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File: 1df35bcc85f9fd7⋯.jpg (233.82 KB, 751x1026, 751:1026, 1511332108371.jpg)

1173cd No.4287

just curious if anyone has come across any ties to the shadowy organization of militant Vatican conspirators throughout all this.

e96017 No.4416

Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, this question somewhat depends on who you ask. My answer is this:

Jesuits are above standard Secret Societies, such as, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, so on and so forth. (Collectively, these standard Secret Societies may be referred to as, the Brotherhood or Illuminati.)

Jesuits are below so-called, (Black) Nobility Families, AKA, Papal Bloodlines. Such as, House of Pallavicini, House of Farnese, House of Medici, etc.

At this point, I feel it gets highly speculative, but I have come across info which suggests Papal Bloodlines (willingly) answer to "Demonic" entities - Archons, Djinn, Demons, Satan, Lucifer, Black Goo, etc.

Black Goo is especially interesting to me. If you listen to the correct person speak about it, it honestly seems the most "realistic," or perhaps logical, explanation for the concept of "Demonic" entities/forces. It may even be a "Demonic" collective consciousness, which those with knowledge of, tap into during ritualistic ceremony.

5d4ebb No.6387

Jesuits are cryptojews and devil worshipers…

16f142 No.7629

File: d13792a9e9912f9⋯.png (894.22 KB, 1440x779, 1440:779, death stranding.png)

File: b90eac46f259979⋯.jpg (160.16 KB, 1080x600, 9:5, 2.jpg)


When I read your statement about Black Goo, the first thing I thought of was the trailer for the upcoming video game "Death Stranding"

b9e38a No.7631


Pretty much. Why does Pope Francis the massive kike have a star of David on his hat? The biggest deceit of all is that they have people thinking it's the star of DAVID. It's the star of REMPHAN=MOLOCH.

e6027e No.7645

File: c931462e337c6b9⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Rush_2112.jpg)

Like any large influenial organization there are good guys and bad guys. Because of the tight nit nature of the Rothschild dynasty and their unlimited wealth + vast network they've been able to insert/bribe people in top positions to implement policies that work in the favor.

I would say the vast majority don't even know they are part of the scheme - thats just how good and how long theyve been at this. Our entire western civilization for the past 100 years has been actively steered to be conditioned that way - Once you get people saying

"The way things are are the way things are"

youve got em by the hook

We’ve taken care of everything

The words you read

The songs you sing

The pictures that give pleasure

To your eye

One for all and all for one

Work together

Common sons

Never need to wonder

How or why

We are the Priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

Our great computers

Fill the hallowed halls

We are the Priests

Of the Temples of Syrinx

All the gifts of life

Are held within our walls

Look around this world we made


Our stock in trade

Come and join the Brotherhood

Of Man

What a nice contented world

Let the banners

Be unfurled

Hold the Red Star proudly

High in hand.

e6027e No.7647

And the meek shall inherit the earth….

2f44b9 No.7784


Listen to this man's teaching on the Novus Ordo, Vatican II New Mass. He explains the secretive background of Jesuit order, the Opus Dei secret society, the communist conspiracy to Hijack the Jesuits, and the papacy. Very knowledgeable on the canon law, and counsel teaching of the liturgy, Papal responsibility, and the Church's worship, in Christ :


2f44b9 No.7811


Pope Francis, as the first Jesuit Pope, is also the first Opus Dei, and by extention, the first (technically, and clearly, beyond shadow of doubt) Free Masonic, Satanist, and Communist Globalist Pope.

Where he is in the Q saga, I haven't exactly made any connections about.

4e713e No.7860

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