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File: 329fd31934a510f⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, GOT.jpeg)

5788f0 No.14231

Whats the deal with this tripcode, either he is a Sage larp or there has to be some truth to him. Kinda stupid that he doesn't have a name but the tripcode is consistent. But he does write "TripCode", which is kinda odd. Here is the trip


His last post is very odd


>Might as well ask since I have spent a lot of time on this even before Q showed up and would love some confirmation if I dont like it.


>On a scale of 1(lies) to 10(truth),


So he was piecing it all together before Q showed up and asks for a confirmation. This is odd because he could have pretended to be with Q but he doesn't and that's odd to me. If he was a Larp then he would never ask for such a thing. He would pretend to be with Q as you would expect a Larp to do but he doesn't. Also I noticed that whenever he makes a wild claim, Q tends to show up in that same thread.

Also he never calls Trump a President, always refers to him as King.

He showed up on 4chan, here the original thread, not sure if Q confirmed him or not but the post was odd. Here's the thread


As soon as Q writes 1 and 2 confirmed, the thread is deleted soon after. Q doesn't directly confirm him but its kinda odd that first he mentions 1/2 Qmap confirmed, then doesn't mention the Qmap in his second post in that thread. I don't think he confirms him but we can't look aside something

Now he has the Can you Handle The Truth Thread, search the catalog. Its a wild thread but he does make some good points and provides evidence(sort of). Nothing concrete evidence but raises good points that have value and back up his claims.

Mysteries Solved By Him So Far, the answer are not found in history books. Yet a Larper on 4/8chan can provide reasonable answers. That's just ludicrous

-The Death of Alexander

-The cause for Caesar Death(I refuse to believe the history books that his best friend killed him)

-Explains the oddities with Hitler and presents a different story then we commonly hear. Hitler is a puppet. This connects to Q's question on whether Hitler was a puppet or not.

-Explains where the Gold from Mali Empire went(again history book don't even mention this but do mention the riches of Mansa Musa 1)

-Gives a far better explanation for Anxiety that some of us might experience. That would mean the society is the danger, which would go with Q's Everything is a lie statement

-A pretty funny explanation for JFK's death and paints him as the Greatest Troll to ever live(only Q can confirm this one)

-The reason why Pyramids around the world exist, they use the moon to light up the night.(Nowhere in history books is this even remotely mentioned, but I did the research on albedo and its accurate except the numbers for the albedo of limestone are bit lower then his claims but still this is a huge mystery solved)

-The planned parenthood true intentions and solves the mystery behind them(I'm still very iffy on this but he provides a good explanation)

Unproven Claims by Him:

-Neanderthals are alive and control our society. I don't know how to verify this but for now it's not proven and he hasn't given a good reason for this but his claim that neanderthals exist are really consistent and he keeps claiming this. The consistency is odd, so its not a larper to me.

-The Earth and its shape, he doesn't claims its just flat earth but rather round and flat at the same time and then goes on to provide very good argument for it. Which I'm having trouble finding a fault with. The Coriolis effect is not explained by him but it works on his model and that's massive because that usually tends to disprove flat earth instantly. I don't know how to prove this.

Now he gets personal here because to me this is like oh shit can a larper really validate my fucking life.

>I can justify your entire existence ANON, your birth, to you not being a normie and why you are here today on Chan in 6 words.

>Dont Believe me?

>"Kekui will Protect From The Kauket"


>"You will protect from The Cucked"

>You were chosen and you didn't even know.

We believed this wholeheartedly during Trumps campaign but a bit different version but boy does it make a little tooooo much sense. How come no on else saw this in the past 2 years but this fucker did. How come we never connected Kauket to Cucked? It's so simple but we never noticed it.

5788f0 No.14234

The recent posts by him on 8chan focus on some other things, again things that none of us are noticing it but this motherfucker is.

-The flags of central America really are odd as they all really do contain Illuminati signs or colors of Israel


-Claims the real family in power is Lichtenstein Royal Family(I researched it and its all correct)


-The Rh- blood type comes from the Neanderthals


-Claims Haiti and central america are entrances to world below us or rather as he puts it "the other 50% or The Darkness". This is beyond stupid but WTF at this point I don't know man. However I do agree with the transsexual part as that is the only logical explanation I have gotten regarding trannies and would explain the Trump's refusal to keep the 60,000 Haitians in US.


