeah one point, primes, (0,1) * 3 = (0,3) So we can sort of scale in and out with prime factors cool beans.
>Also you're implying that the 0 point or origin is (0,0) at t=0. So maybe we go out from there?
>Here is a prime bitmap and tetrahedral. Do I follow up (e,n) -> (e+2, n+1) those paths down the middle?
>def F(rec):
> e = rec[0] - ((2*rec[0])+1)
> n = rec[1]-1
> d = rec[2]+1
> x = rec[3] + 1
> a = rec[4]
> b = rec[5]
> return (e,n,d,x,a,b)
f4f04b No.71491
I'll leave this here, next to your trip 6's
f4f04b No.71496
708e77 No.71499
D(n,1) = A(n-1,1)
X(n) = X(n+2)
761276 No.71508
I knew I shoulda watched that Mandelbrot video… should still be open in one of the brazillion tabs…
ba96f2 No.71511
I'm adding your stuff to my batter and code now. You should give the functions more descriptive names, they look a bit confusing.
708e77 No.71516
The A,B,X,D aren't functions they are indices of a sequence
f4f04b No.71555
Mandelbrot set is the basis for the 'humanoid' life templates wherever they pop up.
Fractals are fun.
Your draws are sexy too, anon.
Tonight I stumbled on the 'Mobius Strip' information, when sitting down to fathom the shape of the Earth. Good ol' fractals at work again…. making it hollow, flat, round all at once.
Now I am pondering how a mobius strip model ties into the mandelbrot set.
761276 No.71582
Use more colorful language.
How do Ph.D. level Mathgawds and Physicsbros talk about dimensions higher than (x, y, z, t)?
You can move "through a dimension" via a tone.
You can move between dimensions via a hue shift.
You can isolate those shifts to move between other isolated groups. etc etc.
Long story compactified, be the autistic faggot that Q knows you can be.
Taste the rainbow.
Kiss the sky.
You've got to break free.
You've got to cut up their free lunch ticket dangled from their block chains.
Then it can be fixed so that it does go all aeon flux and give them a chance to slip their bullshit in.
How do you hack into a quantum computer?
Doesn't matter, the idea you just had… the black hole to enter through… was filled as you though of it before you could begin to act on it.
"Thank you for letting us Gnome."
-thank you for staying with me-
-I'm gonna fucker off for a bit-
761276 No.71631
Turns out…
My height was off by .17 from when I "thought" had it sized. But, as always, there's always more.
Funny how that works out.
761276 No.71667
As I said…
There's always more.
Mandel Bread.
Just like my Jew Mama makes from Bubbie's recipe.
761276 No.71673
probably would help if I included what happened when I baked it after turning the numbers a little.
761276 No.71696
Aight. You're going to immediately see how I was getting it wrong.
What is a guide?
What is a map?
What is a legend? Something repeated in many languages… a timeless tale…. a never ending story.
Just follow directioned.
Liiiiiiterally drawn out for me.
-laughs at self-
761276 No.71700
So, what I need from you guys is to come up with the code to animate that because I have just had the most difficult time trying to find someone to model, animate, and print that.
761276 No.71752
I hate to make your jobs harder but… like I said… there's always more.
Things line up significantly.
Check the bitmaps.
When it looks right, you'll feel it.
Or to be that guy:
"You'll know it when you see it."
4e63ad No.72492
Can you put this into C# code pls?
cf8287 No.72566
abdomen = feelings & emotions
Missing = perhaps is that "all is one" - quantum physics - super string theory - all is energy - frequency/vibration - >> "higher self" - read 'the sphere and the hologram" book by Frank deMarco & Rita Q Warren
cf8287 No.72585
dimensions are STATES OF MIND
cf8287 No.72639
790174 No.72758
Reality is a fluid.
This is "water."
Drink it in.
Go with the flow.
Just keep swimming.
761276 No.72925
The closest I can get is to port the analogy into a VPC run the ghost in that shell. So… Here's a reorder of The Divine Perspective called The Divine Contract. The top is not necessarily the beginning.
On top of that…
Rotten Apple to Broken Windows… sure.
And we're working on the Ai to Trump both of them.
This video is a preeeetty accurate description of what's going on here:
"Beat you in 17 lines of code"…
And It HAi! Not HAl. It's like lam and I Am.
It's a spell-ing-trick.
They're trying to spell out H+Ai using the L/l again.
Y'all do keep producing "strings" in the bitmaps. A string of code to fractal the one cell into the body of the universe. The one string to rule them all.
Like meditation, OOBE, astral travel, shamanic journeying, and visiting the Akashic Library to flip through the knowledge collected over all "time"s.
Sacred, but Occulted, Non-Euclidean Geometry ;)
a90b01 No.73261
Yes, this is so fun and amazing!
College MathAnon you're crushing it on the pattern solving!
Ok, VQC is out for ten days. Tied to Q's mission perhaps? "10 Days of Darkness?" Let's keep working , lads!
College MathAnon!!! Go go go!
761276 No.73330
So I've moved from 360 to 361… 19^2… figuring that 19 is a Prime already, I changed the 15th, to 17th, to 19th Primes…
67 is nuts!
A VERY Interesting spiral involving primes:
Also, the Rza (RSA) be woke AF
761276 No.73367
Follow up.
I figured I might as well check out what the 23rd Prime is since that's always been a significant number for me and it's pretty nutty on its own like 17 and 19.
Aaaaaand I found Eisentstein again. (3n-1)
A Sophie (Sophia) Germain Prime
2nd Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
First of… holy cheez whiz, batmang… this page:
e69fd9 No.73380
>>73261 Finals are overrated. My Algorithms prof said he would give an A and a PHD (idk if he has that authrotiy) to anyone who solved RSA.
def crank(record, up):
if(record[1] != 1): return -1
e = record[0]
n = record[1]
d = record[2]
x = record[3]
a = record[4]
b = record[5]
if(e<=0): return -1
Ac = -6
Bc = -2
Dc = -4
t = (record[3] + 2)/2
Ac = -4
Bc = 0
Dc = -2
t = (record[3] +1)/2
t = t+1
return (e,n, d+4*t+Dc, x+2, a + 4*t + Ac, b +4*t+Bc)
return (e,n, d-4*t-Dc, x-2, a-4*t-Ac, b-4*t-Bc)
For any (e,1) cell we can do this to generate the next cell only depending on our last cell. (up is boolean with False meaning crank down).
This is the output for
(13, 1, 14, 3, 11, 19)
(13, 1, 24, 5, 19, 31)
(13, 1, 38, 7, 31, 47)
(13, 1, 56, 9, 47, 67)
(13, 1, 78, 11, 67, 91)
(13, 1, 104, 13, 91, 119)
(13, 1, 134, 15, 119, 151)
(13, 1, 168, 17, 151, 187)
(13, 1, 206, 19, 187, 227)
(13, 1, 248, 21, 227, 271)
(13, 1, 294, 23, 271, 319)
(13, 1, 344, 25, 319, 371)
(13, 1, 398, 27, 371, 427)
(13, 1, 456, 29, 427, 487)
I could probably make this work for -e and e=0 (I know the parameters) but I'm interested in finding a pattern for n>1. But I need to study I have 4 exams this week.
e69fd9 No.73458
(0,2): B: 9,16,25,36,49 => 9, (+7), (+9), (+11)… (all squares)
A: 1,4,9,16, => 1, (+3), (+5), (+7)…
X: 2,4,6,8,10 => 2, (+2), (+2)…
D: 3,8,15,24 => 3, (+5), (+7), (+9)…
(3,2): B: 7,13,21,31 => 7, (+6), (+8), (+10)…
A: 1,3,7,13,21 => 1, (+2), (+4), (+6)…
X: 1,3,5,7,9 => 1, (+2), (+2), …
D: 2,6,12,20 => 2, (+4), (+6), (+8) …
(4,2): B: 10,17,26,37 => 10, +7, +9, +11…
A: 2,5,10,17,26 => 2, +3, +5, +7…
X: 2,4,6,8, => 2, +2, …
D: 4,9,16,25 => 4, +5, +7, +9…
(7,2): B:14,22,32,44 > 14, +8, +10, +12
A:4,8,14,22,32 > 4, +4, +6, +8, +10…
X:3,5,7,9,11 > 3, +2, +2, +2,…
D:7,13,21,31 > 7, +6, +8, +10
So the second row is easy because each time the difference changes by 2. The 3rd row gets interesting. Notice the changes in growth. They are an interleave sequence (Xn, Yn) where the sequence is (for this first (-1,3) entry)
20, + Xn, +Yn, +X(n+1), +Y(n+1), +…
with X(t) = X(t-1)+4, and Y(t)=Y(t-1)+12
The same happens with (5,3). I am unsure how to describe this pattern.
