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7103ef No.69603

A thread to discuss the various posts referring to the Military's role and operations.

See also: >>51726

7103ef No.69605



>Anonymous ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 16:44:28 No.147012719

>HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

(M's = Marines, NG = National Guard)

See also: infogalactic.com/info/National_Guard_of_the_United_States


>Anonymous ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 18:15:48 No.147023341

>What is the military code?

>Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

(Military code = protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.)

7103ef No.69611



>Anonymous ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 23:20:11 No.147175452

>Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?


>Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:15 No.147433975


>Anonymous ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 11:47:07 No.147104628 Report

>Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?


>Anonymous ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 12:47:18 No.147109593 Report

>Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.


>Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:15 No.147433975

>What is POTUS in control of?

>What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

>Why does the military play such a vital role?

>Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

>What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

>Why is this important?


>Anonymous ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 21:48:50 No.147166292

>Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

>Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

7103ef No.69614



>Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:15 No.147433975

>What is POTUS in control of?

>What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

>Why does the military play such a vital role?

>Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

>What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

>Why is this important?

>What is Mueller's background? Military?


>Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:58:00 No.147440171

>Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.


>Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:57:15 No.147445681

>Who controls the NG?

>Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

>Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

>Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

>What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

>Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift

7103ef No.69616



>Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:11:52 No.147446992

>Who can be held hostage and controlled?

>CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).

>Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?

>They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.

>Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.


>Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:41:54 No.147449624

>Think about it logically.

>The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

>Biggest advanced drop on Pol.


>Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:38:23 No.147454188

>We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.


>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:38 No.147567928

>POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

7103ef No.69619


>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:54:52 No.147581302

>If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

>Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

>There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

>Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.


>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:57:23 No.147581516

>They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain.

>Fight the good fight.



>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 01:48:52 No.147586045

>Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

>Why is that relevant?

>To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

>Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

>Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

>Note increased military movement.


>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:54:52 No.147581302

>What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

(USMC: Marines. Even the new head of USSS is a jarhead. Most proven loyalty/fidelity to the Constitution - "Semper Fi.")

As an aside, most military folks are religious. Every base has a chapel. Chaplains serve alongside troops.


>Anonymous ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:54:29 No.147591125

>We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT


>Anonymous ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:12:06 No.147643257

>Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.


>Anonymous ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:36:25 No.147646189

>The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.


>Anonymous ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:39:41 No.147646606

>"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


>Anonymous ID:KC17sSpZ Thu 02 Nov 2017 17:04:05 No.147664082

>Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.

>We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring).

>Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within).


>Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:07:54 No.147680054

>Please refer back and collect my crumbs.

>As discussed, we've anticipated the Twitter and other social media blackouts.

>Rogue agents/programmers.

>Per sealed Federal orders, we quickly tracked and reinstated.

>Expect outages periodically (infiltrated).

>If this doesn't signal what I've been saying I don't know what will.


>Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:21:32 No.147681912

>To those watching (you know who you are):

>If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.


>Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:31:24 No.147683156

>Fellow Patriots,

>I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

>We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

>Watch the news outlets.

>POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

>Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

>Do not panic.

>We are prepared and assets are in place.

7103ef No.69621



>Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 20:07:18 No.147687684

>:::::Flash Traffic:::::

>Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.

>We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).

>It has begun.


>Anonymous ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 20:19:28 No.147689362

>Let's be real clear.

>The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

>Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend.

>What does this mean?

>What actions are immediately occurring?

>If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule.

7103ef No.69623



>Anonymous ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 17:33:30 No.147816901

>Where is John Podesta?

>Where is Tony Podesta?

>Who is the TSA head?

>How does HS interact w/ TSA?

>What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets?

>What local airports are in close proximity to DC?

>What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?

>Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.

>Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?

>What airport did the departure take place at?

>Why is this relevant?

>How does it tie together?

>Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).


>Anonymous ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 17:56:13 No.147819733

>God speed to those who will be put in harms way. You are the bravest men and women on earth.

>We will never forget.

>All share one title in common and that is the title of "Hero."