-claims the importance of Gold and how neanderthals need it to appear in sunlight. I don't even know but fuck me the Gold does block the radiation of the sun.


Then he claims that the sealed indictments will release on Christmas by posting the song, this is obviously not true as he has admitted he has no affiliation with Q. Then again it would make sense for him to release it around Christmas or before.

If this guy is a Larp then my God he is good but if he is telling the truth then we are screwed cause this motherfucker is on a different planet than us in terms of seeing the truth. He playing the Game of Thrones and we ain't even on the board.

What are your thoughts? Larp or not?

682911 No.14267

This larp is unique because he also wants confirmation. I don't believe him but I gotta admit the dude is smart af and raises some good points that nobody else is.

If Q confirms him in his next 2-3 posts then I'll believe him.

417c12 No.14285


>Pyramids use moonlight to enlight the world at daytime

Do you even have a brain?

5788f0 No.14346

File: 704f0e882bdf819⋯.png (68.25 KB, 823x492, 823:492, anxiety.PNG)

File: df8794bfafb22a7⋯.png (63.8 KB, 1032x336, 43:14, JFKtroll.PNG)

File: a787cf2d90c7d59⋯.png (209.25 KB, 1839x641, 1839:641, WTFCANIBALS.PNG)


Sry consolidating posts

but yeah try finding a fault with his post


Also added a bunch of crops

417c12 No.14349




Bothers me really you fall for it.

Limestone got around 0,3 to 0,45 of albedo. the desert itself has around 0,3 albedo.

Moonlight itself has an albedo of 0,13. Now do the math how much more enlighten the night would be. Of course you see more when there´s snow around you, but snow got an albedo of almost 0,95, if fresh.

Baseline: the difference of a single pyramide of an albedo of 0,45 in comparison to desert of an albedo of 0,3 that reflects moonlight is close to nothing.

Besides: the earth is not flat and this has been proven by Aristoteles 2000 years ago.

This guy is a bullshit larper and is not even good in hiding it.

Bothers me we have an own bread for him…

852d8f No.14374


Vedic civilization also proved that Earth is round 5th century BCE

This trip is most likely LARP bs

5788f0 No.14375


This is good, I want this larper to be wrong.


how much albedo would a tura limestone have if it was smoothed?

The pyramids have a dent in the middle of each side so wouldn't that make it even more reflective?

and he never said the earth was flat like disc, he says the curvature is there.


5788f0 No.14380


Read this and then your point dont matter


5788f0 No.14395

File: c0650b5341cfaff⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 259x194, 259:194, moonnnnn.jpg)

Also I found this image

Pyramid without the limestone and under the moonlight.

417c12 No.14399


God you´re incredibly poor minded…

Ever been to class and had to deal with circles, volume, radius, diameter, and circumference? it just does not add up, not at all. fucks sake, how narrow minded one can be.

If you flew around the world, would you simply overflew darkness? Some people here -.-

5788f0 No.14403

File: a883881a3507f61⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 956x554, 478:277, turalimestone.jpg)



Brah you really are dense af, can you read nigga?

Read this post again and also tura limestone is pretty much snow white bro.


Also no plane is allowed to fly above 40K ft

417c12 No.14412


No comment. Takes too much of an effort to argue with you.

Alright, Earth is flat and Pyramides are lightbulps and Kennedy wanted to fly to the moon.

5788f0 No.14433


wait what u can't give up that easy also

Anon did not say the earth was flat, he said it was round and flat,u didn't read his post.


didn't make JFk make the speech that we will goto the moon, like its kinda famous.

You are just ignoring without even reading the dudes, at least do the courtesy and read the post before you criticize it.

411ec5 No.14724


What !RRV calls the blood mix strength actually models what happens after you meditate daily for several months. It's a big reaction that shoots up your spine to rewrite your nervous system, makes you sick a week or two, then gives you extra strength and perfect calm. They don't want blacks knowing about this.