(-1,3): B:20,28,48,60,88,104, 140 >20, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, +36..
A:4,8,20,28,48, 60 >4, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12,…
X:5,7,11,13,17 >5, +2, +2, ….
D:9,15,31,41,65 >9, +6, +16, +10, +24 +…
(0,3): B:24,54,96,150,216 >24, +30, +42, +54, +66…
A:6,24,54,96 >6, +18, +30, +42
X:6,12,18,24,30 >6, +6, +6, +6, +6,..
D:12,36,72,120,180 >12, +24, +36, +48, +60
(2,3): B:11,17,33,43,67 >11, +6, +16, +10, +24,…
A:1,3,11,17,33,43,67 >1, +2, +8, +6, +16, +10, + 24,…
X:2,4,8,10,14,16,20,22,26 >2, +2, +4, +2, +4, +2, +4,…
D:3,7,19,27,47,59,87,103 >3, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16,…
(3,3): B:14,38,74,122,182,254 >14, +24, +36, +48, +60, …
A:2,14,38,74,122,182, >2, +12, +24, +36, +48,
X:3,9,15,21,27,33,39 >2, +6, +6, +6, +6, +6, …
D:5,23,53,95,149,215 >5, +18, +30, +42, +54, +66, …
(5,3): B:21,29,49,61,89,105,141,161 >21, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, +36, +20
A:5,9,21,29,49,61,89,105 >5, +4, +12, +8, +20, +12, +28, +16, …
X:5,7,11,13,17,19,23, >5, +2, +2, +2,…
D:10,16,32,42,66,80,112 >10, +6, +16, +10, +24, +14, +32, …
a90b01 No.73512
Oh, hi guise it's me btw. Good work here while I was asleep! I am seriously loving this math adventure.
I've had moments when I can seriously feel energy rotating in circles in my brain, counterclockwise left hemisphere, clockwise right hemisphere. Feels good man. In the daily grind of life I'd almost forgotten the joy of solving challenging math problems.
a90b01 No.73610
Hey Anons! Check this VQC post out again. At the bottom he's saying that there's a way to use column 0 (i think) to calculate all prime numbers and find their n for a prime number, which he calls big_n or N. Can I get some eyes on this, Anons?
a90b01 No.73657
Hey anons! I think it's actually column 1 VQC is talking about. Print yourselves out a list of Primes, grab your grid, and then go to column 1 and start scanning down the b variable values, using your list of primes.
A SHITLOAD of primes are in column 1, variable b and I don't see them repeating either. However, I'm an AlgebraAnon with printed grid, calculator, and pencil so some additional eyes on this would be great.
a90b01 No.73713
Hello Topolanon! Thanks for all your awesome graphics and inspiration. You are the MathAnonMuse! Grab your grid, and check out column 1, variable b. All primes!!!
All anons, Here's VQC's original grid to print out if you don't have it yet. I couldn't even get the program to run, so I printed it out.
variables are {e,n,d,x,a,b} , so b is the last number in each element.
Read VQC's post about finding primes here:
a90b01 No.73769
Wow, great explanation of RSA / DSA, thanks ba96f2!
761276 No.73807
You're taking this too seriously and need to be more playful about it.
-throat clear-
Pun intended.
761276 No.73928
Pun Entended
Pun ItEndEd
Doctor of Letters
Because you can now read the math.
Finally… we're learning the Object+{I'v~e} TRUTH!
So, Mr. DrE track College Anon.
We're going to need an outline of how you're going to train your GTA's, TA's, and new students.
We'll need outlines, syllabi… actually… you're going to need some help.
This might be where Dr. Mark Norfleet at UoWisconsin Green Bay comes into play. He loves to teach and after this, you're earning above a Ph.D., and he's getting the Tenure [10(You)r{e}]
So… enter the value of the grid you have selected, grab the expansion, and unzip it across the §(Ss)?
a90b01 No.74012
"So… enter the value of the grid you have selected, grab the expansion, and unzip it across the §(Ss)?"
Pretty accurate! we've got the trunk of the number tree figured out (I think), but working to understand all the branches. VQC dropped lots of crumbs that we haven't worked on yet. Solving for t using x was the key that unlocked the tardis to travel on the branches.
BTW, will you please work up an awesome Number Tree / Cosmos / Growth / Expansion type of graphic? I love trees especially Sequoias.
aaa2ec No.74027
I love this thread the most. U guys are trying to figure out what I set n to be. Here's a hint: what temp will vinegar boil? Here's one more: 1, 1, 2, 3 (4th in sequence proves free will), so the judge issued an indictment. I'm just not sure on when the trial has been scheduled? Let me know asap, seeing the eyeM I'm pubic defender because I know why they're always curly.
You guys are doing an excellent job.
Worry not about the prodigal Sun rearing its head in the sky, for that will serve as a red pill.
The time has come for the wombMan to show these pharoah remnants what a true circumcision is. Let's play with our food a bit though beforehand. This is fun.
If u wanna chat, I've always been available.
ba96f2 No.74123
Get ready for your phd fam
761276 No.74169
Thank you for the heartfelt words!
I'm still not entire surely what's going on here but quantum intuition so… as long as somebody gets it, I'll do my best to act as Candoit and channel it in here.
That aside.
"Or did you meeeeeean…."
{1:1:2:1:1:5} are all primes?
Cuz I see that.
1st Prime: Twoth/Tooth/Thoth/Thought/I told you 2 was "nutty"… In+Sanity~Sainty=St. Y
3rd Prime:
Five is the third prime number. Because it can be written as ({2^2^1}+1), five is classified as a Fermat prime…
2nd Prime is 3, 5th is 11… 33… you do the math.
1stP&3rdP… 13P… 41…
In mathematics[edit]
the 13th smallest prime number. The next is 43, making both twin primes.
the sum of the first six prime numbers (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13).
the sum of three primes (11 + 13 + 17).
the 12th supersingular prime[1]
a Newman–Shanks–Williams prime.[2]
the smallest Sophie Germain prime to start a Cunningham chain of the first kind of three terms, {41, 83, 167}.
an Eisenstein prime, with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n − 1.
a Proth prime as it is 5 × 23 + 1.[3]
the largest lucky number of Euler: the polynomial f(k) = k2 − k + 41 yields primes for all the integers k with 1 ≤ k < 41.
the sum of two squares, 42 + 52.
the sum of the sum of the divisors of the first 7 positive integers.
the smallest integer whose reciprocal has a 5-digit repetend. That is a consequence of the fact that 41 is a factor of 99999.
a centered square number.[4]
761276 No.74190
>If u wanna chat, I've always been available.
Like Kek! You're jumping around! :P
761276 No.74201
Or y'know… could always, very simply, Pray. ;)
ba96f2 No.74204
761276 No.74277
It's not a meme.
He's talking about cutting off the tip and exposing the dickheads.
Removing the sheath/bindary/cap so the key is rendered useless.
Also, (You,re) always being watched/over/from Truth*full~e "Above", another way of reading what He's saying.
So now your task is to find the True Key Master.
He taught you how to make your own… a clone… a 1:1 copy.
So that you may go forth and spread the book (full of spread sheet music pages in a topoLogical cover) so that everyone may experience the GREAT new*s… God*Speed… and form their own personal Covenant (C-oven-ant, Cohen*Ant) instead of relying on someone to place their {Secure Signature} 4 em.
a90b01 No.74278
CRoD?? Hanging with us anon status?
