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28f567 No.61534

When he said "u can't draw flies" alludes to the plague of flies. That's us.

28f567 No.61542

"They're not even doing what they should be doing" with our money. Pretty nice to see him be that honest.

28f567 No.61547

He literally labeled the deep state d bags as "evil". People inherently know politicians are crooks. Trump will show them how true that actually is.

28f567 No.61551

28f567 No.61572

Calls out dossier when talking about how much Hillary spent on election. Something like "didn't she spend 12 million on some fake dossier"… nice.

28f567 No.61579

Go to last half hour of his speech and tell me the storm isn't here. It's going down. These goons are screwed. Here's link for speech.


532f92 No.61588

28f567 No.61602

"They want to grow all sorts of things that you don't even want to think about"… when referring to democratic platform.

532f92 No.61650

you'll see what happens, right after taxes, you’re going to see what happens because with that something great will be announced.

532f92 No.61659

In fact it was so much cash, that they had to go to other countries also because we didn't have enough cash in Washington, DC. They loaded up planes with cash. Can you believe the Presidency has that kind of power? I don't want to ever try it. But can you believe that the Presidency has the power to send bushel loads of cash to Iran. Probably for hostages. Probably – 1.8 billion, probably for hostages. So sad. We don't do that. We don't do that anymore.


28f567 No.61895


Hahaha. Man I love Trump. These homos are toast.

cb34f9 No.62146


Trump: "When an election is over, you can't draw flies." He said this is in reference to his support base, as a common rule he has broken. Instead, he has much support - he draws flies.

In the parable of the plagues (which compares each plague with respective parts in the truth movements of the last 20 years), flies relate to social media personalities and alternative news sites that commonly feed on corruption (as flies to dung). Normally, after an election there is little interest in government corruption.

In the present case however, Trump has led the charge against corruption and the deep state. He has declared war on them instead of just being their puppet. And the flies have been most pleased to take part in that.

This post and thread are about this parable.


28f567 No.62505


When he says "you can't draw flies", he's referencing a common saying about people loosing interest shortly after ye election. But not during these times.

I knew what you meant, but I just wanted to add clarity for anyone reading.

08bd49 No.62789

This speech is lit. Damn he's on fire. Damn he's on fire!

a84369 No.63324


>The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

>Expand your thinking.

>Re-read crumbs.

>Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

>Connect the 'markers.'

>News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

>Expand your thinking.

>The Great Awakening.


The speech confirms and reveals several of the topics that Q has been presenting. ‘’Future proves past’’

‘’’05:24’’’ so tonight we're going to speak straight to the American people and cut right through the fake news media right there right there right through we're going to speak the plain truth and really the truth that you just want to hear you have to hear they don't want to hear

‘’’06:06’’’ they took this fraudster from ABC they suspended him for a month they should have fired him for what he wrote he drove the stock market down 350 points in minutes which by the way tells you they really liked me right what do you think of it and do you know what he costs people and I said to everybody get yourself a lawyer and sue ABC nurse sue him boom

‘’’14:24’’’ there's a lot of Washington lobbyists bureaucrats politicians who don't want to see things change they're made a fortune areas around Washington DC are the richest areas in this country you saw it the other night analysts came we have five areas that are among the richest areas in the country that's because everybody is making a fortune and people outside of that area of paying for the money they're making we're not going to have it they like things the way they used to be they don't like it so much now

‘’’16:14’’’ but you know what they're really resistant they're resisting the will of the American people that's what they're resisting look it's being proven we have a rigged system doesn't happen so easy but this system going to be a lot of changes this is a rig this is a rigged system this is a sick system from the inside and you know there's no country like our country but we have a lot of sickness in some of our institutions and we're working very hard we've got a lot of them straightened out but we do have we really do we have a rigged system in this country and we have to change it terrible terrible they're resisting progress they're resisting change because the only thing they really care about is protecting what they've been able to do which is really control the country and not to your benefit

‘’’17:40’’’ that's all going to happen that's all gonna happen that's all gonna happen that's just a part of what's going on

‘’’18:19’’’ thanks to general mattis and the military leaders and the Allies meadow mad dog mother mad dog battle thanks to mad dog matters so we have great military leaders Isis is being dealt one brutal defeat after another you see it not only are we defeating these killers these savage killers horrible horrible you don't even want to say people these are savage killers over there but we sure as hell don't want them to come over here

‘’’19:33’’’ we're making it very difficult you see what's being happened we're watching every single one we have thousands of people right now under surveillance low surveillance

‘’’20:06’’’ we're going to have safety and we've got a lot more now we're getting rid of the ms-13 animals we're

‘’’33:44’’’ you notice the federal government came in and brought another suit against him right we'll come in that was a total miscarriage of justice

