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File: 2457d85f4232130⋯.png (405.68 KB, 646x910, 323:455, ClipboardImage.png)

3e3385  No.137599

Latest version

Link: https://anonfile.com/a0a6uaddb4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_4.2.0.pdf

Version #: 4.2.0

Alternate Download: https://www.megaupload.us/1jjT/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.9.1.pdf

Version #: 3.9.1


Email: [email protected]

Twitter:"" https://twitter.com/1ambecauseweare


Hello World.

QMap PDF Anon here o7

The purpose of this thread is to help me, therefore to help everyone, to update the QMap PDF.

I wanna trigger that lovely autism power to help me out to fill in the blank part of the PDF.

''As you all know, I created the QMap PDF not only to log every Q posts, to source them and so,

but I also wrote it in a way that it would be readable by normies, so they have access to it, with news, links, comments and what so ever.''

(((YOU))) HELP (((ME)))

How to help me out

- Share the news links relevant to the Q posts that you feel should be in the QMap PDF.

- Point out errors, faggotery, 404 links, missing links, w.e you found that seems wrong/incorrect/incomplete in the PDF.

- Share graphics that are missing and could be usefull.

- Share ideas, what's missing to the QMap PDF ?

- Spread the QMap PDF everywhere, even on normies websites, on kekbook or where ever you want, I'm not your mom.


Shills gonna shill. But past over that, please only share relevant information, not unconfirmed shit.


I'm willing to answer questions if you got any ?

Much love,

I am Because We Are

Post last edited at

3e3385  No.137896

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF 3.8.0 freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love.

/-/-/-/-/ Added info on Reddit CBTS Board.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated here and there.




359b7d  No.138236


Much appreciated! Tasty bread!

7bdcae  No.138939

Your pdf rocks pdfanon, ''tis a work of art.

Thank you for your service, you're doing Gods work. May you receive the help you need and may it be spread to every corner of the globe.

Love and Godspeed.

20064b  No.141845

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.9.0

/-/-/-/-/ Countain all posts (today - CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #161 & /POL/ Alabama #6)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




95952b  No.142153

the 21_SEQ deals with the Executive Order signed yesterday that went into effect today about human traffickers

20064b  No.143941

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v 3.9.1

/-/-/-/-/ Countain all posts (today - CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #161, #164, #165 & /POL/ Alabama

/-/-/-/-/ #6)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.



20064b  No.154133

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.10.0.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with all posts (today - CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #168, #169, #172 & #175)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




20064b  No.163180

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.11.0.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with all posts (today - CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #179, #182, #183 & #184)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.





20064b  No.163255

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.11.1

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with all posts (today - CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #179, #182, #183, #184 & #189)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.





c1a273  No.171125

File: d7f15a729b0e0ed⋯.jpeg (825.39 KB, 2048x1331, 2048:1331, F6A19C0C-CF6B-4128-882F-9….jpeg)

File: cc15bee36472114⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 91412810-9C38-4BF0-A661-2….jpeg)

Check my comments out noted on images.

Merry Christmas!

20064b  No.180232

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 3.12.0

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with all posts (yesterday - /-/-/-/-/ CBTS

/-/-/-/-/ #201 & #202)

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.








2d83ed  No.182369

Q. it is important a high profile arrest is done soon this trending thread on 4pol is a good example of why, faith is being lost. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/154596687#q154596687

dbd16b  No.182402


>faith is being lost

It's almost like everything in this board is a fucking larp, right? But no,that can't be it.

2d83ed  No.183523


its always darkest before dawn motherfucker

e408c4  No.186504


DLing now. did you include the post# strings?

e408c4  No.186546


Dude, notice the drops with long strings of post#s… they're a code. completely missing from your work.

excellent otherwise! Thank you

e5006e  No.186610


Thank you Q & the Gang; Hope you have a Happy New Year! God Bless you all.

20064b  No.191005

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.0.0

/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.

/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.






5c57af  No.200533

I am interested in knowing the concept in the belief that the Georgia Guidestones are evil? Everything is backwards remember, nothing is as it seems.. initially the original "thought" under the conditioned belief system is they are evil.. I believe one of the Keystones, as Q indicates double meanings, could in fact be the Georgia Guidestones., In order to understand the truth, you have to see the reality of the deception, which is why the whole world is being gutted, the guidestones, are not the NWO, they are GUIDESTONES to the TRUTH. Q is GUIDING you to the TRUTH. Guide = Q Stone = YOU

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. - why is the first one? Because your belief immediately would go to evil depopulation. Perpetual means never ending, everlasting, and nature has been never ending.. who is trying to kill nature? And us? Maintain humanity under - think - what could be above? what or who are we below. If the earth seized to exist, so would we. So to understand the human mind programming, and the initial belief being of the Cabal who taught it. So yes the interpretation under the mind conditioning was depopulation. I see it as never ending existence of nature and humanity, as both are necessary. to maintain our existence,

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. - They love abortions, why? Because they are effed up, and as the stories keep unfolding, more and more are seeing how effed up they truly are.