>"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

7103ef No.69625



>Anonymous ID:s4Iv8TW8 Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:33:30 No.147979863

>What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects.

>What US operators are currently in SA?

>Why is this relevant?

>Alice & Wonderland.

See also: index.heritage.org/military/2017/assessments/operating-environment/middle-east/


>Anonymous ID:s4Iv8TW8 Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:44:06 No.147981354

>SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

>Alice & Wonderland.


>Anonymous ID:AZhJ37bn Sat 04 Nov 2017 20:22:08 No.147986661

>What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

>To who was it addressed?

>When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

>Why is this relevant?

>What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

>Who was it addressed to specifically?

>When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

>Has this ever happened before?

>Why now?


>How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)?

>Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI?

>Why is this relevant?

>Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS?

>Why is this relevant?

>What flying object was recently shot down?

>Why is this relevant?

>How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)?

>Why is this relevant?

>Alice & Wonderland.


>Anonymous ID:AZhJ37bn Sat 04 Nov 2017 20:28:58 No.147987614

>You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.


>Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:15:02 No.148016670

>What force is actively deployed in SA?


>Have faith.

>These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history.

7103ef No.69629



>Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:15:27 No.148016731

>What US operators are currently in SA?

>Why is this relevant?

See: www.veteranstoday.com/2017/11/23/saudi-arabia-uses-us-mercenaries-to-torture-arrested-princes-businessmen-report/


>Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:10:37 No.148022145

> >>148021760


>Correct reference.

>Saudi Arabia - The Bloody Wonderland.

>=Alice & Wonderland signatures


>Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:12:48 No.148022342

>My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on.


>Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:31:00 No.148023976

>SA → US → Asia → EU

>Disinformation is real.

>Distractions are necessary.

>Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).


>POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).


>Why is this relevant?

>What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

>Why is this relevant?

>SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

>Where is POTUS?

>Why is this relevant?

>Military operations.

>Operators in US.


>Anonymous ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:26:35 No.148033932

>Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

>Your President needs your help.

>He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.

>Everything stated is for a reason.

>God bless, Patriots.


>Anonymous ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:15:25 No.148139234

>Roadmap of big picture is here.

>Review post happenings.


>Crumbs not only for /pol/.

>The silent ones.

>Others monitoring (friends and enemies).



>Anonymous ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:16:51 No.148139484

>Please update and continue to log.

>Important more than you know.

>Review each sentence post happenings.

>Big picture.

>Signatures have necessary meaning.


>Anonymous ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:40:38 No.148143472

>US assets.


>Who was killed in SA?

>Who fired?

>Who really fired?

>Why would we fire?

7103ef No.69631



>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:17:35 No.148149435

> 14.5995° N, 120.9842° E

> _Conf_UDT_green_

> ^_Sj69ETC-



>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:34:57 No.148152047

> >>148151281


> You are all heroes.

> Come home safe.

> Godspeed.


>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:49:15 No.148154137

>Now is the time to pray.

>We're operational.

>God bless the United States of America.


>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:54:47 No.148154941

>Please pray.

>Operators are in harms way.

>High risk.

>High value targets.

>Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.

>More to follow.


>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:57:33 No.148155343

>We are at war.

>SA cut the strings.

>They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power/control.


>Anonymous ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 20:08:46 No.148156937


>CIA counter-ops.

>Will all fall down.


>Anonymous ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:34:15 No.148183670

>POTUS is our savior.


>Operators are active.

>We are at war.


>Anonymous ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:56:55 No.148186256

>US Military = savior of mankind.

>We will never forget.

>Fantasy land.

>God save us all.

7103ef No.69635



>Anonymous ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:52:24 No.148287473

>Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?

>What US assets are in place in/near SA?

>What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?

>Who shot down the missile from Yemen?

>POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5

>Was it really from Yemen?

>How do we know?

>Why is this relevant?

7103ef No.69639



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:51 No.149063644

>Operations active.

>Joint missions underway.

>The world is fighting back.