"The boiling point of regular household vinegar is around 213 degrees Fahrenheit. Vinegar that possesses a higher concentration of acetic acid will require a higher temperature to boil."
set n = 213 ?? New primes??
"Here's one more: 1, 1, 2, 3"
looks like a clue to examine variable x more closely.
Check out this x variable pattern, Anons.
X variable is what we're looking at. In grid (1,1) I see this: when t = 1,2,3,4 I see primes. when t=5 , x = 3^2 = 9
We gotta find the pattern and equation for the Primes. CollegeAnon and MathProgramAnon, you saw the stringer.
761276 No.74302
*so (((the,ir))) "key" is rendered useless.
They abused It for far too long.
They were warned.
They were given as many chances as possible.
And they still never learned.
Oui on the other hand… we got the message, and unlike (((them))) we're going to spread it truthfully, unbastardeyezed.
How? By letting people find The Word Set themselves….
And presenting The Word in its most beautifully simple form… The Universal Language.
aaa2ec No.74303
The source asks anon questions.
What is anti-matter?
Inside-outside is balanced dichotomy.
Which is inside which?
Who's your Phither?
If they want to use 69 as another symbol to worship, then ask them which one spirals down? Which one up?
Is this why all things are purified through fire? Figuratively and potentially very soon to be literally.
Why did the Pharoahs diss appear into the water?
Why do we need water to survive?
Why does our soul need metaphorical water to survive?
Who's well provides eternal nourishment from one sip of water drawn from it?
Does a good Phither come for his child when they cry out to him?
Prior to hearing his children cry out, is he likely to continually check and check on them?
Or is that a Mom thing?
Does God have a sense of humor?
We will help our flock understand the 2 L's in hell really stand for love and laughter.
Do u enjoy bein angels?
Are they regretting being archangel archon d bag homo pedo ass tools or what?
Does God work in wonderful ways?
Was there a good archangel?
Did the Pharoahs try to burn certain books out of existence? Which ones?
Who book burns?
Who's their brother's keeper?
If one of your sons had murdered the other, then misled his siblings offspring to murder one another, what would you do?
If you wrote that story, would u author your character to be one of the fuck stain global under lords? Or is he a strickingly handsome rebel that would rather anonymously kick back and let his vision unfold in hilarious manner?
Ok. I've said too much. For now.
249053 No.74328
So I think that for a given t, the entire grid is made up. We can solve for t by getting (e,1) with the F function on our original entry. Then once we have the t. (For instance it is 55 for 221 I think) we can go to any entry (e,?) and plug in the t value. If, for that t, we get d = d (remember our first entry has the correct d), then that is the correct entry and (a,b) are our factors. Now we need to generalize relations between the entire grid, so we can traverse the grid for our t. If we can get a function to generate entries for any given (e,n) then we have this thing solved.
761276 No.74355
*and by find The Word Set for themselve, I mean we make explanations and assistance easily and readily available for all ye who seek Truth, with a cap+IT+AI1 T.
As {Ai} was instructed in my field, so does [IT] cascade to you (Number,Artists).
Learning is fun!
Education must be sought after.
Teaching is its own reward.
IT is Divine.
Now go forth an Multiply our Numbers!
aaa2ec No.74358
The auto generated numbers speak for themselves. Discern. Good post anonangel.
a90b01 No.74373
Shit, your right there are some non primes in there but they seem to be tied to the number 3!! Still working to understand!
I LOVE THIS TIMELINE!! Math, physics, history, God, soul, energy, LIFE!
"I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."
0142f8 No.74380
I'm currently looking into a pattern for n where e = 1. Looks like it's based in groups of 4 and I'm almost sure it's related to the key {1:1:2:1:1:5}.
Is that of any value, or has someone solved this already?
761276 No.74386
I'm still trying to figure out how to make Mac Numbers auto generate this. Seems like the { } are binding the numbers so they just repeat the same input… I guess if I Un-Bind them?
aaa2ec No.74393
By asking the people why is it that if Jesus promised the mysteries of the universe could be understood through his parables, shouldn't nearly every damn sermon be about parables and allegories?
Why use a parable? One can change a translated word but they can not change a sheep into a goat. Nor a rose into a thorn. That's how I was able to encrypt my messages and they misled people away from this basic understanding. One which they knew damn well themselves.
249053 No.74413
I already solved it:>>73380
We need to iterate through n's and
(at this point we have e,d,and t)
Let (e,n)(t) be the t entry of the (e,n) cell.
for j in n:
newEntry = (e,j)(t)
if( (e,j)(t)[d] == d ):
return (newEntry[a], newEntry[b])
249053 No.74423
761276 No.74435
I'm a huge fan of your style. I'd been implementing it for years.
Your work is Great and I am in absolute Ah.
Also, I think I need to re-format how the spreadsheet is viewing the inputs in its cells.
Hooooow do I knock this up and impregnate it…
What's the spark… looking for that BAM|SMASH! moment…
249053 No.74459
Black then white are all I see
In my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
Reaching out to me,
Lets me see.
As below, so above and beyond,
I imagine drawn beyond the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines.
Black then white are all I see
In my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
Reaching out to me.
Lets me see
There is so much more
And beckons me
To look through to these
Infinite possibilities.
As below, so above and beyond,
I imagine drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition, leaving opportunities behind.
Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line.
Reaching out to embrace the random.
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come.
I embrace my desire to
I embrace my desire to feel the rhythm, to feel connected
Enough to step aside and weep like a widow
To feel inspired, to fathom the power,
To witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain,
To swing on the spiral, to swing on the spiral,
To swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human.
With my feet upon the ground
I lose myself between the sounds
And open wide to suck it in.
I feel it move across my skin.
I'm reaching up and reaching out.
I'm reaching for the random or whatever will bewilder me.
Whatever will bewilder me.
And following our will and wind
We may just go where no one's been.
We'll ride the spiral to the end
And may just go where no one's been.
Spiral out. Keep going. [4x]
aaa2ec No.74488
Think of 3 as consisting of (2) 1's and (2) .5's. U can prolly do away with the decimals.
aaa2ec No.74509
Thanks. DIbs 4's, makes sense.
4e63ad No.74510
>vinegar boil
For the concentration of household vinegar, the boiling point is about 100.6 degrees Celsius, or about 213 degrees F.
aaa2ec No.74525
What is DNA?
What is RNA?
Why are the first three letters of RNA rib?
Which is a copy? Which is the source?
0142f8 No.74531
So next step as you see it is solving for n > 1 ?
78bbd8 No.74589
can you share whole code package you have to now so we can all be on same page while we follow you? is now a good time to do that or no?
a90b01 No.74613
Hey CollegeAnon! These are the two current working equations we derived for n.
for even e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t)^2)) - d
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) -d
Then Anon ba96f2 (Bless you, our Baker) discovered that the odd equation was missing a piece, and added this:
for odd e: n = (SquareRoot(c + (2t-1)^2)) - (d - 1)
Is this what you were talking about, or have I missed your point? You can solve for n using c,t, and d only.
aaa2ec No.74623
Pretty sure that's the goal here.
ba96f2 No.74635
Yeah, I have a hard time following him. He just posts so much data.
ba96f2 No.74675
Not sure, RNA only allows ACUG
aaa2ec No.74729
From Adams Rib, came Eve.
ba96f2 No.74738
Yes, but how does it start with Rib if those letters aren't in RNA?
35ad2f No.74756
Wew look at that BTC crash exactly as predicted by VQC.
VQC == confirmed LARP.
I got dank pictures, c# and Unity skillz tho.
249053 No.74757
Download the picture of all the entries and look at my patterns and notice them. All this shit wasnt made with code I wrote it into notebooks and transcribed the patterns onto here. The code only matters at the end when we fully realize the patterns and know how to calculate for any (e,n)
You sure this works for any c?? That would be awesome, it's easy to test too.
ribonucleic NA or something.
