>Read it. The entire thing is about taking your word.
Except for the screenshots of your fake Q post, the screenshots of your private chat, the IP logs and the opinions of Dr Jerome Corsi and some other anons with an IQ > 80 who can see that it isn't Q posting but rather some illiterate teen fag with the password.
>Q has constantly maintained a chain of custody over the posts the entire time.
That's not what chain of custody means dumbass. Go back to school - if you can find one that will take you.
>Back in /pol/ a lot of shills showed up, diluting the posts. Anons migrated to 8.ch/ctbs/.
>Then when the board owner started acting stupid, we moved to /thestorm/ briefly.
No, the BO just saw that 'Q' was lying - he'd never posted under that IP before. Logs and screenshots prove it.
>BO there then went on youtube and did an interview bragging about how he owns the Q board. Didn't feel right.
So you moved right? I mean, it is you guys posting with Q's password isn't it?
>Q stated that they would not post here since /cbts/ board owner was compromised.
Except that wasn't Q. Q writes like an adult. You don't.
>Guess what? Q has not posted here or /thestorm/ since. If multiple people had the trip, then you would see Q popping up all over the place. But you don't. Q only posts on /greatawakening/ meaning that only Q has access to the trip.
Logic was never your strongpoint Breadbox. Stick to stand up shouting matches. Q is finished. He's done posting. We have everything we need. Whatever LARP you're pulling over there is completely irrelevant.
>Honestly, anons. Who are you going to believe? An arrogant BO on /cbts/ who states 'don't fuck with us' in every breath.
Good choice.
>Who deletes posts like he did mine last night.
Opsec dude, opsec. You don't have any.
>Who states to take his word that the IPs don't match.
Of course, if you don't want to take my word, then check the logs for yourself - I posted them. Weren't you always the one who wanted to see logs? Well, there they are.
>What are you doing here if you're still here? Not digging!
>There are no crumbs here and the BO is going to pay for the division he has created.
I wasn't the one pretending to be Q. You were. That was what caused the division.
>This is not a game! Lives are at stake and this arrogant fool is mad because Q and the rest of us saw though his bullshit.
No it's not a game. You guys are looking at 16 years each in military lockup. I will visit regularly just to point and laugh.
>Find your own path and submit to no one. This is about the truth and unmasking what is good. Do good.
You need to stop wasting your time here and start posting in /greatawakening/ with fewer CAPS. Your anons are depending on you!!!