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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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File: 1423efebac7937f⋯.png (62.36 KB, 438x283, 438:283, trusty-banner.png)

File: 57191df40135b9c⋯.png (151.45 KB, 765x459, 5:3, clowns.png)

File: 3f611bc7a3e2d39⋯.png (41.69 KB, 817x410, 817:410, trusty-details.png)

76362b No.258491

To the Wizards and the Warlocks and the real Q


I know you're watching. You need to do something about the impersonator on /greatawakening/. The six people in this Discord closed chat (second pic) are almost certainly responsible for this in one way or another as my posts here:


demonstrate. The only information I have about Breadbox is that he's semi-literate, 19, black, overweight and lives about an hour south of Seattle. A voice sample of him is here: https://anonfile. com/V7rfyed0b5/bb1.mp3

But TrustyJaid (sometimes LordTrustyJaid) on Discord is James Derksen from Edmonton, AB. Full dox are attached. He is either a Clown or a Clown asset and is heavily involved in this. I don't know if you needed this help. But if you did, here it is. I have a digital forensics consulting background and have worked closely with law enforcement before so I have no problem testifying as an expert witness should it be required in future.

To the other anons: you know I don't condone contacting James in any way or making his life a complete fucking misery for completely fucking up this board and the entire Q drops. I hope you have some self-control. If you don't, then at least let us all know how you got on.

We are /cbts/.

We serve at the pleasure of POTUS and the real Q.

Do not fuck with us.

- The Board Owner and co.

Post last edited at

559c18 No.258542


Thank you for your dedication.

Q we want to serve you. We just need to reorganize the storm.

Maybe this has to do with M. Rogers and NSA changes. I hope you will endure, and Q team will come back.

fa6931 No.258552



50f673 No.258589

reguardless of if it's real, we DO need to tweet a lot about the #fakenewsawards because at least THAT'S real

09517e No.258667

I bunkered up with trusty for three months or so during the assange email release and the chaos that followed. he isnt a nigger, and he has been doxxed for over a year. He never tried to hide his RL id, but you are stlll a nigger for doxing him. BO is a FameFag.

>>MAV= GlowingNigger

07a12a No.258668

File: b8571fd682712d6⋯.png (509.13 KB, 1395x1027, 1395:1027, b8571fd682712d67771bc72b2b….png)


Who instituted the no talking about how Q could be an A.I rule, OP? Like I don't think the real Q is an A.I. But there is the possiblity that the new and fake Q is an A.I. Like how exactly did you come to your conclusion that the new and fake Q is

>Breadbox is that he's semi-literate, 19, black, overweight and lives about an hour south of Seattle.

so how did you? The cianigger A.I could surely put together voices or have had them put together already for it to shill with. That's why I question this, otherwise keep up the great work exposing the shills.

>also him being a nigger literally plays into the cia being a bunch of niggers meme That's why I question your conclusion

7bee63 No.258686


right? makes me think about it even more…

e90f3c No.258691


>Who instituted the no talking about how Q could be an A.I rule, OP? Like I don't think the real Q is an A.I. But there is the possiblity that the new and fake Q is an A.I.

I instituted the rule to cut down on the number of mentally ill posters on this board. There is no possibility either Q is an AI.

>Like how exactly did you come to your conclusion that the new and fake Q is

There's an entire stickied thread showing all the evidence right at the top of the catalog numbnuts. Read it.

96eb51 No.258745


The Board Owner,

I'm sure many of us do appreciate your willingness to help us, but I do worry when people put other people's personal information out there unless that person did it themselves, but even that I am careful about because it then depends on the setting.

Most of us known that Breadbox is an idiot too.

Just keep in mind that the battle is not with one another…it's the message.

e51ef5 No.258767

File: 7b89b85fb615e54⋯.jpg (50.01 KB, 600x515, 120:103, d9e.jpg)


Anons you will have to make up your own mind on this… But I will ask one question. Why aren't the shills here anymore? Maybe there's nothing left to obscure. Shills exist to spread disinformation. If they are not here, then this is not where the information is.

Don't lose focus. Board Owner is trying real hard to keep you here. But what are you doing? With no guidance, you are just in a holding pen.

(((THIS))) is the real disinfo. So you either stay here with a comped board owner trying his hardest to keep you guessing, or you move on and join the rest of us and get ready for the meme war tomorrow. #greatawakening

e51ef5 No.258768

File: 21f7bac1a4d9e0a⋯.jpg (295.75 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, do good.jpg)



>There's an entire stickied thread showing all the evidence right at the top of the catalog numbnuts. Read it.

Read it. The entire thing is about taking your word. I've been reading crumbs since Oct.28. Q has constantly maintained a chain of custody over the posts the entire time. Back in /pol/ a lot of shills showed up, diluting the posts. Anons migrated to 8.ch/ctbs/. Then when the board owner started acting stupid, we moved to /thestorm/ briefly. BO there then went on youtube and did an interview bragging about how he owns the Q board. Didn't feel right. This isn't about US, this is about the mission. The BO there had no humility just like the BO here has no morals.

Q stated that they would not post here since /cbts/ board owner was compromised. Guess what? Q has not posted here or /thestorm/ since. If multiple people had the trip, then you would see Q popping up all over the place. But you don't. Q only posts on /greatawakening/ meaning that only Q has access to the trip.

Honestly, anons. Who are you going to believe? An arrogant BO on /cbts/ who states 'don't fuck with us' in every breath. Who deletes posts like he did mine last night. Who states to take his word that the IPs don't match. What are you doing here if you're still here? Not digging! There are no crumbs here and the BO is going to pay for the division he has created. This is not a game! Lives are at stake and this arrogant fool is mad because Q and the rest of us saw though his bullshit.

Find your own path and submit to no one. This is about the truth and unmasking what is good. Do good.