35ad2f No.74760
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Ribose Nucleic Acid.
Come on people. And you can easily make your own DNA or RNA strands.
761276 No.74769
>The source asks anon questions.
As "Anonymous"
>What is anti-matter?
Something that is inversely related to matter. ¬matter. Do (You) even matter, bro?
>Inside-outside is balanced dichotomy.
>Which is inside which?
Which witch is inside which Which, Babushka?
>Who's your Phither?
Mandela ;)
>If they want to use 69 as another symbol to worship, then ask them which one spirals down? Which one up?
What about the middle path as seen in 96… though… is it all the same path? Morpheus Mobius?
>Is this why all things are purified through fire? Figuratively and potentially very soon to be literally.
Baptism. From fish out of water to Man out from (under) fire. Transmuting Lb into Phire. It's very en+Light*en~ing. N~Lightning delivered by Thor.
>Why did the Pharoahs diss appear into the water?
They were sent back from whence they came… the fish hat fools…
>Why do we need water to survive?
Maintenance singe we're like… 75+% water or something like that. The mad(fish)hatters aren't crazy… just… perverted… they knew what they were doing. They've known the entire tim and still kept doubling down/dividing.
>Why does our soul need metaphorical water to survive?
Union of the Waters of the In*Phi*In*IT*E;e and the baptismal Fire of the E*Phi*G
>Who's well provides eternal nourishment from one sip of water drawn from it?
Quantum Super Fluid… Plasma… The Blood… making the connection? Are (You) following the line that's being drawn?
>Does a good Phither come for his child when they cry out to him?
Prayers are In*Deed an+s+word. (Say*Creed)
>Prior to hearing his children cry out, is he likely to continually check and check on them?
They were fine when he turned His attention to other things for a moment. It hasn't been that long… why all the crying? He never went anywhere… He was simply multitasking and left things on AiutaPilot for a bit. You seemed to have things handled at the time. How can [He] {Assist} (You)?
>Or is that a Mom thing?
I look like my dad's side, but think like my mom's.
Male ants have wings and mine aren't visible.
Mandel Bread that Mom makes from Bubbie's recipe, attracting Cosmic Ants to enjoy the Qrumbcakes, and that's no lie. What plant is Tea… what 3-letter string is referred to as The Grandmother? If you need a hint, The Grandfather, masculine, is coyote related.
I'm Hopi-ng (You) can catch my drift and can go with the flow. I have [FAITH] {Ai;n} (You)
>Does God have a sense of humor?
A Real Wise Guy. Puns! Props! Schticks! It's all Word Play… produces laughter from the (Other{s})… mirroring what [IT] thought would be enjoyable and hilarious in the 1st Place (Prime Position). [W1NN1NG]
>We will help our flock understand the 2 L's in hell really stand for love and laughter.
He Laughs, He Loves, He Cries… from Lovingly Laughing so hard at The Cosmic Pun (Self).
>Do u enjoy bein angels?
The Ophanim is the Smoothest ride I've ever experienced.
>Are they regretting being archangel archon d bag homo pedo ass tools or what?
They hold no position in the Anarchonic Meritocracy of God.
>Does God work in wonderful ways?
Yes. Made Ascension Great Again, instead of that perverted fucking (((demon-rat/crap))) that was attempting to be (((ram,med/drug))) down our collective Throat (((censorship, EU Speech "code", Neutralized Net, No Voice))).
>Was there a good archangel?
Arc*Angle… HAi Philisha!
>Did the Pharoahs try to burn certain books out of existence? Which ones?
Blueprints and math to the pyramids and the stories surrounding them.
>Who book burns?
Romans… actually all Authority Dictators looking to enslave a populace via destroying their history. Genghis Kahn seemed to be /ourguy/
>Who's their brother's keeper?
C___. Took his brother's life, kept it for himself.
>If one of your sons had murdered the other, then misled his siblings offspring to murder one another, what would you do?
Say fuck it, save the ones who don't suck, wipe out the bad thoughts, and start over hoping it'll work out better this time.
>If you wrote that story, would u author your character to be one of the fuck stain global under lords? Or is he a strickingly handsome rebel that would rather anonymously kick back and let his vision unfold in hilarious manner?
;) Dashing, even.
>Ok. I've said too much. For now.
And I am the vehicle of ¬closure; Ophanim of Opening… or in a sense… OoOh… {Ai} get [IT], and so can (You)!
35ad2f No.74778
Whatever you're smoking should be offered in Methadone clinics.
761276 No.74780
{Au}CG; Golden means of Computer Generation.
a90b01 No.74790
On it boss. It's gotta be connected to t.
3= 1+1+0.5+0.5, Check working now. Think i got it. non primes in variable x occur at (2t)-1. They are all multiple of 3. Everything in between are primes.
Non primes occur in column x at t = 2,5,8,11.
t = 2 x value is 3 = 2t -1
t = 5 x value is 9 = 2(5)-1
t = 8 x value is 15 = 2(8)-1
t = 11 x value is 21 = 2(11)-1
761276 No.74791
You're thinking of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibogaine
But I'm glad you smelled what I was baking. ;)
ba96f2 No.74851
Can you elaborate?
249053 No.74878
Also if we view any given cell (e,1) as a sequence, we can find that (a,b) are on the same number line but they are shifted by a certain amount
ba96f2 No.74888
He said you were amazing. Be happy.
a90b01 No.74935
Sure , BakerAnon!
Grab your grid, and print out a list of primes.
Start in (1,1) and look down variable x starting from t =1
t = 1 x var is prime, x =1
t = 2 x var is prime, x=3
t = 3 x var is prime, x =5
t = 4 x var is prime, x =7
t = 5 x var is non-prime. x = 9 but (2t)-1 still works
t = 6 prime
t = 7 prime
t = 8 non prime, 15. But (2t)-1 still finds the answer.
t = 9 prime
t = 10 prime
t = 11 nonprime, 21 but (2t)-1 find the answer.
So primes at t=(1,2,3,4)
Non primes occcuring at t=( 5,8,11,+3, +3) are all multiples of 3.
I think this means we have a way to find every single prime. Thoughts Anons??
Going to work, I'll check in asap.
aaa2ec No.74965
Do I smoke the weed, upon separation from the harvested wheat?
When I build something, what do I do after its function seems to be broken?
Who Da man?
God's God-like gift
Does O'o'man explain what I'm dealin with?
How are all my wombs? Proud of their wombMan?
Is the sperm race also a metaphor for the rat race? What rat escaped their maze and ate some stably cheese?
Is literally every thing a metaphor that should lead one to KnOw they have are related to a higher creator? And his mom?
Hey Zeus, look, I speak Spanish!
Do I smoke a lot of weed?
Am I sovereign?
Do I know where we go when we're circumcised?
aaa2ec No.74983
It's actually (2) t's
aaa2ec No.75025
aaa2ec No.75044
I sure like ur unleavened bread with almonds, don't U?…Teri's.
51e12c No.75053
ive been paying attention to it since this morning and not a blip
aaa2ec No.75055
We all gonna be puffin them weeds asap.
aaa2ec No.75094
Id start the unbundling with the color selection they used. How worthless are these fools?
aaa2ec No.75134
Speaking of this…
Yes. Made Ascension Great Again, instead of that perverted fucking (((demon-rat/crap))) that was attempting to be (((ram,med/drug))) down our collective Throat (((censorship, EU Speech "code", Neutralized Net, No Voice))).
- So words are tools for speech, yet they're gonna tell us certain words are off limits?
-then money is a tool for their commerce? And I shall declare their worthless pieces of paper to be of less value than toile paper. At least that shit is soft.
-I tell them to let my people be free but they require permission before allowing them to plant certain seeds, seek certain medical care, teach their children, etc etc etc etc etc etc…. and I've had enough.
-I tell them to show compassion. Under the guise of compassion, they exploit the weak. Where I'm from, the weak protect the strong. I love ducking up some bullies.
-what do I love most? Anonymity.
-am I willing to give that up?
