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File: 1d0a11e63716e83⋯.png (70.62 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Emergency Broadcast Q A.png)

445c32 No.4741

Some anons are off the grid or someplace without cell signals. If grid power goes off, possibly no internet there either if localized power failure possibly affecting ISP and DSL infrastructure too.

Old fashioned Emergency Broadcast System uses radio stations, yes?

Anon wants to be ready to hear these messages under all possible circumstances that can be envisioned.

Who can spell out all the different ways to receive EBS messages in time of trouble?

45bb2d No.4797


If the EBS is activated, it will be broadcast on all forms of mass communication, so yes, that includes radio…Bit of advice as well, just in case of some kind of EMP, a battery powered radio is ESSENTIAL! An EMP could fry any active electrical system, and units.

ed7366 No.5606


An EMP has the potential to fry anything containing semiconductors …. i.e. practically anything these days. Short of building/buying a Faraday cage to store unused duplicates of important equipment, OP sees that little can be done about this. So OP is not devoting very many mental cycles to worrying about EMP.

I posted this to make others aware of various ways they might be able to receive Emergency Broadcast Messages when/if that time comes.

dcd60a No.5641


An old enough Transistor or Tube Radio *might* survive. The power grid itself would still require repair unless you had another way to operate however.

ed7366 No.5773


Mostly, for most folks, they would get the emergency messages via cellphone, TV, or maybe radio in the car.

5decec No.7471


Cellphones? TV? No, both will be knocked out and the disruption in the ionosphere will make even Emergency Alert System radio distance limited. Also unless your car battery is shielded it too will be drained.

Thanks in big part goes to former president Reagan who ordered the improvements to the EAS radio broadcast system with Faraday caged enclosures and backup diesel generators for power. So keeping a handheld radio with fresh batteries in a EM shielded enclosure will ensure you get the message.

d7130c No.9115

Simple metal trash can with a metal lid creates a great Faraday Cage. Store your radio, police scanner, and Wilkie talkies in there with plenty of batteries.

000000 No.10368

when will rothschild fire off nukes?




Christmas day fits their numerology and their ideology. Repent. Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. What does that mean? It means you can find the reality of God through the story and person of Jesus.

6cde31 No.10427

Buy a non digital portable solar + crank radio with shortwave capability. Even the cheapies on amazon/ebay are more than enough and last forever on a set of batteries.

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