(Fuck off namefag)

fca5ad No.258769



what the BO is saying is that Q has been compromised. his/her trip has not changed but the one that posts with that trip is now a clown. the real Q has been locked out for the moment being. do not worry as he will return.

fca5ad No.258770



There are ip logs etc.

e51ef5 No.258772

File: dcb708edd918777⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 640x553, 640:553, coyote.jpg)


More misinfo. If anyone can post under the Q trip, then Q is not locked out. Q doesn't post here because BO is misleading you. Don't believe the lies. All there is is the blind faith of an arrogant Board Owner.

In order for the BO to be telling the truth, CodeMonkey, fake Q and /research/ BO have to be in on a conspiracy.

Or the BO is lying. Which is easier? Occam's razor. There are no crumbs here because Q and the rest of us saw what was going on. If trip was compromised, then Q would be posting multiple places like what happened when MATLOCK password was leaked.

Believe what you want, but what are you all still doing here? This is divide and conquer pain and simple. This (((BO))) is dividing us anons. We need good patriots to dig. Not stay here and take the blind word of a corrupt famefag.

(Bye shill)

4e85e5 No.258774


>Read it. The entire thing is about taking your word.

Except for the screenshots of your fake Q post, the screenshots of your private chat, the IP logs and the opinions of Dr Jerome Corsi and some other anons with an IQ > 80 who can see that it isn't Q posting but rather some illiterate teen fag with the password.

>Q has constantly maintained a chain of custody over the posts the entire time.

That's not what chain of custody means dumbass. Go back to school - if you can find one that will take you.

>Back in /pol/ a lot of shills showed up, diluting the posts. Anons migrated to 8.ch/ctbs/.


>Then when the board owner started acting stupid, we moved to /thestorm/ briefly.

No, the BO just saw that 'Q' was lying - he'd never posted under that IP before. Logs and screenshots prove it.

>BO there then went on youtube and did an interview bragging about how he owns the Q board. Didn't feel right.

So you moved right? I mean, it is you guys posting with Q's password isn't it?

>Q stated that they would not post here since /cbts/ board owner was compromised.

Except that wasn't Q. Q writes like an adult. You don't.

>Guess what? Q has not posted here or /thestorm/ since. If multiple people had the trip, then you would see Q popping up all over the place. But you don't. Q only posts on /greatawakening/ meaning that only Q has access to the trip.

Logic was never your strongpoint Breadbox. Stick to stand up shouting matches. Q is finished. He's done posting. We have everything we need. Whatever LARP you're pulling over there is completely irrelevant.

>Honestly, anons. Who are you going to believe? An arrogant BO on /cbts/ who states 'don't fuck with us' in every breath.

Good choice.

>Who deletes posts like he did mine last night.

Opsec dude, opsec. You don't have any.

>Who states to take his word that the IPs don't match.

Of course, if you don't want to take my word, then check the logs for yourself - I posted them. Weren't you always the one who wanted to see logs? Well, there they are.

>What are you doing here if you're still here? Not digging!


>There are no crumbs here and the BO is going to pay for the division he has created.

I wasn't the one pretending to be Q. You were. That was what caused the division.

>This is not a game! Lives are at stake and this arrogant fool is mad because Q and the rest of us saw though his bullshit.

No it's not a game. You guys are looking at 16 years each in military lockup. I will visit regularly just to point and laugh.

>Find your own path and submit to no one. This is about the truth and unmasking what is good. Do good.

You need to stop wasting your time here and start posting in /greatawakening/ with fewer CAPS. Your anons are depending on you!!!

4e85e5 No.258776


>More misinfo. If anyone can post under the Q trip, then Q is not locked out.

Only those with the password can post as Q.

>Q doesn't post here because BO is misleading you.

No, it's because you impersonated him and convinced everyone to move to /thestorm/.

>Don't believe the lies. All there is is the blind faith of an arrogant Board Owner.

I'd like to see a single refutation (that means disproof) of any of my proofs. I won't get any though because there aren't any.

>In order for the BO to be telling the truth, CodeMonkey, fake Q and /research/ BO have to be in on a conspiracy.

I wouldn't go that far. 8bit is cool - I think he just wants to run the board and is none the wiser. Codemonkey is probably just incredibly incompetent. And you a.k.a fake Q have just been desperate for the fame since the very very beginning. But since you can't even do a simple thing like bake, you have to do it in other ways. But thanks for the idea - it's certainly possible.

>Or the BO is lying. Which is easier? Occam's razor.

Occam's razor demands that 'all things being equal' - which they most certainly are not.

>There are no crumbs here because Q and the rest of us saw what was going on.

There it is again: "Q and the rest of us." So you and your little buddies? Yeah I thought so. Tip: what you should be saying to be more believable in future is that 'Q was concerned with the board being compromised and moved to /thestorm/ - he said as much'. That's all that what was said in those Jan 5th posts wasn't it? You can't possibly know the mind of Q. Except if Jan 5th really wasn't Q but you. Keep talking mousebrain - it just confirms what we all suspect.

>If trip was compromised, then Q would be posting multiple places like what happened when MATLOCK password was leaked.

Q is finished. We have the whole map. Everything we need. We're still matching up the news with some Dec posts. It's interesting.

>Believe what you want, but what are you all still doing here?

Anons will do what they want, when they want. Some want to stay here. Fine by me.

>This is divide and conquer pain and simple.

But not by me. I'm still here, still running the board, still working on Q stuff. I wasn't the one to split the boards.

>This (((BO))) is dividing us anons.

Yeah, this BO just needs to go away now!

>We need good patriots to dig.

Running out of anons over there are you? People being suspicious that HOLD EVERYONE IN A GAY GROUP HUG BECOZ YOU R SAFE isn't perhaps the real Q?

>Not stay here and take the blind word of a corrupt famefag.

SJWs always project.

fca5ad No.258777



what happens if the shills read your posts and think "hmm if i tell the "larpQ" to write with more intelligence more anons will be fooled!"?

or are the (((clowns))) that dumb?