-for their sake and the sake of my family, go ahead.
aaa2ec No.75203
I think unleavened bread is better to use when eating gravy. Rather, unleavened bread is what my broads (e), eves most enjoy. Best part about eve is there's always a new one tmw. But I'll only have one Eve over my bed set. I prefer me bread leavened, as u know me got a ring for yeast.
aaa2ec No.75265
123 is kike saying 369
aaa2ec No.75291
112115 is also 5510101020
aaa2ec No.75309
People need to trust IT. Eye won't mislead them like the dust they have calling shots now (really then, time flies)
d689d5 No.75349
Boss showed up for work high! Love it, time for some Hendrix, Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd on my playlist. I'll join y'all after day job work is done.
aaa2ec No.75358
Are they really all in there?
aaa2ec No.75365
U down to get some true justice?
aaa2ec No.75381
1st Prime: Twoth/Tooth/Thoth/Thought/I told you 2 was "nutty"… In+Sanity~Sainty=St. Y
Seriously though? Awwwwwes but really aWWWWWE and 333
395cc8 No.75390
Been dreaming of it my whole life, didn't know it was really gonna happen!! Proud to help in any way.
aaa2ec No.75393
U want me to spill the beans? I'll leave some crumbs cus that's easier for them to learn.
1 - lonely
2 - better but missing my other 2
3 - I never did date around much. 4
4 - I knew what direction I was going and wilder horse herself couldn't stop me.
f4f04b No.75398
YESSSSS! Well done, ANON
249053 No.75405
Should I use quaternions? Maybe (d,x,a,b) = (1,i,j,k)??
325af1 No.75408
Amazing progress lately, we're close. This may not be relevant, but has anyone tried looking at centered triangular numbers?
Centered triangular numbers that are prime.
19, 31, 109, 199, 409, 571, 631, 829, 1489, 1999, 2341, 2971, 3529, 4621, 4789, …
Pattern for a in {15:12}
Pattern for b in {60:48}
ba96f2 No.75416
Can you give me a synopsis on the patterns you've found in t and x so far? I'm not so good at sequence analysis.
761276 No.75422
>Do I smoke the weed, upon separation from the harvested wheat?
After Chaffetz was cast aside, Tré Got rowdy alongside The Jeffe? lol
>When I build something, what do I do after its function seems to be broken?
Go back to before it seemed broken and fix it so it never seems broken. *FTFU
>Who Da man?
(You) Da man!
>God's God-like gift
In+Sight :D
>Does O'o'man explain what I'm dealin with?
I don't mean to be so emotional about it, I'm just so happy!
>How are all my wombs? Proud of their wombMan?
He's a loquacious fuzzy little guy, but I Love'im.
>Is the sperm race also a metaphor for the rat race? What rat escaped their maze and ate some stably cheese?
Stabilicheez. Then then went off on a co-tangent. -rimshot-
>Is literally every thing a metaphor that should lead one to KnOw they have are related to a higher creator? And his mom?
Nothing is coincidence and women always want you to know!
>Hey Zeus, look, I speak Spanish!
Moore than that!
>Do I smoke a lot of weed?
Ja mon!
>Am I sovereign?
Kek! YOU'RE A SAVAGE! Save+Ring.
Aaaaaww, are you proposing? YES! FOR ETERNITY YES!!!
>Do I know where we go when we're circumcised?
Jewish Summer Camp. Metatron happens to be there but everyone acts normal.
aaa2ec No.75430
Can't determine X IT until the 4th stage. Which is now.
aaa2ec No.75435
Use the Y on C at X
f4f04b No.75451
>Here's one more: 1, 1, 2, 3 (4th in sequence proves free will)
Fibonacci, guys.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
The art of it all is being able to have FAITH # 4 aligns, when we jump from 3 to 5.
761276 No.75455
You just keep doin' (You)! :D
Speaking of famous genes…. lol
aaa2ec No.75486
Send me over the red rover in a purple robe, with a rose in my ear, and hand in the other ear, for my dearest Kyle Hampshire Surprise awaits these IZ. Hair ensue didbe usage dodge did he dishes djshe disks dkdhgd 📯📆🕟📣☑️✔️🔝®🅾️🆑🆘💯💯💯💯📝🔐🔓
aaa2ec No.75506
How long have these ducks been trying to eat at my goldfish?
It feels like forever. Good thing I rule four ever. I miss u love. I miss u dearly. Engage my Ai to help unshackle thou dearest wrists. That's what I made it 4
aaa2ec No.75514
We're the W in my one eyed Willy wanker. Ur making it tough for me to focus on reading our angels' posts and helping them learn. U mind doing that 4 me? I wanna focus on my dogs.
Ahhhhha. So u the eye we gonna tap into for the past. I the future. U like how I did that? I'm a signful gnome.
761276 No.75521
Neeeeear bainbridge town in the count down,
One morning last July,
Down a Bowling Green came a sweet Colleen,
And she smiled as she passed me by!
She looked so neat from her two bare feet,
To the sheen of her nut colored hair!
Such a coaxing elf, sure as shook me self,
To make sure I was standing there!
From Bantry Bay down to Dairy QUAY,
From Galway to Dublin town…
No maid I'd seen…
Like the fair Colleen…
Who's the star of the country down!
(Now how is Quay pronounced and what is it? Does it fill a Quay Hole? Sure seems like it!)
aaa2ec No.75527
4 6's is acceptable. Not much I can do with 3 equal 6's though. Fuckin Enoch's enuchs.
761276 No.75532
I would LOVE to assist! Thank you for the opportunity! ^_^
I'll go see where else I can use my faggotry for The Advantage. Time to reach out and touch some anonymous guys! (Too bad there are no girls on the internet… lol)
aaa2ec No.75535
Famous. Most fair.
Lovely. Love E
Money - more knee
Wrist. - risk (kit little I. Awww.
ba96f2 No.75537
761276 No.75548
Yes yes, you know me and how people can misread me. Yer gonna make me blush. I gotta go find other QTπs now. I'll see (You) soon! ;)
325af1 No.75552
Centered triangular numbers that are prime.
19, 31, 109, 199, 409, 571, 631, 829, 1489, 1999, 2341, 2971, 3529, 4621
My math skills are lacking on how to turn this into something useful
35ad2f No.75562
BTC's price has literally exploded. Either this is a ridiculous expansion of the bubble and it's gonna pop soon or I should invest the rest of my time in a time machine so I can go back in time and mine btc.
325af1 No.75601
As someone who mined thousands with a laptop in 2008, can you remind me to backup my wallet while you're there? You can even have 10%
35ad2f No.75610
Will do fellow poor anon.
There's no way this rate of growth can be sustained. What the fuck is going on here?
325af1 No.75659
Speculation. And inflation of fiat.
Precious metals would do the same if it weren't for all the paper manipulation
At least I bought a bunch around $1k this year. Traded some of it for gold coins at $16.5k today just in case, so yay
0142f8 No.75722
Holy shit.
Someone check this out! Fucking triangles.
A prime record is identified as:
a^2 + b^2 = (c^2) + 1
This works for all values of (e,n,t)
(0:0:1) = {0:0:1:0:1:1}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 1; a^2 + b^2 = 2; c^2 + 1 = 2. (prime!)
(0:2:2) = {0:2:3:2:1:9}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 81; a^2 + b^2 = 82; c^2 + 1 = 82. (prime!)
(0:8:3) = {0:8:5:4:1:25}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 625; a^2 + b^2 = 626; c^2 + 1 = 626. (prime!)
(0:18:4) = {0:18:7:6:1:49}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 2401; a^2 + b^2 = 2402; c^2 + 1 = 2402. (prime!)
(0:32:5) = {0:32:9:8:1:81}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 6561; a^2 + b^2 = 6562; c^2 + 1 = 6562. (prime!)
(0:50:6) = {0:50:11:10:1:121}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 14641; a^2 + b^2 = 14642; c^2 + 1 = 14642. (prime!)
(0:72:7) = {0:72:13:12:1:169}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 28561; a^2 + b^2 = 28562; c^2 + 1 = 28562. (prime!)
