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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: f02ff4754927e60⋯.png (873.78 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, qrules.png)

d314f8 No.61918

First rule of /cbts/: do not talk about /cbts/

Second rule of /cbts/: DO NOT TALK ABOUT /cbts/

Third rule of /cbts/: no illegal content

Fourth rule of /cbts/: do not annoy /pol/

Fifth rule of /cbts/: DO NOT ANNOY /pol/

Sixth rule of /cbts/: This is not a game

Seventh rule of /cbts/: do not post personally identifying information

Eighth rule of /cbts/: stay on topic in the thread you're in

Ninth rule of /cbts/: Q is an AI talk is prohibited here

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