7103ef No.69642



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:X/EWIOzz Sun 12 Nov 2017 17:10:49 No.149157229

> _DGB79FTWA-0ZjBT_19-T_yes

> _Conf_13_pre-lau_yes

> _HTzD09BA_conf_yes

> _^yRTPCCA-7^DFWTAb_yes

> _green1_green2_green3_green4_conf-ZDjTwT9Ry



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:TrJge011 Sun 12 Nov 2017 17:37:54 No.149160361


(Picture of US flag)

7103ef No.69646



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:/lc4nimE Mon 13 Nov 2017 13:04:46 No.149262582

>Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.

> _D7g^-_%19FZBx_decline

Embedded message: [L][d][R]

7103ef No.69647



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:EV3pI+ol Tue 14 Nov 2017 12:51:10 No.149401052

>How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

>How do you prevent leaks?

>Who do you trust to complete the mission?

>Who is best to conduct the attack?

>What is the one force necessary to retain control?

>Why does the US Military play such a vital role in this global game of RISK?

7103ef No.69651



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:snf602p9 Wed 15 Nov 2017 00:38:48 No.149490950

> _Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600_yes

> _green1_0600

> Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

> Yes



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:eTJFrZ+E Sat 18 Nov 2017 05:18:29 No.149921023


(Rothschilds, 2nd leg of TRIangle, after +++ Saudis, now targeted/active)

7103ef No.69652



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:LuUE1Prl Mon 20 Nov 2017 04:00:31 No.150172817

>Put it this way, six attempts were made to silence the witness scheduled to appear tomorrow.

>Special operators on guard.


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:8GzG+UJ9 Mon 20 Nov 2017 02:29:21 No.150166936

>Operations underway.

>Operators active.


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 18:43:15 No.150388962

>Expand your thinking.

>Captain Mike Green.

> _Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600_yes

> _green1_0600

> Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

> Yes.

>Who countered?

7103ef No.69655



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:01:21 No.150391223

>What was posted prior to the stringer?

>What keywords were within the stringer?

>Why would keywords be left in the stringer?


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:15:58 No.150393065


> Confirm

> Green

> Sky

>Why were keywords added in the stringer?

>What was the purpose?

>What was previously stated?

>To who specifically?


>Who countered?

7103ef No.69656



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:39:58 No.150395774

>Archive immediately.

>Stringer = code = command.

>What stringer was provided (2) days prior to event?

>What were the keywords in the stringer?


>Green (Yes).


>Why were keywords provided?

>Guide to reading map?

>Lord d R.

>What was previously stated?


>Who was the pilot of the plane?

>Bad actor?

>Who was the pilot of the helicopter?


>What was countered?

>Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?

>Who was in the home shortly before the collision?


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:18:17 No.150400112

> >>150398185 Shadow war.

>Act II, Scene IV.

>(Movie idea – thoughts?)


>Good guy (pilot of helicopter).

>Bad guy (pilot of plane).

>Targets (on ground and in home).


>Upon receipt of the ‘go’ code - Good guy flies during a blackout window provided by unknown agency w/ unknowns (ordinary people by the look of it) to a select location (re: highly classified mission) who was given the 'go' order by 'x' to execute (delivery – (3) for care_). Bad guy intercepts message due to rogue operator embedded in tactical observation unit and takes out Good guy by top down invisible attack.

>Mission failure.

Embedded messages:

(Movie idea – thoughts?)(Characters)(pilot of helicopter)(pilot of plane)(on ground and in home)(Story)

(ordinary people by the look of it)(re: highly classified mission) (delivery – (3) for care_)


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:22:58 No.150400638

> >>150400127

>What US President was nicknamed "Eagle" by the USSS?



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:CJqu8oIu Tue 21 Nov 2017 23:52:02 No.150424047

>The ‘cult’ runs the world.

>Fantasy land.

>The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

>20% public.

>80% private.

>The world would otherwise collapse.

7103ef No.69658



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:T4rZfKsN Wed 22 Nov 2017 01:30:56 No.150433983

>USA vs.

>Necessary to cut strings from foreign bad actors.

