Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, this question somewhat depends on who you ask. My answer is this:
Jesuits are above standard Secret Societies, such as, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, so on and so forth. (Collectively, these standard Secret Societies may be referred to as, the Brotherhood or Illuminati.)
Jesuits are below so-called, (Black) Nobility Families, AKA, Papal Bloodlines. Such as, House of Pallavicini, House of Farnese, House of Medici, etc.
At this point, I feel it gets highly speculative, but I have come across info which suggests Papal Bloodlines (willingly) answer to "Demonic" entities - Archons, Djinn, Demons, Satan, Lucifer, Black Goo, etc.
Black Goo is especially interesting to me. If you listen to the correct person speak about it, it honestly seems the most "realistic," or perhaps logical, explanation for the concept of "Demonic" entities/forces. It may even be a "Demonic" collective consciousness, which those with knowledge of, tap into during ritualistic ceremony.