‘’’36:15’’’ I mean let me give you another example the city of Chicago what the hell is going on in Chicago there are those that say that Afghanistan is safer than Chicago okay what is going on you know what's wrong with Chicago weak ineffective politicians Democrats that don't want to force restrictions and don't what and by the way Chicago for those of you that are going to say guns guns Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the United States okay just in case you were thinking about you know they immediately say oh you got to take away well Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the United States

‘’’39:05’’’ but one by one we're finding the illegal alien drug dealers the gang members the thieves the criminals and the killers preying on our children preying on everybody and we are throwing them the hell out of our country or putting them in prison

‘’’43:47’’’ folks we can we can't afford to have a Liberal Democrat who is completely controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer we can't do it his name is Jones and he's their total puppet and everybody knows it

‘’’46:23’’’ David Shokan our Secretary has done a great job the VA was a mess so many parts of our country hey they left me with North Korea they left me with a mess in the Middle East they left me with Afghanistan which is was a disaster would make a lot of progress in Afghanistan just like we have with getting Isis out of Iraq getting Isis out of Syria knocking the hell out of them they left me with a mess but we're cleaning up the mess we're cleaning it up and with time we'll have it spinning like a top for decades

a84369 No.63325

‘’’49:18’’’ finally to prevent Iran from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon I recently declined to certify the disaster known as the Iran nuclear deal a total disaster how about that deal how about that then we give them a hundred and fifty billion dollars right we give them a hundred and fifty billion dollars but here's the thing smaller money but think of this we give them 1.8 billion in cash I mean like Green in fact it was so much cash that they had to go to other countries also because we didn't have enough cash in Washington DC they loaded up planes with cash can you believe the presidency has that kind of power I don't want to ever try it no but can you believe that the presidency has the power to send bushel loads of cash to Iran probably for hostages probably 1.8 billion probably for hostages so sad we don't do that we don't do that anymore

‘’’54:39’’’ at home we're restoring the rule of law we're interpreting the Constitution as written defending the Second Amendment you'll keep your guns

and protecting religious liberty we are protecting religious liberty and we're getting rid of the Johnson amendment we've stopped the government's attacks on our judeo-christian values because we know that families and churches not government officials know best how to create a strong and loving community we know that getting rid of the Johnson amendment study that up that's a big thing that's a big thing a lot of people are very very happy about that we know that parents not bureaucrats know best how to raise their children and to nurture their children and above all else we know this America doesn't worship government we worship God all of us here tonight a united by the same values we love our country and we are proud of our history we are so proud of this country we honor our heritage and we treasure our freedom we support our incredible men and women of law enforcement we believe the United States military is the greatest force for justice in the history of the world and we are going to take care of it and we are going to properly fund it and we are going to have the finest weapons because when we do all of that we are much much safer and far less likely to have to use them it's amazing how that works is it we believe that every American should stand for the national anthem and we proudly pledge allegiance to one nation under God our rights come from our Creator and no earthly force can ever take those rights away and they never will that is why my administration is taking power back from global bureaucrats and returning that power back to the American people and you see it all the time you see it economically you see it at the church you see it in every different way we don't sing a global anthem our troops don't wear a foreign uniform and we will never surrender our rights to international tribunals we won't do that we proudly sing the star-spangled banner our brave troops fight and die for the red white and blue and we protect and preserve the American Constitution that we cherish

‘’’59:08’’’ I've said it so often that my job is not to be President of the world my job is to be President of the United States of America yet there are powerful forces in Washington trying to sabotage our movement these are bad people these are very very bad and evil people they know who they are these are the people who made their money their names their careers their power off the corrupt and broken system and they liked it the other way so they will do anything at any time and they'll never stop but you know what we're stopping them you're seeing that right now you're seeing that right now with stopping them it's corrupt it's rigged and we're stopping them they will lie and leak and smear because they don't want to accept the results of an election where we won by a landslide

a84369 No.63332

61:15 but remember this the same failed voices in Washington who opposed our movement right from the beginning are the same people who have undermined the credibility of our government institutions they're the same ones who gave us one terrible trade deal after another and one foreign policy blunder and disaster after another with no accountability and no apology the Washington insiders who oppose our movement are the same people who sacrificed our sovereignty our wealth our borders look at our country we owe 20 trillion dollars think of it we have spent as of two months ago almost 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East and you know what we have we have nothing it's worse than it was 17 years ago when they started these are the people that fight us and if I want to fix up the roads in this country they say oh well we don't want to spend money for that it's a tiny fraction we could have with that 7 not billion seven trillion dollars we could have rebuilt our country three times over they've had their chance at running this country and they failed so I think I speak for everyone here tonight

65:09 she decided not to go thank you very much Hillary I guess the Russians advised her not to go you know the guy but she decided not to go

66:19 didn't you spend twelve point four million on a dossier that was a total phony right twelve point four million