5f756f No.258778

File: e0e6a8a31ea9b1d⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 453x234, 151:78, whitefield.jpg)



>No, the BO just saw that 'Q' was lying - he'd never posted under that IP before. Logs and screenshots prove it.

I just changed my IP and posted. Check the log. You will see a different IP. Must not be me. That settles it. All we have is a compromised Board Owner who is either too arrogant or too stupid to realize that in his attempt to keep the boards clean, he has destroyed them.

I'm not here to debate the board owner. I'm sure he will just delete my posts again. I am nobody. Not a namefag, famefag or newfag. Any anon with an eye to see will realize again THERE IS NO DIGGING HERE. The board owner has single-handedly blocked Q, deleted his posts and spread disinformation to protect what he feel is HIS.

This operation is not his, it is ours. We have direct confirmation by the POTUS. Go to twitter and search #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople It's up to us to help bring our family and friends back into the light.

fca5ad No.258779


my friend in the One Consciousness, eventually all the Truth will be revealed.

fca5ad No.258780


so, for example, it will be seen if you are fake or not, etc.

4e85e5 No.258781

File: 97c0fd88a97800e⋯.png (789.29 KB, 720x537, 240:179, potusq.png)


Real Q approves these digits.

Good point but I don't think it really matters any more. Q can never, and should never, post on 8chan again - that's clear. Codemonkey, either through his complete incompetence or total treachery (not sure which) has ensured that.

LARPerQ is going to go for as long as he can - BB and co. are finding this way too addictive. And as long as they're getting real intelligence fed to them at regular intervals by their handlers, they'll keep up the charade. They are getting careless though - I've seen spelling mistakes, quotes from Wikipedia, desperate appeals to authority. When it ends, it will be ugly for them.

5f756f No.258782

File: 6c4d14a7dbab26a⋯.jpeg (16.83 KB, 474x294, 79:49, peace_anons.jpeg)


Peace anon. Together we fight the good fight of faith. No matter where we settle, remember the original task. To open the eyes of our friends and family so that they can resist evil and walk toward good. We need to be sure that this evil is never allowed to prosper again.


4e85e5 No.258783

File: 545860461283b1b⋯.png (40.52 KB, 512x108, 128:27, 251626.png)


>I just changed my IP and posted. Check the log. You will see a different IP. Must not be me. That settles it.

I love it when you keep talking Moldybox. You just incriminate yourself even more. Pic attached is Q's third post from the 5th Jan. He says:

>IP today is the same as always and secured.

That seems pretty clear to me: the IP he was using is the same as it always was. Except that wasn't true then and it isn't true now. The logs show that the only time Q has posted from that IP is on Jan 5th. Therefore Q was lying. And we both know why: it's because you had his cracked password. Q's posts in the past come from six known good IPs. This wasn't one of them. Because it was your IP, wasn't it?

>All we have is a compromised Board Owner who is either too arrogant or too stupid to realize that in his attempt to keep the boards clean, he has destroyed them.

I'm not going to speak for the other boards. Mine seems fine right now - anons who don't get it are off chasing LIKE DIS IF U CRI EVRYTIM posts from you on /greatawakening/.

>I'm not here to debate the board owner. I'm sure he will just delete my posts again. I am nobody. Not a namefag, famefag or newfag.

Better delete that 'debate' you had with me - it kinda contradicts what you just said.

>Any anon with an eye to see will realize again THERE IS NO DIGGING HERE.

But there's no digging on /qresearch/ either. It's so full of bots that I saw the bumplock get to over 800 posts. That's impossible for humans to do. Anyway, you're lying: we're doing some interesting stuff on the General thread with Dec Q posts and Hawaii.

>The board owner has single-handedly blocked Q, deleted his posts and spread disinformation to protect what he feel is HIS.

Nope. Try post with his tripcode here now - see if it works. Not blocked at all. I haven't deleted any Q posts.

>We have direct confirmation by the POTUS.

No you don't.

>Go to twitter and search #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople It's up to us to help bring our family and friends back into the light.

Better still, go to /greatawakening/ and scroll through all the WE THE PEOPLE LUB U, U R SAFE, POTIS IS DA MAN and get on with the digging.

7d1623 No.258784


> Q can never, and should never, post on 8chan again - that's clear

If trip code was compromised, then wouldn't the real Q post somewhere else with the trip and let people know? The same trip code that posted in /cbts/ is posting in /greatawakening/. The trip was verified when Q posted here. If the trip was taken away, then the real Q would post in /pol/ or elsewhere to let anons know they were not in control of the trip.

The only one claiming the operation has ended is THIS Board Owner. The authentic Q trip is posting in /greatawakening/ and no where else. So either this is the real Q posting or else the real Q is sitting silent while a fake Q posts using their trip code. I don't think the real Q would have gone through all this just to let someone take the trip without notifying anybody. Q could post using that trip on 4chan and we'd all know it…. Q is not banned. Q doesn't post to let anons know the trip was compromised because the trip is not compromised.

Although I do find it humorous how this BO threatens people with prison and claims to be an expert over what Q does and does not sound like. Let's just all listen to the Board Owner and ignore the overwhelming evidence that Q has moved forward and patriots are awaiting the #FakeNewsAwards of the POTUS.

Oh, I changed my IP again. Must be someone else!


fca5ad No.258785


we walk towards Non-duality and realization of the One Consciousness of the Infinite Source which is in All and IS All and Everything.

4e85e5 No.258786


>The authentic Q trip is posting in /greatawakening/ and no where else.

Haha - that's very revealing. I have to agree. Q's authentic trip IS posting in /greatawakening/. It's not him though. I know it's you because of all the private chat logs I have of you and all the recordings of your conversations. What, did you think I posted the only evidence I had? Heh. Moron.

Anyway, I have work to do. Bye.

904a35 No.258787

You Are Letting Shill's Make You Question What You Know Is Real. Is Trump Doing Real Fake News Awards-Yes. Should We Put Out Real News Along Side Fake To Prove It-Yes. Then Right Now Today That Is All That Matters.

