Whats the deal with this tripcode, either he is a Sage larp or there has to be some truth to him. Kinda stupid that he doesn't have a name but the tripcode is consistent. But he does write "TripCode", which is kinda odd. Here is the trip
His last post is very odd
>Might as well ask since I have spent a lot of time on this even before Q showed up and would love some confirmation if I dont like it.
>On a scale of 1(lies) to 10(truth),
So he was piecing it all together before Q showed up and asks for a confirmation. This is odd because he could have pretended to be with Q but he doesn't and that's odd to me. If he was a Larp then he would never ask for such a thing. He would pretend to be with Q as you would expect a Larp to do but he doesn't. Also I noticed that whenever he makes a wild claim, Q tends to show up in that same thread.
Also he never calls Trump a President, always refers to him as King.
He showed up on 4chan, here the original thread, not sure if Q confirmed him or not but the post was odd. Here's the thread
As soon as Q writes 1 and 2 confirmed, the thread is deleted soon after. Q doesn't directly confirm him but its kinda odd that first he mentions 1/2 Qmap confirmed, then doesn't mention the Qmap in his second post in that thread. I don't think he confirms him but we can't look aside something
Now he has the Can you Handle The Truth Thread, search the catalog. Its a wild thread but he does make some good points and provides evidence(sort of). Nothing concrete evidence but raises good points that have value and back up his claims.
Mysteries Solved By Him So Far, the answer are not found in history books. Yet a Larper on 4/8chan can provide reasonable answers. That's just ludicrous
-The Death of Alexander
-The cause for Caesar Death(I refuse to believe the history books that his best friend killed him)
-Explains the oddities with Hitler and presents a different story then we commonly hear. Hitler is a puppet. This connects to Q's question on whether Hitler was a puppet or not.
-Explains where the Gold from Mali Empire went(again history book don't even mention this but do mention the riches of Mansa Musa 1)
-Gives a far better explanation for Anxiety that some of us might experience. That would mean the society is the danger, which would go with Q's Everything is a lie statement
-A pretty funny explanation for JFK's death and paints him as the Greatest Troll to ever live(only Q can confirm this one)
-The reason why Pyramids around the world exist, they use the moon to light up the night.(Nowhere in history books is this even remotely mentioned, but I did the research on albedo and its accurate except the numbers for the albedo of limestone are bit lower then his claims but still this is a huge mystery solved)
-The planned parenthood true intentions and solves the mystery behind them(I'm still very iffy on this but he provides a good explanation)
Unproven Claims by Him:
-Neanderthals are alive and control our society. I don't know how to verify this but for now it's not proven and he hasn't given a good reason for this but his claim that neanderthals exist are really consistent and he keeps claiming this. The consistency is odd, so its not a larper to me.
-The Earth and its shape, he doesn't claims its just flat earth but rather round and flat at the same time and then goes on to provide very good argument for it. Which I'm having trouble finding a fault with. The Coriolis effect is not explained by him but it works on his model and that's massive because that usually tends to disprove flat earth instantly. I don't know how to prove this.
Now he gets personal here because to me this is like oh shit can a larper really validate my fucking life.
>I can justify your entire existence ANON, your birth, to you not being a normie and why you are here today on Chan in 6 words.
>Dont Believe me?
>"Kekui will Protect From The Kauket"
>"You will protect from The Cucked"
>You were chosen and you didn't even know.
We believed this wholeheartedly during Trumps campaign but a bit different version but boy does it make a little tooooo much sense. How come no on else saw this in the past 2 years but this fucker did. How come we never connected Kauket to Cucked? It's so simple but we never noticed it.