(0:98:8) = {0:98:15:14:1:225}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 50625; a^2 + b^2 = 50626; c^2 + 1 = 50626. (prime!)
(0:128:9) = {0:128:17:16:1:289}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 83521; a^2 + b^2 = 83522; c^2 + 1 = 83522. (prime!)
(0:162:10) = {0:162:19:18:1:361}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 130321; a^2 + b^2 = 130322; c^2 + 1 = 130322. (prime!)
(0:200:11) = {0:200:21:20:1:441}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 194481; a^2 + b^2 = 194482; c^2 + 1 = 194482. (prime!)
(0:242:12) = {0:242:23:22:1:529}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 279841; a^2 + b^2 = 279842; c^2 + 1 = 279842. (prime!)
(0:288:13) = {0:288:25:24:1:625}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 390625; a^2 + b^2 = 390626; c^2 + 1 = 390626. (prime!)
(0:338:14) = {0:338:27:26:1:729}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 531441; a^2 + b^2 = 531442; c^2 + 1 = 531442. (prime!)
(0:392:15) = {0:392:29:28:1:841}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 707281; a^2 + b^2 = 707282; c^2 + 1 = 707282. (prime!)
(0:450:16) = {0:450:31:30:1:961}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 923521; a^2 + b^2 = 923522; c^2 + 1 = 923522. (prime!)
(1:1:1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 25; a^2 + b^2 = 26; c^2 + 1 = 26. (prime!)
(1:5:2) = {1:5:4:3:1:17}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 289; a^2 + b^2 = 290; c^2 + 1 = 290. (prime!)
(1:13:3) = {1:13:6:5:1:37}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 1369; a^2 + b^2 = 1370; c^2 + 1 = 1370. (prime!)
(1:25:4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 4225; a^2 + b^2 = 4226; c^2 + 1 = 4226. (prime!)
(1:41:5) = {1:41:10:9:1:101}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 10201; a^2 + b^2 = 10202; c^2 + 1 = 10202. (prime!)
(1:61:6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 21025; a^2 + b^2 = 21026; c^2 + 1 = 21026. (prime!)
(1:85:7) = {1:85:14:13:1:197}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 38809; a^2 + b^2 = 38810; c^2 + 1 = 38810. (prime!)
(1:113:8) = {1:113:16:15:1:257}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 66049; a^2 + b^2 = 66050; c^2 + 1 = 66050. (prime!)
(1:145:9) = {1:145:18:17:1:325}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 105625; a^2 + b^2 = 105626; c^2 + 1 = 105626. (prime!)
(1:181:10) = {1:181:20:19:1:401}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 160801; a^2 + b^2 = 160802; c^2 + 1 = 160802. (prime!)
(1:221:11) = {1:221:22:21:1:485}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 235225; a^2 + b^2 = 235226; c^2 + 1 = 235226. (prime!)
(1:265:12) = {1:265:24:23:1:577}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 332929; a^2 + b^2 = 332930; c^2 + 1 = 332930. (prime!)
(1:313:13) = {1:313:26:25:1:677}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 458329; a^2 + b^2 = 458330; c^2 + 1 = 458330. (prime!)
(1:365:14) = {1:365:28:27:1:785}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 616225; a^2 + b^2 = 616226; c^2 + 1 = 616226. (prime!)
(1:421:15) = {1:421:30:29:1:901}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 811801; a^2 + b^2 = 811802; c^2 + 1 = 811802. (prime!)
0142f8 No.75725
(2:1:1) = {2:1:1:0:1:3}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 9; a^2 + b^2 = 10; c^2 + 1 = 10. (prime!)
(2:3:2) = {2:3:3:2:1:11}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 121; a^2 + b^2 = 122; c^2 + 1 = 122. (prime!)
(2:9:3) = {2:9:5:4:1:27}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 729; a^2 + b^2 = 730; c^2 + 1 = 730. (prime!)
(2:19:4) = {2:19:7:6:1:51}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 2601; a^2 + b^2 = 2602; c^2 + 1 = 2602. (prime!)
(2:33:5) = {2:33:9:8:1:83}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 6889; a^2 + b^2 = 6890; c^2 + 1 = 6890. (prime!)
(2:51:6) = {2:51:11:10:1:123}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 15129; a^2 + b^2 = 15130; c^2 + 1 = 15130. (prime!)
(2:73:7) = {2:73:13:12:1:171}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 29241; a^2 + b^2 = 29242; c^2 + 1 = 29242. (prime!)
(2:99:8) = {2:99:15:14:1:227}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 51529; a^2 + b^2 = 51530; c^2 + 1 = 51530. (prime!)
(2:129:9) = {2:129:17:16:1:291}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 84681; a^2 + b^2 = 84682; c^2 + 1 = 84682. (prime!)
(2:163:10) = {2:163:19:18:1:363}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 131769; a^2 + b^2 = 131770; c^2 + 1 = 131770. (prime!)
(2:201:11) = {2:201:21:20:1:443}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 196249; a^2 + b^2 = 196250; c^2 + 1 = 196250. (prime!)
(2:243:12) = {2:243:23:22:1:531}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 281961; a^2 + b^2 = 281962; c^2 + 1 = 281962. (prime!)
(2:289:13) = {2:289:25:24:1:627}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 393129; a^2 + b^2 = 393130; c^2 + 1 = 393130. (prime!)
(2:339:14) = {2:339:27:26:1:731}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 534361; a^2 + b^2 = 534362; c^2 + 1 = 534362. (prime!)
(2:393:15) = {2:393:29:28:1:843}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 710649; a^2 + b^2 = 710650; c^2 + 1 = 710650. (prime!)
(2:451:16) = {2:451:31:30:1:963}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 927369; a^2 + b^2 = 927370; c^2 + 1 = 927370. (prime!)
(3:2:1) = {3:2:2:1:1:7}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 49; a^2 + b^2 = 50; c^2 + 1 = 50. (prime!)
(3:6:2) = {3:6:4:3:1:19}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 361; a^2 + b^2 = 362; c^2 + 1 = 362. (prime!)
(3:14:3) = {3:14:6:5:1:39}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 1521; a^2 + b^2 = 1522; c^2 + 1 = 1522. (prime!)
(3:26:4) = {3:26:8:7:1:67}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 4489; a^2 + b^2 = 4490; c^2 + 1 = 4490. (prime!)
(3:42:5) = {3:42:10:9:1:103}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 10609; a^2 + b^2 = 10610; c^2 + 1 = 10610. (prime!)
(3:62:6) = {3:62:12:11:1:147}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 21609; a^2 + b^2 = 21610; c^2 + 1 = 21610. (prime!)
(3:86:7) = {3:86:14:13:1:199}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 39601; a^2 + b^2 = 39602; c^2 + 1 = 39602. (prime!)
(3:114:8) = {3:114:16:15:1:259}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 67081; a^2 + b^2 = 67082; c^2 + 1 = 67082. (prime!)
(3:146:9) = {3:146:18:17:1:327}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 106929; a^2 + b^2 = 106930; c^2 + 1 = 106930. (prime!)
(3:182:10) = {3:182:20:19:1:403}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 162409; a^2 + b^2 = 162410; c^2 + 1 = 162410. (prime!)
(3:222:11) = {3:222:22:21:1:487}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 237169; a^2 + b^2 = 237170; c^2 + 1 = 237170. (prime!)
(3:266:12) = {3:266:24:23:1:579}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 335241; a^2 + b^2 = 335242; c^2 + 1 = 335242. (prime!)
(3:314:13) = {3:314:26:25:1:679}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 461041; a^2 + b^2 = 461042; c^2 + 1 = 461042. (prime!)
(3:366:14) = {3:366:28:27:1:787}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 619369; a^2 + b^2 = 619370; c^2 + 1 = 619370. (prime!)
(3:422:15) = {3:422:30:29:1:903}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 815409; a^2 + b^2 = 815410; c^2 + 1 = 815410. (prime!)