07a12a No.258791

File: 9ac4cc0bb5643db⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 738x780, 123:130, 9ac4cc0bb5643dbddfa5da35f1….jpg)



pic related and gtfo.


So in your post here >>258431 you concluded that Breadbox is a shill who posts on discord why are you using discord and windows? DO YOU EVEN OPSEC??? and had moderator access along with a weird combination of knowledge. This post >>258434 shows that some 4cuck fag was close to breaking the tripcode. This post >>258439 shows that the style for Q is completely off. In my mind, due to computer generated voice technology existing, it is still possible for the new and fake Q to be a bot. You yourself even pointed out here >>258783 that there are a great many bots on the new boards that you don't control which are there to drown discussion in meaninglessness.




Well his name is not codemonkey for nothing. I think it is incompetence.


That picture, it can't be real. I don't believe it. Although it doesn't look like CGI to me.

(Rule #9)

4bf970 No.258792


> why are you using discord and windows? DO YOU EVEN OPSEC???

Not using windows - duh. Using discord? Sure.

>That picture, it can't be real. I don't believe it. Although it doesn't look like CGI to me.

Of course it's not real. It took me ages to do.

ddef6d No.258799


>Peace anon. Together we fight the good fight of faith.

Wow. An anon actually got banned for this?

4bf970 No.258801


Of course not. He got banned for being an illiterate teen fag. Pay attention.

90c026 No.258806


It could be - Matlock itself is a clue.

The password doesn't matter.

Both sides can obtain control.

I dunno, maybe both are posting as Q?

944034 No.258807


>We are /cbts/.

Dude, I like your style. No fucking around. Bold. Clear about your intention. In such situations, better to make bold mistakes than mistakes by inaction and let this hugely important mission devolve into faggot cluster fucking. Intention is crystal:

>We serve at the pleasure of POTUS and the real Q.

>Do not fuck with us.

90c026 No.258812

So is this related to the TAY SACHS threads on 4chan?

If so, real Q might be dead?

4bf970 No.258824


>Board owner in /cbts/ deleted posts and then lied about the IP address.


Heard you can't sleep any more.

Don't come here again.

- BO

8482dc No.258825


>This wasn't one of them. Because it was your IP, wasn't it?

You need to redeem yourself. You were on the fake Q bandwagon even though he spammed pol on the 3rd when the trip was cracked, making it obvious it was a fake Q.

Post the ip address of fake Q and lets dox him.

4bf970 No.258828


Jan 3 on pol? With the !UW.yye1fxo tripcode? Links please - I missed that.

I don't have the IP of fake Q, only a hash of it. See >>258430

1ea322 No.258841

File: dc612fc0addb3e1⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 800x540, 40:27, basic_q_training.JPG)


Lies. How hard must it be to keep up with all the lies. Q trip has not been hacked past "Matlock". Q changed over to new trip via a handshake before old trip was released. New Q trip has never been released. No one is getting banned for posting research on Uranium One. There is a very good discussion going on there right now including receipts of transfer from Honeywell to Russia for several million pounds of UF6.

Q doesn't post here as proof the trip is not compromised. We've already seen that when 'Matlock' was discovered, "Q" started posting everywhere, including 4chan/pol/. Q transferred over to the new trip before that happened and has been posting under it ever since.

All of this shilling and disinfo about Q being compromised since the 15th of Dec started when Q posted LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS. Board owner in /cbts/ deleted posts and then lied about the IP address. Q transferred to /thestorm/ briefly until BO here became an arrogant famefag. Q appealed to CM to create a new board just for Q posts so that they could not be diluted or misconstrued by glow fags. Several anons offered up suggestions in the breads to explain to Q how to do it.

Q eventually created /greatawakening/ and has been posting there ever since. Q maintained the chain-of-custody over the trip and performed a proper handshake to ensure transfer to the new platform. Q doesn't speak to anyone privately nor does Q have a twitter/facebook page. Q made it clear from the beginning that Q only posts here, for us. First /pol/ on 4chan, then /CBTS/ on infinity. When BO there got comped and started deleting posts (during the drop of LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS), Q transferred here briefly but then migrated after a few days silence to /greatawakening/.

Q doesn't post here or in /cbts/ or in /pol/ as evidence that only Q has access to the trip. If someone else knew the trip then you would see broken posts elsewhere. You don't. Also, if Q were not in control of the trip but someone else were, then you would see the same thing. Real Q would post in a different forum using the trip to inform anons that the Q in /greatawakening/ is fake. You don't see that either.

There is a strong disinformation campaign going on to discredit Q. Has been the whole time. You guys falling for this 'fake Q' shit are being mislead and your talents are going to waste chasing paper tigers. But maybe it's for the best. Each time Q transferred to a new platform, some famefags and twitter/reddit fags dropped off. Only anons PAYING ATTENTION kept up with the chain-of-custody. Then Q transferred from /cbts/ to here and some more dropped off. Now that Q has transferred to /greatawakening/ and the anons to the research forum, it is surprisingly streamlined. Efficient. The twitter and reddit fanbois have moved on and more work is being done.

For any lingerers who are still suspicious of the whole "fake Q", think for yourselves. Why is there so much effort being given to discredit Q on /CBTS/ and /TheStorm/ and very little effort is being put in to actual digging? Mods here and there only seem intent to prove Q is fake. That should throw up a red flag to anyone paying attention.

This is a thinning process. You either keep up or you get left behind. Some were left after /pol/, more were left after /cbts/ and now we dropped a few after /thestorm/. This is for the good. Think of it as basic training in the military. It's designed to make you want to drop out so only the strongest and the most dedicated move forward. This was your basic training and some of you passed, but more of you failed.>>258824

1ea322 No.258842


You can't BO is claiming powers he doesn't have. No one can see the IP address, only a hash of it. The actual IP is masked just like a trip code is a masked version of a password. There are no recorded conversations. There are no secret messages. I don't know what got into this guy but it's obvious it's a clown operation. If you want to see how little powers a BO actually has, go ahead and create a board yourself on 8ch.net. It's easy. You get a control panel, log and the ability to see IP hashes. That's about it.

