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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: dc6dd070ad58d95⋯.png (325.48 KB, 560x363, 560:363, qheader.png)

276945 No.5403

If you're not Q and you post here, your post will be removed.

Edit: I'm very disappointed in all of you here.

Post last edited at

981be0 No.5923

Q will start his own thread ya genius

0cd7b0 No.5939

File: 396e6221daeec29⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 298x403, 298:403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg)


4e3703 No.6121

Saw the responses and got my hopes up… Q plz send crumbs! Mission success?? Keep checking the news and rereading crumbs… Got normie co-workers hyped with anticipation that laughed at me weeks ago. Base is growing!

eeaeb4 No.6168

File: e94763a73cfe25f⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 900x506, 450:253, neko.jpg)

Do Jews jew Jews jewing Jews?


955652 No.6200


My waifu is getting jealous. Moar.

eeaeb4 No.6214

File: 256588708c7de3c⋯.png (255.14 KB, 500x666, 250:333, comped.png)


But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Edit: thanks for the gold

955652 No.6240


Upvoted, thanks for acknowledging the struggles of the modern jew.

eeaeb4 No.6287

File: 654ec6ea600cee0⋯.png (967.35 KB, 800x1450, 16:29, baloooons.png)

File: 6c2735ac31a78f3⋯.jpg (116.96 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, LGBT.jpg)

I have just returned from a trip to Israel, and just when I thought it wasn’t possible, I have learned new ways why I love the Land and its people.

955652 No.6305


If you could just dump your anime folder that'd be great.

Glad to hear you're on board with the based Semite community now! Did you hear? The Zionists lied to them too!

eeaeb4 No.6322

File: 3061bc599aa95a9⋯.jpg (218.18 KB, 787x659, 787:659, IBM2.jpg)

File: 75e5f73d4f4451d⋯.jpg (166.95 KB, 1201x520, 1201:520, IBM.jpg)

File: c1f3d3f49f0a13f⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ebca87ae27b2bb6593e833613e….png)

File: 7f7a6ed29a7ad1e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 800x1131, 800:1131, c3e8b5d7ca5b3034a8071677a0….png)

eeaeb4 No.6331

File: f2e4c7aa727dcb6⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1500x814, 750:407, yes.png)

File: 7bb349ddc3b94dd⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1300x1426, 650:713, KOSHER.png)

File: 6f764f9b20a72eb⋯.jpg (468.85 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ABSOLUTELY.jpg)

955652 No.6338


Blessed are the enlightened.

For they have qt 2d waifus.

eeaeb4 No.6345

File: e5664a3d510561d⋯.jpg (37 KB, 572x542, 286:271, TFWVOTEDFORTRUMPBECAUSEHEI….jpg)

955652 No.6377


This is beautiful.

Whats your waifu's name, I have to find moar.

180d18 No.6429

Those poor guys on half chan. just look at it. lmao.

f99f3d No.6439

File: d53c4da7a5b12b6⋯.jpg (799.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Q-Isnt-Real.jpg)

Guys, please read MegaAnon's recent (Sunday Nov. 26) posts!

955652 No.6453


>Implying the NSA would have required anytime at all to track 'Q'.

>Implying that's MegaAnon.

>Implying anybody gives a shit about your vapid opinion.

f99f3d No.6516


I don't give a fuck if you care about my opinion, faggot, read for your own fucking self:


Mega agreed with Q up to 11/1, then after, no deal, and she explains how she exposed the Larpers. Don't give a shit, I don't fucking care - go kill yourself.

02af8d No.6519

Stated rules of this thread seem to have lax enforcement

6ae058 No.6532


What makes Mega more valid or verified than Q?

If we are being skeptical, then how about being equally skeptical of both Mega and Q?

What if Mega had an agenda and that's why Mega disagrees with Q after 11/1?

Short of Trump himself corroborating with what these "insiders" / "whistle-blowers" post we can never know who is truthful and by how much.

d3dc2a No.6581

If what Mega said is true, then explain this shit:


>The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

476945 No.6616

dedicated shitposting thread

<or hyper matrix spy bread?

>Time will tell

Stay frosty, patriots.

202f9e No.6617


What fuckup happened on the 25th?