Unite humanity with a living new language.- Hmmm… Consciousness? Love and Light? Been under a hypnosis for so long, consciousness is what is uniting us correct? What did the Elite want? English? Why? Because it is a language that they can use to CON-fuse with? See the elite want to know what your saying, how your saying it, and use it to deflect truth. They do not want unity, they want power. The Cabal were infecting us all, separating us, making us hate each-other, why? Because of what? Nothing that is really relevant, only the programming. Every language is on the stones? Why? So that all can understand them. Not make you go learn a new language. If that were the case. They would have one language on them.

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. - Do I really have to even go into this.. I mean do they give a shit about Faith? No. Tempered reason? Are these people reasonable? I don't think so kek.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. - Really? How is this written by an NWO Cabal? Are the laws fair? Are the court's just? What is getting drained right now? Protection of people and nations from these filth!

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. - Now that you know by the Executive Order that the Global Cabal had us all on a kill list, all of us effected Globally by these pigs, we get to witness together, them be exposed and put where they belong! Let all nations rule internally - separate in your own country - external issues need to be handled on the world stage. As we are witnessing it unfolding.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.- I am not even going to elaborate. Useless Officials are dropping like flies. Coincidence?

Balance personal rights with social duties.-Do I need to go into this? I mean it speaks for Human Rights right here.

Truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. -What Cabal Luciferian is using this language? Truth, all they do is lie. Harmony with the infinite? I mean let's be real here. Q in numerology is 8 and the number 8 represents Infinity and everything good in the universe which is infinite, such as infinite love, infinite supply, infinite energy, infinite time . . . in other words, 8 represents complete and unending abundance without any lack - COINCIDENCE? There are none!

Be not a cancer on the earth — Who and what is a cancer on this Earth? Who created and spread disease? Who is spraying the air with chemicals? Who put fluoride in the water? Who is making everyone sick? The person who put up the stones is ANONYMOUS - What another freakin coincidence. .

Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. We are all natural born beings, and everything in existence is. Your senses are what makes you part of nature, without them your existence as a human being would seize to exist.

I will decode more later on the Georgia Guidestones. I just can't see where the evil cabal lies within these stones. They literally eat people, they could care less about this earth or us.

Their symbolism is all a flipped perception. Learn double meanings, like Q stated.

Most intellects do not believe in God, but their fear is just the same.

Dark to LIGHT!

The Great Awakening.

ffcb38  No.200640


>twitter [kill_rogue]


its really his account he's confirming the 2x white rabbits in the profile pic

644077  No.201378


Just came to check and see if anyone else figured out that WHITE_WHITE was a clue to the @kill_rogue twatter profile pic. Top Kek, Q-fag. You beat me to it.

212a0c  No.201560


test post

57ba9d  No.206247


The map is missing timestamps for posts….

e5006e  No.206289

File: 5aba488a16ac1ed⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 888x499, 888:499, awan meme.jpg)

Found him Mr. President.

0e8215  No.206317

File: 8ad6e59a464169c⋯.jpg (164.41 KB, 1075x638, 1075:638, henges usa.jpg)

These where built on top of ancient lay lines. They connect, intersect or originate at Enki's calendar in South Africa. Includes Builtmore estate, which has a large "Indian" (Templar) mound next to the front doorstep. The line, connects east coast stone circles to stonehenge or Baalbeck (take your pick, maybe both). I have visited the GA Guidestones. Nothing esp evil in themselves, but there is something buried next to them that the dowser picked on. I think they are the marker for something else and underground water. The old land surveys of the part of GA show many streams now damn up for cattle ponds. Also were under total eclipse a few months ago.

289397  No.207228

Page 13

I think BDT Was Bomb Disposal Tech

Not Bangladesh currency….

Makes no sense reading it on page 13 to a normie

20064b  No.207682


Good work anon, thanks for sharing!

Did you saved the old profile page / pic with the two rabbit ?

efade1  No.207954

I'm beginning to dive into the PDF. Have been over jpg map too long, so this thread looks nice for a change. I'll read first so I can help later OP, God bless you.

bb988b  No.211230


Appreciate all the hard work you've done on this, anon. So helpful!

f31e7b  No.213896

These links are always damaged by the time I get to them. Always.

e75a58  No.214442

Hay! I can't remember exact but Q said sit back and enjoy the show? Well take a break and come watch this if wasn't so serious it would be funny. Well it acually is funny. Chrissy Teigen (may be connected to Tangent (two meaning)) is getting red pill thrown at her. Anons are trolling her twatter with her millions followers are getting the same tweet. here's the link: https:// mobile.twitter.com/chrissyteigen

20064b  No.218209

File: c45581446a8e455⋯.png (738.37 KB, 643x908, 643:908, QMap PDF Thread Cover Happ….PNG)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.1.0

/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts since Dec. 25, 2017.