The reason CM couldn't verify the IP of Q is because this corrupt board owner deleted the posts before anyone could see them. CM had no way to verify anything. But when Q posted again, the IP hash was verified.

All you have to go on in this entire operation is the word of one Board Owner. It's all lies. Why Clowns? Why? Is there nothing better in life than to beat yourself up and try to ruin the lives of others? What do you have that's so important that you are willing to not only ruin this life, but the life to come? Is this dirt Earth really worth it?

Anyway the BO can ban me all he wants. I have over 1,000 IP addresses to choose from. I am no one he knows. We have never met and I have never posted as a namefag. I am an anon from the start and just want you to know how much you are being played and how powerless this administrator really is.

Peace out.

a889a8 No.258843


You know, Paul, I am surprised at you. Surprised you're pulling attention to some kid on a discord server who hasn't done anyting. Thanks for proving I'm not CIA too, btw. As you have clearly pointed out by doxxing me I am not CIA. Yawn. Doxxing me is so 2017 anyways, what do you even hope to achieve by this? Some faggot will call my number and start harassing me? Just block their number. Someone goes to try something more radical? I think it would just prove that person crazy. Only idiots like you who have let your power get the best of you would try something like that. Haven't you seen any movies at all? The guy who lets the power go to their head loses, every time. You've lost sight of what this was about and I feel bad for you. You let the dreams of glory overcome you. Now you're resorting to sharing confidential information for random people on the internet and spreading lies. I'm surprised you haven't caught on yet then again your intelligence doesn't seem to be the highest. I mean you're calling me out and providing my information when it's 2 clicks away and you can't even get my correct phone number! Amazing.

Anyways good luck with whatever shill tactics you're gunning for. Peace.

ade153 No.258849


>why do the energy addicts slaves of the corrupt demiurge do this

to feed their master, to feed off the suffering and to prepare souls for the endless energy farms of other densities (you can always escape from all and every trap)

4bf970 No.258850

File: 63f35d70bab98ee⋯.png (74.98 KB, 1371x362, 1371:362, multiple-devices-needed-Q.png)

File: b98cd3bc1900eb6⋯.png (119.21 KB, 1327x839, 1327:839, real-q-IP.png)

File: aae584f07154282⋯.png (148.45 KB, 1297x897, 1297:897, larperq.png)


> Board owner in /cbts/ deleted posts and then lied about the IP address.

I didn't lie about the IP. Here's proof for the watching real Q team and the Wizards and Warlocks (and any anons with an IQ over 60): first pic is Q on the 22nd Dec confirming he's always used more than one device. Second pic is the log of all the posts from one of Q's known IPs - we know it's him because it has his trip and includes the bombshell post with the highly damning directory listing of Anthony Weiner's laptop with the entire murder of Seth Rich in sequence order. Original HTML file here:

https://anonfile. com/acg30bd5b4/IP___2a_07_Vg0mi2j5K2lmCDl3Xs6DXO22HHcWIPrrBY6UQX_Hi7UF7qtHS52Pq.html

Notice some things about this log:

1. It doesn't have all of Q's posts from the period. The Dec 25th posts aren't here for example. This is not a mystery - Q has used more than one device to post from since the very beginning and has said so a few times.

2. Last known good Q based on IP was in fact January 4th.

3. The IP hash from known good Q doesn't match Q's IP hash from the 5th of Jan - third pic related - despite this 'Q' claiming:

>Trip !2n is fake.

>IP today is same as always and secured.

>If mods are stating otherwise board is compromised.


Trip !2n was an error entering the password mousebrain. Read the map - he explains what happened.

IP today is same as always and secured? You fucking moron Breadbox. Not only are you too stupid to have read the previous drops that TOLD YOU that Q has ALWAYS used multiple devices to post on the chans, but you're the one that's clearly lying here - this IP hash doesn't even remotely match the one from known good Q. So it a) can't have been the same as always and b) isn't even the same as this Jan 5th one. In fact if you look carefully at the hashes of two ordinary posters - yours and mine for example - you'll see that the first half of them match. Q's hash on the other hand is entirely different because he has an IP address from one of the blocks reserved for MIL use, probably because they have a different class A address.

Case fucking closed you illiterate fag.

Question: what was in the deleted posts on /greatawakening/? Spelling mistakes? Did you have second thoughts?

Post last edited at

4bf970 No.258851


If this is supposed to be a denial James, it's highly unconvincing. If I was falsely accused of impersonating a military intelligence officer online in these particular circumstances I would be screaming bloody murder and threatening lawsuits at the very least. You on the other hand, seem strangely reluctant to explicitly deny your involvement. But then I do have proof of you sharing a prototype LARPQ post with your little friends in Discord which is kinda hard to deny.

Still, this is all good material for the middle chapters of the book I'm not writing.

a889a8 No.258853


Says the person who falsely stated he was in contact with an unknown entity who refuted that claim multiple times. Says the person who stated "we report to the president" despite no evidence whatsoever that POTUS is listening to what anyone is doing here. Says the person who got suspended on Reddit for admitting to breaking the rules publicly without concern. You only make me laugh and knowing you were the board owner of the Where Is Assange boards a year ago it all makes a lot of sense now. Grow up. Just because Q disowned you, you decided to retaliate and scream like a child who didn't get what he wanted. You can't accept the reality of what has happened probably because the ones who are really trying to attack this got to you first. Should have paid more attention to what is going on, instead you let it all go to your head.

4bf970 No.258856

File: 9f58a9a99e446d8⋯.png (36.6 KB, 1303x231, 1303:231, q-as-anon-re-dox.png)


>Says the person who falsely stated he was in contact with an unknown entity who refuted that claim multiple times.