66:40 I'll tell you what if the Democrats had won that election instead of being up 39 points in your 401ks you'd be down 50% from Election Day I'm telling you because it was ready to go down the tubes I will tell you that thank you man

67:03 so we don't need the advice from the Washington swamp we need to drain the swamp and we're going to do it and we are doing that's why I don't really care about all the bitter attacks all the phony stuff going on big media special interests phonies all they're not here to protect you they are only here to preserve and to protect themselves and you're finding that out I had a great life before I did this Oh think of where I'd be right now if I didn't do this I'd be very happy believe me but I wanted to do it and I wanted to give back and I saw what was happening and I've always been good at doing the money thing I saw what was happening to our country and it wasn't good there wasn't good

68:06 I took this job on behalf of the Forgotten men and women of our country but guess what they are forgotten no more

71:40 the Democrats in Washington want to grow our welfare rolls that you're gonna pay for they want to grow all sorts of things that you don't want to even think about I want to grow our employment roles with great jobs well-paying jobs jobs of dignity jobs where people love waking up in the morning and going to work and that's happening so we're gonna lift our people from welfare to work from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity we will restore hope to our struggling rural communities and to our inner cities where we're making progress we're making progress

74:10 we are the nation that dug out the Panama Canal won two World Wars put a man on the moon and brought communism to its knees as long as we have the courage of our convictions and the strength to see them through then there is no goal beyond our reach as long as we are true to our values loyal to our citizens and faithful to our God then we will not fail this is your land this is your home and it's your voice that matters the most so speak up be heard and fight fight fight for the change you've been waiting for your entire life for the change that you already see happening our revolution didn't end on November 8th that was just the beginning the greatest adventure still lies ahead never give in never give up never back down and never ever stop dreaming because we are Americans and the future belongs to us the future belongs to all of you

08bd49 No.63855

Bump for greatest speech this week.

fd51f8 No.64076


He confirmed MS-13 round up

b49e4f No.64604

About 24-25 mins into speech: “those red hats and white hats…”

b49e4f No.64718

He mentions “animals” 3 times: once around 20 mins in referring to MS-13, another time around 35 mins in referring to the Uzbek guy and again later on referencing MS-13.

Does MS-13 and the MB have a direct connection?

aa7b86 No.64813


U know what the Johnson Act is?

a84369 No.66515

File: 1ed92e9a651a37a⋯.png (76.22 KB, 799x482, 799:482, Capture.PNG)

Johnson Amendment

en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Johnson_Amendment

a84369 No.66558


Confirmed Q's narrative about POTUS speaking directly to the people, bypassing MSM.

Financial attack on ABC using the legal system.

Revealing financial corruption of bureaucrats, situation being changed and they don't like it.

Confirmed sick keyword. Institutions being cleaned out.

It's all going to happen. (repeated).

Thousands under surveillance.

MS-13 being removed.

Gun control rejected by POTUS.

Gang members, thieves, criminals and killers preying on our children, we are throwing them the hell out of our country or putting them in prison

Jones is a total puppet

They left me with a mess, but we're cleaning up the mess, we're cleaning it up, and with time, we'll have it spinning like a top for decades.

499de4 No.66588


mood landing not fake. Confirmed.

> we are the nation that dug out the Panama Canal won two World Wars put a man on the moon and brought communism to its knees.

a84369 No.66730


WAR. Exploit your enemies mistakes. Financial warfare against ABC due to fake news.

a84369 No.66770


Q confirmation, BHO 1.8 billion cash sent to Iran open for public discourse. possibly for hostages (kekkekkek) (Why even talk about this!!??)

POTUS rejects gun control.

United States military is the greatest force for justice in the history of the world.

there are powerful forces in Washington trying to sabotage our movement, these are bad people, these are very very bad and evil people, they know who they are, these are the people who made their money, their names, their careers, their power, off the corrupt and broken system and they liked it the other way, so they will do anything at any time, and they'll never stop, but you know what, we're stopping them, you're seeing that right now, you're seeing that right now with stopping them, it's corrupt, it's rigged, and we're stopping them, they will lie and leak and smear because they don't want to accept the results of an election where we won by a landslide

6cdd7f No.99178


Yeah, the Johnson Amendment.

Blows me away over a hundred Christian organizations and preachers had the AUDACITY to write in opposition to this repeal.

Here we are in the religious war of our lives, and the preachers want to bow out of any responsibility for it, when they have been the main force behind ALLOWING it.

Shows you where and who the real enemy is.

088346 No.107669


It's a law (gag order) suppressing the free speech of pastors from the pulpit under threat of revocation of tax exempt status. sadly this is very selectively enforced

088346 No.107681


perhaps the falling away will be in part do to change in tax status..but it's necessary to unbind the speech of every citizen- there is no equal protection with this law. It has to go.

39da44 No.107954


My reasoning is the normies are the flys because the are still asleep. We are frogs because we are awake and able to "eat" the spiders.

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