8e45f3 No.50043
Collection of all the links to the Illuminati card game from recent events. Helpful in connecting the Q dots.
Information & History:
Illuminati Original Box Set Released (1982)
Illuminati Expansion Pack 1 (1983)
Illuminati Brainwash (1985)
Illuminati: New World Order (1995) [Trading Cards]
Illuminati Y2K (1999)
Illuminati Bavarian Fire Drill (2007)
Illuminati Mutual Assured Distraction (2010)
Original card names - Text Only
Secret Service Raid
The Cards
8e45f3 No.50054
Jack Ace
Jason Aldean
10 & 1
October 1st
Las Vegas
Jason Aldean has concert in Las Vegas on 10/1/17 where his concert is fired upon. Aldean NWO? Maybe, maybe not. His handlers? YES.
8e45f3 No.50111
Charlotteville car attack on 8/12/17
Police Chopper also crashed with police on personal protection team of governor with corruption ties to FBI.
8e45f3 No.50134
8e45f3 No.50167
e1bbf7 No.50206
No they belong here so we can see them
8e45f3 No.50335
Reportedly card #444 in the deck.
Pizza party at John Podesta's. Bring your hankerchief.
8e45f3 No.50528
Sutherland Springs, TX shooting
3acbc2 No.50988
If you think the card game is intense wait until you read the book its biased on
489935 No.51456
Gun-Owning Las Vegas Real Estate Mogul To Donald Trump: 'Enough Is Enough' | The Last Word | MSNBC
Stephanie Ruhle and Stephen Cloobeck threatened DJT at the beginning of an MSNBC interview on Nov 7 (?) 2017, but the video clip has been removed from YouTube.
MSNBC does not seem to have the episode on line.
Later part of interview:
URL of removed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3pGOK7WmNE
3b4ee0 No.52580
Hey someone needs to get a printer, some cardstock and start reprinting this shit. Down with Cards against humanity. Is some anon already doing this?
73068f No.53240
I knew about this, but the accuracy is breddy spoopy..
e46097 No.53276
>Assuming blackjack has anything to do with Illuminati
lay off the booze
48729e No.53306
Woah? Some really chirpy material mate, blowin my mind.
8e45f3 No.53809
8e45f3 No.53833
Looky here, we have Freemasonry sun designs.
JA is a confirmed useful pawn or bad actor. Get wrecked.
8e45f3 No.55074
0c3978 No.55335
In the painting, where's the keystone in the arch?
537660 No.55394
What the name of the book please ?
b9dee7 No.55452
The similarities are far beyond coincidence.
So what's the verdict? Time machine, Time visualization, predictive programming. Nostradamus channeling?
I do believe there is a cosmic consciousness or singularity that exists and can be tapped into and downloaded, but the enlightened, but of course I have no proof or personal experience, but DaVinci, Tesla, famous musicians/composers, Bowie have echoed the same experience of channeling their work, knowledge/music from out in the ether somehow.
They claim DNA has memory too, which I can buy to some extent, but it also must have amnesia (or too much Flouride, BPA, etc).
I can buy the 911 predictive programming dating back to Rockefeller conceiving it when he planned to build the towers (B&J), but I can't see things like boston bombing, Aurora, McCain, Pizzagate and others being planned since the 90s. They most definitely are represented though.
What say you Anons? Do the elite know how to channel future events? Magick? something else?
b9dee7 No.55640
There's so many you could print them all.
8e45f3 No.71356
>Thor's Hammer
>Pictures unlock "deal" presented that was declined.
42d694 No.71435
Dream the Future (read the headline), water fasting (maybe it clears the pineal)
See the Past (you couldn't possibly have known), touch relics, handle objects (prob why they don't let you touch certain things)
8e45f3 No.129506
Part of me is afraid this is what we're seeing now. Not elimination but consolidation of power and "cleanup."
How could the masters who had such control give it up so easily?
9cb3a8 No.129799
Is this game available for purchase, cards and all?
59d7d7 No.160447
you can buy a few of the basic packs (NWO, Bavarian Fire Drill), but most of the ones shown here are the collector items you only find on ebay and such…
nonetheless it's seriously a fun game
59d7d7 No.160459
I personally think this is exactly the case
8e45f3 No.163487
Enough is enough card from OP is in play!!
735aa4 No.164393
>second pic
>'Communist Conspiracy'
>'Income 6'
960a12 No.169594
The last one on this post has so much relevancy today more than ever.
3acbc2 No.177159
enough is enough Trump on a timewarp card
titor confirmed
Bannon on Red Scare
Barely Concious Liberal Army and Antifa
3acbc2 No.177180
8e45f3 No.177194
>enough is enough Trump on a timewarp card
Card says ONLY UFO's can act when in play. Elon Musk/SpaceX launch.
3acbc2 No.177222
Bring on the nine old men
Definitely a fan of the guillotines on the tax reform card now too
8e45f3 No.177240
Guillotine as in OFF WITH HER HEAD! Thats new.
8e45f3 No.177245
You'd never guess what turns up with a search for that term.
Another Hillary & Wonderland reference….
https://hillarywhiterabbit.deviantart. com/
65523b No.180770
The "Illuminatus! Trilogy" is a series of three novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson first published in 1975
301531 No.221070
65523b No.221389
Here are the two versions (apparently from different editions of the game).
Note that the person in the Nobel Peace Prize card looks like the same character.
The cards posted so far on this page are not the complete collection, so fills are requested.