Yeah, let's take a look at that. By my count 'Q' after Jan 4th has mentioned that 'fact' 11 times. Which is strange. Q up to that point was defined by his economy of expression. Dense stringers, multiple meanings, amazing predictions and one wonderfully encouraging message to us all on the 22nd. Why does the new Q constantly have to remind us that there's no private communications? Could it be….it's not Q? Because I have had multiple private communications with Q - example below.

>Says the person who stated "we report to the president"

It was a JOKE you fucking idiot. Because BB has the IQ of a boiled potato, he thought I was being serious and threw his toys.

>despite no evidence whatsoever that POTUS is listening to what anyone is doing here.

On the contrary, we have Q post 449 which clearly shows POTUS copying something an anon said into his Twitter feed. But if you're talking about 'Q' now, then I have to agree. POTUS is completely ignoring /greatawakening/. As he should.

>Says the person who got suspended on Reddit for admitting to breaking the rules publicly without concern.

Yep. Dox call was to get Q's attention - subreddit shutdown would have screwed us then and probably this board as well. Q got the message - pic related - and I willingly took the fall as PA and Tracy can confirm. Notice how similar this hash is to the other known good Q hash I posted above. If you know where to look, you'll see how he's privately communicated with me often by hiding in plain sight. Pamphlet can confirm - he's had these sort of prods as well.

>You only make me laugh and knowing you were the board owner of the Where Is Assange boards a year ago it all makes a lot of sense now.

YOU were the board owner of Where is Assange, not me. In fact, you were the board owner up until a few days ago. I can't confirm this because I've been kicked. Whatever. Jordan and I found part of Vault 7 hidden in the blockchain, no thanks to you.

>Grow up. Just because Q disowned you, you decided to retaliate and scream like a child who didn't get what he wanted. You can't accept the reality of what has happened probably because the ones who are really trying to attack this got to you first. Should have paid more attention to what is going on, instead you let it all go to your head.

Sorry bro, my background is digital forensics and the evidence is overwhelming that the current Q is an imposter. My motivation is entirely irrelevant. I'm not really replying to you anyway, I'm writing my daily log of events on this board because they might be called up as evidence in proceedings sometime this year. And I'm still waiting for any evidence-based refutation of any of my accusations.

This is not a game. Powerful people in the current administration are very pissed that you little fags have hijacked this operation.

a889a8 No.258860


Oh, you found part of Vault 7? That's awesome, mind sharing? I was only helping the efforts and came to my own conclusions on stuff essentially stepping back. I was letting other people find the information. As a point of learning I'd love to research this evidence you found of Vault 7.

As for the rest you have said it would seem you are incorrect. We have no power. If these high level officials you speak of were so high level I am sure they would be capable of doing something about it.

You also misunderstand, yes I run the discord server but I was talking about the 8ch and endchan boards where people were coming from.

85e7a0 No.258864


>Says the person who falsely stated he was in contact with an unknown entity who refuted that claim multiple times. Says the person who stated "we report to the president" despite no evidence whatsoever that POTUS is listening to what anyone is doing here. Says the person who got suspended on Reddit for admitting to breaking the rules publicly without concern.

Says the person that thinks we should take him seriously even though someone on pol that knows you doxxed you as a pedophile.

85e7a0 No.258865


>yes I run the discord server

james just outted himself as (b)readbox anon.

you're going to prison pedo. I'll make sure of it.

cb2324 No.258883

File: 6576de780a1948b⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 1499x2236, 1499:2236, qanon is gone.jpg)

8aec03 No.258884


post this on half-chan, they need to know.

im banned from it.

b5ee44 No.258889


No, he meant the Where Is Assange Discord server. Pedo accusations need a whole lot of proof. Got any? Otherwise bye bye.

b5ee44 No.258890

File: cce8df8b8999755⋯.png (86.83 KB, 1032x835, 1032:835, fakeqisfake.png)


This graphic is inaccurate and will be deleted. Correct timestamps attached.

Thanks for the observations anon.

Trusty != Breadbox.

No evidence Trusty is a pedo. Stop with the well poisoning.

Of course, if Trusty IS a pedo, then this is how he's controlled.

Post last edited at

3aaa36 No.258892


8bit (BO of qresearch) here. We might not agree on some things, but this post is accurate. The qcodefag posts are in the wrong order. Someone even mentioned that theres another fucked up post that is recent.

470544 No.258894


Yo 8bit - hope you're well! OK, let's take a closer look. This what qcodefag says:

#463 Jan 5 2018 23:12:23 ab7ad6 248590

#464 Jan 5 2018 23:18:47 ab7ad6 248629

#465 Jan 5 2018 23:36:38 403375 251705

#466 Jan 5 2018 23:36:38 ab7ad6 248746

#467 Jan 6 2018 06:28:18 403375 251626

#468 Jan 6 2018 06:39:27 403375 251731

#469 Jan 6 2018 06:49:27 403375 251826

#470 Jan 6 2018 07:14:43 403375 252070

This what the logs say:

01/05/18 (Fri) 23:12:23 ab7ad6 No.248590

01/05/18 (Fri) 23:18:47 ab7ad6 No.248629

01/05/18 (Fri) 23:36:38 ab7ad6 No.248746

01/06/18 (Sat) 06:28:18 403375 No.251626

01/06/18 (Sat) 06:36:32 403375 No.251705

01/06/18 (Sat) 06:39:27 403375 No.251731

01/06/18 (Sat) 06:49:27 403375 No.251826

01/06/18 (Sat) 07:14:43 403375 No.252070

It just seems that he's made a mistake with the 251705's time and used 248746's time again in error. I will edit my post above - thanks.

7ae6fb No.258898


>there is no possibility of x

Thats a dangerous mindset

57c111 No.258901


Not when you're certain of something. Go away.

8ad2d0 No.258980


He's right

1ca240 No.258991


388aa4 No.258994

Karma's a bitch only when you make her a bitch.