476945 No.6623


4chin was bombarded like we have never seen before after Trump retweeted magapill

6ae058 No.6659

Q posts on 8ch



63b760 No.6715

Can someone make me a mod so I can delete 99% of these posts?

955652 No.6725


No JIDF, you can't be a mod. You can report them. Also, by posting here you are part of the problem.

63b760 No.6946



Well, for everyone else, here's the best way to look for Q Posts:


eeaeb4 No.6951

File: 0eeb3182606e436⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1500x1060, 75:53, britbong.png)

File: c8975ecd8c347ea⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, dessert.jpg)

File: e6f9f9a5e983e36⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Japan.png)

File: 4ac754624b81598⋯.png (436.78 KB, 800x862, 400:431, Miku.png)


I wasn't gonna reply.. but you got the dubs. It's Hatsune Miku.

4d78cd No.6961

Anyone got any spiderman?

182c8b No.6963


That’s embarrassing

182c8b No.6967


Can I be one then?

7fe114 No.7242

9fe0ea No.7253


Why do you think that is Q exactly? I saw better answers in the original thread by actual intelligence opanon

9fe0ea No.7269

2aac73 No.7342


could be the initial Q until 2nd Nov? , tripcode Q's (4 staffers btfo'd by mega) will never post again (or with an excuse)

b7a5d6 No.7374


Two words…

Benjamin Fulford

a4102a No.7395

File: fbf8a81ce1ec833⋯.png (50.26 KB, 417x425, 417:425, 1511873211731.png)

File: 675e7bd598233cc⋯.jpg (163.86 KB, 628x356, 157:89, 1511775329566.jpg)

filthy fucking anti-human shitstains on high places are going all out soon.


b7a5d6 No.7426

File: a2cb15837cccd48⋯.jpg (150.14 KB, 880x660, 4:3, Q.jpg)

77b2cc No.7575

File: 98b765bdee2742a⋯.png (9.68 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 797282BB-73CD-46A1-8F9C-15….png)


93c54a No.7582

File: eb803b138238bc4⋯.jpeg (260.56 KB, 1242x1238, 621:619, 72D3897B-C703-47E9-9C93-8….jpeg)

3b242c No.7587


The meganon poster and Q poster after 11/1 were the same person. That's how they know the posts are over. Anyone can post on /pol/ and say "hey, it's meganon here…" They used no trip, nothing to verify identity. Mega = fake. Q = fake. I'm sorry. I know it was intriguing but this is not real.

8f4764 No.7602


Quick rundown on Fulford, please?

93c54a No.7610


The what about the indictments

eeaeb4 No.7617


5e9262 No.7624


there is literally nothing pointing to Q and mega being the same person. Stop even remotely talking about mega because it was proven she was fake. Q has pointed us in the direction where it has allowed us to uncover a ton of information that heavily imply what hes telling us is real. lets also not forget about all the points where massive coincidences occurred either- DOITQ picture- predicted rothschild crash as well as the name of the pilot- prediction of trumps tweet 5 minutes ahead of time and then later on the same day trump literally retweets a site that talks all about Q and everything we have uncovered right on the front page.

02af8d No.7651


Why is this thread pinned?

Mod, please fix this. It is a fine discussion but obviously not for Q.

eeaeb4 No.7658


Have you no tolerance? The Jews deserve your support, they are fighting for FREEDOM.

02af8d No.7673


Ah, I am agnostic on the jq but thought the point of moving to 8ch was better management. Alas, the top pinned post in CBTS is a joke. That's too bad.

ca6694 No.7678


Relax, grandstander. They are working hard in the other threads so let them shitpost in this one. You probably haven't contributed anything.

276945 No.7776


Obviously the mods thought it was funny or serious. I can't decide which.

276945 No.7777

Posting for great get…

955652 No.7779


Wow. You literally wasted it.

276945 No.7783


BO will have my ass for such a pathetic waste of super quads

276945 No.7817


And there goes the sticky. It's like they're everywhere at once somehow.

02af8d No.7863


Oh go fuck yourself, so what if i have no sense of humor you bigot.

eeaeb4 No.8296

I would apologize for shitposting so hard but I see it's already too far up your ass.

276945 No.13998


276945 No.14014



276945 No.14016


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