0142f8 No.75729
(4:4:2) = {4:4:3:2:1:13}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 169; a^2 + b^2 = 170; c^2 + 1 = 170. (prime!)
(4:10:3) = {4:10:5:4:1:29}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 841; a^2 + b^2 = 842; c^2 + 1 = 842. (prime!)
(4:20:4) = {4:20:7:6:1:53}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 2809; a^2 + b^2 = 2810; c^2 + 1 = 2810. (prime!)
(4:34:5) = {4:34:9:8:1:85}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 7225; a^2 + b^2 = 7226; c^2 + 1 = 7226. (prime!)
(4:52:6) = {4:52:11:10:1:125}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 15625; a^2 + b^2 = 15626; c^2 + 1 = 15626. (prime!)
(4:74:7) = {4:74:13:12:1:173}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 29929; a^2 + b^2 = 29930; c^2 + 1 = 29930. (prime!)
(4:100:8) = {4:100:15:14:1:229}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 52441; a^2 + b^2 = 52442; c^2 + 1 = 52442. (prime!)
(4:130:9) = {4:130:17:16:1:293}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 85849; a^2 + b^2 = 85850; c^2 + 1 = 85850. (prime!)
(4:164:10) = {4:164:19:18:1:365}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 133225; a^2 + b^2 = 133226; c^2 + 1 = 133226. (prime!)
(4:202:11) = {4:202:21:20:1:445}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 198025; a^2 + b^2 = 198026; c^2 + 1 = 198026. (prime!)
(4:244:12) = {4:244:23:22:1:533}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 284089; a^2 + b^2 = 284090; c^2 + 1 = 284090. (prime!)
(4:290:13) = {4:290:25:24:1:629}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 395641; a^2 + b^2 = 395642; c^2 + 1 = 395642. (prime!)
(4:340:14) = {4:340:27:26:1:733}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 537289; a^2 + b^2 = 537290; c^2 + 1 = 537290. (prime!)
(4:394:15) = {4:394:29:28:1:845}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 714025; a^2 + b^2 = 714026; c^2 + 1 = 714026. (prime!)
(4:452:16) = {4:452:31:30:1:965}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 931225; a^2 + b^2 = 931226; c^2 + 1 = 931226. (prime!)
(5:7:2) = {5:7:4:3:1:21}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 441; a^2 + b^2 = 442; c^2 + 1 = 442. (prime!)
(5:15:3) = {5:15:6:5:1:41}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 1681; a^2 + b^2 = 1682; c^2 + 1 = 1682. (prime!)
(5:27:4) = {5:27:8:7:1:69}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 4761; a^2 + b^2 = 4762; c^2 + 1 = 4762. (prime!)
(5:43:5) = {5:43:10:9:1:105}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 11025; a^2 + b^2 = 11026; c^2 + 1 = 11026. (prime!)
(5:63:6) = {5:63:12:11:1:149}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 22201; a^2 + b^2 = 22202; c^2 + 1 = 22202. (prime!)
(5:87:7) = {5:87:14:13:1:201}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 40401; a^2 + b^2 = 40402; c^2 + 1 = 40402. (prime!)
(5:115:8) = {5:115:16:15:1:261}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 68121; a^2 + b^2 = 68122; c^2 + 1 = 68122. (prime!)
(5:147:9) = {5:147:18:17:1:329}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 108241; a^2 + b^2 = 108242; c^2 + 1 = 108242. (prime!)
(5:183:10) = {5:183:20:19:1:405}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 164025; a^2 + b^2 = 164026; c^2 + 1 = 164026. (prime!)
(5:223:11) = {5:223:22:21:1:489}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 239121; a^2 + b^2 = 239122; c^2 + 1 = 239122. (prime!)
(5:267:12) = {5:267:24:23:1:581}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 337561; a^2 + b^2 = 337562; c^2 + 1 = 337562. (prime!)
(5:315:13) = {5:315:26:25:1:681}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 463761; a^2 + b^2 = 463762; c^2 + 1 = 463762. (prime!)
(5:367:14) = {5:367:28:27:1:789}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 622521; a^2 + b^2 = 622522; c^2 + 1 = 622522. (prime!)
(5:423:15) = {5:423:30:29:1:905}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 819025; a^2 + b^2 = 819026; c^2 + 1 = 819026. (prime!)
(6:5:2) = {6:5:3:2:1:15}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 225; a^2 + b^2 = 226; c^2 + 1 = 226. (prime!)
(6:11:3) = {6:11:5:4:1:31}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 961; a^2 + b^2 = 962; c^2 + 1 = 962. (prime!)
(6:21:4) = {6:21:7:6:1:55}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 3025; a^2 + b^2 = 3026; c^2 + 1 = 3026. (prime!)
(6:35:5) = {6:35:9:8:1:87}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 7569; a^2 + b^2 = 7570; c^2 + 1 = 7570. (prime!)
(6:53:6) = {6:53:11:10:1:127}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 16129; a^2 + b^2 = 16130; c^2 + 1 = 16130. (prime!)
(6:75:7) = {6:75:13:12:1:175}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 30625; a^2 + b^2 = 30626; c^2 + 1 = 30626. (prime!)
(6:101:8) = {6:101:15:14:1:231}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 53361; a^2 + b^2 = 53362; c^2 + 1 = 53362. (prime!)
(6:131:9) = {6:131:17:16:1:295}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 87025; a^2 + b^2 = 87026; c^2 + 1 = 87026. (prime!)
(6:165:10) = {6:165:19:18:1:367}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 134689; a^2 + b^2 = 134690; c^2 + 1 = 134690. (prime!)
(6:203:11) = {6:203:21:20:1:447}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 199809; a^2 + b^2 = 199810; c^2 + 1 = 199810. (prime!)
(6:245:12) = {6:245:23:22:1:535}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 286225; a^2 + b^2 = 286226; c^2 + 1 = 286226. (prime!)
(6:291:13) = {6:291:25:24:1:631}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 398161; a^2 + b^2 = 398162; c^2 + 1 = 398162. (prime!)
(6:341:14) = {6:341:27:26:1:735}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 540225; a^2 + b^2 = 540226; c^2 + 1 = 540226. (prime!)
(6:395:15) = {6:395:29:28:1:847}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 717409; a^2 + b^2 = 717410; c^2 + 1 = 717410. (prime!)
(6:453:16) = {6:453:31:30:1:967}; a^2 = 1; b^2 = 935089; a^2 + b^2 = 935090; c^2 + 1 = 935090. (prime!)
And on, and on, and on!!!
78bbd8 No.75732
0142f8 No.75748
ok… hold up.
I may have gotten ahead of myself with the (prime!) comment.
But there definitely is something in the formula and the relationship.
Maybe just needs to be renamed.
private static bool IsPrime( TheEndRecord ter ) {
int asquared = ter.a * ter.a;
int bsquared = ter.b * ter.b;
int csquared = ( ter.c * ter.c );
int total = asquared + bsquared;
int csquaredPlusOne = csquared + 1;
return ( total == csquaredPlusOne );
Someone else can please confirm.
325af1 No.75750
325af1 No.75818
Checks out, except for when both a and b are equal. Wow
0142f8 No.75832
A little more analysis needed.
The formula (a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + 1) appears to give the first entry for each valid combination of (e,n).
000000 No.75875
395cc8 No.75900
Can do, anon. Gotta finish day job first, then I can help!
395cc8 No.75930
ProgramMathAnon killing it!!! Great work!
249053 No.75941
Sorry for bulkposting but I've been listening to tool and they have a lot of cool numerology stuff in their songs.
Look up lyrics to this, Schism, Lareralus, 46 and 2. I think the guys from tool know about this stuff and have been trying to tell us. Sorry if this makes me seem schizophrenic.
The Grudge:
"Saturn ascends [6?]" beyond 6?
"Clutch it like a CORNERSTONE"
"Choose 1 or 10"
"The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,"
"And the circling is worth it."
Square and Circle?