She can just as easily be a dear loving partner.

14b161 No.259148

What is your problem shit head board owner? Why are you banning people for no reason you scumbag!



b86a1d No.259179


no reason? you have much to learn, dear shill.

2a0fc6 No.259181

Their greed will be their downfall.

The Storm is here.

The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3 Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the production of the people to a select few bloodline families. This is how these people control Planet Earth.

Signatories to the trading contracts:

Federal Reserve:

Alan Greenspan

Ben Bernanke

Roger Ferguson

Janet Yellen

Timothy Geithner

US Government:

Barack Obama

Joe Biden

Jack Lew

Paul O’Neill

Neil Wolin

Trading Programs

Trading programs were created as a way to raise funds for projects that relate to humanitarian endeavors, ie. Creating, maintaining and rebuilding infrastructure, assistance with bringing undeveloped countries up to current technologies, rebuilding communities after natural disasters….are just a few of the applications.


4e956e No.259207


NSA has been compromised. Q research board compromised and a clown operations. New Q is fake, a clown operation. Good some of you get it. Q lost ability to post on Dec. 14th and on the 15th his account was substituted for a new trip code, which BO bans people for explaining. BO does not like to be wrong and wants to be always right, but he is only shooting himself in the foot by not looking into this and by not acknowledging that what we are saying is true. If you all reallly want to know when Q was compromised, look no further then December 14th and the 15th, when the new trip code was set-up. Q told us on another forum that the Mueller investigation would end as a result of a Congressional investigation. That was back around December 28th or so. Only Q would know this, since nobody knew anything of any new memo or that such a Congressional investigation could result in the disbanding of the Mueller special council kangaroo court. OP may have Intel background, but is ignoring the obvious facts. We are all on the same team, so why is OP making such a fuss and banning people for telling the truth? Why is OP banning people for exposing the banking cabal also? If OP is truly serving the truth, he needs to participate with those who are at the edge of leading research and who are being highly rewarded for their efforts to expose the truth. We are not being hired by anyone, we do this as freedom loving independant individuals and somehow you people, by attacking us, are only doing the truth a disfavor. Stop attacking those who are on the same side as you and wake-up now!

4bb933 No.259209


>NSA has been compromised.

Citation needed.

>Q research board compromised and a clown operations.


>New Q is fake, a clown operation.


>Q lost ability to post on Dec. 14th and on the 15th his account was substituted for a new trip code, which BO bans people for explaining.

Because you don't explain anything correctly. I locked Q out of the board to force him to change his tripcode. He then did so on /pol/.

>BO does not like to be wrong and wants to be always right, but he is only shooting himself in the foot by not looking into this and by not acknowledging that what we are saying is true. If you all reallly want to know when Q was compromised, look no further then December 14th and the 15th, when the new trip code was set-up.

Absolute horseshit. You still haven't answered my overwhelming proofs that it was the real Q posting after the 15th which means you're either a moron or a clown.

>Q told us on another forum that the Mueller investigation would end as a result of a Congressional investigation. That was back around December 28th or so.

Yeah right. Which forum? How did you know it was him? Are you 14 fucking years old or something?

>Only Q would know this, since nobody knew anything of any new memo or that such a Congressional investigation could result in the disbanding of the Mueller special council kangaroo court.

So someone you thought was Q posted something somewhere on the 28th Dember which didn't come true and that means I'm not telling the truth? You're a fucking idiot.

>OP may have Intel background, but is ignoring the obvious facts.

Facts would be good. Just one will do. Got any?

>We are all on the same team, so why is OP making such a fuss and banning people for telling the truth?

Evidence. You need some. You haven't posted any. Fuck off.

>Why is OP banning people for exposing the banking cabal also?

Oh yeah, the 88 million billion trillion dollars? GTFO.

>If OP is truly serving the truth, he needs to participate with those who are at the edge of leading research and who are being highly rewarded for their efforts to expose the truth.

OP is, as always, keeping the board as free from shit as possible. That means you anon.

>We are not being hired by anyone, we do this as freedom loving independant individuals and somehow you people, by attacking us, are only doing the truth a disfavor. Stop attacking those who are on the same side as you and wake-up now!

Start your own board and spew your nonsense there if you feel strongly enough about it.

756a5a No.259210


>>Only Q would know this, since nobody knew anything of any new memo or that such a Congressional investigation could result in the disbanding of the Mueller special council kangaroo court.


>So someone you thought was Q posted something somewhere on the 28th Dember which didn't come true and that means I'm not telling the truth? You're a fucking idiot.

It is going to come true very very soon as soon as the public finds out about the true contents of the memo.

756a5a No.259211


>>Q lost ability to post on Dec. 14th and on the 15th his account was substituted for a new trip code, which BO bans people for explaining.


>Because you don't explain anything correctly. I locked Q out of the board to force him to change his tripcode. He then did so on /pol/.

Because someone who is not Q does not explain things in a way you can understand, you lock the real Q out?

756a5a No.259212


>>BO does not like to be wrong and wants to be always right, but he is only shooting himself in the foot by not looking into this and by not acknowledging that what we are saying is true. If you all reallly want to know when Q was compromised, look no further then December 14th and the 15th, when the new trip code was set-up.


>Absolute horseshit. You still haven't answered my overwhelming proofs that it was the real Q posting after the 15th which means you're either a moron or a clown.

You did not post any over-whelming proofs that Q after the 15th is legit. To the contrary, all you have been posting is that after the fifth or so he is not legit…but fail to see the evidence that he was compromised on the fifteenth. They you claim you were able to verify his know Ip on POL when you clearly said in a video on Youtube that mods cannot see the IP adddress. You contradict yourself and thus do not know what you are talking about.

756a5a No.259213


>>Q told us on another forum that the Mueller investigation would end as a result of a Congressional investigation. That was back around December 28th or so.


>Yeah right. Which forum? How did you know it was him? Are you 14 fucking years old or something?

