"I agree
But if you know so much, then why dont WE prosecute?
blabbing here wont change the laws, we WILL wake people up
But its another thing to educate them on the laws of the Land, and the Sea and the Air
Way above their heads
Look up ESF
We think we know stuff about the Fed Reserve…its even worse
Straight from the mouth of a relative
I am willing to change the laws, or press charges, but remember this is the CABAL, so what can we do?
Well I mean we CAn do something - bit what do you suggest?
They have crazy laws and rules - do you propose we use those against them?
If so, how?"
Your answer:
• We need to restore the Republic.
• We need to restore Congress.
• We need to restore the Constitution of 1787. The one of 1789 is the best copy we have.
• We need to restore common law courts.
• We need a convention of the states,not a constitutional convention.
• We need to get rid of the martial law and military rule and stop the war of the gov against the citizens.
• We need to allow all countries to mint their own currencies using the gold and wealth in the Global debt facility. I am not Karen, but this is all in everything she explains. Study it some more..it can take a year to figure out..watching her videos over a long period of time…
► Then we have the George Webb lawsuits…help him…
All this needs to be done. It is no use to change laws wnen the entire Republic has been sabbotaged by the banking cartel and operating in fraud since the Civil War, which never ended…
It is no use to simply prosecute as the system itself is creating the criminals…we need to elminate JTTF, the David Petraeus plan, take out all top brass in the intel agencies, brake-up the CIA and forbid it from conducting such activities on American soil and use the US marines, Martial Law and military rule against the criminals, so arrest those who resist the restoration of the Republic. It is as plain as that..
This is our point of departure on this journey and this is how we will get the job done.
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