>-The flags of central America really are odd as they all really do contain Illuminati signs or colors of Israel

Was Mexico broken up and made into unsustainable boundaries on purpose like Africa in the 1800s? Were they afraid of Mayans and Incas too?

5788f0 No.14844

File: c8c4f3b19999f02⋯.png (24.06 KB, 833x500, 833:500, CostaRica.png)

File: 15b5fd1a1afa0cd⋯.png (44.02 KB, 1064x600, 133:75, ElSalvador.png)

File: 73d6ba89fcdeda5⋯.png (47.23 KB, 960x600, 8:5, Guatamela.png)

File: 94714c96d5222b2⋯.png (7.95 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Honduras.png)

5788f0 No.14847

File: eb45185ee8ffc63⋯.gif (48.46 KB, 360x450, 4:5, HEBREW EARTH.gif)

File: 8aafa4c287a0de6⋯.jpg (99.42 KB, 838x699, 838:699, JEWEARTH.JPG)

File: 95d050aeac028c6⋯.png (30.31 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Nicaragua.png)

File: d7690ecd71df025⋯.png (4.31 KB, 450x300, 3:2, Panama.png)

Ofcourse the jews know about the real earth.

c9f809 No.14909

>The Death of Alexander


>The cause for Caesar Death(I refuse to believe the history books that his best friend killed him)

Mark Antony spoke of Caesars assassins at Caesars funeral, and Octavian backed by (((rich))) sponsors destroyed him for it.

>Explains the oddities with Hitler and presents a different story then we commonly hear. Hitler is a puppet. This connects to Q's question on whether Hitler was a puppet or not.

If you paid attention to the HItler threads in leftypol and pol you would already know this. Hitler also sent a bunch of people to die in Russia on purpose. The 'nazi-fanboiz' would never recognize this as purposeful and then gloss over the fact that they could have been supplied with winter gear if he truly wanted them back. They stick to this because Hitler was the only person in their mind to ever stick it to the (((Jews))).

>Explains where the Gold from Mali Empire went(again history book don't even mention this but do mention the riches of Mansa Musa 1)

Noticing that every gold heist in history is perpetrated by one group is not really news.

>Gives a far better explanation for Anxiety that some of us might experience. That would mean the society is the danger, which would go with Q's Everything is a lie statement

If you've been on pol for a while you know this. Literally everything is a lie, there are no god damn exceptions except for at this point in time Donald J. Trump. Which is why some people are so willing to dedicate massive amounts of time to this because never in our wildest dreams did we consider it would happen.

>A pretty funny explanation for JFK's death and paints him as the Greatest Troll to ever live(only Q can confirm this one)

If it can't be confirmed it can't be believed as truth, I can namefag as something with a Q acronym

>The reason why Pyramids around the world exist, they use the moon to light up the night.(Nowhere in history books is this even remotely mentioned, but I did the research on albedo and its accurate except the numbers for the albedo of limestone are bit lower then his claims but still this is a huge mystery solved)

I seriously doubt this, I'm prepared to be persuaded.

>The planned parenthood true intentions and solves the mystery behind them(I'm still very iffy on this but he provides a good explanation)

This was known. There's even memes of it.

tl;dr: VQC is an observant anon, a smart anon, who may or may not be larping, but did not bring about a whole lot that other anons weren't already aware of and I'm sure you could find a lot of it on various blogs on the internet. You should judge them by the content of their INDIVIDUAL posts, and not their namefagging.

Sage, because I'm tired of namefag threads, I'm tired of speculation threads, and I wish you would all move to a wikileaks thread and piece together what Q and the President asked us to. President asked yesterday on Twitter to investigate Scarborough and there's very few posts in the thread, Another anon needs help learning about a specific person in the wikileaks thread, please help them. Q made a drop last night that needs to be looked into as well.

04450a No.15009

I'm intrigued by !RRVe.ETtN. I'm glad he has a dedicated thread. It's out of everyone else's way and does no harm. There's no harm in red-pilling ourselves using someone other than Q's info. If we red-pill ourselves then other Anon's don't have to. I've gone through previous threads and have saved every post belonging to !RRVe.ETtN. I'm going to spend some time reading them once I get some sleep and have a sharper mind.