If we were 14 years old he would not have spoken with us on the forum for one month and revealed to us many new things, particularly in the period between Dec. 25th and Feb 2nd or so, when he was locked-out of the chans…so he posted the drops over there. The proof that Q revealed to us that the Mueller special council will be dissolved as a result of a Congressional investigation will come to fruition as soon as the contents of the FISA memo come-out. This will prove that the current Q is a Larp and that we chatted with the real Q on another board. Just watch, wait and see and you will come-back with your tail between your legs.

756a5a No.259214


>>OP may have Intel background, but is ignoring the obvious facts.


>Facts would be good. Just one will do. Got any?

We keep posting the facts but because you are too blind to see them, all you know how to do is to keep banning us. This only shows what a moron you are.

756a5a No.259215


>>We are all on the same team, so why is OP making such a fuss and banning people for telling the truth?


>Evidence. You need some. You haven't posted any. Fuck off.

You are so arrogant, blind, cold hearted and hard headed that you do not see evidence when it is posted in front of your face. How stupid can you be?

756a5a No.259216


>>Why is OP banning people for exposing the banking cabal also?


>Oh yeah, the 88 million billion trillion dollars? GTFO.

You are like an ostridge, you make-up your mind then exclude the facts and ban the truth. It is nothing aboutt 88 million billion….you did not even read or study the data to get the facts straight…moron!

You are a fucking retard is what you are BO!

756a5a No.259217


>>If OP is truly serving the truth, he needs to participate with those who are at the edge of leading research and who are being highly rewarded for their efforts to expose the truth.


>OP is, as always, keeping the board as free from shit as possible. That means you anon.

You are so freaking stupid yet claim to be smart. You are a hard headed smart ass freaking dimwit who when presented with the evidence in front of you, because of your arrogance you do not see it.


(Glowing or retarded - enough)

2debb3 No.259229


>said in a video on youtube that mods cannot see the IP addresses

said who? how can you be sure that the person that was talking in youtube was the BO? and have you seen the pictures of actual IP logs? they can be clearly seen.


bla bla bla… in the end all will be seen. it will be seen if the BO was telling the truth or not, etc etc. we can contribute meanwhile researching more and Intentioning for the True Light to succeed, and that the Non-duality is dissolved.


hrm? the current Q (as of Jan 4 as we know, logging 31/1/18 too) is a LARP indeed.

2debb3 No.259230


reclaim your Divine Sovereign Free Sovereignity. make high frequency things and acts.

cb030d No.259356


until you can explain the block chain larp and your huge involvement in it, you are glowing brighter than a lite brite spelling out SoyBoy.

54d2d0 No.259479


Good post. Universal Love -> solution to all problems

33805f No.259821


Block-chain larp explained here:



Q is a larp operation.

The Call - Six Attempts upon The President - U.S. under martial law.


Please watch this video and give us your feed-back. Thank you.

The U.S. is in dire straights.

Find all the truth here:


33805f No.259822



The Plan - The Solution to Free Humanity.


33805f No.259824


>We are /cbts/.


>We serve at the pleasure of POTUS and the real Q.

There may not be even any legit Q for all we know. It may be one huge mind-fuck operation since the inception.

75ca88 No.259863



3ac0ae No.259867


Except for the literally dozens of ironclad proofs that Q was who he said he was, yeah. All for a LARP eh?

0440ab No.259871


What proofs did Q post that prove who he said he is?

3ac0ae No.259885


Some examples here: https://www. reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/wiki/proof

Oh, and get off this board.

9122de No.260052

File: 1d3af9bc358959a⋯.png (357.64 KB, 652x361, 652:361, israeli-organ-harvesting-i….png)

File: d3c3314948193b0⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1518214578365.jpg)

For consideration: (straps on Tinfoil snuggly)

- There is no "high demand" for Haitian children. When has there ever been a "high demand" for Haitian children or Jamaican children, or Brazilian children, …?

- It isn't the children they're after. What might these children offer though; which is in high demand? Nope. Sorry! Don't think it hand-crafted beach wood 36-dimensional underwater backwards backgammon game pieces.

- the "Adoption" angle isn't for adoption. It is there to factor in degrees of separation between the buyer and seller

- the catastrophe is there as a smoke screen as people disappear during major catastrophic events and are never found

- the catastrophe is then exploited for both untraceable people/children and untraceable donations. The 'virtue signalers' donating get to pretend they did something that mattered. The love of money is the root of all evil, but no amount of money will buy Bill&Hill a stairway to safety

- Why are you and I constantly asked to become organ donors?

- Are there truly less donors than there are people needing new organ transplants?

- And what of those who can afford to get head-of-the-line privileges in the waiting game of the right blood type, and the right organ being in the right place at the right time?

- Is the "Fountain of Youth" a red liquid drank from a goblet or grail?

- Is the Adrenachrome rumor true? I the Adrenachrome rumor is true, it must be expensive and difficult to obtain; no- What nation/people leads the world in organ harvesting, slavery, and dogmatic sanctioned murder in 2018?

- What people have no conscience of all who are not them?

849606 No.260505

File: f6c17a2304f6c26⋯.jpg (759.81 KB, 2700x2091, 900:697, 100um.jpg)


> I locked Q out of the board to force him to change his tripcode

I don't participate here much, but… why did you do this?

849606 No.260506


that subreddit was banned, so that link is broke. If you know what you are doing, you can visit the cached link on google to see it, but this cache wont last forever. Someone needs to archive it. I'll scrape the text and html, but thats probably not going to preserve it all.

849606 No.260507


silly me, I could click "view source" on the reddit page and copy the exact reddit page source and have it all. So I did. I'll see about uploading this somewhere.

849606 No.260508


saging because I'm a quad posting faggot.

heres the source of that proof page


91bded No.260931


Someone was getting close to cracking his first tripcode pw.

91bded No.260932


Thank you. You're welcome to the original markdown docs for the FAQ, proof and resources docs I put on there before being banned.

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