/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.


/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




26960a  No.225673

File: 0aeadbb58462620⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 901x294, 901:294, DOITQre.jpg)


If the (Y) has not been figured out yet, could it potentially be an image to symbolize The pointed ears of a rabbit? (Follow the white rabbit)

What are ears used for?

Who is listening?

a8efd5  No.233438


Rabbits were a symbol of Istar, Horus's mother, which is why rabbits are part of Easter (Ishtar). Is the (Y) the female half of the pair?

edd709  No.235706


Caged bird singing. OP_IAD (D=five of them). ATL. Hopefully Truth of G2.0, SR,Hz, will be revealed 1/8/18. Also Rabbit_House 1/4. *Get your popcorn ready*

20064b  No.237959

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.2.0 Cheers.

/-/-/-/-/ No New Q posts

/-/-/-/-/ since Dec. 25, 2017.

/-/-/-/-/ Big update to the doc.

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




2d83ed  No.244811


the Q posts spreadsheet has been locked out, cant even view it, does anyone have contact with spreadsheet anon for the start of a third spreadsheet?

the one that just got locked out https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

e932ca  No.253607

File: f620398b704afa9⋯.png (579.09 KB, 650x910, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.3.0

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ New Q posts and today shit.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.





8ec489  No.254897

File: 1d9569b3ea10412⋯.png (578.93 KB, 647x912, 647:912, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.3.1

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ New Q posts and today shit.

/-/-/-/-/ Added The Storm Q posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.



4615d1  No.256825

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.4.0

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ New Q posts and today shit.

/-/-/-/-/ Added The Storm Q posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Added CodeMonkey posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.





625da4  No.256923

8ec489  No.257092

File: fc06e5baec67948⋯.png (577.91 KB, 644x910, 46:65, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.4.1

/-/-/-/-/ Explaining the tripcode crack.

/-/-/-/-/ Added The Storm Q posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Added CodeMonkey posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm #10.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




cc0172  No.257101

Why is main thread locked?

4b054e  No.257108


a security issue. possible compromise

34e105  No.257264

34e105  No.257265


Posted here since main thread locked, not sure if everyone saw it.

e932ca  No.257442


You good, I saw it no worry (I wasnt able to update the QMap before, no time) but thanks for sharing the links man!


e932ca  No.257443

File: 5d2c84d4c0cd1a4⋯.png (584.75 KB, 648x913, 648:913, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.5.0

/-/-/-/-/ Added CodeMonkey posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm threads.

/-/-/-/-/ #15, #16 & #17.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




e932ca  No.257606

File: 82ea99714fc9496⋯.png (585.21 KB, 654x915, 218:305, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.6.0

/-/-/-/-/ Added CodeMonkey posts.

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm threads.

/-/-/-/-/ #25, #26 & #27.

/-/-/-/-/ Fire & Fury @Wikileaks [2] Q

/-/-/-/-/ Chapters: 6 & 10 : O -> Q.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.



a5d584  No.257609

File: 08deb629bd3a49f⋯.png (4.51 MB, 2672x2384, 167:149, scrubbbbb.png)

pass this to you know who,(THEY) are looking @ skin tags & freckles on legs like fingerprints,she MUST scrub pics here & bikini etc pics exposing same angle of legs also late nite youtube music entry,no.5 specific,she will verify(yall) she is safe with me but others r closing in she has to scrub to protect herself brah

56957b  No.257613

File: 4f7824e52d7ed00⋯.png (722.8 KB, 724x1019, 724:1019, ClipboardImage.png)

/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 4.6.1

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with The Storm threads.

/-/-/-/-/ #25, #26, #27 & #29.

/-/-/-/-/ Fire & Fury @Wikileaks [2] Q

/-/-/-/-/ Chapters: 6 & 10 : O -> Q.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




fd184d  No.258316

ALL of these boards are compromised, evidenced by this thread being closed for no reason (flimsy excuse given for closing it).

Is Q anon is driven by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence?



Sorry to have to tell you.

8e9337  No.258344

Q is an AI talk is prohibited here.


Why, what are you affraid of being exposed?

276b84  No.258400




"I found this on /thestorm/. I also saw and keep seeing it on /qresearch/. It fits in with what the "new boards are compromised, taken over by the clowns" crowd says. I'm not sure if it's real or not. Here it goes:

"You all are being deceived and tricked!