>Necessary to form WW alliances to defeat.

>80% dark ops necessary.

>20% public for justice.


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 21:54:44 No.150679159

> _27-1_yes_USA94-2

> _27-1_yes_USA58-A

> _27-1_yes_USA04

> _Conf_BECZ_y056-(3)_y

> The_Castle_Runs_RED_yes


7103ef No.69662



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 22:21:46 No.150681832

>What news broke?

>American contractors where?

>Hanging from feet?

>Re-read dumps.

>Why is this relevant?

>News unlocks map.


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:JhFEE9Gk Fri 24 Nov 2017 01:55:52 No.150701196

> _yes1_yes2_yes3_^_cDVT-089bT_AD_Conf


7103ef No.69663



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 14:22:21 No.150875388

> T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^

> _Conf_d-ww_CON_off[dark]_

> _Conf_SIL-_EX

> COMM_Castle_Active_7ZbV-WT9

> RED1_RED2_

> SAT_40k_se_c_[30m]


>P_pers: WRWY


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 14:35:44 No.150876856

> _Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small#_

> RED1_RED2_

7103ef No.69666


"Q" stops posting on 4chan, starts posting on 8chan


>Q!ITPb.qbhqo 11/25/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 48dd16 No.10956085



>4Chan infiltrated.

>Future posts will be relayed here.

Note use of same password/trip code.

7103ef No.69670



>Q!ITPb.qbhqo 11/26/17 (Sun) 00:28:38 48dd16 No.10956374

> Flash Dir_

> Start_code_activated/instruction

> LOG1_^67FVc

> _4ch_n

> _8ch_y

> _Conf_y_[8]_8bCon

> Key secured.

7103ef No.69671



>Q!ITPb.qbhqo 11/29/17 (Wed) 14:21:16 0a9612 No.10925

>Snow White utilized/activated to silence.

>This was not anticipated.

>Control / protection lost.

>Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.

>Working to resolve.

>Select people removed.

>Stay strong.

>We are winning.

7103ef No.69674



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:W6dZplnF Thu 30 Nov 2017 23:42:25 No.151561953

> _Start_IP_log_4ch_y

> _Conf_y_

> _Lang_v_US_jurid_y

> Snow White Pounce.

> _Conf_actors_1-9999999_per_condition_89074-b

> No nets.

> Re_8ch_carry_good_

7103ef No.69676



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/17 (Wed) 21:00:45 6f5bab No.45557

>We represent YOU.

>Never forget that.

>We never will.

7103ef No.69681



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/07/17 (Thu) 00:02:52 cbaed3 No.46591

> Strike package Bravo-dT450-1

> _Conf_^_y_7

> [R]_( )[+ 4]

Possibly: (Barack Obama)


>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/07/17 (Thu) 00:28:58 cbaed3 No.46773

> _Go_A-Strike_B-04_00

>As The World Turns.

7103ef No.69683



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/17 (Sat) 13:54:51 571cae No.60470

>What has been said about the US Military?

>The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

>"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"


7103ef No.69715


See also: >>37351

7103ef No.69732


See also: >>40856

7103ef No.69742


See also: >>42530

7103ef No.69754


See also: >>47577 >>48421 >>63575 >>63637 >>68690

383922 No.70312


WOW How brilliant, a thread to discuss Military Operations, let us explain to the enemy all we know

7103ef No.72115


The only OpSec compromise we know of was Aylesbury. See: >>69656

AARs have their role. See: >>51726

Have some faith the pros know what they're doing.

7103ef No.72839



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/17 (Sat) 22:40:41 4aa050 No.63644

>Please pray tonight.

>Good people in harms way.

7103ef No.73805



>Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/11/17 (Mon) 12:23:09 4533cb No.73368

>Do you believe in coincidences?

>"Blunt & Direct Time"


>Think currency.

>Think fireworks.


>Message delivered.

>These people are sick!

7103ef No.73845


BDT is the currency symbol for Bangladesh.


NYC (failed) bomber Akayed Ullah is from there.


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