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File: fd36bb32199c619⋯.jpg (153.04 KB, 1717x1265, 1717:1265, BlueTrim.JPG)

61d8b2 No.36819

RED RED stringer 25th.

Hussein RED video 27th (response).

Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.

Where is Obama in this pic?

This location may be a clue to the "response" he's sending back!

The large gray building behind him seems very industrial or utilitarian in nature.

Nuclear Facility?

The Orchid plant is very Japanese or Korean.

The blue trim in bungalow behind him is very reminiscent of the DMZ blue bungalows!!!

bbf66f No.36885


vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoqYd39wkZs

Looks like reflection from inside the room, Tv on same cabinet as the flower just more to the left. You can see a person shadow moving its unclear but looks like he's holding a phone/tablet

Note the crappy cabinet, all wonky not very elite like. this is the hint.

21c6d1 No.36906

File: 660854948914445⋯.png (219.39 KB, 855x438, 285:146, fuckthispieceofshit.png)

af054c No.36917


Pffftt reflection?? Of a giant truck??

You are dickhead…

bbf66f No.36924


talking to yourself again are we? take your meds

af054c No.36956


From the way you posted/spoke.

You were inferring that the truck is "some how inside the building" and what you see is a reflection??

So you need meds mate, or maybe English lessons…

Also, you are still a dickhead for creating a new thread for no real reason…we have like 10 threads for this crap.

bbf66f No.36995


that truck you are looking at is a website see the entry fields at the top

check ID you faggot I'm not OP.

61d8b2 No.37030


Quite honestly, I did NOT notice:

The reflection Angle

The TV

The Website

The Truck

You anons are pretty amazing… BTW, I'm the OP who created this thread

bbf66f No.37340


George Mossad Web was talking about trucks the other day caught my attention

Club K missile system.


797589 No.40568

Obama's Video:

Air Force One reference: BO and cabal threatening to kill DJT.

Aliens reference: "I have the info in my desk drawer." BO and cabal threatening to have the reptilians (aliens) attack DJT and the United States.

797589 No.40665

RED_RED - missions to take down the cabal

RED CROSS RED RED - missions to take down the Red Cross criminals.

Castle = Rothschilds

62a67d No.40746


threatening bluebeam more like, the cunt

f3fc08 No.40957

File: 4ba4417c5f160d8⋯.png (220.12 KB, 855x438, 285:146, orchid-bama.png)

Flowers in the back.

White Orchid.

Used to mean virility.

Now beauty.

Aids used to be spread by sexytime.

What a thing of beauty.

61d8b2 No.41243

Now that we know that "Red Red" refers to the Red Cross, here are all the Red Posts from the past in chronological order. Things start to make a bit more sense:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 18:54:44 No.150679159 ViewReport








Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 10:30:47 No.150870083 ViewReport












































_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 11:22:21 No.150875388 ViewReport

T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^







P_pers: WRWY


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 11:35:44 No.150876856 ViewReport




61d8b2 No.41287


Here's a potential scenario:

It looks like there's a connection between Rothschild and Red Cross. POTUS/Q begins sending orders out to begin major sting operations across the Red Cross organization. The reaction of Hussein & Clowns is to run interference to or for the cabal and reassure all bad players globally of their next move/evasive strategies - NK being a major center of strategic operations.

ac2894 No.41346

Red Cross has had a reputation for corruption for ages.

2302e2 No.41558

File: 6200e9ee92898fd⋯.png (24.93 KB, 583x144, 583:144, Ldr tweet.png)

File: 96e339c9e2dc126⋯.png (75.81 KB, 329x513, 329:513, Ldr cards.png)

File: 80bb0d7a58dbb93⋯.png (170.48 KB, 902x447, 902:447, Ldr BeRedSeeRed.png)


Does this mean anything?

797589 No.41571


BO lost his handlers/protectors when the SA criminals were taken down. His days are numbered. Maybe the cabal could protect him but they will likely perish also. BO will be prosecuted for involvement in the Red Cross crimes as well as treason. Dead man walking.

The cabal are very resourceful and have unlimited funds. However, they may still be taken out by NSA + POTUS + U.S. Military including the Marines. The NSA knows where they are at every moment so they cannot hide.

The cabal has a headquarters in NK including a war bunker to protect the cabal during WW3. The cabal was planning to hide underground during this major depopulation event.

4035ec No.41638

Anon in CBTS made a good point about the video which is obvious when you look back on it


>Threats or enticements to release classified documents he keeps β€˜in his drawer.’ Matters of life and death implied in this context.

Obama also talks about giving away rides on AF1, like he still has some control over the office, or still has the power in some way, or can hand over the privileges of the US presidency.

3bbfe9 No.41743

on the vid



^^ these guys r such vampires. also making money off of every casuality

e732f0 No.41754



Talks about threat to AF1. This seems like accurate interpretation.

Maybe those are the points Q wanted us to ID from the video.

Threat to AF 1.

Threat to release information.

3bbfe9 No.41803

spit balling.. to get ideas..

"see red: alludes to a state of heightened emotion when the blood rises and we become angry - what these days is more often referred to as 'the red mist'."

"be in the red: be in the red

To be in debt. This phrase is often applied to businesses and refers to the traditional bookkeeping practice of writing outgoing funds in red ink"

"Meet me in Seoul" ← red.org/

Trumps Army #redsearising

3bbfe9 No.41866


holy f, that guy might be right…

" mid-14th century. A group of monks with a red cross sewn.. on a mission…to atone for man's sin…blk plauge.(Mass graves of victims are marked by a stone cross, also called a Plague Cross.)

"One symptom of the plaque was the appearance of rose-red blotches. A sweet smelling posy of flowers would help mask the stench of death. But soon after the sneezing and flu-like symptoms occurred, death would swiftly follow."



The Scarlet Plague


"The Red Death had long devastated the country"




these kikes r bring back this shit.. i think during olympics best way to get it spread throught the world

e732f0 No.41889


"That guy" is you. We can tell by the ID.

You're allowed to respond to your own posts but congratulating yourself is tacky.

23f971 No.42456


no retard, look at thread 45 .. cant rm which but someone in there said something about this.. i thought he was just paranoid.. i linked my post bcuz was continuing a thought.. not saying is was someone else..

c7ad9c No.42522

256ca3 No.42691

Cross posting for reference >>42646

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