I hope we hear from !RRVe.ETtN. again, if he should have anything else to contribute.

5788f0 No.15061


See this is good stuff, thoughtful discussion not just outright dismissal.

I wasn't even aware that we had the breadcrumbs all along.

Anon I agree we should focus on what Q says but you gotta keep the brain active so going into other threads is good but we should never loose focus on Q.

2e62aa No.15138

File: 82831a23b2fdbb9⋯.png (153.29 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1398846597780.png)


>It's a big reaction that shoots up your spine to rewrite your nervous system, makes you sick a week or two, then gives you extra strength and perfect calm.

Where'd you happen to get that from?

04450a No.15198


Also, Anon, the emblems on the flags of Costa Rica and Elsalvador wouldn't happen to be a depiction of land INSIDE of some form of containment, would it? Kind of like a mishapen sphere thing-y?

04450a No.15205


And Nicaragua?

04450a No.15247


So far, I haven't been able to get any earlier in history than, Henri V de Liechtenstein, who died in 1418. Obviously, he had a father, and grandfather, so on and so forth, but I'm not finding that info right at this moment. Have actually confirmed lineage of 3000+ years?

39b309 No.15262

The Greeks calculated that the Earth was round because they were able to measure curvature. Hollow Earth is more plausible than flat.

5788f0 No.15305

File: c35db7f8a915165⋯.jpg (185.14 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, the-pinnacles-at-night-lim….jpg)

File: b8c9770366591de⋯.jpg (294.67 KB, 750x500, 3:2, egyptwhitedesert1.jpg)



>> 2293

>In it simplest form, at 50% the Earth curves upward a little or a bulge in the middle. (pic 2)

>The curvature is real as you can see it because things disappear on the horizon. Your eyes do not deceive you.

also check out the pics of limestone under full moon. brah this ain't even remotely white, imagine that shit polished to perfection. I would be surprised if it didn't bounce the light and glow.

also I just saw this, the big ass shiny pyramid shine bright like a diamond in the night.


04450a No.15308


Also not sure if anyone picked up on this yet, but there's a part in there where he's hinting at "mermaids." Maybe he wouldn't choose that world himself, and he may not be hinting at a half human, half fish type of creature, but I guarantee he's hinting at something along those lines. Some kind of human being heavily influenced by life in and around the waters. Canabalism (fish and other sea life, plus each other?) Life around the ocean, webbed feet, large eyes, Atlantis… I bet I'm right. Also, regarding red hair, the eyes, the ocean theme, the webbing, etc… Anyone remember what Ariel looked like in The Little Mermaid? Did Walt have insider knowledge of this info? We know Disney is playing a part in Q related crumbs. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

5788f0 No.15313


While discussing a variety of topics, Clinton envisioned leaving Earth and venturing Earth 2, where that planet apparently faces the same issues as the actual Earth.


Below 50% would mean it faces the same issue but technically its another planet.

Gotta think clearly before dive into the wrong rabbithole.

5788f0 No.15322



The Lichtenstein cave

but oddly there is not single place in North Germany with that name, so why the fuck is it called Lichtenstein cave? There is a Lichtenstein castle in south germany.

Hmm interesting.

04450a No.15330


VQC says there's a hole in the north and that we have a hollow earth. Take what this guy is saying here and suddenly the hollow earth things actually makes more sense. The "hole" or "hollow" part of the "earth" is the space between the ground we walk on, and the edge of our atmosphere about us. All of that space in between those two boundaries, that's the "hollow" part. So, next part of this would be, that we live "inside" a sphere, and not "on top" of a sphere. What do you guys think?

5788f0 No.15422

File: 0b277d6065332c5⋯.png (4.26 KB, 255x97, 255:97, trip1.png)

File: 2ca13634a79bed5⋯.png (9 KB, 255x238, 15:14, trip2.png)

File: a69c33bf8a48a01⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, trip3.jpg)


Do pay attention

Keep the pic/attached history in your mind

Persian Navy > Roman Navy>Fatimid Navy>Byzantine Navy>Spanish Navy>British Royal Navy>US Navy

Eastern Seas

Second Zhou Navy>Song>Yuan>Ming>Qing Navy>Indian Navy

Why must they always command the sea?