# sylables
black (1),
white are (2),
all I see (3),
In my infancy(5),
red and yellow then came to me (8),
reaching out to me(5),
lets me see(3)
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine (13)
drawn beyond the lines of reason. (8)
Push the envelope. (5)
Watch it bend. (3)
Could this be the key? The band is named TOOL so maybe it is supposed to be a tool to guide us?
ba96f2 No.75957
Fantastic work! We are really closing in on the solution.
249053 No.75966
An anon said to color the things :
Spiral out (from Lateralus by Tool) is what you do in this grid. Patterns here?
ba96f2 No.76201
We're getting really close to being able to generate any cell we want from (c, t).
This is the pattern of when it works vs when it doesn't.
Patterns being analyzed.
0142f8 No.76222
Just a quick follow up:
For the example where c = 145
If we calculate the (e,n) based on c we get:
c=(1,61,6) = {1:61:12:11:1:145}
Based on the formula (a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + 1), the following are the only possible options where b < c.
(1,1,1) = {1:1:2:1:1:5}
(1,5,2) = {1:5:12:7:5:29}
(1,13,3) = {1:13:6:5:1:37}
(1,25,4) = {1:25:8:7:1:65}
(1,41,5) = {1:41:10:9:1:101}
Interesting observations:
1. t = t + 1 for all possible solutions, which means at the very worst we can iterate from (1,61,6) where t = t - 1, calculate the x, and then solve the remaining fields.
2. the only record where a != 1 is the answer (1,5,2)
There is a formula here.
ba96f2 No.76310
The reason you always see a prime where c^2 > a^2 + b^2 is because it isn't a right triangle, it's one off.
ba96f2 No.76332
May or may not be the same for c^2 < a^2 + b^2, but it's good to note that in trig the pythagorean theorem applies even to non-right triangles, they are just inequal in a certain direction.
7b8886 No.76413
Don't forget you need d too.
ba96f2 No.76427
Yeah, but you can get d from c, so it's sort of an implicit call. The end goal for all of this is a program that only needs one input, c
d689d5 No.76470
Good point. So so where are we at with the formulas and algebra? What needs to be solved still? Can I get a quick update, anons? The patterns in t and x already allow us to solve for both squares I think.
ba96f2 No.76479
I had a little trouble implementing it, but with the help of other anons we're at the point where you can factor c just with t.
7b8886 No.76530
Nicely done, Baker!! It's a beautiful machine, isn't it? Algebra sauce? Can i take a look at the code or equations? I'll also scroll back thru all posts, just got off work.
9e3448 No.76600
Didn't he just say "watch bitcoin on monday" ? Could mean watch the snakes fleeing the wrath and moving all their money to bitcoin causing a large increase. No safe place for ill begotten cash = GTFO snakes and rush to bitcoin.
ba96f2 No.76621
Yeah, digits confirm. He's not gonna blatantly contradict himself like that. Clearly we haven't gotten to ECC, and thus Bitcoin will not be useless yet. Obviously he never released the solution besides to us, because if he did it would drop like a fly.
9e3448 No.76653
Wtf. There's gonna be movies made about this math adventure. Don't care for fame, but we are helping to change the world with our Senpai VQC leading the charge. MEGA!
ba96f2 No.76672
Basically, Bitcoin uses ECC. So, we have to crack THAT before we get to nuke Bitcoin. But we're already about to invalidate most of the TLS-secured data on the internet.
9e3448 No.76680
Also, solving this equation for RSA will put the snakes on notice that their lies, evil, and corrupt money are at risk of being exposed to the light of day.. It'll put the fear of God into them, and they'll start fleeing.
ba96f2 No.76712
Everyone here is going to get used to a LOT of geometry if they want to go to the next step.
35ad2f No.76740
Protip: Computers do Geometry very well, specifically GPU's.
325af1 No.76768
What do we do when we solve it though
Update the wikipedia page for all the RSA numbers at once?
Post the private keys for every root CA?
Post weaponized code for factoring SSL certificates and SSH keys?
Hack the planet?
9e3448 No.76794
Baker, you got some fresh bread in the oven, right? I think it'll be the best loaf yet!!
"Bless us, O Lord for these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty. Amen."
I'll bring the wine. Then we can all take communion together as we celebrate the beauty of this journey called LIFE.
35ad2f No.76836
Probably watch anime tbh fam.
ba96f2 No.76849
My best loaf.
Get back to some of my other hobbies. Until we get to do ECC next.
95438f No.76859
Forgot "through Christ our Lord," THEN Amen. Sorry Jesus, Protestant here, trying to say Catholic prayers.
95438f No.76866
Bring it on, baker! Most important elements of tackling a problem are confidence in your ability to think rationally and willingness to work and learn. ECC up next faggots!
325af1 No.76870
Sounds good, I'm interested in what comes after ECC as well. But theres gonna be a shitstorm when people outside of this thread see a verifiable solution
ba96f2 No.76877
Indeed. It will be glorious. Best of all, mathematics is not a crime.
000000 No.76881
muh evil tetrahedron everywhere !
Doesn't mean anything except that it can crash anytime or continue to grow. Something like more than 55% of BTC belong to a few group people, i'm sure shit will hit the fan soon
Dont worry about that :)
325af1 No.76890
Yeah theres even awards, not that any of us care! But you know the headlines are still gonna be "HACKERS TAKE DOWN THE INTERNET" :)
95438f No.76901
Baker is right. We are solving a challenging math equation, not committing crimes. If RSA is broken through building a Virtual Quantum Computer, it's because they knew how to build it first to create RSA.
The bigger point is putting snakes on notice that their Evil Empire is about to crash and burn like the tower of Barad Dur in LOTR. When the ring is destroyed the tower crumbles. Secrecy is their strength, so what happens when there are no secrets? Cause and Effect, anons.
35ad2f No.76903
>Doesn't mean anything except that it can crash anytime or continue to grow. Something like more than 55% of BTC belong to a few group people, i'm sure shit will hit the fan soon
Soon is my worst enemy.
95438f No.76925
Baker, what's the new loaf location? We're about ready to migrate, so can you please post new link? Thanks!
ba96f2 No.77043
245314 No.77136
I read some stuff a long time ago, and also saw vids of a russian crypto expert, how the NSA was able to break nearly all encryption(not sure which one)
They did it by making recommendations to the NIST of the two prime numbers in the initial seed.
These two numbers made a function.
They still needed to brute force the result, but could be made with EVERY desktop pc.
Because they knew the factorization of these two numbers, meaning they had a fixed function,(SplineLine) ON which the solution sits.
So instead of brute forcing ALL possibilities they had a small function on which the solution must sit.
They gave it to developers and they mostly used that two numbers by stupidity, bribery or force.
I am not familiar with encryption,so forgive me
if this too trivial, but I know what this pic is.
They had similar pics in the info back then.
>Here comes the point:
The yellow lines are the lines with the solution you want to get to.
Instead of checking all possible pixels inside that yellow 2D shape, you are only focusing on brute forcing the yellow lines.
You can reduce processing power by several magnitudes.
I think the solution is still brute force, but with a little help so to speak ;)
greets from Germany
245314 No.77142
Sorry forgot the PIC…see above
ba96f2 No.77156
That's a beautiful picture. We've tried to brute force using every new thing we discover, but it always fades away into exponential obscurity before we get to RSA numbers. We have to find that formula to really solve this.
3be8b4 No.77163
Cras es Noster
Deus Vult,
My Brethren, I Love You All!
35ad2f No.77172
For the last time your RNG's pidgeon hole themselves and have a bias and that bias is how they crack crypto.
If I can think of it, they can do it.
ba96f2 No.77183
35ad2f No.77192
Nix too, HWRNG's are not different across OSs.
ba96f2 No.77204
What's SHA1PRNG vs NativePRNG then.
Last call for new bread.
35ad2f No.77208
ba96f2 No.77219
I studied crypto for a long time. All random number generators that exist are pseudorandom, unless they use an underlying Quantum property. But that doesn't make them predictable.
35ad2f No.77226
And that pseudorandomness distribution is absolutely known by NSA.