Real reason for CBTS board drop is not mod mis-understanding, it was the CIA black-mailing NSA director Mike Rogers, forcing the NSA to drop ties with CTBS. Q is fake, the new boards are CIA.

Q is fake, new boards are CIA.


You have been given all the proof you need so there is no excuse for ignorance.

SAGE and DEFANGO are clown agents trying to destroy this forum by taking it over from the NSA!!""

How to stop being a TI and protect yourself!:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ targeted individual scattering frequency version 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T7ltlzscck radio and microwave protection

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mCdYkvmFRo terminate a.i. nanobots

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w t.i. remote soft kill shield: REMOVES many electronic harassments

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXpfPwDVa70 stop r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. alliance mind body takeover (video title)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWxuQphPCWI r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. archon (ankle-biters) protection prayer (of the true light)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nRGiNKae8U banish universal predators

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k white and golden light protection

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss subconscious mind purger version 2 – clean your universe (very very powerful do not overdo it, only 1 time per day for 5 days, rest, and then do it again if you want)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o etheric flush extraction, will purge and clean your etheric body

each one has instructions

these are very powerful, i trust the drvirtual7, sapien medicine and quadible integrity.

channels which AREN'T to be trusted are: dr dhyaanguru, mind power, mind audio central, meditative mind.

peace, please use this. you are safe. you are strong. you are sovereign. you are divine and no one can hurt you if you don't deem it so. you are a CREATOR. YOU ARE ONE WITH THE INFINITE SOURCE AND THE INFINITE SOURCE IS ONE WITH YOU.

a607ab  No.258411

so q is bot.


and we are educating it?

so we are all in a CIA niggah project now?

we demand our paycheck

a607ab  No.258412


spiritual bs

listening to music doesn't stop actual people from stinging you one day.. if you are on The List and they are watching for a couple of years they won't just let you go

it's not archons or AI… it's real people operating in networks who track and report everyone of interest…. once mapped they will strike. and you'll become one of them (or die). there is no 3rd way. the observation will take years

if you are a TI you are fucked. the stuff continues in every country. people who fled their homes are seen as instable and are easy targets for a setup in foreign lands. the only real thing you can do as TI is to get a grip on your mind and document their actions until you have proof… and educate people around you but cut the conspiracy theorists which make you seem like a nutcase. the program of subversion is real and large…. tens of millions participate? but don't give in and start working for them. fight them with every tool you can find (protect yourself , NEVER ATTACK because they will institutionalize you). this shit is rampant and mad it's all over Europe and North America. In Europe it's just done more sneaky…. citizen ops everywhere. Like in Nazi germany. They all collaborate. If you are in Australia, targeting can be very severe (they actually kill people…. having people with private morgues and shit, they employ hospital nurses and fuck with the IV in european cities shit like that is real) don't leave Australia if you are there (it's bad there ) thinking it doesn't happen in Canada or Europe. shit is everywhere except north-korea, venezuela, places like that. don't go to Asia for backpacking or africa… our governments experiment on people there….. it's mostly the US doing it on our citz but they want return favors. it's a big meat trade.

276b84  No.258421


my friend this is all real. please try the videos. they work.

276b84  No.258422


you are a Sovereign Divine Free Being. why would you submit to being targeted and hurt? with intent and will all of the etheric pointers to your Being, astral suckers, etc can be purged and flushed.

i have heard that many tis are targeted only because their DNA resonates in a certain frequency band, or has a certain pattern.

to fix the first you use high frequency music to vibrate out of the low frequencies.

to fix the second you possibly have to intention it to be fixed.

victim mentality? do not give up or in. these people are tricked into thinking that they are powerless, fleeing constantly. if they only stood their ground in their Divine Sovereignities they would be free. (((they))) have 0 actual power and rely on fear and subversion to make it seem that they have power.

when you realize that this is all an hyperholographic matrix that was originally meant for learning, everything will begin to make sense. connect with the Infinite Source.

276b84  No.258423



4615d1  No.258576

File: 999ba6bb8e07aa6⋯.png (582.69 KB, 647x912, 647:912, ClipboardImage.png)


/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 5.3.0

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with /greatawakening/

/-/-/-/-/ & /Qresearch/ #49, #51 & #58.


/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




1b778a  No.258639


have the revelations about the false "Q"s been added?

e932ca  No.258940

File: ad278968fce6cb2⋯.png (583.83 KB, 645x909, 215:303, ClipboardImage.png)


/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 5.7.0

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with /greatawakening/

/-/-/-/-/ & /Qresearch/ #144 & #145.


/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.




I'll stop to update this board. Look up at :


2603ca  No.258996


the last true version of this QMap is this one, the v 4.2.0, and what a symbolic number it is!

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