Something fishy down there eh?




682911 No.15515


Yep that settles that, I ain't never stepping in The ocean ever again.

dd1034 No.16170

File: 5470a82bb000b6a⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 124x124, 1:1, 1511472219408757141294.jpg)


>If this guy is a Larp then my God he is good but if he is telling the truth then we are screwed cause this motherfucker is on a different planet than us in terms of seeing the truth. He playing the Game of Thrones and we ain't even on the board.


dd1034 No.16198


great post

04450a No.17146


Do you say this is bullshit because it's a lie to hide a truth? If that's so, I would agree with you that it is bullshit, looking at it from that perspective. However, if you think about it from the perspective of industrial fishing, pollution, and all things that are humanly disgusting, it sounds more like a Treaty, or something of that nature. An agreement, where we keep us and our shit within certain oceanic confines so that we don't disrupt "those below" anymore than we already have, and do.

04450a No.17199

File: 6c67b8a6f3aac42⋯.png (944.21 KB, 720x720, 1:1, flag_costa_rica.png)

File: 3073d13526c6802⋯.png (506.96 KB, 720x720, 1:1, flag_el_salvador.png)

File: 3c8a62298af1e35⋯.png (351.87 KB, 720x720, 1:1, flag_nicaragua.png)

5788f0 No.17644

File: 0786c1017b0a868⋯.jpg (104.52 KB, 1514x250, 757:125, CONFIRMED.jpg)



5475f4 No.17751

File: aaad5f8058d652d⋯.png (63.99 KB, 1797x699, 599:233, rr.png)

For your archive. Interesting read

5788f0 No.17806


>The Gold allows the neanderthals to appear in the sunlight or rather among us. The sunlight is very harmful to them, it dulls their senses and leaves their >mind weak. The only thing not affected is their brute strength, which we human have used to build those sweet sweet pyramids and many wonders of earth >such as Stonehenge.

>The Gold blocks the radiation of sun.

The significance of gold

I feel enlightened to finally have some truth in life.

and Q will deliver tommorrow. oh this is so good.

da5075 No.18255

None of you faggots recognize


Seriously, nobody realizes this is some dumb nigger? He claims to be a scientist yet fucks up his science? His shit on Rh- blood is basic biology yet incorrect. Rh- and Rh+ blood can't mix, but this nigger claims they combine to create some sort of Rh- Super Neanderthal via cannibalism?

Anon, I…

50df81 No.18278


Don't dis, just correct him. Come on, Anon? If you know he's wrong then tell us what's right? I don't want to fall victim to a LARPer. Help an Anon out?

ff024e No.20470


Just read this:


LURKING at /pol/ for 2 years would answer your question of how I know this is an Afro-Centric Nigger larping on here and peppering fact into

We Wuz Yakub and Kangz and Sheeeiiit


ff0c4b No.20862

I would like to see his explanation for where the holy grail and the ark of the covenant are today.

4eefa3 No.21215


He's just obsessed with conspiracies. He brings up good points because he's found some good info and then he'll spew batshit insane theories because he found bad info. We all know how flat out insane some conspiracy theorists can be.

dd1034 No.21289



e1a72c No.21575

File: 9639a1011e1ddf9⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 388x606, 194:303, 7EF19C80-6DBF-44C0-B167-2….jpeg)

File: 8c5b0df77d33eca⋯.jpeg (340.51 KB, 1440x1418, 720:709, 05497393-CBE5-4F49-8DCB-5….jpeg)

File: bf3b91d42c373bf⋯.jpeg (139.13 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 42F27676-0FF1-47C0-AD7E-3….jpeg)

Bingo. I mean I’m a conspiracy theorist I suppose but that blew me away…

some have a fraction of truth, then it’s exaggerated and embellished into a warped twisted story that is helping no one…

Bro.. go take your psychosis meds and take care, everything will be alright! 🙄😶

e1a72c No.21887

You are speaking sense…

While some of the stuff he is explaining does have some truth behind it, it’s mlstly exaggerated and twisted…

you guys always talk about holes to hollow earth, and while the poles are actually highest probability, go look up star gates and portals… they are everywhere in ancient times.. some are real holes, openings while some are obtained through the higher consciousness/dimensions. Check Peru, Hopi Natives, Egyptians, (Tablets of Thoth) Sumerian, Asian portals or even landing strips.. cool stuff..

Mermaids could be atlateans that evolved as the city was washed away..

what he says are Neanderthals with RH DNA, are the hybrids mixed with alien DNA. Sumerian texts explain it all, actual ‘evidence’ if you like..

Neanderthals wouldmore likely be us considering… they didn’t or couldn’t evolve when the shift came… DNA not mutating… so science and history has said they died out not being able to keep up.. we are mix of Neanderthal and today’s human… mixing with hybrids..

the question is.. this shift in reality, coming of new age (every 2500 years) will we evolve along with hybrid brethren? Or get left behind like the Neanderthals?

The only thing I can think it could relate to are the ‘ Giants’in history.. Sardonia wrote of Giant beings 200m tall coming across the seas, these were the Nephilim, the hybrids, the Titans.. they prospered together nicely apparently.. but this could explain how megaliths across the world were built..

government trying to cover it up, but locals know the truth…

Not trying to discredit or sound negative, it’s interesting and looking into it can always broaden our minds, but don’t believe every little thing.. doubt and question everything..

do your own research… mediate and look within for truth, you’ll get all the answers you need..

e1a72c No.21902


Grail is a metaphor, it’s not a physical object…

as for the Ark, it’s moved around different locations over the years creating different theories but if you even got close to finding it, Templars would definitely move it to new location.

Can hide it in higher lower dimensions as well.. great trick

f3b1fb No.21982


Sorry I don't buy it. Q just using a number does not confirm. In the past he's displayed the post he's referring to and written "confirmed". Otherwise he's spelled out the issue, or we know the issue at hand, and again, Q writes a simple "confirmed".

I think this one is a bit of a stretch.

acc9d1 No.22004


Alexander the Great - what exactly does he imply was the cause of death?

445d43 No.22233



He's describing kundalini awakening/rising. Its a yogic concept, and also correlates to the buddhist rainbow body, the taoist golden body, the saint/christ consciousness… etc. There is a reference to it in every main 'religious' doctrine.

Shit's real. I've been a heavy meditator for years and have experienced this process. I've felt it, and the 're-write' as he put it is ongoing and INTENSE at times, esp. during the activations. IT comes and goes for me, as if my body gets a strong hit of it then takes time to recover/adapt before the next one. Though how I understand it, some people are 'ready' that it would only take one big hit and they'd have the full transition.

It happens to me as head-to-toe strong, sustained pulsations for a few minutes, then will die down. Think of it like feeling your heartbeat skyrocket and then consume your whole body. The key to it is surrendering/remaining open and not becoming afraid of the process since it is a VERY unique experience. It can also manifest as siezure-like movements if it hits tensions/blocks in the energy system.

New Agers call it the light body.

It is tied in with the evolution of human consciousness.

445d43 No.22295


He's definitely shedding light on aspects I'd not even considered looking into.

At one point, I believe he indicated he had a physics and biology background, which would align to stumbling into a lot of what he's shared regarding the Earth and truth.

Everything I've read of his has at least made me go 'hmmmm…' if not bring me to a 'ah ha!' moment. It is logically illogical. I've stumbled on some of the concepts before in my own searching, though had never put it together like he does.

I'm grateful for his input as focusing on Q is important, but a game of chess is won with more than one piece.

b4482b No.22409

File: 6c67ae5e69a905c⋯.png (18.91 KB, 1045x287, 1045:287, threadwork.PNG)


concering Q saying "1&2 confirmed" i believe that was in reference to my post in this thread

some of us had asked him to verify the Qmap, originally Q said "1/2 confirmed" but the "1 & 2" were in reference to us asking to verify if that was "1 out of 2" or "1/2 one half" confirmed, etc.

22539e No.22582



Brah nothing is real

5a72de No.22659


Robert Langdon and Indiana Jones were all over these two things. Solved! No more mystery.

64bfe6 No.34291


Pretty sure he said the earth is a Torus and there's a tiny sun in the middle with a hollow caverns and a whole other civilization.

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